HomeMy WebLinkAbout03-28-2016 3-28-2016 CITY COUNCIL STUDY SESSION AGENDA PACKETCity Council Study Session March 28, 2016 - 5:30 PM Auburn City Hall AGENDA Watch the meeting LIVE! Watch the meeting video Meeting videos are not available until 72 hours after the meeting has concluded. I. CALL TO ORDER A. Roll Call II. ANNOUNCEMENTS, REPORTS, AND PRESENTATIONS A. Presentation on Proposed South County Recycling and Transfer Station (20 Minute Presentation/20Minute Q&A)* (Snyder) B. Junior City Council Nation League of Cities Presentation (20 Minute Presentation/10 Minute Q&A) (Deputy Mayor Wales) Presentation from the Junior City Council on their recent trip to Washington, D.C. III. AGENDA ITEMS FOR COUNCIL DISCUSSION A. Ordinance No. 6594 (5 Minute Presentation/10 Minute Q&A)* (Hinman) An Ordinance of the City Council of the City of Auburn, Washington, amending Sections 2.07.040, 2.07.050, 2.07.060, 2.07.070, 2.07.080 of the Auburn City Code relating to the composition of the Auburn Junior City Council B. Gangs & Graffiti Presentation (15 Minute Presentation/15 Minute Q&A)* (Snyder & Lee) C. Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Funding (15 Minute Presentation/15 Minute Q&A)* (Hinman) City of Auburn's Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Funding D. Resolutiuon No. 5217 (5 Minute Presentation/25 Minute Q&A)* (Heid) A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Auburn, Washington, amending the City Council Rules of Procedure as adopted by Ordinance No. 5802 and amended by Resolution Nos. 4282, 4429, 4467, 4615, 4686, 4740, 4813, 4909, 5105, 5112 and 5115 IV. ADJOURNMENT Agendas and minutes are available to the public at the City Clerk's Office, on the City website (http://www.auburnwa.gov), and via e-mail. Complete agenda packets are available for review at the City Clerk's Office. *Denotes attachments included in the agenda packet. Page 1 of 97 Page 2 of 97 AGENDA BILL APPROVAL FORM Agenda Subject: Presentation on Proposed South County Recycling and Transfer Station (20 Minute Presentation/20Minute Q&A) Date: March 23, 2016 Department: Community Development & Public Works & Police Attachments: Notice of Availability for the DEIS Notice of Public Open House Vicinity Map COA Response Letter to DEIS Budget Impact: $0 Administrative Recommendation: Background Summary: Kevin Kiernan, Deputy Director, King County Solid Waste Division, will present to the Auburn City Council on the proposed South County Recycling and Solid Waste Transfer Station. On February 4, 2016, King County Solid Waste Division issued a Notice of Availability for the Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS) for the South County Recycling and Solid Waste Transfer Station and Notice of Public Open House. The DEIS identified one of the potential alternative sites for a new Station in the City of Auburn located at 901 C Street SW (comprised of Parcel Nos. 2421049054 and 2421049001), Auburn, WA 98001. On March 8, 2016, the City of Auburn submitted its written response letter to the DEIS. In its response, the City stated its opposition to any siting of the Station in Auburn and specifically at the Alternative 1 site. Reviewed by Council Committees: Councilmember:Staff:Snyder Meeting Date:March 28, 2016 Item Number:AN.1 AUBURN * MORE THAN YOU IMAGINEDAN.1 Page 3 of 97 ALGONA AUBURN 901 C ST. SW 18 167 S 352ND ST AL G O N A B L V D N 51 A V E S 15TH ST SW WE S T V A L L E Y H W Y . S . C S T R E E T S W A S T R E E T S E Algona Transfer Station Potential Locations Algona Pacific Auburn Federal Way Kent Des Moines 35101 W. Valley Hwy. S. 35315 West Valley Hwy. S. Algona Siting of a New Recycling and Transfer Station in South King County Draft Environmental Impact Statement available. Public Open House: February 22, 2016 Confi guración par una nueva estación de reciclaje y transferencia de basura en el sur de King County King County ha publicado un estudio preliminar de la Declaración de Impacto Medioambiental EIS (siglas en Ingles) que evalúa los impactos medioambiental potenciales al confi gurar, construir y hacer funcionar una nueva estación de transferencia y reciclaje en el sur de King County, con el fi n de remplazar la existente estación de transferencia de Algona. Se están evaluando las tres siguientes alternativas: Ninguna medida alternativa: 35315 West Valley Highway South, Algona (estación de transferencia de Algona actual) Alternativa 1: 901 C Street SW, Auburn Alternativa 2: 35101 West Valley Highway South, Algona - alternativa preferida El lunes 22 de febrero de 2016, se llevara a cabo una reunión de las 6 a las 8 p. m. en Auburn High School Commons, 711 East Main Street Auburn, WA 98002. En caso de necesitar arreglos especiales favor de llamar al 206-477-4466 una semana antes de la reunión. En la reunión, podrá familiarizarse sobre el proyecto y hacer comentarios sobre el estudio preliminar arriba mencionado. Habrá intérpretes de español, coreano y ruso a su disposición. Si desea enviar comentarios a King County sobre este estudio favor de enviarlos no más tarde del 9 de marzo de 2016. Para obtener más información o enviar sus comentarios, llame al 206-477-4466 o visite el sitio web del proyecto: http://your.kingcounty.gov/solidwaste/ facilities/algona/index.asp Выбор местоположения новой станции переработки и перевалки коммунальных отходов в южной части округа Кинг Администрация округа Кинг опубликовала предварительный вариант Заявления о воздействии на окружающую среду (ЗВОС), в котором производится оценка потенциального воздействия на окружающую среду выбора местоположения, строительства и эксплуатации новой станции переработки и перевалки отходов в южной части округа Кинг на замену существующей станции перевалки отходов в г. Алгона. Дается оценка трех альтернативных вариантов: Вариант без изменений - 35315 West Valley Highway South, Algona (г. Алгона, существующая станция перевалки отходов) Вариант 1 - 901 C Street SW, Auburn (г. Оборн) Вариант 2 - 35101 West Valley Highway South, Algona (г. Алгона, предпочтительный вариант) День открытых дверей будет проводиться в понедельник, 22 февраля 2016 г., с 18.00 до 20.00 ч., по адресу Auburn High School Com- mons, 711 East Main Street Auburn, WA 98002 (г. Оборн). По вопросам размещения просим позвонить по номеру 206-477-4466 за одну неделю до собрания. Во время собрания граждане смогут получить информацию о проекте и высказаться относительно предварительного варианта ЗВОС. Будут предоставлены переводчики испанского, корейского и русского языков. Срок отправки администрации округа Кинг комментариев касательно предварительного варианта ЗВОС истекает 9 марта 2016 г. Вы можете предоставить свои комментарии или получить более подробную информацию по телефону 206-477-4466 либо на веб-сайте проекта: http://your.kingcounty.gov/solidwaste/ facilities/algona/index.asp 킹 카운티 남부에 새로운 재활용 및 쓰레킹 카운티 남부에 새로운 재활용 및 쓰레 기 전송역 위치 선정 기 전송역 위치 선정 킹 카운티는 기존의 알고나 전송역 (Algona Transfer Station)을 대체하는 새로운 재활용 및 쓰레기 전송역의 위치 를 선정하고 건설하고 운영하는 것의 환 경 영향을 평가하는 환경 평가 진술서 (EIS) 초안을 발표했습니다. 다음 3가지 대안이 평가되고 있습니다: 아무 것도 하지 않는 대안 - 아무 것도 하지 않는 대안 - 35315 35315 West Valley Highway South, Algona (기존의 알고나 전송역) 대안 1 -대안 1 - 901 C Street SW, Auburn 대안 2 -대안 2 - 35101 West Valley Highway South, Algona (선호되는 대안) 2016년 2월 22일 월요일 오후 6-8시 에, 711 East Main Street Auburn, WA 98002에 있는 오번 고등학교(Auburn High School) 식당에서 오픈하우스가 개 최될 예정입니다. 참석하시려면 모임 1 주일 전에 206-477-4466으로 전화해 주십시오. 회의에서는 프로젝트에 대해 듣게 되고 여러분께서 환경 평가 진술서 초안에 대 한 의견을 제시할 수 있습니다. 스페인 어, 한국어, 러시아어 통역이 제공될 것 입니다. 환경 평가 진술서 초안에 대한 귀하의 의 견을 킹 카운티에 보낼 수 있는 마감시간 은 20162016년 3 3월 9 9일입니다일입니다. 의견을 제시하거나 더 자세히 알기 원하 시면, 206-477-4466으로 전화하시거나 다음 프로젝트 웹 사이트를 방문하십시 오: http://your.kingcounty.gov/solid- waste/facilities/algona/index.asp Alternative Formats On Request 206-477-4466 TTY Relay: 711 Printed on recycled paper – Jan16AR Department of Natural Resources and Parks Solid Waste Division King Street Center, Suite 701 201 S. Jackson St. Seattle, WA 98104-3855 AN.1 Page 4 of 97 AN . 1 Pa g e 5 o f 9 7 Aerial Vicinity Map for Auburn Alternative Site for Proposed Recycling and Solid Waste Transfer Station Printed Date: Information shown is for general reference purposes only and does not necessarily represent exact geographic or cartographic data as mapped. The City of Auburn makes no warranty as to its accuracy. Map Created by City of Auburn eGIS 3/22/2016 AN.1 Page 6 of 97 AN.1 Page 7 of 97 AN.1 Page 8 of 97 AN.1 Page 9 of 97 AN.1 Page 10 of 97 AN.1 Page 11 of 97 AN.1 Page 12 of 97 AN.1 Page 13 of 97 AN.1 Page 14 of 97 AN.1 Page 15 of 97 AN.1 Page 16 of 97 AN.1 Page 17 of 97 AN.1 Page 18 of 97 AN.1 Page 19 of 97 AN.1 Page 20 of 97 AN.1 Page 21 of 97 AN.1 Page 22 of 97 AN.1 Page 23 of 97 AN.1 Page 24 of 97 AN.1 Page 25 of 97 AN.1 Page 26 of 97 AN.1 Page 27 of 97 AN.1 Page 28 of 97 AGENDA BILL APPROVAL FORM Agenda Subject: Junior City Council Nation League of Cities Presentation (20 Minute Presentation/10 Minute Q&A) Date: March 23, 2016 Department: Administration Attachments: No Attachments Available Budget Impact: $0 Administrative Recommendation: Background Summary: Junior City Councilmembers Mary Reil, Sydney Campbell, Tyler Cushing and Brandon Berend were able to attend the National League of Cities Youth Delegate program in Washington, D.C. March 5-8. This conference is held in conjunction with the National League of Cities City Congressional Conference that was attended by Mayor Backus and Councilmembers Peloza, DaCorsi, Wales and Holman. They were able to join hundreds of other youth delegates from 43 states to network, attend workshops and meetings, learn about the political process and enjoy our nation’s capital. Reviewed by Council Committees: Councilmember:Staff:Deputy Mayor Wales Meeting Date:March 28, 2016 Item Number:AN.2 AUBURN * MORE THAN YOU IMAGINEDAN.2 Page 29 of 97 AGENDA BILL APPROVAL FORM Agenda Subject: Ordinance No. 6594 (5 Minute Presentation/10 Minute Q&A) Date: March 23, 2016 Department: Administration Attachments: Ordinance No. 6594 Budget Impact: $0 Administrative Recommendation: Background Summary: The ordinance authorizes the expansion of the number of members on the Junior City Council from nine to eighteen; nine members and nine alternates. Adding members to the Junior City Council will assure a quorum at every meeting, which will increase productivity. Two members from each middle school and high school will be represented on the Junior City Council, with one being a member and the other being an alternate. The difference between a member and an alternate is alternates do not vote on issues, but they still participate in all activities as members. Expanding the membership of the Junior City Council will give more students the opportunity to learn leadership skills, improve their chances for scholarships and be involved in the Auburn community. Reviewed by Council Committees: Councilmember:Staff:Hinman Meeting Date:March 28, 2016 Item Number:DI.A AUBURN * MORE THAN YOU IMAGINEDDI.A Page 30 of 97 -------------------------------- Ordinance No. 6594 March 23, 2016 Page 1 of 7 ORDINANCE NO. 6 5 9 4 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, WASHINGTON, AMENDING SECTIONS 2.07.040, 2.07.050, 2.07.060, 2.07.070, 2.07.080 OF THE AUBURN CITY CODE RELATING TO THE COMPOSITION OF THE AUBURN JUNIOR CITY COUNCIL WHEREAS, the youth of the City of Auburn are a valuable resource for the future of the City, the State and the Country; and WHEREAS, on January 22, 2013, the Auburn City Council adopted Ordinance No. 6441, creating a new Chapter 2.07 of the Auburn City Code relating to the Auburn Junior City Council; and WHEREAS, the Auburn Junior City Council recommends amending sections of Chapter 2.07 relating to membership and voting to broaden membership opportunities and enhance operation of the Junior City Council. NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, WASHINGTON, DO ORDAIN as follows: Section 1. Amendment to City Code. That section 2.07.040 of the Auburn City Code be, and the same hereby is, amended to read as follows: 2.07.040 Membership. A. The Auburn junior city council shall consist of nine members and nine alternate members. The members and the alternate members shall be appointed by the mayor, and confirmed by the city council from among students who have been nominated by the principals of the schools that they attend, with input from their teachers and counselors. The nomination of members and alternates shall be based upon consideration of criteria including: interest in government, positive participation in civics classes, academic accomplishments, involvement in school and community activities and other factors that identify a prospective member as a valuable contributor to the Auburn junior city council. Those considering prospective members, making nominations and appointing or confirming DI.A Page 31 of 97 -------------------------------- Ordinance No. 6594 March 23, 2016 Page 2 of 7 members to the junior city council shall endeavor to include diverse members of the city’s population, including one or more representatives of the Muckleshoot Indian tribe. B. In the process of nominating members and alternate members to the junior city council, those nominating such members shall strive to seek representation of various schools, and to the extent reasonably possible, assemble a slate consisting of eight members, one each a member and an alternate from each of the four high schools and the four middle schools, and one member and alternate member at large, or such other strategy representing various schools so that their membership represents a diverse cross section of the student population of middle schools and high schools in the city. C. All students on the junior city council shall be residents of the city of Auburn, and shall be residents of the city during their entire term of office. If a student is a resident of the city of Auburn but attends a school located outside the city, e.g., Thomas Jefferson High School, such student would be eligible to participate on the junior city council, if selected. D. The junior council members and alternate members shall serve without compensation. E. Each member and alternate member shall serve a term of two years. The mayor and city council shall annually solicit nomination from the school principals, and appoint and confirm new members and alternates to fill the expiring terms on the Auburn junior city council. The city council may remove an Auburn junior city council member or alternate member at any time if the city council determines that member is not fulfilling his or her responsibilities to the satisfaction of the city council. Members and alternate members of the junior city council who fail to attend two consecutive regular meetings of the junior city council without being excused by the chairperson, or excused by a majority of the membership of the junior city council, shall forfeit their positions on and be removed from the junior city council. F. In the event of a vacancy on the junior city council, an alternate member who attends the same school as the vacating member shall fill the unexpired term of the vacating member. The mayor shall confirm the appointment of the alternate member to replace the vacating member. If an alternate is unavailable, unwilling, or unsuitable, as determined by the mayor, to fill the vacancy, the mayor and city council shall solicit nominations from the school principals and shall appoint and confirm a new member to fill the unexpired term of that Auburn junior city council member; provided, that the junior city council may also nominate members to fill the unexpired term vacancies. Unless the appointed replacement member is replacing the at-large member of the junior city council, the appointed replacement member shall be from the same school as the member being replaced. Notice must be made to that school to solicit applications and nominations for the position to be refilled at least 30 days before the appointment is intended to be made. A vacancy in an DI.A Page 32 of 97 -------------------------------- Ordinance No. 6594 March 23, 2016 Page 3 of 7 alternate member position shall not be filled until the expiration of the term of the position. G. All members of the Auburn junior city council shall serve until the mayor appoints alternate members to fill their positions or their successors are duly appointed by the city council. H. The members will elect a chairperson from among themselves. The chairperson will be elected annually at the first meeting following the beginning of the school year. The chairperson will be allowed to vote on all matters. I. A quorum of the junior city council shall consist of at least five members, including alternate members appointed to serve for an absent or disqualified member, and a minimum of five members must be present to vote on matters. Members who are aware that they will be unavailable or unable to attend a meeting shall notify the mayor’s office. If a member is absent at the time the chairperson calls roll at a meeting, the deputy mayor, or the chairperson if the deputy mayor is absent, may appoint an alternate member in attendance at the meeting to serve as a member and to vote. The alternate member shall serve as a member until adjournment of the meeting. J. The deputy mayor or designee shall serve as liaison to the junior city council, participating as a nonvoting member of the junior city council, to encourage and counsel the members of the junior city council in connection with their duties as members of the junior city council. (Ord. 6441 § 1, 2013.) Section 2. Amendment to City Code. That section 2.07.050 of the Auburn City Code be and the same hereby is amended to read as follows: 2.07.050 Term of office. A. The term of office for the members and alternate members of the junior city council shall be two years. Members and alternate members shall be students during their entire term. Middle school students shall be selected for two-year terms from seventh grade classes, so they can fulfill their full terms while attending the same school. High school students shall be selected for two- year terms from ninth, tenth or eleventh grade classes, so they can fulfill their full terms while attending the same school. B. Terms of office shall run from September of the first year of appointment through August of the second year of appointment; provided, that for the initial appointees to the junior city council, five of the members shall be appointed for terms commencing upon appointment and confirmation, and expiring at the end of August of the following year; and four of the members shall be appointed for terms commencing upon appointment and confirmation, and expiring at the end of August of that same year. Thereafter, members shall be appointed in staggered terms for the full two years, commencing with the expiration of the term of those they succeed. DI.A Page 33 of 97 -------------------------------- Ordinance No. 6594 March 23, 2016 Page 4 of 7 C. An additional two-year term for members and alternate members of the junior city council may be allowed so long as the member will be a student during the entire additional term. (Ord. 6441 § 1, 2013.) Section 3. Amendment to City Code. That section 2.07.060 of the Auburn City Code be and the same hereby is amended to read as follows: 2.07.060 Responsibilities. A. The Auburn junior city council shall be responsible for: 1. Holding regular public meetings at least once a month, pursuant to a regular agenda, and to keep a written record of its proceedings which shall be a public record, all in accordance with state law; 2. Serving as youth advisors to the city council and the city council’s various boards, commissions and task forces; 3. Adopting bylaws for the regular operation of the junior council; 4. Providing outreach to the community in an effort to place youth issues before our citizens in a positive manner; and 5. Forwarding to the city council copies of the minutes of its meetings and reporting to the city council as requested and/or as appropriate. B. Members and alternate members of the junior city council are encouraged to attend meetings of the city council as well as meetings of the various boards and commissions of the city. (Ord. 6441 § 1, 2013.) Section 4. Amendment to City Code. That section 2.07.070 of the Auburn City Code be and the same hereby is amended to read as follows: 2.07.070 Meetings. A. The regular meetings of the junior city council shall be held once per month at a regularly scheduled date and time, and shall be held in the Auburn city council chambers at City Hall. B. The chairperson shall preside over the meetings of the junior city council. In the absence of the chairperson at a meeting, the members of the junior city council shall select a member of the junior city council to preside over such meeting. C. All meetings of the junior city council shall be open to the public, except as provided by law. D. In the meetings of the junior city council there shall be the opportunity for public comment. Such public comment shall usually be limited to three DI.A Page 34 of 97 -------------------------------- Ordinance No. 6594 March 23, 2016 Page 5 of 7 minutes per person; provided, that the chairperson may, in his/her discretion, allow more time. E. Members of the junior city council shall display mutual courtesy, patience and appropriate behavior in all meetings of the junior city council, and in any interactions with city staff. F. Robert’s Rules of Order, Newly Revised Edition, shall be used as the basis for parliamentary procedure at all meetings of the Auburn junior city council and any of its subcommittees. G. Any action taken by the junior city council shall be reduced to writing and shall be forwarded to the Auburn city council, via appropriate city staff. H. Alternate members to the junior city council shall act as members of the council for all purposes except they may not vote, unless appointed to serve in the place of an absent member. Alternate members are required to attend all council meetings, unless excused. (Ord. 6441 § 1, 2013.) Section 5. Amendment to City Code. That section 2.07.080 of the Auburn City Code be and the same hereby is amended to read as follows: 2.07.080 Subcommittee structure. A. The junior city council may informally divide its members into subcommittees to consider different topics of interest, or into subcommittees that it deems helpful to its tasks. B. The subcommittees will meet on an as-needed basis. C. The subcommittees shall consist of at least three members of the junior city council, but shall consist of less than a quorum of the junior city council (less than five members). If a member is absent from a committee meeting, the present members may appoint an alternate member in attendance to serve as a committee member and to cast a vote. Once the committee meeting is commenced, the alternate member shall serve as a committee member until adjournment of the meeting. D. Any discussions or recommendations of any subcommittees shall be communicated to and shared with the full junior city council. E. The subcommittees shall not constitute legislative or agency bodies so as to trigger the requirement that the subcommittees comply with the Washington State Open Public Meetings Act (Chapter 42.30 RCW). Section 6. Implementation. The Mayor is hereby authorized to implement such administrative procedures as may be necessary to carry out the directions of this legislation. DI.A Page 35 of 97 -------------------------------- Ordinance No. 6594 March 23, 2016 Page 6 of 7 Section 7. Severability. The provisions of this ordinance are declared to be separate and severable. The invalidity of any clause, sentence, paragraph, section or portion of this ordinance, or the invalidity of the application thereof to any person or circumstance shall not affect the validity of the remainder of this ordinance, or the validity of its application to other persons or circumstances. Section 8. Effective date. This Ordinance shall take effect and be in force five days from and after its passage, approval and publication as provided by law. INTRODUCED: __________________ PASSED: _______________________ APPROVED: ____________________ CITY OF AUBURN ______________________________ NANCY BACKUS, MAYOR ATTEST: _________________________ Danielle E. Daskam, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: _________________________ Daniel B. Heid, City Attorney Published: _________________ DI.A Page 36 of 97 -------------------------------- Ordinance No. 6594 March 23, 2016 Page 7 of 7 DI.A Page 37 of 97 AGENDA BILL APPROVAL FORM Agenda Subject: Gangs & Graffiti Presentation (15 Minute Presentation/15 Minute Q&A) Date: March 23, 2016 Department: Community Development & Public Works & Police Attachments: Gangs and Graffiti Presentation Budget Impact: $0 Administrative Recommendation: Background Summary: Reviewed by Council Committees: Councilmember:Staff:Snyder & Lee Meeting Date:March 28, 2016 Item Number:DI.B AUBURN * MORE THAN YOU IMAGINEDDI.B Page 38 of 97 DI.B Page 39 of 97 Gangs Officer Jason Blake Community Response Team DI.B Page 40 of 97 What is a Gang? Definition: “any ongoing organization, association, or group of three or more persons, whether formal or informal, having a common name or common identifying sign or symbol, having as one of its primary activities the commission of criminal acts, and whose members or associates individually or collectively engage in or have engaged in a pattern of criminal street gang activity.” (RCW 9.94A.030) DI.B Page 41 of 97 Gang member/Associate •Definition: “any person who actively participates in any criminal street gang and who intentionally promotes, furthers, or assists in any criminal act by the criminal street gang.” DI.B Page 42 of 97 Documentation Criteria •Subject self-admits to gang membership •Subject has obvious/confirmed gang tattoos •Subject writes or possesses gang paraphernalia •Subject wears gang clothing •Subject uses a gang moniker •Reliable information identifies subject as a gang member •Subject is seen in photographs with other criminal gang members •Subject displays gang hand signs and has knowledge of/uses gang language •Subject associates with known criminal gang members •Subject participates in gang activities •Subject is identified by another gang member as a gang member •Subject is named in gang documents/graffiti •Subject targets a rival gang member DI.B Page 43 of 97 Auburn Gang Activity •Gang Activity –Auburn Gangs –Auburn residents who are gang members elsewhere •Gang Enforcement –Membership not illegal. Crimes committed on behalf of, or for the benefit of the gang are. –Gang enhancements DI.B Page 44 of 97 DI.B Page 45 of 97 Graffiti •Gang graffiti vs. Tagger Crew graffiti •What is graffiti? •Is gang graffiti becoming more prevalent? •What is being done to combat graffiti? –Documentation (intelligence) –Encourage quick removal or cover up –Arrests/Prosecution – when possible –Education & Enforcement with Code Enforcement DI.B Page 46 of 97 Gang Graffiti DI.B Page 47 of 97 Tagger Crew Graffiti DI.B Page 48 of 97 Thank You! DI.B Page 49 of 97 DI.B Page 50 of 97 Complaint Received Or On view of Graffiti DI.B Page 51 of 97 Complaint Received Or On view of Graffiti Make contact with resident or business DI.B Page 52 of 97 Complaint Received Or On view of Graffiti Make contact with resident or business Issue Notice to Correct 15 Day removal Give Graffiti brochure Offer paint voucher Issue Soft Notice 1-5 Day removal Give Graffiti brochure Offer paint voucher DI.B Page 53 of 97 Complaint Received Or On view of Graffiti Make contact with resident or business Issue Notice to Correct 15 Day removal Give Graffiti brochure Offer paint voucher Issue Soft Notice 1-5 Day removal Give Graffiti brochure Offer paint voucher Civil Penalty Infraction Abatement DI.B Page 54 of 97 CITY OF AUBURN M&O GRAFFITI RESPONSE PROCEDURES DI.B Page 55 of 97 DI.B Page 56 of 97 DI.B Page 57 of 97 AGENDA BILL APPROVAL FORM Agenda Subject: Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Funding (15 Minute Presentation/15 Minute Q&A) Date: March 23, 2016 Department: Administration Attachments: City of Auburn Human Services Funding Budget Impact: $0 Administrative Recommendation: For discussion only. Background Summary: The City of Auburn relies on CDBG funds to support community and economic development projects and activities in efforts to support low- to moderate-income populations become self-sufficient and sustain affordable housing. However, CDBG funds are not the only source of funds the City uses to support community projects and activities. The City's general funds are used to support community projects in addition to CDBG funds. Reviewed by Council Committees: Councilmember:Staff:Hinman Meeting Date:March 28, 2016 Item Number:DI.C AUBURN * MORE THAN YOU IMAGINEDDI.C Page 58 of 97 City of Auburn Human Services Funding 2015 CDBG Funds *2015 HUD Entitlement Allocation: $519,114.00 HealthPoint Dental & Medical Care 62,500 Multi-Service Center Employment Training 15,000 Green River College Small Business Assistance Center 40,000 City of Auburn Housing Repair Program 249,950 City of Auburn Admin & Program Management 100,000 City of Auburn Youth Outreach Center at Les Gove 51,664 TOTAL $519,114.00 2015-2016 General Funds *1% of the City’s General Fund expenditures is allocated to Human Services funding Abused & Neglected Children: Auburn Youth Resources: ACAP Childcare Subsidies 20,000 Auburn Youth Resources: Drop-In 85,000 Birth to Three Development Center 10,000 Children’s Home Society: Family Resource center 20,000 Children’s Home Society: Strengthening Families Program 10,000 Children’s Therapy Center/Dynamic Partners 10,000 Communities in Schools 5,000 Pediatric Interim Care Center 10,000 TOTAL $170,000.00 Domestic Violence & Sexual Assault: Consejo Counseling & Referral Service 10,000 Crisis Clinic: 2-1-1, 24-Hr. Crisis Line, TeenLink 3,000 DAWN: Continuum of Housing 10,000 King County Sexual Assault Resource Center (KCSARC) 22,500 Jubilee Center/St. Matthew’s/San Mateo: DV Services 7,500 Valley Cities Counseling & Consultation: DV Victim Support 10,000 YWCA: Children’s DV Services 5,000 YWCA: Adult DV Services 20,000 TOTAL $88,000.00 DI.C Page 59 of 97 Physically & Mentally Fit/Substance Abuse: Auburn Respite 10,000 Christ Community Free Clinic 20,000 Sound Generations (Senior Services) Volunteer Transportation 5,000 South King County Mobile Medical Program 10,000 Valley Cities Counseling & Consultation: Co-Occurring Disorders Treatment 12,000 TOTAL $57,000.00 Poverty Reduction: Auburn Food Bank: Emergency Food Distribution 35,000 Auburn Food Bank: Community Suppers 5,000 Catholic Community Services: Volunteer CHORE Program 3,000 Catholic Community Services: HOME 15,000 Catholic Community Services: Katherine’s House and Rita’s House 5,000 Sound Generations (Senior Services): Meals on Wheels 7,000 Multi-Service Center: Emergency & Transitional Housing 8,000 Orion Skills Training 15,000 Pregnancy Aid 5,000 St. Vincent de Paul: Emergency Assistance 10,000 Sound Mental Health: PATH 5,000 South King Council of Human Services: Capacity Building 5,000 Ukrainian Community Center of WA: Crisis Intervention 5,000 Ukrainian Community Center of WA: Refugee Assistance 7,500 Courage360 (fka WWEE): Reach Plus 8,000 YWCA: Emergency Housing 4,000 YWCA: Transitional Housing 14,000 TOTAL $156,500.00 Total General Fund Programs: $471,500.00 DI.C Page 60 of 97 AGENDA BILL APPROVAL FORM Agenda Subject: Resolutiuon No. 5217 (5 Minute Presentation/25 Minute Q&A) Date: March 23, 2016 Department: City Attorney Attachments: Res 5217 Rules of Procedure Budget Impact: $0 Administrative Recommendation: Background Summary: Summary of Changes Proposed in Draft Rules Amendment The changes included in the draft City Council Rules of Procedure change three areas within the rules. 1. Section 3 of the Rules is amended to delete sections relating to a first and second reading of ordinances, providing instead for preliminary review of ordinances at Study Sessions (prior placement on City Council Regular or Special Meeting agendas for Council review and adoption.) 2. Section 16 of the Rules is amended to address review of ordinances at Study Sessions (prior to placement on City Council Regular or Special Meeting agendas for Council review and adoption.) 3. Section 17 of the Rules is amended to provide clarity with respect to Council liaison positions and reports to the City Council. Reviewed by Council Committees: Councilmember:Staff:Heid Meeting Date:March 28, 2016 Item Number:DI.D AUBURN * MORE THAN YOU IMAGINEDDI.D Page 61 of 97 AUBURN * MORE THAN YOU IMAGINEDDI.D Page 62 of 97 -------------------------------- Resolution No. 5217 March 7, 2016 Page 1 of 3 RESOLUTION NO. 5 2 1 7 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, WASHINGTON, AMENDING THE CITY COUNCIL RULES OF PROCEDURE AS ADOPTED BY ORDINANCE NO. 5802 AND AMENDED BY RESOLUTION NOS. 4282, 4429, 4467, 4615, 4686, 4740, 4813, 4909, 5105, 5112 AND 5115 WHEREAS, on February 2, 2004, the Auburn City Council adopted Ordinance No. 5802 approving the Rules of Procedure of the City Council; and WHEREAS, Ordinance No. 5802 also provided that future amendments or modifications to the Council Rules of Procedure could be accomplished by Resolution properly introduced and passed by the City Council; and WHEREAS, on December 12, 2007, December 15, 2008, April 6, 2009, July 6, 2010, February 22, 2011, August 15, 2011, May 21, 2012, February 19, 2013, November 3, 2014, December 1, 2014 and December 15, 2014, the City Council passed Resolution Numbers 4282, 4429, 4467, 4615, 4686, 4740, 4813, 4909, 5105, 5112 and 5115, respectively, which Resolutions adopted certain modifications to the Council Rules of Procedure; and WHEREAS, it would be appropriate for the City Council to amend its rules and procedures so as to accommodate Council liaison reports and the review of ordinances prior to adoption; and WHEREAS, rather than the current procedure for first and second readings of ordinances, the intended review could be accomplished through a procedure by which ordinances would be placed on the agenda for a Study Session prior to inclusion of the ordinances on City Council Meeting agendas for adoption. DI.D Page 63 of 97 -------------------------------- Resolution No. 5217 March 7, 2016 Page 2 of 3 NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, WASHINGTON, IN A REGULAR MEETING DULY ASSEMBLED, HEREWITH RESOLVES AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. The Rules of Procedure of the City Council, as adopted by Ordinance No. 5802 on February 2, 2004, amended by Resolution No. 4282 on December 12, 2007, Resolution No. 4429 on December 15, 2008, Resolution No. 4467 on April 6, 2009, Resolution No. 4615 on July 6, 2010, Resolution No. 4686 on February 22, 2011, Resolution No. 4740 on August 15, 2011, Resolution No. 4813 on May 21, 2012, Resolution No. 4909 on February 19, 2013, Resolution No. 5105 on November 3, 2014, Resolution No. 5112 on December 1, 2014, and Resolution No. 5115 on December 15, 2014 are hereby amended as set forth in Exhibit “A”, attached hereto and incorporated herein. Section 2. The Mayor is hereby authorized to implement such administrative procedures as may be necessary to carry out the directives of this legislation. Section 3. This Resolution shall take effect and be in full force and effect upon passage and signature hereon. DATED and SIGNED this ____ day of _________________, 2016. CITY OF AUBURN ________________________________ NANCY BACKUS, MAYOR ATTEST: ____________________________ Danielle E. Daskam, City Clerk DI.D Page 64 of 97 -------------------------------- Resolution No. 5217 March 7, 2016 Page 3 of 3 APPROVED AS TO FORM: ____________________________ Daniel B. Heid, City Attorney DI.D Page 65 of 97 Exhibit A – Resolution No. 5217 Page 1 RULES OF PROCEDURE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, WASHINGTON TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION 1 AUTHORITY 1 SECTION 2 COUNCIL MEETINGS 1 SECTION 3 ORDER OF BUSINESS OF REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA 4 SECTION 4 COUNCILMEMBER ATTENDANCE AT MEETINGS 12 SECTION 5 PRESIDING OFFICER - DUTIES 13 SECTION 6 COUNCILMEMBERS 14 SECTION 7 DEBATES 15 SECTION 8 PARLIAMENTARY PROCEDURES AND MOTIONS 15 SECTION 9 VOTING 18 SECTION 10 COMMENTS, CONCERNS AND TESTIMONY TO COUNCIL 18 SECTION 11 PUBLIC HEARINGS AND APPEALS 19 SECTION 12 DEPUTY MAYOR SELECTION PROCESS 20 SECTION 13 COUNCIL POSITION VACANCY 21 SECTION 14 COUNCIL MEETING STAFFING 22 SECTION 15 COUNCIL RELATIONS WITH STAFF 22 SECTION 16 COUNCIL STUDY SESSIONS, COMMITTEES AND CITIZEN ADVISORY BOARDS 23 SECTION 17 COUNCIL REPRESENTATION & INTERNAL COMMUNICATION 27 SECTION 18 TRAVEL AUTHORIZATION 30 SECTION 19 CONFIDENTIALITY 31 SECTION 20 ENFORCEMENT OF RULES OF PROCEDURE 31 RULES OF PROCEDURE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, WASHINGTON SECTION 1 - AUTHORITY The Auburn City Council hereby establishes the following rules for the conduct of Council meetings, proceedings and business. These rules shall be in effect upon adoption by resolution of Council and until such time as they are amended or new rules are adopted in the manner provided by these rules. SECTION 2 - COUNCIL MEETINGS All meetings of the City Council shall be open to the public and all persons shall be permitted to attend any meeting of this body, except as provided in RCW Chapter 42.30. DI.D Page 66 of 97 Exhibit A – Resolution No. 5217 Page 2 The City Clerk shall be responsible for preparing agendas for all City Council meetings pursuant to the authority of Section 2.03.100 of the City Code 1. The City Clerk shall cause to be prepared action minutes of all of the Council meetings, which minutes shall contain an account of all official actions of the Council. Council meetings shall be electronically recorded and retained for the period of time as provided by State law. 2.1 Regular Meetings - In accordance with Sections 2.06.010(A) and 2.06.020 of the City Code, the regular meetings of the City Council shall held on the first and third Mondays of every month in the City Hall Council Chambers located at 25 West Main Street, Auburn, Washington. The regular meeting location may be changed by a majority vote of the City Council. Regular Council meetings will begin at the hour of 7:00 p.m. A quorum shall constitute four or more Councilmembers for the transaction of business. In the event that a scheduled Regular Council meeting falls on a legal holiday, the meeting shall be held at 7:00 p.m. on the first business day following the holiday. The Presiding Officer shall be as set forth in Section 5.1 herein. The Presiding Officer shall be seated at the center of the dais, and the Deputy Mayor shall be seated to the Presiding Officer’s immediate left. When the Deputy Mayor is acting as the Presiding Officer, in the absence of the Mayor, the Deputy Mayor shall be seated in the center of the dais. The seating arrangement for the other members of the Council shall be as directed by the City Council pursuant to a motion duly made and seconded and approved by a majority of the City Council, following the recommendation of an ad hoc committee of three Councilmembers called for that purpose. 1 2.03.100 Meeting coordination duties. The mayor or the mayor's designee shall be responsible for the preparation of agendas for the meetings of the council and of the various boards, commissions and committees of the city, and for including in those agendas the items and issues forwarded by the city council and/or or by the ad hoc committees designated to act on behalf of the city council, and for including in those agendas the items and issues proposed by the mayor and city administration, for consideration by the council. The mayor or the mayor's designee shall also be responsible for publishing notices for meetings and for public hearings for the meetings of the council and the various boards, commissions and committees of the city, and for setting the dates and times for said public hearings, except in those instances when setting dates and times for public hearings is required by statute to be done through council resolution. (Ord. 6405 § 1, 2012; Ord. 5761 § 1, 2003.) DI.D Page 67 of 97 Exhibit A – Resolution No. 5217 Page 3 [See ACC 2.06.010 (Ord. 3916 § 1, 1983; 1957 code § 1.04.010); ACC 2.06.020 (Ord. 3759 § 1, 1982; 1957 code § 1.04.020); ACC 2.06.030 (1957 code § 1.04.060); ACC 2.06.080 (1957 code § 1.04.090).] 2.2 Study Sessions - In accordance with Sections 2.06.010(B) and 2.06.020 of the City Code, Study Sessions of the City Council shall held on the second, fourth and fifth Mondays of every month in the City Hall Council Chambers located at 25 West Main Street, Auburn, Washington. The regular meeting location of Study Sessions may be changed by a majority vote of the City Council. Study Sessions shall be subject to the following: A. The Deputy Mayor shall preside over Study Sessions. B. Study Sessions will begin at the hour of 5:30 p.m. C. A quorum shall constitute four or more Councilmembers for the transaction of business. D. In the event that a scheduled Study Session falls on a legal holiday, the meeting shall be held at 5:30 p.m. on the first business day following the holiday. E. No particular seating arrangement shall be required for the Deputy Mayor or other members of the Council, or for the Mayor or any other persons invited to sit at the table of Study Sessions. 2.3 Regular Meeting Times:2 The regularly scheduled meetings of the City Council shall be held at the following times, unless re-scheduled and/or reset to different times: A. First Monday of the month - Regular Council Meeting - - 7:00 PM B. Second Monday of the month - Council Study Session - - 5:30 PM C. Third Monday of the month - Regular Council Meeting - - 7:00 PM. D. Fourth Monday of the month - Council Study Session - - 5:30 PM E. Fifth Monday of the month - Council Study Session - - 5:30 PM. 2.4 Special Meetings - In accordance with Section 2.06.040 of the City Code and Section 35A.12.110 RCW, a special meeting of the City Council may be called by the Mayor or any three members of the Council by written notice delivered to 2 Any of these regularly scheduled meetings may be cancelled if not needed. DI.D Page 68 of 97 Exhibit A – Resolution No. 5217 Page 4 each member of the Council at least 24 hours before the time specified for the proposed meeting; provided, however, that no ordinance or resolution shall be passed, or contract let or entered into, or bill for the payment of money allowed, at any special meeting unless public notice of such meeting has been given by such notice to the local press, radio and television as will be reasonably calculated to inform the city's inhabitants of the meeting. [See ACC 2.06.040 (1957 code § 1.04.070).] 2.5 Emergency Meetings - Emergency meetings may be called by the Mayor, in accordance with Section 42.30.070 RCW, when by reason of fire, flood, earthquake, or other emergency, there is a need for expedited action by the City Council to meet the emergency, in which case, the meeting site notice requirements otherwise applicable shall not apply. 2.6 Executive Sessions - A Council meeting that is closed except to the Council, the Mayor, City Attorney and authorized staff members and/or consultants authorized by the Mayor. The public is restricted from attendance. Executive sessions may be held during Regular and Special meetings of the City Council, and will be announced by the Presiding Officer. Executive session subjects are limited to considering such matters as permitted by State law. [See former ACC 2.06.070 (1957 code § 1.04.080).] 2.7 Cancellation of Meetings - Meetings may be canceled by a majority vote of the Council and proper notice given by the City Clerk. SECTION 3 - ORDER OF BUSINESS OF REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA All items to be included on the Council’s agenda for consideration should be submitted to the City Clerk, in full by 12:00 Noon on the Tuesday preceding each regular Council meeting. The City Clerk shall then prepare a proposed agenda according to the order of business, for approval by the Mayor, or his/her designee. A final agenda will then be prepared by the City Clerk and distributed to Councilmembers as the official agenda for the meeting. In connection with the action of the City Council at Regular Council Meetings, certain items of business shall be subject to First and Second Readings prior to final approval by the City Council. 3.1 The protocol for First and Second Readings shall be as follows: A. First and second readings apply to Ordinances only. DI.D Page 69 of 97 Exhibit A – Resolution No. 5217 Page 5 B. Resolutions/consent items/contract awards, etc. would still be acted on at only one Regular Council Meeting. C. Ordinance action, especially those resulting in changes to City codes – to which First and Second Readings would apply – may take more consideration and discussion than other types of action. D. First and Second Readings would be beneficial to a transparent public process. E. First Reading — discussion only at one Regular Council Meeting. F. Second Reading — action at the next Regular Council Meeting or could be a future subsequent Council meeting depending on Council’s discussion and any needed staff follow-up. G. Provides Council with opportunity to ask questions and get information at First Reading. 3.23.1 The agenda format of the Regular City Council meeting shall be as follows: A. Call to order. The Presiding Officer shall call the meeting to order. B. Pledge of Allegiance. The Presiding Officer, Councilmembers and, at times, invited guests will lead the Pledge of Allegiance. C. Roll call. The City Clerk will call the roll. Councilmembers may request to be excused from a meeting by requesting the same of the Mayor in advance of the meeting. The reason for the request shall be given at the time of the request. D. Announcements, Proclamations and Presentations A proclamation is defined as an official announcement made by the Presiding Officer or the City Council regarding a non-controversial event, activity or special interest group which has a major city-wide impact. DI.D Page 70 of 97 Exhibit A – Resolution No. 5217 Page 6 E. Appointments Appointing individuals to various committees, boards and commissions. Confirmation of appointments, where confirmation is called for, may be preceded by discussion in executive session, where appropriate. F. Agenda modifications Changes to the Council’s published agenda are announced at this time. G. Public Hearings and Appeals Individuals may comment on public hearing and appeal items, provided that when an appeal is a closed record appeal, the matter shall be considered based on information, evidence and documents in the record. Argument on the appeal shall refer only to matters, information, documents and evidence presented at the underlying hearing from which the appeal is taken, and no new information, evidence or documents may be added, and argument on the appeal may only deal with information, evidence and documents in the record. The Presiding Officer will state the public hearing and/or appeal procedures before each hearing. H. Audience Participation Members of the audience may comment on items relating to any matter related to City business under the Audience Participation period. Comments are limited to three (3) minutes per person, and a total of fifteen (15) minutes per topic. Groups who have a designated speaker may have a total of ten (10) minutes to speak. Public comments sign-up forms will be available at the City Clerk’s desk at each meeting for use of those citizens wishing to address the Council. The City Clerk shall serve as timekeeper. The Presiding Officer may make exceptions to the audience participation time restrictions when warranted, in the discretion of the Presiding Officer. Citizens may also speak on individual agenda items on the printed agenda at the time they are considered by the Council as requested by the Presiding Officer. I. Correspondence J Council Ad Hoc Committee Reports DI.D Page 71 of 97 Exhibit A – Resolution No. 5217 Page 7 Council ad hoc Committee Chairs may report on the status of their ad hoc Council Committees’ progress on assigned tasks and may give their recommendations to the City Council, if any. K. Consent Agenda Approval of the Consent Agenda, including items considered to be routine and non-controversial, may be approved by one motion. Items on the Consent Agenda include but are not limited to the following. Any Councilmember may remove any item from the Consent Agenda for separate discussion and action. 1. Approval of minutes. 2. Fixing dates for public hearings and appeals. 3. Approval of claims and vouchers, bid awards and contracts. 4. Approval of surplus property. 5. Other items designated by the City Council. L. Unfinished Business Unfinished business of a general nature and that it was removed from the Consent Agenda for separate discussion and action. M. New Business Business, other than ordinances and resolutions, that has not been previously before the City Council. N. Ordinances 1. All ordinances shall be in writing, and the titles thereof shall be read aloud by the City Attorney prior to a vote being called on their adoption, provided that any councilmember may upon request, have a full reading of the text of a proposed ordinance prior to the vote on its adoption. It shall not require a second to the request for a full reading of an ordinance. It is further provided, however, that the requirement for a reading of the title of the proposed ordinance, or a full reading of the text of the proposed ordinance may be waived upon a motion duly made, seconded and approved by a majority of the councilmembers in attendance at the council meeting. DI.D Page 72 of 97 Exhibit A – Resolution No. 5217 Page 8 2. First & Second Reading Prior to any ordinance being considered for adoption by the City Council, the ordinance shall be included on a Study Session agenda, for review and discussion as provided in Section 16.1 (C)(5); Provided, however, that if the Mayor believes that special, emergency or exigent circumstances exist regarding the to need consider adoption of an ordinance without the ordinance having been placed on a Study Session agenda, the Mayor may place the ordinance on a Regular or Special City Council Meeting agenda with a request that the City Council consider adoption of the ordinance at such Regular or Special Meeting of the City Council. If there is not agreement among members of the City Council as to whether the ordinance should be considered for adoption at the Regular or Special Meeting of the City Council, the matter shall be presented for a separate vote at the Regular or Special City Council Meeting, and decided by majority vote of the members of the City Council at said meeting. a. If a majority of the City Council members vote in favor of considering adoption of the ordinance, the consideration of the adoption of the ordinance shall be the next matter before the City Council. b. If a majority of the City Council votes in favor of reviewing and discussing the ordinance at a Study Session prior to voting on its adoption, the ordinance shall be placed on an upcoming Study Session agenda for review and discussion. Prior to the vote on a motion to adopt or otherwise address an Ordinance, each Ordinance shall be submitted to the City Council for its consideration at a First and Second Reading, as follows: a. First Reading. The First Reading of an Ordinance shall take place at a Regular City Council Meeting. 1. The Ordinance shall be included on the Meeting Agenda under Ordinances and shall include the indication of “First Reading.” 2. The Ordinance shall be read by the City Attorney, in accordance with Section 3.2, Paragraph M, of these Rules. DI.D Page 73 of 97 Exhibit A – Resolution No. 5217 Page 9 3. The Ordinance shall be placed before the City Council by a motion to adopt or approve the Ordinance, which motion shall be seconded. a) After the motion is seconded, Councilmembers may discuss the merits of or issues related to the Ordinance. b) If there is no second to the motion, the motion dies. c) Discussion on the motion shall be in accordance with Section 7 of these Rules. d) There shall be no vote on the motion until after the Second Reading, unless the Second Reading is waived as provided for below. b. Waiver of Second Reading. The City Council may choose to waive the Second Reading of an Ordinance if it feels the need for expedience in adopting or acting on the Ordinance. 1. Waiver of Second Reading shall be made by a motion to waive the Second Reading, duly seconded and approved by a super-majority [a majority plus one] of Councilmembers present. 2. If the Second Reading is waived, the City Council may approve or act on the Ordinance at the point in the agenda following the approval of the motion to waive Second Reading. c. Second Reading. The Second Reading of an Ordinance shall take place at the Regular City Council Meeting next following the date of the Regular City Council Meeting of the First Reading of the Ordinance. 1. The Ordinance shall be included on the Meeting Agenda under Ordinances and shall include the indication of “Second Reading.” 2. The Ordinance shall be read by the City Attorney, in accordance with Section 3.2, Paragraph M, of these Rules. 3. No new motion is necessary to place the Ordinance before the City Council if a motion to adopt or approve DI.D Page 74 of 97 Exhibit A – Resolution No. 5217 Page 10 the Ordinance was duly made and seconded on the date of the meeting of the First Reading. Councilmembers may discuss the merits of or issues related to the Ordinance. a) Discussion on the motion shall be in accordance with Section 7 of these Rules. b) Following discussion on the motion, the City Council may vote on the motion or take such other action as is appropriate under these Rules of Procedure or other appropriate rules of parliamentary procedure. After a motion to adopt an ordinance has been made and seconded, the Councilmember making the motion is encouraged to give a very brief description of the issues involved with the ordinance, without simply repeating the ordinance title as read by the City Attorney and may choose to comment on any results of Council discussion or action regarding the issue. Discussion and debate by the City Council on ordinances will be held prior to the vote on an ordinance. Councilmembers shall decide whether or not to amend the ordinance, or direct staff to further review the proposed ordinance. An ordinance shall be adopted by a majority vote of a quorum of the City Council, provided that adoption of any ordinance that grants or revokes a franchise or license shall require the affirmative vote of at least a majority of the whole membership of the Council, and provided that public emergency ordinances require a vote of a majority plus one of the whole Council membership. A public emergency ordinance is one designated to protect public health and safety, public property, or public peace. O. Resolutions All resolutions shall be in writing, and the titles thereof shall be read aloud by the City Attorney prior to a vote being called on their passage, provided that any councilmember may upon request, have a full reading of the text of a proposed resolution prior to the vote on its passage. It shall not require a second to the request for a full reading of a resolution. It is further provided, however, that the requirement for a reading of the title of the proposed resolution, or a full reading of the text of the proposed resolution may be waived upon a motion duly made, seconded and DI.D Page 75 of 97 Exhibit A – Resolution No. 5217 Page 11 approved by a majority of the councilmembers in attendance at the council meeting. After a motion to pass a resolution has been made and seconded, the Councilmember making the motion is encouraged to give a very brief description of the issues involved with the resolution without simply repeating the resolution title as read by the City Attorney, and the councilmember may choose to comment on any results of Council discussion or action regarding the issue. Discussion and debate by the City Council on resolutions will be held prior to the vote on a resolution. Councilmembers shall decide whether or not to amend the resolution, or direct staff to further review the proposed resolution. A resolution shall be passed by a majority vote of a quorum of the Council, Provided that passage of any resolution for the payment of money shall require the affirmative vote of at least a majority of the whole membership of the Council. P. Mayor and Councilmember Reports The Mayor and Councilmembers may report on their significant City- related activities since the last regular meeting. The Mayor and Councilmembers shall limit their reports to not more than three (3) minutes, with sensitivity to avoiding duplicate reporting. Q. Adjournment 3.3. Recess - The foregoing agenda may be interrupted for a stated time as called by the Presiding Officer to recess for any reason, including executive sessions. 3.4 Amendment to Agenda - The sequence of handling items on the agenda of a particular Regular Council Meeting may be amended from order listed on the printed/approved agenda as follows: A. Motion to Suspend the Rules. Any member of the City Council may move to suspend the rules so as to provide that an item on the agenda may be taken out of order - considered at a different order or placement in the agenda. Such motion shall require a second, and upon approval by a majority of Councilmembers in attendance at the meeting, the item shall be considered at the point in the agenda as indicated in the approved motion. DI.D Page 76 of 97 Exhibit A – Resolution No. 5217 Page 12 B. Adjustment of Agenda by Mayor. If the Mayor, as the presiding official, determines that an item on the agenda of a Regular Council Meeting should be taken out of order - considered at a different order or placement in the agenda.as set forth in the agenda - to accommodate members of the City Council or others at the Council Meeting, the Mayor may call for the amendment of the agenda to accomplish such adjustment. Such action by the Mayor does not require a motion or vote by the City Council; provided that if the City Council does not wish to have the item moved - agenda adjusted - as directed by the Mayor, the City Council may, by motion duly made, seconded and approved by a majority of Councilmembers in attendance at the meeting keep the agenda unchanged. [See former ACC 2.06.110 (Ord. 5687 § 1, 2002; Ord. 4166 § 2, 1986); ACC 2.06.120 (1957 code § 1.04.120.); ACC 2.06.140 (1957 code § 1.04.140.); ACC 2.06.170 (1957 code § 1.04.190.); ACC 2.06.180 (Ord. 5635 § 2, 2002; 1957 code § 1.04.200).] SECTION 4 - COUNCILMEMBER ATTENDANCE AT MEETINGS 4.1 Councilmembers shall attend Regular Council meetings and Study Sessions. Councilmembers shall inform the Mayor or the City Clerk if they are unable to attend any Regular Council meeting or Study Session, or if they knowingly will be late to any such meetings. If a Councilmember has informed the Mayor or City Clerk that he or she is unable to attend such meeting, the minutes for that meeting will show the Councilmember as having an excused absence for that meeting. Provided that excessive, continued or prolonged absences may be addressed by the City Council on a case by case basis. [See ACC 2.06.050 and RCW 35A.12.060] 4.2 Councilmembers are expected to attend the meetings of the Ad Hoc Council Committees to which they are assigned. Councilmembers should inform the Chair of such Ad Hoc Council Committees or the City Clerk if they are unable to attend any meetings of such Ad Hoc Council Committees, and should inform the Chair or City Clerk if they expect to be late to any such Ad Hoc Council Committee meeting. If a Councilmember has informed the Chair or City Clerk that he or she is unable to attend such Ad Hoc Committee meeting, the minutes for that meeting, if minutes are required and/or taken, shall show the Councilmember as having an excused absence for that meeting. Provided that excessive, continued or prolonged absences may be addressed by the City Council on a case by case basis. 4.3 Councilmembers shall attend the Special Meetings of the City Council. Councilmembers, shall inform the Mayor or the City Clerk if they are unable to attend any such meetings, or shall so inform the Mayor or City Clerk if they DI.D Page 77 of 97 Exhibit A – Resolution No. 5217 Page 13 expect to be late to any such Special meeting. If a Councilmember has informed the Mayor or City Clerk that he or she is unable to attend such Special meeting, the minutes for that meeting shall show the Councilmember as having an excused absence for that meeting. Provided that excessive, continued or prolonged absences may be addressed by the City Council on a case by case basis. 4.4 Attendance at Ad Hoc Council Committee meetings and Special meetings will not be considered “regular meetings” for the purposes of RCW 35A.12.060, applicable to Regular City Council meetings. However, in addition to the application of RCW 35A.12.060 to Regular City Council meetings, unexcused absences from any Regular or Special meetings, or Ad Hoc Committee meetings, shall constitute a violation of these Rules of Procedure. SECTION 5 - PRESIDING OFFICER - DUTIES 5.1 Conduct of Meetings The Presiding Officer at all Regular Meetings of the Council shall be the Mayor and in the absence of the Mayor, the Deputy Mayor will act in that capacity. If both the Mayor and Deputy Mayor are absent and a quorum is present, the Council shall elect one of its members to serve as Presiding Officer until the return of the Mayor or Deputy Mayor. Additionally, the Deputy Mayor shall serve as the presiding officer for Council Study Sessions. It is further provided that, though not the Presiding Officer of Study Sessions, the Mayor is encouraged to attend Study Sessions. [See former ACC 2.06.090 (1957 code § 1.04.100).] 5.2 The Presiding Officer: A. Shall preserve order and decorum at all meetings of the Council and cause the removal of any person from any meeting for disorderly conduct; B. Shall observe and enforce all rules adopted by the Council; C. Shall decide all questions on order, in accordance with these rules, subject to appeal by any Councilmember; D. Shall recognize Councilmembers in the order in which they request the floor, giving every councilmember who wishes an opportunity to speak, provided that the mover of a motion shall be permitted to debate it first, and provided that the Presiding Officer may also allow discussion of an issue prior to the stating of a motion when such discussion would facilitate wording of a motion; DI.D Page 78 of 97 Exhibit A – Resolution No. 5217 Page 14 E. May affix approximate time limit for each agenda item; F. When matters on the agenda are placed, or are able to be placed under more than one classification or category, as defined by the Order of Business, and the matters involve or are closely related to other subject matter, then the Presiding Officer may, in the Presiding Officer’s discretion, present such matters before the Council, for discussion, consider and vote, at a different place in the agenda without the necessity of any vote thereon, notwithstanding their initial different placement on the written agenda. [See former ACC 2.06.100 (1957 code § 1.04.170.); ACC 2.06.190 (1957 code § 1.04.210).] SECTION 6 - COUNCILMEMBERS 6.1 Remarks. - Councilmembers desiring to speak shall address the presiding officer, and when recognized, shall confine himself/herself to the question under debate. 6.2 Questioninq. - Any member of the Council, including the Presiding Officer, shall have the right to question any individual, including members of the staff, on matters germane to the issue properly before the Council for discussion. Under no circumstances shall such questioning be conducted in a manner to the extent that such would constitute a cross-examination of or an attempt to ridicule or degrade the individual being interrogated. 6.3 Obligation to the Public Agency. - Notwithstanding the right of Councilmembers to express their independent opinions and exercise their freedom of speech, Councilmembers should act in a way that reflects positively on the reputation of the City and of the community. Councilmembers shall also interact with other members of the City Council and City staff in ways that promote effective local government. 6.4 Council Training. - Councilmembers are expected to participate in training offered by individuals, agencies, entities and organizations including but not limited to the Association of Washington Cities and the State of Washington, so as to afford the Councilmembers the opportunity to better understand their roles as City Councilmembers. 6.5 Participation in Committees, Agencies and Organizations. - To better represent the interests of the City of Auburn, Councilmembers are encouraged to participate in assignments to local, regional, state and national committees, agencies and organizations. DI.D Page 79 of 97 Exhibit A – Resolution No. 5217 Page 15 [See former ACC 2.06.130 (1957 code § 1.04.130).] SECTION 7 - DEBATES 7.1 Speaking to the Motion. - No member of the Council, including the Presiding Officer, shall speak more than twice on the same motion except by consent of the Presiding Officer or a majority of the Councilmembers present at the time the motion is before the Council. 7.2 Interruption. - No member of the Council, including the Presiding Officer, shall interrupt or argue with any other member while such member has the floor, other than the Presiding Officer’s duty to preserve order during meetings as provided in Section 5.2.A of these rules. 7.3 Courtesy. - All speakers, including members of the Council, which includes the Presiding Officer, in the discussion, comments, or debate of any matter or issue shall address their remarks to the Presiding Officer, be courteous in their language and deportment, and shall not engage in or discuss or comment on personalities, or indulge in derogatory remarks or insinuations in respect to any other member of the Council, or any member of the staff or the pubic, but shall at all times confine their remarks to those facts which are germane and relevant to the question or matter under discussion. 7.4 Transgression. - If a member of the Council shall transgress these rules on debates, the Presiding Officer shall call such member to order, in which case such member shall be silent except to explain or continue in order. If the Presiding Officer shall transgress these rules on debate or fail to call such member to order, any other member of the Council may, under a point of order, call the Presiding Officer or such other member to order, in which case the Presiding Officer or such member, as the case may be, shall be silent except to explain or continue in order. 7.5 Challenge to Ruling. - Any member of the Council, including the Presiding Officer, shall have the right to challenge any action or ruling of the Presiding Officer, or member, as the case may be, in which case the decision of the majority of the members of the Council present, including the Presiding Officer, shall govern. [See former ACC 2.06.130 (1957 code § 1.04.130).] SECTION 8 - PARLIAMENTARY PROCEDURES AND MOTIONS 8.1 All City Council meeting discussions shall be governed by ROBERTS RULES OF ORDER, NEWLY REVISED (latest edition). DI.D Page 80 of 97 Exhibit A – Resolution No. 5217 Page 16 8.2 If a motion does not receive a second, it dies. Matters that do not constitute a motion include nominations, withdrawal of motion by the person making the motion, request for a roll call vote, and point of order or privilege; therefore a second is not needed. 8.3 A motion that receives a tie vote is deemed to have failed, provided that except where prohibited by law, the Mayor, as Presiding Official, shall be allowed to vote to break a tie vote. 8.4 When making motions, Councilmembers shall be clear and concise and not include arguments for the motion within the motion. 8.5 After a motion has been made and seconded, the Councilmembers may discuss their opinions on the issue prior to the vote. 8.6 If any Councilmember wishes to abstain, from a vote on the motion pursuant to the provisions of Section 9 hereof, that Councilmember shall so advise the City Council, and shall remove and absent himself/herself from the deliberations and considerations of the motion, and shall have no further participation in the matter. Such advice shall be given prior to any discussion or participation on the subject matter or as soon thereafter as the Councilmember perceives a need to abstain, provided that, prior to the time that a Councilmember gives advice of an intent to abstain from an issue, the Councilmember shall confer with the City Attorney to determine if the basis for the Councilmember's intended abstention conforms to the requirements of Section 9. If the intended abstention can be anticipated in advance, the conference with the City Attorney should occur prior to the meeting at which the subject matter would be coming before the City Council. If that cannot be done, the Councilmember should advise the City Council that he/she has an "abstention question" that he/she would want to review with the City Attorney, in which case, a brief recess would be afforded the Councilmember for that purpose. 8.7 A motion may be withdrawn by the maker of the motion at any time without the consent of the Council. 8.8 A motion to table is nondebatable and shall preclude all amendments or debates of the issue under consideration. A motion to table is to be used in instances where circumstances or situations arise which necessitate the interruption of the Councilmembers' consideration of the matter then before them. A motion to table, if passed, shall cause the subject matter to be tabled until the interrupting circumstances or situations have been resolved, or until a time certain, if specified in the motion to table. To remove an item from the table in advance of the time certain requires a two-thirds' majority vote. DI.D Page 81 of 97 Exhibit A – Resolution No. 5217 Page 17 8.9 A motion to postpone to a certain time is debatable, is amendable and may be reconsidered at the same meeting. The question being postponed must be considered at a later time at the same meeting, or to a time certain at a future Regular or Special City Council meeting. 8.10 A motion to postpone indefinitely is debatable, is not amendable, and may be reconsidered at the same meeting only if it received an affirmative vote. 8.11 A motion to call for the question shall close debate on the main motion and is not debatable. This motion must receive a second and fails without a two-thirds' vote; debate is reopened if the motion fails. 8.12 A motion to amend is defined as amending a motion that is on the floor and has been seconded, by inserting or adding, striking out, striking out and inserting, or substituting. 8.13 Motions that cannot be amended include: Motion to adjourn, lay on the table (table), roll call vote, point of order, reconsideration and take from the table. 8.14 Amendments are voted on first, then the main motion as amended (if the amendment received an affirmative vote). 8.15 Debate of the motion only occurs after the motion has been moved and seconded. 8.16 The Presiding Officer, City Attorney or City Clerk should repeat the motion prior to voting. 8.17 The City Clerk will take a roll call vote, if requested by the Presiding Officer, a Councilmember, or as required by law. 8.18 When a question has been decided, any Councilmember who voted in the majority may move for reconsideration. In order to afford Councilmembers who voted in the majority the potential basis for a motion for reconsideration, Councilmembers who voted in the majority may inquire of Councilmembers who voted with the minority as to the reasons for their minority vote, if not stated during debate prior to the vote. 8.19 The City Attorney shall act as the Council’s parliamentarian and shall decide all questions of interpretations of these rules which may arise at a Council meeting. 8.20 These rules may be amended, or new rules adopted, by a majority vote of the full Council. DI.D Page 82 of 97 Exhibit A – Resolution No. 5217 Page 18 [See former ACC 2.06.160 (1957 code § 1.04.180.); ACC 2.06.170 (1957 code § 1.04.190.); ACC 2.06.200 (1957 code § 1.04.220.); ACC 2.06.210 (1957 code § 1.04.230).] SECTION 9 - VOTING 9.1 Voice vote - A generalized verbal indication by the Council as a whole of “yea or nay” vote on a matter, the outcome of which vote shall be recorded in the official minutes of the Council. Silence of a Councilmember during a voice vote shall be recorded as a vote with the prevailing side, except where such a Councilmember abstains because of a stated conflict of interest or appearance of fairness. 9.2 Roll call vote - A roll call vote may be requested by the Presiding Officer or by any Councilmember. 9.3 Abstentions - It is the responsibility of each Councilmember to vote when requested on a matter before the full Council. However, a Councilmember may abstain from discussion and voting on a question because of a stated conflict of interest or appearance of fairness. 9.4 Votes by Mayor - Except where prohibited by law, the Mayor, as Presiding Official, shall be allowed to vote to break a tie vote. [See former ACC 2.06.150 (1957 code § 1.04.150).] SECTION 10 - COMMENTS, CONCERNS AND TESTIMONY TO COUNCIL 10.1 Persons addressing the Council, who are not specifically scheduled on the agenda, will be requested to step up to the podium, give their name and address for the record, and limit their remarks to three (3) minutes, in addition to filling out the speaker sign-in sheet available at the City Clerk’s desk. All remarks will be addressed to the Council as a whole. The City Clerk shall serve as timekeeper. The Presiding Officer may make exceptions to the time restrictions of persons addressing the Council when warranted, in the discretion of the Presiding Officer. 10.2 Any person making personal, impertinent or slanderous remarks while addressing the Council shall be barred from further audience participation by the Presiding Officer, unless permission to continue is granted by a majority vote of the Council. [See former ACC 2.06.130 (1957 code § 1.04.130).] DI.D Page 83 of 97 Exhibit A – Resolution No. 5217 Page 19 SECTION 11 - PUBLIC HEARINGS AND APPEALS 11.1 Quasi-judicial hearings require a decision be made by the Council using a certain process, which may include a record of evidence considered and specific findings made. The following procedure shall apply: A. The Department Director of the department (most) affected by the subject matter of the hearing, or said Director’s designee, will present the City’s position and findings. Staff will be available to respond to Council questions. B. The proponent spokesperson shall speak first and be allowed (10) minutes. Council may ask questions. C. The opponent spokesperson shall be allowed ten (10) minutes for presentation and Council may ask questions. D. Each side shall then be allowed five (5) minutes for rebuttal, with the proponent spokesperson speaking first, followed by the opponent spokesperson. E. The City Clerk shall serve as timekeeper during these hearings. F. After each proponent and opponent spokesperson have used their speaking time, Council may ask further questions of the speakers, who shall be entitled to respond but limit their response to the question asked. 11.2 Public hearings where a general audience is in attendance to present arguments for or against a public issue: A. The Department Director or designee shall present the issue to the Council and respond to questions. B. A person may speak for three (3) minutes. No one may speak for a second time until everyone who wishes to speak has had an opportunity to speak. The Presiding Officer may make exceptions to the time restrictions of persons speaking at a public hearing when warranted, in the discretion of the Presiding Officer. C. The City Clerk shall serve as timekeeper during these hearings. D. After the speaker has used their allotted time, Council may ask questions of the speaker and the speaker may respond, but may not engage in further debate. DI.D Page 84 of 97 Exhibit A – Resolution No. 5217 Page 20 E. The hearing will then be closed to public participation and open for discussion among Councilmembers. F The Presiding Officer may exercise changes in the procedures at a particular meeting or hearing, but the decision to do so may be overruled by a majority vote of the Council. SECTION 12 - DEPUTY MAYOR 12.1 Annually or more often as deemed appropriate, the members of the City Council, by majority vote, shall designate one of their members as Deputy Mayor for such period as the Council may specify. A. Any member of the City Council may be nominated for the position of Deputy Mayor by having that Councilmember’s name placed in nomination by a Councilmember. [The nomination of a councilmember for this position does not require a second, and a councilmember may nominate him or herself.] B. The Councilmember receiving a majority of the votes cast by the members of the City Council shall be elected Deputy Mayor. A Councilmember may vote for him or herself. C. The names of all nominees for the position of Deputy Mayor shall be included in the vote. D. If no single Councilmember received a majority of the votes cast, a second vote/ballot, between the two nominees who received the largest number of votes, would be needed. In the second vote/ballot, whichever of these two nominees received the larger number of votes would be elected to the position of Deputy Mayor.3 [See RCW 35A.12.065.] 12.2 The Deputy Mayor shall perform the following duties: A. Intra-Council Relations 1. Serve as the Chair of the Council Study Sessions 3 It may be that if there were a larger number of nominees in the initial election, there would not be (only) two councilmembers who received the largest number of votes. For instance, if one nominee received three votes a second nominee received two votes and a third nominee also received two votes, it might be appropriate to have an initial run off between the second and the third nominees to determine who would be included in the final run-off against the first nominee. DI.D Page 85 of 97 Exhibit A – Resolution No. 5217 Page 21 2. Serve as an ex-officio member of all other ad hoc committees of the City Council 3. Assist in new councilmember training 4. Support cooperative and interactive relationships among council members 5. Work with Administration to prepare agendas for Council Study Sessions B. Mayor-Council Relations 1. Help maintain a positive and cooperative relationship between the Mayor and the City Council 2. Act as conduit between the Mayor and the City Council on issues or concerns relating to their duties C. Intergovernmental and Community Relations 1. Act in absence of Mayor as requested and/or as required 2. Be aware of all City regional and intergovernmental policies and activities in order to be prepared to step into the role of Mayor if necessary 3. Serve as the Chair of the City’s Emergency Management Compensation Board [See former ACC 2.06.090 (1957 code § 1.04.100).] SECTION 13 - COUNCIL POSITION VACANCY OR ABSENCE 13.1 In the event that an unexpired Council position becomes vacant, the City Council has ninety (90) days from the occurrence of the vacancy to appoint, by majority vote of a quorum of the Council, a qualified person to fill the vacancy pursuant to State law. The Council may make such appointment at its next regular meeting, or at a special meeting called for that purpose. If the Council does not appoint a person within the ninety (90) day period, the Mayor may make the appointment from among the persons nominated by members of the Council. 13.2 In the event of extended excused absences or disability of a Councilmember, the remaining members by majority vote may appoint a Councilmember Pro Tempore to serve during the absence or disability. DI.D Page 86 of 97 Exhibit A – Resolution No. 5217 Page 22 SECTION 14 - COUNCIL MEETING STAFFING 14.1 Department Directors shall attend all meetings of the Council unless excused. 14.2 The City Attorney shall attend all meetings of the Council unless excused, and shall upon request, give an opinion, either written or oral, on legal questions. The City Attorney shall act as the Council’s parliamentarian. The Assistant City Attorney shall attend meetings when the City Attorney has been excused. [See former ACC 2.06.060 (1957 code § 1.04.160).] SECTION 15 - COUNCIL RELATIONS WITH STAFF 15.1 There will be mutual courtesy and respect from both City staff and Councilmembers toward each other and of their respective roles and responsibilities. 15.2 City staff will acknowledge the Council as policy makers, and the Councilmembers will acknowledge City staff as administering the Council’s policies. 15.3 It is the intent of Council that all pertinent information asked for by individual Council members shall be made available to the full Council. 15.4 Individual Councilmembers shall not attempt to coerce or influence City staff in the selection of personnel, the awarding of contracts, the selection of consultants, the processing of development applications or the granting of City licenses or permits. Councilmembers may, at the request of the Mayor, participate in discussions and decisions related to these matters. 15.5 Other than through legislative action taken by the Council as a whole, individual Councilmembers shall not interfere with the operating rules and practices of any City department. 15.6 No individual Councilmember shall direct the Mayor to initiate any action or prepare any report that is significant in nature, or initiate any project or study without the consent of a majority of the Council. This provision, however, does not prohibit individual Councilmembers from discussing issues with the Mayor or making individual requests or suggestions to the Mayor. The Mayor shall endeavor to advise and update the Councilmember(s) on the status or follow-up of such issues. 15.7 All councilmember requests for information, other than requests for legal advice from the City Attorney’s Office, shall be directed through the Mayor in order to assign the task to the proper staff. The Deputy Mayor may work with the Mayor’s DI.D Page 87 of 97 Exhibit A – Resolution No. 5217 Page 23 designated staff to prepare Study Session agendas and facilitate Study Session work. 15.8 Any written communication with staff shall also include the Mayor as a recipient. SECTION 16 - COUNCIL STUDY SESSIONS, COMMITTEES AND CITIZEN ADVISORY BOARDS 16.1 In addition to the regularly scheduled City Council meetings (Regular Council Meetings) scheduled on the first and third Mondays of the month, City Council shall regularly schedule Council Study Sessions on the second, fourth and fifth Mondays of the month for review of matters that would come back before the City Council at Regular Council Meetings. Different than the format for Regular Council Meetings (identified in Section 3 hereof), Study Sessions shall be less formal than Regular Council Meetings and shall give the City Council the opportunity to discuss and debate issues coming before it for action at Regular Council meetings. The format for these meetings shall be as follows: A. Meeting Times: Study Sessions shall be scheduled as set forth in Section 2.3, above. B. Study Sessions should conform to the following: 1. Meeting facilitation - the Deputy Mayor shall preside over/conduct Study Sessions. 2. Four or more Councilmembers shall constitute a quorum for Study Sessions. 3. Two and one half hours maximum timeframe (goal). 4. Maximum of five agenda items (goal). 5. Timeframe per agenda item - up to 30 to 40 minutes. 6. Agenda items should relate to future policy-making, strategic planning or key state or federal issues affecting current or future city operations. 7. Agenda items should be substantive only (e.g., traffic impact fee increase proposals, comprehensive plan updates, rather than day- to-day operational issues. [Non-substantive items (e.g., accepting a grant, authorizing contract bidding, etc.) should go directly to the Regular City Council meeting. DI.D Page 88 of 97 Exhibit A – Resolution No. 5217 Page 24 C. Study Session Meeting Format 4 1. Call to Order The Presiding Officer shall call the meeting to order. 2. Roll call The City Clerk will call the roll. Councilmembers may request to be excused from a meeting by requesting the same of the Mayor or City Clerk in advance of the meeting. The reason for the request shall be given at the time of the request. 3. Announcements, Reports and Presentations The Presiding Officer shall provide any announcements, reports or presentations that need to be shared with the City Council in advance of the agenda discussion items. After that these announcements, reports or presentations, City Council members may have questions or wish to discuss the issues at this time or request that they be put on a future Study Session agenda for further discussion. 4. Agenda items for Council Discussion. The Presiding Officer shall announce each of the various items that are on the agenda for Council discussion, and, as warranted, request a preliminary report from staff or a consultant or other individual(s) involved in the issue. The Presiding Officer shall endeavor to call upon the members of the City Council in the order of their requests to discuss the Agenda Item. After such report(s), if any, the Presiding Officer shall open the floor for Council discussion on the agenda items in their order on the agenda, unless a different order is approved by a majority of the Councilmembers present. Council discussion shall be in conformity with the provisions of Section 7 of these rules, other than the requirement that there be a motion before Council discussion. 4 It is the intention of the City Council that Study Sessions shall be televised on the City’s public access channel if reasonably possible. DI.D Page 89 of 97 Exhibit A – Resolution No. 5217 Page 25 At the conclusion of the discussion, or at the point the Council feels its questions have been answered and discussion vetted, the Presiding Officer shall move the attention of the Council to the next discussion item on the agenda; provided that if, after a lengthy discussion on a particular agenda item, the Presiding Officer concludes that discussion should be continued to a later date, the Presiding Officer may conclude discussion on that agenda item and schedule the matter for a later Study Session. With the support of a consensus of Councilmembers, the Deputy Mayor shall call for Study Session agenda items requiring formal Council action to be included in agendas for upcoming Regular Council Meetings. 5. Ordinances Prior to an ordinance being included for adoption on the agenda of a Regular or Special Meeting of the City Council, the ordinance shall be included on the agenda of a Study Session for Council review and discussion. a. The Study Session ordinance review requirement shall be met even if the version to be considered at an upcoming City Council Meeting is amended from the version included on the Study session agenda following review and discussion at the Study Session. b. If, after City Council review and discussion of an ordinance at a Study Session, the City Council is not ready to vote on a proposed ordinance, the ordinance may be included on another Study session agenda for further review and discussion. If there is not agreement among members of the City Council as to whether the ordinance should next come before the City Council at a regular or Special Meeting of the City Council for consideration of adoption or whether it should return for further review and discussion at a Study Session, the matter shall be presented for a vote at the Study Session, and decided by majority vote of the members of the City Council at the Study Session. 5.6. Other Discussion Items The Presiding Officer and/or members of the City Council may bring up other discussion items to be discussed at this time or to be scheduled for discussion at a future Study Session; provided that if DI.D Page 90 of 97 Exhibit A – Resolution No. 5217 Page 26 the Presiding Officer concludes that there is not sufficient time to discuss or continue discussing the topic, the Presiding Officer may defer discussion or continued discussion to a future Study Session. 6.7. Adjournment The Presiding Officer shall adjourn the Study Session after conclusion of discussion on the agenda items. 16.2 The Mayor or a majority of the City Council may establish such ad hoc committees as may be appropriate to consider special matters that require special approach or emphasis. Such ad hoc committees may be established and matters referred to them at study sessions, without the requirement that such establishment or referral take place at a regular City Council meeting. The Mayor shall appoint Council representatives to intergovernmental councils, boards and committees, provided that the Deputy Mayor shall appoint Councilmembers to Council ad hoc committees. It is further provided that the Mayor shall appoint members to Council ad hoc committees if the Deputy Mayor is disabled or precluded from acting in that capacity. Councilmember appointments to intergovernmental councils, boards and committees, including ad hoc committees, shall be periodically reviewed to determine which councilmembers could best be able to represent the City on such councils, boards and committees. 16.3 Ad hoc council committees shall consider all matters referred to them. The chair of such ad hoc committee shall report to the City Council the findings of the committee. Committees may refer items to the Council with a committee recommendation or with no committee recommendation. 16.4 Advisory Boards, Committees and Commissions established by ordinance, consisting of citizens appointed pursuant to the establishing Ordinance and serving in the capacity and for the purposes indicated in the Ordinance, shall act as an advisory committee to the City Council. 16.5 Committee Chairpersons shall have broad discretion in conducting their meetings. They will generally follow Roberts Rules of Order, Newly Revised. 16.6 Unless otherwise expressly provided for an ad hoc committee of the City Council, such committees shall not receive public testimony or allow audience participation in connection with or related to the agenda item being discussed by the Committee,. Unless otherwise expressly provided for such ad hoc committee, it is the intention of the City Council that such ad hoc committees function informally and not in any way that takes action in lieu of or on behalf of the full City Council. The purpose and function of such ad hoc committees shall be to review matters in advance of their consideration by the full City Council, and DI.D Page 91 of 97 Exhibit A – Resolution No. 5217 Page 27 perhaps record and make recommendations to the full City Council. With that, it is the intention that these committees operate informally, without the need for compliance with the Open Public Meetings Act (Chapter 42.30. RCW). 16.7 Committee Chairpersons shall approve all agenda items and may, at their discretion, remove or add agenda items during the course of the meeting. SECTION 17 - COUNCIL REPRESENTATION & INTERNAL COMMUNICATION 17.1 If a Councilmember meets with, attends a meeting or otherwise appears on before individuals, another governmental agency, a community organization, or a private entity or organization, including individuals, agencies, or organizations with whom or with which the City has a business relationship, and makes statements directly or through the media, commenting on an issue that does or could affect the City, the Councilmember shall state the majority position of the City Council, if known, on such issue. Personal opinions and comments which differ from those of the Council majority may be expressed if the Councilmember clarifies that these statements do not represent the City Council’s position, and the statements are those of the Councilmember as an individual. Additionally, before a Councilmember discusses anything that does or could relate to City liability, the Councilmember should talk to the City Attorney or the City’s Risk Manager, so that the Councilmember would have a better understanding of what may be said or how the discussion should go to control or minimize the City’s liability risk and exposure. 17.2 Councilmembers need to have other Councilmember’s concurrence before representing another Councilmember’s view or position with the media, another government agency or community organization. 17.3 Councilmembers shall not knowingly communicate with an opposing party or with an opposing attorney in connection with any pending or threatened litigation in which the City is a party or in connection with any disputed claim involving the City without the prior approval of the City Attorney, unless the Councilmember is individually a party to the litigation or is involved in the disputed claim separate from the Councilmember’s role as a City official. 17.4 Communication among Councilmembers shall conform to the following parameters: A. Except in connection with Council members meeting, informally, in committees not subject to the Open Public Meetings Act, to assure that communication on agenda items occurs to the greatest extent possible at the public meetings, and to avoid even the perception that email is being used in a way that could constitute a public meeting, e.g., successive communications on City Council topics that involve a quorum of the Councilmembers. Councilmembers should refrain from emailing DI.D Page 92 of 97 Exhibit A – Resolution No. 5217 Page 28 Councilmembers about such agenda items. Councilmembers should be prepared to communicate about matters that are on upcoming Council agendas at the public meetings. If Councilmembers wish to share information with other councilmembers about matters that are on upcoming agendas, the councilmembers should forward that information to the Mayor for distribution in the council meeting packets. B. Councilmembers may communicate via email to other Councilmembers, including to a quorum of the full City Council about matters within the scope of the City Council’s authority or related to City business, but not yet scheduled on upcoming Council agendas, to indicate a desire that certain items be included on upcoming meeting agendas; provided that Councilmembers shall never ask for responses from the other Councilmembers in that communication. C. Email communication among Councilmembers relating to City operations should also include the Mayor as a recipient/addressee. D. Councilmembers may email the Mayor about City business without limitations or restrictions. 17.5 Internet & Electronic Resources/Equipment Use. A. Policy. It is the policy of the City Council that Internet and electronic resources equipment use shall conform to and be consistent with the requirements of City of Auburn Administrative Policy and Procedure 500- 03, “Internet & Electronic Resources/Equipment Use – Elected Officials” adopted hereby and incorporated herein by this reference. It is important to note that all letters, memoranda, and interactive computer communication involving City Councilmembers and members of advisory boards and commissions, the subject of which relates to the conduct of government or the performance of any governmental function, with exceptions stated by the Public Records Act (RCW 42.56), are public records. B. Electronic Communications. 1. Informal messages with no retention value and that do not relate to the functional responsibility of the recipient or sender as a public official, such as meeting notices, reminders, telephone messages and informal notes, do not constitute a public record. Users should delete these messages once their administrative purpose is served. DI.D Page 93 of 97 Exhibit A – Resolution No. 5217 Page 29 2. All other messages that relate to the functional responsibility of the recipient or sender as a public official constitute a public record. Such records are subject to public inspection and copying. 3. Electronic communications that are intended to be shared among a quorum of the City Council or of an ad hoc Council Committee, whether concurrently or serially, must be considered in light of the Open Public Meetings Act, if applicable. If the intended purpose of the electronic communication is to have a discussion that should be held at an open meeting, the electronic discussion shall not occur. Further, the use of electronic communication to form a collective decision of the Council shall not occur. 4. Electronic communication should be used cautiously when seeking legal advice or to discuss matters of pending litigation or other confidential City business. In general, electronic communication is discoverable in litigation, and even deleted electronic communication is not necessarily removed from the system. Confidential electronic communications should not be shared with individuals other than the intended recipients, or the attorney-client privilege protecting the document from disclosure may be waived. 5. Electronic communication between Councilmembers and between Councilmembers and staff shall not be transmitted to the public or news media without the filing of a public disclosure request with the City Clerk. 6. As a cautionary note, if an elected public official uses his or her personal home computer to send electronic communications dealing with City business, the electronic communications and electronic records may be subject to discovery demands and public disclosure requests. That possibility amplifies the need for caution in how one uses electronic communication for City business. 17.6 Council Relations with City Boards and Commissions. A Council Liaisons. Different than where a City Councilmember is appointed by the City Council or the Mayor to serve as a member of a board, commission, committee, task force or any other advisory body, the City Council may, on limited occasions or under unusual circumstances, appoint a Councilmember to serve as a non-member Liaison to a board, commission, committee, task force or any other advisory body. Anytime a Councilmember is appointed as such a Liaison, the position or role of DI.D Page 94 of 97 Exhibit A – Resolution No. 5217 Page 30 Liaison is subordinate to that of Councilmember, and the Councilmember’s responsibility is first and foremost to the City and to the City Council. The role and responsibility of the Councilmember-Liaison is to keep the City Council apprised of the activities, positions and actions of the entity or organization to which the Councilmember has been appointed Liaison, and not to communicate to the board, commission, committee, task force or other advisory body a statement as the position of the City Council, except as authorized or directed by the City Council. Insofar as a Council Liaison position does not give all councilmembers equal access to the activities, functions and information of or about a board, commission, committee, task force or any other advisory body, appointments to Council Liaison positions should be reserved to those instances where a Report to the Council by the board, commission, committee, task force or any other advisory body would not be convenient or practical. B. Reports to the Council. Each board, commission, committee, task force or any other advisory body of the City shall be requested to present a report to the City Council at a Regular Meeting or a Study Session of the City Council, as scheduled by the Mayor or Deputy Mayor. Such reports shall be scheduled for a Regular Council Meeting or a Council Study Session, and shall be delivered by the chair of the board, commission, committee, task force or any other advisory body or designee. The reports shall inform the City Council of the activities, functions and information with which the board, commission, committee, task force or any other advisory body has been involved since the previous report, and shall include the opportunity for questions by Councilmembers. 17.7 Whenever a member of the City Council attends any meeting of any other entity or organization, he or she should endeavor to be prudent in what he or she says or does at such meeting. Further, the Councilmember should avoid attending such meeting if that attendance would impose an interference with the meeting or the operations of the other entity or organization, or of the operations of the City. SECTION 18 - TRAVEL AUTHORIZATION 18.1 In accordance with the City of Auburn travel policy, approvals or expenditure of travel related costs and/or approval of specific travel events or activities by Councilmembers beyond the authority provided in the travel policy and budget shall be as follows: the requesting Councilmember shall submit his/her request to expend travel related costs and/or request for authorization for specific travel purposes to the Mayor to be included on an upcoming Council meeting agenda in advance of the date(s) of such expenditure or travel. The City Council may DI.D Page 95 of 97 Exhibit A – Resolution No. 5217 Page 31 pursuant to a motion, approve the request by a majority vote of a quorum of the City Council at the meeting in which the matter is considered. SECTION 19 - CONFIDENTIALITY 19.1 Councilmembers shall keep confidential all written materials and verbal information provided to them during Executive Sessions, to ensure that the City’s position is not compromised. Confidentiality also includes information provided to Councilmembers outside of Executive Sessions when the information is considered by the exempt from disclosure under exemptions set forth in the Revised Code of Washington. SECTION 20 – ENFORCEMENT OF RULES OF PROCEDURE 20.1 Councilmembers shall conform their conduct to the requirements, standards and expectations set forth in these Rules of Procedure. In addition to and notwithstanding whatever other enforcement mechanisms may exist for legal, ethical or practical obligations on Councilmember performance or conduct, violations of these Rules of Procedure by Councilmembers may be enforced by action of the City Council through sanctions such as votes of censure or letters of reprimand, and such other action as may be permitted by law. DI.D Page 96 of 97 Exhibit A – Resolution No. 5217 Page 32 City Council Rules of Procedure: Adopted: February 2, 2004 Ordinance No. 5802 Amended by Resolution No. 4282, December 17, 2007 Amended by Resolution No. 4429, December 15, 2008 Amended by Resolution No. 4467, April 6, 2009 Amended by Resolution No. 4615, July 6, 2010 Amended by Resolution No. 4686, February 22, 2011 Amended by Resolution No. 4740, August 15, 2011 Amended by Resolution No. 4813, May 21, 2012 Amended by Resolution No 4909, February 19, 2013 Amended by Resolution No. 5105, November 3, 2014 Amended by Resolution No. 5112, December 1, 2014 Amended by Resolution No. 5115, December 15, 2014 DI.D Page 97 of 97