HomeMy WebLinkAbout06D1883BENCH MARK NORTH 114 CORNER SEC TION 9- 21- 5 KING COUNTY CONTROL POINT NO. 7128 CONCRETE MONUMENT IN CASE EL E VA TION = 396. 3017 NA VD 1988 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: THE WEST 132 FEET OF THE WEST 396 FEET OF THE SOUTH HALF OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER, SECTION 9, TOWNSHIP 21 NORTH , RANGE 5 EAST, WILLAMETTE MERIDIAN, IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON; EXCEPT THE SOUTH 30 FEET FOR ROAD. NOTES: 1, ALL STORM DRAIN SHOWN FOR REFERENCE ONLY. TO BE CONSTRUCTED UNDER SEPARATE PLAN. 2. ALL SIDE SEWERS (SSS) SHALL BE PVC, ASTM 3034, SDR 35. 3. WATER MAINS SHALL HAVE 42" MIN COVER. 4. A FIRE SPRINKLER LINE REQUIRES A SEPARATE DETAILED PLAN AND APPROVAL BY THE FIRE MARSHAL. CONTACT FIRE DEPARTMENT FOR REQUIREMENTS. 5. DO NOT UNLOAD THE EXISTING SSMH WHEN EXCAVATING TO MAKE THE CONNECTION. LEGEND: SEC 9, TWP 21N, RGE SE 092105-79060 PLUG & c --' CONC 2 I � WATER BLOCKING � EASEMENT I \ ty8758'05"W 132.07' Lq o n��� o 0 c 000000, r 1 ` -- 17.5 I t s WI BIOSWALE. 1 x I _ SEPARATE PLAN vUM I n (TYP, ALL DRAINAGE) DpCV OG6 W sic pEIZ _ _ �o a w ATE> -p ti q- c I N O n.3' FIRE r SPKI NKLE R I --I-•- �IFROOM FDC CONNI 1 . FF=4400 DDCV 1 I BLDG I I � I I CO 2+-49L 2+3 / & i BO ASSEMBLY, PER STD u WABO-1. w 1 I) 0m w SADDO 6qb REDUC-e -TO' 1��& LINE -STORM WATER I DETENTION VAULT SEPIARATE PLANS j GV - 4 r �- 4• FIRE LIW6 I WATER-09all N� - ^Oar 1w,50 i \ \ SEWER EASEMENT l� 'I � r 4--- 12"x12"x6" TEE (MJxMJxFL) 6" GV (FLXMJ) 8" PLUG/MJ 1 1 CONC BLOCKING PER STD WABL1, TYP I --NEW FH PER STD WAFH1 DETENTION VAULT 11.25' BEND �CONC BLOCKING I� CID �Q NOTE: SYSTEM BUILT BY VILLAGE SO CONDOS NEEDS TO BE FINALLED AND AS -BUILT (RECORD DRAWINGS) PRIOR TO ALLOWING CONNECTION TO OCCUR. VICINITY MAP_ - I C CONSTRUCTION SEQUENCE: 1 h 1 link 1. PRE -CONSTRUCTION MEETING WITH KING COUNTY AND CITY OF --L�► AUBURN. 1. SSMH WATER Z. FLAG OR FENCE CLEARING LIMITS. EouND MONva�ENT 13-45 �' EASEMENT 3. POST SIGN WITH NAME AND PHONE NUMBER OF ESC SUPERVISOR. SET 518" REBAR & CAP FIRE ♦, 4. INSTALL CATCH BASIN PROTECTION IF REQUIRED. 5. GRADE AND INSTALL CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE. 1 SPRINKLER 6. INSTALL PERIMETER PROTECTION SILT FENCE) x IRA VERSE POIN r 1 ROOKS \ 1 ! I S NKLE 7. CONSTRUCT SEDIMENT TRAP. N PHONE uAUL r 0 9 210 5 -- 913 2 1 ,LCO1 �E0X I O 21 0 - 9 O S 8. GRADE AND STABILIZE CONSTRUCTION ROADS. r 1 SSGO-1, T'"ITQ r 9. CONSTRUCT SURFACE WATER CONTROLS (INTERCEPTOR DIKES, PHONE PEDESTAL 67 �,� �kW 2" SPRINKLER SuP1-Y PIPESLOPE DRAINS, ETC.) SIMULTANEOUSLY WITH CLEARING AND GRADING FOR PROJECT DEVELOPMENT. ❑ CATCH BASIN 6ENCH AAARK N OTE= 1 6•3- c �� 10. MAINTAIN EROSION CONTROL MEASURES IN ACCORDANCE WITH KING COUNTY STANDARDS AND MANUFACTURERS RECOMMENDATIONS. FIRE HYDRANT 57I 11. RECOMMENDED UTILITY INSTALLATION SCHEDULE: THEBENCH MARK FOR THIS PROJCCT 1S I I 2EA FDC CONN TO 7.5 I o. STORM DRAIN VAULT AND DOWNSTREAM CONVEYANCE SYSTEM. WATER VALUE KING COUNTY CONTROL POINT No.7128, BUILDINGS b. SANITARY SEWER SYSTEM I � -- ® wA TER METER I-. REMAINING STORM DRAIN SYSTEM SHOWN Oki THESE NLI}NS AS kVING AN I FF=441.44 \ 2 EA: � c. WATER SYSTEM IV IkV D- 8 E L EY/X T I O Ill OF 3 9 6.30 v WM & I f "THE KING COUNTY SURVEY CONTROL DATA I � / e. REMAINING UTILITIES WETLANDS FLAG (TIP) i I � DDCVA 12. RELOCATE SURFACE WATER CONTROLS .AND EROSION CONTROL / SHEET FOR PO I lVT NO.712 8 INDICATES I W SVC PER / MEASURES OR INSTALL NEW MEASURES SO THAT A5 SITE CONDITIONS 0 SEWER MANHOLE THAT IT IS TIE NO RT}k QUARTER CORNER. a ; I SEWER & WATER-09 CHANGE THE EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL IS ALWAYS IN OF SECTION 9 T-211V1Z-5E WM AND WATER ( 11.25 BEND (MJxMJ) ACCORDANCE WITH THE KING COUNTY AND CITY OF AUBURN EROSION AND -(�- POWER POLE' PROYIDES NC VERTICAL METHOD OP, ELEV. EASMENT { CONC BLOCKING SEDIMENT CONTROL STANDARDS. A CLOSEQ DIFFEP ENTIAL LEVEL C1RCUli � I � ALL CONC BLOCKING PER STD 13. COVER ALL AREAS THAT WILL BE UNWORKED FOR MORE THAN SEVEN UTILIZING G'i1�( OF q u gu R N �EIVc�i /}R ` ; ' " I- t h' DAYS DURING THE DRY SEASON OR TWO DAYS DURING THE WET SEASON / 6 SSS I ;; ( WITH STRAW, WOOD FIBER MULCH, COMPOST, PLASTIC SHEETING OR 7•-t8 EQUIVALENT. C No.32-v(NAVD•'t38 EL. 399.77) AN.p 35-E(NAYD- DOO � I 1 Be EL.3965sS)PQoDVCEb A N ELEV, OF 396 95 CO 14. STABILIZE ALL AREAS THAT REACH FINAL GRADE WITHIN SEVEN DAYS. �0.-: • • •., ON T+iC PROJECT gE1� c4-1 MARK. I PER STD I h \ 1 35. ASEED OR SOD ANY AREAS TO REMAIN UNWORKED FOR MORE THANy�y. THE LEVEL CIRCLI I T HAD A VERTICAL TYP I 0 DAYS. ca;� + 1 16. UPON COMPLETION OF THE PROJECT, ALL DISTURBED AREAS MUST BE ERROR OF 0,01 FEET-. bi TEE c.� ( 1 \ STABILIZED AND BMP'S REMOVED IF APPROPRIATE. ���C51822©•ti T+-IE R E FORE t7 65 FEET \� 0+DAG66 I a I � `' •' ,. NEEDS TO %E ADDEP TO •`� IRRtG,RTIprI w t y00 \ �. SEWER & Il s��NA�• ��� ERT�CAL Vi}1.VE5 pF RELOC FH I 1'� WATER `T+{E5E PLANS TO DcY EASMENT I EXPIRES 3/14/ 4 BEHIND W { ' CREATE' NAVD 88 ELEYATIP>11S Q AAS co1�TROL � I 1 1 \` - ut�t�tt�0 -SUIITS Uy cI m j�. INC_ ERR I� T101V C ESM T - - - - - - - -. -. - _. _-..,.® - - - - - - - - - -- -- -• !' V L{/ S 3?. .:: ..., .!„i LOctmoPI RA£ D ON SUR�AC? F�.ATL' . S. ACTutL UND F SDS - ' I CURB, GUTTER _ _ uoc�al�MAY VARY. .NEW R/1N�¢N AID' L \ l & WALK, SE17nTE _...------- ..,..--_--_,..-_-_.._,..-..._- � t `�.. TxELoc / :.... ; ,,..... ..... - PLAN - ...T VICES �;�- •. ,, . r-1-COIIRMTi�4T ATIONS,ELEYA7iONS,DEFffIS,Ai'DAB.$L!'T SITE DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Il.MEMt3 RE iLECTINO MATERIALS AC1 UAL .Y USED L7`UltI tG • -(}- ___ r 1 ° •' • :•!'.. . [iiCTinN, ACCURATELY REFLEC S 11STi?1C co,�::Tiol`3� 310 208TH ST SE :. , • As 12 \ /sr R My DIRECT SUPER �% 3.C1N ON TWS ` 4� �' `: •'' w Y� R DE �. BOTHELL, WA 980 DA (425) 481--9687 ,,,r ff r' f, %/:;r r,,F ,:,> r •, (425)485-7199 (FAX) WA EP ---'"� TAX PARCEL No: 0921f�9O40 R/W ,.. _. ... "' 438.9 '..""""" _ 1` _ _, 44t . CROW � SAWCUT L TS J40,912 T E 440.1 �` 440.47_ ° EE S GEPT-1 FOR BACKFILL ;. 8/12/04 REVISEQ PER CITY COMMENTS __ _ _ - .� r......w.., �. .,. �. - .. ... �...� I �� '� �, 12 FLXMJ 441.00-•++�+n... ©© PA MENT RESTORATION `I Q j(��{XST %`+ I 7/30/04 REVISED PER COUNTY COMMENTS C OAN C3 S 1` TH r CONIC 8 0. 6_/ 44,.2i + 441.5`�,1 R J 12" W (MULTI E DWEELLING COMMERCIALo R/W~ CROW 438.57 __ �_ _ _ __ _ __~_ _-- --- __ __. � _ _ ,* CROWN _ `--_ g CROWN 12, �y ��✓''� 4/15/04 REVISED PER C.O.A COMMENTS \, - cRaWr, 1 /30/03 ADDED NEW TOPO IN STREET 439.89 -..� l ACCES 40.41 .fir. 6, �440.56 440.60 440.8'�� _ _ - -- 441.14 _____. ._.._ '8/01/03 REVISED PER NEW SITE PLAN L <., , <�. � •< ` a � ' '�' �4A��jj, Q. 54' -" -' 8/9/00- REVISED PER COMMENTS FROM PUBLIC WORKS DEPT .. ,� ,. - - ��. - - `"`� $ ss 2/1/00- REVISED PER COMMENTS FROM PUBLIC WORKS DEPT TYPE I , R,/w 3/29/99- REVISED PER COMMENTS FROM PUBLIC WORKS DEPT RIM = 438.38 O+OOMH 513-43 TYPE 1-48" r + CB - TYPE i L U M SI I.E. _ 435.33(S) RIM - 440.99 +RIM = 44�1.57 PAISA FIND APARTMENTS IE 429.64 (IN) I.E. = 437.92(S) SITE ADDRESS: 1222X SE 310TH ST (PREVIOUSLY WORLEY CONDOMINIUMS) (W)429.54 (OUT) (S) NEW IE TO NORTH= jr29;" RECORD DRAWING CERTIFICATION PROJECT REF: FACts-4-0004 DATE: 10/25/98 DES: DCD A29.60 THESE DRAWINGS CONFORM TO THE THESE PLANS ARE SCALE: 1 "=20' DWN: DCD 68, CONTRACTORS ON T CTION RECORDS CONFORMANCE WITH THEOCIITY R OFAUBURN'S CHARGE IN LIEU OF 64 NOTE: ENGINEERING DIVISION REQUIREMENTS UTILITY PLAN ASSESSMENT PAY BACKBY NOTE: CONTACT JEFF ROSCOE, SANITARY SEWER ENGINEER TITLE/POSITI C1ajG f 1�?' APPROVED BY: � _.1-�!'.. . �2A I AT 253-931-4008 FOR SPECIFICS ON THE PAY BACK AND- SCHNEIDER HOMES, INC ASSESSMENT POLICIES. CONFIRMED BY CITY:�C..,.. DATE APPROVED:` �� 6510 SOUTHCENTER BLVD, SUITEi 1 O f2 TUKWILA, WA 98188 PHONE: 206-248-2471 ,. PF3,D SIrr-_r oIz Z 0 - SEC 9, TWP 21N, RGE 5E 444 442 440 438 MI-V 434 432 1 430 1 L 428 I ,2 426 NN it W1 A E R T C EXST E P now FG SHALL ABOVE BE ANDSCAPING GR (�)ND FG 1410CY* ERY T_ Z12" WATER WSW.'V W Svc \-2H: IV, MAX 7- SD SVC-y ma 0% a5*CLR. ACE SAND BE TWEE L4 PIPES, T 0 U1 I MIA 8 --PRO1DOSED 120 N R N N 1.0 WN oi 0i LJ14 12 1 W W J Aa& ] L 0+50 1+00 T_ 442 440 438 436 434 432 1+50 %M#141 2+50 SEWER PROFILE & NORTH/SOUTH CROSS SECTION SCAM: HOR- 1"= ZY VER- I"= X 0 BLDG: FF-440.5 2H: 1 V, MAX EXST GROUND I DE TENBACK ION WAULT 142" ru WW 442 440 438 436 434 432 0+00 0+50 1+00 1+50 EAST/WEST CROSS SECTION SCAM: HOR- 1" = 20 VER_ 1" = 2! 3+00 3+50 g"R& Nomm, 1.-, This- development projects hall, co nform. to. the. City. of -A ubu rn's. requirernerits-and - be in accordance. with. the• approved. plans.. - Any changes, frorr• the, approved, plan -Will. require - approval. fro m the. owner, - engineer and -the - City.11 2. - All• workrriartship. en6 materials. shall, conform, to. the. "Washington. State. Depertrnent. of. Transportation. (WSDOT). Standard. Spociftcations. for. Road,, Bride,aid Munclpaon supplemented. or• modified, by,the. Ciqs. Construction. Standards, rinanual.. -Copies. of-thwabove-clocurne nts. shah -bo.avtlat)le.et.the-job-site�duhwconstrucbonI 3,-+ A, pro -construction. meeting. shall -be. required. priouto-the, start -of. all -construction,.. Contact -the -Pub lic. Works, Delparne nt. at. 253-931-301 0-to,schedule-a-mesing.1 4.-4 Locations, shown lbr• existing, Was, are, appro)dmate.. - The• contractor is, cautioned. that. overhead. utilfty lines. rney. not. be, shown. on. the. drawings: - It• shall be, the• contraMr's. responsibility. to, deterrrW no, the. true, elevations• and, locallons of, all. underground, utilities, and. the, extent. of• any hazard. created W overhead. utility. lines.., Identification,• location• rnerW ng. and. issoftbility. tor,. undorground: facilities, or. ubbes,. Is. governed, by the. provislorw of. Chapter. 19.122. Revised. Code, of, Wash i ngton. (RCIM.- - Prior• to, sterting, construction,, the. corffector. shall, call. ONE -CALL, (1-800-424-5555). for. L#Jhty. locations. ( sanitary. sewer,- storrn -sewer,.gas, -power,. telephone. and -televi sion).T 5. Prior• to. the• start• of. construction, a• proposed• route, and, 9&oduls. tor, hauting. material. to• the, site. shall. be• subrrOtted• to. the. City f approve I.- - It. the- City bell eves. that, the. proposed. haul- route, will - acivers* Impact. tht ~ network, - ha u1i ng• may. be. limited. to-appropri so - off-peak. hours, o r. alternate, ro utes,T 6. The• contractor. shall, be, responsible. for, public• safety. on, and. around• this. project, Pdor.W.the. start. of -work,- all. methods• and• equipment, used• for, rflc,cand. street, maintenance• shall, be. submitted• to, the. City. for. approvel.., Contractors. aid - 'their• surety, shall• be. liable• for, i Nunes. and• clarnages. to, persons. andproperty. suffered - becaus& of. co ntradors. operati ons; - or. negligericO, co nnec ted*#h -the rn.T 7.-, All• construction• swveying• for- extensions, of. public -facilities. shall.• bw done• under, the, direction• of, a. Wash ngton licensed• land, surveyor or, a. Washi ngton• licensed. professional. civil. engineer,T 8.- Cortifled-drewings. are• required• pdor,to. project. acceptance.. -Refer to. the, Ckys. z AS-2> U I LT S 1b)o' d rn P.'l N C_ WDERGROUND ME LOCATION SAMOISMAa PLCURES. ACrUAL LOCATION MAY VARY. "AILTARY SAME CONAM-CTION 140TES I The location of . the elde srwere shall be marked at the mid of the line inside property by a pressure treated 2 x 4, four feet (4') long buried In the ground a distance of three he (V). The lower and shoill he" a 2 x 4 do# nded to It to prevent withdrawal of the stake. The exposed one foot (1) shall be pointed traft yellow and the depth to the side tower or too shall be Indicated In block point on the 2 x 4. 2. Contractor shd obtain any necessimy side sower connection permits from the City of Auburn prior to construction. I The contractor is responsibte for connections to existing sewer mains, WARR M NOTF. I flor water meft shelf be ductile Iron meeting ANSI --- MIT"cai tMI a A-21.51 of latest revision* and shall be thickness Class 52. Pipe shall be oeri ft4ned, In accordance with AW SpecAcation A-21.4 of West revision. 2. AM public weter mains " have a minkrim corer of faty-two inches 3. AJ valves flor water malne shelf be roelillent wedge gate valves for twelvosinch (120) and arnaller. Butter0y valm shall be used when over tweiva-Inch (12m). A Joints, except where otherwise required or shown on the drowings, WWI be elthor I I on , or pu rft gasket TRW�Rrf JV to American National Svrnowdard A-21.1 1. 5, Pipeftings shall be ductile Iron and shelf have the some kind of cc& link as Ope to which connected and shelf conform to ANSI podo and A.A. 11 of letest revision. - B. Hydrostatic tests on the now pipe the shall be made in accordance wfth the ut mains a C OWWWO, 4 «as mod Rherein. Thw* co I furnish so equipment make the test, and the contractor shall conduct all Wft and appurtenances u is contract, Including all con existing mains at a minimum test pressure of 200 psi, a now water a be required prior to connection to the wdstl *vtw mains mid be In with the lateet Wevisions of AWVnR C (10 1. 8 The contraftr shall obtain all necessary water service connection pemft ftim the City of Auburn prior to construction. 9. 1 noWation of coqxnft stop&, water wA*, fin" and molars shelf be per City of Auburn Standard Details numbers WASM 1, 2, 3 and 5. Servioss shall be a rnIn1mum 3/4 Inch. The City of Auburn will Install the meters. 10. Restralned Oft shell! be used at all bends. For teas, 90" bonds, and special circumstances, concrete blocking shall also be used. See Standard DOW WABL-1, 1 1. All water mains " he" a blowoff assembly at low point and an air vacuum relief valve at high point of mairi. Sea Standard Detaft WAAR-I and WA80.1. 12. The fire hydrant assemblies shall conform to Standard Detall WAJFH­I and shall stand pluriib. Set to rwith ft. lowest outlet being no lese then 18 Inches (I 1r) from f11nIs=hedg aft and a clear zone around'hydrant of no lees theri 3e Inches (3W). The pumper port shall We ~ or fire socess. 13. AN valve boxes In public dghhH*w*y or sawrients OW be soalled to final crade after ftnal Is complete In accordance with to C* of kftrWs ndard Detall No. =TRAFFIC 12 14. Beckillow devices required wilth'ilre protecWn and irrigation systems, and to be Installed per the City of AuburW9 Details. 15. The undeiVround fire spt*W sysWrn shall be approved by the Fire Marshal and Installed by a state licensed fire sperAw contractor. 18. Street or pwWv lot curbs 00 be pointed wfth fbirnufa WID-Y1 115 feet (15') each skle of *0 f1re hydrants, as directed by the City. I CONFIRM nW THE LMATMS, ELUMAMNS, DEFT M AND AS-BUXT L'OF010M REFLECTNG MATERIALS ACIUALLY USED DURDIG CON19MUCTION, ACCURATELY REFLECT WW'DO F=,D CONDMONS AS DETE" &OF, DIRECT SUPBRWMIDK40N TMS DATE, _W ZO RECORD DRAWING CERTIFICATION THESE DRAWINGS9 CONFORM TO THE CONTRACTC ;XQNSBUCTION RECORDS BY: NOTE: 'Y'_ .'5 TITLE/MPOISI r - Jf- CONFIRMED BY CITYF� PROJECT REF: THESE PLANS ARE APPROVED FOR CONFORMANCE, WITH THE CITY OF AUSURNS ENGINEERING COVISION REQUIREMENTS EXPIRES 5/14/o SDS SITE DEVELOPMENT SERVICES 310 208TH STSE BOTHELL, WA 98012 (425) 481-9687 (425)485-7199 (FAX) 8/12/04 REVISED PER CITY COMMENTS 1/24/04 REVISED SS GRADE PER AS -BUILT SSMH IN STREET 8/01/03 REVISED PER NEW SITE PLAN REVISIONS: 819ZOO- PER COMMENTS FROM PUBLIC WORKS DEPT REVISIONS: 2/1/00- PER COMMENTS FROM PUBLIC WORKS DEPT REVISIONS: 3/29/99- PER COMMENTS FROM PUBLIC WORKS DEPT PASA FIND APARTMENTS (PREVIOUSLY WORLEY CONDOMINIUMS) DATE: 10/28/98 DES: DCD SCALE: 1"=20'-" DWN: JK PROFILE &NOTES MRNW-A � APPROVED BY; Socz:==*% DATE APPROVED: - SCHNEIDER HOMES, INC 6510 SOUTHCENTER BLVD, SUITE #1 TUKWILA, WA 98188 PHONE: 206-248-2471