HomeMy WebLinkAbout5199 RESOLUTION NO. 5 1 9 9 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, WASHINGTON, APPROVING THE 2016 STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PROGRAM PLAN AND AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO INCLUDE A COPY OF THE PROGRAM PLAN IN THE NATIONAL POLLUTANT DISCHARGE ELIMINATION SYSTEM WESTERN WASHINGTON PHASE II MUNICIPAL STORMWATER PERMIT ANNUAL REPORT FOR 2015 TO THE WASHINGTON STATE DEPARTMENT OF ECOLOGY WHEREAS, The Washington State Department of Ecology issues a National Poliutant Discharge Elimination System Western Washington Phase II Municipal Stormwater Permit that regulates the discharge of stormwater from municipal stormwater systems; and WHEREAS, the City operates a municipal stormwater system and is regulated under the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Western Washington Phase II Municipal Stormwater Permit; and WHEREAS, the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Western Washington Phase II Municipal Stormwater Permit requires development and implementation of a Stormwater Management Program Plan; and WHEREAS, the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Western Washington Phase II Municipal Stormwater Permit requires submittal of the Stormwater Pollution Program Plan to the Washington Sfate Department of Ecology NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, WASHINGTON, HEREBY RESOLVES as follows: Resolution No. 5199 February 22, 2016 Page 1 Section 1. The Stormwater Management Program Plan is approved for implementation in the City of Auburn in substantial conformity with the agreement attached hereto, marked as Exhibit "A" and incorporated herein by this reference. Section 2. That the Mayor is authorized to implement such other administrative procedures as may be necessa.ry to carry out the directives of this legislation, including submitting a copy of the Stormwater Management Program Plan to the Washington State Department of Ecology. Section 3. That this Resolution shall take effect and be in full force upon passage and signatures hereon. Dated and Signed this a�=r day of�, 2016. CITY OF AUBURN ANCY B KU MAYOR ATTEST: L� Da �elle . Daskam, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: Daniel B. Heid, City Attorney Resolution No. 5199 February 22, 2016 Page 2 Resolution No. 5199 Exhibit "A" CITY OF AUBURN 2016 STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PROGRAM PLAN City of Auburn, WA March 2016 T CITY OF �` * -.�. _ ' o ,� ■ / . - - .�. ' * WASHINGTON Table oi Contents City of Auburn 2016 SWMP Plan TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. I NTRODUCTION........................................................................................................................................................1 1.1 Overview..........................................................................................................................................................1 1.2 Regulatory Bacliground...................................................................................................................................1 1.3 City of Aubum Regulated Area................:.................................................................................................:.....2 1.4 SWMP Implementation Responsibilities.........................................................................................:....:...........2 1.5 DocumentOrganization.................................................................................:.......:....:.....:.:....:.....:.....:.......:...2 2. STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PROGRAM ADMINISTRATION:.....:.......:....:.....:.:....:.....:.....:.:....:......:....:......:....3 2.1 Permit Requirements...:..:..:.......::.:.:..:..:.....:.:....:.....:......:..................:..................:.....:....................................3 2.2 Planned 2016 Compliance Activities.....:..........................................................................................................3 3. PUBLIC EDUCATION AND OUTREACH ..................................................................................................................4 3.1 Permit Requirements.......................................................................................................................................4 3.2 Planned 2016 Compliance Activities................................................................................................................4 4. PUBLIC INVOLVEMENT AND PARTICIPATION ...........................................................................................:..........6 4.1 Permit Requirements....................................................................,......,...........................................................6 4.2 Planned 2016 Compliance Activities............:............................................:.....:.:.:..:............:.....:.....:.....:.:.:..:...6 5. ILLICIT DISCHARGE DETECTION AND ELIMINATION....:......:.....:.......:....:.....:.......:....:..:..:.:....:.....:.....:.......:....:...7 5.1 Permit Requirements....:.....:.......:..:..:....:.......:..........:......:.....:............:.....:.......:....:.......:.................................7 5.2 Planned 2016 Compliance Activities:.....:............:.....:......................................................................................7 6. CONTROLLING RUNOFF FROM NEW DEVELOPMENT, REDEVELOPMENT,AND CONSTRUCTION SITES....9 6.1 Permit Requirements.......................................................................................................................................9 6.2 Planned 2016 Compliance Activities..............................................................................................................10 7. MUNICIPAL OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE.................................................................................................12 7.1 Permit Requirements..................:..............................................................:.............:....:............:.....:.....:.......12 7.2 Planned 2016 Compliance Activities.......:.....:......:.....:............:.....:..:....:.:..........:....:.....:......:.........................13 8. COMPLIANCE WITH TOTAL MAXIMUM DAILY LOAD REQUIREMENTS............................................................14 8.1 Planned 2016 Compliance Activities..............................................................................................................15 9. MONITORING.............................................................................................................,.....,............,.......,.................16 9.1 PermitRequirements..................................................................................................................:...........:......16 9.2 Planned 2016 Compliance Activities........................................:.....:.....:.:....:..:..:.:.....:....:.......:..........:.....:......16 APPENDIXA ......................................................................................................:.....:.....:.:....:.....:..:..:.:....:.....:..:..:......17 �� ��GOaAuburn.LOCaPL�ep;,BUtl�:ng�PUB WRP:SIUU:mes`Slorm�T:PDE51MCmins;��lion'S.vmps201d5`NbIPQOt6S'A161?PIanF'mo1201eC308�mx LIST OF TABLES Table 2-1. 2016 Stormwater Management Administration Program Work Plan......................................................3 Table 3-1. 2016 Public Education and Outreach Work Plan .......................................................................:.....:....5 Table 4-1. 2016 Public Involvement and PaRicipation Work Plan:.....:.......:....:......:.....:.....:.................:.......:....:.....6 Table 5-1. 2016 Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination Work Plan...................................................................7 Table Cr1. 2016 Controlling Runoff from De4elopment, Redevelopment,and Construction Sites Work Plan.......10 Table 7-1. 2016 Municipal Operations and Maintenance Work Plan ....................................................................13 Table 8-1. 2016 Compliance with TMDL Load Requirements Work Plan..:....:.....:.:....:.....:.....:.....:........:..:.....:....15 Table 9-1.2016 Waler Quality Monitoring Work Plan...........................................................................................16 iii !'ma.aubum.local�CephBuilding�,PUB 'NRKS'�Uliliaes'Smnn`NP�ES II�Fdminislrallon`S'N^APS!2a155'NWP'�2010 5'NPdP Fan Final't01o0308.tlocx CITY OF AUBURN 2016 STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PROGRAM PLAN 1 . IN.TRODUCTION 1.1 Overview This document pcesents the City of Aubucds Srorm�va[er blanagement Pxogram (S\�IP). Pxeparaaon and main[enance of dus S��UI�1P Plan is zequiied by [he��/ashing[on State Depacrment of Ecology(Ecology) as a condidon of rhe��Uestein Washington Phase II Municipal Srormwater�Pemut ([he Phase II Peiaut). The Phase II peiaut covess dischazges fcom iegulared small murucipal sepazare srorm sewer sysrems (1�fS4s). Thc SI�VMP Plan is inrended ro inform tNe public of the planned S\�'MP activiUes foc [he upcoming yeaz. Tlie peimi[ to disdiazge srormwarer is designed ro reduce the dischazge of pollutancs,pio[ec[warer qualiry, and mee[[he iequuements of the fedeial Clean��/a[ei Act. Appendii A uicludes actonytns and defvunons Ezom the Pecmi[[o help [he ceadet undezstand the City's Stoim�vatei Managemenc Pzogxam. 1.2 Regulatory �ackground The Nanonal Pollutant Dischaige Eliminauon System (NPDES) pexmit pzogxam is a requ'uement oE the fedeLal Clean \Vatec Act,which is in[ended to protect and mstoie watexs foi"fishable, swunuiable"uses. The fedeial Em•uomnental Pio[ecuon Agency (EPA) has delegared permi[authority to state envuoeunental agencies,and these agencies can set permit conditions in accordance with and in addinon ro [he tnir�imum federal xequixe[nents. In Waslungton, the NPDES-delegated permit authorit��is[he Washington State Departmen[of Ecology (Ecology). In\�i�ashington, municipallaes with a population oE ovex 1OQ000 ace designared as Phase I communines and must comply with Ecology's Phase I NPDES Murucipal Sronnwater Pennit.Auburn's populadon is below [he 100,000 threshold, so the Ciry mus[complv ii�ith rhe Phase II Muniupal Sroimwatec Peimit. Abou[ 100 o[hex municipaGues in Washing[on must also compl}�wtith the Phase II Pemut,as operarois of small municipal sepacate srorm sewec s}'stems (MS3s). Ecolo�'s Phase II Municipal Stormwacei Pemut is available on Ecolog�y's websire at h t[p'//u���v ec�-�v�pov/�xopt�ms/�cq/crormwn re r/munici��al/�ha sel l���e/nzeph ii��ermic h mil The Permit allo�vs municipalides to dischacge storm�va[ei runoff fiom municipal diainage syscems in[o the stare's watei bodies (e.g., saeams,naers,lakes,wetlands,and aquifeis) as long as municipalides unplemen[ pcogiams to ptotect watec qualiry bp xeducing the dischacge of"non-poin[souxce"pollutants to the `-'maximum extent piacticable" (A4EP) thxough application of Permit-speufied"best managemen[practices" (Bb1Ps).The BMPs specified in the Peimit aze collecuvely cefeiied ro as the Sromiwatex Management Pcogiam (Sl�/MP) and gcouped undet the follow-ing Program components: ° Public Education and Outieach ° PubGc Involvemen�and Pazncipadon • Illicit Dischazge Derecdon and Eluninadon ° Controlling Runoff fzom New Development,Redevelopmen�,and Consrnicuon Sires 7 1!�oa auburn.localWepi�BUiltling':PUB!NRMa'1ll�dl�NS�S;ar.rvPIPCES II�Atlminis�rouomSWM,°s�2015 5'Nb1P'2016 S�Y!AP?lan Flnal 20160708.aor,x 1:InVOduc6on City of Aubum 2016 SWMP Plan • Municipa]Opecauons' and Maincenancc In addition to the S\VI�iP components the Pe�mi[contains speual conditions coeering: • CompGance with Total Maxunum Dafly L,oad requirements • Moniroring and Assessment ° Reporcing Requuements The Pemut issued b}'Ecology became effective on August 1, 2013,was modlfied Januazy� 16,2014 and expues on Jul}�31, 2018. The Pecmit requues the City to submit an annual iepoit no latec chan Mazch 31��of each yeaz beguinuig in 2015,on progcess in S\Y/MP implemenradon. The Pemuc aLso requues submitral of a S\�UMP Plan which describes pzoposed S\�fiiP acn�iues forthe curce�t calendaz year. The S\R2vfP Plan is ro be updated annuall}':�d be included in the submittal of che pcevious }'eai s annual report. 1.3 City of Auburn Regulated Area The\C/estern��Uaslvngton Phase II Permit appGes [o operarocs of regulared small iYfS4s that dischazge stocmwatec to wateis of VVashington State locaeed west of the ciest of the Cascade Range(wesc of che easeem boundades of\C�'hatcom,Skagic,Snohomish, King,Piecce,Lewis a�d Skamania coundes). Foc cines, tlie Pemut requuemen�s excend to chose azeas of each City that drain to MS4s. Most of Aubui�dcains to MS4s that ultima[ely discharge inro the Gceen River, the�C�hire Rives,oi Mill Creek. In addiuon,some portions of tlie City diain to public infiltcation facilities where the sroimwatec soaks into the ground. 1.4 SWMP Implementation Responsibilities The Utilities Engineering Division in the Community Development and Public\`G'oiks Deparanent coordinares the ovetall adnvnistcation of effocts ro comply wirh Permi[requirements. The workplan tables in each Chaprer provide the lead depaitments foc the associared task. Orher majoc departmencs/divisions included in the 201G S�t�IP implementanon aze Mainrenance and OpecaUOns (M&O), Human Resources (HR),Development Enginee[ing, Pecmit Cenrec, Innovadon and Technology (["[),and Paxks. 1.5 Document Organization The contcn[s oE this document are based upon Permit requiiements and Ecology's °Guidance Eoc City and Counry Annual Repores for Western��Uashingto�,Phase Il Municipal Scormwa�er General Pexmits."The piogcam componen[s of this S��(/MP are ocganized as listed in the Peimit • Section 2.0 addresses administering the Gty's Stormwatec Managemen�Piogsam. • Section 3.0 addresses public educa6on and oucseach. • Section 4.0 addiesses public i�volvement and participauon. • Section 5.0 addiesses illicit discharge derecuon and climinanon. • $ection 6.0 addiesses conriolling ninoff fcom new development,redevelopmen[, and construcnon sites. • $ectiou 7.0 addresses municipa]ope[ations and maintenance. • Seerion S.0 addcesses compliance with TMDL zequuements. • Secrion 9.0 addcesses monitocing. Each secdon includes a suuunary of the celevant Pecmit iequuements and a table showuig the planned acdvities for 201G. This document also inclbdes acronyms and definitions in Appendi�c A foc easc reference. 2 1`coaauocrabcalmepuBuiNing�PUB WRKSWaIli,es5roim�NPDE511V�ainlnisirauom5'Nd.IPS�291fi5'N,�I?'��15'aWaIPPIanRr,a1201o0703eccx CITY OF AUBURN 2016 STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PROGRAM PLAN 2. STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PROGRAM ADMINISTRATION This secnon of the S\�m4P desc�ibes Permit requirements related to ovecall StoLmwater Management Piogcam admutisaauon, and planned compliance acncines Eor 201 G. 2.1 Permit Requirements The Permic(Secdon SS.A) requues the City[o fulfill [he following actions during che�-yeac Permic cccle: • Develop and implemenc a Seormwarer Alanagement Pzogcam (S\�T1P) and piepace wntten documen[anon (5\r/1biP Plan) for submiaal[o Ccology b}'�2azch 31 of each yeaz. The purpose of[he S\C�MP is ro ceduce tHe dischaige of pollu[ants fcom the muniupal stocmwarec sysrem to d�e maxitnum exrent practiwble and theceby�protec[water qualin'. The S\�/IvIP Plan is in[ended ro inEocm ttie pubGc of die planned S\�C�iP acti�zues for che upcoming calendax year,including aeiy acuons to mee[[he requiiements of S7 Compliance widi Total hlaximum Daily Load Requuements,and S8 Moniroring. • Implement a progzam foc gatheriitg, aacking, main[aining,and using infoanation ro evaluare S\VAfP development,implementauon and pecmit compGance and ro set priorines. • Coocdinare uith othec pezminees on seotmwazer celated policies progcams,and pcojects widun adjace�t oi shazcd ucas. • Coo[dinate between Cin'departments to eliminate barciers ro compliance��i[h the terms of the pezmit. 2.2 Planned 2016 Compliance Activities Aubucn has positioned i[self[o m:untain compliance"Cable 2-1 pcesents che pcoposed wock plan foi the 2016 S��'MP admuusrsauon acuviues. � � � Task ID Task Description Lead Compliance Timeframe Revise and update the City's Slormwater Ulilities The SWMP submittal is due SWMP-1 Managemenl Program Plan(SWMP Plan)to identify Engineering by March 31s1 of each year. planned SWMP aclivilies for 2016. Ulilities Annual Reporting is due by SWMP-2 Track program element implementation. Engineeong March 31'of each year beginning in 2015. 3 1'coa au7�^n.IxaNCeo:B�tlCing�PUB_NRNS�.UUINes�3lcr.n'P7°DES IDACminis;mhorv5'NAIPS`2016 SWMP201 o SVRAP Plan Flnal 201d07Co CocA CITY OF AUBURN 2016 STORMWATER MANAGEMENTPROGRAM PLAN 3. PUBLIC EDUGATION AND OUTREACH This secdon describes the Peimit requirements celated to pubGc educarion and oucreach,and planned compGance acu�tides foc 201G. 3.1 Permit Requirements The Permit (Secdon SS.C.I) xequixes the Ci[�� ro fulfill[he following acuons during the 5-yeaz Permit cycle: • Pxioiitize and taiget education and ouaeach acdvides ro specified audience"s,induding the genual public,b�usinesses,iesidents/homeowneis, landscapers,property managezs, engineecs,contxacto[s, developers,and land use plannecs ro build geneial awaceness and to eEfect beha��oc change with the irirent ro reduce ox elinwiare behaviocs and pracdces rhat cause oc conrribute to advecse stormwatez impacts. • Have an outceach piogcam that is designed ro impxove the taxget audience's understanding of[he problem and wha< <he}'can do �o solve ic. • Creare and/or partnex with existing organizauons ro encourage residen[s co par[icipate iri stewudship opportunines. ° Measuie the undecstanding and�adopnon of the taigered behaviois foi at least one tazget audience in at least one subjec[area. Use the cesulring measucements to dixect educanon and ou¢each resources most efEectivelv. • T�ack and maintain records of public educadon and outreach actierities. 3.2 Planned 2016 Compliance Activities The City plans ro connnue the pxogram tha�has been developed ovec che last permi[cycle."Che tazget audiences indude: ' The genecal public • Businesses (induciing home-based and mobile busi�esses) • Residents/homeoivners • Landscapexs • Pxopeity managecs ° Engineers,conuactocs,developecs and land use plannexs 4 Pcoa.eoGUrn.locoPacot�BwltlingipU9_'NRPSiUb6ues`�SformdlPDE511\AtlminisVaaon'S'NdlPs'�20163'Nh1P�2016 a'NlIP Plan Fiwl 201 d0�'LB oacx 3: Pu61ic Education and Outreach City of Aubum 2016 SWMP Plan Table 3-1 pzesents the w-ock plan foc the 201G S\t�N[P pubGc educadon and ou[reach acdvides. � � . o Task ID Task Description Lead Compliance Timefrome Continue oollaboration with other NPDES - municipalities through Slormwater Outreach for Utilities EDUC�1 Regional Municipalities(STORM)and Puget Sound Engineenng Starts Here efforts lo promote regional education and outreach r rams. Ref ne education and outreach strategy to supplement ezisting education aclivities.An example would be U�ili�ies EDUC-2 evaluating the current pet waste cleanup education Engineering stralegy to de�ermine whether more frequent outreach is r � uired. Refinements to exisbng � Implement new o�modify exisfing education and public education and outreach adivities. An example vrould be adding new Utilities outreach activities are on- EDUC-3 business types or revisiting businesses as part of the Engineering going. ECOSS Pollution Prevention Outreach F ram. �Staff training related to Surface Water Management Manual Implementa�onRechnical Standards: • Permitting Planning and EDUCd • Plan Review Public Works � • Site Inspec�ions Divisions . Maintenance Standards. Edurate select city staff and elected oKcials to EDUC4a develop a common level of knowledge related to Low LID Core Team 2016 Impact Development stormwater management � techni ues. Educate the general public and developers lo develop EDUC-0b a common level of knowledge related lo low Impacl LID Core team 2016 Development slortnwater management pnnciples and techni ues. Inform public employees,businesses and the general Ulilities E�UP5 public of the hazards associated with illegal Ongoing discharges and improper disposal of waste. Engineenng Provide stewardship opportunities such as planting Environmental 2016 EDUC-6 native plants and invasive species removal at the Services Auburn Environmental park. Measure understanding and adoption of pollution Utilities EDUC-7 prevention and spill management by business Engineering February 2,2016 property managerslowners. 5 Pma aubu�n.locaNtleC'�BuilC��ng�PUB!N�KSW;ihn�s'31or.n�P:PDE51h�co7nislr�ucrvSSVM1IPS�201 fi 5'NMP201 o SNibIP Pian Flnal 20150808 aone CITY OF AUBURN 2016 STORMWATER NIANAGEMENT PROGRAM PLAN 4. PUBLIC INVOLVEMENT AND PARTICIPATION This secnon descnbes the Permi[requicements related to public im-oh•ement and participation, and planned compliance activiues for 2016. 4.1 Permit i2equ6rements The Peirtut (Secdon SS.C.2) requires rhe City[o fulfill the following acdons ducing ttie 5-yeai Permi[cycle: • Pxovide ongoing opporturuues for pubGc involvement and puticipauon tluough advisory boacds oc cominissions',public heazings,watexshed comtnittees,public pardcipauon in developing rare s[rucnues and budgets,oz othez sunilaz acuviues.The public must be able ro paidcipa[e in the decision-malting pcocesses,including development,ixstplementadon,and update of the S\VMP. ° Make the S��/MP Plan and Annual Compliance Report available to the public,by posring on the City's websire. blake any othu documents' requized to be submitted to Ecology in cesponse to Permit condixions availablc to the public. 4.2 Planned 2016 Compliance Activities The City of AuLiuxn has a history of inducling the public in decision making. Table 4-1 below presents the wock plan foc the 2016 SI�RvIP public incolvement and pardcipadon acrivides. � � . .��� Task ID Task Description Lead Compliance Timeframe P�_� Provide public involvemenl opportunities for annual Utilities Public involvement SWMP update. � Engineenng opportunilies will be available Make SWMP document RepoR available to public by Utilities before the March 31,2016 P1�2 posling on the Citywebsite. Engineering submittal. 6 Gcoa auburnlocaneem�.9uiltling�PUE'NP.KS�US6oes�SmrmVi:PDE511�Administration�54VibIPs�201c S4VM1IP�39io S4V^dP Plan Flnal:OI W�03^ocx CITY OF AUBURN 2016 STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PROGRAM PLAN 5 . ILLICIT DISCHARGE DETECTION AND ELIMINATION This sccnon desccibes [he Pecmit iequizcments celated [o illicit dischaige detection and eliminauon (IDDE), and planned compliance acdvides foc 201G. 5.1 Permit Requiremen4s The Permit(Section SS.C3) xequires die Ciry [o fulFill the Eollowing acnons duxing the�-yeac Pecrdi[cycle: • Implement an ongoing pxogiam to detect and temove illicit dischaiges,connections,and unpzopex disposal,indud'uig any spills in[o the municipal scpazare s[orrn seweis owned oi opezated by the City. • Maintain a stotm sewei sysrem map, have ocdinances that prohib'tt illiat dischacges,and 'unplemen[an ongoing pxogfam ro detcct and address illicit dischazges. • Publidy list and publicize a hotline or othex local relephone niunber for public ieportirig oE spills and other illici[dischatges. Txack illici[discharge reports and acnons taken in xesponse tluough close-out, induding enfoicement acnons. • Infotm public employees,businesses and the geneial public of hazazds associated with illegal dischazges and unpiopei disposal of waste. • Tiain s[afE on piopei IDDE response SOPs and rlain muruupal field staff to cecognize and repart illici[dischaxges. ° Summaiize all illicit dfscharges and connecuons reported to the Ciry and cesponse acuons [aken, including enFocceinent acdons,in the�nnual CompGance Repott;idenqfy anV updates to the S\r/NIP. 5.2 �lanned 2016 Compliance Activities Table 5-1 piesen[s che woxk plan Eoi 2016 S�\�'IP dGcit discharge detecnon and eliminauon acuviues. � ' � ' �' �� . . Task ID Task Description Lead Compliance Timeframe Continue to implement Ciry-wide IDDE Program and develop any necessary supplemental IDDE adivilies. IDDE-1 Enforce ACC 13.48.210 using education and technical Ulilf6es Ongoing support as a first adion and escalaling code Engineering enforcement as needed. Publicize a phone number for ublic re rtin of s ills and illicit dischar es. Continue to review and update s�ottn syslem map to Utilities IDDE-2 address data gaps antl Permil reguirements. EngineeringllT Ongoing 7 1'�wa auhur¢Iacol�depuBuilo�,ng�PUByVRPS�IIO!lues'Slom'��P1PGc51P�;Gmir.isr,�liori�5`fl�\IPS'2010 S�Nb1P�201d S'NSIP Plar Pinal 20150�OA.docx 5:Illicit Disch�arge Detection and Elimination City of Auburn 2016 SWMP Plan IDDE-3 Provide IDDE iraining to new hires in Utility Utilities Ongoing Engineering and Mafntenance 8 Operations. Engineenng Perform IDDE field screening of at least 10%of MS4 Ulilities IDDE-0 ro mee[the requirement to screen at Ieasl40%of the Engineenng and Ongoing MS4 by 12131/17 and 12%annually thereafter. M80 8 1`caz auaurn.laalldephButlmngPllB!NRRSllICllias91orm1NPDE5 11�idminlsiralion'o'N�bIPs�1➢16 S�N!.SP�:D I a S'NidP Plen Fnal 201807CB.tlocrc CITY OF AUBURN 2016 STORMWP,TER MAN ,4GEMENT PROGRAM PLAN 6 . CONTROLLING RUNOFF FROM NEW DEVELOPMENT, REDEVELOPMENT, AND CONSTRUGTION SITES This secUOn desciibes [he Pe[rrut regui�ements celated ro contcolling runoff fxom new development, iedevelopment,and construcuon sires,and planned compliance acuvities foc 201G. 6.1 Permit Requirements The Pexmit(Secaon SS.C.4) iequues the City [o fulfill d�e Eollowing actions during ttte 5-yeaz Permi[cycle: • Implement, and enEoice.a pxogxam to ceduce pollutants in srocmwatex runoff(i.e.,illicit dischaiges) to the muniupal separa[e stottn sewer sysjem from ne�v development,redevelopment,and cons[rucuon site acuvides.The progcam must apply ro both p�iva[e and public projects,including rbads,and addtess all construc[ion/developmen[-assouated pollutant souices. • Have adopted reguladons (codes and standazds), plan ieview,inspecuon,and escalanng enfoxcemen[ SOPs necessary to implement the pxogcam in accordance with Pexmit condiuons,including the muumum technical cequixeme�ts in AppendLr 1 of�the Permit by December 31, 201G. • Review,xevise and make effecdve local development-celated codes, rules, standards,or othec enforceable documents ro incozpoiate and cequixe Low Impact Developmen[(LID) piinciples and LID bes[enanagement pcacdces (BMPs) with the intent of making LID the pxeEex[ed and commonly- used appxoach ro site de�-elopmen�by December 31,2016. • Pazncipa[e in watecshed-scale srormwa[ex planning undex condidon SS.C.4.c oE the Phase I Municipal Sroim�darer Genexal Pesaut if iequiied. ° Have adopted ceguladons (codes and standazds) and processes ro verify adequare bng-[ecm operations and main[enance of new post-consrruction permanent stormwater facili[ies and Bi�IPs in accocdance with Pecmi[condiuons, includu�g an annual inspection frequenry and/or approved al[ernadve inspecuon Erequency and maintenance standazds foc pcivace drainage s}'stems as pro[ecuve as [hose in Chaptex 4 of Volume V oE the 2012 L'-cology S[ocmwa[er Management hfanual for Wesrem ��f'ashington by Decembei 31,201G. ° Pioc�de wpies of the Nodce of Inten[(NOn Eor conscrucuon oc indusr�ial acti�7ues to xepcesentanves of the proposed new developmen[and cedecelopment. ° Pro�-ide tiaining ro staff on the new codes, standaxds, and SOPs and ciea[e public educadon and ou[reach matecials. • Recoxd and maintain records of all inspecnons and enfoicement acdons bj�scafF. • Summarize annual acuvides fos[he"Contxolling RunofP' component oPthe�lnnual CompGance Repon;identify any upda�es [o the S�VIvfP. 9 'JCna wburn bcaVdepoButlemg�PUB_'NRKS'ualluer5;rsa4:°DES II'4.Cminlslnncn oWPnps�201 o SW�NP�201 o S'NMP Plan Fwl 2o I o090B tlax 6:Controlling Runoff from New DevelopmenL Redevelopment and Construdion Siles Ciry of Auburn 2016 SWMP Plan 6.2 Planned 20'16 Compliance Activities The City has a program ro help reduce scorm�vacer runoEf Erom new de��elopment and constiuc¢on sites. Table GI presen[s the wock plan fo[ 201 G S�r'iv[P activities related to runoff contiol Eoi new development, cedevelopme�t,and construction si[es. � � . � . •��Q3L1 . G'� Task ID Task Description Lead Compliance Timeframe Track and repoA conslrudion,new development,and planningl Permil CTRL-1 redevelopment pertnits,inspections and enforcemenl Center ongoing aqions. Prior to deanng and construction,inspect all permitled CTRL-ta development sites that have a high potentlal for ConsWaion Ongoing sedimenl iransport. Inspect all pertnitted development sites dunng CRTL-ib �nslmclion. Construaion Ongoing Inspect all permitted development sftes upon CRTL-1c completion of consimdion and pnor to final approval Construqfon Ongoing oroccupancy. Inspect all permanent stormwater treatmeM and Aow control BMPs/facilitfes and calch basins in new . CRTL-1d residential developmenis every six months until 90% Consirudion Ongoing of ihe lots are construded or consirucuon has slopped and site is fully stabilized. Conducl annual inspeclion of all treatment and Flow Utilftles CTRL-2 conirol BMPslfacililies(olher than ca�ch basins)—i.e., Engineenng Onyoing private systems. Update city code related to contmlling runoff from new Community development,redevelopment and wnshuctfon si�e Development CTRL3 projects ro implement requirements of ihe arrent and Public December 31.2016 Municipal NP�ES permiL Works Depariment Community Develop and adopl a slormwater management manual Developmenl CTRL-0 equivalent to the 2072 Stormwafer Manegemenf and Public December 37,2016 Manual(or Westem Washington as amended in 2074. Works Department '10 1'coa auburn.locanC•�UPBudd npiPUB WRK51VUln,us'Glomdl�PDE51PAtlmmiclralian`$'NMPY'2010 3'Pl�\IP�201 fi 5'PIP,IP Plan Flnal 201 o07UR doc+ 6:Controlling RunoHGom New Development,Redevelopment and Construction Sites Ciry of Auburn 2016 SWMP Plan Review,revise and make effective developmenl- Community related codes,rules,slandards,or olher enforceable Development CTRL-5 documents to incorporate and require LID principles and Publfc December 31,2016 and LID BMPs. Works Department Provide copies of the"Notice of Intent for Construction CTRL-6 Adivity and copies of lhe"Nolice of Intent for permit CeMer Ongoing Indusirial Activity"to represenlalives of proposed new development and redevelopment. Enforce local ordinances controlling runoff from sites Construdion CTRL-7 Ihal are also covered by slormwater permi�s issued by and Code Ongoing Ewlagy. Enforcemenl 7� Pcoaauburn'ocanecG'�e��'.Iv'in9�Pll9 WprtS'�Ulillhes`Sromi�fIP0E51PM1ilininiclralwm5'NS1PS'�207oS4NPdP�201f5'N�AIPPIanFIna1201oa708.tlav CITY OF AUBURN 2016 STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PROGRAM PLAN 7. MUNICIPAL OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE This secdoo describes the Pemut reyu�ements telated to mucticipal opera[ions and mainrenance,arid planned compliance acuvides fox 2016. 7.1 Permit Requirements The Pemut(Section SS.C.S) ccquices the City ro fulfill the follo�ving acuons during the �-year Permi�rycle: • Implement an 08u11 program,with the uldmate goal of pieeendng or reducing pollutant runoff fiom muniupal sepacate stotmwater spstem and murucipal O&M acdvides. • Implemen[maintenance s[andards foi the mudicipal sepaiate stormwatec sysrem tha�are a[least as pxorecdve as those specified in the 2012 Stormwater Management Manual for\�'es�ern Washington as amended in 2014. • Condua aetiaual inspection of all municipally owned oc opexa[ed permanent s[ormwarei[reatment and flow conaol BMPs/faciliues and perfozm rriainrenance as needed to comply�yich mainrenance standaxds. ° Inspect all catch basiris and inlets ow�ed ox opeca[ed by rhe City at least once no latec than August 1, 2017 and every two yeazs thereafrei. Clean the ca[ch basins if inspecuons indicate cleaning is needed co comply wi[h mainrenance standazds. • Check treatment and flow con¢o] facilities aEtez majoz storms and perEorm repairs as needed in accotdance wi[h adop[ed maintenance standaxds. • Have SOPs in place to reduce srocm�varer vnpacts assoua[ed with runoff from municipal O&M acdvides,including but not limi[ed to s�eets, pail:ing lots,roads,oc highways owned oc maintained by the City, and to reduce pollutants in dischazges �om all]ands owned or maintained by the City. • Train staff to implement the SOPs and document the travung. • Piepare Stonnwater Pollution Pmvendon Plans (SWPPPs) for all heacy equipment main[enance ox storage yazds idcntified foc yeax-cound facilides or yuds,and material stniage facilides owned or opeca[ed by[he City�. • Sutnmacize annual acdviues foc the"Polluuon Prevenuon and Opexarions and Maintenance Eox [�lunicipal Opecauons" winponent of the Annual Co�npliance Repoxt;idendfy any updates to the S\�MI>. 12 !�eoa auhurn.locaPOeaUBuildmr„PUB!NRF.SIUUImes��5tormRIP�ES II`A4minisRauon1549M1IPs�2016 S`NP,IP�2�Ji5�PlM1iP Plan Fnal 20700906 tlacs 7.Pollu6on Prevenfion and 08M for Municipal Operations Ciry of Aubum 2016 SWMP Plan 7.2 Planned 2016 Compliance Activities Table 7-I pcesents the woik plan Eor 2016 S\��'I�1P acdvines related to murucipal opexadons and mainrenance. ���+�++��.�....�� Task ID Task Description Responsible Schedule Notes Conduct annual inspection of all Ireatment and flow Community MOM-1 control(otFer than calch basins)in the public syslem Development and Onyoing and pedorm mainlenance as lriggered by lhe public Works maintenance standards. De aAment Inspect 25%of Ihe public catch baslns before July 31, 2076 and perform maintenance as tnggered by the MOM-2 maintenance slandarCs. Overzrching task is to M&0 Onyoing inspect 100%of Ihe catch basins belween August 1, 2013 and Au ust 31,2017. Perform street sweeping lo reduce the amount of MOM-3 street waste lhal enters the srorm dralnage M&0 Ongoing conyeyance system. Community Develop Low Impact Development maintenance Development and MOM-0 standards,levels of service and inspection Public Works, December 31,2016 procedures for adoption in 2016. and Parks De arlmenls 13 bcoa aubom bcal�deohBUilulnq�PUB SN�4NB�U9b6es'Slorm�PIPDES II'wtln'.ir.isVauon��hV;.IPS2013 S'A1P.IP4010�N61P Plan Rn21 20100�08 tloc� CITY OF AUBURN 2016 STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PROGRAM PLAN 8 . COMPLIANCE WITH TOTAL MAXIMUM DAILY LOAD REQUIREMENTS The feder:tl Clean\Y/arer Act iequires that Ecolog}•establish "Total n4aximum Daily Loads" (rMDL) Eoc dvers,stieams,lakes, and macine w�atecs [hat don't meet wacer quality�standazds. A TMDL is a calculanon of the maximum amounc of a pollutant that a warer body can receive and still meet u�ater qualiq�standazds. AEter die TMDL has bcen calculated foc a given wates body,Ecology deceretur�es how much each soucce mus[ceduce its dischacges of the pollutant in oidei bnng the warer body back into coaipGance with the warec qualiry standards. TMDL requicements are included in the srormu�arec NPDES permits Eoc discharges inro affecred warer bodies. Stocmw�atei dischazges covered undei this Permit aze iequued ro implement acdons necessan,� ro achieve the pollutant reducrions called for in applicable TMDLs. AppGcable'CMDLs are those approved by the EPA befoxe the issuance dare of the Pecmit oi which have been appcoyed by the EPA prior to the issue dare of the Pemut oi the dare Ecology issues coveiage under[he Permit,whichevei is larec. Infoanadon on Emlogy�'s 'I'MDL pcogcam is a��ailable on Ecologp's' website at u���v.ecy�.�va.y=ov/ ro�r�ms/�cy/tmdl. In accocdance with Permit condiuon S7 Compliance with Toml Ma.�cimum Dally Load Requuements the City must comply with the following'I'I�4DL. Name of TMDL Pu��allu ��I�arershed \��ater ualiry Im rovement Pro'ect Doeument(s) for Pr}'al�iiQ RJuer l['/alerrhed FeialColifomr TotalMa.izmum Darly L.oad— It%uter�nu/ify TMDL Improvemen�Report und!mplemen�ution Plan,)une 2011,Eeology Publieadon No. 11-10- 0�0. h r /�����v.ca-.�ca.>o�� bfbLio 1I10040.h[ml Locadon of Original Puyallup River 1G712,i498,\G1ute Rivec 1G711, 1G708, 16709, Cleaz Creek 7501, 303 d Lis Su�an Creek 7�14,Boise Creek 1G70G Acea\��heie TMDL Requirements apply in all azeas regulared under rhe Peemi[ree's municipal stocmwater Requirements Apply pemilt and dischaipins to warer bodies listed u�ithin the specific cequirement in tltis TMDL secdon. Pazamemi Fecal Colifocm EP�I A roval Date Se rembec 2011 b1S4 Pemu[tee Phase I Permir. 1'vng Counn',Piecce Counn• Phase II Permir. Auburn, Ld ewood, Enumclaw, Pupallu , Sumner 14 Pcos nuburnlor,�P�epDBuIICm9�PUB WRP'S1UUlu;es`,SlomIdPDE5111Atlminislrauod5'NM11Ps 20165WMP�?O 13 a"N�iP Plan Fiwl 20100�03.aocx 8.Compliance with Total Maximum Daity Load Requirements Ciry of Auburn 2016 SWMP Plan Acrions cequiicd of the Cm�under this T\-fDL include: • Beginning no larec than Octobec 1, 2013,conduct nvice monthly�cet weather sampling of stoanwatec discha�ges to the\�I/hite River at Auburn Riceiside High School to deteimine if specific dischacges from Auburds MS�excced the warer qiiality criteria foc fecal colifoim bacreria. o Data sh"all b"e collecmd foc one wet season. o Data shall be collectcd in accocdance with an Ecolog}•-appioved QAPP. o Data collecred since EPA "I14DL approval can be used ro meet this requirement. 'Chese acdons have been compleced. • Foc an}'of the ou[Ealls monirotcd, shoaing dischaiges that exceed warei qualin�cdtena for pnman� contact ceaearion: designate[hosc azeas dischazging via the DiS4 of concern as high priority areas for illici[dischacge derecnon and eliminadon effoccs and 'unplement the schedules aad acuvities idenufied in S�.C.3 of the���esrem Washington Phase II permit Eor response ro any illicit discharges found beginrung no larer than August 1, 2014. This acnon has been completed. • Install and maintain pet wasre educanon and collecnon stauons at municipal parks and other Permittee owned and operared lands adjacent to s[ceams'. Focus on locauons where people commonly wall< thcu dogs. 8.1 �lanned 2016 Compliance Activities "1'able 8-1 presents [he�yock plan for 201G S�C'�1P acdvines related to TTvIDL cequuement compliance. � i � Task ID Task Descripfion Responsible Schedule Notes Include summary of adivities conducted in TMDL Utilities TMDL-1 area lo address TMDL parameter(fecal colifortn)with Engineering March 31,2076 annual report lo Ewlogy. Maintain pet waste education and collection sta6ons parks TMDL-2 at municipal parks and olher public lands adjacent to Onyoing the White River and its iributanes. DePartment 15 Ywaouburnloculldopl'BidLing�.PUB WRI<SUIihlieslSlnrm�MP�ESIfAdmmi;traaomSW�bIPS�201oSWPAP'Q076SWMPPIanFina1201E090B.cacr CITY OF AUBURN 2016 STORMWATER NIANAGEMENT PROGRANI PLAN 9 . MONITORING This secdon desaibes the Permit cequixemen�s rela�ed to warec qualiq�monitoiing,and planned compGance acdvides foc 201G. 9.� Permit Requirements The Permit (Secdon SS) iequixes the City ro either conduct Status and Trends Moru[onng,and Effecdveness Studies,oz pay annually inro a collecnve fund ro implement monitoring thiough rhe Regional Stoimwatec Moni[oring Progiam (RSMP). The City comnutted in 2013 ro pay$45,09G.00 annuall}'��o che collecdve RSMP monitoLing fund foc Uoth Stams and Txends' Monitoring and Effecdveness Studies. !lll permittees axe xequiied ro pay inro the RSMP [o implemen[the RSMI'Soucce Idennficadon Infoimadon Repository(SIDIR). �lubucn's annual paymcnt will be$2,G14.00. Pa}�ments aie due to rhe Departmen[of Ecology by August I��h each }'eaz. The City�is xequued [o pxovide d�e Eollowing moniro[ing and/oc assessment data in each annual ieport: • �1 descripuon of an}'stormwarex monitoring oc studies conducred by [he City ducing the reporting period. If srormwarer monirocing was conducred on behalf of the City,oi if srudies oi investigations conducted by othei endties weie xeported ro the City,a brief desckipuon of che type of informadon gad�eied or ieceived shall be included in the annual repor[. 9.2 Planned 2016 Compliance Activities Table�9-1 presents die work plan foc 201G S��1P monitoxing acti�nues. � � • Task ID Task Descrip4ion Lead Compliance Timeframe Pay$47,710.00 annually into ih�e RSMP collective MNTR-7 �nd for implementaGon of Status and Trends UtiliGes Annual payment due by ��� Monitoring,Effectiveness Studies,and ihe Source Engineering August 15'^. . Identificalion Information Repository. 16 !�maauburn,locaPCepl�Builtling�pUB_Nla'F.SVV�iG[ies5lorm�dlP�E511UUmin¢Vaiion�57V!,I?s�20155'NMP�?Olc SP1.61?Plzn Fina1201o0�03COCx APPENDIX A Acronyms and Definitions The Eollowing defuuuons and acron}'ms aze [aken duecdy Ecom die Phase II Pemut and aie reproduced here for[he reader's convenience. 40 CFR means Tide 40 of[he Code oE Fedecal Regulauons,which is the codificadon oE the geneial and permanent mles published in [he Fedexal Registe�by the execudve depaz[ments and agencies of the fedezal goveinment. AKART means all known, available, and reasonable methods of ptevenrion,control and trea[menG See also Sta�e\r/arei Polluuon Contcol Acc,chap�ex 90.48.010 RC\r/and chapcec 90.48.520 RC\U. All known, available and reasonable methods of prevention,control and treatrnent cefecs ro [he State �C�a[ei Polluuon Control Ac[, chaprec 90.48.010 RCN and chaptec 90.48.520 RC\��. AppGcable TMDL means a TMDL whicli has been appcoved by CPA on or before the issuance date of this Pecmic,or pciar ro [he dare that Ecology issues covexage undez this Permi[,whichevei is larex. Beneficial Uses means uses of�varexs of the state�vhich include but ace not litni[ed to use for domesdc, srock watering,industcial, commercial,agxiculniial,urigauon,mining, fish arid�yildlife main[enance and enhancemen[,recreauon,geneianon of electric power and pxeservanon of envixonmental and aesthedc values,and all other uses compatible with the enjoy�tnen�of[he public wateis oE the sta[e. Best Management Practices aze the sdiedules oE nctiviues,prohibiuons of pcactices,maintenarice proceduies,and strucnual and/or managecial practices approved by Ecologg tha[,when used singly ox in combinarion, pxevenc oi reduce che celease of pollutancs and other adveise impacts to wateis of Washuigton State. BMP means Bes[Management Pcacdce. Bypass means che diveision oE stormwatex fcom ane portion of a stormwatec r�eatment facility. Census defined ucban azea means Ucbanized Axea. 17 Vma.auCUm Iocaf�depPBuiltling,PUB!NRAS�U�hues5[orta4:PDES ih;.cml:is'.n�iom�iV`,IPS�2P�c 5'Nd.IP�2010 5'N!eIP Plan Final2�IdOJCH Uocr Circuit means a pornon of a b1S4 dischazging to a single point o�serving a discrete area determined by tiaffic volumes, land use, ropogcaphy ox the configucauon of the i�4S4. Compooent or Program Component means an element of the Storma•arer btanagement Program Gsted in S�Srormu�ater�4anagement Progcam foi Ci[ies,Towns,and Counnes or S6 Sroanwarer n4anagement Program for Secondary Permittees,S7 Compliance with Total D4aximum Daily Load Requifements,or SS Moniroring of this pecmit. Conyeyance system means that portion of the munidpal separare sroRn sewer s}'srem designed oc used foi conveying stormwatec. Co-Permittee means an ownei or opecator of an MS4 which is in a cooperanve agreement wi�h ac least one othei appGcant fo�coverage undec this pecmit. A Co-Pemuttee is an ownei oi operatoi oE a cegula[ed MS� located widvn or in proxunit}•to anochec cegulared b[54. A Co- Permittee is only cesponsible for pemut condiuons relaring ro dischazges fcom the MS4 the Co- Pecrtuaee owns o� opecates. See also 40 CFR 122.2G(b)(1) . CWA means' Clean\�/ater Acc (fotmerly refecred to as the Federal\�/arec Pollution Cont[ol Act ot Fedexal \�latec Polluuon Con[col Act Amendments of 1972) Pub.L. 92-500,as amended Pub. L. 95-217, Pub. L. 95-576, Pub. L. (G-483 and Pub. L. 97-117,33 U.S.G. 12�t ecsecil. D'vector means the Dicectox of the lr/ashington S[ate Depaitment of Ecology,or an authocized repiesentauve. Discharge Point means thc locadon where 1 dischacge leaves the Peimir[ee's MS4 tluough [he Permittee's MS4 faulines/BMPs designed [o infiltrare. Enrity means' a govemmenta]body,or a public oi pLicare ocganization. EPA means the U.S. Environmental Prorecuon Agencv. General Pertnit means a permit which co��ers mulriple dischargecs of a point source categocp widun a designated geogcaphical area,in Geu oE indi�idual permi[s being issued ro each dischatget. Gtound warer means warec in a sattuared zone or stratum beneath the surface of tlie land or below a sucEace water bod}�. Refer to chaprer 173-200 1t'AC. Hazardous substance means any Gquid,soGd,gas,or sludge, including am� materfal, substance,product, commodin•,or«�asre,regardless oPquandry, that exhibi[s any of the phy5ical, chertucal,or biological propecues desccibed in\\'AC 173-303-090 or\C'AC 173-303-100. Heary equipmeat maintenance ot stotage yard means an uncovered azea where any heayy eqwpment, such as mo�ving equipment, c�cavarors, dump trucks,backhoes,o�bulldozecs are�vashed oc main[ained,or�vhere at least five pieces of hea�y equipment ace stoced on a long- term basis. Highway means a main public road connecting towns and ciues. HydrauGcally near mcans runoff Fcom the site dischazges to the sensidve fcanire witkiout s'i�mificant namral attenuation of Elows that allows foc suspended soGds removal. See Appendir 7 Deteimining Constlucuon Site Seciiment Damage Po[ential for a aioze detailed defuution. Hyperchlorinated means watec dia[contains moie than 10 mg/l.itei ekiloruie. Illicic coanection means an}'�fzascrucnue connecuon ro the MS4 tha[is not in[endcd,peimitted oc used foi collecting and conve}'ing srormwater or non-s�ormwater dischazges allowed as specified in this 18 'tcoaaubcrn,lowl•�aepPB�.iilc�,nmPU6 `PlRhSlUlihces'Slormlf:PQE31hACm7n7s�a�ianuYJGIPS'201oSSVP.IP'�:OIoSY�,.IPPIanF7na12016070dCUr„• pe[rtut(SS.C3 and SG.D.3). Examples include sanicare sewcc connecnons, Elooc d[ains,channels, pipelines',conduits,inlcts,oc oudets [ha[aze connected direcdc to the hfS4. [llicit discharge means any discha[ge to a �15� that is no[composed rncirelv oE sto[mwatec or oE non- stomtwate[discharges allowed as specified in this permit(S�.C3 and SG.D.3). Impervious surface means a non-vegecated suzEace azea tha[eidier prevents or retards the entn•of�varec into the soil mande as under natural condinons prioi ro development A non-vegemted surface azea which causes warer to run off the suiface in greater quanunes oi at an inueased cate of flow ftom the flow piesent under nanual conclitions' pcioi [o developmen[. Common unpen�ous surfaces indude, but are not I'tmited tq roof rops,«�allcwa}'s,patios,drivewa}'s, pazking bts or stocmwatec azeas, concrere oc asphalt paving,gra�•el roads,packed eanhen marerials,and oiled, macadam or othex sucfaces which s¢iularl}�impede the natural infilcration oPsrormwarer. Land disturbing activity means any activin� that cesults in a change in the cristing soil covu (borh vege�auve and non-vegetadve) and/or che existing soIl ropogiaphy�. Land dismrbing activides indude, buc are not limited to cleacing, gzading, filling and escavadon. Compacuon that is associated wich stabilization oF srzucnucs and ioad construcnon shall also be considered land disturbing acuvity. Vegetation maintenance pracnces, induding landscape maintenance and gazdening, aie no[ considexed land disturbing acuvi�}�. Stoxmwatec facility maintenance is noc considered land disnirbing acuvity if conducted accocding to establislied standazds and procedutes. LID means Low Impact Devclopment. I.ID BMP means low impac[development best management pxactices. LID Principles means land use managemen[sr�a[egies that emphasfze conservation, use of on-site namral feamces, and sire planning ro minim ze unpen-ious sutfaces,nauae vegetaoon loss, and stormwarer runoff. Low Impact Development means a srormwarec and land use management stiarege that stn��es to mimic pie-dismrbante hydrologic pcocesses of infiltia¢on,filtiarion,storage,e��aporaUOn and tcanspuation by emphasizing conservauon, use oE on-site natural feanucs, site planning, and distribured srormwarer management practices tkaz ace integLated in[o a pioject design. Low impact development best management pracdces mea�s distribueed stocmwarec management practices, inte�cated into a Pcoject design,that emphasize pce-disnubance hpdzologic pcocesses of infiltranon, filtration, s[orage, evapocation and transpuadon. LID B�4Ps include,bu[ace not limited to, biorctention, rain gardens,pezmeable pavemen[s, roof downspout controls,dispersion, soil qualin and depth,Jegetated roofs,mivimum excaeauon foundanons,and water re-use. Material Storage Facilities means an uncoaeced azea whece buLk materials (liqwd,soGd,gcanulac, e[c.) aze stoced in piles, baaels, tanks,bins,ccaies,oi othec means. Maximum Excent Practicable iefers ro paragtaph 402(p)(3)(B)(iu) of the federal Clean\)�ater Ac[wfiich ceads as follows: Pecmits foi discharges from municipal storm sewels shall cequi�e cont�ols- to ieduce tlie clisckaige of pollu�ants ro die masunum estent pracdcable, induding management pracrices,concrol rechniques, and s}•stem,design,and engineenng methods, and othec such pcovisions as the Admutistcaror or che Stare detezmines appropriate foz the cont�ol of such pollutants. MEP means Maxunum Ezren�Pracdcable. M54 means municSpal sepazate stocro sewer s}'stem. 19 Pco�au�im'owhaec:BuJd:nc�?U3 'N?N3�lf,�llu�s 3cm�V:PT�II'!-]aG:S'✓auan"ah".At?s".015'a'TqAP40Pi$'flWP Plan FnaR0ic0702 r.tt� Municipal Sepatate Stotm Sewet Sysrem means a convegance,or system of conveyances (inclucling roads wich dcainage s}�srems, municipal stceets,catch basins,cucbs,guttecs, ditches, - manmade channels,or srorm drains): (i) Owned o[opeiated by a sta[e, city, rown, borough,county,pazish,distcict,associadon,oc othex public body(cceared by ox pucsuant co state law) having jurisdicnon ovex disposal of wasres, stormwatec, or othec wastes,inducling special distric[s under S[are law such as a sewer distcict, Elood con[rol dis�ict oc dcainage distcict,oc surulai entity,ox an Indian tcibe oi an audiorized I�dian rlibal oiganizadoq or a designated.and appxoved management agency under secuon 208 of the CWA that dischacges to warecs of Washingcon Sta[e. (u) Designed oi used foc collecnng oi conveying stoimwater. (iu) \�Mich is not a combined sewes; (iv) Nhich is no�pacc of a PubGcly Owned Tceatment�\'oiks (I'O'I1� as defined at 40 CFR 122.2.;and (v) Which is defined as "laxge"oi"meciium"oc"small"or othecwlse deslgnaeed by Fcolo�ry puisuant to 40 CFR 122.2G. National Pollutant Dischatge Elimination System means [he nanonal piogiam Eoi issuing,modifying, ievolung, and reissuing,terminating,moni[oring and enfoicing permits, and imposing and enEoccing pcet�eatmeot requixemen�s,undex secdons 307,402, 318, and 405 of the Fedexal Clean��Vater Ac[, foi the dischuge of pollutants to suxface wa[eis of tke s[a[e Ecom point soucces. These pecmits aie iefeiied ro as NPDES peimi�s and,in\Nashingron Srare,axe admuusrexed by the\r'ashington Sta�e Department of Ecology. Native vegetation means vegetation compcised of plant speues,oth� than no:cious weeds, that aze indigenous ro the coastal region of the Pacific Northwest and which ieasonablp could hae'e been expected ro natuially occux on the site. Examples indude trees such as llouglas F�,western hemlock, western xed cedai,aldet, big-leaf maple;shruUs such as willow, elderbern•, salmonbeay�, and salal;and hexbaceous plants such as sw•ocd fein, foam flowex, and fueweed. New development means fand disturbing activities,uicluding Class IV Genexal Focest Pcacuces that aze conveisions fcom nmbei land ro ochei uses;srructural development,including cons[rucdon or installauon of a building ox orhex s�cucnue;cseadon of hard sucfaces;and subdivision, shoct subdivision and binding s[te plans,as defined and applied in chapter 58.17 RC�'(�. Pxojects meeting rhe deErunon of cedevclopmen[shall oot be considered new developmenc Refer ro�lppendir 1 foi a dcfirution of l�azd surfaces. New Permittee mcans a ciq�, rown,or county that is subject ro the IY/erteni I!%urbingtan MunicxpalStomrwulerGeneralPern�i[and was not subjec[[o [he pecmi[piioc to August l, 2013. New Secondaty Permittee means a Secondary Pezmittec that is covered undei a municipal . stormwatei genecal pemii�and was �ot covered by the peimit prior [o August l,2013. NOI means Nocice of Intent. Notiee of Intent means the appGca[ion Eox,oc a cequest Eor covexage under a Genecal Peimit puisuant to\VAC t 73-22G-200. Notice of Intent for Construction Activity means the appGcauon foim fox coveiage undei the 20 Pow auturn.locaPdepPBmlr;iny�PUH'NPhS'�Ulibues`�SLnrm1NP0E5111Ad��iinisbauon'S'N.�:PS�20165'NNP'QG I d S'N�UP Plan Fnal 20��O��B,eccx Cautnrctiaie Stormwater Genera!Permit. Notice of Intent fot Industrial Activity means che appGcation foxm foc covecage undet the Genera!Perniil for Slarmma[er Di.rehar8e.rll.rsodated wIlh Indu.rlrialAcliuilies. NPDES means Nadonal Pollutan[Dischacge Elimfnarion Sysrem. Outfall means a point souxce as defined by 40 CFR 122.2 at the poin[where a dis'chazge leaves the Peimittee's MS4 and enteis a suiface ieceiving watexbody or surEace receiving wate=s. OutfaR does not include pipes,tunnels,or othec conveyances which connect segments of[he same s[�eam or othec surface watecs and are used to convey primarily sucface watexs (i.e.,culvests). Perineable pavement means pervious conaete,porous asphal[,pexmeable pavecs or other focros of pen�ous oc porous paving material inrended ro allow passage of warei tlicough the pavement secuon. It oEten includes ao aggLega[e base tha[proc�ides structuxal suppoit and acts as a stormwatei ieservou. Perinittee unless othenvise noted, the term`Petttu[[ee"includes ci[y,town, ox county Pecmiaee,Co- Permitcee, Ne�v Permittee, Secondary Peimitree, and New Secondacy Pecmitree. Physically Incerconnecced means that one bfS4 is connec[ed to anothei scorm sewec system in such a way thac it allows for direct dischaazges to the second sysrem. Foc example, the ioads wirh drainage sy�s[ems and municipal sueets of one entity are ph}5icall}'mnnecred direcdy to a srocro sewec system belonging ro anothec entitv. Ptoject site means that poxnon of a propert}L properdes',ox cight-of-ways subject to land disnubie�g - acu�7ues, new hacd suzfaces,or replaced hazd surfaces. Refer to Appendix 1 for a defuudon of hacd suifaces. QAPP means Quality Assurance Pcoject Plan. Qualified Personnel means someone who has had professional tiauung in [he aspects of srocmwarer managemen[ Eoc which they are responsible and aze under the funcdonal contcol of the Pexmittee. Qualified Personnel ma}'be staff inembexs,contractors,or volunteecs. Quality Assurance Project Plan means a document dia[desczibes [lie objecnves of an envuonmental srudy and the piocedures [o be follo�ved ro adueve those objecuves. RCW means the Revised Code of Washingron State. Receiving warerbody or receiving waters means namially and/or reconsuuceed natuxally occurring suiface wa�ec bodies, such as creeks, stceams, rivexs, lakes, wetlands, estuacies, and maxine watess, or gcound water,to which infilrianon MS4 discharges. Redevelopment means,on a sitc [hat is akeady substannally developed (i.e., has 35%ox moce of exisring liaid sucface coveiage), the cieaaon oc addition of hazd s'�Eaces;the expansion of a building footpcin[ oc addition oc replacemen[of a strucnue;suuctuial developmen[inducling consuucnon,installadon oc expansion oE a building oc othei srrucnue;replacemen[of hazd s'ucface that is not pazt of a ioudne munrenance acdvin;and land distuibing acuviues'. Refer ro Appendie 1 foc a defuution of hard suxfaces. Regional Stoenwater Monitoring Program means,fox all oE westecn\r/ashingtoq a scormwacex- Eocused moniroring and assessment pxogram consisting oE these components: s[a[us and rlends monitoring in small st�eams and mazine nearshore areas,srocmwa[ex managemenc program eEfecuveness studies,and a souxce identificadon infocmanon xepositoxp(SIDIR). The pcioiiues and 21 Pcoa.aubien.local'.deG��BuilCing�.PUB!N^nF..i'�Uhh�iesSUr.n6`IPGES Ibtiaminio�ouorv5'IJ,bIPS�20t 6 3'+W.1°'4016 SYVMP°lan Flnal 20�c0808 decz scope foc the RSMP aze set by a formal stakcholdec gcoup. Foi this pecmit term, RSMP status and tcends monitoring will be conducted in the Puge[Sound basin only. Regulated Small Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System means a Municipal Sepazate Stotm Sewer S}'stem which is auromadcall}'designated foi indusion in ehe Phase II stoimwarer permitting piogtam by�its locanon within an Urbanized�ea,oc by designation by Ecology-and is not eli�ble for a u�aiver or e�empdon undec S1.C. RSMP means Regional Srormwater Moni[ocing Progiam. Runoff is warez ehac aavels aaoss the land surEace and discharges [o watec bodies either dicecd,v or tkuough a collection and conveyance sys[em. See also "Sroimwater." Sewndary Permittee is an opecarox of a eegulated small MS4 which is no[a ciry,rown oc counry. Secondaiy Permittces include special pucpose districrs and othec public enunes that meet the criceria in S1.B. Sediment/Erosion-Sensitive Feature means an uea subjecc[o significant degiadanon due co the effect of construcdon runoff,oi azeas ieqiunng special prorection to pcevent erosion. See Appendi.e 7 Deteimuung Construcuon Site Sediment Tcanspo�t Potential fo�a more decailed definidon. Shared water bodies means wa[er bodies, including downsr�eam segmen�s, lakes and estuacies tliat ceceive disdiarges &om moce tl�an one Pecmitree. SIDIR means Soucce Idenuficauon Informanon Reposi[ory�. SigniHeant eontributor means a dischacge thac con[ributes a loading oE pollutants considezed to be sufficient to cause or exacerbatc the deterio[ation of[eceiving wamr quaLty�oc instieam habitat condinons. Small Municipal Separate Stortn Sewer System means an MS4 tha[is not defined as "lacge" oi "medium" pursuan[ro 40 CFR 122.2G(b)(4) & (7) or designared undu 40 CFR 122.26 (a)(1)(v). Soutce control BMP means a strucnue or operauon that is inrended ro pievent pollutants from coming into contact u�[h srocmwater[hrough ph}'sica]sepacation of azeas or caxefu]management of acd��ties that aze souices of pollutan[s. The SII%A�Y1167[%sepazares source contcol B�iPs into nvo [tpes. Suttchiral Source Conaol BbfPs are ph��sical,structural,or mechanical de�ices,or facilities that aze intended co prevenc pollucancs from entenng stormwater. Operauonal BMPs aze non-strucnual p�actices [hat prevent or reduce pollutants from entenng stocmwarei. See Volume N of the SIF�M�I�IIGIt�(2012) Eoc details. Stormwatet means runoEf during and following precipi[ation and snowmelt even[s',induding surfam mnoff,drainage or incerElo�v. Srormwarer Associated with Industrial and Constnution Aetiviry means the discharge from any conveyance wFtich fs used for collecting and conve�ing sto�rnwarec,u•hich is direcdy related ro manufacnuing, processing or raw matecials srocage azeas at an ind�strial plant,or associated with clearing,grading and/or excaeadoq and is reqwied to haee an NPDES pecmit in accocdance wi[h 40 CFR t22.2G. Stormwater Management Program means a set of acdons and activities designed ro ceduce die dischaxge of pollutants from the MS4 to the MEP and to pmtect wacer quality,and compnsing�he componen[s lisred[n SS (for cines,towns and coundes) oc S6 (for Secondary Pecmittees) of�his Peimit and any 22 1'coa auburn.locol�CCO��Builtling�.PUB!NRkS�UIiIIIiN;'Slorin�IIPDE511V�4�ninislraionlS'rVM1IPS�2010 SWMP�201G SNJd?Plan final 201dOJ08�ocx addiuonal acdons necessary to mcet the cequirements of applicable Tb1Dl.s pursuan[to S7 Compliamce milb TA1DL Kequirementr, and S8�Llouiloring und A.aee:rmen/. Stormwacer Treatment and Flow Convol BMPs/Facilities mcans dctendon facilides, tceatmen[ BMPs/faciliues, biorerentioq vegetated coofs, and pecmeable pavemen[s that help meet Appendix l Minimum Requiiements #6 (cieatment), #7 (flow wntcol),or both. SWMMWW or Storma•arec Management Manual for Wescem Washing[on means S[ormmu[er Managemen[Manrralfor lY/ertem Warhirtgtan(ar amended in 201-fJ. $WMP means Smcmwater Management Pcogam. TMDL mcans Tocal Maximum Daily Load. Total Maximum Daily Load means a warec deanup plan. A TIvfDL is a calculation of the mar.imum amount oE a pollutant that a w•atec body can recelve and still mee[u�arer qualih's[andazds,and an allocation of[hat amoun[to the pollutant's souices. A Tb1DL is the sum of the allou�ablc loads of a single pollutant fiom all con¢ibuting poin[and nonpoint soucces. The calculauon mus�include a macgin of saEcry�o ensuic ehat che warei bod}-can be used foi the putposes die state l�as designared.The calculauon must also account foc seasonable variauon in�va[er quality. Watei y�iality standazds are set by states, teaitocies,and tribes.They idencify the uses For cach watez body, foc example,drinking warez suppl}�, contac[[eueadon (swimming), and aquauc Gfe suppon (fishinp�,and the scienufic cnrena ro support that use.The Clean��I�arer Act, secdon 303,estabGshes the watec quality standazds and TMDL programs. Tributary conveyanee means pipes,ditches,ca[ch basins,and inlets owned or operated b}�the Pertnittee and designed oc used for collecdng and conaeying stozmwatec. UGA mcans Uiban Gtowth rizea. Urban Growth Area means [hose areas designared b}•a counn•pursuant to RC\��3G.70A.110. Urbanized Atea is a federally-designared land aiea comprising one oc moce places and the adjacent densely settled sucrounding area [hat togethei have a residential populauon of at least 50,000 and an oveiall popula[ion deosin�of at least 1,000 people pei square mile. Urbanized Areas aze designaced b}'<<�e U.S. Census Bureau based on the most tecent decennial census. Vehicle Maintenanee ot Storage Facility means an uncovered area where any vehicles are cegulaily washed or maintafned,or where at least 10�-ehicles are sroxed. Water Quality Standards means Surface\r�atei Quality Standaids, dtaptec 173-201A WAC,Ground \C�atec QuaGry Standazds,chapter 173-200�\�AC, and Scd'unen[ Management Standards,chaprei 173-20a \C'AC. Warets of the State indudes those watecs as defined as "warecs of[he Uni[ed S[ares"in 40 CFR Subpart 122.2 uithin che geogiaphic boundaties of l��uhington State and "watecs of the state"as defined in chapter 90.48 RC\�1 which indudes lakes, ricers,ponds,s[reams,inland wareis,undecgiound waters, salt wa[ers and all other suiface watecs and warer cou�ses ��ithin the jurisdicdon oE the State of Wasltington. Wacers of the Unired States reEeis co the defuuuon in 40 CFR 122.2. 23 VAcoa.auburn.locaNtl?pl�BUtldmC'�PUB'NRN.3�UI�le;es'SlOrm'WP�cS IhAOmmislretiorv.S'NMP52016$WMP�201 o S'N��IP Plon Final 20150708 tluta