HomeMy WebLinkAbout2018-2023 Capital Facilities PlanCity of Auburn Capital Facilities Plan CAPITAL FACILITIES PLAN (2018 – 2023) Adopted by Ordinance No. 6667, December 18, 2017 as part of the City of Auburn Comprehensive Plan City of Auburn 25 West Main Auburn, WA 98001 (253) 931-3000 www.auburnwa.gov City of Auburn Capital Facilities Plan City of Auburn Capital Facilities Plan CAPITAL FACILITIES PLAN 2018 – 2023 TABLE OF CONTENTS Executive Summary ...................................................................................................................... 1 1. Introduction Purpose ..................................................................................................................................... 7 Statutory Requirement for Capital Facilities Elements .............................................................. 7 Concurrency and Level of Service ............................................................................................ 8 Implementation .......................................................................................................................... 8 2. Goals and Policies 1. Capital Facilities Response to Growth ................................................................................ 11 2. Financial Feasibility ............................................................................................................. 11 3. Public Health and Environment ........................................................................................... 13 4. Consistency with Regional Planning ................................................................................... 13 3. Capital Improvements Introduction ............................................................................................................................... 15 Transportation ........................................................................................................................... 17 Arterial Street (102) Capital Projects ................................................................................... 22 Local Street (103) Capital Projects ..................................................................................... 74 Street Preservation Fund (105) Capital Projects ................................................................. 76 Water ......................................................................................................................................... 85 Sanitary Sewer .......................................................................................................................... 137 Storm Drainage ......................................................................................................................... 157 Parks, Arts and Recreation ....................................................................................................... 181 General Municipal Buildings ...................................................................................................... 215 Community Improvements ........................................................................................................ 229 Airport ........................................................................................................................................ 247 Cemetery ................................................................................................................................... 261 Police Department ..................................................................................................................... 265 Valley Regional Fire Authority ................................................................................................... 267 City of Auburn Capital Facilities Plan City of Auburn Capital Facilities Plan 1 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY A capital facilities element is one of the comprehensive plan elements req uired by Washington’s Growth Management Act (GMA). Capital facilities generally have long useful lives, significant costs and tend to not be mobile. The GMA requires that capital facilities elements include an inventory of existing capital facilities showing locations and capacities, a forecast of future needs for such capital facilities, proposed locations and capacities of new or expanded capital facilities and at least a six-year plan to finance capital facilities with identified sources of funding. The GMA also requires that the land use element be reassessed if probable funding falls short of existing needs. This document is the City’s six-year Capital Facilities Plan (CFP). The CFP, in conjunction with other City adopted documents, satisfies the GMA requirement for a Capital Facilities Element. It addresses one of the GMA’s basic tenets: to provide adequate facilities to support development in accordance with locally adopted level of service standards. This CFP will enable the City to: (1) make informed decisions about its investment of public dollars, and (2) make timely decisions about maintaining level of service in accordance with this CFP and other adopted plans. CAPITAL FACILITIES PLAN CONTENT This CFP consists of the following: Chapter 1. Introduction Purpose of CFP, statutory requirements, methodology. Chapter 2. Goals and Policies Goals and policies related to the provision of capital facilities. Chapter 3. Capital Improvements Proposed capital projects, which include the financing plan and reconciliation of project capacity to level of service (LOS) standards. This CFP is a companion document to the Capital Facilities Element of the Auburn Comprehensive Plan. The Capital Facilities Element of the Auburn Comprehensive Plan identifies the City’s planning approach and policy framework for the provision of capital facilities. This CFP provides the background inventory, identifies proposed projects and establishes the six-year capital facilities plan for financing capital facilities. The comprehensive plan contains timeframes, which are the intended framework for future funding decisions and within which future actions and decisions are intended to occur. However, these timeframes are estimates; depending on factors involved in the processing of applications and project work, and the availability of funding, the timing may change from City of Auburn Capital Facilities Plan 2 the included timeframes. The framework does not represent actual commitments by the City of Auburn that may depend on funding resources available. GROWTH ASSUMPTIONS In planning for capital facilities, contemplation of future growth needs to be considered. The CFP is based on the following City population forecast: Year Population 2016 77,060 2017 78,960 2023 86,850 The population forecasts are based on information from the State of Washington Office of Financial Management (OFM) as well as estimates developed by the City of Auburn Planning and Community Development Department. CAPITAL COSTS OF FACILITIES Based on the analysis of capital improvements contained in this document, the cost of City- owned and managed capital improvements for 2018- 2023 is summarized as follows: Type of Facility 2018 - 2023 Transportation - Arterial (102)101,002,482$ Transportation - Local (103)12,100,000 Transportation - Street (105)18,171,160 Water 38,681,992 Sanitary Sewer 12,774,000 Storm Drainage 11,510,600 Parks, Arts & Recreation 17,728,414 General Municipal Buildings 6,307,489 Community Improvements 23,133,769 Airport 7,533,187 Cemetery 75,000 Total 249,018,093$ City of Auburn Capital Facilities Plan 3 FINANCING FOR CAPITAL FACILITIES The financing plan for the citywide capital improvements includes: Funding Source 2018 - 2023 Capital Facility Grants 79,741,930 Transportation 4,230,000 Parks, Arts & Recreation 637,000 General Municipal Buildings 573,000 Community Improvements 87,500 Water 6,436,408 Airport User Fees / Fund Balance 38,137,843 Water 13,484,000 Sewer 12,220,600 Storm Drainage 746,779 Airport Arterial Street Fund 5,127,870 Transportation Local Street Fund 1,300,000 Transportation Arterial Street Preservation Fund 4,566,370 Transportation Capital Improvements Fund 128,000 Community Improvements Local Revitalization Fund 40,490 Community Improvements DWSRF Loan 866,649 Water Bond Proceeds 6,000,000 Parks, Arts & Recreation Municipal Parks Fund 395,000 Parks, Arts & Recreation Property Tax 926,414 Parks, Arts & Recreation Sales Tax 9,900,000 Transportation Utility Tax 7,354,280 Transportation Mitigation/Impact Fees 17,420,225 Transportation 1,110,000 Parks, Arts & Recreation 546,570 Community Improvements REET 1 4,740,489 General Municipal Buildings REET 2 5,993,709 Community Improvements 192,000 Parks, Arts & Recreation Other Sources 5,014,967 Transportation 15,800,000 Community Improvements 350,000 Airport 75,000 Cemetery 4,875,000 Parks, Arts & Recreation Total 249,018,093$ (Includes grant funding that has not been secured) City of Auburn Capital Facilities Plan 4 SUMMARY OF IMPACTS ON FUTURE OPERATING BUDGETS The forecasted impacts of new capital facilities on the City’s future operating budgets (2019-2024) are as follows: Budget Year:2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 Total 1 Transportation 50,157$ 50,157$ 66,657$ 83,257$ 160,757$ 160,757$ 571,742$ 2 Water - 600 600 600 600 600 3,000 3 Sanitary Sewer - - - - - - - 4 Storm Drainage - - - - - - - 5 Parks, Arts and Recreation 20,000 27,000 27,000 27,000 27,000 27,000 155,000 6 General Municipal Buildings 95,000 95,000 95,000 95,000 95,000 95,000 570,000 7 Community Improvements - - - 10,000 10,000 10,000 30,000 8 Airport - 2,000 2,000 4,000 4,000 4,000 16,000 9 Cemetery - - - - - - - 10 Senior Center - - - - - - - 11 Police Department - - - - - - - 12 Fire Protection - - - - - - - Total 165,157$ 174,757$ 191,257$ 219,857$ 297,357$ 297,357$ 1,345,742$ Project summary details are located on the following pages: Transportation page 84 Water page 135 Parks & Recreation page 212 General Municipal Buildings page 228 Community Improvements page 245 Airport page 259 City of Auburn Capital Facilities Plan 5 LEVEL OF SERVICE (LOS) CONSEQUENCES OF THE CFP Based on the proposed six-year capital projects and the projected population increase of 7,700 (10%) between 2016 and 2022, the LOS for the following City-owned public facilities will change as follows: The LOS for the following facilities will be increased as a result of the CFP, comparing the 2017 LOS to the projected 2023 LOS. CAPITAL FACILITY LOS UNITS 2017 LOS 2023 LOS (Projected) Community Parks Acres per 1,000 Pop.2.98 3.21 Linear Parks Acres per 1,000 Pop.0.21 0.23 Neighborhood Parks Acres per 1,000 Pop.0.74 0.78 The LOS for the following facilities will be maintained as a result of the CFP. CAPITAL FACILITY LOS UNITS 2017 LOS 2023 LOS (Projected) Roads Volume/Capacity Ratio "D""D" Airport % Air Operations Support 100%100% Sanitary Sewer Residential GPCPD (Note 1)171.00 171.00 Storm Drainage N/A Water Residential GPCPD (Note 1)230.00 230.00 Note 1: GPCPD = Gallons per Customer per Day The LOS for the following facilities will be decreased as a result of the CFP, comparing the 2017 LOS to the projected 2023 LOS. CAPITAL FACILITY LOS UNITS 2017 LOS 2023 LOS (Projected) Cemetery Burial Plots per 1,000 Pop.41.00 37.00 Fire Protection Apparatus per 1,000 Pop.0.22 0.21 General Municipal Buildings Sq. Ft. per 1,000 Pop.3,865.05 3,513.92 Open Space Acres per 1,000 Pop.4.90 4.45 Senior Center Sq. Ft. per 1,000 Pop.154.51 140.47 Special Use Areas Acres per 1,000 Pop.3.22 2.93 Level of Service (LOS) is a common measure used to determine the efficiency or effectiveness of services. For the City of Auburn, LOS targets serves as a means to assess the adequacy of public facilities in meeting the needs of the population for which it serves. City of Auburn Capital Facilities Plan 6 For example, in the case of park space, when there is an increase in population without a corresponding increase in park acreage, the LOS unit of measure (acres per 1,000 population) will decline, indicating a potential need to increase the total amount of park acreage to keep pace with population growth. On the other hand, a slight increase in population, coupled with a large increase in facilities, will result in an increased LOS. For example, facilities such as buildings or burial plots may be constructed or expanded to keep pace with anticipated population growth. While this will have the effect of increasing LOS in the short-term, in the longer-term, the LOS will gradually decline to the targeted level based on forecasted population. The impact of population growth to the LOS for facilities will vary depending on the type of facility and long range planning by the City. CFP ELEMENT SOURCE DOCUMENTS Documents used in preparing this Capital Facilities Plan (CFP) are principally the comprehensive plans for the various public facilities included in this CFP. These individual comprehensive plans provide detailed identification of projects and identify their (projects) proposed funding sources. City documents include: • City-wide Comprehensive Land Use Plan (2015) • City Municipal Airport Master Plan Update (2012-2032) • City Comprehensive Water Plan (2015) • City Comprehensive Transportation Plan (2015) and Six Year Transportation Improvement Program (2018-2023) • City Comprehensive Drainage Plan (2015) • City Comprehensive Sewer Plan (2015)  City 2017-18 Biennial Budget and 2016 Annual Financial Report; and, • City Parks, Recreation & Open Space Plan Update (2015), as well as numerous other planning and financial documents. All documents are available for public inspection at the City of Auburn. City of Auburn Capital Facilities Plan 7 CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION PURPOSE The Capital Facilities Plan (CFP) is a 6-year plan (2018-2023) for capital improvements that support the City of Auburn’s current and future growth. In this plan, funding for general government projects is identified. To maintain consistency with individual master and utility comprehensive plans, applicable projects in the 6 -year window of those master/utility plans are included in this CFP. The CFP also identifies LOS standards, where applicable, for each public facility. STATUTORY REQUIREMENTS FOR CAPITAL FACILITIES ELEMENTS RCW 36.70A.070(3)(d) requires that the comprehensive plan capital facilities element include “a six-year plan that will finance such capital facilities within projected funding capacities and clearly identifies sources of public money for such purposes.” RCW 36.70A.070(3)(e) requires that all capital facilities have “probable funding” to pay for capital facility needs, or else the City must “reassess the land use element.” In addition, the capital facilities element must include the location and capacity of existing facilities, a forecast of future needs, and their proposed locations and capacities. The State Growth Management Act (GMA) guidelines suggest that this analysis be accomplished for water systems, sanitary sewer systems, storm water facilities, schools, parks and recreation facilities, police and fire protection facilities. The GMA also seeks the selection of level of service standards for capital facilities. As a result, public facilities in the CFP should be based on quantifiable, objective measures of capacity such as traffic volume, capacity per mile of road and acres of park per capita. In some instances, though, level of service may best be expressed in term s of qualitative statements of satisfaction with a particular public facility. Factors that influence local level of service standards include, but are not limited to, community goals, national and local standards, and Federal and State mandates. To be effective, the CFP must be updated on a regular basis. State GMA guidelines suggest that the CFP be updated at least every two years. In 2007, the City transitioned to a biennial budget. With this in mind, the City will follow these guidelines and update the CFP at least every two years, incorporating the capital facilities improvements in the City’s biennial budget process. City of Auburn Capital Facilities Plan 8 CONCURRENCY AND LEVEL OF SERVICE Concurrency The GMA requires that jurisdictions have certain capital facilities in place or available within a specified time frame when development occurs. This concept is called concurrency. Under the GMA, concurrency is required for transportation facilities and is recommended by the State for certain other public facilities, namely potable water and sanitary sewer. Concurrency has a direct relationship to level of service. The importance of concurrency to capital facilities planning is that development may be denied if it reduces the level of service for a capital facility below the locally adopted minimum. The level of service is unique for each type of facility and is presented in the subsequent sections. Explanation of Level of Service As indicated earlier, the GMA requires that level of service be established for certain transportation facilities for the purposes of applying concurrency to development proposals. The State GMA guidelines recommend the adoption of level of service standards for other capital facilities to measure the provision of adequate public facilities. Typically, measures of level of service are expressed as ratios of facility capacity to demand (i.e., actual or potential users). Table 1-1 lists generic examples of level of service measures for some capital facilities: TABLE 1-1 Sample Level of Service Measurements The need for capital facilities is largely determined by a community’s adopted LOS standards and whether or not the community has formally designated capital facilities, other than transportation, as necessary for development to meet the concurrency test. The CFP itself is therefore largely influenced by the selection of the level of service standards. Level of service standards are measures of the quality of life in the City. The standards should be based on the City’s vision of its future and its values. IMPLEMENTATION Implementation of the CFP requires constant monitoring and evaluation. The CFP is sensitive to funding and revenue availability and therefore needs to be constantly monitored against variations in available resources. To facilitate its implementation, the CFP should be kept current. Type of Facility Sample Level of Service Measure General Municipal Buildings Square feet per 1,000 population Parks Acres per 1,000 population Roads and Streets Ratio of actual volume to design capacity Sewer / Water Gallons per customer per day City of Auburn Capital Facilities Plan 9 Update of Capital Facilities Plan Perhaps the most desirable way to keep the CFP current is to update it regularly so the six - year plan is a rolling CFP. Again, the State recommends that the CF P be updated at least biennially. The City of Auburn will seek to update the CFP at least biennially in conjunction with the budget process. Future updates will consider: A. Revision of population projections, including annexations; B. Update of inventory of public facilities; C. Update of costs of public facilities; D. Update of public facilities requirements analysis (actual level of service compared to adopted standards); E. Update of revenue forecasts; F. Revise and develop capital improvement projects for the next six fiscal years; and, G. Update analysis of financial capacity. Amendments to the CFP, including amendments to level of service standards, capital projects, and/or the financing plan sources of revenue are all actions that can keep the CFP current and relevant to City decision-making. City of Auburn Capital Facilities Plan 10 City of Auburn Capital Facilities Plan 11 CHAPTER 2 GOALS AND POLICIES This chapter identifies goals and policies specific to the City’s provision of capital facilities. Goal 1 Provide a variety of responses to the demands of growth on public facilities. Policy 1.1 Establish land use patterns that optimize the use of public facilities. Policy 1.2 Provide additional public facility capacity when existing facilities are used to their maximum level of efficiency (consistent with adopted standards for level of service). Policy 1.3 Encourage development where new public facilities can be provided in an efficient manner. Policy 1.4 Exempt the following from the concurrency management program: 1.4.1 Development vested by RCW 19.27.095, 58.17.033 or 58.17.170. 1.4.2 Development that creates no added impact on public facilities. 1.4.3 Expansions of existing development that were disclosed and tested for concurrency as part of the original application. Goal 2 Provide needed public facilities that are within the ability of the City to fund or within the City’s authority to require others to provide. Policy 2.1 Establish level of service standards that are achievable with the financing plan of this Capital Facilities Plan. Policy 2.2 Base the financing plan for public facilities on realistic estimates of current local revenues and external revenues that are reasonably anticipated to be received by the City. Policy 2.3 Match revenue sources to capital projects on the basis of sound fiscal policies. 2.3.1 The City shall continue to fund utility costs through utility enterprise funds, based on user fees and grants. Public facilities included in utilities are sewer, solid waste, storm drainage, and water. 2.3.2 Where feasible pursue joint venture facility construction, construction timing, and other facility coordination measures for City provided facilities, as well as with school districts and other potential partners in developing public facilities. 2.3.3 The City shall continue to assist through direct participation, LIDs and payback agreements, where appropriate and financially feasible. Where funding is available, the City may participate in developer initiated facility extensions or improvements, but only to the extent that the improvements benefit the broader public interest, and are consistent with the policies of this Capital Facilities Plan. City of Auburn Capital Facilities Plan 12 Policy 2.4 If the projected funding is inadequate to finance needed public facilities and utilities based on adopted level of service standards and forecasted growth, the City will do one or more of the following to achieve a balance between available revenue and needed public facilities: 2.4.1 Lower the level of service standards; 2.4.2 Increase the amount of revenue from existing sources; 2.4.3 Adopt new sources of revenue; 2.4.4 Require developers to provide such facilities at their own expense; and/or 2.4.5 Amend the Land Use Element to reduce the need for additional public facilities. Policy 2.5 Both existing and future development will pay for the costs of needed capital improvements. 2.5.1 Ensure that existing development pays for capital improvements that reduce or eliminate existing deficiencies, and pays for some or all of the cost to replace obsolete or worn out facilities. Existing development may also pay a portion of the cost of capital improvements needed by future development. Existing development’s payments may take the form of user fees, charges for services, special assessments and taxes. 2.5.2 Ensure that future development pays a proportionate share of the cost of new facilities which it requires. Future development may also pay a portion of the cost to replace obsolete or worn-out facilities. Future development’s payments may take the form of voluntary contributions for the benefit of any public facility, impact fees, mitigation payments, capacity fees, dedications of land, provision of public facilities, and future payments of user’s fees, charges for services, special assessments and taxes. Policy 2.6 The City will determine the priority of public facility capital improvements using the following criteria as general guidelines. Any revenue source that cannot be used for the highest priority will be used beginning with the highest priority for which the revenue can legally be expended. 2.6.1 Projects that eliminate hazardous conditions. 2.6.2 Refurbishment of existing facilities that contribute to achieving or maintaining standards for adopted level of service. 2.6.3 New or expanded facilities that reduce or eliminate deficiencies in level of service for existing demand. 2.6.4 New or expanded facilities that provide the adopted level of service for new development and redevelopment during the next six fiscal years. 2.6.5 Capital improvements that significantly reduce the operating cost of providing a service or facility, or otherwise mitigate impacts of public facilities on future operating budgets. City of Auburn Capital Facilities Plan 13 2.6.6 Capital improvements that contribute to stabilizing and developing the economy of the City. 2.6.7 Project priorities may also involve additional criteria that are unique to each type of public facility, as described in other elements of this Comprehensive Plan. Policy 2.7 Ensure that the ongoing operating and maintenance costs of a capital facility are financially feasible prior to constructing the facility. Goal 3 Protect public health, environmental quality, and neighborhood stability and viability through the appropriate design and installation of public facilities. Policy 3.1 Promote conservation of energy, water and other natural resources in the location and design of public facilities. Policy 3.2 Require the separation of sanitary and storm sewer facilities wherever combined sewers may be discovered. Policy 3.3 Practice efficient and environmentally responsible maintenance and operating procedures. Policy 3.4 The siting, design, construction and improvement of all public buildings shall be done in full compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). Policy 3.5 Promote economic and community stability and growth through strategic investments in public facilities and public private/partnerships. Goal 4 Make the Capital Facilities Plan consistent with other elements of the comprehensive plan, and - to the extent feasible - with other city, county, regional and state adopted plans. Policy 4.1 Ensure that the growth and development assumptions used in the Capital Facilities Plan are consistent with similar assumptions in other elements of the comprehensive plan. Policy 4.2 Coordinate with non-city providers of public facilities on a joint program for maintaining applicable level of service standards, concurrency requirements, funding and construction of public facilities. Goal 5 Provide public facilities that provide a sense of community that is inclusive of diverse populations. Policy 5.1 Contribute to community pride and foster a sense of community through provision of public facilities that create a community gathering place for neighbors, family and friends. Policy 5.2 Through provision of public facilities offer a broad range of activities promoting social interactions especially with new residents. Policy 5.3 Provide maximum flexibility and multiple uses through design of public facilities that are adaptable to changing interests. Policy 5.4 Provide a community center facility that is financially feasible, affordable for participants, and can generate revenue to offset a portion of the operating costs. City of Auburn Capital Facilities Plan 14 City of Auburn Capital Facilities Plan 15 CHAPTER 3 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS 1. INTRODUCTION This CFP includes City capital improvement projects and the financing plan to pay for those projects. It also contains the inventory of existing City facilities, and identi fies level of service standards, where applicable. Each type of City public facility is presented in a separate subsection that follows a standard format. Throughout this section, tables of data are identified with abbreviations that correspond to the type of facility. For example, Table W-1 refers to Table 1 for Water (Supply and Distribution). Each abbreviation corresponds to the name of the type of facility. 1. Narrative Summary This is an overview of the data, with sections devoted to Current Facilities, Level of Service, Capital Facilities Projects and Financing, and Impact on Future Operati ng Budgets. 2. Inventory of Facilities (Table X-1) This is a list of existing capital facilities, including the name, capacity (for reference to level of service), and location. This table also includes any proposed capital projects and the planned inventory total through December 31, 2023. 3. Capital Projects and Financing Plan (Table X-2, X-2A and X-2B) This is a list of capital improvements that identifies existing deficiencies, identifies facilities needed for future growth, and identifies the need to repair or replace obsolete or worn out facilities through December 31, 2023. Each list shows the proposed financing plan followed by individual worksheets showing the project detail. 4. Impact on Future Operating Budgets (Table X-3) This is a list of capital projects and the forecasted impacts on the City’s future operating budgets (2019 – 2024). City of Auburn Capital Facilities Plan 16 City of Auburn Capital Facilities Plan 17 TRANSPORTATION Current Facilities Roadways: The City’s street system consists of a network of approximately 216 miles of arterials, collectors, local streets and alleys. Existing non-motorized facilities include a mix of trails, sidewalks, bicycle lanes and sharrows. Signals and ITS: The City’s transportation system also includes ninety-five traffic signals, a Traffic Control Center employing Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS), which centrally directs the signals, more than fifty CCTV cameras, and various traffic beacons all communicating on a network of copper wire and fiber optic cable. Transit: King County Metro Transit, Sound Transit and Pierce Transit serve the Auburn area. Auburn is currently served by eight Metro bus routes, two Sound Transit bus routes, and one Pierce Transit bus route. In addition, Sound Transit “Sounder” commuter trains provide peak hour and midday service at the Auburn Station. The Sounder also provides special event service to selected sporting events. Bus and rail service is supported by park and ride facilities and the Auburn Station. Level of Service (LOS) Washington's Growth Management Act (GMA) requires Level of Service (LOS) standards for both arterials and transit routes. The GMA requires that each jurisdiction's LOS standards be coordinated within the region and be supported by local ordinance, but the actual standards and the methods used are determined by each local jurisdiction. Under GMA, the focus is on the performance of the whole road system, not on individual intersections or roadways. LOS standards are a tool to help keep the transportation system in balance with the needs of forecast population growth and development. Table T-1a summarizes the LOS definitions. City of Auburn Capital Facilities Plan 18 Table T-1a Definition of Urban Street Level of Service (LOS) LOS A - describes primarily free flow operations at average travel speeds, usually about 90 percent of the free flow speed for the given street class. Vehicles are completely unimpeded in their ability to maneuver within the traffic stream. Control delay at signalized intersections is minimal. LOS B - describes reasonably unimpeded operations at average travel speeds, usually about 70 percent of the free flow speed for the street class. The ability to maneuver within the traffic stream is only slightly restricted, and stopped delays are not bothersome. LOS C - describes stable conditions; however, ability to maneuver and change lanes in midblock locations may be more restricted than in LOS B, and longer queues, adverse signal coordination, or both may contribute to lower average travel speeds of about 50 percent of the free flow speed for the street class. LOS D - borders on a range in which small increases in flow may cause substantial increases in delay and decreases in travel speed. LOS D may be due to adverse signal progression, inappropriate signal timing, high volumes, or some combination of these factors. Average travel speeds are about 40 percent of free flow speed. LOS E - is characterized by significant delays and average travel speeds of 33 percent or less of the free flow speed. Such operations are caused by a combination of adverse progression, high signal density, high volumes, extensive delays at critical intersections, and inappropriate signal timing. LOS F - is characterized by urban street flow at extremely low speeds, typically one-third to one-fourth of the free flow speed. Intersection congestion is likely at critical signalized locations, with high delays, high volumes and extensive queuing. Source: 2010 Highway Capacity Manual, Special Report 209, Transportation Research Board, Washington, D.C. 2010, page 10-5 A methodology and set of standards have been drafted for the City of Auburn Comprehensive Plan. The standards help determine concurrency (i.e., balance) between transportation and land use elements of the City’s Comprehensive Plan, as required by the GMA. The City has four choices if it is determined that standards cannot be met.  Modify the land use plan, placing tighter controls on the amount and type of development to reduce traffic.  Construct additional transportation facilities to support increased travel demand from new development.  Implement Transportation Demand Management (TDM) measures to increase use of non- single occupant vehicle travel modes.  Relax the LOS standards; the City can lower its level of service standards to encourage further growth and minimize the need for additional transportation facilities. The transportation land-use balance will be monitored through the City's Concurrency Management System as part of the State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA). Transportation concurrency will be evaluated for key facilities and on a system-wide basis. The City can then identify locations where standards are not anticipated to be met in the future and identify appropriate improvements. At the project level, the SEPA process will continue to guide the more specific planning and analysis efforts. City of Auburn Capital Facilities Plan 19 Level of Service Standards LOS standards can help identify where and when transportation improvements are needed, and when development or growth will impact system operations. LOS provides a standard below which a transportation facility or system is not considered adequate. LOS standards can also be used to evaluate the impact of proposed developments on the surrounding street system. They can assure that all developments are served by a safe, efficient and cost-effective street system. They can also be used to disclose impacts, identify remedial actions, and apportion costs between public and private sources. The LOS standards shown in Table T-1b apply to the facility’s location and its functional classification. A more detailed description of the level of service methodology is provided in the City of Auburn Comprehensive Transportation Plan (2015), page 5-4. Table T- 1b Draft Roadway Capacity/Congestion LOS Standards LOS standards are also the basis of an equitable traffic impact fee system, which require developments to pay a portion of the costs for capacity improvements to the transportation infrastructure. In 2001, the City implemented a traffic impact fee program. The purpose of the fee is to mitigate traffic impacts more equitably while making the costs of development more predictable to developers. In 2007, the City implemented an additional transportation impact fee to address the impacts of heavy truck usage on the City’s transp ortation system. Both fees are updated annually so that the fees are consistent with current project costs. Measuring Transportation System Performance The level of service for street segments or links is analyzed with two primary purposes in mind. First, this site-specific LOS can be used, with the help of a travel demand model, to evaluate areas of congestion within a transportation network, leading to the development of a long-range transportation facilities plan. Second, arterial corridor LOS analysis can be used to assess concurrency or if facilities are meeting the LOS standards. The City of Auburn currently uses Highway Capacity Manual methodologies to calculate levels of service. For arterials LOS are based on average travel speeds along a defined corridor. Roadway/Intersection Maximum V/C Ratio/LOS Arterial Corridor D* Signalized Intersection D Unsignalized Intersection D *Unless otherwise specified in Chapter 2 of the City of Auburn Comprehensive Transportation Plan, 2015 City of Auburn Capital Facilities Plan 20 Table T-1c shows the 25 defined street corridors, LOS standards and most recent calculated LOS. TABLE T- 1c Auburn Corridor Level of Service – Existing 2014 Weekday PM Peak Hour LOS ID Corridor From To Standard*NB/EB SB/WB 1 Auburn Way N 15th St NE S 277th St E C C 2 Auburn Way N E Main St 15th St NE E D D 3 Auburn Way S E Main St M St SE F C D 4 Auburn Way S M St SE Academy Dr SE D B C 5 M St / Harvey Auburn Way N E Main St E D D 6 M St / Harvey E Main St Auburn Way S E D C 7 37th St NE / NW W Valley Hwy Auburn Way N E C C 8 15th St NE / NW W Valley Hwy Auburn Way N F**D D 9 Auburn Ave / A St 6th St SE E Valley Access Rd D B C 10 Main St West Valley Hwy R St D D D 11 15th St SW West Valley Hwy C St SW E D D 12 C St SW Ellingson Rd SR - 18 D B C 13 West Valley Hwy 37th St NE 15th St NE E B C 14 S 277th St Frontage Rd L St NE E C C 15 R St SE / Kersey Way Howard Rd Lake Tapps Pkwy D B B 16 Lake Tapps Pkwy East Valley Hwy Kersey Way SE D C C 17 A St NW / B St NW 3rd St NW S 277th St D C B 18 8th St NE / Lea Hill Rd Harvey Rd 124th Ave SE E C B 19 SE 312th St / 132nd Ave SE 124th Ave SE SR - 18 D B B 20 105th Pl SE / SE 320th St Lea Hill Rd 124th Ave SE D A C 21 Lakeland Hills Way SE Lake Tapps Pkwy A St SE E D C 22 29th St SE / Riverwalk Dr A St SE Auburn Way S D D C 23 3rd St SW / Cross St C St Auburn Way S F F E 24 41st St SE / Ellingson Rd A St SE C St SE F F F 25 West Valley Hwy 15th St NW 15th St SW E D E * **Total travel time in the eastbound direction cannot exceed 1,000 seconds for this corridor to meet the LOS Standards Corridor segments within Downtown Auburn may operate at LOS E in accordance with the Auburn Downtown Plan. All other arterial and collector corridors must operate at LOS D or better, unless otherwise indicated. 2014 LOS City of Auburn Capital Facilities Plan 21 Concurrency (Adequate Public Facilities) Concurrency involves matching public facilities and new development. The GMA extends concurrency to transportation facilities by requiring that new development be served by adequate roads and public transportation service, and that development is not permitted to cause these transportation facilities to operate below level of service standards that are adopted by local governments in their comprehensive plans. In compliance with the GMA, adequate transportation system facilities must be available within six years of the time of occupancy and use of new development. Capital Facilities Projects and Financing The City’s transportation facilities include projects totaling $131,273,642. Tables T-2, T-2A and T-2B show the proposed financing plan followed by individual worksheets showing the project detail. Impact on Future Operating Budgets As Table T-3 shows, operating budget impacts of $571,742 are forecasted for transportation facilities during the six years 2019 – 2024. City of Auburn Capital Facilities Plan 22 TABLE T- 2 CAPITAL FACILITIES PLAN PROJECTS AND FINANCING TRANSPORTATION – ARTERIAL STREET 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 Total TIP#Capacity Projects: 1 A Street NW, Phase 1 Capital Costs 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 - 125,000 Funding Sources: Unrestricted Street Revenue - - - - - - - Grants - - - - - - - Traffic Impact Fees 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 - 125,000 5 M Street Underpass Capital Costs - - - - - - - Long-Term Debt 124,013 123,720 123,428 123,135 122,843 122,550 739,689 Funding Sources: Unrestricted Street Revenue - - - - - - - Traffic Impact Fees 124,013 123,720 123,428 123,135 122,843 122,550 739,689 PWTF Loan - - - - - - - Other (Other Agencies)- - - - - - - 6 A Street Loop Capital Costs - 350,000 1,350,000 - - - 1,700,000 Funding Sources: Unrestricted Street Revenue - - - - - - - Traffic Impact Fees - 70,000 270,000 - - - 340,000 Grants - 280,000 1,080,000 - - - 1,360,000 9 Auburn Way S Improvements (Hemlock St SE to Poplar St SE) Capital Costs - - - 1,000,000 2,500,000 2,000,000 5,500,000 Funding Sources: Unrestricted Street Revenue - - - - - - - Grants - - - 800,000 2,000,000 1,600,000 4,400,000 Traffic Impact Fees - - - 100,000 250,000 200,000 550,000 Other (MIT)- - - 100,000 250,000 200,000 550,000 10 F Street SE, 4th to AWS Capital Costs - - - 2,502,000 - - 2,502,000 Funding Sources: Unrestricted Street Revenue - - - 150,000 - - 150,000 Other - - - 2,162,000 - - 2,162,000 Traffic Impact Fees - - - 190,000 - - 190,000 11 M Street NE, E. Main to 4th Capital Costs 50,000 - - 350,000 1,250,000 - 1,650,000 Funding Sources: Unrestricted Street Revenue - - - - - - - Grants - - - 280,000 1,000,000 - 1,280,000 Traffic Impact Fees 50,000 - - 70,000 250,000 - 370,000 15 8th Street NE Widening (Pike Street to R Street NE) Capital Costs - - - 450,000 1,000,000 - 1,450,000 Funding Sources: Unrestricted Street Revenue - - - - - - - Grants - - - 360,000 800,000 - 1,160,000 REET 2 - - - - - - - Traffic Impact Fees - - - 90,000 200,000 - 290,000 17 Harvey Road & 8th Street NE Intersection Improvements Long-Term Debt 84,804 84,401 84,000 83,598 83,196 82,794 502,793 Funding Sources: Unrestricted Street Revenue - - - - - - - Grants - - - - - - - PWTF - - - - - - - Traffic Impact Fees 84,804 84,401 84,000 83,598 83,196 82,794 502,793 24 Academy Drive Multi-Use Trail Capital Costs - - - 425,000 425,000 - 850,000 Funding Sources: Unrestricted Street Revenue - - - 42,500 42,500 - 85,000 Grants - - - 382,500 382,500 - 765,000 25 46th Place S Realignment Capital Costs - - - - - 825,000 825,000 Funding Sources: Unrestricted Street Revenue - - - - - - - Grants - - - - - 575,000 575,000 REET 2 - - - - - - - Traffic Impact Fees - - - - - 250,000 250,000 City of Auburn Capital Facilities Plan 23 TABLE T- 2 (continued) 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 Total TIP#Capacity Projects: 38 C Street SW & 15th Street SW Intersection Improvements Capital Costs - - - 200,000 1,000,000 - 1,200,000 Funding Sources: Unrestricted Street Revenue - - - - - - - Grants - - - - 800,000 - 800,000 Traffic Impact Fees - - - 200,000 200,000 - 400,000 39 124th Ave SE Corridor & 320th Intersection Improvements Capital Costs - - - 350,000 1,600,000 - 1,950,000 Funding Sources: Unrestricted Street Revenue - - - 175,000 150,000 - 325,000 REET 2 - - - - - - - Grants - - - - 1,200,000 - 1,200,000 Other (GRC)- - - 175,000 250,000 - 425,000 40 124th Ave SE Corridor Improvements Phase 2 Capital Costs - - 400,000 1,100,000 2,500,000 - 4,000,000 Funding Sources: Unrestricted Street Revenue - - - - - - - Grants - - 300,000 880,000 2,000,000 - 3,180,000 Traffic Impact Fees - - 100,000 220,000 500,000 - 820,000 41 R Street Bypass Capital Costs - - - - - 650,000 650,000 Funding Sources: Unrestricted Street Revenue - - - - - - - Traffic Impact Fees - - - - - 150,000 150,000 Other - - - - - 500,000 500,000 42 SE 320th Street Corridor Improvements Phase 1 Capital Costs - - 600,000 662,500 3,281,600 - 4,544,100 Funding Sources: Unrestricted Street Revenue - - - - - - - Grants - - 480,000 530,000 2,953,440 - 3,963,440 Traffic Impact Fees - - 120,000 132,500 328,160 - 580,660 45 124th Avenue SE & SE 284th Street Intersection Safety Improvements Capital Costs - - - - 100,000 600,000 700,000 Funding Sources: Unrestricted Street Revenue - - - - - - - Grants - - - - - 450,000 450,000 Traffic Impact Fees - - - - 100,000 150,000 250,000 49 West Valley Highway Improvements (15th St NW to W Main St) Capital Costs 25,000 - 75,000 600,000 3,000,000 - 3,700,000 Funding Sources: Unrestricted Street Revenue - - - - - - - Grants - - - 480,000 2,400,000 - 2,880,000 Traffic Impact Fees 25,000 - 75,000 120,000 600,000 - 820,000 51 Lake Tapps Parkway ITS Expansion Capital Costs - 105,000 900,000 - - - 1,005,000 Funding Sources: Unrestricted Street Revenue - - - - - - - Grants (Secured)- 82,950 711,000 - - - 793,950 Traffic Impact Fees - 22,050 189,000 - - - 211,050 52 A Street SE & Lakeland Hills Way SE Intersection Safety & Capacity Imp. Capital Costs 50,000 - - - - - 50,000 Funding Sources: Unrestricted Street Revenue - - - - - - - Grants - - - - - - - Traffic Impact Fees 50,000 - - - - - 50,000 53 AWS and 12th Street SE Intersection Improvements Capital Costs 150,000 - - - - - 150,000 Funding Sources: Unrestricted Street Revenue 150,000 - - - - - 150,000 Grants - - - - - - - Traffic Impact Fees - - - - - - - City of Auburn Capital Facilities Plan 24 TABLE T- 2 (continued) 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 Total TIP#Capacity Projects: 54 Kersey Way Study Capital Costs 20,000 - - - - - 20,000 Funding Sources: Unrestricted Street Revenue - - - - - - - Traffic Mitigation Fees 20,000 - - - - - 20,000 56 Evergreen Heights Safe Routes to School Improvements Capital Costs 200,000 - 410,000 2,270,000 - - 2,880,000 Funding Sources: Unrestricted Street Revenue 200,000 - - - - - 200,000 Grants - - 300,000 1,420,000 - - 1,720,000 Traffic Impact Fees - - 57,000 400,033 - - 457,033 Other (Auburn School Dist.)- - 53,000 327,443 - - 380,443 Other (Private Development)- - - 122,524 - - 122,524 59 Auburn Regional Growth Center Access Improvements Capital Costs - 750,000 1,100,000 3,000,000 - - 4,850,000 Funding Sources: Unrestricted Street Revenue - - - - - - - Grants - 600,000 880,000 2,400,000 - - 3,880,000 Traffic Impact Fees - 150,000 220,000 600,000 - - 970,000 60 M Street SE Corridor (8th St SE to AWS) Capital Costs - - - 2,050,000 5,250,000 - 7,300,000 Funding Sources: Unrestricted Street Revenue - - - - - - - Grants - - - 975,000 4,200,000 - 5,175,000 Traffic Impact Fees - - - 750,000 750,000 - 1,500,000 Other - - - 325,000 300,000 - 625,000 63 29th Street SE & R Street SE Intersection Improvements Capital Costs - - - 450,000 450,000 1,000,000 1,900,000 Funding Sources: Unrestricted Street Revenue - - - - - - - Grants - - - 360,000 360,000 800,000 1,520,000 REET2 - - - - - - - Traffic Impact Fees - - - 90,000 90,000 200,000 380,000 64 Lea Hill Segment 1 (R St NE to 105th Pl SE) Capital Costs 200,000 - - 2,450,000 5,000,000 5,000,000 12,650,000 Funding Sources: Unrestricted Street Revenue - - - - - - - Grants - - - 1,950,000 4,000,000 4,000,000 9,950,000 Traffic Impact Fees 200,000 - - 500,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 2,700,000 Other - - - - - - - 65 Lea Hill Rd Segment 2 (105th Ave SE to 112th Ave SE) Capital Costs - - - - 3,500,000 8,500,000 12,000,000 Funding Sources: Unrestricted Street Revenue - - - - - - - Grants - - - - 2,900,000 7,100,000 10,000,000 Traffic Impact Fees - - - - 600,000 1,400,000 2,000,000 Other - - - - - - - 66 Lea Hill Rd Segment 3 (112th Ave SE to 124th Ave SE) Capital Costs - - - - - 1,000,000 1,000,000 Funding Sources: Unrestricted Street Revenue - - - - - - - Grants - - - - - 750,000 750,000 Traffic Impact Fees - - - - - 250,000 250,000 Other - - - - - - - 67 BNSF & A St SE Pedestrian Crossing Improvements Capital Costs - - - - 650,000 4,900,000 5,550,000 Funding Sources: Unrestricted Street Revenue - - - - - - - Grants - - - - 400,000 3,500,000 3,900,000 Traffic Impact Fees - - - - 250,000 1,400,000 1,650,000 Other - - - - - - - 72 West Valley Highway Improvements (SR-18 to 15th St SW) Capital Costs - 100,000 500,000 2,500,000 - - 3,100,000 Funding Sources: Grants - - 400,000 2,000,000 - - 2,400,000 Traffic Impact Fees - 100,000 100,000 500,000 - - 700,000 Other - - - - - - - City of Auburn Capital Facilities Plan 25 TABLE T- 2 (continued) 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 Total TIP#Capacity Projects: 73 Stewart Road (Lake Tapps Parkway Corridor) Capital Costs - - - 100,000 - - 100,000 Funding Sources: Unrestricted Street Revenue - - - 66,000 - - 66,000 Traffic Impact Fees - - - - - - - Traffic Mitigation Fees - - - 34,000 - - 34,000 Subtotal, Capacity Projects: Capital Costs 928,817 1,538,121 5,567,428 20,691,233 31,737,639 24,680,344 85,143,582 TIP#Non-Capacity Projects: 2 A St Traffic Signal Improvements Capital Costs - - 125,000 900,000 - - 1,025,000 Funding Sources: Unrestricted Street Revenue - - 125,000 900,000 - - 1,025,000 Grants - - - - - - - Other - - - - - - - 3 Auburn Way Corridor Improvements Capital Costs - - - 818,700 3,000,000 - 3,818,700 Funding Sources: Unrestricted Street Revenue - - - 110,000 600,000 - 710,000 Grants - - - 708,700 2,400,000 - 3,108,700 Other - - - - - - - 14 A Street SE Signal Safety and Traffic Operations Capital Costs 355,200 - - - - - 355,200 Funding Sources: Unrestricted Street Revenue 35,520 - - - - - 35,520 Grants 319,680 - - - - - 319,680 Traffic Impact Fees - - - - - - - Other - - - - - - - 18 M Street SE & 29th Street SE Intersection Safety Improvements Capital Costs 50,000 - - 400,000 - - 450,000 Funding Sources: Unrestricted Street Revenue 50,000 - - 100,000 - - 150,000 Grants - - - 300,000 - - 300,000 Other - - - - - - - 19 Auburn Way North/1st Street NE Signal Improvements Capital Costs - 50,000 550,000 - - - 600,000 Funding Sources: Unrestricted Street Revenue - 50,000 125,000 - - - 175,000 Grants - - 425,000 - - - 425,000 Other - - - - - - - 20 R Street SE & 21st Street SE Intersection Safety Improvements Capital Costs - - - 800,000 - - 800,000 Funding Sources: Unrestricted Street Revenue - - - 100,000 - - 100,000 Grants - - - 700,000 - - 700,000 Other - - - - - - - 21 Main Street Signal Upgrades Capital Costs 20,000 - - - - - 20,000 Funding Sources: Unrestricted Street Revenue 20,000 - - - - - 20,000 Grants - - - - - - - Traffic Mitigation Fees - - - - - - - 23 Riverwalk Drive SE Non-Motorized Improvements Capital Costs - 250,000 1,500,000 - - - 1,750,000 Funding Sources: Unrestricted Street Revenue - 125,000 125,000 - - - 250,000 Grants - - 1,250,000 - - - 1,250,000 Other - 125,000 125,000 - - - 250,000 27 A Street SE Safety Improvements Study Capital Costs 55,000 - - - - - 55,000 Funding Sources: Unrestricted Street Revenue 55,000 - - - - - 55,000 Grants - - - - - - - Other - - - - - - - City of Auburn Capital Facilities Plan 26 TABLE T- 2 (continued) 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 Total TIP#Non-Capacity Projects: 29 S 272nd/277th St Corridor Capacity & Non-Motorized Trail Improvements Capital Costs 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 120,000 Funding Sources: Unrestricted Street Revenue - - - - - - - Traffic Impact Fees 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 120,000 Other - - - - - - - 30 Citywide Pedestrian Accessibility & Safety Program Capital Costs 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 600,000 Funding Sources: Unrestricted Street Revenue 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 600,000 Grants - - - - - - - Other - - - - - - - 31 Citywide Arterial Bicycle & Safety Improvements Capital Costs - 100,000 - 100,000 - 100,000 300,000 Funding Sources: Unrestricted Street Revenue - 100,000 - 100,000 - 100,000 300,000 Grants - - - - - - - Other - - - - - - - 44 Downtown Transit Center Access Improvements Capital Costs - - 125,000 - - - 125,000 Funding Sources: Unrestricted Street Revenue - - 25,000 - - - 25,000 Grants - - 100,000 - - - 100,000 Other - - - - - - - 50 ITS Dynamic Message Signs Capital Costs 100,000 150,000 150,000 150,000 150,000 - 700,000 Funding Sources: Unrestricted Street Revenue 100,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 - 220,000 REET 2 - - - - - - - Other (WRA)- - - - - - - Grants - 120,000 120,000 120,000 120,000 - 480,000 62 AWS Streetscape Improvements (SR 18 to M St SE) Capital Costs - - - 1,950,000 2,800,000 - 4,750,000 Funding Sources: Unrestricted Street Revenue - - - 200,000 200,000 - 400,000 Grants - - - 1,750,000 2,600,000 - 4,350,000 REET 2 - - - - - - - 68 A Street SE & 37th Street SE Intersection Improvements Capital Costs 390,000 - - - - - 390,000 Funding Sources: Unrestricted Street Revenue 34,350 - - - - - 34,350 Grants 309,500 - - - - - 309,500 Other (Fund 105)46,150 - - - - - 46,150 Subtotal, Non-Capacity Projects: Capital Costs 1,090,200 670,000 2,570,000 5,238,700 6,070,000 220,000 15,858,900 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 Total SUMMARY: CAPITAL COSTS Capacity Projects 720,000 1,330,000 5,360,000 20,484,500 31,531,600 24,475,000 83,901,100 Non-Capacity Projects 1,090,200 670,000 2,570,000 5,238,700 6,070,000 220,000 15,858,900 Long-Term Debt 208,817 208,121 207,428 206,733 206,039 205,344 1,242,482 Total Costs 2,019,017 2,208,121 8,137,428 25,929,933 37,807,639 24,900,344 101,002,482 FUNDING SOURCES: Unrestricted Street Revenue 744,870 405,000 530,000 2,073,500 1,122,500 200,000 5,075,870 Grants 629,180 1,082,950 6,046,000 16,396,200 30,515,940 18,775,000 73,445,270 Traffic Impact Fees 578,817 595,171 1,383,428 4,214,266 5,369,199 5,225,344 17,366,225 Traffic Mitigation Fees 20,000 - - 34,000 - - 54,000 Other (Fund 105)46,150 - - - - - 46,150 Other (Other Agencies)- 125,000 178,000 3,211,967 800,000 700,000 5,014,967 Total Funding 2,019,017 2,208,121 8,137,428 25,929,933 37,807,639 24,900,344 101,002,482 City of Auburn Capital Facilities Plan 27 ARTERIAL STREET FUND (102)Capital Facilities Plan Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2018-2023 Special Revenue Fund Project Title: A Street NW - Phase 1 (3rd St NW to 14th St NW) TIP # 1 Project No:c207a0 Project Type:Capacity Project Manager:Matt Larson LOS Corridor ID# 18 Activity: 2017 YE 2018 Year End Funding Sources:Prior to 2017 Estimate 2018 Budget 2019 Budget Project Total Unrestricted Street Revenue 123,276 - - - 123,276 Grants- Secured (Fed,State,Local)6,562,702 - - - 6,562,702 Traffic Impact Fees 1,213,101 81,752 25,000 25,000 1,319,853 Other Sources -Multicare Contribution 383,381 - - - 383,381 8,282,460 81,752 25,000 25,000 8,389,212 Capital Expenditures: Design 2,247,331 10,000 10,000 2,257,331 Right of Way 821,341 821,341 Environmental 5,000,640 5,000,640 Construction 213,148 81,572 15,000 15,000 309,720 8,282,460 81,572 25,000 25,000 8,389,032 Total 2020 2021 2022 2023 2018-2023 Funding Sources: Unrestricted Street Revenue - - - - - Grants- Secured (Fed,State,Local)- - - - - Traffic Impact Fees 25,000 25,000 25,000 - 125,000 Other Sources -Multicare Contribution - 25,000 25,000 25,000 - 125,000 Capital Expenditures: Design 10,000 10,000 10,000 - 50,000 Right of Way - - - - - Environmental - - - - - Construction 15,000 15,000 15,000 - 75,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 - 125,000 Grants / Other Sources: Description: Constructed a new multi-lane arterial from 3rd Street NW to 14th Street NW completing a missing link along the corridor. This project improves mobility and was tied to corridor development. The project length was approximately three-quarters of a mile. The City purchased ROW from the northern property owner. If the property develops any access to A St NW, some or a portion of those funds may be reimbursed to the City (total cost was $251,000). Progress Summary: Pre-design was completed prior to 2007. Final design and environmental permitting were completed in 2011 and construction was completed in 2013. Major plantings are scheduled in 2015 as part of the wetland monitoring that is required to continue until 2023. Future Impact on Operating Budget: The annual maintenance cost for this project is estimated to be $25,830. Total Expenditures: Total Expenditures: Total Funding Sources: Forecasted Project Cost: Total Funding Sources: City of Auburn Capital Facilities Plan 28 ARTERIAL STREET FUND (102)Capital Facilities Plan Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2018-2023 Special Revenue Fund Project Title: M Street Underpass (3rd St SE to 8th St SE) TIP # 5 Project No:c201a0 Project Type:Capacity Project Manager:Ryan Vondrak LOS Corridor ID# 6 Activity: 2017 YE 2018 Year End Funding Sources:Prior to 2017 Estimate 2018 Budget 2019 Budget Project Total Unrestricted Street Revenue - Grants- Secured (Fed,State,Local)9,731,904 - - - 9,731,904 REET2 1,140,000 - - - 1,140,000 Traffic Impact Fees (Construction)4,309,782 - - - 4,309,782 Traffic Impact Fees (Debt Service)395,390 124,305 124,013 123,720 643,708 Traffic Mitigation Fees 660,000 - - - 660,000 PWTFL (30 years)3,284,857 - - - 3,284,857 Other Sources (Other Agencies)*3,090,514 - - - 3,090,514 22,612,447 124,305 124,013 123,720 22,860,765 Capital Expenditures: Design 2,688,924 - - - 2,688,924 Right of Way 3,358,443 - - - 3,358,443 Construction 16,169,690 - - - 16,169,690 PWTFL Debt Service 395,390 124,305 124,013 123,720 643,708 22,612,447 124,305 124,013 123,720 22,860,765 Total 2020 2021 2022 2023 2018-2023 Funding Sources: Unrestricted Street Revenue - - - - - Grants- Secured (Fed,State,Local)- - - - - REET2 - - - - - Traffic Impact Fees (Construction)- - - - - Traffic Impact Fees (Debt Service)123,428 123,135 122,843 122,550 739,689 Traffic Mitigation Fees - - - - - PWTFL (30 years)- - - - - Other Sources (Other Agencies)*- - - - - 123,428 123,135 122,843 122,550 739,689 Capital Expenditures: Design - - - - - Right of Way - - - - - Construction - - - - - PWTFL Debt Service 123,428 123,135 122,843 122,550 739,689 123,428 123,135 122,843 122,550 739,689 Total Funding Sources: Total Expenditures: Total Expenditures: Total Funding Sources: Forecasted Project Cost: Grants / Other Sources: Other Agencies are King County Metro Sewer, Port of Seattle, Port of Tacoma, and BNSF Railway Description: Construction of a grade separated railroad crossing of M Street SE at the BNSF Stampede Pass tracks. Progress Summary: 100% Design Drawings and right of way acquisition were completed in 2011. Construction started in early 2012 and was completed in 2014. Debt Service is scheduled each year through 2041. Future Impact on Operating Budget: The annual maintenance cost for this project is estimated to be $21,827. City of Auburn Capital Facilities Plan 29 ARTERIAL STREET FUND (102)Capital Facilities Plan Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2018-2023 Special Revenue Fund Project Title: A Street Loop TIP # 6 Project No:cpxxxx Project Type:Capacity Project Manager:TBD LOS Corridor ID# N/A Activity: 2017 YE 2018 Year End Funding Sources:Prior to 2017 Estimate 2018 Budget 2019 Budget Project Total Unrestricted Street Revenue - - - - - Unsecured Grant - - - 280,000 - Traffic Impact Fees - - - 70,000 - Other - - - - - - - 350,000 - Capital Expenditures: Design - - - 350,000 - Right of Way - - - - - Construction - - - - - - - - 350,000 - Total 2020 2021 2022 2023 2018-2023 Funding Sources: Unrestricted Street Revenue - - - - - Unsecured Grant 1,080,000 - - - 1,360,000 Traffic Impact Fees 270,000 - - - 340,000 Other - - - - - 1,350,000 - - - 1,700,000 Capital Expenditures: Design - - - - 350,000 Right of Way - - - - - Construction 1,350,000 - - - 1,350,000 1,350,000 - - - 1,700,000 Grants / Other Sources: Total Funding Sources: Description: The project will design and construct a new one-way (eastbound) roadway connection between A Street SW and A Street SE. The new intersection with A Street SE will allow an unsignalized right-turn movement onto southbound A Street SE, providing an alternative to the intersection of 2nd/3rd Street SE and A Street SE. The roadway will be constructed as a complete street to accommodate non-motorized road users. Progress Summary: Future Impact on Operating Budget: The annual maintenance cost for this project is estimated to be $1,500. Total Funding Sources: Total Expenditures: Total Expenditures: Forecasted Project Cost: City of Auburn Capital Facilities Plan 30 ARTERIAL STREET FUND (102)Capital Facilities Plan Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2018-2023 Special Revenue Fund Project Title: Auburn Way S Improvements (Hemlock St SE to Poplar St SE)TIP # 9 Project No:cp1622 Project Type:Capacity Project Manager:TBD LOS Corridor ID# 4 Activity: 2017 YE 2018 Year End Funding Sources:Prior to 2017 Estimate 2018 Budget 2019 Budget Project Total Unrestricted Street Revenue - - - - - Grants- Unsecured (Fed,State,Local)- - - - - Traffic Impact Fees 7,540 142,460 - - 150,000 REET2 - - - - - Other (MIT)- 50,000 - - 50,000 7,540 192,460 - - 200,000 Capital Expenditures: Design 7,540 192,460 - - 200,000 Right of Way - - - - - Construction - - - - - 7,540 192,460 - - 200,000 Total 2020 2021 2022 2023 2018-2023 Funding Sources: Unrestricted Street Revenue - - - - - Grants- Unsecured (Fed,State,Local)- 800,000 2,000,000 1,600,000 4,400,000 Traffic Impact Fees - 100,000 250,000 200,000 550,000 REET2 - - - - - Other (MIT)- 100,000 250,000 200,000 550,000 - 1,000,000 2,500,000 2,000,000 5,500,000 Capital Expenditures: Design - 1,000,000 1,000,000 - 2,000,000 Right of Way - 1,500,000 - 1,500,000 Construction - - - 2,000,000 2,000,000 - 1,000,000 2,500,000 2,000,000 5,500,000 Grants / Other Sources: Total Expenditures: Description: Widen Auburn Way S between Hemlock St SE and Poplar St SE to accommodate two general purpose lanes in each direction, turn lanes, access management medians, U-turns, curb, gutter, sidewalk, illumination, transit stop improvements, new traffic signals, Intelligent Transportation Systems, streetscape and storm improvements. The project length is approximately 0.4 miles. Progress Summary: This project is proposed to be a partnership between the City of Auburn and the MIT. Pre-design effort will produce a project construction cost estimate. Major grant funding is expected to come from future state and federal competitions. This project will extend corridor improvements along Auburn Way S completed under previous projects. Future Impact on Operating Budget: The annual maintenance cost for this project is estimated to be $25,000. Total Funding Sources: Total Expenditures: Forecasted Project Cost: Total Funding Sources: City of Auburn Capital Facilities Plan 31 ARTERIAL STREET FUND (102)Capital Facilities Plan Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2018-2023 Special Revenue Fund Project Title: F Street SE Non-Motorized Improvements (Downtown to Les Gove) TIP # 10 Project No:cp1416 Project Type:Capacity, Non-Motorized Project Manager:Seth Wickstrom LOS Corridor ID# N/A Activity: 2017 YE 2017 Year End Funding Sources:Prior to 2017 Estimate 2018 Budget 2019 Budget Project Total Unrestricted Street Revenue - 40,000 - - 40,000 Grants- Secured Federal 309,928 210,072 - - 520,000 Grants-Unsecured Federal - - - - - Traffic Impact Fees 51,289 78,711 - - 130,000 Other - - - - - 361,217 328,783 - - 690,000 Capital Expenditures: Design 361,217 263,783 - - 625,000 Right of Way - 65,000 - - 65,000 Construction - - - - - 361,217 328,783 - - 690,000 Total 2020 2021 2022 2023 2018-2023 Funding Sources: Unrestricted Street Revenue - 150,000 - - 150,000 Grants- Unsecured (Fed)- - - - - Grants-Unsecured Federal - - - - - Traffic Impact Fees - 190,000 - - 190,000 Other - 2,162,000 - - 2,162,000 - 2,502,000 - - 2,502,000 Capital Expenditures: Design - - - - - Right of Way - - - - - Construction - 2,502,000 - - 2,502,000 - 2,502,000 - - 2,502,000 Grants / Other Sources: Total Funding Sources: Total Expenditures: Total Funding Sources: Total Expenditures: Forecasted Project Cost: Description: The F St SE project includes pavement rehabilitation, installation of curbs, gutters, bike lanes, sidewalks, ADA improvements, utility undergrounding, LED street lighting, new two way center left turn-lane, crash attenuation at the supports for the BNSF railroad bridge, development of a bike share pilot program for City staff, wayfinding signage and a "Bicycle Boulevard" designation of roadway connections between Auburn City Hall and the Les Gove Park Campus. This project improves mobility and safety along the corridor and will complete a gap in the non-motorized network between Auburn's Downtown and the Les Gove Community Campus. The major infrastructure improvements are approximately 0.3 miles long and the "Bicycle Boulevard" improvements are just over a mile long. Progress Summary: Preliminary design and survey work was completed in 2009. Federal Grant was secured in 2014 for design and ROW phases. Design phase was initiated in 2015. Construction is pending based on the ability to secure grant funding. Future Impact on Operating Budget: The annual maintenance cost for this project is estimated to be $4,100. City of Auburn Capital Facilities Plan 32 ARTERIAL STREET FUND (102)Capital Facilities Plan Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2018-2023 Special Revenue Fund Project Title: M Street NE (E Main St to 4th St NE) TIP # 11 Project No:asbd12 Project Type:Capacity Project Manager:TBD LOS Corridor ID# 5 Activity: 2017 YE 2018 Year End Funding Sources:Prior to 2017 Estimate 2018 Budget 2019 Budget Project Total Unrestricted Street Revenue - - - - - Grants- Unsecured (Fed,State,Local)- - - - - REET - - - - - Traffic Impact Fees - - 50,000 - 50,000 Other - - - - - - - 50,000 - 50,000 Capital Expenditures: Design - - 50,000 - 50,000 Right of Way - - - - - Construction - - - - - - - 50,000 - 50,000 Total 2020 2021 2022 2023 2018-2023 Funding Sources: Unrestricted Street Revenue - - - - - Grants- Unsecured (Fed,State,Local)- 280,000 1,000,000 - 1,280,000 REET - - - - - Traffic Impact Fees - 70,000 250,000 - 370,000 Other - - - - - - 350,000 1,250,000 - 1,650,000 Capital Expenditures: Design - 350,000 - - 400,000 Right of Way - - 100,000 - 100,000 Construction - - 1,150,000 - 1,150,000 - 350,000 1,250,000 - 1,650,000 Grants / Other Sources: Description: This project will construct a four-lane street section on M St NE between south of E Main St and 4th St NE. Progress Summary: Pre-design will be completed during 2018 to refine project scope, alignment, and cost. Future Impact on Operating Budget: The annual maintenance cost for this project is estimated to be $5,000. Total Expenditures: Total Funding Sources: Total Expenditures: Forecasted Project Cost: Total Funding Sources: City of Auburn Capital Facilities Plan 33 ARTERIAL STREET FUND (102)Capital Facilities Plan Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2018-2023 Special Revenue Fund Project Title: 8th Street NE Widening (Pike St NE to R St NE)TIP # 15 Project No:cpxxxx Project Type:Capacity Project Manager:TBD LOS Corridor ID# 19 Activity: 2017 YE 2018 Year End Funding Sources:Prior to 2017 Estimate 2018 Budget 2019 Budget Project Total Unrestricted Street Revenue - - - - - Grants- Unsecured (Fed,State,Local)- - - - - REET - - - - - Traffic Impact Fees - - - - - Other - - - - - - - - - - Capital Expenditures: Design - - - - - Right of Way - - - - - Construction - - - - - - - - - - Total 2020 2021 2022 2023 2018-2023 Funding Sources: Unrestricted Street Revenue - - - - - Grants- Unsecured (Fed,State,Local)- 360,000 800,000 - 1,160,000 REET - - - - - Traffic Impact Fees - 90,000 200,000 - 290,000 Other - - - - - - 450,000 1,000,000 - 1,450,000 Capital Expenditures: Design - 200,000 - - 200,000 Right of Way - 250,000 - - 250,000 Construction - - 1,000,000 - 1,000,000 - 450,000 1,000,000 - 1,450,000 Grants / Other Sources: Description: Widen 8th Street NE to extend the five-lane cross-section which currently exists to the west of Pike St NE to R St NE by providing an additional travel lane along the south side of the roadway. This is a planning level cost estimate. Progress Summary: Future Impact on Operating Budget: The annual maintenance cost for this project is estimated to be $5,000. Total Expenditures: Total Funding Sources: Total Expenditures: Forecasted Project Cost: Total Funding Sources: City of Auburn Capital Facilities Plan 34 ARTERIAL STREET FUND (102)Capital Facilities Plan Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2018-2023 Special Revenue Fund Project Title: Harvey Rd NE/8th St NE Intersection Improvements TIP # 17 Project No:cp0611 Project Type:Capacity Project Manager:None LOS Corridor ID# 5, 19 Activity: 2017 YE 2018 Year End Funding Sources:Prior to 2017 Estimate 2018 Budget 2019 Budget Project Total Unrestricted Street Revenue - - - - - Grants- Secured (Fed,State,Local)- - - - - Traffic Impact Fees (Debt Service)606,768 85,206 84,804 84,401 776,778 Traffic Impact Fees 204,500 204,500 PWTF 1,527,300 1,527,300 2,338,568 85,206 84,804 84,401 2,508,578 Capital Expenditures: Design 327,500 - - - 327,500 Right of Way 200,400 - - - 200,400 Construction 1,203,900 - - - 1,203,900 Long Term Debt - PWTF 606,768 85,206 84,804 84,401 776,778 2,338,568 85,206 84,804 84,401 2,508,578 Total 2020 2021 2022 2023 2018-2023 Funding Sources: Unrestricted Street Revenue - - - - - Grants- Secured (Fed,State,Local)- - - - - Traffic Impact Fees (Debt Service)84,000 83,598 83,196 82,794 502,793 Traffic Impact Fees - - - - - PWTF - - - - - 84,000 83,598 83,196 82,794 502,793 Capital Expenditures: Design - - - - - Right of Way - - - - - Construction - - - - - Long Term Debt - PWTF 84,000 83,598 83,196 82,794 502,793 84,000 83,598 83,196 82,794 502,793 Grants / Other Sources: Total Funding Sources: Total Funding Sources: Total Expenditures: Total Expenditures: Forecasted Project Cost: Description: Add one eastbound through/right turn-lane on 8th St NE to the west of Harvey Rd. Modify traffic signals and traffic channelization to accommodate the new lane. The additional lane will reduce traffic delays and queuing at the intersection of Harvey Rd and 8th St NE in all directions. This project will reconstruct M St NE from 4th St NE to 8th St NE, a segment of roadway approximately 0.3 miles long with a four-lane cross-section. The reconstruction will address the existing poor pavement condition and fill in any gaps in the sidewalk network. Progress Summary: Project was completed in 2010. Ongoing budget is for Public Works Trust Fund Loan debt payments scheduled through 2028. Future Impact on Operating Budget: This project will have no impact on the operating budget for street maintenance. City of Auburn Capital Facilities Plan 35 ARTERIAL STREET FUND (102)Capital Facilities Plan Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2018-2023 Special Revenue Fund Project Title: Academy Drive Multi-Use Trail TIP # 24 Project No:cpxxxx Project Type:Class 1 Trail (Capacity) Project Manager:TBD LOS Corridor ID# N/A Activity: 2017 YE 2018 Year End Funding Sources:Prior to 2017 Estimate 2018 Budget 2019 Budget Project Total Unrestricted Street Revenue - - - - - Grants- Unsecured (Fed,State,Local)- - - - - REET - - - - - Traffic Impact Fees - - - - - Other Sources - - - - - - - - - - Capital Expenditures: Design - - - - - Right of Way - - - - - Construction - - - - - - - - - - Total 2020 2021 2022 2023 2018-2023 Funding Sources: Unrestricted Street Revenue - 42,500 42,500 - 85,000 Grants- Unsecured (Fed,State,Local)- 382,500 382,500 - 765,000 REET - - - - - Traffic Impact Fees - - - - - Other Sources - - - - - - 425,000 425,000 - 850,000 Capital Expenditures: Design - 100,000 - - 100,000 Right of Way - - - - - Construction - 325,000 425,000 - 750,000 - 425,000 425,000 - 850,000 Grants / Other Sources: Total Expenditures: Total Expenditures: Total Funding Sources: Forecasted Project Cost: Total Funding Sources: Description: This project will use existing Academy Drive right-of-way to create a multi-use trail between the Green River Road and Auburn Way S. Progress Summary: Future Impact on Operating Budget: The annual maintenance cost for this project is estimated to be $25,000. City of Auburn Capital Facilities Plan 36 ARTERIAL STREET FUND (102)Capital Facilities Plan Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2018-2023 Special Revenue Fund Project Title: 46th Place S Realignment TIP # 25 Project No:cpxxx Project Type:Capacity Project Manager:TBD LOS Corridor ID# N/A Activity: 2017 YE 2018 Year End Funding Sources:Prior to 2017 Estimate 2018 Budget 2019 Budget Project Total Unrestricted Street Revenue - - - - - Grants- Unsecured (Fed,State,Local)- - - - - REET 2 - - - - - Traffic Impact Fees - - - - - Other Sources - - - - - - - - - - Capital Expenditures: Design - - - - - Right of Way - - - - - Construction - - - - - - - - - - Total 2020 2021 2022 2023 2018-2023 Funding Sources: Unrestricted Street Revenue - - - - - Grants- Unsecured (Fed,State,Local)- - - 575,000 575,000 REET 2 - - - - - Traffic Impact Fees - - - 250,000 250,000 Other Sources - - - - - - - - 825,000 825,000 Capital Expenditures: Design - - - 125,000 125,000 Right of Way - - - 25,000 25,000 Construction - - - 675,000 675,000 - - - 825,000 825,000 Grants / Other Sources: Total Expenditures: Total Funding Sources: Total Expenditures: Forecasted Project Cost: Total Funding Sources: Description: The project will realign 46th Place S to the south of S 321st Street. The realignment will move the 46th Place S intersection with S 321st Street approximately 350 feet to the east of the current location. This will create two T-intersections (44th Avenue S and 46th Place S) in place of the existing four-leg intersection. The existing 46th Place S will be dead-ended to the south of S 321st Street. The project will improve safety and traffic operations at the intersections. Progress Summary: Right-of-way for the realigned roadway will be dedicated as part of an adjacent development project. Future Impact on Operating Budget: The annual maintenance cost for this project is estimated to be $5,000. City of Auburn Capital Facilities Plan 37 ARTERIAL STREET FUND (102)Capital Facilities Plan Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2018-2023 Special Revenue Fund Project Title: C Street SW & 15th Street SW Intersection Improvements TIP # 38 Project No:cpxxxx Project Type:Capacity Project Manager:TBD LOS Corridor ID# 12, 13 Activity: 2017 YE 2018 Year End Funding Sources:Prior to 2017 Estimate 2018 Budget 2019 Budget Project Total Unrestricted Street Revenue - - - - - Grants- Unsecured (Fed,State,Local)- - - - - Traffic Impact Fees - - - - - REET2 - - - - - Other - - - - - - - - - - Capital Expenditures: Design - - - - - Right of Way - - - - - Construction - - - - - - - - - - Total 2020 2021 2022 2023 2018-2023 Funding Sources: Unrestricted Street Revenue - - - - - Grants- Unsecured (Fed,State,Local)- - 800,000 - 800,000 Traffic Impact Fees - 200,000 200,000 - 400,000 REET2 - - - - - Other - - - - - - 200,000 1,000,000 - 1,200,000 Capital Expenditures: Design - 200,000 - - 200,000 Right of Way - - - - - Construction - - 1,000,000 - 1,000,000 - 200,000 1,000,000 - 1,200,000 Grants / Other Sources: Total Expenditures: Description: This project will construct a southbound right-turn pocket, re-channelize the intersection to provide two southbound through lanes, and replace the existing span wire traffic signal with a new traffic signal. Progress Summary: Design is planned to begin in 2021. Construction will be scheduled once full funding is secured. Future Impact on Operating Budget: The annual maintenance cost for this project is estimated to be $2,500. Total Funding Sources: Total Expenditures: Forecasted Project Cost: Total Funding Sources: City of Auburn Capital Facilities Plan 38 ARTERIAL STREET FUND (102)Capital Facilities Plan Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2018-2023 Special Revenue Fund Project Title: 124th Ave SE Corridor & 320th Intersection Improvements TIP # 39 Project No:asbd04 Project Type:Capacity Project Manager:TBD LOS Corridor ID# 23, 25 Activity: 2017 YE 2018 Year End Funding Sources:Prior to 2017 Estimate 2018 Budget 2019 Budget Project Total Unrestricted Street Revenue - - - - - Grants- Unsecured (Fed,State,Local)- - - - - REET 2 - - - - - Other (GRC)- - - - - - - - - - Capital Expenditures: Design - - - - - Right of Way - - - - - Construction - - - - - - - - - - Total 2020 2021 2022 2023 2018-2023 Funding Sources: Unrestricted Street Revenue - 175,000 150,000 - 325,000 Grants- Unsecured (Fed,State,Local)- - 1,200,000 - 1,200,000 REET 2 - - - - - Other (GRC)- 175,000 250,000 - 425,000 - 350,000 1,600,000 - 1,950,000 Capital Expenditures: Design - 350,000 - - 350,000 Right of Way - - 100,000 - 100,000 Construction - - 1,500,000 - 1,500,000 - 350,000 1,600,000 - 1,950,000 Grants / Other Sources: Description: This project will fund the design, right-of-way acquisition, and construction of improvements to the intersection of SE 320th St and 124th Ave SE. The intersection is located at the main entrance to Green River College and will require additional on- site improvements to be constructed. Progress Summary: Future Impact on Operating Budget: The annual maintenance cost for this project is estimated to be $2,500. Total Expenditures: Total Expenditures: Total Funding Sources: Forecasted Project Cost: Total Funding Sources: City of Auburn Capital Facilities Plan 39 ARTERIAL STREET FUND (102)Capital Facilities Plan Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2018-2023 Special Revenue Fund Project Title: 124th Ave SE Corridor Improvements (SE 312th to SE 318th)TIP # 40 Project No:asbd01 Project Type:Capacity Project Manager:TBD LOS Corridor ID# 23 Activity: 2017 YE 2018 Year End Funding Sources:Prior to 2017 Estimate 2018 Budget 2019 Budget Project Total Unrestricted Street Revenue - - - - - Grants- Unsecured Federal - - - - - Traffic Impact Fees - - - - - Other - - - - - - - - - - Capital Expenditures: Design - - - - - Right of Way - - - - - Construction - - - - - - - - - - Total 2020 2021 2022 2023 2018-2023 Funding Sources: Unrestricted Street Revenue - - - - - Grants- Unsecured Federal 300,000 880,000 2,000,000 - 3,180,000 Traffic Impact Fees 100,000 220,000 500,000 - 820,000 Other - - - - - 400,000 1,100,000 2,500,000 - 4,000,000 Capital Expenditures: Design 400,000 - - - 400,000 Right of Way - 1,100,000 - - 1,100,000 Construction - - 2,500,000 - 2,500,000 400,000 1,100,000 2,500,000 - 4,000,000 Grants / Other Sources: Total Expenditures: Total Expenditures: Total Funding Sources: Forecasted Project Cost: Total Funding Sources: Description: This project will fund the design, right-of-way acquisition, and construction of a four-lane section with bicycle and pedestrian facilities on 124th Ave SE between SE 318th St and SE 312th St, and improvements to the signalized intersection of SE 312th St and 124th Ave SE (including adding bike lanes, dual westbound left-turn lanes, dual southbound through-lanes, a northbound right-turn pocket, ITS improvements, and pedestrian safety improvements). Progress Summary: Phase 1 improvements between SE 318th and SE 316th were completed by GRC in 2012. Future Impact on Operating Budget: The annual maintenance cost for this project is estimated to be $5,000. City of Auburn Capital Facilities Plan 40 ARTERIAL STREET FUND (102)Capital Facilities Plan Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2018-2023 Special Revenue Fund Project Title: R Street Bypass (M Street SE to SR-18)TIP # 41 Project No:cpxxxx Project Type:Capacity Project Manager:TBD LOS Corridor ID# N/A Activity: 2017 YE 2018 Year End Funding Sources:Prior to 2017 Estimate 2018 Budget 2019 Budget Project Total Unrestricted Street Revenue - - - - - Grants- Secured (Fed,State,Local)- - - - - REET - - - - - Traffic Impact Fees - - - - - Other Sources (Development)- - - - - - - - - - Capital Expenditures: Design - - - - - Right of Way - - - - - Construction - - - - - - - - - - Total 2020 2021 2022 2023 2018-2023 Funding Sources: Unrestricted Street Revenue - - - - - Grants- Secured (Fed,State,Local)- - - - - REET - - - - - Traffic Impact Fees - - - 150,000 150,000 Other Sources (Development)- - - 500,000 500,000 - - - 650,000 650,000 Capital Expenditures: Design - - - 650,000 650,000 Right of Way - - - - - Construction - - - - - - - - 650,000 650,000 Grants / Other Sources: Description: This project will complete the design and construction of the Bypass Rd, an arterial connection between M Street SE and Auburn Black Diamond Road, paralleling the Stampede Pass rail line. The project will provide an arterial connection from the newly constructed M Street Underpass to the Auburn Black Diamond Road interchange with SR-18 to keep both vehicular and freight traffic out of residential neighborhoods along R Street SE north of the Stampede Pass line. The arterial connection may also provide opportunities for partnering with the Muckleshoot Indian Tribe as they redevelop the Miles Pit area and as more definitive plans are developed for a potential new WSDOT interchange on SR-18 in the vicinity of the project. Progress Summary: Future Impact on Operating Budget: The annual maintenance cost for this project is estimated to be $7,500. Total Expenditures: Total Funding Sources: Total Expenditures: Forecasted Project Cost: Total Funding Sources: City of Auburn Capital Facilities Plan 41 ARTERIAL STREET FUND (102)Capital Facilities Plan Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2018-2023 Special Revenue Fund Project Title: SE 320th Street Corridor Improvements (116th Ave SE to 122nd Ave SE)TIP # 42 Project No:asbd19 Project Type:Capacity, Safety Project Manager:TBD LOS Corridor ID# 25 Activity: 2017 YE 2018 Year End Funding Sources:Prior to 2017 Estimate 2018 Budget 2019 Budget Project Total Unrestricted Street Revenue 100,000 - - 100,000 Grants- Unsecured Federal - - - - - Traffic Impact Fees - - - - - PWTFL - - - - - Other - - - - - - 100,000 - - 100,000 Capital Expenditures: Design 100,000 - - 100,000 Right of Way - - - - - Construction - - - - - - 100,000 - - 100,000 Total 2020 2021 2022 2023 2018-2023 Funding Sources: Unrestricted Street Revenue - - - - - Grants- Unsecured Federal 480,000 530,000 2,953,440 - 3,963,440 Traffic Impact Fees 120,000 132,500 328,160 - 580,660 PWTFL - - - - - Other - - - - - 600,000 662,500 3,281,600 - 4,544,100 Capital Expenditures: Design 600,000 250,000 - - 850,000 Right of Way - 412,500 - - 412,500 Construction - - 3,281,600 - 3,281,600 600,000 662,500 3,281,600 - 4,544,100 Grants / Other Sources: Total Expenditures: Total Expenditures: Total Funding Sources: Forecasted Project Cost: Total Funding Sources: Description: SE 320th St is a primary route serving Green River College and adjacent neighborhoods. There are very high volumes of pedestrians, bicyclists, and transit utilizing the corridor. This project will fund the design, right-of-way acquisition, and construction of non-motorized roadway and safety improvements including a roundabout at 116th Ave SE, adding bicycle lanes, sidewalks, and street lighting between 122nd Ave SE and 116th Ave SE. Project length is approximately .45 miles. Progress Summary: GRC completed the design and construction for the segment between 124th Ave SE and 122nd Ave SE in 2013. Corridor pre-design is scheduled to start in 2017. Construction schedule is pending securing full funding. Future Impact on Operating Budget: The annual maintenance cost for this project is estimated to be $5,000. City of Auburn Capital Facilities Plan 42 ARTERIAL STREET FUND (102)Capital Facilities Plan Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2018-2023 Special Revenue Fund Project Title: 124th Avenue SE & SE 284th Street Intersection Safety Improvements TIP # 45 Project No:cpxxxx Project Type:Capacity, Safety Project Manager:TBD LOS Corridor ID# N/A Activity: 2017 YE 2018 Year End Funding Sources:Prior to 2017 Estimate 2018 Budget 2019 Budget Project Total Unrestricted Street Revenue - - - - - Grants- Unsecured (Fed,State,Local)- - - - - Traffic Impact Fees - - - - REET2 - - - - - Other - - - - - - - - - - Capital Expenditures: Design - - - - - Right of Way - - - - - Construction - - - - - - - - - - Total 2020 2021 2022 2023 2018-2023 Funding Sources: Unrestricted Street Revenue - - - - - Grants- Unsecured (Fed,State,Local)- - - 450,000 450,000 Traffic Impact Fees - - 100,000 150,000 250,000 REET2 - - - - - Other - - - - - - - 100,000 600,000 700,000 Capital Expenditures: Design - - 100,000 - 100,000 Right of Way - - - 50,000 50,000 Construction - - - 550,000 550,000 - - 100,000 600,000 700,000 Grants / Other Sources: Total Expenditures: Description: This project will complete the design phase, purchase ROW, and construct safety and capacity improvements at this intersection. The improvements will include a left-turn lane for northbound vehicles on 124th Avenue SE. Progress Summary: Future Impact on Operating Budget: The annual maintenance cost for this project is estimated to be $2,000. Total Funding Sources: Total Expenditures: Forecasted Project Cost: Total Funding Sources: City of Auburn Capital Facilities Plan 43 ARTERIAL STREET FUND (102)Capital Facilities Plan Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2018-2023 Special Revenue Fund Project Title: West Valley Highway Improvements (15th Street NW to W Main Street)TIP # 49 Project No:asbd13 Project Type:Capacity Project Manager:TBD LOS Corridor ID# 35 Activity: 2017 YE 2018 Year End Funding Sources:Prior to 2017 Estimate 2018 Budget 2019 Budget Project Total Unrestricted Street Revenue - - - - - Grants- Unsecured (Fed,State,Local)- - - - - Traffic Impact Fees - - 25,000 - 25,000 - - 25,000 - 25,000 Capital Expenditures: Design - - 25,000 - 25,000 Right of Way - - - - - Construction - - - - - - - 25,000 - 25,000 Total 2020 2021 2022 2023 2018-2023 Funding Sources: Unrestricted Street Revenue - - - - - Grants- Unsecured (Fed,State,Local)480,000 2,400,000 - 2,880,000 Traffic Impact Fees 75,000 120,000 600,000 - 820,000 75,000 600,000 3,000,000 - 3,700,000 Capital Expenditures: Design 75,000 600,000 - - 700,000 Right of Way - - - - - Construction - - 3,000,000 - 3,000,000 75,000 600,000 3,000,000 - 3,700,000 Grants / Other Sources: Total Expenditures: Total Expenditures: Total Funding Sources: Forecasted Project Cost: Total Funding Sources: Description: This project scope includes pavement rehabilitation and re-channelization, roadway widening, bicycle lanes, pedestrian facilities, roadway lighting, required storm system improvements, and Intelligent Transportation System Improvements. Progress Summary: Survey, base mapping and pre-design are planned to be completed in 2018 to complete preliminary plans and refine project cost-estimate. Future Impact on Operating Budget: The annual maintenance cost for this project is estimated to be $5,000. City of Auburn Capital Facilities Plan 44 ARTERIAL STREET FUND (102)Capital Facilities Plan Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2018-2023 Special Revenue Fund Project Title: Lake Tapps Parkway ITS Expansion TIP # 51 Project No:cp1618 Project Type:Capacity Project Manager:TBD LOS Corridor ID# 17 Activity: 2017 YE 2018 Year End Funding Sources:Prior to 2017 Estimate 2018 Budget 2019 Budget Project Total Unrestricted Street Revenue - - - - - Grants- Secured Federal - - - 82,950 - Grants- Unsecured Federal - - - - - Traffic Impact Fees 3,572 479 - 22,050 4,051 Other - - - - - 3,572 479 - 105,000 4,051 Capital Expenditures: Design 3,572 479 - 105,000 4,051 Right of Way - - - - - Construction - - - - - 3,572 479 - 105,000 4,051 Total 2020 2021 2022 2023 2018-2023 Funding Sources: Unrestricted Street Revenue - - - - - Grants- Secured Federal 711,000 - - - 793,950 Grants- Unsecured Federal - - - - - Traffic Impact Fees 189,000 - - - 211,050 Other - - - - - 900,000 - - - 1,005,000 Capital Expenditures: Design - - - - 105,000 Right of Way - - - - - Construction 900,000 - - - 900,000 900,000 - - - 1,005,000 Total Expenditures: Total Expenditures: Total Funding Sources: Forecasted Project Cost: Total Funding Sources: Description: The project funds the design, coordination, permitting, and construction of new Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) infrastructure along Lake Tapps Parkway from Lakeland Hills Way to East Valley Highway, and along East Valley Highway to Lakeland Hills Way. The proposed ITS infrastructure includes conduit, fiber, VMS signage, cameras, network communication upgrades, and weather stations along the route. Progress Summary: Federal Grant application was submitted to PSRC in May 2014. Project was awarded design and construction funds in 2016; the awarded amount will not be released to the City until 2019. Future Impact on Operating Budget: The annual maintenance cost for this project is estimated to be $5,000. City of Auburn Capital Facilities Plan 45 ARTERIAL STREET FUND (102)Capital Facilities Plan Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2018-2023 Special Revenue Fund Project Title: A Street SE & Lakeland Hills Way SE Intersection Safety & Capacity Imp.TIP # 52 Project No:asbd15 Project Type:Capacity, Safety Project Manager:TBD LOS Corridor ID# 10, 34 Activity: 2017 YE 2018 Year End Funding Sources:Prior to 2017 Estimate 2018 Budget 2019 Budget Project Total Unrestricted Street Revenue - - - - - Grants- Secured (Fed,State,Local)- - - - - Traffic Impact Fees - 25,000 50,000 - 75,000 REET2 - - - - - Other - - - - - - 25,000 50,000 - 75,000 Capital Expenditures: Design - 25,000 50,000 - 75,000 Right of Way - - - - - Construction - - - - - - 25,000 50,000 - 75,000 Total 2020 2021 2022 2023 2018-2023 Funding Sources: Unrestricted Street Revenue - - - - - Grants- Secured (Fed,State,Local)- - - - - Traffic Impact Fees - - - - 50,000 REET2 - - - - - Other - - - - - - - - - 50,000 Capital Expenditures: Design - - - - 50,000 Right of Way - - - - - Construction - - - - - - - - - 50,000 Grants / Other Sources: Total Expenditures: Description: This project will study traffic operations, safety, and prepare a preliminary design for intersection improvements. Progress Summary: Analysis, preliminary design, and construction cost estimate will be initiated in 2017. Future phases will be programmed as funding becomes available. Future Impact on Operating Budget: This project will have no impact on the operating budget for street maintenance. Total Funding Sources: Total Expenditures: Forecasted Project Cost: Total Funding Sources: City of Auburn Capital Facilities Plan 46 ARTERIAL STREET FUND (102)Capital Facilities Plan Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2018-2023 Capital Projects Fund Project Title: Auburn Way South and 12th Street SE Intersection Improvements TIP # 53 Project No:cp1114 Project Type:Capacity Project Manager:TBD LOS Corridor ID# 3 Activity: 2017 YE 2018 Year End Funding Sources:Prior to 2017 Estimate 2018 Budget 2019 Budget Project Total Unrestricted Street Revenue - 50,000 150,000 - 200,000 Grants- Unsecured Federal - - - - - REET2 - - - - - Traffic Impact Fees - - - - - Other - - - - - - 50,000 150,000 - 200,000 Capital Expenditures: Design - 50,000 - - 50,000 Right of Way - - - - - Construction - - 150,000 - 150,000 - 50,000 150,000 - 200,000 Total 2020 2021 2022 2023 2018-2023 Funding Sources: Unrestricted Street Revenue - - - - 150,000 Grants- Unsecured Federal - - - - - REET2 - - - - - Traffic Impact Fees - - - - - Other - - - - - - - - - 150,000 Capital Expenditures: Design - - - - - Right of Way - - - - - Construction - - - - 150,000 - - - - 150,000 Grants / Other Sources: Description: The project will design and construct multi-modal intersection improvements at the AWS/12th Street SE intersection. The improvements will include pedestrian access, bicycle lanes, signal phasing and timing, and ITS upgrades. Progress Summary: Design and construction of these improvements is being incorporated in the WSDOT SR-164 paving project which will be constructed during 2018. Future Impact on Operating Budget: This project will have no impact on the operating budget for street maintenance. Total Expenditures: Total Funding Sources: Total Expenditures: Forecasted Project Cost: Total Funding Sources: City of Auburn Capital Facilities Plan 47 ARTERIAL STREET FUND (102)Capital Facilities Plan Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2018-2023 Special Revenue Fund Project Title: Kersey Way SE Corridor Study TIP # 54 Project No:asbd11 Project Type:Capacity Project Manager:TBD LOS Corridor ID# 36 Activity: 2017 YE 2018 Year End Funding Sources:Prior to 2017 Estimate 2018 Budget 2019 Budget Project Total Unrestricted Street Revenue - - - - - Grants- Unsecured (Fed,State,Local)- - - - - REET - - - - - Traffic Mitigation Fees - 30,000 20,000 - 50,000 Other - - - - - - 30,000 20,000 - 50,000 Capital Expenditures: Design - 30,000 20,000 - 50,000 Right of Way - - - - - Construction - - - - - - 30,000 20,000 - 50,000 Total 2020 2021 2022 2023 2018-2023 Funding Sources: Unrestricted Street Revenue - - - - - Grants- Unsecured (Fed,State,Local)- - - - - REET - - - - - Traffic Mitigation Fees - - - - 20,000 Other (Developer)*- - - - - - - - - 20,000 Capital Expenditures: Design - - - - 20,000 Right of Way - - - - - Construction - - - - - - - - - 20,000 Grants / Other Sources: Description: This project will study improvements to the Kersey Way SE corridor from the White River Bridge to the southern city limits. The study will develop the scope and costs for horizontal /vertical geometric roadway improvements, roadside hazard mitigation, street lighting and non-motorized trail construction. The project length is approximately two miles. Progress Summary: Design study will begin in 2017. Future Impact on Operating Budget: This project will have no impact on the operating budget for street maintenance. Total Expenditures: Total Funding Sources: Total Expenditures: Forecasted Project Cost: Total Funding Sources: City of Auburn Capital Facilities Plan 48 ARTERIAL STREET FUND (102)Capital Facilities Plan Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2018-2023 Special Revenue Fund Project Title: Evergreen Heights Safe Routes to School Improvements, Phase 1 TIP # 56 Project No:asbd14 Project Type:Capacity, Non-Motorized Project Manager:TBD LOS Corridor ID# 37 Activity: 2017 YE 2018 Year End Funding Sources:Prior to 2017 Estimate 2018 Budget 2019 Budget Project Total Unrestricted Street Revenue - 50,000 200,000 - 250,000 Grants- Unsecured State - - - - - Traffic Impact Fees - - - - - Other (Auburn Sch. Dist.)- - - - - Other (Private Development)- - - - - - 50,000 200,000 - 250,000 Capital Expenditures: Design - 50,000 200,000 - 250,000 Right of Way - - - - - Construction - - - - - - 50,000 200,000 - 250,000 Total 2020 2021 2022 2023 2018-2023 Funding Sources: Unrestricted Street Revenue - - - - 200,000 Grants- Unsecured State 300,000 1,420,000 - - 1,720,000 Traffic Impact Fees 57,000 400,033 - - 457,033 Other (Auburn Sch. Dist.)53,000 327,443 - - 380,443 Other (Private Development)- 122,524 - - 122,524 410,000 2,270,000 - - 2,880,000 Capital Expenditures: Design 200,000 - - - 400,000 Right of Way 210,000 - - - 210,000 Construction - 2,270,000 - - 2,270,000 410,000 2,270,000 - - 2,880,000 Grants / Other Sources: Auburn School District partnership includes direct financial contribution and ROW dedication. Total Expenditures: Total Expenditures: Total Funding Sources: Forecasted Project Cost: Total Funding Sources: Description: The project will widen S 316th Street from 52nd Avenue S to the west of the Evergreen Elementary School frontage, to accommodate the addition of bike lanes and sidewalks along the north side of the street , matching the existing roadway cross-section to the east of the school. The S 316th Street improvements include the vertical realignment of the existing roadway along the school frontage which creates sight-distance problems associated with the school driveways and at the intersection with 56th Avenue S. The 56th Avenue S approach to S 316th Street will be realigned to the east to remove the offset between the street approach and school driveway, and a roundabout will be constructed at the S 316th Street/56th Avenue S intersection replacing the existing all-way stop-control. Other project elements include street lighting and required storm water system improvements. Progress Summary: Grant funding application was submitted in 2016, but was not selected. A partnership with the Auburn School District may be able to provide a portion of the improvements in conjunction with their planned project in 2018 which includes the construction of half street improvements along the frontage of the school property. Private development contribution has been secured. Future Impact on Operating Budget: This project will have no impact on the operating budget for street maintenance. City of Auburn Capital Facilities Plan 49 ARTERIAL STREET FUND (102)Capital Facilities Plan Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2018-2023 Special Revenue Fund Project Title: Auburn Regional Growth Center Access Improvements TIP # 59 Project No:asbd24 Project Type:Capacity Project Manager:TBD LOS Corridor ID# N/A Activity: 2017 YE 2018 Year End Funding Sources:Prior to 2017 Estimate 2018 Budget 2019 Budget Project Total Unrestricted Street Revenue - - - - - Grants- Unsecured Federal - - - 600,000 - Traffic Impact Fees - - - 150,000 - REET2 - - - - - Other - - - - - - - - 750,000 - Capital Expenditures: Design - - - 750,000 - Right of Way - - - - - Construction - - - - - - - - 750,000 - Total 2020 2021 2022 2023 2018-2023 Funding Sources: Unrestricted Street Revenue - - - - - Grants- Unsecured Federal 880,000 2,400,000 - - 3,880,000 Traffic Impact Fees 220,000 600,000 - - 970,000 REET2 - - - - - Other - - - - - 1,100,000 3,000,000 - - 4,850,000 Capital Expenditures: Design 50,000 - - - 800,000 Right of Way 200,000 - - - 200,000 Construction 850,000 3,000,000 - - 3,850,000 1,100,000 3,000,000 - - 4,850,000 Grants / Other Sources: Total Expenditures: Description: The project will improve the 3rd Street NW/NE/4th Street NE corridor through downtown Auburn. The project elements include the realignment of side street approaches, associated traffic signal upgrades, at the signalized intersections along the corridor, and illumination, ADA, and pavement rehabilitation along the corridor. The project will improve traffic operations at the intersection with A Street NW by removing the need to operate the north/south approaches with split phase due to the existing offset, will add a northbound left-turn movement at the intersection with Auburn Avenue, and realign the intersection of 4th St NE with Auburn Way North to eliminate another split phase operation signal, improving circulation and access. Progress Summary: Future Impact on Operating Budget: This project will have no impact on the operating budget for street maintenance. Total Funding Sources: Total Expenditures: Forecasted Project Cost: Total Funding Sources: City of Auburn Capital Facilities Plan 50 ARTERIAL STREET FUND (102)Capital Facilities Plan Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2018-2023 Special Revenue Fund Project Title: M Street SE Corridor (8th St SE to AWS)TIP # 60 Project No:cpxxxx Project Type:Capacity Project Manager:TBD LOS Corridor ID# 6 Activity: 2017 YE 2018 Year End Funding Sources:Prior to 2017 Estimate 2018 Budget 2019 Budget Project Total Unrestricted Street Revenue - - - - - Grants- Unsecured (Fed,State,Local)- - - - - Traffic Impact Fees - - - - - REET2 - - - - - Other(Development)- - - - - - - - - - Capital Expenditures: Design - - - - - Right of Way - - - - - Construction - - - - - - - - - - Total 2020 2021 2022 2023 2018-2023 Funding Sources: Unrestricted Street Revenue - - - - - Grants- Unsecured (Fed,State,Local)- 975,000 4,200,000 - 5,175,000 Traffic Impact Fees - 750,000 750,000 - 1,500,000 REET2 - - Other(Development)- 325,000 300,000 - 625,000 - 2,050,000 5,250,000 - 7,300,000 Capital Expenditures: Design - 725,000 - 725,000 Right of Way - 1,325,000 - 1,325,000 Construction - 5,250,000 - 5,250,000 - 2,050,000 5,250,000 - 7,300,000 Grants / Other Sources: Description: Widen M Street SE into a multi-lane arterial between 8th St SE and AWS, including the construction of a new traffic signal at the intersection with 12th Street SE. This project will improve mobility and is tied to corridor development. It is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan and contributes to the completion of a north/south arterial corridor. Progress Summary: Future Impact on Operating Budget: The annual maintenance cost for this project is estimated to be $15,000. Total Expenditures: Total Funding Sources: Total Expenditures: Forecasted Project Cost: Total Funding Sources: City of Auburn Capital Facilities Plan 51 ARTERIAL STREET FUND (102)Capital Facilities Plan Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2018-2023 Special Revenue Fund Project Title: 29th St SE/R St SE Intersection Improvements TIP # 63 Project No:cpxxxx Project Type:Capacity Project Manager:TBD LOS Corridor ID# 16, 27 Activity: 2017 YE 2018 Year End Funding Sources:Prior to 2017 Estimate 2018 Budget 2019 Budget Project Total Unrestricted Street Revenue - - - - - Grants- Unsecured (Fed,State,Local)- - - - - Traffic Impact Fees - - - - - REET - - - - - Other - - - - - - - - - - Capital Expenditures: Design - - - - - Right of Way - - - - - Construction - - - - - - - - - Total 2020 2021 2022 2023 2018-2023 Funding Sources: Unrestricted Street Revenue - - - - - Grants- Unsecured (Fed,State,Local)- 360,000 360,000 800,000 1,520,000 Traffic Impact Fees - 90,000 90,000 200,000 380,000 REET - - - - - Other - - - - - - 450,000 450,000 1,000,000 1,900,000 Capital Expenditures: Design - 450,000 - - 450,000 Right of Way - - 450,000 - 450,000 Construction - - - 1,000,000 1,000,000 - 450,000 450,000 1,000,000 1,900,000 Grants / Other Sources: Description: This project funds the design, right-of-way acquisition and construction of intersection capacity and safety improvements at the 29th St SE/R St SE intersection. Progress Summary: Future Impact on Operating Budget: This project will have no impact on the operating budget for street maintenance. Total Expenditures: Total Funding Sources: Total Expenditures: Forecasted Project Cost: Total Funding Sources: City of Auburn Capital Facilities Plan 52 ARTERIAL STREET FUND (102)Capital Facilities Plan Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2018-2023 Special Revenue Fund Project Title: Lea Hill Rd Segment 1 (R St NE to 105th Pl SE) TIP # 64 Project No:asbd18 Project Type:Capacity Project Manager:TBD LOS Corridor ID# 19 Activity: 2017 YE 2018 Year End Funding Sources:Prior to 2017 Estimate 2018 Budget 2019 Budget Project Total Unrestricted Street Revenue - - - - - Grants- Unsecured (Fed,State,Local)- - - - - Traffic Impact Fees 430,000 - 200,000 - 630,000 Other - - - - - 430,000 - 200,000 - 630,000 Capital Expenditures: Design - - 200,000 - 200,000 Right of Way 430,000 - - - 430,000 Construction - - - - - 430,000 - 200,000 - 630,000 Total 2020 2021 2022 2023 2018-2023 Funding Sources: Unrestricted Street Revenue - - - - - Grants- Unsecured (Fed,State,Local)- 1,950,000 4,000,000 4,000,000 9,950,000 Traffic Impact Fees - 500,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 2,700,000 Other - - - - - - 2,450,000 5,000,000 5,000,000 12,650,000 Capital Expenditures: Design - 1,950,000 - - 2,150,000 Right of Way - 500,000 - - 500,000 Construction - - 5,000,000 5,000,000 10,000,000 - 2,450,000 5,000,000 5,000,000 12,650,000 Grants / Other Sources: Description: Widen the existing roadway to provide a four-lane cross section pedestrian and bicycle facilities. The project includes widening the Green River Bridge on NE 8th Street. Progress Summary: Two parcels along the future roadway alignment were purchased by the City in 2015, and a third in 2015. Corridor pre- design effort is planned to begin in 2018. Future Impact on Operating Budget: The annual maintenance cost for this project is estimated to be $18,300 Total Expenditures: Total Funding Sources: Total Expenditures: Forecasted Project Cost: Total Funding Sources: City of Auburn Capital Facilities Plan 53 ARTERIAL STREET FUND (102)Capital Facilities Plan Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2018-2023 Special Revenue Fund Project Title: Lea Hill Rd Segment 2 (105th Pl SE to 112th Ave SE) TIP # 65 Project No:cpxxxx Project Type:Capacity Project Manager:TBD LOS Corridor ID# 19 Activity: 2017 YE 2018 Year End Funding Sources:Prior to 2017 Estimate 2018 Budget 2019 Budget Project Total Unrestricted Street Revenue - - - - - Grants- Unsecured (Fed,State,Local)- - - - - Traffic Impact Fees - - - - - Other - - - - - - - - - - Capital Expenditures: Design - - - - - Right of Way - - - - - Construction - - - - - - - - - - Total 2020 2021 2022 2023 2018-2023 Funding Sources: Unrestricted Street Revenue - - - - - Grants- Unsecured (Fed,State,Local)- - 2,900,000 7,100,000 10,000,000 Traffic Impact Fees - - 600,000 1,400,000 2,000,000 Other - - - - - - - 3,500,000 8,500,000 12,000,000 Capital Expenditures: Design - - 2,000,000 - 2,000,000 Right of Way - - 1,500,000 - 1,500,000 Construction - - - 8,500,000 8,500,000 - - 3,500,000 8,500,000 12,000,000 Grants / Other Sources: Description: Project includes widening the existing roadway to provide a four-lane cross-section including pedestrian and bicycle facilities. Progress Summary: Future Impact on Operating Budget: The annual maintenance cost for this project is estimated to be $24,100. Total Expenditures: Total Funding Sources: Total Expenditures: Forecasted Project Cost: Total Funding Sources: City of Auburn Capital Facilities Plan 54 ARTERIAL STREET FUND (102)Capital Facilities Plan Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2018-2023 Special Revenue Fund Project Title: Lea Hill Rd Segment 3 (112th Ave SE to 124th Ave SE ) TIP # 66 Project No:cpxxxx Project Type:Capacity Project Manager:TBD LOS Corridor ID# 19 Activity: 2017 YE 2018 Year End Funding Sources:Prior to 2017 Estimate 2018 Budget 2019 Budget Project Total Unrestricted Street Revenue - - - - - Grants- Unsecured (Fed,State,Local)- - - - - Traffic Impact Fees - - - - - Other - - - - - - - - - - Capital Expenditures: Design - - - - - Right of Way - - - - - Construction - - - - - - - - - - Total 2020 2021 2022 2023 2018-2023 Funding Sources: Unrestricted Street Revenue - - - - - Grants- Unsecured (Fed,State,Local)- - - 750,000 750,000 Traffic Impact Fees - - - 250,000 250,000 Other - - - - - - - 1,000,000 1,000,000 Capital Expenditures: Design - - - 500,000 500,000 Right of Way - - - 500,000 500,000 Construction - - - - - - - - 1,000,000 1,000,000 Grants / Other Sources: Description: Project includes widening the existing roadway to provide a four-lane cross-section including pedestrian and bicycle facilities. Progress Summary: Future Impact on Operating Budget: The annual maintenance cost for this project is estimated to be $20,300. Total Expenditures: Total Funding Sources: Total Expenditures: Forecasted Project Cost: Total Funding Sources: City of Auburn Capital Facilities Plan 55 ARTERIAL STREET FUND (102)Capital Facilities Plan Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2018-2023 Special Revenue Fund Project Title: BNSF & A St SE Pedestrian Crossing Improvements TIP # 67 Project No:cpxxx Project Type:Capacity, Safety, Non-Motorized Project Manager:TBD LOS Corridor ID# 10 Activity: 2017 YE 2018 Year End Funding Sources:Prior to 2017 Estimate 2018 Budget 2019 Budget Project Total Unrestricted Street Revenue - - - - - Grants- Unsecured (Fed,State,Local)- - - - - Traffic Impact Fees - - - - - Other - - - - - - - - - - Capital Expenditures: Design - - - - - Right of Way - - - - - Construction - - - - - - - - - - Total 2020 2021 2022 2023 2018-2023 Funding Sources: Unrestricted Street Revenue - - - - - Grants- Unsecured (Fed,State,Local)- - 400,000 3,500,000 3,900,000 Traffic Impact Fees - - 250,000 1,400,000 1,650,000 Other - - - - - - 650,000 4,900,000 5,550,000 Capital Expenditures: Design - - 650,000 - 650,000 Right of Way - - - - - Construction - - - 4,900,000 4,900,000 - - 650,000 4,900,000 5,550,000 Grants / Other Sources: Total Expenditures: Description: This project will fund the permitting, design, and construction of a new pedestrian underpass of the BNSF Railway mainline tracks south of 41st St SE and a new signalized pedestrian crossing of A St SE. This project is needed to improve pedestrian walking routes and safety. Progress Summary: Consultant feasibility analysis was completed to refine project scope, alignment, and identify design issues. Future project phases will be completed when grant funding is secured. Future Impact on Operating Budget: The annual maintenance cost for this project is estimated to be $5,500. Total Funding Sources: Total Expenditures: Forecasted Project Cost: Total Funding Sources: City of Auburn Capital Facilities Plan 56 ARTERIAL STREET FUND (102)Capital Facilities Plan Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2018-2023 Special Revenue Fund Project Title: West Valley Highway Improvements (SR-18 to 15th Street SW)TIP # 72 Project No:asbd20 Project Type:Capacity Project Manager:TBD LOS Corridor ID# 35 Activity: 2017 YE 2018 Year End Funding Sources:Prior to 2017 Estimate 2018 Budget 2019 Budget Project Total Unrestricted Street Revenue - - - - - Grants- Unsecured (Fed,State,Local)- - - - - Traffic Impact Fees - - - 100,000 - REET2 - - - - - Other - - - - - - - - 100,000 - Capital Expenditures: Design - - - 100,000 - Right of Way - - - - - Construction - - - - - - - - 100,000 - Total 2020 2021 2022 2023 2018-2023 Funding Sources: Unrestricted Street Revenue - - - - - Grants- Unsecured (Fed,State,Local)400,000 2,000,000 - - 2,400,000 Traffic Impact Fees 100,000 500,000 - - 700,000 REET2 - - - - - Other - - - - - 500,000 2,500,000 - - 3,100,000 Capital Expenditures: Design 500,000 - - - 600,000 Right of Way - - - - - Construction - 2,500,000 - - 2,500,000 500,000 2,500,000 - - 3,100,000 Grants / Other Sources: Total Expenditures: Description: This project scope includes pavement rehabilitation and re-channelization, pedestrian and bicycle facility improvements, improved roadway lighting, required storm system improvements, intersection signal replacement at 15th St SW, and Intelligent Transportation System Improvements. Progress Summary: Future Impact on Operating Budget: This annual maintenance cost for this project is estimated to be $2,500. Total Funding Sources: Total Expenditures: Forecasted Project Cost: Total Funding Sources: City of Auburn Capital Facilities Plan 57 ARTERIAL STREET FUND (102)Capital Facilities Plan Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2018-2023 Special Revenue Fund Project Title: Stewart Road (Lake Tapps Parkway Corridor)TIP # 73 Project No:asbd25 Project Type:Capacity Project Manager:City of Pacific LOS Corridor ID# N/A Activity: 2017 YE 2018 Year End Funding Sources:Prior to 2017 Estimate 2018 Budget 2019 Budget Project Total Unrestricted Street Revenue - - - - - Grants- Secured (Fed,State,Local)- - - - - Traffic Impact Fees - - - - - REET2 - - - - - Traffic Mitigation Fees - - - - - - - - - - Capital Expenditures: Design - - - - - Right of Way - - - - - Construction - - - - - - - - - - Total 2020 2021 2022 2023 2018-2023 Funding Sources: Unrestricted Street Revenue - 66,000 - - 66,000 Grants- Secured (Fed,State,Local)- - - - - Traffic Impact Fees - - - - - REET2 - - - - - Traffic Mitigation Fees - 34,000 - - 34,000 - 100,000 - - 100,000 Capital Expenditures: Design - - - - - Right of Way - - - - - Construction - 100,000 - - 100,000 - 100,000 - - 100,000 Grants / Other Sources: Total Expenditures: Description: This is a City of Pacific project to widen the Stewart Road (Lake Tapps Parkway) Corridor. This is the final segment of widening in the City of Pacific which will tie in with the City of Sumner's planned final widening segment and new bridge over the White River. Completion of this corridor widening is expected to significantly relieve traffic congestion in Auburn along the A St SE and C St SE corridors. Progress Summary: City of Pacific has initiated preliminary road design and is applying for grant funding to complete the project. Future Impact on Operating Budget: There is no future impact to Auburn's operating budgets. Total Funding Sources: Total Expenditures: Forecasted Project Cost: Total Funding Sources: City of Auburn Capital Facilities Plan 58 ARTERIAL STREET FUND (102)Capital Facilities Plan Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2018-2023 Special Revenue Fund Project Title: A St Traffic Signal Improvements TIP # 2 Project No:cpxxxx Project Type:Non-Capacity Project Manager:TBD LOS Corridor ID# 2 Activity: 2017 YE 2018 Year End Funding Sources:Prior to 2017 Estimate 2018 Budget 2019 Budget Project Total Unrestricted Street Revenue - - - - - Grants- Unsecured (Fed & State)- - - - - Traffic Impact Fees - - - - - Other Sources - - - - - - - - - - Capital Expenditures: Design - - - - - Right of Way - - - - - Construction - - - - - - - - - - Total 2020 2021 2022 2023 2018-2023 Funding Sources: Unrestricted Street Revenue 125,000 900,000 - - 1,025,000 Grants- Unsecured (Fed & State)- - - Traffic Impact Fees - - - - - Other Sources - - - - - 125,000 900,000 - - 1,025,000 Capital Expenditures: Design 125,000 - - 125,000 Right of Way - - - Construction 900,000 - - 900,000 125,000 900,000 - - 1,025,000 Grants / Other Sources: Total Expenditures: Description: This project will replace two A St traffic signals at E Main Street and 2nd St SE. These are two of the oldest signals in the City that have both exceeded their serviceable life span. New signal improvements will match the City's new decorative downtown standard, meet ADA accessibility requirements, and include battery backup power supplies. Progress Summary: Design is scheduled to be completed in 2020. Preliminary underground improvements have been completed at each intersection in advance of the project. Portions of this project are being completed by adjacent development. Future Impact on Operating Budget: This project will have no impact on the operating budget for street maintenance. Total Funding Sources: Total Expenditures: Forecasted Project Cost: Total Funding Sources: City of Auburn Capital Facilities Plan 59 ARTERIAL STREET FUND (102)Capital Facilities Plan Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2018-2023 Special Revenue Fund Project Title: Auburn Way Corridor (4th St NE to 4th St SE) TIP # 3 Project No:cpxxxx Project Type:Non-Capacity Project Manager:TBD LOS Corridor ID# 2, 3 Activity: 2017 YE 2018 Year End Funding Sources:Prior to 2017 Estimate 2018 Budget 2019 Budget Project Total Unrestricted Street Revenue - - - - - Grants- Unsecured (Fed,State,Local)- - - - - REET - - - - - Traffic Impact Fees - - - - - Other Sources - - - - - - - - - - Capital Expenditures: Design - - - - - Right of Way - - - - - Construction - - - - - - - - - - Total 2020 2021 2022 2023 2018-2023 Funding Sources: Unrestricted Street Revenue - 110,000 600,000 - 710,000 Grants- Unsecured (Fed,State,Local)- 708,700 2,400,000 - 3,108,700 REET - - - - - Traffic Impact Fees - - - - - Other Sources - - - - - - 818,700 3,000,000 - 3,818,700 Capital Expenditures: Design - 618,700 - - 618,700 Right of Way - 200,000 - - 200,000 Construction - - 3,000,000 - 3,000,000 - 818,700 3,000,000 - 3,818,700 Grants / Other Sources: Description: This project is based on a pre-design study to improve pedestrian accessibility, appearance, and link the downtown area along Auburn Way S between 4th Street NE and 4th Street SE. The project is approximately 0.5 miles long. Progress Summary: Future Impact on Operating Budget: This project will have no impact on the operating budget for street maintenance. Total Expenditures: Total Funding Sources: Total Expenditures: Forecasted Project Cost: Total Funding Sources: City of Auburn Capital Facilities Plan 60 ARTERIAL STREET FUND (102)Capital Facilities Plan Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2018-2023 Special Revenue Fund Project Title: A Street SE Signal Safety and Traffic Operations TIP # 14 Project No:cp1707 Project Type:Non-Capacity, Safety Project Manager:Kim Truong LOS Corridor ID# 10 Activity: 2017 YE 2015 Year End Funding Sources:Prior to 2017 Estimate 2018 Budget 2019 Budget Project Total Unrestricted Street Revenue - 10,330 35,520 - 45,850 Grants- Secured Federal - 92,970 319,680 - 412,650 REET 2 - - - - - Traffic Impact Fees - - - - - Other- Developer - - - - - - 103,300 355,200 - 458,500 Capital Expenditures: Design - 103,300 - - 103,300 Right of Way - - - - - Construction - - 355,200 - 355,200 - 103,300 355,200 - 458,500 Total 2020 2021 2022 2023 2018-2023 Funding Sources: Unrestricted Street Revenue - - - - 35,520 Grants- Secured Federal - - - 319,680 REET 2 - - - - - Traffic Impact Fees - - - - - Other- Developer - - - - - - - - 355,200 Capital Expenditures: Design - - - - - Right of Way - - - - - Construction - - - - 355,200 - - - - 355,200 Grants / Other Sources: Total Expenditures: Total Funding Sources: Total Expenditures: Forecasted Project Cost: Total Funding Sources: Description: This project will improve intersection traffic signal timing and operations, corridor coordination, traffic signal head visibility, and ADA accessibility along the A St SE Corridor between 3rd St SE and East Valley Highway Access Road. Progress Summary: Federal Grant was awarded in 2016. Design phase began in 2017 and construction is scheduled for completion in 2018. Future Impact on Operating Budget: There is no impact to the street maintenance budget. City of Auburn Capital Facilities Plan 61 ARTERIAL STREET FUND (102)Capital Facilities Plan Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2018-2023 Special Revenue Fund Project Title: M Street SE & 29th Street SE Intersection Safety Improvements TIP # 18 Project No:cpXXXX Project Type:Non-Capacity, Safety Project Manager:TBD LOS Corridor ID# 27 Activity: 2017 YE 2018 Year End Funding Sources:Prior to 2017 Estimate 2018 Budget 2019 Budget Project Total Unrestricted Street Revenue - - 50,000 - 50,000 Grants- Unsecured (Fed,State,Local)- - - - - Traffic Impact Fees - - - - - REET2 - - - - - Other - - - - - - - 50,000 - 50,000 Capital Expenditures: Design - - 50,000 - 50,000 Right of Way - - - - - Construction - - - - - - - 50,000 - 50,000 Total 2020 2021 2022 2023 2018-2023 Funding Sources: Unrestricted Street Revenue - 100,000 - - 150,000 Grants- Unsecured (Fed,State,Local)- 300,000 - - 300,000 Traffic Impact Fees - - - - - REET2 - - - - - Other - - - - - - 400,000 - - 450,000 Capital Expenditures: Design - - - - 50,000 Right of Way - - - - - Construction - 400,000 - - 400,000 - 400,000 - - 450,000 Grants / Other Sources: Total Expenditures: Description: This project includes the design and construction of a new traffic signal. Progress Summary: M St SE & 29th St SE is currently an all-way stop controlled intersection, experiences significant congestion in the peak traffic hours, and has a documented high collision history. Design is scheduled to be initiated in 2016. Construction will be completed when project is fully funded. Future Impact on Operating Budget: The annual maintenance cost for this project is estimated to be $5,000. Total Funding Sources: Total Expenditures: Forecasted Project Cost: Total Funding Sources: City of Auburn Capital Facilities Plan 62 ARTERIAL STREET FUND (102)Capital Facilities Plan Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2018-2023 Special Revenue Fund Project Title: Auburn Way North/1st Street NE Signal Improvements TIP # 19 Project No:asbd05 Project Type:Non-Capacity Project Manager:TBD LOS Corridor ID# 2 Activity: 2017 YE 2018 Year End Funding Sources:Prior to 2017 Estimate 2018 Budget 2019 Budget Project Total Unrestricted Street Revenue - - - 50,000 - Grants- Unsecured (Fed,State,Local)- - - - - Traffic Impact Fees - - - - - Other - - - - - - - - 50,000 - Capital Expenditures: Design - - - 50,000 - Right of Way - - - - - Construction - - - - - - - - 50,000 - Total 2020 2021 2022 2023 2018-2023 Funding Sources: Unrestricted Street Revenue 125,000 - - - 175,000 Grants- Unsecured (Fed,State,Local)425,000 - - - 425,000 Traffic Impact Fees - - - - - REET - - - - - 550,000 - - - 600,000 Capital Expenditures: Design - - - - 50,000 Right of Way 50,000 - - - 50,000 Construction 500,000 - - - 500,000 550,000 - - - 600,000 Grants / Other Sources:Grant funds are unsecure. Total Funding Sources: Total Expenditures: Total Funding Sources: Total Expenditures: Forecasted Project Cost: Description: This project will construct a new traffic signal with controller cabinet and battery backup along with necessary intersection improvements. Progress Summary: Design is scheduled to be completed in 2019. Future Impact on Operating Budget: This project will have no impact on the operating budget for street maintenance. City of Auburn Capital Facilities Plan 63 ARTERIAL STREET FUND (102)Capital Facilities Plan Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2018-2023 Special Revenue Fund Project Title: R Street SE & 21st Street SE Intersection Safety Improvements TIP # 20 Project No:asbd22 Project Type:Non-Capacity, Safety Project Manager:TBD LOS Corridor ID# 16 Activity: 2017 YE 2018 Year End Funding Sources:Prior to 2017 Estimate 2018 Budget 2019 Budget Project Total Unrestricted Street Revenue - 75,000 - - 75,000 Grants- Unsecured (Fed,State,Local)- - - - - Traffic Impact Fees - - - - - REET2 - - - - - Other - - - - - - 75,000 - - 75,000 Capital Expenditures: Design - 75,000 - - 75,000 Right of Way - - - - - Construction - - - - - - 75,000 - - 75,000 Total 2020 2021 2022 2023 2018-2023 Funding Sources: Unrestricted Street Revenue - 100,000 - - 100,000 Grants- Unsecured (Fed,State,Local)- 700,000 - - 700,000 Traffic Impact Fees - - - - - REET2 - - - - - Other - - - - - - 800,000 - - 800,000 Capital Expenditures: Design - - - - - Right of Way - - - - - Construction - 800,000 - - 800,000 - 800,000 - - 800,000 Grants / Other Sources: Total Expenditures: Description: This project includes the design and construction of intersection safety improvements. Progress Summary: R St SE & 21st St SE is currently a two-way stop controlled intersection, experiences significant congestion in the peak traffic hours, and has a documented high collision history. Analysis to determine appropriate intersection control and design is scheduled to be completed in 2017. Construction will be completed when project is fully funded. Interim improvements are being constructed in 2017 to improve the pedestrian crossing in partnership with the Muckleshoot Indian Tribe. Future Impact on Operating Budget: The annual maintenance cost for this project is estimated to be $5,000. Total Funding Sources: Total Expenditures: Forecasted Project Cost: Total Funding Sources: City of Auburn Capital Facilities Plan 64 ARTERIAL STREET FUND (102)Capital Facilities Plan Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2018-2023 Special Revenue Fund Project Title: W Main Street & C St Traffic Signal Upgrade TIP # 21 Project No:cp1406 Project Type:Non-Capacity Project Manager:Kevin Thompson LOS Corridor ID# 11 Activity: 2017 YE 2018 Year End Funding Sources:Prior to 2017 Estimate 2018 Budget 2019 Budget Project Total Unrestricted Street Revenue - 320,000 20,000 - 340,000 Grants- Unsecured (Fed,State,Local)- - - - - REET - - - - - Traffic Mitigation Fees 31,054 118,946 - - 150,000 Other - - - - - 31,054 438,946 20,000 - 490,000 Capital Expenditures: Design 31,054 20,000 - - 51,054 Right of Way - - - - - Construction - 418,946 20,000 - 438,946 31,054 438,946 20,000 - 490,000 Total 2020 2021 2022 2023 2018-2023 Funding Sources: Unrestricted Street Revenue - - - - 20,000 Grants- Unsecured (Fed,State,Local)- - - - - REET - - - - - Traffic Mitigation Fees - - - - - Other - - - - - - - - - 20,000 Capital Expenditures: Design - - - - - Right of Way - - - - - Construction - - - - 20,000 - - - - 20,000 Grants / Other Sources: Description: Reconstruct the existing traffic signal at C St NW and W Main Street. The new C St NW signal will provide protected left- turn phasing for C Street, and will provide additional safety related to the railroad pre-emption. Progress Summary: Design is currently underway and construction is anticipated to be complete by early 2018. Future Impact on Operating Budget: This project will have no impact on the operating budget for street maintenance. Total Expenditures: Total Funding Sources: Total Expenditures: Forecasted Project Cost: Total Funding Sources: City of Auburn Capital Facilities Plan 65 ARTERIAL STREET FUND (102)Capital Facilities Plan Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2018-2023 Special Revenue Fund Project Title: Riverwalk Drive SE Non-Motorized Improvements TIP # 23 Project No:asbd26 Project Type:Non-Motorized Project Manager:TBD LOS Corridor ID# 27 Activity: 2017 YE 2018 Year End Funding Sources:Prior to 2017 Estimate 2018 Budget 2019 Budget Project Total Unrestricted Street Revenue - - - 125,000 - Grants- Unsecured (Fed,State,Local)- - - - - Traffic Impact Fees - - - - - REET2 - - - - - Other (MIT)- - - 125,000 - - - - 250,000 - Capital Expenditures: Design - - - 250,000 - Right of Way - - - - - Construction - - - - - - - - 250,000 - Total 2020 2021 2022 2023 2018-2023 Funding Sources: Unrestricted Street Revenue 125,000 - - - 250,000 Grants- Unsecured (Fed,State,Local)1,250,000 - - - 1,250,000 Traffic Impact Fees - - - - - REET2 - - - - - Other (MIT)125,000 - - - 250,000 1,500,000 - - - 1,750,000 Capital Expenditures: Design - - - - 250,000 Right of Way - - - - - Construction 1,500,000 - - - 1,500,000 1,500,000 - - - 1,750,000 Grants / Other Sources: Total Expenditures: Description: This project is planned as a partnership between the City of Auburn and the Muckleshoot Indian Tribe to improve pedestrian safety by constructing sidewalks, street lighting, and related storm improvements on Riverwalk Drive SE between Auburn Way S and Howard Road SE. This project will close a major gap in the sidewalk system and ties into the proposed improvements on Auburn Way South. Progress Summary: Design is anticipated to begin in 2019. Construction will be completed when funds are available. Future Impact on Operating Budget: The annual maintenance cost for this project is estimated to be $10,000. Total Funding Sources: Total Expenditures: Forecasted Project Cost: Total Funding Sources: City of Auburn Capital Facilities Plan 66 ARTERIAL STREET FUND (102)Capital Facilities Plan Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2018-2023 Special Revenue Fund Project Title: A Street SE Safety Improvements Study TIP # 27 Project No:cp1110 Project Type:Safety (Non-Capacity) Project Manager:James Webb LOS Corridor ID# 10, 33 Activity: 2017 YE 2018 Year End Funding Sources:Prior to 2017 Estimate 2018 Budget 2019 Budget Project Total Unrestricted Street Revenue 1,230 - 55,000 - 56,230 Grants- Secured (Fed,State,Local)- - - - - REET - - - - - Traffic Mitigation Fees - - - - - Other - - - - - 1,230 - 55,000 - 56,230 Capital Expenditures: Design 1,230 - 55,000 - 56,230 Right of Way - - - - - Construction - - - - - 1,230 - 55,000 - 56,230 Total 2020 2021 2022 2023 2018-2023 Funding Sources: Unrestricted Street Revenue - - - - 55,000 Grants- Secured (Fed,State,Local)- - - - - REET - - - - - Traffic Impact Fees - - - - - Other - - - - - - - - - 55,000 Capital Expenditures: Design - - - - 55,000 Right of Way - - - - - Construction - - - - - - - - - 55,000 Grants / Other Sources: Description: Study the A Street SE corridor between 6th Street SE and Lakeland Hills Way SE including 41st St SE from D St SE to C St SE. The study will review the safety and access needs of the traveling public and the adjacent properties. Progress Summary: In-house pre-design was completed to refine project scope, alignment, and identify design issues. 2018 design will complete conceptual corridor plan for future improvements. Future Impact on Operating Budget: This study will have no impact on the operating budget for street maintenance. Total Expenditures: Total Funding Sources: Total Expenditures: Forecasted Project Cost: Total Funding Sources: City of Auburn Capital Facilities Plan 67 ARTERIAL STREET FUND (102)Capital Facilities Plan Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2018-2023 Special Revenue Fund Project Title: S 272nd/277th St Corridor Capacity & Non-Motorized Trail Improvements TIP # 29 Project No:asbd27 Project Type:Environmental Monitoring Project Manager:TBD LOS Corridor ID# 15 Activity: 2017 YE 2018 Year End Funding Sources:Prior to 2017 Estimate 2018 Budget 2019 Budget Project Total Unrestricted Street Revenue - - - - - Grants- Secured Federal - - - - - Grants- Secured State - - - - - Traffic Impact Fees - - 20,000 20,000 20,000 Other (Development Funds)*- - - - - Other - - - - - - - 20,000 20,000 20,000 Capital Expenditures: Design - - - - - Right of Way - - - - - Environmental - - 20,000 20,000 20,000 Construction - - - - - - - 20,000 20,000 20,000 Total 2020 2021 2022 2023 2018-2023 Funding Sources: Unrestricted Street Revenue - - - - - Grants- Secured State - - - - - Traffic Impact Fees 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 120,000 Other (Development Funds)*- - - - - Other - - - - - 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 120,000 Capital Expenditures: Design - - - - - Right of Way - - - - - Environmental 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 120,000 Construction - - - - - 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 120,000 Grants / Other Sources: Description: This project will complete the environmental monitoring requirements related to the S 277th St corridor widening project between Auburn Way North and l St NE. Progress Summary: 10 year monitoring period is expected to begin in 2018 after final completion. Future Impact on Operating Budget: There is no impact on future operating budgets. Total Expenditures: Total Funding Sources: Total Expenditures: Forecasted Project Cost: Total Funding Sources: City of Auburn Capital Facilities Plan 68 ARTERIAL STREET FUND (102)Capital Facilities Plan Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2018-2023 Special Revenue Fund Project Title: Citywide Pedestrian Accessibility and Safety Program TIP # 30 Project No:asbd08, cp1615 Project Type:Non-Capacity (Annual) Project Manager:James Webb LOS Corridor ID# N/A Activity: 2017 YE 2018 Year End Funding Sources:Prior to 2017 Estimate 2018 Budget 2019 Budget Project Total Unrestricted Street Revenue - 130,000 100,000 100,000 230,000 Grants- Secured (Fed,State,Local)- - - - - REET - - - - - Traffic Impact Fees - - - - - Other - - - - - - 130,000 100,000 100,000 230,000 Capital Expenditures: Design - 20,000 10,000 10,000 30,000 Right of Way - - Construction - 110,000 90,000 90,000 200,000 - 130,000 100,000 100,000 230,000 Total 2020 2021 2022 2023 2018-2023 Funding Sources: Unrestricted Street Revenue 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 600,000 Grants- Secured (Fed,State,Local)- - - - - REET - - - - - Traffic Impact Fees - - - - - Other - - - - - 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 600,000 Capital Expenditures: Design 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 60,000 Right of Way - Construction 90,000 90,000 90,000 90,000 540,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 600,000 Grants / Other Sources: Description: This is an annual program to fund small pedestrian improvement projects at locations throughout the City. Projects are prioritized annually based on pedestrian demands, existing deficiencies, and citizen requests. Progress Summary: Future Impact on Operating Budget: This project will have no impact on the operating budget for street maintenance. Total Expenditures: Total Funding Sources: Total Expenditures: Forecasted Project Cost: Total Funding Sources: City of Auburn Capital Facilities Plan 69 ARTERIAL STREET FUND (102)Capital Facilities Plan Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2018-2023 Special Revenue Fund Project Title: Citywide Arterial Bicycle & Safety Improvements TIP # 31 Project No:asbd07 Project Type:Non-Capacity (Safety) Project Manager:Various LOS Corridor ID# N/A Activity: 2017 YE 2018 Year End Funding Sources:Prior to 2017 Estimate 2018 Budget 2019 Budget Project Total Unrestricted Street Revenue - - - 100,000 - Grants- Secured (Fed,State,Local)- - - - - REET - - - - - Traffic Impact Fees - - - - - Other - - - - - - - - 100,000 - Capital Expenditures: Design - - - 10,000 - Right of Way - - - - Construction - - - 90,000 - - - - 100,000 - Total 2020 2021 2022 2023 2018-2023 Funding Sources: Unrestricted Street Revenue - 100,000 100,000 300,000 Grants- Secured (Fed,State,Local)- - - - - REET - - - - - Traffic Impact Fees - - - - - Other - - - - - - 100,000 - 100,000 300,000 Capital Expenditures: Design - 10,000 - 10,000 30,000 Right of Way - - - - Construction - 90,000 - 90,000 270,000 - 100,000 - 100,000 300,000 Grants / Other Sources: Total Expenditures: Total Funding Sources: Total Expenditures: Forecasted Project Cost: Total Funding Sources: Description: This is a bi-annual program to fund bicycle and safety improvements on classified roadways. Projects are prioritized annually based upon field studies and community feedback. Progress Summary: Future Impact on Operating Budget: This project will have no impact on the operating budget for street maintenance. City of Auburn Capital Facilities Plan 70 ARTERIAL STREET FUND (102)Capital Facilities Plan Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2018-2023 Special Revenue Fund Project Title: Downtown Transit Center Access Improvements TIP # 44 Project No:asbd28 Project Type:Non-Capacity, Transit Project Manager:TBD LOS Corridor ID# N/A Activity: 2017 YE 2018 Year End Funding Sources:Prior to 2017 Estimate 2018 Budget 2019 Budget Project Total Unrestricted Street Revenue - - - Grants- Unsecured (Fed,State,Local)- - - Traffic Impact Fees - - - - - REET2 - - - - - Other - - - - - - - - - - Capital Expenditures: Design - - - - - Right of Way - - - - - Construction - - - - - - - - - - Total 2020 2021 2022 2023 2018-2023 Funding Sources: Unrestricted Street Revenue 25,000 - - - 25,000 Grants- Unsecured (Fed,State,Local)100,000 - - - 100,000 Traffic Impact Fees - - - - - REET2 - - - - - Other - - - - - 125,000 - - - 125,000 Capital Expenditures: Design 15,000 - - - 15,000 Right of Way - - - - - Construction 110,000 - - - 110,000 125,000 - - - 125,000 Grants / Other Sources: Total Expenditures: Description: This project will modify channelization and curb radii to improve turning radii for transit vehicles at the southeast corner of A St SW & 2nd St SW. Progress Summary: Future Impact on Operating Budget: The annual maintenance cost for this project is estimated to be minimal. Total Funding Sources: Total Expenditures: Forecasted Project Cost: Total Funding Sources: City of Auburn Capital Facilities Plan 71 ARTERIAL STREET FUND (102)Capital Facilities Plan Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2018-2023 Special Revenue Fund Project Title: ITS Dynamic Message Signs TIP # 50 Project No:asbd16 Project Type:Non-Capacity (ITS) Project Manager:TBD LOS Corridor ID# N/A Activity: 2017 YE 2018 Year End Funding Sources:Prior to 2017 Estimate 2018 Budget 2019 Budget Project Total Unrestricted Street Revenue - 100,000 100,000 30,000 200,000 Grants- Unsecured Federal - - - 120,000 - REET - 100,000 - - 100,000 PWTFL - - - - - Other (MIT)- - - - - - 200,000 100,000 150,000 300,000 Capital Expenditures: Design - 20,000 10,000 15,000 30,000 Right of Way - - Construction - 180,000 90,000 135,000 270,000 - 200,000 100,000 150,000 300,000 Total 2020 2021 2022 2023 2018-2023 Funding Sources: Unrestricted Street Revenue 30,000 30,000 30,000 - 220,000 Grants- Unsecured Federal 120,000 120,000 120,000 - 480,000 REET - - - - - PWTFL - - - - - Other (MIT)- - - - - 150,000 150,000 150,000 - 700,000 Capital Expenditures: Design 15,000 15,000 15,000 - 70,000 Right of Way - - - - - Construction 135,000 135,000 135,000 - 630,000 150,000 150,000 150,000 - 700,000 Grants / Other Sources: Total Expenditures: Total Expenditures: Total Funding Sources: Forecasted Project Cost: Total Funding Sources: Description: This project funds the design and construction of Dynamic Message Signs at various locations throughout the City. Dynamic message signs are an important Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) tool for providing information to roadway users. Priority locations for sign placement are based on the Comprehensive Transportation Plan ITS map and include Auburn Way N, Auburn Way S, W Valley Highway, E Valley Highway and Lea Hill Road. Progress Summary: The first phase of this project (Auburn Way S) will be completed during 2017. Future Impact on Operating Budget: The annual maintenance cost for this project is estimated to be $5,000. City of Auburn Capital Facilities Plan 72 ARTERIAL STREET FUND (102)Capital Facilities Plan Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2018-2023 Special Revenue Fund Project Title: AWS Streetscape Improvements (SR-18 to M St SE)TIP # 62 Project No:cpxxxx Project Type:Non-Capacity Miscellaneous Project Manager:TBD LOS Corridor ID# 3 Activity: 2017 YE 2018 Year End Funding Sources:Prior to 2017 Estimate 2018 Budget 2019 Budget Project Total Unrestricted Street Revenue - - - - - Grants- Unsecured (Fed,State,Local)- - - - - Traffic Impact Fees - - - - - REET2 - - - - - Other - - - - - - - - - - Capital Expenditures: Design - - - - - Right of Way - - - - - Construction - - - - - - - - - - Total 2020 2021 2022 2023 2018-2023 Funding Sources: Unrestricted Street Revenue - 200,000 200,000 - 400,000 Grants- Unsecured (Fed,State,Local)- 1,750,000 2,600,000 - 4,350,000 Traffic Impact Fees - - - - - REET2 - - - - - Other - - - - - - 1,950,000 2,800,000 - 4,750,000 Capital Expenditures: Design - 500,000 - - 500,000 Right of Way - 1,450,000 - - 1,450,000 Construction - - 2,800,000 - 2,800,000 - 1,950,000 2,800,000 - 4,750,000 Grants / Other Sources: Description: This project will revitalize and beautify Auburn Way S from the SR-18 interchange to the intersection with M Street SE. Proposed improvements include: enhancement of crosswalks and pedestrian linkages; new and repaired sidewalks; curb and gutter; new landscaped medians; street trees; new lighting; pedestrian benches; trash receptacles; recycling containers and other appropriate amenities. Progress Summary: Future Impact on Operating Budget: The annual maintenance cost for this project is estimated to be $2,500. Total Expenditures: Total Funding Sources: Total Expenditures: Forecasted Project Cost: Total Funding Sources: City of Auburn Capital Facilities Plan 73 ARTERIAL STREET FUND (102)Capital Facilities Plan Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2018-2023 Special Revenue Fund Project Title: A Street SE & 37th Street SE Intersection Improvements TIP # 68 Project No:cp1502 Project Type:Intersection Improvement, Non-capacity Project Manager:Luis Barba LOS Corridor ID# 10 Activity: 2017 YE 2018 Year End Funding Sources:Prior to 2017 Estimate 2018 Budget 2019 Budget Project Total Unrestricted Street Revenue 1,933 18,720 34,350 - 55,003 Grants- Federal 103,410 379,350 309,500 - 792,260 Traffic Impact Fees - - - - - Other (Arterial Preserv. Fund 105)41,091 - 46,150 - 87,241 146,434 398,070 390,000 - 934,504 Capital Expenditures: Design 146,434 39,000 - - 185,434 Right of Way - 50,000 - - 50,000 Construction - 309,070 390,000 - 699,070 146,434 398,070 390,000 - 934,504 Total 2020 2021 2022 2023 2018-2023 Funding Sources: Unrestricted Street Revenue - - - - 34,350 Grants- Federal - - - - 309,500 Traffic Impact Fees - - - - - Other (Arterial Preserv. Fund 105)- - - - 46,150 - - - - 390,000 Capital Expenditures: Design - - - - - Right of Way - - - - - Construction - - - - 390,000 - - - - 390,000 Grants / Other Sources:Other Funds are Fund 105 Arterial Preservation Funds Description: Widen the intersection for a U-turn, install an interconnected traffic signal, overlay the intersection, and upgrade curb ramps. Progress Summary: Federal Grant was awarded in 2014. Arterial Preservation Fund 105 will participate in this project to overlay portions of A St SE. Budget for 2016 includes 10% local match; there is a potential of receiving 100% grant funding for the construction phase if project is advertised by September 30, 2017. Future Impact on Operating Budget: The annual maintenance cost for this project is estimated to be $2,500. Total Expenditures: Total Funding Sources: Total Expenditures: Forecasted Project Cost: Total Funding Sources: City of Auburn Capital Facilities Plan 74 TABLE T- 2A CAPITAL FACILITIES PLAN PROJECTS AND FINANCING TRANSPORTATION – LOCAL STREET 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 Total Capacity Projects: None - Non-Capacity Projects: 1 Local Street Improvement Program Capital Costs 2,550,000 2,550,000 1,750,000 1,750,000 1,750,000 1,750,000 12,100,000 Funding Sources: Fund Balance 650,000 650,000 - - - - 1,300,000 Transfer In (W/S/SWM Utility)150,000 150,000 150,000 150,000 150,000 150,000 900,000 Sales Tax on Construction 1,750,000 1,750,000 1,600,000 1,600,000 1,600,000 1,600,000 9,900,000 Other - - - - - - - SUMMARY: CAPITAL COSTS Capacity Projects - - - - - - - Non-Capacity Projects 2,550,000 2,550,000 1,750,000 1,750,000 1,750,000 1,750,000 12,100,000 Total Costs 2,550,000 2,550,000 1,750,000 1,750,000 1,750,000 1,750,000 12,100,000 FUNDING SOURCES: Fund Balance 650,000 650,000 - - - - 1,300,000 Transfer In (W/S/SWM Utility)150,000 150,000 150,000 150,000 150,000 150,000 900,000 Sales Tax on Construction 1,750,000 1,750,000 1,600,000 1,600,000 1,600,000 1,600,000 9,900,000 Other - - - - - - - Total Funding 2,550,000 2,550,000 1,750,000 1,750,000 1,750,000 1,750,000 12,100,000 City of Auburn Capital Facilities Plan 75 LOCAL STREET FUND (103)Capital Facilities Plan Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2018-2023 Special Revenue Fund Project Title: Local Street Improvement Program TIP# 37 Project No:sobd02, cp1506 Project Type:Non-Capacity, Preservation Project Manager:Jai Carter LOS Corridor ID# N/A Activity: (Previous 2Yrs.)2017 YE 2018 Year End Funding Sources:Prior to 2017 Estimate 2018 Budget 2019 Budget Project Total Local Street Fund - 1,070,142 650,000 650,000 1,720,142 Transfer In (Utilities)300,000 150,000 150,000 150,000 600,000 Sales Tax on Construction 3,965,897 1,750,000 1,750,000 1,750,000 7,465,897 Other - - - - - 4,265,897 2,970,142 2,550,000 2,550,000 9,786,039 Capital Expenditures: Design 404,803 296,500 300,000 300,000 1,001,303 Right of Way - - - - Construction 3,861,094 2,673,642 2,250,000 2,250,000 8,784,736 4,265,897 2,970,142 2,550,000 2,550,000 9,786,039 Total 2020 2021 2022 2023 2018-2023 Funding Sources: Local Street Fund - - - - 1,300,000 Transfer In (Utilities)150,000 150,000 150,000 150,000 900,000 Sales Tax on Construction 1,600,000 1,600,000 1,600,000 1,600,000 9,900,000 Other - - - - - 1,750,000 1,750,000 1,750,000 1,750,000 12,100,000 Capital Expenditures: Design 300,000 300,000 300,000 300,000 1,800,000 Right of Way - - - - - Construction 1,450,000 1,450,000 1,450,000 1,450,000 10,300,000 1,750,000 1,750,000 1,750,000 1,750,000 12,100,000 Grants / Other Sources: Description: The program preserves local (unclassified) streets. The work includes crack sealing, asphalt patching, pre-leveling, asphalt overlays and roadway reconstruction. Beginning in 2013, sales tax on construction was dedicated by council to fund this program. Progress Summary: This program has successfully completed overlays, chip seals and complete reconstructions since 2005. The program will focus on reconstruction in 2017 and 2018. Future Impact on Operating Budget: There is no impact to the street maintenance budget. Total Funding Sources: Total Expenditures: Total Expenditures: Total Funding Sources: Forecasted Project Cost: City of Auburn Capital Facilities Plan 76 TABLE T- 2B CAPITAL FACILITIES PLAN PROJECTS AND FINANCING TRANSPORTATION – STREET PRESERVATION 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 Total Capacity Projects: None - Non-Capacity Projects: 1 15th Street SW Reconstruction Capital Costs - - - 375,000 3,000,000 - 3,375,000 Funding Sources: Fund Balance - - - 75,000 500,000 - 575,000 Grants - - - 300,000 2,500,000 - 2,800,000 Utility Tax - - - - - - - 2 Arterial Street Preservation Program Capital Costs 500,000 900,000 836,720 1,517,560 1,800,000 1,800,000 7,354,280 Funding Sources: Fund Balance - - - - - - - Utility Tax 500,000 900,000 836,720 1,517,560 1,800,000 1,800,000 7,354,280 3 Annual Arterial Crack Seal Program Capital Costs 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 600,000 Funding Sources: Fund Balance 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 600,000 Utility Tax - - - - - - - 4 Auburn Way N Preservation Phase 2 (8th St NE to 22nd St NE) Capital Costs - 120,000 1,508,000 - - - 1,628,000 Funding Sources: Fund Balance - 120,000 618,280 - - - 738,280 Utility Tax - - - - - - - Grants - - 889,720 - - - 889,720 5 Auburn Way N Preservation Phase 3 (4th St SE to 8th St NE ) Capital Costs - 222,440 1,727,840 - - - 1,950,280 Funding Sources: Fund Balance - 111,220 863,920 - - - 975,140 Utility Tax - - - - - - - Grants - 111,220 863,920 - - - 975,140 6 A St SE Preservation (E Main St to 17th St SE) Capital Costs - 1,763,600 - - - - 1,763,600 Funding Sources: Fund Balance - 881,800 - - - - 881,800 Utility Tax - - - - - - - Grants - 881,800 - - - - 881,800 7 15th Street NE/NW Preservation (SR-167 to 8th Street NE) Capital Costs 1,500,000 - - - - - 1,500,000 Funding Sources: Fund Balance 750,000 - - - - - 750,000 REET 2 - - - - - - - Grants 750,000 - - - - - 750,000 Note: Financial plan utilizes the following order for use of funds to finance projects: grant revenues (if available), utility tax revenues and fund balance. SUMMARY: CAPITAL COSTS Capacity Projects - - - - - - - Non-Capacity Projects 2,100,000 3,106,040 4,172,560 1,992,560 4,900,000 1,900,000 18,171,160 Total Costs 2,100,000 3,106,040 4,172,560 1,992,560 4,900,000 1,900,000 18,171,160 FUNDING SOURCES: Fund Balance 850,000 1,213,020 1,582,200 175,000 600,000 100,000 4,520,220 Utility Tax 500,000 900,000 836,720 1,517,560 1,800,000 1,800,000 7,354,280 Grants 750,000 993,020 1,753,640 300,000 2,500,000 - 6,296,660 REET 2 - - - - - - - Total Funding 2,100,000 3,106,040 4,172,560 1,992,560 4,900,000 1,900,000 18,171,160 City of Auburn Capital Facilities Plan 77 ARTERIAL STREET PRESERVATION FUND (105)Capital Facilities Plan Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2018-2023 Special Revenue Funds Project Title: 15th Street SW Reconstruction TIP #7 Project No:cpxxxx Project Type:Non-Capacity, Preservation Project Manager:TBD LOS Corridor ID# 1/2 Description: Activity: 2017 YE 2018 Year End Funding Sources:Prior to 2017 Estimate 2018 Budget 2019 Budget Project Total Arterial Preservation Fund - - - - - Unsecured Grant - - - - - Utility Tax - - - - - Other - - - - - - - - - - Capital Expenditures: Design - - - - - Right of Way - - - - - Construction - - - - - - - - - - Total 2020 2021 2022 2023 2018-2023 Funding Sources: Arterial Preservation Fund - 75,000 500,000 - 575,000 Unsecured Grant - 300,000 2,500,000 - 2,800,000 Utility Tax - - - - - Other - - - - - - 375,000 3,000,000 - 3,375,000 Capital Expenditures: Design - 375,000 - - 375,000 Right of Way - - - - - Construction - - 3,000,000 - 3,000,000 - 375,000 3,000,000 - 3,375,000 Grants / Other Sources: This project will evaluate improvements to the Union Pacific at grade rail crossings as well as the vertical sight distance to the Interurban Trail crossing to the west of the tracks. This project was originally scoped to include pavement preservation. The pavement preservation component could still be combined with this project, but is also eligible for the Arterial Preservation program. A planning level cost estimate is provided. Progress Summary: Future Impact on Operating Budget: This project will have no impact on the operating budget for street maintenance. Total Expenditures: Total Funding Sources: Total Expenditures: Forecasted Project Cost: Total Funding Sources: City of Auburn Capital Facilities Plan 78 ARTERIAL STREET PRESERVATION FUND (105)Capital Facilities Plan Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2018-2023 Special Revenue Funds Project Title: Arterial Street Preservation Program TIP #35 Project No:Varies annually Project Type:Non-Capacity, Preservation Project Manager:Jai Carter LOS Corridor ID# N/A Activity: (Previous 2 Years)2017 YE 2018 Year End Funding Sources:Prior to 2017 Estimate 2018 Budget 2019 Budget Project Total Arterial Preservation Fund - - - - - Utility Tax 1,726,416 - 500,000 900,000 3,126,416 REET2 600,000 - - - 600,000 Other (Local Street)218,997 - - - 218,997 2,545,413 - 500,000 900,000 3,945,413 Capital Expenditures: Design 30,976 - 75,000 135,000 105,976 Right of Way - - - - Construction 2,514,437 - 425,000 765,000 2,939,437 2,545,413 - 500,000 900,000 3,045,413 Total 2020 2021 2022 2023 2018-2023 Funding Sources: Arterial Preservation Fund - - - - - Utility Tax 836,720 1,517,560 1,800,000 1,800,000 7,354,280 REET2 - - - - - Other (Local Street)- - - - - 836,720 1,517,560 1,800,000 1,800,000 7,354,280 Capital Expenditures: Design 125,500 117,560 120,000 120,000 693,060 Right of Way - Construction 711,220 1,400,000 1,680,000 1,680,000 6,661,220 836,720 1,517,560 1,800,000 1,800,000 7,354,280 Grants / Other Sources: Description: Implement regular pavement maintenance and/or rehabilitation of various classified streets citywide. These projects may include a combination of overlays, rebuilds, and spot repairs. This program is funded through a 1% utility tax that was adopted by City Council during 2008. Progress Summary: The 2015 construction cycle included the completion of the 2014 preservation project and participation in two utility projects in addition to the annual 2015 project. 2016 projects included providing matching funds the federally funded preservation project on Auburn Way N, participating in one utility project, and completing the 2015 preservation project. Future Impact on Operating Budget: There is no impact to the street maintenance budget. Total Funding Sources: Total Expenditures: Total Expenditures: Total Funding Sources: Forecasted Project Cost: City of Auburn Capital Facilities Plan 79 ARTERIAL STREET PRESERVATION FUND (105)Capital Facilities Plan Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2018-2023 Special Revenue Funds Project Title: Annual Arterial Crack Seal Program TIP #36 Project No:spbd03 Project Type:Non-Capacity, Preservation Project Manager:Jai Carter LOS Corridor ID# N/A Activity: (Previous 2 Years)2017 YE 2018 Year End Funding Sources:Prior to 2017 Estimate 2018 Budget 2019 Budget Project Total Arterial Preservation Fund - 100,000 100,000 100,000 200,000 Utility Tax - - - - - REET - - - - - Bond proceeds - - - - - - 100,000 100,000 100,000 200,000 Capital Expenditures: Design - 10,000 10,000 10,000 20,000 Right of Way - - - - - Construction - 90,000 90,000 90,000 180,000 - 100,000 100,000 100,000 200,000 Total 2020 2021 2022 2023 2018-2023 Funding Sources: Arterial Preservation Fund 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 600,000 Utility Tax - - - - - REET - - - - - Bond proceeds - - - - - 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 600,000 Capital Expenditures: Design 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 60,000 Right of Way - - - - - Construction 90,000 90,000 90,000 90,000 540,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 600,000 Grants / Other Sources: Description: Implement regular maintenance of various classified streets by sealing newly formed cracks. Sealing the cracks will prolong the life of the pavement by stopping water from draining into the sub-base of the road. Progress Summary: Program continues to successfully extend pavement life citywide. Future Impact on Operating Budget: There is no impact to the street maintenance budget. Total Funding Sources: Total Expenditures: Total Expenditures: Total Funding Sources: Forecasted Project Cost: City of Auburn Capital Facilities Plan 80 ARTERIAL STREET PRESERVATION FUND (105)Capital Facilities Plan Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2018-2023 Special Revenue Fund Project Title: Auburn Way N Preservation Phase 2 (8th St NE to 22nd St NE)TIP # 46 Project No:spbd04 Project Type:Non-Capacity, Preservation Project Manager:TBD LOS Corridor ID# 1/2 Activity: 2017 YE 2018 Year End Funding Sources:Prior to 2017 Estimate 2018 Budget 2019 Budget Project Total Arterial Preservation Fund - - - 120,000 - Secured Federal Grants - - - - - Utility Tax - - - - - Bond proceeds - - - - - - - - 120,000 - Capital Expenditures: Design - - - 120,000 - Right of Way - - - - - Construction - - - - - - - - 120,000 - Total 2020 2021 2022 2023 2018-2023 Funding Sources: Arterial Preservation Fund 618,280 - - - 738,280 Secured Federal Grants 889,720 - - - 889,720 Utility Tax - - - - - Bond proceeds - - - - - 1,508,000 - - - 1,628,000 Capital Expenditures: Design - - - - 120,000 Right of Way - - - - - Construction 1,508,000 - - - 1,508,000 1,508,000 - - - 1,628,000 Grants / Other Sources: Description: This project will grind and overlay Auburn Way N from 8th Street NE to 22nd Street NE, remove unused driveways, and upgrade all curb ramps and pedestrian signals to meet ADA requirements. Progress Summary: Federal Grant funding was applied for in 2016. Future Impact on Operating Budget: There is no impact to the street maintenance budget. Total Expenditures: Total Funding Sources: Total Expenditures: Forecasted Project Cost: Total Funding Sources: City of Auburn Capital Facilities Plan 81 ARTERIAL STREET PRESERVATION FUND (105)Capital Facilities Plan Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2018-2023 Special Revenue Fund Project Title: Auburn Way N Preservation Phase 3 (4th St SE to 8th St NE )TIP # 47 Project No:cpxxxx Project Type:Non-Capacity, Preservation Project Manager:TBD LOS Corridor ID# 2 Activity: 2017 YE 2018 Year End Funding Sources:Prior to 2017 Estimate 2018 Budget 2019 Budget Project Total Arterial Preservation Fund - - - 111,220 - Secured Federal Grants - - - 111,220 - Utility Tax - - - - - Bond proceeds - - - - - - - - 222,440 - Capital Expenditures: Design - - - 222,440 - Right of Way - - - - - Construction - - - - - - - - 222,440 - Total 2020 2021 2022 2023 2018-2023 Funding Sources: Arterial Preservation Fund 863,920 - - - 975,140 Secured Federal Grants 863,920 - - - 975,140 Utility Tax - - - - - Bond proceeds - - - - - 1,727,840 - - - 1,950,280 Capital Expenditures: Design - - - - 222,440 Right of Way - - - - - Construction 1,727,840 - - - 1,727,840 1,727,840 - - - 1,950,280 Grants / Other Sources: Total Expenditures: Total Funding Sources: Total Expenditures: Forecasted Project Cost: Total Funding Sources: Description: This project will grind and overlay Auburn Way N from approximately 8th Street NE to approximately 4th St SE, remove unused driveways, and upgrade all curb ramps and pedestrian signals to meet ADA requirements. Progress Summary: Federal Grant funding was applied for in 2016. Future Impact on Operating Budget: There is no impact to the street maintenance budget. City of Auburn Capital Facilities Plan 82 ARTERIAL STREET PRESERVATION FUND (105)Capital Facilities Plan Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2018-2023 Special Revenue Fund Project Title: A St SE Preservation (E Main St to 17th St SE)TIP # 48 Project No:cpxxxx Project Type:Non-Capacity, Preservation Project Manager:TBD LOS Corridor ID# 10 Activity: 2017 YE 2018 Year End Funding Sources:Prior to 2017 Estimate 2018 Budget 2019 Budget Project Total Arterial Preservation Fund - - - 881,800 - Secured Federal Grants - - - 881,800 - Utility Tax - - - - - Bond proceeds - - - - - - - - 1,763,600 - Capital Expenditures: Design - - - 198,720 - Right of Way - - - - - Construction - - - 1,564,880 - - - - 1,763,600 - Total 2020 2021 2022 2023 2018-2023 Funding Sources: Arterial Preservation Fund - - - - 881,800 Secured Federal Grants - - - - 881,800 Utility Tax - - - - - Bond proceeds - - - - - - - - - 1,763,600 Capital Expenditures: Design - - - - 198,720 Right of Way - - - - - Construction - - - - 1,564,880 - - - - 1,763,600 Grants / Other Sources: Total Expenditures: Total Funding Sources: Total Expenditures: Forecasted Project Cost: Total Funding Sources: Description: This project will grind and overlay A St SE between E Main St and 17th St SE, remove unused driveways, and upgrade all curb ramps and pedestrian signals to meet ADA requirements. Progress Summary: Federal Grant funding was applied for in 2016. Future Impact on Operating Budget: There is no impact to the street maintenance budget. City of Auburn Capital Facilities Plan 83 ARTERIAL STREET PRESERVATION FUND (105)Capital Facilities Plan Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2018-2023 Special Revenue Fund Project Title: 15th Street NE/NW Preservation (SR-167 to 8th Street NE)TIP # 71 Project No:CP1521 Project Type:Non-Capacity, Preservation Project Manager:Kim Truong LOS Corridor ID# 9 Activity: 2017 YE 2018 Year End Funding Sources:Prior to 2017 Estimate 2018 Budget 2019 Budget Project Total Arterial Preservation Fund 46,657 20,843 750,000 - 817,500 Grants- Secured Federal 43,792 23,708 750,000 - 817,500 Utility Tax - - - REET 2 - - - 90,449 44,551 1,500,000 - 1,635,000 Capital Expenditures: Design 90,449 49,000 - - 139,449 Right of Way - - - - - Construction - - 1,500,000 - 1,500,000 90,449 49,000 1,500,000 - 1,639,449 Total 2020 2021 2022 2023 2018-2023 Funding Sources: Arterial Preservation Fund - - - - 750,000 Grants- Secured Federal - - - - 750,000 Utility Tax - - - - - REET 2 - - - - - - - - - 1,500,000 Capital Expenditures: Design - - - - - Right of Way - - - - - Construction - - - - 1,500,000 - - - - 1,500,000 Grants / Other Sources: Description: The project proposes to grind and overlay 15th Street NW/NE from the SR167 to Auburn Way N; and grind and overlay Harvey Road NE from Auburn Way N to 8th Street NE. The project will restore 7.57 lane miles of pavement, upgrade 30 curb ramps to meet current ADA standard, as well as remove unused driveway openings as an upgrade to non ADA compliant pedestrian facilities. The project funds the design, coordination, permitting, and construction of the pavement preservation project. Progress Summary: Federal grant was secured in 2014. Future Impact on Operating Budget: There is no impact to the street maintenance budget. Total Expenditures: Total Funding Sources: Total Expenditures: Forecasted Project Cost: Total Funding Sources: City of Auburn Capital Facilities Plan 84 TABLE T-3 SUMMARY OF IMPACTS ON FUTURE OPERATING BUDGETS Project:2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 Total 1 A Street NW, Phase 1 25,830$ 25,830$ 25,830$ 25,830$ 25,830$ 25,830$ 154,980$ 2 M Street Underpass 21,827 21,827 21,827 21,827 21,827 21,827 130,962 3 A Street Loop - - 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 6,000 4 F Street SE, Downtown to Les Gove - - - 4,100 4,100 4,100 12,300 5 M Street NE, E. Main to 4th - - - - 5,000 5,000 10,000 6 8th Street NE Widening - - - - 5,000 5,000 10,000 7 Academy Drive Multi-Use Trail - - - 25,000 25,000 50,000 8 C St SW & 15th St SW Int. Imp.- - - - 2,500 2,500 5,000 9 124th Ave SE Corridor & 320th Imp.- - - - 2,500 2,500 5,000 10 124th Ave SE Corridor Imp. -Phase 2 - - - - 5,000 5,000 10,000 11 SE 320th St Corridor Improvements - - - - 5,000 5,000 10,000 12 W Valley Hwy Imp. (15th St NW to W Main)- - - - 5,000 5,000 10,000 13 Lake Tapps Pkwy ITS Expansion - - 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 20,000 14 M St SE Corridor, 8th St SE to AWS - - - - 15,000 15,000 30,000 15 W Valley Hwy Imp. (SR -18 to 15th St SW)- - - 2,500 2,500 2,500 7,500 16 M St SE & 29th St SE Int. Safety Imp.- - - 5,000 5,000 5,000 15,000 17 R St SE & 21st St SE Int. Safety Imp.- - - 5,000 5,000 5,000 15,000 18 Riverwalk Dr SE Non-Motorized Imp.- - 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 40,000 19 ITS Dynamic Message Signs - - - - 5,000 5,000 10,000 20 AWS Streetscape Improvements - - - - 2,500 2,500 5,000 21 A St SE & 37 St SE Int. Improvements 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 15,000 Total 50,157$ 50,157$ 66,657$ 83,257$ 160,757$ 160,757$ 571,742$ City of Auburn Capital Facilities Plan 85 WATER Current Facilities The City of Auburn water utility provides water supply, treatment, transmission, storage, distribution, and service connections to in-City residences and businesses. The City also provides water to the City of Algona and Water District #111 under wholesale agreements. The water system consists of wells, springs and interties for source; chlorination stations and corrosion control for treatment; pump stations, pressure reducing stations and pipelines for transmission; and steel and concrete enclosed reservoirs for storage. Table W-1, “Facilities Inventory”, lists the facilities along with their current capacities and approximate locations. Level of Service (LOS) The City’s Comprehensive Water Plan summarizes the design criteria and service polices for the City’s water distribution system. Capital Facilities Projects and Financing The City of Auburn’s water system anticipates eight capacity projects in the amount of $14,663,392 and thirty-three non-capacity projects totaling $24,018,600 for a 6-year planning expectation total of $38,681,992. The financing plan is shown in Table W-2 followed by individual worksheets showing the project details. The capacity projects will increase water supply quantities, storage, and distribution for growth of retail customers. The non-capacity projects will provide for pipeline improvements and replacements, delivery pressure improvements, water quality enhancements, comprehensive and resource management planning, pump station upgrades, telemetry system improvements, and meter upgrades. Impact on Future Operating Budgets As Table W-3 shows, operating budget impacts of $3,000 are forecasted for water supply and distribution facilities during the six years 2019 – 2024. City of Auburn Capital Facilities Plan 86 TABLE W-1 Facilities Inventory Water Facilities CAPACITY FACILITY WATER RIGHT (MGD - max rate)LOCATION Water Supply: Coal Creek Springs Certificate 857 9.70<2.52>*3401 Stuck River Rd Well 1 Certificate 3560-A 3.17 1136 M St SE Well 2 G1-00277 C 3.46 1109 5th St NE Well 3A G1-23629 C 4.03 401 37th St SE Well 3B (Included Above)(Included Above)401 37th St SE Well 4 G1-20391 C 4.03 950 25th St SE Well 5 G1-23633 C 1.44 5530 James Ave SE Well 5A (Included Above)(Included Above)5401 Olive Way SE Well 5B (Included Above)(Included Above)West end of 62nd Ct SE Well 6 (Supplemental to Wells 1, 2, 3A, 3B, 4)5.04 (supplemental)1109 5th St NE Well 7 (Supplemental to Wells 1, 2, 3A, 3B, 4)5.04 (supplemental)405 E St NE West Hill Springs Claim (1973 File Date)0.9 1900 15th St NW Ext Supply Total (MGD)26.73 Available for Use 24.21 * Denotes deduction of 1,750 gpm (Qi/2,824 ac-ft/yr) to comply with the provisions of the Muckleshoot-Auburn Stipulated Agreement. CAPACITY FACILITY (MGD)LOCATION SERVICE AREA Intertie Tacoma B Street NW 3.2 3240 B St NW Valley Service Area Tacoma 132nd Ave SE 3.2 29598 132nd Ave SE Lea Hill Service Area Intertie Total (MGD)6.4 CAPACITY FACILITY (MG)LOCATION SERVICE AREA Storage Facilities: Academy Reservoir 8A 1.0 5031 Auburn Way S Academy Service Area Academy Reservoir 8B 1.5 5031 Auburn Way S Academy Service Area Lakeland Hills Reservoir 5 1.0 1326 57th Dr SE Lakeland Hills Svc Area Lakeland Hills Reservoir 6 1.0 5718 Francis Ct SE Lakeland Hills Svc Area Lea Hill Reservoir 4A 1.0 30502 132nd Ave SE Lea Hill Service Area Lea Hill Reservoir 4B 1.5 30502 132nd Ave SE Lea Hill Service Area Valley Reservoir 1 5.0 2003 Auburn Way S Valley Service Area Valley Reservoir 2 3.6 32115 105th Place S Valley Service Area Storage Total (MG)15.6 CITY OF AUBURN WATER SYSTEM City of Auburn Capital Facilities Plan 87 TABLE W-1 (continued) Facilities Inventory Water Facilities CAPACITY FACILITY (GPM)LOCATION Booster Pump Stations: Academy 1: 2 pumps 800 2004 Auburn Way S Academy 2: 2 pumps 1,500 2004 Auburn Way S Academy East: 6 pumps 2,820 5031 Auburn Way S Green River: 4 pumps 4,680 29621 Green River Rd SE Intertie: 7 pumps 4,830 30502 132nd Ave SE Lakeland Hills: 5 pumps 3,200 1118 57th Place SE Lea Hill: 3 pumps 2,100 10406 Lea Hill Rd SE Terrace View: 3 pumps 1,500 6134 Alexander Place SE Wilderness Game Farm Pk: 2 pumps 1,050 2401 Stuck River Rd CAPACITY Primary Valve FACILITY (PSI - Inlet/Outlet)LOCATION Pressure Reducing Stations: Serves Valley Pressure Zone: 25th Street SE #1110-10 N/C 25th St SE & K St SE B Street Intertie 88/55 3300 B St NW Green River Pump Station N/C 29621 Green River Rd SE Howard Road CCF #1011-10 82/65 Howard Rd Howard Road CCF By-Pass #1011-20 -Howard Rd (Bypass) Lea Hill Pump Station N/C 10406 Lea Hill Rd SE Riverwalk # 1111-10 115/80 Riverwalk Dr SE & Howard Rd Riverwalk # 1111-20 90/50 27th St. SE & 27th Place SE Serves Lea Hill: 132nd Avenue Intertie 150/70 132nd Ave SE & 295th St Amber View North #711-10 150/65 105th Pl SE & 320th Pl Amber View South #711-20 142/60 106th Pl SE Near Reservoir 2 Carriage Square Lower #611-10 165/55 Lea Hill Rd SE Carriage Square Middle #611-20 140/55 Lea Hill Rd & 106 Pl Carriage Square Upper #611-30 145/50 Lea Hill Rd & 107 Pl Cobble Creek Lower #411-20 86/40 SE 304th Pl & SE 101st Place Cobble Creek Upper #411-10 94/55 104th Ave SE (South of 303rd Road) Lea Hill #412-10 84/45 SE 298th Place & 109 Ave SE Lea Hill #412-30 N/C 300 Block & 108th Ave SE Lea Hill #511-10 87/45 304th St. SE West of 108th Ave Lea Hill #512-10 80/60 304th St. SE West of 112th Ave Serves Academy: Academy Pump Station N/C 2004 Auburn Way S Auburn Way South #1011-30 130/80 2003 Auburn Way S Auburn Way South #1114-10 88/55 4500 Auburn Way S Lemon Tree -5031 Auburn Way S City of Auburn Capital Facilities Plan 88 TABLE W-1 (continued) Facilities Inventory Water Facilities CAPACITY Primary Valve FACILITY (PSI - Inlet/Outlet)LOCATION Serves Lakeland Hills: Lakeland Hills #1309-10 120/55 Mill Pond Dr @ Oravetz Rd Lakeland Hills #1310-10 130/55 Mill Pond Dr & Mill Pond Loop Lakeland Hills #1409-10 N/C Oravetz & Lakeland Hills Way Lakeland Hills #1409-20 120/56 47th SE & Lakeland Hills Way Lakeland Hills #1409-30 95/70 Lakeland Hills Way & 51st St SE Lakeland Hills #1409-40 84/55 Mill Pond Dr & Lakeland Hills Way Lakeland Hills #1410-10 103/50 4900 Block & Mill Pond Dr Lakeland Hills #1410-20 N/C 51st St. SE east of Mill Pond Loop Lakeland Hills #1410-30 125/70 Nathan Ave & Highland Dr Lakeland Hills #1410-40 82/55 5203 Quincy Ave SE Lakeland Hills #1411-10 80/42 Bennett Ave & 56th Ave SE Lakeland Hills #1411-20 82/55 5310 Bennett Ave SE Lakeland Hills #1411-30 155/73 5100 Kersey Way Lakeland Hills #1411-40 82/52 2305 54th St SE Lakeland Hills #1411-50 85/44 5253 Wesley Ave SE Lakeland Hills #1412-10 82/55 5539 Franklin Ave SE Lakeland Hills #1509-10 174/60 Terrace View Lower (6170) Lakeland Hills #1509-20 160/73 Terrace View Middle (5960) Lakeland Hills #1509-30 138/47 Terrace View Upper (5810) Lakeland Hills #1509-40 230/90 Terrace View & Alexander Place SE Lakeland Hills #1510-10 N/C Lakeland Hills Way & Evergreen Way N/C - Normally Closed CAPACITY FACILITY (GPM)LOCATION Corrosion Control: Howard Road 5,550 2101 Howard Rd SE Fulmer Field 9,375 1113 5th St NE Chlorination Stations: Coal Creek Springs Station 5,000 (gravity feed)3401 Stuck River Rd West Hill Springs Station 625 (gravity feed)1900 15th St NW Well 1 2,200 1136 M St SE Well 4 2,600 950 25th St SE Well 5A 180 5401 Olive Ave SE Well 5B 600 1100 63rd St SE FACILITY CAPACITY LOCATION Water Supply: Braunwood Satellite 1 0.03 MGD 4501 47th St SE Storage Facilities: Braunwood Satellite 1 0.03 MG 4501 47th St SE Booster Pump Stations: Braunwood: 3 Pumps 2.0 GPM 4501 47th St SE BRAUNWOOD SATELLITE WATER SYSTEM City of Auburn Capital Facilities Plan 89 TABLE W-2 CAPITAL FACILITIES PLAN PROJECTS AND FINANCING WATER DIVISION 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 Total Capacity Projects: 1 Fulmer Well Field Improvements Capital Costs 10,000 - - - - - 10,000 Funding Sources: Water Fund 10,000 - - - - - 10,000 Bond Proceeds - - - - - - - 2 Cascade Water Alliance Water Purchase Capital Costs 252,586 252,586 934,805 934,805 934,805 934,805 4,244,392 Funding Sources: Water Fund 252,586 252,586 934,805 934,805 934,805 934,805 4,244,392 Bond Proceeds - - - - - - - 3 Academy Pump Station #1 Pump Replacement Capital Costs - 250,000 1,875,000 - - - 2,125,000 Funding Sources: Water Fund - 250,000 1,875,000 - - - 2,125,000 Bond Proceeds - - - - - - - 4 Coal Creek Springs Rehabilitation Capital Costs - - - - 800,000 2,000,000 2,800,000 Funding Sources: Water Fund - - - - 800,000 2,000,000 2,800,000 Bond Proceeds - - - - - - - 5 Algona Well 1 Decommissioning Capital Costs - - - - - 39,000 39,000 Funding Sources: Water Fund - - - - - 39,000 39,000 Bond Proceeds - - - - - - - 6 Annual Distribution System Improvements Program Capital Costs 1,000,000 300,000 1,000,000 300,000 1,000,000 300,000 3,900,000 Funding Sources: Water Fund 1,000,000 300,000 1,000,000 300,000 1,000,000 300,000 3,900,000 Bond Proceeds - - - - - - - 7 Howard Road CCTF Expansion Capital Costs - - - - 250,000 765,000 1,015,000 Funding Sources: Water Fund - - - - 250,000 765,000 1,015,000 Bond Proceeds - - - - - - - 8 Valley Service Area Reservoir No. 3 Capital Costs - - - - 30,000 500,000 530,000 Funding Sources: Water Fund - - - - 30,000 500,000 530,000 Bond Proceeds - - - - - - - Subtotal, Capacity Projects: Capital Costs 1,262,586 802,586 3,809,805 1,234,805 3,014,805 4,538,805 14,663,392 City of Auburn Capital Facilities Plan 90 TABLE W-2 (continued) 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 Total Non-Capacity Projects: 9 Green River PS Emergency Power Capital Costs 90,000 910,000 - - - - 1,000,000 Funding Sources: Water Fund 90,000 910,000 - - - - 1,000,000 Bond Proceeds - - - - - - - 10 Well Inspection and Redevelopment Program Capital Costs - 150,000 - - 150,000 - 300,000 Funding Sources: Water Fund - 150,000 - - 150,000 - 300,000 Bond Proceeds - - - - - - - 11 Water Repair & Replacements Capital Costs 300,000 1,000,000 300,000 1,000,000 300,000 1,000,000 3,900,000 Funding Sources: Water Fund 300,000 1,000,000 300,000 1,000,000 300,000 1,000,000 3,900,000 Bond Proceeds - - - - - - - 12 Street Utility Improvements Capital Costs 500,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 5,500,000 Funding Sources: Water Fund 500,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 5,500,000 Bond Proceeds - - - - - - - 13 Lea Hill PRV Station Improvements Capital Costs 10,000 - - - - - 10,000 Funding Sources: Water Fund 10,000 - - - - - 10,000 Bond Proceeds - - - - - - - 14 Water Meter & Billing System Improvements Capital Costs 500,000 - - - - - 500,000 Funding Sources: Water Fund 500,000 - - - - - 500,000 Bond Proceeds - - - - - - - 15 Utilities Field Operations Center Capital Costs 300,000 - - - - - 300,000 Funding Sources: Water Fund 100,000 - - - - - 100,000 Other -Sewer Fund 100,000 - - - - - 100,000 Other -Storm Fund 100,000 - - - - - 100,000 16 West Hill Springs Improvements Capital Costs 10,000 - - - - - 10,000 Funding Sources: Water Fund 10,000 - - - - - 10,000 Bond Proceeds - - - - - - - 17 Reservoir Seismic Rehabilitation Capital Costs - 75,000 - 200,000 - 205,000 480,000 Funding Sources: Water Fund - 75,000 - 200,000 - 205,000 480,000 Bond Proceeds - - - - - - - 18 Lea Hill - 132nd Ave Distribution System Modifications Capital Costs - 100,000 400,000 - - - 500,000 Funding Sources: Water Fund - 100,000 400,000 - - - 500,000 Bond Proceeds - - - - - - - City of Auburn Capital Facilities Plan 91 TABLE W-2 (continued) 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 Total Non-Capacity Projects: 19 Auburn Way South - Muckleshoot Plaza to Dogwood Capital Costs 10,000 - - - - - 10,000 Funding Sources: Water Fund 10,000 - - - - - 10,000 Bond Proceeds - - - - - - - 20 Reservoir Painting Capital Costs - - - 1,250,000 - - 1,250,000 Funding Sources: Water Fund - - - 1,250,000 - - 1,250,000 Bond Proceeds - - - - - - - 21 Coal Creek Springs Transmission Main Replacement Capital Costs 1,116,600 - - - - - 1,116,600 Funding Sources: Water Fund 249,951 - - - - - 249,951 DWSRF Loan 866,649 - - - - - 866,649 Bond Proceeds - - - - - - - 22 F Street SE Non-Motorized Improvements Capital Costs - - 70,000 250,000 - - 320,000 Funding Sources: Water Fund - - 70,000 250,000 - - 320,000 Bond Proceeds - - - - - - - 23 Reservoir Repair and Replacements Capital Costs 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 300,000 Funding Sources: Water Fund 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 300,000 Bond Proceeds - - - - - - - 24 Pipeline Asset Management Study Capital Costs - 50,000 50,000 - - - 100,000 Funding Sources: Water Fund - 50,000 50,000 - - - 100,000 Bond Proceeds - - - - - - - 25 22nd Street NE & I Street NE Intersection Capital Costs 10,000 - - - - - 10,000 Funding Sources: Water Fund 10,000 - - - - - 10,000 Bond Proceeds - - - - - - - 26 Auburn Regional Growth Center Access Improvements Capital Costs - - 50,000 430,000 - - 480,000 Funding Sources: Water Fund - - 50,000 430,000 - - 480,000 Bond Proceeds - - - - - - - 27 M Street NE Widening Capital Costs - - - 30,000 125,000 - 155,000 Funding Sources: Water Fund - - - 30,000 125,000 - 155,000 Bond Proceeds - - - - - - - 28 Auburn Way South - Hemlock Street SE to Poplar Street SE Capital Costs - - - - - 200,000 200,000 Funding Sources: Water Fund - - - - - 200,000 200,000 Bond Proceeds - - - - - - - City of Auburn Capital Facilities Plan 92 TABLE W-2 (continued) 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 Total Non-Capacity Projects: 29 Lea Hill Rd Segment 1 (R St NE to 105th Pl SE) Capital Costs - - - 75,000 550,000 - 625,000 Funding Sources: Water Fund - - - 75,000 550,000 - 625,000 Bond Proceeds - - - - - - - 30 Decommission Lea Hill Pump Station Capital Costs - - 83,000 - - - 83,000 Funding Sources: Water Fund - - 83,000 - - - 83,000 Bond Proceeds - - - - - - - 31 Deduct Meter Replacement Program Capital Costs - 250,000 250,000 250,000 250,000 - 1,000,000 Funding Sources: Water Fund - 250,000 250,000 250,000 250,000 - 1,000,000 Bond Proceeds - - - - - - - 32 Comprehensive Water Plan Capital Costs - - - 75,000 25,000 - 100,000 Funding Sources: Water Fund - - - 75,000 25,000 - 100,000 Bond Proceeds - - - - - - - 33 Lea Hill AC Main Replacement Capital Costs - - 200,000 2,500,000 - - 2,700,000 Funding Sources: Water Fund - - 200,000 2,500,000 - - 2,700,000 Bond Proceeds - - - - - - - 34 Lea Hill Rd Segment 2 (105th Pl SE to 112th Ave SE) Capital Costs - - - - 110,000 1,100,000 1,210,000 Funding Sources: Water Fund - - - - 110,000 1,100,000 1,210,000 Bond Proceeds - - - - - - - 35 Lea Hill Rd Segment 3 (112th Ave SE to 124th Ave SE ) Capital Costs - - - - - 130,000 130,000 Funding Sources: Water Fund - - - - - 130,000 130,000 Bond Proceeds - - - - - - - 36 Reservoir 1 Seismic Control Valve Capital Costs 100,000 - - - - - 100,000 Funding Sources: Water Fund 12,500 - - - - - 12,500 Grants 87,500 - - - - - 87,500 37 Lead Service Line Replacement Capital Costs - 150,000 150,000 150,000 150,000 150,000 750,000 Funding Sources: Water Fund - 150,000 150,000 150,000 150,000 150,000 750,000 Bond Proceeds - - - - - - - 38 Well 4 Pump Improvements Capital Costs - - 40,000 186,000 - - 226,000 Funding Sources: Water Fund - - 40,000 186,000 - - 226,000 Bond Proceeds - - - - - - - City of Auburn Capital Facilities Plan 93 TABLE W-2 (continued) 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 Total Non-Capacity Projects: 39 Water Resources Protection Program (Wellhead Protection) Capital Costs - 24,600 24,600 24,600 24,600 24,600 123,000 Funding Sources: Water Fund - 24,600 24,600 24,600 24,600 24,600 123,000 Bond Proceeds - - - - - - - 40 Game Farm Park Pump Station/Distribution System Improvements Capital Costs - - 50,000 230,000 - - 280,000 Funding Sources: Water Fund - - 50,000 230,000 - - 280,000 Bond Proceeds - - - - - - - 41 Meter Vault Replacement Capital Costs - 250,000 - - - - 250,000 Funding Sources: Water Fund - 250,000 - - - - 250,000 Bond Proceeds - - - - - - - Subtotal, Non-Capacity Projects: Capital Costs 2,996,600 4,009,600 2,717,600 7,700,600 2,734,600 3,859,600 24,018,600 SUMMARY: 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 Total CAPITAL COSTS Capacity Projects 1,262,586 802,586 3,809,805 1,234,805 3,014,805 4,538,805 14,663,392 Non-Capacity Projects 2,996,600 4,009,600 2,717,600 7,700,600 2,734,600 3,859,600 24,018,600 Total Costs 4,259,186 4,812,186 6,527,405 8,935,405 5,749,405 8,398,405 38,681,992 FUNDING SOURCES: Water Fund 3,105,037 4,812,186 6,527,405 8,935,405 5,749,405 8,398,405 37,527,843 Other- Sewer Fund 100,000 - - - - - 100,000 Other- Storm Fund 100,000 - - - - - 100,000 DWSRF Loan 866,649 - - - - - 866,649 Grants 87,500 - - - - - 87,500 Bond Proceeds - - - - - - - Total Funding 4,259,186 4,812,186 6,527,405 8,935,405 5,749,405 8,398,405 38,681,992 City of Auburn Capital Facilities Plan 94 WATER FUND (460)Capital Facilities Plan Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2018-2023 Enterprise Funds Project Title: Fulmer Well Field Improvements Project No:cp1107 Project Type:Capacity Project Manager:Luis Barba Description: Activity: 2017 YE 2018 Year End Funding Sources:Prior to 2017 Estimate 2018 Budget 2019 Budget Project Total Unrestricted Water Revenue 232,696 1,417,726 10,000 - 1,660,422 Grants (Fed,State,Local)- - - - - Bond Proceeds 999,893 - - - 999,893 Other - - - - - 1,232,589 1,417,726 10,000 - 2,660,315 Capital Expenditures: Design 962,812 400,000 - - 1,362,812 Right of Way - - - - - Construction 269,777 1,017,726 10,000 - 1,297,503 1,232,589 1,417,726 10,000 - 2,660,315 Total 2020 2021 2022 2023 2018-2023 Funding Sources: Unrestricted Water Revenue - - - - 10,000 Grants (Fed,State,Local)- - - - - Bond Proceeds - - - - - Other - - - - - - - - - 10,000 Capital Expenditures: Design - - - - - Right of Way - - - - - Construction - - - - 10,000 - - - - 10,000 Grants / Other Sources: Total Funding Sources: Total Expenditures: Total Expenditures: Total Funding Sources: Forecasted Project Cost: Phase I: Evaluate Wells 2, 6 and 7 and the Fulmer Field Corrosion Control Treatment Facility to assess the supply and treatment capacity of the existing facilities and infrastructure. The evaluation will include an assessment of individual and total well supply capacities, along with a review of the treatment facility operating and control parameters. The evaluation will also incorporate recommendations for facility improvements. Phase II: Install well pumps in Wells 2 and 6, new clearwell pumps, and a new SCADA. 2015 Comprehensive Water Plan CIP ID S-19 Progress Summary: Phase I is complete. Phase II will be designed and installed in 2016 and 2017. Future Impact on Operating Budget: Restoration of these wells to full productivity will reduce the need to purchase regional water from Tacoma, a significant annual operating savings. City of Auburn Capital Facilities Plan 95 WATER FUND (460)Capital Facilities Plan Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2018-2023 Enterprise Funds Project Title: Cascade Water Alliance Water Purchase Project No:wabd06 Project Type:Capacity Project Manager:TBD Description: Activity: 2017 YE 2018 Year End Funding Sources:Prior to 2017 Estimate 2018 Budget 2019 Budget Project Total Unrestricted Water Revenue - 252,586 252,586 252,586 505,172 Grants (Fed,State,Local)- - - - - Bond Proceeds - - - - - Other - - - - - - 252,586 252,586 252,586 505,172 Capital Expenditures: Water Supply Charges - 252,586 252,586 252,586 505,172 Right of Way - - - - - Construction - - - - - - 252,586 252,586 252,586 505,172 Total 2020 2021 2022 2023 2018-2023 Funding Sources: Unrestricted Water Revenue 934,805 934,805 934,805 934,805 4,244,392 Grants (Fed,State,Local)- - - - - Bond Proceeds - - - - - Other - - - - - 934,805 934,805 934,805 934,805 4,244,392 Capital Expenditures: Water Supply Charges 934,805 934,805 934,805 934,805 4,244,392 Right of Way - - - - - Construction - - - - - 934,805 934,805 934,805 934,805 4,244,392 Financing to purchase water from adjacent purveyors to meet projected demand based on agreements with Cascade Water Alliance. Council approved the agreements for permanent and reserve wholesale supply in September 2013. A new agreement with Tacoma was executed in 2014. Budget reflects purchase of permanent supply - payments of $934,805 will continue from 2020 through 2029. Reserve supply will not be purchased and is not included. 2015 Comprehensive Water Plan CIP ID S-04 Progress Summary: Planned Future Impact on Operating Budget: None Total Funding Sources: Total Expenditures: Total Expenditures: Total Funding Sources: Forecasted Project Cost: City of Auburn Capital Facilities Plan 96 WATER FUND (460)Capital Facilities Plan Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2018-2023 Enterprise Funds Project Title: Academy Pump Station #1 Pump Replacement Project No:cpxxxx Project Type:Capacity Project Manager:TBD Description: Activity: 2017 YE 2018 Year End Funding Sources:Prior to 2017 Estimate 2018 Budget 2019 Budget Project Total Unrestricted Water Revenue - - - 250,000 - Grants (Fed,State,Local)- - - - - Bond Proceeds - - - - - Other - - - - - - - - 250,000 - Capital Expenditures: Design - - - 250,000 - Right of Way - - - - - Construction - - - - - - - - 250,000 - Total 2020 2021 2022 2023 2018-2023 Funding Sources: Unrestricted Water Revenue 1,875,000 - - - 2,125,000 Grants (Fed,State,Local)- - - - - Bond Proceeds - - - - - Other - - - - - 1,875,000 - - - 2,125,000 Capital Expenditures: Design - - - - 250,000 Right of Way - - - - - Construction 1,875,000 - - - 1,875,000 1,875,000 - - - 2,125,000 The pump station is reaching the end of its useful life. The project will also increase the pump station capacity to meet peak demands and fire flow requirements, and provide backup power generation. 2015 Comprehensive Plan CIP ID PS-07 Progress Summary: Planned Future Impact on Operating Budget: No significant impact. Total Expenditures: Total Funding Sources: Total Expenditures: Forecasted Project Cost: Total Funding Sources: City of Auburn Capital Facilities Plan 97 WATER FUND (460)Capital Facilities Plan Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2018-2023 Enterprise Funds Project Title: Coal Creek Springs Rehabilitation Project No:wabd07 Project Type:Capacity Project Manager:TBD Description: Activity: 2017 YE 2018 Year End Funding Sources:Prior to 2017 Estimate 2018 Budget 2019 Budget Project Total Unrestricted Water Revenue - - - - - Grants (Fed,State,Local)- - - - - PWTFL - - - - - Bond Proceeds - - - - - - - - - - Capital Expenditures: Design - - - - - Right of Way - - - - - Construction - - - - - - - - - - Total 2020 2021 2022 2023 2018-2023 Funding Sources: Unrestricted Water Revenue - - 800,000 2,000,000 2,800,000 Grants (Fed,State,Local)- - - - - PWTFL - - - - - Bond Proceeds - - - - - - - 800,000 2,000,000 2,800,000 Capital Expenditures: Design - - - - - Right of Way - - - - - Construction - - 800,000 2,000,000 2,800,000 - - 800,000 2,000,000 2,800,000 Rehabilitation of the Coal Creek Springs middle collector will improve capacity of the springs resulting in greater utilization of the water right. 2015 Comprehensive Plan CIP ID S-09 Progress Summary: Planned Future Impact on Operating Budget: No significant impact. Note that an additional $600,000 of project budget will be expended in 2024. Total Expenditures: Total Funding Sources: Total Expenditures: Forecasted Project Cost: Total Funding Sources: City of Auburn Capital Facilities Plan 98 WATER FUND (460)Capital Facilities Plan Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2018-2023 Enterprise Funds Project Title: Algona Well 1 Decommissioning Project No:wabd08 Project Type:Capacity Project Manager:TBD Description: Activity: 2017 YE 2018 Year End Funding Sources:Prior to 2017 Estimate 2018 Budget 2019 Budget Project Total Unrestricted Water Revenue - - - - - Grants (Fed,State,Local)- - - - - Bond Proceeds - - - - - Other - - - - - - - - - - Capital Expenditures: Design - - - - - Right of Way - - - - - Construction - - - - - - - - - - Total 2020 2021 2022 2023 2018-2023 Funding Sources: Unrestricted Water Revenue - - - 39,000 39,000 Grants (Fed,State,Local)- - - - - Bond Proceeds - - - - - Other - - - - - - - - 39,000 39,000 Capital Expenditures: Design - - - 39,000 39,000 Right of Way - - - - - Construction - - - - - - - - 39,000 39,000 Total Expenditures: Total Funding Sources: Total Expenditures: Forecasted Project Cost: Total Funding Sources: The Algona well has been temporarily abandoned and all related facilities removed. This project will have the well properly decommissioned by a State of Washington-licensed well driller, once the water rights have been transferred to an alternate source. 2015 Comprehensive Plan CIP ID S-14 Progress Summary: Planned Future Impact on Operating Budget: No significant impact. City of Auburn Capital Facilities Plan 99 WATER FUND (460)Capital Facilities Plan Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2018-2023 Enterprise Funds Project Title: Annual Distribution System Improvements Program Project No:wabd09 Project Type:Capacity Project Manager:TBD Description: Activity: 2017 YE 2018 Year End Funding Sources:Prior to 2017 Estimate 2018 Budget 2019 Budget Project Total Unrestricted Water Revenue - 300,000 1,000,000 300,000 1,300,000 Grants (Fed,State,Local)- - - - - Bond Proceeds - - - - - Other - - - - - - 300,000 1,000,000 300,000 1,300,000 Capital Expenditures: Design - 300,000 - 300,000 600,000 Right of Way - - - - - Construction - - 1,000,000 - 1,000,000 - 300,000 1,000,000 300,000 1,300,000 Total 2020 2021 2022 2023 2018-2023 Funding Sources: Unrestricted Water Revenue 1,000,000 300,000 1,000,000 300,000 3,900,000 Grants (Fed,State,Local)- - - - - Bond Proceeds - - - - - Other - - - - - 1,000,000 300,000 1,000,000 300,000 3,900,000 Capital Expenditures: Design - 300,000 - 300,000 900,000 Right of Way - - - - - Construction 1,000,000 - 1,000,000 - 3,000,000 1,000,000 300,000 1,000,000 300,000 3,900,000 Total Expenditures: Total Funding Sources: Total Expenditures: Forecasted Project Cost: Total Funding Sources: Program to fund capacity-related improvements to the water distribution system to address low pressures during peak hour demand and fire flows. Design is expected to be completed in one year, followed by construction of those improvements in the subsequent year. 2015 Comprehensive Plan CIP ID D-02 Progress Summary: Planned Future Impact on Operating Budget: No significant impact. City of Auburn Capital Facilities Plan 100 WATER FUND (460)Capital Facilities Plan Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2018-2023 Enterprise Funds Project Title: Howard Road CCTF Expansion Project No:cpxxxx Project Type:Capacity Project Manager:TBD Description: Activity: 2017 YE 2018 Year End Funding Sources:Prior to 2017 Estimate 2018 Budget 2019 Budget Project Total Unrestricted Water Revenue - - - - Grants (Fed,State,Local)- - - - - Bond Proceeds - - - - - Other - - - - - - - - - - Capital Expenditures: Design - - - - - Right of Way - - - - - Construction - - - - - - - - - Total 2020 2021 2022 2023 2018-2023 Funding Sources: Unrestricted Water Revenue - - 250,000 765,000 1,015,000 Grants (Fed,State,Local)- - - - - Bond Proceeds - - - - - Other - - - - - - - 250,000 765,000 1,015,000 Capital Expenditures: Design - - 250,000 - 250,000 Right of Way - - - - - Construction - - - 765,000 765,000 - - 250,000 765,000 1,015,000 With the completion of the Coal Creek Springs Improvements, the Howard Road Corrosion Control Treatment Facility will exceed its current capacity. This project will add one aeration tower and one blower pump to match the existing towers and blowers. 2015 Comprehensive Plan CIP ID S-18 Progress Summary: Planning, design in conjunction with Coal Creek Springs improvements, construction complete just before CCS improvements Future Impact on Operating Budget: The annual maintenance cost is estimated to be approximately $600. Total Expenditures: Total Funding Sources: Total Expenditures: Forecasted Project Cost: Total Funding Sources: City of Auburn Capital Facilities Plan 101 WATER FUND (460)Capital Facilities Plan Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2018-2023 Enterprise Funds Project Title: Valley Service Area Reservoir No. 3 Project No:cpxxxx Project Type:Capacity Project Manager:TBD Description: Activity: 2017 YE 2018 Year End Funding Sources:Prior to 2017 Estimate 2018 Budget 2019 Budget Project Total Unrestricted Water Revenue - - - - Grants (Fed,State,Local)- - - - - Bond Proceeds - - - - - Other - - - - - - - - - - Capital Expenditures: Design - - - - - Right of Way - - - - - Construction - - - - - - - - - Total 2020 2021 2022 2023 2018-2023 Funding Sources: Unrestricted Water Revenue - - 30,000 500,000 530,000 Grants (Fed,State,Local)- - - - - Bond Proceeds - - - - - Other - - - - - - - 30,000 500,000 530,000 Capital Expenditures: Design - - 30,000 500,000 530,000 Right of Way - - - - - Construction - - - - - - 30,000 500,000 530,000 A new 1 million gallon storage facility is needed to meet future storage requirements in the Valley Service Area. 2015 Comprehensive Plan CIP ID R-04 Progress Summary: Reservoir siting study will be conducted in 2022, with property acquisition in 2023. Design of the project will be completed in 2024, with construction in 2025-2026. Future Impact on Operating Budget: No significant Impact Total Expenditures: Total Funding Sources: Total Expenditures: Forecasted Project Cost: Total Funding Sources: City of Auburn Capital Facilities Plan 102 WATER FUND (460)Capital Facilities Plan Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2018-2023 Enterprise Funds Project Title: Green River Pump Station Emergency Power Project No:wabd10 Project Type:Non-Capacity Project Manager:TBD Description: Activity: 2017 YE 2018 Year End Funding Sources:Prior to 2017 Estimate 2018 Budget 2019 Budget Project Total Unrestricted Water Revenue - - 90,000 910,000 90,000 Grants (Fed,State,Local)- - - - - Bond Proceeds - - - - - Other - - - - - - - 90,000 910,000 90,000 Capital Expenditures: Design - - 90,000 100,000 190,000 Right of Way - - - - - Construction - - - 810,000 - - - 90,000 910,000 90,000 Total 2020 2021 2022 2023 2018-2023 Funding Sources: Unrestricted Water Revenue - - - - 1,000,000 Grants (Fed,State,Local)- - - - - Bond Proceeds - - - - - Other - - - - - - - - - 1,000,000 Capital Expenditures: Design - - - - 190,000 Right of Way - - - - - Construction - - - - 810,000 - - - - 1,000,000 Construction of facility improvements to house an emergency generator and associated electrical equipment. 2015 Comprehensive Plan CIP ID PS-03 Progress Summary: Planned Future Impact on Operating Budget: The annual maintenance cost is estimated to be approximately $600. Total Funding Sources: Total Expenditures: Total Expenditures: Total Funding Sources: Forecasted Project Cost: City of Auburn Capital Facilities Plan 103 WATER FUND (460)Capital Facilities Plan Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2018-2023 Enterprise Funds Project Title: Well Inspection and Redevelopment Program Project No:wabd11 Project Type:Non-Capacity Project Manager:TBD Description: Activity: 2017 YE 2018 Year End Funding Sources:Prior to 2017 Estimate 2018 Budget 2019 Budget Project Total Unrestricted Water Revenue - 150,000 150,000 150,000 Grants (Fed,State,Local)- - - - - Bond Proceeds - - - - - Other - - - - - - 150,000 - 150,000 150,000 Capital Expenditures: Design - - - - - Right of Way - - - - - Construction - 150,000 150,000 150,000 - 150,000 - 150,000 150,000 Total 2020 2021 2022 2023 2018-2023 Funding Sources: Unrestricted Water Revenue - - 150,000 - 300,000 Grants (Fed,State,Local)- - - - - Bond Proceeds - - - - - Other - - - - - - - 150,000 - 300,000 Capital Expenditures: Design - - - - - Right of Way - - - - - Construction - - 150,000 - 300,000 - - 150,000 - 300,000 No significant impact. Program for inspection and redevelopment of supply wells and springs necessary to ensure production at maximum capacity for efficient utilization. 2015 Comprehensive Plan CIP ID S-07 Progress Summary: Planned Future Impact on Operating Budget: Total Expenditures: Total Funding Sources: Total Expenditures: Forecasted Project Cost: Total Funding Sources: City of Auburn Capital Facilities Plan 104 WATER FUND (460)Capital Facilities Plan Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2018-2023 Enterprise Funds Project Title: Water Repair & Replacements Project No:wabd02 Project Type:Non-Capacity (R&R) Project Manager:Various Description: Activity: 2017 YE 2018 Year End Funding Sources:Prior to 2017 Estimate 2018 Budget 2019 Budget Project Total Unrestricted Water Revenue - - 300,000 1,000,000 1,300,000 Grants (Fed,State,Local)- - - - - Bond Proceeds - - - - - Other - - - - - - - 300,000 1,000,000 1,300,000 Capital Expenditures: Design - - 300,000 - 300,000 Right of Way - - - - - Construction - - - 1,000,000 - - - 300,000 1,000,000 300,000 Total 2020 2021 2022 2023 2018-2023 Funding Sources: Unrestricted Water Revenue 300,000 1,000,000 300,000 1,000,000 3,900,000 Grants (Fed,State,Local)- - - - - Bond Proceeds - - - - - Other - - - - - 300,000 1,000,000 300,000 1,000,000 3,900,000 Capital Expenditures: Design 300,000 - 300,000 - 900,000 Right of Way - - - - - Construction - 1,000,000 - 1,000,000 3,000,000 300,000 1,000,000 300,000 1,000,000 3,900,000 Program to fund distribution system repair and replacement projects required for meeting peak demands and reducing system losses. Projects will be coordinated with the Local Street Program and other utility projects. 2015 Comprehensive Plan CIP ID D-09 Progress Summary: Planned Future Impact on Operating Budget: No significant impact. Total Funding Sources: Total Expenditures: Total Expenditures: Total Funding Sources: Forecasted Project Cost: City of Auburn Capital Facilities Plan 105 WATER FUND (460)Capital Facilities Plan Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2018-2023 Enterprise Funds Project Title: Street Utility Improvements Project No:wabd01 Project Type:Non-Capacity Project Manager:TBD Description: Progress Summary: Planned No significant impact Activity: 2017 YE 2018 Year End Funding Sources:Prior to 2017 Estimate 2018 Budget 2019 Budget Project Total Unrestricted Water Revenue - 500,000 500,000 1,000,000 2,000,000 Grants (Fed,State,Local)- - - - - Bond Proceeds - - - - - Other - - - - - Total Funding Sources:- 500,000 500,000 1,000,000 2,000,000 Capital Expenditures: Design - - - - - Right of Way - - - - - Construction - 500,000 500,000 1,000,000 2,000,000 Total Expenditures:- 500,000 500,000 1,000,000 2,000,000 Forecasted Project Cost: Total 2020 2021 2022 2023 2018-2023 Funding Sources: Unrestricted Water Revenue 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 5,500,000 Grants (Fed,State,Local)- - - - - Bond Proceeds - - - - - Other - - - - - Total Funding Sources:1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 5,500,000 Capital Expenditures: Design - - - - - Right of Way - - - - - Construction 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 5,500,000 Total Expenditures:1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 5,500,000 Water main improvements in coordination with the Local Street Preservation Program and general arterial street improvements. 2015 Comprehensive Plan CIP ID D-06 Future Impact on Operating Budget: City of Auburn Capital Facilities Plan 106 WATER FUND (460)Capital Facilities Plan Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2018-2023 Enterprise Funds Project Title: Lea Hill PRV Station Improvements Project No:CP1617 Project Type:Non-Capacity Project Manager:Larson Description: Activity: 2017 YE 2018 Year End Funding Sources:Prior to 2017 Estimate 2018 Budget 2019 Budget Project Total Unrestricted Water Revenue 27,454 994,791 10,000 - 1,032,245 Grants (Fed,State,Local)- - - - - Bond Proceeds - - - - - Other - - - - - 27,454 994,791 10,000 - 1,032,245 Capital Expenditures: Design 27,394 50,000 - - 77,394 Right of Way 60 - - - 60 Construction - 944,791 10,000 - 954,791 27,454 994,791 10,000 - 1,032,245 Total 2020 2021 2022 2023 2018-2023 Funding Sources: Unrestricted Water Revenue - - - - 10,000 Grants (Fed,State,Local)- - - - - Bond Proceeds - - - - - Other - - - - - - - - - 10,000 Capital Expenditures: Design - - - - - Right of Way - - - - - Construction - - - - 10,000 - - - - 10,000 Replace 5 pressure reducing valve stations in the Lea Hill area. Existing stations are old, difficult to access and are typically flooded. They do not have sump pumps or proper drainage to remove water that enters the stations. Maintaining the stations is difficult. This is a potential safety and health issue. 2015 Comprehensive Plan CIP ID D-13 Progress Summary: Design and construction will be completed in 2017. Future Impact on Operating Budget: No significant impact. Total Funding Sources: Total Expenditures: Total Expenditures: Total Funding Sources: Forecasted Project Cost: City of Auburn Capital Facilities Plan 107 WATER FUND (460)Capital Facilities Plan Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2018-2023 Enterprise Funds Project Title: Water Meter & Billing System Improvements Project No:cp1317 Project Type:Non-Capacity Project Manager:Fenhaus Description: Activity: 2017 YE 2018 Year End Funding Sources:Prior to 2017 Estimate 2018 Budget 2019 Budget Project Total Unrestricted Water Revenue 2,188,688 3,321,219 500,000 - 6,009,907 Grants (Fed,State,Local)- - - - - Bond Proceeds 500,000 - - - 500,000 Other - - - - - 2,688,688 3,321,219 500,000 - 6,509,907 Capital Expenditures: Design 47,304 - - - 47,304 Right of Way - - - - - Construction 2,641,384 3,321,219 500,000 - 6,462,603 2,688,688 3,321,219 500,000 - 6,509,907 Total 2020 2021 2022 2023 2018-2023 Funding Sources: Unrestricted Water Revenue - - - - 500,000 Grants (Fed,State,Local)- - - - - Bond Proceeds - - - - - Other - - - - - - - - - 500,000 Capital Expenditures: Design - - - - - Right of Way - - - - - Construction - - - - 500,000 - - - - 500,000 Grants / Other Sources: Bond proceeds from 2013 issuance. Total Expenditures: Total Funding Sources: Total Expenditures: Forecasted Project Cost: Total Funding Sources: Complete the implementation and construction of selected improvements in automated metering technology, generally referred to as Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI). Benefits include more accurate meter reads, daily information for quicker detection of leaks, and improved efficiency of billing operations. 2015 Comprehensive Plan CIP ID G-09 Progress Summary: Installation of meters will be completed in early 2018. Future Impact on Operating Budget: This project should decrease the future operating budget through earlier leak detection, reduction in meter inaccuracies and increasing efficiency in billing operations. City of Auburn Capital Facilities Plan 108 WATER FUND (460)Capital Facilities Plan Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2018-2023 Enterprise Funds Project Title: Utilities Field Operations Center Project No:wabd04 Project Type:Non-Capacity Project Manager:TBD Description: Activity: 2017 YE 2018 Year End Funding Sources:Prior to 2017 Estimate 2018 Budget 2019 Budget Project Total Unrestricted Water Revenue - - 100,000 - 100,000 Grants (Fed,State,Local)- - - - - Other operating - transfer in Sewer - - 100,000 - 100,000 Other operating - transfer in Storm - - 100,000 - 100,000 - - 300,000 - 300,000 Capital Expenditures: Design - - - - - Right of Way - - - - - Construction - - 300,000 - 300,000 - - 300,000 - 300,000 Total 2020 2021 2022 2023 2018-2023 Funding Sources: Unrestricted Water Revenue - - - - 100,000 Grants (Fed,State,Local)- - - - - Other operating - transfer in Sewer - - - - 100,000 Other operating - transfer in Storm - - - - 100,000 - - - - 300,000 Capital Expenditures: Design - - - - - Right of Way - - - - - Construction - - - - 300,000 - - - - 300,000 Construct building for utilities field staff use and storage of field equipment. 2015 Comprehensive Plan CIP ID G-05 Progress Summary: Future Impact on Operating Budget: No significant impact Total Expenditures: Total Funding Sources: Total Expenditures: Forecasted Project Cost: Total Funding Sources: City of Auburn Capital Facilities Plan 109 WATER FUND (460)Capital Facilities Plan Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2018-2023 Enterprise Funds Project Title: West Hill Springs Improvements Project No:cp1417 Project Type:Non-Capacity Project Manager:Barba Description: Activity: 2017 YE 2018 Year End Funding Sources:Prior to 2017 Estimate 2018 Budget 2019 Budget Project Total Unrestricted Water Revenue 121,347 473,653 10,000 - 605,000 Grants (Fed,State,Local)- - - - - PWTFL - - - - - Bond Proceeds - - - - - 121,347 473,653 10,000 - 605,000 Capital Expenditures: Design 119,800 - - - 119,800 Right of Way - - - - Construction 1,547 473,653 10,000 - 485,200 121,347 473,653 10,000 - 605,000 Total 2020 2021 2022 2023 2018-2023 Funding Sources: Unrestricted Water Revenue - - - - 10,000 Grants (Fed,State,Local)- - - - - PWTFL - - - - - Bond Proceeds - - - - - - - - - 10,000 Capital Expenditures: Design - - - - - Right of Way - - - - - Construction - - - - 10,000 - - - - 10,000 Total Expenditures: Total Funding Sources: Total Expenditures: Forecasted Project Cost: Total Funding Sources: Install flow control valve for automatic shutdown, replace meter, and upgrade reservoir hatches. This project was identified during the Department of Health Sanitary Survey as a health and safety concern. 2015 Comprehensive Plan CIP ID S-17 Progress Summary: Design was completed in 2016 and construction will be mostly completed in 2017. Future Impact on Operating Budget: No significant impact City of Auburn Capital Facilities Plan 110 WATER FUND (460)Capital Facilities Plan Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2018-2023 Enterprise Funds Project Title: Reservoir Seismic Rehabilitation Project No:cpxxxx Project Type:Non-Capacity Project Manager:TBD Description: Activity: 2017 YE 2018 Year End Funding Sources:Prior to 2017 Estimate 2018 Budget 2019 Budget Project Total Unrestricted Water Revenue - - - 75,000 - Grants -Unsecured Federal - - - - - PWTFL - - - - - Bond Proceeds - - - - - - - - 75,000 - Capital Expenditures: Design - - - 75,000 - Right of Way - - - - - Construction - - - - - - - - 75,000 - Total 2020 2021 2022 2023 2018-2023 Funding Sources: Unrestricted Water Revenue - 200,000 - 205,000 480,000 Grants -Unsecured Federal - - - - - PWTFL - - - - - Bond Proceeds - - - - - - 200,000 - 205,000 480,000 Capital Expenditures: Design - 50,000 - 50,000 175,000 Right of Way - - - - - Construction - 150,000 - 155,000 305,000 - 200,000 - 205,000 480,000 Total Expenditures: Total Funding Sources: Total Expenditures: Forecasted Project Cost: Total Funding Sources: Install seismic control valves on outlet piping of Reservoirs 2, 4A, 4B, 8A, and 8B. This project will include a study (2019) to identify work to be completed at each site, and to further define project costs at each site. A grant was received for Reservoir 1 and a separate project was established, removing $25,000 from these costs. Costs for the remaining reservoirs will be updated based on the Reservoir 1 project. 2015 Comprehensive Plan CIP ID R-06 Progress Summary: Planned Future Impact on Operating Budget: No significant impact City of Auburn Capital Facilities Plan 111 WATER FUND (460)Capital Facilities Plan Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2018-2023 Enterprise Funds Project Title: Lea Hill - 132nd Ave Distribution System Modifications Project No:wabd05 Project Type:Non-Capacity Project Manager:TBD Description: Activity: 2017 YE 2018 Year End Funding Sources:Prior to 2017 Estimate 2018 Budget 2019 Budget Project Total Unrestricted Water Revenue - - - 100,000 - Grants (Fed,State,Local)- - - - - PWTFL - - - - - Bond Proceeds - - - - - - - - 100,000 - Capital Expenditures: Design - - - 100,000 - Right of Way - - - - - Construction - - - - - - - - 100,000 - Total 2020 2021 2022 2023 2018-2023 Funding Sources: Unrestricted Water Revenue 400,000 - - - 500,000 Grants (Fed,State,Local)- - - - - PWTFL - - - - - Bond Proceeds - - - - - 400,000 - - - 500,000 Capital Expenditures: Design - - - - 100,000 Right of Way - - - - - Construction 400,000 - - - 400,000 400,000 - - - 500,000 Project will add pressure reducing valves and control valves at Lea Hill reservoirs and pump stations, and system valves to provide efficient operation of the 132nd Ave Tacoma Intertie. Project will also include additional piping within Intertie/Lea Hill Booster pump station building to utilize existing Intertie pumps for Boosted zone. 2015 Comprehensive Water Plan CIP ID D-06, and PS-04. Progress Summary: Design will be completed in 2019, construction in 2020. Future Impact on Operating Budget: No significant impact Total Expenditures: Total Funding Sources: Total Expenditures: Forecasted Project Cost: Total Funding Sources: City of Auburn Capital Facilities Plan 112 WATER FUND (460)Capital Facilities Plan Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2018-2023 Enterprise Funds Project Title: Auburn Way South - Muckleshoot Plaza to Dogwood Project No:cp1218 Project Type:Non-Capacity Project Manager:Larson Description: Activity: 2017 YE 2018 Year End Funding Sources:Prior to 2017 Estimate 2018 Budget 2019 Budget Project Total Unrestricted Water Revenue 151,091 1,000,249 10,000 - 1,161,340 Grants (Fed,State,Local)- - - - - PWTFL - - - - - Bond Proceeds - - - - - 151,091 1,000,249 10,000 - 1,161,340 Capital Expenditures: Design 151,091 10,000 - - 161,091 Right of Way - - - - Construction - 990,249 10,000 - 1,000,249 151,091 1,000,249 10,000 - 1,161,340 Total 2020 2021 2022 2023 2018-2023 Funding Sources: Unrestricted Water Revenue - - - - 10,000 Grants (Fed,State,Local)- - - - - PWTFL - - - - - Bond Proceeds - - - - - - - - - 10,000 Capital Expenditures: Design - - - - - Right of Way - - - - - Construction - - - - 10,000 - - - - 10,000 Water main improvements constructed in conjunction with Auburn Way South Corridor Improvements. 2015 Comprehensive Water Plan CIP ID D-06 Progress Summary: Design completed in 2016 with construction completed in 2017. Future Impact on Operating Budget: No significant impact Total Expenditures: Total Funding Sources: Total Expenditures: Forecasted Project Cost: Total Funding Sources: City of Auburn Capital Facilities Plan 113 WATER FUND (460)Capital Facilities Plan Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2018-2023 Enterprise Funds Project Title: Reservoir Painting Project No:cpxxxx Project Type:Non-Capacity Project Manager:TBD Description: Activity: 2017 YE 2018 Year End Funding Sources:Prior to 2017 Estimate 2018 Budget 2019 Budget Project Total Unrestricted Water Revenue - - - - - Grants (Fed,State,Local)- - - - - PWTFL - - - - - Bond Proceeds - - - - - - - - - - Capital Expenditures: Design - - - - - Right of Way - - - - - Construction - - - - - - - - - - Total 2020 2021 2022 2023 2018-2023 Funding Sources: Unrestricted Water Revenue - 1,250,000 - - 1,250,000 Grants (Fed,State,Local)- - - - - PWTFL - - - - - Bond Proceeds - - - - - - 1,250,000 - - 1,250,000 Capital Expenditures: Design - 150,000 - - 150,000 Right of Way - - - - - Construction - 1,100,000 - - 1,100,000 - 1,250,000 - - 1,250,000 Total Expenditures: Total Funding Sources: Total Expenditures: Forecasted Project Cost: Total Funding Sources: Maintenance of reservoirs requires periodic painting to protect the steel and increase the useful life of the reservoir. 2015 Comprehensive Plan CIP ID R-05 Progress Summary: Planned Future Impact on Operating Budget: No significant impact City of Auburn Capital Facilities Plan 114 WATER FUND (460)Capital Facilities Plan Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2018-2023 Enterprise Funds Project Title: Coal Creek Springs Transmission Main Replacement Project No:cp1603 Project Type:Non-Capacity Project Manager:Wickstrom Description: Activity: 2017 YE 2018 Year End Funding Sources:Prior to 2017 Estimate 2018 Budget 2019 Budget Project Total Unrestricted Water Revenue 49 - 249,951 - 250,000 Grants (Fed,State,Local)- - - - - DWSRF Loan 7,792 465,559 866,649 - 1,340,000 Bond Proceeds - - - - - 7,841 465,559 1,116,600 - 1,590,000 Capital Expenditures: Design 7,841 465,559 - - 473,400 Right of Way - - - - - Construction - - 1,116,600 - 1,116,600 7,841 465,559 1,116,600 - 1,590,000 Total 2020 2021 2022 2023 2018-2023 Funding Sources: Unrestricted Water Revenue - - - - 249,951 Grants (Fed,State,Local)- - - - - DWSRF Loan - - - - 866,649 Bond Proceeds - - - - - - - - 1,116,600 Capital Expenditures: Design - - - - - Right of Way - - - - - Construction - - - - 1,116,600 - - - - 1,116,600 The facilities evaluation study conducted in 2013-2014 found a suspected leak on the 24" steel transmission main crossing the White River. The approximate location was determined, but further investigation is required to assess the degree and magnitude of the potential leak. This project will provide for full replacement of the river crossing. 2015 Comprehensive Plan CIP ID D-11 Progress Summary: Design is anticipated to be completed in 2017 with construction completed in 2018. Future Impact on Operating Budget: No significant impact Total Expenditures: Total Funding Sources: Total Expenditures: Forecasted Project Cost: Total Funding Sources: City of Auburn Capital Facilities Plan 115 WATER FUND (460)Capital Facilities Plan Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2018-2023 Enterprise Funds Project Title: F Street SE Non-Motorized Improvements Project No:cp1416 Project Type:Non-Capacity Project Manager:Wickstrom Description: Activity: 2017 YE 2018 Year End Funding Sources:Prior to 2017 Estimate 2018 Budget 2019 Budget Project Total Unrestricted Water Revenue 10,880 19,120 - 30,000 Grants (Fed,State,Local)- - - - - PWTFL - - - - - Bond Proceeds - - - - - 10,880 19,120 - - 30,000 Capital Expenditures: Design 10,880 19,120 - - 30,000 Right of Way - - - - - Construction - - - - - 10,880 19,120 - - 30,000 Total 2020 2021 2022 2023 2018-2023 Funding Sources: Unrestricted Water Revenue 70,000 250,000 - - 320,000 Grants (Fed,State,Local)- - - - - PWTFL - - - - - Bond Proceeds - - - - - 70,000 250,000 - - 320,000 Capital Expenditures: Design 70,000 - - - 70,000 Right of Way - - - - - Construction - 250,000 - - 250,000 70,000 250,000 - - 320,000 Water main improvements constructed in conjunction with F Street SE street improvements. 2015 Comprehensive Water Plan CIP ID D-06 Progress Summary: Design will be completed in 2021 with construction completed in 2022 Future Impact on Operating Budget: No significant impact Total Expenditures: Total Funding Sources: Total Expenditures: Forecasted Project Cost: Total Funding Sources: City of Auburn Capital Facilities Plan 116 WATER FUND (460)Capital Facilities Plan Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2018-2023 Enterprise Funds Project Title: Reservoir Repair and Replacements Project No:wabd12 Project Type:Non-Capacity Project Manager:TBD Description: Activity: 2017 YE 2018 Year End Funding Sources:Prior to 2017 Estimate 2018 Budget 2019 Budget Project Total Unrestricted Water Revenue - 50,000 50,000 50,000 100,000 Grants (Fed,State,Local)- - - - - Bond Proceeds - - - - - Other - - - - - - 50,000 50,000 50,000 100,000 Capital Expenditures: Design - - - - - Right of Way - - - - - Construction - 50,000 50,000 50,000 100,000 - 50,000 50,000 50,000 100,000 Total 2020 2021 2022 2023 2018-2023 Funding Sources: Unrestricted Water Revenue 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 300,000 Grants (Fed,State,Local)- - - - - Bond Proceeds - - - - - Other - - - - - 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 300,000 Capital Expenditures: Design - - - - - Right of Way - - - - - Construction 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 300,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 300,000 General reservoir maintenance and minor improvements. 2015 Comprehensive Plan CIP ID R-03 Progress Summary: Planned Future Impact on Operating Budget: No significant impact. Total Expenditures: Total Funding Sources: Total Expenditures: Forecasted Project Cost: Total Funding Sources: City of Auburn Capital Facilities Plan 117 WATER FUND (460)Capital Facilities Plan Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2018-2023 Enterprise Funds Project Title: Pipeline Asset Management Study Project No:cpxxxx Project Type:Non-Capacity Project Manager:TBD Description: Activity: 2017 YE 2018 Year End Funding Sources:Prior to 2017 Estimate 2018 Budget 2019 Budget Project Total Unrestricted Water Revenue - - - 50,000 - Grants (Fed,State,Local)- - - - - Bond Proceeds - - - - - Other - - - - - - - - 50,000 - Capital Expenditures: Design - - - 50,000 - Right of Way - - - - - Construction - - - - - - - - 50,000 - Total 2020 2021 2022 2023 2018-2023 Funding Sources: Unrestricted Water Revenue 50,000 - - - 100,000 Grants (Fed,State,Local)- - - - - Bond Proceeds - - - - - Other - - - - - 50,000 - - - 100,000 Capital Expenditures: Design 50,000 - - - 100,000 Right of Way - - - - - Construction - - - - - 50,000 - - - 100,000 Pipeline asset management study will identify the remaining useful life of water mains in the system, prioritize pipe replacements, and develop replacement costs to phase in the replacements. 2015 Comprehensive Plan CIP ID D-10 Progress Summary: Planned Future Impact on Operating Budget: No significant impact. Total Expenditures: Total Funding Sources: Total Expenditures: Forecasted Project Cost: Total Funding Sources: City of Auburn Capital Facilities Plan 118 WATER FUND (460)Capital Facilities Plan Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2018-2023 Enterprise Funds Project Title: 22nd Street NE & I Street NE Intersection Project No:cp1513 Project Type:Non-Capacity Project Manager:Wickstrom Description: Activity: 2017 YE 2018 Year End Funding Sources:Prior to 2017 Estimate 2018 Budget 2019 Budget Project Total Unrestricted Water Revenue 7,235 387,765 10,000 - 405,000 Grants (Fed,State,Local)- - - - - Bond Proceeds - - - - - Other - - - - - 7,235 387,765 10,000 - 405,000 Capital Expenditures: Design 7,235 10,000 - - 17,235 Right of Way - - - - - Construction - 377,765 10,000 - 387,765 7,235 387,765 10,000 - 405,000 Total 2020 2021 2022 2023 2018-2023 Funding Sources: Unrestricted Water Revenue - - - - 10,000 Grants (Fed,State,Local)- - - - - Bond Proceeds - - - - - Other - - - - - - - - - 10,000 Capital Expenditures: Design - - - - - Right of Way - - - - - Construction - - - - 10,000 - - - - 10,000 Total Expenditures: Total Funding Sources: Total Expenditures: Forecasted Project Cost: Total Funding Sources: Water main improvements constructed in conjunction with 22nd Street NE and I Street NE intersection improvements. 2015 Comprehensive Water Plan CIP ID D-06 Progress Summary: Design and construction will be completed in 2017. Future Impact on Operating Budget: No significant Impact City of Auburn Capital Facilities Plan 119 WATER FUND (460)Capital Facilities Plan Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2018-2023 Enterprise Funds Project Title: Auburn Regional Growth Center Access Improvements Project No:wabd14 Project Type:Non-Capacity Project Manager:TBD Description: Activity: 2017 YE 2018 Year End Funding Sources:Prior to 2017 Estimate 2018 Budget 2019 Budget Project Total Unrestricted Water Revenue - - - - - Grants (Fed,State,Local)- - - - - Bond Proceeds - - - - - Other - - - - - - - - - - Capital Expenditures: Design - - - - - Right of Way - - - - - Construction - - - - - - - - - - Total 2020 2021 2022 2023 2018-2023 Funding Sources: Unrestricted Water Revenue 50,000 430,000 - - 480,000 Grants (Fed,State,Local)- - - - - Bond Proceeds - - - - - Other - - - - - 50,000 430,000 - - 480,000 Capital Expenditures: Design 50,000 - - - 50,000 Right of Way - - - - - Construction - 430,000 - - 430,000 50,000 430,000 - - 480,000 Total Expenditures: Total Funding Sources: Total Expenditures: Forecasted Project Cost: Total Funding Sources: Water main improvements constructed in conjunction with Urban Center Access Improvements to address water system needs on A Street NW. 2015 Comprehensive Water Plan CIP ID D-06 Progress Summary: Design will be completed in 2018 with construction completed in 2020. Future Impact on Operating Budget: No significant Impact City of Auburn Capital Facilities Plan 120 WATER FUND (460)Capital Facilities Plan Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2018-2023 Enterprise Funds Project Title: M Street NE Widening Project No:wabd13 Project Type:Non-Capacity Project Manager:TBD Description: Activity: 2017 YE 2018 Year End Funding Sources:Prior to 2017 Estimate 2018 Budget 2019 Budget Project Total Unrestricted Water Revenue - - - - - Grants (Fed,State,Local)- - - - - Bond Proceeds - - - - - Other - - - - - - - - - - Capital Expenditures: Design - - - - - Right of Way - - - - - Construction - - - - - - - - - - Total 2020 2021 2022 2023 2018-2023 Funding Sources: Unrestricted Water Revenue - 30,000 125,000 - 155,000 Grants (Fed,State,Local)- - - - - Bond Proceeds - - - - - Other - - - - - - 30,000 125,000 - 155,000 Capital Expenditures: Design - 30,000 - - 30,000 Right of Way - - - - - Construction - - 125,000 - 125,000 - 30,000 125,000 - 155,000 Total Expenditures: Total Funding Sources: Total Expenditures: Forecasted Project Cost: Total Funding Sources: Water main improvements constructed in conjunction with M ST NE widening. 2015 Comprehensive Water Plan CIP ID D-06 Progress Summary: Design will be completed in 2018 with construction completed in 2019. Future Impact on Operating Budget: No significant Impact City of Auburn Capital Facilities Plan 121 WATER FUND (460)Capital Facilities Plan Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2018-2023 Enterprise Funds Project Title: Auburn Way South - Hemlock Street SE to Poplar Street SE Project No:cpxxxx Project Type:Non-Capacity Project Manager:TBD Description: Activity: 2017 YE 2018 Year End Funding Sources:Prior to 2017 Estimate 2018 Budget 2019 Budget Project Total Unrestricted Water Revenue - - - - - Grants (Fed,State,Local)- - - - - Bond Proceeds - - - - - Other - - - - - - - - - - Capital Expenditures: Design - - - - - Right of Way - - - - - Construction - - - - - - - - - - Total 2020 2021 2022 2023 2018-2023 Funding Sources: Unrestricted Water Revenue - - - 200,000 200,000 Grants (Fed,State,Local)- - - - - Bond Proceeds - - - - - Other - - - - - - - - 200,000 200,000 Capital Expenditures: Design - - - 200,000 200,000 Right of Way - - - - - Construction - - - - - - - - 200,000 200,000 Total Expenditures: Total Funding Sources: Total Expenditures: Forecasted Project Cost: Total Funding Sources: Water main improvements constructed in conjunction with Auburn Way South street improvements. 2015 Comprehensive Water Plan CIP ID D-06 Progress Summary: Planned Future Impact on Operating Budget: No significant Impact City of Auburn Capital Facilities Plan 122 WATER FUND (460)Capital Facilities Plan Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2018-2023 Enterprise Funds Project Title: Lea Hill Rd Segment 1 (R St NE to 105th Pl SE) Project No:cpxxxx Project Type:Non-Capacity Project Manager:TBD Description: Activity: 2017 YE 2018 Year End Funding Sources:Prior to 2017 Estimate 2018 Budget 2019 Budget Project Total Unrestricted Water Revenue - - - - - Grants (Fed,State,Local)- - - - - Bond Proceeds - - - - - Other - - - - - - - - - - Capital Expenditures: Design - - - - - Right of Way - - - - - Construction - - - - - - - - - - Total 2020 2021 2022 2023 2018-2023 Funding Sources: Unrestricted Water Revenue - 75,000 550,000 - 625,000 Grants (Fed,State,Local)- - - - - Bond Proceeds - - - - - Other - - - - - - 75,000 550,000 - 625,000 Capital Expenditures: Design - 75,000 - - 75,000 Right of Way - - - - - Construction - - 550,000 - 550,000 - 75,000 550,000 - 625,000 Total Expenditures: Total Funding Sources: Total Expenditures: Forecasted Project Cost: Total Funding Sources: Water main improvements constructed in conjunction with Lea Hill Road corridor improvements, Segment 1 (R St NE to 105th Pl SE), TIP #64. 2015 Comprehensive Water Plan CIP ID D-06 Progress Summary: Planned Future Impact on Operating Budget: No significant Impact City of Auburn Capital Facilities Plan 123 WATER FUND (460)Capital Facilities Plan Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2018-2023 Enterprise Funds Project Title: Decommission Lea Hill Pump Station Project No:cpxxxx Project Type:Non-Capacity Project Manager:TBD Description: Activity: 2017 YE 2018 Year End Funding Sources:Prior to 2017 Estimate 2018 Budget 2019 Budget Project Total Unrestricted Water Revenue - - - - - Grants (Fed,State,Local)- - - - - Bond Proceeds - - - - - Other - - - - - - - - - - Capital Expenditures: Design - - - - - Right of Way - - - - - Construction - - - - - - - - - - Total 2020 2021 2022 2023 2018-2023 Funding Sources: Unrestricted Water Revenue 83,000 - - - 83,000 Grants (Fed,State,Local)- - - - - Bond Proceeds - - - - - Other - - - - - 83,000 - - - 83,000 Capital Expenditures: Design 13,000 - - - 13,000 Right of Way - - - - - Construction 70,000 - - - 70,000 83,000 - - - 83,000 Total Expenditures: Total Funding Sources: Total Expenditures: Forecasted Project Cost: Total Funding Sources: Lea Hill pump station will be decommissioned after completion of Lea Hill - 132nd Ave distribution system modifications. 2015 Comprehensive Water Plan CIP ID PS-10 Progress Summary: Design and construction will be complete in 2020 Future Impact on Operating Budget: No significant impact City of Auburn Capital Facilities Plan 124 WATER FUND (460)Capital Facilities Plan Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2018-2023 Enterprise Funds Project Title: Deduct Meter Replacement Program Project No:cpxxxx Project Type:Non-Capacity Project Manager:TBD Description: Activity: 2017 YE 2018 Year End Funding Sources:Prior to 2017 Estimate 2018 Budget 2019 Budget Project Total Unrestricted Water Revenue - - - 250,000 - Grants (Fed,State,Local)- - - - - Bond Proceeds - - - - - Other - - - - - - - - 250,000 - Capital Expenditures: Design - - - - - Right of Way - - - - - Construction - - - 250,000 - - - - 250,000 - Total 2020 2021 2022 2023 2018-2023 Funding Sources: Unrestricted Water Revenue 250,000 250,000 250,000 - 1,000,000 Grants (Fed,State,Local)- - - - - Bond Proceeds - - - - - Other - - - - - 250,000 250,000 250,000 - 1,000,000 Capital Expenditures: Design - - - - - Right of Way - - - - - Construction 250,000 250,000 250,000 1,000,000 250,000 250,000 250,000 - 1,000,000 Total Expenditures: Total Funding Sources: Total Expenditures: Forecasted Project Cost: Total Funding Sources: Approximately 200 non-single family irrigation meters within the water system are connected to the customer's supply line on the customer side of the domestic meter, instead of being directly connected to the water main. Since sewer charges for non-single family customers are based on the domestic water meter reading and irrigation water does not use the sewer system, customers ask to have the irrigation use deducted from their overall domestic use for sewer billing purposes. Thus, irrigation meters installed after the domestic meter are referred to as "deduct meters". To improve the billing process, increase staff efficiencies and eliminate manual calculations in the billing process this project will re-install the irrigation meters to directly connect to the main. Deduct meters will be converted to irrigation meters to more equitably bill water usage. Progress Summary: Planned Future Impact on Operating Budget: No significant impact. City of Auburn Capital Facilities Plan 125 WATER FUND (460)Capital Facilities Plan Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2018-2023 Enterprise Funds Project Title: Comprehensive Water Plan Project No:cpxxxx Project Type:Non-Capacity Project Manager:Fenhaus Description: Activity: 2017 YE 2018 Year End Funding Sources:Prior to 2017 Estimate 2018 Budget 2019 Budget Project Total Unrestricted Water Revenue - - - - - Grants (Fed,State,Local)- - - - - Bond Proceeds - - - - - Other - - - - - - - - - - Capital Expenditures: Design - - - - - Right of Way - - - - - Construction - - - - - - - - - - Total 2020 2021 2022 2023 2018-2023 Funding Sources: Unrestricted Water Revenue - 75,000 25,000 - 100,000 Grants (Fed,State,Local)- - - - - Bond Proceeds - - - - - Other - - - - - - 75,000 25,000 - 100,000 Capital Expenditures: Design - 75,000 25,000 - 100,000 Right of Way - - - - - Construction - - - - - - 75,000 25,000 - 100,000 Update the Comprehensive Water Plan by May 2022 as required by Washington Department of Health. Progress Summary: Planned Future Impact on Operating Budget: No significant impact. Total Expenditures: Total Funding Sources: Total Expenditures: Forecasted Project Cost: Total Funding Sources: City of Auburn Capital Facilities Plan 126 WATER FUND (460)Capital Facilities Plan Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2018-2023 Enterprise Funds Project Title: Lea Hill AC Main Replacement Project No:cpxxxx Project Type:Non-Capacity Project Manager:TBD Description: Activity: 2017 YE 2018 Year End Funding Sources:Prior to 2017 Estimate 2018 Budget 2019 Budget Project Total Unrestricted Water Revenue - - - - - Grants (Fed,State,Local)- - - - - Bond Proceeds - - - - - Other - - - - - - - - - - Capital Expenditures: Design - - - - - Right of Way - - - - - Construction - - - - - - - - - - Total 2020 2021 2022 2023 2018-2023 Funding Sources: Unrestricted Water Revenue 200,000 2,500,000 - - 2,700,000 Grants (Fed,State,Local)- - - - - Bond Proceeds - - - - - Other - - - - - 200,000 2,500,000 - - 2,700,000 Capital Expenditures: Design 200,000 - - - 200,000 Right of Way - - - - - Construction - 2,500,000 - - 2,500,000 200,000 2,500,000 - - 2,700,000 Total Expenditures: Total Funding Sources: Total Expenditures: Forecasted Project Cost: Total Funding Sources: Distribution system repair and replacement project required for meeting peak demands and reducing system losses. Project will replace asbestos cement (AC) water main in the Lea Hill service area. Progress Summary: Planned. Future Impact on Operating Budget: No significant Impact City of Auburn Capital Facilities Plan 127 WATER FUND (460)Capital Facilities Plan Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2018-2023 Enterprise Funds Project Title: Lea Hill Rd Segment 2 (105th Pl SE to 112th Ave SE) Project No:cpxxxx Project Type:Non-Capacity Project Manager:TBD Description: Activity: 2017 YE 2018 Year End Funding Sources:Prior to 2017 Estimate 2018 Budget 2019 Budget Project Total Unrestricted Water Revenue - - - - - Grants (Fed,State,Local)- - - - - Bond Proceeds - - - - - Other - - - - - - - - - - Capital Expenditures: Design - - - - - Right of Way - - - - - Construction - - - - - - - - - - Total 2020 2021 2022 2023 2018-2023 Funding Sources: Unrestricted Water Revenue - - 110,000 1,100,000 1,210,000 Grants (Fed,State,Local)- - - - - Bond Proceeds - - - - - Other - - - - - - - 110,000 1,100,000 1,210,000 Capital Expenditures: Design - - 110,000 - 110,000 Right of Way - - - - - Construction - - - 1,100,000 1,100,000 - - 110,000 1,100,000 1,210,000 Total Expenditures: Total Funding Sources: Total Expenditures: Forecasted Project Cost: Total Funding Sources: Water main improvements constructed in conjunction with Lea Hill Road corridor improvements, Segment 2 (105th Pl SE to 112th Ave SE), TIP #65. 2015 Comprehensive Water Plan CIP ID D-06 Progress Summary: Planned Future Impact on Operating Budget: No significant Impact City of Auburn Capital Facilities Plan 128 WATER FUND (460)Capital Facilities Plan Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2018-2023 Enterprise Funds Project Title: Lea Hill Rd Segment 3 (112th Ave SE to 124th Ave SE ) Project No:cpxxxx Project Type:Non-Capacity Project Manager:TBD Description: Activity: 2017 YE 2018 Year End Funding Sources:Prior to 2017 Estimate 2018 Budget 2019 Budget Project Total Unrestricted Water Revenue - - - - - Grants (Fed,State,Local)- - - - - Bond Proceeds - - - - - Other - - - - - - - - - - Capital Expenditures: Design - - - - - Right of Way - - - - - Construction - - - - - - - - - - Total 2020 2021 2022 2023 2018-2023 Funding Sources: Unrestricted Water Revenue - - - 130,000 130,000 Grants (Fed,State,Local)- - - - - Bond Proceeds - - - - - Other - - - - - - - - 130,000 130,000 Capital Expenditures: Design - - - 130,000 130,000 Right of Way - - - - - Construction - - - - - - - - 130,000 130,000 Total Expenditures: Total Funding Sources: Total Expenditures: Forecasted Project Cost: Total Funding Sources: Water main improvements constructed in conjunction with Lea Hill Road corridor improvements, Segment 1 (112th Ave SE to 124th Ave SE), TIP #66. 2015 Comprehensive Water Plan CIP ID D-06 Progress Summary: Planned Future Impact on Operating Budget: No significant Impact City of Auburn Capital Facilities Plan 129 WATER FUND (460)Capital Facilities Plan Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2018-2023 Enterprise Funds Project Title: Reservoir 1 Seismic Control Valve Project No:cp1709 Project Type:Non-Capacity Project Manager:Thompson Description: Activity: 2017 YE 2018 Year End Funding Sources:Prior to 2017 Estimate 2018 Budget 2019 Budget Project Total Unrestricted Water Revenue - 12,500 12,500 - 25,000 Grants (Fed,State,Local)- 87,500 87,500 - 175,000 Bond Proceeds - - - - - Other - - - - - - 100,000 100,000 - 200,000 Capital Expenditures: Design - 75,000 - - 75,000 Right of Way - - - - - Construction - 25,000 100,000 - 125,000 - 100,000 100,000 - 200,000 Total 2020 2021 2022 2023 2018-2023 Funding Sources: Unrestricted Water Revenue - - - - 12,500 Grants (Fed,State,Local)- - - - 87,500 Bond Proceeds - - - - - Other - - - - - - - - - 100,000 Capital Expenditures: Design - - - - - Right of Way - - - - - Construction - - - - 100,000 - - - - 100,000 This project will install a seismic control valve at the City’s largest reservoir, Reservoir 1, to prevent water from escaping from the reservoir in case of an earthquake. 2015 comprehensive Plan CIP ID R-06 Progress Summary: Design will be completed in 2017, and construction will be completed in 2018. Future Impact on Operating Budget: No significant Impact Total Expenditures: Total Funding Sources: Total Expenditures: Forecasted Project Cost: Total Funding Sources: City of Auburn Capital Facilities Plan 130 WATER FUND (460)Capital Facilities Plan Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2018-2023 Enterprise Funds Project Title: Lead Service Line Replacement Project No:cpxxxx Project Type:Non-Capacity Project Manager:TBD Description: Activity: 2017 YE 2018 Year End Funding Sources:Prior to 2017 Estimate 2018 Budget 2019 Budget Project Total Unrestricted Water Revenue - - - 150,000 - Grants (Fed,State,Local)- - - - - Bond Proceeds - - - - - Other - - - - - - - - 150,000 - Capital Expenditures: Design - - - - - Right of Way - - - - - Construction - - 150,000 - - - - 150,000 - Total 2020 2021 2022 2023 2018-2023 Funding Sources: Unrestricted Water Revenue 150,000 150,000 150,000 150,000 750,000 Grants (Fed,State,Local)- - - - - Bond Proceeds - - - - - Other - - - - - 150,000 150,000 150,000 150,000 750,000 Capital Expenditures: Design - - - - - Right of Way - - - - - Construction 150,000 150,000 150,000 150,000 750,000 150,000 150,000 150,000 150,000 750,000 The City has approximately 1000 service lines with a lead goose-neck connection at the main. State and Federal agencies are planning a 15 year period for utilities to remove all lead service lines. Progress Summary: Planned Future Impact on Operating Budget: No significant Impact Total Expenditures: Total Funding Sources: Total Expenditures: Forecasted Project Cost: Total Funding Sources: City of Auburn Capital Facilities Plan 131 WATER FUND (460)Capital Facilities Plan Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2018-2023 Enterprise Funds Project Title: Well 4 Pump Improvements Project No:cpxxxx Project Type:Non-Capacity Project Manager:TBD Description: Activity: 2017 YE 2018 Year End Funding Sources:Prior to 2017 Estimate 2018 Budget 2019 Budget Project Total Unrestricted Water Revenue - - - - - Grants (Fed,State,Local)- - - - - Bond Proceeds - - - - - Other - - - - - - - - - - Capital Expenditures: Design - - - - - Right of Way - - - - - Construction - - - - - - - - - - Total 2020 2021 2022 2023 2018-2023 Funding Sources: Unrestricted Water Revenue 40,000 186,000 - - 226,000 Grants (Fed,State,Local)- - - - - Bond Proceeds - - - - - Other - - - - - 40,000 186,000 - - 226,000 Capital Expenditures: Design 40,000 - - - 40,000 Right of Way - - - - - Construction - 186,000 - - 186,000 40,000 186,000 - - 226,000 Total Expenditures: Total Funding Sources: Total Expenditures: Forecasted Project Cost: Total Funding Sources: This project was identified in the Facilities Evaluation Study, and will include an electrical retrofit and replacement of aging pump check valve. 2015 Comprehensive Plan CIP ID S-22 Progress Summary: Design is planned for 2020 with construction in 2021. Future Impact on Operating Budget: No significant Impact City of Auburn Capital Facilities Plan 132 WATER FUND (460)Capital Facilities Plan Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2018-2023 Enterprise Funds Project Title: Water Resources Protection Program (Wellhead Protection) Project No:cpxxxx Project Type:Non-Capacity Project Manager:TBD Description: Activity: 2017 YE 2018 Year End Funding Sources:Prior to 2017 Estimate 2018 Budget 2019 Budget Project Total Unrestricted Water Revenue - - - 24,600 - Grants (Fed,State,Local)- - - - - Bond Proceeds - - - - - Other - - - - - - - - 24,600 - Capital Expenditures: Design - - - - - Right of Way - - - - - Construction - - - 24,600 - - - - 24,600 - Total 2020 2021 2022 2023 2018-2023 Funding Sources: Unrestricted Water Revenue 24,600 24,600 24,600 24,600 123,000 Grants (Fed,State,Local)- - - - - Bond Proceeds - - - - - Other - - - - - 24,600 24,600 24,600 24,600 123,000 Capital Expenditures: Design - - - - - Right of Way - - - - - Construction 24,600 24,600 24,600 24,600 123,000 24,600 24,600 24,600 24,600 123,000 Annual funding for implementing strategies identified in the Wellhead Protection Plan. Although some tasks will be performed as part of the water operations budget, other tasks will require consultants with expertise in review and investigation of contaminant sites and other environmental databases, development of spill response plans, and leaking underground storage tanks. 2015 comprehensive Plan CIP ID S-08 Progress Summary: Planned Future Impact on Operating Budget: No significant Impact Total Expenditures: Total Funding Sources: Total Expenditures: Forecasted Project Cost: Total Funding Sources: City of Auburn Capital Facilities Plan 133 WATER FUND (460)Capital Facilities Plan Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2018-2023 Enterprise Funds Project Title: Game Farm Park Pump Station/Distribution System Improvements Project No:cpxxxx Project Type:Non-Capacity Project Manager:TBD Description: Activity: 2017 YE 2018 Year End Funding Sources:Prior to 2017 Estimate 2018 Budget 2019 Budget Project Total Unrestricted Water Revenue - - - - - Grants (Fed,State,Local)- - - - - Bond Proceeds - - - - - Other - - - - - - - - - - Capital Expenditures: Design - - - - - Right of Way - - - - - Construction - - - - - - - - - - Total 2020 2021 2022 2023 2018-2023 Funding Sources: Unrestricted Water Revenue 50,000 230,000 - - 280,000 Grants (Fed,State,Local)- - - - - Bond Proceeds - - - - - Other - - - - - 50,000 230,000 - - 280,000 Capital Expenditures: Design 50,000 - - - 50,000 Right of Way - - - - - Construction - 230,000 - - 230,000 50,000 230,000 - - 280,000 Total Expenditures: Total Funding Sources: Total Expenditures: Forecasted Project Cost: Total Funding Sources: The pumps at Game Farm Wilderness Park are in need of replacement, and the building needs repairs. This project was identified in the 2015 Comprehensive Plan as occurring in the short to mid term, or by 2025. Installation of new water main crossing the White River to eliminate the pump station was identified as being completed by 2035. The Coal Creek Springs Transmission Main project will add a pipe crossing the White River to be used for installation of a water main for the Game Farm Wilderness Park. Completion of the river crossing will enable the water main project to be completed sooner and eliminate the need for pump station improvements. This project will install a new main within the Game Farm Park from the existing 8" near the amphitheater to the river crossing, and from the river crossing to the existing pump station in the Wilderness area. The project will also decommission the existing pump station. 2015 Comprehensive Plan CIP ID PS-09, D16 Progress Summary: Planned Future Impact on Operating Budget: No significant impact City of Auburn Capital Facilities Plan 134 WATER FUND (460)Capital Facilities Plan Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2018-2023 Enterprise Funds Project Title: Meter Vault Replacement Project No:cpxxxx Project Type:Non-Capacity Project Manager:TBD Description: Activity: 2017 YE 2018 Year End Funding Sources:Prior to 2017 Estimate 2018 Budget 2019 Budget Project Total Unrestricted Water Revenue - - - 250,000 - Grants (Fed,State,Local)- - - - - Bond Proceeds - - - - - Other - - - - - - - - 250,000 - Capital Expenditures: Design - - - 30,000 - Right of Way - - - - - Construction - - - 220,000 - - - - 250,000 - Total 2020 2021 2022 2023 2018-2023 Funding Sources: Unrestricted Water Revenue - - - - 250,000 Grants (Fed,State,Local)- - - - - Bond Proceeds - - - - - Other - - - - - - - - - 250,000 Capital Expenditures: Design - - - - 30,000 Right of Way - - - - - Construction - - - - 220,000 - - - - 250,000 Large meter vaults at Washington Elementary School, Cascade Middle School (2 vaults), Forest Ridge Townhomes, Green River Estates, and Neely Station have lids that are unsafe and vaults that are in need of repair. Project will replace the vaults and upgrade piping as needed. Project was not identified in 2015 Comprehensive Water Plan Progress Summary: Design and construction is anticipated to be complete in 2019. Future Impact on Operating Budget: No significant Impact Total Expenditures: Total Funding Sources: Total Expenditures: Forecasted Project Cost: Total Funding Sources: City of Auburn Capital Facilities Plan 135 TABLE W-3 Impact on Future Operating Budgets WATER Project:2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 Total 1 Green River Pump Station Emergency Power - 600 600 600 600 600 3,000 Total -$ 600$ 600$ 600$ 600$ 600$ 3,000$ City of Auburn Capital Facilities Plan 136 City of Auburn Capital Facilities Plan 137 SANITARY SEWER Current Facilities The City’s sanitary sewer service area encompasses approximately 28-square miles which are primarily within the City limits, but includes a total of approximately ½ square mile within Auburn’s Proposed Annexation area (PAA). The City contracts with King County for sewage treatment and disposal. The City’s Sanitary Sewer Utility is responsible for the collection and transmission of wastewater to the King County trunk lines. The City’s current inventory of approximately 200 miles of sewer lines serves the City’s sewer service area. Table S-1, Facilities Inventory, lists the sewage collection and transmission facilities along with their capacities and locations. Level of Service (LOS) The Comprehensive Sewerage Plan for the Sewerage Collection System summarizes the level of service (LOS), or design criteria, for the City’s sewage collection system. These standards represent the average quantities of sewage that the system is designated to accommodate for residential, industrial, and commercial development. Capital Facilities Projects and Financing Investments in the City’s sewage collection facilities include primarily non-capacity improvements and replacement projects. Anticipated replaceme nts include replacement of aging sewer pipes and manholes in conjunction with arterial and local street improvements, and replacement of pipe identified through the sewer program’s condition assessment process. The City will also undertake significant system assessment efforts including inspections and evaluations of siphons, pump stations, large diameter pipe, and specific areas of the City that shows high levels of inflow and infiltration. The City of Auburn’s sewer system anticipates costs for one capacity project totaling $10,000 and fourteen non-capacity projects totaling $12,764,000. Table S-2 shows the proposed financing plan followed by individual worksheets showing the project detail. Impact on Future Operating Budgets There are no operating budget impacts forecasted for sanitary sewer facilities during the six years 2019 – 2024. City of Auburn Capital Facilities Plan 138 TABLE S-1 Facilities Inventory Sewage Facilities CAPACITY FACILITY (MGD)LOCATION Pump Stations: 8th Street 0.26 900 8th Street NE 22nd Street 0.79 1950 22nd Street NE Area 19 0.47 800 71st Street SE Auburn 40 0.63 4159 O Place NE Dogwood 0.43 1423 Dogwood Street SE Ellingson 2.20 100 41st Street SE F Street 0.86 1700 F Street SE North Tapps 0.73 2610 Lake Tapps Pkwy SE Peasley Ridge 0.36 5225 South 320th Street R Street 0.14 600 R Street NE Rainier Ridge 0.29 31809 125th Place SE Riverside 0.58 13900 104th Avenue SE Terrace View 0.94 104 60th Street SE Valley Meadows 0.18 2022 4th Street SE Verdana 2.88 11807 SE 296th Place (Kent, WA) FACILITY Pipe Size LOCATION River Crossings: Inverted Syphon 8 & 12 Inch Green River & 26th Street NE 8th Street Bridge 14 Inch Green River & 8th Street NE City of Auburn Capital Facilities Plan 139 TABLE S-2 CAPITAL FACILITIES PLAN PROJECTS AND FINANCING SANITARY SEWER DIVISION 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 Total Capacity Projects: 1 B Street NW Reconstruction Project Capital Costs 10,000 - - - - - 10,000 Funding Sources: Sewer Fund 10,000 - - - - - 10,000 Bond Proceeds - - - - - - - Subtotal, Capacity Projects: Capital Costs 10,000 - - - - - 10,000 Non-Capacity Projects: 2 Sanitary Sewer Repair & Replacement Program Capital Costs 300,000 1,500,000 300,000 1,500,000 300,000 1,500,000 5,400,000 Funding Sources: Sewer Fund 300,000 1,500,000 300,000 1,500,000 300,000 1,500,000 5,400,000 Bond Proceeds - - - - - - - 3 Street Utility Improvements Capital Costs 200,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 1,200,000 Funding Sources: Sewer Fund 200,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 1,200,000 Bond Proceeds - - - - - - - 4 Vactor Decant Facility Capital Costs 150,000 - - - - - 150,000 Funding Sources: Sewer Fund 150,000 - - - - - 150,000 Bond Proceeds - - - - - - - 5 Manhole Ring and Cover Replacement Capital Costs 80,000 80,000 80,000 80,000 80,000 80,000 480,000 Funding Sources: Sewer Fund 80,000 80,000 80,000 80,000 80,000 80,000 480,000 Bond Proceeds - - - - - - - 6 Sewer Pump Station Replacement/Improvement Program Capital Costs - - - - - 200,000 200,000 Funding Sources: Sewer Fund - - - - - 200,000 200,000 Bond Proceeds - - - - - - - 7 Pump Station Electrical Improvements Capital Costs 141,000 430,000 - - - - 571,000 Funding Sources: Sewer Fund 141,000 430,000 - - - - 571,000 Bond Proceeds - - - - - - - 8 Siphon Assessment Capital Costs 100,000 - - - - - 100,000 Funding Sources: Sewer Fund 100,000 - - - - - 100,000 Bond Proceeds - - - - - - - City of Auburn Capital Facilities Plan 140 TABLE S-2 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 Total Non-Capacity Projects: 9 Large Diameter Pipe Assessment Capital Costs 400,000 - - - - - 400,000 Funding Sources: Sewer Fund 400,000 - - - - - 400,000 Bond Proceeds - - - - - - - 10 Inflow and Infiltration Study Capital Costs - 135,000 135,000 135,000 135,000 135,000 675,000 Funding Sources: Sewer Fund - 135,000 135,000 135,000 135,000 135,000 675,000 Bond Proceeds - - - - - - - 11 Comprehensive Sewer Plan Update Capital Costs - - 350,000 - - - 350,000 Funding Sources: Sewer Fund - - 350,000 - - - 350,000 Bond Proceeds - - - - - - - 12 F Street SE Non-Motorized Improvements Capital Costs - - - 88,000 - - 88,000 Funding Sources: Sewer Fund - - - 88,000 - - 88,000 Bond Proceeds - - - - - - - 13 M Street NE Widening Capital Costs - - - 5,000 45,000 - 50,000 Funding Sources: Sewer Fund - - - 5,000 45,000 - 50,000 Bond Proceeds - - - - - - - 14 Pump Station Telemetry Improvements Capital Costs 140,000 - - - - - 140,000 Funding Sources: Sewer Fund 140,000 - - - - - 140,000 Bond Proceeds - - - - - - - 15 22nd Street Pump Station Replacement Capital Costs - - 60,000 400,000 2,500,000 - 2,960,000 Funding Sources: Sewer Fund - - 60,000 400,000 2,500,000 - 2,960,000 Bond Proceeds - - - - - - - Subtotal, Non-Capacity Projects: Capital Costs 1,511,000 2,345,000 1,125,000 2,408,000 3,260,000 2,115,000 12,764,000 SUMMARY: CAPITAL COSTS Capacity Projects 10,000 - - - - - 10,000 Non-Capacity Projects 1,511,000 2,345,000 1,125,000 2,408,000 3,260,000 2,115,000 12,764,000 Total Costs 1,521,000 2,345,000 1,125,000 2,408,000 3,260,000 2,115,000 12,774,000 FUNDING SOURCES: Utility Funds (Sewer)1,521,000 2,345,000 1,125,000 2,408,000 3,260,000 2,115,000 12,774,000 Bond Proceeds - - - - - - - Other - - - - - - - Total Funding 1,521,000 2,345,000 1,125,000 2,408,000 3,260,000 2,115,000 12,774,000 City of Auburn Capital Facilities Plan 141 SEWER FUND (461)Capital Facilities Plan Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2018-2023 Enterprise Funds Project Title: B Street NW Reconstruction Project Project No:CP1520 Project Type:Capacity: 75%, Non-Capacity (Repair and Replacement) 25% Project Manager:Jai Carter Description: Activity: 2017 YE 2018 Year End Funding Sources:Prior to 2017 Estimate 2018 Budget 2019 Budget Project Total Unrestricted Sewer Revenue 33,679 955,000 10,000 - 998,679 Grants (Fed,State,Local)- - - - - Bond Proceeds - - - - - Other - - - - - 33,679 955,000 10,000 - 998,679 Capital Expenditures: Design 33,679 76,000 - 109,679 Right of Way - - - Construction - 879,000 10,000 - 889,000 33,679 955,000 10,000 - 998,679 Total 2020 2021 2022 2023 2018-2023 Funding Sources: Unrestricted Sewer Revenue - - - - 10,000 Grants (Fed,State,Local)- - - - - Bond Proceeds - - - - - Other - - - - - - - - - 10,000 Capital Expenditures: Design - - - - - Right of Way - - - - - Construction - - - - 10,000 - - - - 10,000 Total Funding Sources: Total Expenditures: Total Funding Sources: Total Expenditures: Forecasted Project Cost: As part of the reconstruction of the street, install approximately 1200 LF of 12" sewer line and associated manholes. Connect a system currently served by a small private pump station to the extension, which will eliminate the need for the station. Station to be abandoned by the owner. Progress Summary: Project budget increased in 2017 BA #1 by $520,000 due to construction funds designated for 2016 being carried forward, and by a $150,000 in-fund transfer due an increased estimate of costs associated with dewatering and pipe bedding. Construction of sewer facilities is expected to be mostly complete in 2017. Future Impact on Operating Budget: No significant impact on operating budget is anticipated. City of Auburn Capital Facilities Plan 142 SEWER FUND (461)Capital Facilities Plan Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2018-2023 Enterprise Funds Project Title: Sanitary Sewer Repair & Replacement/System Improvements Program Project No:sebd01 Project Type: Project Manager:Elwell Description: Activity: (Previous 2 Yrs.)2017 YE 2018 Year End Funding Sources:Prior to 2017 Estimate 2018 Budget 2019 Budget Project Total Unrestricted Sewer Revenue 2,626,000 - 300,000 1,500,000 2,926,000 Grants (Fed,State,Local)- - - - - Bond Proceeds - - - - - Other - - - - - 2,626,000 - 300,000 1,500,000 2,926,000 Capital Expenditures: Design 393,900 - 200,000 150,000 593,900 Right of Way - - - - - Construction 2,232,100 - 100,000 1,350,000 2,332,100 2,626,000 - 300,000 1,500,000 2,926,000 Total 2020 2021 2022 2023 2018-2023 Funding Sources: Unrestricted Sewer Revenue 300,000 1,500,000 300,000 1,500,000 5,400,000 Grants (Fed,State,Local)- - - - - Bond Proceeds - - - - - Other - - - - - 300,000 1,500,000 300,000 1,500,000 5,400,000 Capital Expenditures: Design 200,000 150,000 200,000 150,000 1,050,000 Right of Way - - - - - Construction 100,000 1,350,000 100,000 1,350,000 4,350,000 300,000 1,500,000 300,000 1,500,000 5,400,000 Non-Capacity (Repair and Replacement) Total Expenditures: Total Funding Sources: Total Expenditures: Forecasted Project Cost: Total Funding Sources: This should decrease the operating budget by correcting the problems that require operation staff's attention. Repair and replace broken sewer mains and other facilities. These lines will be identified through television inspection and routine cleaning. This particular program includes proposed projects which do not have an approved Project Management Plan, or are not associated with the SOS or other transportation improvements. Anticipated projects include bi-annual, stand-alone, repair and replacement projects for sewer lines which are broken, misaligned, "bellied" or otherwise require an inordinate amount of maintenance effort or present a risk of backup or trench failure, and facilities which generate consistent odor complaints. Additionally, system improvements which enhance the ability to maintain service are included here. Comp Plan ID #1. Progress Summary: Future projects will be identified in 2017. Design of future R&R projects will begin in 2018, with construction of those projects in 2019, and this two-year cycle of design followed by construction will continue in subsequent years. Future Impact on Operating Budget: City of Auburn Capital Facilities Plan 143 SEWER FUND (461)Capital Facilities Plan Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2018-2023 Enterprise Funds Project Title: Street Utility Improvements Project No:sebd02 Project Type: Project Manager:TBD Description: Activity: (Previous 2 Yrs.)2017 YE 2018 Year End Funding Sources:Prior to 2017 Estimate 2018 Budget 2019 Budget Project Total Unrestricted Sewer Revenue 400,000 75,000 200,000 200,000 675,000 Grants (Fed,State,Local)- - - - - Bond Proceeds - - - - - Other - - - - - 400,000 75,000 200,000 200,000 675,000 Capital Expenditures: Design 60,000 - 30,000 30,000 90,000 Right of Way - - - - - Construction 340,000 75,000 170,000 170,000 585,000 400,000 75,000 200,000 200,000 675,000 Total 2020 2021 2022 2023 2018-2023 Funding Sources: Unrestricted Sewer Revenue 200,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 1,200,000 Grants (Fed,State,Local)- - - - - Bond Proceeds - - - - - Other - - - - - 200,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 1,200,000 Capital Expenditures: Design 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 180,000 Right of Way - - - - - Construction 170,000 170,000 170,000 170,000 1,020,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 1,200,000 Non Capacity (Repair and Replacement) Total Expenditures: Total Funding Sources: Total Expenditures: Forecasted Project Cost: Total Funding Sources: No significant Impact Sewer line replacement in coordination with the Local Street Preservation Program and Arterial Preservation Program improvements. Comp Plan ID #2. Progress Summary: Ongoing Future Impact on Operating Budget: City of Auburn Capital Facilities Plan 144 SEWER FUND (461)Capital Facilities Plan Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2018-2023 Enterprise Funds Project Title: Sewer Vactor Decant Facility Project No:sebd03 Project Type: Project Manager:TBD Description: Activity: 2017 YE 2018 Year End Funding Sources:Prior to 2017 Estimate 2018 Budget 2019 Budget Project Total Unrestricted Sewer Revenue - - 150,000 - 150,000 Grants (Fed,State,Local)- - - - - Bond Proceeds - - - - - Other - - - - - - - 150,000 - 150,000 Capital Expenditures: Design - - 150,000 150,000 Right of Way/Property Acquisition - - - - - Construction - - - - - - - 150,000 - 150,000 Total 2020 2021 2022 2023 2018-2023 Funding Sources: Unrestricted Sewer Revenue - - - - 150,000 Grants (Fed,State,Local)- - - - - Bond Proceeds - - - - - Other - - - - - - - - - 150,000 Capital Expenditures: Design - - - - 150,000 Right of Way/Property Acquisition - - - - - Construction - - - - - - - - - 150,000 Non-Capacity (Improvements) Total Expenditures: Total Funding Sources: Total Expenditures: Forecasted Project Cost: Total Funding Sources: This project could decrease the future operating budget by reducing the expenses associated with hauling saturated waste to the County landfill. Currently the City hauls vactored sewage waste to the County landfill on a biweekly basis. The sewage sludge is considerably wet, thus Utility funds are paying for the disposal of water. This project consists of a study/analysis to assess the City’s vactor disposal method and identify a cost-effective alternative to the status quo. Possible recommendations may include maintaining current operations, constructing a gravity decant facility, incorporating special equipment into the vactor truck to increase decanting ability, purchasing specialized dewatering machinery, or collaborating with neighboring utilities for the shared use of facilities and equipment. Comp Plan ID #3 Progress Summary: Future Impact on Operating Budget: City of Auburn Capital Facilities Plan 145 SEWER FUND (461)Capital Facilities Plan Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2018-2023 Enterprise Funds Project Title: Manhole Ring and Cover Replacement Project No:sebd04 Project Type: Project Manager:TBD Description: Activity: 2017 YE 2018 Year End Funding Sources:Prior to 2017 Estimate 2018 Budget 2019 Budget Project Total Unrestricted Sewer Revenue 20,000 80,000 80,000 80,000 180,000 Grants (Fed,State,Local)- - - - - Bond Proceeds - - - - - Other - - - - - 20,000 80,000 80,000 80,000 180,000 Capital Expenditures: Design 1,000 8,000 8,000 8,000 17,000 Right of Way/Property Acquisition - - - - - Construction 19,000 72,000 72,000 72,000 163,000 20,000 80,000 80,000 80,000 180,000 Total 2020 2021 2022 2023 2018-2023 Funding Sources: Unrestricted Sewer Revenue 80,000 80,000 80,000 80,000 480,000 Grants (Fed,State,Local)- - - - - Bond Proceeds - - - - - Other - - - - - 80,000 80,000 80,000 80,000 480,000 Capital Expenditures: Design 8,000 8,000 8,000 8,000 48,000 Right of Way/Property Acquisition - - - - - Construction 72,000 72,000 72,000 72,000 432,000 80,000 80,000 80,000 80,000 480,000 Total Funding Sources: Total Expenditures: Total Funding Sources: Total Expenditures: Forecasted Project Cost: This project could decrease the future operating budget by reducing the need for staff to respond to loose manholes or lids. Non-Capacity (Repair and Replacement) As manholes and roads age and their condition deteriorates, access covers and the rings in which they sit can become loose and/or misoriented, and can become a road hazard requiring maintenance staff attention and increasing the City's liability. This annual project will replace approximately 50 sewer manhole rings and covers to maintain access to the sewer system and to decrease the likelihood of the manholes becoming road hazards. Some of these replacements may be in conjunction with other City capital projects. Comp Plan ID #7. Progress Summary: Future Impact on Operating Budget: City of Auburn Capital Facilities Plan 146 SEWER FUND (461)Capital Facilities Plan Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2018-2023 Enterprise Funds Project Title: Sewer Pump Station Replacement/Improvement Program Project No:sebd05 Project Type: Project Manager:TBD Description: Activity: 2017 YE 2018 Year End Funding Sources:Prior to 2017 Estimate 2018 Budget 2019 Budget Project Total Unrestricted Sewer Revenue - - - - - Grants (Fed,State,Local)- - - - - Bond Proceeds - - - - - Other - - - - - - - - - - Capital Expenditures: Design - - - - - Right of Way/Property Acquisition - - - - - Construction - - - - - - - - - - Total 2020 2021 2022 2023 2018-2023 Funding Sources: Unrestricted Sewer Revenue - - - 200,000 200,000 Grants (Fed,State,Local)- - - - - Bond Proceeds - - - - - Other - - - - - - - - 200,000 200,000 Capital Expenditures: Design - - - 200,000 200,000 Right of Way/Property Acquisition - - - - - Construction - - - - - - - - 200,000 200,000 Total Funding Sources: Total Expenditures: Non-Capacity (Repair and Replacement/Improvements) Total Funding Sources: Total Expenditures: Forecasted Project Cost: The Sewer Utility's infrastructure currently consists of 15 public sewer pump stations that range in age from 5 to 50 years old. As those stations age, and utility operations change, considerations such as station condition, component condition, capacity, reliability, and safety consistently suggest that stations be upgraded, rehabilitated, and replaced. This program fund will continue to acknowledge and plan for those needs over the course of the next six years. Comp Plan ID #4. Progress Summary: Following the results of the systematic pump station evaluation study, the 2017-2022 funds for this program were divided into the Pump Station Electrical Improvements project (for common improvements at many stations) and the Pump Station Replacement project (for 22nd Street). As future considerations of reliability, capacity, and condition are evaluated, and specific projects are developed, these funds will be designated for those projects. Future Impact on Operating Budget: This project will not have a significant effect on operating budget. City of Auburn Capital Facilities Plan 147 SEWER FUND (461)Capital Facilities Plan Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2018-2023 Enterprise Funds Project Title: Pump Station Electrical Improvements Project No:sebd10 Project Type: Project Manager:TBD Description: Activity: 2017 YE 2018 Year End Funding Sources:Prior to 2017 Estimate 2018 Budget 2019 Budget Project Total Unrestricted Sewer Revenue - - 141,000 430,000 141,000 Grants (Fed,State,Local)- - - - - Bond Proceeds - - - - - Other - - - - - - - 141,000 430,000 141,000 Capital Expenditures: Design - - 50,000 60,000 50,000 Right of Way - - - - - Construction - - 91,000 370,000 91,000 - - 141,000 430,000 141,000 Total 2020 2021 2022 2023 2018-2023 Funding Sources: Unrestricted Sewer Revenue - - - - 571,000 Grants (Fed,State,Local)- - - - - Bond Proceeds - - - - - Other - - - - - - - - - 571,000 Capital Expenditures: Design - - - - 110,000 Right of Way - - - - - Construction - - - - 461,000 - - - - 571,000 This project will not have a significant effect on the operating budget. Funding for this project was derived from the Sewer Pump Station Replacement/Improvement program (sebd05). Non-capacity The Pump Station Condition Assessment (2016) identified a number of improvements to be made to the electrical systems at the City's sewer pump stations. The additions and modifications are intended to increase employee safety as well as operational efficiency. They include adding dry well control panel disconnects, bringing intrinsically safe wiring up to code, organizing, labelling, and dressing out control panel boxes at 5 stations (8th Street, Valley Meadows, Rainier Ridge, Riverside, and Peasley Ridge), adding dry well HMI computer screens, creating uniform as-built wiring diagrams for each station, as well as several other modifications identified for specific stations. Progress Summary: Future Impact on Operating Budget: Total Funding Sources: Total Expenditures: Total Funding Sources: Total Expenditures: Forecasted Project Cost: City of Auburn Capital Facilities Plan 148 SEWER FUND (461)Capital Facilities Plan Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2018-2023 Enterprise Funds Project Title: Siphon Assessment Project No:sebd06 Project Type: Project Manager:TBD Description: Activity: 2017 YE 2018 Year End Funding Sources:Prior to 2017 Estimate 2018 Budget 2019 Budget Project Total Unrestricted Sewer Revenue - 424,000 100,000 - 524,000 Grants (Fed,State,Local)- - - - - Bond Proceeds - - - - - Other - - - - - - 424,000 100,000 - 524,000 Capital Expenditures: Design - 424,000 100,000 - 524,000 Right of Way/Property Acquisition - - - - - Construction - - - - - - 424,000 100,000 - 524,000 Total 2020 2021 2022 2023 2018-2023 Funding Sources: Unrestricted Sewer Revenue - - - - 100,000 Grants (Fed,State,Local)- - - - - Bond Proceeds - - - - - Other - - - - - - - - - 100,000 Capital Expenditures: Design - - - - 100,000 Right of Way/Property Acquisition - - - - - Construction - - - - - - - - - 100,000 Total Funding Sources: Total Expenditures: Total Funding Sources: Total Expenditures: Forecasted Project Cost: This project will not have a significant effect on operating budget. Non-Capacity (Improvement) Currently, the City does not have the required equipment to complete inspections of the three sewer siphons (2 across the Green River and 1 under the railroad tracks at H and 6th NW) located within its collection system. Their condition is unknown. This project would inspect each siphon to determine its condition and help set future inspection/cleaning protocols. The siphons would be inspected prior to cleaning to determine what their in situ condition is; then, if required the lines would be cleaned and re-inspected. Based on the debris level and condition of the pipes, future activities can be planned. Comp Plan ID #5. Progress Summary: Several assessment strategies have been analyzed and proposals are being sought and evaluated by staff. Work should begin this year, but may extend into 2018. Future Impact on Operating Budget: City of Auburn Capital Facilities Plan 149 SEWER FUND (461)Capital Facilities Plan Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2018-2023 Enterprise Funds Project Title: Large Diameter Pipe Assessment Project No:sebd07 Project Type: Project Manager:TBD Description: Activity: 2017 YE 2018 Year End Funding Sources:Prior to 2017 Estimate 2018 Budget 2019 Budget Project Total Unrestricted Sewer Revenue - - 400,000 - 400,000 Grants (Fed,State,Local)- - - - - Bond Proceeds - - - - - Other - - - - - - - 400,000 400,000 Capital Expenditures: Planning/Design - - 400,000 - 400,000 Right of Way/Property Acquisition - - - - - Construction - - - - - - - 400,000 - 400,000 Total 2020 2021 2022 2023 2018-2023 Funding Sources: Unrestricted Sewer Revenue - - - - 400,000 Grants (Fed,State,Local)- - - - - Bond Proceeds - - - - - Other - - - - - - - - - 400,000 Capital Expenditures: Planning/Design - - - - 400,000 Right of Way/Property Acquisition - - - - - Construction - - - - - - - - - 400,000 Total Funding Sources: Total Expenditures: Total Funding Sources: Total Expenditures: Forecasted Project Cost: This project will not have a significant effect on operating budget. Non-Capacity (Improvement) City staff is not equipped to efficiently clean and inspect sewer pipes with a diameter larger than 18 inches. This project would clean and internally inspect all pipe owned by the City that is larger than 18 inches in diameter. This is approximately 39,300 feet, ranging in diameter from 20 inches up to 36 inches. Comp Plan ID #8. Progress Summary: Future Impact on Operating Budget: City of Auburn Capital Facilities Plan 150 SEWER FUND (461)Capital Facilities Plan Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2018-2023 Enterprise Funds Project Title: Inflow and Infiltration Study Project No:cpxxxx Project Type: Project Manager:TBD Description: Activity: 2017 YE 2018 Year End Funding Sources:Prior to 2017 Estimate 2018 Budget 2019 Budget Project Total Unrestricted Sewer Revenue - - - 135,000 - Grants (Fed,State,Local)- - - - - Bond Proceeds - - - - - Other - - - - - - - - 135,000 - Capital Expenditures: Design/Analysis - - - 135,000 - Right of Way/Property Acquisition - - - - - Construction - - - - - - - - 135,000 - Total 2020 2021 2022 2023 2018-2023 Funding Sources: Unrestricted Sewer Revenue 135,000 135,000 135,000 135,000 675,000 Grants (Fed,State,Local)- - - - - Bond Proceeds - - - - - Other - - - - - 135,000 135,000 135,000 135,000 675,000 Capital Expenditures: Design/Analysis 135,000 135,000 135,000 135,000 675,000 Right of Way/Property Acquisition - - - - - Construction - - - - - 135,000 135,000 135,000 135,000 675,000 Total Funding Sources: Total Expenditures: Total Funding Sources: Total Expenditures: Forecasted Project Cost: This project will not have a significant effect on operating budget. Non-Capacity (Improvement) This project would assess portions of the City Sewer Service Area for infiltration/inflow (I/I) values, since excessive localized I/I can also be an indicator of poor sewer main and side sewer condition and could contribute to capacity issues in the future. This project would monitor flow in the collection system over 5 years. This data will then be used to help identify repair and replacement needs and for modeling purposes and I/I assessment in future updates to the Comprehensive Sewer Plan. Comp Plan ID #9. Progress Summary: Future Impact on Operating Budget: City of Auburn Capital Facilities Plan 151 SEWER FUND (461)Capital Facilities Plan Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2018-2023 Enterprise Funds Project Title: Comprehensive Sewer Plan Update Project No:cpxxxx Project Type: Project Manager:TBD Description: Activity: 2017 YE 2018 Year End Funding Sources:Prior to 2017 Estimate 2018 Budget 2019 Budget Project Total Unrestricted Sewer Revenue - - - - - Grants (Fed,State,Local)- - - - - Bond Proceeds - - - - - Other - - - - - - - - - - Capital Expenditures: Design - - - - - Right of Way/Property Acquisition - - - - - Construction - - - - - - - - - - Total 2020 2021 2022 2023 2018-2023 Funding Sources: Unrestricted Sewer Revenue 350,000 - - - 350,000 Grants (Fed,State,Local)- - - - - Bond Proceeds - - - - - Other - - - - - 350,000 - - - 350,000 Capital Expenditures: Design 350,000 - - 350,000 Right of Way/Property Acquisition - - - - - Construction - - - - - 350,000 - - - 350,000 Total Funding Sources: Total Expenditures: Total Funding Sources: Total Expenditures: Forecasted Project Cost: Non-Capacity (Repair and Replacement/Improvement) This project will not have a significant effect on operating budget. Prepare an update to the City's Sewer Comprehensive Plan to include an update to the hydraulic model and an update to the Capital Improvement Plan. Comp Plan ID #10. Progress Summary: Future Impact on Operating Budget: City of Auburn Capital Facilities Plan 152 SEWER FUND (461)Capital Facilities Plan Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2018-2023 Enterprise Funds Project Title: F Street SE Non-Motorized Improvements Project No:cp1416 Project Type: Project Manager:Seth Wickstrom Description: Activity: 2017 YE 2018 Year End Funding Sources:Prior to 2017 Estimate 2018 Budget 2019 Budget Project Total Unrestricted Sewer Revenue 24,000 - - - 24,000 Grants (Fed,State,Local)- - - - - Bond Proceeds - - - - - Other - - - - - 24,000 - - - 24,000 Capital Expenditures: Design 24,000 24,000 Right of Way/Property Acquisition - Construction - 24,000 - - - 24,000 Total 2020 2021 2022 2023 2018-2023 Funding Sources: Unrestricted Sewer Revenue - 88,000 - - 88,000 Grants (Fed,State,Local)- - - - - Bond Proceeds - - - - - Other - - - - - - 88,000 - - 88,000 Capital Expenditures: Design - 8,800 - - 8,800 Right of Way/Property Acquisition - - - - - Construction - 79,200 - - 79,200 - 88,000 - - 88,000 Total Funding Sources: Total Expenditures: Total Funding Sources: Total Expenditures: Forecasted Project Cost: This project saves money and avoids damage to the new roadway that could occur if the pipe was not replaced and experienced a failure of blockage. Non-Capacity (Repair and Replacement) Replace approximately 420 LF of 15"-18" diameter clay pipe as part of the F Street SE Non-Motorized Improvements project. Constructing this project in association with a road improvement project saves money and avoids damage to the new roadway that could occur if the pipe was not replaced and experienced a failure or blockage. Progress Summary: Future Impact on Operating Budget: City of Auburn Capital Facilities Plan 153 SEWER FUND (461)Capital Facilities Plan Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2018-2023 Enterprise Funds Project Title: M Street NE Widening Project No:sebd08 Project Type: Project Manager:TBD Description: Activity: 2017 YE 2018 Year End Funding Sources:Prior to 2017 Estimate 2018 Budget 2019 Budget Project Total Unrestricted Sewer Revenue - - - - - Grants (Fed,State,Local)- - - - - Bond Proceeds - - - - - Other - - - - - - - - - - Capital Expenditures: Design - - - - - Right of Way - - - - - Construction - - - - - - - - - - Total 2020 2021 2022 2023 2018-2023 Funding Sources: Unrestricted Sewer Revenue - 5,000 45,000 - 50,000 Grants (Fed,State,Local)- - - - - Bond Proceeds - - - - - Other - - - - - - 5,000 45,000 - 50,000 Capital Expenditures: Design - 5,000 5,000 - 10,000 Right of Way - - - - - Construction - - 40,000 - 40,000 - 5,000 45,000 - 50,000 Total Funding Sources: Total Expenditures: Total Funding Sources: Total Expenditures: Forecasted Project Cost: No significant Impact Non-Capacity Sewer line replacements in conjunction with street improvements Progress Summary: Design will be completed in 2018 with construction completed in 2019. Future Impact on Operating Budget: City of Auburn Capital Facilities Plan 154 SEWER FUND (461)Capital Facilities Plan Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2018-2023 Enterprise Funds Project Title: Pump Station Telemetry Improvements Project No:sebd09 Project Type: Project Manager:TBD Description: Activity: 2017 YE 2018 Year End Funding Sources:Prior to 2017 Estimate 2018 Budget 2019 Budget Project Total Unrestricted Sewer Revenue - 150,000 140,000 - 290,000 Grants (Fed,State,Local)- - - - - Bond Proceeds - - - - - Other - - - - - - 150,000 140,000 - 290,000 Capital Expenditures: Design - 150,000 30,000 - 180,000 Right of Way - - - - - Construction - - 110,000 - 110,000 - 150,000 140,000 - 290,000 Total 2020 2021 2022 2023 2018-2023 Funding Sources: Unrestricted Sewer Revenue - - - - 140,000 Grants (Fed,State,Local)- - - - - Bond Proceeds - - - - - Other - - - - - - - - - 140,000 Capital Expenditures: Design - - - - 30,000 Right of Way - - - - - Construction - - - - 110,000 - - - - 140,000 The improvements will have a negligible effect on the operating budget. Non-capacity Install new SCADA and communication equipment for the 22nd Street and R Street Pump Station. Progress Summary: Based on initial consultant proposals and experience with the cost of programming and integrating SCADA additions for other utilities, a budget increase of $140,000 is proposed (offset by unused funds from CP1512). Future Impact on Operating Budget: Total Funding Sources: Total Expenditures: Total Funding Sources: Total Expenditures: Forecasted Project Cost: City of Auburn Capital Facilities Plan 155 SEWER FUND (461)Capital Facilities Plan Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2018-2023 Enterprise Funds Project Title: 22nd Street Pump Station Replacement Project No:CPxxxx Project Type: Project Manager:TBD Description: Activity: 2017 YE 2018 Year End Funding Sources:Prior to 2017 Estimate 2018 Budget 2019 Budget Project Total Unrestricted Sewer Revenue - - - - - Grants (Fed,State,Local)- - - - - Bond Proceeds - - - - - Other - - - - - - - - - - Capital Expenditures: Design - - - - - Right of Way - - - - - Construction - - - - - - - - - - Total 2020 2021 2022 2023 2018-2023 Funding Sources: Unrestricted Sewer Revenue 60,000 400,000 2,500,000 - 2,960,000 Grants (Fed,State,Local)- - - - - Bond Proceeds - - - - - Other - - - - - 60,000 400,000 2,500,000 - 2,960,000 Capital Expenditures: Design 60,000 400,000 200,000 - 660,000 Right of Way - - - - - Construction - - 2,300,000 - 2,300,000 60,000 400,000 2,500,000 - 2,960,000 This project will not have a significant effect on operating budget. Funding for this project was derived from the Sewer Pump Station Replacement/Improvement program (sebd05). Non-capacity The 22nd Street Pump Station was constructed in 1967. The dry well has shown some signs of corrosion, and the mechanical systems are reaching the end of their useful life. The initial phase of this project will examine the alternatives of rehabilitating the station, replacing major components, or replacing the entire station. The proposed funding assumes a complete replacement, and will be adjusted pending the alternatives analysis. Progress Summary: Future Impact on Operating Budget: Total Funding Sources: Total Expenditures: Total Funding Sources: Total Expenditures: Forecasted Project Cost: City of Auburn Capital Facilities Plan 156 City of Auburn Capital Facilities Plan 157 STORM DRAINAGE Current Facilities The City’s storm drainage service area encompasses the municipal boundaries of the City. For management purposes, the service area is divided into 60 drainage sub-basins. The City’s drainage system consists of a combination of closed conveyance pipes and open ditch conveyance facilities, with six pumping stations. Table SD-1 Facilities Inventory lists the facilities along with their current capacities and location. Level of Service (LOS) The City’s Comprehensive Drainage Plan summarizes the level of service (LOS), or design criteria, for the City’s storm drainage system. Generally, these standards represent a 25 - year/24-hour design storm capacity within the 60 drainage sub-basins. Capital Facilities Projects and Financing The City’s storm drainage facilities anticipate one capacity project in the amount of $251,000 and sixteen non-capacity projects totaling $11,259,600 for a six-year planning expectation total of $11,510,600. Table SD-2 shows the proposed financing plan followed by individual worksheets showing the project detail. Impact on Future Operating Budgets There are no operating budget impacts forecasted for storm drainage facilities during the six years 2019 – 2024. City of Auburn Capital Facilities Plan 158 TABLE SD-1 Facilities Inventory Storm Drainage Facilities Feet of Feet of FACILITY Acres Pipeline Open Channels LOCATION Drainage Basins: A 562 54,564 1,643 See City of Auburn's AA 409 37,817 14,187 Comprehensive Drainage AAA 296 2,948 8,697 Plan, Dec. 2015 AZ 779 87,188 30,726 B 864 131,249 2,521 BB 15 1,657 0 BBB 73 0 0 C 836 105,046 5,351 CC 242 10,508 0 CCC 986 88,918 35,702 D 168 28,694 177 DD 231 1,827 0 DDD 63 4,730 0 E 691 78,659 26,774 EE 563 4,021 0 F 83 12,653 0 FF 411 4,675 1,414 G 134 26,125 0 GG 188 6,468 2,837 H 567 92,527 7,084 HH 392 0 0 HV 66 15,396 0 I 241 40,715 7,041 II 305 0 0 J 255 23,829 9,625 JJ 1,185 42,416 18,187 K 268 27,575 2,562 KK 391 0 0 L 87 19,645 5,061 LL 198 35 1,567 LS 1,138 129,045 19,502 M 547 50,456 19,563 MM 332 1,779 1,204 N 128 14,212 0 NN 588 44,256 913 NNN 175 5,486 1,068 O 176 31,873 4,618 OO 1,397 51,451 28,819 P 189 28,655 4,350 PP 110 1,349 3,722 PPP 161 4,252 6,158 QQ 334 14,484 5,707 CAPACITY City of Auburn Capital Facilities Plan 159 TABLE SD-1 (continued) Facilities Inventory Storm Drainage Facilities Feet of Feet of FACILITY Acres Pipeline Open Channels LOCATION R 55 7,221 0 RR 249 12,261 4,944 S 275 15,822 1,983 SS 333 20,279 6,065 T 698 132,760 4,107 TT 137 12,444 4,931 U 365 54,916 415 UU 456 39,591 8,818 V 662 63,862 13,896 W 289 42,740 6,969 WC 101 10,098 0 WW 71 2,944 1,362 X 40 3,616 0 YY 326 18,189 7,202 YYY 105 120 0 Z 70 9,678 0 ZZ 935 73,286 39,370 ZZZ 237 0 0 Total 22,228 1,847,010 376,842 FACILITY (GPM)LOCATION Pump Stations: White River Pump Station 17,700 5000 block A Street SE A Street SE Pump Station 1,380 A Street SE near SR-18 and BNRR overpass Auburn Way S Pump Station #3 1,000 Auburn Way S near SR-18 and BNRR overpass Brannan Park Pump Station #4 20,200 Brannan Park Emerald Corp. Park Pump Station 6,500 C Street NE near 42nd Street West Main Street Pump Station 1,200 1420 West Main Street CAPACITY City of Auburn Capital Facilities Plan 160 TABLE SD-2 CAPITAL FACILITIES PLAN PROJECTS AND FINANCING STORM DRAINAGE DIVISION 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 Total Capacity Projects: 1 37th St. NW Storm Improvement Capital Costs 251,000 - - - - - 251,000 Funding Sources: Storm Fund 251,000 - - - - - 251,000 Bond Proceeds - - - - - - - Subtotal, Capacity Projects: Capital Costs 251,000 - - - - - 251,000 Non-Capacity Projects: 2 Pipeline Repair & Replacement Program Capital Costs 100,000 844,000 100,000 1,000,000 100,000 1,000,000 3,144,000 Funding Sources: Storm Fund 100,000 844,000 100,000 1,000,000 100,000 1,000,000 3,144,000 Bond Proceeds - - - - - - - 3 30th Street NE Area Flooding, Phase 3 Capital Costs - - - - - 200,000 200,000 Funding Sources: Storm Fund - - - - - 200,000 200,000 Bond Proceeds - - - - - - - 4 Street Utility Improvements Capital Costs 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 600,000 Funding Sources: Storm Fund 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 600,000 Bond Proceeds - - - - - - - 5 Comprehensive Storm Drainage Plan Update Capital Costs - - 300,000 - - - 300,000 Funding Sources: Storm Fund - - 300,000 - - - 300,000 Bond Proceeds - - - - - - - 6 Eastridge Manor Outfall Replacement Capital Costs 783,100 - - - - - 783,100 Funding Sources: Storm Fund 783,100 - - - - - 783,100 Grants - - - - - - - Bond Proceeds - - - - - - - 7 Vegetation Sorting Facility Capital Costs - - 750,000 75,000 - - 825,000 Funding Sources: Storm Fund - - 750,000 75,000 - - 825,000 Bond Proceeds - - - - - - - 8 Hillside Drainage Assessment Capital Costs 25,000 114,000 150,000 - - - 289,000 Funding Sources: Storm Fund 25,000 114,000 150,000 - - - 289,000 Bond Proceeds - - - - - - - City of Auburn Capital Facilities Plan 161 TABLE SD-2 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 Total Non-Capacity Projects: 9 North Airport Area Improvements Capital Costs - - - 50,000 168,000 - 218,000 Funding Sources: Storm Fund - - - 50,000 168,000 - 218,000 Bond Proceeds - - - - - - - 10 D St. SE Storm Improvement Capital Costs - - - 250,000 1,577,000 - 1,827,000 Funding Sources: Storm Fund - - - 250,000 1,577,000 - 1,827,000 Bond Proceeds - - - - - - - 11 S. 330th St. & 46th Pl. S. Storm Improvement Capital Costs - - 73,000 244,000 - - 317,000 Funding Sources: Storm Fund - - 73,000 244,000 - - 317,000 Bond Proceeds - - - - - - - 12 Academy Drive, SE 312th St. SE, & D St. SE Storm Improvements Capital Costs 640,000 - - - - - 640,000 Funding Sources: Storm Fund 640,000 - - - - - 640,000 Bond Proceeds - - - - - - - 13 23rd Street SE Storm Improvement Capital Costs - - 73,000 243,500 - - 316,500 Funding Sources: Storm Fund - - 73,000 243,500 - - 316,500 Bond Proceeds - - - - - - - 14 Riverwalk Drive SE Non-Motorized Improvements Capital Costs - 25,000 25,000 405,000 - - 455,000 Funding Sources: Storm Fund - 25,000 25,000 405,000 - - 455,000 Bond Proceeds - - - - - - - 15 S. 314th St. & 54th Ave S. Storm Improvement Ph. 1 Capital Costs - - - - 82,000 326,000 408,000 Funding Sources: Storm Fund - - - - 82,000 326,000 408,000 Bond Proceeds - - - - - - - 16 S. 314th St. & 54th Ave S. Storm Improvement Ph. 2 Capital Costs - - - - - 62,000 62,000 Funding Sources: Storm Fund - - - - - 62,000 62,000 Bond Proceeds - - - - - - - 17 Auburn Way South 2nd - Main Street Storm Improvements Capital Costs 125,000 750,000 - - - - 875,000 Funding Sources: Storm Fund 125,000 750,000 - - - - 875,000 Bond Proceeds - - - - - - - Subtotal, Non-Capacity Projects: Capital Costs 1,773,100 1,833,000 1,571,000 2,367,500 2,027,000 1,688,000 11,259,600 City of Auburn Capital Facilities Plan 162 TABLE SD-2 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 Total SUMMARY: CAPITAL COSTS Capacity Projects 251,000 - - - - - 251,000 Non-Capacity Projects 1,773,100 1,833,000 1,571,000 2,367,500 2,027,000 1,688,000 11,259,600 Total Costs 2,024,100 1,833,000 1,571,000 2,367,500 2,027,000 1,688,000 11,510,600 FUNDING SOURCES: Storm Fund 2,024,100 1,833,000 1,571,000 2,367,500 2,027,000 1,688,000 11,510,600 Bond Proceeds - - - - - - - Total Funding 2,024,100 1,833,000 1,571,000 2,367,500 2,027,000 1,688,000 11,510,600 City of Auburn Capital Facilities Plan 163 STORM DRAINAGE FUND (462)Capital Facilities Plan Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2018-2023 Enterprise Funds Project Title:37th St. NW Storm Improvement Project No:sdbd05 Project Type:Capacity Project Manager:TBD Description: Activity: 2017 YE 2018 Year End Funding Sources:Prior to 2017 Estimate 2018 Budget 2019 Budget Project Total Unrestricted Storm Revenue - 40,000 251,000 - 291,000 Grants- Secured (Fed,State,Local)- - - - - Bond Proceeds - - - - - Other - - - - - - 40,000 251,000 - 291,000 Capital Expenditures: Design - 40,000 20,000 - 60,000 Right of Way - - - - - Construction - - 231,000 - 231,000 - 40,000 251,000 - 291,000 Total 2020 2021 2022 2023 2018-2023 Funding Sources: Unrestricted Storm Revenue - - - - 251,000 Grants- Secured (Fed,State,Local)- - - - - Bond Proceeds - - - - - Other - - - - - - - - - 251,000 Capital Expenditures: Design - - - - 20,000 Right of Way - - - - - Construction - - - - 231,000 - - - - 251,000 Total Expenditures: Total Funding Sources: Total Expenditures: Forecasted Project Cost: Total Funding Sources: This project will increase existing pipes to provide additional capacity to alleviate current periodic flooding conditions in vicinity of "I" St. NW. This will also provide relief to the flooding experienced on the Interurban Bike Trail. 2015 Comprehensive Storm Drainage Plan Project No. 2 Progress Summary: Temporary work to evaluate the capacity for addressing the re-occurring flooding has been completed and will be observed for the next year. A project scope will be developed from this information. Future Impact on Operating Budget: None City of Auburn Capital Facilities Plan 164 STORM DRAINAGE FUND (462)Capital Facilities Plan Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2018-2023 Enterprise Funds Project Title: Pipeline Repair & Replacement Program Project No:sdbd03 Project Type:Non-Capacity Project Manager:TBD Description: Activity: (Previous 2 Years)2017 YE 2018 Year End Funding Sources:Prior to 2017 Estimate 2018 Budget 2019 Budget Project Total Unrestricted Storm Revenue 1,005,000 1,000,000 100,000 844,000 2,105,000 Grants- Secured (Fed,State,Local)- - - - - Bond Proceeds - - - - - Other - - - - - 1,005,000 1,000,000 100,000 844,000 2,105,000 Capital Expenditures: Design - - 100,000 - 100,000 Right of Way - - - - - Construction 1,005,000 1,000,000 - 844,000 2,005,000 1,005,000 1,000,000 100,000 844,000 2,105,000 Total 2020 2021 2022 2023 2018-2023 Funding Sources: Unrestricted Storm Revenue 100,000 1,000,000 100,000 1,000,000 3,144,000 Grants- Secured (Fed,State,Local)- - - - - Bond Proceeds - - - - - Other - - - - - 100,000 1,000,000 100,000 1,000,000 3,144,000 Capital Expenditures: Design 100,000 - 100,000 - 300,000 Right of Way - - - - - Construction - 1,000,000 - 1,000,000 2,844,000 100,000 1,000,000 100,000 1,000,000 3,144,000 Total Funding Sources: Total Expenditures: Total Expenditures: Total Funding Sources: Forecasted Project Cost: This program provides funding for projects involving replacement of existing infrastructure. These projects support street repairs and other utility replacement programs, requiring coordination. Typically, design for R&R projects is completed in one year, followed by construction the following year. 2015 Comprehensive Storm Drainage Plan Project No. 1 Progress Summary: Previous 2 years expenses were allocated to the following projects: 1) cp1109 -2011 Storm Repair & Replacement ($830K); 2) cp0746 -Mill Creek Restoration ($75K) in 2015 and cp1522 -30th St NE Area Flooding Phase 1B ($100K) in 2016 . 2017 Expenses of $600K will be allocated to the Academy Dr SE project (cp1312) Future Impact on Operating Budget: Repair and replacement of aging infrastructure should reduce operating costs. City of Auburn Capital Facilities Plan 165 STORM DRAINAGE FUND (462)Capital Facilities Plan Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2018-2023 Enterprise Funds Project Title: 30th Street NE Area Flooding, Phase 3 Project No:cpxxxx Project Type:Non-Capacity Project Manager:TBD Description: Activity: 2017 YE 2018 Year End Funding Sources:Prior to 2017 Estimate 2018 Budget 2019 Budget Project Total Unrestricted Storm Revenue - - - - - Grants- Secured (Fed,State,Local)- - - - - Bond Proceeds - - - - - Other - - - - - - - - - - Capital Expenditures: Design - - - - - Right of Way - - - - - Construction - - - - - - - - - - Total 2020 2021 2022 2023 2018-2023 Funding Sources: Unrestricted Storm Revenue - - - 200,000 200,000 Grants- Secured (Fed,State,Local)- - - - - Bond Proceeds - - - - - Other - - - - - - - - 200,000 200,000 Capital Expenditures: Design - - - 200,000 200,000 Right of Way - - - - - Construction - - - - - - - - 200,000 200,000 Total Expenditures: Total Funding Sources: Total Expenditures: Forecasted Project Cost: Total Funding Sources: This project would reduce flooding in C St. NE by redirecting wet weather high flows southward to the 42-inch diameter (Phase 1) storm drain in 30th St. NE. By redirecting the C St. NE drainage into the Brannan Park system, these flows would no longer be affected by high water levels in Mill Creek. To avoid deepening the Phase 1 gravity line (and extensive retrofits to the Brannan Park pump station), this project would include a wet weather pump station and force main connection to 30th St. NE. The upgraded 42-inch diameter pipe in 30th St. NE would have sufficient capacity for these additional flows. Key components of Phase 3 include: Wet weather pump station (estimated capacity of 4.5 to 7 cfs), 1,730 feet of 15-inch diameter force main; Diversion structure in C St. NE for pump station 2015 Comprehensive Storm Drainage Plan Project No. 4B Progress Summary: Future Impact on Operating Budget: No significant impact. City of Auburn Capital Facilities Plan 166 STORM DRAINAGE FUND (462)Capital Facilities Plan Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2018-2023 Enterprise Funds Project Title: Street Utility Improvements Project No:sdbd04 Project Type:Non Capacity Project Manager:TBD Description: Activity: Previous 2 years 2017 YE 2018 Year End Funding Sources:Prior to 2017 Estimate 2018 Budget 2019 Budget Project Total Unrestricted Storm Revenue 88,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 288,000 Grants- Secured (Fed,State,Local)- - - - - Bond Proceeds - - - - - Other - - - - - 88,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 288,000 Capital Expenditures: Design - - - - - Right of Way - - - - - Construction 88,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 288,000 88,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 288,000 Total 2020 2021 2022 2023 2018-2023 Funding Sources: Unrestricted Storm Revenue 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 600,000 Grants- Secured (Fed,State,Local)- - - - - Bond Proceeds - - - - - Other - - - - - 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 600,000 Capital Expenditures: Design - - - - - Right of Way - - - - - Construction 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 600,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 600,000 Storm drainage conveyance improvements in coordination with Arterial Preservation and Local Street Preservation improvements. 2015 Comprehensive Storm Drainage Plan Project No. 12 Progress Summary: Prior years expenses of $88,000 were allocated to cp1507 -AWN Preservation project. Future Impact on Operating Budget: No significant Impact. Total Expenditures: Total Expenditures: Total Funding Sources: Forecasted Project Cost: Total Funding Sources: City of Auburn Capital Facilities Plan 167 STORM DRAINAGE FUND (462)Capital Facilities Plan Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2018-2023 Enterprise Funds Project Title: Comprehensive Storm Drainage Plan Update Project No:cpxxxx Project Type:Non-Capacity Project Manager:Tim Carlaw Description: Activity: 2017 YE 2018 Year End Funding Sources:Prior to 2017 Estimate 2018 Budget 2019 Budget Project Total Unrestricted Storm Revenue - - - - - Grants- Secured (Fed,State,Local)- - - - - Bond Proceeds - - - - - Other - - - - - - - - - - Capital Expenditures: Design - - - - - Right of Way - - - - - Construction - - - - - - - - - - Total 2020 2021 2022 2023 2018-2023 Funding Sources: Unrestricted Storm Revenue 300,000 - - - 300,000 Grants- Secured (Fed,State,Local)- - - - - Bond Proceeds - - - - - Other - - - - - 300,000 - - - 300,000 Capital Expenditures: Design 300,000 - - - 300,000 Right of Way - - - - - Construction - - - - - 300,000 - - - 300,000 Total Expenditures: Total Funding Sources: Total Expenditures: Forecasted Project Cost: Total Funding Sources: None Update the Comprehensive Storm Drainage Plan to be consistent with the City's overall Comprehensive Plan update as required by the State of Washington. 2015 Comprehensive Storm Drainage Plan Project No. 9 Progress Summary: Future Impact on Operating Budget: City of Auburn Capital Facilities Plan 168 STORM DRAINAGE FUND (462)Capital Facilities Plan Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2018-2023 Enterprise Funds Project Title: Eastridge Manor Outfall Replacement Project No:cp1316 Project Type:Non-Capacity Project Manager:Kevin Thompson Description: Activity: 2017 YE 2018 Year End Funding Sources:Prior to 2017 Estimate 2018 Budget 2019 Budget Project Total Unrestricted Storm Revenue 73,030 421,000 783,100 - 1,277,130 Grants- Secured (Fed,State,Local)- - - - - Bond Proceeds - - - - - Other - - - - - 73,030 421,000 783,100 - 1,277,130 Capital Expenditures: Design 73,030 236,000 40,000 - 349,030 Right of Way - 185,000 743,100 - 928,100 Construction - - - - - 73,030 421,000 783,100 - 1,277,130 Total 2020 2021 2022 2023 2018-2023 Funding Sources: Unrestricted Storm Revenue - - - - 783,100 Grants- Secured (Fed,State,Local)- - - - - Bond Proceeds - - - - - Other - - - - - - - - - 783,100 Capital Expenditures: Design - - - - 40,000 Right of Way - - - - 743,100 Construction - - - - - - - - - 783,100 Total Expenditures: Total Funding Sources: Total Expenditures: Forecasted Project Cost: Total Funding Sources: Replace the existing deteriorated outfall with new High Density Polyethylene (HDPE). Two existing outfalls may be combined into a single outfall. Improvements to the Golf Course conveyance system may be needed. Progress Summary: Alternatives evaluation completed and preferred alternative selected for design. Future Impact on Operating Budget: None City of Auburn Capital Facilities Plan 169 STORM DRAINAGE FUND (462)Capital Facilities Plan Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2018-2023 Enterprise Funds Project Title:Vegetation Sorting Facility Project No:sdbd12 Project Type:Non-Capacity Project Manager:TBD Description: Activity: 2017 YE 2018 Year End Funding Sources:Prior to 2017 Estimate 2018 Budget 2019 Budget Project Total Unrestricted Storm Revenue - - - - - Grants- Secured (Fed,State,Local)- - - - - Bond Proceeds - - - - - Other - - - - - - - - - - Capital Expenditures: Design - - - - - Right of Way - - - - - Construction - - - - - - - - - - Total 2020 2021 2022 2023 2018-2023 Funding Sources: Unrestricted Storm Revenue 750,000 75,000 - - 825,000 Grants- Secured (Fed,State,Local)- - - - - Bond Proceeds - - - - - Other - - - - - 750,000 75,000 - - 825,000 Capital Expenditures: Design - - - - - Right of Way 750,000 - - - 750,000 Construction - 75,000 - - 75,000 750,000 75,000 - - 825,000 Evaluation to determine benefits and costs of acquiring property to use as a vegetation sorting facility prior to disposal or reuse of materials from storm drainage maintenance activities (e.g., pond and ditch cleaning). In addition, evaluate potential for use by other City departments and by neighboring jurisdictions as a regional facility. If evaluation shows a reasonable benefit/cost ratio, budget includes property acquisition and site improvements to construct the vegetation sorting facility. 2015 Comprehensive Storm Drainage Plan Project No. 10 Progress Summary: Future Impact on Operating Budget: Overall operating costs should decrease as a result of improved efficiency from the sorting facility. Total Expenditures: Total Funding Sources: Total Expenditures: Forecasted Project Cost: Total Funding Sources: City of Auburn Capital Facilities Plan 170 STORM DRAINAGE FUND (462)Capital Facilities Plan Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2018-2023 Enterprise Funds Project Title:Hillside Drainage Assessment Project No:sdbd07 Project Type:Non-Capacity Project Manager:TBD Description: Activity: 2017 YE 2018 Year End Funding Sources:Prior to 2017 Estimate 2018 Budget 2019 Budget Project Total Unrestricted Storm Revenue - 30,000 25,000 114,000 55,000 Grants- Secured (Fed,State,Local)- - - - - Bond Proceeds - - - - - Other - - - - - - 30,000 25,000 114,000 55,000 Capital Expenditures: Design - 30,000 25,000 25,000 55,000 Right of Way - - - - - Construction - - - 89,000 - - 30,000 25,000 114,000 55,000 Total 2020 2021 2022 2023 2018-2023 Funding Sources: Unrestricted Storm Revenue 150,000 - - - 289,000 Grants- Secured (Fed,State,Local)- - - - - Bond Proceeds - - - - - Other - - - - - 150,000 - - - 289,000 Capital Expenditures: Design - - - - 50,000 Right of Way - - - - - Construction 150,000 - - - 239,000 150,000 - - - 289,000 Total Expenditures: Total Funding Sources: Total Expenditures: Forecasted Project Cost: Total Funding Sources: The existing drainage system includes pipes that discharge over hillsides. While a preliminary inventory and mapping of locations has been completed, field-locating and detailed inspection is warranted to define deficiencies. 2015 Comprehensive Storm Drainage Plan Project No. 3 Progress Summary: Future Impact on Operating Budget: None City of Auburn Capital Facilities Plan 171 STORM DRAINAGE FUND (462)Capital Facilities Plan Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2018-2023 Enterprise Funds Project Title:North Airport Area Improvements Project No:sdbd10 Project Type:Non-Capacity Project Manager:TBD Description: Activity: 2017 YE 2018 Year End Funding Sources:Prior to 2017 Estimate 2018 Budget 2019 Budget Project Total Unrestricted Storm Revenue - - - - - Grants- Secured (Fed,State,Local)- - - - - Bond Proceeds - - - - - Other - - - - - - - - - - Capital Expenditures: Design - - - - - Right of Way - - - - - Construction - - - - - - - - - - Total 2020 2021 2022 2023 2018-2023 Funding Sources: Unrestricted Storm Revenue - 50,000 168,000 - 218,000 Grants- Secured (Fed,State,Local)- - - - - Bond Proceeds - - - - - Other - - - - - - 50,000 168,000 - 218,000 Capital Expenditures: Design - 50,000 - - 50,000 Right of Way - - - - - Construction - - 168,000 - 168,000 - 50,000 168,000 - 218,000 Total Expenditures: Total Funding Sources: Total Expenditures: Forecasted Project Cost: Total Funding Sources: This project would provide storage depth in Pond I and replace the existing inlet pipe at a lower invert to the pond, and install a backflow preventer at the outlet. The project also includes the installation of a second backflow preventer at the overflow to 30th St. NE to protect the hanger area. 2015 Comprehensive Storm Drainage Plan Project No. 6 Progress Summary: None Future Impact on Operating Budget: None City of Auburn Capital Facilities Plan 172 STORM DRAINAGE FUND (462)Capital Facilities Plan Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2018-2023 Enterprise Funds Project Title:D St. SE Storm Improvement Project No:cpxxx Project Type:Non-Capacity Project Manager:TBD Description: Activity: 2017 YE 2018 Year End Funding Sources:Prior to 2017 Estimate 2018 Budget 2019 Budget Project Total Unrestricted Storm Revenue - - - - - Grants- Secured (Fed,State,Local)- - - - - Bond Proceeds - - - - - Other - - - - - - - - - - Capital Expenditures: Design - - - - - Right of Way - - - - - Construction - - - - - - - - - - Total 2020 2021 2022 2023 2018-2023 Funding Sources: Unrestricted Storm Revenue - 250,000 1,577,000 - 1,827,000 Grants- Secured (Fed,State,Local)- - - - - Bond Proceeds - - - - - Other - - - - - - 250,000 1,577,000 - 1,827,000 Capital Expenditures: Design - 250,000 - - 250,000 Right of Way - - - - - Construction - - 1,577,000 - 1,577,000 - 250,000 1,577,000 - 1,827,000 Total Expenditures: Total Funding Sources: Total Expenditures: Forecasted Project Cost: Total Funding Sources: This project would replace the existing line along D St. SE from 21st St. SE to 27th St. SE. The project will eliminate an existing injection well near 25th & D St. SE. 2015 Comprehensive Storm Drainage Plan Project No. 7 Progress Summary: None Future Impact on Operating Budget: None City of Auburn Capital Facilities Plan 173 STORM DRAINAGE FUND (462)Capital Facilities Plan Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2018-2023 Enterprise Funds Project Title:S. 330th St. & 46th Pl. S. Storm Improvement Project No:sdbd13 Project Type:Non-Capacity Project Manager:TBD Description: Activity: 2017 YE 2018 Year End Funding Sources:Prior to 2017 Estimate 2018 Budget 2019 Budget Project Total Unrestricted Storm Revenue - - - - - Grants- Secured (Fed,State,Local)- - - - - Bond Proceeds - - - - - Other - - - - - - - - - - Capital Expenditures: Design - - - - - Right of Way - - - - - Construction - - - - - - - - - - Total 2020 2021 2022 2023 2018-2023 Funding Sources: Unrestricted Storm Revenue 73,000 244,000 - - 317,000 Grants- Secured (Fed,State,Local)- - - - - Bond Proceeds - - - - - Other - - - - - 73,000 244,000 - - 317,000 Capital Expenditures: Design 73,000 - - - 73,000 Right of Way - - - - - Construction - 244,000 - - 244,000 73,000 244,000 - - 317,000 Total Expenditures: Total Funding Sources: Total Expenditures: Forecasted Project Cost: Total Funding Sources: Improve existing drainage conditions for the West Hill annexation areas. This project includes improvements near 330th St. and 46th Pl. S. where public storm drainage currently discharges within a large open ditch. The improvement will re-route the drainage within the right-of-way to the existing outfall. 2015 Comprehensive Storm Drainage Plan Project No. 5A Progress Summary: None Future Impact on Operating Budget: None City of Auburn Capital Facilities Plan 174 STORM DRAINAGE FUND (462)Capital Facilities Plan Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2018-2023 Enterprise Funds Project Title: Academy Drive, SE 312th St. SE, & D St. SE Storm Improvements Project No:cp1312 Project Type:Non-Capacity Project Manager:Seth Wickstrom Description: Activity: 2017 YE 2018 Year End Funding Sources:Prior to 2017 Estimate 2018 Budget 2019 Budget Project Total Unrestricted Storm Revenue 80,592 100,000 640,000 - 820,592 Grants- Secured (Fed,State,Local)- - - - - Bond Proceeds - - - - - Other - - - - - 80,592 100,000 640,000 - 820,592 Capital Expenditures: Design 78,170 100,000 - - 178,170 Right of Way - - - - - Construction 2,422 - 640,000 - 642,422 80,592 100,000 640,000 - 820,592 Total 2020 2021 2022 2023 2018-2023 Funding Sources: Unrestricted Storm Revenue - - - 640,000 Grants- Secured (Fed,State,Local)- - - - - Bond Proceeds - - - - - Other - - - - - - - - - 640,000 Capital Expenditures: Design - - - - Right of Way - - - - - Construction - - - - 640,000 - - - - 640,000 Total Expenditures: Total Funding Sources: Total Expenditures: Forecasted Project Cost: Total Funding Sources: Project replaces existing storm system infrastructure. Funding is from the 2015-2016 Pipeline Repair and Replacement Program. Project includes pipeline replacement in Academy Drive, a new pipeline within 312th St. SE to provide a "missing link", and the extension of a pipeline to the Velvet Square storm pond to allow the pond to be abandoned. Progress Summary: Project design will be completed in 2017 with construction in 2017. Future Impact on Operating Budget: No significant impact. City of Auburn Capital Facilities Plan 175 STORM DRAINAGE FUND (462)Capital Facilities Plan Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2018-2023 Enterprise Funds Project Title:23rd Street SE Storm Improvement Project No:cpxxx Project Type:Non-Capacity Project Manager:TBD Description: Activity: 2017 YE 2018 Year End Funding Sources:Prior to 2017 Estimate 2018 Budget 2019 Budget Project Total Unrestricted Storm Revenue - - - - - Grants- Secured (Fed,State,Local)- - - - - Bond Proceeds - - - - - Other - - - - - - - - - - Capital Expenditures: Design - - - - - Right of Way - - - - - Construction - - - - - - - - - - Total 2020 2021 2022 2023 2018-2023 Funding Sources: Unrestricted Storm Revenue 73,000 243,500 - - 316,500 Grants- Secured (Fed,State,Local)- - - - - Bond Proceeds - - - - - Other - - - - - 73,000 243,500 - - 316,500 Capital Expenditures: Design 73,000 - - - 73,000 Right of Way - - - - - Construction - 243,500 - - 243,500 73,000 243,500 - - 316,500 This project will improve existing drainage conditions in vicinity of 23rd St. SE & K St. SE. The project includes installation of a new 12- inch line along K St. SE from 23rd St. SE to 21st St. SE to alleviate flooding associated with the pedestrian entrance to Terminal Park Elementary School. 2015 Comprehensive Storm Drainage Plan Project No. 8 (Phase 1) Progress Summary: None Future Impact on Operating Budget: None Total Expenditures: Total Funding Sources: Total Expenditures: Forecasted Project Cost: Total Funding Sources: City of Auburn Capital Facilities Plan 176 STORM DRAINAGE FUND (462)Capital Facilities Plan Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2018-2023 Enterprise Funds Project Title:Riverwalk Drive SE Non-Motorized Improvements Project No:sdbd14 Project Type:Non-Capacity Project Manager:TBD Description: Activity: 2017 YE 2018 Year End Funding Sources:Prior to 2017 Estimate 2018 Budget 2019 Budget Project Total Unrestricted Storm Revenue - - - 25,000 - Grants- Secured (Fed,State,Local)- - - - - Bond Proceeds - - - - - Other - - - - - - - - 25,000 - Capital Expenditures: Design - - - 25,000 25,000 Right of Way - - - - - Construction - - - - - - - - 25,000 - Total 2020 2021 2022 2023 2018-2023 Funding Sources: Unrestricted Storm Revenue 25,000 405,000 - - 455,000 Grants- Secured (Fed,State,Local)- - - - - Bond Proceeds - - - - - Other - - - - - 25,000 405,000 - - 455,000 Capital Expenditures: Design 25,000 - - - 50,000 Right of Way - - - - - Construction - 405,000 - - 405,000 25,000 405,000 - - 455,000 As part of a non-motorized improvement project along Riverwalk Drive SE between Howard Road and Auburn Way South, construct large diameter storm piping to replace existing ditch, and expand Riverwalk ponds to accommodate increased capacity. Progress Summary: None Future Impact on Operating Budget: Maintenance should decrease as a result of the project. Total Expenditures: Total Funding Sources: Total Expenditures: Forecasted Project Cost: Total Funding Sources: City of Auburn Capital Facilities Plan 177 STORM DRAINAGE FUND (462)Capital Facilities Plan Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2018-2023 Enterprise Funds Project Title:S. 314th St. & 54th Ave S. Storm Improvement Ph. 1 Project No:cpxxx Project Type:Non-Capacity Project Manager:TBD Description: Activity: 2017 YE 2018 Year End Funding Sources:Prior to 2017 Estimate 2018 Budget 2019 Budget Project Total Unrestricted Storm Revenue - - - - - Grants- Secured (Fed,State,Local)- - - - - Bond Proceeds - - - - - Other - - - - - - - - - - Capital Expenditures: Design - - - - - Right of Way - - - - - Construction - - - - - - - - - - Total 2020 2021 2022 2023 2018-2023 Funding Sources: Unrestricted Storm Revenue - - 82,000 326,000 408,000 Grants- Secured (Fed,State,Local)- - - - - Bond Proceeds - - - - - Other - - - - - - - 82,000 326,000 408,000 Capital Expenditures: Design - - 82,000 - 82,000 Right of Way - - - - - Construction - - - 326,000 326,000 - - 82,000 326,000 408,000 Total Expenditures: Total Funding Sources: Total Expenditures: Forecasted Project Cost: Total Funding Sources: Improve existing drainage conditions for the West Hill annexation areas. The project includes improvements near S 314th St. and 54th Ave S to redirect flows and implement LID techniques. 2015 Comprehensive Storm Drainage Plan Project No. 5B Phase 1 Progress Summary: Future Impact on Operating Budget: None City of Auburn Capital Facilities Plan 178 STORM DRAINAGE FUND (462)Capital Facilities Plan Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2018-2023 Enterprise Funds Project Title:S. 314th St. & 54th Ave S. Storm Improvement Ph. 2 Project No:cpxxx Project Type:Non-Capacity Project Manager:TBD Description: Activity: 2017 YE 2018 Year End Funding Sources:Prior to 2017 Estimate 2018 Budget 2019 Budget Project Total Unrestricted Storm Revenue - - - - - Grants- Secured (Fed,State,Local)- - - - - Bond Proceeds - - - - - Other - - - - - - - - - - Capital Expenditures: Design - - - - - Right of Way - - - - - Construction - - - - - - - - - - Total 2020 2021 2022 2023 2018-2023 Funding Sources: Unrestricted Storm Revenue - - - 62,000 62,000 Grants- Secured (Fed,State,Local)- - - - - Bond Proceeds - - - - - Other - - - - - - - - 62,000 62,000 Capital Expenditures: Design - - - 62,000 62,000 Right of Way - - - - - Construction - - - - - - - - 62,000 62,000 Total Expenditures: Total Funding Sources: Total Expenditures: Forecasted Project Cost: Total Funding Sources: Improve existing drainage conditions for the West Hill annexation areas. The project includes improvements near S 314th St. and 54th Ave S to route the remaining public storm drainage through a new easement and pipe to the downstream system. 2015 Comprehensive Storm Drainage Plan Project No. 5B Phase 2 Progress Summary: Future Impact on Operating Budget: None City of Auburn Capital Facilities Plan 179 STORM DRAINAGE FUND (462)Capital Facilities Plan Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2018-2023 Enterprise Funds Project Title:Auburn Way South 2nd - Main Street Storm Improvements Project No:sdbd15 Project Type:Non-Capacity Project Manager:TBD Description: Activity: 2017 YE 2018 Year End Funding Sources:Prior to 2017 Estimate 2018 Budget 2019 Budget Project Total Unrestricted Storm Revenue - - 125,000 750,000 125,000 Grants- Secured (Fed,State,Local)- - - - - Bond Proceeds - - - - - Other - - - - - - - 125,000 750,000 125,000 Capital Expenditures: Design - - 125,000 - 125,000 Right of Way - - - - - Construction - - - 750,000 - - - 125,000 750,000 125,000 Total 2020 2021 2022 2023 2018-2023 Funding Sources: Unrestricted Storm Revenue - - - - 875,000 Grants- Secured (Fed,State,Local)- - - - - Bond Proceeds - - - - - Other - - - - - - - - - 875,000 Capital Expenditures: Design - - - - 125,000 Right of Way - - - - - Construction - - - - 750,000 - - - - 875,000 Total Expenditures: Total Funding Sources: Total Expenditures: Forecasted Project Cost: Total Funding Sources: Improve existing drainage conditions for the SR-18 & BNRR undercrossing. The project includes replacing approximately 30 feet of adverse slope 30 inch pipe with new 36 inch and extend the existing 12 inch force main from the AWS storm pump station approximately 420 feet to the north. The project also includes a backflow preventer to ensure the pump station does not recycle flow during periods of heavy rainfall. Progress Summary: None Future Impact on Operating Budget: None City of Auburn Capital Facilities Plan 180 City of Auburn Capital Facilities Plan 181 PARKS, ARTS AND RECREATION Current Facilities The City of Auburn’s park system consists of a total of 951.52 acres of neighborhood and community parks, special use areas, open space and linear parks (trails). Table PR – 1 “Facilities Inventory” lists all park and recreation land in the City’s park system along with their current capacity and location. Level of Service (LOS) The current LOS provided by the City’s park system represents the existing inventory of City- owned park acres divided by the 2017 City population of 78,960. This equates to 0.74 acres per 1,000 population for neighborhood parks, 2.98 acres per 1,000 population for community parks, 0.21 acres for linear parks, 4.9 acres for open space, and 3.22 acres for special use areas. The proposed LOS provided by the City’s park system represents the planned 2023 inventory of City-owned park acres divided by the 2023 projected City population of 86,850. This equates to 0.78 acres per 1,000 population for neighborhood parks, 3.21 acres per 1,000 population for community parks, 0.23 acres per 1,000 population for linear parks, 4.45 acres per 1,000 population for open space, and 2.93 acres per 1,000 population for special use areas. Capital Facilities Projects and Financing Parks and Recreation facilities include twenty-three capital projects at a cost of $17,728,414. Table PR – 2 shows the proposed financing plan followed by individual worksheets showing the project detail. Impact on Future Operating Budgets As Table PR – 3 shows, operating budget impacts of $155,000 are forecasted for parks and recreation facilities during the six years 2019 – 2024. City of Auburn Capital Facilities Plan 182 TABLE PR-1 Facilities Inventory Parks, Arts and Recreation, Land CAPACITY FACILITY (Acres)LOCATION Neighborhood Parks: Existing Inventory: 21st Street Playground 0.17 405 21st St. SE Auburndale Park 9.74 31802 108th Ave. SE Ballard Park 0.68 1612 37th Way SE Cameron Park 3.85 3727 Lemon Tree Lane Cedar Lane Park 8.36 1002 25th St. SE Dorthy Bothell Park 4.35 1087 Evergreen Way SE Dykstra Park 1.67 1487 22nd St. NE Forest Villa mini-park 0.21 1647 Fir St. SE Gaines Park 1.33 1008 Pike St. NW Indian Tom Park 0.42 1316 6th St. NE Jornada Park 1.89 1433 U Ct. NW Kersey 3 Park A 2.73 5480 Charlotte Ave. SE Kersey 3 Park B 0.79 5530 Udall Ave. SE Lakeland Hills Park 5.06 1401 Evergreen Way SE Lea Hill Courts 1.18 32121 105th Pl. SE Riverpoint Park 2.95 1450 32nd St. NE Riversands Park 1.76 5014 Pike St NE Rotary Park 3.89 2635 Alpine St. NE Scootie Brown Park 1.68 1403 Henry Rd. NE Shaughnessy Park 3.46 3302 21st St. SE Terminal Park 1.22 1292 C St. SE Village Square 1.10 12111 SE 310th St. Total Neighborhood Parks 58.49 Proposed Capacity Projects: Auburndale II Park 9.35 29700 118th Street SE Total Proposed Capacity Projects 9.35 2023 Projected Inventory Total - Neighborhood Parks -67.84 Community Parks: Existing Inventory: Brannan Park 21.68 1019 28th St. NE Fulmer Field 5.04 1101 5th St. NE Game Farm Park 57.20 3030 R St. SE Game Farm Wilderness Park 48.50 2407 Stuck River Dr. SE GSA Park 5.31 413 15th St. SW Isaac Evans Park 19.87 29627 Green River Road NE Lea Hill Park 5.26 31693 124th Ave. SE Les Gove Park 26.07 910 9th St. SE Mill Pond 4.20 4582 Mill Pond Dr, SE Roegner Park 19.22 601 Oravetz Road Sunset Park 15.15 1420 69th St SE Veteran's Memorial Park 7.67 405 E St. NE Total Community Parks 235.17 City of Auburn Capital Facilities Plan 183 TABLE PR-1 (continued) Proposed Capacity Projects: 104th Avenue SE 14.73 31495 104th Ave. SE Jacobson Tree Farm 29.30 29387 132nd Ave SE Total Proposed Capacity Projects 44.03 2023 Projected Inventory Total - Community Parks -279.20 Linear Parks: Existing Inventory: Interurban Trail 9.14 804 West Main St. Lake Tapps Parkway Trail 2.36 1420 69th St SE Lakeland Hills Trail 1.66 1087 Evergreen Way SE Reddington Levee Trail 2.50 1019 28th St NE White River Trail 0.93 601 Oravetz St. NE Total Linear Parks 16.59 Proposed Capacity Projects: Green River Trail 0.83 277th to Reddington Levee Trail Jacobsen Tree Farm to Green River Trail 2.75 White River Trail Extension 0.05 Total Proposed Capacity Projects 3.63 2023 Projected Inventory Total - Linear Parks -20.22 Special Use Areas: Existing Inventory: Auburn Environmental Park 16.84 413 Western Ave NW B Street Plaza 0.10 148 East Main St. Bicentennial Park 1.07 502 Auburn Way S. Centennial Viewpoint Park 0.70 402 Mountain View Dr. City Hall Plaza 1.10 25 West Main St. Clark Plaza 0.25 1420 Auburn Way N. Community Garden A 1.04 1030 8th St. NE Fenster/Green River Access 12.58 10502 Auburn Black Diamond Road Fly-in Lion Park 0.02 101 15th St. NE Golf Course 139.71 29630 Green River Road SE Mountain View Cemetery 60.00 2020 Mountain View Dr. Olson Canyon Farmstead 20.00 28728 Green River Road Pioneer Cemetery 0.76 802 Auburn Way N, Plaza Park 0.19 2 West Main St. Slaughter Memorial 0.02 2988 Auburn Way N. Total Special Use Areas 254.38 Proposed Capacity Projects: None - Total Proposed Capacity Projects - 2023 Projected Inventory Total - Special Use Areas -254.38 Open Space Areas: Existing Inventory: Auburn Environmental Park Open Space 190.91 413 Western Ave. NW Clark Property 26.68 TBD Game Farm Open Space 26.00 3030 R St. SE Golf Course Open Space 40.98 29630 Green River Road SE Lakeland Hills Nature Area 46.07 500 182nd Ave. S Olson Canyon Open Space 47.00 28728 Green River Road West Auburn Lake 9.25 32054 58th Ave. S Total Open Space Areas 386.89 Proposed Capacity Projects: None - Total Proposed Capacity Projects - 2023 Projected Inventory Total - Open Space Areas -386.89 City of Auburn Capital Facilities Plan 184 TABLE PR-2 CAPITAL FACILITIES PLAN PROJECTS AND FINANCING PARKS, ARTS and RECREATION (Municipal Parks Construction Fund) 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 Total Capacity Projects: 1 Park Acquisitions/Development Capital Costs 171,414 125,000 125,000 125,000 125,000 125,000 796,414 Funding Sources: Fund Balance - - - - - - - Grants (Fed,State,Local)- - - - - - - Bond Proceeds - - - - - - - KC Prop 2 171,414 125,000 125,000 125,000 125,000 125,000 796,414 2 Jacobsen Tree Farm Site Plan Capital Costs - 12,000,000 - - - - 12,000,000 Funding Sources: Fund Balance - - - - - - - Grants (Fed,State,Local)- 2,000,000 - - - - 2,000,000 Other (Developer)- 4,000,000 - - - - 4,000,000 Bond Proceeds - 6,000,000 - - - - 6,000,000 3 Brannan Park Synthetic Infield Capital Costs - 60,000 - - - - 60,000 Funding Sources: KC Prop 2 - - - - - - - Grants (Fed,State,Local)- - - - - - - Other - - - - - - - Park Impact Fees - 60,000 - - - - 60,000 4 Mary Olson Farm - Watts Property Acquisition Capital Costs 250,000 - - - - - 250,000 Funding Sources: Fund Balance - - - - - - - Grants (Fed,State,Local)125,000 - - - - - 125,000 Park Impact Fees 125,000 - - - - - 125,000 5 Les Gove Park Improvements Capital Costs 100,000 - - - - - 100,000 Funding Sources: Fund Balance - - - - - - - Other (Park Impact Fee)- - - - - - - Grants (Fed,State,Local)- - - - - - - KC Prop 2 100,000 - - - - - 100,000 6 Rotary Park Improvements Capital Costs 30,000 - - - - - 30,000 Funding Sources: KC Prop 2 30,000 - - - - - 30,000 Grants (Fed,State,Local)- - - - - - - Other - - - - - - - 7 Game Farm Park Improvements Capital Costs - 1,500,000 - - - - 1,500,000 Funding Sources: REET 2 - - - - - - - Grants (Fed,State,Local)- 1,500,000 - - - - 1,500,000 Other (Park Impact Fee)- - - - - - - City of Auburn Capital Facilities Plan 185 TABLE PR-2 (continued) 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 Total Capacity Projects: 8 Auburndale Park Capital Costs - 100,000 - - - - 100,000 Funding Sources: Fund Balance - - - - - - - KC Prop 2 - - - - - - - Other (Park Impact Fee)- 100,000 - - - - 100,000 9 Auburndale Park II Capital Costs - 575,000 - - - - 575,000 Funding Sources: Fund Balance - - - - - - - Grants (Fed,State,Local)- - - - - - - Other - 575,000 - - - - 575,000 10 Sunset Park Capital Costs 400,000 - - - - - 400,000 Funding Sources: Fund Balance - - - - - - - Other (Park Impact Fee)200,000 - - - - - 200,000 Other (Contributions)200,000 - - - - - 200,000 11 BPA Trail on Lea Hill Capital Costs - - 150,000 - - - 150,000 Funding Sources: Fund Balance - - - - - - - Grants (Fed,State,Local)- - 150,000 - - - 150,000 KC Prop 2 - - - - - - - 12 Lakeland Hills Nature Area Capital Costs 150,000 - - - - - 150,000 Funding Sources: Fund Balance - - - - - - - Park Impact Fees 150,000 - - - - - 150,000 13 Lakeland Hills Playground Replacement Capital Costs 150,000 - - - - - 150,000 Funding Sources: Fund Balance 75,000 - - - - - 75,000 Grants (Fed,State,Local)- - - - - - - Other (Park Impact Fee)75,000 - - - - - 75,000 14 West Hill Lake Property Development Capital Costs 100,000 - - - - - 100,000 Funding Sources: Fund Balance - - - - - - - Other (Park Impact Fee)100,000 - - - - - 100,000 15 Miscellaneous Parks Improvements Capital Costs 150,000 150,000 150,000 150,000 150,000 150,000 900,000 Funding Sources: Fund Balance 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 300,000 Grants (Fed,State,Local)50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 300,000 REET 2 - - - - - - - Other (Park Impact Fee)50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 300,000 Subtotal, Capacity Projects: Capital Costs 1,351,414 14,510,000 425,000 275,000 275,000 275,000 17,111,414 City of Auburn Capital Facilities Plan 186 TABLE PR-2 (continued) 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 Total Non-Capacity Projects: 16 Cameron Park Capital Costs - 55,000 - - - - 55,000 Funding Sources: Fund Balance - - - - - - - Grants (Fed,State,Local)- 55,000 - - - - 55,000 Other - - - - - - - 17 Gaines Park Capital Costs - 35,000 - - - - 35,000 Funding Sources: Fund Balance - - - - - - - Grants (Fed,State,Local)- - - - - - - REET 2 - 35,000 - - - - 35,000 18 Fulmer Park Playground Replacement Capital Costs - 150,000 - - - - 150,000 Funding Sources: Fund Balance - - - - - - - Grants (Fed,State,Local)- 50,000 - - - - 50,000 Other - 100,000 - - - - 100,000 19 Game Farm Drainage Improvements Capital Costs 100,000 - - - - - 100,000 Funding Sources: Fund Balance - - - - - - - Grants (Fed,State,Local)- - - - - - - REET 2 100,000 - - - - - 100,000 20 Lea Hill Mini Soccer Field Turf Replacement Capital Costs - 50,000 - - - - 50,000 Funding Sources: Fund Balance - - - - - - - Grants (Fed,State,Local)- 50,000 - - - - 50,000 Other - - - - - - - 21 10th Green & Surrounds Rebuild Capital Costs 27,000 - - - - - 27,000 Funding Sources: Fund Balance - - - - - - - Grants (Fed,State,Local)- - - - - - - REET 2 27,000 - - - - - 27,000 22 Fairway Drainage Improvement Capital Costs 30,000 - - - - - 30,000 Funding Sources: Fund Balance - - - - - - - Grants (Fed,State,Local)- - - - - - - REET 2 30,000 - - - - - 30,000 23 Les Gove Campus Security Cameras Capital Costs 20,000 - - - - - 20,000 Funding Sources: Fund Balance 20,000 - - - - - 20,000 REET 2 - - - - - - - Subtotal, Non-Capacity Projects: Capital Costs 327,000 290,000 - - - - 617,000 City of Auburn Capital Facilities Plan 187 TABLE PR-2 (continued) 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 Total SUMMARY: CAPITAL COSTS Capacity Projects 1,351,414 14,510,000 425,000 275,000 275,000 275,000 17,111,414 Non-Capacity Projects 327,000 290,000 - - - - 617,000 Total Costs 1,678,414 14,800,000 425,000 275,000 275,000 275,000 17,728,414 FUNDING SOURCES: Fund Balance 145,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 395,000 Grants (Fed,State,Local)175,000 3,705,000 200,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 4,230,000 Bond Proceeds - 6,000,000 - - - - 6,000,000 KC Prop 2 301,414 125,000 125,000 125,000 125,000 125,000 926,414 Other -Parks Impact 700,000 210,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 1,110,000 REET 2 157,000 35,000 - - - - 192,000 Other 200,000 4,675,000 - - - - 4,875,000 Total Funding 1,678,414 14,800,000 425,000 275,000 275,000 275,000 17,728,414 City of Auburn Capital Facilities Plan 188 MUNICIPAL PARKS CONSTRUCTION FUND (321)Capital Facilities Plan Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2018-2023 Capital Projects Fund Project Title: Park Acquisitions/Development Project No:gpbd04 Project Type:Capacity Project Manager:Daryl Faber Description: Activity: (Previous 2 Yrs.)2017 YE 2018 Year End Funding Sources:Prior to 2017 Estimate 2018 Budget 2019 Budget Project Total Fund 321 -Unrestricted Fund Balance - - - - - Grants- Secured (Fed,State,Local)- - - - - Bond Proceeds - - - - - General Fund Transfer In - - - - - KC Prop 2 - 125,000 171,414 125,000 296,414 - 125,000 171,414 125,000 296,414 Capital Expenditures: Design - - - - - Acquisition - 125,000 171,414 125,000 296,414 Construction - - - - - - 125,000 171,414 125,000 296,414 Total 2020 2021 2022 2023 2018-2023 Funding Sources: Fund 321 -Unrestricted Fund Balance - - - - - Grants- Secured (Fed,State,Local)- - - - - Bond Proceeds - - - - - General Fund Transfer In - - - - - KC Prop 2 125,000 125,000 125,000 125,000 796,414 125,000 125,000 125,000 125,000 796,414 Capital Expenditures: Design - - - - - Acquisition 125,000 125,000 125,000 125,000 796,414 Construction - - - - - 125,000 125,000 125,000 125,000 796,414 None Land acquisitions to occur based on demand and deficiencies including parks, open space, trails and corridors. Progress Summary: Future Impact on Operating Budget: Total Expenditures: Total Expenditures: Total Funding Sources: Forecasted Project Cost: Total Funding Sources: City of Auburn Capital Facilities Plan 189 MUNICIPAL PARKS CONSTRUCTION FUND (321)Capital Facilities Plan Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2018-2023 Capital Projects Fund Project Title: Jacobsen Tree Farm Site Plan Project No:cp0609 Project Type:Capacity Project Manager:Daryl Faber Description: Activity: 2017 YE 2018 Year End Funding Sources:Prior to 2017 Estimate 2018 Budget 2019 Budget Project Total Fund 321 -Unrestricted Fund Balance - - Grants- Unsecured (Fed,State,Local)- - - 2,000,000 - Bond Proceeds - - - 6,000,000 - REET - - - - - Other (Development)- - - 4,000,000 - - - - 12,000,000 - Capital Expenditures: Design - - - 500,000 - Right of Way - - - - - Construction - - - 11,500,000 - - - - 12,000,000 - Total 2020 2021 2022 2023 2018-2023 Funding Sources: Fund 321 -Unrestricted Fund Balance - - - - - Grants- Unsecured (Fed,State,Local)- - - - 2,000,000 Bond Proceeds - - - - 6,000,000 REET - - - - - Other (Development)- - - - 4,000,000 - - - - 12,000,000 Capital Expenditures: Design - - - - 500,000 Right of Way - - - - - Construction - - - - 11,500,000 - - - - 12,000,000 Total Funding Sources: Total Expenditures: Total Expenditures: Total Funding Sources: Forecasted Project Cost: Develop the 31 acre site into a regional sports facility. A Master Plan for the park was completed in 2009 and will serve as a roadmap for development of the site. The newly annexed Lea Hill area of the City is deficient in park acreage. Progress Summary: Future Impact on Operating Budget: No significant impact due to master plan. Future park development will result in maintenance and utility expenses that cannot be determined at this time. City of Auburn Capital Facilities Plan 190 MUNICIPAL PARKS CONSTRUCTION FUND (321)Capital Facilities Plan Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2018-2023 Capital Projects Fund Project Title: Brannan Park Synthetic Infield Project No:gpbd12 Project Type:Capacity Project Manager:Jamie Kelly Description: Activity: 2017 YE 2018 Year End Funding Sources:Prior to 2017 Estimate 2018 Budget 2019 Budget Project Total KC Prop 2 - 48,100 - - 48,100 Grants- Unsecured (KCYSFG)- 75,000 - - 75,000 Grants- Unsecured (State RCO)- 218,100 - - 218,100 Other- Donations - 20,000 - - 20,000 Park Impact fees - 75,000 - 60,000 75,000 - 436,200 60,000 436,200 Capital Expenditures: Design - 18,500 - - 18,500 Right of Way - - - - - Construction - 417,700 - 60,000 417,700 - 436,200 - 60,000 436,200 Total 2020 2021 2022 2023 2018-2023 Funding Sources: KC Prop 2 - - - - - Grants- Unsecured (KCYSFG)- - - - - Grants- Unsecured (State RCO)- - - - - Other- Donations - - - - - Park Impact fees - - - - 60,000 - - - - 60,000 Capital Expenditures: Design - - - - - Right of Way - - - - - Construction - - - - 60,000 - - - - 60,000 Upgrade the existing dirt infield to synthetic turf to increase playability during inclement weather. The Parks Department submitted an application for a Youth Sports Facilities Grant (YAF) from RCO in May 2016 for the synthetic infield. In addition, a King County Youth Athletic Facilities Grant application was submitted to cover City matching funds for the YAF grant. Additional improvements to the park include replacing the degraded concrete curbing around the perimeter of the parking lot. Progress Summary: Future Impact on Operating Budget: None Total Expenditures: Total Funding Sources: Total Expenditures: Forecasted Project Cost: Total Funding Sources: City of Auburn Capital Facilities Plan 191 MUNICIPAL PARKS CONSTRUCTION FUND (321)Capital Facilities Plan Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2018-2023 Capital Projects Fund Project Title: Mary Olson Farm - Watts Property Acquisition Project No:gpbd13 Project Type:Capacity Project Manager:Daryl Faber/Jamie Kelly Description: Activity: 2017 YE 2018 Year End Funding Sources:Prior to 2017 Estimate 2018 Budget 2019 Budget Project Total Municipal Parks Construction Fund - - - - - Grants- Secured (Fed,State,Local)- - - - - Grants- Unsecured (KCCF)- - 125,000 - 125,000 Bond Proceeds - - - - Park Impact Fees - - 125,000 - 125,000 Other (KC Prop 2)- - - - - - - 250,000 - 250,000 Capital Expenditures: Design - - - - - Acquisition - - 250,000 - 250,000 Construction - - - - - - - 250,000 - 250,000 Total 2020 2021 2022 2023 2018-2023 Funding Sources: Municipal Parks Construction Fund - - - - - Grants- Secured (Fed,State,Local)- - - - 125,000 Bond Proceeds - - - - - Park Impact Fees - - - - 125,000 Other (KC Prop 2)- - - - - - - - - 250,000 Capital Expenditures: Design - - - - - Acquisition - - - - 250,000 Construction - - - - - - - - - 250,000 Acquire approximately 16 acres in the southern portion of tax parcel number 3222059118, which is located east of the Mary Olson Farm property. The purpose of the acquisition is to create interpretive and educational opportunities in a plateau area that has historical significance within the steep forested ravine. The area was once a gathering place for Native Americans preparing to embark on fishing expeditions. The City was recently awarded a King County Conservation Futures grant to acquire the property. Total Expenditures: Total Funding Sources: Total Expenditures: Forecasted Project Cost: Total Funding Sources: Progress Summary: Future Impact on Operating Budget: None City of Auburn Capital Facilities Plan 192 MUNICIPAL PARKS CONSTRUCTION FUND (321)Capital Facilities Plan Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2018-2023 Capital Projects Fund Project Title: Les Gove Park Improvements Project No:cp1605 Project Type:Capacity Project Manager:Daryl Faber Description: Activity: 2017 YE 2018 Year End Funding Sources:Prior to 2017 Estimate 2018 Budget 2019 Budget Project Total Fund 321 -Unrestricted Fund Balance - - - - - Grants- Secured (KCCF)370,560 176,346 - - 546,906 Other Fund 328 - 79,636 - - 79,636 Other-Park Impact Fee - 50,000 - - 50,000 KC Prop 2 - 255,560 100,000 - 355,560 370,560 561,542 100,000 - 1,032,102 Capital Expenditures: Design 13,586 - - - 13,586 Right of Way - - - - - Construction 356,974 561,542 100,000 - 1,018,516 370,560 561,542 100,000 - 1,032,102 Total 2020 2021 2022 2023 2018-2023 Funding Sources: Fund 321 -Unrestricted Fund Balance - - - - - Grants- Secured (KCCF)- - - - - Other Fund 328 - - - - - Other-Park Impact Fee - - - - - KC Prop 2 - - - - 100,000 - - - - 100,000 Capital Expenditures: Design - - - - - Right of Way - - - - - Construction - - - - 100,000 - - - - 100,000 Total Expenditures: Total Funding Sources: Total Expenditures: Forecasted Project Cost: Total Funding Sources: $5,000 Utilities Based on the completed Les Gove Master Plan, design and implement recommendations that will increase user safety, encourage public use and community connectivity. Progress Summary: Future Impact on Operating Budget: City of Auburn Capital Facilities Plan 193 MUNICIPAL PARKS CONSTRUCTION FUND (321)Capital Facilities Plan Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2018-2023 Capital Projects Fund Project Title: Rotary Park Improvements Project No:gpbd07 Project Type:Capacity Project Manager:Daryl Faber Description: Activity: 2017 YE 2018 Year End Funding Sources:Prior to 2017 Estimate 2018 Budget 2019 Budget Project Total KC Prop 2 - 30,000 30,000 - 60,000 Grants- Secured (Fed,State,Local)- - - - - Bond Proceeds - - - - - REET - - - - - Other - - - - - - 30,000 30,000 - 60,000 Capital Expenditures: Design - 5,000 5,000 - 10,000 Right of Way - - - - - Construction - 25,000 25,000 - 50,000 - 30,000 30,000 - 60,000 Total 2020 2021 2022 2023 2018-2023 Funding Sources: KC Prop 2 - - - - 30,000 Grants- Secured (Fed,State,Local)- - - - - Bond Proceeds - - - - - REET - - - - - Other - - - - - - - - - 30,000 Capital Expenditures: Design - - - - 5,000 Right of Way - - - - - Construction - - - - 25,000 - - - - 30,000 None Coordinate improvements with neighborhood and Rotary Club of Auburn to add walking path. Progress Summary: Future Impact on Operating Budget: Total Expenditures: Total Expenditures: Total Funding Sources: Forecasted Project Cost: Total Funding Sources: City of Auburn Capital Facilities Plan 194 MUNICIPAL PARKS CONSTRUCTION FUND (321)Capital Facilities Plan Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2018-2023 Capital Projects Fund Project Title: Game Farm Park Improvements Project No:gpbd08 Project Type:Capacity Project Manager:Daryl Faber Description: Activity: 2017 YE 2018 Year End Funding Sources:Prior to 2017 Estimate 2018 Budget 2019 Budget Project Total Fund 321 -Unrestricted Fund Balance - - - - Grants- Unsecured (Fed,State,Local)- - - 1,500,000 Bond Proceeds - - - - - REET - 20,000 - - 20,000 Other (Park Impact Fee)- 20,000 - - 20,000 - - 1,500,000 Capital Expenditures: Design - - - 40,000 - Right of Way - - - - - Construction - 40,000 1,460,000 40,000 - 40,000 - 1,500,000 40,000 Total 2020 2021 2022 2023 2018-2023 Funding Sources: Fund 321 -Unrestricted Fund Balance - - - - - Grants- Unsecured (Fed,State,Local)- - - - 1,500,000 Bond Proceeds - - - - - REET - - - - - Other (Park Impact Fee)- - - - - - - - - 1,500,000 Capital Expenditures: Design - - - - 40,000 Right of Way - - - - - Construction - - - - 1,460,000 - - - - 1,500,000 None Improve interior lighting and pathways and provide access from the newly acquired property on southwest corner of the park. Replace synthetic turf on two full sized soccer fields. Progress Summary: Future Impact on Operating Budget: Total Expenditures: Total Expenditures: Total Funding Sources: Forecasted Project Cost: Total Funding Sources: City of Auburn Capital Facilities Plan 195 MUNICIPAL PARKS CONSTRUCTION FUND (321)Capital Facilities Plan Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2018-2023 Capital Projects Fund Project Title: Auburndale Park Project No:gpbd01 Project Type:Capacity Project Manager:Daryl Faber Description: Activity: 2017 YE 2018 Year End Funding Sources:Prior to 2017 Estimate 2018 Budget 2019 Budget Project Total Fund 321 -Unrestricted Fund Balance - - - - - Grants- Secured (Fed,State,Local)- - - - - Bond Proceeds - - - - - Other (Park Impact Fee)- - - 100,000 - Other (KC Prop 2)- - - - - - - - Capital Expenditures: Design - - - 5,000 - Right of Way - - - - - Construction - - - 95,000 - - - - 100,000 - Total 2020 2021 2022 2023 2018-2023 Funding Sources: Fund 321 -Unrestricted Fund Balance - - - - - Grants- Secured (Fed,State,Local)- - - - - Bond Proceeds - - - - - Other (Park Impact Fee)- - - - 100,000 Other (KC Prop 2)- - - - - - - - - 100,000 Capital Expenditures: Design - - - - 5,000 Right of Way - - - - - Construction - - - - 95,000 - - - - 100,000 Utilities would increase by $5,000 Develop a Master Plan for the Park, install an irrigation system, new play structure and improve signage. Create an entrance to the park from the east via 110th Ave SE to allow access from the adjacent neighborhoods. Construct new section of trail in the western portion of the park. Progress Summary: Future Impact on Operating Budget: Progress Summary: Total Expenditures: Total Expenditures: Total Funding Sources: Forecasted Project Cost: Total Funding Sources: City of Auburn Capital Facilities Plan 196 MUNICIPAL PARKS CONSTRUCTION FUND (321)Capital Facilities Plan Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2018-2023 Capital Projects Fund Project Title: Auburndale Park II Project No:gpbd05 Project Type:Capacity Project Manager:Daryl Faber Activity: 2017 YE 2018 Year End Funding Sources:Prior to 2017 Estimate 2018 Budget 2019 Budget Project Total Fund 321 -Unrestricted Fund Balance - - - - - Grants- Secured (Fed,State,Local)- - - - - Bond Proceeds - - - - - REET - - - - - Other TBD - - - 575,000 - - - - 575,000 Capital Expenditures: Design - - - 75,000 - Right of Way - - - - - Construction - - - 500,000 - - - - 575,000 - Total 2020 2021 2022 2023 2018-2023 Funding Sources: Fund 321 -Unrestricted Fund Balance - - - - - Grants- Secured (Fed,State,Local)- - - - - Bond Proceeds - - - - - REET - - - - - Other TBD - - - 575,000 - - - - 575,000 Capital Expenditures: Design - - - - 75,000 Right of Way - - - - - Construction - - - - 500,000 - - - - 575,000 Description: Develop a Master Plan, improve the existing trail system and install signage and play structure. Progress Summary: Future Impact on Operating Budget: Increased utility costs of $2,000 Total Expenditures: Total Expenditures: Total Funding Sources: Forecasted Project Cost: Total Funding Sources: City of Auburn Capital Facilities Plan 197 MUNICIPAL PARKS CONSTRUCTION FUND (321)Capital Facilities Plan Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2018-2023 Capital Projects Fund Project Title: Sunset Park Project No:gpbd06 Project Type:Capacity Project Manager:Daryl Faber Activity: 2017 YE 2018 Year End Funding Sources:Prior to 2017 Estimate 2018 Budget 2019 Budget Project Total Fund 321 -Unrestricted Fund Balance - - - - - Grants- Secured (Fed,State,Local)- - - - - Bond Proceeds - - - - - Park Impact Fees - - 200,000 - 200,000 Other -Contributions & Donations - - 200,000 - 200,000 - - 400,000 - 400,000 Capital Expenditures: Design - - 15,000 - 15,000 Right of Way - - - - - Construction - - 385,000 - 385,000 - - 400,000 - 400,000 Total 2020 2021 2022 2023 2018-2023 Funding Sources: Fund 321 -Unrestricted Fund Balance - - - - - Grants- Secured (Fed,State,Local)- - - - - Bond Proceeds - - - - - Park Impact Fees - - - - 200,000 Other -Contributions & Donations - - - - 200,000 - - - - 400,000 Capital Expenditures: Design - - - - 15,000 Right of Way - - - - - Construction - - - - 385,000 - - - - 400,000 Description: Expand playground area to include spray park and additional play activities. Coordinate improvements with service club and Lakeland Hills Homeowners Association. Progress Summary: Future Impact on Operating Budget: Increase in Utilities of $10,000 per year Total Expenditures: Total Expenditures: Total Funding Sources: Forecasted Project Cost: Total Funding Sources: City of Auburn Capital Facilities Plan 198 MUNICIPAL PARKS CONSTRUCTION FUND (321)Capital Facilities Plan Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2018-2023 Capital Projects Fund Project Title: BPA Trail on Lea Hill Project No:cpxxxx Project Type:Capacity Project Manager:Daryl Faber Description: Activity: 2017 YE 2018 Year End Funding Sources:Prior to 2017 Estimate 2018 Budget 2019 Budget Project Total Fund 321 -Unrestricted Fund Balance - - - - - Grants- Unsecured (State RCO)- - - - - Bond Proceeds - - - - - REET - - - - - Other (KC Prop. 2)*- - - - - - - - - - Capital Expenditures: Predesign - - - - - Design - - - - - Construction - - - - - - - - - - Total 2020 2021 2022 2023 2018-2023 Funding Sources: Fund 321 -Unrestricted Fund Balance - - - - - Grants- Unsecured (State RCO)150,000 - - - 150,000 Bond Proceeds - - - - - REET - - - - - Other (KC Prop. 2)*- - - - - 150,000 - - - 150,000 Capital Expenditures: Predesign 25,000 - - - 25,000 Design 125,000 - - - 125,000 Construction - - - - - 150,000 - - - 150,000 None Develop a feasibility study related to constructability of a pedestrian trail linking the Jacobsen Tree Farm site to the west end of Lea Hill. This trail would follow the alignment of the Bonneville Power Administration (BPA) transmission lines from 132nd to 108th Avenue SE. Construction would be in phases based on constructability. Progress Summary: Future Impact on Operating Budget: Total Expenditures: Total Expenditures: Total Funding Sources: Forecasted Project Cost: Total Funding Sources: City of Auburn Capital Facilities Plan 199 MUNICIPAL PARKS CONSTRUCTION FUND (321)Capital Facilities Plan Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2018-2023 Capital Projects Fund Project Title: Lakeland Hills Nature Area Project No:gpbd11 Project Type:Capacity Project Manager:Daryl Faber Description: Activity: 2017 YE 2018 Year End Funding Sources:Prior to 2017 Estimate 2018 Budget 2019 Budget Project Total Fund 321 -Unrestricted Fund Balance - - - - - Grants- Secured (Fed,State,Local)- - - - - Bond Proceeds - - - - - Park Impact Fees - 25,000 150,000 - 175,000 Other - - - - - - 25,000 150,000 - 175,000 Capital Expenditures: Design - 25,000 - - 25,000 Right of Way - - - - - Construction - - 150,000 - 150,000 - 25,000 150,000 - 175,000 Total 2020 2021 2022 2023 2018-2023 Funding Sources: Fund 321 -Unrestricted Fund Balance - - - - - Grants- Secured (Fed,State,Local)- - - - - Bond Proceeds - - - - - Park Impact Fees - - - - 150,000 Other - - - - - - - - - 150,000 Capital Expenditures: Design - - - - - Right of Way - - - - - Construction - - - - 150,000 - - - - 150,000 Total Expenditures: Total Expenditures: Total Funding Sources: Forecasted Project Cost: Total Funding Sources: Increased maintenance costs of $5,000 Complete Master Plan to include the development and construction of an environmental community park. Trails, fencing, parking and visitor amenities are included in the project. Progress Summary: Future Impact on Operating Budget: City of Auburn Capital Facilities Plan 200 MUNICIPAL PARKS CONSTRUCTION FUND (321)Capital Facilities Plan Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2018-2023 Capital Projects Fund Project Title: Lakeland Hills Playground Replacement Project No:gpbd15 Project Type:Capacity Project Manager:Jamie Kelly Description: Activity: 2017 YE 2018 Year End Funding Sources:Prior to 2017 Estimate 2018 Budget 2019 Budget Project Total Municipal Parks Construction Fund - - 75,000 - 75,000 Grants- Secured (Fed,State,Local)- - - - - Parks Impact Fees - - 75,000 - 75,000 Other - - - - - - - 150,000 - 150,000 Capital Expenditures: Design - - 10,000 - 10,000 Right of Way - - - - - Construction - - 140,000 - 140,000 - - 150,000 - 150,000 Total 2020 2021 2022 2023 2018-2023 Funding Sources: Municipal Parks Construction Fund - - - - 75,000 Grants- Secured (Fed,State,Local)- - - - - Parks Impact Fees - - - - 75,000 Other - - - - - - - - - 150,000 Capital Expenditures: Design - - - - 10,000 Right of Way - - - - - Construction - - - - 140,000 - - - - 150,000 Replace aging playground at Lakeland Hills. Progress Summary: Future Impact on Operating Budget: None Total Expenditures: Total Funding Sources: Total Expenditures: Forecasted Project Cost: Total Funding Sources: City of Auburn Capital Facilities Plan 201 MUNICIPAL PARKS CONSTRUCTION FUND (321)Capital Facilities Plan Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2018-2023 Capital Projects Fund Project Title: West Hill Lake Property Development Project No:cp1801 Project Type:Capacity Project Manager:Faber Description: Activity: 2017 YE 2018 Year End Funding Sources:Prior to 2017 Estimate 2018 Budget 2019 Budget Project Total Municipal Parks Construction Fund - - - - - Grants- Secured (Fed,State,Local)- - - - - Bond Proceeds - - - - - REET - - - - - Other-Park Impact Fees - - 100,000 - 100,000 - - 100,000 - 100,000 Capital Expenditures: Design - - - - - Right of Way - - - - - Construction - - 100,000 - 100,000 - - 100,000 - 100,000 Total 2020 2021 2022 2023 2018-2023 Funding Sources: Municipal Parks Construction Fund - - - - - Grants- Secured (Fed,State,Local)- - - - - Bond Proceeds - - - - - REET - - - - - Other-Park Impact Fees - - - - 100,000 - - - - 100,000 Capital Expenditures: Design - - - - - Right of Way - - - - - Construction - - - - 100,000 - - - - 100,000 Total Expenditures: Total Funding Sources: Total Expenditures: Forecasted Project Cost: Total Funding Sources: Install and construct park improvements identified in the 2013 Master Plan for the park. Park improvements include trail development, installation of picnic tables and benches, parking improvements, and invasive species removal. Future Impact on Operating Budget: None City of Auburn Capital Facilities Plan 202 MUNICIPAL PARKS CONSTRUCTION FUND (321)Capital Facilities Plan Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2018-2023 Capital Projects Fund Project Title: Miscellaneous Parks Improvements Project No:gpbd03 Project Type:Capacity/Non-Capacity Project Manager:Daryl Faber Description: Activity: (Previous 2 Yrs.)2017 YE 2018 Year End Funding Sources:Prior to 2017 Estimate 2018 Budget 2019 Budget Project Total Fund 321 -Unrestricted Fund Balance 105,937 4,000 50,000 50,000 159,937 Grants- Unsecured State - 50,000 50,000 50,000 100,000 Local Grant - 25,000 - - 25,000 REET 2 - - - - - Other (Park Impact Fee)- 35,000 50,000 50,000 85,000 105,937 114,000 150,000 150,000 369,937 Capital Expenditures: Professional Services - - - - - Right of Way - - - - - Construction 105,937 114,000 150,000 150,000 369,937 105,937 114,000 150,000 150,000 369,937 Total 2020 2021 2022 2023 2018-2023 Funding Sources: Fund 321 -Unrestricted Fund Balance 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 300,000 Grants- Unsecured State 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 300,000 Local Grant - - - - - REET 2 - - - - - Other (Park Impact Fee)*50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 300,000 150,000 150,000 150,000 150,000 900,000 Capital Expenditures: Professional Services - - - - - Right of Way - - - - - Construction 150,000 150,000 150,000 150,000 900,000 150,000 150,000 150,000 150,000 900,000 None Minor park improvements including shelters, roofs, playgrounds, irrigation and restrooms. Progress Summary: Future Impact on Operating Budget: Total Expenditures: Total Expenditures: Total Funding Sources: Forecasted Project Cost: Total Funding Sources: City of Auburn Capital Facilities Plan 203 MUNICIPAL PARKS CONSTRUCTION FUND (321)Capital Facilities Plan Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2018-2023 Capital Projects Fund Project Title: Cameron Park Project No:cpxxxx Project Type:Non-Capacity Project Manager:Daryl Faber Description: Activity: 2017 YE 2018 Year End Funding Sources:Prior to 2017 Estimate 2018 Budget 2019 Budget Project Total Fund 321 -Unrestricted Fund Balance - - - - - Grants- Unsecured (Fed,State,Local)- - - 55,000 - Bond Proceeds - - - - - REET - - - - - Other - - - - - - - - 55,000 - Capital Expenditures: Design - - - 5,000 - Right of Way - - - - - Construction - - - 50,000 - - - - 55,000 - Total 2020 2021 2022 2023 2018-2023 Funding Sources: Fund 321 -Unrestricted Fund Balance - - - - - Grants- Unsecured (Fed,State,Local)- - - - 55,000 Bond Proceeds - - - - - REET - - - - - Other - - - - - - - - - 55,000 Capital Expenditures: Design - - - - 5,000 Right of Way - - - - - Construction - - - - 50,000 - - - - 55,000 None This project will improve the pedestrian trail and add landscape and fencing to serve as buffer to the neighborhood and play structure. This project is identified in the Parks Improvement Plan. Progress Summary: Future Impact on Operating Budget: Total Expenditures: Total Expenditures: Total Funding Sources: Forecasted Project Cost: Total Funding Sources: City of Auburn Capital Facilities Plan 204 MUNICIPAL PARKS CONSTRUCTION FUND (321)Capital Facilities Plan Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2018-2023 Capital Projects Fund Project Title: Gaines Park Project No:gpbd09 Project Type:Non-Capacity Project Manager:Daryl Faber Description: Activity: 2017 YE 2018 Year End Funding Sources:Prior to 2017 Estimate 2018 Budget 2019 Budget Project Total Fund 321 -Unrestricted Fund Balance - - - - - Grants- Secured (Fed,State,Local)- - - - - Bond Proceeds - - - - - REET - - - 35,000 - Other - - - - - - - - 35,000 - Capital Expenditures: Design - - - 10,000 - Right of Way - - - - - Construction - - - 25,000 - - - - 35,000 - Total 2020 2021 2022 2023 2018-2023 Funding Sources: Fund 321 -Unrestricted Fund Balance - - - - - Grants- Secured (Fed,State,Local)- - - - - Bond Proceeds - - - - - REET - - - 35,000 Other - - - - - - - - - 35,000 Capital Expenditures: Design - - - - 10,000 Right of Way - - - - - Construction - - - - 25,000 - - - - 35,000 Total Expenditures: Total Expenditures: Total Funding Sources: Forecasted Project Cost: Total Funding Sources: None Develop a Horticulture Plan for the Park and repair the boardwalk as indicated in the Parks Improvement Plan. Progress Summary: Future Impact on Operating Budget: City of Auburn Capital Facilities Plan 205 MUNICIPAL PARKS CONSTRUCTION FUND (321)Capital Facilities Plan Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2018-2023 Capital Projects Fund Project Title: Fulmer Park Playground Replacement Project No:cpxxxx Project Type:Non-Capacity Project Manager:Jamie Kelly Description: Activity: 2017 YE 2018 Year End Funding Sources:Prior to 2017 Estimate 2018 Budget 2019 Budget Project Total Municipal Parks Construction Fund - - - - - Grants- Secured (Fed,State,Local)- - - 50,000 - Bond Proceeds - - - - - REET - - - - - Other Park Impact - - - 100,000 - - - - 150,000 - Capital Expenditures: Design - - - 7,500 - Right of Way - - - - - Construction - - - 142,500 - - - - 150,000 - Total 2020 2021 2022 2023 2018-2023 Funding Sources: Municipal Parks Construction Fund - - - - - Grants- Secured (Fed,State,Local)- - - - 50,000 Bond Proceeds - - - - - REET - - - - - Other Park Impact - - - - 100,000 - - - - 150,000 Capital Expenditures: Design - - - - 7,500 Right of Way - - - - - Construction - - - - 142,500 - - - - 150,000 Replace aging playground. Progress Summary: Future Impact on Operating Budget: None Total Expenditures: Total Funding Sources: Total Expenditures: Forecasted Project Cost: Total Funding Sources: City of Auburn Capital Facilities Plan 206 MUNICIPAL PARKS CONSTRUCTION FUND (321)Capital Facilities Plan Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2018-2023 Capital Projects Fund Project Title: Game Farm Drainage Improvements Project No:gpbd16 Project Type:Non-Capacity Project Manager:Jamie Kelly Description: Activity: 2017 YE 2018 Year End Funding Sources:Prior to 2017 Estimate 2018 Budget 2019 Budget Project Total Municipal Parks Construction Fund - - - - - Grants- Unsecured (Fed,State,Local)- - - - - REET 2 - - 100,000 100,000 Other - - - - - - - 100,000 - 100,000 Capital Expenditures: Design - - 20,000 - 20,000 Right of Way - - - - - Construction - - 80,000 - 80,000 - - 100,000 - 100,000 Total 2020 2021 2022 2023 2018-2023 Funding Sources: Municipal Parks Construction Fund - - - - - Grants- Unsecured (Fed,State,Local)- - - - - REET 2 - - - - 100,000 Other - - - - - - - - - 100,000 Capital Expenditures: Design - - - - 20,000 Right of Way - - - - - Construction - - - - 80,000 - - - - 100,000 Improve drainage at the entrance and in the parking lot at Game Farm Park. For years the entrance to the park and parking lots have flooded during heavy rain events. Alternatives need to be explored to divert stormwater in the necessary direction to avoid flooding these areas and affecting access to the park and sports complex. Progress Summary: Future Impact on Operating Budget: None Total Expenditures: Total Funding Sources: Total Expenditures: Forecasted Project Cost: Total Funding Sources: City of Auburn Capital Facilities Plan 207 MUNICIPAL PARKS CONSTRUCTION FUND (321)Capital Facilities Plan Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2018-2023 Capital Projects Fund Project Title: Lea Hill Mini Soccer Field Turf Replacement Project No:cpxxxx Project Type:Non-Capacity Project Manager:Daryl Faber Description: Activity: 2017 YE 2018 Year End Funding Sources:Prior to 2017 Estimate 2018 Budget 2019 Budget Project Total Municipal Parks Construction Fund - - - - - Grants- Unsecured (Fed,State,Local)- - - 50,000 - REET - - - - - Other - - - - - - - - 50,000 - Capital Expenditures: Design - - - 2,500 - Right of Way - - - - - Construction - - - 47,500 - - - - 50,000 - Total 2020 2021 2022 2023 2018-2023 Funding Sources: Municipal Parks Construction Fund - - - - - Grants- Unsecured (Fed,State,Local)- - - - 50,000 REET - - - - - Other - - - - - - - - - 50,000 Capital Expenditures: Design - - - - 2,500 Right of Way - - - - - Construction - - - - 47,500 - - - - 50,000 Replace synthetic turf in the Kompan mini soccer field. Based on heavy use of this facility surface replacement is expected to be needed at approximate 5 year intervals. Progress Summary: Future Impact on Operating Budget: None Total Expenditures: Total Funding Sources: Total Expenditures: Forecasted Project Cost: Total Funding Sources: City of Auburn Capital Facilities Plan 208 MUNICIPAL PARKS CONSTRUCTION FUND (321)Capital Facilities Plan Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2018-2023 Capital Projects Fund Project Title: 10th Green & Surrounds Rebuild Project No:gpbd18 Project Type:Non-capacity Project Manager:Daryl Faber Description: Activity: 2017 YE 2018 Year End Funding Sources:Prior to 2017 Estimate 2018 Budget 2019 Budget Project Total Municipal Parks Construction Fund - - - - - Grants- Secured (Fed,State,Local)- - - - - Bond Proceeds - - - - - REET - - 27,000 - 27,000 Other - - - - - - - 27,000 - 27,000 54,000 Capital Expenditures: Design - - - - - Right of Way - - - - - Construction - - 27,000 27,000 - - 27,000 - 27,000 Total 2020 2021 2022 2023 2018-2023 Funding Sources: Municipal Parks Construction Fund - - - - - Grants- Secured (Fed,State,Local)- - - - - Bond Proceeds - - - - - REET - - - - 27,000 Other - - - - - - - - - 27,000 Capital Expenditures: Design - - - - - Right of Way - - - - - Construction - - - - 27,000 - - - - 27,000 Install drainage improvements to remedy poor surface and subsurface drainage. Drainage improvements will include cutting and filling the site to proper grades, installing subsurface drainage, and grading all imported materials to a finished product. Sod will be cut and saved, and irrigation will be installed by golf course staff. Total Expenditures: Total Funding Sources: Total Expenditures: Forecasted Project Cost: Total Funding Sources: Future Impact on Operating Budget: None City of Auburn Capital Facilities Plan 209 MUNICIPAL PARKS CONSTRUCTION FUND (321)Capital Facilities Plan Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2018-2023 Capital Projects Fund Project Title: Fairway Drainage Improvement Project No:gpbd19 Project Type:Non-capacity Project Manager:Daryl Faber Description: Activity: 2017 YE 2018 Year End Funding Sources:Prior to 2017 Estimate 2018 Budget 2019 Budget Project Total Municipal Parks Construction Fund - - - - - Grants- Secured (Fed,State,Local)- - - - - Bond Proceeds - - - - - REET - 30,000 30,000 - 60,000 Other - - - - - - 30,000 30,000 - 60,000 Capital Expenditures: Design - - - - - Right of Way - - - - - Construction - 30,000 30,000 - 60,000 - 30,000 30,000 - 60,000 Total 2020 2021 2022 2023 2018-2023 Funding Sources: Municipal Parks Construction Fund - - - - - Grants- Secured (Fed,State,Local)- - - - - Bond Proceeds - - - - - REET - - - - 30,000 Other - - - - - - - - - 30,000 Capital Expenditures: Design - - - - - Right of Way - - - - - Construction - - - - 30,000 - - - - 30,000 Apply top dressing sand to the first five fairways in order to firm up these landing areas so that the holes are playable year round. Sand will be applied with a three yard topdressing machine. Sand will be applied bi/weekly at a tenth of an inch of sand throughout the fairways. Fairways will start to show improvements once four inches of sand are applied. Total Expenditures: Total Funding Sources: Total Expenditures: Forecasted Project Cost: Total Funding Sources: Future Impact on Operating Budget: None City of Auburn Capital Facilities Plan 210 MUNICIPAL PARKS CONSTRUCTION FUND (321)Capital Facilities Plan Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2018-2023 Capital Projects Fund Project Title: Les Gove Campus Security Cameras Project No:gpbd22 Project Type:Non-capacity Project Manager:Daryl Faber Description: Activity: 2017 YE 2018 Year End Funding Sources:Prior to 2017 Estimate 2018 Budget 2019 Budget Project Total Municipal Parks Construction Fund - - 20,000 - 20,000 Grants- Secured (Fed,State,Local)- - - - - Bond Proceeds - - - - - REET - - - - - Other - - - - - - - 20,000 - 20,000 Capital Expenditures: Design - - - - - Right of Way - - - - - Construction - - 20,000 - 20,000 - - 20,000 - 20,000 Total 2020 2021 2022 2023 2018-2023 Funding Sources: Municipal Parks Construction Fund - - - - 20,000 Grants- Secured (Fed,State,Local)- - - - - Bond Proceeds - - - - - REET - - - - - Other - - - - - - - - - 20,000 Capital Expenditures: Design - - - - - Right of Way - - - - - Construction - - - - 20,000 - - - - 20,000 Install infrared security cameras to both the interior areas of the park, and the northern parking lots. There will be three observation areas that will cover a majority of the approximate 25 -acres of park area. The system has off-site monitoring capabilities, which includes both web and smartphone viewing. The HD level cameras have zoom technology that will aid the Police Department, improve public safety, and decrease crime in and around the Les Gove Community Campus. Future Impact on Operating Budget: None Total Expenditures: Total Funding Sources: Total Expenditures: Forecasted Project Cost: Total Funding Sources: City of Auburn Capital Facilities Plan 211 City of Auburn Capital Facilities Plan 212 TABLE PR-3 Impact on Future Operating Budgets PARKS, ARTS & RECREATION - MUNICIPAL PARKS CONSTRUCTION Project:2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 Total 1 Les Gove Park Imp.5,000$ 5,000$ 5,000$ 5,000$ 5,000$ 5,000$ 30,000$ - 2 Auburndale Park - 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 25,000 3 Auburndale Park II - 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 10,000 - - 4 Sunset Park 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 60,000 5 Lakeland Hills Nature Area 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 30,000 Total 20,000$ 27,000$ 27,000$ 27,000$ 27,000$ 27,000$ 155,000$ City of Auburn Capital Facilities Plan 213 SENIOR CENTER Current Facilities The City of Auburn currently has one Senior Center. Table PR-5 Facilities Inventory lists the facility along with its current capacity and location. Level of Service (LOS) The current LOS of 154.51 square feet per 1,000 population is based on the existing inventory divided by the 2017 citywide population of 78,960. The proposed LOS of 140.47 square feet per 1,000 population is based on the projected inventory divided by the 2023 projected citywide population of 86,850. Capital Facilities Projects and Financing The CFP does not include any senior center capital facilities projects during 2018-2023. Impact on Future Operating Budgets There are no operating budget impacts forecasted for the senior center facility during the six years 2019 – 2024. TABLE PR-5 Facilities Inventory Senior Center CAPACITY FACILITY (Square Feet)LOCATION Existing Inventory: Senior Center 12,200 808 9th Street SE Total Existing Inventory 12,200 Proposed Capacity Projects: None - Total Proposed Capacity Projects - 2023 Projected Inventory Total 12,200 City of Auburn Capital Facilities Plan 214 City of Auburn Capital Facilities Plan 215 GENERAL MUNICIPAL BUILDINGS Current Facilities The current inventory of City government administration and operations facilities include 204,858 square feet for general government operations, 61,680 square feet for police services, and 38,646 square feet for fire protection, for a total of 296,440 square feet. Table GM – 1 “Facilities Inventory” lists the facilities along with their current capacity and location. Level of Service (LOS) The current LOS of 3,865.05 square feet per 1,000 population is based on the existing inventory divided by the 2017 citywide population of 78,960. The proposed LOS of 3,513.92 square feet per 1,000 population is based on the projected inventory divided by the 2023 projected citywide population of 86,850. Capital Facilities Projects and Financing The City’s General Municipal Building facilities include eight capital projects at a cost of $2,327,000 and debt service at a cost of $3,980,489 for a total of $6,307,489. The major projects include (1) $637,000 for the Downtown Auburn Arts Center, (2) $470,000 for Equipment Rental Vehicle Maintenance Bay (3) $320,000 for M&O Fuel Tank (4) $250,000 for City Hall Exterior Structural Repairs and $3,980,489 for City Hall Annex debt service costs. Table GM – 2 shows the proposed financing plan followed by individual worksheets showing the project detail. Impact on Future Operating Budgets As Table GM-3 shows, operating budget impacts of $570,000 are forecasted for General Municipal buildings facilities during the six years 2019 - 2024. City of Auburn Capital Facilities Plan 216 TABLE GM-1 Facilities Inventory General Municipal Buildings CAPACITY FACILITY (Square Feet)LOCATION Existing Inventory: General Government: City Hall 61,721 25 W Main Street City Hall Annex 45,034 1 W Main Street City Maintenance & Operations Facility 17,940 1305 C Street SW Community Center 13,973 910 9th Street SE Municipal Court (Justice Center-Leased to King County)12,200 340 E Main Street Activity Center 10,074 910 9th Street SE R Street Building 9,766 2840 Riverwalk Drive Downtown Auburn Arts Center 8,744 100 Auburn Avenue Youth Center 7,132 910 9th Street SE Auburn Valley Humane Society -(Leased to AVHS)5,900 4910 A Street GSA Building 5,580 2905 C Street SW #815 Les Gove Storage Building 4,044 910 9th Street SE Street Waste Handling Facility 2,750 1305 C Street SW Total 204,858 Police: Gun range 32,880 1600 Block 15th St NW Headquarters (Justice Center)24,800 340 E Main Street Seized vehicle parking stalls 3,000 2905 C Street SW GSA Building 1,000 2905 C Street SW #815 Total 61,680 Fire: Stations: GSA Station #35 16,526 2905 C Street SW North Station #31 12,220 1101 D Street NE South Station #32 5,200 1951 R Street SE Other Facilities: North Station Maint. Facility 4,700 1101 D Street NE Total 38,646 Total Existing Inventory 305,184 Proposed Capacity Projects: Total Proposed Capacity Projects - 2023 Projected Inventory Total 305,184 City of Auburn Capital Facilities Plan 217 TABLE GM-2 CAPITAL FACILITIES PLAN PROJECTS AND FINANCING GENERAL MUNICIPAL BUILDINGS 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 Total Capacity Projects: None Non-Capacity Projects: 1 M & O Vehicle Storage Bay Improvements Capital Costs 100,000 100,000 - - - - 200,000 Funding Sources: REET 1 25,000 25,000 - - - - 50,000 Operating Transfer -Water 25,000 25,000 - - - - 50,000 Operating Transfer -Sewer 25,000 25,000 - - - - 50,000 Operating Transfer -Storm 25,000 25,000 - - - - 50,000 2 Equipment Rental Vehicle Maintenance Bay Capital Costs 220,000 250,000 - - - - 470,000 Funding Sources: REET 1 55,000 62,500 - - - - 117,500 Operating Transfer -Water 55,000 62,500 - - - - 117,500 Operating Transfer -Sewer 55,000 62,500 - - - - 117,500 Operating Transfer -Storm 55,000 62,500 - - - - 117,500 3 M&O Fuel Tank Replacement Capital Costs 250,000 70,000 - - - - 320,000 Funding Sources: REET 1 62,500 17,500 - - - - 80,000 Operating Transfer -Water 62,500 17,500 - - - - 80,000 Operating Transfer -Sewer 62,500 17,500 - - - - 80,000 Operating Transfer -Storm 62,500 17,500 - - - - 80,000 4 M&O Lunchroom Expansion Capital Costs 150,000 - - - - - 150,000 Funding Sources: REET 1 37,500 - - - - - 37,500 Operating Transfer -Water 37,500 - - - - - 37,500 Operating Transfer -Sewer 37,500 - - - - - 37,500 Operating Transfer -Storm 37,500 - - - - - 37,500 5 M&O Master Planning Capital Costs 50,000 50,000 - - - - 100,000 Funding Sources: REET 1 12,500 12,500 - - - - 25,000 Operating Transfer -Water 12,500 12,500 - - - - 25,000 Operating Transfer -Sewer 12,500 12,500 - - - - 25,000 Operating Transfer -Storm 12,500 12,500 - - - - 25,000 6 Downtown Auburn Arts Center Capital Costs 637,000 - - - - - 637,000 Funding Sources: Grants 637,000 - - - - - 637,000 7 City Hall Exterior Structural Repairs Capital Costs 250,000 - - - - - 250,000 Funding Sources: REET 1 250,000 - - - - - 250,000 City of Auburn Capital Facilities Plan 218 TABLE GM-2 (continued) 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 Total Non-Capacity Projects: 8 City Hall Roof Replacement Capital Costs 200,000 - - - - - 200,000 Funding Sources: REET 1 200,000 - - - - - 200,000 9 City Hall Annex Long-Term Debt 645,039 657,100 658,200 656,250 674,150 689,750 3,980,489 Funding Sources: REET 1 645,039 657,100 658,200 656,250 674,150 689,750 3,980,489 Subtotal, Non-Capacity Projects: Capital Costs 1,857,000 470,000 - - - - 2,327,000 SUMMARY: CAPITAL COSTS Non-Capacity Projects 1,857,000 470,000 - - - - 2,327,000 Long-Term Debt 645,039 657,100 658,200 656,250 674,150 689,750 3,980,489 Total Costs 2,502,039 1,127,100 658,200 656,250 674,150 689,750 6,307,489 FUNDING SOURCES: Operating Transfer -Water 192,500 117,500 - - - - 310,000 Operating Transfer -Sewer 192,500 117,500 - - - - 310,000 Operating Transfer -Storm 192,500 117,500 - - - - 310,000 Grants 637,000 - - - - - 637,000 REET 1 1,287,539 774,600 658,200 656,250 674,150 689,750 4,740,489 Total Funding 2,502,039 1,127,100 658,200 656,250 674,150 689,750 6,307,489 City of Auburn Capital Facilities Plan 219 EQUIPMENT RENTAL FUND (560)Capital Facilities Plan Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2018-2023 Enterprise Funds Project Title: M&O Vehicle Storage Bay Improvements Project No:cp0711 Project Type: Project Manager:Randy Bailey Description: Activity: 2017 YE 2018 Year End Funding Sources:Prior to 2017 Estimate 2018 Budget 2019 Budget Project Total Unrestricted Equip. Rental Revenue - - - - - REET 1 - - 25,000 25,000 25,000 Other (Water, Sewer, Storm)- - 75,000 75,000 75,000 - - 100,000 100,000 100,000 Capital Expenditures: Design - - 20,000 - 20,000 Right of Way - - - - - Construction 80,000 100,000 80,000 - - 100,000 100,000 100,000 Total 2020 2021 2022 2023 2018-2023 Funding Sources: Unrestricted Equip. Rental Revenue - - - - - REET 1 - - - - 50,000 Other (Water, Sewer, Storm)- - - - 150,000 - - - - 200,000 Capital Expenditures: Design - - - - 20,000 Right of Way - - - - - Construction - - - - 180,000 - - - - 200,000 Non-Capacity Total Funding Sources: Total Expenditures: Total Expenditures: Total Funding Sources: Forecasted Project Cost: Enclose the 8 existing bays to provide necessary weather protection for street sweepers, vactors, sanding, and snow plow equipment. Construct storage shed to facilitate removal of portable containers, improving space utilization and traffic flow throughout M&O. Progress Summary: Future Impact on Operating Budget: None City of Auburn Capital Facilities Plan 220 EQUIPMENT RENTAL FUND (560)Capital Facilities Plan Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2018-2023 Enterprise Funds Project Title: Equipment Rental Vehicle Maintenance Bay Project No:cp1223 Project Type: Project Manager:Randy Bailey Description: Activity: 2017 YE 2018 Year End Funding Sources:Prior to 2017 Estimate 2018 Budget 2019 Budget Project Total Unrestricted Equip. Rental Revenue - - - - REET 1 - - 55,000 62,500 55,000 Other (Water, Sewer, Storm)- - 165,000 187,500 165,000 - - 220,000 250,000 220,000 Capital Expenditures: Design - - 22,000 - 22,000 Right of Way - - - - - Construction - - 198,000 250,000 198,000 - - 220,000 250,000 220,000 Total 2020 2021 2022 2023 2018-2023 Funding Sources: Unrestricted Equip. Rental Revenue - - - - - REET 1 - - - - 117,500 Other (Water, Sewer, Storm)- - - - 352,500 - - - - 470,000 Capital Expenditures: Design - - - - 22,000 Right of Way - - - - - Construction - - - - 448,000 - - - - 470,000 Non-Capacity Build additional vehicle bay at Equipment Rental shop for heavy equipment and large vehicles to improve efficiency and remove choke points. Adding a large vehicle bay with a large vehicle lift will enable us to perform inspections and maintenance on more than one large vehicle at a time, this becomes extremely important during emergency operations such as snow and ice events. The City currently has 2.5 maintenance bays, this project will add one more maintenance bay for a total of 3.5 bays. Progress Summary: Future Impact on Operating Budget: None Total Funding Sources: Total Expenditures: Total Expenditures: Total Funding Sources: Forecasted Project Cost: City of Auburn Capital Facilities Plan 221 EQUIPMENT RENTAL FUND (560)Capital Facilities Plan Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2018-2023 Enterprise Funds Project Title: M&O Fuel Tank Replacement Project No:erbd01 Project Type: Project Manager:Randy Bailey Description: Activity: 2017 YE 2018 Year End Funding Sources:Prior to 2017 Estimate 2018 Budget 2019 Budget Project Total Unrestricted Equip. Rental Revenue - - - - - REET 1 - - 62,500 17,500 62,500 Other (Water, Sewer, Storm)- - 187,500 52,500 187,500 - - 250,000 70,000 250,000 Capital Expenditures: Design - - 25,000 - 25,000 Right of Way - - - - - Construction - - 225,000 70,000 295,000 - - 250,000 70,000 250,000 Total 2020 2021 2022 2023 2018-2023 Funding Sources: Unrestricted Equip. Rental Revenue - - - - - REET 1 - - - - 80,000 Other (Water, Sewer, Storm)- - - - 240,000 - - - - 320,000 Capital Expenditures: Design - - - - 25,000 Right of Way - - - - - Construction - - - - 295,000 - - - - 320,000 Total Funding Sources: Total Expenditures: Total Funding Sources: Total Expenditures: Forecasted Project Cost: This project should reduce the operating budget due to lower maintenance and inspection costs. Non-Capacity Replace three 10,000 gallon underground tanks with new above ground tanks. The existing tanks were installed in 1989 and are single wall fiberglass tanks. It will be a benefit to the City to have the tanks above ground in the future due to the reduced maintenance and inspection cost. Progress Summary: Future Impact on Operating Budget: City of Auburn Capital Facilities Plan 222 EQUIPMENT RENTAL FUND (560)Capital Facilities Plan Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2018-2023 Enterprise Funds Project Title: M&O Lunchroom Expansion Project No:erbd02 Project Type: Project Manager:Randy Bailey Description: Activity: 2017 YE 2018 Year End Funding Sources:Prior to 2017 Estimate 2018 Budget 2019 Budget Project Total Unrestricted Equip. Rental Revenue - - - - - REET 1 - - 37,500 - 37,500 Other (Water, Sewer, Storm)- - 112,500 - 112,500 - - 150,000 - 150,000 Capital Expenditures: Design - - 10,000 - 10,000 Right of Way - - - - - Construction - - 140,000 - 140,000 - - 150,000 - 150,000 Total 2020 2021 2022 2023 2018-2023 Funding Sources: Unrestricted Equip. Rental Revenue - - - - - REET 1 - - - - 37,500 Other (Water, Sewer, Storm)- - - - 112,500 - - - - 150,000 Capital Expenditures: Design - - - - 10,000 Right of Way - - - - - Construction - - - - 140,000 - - - - 150,000 Total Funding Sources: Total Expenditures: Total Funding Sources: Total Expenditures: Forecasted Project Cost: None Non-Capacity Expansion of the current lunchroom by redesigning the area to accommodate All-Staff meetings, provide for a training facility, lunch room and also serve as the Department Operations Center (DOC) during an emergency event. In addition, the design will include sliding doors which will allow the area to serve two purposes at once, for example, one half of the room being used as a DOC and the other half open to employees to use as a lunch/break room. Progress Summary: This project will be designed and built in 2018 Future Impact on Operating Budget: City of Auburn Capital Facilities Plan 223 EQUIPMENT RENTAL FUND (560)Capital Facilities Plan Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2018-2023 Enterprise Funds Project Title: Maintenance and Operations Master Planning Project No:erbd03 Project Type: Project Manager: Description: Activity: 2017 YE 2018 Year End Funding Sources:Prior to 2017 Estimate 2018 Budget 2019 Budget Project Total Unrestricted Equip. Rental Revenue - - - - - REET 1 - - 12,500 12,500 12,500 Other (Water, Sewer, Storm)- - 37,500 37,500 37,500 - - 50,000 50,000 50,000 Capital Expenditures: Design - - 50,000 50,000 100,000 Right of Way - - - - - Construction - - - - - - - 50,000 50,000 100,000 Total 2020 2021 2022 2023 2018-2023 Funding Sources: Unrestricted Equip. Rental Revenue - - - - - REET 1 - - - - 25,000 Other (Water, Sewer, Storm)- - - - 75,000 - - - - 100,000 Capital Expenditures: Design - - - - 100,000 Right of Way - - - - - Construction - - - - - - - - - 100,000 None, but could generate future projects or improvements based on the outcome. Non capacity Use consulting services to look at current and future space needs for maintenance activities. This will encompass land, building and access needs at the existing site or other locations. Progress Summary: Future Impact on Operating Budget: Total Funding Sources: Total Expenditures: Total Funding Sources: Total Expenditures: Forecasted Project Cost: City of Auburn Capital Facilities Plan 224 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUND (328)Capital Facilities Plan Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2018-2023 Capital Projects Fund Project Title: Downtown Auburn Arts Center Project No:cp1612 Project Type:Non-Capacity Project Manager:Daryl Faber Description: Activity: 2017 YE 2018 Year End Funding Sources:Prior to 2017 Estimate 2018 Budget 2019 Budget Project Total Unrestricted Fund Balance - - - - - Grants- Unsecured (State)- - 497,000 - 497,000 Grants- Secured (4Culture)- 210,000 100,000 - 310,000 Grants - Local Unsecured - - 40,000 - 40,000 Bond Proceeds - - - - - REET - - - - - Other - 42,138 - - 42,138 - 252,138 637,000 - 889,138 Capital Expenditures: Design - 100,000 - - 100,000 Right of Way - - - - - Construction - 152,138 637,000 - 789,138 - 252,138 637,000 - 889,138 Total 2020 2021 2022 2023 2018-2023 Funding Sources: Unrestricted Fund Balance - - - - - Grants- Unsecured (State)- - - - 497,000 Grants- Secured (4Culture)- - - - 100,000 Grants - Local Unsecured - - - - 40,000 Bond Proceeds - - - - - REET - - - - - Other - - - - - - - - - 637,000 Capital Expenditures: Design - - - - - Right of Way - - - - - Construction - - - - 637,000 - - - - 637,000 Renovation to the property and building located at 20 Auburn Avenue (100 Auburn Avenue) Building for the creation of an Downtown Auburn Arts Center. The renovation of this building will allow increased access to the arts for all of Auburn residents and visitors. Having a dedicated Art Center alongside the Auburn Avenue Theater performing arts series has the potential to transform Auburn into an arts tourism destination within the South Puget Sound. This project is a high priority for the City of Auburn and the purchase of this important building was completed in 2016. Progress Summary: Future Impact on Operating Budget: The annual operating budget fiscal impact is estimated to be $95,000. Total Expenditures: Total Funding Sources: Total Expenditures: Forecasted Project Cost: Total Funding Sources: City of Auburn Capital Facilities Plan 225 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUND (328)Capital Facilities Plan Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2018-2023 Capital Projects Fund Project Title: City Hall Exterior Structural Repairs Project No:gcbd10 Project Type:Non-Capacity Project Manager:TBD Description: Activity: 2017 YE 2018 Year End Funding Sources:Prior to 2017 Estimate 2018 Budget 2019 Budget Project Total Unrestricted Fund Balance - - - - - Grants - Secured (Fed,State,Local)- - - - - REET 1 - - 250,000 - 250,000 - - 250,000 - 250,000 Capital Expenditures: Design - - - - - Construction - - 250,000 - 250,000 Long-Term Debt Service - - - - - - - 250,000 - 250,000 Total 2020 2021 2022 2023 2018-2023 Funding Sources: Unrestricted Fund Balance - - - - - Grants - - - - - REET 1 - - - - 250,000 - - - - 250,000 Capital Expenditures: Design - - - - - Construction - - - - 250,000 Long-Term Debt Service - - - - - - - - - 250,000 This project will fund City Hall exterior structural repairs Progress Summary: Future Impact on Operating Budget: None Total Expenditures: Total Funding Sources: Total Expenditures: Forecasted Project Cost: Total Funding Sources: City of Auburn Capital Facilities Plan 226 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUND (328)Capital Facilities Plan Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2018-2023 Capital Projects Fund Project Title: City Hall Roof Replacement Project No:gcbd11 Project Type:Non-Capacity Project Manager:TBD Description: Activity: 2017 YE 2018 Year End Funding Sources:Prior to 2017 Estimate 2018 Budget 2019 Budget Project Total Unrestricted Fund Balance - - - - - Grants - Secured (Fed,State,Local)- - - - - REET 1 - - 200,000 - 200,000 - - 200,000 - 200,000 Capital Expenditures: Design - - - - - Construction - - 200,000 - 200,000 Long-Term Debt Service - - - - - - - 200,000 - 200,000 Total 2020 2021 2022 2023 2018-2023 Funding Sources: Unrestricted Fund Balance - - - - - Grants - - - - - REET 1 - - - - 200,000 - - - - 200,000 Capital Expenditures: Design - - - - - Construction - - - - 200,000 Long-Term Debt Service - - - - - - - - - 200,000 This project will replace the existing roof at City Hall. Progress Summary: Future Impact on Operating Budget: Total Expenditures: Total Funding Sources: Total Expenditures: Forecasted Project Cost: Total Funding Sources: City of Auburn Capital Facilities Plan 227 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUND (328)Capital Facilities Plan Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2018-2023 Capital Projects Fund Project Title: City Hall Annex Project No: Project Type: Project Manager: Description: Activity: (Previous 2 Yrs.)2017 YE 2018 Year End Funding Sources:Prior to 2017 Estimate 2018 Budget 2019 Budget Project Total Unrestricted Fund Balance - - - - - Grants - Secured (Fed,State,Local)- - - - - REET 1 1,316,947 645,037 645,039 657,100 2,607,023 1,316,947 645,037 645,039 657,100 2,607,023 Capital Expenditures: Design - - - - - Construction - - - - - Long-Term Debt Service 1,316,947 645,037 645,039 657,100 2,607,023 1,316,947 645,037 645,039 657,100 2,607,023 Total 2020 2021 2022 2023 2018-2023 Funding Sources: Unrestricted Fund Balance - - - - - Grants - Secured (Fed,State,Local)- - - - - REET 1 658,200 656,250 674,150 689,750 3,980,489 658,200 656,250 674,150 689,750 3,980,489 Capital Expenditures: Design - - - - - Construction - - - - - Long-Term Debt Service 658,200 656,250 674,150 689,750 3,980,489 658,200 656,250 674,150 689,750 3,980,489 Total Expenditures: Total Funding Sources: Total Expenditures: Forecasted Project Cost: Total Funding Sources: To pay scheduled debt service costs on 2010 General Obligation bonds issued for the City Hall Annex. Progress Summary: Future Impact on Operating Budget: N/A City of Auburn Capital Facilities Plan 228 TABLE GM-3 Impact on Future Operating Budgets GENERAL MUNICIPAL BUILDINGS Project:2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 Total 1 Downtown Auburn Arts Center 95,000$ 95,000$ 95,000$ 95,000$ 95,000$ 95,000$ 570,000$ Total 95,000$ 95,000$ 95,000$ 95,000$ 95,000$ 95,000$ 570,000$ City of Auburn Capital Facilities Plan 229 COMMUNITY IMPROVEMENTS Current Facilities Community Improvements include sidewalk and traffic signal improvements, neighborhood traffic calming program, Main Street urban design improvements, public art and phase 2 of the Auburn Environmental Park Boardwalk project. Level of Service (LOS) No Level of Service for community improvement projects have been identified at this time. Capital Facilities Projects and Financing The City’s proposed Community Improvements include twelve capital projects at a cost of $21,797,060 and debt service at a cost of 1,336,709 for a total of $23,133,769. Table CI-2 shows the proposed financing plan followed by individual work sheets showing the project detail. Impact on Future Operating Budgets As Table CI-3 shows, operating budget impacts of $30,000 are forecasted for community improvement facilities during the six years 2019-2024. City of Auburn Capital Facilities Plan 230 TABLE CI-2 CAPITAL FACILITIES PLAN PROJECTS AND FINANCING COMMUNITY IMPROVEMENTS 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 Total Capacity Projects: 1 Auburn Way South (SR-164) Sidewalk Improvements Capital Costs 670,000 - - - - - 670,000 Funding Sources: Capital Improvement Fund 128,000 - - - - - 128,000 Grants (Fed,State,Local)323,000 - - - - - 323,000 Other Fund 102 52,000 - - - - - 52,000 REET 2 167,000 - - - - - 167,000 2 104th Ave. Park Development Capital Costs - 750,000 - - - - 750,000 Funding Sources: Capital Improvement Fund - - - - - - - Grants (Fed,State,Local)- 250,000 - - - - 250,000 Other Park Impact Fees - 500,000 - - - - 500,000 Subtotal, Capacity Projects: Capital Costs 670,000 750,000 - - - - 1,420,000 Non-Capacity Projects: 3 Citywide ADA & Sidewalk Improvements Capital Costs 200,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 1,200,000 Funding Sources: Capital Improvement Fund - REET 2 200,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 1,200,000 4 Annual Traffic Signal Replacement & Improvements Capital Costs 175,000 175,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 1,150,000 Funding Sources: Capital Improvement Fund - - - - - - - REET 2 175,000 175,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 1,150,000 5 Neighborhood Traffic Calming Program Capital Costs 150,000 150,000 150,000 150,000 150,000 150,000 900,000 Funding Sources: Capital Improvement Fund - - - - - - - REET 2 150,000 150,000 150,000 150,000 150,000 150,000 900,000 6 Public Art Capital Costs 115,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 265,000 Funding Sources: Capital Improvement Fund - - - - - - - REET 2 115,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 265,000 7 City Wetland Mitigation Projects Capital Costs 31,570 5,000 5,000 5,000 - - 46,570 Funding Sources: Capital Improvement Fund - - - - - - - Other (Fund 124-Wetland Mit.)31,570 5,000 5,000 5,000 - - 46,570 8 Auburn Environmental Park Boardwalk -Phase 2 Capital Costs - 75,000 800,000 - - - 875,000 Funding Sources: Capital Improvement Fund - - - - - - - REET 2 - 75,000 - - - - 75,000 Other - To Be Determined - - 800,000 - - - 800,000 City of Auburn Capital Facilities Plan 231 TABLE CI-2 (continued) 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 Total Non-Capacity Projects: 9 Citywide Bridge Railing Replacement Capital Costs 100,000 100,000 100,000 - - - 300,000 Funding Sources: Capital Improvement Fund - - - - - - - REET 2 100,000 100,000 100,000 - - - 300,000 10 Citywide Street Lighting Improvements Capital Costs 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 600,000 Funding Sources: Capital Improvement Fund - - - - - - - REET 2 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 600,000 11 Main Street Urban Design Improvements and Implementation Capital Costs - - - 10,700,000 - 4,300,000 15,000,000 Funding Sources: Capital Improvement Fund - - - - - - - Other - To Be Determined - - - 10,700,000 - 4,300,000 15,000,000 12 City Downtown Public Parking Lot Reconfiguration Capital Costs 40,490 - - - - - 40,490 Funding Sources: Local Revitalization Fund 40,490 - - - - - 40,490 Other - To Be Determined - - - - - - - 13 Local Revitalization Long Term Debt 226,109 220,500 220,300 224,700 223,400 221,700 1,336,709 Funding Sources: REET 2 226,109 220,500 220,300 224,700 223,400 221,700 1,336,709 Subtotal, Non-Capacity Projects: Capital Costs 912,060 835,000 1,585,000 11,385,000 680,000 4,980,000 20,377,060 SUMMARY: CAPITAL COSTS Capacity Projects 670,000 750,000 - - - - 1,420,000 Non-Capacity Projects 912,060 835,000 1,585,000 11,385,000 680,000 4,980,000 20,377,060 Long-Term Debt 226,109 220,500 220,300 224,700 223,400 221,700 1,336,709 Total Costs 1,808,169 1,805,500 1,805,300 11,609,700 903,400 5,201,700 23,133,769 FUNDING SOURCES: Capital Improvement Fund 328 128,000 - - - - - 128,000 Local Revitalization Fund 330 40,490 - - - - - 40,490 Grants 323,000 250,000 - - - - 573,000 REET 2 1,233,109 1,050,500 1,000,300 904,700 903,400 901,700 5,993,709 Other -To Be Determined - - 800,000 10,700,000 - 4,300,000 15,800,000 Other (Fund 102)52,000 - - - - - 52,000 Other (Fund 124-Parks Impact)- 500,000 - - - - 500,000 Other (Fund 124-Wetland Mit.)31,570 5,000 5,000 5,000 - - 46,570 Total Funding 1,808,169 1,805,500 1,805,300 11,609,700 903,400 5,201,700 23,133,769 City of Auburn Capital Facilities Plan 232 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUND (328)Capital Facilities Plan Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2018-2023 Capital Projects Fund Project Title: Auburn Way South (SR-164) Sidewalk Improvements TIP #55 Project No:cp1705 Project Type:Capacity Project Manager:Matt Larson Activity: 2017 YE 2018 Year End Funding Sources:Prior to 2017 Estimate 2018 Budget 2019 Budget Project Total Unrestricted Fund Balance - - 128,000 - 128,000 Grants - Secured State - 77,000 323,000 - 400,000 REET 2 - 83,000 167,000 - 250,000 Other (Fund 102)- - 52,000 - 52,000 - 160,000 670,000 - 830,000 Capital Expenditures: Design - 160,000 - - 160,000 Right of Way - - - - - Construction - - 670,000 - 670,000 160,000 670,000 - 830,000 Total 2020 2021 2022 2023 2018-2023 Funding Sources: Unrestricted Fund Balance - - - - 128,000 Grants - Secured State - - - - 323,000 REET 2 - - - - 167,000 Other (Fund 102)- - - - 52,000 - - - - 670,000 Capital Expenditures: Design - - - - - Right of Way - - - - - Construction - - - - 670,000 - - - - 670,000 Total Funding Sources: Total Expenditures: Forecasted Project Cost: Total Funding Sources: Total Expenditures: Description: The project will construct missing sidewalk along the north side of Auburn Way S. The existing sidewalks currently end to the east of the intersection with 17th Street SE and restart to the west of the intersection with Muckleshoot Plaza. The sidewalk gap extends for approximately 1,700 feet. Progress Summary: Grant funding for the project was secured in 2016. Future Impact on Operating Budget: There is no impact to the street maintenance budget. City of Auburn Capital Facilities Plan 233 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUND (328)Capital Facilities Plan Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2018-2023 Capital Projects Fund Project Title: 104th Ave. Park Development Project No: cp1619 Project Type: Capacity Project Manager: Jamie Kelly Description: Activity: 2017 YE 2018 Year End Funding Sources:Prior to 2017 Estimate 2018 Budget 2019 Budget Project Total Unrestricted Cap Improve - - - - Grants - Unsecured State - - - 250,000 - Other -Park Impact Fees 32,000 500,000 32,000 - 32,000 - 750,000 32,000 Capital Expenditures: Design - 32,000 - 100,000 32,000 Construction - - - 650,000 - Long-Term Debt Service - - - - - 32,000 - 750,000 32,000 Total 2020 2021 2022 2023 2018-2023 Funding Sources: Unrestricted Cap Improve - - - - - Grants - Unsecured State - - - - 250,000 Other -Park Impact Fees 500,000 - - - - 750,000 Capital Expenditures: Design - - - - 100,000 Construction - - - - 650,000 Long-Term Debt Service - - - - - - - - - 750,000 Complete Master Plan and construct park improvements identified in the Master Plan. Anticipated improvements include parking, trails, restroom, and playground. Work associated with permit approvals is also included in the budget. Progress Summary: Future Impact on Operating Budget: Total Expenditures: Total Funding Sources: Total Expenditures: Forecasted Project Cost: Total Funding Sources: City of Auburn Capital Facilities Plan 234 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUND (328)Capital Facilities Plan Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2018-2023 Capital Projects Fund Project Title: Citywide ADA & Sidewalk Improvements TIP #32 Project No:Various, gcbd01 Project Type:Non-Capacity (Annual) Project Manager:TBD LOS Corridor ID# N/A Activity: (Previous 2 Yrs.)2017 YE 2018 Year End Funding Sources:Prior to 2017 Estimate 2018 Budget 2019 Budget Project Total Unrestricted Fund Balance - - - - - Grants -Unsecured State - - - - - REET 2 - 244,493 200,000 200,000 444,493 Other - 244,493 200,000 200,000 444,493 Capital Expenditures: Design - - - - - Right of Way - - - - - Construction - 244,493 200,000 200,000 444,493 - 244,493 200,000 200,000 444,493 Total 2020 2021 2022 2023 2018-2023 Funding Sources: Unrestricted Fund Balance - - - - - Grants -Unsecured State - - - - - REET 2 200,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 1,200,000 Other - - - - - 200,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 1,200,000 Capital Expenditures: Design - - - - - Right of Way - - - - - Construction 200,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 1,200,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 1,200,000 Total Expenditures: Total Expenditures: Total Funding Sources: Forecasted Project Cost: Total Funding Sources: Description: This project funds citywide accessibility improvements to the public right-of-way sidewalk system including adding/upgrading curb ramps, removing barriers to access and completing gaps. Improvements are programmed annually based on the criteria adopted in the City's Public Right-of-Way Accessibility Transition Plan. Progress Summary: Future Impact on Operating Budget: This project will have no impact on the operating budget for street maintenance. City of Auburn Capital Facilities Plan 235 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUND (328)Capital Facilities Plan Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2018-2023 Capital Projects Fund Project Title: Annual Traffic Signal Replacement & Improvements TIP #34 Project No:Various, gcbd07 Project Type:Non-Capacity (Annual) Project Manager:TBD LOS Corridor ID# N/A Activity: (Previous 2 Yrs.)2017 YE 2018 Year End Funding Sources:Prior to 2017 Estimate 2018 Budget 2019 Budget Project Total Unrestricted Fund Balance - - - - - Grants - Unsecured (Fed,State,Local)- - - - - REET 2 494,833 175,000 175,000 175,000 844,833 Other - - - - - 494,833 175,000 175,000 175,000 844,833 Capital Expenditures: Design 160,574 25,000 25,000 25,000 210,574 Right of Way - - - - - Construction 334,259 150,000 150,000 150,000 634,259 494,833 175,000 175,000 175,000 844,833 Total 2020 2021 2022 2023 2018-2023 Funding Sources: Unrestricted Fund Balance - - - - - Grants - Unsecured (Fed,State,Local)- - - - - REET 2 200,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 1,150,000 Other - - - - - 200,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 1,150,000 Capital Expenditures: Design 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 150,000 Right of Way - - - - - Construction 175,000 175,000 175,000 175,000 1,000,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 1,150,000 Total Expenditures: Total Funding Sources: Total Expenditures: Forecasted Project Cost: Total Funding Sources: Description: This project funds end of life capital replacement for traffic signal and Intelligent Transportation System equipment including cabinets, video detection cameras, field network devices, traffic cameras, battery backup components, and other related equipment. This project also funds minor safety improvements, operations improvements, and Accessible Pedestrian Signal Improvements based on the criteria adopted in the City's Public Right-of-Way Accessibility Transition Plan. Progress Summary: The project is ongoing and continues to successfully complete annual traffic signal improvement projects citywide. Future Impact on Operating Budget: This project will have no impact on the operating budget for street maintenance. City of Auburn Capital Facilities Plan 236 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUND (328)Capital Facilities Plan Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2018-2023 Capital Projects Fund Project Title: Neighborhood Traffic Calming Program TIP #33 Project No:gcbd06 Project Type:Non-Capacity (Annual) Project Manager:TBD Activity: (Previous 2 Yrs.)2017 YE 2018 Year End Funding Sources:Prior to 2017 Estimate 2018 Budget 2019 Budget Project Total Unrestricted Fund Balance - - - - - Grants - Unsecured (Fed,State,Local)- - - - - REET 2 50,249 100,000 150,000 150,000 300,249 Other - - - - - 50,249 100,000 150,000 150,000 300,249 Capital Expenditures: Design - - - - - Right of Way - - - - - Construction 50,249 100,000 150,000 150,000 300,249 50,249 100,000 150,000 150,000 300,249 Total 2020 2021 2022 2023 2018-2023 Funding Sources: Unrestricted Fund Balance - - - - - Grants - Unsecured (Fed,State,Local)- - - - - REET 2 150,000 150,000 150,000 150,000 900,000 Other - - - - - 150,000 150,000 150,000 150,000 900,000 Capital Expenditures: Design - - - - - Right of Way - - - - - Construction 150,000 150,000 150,000 150,000 900,000 150,000 150,000 150,000 150,000 900,000 Total Funding Sources: Total Expenditures: Forecasted Project Cost: Total Funding Sources: Total Expenditures: Description: This project will implement neighborhood traffic calming strategies including street lighting, speed cushions, signage, speed radar signs, mini roundabouts, chicanes, traffic circles, and other approved traffic calming devices. Projects will be selected annually based on neighborhood meetings, public surveys, and engineering studies. Progress Summary: Future Impact on Operating Budget: This project will have no impact on the operating budget for street maintenance. City of Auburn Capital Facilities Plan 237 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUND (328)Capital Facilities Plan Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2018-2023 Capital Projects Fund Project Title: Public Art Project No: gcbd05 Project Type: Non-Capacity Project Manager: Julie Krueger Description: Activity: (Previous 2 Years)2017 YE 2018 Year End Funding Sources:Prior to 2017 Estimate 2018 Budget 2019 Budget Project Total Unrestricted Fund Balance - - - - - Grants - Secured (Fed,State,Local)- - - - - REET 2 48,000 115,000 30,000 163,000 Other - - - - - - 48,000 115,000 30,000 163,000 Capital Expenditures: Design - 48,000 - - 48,000 Right of Way - - - - - Construction - 115,000 30,000 115,000 - 48,000 115,000 30,000 163,000 Total 2020 2021 2022 2023 2018-2023 Funding Sources: Unrestricted Fund Balance - - - - - Grants - Secured (Fed,State,Local)- - - - - REET 2 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 265,000 Other - - - - - 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 265,000 Capital Expenditures: Design - - - - - Right of Way - - - - - Construction 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 265,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 265,000 Total Expenditures: Total Funding Sources: Total Expenditures: Forecasted Project Cost: Total Funding Sources: None The City designates $30,000 annually toward the purchase of public art, for placement at designated locations throughout the City. Progress Summary: Arts Commission will meet to assess future needs and seek approval from City Council on placement. Future Impact on Operating Budget: City of Auburn Capital Facilities Plan 238 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUND (328)Capital Facilities Plan Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2018-2023 Capital Projects Fund Project Title: City Wetland Mitigation Projects Project No:cp1315 Project Type:Non-Capacity Project Manager:Jenna Leonard Description: Activity: 2017 YE 2018 Year End Funding Sources:Prior to 2017 Estimate 2018 Budget 2019 Budget Project Total Unrestricted Fund Balance - - - - - Grants - Secured (Fed,State,Local)- - - - - Fund 124 Wetland Mitigation Account 6,969 5,000 31,570 5,000 43,539 REET - - - - - 6,969 5,000 31,570 5,000 43,539 Capital Expenditures: Design - 5,000 10,000 - 15,000 Monitoring 1,868 - - - 1,868 Construction 5,101 - 21,570 5,000 26,671 6,969 5,000 31,570 5,000 43,539 Total 2020 2021 2022 2023 2018-2023 Funding Sources: Unrestricted Fund Balance - - - - - Grants - Secured (Fed,State,Local)- - - - - Fund 124 Wetland Mitigation Account 5,000 5,000 - - 46,570 REET - - - - - 5,000 5,000 - - 46,570 Capital Expenditures: Design - - - - 10,000 Monitoring 5,000 5,000 - - 10,000 Construction - 26,570 5,000 5,000 - - 46,570 Total Expenditures: Total Funding Sources: Total Expenditures: Forecasted Project Cost: Total Funding Sources: This project designs and constructs off-site wetland mitigation in the Auburn Environmental Park for participating development projects as approved through the City's development review process. Design, construction, monitoring, and maintenance of the mitigation is funded through wetland mitigation fees collected by the City. Progress Summary: Future Impact on Operating Budget: After construction, each wetland mitigation site will be monitored and maintained for a period of three to five years, depending on the specific requirements for the project. Funding for future year monitoring and maintenance is included in the development fees collected by the City, and is budgeted as part of the Capital Facilities Plan. Replacement plantings for Auburn Airport tree removal conducted in 2013. Design and construction of mitigation for other development sites deferred to 2018. Years 2019-2021 scheduled for site monitoring only. City of Auburn Capital Facilities Plan 239 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUND (328)Capital Facilities Plan Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2018-2023 Capital Projects Fund Project Title: Auburn Environmental Park Boardwalk - Phase 2 Project No:cp1611 Project Type:Non-Capacity Project Manager:Jenna Leonard Description: Activity: 2017 YE 2018 Year End Funding Sources:Prior to 2017 Estimate 2018 Budget 2019 Budget Project Total Unrestricted Fund Balance - - - - - Grants - Unsecured State - - - - - Grants - Local Unsecured - - - - - REET 2 - - - 75,000 - Other -TBD - - - - - - - - 75,000 - Capital Expenditures: Design - - - 75,000 - Right of Way - - - - - Construction - - - - - - - - 75,000 - Total 2020 2021 2022 2023 2018-2023 Funding Sources: Unrestricted Fund Balance - - - - - Grants - Unsecured State - - - - - Grants - Local Unsecured - - - - - REET 2 - - - - 75,000 Other -TBD 800,000 - - - 800,000 800,000 - - - 875,000 Capital Expenditures: Design - - - - 75,000 Right of Way - - - - - Construction 800,000 - - - 800,000 800,000 - - - 875,000 The Auburn Environmental Park (AEP) provides vegetated natural open space within an urbanized area. The AEP provides opportunities for local economic development, water quality improvement, storm water detention, flood control, fish and wildlife enhancement, visual resources, public education, and passive recreation, including walking trails and bird viewing amenities. In 2012, the City completed the construction of approximately 1,200 lineal feet of the first phase (Phase 1) of an elevated boardwalk trail in the Auburn Environmental Park (AEP). This trail extended from West Main Street through existing wetlands in the AEP terminating at the base of the Bird Viewing Tower constructed in 2009. As part of the construction of the elevated boardwalk, the City also installed interpretative signage, bench seating, limited new vehicle parking on Western Avenue and over two acres of wetland species of trees, plants and shrubs. Phase 2 of the elevated boardwalk trail would construct a combination of up to approximately 2,000 lineal feet of surface trail and elevated boardwalk trail from the current terminus at the Bird Viewing Tower to a connection with the Interurban Trail. The Phase 2 project will further previous and current Councils’ visions of the AEP providing passive recreation and environmental education opportunities for all Auburn citizens. Progress Summary: Design for this project is scheduled to start in fall of 2018. Future Impact on Operating Budget: Construction of the Phase 2 project is anticipated to incur approximately $10,000 in annual operating costs to the City’s operating budget. Operating costs are addressed in the Environmental Services portion of the Community Development and Public Works Department operating budget. Total Expenditures: Total Funding Sources: Total Expenditures: Forecasted Project Cost: Total Funding Sources: City of Auburn Capital Facilities Plan 240 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUND (328)Capital Facilities Plan Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2018-2023 Capital Projects Fund Project Title: Citywide Bridge Railing Replacements Project No:gcbd08 Project Type:Non-Capacity Project Manager:TBD Description: Activity: 2017 YE 2018 Year End Funding Sources:Prior to 2017 Estimate 2018 Budget 2019 Budget Project Total Unrestricted Fund Balance - - - - - Grants - Secured (Fed,State,Local)- - - - - REET 2 - 1,000 100,000 100,000 101,000 - 1,000 100,000 100,000 101,000 Capital Expenditures: Design - 1,000 - - 1,000 Construction - - 100,000 100,000 100,000 Long-Term Debt Service - - - - - - 1,000 100,000 100,000 101,000 Total 2020 2021 2022 2023 2018-2023 Funding Sources: Unrestricted Fund Balance - - - - - Grants - - - - - REET 2 100,000 - - - 300,000 100,000 - - - 300,000 Capital Expenditures: Design - - - - - Construction 100,000 - - - 300,000 Long-Term Debt Service - - - - - 100,000 - - - 300,000 Total Expenditures: Total Funding Sources: Total Expenditures: Forecasted Project Cost: Total Funding Sources: This project will fund the refinishing/replacement of bridge railings for the 15th Street NW Bridges over the BNSF and UP Railroads and the Auburn Way South Bridge over R Street SE. Progress Summary: Future Impact on Operating Budget: City of Auburn Capital Facilities Plan 241 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUND (328)Capital Facilities Plan Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2018-2023 Capital Projects Fund Project Title: Citywide Street Lighting Improvements TIP #13 Project No:gcbd09 Project Type:Non-Capacity Project Manager:TBD Description: Activity: 2017 YE 2018 Year End Funding Sources:Prior to 2017 Estimate 2018 Budget 2019 Budget Project Total Unrestricted Fund Balance - - - - - Grants - Secured (Fed,State,Local)- - - - - REET 2 - 50,000 100,000 100,000 250,000 - 50,000 100,000 100,000 250,000 Capital Expenditures: Design - 5,000 20,000 20,000 25,000 Construction - - - - Long-Term Debt Service - 45,000 80,000 80,000 125,000 - 50,000 100,000 100,000 150,000 Total 2020 2021 2022 2023 2018-2023 Funding Sources: Unrestricted Fund Balance - - - - - Grants - - - - - REET 2 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 600,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 600,000 Capital Expenditures: Design 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 120,000 Construction - - - - - Long-Term Debt Service 80,000 80,000 80,000 80,000 480,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 600,000 This project will fund street lighting improvements in neighborhoods without existing infrastructure. Projects will be selected from prioritized list developed with neighborhood input. Progress Summary: Future Impact on Operating Budget: Total Expenditures: Total Funding Sources: Total Expenditures: Forecasted Project Cost: Total Funding Sources: City of Auburn Capital Facilities Plan 242 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUND (328)Capital Facilities Plan Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2018-2023 Capital Projects Fund Project Title: Main Street Urban Design Improvements and Implementation Project No:cpxxxx Project Type: Non-Capacity Project Manager: Kevin Snyder Description: Activity: 2017 YE 2018 Year End Funding Sources:Prior to 2017 Estimate 2018 Budget 2019 Budget Project Total Unrestricted Fund Balance - - - - - Grants- Secured (Fed,State,Local)- - - - - Other (TBD)- - - - - Other (GO Bond)- - - - - - - - - - Capital Expenditures: Design - - - - - Right of Way - - - - - Construction - - - - - - - - - - Total 2020 2021 2022 2023 2018-2023 Funding Sources: Unrestricted Fund Balance - - - - - Grants- Secured (Fed,State,Local)- - - - - Other (TBD)- 10,700,000 - 4,300,000 15,000,000 Other (GO Bond)- - - - - - 10,700,000 - 4,300,000 15,000,000 Capital Expenditures: Design - 2,307,843 - - 2,307,843 Right of Way - - - - - Construction - 8,392,157 - 4,300,000 12,692,157 - 10,700,000 - 4,300,000 15,000,000 The Main Street Urban Design Project was initiated in 2015 following approval by City Council to include it within the Capital Facilities Plan and to authorize expenditure of funds in the recruitment and hiring of a consultant. The preliminary conceptual design project was competed in 2017. The Main Street Urban Design Project was intended as a visioning and citizen engagement effort to identify a preferred future urban streetscape design for Main Street between C Street SW/NW and F Street SE/NE. During the planning process, the project consultant and City staff engaged with property owners, business owners, citizens, residents, other interested parties and different City departments to develop an updated streetscape design for this section of Main Street that also addressed key street engineering needs and concerns. Since the inception of the Project, the project team has also presented the ideas, options and concepts to City Council in order to obtain their feedback and gauge their support for the long term vision of Main Street. The key project deliverables were a conceptual streetscape design and a preliminary overall cost estimate of the conceptual design. Going forward, the Project will include three phases. The first phase is scheduled to occur in 2021 and has an estimated current cost of $10.7 million. The second phase is scheduled to occur in 2023 and has an estimated current cost of $4.3 million. The third phase is scheduled to occur in 2025 and has an estimated current cost of $8.7 million. The Project will also address storm drainage system needs, street subgrade stability and surface improvements and street and adjacent property/building grade issues. A financing plan that will identify potential methods to fund improvements will be prepared following City Council acceptance. Progress Summary: This project is in the conceptual urban design development phase. In Summer 2016, the conceptual design and estimated project cost were presented to the Auburn City Council for review and acceptance. If supported by City Council, a more detailed phasing plan and financing plan will be prepared. Future substantive design and construction plan documentation will be dependent upon subsequent Council approvals for financing and phased project scopes. Future Impact on Operating Budget: A financing plan addressing capital costs and operating/maintenance costs will be prepared following City Council’s acceptance of the conceptual urban streetscape design. Total Expenditures: Total Funding Sources: Total Expenditures: Forecasted Project Cost: Total Funding Sources: City of Auburn Capital Facilities Plan 243 LOCAL REVITALIZATION FUND (330)Capital Facilities Plan Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2018-2023 Capital Projects Fund Project Title: City Downtown Public Parking Lot Reconfiguration Project No: cp1616 Project Type: Non-Capacity Project Manager: Ingrid Gaub Description: Activity: 2017 YE 2018 Year End Funding Sources:Prior to 2017 Estimate 2018 Budget 2019 Budget Project Total Local Revitalization Fund 330 17,329 300,000 40,490 - 357,819 Grants- Secured (Fed,State,Local)- - - - - REET - - - - - Other (GO Bonds)- - - - - 17,329 300,000 40,490 - 357,819 Capital Expenditures: Design - - - - Right of Way - - - - - Construction 17,329 300,000 40,490 - 357,819 17,329 300,000 40,490 - 357,819 Total 2020 2021 2022 2023 2018-2023 Funding Sources: Local Revitalization Fund 330 - - - - 40,490 Grants- Secured (Fed,State,Local)- - - - - REET - - - - - Other (GO Bonds)- - - - - - - - - 40,490 Capital Expenditures: Design - - - - - Right of Way - - - - - Construction - - - - 40,490 - - - - 40,490 Total Expenditures: Total Funding Sources: Total Expenditures: Forecasted Project Cost: Total Funding Sources: Reconfigure the City owned public parking lot between Safeway and Main Street to address pedestrian and vehicular circulation; remove existing landscaping to allow more flexibility in the parking lot redesign; explore whether more parking stalls can be added to the lot to aid in providing additional customer parking within Downtown Auburn; and resurface the parking lot. Progress Summary: Begin design in 2016 with construction potentially starting towards the end of 2016 and completion in 2017. Revised 6/9/2016: Monies to improve the parking lot adjacent to Safeway and the B Street Plaza will be used to create safety and aesthetic improvements to the plaza. New catenary lighting and planters will be added to the plaza as a short- to medium- term improvement. The lighting will increase safety and the planters will be added to delineate walking paths and create visual interest. Future Impact on Operating Budget: None anticipated as the City already maintains the parking lot. City of Auburn Capital Facilities Plan 244 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUND (328)Capital Facilities Plan Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2018-2023 Capital Projects Fund Project Title: Local Revitalization Project No: Project Type: Project Manager: Description: Activity: (Previous 2 Yrs.)2017 YE 2018 Year End Funding Sources:Prior to 2017 Estimate 2018 Budget 2019 Budget Project Total Unrestricted Fund Balance - - - - Grants - Secured (Fed,State,Local)- - - - - REET 2 448,606 222,510 226,109 220,500 897,225 448,606 222,510 226,109 220,500 897,225 Capital Expenditures: Design - - - - - Construction - - - - - Long-Term Debt Service 448,606 222,510 226,109 220,500 897,225 448,606 222,510 226,109 220,500 897,225 Total 2020 2021 2022 2023 2018-2023 Funding Sources: Unrestricted Fund Balance - - - - - Grants - - - - - REET 2 220,300 224,700 223,400 221,700 1,336,709 220,300 224,700 223,400 221,700 1,336,709 Capital Expenditures: Design - - - - - Construction - - - - - Long-Term Debt Service 220,300 224,700 223,400 221,700 1,336,709 220,300 224,700 223,400 221,700 1,336,709 To pay debt service costs on 2010 General Obligation bonds issued for the Downtown Promenade Improvements. Progress Summary: Future Impact on Operating Budget: N/A Total Expenditures: Total Funding Sources: Total Expenditures: Forecasted Project Cost: Total Funding Sources: City of Auburn Capital Facilities Plan 245 TABLE CI-3 Impact on Future Operating Budgets COMMUNITY IMPROVEMENTS Project:2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 Total 1 AEP Boardwalk -Phase 2 -$ -$ -$ 10,000$ 10,000$ 10,000$ 30,000$ Total -$ -$ -$ 10,000$ 10,000$ 10,000$ 30,000$ City of Auburn Capital Facilities Plan 246 City of Auburn Capital Facilities Plan 247 AIRPORT Current Facilities The City of Auburn operates the Auburn Municipal Airport, providing hangar and tie-down facilities/leasing space for aircraft-related businesses. As of 2016, there were approximately 142,000 take-offs and landings (aircraft operations) at the airport annually. Table A-1 “Facilities Inventory” lists the facilities with current capacity and location. The Airport Master Plan was completed in May 2015 for the period 2012 through 2032. Level of Service (LOS) The Auburn Municipal Airport Master Plan provides a maximum runway capacity (LOS standard) of 231,000 aircraft operations annually; one take-off or landing equals one aircraft operation. This LOS is recognized by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA). The FAA requires the airport to have the capital facilities capacity (i.e., runways, taxiways, holding areas, terminal, hangars, water/sewer system, etc.) necessary to accommodate 100% of aircraft operations during any one year. By 2022, the Airport Master Plan forecasts the number of operations to be 198,623 – well below the capacity of the airport runway. Capital Facilities Projects and Financing The City’s Airport facilities include nine non-capacity capital projects at a cost of $ 7,533,187. These projects include the Runway Enhancements project, Jet A Fueling facility, Automated Weather Observation System, seal coating and land acquisition for future approaches. Table A- 2 shows the proposed financing plan followed by individual worksheets showing the project detail. Impact on Future Operating Budgets As Table A-3 shows, operating budget impacts of $16,000 are forecasted for Airport facilities during the six years 2019 – 2024. TABLE A-1 Facilities Inventory Airport FACILITY # of Aircraft # of Feet LOCATION Existing Inventory: Hangars (Public)145 2301 E Street NE Hangars (Private)103 2301 E Street NE Tiedowns 153 2301 E Street NE Air Strip 3,400 2301 E Street NE Total Existing Inventory 401 3,400 Proposed Capacity Projects: 2020 Land Acquisition 30 2301 E Street NE 2018 Runway Extension - 718 2301 E Street NE Total Proposed Capacity Projects 30 718 2022 Projected Inventory Total 431 4,118 CAPACITY City of Auburn Capital Facilities Plan 248 TABLE A-2 CAPITAL FACILITIES PLAN PROJECTS AND FINANCING AIRPORT 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 Total Capacity Projects: None - Non-Capacity Projects: 1 Runway Enhancements Capital Costs 1,833,334 - - - - - 1,833,334 Funding Sources: Airport Fund 91,667 - - - - - 91,667 Grants 1,741,667 - - - - - 1,741,667 2 Jet A Fueling Facility Capital Costs - - 50,000 350,000 - - 400,000 Funding Sources: Airport Fund - - 50,000 - - - 50,000 Other - - - 350,000 - - 350,000 Grants - - - - - - - 3 Annual Repair and Replacement of Airport Facilities Capital Costs 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 120,000 Funding Sources: Airport Fund 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 120,000 Grants - - - - - - - 4 Automated Weather Observation System Capital Costs - - - - - 166,666 166,666 Funding Sources: Airport Fund - - - - - 8,333 8,333 Grants - - - - - 158,333 158,333 5 Airport Security Camera & Gate Access Upgrades Capital Costs - 70,000 - - - - 70,000 Funding Sources: Airport Fund - 70,000 - - - - 70,000 Grant - - - - - - - 6 Precision Approach Path Indicator (PAPI) for Runway Capital Costs - - - - 168,000 - 168,000 Funding Sources: Airport Fund - - - - 168,000 - 168,000 Grants - - - - - - - 7 Land Acquisition for Future Approaches Capital Costs 555,600 - - 3,666,667 - - 4,222,267 Funding Sources: Airport Fund 27,800 - - 183,333 - - 211,133 Grants 527,800 - - 3,483,334 - - 4,011,134 8 Runway RSA Improvements Capital Costs - 500,000 - - - - 500,000 Funding Sources: Airport Fund - 25,000 - - - - 25,000 Grants - 475,000 - - - - 475,000 9 West Side Fencing Capital Costs - - - - - 52,920 52,920 Funding Sources: Airport Fund - - - - - 2,646 2,646 Grants - - - - - 50,274 50,274 City of Auburn Capital Facilities Plan 249 TABLE A-2 (continued) 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 Total SUMMARY: CAPITAL COSTS Capacity Projects - - - - - - - Non-Capacity Projects 2,408,934 590,000 70,000 4,036,667 188,000 239,586 7,533,187 Total Costs 2,408,934 590,000 70,000 4,036,667 188,000 239,586 7,533,187 FUNDING SOURCES: Airport Fund 139,467 115,000 70,000 203,333 188,000 30,979 746,779 Other - - - 350,000 - - 350,000 Grants (Fed,State,Local)2,269,467 475,000 - 3,483,334 - 208,607 6,436,408 Total Funding 2,408,934 590,000 70,000 4,036,667 188,000 239,586 7,533,187 City of Auburn Capital Facilities Plan 250 AIRPORT FUND (465)Capital Facilities Plan Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2018-2023 Enterprise Funds Project Title: Runway Enhancements Project No:cp1516 Project Type:Non-Capacity Project Manager:Seth Wickstrom Description: Activity: 2017 YE 2018 Year End Funding Sources:Prior to 2017 Estimate 2018 Budget 2019 Budget Project Total Unrestricted Airport Revenue 11,633 16,666 91,667 - 119,966 Federal - Non-Primary Entitlement - 300,000 150,000 - 450,000 Federal Grant -Secured 209,384 - - 209,384 Federal Grant -Unsecured - - 1,500,000 - 1,500,000 State Grant -Secured 11,632 - - 11,632 State Grant -Unsecured - 16,667 91,667 - 108,334 232,649 333,333 1,833,334 - 2,399,316 Capital Expenditures: Design - 317,674 - - 317,674 Environmental Assessment 232,649 15,659 - - 248,308 Construction - - 1,833,334 - 1,833,334 232,649 333,333 1,833,334 - 2,399,316 Total 2020 2021 2022 2023 2018-2023 Funding Sources: Unrestricted Airport Revenue - - - - 91,667 Federal - Non-Primary Entitlement - - - - 150,000 Federal Grant -Unsecured - - - - 1,500,000 State Grant -Unsecured - - - - 91,667 - - - - 1,833,334 Capital Expenditures: Design - - - - - Environmental Assessment - - - - - Construction - - - - 1,833,334 - - - - 1,833,334 Grants / Other Sources:Federal Aviation Administration and Washington State Department of Transportation Total Expenditures: Total Funding Sources: Total Expenditures: Forecasted Project Cost: Total Funding Sources: Enhance Runway 16/34 per Airport Layout Plan & Master Plan Update for increased safety and utilization. This also includes the As-built AGIS Survey that is required following the runway construction. Progress Summary: Environmental Assessment is complete. Design planned for Federal FY 2017 and construction is anticipated to begin in Federal FY 2018. Budget has been adjusted to account for the anticipated funding plan identified by FAA for design and construction of the project per their letter of April 17, 2017. Future Impact on Operating Budget: City of Auburn Capital Facilities Plan 251 AIRPORT FUND (465)Capital Facilities Plan Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2018-2023 Enterprise Funds Project Title: Jet A Fueling Facility Project No:apbd04 Project Type:Non-Capacity Project Manager:Kevin Snyder Description: Activity: 2017 YE 2018 Year End Funding Sources:Prior to 2017 Estimate 2018 Budget 2019 Budget Project Total Unrestricted Airport Revenue - 10,000 - - Other -Unsecured - - - - - State Grant -Unsecured - - - - - - 10,000 - - - Capital Expenditures: Design - - - - - Right of Way - - - - - Construction - 10,000 - 10,000 - 10,000 - - 10,000 Total 2020 2021 2022 2023 2018-2023 Funding Sources: Unrestricted Airport Revenue 50,000 - - - 50,000 Other -Unsecured - 350,000 - - 350,000 State Grant -Unsecured - - - - - 50,000 350,000 - - 400,000 Capital Expenditures: Design 50,000 - - - 50,000 Right of Way - - - - - Construction - 350,000 - - 350,000 50,000 350,000 - - 400,000 Construct any necessary site improvements to accommodate a temporary 2,200 gallon fueling truck for Jet A fuel on site in 2017. Design and construct a permanent 12,000 gallon fuel tank for Jet A service at the airport in 2020 and 2021 after the runway extension is complete and demand for Jet A fuel is established. Progress Summary: Future Impact on Operating Budget: On-going operational costs will be minimal as the estimated $5,000/month expenses will be offset by fuel sale revenues. Total Expenditures: Total Funding Sources: Total Expenditures: Forecasted Project Cost: Total Funding Sources: City of Auburn Capital Facilities Plan 252 AIRPORT FUND (465)Capital Facilities Plan Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2018-2023 Enterprise Funds Project Title: Annual Repair and Replacement of Airport Facilities Project No:apbd05 Project Type:Non-Capacity Project Manager:Kevin Snyder Description: Activity: 2017 YE 2018 Year End Funding Sources:Prior to 2017 Estimate 2018 Budget 2019 Budget Project Total Unrestricted Airport Revenue - 20,000 20,000 20,000 40,000 Grants (Fed,State,Local)- - - - - Other - - - - - - 20,000 20,000 20,000 40,000 Capital Expenditures: Design - - - - - Right of Way - - - - - Construction - 20,000 20,000 20,000 40,000 - 20,000 20,000 20,000 40,000 Total 2020 2021 2022 2023 2018-2023 Funding Sources: Unrestricted Airport Revenue 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 120,000 Grants (Fed,State,Local)- - - - - Other - - - - - 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 120,000 Capital Expenditures: Design - - - - - Right of Way - - - - - Construction 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 120,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 120,000 Total Expenditures: Total Funding Sources: Total Expenditures: Forecasted Project Cost: Total Funding Sources: This is an annual repair and replacement program for the purpose of completing repairs to site fencing, hanger doors, fueling facilities, roof repairs, etc. Progress Summary: Future Impact on Operating Budget: None City of Auburn Capital Facilities Plan 253 AIRPORT FUND (465)Capital Facilities Plan Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2018-2023 Enterprise Funds Project Title: Automated Weather Observation System Project No:cpxxxx Project Type:Non-Capacity Project Manager:Kevin Snyder Description: Activity: 2017 YE 2018 Year End Funding Sources:Prior to 2017 Estimate 2018 Budget 2019 Budget Project Total Unrestricted Airport Revenue - - - - - Federal - Non-Primary Entitlements - - - - - State Grant -Unsecured - - - - - - - - - - Capital Expenditures: Design - - - - - Right of Way - - - - - Construction - - - - - - - - - - Total 2020 2021 2022 2023 2018-2023 Funding Sources: Unrestricted Airport Revenue - - - 8,333 8,333 Federal - Non-Primary Entitlements - - - 150,000 150,000 State Grant -Unsecured - - - 8,333 8,333 - - - 166,666 166,666 Capital Expenditures: Design - - - 111,112 111,112 Right of Way - - - - - Construction - - - 55,554 55,554 - - - 166,666 166,666 Grants / Other Sources:Federal Aviation Administration and Washington State Department of Transportation Total Expenditures: Total Funding Sources: Total Expenditures: Forecasted Project Cost: Total Funding Sources: Install weather reporting equipment for instrument approach. Progress Summary: This project is dependent on grant funding which has been delayed from 2019 to 2022 in order to complete the Runway Enhancement project per FAA requirements. Future Impact on Operating Budget: $2,000 annually for on-going maintenance and repair City of Auburn Capital Facilities Plan 254 AIRPORT FUND (465)Capital Facilities Plan Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2018-2023 Enterprise Funds Project Title: Airport Security Camera & Gate Access Upgrades Project No:cpxxxx Project Type:Non-Capacity Project Manager:Kevin Snyder Description: Activity: 2017 YE 2018 Year End Funding Sources:Prior to 2017 Estimate 2018 Budget 2019 Budget Project Total Unrestricted Airport Revenue - - - 70,000 - Federal Grant -Unsecured - - - - - State Grant -Unsecured - - - - - - - - 70,000 - Capital Expenditures: Design - - - 10,500 - Right of Way - - - - - Construction - - - 59,500 - - - - 70,000 - Total 2020 2021 2022 2023 2018-2023 Funding Sources: Unrestricted Airport Revenue - - - - 70,000 Federal Grant -Unsecured - - - - - State Grant -Unsecured - - - - - - - - - 70,000 Capital Expenditures: Design - - - - 10,500 Right of Way - - - - - Construction - - - - 59,500 - - - - 70,000 Grant / Other Sources:Project is not AIP Eligible Total Funding Sources: Total Expenditures: Total Expenditures: Total Funding Sources: Forecasted Project Cost: Increased security identified by the Federal Aviation Administration and the Transportation Security Administration for Airport control access gates (both vehicle and personnel). This project will install security cameras and replace the obsolete gate operator access control units. The proposed system will include cards and keypad operation with both inbound and outbound tracking of the authorized tenant/guest. Personnel gates will also have the same system. Progress Summary: Future Impact on Operating Budget: Estimated to be $2,000 annually to conduct maintenance and repair activities as needed. City of Auburn Capital Facilities Plan 255 AIRPORT FUND (465)Capital Facilities Plan Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2018-2023 Enterprise Funds Project Title: Precision Approach Path Indicator (PAPI) for Runway Project No:cpxxxx Project Type:Non-Capacity Project Manager:Kevin Snyder Description: Activity: 2017 YE 2018 Year End Funding Sources:Prior to 2017 Estimate 2018 Budget 2019 Budget Project Total Unrestricted Airport Revenue - - - - - Federal Grant -Unsecured - - - - - State Grant -Unsecured - - - - - - - - - - Capital Expenditures: Design - - - - - Right of Way - - - - - Construction - - - - - - - - - - Total 2020 2021 2022 2023 2018-2023 Funding Sources: Unrestricted Airport Revenue - - 168,000 168,000 Federal - Non-Primary Entitlement - - - - Federal Grant -Unsecured - - - - - State Grant -Unsecured - - - - - - - 168,000 - 168,000 Capital Expenditures: Design - - 33,600 - 33,600 Right of Way - - - - Construction - - 134,400 - 134,400 - - 168,000 - 168,000 Total Expenditures: Total Funding Sources: Total Expenditures: Forecasted Project Cost: Total Funding Sources: Install Precision Approach Path Indicator (PAPI) for Runway to replace aging Visual Approach Slope Indicator (VASI) system. Progress Summary: Future Impact on Operating Budget: $2,000 annually for on-going maintenance and repair City of Auburn Capital Facilities Plan 256 AIRPORT FUND (465)Capital Facilities Plan Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2018-2023 Enterprise Funds Project Title: Land Acquisition for Future Approaches Project No:cpxxxx Project Type: Project Manager:Kevin Snyder Description: Activity: 2017 YE 2018 Year End Funding Sources:Prior to 2017 Estimate 2018 Budget 2019 Budget Project Total Unrestricted Airport Revenue - - 27,800 - 27,800 Federal - Non-Primary Entitlement - - - - - Federal Grant -Unsecured - - 500,000 - 500,000 State Grant -Unsecured - - 27,800 27,800 - - 555,600 - 555,600 Capital Expenditures: Design - - - - - Acquisition - - 555,600 555,600 Construction - - - - - - - 555,600 - 555,600 Total 2020 2021 2022 2023 2018-2023 Funding Sources: Unrestricted Airport Revenue - 183,333 - - 211,133 Federal - Non-Primary Entitlement - 300,000 - - 800,000 Federal Grant -Unsecured - 3,000,000 - - 3,500,000 State Grant -Unsecured - 183,334 - - 211,134 - 3,666,667 - - 4,722,267 Capital Expenditures: Design - - - - - Acquisition - 3,666,667 - 4,222,267 Construction - - - - - - 3,666,667 - - 4,222,267 Grants / Other Sources:Federal Aviation Administration and Washington State Department of Transportation Non-Capacity Acquire a portion of land at the current Park and Ride for addressing the Runway Safety Area (RSA) and acquire the remainder of the Park and Ride for addressing the Runway Protection Zone (RPZ). Progress Summary: Per discussions with the FAA, the acquisition for the RSA was moved from 2021 to 2018 and the acquisition for the RPZ area was added to 2021. Budget has been adjusted to account for the anticipated funding plan identified by the FAA for design and construction of the project per their letter of April 17, 2017. Future Impact on Operating Budget: Total Expenditures: Total Expenditures: Total Funding Sources: Forecasted Project Cost: None Total Funding Sources: City of Auburn Capital Facilities Plan 257 AIRPORT FUND (465)Capital Facilities Plan Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2018-2023 Enterprise Funds Project Title: Runway RSA Improvements Project No:cpxxxx Project Type: Project Manager:Kevin Snyder Description: Activity: 2017 YE 2018 Year End Funding Sources:Prior to 2017 Estimate 2018 Budget 2019 Budget Project Total Unrestricted Airport Revenue - - - 25,000 - Federal - Non-Primary Entitlement - - - 150,000 - Federal Grant -Unsecured - - - 300,000 - State Grant -Unsecured - - - 25,000 - - - - 500,000 - Capital Expenditures: Design - - - 125,000 - Right of Way - - - - - Construction - - - 375,000 - - - - 500,000 - Total 2020 2021 2022 2023 2018-2023 Funding Sources: Unrestricted Airport Revenue - - - - 25,000 Federal - Non-Primary Entitlement - - - - 150,000 Federal Grant -Unsecured - - - - 300,000 State Grant -Unsecured - - - - 25,000 - - - 500,000 Capital Expenditures: Design - - - - 125,000 Right of Way - - - - - Construction - - - - 375,000 - - - - 500,000 Total Expenditures: Non-Capacity Total Funding Sources: Total Expenditures: Forecasted Project Cost: Total Funding Sources: This project will complete necessary improvements to the property purchased from the Park and Ride to be in compliance with the FAA requirements for the Runway Safety Area. Progress Summary: Future Impact on Operating Budget: City of Auburn Capital Facilities Plan 258 AIRPORT FUND (465)Capital Facilities Plan Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2018-2023 Enterprise Funds Project Title: West Side Fencing Project No:cpxxxx Project Type:Non-Capacity Project Manager:Kevin Snyder Description: Activity: 2017 YE 2018 Year End Funding Sources:Prior to 2017 Estimate 2018 Budget 2019 Budget Project Total Unrestricted Airport Revenue - - - - - Federal Grant -Unsecured - - - - - State Grant -Unsecured - - - - - - - - - - Capital Expenditures: Design - - - - - Right of Way - - - - - Construction - - - - - - - - - - Total 2020 2021 2022 2023 2018-2023 Funding Sources: Unrestricted Airport Revenue - - - 2,646 2,646 Federal Grant -Unsecured - - - 47,628 47,628 State Grant -Unsecured - - - 2,646 2,646 - - - 52,920 52,920 Capital Expenditures: Design - - - 5,292 5,292 Right of Way - - - - - Construction - - - 47,628 47,628 - - - 52,920 52,920 Grants / Other Sources:Federal Aviation Administration and Washington State Department of Transportation Total Expenditures: Total Funding Sources: Total Expenditures: Forecasted Project Cost: Total Funding Sources: Install fence on west side of property to complete perimeter security fencing and help control wildlife on the airport. Progress Summary: Future Impact on Operating Budget: City of Auburn Capital Facilities Plan 259 TABLE A-3 Impact on Future Operating Budgets AIRPORT Project:2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 Total 1 Airport Security Camera & Gate Access Upgrades -$ 2,000$ 2,000$ 2,000$ 2,000$ 2,000$ 10,000$ 2 Precision Approach Path Indicator (PAPI) for Runway - - - 2,000 2,000 2,000 6,000 Total -$ 2,000$ 2,000$ 4,000$ 4,000$ 4,000$ 16,000$ City of Auburn Capital Facilities Plan 260 City of Auburn Capital Facilities Plan 261 CEMETERY Current Facilities The City owns two cemeteries. The Mountain View Cemetery is a fully developed facility (60 acres and five buildings) that provides burial services and related merchandise for the community. The Pioneer Cemetery is a historic cemetery, which is no longer used for burial purposes. Table C-1 “Facilities Inventory” lists the facilities along with their current capacity and location. Level of Service (LOS) The current LOS of 41 burial plots/niches and cremation in ground plots per 1,000 population is based on the existing inventory divided by the 2017 citywide population of 78,960. The proposed LOS of 37 burial and plots/niches and cremation in ground plots per 1,000 population is based on the projected inventory divided by the 2023 projected citywide population of 86,850. Capital Facilities Projects and Financing The City’s Mountain View Cemetery facilities include one capital project at cost of $75,000 to repair and overlay cemetery roads. Table C-2 shows the proposed financing plan followed by an individual worksheet showing the project detail. Impact on Future Operating Budgets There are no operating budget impacts forecast for the cemetery during the six years 2019 – 2024. TABLE C-1 Facilities Inventory Cemetery CAPACITY FACILITY # of Plots/Niches LOCATION Existing Inventory: Mountain View Cemetery 3,223 2020 Mountain View Dr. Pioneer Cemetery - 8th & Auburn Way No. Total Existing Inventory 3,223 Proposed Capacity Projects: New Development - Burial Plots - Total Proposed Capacity Projects - 2023 Projected Inventory Total 3,223 City of Auburn Capital Facilities Plan 262 TABLE C-2 CAPITAL FACILITIES PLAN PROJECTS AND FINANCING CEMETERY 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 Total Non-Capacity Projects: 1 Cemetery Road Repair Capital Costs 75,000 - - - - - 75,000 Funding Sources: Cemetery Fund - - - - - - - Cemetery Endowed Care 75,000 - - - - - 75,000 SUMMARY: CAPITAL COSTS Capacity Projects - - - - - - - Non-Capacity Projects 75,000 - - - - - 75,000 Total Costs 75,000 - - - - - 75,000 FUNDING SOURCES: Cemetery Fund - - - - - - - Other 75,000 - - - - - 75,000 Total Funding 75,000 - - - - - 75,000 City of Auburn Capital Facilities Plan 263 CEMETERY FUND (466)Capital Facilities Plan Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2018-2023 Enterprise Funds Project Title: Cemetery Road Repair Project No:cmbd01 Project Type:Non Capacity Project Manager:Craig Hudson Description: Activity: 2017 YE 2018 Year End Funding Sources:Prior to 2017 Estimate 2018 Budget 2019 Budget Project Total Unrestricted Cemetery Revenue - - - - - Grants - - - - - Bond Proceeds - - - - - Other/Endowed Care - - 75,000 - 75,000 - - 75,000 - 75,000 Capital Expenditures: Design - - - - - Right of Way - - - - - Construction - - 75,000 - 75,000 - - 75,000 - 75,000 Total 2020 2021 2022 2023 2018-2023 Funding Sources:75,000 Unrestricted Cemetery Revenue - - - - - Grants - - - - - Bond Proceeds - - - - - Other/Endowed Care - - - - 75,000 - - - - 75,000 Capital Expenditures: Design - - - - - Right of Way - - - - - Construction - - - - 75,000 - - - - 75,000 Repair and overlay cemetery roads that are in poor condition. Progress Summary: Anticipated that this work will be completed in 2018. Future Impact on Operating Budget: None Total Expenditures: Total Funding Sources: Total Expenditures: Forecasted Project Cost: Total Funding Sources: City of Auburn Capital Facilities Plan 264 City of Auburn Capital Facilities Plan 265 POLICE Current Facilities The City of Auburn Police Department provides a full range of law enforcement services to the citizens of Auburn. All Divisions of the Auburn Police Department are housed at 340 East Main Street, Suite 201. The Divisions include Patrol, Investigations, Administrative Services , Inspectional Services, and Records. Level of Service (LOS) The City of Auburn Police Department contracts with SCORE, an outside entity, for housing of all misdemeanant inmates. Capital Facilities Projects and Financing The CFP does not include any Police capital facilities projects during 2018 - 2023. Impact on Future Operating Budgets The jail services expenses are dependent on the City’s contract agreement with SCORE. City of Auburn Capital Facilities Plan 266 City of Auburn Capital Facilities Plan 267 FIRE PROTECTION Current Facilities The Valley Regional Fire Authority provides fire protection and rescue services to a 40-square mile area which includes the City of Auburn, the City of Algona, the City of Pacific and King County Fire Protection District 31. The Valley Regional Fire Authority operates out of five stations, which are manned 24 hours per day. The North Station #31 also serves as the department headquarters and includes a hose and training tower. Each station is assigned fire apparatus (Engines and Aid Vehicles). Table F–1 “Facilities Inventory” lists the facilities along with their current capacity and location. Level of Service (LOS) The current LOS of 0.22 fire apparatus per 1,000 population is based on the existing inventory (17 fire apparatus) divided by the 2017 citywide population of 78,960. The proposed LOS of 0.21 fire apparatus per 1,000 is based on the 2023 planned inventory (18 fire apparatus) divided by the 2023 projected citywide population of 86,850. Capital Facilities Projects and Financing The Valley Regional Fire Authority includes one capital project at a cost of $425,000 for fire apparatus enhancements and improvements. Table F-2 shows the proposed financing plan followed by an individual worksheet showing the project detail. Impact on Future Operating Budgets There are no operating budget impacts forecasted for fire protection during the six years 2019 – 2024. City of Auburn Capital Facilities Plan 268 TABLE F-1 Facilities Inventory Valley Regional Fire Authority FACILITY Fire Apparatus Aid Vehicles LOCATION Existing Inventory: Stations: North Station #31 1101 'D' Street NE, Auburn First Line 2 1 Reserve - 1 South Station #32 1951 'R' Street SE, Auburn First Line 1 1 Reserve 1 1 Lakeland Station #33 500 182nd Ave E, Auburn First Line 1 - Reserve 1 - Lea Hill Station #34 31290 124th Ave SE, Auburn First Line 1 - Brush Truck 1 - Reserve 1 - GSA Station #35 2815 C St SW, Auburn Reserve 1 1 Pacific Station #38 133 3rd Ave SE, Pacific First Line 1 - Reserve 1 - Total Existing Inventory 12 5 Proposed Inventory Additions: First Line 1 - Total Proposed Capacity Projects 1 - 2021 Projected Inventory Total 13 5 CAPACITY City of Auburn Capital Facilities Plan 269 TABLE F-2 CAPITAL FACILITIES PLAN PROJECTS AND FINANCING VALLEY REGIONAL FIRE AUTHORITY 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 Total Non-Capacity Projects: 1 Fire Station Facility Relocation, Enhancements & Improvements Capital Costs 50,000 75,000 75,000 75,000 75,000 75,000 425,000 Funding Sources: Grants - - - - - - - Bond Proceeds - - - - - - - Impact/Mitigation Fees 50,000 75,000 75,000 75,000 75,000 75,000 425,000 SUMMARY: CAPITAL COSTS Capacity Projects - - - - - - - Non-Capacity Projects 50,000 75,000 75,000 75,000 75,000 75,000 425,000 Total Costs 50,000 75,000 75,000 75,000 75,000 75,000 425,000 FUNDING SOURCES: Grants (Fed,State,Local)- - - - - - - Impact/Mitigation Fees 50,000 75,000 75,000 75,000 75,000 75,000 425,000 Total Funding 50,000 75,000 75,000 75,000 75,000 75,000 425,000 City of Auburn Capital Facilities Plan 270 Valley Regional Fire Authority Capital Facilities Plan Six Year Capital Facilities Plan, 2018-2023 Project Title: Fire Station Facility Relocation, Enhancements & Improvements Project No:cpxxxx Project Type:Non-Capacity Project Manager:Mark Horaski Description: Activity: (Previous 2 Yrs.)2017 YE 2018 Year End Funding Sources:Prior to 2017 Estimate 2018 Budget 2019 Budget Project Total Grants - - - - - Bond Proceeds - - - - - Impact/Mitigation Fees 860,000 400,000 50,000 75,000 1,310,000 860,000 400,000 50,000 75,000 1,310,000 Capital Expenditures: Design - - - - - Right of Way - - - - - Construction 860,000 400,000 50,000 75,000 1,310,000 860,000 400,000 50,000 75,000 1,310,000 Total 2020 2021 2022 2023 2018-2023 Funding Sources: Grants - - - - - Bond Proceeds - - - - - Impact/Mitigation Fees 75,000 75,000 75,000 75,000 425,000 75,000 75,000 75,000 75,000 425,000 Capital Expenditures:- Design - - - - - Right of Way - - - - - Construction 75,000 75,000 75,000 75,000 425,000 75,000 75,000 75,000 75,000 425,000 Total Expenditures: Total Expenditures: Total Funding Sources: Forecasted Project Cost: None Facility Improvement projects are identified and prioritized annually and are subject to delay to accommodate emergency repairs. The Valley Regional Fire Authority includes one project for apparatus enhancements and improvements. Progress Summary: Fire mitigation and impact fees will be transferred to the Valley Regional Fire Authority to pay for apparatus enhancements and improvements. Future Impact on Operating Budget: Total Funding Sources: