HomeMy WebLinkAbout4633 RESOLUTION NO. 4633 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, WASHINGTON, AUTHORIZING THE MAYOF2 TO EXECUTE A GRANT AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF AUBURN AND THE KING , CONSERVATION DISTRICT FOR THE FENSTER LEVEE SETBACK & FLOODPLAIN RE$TORATION, PHASEIIPROJECT WHEREAS, the Fenster Levee Setback is a project identified in the Green/Duwamish and Central Fuget Sound Watershed, Wafe{ Resource Inventory Area 9, Salmon Habitat Plan, Making our Watershed Fit for a King, dated August 2005 and ratified by the City Council of the City of Aubum ("City") by adoption of Resolution No. 3922 on October 17, 2005; and WHEREAS, the Gity and King County Water and Land Resou�ces Division (WLRD) entered into an inte�local agreement for the performance of work forthe Phase I of the Fenster Levee Setback project as authorized by the Aubum City Council by adoption of Resolution No. 4054 on July 17, 2006; and WHEREAS, 4he City and King County WLRD have completed the construction of setback levee improvements antl habitat restoration as part of Phase I of#he Fenster Levee Setback project; and WHEREAS, on November 17, 2008 the City Council adopted Resolution No. 4415 authorizing the City's acceptance of a $130,000 grant from the King Conservation District for the acquisition of the Smith Property which was identified Resolution No. 4633 ' August 2, 2010 Page 1 as a critical segment of the Fenster Levee Setback project, and did subsequently purchase the property, 4hereby completing City ownership of the proposed project site;and WHEREAS, on April 5, 2010 the City Council adopted Resolution No. 4584 authorizing the City's acceptance of a $304,103 grant from the Salmon RecoVery Funding Board for the Fenster Levee Setback, Phase II Project; and WHEREAS, the King Conserva4ion District is a local agency responsible for the administration of WRIA Forum Grants for salmon recovery projects; and WHEREAS, the City has been awarded a King Conservation District grant in the amount of $200,000 for fhe design, permitting, and construction of the Fenster Levee Setback, Phase II Project. NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, WASHINGTON, HEREBY RESOLVES as foilows: Section 1. The Mayor is hereby au4horized to execute a Grant Agreement between the City and King ConserVation Disfrict in the total amount of$200,000, or such amount as may be awarded to the City under the Grant Agre.ement, in substantial conformity with the agreement attached hereto, marked as Exhibit "A" and incorporated herein by this reference. Resolution No.4633 August 2, 2010 Page 2 Section 2. The Mayor is hereby authorized to implement such administrative procedures as may be necessary to carry out the directions of this legislation. Section 3. That this Resolution shall take effect and be in full force upon passage and signatures hereon. Dated and Signed this �b day of�, 2010. CI AUBURN � � PETER B. LEINIS MAYOR ATTEST: 001��'( C������ ��Danielle E. Daskam, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: �� baniel B. Heid, City Attorney Resolution No.4633 August 2, 2D10 Page 3 � �`�2 AGREEMENT FOR AWARI)OF HING COlYSERVATION DISTRICT WI2IA FORUM GRANT Green-Duwamish-CPS Watershed I�orum (WRIA 9) City of Auburn This Agreement is made between the King Conservatiop District Number 9, a municipal corpontion in King County, Washington, located at 1107 SW Grady Way, Suite 130, Renton, WA 980.57 (referred to herein as"DistricP'), and the City of Auburn, a municipal corpo.ration in i King County, Washington, located at 25 West Main Street, Auburn, WA 98011 (referred to lie"rein as "RecipienY'),for the purposes set forth herein. S�CTION 1. RECITALS 1.1 Whereas, the District is a special purpose ilistrict organized and existing under � apthority of Chapter 89.08 RCW which engages in certain activities and programs to conserve natural resources, including soil and water, which activities are declared to be of special benefit � to lands; and . � i 1.2 Whereas, pursuant to RCW 89.08.40Q King County has authorized and imposed ' a system of assessmentslo finance the ac6vities and programs of the District; and j 1.3 Wliereas, pursuant to RCW 89.08.220; RCW 89.08341 and/or Chapter 39:34 I RCW, the District is authorized to enter into agreements with iiiunicipal entities and agericies' �I (governmental or othenvise), or their designees; in order to carry out and facilitate the activities ; and programs of the District to conserve natara]resources; und 1.4 Whereas, certain Watershed Porums were established in King County and through the voluntary association of ageitcies and entities situated within the partic.ular watersHed basins ' or areas (i.e.,Snoqualmie Watershed Forum;Cedar/I.ake Washington/Sammamish Watershed 'i Forum; Greeo/Duwamish/Central Puget Sound Water"shed Foruni)for the purpose of addressing � and responding to environmental needs witl�in their respective watershed hasins and in the region � by cooperative efforts; and 1.5 Wliereas,tkie Wate1•shed Forums include representatives ofjurisdictions that are located within or lwve a major interest in the maziugemenf of Water Resources Inventory Areas (WRIA) 7, 8 apd 9; arid i 1.6 Whereas, the District has reyiewed tl�e grant application sulimittqd by Recipient i And has determined that the application meets the requiremeirts of Chapter 89.08 RCW, the District's policies an8 procedures foi awacdiiig gi�uits and the funding principles esta6lislied by ' King County's Regiona( Water Quality Committee; and 1,7 Wliereas, the District anci Recipient desue to enter into this Agreement for the � purpose of establishing the terms azid conditions relating to tlze Dish•icYs awaz•d of a grant to Recil»ent. Page 1 of 4 SEGTION 2. AGREEbIENT 2.1 The District agrees to award Recipient a grant in the total amount of Two , Hundi•ed Thousand Dollars ($200,000) from 2010 Assessments. Grant funds shall be used by Recipient solely for the performance of the work described in�xhibit A which is attached hereto and incorporated herein by tliis refei•ence. T'he District sliall pay the grant funds to Recipient in accordance with the District's policies and procedures, including but not limited to, the policies and procedures contained in the Member Jurisdiction & WRIA Fordm Grant Application Instcactions and Policies, provided that such fynds have been collected and received by the District, 2.2 Recipient represents and warrants that it will only use the grant funds for t}ie work desoribed in �xhibit A, which may be amended by the parties pursuant to Paragraph 33 of the _-- - Agreement: Recipient shall be required to refund to the Disfrict that portion of any grant fdnds which are used for uiianthorized work. Further, Recipient agrees to return to the District any � grant funds that are not expended or remain after completion of the work covered !iy this ' A�reenment. j i 23 Recipient acknowledges and agrees that tfie gYant funds inay only be expended on work which shall be entirely within the District's jurisdictional boundaz•ies. Tke following municipal entities are not within the DistricYs jurisdictional boundai•ies: Enumclaw, Fede;al ' Way, Milton, PaciFic, and Skykomisli, Recipient shall be required to refund to the District that I portion of any grant funds which az•e used for work pei�fornied outside the DistricNs jurisdictional boundaries. 2.4 In the event the scope of work authorized by this Agreement includes the use of � grant fdiids to purchase houses located on real property witl�iu a flood hazard area, Recipient ; acknowledges and agrees that.gra�it fnnds may only b:e used fo"r such pur}�oses if the houses to be gurc}iased were constructed befo;e floodplain mapping or sensirive areas regulations were in place for that area. Recipient shall be reqnired to r8fund to the Disri•ict that portipn of any grapt funds which are usedfor unauthorized purposes. 2.5 Recipient shall be required to provide the District with biannual financial and ; project progress reports, along with an annual summary repoit. Financial and project reports j shall be due June 30 and November 30 each year. TheRecipient shall also be reqniied to submit to the District a final report wltich docuinents fhe RecipienYs completion of the work in confoi•ma�ice with this Agreement witHin thir[y (30) days after the completion of tHe work. Tlie final report shalt, amorig other thin�s, summarize the pi•oject's successes and shall address the regional b:epefits accomplislied by the work. The final report shail also iden6fy any obsfacles or , cl�allenges which were encountered during tHe work, along with general recomme,udations , reg"arding ways to avoid such obstacles or challenges in the future. If requested,Recipient agrees to provide the District with additional financia] or progress reports fi•om time to time, at i•easonatile.intei'vals. Page 2 of 4 , 2.6 Recipient's expenditures oF grant fupds shali be separately identified in the I Recipient's accounting records: If requested, Recipient shall comply with othec reasbnable requests made by the District vaith respect to the inanner in which project expenditures are tracked and accounted for in Recipient's accounting books and records. Recipient shall maintain such records of expenditures as may be necessary to confoim to generally accepted accounting principals and to meet the requirements of all applicable state and federal laws. 2.7 Recipient shall be requi;ed to track project expenses using die Budget Accounting and Reporting System for the State of Washington("BARS"}. ` 2.8 The District or its representative shall have the rigHt from time to time, at reasonable intervals, to andit the Recipient's books and records in order to verify compliance ; with tkie terms of tlus Agreement. Recipient shall coopexate:with the Distiict in any such audit. i 2.9 RecipienY shall retain all accounting records and project files relating to this Agreement in accordance with criteria established iri the Revised Code of Washington and the I Washington State Archivist. I 2.10 Recipient shall ensure tliat all work performed by Recipient or its employees, i agents, contractors or subcontractors is performed iu a manner which pi�otects and safeguards the environment and isatiiral resodrees and which is in conipliapce with local, state and federal laws , and regplations. Recipient shall implement an appropriate monitoring systein or p�ogram to I ensure compliance with this provision. 2.11 Recipient agrees to indemni£y, defend and hold haz•mless the District, its elected I or appointed offici8ls, employees and agents, from all claims, aiteged liability, da�nages, losses to or deatli of person or damage to property allegedly resnitin� fi•om the negligent or intentional acts of the Reoipient or nny of its employees, agents, contractors or subcontractors in connection with this Agreement. 2.12 Recipient agrees to acknowledge the District as a source of fiinding for th'ts i project on all literature,signage or press releases related to said project, ' i SECTION 3. G�N�RAL PROVISIONS �, 3.1 This Agreement shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the parties hereto and their respective successors and assigns. j 3:2 This Agreement constitutes the entire agreemerit between the parties with respect to the subject niatter hereof. No prior or coutemporaneous representation, inducement, promise or agreement between or among the.parties which relate to the subject matter hereof which are not embodied in this Agreenieiit sliall be of a�iy force or effect. Page 3 of 4 33 No amendment to this Agreement shall be binding on any of tlie parties to this Agreemeut unless such amendment is in writing and is esecuted by the parties: The paRies contemplate that this Agregment may from time to tiine be modified by written amendment which shall be executed by duly authorized representatives of the parties and attached to this Agreement. 3.4 Each partywarrants and represents that such party has full and complete authority to enter into tliis Agreement and each person executing this Agreement on behalf of a party waazra�its and represents tHat he/she has been fully authorized to execute this Agreement on behalf of such party and that such party is bouud by the sigitatiu�e of such representative. DISTRICT: RECIPI�NT: ! By By � Name Name II Title Title Date Date I Approved as to Form: Approved as to Fonn: I DISTRICT L�GAL COUNSCL: R�CIPI�NT'S ATT012N�Y: � By � . •-, ��' itA,L� �n��'��(1'Ul/) By � Name �.�f i L �f ih'l0 r�'� Name Date �_��� D Date � � I Page 4 oF4 ''i Exhibit A I I � � i i ; � � , Member Jurisdiction & WRIA Forum Grant Program King Conservation Disfrict Grant Application Project Title: Ferister Levee Set6ack&Floodplaln Resforatlon Phase II 2010 � Applicant: City of Auburn Confact: Chris Andersen Princlpal Partners(if any): Title: En'vironmentafProtection Manager Washington Resourae and Conservatlon Offlce- Address: 25 West Main Street _ . _ . .. __ _ Salmon Recovery Funding Board Auburn,WA 98001 King County , Total Projecf:Cost: ,$539,103 � ' WRIA Funding : lurisdictlon Funding ' ' ' ' KCD Funding Requested: $200,000 Phone: 258-876-1962 � Pr.oJect StarEDate: Decemher 10,2009 Fax: 253,8043114 � Pro)ect End Date: Deeember 31,2013 E-maii: candersen@auburnwa.gov ' i 1. ProJect Descrip#lon - provide a brief descriptlon of the proJect that summarizes what you will do, hoW you wlll do It,and why you wtll do It. Consider the following In the answer to this i questlon:what pressing need will be addressed by the proJecYor what promising opportunity wll/be capitaUzed on?Who or what w11i beneflt or be pos/Gvety and negat(vety affected7 I The Fenster Lsvee Setback&Floodplain Restoration Pfiase II P�oject is th_e final downstream project � in a 2-mile;long corridor aiong the middle Green River that has tieen restored and improved for fish passage;floodplain refuge,and floodplain function. Thts project is Identified in the WRIA 9 ' Green/Duwamish and Central Puget Sound Watershetl Saimon Habitat Plan-August 2005,as a I priority proJeqt, MG-18, FensteY-Pautzke Setback and Floodplain Reconnection.A project vicinity map ' (aftached)shows where the project is loca4ed within fhe City of Aubum.The restoration project wiil !� include the removal of an existing 880 foot Iong levee near Green River mila 32, re-attachment of a iarge forested swale to the ri4er for off-channei fiatiitat and fish refuge and increased area for floodwate�quieting and storage, removal of invasive pla�ts, natiye plant re-vegehation,and installation I . of large woody debris along the Green River at the toe of the new levee. In addition 4o prowding fsh habftat, this project w111 increase floodwater storage capaclry to benefit downsVeam landowners in I times of fiigh water. The projegt site spans four parcels, totaling 4.57 acres whiph are ali ownedby the ' City of Auburn and ara a part of the City's Fenster Nature Park. The project site is adjacent to the Fenster Levee,Setback.Phase 1 projegt which was compieted by the Ciry of Auburn,working wifh King Counry, in 2008. King Counry completed the Paufzke Levee Setback ln 2009 in tha'u Aubum Narrows Naturat Area,whfch is adjacent to the Fenster Phase I project on the upstrearti side.The Fenster Leyee SettiackPhase il project would complete years of work by the city � and the county lo set back or completeiy remove all of the levees wifhin a lwamife stretch of high I quality habftat between the proposed project site and the upstream SR-78 Bridge. The project area is largely vegetated by degiduous trees(some of which are relativefy mature)and ', shrubs.An existing swale lies landward of the currentdevee pti§m,which is imrimediately adjacent to the riyer bank.As a result,the floodplain is disconnected from 4he river and cannot serve as off- channel habicat e�help to attenuate fast water velodtie.s during fioods wlien la�ge numbers of juQenile ' Mamtier Jurisdictlon&WRIA FOTum Grant Program,Applicatlon � • Juty 21,2008 � salmonids including ESA-listed Chinook and steelhead are either incubating or rearing In,this part of the Green River. Tfiis segment of the Green Rive�is alsb headily used by se4eral species of saimon and trout for spawning and migration. For the Fenster Phase.li Leyee Setback project, the City plans to con(inue to work with King Gounty as was done on the Fenster Ledee Phase II setb'ack projeot to make ttie project moYe oost effegtiga. King County developed expertise designing and constructing le4ee setbackprojects in this reacfi of fhe Green River while working on fhe Pautzke and Fenster I Levee setback projects, immediately adjacent to tlie Fenster Phase II Levee Setback:VNorking wifh King County to construct the Fensier Levee Setback Phase 11 proJecf will require less detailed plansand less construotfon oversight due to their familiarity with similar leveesetback projects in this reach of the Green River.To date, King County has heiped the City identity cost saving measures for fhe Phase II Levee Setback pro)ect such as reusing out soils on-site rather than payfng to haul,them off-site for disposal. Following construction of fhe levee setback,the site wdi be replanted and monitored.The City intends ' Eo part�er with the Veteran's Conservation Corps in order to oarry out tfie replanting and monitodng wo�k. Maintenance activitieg will continue for at least three years foltowing project completion to • ', ach'ieye a 90'°%plant survival rate.As a part of the project, 24 by 36 inch educetional signs wili be installed a4 the lwo entrances to the project site to describe the purpose and benefits of the project and to aoknowiedge the proJect sponsors. � To date,sixty percent plans have been completed(attached). Conceptual cross seGional and plan views of the Ieyee setback are also attached to this application for reference. Grenf funds would be ; used forfinalizing the design, completing the permitting, and completirig construction of the levee ', setback project. 2. Natural Resource Improvement Actions - describe how the project wili address a I mfnimum of one of the natural resource Improvement actions described on page 1 of � theapplication Instructions. Conslder the following(n your answer to thisquestlon: � What natural resources wJU be lmprovedl What are the known needs, gaps or deflclts ! that wllf be addressed? What are the known beneflts to soll, water, alr,plants, fJsh and ', wlldltfe, landowners? , This project is closely associated with the°Direct Improvement of Naturel Resource CondiBons" �I natural resource imp�oyement action.Aa a result.of the project,880 feet of leyee will be set back to open up instream, riparian and floodplain habitat This additional habitat will serve as off-channel habitat farjuvenfle salmonids, including ESA-listed Chinook and steelhead that are inpubating;or I rearing in the G�een River.Flsh populations found in,the river Include Coho juveniles and adults, Chinook jwenfles(all sfages),cutthroat, bull trout, steelhead, sockeye;pink and chum. ', This site is a,critical location within thg Green River system, locatetl at the break between the functions of the lowerand middle Green River.VJith the minimal amount of habitat and refuge ', available downstream, this project will be one oEthe first refuge sites for adult salmon in thelr ', upstFeam migration, and one of the last refuge sit_es for juvenile salmon.during their outmigrajion to ', Puget Sound:This project will allow)uvenile salmonid access to a prevlously cut-off forested bench � and side channel,and provide refuge during critical migration periods. The project will meet the' ; following objectives: improve water quality, improve riparian habitat and eccess, proyide Inoreased ! a[ea fo�flood§torage and flood velocity attenuation, and proyide high quality off-channel habitat ' access.The proJect is includetl in the WRIA 9 Habltat:Plan(2005)as project MG-18. FensferPhase II was fhe number one ranked project during the 2009 SRFB grant round by the TechNca(Advisory Group. THis ranking was approved by the Watershed Eoosystem Forum. Member Jurlsdictlon&WRIA Forum Grant Progrem,AppticaGon • luty�18,2008 � � 3. Project Activities and Measurabie Results- using the table below, Iist specific proJect activitles to be completed, the timetable for the activities, and the dellverables assoctated with those activltfes. Consider the following In your answer to this questlon: What acilons, Interventlons,progra►ns,services wlll be deployedT Activlty Deliveraliles Timeline Approzimate Descriptlon Activity Cost (Source) -i, Bomplete oultural GulturalResources Study 03/01/2011 $15,000(SFRB) resources re uirement's 2, C.oriipfete project Complete set of A&E plans from 10/0172011 $84,000(SRFBj pians(1Q0%design) conhactor 3, Compfete and submit City of Aubum, state and federal 11/30/2011 $34,000(SRFB) project permit perr»its Sutimitted ' ' a Ilcation"s 4, Hire projeof Bid Awarded O6/01l2012 T.B.D. contractor ; 5, Begin project Construction started 06/30/2012 n!a construotion g; C.omplete Construction.compietgd 04l30/2013 $426,103 ; construction - ConsVuction survey ($191,103 SRFB, ! - CoastructioNEngineering $35,000 Aubum, � - Invasive speciesremoved 5200,000 KCD) ; from.8 aares - 880 linear feet of levee se4back(levee cut, setback trench cut, set6ack trench naiive fill, rip-rap flli,sefback levee � native fill, maferial haul, li geo-grid instailation) , - Placement of 115 log ; clusters � - Riparian plant installation ; of 4,725 plants on .8 ', acres ' - 2 project interpretive , signs designed and ' installed onsite ' 7, Complete monitoring Monitodng and stewa�tlsAip plan 11/30/2013 T.B.D. and stewardshi lan ; g, Mafntenance and Maintain site andmonitor 2013-2015 T.B.D. I monitorin conditions , 4. Effectiveness(see page 2 of application instructions for definition) - describe fiow the I proJect will effectively Implement the naturai resource improvement measures identifled in question No.2 above. Consider the#ollowing in your answer to this questlon: Whyls the pr►mary appllcant the best entity to deflver the proposed program/servlce/Intervention?What Is the capaclty of the primary appllcant to del►ver Mamber Jurisdiction&WRIA Forum Grant Program,Applicatlon • July18,2008 ' the propased progra►n/servlce/lnterventlon?WHat tools, servlces and partners wlll be b►oughtto bearl � The Ciry of Aubum completed,PHase I of the Fenster Leyee Setback project using Salmon Recovery Funding Board funds tn 2008. Phase i of 4he selback is tocated adJacent to the proposed Phase II setback locafion and has similarities W the Phase ll project The City of Aubum worked with King County in order to complete Phase I oi the project and inlends to work with King Couqty again to complete Phase II of the project.King County has experlence setting back other ievees in the immediate vicinity of this proJect(e.g. Paufzke Levee Setback completed ln 2009).The past successes that the City of Auburn and King County have completed setting bapklevees io this section of.tlie G�een River will help to ensura tHe success of Phase II of the Fenster Levee Sefback.7he City oTAubum also intends to partner wi(h the Veteran's Conservation Corps to conduct replanting and mooitoring of the site. Some of the initiat work for the Fenster LeVee Setback Phase II project has aiready been completed. Sizty percent plans hape been completed(altached)and drafts of many of the permfttfng documents have been prepered.A survey of the s'ite is currently in progress. , 5. Efficiency(see page 2 of appiicatlon instructlons for definition) - describe how the pro)ect wfil efficiently implement the nafur8l resource ImproVement measures identifled in question No. 2 above. Consider the following In your anawer to Ehfs questlon: How wlll the proposed program/servlce/Interventlon engage!n conJunctlon wlth related efforts?How does your strategy best/everage resourcesl Both King County and the City of Aubum haye condupted levee setbadc projects in tFie past along this section of tfie Green Rivec From thEs past experfence, eiflciencieshave been developed. IniUal engineering cost estimates tor Phase II of fhe project have been reducad significantly by flnding Vrays to make use of the excavated fill on-site rather than having to dispose of it oFf-site. Const�ucting this levee setback will compiete a twamiie corcidor oi restored habitat in Auburn and IGng County.The adja6ent projects haye been designed to fit together seam�essty to maximize the benefits of the overall resfored corridor. Phase 11 of the Fenster Levee Setback has received a$304,103 grant from ; the State Setmon Recovery Funding Board that would be le4eraged with the King Conservation j District Funds. In order to increase the efficlency of the project,the Cily of Aubum is proposing to contract with King ; County to complete the design and donsUuGion of the levee setback project King Couniy worked on ! the design and construation of both of the adjacent upstream levee setbackprojecta, Phase I Fenster : Levee Setback and the Pautzke Levee Se{back.lNith these pasE projects, King County hasbecome famfliar with the design and construction techniques used fo�levee setback projects on this reach of i the Green Riv.er. This familiarity wi;h the leyee setbadc proJects in the @rea should tanslate into lower j project costs.Working wifh King County Department of Naturai Resources and Parks,Water and Land Resources Division directly to complete the design and construction will offer signiflcant projegt �. savings since full specificalions and abid package are not requlred under this approach(this is similar ' to the approach used on the prevfous Fenster and Pautzke proJects). ', The altematiye would be for Aubum to put the leyee setback project.out for compet}tive bid.This would reguire the completion of full plans and bid specifications which would rafse the project cosls by up fo 25 percent and would require the City to identffy a sou�ce of addltional funding to complete the project. Due to King County's familiarity with the project, and the time and cost savings4hat would be �ealized, the City of Auburn proposes to work with King County to complete the design and const�uction for the Fenster LeVee Phase II setback project. 6. Equity(see page 2 of applicatlon instruc4lons for definition) - describe how the project will equltably implement the natural resource Improvement measures Identlfled In ' Member JurlsQlctlon&WRIA Forum Qrant Program,App�lcaElon • 1uly.i8,2008 . question No. 2 above. Consider the following in your answer fo this question: In what part of the Dlsirlct wlf!the proposed program/service/lnterventlon occyr?VYho is the targef audlence and what demographlc sect►on of the community wlll be affected? The Fenster levee Setback Restoretion II project will be constructed within the existing Auburn Fenster Nature Park. Once the construction is oompleted for this projecE,the properry will be open to the publkc for passive reereational aGivities and proyide opportunities for both formal anii intormal environmental education instrucUon. _...... . _ . . _. .. . . . . 7. Evaluation of Intended Results - descrlbe the evaluatlon mechanisms you will use to ;rack; document, and report 4hat the proJect has ach(eve,d the intended results described In questions 1•3. Project metrics such as linear feet of levee set back and square feet of fbodplain opened up will be calculated upon completion of the project and included in progress and flnal reports to the Kfng ' Conseryation Dfstrict: One of the deliverables for the.projeot is a mon(toring and stewardship plan which will be developed and carried out by the City of Auburn foltowing the construction of the project. As required by King Conservation Districtpolicies, maintenance of projecl plantings for a minimum of three years will be incorporated Into the monftoring and stewardship plan for the proJect. 8. Project Budget& Expenses Budget ftem KCD Funds Other Funds Other Funds Total Salmon City of Aubum , Recovery Storm Funding Funds** � Board* Salarles and.8enefits $0 $0 $0 $0 Travel/Meals/Mlleage $0 $0 $0 $0 ,� OtNcelFleld Su Iles 5500 SO $0 $500 ', Contracted! $199,500 $270,103 $35,000 $504,603 � ProfessionaPServices Land Acqufsi4lon $0 $0 $a $0 Permits $0 _ $34,000 . $0 . $34,000 � TOTAL $Z00,000 $304,103 $35,000 $$39,103 ; *The Clty of Auburn executed a Salmon Recovery Funding Board grant agreement in the amount of$304,103 with the Wash(ngton Recreation and ConservaHon Office on Apol 6,2010. I **Clty of Auburn Storm Funds are in th_e process of being allocated toward th_e Fenster Le4ee Setback Phase 11 proJect as part of the City's 2010 mid•year budget amendment scheduled for City Councllactfon on lune 21,2010. Member lurisdictfon&WRIA Forum GrantProgram,Applicatlon • July.18,.2008 � . 9. KGD Acknowledgement-Descr(b:e how the KCD wlll be acknowledged as a source of funding for 4he proposed program/service/Interventlon (see Grant Program Overview& Policies,General Grant Program Policies,#6). In project press releases,ttie Ci of Aubum will include acknowledgement that funds were receiveG from th g ew G is nc. s1�yo educafionai signs instaited at the enfrances to fhe project sife wi acknowledge K a pro e der. � b/2�t /Zolo AuthorizedSi ature Date. i i � , i � ' Member Jurlsdlction&WRIA Fomm Grant Progrem,Applicetlon • July18,2008 ���