HomeMy WebLinkAbout6617 ORDINANCE NO. 6 6 1 7 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, WASHINGTON, CREATING NEW SECTIONS 13.48:245, 13.48.246, 13.48.247 AND 13.48:425 OF THE CITY GODE, AND AMENDING SEGTIONS 12.04.010, 13.41.010, 13.41:050, 13.48.005, 13.48.010, 13.48.110, 13.48.180, 13.48,225; 13.48.230, 13.48.240, 13.48.250, 13.48.420, 13.48.440, 15.74.010, 15.74.020, 15.74.050, 17.02.030, 17.09.050, 17.09.070, 17.10.020, 17.10.070, 17.10.120, 17.12.010, 18.50.010 AND 18.50.040 OF THE CITY CODE RELATING TO L01N IMPACT DEVELOPMENT WHEREAS, in connection with its storm drainage programs, the City of Auburn, Washington, has a National Pollutant Dis.charge Elimination System (NPDES) Western 1Nashington Phase II Municipal Stormwater Permit ("PermiY'); and WHEREAS, the requirements of this Permit include meeting requirements mandated by the Washington State Department of Ecology (DOE) fo make Low Impact Development (LID) principles and best management practices (BMPs) the preferred and commonly-used approach to new development, redevelopment, and construction site activitie.s; and WHEREAS, LID includes land pianning and engineering design apprbaches intended to reduce stormwater runoff by using on-site natural features and distributed stormwater management prac4ices to mimic pre-disturbance hydrologic processes and protect water quality; and WHEREAS, the NPDES Permit specifically requires the City of Auburn to comply with Special Condition S5.C.4.a by irimplementing an ordinance or other enforceable mechanism to address runoff from new development, redevelopment, and construction - - - -- - -- - ----- -- Oriiinance No. 6617 October 4, 2016 Page 1 site acfivifies that includes the minimum requirements, thresholds, and defnitions in Appendiz 1 ofthe City's Permit; and WHEREAS, the City can demonstrate that its criteria and requirements will protect water quality, reduce the discharge of pollutants to the Maximum Extent Practicable (MEP), and satisfy State of Washington All Known, Available, And Reasonable Treatment (AKART) requirements by adopting DOE's Stormvirater Management Manual for Western Washington (DOE SWMMVVW); and WHEREAS, this requirement can be met by amending Section 12.04.010.B.2 of the Aubum City Code (ACC), establishing the 2014 DOE SWMMWW and City of Auburn Supplemental Manual as the City's SurFace Water Management Manual (SWMM); and WHEREAS, the NPDES PermiY specifically requires the City of Aubum to comply with Spec.ial Condition S5.C.4.f,i, which requires the City to review, revise and make effective its local development related codes, rules, standards, or other enforceable documents to incorporate and require LID principles and BMPs no later than December 31, 2016, where such revisions make LID the preferred and commonly-used approach to sife development by minimizing impervious surfaces, native vegetation loss, and stormwater runoff in all types of development situations; and WHEREA8, the City has conducted a thorough review and revision gap analysis process of its local development related codes, rules, standards, or other enforceable documents, as outlined in the document "lntegrating LID into Local Codes: A Guidebook for Loca/ Goyernments" (Puget Sound Partnership, 2012), the results of which have - - - - - - - -- - -- - --- Ordinance No. 6617 October 4, 2016 Page 2 been documented in a series of spreadsheets covering the GuidebooKs main topics, including following: Site Planning and Assessment; Healthy Soils; Landscaping, Native Vegetation and Street Landscaping; Hard and Impervious Surfaces; Bulk and Dimensional Considerations; Clearing and Grading; Streets and Roads; Farking; Design Guidelines and Standards; Stormwater Management and Maintenance; Subdivision and Planned Unit Development; and Critical Areas and Shoreline Management; and WHEREAS, it is appropriate to incorporate these considerations into the City's annual stormwater report to be submitted to DOE by March 31, 2017, as required in Special Condition S5.C.4.f,ii; and WHEREAS, it is also approp�iate for the City to meet its NPDES Perm'it Special Conditions by revising and updating the provisions of the pertinent sections of the City Code. NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, WASHINGTON, DO ORDAIN as follows: Section 1. New Section to._Citv:Code. That a new Section 13.48.245 of the Auburn City Code be, and the same hereby is created to read as follows: 13.48.245 Permit—Application. Any owner or authorized agent who intends to initiate a new development or redevelopment project irnolving the activities in ACC 13.48.240 shall first make an application to the city and obtain tHe required permit for the work. Applications shall be prepared by a professional civil engineer licensed by the state of V1lashington and shall conform to the city's design standards and SWMM per Chapter 12.04. The city engineer shall have the authority to accept an application not prepared by a licensed professional civil engineer if the city engineer - -- - --- - - - - -- - -- Ordinance No. 6617 October 4, 2016 Page 3 determines the scope of the project is such that a detailed set of plans is not required. An application for a storm drainage permit shall be applied for, and where possible, processed concurrently with any other necessary permits or approvals. Section 2. New Section to Gitv Code. That a new Section 13.48,246 of the Aubum City Code be, and the same hereby is created to read as follows: 13.48.246 Permit— Approval. The city engineer shell have the authority to approve, modify, approve with conditions, or deny the permit in accordance wi4h #he intended purposes of ACC 13.48.005.?he city engineer shall also have the authority to determine the time frame when the new development or redevelopment project shall commence, when the project is to be completed, designated haul routes, seasonal and weather restrictions, and hours of opera4ion. Section 3. New Section to Citv Code. That a new Section 13.48:247 of the Aubum City Code be, and the same hereby is created to read as follows: 73.48.247 Permit— Revocation. Failure of the property owner and/or permittee to comply with any or ali of the provisions of this chapter or any orall provisions of a storm drainage permit, including, but not limited to, the Stormwater Site Plan and the Operations and Maintenance Plan may caus,e the city engineer to revoke the permit. If the permit is revoked, all operations shall cease until such time that the noncompliance is corrected. Section 4. New Section to Citv Code. That a new Section 13.48.425 of the Aubum Gity Code be, and the same hereby is created to read as follows: 13.48.425 Low Impact Development in Ground Water Protection Areas. The city of Auburn has designated Ground Water Protection Areas (also known as "Zones") in conformance with the requirements of Section 16:10.080.(F) of the city code. To protect ground water sources of supply, LID facilities that include infiltration of runoff from pollu4ion-generating surfaces shall not be allowed without enhanced treatmenf virithin Ground 1Nafer Protec4ion Zones 1 and 2. Section 5. Amendment to Citv Code. That Section 12.04.010 of the Auburn City Code be and the same hereby is amended 4o read as follows: 12.04.070 Adoption of engineering construction standards and engineering design standards. A. Adopted — Engineering Construction Standards. The engineering cons.truction standards include the following documents and manuals which are herein referred to as the "engineering const�uction standarcls" and are adopted by reference: 1. The Standard Plans (M21-01) for Road, Bridge, and Municipal Construction prepared by the Washingfon Sfate Department of Transportation, the Iate.sY publication and amendments Ordinance No. 6617 October 4, 2016 Rage 4 thereto, as determined appropriate for city infrastructure by the cify engineer and for conformance with adopted city engineering design standards. 2. The Standard Spec�cations for Road, Bridge and Municipal Construction, 4he latest (English) e.dition publication and amendments thereto as issued by the Washington State Department of Transportation as supplemented and amended through special provisions by the city engineer for specific construction applications and for conformance with adopted city engineering design standards. 3. The City of Aubum Engineering Standard Defails, a manual of specific plans or drawings developed and adopted by the city of Auburn department of public works wliich show frequently recurring components of work that have been standardized for repetitive use, as supplemented and amended by the city engineer for specific construction applications and for conformance with adopted city engineering design standards. B. Adopted — Engineering �esign Standards. The engineering design stan.dards as approved, supplemented and amended by the city engineer for specific design applications and in consultation with the city council on policy issues or broad citywide implications shall include the following documents and manuals which are herein referred to as the "engineering design standards" and are adopted by reference: � 1. A manual of specific enqineerina design requirements which shows frequen4ly recurring public transportation and utility infrastructure standards. 2. The City of Autiurn Surface Water Management Manual (SWMM) which is the �9A� 2014 Department of Ecolopv Stormwater Manaqement Manual for Western Washinqton and its Supplemental Manual, for use in the city of Aubum. The SWMM is a manual of specific re.quirements related to storrn drainage management, C. Adopted — HigFiway Access Management. Chap.ter 468-52 WAC, Highway Access Management —Access Control Class�cation System and Standards, and amendments thereto, with the exception of WAC 468-52-060 and 468-52-070, is adop4ed by reference with the following amendments: 1. All references to 4he "Department" shall be changed to "city of Auburn." 2. All references to Chapter 468-51 1NAC or sec4ions thereof shall be changed to "City of Auburn Engin.ee.ring Design Standards." (Ord. 6532 § 14, 2014; Ord. 6283 § 1, 2009; O�d. 625$ § 1, 2009; Ord. 6157 § 1, 2008; Ord. 5042 § 1 (Exh. B), 1998.) Section 6. Amendment to Gitv Code. That Section 13.41_010 of the Auburn CityCode be and the same hereby is amended to read as follows: 13.41.010 Defini4ions. As used in this chapter, unless the context otherwise requires: A. "Capacity facilities" includes but is not limited fo: 1. Water system infrastructure including: water sources, treatment facilities, interties, pump stations, pressure reducing stations, stan.dby generators, reservoirs, distribution, and transmission mains and appurtenances needed for distribution, fire protection and pressure. 2. Sanitary sewer system infrastructure including: lift stations, standby generators, force mains, conveyance lines and appurtenances needed to collect and transport sewage for treatmenYand disposal orto eliminate a storm and sanitary sewer cross connection. 3. Storm drainage system infrastructure including: pump stations, standby generators, storage facilities, water quality facilities, stream, creek or river improvements and conveyance lines needed to collect, transpoR and dispose of storm drainage, eliminate storm and sanita.ry Ordinance No. 6617 October 4, 2016 Page 5 sewer cross connections, eliminate storm and surface water flooding and water quality problems, and treatment and disposal facilities. B. eatry- , te� . �pG-fee-calsu4aEior�."Parcel non-sinqle-familv" means anv parcel of developed land other than sinqle-family or two-family (duplex) residential- C. "Utility systems deVelopment charge" is a charge imposed on new customers, or existing customers revising use of their property, in recognition of the previous investment of the city and its customers in the utility systems. -� . ��cv�v--rrrrpvoc ocJ '�T'b"FS`�'m���T'�'TT�T^'� 42R�—d@V240�K7...••r � { QjF-tla2t-BR�k72�SFE@� * ^� f ^�� ^� .•� co�t eg T,.--.�,i;m@ kJfBfEI ' E�2 6ow-4�ae�—Tesiaaisat-6aidaqse-�Vlanaa qs�lor��rof-�os#recer�i-E+p�ate> (Ord. 6391 § 1, 2011; Ord. 6341 § 1, 2011; Ord. 6283 §2, 2009; Ord. 5801 § 1, 2003; Ord. 4830 § 1, 1996;Ord. 4479 § 2, 1990; Ord, 3510 § 2, 1980.) Section 7. Amendment to Citv Code. That Section 13.41.050 of the Auburn City Code be and the same hereby is amended to read as follows: 73.41.050 Credits. All system development charge credits shall be documented in writing as nego4iated between the land developer and the city engineer. � A-1f a developer provides a capacity facility that benefits other properties as identified within the approp�iate utility comprehensive plan, a systems development charge credit may be granted under the provisions of this chapter. �0{B1��Qf6���e5-�ew--F `�7�a64t deV@�0 .d'1 h II L. � .J F i 7(1 .. enh nF Ihe fnM as-8-p��,+..�e� F �ti_ «et2l�mpervie.�.S�....�.,,.,.o��;;ar�a2El-b � �n r the +.,+..t ...e., .,a i+�pewioas-sa+Ease-e�the-deve{epFr�eni- (Ord. 6391 § 1,^2011; Ord. 6341 § 1, 2011; Ord. 5801 § 1, 2003; Ord. 4830 § 1, 1996; Ord. 4479 § 2, 1990; Ord. 3510 § 5, 1980.) Section 8. Amendment to Citv Code. That Section 13.48.005 of the Auburn City Code be and the same hereby is amended to read as follows: 13.48.005 Purpose. The city has determined that a storm drainage utility and associated regulations wHll aveic�t - -a�_K�" �..9'a.e`:a'���'a Ordinance No. 6617 October 4, 2016 Page 6 „r^m^}@--t$1 .��..lt�� .�nrl . neFl@(�--W2Gf�r@-0��}@ •�'1'-._ ..f 4� L. D �hl"n Y�.����.�� '� �nn� y .... ... � r�isa^seTw�4d-eoFlsisE-e� are necessarv to protect the public health safetv and qeneral welfare of the citizens of Auburn promote sound develooment policies and construction procedures which respect and preserve the citv's natural resources and prevent the creation of pubtic nuisances that would occur without such utilitv and requlations. The purpose of the storm drainaqe utilitv is to: A—WaEeFir� B--�lasentrolled-v , �+pC C�� , �� 0���.7Y41'� �1-PJ-V�r'4�����{Tli�1mTlTl�-fTP0�1O�� }akes-g�ear�yy..� l� .,+{.°Y 1.I..to. �.,..�a c�i+alit�; , I F;�e esteKa-�N2s�iiagEea�"�'rt PA�Isipal-atormwateF-Per+x�+t.- A Maintain the citv's compliance with the National Pollutant Discharqe Elimination G��stem (NPDES) Western Washinqton Phase II Municipal Stormwater Permit; B Maintain the citV's compliance with federal flood insurance proqrams; C Reauire the inteqration of Low impact Development policies procedures and BMPs into the citv's stormwater infrastructure where feasible; D Control and prevent the floodinq of propertV both public and private' E Manaqe uncontrolled volume increase rate or contaminated load of runoff; F Maintain and protect existinq water resources such as creeks streams rivers. ponds lakes qroundwater and other water bodies; G Maintain and protect water used for contact recreation aquatic habitat, and aesthetic quality. H Provide for the planninq securitv desipn construction use maintenance repair and inspection of the storm and surface water svstem: I Protect the functions and values of critical areas as reauired under the State's Growth Manaqement Act and Shoreline Manapement Act J Provide for enforcement of the provisions of this code the enqineerina construction standards and the enqineerinq desipn standards per ACC 12 04 and related citv manuals and code provisions; K Estabtish rates and charqes that provide a method of pavment of all or anv part of the cost and expense of maintaininq and operatinq stormwater control facilities all or anv part of the cost and expense of pianninq desiqninq establishinq acquirinq developinq constructinq and improvinq stormwater controi facilities or all or anv Portion of anv issue of qeneral obliqation or revenue bonds issued for such purpose. (Ord. 6251 § 1, 2009; Ord. 5853 § 1; 2004; Ord. 5212 § 1 (Exh. J), 1999; Ord. 4776 § 1, 1995.) Section 9. Amendment to Citv Code. That Section 13.48.010 of the Aubum City Code be and the same hereby is amended to read as follows: 73.48.010 Definitions. The following words when used in this chapter shall have the following meanings. Where ambiguity exists, technical words or ph�ases shall be interpreted in accordance with the city's surface water management manual; nontechnical words or phrases will be given their dictionary � meaning. - - -- - --- - -- - - - -- Ordinance No. 6617 October 4, 2016 Page 7 A. "Base rate" means the monthly charge for service from the storm drainage utility to recover costs incurred by the utility such as administrative, billing and collection. B. "Best management practices (BMPs)" means the schedules of activities, prohibitions of practices, maintenance procedures and structural and/or managerial practices that, when used singly or in combination, prevent or reduce the release of pollutants and other adverse impacts to waters of Washington State. C. "Charge in lieu of assessmenY' means a charge made by the city on property which has not previously participated in the cost of a public sto�m drainage line directly serving the property. D. "Connection" means the connection of ail storm drainaqe disqosal lines and flow from contributinq surface area from ali development on a propertV fo a public or private storm drainaqe svstem. E. "Detention" means the femporary storage of storm and surface water runoff with provisions for 4he controlled off-site surface release of the stored water. � F. "Director' rrieans the director of communitv development and public work's �ireste�-of the city of Auburn or designee. G. "Emerging technology" means water qualitv treatment technologies that are currently being eyaluated for performance. H. "Enqineerinq construction standards and enqineerinq desiqn standards" means the requirements adopted under Chapter 12 04 ACC for storm drainaqe. sanitarv sewer, transportation and water facilitv desiqn and construction. I_"Equivalent service unit (ESU)" means a configuration of development or impervious surfaces estimated to contribute an amount of runoff to the city's storm drainage system which is approximately equal to that c.reated by the average single-family residential parcel. One ESU is equal to 2,600 square feet of impervious surface area or any portion thereof. J "Hard Surface" means an impervious surface a permeable pavement or a veqetated roof. K "Illicit connection" means any manmade conveyance that is connected to a municipal separate storm sewer without a permit, excluding roof drains and other similar type conne.ctions. Examples include sanitary sewer connections, floordrains, channels, pipelines, conduits, inlets, or outlets that are connected directly to the municipal separafe storm sewersys4em. � dL. "Illicit discharge" means any discharge to a municipal separate storm sewer that is not composed entirely of storm water except discharges pursuant to a NPDES permit (other than the NPDES permit for discharges from the municipal separate storm sewer) and discharges resulting f�om firefighting activities. KM. "Impervious surtace" means a hard surtace area that either prevents or retards the entry of water into the soil mantle as under nafural conditions prior to development. Impervious surface also means A-a hard surface area which causes water to run off in g�eater quantities or at an increased rate of flow from the flow under natural conditions prior to development. Common impervious surfaces include, but are not timited to, roof tops, walkways, pa4ios, driveways, parking lots, storage areas, standard Portland cement concrete P( CC) or asphalt cement concrete (AC) paving, gravel roads, packed earthen materials, and oiled macadam or other surfaces which similarly impede the nafuraJ infiltration of storm water. Open, uncovered, retention/detention facilities shall not be considered as impervious surfaces for the purpose of determining whether the thre.sholds for application of minimum requirements are exceeded. Open, uncovered retention/detention facilities shall be considered impervious surfaces for pu�poses of runoff mo.deling. Ordinance No. 6617 October 4, 20T6 Page 8 � �N. '`Land disturbing activity" means any activity that results in movement of earth, o� a change in the existing soil cover (both vegetative and nonvegetative) and/or the existing soil topography. Land disturbing activities include, but are not limited to, clearing, grading, flling, and excavation. Compaction that is associated with stabilization of structures and road construction shall also be considered land disturbing activity. Vegetation maintenance practices are not considered land disturbing activity. � RAO. "Low impact development (LID)" means a storm water management and land development strategy applied at the parcel and subdiyision s.cale that emphasizes conservation and use of on-site natural features integrated with engineered, srimall-scale hydrologic controls to more closely mimic predevelopment hydrologic functions. � PlP. "National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES)" means the national program for issuing, modifying, revoking, and reissuing, terminating, monitoring, and enforcing permits, and imposing and enforcing pretreatment requirements, under Sections 307, 402, 318, and 405 of the federal Clean Water Act, for the discharge of pollutants to surface waters of the state from point sources. These permits are referred to as NPDES permits and in Washington State are administered by the Department of Ecology. � 9Q. "New development" means land disturbing activities, induding Class IV – general forest practices that are conversions from fimber land to other uses; structural development, � including construction or installation of a building or other structure; creation of ia�ew+e�+�hard surfaces; and subdivision, short subdivision and binding site plans, as defined and applied in Chapter 58.17 RCW. Projects meeting the definition of redevelopment shall not be considered new development. � RR. "Parcel" means the smallest separately s.egregated unit or plot of land having an identified owner, boundaries, and surFace area which is documented for tax purpose and giyen a tax lot number by the appropriate county assessor for the county in which the parcel is sited. �S. "Parcel, developed" means any parcel which has been altered by grading orflling of the ground surface, or by construction of any improvements or other i+��enfieus-hard surFace. �T. "Parcel, non-single-family" means any parcel of developed land other than single- family or two-family (duplex) residential. � SU. "Parcel, single-family residential" m.e.a.ns any parcel of land having on it a single detached dwelling unit which is designed for occupancy by one family or a similar group of people. � TV. "Parcel, two-family (duplex) residential" means any parcel of developed land having one duplex (two-f.amily dwelling) per lot. � k�W. "Parcel, undeveloped" means any parcel which has not been altered from its natural state by grading or filling of the ground surface, or by construction of any improvements or i+�}�er-�tioas-hard surtaces. X "RedevelopmenY' means on a site that is alreadv substantiallv developed (i.e., has 35 �ercent or more of existinq hard surface coveraqe) the creation or addition of hard surfaces the expansion of a buildinq footprint or addition or replacement of a structure structural development includina construction instailation or expansion of a buildinq or other structure; replacement of hard surface that is not part of a routine maintenance activitv: and land disturbinq activities. uY. "Retention" means the storage of storm and surface water runoff with no provisions for off-site surface release of the stored water other than by evaporation,aa�infiltration: and low impact development strateqies. �/:�ed� � .�� � +h + i ,� ��...��„ ao.,��,..,ed 'i e..—;n�.,� r, �z'vn7�rcrc�vF-+ �. " _"""'_'""'" Ordinance No. 6617 Octob.er 4, 2016 Page 9 9f--0��K-S�fF16�{�f2�;K2��&f@17a@�I1�--6f-FIl3{-�E�ViO�ttS-$Hf�&6@-�b&�-FS-�-Il�8�-�2{'f--9�-f..c.cR+�--�^ .-rmt� .�C� c1Gl+Vtt-Y;-2Flf�-�21a{�-EFF54lFK��lq�-2Gt"� �Z. "Runoff" means water that travels across the land surfaces and discharges to water bodies either directly or 4hrough a collection and conveyance system. See also "Storm water." � �AA. "Source control BMP" means a structure or operation that is intended to prevent. pollutants from coming into contact with sto�m water through physical separation of areas or careful rranagement of activities that are sources of pollutants. Source control BMPs can be divided into two types. Sfructural source control BMPs are physical, structural, or mechanical devices or facilities that are intended to prevent pollufants from entering storm water. Operational source control BNIPs are nonstructural practices that prevent or reduce pollufants from entering the storm water. �BB. "Sform drainage facility" means any natural stream/creek or constructed component of Auburn's sto�m d�ainage system or other storm drainaqe svstem. ARCC. "Storm drainage system" means the total system of storm drainage facilities as described in ACC 13.48.030. � BE3DD. "Storm water" means runoff during and following precipitation and snowmelt event§, including surface runoff and drainage. fGEE. "SWMM" as referred to in 4his chapter means the City of Aubum Surtace Wafe� Management Manual as adopted in chapter 12 04 of the citV code. �BFF. "Utility" means the city storm drainage utility created by the ordinance codified in this chapter. � €€GG. "Watercourse" means a channel, either natural or manmade, in which a flow of water occurs, either continuously or intermittently. � F-�HH. "Water quality treatmenY' means an engineered and approved facility to remove contaminants in the existing flow regime of storm water generated from a developed parcel pursuant to applicable design standards in place at the time of approval. (Ord. 6283 § 3, 2009; Ord. 6251 § 2, 2009;Ord. 5853 § 1, 2004; Ord. 5530 § 1, 2001; Ord. 5359 § 1, 2000;Ord. 5293 § 2, 1999; Ord. 5212 § 1 (Exh. J), 1999; Ord. 5146 § 1, 1998; Ord. 4492 §4, 1991.) Section 10. Amendment to CitV Code. That Section 13.48.110 of the Auburn City Code be and the same hereby is amended to read as follows: 13.48.110 Measurement of impervious area. The city shall determine the number of square feet of impervious surface in all non- single-family parcels, excluding undeveloped parcels, and the total surface area of each such � parce.l of reai property, using the amount of impervious surface provided bV the applicant the best available source data as obtained through the records of the appropriafe county assessor for the county in which the parcel is sited, aerial photographic methods, or applicable engineering drawings. Within the limits of tfie source data, accuracy to two-tenths of an equivalent service unit will be made. Impervious surface created incidental to a lot line adjustment to separate an undeveloped parcel fro.m a developed parcel and which resuks in impervious surface les.s than two-tenths of an equidalent service unit upon the undeveloped parcel shall not be subject to a storm drainage charge. (Ord. 5853 § 1, 2004; Ord. 5530 § 1, 2001; Ord. 5293 § 2, 1999; Ord. 5212 § 1 (ExFi. J), 1999; Ord. 4492 §4, 1991.) Ordinance No. 6617 October 4, 2016 Page 10 Section 11. Amendment to CitV Code. That Section 13.48.180 of the Auburn City Code be and the same hereby is amended to read as follows: 13s48.180 Inspection and compliance with storm drainage requirements. A. The Citv shall have the authoritv to esfablish the necessarv recorded instrument that identifies required storm best manaqement practices location and maintenance oblipations. B_Duly authorized personnel of tHe city shalF have free access to pnvate property at hours subject to the provisions of ACC 1.20.010 for the purpose of inspecting private storm drainage systems, the manner in which 4hey are being used, and the satisfactory compliance with the provisions of this article. � �C. Any property, where the existing storm drainage facilities were constructed per approved construction plans, found to be in nonconformance with such plans, shall be requi�ed to correct all such nonconformances as directed 6y the city. If, after proper notice, the property owner does not comply with set requirements as directed by the city, then the city shall have the authority to correct such nonconformances and bill the property owner for all reasonabie costs. Any delinquent payments shall constitute a lien as fixed by ACC 13.06.300. � SD. Inspections ofstorm water treatment and flow control facilities shall be perforinetl by the city at a frequency to comply with the Western Washington Phase II Municipal Stormwater NPDES Permit. � sE. New residential developments that are part of a large.r common plan of development or sale sliall be inspected every six months during the period of heaviest house co.nstruction (i.e., one to two years following subdivision approval or until 50 percent of build-out is achieved) to identify maintenance needs and enforce compliance with the maintenance standards as needed. (Ord. 6283 § 4, 2009; Ord. 5853 § 1, 2004; Ord. 5212 § 1 (Exh. J), 1999; Ord. 4492 § 4, 1991.) Section.l2. Amendment to Ci Code. That Section 13.48.225 of the Auburn City Code be and the same hereby is amended to read as follows: 13.48.225 Drainage standards = Rediew and approval. Ail development shall meet all applicable general and design requirements in accordance with the city of Autiurn engineering design and construction standards ahd, for purposes of that portion of the standards set forth in the City of Aubum Surface Water Management Manual, 4he following provisions shall apply:. A. Pursuant to the Wesfern Washington Phase II Municipal Stormwater NPDES Permit issued by the Department of Ecology, the cify has implemented a storm water management program that requires the use of City of Aubum Surface Water Management Manual, hereinafter referred to as the "SWMM." B. The following activities that discha�ge to the storm drains, eitherdirectly or indirectly, are regulated through the storm water management program under this chapter: 1. Existing discharges and land uses tfiat discharge to the storm drains, either directly or indirectly. 2. New development and redevelopment. 3. Storm water maintenance activities: C. Requirements for Existing Discharges and Land Uses. If the city engineer determines that the discharges from an existing drainage confrol facility cause or contribute to an illicit Ordinance No. 6617 October 4, 2016 Page 11 discharge, a threat to public health and safety, or a violation of the city's municipal sform water NPDES permit or this chapter, the city engineer shall require the responsible party to implement and maintain operational BMPs in accordance with Volume IV of the SWMM. If the city engineer determines that the discharges causing or contributing to the problem cannot be adequately addressed by operational BMPs, the city engineer may require the responsible party to undertake more stringent or additional BMPs, which may include structural BMPs or other actions necessary to cease causing or contributing to the problem or violation. D. Minimum Requirements fo� New Development and Redevelopment. New � development and redevelopment activities t#at—are required to obtain city permits and shall comply with the following minimum requirements, in accordance with the city's municipal storm water NPDES permit and in accoriiance with the thresholds and requirements in the SWMM: 1. Preparation of a Storm Water Site Plan. All projects shall prepare a stormwater site plan for review and approval by the city engineer or his/her designee that identifies and describes how all storm water qenerated from a development activity will be manaaed on site. Stormwater Site Plans shail be desiqned in accordance with Volume I Chapter 3 of the SWMM. Exception Existinq sinqle familv and duplex lots are exempt from this requirement when all of the followinq criteria are met: a The lot is located within a subdivision that was approved under stormwater requlations in effect between Januarv 1 1987 and December 31 2016, and b The lot can connect to an existinq centralized stormwater manaqement svstem oriqinaiiv desiqned to collect stormwater qenerated from the entire lot (e a. house drivewav patios. vard, etc.). 2. Preparation of a Construction Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan for Erosion and Sediment Control. This plan shall be designed to comply with the requirements and purposes of � the 8WMM, this section, any other applicable sections of ACC Titles 15, 16, 17 and 18,and any departmental guidelines promulgated by the city engineer. The plan shall be designed, submitted and imp.lemented to address the following: a. Mark clearing limits; b. Establish construction access routes and controls; c. Control flow rates; d. Instali sediment controls; e. Stabilize soils; f. Protect slopes; g. Protect storm drain inlets; h. Stabilize channels and outlets; i. Control pollutants; j. Control dewatering; k. Maintain BMPs; and I. Manage the project. m. Protect LID BMPs 3. Source Control of Pollutants. Source control BMPs shall be selected, de.signed, applied and maintained in accordance with 4he SWMM and any departmental guidelines promulgated by the city engineer. 4. Preservation of Natural Drainage Systems. Natural discharges from the site shall be maintained, shall occur at the natural location to 4he maximum extent gracticable, and must not cause a significant adverse impact downstream or down gradient. 5. On-Site Storm Water Management. Where appropriate, projects shall employ on-site storm water management BMPs to infiltrate, disperse, and retain storm water runoff on site to the maximum extent feasible without causing flooding, erosion, water quality or groundwater � impacts. The city easearage�requires the use of low impact development (LID) principles and - - --- - -- - -- - ---- Ordinance No. 6617 October 4, 2016 Page 12 BMPs usinq the proiect thresholds standards and repuiremenis presented in the SWMM to meet this minimum requirement. The city+�ay-a�4ow-shall repuire low impact development (LID) designed in accordance with the SWMM, �et ie��ad--as�i sEteh-�tv�F'�. 6. Runoff Treatment. All projects thatmeet the thresholds for runoff treatment in Volume I of the SWMM shall provide water quality treatment in accordance with the SWMM. The use of emerging technologies for storm water treatment will be considered in accordance with Volume V of the SWMM. 7. Flow Control (Detention). All projects that meet the thresholds for flow control in Volume I of the SWMM shall provide flow control in accordance with the SWMM. Additionally, all projecfs shall address the need to provide water quality controls according to the design criteria as determined by the city engineer. The requirement for storm water detention will also be determined by pipe capacity and storm water discharge location, as provided in the SWMM. 8. Wetlands. Discharges to wetlands shall maintain the hydrologic conditions, hydrophytic vegetation, and substrate characteristics necessary to support existing and I designed functions. Documentation shall be provided that identifies the methodoloqY and data that suqports these conclusions The methodoloqV shall be consistent with the most current accepted Washinqton State Department of Ecoloqv standards. Wetland areas are also regulated by Chapter 16.10 ACC, Critical Areas. 9. Operations and Maintenance. An ope.ration and maintenance (O&M) manual consistent with city engineering design and construction standards shall be provided for all proposed storm water facilities, and 4he BMPs and party (or parties) responsitile for operation and maintenance shall be identified. A copy of the O&M manual shall be retained on site or within reasonable access to the site and shall be transferred with the property fo 4he new ow.ner. 10. Off-Site Analysis and Mitigation.All projects shall include an analysis of off-site wate� quality and quantity impacts resulting from the project and shall mitigate these impacts if necessary. The analysis shall extend a minimum of one-fourth of a mile downsfream from the project. The city engineer may require that the analysis shall extend further if deemed necessary. The existing or poten4ial impacts to be evaluated and mitigated under #his section shall include, but are not limited to: a. Impacts on conveyance system capacity; b. Localized flooding; c. Aquatic habitat (wetlands) impacfs; d. Erosion impacts, inc.luding landslide hazards; e. Stream bank and channel erosion; and f. Impacts to known water quality or erosion problems. 11. Geographic Specific Requirements: Projecfs may be subje.ct to equivalent or more stringent minirrium requirements for e.rosion control, source control, freatment, wetlands protection, and operation and maintenance, and alternative requirements for flow control as a result of location, in accordance with Volume I of the SWMM. (Ord. 6283 § 6, 20.09; Ord. 5853 § 1, 2004.) Section 13. Amendment to Citv Code. That Section 13.48.230 of the Auburn City Code be and the same hereby is amended to read as follows: - - - -- - - -- - --- --- Orclinance No. 6617 October 4, 2016 Page 13 73.48:230 Connections. A. Required Connections. All non-single-family residential building permits shall be subject to a mandatory connection to a public storm drainage system where the development has the potential to negatively impact public or private property or receiving wate.rs as determined by the city or wheneve.r an existing public system is available adjacent to the site or where the public system is required to be constructed adjacent to 4he property as a condition of development. B. Existing Connections. Properties thaY apply for a building permit to make an addition, alteration or repairs that have 2,000 square feet or more of new or new plus replaced � fa,perv�hard surtaces or land disturbing activity of 7,000 square feet or more must comply with the applicable Minimum Requirements for Redevelopment as given in Volume I of the SWMM. All redevelopment shall be required to comply with Minimum Requirement No. 2 (Construction Storm Water Pollution Prevention). All redevelopment that exceeds tHese thresholds shail be required to comply with additional Minimum Requirements as given in Volume I of the SWMM. (Ord. 6283 § 8, 2009; Ord. 6015 § 1, 2006; Ord. 5853 § t, 2004; Ord. 5530 § 1, 2001; Ord. 5212 § 1 (Exh. J), 19.99; Ord. 4492 §4, 1991.) Section 14. Amendment to Citv Code. That Section 13.48.240 of the Aubum City Code be and the same hereby is amended to read as follows: 73.48.240 Storm Drainaqe Permit — Requirements. A. It is unlawful for any person to construct or connect to a public or private storm drainage system without first obtaining a written permit to do so fromthe city. B. It is unlawful for any person to repair or replace either a private or public storm drainage system without first obtaining a written permit to do so from the city, unless such repair or repiacement constitutes an emergency. C Storm drainaae permit tVpes and cateqories shall be determined administrativelv bv the city A storm drainaqe permit shall be required for the followinq activities: 1 Addition or replacement of hard surfaces; 2 Land disturbinq activities: 3 Development and use of proqertv that creates a direct or indirect need for storm drainaqe facilities: 4 Connection to any storm drainaqe svstem; 5 Modification of anv storm drainaqe svstem 6 Anv activities within a critical area and associated buffers 7 Any other activities as determined bv the citV enqineer to have an imqact on the storm drainaqe svstem. (Ord. 5853 § 1, 2004; Ord. 5212 § 1 (Exh. J), 1999; Ord. 4492 § 4, 1991.) Section 15. Amendment to Citv Code. That Section 13.48.250 of 4he Auburn City Code be and the same hereby is amended to read as follows: 13.48.250 Pertnit—Term. � Applications for stortn permits that have been issued but not completed shall be valid for 365 days. All permits issued under the provisions of this chapter shall be valid for a period of 365 days after the date of permit issuance. Permits may be extended by the city, in 180-day - - --- --- - -- - - - -- Ordinance No. 6617 October 4, 2016 Page 14 increments, if an extension is applied for prior to the expiration of the permit. If the time extension is not re:quested prior to the expiration of the permit, a new permit is required and an additional fee equal to one-half the original permit shall b"e charged. (Ord. 6283 § 9, 2q09; Ord, 5853 § 1, 2004; Ord. 5212 § 1 (Exh. J), 1999; Orii. 4492 § 4, 1991.) Section 16. Amendment to Citv Code. That Section 13.48.420 of 4he Aubum City Code be and the same hereby is amended to read as follows: 13.48.420 Flood hazard areas— Floodplain development p:ermits. The city is authorized and directed to monitor and control all new development within flood haza�d areas in conformance with the requirements of Chapter 15.68 ACC. A permit application shall be required for all such developmeM within this area. The city shall either issue or deny such permit upon review of the application and shall have the authority to require all reasonable mitigating measures deemed necessary due to the development. The ses�-fee for the flo.odplain development permit aoqlication shall be as set in the city of Auburn fee schedule. (Ord. 6295 § 13, 2010; OriJ. 5853 § 1, 2004; Ord. 5819 § 7, 2004; Ord. 5212 § 1 (Exh. J), 1999; Otd. 4492 § 4, 1991.) Section 1Z. Amendment to Citv Code. That Section 13.48.440 of the Auburn City Code be and the same hereby is amended to read as follows: 13.48..440 Maintenance responsibiiity. A. Private Maintenance Responsibility. The maintenance and operation of private storm drainage systems shall be the responsibility of the property owner. It shall be the responsibility of tfie developer to make arrangements with the occupants or owners of the subject property for assumption of operation and maintenance in a manner subject to the approval of the city or in accordance with the operations and maintenance program prepared for the property's storm drainage facilities. The city may inspect the facilities in order to ensure continued use of the facilities for the purposes for which they were built and in accordance with 4hese arrangements. Failure to maintain the facilities in accordance with the maintenance standartls listed in�Fel�+r�e �eadi*-B-e�the SWMM shall be c.ons.idered a violation, enforceable in accordance with Chapter 1.25 ACC. B. B. Public Mainte.nance Responsibility. The city shall be responsible for the maintenance antl operation of all public stortn drainage facilities located within the public easements and rights-of-way following the completion of a successful mainte.nance period and the acceptance of such facilities by the city. The maintenance shall be performed in accbriiance � with the standards listed in the SWMM. (Ord. 6283 § 12, 2009; Ord. 5853 § 1, 2004; Ord. 5212 § 1 (Exh. J), 1999; Ord. 4492 § 4, 1991.) Section 18. Amendment to CitV Code. That Section 15.74.010 of the Auburn City Code be and the same hereby is amended to read as follows: 15.74.070 Intent. The intent of this chapter is to regu.late all land disturbing activities on all properties, and ensure reasonable mitigation is provided as necessary to:. - - -- - -- - --- - - - -- Ordinance No. 6617 October 4, 2016 Page 15 A. Prevent creation of public nuisance situations, promote the public health, safety and general welfare of the citizens of Auburn; B. Preserve, maintain and enhance the city's physical and aesthetic character by controlling the removal of significant trees and ground cover on undevelop.ed and underdeveloped properties; C. Encourage 6uilding and site planning prac4ices that are consistent with the city's naturel topographical and vegetation features in a manner which provides for the reasonable development and enjoyment, to include prese.rvation and enhancement of views, of the property; D. Preserve the city of Auburn's water courses and drainage pattems; minimize surface and ground water quality degradation; control sedimentation in creeks, streams, rivers, ponds, lakes, wetlands, and other surface water resou�ces; E. Protect adjacent and downstream properties from the impacts associated virith changes to the property being disturbed; F. Ensure 4he safety and stability of public facilities; G. Preclude the disturbance or removal of vegetation in advance of the city's evaluation of a development proposal; H. Irtiplement the policies of the city's comprehensive plan. I Maintain compliance with the Department of Ecoloqv Phase II Municipal Stormwater Permit and require implementation of Low Impact Development principles as described in the City's SWMM and defined in Cha�ter 13.48 ACG (Ord. 6146 § 1, 2007; Ord. 4861 § 1, 1996; Ord. 4775 § 1, 1995; Ord. 4266 § 1, 1988.) Section 19. Amendment to CitV Code. That Sec4ion 15.74.020 of the Aubum City Code be and the same hereby is amended to read as follows: 75.74.020 Scope. This chapter shall regulate all land disturbing activities and the removal of trees, shrubs, and/or ground cover. All land disturbinq activities are subiect to the provisions of chapter 13.48 of the city code. Land disturbing activities proposed within critical areas and/or land subject to shoreline management jurisdiction shall be subject to Chapters 16.10 and 16.08 ACC, respectively, and the procedural requiremenfs of this chapter. (Ord. 6146 § 1, 2007; Ord. 4861 § 1, 1996; Ord. 4266 § 1, 1988.) Secfion20. Amendment to Citv Code. That Section 1574.050 of 4he Aubum City Code be and the same hereby is amended to read as follows: � 15.74.050 Exemptions.'- The following are exempt from the requirements of this chapter: A. Removal of dead or diseased trees, shrubs, orground cover. B. Glearing and grading associated with continuous agricultural us.es, excluding timber cutting not othervvise exempted. C. Glearing and grading not to exceed 6,999 square feet of area within indiyidual lots, for the puYpose of the construction of a single-family home or duplex, provided a building permit ' Note This section identifies exceptions internal to this chapter The listed exceptions set forth herein do not preclude the application of requirements of other chapters of the citv code thereto. - - - -- - -- - - -- - - -- Ordinance No. 6617 October 4, 2016 Page 16 has been is.sued by the city prior to commencing the clearing and grading activities and construction of the structure starts within 90 days of commencing clearing and g�ading activities. D. The removal of up to six trees per lot within any 12-month period; or for lots greater than one acre, up to six trees per acre within any 12-month period, with fractional acres of one- half acre or more considered to be a whole acre. E. Clearing and grading for the construction and maintenance of public facilities as approved by the city engineer to include water, sanitary sewer, streets, highways, storm drainage and related facilities. E. Removal of trees, shrubs, and ground cover in emergency situations involving immediate danger to life or property. G. Routine landscape maintenance and minor repair. H. Removal of trees and vegetation consistent with an approved surface mining perrnit. I. Removal of a tree from property zoned residential that endangers a pertnanent structure by being closer to the structure than the distance from the base of the tree to its top, regardless of whether the tree is located on the same property as the structure. J. Upon approval of the city engineer or hislherdesignee, excavations of less than five feet in Vertical depth and/or flls less than eight inches of vertical depth on any portion of a site and involving the deposit or displacement of not more than a total of 500 cubic yatds of material during any 24-month period. K. Upon approval of the city engineer or his/her designee, the temporary stockpiling of less th.an 500 cubic yards, combined, of topsoils, crushed rock, sawdust, mulch, bark, chips, or similarmaterials on a lot, tract, or parcel of land for a period not fo exceed 12 months; provided; that the stockpile has adequate coverage to prevent erosion. L. Upon approval of the city engineer or hislher designee, the broadcasting of less than 500 cubic yards of topsoil, peat, sawdust, mulch, bark, chips, or solid nutrients used for landscaping or soil conditioning on a lot, tract or parcel of land during any 24-month period, provided the finished depth does not increase the grade from the existing grade by more than eight inches. M. Upon approval of the city engineer or his/her designee, the temporary stockpiling of organic or ino�ganic materials used in an approved construction project, provided the use, lo.ca4ion, duration, and extent of the stockpile was disclosed through the environmental or development review process. In no case shall a temporary stockpile re.main beyond a 24-month period. N. The creation of impervious surfaces which have a surface area less than 2,000 square feet. O. Emergency temporary sandbagging, diking, ditching, filling or similar work during or after periods of extreme weather conditions when done to prote.ct life or property, provided such measures do not adversely impact adjacent properties or public facilities. An exemption from clearing, filling, and grading permit requirements does not exempt a property owner from the policies, criteria, and standards contained in this chapter or other applicable local, state, orfederal regulationsor permit requirements. The property owner is responsible to ensure that clearing of any trees that are within striking distance of a structure or have the potential to cause damage to others is performed by a licensed and bonded contractor. (Ord. 6283 § 14, 2009; Ord. 6146 § 1, 2007; Ord. 4861 § 1, 1996; Ord. 4266 § 1, 1988.) Section 2L Amendment to Citv Code. That Section 17.02.030 of the Aubum City Code be and the same hereby is amended to read as follows: Ordinance No. 6617 October 4, 2016 Page 17 17;02;030 Purpose. The purpose of this title is to regulate the division of land lying within the corporate limits of the city, and to promote the pu6lic health, safety and general welfare and prevent or abate public nuisances in accordance with standards established 6y the state and the city, and to: A. Prevent the overcrowding of land; B. Promote safe and convenient traVel by the public on streets and highways; C. Promote 4he effective use of land; D. Provide for adequate light and air; E. Facilitate adequate provision for water, sewerage, storm drainage, parks and recreational areas, sites for schools and school grounds, and other public requirements; F. Identifv preserve and utilize native soils andlor veqetation for the purqoses of reducinq stormwater discharqes promotinq qroundwater infiltration and implementinq the use of stormwater low impact development technipues; G. Provide for proper ingress and egress; GH. Provide for the expeditious review and approval of proposed land divisions which comply with this title, the Aubum zoning ordinance, o4her city plans, policies and land use controls, and Chapter 58.17 RCW; � kll. Adequately provide for the housing and commercial needs of the citizens of the state and city; � +J. Require uniform monumen4ing of land divisions and conveyance by accurafe legal description; � dK. Implement the goals, objectives and policies of the Auburn comprehensive plan. (Ord. 6239 § 1, 2009; Ord. 4772 § 1, 1995; Ord. 4501 § 2, 1991; Ord. 4296 § 2, 1988.) Section 22. Amendment to Citv Code. That Section 17.09.050 of the Aubum City Code be and the same hereby is amended to read as follows: 17.09.050 Development requirements. A. Lot Area and Dimensions. Each lot created by short subdivision shall contain sufficient square footage and lot dimensions to meet the requirements of ACC Title 18. Each lot to be served by an on-site sewage disposal system shall be a minimum of 15,000 square feet in area and shall also meet the minimum lot area requirements of the county department of health rules and regulations. Land contained in access easements, tracts or panhandles shall not 6e included in lot area or lot dimension calculations for the purposes of this section. B. Eve.ry lot within a short subdivision shall be capable of being reasonably served by public or private sewage disposal, water, storm drainage facilities and streets. The city will not approve a short subdivision for which a building permit cannot b.e issued because of insufficient infrastructure. C. Conformance with Adopted Plans. Street, water, sewer and storm drainage facilities adjacent to or within the short subdivision shall be in conformance with adopted city ordinances, standards and poticies. Easementsfor utilities recommended by such plans sfiall be proVided fo the city, with the exact location of such easements to be detertnined by the city engineer. D. Floods, Flood Control and Storm Drainage. 1. Where any portion of 4he proposed short subdivision lies within an area of special flood hazard or regulatory floodway, coriformance with adopted city flood hazard area ordinances, standards and policies shall be required. 2. A conceptual storm drainage/sife grading plan shall be required to be submitted, as � part of the preliminarv short subdivision application, unless waived by the city engineer where - -- - --- --- - -- -- - Ordinance No. 6617 October 4, 2016 Page 18 there is no qround disturbinq activity Lot confiquration street and utilitv lavouts and buildinq envelopes shall be desiqned in a manner fhat identifies preserves and utilizes native soils and/or veqetation that are inteqrated into a stormwater low impact development facilitv. consistent with the Citv's adopted stormwater manaqement manual. A conceptual storm drainaqe/qradinq plan shall be provided that identifies natural resources and the existinq natural conditions. 3. The proposed subdivision should have one or more new lots in the regulatory floodplain set aside for open space use through deed restriction, easement, subdivision covenant, or donation to a public agency. The density of the development in the portion of the development outside the regulatory floodplain may be increased in accordance with applicable land use and subdidision regulations. 4. If a parcel has a buildable site outside the regulafory floodplain, it shall not be subdiVided to create a new lot, tract, or parcel within a binding site plan that does not have a buildable site outside the regulafory floodplain. This provision does not apply to lots set aside from development and preserved as open space. E. Adjacent Streets. When any public stre.et lying adjacent to the property being short subdivided has insufficient width or for any other reason does not conform fo minimum street standards, in accordance wi4h the city design and construction standards, sufficient additional right-of-way shall be dedicated to the city and appropriate improvements shall be made by the subdividerto conform the abutting half of the street to such standards consistent with Chapter 12.64A ACC. Deferral of such improvement re:quirements shall be in conformance with the city of Auburn design and construction standards. F. Access. 1. All short subdivisions shall border on an opened, constructed and maintained public street. All lots within a short subdivision shall either border on an opened, constructed and _ . . maintained public street or shall be served by a private street, access easement, tract or panhandle having direct access to such a public street. Where private streets and access easements are provided, they shall be improved or guaranteed to the city of Auburn and be in conformance with the city of Aubutn design anii construction standards. 2. All private streets, access easements and panhandles shall be capable of ineeting the fi�e access requirements of Chapter 15.36A ACC and the development standards of Chapters 17:14 and 18.31 ACC, in addition to any other requirements of this title, inctuding, but not limifed to, an adequate surface for access and minimum tumaround requi�ements on dead- � end streets or accesS easements as specified by 4he fire ��enE-aqency. 3. All proposals shall ensure that all buildable lots shall have at least one access road connecfed to land outside the regulatory floodplain with the surface of the road at or above the ftood nrotection elevation jFPE) as defined in the citv code. G. Dedication of Streets. Dedication of a public street or streets may be required, whenever the city engineer finds that one or more of the following conditions applies: 1. The general alignment of a proposed private street, access easement or panhandle follows the general alignment of a future arterial as shown in the comprehensive plan; or 2. The general alignment of a proposed private street, access easement or panhandle can be reasonably modified to provide a desirable through-connection between two or more existing or planned pubfjc streets or arterials'r or 3. A public street would be necessary to provide adequate access to adjacent property not subject to the proposed short subdivision. H. Nonmotorized Requirements. In addition to any frontage improyement requirements and compliance with the city's comprehensive transportation plan, sidewalks and ofher planning feafures that assure safe walking condi4ions forstudents who walk to and from schoof shall be considered. - --- - --- -- - - - - - - Ordinance No. 6617 October 4, 2016 Page 19 I. Fire Hydrants. All lots within a short subdivision shall be capable of being served by a fire hydrant as �equired by Chapter 13.16 ACG. Property zoned RC, residential conservancy, may be exempt, provided the requirerrients of AC@ 13:16.030 are met. J. The final recorded subdivision plat shall include a notice that part of the property is in � the special flood hazard area (SFHA�s defined in the citv code, riparian habitat zone and/or channel migration area, as appropriate. Section 23. Amendment to Citv Code. That Section 17.09.070 of the Au6urn City Code be and the same hereby is amended to read as follows: 17.09.070 Final short subdivision approVal. A. Timeframe for Final Short Subdivision Approval. A final short subdivision meeting all requi�ements of this title and the condifions and requirements of the written decision g�anting preliminary short subdivision approval shall be submitted to the Aubum planning and development department wi4hin the timeframes specified in ACC 17.09.110, unle5s otherwise extended by the director or designee. B. Procedures. Final short subdivision applications shall be processed as a Type II land use action. C. Application. An application for final short subdivision app.roval meeting all requirements of CHapter 58.17 ROW and this title shall be submitted to the department of planning and development accompanied by the following: 1. Application materials consistent with the requirements of ACC 17.02:06.5. 2. A copy of the approved preliminary short subdivision. 3. A final short subdiVision drawing meeting the requirements of Chapter 58.17 RCW, including certifications, dedications, and title reports; 4. Agency recommendations pursuant to RCW 58.17.150; 5. A recordable survey and surveyor's signature meeting the requirements of Chapter 58.09 RCW and RCW 58.17.250. The map and legal descriptions included in the applica4ion f.or final short subdivision shall be prepareii and certified by a professional land surveyor licensed in the state of Washington in a format acceptable to the city of Auburn and the Survey Recording Act. 6. A 4itle insurance report, not older than 30 days prior to the date of application, confirming that the title of the land in the proposed subdivision is vested in the name of the owners whose signatures appear on the final short subdivision's certificate. 7. Computation data for all lots, streets and easements located within the plat. 8. Failure of an applicant to submit all required application materials shall kie considered a la.ck of compliance with this section, and the direcfor or designee may withhold the application from further consideration un4il such time as the application is complete. 9. Declaration blocks shall be proyided for the original tract owner, surveyo�, app�oVing governmenta;l agencies, and recording certification, in a manner as prescribed by the director. 10. Proof of the date of last legal segregation of the parcel of land to be short subdivided; if deemed necessary by the planning director. 11. Copy of restrictions, if any, to be imposed upon the use of the land. Such restrictions must be recorded simultaneously with the s.hort subdivision. 12. In any short subdivision where lots are served or to be served by a private road, the subdivider shall fuYnish a copy of such further covenants or documenfs that will result in: Orcliriance No. 6617 October 4, 2016 Page 20 a. Each lot owner having access thereto and having responsibility for maintenance of any private road contained wi4hin the short subdivision in such a condition as to allow free access for emergency vehicles; b. Such covenants or documents shall obligate any seller to give actual notice to any prospective purchaser of the method o.f maintenance of the private road, which notice shail be caused to be included in any deeds or contracts relating to such sale and such covenants or documents shall be recorded simultaneously with the short subdivision. D. Preparation. The final short subdivision shall be prepared by a professional land surveyor licensed by the state of Washington. The preparer shall, by placing his or her signature and sfamp upon the face of the final short subdivision, certify that the final short subdivision is a true and correct representation of the land actually surveyed by 4he preparer, 4hat the existing monuments shown 4hereon exist as located and that all dimensional and geodetic detaiis are correct. E. Scale and Format. The final plat shall be drawn with reproducible ink on Mylar measu�ing 18 inches by 24 inches in size, with a one-inch border on one edge and a one-half- inch border for the other three edges for projects in King County and measuring 18 inches by 24 inches with a two-inch border on the left edge and a one-half-inch border for the othe� three edges for projecfs in Pierce County. The final short subdivisio.n shall be accurate, legible and drawn to an engineering (decimap scale of 100 feet orfewer to the inch. If more than one sheet is required, an index sheet showing the entire subdivision with street and highway names arid block numbers (if any) shall be provided. Each sheet, including the index sheet, shall be of 4he above-specified size. All signatures or certifications appearing on a final short subdivisidn shall be in reproducible black ink. F. Final Short Subdivision Contents. A final short subdivision drawing shall contain 4he following information: 1. The name of the short subdivision, if applicable; 2. Legal description of the property being subdivided; 3. Numeric scale, graphic scale, basis of bearings and date of preparation of the final short subdivision; 4. The boundary line of fhe short subdivision, referenced to city datum in accordance with city design and construction standards and basecJ on an accurate traverse, with angular and linear dimensions and bearings; 5. The exact location, width and assigned name of all streets, alleys and other public ways within and adjacent to the short subdivision; 6. A table depicting the assigned address for each lot within the short subdivision; • 7. The exact location, width and purpose of all easements and dedications for rights-of- way provided for public and private services and utilities; 8. True courses and distances to the nearest established street lines, or section or quarter section comer monuments which shall accurately locate fhe short subdivision; 9. Municipal, township, county or section lines accurately tied to the lines of the plat by distances and courses; 10. All lot and block numbers and lines, with accurate dim.ensions in feet and hundredths of fe,et; 11. The radii, internal angles, points of curvature, tangent bearings and lengths of all ares; 12. The accurate location of each permanent control monument. One such monument shall be located at each and every controlling corner on the boundaries of the parcel of land being subdivided; at each street centerline intersection, each point of curvafure (PC), each point of tangency (PT), and each point of reVerse curve (PRC); and at each intersection of a street centerline with a plat boundary; - - - - -- - -- - -- - - -- Ordinance No. 6617 October 4, 2016 Page 21 13. All plat meander lines or reference lines along bodies of water shall be established above, but not farther than 20 feet from, fhe high water line of such body; 14. Accurate outlines and legal descriptions of any areas to be dedicated or reserved for public use, with the purposes of such dedication or reservation and any limitations indicated thereon and in the dedication; 15. Accurate outlines of any a�eas fo be reserved by deed covenant for common use of owners of property within the subdivision, together with the purposes of such reservation; 16. Any restrictions or conditions on the lots or tracts within the short subdivision, as required by the director, or at the discretion of the property owner; 17. The final recorded subdivision piat shall include a notice to individual property owners and/or the home owner's association of the location, responsibilities, and repuirements associated wifh stormwater low impact development and manaqement facilities. 18. A signed certification stating 4hat the short subdivision has been made with the free consent, and in accordance with the desires, of the owner or owners. If 4he short subdivision includes a dedication, 4he certificate or a separate written instrument shall confain the dedication of all streets and other areas fo the public, any individual o.r individuals, religious society or societies, o.r to any corporation, public or private, as shown on the plat, and a waiver of all claims fo� damages against any govemmental authority which may be occasioned to the adjacent land by the established construction, drainage or maintenance of said street or other areas so dedicated. Such certificate or instrument shall be signed and acknowtedged before a notary public by all parties having any interest in tFie lands subdivided. An offer of dedication may include a waiver of right of direct access to any street from any property: Such waiver may be required by the city engineer as a c.ondi4ion of approval. Roads not dedicated to the public must be clearly marked on the face of the plat. Any dedication, donation or grant as shown on the face of the plat shall be considered as a quit claim deed to the said donee or grantee for use for the purpose intended by the donation or grant. At fhe discretion of the city engineer, conveyances of right-of-way may be required to be by statutory warcanty deed. The acceptance of right-of-way by the city shall not obligate the city to improve or develop the lands in the right- of-way; � a 819. Forms for 4he appropriate certifications of the city engineer and planning director, as follows: CITY ENGINEER'S CERTIFICATE I here.by certify that this short plat is in compliance with the certificafe of improvements issued pur§uant to ACC 17.14.015, and is co.nsistent, with all applicable City improvement standards and requirements in force on the date of preliminary short plat approval, this day of , 20_ Aubum City Engineer PLANNING DIRECTOR'S CERTIFICATE I hereby certify on this day of , 20 , that this final plat is in substantial conformance with the preliminary plat and any conditions attached thereto, which preliminary short plat was approved on the day of , 20_ Auburn Pianning Director - - - - - -- - - - - - - -- - Ordinance No. 6617 October 4, 2016 Page 22 � �920. A form for the approval of 4he applicable county (King/Pierce) assessor, as follows or as required by the applicable county, if different: ASSESSOR'S APPROVAL Examined and approved this day of , 20_ County Assessor Deputy County Assessor Account number � �821. A form for the certificate of the appiicable county recorder (King/Pierce), as follows or as required by the applicable county, if different: RECORDING CERTIFICATE Filed for record at the request of the City of Auburn this day of 20_ at minutes past .M., and recorded in Volume of Plats, page Records of(King or Pierce) County, Washington. County Recording Number Manager Superintendent of Records 2�22. Any additional pertinent information as required at the discretion of the city engineer or planning director. G. Decision-Making Criteria for Final Short Subdivision Approval. The following criteria shall be used by the director or designee in consideration of final short subdivision approVal: 1. Whether conditions imposed when the preliminary short subdivision was approved have been met; 2. The completion of 4he required improvements or their financial gua�antee in conformance with Chapter 17.14 ACC; 3.Whether the final short subdivision is in confortnance with the city's zoning regulations and all other applicable land use regulations; 4. The director or designee shall not approve a final short subdivision until he or she detemiines that it conforms to the approved preliminary short subdivision and any conditions and restrictions imposed at time of preliminary approval. (Ord. 6418 § 3, 2012; Ord. 6287 § 2, 2010; Ord. 6239 § 1, 2009.) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Ordinance No. 6617 October 4, 2016 Page 23 Section 24. Amendment to Citv Code. That Section 17.10.020 of the Auburn City Code be and the same hereby is amended to read as follows: 17.10.020 Application, submittal and contents. A Application. In addition to the requirements for a completed application as provided in ACC Title 14, an application for subdivision approval shall include: 1. Application requirements found in ACC 17.02.065; 2. A preliminary plat meeting 4he requirements of RCW 58.17.160 for a preliminary subdivision; 3. A neighborhood circulation plan meeting the requirements of Chapter 17.16 ACC and RCW 58.17.110(2)for safe walking paths for students; 4. Where any lot is proposed to be served liy an on-site sewage disposal system, results of p�eliminary percolation tests for each such proposed lot, conducted under the county department of health rules and regulations; 5. A conceptual utility/site grading plan and/or methodology prepared in accoriiance with the city's comprehensive plans, standards or ordinance requirements. The conceptual utility/site grading plan shall include adequate horizontal and vertical information to ensure that utilitie§ can be constructed consistent with the preliminary plat layout; 6. The location of other utilities other than those provided by the city; 7. The application shall include a transportation site plan for streefs, pedestrian, and bike facilities. The site plan shall include adequate horizontal and vertical information to ensure the transportation facilities can be consfructed consistent with the preliminary plat layo.ut; 8. A title report, with liability for errors not to exceed the assessed value of the lots on the date of application. The title report shall be issue.d no more than 30 days prior to the application date; 9. Copy of restrictions, if any, to be imposed upon the use of the land. Such restrictions must be recorded simultaneously witfi the subdiVision. B. Preparation. The preliminary plat or short plat shail be prepared by a professional engineer or professional land surveyor registered or licensed by 4he state of Washington. The prepare.r shall, by placing his or her signature and stamp upon the face of the plat, ceRify that all information is portrayed accurately and tha4 the proposed subdivision or short subdivision complies with the standards and requirements of this title, the Aubum zoning ordinance and any other applicable land use and development controls. C. Scale and Format. The preliminary plat shall be drawn wi4h reproducible black ink on Mylar. All geographic information portrayed by the preliminary plat shall be accurate, legible, and drawn to an engineering (decimal) scale. D. Preliminary Plat Contents. A preliminary plat shall provide 4he following information: 1. General Information. The following information shali appear on each sheet of a preliminary plat or short plat: a. The name of the proposed subdivision, together with fhe words "preliminary plat"; b. The name and address of the applicanf; c. The name, address, stamp and signature of the professional engineer or professional land surveyor who prepared the preliminary plat or short plat; d. Numeric scale, graphic scale, true north point and date of preparation; e. A form for the endorsement of the planning director, as follows: APPROVED BY RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL ON (Date) - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - Ordinance No. 6617 October 4, 2016 Page 24 Directo�, Planning and Development Dept. Date f. Legal description of preliminary plat. 2. Existing Geographic Features. Existing geographic features, as detailed in city application requirements, shall be drawn lightly in relation to proposed geographic featu�es. 3. Proposed Geographic Features. Proposed geographic features, as detailed in city application requiremenfs, shall be shown. 4. Additional Information. The following additional information shall be shown on the face of the preliminary plat: a. For proposed subdivisions involving Pesidential land uses, a table providing the folldwing informa4ion for each distinct residential area: i. Proposed land use (e.g., single-family, duplex, multifamily); ii. Number of dwelling units; iii. G�oss acreage; iv. Existing zoning designation•, v. Proposed zoning de.signation; vi. Approximate area of smallest lot; b. Proposed source of domestic water supply; c. Proposed sewage disposal system; d, Typical street cross section(s); e. Proposed storm drainage system; i Identification of the location and tvpe of anv stormwater Low Impact Development or manaqement facilities; ii Identification of whether the responsible partv for operation and maintenance of a stormwater Low Impact Development facilitv located on private propeRv is the private propertv owner a homeowners association, or the CitV' f. For preliminary plats that are related to a planned unit development (PUD), the following information shall also be provided: i. The ordinance and contract of 4he PUD rezone if previously done; ii. The location of perimeter walls and fences on the boundary of the PUD and an indication of the height and materials; iii. The location and size of any entrance signs; iv. A landscaping plan; v. Any covenants not previously approved: (Ord. 6418 § 5, 2012; Ord. 6287 § 2, 2010; O�d. 6239 § 1, 2009; Ord. 5170 § 1, 1998; Ord. 5140 § 1, 1998; Ord. 4840 § 1, 1996; Ord. 4296 §2, 1988. Formerly 17.06.020.) Section 25. Amendment to Citv Code. That Section 17.10.070 of the Aubum City Code be and the same hereby is amended to read as follows: 17.10.070 Findings of fact. Preliminary plats shall only be approved if findings of fact are drawn to support the following: - - - -- - -- - --- - --- Ordinance No. 6617 October 4, 2016 Page 25 A. Adequate provisions are made for the public health, safety and general welfare and for open spaces, drainage ways, streets, alleys, other public ways, water supplies, sanitary wastes, parks, playgrounds and schools; B. Conformance of the proposed sutidivision to the general purposes of the comprehensive plan; C. Conformance of the proposed subdivision to the general purposes of any other applicable policies or plans which have been adopted by the city council; D. Conformance of the proposed subdivision to the general purposes of tliis title, as enumerated in ACC 17.02.030; E. Conformance of the proposed subdivision to the Auburn zoning ordinance and any other applicable planning or engineering standards and specifications as adopted by the city, or as modified and approved as part of a p�ediously approved PUD; F. The potential environmental impacts of the proposed subdivision are mitigated such that the preliminary plat will not have an unacceptable adverse effect upon the quality of the environment; G. Adequate provisions are made so the preliminary plat will prevent or abate public nuisances. H Lot confiquration street and utilitv lavouts and buildinq envelopes shall be desiqned in a manner that identifies preserves and utilizes native soils and/or veqetation that' are inteqrated into a low impact deveiopinent facilitv consistent with the Citv's adopted stormwater manaqement manual. (Ord. 6239 § 1, 2009; Ord. 5140 § 1, 1998; Ord. 4840 § 1, 1996; Ord. 4772 § 1, 1995; Ord. 4296 § 2, 1988. Formerly 17.06.070.) Section 26. Amendment to Citv Code. That Section 17.10.120 of the Aubum City Code be and the same hereby is amended to read as follows: 17.10:120 Development standards for panhandle lot access and private access tracts. 1. The maximum length of a panhandle lot access within the R-5, R-7, R-10, R-16, R-20, and RO zones and residential PUDs shall be 150 feet. When there are unique pfiysical limitations of the property including but not limited to steep siopes, significant veggtation, or sensitiVe environmental areas that would be impacted less if a longer panhandle length were � provided, then the planning direcfor may allow additional length. The plar�i+�g-director may also allow for additional length if there is an existing intervening parcel of the property (that has a lo.t depth greater than 150 feet) between the proposed p.anhandle lot and the abutting street. Tliere shall be no limitation of length within the other zoning districts of tlie city. 2. All residential and nonresidential panhandle accesses shall meet the sfandards of 4he city of Aulium engineering, design and construction standards manual. 3. If two panhandle accesses within the same plat abut each other, then one common paved driveway, spanning both panhandles, may be provided as part of the two panhandles. The pavement width of the driveway shall be detertnined using the same methodology as subsection (A)(2) of this section. 4. Not more than two panhandle accesses within the same plat may abut each other. Alternatively, a separate access tract shall be required in lieu of more than two separete panhandle accesses. The separate access tract shall meet the requirements of subsection B of this section. B. Private Access Tracts and/or Easements. 1. Private access tracts and/or easements wiil be allowed when it is pfiysically impractical to provide a lot with direct access to a pubiic street due to unique physical limitations - - - - - - - - - - - - - --- Ordinance No. 6617 October 4, 2016 Page 26 of the property, including but not limited to steep slopes, significant vegetation, o.r sensitive environmental areas. If the lot abuts an arterial, an access tract may also be allowed to provide _ .._ _ . .. an alternafe access to the lot if it is impractical to provide for another public street due to the aforementioned physical limitations. The Use of access tracts cannot preclude or hinder the alignment of future publiastreets that would otherwise serve the area. 2. Access trects can only be created through a plat process pursuant to Chapter 19:09 ACC and this chapter. Ownership and maintenance responsibilities will also be determined as part of the plat process. 3. The maximum number of lots to be served by one access tract shall be six. If a lot abuts a.n access tract and a public street, then the front lot line shall be oriented fo the public. 4. All access tracts and/or easements must connect to a public street and the maximum length shall be 150 feet as measured from the edge of the public street right-of-way. Additional length may be allowed if the unique physical limitations of the property including 6ut not limited to steep slopes; significant vegetation, or sensitive environm.ental areas would be impacted less if additional length,were provided. The access tract shall not ailow for thrbugh vehicle ac.c"e."ss. 5. Private access tracts and/or easements shall meet city of Auburn design and construction standards. C. Emergency Access Provisions. Irrespective of the requirements of this section, additional provisions may be required if needed to provide foradequate emergency access as determined by 4he Auburn fire marshal. The additional provisions may include but not be limited to providing for turnarounds, additional access fract width, fire hydrants or sprinkle�ing of the building. (Ord. 6239 § 1, 2009.) Section 27. Amendment to CitV Code. That Section 17.12.010 of the Auburn City Code be and fhe same hereby is amended to read as follows: 77:12.010 Application submittal and contents. A. Application. An application for final subdivision approval meeting all requir.ements of Chapte� 58.17 RCW and this title shall be s.ubmitted to the planning department, accompanied by the following: 1. Application materials consistentwith the requirements of ACC 17.02.065; 2. A copy of the approved preliminary plat; 3. A finai plat meeting the requirements of Chapter 58.17 RCW, including certifications, dedications, and title reports; 4. Agency recommendations pursuant to RCW 58.17.150; 5. A reco.rdable survey and surveyor's signature meeting the requirements of Chapter 58.09 RCW and RCW 58.17.250; 6. Proposed list of public improvemenfs that will be incomplete at the time of fnal plat approval and fhe associated cost to complete the work. The list shall be used to determine the financial security required as part of the final plat review process. The engineer's certification is required prior to setting the date for conside�ation by the city council for final plat approval. The engineeYs certifica4ion will not be issued until the requirements of ACC 17.14.010 Fiave been met. B. Preparation. The final plat shall be prepared tiy a professional land surveyor licens.ed by the state of Washington. The preparer shall, by Placing his or her signature and stamp upon the face of the plat, certify that the plat is a true and correct representation of the land actually surveyed by the preparer, that the existing monuments shown thereon exist as located and that all dimensional and geodetic details are cbrrect. - - - - - - - - - - -- - --- Ordinance No. 6617 Ocfober 4, 2016 Page 27 C. Scale and Format. The final plat shall be drawn with reproducible ink on Mylar measuring 18 inches by 24 inches in size, with a one-inch border on one edge and a one-half< inch border for the other three edges for projects in King County and measuring 18 inches by 24 inches with a two-inch border on the left edge and a one-half-inch border for the otherthree edges for projects in Pierce County. The final plat shall be accurate, legible and drawn to an engineering (decimal) scale of 100 feet or fewer to fhe inch. If more than one sheet is required, an index sheet showing the entire subdivision with street and highway names and block numbers (if any) shall be provided. Each sheet, including the index sheet, shall be of the above- specified size. All signatu�es or certifications appearing on a final plat shall be in reproducible black ink. _. _ . ... _ D. Final Plat Contents. A final plat shall contain the following information: 1. The name of the subdivision; 2. Legal descrip4ion of 4he property being subdivided; 3. Numeric scale, graphic scale, true north point and date o.f preparation of the fnal plat; 4. The boundary line of the plat, referenced to city dafum in accordance with the city design and construction standards and bas.e.d on an accurate traverse, with angular and linear dimensions and bearings; 5. The exact location, width and assigned name of all streets, alleys and other public ways within and adjacent to the subdivision; 6. A table depicting the assigned address for each lot within the subdivision; 7. The exact location, width and purpose of all easements and dedications for rights-of= way pcovided for public and private services anii utilities; 8. True courses and distances to the nearest established street lines, or section or quarter section corner monuments which shall accurately locate the subdivision; 9. Municipal, township, county or section lines accurately tied to the lines of the plat by distances and courses; 10. All lot and biock numbers and lines, with accurate dim.ensions in feet and hundredths of feet; 11. The radii, internal angles, points of curvature, tangent bearings and lengths of all arc.s; 12. The accurate location of each permanent control monument. One such monument shall be located at each and every controlling corner on the boundaries of the parcel of land being subdivided; at each street centerline intersection, each point of curvafu�e (PC), each point of tangency (PT), and each point of reverse curve (PRC); and at each intersection of a street centerline with a plat boundary; 13. All plat meander lines or reference lines along bodies of water shall be established above; but not farther than 20 feet from, the high water line of such body; 14. Accurate outlines and legal desc�iptions of any areas fo be dedicated or reserved for public use, with the purposes of such dedication or reservation and any limitations indicated thereon and in the dedication; 15. Accurate outlines of any areas to be reserved by deed covenant for common use of owners of prop:erty within the subdivision, together with the purposes of such reservation; 16:Any restrictions or conditions on the lots or tracts within the subdivision, as required by the hearing examiner, or at the discretion of the property owner; 17. The final recorded subdivision plat shall include a notice to the individual propertv owners and/or the homeowners association of the location responsibilities and repuirements associated with stormwater low impact development and manaqement facilities; 18. The name and seal of the licensed land surveyor responsible for preparation of the final plat, and a signed certification on the plat by said surveyor to the effect that it is a true and Ordinance No. 6617 October 4, 2016 Page 28 correct representation of the land actually surveyed tiy him or her, that the existing monuments shown 4hereon exist as located and that all dimensional and geodetic details are correcf; � �19. A signed certification stating that 4he subdivision has been made with the free consen4, and in accordance with the desires, of the owner or owners. If the plat includes a dedication; the certificate or a separate written instrument shall contain the dedication df all streets abd other areas to the public, any individual or individuals, religious society or societies, or to any corporation, public or private, as shown on the plat, and a waiver of all c.laims fo.r damages against any gove.rnmental authority which may be occasioned to the adjacent land by the established construction, drainage or maintenance of said street or other areas so dedicated. Such certifcate or instrument shall be signed and ackhowledged befo�e a notary pu6lic by all pafties having any interest in the lands subdivided. An offer of dedication may include a waiver of right of direct access to ariy sf�eet f�om any property. Such waiver may be required by the city engineer as a condition of approval. Roads not dedicated to the public must be clearly marked on the face of the plat..Any dedication, donation or gran4 as sh,own on the face of the plat shall be considered as a quit claim deed to the said donee o�g�antee for use for the purpose intended by the donation or grant. At the discretion of the city engineer conveyances of right-of-way may be required tb be by statufory warranty deed. The accep4ance ofright-of-way by the city shall not obligate the city to improve or develop the lands in the right- of-way; � a-920. Forms for the appropriate certifications of the finance director, city engineer and planning director, as follows: FINANCE DIRECTOR'S CERTIFICATE I hereby certify that there are no delinquent special assessments for which the property subject to this subdivision may be liable to the city, and that all special assessments on any property herein contained decJicated as streets, alleys or for any other public use have been duly paitl, s.atisfied or discharged, this day of , 20_ Auburn Director of Finance CITY ENGINEER'S CERTIFICATE I hereby certify that this final plat is in compliance with the certificate of improvements issued pursuant fo ACC 17.14.015, and is consistent with all applicable Gity improvement standards and requirements in force on the date of preliminary plat approval, 4his day of 20_ Aubum City Engineer PLANNING DIRECTOR'S CERTIFICATE I hereby certify on this day of , 20 , that this final plat is in substantial conformance wifh the preliminary plat and any conditions attached therefo, which preliminary plat was approved by Resolufion Numb.er _ ofthe Auburn City Council on the day of , 20_, or by the Decision ofithe Hearing Examiner for the City of Aubum dated the day of , 20_ Ordinance No. 6617 Ocfober 4, 2016 Page 29 Auburn Planning Director � �921. A form for the approval of the mayor, pursuant to ACC 17.12.030, as follows: APPROVAL Examined and approved this day of , 20_, pursuant to City Ordinance Number , adopted by the Aubum City Council on the day of , 20_ Mayor ATTEST: Aubum Ci4y Clerk � �22. A form for the certificate of the applicable (King/Pierce) county finance division, as follows, or as required by the applicable county, if differenf: FINANCE DIVISION CERTIFICATE I hereby certify that all proPerty taxes are paid, that there are no delinquent special assessments cert�ed to this office for collection, and that all special assessments ce.rtified to this office for collection on any of the property herein contained dedicated as streets, alleys or for other public use are paid in full this_day of , 20_ Manager Deputy � �-223. A form for the approval of the applicable (King/Pierce) county assessor, as follows, or as required by the applicable county, if different: ASSESSOR'S APPROVAL Examined and approved this day of , 20_ County Assessor Deputy County Assessor - ---- - -- ---- --- - Ordinance No. 6617 October 4, 2016 Page 30 Account number � 2324. A fortn for the certificate of the applicable (King/Pierce) county recorder, as follows, or as required by the applicable counfy, if different: RECORDING CERTIFICATE Filed for record at the request of fhe City of Aubum this day of 20_ at minutes past .M., and recorded in Volume of Plats, page Records of(King or Pierce) County, Washington. County Recording Number Manager Superintendent of Records � �425. Any additional pe,rtinent information as required at the discretion of the city engineer or planning directoc (Ord. 6239 § 1, 2009; Ord. 6186 § 7, 2008; Ord. 6061 § 1, 2006; Ord. 5170 § 1, 1998; Ord. 4296 § 2, 1988. Formerly 17.10.010.) Section 28. Amendment to Citv Code. That Section 18.50.010 of the Auburn City Code be and the same hereby is amended to read as follows: 18.50,010 Intent. The intent of this chapter is to provide minimum landscaping and screening reguirements in order to maintain and protect property values, to enhance the city's appearance, to visually unify the city and its neighborhoods, to improve the character of ceRain I areas of the city, to reduce erosion and storm water runoff, to interrupt expanses of impervious surfaces, to reduce COz emissions, improve air quality, and to maintain or replace existing vegetation and to prevent and abate public nuisances. (Ord. 6387 § 1, 2011; Ord. 4914 § 1, 1996; Ord. 4773 § 1, 1995; Ord. 4229 § 2, 1987.) Section 29. Amendment to Citv Code. That Section 18.50.040 of the Aubum City Code be and the same hereby is amended to read as follows: 18.50.040 Landscape development standards. A. General Location for Landscape ImproVements. Landscaping shall be provided in the following locations for all types of development, unless the city determines 4hat 4he required landscape is not necessary to fulfill the purposes of this chapter. 1. Perimeter Areas. All areas that abut a street or residential property shall be landscaped in compliance with this chapter, except where occupied by a primary building, walk or driveway. Minimum landscape a�eas are listed in Tables 18.50.040(A) and (B). - - - - - -- --- --- --- Ordinance No. 6617 October 4, 2016 Page 31 2. Unused Areas. All areas of a multifamily or nonresidential project site not intended for a specific use (including areas planned for future phases of a phased development) shall be landscaped with existing natural vegetation, native grasses or similar. 3. Parking/Loading Areas. Parking lots, and where loading areas are visibl.e from a public street, shall be landscaped in compliance with this chapter. 4. Outdoor 5torage Areas, Recreational Vehicle Parking, and Refuse Areas. All outdoor storage areas, recreational vehicle parking, and refuse areas, when visible from adjoining propeRies orpublic sfreets, shall be landscaped in compliance with this chapter. 5 Stormwater Low Impact Develoqment (LID) Facilities Areas of veaetation qlanted in stormwater LID facilities (not permanentiv inundated or ponded areas) and for which there is a citv-approved maintenance plan as prescribed in the Citv's Enaineerinq Desiqn Standards Manual shall count towards the minimum landscape coveraqe areas outlined in subsection B below. B. Landscape Area Requirements byZones. Minimum landscap.e area requirements are listed below by zones consistent with ACC 18.02.070. Table 18.50.040(A) Minimum Landscape Requirements by 2oning District Minimum Landscape Planter Width —Perimeter Areas2 Minimum Landscape Abu4ting Residential Zones Coverege' Abutting Street' Property Residential Zones RC, R-1, R-5, and R-7 N/A N/A N/A Residential Zones° R-10, R-16 and R-20 20% 6 ft. 10 ft. Zoness Nonresidenfial Zones G2 10% 0 ft. 6 ft. C-1, C-N 10% 6 ft. 10 ft. C-3, I, P-1 15% 6 ft. 10 ft. EP 10% 10 ft. 10 ft. BP 15% 10 ft. 10 ft. M-1 10% 10 ft. 10 ft. M-2 10% 10 ft. 25 ft. Other ROB/R0-H6 N/A N/A N/A DUC' N/A N/A N/A Notes: - - --- --- --- - - -- - Ordinance No. 6617 October 4, 2016 Page 32 1. Minimum landscape coverage requirecl is the minimum percentage of net lot area 4hat must be maintained with a vegetated pervious surface. Vegetated bioretention cells or water quality treatment swales (not perman.e.nfly inundated or ponded areas) may be included in the required landscape coverage percentage. Preference shall first be qiven to retention of areas of existinq native coniferous veqetation For sites that do not have existinq native coniferous veqetation landscape coveraqe can be achieved throuqh plantinq of native species. 2. listed planter widths shall be located entirely on priVafe property. 3. The minimum landscape planter abutting a street may be reduced in size using the provision contained in ACC 18.50.080, Alternative landscaping plan. The reduced landscape planter shall have an average width of the requirement contained in Table 18.50:040(A). 4. Landscaping shall only be re:quired in conjunction wi4h an administrative or conditional use permit, The type and amount of landscaping shall be defermined at 4hat time the administrative or conditional use permit is approved. 5. Refer to ACC 18.31_200, Multifamily development and mixed-use development design standards and procedures, for additional requirements. 6. Landscaping within the RO/RO-H zone is not required unless site development includes the demolition of existing structure(s) together with new construction. Under this scenario the minimum landscape requirements of the G-1 zone shall be met. 7. Landscaping within the DUC zone shall be provided as defined in the Downtown Urban Center Design Standards; see reference to ACC 18.29.070. C. Landscape Design and Planting Re.quirements. Landscape design and construction for new development or redevelopment shall be compatible with the surrounding urban and nafural environment. Landscape plantings shall comply with the plant type, size, and §pacing provisions listed below. 1. Landscape Design. Landscaping shall be designed as an integral part of the overall site plan with the purpose of enhancing building design, public views and spaces, supportinq stormwater low impact development facilities, and providing buffers, transi4ions, and screening. a. All required planting areas shall be covered with a mixture of trees, shrubs, and groundcover plants. Sodded lawn (not seed) may be substituted for some but not all of shrubs or groundcover plants. If sodded lawn is used it cannot cover more than 20 percent of 4he site and those portions of the lawn area must be served by an automatic irrigation system. b. Planting design shall have focal points at project entries, plaza areas, and othe.r areas of interest using distinct planting and/or landscape features. c. As appropriate, building antl site design shall include the use of landscaping against buildings to visually break up expanses of wall, soften appearance, and create visual interest � througFi the use of planting are.as, wall planters, hanqinq qardens and/or raised planters. Loose rock, gravel, decorative rock or stone shall not excee.d 20 percent of fhe planting area, 2. Plant,Types. Landscape planting shall be corripatible with the character and climate of the Pacific Northwest and co.mplement 4he architectural design of structures on the site. a. Native Landscaping. Landscaping materials installed shali include species nafive to the Puget Sound lowland region of the Pacific Nort6west or noninvasive species that have adapted to the climactic conditions of 4he region in the foliowing minimum amounts: i. Fifty percent of trees. ii. Fifty percent of groundcover and shrutis. b. Trees. Trees planted within 10 feet of a public street, sidewalk, paved trail, or walkway shall be a deep-rooted species and shall be separated from hards.capes by a root barrier to prevent physical damage to public improvements. 3. Planting Size and Spacing. In order to balance both an immediate effect of a landscape installation and to allow sustained growth of planting materials, minimum plant material sizes and plant spacing are as follows: Ordinance No. 6617 Octo6er 4, 2016 Page 33 a. Trees. Trees shail be a minimum of one and one-half inches in diameter breast height (dbh) at the time of planting. Evergreen trees shall be a minimum of four to six feet in height at the time of planting and may include either broadleaf or conifer. Tree spacing within the perimeter planters along streets and abutting residen4ial property shall be planted no further apart on center than the mature diameter of the proposed species. b. $hrubs. Shrubs shall be a minimum of 18 inches in height, or two-gallon size containers, at the time of planting. c. Groundcover. Groundcover means low evergreen or deciduous plantings and shall be planted from either four-inch pot with 12-inch spacing or one-gallon pot with 18-inch spacing, Alternative spacing of particular species may be approved by the city if documenfation concerning the effectiveness of the groundcover is submitted with the landscape plan. d. Additional Spacing Provisions. i. Tree size and spacing at installation shall be increased by the city where needed fo ensure visual access for v.ehicles and p:edestrians and provide clear vision at street, access tracts and driveway intersections (sight distance friangles). ii. Trees or shrubs with a full-grown height equal to or greater than 30 inches shall not be. planted in any sight distance triangle. Sight distance triangles are determined in conformance with the city of Auburn engineering design standards, Chapter 10. iii. A minimum distance of 15 feet is required from the mature diameter of trees and the center of street light standards. 4. Landscaping Requirements for Parking Areas. a. General Parking Lot Landscaping Sfandards. i. All parking lot landscape areas shall be protected with vertical or extruded concrefe curbs, or equivalent barriers. ��peFTire blocks shall not be used as a substitute for curbing and boundary around the landscaped area unless thev are inteqral to a stormwater LID facilitv desiqn as approved bV the Citv Enqineer or his/her desiqnee. ii. All parking lot landscaping must be located between parking stalls, at the end of rows of parking, or between the end of rows of stalls and the property line. iii. The mazimum distance between any parking stall and required parking area landscaping shall be no more than 50 feet. iv. Shrubs, groundcover or lawn shall be planted to cover each parking lot planting area using the planting size and spacing requirements specific in subsec4ion (C)(3) of this section. All groundcover shall have a mature height of not more than 24 inches. v. Modifications to protect drainage features, easements, or utility facilities may be allowed. Modifications that reduce landscape area or plant material shall be made up elsewhere on-site, if possible. vi. The requirements of this section shall not apply to parking garages or to display areas for automotive and equipment sales and rentals that are specifically designed, approved and constructed for the display purpose and that do not reduce requi�ed landscape areas. b. Specific Parking Lot Landscaping Standards. Table 18.50.040(B) Specific Parking Lot Landscaping Standards Landscaped Area Planfing Area Plantings Required Required Design Requirements 12 parking No requirement stalls or less Ordinance No. 6617 October 4, 2016 Page 34 Table 18.50.040(B) Specific Parking Lot Landscaping Standards Landscaped Area Planting Area Plantings Required Required Uesign Requireme�ts 13-75 7% of surface parking Minimum planter Trees shall be proyided at the rate of parking stalls (exclusive of width: 6 feet a minimum of one per planter and/or stalls circulation) one pe.r 100 square feet of planter. 76 parking 10% of surface parking Minimum planter Trees shall be provided at the rate of stalls or stails (exclusive of width: 6 feet a minimum of one per planter and/or more circulation) one per 100 square feet of planter. 5. Landscaping for Outdoor Storage Areas, Recreational Vehicle Parking and Refuse Areas. a. Outdoor storage areas and recreational vehicle parking areas must be screened from view from adjacent streets and from all residentially zoned land tiy a minimum siz-foot-wide landscape buffer. This landscape buffer shall contain evergreen trees or tall shrubs, a minimum of six feet in height at the time of planting, which will provide a 100 percent sight-obscuring screen within three years from the time of planting is required; or a combination of evergreeri trees or deciduous trees, planted 20 feet on center with no more than 30 percent. being deciduous and backed by a 100 percent sight-obscuring fence. In addition to the trees, shrubs shall be planfed at four-foot spacing, in all directions, and groundcover provided. b. Outdoor storage areas abutting the Interurban Trail (regardless of the zoning of the Interurban Traip and other future trails connecting to the Interurban Trail shall have a minimum 10-foot-wide landscape buffer containing the planting materials specified in subsection (G)(5)(a) of this sec4ion. c. Trash containers, dumpsters, trash compactors, and recycling bins associated with multiplex, multi-unit residential, and nonresidential uses must be screened from public view on all sides with a solid fence, wall, or gate constructed of cedar, redwood, masoriry, or othe� similar building material reflecting the overall design of the site, and be appropriately landscaped (e.g., climbing vines, arborvitae, etc.). 6. Irrigation. No portion of any landscaped area shall be located further away than 50 feet from a source of water adequate to irrigate the landscaping. The source of water may be a manual (hose c.onnection) or an automatiairrigation system. (Ord. 6387 § 1, 2011; Ord. 4914 § 1, 1996; Ord. 4304 § 1(34), (35), 1988; Ord. 4229 § 2, 1987.) Section 30. Implementation. The Mayor is hereby authorized to implement such administrative procedures as may be necessary to carry out the directions of this legislation. Section 31. Severabilitv. The provisions of this ordinance are declared to be separate and severable. The invalidity of any clause, sentence, paragraph, section or portion of this ordinance, or the invalidity of the application thereof to any person or - -- - -- - -- - - - - --- Ordinance No. 6617 October 4, 2016 Page 35 circumstance shall not affect the validity of the remainder of this ordinance, or the Validity of its application to other persons or circumstanc.es. Section 32. Effective date. This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect on December 31, 2016, and five days after ifs passage, approval and publication as provided by law. INTRODUCED: OC�f 1 7 2016 PASSED: OCT 17 2D16 APPROVED: OCT 17 2016 CITY OF AUBURN �, ., NA CY BACK , MAYOR ATTEST: ����_ Danielle E. Daskam, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: . eid, ' Attorney Published: O�u,v���iG„�—� � Ordinance No. 6617 October 4, 2016 Page 36