HomeMy WebLinkAboutCP1412 - AV RFP Package Revised 2_19_16CITY OF AUBURN DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS ADDENDUM NO. 1 DATE 2/19/16 Project Number CP1412, Contract No. 16-11 AUDIO VISUAL (AV) SYSTEMS FOR THE AUBURN COMMUNITY AND TEEN CENTER Proposal Due Date: 2:00 PM, March 3rd PST The following revisions, additions, and/or deletions are hereby made a part the above-named contract and shall be taken into consideration in preparation of the Proposal: The Request for Proposals is replaced with the attached Request for Proposals Revised 2/19/16. By signing the space provided in the “Receipt of Addenda” section of the, proponents certify and acknowledge receipt of Addendum No. 1 and to due consideration thereof in preparing and submitting Proposal. Failure to acknowledge receipt of this Addendum on the Proposal may be considered an irregularity in the Proposal. ***** RRFFPP RREEVVIISSEEDD 22//1199//1166 FFOORR AAVV SSYYSSTTEEMMSS,, PPUUBBLLIICC WWOORRKK CCOONNTTRRAACCTT NNOO.. 1166--1111 FFeebbrruuaarryy 1133,, 22001166 PPaaggee 11 ooff 4411 CITY OF AUBURN KING AND PIERCE COUNTIES , WASHINGTON REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS REVISED 2/19/16 for Project Number CP1412 AUDIO VISUAL (AV) SYSTEMS FOR THE AUBURN COMMUNITY AND TEEN CENTER Contract No. 16-11 Proposal Due Date: 2:00 PM, March 3rd PST City of Auburn Engineering Division Community Development and Public Works Department 25 West Main St. Auburn, WA 98001-4998 (253) 931-3010 FAX (253) 931-3053 RRFFPP RREEVVIISSEEDD 22//1199//1166 FFOORR AAVV SSYYSSTTEEMMSS,, PPUUBBLLIICC WWOORRKK CCOONNTTRRAACCTT NNOO.. 1166--1111 FFeebbrruuaarryy 1133,, 22001166 PPaaggee 22 ooff 4411 Project Number CP1412 AUDIO VISUAL (AV) SYSTEMS FOR THE AUBURN COMMUNITY AND TEEN CENTER Contract No. 16-11 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL – TABLE OF CONTENTS RFP ADVERTISEMENT ..................................................................................................... 3 PROPOSAL REQUIREMENTS .......................................................................................... 4 RECEIPT OF ADDENDA .................................................................................................... 5 SAMPLE SERVICE AGREEMENT ................................................................................... 6 SCHEDULE OF VALUES .................................................................................................. 14 CONTRACT SPECIFICATIONS ...................................................................................... 18 SECTION 274116 - AUDIO VISUAL SYSTEMS (TO BE PROVIDED BY PROVIDER) ................................................................................................................................................ 18 SECTION 271500 - DATA AND TELEPHONE CABLING SYSTEM (TO BE PROVIDED BY OWNER) ............................................................................................................................... 33 SECTION 270528 - PATHWAYS FOR AUDIO VISUAL SYSTEMS (TO BE PROVIDED BY OWNER) ............................................................................................................................... 37 PREVAILING WAGE RATES .......................................................................................... 40 CONTRACT PLANS ........................................................................................................... 41 RRFFPP RREEVVIISSEEDD 22//1199//1166 FFOORR AAVV SSYYSSTTEEMMSS,, PPUUBBLLIICC WWOORRKK CCOONNTTRRAACCTT NNOO.. 1166--1111 FFeebbrruuaarryy 1133,, 22001166 PPaaggee 33 ooff 4411 RFP ADVERTISEMENT CITY OF AUBURN PROJECT NO.CP1412, CONTRACT 16-11 AUDIO VISUAL (AV) SYSTEMS FOR THE AUBURN COMMUNITY AND TEEN CENTER The Office of the City Clerk will receive sealed proposals at the City Clerk’s Office at Auburn City Hall, 25 West Main Street, Auburn, Washington until 2:00 PM PST on Thursday, March 3rd, 2016 pursuant to RCW 39.04.270 Competitive Negotiation. The City of Auburn is constructing a new Community and Teen Center at the Les Gove Community Campus (910 9th Street SE Auburn, WA 98002). The community and teen center will provide approximately 21,000 square feet of building space to be used for educational, cultural, and social activities. The teen center will be created by renovating the City’s existing Parks, Recreation and Arts Administration Building (approximately 7,100 square feet) and the community center will be created with the addition of approximately 13,700 square feet of new building space that will be connected to the teen center. The major items of work included under this RFP include furnishing, installing, configuring, and providing training for complete Audio Visual (AV) systems to support the community and teen center, as indicated in the plans and specifications. The City of Auburn anticipates issuing a Notice to Proceed for this work by April 4th, 2016. Installation and testing of the AV systems under this RFP are expected to commence on May 16th, 2016 and be completed on or before June 2nd, 2016. Training under this RFP is expected to be complete by June 15th, 2016. All work included in the RFP shall be completed by June 15th, 2016. The City of Auburn will review all complete proposals and will evaluate proposals in conformity with the requirements of RCW 39.04.270. All responsive proposals will be judged and scored by the City of Auburn according to the below Comparative Evaluation Criteria, with a total of 100 points possible: 1. Responsiveness of the Proposal to the RFP (10 points possible) 2. Demonstrated Experience in AV systems installation, configuration, and training (30 points possible) 3. Total Cost (including all labor and sales tax) (40 points possible) 4. Demonstrated Ability to Meet Project Schedule (20 points possible) Disadvantaged, Minority, and Women’s Business Enterprises are encouraged to respond. The City of Auburn does not discriminate on the grounds of race, color, religion, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, age or handicap in consideration for a project award. Prevailing wages apply to the installation, configuration, and training work under this RFP. The complete Request For Proposals, including Plans and Specifications, are available through the City of Auburn’s website at http://www.auburnwa.gov/doing_business/rfb_rfp.htm. All questions regarding the RFP shall be submitted by e-mail only to jsweeting@auburnwa.gov with the subject line “Community Center AV RFP”. The City reserves the right to reject any and all proposals that are not prepared and submitted in accordance with this advertisement, the RFP, or the Specifications, waive technicalities or irregularities and to accept any proposal if such action is believed to be for the best interest of the City of Auburn. Intended dates of publication: Seattle Daily Journal of Commerce and Seattle Times – Thursday February 18th, 2016 and Thursday February 25th, 2016. RRFFPP RREEVVIISSEEDD 22//1199//1166 FFOORR AAVV SSYYSSTTEEMMSS,, CCOONNTTRRAACCTT NNOO.. 1166--1111 RRFFPP FFOORR PPUUBBLLIICC WWOORRKK CCOONNTTRRAACCTT NNOO.. 1166--1111 FFeebbrruuaarryy 1133,, 22001166 PPaaggee 44 ooff 4411 PROPOSAL REQUIREMENTS PROPOSAL ELEMENTS Proposals are limited to five (10) single-sided 8 ½ inch x 11 inch pages (including covers, cover letter, dividers, Schedule of Values) and, at a minimum, should address the following items relative to completing Audio Visual (AV) systems work: 1. Summary of Experience in AV systems installation, configuration, and training. Include all information required to verify qualifications are met as described in the Contract Specifications, Section 274116 Subsection 1.3. 2. Completed Schedule of Values as included herein. All costs shall include labor (subject to prevailing wages), for installation, procurement, configuration, warranty, training, and all applicable taxes including sales tax as applicable at 9.5%. 3. Description of how the project schedule will be met (project schedule is described in the RFP Advertisement). 4. References. 5. Written statement of aAcknowledgement of any addendaums issued by completing and signing the Receipt of Addenda form as included hereinto the Request for Proposals. TERMS AND CONDITIONS A. The City reserves the right to reject any and all Proposals, and to waive minor irregularities in any Proposal. B. The City reserves the right to request clarification of information submitted, and to request additional information from any Proponent. C. The City reserves the right to award any contract to the next most qualified Proponent, if the initially successful Proponent does not execute a contract within fifteen (15) days after the award of the Contract. D. Any Proposal may be withdrawn up until the date and time set for the proposal due date above for opening of the Proposals. E. All proposals must be in a sealed envelope and clearly mar ked in the lower left-hand corner: “Request for Proposal – AV Systems for Community Center”. No faxed, emailed or telephone proposals will be accepted. Late proposals shall be returned unopened. Proposals received after the deadline will not be considered. Proposers accept all risks of late delivery, regardless of fault. RRFFPP RREEVVIISSEEDD 22//1199//1166 FFOORR AAVV SSYYSSTTEEMMSS,, CCOONNTTRRAACCTT NNOO.. 1166--1111 RRFFPP FFOORR PPUUBBLLIICC WWOORRKK CCOONNTTRRAACCTT NNOO.. 1166--1111 FFeebbrruuaarryy 1133,, 22001166 PPaaggee 55 ooff 4411 RECEIPT OF ADDENDA I certify and acknowledge receipt of the following Addenda to the Bid Documents and that due consideration thereof has been used in preparing and submitting this Bid Proposal. Addendum No. Date of Receipt of Addendum Signed Acknowledgment 1 2 3 4 (NOTE: Failure to herein acknowledge receipt of the addenda may be considered an irregularity in this proposal.) PROVIDER NAME RRFFPP RREEVVIISSEEDD 22//1199//1166 FFOORR AAVV SSYYSSTTEEMMSS,, CCOONNTTRRAACCTT NNOO.. 1166--1111 RRFFPP FFOORR PPUUBBLLIICC WWOORRKK CCOONNTTRRAACCTT NNOO.. 1166--1111 FFeebbrruuaarryy 1133,, 22001166 PPaaggee 66 ooff 4411 SAMPLE SERVICE AGREEMENT CITY OF AUBURN AGREEMENT FOR SERVICES AG-S-xxx THIS AGREEMENT made and entered into on this day of , 2016, by and between the City of Auburn, a municipal corporation of the State of Washington, hereinafter referred to as “City” and name and address of provider, hereinafter referred to as the “Provider.” W I T N E S S E T H : WHEREAS, the City is in need of the services of individuals, employees or firms for procurement, installation, configuration, training, and warranty of Audio Visual (AV) Systems for the Auburn Community and Teen Center Project; and, WHEREAS, the City desires to retain the Provider to provide said services in connection with the City’s work; and, WHEREAS, the work associated with this agreement is considered to be electronic data processing and telecommunications systems work and has therefore been procured in accordance with RCW 39.04.270, Competitive Negotiation; and, WHEREAS, the Provider is qualified and able to provide services in connection with the City’s needs for the above-described work, and is willing and agreeable to provide such services upon the terms and conditions herein contained. NOW, THEREFORE, the parties hereto agree as follows: 1. Scope of Services The Provider shall do all work and furnish all tools, materials and equipment for the construction of Project No. CP1412, Audio Visual (AV) Systems for the Auburn Community and Teen Center in accordance with this Contract form. Scope of work is as follows: furnish, install, configure, provide training and warranty, for the AV Systems as specified in the Contract Plans and Specifications. The complete Contract includes the following parts, which are by this reference incorporated herein and made a part hereof. Any inconsistency in the parts of the Contract shall be resolved by the order in which they are listed: A. Addendums to the Request for Proposal (if any) BA. Schedule of Values CB. Contract Specifications DC. Contract Plans (Also Referred to as Drawings) D. Project Schedule E. Request for Proposal Advertisement RRFFPP RREEVVIISSEEDD 22//1199//1166 FFOORR AAVV SSYYSSTTEEMMSS,, CCOONNTTRRAACCTT NNOO.. 1166--1111 RRFFPP FFOORR PPUUBBLLIICC WWOORRKK CCOONNTTRRAACCTT NNOO.. 1166--1111 FFeebbrruuaarryy 1133,, 22001166 PPaaggee 77 ooff 4411 F. Washington State Department of Labor & Industries Prevailing Wage Rates and Benefit Key Code effective March 3rd, 2016. On the Contract plans, working drawings, and standard plans, figured dimensions shall take precedence over scaled dimensions. In case of any ambiguity or dispute over interpreting the Contract, the City Engineer’s decision will be final. The Provider agrees to perform the Contract work in a good and professional manner. The Provider shall perform the services as an independent contractor and shall not be deemed, by virtue of this Agreement and the performance thereof, to have entered into any partnership, joint venture, employment or other relationship with the City. 2. Additional Services In the event additional services with respect to related work are required beyond those specified in the Scope of Work, and not included in the compensation listed in this Agreement, a contract amendment shall be set forth in writing and shall be executed by the respective parties prior to the Provider’s performance of the services there under, except as may be provided to the contrary in Section 3 of this Agreement. Upon proper completion and execution of an Amendment (agreement for additional services), such Amendment shall be incorporated into this Agreement and shall have the same force and effect as if the terms of such Amendment were a part of this Agreement as originally executed. The performance of services pursuant to an Amendment shall be subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement except where the Amendment provides to the contrary, in which case the terms and conditions of any such Amendment shall control. In all other respects, any Amendment shall supplement and be construed in accordance with the terms and conditions of this Agreement. 3. Performance of Additional Services Prior to Execution of an Amendment The parties hereby agree that situations may arise in which services other than those described in the Scope of Work are desired by the City and the time period for the completion of such services makes the execution of Amendment impractical prior to the commencement of the Provider’s performance of the requested services. The Provider hereby agrees that it shall perform such services upon the written request of an authorized representative of the City pending execution of an Amendment, at a rate of compensation to be agreed to in connection therewith. The invoice procedure for any such additional services shall be as described in Section 7 of this Agreement. 4. Provider’s Representations The Provider hereby represents and warrants that the Provider has all necessary licenses and certifications to perform the services provided for herein, and is qualified to perform such services. 5. City’s Responsibilities The City shall do the following in a timely manner so as not to delay the services of the Provider: a. Designate in writing a person to act as the City’s representative with respect to the services. The City’s designee shall have complete authority to transmit instructions, receive information, interpret and define the City’s policies and decisions with respect to the services. RRFFPP RREEVVIISSEEDD 22//1199//1166 FFOORR AAVV SSYYSSTTEEMMSS,, CCOONNTTRRAACCTT NNOO.. 1166--1111 RRFFPP FFOORR PPUUBBLLIICC WWOORRKK CCOONNTTRRAACCTT NNOO.. 1166--1111 FFeebbrruuaarryy 1133,, 22001166 PPaaggee 88 ooff 4411 b. Furnish the Provider with all information, criteria, objectives, schedules and standards for the project and the services provided for herein. c. Arrange for access to the property or facilities as required for the Provider to perform the services provided for herein. d. Examine and evaluate all studies, reports, memoranda, plans, sketches, and other documents prepared by the Provider and render decisions regarding such documents in a timely manner to prevent delay of the services. 6. Acceptable Standards The Provider shall be responsible to provide, in connection with the services contemplated in this Agreement, work products and services of a quality and professional standard acceptable to the City. 7. Prevailing Wages The Provider shall comply with every provision of the Revised Code of Washington Chapter 39.12. A copy of a Statement of Intent to Pay Prevailing Wages, approved by the Industrial Statistician of the Department of Labor & Industries, must be submitted to the City prior to any payment for services rendered. An Affidavit of Wages Paid must be received by the City prior to issuance of final payment. 8. Compensation As compensation for the Provider’s performance of the services provided for herein, the City shall pay the Provider the fees and costs specified in the Schedule of Values which is attached hereto and by this reference made a part of this Agreement (or as specified in an Amendment). The Provider shall submit to the City an invoice or statement of time spent on tasks included in the scope of work provided herein, and the City upon acceptance of the invoice or statement shall process the invoice or statement in the next billing/claim cycle following receipt of the invoice or statement, and shall remit payment to the Provider thereafter in the normal course, subject to any conditions or provisions in this Agreement or Amendment. The Agreement number must appear on all invoices or statements submitted. The not-to-exceed amount for this agreement is $xxxxx. 9. Time for Performance and Term of Agreement The Provider shall not begin any work under this Agreement until authorized in writing by the City. The Provider shall perform the services provided for herein in accordance with the direction and scheduling provided in the Scope of Work, unless otherwise agreed to in writing by the parties. All work under this Agreement shall be completed by June 15, 2016. 9a. Liquidated Damages If said work is not completed within the time specified, the Provider agrees to pay liquidated damages to the Owner as follows: A. To pay (according to the following formula) liquidated damages for each calendar day beyond the number of working days established for completion of the contract work, and B. To authorize the Owner to deduct these liquidated damages from any money due or coming due to the Provider. C. Liquidated damages will not be assessed for any days for which an extension of time is granted. No deduction or payment of liquidated damages will, in any degree, RRFFPP RREEVVIISSEEDD 22//1199//1166 FFOORR AAVV SSYYSSTTEEMMSS,, CCOONNTTRRAACCTT NNOO.. 1166--1111 RRFFPP FFOORR PPUUBBLLIICC WWOORRKK CCOONNTTRRAACCTT NNOO.. 1166--1111 FFeebbrruuaarryy 1133,, 22001166 PPaaggee 99 ooff 4411 release the Owner from further obligations and liabilities to complete the entire Contract. Formula: Contract Price (without tax) x 0.15, divided by the original number of working days for completion. 52 working days shall be utilized for the liquidated damages formula as the original number of working days for completion, regardless of the actual Notice to Proceed Date and any granted time extensions. 10. Ownership and Use of Documents All documents, reports, memoranda, diagrams, sketches, plans, surveys, design calculations, working drawings and any other materials created or otherwise prepared by the Provider as part of his performance of this Agreement (the “Work Products”) shall be owned by and become the property of the City, and may be used by the City for any purpose beneficial to the City. 11. Records Inspection and Audit All compensation payments shall be subject to the adjustments for any amounts found upon audit or otherwise to have been improperly invoiced, and all records and books of accounts pertaining to any work performed under this Agreement shall be subject to inspection and audit by the City for a period of up to three (3) years from the final payment for work performed under this Agreement. 11. Continuation of Performance In the event that any dispute or conflict arises between the parties while this Contract is in effect, the Provider agrees that, notwithstanding such dispute or conflict, the Provider shall continue to make a good faith effort to cooperate and continue work toward successful completion of assigned duties and responsibilities. 12. Administration of Agreement This Agreement shall be administered by_____________________, on behalf of the Provider, and by the Mayor of the City, or designee, on behalf of the City. Any written notices required by the terms of this Agreement shall be served on or mailed to the following addresses: City of Auburn Company Name Name Name Title Title 25 W Main St Address Auburn, WA 98001-4998 City, State,Zip Phone: 253-xxx-xxxx Phone: xxx-xxx-xxxx Fax: 253-xxx-xxxx Fax: xxx-xxx-xxxx E-mail: E-mail: 13. Notices All notices or communications permitted or required to be given under this Agreement shall be in writing and shall be deemed to have been duly given if delivered in person or deposited in the United States mail, postage prepaid, for mailing by certified mail, return receipt requested, and addressed, if to a party of this Agreement, to the address for the party set forth above. RRFFPP RREEVVIISSEEDD 22//1199//1166 FFOORR AAVV SSYYSSTTEEMMSS,, CCOONNTTRRAACCTT NNOO.. 1166--1111 RRFFPP FFOORR PPUUBBLLIICC WWOORRKK CCOONNTTRRAACCTT NNOO.. 1166--1111 FFeebbrruuaarryy 1133,, 22001166 PPaaggee 1100 ooff 4411 Either party may change his, her or its address by giving notice in writing, stating his, her or its new address, to the other party, pursuant to the procedure set forth above. 14. Insurance The Provider shall procure and maintain for the duration of this Agreement, insurance against claims for injuries to persons or damage to property which may arise from or in connection with the performance of the work hereunder by the Provider, or the Provider’s agents, representatives, employees, or subcontractors. Provider’s maintenance of insurance as required by the Agreement shall not be construed to limit the liability of the Provider to the coverage provided by such insurance, or otherwise limit the City’s recourse to any remedy available at law or in equity. The Service Provider shall obtain insurance of the types described below: a. Automobile Liability insurance, covering all owned, non-owned, hired and leased vehicles. Coverage shall be written on Insurance Services Office (ISO) form CA 00 01 or a substitute form providing equivalent liability coverage. If necessary, the policy shall be endorsed to provide contractual liability coverage. Provider shall maintain automobile insurance with minimum combined single limit for bodily injury and property damage of $1,000,000 per accident. b. Commercial General Liability insurance shall be written on ISO occurrence form CG 00 01 and shall cover liability arising from premises, operations, independent contractors, products- completed operations, stop gap liability, personal injury and advertising injury, and liability assumed under an insured contract. The Commercial General Liability insurance shall be endorsed to provide the Aggregate Per Project Endorsement ISO form CG 25 03 11 85. There shall be no endorsement or modification of the Commercial General Liability insurance for liability arising from explosion, collapse or underground property damage. The City shall be named as an insured under the Contractor’s Commercial General Liability insurance policy with respect to the work performed for the City using ISO Additional Insured endorsement CG 20 10 10 01 and Additional Insured-Completed Operations endorsement CG 20 37 10 01 or substitute endorsements providing equivalent coverage. Commercial General Liability insurance shall be written with limits no less than $1,000,000 each occurrence, $2,000,000 general aggregate, and a $2,000,000 products-completed operations aggregate limit. c. Worker’s Compensation coverage as required by the Industrial Insurance laws of the State of Washington. The insurance policies are to contain, or be endorsed to contain, the following provisions for Automobile Liability and Commercial General Liability insurance: a. The Provider’s insurance coverage shall be primary insurance as respects the City. Any insurance, self-insurance, or insurance pool coverage maintained by the City shall be excess of the Provider’s insurance and shall not contribute with it. RRFFPP RREEVVIISSEEDD 22//1199//1166 FFOORR AAVV SSYYSSTTEEMMSS,, CCOONNTTRRAACCTT NNOO.. 1166--1111 RRFFPP FFOORR PPUUBBLLIICC WWOORRKK CCOONNTTRRAACCTT NNOO.. 1166--1111 FFeebbrruuaarryy 1133,, 22001166 PPaaggee 1111 ooff 4411 b. The Provider’s insurance shall be endorsed to state that coverage shall not be cancelled by either party, except after 30 days prior written notice by certified mail, return receipt requested, has been given to the City. Insurance is to be placed with an authorized insurer in Washington State. The insurer must have a current A.M. Best rating of not less than A:VII. Provider shall furnish the City with certificates of insurance and a copy of the amendatory endorsements, including but not necessarily limited to the additional insured endorsement, evidencing the insurance requirements of the Provider before commencement of the work. The City reserves the right to require that complete, certified copies of all required insurance policies be submitted to the City at any time. The City will pay no progress payments under Section 7 until the Provider has fully complied with this section. 15. Indemnification/Hold Harmless The Provider shall defend, indemnify and hold the City and its officers, officials, employees, and volunteers harmless from any and all claims, injuries, damages, losses, or suits including attorney fees, arising out of or in connection with the performance of this Agreement, except for injuries and damages caused by the sole negligence of the City. Should a court of competent jurisdiction determine that this Agreement is subject to RCW 4.24.115, then, in the event of liability for damages arising out of bodily injury to persons or damages to property caused by or resulting from the concurrent negligence of the Provider and the City, its officers, officials, employees, and volunteers, the Provider’s liability hereunder shall be only to the extent of the Provider’s negligence. It is further specifically and expressly understood that the indemnification provided herein constitutes the Provider’s waiver of immunity under Industrial Insurance, Title 51 RCW, solely for the purposes of this indemnification. This waiver has been mutually negotiated by the parties. The provisions of this section shall survive the expiration or termination of this Agreement. 16. Assignment Neither party to this Agreement shall assign any right or obligation hereunder in whole or in part, without the prior written consent of the other party hereto. No assignment or transfer of any interest under this Agreement shall be deemed to release the assignor from any liability or obligation under this Agreement, or to cause any such liability or obligation to be reduced to a secondary liability or obligation. 17. Nondiscrimination The Provider may not discriminate regarding any services or activities to which this Agreement may apply directly or through contractual, hiring, or other arrangements on the grounds of race, color, creed, religion, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, age, or where there is the presence of any sensory, mental or physical handicap. 18. Amendment, Modification or Waiver No amendment, modification or waiver of any condition, provision or term of this Agreement shall be valid or of any effect unless made in writing, signed by the party or parties to be bound, or such RRFFPP RREEVVIISSEEDD 22//1199//1166 FFOORR AAVV SSYYSSTTEEMMSS,, CCOONNTTRRAACCTT NNOO.. 1166--1111 RRFFPP FFOORR PPUUBBLLIICC WWOORRKK CCOONNTTRRAACCTT NNOO.. 1166--1111 FFeebbrruuaarryy 1133,, 22001166 PPaaggee 1122 ooff 4411 party’s or parties’ duly authorized representative(s) and specifying with particularity the nature and extent of such amendment, modification or waiver. Any waiver by any party of any default of the other party shall not affect or impair any right arising from any subsequent default. Nothing herein shall limit the remedies or rights of the parties hereto under and pursuant to this Agreement. 19. Termination and Suspension Either party may terminate this Agreement upon written notice to the other party if the other party fails substantially to perform in accordance with the terms of this Agreement through no fault of the party terminating the Agreement. The City may terminate this Agreement upon not less than seven (7) days written notice to the Provider if the services provided for herein are no longer needed from the Provider. If this Agreement is terminated through no fault of the Provider, the Provider shall be compensated for services performed prior to termination in accordance with the rate of compensation provided in the Schedule of Values. 20. Parties in Interest This Agreement shall be binding upon, and the benefits and obligations provided for herein shall inure to and bind, the parties hereto and their respective successors and assigns, provided that this section shall not be deemed to permit any transfer or assignment otherwise prohibited by this Agreement. This Agreement is for the exclusive benefit of the parties hereto and it does not create a contractual relationship with or exist for the benefit of any third party, including contractors, sub- contractors and their sureties. 21. Costs to Prevailing Party In the event of such litigation or other legal action, to enforce any rights, responsibilities or obligations under this Agreement, the prevailing parties shall be entitled to receive its reasonable costs and attorney’s fees. 22. Applicable Law This Agreement and the rights of the parties hereunder shall be governed by and interpreted in accordance with the laws of the State of Washington and venue for any action hereunder shall be in of the county in Washington State in which the property or project is located, and if not site specific, then in King County, Washington; provided, however, that it is agreed and understood that any applicable statute of limitation shall commence no later than the substantial completion by the Provider of the services. 23. Captions, Headings and Titles All captions, headings or titles in the paragraphs or sections of this Agreement are inserted for convenience of reference only and shall not constitute a part of this Agreement or act as a limitation of the scope of the particular paragraph or sections to which they apply. As used herein, where appropriate, the singular shall include the plural and vice versa and masculine, feminine and neuter expressions shall be interchangeable. Interpretation or construction of this Agreement shall not be RRFFPP RREEVVIISSEEDD 22//1199//1166 FFOORR AAVV SSYYSSTTEEMMSS,, CCOONNTTRRAACCTT NNOO.. 1166--1111 RRFFPP FFOORR PPUUBBLLIICC WWOORRKK CCOONNTTRRAACCTT NNOO.. 1166--1111 FFeebbrruuaarryy 1133,, 22001166 PPaaggee 1133 ooff 4411 affected by any determination as to who is the drafter of this Agreement, this Agreement having been drafted by mutual agreement of the parties. 24. Severable Provisions Each provision of this Agreement is intended to be severable. If any provision hereof is illegal or invalid for any reason whatsoever, such illegality or invalidity shall not affect the validity of the remainder of this Agreement. 25. Entire Agreement This Agreement contains the entire understanding of the parties hereto in respect to the transactions contemplated hereby and supersedes all prior agreements and understandings between the parties with respect to such subject matter. 26. Counterparts This Agreement may be executed in multiple counterparts, each of which shall be one and the same Agreement and shall become effective when one or more counterparts have been signed by each of the parties and delivered to the other party. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be executed effective the day and year first set forth above. CITY OF AUBURN SERVICE PROVIDER _____________________________ Nancy Backus, Mayor Signature Name: Attest: Title: _____________________________ Danielle Daskam, City Clerk Approved as to form: _____________________________ Federal Tax ID No: __________________ Daniel B. Heid, City Attorney RRFFPP RREEVVIISSEEDD 22//1199//1166 FFOORR AAVV SSYYSSTTEEMMSS,, CCOONNTTRRAACCTT NNOO.. 1166--1111 RRFFPP FFOORR PPUUBBLLIICC WWOORRKK CCOONNTTRRAACCTT NNOO.. 1166--1111 FFeebbrruuaarryy 1133,, 22001166 PPaaggee 1144 ooff 4411 SCHEDULE OF VALUES (TO BE COMPLETED BY PROVIDER AND INCLUDED IN PROPOSAL) PAGE 1 OF 43 YOUTH ACTIVITIES ROOM #016 Product Description Cost Per Unit Quantity Cost Total Audio Speakers: JBL AM7212 2 Amp: QSC CX-1102 1 DSP: BSS Soundweb London BLU-100 1 Denon DN-501C 2 Wireless Mics: Shure ULX-S24/58 2 Cabled Mics: Shure SM58 with cables and extension cables 8 CD Player: Denon DN-501C 2 ALS: Williams Sound PPA 457 PRO 1 Video Systems Flat Panel Display 2 Digital Signage 2 Extron IN1608 Switcher 1 CATV Tuner: V-Tune Pro 4L 1 DVD Player Denon DN-500BD 1 Presentation gateway Crestron AM-100 1 Control System Crestron CP3 1 Touch Panel: TSW -750 1 Racks Middle Atlantic: ERK-XX 1 TOTAL YOUTH ACTIVITIES ROOM #016 COST: PROVIDER NAME _____________________________________________ RRFFPP RREEVVIISSEEDD 22//1199//1166 FFOORR AAVV SSYYSSTTEEMMSS,, CCOONNTTRRAACCTT NNOO.. 1166--1111 RRFFPP FFOORR PPUUBBLLIICC WWOORRKK CCOONNTTRRAACCTT NNOO.. 1166--1111 FFeebbrruuaarryy 1133,, 22001166 PPaaggee 1155 ooff 4411 SCHEDULE OF VALUES (CONTINUED) (TO BE COMPLETED BY PROVIDER AND INCLUDED IN PROPOSAL) PAGE 2 OF 43 MULTIPURPOSE ROOM #015 (BAYS A, B, and C) Product Description Cost Per Unit Quantity Cost Total Audio DSP: BIAMP AUDIAFLEX 1 Speakers: SoundTube 24 Outdoor Speakers: JBL Control25 3 AMPS: JBL CSA 4 DSP: BSS Soundweb London BLU-100 1 CD Player: Denon DN-501C 2 Wireless Mics: Shure ULX 3 Cabled Mics: Shure SM58 3 Denon DN-501C 2 ALS: Williams Sound PPA 457 PRO 3 Video Systems Projector: Christie Digitial DWU600-G WUXGA 2 Projection screen 2 Crestron DM Switcher/Scaler 1 Crestron DM I/O Components 1 DVD Player Denon DN-500BD 3 Presentation gateway Crestron AM-100 2 Control System Crestron CP3 1 Touch Panel: TSW -750 3 Racks Middle Atlantic ERK 1 Middle Atlantic SXSR 3 TOTAL ESTIMATED MULTIPURPOSE ROOM #015 (BAYS A, B, and C) COST: PROVIDER NAME _____________________________________________ RRFFPP RREEVVIISSEEDD 22//1199//1166 FFOORR AAVV SSYYSSTTEEMMSS,, CCOONNTTRRAACCTT NNOO.. 1166--1111 RRFFPP FFOORR PPUUBBLLIICC WWOORRKK CCOONNTTRRAACCTT NNOO.. 1166--1111 FFeebbrruuaarryy 1133,, 22001166 PPaaggee 1166 ooff 4411 SCHEDULE OF VALUES (CONTINUED) (TO BE COMPLETED BY PROVIDER AND INCLUDED IN PROPOSAL) PAGE 3 OF 4 LOBBY #001, SITTING ROOM #035 and HALL #036 Product Description Cost Per Unit Quantity Cost Total Audio Speakers: Soundtube RS600i 22 AMPS: JBL CSMA 1 CD Player: Denon DN-501C 1 Video Systems Flat Panel Display: Sharp PN-V555 2 CATV Tuner: V-Tune Pro 4L 1 Control System Crestron CP3 1 Touch Panel: TSW -750 1 Racks Middle Atlantic SXSR 1 TOTAL ESTIMATED LOBBY #001, SITTING ROOM #035 and HALL #036 COST: FITNESS ROOM #002 Product Description Cost Per Unit Quantity Cost Total Audio Speakers: JBL Control24 6 Mix/Amp: JBL CSMA 280 1 CD Player: Denon DN-501C 1 Video Systems Flat Panel Display: Sharp PN-V555 4 CATV Tuner: V-Tune Pro 4L 4 Control System Touch Panel: TPMC-4SM 1 Control Port Expansion: C2N-IO 1 Racks Middle Atlantic EWR 1 TOTAL ESTIMATED FITNESS ROOM #002 COST: PROVIDER NAME _____________________________________________ RRFFPP RREEVVIISSEEDD 22//1199//1166 FFOORR AAVV SSYYSSTTEEMMSS,, CCOONNTTRRAACCTT NNOO.. 1166--1111 RRFFPP FFOORR PPUUBBLLIICC WWOORRKK CCOONNTTRRAACCTT NNOO.. 1166--1111 FFeebbrruuaarryy 1133,, 22001166 PPaaggee 1177 ooff 4411 SCHEDULE OF VALUES (CONTINUED) (TO BE COMPLETED BY PROVIDER AND INCLUDED IN PROPOSAL) PAGE 4 OF 4 CLASSROOMS #010, #017, #026, and #032 Product Description Cost Per Unit Quantity Cost Total Audio Speakers: JBL Control24 15 AMPS: JBL CSA 3 Video Systems Flat Panel Display: Sharp LC-70LE661U 2 Flat Panel Display: Sharp PN-V555 2 DVD Player Denon DN-500BD 4 TOTAL ESTIMATED CLASSROOMS #010, #017, #026, and #032 COST: Subtotal of Costs (Summation of Each Room Total) Washington State Sales Tax (9.5%) TOTAL COST OF PROPOSAL: All unit costs shall be inclusive of all costs to furnish, install, configure, provide warranty, training, and documentation for the equipment, including, but not limited to: pre-wire, trim, head-end, project management, per diem, control programming, engineering, DSP programming, training and documentation, and travel. PROVIDER NAME _____________________________________________ RRFFPP RREEVVIISSEEDD 22//1199//1166 FFOORR AAVV SSYYSSTTEEMMSS,, CCOONNTTRRAACCTT NNOO.. 1166--1111 RRFFPP FFOORR PPUUBBLLIICC WWOORRKK CCOONNTTRRAACCTT NNOO.. 1166--1111 FFeebbrruuaarryy 1133,, 22001166 PPaaggee 1188 ooff 4411 CONTRACT SPECIFICATIONS SECTION 274116 - AUDIO VISUAL SYSTEMS (TO BE PROVIDED BY PROVIDER) PART 1 GENERAL 1.1 SUMMARY A. The system shall be called the “Audio Visual System” and the installer the “Audio Visual Syst em Installer”. The work in this Section includes but is not limited to: 1. Audio mixers, equalizers, amplifiers, program sources, and other audio visual and signal processing equipment. 2. Loudspeakers, custom enclosures, and speaker mounting or support hardwar e including speaker mounting frames and incidental support members. 3. Equipment racks and millwork cabinets. 4. Video displays, cameras, etc. and mounting or support hardware including mounting frames and incidental support members. 5. Video systems, sources, routing, and switching. 6. Control systems, equipment program development, and programming. 7. Data network systems. 8. Cables, connectors, plates, and wiring. 9. Project detailing and coordination. B. Products furnished but not installed under this section: 1. Loose items, microphones, remotes, etc. C. Products installed but not furnished under this section: 1. Owner furnished owner installed equipment (FOIO) as identified herein or on the Drawings. D. Under this section, provide raceway systems for the installation of audio systems. Installation shall include appropriately sized metallic raceways, outlet boxes, plaster rings, cover plates and installation of pull strings. 1.2 REFERENCES A. Sound System Engineering (2nd Edition), Davis and Davis, Howard W. Sams 1987. B. Audio System – Design and Installation, Giddings, Howard W. Sams, 1990. C. ANSI S4.46-1992. D. EIA Standard AS-160. E. EIA Standard RS-219. F. EIA Standard RS-460. G. UL listing (of equipment for which listing exists). RRFFPP RREEVVIISSEEDD 22//1199//1166 FFOORR AAVV SSYYSSTTEEMMSS,, CCOONNTTRRAACCTT NNOO.. 1166--1111 RRFFPP FFOORR PPUUBBLLIICC WWOORRKK CCOONNTTRRAACCTT NNOO.. 1166--1111 FFeebbrruuaarryy 1133,, 22001166 PPaaggee 1199 ooff 4411 1.3 QUALIFICATIONS A. All work to be performed by a licensed and bonded low-voltage specialty electrical contractor. Audio Visual System Installer shall have held a valid Washington State low -voltage contractor’s license, under the current business name, for a period of not less than 5 years. B. All Audio Visual System equipment shall be ins talled by a single Audio Visual Installer, other than typical trade installed elements, such as conduit, back boxes, wire, cable, field devices, etc. All Audio Visual System equipment shall be furnished and installed by an authorized factory distributor. To ensure timely and competent direct factory support and service, the Audio Visual System Installer shall provide proof of direct factory franchise for all major specified Audio Visual System components, including but not limited to loud speakers, amplifiers, digital signal processing, video equipment, control system, projectors, and screens. The Audio Visual System Installer shall have a certified programmer on staff for the specified digital signal processing platforms and control systems and have been in the business of furnishing the specific product lines for a minimum of 5 years. The Audio Visual System Installer shall have an ISF certified video calibration specialist on staff. Submit franchise and training certificates with proposal. C. Pre-bid approval requests for installation of equipment other than that specified, except as noted herein as “no substitution”, must be received not less than 5 days prior to bid opening. Proposals must be accompanied by complete technical data including complete equipment list on Installer’s letterhead listing proposed alternate system components, compilation of manufacturers’ catalogs or specification sheets of submitted components, and functional block diagrams indicating system interconnection and functions. It is the sole responsibility of the Installer to prove equivalency to the satisfaction of the engineer including laboratory test data, fabrication techniques, installation, and testing procedures. 1.4 ADMINISTRATIVE REQUIREMENTS A. Related work by others includes: A/V system installation by the A/V systems subcontractor(s). 1. Under this Section, coordinate with A/V system Contractor on: 2. Wiring methods and A/V systems conduit/junction back boxes locations and sizing. 3. Equipment rack locations, speaker locations, device locations, terminal boxes, electrical outlets and services, gutters and chases, all as required to supply an infrastructure capable of supporting the installation of Base Bid and Alternate A/V Systems. 1.5 SUBMITTALS A. Submit product data, equipment lists, and shop drawings as set forth herein. B. Provide clearly identified, complete catalog cuts of all major components including but not limited to: 1. Audio Visual devices and equipment. 2. Head end equipment, including mixers, amplifiers, switchers, routers, signal p rocessors, etc. 3. Loudspeakers including baffles, special mounting enclosures, crossovers, matching networks, protection circuits, and structural loading calculations. 4. Video displays and cameras including mounts, mounting structures, enclosures, viewing angl es, fabrication details, and structural loading calculations. 5. Equipment cabinets and enclosures. 6. Trim and interface plate fabrication details. 7. Specialty back boxes and specialty rough-ins. 8. Wire and cable. 9. RRFFPP RREEVVIISSEEDD 22//1199//1166 FFOORR AAVV SSYYSSTTEEMMSS,, CCOONNTTRRAACCTT NNOO.. 1166--1111 RRFFPP FFOORR PPUUBBLLIICC WWOORRKK CCOONNTTRRAACCTT NNOO.. 1166--1111 FFeebbrruuaarryy 1133,, 22001166 PPaaggee 2200 ooff 4411 C. Provide scaled plate detail drawings indicating connector makes and models, mounting, nomenclature, and finishes. D. Coordinate and confirm final locations of all field devices. Provide plan view and elevation details as well as scaled mounting details for screens, cameras, equipment, etc. including attachments, specialty requirements, focal lengths, viewing angles, and rack elevations. E. Provide complete shop drawings for installation of equipment into custom millwork cabinets provided by others including fully dimensioned drawings, finishes, rack inserts and equipment layouts, hardware, etc. F. Provide DSP programming submittal indicating proposed DSP programming plan, in block diagram form. Confirm sufficient DSP resources to satisfy DSP functionality and provide sufficient DSP engine performance to satisfy specified DSP functional requirements. G. Provide control system proposed layouts indicating devices, screen nesting, device controls, transports, functions, color scheme, text layouts, etc. Submit proposed layout for approval prior to beginning any programming work and not less than 4 weeks prior to project completion. Provide sample screen shots in virtual mode for approval. H. Provide and coordinate IP addressing scheme of Ethernet attached devices. 1.6 OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE MANUALS A. Provide 3 complete bound O&M manuals describing maintenance and operation of the system. Include descriptions and service data on all component parts. Manual shall also include the following: 1. Warranty statement indicating effective dates. 2. Complete engineering data on all systems and equipment furnished, including operations and maintenance manuals, complete and accurate point to point wiring diagrams, cable labeling, and installed condition details of the system in its “as built” condition. 3. Step by step instructions on operational procedures, including power up and power down sequences, special operational guidelines, and standard preventative maintenance procedures. Permanently affix one copy to equipment rack. 1.7 SYSTEMS DESCRIPTION A. Provide complete and functioning Audio Visual Systems as shown on the Drawings and set forth in this Specification. B. Size high resolution cabling from AV sources and switches so that a maximum of .5dB loss occurs in any cable run. Video signals carried over Category UTP cable shall be compensated by the receiver equipment. No "compensation loop" coiling of cables to compensate for lengths is allowed. All UTP cabling shall conform to the Manufacturer's specifications for interconnection cabling of the devices being connected. C. Audio Visual System Installer is responsible for providing all mounting systems, blanks, vents, AC distribution, etc. for mill-worked equipment cabinets, racks, etc. D. Owner furnished owner installed equipment (FOIO) is provided and installed by Owner as shown on the drawings and specifications. RRFFPP RREEVVIISSEEDD 22//1199//1166 FFOORR AAVV SSYYSSTTEEMMSS,, CCOONNTTRRAACCTT NNOO.. 1166--1111 RRFFPP FFOORR PPUUBBLLIICC WWOORRKK CCOONNTTRRAACCTT NNOO.. 1166--1111 FFeebbrruuaarryy 1133,, 22001166 PPaaggee 2211 ooff 4411 E. Provide input connections, switching, etc. into systems for Owner provided PC's, laptops, VCR/DVD's, DVR's, and document cameras as shown on the Drawings and Specifications. All input plates are to be detailed by Installer and provided with appropriate industry standard connectors to meet the functional requirements of the system. F. Provide integrated system control and touch screens as shown. Audio Visual System Installer shall provide and program all control hardware and software to allow for Audio Visual System and Audio Visual device operations from control surfaces. Device operations to include, but not be limited to; screen controls, volume controls, switching and routing controls, projector controls, camera control and special functions as indicated. It is the Audio Visual System Installer's responsibility to detail and propose control surface functions and layouts. Provide sample screen shots and button labeling for approval as required in submittals section requirements above. 1.8 WARRANTY A. The Audio Visual System shall be guaranteed for a period of one year from the date of acceptance or first beneficial use, whichever is first, against defects in materials, workmanship, design and improper adjustment. Any defects in the system shall be corrected at no expense to the Owner, provided the system does not show signs of abuse. During the guarantee period, any work found not to be in conformance with the Contract Documents shall be brought into conformity at no additional cost to the Owner. O wner furnished equipment is not subject to material product warranty, but is subject to workmanship warranty. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 AV SYSTEM FOR YOUTH ACTIVITIES ROOM #016 A. Speakers and Amplifiers: 1. Main Speakers (LR): JBL AM7212 / 95 a. Provide with complete certified rigging / fly system for attachment to building structure. 2. Power Amplifiers: a. QSC CX-1102 B. Audio DSP: BSS Soundweb London BLU-100 C. CD/MP3/iPod Player: Denon DN-501C. Provide with Rack Mount Kit and Bezel. Connect to control system. D. Microphones: 1. Cabled Microphones: Shure SM58. Provide eight (8) with 20' cables, 4 50-foot extension cables, and 1 100-foot extension cable. 2. Wireless Handheld Microphone: Shure ULX-S24/58 Handheld system. Provide two (2) systems, complete with rack mount kit, cables, power supplies, etc. a. Connect to antenna distribution system. Show antenna location in shop drawings for approval prior to installation. b. Provide frequency selections that are compatible with existing frequencies and expandable to a total of 4 systems. Provide frequency channel information for installed systems to Owner, with operations and maintenance manuals, to facilitate future purchases of additional systems. E. Assisted Listening System: RRFFPP RREEVVIISSEEDD 22//1199//1166 FFOORR AAVV SSYYSSTTEEMMSS,, CCOONNTTRRAACCTT NNOO.. 1166--1111 RRFFPP FFOORR PPUUBBLLIICC WWOORRKK CCOONNTTRRAACCTT NNOO.. 1166--1111 FFeebbrruuaarryy 1133,, 22001166 PPaaggee 2222 ooff 4411 1. Williams Sound PPA 457 PRO System with transmitter and 4 receivers (provide 1 system). 2. Provide complete system with rack mount, power supply, rechargeable receiver batteries. 3. Show antenna location in shop drawings for approval prior to installation. F. Distribution Amplifier: RDL RU-DA4D with power supply and rack mount kit. G. Audio Summing Device: Extron ASA141. Provide where stereo sources are summed to mono. H. DVD/BluRay Player: Denon DN-500BD (or current equivalent model). Provide with Rack Mount Kit and Bezel. Connect to control system. I. Wireless Presentation Gateway: Crestron AM-100. Provide with rack mount kit. J. AV Switcher: Extron IN1608. Provide with rack mount kit. K. Flat Panel Displays: 70” LED Display. HD 1080 Resolution, RS-232 Control. Sharp LC-70LE661U or equivalent. Provide with VideoSecu MW380B2 Full Motion Articulating Dual Arms TV Wall Mount Bracket for 32-70 Inch LED, LCD and Plasma HDTV and include wall-mount bracket allowing for decoder to be mounted behind the display out of view. Provide two (2) displays L. CATV Tuner: V-Tune Pro 4K M. Control System: Crestron CP3. Provide RS-232 extenders as required. Provide control functions, interfaces and connections for all connected devices. Submit control plan per submittal requirements. Mount in rack. Provide remote control functions as shown on Drawings. N. Wall-mounted touch panel: Crestron TSW-750. Provide complete with all required mounting appurtenances. Mount as directed by manufacturer. O. Audiovisual System Input Panels: Provide Neutrik NC3FDL-1 connectors on black anodized plates for fixed microphone inputs. Number of jacks on plate per Drawings. Nomenclature shall be minimum 1/8" ARIAL typeset laser engraved on plates with input nomenclature to match mixer labeling. Provide isolated TRS ¼" connectors on black anodized plates for auxiliary inputs. P. AV Interface Panels: Provide input plate with HDMI, HD15, and 1/8" TRS / dual RCA pass -through connectors: Extron DTP UWP 232 D or equivalent. 2 -gang black anodized aluminum plate with laser engraved white nomenclature and industry standard connectors. Provide DVI to HDMI adaptor for each plate. Provide DTP connection to AV Switcher. Mount as directed by manufacturer. Q. Equipment Rack: Middle Atlantic ERK-XX. Provide sufficient panel space to accommodate all equipment. Provide lockable drawer to store loose items. Provide with solid locking front door. Provide with blanks and vents. Provide 4 keys. R. Equipment Rack Power Distribution: Middle Atlantic Series Protection or equal as required.. S. Wire and Cable (plenum as required) 1. Speakers #12x2 Overall Jacket - Belden 5000UE 2. Microphone / Line: #22x2 Shielded Overall Jacket - Belden 9451 3. Multi-Pair Audio: Belden 18XXR (pair count as required) 4. RGBHV: Belden 7712A 5. HDMI: Extron - length as required. Provide UTP transceivers for all HDMI runs over 50 feet. 6. Video: Belden #1694A RRFFPP RREEVVIISSEEDD 22//1199//1166 FFOORR AAVV SSYYSSTTEEMMSS,, CCOONNTTRRAACCTT NNOO.. 1166--1111 RRFFPP FFOORR PPUUBBLLIICC WWOORRKK CCOONNTTRRAACCTT NNOO.. 1166--1111 FFeebbrruuaarryy 1133,, 22001166 PPaaggee 2233 ooff 4411 2.2 A/V SYSTEM FOR MULTIPURPOSE ROOM #015 (BAYS A, B, and C) A. Speakers and Amplifiers: 1. Main Speakers: SoundTube RS600i 2. Outdoor Speakers: JBL Control 25. 3. Power Amplifiers: a. JBL CSA2120Z (indoor speakers) b. JBL CSA280Z (outdoor speakers) B. Audio DSP: BSS Soundweb London BLU-100. C. CD/MP3/iPod Player: Denon DN-501C. Provide with Rack Mount Kit and Bezel. Connect to control system. D. Microphones: 1. Cabled Microphones: Shure SM58. Provide six (6) with 20' cables, 4 50 -foot extension cables, and 1 100-foot extension cable. 2. Wireless Handheld Microphone: Shure ULX-S24/58 Handheld system. Provide six (6) systems, complete with rack mount kit, cables, power supplies, etc. a. Connect to antenna distribution system. Show antenna location in shop drawings for approval prior to installation. b. Provide frequency selections that are compatible with existing frequencies and expandable to a total of 12 systems. Provide frequency channel information for installed systems to Owner, with operations and maintenance manuals, to facilitate future pur chases of additional systems. E. Assisted Listening System: 1. Williams Sound PPA 457 PRO System with transmitter and 4 receivers (provide 1 system). 2. Provide complete system with rack mount, power supply, rechargeable receiver batteries. 3. Show antenna location in shop drawings for approval prior to installation. F. Owner Furnished PC: Unit to have DVI video output ability. Mount in rack, provide rack mounting or shelf as required. Connect to system for audio playback and audio record as shown in Plans. G. DVD/BluRay Player: Denon DN-500BD (or current equivalent model). Provide with Rack Mount Kit and Bezel. Connect to control system. H. Projector: 16:10 format, 6000 ANSI Lumens. Christie Digital DWU600-G WUXGA. Provide Chief RPA projector mount kit and Chief 372 Unistrut Adapter. Provide Unistrut framing to mount from ceiling as shown in Drawings. I. Projection Screen: Da-Lite Large Cosmopolitan Electrol. Wall Mounted. 87"x139" 16:10 Format. Provide Matte White Surface. J. Wireless Presentation Gateway: Crestron AM-100. Provide with rack mount kit. K. Matrix Switcher: Crestron DM-MD L. Control System: Crestron CP3. Provide RS-232 extenders as required. Provide control functions, interfaces and connections for all connected devices. Submit control plan per submittal r equirements. Mount in rack. Provide remote control functions as shown on Drawings. RRFFPP RREEVVIISSEEDD 22//1199//1166 FFOORR AAVV SSYYSSTTEEMMSS,, CCOONNTTRRAACCTT NNOO.. 1166--1111 RRFFPP FFOORR PPUUBBLLIICC WWOORRKK CCOONNTTRRAACCTT NNOO.. 1166--1111 FFeebbrruuaarryy 1133,, 22001166 PPaaggee 2244 ooff 4411 M. Wall-mounted touch control panel: Crestron TSW-750. Provide complete with all required mounting appurtenances. Mount as directed by the manufacturer. N. Room and device management software: Crestron RoomView® Express. O. Network Switch: 16 port Gigabit Switch. Cisco SR2016T or equivalent. Provided and installed by Owner. P. Wireless Access Point: Ceiling Mounted PoE Wireless Access Point. Crestron CEN-WAP-ABG-CM or equivalent. Provided and installed by Owner. Q. AV Audio Input Panels: Provide Neutrik NC3FDL-1 connectors on black anodized plates for fixed microphone inputs. Provide isolated TRS ¼" connectors on black anodized plates for auxiliary inputs. Number of jacks on plate per drawings. Nomenclature shall be minimum 1/8" ARIAL typeset laser engraved on plates with input nomenclature to match mixer/DSP labeling. R. AV Interface Panels: Provide input plate with HDMI, HD15, and 1/8" TRS / dual RCA pass -through connectors: Custom 2-gang black anodized aluminum plate with laser engraved white nomenclature and industry standard connectors. Provide DVI to HDMI adaptor for each plate. Mount as directed by the manufacturer. S. Equipment Rack: Main Rack: Middle Atlantic ERK -XX. Source racks mounted in cabinetry: Middle Atlantic SRS-XX. Mount as shown. Provide sufficient panel space to accommodate all equipment. Provide lockable drawer to store loose items. Provide with solid locking front door. Provide 4 keys. Provide with blanks and vents. T. Equipment Rack Power Distribution: Middle Atlantic Series Protection or equal as required. U. Wire and Cable (plenum as required) 1. Speakers #12x2 Overall Jacket - Belden 5000UE 2. Microphone / Line: #22x2 Shielded Overall Jacket - Belden 9451 3. Multi-Pair Audio: Belden 18XXR (pair count as required) 4. RGBHV: Belden 7712A 5. HDMI: Extron - length as required. Provide UTP transceivers for all HDMI runs over 50 feet. 6. Video: Belden #1694A 2.3 A/V SYSTEM FOR LOBBY #001, SITTING ROOM #035 and HALL #036 A. Main Speakers: Soundtube RS600i B. Mixer/Amplifier: JBL CSMA 2120 C. CD/MP3/iPod Player: Denon DN-501C. 1. Provide with Rack Mount Kit and Bezel. 2. Connect to control system. D. CATV Tuner: V-Tune Pro 4K E. Flat Panel Displays: 55” LED Display. HD 1080 Resolution, RS-232 Control. Sharp PN-V555 or equivalent. Provide with Peerless wall mount and include wall-mount bracket allowing for decoder to be mounted behind the display out of view. RRFFPP RREEVVIISSEEDD 22//1199//1166 FFOORR AAVV SSYYSSTTEEMMSS,, CCOONNTTRRAACCTT NNOO.. 1166--1111 RRFFPP FFOORR PPUUBBLLIICC WWOORRKK CCOONNTTRRAACCTT NNOO.. 1166--1111 FFeebbrruuaarryy 1133,, 22001166 PPaaggee 2255 ooff 4411 F. Control System: Crestron CP3. Provide RS-232 extenders as required. Provide control functions, interfaces and connections for all connected devices. Submit control plan per submittal requirements. Mount in rack. Provide remote control functions as shown on Drawings. G. Wall-mounted touch control panel: Crestron TSW-750. Provide complete with all required mounting appurtenances. Mount as directed by the manufacturer. H. Room and device management software: Crestron RoomView. I. Equipment Rack: Middle Atlantic SRS-XX-XX. Provide sufficient panel space to accommodate all equipment. Provide lockable drawer to store loose items. Provide with solid locking front door. Provide 4 keys. Provide with blanks and vents. J. Equipment Rack Power Distribution: Middle Atlantic Series Protection or equal as required. K. Wire and Cable (plenum as required) 1. Speakers #12x2 Overall Jacket – Belden 5000UE 2. Microphone / Line: #22x2 Shielded Overall Jacket – Belden 9451 3. Multi-Pair Audio: Belden 18XXR (pair count as required) 2.4 A/V SYSTEM FOR FITNESS ROOM #002 A. Main Speakers: JBL Control 24. B. Mixer/Amplifier: JBL CSMA 280 C. CD/MP3/iPod Player: Denon DN-501C. 1. Provide with Rack Mount Kit and Bezel. 2. Connect to control system. D. Flat Panel Displays: 55” LED Display. HD 1080 Resolution, RS-232 Control. Sharp PN-V555 or equivalent. Provide with Peerless wall mount and include wall-mount bracket allowing for decoder to be mounted behind the display out of view. Provide four (4) displays. E. CATV Tuner: V-Tune Pro 4K F. Wall-mounted touch panel: TPMC-4SM. Provide with C2NIO Expansion module. Provide complete with all required mounting appurtenances. Mount as directed by the manufacturer. G. Equipment Rack: Middle Atlantic EWR-XX-XX. Provide sufficient panel space to accommodate all equipment. Provide lockable drawer to store loose items. Provide with solid locking front door. Provide 4 keys. Provide with blanks and vents. H. Equipment Rack Power Distribution: Middle Atlantic Series Protection or equal as required. I. Wire and Cable (plenum as required) 1. Speakers #12x2 Overall Jacket – Belden 5000UE 2. Multi-Pair Audio: Belden 18XXR (pair count as required) RRFFPP RREEVVIISSEEDD 22//1199//1166 FFOORR AAVV SSYYSSTTEEMMSS,, CCOONNTTRRAACCTT NNOO.. 1166--1111 RRFFPP FFOORR PPUUBBLLIICC WWOORRKK CCOONNTTRRAACCTT NNOO.. 1166--1111 FFeebbrruuaarryy 1133,, 22001166 PPaaggee 2266 ooff 4411 2.5 AV SYSTEM FOR CLASSROOMS #010, #017, #026, and #032 A. Speakers and Amplifiers: (Rooms #010, #017, and #032 only). 1. Speakers: JBL Control 24. 2. Power Amplifiers: JBL CSA240Z B. Distribution Amplifier: RDL RU-DA4D with power supply and rack mount kit. C. DVD/BluRay Player: Denon DN-500BD (or current equivalent model). Provide with Rack Mount Kit and Bezel. (Mount player behind display). D. Flat Panel Displays: 1. Rooms #010 and #017: 70” LED Display. HD 1080 Resolution, RS-232 Control. Sharp LC- 70LE661U or equivalent. 2. Rooms #026 and #032: 55” LED Display. HD 1080 Resolution, RS-232 Control. Sharp PN-V555 or equivalent 3. Provide displays with VideoSecu MW380B2 Full Motion Articulating Dual Arms TV Wall Mount Bracket for 32-70 Inch LED, LCD and Plasma HDTV and include wall -mount bracket allowing for equipment to be mounted behind the display out of view. E. Wire and Cable (plenum as required) 1. Speakers #12x2 Overall Jacket - Belden 5000UE 2. Multi-Pair Audio: Belden 18XXR (pair count as required) PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 INSTALLATION A. Coordinate work with the City, City’s General Contractor, and other trades to avoid causing delays in construction schedule. B. Locations of outlet boxes, speakers, racks etc. shown on the Drawings are approximate. The Provider shall verify exact location of all devices, whet her shown on the Drawings or not, with Owner prior to rough-in, mounting, and installation. C. Mount equipment and enclosures plumb and square. Permanently installed equipment to be firmly and safely held in place. Design equipment supports so support loads imposed with a safety factor of at least 3 (5 to 1 for loudspeaker mountings). D. The process of acceptance testing the System may necessitate moving and adjusting certain component parts, such as loudspeakers. Provide for +/- 10 degrees of adjustability from initial aiming angle and perform such adjustments without claim for additional payment. E. Cover edges of cable pass-through holes in chassis, racks, boxes, etc. with rubber grommets or Brady GRNY nylon grommeting. F. Devices mounting in acoustical tile ceili ngs to be properly supported with tile bridges or other similar structural bracing. RRFFPP RREEVVIISSEEDD 22//1199//1166 FFOORR AAVV SSYYSSTTEEMMSS,, CCOONNTTRRAACCTT NNOO.. 1166--1111 RRFFPP FFOORR PPUUBBLLIICC WWOORRKK CCOONNTTRRAACCTT NNOO.. 1166--1111 FFeebbrruuaarryy 1133,, 22001166 PPaaggee 2277 ooff 4411 G. AC Power and Grounding (as applicable): 1. Coordinate final connection of power and ground wiring to racks. Hard wire power wiring directly to power contactors or internal AC receptacles to ensure uninterrupted operation, as required. 2. Install 3-conductor, isolated ground, 120 VAC outlets in each rack. Provide a minimum of 2 spare outlets in each rack. Label each outlet as to which AC circuit is feeding it and provide the sam e information in the circuit breaker panel. 3. Install a 1 inch by 1/4 inch copper ground buss bar top to bottom in each rack, insulated from the rack. Ground equipment chassis not having a 3-wire power cord to these busses using 10/32 nuts, bolts, and lockwashers with No. 12 wire. Connect green ground wire from each AC outlet in rack to this buss bar. H. Equipment Racks: 1. Mount equipment in racks and consoles and jully wire and test before delivery to job site. If field conditions prevent prior assembly of racks, notify Owner in writing that racks will be fabricated on site and the reasons for the change. Racks located on concrete floors in equipment rooms or non - finished spaces to mount on a 4 inch wood or concrete riser. 2. Provide ventilation adequate to keep temperature within the rack below 100 degrees Fahrenheit. Provide whisper type ventilation fan in each rack if temperature in rack rises above 100 degrees with power on for five continuous hours. 3. In general, looking at the rack from the rear, locate AC po wer, digital control, DC control, and speaker wiring on the left; microphone, line level audio, and video wiring on the right. Panels or equipment mounted on the rear rack rails shall not block access to any front mounted components. I. System Wiring: 1. Take precautions to prevent and guard against electromagnetic and electrostatic hum. For line level audio signals, float cable shields at the output of source device. Shields not connected to be folded back over cable jacket and covered with heat-shrink tubing. Do not cut off unused shields. 2. Exercise care in wiring: damaged cables and equipment will not be accepted. Isolate cables of different signals or different levels and separate, organize, and route to restrict channel crosstalk or feedback oscillation in any amplifier section. Lace wiring and separate into groups for microphone and line level circuits, loudspeaker circuits, and power circuits. 3. Make connections with rosin-core solder or with mechanical connectors approved by the Owner. Where spade lugs are used, crimp properly with ratchet type tool. Spade lugs mounted on 22 gage or smaller cable to be soldered after crimping. Wiring entering equipment racks and at CIP should connect via terminal blocks (Cinch 140-142 Series) or punch blocks designed for stranded wire. Terminal blocks shall be fully exposed, labeled, and mounted on 3/4 inch plywood board painted flat black. If quantity of terminals is too numerous to fit in rack, terminal blocks may be located on wall mounted plywood terminal board adjacent to rack. Mounting boards to be 3/4 inch AIC grade or hardwood plywood painted flat black. Terminal board wiring to meet the same requirements as internal rack wiring described below. 4. Route unbroken microphone, audio line, and control wiring from r eceptacle plate/chassis to patch panel/rack. Remove spliced cables and replace without additional charge to the Owner. Connect cable to active components through screw terminal connections and spade lugs whenever available. 5. Make connections to speaker transformers with properly sized closed end connectors crimped with factory approved ratchet type tool. Wire nut or “Scotchlock” connectors are not acceptable. Do not wrap audio cable splices or connections with adhesive-backed tape. 6. Execute wiring in strict adherence to “standard broadcast practices”, as excerpted from “Recommended Wiring Practices”, Broadcast Audio Equipment for AM, FM, Television (5th Edition), Radio Corporation of America (RCA), Camden, NJ 1962 and Appendix II, “Recommended Wiring Practices”, Sound System Engineering, (2nd Edition), D. Davis, and performed in accordance with standard professional practice. RRFFPP RREEVVIISSEEDD 22//1199//1166 FFOORR AAVV SSYYSSTTEEMMSS,, CCOONNTTRRAACCTT NNOO.. 1166--1111 RRFFPP FFOORR PPUUBBLLIICC WWOORRKK CCOONNTTRRAACCTT NNOO.. 1166--1111 FFeebbrruuaarryy 1133,, 22001166 PPaaggee 2288 ooff 4411 7. Run vertical wiring inside rack in properly sized plastic raceway with snap -on covers (Panduit Type E series). Mount raceways on full length 3/4 inch plywood backboards attached to rack sides. Horizontal wiring in rack to be neatly tied in manageable bundles with cable lengths cut to minimize excess cable slack but still allow for service and testing. Provide horizontal support bars if cable bundles sag. Neatly bundle excess AC power cable from rack mounted equipment with plastic cable ties. Rack wiring to be bundled with plastic cable ties or lacing twine. Electrical tape and adhesive backed cable tie anchors are not acceptable. 8. Connect loudspeakers electrically in phase, using the same wire color code for speaker wiring throughout the project. 9. Wiring and connections shall be completely visible and labeled in rack. Termination resistors shall be 1/2 watt 5 percent tolerance, fully visible, and not concealed within equipment or connectors. J. Equipment and Cable Labeling: 1. Provide laser engraved labels on the front and rear of active equipment mounted in racks. Mount labels in a neat, plumb and permanent manner. Embossed labels or P-Touch type labels are not acceptable. Equipment labels to have at least three lines of engraving with the first line listing the general name of the device, i.e. POWER AMPLIFIER or EQUALIZER, the second line to include the schematic reference of the device i.e. PO-1A or MIXER-3, and the bottom line to indicate what other devices or areas this equipment controls i.e. FEEDS HF-3&4 or FEEDS XOVER-3. 2. Provide an engraved label over each user-operated control that describes the function or purpose of the control. Label size to be adjusted to fit available space. Engraved labels to have 1/8 inch high characters typical. Labels to be black with white characters except where indicated. Embossed or P - Touch type labels are not acceptable. 3. Cables and wiring to be logically, legibly, and permanently labeled for easy identification. Labels on cables to be adhesive strip type covered with clear heat -shrink tubing. Factory stamped heat shrink tubing may be used in lieu of the adhesive strip style label. Hand written labels are not acceptable. 4. Wiring designations to be an alpha-numeric code that is unique for each cable. Locate the cable designation at the start and end of each cable run, and within 3 inches of the point of termination or connection. For cable runs that have intermediate splice points at riser junction boxes, the cable shall have the same designation throughout with an additional suffix to indicate each segment of the run. Actual cable designation assignments to be determined by Provider. 5. Add cable designation codes to system schematic drawings included with Project Record Drawings. 6. Label each terminal strip with a unique identification code in addition to a numerical lab el (cinch MS series) for each terminal. Show terminal strip codes on system schematic drawings included with Project Record Drawings. 7. Provide adhesive labels on the rear of equipment where cables attach to indicate the designation of the cable connected at that point. K. Outdoor Mounting of Equipment (if applicable): 1. Objects mounted outdoors shall be properly treated for exposure to moisture and temperature extremes. 2. Mounting hardware to be non-corrosive type. 3. Structural supports for speakers or other equipment to have inherent corrosion resistance or be covered with a corrosion inhibiting layer. 4. Speaker component mounted in exterior environments to be rigidly connected to the structure to prevent movement caused by wind gusts. 5. Speaker enclosures to include grille capable of breaking up direct water sprays or rain. 6. Seal all electrical connections on speaker enclosure with waterproof sealant. 7. Treat paper cones of speakers with silicone based moisture repellant. 8. Provide screened cover over all openings in horn type speakers to keep out birds, insects, and small animals. Screened covering to be stretched taught with no visible wrinkles. RRFFPP RREEVVIISSEEDD 22//1199//1166 FFOORR AAVV SSYYSSTTEEMMSS,, CCOONNTTRRAACCTT NNOO.. 1166--1111 RRFFPP FFOORR PPUUBBLLIICC WWOORRKK CCOONNTTRRAACCTT NNOO.. 1166--1111 FFeebbrruuaarryy 1133,, 22001166 PPaaggee 2299 ooff 4411 9. Comply with manufacturer's written instructions for installing access doors and frames. 3.2 CONTRACTOR’S TESTS, SETUPS, AND ADJUSTMENTS A. Verify the following before beginning actual tests and adjustments on the s ystem: 1. Electronic devices are properly grounded. 2. Powered devices have AC power from the proper circuit and hot, neutral, and ground conductors are connected correctly. 3. Insulation and shrink tubing are present where required. 4. Dust, debris, solder, splatter, etc. is removed. 5. Cable is dressed, routed, and labeled; connections are consistent with regard to polarity. B. Grounding System Tests: 1. Measure and record the DC resistance between the technical ground in any equipment rack or console and the main building ground. Resistance should be at least 0.15 ohms or less. 2. Temporarily lift the technical ground from the main electrical ground, measure and record the DC resistance between them. Resistance should be at least 1000 ohms. 3.3 GROUNDING A. Prior to energizing or testing the system, ensure the following: 1. All product is installed in a proper and safe manner per the manufacturer’s instructions. 2. Insulation and shrink tubing are present where required. 3. Dust, debris, solder, splatter, etc. is removed. 4. Cable is dressed, routed, and labeled; connections are consistent with regard to polarity. 5. All labeling has been provided. 6. Temporary facilities and utilizes have been properly disconnected, removed, and disposed of off-site. 7. All products are neat, clean, and unmarred, and parts are securely attached. 8. All broken work, including glass, raised flooring and supports, ceiling tile and supports, walls, doors, etc. have been replaced or properly repaired, and debris cleaned up and discarded. 9. Electronic devices are properly grounded. B. Prior to energizing the system, perform the following tests in compliance with applicable EIA standards. Provide a draft of a proposed test report form for review as part of the submittal process. Record the results of each test in the Project Record Manual and have a copy available for the Owner during inspection. 1. Test each AC power receptacle with a circuit checker to proper hot, neutral, and ground connections. 2. Measure and record the DC resistance between the technical ground in any equipment rack or console and the main building ground. Resistance should be 0.15 ohms or less. 3. Temporarily lift the technical ground from the main electrical ground, measure and record the DC resistance between them. Resistance should be 1000 ohms or greater. 4. Measure the impedance of each speaker line leafing the equipment racks. For full range devices, use a frequency of 1000 Hz, for band limited devices use a frequency appropriate for the operating range of the transducer. When documenting the results of these tests, in clude the calculated impedances based on number of units on a line and the size and distance of the run. Correct any field readings that differ more than 20 percent from the calculated impedances. C. Speaker Circuit Verification Test: 1. Provide a low level, distinctive test tone to each amplifier input. RRFFPP RREEVVIISSEEDD 22//1199//1166 FFOORR AAVV SSYYSSTTEEMMSS,, CCOONNTTRRAACCTT NNOO.. 1166--1111 RRFFPP FFOORR PPUUBBLLIICC WWOORRKK CCOONNTTRRAACCTT NNOO.. 1166--1111 FFeebbrruuaarryy 1133,, 22001166 PPaaggee 3300 ooff 4411 2. Turn on one channel of Amplifier #1 and verify that the correct speaker or group of speakers is operating. Correct any wiring or other problems found. 3. In a similar manner, check each channel of all remaining amplifiers and their respective speaker circuits. 4. Include the results of the tests in the Project Record Manual. D. Volt Speaker Test: 1. Play music, pink noise, or other distinctive audio signal through each group of 70 volt speakers. 2. Walk the area covered by the speakers. 3. Verify that each speaker is operating and that there are no significant changes in volume level from one speaker to the next. 4. Verify that the extent of coverage is consistent with the areas indicated on the drawings. E. Speaker Polarity Verification Test: 1. Use an electronic polarity checker, TEF machine, JBL SMAART PRO, SIM II, or other similar device to test each reinforcement speaker. All speakers should have the same relative polarity. 2. Follow manufacturer’s recommendations in conducting the tes ts. 3. In a similar manner, check all distributed speakers to ensure they have the same polarity. 4. Include the results of the tests in the Project Record Manual. F. System Gain Adjustment: 1. Adjust each active device to have unity gain from the console output to the input of the crossover. 2. With all amplifiers turned off, connect a sine wave or pink noise generator to the input of the console. Using an RMS AC voltmeter with a dB scale, adjust the console to an output between -10 and 0 dBu. Once the level has been established, it should remain unchanged throughout the test. All equalizers should be set flat for this test. 3. Follow the signal flow from the console to each subsequent component. Measure the input level and output level of each device at the point of connection to the device. The input level reading should differ no more than 0.25 dB from the level recorded for the preceding device. Diagnose and correct the wiring or equipment when any readings exceed this range. 4. Adjust the output level of each component to match the reference level coming from the console. 5. Output level should differ no more than 0.5 dB from the console output level. 6. Record the output levels of each device on the Project Record Drawings. G. Amplifier Level Adjustment: 1. Adjust the gain of each amplifier to provide a consistent and appropriate volume level throughout the facility. 2. Begin by connecting a pink noise source to one input of the mixing console. Adjust the console output to -10 dB on the VU meter. 3. Using main reinforcement speakers, adjust the appropriate amplifiers to achieve 85 dBA in the area covered by the speakers. Use a calibrated sound level meter to take the measurement. Amplifiers should be set to provide an average of 85 dBA + 1.5 dB throughout each seating section. Coverage at 4 kHz should be no more than +/- 3 dB. 4. Record the setting of each amplifier in the Project Record Manual and keep backup copies of the data file on disk. 5. After setting the amplifier level for each system, play a pink noise signal over the speakers an d walk through each area. Using a sound level meter, identify any areas where the SPL changes by more than 3 dB. H. Video System and Projector Adjustment: 1. Provide temporary video and XGA resolution computer graphic sources for testing of display. RRFFPP RREEVVIISSEEDD 22//1199//1166 FFOORR AAVV SSYYSSTTEEMMSS,, CCOONNTTRRAACCTT NNOO.. 1166--1111 RRFFPP FFOORR PPUUBBLLIICC WWOORRKK CCOONNTTRRAACCTT NNOO.. 1166--1111 FFeebbrruuaarryy 1133,, 22001166 PPaaggee 3311 ooff 4411 2. Connect temporary sources to each input and confirm proper resolution and display. 3. Adjust lenses to fully fill screen with the projected image, with no exposed screen edges. 4. Adjust contrast, keystone, brightness and color for artifact free display from all inputs. 5. Test and confirm proper remote control functions from the handheld remote. 6. Measure and record visual carrier at each TV drop outlet. Rework as required to meet performance specifications. 7. Visually inspect each display for proper function and ensure display i s free of artifacts. Correct anomalies. 3.4 TEST EQUIPMENT A. Provide the following equipment on site for final acceptance testing. Test equipment to be available for the entire period through final system acceptance unless noted. Prior to start of testing, p rovide a list to the Owner of test equipment make and model numbers that will be used. 1. Dual-trace Oscilloscope: 100 MHz bandwidth, 1 mV/cm sensitivity. 2. Sound Level Meter: ANSI S1.4-1971 Type SIA with digital or analog display. Meter to provide ranges of 40 to 120 dBA. 3. Pink Noise Source: Equal energy per octave bandwidth 20 Hz to 20,000 Hz, ?1 dB (long -term average) at 0 dBm output. 4. Impedance Meter: Capable of testing audio lines at a minimum of three frequencies between 250 Hz and 4K Hz. Measurement range 1 ohm to 100K ohms. 5. Multimeter: Measurement range DC to 20D Hz, 100 mV to 300 V.10 mA to 10 A. 6. Audio Oscillator: Bandwidth 20 Hz to 20K Hz + 1 dB at 0 dBm output. Output to be balanced. 7. Oscillator to include adjustable output level. 8. Broadband RF Analyzer: WaveTek. 9. Video Analyzer: Sencore SL753D. 10. Ladders and scaffolding necessary to inspect ceiling mounted equipment, speakers, and clusters. B. The following procedures will be performed by the Provider on each system: 1. Audio fidelity test: Drive the system with pink noise and measure the frequency response in each 1/3 octave band from 40 Hz to 16k Hz. Use 1/6 octave, 1/3 octave, or parametric filters to adjust the response of the system to fit the requirements of the space. 2. Control functions shall be checked for proper operation, from controlling devices to controlled devices. 3. Video systems shall be checked for proper operation and visual quality. All video displays shall be free of hum, distortion, and detrimental artifacts. 4. Adjust, balance, and align equipment for optimum quality and to meet the manufacturer's published specifications. Establish and mark normal settings for each level control, and record these settings in the System Operation and Maintenance Manual. 5. Inventory installed and loose equipment to confirm correct quantity. 6. Any other tests on any piece of equipment or system deemed necessary. C. In the event the need for further adjustment or work becomes evident during equalization or acceptance of testing, the Provider will continue his work until the system is acceptable at no additional cost to the Owner. If the project schedule is delayed because of defective equipment, or because or failure of equipment or installation of equipment to meet the requirements of this Specification, the Provider may be subject to Liquidated Damages per the Agreement for Services Section 9a. will pay for additional time and expenses of the City, including delay costs incurred by the City. RRFFPP RREEVVIISSEEDD 22//1199//1166 FFOORR AAVV SSYYSSTTEEMMSS,, CCOONNTTRRAACCTT NNOO.. 1166--1111 RRFFPP FFOORR PPUUBBLLIICC WWOORRKK CCOONNTTRRAACCTT NNOO.. 1166--1111 FFeebbrruuaarryy 1133,, 22001166 PPaaggee 3322 ooff 4411 3.5 INSTRUCTION OF OWNER PERSONNEL A. Provide 8 hours instruction to Owner designated personnel on the use and operation of the System, scheduled as two separate sessions, by an instructor fully knowledgeable and qualified in system operation. The System Reference Manuals should be complete and on site at the time of this instruction. END OF SECTION 274416 RRFFPP RREEVVIISSEEDD 22//1199//1166 FFOORR AAVV SSYYSSTTEEMMSS,, CCOONNTTRRAACCTT NNOO.. 1166--1111 RRFFPP FFOORR PPUUBBLLIICC WWOORRKK CCOONNTTRRAACCTT NNOO.. 1166--1111 FFeebbrruuaarryy 1133,, 22001166 PPaaggee 3333 ooff 4411 SECTION 271500 - DATA AND TELEPHONE CABLING SYSTEM (TO BE PROVIDED BY OWNER) Note: This section has been provided for reference to the Provider only. Work include herein is to be completed by the Owner (or Owner’s General Contractor). PART 4 - GENERAL 4.1 SCOPE (BY OWNER/OWNER’S GENERAL CONTRACTOR) A. Provide complete and comprehensive Cabling and Termination System. 4.2 INSTALLER (BY OWNER/OWNER’S GENERAL CONTRACTOR) A. All work shall be performed by a Systimax Business Partner who shall provide the 20 year w arranty for a Systimax GigaSpeed Solution installation. If Berk-Tek/Ortronics products are provided the work shall be performed by a certified Berk-Tek/Ortronics installer with a 20 year Ber-Tek/Ortronics extended product warranty provided. If Belden products are provided the work shall be performed by a certified Belden installer with a 20 year Belden extended product warranty provided. 4.3 WORK INCLUDED (BY OWNER/OWNER’S GENERAL CONTRACTOR) A. The work includes all necessary labor, installation, preparation, materials, equipment, services, and other items required, whether specified or not, to provide a complete and fully operational local area network cabling and jack system conforming to EIA/TIA 568B.1, B.2, & B.3 for Category 6 cabling systems. B. The work requires installation of cabling, station jacks, patch cables, and patch panels. C. The work includes performance of diagnostic tests on all cables, connectors and components. A signed written report of all diagnostic findings shall be provided to the Engineer. Using the results of the diagnostic report, the contractor is responsible for repairing all cable, connector and component problems. 4.4 ENGINEER FURNISHED EQUIPMENT (BY OWNER/OWNER’S GENERAL CONTRACTOR) A. All wiring hubs, modules, computer equipment, file servers, workstations, network interface cards, and related hardware and software will be provided by the Owner. B. No other equipment furnished. 4.5 DRAWINGS AND PLANS (BY OWNER/OWNER’S GENERAL CONTRACTOR) A. All indicated data drop locations are to be cabled, including RJ45 jack at workstation end and termination at appropriate punch-down blocks in head-end rack. RRFFPP RREEVVIISSEEDD 22//1199//1166 FFOORR AAVV SSYYSSTTEEMMSS,, CCOONNTTRRAACCTT NNOO.. 1166--1111 RRFFPP FFOORR PPUUBBLLIICC WWOORRKK CCOONNTTRRAACCTT NNOO.. 1166--1111 FFeebbrruuaarryy 1133,, 22001166 PPaaggee 3344 ooff 4411 4.6 PHYSICAL LAYER COMPONENTS (BY OWNER/OWNER’S GENERAL CONTRACTOR) A. All components shall be new and shall comply with IEEE 802.3i standards for EIA/TIA Stand ard 568B.1, B.2, & B.3. All components shall be housed in appropriate equipment racks so as to assure a solid, permanent installation. Bidder shall identify each proposed data, phone system component by manufacturer and part number including data cabling, fiber optic cabling, data jacks, UTP and fiber optic and headend patch cables, patch panels, mounting devices for termination blocks, and equipment racks. 4.7 RECORD DRAWINGS (BY OWNER/OWNER’S GENERAL CONTRACTOR) A. Upon completion of project, provide as built record drawings showing all data outlets and associated labels. PART 5 - PRODUCTS (BY OWNER/OWNER’S GENERAL CONTRACTOR) 5.1 All material, components, and equipment shall be new and of high quality. The components and equipment furnished must have a proven track record, and if required, the contractor must furnish satisfactory evidence as to the kind and quality of materials and equipment. Systimax part numbers are listed to establish a basis of design. Equal products by Berk-Tek/Ortronics or Belden are acceptable. All other manufacturers must obtain approval. 5.2 DATA OUTLETS (BY OWNER/OWNER’S GENERAL CONTRACTOR) A. Category 6, modular with number of RJ45 jacks indicated by Symbol on front. 568B termination pattern. Provide manufacturer's standard wall plate with label. Ivory color outlets and plate. Provide icons for all jacks. Label jacks individually. Systimax GigaSpeed MGS300BH Jack, M16L faceplate with ivory colored blanks in unused ports, M60 series icon inserts. 5.3 DATA/VOICE CABLE (BY OWNER/OWNER’S GENERAL CONTRACTOR) A. Category 6, 4 pair, 24 gage, plenum rated, Systimax #2071E. Blue cable for data, yellow for voice. 5.4 PATCH PANEL (BY OWNER/OWNER’S GENERAL CONTRACTOR) A. Data Station Patch Panel: EIA/TIA 568B, 110 IDC terminations on back, RJ45 jacks on front. Systim ax GigaSpeed patch panel kit, part #PM2160GS-48 port. B. Wire Management Blocks. Systimax #110B1. 5.5 PATCH CABLE (BY OWNER/OWNER’S GENERAL CONTRACTOR) A. Data: Category 6, 4 pair, 24 gage, yellow color. Systimax D8CM series. Provide (25) 3 foot cables, (25) 10 foot cables, and (25) 14 foot cables. RRFFPP RREEVVIISSEEDD 22//1199//1166 FFOORR AAVV SSYYSSTTEEMMSS,, CCOONNTTRRAACCTT NNOO.. 1166--1111 RRFFPP FFOORR PPUUBBLLIICC WWOORRKK CCOONNTTRRAACCTT NNOO.. 1166--1111 FFeebbrruuaarryy 1133,, 22001166 PPaaggee 3355 ooff 4411 PART 6 - EXECUTION 6.1 EQUIPMENT MOUNTING A. All equipment shall be suitable mounted on fire rated terminal backboards, in equipment racks, or otherwise suitably solidly supported. Equipment suspended by its cable or connector is unacceptable. Placing of equipment shall be done to insure that it is readily accessible. 6.2 CABLE INSTALLATION (BY OWNER/OWNER’S GENERAL CONTRACTOR) A. Cable run layouts indicated on the drawings are generally diagrammatic. Exact routing of conduit and wiring shall be governed by the location of obstructions and building structural conditions. Cable runs shall be in cable trays, raceways, and above ceiling spaces as shown on drawings. B. All cable runs shall have a minimum 8 times the outside diameter bending radius. 6.3 CABLE SUPPORTS (BY OWNER/OWNER’S GENERAL CONTRACTOR) A. Cable shall be in raceway, or supported at 4' O.C. by J -hooks where open above ceilings. See Division 26 electrical (this reference is to a section of the Specifications included in the Owner’s Contract with the Owner’s General Contractor, which is available for review upon request). Tye wrap cable to perform a neat and professional installation. Cable tye wraps shall be loose to provide no strain on cables. 6.4 CABLE LABELS (BY OWNER/OWNER’S GENERAL CONTRACTOR) A. All cables shall be permanently labeled at workstation jack, termination block and host module port to identify terminal location and on both ends of cable. Label shall be per labeling scheme identified by Engineer. 6.5 DATA CABLE ROUTING (BY OWNER/OWNER’S GENERAL CONTRACTOR) A. All shall be routed to prevent interference with any existing systems such as access boxes, ventilation mixing boxes, access hatches to air filters, switch panels, fire alarm equipment, clock systems, lighting fixtures, etc. The routing must not interfere with any other service or system, operation or maintenance. Raceway shall not be placed in close contact with other devices, electrical or otherwise, that will interfere with its proper operation as a transmitter of data signal. B. All data station cables shall be terminated on rack mounted patch panels. All telephone tie cables shall be terminated on backboard mounted 110 style blocks. 6.6 DATA STATION DROPS (BY OWNER/OWNER’S GENERAL CONTRACTOR) A. All drop cables shall be installed at locations as indicated on Drawings. Exact outlet location within each room will be as indicated on the Drawings and will deviate from the drawing only by minimal shifting the outlet laterally along the indicated wall. The drop cabling shall be ins talled without splices from the outlets to the appropriate terminal block. RRFFPP RREEVVIISSEEDD 22//1199//1166 FFOORR AAVV SSYYSSTTEEMMSS,, CCOONNTTRRAACCTT NNOO.. 1166--1111 RRFFPP FFOORR PPUUBBLLIICC WWOORRKK CCOONNTTRRAACCTT NNOO.. 1166--1111 FFeebbrruuaarryy 1133,, 22001166 PPaaggee 3366 ooff 4411 6.7 TESTING (BY OWNER/OWNER’S GENERAL CONTRACTOR) A. The Owner’s General Contractor shall test all installed unshielded twisted -pair cables, termination to termination, for pair continuity, shorts, grounds, crosses, near end cross talk, resistance, noise, and measure dB loss per GigaSpeed standards. B. Print out and deliver test report on each cable in 3 ring binder. END OF SECTION 271500 RRFFPP RREEVVIISSEEDD 22//1199//1166 FFOORR AAVV SSYYSSTTEEMMSS,, CCOONNTTRRAACCTT NNOO.. 1166--1111 RRFFPP FFOORR PPUUBBLLIICC WWOORRKK CCOONNTTRRAACCTT NNOO.. 1166--1111 FFeebbrruuaarryy 1133,, 22001166 PPaaggee 3377 ooff 4411 SECTION 270528 - PATHWAYS FOR AUDIO VISUAL SYSTEMS (TO BE PROVIDED BY OWNER) Note: This section has been provided for reference to the Provider only. Work include herein is to be completed by the Owner (or Owner’s General Contractor). PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 RELATED DOCUMENTS A. Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and Division 01 Specification Sections, apply to this Section. B. Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and Division 1 Specification Sections, apply to this Section. C. Related Work Specified Elsewhere: 1. Division 26 (this reference is to a section of the Specifications included in the Owner’s Contract with the Owner’s General Contractor, which is available for review upon request) and associated electrical, power and grounding requirements. 2. Section 274116 and associated Drawings. 1.2 SUMMARY A. Section Includes: 1. Raceway systems, conduit, boxes, cover plates, enclosures, terminal cabinets and terminal boards. 2. Electrical work related to all Base Bid and Alternate A/V s ystems. Provide this work for both Base Bid and Alternate A/V systems, even if Alternates are not accepted. B. Under this section, provide raceway systems for the installation of audio systems. Installation shall include appropriately sized metallic raceways, outlet boxes, plaster rings, cover plates and installation of pull strings. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 EQUIPMENT AND MATERIALS (BY OWNER/OWNER’S GENERAL CONTRACTOR) A. Except as otherwise specified in this Section, provide products, materials, and services for A/V systems infrastructure in accordance with other Sections of Division 26 (this reference is to a section of the Specifications included in the Owner’s Contract with the Owner’s General Contractor, which is available for review upon request). B. If remodeling is part of scope, existing raceways may be reused, per NEC and local codes. Connect and extend existing conduits to rack or device locations, if such conduit exists. RRFFPP RREEVVIISSEEDD 22//1199//1166 FFOORR AAVV SSYYSSTTEEMMSS,, CCOONNTTRRAACCTT NNOO.. 1166--1111 RRFFPP FFOORR PPUUBBLLIICC WWOORRKK CCOONNTTRRAACCTT NNOO.. 1166--1111 FFeebbrruuaarryy 1133,, 22001166 PPaaggee 3388 ooff 4411 C. Coordinate exact box requirements with A/V system Provider. A/V system Provider is required to provide designation of A/V system cable infrastructure requirements, including cable types, sizes, and routing, for sound and video systems. D. Conduit: EMT, or equivalent, per NEC code. All exposed cabling to be in conduit, except as specifically allowed by Engineer. Any exposed cabling must meet NEC codes for CMR and CMP ratings as required and must be neatly and securely attached to the structure, using approved means and methods. E. Floor Boxes for A/V Systems: 1. FSR FL-500P 2.25” or 3” deep as required to fit in floor. Quantities as shown on the A/V Drawings. F. Outlets, Speaker Outlets, and Junction Boxes: 1. Single and double gang A/V system boxes; 4” square, 3-1/2” deep with single and double gang plaster rings. 2. Three gang and larger back boxes to be determined by A/V system design and A/V system Provider and as shown on the Drawings. 3. Junction boxes other than above to be sized according to requirements of A/V System Providerand as shown on the Drawings. 4. Coordinate these requirements with A/V system Provider. Include rough-in boxes as required to accommodate all wiring, racks, interfaces and devices on A/V system drawings and in A/V system Specifications. G. Speaker Back Boxes: 1. Description: Square metal enclose for ceiling speakers as specified in the A/V system Spec ification. 2. Support back box from structural ceiling and insert into appropriate cutout of suspended ceiling tile. 3. Coordinate final speaker back box placement with Owner in conjunction with other ceiling elements including but not limited to lights and duct work. Bring to the attention of the Owner any deviations of speaker placement from those shown on the Drawings. H. Pull Wire: shall be plastic, having not less than 200 pound tensile strength. All Alternate A/V system raceways shall have pull strings installed. I. Plates: Provide blank steel cover plates for all A/V system boxes as required. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 INSTALLATION (BY OWNER/OWNER’S GENERAL CONTRACTOR) A. Comply with manufacturer's written instructions for installing access doors and frames. B. Except as otherwise specified in this Section, comply with other Sections of Division 26 (this reference is to a section of the Specifications included in the Owner’s Contract with the Owner’s General Contractor, which is available for review upon request) for installation of A/V system infrastructure. C. Provide and install accessories as required to form complete systems for raceway, grounding, and branch power circuitry. D. Install A/V system raceways to comply with NEC chapters 1-3, regardless of class of wiring to be installed. E. Separation: RRFFPP RREEVVIISSEEDD 22//1199//1166 FFOORR AAVV SSYYSSTTEEMMSS,, CCOONNTTRRAACCTT NNOO.. 1166--1111 RRFFPP FFOORR PPUUBBLLIICC WWOORRKK CCOONNTTRRAACCTT NNOO.. 1166--1111 FFeebbrruuaarryy 1133,, 22001166 PPaaggee 3399 ooff 4411 1. Maintain 24 inch minimum separation from conduits and wiring of power, lighting and class 1 signaling circuits. 2. Maintain 48 inch minimum separation from dimmed lighting circuits. 3. Separation of the above adjacent runs of less than 50 feet ma y be reduced by one half of the above distances (12 inches and 24 inches respectively). 4. Where conduits run adjacent for less than 50 feet or where conduits cross at right angles, separation of 2 inches may be used. F. Do not combine speaker level conduits with line or microphone level conduits. G. Clearly document the exact locations of bull boxes and provide documentation to the A/V system Provider and with the project Record Drawings. H. Install speaker back boxes exactly centered on ceiling tile or building cei ling element. Mount boxes flush and plumb. Caulk speaker boxes around ceiling tile or GWB to form an air tight seal. Do not support speaker enclosures with lay-in tiles or GWB. Attach boxes to building structural elements so that no perceptible sag occurs with speaker in place. Speaker weight is approximately 15 pounds. I. Identify each conduit and other raceway at each end with purpose and destination (e.g. “Sound Speakers to Room 301”). Label each outlet box, back box, and pull box with purpose and device. Provide clear and permanent labeling. END OF SECTION 270528 RRFFPP RREEVVIISSEEDD 22//1199//1166 FFOORR AAVV SSYYSSTTEEMMSS,, CCOONNTTRRAACCTT NNOO.. 1166--1111 RRFFPP FFOORR PPUUBBLLIICC WWOORRKK CCOONNTTRRAACCTT NNOO.. 1166--1111 FFeebbrruuaarryy 1133,, 22001166 PPaaggee 4400 ooff 4411 PREVAILING WAGE RATES County Trade Job Classification Wage Holiday Overtim e King Electrical Fixture Maintenance Workers Journey Level $27.24 5L 1E King Electricians - Inside Cable Splicer $69.77 7C 4E King Electricians - Inside Cable Splicer (tunnel) $74.95 7C 4E King Electricians - Inside Certified Welder $67.41 7C 4E King Electricians - Inside Certified Welder (tunnel) $72.37 7C 4E King Electricians - Inside Construction Stock Person $37.94 7C 4E King Electricians - Inside Journey Level $65.05 7C 4E King Electricians - Inside Journey Level (tunnel) $69.77 7C 4E King Electronic Technicians Journey Level $31.00 1 King Telecommunication Technicians Journey Level $22.76 1 See http://lni.wa.gov/prevailingwage/BenCodes/20152/BenefitCodes.asp for benefit key codes. RRFFPP RREEVVIISSEEDD 22//1199//1166 FFOORR AAVV SSYYSSTTEEMMSS,, CCOONNTTRRAACCTT NNOO.. 1166--1111 RRFFPP FFOORR PPUUBBLLIICC WWOORRKK CCOONNTTRRAACCTT NNOO.. 1166--1111 FFeebbrruuaarryy 1133,, 22001166 PPaaggee 4411 ooff 4411 CONTRACT PLANS