HomeMy WebLinkAbout09-12-2016 CITY COUNCIL STUDY SESSION AGENDACity Council Study Session September 12, 2016 - 5:30 PM City Hall Annex - 1 East Main Street AGENDA Watch the meeting LIVE! Watch the meeting video Meeting videos are not available until 72 hours after the meeting has concluded. I. CALL TO ORDER A. Roll Call II. ANNOUNCEMENTS, REPORTS, AND PRESENTATIONS III. AGENDA ITEMS FOR COUNCIL DISCUSSION A. Planning Commission Annual Update (10 Minute Presentation/5 Minute Q&A) (Snyder) B. Transportation Advisory Board Annual Update (5 Minute Presentation/5 Minute Q&A) (Snyder) C. Airport Advisory Board Annual Update (10 Minute Presentation/5 Minute Q&A)* (Snyder) D. Ordinance No. 6618 (10 Minute Presentation/10 Minute Q&A)* (Lee) An Ordinance of the City Council of the City of Auburn, Washington, amending Section 5.20.210 of the Auburn City Code relating to the pawnbroker and secondhand dealer business E. Ordinance No. 6620 (5 Minute Presentation/5 Minute Q&A)* (Coleman) An Ordinance of the City Council of the City of Auburn, Washington, amending Sections 3.42.010 and 3.42.020 of the Auburn City Code relating to the tax levied on the total annual revenues of cable television business operating within the City F. 2017 Priorities - Council’s External Focus (10 Minute Presentation/20 Minute Q&A) (Backus) Council and Mayor discussion on upcoming priorities at the regional, state and federal level to inform upcoming regional committee assignments. G. Council Discussion on Retreat Goals - City Property Assets and GIS (10 Minute Presentation/10 Minute Q&A) (Haugan) Implementing and streamlining City property asset management with GIS. H. Feature Capital Project (10 Minute Presentation/5 Minute Q&A)* (Snyder) Fall’s Feature Capital Project Presentation IV. ADJOURNMENT Page 1 of 23 Agendas and minutes are available to the public at the City Clerk's Office, on the City website (http://www.auburnwa.gov), and via e-mail. Complete agenda packets are available for review at the City Clerk's Office. *Denotes attachments included in the agenda packet. Page 2 of 23 AGENDA BILL APPROVAL FORM Agenda Subject: Airport Advisory Board Annual Update (10 Minute Presentation/5 Minute Q&A) Date: September 7, 2016 Department: Community Development & Public Works Attachments: Chapter 2.33 (Municipal Airport Advisory Board) of the Auburn City Code Budget Impact: $0 Administrative Recommendation: Background Summary: Reviewed by Council Committees: Councilmember: Staff:Snyder Meeting Date:September 12, 2016 Item Number:DI.C AUBURN * MORE THAN YOU IMAGINEDDI.C Page 3 of 23 ATTACHMENT 1 Chapter 2.33 MUNICIPAL AIRPORT ADVISORY BOARD1 Sections: 2.33.010 Creation. 2.33.020 Appointment – Terms. 2.33.030 Jurisdiction. 2.33.040 Meetings of municipal airport advisory board. 2.33.010 Creation. There is created a board, which shall be known as the Auburn Municipal Airport advisory board, which shall consist of five members, who shall serve without remuneration, from a list provided by the mayor to be appointed by confirmation of a majority of the members of the city council, from time to time, the first members thereof to be appointed within a reasonable time after the ordinance codified in this chapter becomes effective. (Ord. 6572 § 1, 2015; Ord. 5924 § 1, 2005; Ord. 2820 § 1, 1974.) 2.33.020 Appointment – Terms. Immediately upon appointment, the members designated to act on the board shall assemble for organization, and for convenience of business transactions shall elect a chairman and secretary whose duties shall be the duties indicated by such designation. The term of office for the board members shall be set up to five years from the date of appointment; provided, that the term of office for any board members appointed or reappointed after December 1, 2004, shall be set up to three years from the date of appointment or reappointment. The city council shall be empowered to originally appoint one member for one year, one member for two years, one member for three years, one member for four years and one member for five years. All appointees will serve until successors are appointed and qualified. Members of the board shall be subject to removal in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 2.30 ACC as it currently exists or as it may be amended hereafter. If the board considers an issue that relates to a board member’s business interest at the airport, the board member shall disclose the fact and nature of the business interest prior to the taking of any vote bearing upon said interest. (Ord. 6572 § 1, 2015; Ord. 5924 § 1, 2005; Ord. 5879 § 1, 2004; Ord. 5803 § 3, 2003; Ord. 2820 § 2, 1974.) DI.C Page 4 of 23 2.33.030 Jurisdiction. The board when organized shall have jurisdiction to advise the city council and/or its committees regarding the following incidents involving the operation of the Auburn Municipal Airport: A. Regarding construction, enlargement, improvement, maintenance, equipment and operation of the Auburn Municipal Airport facilities; B. Regarding adoption and amendment of all need for rules and regulations for the government and use of the Auburn Municipal Airport facilities; C. Regarding leasing or assignment to private parties, municipal or state governments or the national government, or departments of any of the same, for the operation or use of any space, area, improvements or equipment of the Auburn Municipal Airport; D. Regarding the determination of charges or rentals for the use of any properties owned or under the control of the Auburn Municipal Airport and regarding the charges for any services or accommodations and the terms and conditions under which such parties may be using it; E. Regarding the securing and enforcement of liens as provided by law for liens and enforcements thereof; regarding the repairs of or improvements or storage or care of any personal property to enforce the payment of any such charges; F. Regarding the exercise of all powers necessarily incidental to the exercising of the general and public powers granted in this chapter; and also regarding the exercise of all powers granted to the city by the laws of the state regarding the operation of municipal airports; G. Repealed by Ord. 5924. H. Promote and foster the development of the Auburn Municipal Airport for the benefit of the citizens of the city; I. Develop comprehensive and long-range plans for airport development and financing; J. Maintain liaison with other governmental bodies regarding municipal airport operations and financing. (Ord. 6572 § 1, 2015; Ord. 5924 § 1, 2005; Ord. 2820 § 3, 1974.) DI.C Page 5 of 23 2.33.040 Meetings of municipal airport advisory board. The board shall meet at least one time per quarter or as needed to perform the duties of the board and to fulfill the role of being an advisory body to the city council. (Ord. 6572 § 1, 2015; Ord. 5924 § 1, 2005; Ord. 2820 § 4, 1974.) 1 For airport regulations, see Ch. 12.56 ACC. DI.C Page 6 of 23 AGENDA BILL APPROVAL FORM Agenda Subject: Ordinance No. 6618 (10 Minute Presentation/10 Minute Q&A) Date: August 23, 2016 Department: Police Attachments: Ord 6618 Budget Impact: $0 Administrative Recommendation: Background Summary: Reviewed by Council Committees: Councilmember: Staff:Lee Meeting Date:September 12, 2016 Item Number:DI.D AUBURN * MORE THAN YOU IMAGINEDDI.D Page 7 of 23 ORDINANCE.NO. 6 6 1 8 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, WASHINGTON, AMENDING SECTION 5.20.210 OF THE AUBURN CITY CODE RELATING TO THE PAWNBROKER AND SECONDHAND DEALER BUSINESS WHEREAS, Revised Code of Washington (RCW) Section 19.60.062 prohibits pawnbrokers, secondhand dealers, and similar businesses that exchange personal property for money from receiving property from any person under the influence of intoxicating liquor or drugs, any person known to the pawnbroker or secondhand dealer as having been convicted of burglary, robbery, theft, or possession of or receiving stolen property within the past ten years; and WHEREAS, RCW 19.60.075 authorizes the City of Auburn to enact ordinances or codes that are more restrictive than the provisions of RCW 19.60.062; and WHEREAS, pawnbrokers and secondhand dealers cannot easily and independently identify individuals from whom they cannot receive stolen property pursuant to RCW 19.60.520;and; WHEREAS, the Police Chief maintains a list that includes individuals who have been convicted of burglary, robbery, theft, and possession or receipt of stolen property, known as a Do Not Buy list; and WHEREAS, the Do Not Buy list also includes individuals convicted of drug-related crimes because the Joint Committee of the American Bar Association and the American Medical Association on Narcotic Drugs has found Ordinance No. 6618 August 19, 2016 Page 1 of 6DI.D Page 8 of 23 a close relationship between drug addiction and property crime where addicts resort to theft to obtain money for the purchase of drugs, and; WHEREAS, requiring pawnbrokers and secondhand dealers to utilize the Do Not Buy list before accepting property from any individual will reduce the ability of individuals to obtain money for stolen property and will protect the health, safety and welfare of the citizens of the City of Auburn. NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, WASHINGTON, DO ORDAIN as follows: Section 1. Amendment to City Code. Section 5.20.210 of the City of Auburn City Code is amended to read as follows: A. Definitions. 1..Pawnbroker. Every person engaged, in whole or in part, in the business of money on the security of pledges, deposits or conditional sales of personal property is a pawnbroker. 2. Secondhand Dealer. Every person engaged in whole or in part in the business of buying or selling secondhand personal property, metal junk or melted metals, including but not limited to numismatic and used precious metals, is a secondhand dealer. B. License Application - Qualifications- Requirements to Apply. 4,-License-Application -Applicant Fingerprints Accompanying. Each application for pawnbrokers or a secondhand dealers license shall be accompanied by a complete set of fingerprints of the applicant, utilizing fingerprint forms as prescribed by the chief of police. aa-Transaction Record. Ordinance No. 6618 August 19, 2016 Page 2 of 6DI.D Page 9 of 23 1. It shall be the duty of every pawnbroker and secondhand dealer doing business in the city to maintain in his place of business a book or other permanent record in which shall be legibly written in the English language, at the time of each loan, purchase or sale, a record thereof containing the following information: a. The date of the transaction; b..The name of the person or employee conducting the same; c. The name, age, street and house number, and a general description of the dress, complexion, color of hair and facial appearance of the person with whom the transaction is had; d. The name and street and house number of the owner of the property bought or received in pledge; e. The street and house number of the place from which the property bought or received in pledge was last removed; f. A description of the property bought or received in pledge, which, in the case of watches, shall contain the name of the maker and the number of both the works and the case, and in the case of jewelry shall contain a description of all letters and marks inscribed thereon; provided, that when the article bought or received is furniture, or the contents of any house or room actually inspected on the premises a general record of the transactions shall be sufficient; g. The price paid or the amount loaned; h. The names and street and house numbers of all persons witnessing the transaction; i. The number of any pawn ticket issued therefor. Ordinance No. 6618 August 19, 2016 Page 3 0f 6DI.D Page 10 of 23 2. It shall be the duty of every pawnbroker and secondhand dealer doing business in the city to require the person with whom each transaction is had to produce a valid government-issued photo identification card and to verify the accuracy of the name provided by the person with whom each transaction is had. D.3-Records and Goods Inspection. Such record, and all goods received, shall at all times during the ordinary hours of business be open to the inspection of the city attorney or of any peace officer. E.4—Daily Report to Police. Every pawnbroker and secondhand dealer doing business in the city shall, before noon of each day, furnish to the chief of police, on such forms as the chief of police may provide, a full, true and correct transcript of the record of all transactions had on the preceding day, and, having good cause to believe that any property in his possession has been previously lost or stolen, he shall report such fact to the chief of police, together with the name of the owner, if known, and the date when and the name of the person from whom the same was received by him. EL Property Retention Period. No property bought or received in pledge by any pawnbroker or secondhand dealer shall be removed from his place of business, except when redeemed by the owner within four days after receipt has been reported to the chief of police as provided in this chapter. G.6- Rates of Interest and Sale of Pledged Property — Statute Adopted. 1.a: RCW 19.60.060, a statute of the state, is adopted by reference. Ordinance No. 6618 August 19, 2016 Page 4 of 6DI.D Page 11 of 23 2.tOne copy of the statute of the state adopted by reference in subparagraph a of this subdivision shall be on file in the office of the city clerk and shall be made available at all times to the public. H. Do Not Buy List. 1. The Police Chief is authorized to create or adopt a regularly maintained Do Not Buy List and to establish procedures for access to, and utilization of, the Do Not Buy List by pawnbrokers and secondhand dealers; except that no fee-may be charged to pawnbrokers and secondhand dealers for access and use of the Do Not Buy List. 2. Pawnbrokers and secondhand dealers shall access and utilize the Do Not Buy List consistent with the procedures established by the Police Chief and shall be subiect to the provisions of ACC 5.20.070, ACC 5.20.080, and RCW 19.60.066 for noncompliance. Section 2. Implementation. The Mayor is hereby authorized to implement such administrative procedures as may be necessary to carry out the directions of this legislation. Section 3. Severability. The provisions of this ordinance are declared to be separate and severable. The invalidity of any clause, sentence, paragraph, subdivision, section or portion of this ordinance, or the invalidity of the application thereof to any person or circumstance shall not affect the validity of the remainder of this ordinance, or the validity of its application to other persons or circumstances. Section 4. Effective date. This Ordinance shall take effect and be in force five days from and after its passage, approval and publication as provided by law. Ordinance No. 6618 August 19, 2016 Page 5 of 6DI.D Page 12 of 23 INTRODUCED: PASSED: APPROVED: CITY OF AUBURN NANCY BACKUS, MAYOR ATTEST: Danielle E. Daskam, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: Daniel B. Heid, City Attorney Published: Ordinance No. 6618 August 19, 2016 Page 6 of 6DI.D Page 13 of 23 AGENDA BILL APPROVAL FORM Agenda Subject: Ordinance No. 6620 (5 Minute Presentation/5 Minute Q&A) Date: September 7, 2016 Department: Finance Attachments: Program Improvement Ord 6620 Budget Impact: $0 Administrative Recommendation: City Council to discuss Ordinance No. 6620 Background Summary: Reviewed by Council Committees: Councilmember: Staff:Coleman Meeting Date:September 12, 2016 Item Number:DI.E AUBURN * MORE THAN YOU IMAGINEDDI.E Page 14 of 23 8/4/2016 11:31:19AM Decision Package Budget ReportglDPBdgtRpt City of Auburn Decision Package: POL.0023 - 6 Commissioned Police Officers Group Version Duration Approval StatusPriorityDateBudget Year Ongoing Pending05/18/2016 2018 blee 0 3 Title 6 Commissioned Police Officers - Funded by 5% Utility Excise Tax on Cable and COPS Grants Description of Improvement Increased staff will enable the deployment of dedicated staff to address Downtown crime /citizen perceptions; as well as, Les Gove Campus security issues. In addition, some of this staff will be dedicated to targeted enforcement of individuals/locations that are identified through criminal analysis as being involved in criminal activities. We will add one additional bicycle officer to enhance that unit to 4 bicycle officers. Re-establish Pro-Act unit that was disbanded back in 2008 due to the economic downturn. This unit has a directed mission of surveillance and waiting on graffiti offenders, gang activity and both residential /commercial burglary offenders. This was a highly successful unit prior to elimination. Add 1 Day Shift K-9 Officer and 1 Major Crimes Detective. The additional staffing will have an immediate and long lasting impact on making Auburn citizens and business community feel secure in their community. This decision package also includes: * 3 patrol vehicles for general patrol use * 3 Pro-Active Detectives vehicles for undercover operations and unmarked patrol vehicle operations (in 2018) * 1 bicycle for bicycle patrol officer * body cameras (in 2018) Alternatives Continue to assign staff in overtime assignments to address noted issues. Advantages of Approval Dedicated bicycle patrol to patrol Downtown and City Parks, re-establish a Pro-Act unit that dedicates itself to targeting our most prolific offenders and the crimes they commit , Day Shift K-9 Officer and 1 additional Detective. Implications of Denial Potential for continued high crime rate: Our CAD Incidents were second only to Kent in 2015. Our officer workload is the highest of any neighboring agency in south King County. Remain re-active rather than Pro-Active. Staffing (1) Bicycle Officer (1) K9 Officer (1) Investigations Officer (3) Pro-Act Detectives Equipment Make & Model Narrative Not Defined 2017 2018FISCAL DETAILS Operating Expenditures 85,490.00 83,000.00001.13.512.500.51 KING COUNTY DISTRICT COURT - AUBURN MUNI 124,465.00 113,150.00001.20.523.600.51 INTERGOVERNMENTAL SERVICES 19,122.00 0.00001.21.521.100.41 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 161,217.84 142,962.48001.21.521.200.11 REGULAR SALARIES & WAGES 11,635.06 10,607.42001.21.521.200.21 F.I.C.A. 8,076.10 7,362.80001.21.521.200.23 PENSIONS 6,474.50 6,051.02001.21.521.200.24 INDUSTRIAL INSURANCE 58,890.76 51,285.72001.21.521.200.25 HEALTH INSURANCE DI.E Page 15 of 23 8/4/2016 11:31:19AM Decision Package Budget ReportglDPBdgtRpt City of Auburn 4,000.00 25,424.00001.21.521.200.31 OFFICE & OPERATING SUPPLIES 130,368.00 189,519.00001.21.521.200.64 MACHINERY & EQUIPMENT 322,435.68 285,924.96001.21.521.210.11 REGULAR SALARIES & WAGES 23,270.12 21,214.84001.21.521.210.21 F.I.C.A. 16,152.20 14,725.60001.21.521.210.23 PENSIONS 12,949.00 11,258.40001.21.521.210.24 INDUSTRIAL INSURANCE 117,781.52 102,571.44001.21.521.210.25 HEALTH INSURANCE 8,000.00 50,848.00001.21.521.210.31 OFFICE & OPERATING SUPPLIES 130,000.00 0.00518.00.518.880.48 REPAIRS & MAINTENANCE 205,000.00 0.00568.00.518.880.64 MACHINERY & EQUIPMENT 1,445,327.78 1,115,905.68Total Operating Expenditures 1,115,905.68Total Expenditures 1,445,327.78 Revenues -1,000,000.00-1,000,000.00001.316.460 CABLE TV FRANCHISE FEE -225,000.00-300,000.00001.331.116 COPS Hiring Program -1,225,000.00-1,300,000.00Total Revenues -184,094.32 220,327.78Net Budget DI.E Page 16 of 23 ORDINANCE NO. 6 6 2 0 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, WASHINGTON, AMENDING SECTIONS 3.42.010 AND 3.42.020 OF THE AUBURN CITY CODE RELATING TO THE TAX LEVIED ON THE TOTAL ANNUAL REVENUES OF CABLE TELEVISION BUSINESSES OPERATING WITHIN THE CITY WHEREAS, the current provisions of the Auburn city code provide for a 1% tax on the total annual revenues of cable television businesses operating within the city, which one percent is designated for use by the city in support of its arterial street system; and WHEREAS, the city of Auburn has needs with respect to its police services and its public safety and criminal justice systems which warrant financial support and commitment by the city; and WHEREAS, applicable law authorizes cities to assess and levy a tax on the annual revenues of cable television businesses of 6%; and WHEREAS, in order to better meet the needs of the city for police services and its public safety and criminal justice systems, it would be appropriate to levy a full 6% on the total annual revenues of cable television businesses operating within the city and to designate the additional 5% for support of the city's police services and its public safety and criminal justice systems. NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, WASHINGTON, DO ORDAIN as follows: SECTION ONE. AMENDMENT TO CITY CODE. Section 3.42.010 of the Auburn City Code be, and the same is hereby amended to read as follows: 3.42.010 Tax created. There is created a utility tax in the amount of ene-six percent to be levied an-and after July 1, 2008, as set forth below, of the gross receipts against and upon the total annual revenues of cable television businesses operating within the city. (Ord. 6170 § 5, 2008.) Ordinance No. 6620 September 7, 2016 Page 1DI.E Page 17 of 23 SECTION TWO. AMENDMENT TO CITY CODE. Section 3.42.012 of the Auburn City Code be, and the same is hereby amended to read as follows: 3.42.020 Levy and collection of tax. There is levied a tax of ene-six percent on the gross income of, and upon the total annual revenues of, cable television businesses operating within the city, which tax shall be collected from and levied upon the total receipts of such cable television business(es). For the purposes hereof, the following terms and definitions shall apply: A. "Gross income" means the value proceeding or accruing from the sale of any tangible property or service, and receipts (including all sums earned or charged, whether received or not), by reason of the investment of capital in the business engaged in, including rentals, royalties, fees, or other emoluments, however designated (excluding receipts or proceeds from the use or sale of real property or any interest therein, and proceeds from the sale of notes, bonds, mortgages, or other evidences of indebtedness, or stocks and the like) and without any deduction on account of the cost of the property sold, the cost of materials used, labor costs, interest or discount paid, or any expense whatsoever, and without any deduction on account of losses, including the amount of credit losses actually sustained by the taxpayer whose regular books or accounts are kept upon an accrual basis. B. "Cable television business" means: 1. A system providing service pursuant to a franchise issued by the City under the Cable Communications Policy Act of 1984 Public Law No. 98-549, 47 U.S.C. Section 521, as it may be amended or superseded; or 2. Any system that competes directly with such franchised system by employing antennae, microwaves, wires, wave guides, coaxial cables, or other conductors, equipment or facilities designed, construed or used for the purpose of: a. Collecting and amplifying local and distant broadcast television signals and distributing and transmitting them; b. Transmitting original cable-cast programming not received through television broadcast signals; or c. Transmitting television pictures, film and videotape programs not received through broadcast television signals, whether or not encoded or processed to permit reception by only selected receivers; provided, however, that "cable television service" shall not include entities that are subject to charges as "commercial TV stations" under 47 U.S.C. Section 158, as it may be amended or superseded.. C. The tax revenue generated by the one percent levied pursuant to Ordinance No. 6170 shall be relegated for use by the city in support of its arterial street system. The tax revenue generatedby the remaining five percent levied pursuant to Ordinance No. 6620 shall be relegated for use by the city in support of its police, public safety and criminal iustice system. Ordinance No. 6620 September 7, 2016 Page 2DI.E Page 18 of 23 of this chapter. (Ord. 6170 § 5, 2008.) SECTION THREE IMPLEMENTATION. The Mayor is hereby authorized to implement such administrative procedures as may be necessary to carry outthe directions of this legislation. SECTION FOUR. SEVERABILITY. The provisions of this ordinance are declared to be separate and severable. The invalidity of any clause, sentence, paragraph, section or portion of this ordinance, or the invalidity of the application thereof to any person or circumstance shall not affect the validity of the remainder of this ordinance, or the validity of its application to other persons or circumstances. SECTION FIVE. EFFECTIVE DATE. This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect on January 1, 2017, and five days after its passage, approval and publication as provided by law. INTRODUCED: PASSED: APPROVED: CITY OF AUBURN ATTEST: NANCY BACKUS, MAYOR Danielle E. Daskam, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: Daniel B. Heid, City Attorney Published: Ordinance No. 6620 September 7, 2016 Page 3DI.E Page 19 of 23 AGENDA BILL APPROVAL FORM Agenda Subject: Council Discussion on Retreat Goals - City Property Assets and GIS (10 Minute Presentation/10 Minute Q&A) Date: September 6, 2016 Department: Information Services Attachments: No Attachments Available Budget Impact: $0 Administrative Recommendation: Background Summary: Auburn Economic Development requested development of an easy to use, GIS based application to help identify and present City owned property. This presentation is a demo of the application and potential uses. Reviewed by Council Committees: Councilmember: Staff:Haugan Meeting Date:September 12, 2016 Item Number:DI.G AUBURN * MORE THAN YOU IMAGINEDDI.G Page 20 of 23 AGENDA BILL APPROVAL FORM Agenda Subject: Feature Capital Project (10 Minute Presentation/5 Minute Q&A) Date: September 6, 2016 Department: CD & PW Attachments: Vicinity Map Budget Impact: $0 Administrative Recommendation: Falls Feature Capital Project Presentation. Background Summary: The purpose of this discussion is to present the feature capital project of the third quarter of 2016: West Main Street Multi-Modal Corridor and ITS Improvements. This project will be featured in the Fall edition of the Auburn Magazine and on the City’s capital project website. The City’s West Main Street Multi-Modal Corridor and ITS improvements project (Project) will provide improvements to the vital City corridor of West Main Street between West Valley Highway and the Interurban Trail. The Project work will enhance access for alternate travel modes by improving the non-motorized access, pedestrian facilities, and removing of access barriers. Safety along the corridor will also be improved by adding a two-way left-turn center lane which will provide a refuge for vehicles (especially trucks) turning to and from businesses located along the corridor. The ITS improvements will reduce intersection delays and improve travel times between West Valley Highway and SR-167 and SR-18 and the Regional Growth Center by providing interconnectivity between traffic signal systems. Reviewed by Council Committees: Councilmember: Staff:Snyder Meeting Date:September 12, 2016 Item Number:DI.H AUBURN * MORE THAN YOU IMAGINEDDI.H Page 21 of 23 AUBURN * MORE THAN YOU IMAGINEDDI.H Page 22 of 23 Corridor Improvements ITS ImprovementsINTERURBAN TRAILThe OutletCollectionAuburnEnvironmentalParkMountain ViewCemetery WEST MAIN STREET MULTI-MODAL CORRIDOR AND ITS IMPROVEMENTSDI.HPage 23 of 23