HomeMy WebLinkAbout6712 ORDINANCE NO. 6712
WHEREAS, the Auburn City Council at its regular meeting of December 3,
2018, adopted Ordinance No. 6693 which adopted the City of Auburn 2019-2020
Biennial budget; and
WHEREAS, the City of Auburn deems it necessary to appropriate additional
funds to the various funds of the 2019 budget as outlined in this Ordinance (BA#1);
WHEREAS, this Ordinance has been approved by one more than the majority
of all councilpersons in accordance with ROW 35A.34.200.
Section 1. Amendment of the 2019-2020 Biennial Budget. The 2019-
2020 Biennial Budget of the City of Auburn is amended pursuant to Chapter 35A.34
RCW, to reflect the revenues and expenditures as shown on Schedule "A" attached
hereto and incorporated herein by reference. The Mayor of the City of Auburn,
Washington is hereby authorized to utilize revenue and expenditure amounts shown
on said Schedule "A" and Schedule "B". A copy of said Schedule "A" and Schedule
"B" is on file with the City Clerk and available for public inspection.
Ordinance No. 6712
March 20, 2019
Page 1 of 2
Section 2. Implementation. The Mayor is authorized to implement those
administrative procedures necessary to carry out the directives of this legislation.
Section 3. Severability. The provisions of this ordinance are declared to
be separate and severable. The invalidity of any clause, sentence, paragraph.
subdivision, section, or portion of this ordinance, or the invalidity of the application of
it to any person or circumstance, will not affect the validity of the remainder of this
ordinance, or the validity of its application to other persons or circumstances.
Section 4. Effective date. This Ordinance will take effect and be in force
five days from and after its passage, approval, and publication as provided by law.
PASSED: APR 0 1 20T9
APPROVED: APR 0 1 2019
INCY B A Tr 44144.4
Shawn Campbell, MMC, City Clerk
A +, _--
Steven L. Gross, City Attorney
Published: cm, c- ,\ . ���c--, � •"`r—
Ordinance No. 6712
March 20, 2019
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Schedule A
Summary of 2019 Budget Adjustments by Fund
Budget Amendment#1 (Ordinance#6712)
Beg.Fund 2019 2019 Ending Fund
Balance Revenues Expenditures Balance
General Fund (#001)
2019 Adopted Budget 18,037,042 72,145,986 77,788,165 12,394,863
BA#1 jOrdinance#6712,Proposed). 539,000 (27,700)_ 538,400 (27,100)
Parks Department:
Increase 4Culture for Local Arts grant revenue and associated expenditures - 12,000 12,000 -
Accept and expend grant funds for Auburn International Farmers Market - 20,000 20,000 -
Accept and expend 4Culture Historic Preservation grant funding - 3,000 3,000 -
Acce pt and expend tourism grants(Transfer from F104) - 8,500 8,500 -
Incr budget for landscaping costs due to new state prevailingwap requirements - - 27,100 (27,100)
g P� g g.
Community Development Department:
Carry forward funding.for facade improvement.program 171,300 171,300 -
Carry forward funding for Auburn Way South Corridor Plan 80,000 - 80,000 -
Police Department:
Reduce private security revenues and associated expenditures - (130,000) (130,000) -
Carry forward funding for automatic vehicle locator system LTIF to F568) 22,500 - 22,500 -
Carry forward funding for electronic parking ticket system 43,000 43,000 -
Public Works Department:
Carry forward funding for 15th Street NE/NW Preservation project(cp1521) 36,500 - 36,500 -
Administration Department:
Accept and.expend federal Emergency ManagementPerformanceGrant - 28,800 28,800 -
Carry forward budget for Buy Local Auburn Program(from BA#5)(TIF from F518) - 30,000 30,000 - w„
CIF funds to implement Crime Prevention through Environmental Design prof„_ 28,600 - 28,600 -
_Carry forward budget for evaluation of commercial properties _.._ _ _ 30,000 - 30,000 -
CIF funding for cyber security management system project(Transfer to F518) 35,500 - 35,500 -
Carry forward funding for CRM system projects(Transfer to F518) 41,600 - 41,600 -
Carry forward fundina for LEOFFI reimbursement of long-term care expenses 50,000 - 50,000 -
Revised 2019 Budget-Fund 001 18,576,042 72,118,286 78,326,565 12,367,763
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Schedule A
Summary of 2019 Budget Adjustments by Fund
Budget Amendment#1 (Ordinance#6712)
Beg.Fund 2019 2019 Ending Fund
Balance Revenues Expenditures Balance
Arterial Street Fund (#102)
2019 Adopted Budget 1,492,777 1,633,100 1,781,400 1,344,477
BA#1 (Ordinance#6712,Proposed): - - 75,000 (75,000)
Provide additional funding for Pedestrian Accessibility and Safety Program - - 75,000 (75,000)
102.00.594.42065 CONSTRUCTION PROJECTS 75,000
102.00.599.200.06 UNDESIGNATED ENDING FUND BAL (75,000)
Revised 2019 Budget-Fund 102 1,492,777 1,633,100 1,856,400 1,269,477
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Schedule A
Summary of 2019 Budget Adjustments by Fund
Budget Amendment#1 (Ordinance#6712)
Beg.Fund 2019 2019 Ending Fund
Balance Revenues Expenditures Balance
Hotel/Motel Tax Fund (#104)
2019 Adopted Budget 108,571 153,600 160,050 102,121
BA#1 (Ordinance#6712,Proposed): 6!650 - 41,650 (35,000)
CIF and.provide additional funding for 2019 Auburn Adventure Film Festival 6,650 -
41,650 (35,000)
Accept and expend tourism grants(Transfer to General Fund) - - __ _ _ - -
Revised 2019 Budget-Fund 104 115,221 153,600 201,700 67,121
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Schedule A
Summary of 2019 Budget Adjustments by Fund
Budget Amendment#1 (Ordinance#6712)
Beg.Fund 2019 2019 Ending Fund
Balance Revenues Expenditures Balance
Housing & Comm Develop Fund (#119)
2019 Adopted Bud9et 36,458 590,000 590,000 36'45e
BA#1 (Ordinance#6712,Proposed); 269,900 yoo '
Carry forward unspent ooaogrant funds -----------'-----------'---- 269,900 - 269,900 -
Revised 2019 Budget-Fund 119 306,358 590,000 859,900 36,458
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Schedule A
Summary of 2019 Budget Adjustments by Fund
Budget Amendment#1 (Ordinance#6712)
Beg.Fund 2019 2019 Ending Fund
Balance Revenues Expenditures Balance
BIA Fund (#121)
2019 Adopted Budget 109,473 55,200 90,000 74673
BA#1 Ordinance#6712,Proposed). _ ___._._...._.5,400 W . 5,400
CIF funds to implement Crime Prevention through Environmental Design prof.........___... 51400 _ �_ _ - 5,400 -
Revised 2019 Budget-Fund 121 114,873 55,200 95,400 74,673
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Schedule A
Summary of 2019 Budget Adjustments by Fund
Budget Amendment#1 (Ordinance#6712)
Beg. Fund 2019 2019 Ending Fund
Balance Revenues Expenditures Balance
Mitigation Fees Fund (#124)
2019 Adopted Budget 10,886,137 1,196,200 2,980,350 9,101,987
BA#1 (Ordinance#6712,Proposed): - 150,000 - 150,000
Inc,funding to pay downtown development traffic impact fees in catalyst area - 150,000 - 150,000
Revised 2019 Budget-Fund 124 10,886,137 1,346,200 2,980,350 9,251,987
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Schedule A
Summary of 2019 Budget Adjustments by Fund
Budget Amendment#1 (Ordinance#6712)
Beg. Fund 2019 2019 Ending Fund
Balance Revenues Expenditures Balance
Capital Improvements Fund (#328)
2019 Adopted Budget 10,404,627 5,775,300 8,500,550 7,679,377
BA#1 (Ordinance#6712,Proposed: 54,000 204,000 (150{000)
CIF remaining budget for Senior Center kitchen equipment(T/F from F505) - 54,000 54,000 -
Incr funding to pay downtown development traffic impact fees in catalyst area - - 150,000 _. 1150,000)
Revised 2019 Budget-Fund 328 10,404,627 5,829,300 8,704,550 7,529,377
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Schedule A
Summary of 2019 Budget Adjustments by Fund
Budget Amendment#1 (Ordinance#6712)
Beg.Fund 2019 2019 Ending Fund
Balance Revenues Expenditures Balance
Water Fund (#430)
2019 Adopted Budget 3,787,175 _ 15,678,500 14,334,065 5,131,610
BA#1 (Ordinance#6712?Proposed 115,200 - 115,200 -
Carry forward funds for hydraulic modeling 100,000 - 100,000 -
CIF funding for cyber security management system prolect!Transfer to F5181. _ 7,000 - 7,000 -
Carry forward funding for CRM system,projects(Transfer to F518) __.._ .__ 8,2008,200 -
Revised 2019 Budget-Fund 430 3,902,375 15,678,500 14,449,265 5,131,610
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Schedule A
Summary of 2019 Budget Adjustments by Fund
Budget Amendment#1 (Ordinance#6712)
Beg.Fund 2019 2019 Ending Fund
Balance Revenues Expenditures Balance
Sewer Fund (#431)
2019 Adopted Budget 4,267,149 9,10400 7,842,663 5,528,686
BA#1 Ordinance#6712,Proposed. _.....___.._..___»_.» 12,100 - 12,100 -
CIF funding for cyber security management system project(Transfer to F518) 5,600 - 5,600 -
Carry forward funding for CRM system projects(Transfer to F518) 6,500 - 6,500 -
Revised 2019 Budget-Fund 431 4,279,249 9,104,200 7,854,763 5,528,686
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Schedule A
Summary of 2019 Budget Adjustments by Fund
Budget Amendment#1 (Ordinance#6712)
Beg. Fund 2019 2019 Ending Fund
Balance Revenues Expenditures Balance
Storm Drainage Fund (#432)
2019 Adopted Budget 2,859,814 10,156,900 8,865,312 4,151,402
BA#1 (Ordinance#6712,Proposed): 13,800 - 13,800 -
CIF funding for cyber security management system project(Transfer to F518) 6,400 - 6,400 -
Carry forward funding for CRM system projects(Transfer to F518) 7,400 _ _ - 7,400 -_
Revised 2019 Budget-Fund 432 2,873,614 10,156,900 8,879,112 4,151,402
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Schedule A
Summary of 2019 Budget Adjustments by Fund
Budget Amendment#1 (Ordinance#6712)
Beg.Fund 2019 2019 Ending Fund
Balance Revenues Expenditures Balance
Airport Fund (#435)
2019 Adopted Budget 434,633 1,218,600 1,353,493 299,740
L. P_ �:
BA#1 Ordinance#6712 Proposed): _ — --_.._.._.._ _...___... _ _._ _.___.____....._.._..._.._.....___.....__....___....
_...___ _... ._._... _sed 40,000 -__... _ _._- ..__.... __.....__53,200 __....._......._.._(13,200).
Carry forward funding for tree trimming,currently in permitting process 40,000._...__ - 40,000 -
Change maintenance of Airport facilities from in-house to contracted services - - 13,200 (13,200)
Revised 2019 Budget-Fund 435 474,633 1,218,600 1,406,693 286,540
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Schedule A
Summary of 2019 Budget Adjustments by Fund
Budget Amendment#1 (Ordinance#6712)
Beg.Fund 2019 2019 Ending Fund
Balance Revenues Expenditures Balance
Water Capital Fund (#460)
2019 Adopted Budget 1381010 9,037,400 6,612,686 2,562,724
BA#1 Ordinance#6712,Proposed - - _ _ 520,000 j520,000)
Move funding for Lea Hill AC Main rept.from 2020 to 2019;to be bond funded - - 235,000 1235,000)
Move funding for Academy Pump Sta.rept.from 2020 to 2019;to be bond funded - - 285,000 (285,000)
Revised 2019 Budget-Fund 460 138,010 9,037,400 7,132,686 2,042,724
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Schedule A
Summary of 2019 Budget Adjustments by Fund
Budget Amendment#1 (Ordinance#6712)
Beg.Fund 2019 2019 Ending Fund
Balance Revenues Expenditures Balance
Airport Capital Fund (#465)
2019 Adopted Budget — 146,405 2,093,700 2040,500 99,605
BA#1 (Ordinance#6712,Proposed)._.._ _....._...........__. _ __.._ :....__..__._ _.._.._._..- 36,200 - •--(36,200)
Purchase truck and provide additional funding for tractor at the Auburn Airport _ _ .. � .__.___.. .. ..36,200 (36,200)
Revised 2019 Budget-Fund 465 146,405 2,093,700 2,176,700 63,405
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Schedule A
Summary of 2019 Budget Adjustments by Fund
Budget Amendment#1 (Ordinance#6712)
Beg.Fund 2019 2019 Ending Fund
Balance Revenues Expenditures Balance
Facilities Fund (#505)
2019 Adopted Budget 1,412,874 3,532,500 3,894,563 1,050,811
BA#1 (Ordinance#6712,Proposed) _ _ __136000_____ __ (31,400.___ »_» _288,000 1183,400).
Change maintenance of Airport facilities from in-house to contracted services - 01,400)_ - (31,400)
CIF remaining budget for Senior Center kitchen equipment(Transfer to F329) _ 42,000 - 54,000 (12,000)
Replacement of electrical services/panels at City Hall -. - - 140,000 (140,000)
Carry forward fundina for demolition of caretaker home at Game Farm Park - 94,000 - 94,000 -
Revised 2019 Budget-Fund 505 1,548,874 3,501,100 4,182,563 867,411
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Schedule A
Summary of 2019 Budget Adjustments by Fund
Budget Amendment#1 (Ordinance#6712)
Beg.Fund 2019 2019 Ending Fund
Balance Revenues Expenditures Balance
Innovation &Technology Fund (#518)
2019 Adopted Budget 2,573,504 6,429,110 6,437,640 2,564,974
BA#1 (Ordinance#6712,Proposed): 124,500 118,200 242,700
C/F funding for cyber security management system project(TIF frm various funds) - 54,500 54,500 :
Carry forward funding for CRM system projects(Transfer from various funds) - 63,700 63,700 -
C/F budget for Buy Local Auburn Program(from BA#5)(TIF to General Fund) 30,000 - 30,000 -
CIF Multimedia funding to publish the quarterly Auburn Magazine in-house 94,500 - 94,500 -
Revised 2019 Budget-Fund 518 2,698,004 6,547,310 6,680,340 2,564,974
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Schedule A
Summary of 2019 Budget Adjustments by Fund
Budget Amendment#1 (Ordinance#6712)
Beg.Fund 2019 2019 Ending Fund
Balance Revenues Expenditures Balance
Equipment Rental Fund (#550)
2019 Adopted Budget 3,091,626 2,007,606 2,746,591 2,352,641
BA#1 (Ordinance#6712,Proposed _ 104,600 1104,600)
Fundinj for replacement of 24 golf carts beyond useful life-fully paid in - .. _ 104,600 .104,600)
Revised 2019 Budget-Fund 550 3,091,626 2,007,606 2,851,191 2,248,041
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Schedule A
Summary of 2019 Budget Adjustments by Fund
Budget Amendment#1 (Ordinance#6712)
Beg.Fund 2019 2019 Ending Fund
Balance Revenues Expenditures Balance
Equipment Rental Capital Fund (#560)
2019 Adopted Budget 3,663,110 2,741,994 3,102,450 3,302,654
BA#1 (Ordinance#6712,Proposed): 46,400 36,200 319,500 (236,900)
Funding for vehicles originally scheduled for replacement in 2017 46,400 - 224,700 (178,300)
Funding to replace patrol unit beyond useful life-fully paid in - - 58,600 (58,600)
Purchase truck and provide additional funding for tractor at the Auburn Airport - 36,200 36,200 -
Revised 2019 Budget-Fund 560 3,709,510 2,778,194 3,421,950 3,065,754
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Schedule A
Summary of 2019 Budget Adjustments by Fund
Budget Amendment#1 (Ordinance#6712)
Beg.Fund 2019 2019 Ending Fund
Balance Revenues Expenditures Balance
IT Capital Fund (#568)
2019 Adopted Budget 1,169,997 - 869,300 300,697
BA#1 (Ordinance#6712,Proposed): - 22,500 22,500 -
Carry forward fundina for automatic vehicle locator system(TIF from Gen'I Fund) - 22,500 22,500 -
Revised 2019 Budget-Fund 568 1,169,997 22,500 891,800 300,697
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Schedule A
Summary of 2019 Budget Adjustments by Fund
Budget Amendment#1 (Ordinance#6712)
Beg.Fund 2019 2019 Ending Fund
Balance Revenues Expenditures Balance
Grand Total - All Funds
2019 Adopted Budget 121,191,833 194,308,846 207,147,258 108,353,421
TOTAL BA#1 (Ordinance#6712,Proposed) 1,308,950 321,800 2,862,150 (1,231,400)
Revised 2019 Budget 122,500,783 194,630,646 210,009,408 107,122,021
317,131,429 317,131,429
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Schedule B
2019 Appropriations by Fund
Adopted BA#1 Revised
Fund Budget (Ord#6712) Budget
General Fund(#001) 90,183,028 511,300 90,694,328
Arterial Street Fund(#102) 3,125,877 - 3,125,877
Local Street Fund (#103) 3,562,780 - 3,562,780
Hotel Motel Fund(#104) 262,171 6,650 268,821
Arterial Street Preservation Fund (#105) 4,541,657 - 4,541,657
Drug Forfeiture Fund (#117) 531,497 - 531,497
Housing&Community Development Grant Fund(#119) 626,458 269,900 896,358
Recreation Trails Fund (#120) 71,426 - 71,426
Business Improvement Area Fund(#121) 164,673 5,400 170,073
Cumulative Reserve Fund (#122) 10,304,512 - 10,304,512
Mitigation Fees Fund(#124) 12,082,337 150,000 12,232,337
1998 Library Fund (#229) - - -
2010 Annex A&B Bond Debt Fund(#230) 1,664,900 - 1,664,900
2010 C&D Local Revitalization Debt Fund(#231) 601,696 - 601,696
SCORE Debt Service Fund (#238) 2,129,800 - 2,129,800
LID Guarantee Fund(#249) 1,648 - 1,648
LID#350(#275) 16,059 - 16,059
Golf/Cemetery 2016 Refunding (#276) 374,100 - 374,100
Municipal Park Construction Fund(#321) 2,380,772 - 2,380,772
Capital Improvements Fund (#328) 16,179,927 54,000 16,233,927
Local Revitalization Fund (#330) 484,500 - 484,500
Water Fund(#430) 19,465,675 115,200 19,580,875
Sewer Fund (#431) 13,371,349 12,100 j 13,383,449
Storm Drainage Fund(#432) 13,016,714 13,800 I 13,030,514
Sewer Metro Fund (#433) 21,556,967 - 21,556,967
Solid Waste Fund (#434) 21,805,275 - 21,805,275
Airport Fund(#435) 1,653,233 40,000 1,693,233
Cemetery Fund (#436) 1,628,060 - 1,628,060
Water Capital Fund (#460) 9,175,410 - 9,175,410
Sewer Capital Fund(#461) 11,945,391 - 11,945,391
Storm Drainage Capital Fund (#462) 13,898,388 - 13,898,388
Airport Capital Fund(#465) 2,240,105 - 2,240,105
Cemetery Capital Fund (#466) 394,037 - 394,037
Insurance Fund(#501) 1,949,070 - 1,949,070
Workers Compensation Self Insurance Fund(#503) 3,300,188 - 3,300,188
Facilities Fund (#505) 4,945,374 104,600 5,049,974
Innovation and Technology Fund(#518) 9,002,614 242,700 1 9,245,314
Equipment Rental Fund (#550) 5,099,232 - 5,099,232
Equipment Rental Capital Fund (#560) 6,405,104 82,600 6,487,704
IT Capital Fund (#568) 1,169,997 22,500 1,192,497
Fire Pension Fund (#611) 2,326,269 - 2,326,269
Cemetery Endowment Fund (#701) 1,862,409 - 1,862,409
Total 315,500,679 1,630,750 317,131,429