HomeMy WebLinkAbout09-19-2017 PLANNING COMMISSION AGENDAThe City of Auburn Planning Commission is an eight-member advisory body that provides recommendations to the
Auburn City Council on the preparation of and amendments to land use plans and related codes such as zoning.
Planning Commissioners are appointed by the Mayor and confirmed by the City Council.
Actions taken by the Planning Commission are not final decisions; they are in the form of recommendations to the
City Council who must ultimately make the final decision.
September 19, 2017
I. CALL TO ORDER – 7:00 p.m., Council Chambers
A. September 6, 2017
Comment from the audience on any item not listed on the agenda for discussion or public
No items were brought forward for public hearing.
A. Discussion of Adopted 2015 Comprehensive Plan Document* (Teague)
Summary: Distribute, review and discuss publication of the final adopted 2015
Comprehensive Plan Document. Review changes to document made by staff.
B. CPA17 -0001 and CPA17-0002 Introduction to Docket of 2017 Comprehensive
Plan Text and Map Amendments* (Dixon)
Summary: Staff to provide an introductory discussion for docket of 2017
Comprehensive Plan Text and Map Amendments.
Update on Community Development Services activities.
September 6, 2017
Chair Judi Roland called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers
located on the first floor of Auburn City Hall, 25 West Main Street, Auburn, WA.
Planning Commission Members present were: Chair Judi Roland, Commissioner
Mason, Commissioner Lee, Commissioner Copple, Commissioner Shin, and
Commissioner Moutzouris. Commissioner Stephens was excused and
Commissioner Smith arrived after the approval of minutes.
Staff present included: City Attorney Dan Heid, Assistant Director of Community
Development Jeff Tate, Planning Services Manager Jeff Dixon, and Planning
Administrative Assistant Tina Kriss.
Members of the public present: Valley Regional Fire Authority Fire Marshal Karen
Stewart, Rob Renner, Bob Zimmerman, Dave Krons, Wayne Jones of Lakeridge
Development, and Jeremiah Lafranca of the Pierce County Master Builders
A.August 8, 2017
Commissioner Copple moved and Commissioner Lee seconded to approve the
minutes from the August 8, 2017 meeting as written.
Commissioner Stephens was excused and Commissioner Smith arrived after the
approval of minutes.
Bob Zimmerman, 33029 46th Pl., Auburn
Mr. Zimmerman expressed his frustration with a neighbor who built a concrete retaining
wall without a permit. Mr. Zimmerman is concerned with the stability and seismic risk of
the wall adjoining his property. After bringing these concerns to the city’s attention, a
correction notice was issued by the city to the property owner to enforce the wall and
make it more structurally sound and seismically safe. The property owner was required
to undertake additional construction to reinforce the wall. Mr. Zimmerman does not
believe the work to reinforce the wall has taken place and is concerned with the wall
failing and being a safety hazard and causing damage to his property.
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Mr. Zimmerman also expressed his concern with a 1,000-gallon propane tank located on
the same property. He stated in the event there is an earthquake there are no state
regulations requiring safety valves or straps. Without these safety precautions if a
natural disaster takes place the neighborhood is open to a large explosion which would
cause severe life safety risks and property damage in the vicinity.
Mr. Zimmerman stated Fire Marshal Karen Stewart visited the site and informed him that
the tank has met code and the fire authority is only able to enforce minimum code.
Chair Roland thanked Mr. Zimmerman for his comments and explained the Planning
Commission at large has no direct authority over either issue but appreciated his bring
this to their attention.
A.ZOA17 -0005 – Rezone of EP, Environmental Park to M-1, Light Industrial
Chair Roland opened the public hearing on ZOA17-0005, Rezone of the EP
to M-1 at 7:09 p.m.
Assistant Director Tate provided the staff report to ZOA17-0005, and an
overview of the Environmental Park (EP) Zone. The EP Zone consists of a
mix of pre-existing industrial properties as well as several large cities owned
properties that include the Auburn Environmental Park and wetland properties
that are a component of the City wide stormwater management system.
Assistant Tate noted that the Auburn Environmental Park (AEP) will not be
rezoned by this action as it is now designated as “Open Space”.
Because the EP Zone is no longer listed in the Comprehensive Plan as an
implementing zoning designation, a change to M-1 will eliminate the existing
inconsistency with the Comprehensive Plan and challenges that have been
described in developing using the current EP Zoning. Changing the zoning
map to M-1 will expand the viability to utilize, develop, and market the
affected properties.
Since the inception of the EP Zone in 2006 there has been very little private
sector investment into the privately owned properties within this commercial
designation according to information provided to the city.
Chair Roland invited members of the public forward for public comment
regarding ZOA17-0005, Rezone of EP to M-1.
With no public present for public testimony, the Public Hearing was closed at
7:15 PM.
Commissioner Shin asked if incentives were provided to folks developing in
the EP Zone when it was established. Staff stated no incentives were
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provided as it was more of an approach to require a certain type of
sustainable design and green building practices.
Commissioner Smith asked staff if a customer called to report street and
sewer concerns from properties within the area being rezoned would the city
have information on the call. Staff explained if a call is received to report an
issue it is generally logged and noted. Commissioner Smith asked staff if
they could check and see if a call was logged in for a street in the EP and
staff explained that calls are logged by address and helpful if the street name
was provided. The general vicinity was provided by Commissioner Smith.
The Commission and staff discussed the concerns of some of the owners
within the zone at the time of the EP Zone designation regarding conforming
and non-conforming uses.
With no other questions for staff, the Commission deliberated.
Vice-Chair Copple moved and Commissioner Moutzouris seconded to move
forward ZOA17-0005, Rezone of EP Zone to M-1 Zone, to Council for
B. ZO A17 -0006 – Code Change Regarding Calculating Residential Density
Assistant Director Tate provided background information on ZOA17-0006,
Calculating Residential Density.
Staff discussed the methodology for calculating density and explained that at
the August 8, 2017 Planning Commission meeting two calculation formulas
were discussed, calculating density based on “net site area” and “gross site
area”. Net site area formula takes the property and removes a variety of
features from the land area before calculating the density on what is
remaining. The wetlands, storm ponds, roads, etc., are removed before
calculating net site area. By contrast, for the gross site area, the entire
property area is considered in calculating the density allowed in the zone.
The developer and staff face challenges with the current net site area
calculations. In order to make a determination on the development potential
of the property key features must first be designed and the removed before
calculating the allowed number of lots and dwelling units (i.e., stormwater
design, right-of-way dedication, streets and other necessary components).
The zoning of a property can be provided to a customer quickly. However, if
staff is working through the pre-application process or has an interaction with
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a customer at the counter information is not available and valuable time is lost
to do the layout work in determining the net site calculations.
The Commission and staff discussed the option of removing the minimum
density requirement as applicable to short plats. If a customer comes to the
counter and wants to develop an acre of land with a home located in the
center into one or two additional lots, the answer from staff is that you can’t
do that because it needs to be divided into more lots to meet the minimum
density requirement. The City has turned away potential short plat customers
because it is not possible to meet the minimum density with restrictions based
on undevelopable aspects of the land.
Also, the minimum density applicable to short plats does not encourage infill
development. Also, if a property intended for traditional subdivision is
encumbered with critical areas that the developer can prove limits meeting
the minimum density, removing it allows the developer to utilize the usable
land. Staff is suggesting the minimum density requirement as applicable to
short plats be eliminated.
Staff provided a PowerPoint presentation depicting the scale of different lot
size and widths at different densities. Staff explained that irrespective of the
lot size the zoning density regulations still must be met. The thinking often is
if you go with smaller lot size you get more lots. If it is a R5, five-acre
property, you could have 25 lots and if the lot size changes it remains at 25
lots as the maximum. Set-backs, coverage limits and those other types of
standards also still must be met (engineering standards, storm design,
driveway widths).
Removing the minimum density, it will allow the developer to still
accommodate lot fit and be flexible enough to provide a desirable community.
It will reduce the need for applicants to seek deviations from other standards,
most often engineering standards.
Chair Roland opened the public hearing on ZOA17-0006, Calculating
Residential Density at 7:24 p.m.
The Commission and staff discussed the need to adhere to mandates in order
to accommodate the Growth Management Act (GMA) and still make desirable
communities. Staff discussed maximum lot coverage and maximum
impervious surface within specific zones. These lot coverage maximums vary
based on the zoning designation.
Chair Roland invited members of the public forward for public comment
regarding ZOA17-0006, Calculating Residential Density.
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Wayne Jones, Lakeridge Development, PO Box 146, Renton
Mr. Jones stated that most of the changes noted in the proposed amendment
relate to the R5 Zone which has been difficult to work with because of the
density requirements. Eliminating the minimum density while having a 50-foot
width requirement and the flexibility with depth will produce a product that is
more affordable because you are not having to first design around all of the
wetlands and features of the property. You can use the width of the lot and
still achieve the density standards.
Mr. Jones stated he is supportive of the amendments to ZOA17-0006 and
believes these updates still will meet the GMA mandate and zoning
Jeremiah Lafranca of the Master Builders Association of Pierce County
3711 Center Street, Tacoma
Mr. Lafranca thanked staff for talking with folks in the industry to discuss this
amendment. The MBA is supportive of the ZOA17-0006. MBA feels the
amendment achieves the goals of the city, to maximize density and allow for
greater infill to take place while maintaining the look and feel desired in
Auburn neighborhoods.
The key component to the amendment with smaller lots is to allow for more
amenities. The density can be achieved while still providing a good look and
feel for the neighborhood without crowding the development. The MBA is
appreciative of the work that staff and the city has done to bring this forward.
If the amendment is approved, it will assist in achieving growth target goals to
provided needed housing in Auburn while still preserving the desired
Bob Zimmerman, 33029 46th PL. S., Auburn
Mr. Zimmerman explained that he is concerned that at the density standards
begin discussed how will the city protect their exposure in a fully-involved
structure fire. With homes being built so close it to one another seems
difficult for fire not to spread through a block.
The Chair asked if the Karen Stewart, representative from VRFA wanted to
comment on the question.
Karen Stewart, Valley Regional Fire Authority
Ms. Stewart explained that hazards that present themselves due to density of
lots is managed by installing sprinklers during the building phase which would
prevent a fire from extending to the neighboring homes. Ms. Stewart also
reported that fire-resistant construction walls can be installed between houses
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during the construction phase. Those measures along with other
improvements help with reducing the spread of fire and suppression of a fire.
A discussion was held on infill development and the regulations that would
need to be met. Staff provided several examples of what infill may look like
based on city standards.
With no further public testimony from the public, Chair Roland closed the
public hearing at 7:59 p.m.
Commissioner Smith expressed his support of removing the minimum density
requirements and he is concerned that it may lead to allowing a minimum lot
size of 4,500 square feet. Commissioners Smith stated he would like to
divide the recommendation.
Commissioner Smith moved and Vice-Chair Copple seconded to recommend
moving forward to Council for approval the elimination of the minimum density
requirement for subdivisions.
Commissioner Smith moved and Vice-Chair Copple seconded to recommend
moving forward to City Council for approval a minimum lot size of 6,000
square feet with a width of 50 feet.
Vice-Chair Copple withdrew his second to the motion. Chair Roland accepted
his withdrawal. Chair Roland asked if there was a second on the floor; with
no second to the motion, the motion failed.
Vice-Chair Copple moved and Commissioner Shin seconded to recommend
moving forward to City Council for approval (as noted in the staff report on
Page 26, Items 1-5):
1.Modify ACC 18.07.030.C to eliminate the requirement that the
developer achieve an overall minimum average lot size across the
entire subdivision.
2.Modify ACC 18.02.065.A to reorganize the code so that it is easier to
understand how to calculate density.
3.Modify ACC 18.02.065.A to change the method of calculating density
from “Net Site Area” to “Gross Site Area”.
4.Modify ACC 18.02.065.A to allow for administrative consideration of
deviations to the minimum density requirement.
5.Add ACC 18.02.065.B which exempts short plats from the
requirements to meet minimum density.
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The Commission and staff discussed minimum lot size and density.
Commissioner Smith moved and Commissioner Mason seconded to
recommend to City Council for approval a minimum lot size of 6,000 square
feet with a width of 50 feet.
No items were brought forward for other business.
Assistant Director Tate explained that Karen Stewart of Valley Regional Fire Authority
(VRFA) would like to provide a presentation to the Planning Commission on September
19, 2017. The presentation would provide information on the tactics and operations in
responding to fires from the perspective of the fire authority. Some of the information
ties into construction practices. The Commission was supportive of this presentation.
A rendering of a drawing of the property at 102 East Main Street, the building south of
Nelson Jewelry, containing the tax service business was shown to the Commission.
Efforts to rehabilitate the building by the city and property owner have been forthcoming.
Phase 1 includes a façade improvement, structural improvements, refacing the building,
and adding doorways for multiple tenant spaces. Phase two would include efforts to re-
tenant the building. The building was built in 1909. Staff reported that discussions are
also taking place with the owner of the adjacent building just south for renovations.
Also, the storefront of the Masonic Lodge continues to be restored bringing it back to its
historic style and original glory. These Façade Improvements are partially funded by the
City through their Façade Improvement Program.
Other notable development activity includes that the Holiday Inn Express building permit,
located off C Street, has been issued. The City, along with Valley Cities, and the Auburn
Food Bank has opened up the day shelter at 26th St. NE and I Street. Overnight
services will eventually be offered on the north side by Valley Cities where their Phoenix
Rising Group facility is located.
Assistant Director Tate reported that the first steps have begun an all-electronic plan
review for our civil engineering process, eliminating the need for paper copy submittals.
This will start the process and deploying the same approach for other planning and
building applications. Customers will be happy to see efficiencies in the process.
There being no further business to come before the Planning Commission, Chair Roland
adjourned the meeting at 8:34 p.m.
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TO: Judi Roland, Chair, Planning Commission
Ron Copple, Vice-Chair, Planning Commission
Planning Commission Members
FROM: Alexandria Teague, Planner II, Planning Services Division of Community
DATE: September 6, 2017
RE: Presentation of the Formatted and Edited Adopted 2015 Comprehensive Plan
City of Auburn Comprehensive Plan. As members of the Planning Commission know, the
Comprehensive Plan is the leading policy document that guides the City's evolution and growth
over a 20-year period. The Comprehensive Plan identifies the desired type, configuration, and
intensity of land uses throughout the city, as well as the character and capacity of public
facilities and services such as streets and utilities. The Comprehensive Plan also serves as the
basis for the City's adoption of development standards and regulations such as City zoning,
subdivision and critical area regulations.
2015 Comprehensive Plan Update. In accordance with the Growth Management Act (GMA),
every eight (8) years the City must complete a comprehensive review, and if needed, revise the
Comprehensive Plan and development regulations to ensure that the Plan and regulations
comply with State, Regional, and Countywide policies and regulations. In early 2014 the City
began work to update the Comprehensive Plan with the City's “Imagine Auburn” visioning
initiative, a year-long public outreach and participation effort.
Planning Commission Review Timeline. The culmination of the public outreach effort resulted
in the Planning Commission’s review of the 2015 update to the Comprehensive Plan on January
6, 2015 with a discussion regarding the value statements of the Core Plan (Page C3-1). Per
City of Auburn Zoning Code, the Planning Commission conducts a public hearing on all
potential comprehensive plan amendments, and must make and forward a recommendation to
the City Council. The Planning Commission completed their review of the Comprehensive Plan
with a positive recommendation to the City Council following their final public hearing on
December 8, 2015.
City Council Review Timeline. City Council commenced their review of the 2015 update to the
Comprehensive Plan on November 2, 2015, beginning with a presentation also on the Core
Plan. City Council’s first reading of the Ordinance to adopt the 2015 Comprehensive Plan
(Ordinance No. 6584) occurred on December 7, 2015. Following the Planning Commission’s
positive recommendation, City Council’s second reading and adoption of the Ordinance
occurred on December 14, 2015.
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Approval to Manage Housekeeping Items. The Ordinance adopted by City Council
(Ordinance No. 6584), which enacted the Planning Commission’s recommendation to adopt the
Comprehensive Plan, recognized staffs’ intention to provide final professional formatting and
editing of the Comprehensive Plan. The Ordinance also recognized that the final formatting and
editing would involve technical corrections not resulting in any substantive changes.
Notable Changes to Comprehensive Plan after Adoption by City Council
In early 2016 staff began a search for a professional editor to review the adopted plan and make
recommendations for improving the documents readability, grammar, and voice. Staff In the
middle of 2016 staff selected an editor that had experience in technical and policy writing. The
chose editor also had experience in document formatting. Staff intended to reformat the
document after editing was complete, therefore, the selection of an editor that had both skills
was ideal. The editing process took approximately six months and included numerous
exchanges between staff and the consultant in order to answer questions and perfect the
language. The formatting process also took approximately six months and included evaluating
hundreds of options related to color choices, fonts, and layout options. The purpose of
formatting and finalizing the plan was to feature an easier-to-use and more accessible format
than previously adopted Plans. Because of this, the Plan now looks quite different than the
copy of the Plan approved by Council. The original (unedited and unformatted) version of the
Comprehensive Plan as adopted can be viewed at the following link:
Staff does not believe that the editing and formatting modifications materially change policies
and priorities that were adopted under Ordinance 6584. But because there are a variety of
technical corrections it is important for both the Planning Commission and City Council to take
action to approve the changes. The most notable changes to the Plan are described below by
1. Grammatical and Punctuation Changes. The document was reviewed for grammatical
and punctuation changes and changes made to increase accuracy and readability.
2. Comprehensive Plan Design and Layout. The design and layout of the
Comprehensive Plan was given a makeover. A consistent design theme and new color
scheme was applied to all chapters of the Comprehensive Plan, including the Core Plan
and the seven (7) Elements. The new color scheme of the Comprehensive Plan is
reminiscent of the City’s official color scheme. The cover page for each Element features
a set of pictures that highlight the city history of Auburn. Each Element was also given a
consistent format, title, page numbering system, and table of contents. The layout of the
document was converted into a magazine-column format.
Due to the extensive size of the Transportation Element and difficulty in updating the
format of the document, a brief summary of the Transportation Element was
incorporated into the Comprehensive Plan, for the print version of the Transportation
Element. This summary provides an overview of the intent and purpose of the
Transportation Element, as well as how interested parties can access the complete
version of the Element. Note, the complete version of the Transportation Element will be
made accessible online and at the Permit Center and City Clerk’s Office.
A similar approach to that of the Transportation Element was taken for the
Supplementary Reports to the Comprehensive Plan. Due to the extensive volume and
size of the Supplementary Reports, 11 Supplementary Reports accompany the
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Comprehensive Plan, an Appendices summary was also incorporated into the print
version of the Comprehensive Plan. The Supplementary Reports will be made available
Appendices to the Comprehensive Plan
• Appendix A - Auburn Community Vision Report
• Appendix B - Auburn Housing Needs and Characteristics Assessment
• Appendix C - Auburn Housing Element Checklist
• Appendix D - Auburn Health Impact Assessment
• Appendix E - Auburn Public Participation Plan
• Appendix F.1 - King County Buildable Lands Analysis
• Appendix F.2 - Pierce County Buildable Lands Analysis
• Appendix G - Auburn Airport Master Plan
• Appendix H - Auburn Community Profile
• Appendix I - Auburn Greenhouse Gas Inventory
• Appendix J - Parks, Arts & Recreation Open Space Plan
3. Comprehensive Plan Map. The Comprehensive Plan Map (Map 1.1) was formatted
and revised following Council adoption of the Comprehensive Plan. The most notable
changes to the Comprehensive Plan Map included updating the map background, and
the color and symbols of the Land Use types (e.g. Heavy Industrial and the Muckleshoot
Indian Tribe Reservation Boundary) for ease of reading. The Comprehensive Plan Map
is provided in the Land Use Element following Page LU-25. Also, the Map required
conversion to a different electronic format.
4. Special Planning Areas Maps. The “Land Use Element” of the Comprehensive Plan
adopted by Council included placeholders for a set of maps associated with the City’s
“Special Planning Areas”. Per the Land Use Element, seven (7) different types of
“Special Planning Areas” exist; these include Districts, subareas (Identified areas,
Designated Areas, Adopted Areas, and Areas of Concern), Impression Corridors, and
Gateways. The purpose and function of these areas are described in detail on Pages
LU-18 through LU-25 of the Land Use Element. As part of the final formatting and editing
of the Comprehensive, specifically the Land Use Element, the Special Planning Areas
maps were created. These maps feature consistent design, use of colors, and map
background as the Comprehensive Plan Map. The Special Planning Areas Maps are as
• Map 1.2 – Districts Map
• Map 1.3 – Designated Areas Map
• Map 1.4 – Adopted Areas Map
• Map 1.5 – Impression Corridors Map
• Map 1.6 – Gateways Map
The five (5) maps listed above are provided in the Land Use Element following page LU-
25. Similar to the Comprehensive Plan Map, the Special Planning Area maps should be
consulted together with the written policies of the Comprehensive Plan.
5. Land Use Element Special Planning Area Text.
A. Areas of Concern. “Areas of Concern” are one of the seven (7) types of “Special
Planning Areas” found within the “Land Use Element” (Page LU-20). This type of
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subarea was added to the Land Use Element following adoption of the
Comprehensive Plan to specify that a few areas of the City warrant a close
assessment of and an emphasis on infrastructure development and planning.
The Areas of Concern represent an area that features a lack in the infrastructure
and services (e.g. water, urban roads, etc.) to support an increase in density or
other development. The specific areas included in the category include
AWS/Auburn Black Diamond Road, Pike St NE, and 8th St NE. It should be
noted that these areas were formerly included as a “Designated Area” in the
subarea section of the Land Use Element, and these areas are still and will
continue to be depicted on the Designated Areas Map (Map 1.3).
B. Subarea Plan Policies. The Subarea Plan Policies section of the Land Use
Element contains policy language regarding the City’s subarea plans (Page LU-
21). This section was re-organized to incorporate the policy language of
Appendix A of the Land Use Element. Appendix a previously contained policy
language related to one of the seven types of “Special Planning Areas” – in
particular the “Adopted Areas”. Information pertaining to the Adopted Areas can
be found on Pages LU-20 through LU-23 of the Land Use Element. The policy
language of the Adopted Areas was then consolidated to include only the
introductory policy statements and the corresponding Ordinance or Resolution
related to the adoption of the Adopted Area. It should be noted that each
Adopted Area has its own adopted subarea plan incorporated by reference into
the Comprehensive Plan. Each adopted subarea plan establishes the purpose of
its separate designation, goals, policies, and implementation strategies. By re-
organizing and consolidating the Subarea Plan Policies section of the Land Use
Element, potential confusion of having subarea plan policies in multiple areas is
A – Formatted and Edited Adopted 2015 Comprehensive Plan
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To: Judi Roland, Chair, Planning Commission
Ron Copple, Vice Chair, Planning Commission
Planning Commissioners
From: Jeff Dixon, Planning Services Manager
CC: Jeff Tate, Assistant Community Development Director
Date: September 11, 2017
Re: Discussion Topic: Finalization of the Docket of 2017 Annual Comprehensive
Plan Amendments
Annually the City amends its Comprehensive Plan. These are the “annual amendments”
that the city considers routinely each year as distinguished from the “major update” of the
Comprehensive Plan that was completed by the Planning Commission’s
recommendation at the end of 2015.
There are two sources for these “annual amendments”; the City processes “city –
initiated amendments” in response to items that are “docketed” (text or map). The city
also includes “private–initiated amendments” in response to applications that are
submitted. The City advertised the deadline for submittal of applications using the
following methods:
• Publication of a legal notice in the newspaper
• Posting notice on the city website
• Sending an announcement to a prepared list of interested parties by regular mail
Private-initiated Comprehensive Plan amendment applications (text or map) were
accepted by the City of Auburn until Friday, June 9, 2017, this year.
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In response to the public notification of the time limit for submittal of applications this
year, the City received only one application which was for a map amendment. The
submittal deadline is necessary because the City is prohibited under state and city laws
from amending (City Council action) its Comprehensive Plan more than once a year,
except in very limited circumstances.
At the September 19, 2017 Planning Commission meeting staff would like to introduce
and discuss:
•Final docketed items that are ready for Planning Commission consideration;
•The processing status of each of these docketed items; and
•Discuss the anticipated schedule for planning commission consideration leading to
the planning commission conducting a public hearing.
The docket is proposed to consist of the following 9 Text (P/T) and 18 Map (CPA)
Amendments (summary).
o P/T #1-5 – Text changes to incorporate Capital Facilities Plans
o P/T #6-8 – Text changes to increase consistency of Comp Plan and Zoning.
o CPA #1-4 - Map changes to increase consistency of Comp Plan and Zoning or
current land use of the property.
o CPA #5 - Map changes to increase consistency of Comp Plan and Downtown Plan
and downtown zoning
o CPA #6-7 - Map changes to increase consistency of Comp Plan and based on
previous Planning Commission discussion of the “Open Space” land use
o CPA #8 - Map changes to increase consistency of Comp Plan and zoning that
existed prior to annexation in 2003.
o CPA#9-17- Map changes to increase consistency of Comp Plan and zoning and
revert back to pre-2015 designation.
More specifically, the amendments consist of:
A.Annual Comprehensive Plan Text Amendments (CPA17-0001 - City initiated)
P/T #1 – Auburn School District 2017-2023 Capital Facilities Plan
P/T #2 – Dieringer School District Capital Facilities Plan 2018-2023
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P/T #3 – Federal Way School District 2018 Capital Facilities Plan
P/T #4 – Kent School District 2017/2018 – 2022/2023 Capital Facilities Plan
P/T #5 – City of Auburn 2018-2023 Capital Facilities Plan
P/T #6 - Remove the discussion of a "Mixed Use" land use designation from
the text of the Plan and from the legend of the Land Use Map. The R10, R16,
and R20 residential zoning districts already allow for mixed uses (comprised of
residential & commercial) as permitted uses (See Table 18.07.020, Permitted Use
Table). Thus, it was unnecessary to establish a unique land use designation to
achieve a zoning district to allow.
P/T #7 - Add text to add back the R5, Residential zoning district back in as an
implementing zone for the "Single Family" Land Use Designation. A
significant portion of the city is zoned R5, Residential. However, in the 2015 Comp
Plan this zone was inadvertently omitted as an implementing zoning district of any
Comp. Plan land use designation and must be corrected by adding it as an
implementing zone of the "Single Family" Land Use Designation.
P/T #8 - Change the title of the land use designation of "Residential
Transition" to "Moderate Density Residential". Requested to revert to pre-
2015 title of the category. Provide more logical title for the category to address
and reflect the range of residential densities. The purpose and policies can
remain. The implementing zones change to "R10, Residential" and "R16,
P/T #9 - Add the "R10, Residential" and R16, Residential" zoning districts
back as implementing zones for the "Residential Transition" or if
recommended, to the "Moderate Density Residential" Land Use Designation.
Areas of the city are zoned "R10, Residential" but no areas are currently zoned
"R16, Residential". However, in the 2015 Comp Plan these zoning districts were
inadvertently omitted as an implementing zoning districts of any Comp. Plan land
use designation. There is no corresponding land use designation. To be corrected
by adding R10 and R16 as implementing zones to either the "Residential
Transition" or "Moderate Density" Land Use Designation.
B. Annual Comprehensive Plan Map Amendments (CPA17-0001 – City Initiated)
CPM #1 - Remove the discussion of a “Mixed Use" land use designation
from the text of the Plan and remove from the legend of the Land Use Map.
"The R10, R16, and R20 Residential zoning districts already allow for mixed uses
(comprised of residential & commercial) as permitted uses (See Table 18.07.020,
Permitted Use Table). Thus, it was unnecessary to establish a unique land use
designation to achieve a zoning district to allow. (See also related P/T #6)
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CPM #2 - Change the mapped land use designation of a 2.23-acre city-owned
park parcel from "Multiple Family Residential" to "Institutional". Parcel No.
0921059073 is located south of SE 310th ST, 820 feet west of 124th Ave SE.
The creation of the park was a requirement of a pre-annexation utility agreement
between the city and the developer of the adjacent apartments. However, it took
many years after development of the apartments and annexation for the park land
to be formally dedicated to the City. With the dedication, it is now appropriate to
change the land use designation to be consistent with the purpose of the land use
designation, ownership status & Parks Plan.
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CPM #3 - Change the mapped land use designation of a group of 4 adjacent
privately-owned, previously developed parcels from "Downtown Urban
Center" to "Light Industrial". Parcel No. 5401600200, of 0.06 acres and Parcel
No. 5401600175 of 0.7 acres are owned by In Ho & Nancy Kim. Parcel No.
5401600235 of 0.34 acres is owned by CHS Inc. Parcel No. 5401600260 of 0.34
acres is owned by Gary & Karen Stamps. Proposed to change the Comp. Plan
land use map designation to recognize and be more compatible with developed
status of the properties at the perimeter of the land use designation. The sites
contain existing uses of warehouses, bulk propane tank distribution and outdoor
Page 17 of 47
CPM #4 - Change the mapped land use designation of south part of 2.15-
acre, privately-owned developed parcel from "Residential Transition" to
"Heavy Commercial". Parcel No. 8695200020 owned by Quality Fence Co. and
located on south side of 21st ST SE 390 feet east of A ST SE. Avoid split zoning
where warranted by existing development pattern.
Page 18 of 47
CPM #5 - Change the mapped land use designation of 3 parcels (2 privately
owned and 1 city-owned) from the "Open Space" to "Downtown Urban
Center" land use designation. Private parcels Nos. are 7815700095 and
7815700135 owned by Levan Auburn Development LLC and City-owned parcel
No. 7815700085. Parcels are located across street and south of City Hall.
"Remedy an inadvertent change of mapped land use designation with adoption of
map as part of 2015 plan adoption. Requested to revert to pre-2015 designation
of ""Downtown Urban Center"". These 3 vacant parcels are currently zoned DUC,
Downtown Urban Center. Due to their location and economic development
potential, these parcels should be ""Downtown Urban Center"" land use
designation. Note, these parcels are not currently included in the Open Space
Zoning Amendment per recent Planning Commission recommendation."
Page 19 of 47
* CPM #6 - Change the mapped land use designation (and zoning district) of
the following 46 city-owned, parks properties from "Open Space" to
"Institutional" land use designation: Parcel Nos. 0821059017, 7345300160,
6347000055, 6347000065, 0001000081, 1313500310, 3021059044, 3021059080,
3021059089, 1421049011, 1821059117, 0520061060, 0721059038, 7749501070,
0521059010, 0521059029, 0421059062, 0421059061, 0421059060, 0421059071,
0421059004, 3845000080, 7299602140, 4137070990, 7002181950, 0520051035,
0520051006, 0921059018, 6655000105, 6655000021, 1421049067, 9262800330,
9262800341, 1421049017, 9262800285, 0721059020, 8669150810, 6655000024,
6655000030, 3021059325, 3121059017, 3021059375, 8581400530, 1821059327,
0821059017, & 0621059007. Remedy an inadvertent change of mapped land use
designation with adoption of map as part of 2015 plan adoption. Requested to
revert to pre-2015 designation of "Institutional". Several of the city-owned,
developed and active parks properties were assigned the land use designation of
"Open Space" by adoption of the 2015 plan land use map. Thus, the land use
designation is inconsistent with the designation criteria and purpose of the "Open
Space" land designation of the Comprehensive Plan (e.g. cemeteries and active
parks should not be designated "Open Space"). Also, change the zoning
designation from “OS, Open Space” to “I, Institutional” to agree.
(See Maps 6A- 6G on following pages)
Page 20 of 47
Page 21 of 47
Page 22 of 47
Page 23 of 47
Page 24 of 47
Page 25 of 47
Page 26 of 47
Page 27 of 47
* CPM #7 - Change the mapped land use designation of 3 Tribal jurisdiction
parcels from the "Open Space" to the "Institutional" Land Use designation.
Parcel No. 2021059041, 2021059047, & 2021059037 owned by US GOV in Trust
status or by the Muckleshoot Indian Tribe. The 3 parcels controlled by the
Muckleshoot Tribe are developed as a cemetery and thus, the land use
designation is inconsistent with the designation criteria and purpose of the "Open
Space" land designation of the Comprehensive Plan (e.g. cemeteries and active
parks should not be designated "Open Space". Also, change the zoning
designation from “OS, Open Space” to “I, Institutional” to agree.
Page 28 of 47
* CPM #8 - Change the mapped land use designation of 2 parcels from
"Single Family Residential" to "Light Commercial" Parcels Nos. are
3121059069, 1.79 acres owned by Alan Clayton and 3121059027 3.67 acres
owned by John Nixon both, located on east side of A ST SE, south of Lakeland
Hills WY SE. Remedy an inadvertent change of mapped land use designation
with adoption of map as part of 2015 plan adoption. Requested to revert to pre-
2015 designation of "Light Commercial". Also, change the zoning designation
from “R5, Residential” to “C1, Light Commercial” to agree.
Page 29 of 47
CPM #9 - Change the mapped land use designation of 2 privately owned
vacant parcels from "Multiple Family Residential: to "Light Commercial".
1.75 -acre Parcel No. 0921059042 owned by Highlane Prop. LLP and 0.81-acre
parcel No. 0921059113 owned by Jennifer & James Hunt both are located at SE
corner of SE 312th ST & 121st PL SE. Remedy an inadvertent change of mapped
land use designation with adoption of map as part of 2015 plan adoption.
Requested to revert to pre-2015 designation of "Light Commercial".
Page 30 of 47
CPM #10 - Change the mapped land use designation of a privately owned
0.91-acre parcel containing a single family house from "Multiple Family
Residential" to "Single Family Residential". Parcel No. 0921059101 owned by
Ram Singh Dhaliwal located 130 feet south of intersection of 124th AV SE & SE
307th PL. (30811 124TH AVE SE). Remedy an inadvertent change of mapped
land use designation with adoption of map as part of 2015 plan adoption.
Requested to revert to pre-2015 designation of "Single Family Residential".
Page 31 of 47
CPM #11 - Change the mapped land use designation of a privately-owned,
13.84 -acre parcel developed with a warehouse from "Heavy Industrial" to
"Light Industrial". Parcel No. 1321049019 owned by Western B NW WA LLC
located south of SR 18 at west end of 8th ST SW. Remedy an inadvertent change
of mapped land use designation with adoption of map as part of 2015 plan
adoption. Requested to revert to pre-2015 designation of "Light Industrial".
Page 32 of 47
CPM #12 - Change the mapped land use designation of 7.2-acre private
developed parcel from "Single Family Residential" to "Multiple Family
Residential". Parcel No. 5530200000 owned by Lois Maathuis located NW of
intersection of Mill Pond DR SE and Kennedy AV SE. Remedy an inadvertent
change of mapped land use designation with adoption of map as part of 2015 plan
adoption. Requested to revert to pre-2015 designation of "Multiple Family
Page 33 of 47
CPM #13 - Change the mapped land use designation of a group of 10 parcels
from "Single Family Residential" to "Multiple Family Residential". Parcel
Nos. 2721059053, 2721059063, 2721059066, 2721059126, 2721059156,
2721059157, 2721059162, 2721059168, 2721059179, & 2721059197 owned by
various property owners & located on the north side of Auburn WY S, east of
Academy DR SE. Remedy an inadvertent change of mapped land use
designation with adoption of map as part of 2015 plan adoption. Requested to
revert to pre-2015 designation of "Multiple Family Residential".
Page 34 of 47
CPM #14 - Change the mapped land use designation of 23 parcels from
"Institutional" to "Downtown Urban Center". Some are City-owned; others are
privately owned. Parcel Nos. 0492000460, 0492000461, 0492000463,
7816200100, 7816200060, 0498500005, 0492500100, 0303450000, 0492500240,
0492500275, 0492500260, 0483000085, 0483000080, 0489000040, 7331400135,
0489000005, 7331400460, 7331400485, 7331400486, 7331400500, 8698100030,
8698100035, & 8698100040. Remedy an inadvertent change of mapped land use
designation with adoption of map as part of 2015 plan. Requested to revert to pre-
2015 designation of "Downtown Urban Center".
Page 35 of 47
CPM #15 - Change the mapped land use designation of numerous parcels
within the Lakeland Hills South PUD from "Residential Transition" to
"Moderate Density Residential" Remedy an inadvertent change of mapped
land use designation with adoption of map as part of 2015 plan. Requested to
revert to pre-2015 designation of "Moderate Density Residential".
Page 36 of 47
CPM #16 - Change the mapped land use designation of 0.21-acre city-owned
stormwater facility serving a plat from "Institutional" to "Multiple Family
Residential" to agree with rest of the plat. Parcel No. 1877100170 is owned by
the City and located on south side of 35th St SE, 290 feet west of D ST SE.
"Remedy an inadvertent change of mapped land use designation with adoption of
map as part of 2015 plan. Requested to revert to pre-2015 designation of "Multiple
Family Residential". The lot for the stormwater facility was created from the "D ST
SE Plat" and should retain the same comprehensive plan designation as the
balance of the plat. It is not the intention of the Comprehensive Plan designation
to apply a separate classification to each special purpose lot or tract needed to
support the overall subdivision. Land use designations should apply to broad
geographic areas based on compatibility and not on an individual parcel basis.
Page 37 of 47
CPM #17 - Change the mapped land use designation of a 0.71- acre privately-
owned and developed parcel from "Residential Transition" to "Multiple
Family". Parcel No. 1921059271 owned by Mayfield TNC LLC is located east of
end of B ST SE between 15th and 16th ST SE. Remedy an inadvertent change of
mapped land use designation with adoption of map as part of 2015 plan.
Requested to revert to pre-2015 designation of "Multiple Family Residential".
According to KC Assessor records, the property is developed with two, 2-story
buildings as the "Mayfield Apartments" containing 31 dwelling units.
Page 38 of 47
C. Annual Comprehensive Plan Map Amendments (CPA17-0002 – Privately
* Application by Nexus Youth & Families to change the mapped land use
designation of 3 parcels from “Single Family” with a “Residential Transition
Overlay” to “Light Commercial” and change the zoning designation from “R-
7, Residential” to “C-1, Light Commercial”. Parcel Nos. 1921059142, 192105-
9145, & 192105-9077 totaling 0.72 acres are owned or proposed for purchase by
Nexus Youth & Families and located between Auburn Way S. and ‘H’ St. SE,
approximately 120 ft. south of 9th St. SE, The addresses are 911 ‘H’ St. SE, 915
‘H’ St. SE, and 921 ‘H’ St. SE. (Jay & Daniel Bartholomew).
Page 39 of 47
Item Page(s)Area to be changed Change Reason Pros Cons Comments
P/T # 1
Auburn School
District Capital
Facilities Plan (CFP)
Capital Facilities Element
(Incorporated by reference)N/A Incorporate updated information
Reflect new projects and remove
projects that have been completed
as well as updated information
related to development activity and
projection of student levels.
P/T # 2
Dieringer School
District Capital
Facilities Plan
Capital Facilities Element
(Incorporated by reference)N/A Incorporate updated information
Reflect new projects and remove
projects that have been completed
as well as updated information
related to development activity and
projection of student levels.
P/T # 3
Federal Way School
District Capital
Facilities Plan
Capital Facilities Element
(Incorporated by reference)N/A Incorporate updated information
Reflect new projects and remove
projects that have been completed
as well as updated information
related to development and
projection of student levels.
P/T # 4 Kent School District
Capital Facilities Plan
Capital Facilities Element
(Incorporated by reference)N/A Incorporate updated information
Reflect new projects and remove
projects that have been completed
as well as updated information
related to development activity and
projection of student levels.
P/T # 5 COA Capital
Facilities Plan (CFP)
Capital Facilities Element
(Incorporated by reference)N/A Incorporate updated information
Add new projects to the CFP and
remove projects that have been
completed to remain current.
None Finance Dept. originates with assistance from all other
city Depts.
P/T #6
Land Use Element and Land
Use Map (Incorporated by
Remove the discussion
of a "Mixed Use" land
use designation from
the text of the Plan and
from the Land Use
The R10, R16, and R20
residential zoning districts already
allow for mixed uses (comprised
of residential & commercial) as
permitted uses (See Table
Permitted Use Table ). Thus it
was unnecessary to establish a
unique land use designation to
achieve a zoning district to allow.
To be provided in a future staff
To be provided in a
future staff report
9/12/2017 1
Page 40 of 47
Item Page(s)Area to be changed Change Reason Pros Cons Comments
P/T #7 Land Use Element
Add text to add back
the R5, Residential
zoning district as an
implementing zone for
the "Single Family
Residential" Land Use
A significant portion of the city is
zoned "R5, Residential".
However in the 2015, Comp Plan
this zone was inadvertently
omitted as an implementing
zoning district of any Comp Plan
land use designation and must be
corrected by adding R5 as an
implementing zone of the "Single
Family Residential" Land Use
To be provided in a future staff
To be provided in a
future staff report
P/T #8 Land Use Element
Change the title of the
land use designation of
"Residential Transition"
to "Moderate Density
Requested to revert to
pre-2015 title of the
Provide more logical title for the
category to address and reflect
the range of residential densities.
The purpose and policies can
remain. The implementing zones
change to "R10, Residential" and
"R16, Residential".
To be provided in a future staff
To be provided in a
future staff report
P/T #9 Land Use Element
Add the "R10,
Residential" and "R16,
Residential" zoning
districts back as an
implementing zone for
the "Residential
Transition" or if
recommended, to the
"Moderate Density"
Land Use Designation.
Areas of the city are zoned "R10,
Residential" but no areas are
zoned "R16, Residential".
However in the 2015, Comp Plan
these zoning districts were
inadvertently omitted as
implementing zoning districts of
any Comp. Plan land use
designation. So there is no
corresponding land use
designation. To be corrected by
adding R10 and R16 as
implementing zones to either the
"Residential Transition" or
"Moderate Density" Land Use
To be provided in a future staff
To be provided in a
future staff report
9/12/2017 2
Page 41 of 47
CPM #Page Area to be
changed Potential change Reason Pros Cons Comments Corresponding Zoning
Map Change
CPM #1 Map Section Comprehensive
Plan Map
Remove the discussion of a "Mixed
Use" land use designation from the text
of the Plan and remove from legend of
the Land Use Map.
The R10, R16, and R20 Residential
zoning districts already allow for mixed
uses (comprised of residential &
commercial) as permitted uses (See
Table 18.07.020, Permitted Use Table).
Thus, it was unnecessary to establish a
unique land use designation to achieve a
zoning district to allow.
To be provided in a future
staff report To be provided in a future staff report See related policy/text
amendment P/T #6
CPM #2 Map Section Comprehensive
Plan Map
Change the mapped land use
designation of a 2.23-acre city-owned
park parcel from "Multiple Family
Residential" to "Institutional". Parcel
No. 0921059073 is located south of SE
310th ST, 820 feet west of 124th Ave
The creation of the park was a
requirement of a pre-annexation utility
agreement between the city and the
developer of the adjacent apartments.
However, it took many years after
development of the apartments and
annexation for the park land to be
dedicated to the City. With the dedication,
it is now appropriate to change the land
use designation to be consistent with the
purpose of the land use designation,
ownership status & Parks Plan.
To be provided in a future
staff report To be provided in a future staff report
CPM #3 Map Section Comprehensive
Plan Map
Change the mapped land use
designation of a group of 4 privately-
owned, previously developed parcels
from "Downtown Urban Center" to
"Light Industrial". Parcel No.
5401600200, of 0.06 acres and Parcel
No. 5401600175 of 0.7 acres are
owned by In Ho & Nancy Kim. Parcel
No. 5401600235 of 0.34 acres is
owned by CHS Inc. Parcel No.
5401600260 of 0.34 acres is owned by
Gary & Karen Stamps.
Proposed to change the Comp.Plan land
use map designation to recognize and be
more compatible with developed status of
the properties at the perimeter of the land
use designation. The sites contain existing
uses of warehouses, bulk propane tank
distribution and outdoor storage.
To be provided in a future
staff report To be provided in a future staff report
CPM #4 Map Section Comprehensive
Plan Map
Change the mapped land use
designation of south part of 2.15-acre,
privately-owned developed parcel from
"Residential Transition" to "Heavy
Commercial". Parcel No. 8695200020
owned by Quality Fence Co. and
located on south side of 21st ST SE
390 feet east of A ST SE.
Avoid split zoning where warranted by
existing development pattern.
To be provided in a future
staff report To be provided in a future staff report
Page 42 of 47
CPM #Page Area to be
changed Potential change Reason Pros Cons Comments Corresponding Zoning
Map Change
CPM #5 Map Section Comprehensive
Plan Map
Change the mapped land use
designation of 3 parcels (2 privately
owned and 1 city-owned) from the
"Open Space" to "Downtown Urban
Center" land use designation. Private
parcels Nos. are 7815700095 and
7815700135 owned by Levan Auburn
Development LLC and City-owned
parcel no. 7815700085. Parcels are
located across street and south of City
Remedy an inadvertent change of
mapped land use designation with
adoption of map as part of 2015 plan
adoption. Requested to revert to pre-
2015 designation of "Downtown Urban
These 3 vacant parcels are currently
zoned DUC, Downtown Urban Center.
Due to their location and economic
development potential, these parcels
should be "Downtown Urban Center" land
use designation. Note, these parcels are
not currently included in the Open Space
Zoning Amendment per recent Planning
Commission recommendation.
To be provided in a future
staff report To be provided in a future staff report
CPM #6 Map Section Comprehensive
Plan Map
Change the mapped land use
designation (and zoning district) of the
following 46 city-owned, parks
properties from "Open Space" to
"Institutional" land use designation:
Parcel Nos. 0821059017, 7345300160,
6347000055, 6347000065,
0001000081, 1313500310,
3021059044, 3021059080,
3021059089, 1421049011,
1821059117, 0520061060,
0721059038, 7749501070,
0521059010, 0521059029,
0421059062, 0421059061,
0421059060, 0421059071,
0421059004, 3845000080,
7299602140, 4137070990,
7002181950, 0520051035,
0520051006, 0921059018,
6655000105, 6655000021,
1421049067, 9262800330,
9262800341, 1421049017,
9262800285, 0721059020,
8669150810, 6655000024,
6655000030, 3021059325,
3121059017, 3021059375,
8581400530, 1821059327,
0821059017, & 0621059007.
Remedy an inadvertent change of
mapped land use designation with
adoption of map as part of 2015 plan
adoption. Requested to revert to pre-
2015 designation of "Institutional".
Several of the city-owned, developed and
active parks properties were assigned the
land use designation of "open space" by
land use map adoption of the 2015 plan.
Thus, the land use designation is
inconsistent with the designation criteria
and purpose of the "Open Space" land
designation of the Comprehensive Plan
(e.g. cemeteries and active parks should
not be designated "Open Space").
To be provided in a future
staff report To be provided in a future staff report
Yes, change the zoning
designation from “OS, Open
Space” to “I, Institutional”.
Page 43 of 47
CPM #Page Area to be
changed Potential change Reason Pros Cons Comments Corresponding Zoning
Map Change
CPM #7 Map Section Comprehensive
Plan Map
Change the mapped land use
designation of 3 Tribal jurisdiction
parcels from the "Open Space" to the
"Institutional" Land Use Designation.
Parcel No. 2021059041, 2021059047,
& 2021059037 owned by US GOV in
Trust status or by the Muckleshoot
Indian Tribe
The 3 parcels controlled by the
Muckleshoot Tribe are developed as a
cemetery and thus, the land use
designation is inconsistent with the
designation criteria and purpose of the
"Open Space" land designation of the
Comprehensive Plan (e.g. cemeteries and
active parks should not be designated
"Open Space".
To be provided in a future
staff report To be provided in a future staff report
Yes, change the zoning
designation from “OS, Open
Space” to “I, Institutional”.
CPM #8 Map Section Comprehensive
Plan Map
Change the mapped land use
designation of 2 parcels from "Single
Family Residential" to "Light
Commercial" Parcels Nos. are
3121059069, 1.79 acres owned by
Alan Clayton and 3121059027 3.67
acres owned by John Nixon both,
located on east side of A ST SE, south
of Lakeland Hills WY SE.
Remedy an inadvertent change of
mapped land use designation with
adoption of map as part of 2015 plan
adoption. Requested to revert to pre-
2015 designation of "Light Commercial".
To be provided in a future
staff report To be provided in a future staff report
Mr. Clayton did not
submit an application
but has requested
zoning change for his
property based on
zoning that existed in
the City of Pacific
prior to annexation of
his property to Auburn
in 2003.
Yes, change the zoning
designation from “R5,
Residential" to “C1, Light
CPM #9 Map Section Comprehensive
Plan Map
Change the mapped land use
designation of 2 privately owned vacant
parcels from "Multiple Family
Residential: to "Light Commercial".
1.75 -acre Parcel No. 0921059042
owned by Highlane Prop LLP and 0.81-
acre parcel No. 0921059113 owned by
Jennifer & James Hunt both are
located at SE corner of SE 312th ST &
121st PL SE.
Remedy an inadvertent change of
mapped land use designation with
adoption of map as part of 2015 plan
adoption. Requested to revert to pre-
2015 designation of "Light Commercial".
To be provided in a future
staff report To be provided in a future staff report
CPM #10 Map Section Comprehensive
Plan Map
Change the mapped land use
designation of a privately owned 0.91-
acre parcel containing a single family
house from "Multiple Family
Residential" to "Single Family
Residential". Parcel No. 0921059101
owned by Ram Singh Dhaliwal located
130 feet south of intersection of 124th
AV SE & SE 307th PL. (30811
124TH AVE SE )
Remedy an inadvertent change of
mapped land use designation with
adoption of map as part of 2015 plan
adoption. Requested to revert to pre-
2015 designation of "Single Family
To be provided in a future
staff report To be provided in a future staff report
Page 44 of 47
CPM #Page Area to be
changed Potential change Reason Pros Cons Comments Corresponding Zoning
Map Change
CPM #11 Map Section Comprehensive
Plan Map
Change the mapped land use
designation of a privately owned 13.84 -
acre parcel from "Heavy Industrial" to
"Light Industrial". Parcel No.
1321049019 owned by Western B NW
WA LLC located South of SR 18 at
west end of 8th ST SW.
Remedy an inadvertent change of
mapped land use designation with
adoption of map as part of 2015 plan
adoption. Requested to revert to pre-
2015 designation of "Light Industrial".
To be provided in a future
staff report To be provided in a future staff report
CPM #12 Map Section Comprehensive
Plan Map
Change the mapped land use
designation of 7.2-acre private
developed parcel from "Single Family
Residential" to "Multiple Family
Residential". Parcel No. 5530200000
owned by Lois Maathuis located NW of
intersection of Mill Pond DR SE and
Kennedy AV SE.
Remedy an inadvertent change of
mapped land use designation with
adoption of map as part of 2015 plan
adoption. Requested to revert to pre-
2015 designation of "Multiple Family
To be provided in a future
staff report To be provided in a future staff report
CPM #13 Map Section Comprehensive
Plan Map
Change the mapped land use
designation of a group of 10 parcels
from "Single Family Residential" to
"Multiple Family Residential". Parcel
Nos. 2721059053, 2721059063,
2721059066, 2721059126,
2721059156, 2721059157,
2721059162, 2721059168,
2721059179, & 2721059197 owned
by various property owners & located
on the north side of Auburn WY S, east
of Academy DR SE.
Remedy an inadvertent change of
mapped land use designation with
adoption of map as part of 2015 plan
adoption. Requested to revert to pre-
2015 designation of "Multiple Family
To be provided in a future
staff report To be provided in a future staff report
CPM #14 Map Section Comprehensive
Plan Map
Change the mapped land use
designation of 23 parcels from
"Institutional" to "Downtown Urban
Center" Some are City-owned; others
are privately owned. Parcel nos.
0492000460, 0492000461,
0492000463, 7816200100,
7816200060, 0498500005,
0492500100, 0303450000,
0492500240, 0492500275,
0492500260, 0483000085,
0483000080, 0489000040,
7331400135, 0489000005,
7331400460, 7331400485,
7331400486, 7331400500,
8698100030, 8698100035, &
Remedy an inadvertent change of
mapped land use designation with
adoption of map as part of 2015 plan.
Requested to revert to pre-2015
designation of "Downtown Urban Center".
To be provided in a future
staff report To be provided in a future staff report
Page 45 of 47
CPM #Page Area to be
changed Potential change Reason Pros Cons Comments Corresponding Zoning
Map Change
CPM #15 Map Section Comprehensive
Plan Map
Change the mapped land use
designation of numerous parcels within
the Lakeland Hills South PUD from
"Residential Transition" to "Moderate
Density Residential"
Remedy an inadvertent change of
mapped land use designation with
adoption of map as part of 2015 plan.
Requested to revert to pre-2015
designation of "Moderate Density
To be provided in a future
staff report To be provided in a future staff report
CPM #16 Map Section Comprehensive
Plan Map
Change the mapped land use
designation of 0.21-acre city-owned
stormwater facility serving a plat from
"Institutional" to "Multiple Family
Residential" to agree with rest of the
plat. Parcel No. 1877100170 is owned
by the City and located on south side of
35th St SE, 290 feet west of D ST SE.
Remedy an inadvertent change of
mapped land use designation with
adoption of map as part of 2015 plan.
Requested to revert to pre-2015
designation of "Multiple Family
The lot for the stormwater facility was
created from the "D ST SE Plat" and
should retain the same comprehensive
plan designation as the balance of the
plat. It is not the intention of the
Comprehensive Plan designation to apply
a separate designation to each special
purpose lot or tract needed to support the
overall subdivision. Land use
designations should apply to broad
geographic areas based on compatibility
and not on an individual parcel basis.
To be provided in a future
staff report To be provided in a future staff report
CPM #17 Map Section Comprehensive
Plan Map
Change the mapped land use
designation of a 0.71- acre privately-
owned and developed parcel from
"Residential Transition" to "Multiple
Family". Parcel No. 1921059271
owned by Mayfield TNC LLC is located
east of end of B ST SE between 15th
and 16th ST SE.
Remedy an inadvertent change of
mapped land use designation with
adoption of map as part of 2015 plan.
Requested to revert to pre-2015
designation of "Multiple Family
According to KC Assessor records, the
property is developed with two, 2-story
buildings as the "Mayfield Apartments"
containing 31 dwelling units.
To be provided in a future
staff report To be provided in a future staff report
Page 46 of 47
CPM #Page Area to be
changed Potential change Reason Pros Cons Comments Corresponding Zoning
Map Change
CPA17-0002 Map Section Comprehensive
Plan Map
Change the mapped land use
designation of 3 parcels from “Single
Family” with a “Residential Transition
Overlay” to “Light Commercial” and
change the zoning designation from “R-
7, Residential” to “C-1, Light
Commercial”. Parcel Nos.
1921059142, 192105-9145, & 192105-
9077 totaling 0.72 acres are owned or
proposed for purchase by Nexus Youth
& Families and located between Auburn
Way S. and ‘H’ St. SE, approximately
120 ft. south of 9th St. SE, The
addresses are 911 ‘H’ St. SE, 915 ‘H’
St. SE, and 921 ‘H’ St. SE. (Jay &
Daniel Bartholomew)
The social service agency of Nexus Youth
& Families seeks to change the Comp.
Plan and zoning designation in order to
master plan and develop additional
facilities in the future. The 3 properties
currently contain single family residences
that are east of other parcels the Agency
To be provided in a future
staff report
To be provided in a future staff
Yes, change the zoning
designation from “R-7,
Residential” to “C-1, Light
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