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2015 Annual Report
Submittals WQWebSubmittal WQWebSubmittal Home WQWebPortal Home Help FAQs Annual Report Question Number Permit Section Questions 1 S5.A.2 Attach updated annual Stormwater Management Program Plan (SWMP Plan). (S5.A.2) 2 S9.D.5 Attach a copy of any annexations, incorporations or boundary changes resulting in an increase or decrease in the Permittee’s geographic area of permit coverage during the reporting period per S9.D.5. Saved Document Name: Res. 5101 Q2_2_01062016014336 3 S5.A.3 Implemented an ongoing program to gather, track, and maintain information per S5.A.3, including costs or estimated costs of implementing the SWMP. Yes 4 S5.A.5.b Coordinated among departments within the jurisdiction to eliminate barriers to permit compliance. (S5.A.5.b) Yes 5 S5.C.1.a.i and ii Attach description of public education and outreach efforts conducted per S5.C.1.a.i and ii. Saved Document Name: City of Auburn 2015 Public Edu_5_01282016063328 6 S5.C.1.b Created stewardship opportunities (or partnered with others) to encourage resident participation in activities such as those described in S5.C.1.b. Yes 7 S5.C.1.b Used results of measuring the understanding and adoption of targeted behaviors among at least one audience in at least one subject area to direct education and outreach resources and evaluate changes in adoption of targeted behaviors. (Required no later than February 2, 2016, S5.C.1.b) Not Applicable 7b S5.C.1.b Attach description of how this requirement was met. 8 S5.C.2.a Describe the opportunities created for the public to participate in the decision making processes involving the development, implementation and updates of the Permittee’s SWMP. (S5.C.2.a) The draft SWMP was posted on the City's website and public comments were requested. The SWMP was presented to the City Council in public meetings. A public hearing was help at a City Council meeting. 9 S5.C.2.b Posted the updated SWMP Plan and latest annual report on your website no later than May 31. (S5.C.2.b) Yes 9b S5.C.2.b List the website address. www.auburnwa.gov 10 Page 1 of 7WQWebSubmittal -Search 1/28/2016https://secureaccess.wa.gov/ecy/wqwebportal/wqwebsubmittal/ViewQuestionnaire.aspx?Q... S5.C.3.a.i - vi Maintained a map of the MS4 including the requirements listed in S5.C.3.a.i.-vi. Yes 11 S5.C.3.b.v Implemented a compliance strategy, including informal compliance actions as well as enforcement provisions of the regulatory mechanism described in S5.C.3.b. (S5.C.3.b.v) Yes 12 S5.C.3.b.vi Updated, if necessary, the regulatory mechanism to effectively prohibit illicit discharges into the MS4 per S5.C.3.b.vi. (Required no later than February 2, 2018) Not Applicable 12b Cite the Prohibited Discharges code reference 13 S5.C.3.c.i Implemented procedures for conducting illicit discharge investigations in accordance with S5.C.3.c.i. Yes 13b S5.C.3.c.i Cite methodology Field screening methodologies from the Illicit Connection and Illicit Discharge Field Screening and Source Tracing Guidance Manual prepared for the Washington State Department of Ecology 14 S5.C.3.c.i Percentage of MS4 coverage area screened in reporting year per S5.C.3.c.i. (Required to screen 40% of MS4 no later than December 31, 2017 (except no later than June 30, 2018 for the City of Aberdeen) and 12% on average each year thereafter. (S5.C.3) 40 15 S5.C.3.c.ii List the hotline telephone number for public reporting of spills and other illicit discharges. (S5.C.3.c.ii) 253 931-3048 15b S5.C.3.c.ii Number of hotline calls received. 7 16 S5.C.3.c.iii Implemented an ongoing illicit discharge training program for all municipal field staff per S5.C.3.c.iii. Yes 17 S5.C.3.c.iv Informed public employees, businesses, and the general public of hazards associated with illicit discharges and improper disposal of waste. (S5.C.3.c.iv) Yes 17b S5.C.3.c.iv Describe the information sharing actions. (S5.C.3.c.iv) ECOSS Pollution Prevention Outreach program targeted businesses with outreach on spill prevention and clean-up. Rain Drain postcards were mailed to neighborhoods where evidence of illicit discharge were found. 18 S5.C.3.d Implemented an ongoing program to characterize, trace, and eliminate illicit discharges into the MS4 per S5.C.3.d. Yes 19 S5.C.3.d.iv Number of illicit discharges, including illicit connections, eliminated during the reporting year. (S5.C.3.d.iv) 55 20 Attach a summary of actions taken to characterize, trace and eliminate each illicit discharge found by or reported to the permittee. For each illicit discharge, include a description of actions Page 2 of 7WQWebSubmittal -Search 1/28/2016https://secureaccess.wa.gov/ecy/wqwebportal/wqwebsubmittal/ViewQuestionnaire.aspx?Q... S5.C.3.d.iv according to required timeline per S5.C.3.d.iv Saved Document Name: Question 20 DOE Submittal Aubu_20_01132016081958 21 S5.C.3.e Municipal illicit discharge detection staff are trained to conduct illicit discharge detection and elimination activities as described in S5.C.3.e. Yes 22 S5.C.4.a Implemented an ordinance or other enforceable mechanism to address runoff from new development, redevelopment and construction sites per the requirements of S5.C.4.a. Yes 24 S5.C.4.a.i Number of exceptions granted to the minimum requirements in Appendix 1. (S5.C.4.a.i., and Section 6 of Appendix 1) 0 25 S5.C.4.a.i Number of variances granted to the minimum requirements in Appendix 1. (S5.C.4.a.i., and Section 6 of Appendix 1) 0 26 S5.C.4.b.i Reviewed Stormwater Site Plans for all proposed development activities that meet the thresholds adopted pursuant to S5.C.4.a.i. (S5.C.4.b.i) Yes 26b S5.C.4.b.i Number of site plans reviewed during the reporting period. 989 27 S5.C.4.b.ii Inspected, prior to clearing and construction, permitted development sites that have a high potential for sediment transport as determined through plan review based on definitions and requirements in Appendix 7 Determining Construction Site Sediment Damage Potential, or alternatively, inspected all construction sites meeting the minimum thresholds adopted pursuant to S5.C.4.a.i. (S5.C.4.b.ii) Yes 27b S5.C.4.b.ii Number of construction sites inspected per S5.C.4.b.ii. 87 28 S5.C.4.b.iii Inspected permitted development sites during construction to verify proper installation and maintenance of required erosion and sediment controls. (S5.C.4.b.iii) Yes 28b S5.C.4.b.iii Number of construction sites inspected per S5.C.4.b.iii. 124 29 S5.C.4.b.ii, iii and Number of enforcement actions taken during the reporting period (based on construction phase inspections at new development and redevelopment projects). (S5.C.4.b.ii, iii and v) 14 30 S5.C.4.b.iv Inspected all permitted development sites that meet the thresholds in S5.C.4.a.i upon completion of construction and prior to final approval or occupancy to ensure proper installation of permanent stormwater facilities. (S5.C.4.b.iv) Yes 31 S5.C.4.b.ii-iv Achieved at least 80% of scheduled construction-related inspections. (S5.C.4.b.ii-iv) Yes 32 Verified a maintenance plan is completed and responsibility for maintenance is assigned for projects. (S5.C.4.b.iv) Page 3 of 7WQWebSubmittal -Search 1/28/2016https://secureaccess.wa.gov/ecy/wqwebportal/wqwebsubmittal/ViewQuestionnaire.aspx?Q... S5.C.4.b.iv Yes 33 S5.C.4.c Implemented provisions to verify adequate long-term operation and maintenance (O&M) of stormwater treatment and flow control BMPs/facilities that are permitted and constructed pursuant to S5.C.4. a and b. (S5.C.4.c) Yes 35 S5.C.4.c.iii Annually inspected stormwater treatment and flow control BMPs/facilities per S5.C.4.c.iii. Yes 35b S5.C.4.c.iii If using reduced inspection frequency for the first time during this permit cycle, attach documentation per S5.C.4.c.iii Not Applicable 36 S5.C.4.c.iv Inspected new residential stormwater treatment and flow control BMPs/facilities and catch basins every 6 months per S5.C.4.c.iv to identify maintenance needs and enforce compliance with maintenance standards. Yes 37 S5.C.4.c.v Achieved at least 80% of scheduled inspections to verify adequate long-term O&M. (S5.C4.c.v) Yes 38 S4.C.4.c.vi Verified that maintenance was performed per the schedule in S5.C.4.c.vi when an inspection identified an exceedance of the maintenance standard. Yes 38b S5.C.4.c.vi Attach documentation of any maintenance delays. (S5.C.4.c.vi) Not Applicable 39 S5.C.4.d Provided copies of the Notice of Intent for Construction Activity and Notice of Intent for Industrial Activity to representatives of proposed new development and redevelopment. (S5.C.4.d) Yes 40 S5.C.4.e All staff responsible for implementing the program to control stormwater runoff from new development, redevelopment, and construction sites, including permitting, plan review, construction site inspections, and enforcement are trained to conduct these activities. (S5.C.4.e) Yes 42 S5.C.4.g Participated and cooperated with the watershed-scale stormwater planning process led by a Phase I county. (S5.C.4.g) Not Applicable 43 S5.C.5.a Implemented maintenance standards as protective, or more protective, of facility function as those specified in Chapter 4 of Volume V of the 2005 Stormwater Management Manual for Western Washington. Yes 44 S5.C.5.a Applied a maintenance standard that is not specified in the Stormwater Management Manual for Western Washington. Not Applicable 44b S5.C.5.a Please note what kinds of facilities are covered by this alternative maintenance standard. (S5.C.5.a) 45 Page 4 of 7WQWebSubmittal -Search 1/28/2016https://secureaccess.wa.gov/ecy/wqwebportal/wqwebsubmittal/ViewQuestionnaire.aspx?Q... S5.C.5.a.ii Performed timely maintenance per S5.C.5.a.ii. Yes 46 S5.C.5.b Annually inspected all municipally owned or operated permanent stormwater treatment and flow control BMPs/facilities. (S5.C.5.b) Yes 46b S5.C.5.b Number of known municipally owned or operated stormwater treatment and flow control BMPs/facilities. (S5.C.5.b) 456 46c S5.C.5.b Number of facilities inspected during the reporting period. (S5.C.5.b) 452 46d S5.C.5.b Number of facilities for which maintenance was performed during the reporting period. (S5.C.5.b) 30 47 S5.C.5.b If using reduced inspection frequency for the first time during this permit cycle, attach documentation per S5.C.5.b. Not Applicable 48 S5.C.5.c Conducted spot checks and inspections (if necessary) of potentially damaged stormwater facilities after major storms as per S5.C.5.c. Yes 49 S5.C.5.d Inspected all municipally owned or operated catch basins and inlets as per S5.C.5.d, or used an alternative approach. (Required once no later than August 1, 2017 and every two years thereafter, except once no later than June 30, 2018 and every two years thereafter for the City of Aberdeen) Not Applicable 49b S5.C.5.d Number of known catch basins. 8563 49c S5.C.5.d Number of catch basins inspected during the reporting period. 2414 49d S5.C.5.d Number of catch basins cleaned during the reporting period. 894 50 S5.C.5.d.i-ii Attach documentation of alternative catch basin cleaning approach, if used. (S5.C.5.d.i or ii) Not Applicable 51 S5.C.5.f Implemented practices, policies and procedures to reduce stormwater impacts associated with runoff from all lands owned or maintained by the Permittee, and road maintenance activities under the functional control of the Permittee. (S5.C.5.f) Yes 52 S5.C.5.g Implemented an ongoing training program for Permittee employees whose primary construction, operations or maintenance job functions may impact stormwater quality. (S5.C.5.g.) Yes 53 S5.C.5.h Implemented a Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan for all heavy equipment maintenance or storage yards, and material storage facilities owned or operated by the Permittee in areas subject to this Permit that are not required to have coverage under an NPDES permit that covers stormwater discharges associated with the activity. (S5.C.5.h) Page 5 of 7WQWebSubmittal -Search 1/28/2016https://secureaccess.wa.gov/ecy/wqwebportal/wqwebsubmittal/ViewQuestionnaire.aspx?Q... Yes 54 S7.A Complied with the Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL)-specific requirements identified in Appendix 2. (S7.A) Yes 55 S7.A For TMDLs listed in Appendix 2: Attach a summary of relevant SWMP and Appendix 2 activities to address the applicable TMDL parameter(s). (S7.A) Saved Document Name: 2015 TMDL Summary_55_01282016064950 56 S8.A Attach a description of any stormwater monitoring or stormwater-related studies as described in S8.A. Not Applicable 57 S8.B.1 Participated in cost-sharing for the regional stormwater monitoring program (RSMP) for status and trends monitoring. (S8.B.1) Yes 57B S8.B.2 If choosing to conduct individual status and trends monitoring, attach an annual stormwater monitoring report in accordance with S8.B.2. (Required to submit reports beginning March 31, 2016) 58 S8.C.1 Participated in cost-sharing for the regional stormwater monitoring program (RSMP) for effectiveness studies. (S8.C.1) (Required to begin no later than August 15, 2014) Yes 58b S8.C.2 If choosing to conduct discharge monitoring, attach an annual stormwater monitoring report in accordance with S8.C.2 and Appendix 9. (Required to submit reports beginning March 31, 2016) 59 S8.D.1 Contributed to the RSMP for source identification and diagnostic monitoring information repository in accordance with S8.D.1. (Required to begin no later than August 15, 2014) Yes 60 G3 Notified Ecology in accordance with G3 of any discharge into or from the Permittees MS4 which could constitute a threat to human health, welfare or the environment. (G3) Yes 61 G3 Number of G3 notifications provided to Ecology. 14 62 G3.A Took appropriate action to correct or minimize the threat to human health, welfare, and/or the environment per G3.A. Yes 63 S4.F.1 Notified Ecology within 30 days of becoming aware that a discharge from the Permittee’s MS4 caused or contributed to a known or likely violation of water quality standards in the receiving water. (S4.F.1) Not Applicable 64 S4.F.3.a If requested, submitted an Adaptive Management Response report in accordance with S4.F.3.a. 65 S4.F.3.d Attach a summary of the status of implementation of any actions taken pursuant to S4.F.3 and the status of any monitoring, assessment, or evaluation efforts conducted during the reporting period. (S4.F.3.d) Not Applicable Page 6 of 7WQWebSubmittal -Search 1/28/2016https://secureaccess.wa.gov/ecy/wqwebportal/wqwebsubmittal/ViewQuestionnaire.aspx?Q... 66 G20 Notified Ecology of the failure to comply with the permit terms and conditions within 30 days of becoming aware of the non-compliance. (G20) Not Applicable 67 G20 Number of non-compliance notifications (G20) provided in reporting year. 0 67b G20 List the permit conditions described in non-compliance notification(s). Not Applicable Attachments: View Files Attached to Submission DocDescr DocName DocExt DocID SubID AppName View WAR045502_55_01282016064950 2015 TMDL Summary_55_01282016064950 .docx 425613 1524775 wqwebportal View WAR045502_5_01282016063328 City of Auburn 2015 Public Edu_5_01282016063328 .doc 425612 1524775 wqwebportal View WAR045502_20_01132016081958 Question 20 DOE Submittal Aubu_20_01132016081958 .xlsx 422160 1524775 wqwebportal View WAR045502_2_01062016014336 Res. 5101 Q2_2_01062016014336 .pdf 420084 1524775 wqwebportal Close Ecology Home |WQWebPortal Home |WQWebSubmittal Home |Help |Release Notes |Contact Us Submittals (WQWebSubmittal) Version 1.3 |Data Disclaimer |Privacy Policy Copyright © Washington State Department of Ecology. All Rights Reserved. Page 7 of 7WQWebSubmittal -Search 1/28/2016https://secureaccess.wa.gov/ecy/wqwebportal/wqwebsubmittal/ViewQuestionnaire.aspx?Q... 1 City of Auburn 2015 Public Education and Outreach Summary Public Education Activity Target Audience Comments City Storm Drainage Web Site General Public City website provides general information on the City’s storm drainage program, links to the City’s SWMP and annual reports and lists the Spill Reporting phone number. City Storm Drainage Web Site Private Storm Facility Owners and Managers City website provides information on maintenance standards for private storm drainage systems. City Environmental Services Web Site General Public City website provides information on floodplain and natural area restoration. Stormwater Outreach for Regional Municipalities (STORM) General public Auburn participated in this regional public education program. PSSH branded information and items were distributed. Auburn Magazine Homeowners Provided information on disposal options for household hazardous waste and on keeping hazardous waste out of stormwater. Included reminder for pet owners to clean up pet waste. ECOSS Spill Kit Program Business types included automotive, food service, manufacturing, property maintenance, and retail Outreach and educational training on spill prevention and cleanup, and stormwater pollution prevention was provided to 27 businesses in 2015. 71% of the businesses contacted spoke English as a second language. Water Festival Fourth and fifth grade students 197 Auburn students attended Water Festival 2015 where they learned about stormwater, pollution prevention, wetlands, salmon, drinking water and sanitary sewer issues through hands on activities and presentations. Natural Yard Care Workshops Homeowners Three workshops were attended by between 45 and 51 people per session (52 unique households) from the north valley and West Hill areas of Auburn. Attendees learned that they could have beautiful, healthy yards while reducing their dependence on pesticides and fertilizer. Kid’s Day School children and their parents One day fair where approximately 1,500 children visited the Auburn Utilities booth where they could learn about stormwater pollution prevention and other water resource information. Carwash Kit Program / IDDE Property owners / managers Kit checkout procedures continued to include a process were the City verifies that a kit will function at a site prior to it being check out for use. Volunteer Vegetation Planting at the Fenster Nature Park General public The City organized and led native plant planting at the Fenster Nature Park. Approximately 65 volunteers participated. Volunteer Vegetation Planting and Site Maintenance at the Auburn Environmental Park General public The City organized and led native plant planting, invasive species control and mulching opportunities at the Auburn Environmental Park. Approximately 100 volunteers participated. 2 Public Education Activity Target Audience Comments Presentations to City Council on Low Impact Development City Council and public City staff and City consultants provided two presentations to the City Council on Low Impact Development. The presentations were streamed live on the City’s community television channel and an article was generated in the Auburn Reporter. Scoop it, bag it and put it in the trash article Pet owners Article on proper disposal of pet waste was included in the spring Auburn Magazine that was mailed to residences and businesses in Auburn. Warmer Weather Means More Car Washing, Remember to Wash Smart article Vehicle owners Article on proper car washing was included in the spring Auburn Magazine that was mailed to residences and businesses in Auburn. Help Us Protect Puget Sound with Sound-Healthy Habits article Homeowners and businesses in Auburn Article on multiple best management practices to prevent polluted storm drainage was included in the spring Auburn Magazine that was mailed to residences and businesses in Auburn. Educational mailers Property owners who live near the Green River and Bowman Creek Educational mailers were sent to property owners whose properties adjoin the Green River and Bowman Creek. Rain Drain Postcard Homeowners in areas where illicit discharges are suspected Postcard was mailed to 129 residences in 3 areas where illicit discharges had been identified. Best Management Practices Training to Prevent Stormwater Pollution for Municipal Operations Municipal operations staff including Community Development and Public Works Department and Parks, Arts and Recreation Department maintenance workers 81 municipal maintenance staff attended the training on stormwater pollution prevention related to the work that they perform. Stormwater Management Training City Construction and Building Inspectors, and Design Engineering staff 19 City staff received training on construction site stormwater pollution prevention, inspections and enforcement. Illicit Discharge Recognition and Reporting City field staff 5 new staff members were trained on identification and reporting of illicit discharges. Living in the Grey Erosion, Sediment & Pollution Control City project management and inspection staff Staff were trained on sediment and erosion control for construction activities. National Traffic Incident Management Responder Training Program City spill response staff 3 spill response staff attended training on safe response to traffic accidents. City of Auburn Municipal Stormwater Permit 2015 Annual Report Question 20 (content modified for presentation purposes) 2. Unique Identifier 3. Date incident initially reported 4a. Street Address 4c. And/or Nearest Intersection 4d. Is the structure mapped/invent oried?6. Frequency 7. Threat Determination and G3 Notification: (constituted a threat to human health or the environment) 7a. Immediate Response? 7b. G3 Notification? 8. Investigated within 7 days per program procedures? 8b. Final resolution of illicit connection within 6 months? 9. How did you learn about the problem? 9a. ERTS Number 10. Source Tracing Methods: 11. Indicator Testing: 12. Pollutant(s) Identified: 13. Source or Cause: 13a. Commercial 14. Correction/ Elimination Method: 14a. Enforcement 15. Final Resolution Date 16. Field notes, explanations, and other comments: R1130 1/7/2015 12556 SE 295th St Yes One time spill or discharge No Yes N/A Yes N/A Staff Referral N/A Visual Recon Visual Indicators Vehicle Fluids Vehicle No Action Needed 1/8/2015 Vehicle fluids, most likely motor oil dripped from parked vehicles and moving vehicles on street surface. No evidence of vehicle fluids in storm system or downstream detention vault. R1151 1/8/2015 D St SE 26th St SE Yes One time spill or discharge No Yes N/A Yes N/A Staff Referral N/A Visual Recon Odor, Visual Indicators Vehicle Fluids Unknown Other (Explain in Field 16)1/9/2015 Report of gasoline on road surface. Non-recoverable amount found. Placed absorbent pads in downstream catch basin in case it rains. No obvious source was located. R1168 1/9/2015 Peasley Canyon Rd Yes One time spill or discharge No Yes N/A Yes N/A Staff Referral N/A Visual Recon Odor, Visual Indicators Natural foam Natural event No Action Needed 1/9/2015 Report of foam on Mill Creek in Peasley Canyon. Investigated and found foam which appears to be naturally occurring. R1232 1/22/2015 Nathan Pl SE Yes Unknown No Yes N/A Yes N/A Pollution Hotline N/A Visual Recon Odor, Visual Indicators None Mobile business Yes Education (Post Card)1/22/2015 Report that mobile pet grooming business was draining wastewater into the street. No evidence was found. Postcard mailed to the vicinity telling them that drains lead to the river and providing pollution reporting number. Code enforcement notified that business was unlicensed. R1236 1/22/2015 1702 E St NE Yes One time spill or discharge No Yes N/A Yes N/A Staff Referral N/A Visual Recon Odor, Visual Indicators Vehicle Fluids Vehicle No Action Needed 1/23/2015 Report of possible illicit discharge. Investigated and found a light sheen on the ground surface and same in catch basin. R1241 1/23/2015 Pike St NE Yes Unknown No Yes N/A Yes N/A Staff Referral N/A Visual Recon Odor, Visual Indicators Paint Residence No Action Needed 1/23/2015 Report of a paint spill. Investigation found that approximately 1 cup of paint had been spilled on the ground along the side of a residence. The paint did not impact the MS4. R1275 1/29/2015 Oravetz Rd SE Mill Pond Dr SE Yes N/A No Yes N/A Yes N/A Staff Referral N/A Visual Recon Odor, Visual Indicators None Unknown No Action Needed 1/29/2015 Report of possible sheen from boat sunk in Mill Pond. No sheen was evident. Boat removal will be monitored for potential releases. Page 1 City of Auburn Municipal Stormwater Permit 2015 Annual Report Question 20 (content modified for presentation purposes) 2. Unique Identifier 3. Date incident initially reported 4a. Street Address 4c. And/or Nearest Intersection 4d. Is the structure mapped/invent oried?6. Frequency 7. Threat Determination and G3 Notification: (constituted a threat to human health or the environment) 7a. Immediate Response? 7b. G3 Notification? 8. Investigated within 7 days per program procedures? 8b. Final resolution of illicit connection within 6 months? 9. How did you learn about the problem? 9a. ERTS Number 10. Source Tracing Methods: 11. Indicator Testing: 12. Pollutant(s) Identified: 13. Source or Cause: 13a. Commercial 14. Correction/ Elimination Method: 14a. Enforcement 15. Final Resolution Date 16. Field notes, explanations, and other comments: R1301 2/3/2015 30391 121st Pl SE Yes One time spill or discharge No Yes N/A Yes N/A Hotline N/A Visual Recon Odor, Visual Indicators Vehicle Fluids Vehicle No Action Needed 2/3/2015 Report of non-working vehicle dripping oil in the street. Vehicle is now parked on private property and there is a very light sheen of oil on the road surface. The nearest catch basin was not impacted. R1368 2/11/2015 130 2nd St SW Yes One time spill or discharge No Yes N/A Yes N/A Hotline N/A Visual Recon Odor, Visual Indicators Cleaning wastewater Restaurant hood cleaning contactor Yes Technical assistance to restaurant and letter to contractor Letter to cleaning contractor 2/11/2015 Report of wastewater from restaurant being discharged into storm drainage system. Investigation confirmed that a contractor had been cleaning the kitchen hoods. Staff spoke with the restaurant manager about appropriate waste water disposal and obtained the name of the contractor. A letter will be sent the the contractor regarding proper waste disposal methods, and stormwater pollution prevention. R1386 2/17/2015 126 N St NE Yes One time spill or discharge No Yes N/A Yes N/A Staff Referral N/A Visual Recon Odor, Visual Indicators Cleaning wastewater Vehicle washing No Spoke to resident N/A 2/17/2015 Investigated report of unknown liquid draining into street from residential backyard. Observed a greyish discharge coming from under the fence into the street. Spoke with resident who said a truck had been cleaned in the back yard and that the liquid was from that. Asked that they contain the liquid in the future. R1387 2/16/2015 409 Auburn Way S Yes One time spill or discharge Yes Yes Yes Yes N/A Staff Referral 654784 Visual Recon Odor, Visual Indicators Transformer cooling oil Vehicle / transformer accident No PSE contracted cleanup N/A 2/17/2015 PSE transformer was hit by a vehicle and spilled approximately 20 gallons of transformer cooling oil. Oil soaked into the ground and drained into a City storm drainage pump station. Due to the accident there was no power to the station so the oil was contained. PSE contracted the cleanup of the soil and pump station. R1395 2/18/2015 4000 Block A St SE Yes N/A No Yes N/A Yes N/A Staff Referral N/A Visual Recon Odor, Visual Indicators Nothing found Unknown No No Action Needed N/A 2/18/2015 Nothing was found in the vicinity. Page 2 City of Auburn Municipal Stormwater Permit 2015 Annual Report Question 20 (content modified for presentation purposes) 2. Unique Identifier 3. Date incident initially reported 4a. Street Address 4c. And/or Nearest Intersection 4d. Is the structure mapped/invent oried?6. Frequency 7. Threat Determination and G3 Notification: (constituted a threat to human health or the environment) 7a. Immediate Response? 7b. G3 Notification? 8. Investigated within 7 days per program procedures? 8b. Final resolution of illicit connection within 6 months? 9. How did you learn about the problem? 9a. ERTS Number 10. Source Tracing Methods: 11. Indicator Testing: 12. Pollutant(s) Identified: 13. Source or Cause: 13a. Commercial 14. Correction/ Elimination Method: 14a. Enforcement 15. Final Resolution Date 16. Field notes, explanations, and other comments: R1426 2/23/2015 1322 17th St NE Yes N/A No Yes N/A Yes N/A Staff Referral N/A Visual Recon Odor, Visual Indicators Nothing found N/A No No Action Needed N/A 2/23/2015 Report of oily discharge from vehicles in driveway into the street. During inspection a few drips of oil were observed under a vehicle but there was no evidence of current or past discharge from the site. R1448 2/26/2015 31200 124th Ave SE SE 312th St Yes One time spill or discharge Yes Yes Yes Yes N/A Staff Referral 655058 Visual Recon Odor, Visual Indicators Vehicle fluids Unknown No No Action Needed N/A 2/26/2015 Report of diesel fuel on roadway. Found sheen from spilled fuel or oil that had tracked north on 124th Ave SE and east on SE 312th St from the intersection of those streets. No recoverable petroleum products were present. R1449 2/24/2015 2720 K St NE Yes One time spill or discharge No Yes N/A Yes N/A Staff Referral N/A Visual Recon Odor, Visual Indicators car wash discharge Vehicle washing No Education (Post Card)N/A 2/26/2015 Report of car washing occurring in the neighborhood. Sent Rain Drain postcard to 64 addresses in the vicinity. R1450 2/26/2015 401 8th St SW Yes One time spill or discharge No Yes N/A Yes N/A Staff Referral N/A Visual Recon Odor, Visual Indicators Pressure washing discharge Sidewalk cleaning Yes Technical assistance to site manager N/A 2/26/2015 Minor amount of sediment in runoff from sidewalk cleaning. Work was done by the time investigator responded. Provided BMP information to manager. R1451 2/26/2015 271 Auburn Way N Yes One time spill or discharge No Yes N/A Yes N/A Staff Referral N/A Visual Recon Odor, Visual Indicators Pressure washing discharge Sidewalk cleaning Yes Technical assistance to manager N/A 2/26/2015 Wastewater from pressure washing entered on-site storm drainage system. Work was completed by the time investigator arrived at location. Provided BMP information to business manager. W212 3/30/2015 E. Main St Pike St SE Yes One time spill or discharge No Yes N/A Yes N/A Staff Referral N/A Visual Recon Odor, Visual Indicators Vehicle Fluids Vehicle accident No Absorbent N/A 3/30/2015 Vehicle fluids from a two car accident spilled on road. Absorbent applied and swept up. A minor amount of antifreeze entered a catch basin. R1694 4/13/2015 Auburn Way N 37th St NE Yes One time spill or discharge Yes Yes Yes Yes N/A Staff Referral 656131 Visual Recon Odor, Visual Indicators Vehicle Fluids Vehicle accident No Absorbent N/A 4/13/2015 Vehicle fluids from a car accident spilled on road. Absorbent applied and swept up. A minor amount of oil sheen entered a catch basin. R1717 4/16/2015 SE 326th St 110th Yes One time spill or discharge No Yes N/A Yes N/A Staff Referral N/A Visual Recon Odor, Visual Indicators Soap suds Home vehicle washing No Public education N/A 4/16/2015 Observed foam in catch basin. Mailed 18 only rain down the drain postcards to the area. R1719 4/16/2015 Auburn Way S M St SE Yes One time spill or discharge No Yes N/A Yes N/A Staff Referral N/A Visual Recon Odor, Visual Indicators Vehicle Fluids Vehicle accident No Absorbent N/A 4/16/2015 Cleaned up used absorbent left by the fire department from an earlier accident. Page 3 City of Auburn Municipal Stormwater Permit 2015 Annual Report Question 20 (content modified for presentation purposes) 2. Unique Identifier 3. Date incident initially reported 4a. Street Address 4c. And/or Nearest Intersection 4d. Is the structure mapped/invent oried?6. Frequency 7. Threat Determination and G3 Notification: (constituted a threat to human health or the environment) 7a. Immediate Response? 7b. G3 Notification? 8. Investigated within 7 days per program procedures? 8b. Final resolution of illicit connection within 6 months? 9. How did you learn about the problem? 9a. ERTS Number 10. Source Tracing Methods: 11. Indicator Testing: 12. Pollutant(s) Identified: 13. Source or Cause: 13a. Commercial 14. Correction/ Elimination Method: 14a. Enforcement 15. Final Resolution Date 16. Field notes, explanations, and other comments: R1777 4/24/2015 Auburn Way S Riverwalk Drive Yes One time spill or discharge Yes Yes Yes Yes N/A Staff Referral Visual Recon Odor, Visual Indicators Vehicle Fluids Vehicle accident No Absorbent N/A 4/24/2015 Vehicle fluid spill from car pole accident. Absorbent was applied and cleaned up. Heavy showers caused residual sheen to wash into storm system. R1935 5/19/2015 Auburn Way N 30th St NE Yes One time spill or discharge No Yes N/A Yes N/A Staff Referral N/A Visual Recon Odor, Visual Indicators Antifreeze Vehicle equipment failure No Absorbent N/A 5/19/2015 Truck spilled antifreeze on roadway due to coolant line failure. Absorbent was used to clean up the spilled fluid. R1959 5/22/2015 17th St SE J St SE Yes Nothing found No Yes N/A Yes N/A Staff Referral N/A Visual Recon N/A N/A Fire Yes N/A N/A 5/22/2015 Investigated report of fire response to determine if runoff entered the storm system. No evidence of fire runoff was noted downstream. R1944 5/20/2015 S 336th Pl 56th Yes Nothing found No Yes N/A Yes N/A Staff Referral N/A Visual Recon N/A N/A N/A No N/A N/A 5/20/2015 Report that a homeowner had dumped concrete on the street and in the gutter. No evidence of concrete dumping was found. R1934 5/19/2015 B St NW 30th St NW Yes One time spill or discharge No Yes N/A Yes N/A Staff Referral N/A Visual Recon N/A Garbage Unknown No N/A N/A 5/19/2015 Ditch which appears to be on BNSF RR ROW contained an accumulation of garbage. R2004 5/22/2015 SE 320th St 124th Ave Se Yes Unknown N/A Yes N/A Yes N/A ERTS 657045 N/A N/A N/A N/A No N/A N/A 5/26/2015 Report of hazardous waste leaking from storage area on the Maintenance Office compound and entering the storm drainage system. Investigation determined that the on-site storm system drains directly to the Green River and does not impact the municipal MS4. Staff referred the issue back to the Department of Ecology. R2077 6/4/2015 128th Pl SE SE 307th Pl Yes One time spill or discharge N/A Yes N/A Yes N/A Storm Facility Inspection N/A Visual Recon Visual Indicators Wastewater from sidewalk cleaning Sidewalk cleaning No Education (Post Card)N/A 6/4/2015 Turbid water seen entering a storm pond during an annual inspection. Upstream a stretch of sidewalk appeared to be freshly cleaned with evidence leading to an adjacent CB. A public education postcard will be mailed to the vicinity. R2107 6/9/2015 13th St SE 2nd St SE Yes One time spill or discharge N/A Yes N/A Yes N/A Staff Referral N/A Visual Recon Visual Indicators Vehicle Fluids Vehicle No N/A N/A 6/9/2015 Drippage on the road surface from a vehicle that parks on the side of the road. No vehicle was present. Page 4 City of Auburn Municipal Stormwater Permit 2015 Annual Report Question 20 (content modified for presentation purposes) 2. Unique Identifier 3. Date incident initially reported 4a. Street Address 4c. And/or Nearest Intersection 4d. Is the structure mapped/invent oried?6. Frequency 7. Threat Determination and G3 Notification: (constituted a threat to human health or the environment) 7a. Immediate Response? 7b. G3 Notification? 8. Investigated within 7 days per program procedures? 8b. Final resolution of illicit connection within 6 months? 9. How did you learn about the problem? 9a. ERTS Number 10. Source Tracing Methods: 11. Indicator Testing: 12. Pollutant(s) Identified: 13. Source or Cause: 13a. Commercial 14. Correction/ Elimination Method: 14a. Enforcement 15. Final Resolution Date 16. Field notes, explanations, and other comments: R2129 6/11/2015 1305 C St SW 15th St SW Yes One time spill or discharge N/A Yes N/A Yes N/A Facility Inspection N/A Visual Recon Visual Indicators Waste liquid from beverage containers Litter crew container recycling No Education N/A 6/11/2015 During an inspection of the city of Auburn Maintenance Facility a catch basin was observed that had obvious signs of dumping. The Storm Drainage Supervisor suggested that the Vadis Litter Crew may have dumped waste liquid from bottles that they had picked up. Spoke with the Solid Waste Supervisor who confirmed that this is what had happened and that it wouldn't happen again. No waste liquid left the site. The Vadis crew will use the vactor decant station for draining liquids in the future. R2293 7/2/2015 Auburn Way South 4th St SE Yes One time spill or discharge N/A Yes Yes Yes N/A Staff Referral N/A Visual Recon Visual Indicators Vehicle Fluids Auto Accident No N/A N/A 7/2/2015 Fluid spilled from two vehicle accident. Absorbent was applied and swept up. No fluid entered the storm drainage system. Washington Emergency management was called. Tracking number 15-2523. R2372 7/13/2015 57th Pl SE 57th Dr SE Yes One time spill or discharge N/A Yes N/A Yes N/A Staff Referral N/A Visual Recon Visual Indicators Hydraulic Fluid Leaking equipment No Contractor clean-up N/A 7/14/2015 Hydraulic fluid spilled at City construction site. Facility Services Northwest was brought in to clean up the material. FSN used water, detergent and vacuuming to clean the asphalt surface and the gutter of the meter vault hatch. R2468 7/23/2015 3290 B St NW 30th St NW Yes Unknown N/A Yes N/A Yes N/A ERTS 658359 Visual Recon Visual Indicators Carpet cleaning wastewater Carpet cleaning business dumping Yes Notified business to change their waste disposal practice N/A 8/3/2015 Report that employees of Legacy Services have been dumping waste liquid into the storm drain at their business office. M. May and C. Teterud investigated and found indicators that dumping had occurred. The business and property owner were contacted and provided information on proper waste disposal for mobile businesses. R2625 8/7/2015 30205 125th Ct SE Yes One time spill or discharge N/A Yes N/A Yes N/A Staff Referral N/A Visual Recon Visual Indicators Paint wash water Homeowner No Technical assistance N/A 8/7/2015 D. Alvarez observed a homeowner washing paint clean-up wastewater into a catch basin. She stopped the homeowner and notified him that this was not an acceptable practice. Page 5 City of Auburn Municipal Stormwater Permit 2015 Annual Report Question 20 (content modified for presentation purposes) 2. Unique Identifier 3. Date incident initially reported 4a. Street Address 4c. And/or Nearest Intersection 4d. Is the structure mapped/invent oried?6. Frequency 7. Threat Determination and G3 Notification: (constituted a threat to human health or the environment) 7a. Immediate Response? 7b. G3 Notification? 8. Investigated within 7 days per program procedures? 8b. Final resolution of illicit connection within 6 months? 9. How did you learn about the problem? 9a. ERTS Number 10. Source Tracing Methods: 11. Indicator Testing: 12. Pollutant(s) Identified: 13. Source or Cause: 13a. Commercial 14. Correction/ Elimination Method: 14a. Enforcement 15. Final Resolution Date 16. Field notes, explanations, and other comments: R2629 8/10/2015 3700 West Valley Hwy N37th St NW Yes One time spill or discharge Yes Yes Yes Yes N/A Staff Referral 658693 Visual Recon Visual Indicators Motor oil Spill No Absorbent N/A 8/10/2015 Oil was spilled on the roadway and was being tracked through the intersection. A flattened one- gallon oil container was near by. Absorbent was applied and cleaned up. Notification was made to the DOE. R2708 8/19/2015 A St SE Cross St SE Yes One time spill or discharge Yes Yes Yes Yes N/A Staff Referral 658946 Visual Recon Visual Indicators Vehicle fluids Auto Accident No Absorbent N/A 8/19/2015 Police reported a spill of vehicle fluids at an auto accident. M&O staff responded and cleaned up the spill using absorbent. R2796 8/28/2015 1310 U St NW Yes One time spill or discharge N/A Yes N/A Yes N/A Staff Referral N/A Visual Recon Visual Indicators Paint waste Unknown Unknown Public Education N/A 8/28/2015 Paint waste residue on and around a catch basin grate. Paint was dry. No evidence of paint in the sump. Will send out educational postcard to the neighborhood. R2844 9/1/2015 Green River Rd SE Golf Course Yes One time spill or discharge Yes Yes Yes Yes N/A Citizen Report 659234 Visual Recon Visual Indicators Crushed fluorescent light tubes / mercury Dumping Unknown Hazardous waste disposal N/A 9/2/2015 Report of three 55 gallon drums dumped on bank of the Green River. Called VFRA and Hazmat unit responded to ensure the drums were safe. DOE spill response unit was called and they opened the drums and found that they contained crushed fluorescent light tubes. The drums were transported to M&O by the Street Division and Solid Waste will arrange disposal. R2850 9/2/2015 201 A St SW 2nd St SW Yes One time spill or discharge N/A Yes N/A Yes N/A Staff Referral N/A Visual Recon Visual Indicators Sanitary sewage Plugged side sewer Yes City repaired side sewer in ROW N/A 9/3/2015 Plugged side sewer resulted in sewage flowing from the sewer cleanout into the onsite storm system which discharged to the municipal storm system. R2960 9/10/2015 4002 A St SE 41st St SE Yes One time spill or discharge Yes Yes Yes Yes N/A Staff Referral 659402 Visual Recon Visual Indicators Hydraulic fluid Vehicle mechanical failure Yes Absorbent, sand and sweeper N/A 9/10/2015 Truck lost its rear axle and spilled hydraulic fluid. M&O staff assisted and supervised clean up. No spilled material left the road surface. R2975 9/14/2015 F St SE 22nd St SE Yes One time spill or discharge Yes Yes Yes Yes N/A APD 659456 Visual Recon Visual Indicators Motor oil / Radiator Fluid Vehicle accident No Absorbent N/A 9/14/2015 Two vehicle collision resulted in a motor oil and radiator fluid spill. Applied absorbent and swept. Page 6 City of Auburn Municipal Stormwater Permit 2015 Annual Report Question 20 (content modified for presentation purposes) 2. Unique Identifier 3. Date incident initially reported 4a. Street Address 4c. And/or Nearest Intersection 4d. Is the structure mapped/invent oried?6. Frequency 7. Threat Determination and G3 Notification: (constituted a threat to human health or the environment) 7a. Immediate Response? 7b. G3 Notification? 8. Investigated within 7 days per program procedures? 8b. Final resolution of illicit connection within 6 months? 9. How did you learn about the problem? 9a. ERTS Number 10. Source Tracing Methods: 11. Indicator Testing: 12. Pollutant(s) Identified: 13. Source or Cause: 13a. Commercial 14. Correction/ Elimination Method: 14a. Enforcement 15. Final Resolution Date 16. Field notes, explanations, and other comments: R3009 9/17/2015 Auburn Way N 2nd St SE Yes One time spill or discharge N/A Yes N/A Yes N/A VFRA N/A Visual Recon Visual Indicators Gasoline Dripping vehicle No No Action Needed N/A 9/17/2015 VFRA reported fuel spill on Auburn Way N. Staff found a light sheen on 2nd St SE and in the center northbound lane of Auburn Way. No cleanup was possible. R3040 9/22/2015 Green River Rd SE Golf Course N/A One time spill or discharge N/A Yes N/A Yes N/A VFRA N/A Visual Recon Visual Indicators None Vehicle No Vehicle removed from the Green River N/A 9/22/2015 VFRA requested assistance with vehicle submerged in the Green River. Spill response staff stood by in case a release of fluid occurred during vehicle removal. No release was observed. R3161 10/4/2015 G St SE 12th St SE Yes One time spill or discharge N/A Yes N/A Yes N/A VRFA N/A Visual Recon Visual Indicators Fire suppression runoff Structure and Vehicle fire suppression No No Action Needed N/A 10/5/2015 VRFA reported that gasoline from a burning vehicle may have entered the storm drainage system during fire suppression activities. No evidence of gasoline was found in the gutter line of the street or the downstream storm drainage system. R3221 10/8/2015 I St NE Auburn Way N Yes One time spill or discharge N/A Yes Yes Yes N/A ERTS 659945 Visual Recon Visual Indicators None Kitchen exhaust Yes Referred to VRFA for inspection N/A 10/19/2015 Report that grease from a commercial kitchen exhaust fan was falling on a neighboring property and then draining into the City storm system. Couldn't find evidence to support claim. Referred to VRFA for exhaust system inspection. VRFA visited store and found that the system had missed a routine maintenance, which was done recently. VRFA inspectors spoke with staff at the reporting business. R3313 10/21/2015 Academy Dr SE Yes One time spill or discharge Yes Yes Yes Yes N/A VRFA 660199 Visual Recon Visual Indicators Fire suppression runoff Commercial building fire fighting Yes No Action Needed N/A 10/21/2015 VFRA reported that water and foam from fire fighting may be entering the storm system. Staff responded and observed that water and foam had entered the storm system. The outfall to the Green River was checked and fire suppression discharge was noted. Staff called Ecology to report the discharge. Page 7 City of Auburn Municipal Stormwater Permit 2015 Annual Report Question 20 (content modified for presentation purposes) 2. Unique Identifier 3. Date incident initially reported 4a. Street Address 4c. And/or Nearest Intersection 4d. Is the structure mapped/invent oried?6. Frequency 7. Threat Determination and G3 Notification: (constituted a threat to human health or the environment) 7a. Immediate Response? 7b. G3 Notification? 8. Investigated within 7 days per program procedures? 8b. Final resolution of illicit connection within 6 months? 9. How did you learn about the problem? 9a. ERTS Number 10. Source Tracing Methods: 11. Indicator Testing: 12. Pollutant(s) Identified: 13. Source or Cause: 13a. Commercial 14. Correction/ Elimination Method: 14a. Enforcement 15. Final Resolution Date 16. Field notes, explanations, and other comments: R3371 10/28/2015 14th St NE I St NE Yes One time spill or discharge Yes Yes Yes Yes N/A Staff Referral 660362 Visual Recon Visual Indicators Hydraulic oil City maintenanc e vehicle No No Action Needed N/A 10/28/2015 M&O reported that a City vactor truck had blown an oil filter and spilled hydraulic oil onto the street surface. M&O crews were in the process of cleaning it up. C. Thorn responded to observe and assist with clean up. Ecology was called. No hydraulic fluid entered the storm drainage system. R3475 11/9/2015 124th Ave SE SE 304th St Yes One time spill or discharge Yes Yes Yes Yes N/A Staff Referral Visual Recon Visual Indicators Motor oil Vehicle accident No Absorbent N/A 11/9/2015 Vehicle accident resulted in motor oil spill. Absorbent was applied and swept up. M. May reported spill and clean-up to Ecology. R3512 11/12/2015 D St NE 15th St NE Yes One time spill or discharge No Yes No Yes N/A Staff Referral N/A Visual Recon Visual Indicators Gasoline Vehicle accident No No Action Needed N/A 11/12/2015 Minor amount of gasoline spilled due to vehicle accident. No product was recoverable, road surface was no slippery. No action was taken. R3633 11/23/2015 42nd Pl NE J Pl NE Yes Reoccurring event No Yes No Yes N/A Staff Referral N/A Visual Recon Visual Indicators Cigarette Butts Resident No Educational post card mailed N/A 11/23/2015 Storm inventory crew noted a catch basin containing a large quantity of cigarette butts. Before they left the area they noted a resident walk over and throw a cigarette butt into the catch basin. An educational post card was sent to residences in the vicinity. R3714 12/4/2015 B St NW 37th St NW Yes One time spill or discharge No Yes No Yes N/A Staff Referral N/A Visual Recon Visual Indicators Garbage Dumping No No Action Needed N/A 12/4/2015 Three five gallon kerosene containers dumped in ditch along B St NW. Containers were removed, determined to be empty and disposed of. R3887 12/15/2015 16th St NE E St NE Yes On-going No Yes No Yes N/A Staff Referral N/A Visual Recon Visual Indicators FOG Spillage and improper cleaning practices Yes Letter N/A Report of grease draining into storm drain behind business. C. Teterud investigated and found spillage from a grease dumpster and the appearance of greasy cleaning wastewater having been drained to the catch basin. The catch basin had grease buildup on it's sides. Letter to clean the storm system and information on BMPs was sent to the business. Page 8 City of Auburn Municipal Stormwater Permit 2015 Annual Report Question 20 (content modified for presentation purposes) 2. Unique Identifier 3. Date incident initially reported 4a. Street Address 4c. And/or Nearest Intersection 4d. Is the structure mapped/invent oried?6. Frequency 7. Threat Determination and G3 Notification: (constituted a threat to human health or the environment) 7a. Immediate Response? 7b. G3 Notification? 8. Investigated within 7 days per program procedures? 8b. Final resolution of illicit connection within 6 months? 9. How did you learn about the problem? 9a. ERTS Number 10. Source Tracing Methods: 11. Indicator Testing: 12. Pollutant(s) Identified: 13. Source or Cause: 13a. Commercial 14. Correction/ Elimination Method: 14a. Enforcement 15. Final Resolution Date 16. Field notes, explanations, and other comments: R3888 12/15/2015 Pike St NE Yes Nothing found No Yes No Yes N/A Hotline N/A Visual Recon Visual Indicators None N/A No N/A N/A 12/16/2015 Report of rusty paint cans leaking paint into the storm system and broken fluorescent light bulbs. M. May investigated and observed a couple paint type cans under the eave of the house, out of the rain. No leakage was observed and no broken fluorescent bulbs noted. R3940 12/21/2015 118th Pl SE Yes One time spill or discharge No Yes No Yes N/A Hotline N/A Visual Recon Visual Indicators Motor oil Vehicle drip No Spoke to homeowner N/A 12/21/2015 Report of oil or gasoline sheen draining down a driveway into the street and storm drain. Sheen was noted on 12/21 and oil absorbent pads were put down. The homeowner was notified and said they would clean it up. No sheen was noted during follow up the next day. R3987 12/29/2015 Poplar St SE Auburn Way S Yes One time spill or discharge No Yes No Yes N/A Phone report N/A Visual Recon Visual Indicators Sewage Grinder pump malfunction No Spoke to property owner N/A 12/30/2015 Report of sewage spill. Found that a residential grinder pump was failing and sewage was pooling along the road. Contacted the owner of the property and requested immediate repair to the pump system. Page 9