HomeMy WebLinkAboutItems Submitted at the 12-11-2017 Meeting Business Improvement Area December 13, 2016—January 31, 2017 Survey Questions 1. What's working about the BIA? 2. What's not working about the BIA? 3. What do you need more of from the BIA? 4. What do you want less of from the BIA? 5. As a group of business owners, if you had to focus on one thing that would help your businesses do better, what would that one thing be? 6. Which three items are most important to you? 7. If you are interested in being a Rate Payer board member, please give us your contact information: Name Phone Email • December 13,2016—January 31,2017 Survey Responsa 34 Rate Payer responded In regards to the Business Improvement Area (BIA) 1) What's working about the BIA? • Apparently from this discussion; nothing. o Infrastrudure for projects • Nothing. • Not a lot I can see after 20 years in business • I am not sure it has a purpose anymore. It used to be there were businesses here and that has I diminished over the years. What support is there from the office sector or the medical community? The new construction has less space for retail and is a slam in the face of what the first floor retail intent was to be. • Unsure, don't know what they do • I don't believe that anything in the c.urrent BIA business model is working. • I don't know that anything is. • The City of Aubum has provided great infrestructure, design elements, upkeep and landscaping to the downtown core. The BIA as it relates to 4he ADA has provided yery little to us. • Dired focus on downtown . The only event that brings business in for me is the Veteran's Day Parade. • Not.sure • Nothing • Network Mtgs, city events • Not sure. • awareness • ? Needs work. • Don't currently see any benefit to it • Not for me I don't see anything • Unsure, but thaYs why we're here • Not sure e New growth 2) WhaYs not working about the BiA? • No incentives, no value, little equity, no action. BIA should be abolished completely and restructured, with new boundaries and fees: o A clear vision — identify for us who the rate payer businesses are so we can make recommendations. e Fee structuring and communication • No communication e Parking, cleanliness, homelessness, communication • Moving events off ofimain street • Communication • Equity between businesses • Fee structure;range is inequitable. e Outdated boundaries. 1 ' Decemb�er 13,2016-]anuary 31,2011 Swvey.Responses • 34 Rate Payer responded • Events moved from Main Street to the Part—poor effect on downtown • No downtown promotion • I think the City has allowed the new construction to slap the face of any potential of'the ret. sector. And that has made the BIA ineffectual • Don't understand what the BIA does for businesses. What's the purpose? It issuch a large area, how does the BIA encompass everyone into what they do? What's with the list below? Some of the items listed sound more like a city responsibility. Why is the BIA involved with Landscaping, lighting, safety & security, parking and cleanliness and how does that facilitate merchant and business cooperation to improve trade? • Back in 1988, business owners decided to come togeth:er and establish the BIA based on their current needs. As year"s have gone by, businesses do not trust wkere their funds are being used. The current business model has not adapted over the years to accommodate the g�owth downfown and the changes that have taken place. We are still functioning under the same ordinance and plan of 30 years ago and it has come a time where radical change is absolutely imperetive. What is needed is to completely dissolve the BIA including the ordinance. lt should be completelyrebuik with the feedback from all businesses. IFthe need for a business district is still necessa.ry, boundaries should be reestablished and the model should be recreated from the ground up. And a more equitable dues structure should be.created IF ANY.The city staff should understand and be able to explain why BIA funds are colleeted and it should not be the sole responsibility ofthe ADA to do so. I believe that the ADA has not proyen itself responsible to the business owners to accomplish anything of value fo.r them.The ADA in its current structure is an inadequate and inappropriate use of these business dollars. I joined the board because the need for change has been glaring for years and I couldn't expect cfiange to happen unless I got involvF � and became a squeaky wheel. Being on the board for 1 year I have found a complete lack . direction, goals, leadership and engagement. But we are hesitant to disband because we feel we need to represent the business owners in some way. Before joining the board I did not understand whyADA fun.ds were paying forthings like removal of dilapidated benches and phone booths from Main Street. And now, why even the subject of BIA funds payingforextra security and IigNting is somethingthat is being considered fairto the businessowners oran optionforthe use ofthese finances. The city should be responsible for these necessities. Not the individual business owners.. • A side note, since there is not better place to write this, last year my husband and i felt that we had no choice but to remove our family from Auburn. We sold our belo4ed Home because we felt the homeless who found refuge at the church across thestreet had more rights tfian we did as residents. I thought I would always be in Aubum, having lived there for 31 years. But it became too much of an issue for us tryingto protect our propertyfromtheft and vandalism and unwanted neighborsthat wouldn't go away,and we had to find betteroptions for schoolingfor ourchildren. Our business still ezists'in Auburn,and I hope to be able to keep itthere because of what we have invested. This isroery personal to me. I have to fight for what I feel is right. And I hope to have to support ofthe city because I don't thinkthat my opinion is unique. • I can't say I'm getting any benefit for my money. • The BIA monies allocated to any entity should be used following the four point approach: design, promotion, organization and business development. Resorting back to these fundamentals are crucial to the success of the downtown core. • membership--not all are engaged. we need more participants that attend meetings regularly 2 • . December 13,2016—January 31,2017 Survey Responses 34 Rste Payer responded • Everything else. Social media outlets seem outdated...compare to Btown blog. • There is no clear answer as to who is in control.The ADA is using funds,but the city colleds them? Who enforces the collection? • Not receiving benefits of fees • NOT enough tv/redio/media • Not su�e. • na • No retail, no parking,town is filthy dirty. Garbage flying everywhere. City owned parking lofs are flthy, sidewalks have moss and leaves. Not an enjoyable city to walk around in.There is N0 drew here. Businesses are not a priority for the city. Sound transit seems to be the only priority. Also, the business awnings on main street are covered in moss, business's aren't held accountable to keep the store fronts clean, or open for that matter. • Everything • I canto to meeting to learn more working two jobs to live • We pay a fee that does not seem worth it. • value to cost e Concentretion on just the new side of town 3) What do you need more of from the BIA? e Parking, lighting& security e More information delivered electronically. • Marketing& Events o Participation from members for direction e Marketing • Support. Keep the streets and sidewalks clean. a Give people a reason to walk around downtown, • Security and police presence. Safety! • Security e Lighting e Promotions of downtown • Marketing • Security—for property and citizens • Communication • Events to draw people to downtown • Obvious recognition of businesses off main street • Seeing the thousands of dollars collected from this unfair taz. Used for something other than paying the downtown directors salary. • They do nothing for me anymore. • Communication, Vision and Mission. As I've stated I have no idea what the BIA does, if they are really doing something then it would be nice to hear about it. • I need some value for my investment: I need a community of downtown business owners that are invested in each other and care about one another: I need to feel proud and confdent ofthe area where my business is located. And I need to feel safe and have my customers to feel safe. I 3 December 13,2016—January 31,2017 Survey Responses • 34 Rate Payc raponded need to genuinely feel thai the city of Auburn cares about the future of our business being a successful business there. And that they consider that abolishing this BIA district may be what �� best right now for the business owners and not be afreid to make that call. I need events to cor, backto downtown.The more events thatare takingaway from downtown affect the business of those downtown core businesses. Doing the opposite of what we are trying to do, right?The BIA district was formed by the businesses.And if it is notwanted by the businesses then itshould be the choice of the business owners what happens to the BIA. e Nothing. o Safety, cleanliness, retail mix; lighting and marketing the downtown as a viable shopping district. More communication,and representation. . Promotion of the downtown- events that the City puts on keep being moved out of the downtown. e I would like the BIA disassembled. As a very small business owner that has been in Auburn fo� almost 9 years- I feel the BIA is not worth any fee.The city has taken all parking for customers in front of my store (painting the entire curb in front of Washington elementary yellow), we used to get potted plants (that in no way compared to the beautiful baskets down the main streef) but no longer-which is fine. What is help.ing my business is ME- NOT the BIA. e Free business oriented services, workshops,video tutorials, etc... o Downtown lighting and security • Parking/garages; sidewalk t�ash cans, lights that match East main and West main.With:seasonal decor, police monitoring of teen/homeless loitering e Itwould be lovely to receive a monthly Newsletter/Update of what BIA is doing. It would be.nice have more security in high risk areas by Mural Parking Lot to create a "safe" environment f� Auburn Ciry community and customers who come to the local businesses. Secured parking pass� for Business Owners. I was unable to get a yearly parking pass because I was unable to purchase the pass before the 27th of December.. I now have to move my car every 3 hours when I work down town. Very disappointing. • Help with security and rise of homeless persons • Support and accounta,bility. • Lower rates or more benefits a.nd participation from all merchants and city • Not sure I do know business license is to high for as small for my business it a small room • Lighting and street maintenance is paid for in the properfy tax e Value to cost • Not sure 4) What do you want less of from the BIA? • Business license should be held until BIA fee is paid. • Overhead • Less talk, more action! e Events-retail • They haven't done anythingfor me in twenty years. Should I expect something now7 • I cannot see any further purpose for it any longer. e If I don't know what 4hey do how can say what I want less of other than I pay a lot for 5omethin} don't know what it's for. 4 ' . December 13,2016—January 3l,2017 Survey Responsa � 34 Rete Payer responded • "The BIA is doing nothing but taxing my business and giving nothing back. I want to have a choice. I don't want the BIA dues to be a requirement. Much can happen when people want to become involved for a common goal. We need to get people excited about what could happen in this big little city. The city of Auburn is twice the population of Puyallup. Yet Auburn is a pass through and not a destinaiion. More revenue from the cify could be collected from all businesses by increasing fhe business license fee to $75. No one would question that small of a hike, but it would add money to the general fund allowing for more to be done. And eliminating the BIA dues would stop the city having to reimburse the ADA creating more money to be spent on priorities like events and marketing. I don't know that I exactly answered this question, or just elaboreted on what I want and need from the BIA. Giving some solutions hopefully shows my level of interest and desire to fnd what works." • The BIA. o N�q • Fees • Abolish this group. • Not sure • Marketing events o Idk • I cannot think of anything. • na e 7 e Cost to participate or equal cost to everyone • Smaller fees e Less cost o Surveys lol • Not sure 5) As a group of business owners, if you had to focus on one thing that would help your busines;es do better,what would that one thing be? • Security e Bring more people to downtown � Currently it would be to help the homeless, good for them and lean up the place • Create walkable, well lit streets that drew in business and customers. Businesses need to be able to stay open late. Night life. • Homelessness—People don't come downtown. • Security • Need more people downtown in the evening • Security—My customers are not coming in due to the street people. e Spending money on N advertising for Auburn businesses. • New City staff and administretion. A better political climate that knows how to operate the City. A City Manage. • Getting more customers to come to the area • "My personal focus is shared among all of the business owners that I know personally that operete their businesses within the BIA boundaries. I believe the best thing fordowntown businesses is to 5 Dxcmba l3,2016—Jauuary 31,2017 Survey Responses • 34 Rate Paya responded dissolve the B.IA.And to rebu'ild it from the ground if that is what is best forthe downtown businesses. For the city to consider tha#the current model is not up-to-date and allow business owners to keP� their BIA funds in their bank accounts and be ableto invest it back into their own businesses inste - _ _ _.. of on necessities in the downtown area that should be the responsibility of the city to improve. I do notsupport the Aubu�n Downtown Association or the Chamber of Commerce having control of a BIA tax. There are ways to make businesses want to partner with these group3. But that requires incentive and what is to 6e determined as a value by business owners. e The following is in response to including Landscaping, Lighting and Security and Safety on the list below: �andscaping, lighting and seeurity are all great and all needed in downtown and in all areas of a.uburn. BUT it should not be the responsibility ofthe downtown businesses to pay for it. These three items are all 100% necessary the future of our city. But I have a strong argument against including them on an list of things we as businessowners should consideras important in how our funtls are spent. Again, it should be the city's responsibility for#he community to feel safe. Not the business owners." e Advertising that would actual fows on areas outside of downtown to 6ring people to downtown.. e Create a sense of place for the community to come shop; dine and enjoy! • Mo�e marketingand events to draw people to the downtown core. lNe also need the Cityto step up and provide more security so that people feel safe downtown. The homeleSs a"re running around wifh impunity and disrupting businesses and potential custome�s. e advertising, highlighting a business a month with banner above freeway overpass (one idea) the bus'inesses who would wantto participate could pay for their own banner and city employees to put up and take down. • Branding the downtown area • Security, cleanliness of downtown area • Media, advertising of city/downtown • Promoting shopping/business awareness in the Aubum Down Town area. • Retail Theft, Homelessness;Panhandlers:being held accountable and getting charged when breaking the law. _ _. • A reason for a person to come to downtown Auburn to begin with, No draw. No parking. Homeless drug addicEs. Garba"ge. I can't focus on just ONE thing bec.a.u.se its morg than ONE issue. • More reason for customers to visitAubum rather than catch a train to go elsewhere and spend their money o Better recognizing in the community better add around Or a directory like the mails have • To att�act people to shop in au.burn • Marketing o �think auburn really needs to have more interesting retail stores the mall does well because there's many retail stores. Maybe auburn should give some perks to a4tred retail. The money going to the ADA doesn'tseem as though it is being used to benefit the businesses e More retail business on main street/To many service business 6) Which three items are most important to you? (Place an 'X' next to 3, and or w�ite in your own answer:) *Top 3 answers are in bo/d, number to the left indicates the number of times it was selecced as 'most important'to a 8!A Rate Payer."` 21 Securrty&Safety 6 . , , Decemba 13,2016—January 31,2017 Survey Responses 34 Rate Payer responded 17_MarkMing 16_Parking 11_Lighting 10_Specia l Events 6_Cleanliness(added to list) 5_W ndscaping 4_Fee(added to list) 1_An open forum where we feel our input makes a difference 1_Adhering to the design requirements of retail in first floor Added note:"Not paying additional$to own a business in an area of low business poor demogrephia—change needs to happen and fast" 7) If you are interested in being a Rate Payer board member, please give us your contact information: Name Phone Email � Megan White Lynda Krill 253-831-7171 425-224249) 'mezanhuze@vahoo.com IvndakC�merrillaardens.com William Cowart Ruth Neil Stover 253-929-4645 206914-0112 bill@hbtinsurance.com ruth@mrestaroilates.com Bob Klonh Amy Dais bobCdhbtinsurance.com 206-697-9556 amvdais@¢mail.com lohn Torres 253-288-8015 Kelly Gordon torreslawofficesNlvahoo.com 253-709-0000 ' kellvsa Ion91 C�va hoo.com JosefForsberg 206-999-6848 Susan,American lighting JosefCc�¢reenriJerwderv.bike 253J35-0982 Susa na merican liehtinft(d¢ma il.com laura Theimer 253-670-0703 John Torres Kheimerinsurance(u7amail.com 253-288-8015 torreslawoffices(�va hoo.com Mary Hutchnison 253-334-1402 Bruce Alverson mhutchinson0l(dlive.com bgronpa@earthlink.net Ronnie RobertS Darren JOneS run@gosankochocolate.mm DarreNones@AgrishopAce.com Kirkl.Wntier Julialordan Kirk_J_Lantier@keybank.com Julia@auburnareawa.org Giovanni DiQuattro G iovann i.diq uattro @yahoo.com � ` BIA-Rules of Procedure CITY OF AUBURN BUSINESS IMPROVEMENT AREA COMMITTEE OF RATE PAYERS RULES OF PROCEDURE DRAFTED DECEMBER 2017 , BIA—Rules of Procedure ' BUSINESS IMPROVEMENT AREA COMMITTEE OF RATE PAYERS RULES OF PROCEDURE TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION SUBJECT PAGE I. NAME......�:::........�::.........:............................3 II. MEMBERSHIP............................................3 III. MEETINGS...................................................4 N. MINUTES AND AGENDA....:.:::......:�::......�5 V. ELECTION OF OFFICERS_........................5 VI. CHAIR..........................................................5 _ ..... . _ _..... VII. CITY PERSONNEL....:�::........:......:..::.........6 VIII. QUORUM.....................................................6 IX. ABSENCE OF MEMBERS..............,.,........,6 X. VOTING........................................................7 XI. CONFLICT OF INTEREST..........................8 XII. AMENDMENT..............................................8 ' BIA—Rules of Procedure CITY OF AUBURN BUSINESS IMPROVEMENT AREA COMMITTEE OF RATE PAYERS RULESOFPROCEDURE We, the members ofthe City ofAuburn Business Improvement Area Committee ofRate Pgyers, do hereby adopt,publish, and declare the following Rules of Procedure: I. NAME: 1. The official name of the City of Auburn Business Improvement Area Committee of Rate Payers shall be the "Committee of Rate Payers" (the Committee). 2. The purpose of the Committee is to serve in an advisory capacity to the City Council (Ord. 6658 § 11,2017.) II. MEMBERSHIP: 1. The membership and terms of office of the members of the Committee of Rate Payers shal] be as provided in Chapter 2.98 of the Aubnm City Code(ACC). 2. The Committee shall consist of not more than (7) members appointed by the mayor and confumed by the city council, who shall serve at the pleasure of the city council; provided that the mayor may appoint up to four(4) additional members to serve as altemates in the event ofa Committee member's absence. 3. The members shall be owners or operators of businesses located witliin the BIA boundary and shal] be selected to represent the variety of business types and geographic locarions included within the BIA boundary. 4. Cotnmittee members sliall be appointed to a three(3)yeaz term. 5. Upon the resignation of a Committee member,removalby the City Council, or expiration of a Committee members term, the Committee shall make recommendatioris to the City Council, and the City Council sha11 make an appointment to fill the vacancy. 6. The members of the Committee shall serve without compensation except for reasonable travel expenses associated with the pesformance of the Committee member's duties. III. MEETINGS: 1. Meetings of the Committee of Rate Payers shall.be conducted in conformity with the requirements of the Washington State Open Public Meetings Act, Chapter , BIA—Rules of Procedure • 42.30 of the Revised Code of Washington (RCW). Exedurive sessions can only be held in accordance with the piovisions of Section 42.30.110 RCW. 2.. All meetings will be held in Council Chambers at the Aubum City Hall,Auburn, Washington,unless otherwise d'uected by the Chair of the Committee. 3. Miriutes shall be kept and ineeting agendas prepared in coordination between memUers of the Committee and staff members. A majority of the members of the Committee shall constityte a quorum for the transaction of business, and a majority vote of those present shall be necessary to make recommendarions to the City Council. 4. The Committee shall adopt rules for the transaction of business and keep a recoid of its resolutions,transactions, findings, and determinarions. These records shall be public and open to inspection. 5. All Committee meetings shall be conducted in accordance with the Committee's adopted rules for the transaction of busiriess, and Robert's Rnles of Oidei or aiiy other meeting procedures or guidelines authorized by tlie City of Auburn shall be used for any subject not addressed within the Committee's adopted rules of procedure. 6. T'he Cominittee shall consider proposals for economic development and neighboihood revitalization projects and progams c.onsistent with the purpose"s listed in 2.98.030,provide for public input and submit comments in a rimely manner to the Mayor and City Council, including an analysis of the extent to which the Committee's recommendations will improve economic development or downtown revitalization. 7. The Committee shall meet monthly when there is new official business to transact, and hold additional meerings as the chairperson ora majority of the Committee deems necessazy. A minimum notice of 24 hours shall be provided for special meetings in accordance with State law. 8. Regularmeerings shall be held on the second Monday of each month and shall be open to the public. The meeting shall convene at 1:00 P.M. unless otherwise directed by the Committee's Secietary, the Economic Development Manager or the Chair.. IV. MINUTES AND AGENDA: Minutes shall be kept and meeting agendas prepared in coordination between members of the Committee and staff members. An agenda shall be prepazed for each meeting consisting of the following order of " business: 1. CALL TO ORDER , ' BIA—Rules of Procedure Roll CalUEstablishment of Quorum 2. Approval of Minutes 3. Financial Report 4. Old Business 5. New Business I 6. BIA Pazking Sub-Committee Update 7. Auburn Downtown Association Update 8. Adjoumment 9. Additional items inay be added fo the agenda by the Committee. The Chair shall have the discretion to amend the order of business. V. ELECTION OF OFFICERS: At the first regular meeting of each yeaz, the Committee memb.ers shall elect a chairperson and vice-chairperson from among the members of the Committee. VI. CHAIR: 1. The Chair shall preside oder the meetings of the Committee and may eiceicise all the powers usually incident of the office. The Chair shall be considered as a member of the Committee and have the full right to have his/her own vote recorded in all deliberarions of the Committee. Unless stated othenvise by abstention or nay, the Chair's vote shall be considered to be affirmative for the motion. 2. The vice-chairperson shall preside at all meetings where the chairperson is absent. 3. The Committee chairperson and/or vice-chairperson shall annually provide to the city council a report on piogress made in cazrying out the Committee's responsibilities. Additional reports may be subxnitted when deemed appropriate by the Committee or when requested by the city council. VIL CITY PERSONNEL: 1. All Committee meetings shall be staffed by City of Aubum personnel to suppo;t and assist the Corruniftee: 2. A member of City staff shall act as the Secretary for the Committee and shall keep � a record of all meetings of the Committee. T'hese records shall be retained at the City Clerk's Office. 3. All public hearings shall be electronically recorded verbatim and a summary of the discussion and actions will be recorded as Meeting Minutes. VIII. QUORUM: , BIA—Rules of Procedure ' 1. Ifquorum is not reached by the RSVPs in advance of the meeting, a meeting may be caiiceled at the notice of the Chair provided at least24 hours in advance. 2.. A majori.ty of the members of the Committee shall constitute.a gnorum for the transaction of business; and a majority vote of those present shall be necessary to make recommendations to the City Council. 3. If at any time during the meeting, a quorum is no longer present, the meeting may only continue for thg time and duration necessary to fix a rime for adjoumment, adjoum, recess or take measures to obtain a quorum. IX. ABSENCE OF MEMBERS: 1. To be excused,members must inform the Committee's secretary or the Ewnomic Development Manager in advance of the meeting date if they cannot attend a schednled meeting. 2. The Committee, ppon four (4) unexcused absences, may recommend the removal of any Committee member to the City Council. X. VOTING: 1. Any member, including the Chair, not voting or not voting in an audible yoice shall be recorded as voring in favor of the morion. 2. The Chair, Secretary, or upon request from a Commititee member,may take a roll call vote. 3. It is the responsibility of each member of the Committee.of Rate Payers to vote when requested on a matter before the full Committee. However, a member may abstain from discussion and doring on a question because ofa stated conflict of interest or app.earance of fairness. 4. If any member of the Committee wishes to abstain, from a vote on the motion;that member shal] so advise the Chair and, if there is no objection to the abstention, sHall remove and absent hiinself/herself from the delibei�ations and considerations of the motion, and shal] have no further participation in tlie matter. Such advice shall be given prior to any discussion or garticipatiop on the subjeot mattei or as � soon thereafter as the member perceives a need to abstain,provided that,prior to the time that a member gives advice of an intent to abstain from an issue, the member shall confer with the City Attorney to detemiine if the basis for the member's intended abstention conforms to the requirements hereof. If the intended abstention can be anticipated in advance, the conference with the City Attomey should occur prioi to the meeting at which the subject matter would be coriiing before the Committee. If that cannot be done, the member should advise the Chair that he/she has an "abstention question" that he/she would want to review with tHe � BIA—Rules of Procedure City Attorney, in which case,a brief recess would be afforded the membei for that purpose before proceeding further: 5. If a tie vote exists, after recording the Chair's vote, the motion fails. However, a motion for denial that fails on a tie vote shal] not be considered an appro4al. XI. CONFLICT OF INTEREST: A. Any member of the Committee who, in his or her opinion, has an interest in any matter before the Cominittee that would tend to prejudice his or her actions shall publicly indicate, step down and leave the meeting room until the matter is disposed. A member need only be excused from legislative or organizational action if the potential conflict of interest is direct and substantial. (1) No member of the Committee may use lns or her position to secure special privileges or exemptions for himself, herself, or others. (2) No member of the Committee may;directly or indirectly,give or receive or agree to receive any wmpensation, gift, rewazd, or gratuity from a sonrce ezcept the employing riiunicipalify, for a matter connected with or related to the officer's services as such an officer unless otherwise provided for by law. (3) No member of the Committee may accept employment or engage in business or professional activity that the officer might reasonably expect would require or induce Him or her by reason of his or her official position to disclose cbnfidential information acquireii by reason of his or her official position. (4) No member of the Committee may disclose confidential information gained by reason of the officer's position,nor may the officer otherwise use such iiifotmation for liis or hei�peisonal gain or benefit (5) No member of the Committee may take any action that is prohibited by Chapter 42.23 RCW or any other statutes identifying conflicts of interest. XII. AMENDMENT: The Rule"s of Procedure may be amended at ariy ragulaz meeting of the Committee 6y a majority vote of the entire membership. The proposed amendment should be presented in writing at a preceding regular meeting. S ' � I 4t" Quarter � � A 2017 ` Marketin Res � Its � "ExpCore .�lu6urn for tke .7foCidays" ;. GOALS ; ' � Generate awareness of Downtown businesses open for the holiday season � Encourage Auburn residents as well as residents of local surrounding commun'ities to venture to Down�town to eat, shop, and play � Collaboration wi;th Tourism, Economic Development, and Downtown B�usinesses for shared `�� 'A goals of feet in streets, peeps in seats ; � Reach people who live near the businesses � Engagement through views, likes, shares, comments Hofiday Video - Facebook i " Geo target: Preferences: Vancouver, British Columbia, Adventure travel, Vacations, The Outlet, Canada and United States: Ecoto.urism, Puget Sound, Perfor•ming arts, Porfland, Oregon; Aubum, Christmas tree, Tourism, Mount Rainier, Artondale, Centealia, Seattle; Love to Travel, Travel, Shopping, Olympia, Seattle, Spokane, Travel Blogger, Scrooged, Elvis Ptesley, Federal Way, Kent, Puyallup, Family, Christmas music, Skiing or Tr:ipAdvisor Renton, Sumner, Washington and Behaviors: Freguent Travelers or Craft beer Explore Auburn Tourism FB , Page -Community of 10,459 who like/follow our page Avenues: Boosted Post - Video Campaign Holiday Video - Facebook & Instagram � Demographics �o% Women �:• 43,916 People Reached 29.9% Men �:� 16,298 Video Views so% u.s. 20% Canada �:• 1 ,584 clicks to website �.• 43 shares Age � o% }8-24 �e� 6,054 Unique Action '� ;` 15% 25-34 17% 35-44 �i� 2.65 Frequency 23% 45-54 27% 55 -64 19% 65 & over ,;:� r '^`T— i P �T 1 � .. p�� y' �..��:. � •�+"�`*` m� '^�f "�,.,,x"+� x E" �`�xF'� v��ti .�d.'ti r�z �_ ' txa '+s' I�- �Y£y .'. _ .�^ � . � ... - E 3 . . x . 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