HomeMy WebLinkAbout201211090064 QUIT CLAIM DEED 06302011 i iuiii iiiii iiiii iiiii iiiii iiiii iiiii��iii iiiii iiiii iii�iiiii iiii iiii 201211090064 KYOHN 10 PGS • ` 1110912012 08:42:53 RM $Bi.00 AUDIiOR, Pierce County, WASHINGTON �� C�� Auburn City Clerk �n Q� 25 West Main Street �� � Auburn,WA 98001 � ��j�r' .;J, �S �✓ .;,� , ���ti rf,.' �CGC Please rint or e information. Document TiUe: Quit Claim Deed T6is document is tieing rerecorded to correct an error in the legal description Grantor(s): Pierce County Public Works and Utilities Gran[ee(s)(Last name first,first name,and initials): Ciry of Abburn Legal Description(abbreviated; i.e.,lot,block,plat or section,township,range): Government Lot 6,Sec. 5,T'20N,RSE,W.M. Reference Number(s)of Documenu Assigned or Released: 201109120004 Assessor's Property Tax PazceVAccount Numbers: 05-20-06-3-008; 05-20-06-3-001; OS-20-06-4-OOl; OS-20-OS-3-048; OS-20-OS-3-042 The Auditor/Reco�der will rely on the information provided on tfiis co4er sheet. Tlie staff will not read the document[o verify the accuracy or completeness of the indexing inforrtiation pro4ided herein. 111�9/2�12 08:42 53 AM KYOHN_ _ 4296812 8 PGS E'XCISE COLLECTED Sm.mO PROC FEE: S5.A0 F�lDITOR Pierce Ccunfy, AASHINGTON TECH"FEE: 55,00 ' IFtLEC7 B"Y �'fV�il� , - - - 5� (o �*�'s� . (��1� - � 201109120@04 �9 �PGS. .. + 6911212011 08:37;02 AM $70.00 ' - � PIERCE COUNTY, WRSHINGiON WHEN RECORDED RETURN TO: ' Auburn City Clerk 25 West Main Street Aubum, WA 98001 QUIT CLAIM DEED � Graptor(s): Pierce County Grantee: City of Aubum Tax Parcel Nos: OS-20-06-3-008;OS-20-06-3-001;OS-20-06-4-001;OS-20-OS-3-048;OS-20-OS-3-042 THE GRANTOR(S), Pierce Codnty,a Municipal Corporation and a Political Subdivision of the , State of Washington, for and in consideration of mutual benefits and in further wnsidera;ion of the general public welfare and of the peculiar and specialbenef ts to accrue to us theiefrom, conyeys apd quit claims ro the City of Auburn, a municipal corporation and political subdiVision of the State of Washington the following dascribed real estate,situated in tFie County of Pierce, State of Washington,togethar with all after-acquired title of the GrantoY(s)the�ein,to wit: SEE ATTACHED EXHIBIT"A" ` IN WITNESS W}�EREOF,said co razion has caused this instrument to be executed by its �. proper officers�this 3(�� �day of� ,20�. PIERCE COUN \ �� c _ � 30�// Pierce Codnty Executive ate 1 of 9 �9/12/2911 A8,35;09 AM KYOHN 4200685 0 P�S EXUSE COLLFCTED 50.06 PROC FEE: 55.00 � A�DITOR_ /1 .. PIERCE'COUNTY, WP TECH FEE, y5.99 lJ . :. 2d y �� ��� � �6-od�j ,�Ja �v�� �� 1 1 ACKNOWLEDGMENT STATE OF WASH[NGTON ) ) County of Pierce ) I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that e is/ase-the person(s)who appeared before me, and said person(aj'acknowledged HC/she/tJxy signed th s instrument,on oath stated thathe/she/tbeg was/�authorized tc execute the instrumeniand aclrnowledged it as the �i��'LLC.� of Pierce County,a Municipal Corporation and Political $ubdivision of the State of Washington,to be the$ee and voluntary act ofsuch party for the uses and purposes mentioned in the instrument. DATED this �l/ . day of ,20�. r (Print'Name) �p�um��i�� �.•`��10E e ''•., ,,�• g,",.....,.,,,y�p��,� - � ����01 s . o[ary Publi and for the S,jate ofW hin ton :VO�r �TA�z ' Residing at��f{- ` .�' ?�t �BL�C ' ; . � 9�� •`�� My Appointment Expires: w ,� ,. :��I,,,�.�.....• ,,`,`,�. ������u�a��` �-t ��lll . 1 /� (� C� A PROVED as to form only: Pierce County Deputy Prosecuting Attorney QCD.doc 2of9 � EXHIBIT "A" Those poztions of the hereinafta described Tzact"X"descnbed u follows: Parcel l Beginning at a pomt oppositc Enginec�s Station,hereinaftei sefened to as"ES";SAR 12+49.80; on the centerline of the S.outh A.cces"s Rau�p,at a point 36.64 feet Easteily tLere&om;thence Southerly to a point opposite ES SAR I3+59.50 end 93.16 feet Easterly therefrom;thence Wesceriy co a poiat opp.osite ES SAlt 14+00.00 and 26.50 fcet Ezsu;ly ffiezefrom;thence SoutherIy and Southeasterly,parallel with said cenrerline:W a point opposite ES SAR 24}00:00 and 26:50 feetNortheasterly therefrom;thgace Northeasterly to a point opposite ES SAR 24+OO.W andS0.00 feet Northeasterly thare&om;:thance Northerly tb a point opposite ES LTPE 92+52.63 on the ceaterline of Lake Tapps Pazkway East and 150.00 feet Swthwesterly therefrom; ihence Faster�y to a poini opposi,�C,ES LTPE 92+89.16 and 102.37 feet Soutliwesterly therefrosn; thence Northe=ly ro a point oppo''ute ES LTPE 90+77.46 and 60.00 fcet Northeasterly tfierefrwn; tlirnce Southeastaly,parallel with said aent�rline,to a point opposite ES LTPE 96+56.72 and 60.00 feet Northeasterly t6erefrom;theace Southerly to a point opposite ES LTPE i 00+79.77 and 110.83 feet Southwesterly thetefrom;thence Westerly,along the arc of a c�uve to the left with a QCD.doc 3 of 9 . iadius oF 210.00 fee;ro a point opposite ES SAR 29+28.20,and 42.25 feet Southerly tharefron� , thence Northerly to a poiat opposite ES$t1R 29+28.20 and 33.50 feet Swtherly therefrom;thence Westerly and Northwesterly,pazallel with said cemerline,to a point opposite ES SAR 12+42:98 , and 33.50 feet Westerly therefrom; thence Easteily to the point of 6egmning. EXCFPT that portion of the hereinbefore described Parcel 1 bounded by the following described ]ine: Beginning at a poi�opposite ES LTPE 94+25.48 and 55.00 feet Soutfiwesterly iherefrom; thence Southerly,patallel wiLh seid centerling,to a point opposite ES LTPE 98+90.69 and SS.00,feet Southwesterly there&oui;thence Souttiwesteily,along the arc of a ciuveto the right with a nclius of 76.50 feet,w a point oppositc ES SAR'28+63..96 and 26.50 feet Northerly theiefrom; thence Westerly,paralle]withsaid centerIine,to a poirn opposite ES SAR 26t40.00 and 26:50 feet Northerly thercfrom;thcncc Nortiicrly to the point of beginning. Pazce12 Beginniug at a:point.opposite Engiaeer's Station,hereinafter referred to as "ES";I.TPE 103+U0:26, on the centerHne of I,alse Tapps Parkway Eas;at a point 60;00 feet Northeaste;ly thetefrom; thence 3outheastarly,parallel with said centerline,to a poirn opposite ES LTPE 111+30.00 and 60:00 feet Northerly therefrom;thence Northerly to a point opposite ES LTPE i i I+30.00 and 220.00 feet Northerly therofrom;thenco.Easterly to a point oppositrES L7YE I15t00.00 and 370.00 feet Northarly therofrbm;thence Southeasudy to a point oppositc BS LTPE L16+00.00 and 320.00 feet Northorly th�.refrom;thence Southerly to a poinf opposite ES LTPB 116+50.00 and 200.U0 feet IVortherly therefrom;thence Southerly to a point opposite ES LTPE 116+50_00 and 60.00 feet Northerly thercfrom; thence Easterly,pazallel with said centerline,ro a point upposite ES LTPE 123+24.00 and 60.00 feet Noitherl'y'therefrom;theace Easterly to a point opposite HS LTPE 124+00.00 and 63.00 feet Northerly theiefrom;theace Ea9terly,parallei wiUi said centerline,W a poinYopposite E$LTPE 132+40.00 and 63.Q0 feetNortherly therefrom;,thence Eastecly to a point opposite E$LTPE 133+00.00 and 60.00 feet IVortherly there8om;ihence Northeusterly,peiallel witli said centerline,to e point opposite ES LT"PE 146+42.22 and 60:00 feet Northerly therefroxti;thence Northeasterly to a pqint opposite ES LTPE 140+7I30 and 83.45 feet Northerlgthero&om;thwce Northwestcrly,along the arc of a odrve to the riglit with a radips of 2566.50 feet,to a point opposite FS LTPB 140+66.36 and 247.06 feet No�tlswestetly tlierefrom; . thencallortheasterly to a point opposite ES LTPE 141+2936 and246.97 feet Northwcsterly therefina�thence Southeasferly,along the.arrof a cwrve to the left viith a radius of 2503.50 fcet, w a pomt opposite ES LTPE 141+34.71 and 79.12 foet Nort6westerly t6erefrom;thence Southeasurly to a point opposiu ES LTPE I47+55.22.and 60.00 feet Northwesterly Uierefrom; theace Northeasterly,pazallel with said centerline,w a poim opposite fiS LTPE 145+00.00 and 60,00 feet Nortfiwesterly thazefrtim;thenoe$ontheasterly to a pbint oppoaite ES LTPE 145+00.00 and 52.00 feet Nqrthwestetly therefrom;,tkence Northeasteily,parallel with said ceaterline,m a point opposite ES LTPE 147+53.54 and 52.00 fect Noithwesterly therefrom;thence Eastarly W u point'oppbsiie ES LTPE 149t96.d9anet59flB'�'eet Southeaste�ly therefrom;�Southwesterly, pazallol with said ccnmrlina,to a point oppoeite ES LTPG 142+00.00 and S�6 �'cet Sdiitheasterly [hercfmm; d�ence Soutt�easferly to a point opposite ES LTPE 142+00.00 andSB:f�*f°`eei`t Southeasterly therefrom;thmce Southwesterly W a pomt opposite ES LTPE I4i-�64:41�d-SSfifr*** feet SoutLeasterly there&om;theace Southerlyto a point oppasiteES LTPE 141+49:36 aad 74.14 feec Southeasterly there&om;thence Sautheasterly;along the azc of a ciave to the right vuith a radius of 765,00 feet,to a pomt oppoeite BS LTPE 141+38.92 and 257.97 feeUSoutheasterly therefiom; thence Southwesterty to a pomt opposite ES LTPE I A0+70.02'and?A5;37 feet Southeasterly tharefrom;theace,Northwesterly,along the azc of a carve to the left with a radius of Note: See page 9 for correctioiis. QCD.doc 4 af 9 ' 38. 16 50.00 695.00 feet,to a point appbsite FS LTPE 140+79,15�and 7339 feet Southeasterly therefrom; thoncc Westerly to a pont oppositeBS LTPE 140+5�}$and feet Southeasterly ttierefrom;*' thence Southwesterly;parallel widi said centerline,to a point opposite ES LTPE 124+00.00 end � 58.00 feet Soptherly therefrom;thence W esteily to a point opposite ES LTPE 123+24.00 aad " 55.00 feet Southerly therefrom;thencc Northwasterly,paraAel with said centerlina,to a point �y opposite ES LTPE 104+50.91 and 55.00 feet Southwestuly therefrom;theace Northerly to the � point of beginning. • � rn Parce13 n Beginning at a point oppositc Enginoer's Siarion,hereinafter refared to as "ES",EVHE 48+g3:26 N, on tht centerline.of East Vailoy Hig}�way East,at a poiat 45:47 feet Baatarly therefrom;thence � EasterIy w a point oppasite ES EVf�48+g2.70 and 62.90 fee�Easterly therefrom;thence � Soukherly to a point opposite fiS E'VfiE 46+78;84 and 69.40 fxt Easterly therefrom;tlience n Southerly to a poini opposite ES EVHE 41+47.64 and 30.00 feet Easterly ihaefrosn;thence � Northcrly along the existing Easterly right�of-way line of Fast Valley Highway Easr to ihe point of begi:uring. Pazcel 4(Pond) Beginning at a point opposite Et�ginea's Sbtion,heremafter referred to as "ES",LTPE 153+55.72 on the centerlme of Lake Tapps Pazkway Esst and 749.50 feer Sourhesly tfierefrom;theiice 1Vortheastorly to a pqint opp:osite ES LTPE 153+75.54 and 7]1,89 feet Soutlierly there&qm;thence _. Northeasterly on a straight line to a pomt opposite ES LTPE 153+98A2 and 680:30 feet Souttierly therefroai;thence Noitheasterly on a sqaiglrt line to a point opp6siu ES LTPE 154+qq,61 and 596:28 fpet Southatly tharef'rom;thence Noxtheasteily on a straight line to a point opposiu ES LTPE 155+04.86 and 483:44 feet Southeily therefrom;tlunce Northeasterly on a sttaigtit line to a point opposite ES LTPE 155t19.96 aud 446.76 fect Southerly therefrom;thence Northerly to a poinropposte FS LTPE"I55+�6.62 and 348.08 feet Swtberly therefrbm;thence Essterly on a straight line to a poinf opposite ES LTPE F55+65.I5 and 353,I I feot Southerly tliese$om,•thence Southerly on a;straight line to a pomt opposite ES LTPE 155+26.86 and 748.59 feet Southerly therefrom;thcnce Wesferly ona shaight linrto the point of beginning and the terminus of'this description Together with a peipemal easement aad privilege to consuucc and maiatain cuts and/or fiils for slopcs occasioncd by the original grading and re-establishments of grades for str«t pucposes aloqg,-across,and upon the following desenbed rea]p:operties situated ia Pierce Covnty. Together wifl�the right to enta npan said premises at any dau with all necessary mea,maurial,and equipment for the puiposes of eon..^tructm8.�Pe�&TeP�B.and maiataiaa�g the s�e to wic Pazce15' Be�ning at a point opposite Engineer's Station,fiereinafter:eferred W as "ES",LTPE 141+52.18 on the centerline of Lake Tapps Parkway Eastand 62.83 feet Northeily thereCrom;thence Northeastcrly on a saaight line to a poiat opposiu ES LTPE 144t75.00 and 68.00 fcet Northerly there&om;thence IJoxtheasterly to a poixu opposite ES LTPE I46+40.00 and 144.00 feet Northerly rhenfrom;thence Northeas[edy to a poiat opposice ES LTPE 146+58.86�d Y 05.18 feet No:therly thaefrom;thence Easterly on a stmigbt]iue bo apoint opposite ESLTPE 147+53:59 and 52,00 f�1 Northaly thacfrom;thence Sonthwesterly parallel with the centcrlme of Lakc Tapps parkway Eas�to a poi�-opposite BS L7PE 145+00.00 and 52.00 fut Norther2y therei'rom;rhence Nosdrvvesterly to a gomi opposire ES LTPE I45+00.00 and 60.00 feet Northerly therefrom;thence Southwesterly paraliel with said centeriine to a point opposite BS.LTPB 141+Si.22 and 60.00 fxt Northerly therefrom;theace Nordiwesterly to the point of beginning. QCD.doc � Sof9 - � Pazcel 6 Begim�ing at a point opposite Engineer's Smtion,heieiaafter referred w as "ES",LTPE 141+62.68 on the centerline of Lake Tapps Pazkway East and 59.85 feet Southeriy therefrom fhence Nonheasterly oa a straight]iae to a poirn opposite ES LTPE 147+(0'.00 and 76.00 feet Southerly therefrom;thence Northeastuly on a straight litne W a poiat opposite ES LTPE 150+51.22 and 62.00�'eet Southerly therefrom;tbence Westarly to a pointopposiYe ES LTPfi 149+�ff#4mmd^ �9:(i0 feet Southerly ehcrefrom;thence S �westerly parallel with said centezlime 2o a poiat opposite ES LTPE 142+00.00 and�fee �°�utheazteriy tbaefrom;thence Southcastecly to a poiat opposite ES LTPE 142+00.00 and38:(�l,���t Southerly thcrefrora;thence.SouthwesYerly to a poimt opposiie ES LTPE 141+6�-0�}tia�d-58-0fYfeet Southeasterly therefrom;thance Soutfiwesterly to ehe point of beginning. Togethw with a pexpotual easennwt for the construation,imp myement,inspection,maintenance and ropair of storm draioaga facilitias,(including but not liaiiuil to storai sew�ei pipeline(s),manholes;camh basias,dryweILs,infilhalion systems,detention7xeteneon.ponds,swales,and otha appurtenant storm dtnmage shuctu[es and facilities)ia aad ro said following described=ea1 property situate in Piace Cotmty. Together with the right of Piexce Cotinty officeis, officials and age�s to enter upon said premises at any time with all necessary men,maurial'and equipcneant foz the ptirposes of conshucting>msP��B�7eP�8 and maintaining the seau. Percel7 Boginning a�e:point opposite Eagincar's Smrion,hereinafter refeired to;as"ES'-',LTPE 155+63.11 on thq centeriine of Lake Tapps Pazkv+ay Fast and 369.38 feot Sonfherly therefrom;fbence Eastedy to a poiat opposite ES S'i'FIE 31+20.94 on sLe centarline of Sumner-Tapps Highway Extcnsioa and 369.79 fcet Swtherly tharefrom;thence Northeasterly on a shai�bt line to a point dpposite E$ STHE 31+21:53 and 256.09 feet Southerly tLerefrom;thence Eastarly on a shaight line W a point oppositc ES S'FfiB 31+41.26 and 227.67 faet Sowherly therafrom;thence Nortlierly on e sqaight line to a point opposite ES STfiE 30+94.19 and 66.01 feet Southerly therefirom; thence Easterly on a straight line to a point oppoaite ES STE�'31+16.28 and 41.29 fcet Sou_therly therefrom;thencc Southcrly on a sIIaight liae to a point opposite ES SZ'HE 31+66.90 end 153;24 fect Southerly therefraan;theace Westetly on a shaight laie to a point oppbsite ES ST7iE 31+33:72 and 281.10 feet Sontherly t�refrom;thence:Southwe8terly on a shaig}it lino to a point opposite ES STHE 31+30.50 and 394.11 fat Southerly tharefrom; theaoe Wesurly on a gtraight tine to a poim opposite ES LTPE 155+58.37 and 408;93 feot Soatharly therefrqxn;thence Northerly on a eh�aight line to the point of begianing and thn tem�unus of this descripaon. Parce18 Begianing at a point dpposite Enginear's Station,haremaftar refemd W as"ES"SAR 24+11.69 on i ihacenuiline ofdu South Access Remp and 47.30 feerSoutlierly therefrom;theace Southwesteriy � on a suaight linc to a point opposite"ES" SAR 24+30.77 and 215.00 feet Southerly therefro:n; ttunce Southeasterly on a atraight liao to a point opposite"ES°SAR 24+51,49 and 200.89 feet §outLerlythcrc&om;t6caoeNottheastedy on a straight line toa poiat oppusite "ES"SAlt 24+38.99 and.41.92 fcet Southerly thoiefrom;tbance Northwesferly alqug the Southerly right-of- way line of the South Access Itnmp to thc point ofbeginning and the tatminus of tbis descriprian. Note: See page 9 for corrections. � QCD.doc 6 of 9 'I'ogether with a perpe;ual ees�ment,allowing iagras and egress over,unda and across the:following described property,to-wit: ParceI 9 Beginnia�at a poirn opposite Engineer's Statioa,hereinafter rcfrned w as"ES",LTPE 155+57.42 on the centerline of Lake Tapps Parkway East and 417.20 feet,Southerly therefrom;theace Noztheasurly on a sRaigbiline to a poiat opposite ES LTPE 155+79.08 and 386.48 feetSoutherly tlierehom;th9nce Fasteily on a sIIaight line to a point opposite ES STHE 32+18.26 on the centeifine of Suumer-Tapps Highway Extensioa and 297.17 faet8outturly therefrom;thence Sout6erly on a straight line to a pomt opposite ES ST73E 32+23.89 and 340.44 feet Sontherly ' therc&om; thence Eastozly on a stiaight liue to a point opposite ES STHE 32+40.91 and 336.B1 feet Southerly therefrom;thence NoxtherIy to a poiat op}iosite ES STI�E 32+�9.68 aad 1�1.38 feet Southerly therefrom;tfience Northwesterly on a saaight line to a point opposite ES ST[� 31+38.74 aad 63:67 fcet.SonthetIy therefirom;thence Northwesterly on a straig6t line to a point opposiu ES STHE 31+22.27 and 38.89.feet Southerly thwefmsn; thence Westerly on a su�aigfit line to a pomt opposita ES STEIE31+12:18 and 4052 feet,Southerly thuafrom;thance Wastarly on a sRaight line to a poini opposite ES SI'HE'31+0231 and 55.44 feet Southerly therefrom; thence Southeasterly on a saaigfit line w a point opposite ES S'I'f�31+Z6.38 and 86.34 feet Southarly tharefroxa;thence Southeastesly oa n straight Liae w a poiat opposiu E5 STHE 32+00.06 and 185:49 feet Southerly there&om;thence Southerly on a s�aighc line to a poi� opposire ES STHE 32+14.06 aad 267.93 f�et SonUierly shezefirom;thence Westerty on a straight ]iae to a point opposite ES LTPE 155+64.90 and 355.09 feet Souffierly therefrom;.theace Southerly oa a s�sightline Yo the point of beginmag and the�ninns of this description. Tract"X" Out Parcel: Govetnment Lot 6 frt SECTION 6,TOWNSFiIP 20 NORTH,RANGE 5 EAST,W.M.; EXCEPT North 115 feer tharoof; ALSO EXCEP'I the rigitt-of-way of the Northem Pacific Railvvay Company; AI,SO fiXCEPT a strip of]and I S feet m wiidth adjacent to and parallel wiUi the Fast line of the nght-of-way of the Northom Pacific Railway Compa�!as coaveyed to the.Seaale-Tacoma Power Company,a co�poration,by Deed cecorded under Pierce Counry Au�tor's File:No. 189228; ALSO EXCEPT that portion descnbed as follows: Commeacing at th�inteiaection of tho-South lixx of the North I IS fect of said Govemment Lot 6.and the East margin ofa strip ofland IS feet ia width as conveyed to SeaftlaTacoma Power Compaqy by Desd recorded under Auditor's File No.189228;tLence Easterly along said South linq 267.13 feet and the poiM of beginning of f3vs exception;thex�ce continuing E�terly along said Sontherly]ine,484 fea�thenca Southerly at right aagles to saidSouth line, 475-feet;thence Westerly paralle]with saidSouth line,344 feet;theace Northwesterly in a straighc line 495.2 feet to tbe poim.of beginnlag; AiSO EXC£PT County Road; Situate in the Counry ofPierco,State of Washington. QCD.doc 7��of 9 - r Pareal "B": The North 5 acres of nc�Northwqs[quact9c of thc Southeasi guartei of tt�e Southwest quarta of SEC1'ION 5,TOVJN$FiIP 20 NORTH,RANGE 5 EAST of tbe W.M,in Pierce Counry; Washington EXCEPT County Road. Psrcel"C": Beginning at the Northeast wmer of tho Southwest quarter of the Southweat.quarter of SEC1'ION 5,TO W^ISHIP 20 NORTH,RANGES EAST of thc W.M.,in Pierce Cotmty,Washi�gton;ttience Wosr along the North line of said subdivision,132 foet;thmce South parallcl with thc East line of said subdivision,330 feet;tl�ence East parallel with the Nortb line of said subdivision, 132 feet to the Easf line tLereof;thetxe North along said Easf liae,330feet to ihe point ofbegi:roing. EXCEPT County Road. Petcel"D" Commcnciag a4 the Soufl�west aaner of SECT'ION 5.TOWNSHIP 20 NORTH,RANGE 5 EAST of the W.M.,in Piena Counry,Washington;thance North along the West lioe of said Section 40 rods w tha true point ofbegianiag;thenca continuing North along said Weai liae 40 rbds to the Northwest comer:of tlie Southwest quarter of the Sovthwest quarter of said Secdon 5;thencaEast along said North line 20 rods;thence South 40 rods;thence West 20 rods to the ave point of begirming. EXCEPT tLat portion conveyed to Pierce County under Auditor's No. 9703120171. Parcel"E" The Southwcst quarter of the Southwest qvartct of SECT'!ON S,TOWNSI3�20.NORTH, RANGE S EAST of rhe'W M.,in Pivice Coimty,Washington. EXCEPT tho Swth 40 xods,AND ERCEPT Uu West 20 rods ofthe North 40 rods,AND EXCEPT East 8 rods of the North 40 rods. EXCFPT that portion comeyed fo Piace Couary under:Auditor's No. 9703120171. Parcel"I" The Southeast quaxkr oF SECT'fON 6,TOWNSHIP 20 NORTH,RANGE 5 FAST of the W.M.,in Pieroe Cotmty,Washington EXCEPT portion comeyed to Piecce County by Wazranfy Deed;ecorded under Audito�s No. 9703120171. EXCEPT porhon convcyed w Pierce County tiy Wananty Deed recorded tmdcr Auditor's No. 2000020701$0. . QCD.doc � - 8.of9 • . ' Pazcel"J" The East half of the Southwest quarter of SECTION 6,T'OWNSIiIP 20'NORTH,RANGE 5 EAST of the W.M.,in Pierce Counry,Washington. EXCEPT thcrefrom a stip of land 100 feet wide along thc Wcst side of said property deeded to the Pacific Coast Power Company,said I 00 foot stip of land being ihe West 100 feet of said East Laff'of the SoutUwest quamr;:AND EXCEYT the East 170 feet of rl�e West 270 feet measiued at right angks ro the Westi line ofthr East half of the Sauthwest quarter. EXCEPT that portion conveyed to Pierce Crnmty under Auditor's No. 97b312b171, Fbe lands lurein described contain an area of 531,987 square.het plus 28,880 square feet for slope easemem,plus 23;562 sqaare feet for drainage easement,plus 19,869 square feet fur access easement more or leas,the specificdetails conceming a11 ofwhicb are to be found m that certain map of defimte locauon aow of record aad on file ia the office of tfie I�ector of Piace Counry Public Works and Utilities in Tacoma,Washington,andbearing date of approval�L'`,(� ,�400/ ,and bearing Comny Road Pioject(CRP}No.5434,antifled Lake Tapps Parkway East. * (From page 4) * 69..22 and 42.00 ** 42,.A0 *** 50.00 **** 72.24 aad 50.00 * (From page 5) *thence 5outhwesterly, parallel with said centerline, to a point opposite ES LTPE 132+93.39 and 50.00 feet Southerly therefrom; thence Southeasterly on a straight line, to a point opposite SS LTPE 132+94.73 and 58.00 feet Southeasterly therefrom; * (From page 6) * 69.22 and 42.00 ** 42.00 � *** 50.00 ' **** 72,24 and 50.00 � i QCD.doc . 9 of 9