HomeMy WebLinkAbout10-01-2019 10.1.2019 TAB Agenda Packet Special MeetingCITY OF AUBURN TRANSPORTATION ADVISORY BOARD OCTOBER 1, 2019 SPECIAL MEETING AGENDA I.CALL TO ORDER – 5:30 P.M., CITY HALL 25 W MAIN STREET II.INTRODUCTIONS III.DISCUSSION AND INFORMATION A.ADA TRANSITION PLAN (Malik)* B.LEA HILL ROAD CORRIDOR STUDY UPDATE (Truong)* C.SOUND TRANSIT AND TIB GRANT APPLICATIONS (Webb)* D.2020-2025 TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM MODIFICATION (Webb)* E.2018 SOS REPORT (Sweeting)* IV.ADJOURNMENT *Denotes attachments included in the agenda packet. 1 Page 1 of 20 What is the ADA Transition Plan for Facilities in the Public Right-of-Way? The Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA) went into effect on January 26, 1992. ADA requires that all facilities constructed after this date are readily accessible and usable by persons with disabilities. The City of Auburn Transportation division is creating the City’s first ADA Transition Plan for facilities in the public right-of-way. This document will guide the process to reach full compliance with the ADA requirements for facilities in the public right-of-way. The City of Auburn’s Draft ADA Transition Plan includes the following elements:  Overview and background  Self-Evaluation  Policies and Procedures Part of this effort includes a public comment period, with the draft plan available for review and comments. The draft will be available on the City website by October 1, 2019. A link to the page will be sent via email to all TAB members. Tentative Schedule October 1, 2019: Draft ADA Plan available for public comment on City’s dedicated webpage November 25, 2019: Council Discussion on Draft ADA Plan and related policies December 31, 2019: End of public comment period January 2020: review of public comments – drafting of the Final ADA Plan February 2020: Adoption of Final ADA Plan and related policies 2 Page 2 of 20 LEA HILL ROAD CORRIDOR STUDY N124th Avenue SE116th Avenue SESE 312th Street 8th Street NE M Street NER Street NE112thAvenue SESE 320th Street Green River Rainier Middle School Green River CollegeFrank Fulmer Park ▪Cross section to match existing, providing left-turn and right-turn pockets as necessary to access development. ▪Provide continuous sidewalk and bike lanes on both sides of street. SE 312th Street -East ▪Provide sidewalk on downhill side to provide pedestrian access to properties and bus stop. Lea Hill Road SE -North 8th Street NE (existing) ▪No geometric changes recommended as roadway width is limited by existing buildings. 8th Street Bridge ▪Remove an unnecessary center median to allow for wider sidewalks on both sides of the bridge. SE 312th Street -West Corridor-Wide Improvements Street lighting upgrades to improve visibility and enhance pedestrian safety at night in all segments High-visibility crosswalk markings to improve safety for pedestrians and cyclists ▪Due to the lack of turning movements in this section, traffic can be served by one travel lane in each direction which limits wetland impacts and project cost. ▪Due to the lack of turning movements in this section, traffic can be served by one travel lane in each direction which limits steep slope impacts and project cost. ▪Provide southbound left-turn pocket at Lea Hill Condominium driveway(s). ▪Provide a sidewalk and a two-way cycle track on the east side of the street Lea Hill Road SE -South Preliminary Recommendations: Cross Sections3 Page 3 of 20 LEA HILL ROAD CORRIDOR STUDY Preliminary Recommendations: Intersections N124th Avenue SE116th Avenue SESE 312th Street 8th Street NE M Street NER Street NE112thAvenue SESE 320th Street Green River Auburndale Park Rainier Middle School Green River CollegeFrank Fulmer Park Further considerations: ▪Providing northbound right turn pocket approaching 105th Place SE to improve safety ▪Improvements to 112th Avenue SE to accommodate additional diverted traffic from 105th Place SE ▪Consider relocation or new bus stop locations and necessary crossing enhancements ▪Details of the bus stop treatment, pull-out or in-lane stops Addressing what we heard: ▪Processes more traffic with less delay on the side streets ▪Resolves sight-line issues for drivers entering 312th Street and improves safety ▪Allows for safe left-turns and limits aggressive shoulder driving ▪Provides safe pedestrian crossings across 312th Street at both locations and access to the bus stop at 112th Avenue ▪Creates narrowest roadway width which reduces environmental impacts 112th Avenue SE & 116th Avenue SE: 3-leg Roundabouts Addressing what we heard: ▪Reduces congestion and potential for crashes ▪Keeps traffic flowing on Lea Hill Road ▪Minimizes total roadway width which means least potential impact to steep slope area ▪Eliminates aggressive shoulder driving around left-turning vehicles 105th Place SE: Right-In/Right-Out Unsignalized Addressing what we heard: ▪Roundabout will process more traffic in less time and with less delay than a signal ▪Fewer conflict points and lower speeds in roundabouts means a reduced frequency of crashes and crash related injuries ▪Carrying two eastbound lanes through the intersection reduces merging and risky jockeying behavior on the bridge 104th Avenue SE: Multi-lane Roundabout For more information on all the alternatives that were considered and how we reached the preferred solution, please visit the Alternatives Analysis section of this open house. Addressing what we heard: ▪Removes turning movements and congestion close to the 8th Street Bridge ▪Diverts traffic to 104th Avenue SE and a controlled intersection at Lea Hill Road SE Garden Avenue/102nd Avenue SE: Remove Access & Reroute 4 Page 4 of 20 LEA HILL ROAD CORRIDOR STUDY Preliminary Recommendations: Non-Motorized N124th Avenue SE116th Avenue SESE 312th Street M Street NER Street NE112thAvenue SESE 320th Street Green River Rainier Middle School Frank Fulmer Park Pedestrian-Activated Crosswalks Install crosswalks with Rapid Rectangular Flashing Beacons (RRFBs) to improve access at bus stops Sidewalks Install a 6’ sidewalk on the east side of Lea Hill Road to where more pedestrian generators are located Wider Sidewalks on Bridge Adjust lane markings over bridge, reallocating unused median space to widen sidewalks in both directions. City Street Standard 312th Street will follow City standards to include sidewalks with bike lanes in both directions. LEGEND Sidewalk Two-Way Cycle Track Bike Lane (both directions) Pedestrian Crossing Provide a two-way raised bicycle facility on the east side of Lea Hill Road with flexible delineators to buffer cyclists from vehicle traffic Two-Way Cycle Track 5 Page 5 of 20 2019 Grant Application Summary Sound Transit Access Fund The System Access Fund will help fund improvements that make it easier and more convenient for people to get to Sound Transit and partner transit services. Sound Transit received 53 applications from 33 local governments requesting more than $86 million. Review the 53 applications that were submitted in the System Access Fund call for projects. The City of Auburn was eligible to submit three applications for funding, two for projects in King County and one in Pierce County: A Street Loop Regional Growth Center Access Improvements 6 Page 6 of 20 Route 497 Accessibility Improvements The City was awarded funding for the Regional Growth Center Access project. Transportation Improvement Board (TIB) The Legislature created the Transportation Improvement Board to foster state investment in quality local transportation projects. The TIB distributes grant funding, which comes from the revenue generated by three cents of the statewide gas tax, to cities and counties for funding transportation projects. TIB's grant programs are categorized by the type of customer agency each program is intended to serve. The City submitted two funding applications to TIB: 2nd Street SE – Physical Condition The project would reconstruct 2nd Street SE between A Street SE and Auburn Way S. The TIP sheet for the project and a vicinity map showing the project limits is provided below. 7 Page 7 of 20 8 Page 8 of 20 M Street SE - Sidewalks The project would complete the missing segments of sidewalk along the west side of M Street SE between Auburn Way S and 8th Street SE and along the east side of M Street SE between Auburn Way S and 12th Street SE. The TIP sheet for the project and a vicinity map showing the project limits is provided below. 9 Page 9 of 20 TIB is currently evaluating grant applications. Project selections will be announced at the end of November. 10 Page 10 of 20 Page 1 of 2 Memorandum To: Transportation Advisory Board From: James Webb, Traffic Engineer, PE, PTOE Date: September 26, 2019 Re: 2020-2025 Transportation Improvement Program – Modification Background Summary Previous TIP modifications were made with annual TIP update adopted in June of this year. Since then, changes in available project funding and the addition of projects associated with grants and developer projects necessitates additional modifications. The proposed modifications are summarized below and will be presented at City Council study session on October 14th. SUMMARY OF PROPOSED AMENDMENTS TO THE 2020-2025 TIP Modifications: The following existing projects are proposed to be revised:  TIP P-7: Auburn Way N Preservation Phase 2 ($1.63M) – a portion of the grant funds awarded to this project were swapped with local funds in the A Street SE preservation project to help meet regional funding obligation targets set by PSRC.  TIP R-8: 49th Street NE ($3.35M) – the project will complete the 49th Street NE corridor between Auburn Way N and I Street NE. Proposed changes reflect portions of the project being completed as part of a development project and the remaining portion would be completed by the City with traffic mitigation funds.  TIP R-16: Kersey Way SE Corridor Study ($2.01M) – The project is being revised to reflect the award of $1.625M in grant funds from the Sound Transit Access Fund competition. Additions: The following projects are proposed to be added to the updated TIP:  TIP I-16: 15th Street NW/SR-167 NB Ramps ($X.XXM) – The project would fund the design and construction of a new westbound right-turn pocket at the intersection. 11 Page 11 of 20 Page 2 of 2  TIP P-3: 2nd Street SE Reconstruction ($0.98M) – The project would reconstruct 2nd Street SE between A Street SE and Auburn Way S. TIB grant funding for the project was applied for in 2019. Copies of the draft TIP sheets for each of these projects are attached to the memo. NEXT STEPS: Staff will discuss the proposed modifications with Council at the October 14th study session. The public hearing and adoption are scheduled for the October 21st Council meeting. 12 Page 12 of 20 1 Six Year Transportation Improvement Plan ARTERIAL STREET FUND (102) Project Title: 15th Street NW/SR-167 NB Ramps STIP# AUB-N/A Project No:TBD Project Type:Capacity Project Manager:TBD LOS Corridor ID# 9 Activity:2019 YE Funding Sources:Prior to 2019 Estimate 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 Beyond 2025 Total Project Cost Unrestricted Street Revenue - - - - - - - - - - Unsecured Federal Grant - - - - - - - - - - Traffic Impact Fees - - - - - - - - - - Other - - - - - - - - - - Total Funding Sources:- - - - - - - - - - Capital Expenditures: Design - - - - - - - - - - Right of Way - - - - - - - - - - Construction - - - - - - - - - - Total Expenditures:- - - - - - - - - - TIP# I-16 Description: This project will fund the design and construction of a new westbound right-turn pocket on 15th Street NW at the intersection with the SR-167 NB ramps. Progress Summary: The project phases will be completed when grant funding is secured. Future Impact on Operating Budget: This annual maintenance cost for this project is estimated to be $2,500. Budget Forecast Project Cost 13 Page 13 of 20 1 Six Year Transportation Improvement Plan ARTERIAL PRESERVATION FUND (105) Project Title: 2nd Street SE Preservation STIP# AUB-N/A Project No:TBD Project Type:Preservation Project Manager:TBD LOS Corridor ID# N/A Activity:2019 YE Funding Sources:Prior to 2019 Estimate 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 Beyond 2025 Total Project Cost Arterial Preservation Fund - - 46,000 347,502 - - - - - 393,502 Unsecured Grant - - 69,000 521,253 - - - - - 590,253 Other - - - - - - - - - - Total Funding Sources:- - 115,000 868,755 - - - - - 983,755 Capital Expenditures: Design - - 115,000 - - - - - - 115,000 Right of Way - - - - - - - - - - Construction - - - 868,755 - - - - - 868,755 Total Expenditures:- - 115,000 868,755 - - - - - 983,755 TIP# P-3 Description: This project will reconstruct 2nd Street SE between A Street SE and Auburn Way S. The reconstruction will utilize full depth reclamation techniques. The project will also remove remove fixed objects within the clear zone, remove barriers to ADA access, and install new LED street lighting. Progress Summary: Grant funding for this project was applied for in 2019. If awarded, design would occur in 2020 and construction in 2021. Future Impact on Operating Budget: This project will have no impact on the operating budget for street maintenance. Budget Forecast Project Cost 14 Page 14 of 20 1 Six Year Transportation Improvement Plan ARTERIAL PRESERVATION FUND (105) Project Title: Auburn Way N Preservation Phase 2 (8th St NE to 22nd St NE)STIP# AUB-56 Project No:TBD Project Type:Preservation Project Manager:Jeff Bender LOS Corridor ID# 1/2 Activity:2019 YE Funding Sources:Prior to 2019 Estimate 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 Beyond 2025 Total Project Cost Arterial Preservation Fund - 120,000 439,720 - - - - - - 559,720 Secured Federal Grant - - 1,068,280 - - - - - - 1,068,280 Other - - - - - - - - - - Total Funding Sources:- 120,000 1,508,000 - - - - - - 1,628,000 Capital Expenditures: Design - 120,000 - - - - - - - 120,000 Right of Way - - - - - - - - - - Construction - - 1,508,000 - - - - - - 1,508,000 Total Expenditures:- 120,000 1,508,000 - - - - - - 1,628,000 TIP# P-7 Description: This project will grind and overlay Auburn Way N from the 22nd Street NE to 8th Street NE, remove unused driveways, and upgrade all curb ramps and pedestrian signals to meet ADA requirements. Progress Summary: Federal Grant funding was awarded in 2016. Future Impact on Operating Budget: There is no impact to the street maintenance budget. Budget Forecast Project Costs 15 Page 15 of 20 1 Six Year Transportation Improvement Plan ARTERIAL STREET FUND (102) Project Title: 49th Street NE (Auburn Way N to I St NE)STIP# AUB-N/A Project No:TBD Project Type:Capacity Project Manager:TBD LOS Corridor ID# N/A Activity:2019 YE Funding Sources:Prior to 2019 Estimate 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 Beyond 2025 Total Project Cost Unrestricted Street Revenue - - - - - - - - - - Unsecured Grant - - - - - - - - - - Traffic Impact Fees - - - - - - - - - - Other (Development) - 850,000 2,500,000 - - - - - - 3,350,000 Total Funding Sources:- 850,000 2,500,000 - - - - - - 3,350,000 Capital Expenditures: Design - 250,000 - - - - - - - 250,000 Right of Way - 600,000 - - - - - - - 600,000 Construction - - 2,500,000 - - - - - - 2,500,000 Total Expenditures:- 850,000 2,500,000 - - - - - - 3,350,000 TIP# R-8 Budget Forecast Project Cost Future Impact on Operating Budget: The annual maintenance cost for this project is estimated to be $27,050. Description: Construct a new east/west corridor from Auburn Way N to I St NE. The existing 49th Street corridor extends B St NW to the west. This project also includes a traffic signal at the intersection of Auburn Way N and 49th Street with accommodations for u-turns on Auburn Way N. This roadway was evaluated and recommended in the NE Auburn Special Area Plan. It is anticipated that this will be constructed by future development. It is approximately 0.75 miles long. Progress Summary: Portions of the project is being completed by a developer. However, portions of the full improvements are not able to be accommodated within the existing ROW. These remaining project elements will be completed by the City as part of a future capital project. 16 Page 16 of 20 1 Six Year Transportation Improvement Plan ARTERIAL STREET FUND (102) Project Title: Regional Growth Center Access Improvements STIP# AUB-N/A Project No:TBD Project Type:Capacity Project Manager:TBD LOS Corridor ID# N/A Activity:2019 YE Funding Sources:Prior to 2019 Estimate 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 Beyond 2025 Total Project Cost Unrestricted Street Revenue - - - - - - - - - - Secured Grant - - - 325,000 - 1,300,000 - - - 1,625,000 Traffic Impact Fees - - - 85,000 100,000 200,000 - - - 385,000 Other - - - - - - - - - - Total Funding Sources:- - - 410,000 100,000 1,500,000 - - - 2,010,000 Capital Expenditures: Design - - - 410,000 - - - - - 410,000 Right of Way - - - - 100,000 - - - - 100,000 Construction - - - - - 1,500,000 - - - 1,500,000 Total Expenditures:- - - 410,000 100,000 1,500,000 - - - 2,010,000 TIP# R-16 Description: The project would improve the 3rd Street NE/4th Street NE intersections with Auburn Avenue and Auburn Way N. The goals of the project are to improve traffic operations, safey, and circulation for both vehicles and non-motorized users. The project will add a northbound left-turn movement and a northbound/southbound crosswalk at the 3rd Street NE intersection with Auburn Avenue, and realign the intersection of 4th St NE with Auburn Way N to eliminate the split phase operation signal improving circulation and access. Progress Summary: Grant funding for the design and construction phases was awarded from Sound Transit in 2019. Future Impact on Operating Budget: There is no impact to the street maintenance budget. Budget Forecast Project Costs 17 Page 17 of 20 2018 State of Our Streets Report TAB Presentation, 9/26/19 Page 1 of 3 2018 State of Our Streets Summary City staff will present a 2018 year end summary of the City’s Arterial and Local Street Pavement Preservation Programs. This summary will be presented in the dashboard format shown below: This dashboard provides a quick look at the overall condition of the City’s roadways and preservation program activities. It also gives City policy makers a quick executive overview in order to help facilitate policy and funding decisions. A more detailed explanation of the City’s street preservation programs including program history, funding, and technical considerations is provided on the City’s website: https://www.auburnwa.gov/cms/one.aspx?portalId=11470638&pageId=12523154 Past, current, and future funding for the City’s street preservation programs will be discussed and are summarized on the attached figures: 18 Page 18 of 20 2018 State of Our Streets Report TAB Presentation, 9/26/19 Page 2 of 3 19 Page 19 of 20 2018 State of Our Streets Report TAB Presentation, 9/26/19 Page 3 of 3 20 Page 20 of 20