HomeMy WebLinkAbout04-18-2018 HEARING EXAMINER AGENDAHEARING EXAMINER April 18, 2018 5:30 p.m. City Council Chambers 25 West Main Street I.Case No.: City of Auburn Police Case 17-15638 Appellant: Robert Johnson 29589 63 d Ct S Auburn, WA 98001 Request: Appeal of Potentially Dangerous Dog Designation 1 of 111 APPEAL OF D ANGEROUS DOG DESIGNATION Case – 17 - 15639 EXHIBIT LIST: Exhibit 1 – City of Auburn Notice of Public Hearing, pages 3-4 Exhibit 2 – Hearing Examiner Appeal Form, page 5 Exhibit 3 – City of Auburn Letter to Robert Johnson declaring Xena and Astro Dangerous per Auburn City Code (ACC) 6.01.010. (A) (13), page 6 Exhibit 4 – Auburn Police Department Police Report for Incident 17-15638, pages 7-57 Exhibit 5 – Dangerous Dog Declaration Packet, pages 58-67 Exhibit 6 – Johnson Photos, pages 68-73 Exhibit 7 – King County Animal Control Photos, pages 74-80 Exhibit 8 – Victim Brown Photos, pages 81-110 Exhibit 9 – Video, King County Animal Control Officer Fetters at Johnson Residence - The video will be shown at the Public Hearing 2 of 111 * * AttBBRN Nancy Backus, Mayor • />•"", =========================== WASHINGTON 25 West Main Street * Auburn WA 98001-4998 * www.auburnwa.gov * 253-931-3000 March 15, 2018 DELIVERED VIA CERTIFIED AND FIRST CLASS US MAIL Appellant: Robert Johnson 29589 63 rd Ct S Auburn WA 98001 CITY OF AUBURN REVISED NOTICE OF APPEAL HEARING Notice is hereby given that the City of Auburn Hearing Examiner will conduct a hearing on the appeal by Robert Johnson on the City of Auburn's designation of the dogs known as "Astro" and "Xena'' as dangerous dogs. The dog known as "Astra" is described as a two-year old male Pit Bull, fawn and white in color. The dog known as "Xena" is described as a six-year old female Pit Bull, red and brown in color. The hearing (originally scheduled for March 21, 2018) will be held WEDNESDAY, APRIL 18, 2018, at 5:30 p.m. in the City Hall Council Chambers, located at 25 West Main Street. DATED AND MAILED THIS 15TH DAY OF MARCH, 2018. CITY OF AUBURN Danielle Daskam, City Clerk CC: Kamila Brown (First Class Mail Only) 4806 S 301st St Auburn WA 98001 Joseph H. Marshall (First Class Mail Only) 6210 NE 197th Street Kenmore, WA 98028 AUBURN * MORE THAN YOU IMAGINED Exhibit 1 3 of 111 CITY OF AUBURN REVISED NOTICE OF APPEAL HEARING Notice is hereby given that the City of Auburn Hearing Examiner will conduct a hearing on the appeal by Robert Johnson on the City of Auburn’s designation of the dogs known as “Astro” and “Xena” as dangerous dogs. The dog known as “Astro” is described as a two-year old male Pit Bull, fawn and white in color. The dog known as “Xena” is described as a six-year old female Pit Bull, red and brown in color. The hearing (originally noticed for March 21, 2018) will be held W EDNESDAY, APRIL 18, 2018 at 5:30 p.m. in City Hall Council Chambers located at 25 West Main Street, Auburn, WA, 98002 Do Not Publish Below This Line Publish in The Seattle Times on Monday, March 19, 2018 4 of 111 2'Y56CJ Address AUBURN POLICE DEPARTMENT ANIMAL CONTROL DIVISION HEARING EXAMINER APPEAL FORM J oht"'>o" X e� { A, S\f o Dog 6�/J (\-S /\\AkrV\1 WI\ q'o()o I Under ACC 6.35.020(D) you have a right to appeal the final determination of the Chief of Police or his designee to present any reasons, orally or in writing, why the animal should not be declared Dangerous or Potentially Dangerous: If you fail to appear for tbis meeting preliminary notice will become final, and your animal(s) will be declared Dangerous or Potentially Dangerous. If, after the initial meeting date, your animal is declared Dangerous or Potentially Dangerous you may appeal that final declaration using this form. This form must be submitted to the City Clerk by certified mail or in person within fifteen (15) days of the determination of your animal's status if the original notification was delivered to you in person, or within twenty (20) days if the original notification was mailed to you. REQUEST FOR MEETING ON FINAL DETERMINATION I request a meeting as provided for in ACC 6.35.020(D) to discuss the decision to declare my an_imal(s) as Dangerous or Potentially Dangerous in Case(s) No. \]-\5lo5'0 . I understand that I have the, right to present reasons or information in writing or verbally as t �n-.my animal(s) should not be declared Dangerous or Potentially Dangerous. Printed Name/Date Auburn City Clerk 25 W. Main St Auburn, WA 98002-5548 Phone: 253-931-3007 Exhibit 2 5 of 111 Police Department 340 E Main St, Suite 201 * Auburn W A98002-5548 * wWw.duburnwa.gov * 253-931-3080 December 27, 2017 Robert Johnson 29589 (53rd Ct S Auburn WA, 98002 On November 29, 2017, an.Auburn Animal Control Officer on-viewed a bitingJnciclent involving your two dogs Astro and Xena. The ACO witnessed both of these dogs that you own biting another dog that was walking along a sidewalk next to your home. Further investigation revealed th_atthe victim dog su.�tained serious injuries that required veterinarian cc1re to apply. sutures to the victim dog's wounds .. The owner of the victim dog also sustaih_ed injuries from a bite from either Astro or Xena. This incident was docui:nehted under Auburn .Police case .number 17-15638. On December 4, 2017, your wife Kathleen Johnson was issued two notices dedaring both A_stro and Xena as Dangerous as a result ofthe biting inci_dent and the injuries. You requested a hearing in order to appeal the decision aod you, yplli'Wife Kathleen and I met in my office on DeceJnqer 20, 2017. You presented several documents that included an enr9Ument form for both dogs indicating they.attended the American Kennel Club Good Citizen Class, receipts showing you repaired your fence, a video clip showing t_he.front door of your residence. and a picture of your fence in a repaired stated. We discussed the fact that the injuries sustained qy the victi_m dcig were "seriou_s" in nature and met the definition. Yo.u and your wife cli.$agreed with this. Nothing presented at this meeting contradicted the fact that Xena aAd Astro had bitten the victim dog and their owner. After careful consideration from both the _police investigation and. your testimony at our meeting; I as the designated official for the Animal .Control Authority, have declared Xena and Astro as Dangerous-.as described ih Auburn City Coe 6.01.010 (A) (13). Based on this declaration, you are required to follow the requirements outlined in .Auburn City Code 6.35.030 and 6.35.035, as well as penalties as_sociated wi.th failure to comply: These codes cc1h be accessed oh the City of Auburn Web Site at Auburnwa.gov. Accordingto Auburn City Code 6.35.010 (D), you .may appeal my decision to the .City'.s Hearing Examiner within 15 days of this notice, if it is delivered to you in person, or within 20 days if the letter is mailed to you, by filing a al with the City Clerk. W.T.Pierson Asst. Chief of Police AUBURN* MORE THAN YOU IMAGINED Exhibit 3 6 of 111 Auburn Police Department Police Report for Incident 17-15638 02/20/18 15:21:17 655 Crime: ANPR ANIMAL PROBLEM Location: 1-511 Address: 29589 63RD CT S Auburn WA Received By: J Heslin How Received: T Telephone Agency: APO Responding Officers: J Heslin Responsible Officer: B Williams When Reported: 11 :30:00 11/29/17 Disposition: To Pros Attorney for Review 01/11/18 Occurred Between: 11 :30:00 11/29/17 and 12:00:00 11/29/01 Crimes Additional Offense: Animal Problem Circumstances LTN5 l Street/Highway/Road/ Alley GG03 No Gang/Unknown POD Potentially Dangerous Dog Clearance: N Not Applicable Judicial Status: Misc Entry: SJ/MJ/MJ/SU Modus Operandi: Description : Involvements Date Type Description 12/04/17 Name BROWN, KAMILLA ANN 12/04/17 Name JOHNSON, KATHLEEN T 12/07/17 Property Dog PUT BULL XENA 50 12/07/17 Property Dog PIT BULL ASTRO 50 12/04/17 Property Dog GSD MIX CHARLOTTE 50 Method : Relationship VICTIM DOG OWNER IN VOLVED INVOLVED VICTIM DOG 02/20/18 Exhibit 4 7 of 111 Police Report for Incident 17-15638 Involved Persons (Address on 11 :30:00 11/29/17) : VICTIM : Last: BROWN First: KAMILLA DOB: 04/22/55 Dr Lic: BROWNKA451J2 Race: w Sex: F Phone: (253)941-8141 Height: 5'03" Weight: 150 llair: Eyes: BLU DOG OWNER : Last: JOHNSON First: KATHLEEN DOB: 06/08/64 Dr Lie: johnskt369lh Race: w Sex: F Phone: (206)972-4552 Height: 5'06"Weight: 210 Hair: Eyes: Mid: Address: City: SSN: Work Phone: Mid: Address: City: SSN: Work Phone: ANN 4806 S 301ST ST Auburn, WA 98001 ()- T 29589 63RD CT S AUBURN, WA 98001 ()- \ -·----- Page 2 of 10 02/20/18 8 of 111 Police Report for Incident 17-15638 Narrative J HESLIN/1536 Fri Dec 01 17:05:39 PST 2017 AN ANIMAL PROBLEM WAS REPORTED IN THE 29600 BLOCK OF 63RD CT SE.% FORWARD TO: CITY ATTORNEYS OFFICE ON 11/29/2017 I RECEIVED AN EMAIL FROM FORMER ANIMAL CONTROL OFFICER WINNER REGARDING A DOG ATTACK THAT OCCURRED IN THE CITY OF AUBURN� A KING COUNTY ANIMAL CONTROL OFFICER HAD BEEN IN THE AREA AND OBSER_VED THE ATTACK. I CONTACTED KCAC OFFICER FETTERS REGARDING THE INCIDENT. SHE TOLD ME IT OCCURRED AT THE INTERSECTION OF 296TH ST & 63RD CT SE. OFFICER FETTERS ALSO SENT ME A COPY OF HER REPORT. OFFICER FETTERS REPORTED THE FOLLOWING. "On November 29, 2017 at approximately 1130 hours, I was heading down s 296th St. As I approached the curve in the Street where it turns into 64th Ave s, I observe_d a female holding a fawn colored dog by the tail in the middle of the road along with two dogs on top of a lady on the emergency pull off area of the road, to my right. I immediately stopped in the middle of the road, turned on my lights, and grabbed a catch pole. As I did this, t_he dog being held apparently got away as when I got to the other side of my truck, I witnessed the fawn colored dog lunging and biting at what appeared to be a cattle dog/shepherd mix. I then observed a smaller, brown dog with a "death grip" on the shepherd's chest area. There was an older lady lying on the ground calling o.ut, "Please get him, they' re going to kill her", as she was holding onto tl::1e Sheph,erd. I nudged the fawn dog in the snout with my catch pole, and the second lady grabbed the fawn dog by the tail once agai11 wh_ere he released, and I was able to put the pole's lead around the dog. The lady holding was begging for me to get tl:le dog du.:ring the whole process. I dragged him back to my truck. The whole time, he was lunging, trying•to retract back to attack the other dog. I had to hold him down inside the driver's side floor of my vehicle to keep him from seeing th,e other dog. A gentleman raced out of his car at this time, where I asked him to hold the pole so that I could grab the other dog. I took my second catch pole and got it a-round the smaller, brown dog's neck. I placed both dogs in my vehicle cages at that time. The second lady identified as both of the Pit Bull dog's owner. She stated her name was Kathy Johnson, I later identified her tl:l_rough Secure Access as Kathleen Torina Johnson / JOHNSKT369LH DOB 06/08/1964. She gave me her phone number as 206-972-4553. K_athy stated her dogs were licensed. I asked if either were under a confinement order, and she stated, "No. Nothing l�ke this has ever happened." I told her the dogs will need to be quarantined for 10 days and explained what it entailed. She stated she could do that in her home. Kathy was bleeding on her right hand. It appeared she was bitten on the top of her thumb where a puncture wound was prominent. I recommended she go to a doctor after the dogs were contained inside. I loaded the dogs in her house, neither showed aggression towards me. The fawn colored dog remained hyperactive through the whole scenario, the brown dog, "Xena" was cowering upon taking her out of my truck. I later contacted Kathy letting her know I would be forwarding the case to Auburn Animal Control as the location was right outside our jurisciiction. She asked how the dog was doing. I let her know the victim dog had a laceration behind the right ear that would need stitches and a large brusing pattern/puncture wound on the chest. I mentioned that the owner of that dog was possibly bit in the process but was concerned about getting her dog to a veterinarian first. Kathy reported that she was working from home today and heard a commotion outside, so she looked out her upstairs window and saw her dogs in a scuffle with the other dog. She ran outside immediately to try to help and realized that a board on her fence was broken down. After getting the suspect dogs contained, I transported the victitn owner and dog to their residence at 4806 S 301st Dr. The victim dog owner identified as Kami Brown 253-569-6396 and stated her dog's 11a_m� was "Charlotte". I met her at Afford-A-Vet in Kent where she requested to go. I took photographs of "Charlotte". I observed a large, open, laceration on the back of the right ear/head and a large area of possible bruising with a puncture wound on the chest. There was blood on the top of her head, and her gums appeared pale. I did Page 3 of 10 02/20/18 9 of 111 Police Report for Incident 17-15638 not examine all of her body. I asked Kami if she had been bit, and she responded that she thinks she was bit on her foot, and her sock was ripped, but she just wanted to worry about her dog at the time .. There were witnesses that retreated after the dogs were contained. None saw the incident unfold, just happened to be passing by when it wa!;l happening.Kami reported that she always walks up and down that road and has never had a problem. She stated she was walking up the hill when the board on the fence of the owner 's house broke, and the dogs came out and att.acked her dog. VF61 I received a call from the suspect party requesting to pay the veterinary bills for the victim party. I stated that I would pass that information along to the victim and that she can contact the veterinary clinic directly if she would like, however, otherwise Auburn Animal Control will be in touch for further information. I called Kami, the victim, who reported her dog received 16 areas of suturing. She also reported at this time that she was bit a couple of times but didn't notice it until she was done worrying ab.out "Charlotte''. She thanked me for intervening and "saving Charlotte". I told her Auburn Animal Control will continue from here. VF61 '' ON 11/30/2017 A'I' 1430 H0URS I CONTACTE.D VICTIM KAMILLA "KAMi i• BR.OWN. BROWN TOLD ME SHE WAS WALKING HER GERMAN SHEPHERD MIX DOG ''CHARLOTTE" ON 296TH ST WHERE THE ROAD CURVES TOWARDS 51ST, BUT COULD NOT PROVIDE AN EXACT LOCATION. THE FENCE SECURES THE BACKYARD OF THE RESIDENCE ALONG THE SIDEWALK. WHILE SHE WAS WALKING TWO PIT BULL TYPE DOGS CAME THROUGH THE FENCE AND ATTACKED CHARLOTTE. THE ATTACK BEGAN BY THE FENCE BUT THE DOGS EN.OED UP CE:{ASING BROWN ACROSS TijE STREET. BOTH BROWN AND CHARLOTTE WERE ON THE GROUND AND BROWN BEGAN SCREAMING FOR HELP. SHE TRIED TO KICK THE DOGS AWAY FROM CHARLOTTE BUT THEY CONTINUED TO ATTACK. DURING THE ATTACK THE OWNER RAN OUT AND ATTEMPTED TO SEPARATE THE DO.GS, BUT ALSO WAS UNABLE TO. THE DOGS OWNER WAS LATER IDENTIFIED AS KATHLEEN JOHNSON. BROWN TOLD ME THAT CHARLOTTE HAD MULTIPLE PUNCTURE WOUNDS TO HER HEAD, CHEST, LEGS AND 13 AREAS NEEDED STITCHES AND SHE HAD A TORN RIGHT EAR. THE SKIN ON CH ARLOTTES HEAD HAD TO BE SEWN BACK ONTO THE MUSCLE. BROWN TOLD ME THAT SHE WAS ALSO INJURED. BROWN HAD A BITE WOUND ON HER LEFT SHIN, SEVERAL PUNCTURE WOUNDS, MULTIPLE BRUISES AND ABRASIONS AND A PUNCTURE WOUND TO HER LEFT BIG TOE THAT IS CONSIDERED AN OPEN FRACTURE. BROWN WENT TO CITY MD IN FEDERAL WAY AND THEY SENT HER TO ST. FRANCIS MEDICAL CENTER FOR CARE. BROWN SAID THAT SHE HAS TO SEE AN ORTHOPEDIC DOCTOR FOR THE INJURY TO HER TOE. ON 12/01/2017 AT 1753 HOURS I SPOKE WITH THE KATHLEEN JOHNSON. SHE TOLD ME THAT SHE WAS WORKING FROM HOME THAT DAY AND H.EMD A NOISE OUTSIDE. WHEN SHE LOOKED OUT HER WINDOW SHE SAW HER SMALLER FEMALE DOG "XENA" ATTACKING ANOTHER DOG AND HER LARGER MALE DOG "ASTRO" RUN THROUGH THE BROKEN FENCE. THAT IS WHEN JOHNSON RAN OUTSIDE. JOHNSON TOLD ME SHE GRABBED ASTRO BY THE TAIL AN.D TRIED TO REMOVE HI.M AND THAT IS WHEN SHE GOT BIT ON HER RIGHT THUMB. JOHNSON TOLD ME SHE DID NOT NEED STITCHES. JOHNSON ALSO TOLD ME THAT BOTH DOGS ARE CURRENT ON THEIR RABIES SHOTS AND VACCINATIONS. BOTH DOGS ARE SEEN AT SACAJAWEA VET CLINIC IN FEDERAL WAY. SHE ALSO TOLD ME BOTH DOGS ARE LICENSED IN THE CITY OF AUBURN AS POTENTIALLY DANGEROUS DOGS. t WAS ABLE TO LOCATE LICENSING INFORMATION FOR XENA & ASTRO. THEY ARE BOTH REGISTERED AS POTENTIALLY DANGEROUS DOGS (PDD) AND ARE LICENSED THROUGH THE CITY. XENA HAS BEEN REGISTERED AS A PDD SINCE 12/30/2015, LICENSE #P016756. ASTRO HAS BEEN LICENSED AS A PDD SINCE 10/30/2017, LICENSE #P018168. ON 12/5/2017 I MET WITH BROWN. SHE SHOWED ME HER INJURIES AND THE INJURIES TO CHARLOTTE. BROWN ALSO SIGNED 3 MEDICAL RELEASE FORMS. HER ORTHOPEDIC DOCTOR IS MONITORING THE TOE INJURY. I WAS ABLE TO TAKE PHOTOS OF CHARLOTTE AND BROWN PROVIDED ME WITH PHOTOS OF HER INJURIES. TH.E PHOTOS HAVE BEEN INCLUDED AND ARE ON THE V-DRIVE ALONG WITH THE PHOTOS FROM KING COUNTY ANIMAL CONTROL. BROWN ALSO TOLD ME HER VET BILLS HAVE TOTALED $1,100 SO FAR. Page 4 of 10 02/20/18 10 of 111 Police Report for Incident 17-15638 I ALSO MET WITH .JOHNSON. SHE SHOWED ME BOTH DOGS WHO WERE SECURED IN CRATES. JOHNSON TOLD ME THAT BECAUSE OF THE LOCATION OF HER HOME, HER FENCE HAS BEEN INVOLVED IN TWO HIT & RUN INCIDENTS. JOHNSON THOUGHT THE FENCE HAD BEEN FIXED WHERE THE VEHICLE HAD MOST RECENTLY STRUCK BUT DID NOT KNOW TJ:iE FENCE WAS DAMAGED IN THE AREA WHERE THE DOGS ESCAPED. JOHNSON TOLD ME THE DOGS ARE NEVER L.EFT OUTSIDE WITI:IOUT SOMEONE HOME. BECAUSE I WAS IN TRAINING WHEN THE INCIDENT OCCURRED, BOTH DOGS WERE QUARANTINED FOR RABIES IN THEIR HOME. JOHNSON I:IAS BEEN FOLLOWING THE QUARANTINE GUIDELINES AND THE DOGS ARE ONLY ALLOWED OUTSIDE ON LEASHES AND MUZ2:LES IN THEIR BACK YARD. JOHNSON GAVE ME RABIES INFORMATION FOR BOTH DOGS .XENA RABIES TAG 011224/2017. AS.TRO WAS GIVEN HIS RABIES SHOT IN CALIFORNIA WHERE HE WAS A RESCUE. THE SHOT WAS ADMINISTERED ON 08/23/2017 BY ADVANCED PET CARE-DR GEORGE BISHAY OMV.JOHNSON ALSO TOLD ME SHE WAS SEEN BY A DOCTOR REGARDING HER THUMB, BUT DID NOT NEED STITCHES AND WAS GIVEN AN ANTIBIOTIC. I ADVISED JOHNSON I WOULD BE DECLARING BOTH DOGS DANGEROUS AND SHE UNDERSTOOD. BECAUSE I WAS I.N TRAINING WHEN THE INCIDENT OCCURRED AND BECAUSE JOHNSON IS COOPERATIVE THE DOGS WILL REMAIN QUARANTINED IN THEIR HOME. I REQUESTED MEDICAL RECORDS REGARDING BROWN'S INJURIES AND I CONTACTED AFFORD A VET IN KENT FOR CHARLOTTE'S RECORDS. THIS CASE SHOULD BE FORWARDED TO THE CITY OF AUBURN LEGAL DEPARTMENT FOR FILING OF THE FOLLOWING CHARGES AGAINST JOHNSON: ACC 6.02.090-ANIMAL INJURING HUMAN, DOMESTIC ANIMAL OR LIVESTOCK-XENA ACC 6.02.090--ANIMAL INJURING HUMAN, DOMESTIC ANIMAL OR LIVESTOCIC-ASTRO AND INFRACTIONS ACC 6.02.010 ANIMAL AT LARGE FOR XENA AND ASTRO. I CERTIFY UNDER PENALTY OF PERJURY UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON AUTHORIZED US.ER ID AND PASSWORD TO AUTHENTICATE IT. Signature: J HESLIN #1536 Date and Place: 12/05/2017 City/Town of Auburn, Courity of King Page 5 of 10 02/20/1811 of 111 Police Report for Incident 17-15638 Supplement Sequence: I J Heslin/1536 Mon Dec 11 15:56:51 PST 2017 SGT B WILLIAMS/MJ FORWARD TO: City of Auburn Legal Department I received medical rec.ords for Kamilla A Brown from City MD. The records have been placed in the case jacket. I CERTIFY UNDER PENALTY OF PERJURY UNDER TH.E LAW$ OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON THAT ALL STATEMENTS MADE HEREIN ARE TRUE AND ACCURATE AND THAT I AM ENTERING MY AUTHORIZED USER ID AND PASSWORD TO AUTHENTICATE IT. Signature: J Heslin #1536 Date and Place: 12/11/2017 City/Town of Auburn, County of King Page 6 of 10 02/20/18 12 of 111 Police Report for Incident 17-15638 Supplement Sequence:2 J HESLIN/1536 Thu Jan 04 08:38:56 PST 2018 SGT C ADAMS/MJ FORWARD TO: City of Auburn Legal Department On 12/26/2017 I received notice that Kathleen Johnson had received the dangerous dog forms via certified mail. The receipt was placed in the case jacket. Medical records were also received via mail from St. Francis Medical Center for Ka_r:nilla Brown. The medical records were added to the case file. I CERTIFY UNDER PENALTY OF PERJURY UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON THAT ALL STATEMENTS MADE HEREIN ARE TRUE MID ACCURATE AND THAT I AM ENTERING MY AUTHORIZED USER ID AND PASSWORD TO AUTHENTICATE IT. Signature:J Heslin #:1536 Date and Place: 01/04/2018 City/Town of Auburn, County of King Page 7 of 10 02/20/18 13 of 111 Police Report for Incident 17-15638 Supplement Sequence:3 S ULLRICH #2962 Thu Jan 11 18:35:08 PST 2018 PER CITY PROSECUTUR HARRY BOESCHE, THE CITY OF AUBURN ATTONREY'S OFFICE HAS DECLINED TO FILE CRIMINAL CHARGE(S)IN THIS CASE. DEPENDENT: JOHNSON, KATHLEEN T, DOB: 06/08/64. %SU 01/11/18 Page 8 of 10 02/20/18 14 of 111 Police Report for Incident 17-15638 Property Property Number: 248671 Item: Dog Brand: PUT BULL Year: 0 Meas: Total Value: $50.00 Owner: JOHNSON KATHLEEN T 360753 Agency: APO Auburn Police Department Aecom Amt Recov: $0.00 UCR: 0TH Other Local Status: III Crime Lab Number: Date Released: **/**/** Released By: Released To: Reason: Comments: Property Number: 248672 Item: Dog Brand: PIT BULL Year: 0 Meas: Total Value: $50.00 Owner: JOHNSON KATHLEEN T 360753 Agency: APO Auburn Police Department Aecom Amt Recov: $0.00 UCR: 0TH Other Local Status: III Crime Lab Number: Date Released: **/**/** Released By: Released To: Reason: Comments: Property Number: 248642 Item: Dog Brand: GSD MIX Year: 0 Meas: Total Value: $50.00 Owner: BROWN KAMILLA ANN 291272 Agency: APO Auburn Police Department Owner Applied Nmbr: Model: XENA Quantity: Serial Nmbr: Color: Tag Number: Officer: J Heslin UCRStatus: Storage Location: Status Date: 11/29/17 Date Recov/Rcvd: **/**/** Amt Recovered: $0.00 Custody: **:**:** **/**/** Owner Applied Nmbr: Model: ASTRO Quantity: Serial Nmbr: Color: Tag Number: Officer: J Heslin UCRStatus: Storage Location: Status Date: 11/29/1 7 Date Recov/Rcvd: **/**/** Amt Recovered: $0.00 Custody: **:**:** **/**/** Owner Applied Nmbr: Model: CHARLOTTE Quantity: Serial Nmbr: Color: Tag Number: Page 9 of 10 02/20/18 15 of 111 Police Report for Incident 17-15638 Page 10 of 10 . Aecom Amt Recov: $0.00 Officer: J Heslin UCR: 0TH Other UCRStatus: Local Status: III Storage Location: Crime Lab Number: St.atus Date: 11/29/17 Date Released: **!**!**Date Recov/Rcvd: **!**!** Released By: Amt Recovered: $0.00 Released To: Custody: **:**:** **/**/** Reason: Comments: 02/20/18 16 of 111 Dare Owner '(;:,'{OwV\I. �� Pet's Name. C\l\;N\i)� ('zsSS:{>.i� '71/\"1..- Breed C::,'N..,ft'P' b. Wv"•:l X Color . 'on Du! \-e... OHLP-PC DHLP Gv.ROIA CORONA LY!vCES WORMING EXAM I MusaJ0Sule1"1 (�m ( )Abnorm '53 l '4? Sex__,,f-=-5,, __ .. Type of Diet 1.M&:I ----- 06£8698ESZ: Yes No 6:__ --t-----.------ ----- ...... -- 17 of 111 AFFOl/;D-A-VET ANIMAL CLINIC CONTJNl}A.TfON SHEET (CANINE) FOR: 0WN:ER'sN.AME ... · ·• .· .. ·.. . . . ...... · CQMPUTER��:,. � .. · ·.· � . � � �� F3t 1 - PETSNAME �� � � iz.. SEX Es BR.EED5�j0-M1£ : - FuJ,i:xom Fecal Arrolysfs. 8T/Z:0 391:1d Xl:1.:l 18 of 111 A.FFO.RD-A-YETANJMAL CLINIC .ra.-.•,, . ..,__, ___ .. CANINE HEALTH RECORD Date Y · l�·!S Computer# Owner .ftnW\i N k (__. Pet's Name G V\ u\ v \ (rt1 t, sex_f<;_ Breed \\\f\ �f · M\ 'f ( �ss j; Age B/ 12--­ Color W VI Ne\\ �Spayed X Neutered __ DHLP-PC DHLP G(Aru>IA CORONA RABIES BORDETELLA LYMES WORMING EXAM ____ DA_T_E_---ff <J,,w,/11� nycur-ttryWcrm ( )Abnorm ( -4onn ( ),(l,,wrm M1uaJ1,Sbldta1 c� ( )Norm ( .;/{norm t4orm ( )Abnorm Type of Diet __ ......... ____ OtfTJUT el,t,tald.edius the ________ ...:,;:.._ __ .,_ ___ __,�___...l>�----+-Ge -nUD-_ -Ui-,trtary---1---E}'e-s--t---1/aflllWing: (�orm ( � (� f Mbnorrn ( yt(Qffll r JAbl,,qmi F"11 E.:r."'11 -"il------•---t-------,.----,..,.,-t--�----t---,f Vaccilw J""'F' Nodu .MIJCfl1'i/,JelflJ,r'1NS Fecal. (-1Norm ( )_.Warm (� (µ� ;;;;.:, �-....-�-....... �-..... -"""""",,,.......,..., .... _..__...,..._..._t.-., Vil(pnins �---R. __ Wt .. __;;,�i;-Describe A.lmonnal: Flea Cariirol -+---•----'----....---------,;-,,---.,......,.-'---------, ........ ___ Homvl.gaili·----------h Re=---------------11,.,. --Lip �---�---'----------------------�·-'""""- Yes No ---------_, ;-------- --. --- � CJ'lec )t e t1 rs Q(Ql cT!EO 39ttd X\1,j 19 of 111 AFFORD-A-VET ANI.MAL CLINIC CONTINUATION SHEET (CANINE) FOR: OWNER'S NAME' . �YDlJ.J(\ I ,.COMPUTER# St>l lt.. l'hr'S.NAMb O'\.(Xf \t>\t:€, (�t\)oE i) r2 ✓ JIDC 'f0.om �YW1an,fp..t7"' 'JI E!/P0 39'vd X'v.::1 20 of 111 .{FFORD-A-YET Qi/J,IAL CUN1C CONnNll,f11QNSIIJ!IET (C.AJtll1VE} FOJI.: ·>�'l\·iiK=itl�_(3rJ11AlyJ J�-.. _ �.{!-t,'T$'# ___ £31 (e -�-�� �. -� -� i::s, -mmm�¥1.� H ii I �i i �!J i -----1-���--���=-:;i;,�= .. "=• -=••=•-;,,,·r•-""'-' -•--f-�.:;.,:.;.:.:;=;;.._--.--1,;:,.__.+-_-.------.----,;.;.... '..E!tWd! -..... --------------"-------f--����-----.:�-+-------.,,.....----:-----+----·------------------...--....... --·--------t"-----'--·--------.........,,...., 000'9005 ·;. Cllem�1n:lrial$;diji4= • i.Af)1>'£0 •J�, , •.. :·, .;.�.-� .... l.oJiSJ -i..--L-----•,..--___________ ,..,.... ____________ ------� ---..... -----------------------------------_......, ___ :.----,-----------------_,,,---------------..---------'-- ___ _,.. _____ .__......,. ... ,�---�"'--------...... ----------.,..-....... ---� ... ,,� "'·•-·---... -----··•·-� .. -�---...... . ----.. ...-...------,,-'--,.--,;;'Pml.,,.,,,._��-:+--;-:-:------+-:-::-----""""t--{i-'r,---:,-,,;=-,";.;;':l;;;;;:-;;;;:-;;;;-·;_:,1 \�v} � :;;.,.J.�µ.J,11;.. ....... �-=�-:--:-:--+-_,..���---f �-----------"""'1:�-------,r-' -liC\CIV l -·•--,-------,-·-·--�- -----· .. -_,__________ _ ---------....:...--- Et/90 39\;;'d 05E8698ES0 21 of 111 AFFORD-A-/l'ET ANI_MAJ. Cl,/NIC llNUA'flON SHIL_ET (CANlNl'J:) FOR: NNSR'S NAME .�0.,� �1 -� _(3 _ _ -� _ _ -- COMPUTER # __ �l_!;,_ iT'SNAME_L'<;.9,!-1o\:tt.:Ct�l�t fra, .. _ _ _ SEX_t:;;i_ BREED_i2S.Q _____ ,-- DATE -----·---.. ----...--�--------.. ,�.-.. --.·--� "--------··-------- ilL��--,-.....,__4:��2.�_CL_ ___ �r>,,l \ __ J:�c�L -c __ o.�d. � 0,_ M:��S� ¥--S_ �1:..L?.. .&1Ltd_i21..;_A-V: (J-_� �-u�-. -�--CLr.&t.-k: � te: ,,� _ --��,��l�_h.J--cl /Uo_ t2..1.1s�Jt£r�llk s_:s,ee,) -----�: /. s-��-LL! gc--: -�� EJ/90 .39ttd W..t_��,��-0���-� - _ ·---· -------- 22 of 111 AFFORD-A-VET ANl!tl/AL CLINIC, __ _ JNTINOATION SHEET (CANINE)_FCi' OWNER'S NAME _ '"rMl!.WY' t ¼aroi ·-COMPUTER# ,;� l(.p PET'S NAME __ �'"'ouiMe AGE�_P5_ BREEo __ /4,sj) DATE 1 t I t-9 -"'� ._. "'<� ... --�X:,=J ��o Wl£l.SkJJ. &aw-:r,_.__.,,.......,D& +v�1�-ti2p;o&,:'ll/ tc.,�µ-,g._pl,str«· ::>±ad J;;d ___,__-,----+--..... D=--blv-W ?"' S\,','Y\?!J � 'ilJ�e-te�p,,vo�S£� $a.L)vL.• n.¼- ----'--!--a: __ 7' k� . ClAe '\-ct� �1 C,� \(?_f� ..:iu) � :�4_ nu,;, g4c,il\ Ct.,Uft ' . ' .· _ . 3,20 ?:!�; b �f� .. �&�:::=:Ce,,s,� ;P�U .�,-�� _ ___.R_._ 1-�- � . 6 & \ B - x r n s c o ,n··�. :a :;lg .Gt% \ -� e \ 2---�-· .. �/ ,G,o& ·. .. . ,.· ,' -. . . _ __,_---,-_.,..._�.v;:, � .I© n,;':'J c::I:!. &,,,� '/�.T 4LJ: \?o 1,: i2 �. . _. . --�'---+-_,,,.,, ...... .:...:V'CLh'.\4tia f �0 IG!J , � t{S::: �1-"f'��--'2-t ..... · ..... ¥'._r 1_2_�-----a· ·a.-·--------------- .i,.\ :j.,\� .:; � �'M#'-<��-41 f\bow , :tho.-,., 'A.a ( ��1,):) .. b --f M. (-·h�J /(5�/ � J f&J J 6jio P � v.Ml"e,A �lf (So. _5 j._, 1: ¥0-_�r fkJ4,.1ef\ • .a'11�r rul:Hy� w�(\J: . S,kl , · L..aitfC ·� , 2¥(�r�rrf'eftlf-&1'1 'A 1½.. t.E)r .;,/l �- ( . ' · , · . u l f . • ack · · �Liiv t · o .. E1/l0 39'v'd �. -� 7 C .... re.. -·'""- X'v'.:l ,.✓ -· J 23 of 111 AfFORD-A-Jl£T AN/.'v/At. Cl.!NJ: OWNER'S NA.r.,fE -�+1�:1. .. . .. ____ ...... __ . .. ..COMP l.JTER # __ £j!)JL!.. __ _ !'£T'S NAMEJ.1-::).D,V.:";i� fu._ ___ ( �--�:?-l)AGE ___ ��2::..... S}'.X t.�--.. gREbO ___ \?�D.__ ______ ..... -�·-·-·· ----·· "-------··-······-·---... ----------- 24 of 111 AFFORD-A-YET 4NINAL CLINIC . COND/tffUt'IO/tl SIIIJ:lfr(C4NINEJ /I08: oWNa�.M.WI· fimwn\ �. .. .. COMPOT&t, C?J.31 '" m-sNANt Gvvuio±t� �h1-SEX. v: s Bum> · GiSD .fil�lffl; .. -'-.. �����--------���___;:_....;;:..,� l 111. ;_J..___,__,..J.:�+:-,;:;.......-J..���������-..""-J��_;,,. ··'------+-------­ ----.,...;-4------- E:!/60 39t'd 06E86S8ESt st:zz L10Z/�0/Zt 25 of 111 � -. AFFOIW-A--YET.1.JVMU.L CUNIC '· - �ON TfNU'AT�ON SHE.Ct {CAN»Nf) FOR�·NNER 'S NAME 12Y O v'\I IJ I I( , -- . COMPUTER. t??l!i_ :T'S NAME()\Altflttlff�4)AGEjjD :.-:::... SEX __ 5 __ BREED ___ (:]_S ___ D _ _.,...__ DATE -------,--- Er/0T 39t'd ... -� .. --·· � ( � ( )NtltWI ( )A�lliw?'a r JN� ( J.,-la,,,;l:/'14 ( JNM'flt ( .w .. . -------.....---­.--------- 06£86S8£SC:26 of 111 tU I / / I I / jU I I ;'f'f:Ub --� .. PET�YS Vetetin-llry !elem&O:lic:ine Con�IIIW:lts Requesting Veterinarian DR. DOLINKO Requesting Fc:1cllity Attord A Vet Animal Clinic 20920 108TH AVE SE KENT WA98031 Phone 2538598387 Fax 2538598390 I IL 2024 Rayford Road Spring, TX 77386 1-888-4-PETRA YS Report.Date 11/30/17 9:27 am Recelved:oate fl/29/17 5:40 pm Request OcJte 1)/2�/17 5:42 pm Study Date 11/29/17 Report# 1161324 Patient BROWN, CHARLOTTE Owner KAMI Patient ID 8554 Sex Female, Spayed Age Sy Weight 50.00 lbs. Species Canine Breed German Shepherd Sludy Plain FilmiX-Ray: Thorax, Elbow Right Req, Type Routi ne History DOG WAS ATTACK ED BY TWO Pl.T BlJLL$. PLJNCTURES ON NECK AND LACERATIONS. BASE OF RIGHT EAR. ALSO PUNCTURE WOUND$ AN.D 1,AC!:RATION IN RIGHT AXILLARY, ELBOW AREA. 8· 9CM POCKETING IN BOTH REGIONS. GAS IN SUBQUTANEOUS TISSUE . •. . • . .. . .. . ·•••••·• .•.••.••••. , ' •••• •· ....... •· ••.•.•• , ............... ·-· •.• ' ................. , •. ' ............ ' ........... ' .. " .. '' ...... "'.'. '.� ... :• •. ; .••• ···.�:·········· •••. •.•• ••• '._ .••. : •• , ........... _. ••••• ; •••• ;·'.··i;._ .... '"'.''� ....... , .. --♦♦ .: .... :. ••••• : •• -�--··•: .. Findings There are 7 views of1he thorax and bilateral forelimbs. Thorax: there is a modera1e amount of gas within the subcuta neous tissues of the caudal dorsal cervical region There is mild subcutaneous gas in the axillary regions bilaterally and in the righ1 lateral thoracic body wall. The cardiac silhouette is normal in size and shape. The pulmonary vasculature is normal in size. The pulmonary parenchyma is unrema rkable. The mediastinal structures and pleural space are unr81'Jlarkable, The soft tissues of the cranial abdomen and osseous s1ructures of the thorax are within normal limits. Forelimb$: there is moderate soft tissue swelling of th(;) right for�limb from the scapula to the mid antebrachium. There are multiple gas opacitie$ within th� soft,tissues of the right forelimb to the level of the mi.d antebrachiurn. No cortical or me(juUary al:>normalities ar, Identified.in either scapula, humerus, proximalradius or ulrta. No degenerative cha'nges are se.en in (;l_ither shoulder or elbow. The medial coronoid process of the ulna.is distinct. and .normal in shape bilaterally .. The.re is good congruity of the elbowjoints bilaterally.No obvious soft 1issue swelling is identified in the left forelimb. Conclusions Moderate subcutaneous emphysema of 1he caudal cervical region, mild subcutaneous emphysema of the thorax and right proximal forelimb. Moderate soft tissue swelling of the right proximal forelimb. This may be cell ulitis or hemorrhage due to trauma. No bony abnormalities are identified in either forelimb. No abnormalities are identified within the lhorax. No evidence of penetration of the thoracic body wall. No pneumothorax is present. . .. .. . . ....... . . . . .. .......... ... ................ ......... _ ..... . ..... . . ........ .. ......... . ................... .. u";,;�";;;,d ,;;;·�;;;;,;��i;�;�;��ri�; -�eg��;;g spe�iflc lfearmenr recommendations tor m,s case please svbmil an additional request for an intemal medicine consvllation. Please make s1.1re yov apply the same patient irJ�ntlfication number ro rne reqvest. »�•"-'"-•�•---••••v,-,,.., ....... ••••'.''•"'-••"""�••"••••,.•••�·�•-••••"'"""'•"'••••••••· .......... ,... • .., ................ •..,-..,.,...._, .. ,,,..,..,,.,_.,,.,..,. ....., .. .,. • ·•-�-'""'" • , .......... �,,,.,,,_ • �._.�_..._.... _....,...,....,., • ..,_...,,, q. n•••••••• .... ,. .. ,, ......... •• .. •••••,•••••• .. •••••;• .... •••••••• .. • ............... , ........ •••••• .... •••••••••••••"••••• ..... • .. •"•••.•. •,.-- ............... ""H ..... ,v .. <>•o €till 39\i'd B6E86S8SSZ: 27 of 111 \PET&\YS V.ete,frui,Y TelerMcHdne CnllSlil!oo� Jenelle Sharpley OVM, MS, DA.CVR LU I/ I I I/ ;SU I I :44:0o 2024 Hayford Hoad Spring, TX 77386 1-888-4-PETRAYS fl )1_0/J have J/ly que.sliom: (V916fblaliilflS only), pl,;ase o1riall me ai;enr,//esharpley�y/ilhoo.cam:or C.il/ 970'690-3365.' You maj iJ�o c;sll f-888-113-8129 ior Immlldl:itrj a,;:i:t:11mt. ... ,.., .......... , .. -............. ,. ... ,. ......... . , ........... ,_ ................. , .......... , ........ , ... ,_,, •"•'•••••••••0•0 .. 00 .............. • .. ••··••·••• ........... - . . . . . . . ••,• .. • ........... O'.''""U'••"'"' >H'-•O••··••><O .. H •• nn:t 38'1d X'1.:l 06£86S8ESZ :::t:zz L!0Z/P0/Z1 28 of 111 999955550093 �; AFFORD·A·VET ANIMAL CLINIC 01 .. ---- Owner': BROWN Patii;nt: CHARLOTTE I ·--·-=�·-·� LABORATORIES AFFORD•A•VET ANIMAL CLINIC 20920 108TH AVE SE KENT, WASHINGTON 98031 Specie;;: Breed: Age::: CANINE GERMAl\'_SHEPHERD 5Y2M 1 ·888--433-9987 Click the RED BANNER on Vt1tConnectPLUS.com tor a new View FECAL DX PROF W/ GIARD I GIARDIA ELISA NEGATIVE OVA&. PARASITES NO OVA OR. PARASITES SEEN HOOKWORM EL.ISA NEGATIVE WHJPWORM ELISA NEGATIVE ROUNDWORM ELISA Account: 28402 Gender: Aecivii.ition #: Accession #: Order recv'o: o:rdari:id 'by: Reported:. FS to7ae7843 !000636756 11/26/2017 DA.AUSTIN 11/26/2017 The .. IOt:xx Fecal Ox antl.gen test:s detect wor:111 antigeh ahd a po$itive indicates itifeCtion. Antigen-positive and egg-negative spei:imens cao be .see,, during. the pre-patent period, with single sex irifections .and due ta. i:ntermittent egg shedding. ldentitica.tion of eggs microscopically in antigen-negative specimens may be due to ingestion of infected feces (coprophagy) or because the .amovnt oT antigen i5 be1ow the level of detection. Treatment should be considered for patient� positive by either antigen or egg-detection. In cases of acute or chronic diarrhea also consider testing for viral, bacterial and protozoa'\. infectious agents using RealPCR (canine diarrhea panel: test code 2625; feline diarrhea. panel: test code 2627). BROWN, CHAAL01TE 11/26/2017 c1/S1 39'i1d X'v.:l FINAL REPORT PAGE 1 OF 1 .. 05E86S8ESZ: Et:z:z: L10Z:/P0/Z:t29 of 111 INCIDENT NUMBER 17- 1563€ AUTHORIZATION TO DISCLOSE PROTECTED HEAL TH INFORMATION TO V I A AlJl3URN POLICE DEPARTMENT I, � (.J vV11 I\ G\ 6 ((1 t,,..__] v7 as: . (PERSON .O.UTHORIZING CONSENT) (check one) �ATIENT □PATIENTS PARENT/LEGAL GUARDIAN CJPATIENT'S AUTHORIZEO�l::_PRESENTATIVEhereby authoriz e Pr re, 0, fel+s ...-E�duc:d l-'\l'.AtJ 'to releasethe ' (HOSPITAL/ MEDIC} FACILI% protected health information of: k CA. V\1 I 11 cL · ··•"'4·· •· b ( 0 LA--). •'7 (PATIENrs NAME) Born (month/day/year)_!j_J 2 2 I 5:j, for the time period beginning f / ··· Z Cf-· 17 and ending at the end of legal proceedings. I understand that the purpose of this disclosure is to assist in a criminal investigation and/Qr prosecution. This authorization also includes information obtained on ll -1 tJ-17 at the scene or during transport to/from a medical facility by EMT's, medics, or other responding aid providers that may not be directly asso�iated with the above named medical facility. ······················································•**•*•****••················· .................. 11 •••••••••• ALL INFORMATION TO BE RELEASED·, INCLUDING THE FOLLOWING: SUMMARY OF MEDICAL HISTORY/ TREATMENT ADVANCE NOTICE OF DISCHARGE DATE / TIME ONLY �DIOLOGY RECORDS ANO FILMS PROGRESS NOTES OPERATIVE NOTES LABORATORY/ DIAGNOSTIC TESTS/REPORT NURSING /.SOCIALWORK NOTES EMERGENCY ROOM RECORDS CONSULTATIONS OTHER: __________ _ ANY AND ALL RECORDS CONCERNING THESE SUBJECT ARE.AS: H.LV. / AIDS TESTING/ TREATMENTMENTAL ILLNESS/ MENTAL HEALTH TRl=ATMENT SEXUALLY TRANSMITTED DISEASES DRUG I ALCOHOL ABUSE TREATMENT The above indicated health information shalLbe released to: / _/ Investigating Officer or his/herdesignee: A, CC? J.. � . .(1511'1. . Auburn Police Depc!rtment, 340 East Main St. Suite 201 -Auburn, WA 98002�5548 Fax: (253) 931-5108 In addition, my care providers may discuss,my medical condition and any treatm�nt with the a�signed detective, his/her designee, and the Attorney's and their representatives related to the case. This authorization expires in ninety (90) days unless otherwise specified: _/_/_ or the following event occurs ____________ (This form does not permit di.sclosure of health information created more than 90 days from the date this form .is signed). Once disclosed, the recipient may not be required to maintain the confidentiality of the health care information. However; .1 understand that certain health care information may be protected under State and Federal Law (42 CPR Part 2 and RCW 70.24). I reserve the right to revoke consent (in writing to the address below) at any time prior to the ninety (90) day period, except to the extent that the facility which is to release information has already taken action in accordance with it. I understand that my medical care is not conditioned on my signing this authorization. I also understand that once the above information is disclosed, the information may not be protected by federal privacy laws and may potentially be re-disclosed by the rec·pient. Signature of Witness/ Interpreter J_;;J_, _}z:l_, _rJ Date FormsiMedical Release Form (0212017) 30 of 111 I, AUTHORIZATION TO DISCLO$E PRQTSCTED HEAL TH INFORMATION TO k A �au RN PO.LICE .. OEPARTM.ENT :) l1 vn 1 11 l'l. _ .. D (O L-..:::> 1"1 . . as; (PERSON AUTHORIZINC3 q)NSENT) (chec,k one) ;RP'ATIENT LPATIENTS PARENT/LEGAL GU,ARQIAN IJPATIENTS AUTHORIZEDREPRESE.NTATIVI: hereby authorize 5 I r=r-c1 vlC b? f1 ed, C ,d (i {?1(1 J<__c-to rel�a�e the (HOSPfTAL:/ MEDICAL.FACILITY) protected health information of: Kl� VV1 l /llA._ A [3 (O�•"I • (PATIENrS NAME) Born (month/day/year) L/ I 2 2 t-55_, for the time period beginning /I-ff-17 and ending at the end of legal proceedings. I understand that the purpose of this disclosure is to assist in a criminal investigation and/or prosecution. This authorization also includes information obtained on 11 -1 '1-I 1 at the scene or during transpprt to./fron,a mec:fic;:11 facility by EMTs, mecUcs, or other responding aid providers that may notbe directly associated >Nith the �boye narned rnec;ti®I facility. *****·********************·""*********·*****************************************i<.******.*****·*'*,**.**."'*·*-1'*-*-'!rl!***** ALL INFORMATION TO BE RELEASED, INCLUDING THE FOLLOWING: S.UMM.ARY OF MEDICAL HISTORY/ TREATMENT ADVANCE NOTICE OF DISCHARGE DATE/ TIME ONLY RADIOLOGY RECORDS AND FILMS PROGRESS NOTES OPERATIVE NOTES LABORATORY/ DIAGNOSTI.C TESTS./ REPORT NURSING/ SOCIAL WORK NOTES EMERGENCY ROOM RECORDS CONSULTATIONS OTHER: __________ _ ANY AND ALL RECORDS CONCERNING THESE SUBJECT AREAS: H.tV. / AIDS TESTING/ TREATMENT SEXUALLY TRANSMITTED DISEASES MENTAL ILLNESS / MENTAL HEAL TH TREATMENT DRlJG IALCOHOLABUSE TREATMENT The above indicated health information shall be released to: ; 1 LJS l·,. ,,.., .. Investigating Officer or his/her designee: --.:c..M-'· """·•-=O'--· __ J-"--. __ H_r __ ,---""-,. __ Auburn Polic� Departn,ent; 340 East.Main S,t. Suite 201 -Auburn, WA 98002�5548 Fax: (2.53) 931-5108 In addition, my care providers mc:1y discuss my medical condition and any treatment with the assigned detective, his/her designee, and the Attorney's and their representatives related to the case. This authorization expires in ninety (90) days unlE?ss ;otherwise specifie.d: _/_/_.or the follOWing ·everit occurs ------------,,,-(This form does not permit disclosure of health infprmation created more than 90 days from the date this form is signec::J), Once d1sclosect, the? recjpi$rit may .not be required to maintain the confidentiality of the health care information. However, r uridei':starid that certain health care information may be protected under State and Fecteral 48W ( 42 C.FR Part i a.nd RCW 70 .. 24). I reserve the right to revoke consent (in writing to the address below) at any time prior to the ninety (90) day period, except to the extent that the facility which is to release information has already taken action in accordance with it. I understand that my medical care is not conditioned on my signing this authorization. I also understand that once the above information is disclosed, the information may not be protected by federal privacy laws and may potentially be re-disclosed by the rec·pient. Signature of Witness/ Interpreter L'J. ,_H_,_JJ_ Date Forms/Medical Release Form (0212017) 31 of 111 INCIDENT NUMBER 1 ·7 _ 1 t.. � ., 0Jl-.)L) AUTHORIZATION TO DISCLOSE PR0TECTED'HEALTH INFORMATION toV: _··. I_ I A Q AUBURN POL. IC.E DEPARTMEN. T 1, DGIVv11 Gi, /\ l.::)(Cc✓i1 as: (PERSON.AUTHORIZING'CONSENT) (check one) �IENT □PATIENTS PARENT/LEGAL GUARDIAN CJPATIENTS AUnl.QRIZEDREPRESE:NTATIVE:. hereby authorize � . .H 1-::) -..--eck·{.-1cA I 00 v to release tt:ie (HOSPIT Al/ MEDICAL F�ILITY) protected health information of: Du vvr I IICA,--. A· D ( o � n' I . (PATIENTS NAMEi Born (month/day/year) L / 2 2 I 5S, for the time period beginning I / -2 Cf_ 2 0 I ] andending at the end of legal proceedings. I understand that the purpose of this disclosure is to assist in a criminal investigation and/or proseputipn. This authorization also includes information obtained on _II - 2<=/-2017 at .the scene or during transport to/from a medical facility by EMT's, medics, or other responding aid providers that may not be directly associated with .the above named medical facility. **"******************** ...................... ******* .. ******·****************·••:•·····:·········•**************°*************" ALL INFORMATION TO BE RELEASED, INCLUDING THE FOLLOWING: SUMMARY OF MEDICAL HISTORY/ TREATMENT ADVANCE NOTICE OF DISCHARGE DATE / TIME ONLY RADIOLOGY RECORDS AND FILMS PROGRESS NOTES OPERATIVE NOTES LABORATORY /"DIAGNOSTIC TESTS / REPORT NURSING / SOCIAL WORK NOTES EMERGENCY ROOM RECORDS CONSULTATIONS OTHER: __________ _ ANY AND ALL RECORDS CONCERNING THESE SUBJECT AREAS: H.I.V. / AID.S TESTING I TREATMENT . . SEXUALLY TRANSMITTED DISEASES MENTAL ILLNESS I MENTAL HEALTH TREATMENT DRUG/ ALCOHOL ABUSE TR�TMENT The above ind_icat. �d heal . th . infor,:na_ tion s_h�II, be released to: \ ;1 / lnvestIgat1ng Officer or h1s/h�r desI911ee: -',-'A...L;C!"'-""'O'---__,s .... __ ___,;i1_e-'s'-·-,_v}_;._ __ _ AubJ.Jrn Police Department, 340 East Main St. Suite 201 -Auburn, WA 98002-5548 Fax: (253) 931-5108 In addition, my care providers may discuss my medical condition and any treatment with the assigned detective, his/her designee, and the Attorney's and their representatives related to the case. This authorization expires in ninety (90) days unless otherwise specified: _/__ /_ or the foHowing event occurs ---------.,.......---- (This form d_oes not permit di.sclosure of health information created more than 90 days from the date this form is signed). Once disclosed, the recipient may not be required to maintain the confidentiality of the health care information. However, I understand that certain health care information may be protected under State and Federal Law (42 CFR Part 2 and RCW 70.24). I reserve the right to revoke consent (in writing to the address below) at any time prior to the ninety (90) day period, except to the extent that the facility which is to release information has already taken action in accordance with it. I understand that my medical care is not conditioned on my signing this authorization. I also understand that once the above information is disclosed, the information may not be protected by federal privacy laws and may potentially be re-disclosed by the r c· ient. Signature of Witness/ Interpreter J ,;,i ,�1_[} Date Forms/Medical Release Form (0212017) ·P: ([) ·.vvv Signature of, Person Other Than Patient/ Relationship to Patient c)Hesl,n 153b Law Eriforcem�nt Officer S1:1rial/U_nit 32 of 111 �. pepartment of Executive Services Records and Licensing Services Division Investigation Report A 17-009495-01 Regional Animal Servi.ces Other I Out Of Jurisdiction Sequence. 1 of 1 21615 64thAve S.Kent,WA980.32 p· · 1 Cl k Fl:tfERKing County 206-296.PETS Fax20.6-205-.8.043 nonty: . er : Disclose: Not Discussed 11111111 1111 lllll lllUIIIII 11111 11111 11111 11111 11111 1111 1111 Tot Animals: 1 Tvoe: DOG Caller Information: P999061 VALERIE FETTERS 206'496-7409 20 6-263,59 48 vatetie.Fetters@kingcouhty.gov 21615 64TH AVE S KENT 98032 Jurisdiction: KENT District 500 Original Call D.ate: 11129117 11:30 New This Seq: 1112911.7 ruo Fetters Dispatch This Seq: 11129117 11 :30 V'Jorking This,Seq: 11/29/17 .11:30 Complete Thts,seq: 11/29/17·13:41. fetter Saved Thts·seq: 1 .1/30/17 '16:51 Comment: DRIVING DOWN 29 6TH, 1 WITNESSED TWO p1T BULL DOGS ATTACKING ANOTHER DOG INITH A LADY ON THE GROUND OUT OF JURS: SUPPLEMENTAL.INFO FORAUBURN . ' ' . . . '.. . . . . .. .. . . . . . Activity Adclress: 2960!) 63RO CT sAUBURN 98001 Jurisdiction: AUBlJRN District: o Ani.mal lnv()Jyed: A547581 XENA SMALL DOG BROWN F Pit Bull/MIX Animal Owner: KATHLEEN JOHNSON 20 6-972-4552 2958 9 63RD CT S AUBURN 98001 2958 9 63RD CT $AUBURN 98001 Jurisdiction: AUBURN District 0 Responding Officer: P9 990 61 VALERIE FETTERS, ANIMAL CONTROL OFFICER 206-496-7409 206-263-59 48 va1erie.Fetters@kingcounty:gov Results: \Jivestigatian RepartA17-009495 . Page 1 of 2, Datafrom: 11/30117 4:51:57PM C:IProgram Files\Chameleon Software\ChameleonlCrystal\Jnvestigation Reportrpt 33 of 111 Fv1�rn9s dat�g on 9J c:1ft.e_r 11 /2�/2017 n:QO:OOAM _ Activitv Memo/sl for: A17-009495 Note 11 /29/17 SUPPLEMENTAL REPORT -FORWARDING TO AUBURN ANIMAL CONTROL 1 M17-23679 7 PAGE1i2 2 3 4 Entered by:FETTER On November 29: 2017 at approximately .1130 hours, I was heading downs 296th St A_s I approached the curve in t_he street where it tums into 64th Ave S. I observed a female holding a fawn colored dog by the,tail in the middle of tl1e,road.along with two dogs on top or a lady on .the emergency pull off area ol ihe roa�, to my right. 1. irnmedi.itely stopped in the middie of th(; road. turned on my lights. and grabbed a catch pole. ty; I did this. the dog .being held apparently got away as. wh.en I got to the other side of my tru_ck, I wfrnessed the fawn colored dog lunging.and biting at what appeared io be·a-cattie dog/shepherd mlx: I then observed a smaller, brown dog with'a ''death grip'.' on the shepherd's chest area. There was an older lady'lying on the ground calling out. "Please get him. they're going to kill her". as she was holding onto the Shepherd .. I nudged the. fawn dog in the snout with my catch pole, and the second lady grabbed the fawn dog.by. the taii on<:E! again where he released, andlwas .ibte io put itie pole's lead around \he dog .. The lady holding was begging for rrie fu getthecfog during' the. whole procl!:;s I dragged liim back tinny truc_k. The_whol_e time, ,he was lunging, trying to retract IJack_to att.ick _the o.iher dog. I had to hold him dow_n inside tile driver's.side floor of my vehicle to keep him from seeing _the other dog. A gentleman raced out of his car at this time, wt:,ere I asked him to hol.d the pole so that I could grab the other dog. I took my second catch pole and got it around the smaller. brown dog's neck. I placed both dogs 111 my vehicle cages at that t,me. The second lady identified as both or the Pit Bull dog's owner. She stated her name was Kathy Johnson, I later identified her through Secure Access as Kathleen Torina Johnson I JOHNSKT369LH DOB 06108/1964. She gave me her phone number as.206-972'4553. Kathy stat_ed her dogs were licensed I asked i_t .either were under a confinement ordl!r, and she stated, "No Nothing like this has ever liappenedh I told her the dogs will need to be Quarantined for 1 o days and explaine� what it entailed. She stated she could.do that in her home l(athy was bleeding gn her right han:ct-It appeared she_was bitt1m on the top of lier thumb.where a puncture:wound was prominant I recommended she go to .. a doctor after the dogs were contained inside, I1.oaded the dogs in_ her house. neither showed aoaression towards me. Statement By: P782593 KAMI BROIIVN �53-569..S396, �806. S 301 ST OR AUBURN 98001 Jurisdiction: KING COUNTY District: 500 Owner Info 11/29/17 Victim dog owner. Kami Brown. M17-236799 Entered bv:FETTER Note 11/29/17 M17-236798 Entered by:FETTER Note 11/30/17 Mt?-236936 Entered by:FETTER A547583 "Charlotte" victim dog PAGE 2I2 The fawn colored dog r_emained hyperactive through the whole scenario. the brown dog. "Xena" was cowering upon taking her out of my truck. I later contacted Kathy letting her know I would be forwarding th_e case to Auburn Animal Contrgl as the location was right outside ou_r ju_ris_dict,on. Still asked how ihe dog was doing. I let her know the victim dog had a lac_eration behind the right ear that would need siitches and a large brusing pattern/puncture wound on the chest. I mentioned that the owner. gf thllt dog was possibly bit in the process but was concerned.about getting her dog to a veterinarian first Kathy reported that she was working from ho_rrie today and.heard a commotion outside:so she looked out her.upstairs window and saw her dogs in a scuffle with the either dog,.She_ran outside immediately to try to help and realized thats board on her fence was broken down.. . . After genlng the suspect dogs contained, I transported the victim owner and dog to their residen� at.4806. s :id1st_Dr. 11ie, .. victim dog owner identified as Kami Brown 253-,569-,6_396 arid .stated her dog's name was "Charlotte":_ .1 mether at Afford,A-\let in Kent where she requested to.go· I took photographs of "Charlotte". I observed a large, open; laceration .on the back cif tlie right ear/head and a large area of possible bruising with a puncture wound cin the chest. There was blood on the top of her head, and her gums appeared pale. I did not exa_mine all or her body . I asked Karrii if she had been bit, and she responded that she thinks she was bit on her foot. and her sock was ripped, but she Just wanted to w6rry about her dog at the time. There were witnesses that retreated after the dogs were contain_ed. None saw the incident unfold, just happened to be passing by when it was happening. Kami reported that she always walks up and down that road and has never had a problem._ She .stat_e_d she wa_s walking.up the hill when the board 6n the.fence of the owner's house.broke, and the doqs came out and attacked herdoo. VF61 11/30117 16:49 I received a call from the·suspect party requesting to.pay the veterinary bli_1s for the victim party .. ! ·�tilted .that I �uld. pass that: information along tci the victim arid that she can coiitacl.the veterinary clinic directly if she would like. however: otherwise Auburn Animal Control will be in touch for further info1TT1ation . I called Kami, the victim, Ylh_o reported.her qog received 16 areas of suturiri·g. She also reported at this time that she was bit a couple of times but didn't notice It u_ntil she was done worrying about ''.Charlotte". She ih_anked me for intervening and "saving Charlotte". I told her Auburn Animal Control will continue from here. VF:61 I Bite Count = O Violation Count :: 0 Memos = 4 lmbounds = 0 Investigation Report A17-009495 Page 2 of 2, Data from: 11/30117 4:52:01PM C:\Program Files\Chameleon Sortware\Chameleon\Crystal\lnvesttgation Reportrpt 34 of 111 Jamie Heslin From: Sent: To: Subject Attachments: Fetters, Valerie <Valerie.Fetters@kihgcounty.gov> Thursday, November 30, 2017 4:55 PM Jamie Heslin Incident .on November 29,2017 at approximately 1130 hours case .a17°009495.pdf This happened at the intersection of 296th and 63 rd Ct S. Please contact me with any questions. I will fax this over as well as requested. Valerie Fetters/ AC61 King County Animal Services 21615 64th Ave S Kent, WA 98032 2 06-4 96-7 409 35 of 111 36 of 111 37 of 111 38 of 111 39 of 111 40 of 111 41 of 111 42 of 111 43 of 111 44 of 111 45 of 111 46 of 111 47 of 111 48 of 111 49 of 111 50 of 111 City of Auburn -Online Tag Search - PetData Page 1 of 2 HOME I WHY LICENSE I HIRE PETDATA I PRIVACY I ABOUT PETDATA I CHARITY PARTNER I CONTACT US FOR PetOwners ve1er1nanans F�ROUR: Clients Auburn, Washington For Pet Owners Ucense Now Requirements Update Information Common Questions Search a Tag: j Tag Number contact Us Email Customer Service Call Customer Service: 1-888-723-7128 Online Tag Search Search Results Tag Description Tag Number: p016756 Tag Year: 2017 Tag Issuer: City of Auburn WA Pet Description Pet Name: XENA Breed:. PIT BULL Sex I Color: F / RED/BROWN Contact Information Owner Name: JOHNSON Day Phone: Evening Phone: (206) 349-9137 x Alternate Phone: (206) 972-4552 x Tag Description Tag Number:. P01 Ei756 Tag Year: 2016 Tag Issuer: City of Auburn WA Pet Description Pet Name' XENA Breed: PIT BULL Seid Color: F I RED/BROWN Contact 1n'tormation Owner Name: JOHNSON Day Pho.re: Evening Phone: (206) 349-9137 x Alternate Phone: (206) 97204552 x Tag Description Tag Number: P016756 Tag Year: 2015 Tag Issuer: City of Auburn WA Pet Description Pet Name: XENA Breed: PIT BULL Sex / Color F / RED/BROWN Contact lnformat,on Owner Name JOHNSON Day Phone: Evening Phone: .. (20/,).349-9137 x Alternate Phone: (206).972-4552 x !Start New SearcN http://www.petdata.com/for-pet�owners/aub/tagsearch .!iQlyour city or county? 12i4!2017 51 of 111 City of Auburn -Online Tag Search -Pet Data Page 1 of 1 HOME I WHY LICENSE I HIRE PETDATA I PRIVACY I ABOUT PETOATA I CHARITY PARTNER I CONTACT US FOR Pet owners Veterinarians c1ients t1JRE retData Auburn, Washington For.Pet Owners License Now Requirements Update Information Common Questions Search a Tag: I Tag Number Contact Us Email Customer Service Call Customer Service: t-888-723-7128 Online Tag Search Search Results Tag Description Tag Number: P018168 Tag Year: 2017 Tag Issuer: City of Auburn WA Pet Description Pet Name: ASTRO Breed: PIT BULL Sex I Color M / FAWN/WHITE Contact Information Owner Name. JOHNSON Day Phone: Evening Phone: (206) 349-9137 x Alternate Phone: (206) 972-4552 x !Start New SearcN Home I Why License I Hire PetData I Privacy I About PetData I Charity Partner I Contact Us Copyright 201 l PetData Inc. All rignts res.e,vecJ. 800 "i:Jc 3403 Qnllas Web Design By Einsteins Eyes http://W\vw.p�tdata-corn/for-pet-own_ers/aub/tagsearch . 12/4/2017 52 of 111 ,, ---����"!!----USPS �Q(ING # ·. 111 111IIIUlB�l I1 First-Class Mall P<>cStage& Fees Paid' USPft·.: ·. · ·i;' ,., . ) Pennit No; o.;1()· ·. ·· · United States Postal Service • Sender: Please print your name, address, and ZIP+4® in:thls box•·. . . - , , :::·,. AUBURN POUCfDEPARTMENT 340 E MAIN;ST, SUITE"201 ·�UBURN WA 98002-5548 53 of 111 . • Complete items 1. 2, ill Print your name and �di8sso so that we can retum 11 Attach tills card t(? 1j,e Jhe'�IQ�o:lif�. or on the trc,nt If space pennlti. ., t ;,1::, �:'' • l. Article Addreesoo to: ... · ;; : .1 ·'..,.. •l-::-P�9�Jol.Ll¥l:a,;�.L;;..�� · K c t + l t � e rt �hnt2t ..2-4 5 'SC( 6 3 ii t'@,J}(f;;, ·· Av�v(Vl �j.!t,•�2_, . } ,. '. . Ill llllll llll llll II lllllill]IIIIIIIIIIIII II Ill 9590 9402 J95j afaa 5058 28 54 of 111 CAD/Ti Detailed History for Police inc #AP170090658 As of 12/14/2017 21:25:45 Output for: AP1536 Priority:4 Type:ANIMAL -Animal Complaint Location:AUBURN PD, AUB at 340 E MAIN ST, AUB LocCross:btwn AUBURN WAY N and DST NE !Created: 1111/30/2017 16:05:10UPD46lfvo1is21 !Entered: llll/30/2017 16:05:10UPD4QUYOU.�21 I Dispatch: 1111/30/2017 16:0,5: 1 oUJ?!>40Uyo1 isil IEnroute: 1111/30/2017 16:05:10IIPD40llvo11s21 IOnscene: ll11/30/2017 16:05:IOIIPD4QIIY9'152I letosed: ll1113ot2_011 !6:os:3111PD40Uvons21 ICU nit: Primellnit:8A9 Dispo:N Type:ANIMAL -Animal Complaint Agency:AP Group:Al Beat:A2 RD:AP2233 Case #:CAP170015638 D Detail Page 1 of 1 16:05:10 CREATE Location:AUBURN PD, AUB Typc:ANIMAL Group:Al RD/MapBox:AP2233 TypeDesc:Animal Complaint LocDesc:at 340 E MAIN ST, AUB LocCross:btwn AUBURN WAY N and DST NE Priority:4 Response:F:lAC Agency:AP LocType:C 16:05:10 ENTRY 16:05:10 DISPOS 8A9 Location:AUBURN PD, AUB Operator:AP1536 OperNames:HESLIN, JAMIE 16:05:10 -PRIU 8A9 16:05:10 -PREMIS Comment:PPR, FPR, AED, OC 16:05:12 CAS� 8A9 Case#:CAP17001S638 16:05:31 CLEAR 8A9 Dispo:N 16:05:31 -PRJU 8A9 16:05:31 -CLEAR 16:05:31 CLOSE http://vcc-tib-web/B780LiveCAD/Html/SystemDocs/CADinterface.aspx? _ CMD=CHQ&... 12/14/201755 of 111 Case Number: 17-15638 AUBURN POLICE DEPARTMENT TELEPHONIC STATEMENT Date: 12/04/2017 Time/Hours: 1800hrs Statement of: Victim Kami Brown Address: 4806 s 301st Dr Date of Birth: 04-22-1955 Work Phone Number: Home Phone Number: 253 569 6396 Taken by: AGO J. Heslin On 11-29-2017 at 11 :30 am I was walking my GSD mix dog "Charlotte" on S 296th St towards 51 st St SE where the road curves, but I was not close to 51st. I was walking past a home Where two pit bull dogs were behind a fence. The two dogs ran through a broken slat in the fence and began to attack Charlotte. I was yelling and kicking at the two dogs but they continued to attack Charlotte. The attack started next to the fence on the sidewalk, but we ended up across the street. Both Charlotte and I were on the ground. This went on for a few minutes. At some point the dogs owners came over and tried to help, but the dogs continued to attack my dog. While this was going on I saw a woman out of the corner of my eye. She was able to help break up the dog fight. I later learned the woman worked for King County Animal Control and her name was Officer Fetters. I took Charlotte to Afford a Vet in Kent. She has multiple puncture wounds to her head, chest and legs, 13 areas that needed stitches and a torn right ear. The skin on Charlottes head was pulled off the muscle and had to be reattached. I was also injured in the attack. I went to City MO in Federa_l Way and they sent me to St. Francis hospital for evaluation. I have a bite on my left shin, several puncture wounds, multiple bruises and abrasions and a puncture wound that is considered an open fracture to my left big toe. The doctor was also concerned about infection. I did not require stitches at the time I went to the doctor. Officer Heslin has read the above statement to me, which was made telephonically. She has my permission to sign my name to this statement. I certify (or declare) under the penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of Washington that the foregoing statement is true and correct. X_Kamilla A Brown __ _ By J Heslin/1536 -------------- Page 1 of 1 56 of 111 Case Number: 17-15639 AUBURN POLICE DEPARTMENT TELEPHONIC STATEMENT Date: 12/04/2017 Time/Hours: 1224 HRS Statement of: KATHLEEN T JOHNSON Address: 29589 63 RD Ct S Date of Birth'. 06-08-1964 Work Phone Number: Home Phone Number: 206 972 4552 Taken by: ACO J HESLIN On 11-29-2017 at 11 :30 am I was working from home and my two dogs, Xena & Astro were outside in the back yard. I was upstairs and I heard a noise that made me look outside and I saw Xena across the street attacking another dog and a woman. The woman was oil the ground. I saw Astro run out of the fence and realized the fence was broken. I ran outside and tried to stop my dogs but I was unable to. I had grabbed Astro by the tail and was trying to get him off the other dog. About that time, a King County Animal Control Officer happened to be in the area and stopped. I later leatiled her name was Officer Fetters. She was able to stop the fight and put my dogs in her truck. I told Officer Fetters the dogs had never been aggressive before and nothing like this has ever happened. Officer Fetters released the dogs to my custody. During the fight I received a bite to my right thumb. I did not immediately go see a doctor, but did later. I did not need stitches and was put on antibiotics. I have followed the quarantine guidelines given to me by Officer Fetters. Officer Heslin has read the above statement to me, which was made telephonically. He/She has my permission to sign my name to this statement. I certify (or declare) under the penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of Washington that the foregoing statement is true and correct. X._ ..... K.....,;;;,;;.at ___ h __ le __ e __ n ___ J ___ o ___ h ___ ns __ o __ n ______ _ By __ J...;.H..;.;;e=s=lin ___ /..,;..15=3:;..;::6'------- Page 1 of 1 57 of 111 CASE NUMBER: 17-15638 OFFICER: Heslin DATE ISSUED: 12/04/2017 AUBURN POLICE DEPARTMENT ANIMAL CONTROL DIVISION NOTICE OF INTENT TO DECLARE A DOG AS XD�Nt!RbtJs ENCLOSED: PACl<ET COVER SHEET (PA.GE 1) REASON FOR DECLARATION {PAGE 2) HEARING NOTIFICATION FORM (PAGE 3) REQUIREMENTS (PAGE 4) INSURANCE FORM (Page 5) ·•·····:•t f ii I t·t I. 11-••f I II t Ill t I 1'11111'4 ·• f , .. , 11 I·•·•·•• .... •�•• tt·t ,:,'I 1ft ittt fl tlf ,,-,., ... ftl It t IPf■ 1·11,ttt 1:1 I ttt ·····•·•• •�• ........... , •••11• fl..,'9•t,I l'llt ttt•tt f,ff II.I tit Ill flt ...... •t·l·tft'lf I.-..... It ■i, ··• Owner/ Keeper of Dog: Last Name: JOHNSON First: KATHLEEN Ml: L_DOB: 06-0B-1964 Address: Z9S89 63rd Ct S City: Auburn State: WA.Zip: 9800, Home Phone: 206 972 4552 Work Phone: ________ _ Description of Dog: Name: ASTRQ Bteed(s): PIT BULL Col:o:r(s): FAWN/WHITE Markings: ______________ _ Sex: M/F Altered:Y/N Age: __..,_2 __ Microchip/ Tattoo: ____ _ License year and number: P018168/2017 Rabies Vaccinatlon Exp. Date.: ___ 2 ..... 0...,.1_7 __ _,_ Veterinarian Name:SACA[AWEAVET CLINIC Veterinarian Phone:253 216 8160 Whereabouts of dog if not at owner/keeper's residence: _______________ Page 1 of 5 Exhibit 5 58 of 111 CASE NUMBER: 17-15638 OFFICER: Heslin DATE ISSUED: 12/04/2017 AUBURN POLICE DEPARTMENT ANIMAL CONTROL DIVISION TYPE AND BASIS OF DECLARATION & REASONING Auburn Animal Control is seeking to declare your do:g: □ na�.i·'-'t:!to :us.. · ,.,_.g_ ... At approximatel y _ll.,..3....,0......_ ___ hrs. on the _..,2'""9"""THA.A.-__ day of_NOVEMBER, 20l 7. Animal Control has witnessed or been provided evidence that your animal broke through the fence and attacked another dog and its own.er in the 29600 block of 63rd Ct s. _______________ _ ************************************"'**************'**********""-lkJll********************************�****:lni<* Narrative: SEE NARRATIVE 17-15638 Pag.e 2 of S 59 of 111 CASE NUMBER: 17-15638 OFFICER: Heslin DATE ISSUED: 12/04/2017 AUBURN POLICE DEPARTMENT ANIMAL CONTROL DIVISION RIGHTS UPON NOTIFICATION OF PRELIMINARY DECISION KATHLEEN JOHNSON Owner 29589 63 RD CT s. AUBURN, WA 98002 Address ASTRO Dog Under ACC 6.35.020(C) you have a right to meet with the Chief of Police or his designee to present any reasons, orally or in writing, why the animal should not be declared Dangerous or Potentially Dangerous. The date and time of this meeting is: Meeting Date:---------,.-----Meeti11gTtn1e: 2:00 ant Meeting Location: Auburn Police Departme·nt 340 E. Main Street, Ste. Z01, Auburn, WA98002 If you are unable to attend this meeting you can request the meeting be rescheduled to a reasonable time that falls Within 10 calendar days of delivery of this notice. If you fail to appear for this meeting preliminary no-tl.ce will become final, and your a11bnal{s) will . be declared Da11gerous or Potentially Dangerous .. If, after the meeting date, your animal is declared Dangerous or Potentially Dangerous.you tnay appeal that final declaration using the form provided on the following page. This form must be submitted to the City Clerk by certified mail or in person within fifteen (15) days of the determination ofyour animal's status if the original notification was delivered to you in person, or within twenty (20) days if the odginal notification was mailed to you. REQUEST FOR MEETING ON PREUMINARY D,BCLARATION f request a meeting as provided for in ACC 6.35;020(C) to discuss the preliminary decision to declare my animal(s) as Dangerous or Potentially Dangerous in Case{s) No., ______________ .. I understand that I have the right to present reasons or information· tn writing or verbally as to why my animal(s) should not be declared Danget·ous or Potentially Dangerous. Signature Printed Name/Date Page 3 of 5 60 of 111 C_ASE NUMBER: 17-15638 OFFICER: Heslin DATEISSUED:12/04/2017 DANGEROUS DOG REQUIREMENTS Within twenty (20) days of receipt of this declaration, you are required to obtain a certificate of registration and a special license for your Dangerous Dog from the Auburn City Clerk. The license will be issued upon compliance with the following requirements: 1.Per ACC 6.35.020(f)(l): Placement of a "proper enclosure" on the owner's / keeper's property to confine the dog. 2.Per ACC 6.35.020(f)(l): Placement of a conspicuously displayed sign on the premises where the dog is harbored with a warning symbol that informs children or adults who cannot read of the presence of a dangerous dog. 3.Per ACC 6.35.020(f)(2): A surety bond issued by a surety insurer qualified under chapter 48.28 R.C.W. in a sum of not less than $250,000 payment to a person injured by the dog, or a policy of liability insurance issued by an insurer qualified under title 48 R.C.W. in an amount not less than $250,000 insuring the owner or keeper for personal injuries inflicted by the dog. (OR) 4.Per ACC 6.35.020(f)(3): A policy ofliability insurance, such as homeowner's insurance, iss·ued by an insurer qualified under RCW Title 48 in the amount of at least $250,000, insuring the owner for any personal injuries inflicted by the dangerous dog, or such liability insurance that otherwise meets the requirements of RCW 16.08.080. 5.Per ACC 6.35.080 (A): If the Dangerous Dog is taken outside the required enclosure, such dog shall be muzzled and restrained by a substantial leash or chain and under the physical control of a person sixteen (16) years or older who is capable ofrestraining such animal. 6.Per ACC 6.35.020 (g}: Any dog which is declared to be a "dangerous dog" pursuant to this chapter or Chapter 16.08 RCW shall also be requited to be microchipped by a veterinarian of the owner's choice, at the owner's expense. This shall be in addition to the other requirements of this chapter and in addition to the applicable requirements for licensing as defined within this title, and this procedure must be accomplished within 30 days after the owner's receipt of the dangerous dog declaration issued pursuant to this chapter or Chapter 16.08 RCW. 7.The special license fee for a Dangerous Dog is $500.00 per year, in addition to the regular licensefee. Page 4of s 61 of 111 CASE NUMBER: 17-15638 Owner /Keeper of dog: OFFICER: Heslin DATE ISSUED: 12/04/2017 AUBURN POLICE DEPARTMENT ANIMAL CONTROL DIVISION DANGEROUS DOG INSURANCE REQUIREMENT FORM Last Name: ________ First: ________ Ml: ___ DOB: _______ _ Address: ______________ City: _____ State: ___ Zip: _____ _ Home Phone: ____________ Work Phone:----------,----- Description of dog: Name: __________ Breed(s): -----------'------------- Color(s): ---------Markings:------------------------- Sex: M/F Altered: Y /N Age: __ _ Microchip / Tattoo:----'------- TO INSURANCE/BOND J\GENT: The above described animal has been declcired a Dangerous Dog by the Auburn Police Department Animal Control Division per ACC 6.01 and 6.35, due to:---------------�'--- Per ACC 6.35.020(fJ(2)&(3): The owner/keeper of this animal must obtain a surety bond issued by a surety insurer qualified under chapter 48.28 R.C.W. in a sum not less than $250,000 payable to a person in jured by the dog, and a policy of liability insurance issued by an insurer qualified under title 48 R.C.W. in an amount not less than $250,000 insuring the owner or keeper for personal in juries inflicted by the dog. Additionally, written notice must be provided to the City of Auburn Police Department within 30 da s of ca_rn::ellation,_reduction of limits, or termination of covera e. Name: ____________ Address:-----------'--------- Phone: Company Name: _________ Policy Number: _____ _ Date: Insurance/Bond Agent: _________________ _ Page 5 ofS 62 of 111 CASE NUMBER: 17-15638 ENCLOSED: OFFICER: Heslin DATE ISSUED:12/04/2017 AUBURN POLICE DEPARTMENT ANIMAL CONTROL DIVISION NOTICE OF INTENT TO DECLARE A DOG AS x DANGEIU'.>tis " ' ' , . � PACKET COVERSHEET (PAGE 1) REASON FOR DECLARATION (PAGE 2) HEARING NOTIFICATION FORM (PAGE 3) REQUIREMENTS (PAGE 4) lNSORANCE FORM (Page 5) ....................................................................................... -.......................................................................................... . Owner / Keeper of Dog: Last Name: JOHNSON First: KATHLEEN MI: _T_DOB: 06-08-1964 Address: 29589 63 rd Ct S City: Auburn State: WA Zip: 98002 Home Phone: 206 972 4552 Work Phone: ________ _ Description of Dog: Name: XENA Breed(s): PIT BULL Color(s): RED/BROWN Markings: _____________ _ Sex: M/E Altered: �/N Age: --"6 __ Microchip / Tattoo: ____ _ License year and number: P016756/2017 Rabies Vaccination Exp. Date: ---=2=01"'-'7 __ _ Veterinarian Name:SACAJAWEA VET CLINIC Veterinarian Phone:253 216 8160 Whereabouts of dog if not at owner /keeper's residence:-------------,---,------ Page 1 of 5 63 of 111 CASE NUMBER: 17-15638 OFFICER: Heslin DATE ISSUED: 12/04/2017 AUBURN POLICE DEPARTMENT ANIMAL CONTROL DIVISION TYPE AND BASIS OF DECLARATION & REASONING At approximately --.1-13=0"------hrs. on the ___.2=-=9._.T..._H�------'---day of ... NOVEMBER, 2017. Animal Control has witnessed or been provided evidence that your animal broke through the fence and attacked �no,;n-.;;r a.05 ana. 1,;o o'VV'ncr 1n ,;nc c7ouu 010.cn: or o.:::,- y,; ;;:,. ________________ _ ********************************************************************************************************* Narrative: SEE NARRATIVE 17-15638 Page 2 of 5 64 of 111 CASE NUMBER: 17-15638 OFFICER: Heslin DATE ISSUED: 12/04/2017 AUBURN POLICE DEPARTMENT ANIMAL CONTROL DIVISION RIGHTS UPON NOTIFICATION OF PRELIMINARY DECISION KATHLEEN JOHNSON owner 29589 63RD C't S, AUBURN, WA 98002 Address XENA Dog Under ACC 6.35.020(C) you have a right to meet with the Chief of Police or his designee to present any reasons, ora}Jy or in writing, why the animal should not be declared Dangerous or Potentially Dangerous. The date and time of this meeting is: Meeting Date:..,.._ ...... -----------------Meeting Ti me: -"-9=:0a..a:0'-'a=m=---- Meeting Location: Auburn Police Department 340 E. Main Street, Ste. 201, Auburn, WA 9 8002 If you are unable to attend this meeting you can request the meeting be rescheduled to a reasonable time that foUs witbJ.11 10 calendar days of delivery of this notice. tfyou fail to appear for this meeting preliminary notice will become final, and your animal(s) will be declared Dangerous or Potentially Dangerous. If, aner the meeting date, your animal is declared Dangerous or Potentially Dangerous you may appeal that final declaration using the form provided on the following page. This form must be submitted to the City Clerk by certified mail or in person within fifteen (15) days of the determination of your animal's status if the original notification was delivered to you in person, or within twenty (20) days if the original notification was mailed to you. REQUEST FOR MEETING ON PRELIMINARY DECLARATION I request a meeting as provided for in ACC 6.35.020(C) to discuss the preliminary decision to declare my animal(s) as Dangerous or Potentially Dangerous in Case(s) No.~ __ , I understand that I have the right to present reasons or information in writing or verbally as to why my animal(s) should not be declared Dangerous or Potentially Dangerous. Signature Printed Name/bate Page 3 of 5 65 of 111 CASE NUMBER: 17-15638 OFFICER: Heslin DATEISSUED:12/04/2017 DANGEROUS DOG REQUIREMENTS Within twenty (20) days of receipt of this declaration, you are required to obtain a certificate of registration and a special license for your Dangerous Dog from the Auburn City Clerk. The license will be issued upon compliance with the following requirements: L Per ACC 6.35.020(t)(1): Placement of a "proper enclosure'' on the owner's / keeper's property to confine the dog. 2.Per ACC 6,35.020(t)(1): Placement of a conspicuously displayed sign on the premises where the dog is harbored with a warning symbol that informs children or adults who cannot read of the presence of a dangerous dog. 3.Per ACC 6.3S.020(t)(2J: A surety bond issued by a surety insurer qualified under chapter 48.28, R.C.W. in a sum of not less than $250,000 payment to a person injured by the dog, or a policy of liability insurance issued by an insurer qualified under title 48 R.C.W. in an amount not less than $250,000 insuring the owner or keeper for personal injuries inflicted by the dog. (OR) 4.Per ACC 6.35.020(t)(3): A policy ofliability insurance, such as homeowner's insurance, issued by an insurer qualified under RCW Title 48 in the amount of at least $250,000, insuring the owner for c1.ny personal injuries inflicted by the dangerous dog, or such liability insurance that otherwise meets the requirements of RCW 16.08.080. 5.Per ACC 6.35.080 (A): If the Dangerous Dog is taken outside the required enclosure, such dog shall be muzzled and restrained by a substantial leash or chain and under the physical control of a person sixteen (16) years or older who is capable of restraining such animal. 6.Pet ACC 6.35.020 (g): Any dog which is declared to be a "dangerous dog" pursuant to this chapter or Chapter 16.08 RCW shall also be required to be microchipped by a veterinarian of the owner's choice, at the owner's expense. This shall be in addition to the other requirements of this chapter and in addition to the applicable requirements for licensing as defined within this title, and this procedure must be accomplished within 30 days after the owner's receipt of the dangerous dog declaration issued pursuant to this chapter or Chapter 16.08 RCW. 7.The special license fee for a Dangerous Dog is $500.00 per year, in addition to the regular license fee. Page 4 of 5 66 of 111 CASE NUMBER: 17-15638 Owner /Keeper of dog: OFFICER: Heslin DATE ISSUED: 12/04/2017 AUBURN POLICE DEPARTMENT ANIMAL CONTROL DIVISION DANGEROUS DOG INSURANCE REQUIREMENT FORM Last Name: ________ First: ________ Ml: ___ DOB: _______ _ Address:------'-----------City: _____ State: ___ Zip: _____ _ Home Phone: Work Phone: --------------- Description of dog: Name: __________ Breed(s): ----,-----------------'--'------,---"-------''-- Color(s): --,,-"-"-'-""--'----,-..,-----Markings: -�------------------ Sex: M/F Altered: Y /N Age: __ _ Microchip/ Tattoo: _________ _ TO INSURANCE/BOND AGENT: The above described animal has been declared a Dangerous Dog by the Auburn Police Department Animal Control Division per ACC 6.01 and 6.35, due to: ____________ _ Pet ACC 6.35.020(f)(2)&(3): The owner/keeper of this animal must obtain a surety bond issued by a surety insurer qualified under chapter 48.28 R.C.W. in a sum not less than $250,000 payable to a person injured bythe dog, and a policy ofliabiHty insurance issued by an insurer qualified under title 48 R.C.W. in an amount not less than $250,000 insuring the owner or keeper for personal injuries inflicted by the dog. Additionally, written notice must be provided to the City of Auburn Police Department within 30 da s of cancellation, reduction of limits, or termination of covera e. Insurance/Bond Agent: Name: ____________ Address: _________________ _______ Phone: Company Name:--------'---Policy Number: _________ _ Date: Insurance/Bond Agent: ------'------------'------------- Page 5 of 5 67 of 111 JOHNSON PHOTOS Exhibit 6 68 of 111 69 of 111 70 of 111 • • .. • .. .I " ' ·� . • . ' \'• • 71 of 111 72 of 111 73 of 111 KCAC PHOTOS Exhibit 7 74 of 111 75 of 111 76 of 111 77 of 111 78 of 111 79 of 111 80 of 111 VICTIM BROWN PHOTOS Exhibit 8 81 of 111 82 of 111 83 of 111 84 of 111 85 of 111 86 of 111 87 of 111 88 of 111 89 of 111 90 of 111 91 of 111 92 of 111 93 of 111 94 of 111 95 of 111 , ; 96 of 111 97 of 111 VICTIM PHOTOS CHARLOTTE 98 of 111 99 of 111 100 of 111 101 of 111 102 of 111 103 of 111 104 of 111 105 of 111 106 of 111 107 of 111 108 of 111 109 of 111 110 of 111 EXHIBIT 9 Video, King County Animal Control Officer Fetters A copy of Exhibit 9 has been provided to the City of Auburn City Clerk. If you would like to view the exhibit please contact the City Clerk’s office to request a copy at 253-931-3039. 111 of 111 Exhibit 9