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WHEREAS, the former Valley 6 D�ive-In Theater Complex also known as the
Auburn Gateway Project is comprised of approximately seventy (70) acres of land in the
northe.ast corner of the Ciry, generally bordered by South 277th Street to fhe north, 45th
Street NE to the south, Auburn Way North to the west, and Port of Seattle owned
property to the east; and
WHEREAS, the former Valley 6 Drive-In Theater Complex, prior to its closure
anii demolition, positively contribute.d to the social and economic well-being of the
citizens of the City of Auburn; and
WHEREAS, Auburn Properties, Inc., a Washington corporation, that is an affiliate
of Robertson Properties Group, which in tum is a subsidiary of Decurion Corporation, is
tFie owner and intended developer of the Valley 6 Drive-ln Theater Complex also known
as the Auburn Gateway Project; and
WHEREAS, in July 2004, the City of Auburn issued a Final Environmental Impact
Statement (FEIS) for the Northeast Auburn/Robertson Properties Special Area Plan, a
designated special planning area in the Aubum Comprehensiye Plan; and
WHEREAS, the FEIS covered an application by Auburn Properties, Inc. to
�edeVelop ifs property located in the area designated as the "Northeast Aubum Special
Area Plan"; and
WHEREAS, the FEIS identified and analyzed all attendant environmental impacts
of a pceferred altemative comprised of three (3) redevelopment options including: a)
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Option I —200,000 square feet of retail space and 1,600,000 square feet of office space
or b) Option I I - 720,000 square feet of retail space or c) Option III — 360,000 square feet
of retail space and 500 multi-family units; and
WHEREAS, in July 2007; the City of Auburn by Ordinance No. 6102 vacated a
portion of the right-of-way the city owned for 4he alignment of the north-south I Street
NE, through the Port of Seattle Property in exchange for other right-of-way in a
configuration that befitted the planned future street network for the Auburn Gateway
Project as analyzed in the Final Environmental Impact Statement (FEIS); and
WHEREAS, the Auburn City Council approved Qrdinance No. 618.3 on June 16,
2008 provisionally adopting the Northeast Auburn Special Area Plan conditioning
implementation of its approval on subsequent adoption df a development agreement
and a "planned action" ordinance under Revised Code of Washington (RCV�
43.21C.031; and
WHEREAS, on November 2, 2011, 4he City of Auburn published an addendum to
the FEIS fhat assessed the environmental impacts of the acquisition and development
of an additional eleven (11) acres into the project area, proposed phased project
development in finro phases that could be developed independently or jointly, changes
in city regulations and development standards and changes in external circumstances
over the intervening period of time including the completion of the Port of Seattle's
adjacent wetland mitigation property construc4ion, the completion of the adjacent Trail
Run Subdivision and the completion of the proximate Monterey Park Subdivision and
associated I Street NE e�ension; arid
WHEREAS, the Aubum City Council approved Resolution No.4756 on November
15, 2011 approving a fifteen (15) year Development Agreement authorized pursuant to
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Revised Codes of Washington (RCW) 36.706.170-210 between the City and Auburn
Properties, Inc. that addresses project development standards, mitigation, design
standards, approach to phasing, review procedures, vesting issues, and other
appropriate development requirements to provides the City and Robertson Properties
with certainty as to the type of Project that will be built, and the type of mitigafion that will
be provided; and
WHEREAS, the approved aforementioned Development Agreement is intended
to provide Auburn Properties, Inc. with the flexibility to reasonably respond to market
conditions with limitations mutually agreed to by the City and Aubum Properties, Inc.,
and that further, in exchange for tliis flexibility, the City will receive a planned mixed use
development consistent with applicable chapters of the Ciry of Aubum Comprehensive
Plan including but not limited to the Northeast Auburn Special Area Plan and the goals
for this area set forth in the Development Agreement; and
WHEREAS, the approved Development Agreement vested the "Auburn Gateway
Architectural and Site Design Standards"that was attached the Agreement for the enti�e
term of the Agreement, thereby providing Auburn Properties, Inc. with a high IeVel of
certainty on building and site design elenients and costs; and
WHEREAS, the approved Deqelopment Agreement vested the Aubum Gateway
Project's right-of-way requirements for the "footprint design" requirements as of the
effective date of this Development Agreement; and
WHEREAS, the approved Development Agreement vested development
regulations pertaining to land use and zoning requirements, such as permitted,
condi4ional and prohibited uses and lot deyelopment standards but excluding building,
engineering and environmental regulations to the C4, Mixed Use Commerc'ial Zoning
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District applied to the Auburn Gateway Project through the Aubum City Council's approval
of Ordinance No. 6183; and
WHEREAS, the approved Development Agreement vested over three (3) rolling
five (5) year periods, those development regulations other than land use and zoning,
whereby the development regulations in effect on December 31 of the last year of the
prior vesting period shall replace the developmeM regulation in effect, prior thereto; and
WHEREAS, the Aubum City Council approved Ordinance No. 6382 on November
21, 2011 approving the addition of Chapter 18.08, Northeast Aubum Special Area Plan
and Auburn Gateway Planned Action to the Auburn Municipal Code, thereby establishing
a Planned Action designation for the Aubum Gateway Project that will help streamline
and expedite future development review by relying on completed and existing detailed
environmental analysis for the subject development sife; and
WHEREAS, the Aubum City Council approved Ord.inance No. 6426 on October
15, 2012 approving a rezone application for the Aubum Gateway Project from C3, Heavy
Commercial to C4, Mixed Use Commercial, a designation unique to the Auburn Gateway
Project site; and
WHEREAS, the Autium City Council on July 16, 2012 approved Resolution No.
4841 an interlocal agreement between the City ofi Aubum and the Port of Seattle to
secure the right to controi available surplus flood storage capacity that was constructed
as part of the Port of Seattle's wetiand mitigation construction for the City's use and
make it available for private property owner's including Auburn Properties Inc.; and
WHEREAS, 4he Ciry of Auburn completed a capital project for utility
improvements costing over $1.9 Million along D Street NW within the Auburn Gateway
Project area to facilitate storm, water and sanitary sewer improvements that also benefit
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the Aubu�n Gateway Project; and
WHEREAS, the City of Auburn completed extensive efforts to de-annex the right-
of-way of S 277th $treet from King Gounty and the Ci.ty of Kent and annex the right-of=
way into the City of Auburn to accommodate necessary improvements along S 277�n
St�eet; and
WHEREAS, the City of Auburn has initiated Capifal Project No. C222A (277cn_
Aubum Way N. to Green River Bridge) capital construction project wip complete the
widening of S 277th Street from the intersection of Auburn Way North to � Street NE,
including the construction of a pedestrian trail and relocation of 4he floodw.ay along S
277�n Street at an estimated cost of over $8.9 milli.on; and
WHEREAS, in recognition of the substantive benefit from participation in, the
6ity's Capital Project No. C222A, Auburn Properties, Inc. voluntarily contributed 73,094
square feet of public right-of-way dedications and 162,477 square feet of pu6lic
easement dedications at an estimated value of $1,300,000.00 and $1,000,000.00 in
direct monetary contribution to the construction of the City's Project, thereby taking
advantage of the completion of significant frontage improvements along the northern
bouniiary of the Auburn Gateway Project; and
WHEREAS, the design and construction of the City's Capital Proje.ct No. C222A,
has been coordinated with the future development of Auburn Gateway Project and
specifically accommodates and provides for the future construc4ion of the intersection of
I St NE at S 277t" Street, an expandable stormwater management facilities, and the
construction of stream replacement mitigation that benefits the future Auburn Gateway
Project; and
WHEREAS, the aforemenfioned plans, approvals and projects exhibit the mutual
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desire of the City of Aubum and Auburn Properties, Inc. to work collaboratively together
for the successful redevelopment of the Auburn Gateway Project site; and
WHEREAS, the Aubum City Council desires to continue to work in partnership
with Aubum Properties, Inc., the Mayor and City staff to realize the near-term successful
redevelopment.of all of the properties covered by the Auburn Gateway Project; and
WHEREAS, the Aubum City Council recognizes that there is finite funding to
support needed and required public improVements to support 4he successfui
redevelopment of the Aubum Gateway Project site, and as such, strongly encourages
Aubum Properties, Inc. to work with the City to b�ing forward near-term detailed
development plans such that timely and certain funding sources for said public
improvements can be ascertained, thereby providing Auburn Properties, Inc. with a
certain desire level of certainty.
Section 1:.Expression of Council Desire and_Support. The City Council of
fhe City of Aubum, Washington expresses its desire and support for 4he near-4erm
redevelopment of the Aubum Gateway Project site recognizing the substantive positive
public benefits said redevelopment could have for tHe residenfs, citizens and businesses
of Aubum including but not limited increased retaii and personal service options in the
northem portion of the City, improved circulation and mobility options in the northem portio.n
of the City and increased property tax and sales tax revenues to support the City's provision
of services to its residents, citizens and busingsses.
Section.2:.Suaport for Mavor and Citv Staff Efforts. The City Council
expresses its support for the Mayor and City staff to continue to pursue near-tertn
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redevelopment of all of the properties covered by 4he Aubum G.ateway Project in
conformance with adopted Plans and City standards and in appropriate partnership
engagements with Auburn Properties, Inc. Further, the City Council encourages the Mayor
and City staff to bring to the City Council any proposals for its consideration that could help
expedite the successful redevelopment of the Aubum Gateway Froject site for the
aforementioned public benefts spec�ecJ in Section 1 of this Resolution.
Section 3. Imalementation of Other Administrative Pcocedures. That
the Mayor is authorized to implement such other administrative pro.cedures as may be
necessary to carry out fhe directives of this legislation.
Section 4. FuU Force and Effect. This Resolution shall be in full force and
effect upon passage and signatures hereon.
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SIGNED and DATED this a/' day of�.-� . , 2017
N NCY BACI , Mayor
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Danielle E. Daskam, Gity Cle�k
rn . . 'd City ttorney
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