HomeMy WebLinkAbout6608 ORDINANCE NO. 6 6 0 8 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, WASHINGTON, AMENDING ORDINANCE NO 6533, THE 2015-2016 BIENNIAL BUDGET ORDINANCE, AS AMENDED BY ORDINANCE NO 6558, ORDINANCE NO 6563, ORDINANCE NO 6570, ORDINANCE NO 6571, ORDINANCE NO 6580, AND ORDINANCE NO 6592, AUTHORIZING AMENDMENT TO THE CITY OF AUBURN 2015-2016 BUDGET AS SET FORTH IN SCHEDULE "A" AND SCHEDULE "B" WHEREAS, the Auburn City Council at its regular meeting of December 1, 2014, adopted Ordinance No. 6533 which adopted the City of Aubum 2015-2016 Biennial budget; and WHEREAS, the Auburn City Council at its regular meeting of April 6, 2015, adopted Ordinance No. 6558 (BA#1) which amended Ordinance No. 6533 which adopted the City of Auburn 2015-2016 Biennial budget; and WHEREAS, the Auburn City Council at its regular meeting of July 6, 2015, adopted Ordinance No. 6563 (BA#2) which amended Ordinance No. 6558 which amended the City of Auburn 2015-2016 Biennial budget; and WHEREAS, the Auburn City Council at its regular meeting of December 7, 2015, adopted Ordinance No. 6570 (BA#3) which amended Ordinance No. 6563 which amended the City of Auburn 2015-2016 Biennial budget; and WHEREAS, the Auburn City Council at its regular meeting of December 7, 2015, adopted Ordinance No. 6571 (BA#4) which amended Ordinance No. 6570 which amended the City of Auburn 2015-2016 Biennial budget; and Ordinance No. 6608 June 21, 2016 Page 1 of 1 WHEREAS, the Auburn City Council at its regular meeting of January 19, 2016, adopted Ordinance No 6580 (Comprehensive Plan) which amended Ordinance No. 6577 which amended the City of Auburn 2015-2016 Biennial budget; and WHEREAS, the Auburn City Council at its regular meeting of April 4, 2016, adopted Ordinance No. 6592 (BA#5) which amended Ordinance No 6580 which amended the City of Auburn 2015-2016 Biennial budget; and WHEREAS, the City of Auburn deems it necessary to appropriate additional funds to the various funds of the 2016 budget as outiined in this Ordinance (BA#6); and WHEREAS, this Ordinance has been approved by one more than the majority of all councilpersons in accordance with RCW 35A.34.200. NOW THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, WASHINGTON DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 7. Amendment of the 2015-2016 Biennial Budget. The 2015- 2016 Biennial Budget of the City of Auburn is amended pursuant to Chapter 35A.34 RCW, to reflect the revenues and expenditures as shown on Schedule "A" attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. The Mayor of the City of Auburn, Washington is hereby authorized to utilize revenue and expenditure amounts shown on said Schedule "A" and Schedule "B" A copy of said Schedule "A" and Schedule "B" is on file with the City Clerk and available for public inspection. Ordinance No. 6608 June 21 2016 Page 2 of 2 Section 2. Severability If any provision of this Ordinance or the application thereof to any person or circumstance is held to be invalid, the remainder of such code, ordinance or regulation or the application thereof to other person or circumstance shall not be affected. Section 3. Implementation. The Mayor is hereby authorized to implement such administrative procedures as may be necessary to carry out the directives of this legislation. Section 4. Effective Date. This Ordinance shail take effect and be in force five (5) days from and after its passage, approval and publication as provided by law INTRODUCED• �UL - 5 2016 PASSED• JUL - 5 2016 APPROVED� �UL - 5 2016 CITY OF AUBURN N NCY B S, MAYOR ATTEST Daniel e E. Daskam, City Clerk Ordinance No. 6608 June 21, 2016 Page 3 oi 9 APPROVED AS TO FORM: D el B. Heid, Ci -A orney PUBLISHED� // �� o�--������-`-J Ordinance No 6608 June 21, 2016 Page 4 of 4 Schedule A Summary of 2016�Budget Adjustments by Fund Budget Amendment#6 (Ordinance#6608) Beg.Fund 2016 2016 Ending Fund Balance Revenues Expenditures Balance GenerelFund #007 2016AdoptedBudget 10,SG7126 59,354,240 64,735,5�5 5,165,851 �Prevlous Budget Amendments 5,270,527 742,613 3,043,400 2,969,739 2016 Amended Budget __ _ 15 817 653 60 096 853 67 778 975 8 195 590 ....___....__....__...._....._... __. ____..___.._.._. .._.. .._.._. ._____. ..__. ._. .._e...._a_....___.. ._..,......�...._.. ...i......a....... ._. ,........a....... .___...__"""""""_'.._._....""'...'_""__"_"_'.. ._—"'_". ._. ._. ."" ""..."'. ._. .__.._. ._. ._. .. ......__...._.._. ._.. ._. .._. .__.. ._. . _ _,BA#6(Ordinance!l6608,ProPosed): 3,749113 61626 754958 3055781 ...._...................... .._.... _. . ._. .._. .'."'.'. ..__.._. .".'__. ."'.. ._..."""'_...""..__._..�_..."""". .._.�_.._.. ..a...... r........�..._... Administrallon Department: ..__. ... ._. ._. ......__..... .__. ._..__. .__.. ._.... . ..................... ..... ..................._.. .. ... ..... Carry Forward�BudgetforHUman Services Pro�rams 245�000 245,000 .... . .. ... .............. Community DeveloRmenl: ....... ._ ...._.......... . ..."'.. .__.. .__... .._.. .__.. ._.._. ..__.. .._...."'.._..__...__". ._.. ._. .""""".._..__. ._. ."' ""..__.. ."'. ._.. ._...... ...... . ..__ ...... ....... Ailocate Funds to Livable City Year Pro�rem Pilol Year _ - 75,000 (75�000) Non-De artmental: ..__. ._. .__. ..__. ._" ..'. .. ..._"_..... ._".._. ._. ._.._.._. .__.. ._.. ."'..._.__._.__. __.P".....__._._...._.. ._._.. .._.....___. _____......__..._ . .._.. .._. Adjust Beginning,Fund Balance 3i504�113 - _ 3�504�113 .._. .._.. ._._. ._. .. .._. .----..._.._. ._. ... ....... ._.._. Trensfe�In�from�FUnd 124 for powntown Fa�ade Improvements - 61�626 : 61�626 ._.. . ._. ._ . ._. Purchase of Twelve Replacemenl Vehicles for Police.{Transfer to F560� ,, __ ___ _ _ - _ 84�858 _ _(84�958) . . Transfer Cable Fees for Councll Chamber AIV Up�redes(cp1518�(TIF to F568) - - 350�000 _ (350 000) Revised 2076 Budget-Fund 001 �9,566,766 60,158,479 68,533,873 11,191,377 Arterlal Street Fund #102 2�16 Adopted Budget 1,108,704 12,088,787 12,320,712 876,779 � Previous8udgetAmendments 1,216,354 5,fi74,977 6,484,926 406,405 ..... 2016 Amended Budpet _ _ _ 2�325�058 17 763 764 �8 805 878 1 283 785� .. . ...................... . . .._ ........ ... ....a.......a....... ..�.........�...... ... ._......._. . ........__.. .-_.. .._.. ....._..__.. __. ._.._. ."".._. ."'_. ._. BAp6�Ordinance#6608,P�oPosed): ._.. ._.80,763 . ._....__788.762._..."'. ._._..'_' ""' „' .- 469:525 "'_"..___... .. .__...."'.....__....."'.. .__...._.._. ....__..._._. ._.. .�....._""__.. . ._. ."'. ._.._. .._. ..___.W..___...._____.__.._.._...""__'—'_'—"'. ..—_.. .._......__. In-Fund Ad�usiment for TraHic Si�gnal Satet)r Improvements Pro�ect�cp1501) - - ".._ _...___._.. .. ._.. ..........__.... ._..."'. ._. ._. .__. ._.. ._. ._. . . Adjustment to cp1501 io,000 Adjustment to a56d07 Sio,000l . _................._...._.. ... ....... . . .. .__.. . ... . . In-Fund Ad�ustment for 22nd 8 I St.NE Intersectlon Improvements Pro�ject�cP1513a - - - . . .......... ... .._.. Adjustment to cp1513 � � zs,aoo _ Adjuslment to asbd08 . __. _ .. .__.___.._....__. ..___.. .__.....__.. . .__.. .___.. ..__...... .__.. ._. Rs.0002__. __._.__.. ...__ .____._ .____ ....__. .__.. ....... ._. ._. ..._. .__... _AdjustAuburnWax,S_lFirtoHamloek).Budae[forReimbursa6leWOrk(cp1119f_ ___ _ _ __ __�_ 706754 __ _ 106�154_ ". _.__.r"'___"—_' _AdAust Auburn Wax.S �Doywood to F�rLBud�et�or Reimbursable Work(cp7118) _ , � � � _ � 822607__ _____ __ ____82,607 Adjust Be8lnnln�.Fund�Balance. ._. ___. ._..___ 80 763 80 763 Revised 2016 Budget-Fund 102 2,405,821 17,952,526 78,805,638 1 552,709 Page I of 12 6282016 73AAM Schedule A Summary of 2016 Budget Adjustments by Fund Budget Amendment#6(Ordinance#6608) Beg.Fund 2016 2016 Ending Fund Balance Revenues Expenditures Balance Local Street Fund #103 2076 Adopted Budget 348,568 1,602,500 1,600,000 351,068 Previous Budget Amendments 1,001;201 160,000 964,398 196,803 ..... 2078 Amended Budyet 1�349�769 1,762 500 2 564,398 547�877 ..... .... ..................... . . ._. .....r...... ...t..... ......... ... . ..... .... . .......... ... ... .............. ....... ....... ...... ..... BAtl6(Ordinance#6608,Proposed�:_ ___ 730�921 - 300,000 430 921 . ......__...._............. . .... _.. ..__. ._. ._. . .._ .. ._.._. ...... ......___.. .......�....... ._.. .__..__._""'_""'. ..__. .__.._.."""""""'..._""'. ._.. .__._....""""....."'....__...""""""""_' "'_'_'_.._..__.._. .."'_""___'..__._.. ..""'..___.....'__'. .'_.""'.._....__..._ _Use Fund Balance for Desi�n P.hase of 2017,Local Street Preservation Pro�ram_ - _ 300,000 _�300,000) .._..' ' ' . ... '_ _""'_..."'_ "" _". ._. ._. ._. ._.._.."'....._.._. _Adaust Beainnin�Fund Balance .730�921 _ - - 730 921 Revised 2016 Budget-Fund 103 2 080,691 1,762,500 2,864,398 978,793 HotellMotel Tax Fund #104 _ 2016 Adopted Budget 148,031 94,940 86,000 156,971 Previous Budget Amendments 6,905 - 110,000 (103,095) __. ..._ ___.2076 Amended Budyet _ _ _ _ _ _ 154 936 94 940 796,000 53,876 . . _. .---.. .--' '---.. .__...----�`--- ��--- -..._..---�- '---....__...._.�._....--- ��---- ._.._. .._.�---.. ..---. ._........._.... .._...__.. ._. .......__._. ._. ..._..... .... ... .__. .__...._--. ... ..__. ._. .._. ._.. ..__. ._. .__. ._. ._. .-----' ---' '---.. .-- --"---' '--- -.. .---' '- ---...__. ._ BA#6 Ordinance M6608,Pro osed : �46 358 ��15 310 �7,500 30 168 .... ...... .__.. .._.. ._. ._. ._. .__. ._. .__. .___.. ...z...... ..__. ._.._... .�_.._.. ..____.._.. .._ '__.. ..'. ._. ... �_-.__ - .._..... ----- - _----._.._. P_. l. . ....._. . . .._.. ._......_.. .__.. __. .._. ._. _........_. _.._...._. .._. ._.. - - AdJust BeBlnnlnp.Fund Balance 46�358 46�358 . .. ...__ .._. ._.... .._._.....---. .__. ._.._. .__.. .__..__...__. .__. .___. ._._._..._. ._...__'......___ .... Revise Bud�et per Ado�ted Tourism Board Reyuest - 15�310._ 71�500 _ (76�190) Revlsed 2016 Budget Fund 104 201,299 110,250 227,500 84,043 Arte�ial Street Preservation Fund fN05 2016 Adopted Budget 461,200 3.127,300 3,351,388 237 112 _ PreviousBudgetAmendments 1,&q5,728 (129,274) 1,935,183 (218,729) 2016 Amended Budyet _ _ 2,306,928 __ 2,998,026 5j286,577 18,382 ..... ........... ... . .._.............._. ._ ............_...... ... ...... ... . .... .... . ._. ........... ... ........ .._.. ........ ........ ._. ..... ...... ........ ._..... ..... ....... BA#6(Ordinance N6608,Proposed� _ _ (363�063) 150�000 �290,000� 76,937 . ... .. .. . . .. .._... .. ... . ._.. ... .... ..... ..._. . .__.. . ._. ......... ._. In-FUnd Ad�justment 8 Trensfer Budpet for M SL SE Storm Improvements_(cp1511) 150�000 150,000 . . .___.._. .... . ._.. Decrease Budyet for South 277th Street Corndor Improvements Proaect(c222a0� _ - � _ _f 200,0001 _ 200 000 ........ . .. _.._... .......' ' " "' ._. ._.._. . _ _Decrease Bud�et for West Main Street.Corridor_Improvaments Project(ep1416!_ _____ _ __ J750,000Z__..___. i5u;000 .. ---------------°--�-- --- Ad�ust Begmnin�Fund Balance__ .�_ _ ....._ _ ____. _ .5363,�63)-----' '--- --C-------'�383��63� .... _ _ _ _ . _. _._.__�...'-----' - -------' '----- Decrease Budyet for B Slreet Reconstruction Project(cp1520�_ _ __ _ __ _ __ __ _- (90,000)__ __ 90,000 Revised 2016 Budget-Fund 105 7;947,864 3,148,026 4,996,57'I 95,379 Page 2 of 12 628/2016 7 34 AM Schedule A Summary of 2016�Budget Adjustments by Fund Budget Amendment#6 (Ordinance#6608) Beg.Fund 2016 20�6 Ending Fund Balance Revenues Expenditures Balance 'D�u ForfeitureFund #117 2016 Adopted Budget 298,057 97 100 273,027 122,73D �Previous Budget Amendments 34,416 - - 34,416 ... 2016 Amended Budget 332,473 97�00 273,027 156,546 . . . ._.......... ._.. ... ._.. ."'. ...._......... ._.. BA#6(Ordinance#6608�ProPosed�: 717;751 - - 111,351 . . . ... ... ._......_.. .__..... ........_. ._.. ... ..._.... Ad(ust Bepinninp Fund Balance 111�351 - - 11A 351 .__. .._......i .._. ._. ... .�_. �Housin &Comm Develo Fund #119 2016 Adopted Budget 37,371 450,000 440,000 47,371 � ��Previous Budget Amendments 17,533 715,398 715,398 17,533 . 2076 Amended Budaet _ ___ 54�904 _ ��765,398 1 755,398 64,904 ..._.. ._. _. ..�....... ....... ..__. ... . .... .... .. .......... ... .. .__. ._. ..... ....... ..... ........ BA#6�Ordinance#6608�_Proposed): (10�000) - - �10,000) ..... .. ......_.. .'. ............. ._.._. _Ad�ust Be�innin�.FUnd Balance _ _ _ ___ (10,000( _ _ _ _ ._..{10�000) Revised 2016 Budget-Fund 119 44,904 1,'165,398 7,755;398 54,805 Recreation Treils Fund #120 2016 Adopted Budget 43,847 7 130 50,977 �Previous�BudgetAmendments (761) - - (761) 2016 Amended Budyet 43,086 7,130 - 50,276 . ... ........... ... . ..... .... . .......... ... ... .......... .__. ......... BA#6 jOrdinance#6608,Proposed): _ �558� _ - �558), . .. ....._. .---. ... ._..... .. ........... .._.. ...._.... Atl)ust Beainnin�Fund Balance �558) - - (558�: Revised 2016 Budget Fund 120 42,529 7,130 49,659 BIA Fund #721 2016 Adopted 6udget 41,272 55,060 55,000 41,332 PreviousBudgetAmendments (9,841) - - (9,841) ..... 2016Amended,Budaet 37,431 55�060 _ __55,000 31,491 . . ............................. ._.. ... . .... .... .. ........... ... .. ._.. ........... ._.._. ._. ........... BA#6(Ordlnance#6608,Proposed�: 17,025 17,025 .. .. . ................ . ......... . .... ._.. ._.. . ........ ... ....... . .... ... .._.... .. ._.. ._. .." "'. ............__. .__. Adjust Beginnin�Fund Balance_ _ _ 17,025__ - 17,025 Revised 2016 Budget-Fund 121 � 48 456 55,060 �55,000 48,576 Page 3 of 12 enacma �aa nnn Schedule A Summary of 2016 Budget Adjustments by Fund Budget Amendment#6 (Ordinance#6608) Beg.Fund 2076 2076 Ending Fund Balance Revenuas Expenditures Balance Cumulative Reserve Fund #122 2016 Adopted Budget 6,238.304 14,200 1,917,084 4,335,420 Previous Budget Amendments 1,537,696 1,500,000 36,214 3,001,482 _...... 2016 Amended Bud.yet ._.. ._. .._. ._.. .__.. ...___. ._.. .._..._. ._...__. .__.. .7i776�000.____.._, 1,514,200.__. .-. �,953,298___.. .7,336�902 ---.... . ..... .... . ._.._. ......._... .__...._. .._. ._. .___.._. ._. .--' '---....---..__.._..---. ._. ._._.._...--'-"---' '-- --'--- - - ' . ......__.....- � ---- - - - --....__. ..---. .__.. .---.. ._ BA#6(Ordinance#6608,ProPosed): ."'. ._. ._. 2091297 ._.._. ."'. ._:._. .."'..._. ..__. .__....___. .__.. ,209�297 . ....__.. ._.. ._... .._.... .. .._. ._. ._.._. ."'.. .'. ._".. ..__. ......._...... ._. .__. ._...._. .._. .__....__ Ad ust Be Innin Fund Balance _ 209,297 - - �� � � 2U9,297� .....a.............a.......:...a.._......_...._............ . . ---. ._. ......_.... Revised'2016Budget-Fund122 7,985,297 7,514;200 1,953,298 7,546,199 MI[f ation Fees Fund tl124 _ 2016 Adopted Budget 2,614,431 994,890 1,221,827 2,387 494 ��Previous Budget Amendments 1,654,746 400,000 2,307,392 (252,646) .._ 2016 Amended ButlBet 4,269,177 7,394 890 7,529,219 2,134,848 . .... .... ._. __.. .._.. ._. ._ . . ... . . ..___.. ._.......�....... ._.. ................... ..__. ._........... ... ..... ..... .... .. ........... ... .. ._. .. ....... ..... .__. ..... ...... .__. .. ....... ....... BA#6(Ordlnance#6608�_Proposed): 1,585192 61,626 1 527,566 ......... ........................... . . .._.. .........�...... ........... .__. ..1........ ....... .... .. .__. . ._....___....—.. ..... ._....._.. .._. .__. . ."" "". .. .__.. .._. ..___. ._. __. Trensfer Out School Impaet Fees jDowntown Far�ade.lmprovement�-_'-'_-_"----------..__---._._.....---..._..__...---.. ._.._. ._..---' '---"---' 61 626 .__. ,__(61�626). ._...a....... _Adjust Beginnln�Fund Balance_ _ _ _ 1,585,192 _ - 1�585�192 Revised�2016Budget-Fund124 5,854,370 �,394,890 J,590,845 5,658,475 Parks ConstrucUon Fund #327 2016 Adopted 6udget 507,236 9,016,000 9,155,000 368,236 _ Previous Budget Amendments 182,493 (1,816,282) (1,661,955) 28,166 _. ...._ _ 2016 Amended Budget__-'--_-_- --_--...-_----.. ..---' '--_ ._. 689�729.__.._.. 7i199�778 7�493�045.__.. ._. ._ 396�402 ... . .... .... ..."'.._.........'_' '_""". ._._.._.._.. ._.. .."_"". '_'..."______ ._. ._..".._" "". ..__...._......"""" " _...... .........__. ._.... ......."'.. ........_..... BA#6(Ordinance.#6608,Proposed�: �25,789L_ _ 546�906 __ 546,906 _ ,25,789) .. ... .__.... ._..... ... .._.. .. ... . .. . ... . __. .._. .._.. . ._... ..___...._. .._. ._.._...... ....... .__. ._.......__...... New Grant From KC Conservatlon Futures lor Les Gove Master Plan - 546 906 546,906 . . _ .. .. ... ... . ...r....... .. ......... .. . Adjust Bepmnln�_Fund Balance (25�799� - {25�799) Revised 2016 Butlget-Fund 321 661,940 7,746,624 8,039,951 370,673 Page 4 oF 12 628�2016 7 J4 AM Schedule A Summary of 2016 Budget Adjustments'by Fund Budget Amendment#6(Ordinance q6608) Beg.Fund 2016 2076 Ending Fund Balance Revenues Expenditu�es Balance Ca ital Im rovements Fund q328 2016 Adopled Budget 8,627,868 1,756,036 5,561,324 4,822,580 �PreviousBudgetAmendments 1,618,256 2,351,710 3,578,602 391,364 . 2016 Amended Budget 10 246 124 4,107 746 9 739,926 5 213 944 .. . ............................. ...t.. ....�...... .......r.. .... ..a...... ....... ..�.......�.. . . ... . ......... .. ........... ... .. .. ....... ..... .... ...... ..... ..... . ............ _.BA#6�Ordlnanee#6608,Proposed�: _ _ .7�567a95B 80�000 210,000 1�417�358 _._. .._...__. ._. ._..."'...__..._.._."""..."'.. .'__'.'_...'___...".. .'_'.. ."'...____..—_.._._. ._'___..'.. ..___.._._'.. .___....___..."_. .".. ._.. ._.. .__. ._. .."'....__. ._. Ad'ust Be innin Fund Balance 1;567 358 - 7 567,358 _......1......---9..._......9...__...__......._.....---.. .--' '---.._...---. .__.....---.. .---' '--' -----.._. ..---.._.__...._�_....---"---' '---....-'---....__.._..__. .__.....---....---. ..-- . .r_.._._.__.. Transfer In to Replace Cilx.Hall Generatar(T!F from F505) 80 000 80,000 - .... _.. . ._. . . ._. . ..._ . ..___. ..... ._. . .__...____. .__._........._....._.___.. ..___.._._. .___. .___..._. .._.._. .._.i_.._.. .__. .___. .---...---... .__. ._.._.._. .__. TIF Bud�et_from_Sidewalk_Repair Proyrem tor M St SE Slorm Imprvmn[s (to F105) ___ - - .... ......... ..... .... _-- -- --. ._.._. ._. Trensfer to F105(cp1511) iso.000 Adjustment to�cbd01 �isa,000� . ._.. . .... ._. ...__. . . .. . Increase Budpet for Council Chamber Remodel excl.Tech Intrestructure,cp1518) _ - _ _ _ _130,000 (130;000) ........... ... ..... . .... . .... . .. .. ....... . ......... _ Ravised 2016 Budget Fund 328 11,815,482 4,787,746� 9,949,926 6,651,902 Local ReviWlization Fund N330 2016 Adopted Budget - Previous Budget AmendmenLa 464,551 464,551 ...... 20�6 Amended Budget _ 464j551 - 464,551 - ..... .... .... ."'. ._. .......... ... ... .. ._. BA#6(Ordinance#6608�Proposed): 0 - 0 ... . ... .._. .._.. ..__. .. ._. ._.. ._. ._ - . .._.._. .._.._. Ad ust Be innln Fund Balance 0 - 0 .....1._............8..........9.. ...... ......._........ .__.. __. .._. __. - ._.._. Revised 2016 Budget-Fund 330 464,551 464,551 0 Water Fund p430 20�6AdoptedBudget 5,374,953 '14,264,636 15,748,910 3,890,679 Previous Budget Amendments 523,296 (1,864.490) (2,283,411) 942,217 2016 Amended Budpet _ 5,898,249 72,400,146 _ 1,3�465,499 4�832,897 .. . .............................. ._.. .._ . .. ............._. ... . .......... .. ........... ... .. ._.._. ._. ._.. ..___. ........ ......."'. ._..__. ._. ._. ._. ..__. .__. ._....... .__.... BAN6(Ordinance�6608,Proposed�: __ (193,823) - __ (193,823) ._.._.._. .._____..___..____._..__.....___. ._. .__...____.____..._._....___..___.____..—. ._. .________....___. .__...___..._____.._. ..__. ._..__-. ._. .__. .__...._..._. .--. .__....... ...-...._ Adjust Beginnin�Fund Balance . .__...___. _._ . .,. ."_"""' " ' ' _"_"' ' ' "_"'.--�795,823) ""....______ _. ' �193,823) Revised 2016 Budget-Fund 470 5,704,426 12,400,746 73,465,499 4,639,074 Page S of 12 � 6n_qp016 7 74 AM Schedule A Summary oi 2016 Budget Adjustments by Fund Budget Amendment#6 (Ordinance#6608) Beg.Fund 2076 2016 Ending Fund Balance Revenues Expenditures Balance SewerFund #431 2016 Adopted Budget 8,825,703 8,171,011 9,793,074 7,203,640 �Previous Budget Amendments 739,711 (2,402,000) (2,367 120) 704,831 ...._ 2016 Amended Budget 9�565�414 5�769i011 7�425�954 7�908�471 ... . .... .... .. .......... ... . ..__................. ._. ._. ... ...... ......... BA#6(Ordinance#6608,Proposed�: _ �1,'142:858) - - (3,142,658) . . ..... ... . ... _ ._. ..__ ... .............. ._..---.. .._. ... ...... ........ AdjustBe.ainnin�.FundBalance ___ ._. ._.. �3��42,858) _ . - (3�742:858) Revtsed 2016 Budget-Fund 431 6,422,556 5,769,077 7,425,954 4,765,673 Storm Draina e Fund #472 2076 Adopted'Budget 7 781,286 9,576,161 9,784,729 7,572,718 PreviousBUdgetAmendments 440,514 (1,152,158) (1,896,560) 1,184,916 ...... 2016 Amended Budyet 8,221,800 8,424�003 7 888 169 8 757 634 .... ._....__...................... ............... . ._. ................ ......... .... . .... .... ._.. .. ._. ._..........._.. ._.. .. ._.. ... .............. .._.. ._. ..__. ... ..........._.... BA#6�Ordinance#6608,Proposed): (4i680i395� - - (4,680,395) . . .... .. ..... .. . . ...... ......... ._. . . ....... ....... Ad'ust Be innin Fund�Balanee 4 680�395 - - 4 680 995 ._.....�..........._�...........�... ......_..................._.. ._. .�...a......a......� .�...i........�......). Revised 2076 Budget-Fund 432 3,541,405 6,424,003 7,888,169 4,077,239 'Sewer Metro Snb Fund if433 2016 Adopted Budget 2,492,148 16,333,387 16,317,200 2.508,335 �PreviousBudgetAmendments (346,911) - - (346,911) ...... .2016 Amended Budyet _ _ _ 2,'145,237 16,333,387 16�917,200 _ 2,161,424 ._.... . ..... .... .. ............ ... ... ..... ....... ..... ..... BA#6(Ordinance#6606�_Proposed)_ 213�281 213,281 ... .. . ............. . . ..... ... .... .. ._.. ............. ...... ...... Adjust Beginnin�Fund Balance _ 213;281 - - 213 281 . .__.. ._. .."'.. ....__..... . ._. ......�..._... Revised 2076 Budget Fund 439 2,958,518 16,333,387 16,377,200 2,374,705 Page 6 of 12 brzaizoie ��a nm Schedule A Summary of'2016 Budget Adjustments by Fund Budget Amendment#6(Ordinance#6608) Beg.Fund 2016 2016 Ending Fund Balance Revenues Expenditures Balance Solid Waste Funtl tf434 2016 Adopted Budget 2,858,461 13,427 400 13,040,599 3,245,262 Previous Budget Amendments 223,816 164,310 59,506 .__....._ ___'_2016AmendedBud.�et. .__. .__. . .._. ._. _ . . . . . .. . 3�082�277__ __ 73�427�400 __ 17�204�870"'. .__....r��L�.' . . . ......._. ..._. .._. ... .._. ._. ._..'. .._.. ._. ._. ...._.._.... ._. ..._.."'....__. ._.. ._. . .__. .__......_...... _ BAq6(Ordinance#6608�Proposed�. 595�1�0 750,000 545,110 .. .".'..._._"...__.. .. .._....."'...._. .._.._.. ."'. .__. ._. ._. ."'.. ........_.... ._.._.. Adjust Bepinnin�Fund Balance 395�1�0 - __ - 395�170 ....._.._.. ..... ..---.. ._..----........_.. .----. ._.._. ...._. ._...-----...._. ._. ._. Increase RolloH Revenues to OHset Increased Expenditures in BA#5_ - 150,000 150,000 ................ ............ ........._............ .................................. ._..__. ......_...... ._. ............. Revised20'I6Budget-Fund434 3,477,387 15,577,400 13,204,970 3,849,877 Ai ort Fund i14J5 2016 Adopted Budget 292,109 881,900 826,807 347,202 � Previous Budget Amendments (18,274) (133,031) (99,898) (51,406) ._....._ __.20�6 Amended Budget _273�835 748,869 726,908 295,796 ."'_._"".."�..""""_""'_"_. .__............._. ._. ._._.._. .__. ._.._. .___...__. .... .___.. .__...._........._.._.. ."'. ._.. .._.. ... ....... __.BAH6(Ordinance#6808,Proposed�__ _ 42�769 _ - - 42,769 _.. . . . ... . ._. ._.._. .__. ............_.. .___. ._.. ._.. Adjust Beainninp Fund Balance 42i769 - - 42,789 Revised 2016 Budget Fund 435 376,605 748;869 726,908 336,565 Cemete Fund 11436 20�6AdoptedBUdgel 156,448 1,178,300 1,098,228 236,520 _ �Previous Budget Amendments 196,963 (12,726) 8,132 176,105 -_..._ 2016 Amended Budyet"""__'__'____...____ ' .."' ""'_ ." 3531411_ 1a165�574 __ _ 1�106�360_. .__. _.412,625 ... ._.... .... .__. ._.......__.. ._.. ._. ._... .__. ._. .__. ._. .."' "" "".. ........__......_' ._.. ..'__._..__'__....__.. ._.._.. ."_""'.""'_"". .._"_""'... BA#6(Ordinance#6608�Proposed�. (235�039), _ _ _ ___ _ - (235,039) . .._.. .___.. ................. ._..__. ._. .__. .........._..... _Adjust Beyinnin�Fund_Balance ___ __ _ __ ___ (235�039�, _ _ _ (295i039). Revlsed 2016 Budget-Fund 436 178,372 1,765 574 1 106�60 177 587 Water Ca ital Fund #460 2076 Adopted Budget - - .Previous Budget Amendments 3,586,381 5.734.527 9,316,541 4,367 __2016AmendedBudaet..---, ,-. _--, ,___._, ,--_ _ _- ,--.._..- . --_ _--_. 3�586,381 5,734'S27 _--_•9,316,541__ 4,367 ...__...._ __ . _ . . ._._._. __..___. ___. _ .._. .._.�___...._. ._.. .._.__.. ""....."'...""""""."_..._"_.."_"_"'_"'.__"'_"""_". ._._..'_"""""_""_..__ """""'....'__.. .__.....__.._..._. _". .._..___. . BAN6(O�dinance#6608,ProPosed): ._.. .__. .__.. .__. .._.. .__. .__. ,___, ._ 170,394 .___. .__...._.._.._.._. ..___, ._171,000___. .__.. .l606) . . . ._. . .__. .__....._.. ._. ."' '_. ..__. .". ' ....... .... . .___.. .__....__'..""_"' ""' '_"""""_' """. _!_'_.. _AdjustBepinnln�,FUnd.Balance .__. _ _ 770�394 _ - - 170394 Page 7 0( 12 eizsizoie ��a nm Schedule A Summary of 2016•Budget Adjustments by Fund Budget Amendment#6 (Ordinance#6608) Beg.Fund 2016 2076 Ending Fund Balance Revenues Expenditures Balance . ... .. . .. . .. ..._.......... .._... ... .. ....... .. ... ..... . .. ........ In-FUntl Ad,�ustment for AWS Muckleshoot Plaza to Doywood Project(cp1218) - - . .... . . ... . .. .. ....... ...... ._.._. .._. ._. Adjustment to cp1218 zoo,000 Ad�ustment to cP0915 �200,000� . .......... . . ... . ... . . . ._.. In-FUnd Adjustment for 2076 Local Street Reeonstruction jcp�575� - - - ... ............. . ........ P_. .. ..... . . . . .. ._. ....._. . .. .......__............. .---. ._. ._.. ._. Ad ustment to c 1515 95,000 Adjusiment to cp 0915... . . . . . .. ... . ... . .... . ... . . ... .... .__. ._. ._. (s5,000). ._.. In-FUnd Adjustment for Muckleshoot Indian T�ibe Master Meters Project�cp1477( - - - . _ _. ............. .... ............ ....... .... ...... ............ . ... ._.. Adjustment to cp14�1 66,000 Adjuslment to cp0915 �50,000� Adjustment to cp1202 ..... . . ...... .. ..... . ...... . . . ... . . ......... ._. (ie.000� In-FUnd Ad�ustment for 22nd Street NE 8'�I Street NE'Intersection Pro.,j_ect(cp1579) - - - .__. ._.. ..__.. .._ Adjuslment�o cp1513 no,000 Adjustment to cp0915 �ao,000l . .. .. ... . ... .._. In•FUnd Ad�ustment to Auburn Way Nor1h Preservation Project(cp1507) - - - Adjuslment to cp1507 2e o00 Adjuslment to cp0915 �zo,000� Adjustment to cp11.18 __ _ �e.000� _ . ._. ._ ........._.. .. ._. ....._. . . In-FUnd Ad�ustment to S' 277th Street Corridor Improvements Pro�ect,c222a0) - - - . ..... ._. .__.. ..__.. . Ad�ustmenl to c222a0 135,000 Adjustment to cp0915 ��35:000) . ._.. ........... . . . .. ..... ....... Increase in Bud�et.tor.CP1511 (M Street SE Storm Im�rovements)�c�1511� _ _ _ : 171,000 (7,71,000).. Revlsed 2016 Budget-Fund 460 3,756;775 5,734,527 9,487,541 3,761 �SewerCa italF.und #461 2016 Adopted Budget - - P�eviousBudgetAmendments 590,823 3,552,000 4,138,460 4,363 ..... 2016 Amended Budget _ 590 823 3,552,000 4 118 460 4 363 .. . ... ... .a_...... .. ....... ....... ..�.._....a......_.._. ..�...... ....__.... .._. .._. ........._.. ._.. .._. . ._.. BA#6�Ordinance N6608,Proposed): _ 4,699,480 - 4�699,480 .. .__. . ... . ... ._......_.. ._. ..__.. ._. .'. . ....__....... ._. Ad)ust Bealnnin��Fund Balance 4�699_4B0 - � - 4r699,480 Revised 2016 Budget-Fund 461 5,290,303 3,552,000 4,138,460 4,703,843 Page S�of 12 en_erzoie �3awM Schedule A Summary of 2016 Budget Adjustments by Fund Budget Amendment#6 (Ordinance#6608) Beg.FUnd 2016 2076 Ending Fund Balance Revenues Expenditures Balance Storm Draina e Ca iGlFund #462 2016 Adopted Budget Previous 8udget Amendments 1,630,362 3,158,424 4,783,512 5,274 � � 2016 Amended Budget _ 7 690 362__ 7,158 424._ . 4 783 512 5 274 .___..__. .___. ._._.._..___. ._._..____. ..a. � _. .___..._.__.. �.-. _ .__. �.._...�._..... ._.. ._-. ."'. �..._.. ... ...... .... . .__. .._......__. ... .-.._. .. ._. .__. .__. ._.._'_' ..__. .. ....."'......._. ."'. ._. ."' ""' ". ._. ._. . .BA#b(Ordinance!l6608�ProPosed�._ 7,771,155 - _ _ _ 7 777,155 "' "'. ._. ."" "". ._..."' "". .._. .._.._..... ._.. .._. ._.. .__.. ' 1.. . . ..... ". .__. ..."".._"' "". .__..._"' ""_""' "". .__. .__. ._. ."'. ._. ."'. ._. ."""" "".._... ....."'...... ."" "" "". .__. ..__. ._. ._. _Adlust Bealnninp.Fund Balance_..__. ._ 7i777_155 ----'-------------.._...-_"------'---7,771,755_. Revised 2016 Budget-Fund 462 9,401,577 1,158,424 4,783,512 7,776,429 Air ort Ca ital Fund it465 2016 Adopted Budget - � ��Previous Budget Amendments 184,621 278,321 469,911 (6,969) ._....._ 20�6 Amended Budyel _ _ _184,621 278,321 469�917 (6,969) ....._... ._.. .. ............ ... ...._.. .. ._. BA#fi(Ordinance#6608�ProPosed�:_ _ 15,379 - 15,379 . .._. . ... ._.. .._. .._......__. ._.._.._. ._. ._. .__. ..__. ._. ............ .'_. .'__. ._. ......__... Ad)uslBeginning.Funtl�Balance 15;379 - 15,379 . .................. ............. ._. ._. ......... .. ._. ....... .. Revised 2076 Budget Fund 465 200,000 278,327 469,97� 8,410 Cemete Ca ilal Fund M466 2016 Adopted Budget �Previous Budget Amendments 12,699 12,699 .... 2016 Amended Budyet - 12,699 12�699_ - . .. ._............. ... ... ... ._.. ._.. ._............ . ._.._. . BA#6(Ordinance tl6608,Proposed�: 257�301 - 257,301 .................... . . . ...... . ._. ....... ....... . ...... . . ... ._..... .. ._. ._.............. .._.._. .__.. ._.._. .__. .._..._..._... Ad)ust Beainnln�Fund.Balance 257,707 257,301 Revised 2016 Budget Fund 466 257,101 72,699 12,689 257,301 Page 9 of 12 6/ZBQ016 7 JJ AM Schedule A Summary of 2016 Budget Adjustments by�Fund Budget Amendment#6 (Ordinance#6608) Beg.FUnd 2016 2016 Ending Fund Balance Revenues Expenditures Belance Insuranca Fund #501 2016 Adopled Budget 1,395,237 1,000 218,900 1,177.331 Prevlous Budget Amendments 40,926 - 40,926 . 2016AmendedBudget 1�436i157 _ 1�000 216,900 1�218�257 ..... .... .... ... ........... ... .. ._. ... ..... ._. .. . ..... BA#6(Ordinanee p6608,Proposed�: �94�432 _ _ - 94,432 . .. ... . . ..... . . . . . . ... ..... . .. .._.. ._. .__..._..__....._.. ._. .._. ."'. ._. ._. ._. ._. ... ....."'. ..___. Ad�ust Beginnin�Fund Balance_________ 94�432 - 94,432 Revised2076Budget-Fund�501 1,530,588 1,000 218,900 1,312,688 Workers'Com Fund #503 ' 2016 Adopted Budget 166,499 863,100 854,310 175,289 Prevlous�Budgel Amendments 317,004 317.004 ...... 2016 Amentled Budyet _ 483�507 863,100 854,310 492,292 .. . .... ..__.. ..... . ............ ......___.... ._. .... ....... ..... .... .... . .__......_..... ..._. ._.. .._. .._.. ..'_.. ._. .._.. .__.. ....___..... .__. ._. ._.."'. .."'. ._. _BAN6(Ordinance#6608,Proposed�____ 294 730 - - 294,730 .__ . .._'_....__...___�..____.__. __.. ._..__'.. ._. ."'__'_"'_.."_ "" "" '_""_"_""'..__...._2_...._..__. .__.. ._.."" "" "_"""'_"._._.._. ."'..__.._..""' _ . __. .__'—.__—___' ""...""""_.'_. .__ "" """""' "" ""' '_"'."' """'_""""' "..._"_"_'_""""..._..'_""". "_""""__""'_ '_" "' ' ' _ _.. . "'_ Atl�ust BeBinniny Fund Balance _ _ _294�790 - __ - _ 294�770 .... .. .. .... ... . . .. . . . Revised 2016 Budget Fund 503 778,233 863,700 854,310 787,023 Faeilities Fund #505 2076 Adopted Budget 1,346,478 3.598,400 3,797,526 1 147.350 � ��Previous Budget Amendments 1,023,385 113,800 701,520 435,665 ------ __2016 Amended Bud�et __ __ 2 369 863 3,712 200 4 499,048 1 581014 ..._ ..-- -._. _._.. ._.__...---" ---- -------- ----...._.._..--------- -- --'------- ----.. ..a...._t_..... ._..---�- --...._.._.�.._... ._.. ._. ..�.._...---.....---.. ._.i_....._�.. . . ._. ...__... .... .. .""""'.. ..._.. ...._.. ." "'. .__. ..........._...... .._. .__.. ._...... ....._.. ........ ....... BA#6�Ordinance#6608,Proposed): (172�909� 80,000 (252�909) ... .. ... . . ... . ._. .._.. ... .. ... _ ....... . .......... .'. .... ...... ...... ....... Trensfer Out to Replace.City Hall Generator(TIF to F328) _ 80,000 .�80�000) ._....._.....__....... .... ... . .__.._. ._..__. ....._.._...... .._. ._. ............._. Adjust Beginnin�Fund Balance .. . ---. ._.. -'--"-' ---. .(172 909) .._. ' ._.. ._. ' ._. .J172,909) ....._....._..... ._._.. i_....... Revised 2016 Budget Fund 505 2,196,954 3,712,200 4,679,048 1,130,105 Page IO�of 12 bn_ano�b �;anM Schedule A Summary of 2016 Budget Adjustments by�Fund Budget Amendment#6 (Ordinance#6608) Beg.FUnd 2016 2016 Ending Fund Balance Revenues Ezpenditures Balance Innovatlon&Technolo Fund M518 2016 Adopted Budget 1,828,866 5,639,465 5,582,582 1,885,749 Previous Budget Amendments 1,694,538 (1,107,479) 166,200 424,859 ""....._ 2016 Amended 8ud et 3 523,404 4_535 986 5 748 782 2 310,608 ....__.....__....-----....__...e.._. ._. .__. .._.._.__. ._.. .__. ._. .-- -- ---. ._. .--� �-- -- ---. .�.._..---... .._. .---. �__.._..--� �-- �--...a._.....--- --. . �.......---...._ ... ..... .... .._.._. ............ ._. . _. __....... --. ._. _. ......_..... enus�o�a�oa��eassoe,p�opo5ea�. _.. .�e�,�9z� __ �a�,�s2� .. ... ...... ... ..... .. _.. .... ...... .... ...... Adjust Beginnln�Fund 9alance._.._.. ._. ._._. ._. ._ . ._ . ._ . ..�81,�9z1 ._. - .__. :. ._. la�,�sz). Revised 2016 Budget-FUnd 518 3,442,212 4,535,986 5,748,782 2,229,416 E ui ment RentalFUnd p550 2016 Adopted Budget 3,184,883 3,669,480 4,638,010 2,216.353 � ��PrevlousBudgetAmendments 1,257,847 (2,272,300) (1,127,562) 173,109 ._....._ 2016AmendedBUdget 4,442,730 1,457,1B0 3,510449 2,389,461 ....._.. ............................ ._. ._.._.. ..__.. .__. .__'. .___.. .... ........._. ........_... ."'. .. ......a. .. .._.............. ... ._.... .... .. ............ ... ... ._. ._. ....... ......_. ._. ._.._. . _.BA#6(Ordinance H6608,Proposed�: _ _ _ _ _ 879,034 _ -_ - 879s034 ._. ._. .._.. .._.. .._......_. ._. ._. ._. .._. ._.. ....... ......_. ._.. ._. Adfust Beyinnin�.Fund Balance 879,034 - - 879,034 . .. . .. _.._ ... .......... . ._. ._. ........... . Revised 2016 Budget-Fund 550 5,327;764 1,457,180 3,510,449 3,268,496 !E ui ment Rental Ca iWl Fund #560 2016 Adopted Budget - Previous Budget Amendments - 3,313,265 3,313,265 - _. ..... ___.2016 Amended Budyet _ ___ _ 3_3'13�265 _ _ b,31Sr285 .... .. ._..'. ._'......._... ... ..._. ._.. ._. .___. .._. .__. .............. . .. .._...... ............. BA#6(Ordinance#6608,Proposed): ___ 597,355 84,958 316,800 365,513 ............. . ..... . . . . .... . .... ._. ...... ....... .. . ....... .__. ......_....... ......... ... . .... ... ._. .__. .._. ............... ._. ."" ._. .............. AdJust Beyinnin�Fund Balance 597,755 - - �597,355 . .. .. .. . .. .. . . . . ._. ............. .... ...... ...... ...... ................. Purchase of Twelve Replacement Vehicles(or Police _ _ 84�958 316,800 �231,642) Revised 2016 Budget Fund�560 597,955 3,398,223 3,630,065 365,513 Page I I of 12 6!?82016 71J AM Schedule A Summary of 2076 Budget Adjustments by Fund Budget Amendment#6 (Ordinance#6608) Beg:Fund 2016 2016 Ending Fund Balance Ravenues Expendltures Balance IT Ca ital Fund if568 2016 Adopted Budget - �Previous Budget Amendments 1,229,579 1,229,579 - �2076 Amended Budqet _ __ _ 1a229�579 1 229 579 ...._..................._......._._ ._. ..�........x...... .._. ' ._. ...._.._... .... . ._. ............ .__. ..__. ._. ._. .__. .._". ""' ' 8A#6(Ordinance R6608,Pro�osed):___ 262 983 350 000 350 000 262,983 . . . _...' _ . _. ._. ._...__....__. ._.._._.."' "".._.._. ."' """"'. .__. .__......�_.....__. ._. .___.....i...... .__...._. .....c..... ._.. ._. ._........ .. __. .__. ._..____.___..__..�...__...._'__._�"'. ._..'_"'.. ._"__' ""...""'__'. .__.._.._"""""'__""'___""'_—_'.____'.. ._.._. ..__...._.__._"_.__' "'_..__. .__...._.. ..._... Adjust Beginnin�Fund Balance 262,983 - - 262,983 ._............._.._ . ..._.. .. ._....__. . --' ---....---. . ..__. ._..._.._...---. ._. .__......__......--"---' '--- '--..._. _ . .__.. ._. ..___.._....._.___ Inerease Budget for Council Chamber Remodel lo Include AN Upg�ades�cp151 B)_ _ _: 350�000 . � 350i000___ _ - Revised 2016 Budget Fund 568 262,983 7,579,579 �,579,579 262,983 Fire Pension Fund p611 2016 Adopted Budget 2,486,300 76',000 170,658 2,391,642 � ��Previous Budget Amendments 28,981 28,981 _ _.....- 2016 Amended Budgel __ _ 21515�287 _ 76�000 170,658 2,420,623 ...._......_.. ._. ......---.. ._. ._. ...._. ._. ._. .---. .___. ._--' ----- ------ --- --...._. ..---......--'----....---' '----. ._.._.._. .--"--' '-- _. .__. ._. ... ..._.... BA#6(Ordinance p6608,Proposed):_. ._. .--' -- . ---. .._ . ._ . .---. ._. .�2�724)-'--.._. .--_ _ _ -- -(2,724). . .. . .... ........... ... .__ ._.. ..--- -- ----- --- _Adjust6e�Innin�FundBalance--..__. .__...._...____.. .___...___. .---.. .--' '---. .I2�72J�. ._..__. � �._.-.. .__...._. .--_...._. -- . .�Z;7z4t. Revised�2076'Budget-fund617 2,512,557 76,000 170,658 2,417,899 Cemete Endowment Fund #7D1 _ 2018 Adopted Budget 1,697,864 34,200 1�,732,064 PreviousBudgetAmendments (24,016) - (24,016) 2016 Amended Budget _ 1,673�646 _ 34;200 ._. - 1,708,048 ... . ..... .... ... ........... ... .. .._. ..... ..... ... ..... _ BA#6�Ordlnance#6608,Proposed�: 12�432 - 12,432 .... .. . ._.. .... ...... . ._. . ... . .._.._.. ......'.. ._. .._.. ._.._. ..... .. . .__. . . ..... Atlf ust Beainnln�.Fund Balance 12�432 - __12�432 Revised 2016 6udget-Fund 701 1,886,280 94,200 1,720,480 Grend Total-All Funds 2016 Adopted Budget 70,939,707 169,297 448 185,575,188 54,721,967 � ��Previous Budget Amendments 26,931,767 18,111,573 34,507,687 10,535,653 � 2018 Amended Bud et 97,871 474 �87 409 021 220 022 875 65 257 620 TOTAL BAk6 Ordinance#6608 Pro osed 14 894 863 1 627 562 2 532 790 13 989 635 Revised 2076 Budget 712,766,J37 189,036;583 222,555,685 79,247,255' 307,802,920 - 301;802,920 Page 12 of 12 6/282016 7 34 AM Schedule B 2016 Appropriations by Fund CFP 2016 (Ord#6580) Adopted BA#4 and Set Up of BA#5 BA#6 Total Revised� Fund Budget (Ord#6571) CapiWlFunds (Ord#6592) (Ord#6608) Amendments Budget General Fund(#001 69,901',366 2,993,307 3,019,833 3,810,739 9,823,879 79,725,245 Arterial Slreet Fund(#102) 13;197,491 3,701,861 3,189,470 269,525 7,160,856 20,358,347 LocalSUeel Fund(#103) 1,951�,068 236,856 924,345 730,921 1,892,123 3,843,191 Hotel Molel Fund #104 242,971 6,905 61,668 68,572 317,543 Arterial Slree�Preservalion Fund #105) 3,588,500 (203,936 - 1,920,390 (213,063 1,503,390 5,091,890 Dru FoAeiWre Funtl #177 395.157 34,416 - - 111,351 745,767 540,924 Housin and Community Development Grant Fund #119) 487.371 17,533 - 715,398 (10,OOU 722,931 1,210,302 Recreation Trails Fund(#120) 50,977 (761) - (558) (1,318) 49,659 Business Improvement Area Fund #127 96,332 9,841) - 17,025 7,784 103,516 Cumulative Reserve Fund(#122) 6,252,504 3,017,482 - 20,214 209,297 3,246,993 9,499,497 Mdi alion Fees Fund� #124 3,609,321 807,664 1.253,082 1,585,192 3,639,939 7,249,260 1998 Libra Fund(#229 265,100 - - 285,100 2010AnnexABB�BOndDeblFund #230 1,688.444 1,688,444 2010 C8D Local Revitalizalion Debl Fund(#231) 592,472 - 592,472 Golf Course Debt Service Fund(#237 351,553 351,553 LID Guaranlee Fund(#249) 22,589 - 22,589 LID#350 #275 15,130 1,995 - - 1,995 17,125 Munici al Park Consirudion Fund #321) 9,523,236 2,971,834 - 1,338,045 521,117 (1,112,672 8,410,564 CapitaldmprovemeMs Fund(#328) 10,383,904 (763,636) 156,710 4,576,892 1,647,358 5,617,324 16.001,228 Cocal Revitalization Fund(#330) 329,450 - 135,101 0 464.551 464,551 Water Fund(#430) 19,639,589 3,560,046 4,887,989 (13,251) (193,823) 1,535,017) 18,104,572 Sewer Fund #431 16,996,714 726,461 (2,371,137 17,613 3.142,858 4,805,147 12,191,567 Storm Draina e Fund #432 17,357,447 477,264 (1,175,657) (13,251) (4,680,395) (5,392,039) 11.965,408 Sev+ar Metro Fund(#433) i8,B25,535 (346,911 - 213,281 (133.630) 18,691,905 Solid Waste Fund(#494) 16,285,861 223,816 - - 545,110 768.926 17.0%;787 Ai oAFund #435) 1,174,009 (18,274) (133,031) 42,769 (108,535) 1,065,474 Cemetery Fund(#436) 1,334,748 184,237 - (235,039) 50,801) 1,283,947 Water Ca ital Fund(#460) - - 4,905.785 4,415,123 170,394 9,491,302 9,491,302 SewerCa ilalFund #461 - 3,552,000 590,823 4,699,480 8,842,303 0,842,303 Storm Draina e Ca ilal Fund #462) - 2,850,618 7,938.168 7.771,155 12,559,941 12,559,941 Airport Capital Funtl #465 - 351,237 111,705 15,J79 478,321 478,321 Cemetery Capital Fund(#466 - - 12,699 257,301 270,000 270,000 Insurance Fund #501 1,396,231 40,926 94,432 135,357 1,531,588 Workers Compensahon Self Insurance Fund(#503) 1,029,599 317,004 - 294,730 611,734 1,641,333 Facilities Fund(#505) 4,944,878 618,685 518,500 (172,909) 9fi4,276 5,909,154 Innovation and Technolo Fund(#518) 7,468,331 404,683 (480,000) 666,376 (81,192) 509,867 7,978;198 E ui ment RentalFund(#550) 6,854,363 528,598 (1,169,254) (313,797) 879,034 (75,419) 6,778,944 E uipmenl Rental Capilal Fund(#560) - 1,738,048 1,575,217 682,313 3,995,578 3,995,578 IT Ca ital Fund(#568) - - 480,000 749,579 612,983 1,842,562 1,842,562 Fire Pension Fund #611 2,562,300 28,981 2,724 26,257 2,588.557 Cemete Endowment Fund(#701) 1,732,064 (24,016 ' 12,432 11,584 1,720,480 1 Total 240,237,155 13,912,960 3,950,362 27,160,018 16,522,425 61,565,765 301,802,920� 6/21I2016 10:33 AM