HomeMy WebLinkAbout07-26-2017 HEARING EXAMINER AGENDAHEARING EXAMINER July 26, 2017 5:30 p.m. City Council Chambers 25 West Main Street I.Case No.: City of Auburn Police Case 17-05473 Appellant: Autumn Simonds 1106 L Street SE Auburn, WA 98002 Request: Appeal of Potentially Dangerous Dog Designation II.Case No.: City of Auburn Police Case 17-05886 Appellant: Jessica Anderson 11412 SE 304th Street Auburn, WA 98092 Request: Appeal of Potentially Dangerous Dog Designation APPEAL OF POTENTIALLY DANGEROUS DOG DESIGNATION Case – 17-05473 EXHIBIT LIST: Exhibit 1 – PDD declaration, and related appeal forms – pgs. 3-12 Exhibit 2 – 17-05473 Report – pgs. 13 - 31 Exhibit 3 – 15-03863 Report – pgs. 32 - 39 Exhibit 4 – 14-15298 Report – pgs. 41 – 44 – prior dog, similar history. APPEAL OF DANGEROUS DOG DESIGNATION Case – 17-05886 Page 1 of 45 CITY OF —% U7RURNT Nancy Backus, Mayor WASHINGTON 25 West Main Street* Auburn WA 98001-4998 *www.auburnwa.gov* 253-931-3000 June 20, 2017 DELIVERED BY CERTIFIED AND FIRST CLASS US MAIL Appellant: Autumn Simonds 1106 L Street SE Auburn, WA 98002 CITY OF AUBURN NOTICE OF APPEAL HEARING Notice is hereby given that the City of Auburn Hearing Examiner will conduct a hearing on the appeal by Autumn Simonds on the City of Auburn's designation of the dog known as "Jorge" as a dangerous dog. The dog known as "Jorge" is described as a male Miniature Dachshund. The hearing will be held Wednesday, July 26, 2017 at 5:30 p.m. in the City Hall Council Chambers, located at 25 West Main Street. DATED AND MAILED THIS 20TH DAY OF JUNE, 2017. CITY OF AUBURN Shawn Campbell, Deputy City Clerk CC: Binta Davis 1104LStSE Auburn, WA 98002 AUBURN * MORE THAN YOU IMAGINED Page 2 of 45 CITY OF AUBURN NOTICE OF APPEAL HEARING Notice is hereby given that the City of Auburn Hearing Examiner will conduct a hearing on the appeal by Autumn Simonds on the City of Auburn’s designation of the dog known as “Jorge” as a dangerous dog. The dog known as “Jorge” is described as a male miniature Dachshund, black in color. And on the appeal by Jessica Anderson n the City of Auburn’s designation of the dog known as “Blanco” as a dangerous dog. The dog known as “Blanco” is described as a male American Staffordshire Terrier mix. The hearing will be held Wednesday, July 26, 2017 at 5:30 p.m. in City Hall Council Chambers located at 25 West Main Street, Auburn, WA, 98002 Do Not Publish Below This Line Publish in The Seattle Times on June 22, 2017 Page 3 of 45 CITY rr FPKR (WICE JUN 16 2017 AUBURN POLICE DEPARTMENT ANIMAL CONTROL DIVISION HEARING EXAMINER APPEAL FORM v'sJ S (Ylo& S0 C e Owner Dog 1,1O (o L SC Sr Pwo N (Jc £ O02 Address Under ACC 6.35.020(D) you have a right to appeal the final determination of the Chief of Police or his designee to present any reasons, orally or in writing,why the animal should not be declared Dangerous or Potentially Dangerous: If you fail to appear for this meeting preliminary notice will become final,and your animal(s) will be declared Dangerous or Potentially Dangerous. If, after the initial meeting date,your animal is declared Dangerous or Potentially Dangerous you may appeal that final declaration using this form. This form must be submitted to the City Clerk by certified mail or in person within fifteen (15) days of the. determination of your animal's status if the original notification was delivered to you in person, or within twenty (20) days if the original notification was mailed to you. REQUEST FOR MEETING ON FINAL DETERMINATION I request a meeting as provided for in ACC 6.35.020(D) to discuss the decision to declare my animal(s) as Dangerous or Potentially Dangerous in Case(s) No. 72-0574042- . I understand hat I have the right to present reasons or information in writing or verbally as to w , 1 y . ima s) sho d not be declared Dangerous or Potentially Dangerous. , iV Signature 0\4)', 1vO1\ J C - L3- 17 Printed Name/Date Auburn City Clerk 25 W. Main St Auburn,WA 98002-5548 Phone: 253-931-3007 Exhibit 1 Page 4 of 45 Page 5 of 45 AUBURN POLICE DEPARTMENT ANIMAL CONTROL DIVISION POTENTIALLY DANGEROUS DOG /DANGEROUS DOG Owner /Keeper of Dog: Autumn M.Sniioiis'- 1106 L St SE Auburn,WA 98002 Case No:17-05473 DECLARATION OF SERVICE I,n.Winner, #9505 , under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of Washington,declare as follows: 1. I am a citizen of the United States of America,over the age of twenty-one,and competent to be a witness herein. 2. I am employed by the City of Auburn,Washington,as the Animal Control Officer and have been employed as such since 12-03-13 , 3. Onthe date indicatedbelow, I causedaPotentiallyDangerousDog / DangerousDog Packet (copy ofpacket attached)to be mailed via ^gj^ar U.S.mail and certified mail,postage prepaid,to the following:Autumn M.Simon^l 106 L ST SE,Auburn,WA 98002 4. OR -1 servedthenoticeto (personal or posting):- - Signature Date: DECLARATION OF SERVICE -1 Auburn Police Department 340 E.Main Street,Ste. 201 Auburn,WA 98002 (253)931-3080Page 6 of 45 CASE NUMBER:17-05473 OFFICER:G.Winner DATE ISSUED:05-04-17 AUBURN POLICE DEPARTMENT ANIMAL CONTROL DIVISION NOTICE OF INTENT TO DECLARE A DOG AS •DANGEROUS POTENTIALLY DANGEROUS ENCLOSED:PACKET COVERSHEET (PAGE 1) REASON FOR DECLARATION (PAGE 2) HEARING NOTIFICATION FORM (PAGE 3) REQUIREMENTS (PAGE 4 &5) INSURANCE FORM (Page 6) Owner /Keeper of Dog: Last Name:Simonds First:Autumn MI:M DOB:09-09-84 Address:1106 L ST SE ,City:Auburn .State:WA Zip:98002 Home Phone:206-261-2386 _Work Phone: Description of Dog: Name:George _Breed[s]:Min.Dachshund Color(s):Black/Brown .Markings: Sex:M/F Altered:Y/N Age:Microchip /Tattoo: License year and number:Expired Rabies Vaccination Exp. Date: Veterinarian Name:.Veterinarian Phone: Whereabouts ofdogifnot at owner/keeper's residence: Page 1 of 6 Page 7 of 45 CASE NTIMRRR:!7-05473 OFFICERiG.Winner DATE ISSUED:05-04-17 AUBURN POLICE DEPARTMENT ANIMAL CONTROL DIVISION TYPE AND BASIS OF DECLARATION &REASONING Auburn Animal Control is seeking to declare your dog: •Dangerous ^Potentially Dangerous At approximately 2030 hrs.onthe 1st dayof May ,2017 .Animal Control haswitnessedor been providedevidencethat your animalhashad ahistorv ofbeing aggressive towards pedestrians while not appropriately controlled by a leash. ********************************************************************************************************* Narrative;See APD Case #17-05473. Page 2 of 6 Page 8 of 45 CASE NIIMRKR:17-0S473 OFFTCERiG.Winner DATE ISSUED:05-04-17 AUBURN POLICE DEPARTMENT ANIMAL CONTROL DIVISION RIGHTS UPON NOTIFICATION OF PRELIMINARY DECISION Owner Dog Address Under ACC 6.35.020(C}you have a right to meet with the Chief ofPoliceor his designee to present any reasons,orally orin writing,whythe animal should notbe declared Dangerous or Potentially Dangerous: Ifyou are unable toattendthis meeting you canrequestthe meeting be rescheduled toa reasonable time that falls within 10 calendar days of delivery of this notice. Ifyoufailto appear for this meeting preliminary noticewillbecomefinal,and your animal(s) will be declared Dangerous or Potentially Dangerous. If,afterthe meetingdate,your animalisdeclared Dangerous or Potentially Dangerous youmayappeal that final declaration usingthe form provided onthe following page. Thisform must be submitted to the City Clerk bycertified mailor in person within fifteen[15] days ofthe determination ofyour animal's status ifthe originalnotificationwas deliveredtoyouinperson,orwithin twenty (20) daysifthe original notification was mailed to you. REQUEST FOR MEETINGON PRELIMINARY DECLARATION I request a meeting as provided for in ACC 6.35.020(C] to discuss the preliminary decision to declare my animal(s)as Dangerous or Potentially Dangerous in Casefs] No.. I understand that I have the right to present reasons or information in writing or verbally as to why my animal(s3 should not be declared Dangerous or Potentially Dangerous. Signature Printed Name/Date Auburn Police Department 340 E.Main St. Ste.201 Auburn,WA 98002-5548 Phone:253-931-3080 Page 3 of 6 Page 9 of 45 CASE NUMBER;17zQ5473_OFFICER:G.Winner DATE ISSUED:05-04-17 DANGEROUS DOG REQUIREMENTS Within twenty (20]daysofreceiptofthis declaration,youare requiredto obtaina certificate of registration anda special license foryour Dangerous Dog from the Auburn City Clerk.The license will be issued upon compliance with the following requirements: 1. Per ACC 6.35.020Cf)(;i]:Placement ofa "proper enclosure" on the owner's /keeper's property to confine the dog. 2. Per ACC 6.35.020(;f](l):Placementofa conspicuously displayedsignonthe premiseswhere the dogisharbored with a warning symbol that informschildrenor adults who cannotread ofthe presence of a dangerous dog. 3. Per ACC 6.35.020(f)C2):A surety bond issued by a surety insurer qualified under chapter 48.28 R.C.W.in a sum of not less than $250,000 payment to a person injured by the dog, or a policy of liability insurance issued by an insurer qualified under title 48 R.C.W.in an amount not less than $250,000 insuring the owner or keeper for personal injuries inflicted by the dog.(OR) 4. Per ACC 6.35.020(f) (3]: Apolicy of liability insurance,such as homeowner's insurance, issued by an insurer qualified under RCW Title 48 in the amount of at least $250,000,insuring the owner for any personal injuries inflicted by the dangerous dog,or such liability insurance that otherwise meets the requirements of RCW 16.08.080. 5. Per ACC 6.35.080 (A]:Ifthe Dangerous Dogis taken outside the required enclosure, such dog shall be muzzled and restrained by a substantial leash or chain and under the physical control of a person sixteen (16]years or older who is capable of restraining such animal. 6. Per ACC 6.35.020 (g):Anydogwhich is declared to be a "dangerous dog"pursuant to this chapter or Chapter 16.08 RCW shall also be required to be microchipped by a veterinarian of the owner's choice,at the owner's expense.This shall be in addition to the other requirements of this chapter and in addition to the applicable requirements for licensing as defined within this title,and this procedure must be accomplished within 30 days after the owner's receipt of the dangerous dog declaration issued pursuant to this chapter or Chapter 16.08 RCW. 7. The special license fee for a Dangerous Dogis $500.00 per year, in addition to the regular license fee. Page 4 of 6 Page 10 of 45 CASE NIJMBER:17-05473 OFFICER:G.Winner DATE ISSUED:05-04-17 POTENTIALLY DANGEROUS DOG REQUIREMENTS Within twenty (20) days of receipt ofthis declaration you are required to provide obtain a certificate of registration and a special license for your Potentially Dangerous Dogfrom the Auburn CityClerk.The license will be issued upon compliance with the following requirements: 1.Per ACC 6.35.030:Placement of a "proper enclosure"on the owner's /keeper's property to confine the dog. 2.Per ACC 6.35.030:If the Dangerous Dogis taken outside the required enclosure,such dog shall be restrained by a substantial leash or chain and under the physical control of a person sixteen (16] years or older who is capable of restraining such animal. 3.Per ACC 6.35.035:The notice of potentially dangerous dog form,available from the city clerk, shall be filed. 4.Per ACC 6.35.035:The special license fee for a Potentially Dangerous Dog is $100.00,and the annual renewal fee is $100.00. Page 5 of 6 Page 11 of 45 CASE NIJMBER:17-05473 OFFICER:G.Winner DATE ISSUED:05-04-17 AUBURN POLICE DEPARTMENT ANIMAL CONTROL DIVISION Owner/Keeper of dog: DANGEROUS DOG INSURANCE REQUIREMENT FORM Last Name:First:MI:DOB: Address:City:State:Zip;_ Home Phone:Work Phone: Description of dog: Name:Breed[s]: Color(s):Markings: Sex:M/F Altered:Y/N Age:Microchip /Tattoo:, TO INSURANCE/BOND AGENT: The above described animal has been declared a Dangerous Dogby the Auburn Police Department Animal Control Division per ACC 6.01 and 6.35,due to: Per ACC 6.35.020[Q[2)&(3]: The owner/keeper ofthis animal must obtain a surety bond issued by a surety insurer qualified under chapter 48.28 R.C.W.in a sum not less than $250,000 payable to a person injured bythe dog,and a policyofliability insurance issued byan insurer qualified under title 48 R.C.W. inanamountnot lessthan $250,000insuringthe ownerorkeeper forpersonal injuries inflicted bythe dog. Additionally,written notice must be provided to the City ofAuburn Police Department within 30 days of cancellation,reduction oflimits,or termination of coverage. Please complete and sign this form, and return with a copy of the policy to the Auburn Polic® Department,Animal Control Division,340 E.Main Street, Ste. 201, Auburn,WA 98002. (253) 931-3080 FAX (253)931-5108.Thank You.Bl nsurance/Bond Agent:~~~~ Name:Address: Phone:Company Name:Pohcy Number: Date:Insurance/Bond Ag Page 6 of 6 Page 12 of 45 Exhibit 2 Page 13 of 45 Page 14 of 45 Page 15 of 45 Page 16 of 45 Page 17 of 45 Page 18 of 45 Page 19 of 45 Page 20 of 45 Page 21 of 45 XRNITY Connect XFINITY Connect Jorge Simonds (dog) From :diane best <waterliiy_0507@yahoo.com> Subject:Jorge Simonds (dog) To:23sinnonds@comcast.net Reply To :diane best <waterlily_0507@yahoo.com> Towhom it may concern: In regards to Jorge: 1^ay 23, 2017 5/25/17,10:42 AM 23simonds@coincast.net +Font Size - Wed, May24, 2017 11:45 PIW \\ I,Diane Best,was the one whom helped picl<out Jorge as a family dog for Autumn Simond's....Ai tumn:tias-4-chil^ren andTieeded^^mily friendly dog.... Jorge playswiththeir cat,playing chase allover the house and both animalsloveit. Jorge has n 5ver been put in a room away from g Believe me,there is alot of kidsand adults that come to visitthe Simond's home. Jorge plays a b I have witnessed many times when Jorge has interacted with other people and animals.He isa v'ery playful dog..I have watched Jorge interact with Autumn's mom's dog. He plays wellwith other dogs. Children and adults....Jorge is mostly an inside dog. I cant imagin I have moved in the last 6 months to the East side of WA and miss the Simond's and Jorge. I hope this helps to keep Jorge at his home with his family. He is loved by a family of 5 and manv Sincerely, Diane Best 2908 N Sargent Rd Spokane Valley,WA 99212 509-690-4048 https://web.mail.comcast.net/zimbra/h/printniessage?id=141681&tz=America/Los_Angeles&xinn=1 g part of being in the family, ery playful dog..I have wa e Jorge harming anyone.. visitors Page 1 of 1 Page 22 of 45 XFINITY Connect XFINITY Connect Jorge From :sljonesl608@yahoo.com Subject:Jorge To;23simonds@comcast.net Reply To:sljonesl608@yahoo.com To Whom It l^ay Concern:- . . r My name isSandra and I am writingthis letter to testify to Jorge's character.I have knownJorge Jorge has always been a very loving puppy/dog witha very calmdemeanor and lovesmeeting ne as other animals including dogs,cats,and even bunnies.Jorge has always been accepting oiF hew to all situations.He will sometimes bark for attention,as do many dogs. However once he receive he is quiet. Jorge has never shown any signs of aggression toward any person or animalwhether have observed himmaintaining his ralm and loving demeanor in many publicsituations over the ] affection from everyone he comesincontactwith.Recently Ms.Simonds and I tookJorge and my 5/25/17,10:41 AM 23simonds@comcastnet +Font Size - Wed, May24, 2017 10:32 PM since Ms.Simonds got him as a puppy. A/people, both kidsand adults alike, as well peopleand animalsand adjustsvery well s attention and gets petted by new people it is someone he knows or someone new.I ears,graciously accepting attention and dog to a very large event in Auburn called PetPalooza and Jorge once again proved his calm and loving demeanor around hundreds of strande people andother dogs,not once showing any sign of aggression and allowing strange kids,adults,and dogs to approach him and pet him c him withoutreactinginany sort of negative way.His onlyreactionwastailwags,licks,and rolls inthe grass. In conclusion,Jorge isand alwayshas been an amazing and loving dog and has never been aggressivetoward any other personor animal. He barks for attention sometimes but barking is not,of itself,a sign of aggression.Many dogs bark for attention,out of Excitement,or sometimes for no reason at, all.Jorge is not a dangerous or aggressive dog and I trust him fully. Tliank you, Sandra Jones Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android nd get down very close to his face kissing https://web.mail.conicast.net/zimbra/h/printmessage?id=141679&tz=America/Los_Angeles&xini=Page 1 of 1 Page 23 of 45 XFINITY Connect XFINITY Connect Jorge From ; Caren Noehl <carennoehllpn@gnnail.com> Subject:Jorge To:23simonds@conncast.net l^y name is Caren Noehl,and this is my statement tothe character ofAutumn Simonds'dog Jorgej. 5/25/17,10:40 AM 23simonds@comcast.net +Font Size - Wed, May 24,2017 05:58 PM I am currently a nur^for the Enumclaw School District.Previously I was a nurse for Cascade Plac hewasonlya few weeks'old and he is^ll the sizeofa puppy.He isone ofthe most kind and gei at anyone and is extremely gentle with ail people. He doesn't bite, even when playingand he is © to bring him to visit residents at the assisted living community wherewe worked.He wasquietah always got many smiles and complements about how well behaved he was. Currently,I now work with medically fragile children (who are on ventilators that keep them alive) visit.There is not many dogs Whocan handle the strange noises of the veritilator machines and Jorge does this and it's remarkable.He is a very lovingand sweet dog. Just recentlyJorge, along with my dog, went to Pet Palooza in Auburnwhere there were literally h go with it, but Jorge did not react to any of them.He passed them all by and paid no attention,e\ him.He simply didnot react. Jorge has been many places with many different environments and he stays calm. It's very unique Jorge. I have seen many therapy dogs come through my places of workand can say that Jorge is situations.Hetrulyshouldbe a regulartherapy dog and be ableto bring smilestp many mpre^pec family dbg;'\ivh6 even adores cats.To see Jorge as anything otherthenan amazing dog isa trime hisgreat behaviorand willingness to make people smile.Someone fiirryfora sad person to cuddle, Jorge is^a gbod.dog-.jThere should be more like him.It's an honor to know him and to recommenc Thisis fny professional opinion on the character ofJorge. Thank you, Caren Noehl,, b • / . o Licensed Nurse 253-397-9931'''C-iO e Assisted Living. I have known Jorge since ihtle dogs I haveever met. Hedoes notbark tremely calm in all situations.Autumn used d loving to everyone he would visit and 5..-. https://web.mail.cbmc'ast.net/zimbra/h/"printnnessage?id=14i673&tz=Arnerica/Los_Angeles&xim=1 and once more Autumn brings Jorge to II remain calm and comfort a child.But undreds of dogs there,and chaotic noise to 'en when other dogs barked or growled at • 'i for a dog to be as laid back and kind as very much like them.Better even,in some lople.Heisan-excellentexampleof a great Jdrgedeservesto be recognized for all of I hope this will help everyone to see that him for the good things he does. Page 1 of 1 Page 24 of 45 XFINITY Connect XFINITY Connect Jorge From : David Noehl <carenshubby7@gmail.com> Subject:Jorge To:23sinnonds@comcast.net Cc:ICE Wife Caren <davidswify7@gmail,com> My name is David Noehi and this is my character statement for AutumnSImonds'small dog Jorge, montholdand he has alwaysbeen a mellowdog. Jorge isgentle, and playful with mychildrenwh on my lap or someone else's lap. He has never growled or snapped at anyone and is even gentle a great family friendly dog. He has a heart of gold and the most mellowattitude a dog could ever Thank you, David Noehl CertifiedNursing Assistant '' 253-632-4235 Sent from my.iPhone i '•••f"- . ')/ r • ' • r •"S^'-\ 'j'.• ..•'5 Wtps://web.mail.cbmpas,t.;het^zinnbra7h/printniessage?id=l4;l676&tz=Am|nca/LosJ\ngeles& rv 5/25/17,10:40 AM 23simonds@cotncast.net +Font Size - Wed,May 24,2017 06:19 PM I have known him since he was about a en we visit. Most of the time he is snuggled newborn babies and elderly people.He is have.Jorge is a good dog. Page 1 of 1 Page 25 of 45 May 11,2017 To whom it may concern; I am writing thisletterin regards to case numbeji received this letter on May 9,2017.1 was given 10 day : Since I did not receive this letter until 5 days after the unable to look into this issue further.I am also hoping before May 14*^witch will be the 10 days. I am also writing this letter because this matter is now going to court.I believe that the person that has issued all the complaints against my dog should also be present at this time.My dog Jorge has never bitten nor came close to ever biting anyone.I honesth' neighbor has something against me and is doing everj' power to get me evicted from my house.One of her coi office was that I gave her flowers in the attempt to apci the issue that I am still unaware of. I have done nothing to her but been kind to her.I am not sure how I can fix this.I beheve my dog is scared of her so he just barks.In her culture I understand that s ware a full covered black parka and I think that may h do with why my dog barks at her.I try to never take h: she is outside to respect her space as well as to make sure my dog does not bark at her. Ialso have neighbors and lots of people that will testify on the behalf of Jorge. Thank you for taking the opportunity to read tl^is Autumn Simonds 206-261-2386 r 17-05473.1 s to respond. date Issued.I was this gets to you ''believe that my thing in her mplains to my ilogize and mend le chooses to ave something to m outside when Page 26 of 45 Detailed History for Police Inc #AP170032080 As of 5/06/2017 17:41:47 Output for: AP3135 Priority:4 Type:FUP - FollowUp Request Location:1104 L ST SE, AUB LocCross:BTWN 9TH ST SE AND 12TH ST SE ICUnit: PrimeUnit:8A9 Dispo:E Type:FUP - FollowUp Request Agency:AP Group:A1 Beat:A4 RD:AP4249 Case #:CAP170005473 Detail Created: 05/03/2017 09:24:32 APM529 AP9505 Entered: 05/03/2017 09:24:32 APM529 AP9505 Dispatch:05/03/2017 09:24:32 APM529 AP9505 Enroute: 05/03/2017 09:24:32 APM529 AP9505 Onscene: 05/03/2017 09:24:32 APM529 AP9505 Closed: 05/03/2017 11:09:58 APM529 AP9505 09:24:32 *CREATE Location:1104 L ST SE, AUB Type:FUP Group:A1 RD/MapBox:AP4249 TypeDesc:FollowUp Request LocCross:BTWN 9TH ST SE AND 12TH ST SE Priority:4 Response:F:1P Agency:AP LocType:S 09:24:32 *ENTRY Comment:REF .AP31635. 09:24:32 *DISPOS 8A9 Location:1104 L ST SE, AUB Operator:AP9505 OperNames:WINNER, GEORGE 09:24:32 -PRIU 8A9 09:24:32 -PREMIS Comment:PPR 09:41:27 *RFT 8A9 Comment:INQUIRY CADQ,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,AJK7833, ,,,,,,, 10:07:05 *MISCN 8A9 Comment:PER RP, DOG CHARGED HER UP TO HER DOOR. 10:07:47 *MISCN 8A9 Comment:PER DOG OWNER, DOG WAS JUST OFF OF DOG OWNER'S BACK PORCH, BARKING. OWNER GRABBED DOG AND TOOK HIM BACK INSIDE. 10:18:01 *CASE 8A9 Case#:CAP170005473 10:18:27 *MISCN 8A9 Comment:RP UNABLE TO PROVIDE STATEMENT AT THIS TIME, BUT IS WILLING TO TESTIFY IF NEEDED. 10:18:56 *CHGLOC 8A9 Location:LES GOVE PARK, AUB Comment:S. LOT, PAPER 10:19:01 *ONSCN 8A9 10:19:17 *RI 8A9 11:04:28 *RFT 8A9 Comment:INQUIRY WANT,,,,SIMONDS, AUTUMN M,09091984, ,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,, ,, 11:06:16 *LOGM 8A9 Message:011705031806025654 MessageType:Text Received:N Comment 11:09:58 *CLEAR 8A9 Dispo:E 11:09:58 -PRIU 8A9 11:09:58 -CLEAR 11:09:58 *CLOSE Page 1 of 1CAD/Ti 5/6/2017http://vcc-tib-web/B780LiveCAD/Html/SystemDocs/CADInterface.aspx?_CMD=CHQ&Q... Page 27 of 45 Page 28 of 45 Page 29 of 45 Page 30 of 45 Page 31 of 45 Exhibit 3 Page 32 of 45 Page 33 of 45 Page 34 of 45 Page 35 of 45 Page 36 of 45 i CD o ^ 0-Q o ^ Auburn Police Department^n I u'cpdi imeriu }\Services Warning Notice 40 E.Main St.,Suite201 Auburn,WA 98002 253-931-3080 % erson? DOB ZIP '7S'<oo7^ Phone# License S/Nama License #/Name Case# Contact by ACO required? •Yes DNo EO?DYes poster(6.02.030) hide (6.02.050) edby leash (6.02.040) lan(6.02.090) '6.04.010) \og declaration r criminal charges including iblem by: (hen off private property ^cf253^931-^6^^ pur officeat 253-931- 2^/S' Noticerev.Dec.2013 Page 37 of 45 „.AUBURN POLICE DEPARTMENT CaseSTATEMENT•SUSPECT •VICTIM ^WITNESS Number:i£'^3SCS )io^u 6+,lO<4 Date:Time/Hours:L-lion ^Y\-i Place;^SC ; /Statement of:6>n4-^Haxx^r,~D ayt,a - ia p-2^ Taken by: /Date of Birth:~G^Age:Alias; ^Address:(10.4 l S-}-.5f-A^.'^bartx LM r ^ 0 (v^O(a \Work Phone#:HomePhciie#:H5~o0 CellPhoile #:^jZZ-- This incident occurred oh SaturdayMarch, i4,2015,between 6arjd 7pm inAubum,WA 98002. After arriving from wbric,my sondecidedtoplayoutside,.since itwqs a beautify day. -- - . . - _ - Icalledmyneighbor's sontoplaywith myson,Khalid inmyback,yardqt 1104 LStre,et SE.Auburn,WA 98002.My sonand his friend stayed in my backyard playing with a soccer ball. My nextdoor neighbor's daughterwasalsointheirbackyard,1106 LSt.SE,playing withherunleasheddog and her fHend whileher mother's boyfriend watched.Within about5orso minutes,the boyfriend went into the house.Within minutes of him going inside, the dog began barking,and started attacking myson inmy backyard. Because ifthe last dogbiteexperience from oneof this neighbor's dogs,Ibeganto sciteam and yell fdrfhedogtoleavemyson alone and go ovydy.Iwashopingfhatsomeonewpoldhear meand catch the dog. [jumped betweenmysonandthedogand thedog started tocornsatme butretreatedwhenIbegan toprotectmyson. Iscreamedand calledoutagain and the neighbor'sddughfercalledforthe boyfriend tocome outofthe house. Hecame outot thehouse and1immediately tried toget his attention and frantically pleaded thathe control is dog because he was atfacking my •son and then me. isaid."Excuse,me!Excuse me!Please neighbor,could you please stop your dog from attacking my ison."Isaid,"He just attacked mysonand almostbit hinn.If Ihad notjumpedintothe middleofthem,he wouldhave hurthim.""Please",Isaid. "Idon't ' want this." My neighbor's boyfriend responded with."There is nothing I.can do,"Then,Isaid,"thank youneighbor",and Iimmediately tookmy sonand hisfriend away and began walking around them on tothe sidewalk to myson'sfriend'shouseat 1108 LSt.SE.' Just aswe arrived at my son'sfriend's house thedog broke away from his owners andrantousagaininthe front yarddf 1108 L.St. SE and storied barking and chasing and attacking my child again.Istarted screaming again and agqin.The dogwasgrovWingiand angry.The dog wouldn't leaveusqlone,sotosavemy son,Iagainjumped into the middle ofthem.The neighbor's boyfriend watched thewhole time anddidnothing once more.He didnoteventry to call thedogback.Shortly thereafter.Ireported this incident to the police. Respectfully submitted on April6,201:5 Bintd Moussa-Davis 1104LSt.SE. Seattle,WA 98002 I certify underpertalty^f f^usfTuaeFtKeXsn^fis true and correct; Statement,B(01/09).Page_l of_J Page 38 of 45 AUBURN POLICE DEPARTMENT STATEMENT CONTINUATION Date:Time/Hours: Statement of: Number: Place: rt^£ify"amier:peiralt5-of:pei-jury^under-the ;t:awsof;thcState of Wa^hingtonr^Jia^the ^bove^statementis true and correct. Fomis\Statement,Pg2 (01/d9)Page of OK.oiyy izydysr mmmM Page 39 of 45 CAD/Ti Detailed History for Police Inc #AP150021132 As of 4/10/2015 05:24:23 Output for: AP9214 Priority:4 Type:ANIMAL -Animal Complaint Location:1104 L ST SE, AUB btwn 9TH ST SE and 12TH ST SE lcr�ated: 1103/26/2015 14:J8:1011cR14 llvo10s6I !Entered: 1103/26/2015 14:21:49l1cR14 llvo10s6I !Dispatch: I l03/26/2015 15: 13:391 IAPM529l1AP9505 1 IEnroute: II03/26/2015 15:18:44IIAPM529l1AP9505I lonscene: 1103/26/2015 15:21:34l1APM52911AP95051 !control: 1103/26/2015 15:34:4ollPD40 llvo12oo l letosed: 1103/26/2015 15:50:2511APM52911AP95051 ICU nit: PrimeUnit:8A9 Dispo:F Type:ANIMAL -Animal Complaint Agency:AP Group:Al Beat: RD:AP4249 Case #:CAP150003863 Detail Page 1 of 1 14:18:10 CREATE Location:1104 L ST SE, AUB Type:ANIMAL Name:MOUSSA-DAVIS,BINTA/VIC'S MOM RPaddr:1104 L ST SE, AUB Phone:206/422-8743 Group:Al RD/MapBox:AP4249 TypeDesc:Animal Complaint LocDesc:btwn 9TH ST SE and 12TH ST SE Priority:4 Class:F:lAC Agency:AP LocType:S RPCon?:Y 14:18:10 ALI E911Phne:206/422-8743 E911Pilot:253/511-4244 E911Add:2808 A ST SE, AUB E911Subs:AT&T MOBILITY E911Srce:WPH2 AliLong:-122.213953 AliLatitude:47.298106 Uncertainty:201 14:18:10 ALIGEO GeoLong:-122.213953 GeoLat:47.298106 ClosestAdd:1110 L ST SE AddDesc:12 ft E Closestlnt:L ST SE / 12TH ST SE InterDesc:282 ft N Areal:AP4249 Area2:AF2120 14:21:49 ENTRY Comm�nt:ON 3/14, NABOR'S DOG ATTEMPTED TO ATTACKRP'S SON. RP REQ IN PERSON CONTACT AT HOME. 14:21:48 -SELECT 14:21:49 -PREMIS Comment:PPR 14:22:01 NOMORE 14:22:42 HOLD 14:43:18 STACK 15:13:39 *DISP 15:18:44 *ENRTE 15:21:34 *ONSCN 15:34:40 OK 15:36:56 *CASE 15:42:00 *PRIOR 15:47:34 *RFT 15:48:05 *MISCN 15:50:25 *CLEAR 15:50:25 -PRIU 15:50:25 -CLEAR 15:50:25 *CLOSE CONTACT INFO: 8A9 Comment:8A9 A WARE 8A9 Operator:AP9505 OperNames:WINNER, GEORGE 8A9 8A9 Case#:CAP150003863 Location:1104 L ST SE, AUB 8A9 Comment:INQUIRY WANT,SIMONDS, AUTUMN M,09091984,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 8A9 Comment:RP IS ESL, PROVIDED STATEMENT FORM TO WORK ON WRITING DOWN HER STATEMENT. SON WAS CHARGED TWICE BY THE NEIGHBOR'S DOG FROM NGBR. OWNER IS SIMONDS, AUTUMN M 090984. 8A9 Dispo:F 8A9 !Name IIPhone HRPaddr URPCon? Umccode IIAttPhn IIRPcon4 I IMoussA-DAVIS,BINTANIC'S MOM ll206/422-8743 1l1104 L ST SE, AUB IIY II II II http://vcc-tib-web/B780LiveCAD/Ht ml/SystemDocs/CADinterface.aspx? _ CMD=CHQ&QQQ=CAP3 863&Fro... 4/10/2015 Page 40 of 45 11. Auburn Police Department Police Report for Incident 14-15298 11/25/14 10:17:01 298 Crime:ANPR ANIMAL PROBLEM Location:4-249 Received By: G Winner RespondingOfficers: G Winner Responsible Officer: When Reported:15:54:43 11/18/14 Address:n06LSTSE Aubiim WA 98002 Crimes Additional Offense:Animal Problem Circumstances LTN43 Open Area Public Clearance: Judicial Status; Misc Entry: Modus Operandi: Involvements bate Type 11/18/14 Name 11/18/14 Name 11/18/14 Name How Received:V Valley Comm Agency:APD Disposition:INACTIVE 11/18/14 Occurred Between:00:00:00 05/01/14 and 00:00:00 08/31/14 Description: Description SIMONDS,AUTUMN MARIE DAVIS,BINTAMOUSSA ABDULATIF,KHALID I Method Relationship OTHER COMPLAINANT VICTIM Exhibit 4 Page 41 of 45 Po'ice Repori for Incident 14-15298 Involved Persons: COMPLAINANT: Page 2 of 3 Last:DAVIS First;BINTA Mid:moussa DOB:09/18/64 Dr Lie;DAVISBM3680Q Address:1I04LSTSE Race:B Sex:F Phone:(206)422-8743 City:Auburn,WA 98002 Height:5'03"Weight:160 SSN: Hair:BRO Eyes:ELK Work Phone:()- VICTIM: Last:ABDULATIF First:KHALID Mid:I ^DOB:.05/02/04 Df_Lic:Address:.1104LSTSE Race:Sex:M Phone:0-City:Aubum,WA 98002 Height;Weight:0 SSN: Hair:Eyes:Work Phone:(>- OTHER: Last;SIMONDS First:AUTUMN Mid:MARIE DOB:09/09/84 Dr Lie:SIM0NAM1670Z Address:I106LSTSE Race:W Sex:F Phone:(206)261-2386 City;Aubum,WA 98002 Height;5'04"Weight:155 SSN: Hair:BLU Eyes:BLN Work Phone:0- Page 42 of 45 ^Police Report for Incident 14-15298 Page 3of 3 Narrative •G WINNER #9505 lOSA NV Tue Nov 18 15:56:20 PST 2014 A resident wished to report being bitten by a neighbor's dog months prior.% On 11-18-14 I was dispatched to 1104 L ST SE for a report of a dog bite.Upon my arrival I contacted the RP,Binta M.Davis.Davis advised she did not know when precisely but 4-6 months prior she had been bitten by the neighbor's small dog (from 1106 L St SB). i advised Davis that without a date and time I could not enforce the matter.Davis still wished a report to be generated regarding the alleged bite. Davis said the dog had bitten her pant leg,tearing the fabric,while she and other neighbors were standing on the sidewalk in front of 1104 and 1105 L ST SE Davis said the dog had not been on a leash at the time, and she was not'sure if the bits had injured her leg at all.^, Davis then provided the details of her son's incident with the dog which . occurred 2 weeks to one month after she had been bitten.Again, Davis said the dog had not been controlled by a leash,the dog had run up to her and her son at the south side of her houise,facing the 1106 L St SE address.Davis said the dog chased her son and'bit him once on the right'leg.Again, Davis was not sure if the bite had injured her son. I then contacted the resident at 1106 L St SE, Autumn Simonds.Also at the residence was Jesus Medina.Medina said he lived at the house "on and off". Simonds admitted that her dog had gotten off leash, and she had reported the " matter herself.I located CN:14-13115,which detailed a different bite to a separate victim,this occurred at approximately the same time. Simonds said she had since re-homed the dog,which no longer lived in Aubiim. Simonds said around one month ago they had gotten a second dog,A Yorkie,hoping a playmate would help calm the Yorkie chat had bitten.Shortly following the first Yorkie being re-homed the second Yorkie had ran out the door while Simonds was taking pizza inside her home. Simonds provided me a copy of a lost dog flyer sitting inside her house.The flyer was dated 11-02-14.simonds said this .was not the dog that had bitten.I searched the house for a dog,having the residents sign.a consent to.search . form. There were no dogs or cats inside the home,i also advised Davis that I did.not £lnd a dog inside the home. I adyised'Davis to call back if she recalled the approximate date and time of .. -either-incident.This-report is for information only at this time. b I penalty of perjury under THE.laws OE THE STATE OF WASHINGTON that all STATEMENTS made HEREIN ARE TRUE AND.ACCURATE AND THAT I AM EOTERING MY AUTHORIZED USER ID AND PASSWORD TO AUTHENTICATE IT. Signature:George d Winner #:9S05 Date and Place:ll-18-14 City/Town of. Auburn, County of•King Page 43 of 45 January 27,'2015 Cily ofAubmrri Police Department 25 West Main Street Auburn,Washington 98001 Dear Sir: KB:PoliceReport #14-15298 My nanie is Binta Moussa--Davis.My address is 1104L. St. SE,Auburn,WA 98002. Please be . advised thatI receiveda copy of my police report.I fmdthatit did noit document the incident.asT' reported it to the officer.'. I was bitten bya dog m May 2014.My,sOn wasbitten on I called the police when my son \^as bitten and reported the "July"bite and wanted it documented thatI was bitten earlier bythe neighbors dog. Xheofficer said in order to "enforce" it he needed a date. In conclusion, the officer saidthat if I recalledthe date ofthe firstbite I was.to callback. Thepolicereportwas generated for information only at that time. Myreasonfor writingthisletter tp you,is to.correctthereportandto checkbackas1.was askedto as T nowhayea dateofthefirstbite.Secondly,Iwishto correct the incident report sothatthe events are stated accurateily.I findthe aceountin the f-eport isnot accurate.I onlywantto reportthe truth,so1am rnaking these Corrections today.Thirdly,my Landlord,Green River Homes-King County Authority is askingfor art"official police report" for their records. My dog bite: 1, OnMay ,2014,during theday Iwas talking to my neighbor,Autumn Simonds and Jimmy (1105 LSt SE,Auburn,WA),whi le standing in my parking lotin front ofmy house,when her unleashed dog jumped atme and started to attack me.I was terrified soI ran screarflirig in terrorto my front:doortryingtogetintothe house beforethedogcaught me,but before I could do that,hecaughtupwithmeandbitthe thigh ofmy right leg.Autumn didnottryto call her dog back or try to stop him;She was rude to me about the incident but did pfferJo pay for.my^_ dress,:I told her,I #a;s not womed about'the dress but to piease see that her dog does not bite anyone again.Aftera whilethat same day,whenthingswerecalmer,I knockedonher doorto speakto her abouther dog. 2.The report states the dog bit my pant leg.I vv^as NOT wearing pants.I was wearing a floor length dress.The dog-bit me behind my fight leg through my dress ripping the fabric and its teethwent into my skin. Myleg Was sore afterthat and Ilater discovereda scar onthe back of my leg fi'om the bite.When I spoke tothe officer in November,I did not realize thatit left a scar. My son, IChalid's bite; 1.On July 2,2014 my son was playing in the rear ofmy house.It was not facing 1106 L St .SE as stated in the report.We were both outside when Autumn's dog ran up to us and jumped towards my son..My sonwas frightened and screaming for help.He ran towards our back door near the storage door jfpr protection,biit the dog got to him before he could get inside.The dog bit Page 44 of 45 Page 2of2Cityof Auburn Police Deparlmeni him on his right leg.I was honest and told the officer that when it happened,I was not sure how badly,he had been bitten.Not that I didn't know whether he was injured.1was clear to the officer tht' my son did suffer a "bite."This my response to the report.I was asked to report hack with a date ofmy bite,which I do so in this letter. I have made the corrections thatI thinlc are accurately noted. Finally,early on,when trying to find out information about the police report,the police department said that I had called into drop the case and not want to pursue this.This is false.I did not call into any iiidmdual tqreguest th^s be dropped,ignored,ornot filed,etc.If you have a recording ofthe callen 1can prove thaf I never called you to tell yoii to'drop or forget about this claim. - - - In any case, I am not recanting,nor asking you to drop this case or not file it Please advise me as I want to proceed in any way open to me to complete this claim. I await your reply. Regards, Binta Moussa-Davis 1104 L Street SE Auburn,Vm 98002 (206)422-8743 cc Evergreen Homes King County Housing Authority IK 01 Uy 12 HdH Sir: S,ai#8gil Q,d Nan:S.QV mAl30>3BPage 45 of 45 APPEAL OF DANGEROUS DOG DESIGNATION Case – 17-05886 EXHIBIT LIST: Exhibit 1 – Report 17-05886 – pgs. 6-29 Exhibit 2 – 17-05886 Photos taken – pgs. 30-60 Exhibit 3 – VRFA Report – pgs. 61- 83 Exhibit 4 – Super Form and Probable Cause Statements – pgs. 84 - 89 Exhibit 5 – Dangerous Dog Declaration Packet (faxed) – pgs. 90-105 Exhibit 6 – Anderson Statement and dog’s paperwork – pgs. 106-113 Exhibit 7 – Medical records and requests – pgs. 114 - 157 Exhibit 8 – X-rays of Isabella’s injury pgs. 158- 175 Exhibit 9 – Statements (Video- provided to HE) Exhibit 10 – Voicemails (ref. Anderson’s statement) (Jessica Anderson Forwarded voicemails, provided to HE) Page 1 of 175Page 1 of 175 Page 2 of 175Page 2 of 175 CITY OF AUBURN NOTICE OF APPEAL HEARING Notice is hereby given that the City of Auburn Hearing Examiner will conduct a hearing on the appeal by Autumn Simonds on the City of Auburn’s designation of the dog known as “Jorge” as a dangerous dog. The dog known as “Jorge” is described as a male miniature Dachshund, black in color. And on the appeal by Jessica Anderson n the City of Auburn’s designation of the dog known as “Blanco” as a dangerous dog. The dog known as “Blanco” is described as a male American Staffordshire Terrier mix. The hearing will be held Wednesday, July 26, 2017 at 5:30 p.m. in City Hall Council Chambers located at 25 West Main Street, Auburn, WA, 98002 Do Not Publish Below This Line Publish in The Seattle Times on June 22, 2017 Page 3 of 175Page 3 of 175 Page 4 of 175Page 4 of 175 Page 5 of 175Page 5 of 175 Exhibit 1 Page 7 of 175Page 7 of 175 Page 8 of 175Page 8 of 175 Page 9 of 175Page 9 of 175 Page 10 of 175Page 10 of 175 Page 11 of 175Page 11 of 175 Page 12 of 175Page 12 of 175 Page 13 of 175Page 13 of 175 Page 14 of 175Page 14 of 175 Page 15 of 175Page 15 of 175 Page 16 of 175Page 16 of 175 Page 17 of 175Page 17 of 175 Page 18 of 175Page 18 of 175 Page 19 of 175Page 19 of 175 Page 20 of 175Page 20 of 175 Page 21 of 175Page 21 of 175 Page 22 of 175Page 22 of 175 Page 23 of 175Page 23 of 175 Page 24 of 175Page 24 of 175 Detailed History for Police Inc #AP170034557 As of 5/12/2017 20:27:20 Output for: AP2035 Priority:4 Type:ANIMAL - Animal Complaint Location:11412 SE 304TH ST, AUB btwn 112TH PL SE and 116TH AVE SE ICUnit: PrimeUnit:8A9 Dispo:A Type:ANIMAL - Animal Complaint Agency:AP Group:A1 Beat:A3 RD:AP3523 Case #:CAP170005886 XREF::Fire Inc:#AF170004325 Type:AID Agency:AF Detail Created: 05/12/2017 12:18:06 CR03 V01320 Entered: 05/12/2017 12:19:32 CR03 V01320 Dispatch:05/12/2017 12:20:19 PD40 V01094 Enroute: 05/12/2017 12:23:13 APM501 AP6167 Onscene: 05/12/2017 12:26:40 APM529 AP9505 Transprt:05/12/2017 13:18:05 PD40 V01094 Complete:05/12/2017 13:54:27 PD40 V01094 Closed: 05/12/2017 19:49:27 PD40 V01003 12:18:06 CREATE Location:11412 SE 304TH ST, AUB Type:ANIMAL Group:A1 RD/MapBox:AP3523 TypeDesc:Animal Complaint LocDesc:btwn 112TH PL SE and 116TH AVE SE Priority:4 Class:F:1AC Agency:AP LocType:S 12:18:06 ALI E911Phne:253/230-4538 E911Pilot:253/511-4253 E911Add:11109 SE 295TH ST, COV, AUB E911Subs:AT&T MOBILITY E911Srce:WPH1 AliLong:-122.189987 AliLatitude:47.339993 Uncertainty:1709 12:18:34 ALI E911Phne:253/230-4538 E911Pilot:253/511-4253 E911Add:11109 SE 295TH ST, COV, AUB E911Subs:AT&T MOBILITY E911Srce:WPH2 AliLong:-122.189019 AliLatitude:47.330046 Uncertainty:8 12:18:34 ALIGEO GeoLong:-122.189019 GeoLat:47.330046 ClosestAdd:11442 SE 304TH ST AddDesc:59 ft N ClosestInt:SE 304TH ST / 112TH PL SE InterDesc:417 ft E Area1:AP3523 Area2:AF1872 12:19:32 ENTRY Comment:CONSC, 2 YO BIT BY PITBULL ON ARM... DOG STILL ON LOC IN VEH 12:19:32 -ASSOC Service:F Inc:#AF170004325 Type:AID Agency:AF 12:19:31 -SELECT 12:19:32 -PREMIS Comment:PPR, FPR 12:19:40 ASSOC Service:F 12:20:19 DISP 8A9 Operator:AP9505 OperNames:WINNER, GEORGE 12:20:19 -PRIU 8A9 12:22:00 *RFT 8A9 Comment:INQUIRY CADQ,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,BEE2916, ,,,,,,, 12:22:27 INFO Comment:2 YOM AND 17 YOF BOTH BIT, DAUGH BIT IN FACE... DOG BELONGS TO A FRIEND, FRIEND ALSO STILL THERE... ***RP'S 22 YO SON ALSO BIT ON ARM, JUST PASSED OUT - IS NOW AWAKE 12:22:27 ASSOC Service:F 12:23:05 BACKUP 1A3 UnitID:8A9 Location:11412 SE 304TH ST, AUB Operator:AP6167 OperNames:BATEMAN, MICHAEL 12:23:13 *ENRTE 1A3 12:23:30 *ENRTE 8A9 12:24:10 INFO Comment:2 YO'S ARM POSS BROKEN OR DISLOCATED, VERY DEEP BITE WOUND, UNK IF BONE EXPOSED, KEEPS SAYING "HIS ARM IS ALMOST RIPPED OFF" 12:24:10 ASSOC Service:F 12:25:11 INFO Name:MARTINEZ, JENNIFER/AUNT Phone:253/230-4538 IDCCode:21R7 Comment:DISC FOR FD ONSCENE Page 1 of 3CAD/Ti 5/12/2017http://vcc-tib-web/B780LiveCAD/Html/SystemDocs/CADInterface.aspx?_CMD=CHQ&... Page 25 of 175Page 25 of 175 12:25:11 ASSOC Service:F 12:25:14 NOMORE 12:25:40 MISCA 1A3 Comment:6A1 AWARE 12:25:44 BACKER 6A12 UnitID:1A3 Location:11412 SE 304TH ST, AUB Operator:AP8731 OperNames:WILLIAMS, BRIAN (TRFC SGT) 12:25:58 ASSOC Service:F 12:26:40 *ONSCN 8A9 12:27:00 *BACKER 4A26 UnitID:8A9 Location:11412 SE 304TH ST, AUB Operator:AP4723 OperNames:FEERO, SHAUN (VCDU) 12:27:17 ASSOC Service:F 12:29:55 *ONSCN 1A3 12:32:46 RFT 1A3 Comment:LIC/BAW9386 Repeat:Yes 12:32:46 RFT 1A3 Comment:INQUIRY QL,BAW9386, ,,,,,,,,,, 12:33:13 LOGM 1A3 Message:011705121933028460 MessageType:HTML Received:05/12/2017 12:32:48 Comment:DOL BAW9386 12:33:49 *ONSCN 4A26 12:34:09 *BACKER 2A8 UnitID:1A3 Location:11412 SE 304TH ST, AUB Operator:AP1859 OperNames:FOSTER, DREW 12:34:12 *ONSCN 2A8 12:40:30 RFT 8A9 Comment:LIC/BAW9386 Repeat:Yes 12:40:30 RFT 8A9 Comment:INQUIRY QL,BAW9386, ,,,,,,,,,, 12:41:08 *CLEAR 4A26 12:41:25 RFT 8A9 Comment:NAM/ANDERSON, JESSICA M DOB/19960712 Repeat:Yes 12:41:25 RFT 8A9 Comment:INQUIRY QP,ANDERSON, JESSICA M,071296,,, ,,, 12:42:10 RFT 8A9 Comment:NAM/ANDERSON, JESSICA DOB/19960712 Repeat:Yes 12:42:10 RFT 8A9 Comment:INQUIRY QP,ANDERSON, JESSICA,071296, ,,,,, 12:42:27 RFT 8A9 Comment:NAM/ANDERSON, JESSICA M DOB/19960713 Repeat:Yes 12:42:27 RFT 8A9 Comment:INQUIRY QP,ANDERSON, JESSICA M,071396,,, ,,, 12:47:14 *ONSCN 6A12 12:47:18 LOGM 8A9 Message:011705121947029043 MessageType:Text Received:05/12/2017 12:46:43 Comment:ORDER ANDERSON 12:47:34 LOGM 8A9 Message:011705121947029052 MessageType:HTML Received:05/12/2017 12:46:41 Comment:DOL ANDERSON 12:47:37 *RFT 2A8 Comment:INQUIRY WANT,,,,MARTINEZ, ALEX A,07291994, ,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,, ,, 12:47:46 *LOGM 2A8 Message:011705121947029070 MessageType:Text Received:N Comment 12:48:16 *MISCN 2A8 Comment:ALEX: DOG BITE ON RIGHT BICEPT 12:49:20 *RFT 2A8 Comment:INQUIRY WANT,,,,MARTINEZ, JENNIFER R,06091999, ,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,, ,, 12:49:25 *LOGM 2A8 Message:011705121949029103 MessageType:Text Received:N Comment 12:49:45 *MISCN 2A8 Comment:JENNIFER PHONE: 253-230-4538 12:50:08 *MISCN 2A8 Comment:ALEX PHONE: 253-737-7276 12:51:43 ASSOC Service:F 12:53:49 MISCN 2A8 Comment:1 INC UST 13:00:01 *BACKER 2A3 UnitID:1A3 Location:11412 SE 304TH ST, AUB Operator:AP0807 AP3105 OperNames:DERR, DANIEL; CRAWFORD, JEFF 13:00:04 *ONSCN 2A3 13:11:02 CASE 2A3 Case#:CAP170005886 13:18:05 TRANSP 1A3 Location:SCORE TRANSPORT, SCJ Mileage:0.9 13:18:19 MISCN 1A3 Comment:CORRECTION 0.0 13:19:10 *CHGLOC 2A8 Location:MULTICARE AUBURN MEDICAL CENTER, AUB 13:22:32 CLEAR 6A12 13:28:22 *ONSCN 2A8 Page 2 of 3CAD/Ti 5/12/2017http://vcc-tib-web/B780LiveCAD/Html/SystemDocs/CADInterface.aspx?_CMD=CHQ&... Page 26 of 175Page 26 of 175 CONTACT INFO: 13:31:22 *CHGLOC 8A9 Location:AUBURN VALLEY HUMANE SOCIETY, AUB 13:31:28 *RI 8A9 13:33:34 *CHGLOC 2A3 Location:AUBURN PD, AUB 13:39:37 *RFT 1A3 Comment:INQUIRY QP,ANDERSON, JESSICA M,19960712, ,,,,, 13:40:26 *RFT 1A3 Comment:INQUIRY WANT,,,,ANDERSON, JESSICA M,07131996, ,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,, ,, 13:40:33 *LOGM 1A3 Message:011705122040030893 MessageType:Text Received:N Comment 13:42:57 *ONSCN 2A3 13:44:57 *AOR 8A9 13:44:57 *CLEAR 8A9 13:52:45 *CHGLOC 2A8 Location:AUBURN PD, AUB 13:53:01 *ONSCN 2A8 13:54:27 CMPLT 1A3 13:54:57 *BACKER 8A9 UnitID:1A3 Location:SCORE TRANSPORT, SCJ Operator:AP9505 OperNames:WINNER, GEORGE 13:55:04 *CHGLOC 8A9 Location:AUBURN VALLEY HUMANE SOCIETY, AUB 13:57:01 *LOGM 8A9 Message:011705122057031346 MessageType:Text Received:N Comment 13:57:41 *LOGM 8A9 Message:011705122057031367 MessageType:Text Received:N Comment 14:02:47 *ONSCN 8A9 14:17:37 *CHGLOC 1A3 Location:CITY 14:41:33 *CHGLOC 8A9 Location:AUBURN PD, AUB 14:41:54 *CLEAR 2A8 14:42:11 *CHGLOC 1A3 Location:PUMPS 14:42:28 *ONSCN 1A3 14:44:13 *CHGLOC 1A3 Location:STN 14:45:59 *RFT 8A9 Comment:INQUIRY CADQ,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,ADV4536, ,,,,,,, 14:51:05 *ONSCN 1A3 14:51:17 *ONSCN 8A9 15:56:54 *CLEAR 2A3 16:00:43 *CLEAR 1A3 16:06:56 INFO Location:11412 SE 304TH ST, AUB Info:*FONE* Name:BLACK, SHARLETT/SOCAIL WORKERS Phone:206/744-4028 LocDesc:btwn 112TH PL SE and 116TH AVE SE RPCon?:Y Comment:*FONE* RP/SOCIAL WORKER REQ FUP VIA FONE FROM PD. 16:10:47 MISCN 8A9 Comment:ADV'D OF LAST 19:45:17 PRIOR Location:11412 SE 304TH ST, AUB PremType:PPR 19:45:39 PRIOR Location:11412 SE 304TH ST, AUB PremType:FPR 19:49:27 CLEAR 8A9 Dispo:A 19:49:27 -PRIU 8A9 19:49:27 -CLEAR 19:49:27 CLOSE Name Phone RPaddr RPCon?IDCCode AltPhn RPCon4 MARTINEZ, JENNIFER/AUNT 253/230-4538 21R7 BLACK, SHARLETT/SOCAIL WORKERS 206/744-4028 Y Page 3 of 3CAD/Ti 5/12/2017http://vcc-tib-web/B780LiveCAD/Html/SystemDocs/CADInterface.aspx?_CMD=CHQ&... Page 27 of 175Page 27 of 175 Detailed History for Police Incident #AP170035060 As of 05/16/2017 17:22:12 Output for: AP3590 Priority:4 Type:FUP - FollowUp Request Location:11412 SE 304TH ST, AUB btwn 112TH PL SE and 116TH AVE SE PrimeUnit:1A8 Dispo:T Type:FUP - FollowUp Request Agency:AP Group:A1 Beat:A3 RD:AP3523 Detail Created: 05/14/2017 13:39:13 CR13 V01255 Entered: 05/14/2017 13:42:45 CR13 V01255 Dispatch:05/14/2017 13:47:07 PD40 V01056 Enroute: 05/14/2017 13:51:40 PD40 V01056 Onscene: 05/14/2017 13:51:40 PD40 V01056 Closed: 05/14/2017 14:09:29 APM507 AP3363  13:39:13 CREATE V01255/CR13 Location: 11412 SE 304TH ST, AUB Type: FUP Name: ANDERSON, STEVEN/BRO Phone: 253/876-4250 Group: A1 RD/MapBox: AP3523 TypeDesc: FollowUp Request LocDesc: btwn 112TH PL SE and 116TH AVE SE Priority: 4 Class: F:1P Agency: AP LocType: S RPCon?: Y 13:42:45 ENTRY V01255/CR13 Comment: **FONE** REF #AP34557/ANIMAL .. RP HAS ADD Q'S 13:42:44 -SELECT 13:42:45 -PREMIS Comment: PPR, FPR 13:42:53 NOMORE V01255/CR13 13:43:24 LOGM V01056/PD40 Message: MSGID011705142043030896 MessageType: XML Received: 05/14/2017 13:42:49 Comment: PRIOR 13:43:45 HOLD V01056/PD40 13:47:07 DISP V01056/PD40 1A8 Operator: AP3363 OperNames: DOUGLAS, PATRICK 13:47:07 -PRIU 1A8 13:50:46 STACK V01056/PD40 1A8 13:51:36 DISP V01056/PD40 1A8 Operator: AP3363 OperNames: DOUGLAS, PATRICK 13:51:40 ONSCN V01056/PD40 1A8 Location: PHONE 14:06:47 *MISCN AP3363/APM507 1A8 Comment: I CALLED RP WHO STATED HIS SISTER WAS THE ONE ARRESTED IN THE DOG BITE OF HIS NIECE. 14:07:21 *MISCN AP3363/APM507 1A8 Comment: RP WANTS TO MAKE A SEPERATE POLICE REPORT SAYING THE OTHER DOG DID THE ASSAULT BECAUSE THE DOG'S OWNER TOLD HIM. 14:07:36 *MISCN AP3363/APM507 1A8 Comment: I WILL FORWARD THIS TO THE ANIMAL CONTROL OFFICER FOR REVIEW. 14:09:29 *CLEAR AP3363/APM507 1A8 Dispo: T 14:09:29 -PRIU 1A8 14:09:29 -CLEAR 14:09:29 *CLOSE AP3363/APM507 Page 1 of 2CAD/Ti 5/16/2017http://vcc-tib-web/B780LiveCAD/Html/SystemDocs/CADInterface.aspx?_CMD=IHQ&Q... Page 28 of 175Page 28 of 175 CONTACT INFO: Name Phone RPaddr RPCon?IDCCode AltPhn RPCon4 ANDERSON, STEVEN/BRO 253/876-4250 Y Page 2 of 2CAD/Ti 5/16/2017http://vcc-tib-web/B780LiveCAD/Html/SystemDocs/CADInterface.aspx?_CMD=IHQ&Q... Page 29 of 175Page 29 of 175 Page 30 of 175Page 30 of 175 Exhibit 2 Exhibit 2 Page 31 of 175Page 31 of 175 2 2 Page 33 of 175Page 33 of 175 Page 34 of 175Page 34 of 175 Page 35 of 175Page 35 of 175 Page 36 of 175Page 36 of 175 7575 Page 38 of 175Page 38 of 175 Page 39 of 175Page 39 of 175 Page 40 of 175Page 40 of 175 Page 41 of 175Page 41 of 175 Page 42 of 175Page 42 of 175 Page 43 of 175Page 43 of 175 Page 44 of 175Page 44 of 175 Page 45 of 175Page 45 of 175 Page 46 of 175Page 46 of 175 Page 47 of 175Page 47 of 175 Page 48 of 175Page 48 of 175 Page 49 of 175Page 49 of 175 ... ' ' �--,� ,l _ _,,_.,,6'/,?"',"/l.-�/. �(�{1 ,,· t /I ,-?1/2/ • 1,1 I ( I/' Page 54 of 175Page 54 of 175 Page 55 of 175Page 55 of 175 e e Page 57 of 175Page 57 of 175 Page 58 of 175Page 58 of 175 Page 59 of 175Page 59 of 175 Page 60 of 175Page 60 of 175 Page 61 of 175Page 61 of 175 EExhibit 3 Page 62 of 175Page 62 of 175 Page 63 of 175Page 63 of 175 Page 64 of 175Page 64 of 175 Page 65 of 175Page 65 of 175 Page 66 of 175Page 66 of 175 Page 67 of 175Page 67 of 175 Page 68 of 175Page 68 of 175 Page 69 of 175Page 69 of 175 Page 70 of 175Page 70 of 175 Page 71 of 175Page 71 of 175 Page 72 of 175Page 72 of 175 Page 73 of 175Page 73 of 175 Page 74 of 175Page 74 of 175 Page 75 of 175Page 75 of 175 Page 76 of 175Page 76 of 175 Page 77 of 175Page 77 of 175 Page 78 of 175Page 78 of 175 Page 79 of 175Page 79 of 175 Page 80 of 175Page 80 of 175 Page 81 of 175Page 81 of 175 Page 82 of 175Page 82 of 175 Page 83 of 175Page 83 of 175 Page 84 of 175Page 84 of 175 Exhibit 4 Page 85 of 175Page 85 of 175 Page 86 of 175Page 86 of 175 Page 87 of 175Page 87 of 175 Page 89 of 175Page 89 of 175 Page 90 of 175Page 90 of 175 Exhibit 5 Page 91 of 175Page 91 of 175 Page 92 of 175Page 92 of 175 Page 93 of 175Page 93 of 175 Page 94 of 175Page 94 of 175 Page 95 of 175Page 95 of 175 Page 96 of 175Page 96 of 175 Page 97 of 175Page 97 of 175 Page 98 of 175Page 98 of 175 Certification for Determination of Probable Cause - 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 along with Jennifer, J.M., Alex, and other family members. Also present in the home when the attack occurred was Jennifer and 3 other small children (a 7 month old, a 2 year old, and a 1 year old). Anderson allowed Blanco into the house, but was not inside the house with the dog herself. According to a family member, Anderson had dropped Blanco off at the home 2 times within the past month to be cared for, but the dog was confined to a single room and did not interact with the family. Anderson had been previously informed several times that Blanco was not welcome inside the residence due to his aggressive behavior toward family members and other household pets. J.M., who witnessed the attack, said that Blanco was not on a leash and she saw him grab I.M. by her left arm and begin “shaking her around like a rag doll”. J.M. said she was trying to pry Blanco’s jaws off I.M.’s arm and was bitten in the face. J.M.’s mother said that she was trying to help her daughter get Blanco off of I.M. when her dog entered the room. In attempt to prevent her dog from attacking she grabbed him and moved him to a different room. During this time Alex Martinez was trying to get Blanco off of I.M.’s arm, which was when he sustained at least one bite to his upper arm. Alex was able to hold Blanco down and Jennifer removed everyone from the home. Jessica Anderson then came into the home, grabbed Blanco, and moved him outside to her car. Jennifer told responding officers that when she looked at I.M.’s arm it looked like it was “ripped off”. I.M., J.M., and Alex were all transported to hospital facilities for immediate medical treatment. I.M. was transported to Harborview, where she underwent surgery to try to repair her arm. According to the animal control officer who responded to the call, Jennifer said medical staff reported that though they were “able to save the arm” and I.M. had been allowed home, the nerves were not working well. Because the arm was “crushed”, despite concern over infection they had inserted pins to stabilize her arm. She also had lacerations to her face and back. I.M. will need ongoing medical care to ensure the best possible recovery. J.M., who had been treated and released for several punctures to her face and an 1” laceration (which required 4 stitches), was having to see medical staff again for the 4 puncture wounds along the bottom of her jaw. The jaw, which was “crooked” appeared to have a chunk of bone exposed in her gums. J.M. was also having difficulty breathing. Alex had received an internal stitch to one of the puncture wounds on his upper bicep, but medical staff declined to add additional stitches due to concern for possible infection from the dog bite. On 5/16/17 at approximately 1230 hours Jessica Anderson came to the Auburn Police Dept of her own volition and asked to speak to Animal Control Officer G. Winner regarding the incident on 5/12/17. She was not asked to come down, and she was not in-custody at any point during the contact. She was free to leave at any time, and was again advised of her Miranda Rights from a printed form. According to Anderson she had come to the house to pick up I.M. for a pre-set appointment. She and Isidro were arguing in Isidro’s room, where Blanco was contained. According to Anderson Blanco had been living at the house for the past month or so. During the argument Anderson walked out, and was followed by Isidro. They continued arguing outside the residence, and according to Anderson, as far as she knew Blanco was locked in Isidro’s room. The next thing Anderson knew J.M. came running out saying that Blanco had bit I.M. Anderson said that at some point almost everyone came out and she went into the house where Alex was restraining Blanco, took him, and put him inside her vehicle. Anderson said that the bite wasn’t caused by Blanco, but instead was caused by Jennifer A Martinez’s dog, Crook. She said that there was no blood on Blanco and that he would never attack I.M. Page 101 of 175Page 101 of 175 Certification for Determination of Probable Cause - 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 This concluded Anderson’s statement to AC Officer Winner. Based on the statements provided by Alex, J.M., and Jennifer, Blanco attacked and bit 3 people, inflicting serious bodily injury. At this time there is probable cause to charge Anderson with Dangerous Dog Attack (RCW (DV). Under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of Washington, I certify that the foregoing is true and correct to the best of my beliefs. Signed and dated by me this _17_ day of _May_, 2017, at Auburn, King County, Washington. Officer G. Winner Auburn Police Page 102 of 175Page 102 of 175 Page 103 of 175Page 103 of 175 SUSPECT NAME: Anderson, Jessica M 17-05886 CASE NUMBER STATEMENT OF PROBABLE CAUSE: NON-VUCSA FELONY N O N CONCISELY SET FORTH FACTS SHOW NG PROBABLE CAUSE FOR EACH ELEMENT OF THE OFFENSE AND THAT THE SUSPECT COMMITTED THE OFFENSE. IF NOT PROV DED, THE SUSPECT WILL BE AUTOMATICALLY RELEASED. INDICATE ANY WEAPON INVOLVED. (DRUG CR ME CERTIFICATE BELOW.) D R ON 05-12-17 AT 1218, WITHIN THE CITY OF AUBURN, COUNTY OF KING, STATE OF WASHINGTON, THE FOLLOWING DID OCCUR: U G C R I M E P R O B A B L E C A See attached probable cause certification. U S E I CERTIFY (OR DECLARE) UNDER PENALTY OF PERJURY UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF WASH NGTON THAT THE FOREGOING IS TRUE AND CORRECT. REQUEST 72-HOUR RUSH FILE? YES NO DATE AND PLACE 5/17/17 Auburn (King) WA SIGNATURE/AGENCY _______________________________ ANTICIPATED FILING DATE DRUG CRIME CERTIFICATE D R U G C R I M E C E R T I Part I: On (DATE) the suspect (SUSPECT'S NAME) DELIVERED POSSESSED WITH INTENT TO DELIVER/MANUFACTURE POSSESSED what the undersigned officer (OFFICER'S NAME) based on training and experience, believes to be (approximate quantity and type of controlled substance) (QUANTITY AND TYPE OF SUBSTANCE). Approximate street value of the controlled substance is (value of drug) $ . Part II: FACTS INDICATING THE SUSPECT DELIVERED POSSESSED WITH INTENT TO DELIVER/MANUFACTURE or POSSESSED THE CONTROLLED SUBSTANCE: On (date) at (time) within the City of Auburn, County of King, State of Washington, F I My source of information about this crime (e.g., myself, other person with firsthand knowledge) C A Other Facts: T I certify (or declare) under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of Washington that the foregoing is true and correct. E Date and Place: Signature/Agency: REQUEST 72-HOUR RUSH FILE? YES NO SODA ZONE YES NO DRUG FREE ZONE? Exact location is required: YES NO ANTICIPATED FILING DATE LAB WORK REQUESTED? (Date/Type) O B J E C T T O LAW ENFORCEMENT OBJECT TO RELEASE? YES NO . IF YES, EXPLAIN WHY SAFETY OF INDIVIDUAL OR PUBLIC WILL BE THREATENED IF SUSPECT IS RELEASED ON BAIL OR RECOGNIZANCE (CONSIDER HISTORY OF VIOLENCE, MENTAL ILLNESS, DRUG DEPENDENCY, DRUG DEALING, DOCUMENTED GANG MEMBER, FAILURE TO APPEAR, LACK OF TIES TO COMMUNITY). INCLUDE FARR GUIDELINES. DESCRIBE TYPE OF WEAPON. BE SPECIFIC. R E L E TIES TO COMMUNITY (MARITAL STATUS, TIME IN COUNTY, ETC.) A S E CONVICTION RECORD: SUBJECT ARMED/DANGEROUS SUSPECT IDENTITY IN QUESTION WARRANT(S) FOR FTA HISTORY OF FTA’S (LIST) D P PREL MINARY APPEARANCE DATE JUDGE BAIL AMOUNT $ A RETURN DATE CONDITIONS P R. Y / N RETURNED Y / N EXCUSED Y / N Page 104 of 175Page 104 of 175 Page 105 of 175Page 105 of 175 Page 106 of 175Page 106 of 175 Exhibit 6 Page 107 of 175Page 107 of 175 Page 108 of 175Page 108 of 175 Page 109 of 175Page 109 of 175 Page 110 of 175Page 110 of 175 Page 111 of 175Page 111 of 175 Page 112 of 175Page 112 of 175 Page 113 of 175Page 113 of 175 Page 114 of 175Page 114 of 175 Exhibit 7 Page 115 of 175Page 115 of 175 Page 116 of 175Page 116 of 175 Page 117 of 175Page 117 of 175 Page 118 of 175Page 118 of 175 Page 119 of 175Page 119 of 175 Page 120 of 175Page 120 of 175 Page 121 of 175Page 121 of 175 Page 122 of 175Page 122 of 175 Page 123 of 175Page 123 of 175 Page 124 of 175Page 124 of 175 Page 125 of 175Page 125 of 175 Page 126 of 175Page 126 of 175 Page 127 of 175Page 127 of 175 Page 128 of 175Page 128 of 175 Page 129 of 175Page 129 of 175 Page 130 of 175Page 130 of 175 Page 131 of 175Page 131 of 175 Page 132 of 175Page 132 of 175 Page 133 of 175Page 133 of 175 Page 134 of 175Page 134 of 175 Page 135 of 175Page 135 of 175 Page 136 of 175Page 136 of 175 Page 137 of 175Page 137 of 175 Page 138 of 175Page 138 of 175 Page 139 of 175Page 139 of 175 Page 140 of 175Page 140 of 175 Page 141 of 175Page 141 of 175 Page 142 of 175Page 142 of 175 Page 143 of 175Page 143 of 175 Page 144 of 175Page 144 of 175 Page 145 of 175Page 145 of 175 Page 146 of 175Page 146 of 175 Page 147 of 175Page 147 of 175 Page 148 of 175Page 148 of 175 Page 149 of 175Page 149 of 175 Page 150 of 175Page 150 of 175 Page 151 of 175Page 151 of 175 Page 152 of 175Page 152 of 175 Page 153 of 175Page 153 of 175 Page 154 of 175Page 154 of 175 Page 155 of 175Page 155 of 175 Page 156 of 175Page 156 of 175 Page 157 of 175Page 157 of 175 Page 158 of 175Page 158 of 175 EXHIBIT 8 Page 159 of 175Page 159 of 175 60 7560 75 Page 161 of 175Page 161 of 175 PagPag of 1 of 1 Page 165 Page 165 Page 166 of 175Page 166 of 175 Page 167 of 175Page 167 of 175 Page 168 of 175Page 168 of 175 Page 169 of 175Page 169 of 175 Page 170 of 175Page 170 of 175 Page 171 of 175Page 171 of 175 Page 172 of 175Page 172 of 175 Page 173 of 175Page 173 of 175 Page 174 of 175Page 174 of 175 Page 175 of 175Page 175 of 175