HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgreement between COA and The Auburn Food Bank - Daytime Services for Unsheltered Residents AGREEMENT Between The City of Auburn • and The Auburn Food Bank This Agreement ("Agreement") is entered into on this day of I`'1 zt,y , 2019 __—(the__"Effective Date"), by and between the City_otAuburn, amunicipal corporation organized. under Title 35A of the Revised Code of Washington (the "City"), and the Auburn Food Bank, a Washington public benefit corporation (the "Provider"), collectively "the Parties." RECITALS: 1. The City of Auburn, along with all of western Washington, is experiencing unprecedented numbers of individuals experiencing homelessness or are at high-risk for experiencing homelessness; and 2. The Auburn Food Bank is a volunteer directed organization that provides food, referrals, resources, support, and assistance to unsheltered individuals within the City of Auburn and the surrounding community; and 3. The Auburn Food Bank wishes to provide daytime services to unsheltered individuals on the Valley Cities-owned properties within the City o.f Auburn(collectively"Valley Cities Property"); and 4. The City will lease and locate a temporary modular building on the undeveloped Valley Cities Property for the purpose of a daytime resource center operated.by the Auburn Food Bank; and • 5. The City of Auburn will provide funds to the Auburn Food Bank for staffing necessary for the operation of the daytime resource center on the Valley Cities property; and 6. The City has determined that this Agreement provides the necessary support of the poor and infirm in the community. AGREEMENT: In consideration of the mutual promises set out in this Agreement, the Auburn Food Bank and the City agree as follows: I. Term of Agreement. The term of this Agreement will.commence on the Effective Date and will expire on December 3l, 2019. If this Agreement expires or terminates prior to the• Parties entering into an Agreement for future services, the Auburn Food Bank agrees to remove all personal property promptly from the temporary modular building leased by the City. Page 1of18 2. Scope of Services. The Provider agrees to perform in a good and professional manner the tasks described in Exhibit "A." The Provider will perform the services as an independent contractor and will not be deemed, by virtue of this Agreement and the performance of, to have entered into any partnership,joint venture, or other relationship with the City. 3. Provider Representations. The Auburn Food _Bank represents andwarrants that it. has all necessary licenses and_ certifications to perform the services provided for in this Agreement, and is qualified to . perform those services. The Auburn -Food Bank agrees to cooperate and coordinate with the City, its employees, contractors, and agents for the purpose of maintaining and repairing the temporary modular building. 4. City Obligations. The City agrees to lease, permit, and install a temporary modular building and utilities to provide.a space for the operation of a daytime service facility by the Auburn Food Bank on the Valley Cities' property within the City of Auburn during the term of this Agreement. S. Parties Obligations to Keep Building in Good Repair Consistent with Lease and Valid Temporary Use Permit. In addition to the Parties' obligations as otherwise described in this Agreement and the Scope of Services, Exhibit A,the Parties agree to not use or store any hazardous, toxic, radioactive or bio-hazardous substances or petroleum products in the temporary modular building. The Parties agree that the temporary modular building will not be occupied by any person other than the Parties, their agents, employees, and invites or used for residential or dormitory purposes. The Parties will follow all applicable conditions in the Temporary Use Permit, Exhibit C. 6. Compensation. The City will pay the Auburn Food Bank the amounts specified on Exhibit"B." 7. Insurance. By the Effective Date of this Agreement,the Auburn Food Bank will procure and maintain for the duration of this Agreement, insurance against claims for injuries to persons or damage to property which may arise from or in connection with the performance of the work hereunder including the use of the temporary modular building and the activities by the Auburn Food Bank and the Auburn. Food Bank's agents, representatives, employees, volunteers, subcontractors, invitees or licensees. The Auburn Food Bank's maintenance of insurance as required by the Agreement will not be construed to limit the liability of the Auburn Food Bank to the coverage provided by such insurance, or otherwise limit the City's recourse to any remedy available at law or in equity. insurance is to be placed with insurers with a current A.M. Best rating of not less than A: Vii. The City will maintain insurance for the temporary modular building. The Auburn-Food Bank's required insurance will be as follows: Page 2 of 18 • General Liability insurance will be at least as broad as Insurance Services Office (ISO) occurrence form CG 00 01 covering premises, operations, products-completed operations and contractual liability. The General Liability insurance will be written with limits no less than $1,000,000 each occurrence, $2,000,000 general aggregate. • Automobile Liability insurance, covering all owned, non-owned, hired and leased vehicles. Coverage will be written on Insurance Services Office (ISO) form CA 00 01 ora substitute form providing.quivalent liability coverage. The Auburn Food Bank will maintain business automobile insurance with minimum combined single limit for bodily injury and property damage of$1,000,000 per accident. • Worker's Compensation coverage as required by the Industrial Insurance laws of the State of Washington. • Professional Liability, Errors and Omissions Coverage to cover as applicable services pursuant to this Agreement either directly or indirectly involving or requiring professional services. `-Professional. Services" for the purpose of this provision means any services provided by a licensed professional or those services that require a professional standard of care. Professional Liability, Errors and Omissions Coverage shall be provided with limits not less than million dollars ($1,000,000) per occurrence and one million dollars ($1,000.000) aggregate. The insurance policy will contain, or be endorsed to contain that the Auburn Food Bank's • insurance coverage will be primary insurance to the City's. Any insurance, self-insurance, or self-insured pool coverage maintained by the City is in excess of the Auburn Food Bank's insurance and will not contribute to or with it. The Auburn Food Bank will name the City, its agents, officers, and employees as additional insureds, except for professional liability insurance, if any, and worker's compensation. The Auburn Food Bank will provide a certificate of insurance evidencing the required. insurance as of the Effective :Date of this contract. If a policy does expire during the term of this Agreement, a renewal certificate must be sent to the City fifteen (15) days prior to the expiration date of the policy. Failure on the part of the Auburn Food Bank to procure and maintain the required liability insurance and provide proof thereof to the City within ten (10) days following the commencement of a new ipolicy, is a material breach.of this Agreement and the City may immediately terminate this Agreement. The City reserves the right to continue payment of any insurance premiums otherwise due and payable by the Auburn Food Bank and to deduct reimbursement from amounts due or subsequently due to the Auburn Food Bank, as applicable. 8. Indemnification The Auburn Food Bank will defend, indemnil i and hold harmless the City and any of its agents, officials, elected officers and employees harmless from any and all claims, demands, suits, proceedings, losses, costs, or damages of every kind and description, including attorneys' fees and litigations expenses which may be made against or incurred by the City on account of loss or damage to any property or for injuries to or death of any person, caused by, arising out of, or contributed to, in whole or in part, by reason of any alleged act, omission, professional error, fault, mistake, or negligence of the Auburn Food Bank, its Page 3 of 18 employees, agents, representatives, or subcontractors of the Auburn Food Bank, including respective employees, agents, or representatives of the subcontractors in connection with, or incidental to, the performance of this Agreement, or arising out of worker's compensation claims, unemployment compensation claims, or unemployment disability compensation claims of employees of the Auburn Food Bank, or their respective subcontractors under similar such laws or obligations. If a final judgment is rendered against the City, its officers, agents, employees__and/or any of them, or jointly against the City and Valley Cities, and their respective officers, agents, employees, or any of them, the Auburn Food .Bank will satisfy the judgment in the amount that was due to that party's negligent acts or omissions. If a court of competent jurisdiction determines that this Agreement is subject to RCW 4.24.115, then, in the event of liability for damages arising out of bodily injury to persons or damages to property caused by or resulting from the concurrent negligence of the Auburn food Bank and the City, its officers, officials, employees, and volunteers, the City's liability will only be to the extent of its respective negligence. It is further specifically and expressly understood that the indenmification.provided herein constitutes the Auburn Food Bank's waiver of immunity-under Industrial Insurance, Title 51 RCW, solely for the purpose of indemnification. This waiver has been mutually negotiated by the parties. The provisions of this Section survive the expiration or termination of this Agreement. The Auburn Food Bank's obligations under this Section do not extend to any liability caused by the sole negligence of the City or its employees. 9. No Leasehold .Interest in Temporary Modular Building. This Agreement does not convey to the Auburn Food Bank a leasehold interest in the temporary modular building. 10. Dispute Resolution. In the event that any dispute or conflict arises between the parties while this Agreement is in effect, the Parties agree that, notwithstanding such dispute or conflict, the Parties will continue to make a good faith effort to continue to cooperate and continue to work toward successful completion of the services outlined in Exhibit A. In the event that any party believes another party has breached a term of this Agreement, it may request in writing that the Parties meet and confer in good faith for the purpose of attempting to reach a mutually satisfactory resolution of the problem within fifteen (15) days of the date of service of the request. 1i.. Agreement Interpretation. All captions, headings or titles in the paragraphs or sections of this Agreement are inserted for convenience of reference only and are not part of this Agreement. The singular will include the plural and vice versa and masculine, feminine and neuter expressions are interchangeable. Interpretation or construction of this Agreement will not be affected by any Page4of 18 determination as to who is the drafter of this Agreement, this Agreement having been drafted by mutual agreement of the Parties. 12. Non Availability of Funds. Every obligation of the City under this Agreement is conditioned upon the availability of funds appropriated or allocated for the performance of such obligation; and if funds are not allocated and available for the continuance of this Agreement, then this Agreement may be terminated by the City at the end of the period for which:funds are available. The City makes no commitment to support the services contracted for and assumes no obligation for future support of the activity or services contracted herein expect as expressly set forth in this Agreement. 13. Termination for Cause. If the City concludes that the Auburn Food Bank has failed to comply with the terms and • conditions of this Agreement, or has failed to use the City funds only for those activities identified in Exhibit A, or has otherwise materially breached one or more of the covenants in this Agreement, the City may at any time, at its discretion,provide written notice to the Auburn Food Bank and terminate the Agreement. The Notice of Termination for Cause will he in writing with the reason(s) for the termination, and will specify the effective date of'the termination. The Auburn Food Bank will be allowed at least five (5) calendar days to cure the reasons for termination. If the breach is not cured within five (5) days, the City may recover all prior payments to the Auburn Food Bank from the City made within 60 days of the Effective Date. If the Temporary Use Permit is not renewed or is revoked for any reason, this Agreement automatically terminates and the parties waive all claims, demands, suits,proceedings, losses, costs, or damages of every kind and description, including attorneys' fees and litigations expenses which may be made against or incurred by the City, caused by, arising out of, or contributed to, in whole or in part, by reason of the Agreement termination. The City may, in its sole discretion, by written notice to the Auburn Food Bank, immediately terminate this Agreement, if it is found after due notice and examination by the City that there is a violation of the Ethics in Public Service Act, Chapters 42.23 and 42.52 RCW. 1.4. Termination for Convenience. The City reserves the right to terminate this Agreement for the convenience ofthe City by delivery of a Notice of Termination with the effective date. The City may withhold all further payments to the Auburn Food Bank after the date of Notice of Termination. 15. Prohibited Discriminatory Actions. The Auburn Food Bank may not, under any program or activity-to which this Agreement applies, directly or through contractual or other arrangements, discriminate on the grounds of age, color, creed, familial.status,nationality, religion, race, sexual orientation, or the presence of any physical, mental, or sensory disability. Page 5of18 The Auburn Food Bank will comply with.all applicable federal, state and local non- discrimination laws and/or policies, including, but not limited to, the Americans with Disabilities Act; Civil Rights Act; and the Age Discrimination Act, In the event of the Auburn Food Bank's noncompliance or refusal to comply with any non- discrimination law or policy, this Agreement may be rescinded, cancelled, or terminated in whole or in part, and the Auburn Food Bank may_be declared_ineligible for further__. _ agreements with the City. The Auburn Food Bank is responsible for any and all costs or liability arising from any failure to so comply with applicable law. 16. Records. All documents, reports, memoranda, diagrams, sketches, plans, surveys, design calculations, working drawings, and any other materials created or otherwise prepared by the Auburn Food Bank as part of performing this Agreement will be owned by and become the property of the City, may be used by the City for any purpose beneficial to the City, and shall be subject to the requirements of the Public Records Act, Chapter 42.56 RCW. 17. Personal Information-Notice of Security Breach. The Auburn Food Bank agrees to notify the City of any breach of the security of any personal information data immediately following discovery if the personal information was, or is reasonably believed to have been, acquired by an unauthorized person in accordance with RCW 42.56.590. In the event of a security breach, the Auburn Food Bank is responsible for notifying individuals whose personal information may have become available to unauthorized users. 18. Inspection & Audit. All compensation payments will be subject to adjustments for any amounts to have been improperly invoiced, and all records and books of accounts pertaining to any work performed under this Agreement will be subject to inspection and audit by the City for a period.of three (3) years from the final payment for work performed wider this Agreement. If any litigation, claim, dispute, or audit is initiated before the expiration of the three (3) year period, all records and books of accounts pertaining to any work performed under this Agreement will be retained until all litigation, claims, disputes, or audits have been finally resolved. 1.9. Limitations. Nothing in this Agreement shall be construed as limiting or expanding the statutory responsibilities of the parties or as requiring the parties to expend any sum in excess of its appropriations. 20. Force Majeure. No party to this Agreement will be held responsible for delay or default caused by terrorism, natural disasters, riots, acts of god and/or war that is beyond the reasonable control of the parties. Page 6 of 18 21. Severability. Each provision of this Agreement is intended to be severable, and if any provision hereof is illegal or invalid for any reason whatsoever, such illegality or invalidity will not affect the validity of the remainder of this Agreement. • 22. Amendment, Assignment.& Waiver Provisions. No amendment, modification, or waiver of any condition,_provision; or term of this Agreement will be valid unless it is made in writing, signed by the party or parties to be bound, or the duly authorized representatives thereof, and specifies, with particularity, the nature and extent of such amendment, modification, or waiver. The failure of either party at any time to require performance by another party of any provisions of this Agreement will in no way affect the party's subsequent rights and obligations under that provision, and waiver by any party of the breach of any provision of this Agreement will not be taken or held to be a waiver of any succeeding breach or as a waiver of any provision. 23.Integration & Binding Effect. This Agreement, together with any subsequent amendments or a.ddendums, constitutes the entire agreement of the Parties and no other understandings, oral or otherwise,regarding this Agreement shall exist or bind any of the Parties. This Agreement is binding on the Parties and their respective successors and assigns, provided that this Section shall not be deemed to permit any transfer or assignment otherwise prohibited by this Agreement. This Agreement. is for the exclusive benefit of the parties and it does not create a contractual relationship with, or exist for the benefit of, any third party, including contractors, subcontractors, or their sureties. 24. Choice of Law. This Agreement and the rights of the parties will be governed and interpreted in accordance with the laws of the State of Washington and venue for any action will be in King County, Washington; provided,however,that it is agreed and understood that any applicable statute of limitation will commence no later than the substantial completion by the Provider of the services. Subject to the limitations set.:forth in RCW 4.84.330, each party agrees to bear its own costs and attorneys' fees generated by any dispute arising out of this Agreement. 25. Notices,Reports & Correspondence. All notices or communications permitted or required to be given under this Agreement.will be in writing and will be deemed to have been duly given if delivered in person or deposited in the United States mail, postage prepaid, by certified mail, return receipt requested, and addressed, if to a party of this Agreement, to the address for the party set forth above, or if to Page 7 of 18 a person not a party to this Agreement, to the address designated by a party to this Agreement. All notices, reports, and correspondence will be sent to: City of Auburn The Auburn Food Bank Auburn City Hall Auburn Food Bank .Atte: Dana Hinman Attn: Debbie Christian - - 25 West Main --- -----------930 18`1' PI SE Auburn, WA 98001-4998 Auburn, WA 98002 (253) 931-4009 (253) 833-8925 Fax (253) 288-3132 Fax (253) 833-1332 • 26. Signature Authority. This Agreement may be executed in counterparts, each of which will be one and the same Agreement and will become effective when one or more counterparts have been signed by each of the parties and delivered to the other party. 11v WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be executed effective the day and year first set forth above. CITY OF AUBURN AUBURN FOOD BANK ' 01111i1 1 . By 011/4/ '/ Nancy Ba (�.,Mayor Title Federal T x ID# [/ r �' Q\ Date r Date ATTEST: Shawn Campbell, MMC, City Clerk APPRSNED 1S TO FORM: Steven Gross, City Attorney Page 8 of 18 SCOPE OF SERVICES Exhibit A The Auburn Food Bank will provide support staff for low-barrier daytime services for unsheltered residents. The daytime services will be offered on the Valley Cities property. The Scope of Services includes an obligation the Auburn Food Bank to provide sufficient staff for the Ray of Hope Day Center for the purpose of assisting unsheltered residents living in the Auburn/South King County area in accessing housing and resources in accordance with the tee ns and conditions of this Agreement.. Services The Auburn Food Bank will: • Provide snacks 7 days a week for unsheltered residents on the Valley Cities Property located at 915 26`h Street NE; • Provide staff support equal to at least one and a half(L5) full time hours between 7 AM and 8:30 PM, 7 days a week, for the daytime services to be provided on the Valley Cities Property, 2536 "I" Street NE in Auburn for unsheltered residents in the Auburn/South King County area; • Provide snacks and lunches as part of the delivery of the daytime services on the Valley Cities Property, 2536 "1" Street NE in Auburn; • Provide referrals and resources related to housing,job training, counseling,and. treatment for unsheltered residents seeking assistance through the daytime services program; • Coordinate with Valley Cities to operate the R.ay of Hope Day Center 7 days a week; • Participate in Coordinated Entry for All requirements to help connect homeless single adults to available housing and appropriate service options; and • Participate in the Homeless Management Information System and.reporting requirements. Page 9 of 18 COMPENSATION EXHIBIT B The City will provide the Auburn Food Bank payment not to exceed One hundred twenty-five Dollars ($125,000) for the provision of work as required in the Scope of Services, Exhibit A. The City will make any remaining payments up to the not-to-exceed amount no later than 30 days after the Effective Date. Page 10 of 18 TEMPORARY USE PERMIT EXHIBIT C Amended Temporary Use Permit Valley Cities Temporary Day and Night Services TMP 17-0006 I. GENERAL INFORMATION: Application Date: April 4, 2017, Amended Application May 9, 2017 Issue Date: April 28, 2017, Amended Decision May 12. 2017 Applicant: Jeff Tate, Assistant Director City of Auburn Community Development 25 West Main Street Auburn, WA 98001 Property Owner: Shekh Ali. CFO &Acting CEO Valley Cities Counseling 325 W. Gowe St. Kent, WA 98032 Project'Description: Request for a Type 2 Temporary Use Permit approval to provide nighttime shelter, social services, and human services for homeless and underserved populations. The proposal will involve two properties. 915 26`x' St NE will include night services provided at the Phoenix Rising common.building. 2536 `I' St NE will have a new temporary, portable building to provide day services including temporary restrooms and wash stations. The amended application rotates the building 90-degrees and includes reduced setbacks. Proposed Location: 915 26th St. NE and 2536 'I' Street NE Parcel Number: 000100-0068 and 512540-0340 (King County) Subject Property and Adjacent Property Comprehensive Plan Designation, Zoning, and Land Use: Comprehensive Plan Zoning Classification I Current Land Use Designation Page 11 of 18 I High Density Phoenix Rising and Project Site R-20 Residential Valley Cities Residential Communal Building High Density Valley Cities Mental North Residential R-20 Residential Health High Density Valley Cities SouthR:-20 Residential — -Residential — — -Counseling East Public P-1 Public Cascade Middle School High Density Commercial and Multi- West Residential R-20 Residential Family Buildings SEPA STATUS: Exempt pursuant to Auburn City Code(A.CC) 16.06.055 and Washington .Administrative Code (WAC) Section 197-11-800. H. FINDINGS OF FACT: 1. Jeff Tate, Assistant Director of City of Auburn Community Development, representing the City of Auburn. Valley Cities Counseling, and the Auburn Food Bank, ("Applicants"), applied for a Type 2 Temporary Use Permit for Valley Cities temporary day and night services. 2. At 915 26`1' St. NE, the recently constructed Common Building for the Phoenix Rising site will operate from 8:30 PM to 7:00 AM, 7 days a week. There will bel full time employee on site during this timeframe, as well as occasional volunteers. Services and activities provided include—referrals for services, cots and blankets for sleeping, access to restrooms, limited access to laundry, access to a limited hygiene center, and light snacks. Valley Cities will manage these services. 3. At 2536 "I" St. NE, a new 28-ft. x 64-ft. temporary portable building will be constructed to the west of the existing garage, and 4 porta-johns and 3 temporary wash stations will be placed between.the portable building and the garage. An ADA compliant path will be installed that connects the portable building with the bathrooms and wash stations and with the driveway. The interior dimensions of the portable calculate to approximately 1,745 square feet of area. Because the building will likely be designated as a Type B Occupancy. the occupancy limit will be set at 17 people for the interior use of the building. The daytime services will be operated from this site and will operate from 7:00 AM. to 8:30 PM, 7 days a week. There will be 1.5 full-time employees on site during this timeframe. Services and activities provided include—referral services (e.g. housing,job training, counseling, treatment), game tables, reading corner, computers, snacks and lunches. Limited laundry and showering will be made available at Phoenix Rising. The daytime services will be managed by the Auburn Food Bank. Page 1.2 of 18 4. ,:4V.'"-, ,, ,.:. o'irk ,�Os rNry7.M'o Wiktr 3 ry 4.11.004, ( � e �t3i2 � t �* ��� mo' o � � mYlW �� � � ! ig :t:,,,--, � sir 3t r ` t s ,-4 '14-4 4Sia r W 7' s " , � m • .. n " �ax _ xY t s▪ � ai` Imin t € { i -' . 9C a.' s3 az fx 2 if,61,1:1' i ;RiGrpA T kary ; z, . gV4Z.'','''...,."1.1111 i tsgdmxe prw31 k:-Vt. Tqi# " *; C37;1 ��11 5 . Y.fa„ 401 " ; g"- � isdi LNE rvic � rai,aa '1 a'*k ., _ ▪ Fry-,r ,i 45. ,m,- 14 a -.wi t ` --- - 4" ,a; ,W r'�'a t y�P ^a t a�e igto *.;-,7:::,-,;;;;.„ � r a it*:x --tea---�s— � � r� lip + 4 .�'� �� 4c',1.,., :,t cY" - Ng 1 i laN7 tit .c .aiK' ,^.ri''£ , -: 3 g , , A. Y , p,� a _: raTimeAvAt 4. The Auburn Food Bank will provide 1.5 full time employees at the daytime facility. As a result, daytime services will increase parking demand by as many as 2 parking spaces. Auburn Food Bank employees/volunteers will utilize parking at the Phoenix Rising facility to the north. Parking supply at Phoenix Rising is greater than demand due to the City parking standards requiring more spaces than are typically needed. This is a result of the population that are housed at the Group Residence Facility and that many residents don't own vehicles.Nighttime parking will he needed for employees/volunteers who will operate out of the Common Building at night. There will he one additional employee that will be working during the nighttime hours at the Common Building. Because there is less demand for parking during nighttime hours, the existing parking supply at Phoenix Rising provides an ample number of spaces. 5. In addition to the daily services that are provided at 2536 "I" St NE, there are occasional mobile services that will come to the Phoenix Rising site. Mobile services will utilize the existing parking facility adjacent to the Common Building. 6. A Public Notice was sent out to surrounding properties and the property was posted with a proposed land use notice sign. One comment was submitted by a neighbor in regards to there not being sufficient parking to serve the existing :facilities and the new temporary uses would only further exacerbate the parking issues. 7. Chapter 18.46A ACC contains standards and regulations for Temporary Use Permits. The proposed temporary use is required to comply with these standards and regulations. The approval criteria for a Temporary Use Permit is contained in ACC 18.46A.080. See the following Conclusions section. Page 13 of 18 8. The amended application rotates the building 90-degrees and places it closer to `I' St. NE.. The Applicant has also requested to reduce the setbacks in the front and rear by up to 4 ft. RI. CONCLUSIONS: ACC 18.46A.080 states that the Planning Director or designee may approve, or modify and approve, application for a Temporary Use Permit if it meets all the criteria of this section. What follows ate the criteria (in italics) and a staff analysis of how the proposal compares to the criteria: 1. The temporary use will not be materially detrimental to the public health, safety or welfare, nor injurious to properly or improvements in the immediate vicinity. Staff Analysis: T.he request for temporary day and night services is a joint venture by the City of Auburn, who is responsible for obtaining the.necessary permits and constructing the facilities on 2536 "I" St. NE;Valley Cities Counseling, who owns the properties and will operate the night services on 915 16' St. NE; and, the Auburn Food Bank who will operate the day services at 2536 ".1" St. NE. There are several.facilities in the immediate area that are available to the homeless and underserved populations in Auburn. The addition of these temporary facilities will further help these vulnerable populations by providing additional services and temporary housing. It is anticipated that these services will be an enhancement to the surrounding area as well as the City in general. Staff finds the request meets this criterion. 2. The temporary use is compatible with the purpose of this title, and the specific zoning district in which it will be located. Staff Analysis: Per ACC 18.46A.010(A), the intent of the Temporary Uses Chapter is to: "...provide an administrative approval process whereby the City may permit uses to locate within die City on an interim basis without requiring full compliance with the development standards for the applicable zoning district..." Per ACC 18.07.010, the intent of the R-20 Residential zone is to: "...provide for multiple-falnily residential development and is jiii'ther intended as a residential zone primarily of multiple-family residences, except as specifically provided elsewhere in this chapter. A related consideration is to make it possible to more efficiently and economically design and install all physical public.service facilities in terms of size and capacity to adequately and permanently meet needs resr.dting tram a defined intensity of land use." Page 14 of 18 • Approval of this Temporary Use Permit would allow for placement of temporary day and night services and physical improvements consisting of a temporary portable building, ADA pathways, and portable restroom and wash facilities. This temporary use will support the existing facilities that serve the underserved populations discussed above. The amended site plan rotates the building 90-degrees and also requests reduced setbacks in the front and rear by up to 4 ft. The setbacks required are 1.0 ft. in the front and 20 ft. in. _the rear. The Temporary Use Code provisions (ACC 18.46A(A)) state that "...the city_____ __ _ may permit i.r,ses to locate within the city on an interim basis without requiring full compliance with the development standards for the applicable zoning district...". In addition, the property to the south(adjacent to rear setback) is also owned by Valley Cities: as such. Staff finds that allowing a minor reduction in the setbacks would not be detrimental to the surrounding properties. Staff finds the request meets this criterion. 3. The temporary use is compatible in intensity and appearance with existing land uses in the immediate vicinity. Staff Analysis: The proposed temporary use is consistent with, and compatible with surrounding properties. The night services in the existing Common Building will serve the same at- risk people that currently use the facility as will the new facilities that will be constructed on the south side of 26th St. NE. The new temporary portable building will not be out of character with surrounding buildings in bulk or size. Staff finds the request meets this criterion. 4. Structuresproposed in association with a temporary use permit will comply with the applicable setback and vision clearance area requirements, and with applicable provisions of the building and fire codes. Staff Anal ysis: The tomporary facilities being constructed will meet all applicable codes. As discussed in Criterion 2, above. the amended site plan requests reduced front and rear setbacks up to 4 ft. The temporary facilities being constructed will meet all other applicable codes. Staff finds the request meets this criterion. 5. Adequate parking is available to serve the temporary use and, inapplicable: the temporary use does not occupy required off-street parking areas fur adjacent or nearby uses. Staff Analysis: Page 15 of 18 There is sufficient parking for both the existing uses and these proposed services/ facilities, as verified by Valley Cities. Any impacts that may arise due to a lack of available parking will be mitigated as specified in the Conditions of Approval section, below. Staff finds the.request meets this criterion. 6. flours of operation of the temporary use are specified. Staff Analysis: Hours of operation for the day services will be 7:00 AM to 8:30 PM, 7 days a week; hours of operation for the night services will be 8:30 PM to 7:00 AM, 7 days a week. Staff finds the request meets this criterion. 7. The temporary use can comply with the applicable provisions of ACC 18. 16A.090. Staff Analysis: The proposed temporary day and night services will meet the applicable provisions of ACC 18.46A..090, as conditioned below. Staff finds the request meets this criterion. 8. The impacts associated with the temporary use can be mitigated through the application of conditions of approval, as applicable, Staff Analysis: Potential impacts from the proposed temporary use will be mitigated through the conditions listed below. Staff finds the request meets this criterion. IV. STAFF DECISION APPROVED, WITI 1 CONDITIONS V. CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Approval of this Temporary Use Permit is based upon compliance with the project description as provided in the application submitted April 4, 2017, the infoimation provided in this Staff Report, and the Conditions of Approval set forth below. Any deviations from.the project description, exhibits, timing or conditions must be reviewed and approved by the City of Auburn for conformity with this approval. Any change .from these may require approval of changes to the pet mit and/or environmental review. Page 16 of 18 1. This permit is non-transferable and is valid for the above named applicant or an agent of the above named applicant. 2. The proposed temporary use will be allowed for up to 180 days from the issue date of this approval. Additional time extensions may be approved as allowed for in ACC 18.46A.100. 3. Camping is prohibited on both sites as well as the surrounding streets. This includes but is not limited to tents, sleeping bags, tarps or similar,recreational vehicles or campers of any kind, and all vehicles. 4. A Code of Conduct shall be prepared and:posted in a highly conspicuous place on both properties. This Code of Conduct must include a requirement that all.clients or visitors to the services must abide by it. 5. Valley Cities, as the property owner, must enter into a No Trespassing Authorization /Release with the Auburn Police Dept. This authorization/release allows the Auburn Police Dept. to enforce trespassing on private property. 6. Occupancy of the temporary portable building ("day shelter") shall he limited to 17 occupants, including employees, volunteers, clients, and visitors. 7. Valley Cities and the Auburn Food Bank shall continue to work with the City of Auburn and the Auburn Police Dept. to make operational adjustments as needed. 8. Quarterly meetings shall be held between the City of Auburn, Auburn Police Dept., Valley Cities, and the Auburn Food Bank. to discuss ongoing operations and changes or issues that need to be considered. 9. Define the on-site location of the mobile services, which shall be a consistent location coordinated with the City of Auburn Planning Dept. 10. Prior to activating the day or night services, including the day shelter, the necessary inspections must be completed (e.g. final building permit inspection for the day shelter). 11. Prior to activating the day or night services, the VRFA conditions must be completed. These conditions include the following: a. Provide a fire-access padlock to the gate at 2536 "I" St. NE. h. IFC fire safety requirements will apply to the structures and fire extinguishers will be required in all structures. c. Nighttime service operations al 915 26th St NE: The occupancy type of this building (Common Building) is an A-2. This did not require local smoke detectors, only one smoke alarm over the fire panel, and no carbon monoxide detection or alarm_ If this is used as a temporary shelter where people are sleeping, low frequency smoke detection and carbon monoxide alarms would be required for early detection and warning to the occupants prior to the fire sprinkler system activating. Page 17 of-18 12. Any outdoor lighting that is installed shall be full cut-off style and must prevent light spillage oft the site(s). The lighting element must not be viewable from off-site areas (e.g. the public road or other properties). 13. Any signage to be installed must receive the proper City permits. 14. The hours of operation shall be limited as follows: a. Daytime services at 2536 "1" St. NE: 7:00 AM to 8:30 PM, 7 days a week. b. Nighttime services at 915 26th St. NE.: 8:30 -PM to 7:00 AM, 7 days a week. 15. The services available shall be limited as follows: a. Daytime services at 2536 "I" St. NE: referral services (e.g. housing,job training, counseling,treatment), game tables, reading corner, computers, snacks and. lunches. Limited laundry and showering will be made available at Phoenix Rising. h. Nighttime services at 915 26th St. NE: referrals for services, cots and blankets for sleeping, access to restrooms, limited access to laundry, access to a limited hygiene center, and light snacks. 16. All personal belongings, including shopping carts,bicycles with carts, etc., shall be screened from public view. This screening may be achieved by locating the belongings inside a building or by an outdoor screened area; in the event an outdoor screened area is proposed, the location and screening materials must be reviewed of and approved by the City of Auburn Planning Dept. 17. Adequate refuse receptacles shall be placed on-site and be maintained in accordance with Chapter 8.08 ACC 'Solid Waste' and Chapter 8.12 ACC `Public Nuisances'. 18. Phoenix Rising (915 26a Street NE)— Employees, tenants, and visitors shall park on site in established parking stalls. Overflow parking during peak periods is allowed on 26`h Street NE adjacent to the site and no further east than the property boundary. Parking shall not spill over into the surrounding residential neighborhood. On street 72 hour parking limitations will be strictly enforced. 19. Day Center (2536 I Street NE)—Employees working at the Day Center shall utilize onsite parking at the Phoenix Rising site (915 26`h St NE). Visitors to the Day Center may utilize-the Phoenix Rising parking lot, paved areas located at 2536 1 Street NE, or on street parking on 20 Street NE. On Street parking shall not extend east of the Day Shelter property. 20. The front and rear setbacks may be reduced by up to 4 ft. (total). Page 18 of 18