HomeMy WebLinkAbout5104 RESOLUTION NO. 5 1 0 4
WHEREAS, on July 1, 1990, the Growth Management Act (the GMA) became
effective (Chapter 36.70A Revised Code of Washington); and
WHEREAS, 4he Growth Management Act requires Counties, Cities, and Towns
to plan for housing affordable to all economic segments of the population; and
WHEREAS, on January 31, 1995, the Pierce County Council passed Resolution
R95-17 affirming the commitment ofithe County to continue discussions with other local
jurisdictions to resolve implementation of the Growth Management Act; and
WHEREAS, the Pierce County Countywide Planning Policies are written policy
statements which are to be used solely for establishing a countywide framework f�om
which the County and Municipal comprehensive plans are developed and adopted; and
WHEREAS, the City participated in the amendment process and helped develop
the proposed Pierce County Countywide Planning Policies through participation in
Pierce County's Growth Management Coordinafing Committee (GMCC), a staff level
committee that reviews amendments to the Pierce County Countywide Planning
Policies and makes recommendations to the Pierce County Regional Council (PCRC);
Resolution No. 5104
September 18, 2014
Page 1 of 1
WHEREAS, the Pierce County Regional Council recommended adoption of the
proposed amendments to the Pierce County Countywide Planning Policies on May 15,
2014; and
WHEREAS, the Pierce County Council adopted Ordinance No. 2014-17s on
June 24, 2014; and
WHEREAS, the Planning and Community Development Committee reviewed the
amended policies at their September 8, 2014 meeting and made a recommendation to
the full City Council at their September 22, 2014 meeting; and
WHEREAS, amendments to the Pierce County Countywide Planning Policies
must be adopted through amendment of the original interlocal agreement or by a new
interlocal agreement ratified by 60 percent of inember jurisdictions in Pierce County
representing 75 percent of the total population; and
WHEREAS, an interlocal agreement titled "Amendments to the Pierce County
Countywide Planning Policies" was developed for the purpose of implementing the
recommended amendments.
Sec#ion 1. The amendments to the Pierce County Countywide Planning
Policies are attached as Exhibit A to this Resolution.
Sec4ion 2. The Mayor is authorized to exe.cute the interlocal agreement for the
purpose of amending the Pierce County Countywide Planning Policies in accordance
with the requiremenfs of the Interlocal Cooperation Act of 1967, Chapter 39.34 RCW.
Resolution No. 5104
Septemtier 18, 2014
Page 2 of 2
Section 3. That a copy of the resolution and signed interlocal agreement
authorizing approval shall be provided to Pierce County.
Section 4. That the Mayor is authorized to implement such administrative
procedures as may be necessary to carry out the directives of this legislation.
Section 5. That this Resolution shall take effect and be in full force upon
passage and signatures hereon.
Dated and signed this �o� day of Q� , 2014.
Da �elle E. Daskam, City Clerk
e B. H ' , City Attom
Resblution No. 5104
September 18, 2014
Page 3 of 3
� � ��j __ i' Exhibit A Resblution No. 5104
1 Sponsored by: Councilmembers Rick Talbert, Stan Flemming, Connie Ladenburg, and Dan Roach
2 Requested by: ExecutivelPlanning and Land Services
e ORD111lANCE NO. 2014-17s
s An Ordinance of the Pierce County Council Acknowledging its Approval of
io a Proposed Amendment to Incorporate Annexation Policies
�� in the Pierce County Countywide Planning Policies as
�2 Recommended by the Pierce County Regional Gouncil;
�s Authorizing the Pierce County Executive to Execute Interlocal
�a Agreements with the Cities and Towns of Pierce County to
�s Ratify the Proposed Amendments; Amending Chapter
�s 19D.240 of the Pierce County Code, "Pierce County
i� Countywide Planning Policies," Upon Ratification; and
ie Adopting Findings of Fact.
2o Whereas, the Pierce County Regional Council (PCRC) was created in 1992 by
2� interlocal agreement among the cities and towns of Pierce County and Pierce County
z2 Government (the County), and charged with responsibilities, including: Serving as a
23 local link to the Puget Sound Regional Council, promoting intergovernmental
2a cooperation, facilitating compliance with the coordination and consistency requirements
z5 of the Growth Management Act (Chapter 36.70A. Revised Code of Washington [RCW])
26 and the Regional Transportation Planning Organization (Chapter 47.80 RCV�, and
27 developing a consensus among jurisdicfions regarding the development and
ze modification of the Pierce County Countywide Planning Policies (CPPs); and
3o Whereas, the CPPs are written policy statements which are to be used solely for
3� establishing a countywide framework from which the County and municipal
32 comprehensive plans are developed and adopted; and
3a Whereas, the framework is intended to ensure that the County and municipal
35 comprehensive plans are consistent; a�id
3� Whereas, the County adopted its initial CPPs on June 30, 1992; and
39 Whereas, the Pierce County Growth Management Coordinating Committee
ao (GMCC) is a technical subcommittee to the PCRC, and fhe GMCC includes staff .
41 representatives from the County and the cities and towns within Pierce County; and
a3 Whereas, the PCRC, based upon the recommendation from the GMCC and its
aa own discussions, recommended approval of the proposal at its October 17, 2013
45 meeting; and
OrdinBnCe No. 2014-175 Pierce County Councfl �
Pe e 1 of 3 9�Tarome Pve 5,Rm 16a6
9 iawma.wA 9Ba01
� Whereas, amendments to the CPPs must be adopted through amendment of the
2 original interlocal agreement or by a new interlocal agreement ratified 6y 60 percent of
3 member jurisdictions in Pierce County representing 75 percent of the total population;
a and
6 Whereas, demonstration of ratification shall be by execution of an interlocal
� agreement or the absence of a legislative action to dis.approve a proposed amendment;
a and
s .
io Whereas, an Interlocal Agreement entitled "Amendments to the Pierce County
�i Countywide Planning Policies" has been developed for this purpose, and is included as
t2 Exhibit B to this Ordinance; and
�a Whereas, a jurisdiction shall be deemed as casting an affirmative vote if it has
15 not taken legislative action to disapprove a proposed amendment within 180 days from
�6 the date the Pierce County Council formally authorizes the Pierce County Executive to
i� enter into an interlocal agreement; and
is Whereas, when ratified by the necessary number of cities and towns, Section
20 19D.240 of the Pierce County Code (PCC), "Pierce County Countywide Planning
zi Policies", shall be amended by a subsequent ordinance of the County Council to
22 incorporate the recommended proposal; and
za Whereas, the Pierce County Planning Commission, at its November 26, 2013,
25 regular public hearing, reviewed the proposed amendments to the CPPs and
26 recommended approval; and
28 Whereas, the Pierce County Environmental official has determined the proposal
zs is exempt from SEPA per WAC 197-11-800 (19); and
31 Whereas, after a properly noticed public hearing, the Community Development
sz Committee of the Pierce County Council considered oral and written testimony and
33 forwarded its recommendation to the full County Council; and
35 Whereas, the County Council held a public hearing on June 24, 2014, where oral
3s and written testimony was considered; and
3e Whereas, the County Council finds that it is in the public interest to authorize the
39 Pierce County Executive to execute the interlocal agreement; Now Therefore,
a� BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of Pierce County:
43 Section 1. The Pierce County Council acknowledges its approval of the
aa amendments to the CPPs recommended by the Pierce County Regional Council as set
a5 forth in Exhibit A, which is attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference.
Ordinance No. 2014-17s Prerce Counry Counci�
Pa e 2 of 3 9�0 Tamma Ave 5,Rm IMB
g iacoma,wF 99CO2
i Section 2. The Pierce County Council authorizes the Pierce County Executive to
z execute Interlocal Agreements as set forth in Exhibit B, which is attached hereto and
3 incorporated herein by reference, thereby ratifying the attached amendments to the
a CPPs and amending Chapter 19D.240 of the Pierce Counry Code as recommended by
5 the Pierce Counry Regionai Council.
� Section 3. The Pierce County Council adopts Findings of Fact as shown in
s Exhibit C, which is attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference.
io PASSED this� day of c.v��¢ , 2014.
i3 Pierce Counry, Washington
15 \
,s � :�se E�. � �-� �— �
i7 Denise D. Johnson Dan Roach
�a Clerk of the Council Council air
ZZ Pat McCarth
23 Pierce Counry xecutive
za Approved toed , this
z5 � day of ,
26 2014.
28 Date of Publication of (�
2s Notice of Public Hearing: LV1�(Y. �-{�i r�i7�!-4'
30 �l
si Effective Date of Ordinance:
Ordinance No. 2014-17s Pierce County Council �
� Page 3 0(3 9J0 Ta��ppna WH 98+02
1 Exhibit A to Ordinance No. 2014-17s
e Proposed Amendments
e to the
io Pierce County Countywide Planning Policies
�i Addressing
�s Potential Annexation Areas
ia and
�s Annexation
Exhibit A to Ordinance No. 2014-17s Pierce County Councii �
Page 1 of 15 9J0 Tomme Ave 5.Rm 1046
Tawma,WA 9940]
6 Background - Requirements of Growth Manaqement Act
e The Washington State Growth Management Act has as planning goals the
9 encou�agement of development in urban areas where adequate public facilities and
�o services exist or can be provided in an efficient manner[RCW 36.70A.020(1)],the
i� reduction of sprawl (i.e., the inappropriate or premature conversion of undeveloped land
t2 into low-density development) [RCW 36.70A.020(2)], and the provision of adequate public
�3 facilities and services necessary to support urban development at the time the
�a development is available for occupancy and use (without decreasing current service levels
15 below locally established minimum standards) [RCW 36:70A.020(12)] as planning goals.
�� The Growth Management Act further requires (1) that.the County designate an "urban
�a growth area" (UGA) or areas within which urban gYowth shall be encouraged and outside
t 9 of which growth shall occur only if it is not "urban" in character; (2) that each municipality in
2o the County be included within an UGA; (3) that an UGA include territory outside of existing
zi municipal boundaries only if such territory is characterized by urban growth or is adjacent
22 to territory that is already characterized by urban growth. [RCW 36.70A.110(1); for
23 definition of"urban growth" see RCW 36.70A.030(17).]
25 The designated UGAs shall be of adequate size and appropriate permissible densities.so
2s as to accommodate the urban growth that is projected by the State Office of Financial
z� Management to occur in the County for the succeeding 20-year period. While each UGA
ze shall permit urban densities, it shall also include greenbelt and open space areas [RCW
29 36.70A.110(2)].
31 As to the timing and sequencing of urban growth and development over the 20,year
3z planning period, urban growth shall occur first in areas already characterized by urban
33 growth that have existing public facility and service capacities.to service such
34 deveiopment, second in areas already characterized by urban growfh that will be served
35 by a combination of both existing public facilities and services and any additional needed
3s public facilities and services that are provided by either public or private sources [RCW
3� 36.70A.110(3)]. Urban govemment servicesshall be provided primarily by cities, and it is
38 not appropriate that urban governmental services be extended to or expanded in niral
3s areas except in those limited ci�cumstances shown to be necessary to protect basic public
ao health and safety and environment, and when such services are financially supportable at
at rural densities and do not permit urban deyelopment [RCW 36.70A.110(4)].
a3 The Growfh Management Act Amendments expressly repuire that countywide planning
aa policies address the implementation of UGA designations [RCW 36.70A.210(3)(a)], the
a5 promotion of contiguous and orderly development, the provision of urban services to such
as development [RCW 36.70A.210(3)(b)], and the coordination of joint county and municipal
a7 planning within UGAs [RCW 36.70A.210(3)(�].
Exhibit A to Ortlinarice No. 2014-17s Pierce Counry Council �
Page 2 of 15 930 Tacamn Rv0$.Rm 10Y6
ra�,ma.wa saaoz
z VISION 2040 Multicountv Planninq Policies (MPPs)
a VISION 2040 calls for a more efficient, sustainable, and strategic use of the region's land.
5 It identifies urban lands as a critical component to accommodate population and
6 employment growth in a sustainable way. VISION 2040 calis for directing development to
� the region's existing urban lands, especially in centers and compact communities, and
e limiting growth on rural lands. The Regional Growth Strategy found in VISION 2040
s allocates 93 percent of the region's future population growth and 97 percent of its
10 employment growth into the existing urban growth area. Cities are divided into four distinct
�i groups: Metropolitan Cities, Core Cities, Large Cities, and Small Cities. An additional
�2 geography is Unincorporated Urban Growth Areas. VISION 2040 recognizes that
�3 unincorporated urban lands are often similar in character to cities they are adjacent to,
�a calling for them to be affiliated with adjacent cities for joint.planning purposes and future
�5 annexation.
�� VISION 2040 recognizes that compact development creafes vibrant, livable, and healthy
18 urban communities that offer economic opportunities for all, provide housing and
�s transportation choices, and use our resources wisely. The Multicounty Planning Policies
2o support the effective use of urban land and include provisions that address brownfield and
21 contaminated site clean-up, the development of compact communities and centers with
22 pedestrian-friendly, transit-oriented locations and a mix of residences, jobs, retail, and
z3 other amenities, and the siting of facilities and major public amenities in compact urban
za communities and centers.
25 VISION 2040 recognizes that centers provide easy access to jobs, services, shopping,
2� and entertainment. With their mix of uses and pedestrian-friendly design, they can rely
ze less on forms of transportation that contribute to air pollution and greenhouse gas
zs emissions. VISION 2040 identifies 27 regional growth centers. These places play an
3o important role as locations of the region's most significant business, governmental, and
3� cultural facilities. The 18 cities that have one or more regional growth centers are
32 expected to accommodate a significant portion of the region's residential growth (53
3s percent) and employment growth (71 percent).
35 VISION 2040 calls for local jurisdictions with regional grov✓th centers to adopt housing
36 and employment targets for each center. Eight regional manufacturing/industrial centers
37 have also been designated. These are locations for more intensive commercial and
3e industrial activity. Both regional growth centers and regional manufacturing/industrial
39 centers are focal points for economic development and transportation infrastructure
ao investments. Subregional centers, including downtowns in suburban cities and other
a� neighborhood centers, also play an important role in VISION 2040's Regional Growth
a2 Strategy. These, too, are strategic locations for concentrating jobs, housing, shopping,
a3 and recreational opportunities. VISION 2040 calls for each of the region's cities to
aa develop one or more central places as compact mixed-use hubs for concentrating
a5 residences, jobs, shops, and community facilities.
Exhibit A to O�dinance No. 2014-17s Plerce Counry Council �
Page 3 of 15 wo mcom�n�o s,rtm mas
Tacomo,WA 9Bn01
i Urban services addressed in VISION 2040 include wastewater and stormwater systems,
z solid waste, energy, telecommunications, emergency services, and water supply. An
3 overarching goal of VISION 2040 is to provide sufficient and effcient public services and
a facilities in a manner that is healthy, safe, and economically viable. Conservation is a
s major theme tHroughout VISION 2040. The Multicounty Planning Policies address
6 increasing recycling and reducing waste and encouraging more e�cient use of water, low-
� impact development techniques, and renewable and alternative energy. The Multicounty
e Planning Policies also address siting of public facilities and the appropriateness and scale
9 of particular public services.
�� VISION 2040 calis for jurisdictions to invest in facilities and amenities that serve centers
�2 and restrict urban facilities in rural and resource areas. The Multicounty Planning Policies
�3 also discourage schools and other institutions serving urban residents from locating
t4 outside the urban growth area.
�s Principles of Understandinq Between Pierce Countv and the Municipalities in Pierce
t� Coun
i9 While following the goals and regulations of fhe Growth Management Act, Pierce County
2o and the municipalities in Pierce County will strive to protect the individual identities and
zi spirit of each of our cities and of the rural areas and unincorporated communities.
23 Further agreements will be necessary to carry out the framework of joint planning adopted
2a herein. These agreements will be between the County and each ci.ty and beNveen the
25 various cities.
2� The services provided within our communities by special purpose districts are of vital
28 importance to our citizens. Consistent with the adopted regional strategy, these districts
zs will be part of future individual and group negotiations under the framework adopted by the
3o Counry and municipal governments.
32 While the Growth Management Act defines sewer service as an urban service, Pierce
33 County currently is a major provider of both sewer transmission and treatrnent services.
3a The County and municipalities recognize that it is appropriate for the County and
35 municipalities to continue to provide sewer transmission and treatment services.
37 The County recognizes that unincorporated lands within UGAs are often Potential
38 Annexation Areas for cities. Although annexation is preferred, these are also areas where
39 incorporation of new cities could occur. The County will work with existing municipalities
ao and emerging communities to make such transitions efficiently. The identification of
ai "Potential Annexation Areas" (PAAs) is intended to serve as the foundation for future
az strategies to annex areas within the urban growth area. A Potential Annexation Area refers
a3 to an unincorporated area within the designated urban growth area which a city or town
aa has identified as being appropriate for annexation at some point in the future. A Potential
a5 Annexation Area designation does not obligate a jurisdiction to annex an area within a
as defined timeline. It is the County's authority, in consultation with cities and towns, to adopt
a� the urban growth area(s), and identify individual Potential Annexation Areas.
Exhibit A to O�dinance N0. 2014-175 Pierce Counry Council �
Page 4 0(15 "°r°m"'°"°.s,nm'°°s
Tacana,WA 9BW2
2 In order to promote logical, orderly, and systematic annexations of the urban growth
3 area(s), the County in partnership with cities and towns, should establish joint planning
a agreements and annexation plans prior to expanding or adding to existing PAAs. Creation
5 of new PAAs prior to the annexation of existing PAAs may directly impact Pierce County
6 government and its service obligations, and may undermine the transition of existing
� unincorporated lands into cities and towns.
9 The County encourages cities and towns to annex land within its respective PAAs. The
�o County recognizes cities and towns may not have a fnancial incentive to annex areas that
i i will require more expenditures than the revenue produced through property or sales tax.
i2 Jurisdictions need to be creative in identifying potential financial incentives, in addition to
�3 establishing partnerships to overcome the financial obstacles. As a means to allocate
�a resources, the County should prioritize the PAAs, with the highest being unincorporated
�5 "islands" between cities and towns. Pierce County shall support future annexations for
�s areas in which a joint planning agreement exists between the County and appropriate city
�� ortown.
19 At the same time, annexations and incorporations have direct and signifcant impacts on
2o the revenue of County government, and therefore, may affect the abiliry of the County to
zi fulfill its role asa provider of certain regional services. The municipalities will work closely
zz with the County to develop appropriate revenue sharing and contractual services
z3 arrangements that facilitate 4he goals of GMA.
25 The Countywide Planning Policies are intended to be the consistent"theme" of growth
26 management planning among the County and municipalities. The policies also spell out
2� processes and mechanisms designed to foster open communication and feedback among
za the jurisdictions. The County, and the cities and towns, will adhere to the processes and
2e mechanisms provided in the policies.
31 Growth Targets
33 The Regional Growth Strategy set foRh in VISION 2040 provides guidance for the
3a distribution of future population and employment growth through the year 2040 within fhe
35 Central Puget Sound Region. This strategy, in combination with the Office of Financial
36 ManagemenYs population forecasts, provides a framework for establishing growth targets
3� consistent with the requirements of the Growth Management Act. Consistent with VISION
38 2040, these growth targets are the minimum number of residents, housing units, orjobs a
39 given jurisdiction is planning to accommodate within the appropriate planning horizon and
ao are informational tools integrated into local land use plans to assist in formulating future
a� residential and employment land needs. These targets are to be developed through a
az collaborative countywide process that ensures all jurisdictions are accommodating a fair
as share of growth.
a5 Achievement of the future envisioned by VISION 2040 will be chailenging. Jurisdictions in
as some regional geographies will likely be planning for growth targets that are above or
a� below the policy direction set by the Regional Growth St�ategy because they are on a
Exhibit A to Ordinance No. 2014-17s pierce County Council �
Pag e 5 of 15 9��T�uma Avo S.Rm IMB
Tamme.WA 90G0'!
i front- or back-loaded growth trajectory toward 2040. In other regional geographies,
z recent growth has been at such significant odds with the policy direction set by the
3 Regional Growth Strategy (such as recent growth in unincorporated urban Pierce
a County from 2000 to 2007 has already accounted for more than half of the 40-year
5 growth allocation), that the 2040 goal will likely be exceeded. In such cases,
s jurisdictions are asked to set g�bwth targets as close to VISION 2040 as reasonably
� possible in an effort to "bend the trend" of future growth to more closely conform to fhe
s Regional Growth Strategy. If a jurisdiction's adopted target is lower or higher than
s expected from a straight-line application of the Regional Growth Strategy, certification
io by the Puget Sound Regional Council (PSRC) will be based on the actions and
�� measures taken or proposed to be put in place to bend the trend, not just on an
i2 assessment of the adopted targets.
�a It is recognized that some of the urban growth areas in existence prior to the adoption of
�5 VISION 2040 may contain more potential housing and employment capacity based
is upon zoning, allowed density, land division patterns, and other factors than is needed to
t� accommodate the growth target of the associated geography. In many cases, these
ia urban growth areas have been in existence for a decade or more, contain existing
�9 development patterns, which are urban in character, and are served by sanitary sewer
zo and other urban infrastructure. These areas are largely ezpected to remain within the
zi urban growth area consistent with their urban character. Expansion of the urban growth
zz area boundaries that do not comply with provisions in the Amendments and Transition
23 section of these policies is acknowledged to be inconsistent with CPPs and is strongly
za discouraged.
26 Centers
z8 Centers are to be areas of concentrated employment and/or housing within UGAs which
29 serve as the hubs of transit and transportation systems. Centers and connecting corridors
3o are integral to creating compact urban development that conserves resources and creates
3i additional transportation, housing, and shopping choices. Centers are an important part of
32 the regional strategy (VISION 2040) for urban growth and are required to be addressed in
33 the Countywide Planning Policies. Centers will become focal points for grow[h within the
3a Counry's UGA and will be areas where public investment is directed.
36 Centers are to:
3� o be priority locations for accommodating growth;
38 • strengthen existing developmerit patterns;
39 • promote housing opportunities close to employment;
ao • support development of an extensive multimodal transportation system which
a� reduces dependency on automobiles;
a2 e reduce congestion and improve air quality; and
a3 • maximize the benefit of public investment in infrastructure and services.
45 VISION 2040, the adopted regional growth strategy, identifies several centers as an
ae integral feature for accommodating residential and employment growth. The strategy
a� describes Regional Growth Centers, and other centers that may be designated through
Exhibit A to Ordinance No. 2014-17s Pierce County Councii �
Pege 6 Of 15 9]0 Tecomo Avo 5,Rm 1096
re�a wn eeaoz
� countywide processes or locally. Regional Growth Centers once regionally designated are
z located either in Metropolitan Cities, or in Core Cities. VISION 2040 also identifies
3 Manufacturing/Industrial Centers, which consist primarily of manufacturing and industrial
a uses. Pierce County has five Regional Growth Centers and two Manufacturingllndustrial
5 Centers that have been adopted into the regionat growth strategy. Pierce County Regional
6 Growth Centers are located in Tacoma, which is a Metropolitan City, and in Lakewood and
� Puyallup, which are Core Cities.
s Reqional Growth Centers in the Metr000litan Citv
io Tacoma Central Business District
�� Tacoma Mall
�3 Reqional Growth Centers in Core Cities
�a Lakewood
i5 Puyallup Downtown
is Puyallup South Hill
�& Currently there are no designated Countywide Centers.
2o Manufacturing/Industrial Centers are areas where employee- or land-intensive uses will be
z� located. These centers differ from Regional Grbwth Centers in that they consist of an
22 extensive land base and the exclusion of non-manufacturing or manufacturing-supportive
z3 uses is an essential feature of their character. These areas are characterized by a
za significant amount of manufacturing, industrial, and advanced technology employment
zs uses. Large retail and non-related office uses are discouraged. Other than caretakers'
zs residences, housing is prohibited within Manufacturing/Industrial Centers. However, these
27 centers should be linked to high density housing areas by an efficient multimodal
28 transportation system. The efficiency of rail and overland freight to markets is the critical
z9 element for manufacturers and industries located in these centers.
3i The designated Manufacturing/Industrial Centers, within Pierce County are as follows:
34 Manufacturina / Industrial Centers
35 Frederickson
36 Port of Tacoma
3e Within Pierce County, a limited number of additional centers may be designated through
39 amendment of the Countywide Planning Policies consistent with the process below.
a� Designated centers may vary substantially in the number of households and jobs they
az contain today. The intent of the Countywide Planning Policies is that Regional Grdwth
a3 Centers become attractive places to live and work, while supporting efficient public
aa services such as transit and being responsive to the local market for jobs and housing.
as The Countywide Planning Policies establish target levels for housing and employment
a� needed to achieve the benefit of a centec Some centers will reach these levels over the
Exhibit A to Ordinance No. 2014-17s pierce County Council �
Page 7 of 15 S�TawmaAreS,RmIOaB
Tocome,WA qBap:
� next twenty years, while for others the criteria set a path for growth over a longer term,
z providing capacity to accommodate growth beyond the twenty year horizon.
a Countv-Level Centers Desiqnation Process
6 The County and any municipality in the County that is planning to include a Metropolitan
� City Center, Regional Growth Center, Countywide Center or Manufacturing / Inclustrial
e Center within its boundaries shall specifically define the area of such center within its
9 comprehensive plan. The comprehensive plan shall include policies aimed at focusing
to growth within the center and along corridors consistent with the applicable criteria
i i contained within the Countywide Planning Policies. The County or municipality shall adopt
12 regulations that reinforce the center's designation.
�a No more often than once every two years, the.Pierce County Regional Council (PCRC)
�5 sHall invite jurisdictions with centers already adopted in their comprehensive plan that seek
16 to be designated as centers in the Countywide Planning Policies to submit a request for
» such designation. Said request shall be processed in accordance with established
ie procedures for amending the Countywide Planning Policies.
zo Each jurisdiction seeking to have a center designated in the Countywide Planning Policies
z� shall provide the PCRC with a report demonstrating that the proposed center meets the
22 minimum criteria for designation together with a statement and map describing the center,
23 its consistency with the applicable Gountywide Planning Policies, and how adopted
2a regulations will serve the center.
26 Transit services shall be defined in the broadest sense and shall include local and regional
z� bus service, rail where appropriate, vanpool, carpool, and other transportation demand
28 measures designed to reduce vehicle trips.
3o The minimum designation criteria to establish a candidate center by type are as follows:
3z Metropolitan City Center
33 Area: up to 1-1/2 square miles in size;
34 Capital Facilities: served by sanitary sewers;
35 Employment: a minimum of 25 employees per gross acre of non-residential lands
3s with a minimum of 15,000 employees;
3� Population: a minimum of ten hou"seholds per gross acre; and
38 Transit: serve as a focal point for regional and local transit services.
ao Reqional Growth Center
ai Area: up to 1-1/2 square miles in size;
a2 Capital Facilities: served by sanitary sewers;
a3 Employment: a minimum of 2,000 employees;
aa Population: a minimum of seven households per gross acre; and
a5 Transit: serve as a focal point for regional and local transit services.
Exhibit A to O�dinance No. 2014-175 Pierce County Council �
Page 8 of 15 9]0 Tacoma Fva 5,Rm 1006
Terume,Wq 9BJp�
i Countvwide Center
z Area: up to one square mile in size;
3 Capital Facilities: served by sanitary sewers;
a Employment: a minimum of 1,000 employees;
5 Population: a minimum of 6 households per gross acre; and
6 Transit: serve as a focal point for local transit services.
a Manufacturinq /.Industrial Center
9 Capital Facilities: served by sanitary sewers;
�o Employment: a minimum of 7,500 jobs and/or 2,000 truck trips per day; and
i� Transportation: within one mile of a state or federal highway or national rail line.
�3 The minimum criteria repoR and statement shall be reviewed by the Growth Management
�a Coordinating Committee (GMCC) for consistency with Countywide Planning Policies, the
�5 Transportation Coordination Committee (TCC) for consistency with transportation
is improvements plans of WSDOT, and with Pierce TransiYs comprehensive plan. The
i� coordinating committees shall provide joint recommendation to the PCRC.
�9 Once included in the Countywide Planning Policies, the jurisdiction where a center is
20 located may go on to seek regional designation of the center from the Puget Sound
2i Regional Council (PSRC) in accordance with its established criteria and proc.e.ss.
23 In order to be designated a Regional Growth Center the center should meet the regional
z4 criteria and requirements including those in VISION 2040, the regional growth, economic
25 and transportation strategy as may be amended and designated by the Puget Sound
2s Regional Council.
28 After county-level designation occurs within the Countywide Planning Policies and until
2s regional-level designation by the PSRC occurs the center shall be considered a
30 "candidate" Regional Growth Center.
32 Each jurisdiction which designates a Regional Growth Center shall establish 20-year
33 household and employment growth targets for that Center. The expected range of targets
3a will reflect the diversity of the various centers and allow communities to effectively plan for
35 needed services. The target ranges not only set a policy for the level of growth envisioned
36 for each center, but also for the timing and funding of infrastructure improvements.
3� Reaching the target ranges will require careful planning of public investment and providing
3a incentives for private investments.
ao Three candidate regional centers have been included into the Countywide Planning
a� Policies. One of the candidate centers is a Regional Growth Center and the other two
a2 candidate centers are an Industrial/Manufacturing Center.
aa Candidate Reqional Centers
as University Place —Candidate Regional Growth Center
as South Tacoma— Candidate Industrial/Manufacturing Center
a� Sumner-Pacific— Candidate Industrial/Manufacturing Center
Exhibit A to Ordinance No. 2014-17s pierce County Council �
Page 9 0� 15 B]0 Tamme hve 5,Rm t0a6
Tornma,Wq 58402
� Urban Growth Outside of Centers
3 A variety of urban land uses and areas of growth will occur outside of designated centers
a but witliin the UGA. Local land use plans will guide the location, scale, timing, and design
5 of development within UGAs. The UGA will be where the majority of future growth and
s development will be targeted. Development should be encouraged which complements
7 the desired focus of growfh into centers and supports a multimodal transportation system.
8 For example, policies which encourage infill and revitalization of communities would help
9 to achieve the regional and statewide objectives of a compact and concentrated
�o development pattern within urban areas. The Countywide Planning Policies provide
�� guidance for development and the provision of urban services to support development
�2 within the UGA.
�a Satellite Cities and Towns
�s The cities and towns in fhe rural areas are a significant part of Pierce County's diversity
i� and heritage. They have an important role as local trade and community centers. These
i8 cifies and towns are the appropriate providers of local rural services for the community.
�9 They also contribute to the variety of development patterns and housing choices within the
2o couhty. As muhicipalities, these cities and towns provide urban services and are located
2i within the County's designated UGA. The urban services, residential densities and mix of
zz land uses may differ from those of the large, contiguous portion of the UGA in Pierce
23 County.
25 Countvwide Planninq Policv
2� UGA-1. The County shall designate the countywide urban growth area and Potential
z8 Annexation Areas within it, in consultations between the County and each
29 municipality.
3i 1.1 County referral of prbposed urban growth area and Potential Annexation
32 Area designations to the Pierce County Regional Council (PCRC).
3a 1.1.1 The PCRC may refer the proposed designations to the Growfh
35 Management Coordinating Committee (GMCC), or its successor
3s entity for technical advice and for a report.
3a 1.1:2 The PCRC may conduct public meetings to review the proposed
ss designation and, at such meetings, may accept oral or written
ao comments and communications from the public.
a2 1.1.3 At the conclusion of its review and analysis, the PCRC shall make
43 a recommendation to the County and to the municipalities in the
aa County.
a6 1.2 Once adopted by the County, the urban growth area and Potential
a� Annexation Area(s) designations shall not be changed eiicept in
Exhibit A to Ordinance No. 2014-17s pierce Counry Councii �
P8g2 10 of 15 WO Tamme Are 5,ftm 1096
Tewmo,Wh 9840'!
i accordance with the Co.untywide Policy on "Amendments and
2 Transition."
a 1.2.1 A jurisdiction shall not be required to modify existing urban growth
5 area boundaries or Potential Annexation Areas in order to reduce
s the residential or employment capacity to conform to adopted
� growth targets reflecting VISION 2040's Regional Growth Strategy.
e Jurisdictions shall, however, consider the adopted growth targets
s when updating their local comprehensive plans.
i� 1.22 Grbwth targets are the minimum number of residents, housing
12 units, or jobs a given jurisdiction is planning to accommodate
�3 within the appropriate planning horizon and are to be developed
�a through a collaborative countywide process that ensures all
�5 jurisdictions are accommodating a fair share of growth. These
16 targets are informational tools integrated into local land use plans
i� to assist in formulating future residential and employriment land
18 needs.
zo UGA-2. The following specific factors and criteria shall dictate the size and boundaries
2i of urban growth areas:
23 2.1 Size
zs 2.1.1 Urban growth areas must be of sufficient size to accommodate fhe
26 urban growth projected to occur over the succeeding 20-year
2� planning period taking into account the following:
2s a. land with natural constraints, such as critical areas
29 (environmentally- sensitive land);
3o b. agricultural land to be preserved;
31 c. greenbelts and open space;
32 d. New Fully Contained Communities pursuant to RCW§
33 36.70A.350;
3a e. maintaining a supply of developable land sufficient to allow
35 market forces to operate and precluding the possibility of a
36 land monopoly but no more than is absolutely essential to
3� achieve the above purpose;
38 f. existing projects with development potential at various stages
3s of the approval or permitting process (i,e., the "pipeline");
ao g. land use patterns created by subdivisions, short plats or large
41 lot divisions;
a2 h. build-out of existing development and areas which are
a3 currenfly only partially built out;
44 i. follow existing parcel boundary lines.
as 2.1.2 The County, and each municipality in the County, shall
a� cooperatively develop and propose objective standards and criteria
Exhibit A to Ordinance No. 2014-17s pierce County counc�i �
Page 11 of 15 WO Tammo nve 5,Rm IDa6
Tammo.WA 90dp1
� to disaggregate the State Offce of Financial ManagemenYs
z Countywide growth forecasts and VISION 2040 Regional Growth
3 Strategy forecasts for 4he allocation of projected population to the
, a County and municipalities, taking into account the availability and
5 concurrency of public facilities and services with the impact of
6 development, as well as the VISION 2040 Regional Growth
� Strategy.
9 2.1:3 The County shall use a consistent countywide targeting process for
�o allocating population and employment growth consistent with the
ti regional vision, including establishing:
tz a. local employment targets,
i3 b. local housing targets based on population projections, and
�a c. local housing and employment targets for each designated
�5 regional growth center.
i� 22 Boundaries
i9 2.2.1 The following shall be considered in determining the location of
2o urban growth area boundaries:
2i a. geographic, topographic, and manmade features;
22 b. public facility and service availability, limits and extensions;
23 c. jurisdictional boundaries including special improvement
24 districts;
zs d. location of designated natural resource lands and critical
zs areas;
27 e. avoidance of unserviceable islands of County land surrounded
2e by otherjurisdictional entities;
29 f, destination 2030 urban/rural line and PSCAA burn ban line.
3t PhBSing of Development within the Urban Growth Area
33 2.3 The County and each municipality in the County shall seek to direct
3a growth as follows:
35 a. first to cities and towns, centers and urbanized areas with existing
3s infrastructure capacity;
3� b. second to areas that are already urbanized such that infrastructure
3a improvements can be easily extended; and
39 c. last to areas requiring major infrastructure improvements.
a1 2.3.1 Capital facilities plans shall identify existing, planned, and future
a2 infrastructure needs within Urban Growth Areas.
a3 2.3.2 The County and each municipality in the County should identify
aa appropriate levels of service and concurrency standards that
as address schools, sewer, water, and parks.
Ezhibit A to Ordinance No. 2014-17s Pierce County Council �V/
Peg212 0( 15 9]OTacomaAreS,Hm10C6
Tomm.WR 98a0]
� 2.3.3 The County and each municipality in the County shall identify
2 appropriate levels of seroice and multimodal concurrency
3 standards that address roads.
5 2.4 The urban growth area in unincorporated portions of 4he County shall be
6 limited to the following:
8 2.4.1 build-out of existing paRially developed areas with urban services;
9 2.4.2 new fully contained communities;
�0 2..4.3 redevelopment corridors.
�2 2.5 The County's urban growth area may be extended to allow for build-out
i3 of newly developed areas only if development capacity within Potential
�a Annexation Areas and growth in the areas identified in Policy 2.4 is
i5 determined to be inadequate to meet total population and employment
is projections consistent with fhe other policies set foRh herein.
�e 2.6 Encourage efficient use of urban land by maximizing the development
�s potential of existing urban lands, such as advancing development that
2o achieves zbned density.
22 2.7 The urban growth area in existence prior to the adoption of VISION 2040
z3 may contain capacity beyond that needed to accommodate the growth
za target per regional geography for the succeeding 20-year planning period
25 based upon existing zoning designations, allowed density, existing land
26 division patterns, and similar factors. It is permissible for such areas to
z7 continue to be designated as urban growth areas. Expansion of these
2a urban growth area boundaries is acknowledged to be inconsistent with
2s the CFPs and strongly discouraged if the urban growth area expansion is
3o not in accordance with policy AT-2.3.
3z UGA-3. Potential annexation areas shall be designated through the Pierce County
33 Comprehensive Plan in consultation with cities and towns.
35 3.� A city or town shall first identify a Potential Annexation Area(s) within its
36 respective Comprehensive Plan;
38 32 Potential Annexation Area boundaries shall be determined with
39 consideration for the following additional factors;
a� 3.2.1 the VISION 2040 document, including Multicounty Planning
a2 Policies;
a3 3.2.2 the carrying capacity of the land considering natural resources,
44 agricultural land and environmentally-sensitive lands;
as 3.2:3 population, housing, and employment projections;
as 3.2.4 financial capabilities and urban services capacities;
Exhibit A to Ordinance No. 2014-17s pierce County Councii �
Page 13 of 15 9]C iomma Ave 5.Rm t0a6
Temmo.WA 98402
t 3.2.5 consistency and compatibility with neighborhood, local and
z regional plans;
3 3.2.6 the eicisting lancJ use and subdivision pattern;
a 3.2.7 propeRy access and ownership.
s 3.3 Potential Annexation Areas should not overlap or leave unincorporated
� urban islands between cities and towns.
9 3.3.1 Future requests to establish a new Potential Annexation Area shall
to not result in an overlap with an existing Potential Annexation Area
i� or create islands between cities and towns.
�2 3.3.2 Cities and towns with existing Poteritial Annexation Area overlaps
i 3 should work toward resolving the existing overlaps.
�5 3.4 The urban service areas and satellite urban growth areas as designated
t5 through the Pierce County Comprehensive Plan as of June 30, 2013
i7 shall be recognized as designated Potential Annexation Areas.
i9 3.4.1 Urban service area designations approved by the Pierce County
2o Council through its 2013 Comprehensive Plan Amendment Cycle
2� shall be recogniied as a Potential Annexation Area.
z2 3.4:2 Boundaries of the Potential Annexation Areas should not split
z3 parcels. Efforts should be put forth to resolve split parcels prior to
za the initial designation of Potential Annexation Areas.
z6 Annexation within the Urban Growth Area
28 UGA�. Pierce County, in conjunction with its cities and towns, shall establish a
29 strategy for future annexations within the urban growth area.
3t 4.1 Annexation is preferred over incorporation within the urban growth area.
33 4.2 The Potential Annexation Areas as identified in the Pierce County
3a Comprehensive Plan shall be the foundation to an annexation strategy.
36 4.2.1 Cities and towns are allowed to annex territory only within their
3� adopted Potential Annexation Area as identifed in the Pierce
38 County Comprehensive Plan.
39 4.2.2 Annexation of an area should be phased to coincide with a city or
ao town's ability to coordinate the provision of a full range of urban
ai services to the areas proposed for annexation.
a3 4.3 The County and its cities and towns should proactively coordinate the
aa annexation of unincorporated areas within the urban growth area that are
a5 within each respective city or town's Potential Annexation Area.
Exhibit A to Ordinance No..2014-17s Pierce Coumy Council /(!/
Page14of15 770TemmeAve5,Rm10<6 y
Tecome,Wn 9Ba0]
� 4.3.1 The County and each city and town should work towards the
z establishment of annexation plans and joint planning agreements,
3 with an exception for lands associated with Joint Base Lewis
a McChord and Camp Murray.
s A joint planning agreement is to serve as a mechanism
� where the County or a city can, prior to notice of
8 annexation, identify potential objections and resolutions.
9 An annexation plan should identrfy a potential schedule
io for annexation of areas with a city or town.
i2 4.3.2 The County should explore and implement financial incentives for
13 a city or town to annex areas associated with its respective
ta Potential Annexation Area.
16 Financial incentives may inciude the establishment of a
�� County level grant fund to assist in financial challenges a
te city or town may have in annexing an area.
i 9 Financial incentives may include the elimination or
20 reduction in a fee associated with a County service to a
21 city or town in exchange for annexing an area.
zs 4.3.3 The County, and cities and towns, should explore potential
za partnerships in grant funding opportunities to overcome obstacles
25 associated with annexing specific areas.
2� 4.3.4 Cities and towns should recognize the fnancial impacts
ze experienced by the Counry when annexation only encompasses
29 commercial or greenfield areas and avoids existing residential
3o development.
sz Cities and towns are encouraged to include a mix of
33 existing commercial, residential, and greenfield areas,
3a where appropriate, in future annexation proposals.
3s 4.4 The County should prioritize tlie adopted Potential Annexation Areas for
3� annexation.
ss 4.4.1 The County's highest priority should be Potential Annexation Areas
ao representing unincorporated "islands" between cities and towns;
a� and,
a2 4.4.2 The County shall support annexation for areas in which a joint
a3 planning agreement exists between the County and appropriate
aa city or town.
Gs Note: The policy num6ers/citations for all policies that fol/ow will need to be
a� changed.
Exhibit A to Ordinance No. 2014-17s P�erce councy Councit �
PBge 15 Of 15 9]OTemmaAveS,Rm1W6
Tocoma,Wq 96t0]
,i .
1 Exhibit B to Ordinance No. 2014-17s
5 -
9 This agreement is entered into by and among the cities and towns of Pierce County and
�o Pierce County. This agreement is made pursuant to the provisions of the Interlocal
1� Coopera4ion Act of 1967, Chapter 39.34 RC1N. This agreement has been authorized tiy
iz the legislative body of each jurisdiction pursuant to formal action and evidenced by
�s execution of the signature page of this agreement.
�� A. The Pierce County Regional Counc'il (PCRC) was created in 1992 by interlocal
te agreement among the cities and townsof Pierce County and Pierce County. The
ts organization is charged with responsibilities incluiiing: Serving as a local link to
2o the Puget Sound Regional Council, promoting intergovernmental cooperation,
2i facilitating compliance with the coordination and consistency requirements of the
22 Growth Management Act (Chapter 36.70A RCW) and the Regional
z3 Transportation Planning Organizatibn (Chapter 47.80 RCW), and developing a
2a consensus among jurisdictions regarding the development and modifcation of
z5 the Countywide Planning Policies.
2� B. The Pierce County Countywide Planning Policies provide for amendments to be
28 adopted through amendment of the original interlocal agreement, or by a new
zs interlocal agreement. The Pierce County Countywide Planning Policies may be
3o amended upon tFie adoption of amendments by the Pierce County Council and
31 ratification by 60 percent of the jurisdictions in Pierce County representing 75
3z percent of the total Pierce County population as designated by the State Office of
33 Financial Management at the time of the proposed ratification.
35 C. A demonstration of ratification shall be by execution of an interlocal agreement or
3s the absence of a legislative action to disapprove a proposed amendment.
3e D. A jurisdiction shall be deemed as casting an affirmative vote if it has not taken
3s legislative action to disapprove a proposed amendment within 180 days from the
ao date the Pierce County Council formally authorizes the Pie�ce County Executive
a� to enter into an interlocal agreement.
a3 E. The amendment incorporates new policies intended to provide a more
aa coordinated annexation strategy for unincorporated urban areas adjacent to cities
as and towns.
a� F. The Pierce County Regional Council recommended adoption of the proposed
aa amendment on October 17, 2013.
Exhibit B to Ordinance No. 2014-17s Pierce County Council /�
Page 1 of3 9�OTammnAVa5,Rm1046 ��
Tawme,WA 98903
3 This agreement is entered into by the cities and towns of Pierce County and Pierce
a County for the purpose of ratifying and approving the attached amendment to the Pierce
5 County Countywide Planning Policies (Attachment).
s TFiis agreement shall become effective upon execution by 60 percent of the jurisdictions
�o in Pierce County, representing 75 percent of the total Pierce County population as
�i designated by the State Office of Financial Management at the time of the proposed
i2 ra4ification. This agreement will remain in effect until subsequently amended or repealed
�3 as provided by the Pierce County Countywide Planning Policies.
�� If any of the provisions of this agreement are held illegal, invalid, or unenforceable, the
�8 remaining provisions shall remain in full force and effect.
2z A copy of this agreement shall be filed with the Secretary of State, Washington
23 Department of Commerce, the Pierce County Auditor, and each city and town clerk.
25 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this agre.ement has been executed by each member
zs jurisdiction as evidenced by the signature page affixed to this agreement.
Exhibit B to Ordinance No. 2014-17s Pierce County Councii �
Pag2 2 of 3 830 Tecoma Aw S,Rm 104fi
Tecoma,WA 98902
s Signature Page
e The legislative body of the undersigned jurisdiction has authorized execution of
9 the Interlocal Agreement, Amendments to the Pierce County Countywide Planning
�o Policies.
13 I
ia This agreement has been executed by /���N
i5 (Name of CitylTown/County)
18 BY:
�9 Ma b ecutive)
21 �� - 2��4
22 DATE:
2a Approved:
z� BY:
26 (Director/Manager/Chair of County Council)
3o Approved as to Form:
33 BY:
3a (City Attorn secutor)
36 Approved:
38 � �
39 BY:
ao (Pierce County Executive)
Exhibit B to OrdinanCe No. 2014-175 Pierce County Council �
P2g@ 3 Of 3 eao ro�mo n�o s,am iaas
Tammo,Wn 90a0]
1 Exhibit C to Ordinance No. 2014-17s
5 The Pierce County Council finds that:
7 1. The Pierce County Regional Council (PCRCj was created in 1992 by interlocal
e agreement among the cities and towns of Pierce County and Pierce County
9 Government (the County), and charged with responsibilities, including: Serving as a
10 local link to the Puget Sound Regional Council (PSRC), promoting intergovernmental
1 i cooperation, facilitating compliance with the coordination and consistency
12 requirements of the Growth Management Act [GMA] (Chapter 36.70A RCW) and the
13 Regional Transportation Planning Organization (Chapter 47.80 RCV�, and developing
ia a consensus among jurisdictions regarding the development and modification of the
15 Countywide Planning Policies.
i7 2. The GMA required the County to adopt a countywide planning policy in cooperation
18 with the cities and towns located within Pierce County.
20 3. The Countywide Planning Policies are to be used for establishing a countywide
21 framework from which the comprehensive plans for Pierce County and the cities and
22 towns within Pierce County are developed and adopted.
24 4. On June 30, 1992, the Pierce County Council passed Ordinance No. 92-74 adopting
25 the initial Pierce County Countywide Planning Policies.
27 5. The GMA requires the central Puget Sound region to adopt multi-county planning
28 policies.
30 6. The PSRC membership is comprised of central Puget Sound counties (King, Pierce,
31 Snohomish, and Kitsap), cities and towns, ports, tribes, and transit agencies.
33 7. The PSRC is the regional aufhority to adopt multi-county planning policies.
35 8. The PSRC adopted VISION 2040 at its May 2008 General Assembly meeting.
37 9. VISION 2040 is the central Puget Sound region's multi-county planning policies.
39 10. VISION 2040"assumes that by 2040 all of the urban area will be within municipalities
a0 and the unincorporated urban growth area will be a thing of the past."
42 11. VISION 2040 "calls for joint city-county planning . . . including establishing common
43 standards fordevelopment review and permitting, as well as forservices and
44 infrastrudure, to ensure that development is efficient and compatible with adjacent
45 communities."
47 12. VISION 2040 contains a goal that envisions "all unincorporated lands within the urban
48 growth area will either annex into existing cities or incorporate as new cities.°
50 13. VISION 2040 policy MPP-DP-18 calls for the County to "affiliate all urban
51 unincorporated lands appropriate for annexation with an adjacent city or identify those
52 that may be more feasible for incorporation."
Exhibit C to Ordinance No. 2014-17s aierce counry councii �
Page 1 of3 s7oTecomenveS,kmtoae
Towma,Wa 9B4o2
2 14. VISION 2040 policy MPP-DP-19 states to"support joint planning between cities and
3 cbunties to work cooperatively in planning for urban unincorporated areas to ensure an
4 orderly transition to city governance . . . "
6 15. VISION 2040 policy MPP-DP-20 states to "support the provision and coordination of
7 urban serqices to unincorporated urban areas by the adjacent city or, where
e appropriate, by the county as an interim approach."
�0 16. The PCRC directed the Growth Management Coordinating Committee (GMCC) to
11 recommend policies addressing annexation.
13 17. The GMCC recommended new policies intended to provide a more coordinated
14 annexation strategy for unincorporated urban areas adjacent to cities and towns.
16 18. The PCRC, based upon the recommendation from the GMCC, and its own
17 discussions, recommended approval of the proposal at its October 17, 2013 meeting.
19 19. The Pierce County Planning Commission recommended approval of tFie proposal at its
20 November 26, 2013 meeting.
22 20. The Pierce Courity Planning Commission recommendation to approve the proposal
23 was unanimous.
25 21. The Pierce County Environmental O�cial has determined the proposal is exempt from
26 SEPA per WAC 197-11-800(19). -
26 22. The Pierce County Countywide Pianning Policies include provisions addressing
29 procedu�es for amending the Countywide Planning Policies.
31 23. The Pierce County Countywide Planning Folicies require amendments to the
32 Countywide Planning Policies to be adopted through an amendment of the original
33 Interlocal Agreement or by a new interlocal agreement. The amendment will become
34 effective when 60 percent of the cities, towns, and the County, representing 75 percent
35 of the total population as designated by the State Office of Financial Management at
36 the time of the proposed ratifcation become signatories to the agreement.
38 24. A demonstration of ratification shall be by execution of an interlocal agreement or the
39 absence of a legislative action to disapprove a propbsed amendment.
a1 25. A jurisdiction shall be deemed as casting an affirmative vote if it has not taken
42 legislative action to disapprove a proposed amendment within 180 days from the date
43 tfie Pierce County Council formally authorizes the Pierce County Executive to enter
4a iriCo an interlocal agreement.
46 26. The Community Development Committee of the County Council, after a properly
47 noticed public hearing, considered oral and written testimony, and forwarded its
48 recommendafion to the full Council.
50 27. The County Council held a public hearing on June 24;2014, where oral and written
51 testimony was considered.
Exhiblt C to Ordinance No. 2014-17s Plerce Counly Council �
Page 2 of 3 9�0 Tacoma Ava S,Rm t0ae
Txoma.WA 9BI0]
1 28. It is in support of the amendment for providing consistency between the Pierce
2 Countywide Planning Policies and VISION 2040.
a 29. A subsequent ordinance of the County Council shall be necessary to acknowledge the
5 ratification process and amend Section 19D.240 PCC, "Pierce County Countywide
6 Planning Policies".
8 30. It is in the public interest to authorize the Pierce County Executive to execute the
9 interlocal agreements.
Exhibit C to Ordinance No. 2014-175 Pierce County Council �
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