HomeMy WebLinkAbout5277 RESOLUTION NO. 5-2 7 7 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY CAUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, WASHINGTON, APPROVING THE 2017 STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PROGRAM PLAN AND AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO INCLUDE A COPY OF THE _ PROGRAM PLAN IN THE NATIONAL POLLUTANT DISCHARGE ELIWIINATION SYSTEM WESTERN WASHINGTON PHASE II Iv1UNICIPAL STORMWATER PERMIT ANNUAL REPORT FOR 2016 TO THE WASHINGTON STATE DEPARTMENT OF ECOLOGY WHEREAS, The Washington State Department of Ecology issues a National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Western Washington Phase II Municipal Stormwater Permit that regulates the discharge of stormwater from municipal stormwater systems; and WHEREAS, the City operates a municipal stormwater system and is regulated underthe National Pollutant Discharge Eliminafion System Western Washington Phase II Municipal Stormwater Permit; and WHEREAS, the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Western Washington Phase II Municipal Stormwater Permit requires development and implementation of a Stormwater Management Program Plan; and WHEREAS, the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination Syste.m We.stern Washington Phase II Municipal Stormwatet Permit requires the submittal of the Stormwater Management Program plan to the Washington State Department of Ecology. NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNGIL OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, WASHINGTON, HEREBY RESOLVES as follows: Resolu4ion No. 5277 March 7, 2017 Page 1 Section 1. The Stormwater Management Program Plan is approved for implementation in the City of Auburn in substantial conformity with the ag[eement attached hereto, marked as Exhibit "A" and incorpora4ed herein by this refere.nce. Section 2. That the Mayor is authorized to implement such other administrative procedures as may be necessary to carry out the directives of this legislation, including submitting a copy of#he Stormwater Management Program Plan to the Washington State Department of Ecology. Section 3. That fhis Resolution shall take effect and be in full force upon passage and signatures hereon. Dated and Signed this 2-�� day of��r�.�J 2017. CITY OF AUBURN ATTEST: N NCY B US; M YOR /� Danielle E. Daskam, City Clerk APPR D TO FORM: niel B. Hei , City ome Resolution No. 5277 March 7, 2017 Page 2 Resolution No. 5277 Exhibit"A" CITY OF AUBURN 2017 STORMWATER M..AN.AGEMENT PROGRAM PLAN City of Auburn, WA March 2017 T CITY OF * * - � _ - �- _,. '' � �-__._ _ � s � � * ' �� WASHINGTON Table of Contents City of Aubum 2016 SWMP Plan TAB_L_E OF CONTENT$ 1. INTRODUCTION.............:.....:.:...:.:....:.....:............:.....:............:..................:.....:.......:................................................1 1.1 Overview:...�..::.:....:....:......:......:.....:.................................................................................................................1 1:2 RegulatoryBackground......:............................................................................................................................1 1.3 City of Aubum Regulated Area........................................................................................................................2 1.4 SWMP Implementation Responsibilities..........................................................................................................2 1.5 DocumentArganization...............................................................................................................................;..:2 2. STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PROGRAM ADMINISTRATION.....................................................:....:.....:......:...3 2.1 Permit Requirements................................................:........................:.....:.......:....:.....::.....:......:..:..:...:.:.:........3 22 Planned 2017 Compliance Activities......:...........:.........:..:.......:....:.....:.....::..:..:...:.:...:..:.....:.:.:..:.....:.......:....:...3 3. PUBLIG EDUCATION AND OUTREACH ..:.....:.....::.....:.....:............:.....:..:..:.:.:..:....::....::.:....:......:.....:............:.........4 3.1 Permit Requirements.:..:.....:..:..:.:....:..:..:.....:.:.....:....:......:.....:.....:.....:.......:.:..:................................................4 3.2 Planned 2017 Compliance Activities:.....:............:.....:......................................................................................4 4. PUBLIC INVOLVEMENT AND PARTICIPATION ......................................................................................................6 4.1 Permit Requirements.......................................................................................................................................6 4.2 Planned 2017 Cbmpliance Activities................................................................................................................6 5. ILLICIT DISCHARGE DETECTION AND ELIMINATION........................,..........,...............,......,................,...............7 5.1 Permit Requirements.....,...............................................................................................;.....:.....:.:...:.:..:.:......:.7 52 Pianned 2017 Compliance Activities........................................:...........:.....:.......:.:..:..:..:.:....:.:....:.....:..:..:...:..:.7 6. CONTROLLING RUNOFF FROM NEW DEVELOPMENT, REDEVELOPMENT;AND CONSTRUCTION SITES....9 _ _ 6.1 PermitRequirements..:..:.:...:.:.:..:..:..:,.::.:.:.:..:.....:.:.....:....:.............,....:.....:.....................................................9 6:2 Planned 2017 Compliance Activities.:.:....:.....:...............................................................................................]0 7. MUNICIPAL OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE.................................................................................................11 Z.1 Permit Requirements..................................................................................................................:..................11 Z2 Planned 2017 Compliance Activities...........................................................:..:.........:......:.....:...........:............12 8. COMPLIANCE WITH TOTAL MAXIMUM DAILY LOAD RE�UIREMENTS:..:..:..:.:...::..:..:.:.:..:.....:.:.:...:....:..:..:.....13 8:1 Planned 2017 Compliance Activities..:.:.....:....:............:.....:.::..:.:...::.....:..:....:..:.:......:.....:......:.......................14 9. MONITORING...:.....:.....:..:..:....:.:.....:.....:.................................................................................................................15 9.1 Permit Requirements.....................................................................................................................................15 9.2 Planned 2017 Compiiance Activities..............................................................................................................15 APPENDIXA...............................................................................................................................................................16 11Cca Aubum.LaaUDepl�Bcdding�PUB `NP.KSINdlliest5�orm:DIP�E61PAaminisirauo'Annu�l Re�ns�2010 Anncal RepJn 201 o P.eaon Anxhmen�s�2077 SWHIP Plan Fir.al ?G1i0?Oi.Uccx LIST OF TABLES Table 2-1.2017 Stormwater Management Administration Program Work Plan......................................................3 Table 31.2017 Public Education and Outreach Work Plan :......:.....:.....:.:....:............:.....:.....:...........:.....:.....:..::..5 Table 4-1.2017 Public Involvement and Participation Work Flan,.........................................................................6 Table S1. 2017 Illicit Discharge Detection ahd Elimination Work Plan...... ............ ..... ... ..... .............7 Table 6-L 2017 Controlling Runoff from De4elopment,Redevelopment,and Construction Sites Work Plan.......10 Table 7-1. 2017 Municipal Operations and Maintenance Work Plan.:.....:.....................................:.....:.....:.....:.::.13 Table 8-1. 2017 Compliance with TMDL Load Requirements Work Plan........:....:..................:............:....:.....:....15 Table 9-1. 2017 Water Gluality Monitoring Work Plan.........:.................................................................................16 m PCodAuburn,Loc�PDupt�BuildingAPl1B N'RIS�Utllitiesi5brtn�NP�E511V�dminislralionlAnnualRepor�5�2016AmivalRepnn1201o"ReporlA�t2chmen�s�7A17SWMPPIanFinal 20170307.Oocx CITY OF AUBURN 2017 STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PROGRAM PLAN 1 . INTRODUCTION 1.1 Overview This document presenes the City of Aubum's Stonnwatei Management Pxogcam (SlC/MP). Prepazadon and tnaintenance oE this SWMP Plan is iequued by the Washington State Deputment of Ecology(Ecology) as a condition oE the Westein Washington Phase II Mnnicipal Stoimwatet Pemut (the PHase II Pernut): The Phase II pe;mit covecs dischazges fzom zegulated small municipal sepazate stoim sewex systems (MS4s). The SWMP Plan is intended to inform the public of the planned SWMP activides foz the upcoming yeaz. The per{nit to dischaxge stomiwater is designed ro zeduce the dischaxge of pollutants,protect water qualiry, and meet the tequuements of the federal Clean Wgfez Act. Appendix A includes aciodyms and defuurions fxom the Pesinit to help the ceader undesstand the City's S[otmwater Management Pzogxam. 1.2 Regulatory Background The Nauonal Pollutant Dischazge F.limination S}�stem(NPDES)pernut program is a requicement of the federal Clean Wate:Act,which is intended to p:orect and cestore watexs Eox"&shable,swimmable"uses. The fedezal Enviuonmenral Pzotection Agency(EPi1) has delegated pesmit authoriry to state envuonmental agendes,and these agencies can set pezmit condidons in accordance with and in addidon to the minimum fedezal zequirements. In Washington,the NPDES-delegafed pemvt authority is the Washingcon State Depazhnent of Ecology(Ecology). In Washingcon,municipaliqes with a populadon of over 100,000 ue designated as Phase I communiries and must comply with Ecology's Phase I NPDES Municipal Stormwatet Pemut.Aubum's population is below the 1OQ000 thxeshold, so the City must comply with the Phase II Municipal Stozmwater Pumit.About 100 oihez�municiPalities in Washington must also comPly with the Phase II Pexmit,as opeiators of small municipa.l sepazate storm.sewer.systems (MS4s). Ecology�'s Phase IlMunicipal�Stoxmwatez Peunit is available on Ecology's website at h�co�//wwwecyw��v/nroersims/wq/swnnwarer/munici al ,phascllww/wwplwpermit.html The Pernut allows municipalities to dischazge stormwatex runoff fiom municipal dcainage systems into the staxe's watez bodies (e.g.,streams,rivezs,lakes,wetlands,and aquifexs) as long as municipalities unplement piogxams to protect watex qualiry by reducing the dischazge of"non-point source"pollutants to the "tnaximum extent piacdcable" (MEP)duough applicauon of Pernut-specified"best management pzacrices" (BMPs).The BMPs speafied in the Pumit aze collectively refezced to as the Stozmwatez Management Ptogram(S�!VMP) and grouped undei the following Pcogram components: • Public Education and Outreach • Public Involvement and Parqcigarion • Illicit Dischazge Detecaon and Eluiutiation • Contxolling Runoff fiom 1Vew Development,Redevelopment, and Construction Sites 7 V�coa.auburn.local�tlepPHuildinyiPUB_WRKSIUtiIIllesl5lormlJP�ES IPAdm:nisiraiion'�nnuel Reporls120�6 Annu21 Ropotl12016 Repon A�tachments�2017 5`NMP Plan Final 20170JW.tlucx 1:Introductlon City of Aubum 2016 SWMP Plan • Muniapal Operations and Muncenance In addirion to rhe SWMP components the Pecmit contains special condidons covenng: • Compliance with Total Ma�cimum Daily Load cequicements • Monitoring and Assessment • Reporting Requirements The Permit issued by Ecology became efEective on August 1,2013,was modified January 16,2014 and eicpues on July 31,2018. Tke Pezmit cequizes the City to submit an annual xeport no latu than Mazch 31��of each yeaz beo nning in 2015,on progress in SWMP unplementadon. The Pemilt also requues submittal of a SWMP Plan which describes proposed SWMP activities foc the current calrndaz yeaz. The SWMP Plan is to be updated annually and be included in the submittal oE the pxe�rious yeaz's annual report. 1.3 City of Auburn Regulated Area The Wes[ern Was6ington Phase II Peimit applies to opexatoLs of xegalaced small MS4s that dischaazge sto�wates ro waters of Washingron State located west of the crest of the Cascade Range (west oE the eastem boundazies of Whatcom,Skagit,Snohomish,King,Pierce,Lewis and Skamania counries). Foz cities,the Pec;nit cequirements extend to those azeas of each City that dcain to MS4s. Most of Aubum dcains to MS4s that ultinately dischazge inro the Gxern River,the�hite Rivez,or Mill Czeek. In addition, some portions of the City drain to publirin£iltxation facilides where the stormwa[er soaks into the giound. 1.4 SWMP Implementation Responsibilities The Uriliries Engineering Division in the Commuruty Development and Public Woiks Department coordinates the overall adpnnisuadon oPefforts ro comply with Pexmit iequuements. The wozk plan tables in each Chaptes piovide the lead depaztmen[s for the associated task. Othei majoz depazhnents/divisions included in the 2017 S��/MP implementarion axe Maintenance and Opetadons (M&O),Human Resoiuces (bIR),Development Engineering,Peimit Centei,Innovadon and Technology (IT),and Pasks. 1.5 Document Organization The cogtents oE this document axe based upon Pexmit xequuements and Ecology's "Guidance for City and County Annual Repoits Eox��/estem VVashington,Phase II Municipal Stoimwater GeneralPermits."The piogxam components of this SWMP aze oxganized as listed in the Pemut: • Section2.0 addxesses administeringthe Ciry's Stormwatex Management Piograzn. • $ectioa 3.0 addresses pubGc educaaon and outreach. ' Section 4.0 addresses public involvement and pazticipation. • Secrion3.0 addresses illicit dischazge detecuon and eliminadon. • Section 6.0 addcesses controlling ninoff fxom new devel6pment,redevelopment,and constnicdon sites. • Section 7.0 addzesses muniupal opaauons and maintenance. • Section 8.0 addresses compliance with TMDL requirements. • Section 9.0 addresses monitoring. Each section includes a sununary of the relevant Pexmit xequirements and a table showing the planned activides for 2017. This document also indudes acronyms and defuudons in Appendix�1 for easy zefuence. 2 11CoaAubum.LocallDepBuildinglPUB WRNS�U�illlies�.SecrmUIPDE511'A4niinisValionWnnualRegon5�201dP,nnuaiRe:Qtli?Gi>Re,00nAt�acnmenis�20175WbIPPIanFinal 20170707.Docx CITY OF AUBURN 2017 STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PROGRAM PLAN 2. STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PROGRAM ADMINISTRATION This secuon of the SWMP describes Pexmit=equirements ielated to ovuall Stormwater Management Pcogxam admuilsuadon,and planned compliance acdviues for 2017. 2.1 Permit Requirements The Pemut (Section SS.A) iequiies the Ciry to Eulfill xhe following actions during the 5-yeaz Permit cycle: • Develop and implement a Stormwatec Management Piogram (SWMP) and prep"aze written documentaqon ($WMP Plan) for submiftal to Ecology by March 31 of each ye'az. The pucpose of the S\`UMP is to ceduce the dischazge of pollutants from the muniapal stormwatei system to the masiirium extent pzacticable and theceby protect water quality. The S��fP Plan is intended to inEorm the public of the planned SIQMfP acavities Eoz the upcoming calendar yeaz,induding any actions to meet the cequuecnenu of S7 Compliance vnth Total Maximum Daily I.oad Requicements, and SS Monitoring. • Implementa pzogzam foz gathecing,txacking,maintaining,and using infoimation to evaluate Sl�/IvfP development,unplementauon and permit compliance and to set prioriues. • Coozdinate with othei perciuttees on stormwarec zela[ed policies progcains,and pzojects within adjacent oz shazed azeas. • Cooiduiate liecween City departments ro eliminate barriers to compliance wirh the terms of the permit 2.2 Planned 2017 Compliance Activities Aubuxn has positioned itself to maintain compliance.Table 2-1 pzesents the pioposed woxk plan foi the 2017 SWMP administration activities. � , Task ID Task Description �a� Compliance Timeframe Revise and update the City's Stormwater Utilities The SWMP submittal is due SWMP-1 Management Program Plan(SWMP Plan)to identiry Engineering by March3lst of each year. planned SWMP activi6es for 2017. SWMP-2 Track program element implementaGon. Utilities Annual Re�porting is due by Engineering Maich 31 of each year. 3 6.roa.auhum,laePdepP9�^ltlfng�PUB_WkKSlUIIIide�ISlomnNPDES II1Adminisuau9n!4nnual P.�pons�201 a Annu21 PeppN20i 8 Repon PnacnmenG29i Z 349�IP Plen Fnal zo�7a9m.aoa CITY OF AUBURN 2017 STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PROGRAM PLAN _ 3. PUBLIC EDUCATION AND OUTREAGN This secrion describes the Pexmit xequixements xelated ro public educarion and outseach,and planned compliance acrivides for 2017. 3.1 Permit Requirements ThePerinit (SecuomS5.C.1) xequues the Ci"ty to fulfill the folloiving acdons during the S-year Permit rycle: � Piioritize and tazget educadon and ouueach actiyiues to specified audiences,including the general public,businesses,xesidents/homeowness,]andscapezs,pzoperty managers,engineexs,contxactors, developeis,and land use planness to build genesal awazeness and to effect behaviox change with the intent to zeduce or eluniriate behaviors and pracdces that cause oz contribute to advecse stormwatex impacts. ° Have an outieach pzogcam that is designed to impxove the tuget audience's undecstanding oE the pioblem and what they can do to solve it. " Cieare and/ox partnex with e�sting organizations to encourage iesidents to pazdcipate in stewazdship oppoxtuniqes. • Measuce the undesstanding and adoprion of the targeted behaviors foz at least one tazget audience in at least one snbject area. Use the resuldng measuceinents to duect educarion and ouueach xesources most effecrively. • Tiack and maintain xecoxds of public educauon and outceach activities. 3.2 Planned 2017 Compliance Activities The City plans to continue the pzo�am that has been developed oyei the last peimit cyde.The tazget audiences include: " The genexal public • Bnsinesses (including home-based and tno6ile businesses) • Residents/homeowness • Landscapers • Pzoperty managexs ° Engineess,conqactocs,developexs and land use plannezs 4 V¢naeuhurnlooal�depLlBuldinglPUH_WRK51UIiII11e5±S�ormiNP�ES II�AcminisVefion�Annual Reports�2�18 Annuol RepotlQ018 Repon Attechmeni5120�7 BWMP olen Flnnl 20170307 tlocx 9: Public Education and Outreach City of Aubum 2016 SWMP Plan Table 3-1 pzesents the woxk plan Eor the 2017 SWMP public education and ouueach activiries. _ -— ----- — _ .� � � . � • . _ — - — .._.�-- - _ __ _. ��_ . � , Task ID Task Qescriptiore Lead Compliarrce _ --__ . . __.. __._---- _- -- _. Timeframe Continue collaborffiion with other NPDES municipali6es through�Stormwater Outreach for Utililies EDUC-1 Regional�Municipalities(§TORM)and Puget Sound Engineering Starts Here effoAs to promote regional educffiion and outreach r rams. Refine eGucation antl ouUeach shategy to supplement exis6ng educztion acfivilies.An example would be Utilities EDUG2 evaluating the current pe,t waste deanup education Engineenng strategyio determine whether more frequent outreach is r uired _ _ . .___ Refinements to exisling Implement new or modify existing education and public educalion anC outieach adivitles. An.examplawould be adding new Utilities ouVeach activi6es are on- EDUC-3 business types or revisihng businesses as pad of the Engineering 9oing ECOSSPoIWtionPrevenGonOutreach r ram. Staff training related W Surface Water Management Manual Implemenfation/Technical Standards: Community • Permitting Development EDUC� • Plan Review and Public • Site Inspections Works • Maintenance StandaMs. Department , Educate select city staff and elected oficials to Community develop a.common level of knowledge related ro Low ��elopment EDUC�4a Impad Deyelopment 9tortnwater management and Public Ongoing techniques. Works De artment Educate the general public and developers to develop Community a common level of knowledge relffied totow Impacl �°elopment EDUC-0b peV�opment stormwater management principles and and Putilic Ongoing teohniques. Works . . . . _. ..-- --__.. De artment Inform public employees,businesses and the general UtiliJies EDUC5 public of lhe tiazards associated with illegal Ongoing discharges and improper disposal of w2ste. Engineering � Provide stewardship oppoRunities such as planting Environmental Ongoing EDUC-6 native plantsantl inyasive sqeqies�emoval at the �Nices Aubum Environmental park. 5 11coa.2ubufnJocal�tlepU,�uNdinglPUB_WRFS1Ufilitles15tarrGNPDESIPAtlmini5-✓3tlon�Annual Re�orts�?01oAnnual RepoR�2076'nBport AVachmen�s�2017 S�NMP Plan Final 2a i;osaz ao�x CITY OF AUBURN 2017 STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PROGRAM PLAN 4_ PUBLIC INVOLVEMENT AND PARTICIPATION This secuohdescribes the Pecmit xequirements related to public involbement and participadon,and planned compliance activities fox 2017. 4.1 Permit Requirements The Peunit(Section SS.C.2) xequixes the City to fulfill the following acdons during the 5-yeaz Pexmit rycle: • P;ovide ongoing opportnnities fox public involyement and par[iqparion tkuough advisory boazds or conuxrissions,public hearings,watershed committees,public pacticipadon in developing rate structuces and budgets,or othex sunilaz acrivities.The public must be able to participate in the deusion-inaking pxocesses,including development,unplementadon,and update oE the S��/MP. • Make the$l�/IvIP Plan and Annual Compliance Repo;t ayailable to the public,by posting on the City's website. Make any othei documents xequired to be submitted to Ecology in response to Pemut conditions available to the public. 4.2 Planned 2017 Compliance Activities The Ciry of Aubuen has a history of including the public in decision making. Table 4-1 below pzesepts the wozk pla:n for the 2017 SWMP public iiivolvement and participarion activiaes. � ; Task ID Task Description Lead Compliance Tirneframe - -_ _ _ Provide public involvement oppodunities for annual UtiliUes pl-1 � Public inYolvement SWMP update. Engineering opportunifies will be available Make SWMP�document Report available to public by Utilities b�ore the March 31,2017 P1-2 � submittal. pasfing an the City website. Engineenng 6 Pcna.aubum,locaVCepllBuilding�,PU�WF2KS�Utilitiesl5formINPDESII'AdminlsirztionWnnualReports�201'oAnnualkepoR!20�6RepodA�tachments!2077SWNPPIanFnal 2GP0307.dncx CITY OF AUBURN 2017 STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PROGRAM PLAN 5 . ILLICIT DISCHARGE DETECTION AND ELIMINATION This secrion describes the Permit requ�ements related to illicit dischugedetection and elu2vnation(IDDE), and planned compliance acuviues fox 2017. 5.1 Permit Requirements The Permit(Secdon SS.C3)xequires the Ciry to Eulfill the following actions during the 5-year Pemiit cyde: • Implement an ongoing pzogam to detect and xemove illicit dischazges,.connections,and improper disposal,includingany spillsinto the municipal sepazate storm sewezs owned ox operated by the Ciry. ° Maintain a stozm secver system map,have ordinances that prohibit illicit dischaxges,and implement an ongoing progiam to detect and addiess illicit dischazges. • Publicly list and publicize a Hotline oi otkec local telephone numbei Eox public xeporting of spills and other illicit discfiazges.Ttack illicit dischazge zepoxts and acdons taken in Lespoiise tluough close-out, including enfozcement acrions, • Inform public employees,businesses and the geneial public of hazazds associated with illegal dischaiges and improper disposal of waste. • Txain staff on pxopei IDDE cesponse SOPs and�ain municipal field sraff to zecognize and ieport illidrdischazges. • Summarize all illicit dischaxges and connections zeported to the Fary and iesponse actions taken, including enfoxcement actions,in the Annual Compliance Repoit;idendfy any updates fo the SWI4IP. 5.2 Planned 2017 Compliance Activities Table 5-1 piesents the work plan foz 2017 SWMP illicit dischazge detecrion and elnnuiation activities. — � � � - Task.ID Task Descripkion Lead Compliar�ce Timefrdme . ___ _ _, . . _ _ Continue to implement Cily-wide IDDE Program and develop.any necessary supplemental IDDE activities. Enforde ACC 13.48.210 using edueation and technical Utilities IDDE-i suppoA as a first adion and escalafing code Engineering Ongoing enforcemen4as needed. Publiaie a phone number for blic r din of s ills.and illicit discha es. IDDE-2 Continue to review and update storm system map ro Utililies Ongoing address data gaps and Permit requirements. Engineering/IT 7 11coa.aubum.lo;alldepP$mld'ng�FUB_WRi(S',U�IIltieslotorm'�NPDES II'Adminislralion�Annual Repor',s@01o'Annual Report12076�eportAttachment5120R SWMP Plan Final 2017G307.doc. S:Illipt Discharge Detection and Eliminafion City of Aubum2018 SWMP Plan Provide IDDE training to new hires in Utiliry UtiliGes IDDE-3 Engineering and Maintenance 8 OperaGoris. Engineering Ongoing Perform IDDE feld screening of at least 10%of MS4 Utilities IDDE� to mcet the requirement to saeen at least 40%�of the Engineering and Ongoing MS4 by 12/31/17 and 12°k annually Mereafter. M&0 8 U,coa.nuburn.locxl�dep�ABuiltlingAPUO WRRSIUtilllie;lSlonn'81POESIIWaministrN�lon�AnnualRepoRs�2016AnnualRepod;?076RepodAllachmenis12017SWMPPIanFlnal 20170307.dora CITY OF AUBURN 2017 STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PROGRAM PLAN _ _ _ 6. CONTROLLING RUNOFF FROM NEW DEVELOPMENT, REDEVELOPMENT, AND CONSTRUCTION SITES This secdon desciibes the Permit cequuements xelated to conuolling runoff from necv development, tedevelopment,and cohsttucrion sites,and planned compliance acuvides foz 2017. 6.1 Permit Requirements The Pemut (Section S5.C.4)cequixes the City to fulfill the following actions duiing the 5-yeaz Pemut cycle: • Implement,and enEoice a pxogtam to reduce pollutants in stormwatec runoff(i.e.,illidt dischazges) to tke municipal sepazate stdrm sewei system from new development,redevelopment,and construction siteacdvities.The progzam m"ust apply to both pxivate and pnblic pzojects,induding ioads,and addxess all construcrion/development-associared pollutant soucces. • Have adopted xegulauons (codes and standazds),plan zeview,inspecdon,and escalating enfoxcement SOPs necessary to implement the program in accoidance with Permit conditions;including the minimum technical xeqnirements in Appendix 1 oE tHe Pemut by Decembez 31,2016. • Review,zevise and make efEective local developmentaelated codes,rules,standazds,ox othex enfozceable documents to incoiporere and tequize Low Impact Development(LID)principles and LID best management piacuces (BMPs) with the intent of making LID the preferLed and commonly- use8 appioach to site development by Decembez 31,2016. • Participate in watushed-scale stormwatex planning under condiuon SS.C.4.c of the Phase I Murucipal Seormwatec General Pexxnit if required. • Have adopted xegularions (codes and standazds) and processes to verify adeqdate long-tenn opeiadons and maintenance of new post-construcuon permanent scormwatez faciliqes and BMPs in accordance with Pe:mit condiaons,induding an annual inspection frequenry and/or appzoyed altecnative inspecdon&equenty and maintenance standazds foc private drauiage systems as protective as those in Chaptec 4 of Volume V of the 2012 Emlogy Stormwates Management Manual foi\�estem Washington by Decembex 31,201G. • Provide copies of the Nodce of Intent(NOn for constzvcdon oc indusuial acdvities ro iepcesentadves of the pioposed new development and redevelopment. • Pzovide uainuig to staff on rhe new codes, standards, and SOPs and cceate public educarion and ourseach marecials. • Record and maintain cecocds oE all inspecdons and enfoicement acrions by staff. • Summanze annual acti�nyes foc the"Conxcolling Runoff'conip'onent of the�lnnual Compliance Repozt;identify any updates to the SWMP. e 1!coa.au6um:oualWepD,Builtling�.PUB WP.KSVUlilines�5lorm�dlP�E511`Flem7nisv�lion�AnnualRzports120toAnnualRepom2016ReponAtlachmants�2�17cyyMPPlanFlnal 2�7 V0307.cacx 6:Controlling Runoff from New Devebpment,Redevelopment and Constroction Sites Ciry of Aubum 2016�SWMP Plan 6.2 Planned 2017 Compliance Activities The City has a progLam to help reduce stormwatei runoff from new development and construcuon sites. Table 6-1 presenu the woxk plan for 2017 S�C/MP acdviaes xelated to runoff control Eoz new development, zedevelopment,and constnution sites. .. - � . . �- � .. Task ID Task Description Lead Compliance Timeframe Tradcand�reportconsfrudion,newdevelopment,and p�anning/Permit CTRL-1 redevelopment pertnits,inspections and enforcement Onyoing actions. Center Prior to clearing and wnstruc6on,inspect all pertnitled CTRL-ia deyelopment.sites that h�a4e a high potential for Construclion Onyang sediment transport. Inspect all pertnitted development sites during CTRL-1b ��s�mction. Consiruction Ongaing Inspect_all permitted development sites upon CTRL-1c completion of conskuction and prior to final approval Construction Ongoing oroccupancy. Inspect all permanent stormwater treaMent and flow control BMPsKacilities and catch basins in new CTRL-1d residential developments every six monMs until 90°h Construction Ongoing of the lots are consGucled or construction has stopped and site is fully stabilized. Conduct annual inspeclion of all treatment and flow Utilities CTRL-2 control BMPslfacilities(other tfian catch basins)—i.e., Engineenng Onyoing pnvate systems. Provide copies of the'Nofice of Intent for Conshuclion CTRL-6 Activity'antl copies otlhe'Notice of Intent fo� pertnit Center Ongoing Industrial Aqiviry'to representatives of proposed new development and iedevelopment. Enforce local ordinances conUolling runoN trom sites Construclion CTRL-7 that are also covered by stormwater permits issued by and Code Ongoing Ecolagy. Enforoement '10 Itcoaaubum.locai�depUBuilOmg�PUB_WRKSUIililles'Sbrm�PIPDE511�AtlminisVa�ion'Annunl Rap�ris�2010 Annual P,epoN2010 Peport Filachments�201 i S4VMP Plan Flnal 20170907.decx CITY OF AUBURN 2017 STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PROGRAM PLAN 7. MUNICIPAL OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE Tlus secdon describes the Pertnit requixements xelated ro muniupal opesations and maintenance,and planned compliance activiries fot 2017. 7.1 Permit Requirements The Pexmit(Secdon SS.C:S)requires the Ciry to£ul£ill the following acdons duLing the 5-year Pernut rycle: • Implement an O&M program,with rhe uldmate goal of prevenung or zeducing pollutant runoff from municipal sepaiate stormwater system and munidpal O&M acdvides. • Implemrnt maintenance standazds foc the municipal sepazate stormwatez system that aze at least as pzotecrive as those specified in the 2012 Stormwarez Management Manual foz\�Vestexn Wasluugton as amended in 2014. • Conduct annual inspection of all muniupally owned o:operated permanent stormwater tieafinept and flow contcol BMPs/facilities and peiform maintenance as needed to comply with maintenance standazds. • Inspect all catch basins and uilets owned oi opeiated by the Ciry at least once no lates than Augus[1, 2017 and every two yeazs thereaher. Clean the catch basins if inspections indica[e cleaning is needed to comply with maintenance standards. • Check treatment and flow contcol faciliries aftei major stotms and peiform zepaixs as needed in acco:dance with adopted maintenance standuds. • Have:SOPs in place to ieduce stoxmwatez impactsassodated with runoff fxom munidpal O&M acuvities,including but not limited to stceets,parking lots,zoads,oi highways owned or:naintained by the City,an8 to reduce pollutants in dischazges &om all]ands owned oi maintained by the City. • Txain staEf to unplement the SOPs and docuxnent the tcaining. • Pzepaie Stormwatec Pollauon Pcevendon Plans (SWPPPs) for all heavy equipment niaintenance or stoiage�yazds idendfied foi year-iound facilities oi yazds,and matezial stoiage facilities owned or opexated by the City. • Suinmaaze annual acavities for the"Pollution Pzevendon and Opexarions and Maintenance for Muniupal Opezadons"component of the Annual Compliance Repozr,idendfy any updates to the SWMP. 17 llcoaau"i.�:n local'�tleG��Ouiltling�PU2 WRKS�Ulillties'StormlplPDES IP.4dminislr3iion�Annuai Repms2015 Annu21 Report'2016�.epoRAtlmnments�20176WbiP Plan Final 20 i i 0�07�xx 7.Pollutlon PreJenbon and 08M for Muniapal Opera6ons Ciry of Aubum 2016 SWMP Plan 7.2 Planned 2017 Compliance Activities Table 7-1 piesents the work plan foz 2017 SWMP acdviries zelated to mnnidpal opecadons and maintenance. I � �. •.- Task ID Task Description Respons'ible Schedule Notes Conduct annual inspeclion of all treatment and Flow Community MOM-1 �ntro((other than catch basins)in the public system py�elopment and Onyoing and perform maintenance as triggered by the public Works maintenance standards. pe-artment Complete inspection of 100%of4he catch basins MOM-2 p��en August 1,2013 and August 1,2017. M80 Onyoing Perfwm street sweeping lo reduce the amount of MOM3 streetwastethatenterslliestormdrainage M&0 Ongoing conveyance system. Community Implemenf.Low Impact Development maintenance Development and MOM-0 standards,levels of service and inspection Public Works, Ongoing procedures adopted in2016. and Parks De artmenls - - ommumty Development and MOM-5 Updafe SWPPP for City maintenance facilities. Public Works, June2017 and Parks De artments 12 Ilcoa,aubum,local�depPBuildinglPUB_NlRKS'Ltilities15mrmIPIPOES I IWdminislrationlAnmial Reporls�2D1 fi Annual Reportl2016 Raport Altachment5�20 V SWMP Plan Final � 20�70307.docx CITY OF AUBURN 2017 STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PROGRAM PLAN 8. COMPLIANCE WITH TOTAL MAXIMUM DAILY LOAD REQUIREMENTS The fedexal Clean Vi/atex Act zequizes that Ecology establish"Total Maxinium Daily Loads" (TMDL) foz rivers,streams,lakes,and mazine wa[ecs that don't meet watei qualiry standazds. A TMDL is a calcularion of the masimum amount of a pollutant that a water body can ieceive and still meet watez quality standazds. rlfxer the TMDL has been calculated foz a given wacec body,Ecology deurmines how much each source must zeduce its dischazges of the pollutant in order bring the water body back into compliance with the watez qdality stanflaxds. TI�IDL requirements aze included in the stonnwatei NPDES pemuts fox dischazges into affected warer bodies. Stormwarec dischazges covesed undei this Pecmit are cequiued to unplement actions necessary ro achieve the polliitant ieducdoiis called foL in applicable TMDLs. Applicable'P14IDLs aze those approved by the EPA befoie the issuance date'ofthe Pemut or wkuch habe been approved by the EPA prioz to the issue date oE the Pexmit oz the date Ecology issues cove;age under the Permit,whichever is latez. InEormadon on Ecology's TIVIDL pxogcam is available on Ecology's website at wti�tiv.ecy�.wa.gov/�erams/wq/tmdl. In accoxdance with Permit condirion S7 Compliance with Total Masimum Daily Load Requizements the City must comply with the following TMDL. Name of TMDL Pu allu Watecshed Watec uali Im xoveriment Pro ect Document(s) foz Puyq!ltrp River Watesrhed Fe�a!Colifoim TotalMaximum Daily L.oad— W/aterQualify TMDL Improvement Repart and Implementa(ion Plan,June 201],Ecology Ppblicadon No. 11-10- 040. lit s: fortness.w�. ov ec� ublications Summa 'Pa es I 1100 O.h ml Locarion of Puyallup Rive: 16712,7498,White River 16711, 16708, 16709,Cleaz Czeek 7501, Origina1303(d) Swan Cieek 7514,Boise Creek 1G70G Lisdn s A=ea lY/heie TMDL Requirements apply in all areas regulared undec the Pennittee's municipal Requ�ements stormwatez permit and dischazging to watex bodies listed withu�the specific A 1 re uuement in this TMDL section. Pazametei Fecal Coliform EPA Appxoval Seprembe:2011 Date MS4 Pemuttee Phase I Permit: King County,Piuce County Phase II Pezmir. Aubucn,E ewood,Enuxnclaw,Pu allu ,Sumnex '13 1lmtauburn.loc2l�tleptl9uil0in�lPUe WRKo�Ulihlles!SrorniIPIPGES 111Atlminis�r;��un�Annual Re{�rIs�2016 P.nnual Report�201 d Repo�AI�acltmentsQO�7 54VMP Plan Final 7.0170307 tlocx 8.6ompliance with Total Maximum Daily Load Requirements City of Aubum 2016 SWMP Plan Acdons xoqi�ued of the City iindez this TMDL include: • Beginning no lgtex than October 1,2013,conduct twice monthly we[weathex sampling of stormwates dischazges to the��/hite Riva at Aubum Rivecside High School to detexmine if specific dischazges fcom Aubum's MS4 exceed the water quality criteria fox fecal colifo:m bac[ena. o Data shall be collected for one wetseason. o Data shall be collected in accozdance with an Ecology-approved QAPP. o Data collected since EPA'ITvIDL appiodal can be used to meet this requueinent. These acdons have been complered. • Fox any of the outfalls monitoced, showing discharges that exceed water qualitg criteria foc primary contact reaeation: designate those azeas dischazging via the MS4 oE concecn as high prioriry azeas foz illicit dischazge detection and elunu�arion efEorts and unplement the schedules and activities identified in S5.C3 of the Westexn Washington Phase II pemut for zesponse to any illicit dischazges found beginning no later tlian Augiist 1,2014. This action has been completed. e Install and mauitain pet waste education and collecrion stadons at municipal pazks.and other Pemuttee owned and operated lands adjacent to streams. Focus on locations where people commonly walk their dogs. 8.1 Planned 2017 Compliance Activities Table 8-I piesents the woik plan foi 20ll S��/MP acrivities zelated to TMDL iequuement compliance. � � Taskl.D TaskDescription. Responsible Schedule_Notes Include summary of activities conduded in TMOL Utilities TMDL-1 area to address TMDL parameter(fecal wliform)with Engineering March 31,2017 annual report to Ecology. Maintain pet waste educabon and collecGon staGons parks TMDL-2 at municipal parks and other public lands adjacent.to Onyoing the White River and.its Uibutaries. DepaRment 14 11coa.acbum.localldept�BuBtlinylPUB WRNS1UtilltieSStorm�NPDESIPAdmints;[afion�AnnualRepetls�201oAonualRepoN^_OI6ReponAllachmen6�20175WMPPIanPinal 20170307.tlocx CITY OF AUBURN 2017 STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PROGRAM PLAN 9. MONITORING This secdon desccibes tkie Pecsni[xequiiements related to watet quality monitoring,and planned compliance acdviries foi 2017. 9.1 Permit Requirements The Permit(Secdon S8)xequues the Ciry to eithei conduct Status and Tcends Monitoring,and Effecdveness Studies,ox pay annually into a collecave fund to unplement monitoring through the Regional Stormwater I4lonitoiing Pxogiam (RSMP). The Ciry coinmitted in 2013 to pay$45,096.00 annually into the collecrive RSMP monitozing fund Eox both Status and Txends Monitoring and EEfectiveness Studies. All pecmittees aze reqnired to pay into the RSMP to unplement the RSMP SouLce IdenriFicarion Informauon Repository(SIDIR). Aubum's annual payment i4ill be$2,G14.00. Payments aze due to the Department of Ecology by August 15°h each yeaz. The City is required to pxovide the following monitoring and/oi assessment data in each annual teport: • A description of any stbtmwatei monitonng or studies conducted by the Ciry during the cepoxting period. If sro:mwates inoni[oring was conducted on b"ehalf of the Ciry,or if studies or investigarions. conducted by other endries were reported to the Ciry,a brieE desczipdon of the type of infoimauon gatheied oz received shall be included in the annual ceport. 9.2 Planned 2017 Compliance Activities Table 9-1 presents rhe wock plan foi 2017 S��/IvIP monitoring acriviries. i - • . . Task;lU Task Descrip4ion Lead Compliance Timef�ame Pay$47,710.00 annually into the RSMP collective MNTR-1 �nd for implementalion of Status and Trends Utilities Mnual payment due by Monitoring,Effe_ctiveness�SWdies,and the Source Engineering August 15�'. IdentificaUon Information Repository. 15 pcoa.mihum.laal'.tlepliBullCing�pU6�NFNSiUtiliUes'S;om�+IPDES II'vl�minisVation�Armal�.eror,e2�ioAnnual Reyron2010 Re(.ron Atlac�ment920i7 SYlfvIP Plan Final 2G17�307.oacx APPENDIX A Acronyms and Definitions The£ollowing defuudods and acronyms aze taken dizecdy from the Phase II Pemut and ue zeproduced hese for the zeadec's convenience. 40 CFR means Tide 40 of the Code of Fedezal Reguladons,which is the codification of the genual and permanent rules published in the Federal Reaster by the executive departmenxs and agendes of rhe fedexal goveinment. AKABT means all known,available,and ceasonable methods of pzevenuon,control and treatment. See also State Water Polludon Contcol Act,chaptez 90.48.010 RCW and chapter 90.48.520 RCW. All known,available and teasonable methods of prevention,contml and mamneat refecs to rhe State Witer Polludon Conriol Act,ckaptei 90.48.010 RCW and chapter 90.48.520 RCW. Applicable TMDL means a TMDL wkuch has been appzoved by EP�1 on or beEore the issuance date of this Pexxnit,or prioi to the date that Ecology issues coverage undes this Pemrit,whichevez is later: Bmeficial Uses means uses of waters of the state which indude but aze not limited to use foz domesac,stock watering,industrial,commeccial,agricultural,uiigation,auning;fish and wildlife maintenance and enhancement,zeaaeadon,generation of electric powez and pxeservadon of envitonmental.and aesthetic values,and all othex uses compadble with the enjoyment of the public wateis of the state. Best Management Ptactices aze the sckedules of activides,prohibidons of pracdces,mainteaance ptoceduces,and strucnival and/oz managerial pracdces appxoved by Ecology that,when used singly or in combinauon,prevent oc reduce the ielease of pollutants and othu adveise impac[s ro watexs of Washington State. BMP means Best Management Piactice. Bypaes means the divezsion of stotmwa[er&om any portion of a sto�water rieatment facility. Census defined urban azea means Uzbanized Fuea. 78 I1coa.aubumJocalltleptlBuilding�PUB_WRKSINifibeslS�orm WPDES IlUtlminisiratlon�Annual Reports�2��6 Annual Repotl�207 0'Report Altachmenls�2017 SWMP Pl�n Final zonosozaa� Citcuit means a portion of a MS4 dischazging to a single point or serving a disQete azea detecmined by tcaffic volumes,]and use,topogxaphy oz the configuration of rhe MS4. Component or Ptogtam Component means an element of the Stocmwatei Managemrnt Progxam listed in SS Stormwatex Management Pxogram for Cides,Towns,and Counries or S6 Stormwatu Management Pzogram for Secondary Permittees,S7 Compliance with Total Ma�cimum Daily Load Requuements,oc S8 Monitoring of this pemut. Conveyance system means that pordon of the municipal sepazate stoxm sewec system designed or used forconveying stormwater. Co-Petmittee means an ownes oi operator oE an MS4 which is in a cooperauve agxeement wi[h at least one othez applicant Eoc covuage undei this pemut.A Co-Pumittee is an ownec or opeiatoz of a Legulated MS4located witliin or in piosuniry to ano[hec cegula[ed MS4.A Co-Permittee is only responsible for pemrit condidons relating to dischazges &om the MS4 the Co-Pezmiftee owns oi operates. See also 40 CFR 122.26(b)(1) GWA means Clean Watei Act(fotmeily zefened to as the Federal Watec Pollurion Contxol Act or Fedeial Watez Polludon Codtrol Act�mendments of 1972)Pub.L. 92-500,as amended Pub. L. 95-217,Pub. L. 95-576,I'ub. L. (G-483 and Pub. L. 97-1]7,33 U.S.C. 1251 et.se�. D'uectot means the Duector oE the Washington State Department of Ecology,or an authorized represeatatiye. Dischaige Point means the locadon wheLe a discharge leaves the Pemuttee's MS4 through the Pecxnittee's MS4 faalities/BMPs designed to infiltrate. Enrity means a govemmental body,oz a public or piivate oro ni>adon. EPA means the US. Environmental Piotecuon Agency. Geaeral Permit means a pecmit which covess muldple dischazgezs of a point souzce category-within a designated geogxaphical azea,in liw of individual peimits being issued to each dischacgeL. Giound watec means watez in a sanuated zone ox stzanun beneath the surface of the land or below a suzface watez body. Refec to chaptei 173-200 WAC. Hazardous substance means any liquid, solid,gas,or sludge,including any matezial,substance,pxoducx, commodity,oc waste,xegazdless of quantity,rhat exhibits any of the physical,chemical,or biological pxoperties described in Wi�C 173-303-090 or WAC 173-303-100. Heavy equipment maintenaace oc storage yazd means an uncovered azea where any heavy equipment, such as mowing equipment, e�ccavatozs,dump uvcks,backhoes,or bulldozess aze washed oz maintained, or whese at least Five pieces of heavy equipment aze stoied on a long-tum basis. Highway means a main public road connecting towns and ciries. HydrauGcally aeac ineans runoff from the site dischazges to the sensitive featuxe without significant natucal gttenuauon of flows that allows for suspended solids xetnoval. See Appendix 7 Detr**+�,,,+ng Construction Site Sediment Damage Potential for a moie detailed defuuuon. Hypetchlorinated means watex that contains more than 10 mg/Liter chlorine. Illicit connection means any in&astruchue connecuon to the MS4 that is not intended,permitted ox used for collecting and conveying.stoxxnwatez oz non-stoxxnwates dischazges allowed as spedfied in this '17 Ilcoa.au6um.lacalltlephBuiltlinglpUB_WRF.51Ubli;ieslSlorm'�AIPOES II'Adminis;ra•,ion�Annu21 Rapors�201 fi Annu�l Report\2G76 Repon AtmcnmenLsV?0i7 SNIhIP Plao final 20170307.decx pemiit(SS.C.3�and S6.D3). Exatinples inclnde sanirazy sewer connecrions,flooz dcains�,channels, pipelines,conduits,inlets,or oudets that aze connected direcfly to the MS4. Illicit dischazge means any discharge to a MS4 that is not composed endiely of stoxmwatei oi of non- stoimwates discharges allowed as specified in this perinit(SS.C3 and S6.D.3). Impervious sucface means a non-vegetated sucface uea that eitherprevrnrs oL retuds the entry of water into the soil mande as undex natdxal condidons prioc to development.A non-vegetated sutface azea which causeswater to iun off the siuface in greatez quantiries or at an incieased rate of Elow from the tlow p;esent under nan�al conditions priorto deyelopment. Common ixngexvious surfaces indude, but aze not lunited to;roof tops,walkways,patios,driveways,pazking lots oi stormwatei azeas, conccete or asphalt paving,gravel xoads,packed ear[hen materials,and oiled,macadam ox other suifaces which similarly unpede the natuxal infilccation of stormwatex. Land distutbing acrivity means any activity that xesults in a change in the eacisting soil covex (both vegetative and non-vegetative)and/or the erzisting soIl topography. Land disturbing activities include, but aze not limited to cleazing, giading, filluig and excavation. Compaction tliat is associated with stabilization of struchues and xoad construction shall also be considued ]and disnubing acdvity. Vegetauon mauitenance pzacrices, including landscape mauitenance and gazderiing, aze not considued land distuxbing acrivity.Stoxmwatet facility maintenance is not considesed land distuxbing acuvity if conducted according to established standazds and p:oceduxes. LID means Low Itiipact Development. LID BMP means low unpact development best manageinent pxacrices. LID Principles means]and use managemencstsa[egies that emphasize conseroarion,use of on-sire riatural feahites,and site planning to minimi�e impervious surfaces,nauve vegetation loss,.and stormwater iunoff. Low Impact Development means a stoxmwatex and land use management stcategy that strives to iniinic pre-disti�bance Hydrologic pxocesses of infiltcadon,Filtrarion, stoxage,evapoxadon and uanspuationby eiriph;asizing consesvarion,use of on-site natuial feanues, site planning, and distributed stormwatex management pxacdces that are integzated into a project design. Low impact development best management ptacrices means distributed stormwatec management pzacqces,integated into a project design,that emphasize pze,distUxbance hydrologic processes of infiluarion, filtration,.storage,evapoxation and rransp�adon. LID BMPs include,butaze not limited to, bioretenrioq xain gazdens,permeable pavemenu,xoof downspoufcontrols,dispeision, soil qualiry and depth,vegetated roofs,minunum excavation foundarions,and wa[ei xe-use. MaterialStocage Facilitiea means gn uncoqered aiea wheze bulk matedals (liquid,solid,gLanulaz, etc.) aze stored in pfles,bazrels,tanks,bins,czates,oz othei means. Maximum Extent Practicable zefess to paragraph 402(p)(3)(B)(ip) of the fedezal Clean Water Act which reads as follows: Pesmits Eor dischazges fxom municipal stozm sewecs shall iequire controls to reduce the dischazge of pollutants to the ma�cunum extent pzacticable,inclucling management pzacaces,control techniques,and system,design,and engineering methods,and othu such pxovisions as the Adu�uustretoz or the State detern�nzes appxopriate far the conuol of such pollutants. MEP means Maximum Exrent Pxacricable. MS4 means municipal sepazate storm sewez system. �8 flcna.auburn.lor,afidepBBuilding�PUB �A'RKSIUIIIitiesl5brm�NP�ES IIVldmin�sirationlAnnual Re0orI5�20�o'Annual Repoa120�o ReFott FbachmentapO V SWMP Plan Rn21 201i0307.tlucx MunicipaLSepacate Storm Sewer System means a conveyance,oi system of conveyances (iricluding xoads with dcainage systems,municipal streets,catch basins,cucbs,guttess;ditches, manmade chazinels,or stoim diains): (i) Owned oi opezated by a state,dty,town,boxough,counry,pazish,district,associarion,ox othei public body(cieated by oz puzsuant to state law)having jurisdicaon ovex disposal of wastes, stormwatei,oz otheawastes,induding special disuicts undes State law.such as a sewex disrrict, flood control district ot c�ainage distnct,ox sunilaz entiry,or an Indian tribe oi an authorized Indian tribal organization,os a designated and approved management agency under secdon 20S of the CWA that dischuges to watexs of Washington State: (u) Designed ox used Eoi collecting or conveying stormwacex. (iu) Which is not a combined sewez; (iv) Which is not part of a Publidy Owned Treatment��/ozks (POTIX� as de£med at 40 CFR 122:2.;and (v) Which is defined as"laige" oi"medium"or"small"ox othenvise designated by Ecology pucsuant to 40 CFR 122.26. National Pollutant Dischazge Elimiaation System means the national pzogram fox issuing,modifying, zevoking,and reissuing,temvnating,monitoring and enEozcing pecmits,and unposing and eafoxcing pretreatment iequicements,under sections 307,402,318,and 405 of the Fedesal Clean Water Act,foi the dischaige of pbllutants to sncface wat�s of the state fxom point sources. These permits aze refeised to as NPDE& "p"eimits and,in Washington State,aze aduuiiistesed by the Washington State Depaxqn.ent oPEcology. Native vegetarion means vegetadon comprised of plant species,othes than noacious weeds,that ue indigenous to tlie coastal region of the Pacific Nocthwest and which ieasonably could have been expected to nat�ally occuc on the site. Ezamples include trees such as Doug]as Fu,westexn hemlock, westem zed cedaz,alder,big-leaf maple;shrybs such as willow,elderberry,salxnopbesry,and sglal;and hesbaceous plants such as swoxd fexn,foam Elowez, and fueweed. New deyelopment means land dishubing activides,including Class IV Genesal Forest Pracpces th:at are convasions fxom timbei land to other uses;stiuctucal development,including construction ot installation of a building ox othu s[ructuie;ciearion of hazd suLfaces;and subdivision, shozt subdivision and binding site plans,as defined and applied in chaptec 58.17 RCW. Projects meeting the defuution of cedevelopment shall not be�considexed�new development.Refex to.Apgendix 1 fox a defuution of hazd sutfaces. New Permittee means a city,town,oz county that is subject to the Wertem Wa.rbingtan Municxpal Stornrmater GeneralPermit and was not subject to the pesmit prior to August 1, 20{3. New Secondary Permiftee means a Secondary Permittee that is covesed undex a municipal stoixnwater general peimit and was not covered by the pemut prior to August 1,2013. NOI means Noace of Intent. Notice of Intent means the applicauon foi,oL a zequest for coverage undez a Geneial Pernut putsuant to WAC 173-226-200. Nodce of Intent foc Construction Activity means the applicauon form Eor coveTage undei the 78 11coa,au6urn.local:tlepf.BCiltling',PUB WRKS'U�ilit7e51StorrilNP�ESIIWCministrallonNnnualRepoRs'2GibAnnu2lReVott\2076RepotlFltZcbmen�51<C77SYVMPPIanFnal 2011G307.Gacx Canrhuction Stornimater Genera!Pernrit. Notice of Intetit for Industrial Activity means [he apglicauon fo;m for coverage undec the Genera!Pernrit jor Stornrwatn Di.rcharger Arrociated unth InduitnalActrnitrer. NPDES means Nauonal Pollutant Dischazge Elinunadon System. Outfall means a point soucce as defined by 40 CFR 1222 at the point whece a dischazge leaves the Pemuttee's MS4 and entezs a surface ieceiving ivatezbody oi sucface xeceivuig watecs. Outfall does not include pipes,tunnels,oz othes conveyances which connect segments of the sune st�eun oz other su;fac:e watecs and are used to convey primarily sucface waters (i.e.,culverts). Pecmeable pavement means pervious conae[e,pozbus asphalt,permeable pavers oi other Eozins of pervious or poxous paving material intended to allow passage of wa[ei thiough the pavement secrion. It ofien includes an aggiegate base that provides strucnual support and acts as a stonnwater zeservou. Permittee anless othendise noted,the temi"Perinittee"includes dty,town,oc counry Pemuttee,Co- Pertnittee,New Permittee, Secondary Pemvttee,and New Secondary Pecmittee. Physically Interconnected means that one MS4 is connected ro another storm sewex system in such a way that it allows fox direct dischazges to the second system. For esample,the roads with dcainage systems and municipal streets of one entity aze physically connected duecdy to a storm sewes system belonging to anothez entity. Project site means that pordon of a pioperty,properdes,ox nght-of-ways subject to land disturbing activiues,new hazd suxfaces,ox replaced hatd surfaces. Refec to Appendix 1 for a definition of hazd sucfaces. QAPP means Quality Assuxance Project Plan. Qualified Personnel megns someone who has had pzofessional a:auvng in the aspects of stozmwatez management foc�yhich they aie responsible and aze undes the funcdonal contcol of the Pezmittee. Qualified Personnel may be staff inembezs,contcactozs,or volunteers. Quality Assurance Project Plan means a document that describes the objecdves of an envuonmental study and the procedures to be Eollowed to achieve those objectives. RCW means the Revised Code of Washington State. Receiving waterbody ot receiving watets means nanually and/oz reconsuucted natiivally occuiring surface water bodies, such as creeks, streams,rivers,lakes,wedands, estuaiies, and marine waters, ox ground water,to which inFiltradon MS4 dischazges. . Redevelopment means,on a sire that is akeady substanrially developed (i.e,has 35%oz moze of existing r hazd surface covezage), the aeano�oc addidon of hazd suifaces;the c�cpansion of a building Eootprint or addidon or ieplacement of a sfcucnire;stnictvral development including construcuon,installation oc expansion of a building or other structure;replacemen[of hazd surEace that is not part of a routine maintenance acdvity;and land disnubing acdviries. Refei to Appendi�c 1 foc a deFuurion oE hazd sucfaces. Regional Stotmwatet Monitoring Ptogram means,for all of westem Washington,a stozmwatu- Eocused monitocing and assessment pxogcam consisting of these components: status and trends monitoring in small steeams aad ina��e neazshore azeas,stoimwater management pzogtazn effecdveness studies,and a souice idendficarion information cepository(SIDIR).The piiorities znd 20 11coa.an6u:n.loc�I�dopt�,Euiltlin�!PU0 WRKSIUtiIl�leslSlormR�IFDESII�AtlminisVationlAnnualRepors120�oAnnualReport3016ReFonAttechments�2017SWMPPIanflnzl 20�703a7.0or� scope foi the RSMP aze set by a foimal stakeholdec group. For this pexmit tean,RSMP status and uends monitoring will be conducred in tke Pnget Sound basisonly. Regulated Small Municipal Sepazate Storm Sewer System means a Municipal Separate Stoim Sewec System which is automaucally designated for inclusion in the Phase II stozmwatec pe:mitting piogiam by its locadon i4ithin an Uzbaiiized Area,or by designadon by Ecology and is not eligible for a waivu oc exemption updez SI.C. RSMP means Regio�al Stoimwater Moiutoring Program Ruaoff is water that travels acxoss the land sutface and dischacges to watec bodies either directly oc tluodgh a collecdon and conveyance sysrem. See also"Stoxmwatec" Secondary Petmittee is an operatoc of a zegulated small MS4 which is nora city,town oz county. Secbndaiy Permittees include special purpose districts and othec pnblic enddes that meet the cri[uia in S1.B. Sediment/Erosion-Sensirive Feature means an azea subject to significant degadarion due to the effect of constiucuon ranoff,oi areas requuing special piotection to pievent ecosion. See Appendix 7 Detezmining Construcrion Site Sediment Tiansport Potential foi a more detailed deFiniuon. Shared watet bddies aieans warec bodies,induding downstceam segments,lakes and estuazies that receive dischazges fiom mo:e than one Peimittee. SIDIR means Soucce Identification InEormation Repository. Significant contributot means a dischazge that contributes a loading of pollutants considued to be sufficient to cause oz exacexbate the deteziozation of xeceiving watex qualiry orinstceam habitat conditions. Small Municipal Sepazate Stotm$ewet System means an MS4 rhat is not defined as "]azge"ox "medium"pucsuant to 40 CFR 122.2G(b)(4) &(7) ox designated undu 40 CFR 122:26 (a)(1)(v). Source contcol BMP means a strucnue ox opezarion that is intended to pievent pollutants &om coming inro con[act with sto:mwatei through physical sepazation of azeas ox cazeful xnanagement of activities that ace souices of pollutants.The SI�MMWW sepazates soucce conuol BMPs into two types. Structival Source Control BMPs aze pliysical, strucnual,oi mechanical devices,o:facilides that aze intended to pievent pollutants from entesing stoxmwatec.Opeiational BMPs aze non-strucniial pracdces that pre�ent ox xeduce pollutants from entering storinwates. See Volume IV of the S1Y/MMl['/IY/(2012) for details. Stotmwatet means ninoff during and Eollowing pzecipitadon and snowmelt events,including surface runofE,dxainage or interflow. Stormwater Associated with Industrial and Conswction 9ctivity means the dischazge from any conveyaiue wkuch is used foi collecting and conveying stormwates,which is dicectly zelated to mannfacniring,prbcessing oi raw materials stoiage ueas a[an industrial plant,oz associated with cleazing,gxading and/o:excavauon,and is iequued ro have an NPDES pemut in accordance with 40 CFR 122.26. Stotmwater Management Ptogtam means a set of actions and acdviries designed[o zednce the discharge of pollutants from the MS4 to the MEP and to protect wates quality,and compiising the components listed in SS (fox cides,towns and counries)oz S6 (foc Secondary Permittees) of this Pemrit and any 27 llcoa.eubum.localltlephBuiltllny�PUB_WRKS!Uulilies45�orm�PIPDE51PAdr.ih9:�ralion�Annual Feports12016 Annual Repon42018 Repon Atlxhments�2�17 SWMP Plan FIn2l 2017090i.dacx addidonal actions necessary to meet the ieguizements of applicable TMDLs puxsuant to S7 Camp/rance mitb TMDL Requinmentt,and S8 Monitanng amd Arres.rmen[. Stotmwatec Tteavnent and Flow Conttol BMPs/Faciliries means detrntion facilides,rzeatment BMPs/faciliries,bioietenrion,vegetated roofs,and permeable pavements that help meet Appendix 1 Minunum Requuements #6 (txeaunent),#7 (flow conuol),oz both. SWMMWW ot Stotmwatet Management Manual fot Westem Washington means Stormwater Management Manual for Wertern Warbingtan (a.r amerrded in 2014). SWMP means Stocmwater Management Pcogram. TMDL means Total Maxnnum Daily Load. Tofal Maximum Daily Load means a water deanup plan. A TMDL is a calculation of the maxunum amount oE a pollutant that a watez body can receive and still mee[wates quality standazds,and an allocation of that amount to the pollutant's soacces.A TMDL is tke sum of the allowable loads oF a single pollutant from all contcibuting point and nonpoint souices. The calculadon must indude a mazgin oE safery to ensuie that the water body can be used foz the purposes the sta[e has designated.The calculauon must also account foi seasonable variation in warec quality.Wate:quality standazds ue set by states,tenitories,and tribes.They identify the uses foreach watez body,foi exaznple,drinking watez snpply,contact reaeadon(swunmin�,and aquatic life support (fishinp�,and the sciendfic criteria to support that use.The Clean Water Act, section 303,establishes the water quality standazds and TMDL pzogxazns. Tributary conveyance means pipes,ditches,catch basins,and inlets owned or opecared by the Pumittee and designed or used foc collecdng and coxiveying stormwatei. UGA means Uiban Growth Aiea. Urban Growth Atea means those areas designa[ed by a county puisuant to KCVU 36.70A.110. Ucbanized Aiea is a fedecally-designated land atea compxising one oL more places and the adjacent densely setded suuounding azea that togethez have a cesidential populadon of at least SQ000 and an overall popularion density oE at least 1,000 people pei squaze mile.Uxbanized Areas aze designated by the U.S. Census Biueau based on the tnost xecent decennial census. Vehicle Mainteaance or Stotage Faciliry means an uncovered azea where any vehicles are regulazly washed or maintained,ox wheze at least 10 vehicles aze stozed. Watet Quality Standatds means Sucface Watez Quality Standazds,chaptei 173-201A WAC,Giound Watei Quality Srandazds,chaptec 173-200 WAC,and Sediment Management Standards,chapter 173-204 WAC. Watets of the State includes those watezs as defined as "warezs of the United States"in 40 CFR Subpazt 122.2 viithin the gcogiaphic boundazies of��/ashington State and"watecs of the state" as deFined in chapfes 90.48 RGW which indudes lakes,rivers,ponds,stzeams,inland watecs,undeiground wateis, salt waters arid all othu suxface wateis and watercourses within the juxisdicuon of the State of Washington. Waters of the United States refecs to the defunrion in 40 CFR 122.2. 22 Ilcoa.aubum.local�tlopt�BuilCing�PUB 'NRKS!Uli�,itlesl51orm1i1P0E51I1Adminlslration�Annual Repons\2015Annual Repom2016 Rapor.Aitachmenls�20175WMP Pian Final 2017030i.cocx