HomeMy WebLinkAbout5459 RESOLUTION NO. 5459
WHEREAS, Chapter 38.53 of the Revised Code of Washington and Chapter 118-
30 of the Washington Administrative Code requires the City to establish emergency
management organizations and emergency plans for the protection of persons and
property in the event of disaster, and to provide for the coordination of emergency
management functions with other public agencies and organizations; and
WHEREAS, the City's existing Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan
("CEMP") was adopted in 2015, and is required to be updated every four years; and,
WHEREAS, the City's CEMP has been updated to reflect changes in federal, state,
and local laws and regulations.
Section 1. The City Council of the City of Auburn adopts the 2019
Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan in substantially the same form as attached
as Exhibit A.
Section 2. The Mayor is authorized to implement those administrative
procedures necessary to carry out the directives of this legislation.
Resolution No. 5459
October 21, 2019
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Section 3. This Resolution will take effect and be in full force on passage and
Dated and Signed: October 21, 2019
Shawn Campbell, MMC, City Clerk Steven L. Gross, City Attorney
Resolution No. 5459
October 21, 2019
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City of Auburn, Washington
Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan
July 2019
City of Auburn Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan
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City of Auburn Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan
Table of Contents
Attachment 1: City of Auburn Evacuation Plan 65
Attachment 1-a: Public Pre-Printed Evacuation Instructions 77
Attachment 2: Snow and Ice Routes 78
Attachment 3: Lahar Evacuation Routes 79
Attachment 1: Warning Dissemination 88
Attachment 2: Field Warning/Evacuation Instructions 89
Attachment 1: Windshield Survey Form 97
Attachment 2: ATC-20 Rapid Evaluation Form 99
Attachment 3: ATC-45 Rapid Evaluations Safety Assessment Form 100
Attachment 1: Essential Elements of Information 111
Attachment 1: King County Regional Shelter Concept of Operations 121
Attachment 2: King County Shelter Types 122
Attachment 3: King County Sheltering and Mass Care Decision Tree 126
ESF 12: ENERGY 158
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City of Auburn Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan
Attachment 1: Military Organizations 181
Attachment 2: Examples of Military Resources and Services 182
Support Annexes 184
Attachment 1: Emergency Management Organization Chart 200
Attachment 2: EOC Organization Chart -- Level Three 201
Attachment 3: EOC Organization Chart -- Level Two 202
Attachment 4: EOC Organization Chart -- Level One 203
Attachment 5: EOC Organization Chart -- Level One with Incident Management
Team (IMT) 204
Attachment 6: Functional Responsibility Matrix 205
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City of Auburn Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan
If immediate emergency or incident assistance is required, contact ValleyCom:
24-Hour Emergency Telephone: 911
For non-emergency assistance, please contact:
Auburn Police Department: 253-931-3080
Auburn Emergency Management: 253-876-1925
Valley Regional Fire Authority: 253-288-5831
The City of Auburn's 2019 Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan (CEMP) will be
distributed electronically as well as hard copy. A redacted version will be available on the City of
Auburn's website at http://www.auburnwa.qov.
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City of Auburn Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan
The City of Auburn sincerely appreciates the cooperation and support from those agencies,
departments, and local jurisdictions that have contributed to the revisions, development and
publication of the 2019 City of Auburn Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan (CEMP).
Coordination of the CEMP represents a committed and concerted effort by the City of Auburn,
Valley Regional Fire Authority, and other local jurisdictions to emergency management. The
CEMP demonstrates the ability of a large number of agencies to work together to achieve a
common goal.
Special recognition for the document preparation and integration of materials into this plan go to
the City of Auburn Emergency Management Committee and the City of Auburn Emergency
Management Division, without whose efforts this document would not have been produced.
The CEMP is one of many efforts to prepare all people in the City for emergencies and
disasters. The CEMP is formatted to be consistent with the King and Pierce County CEMPs and
the Washington State CEMP, as well as the National Response Framework (NRF), complete
with Emergency Support Functions (ESFs) as single function activities. Standardized plans
throughout the State help improve interoperability between local, county, state, and federal
levels of government. The CEMP improves our ability to minimize the impacts of emergencies
and disasters on people, property, economy, and the environment of the City of Auburn.
Dana Hinman
Director of Administration/Director of Emergency Management
City of Auburn
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To All Recipients:
It is the policy of the City of Auburn to provide the emergency organization and resources to
minimize the effects of incidents; prepare to respond to disaster situations; maximize population
survival; and preserve property; that will ensure the orderly and fast return to normal community
life in the City of Auburn in the event of a natural or technological disaster.
The City of Auburn Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan (CEMP) has been developed
to establish the special policies, guidelines, and procedures that will provide response personnel
with the information and guidance required to function quickly and effectively in a disaster
situation. It is a goal of this plan to help develop city, business, and resident self-sufficiency for a
minimum of 14 days after a disaster. This plan supersedes all previous versions of the Auburn
It should be understood that emergencies and disasters are dynamic events that require
flexibility and the ability to solve challenges that are presented. Circumstances may dictate
deviation from this plan in order to have the best possible response. This plan may be
supplemented by the King County Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan, the Puget
Sound Regional Catastrophic Disaster Coordination Plan and Annexes, the Washington State
Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan, and other applicable plans.
All city departments are directed to take appropriate actions to implement this plan and to
maintain the necessary capabilities to respond effectively to emergencies and disasters. All
outside entities involved in the plan are requested to cooperate with the city in order to
coordinate the total disaster response within the community.
Adopted pursuant to City of Auburn Resolution ??? by the City Council of the City of Auburn,
Washington at its regularly scheduled meeting on ??? .
Nancy Backus
City of Auburn
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This plan will be distributed to all participating City Departments, Valley Regional Fire Authority,
King and Pierce County Emergency Management Agencies, Washington State Emergency
Management Division, neighboring cities, and other response entities.
See Appendix 5, Distribution List, for full distribution details.
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City of Auburn Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan
Change # Date Entered Summary of Changes Name
19-01 ??? Complete Revision of Plan Jerry
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City of Auburn Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan
A. Mission
It is the policy of the City of Auburn's government, in order to protect lives, property, and the
economic base of the community, and in cooperation with other public and private
organizations of the community, and the Muckleshoot Indian Tribe (MIT), to endeavor to
mitigate, prepare for, respond to, and recover from all natural and technological
emergencies and disasters.
The normal day-to-day functions of many local agencies will be interrupted by disaster
conditions. Therefore, the employees and equipment of those agencies can readily be
committed to the support of disaster response and recovery efforts. The mission of this plan
is to develop well defined operational procedures to ensure an effective, organized response
to save lives, assist disaster victims, minimize injury and damage, protect property, and the
B. Purpose
This plan establishes the emergency management functions and responsibilities of the City
of Auburn and specifies those functions that are the responsibility of King or Pierce County
Emergency Management Agencies, the Muckleshoot Indian Tribe, as well as public and
private organizations that aid in the response and recovery from any hazard that could
impact the City.
The CEMP includes the Basic Plan, Emergency Support Function (ESF) plans, and hazard
specific annexes. These documents comprise the CEMP and describe how City
Departments coordinate emergency management related actions, resources, and activities
with other federal, state, county, tribal, regional, private-sector, and nongovernmental
The plan is also intended to do the following:
• Establish who is in command in case of a disaster.
• Clearly designate disaster related functions assigned to government agencies based
upon capabilities and mandated responsibilities.
• Identify available sources of equipment and manpower in government agencies to utilize
during disaster events.
• Identify resources, manpower and equipment available from the private sector and
general public to provide assistance during disasters.
• Identify and clarify funding sources of staffing and other resources during disasters.
• Provide coordination between agencies to achieve assigned function.
• Organize volunteers when it is determined that there is a need.
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City of Auburn Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan
C. Scope and Applicability
This Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan (CEMP) is a local level emergency
management plan designed to describe the emergency/incident response of the City of
Auburn, Washington. This plan is designed to work in concert with the emergency
management plans of both King and Pierce Counties.
The CEMP will be used in the event of a widespread disaster, event, or major incident that
has the potential or has overwhelmed at least one city department. The city's Emergency
operations Center(EOC) may be used upon the request of an outside agency, such as King
or Pierce County, Muckleshoot Indian Tribe, or other agencies to support their operations.
The EOC will be activated to a level appropriate to the specific emergency, event, or
This CEMP is intended to be both "generic" and "hazard specific", covering the entire range
of emergency and disaster situations, from natural hazards, to technological hazards
created as a byproduct of our modern society. This plan is designed to meet the
requirements for a comprehensive emergency management plan as described in
Washington Administrative Code 118-30 and Revised Code of Washington 38.52. It is also
intended to be consistent with the Washington State CEMP and the national framework.
D. Situation Overview
This CEMP considers that emergencies and incidents are likely to occur as described in the
King and Pierce County Hazard Identification and Vulnerability Assessments, and describes:
• Functions and activities necessary to implement the four phases of emergency
management: mitigation, preparedness, response, and recovery.
• Responsibilities identified in City ordinances and other applicable laws, as deemed
The City adopted the King County Regional Hazard Mitigation plan on December 6, 2004
with resolution 3780. The July 2014 King County Regional Hazard Mitigation Plan Update
was also adopted by the city with resolution 5096. This Mitigation Plan includes the hazard
Risk ranking for the City of Auburn as follows:
1. Severe Weather
2. Severe winter weather
3. Flood
4. Landslide
5. Earthquake
6. Volcano
7. Wildfire
8. Dam failure
9. Tsunami
10. Avalanche
E. Incident Management Activities
This plan describes the responsibilities of City departments and other entities involved in
various aspects of emergency management in the City of Auburn, including prevention,
preparedness, response, and recovery actions.
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City of Auburn Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan
The National Incident Management System (NIMS) provides a nationwide template enabling
Federal, State, local, and tribal governments and private-sector and nongovernmental
organizations to work together effectively and efficiently to prevent, prepare for, respond to,
and recover from domestic incidents regardless of cause, size, or complexity. Therefore, it
is the policy of the City of Auburn to apply the principles of NIMS and specifically the
Incident Command System (ICS) to all incident management activities.
F. Authorities
1. This CEMP is developed and maintained under the authority of and in support of various
local, State, and Federal statutes and regulations, as listed in Appendix 3: Authorities
and References.
2. Continuity of Government
a. Emergency Interim Successors for Elected Officials
i. In the event of an absence by the Mayor or City Council members, the Rules
of Procedure of the City Council of Auburn shall be used to fill any temporary
b. Emergency Interim Successors for Appointed Officials
i. If a Department Director is unavailable during an emergency, the city
employee specified in the Department's COOP shall fulfill the responsibilities
of that role.
ii. Persons identified in the succession roles shall be provided with sufficient
training by the department to fulfill the role in an emergency.
G. Key Concepts
1. All disaster operations will be in coordination with King and Pierce County Emergency
Management Agencies and conducted or overseen by City personnel. Those efforts will
be supplemented, as necessary, by trained volunteers and by the local workforce.
2. When local resources have been exhausted or overwhelmed, the Mayor, Director of
Emergency Management, or their designees may request additional resources through
King or Pierce County Emergency Management Agencies or directly through the
Washington State Emergency Operations Center.
3. A proclamation of Civil Emergency may be adopted as described in Auburn City Code:
2.75.080. This proclamation, when adopted, provides many benefits for response and
recovery efforts when implemented by the mayor or designee.
4. All City departments are designated the responsibility for providing personnel and
equipment in support of disaster preparedness, mitigation, and response, and recovery
as directed by the Mayor or Director of Emergency Management, including providing
trained staff members to work in the Emergency Operations Center.
It is the policy of the City that no services will be denied on the basis of race, color,
national origin, religion, sex, age, sexual orientation, economic status, physical and
sensory limitations, Limited English Proficiency (LEP) or disability. Additionally no
special treatment will be extended to any person or group in an emergency or disaster
over and above what normally would be expected in the way of City services. Local
activities pursuant to the Federal and State Agreement for major disaster recovery will
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be carried out in accordance with RCW 49.60.400, Discrimination, Preferential
Treatment Prohibited and Title 44, CFR 205.16, Nondiscrimination. Federal disaster
assistance is conditional upon compliance with this code
5. In order to carry out the responsibilities identified above, all department heads are
directed to establish emergency organizations within their respective departments, ready
and capable of fulfilling disaster missions, as specified in this Plan. Further, all
department heads are expected to designate at least one staff member to serve on, and
actively contribute to, the Emergency Management Committee.
6. Fire services are provided to the City of Auburn by the Valley Regional Fire Authority,
which also serves the cities of Algona and Pacific, KCFD #31 and portions of the
Muckleshoot Indian Reservation. Station 31 (Headquarters) is located at 1101 D ST NE.
Additional stations are: Station 32: 1951 R ST SE; Station 33: 500 182nd Ave E; Station
34: 31290 124th AVE SE; Station 35: 2905 C ST SW; and Station 38: 133 3rd AVE SE,
7. Mutual Aid—The City of Auburn is a signatory to the King County Regional Coordination
Framework (RCF). The RCF provides for sharing of resources between public, private,
and non-profit organizations throughout King County, which are paid for by the
requesting agency. The City is also included in the Washington Mutual Aid
Compact/Washington Mutual Aid System, which provides for resource sharing between
municipalities throughout the State.
8. The City is a signatory of the Washington Water/Wastewater Agency Response
Network's (WAWARN) mutual aid agreement. WAWARN is a Water/Wastewater Agency
Response network that allows water and wastewater systems to receive rapid mutual aid
and assistance from other systems in an emergency. Utilities sign the WARN standard
agreement which then allows them to share resources with any other system in
Washington that has also signed the agreement.
9. The Auburn Police Department, located at 340 E Main St, Suite 201, provides law
enforcement services within the City. There are three substations; one is located at the
Outlet Collection of Seattle, 1101 Outlet Collection Drive SW, one at 12720 SE 312
Street, and the other is at 3004 Auburn Way S. The Auburn Police Department has
Notice of Consent agreements in effect with 174 law enforcement agencies in the State
of Washington pursuant to the Washington Mutual Aid Peace Officers Powers Act
(Chapter 10.93 RCW). This includes all surrounding agencies. The Auburn Police
Department is also a participant in the Valley SWAT Team, Valley Crisis
Communications Unit (CCU) and two regional drug task forces—Tahoma Narcotics
Enforcement Team (TNET) and Valley Narcotics Enforcement Team (VNET).
10. The City of Auburn has operations that must be performed, or rapidly and efficiently
resumed, in an emergency. Each city department is responsible for developing,
maintaining, and training their staff on the Department's Continuity of Operations Plan
(COOP). The COOP plans follow a standard city format that includes (not a complete
list) essential functions for the department, essential personnel to carry out those
functions, a line of succession, critical equipment and an alternate location to carry out
those responsibilities should the normal workspace be unusable.
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City of Auburn Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan
11. A successful emergency management effort within the city includes many other
agencies, volunteer groups, and businesses, that assist or participate in our efforts,
before, during and after a major emergency or incident. When this plan refers to other
agencies it includes the Muckleshoot Indian Tribe, neighboring cities, King and Pierce
Counties, Washington State, the Auburn School District, Green river Community
College, and other local agencies, businesses, volunteer groups, and faith based
organizations. In some cases, for clarity, the plan will include specific names of
12. The city of Auburn is an ethnically and linguistically diverse community, an asset to the
city's cultural and economic vibrancy. Communicating with residents, businesses, and
others in the city is important and can be challenging. Support Annex 5, Emergency
Communications Proficiency was developed to support the City in better communicating
life-safety messages to people with limited English proficiency (LEP). The annex
describes the City's language access obligations, messaging strategies message
distribution options and contact information related to emergency communications.
The City of Auburn is located in King and Pierce Counties, in the south Puget Sound area of the
State of Washington, approximately 20 miles south of Seattle. Auburn has an area of 29.83
square miles, with 28.17 square miles located in King County and 1.66 square miles located in
Pierce County. Approximately 80,776 individuals reside within Auburn, with approximately
67,300 of those living in the King County portion and 7,560 in the Pierce County portion. 2010
Census data showed the population comprised of 49.4% males and 50.6%females. The City's
Comprehensive Plan identifies that approximately 75% of our residents speak only English at
home while 9.7% speak Spanish, 2.3% speak Ukranianl.6% Speak Russian, and 1.6% speak
Tagalog at home.
The elevation of the City at Main St. and Auburn Ave. is 84 feet and latitude 47.3072 N;
longitude 122.2283 W. The lowest elevation in the city is 43 feet and the highest is 650.
State Route 18, State Route 167 and State Route 164 provide major highway access to the
City. The Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railway Company and the Union Pacific Railroad
Corporation provide freight rail service. Passenger rail service includes commuter trains (see
below), and Amtrak service through the city.
Transportation assets in Auburn include the Auburn School District, with their transportation
facility located at 615 15th St. SW, which serves their entire district. The School District may
also have special needs assets that may be helpful during an incident or other emergency.
Public transportation is primarily provided by King County Metro bus services, with a terminal
located at the Auburn Transit Station downtown. Pierce County Transit provides morning and
evening weekday shuttles between the Lakeland Hills neighborhood in southeast Auburn and
the Auburn Transit Station. Sound Transit also provides limited stop regional bus service.
Passenger rail service is provided between the cities of Seattle and Tacoma by Sound Transit,
with the Sounder commuter train making morning and evening stops at the Auburn Transit
Station. Additionally the Muckleshoot Indian Tribe maintains transportation assets that may be
available for use in emergencies. The city also maintains a municipal airport located at 2143 E
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St NE. The airport is open for public use and includes fixed wing and helicopter training,
helicopter rides, helicopter maintenance—major and minor, and aircraft rental. Valley
Communications Center(ValleyCom), located in Kent„ , WA, provides 911 dispatching services
for police, fire, and EMS response.
The City Public Works Maintenance and Operations Division is located at 1305 C Street SW
and is responsible for all streets within the City, with the exception of State Highways 18, 167,
and portions of SR164. The State Department of Transportation (DOT) Highway Maintenance
Shop is located at 26620 West Valley Highway, just north of the Auburn city limits. State DOT is
responsible for the state highways located within the City.
The Auburn School District enrolls nearly 17,000 students and has 14 elementary schools, 4
middle schools and 4 high schools. By 2021, the Auburn School District will add two new
elementary schools. Five private schools exist in Auburn, including one boarding school hosting
international high school students. The Muckleshoot Indian Tribe has a tribal school located at
15209 SE 376th St, Auburn.
Additionally, Green River College, with an enrollment of nearly 10,600, is located in Auburn on
the east hill, and has an additional facility located in the valley in the city. The college also
serves a large number of international students.
The major employment industries in Auburn are Production Workers (19%), Administrative
Support staff(13%) and Executives, Managers, Administrators (6.5%).
The local hospital is the Multicare Auburn Medical Center, located at 202 N Division St. There is
also an urgent care facility, operated by Multicare, located at 202 Cross St. SE.
There are three nursing homes, four assisted living/boarding homes, and 15 adult family homes
located in Auburn.
Sources: Auburn School District, GRC, Choosewashington.com, City of Auburn
Community Development.
The King and Pierce County Hazard Identification and Vulnerability Assessments (HIVA)
provide information on potential hazards threatening the City. The City does not maintain a
separate HIVA but contributes to the County level ones based on their existing processes.
1. Any of the noted situations could create significant property damage, injury, loss of life,
and/or disruption of essential services in the City. These situations may also create
significant financial, psychological, and sociological impacts on residents of and visitors to
the community and the City governmental organization itself.
2. Disasters have occurred in the City and will occur again, some with warning and others with
no warning at all. It is reasonable to assume that, with impending incidents including, but not
limited to, storms, floods, and acts of terrorism, warnings will be issued to enable some
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City of Auburn Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan
preparation prior to the event. Other major incidents, such as earthquakes and lahars, will
come with no advance warning.
3. In the event of widespread disaster, there will likely not be any significant assistance from
nearby communities, Counties, State, Tribes or Federal agencies for 14 days or longer. In
this situation, the City and Tribes will need to rely on available City or Tribal resources and
those of non-profit organizations, businesses, and residents within the City for initial
response operations. The city's COAD program will support communications, services and
resource sharing between non-governmental organizations and the city's response efforts.
4. The City may receive requests to provide support to other jurisdictions with both resources
and sheltering during emergencies not affecting the City.
5. Recent experience with disasters in other parts of the country has shown that many
employees may not be able to get to their normal work locations. It is reasonable to assume
that some of our workers will be unable to report, and also likely that workers from other
cities may show up at Auburn facilities and offer to help. This can create some challenges if
the city is not prepared to deal with the employees from other cities.
6. Global climate change poses an unprecedented and growing challenge to emergency
management planning and operations. To better prepare for the impacts, the City of Auburn
CEMP recognizes the importance of integrating climate science into future planning efforts.
Although climate change is often portrayed as an exclusively international problem, the
impacts are felt locally and disproportionately burden local jurisdictions. Therefore, the City
of Auburn Emergency Management Office will work with regional partners to develop local
climate-aware mitigation and prevention efforts that will build a more climate resilient Auburn
This CEMP identifies responsibilities of City departments, outside agencies, and other
organizations. Organizational diagrams and definitions are included in Support Annex 1,
Direction and Control.
Emergency Support Functions (ESFs) establish mitigation, preparedness, response, and
recovery activities. There is either one department or agency or joint departments or agencies,
with primary responsibility for each ESF. Other agencies and/or organizations may have ESF
support roles. ESFs numbered 1 — 15, and 20 correspond to the Washington State
Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan and the National Response Framework
numbering system.
A. City of Auburn
1. General Responsibilities
The following are basic responsibilities for emergency management operations provided
by and through City government. Detailed responsibilities and essential activities are
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City of Auburn Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan
found in the appropriate ESFs and Appendices to this document. Department Standard
Operating Procedures (SOPs) or Continuity of Operations (COOP) plans detail how
individual departments will perform their responsibilities as delineated in the Basic Plan,
ESFs, and Appendices. Direction, control, and coordination of emergency management
activities undertaken in accordance with the City of Auburn CEMP are outlined in
Support Annex (SA) 1: Direction and Control.
a. The City Council will be convened pursuant to ACC 2.06.040 to perform legislative
duties as the situation demands, and will receive reports relative to Emergency
Management activities.
b. The Director of Emergency Management for the City will be appointed by the Mayor
(Ord. 6428 § 2013). The Director will be responsible for the organization,
administration, and operation of the emergency management organization, and will
serve as incident commander for any occurrence with significant city-wide impact,
when so directed by the Mayor.
c. The Emergency Operations Board, comprised of the Mayor and all City Department
Heads, will oversee emergency operations and provide policy recommendations to
the City Council during emergency and recovery periods.
d. The Emergency Manager will be appointed by the Emergency Management
Director. The Manager will direct and coordinate development, implementation, and
maintenance of all City emergency management related plans. The Manager
facilitates coordination with outside agencies and organizations involved in
emergency management, provides public education and information related to
disasters, and manages the Emergency Operations Center during activations.
e. The Emergency Management Committee will be comprised of representatives of
each City department, as well as representatives of other public, private entities and
Tribes that have a significant role in emergency management within the City. The
Committee is responsible for providing input into all City emergency management
related plans.
f. Each City department has basic responsibilities in the four phases of emergency
management: mitigation, preparedness, response, and recovery.
2. Limitations
The City's response under this Plan will be based on the situation, information, and
resources available. The decision to implement all or any portion of this Plan, including
how it will be implemented in an emergency rests in the City's sole discretion.
3. City Departments:
a. Develop Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) and/or Continuity of Operations
(COOP) plans designed to reestablish or maintain department operations after a
disaster, including notification of critical personnel, assessment of damage and
resources, identification of critical department functions, and estimated time to open
for business.
b. Participate in emergency management training, drills, and exercises to test
department and City plans and procedures.
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c. Train department employees on emergency plans and procedures to ensure
operational capabilities to facilitate an effective response. This includes NIMS-
mandated training for all non-temporary employees.
d. Provide department resources (supplies, equipment, services and personnel), as
coordinated through the Emergency Operations Center(EOC).
e. Follow procedures to document all costs associated with disaster response and
recovery operations. Time sheets for employees will use the appropriate project
number as provided by Finance Department. All incident purchases or requisitions
will use the project number as assigned by the Finance Department to facilitate
incident records and tracking.
f. Inventory resources(equipment and teams) using the National Incident Management System
(NIMS) Resource Typing categories, and provide the Auburn Emergency Management
Division with an inventory of these resources annually.
g. Train department employees on COOP and procedures, to ensure operational capabilities and
facilitate an effective response.
h. Develop plans, when possible, to utilize employees from other jurisdictions that may not be
able to report to their normal jobs. These workers may report to our facilities and offer to help.
Prior planning is key to this type of effort. Departments should also evaluate if their staff should
be advised to report to their local jurisdiction if they cannot make it to Auburn during a disaster.
i. It is the mission of the City to provide vital services to the community during emergency
conditions while maintaining a concern for the safety of City employees and their families. In
the event of a widespread incident that necessitates the activation of the EOC, the following
procedures will be followed:
1. During non-work hours: All employees are encouraged to ensure the safety
and welfare of their families and homes.After making any necessary
arrangements, all designated employees are required to report to work
pursuant to department standard operating procedures(SOP's)and Continuity
of Operations Plans.
2. During work hours: Departments will make every effort to allow
employees to check promptly on the status of their families and
homes, providing that doing so does not compromise emergency
response functions as defined in this CEMP.
3. Directors from each department will determine the instances when an
allowance for time off for unusual circumstances will be made for any
B. Local Agencies/Organizations
1. Valley Regional Fire Authority
a. Provide and/or coordinate all fire suppression, technical rescue, hazardous materials
incident response, and emergency medical services in the City.
b. Assist in providing communications support.
c. Provide representation to the EOC, if requested, and as resources allow.
2. Auburn School District
a. Provide public shelter facilities through agreements with the American Red Cross
(ARC), Muckleshoot Indian Tribe, and Auburn School District, if requested and as
resources allow.
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b. Conduct damage assessments on school-owned facilities and provide situation
reports to the EOC.
c. Assist with transportation, if requested and as resources allow.
d. Provide representation to the EOC, if requested and as resources allow.
3. King and Pierce County Emergency Management
a. Coordinate emergency management activities in the County.
b. Provide information regarding county-wide activities and resource availability.
4. King and Pierce County Health Departments
a. Coordinate and provide environmental health services.
b. Coordinate and provide emergency health services, including, but not limited to,
communicable disease control, immunizations, and quarantine procedures.
c. Advise on public health matters, if requested.
d. Order quarantines as necessary
e. Provide a representative to EOC, if appropriate and as resources allow.
f. Supervise the food and water quality control program.
5. King and Pierce County Sheriff's Offices
a. Provide assistance with crime prevention and detection programs, crowd and traffic
control, search and rescue operations, and other law enforcement activities, if
requested and as resources allow.
6. King County Metro and Sound Transit
a. Provide assistance with transportation, if requested and as resources allow.
7. Humane Society
a. Provide sheltering/temp housing for lost or abandoned animals, owners who are now
displaced from homes.
b. Over capacity, will coordinate with Tacoma, ASPCA
c. Fairgrounds will house livestock (look into)
C. State
1. Emergency Management Division
a. Through the Washington State CEMP and the State Emergency Operations Center
(EOC), coordinate all emergency management activities of the State to protect lives
and property and to preserve the environment.
b. Take appropriate actions to mitigate the effects of, prepare for, respond to, and
recover from the impacts of emergencies or disasters.
c. Coordinate requests for various services such as specialized skills, equipment, and
resources in support of State and local government emergency operations.
D. Federal
1. Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)
a. Provide assistance to save lives and protect property, the economy, and the
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City of Auburn Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan
b. Facilitate the delivery of all types of Federal response assistance to state and local
c. Assist states in recovering from an emergency or disaster.
2. Defense Support of Civil Authorities
a. The Department of Defense (DOD) is authorized to deploy support to local
jurisdictions during disasters and emergencies to assist.
b. DOD support is described in the Concept of Operations of the National Response
Framework (NRF). DOD responds to requests for assistance during disasters and
emergencies when local, state or federal resources are overwhelmed. This support is
provided on a reimbursable basis.
c. Emergency Support Function (ESF) 20 details the Department of Defense (DOD)
support that is available.
E. Muckleshoot Indian Tribe
1. Coordinate emergency management activities as appropriate with the City
2. Provide assistance with transportation, if requested and as resources allow.
3. Assist in providing communications support and participate in a JIC as appropriate.
4. Provide representation to the EOC, if requested and as resources allow.
F. Residents and Visitors
Because of the nature of an emergency or disaster, government may be limited in its
response capabilities. The City encourages residents and visitors to be self-sufficient for at
least 14 days in the event of an emergency or disaster.
A. General
1. The classification of non-charter code city as provided in the Optional Municipal Code
Title 35A, Revised Code of Washington, is adopted as the classification for the
government of the City of Auburn, Washington. (Ord. 2402 § 1, 1969).
2. The plan of government for the City of Auburn, Washington is the mayor-council plan of
government as provided for in the Optional Municipal Code, Title 35A, Revised Code of
Washington. (Ord. 2402 § 2, 1969).
3. The Revised Code of Washington (RCW) Chapter 38.52.070, Emergency Management,
requires local governmental entities to establish a program to deal with emergencies.
4. Local governments are responsible for ensuring that provisions are made for continuity
of government during emergencies within their respective jurisdictions.
5. City government will retain the authority and ultimate responsibility for direction and
control of its own emergency operations, use of resources, and application of mutual aid
within its own boundaries.
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City of Auburn Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan
6. The City is provided fire protection, technical rescue, hazardous materials response and
emergency medical services by the Valley Regional Fire Authority (VRFA).
7. Disaster operations will be in coordination with other local agencies and organizations
and conducted or supervised by City personnel. Those efforts will be supplemented as
necessary by trained volunteers and by the workforce available within the local area.
Resources obtained from the County, State and from Federal agencies will also be
8. Other public and private organizations, school districts, and volunteer organizations may,
under mutual agreement, operate in coordination with this CEMP.
B. Whole Community Involvement
It is the intent of this plan to take a "whole community approach," being as inclusive as
possible. This includes those with disabilities, children, household pets and service animals,
those with Limited English proficiency, and others.
To the extent possible, the City will conduct emergency management operations consistent
with the U.S. Department of Justice guidelines for making community emergency
preparedness and response programs accessible to people with disabilities.
1. Limited English Proficiency (LEP) Program Requirements
An Emergency Communications Proficiency Support Annex (SA-5)was developed to
support the City in better communicating life-safety messages to people with limited
English proficiency (LEP). This annex is a guidance document which describes the City's
language access obligations, messaging strategies, message distribution options, and
contact information.
C. Overall Coordination of Incident Management Activities
1. The Mayor is head of the executive branch and the City Council makes up the legislative
branch of City government. The legislative branch of the City is responsible for overall
policy direction within the City, and the executive branch is responsible for
implementation of that direction.
2. The Director of Emergency Management oversees and provides policy
recommendations to the Mayor and City Council during emergency and recovery periods
and is responsible to ensure the development and maintenance of the CEMP, and the
coordination of emergency preparedness and management activities within the City
3. The Director of Emergency Management, or designee, is responsible for directing all
emergency management operations and programs throughout City government and
preserving City records.
4. Emergency management activities are conducted so as to follow the Incident Command
System (ICS)to the maximum extent possible. The ICS will also be used to support
multi-jurisdictional coordination for incidents and exercises whenever possible.
D. Concurrent Implementation of Other Plans
Basic Plan Draft 2019 Revised January 2015 26
City of Auburn Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan
The CEMP is the core plan for emergency management. This CEMP employs an
Emergency Support Function (ESF) approach. This approach identifies sources of direct
assistance and operational support through the EOC that the City may need in order to
address hazard mitigation, preparedness, response, and recovery from an emergency or
1. The Basic Plan presents the policies, and concept of operations that guide how the City
will conduct mitigation, preparedness, response, and recovery activities.
2. The Appendices describe emergency management activities and give details supporting
the Basic Plan.
3. The ESFs describe the mission, policies, concept of operations, and responsibilities of
the primary and support agencies involved in implementation of activities.
4. Other plans, authorities, protocols, and guidance that may be used before, during, or
after disasters and emergencies within the City of Auburn include:
a. City of Auburn Emergency Management Duty Officer Manual
b. City of Auburn EOC Manager Manual
c. City of Auburn Continuity of Operations Plans (by individual departments)
d. King and Pierce County Hazard Identification and Vulnerability Assessments
e. King and Pierce County Regional Hazard Mitigation Plans
f. King and Pierce County Comprehensive Emergency Management Plans
g. Washington State Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan
h. National Response Framework
E. Organizational Structure
The day-to-day organizational structure of departments will be maintained; to the extent it is
practical to do so, for major emergency and disaster situations, with the understanding that
all departments have an obligation to assign personnel to the Emergency Operations Center
(EOC) and the labor pool as requested. All departments and the City will operate within the
Incident Command System (ICS) structure, as set forth in NIMS.
F. Principal Incident Management Organizational Elements
Various City departments have personnel and other resources, including specialized
vehicles and heavy construction equipment, available to deploy during emergencies. Each
department is responsible for keeping track of its available personnel and equipment and
reporting availability directly to the EOC during an activation. These include the following:
1. Administration
a. The Director of Emergency Management is responsible for overall Incident
Command activities during a disaster or large-scale emergency when so directed
by the Mayor. The Director has the responsibility to lead the Emergency
Management Board to oversee the event as appropriate.
b. Communications/Multimedia Division is responsible for coordinating public
information activities related to a disaster or emergency, including operation of a
Joint Information Center(JIC) if needed. Emergency Management Division is
Basic Plan Draft 2019 Revised January 2015 27
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responsible for coordination with internal and external stakeholders and EOC
c. Facilities Division oversees all buildings owned by the city and is responsible for
conducting rapid damage assessments of them as well as coordinating
emergency and long-term repairs.
d. After action reviews are an important part of understanding how and why
emergency actions were successful or could have been more effective. They
help the City improve its response and recovery efforts by evaluating the entire
event, including training efforts beforehand. Emergency Management will
conduct an AAR after each EOC activation or other serious event. All involved
agencies, departments, and key personnel will be included in the AAR process.
Emergency management will complete a corrective action plan to capture the
items learned from the AAR and will implement as many items from the plan as
2. Police Department
a. Provides law enforcement services within the City, as well as rapid damage
assessments during disasters.
b. Animal Control functions are performed by the APD's Animal Control Officers.
They may be supported by the Auburn Valley Humane Society.
3. Community Development
a. Community Development Services is responsible for organizing and conducting
both rapid damage assessment and detailed building inspections of both City
owned facilities and those critical to the needs of the community at large.
b. Human Services Division coordinates post-disaster recovery efforts for residents.
4. Public Works Department
a. Maintain all City-owned critical infrastructure, including streets, traffic control
devices, water, sanitary sewer, storm drainage, bridges, and airport within the
b. Responsible for conducting rapid damage assessments on City owned Public
Works facilities during disasters and emergencies.
5. Parks, Arts, and Recreation Department
a. Open and operate shelters for City employees and the general public, as well as
to provide support to Public Works in some areas.
G. Emergency Response and Support Teams (Field Level)
Trained and certified teams described in the Concept of Operations of the National
Response Framework may be available to assist in incident management, setup of
response facilities, and to provide additional expertise and capability. It is important to
understand and include in any planning efforts that any outside teams will take time to arrive
and once here, there will be a transition period from one team or agency to another.
H. Law Enforcement Assistance
The Auburn Police Department is the agency of primary jurisdiction within the City under
routine circumstances and during emergency operations. The Washington Mutual Aid Peace
Officers Powers Act, RCW 10.93, provides law enforcement with mutual assistance
Basic Plan Draft 2019 Revised January 2015 28
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capabilities between jurisdictions. Mutual aid agreements exist with local law enforcement
agencies and letters of mutual support exist with various law enforcement agencies
throughout the state. Supplemental law enforcement assistance should be requested
through the EOC, when activated, with the understanding that in a significant regional event,
outside assistance will not be available for some time and there will be a period of transition
from one agency or group to another.
Direction and control is addressed in Support Annex 1.
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City of Auburn Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan
It is the policy of the City to conduct emergency and disaster preparedness and mitigation
activities in an effort to reduce and minimize the effects of a major emergency or disaster.
When a major emergency or disaster occurs, departments will use the following general
checklist as a basis for managing their disaster operations:
1. Establish Incident Command following procedures established by each department.
2. Report to a pre-determined site to manage department operations.
3. Account for personnel.
4. Assess damages to facilities to identify if there are there obvious safety concerns that
should prompt relocation until the building can be properly evaluated. .
5. Assess personnel and resources available.
6. Assess problems and needs.
7. Report the situation, damages, and capabilities to the EOC.
8. Send designated department representatives to the EOC.
9. Carry out department responsibilities and assigned tasks.
10. Continue assessment of and report to the EOC regarding department resources, needs,
damages, actions etc.
11. Keep detailed and accurate records, document actions, costs, situations, etc.
A. Notification and Assessment
1. Federal, State, local, tribal, private-sector, and nongovernmental organizations report
threats, incidents, and potential incidents using established communications and
reporting channels. The established communication channel for receiving and
disseminating threat and operational information for hazards, disasters, and
emergencies for the City of Auburn is through King or Pierce County Emergency
Management (or their respective EOC/DOC, if activated) to the Washington State
Emergency Management Division (or the Washington State Emergency Operations
Center, if activated).
2. Suspicious activity, terrorist threats, and actual incidents with a potential or actual
terrorist nexus are to be reported immediately to the Auburn Police Department, which
will determine whether to forward any information to other agencies such as the FBI.
B. Activation of EOC
1. The Mayor, Director of Emergency Management, or designees may activate the EOC.
Any City department may also request that the EOC be activated. Additionally, the EOC
may be activated at the request of an outside agency such as King or Pierce County
Emergency Management or other governmental entity to support their operations,
subject to approval by the Mayor, Director of Emergency Management, or designees
when the level of operations requires it. Requested staff will report to the EOC to
coordinate response efforts and support field operations. The EOC will be activated at a
level appropriate to the specific emergency or disaster, as described in Support Annex
Basic Plan Draft 2019 Revised January 2015 30
City of Auburn Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan
2. The City's primary EOC is located at 1 E Main St., Suite 380. The City has signed
agreements with other agencies to provide for alternate EOC locations if our EOC is out
of service at any time. These locations have been selected based on our EOC needs
and the capabilities for those locations. Any City facility may be utilized as an EOC in
the event that the primary and alternate sites are rendered unusable by the event.
3. Each Department has one or more designated Department Operations Centers (DOCs).
Department personnel are to respond to these centers as directed in their departmental
emergency plans. DOC locations are:
• Administration (City Hall): 25 W Main St.
• Legal Department (City Hall): 25 W Main St.
• Public Works Services: 1305 C St. SW
• Community Development(Annex): 1 E Main St., 2nd Floor
• Parks Admin: 910 9th St. SE
• Parks Maintenance: 1401 C St. SW
• Police: 340 E Main St., Suite 201
• Finance (Annex): 1 E Main St., 3rd Floor
• HR/Risk/Property Management (City Hall): 25 W Main St.
• Innovation &Technology (Annex): 1 E Main St., 3rd Floor
C. Requests for Assistance
When a major emergency occurs, it is anticipated that departments and other responding
organizations will organize their areas of responsibility into manageable units, assess
damages, and determine needs. If agency resources cannot meet the needs created by the
incident , additional assistance may be requested through existing mutual aid agreements,
through the King County Zone 3 Coordinator, through King or Pierce County Emergency
Management, or directly from the State Emergency Operations Center. In the event of a
Proclamation of a Local Emergency, the deployment of resources will normally be
coordinated through the EOC (if activated). Resources to support City operations may be
placed at staging areas until specific assignment can be made.
D. Pre-Incident Actions (Preparedness and Mitigation)
Preparedness involves taking steps to ready the City and the community for emergencies
and disasters while mitigation involves actions taken to protect lives and property.
1. Long term mitigation activities, both pre- and post-disaster, are covered in detail in the
King County Regional Hazard Mitigation Plan (RHMP), to which the City is a signatory.
Auburn's portion of the RHMP includes detailed lists of prioritized activities that can be
taken to reduce risk in the community.
2. Public Health and Safety: Initial safety efforts focus on actions to detect, prevent, or
reduce the impact to public health and safety. Such actions can include environmental
analysis, plume modeling, evacuations, emergency sheltering, air monitoring,
decontamination, infectious disease tracking, emergency broadcasts, etc. These efforts
may also include public health education; site and public health surveillance and testing
procedures; and immunizations, prophylaxis, and isolation or quarantine for biological
Basic Plan Draft 2019 Revised January 2015 31
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threats coordinated by Health and Human Services (HHS) and State and local public
health officials.
3. Responder Health and Safety: The safety and health of responders is also a priority.
Actions essential to limit their risks include full integration of deployed health and safety
assets and expertise; risk assessments based upon timely and accurate data; and
situational awareness that considers responder and recovery worker safety. A
comprehensive location and/or operational response safety and health plan is key to
mitigating the hazards faced by responders. These efforts include incident hazard
identification and characterization; implementation and monitoring of personal protective
equipment selection, use, and decontamination; exposure sampling and analysis; worker
health and safety risk analysis; health and safety monitoring; and development/ongoing
evolution of the site-specific safety and health plan.
4. Property and the Environment: Responders may also take incident mitigation actions to
protect public and private property and the environment. Such actions may include, but
are not limited to, sandbagging in anticipation of a flood, or booming of environmentally
sensitive areas in response to a potential oil spill.
5. Specific preparedness activities for each department include:
a. Establish policies and procedures for department chain of command and succession
of authority.
b. Designate primary and alternate locations from which to establish direction and
control of department activities during an emergency or disaster.
c. Identify and obtain necessary equipment and supplies which may be needed to
manage department activities.
d. Identify the information needed to manage department activities including how it will
be gathered, stored, and accessed.
e. Decide how department management relates to the EOC and who should report
there when an emergency or disaster occurs.
f. Encourage development of employee response teams from within their department.
g. Establish procedures to ensure the ability to activate personnel on a 24-hour basis.
h. Make staff available, when requested by the Director of Emergency Management or
Emergency Preparedness Manager, or EOC Manager, for appropriate training and
emergency assignments, such as EOC activities, damage assessment, and liaisons
with other agencies and organizations. All costs for these activities will be the
responsibility of the respective department.
i. Maintain an updated inventory of key department personnel, facilities, and equipment
E. Response Activities
Once an incident occurs, the priorities shift from prevention, preparedness, and mitigation to
immediate and short-term response activities to preserve life, property, the environment, and
the social, economic, and political structure of the community. In the context of a terrorist
threat, simultaneous activities are initiated to assess regional and national-level impacts, as
well as to assess and take appropriate action to prevent and protect against other potential
During the event, the Director of each department, with concurrence of the Director of
Emergency Management, will:
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City of Auburn Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan
1. Assess the impact of the event on department personnel, facilities, equipment, and
2. Report any observed damage through the respective department's chain of command to
the EOC on a continuing basis.
3. Keep complete records of costs, expenditures, overtime, repairs, and other disaster-
related expenditures.
4. In coordination with the EOC, direct the execution of emergency operations plans and
perform appropriate incident stabilization activities designed to limit the loss of life,
personal injury, property damage, and other unfavorable outcomes.
5. Response actions may also include immediate law enforcement, fire, ambulance, and
emergency medical service actions; emergency flood fighting; evacuations;
transportation system detours; emergency public information; actions taken to minimize
additional damage; urban search and rescue; the establishment of facilities for mass
care; the provision of public health and medical services, food, ice, water, and other
emergency essentials; debris clearance; the emergency restoration of critical
infrastructure; control, containment, and removal of environmental contamination; and
protection of responder health and safety. Though the City does not have the direct
capability to perform all of these functions, it will take steps to ensure that the functions
are carried out as needed.
6. During the response to a terrorist event, law enforcement actions to collect and preserve
evidence and to apprehend perpetrators are critical. These actions take place
simultaneously with response operations necessary to save lives and are closely
coordinated with the law enforcement effort to facilitate the collection of evidence without
impacting ongoing life-saving operations.
7. In the context of a single incident, once immediate response missions and lifesaving
activities conclude, the emphasis shifts from response to recovery operations and, if
applicable, hazard mitigation.
F. Recovery Activities
Recovery involves actions needed to help individuals and communities return to normal
when feasible. All response and recovery activities are detailed in SOPs, and appropriate
State and Federal recovery guidelines. The process for collecting and analyzing data,
developing objectives and action plans, and documenting critical incident information in the
EOC is guided by SOPs. Following the event, the Director of each department, with the
concurrence of the Director of Emergency Management, will:
1. Continue to report any observed damage and assess community needs.
2. Prioritize recovery projects and assign functions accordingly.
3. Coordinate recovery efforts and logistical needs with supporting agencies and
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4. Prepare documentation of the event, including the event log, cost analysis, and
estimated recovery costs.
5. Assist in establishing disaster assistance offices to aid private businesses and residents
with individual recovery.
6. Assess special community needs and provide information and assistance, as deemed
G. Demobilization
When the Director of Emergency Management or designee determines that activation of the
EOC is no longer required, he/she will disseminate instructions for demobilization from
emergency management activities at the conclusion of an event. Planning for demobilization
will commence upon initial activation of the EOC.
A. Coordination
Ongoing plan development and maintenance requires coordination with the whole
community. The City of Auburn Emergency Manager will coordinate with all agencies and
organizations that have a role in incident response management for the development and
execution of policy, planning, training, equipping, and other preparedness activities. This will
primarily be achieved through the use of the City's Emergency Management Committee,
which includes representatives from the City, neighboring cities, the Muckleshoot Indian
Tribe, and various non-profit and private organizations located within Auburn. A redacted
version will be available on the City of Auburn's website at http://www.auburnwa.gov.
B. Plan Maintenance
1. The Emergency Manager will ensure that exercises of this plan are conducted on an
annual basis, except in years when there are actual EOC activations. EOC activations
will be used in lieu of exercises for plan evaluation and maintenance purposes.
2. After-action reviews (AAR) will be conducted for all EOC activations and exercises for
the purpose of identifying lessons learned and incorporating them into future plan
updates. The incident commander or EOC manager will be responsible for conducting
AAR's on a timely basis. All EOC personnel should attend the AAR to provide feedback
and identification of areas for improvement and recommendations. AARs will include
corrective action plans as necessary.
3. This plan will be completely updated as required by state law, with supplemental
updates done as the need arises. The complete update will be submitted to the
Washington State Emergency Management Division for review prior to formal adoption
by the city.
4. Emergency Management will monitor and update this plan in accordance with changes
in Federal & State requirements
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C. NIMS Integration
1. NIMS is a system mandated by HSPD-5 that provides a consistent, nationwide approach
for Federal, State, local, and tribal governments; the private sector; and non-profits to
effectively and efficiently together to prepare for, respond to, and recover from domestic
incidents, regardless of cause, size, or complexity.
2. To provide for interoperability and compatibility among Federal, State, local, and tribal
capabilities, NIMS includes a core set of concepts, principles, and terminology.
3. It is the policy of the City of Auburn that all emergency management activities will be
conducted in accordance with NIMS.
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City of Auburn Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan
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City of Auburn Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan
Term Description
ACCESS (A Centralized Statewide law enforcement data network controlled and administered
Computer Enforcement by the Washington State Patrol. Used primarily for law enforcement
Service System) functions, this network also provides the capability to send warning
and notification of emergencies from state and federal organizations
to local jurisdictions.
Administration and Responsible for all costs and financial/administrative considerations
Finance Chief of the incident. Part of the Command and General Staff, reporting to
the Incident Commander.
After Action Report(AAR) A narrative report that presents issues found during an incident or
exercise along with recommendations on how those issues can be
Alternate Facility An alternate work site that provides the capability to perform minimum
essential departmental or jurisdictional functions until normal
operations can be resumed.
Amateur Radio Emergency The American Radio Relay League(ARRL) public service arm for
Service (ARES) providing support primarily to non-government agencies during an
emergency/disaster. A primary user of the ARES is the American
Red Cross.
AMBER Alert Abducted Minor Broadcast Emergency Response Alert sent out
locally or from the State law enforcement agencies over the EAS
American Red Cross Non-profit organization that provides support of mass care, sheltering,
(ARC) communication, and other services in times of disaster. Relies on
volunteers to carry out operations.
Annex The purpose of an annex is to describe operations for a particular
function. It defines the function and shows how activities of various
participants in the functional organization are coordinated. The annex
is action-oriented. It is written for, and preferably by, the person
responsible for controlling resources available to accomplish the
objectives of the function in any large-scale emergency. It is a
substantial,freestanding plan that is specific to carry out a task.
Examples: Fire Mobilization Plan, Hazmat Plan, Pet Care Plan.
Appendix An appendix contains details, methods, and technical information that
are unique to specific hazards identified as being likely to pose a
threat of disaster in the community. Appendices should be attached to
functional annexes. Appendices are supplementary, helper
documents, frequently changing but without specific direction.
Examples: non-critical lists such as phone lists or annual lists of
Area Command An organization established to oversee the management of(1)
multiple incidents that are each being handled by an ICS
organization, or(2) large or multiple incidents to which several
Incident Management Teams have been assigned. Area Command
has the responsibility to set overall strategy and priorities, allocate
critical resources according to priorities, ensure that incidents are
properly managed, and ensure that objectives are met and strategies
followed. May be established at an EOC or at some location other
than an ICP.
Call Center Supervisor Volunteer or staff member assigned to supervise call takers.
Basic Plan Draft 2019 Revised January 2015 38
City of Auburn Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan
Term Description
Call Takers Volunteers or staff assigned to answer phones in either the EOC or
the public call center.
Clear Text The use of plain English in radio communications transmissions. No
ten codes or agency-specific codes are used when using clear text.
Command Staff The Command Staff consists of the Safety Officer, Liaison Officer,
and Public Information Officer,who report directly to the Incident
Communications Unit In incident command structure, responsible for providing
communication services at an incident, whether it be by phone, radio,
in person, etc...
Comprehensive Dedicated 2-way Very High Frequency(VHF) low-band radio system.
Emergency Management Provides direction and control capability for state and local
Network (CEMNET) jurisdictions for administrative use, and during an emergency or
disaster. This is an emergency management net belonging to and
managed by the Washington State Military Department, Emergency
Management Division.
Comprehensive A required plan which addresses the mitigation, preparation,
Emergency Management response, and recovery activities associated with emergency/disaster
Plan (CEMP) situations.
Concept of Operations User-oriented document that describes the characteristics for a
(CONOPS) proposed asset or system from the viewpoint of any individual or
organizational entity that will use it in their daily work activities or who
will operate or interact directly with it.
Continuity of Government Measures taken by a government to continue to perform required
(COG) functions during and after a severe emergency. COG is a
coordinated effort within each branch of the government to continue
its minimum essential responsibilities in a catastrophic emergency.
Continuity of Operations An internal effort within individual components of a government to
(COOP) ensure the capability exists to continue essential functions across a
wide range of potential emergencies, including localized acts of
nature, accidents, and technological or attack-related emergencies.
COOP Emergency The individuals, identified by position, within the jurisdiction that are
Response Team responsible for ensuring the essential functions are performed in an
emergency and for taking action to facilitate that performance.
Critical Customers Organizations or individuals for which a state department or local
_ jurisdiction performs mission-essential functions.
Damage Assessment The process of determining the magnitude of damage and the unmet
needs of the community as the result of a hazardous event.
Estimation of damages made after a disaster has occurred which
serves as the basis of the Mayor's proclamation of emergency.
Debrief/Debriefing A meeting held after an event or disaster to discuss what happened,
lessons learned and to discuss what may or may not be shared with
the public.
Delegated Authority An official mandate calling on the individual holding a specific position
to assume responsibilities and authorities not normally associated
with that position when specified conditions are met.
Duty Officer Generally refers to the person designated to intake and assess
emergency events on a 24/7 basis.
Direction and Control The emergency support function that defines the management of
emergency response and recovery.
Basic Plan Draft 2019 Revised January 2015 39
City of Auburn Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan
Term Description
Disaster An event, expected or unexpected, in which a community's available,
pertinent resources are expended, or the need for resources exceeds
availability, and in which a community undergoes severe danger,
incurring losses so that the social or economic structure of the
community is disrupted and the fulfillment of some or all of the
community's essential functions are prevented.
Disaster assessment Estimation of damages made after a disaster has occurred which
serves as the basis of a Proclamation of a Local Emergency.
Disaster Recovery Center A temporary facility where, under one roof, representatives of Federal
(DRC) agencies, local and state governments, and voluntary relief
organizations can process applications from individuals, families, and
business firms.
Donated Resources Volunteer labor, donated equipment, and donated materials. If
tracked appropriately, may be used to satisfy the matching
requirements of federal disaster relief funds.
Emergency Alert System A federally mandated program established to enable the President,
(EAS) federal, state, and local jurisdiction authorities to disseminate
emergency information to the public via the Commercial Broadcast
System. Formerly known as the Emergency Broadcast System (EBS),
it requires broadcasters to relay emergency information. This system
is for immediate action emergencies where the public needs to be
informed. Example, dam failure, hazmat chemical cloud.
Emergency A sudden, usually unexpected event that does or could do harm to
people, resources, property, or the environment. Emergencies can
range from localized events that affect a single office in a building, to
human, natural, or technological events that damage, or threaten to
damage, local operations. An emergency could cause the temporary
evacuation of personnel or the permanent displacement of personnel
and equipment from the site to a new operating location environment.
Emergency Management The preparation for and the carrying out of all emergency functions to
mitigate, prepare for, respond to, and recover from emergencies and
disasters, to aid victims suffering from injury or damage resulting from
disasters caused by all hazards, whether natural or technological, and
to provide support for search and rescue operations for persons and
property in distress.
Emergency Management The individual within each political subdivision that has coordination
Director responsibility for jurisdictional emergency management.
Emergency City of Auburn volunteers trained to manage communications
Communications Team functions, including phones, radios, and social media.
Emergency Coordination See Emergency Operations Center.
Emergency Management Agreements that provide for jurisdictions in different states to provide
Assistance Compact resources or other support to one another during an incident.
Emergency Management The EMC is responsible for participating in the emergency
Committee(EMC) management planning process, as well as to provide trained and
qualified individuals to carry out coordination functions during and
event. Each department is required to have at least one
representative on the committee. The committee will also include
public and private agencies whom have direct responsibilities within
the CEMP.
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City of Auburn Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan
Term Description
Emergency Management Washington State Emergency Management Division, responsible for
Division (EMD) coordinating state-wide emergency management activities.
Emergency Medical Emergency Medical Services provides care to the sick and injured at
Services (EMS) the scene of any medical emergency or while transporting any patient
in an ambulance to an appropriate medical control, including
ambulance transportation between medical facilities. It commonly
includes trained and licensed emergency care providers and
specialized transportation vehicles.
Emergency Operations A central location from which overall direction, control, and
Center(EOC) coordination of a single community's response to a disaster will be
established. The EOC is generally equipped and staffed to perform
the following functions: collect, record, analyze, display, and distribute
information; coordinate public information and warning; coordinate
government emergency activities; support first responders by
coordinating the management and distribution of information and
resources and the restoration of services; conduct appropriate liaison
and coordination activities with all levels of government, public
utilities, volunteer and civic organizations, and the public.
Emergency Operations The staff person assigned to manage the EOC during an activation or
Center Manager exercise.
Emergency Operations See Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan.
Plan (EOP)
Emergency Protective Actions taken by jurisdictions before, during, and after a disaster to
Measures save lives, protect public health, and to prevent damage to improved
public and private property.
Emergency Support Emergency Support Functions are functional annexes to the basic
Function (ESF) Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan. They outline the
general guidelines by which organizations will carry out the
responsibilities assigned in the plan, i.e., how response to a disaster
or emergency will be handled.
Emergency Work Work that must be done immediately to save lives and to protect
improved property and public health and safety to avert or lessen the
threat of a major disaster.
Emergency Worker Emergency worker means any person, including but not limited to, an
architect registered under Chapter 18.08 RCW, a professional
engineer registered under Chapter 18.43 RCW, or a volunteer
registered under RCW 38.52/WAC 118.04 who is registered with a
local emergency management organization for the purpose of
engaging in authorized emergency management activities or is an
employee of the state of Washington or any political subdivision
thereof who is called upon to perform emergency management
Essential Functions Those functions, stated or implied, that jurisdictions are required to
perform by statute or executive order or are otherwise necessary to
provide vital services, exercise civil authority, maintain the safety and
well-being of the general populace, and sustain the
industrial/economic base in an emergency.
Essential Operations Those operations, stated or implied, that state departments and local
jurisdictions are required to perform by stature or executive order or
are otherwise deemed necessary.
Essential Personnel Staff of the department or jurisdiction that are needed for the
performance of the organization's mission-essential functions.
Basic Plan Draft 2019 Revised January 2015 41
City of Auburn Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan
Term Description
Evacuation A protective action which involves leaving an area of risk until the
hazard has passed.
Event A planned, non-emergency activity. ICS can be used as the
management system for a wide range of events, e.g. parades,
concerts or sporting events.
Facility Any publicly or privately owned building, works, system, or equipment
built or manufactured, or an improved and maintained natural feature.
Land used for agricultural purposes is not a facility.
Federal Disaster See Presidential Declaration.
Federal Emergency Agency created in 1979 to provide a single point of accountability for
Management Agency all federal activities related to disaster mitigation and emergency
(FEMA) preparedness, response, and recovery. FEMA provides technical
advice and funding for state and local emergency management
agencies, manages the President's Disaster Relief Fund and
coordinates the disaster assistance activities of all federal agencies in
the event of a Presidential Disaster Declaration.
Finance/Administration Responsible for all costs and financial/administrative considerations
Section of the incident. Section Chief reports directly to the Incident
First Responders Those in occupations that require they respond immediately to an
emergency event. Example: firefighters, law enforcement officers,
emergency medical services personnel, public works.
Force Account A jurisdiction's own labor forces and equipment.
Government Emergency A service providing priority access telephone dialing during circuit
Telecommunications overload conditions.
Service (GETS)
Governor's Proclamation A proclamation by the Governor in accordance with RCW 43.06 and
of a State of Emergency 38.52 which activates the State of Washington Comprehensive
Emergency Management Plan and authorizes State resources to be
used to assist affected political jurisdictions.
Hazard Something that is potentially dangerous or harmful, often the root
cause of an unwanted outcome.
Hazard Identification and The HIVA is a comprehensive plan that is the result of a systematic
Vulnerability Analysis evaluation of a jurisdiction's existing natural and technological
(HIVA) hazards. It includes a vulnerability assessment to such hazards and
provides guidance for mitigation efforts.
Hazard Mitigation Any measure that will reduce or prevent the damaging effects of a
Hazmat Hazardous Materials
Hazmat Team Team with specialized training to response to hazardous materials
Incident An occurrence or event, either human-caused or natural phenomena,
that requires action by emergency services personnel to prevent or
minimize loss of life or damage to property and/or the environment.
Incident Action Plan (IAP) The strategic goals, tactical objectives, and support requirements for
the incident. All incidents require an action plan.
Incident Command Post A centralized base of operations established near the site of an
(ICP) incident. That location at which primary command functions are
executed; usually collated with the incident base.
Basic Plan Draft 2019 Revised January 2015 42
City of Auburn Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan
Term Description
Incident Command System The combination of facilities, equipment, personnel, procedures, and
(ICS) communications operating within a common organizational structure
for the purpose of coordinating the response to any event. An all-
hazard, on-scene functional management system that establishes
common standards in organization, terminology, and procedures,
provides a means(unified command)for the establishment of a
common set of incident objectives and strategies during multi-
agency/multi-jurisdiction operations while maintaining individual
agency/jurisdiction authority, responsibility, and accountability, and
which is a component of the National Interagency Incident
Management Systems (NIMS). An equivalent and compatible all-
hazards, on-scene, functional management system.
Incident Commander(IC) The individual responsible for the management of operations at the
scene of an incident.
Incident Period The time span during which an incident or event occurs.
Incidents of National Those high-impact events that require a coordinated and effective
Significance response by an appropriate combination of Federal, State, local,
tribal, private sector, and nongovernmental entities in order to save
lives, minimize damage, and provide the basis for long-term
community recovery and mitigation activities. All Presidential
declared disasters are considered Incidents of National Significance.
Individual Assistance(IA) Supplementary Federal assistance available under the Stafford Act to
individuals, families, and businesses; includes disaster housing
assistance, unemployment assistance, grants, loans, legal services,
crisis counseling, tax relief, and other services or relief programs.
Integrated Public Alert& It is a modernization and integration of the nation's alert and warning
Warning System (iPAWS) infrastructure. Provides public safety officials with an effective way to
alert and warn the public about serious emergencies using EAS,
WEA, NOAA and other public alerting systems from a single interface.
Interoperable Alternate communications that provide the capability to perform
Communications minimum essential departmental or jurisdictional functions, in
conjunction with other agencies, until normal operations can be
Joint Information Center A facility that may be used by affected utilities, state agencies,
(JIC) counties, local jurisdictions, and/or federal agencies to jointly
coordinate the public information function during all hazards incidents.
May also be conducted virtually.
Liaison Officer The point of contact for assisting or coordinating agencies.
Local Emergency A proclamation by the Mayor or his/her designee in accordance with
Declaration RCW 36.40.180 and 38.52.070(2)which activates the City of Auburn
Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan and the liability
protection and resource procurement provisions of RCW 38.52.
Local Emergency Planning A local planning group appointed by the State Emergency Response
Committee(LEPC) Commission (SERC)to fulfill the planning requirements for a Local
Planning District under the Superfund Amendments and
Reauthorization Act(SARA)of 1986. As the planning body for
preparing local hazardous materials plans.
Local Resources The combined resources, of the type needed to respond to a given
hazardous event, of the City and of the private sector. In any request
for state or federal resources, the requesting jurisdiction must certify
that local resources have been, or soon will be, exhausted.
Basic Plan Draft 2019 Revised January 2015 43
City of Auburn Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan
Term Description
Logistics Chief In the incident command structure, responsible for resource
management and responding to resource requests. Oversees
Logistics Section. Reports directly to the Incident Commander.
Logistics Section In Incident Command structure, responsible for providing facilities,
services, and materials for an incident or event.
Major Disaster As defined in the Stafford Act, "Any natural catastrophe (including any
hurricane, tornado, storm, high water, wind-driven water, tidal wave,
tsunami, earthquake, volcanic eruption, landslide, mudslide,
snowstorm, or drought), or, regardless of cause, any fire, flood, or
explosion in any part of the United States, which in the determination
of the President causes damage of sufficient severity and magnitude
to warrant major disaster assistance under this Act to supplement the
efforts and available resources of states, local governments, and
disaster relief organizations in alleviating the damage, loss, hardship,
or suffering caused thereby."
Message Controller A volunteer or staff member charged with recording and distributing
paper based messages in the EOC or public call center.
Message Distributors In the Incident Command structure, responsible for routing
information about resources reporting to the incident, resource status,
and administrative and tactical traffic
Military Department Refers to the Emergency Management Division, the Army and Air
National Guard, and Support Services. _
Mitigation Any sustained actions taken to eliminate or reduce the degree of
long-term risk to human life, property, and the environment from
natural and technological events. Mitigation assumes our
communities are exposed to risks whether or not an emergency
occurs. Mitigation measures include but are not limited to: building
codes, disaster insurance, hazard information systems, land use
management, hazard analysis, land acquisition, monitoring and
inspection, public education, research, relocation, risk mapping,
safety codes, statutes and ordinances, tax incentives and
disincentives, equipment or computer tie downs, and stockpiling
emergency supplies.
Multi-Agency Coordination A system by which multiple agencies coordinate response and limited
{AC) resources.
Mutual Aid Agreement A formal or informal agreement for reciprocal assistance for
(MAA) emergency services and resources between jurisdictions.
National Incident A concept that provides for a total approach to all risk incident
Management System management; NIIMS addresses the Incident Command System (ICS),
(NIMS) training, qualifications and certification, publications management,
and supporting technology. NIMS outlines a standard incident
management organization called Incident Command System (ICS)
that establishes five functional areas--command, operations,
planning, logistics, and finance/administration--for management of all
major incidents. To ensure further coordination and during incidents
involving multiple jurisdictions or agencies, the principle of unified
command has been universally incorporated into NIMS. This unified
command not only coordinates the efforts of many jurisdictions, but
provides for and assures joint decisions on objectives, strategies,
plans, priorities, and public communications.
Basic Plan Draft 2019 Revised January 2015 44
City of Auburn Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan
Term Description
National Response The plan that establishes the basis for the provision of federal
Framework(NRF) assistance to a state and the local jurisdiction impacted by a
catastrophic or significant disaster or emergency that result in a
requirement for federal response assistance.
National Warning System The federal portion of the Civil Defense Warning System, used for the
(NAWAS) dissemination of warnings and other emergency information from the
National or FEMA Region Warning Centers to Warning Points in each
state. Also used by the State Warning Points to disseminate
information to local Primary Warning Points. Provides warning
information to state and local jurisdictions concerning severe weather,
earthquake, flooding, and other activities affecting public safety.
Non-Essential Personnel Staff of the department or jurisdiction who are not required for the
performance of the organization's mission-essential functions.
NORTHCOM Military structure that provides command and control of Department of
Defense (DOD)homeland defense efforts and coordinates defense
support of civil authorities.
Objectives The specific operations that must be accomplished to achieve goals.
Objectives must be both specific and measurable.
Officer The Incident Command title for individuals responsible for Public
Information. Liaison and Safety.
Operational Period In Incident Command, the period of time scheduled for execution of a
given set of operation actions such as specified in the Incident Action
Operations Chief In an incident command structure, a representative of the principal
first-response agency having overall incident management
responsibilities in the field; responsible for coordinating support to
individual incident commanders. Oversees the Operations Section.
Reports to the Incident Commander.
Operations Sections In an Incident Command structure, responsible for all tactical
operation at the incident.
Order of Succession The order in which and conditions under which the responsibilities
and authorities of a public official are passed to another official when
the original holder of the responsibilities and authorities is unable or
unavailable to exercise them.
Plan Maintenance Steps taken to ensure the plans are reviewed regularly and updated
whenever major changes occur.
Planning Chief In an incident command structure, responsible for situation analysis
and anticipating future response or recovery needs and activities.
Oversees the Planning Section. Reports directly to the Incident
Planning Section In incident command structure, responsible for the collection,
evaluation, and dissemination of information related to the incident,
and for the preparation and documentation of IAPs
Preliminary Damage The joint local, state, and Federal analysis of damage that has
Assessment(PDA) occurred during a disaster and which may result in a Presidential
declaration of disaster. The PDA is documented through surveys,
photographs, and other written information.
Basic Plan Draft 2019 Revised January 2015 45
City of Auburn Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan
Term Description
Preparedness The range of deliberate, critical tasks and activities necessary to
build, sustain, and improve the operational capability to prevent,
protect against, respond to , and recover from domestic incidents.
Within the NIMS, preparedness is operationally focused on
establishing guidelines, protocols, and standards for planning, training
and exercises, personnel qualification and certification, equipment
certification, and publication management.
Presidential Disaster Formal declaration by the President that an Emergency or Major
Declaration Disaster exists based upon the request for such a declaration by the
Governor and with the verification of Federal Emergency
Management Agency preliminary damage assessments.
Public Assistance (PA) Supplementary federal assistance provided under the Stafford Act to
state and local jurisdictions, special purpose districts, tribes, or
eligible private, nonprofit organizations.
Public Information Officer The person designated and trained to coordinate disaster related
(PIO) public information and media relations.
Radio Amateur Civil Volunteer ham (amateur) radio operators who provide reserve
Emergency Service communications within government agencies in times of extraordinary
(RACES) need. Although the exact nature of each activation will be different,
the common thread is communications.
Radio Operators Staff or volunteers assigned to operate radios in the EOC radio room
or in the field.
Radio Room Supervisor Staff member or volunteer assigned to supervise the people and
activities in the EOC radio room.
Recovery A short-term and long-term process. Short-term operations restore
vital services to the community and provide for the basic needs of the
public. Long-term recovery focuses on restoring the community to its
normal, or improved, state of affairs, including some form of economic
viability. Recovery measures include, but are not limited to, crisis
counseling, damage assessment, debris clearance, decontamination,
disaster application centers, disaster insurance payments, disaster
loans and grants, disaster unemployment assistance, public
information, reassessment of emergency plans, reconstruction,
temporary housing, and full-scale business resumption. Also, the
extrication, packaging, and transport of the body of a person killed in
a search and rescue incident.
Regional Coordination A mutual aid agreement specific to King County, which encompasses
Framework(RCF) government agencies, non-profit organizations, and private
Response The actual provision of services during an event. These activities
help to reduce casualties and damage and to speed recovery. Actions
taken immediately before, during, or directly after an emergency
occurs, to save lives, minimize damage to property and the
environment, and enhance the effectiveness of recovery. Response
measures include, but are not limited to, emergency plan activation,
emergency alert system activation, emergency instructions to the
public, emergency medical assistance, staffing the emergency
operations center, public official alerting, reception and care, shelter
and evacuation, search and rescue, resource mobilization, and
warning systems activation.
Basic Plan Draft 2019 Revised January 2015 46
City of Auburn Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan
Term Description
Robert T. Stafford Disaster (Public Law 93-288, as amended)-The act that authorizes the
Relief and Emergency greatest single source of federal disaster assistance. It authorizes
Assistance Act coordination of the activities of federal, state, and volunteer agencies
operating under their own authorities in providing disaster assistance,
provision of direct federal assistance as necessary, and provision of
financial grants to state and local jurisdictions as well as a separate
program of financial grants to individuals and families. This act is
commonly referred to as the Stafford Act.
Search and Rescue (SAR) The act of searching for, rescuing, or recovering by means of ground,
marine, or air activity any person who becomes lost, injured, or is
killed while outdoors or as a result of a natural or human-caused
event, including instances of searching for downed aircraft when
ground personnel are used. Includes DISASTER, URBAN, and
Shelter in place A protective action that involves taking cover in a building that can be
made relatively airtight. Generally, any building suitable for winter
habitation will provide some protection with windows and doors
closed and heating,ventilation, and air conditioning system turned off.
Increased effectiveness can be obtained in sheltering by methods
such as using an interior room or basement, taping windows and
doors, and other more elaborate systems to limit natural ventilation.
To be used as a protective action, sheltering requires the ability to
communicate to the public when it is safe and/or necessary to emerge
from the shelter.
Stafford Act See Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency
Assistance Act.
Staging Area In an Incident Command structure, the location where incident
personnel and equipment are assigned on an immediately available
Task Force A group of any type and kind of resources with common
communications and a leader temporarily assembled for a specific
Technical Specialist Personnel with special skills who are activated only when needed.
Terrorism The unlawful use of force or violence committed by an individual or
group against persons or property in order to intimidate or coerce a
government, the civilian population, or any segment thereof in
furtherance of political or social objectives.
Unified Command An application of ICS used when there is more than one agency with
incident jurisdiction or when incidents cross political jurisdictions.
Agencies work together through the designated members of the
Unified Command, to establish a common set of objectives and
strategies and a single IAP.
Urban Search and Rescue Locating, extricating, and providing for the immediate medical
(USAR) treatment of victims.
Urban Search and Rescue A 62 member organization sponsored by the Federal Emergency
task force Management Agency in support of Emergency Support Function 9.
The task force is trained and equipped to conduct heavy urban search
and rescue and is capable of being deployed to any disaster site
Warning and Information Advising the public of a threatening or occurring hazard and providing
information to assist them in safely preparing for and responding to
the hazard.
Basic Plan Draft 2019 Revised January 2015 47
City of Auburn Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan
Term Description
Washington State Mutual Mutual aid agreement covering all cities, counties, and state agencies
Aid Agreement in Washington State.
Weapon of Mass Any weapon or device that is intended or has the capability to cause
Destruction (WMD) death or serious bodily injury to a significant number of people
through the release, dissemination, or impact of toxic or poisonous
chemicals or their precursors; a disease organism; or radiation or
radioactivity. Any explosive, incendiary, or poison gas, bomb,
grenade, rocket having a propellant charge of more than four ounces,
missile having an explosive or incendiary charge of more than one-
quarter ounce, minor device similar to the above; poison gas; any
weapon that is designed to release radiation or radioactivity at a level
dangerous to life.
Basic Plan Draft 2019 Revised January 2015 48
City of Auburn Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan
APD—Auburn Police Department JIC -Joint Information Center
ARC -American Red Cross JOC—Joint Operations Center
ARES -Amateur Radio Emergency JTTF—Joint Terrorism Task Force
Services LEPC - Local Emergency Planning
ARNORTH —Army component of Committee
NORTHCOM. MAMC— Multicare Auburn Regional
CCU —Valley Crisis Communications Unit Medical Center
CD- Community Development MRC - Medical Reserve Corps
CEMP - Comprehensive Emergency MSCA-Military Support to Civil Authorities
Management Plan MYN— Map Your Neighborhood
CERT—Community Emergency Response NAWAS - National Warning System
Team NIMS - National Incident Management
COAD—Community Organizations Active in System
Disasters NOAA- National Oceanic Atmospheric
COOP—Continuity of Operations Plan Administration
DHS— Department of Homeland Security NORTHCOM— US Northern Command
DOC— Department Operations Center NRF— National Response Framework
DOD -United States Department of Defense NWACP - Northwest Area Contingency Plan
DOT— Department of Transportation NWS— National Weather Service
DSCA— Defense Support of Civil PDA-Preliminary Damage Assessment
Authorities PIO - Public Information Officer
DSHS - Department of Social and Health PSAP - Public Safety Answering Point(911
Services answering point)
EAS - Emergency Alert System PW- Public Works
EMCOMM— Emergency Communications RCF— King County Regional Coordination
Team Framework
EMD -Washington State Emergency RCW -Revised Code of Washington
Management Division RHMP— Regional Hazard Mitigation Plan
EMS - Emergency Medical Services SAR - Search and Rescue
EOC - Emergency Operations Center SARA— Superfund Amendments and
ESF - Emergency Support Function Reauthorization Act
FAA - Federal Aviation Administration SBA- Small Business Association
FEMA- Federal Emergency Management SOP - Standard Operating Procedures
Agency TNET—Tahoma Narcotics Enforcement
HHS— Health and Human Services Team
HIVA-- Hazard Identification and UC - Unified Command
Vulnerability Assessment USCG - United States Coast Guard
HSEEP— Homeland Security Exercise and USAR - Urban Search and Rescue
Evaluation Program ValleyCom—Valley Communications
HSOC— Homeland Security Operations Center(local PSAP/911 center)
Center(DHS) VNET—Valley Narcotics Enforcement
HSPD— Homeland Security Presidential Team
Directive VRFA—Valley Regional Fire Authority
IC - Incident Commander WAC -Washington Administrative Code
ICP - Incident Command Post WAMAS—Washington State Mutual Aid
ICS - Incident Command System System
iPAWS— Integrated Public Alert and WMD -Weapons of Mass Destruction
Warning System WSDOT -Washington State Department of
IT— Innovation and Technology Department Transportation
Basic Plan Draft 2019 Revised January 2015 49
City of Auburn Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan
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Revised January 2015 50
City of Auburn Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan
This Appendix is a compilation of references used in the completion of this version of the City of
Auburn Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan. References include City, County, State,
and Federal codes and regulations as well as plans and widely used standards.
Codes and Regulations
City of Auburn
• Auburn City Code 2.75, Emergency Preparedness
• City of Auburn— Ordinance 6088, 2007, Emergency Preparedness
• City of Auburn— Ordinance 6428, 2013. Director of Emergency Management
Washington State
• RCW 10.93, Washington Mutual Aid Peace Officers Power Act
• RCW 35.33.081, Emergency Expenditures— Nondebatable Emergencies
• RCW 35.33.091, Emergency Expenditures—Other Emergencies - Hearing
• RCW 35.33.101, Emergency Warrants
• RCW 35.33.111, Forms—Accounting —Supervision by state
• RCW 35A.38, Emergency Services
• RCW 38.52, Emergency Management
• RCW 38.52.020, Declaration of policy and purpose
• RCW 38.52.070, Local Organization and Joint Local Organizations Authorized —
Establishment, Operation- Emergency Powers, Procedures
• RCW 38.52.110, Use of Existing Services and Facilities— Impressment of Citizenry
• RCW 38.56, Intrastate Mutual Aid System
• RCW 39.34, Interlocal Cooperation Act
• RCW 40.10.010, Essential Records— Designation— List-Security and Protection—
• RCW 42.12, Vacancies
• RCW 42.14, Continuity of Government Act
• RCW 43.21 G, Energy Supply- Emergencies and Alerts
• RCW 43.43, Washington State Patrol - State Fire Service Mobilization Plan
• RCW 47.68.380, Search and Rescue
• RCW 49.60.400, Discrimination, Preferential Treatment Prohibited
• RCW 68.50.010, Coroner's Jurisdiction over Remains
• Section 7 of Article VIII of Washington State Constitution
• WAC 118-04, Emergency Worker Program
• WAC 118-30, Local Emergency Management/Services Organizations, Plans, & Programs
• WAC 296-62, General Occupational Health Standards
• Comprehensive Preparedness Guide 101 —A guide for All-Hazard Emergency Operations
• Public Law 93-288, Disaster Relief Act of 1974, as amended by Public Law 100-707, the
Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act
• Public Law 96-342, Improved Civil Defense Act of 1980, as amended.
• Public Law 99-499, Superfund Amendments & Reauthorization Act(SARA)of 1986, Title III,
Emergency Planning and Community Right to Know
• Superfund Amendments and Re-Authorization Act of 1986 (SARA Title III)
• Title 44, CFR, Section 205.16— Nondiscrimination
Revised January 2015 51
City of Auburn Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan
• National Incident Management System
• Auburn Police Department—Standard Operating Procedures
• City of Auburn Duty Officer Manual
• City of Auburn EOC Manager Manual
• King County Hazard Identification and Vulnerability Assessment
• King County Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan
• King County Regional Disaster Plan
• King County Regional Coordination Framework
• Pierce County Hazard Identification and Vulnerability Assessment
• Pierce County Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan
• Washington State Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan
• Washington State Department of Transportation Disaster Plan
• Washington State Emergency Communication Development Plan
• Washington State Emergency Management Disaster Assistance Guide for Local
• American Red Cross Disaster Plan
• American Red Cross Disaster Services Regulations and Procedures: Survey/Damage
• Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 as amended by the Americans with Disabilities
Amendments Act of 2008, Public Law 110-325
• National Response Framework
• Interstate Mutual Aid Compact
• National Search and Rescue Plan
• Pets Evacuation and Transportation Standards Act of 2006, Public Law 109-308
• Comprehensive Preparedness Guide 101 v2 Guide for All-Hazard Emergency Operations
Revised January 2015 52
City of Auburn Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan
To identify and establish methods of meeting the training and educational needs of City of
Auburn (City) employees responsible for responding to emergencies and for community-wide
educational programs geared at self-preparedness.
The Emergency Manager will be responsible for ensuring that City staff receives training in
specific emergency management skills and related professional development.
Public education programs will be made available upon request, and as resources permit, to all
segments of the community to increase awareness of hazards, explain how best to safely
respond, and promote self-preparedness. The Emergency Management Division will work with
public and private partners to offer the following programs:
• Schools: Information on local hazards and how to prepare for and respond to their
effects will be provided to students, faculty, and school administrators. The development,
standardization, and practice of emergency plans will be encouraged.
• Community Groups: Information on local hazards and how to prepare for and respond to
their effects will be provided to neighborhood and community groups. Those groups will
be encouraged to participate in Community Emergency Response Team (CERT)
programs to build disaster response and organizational skills designed to increase
neighborhood resiliency.
• Businesses and Non-Profits: Information on local hazards and how to prepare for and
respond to their effects will be provided to the business and non-profit communities.
These communities will be encouraged to engage in business resumption and
contingency planning, as well as CERT training.
• City Employees: Information on local hazards and how to prepare for their effects will be
provided to City employees. CERT training (or components of CERT training) will also
be made available to them.
The City will utilize the full-range of exercise types including discussion, tabletop, functional, and
full-scale exercises.
Each City department is responsible for ensuring that their employees are trained in the
concepts of the Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan (CEMP) and in the department-
specific standard operating procedures (SOPs) or COOP Plan. The Emergency Management
Division will regularly offer training on the CEMP and will assist departments in SOP and/or
COOP training.
Every non-temporary City employee and elected official is required to complete ICS 100 (or
G402 for elected officials) and IS 700 training within six months of hire to ensure the City's
continued compliance with NIMS. The Emergency Management Division will offer the courses
as-needed and will assist employees with taking them on-line..
Revised January 2015 53
City of Auburn Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan
Certain City employees are required to complete more advanced levels of NIMS compliant ICS
training. This includes:
• Supervisors: ICS 200
• Mid-Level Managers and designated EOC Section Chiefs: ICS 300 and IS 800,
• Senior Managers/Department Directors, designated Incident Commanders and EOC
Managers: ICS 400
• EOC Section Chiefs/Incident Commands/EOC Managers: FEMA position specific
and/or IEMC training,
Generally, an employee is required to complete each new level of training within 6 months of
being hired or promoted. The Emergency Management Division will identify these employees
and provide them with information on upcoming training opportunities as appropriate. The City
will use outside resources to provide specialized training, if appropriate.
The Emergency Manager, in coordination with the Director of Emergency Management, is
responsible for ensuring that drills and exercises are conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of
the CEMP and to determine future training needs.
A. City of Auburn
1. City Departments
a. Develop SOPs or COOPs that define employees' operational responsibilities during
an emergency or disaster.
b. Provide necessary training, in coordination with the Emergency Management
Division, to enable employees to carry out those responsibilities.
c. Provide input for after-action and corrective action reports.
2. Emergency Management Division
a. In coordination with the Director of Emergency Management and outside agencies
as appropriate, design, conduct, and evaluate drills and exercises to determine the
effectiveness of the City's emergency management programs and employee training.
b. In coordination with all City Departments and outside agencies as appropriate,
coordinate the writing and dissemination of exercise related after-action reports,
including recommended corrective action measures.
c. Design, coordinate, evaluate and report corrective actions in accordance with the
Homeland Security Exercise and Evaluation Program (HSEEP) guidance.
B. Local Organizations
1. Valley Regional Fire Authority(VRFA)
a. As requested, assist the Emergency Management Division in the design,
implementation, and evaluation of drills and exercises to determine the effectiveness
of the City's emergency management programs and to ensure coordination of efforts
during a real event.
Revised January 2015 54
City of Auburn Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan
2. Multicare Auburn Medical Center(MAMC)
a. As requested, assist the Emergency Management Division in the design,
implementation, and evaluation of drills and exercises to determine the effectiveness
of the City's emergency management programs and to ensure coordination of efforts
during a real event.
3. All other support agencies
a. Participate in training and exercises, if requested and as resources allow.
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City of Auburn Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan
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City of Auburn Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan
Nancy Backus Mayor 1
Bill Peloza Deputy Mayor 2
Larry Brown Councilmember 3
Claude DaCorsi Councilmember 4
John Holman Councilmember 5
Largo Wales Councilmember 6
Bob Baggett Councilmember 7
Yolanda Trout-Manuel Councilmember 8
Bill Pierson Police Chief 9
Candice Martinson Director of HR/Risk & Property Mgt 10
Shelley Coleman Finance Director 11
David Travis IT Director 12
Steve Gross City Attorney 13
Ingrid Gaub Public Works Director 14
Daryl Faber Parks, Arts & Recreation Director 15
Jeff Tate Community Development Director, Planning 16
Jerry Thorson Emergency Management[EMC] 17
Tyler Turner Emergency Management 18
EM Office Emergency Management 19
Randy Bailey PW Asst. Director, M&O [EMC] 20
Tim Mensonides PW Airport Manager 21
Jacob Sweeting PW Asst. Director, Engineering [EMC] 22
Jeff Dixon Planning Manager[EMC] 23
Aaron Barber Emp. Rel/Compensation Mgr. [EMC] 24
Joy Scott Community Services Manager 25
Jason Krum Development Services Manager Division 26
Jamie Douglas Police Commander[EMC] 27
Brian Petty Recreation Manager[EMC] 28
Colin Schmalz Support Specialist[EMC] 29
Kalyn Brady Communications/multimedia /Marketing 30
Bob Brooks Financial Planning Manager[EMC] 31
Nick Lettiere Parks Maintenance Manager[EMC] 32
Dana Hinman Director of Administration/EM Director 33
Lisa Moore Facilities Manager 34
Radine Lozier Senior Center Supervisor 35
Chris James Police Records Manager 36
Dave Larberg VRFA 37
EOC Emergency Management 38
EOC Emergency Management 39
Jamie Kelly Parks Planning Development Manager 40
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City of Auburn Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan
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City of Auburn Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan
LEAD: Public Works
SUPPORT: City: Innovation &Technology (GIS)
Parks, Arts, and Recreation
Emergency Management
Local: Auburn School District
County: King County Transportation
Pierce County Transportation
King County Metro Transit
Sound Transit
State: Washington State Department of Transportation
Washington State Emergency Management Division
A. Purpose
1. To provide guidance and direction to ensure effective coordination and utilization of the
transportation system during emergency situations.
2. To provide identification of emergency transportation routes for the movement of people
and materials.
3. To provide for the coordinated evacuation of the population from an area of high risk in
the event of a threatened hazard.
B. Scope
This Emergency Support Function (ESF) addresses emergency transportation issues
including capabilities, routes, and resources needed for the ability to deliver relief services,
supplies, and the ability to move people.
The Transportation Coordinator in the Emergency Operations Center(EOC), with assistance
from internal departments and outside support agencies, has primary responsibility to
coordinate emergency transportation activities within the City of Auburn.
The King and Pierce County Regional Hazard Identification and Vulnerability Analysis
identifies the natural and technological emergencies or disasters the City of Auburn may
experience that could severely damage the transportation systems. Specific hazards of note
that would affect transportation infrastructure include earthquake (direct damage), Iahar
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(direct damage), windstorm (debris blocking roads), winter storms (making roads
impassable), flooding (direct damage, debris deposits, or impassable roads). Local
transportation systems and activities could be hampered by damaged infrastructures and
disrupted communications.
A. The Public Works Department(PW)will provide a representative to the EOC who will serve
as Transportation Coordinator. This will generally be an employee from the Engineering
B. The Transportation Coordinator will coordinate transportation activities within the City.
C. Transportation infrastructure may sustain significant damage in a disaster. The damage will
influence the means and accessibility level for relief services and supplies. Previously
inspected structures may require re-evaluation if subsequent events occur after the initial
D. Disaster responses which require transportation capacity may be difficult to coordinate
effectively immediately following an emergency or disaster.
E. The requirement for transportation capacity during the immediate lifesaving response phase
may exceed the availability of City readily obtained assets.
F. Where the local ground, water, or air transportation systems have been severely disabled,
local political subdivisions (cities and counties)will act to restore transportation systems and
equipment on a priority basis.
G. Metro Transit, Sound Transit, and the Auburn School District may, subject to the conditions
of the incident and availability of operators and equipment, support emergency operations
with buses, vans, or trains upon request of the City.
H. A navigable and functioning airport is essential to response and recovery operations.
A. The PW Department will provide damage assessment of streets, overpasses,
pedestrian/bicycle routes, traffic signals, and other transportation facilities. The department
will provide for emergency repair and restoration of city-owned transportation facilities and
coordinate the repair of facilities owned by other agencies that are essential to the
functioning of the City's transportation network.
B. As the extent and transportation needs resulting from an emergency or disaster are
identified, the Transportation Coordinator, in conjunction with PW Department, will identify
the most efficient and effective method of operating the transportation system to
appropriately respond to the emergency or disaster.
C. If local capabilities in meeting transportation needs are exceeded, additional resources or
assistance may be obtained through existing mutual aid agreements and/or contracts
through private vendors. Requests for additional assistance should be coordinated through
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the Transportation Coordinator.
A. City of Auburn
1. All City Departments
a. Designated staff report to the EOC for duty
b. Notify EOC of observed and reported damage to the transportation system.
c. Provide transportation resources and support, as requested and available.
d. Maintain accurate records of all personnel and equipment usage time to facilitate
e. Support recovery efforts as identified in the SOPs.
f. Support appropriate local, State, and Federal agencies as conditions warrant and
within the realm of local plans and procedures.
g. Provide situation and status reports, as requested.
h. Participate in debriefing and critiques organized by the Emergency Management
Division or individual City departments.
2. Public Works Department
a. Develop policies and procedures to ensure delivery of adequate fuel sources for City
resources during an event, and arrange for delivery of emergency fuel sources.
b. Maintain an inventory of equipment (signs, barricades, paints, etc.) that is readily
available to be used to respond to road closures and detour route marking in the
case of an emergency or disaster.
c. Maintain a list of transportation assets owned by the City (buses, vans, etc.) and
organizations with which the City has mutual aid agreements, as well as
organizations that might have transportation assets available to the City for use
during an emergency or disaster.
d. Establish a system for dispatching and tracking repair crews and equipment hours of
e. Provide a representative to serve as the Transportation Coordinator in the EOC.
f. Coordinate operational strategies with county and state transportation systems to
ensure an integrated approach to transportation issues.
g. Immediately notify the EOC of partial or total road closures and detours.
h. Place signs, barricades, and traffic control devices, as needed, to promote orderly
traffic flow and protect the public from unsafe conditions.
i. Coordinate assessment and reporting of damage to streets, bridges, and other
transportation routes.
j. Select detour routes and make appropriate changes to traffic control devices to
improve the safety and efficiency of the transportation network.
k. Provide for the safe and effective operation of streets and walkways through debris
I. Conduct minor street and structure repair as directed by PW DOC or the EOC.
m. Decide when to re-open closed roads and coordinate activities necessary to
accomplish this.
n. Request additional resources or assistance through mutual aid agreements, existing
contracts, or the EOC.
o. Arrange for needed City vehicle maintenance and support.
p. Conduct detailed assessment of all streets, bridges, and other transportation routes.
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q. Develop a list of all damaged transportation facilities, establish priorities, and
estimate repair costs.
r. Coordinate the return of the transportation system to normal operations.
s. Coordinate debris removal and repairs of infrastructure to provisionally restore airport
operations at Auburn Municipal Airport.
t. Report airport damage assessment and operational status to the Public Works DOC.
u. Ensure priority aircraft flights continue to operate, subject to safety procedures in and
out of Auburn Municipal Airport.
v. Provide airport facilities and space for an emergency or disaster staging area as
3. Innovation &Technology— GIS Division
a. Work with PW Department to determine types of maps needed during an event.
b. Ensure that the EOC is supplied with current paper maps related to transportation;
coordinate the number, type, and geographic section with the transportation section
of the CDPW Department. Maps will be printed and stored at the PW DOC as well
as the EOC.
c. Ensure that electronic maps related to transportation are kept updated and readily
available for emergency purposes.
d. Create and print additional maps as directed by the Transportation Coordinator
during an event.
e. Update existing maps to reflect any permanent changes to the transportation system
that resulted from the event.
4. Parks Department
a. Coordinate with the PW Department to supplement their work force during an event.
b. In coordination with the PW Department, provide for the safe and effective operation
of streets and walkways through debris removal.
5. Police Department
a. Coordinate with the PW Department to identify emergency routes and alternate
methods of transportation to be used during an emergency
b. Report transportation infrastructure damage to the EOC.
c. Provide support for traffic control.
d. Request placement of traffic control devices to affect orderly traffic flow.
e. Recommend detour routes.
f. Coordinate with the Transportation Coordinator to assist in re-opening of closed
6. Emergency Management Division
a. Develop plans and agreements to utilize transportation assets belonging to outside
b. Facilitate resource inventory and tracking systems.
c. Conduct public education campaigns to alert residents of emergency transportation
and evacuation routes.
d. Ensure that EOC staff has access to resources necessary to perform transportation
e. Compile information on personnel and equipment usage to be used for
reimbursement purposes.
f. Assist in locating funding sources for transportation infrastructure repair and/or
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B. Local Organizations
1. Auburn School District
a. Provide a representative to the EOC, if requested and as resources allow.
b. Coordinate with the EOC for the provision of school district transportation assets to
assist in meeting emergency transportation needs, as resources allow.
2. King and Pierce County Transportation Departments
a. Coordinate county-wide transportation route recovery projects with affected agencies
and jurisdictions.
b. Provide support to the City in re-opening transportation routes.
c. Provide information to the City on closed routes outside the City limits that may
impact City transportation needs.
3. Regional Transit Agencies (King County Metro, Sound Transit, and Pierce Transit)
Provide a representative to the EOC, if requested and as resources allow.
Coordinate with the EOC for the provision of agency assets to assist in meeting
emergency transportation needs, as resources allow.
4. Washington State Department of Transportation
a. Coordinate repair and recovery projects on state maintained highways.
b. Provide information to the City on closed routes that may impact City transportation
5. Washington State Emergency Management Division
Coordinate State and Federal response for transportation assistance, if requested by
local or county government.
Resource needs may include: fleet, buses, and vans for moving individuals or animals; fleet
repair vehicles, equipment and operators for clearing lifeline routes; movement of supplies and
resources; and providing transportation access to critical facilities.
1. City of Auburn Duty Officer Manual
2. City of Auburn EOC Manager Manual
3. King County Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan
4. King County Regional Coordination Framework
5. Pierce County Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan
6. Washington State Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan
7. Washington State Department of Transportation Disaster Plan
8. National Response Framework
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City of Auburn Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan
1. City of Auburn Evacuation Plan
a. Pre-Printed Evacuation Instructions
2. City of Auburn Snow and Ice Routes Map
3. City of Auburn Lahar Evacuation Map
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City of Auburn Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan
Attachment 1: City of Auburn Evacuation Plan
A. Purpose of Plan
The purpose of the Evacuation Annex is to provide the guidelines necessary for the City of
Auburn to conduct an organized and efficient evacuation of all, or part, of the City
The plan is not meant to identify routes for evacuation, but is meant to provide the
information, tools and guidelines that officials will need in the event the City of Auburn (City)
orders an evacuation.
This plan will rely on the City's Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan (CEMP) for
establishing command structure, identification of resources, and coordination protocol
between neighboring jurisdictions and other levels of government.
B. Scope
This Evacuation Plan is specific to the City of Auburn. This plan is designed to be a subset
of the City's Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan (CEMP), which is designed to
work in concert with the emergency management plans of both King and Pierce Counties,
as well as the State of Washington and the National Response Framework (NRF). The
City's CEMP defines the geographic scope and population of the City which must be
considered in an evacuation. All issues not specifically addressed in this plan will be found
in the CEMP in the appropriate ESF.
C. Authorities
This plan is developed under the authorities of the local, state, and federal statutes and
regulations that are listed in the CEMP.
A. Regulatory issues in State of Washington relevant to conducting an evacuation:
1. The City is responsible for evacuations that occur within the City limits and may only issue
an evacuation order after the Mayor or his/her designee has proclaimed a civil
2. King and Pierce County Emergency Management will support the City with carrying out
evacuation and sheltering activities.
3. King and Pierce County Emergency Management will coordinate with federal, state,
volunteer and private agencies, however, primarily coordination is the responsibility of the
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B. Local Parameters
Localized site-evacuations due to small incidents will be handled using the Incident
Command System as outlined in the CEMP. The Incident Commander is authorized to take
measures designed to protect lives and does not require a Mayor's proclamation to do so.
C. Local Limitations
It is assumed that in cases of large-scale evacuation, City resources will rapidly become
overwhelmed. It is likely that assistance will be required from all surrounding jurisdictions
and this assistance will need to be coordinated at the Zone or County level.
It is assumed that the City will issue notices of evacuation areas and provide final
destination locations when possible, but will not force those to leave who refuse.
All evacuation announcements, notices and related information will be provided in English.
The City owns limited wheel-chair accessible vehicles. In an evacuation scenario with
suitable notice, the City will rely upon mutual aid agreements, including the King County
Regional Coordination Framework, to procure suitable transportation for all those who need
to leave the area. For short notice events, such as a lahar, it will not be possible to call upon
those agreements due to the extremely compressed time-frame and the influx of traffic
fleeing the lahar path from the south. Residents, workers, or other people or groups that
cannot assist themselves will only receive assistance from the City if resources are
available, which is not likely in a lahar scenario. Schools, nursing homes, and other facilities
with large numbers of people and limited transportation must plan for their own
transportation in case of an evacuation in this scenario.
Coordination of security in evacuated areas is the responsibility of the Auburn Police
Department and may be conducted by APD, by police agencies responding under mutual
aid, by private security under contract, or by requested military forces, and will be
accomplished at a level deemed appropriate under the circumstances at the time. Given that
evacuation orders are only given when a hazard presents a threat to life safety, it is unlikely
that evacuated areas will be actively patrolled since it is the City's policy not to put the lives
of first responders in jeopardy to protect property. Security in evacuated areas will primarily
consist of limiting or blocking access to the evacuated areas until such time as a reentry
process is established. When a re-entry process is established, those tasked with security
will follow the process set forward by the Incident Commander.
A. All hazards
All known hazards have been identified in the King and Pierce County Regional Hazard
Mitigation Plans (RHMP). This annex is designed in such a way as to be usable for all types
of hazards.
B. Likely hazards of note for jurisdiction
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City of Auburn Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan
Auburn's portion of the King County Regional Hazard Mitigation Plan highlights the hazards
that are more likely to occur within Auburn. Among the most significant with the potential for
evacuation are lahar, flood, and hazardous materials incidents.
Evacuation operations occur in four stages: 1) Evacuation of the population; 2) Support of
mobile (passing through) evacuees; 3) Reception of evacuees and; 4) Support of agencies
performing 1-3. Local government is responsible for the development of a plan to evacuate and
provide mass care services for the public in the event of an emergency. Local government will
perform one or more of the functions listed above. The Counties and State will assist in this
effort, however the majority of resources will initially come from local jurisdictions.
King and Pierce County Offices of Emergency Management, as well as the Washington State
EOC, will support local government units with carrying out evacuation and sheltering activities,
however the responsibility to request and utilize resources rests with the local government unit,
in this case the City.
At the local level, four types of evacuations have been defined. They are:
1. Site Evacuation:
A small-scale localized evacuation may be needed as a result of a severe weather
event, hazardous materials incident, major fire, bomb threat, or civil disturbance. Site
evacuation involves a small number of people. This typically includes workers at the site
and people from adjacent occupancies or areas. The people are easily evacuated and
collected upwind or outside the hazard zone. Evacuation holding times are typically
short, generally less than an hour or two, and people are permitted to return to their
businesses or homes.
2. Intermediate Level Evacuation
Intermediate level involves a larger number of people and a larger area. This level
effects homes and businesses away from the initial incident area, however still generally
effects less than 100 people. People may remain out of the area for two to four hours or
longer. Evacuation completion times will be somewhat longer than a site evacuation but
generally rapid. Collecting, documenting, and controlling the evacuees becomes more
difficult. Off-site collection sites or shelter areas will need to be determined and
managed. Some evacuees will leave the area on their own or at the direction of their
employers. Site perimeters become larger and perimeter security requires more
resources. Close coordination between involved departments and agencies will be
required. The EOC may be activated to support incident activities, as the situation
3. Large Scale Evacuation
Large scale evacuation could be required in the event of a significant natural or
technological disaster or a terrorist threat or attack. Thousands of people could
potentially be evacuated and rapid initiation of the evacuation process may be required.
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Evacuees may be out of their homes and businesses for many hours or days.
Evacuation completion time frames will be extended. Evacuation shelters and dormitory
style shelters will need to be located, opened, and managed, either by the City of Auburn
or by supporting cities. Documentation and tracking of evacuees will become more
important and more difficult. Close coordination with all responding agencies will become
more critical. Evacuation sites and perimeters will become extended and require many
more resources to maintain. Security of the evacuated area will become a larger
concern. The EOC will be activated to support the incident activities.
4. Mass Evacuation
Mass evacuation could be required due to an event that has, or may cause, a major
disaster in the City of Auburn and/or the surrounding area. The situation may require the
implementation of regional, multi-jurisdictional evacuation and sheltering operations,
utilizing mutual aid agreements and the King County Regional Coordination Framework
(RCF). Entire portions of the City may need to be evacuated for an extended period of
time. Large-scale reception operations would be required and sheltering needs would be
regional in nature. Local resources will not only be part of the evacuating population, but
will also be almost immediately exhausted. Significant regional, state, and federal
assistance will likely be required to support evacuation and sheltering operations.
The sequence of an evacuation can be divided into six phases in the following order:
1. Incident Analysis
2. Warning
3. Preparation to Move
4. Movement and En-Route Support
5. Reception and Support
6. Return
Within each of these phases different steps may occur. This portion of the plan identifies tools
and resources that could be utilized in an emergency evacuation situation. It is likely that some,
but not all, of these tools would be used and the Incident Commander will direct the
development of specific evacuation plans and routes at the time of the emergency, specific to
the hazards known at the time of the event. However, some evacuations are predictable and
can be planned in advance (dam breaks, lahars, some floods, etc). Where a known hazard
exists that can be adequately planned for, evacuation areas and routes will be planned in
advance to the greatest extent possible and made available both to the public and to City
officials and responders.
The following pages detail the responsibilities of each ICS section for each of the six evacuation
A. Incident Analysis
1. Command
Decisions to evacuate will be made on a case-by-case basis, except in response to
known hazards such as dam breaks and lahars. The decision to evacuate will depend
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entirely upon the nature, scope, and severity of the emergency. Other factors to consider
are the number of people affected, the actions necessary to protect the public, and the
length of time available in which to effect evacuation. Those decisions may be made
singularly or jointly by the on-scene Incident Commander(s), the Emergency
Management Director, or the Mayor. Though it is preferable to have an evacuation order
signed by the Mayor(or designee)for any evacuation larger than a "Site Evacuation",
the safety of the public is our foremost concern and evacuations that are necessary to
immediately protect lives will not be delayed due to the lack of such an order.
There are three types of evacuation notices:
Evacuation Alert
This alert is issued when it is believed that a hazard has a high probability of posing a
significant threat to people living in an area of risk. People and businesses are
encouraged to prepare to leave the danger area, however the decision to evacuate will
be in the hands of the individuals. This type of alert might be used when it appears that a
flood event is probable but is still 72 hours away from occurring.
Evacuation Request or Warning
This evacuation order is issued when it is believed that though the possibility of a hazard
is high, the potential impact is low to moderate. Again, the decision to evacuate is solely
the responsibility of the individuals. This type of notification might be used when it
appears that a flood event is highly probably but is still 48 hours away from occurring.
Mandatory Evacuation Order
A mandatory evacuation order is issued when it is believed that both the probability and
impact of a hazard are high and that the lives of the public, and any responders
attempting to assist them, will be at grave risk. Though ultimately the decision to
evacuate still rests with the individual, those who choose not to heed the order will,
whenever possible, be warned that the availability of emergency responders to assist
them will be severely hampered or non-existent. Whenever possible, responders will
utilize the guidelines contained in ESF 2: Communications and Warning for gathering
information from residents who refuse to leave. It is understood that the City of Auburn
will not dedicate resources to force the evacuation of those who refuse to leave, even if
doing so will save their lives. Resources will be dedicated to assisting in the safe
evacuation of those who voluntarily leave. This order might be used when flooding is
projected to occur within the next 24 hours or is occurring now.
2. Operations
The Field Incident Commander will be responsible for assessing the situation and
performing the following tasks as necessary:
• Conduct rapid size-up and determine the need to evacuate
• Determine initial evacuation boundaries
• Appropriately staff the command post and field ICS organization
• Order the alert of outside agencies and departments
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• Provide the EM Director and/or EOC Manager with pertinent details and current
3. Planning
The Planning Section will gather information on current conditions, projected conditions,
and any additional hazards and re-evaluate the initial evacuation area, recommending
any necessary adjustments.
4. Logistics
The Logistics Section will provide for all requested logistical needs and will look ahead to
identify future resources needs and availability (based on information provided by the
Planning Section).
5. Finance
The Finance Section will ensure compliance with existing disaster financial policies,
make recommendations for emergency policies, and establish administrative controls to
manage the expenditure of funds, provide reasonable accountability, and secure
necessary documentation for bill payment and reimbursement requests. They also assist
the Logistics Section with purchasing and acquisition needs.
B. Warning and Notification
The decision to evacuate must be carefully considered with the timing and nature of the
incident. Some incidents, such as a White River lahar, will trigger immediate evacuation
notices and movement. Other incidents will require a much more organized and supervised
effort to relocate people. Although evacuation is an effective means of moving people out of
a hazard area, anything larger than a site evacuation should be considered a measure of
last resort due to its complexity and the stress it puts on both the public and responders.
1. Command
The decision to evacuate, warn, and notify rests with the Incident Commander or
Emergency Management Director. Whenever feasible, this decision will be made in
conjunction with the Mayor or designee. Lives will not be put in jeopardy however
awaiting confirmation of such order from a higher authority. A PIO will be added to the
Command Staff if not already assigned in order to facilitate Communications, Warning,
and Public Information requirements.
2. Operations
Once the decision to evacuate has been made, notifications will be made utilizing the
process and procedures outlined in ESF 2, including the Field Warning/Evacuation
instructions contained in ESF 2 Attachment 2 and CodeRed usage outlined in
Attachment 3. Instructions will be provided in an appropriate manner utilizing the format
contained in ESF 1 Attachment 1 "Public Pre-Printed Evacuation Instructions". Public
notifications will also be made in accordance with ESF 15.
Door-to-door or neighborhood evacuation instructions will be determined based on the
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"most good for the most number" philosophy, recognizing that there may not be sufficient
time or personnel to reach every single person. It is important to note that in case of a
lahar, which leaves a potential 90 minute window in which to evacuate the valley floor, it
will not be possible to perform any notifications other than mass media and CodeRed.
City personnel efforts will be concentrated on removing personnel and equipment from
harm's way in order to safeguard our ability to assist those in need after the event
3. Planning
The Planning Section will be responsible for all planning associated with the evacuation,
including identification of alternate routes and planning for re-entry.
4. Logistics and Finance
Refer to responsibilities listed in the "Incident Analysis" section.
C. Preparation to Move
The third phase in the evacuation function is to prepare to move those in the affected area.
To successfully implement a large-scale evacuation, it is essential that all affected
communities, regions, and the state work together prior to and during the evacuation
process. An effective evacuation is closely dependent upon the provision and coordination
of evacuation information and instructions.
1. Command
Once the decision has been made to evacuate, the Incident Commander or Emergency
Management Director will direct personnel to carry out the necessary activities and to
determine whether Unified Command with other organizations is necessary. Command
will also have the responsibility for approving the evacuation plan.
2. Operations
The actual evacuation process will typically be managed and executed by the
Operations Section, as an Evacuation Branch, upon receipt of an evacuation plan
approved by the Incident Commander. Other ICS Branches will be implemented as
needed. Groups within the Evacuation Branch may include, but are not limited to:
Transportation, Public Information, Police, Staging, Reception, and Shelter.
3. Planning
The Planning Section will be responsible for all evacuation planning for which pre-plans
do not exist, in coordination with the transportation coordinator, and all involved
departments and agencies. Any evacuation plan will be approved by the Incident
Commander prior to implementation. This implementation requires careful coordination
with the on-scene incident commander(s). Evacuation planning considerations include,
but are not limited to:
a. Command structure: single jurisdiction, multiple jurisdictions (Unified Command), or
large area (Area Command).
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b. Communications needs and availability. Whenever possible, evacuation operations
will be conducted on separate channels from response operations and routine traffic.
c. Implementation of a building marking/recording system that incorporates three
designations: 1) Occupants have been informed and will evacuate; 2) Occupants
notified but refused to evacuate; and 3) Notification attempted but no occupant
available to receive (information should be posted on doors in that event).
d. Need for a mobile command post
e. Procedures for security and admission to restricted areas
f. Procedures for identifying those with authority to travel in restricted areas
(emergency vehicles, essential personnel, etc.)
g. Number of buildings to be notified and number of personnel needed to conduct
notification in a given time period
h. Availability and issuance of personal protective equipment and devices when
i. Ability to shelter-in-place versus evacuation as appropriate and ability to convey such
information to building occupants.
j. Ability to brief all incident personnel on evacuation or shelter-in-place procedures,
building marking/recording system, and critical life safety information.
k. Criteria that must be met before re-entry will be allowed and identification that must
be provided by occupants before they will be allowed to re-enter the impacted area.
I. Availability of neighboring jurisdiction, regional disaster plan, county, state, and
federal assets to assist in evacuation.
4. Logistics and Finance
Refer to responsibilities listed in the "Incident Analysis" section.
D. Movement and En-route Support
Transportation to evacuation and sheltering locations remains primarily the responsibility of
individuals ; however the City will assist with transportation to the extent it is able.
1. Command
Command responsibilities remain the same as in the previous section.
2. Operations
If outside transportation assets are available for large scale evacuations, transportation
pick-up points will be established for those who do not have their own transportation.
Pick-up points must be sufficiently large to accommodate the anticipated number of
evacuees and transportation assets and must be easy for evacuees to find. Staging
areas will be established to organize and direct any incoming transportation assets and
to route them to the appropriate pick-up and drop-off locations. Whenever possible,
evacuees will be informed of their destination prior to boarding provided transportation.
Depending upon the situation, law enforcement assets may need to be utilized as
escorts for transportation in order to move people from pick-up points to evacuation or
shelter sites. These escorts can also provide necessary communication between the
transportation assets and Incident Command. If escorts are not used, it is imperative that
some reliable method of communication be established between the transportation
assets and Incident Command.
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Evacuation routes must be coordinated with outside jurisdictions and agencies whenever
jurisdictional boundaries are crossed. This coordination may be long-term in nature.
Efficient and rapid communication between all impacted jurisdictions is essential.
3. Planning
The most likely area of Auburn to require evacuation is the valley floor. There are limited
transportation routes available for evacuation from the valley floor to higher ground. Not
only are there a limited number of routes, the majority of the routes also have limited
capacity, due to their being two-lane roads. Several State routes run through and near
the City and every effort must be made to coordinate usage with the State and other
impacted jurisdictions. The primary form of transportation out of the hazard area will be
private vehicles owned and operated by the evacuating public, even in instances such
as a lahar where people are specifically told to walk out of the area. Additional modes of
transportation should be identified by the Planning Section to accommodate those who
do not have their own transportation.
The City of Auburn owns very limited transportation assets. Through the Regional
Coordination Framework the City has access to Auburn School District, Sound Transit,
Pierce Transit, and King County Metro busses, as well as other assets. Activation of
those assets is time consuming and potentially costly. It is not reasonable to believe
those assets would be available with short-notice; however they would likely be within a
matter of hours, assuming the event is localized. If the event is more regional in nature,
the assets available to the City of Auburn may be limited or non-existent.
Before announcing evacuation routes to the public, it is critical to determine evacuation
and/or shelter points as well, so that people have a destination in mind when they
evacuate. If these evacuation or shelter points are located outside the City, maps will
need to be provided or evacuation routes will need to be well marked. Traffic conditions
along evacuation routes need to be monitored and adjustments made as necessary to
maximize throughput.
4. Logistics and Finance
Refer to responsibilities listed in the "Incident Analysis" section.
E. Reception and Support
The requirements for mass care support will vary depending upon the nature, type, and level
of the evacuation and event. If evacuation points are utilized, they will be operated as "safe
zones" where water, restrooms, and ample parking are made available when possible. The
majority of services required for Reception and Support are covered under ESF 6: Mass
1. Command
The high demand for mass care support during a large-scale evacuation will likely
necessitate partnerships between a variety of government, non-profit, and even private
organizations. Guidelines for this can be found in ESF #6. Command will need to ensure
ESF#1 - Transportation Revised January 2015 73
City of Auburn Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan
appropriate Liaisons are setup between all involved agencies.
2. Operations
The Operations Section will be responsible for obtaining and coordinating staffing at any
shelters activated within the City limits, according to the guidelines in ESF #6. All shelter
locations, whether `official" or"unofficial" must be reported to the Planning Section for
accurate tracking.
3. Planning
The City is responsible for providing shelters, shelter staffing, and shelter supplies within
the City limits to the extent that it can do so. These efforts may be supplemented by the
American Red Cross, Salvation Army, and a variety of other non-profit and private
organizations. It will likely take several days before those resources arrive and can be
utilized, particularly in the event of a large-scale disaster. The Planning Section must
take these factors into account when preparing plans for reception and support. Refer to
the ESF #6 Shelter typing list for specific types of shelters that may be needed and their
individual requirements.
4. Logistics and Finance
Refer to responsibilities listed in the "Incident Analysis" section.
F. Return
1. Command
The decision to return evacuees to their homes rests with the Incident Commander or
Emergency Management Director. No other agency or individual may authorize mass
reentry, however all relevant decision-makers will be included in the process and all
relevant information will be utilized.
2. Operations
If re-entry is to be restricted or partial, the Operations Section must have procedures in
place to properly identify residents, support personnel, first responders, contractors,
insurance adjusters, media, and others who have legitimate reasons to be in the
previously closed area. Staffing for re-entry points must be obtained, including additional
law enforcement personnel if necessary. Transportation may need to be provided for
those who were transported out of the area initially. The Incident Commander will be
responsible for determining when re-entry has been completed and making appropriate
notifications. At this point, Operations may become primarily a human services oriented
section and appropriate staff must be added to provide those services and related
3. Planning
The Planning Section will develop the re-entry plan in conjunction with all involved
sections, departments, and agencies. Re-entry priorities include:
ESF#1 - Transportation Revised January 2015 74
City of Auburn Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan
• Life Safety
• Physical Security
• Damage Assessment
• Service Restoration
• Information Dissemination
Prior to re-entry being allowed, the closed area must be thoroughly inspected and
analyzed to ensure the safety of returning residents. The assessment should include, but
not be limited to:
• Structures and trees are stable (or unstable ones are clearly tagged out)
• Initial damage and safety assessments have been completed
• Leaking or ruptured gas lines have been capped or repaired
• Downed power and other utility lines have been repair or do not pose a safety hazard
• Water and sewer lines have been repaired
• Search and rescue operations are complete
• Hazardous materials have been removed or appropriate warnings issued
• City water is safe to drink or appropriated notices have been made (boil water
orders, etc.)
• Major transportation routes are passable and debris has been cleared from right-of-
• Flood waters have receded
• All significant threats to public safety have been eliminated or mitigated
The public will be notified of re-entry status using the communications methods identified
in ESF #2 and ESF #15.
4. Logistics and Finance
Refer to responsibilities listed in the "Incident Analysis" section.
This plan should serve as a guidance document for the City of Auburn, in conjunction with the
CEMP, for dealing with evacuation emergencies. Resource Management
Evacuations can be resource-intensive. General guidelines exist, within this plan and
elsewhere, on the types and numbers of resources necessary to conduct an evacuation. The
resources needed will depend on a variety of factors, including incident size, location, time of
day, and others. The City has available to it additional resources via the King County Regional
Coordination Framework and other mutual aid agreements. Resources will be managed in such
a way that unused/unneeded resources will not be retained, but instead will be made available
to other jurisdictions that may need them.
A. Supportive Agreements
Nearly any medium or large scale evacuation will initially overwhelm the City's available
resources. Large incidents may overwhelm available resources for several days or longer.
ESF#1 - Transportation Revised January 2015 75
City of Auburn Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan
The City, through the previously mentioned agreements, may reach out to neighboring
jurisdictions, counties, the state, non-profit organizations, and the private sector to obtain
needed personnel, technical assistance, and supplies.
B. Emergency Funding Mechanisms
The need for additional resources is likely to put extreme strain on existing City funds.
Though in a major disaster, federal assistance is likely; funds must first be expended locally
and then reimbursed by the federal government. There is no guaranteed timeline for when
that reimbursement will take place. All agreements and understandings entered into for the
purchase, lease, or use of equipment and services will be in accordance with the provisions
of Auburn Municipal Code and procedures. A declaration of emergency by the Mayor, or
designee, may suspend select rules and regulations; however, it is critical that the City
Finance Department, either in their capacity as Finance Section or in daily operations, be
involved in major purchase issues to ensure adequate funds exist to pay for them. Any
changes or special procedures the Finance Section puts in to place during an emergency
must be clearly communicated to the Emergency Management Director, Incident
Commander, EOC Manager, and others who may have spending authority. It is critical that
all expenditures, finance procedure changes, and other finance related matters be
thoroughly documented in order to seek reimbursement from the federal government should
it become available.
C. Post-Incident After Action Reports
The City recognizes the value of conducting a debriefing of those parties involved in disaster
incidents. This allows for review of how the evacuation was executed and helps to illustrate
what can be done to better prepare the City for the next event. Debriefings and after-action
reports will be conducted after every significant evacuation event.
Planning is an on-going process. As a result, this document is likely to change and adapt in
order to reflect growth and change within the City. As part of the City's CEMP, this plan will be
reviewed annually and updated per state requirements. The process for review and
maintenance will follow that of the CEMP.
On-going training and exercises based on this plan will ensure that new hazards and changes in
the City can be addressed. This plan will be trained and exercised in conjunction with the
CEMP, following the procedures put forth in that document.
Transportation Resource List
Evacuation Maps (based on known hazards and prepared by GIS)
ESF#1 - Transportation Revised January 2015 76
City of Auburn Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan
Attachment 1-a: Public Pre-Printed Evacuation Instructions
Whenever an emergency has the possibility of becoming life threatening you may be asked to
prepare for an evacuation.
When you are directed to evacuate, take the following steps:
1. Stay calm —gather your family
2. Gather only what you need
a. This leaflet
b. Maps of the area
c. Pets and pet supplies
d. Extra clothing and blankets
e. Eyeglasses, dentures, prescriptions, other medications, and a first aid kit
f. Supplies to care for your children or elderly household members
g. Portable radio or TV, flashlight, fresh batteries
h. Checkbook, credit cards, cash
i. Driver's license, and/or other identification
3. Your children in school will be taken to the evacuation center/shelter for their school area
and the school will make arrangements for you to be reunited with them. Please do not
go to the school until requested to do so.
4. Turn off your appliances and lights and lock your doors on the way out.
5. Be prepared to walk to safety depending on the nature of the emergency.
6. Do not use more than one car for your family. Take neighbors who need a ride.
7. Tune radio to any news radio station (such as KOMO 1000 AM or KIRO 97.3 FM)for
emergency information and 1700 AM for information specific to the City of Auburn.
8. Follow the directions of officials who may be stationed along emergency routes. They
are there to make the evacuation safe for everyone.
9. IF YOU CHOOSE NOT TO EVACUATE, please realize that emergency responders may
not be able to reach you for several days, or even weeks. You should prominently
display your name and other vital statistics, along with next of kin information,
somewhere on your person or securely attached to your residence. This will assist
officials in identifying you should you die during the event.
ESF#1 - Transportation Revised January 2015 77
City of Auburn Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan
Attachment 2: Snow and Ice Routes
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ESF#1 - Transportation Revised January 2015 78
City of Auburn Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan
Attachment 3: Lahar Evacuation Routes
Emergency Evacuation Zones with Routes
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ESF#1 - Transportation Revised January 2015 79
City of Auburn Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan
Emergency Management (Warning)
SUPPORT: City: Police
Public Works
Innovation &Technology (Communications)
Local: ValleyCom
Valley Regional Fire Authority
County: King County Emergency Operations Center
Pierce County OEM
State: Washington State Emergency Management Division
A. Purpose
1. To provide for and maintain a communications system to ensure the efficient flow of
information during emergency or disaster operations in the City of Auburn.
2. To provide or supplement alerting and warning of an impending or occurring emergency
or disaster to key officials and the public.
B. Scope
1. This ESF addresses all communication and warning assets available to the City,
including, but not limited to AM radio, 2-way public safety radio, 911, voice and data
links, telephone and cellular systems, National Warning System (NAWAS), Emergency
Alert System (EAS), iPAWS, NOAA Weather Radios, amateur radio, TV21, CodeRed,
Internet resources, and others.
2. This ESF specifically does not address Amber Alert procedures, as those are the
responsibility of the Auburn Police Department (APD) and are covered under APD
listed ESF 2 can be utilized to rebroadcast an Amber Alert issued by Auburn Police,
however the issuance of the alert itself is outside the scope of this ESF.
A. It is the policy of the City to develop a hazard warning system supplemental to, not
substituting for, the warning systems provided by county, state, and federal agencies and
local media. Moreover, residents are anticipated to be aware of any hazardous situation for
which there is significant media attention, such as severe weather or flooding.
Consequently, and supplemental to information being provided by other sources, the City
ESF#2— Communications and Warning Revised January 2015 80
City of Auburn Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan
will attempt to make a reasonable effort to warn the public of hazardous situations that could
result in an increased risk to the community. The reasonableness of the effort will depend on
the nature of the hazard, when emergency management officials are made aware of a
hazardous situation, the quality and quantity of information available, communications and
warning resources available, media attention, and other situationally dependent factors.
1. In accordance with RCW 38.52.110, in responding to an emergency or disaster, or the
threat of emergency or disaster, the Mayor or Director of Emergency Management or
their designee "are directed to utilize the services, equipment, supplies, and facilities of
existing departments, officers, and agencies of the state, political subdivisions, and all
other municipal corporations thereof including, but not limited to, districts and quasi-
municipal corporations organized under the laws of the State of Washington to the
maximum extent practicable, and the offers and personnel of all such departments,
offices, and agencies are directed to cooperate with and extend such services and
facilities upon request notwithstanding any other provision of law.
The King County Hazard Identification and Vulnerability Analysis identifies the natural and
technological emergencies or disasters the City of Auburn may experience that require full
support of their communication systems. The City's communications systems may be
overwhelmed, damaged or destroyed by a natural or technological disaster when they are
needed the most. As backup communication is limited, the Emergency Operations Center will
be required.
A. Reliable communications capabilities are necessary at all levels of government for day-to-
day communication, warning of an impending emergency or disaster, disaster response and
recovery operations, and coordination between the local, county, state and federal
governments and response organizations.
B. Routine day-to-day modes of communication will be utilized to the degree that they survive
the event .
C. A significant portion of Auburn residents have limited ability to communicate in English, so
use of alternate language and communications methods will need to be utilized to
communicate with as many residents as possible. This should include not only emergency
messages but routine ones with our community as well. The city has worked with partners
throughout the region and developed Support Annex 5 to help ensure emergency messages
are received and understood by as many people in the community as possible.
D. City government may request assistance by contacting King or Pierce County Emergency
Management or by contacting Washington State Emergency Management Operations
Center directly if necessary.
E. The City is subject to a variety of emergency or disastrous events requiring rapid
dissemination of warning and/or other emergency information to local officials and/or the
public. Emergency or disaster warnings may originate from any level of government.
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F. The National Warning System (NAWAS), established by the federal government, is the
primary means of receiving and disseminating warning(s) to the state and local officials
within Washington State. The Washington State Warning Point is operated 24 hours a day
by the Washington State Emergency Operations Center, with operation assistance provided
by the Washington State Patrol. The City's NAWAS receiving point is ValleyCom, a 24-hour
PSAP facility.
G. Notification of a threatening situation may also come from the National Weather Service, via
NOAA Weather Radio or the media, the amateur radio communications community, or the
H. Initially, the City will focus on coordinating immediate and short-term response activities to
preserve life, property, the environment, and the social, economic, and political structure of
the community. Efforts will also focus on reestablishing communications and control in the
hazardous area when possible.
I. Initial reports of damage may be fragmented and provide an incomplete picture of the extent
of damage to communications facilities.
J. Weather, damage to roads and bridges, and other factors may restrict entry of emergency
communication assets into the area.
K. Tests of local warning systems will be conducted periodically to familiarize government and
the public with their use.
A. Communications
1. City of Auburn
a. 1 E Main ST; STE 380 serves as the primary Emergency Operations Center(EOC)
for the City and will be the focal point for coordinating the communications systems
of the City during hazardous event.
b. The EOC is equipped with an emergency generator. The generator fuel is provided
via an on-site fuel tank which provides sufficient fuel for approximately 72 hours.
c. The City has no fixed civil defense sirens or public address systems. Warning of
imminent or existing danger can be accomplished by use of fire, police and public
works vehicles using mobile sirens and/or public address speakers.
d. The City owns and operates 1700 AM, a 10-watt radio station capable of transmitting
emergency information. The radio station is advertised in various City literature and
variable message display signs throughout the City, directing people to tune to the
radio station. The radio station can also be set to rebroadcast over TV21.
e. The City has several electronic variable message boards or signs that may be used
to distribute information to residents. Emergency messages may be provided to the
Department controlling the signs.
f. The City participates in the Alert King County system using CodeRed, a reverse
calling system. This system can be used to provide emergency information via
phone, e-mail, text, or mobile app to all or selected parts of the City. City of Auburn
staff have the ability to use the King County system to directly communicate with our
residents and others that have signed up for the alerts.
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City of Auburn Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan
g. City departments may establish communications control centers within their own
Department Operations Centers (DOCs) to coordinate their own resources during a
hazardous situation. However, coordination with the EOC will be critical to the City's
ability to effectively coordinate and respond to an event.
h. As described in the NIMS programs, communications will be in plain language
whenever possible.
i. Communication operations in the EOC may consist of the following positions and
i. Communications Unit Leader— Develop a communications plan, coordinate
phone, radio, and other message traffic. Transmit information via various
emergency and non-emergency notification systems as needed.
ii. Message Controller— Receive information from various sources and either
distribute, post, or catalog it.
iii. Message Distributors (runners)— Receive written messages from various points
within the EOC and deliver those messages to the intended recipient, passing
them through the Message Controller in most instances.
iv. Radio Room Supervisor— Coordinate activities within the radio room, including
assigning radio operators to amateur radios, public safety radios, and other city
radios as needed. Provide assistance as needed.
v. Radio Operators—Transmit, receive, and record radio transmissions as needed,
pass messages to runners, and maintain a log of communications activities.
vi. Call Center Supervisor— Ensure adequate help is available to answer EOC
and/or public call center phones and provide assistance as needed.
vii. Call Takers—Answer phones within the EOC and/or public call center, transfer
calls, record messages and pass to runner as appropriate.
viii. IT Specialist— Ensure phones, computers, and other IT related equipment
operates correctly within the EOC. Provide advice and remote assistance to City
units in the field who may be experiencing IT difficulties, as appropriate.
2. Valley Communications (ValleyCom)
a. ValleyCom is located in unincorporated King County between Auburn and Kent and
functions as the Public Safety Answering Point(PSAP) for most of South King
County, answering 911 calls for service and providing dispatching services via the
800 MHz regional radio systems for the Auburn Police Department, VRFA, and a
variety of other emergency and non-emergency response agencies. ValleyCom also
serves as the initial communications, alert, and warning point for emergency
management activities in the City of Auburn.
3. Emergency Alert System (EAS)
a. The EAS is a communication and warning tool that operates through designated
radio and television stations. It is intended to provide government agencies with the
means to disseminate prompt, reliable emergency information, instructions, and
warning in the event of an emergency or disaster.
b. The EAS may be activated by contacting the King or Pierce County Emergency
Management Duty Officer, the King County Sheriffs Office Communication Center,
or the Washington State Emergency Management Duty Officer. The designated EAS
radio station for this area is 710 AM KIRO, though most local radio and television
stations will rebroadcast the information.
ESF#2— Communications and Warning Revised January 2015 83
City of Auburn Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan
4. Integrated Public Alert and Warning System (iPAWS)
a. Integrated Public Alert and Warning System (IPAWS) allows emergency messages
to be broadcast directly to cellular phones via cellular broadcast towers. It can
broadcast the same messages as the EAS, but is accessed via a specific request to
King or Pierce County Emergency Management.
5. Communications Capabilities
a. The City currently has the following communications and warning capabilities:
1. E-911 Public Safety Answering Point (PSAP) (ValleyCom)
2. Commercial Telephone
3. Cellular Telephones
4. Satellite telephone
5. Two-way radio
• 800 MHz public safety radios
• VHF city-wide system (primarily used by Public Works)
• CEMNET state radio system for direction and control
6. National Warning System (NAWAS) information received via ValleyCom
7. EAS system
8. ACCESS (state-wide centralized law enforcement computer system)
9. NOAA Weather Alert Radios (in some City facilities, private facilities and
10. Amateur radio communications systems are available in key City facilities and
the EOC.
11. Code Red (aka Alert King County ) reverse emergency telephone calling
system, which includes e-mail, text messages, and a mobile app.
12. TV21 government access cable television station
13. 1700 AM 10-watt radio station
14. Internet resources, including e-mail, City website, mailing lists, social media,
WebEOC and other assets
6. Warning
a. Whenever City officials are alerted to the threat or occurrence of a hazardous event
that increases the risk to the community, the EOC will be activated at the appropriate
level and the situation monitored. Depending on the circumstances, monitoring could
be a prolonged activity or result in the immediate activation of the local information
and warning system.
b. Monitoring will consist of the accumulation, display, and evaluation of relevant
information, release of appropriate public-information advisories, and alerting
response agencies, City personnel, and outside organizations of the situation.
c. As soon as it is apparent that the public must be provided information and/or must
take some action to prepare or protect itself, the local warning system will be
activated, as deemed appropriate and as time and resources allow. Warning could
take the form of one or more of the following activities:
i. Activation of the EAS
ii. Broadcast of information over AM 1700 and TV21
iii. Activation of CodeRed for an impacted area or the entire City
iv. Use of audible sirens and public address systems by Police and VRFA
v. Activation of volunteer resources
vi. Posting of signs or notices
vii. Providing warning information to local and regional media outlets for broadcast
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viii. Posting of information on City website, social media outlets, City e-mail lists,
and other internet resources.
d. Other methods as the situation dictates
Public information, advisories, and warnings will be updated as necessary until the
hazard has subsided.
e. Notification of residents and visitors regarding emergency information and
instructions may be handled through the EAS, door-to-door by uniformed City
personnel or volunteers, mobile-public-address systems, or any other means
available to the Incident Commander at the time.
f. The Public Information Officers for the City will send emergency public safety
information through conventional methods such as e-mail or fax in addition to any of
the previously mentioned methods. Refer to ESF 15 for more comprehensive public
information capabilities.
A. City of Auburn
1. Emergency Manager
a. Confirm the EOC is maintained in a configuration to support the warning system and
efficient and effective communications.
b. Ensure a coordinated communications plan exists for City radio usage.
c. Include communications and warning as part of the city-wide emergency
management training program.
d. Ensure sufficient trained PIOs exist among City personnel and that they are able to
effectively utilize all applicable communication and warning tools.
e. Ensure Emergency Communications Volunteers have sufficient training to perform
during an emergency.
f. Ensure adequate coordination of public information efforts and warnings among City
g. Activate volunteer resources necessary to support the incident's communication
h. Manage the internal communication functions of the EOC.
2. All City Departments
a. Train personnel in proper radio protocol, including limiting communications during
emergencies, using plain language instead of codes, and yielding to EOC
b. Designate representative to ensure correct communication messages are relayed
from the DOC to the EOC.
c. Make personnel available to the EOC to support or assist with the warning effort, if
requested, as feasible, and without jeopardizing their primary mission.
3. Communications/multimedia Manager
a. In coordination with Emergency Management Division, develop and maintain
procedures to provide emergency public information and warning.
b. In coordination with Emergency Management Division, train sufficient personnel from
multiple City departments in emergency public information and warning methods.
c. Develop appropriate notification lists and procedures for activating the public
information and warning systems in order to effectively reach the broadest population
base possible.
ESF#2— Communications and Warning Revised January 2015 85
City of Auburn Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan
d. Coordinate public information and warnings with the Emergency Manager, EOC
Manager, and/or Incident Commander as appropriate.
e. Disseminate public information and warnings as above.
f. Assist Emergency Manager with dissemination of recovery and assistance
4. Police Department
a. Develop and maintain procedures to provide communications and warning support
and services when requested by the EOC.
b. Train personnel in proper warning methods, including proper dissemination of
warnings received via ACCESS teletype.
c. Make personnel available to the EOC to assist in the warning effort, if requested, as
feasible, and without jeopardizing their primary mission.
d. Disseminate warnings received via ACCESS teletype to appropriate City personnel.
5. Public Works
a. Develop and maintain procedures to provide communications and warning support
and services when requested by the EOC (Variable Message Signs; flashing beacon
6. Innovation &Technology
a. Ensure phones, computers, and other IT related equipment operate correctly. .
b. Ensure adequate backups exist for IT related equipment. .
c. Ensure IT staff are sufficiently trained to maintain systems during emergencies.
d. Assign at least one staff person to the EOC to handle critical communication issues.
B. Other Organizations
1. Valley Regional Fire Authority
a. Develop and maintain procedures to support the City communications and warning
services when requested by the EOC.
b. Train personnel in proper warning methods.
c. Make personnel available to the EOC to assist in the dissemination of information
and/or warning effort, if requested, and as feasible, and without jeopardizing their
primary mission.
2. ValleyCom
a. Function as the regional E9-1-1 Public Safety Answering Point
b. Provide communications and dispatch services to law enforcement, fire, EMS, and
other agencies.
c. Provide public access and 24-hour answering of emergencies through the E9-1-1
reporting system for the safety of life and protection of property.
d. Provide direct access via the E9-1-1 emergency number for the speech and hearing
impaired, using the TTY for the deaf and hard of hearing or other method.
e. Provide direct access via the E9-1-1 emergency number for non-English speakers
using available language translation services.
3. King and Pierce County Emergency Management
a. Activate the EAS when requested.
ESF#2— Communications and Warning Revised January 2015 86
City of Auburn Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan
b. Distribute emergency public information as requested by local EOC.
4. Washington State Emergency Management Division
a. Assist local officials in disseminating emergency instructions to affected communities
as needed.
b. Coordinate with local and federal agencies on the release of emergency information
and instructions.
Technical and support staff will be necessary to expedite the establishment of critical
communication systems. Equipment and supplies should be cached to support
operations for a minimum of 72 hours. The King County area has several mobile
command posts with communication capabilities, (i.e. King County, Federal Protective
Services, Cities of Bellevue, Seattle, Tukwila, etc.) that could be called upon to support
incident activities. Alternate power sources should be available to operate electricity
dependent systems.
1. City of Auburn Duty Officer Manual
2. City of Auburn EOC Manager Manual
3. King County Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan
4. King County Regional Coordination Framework
5. Pierce County Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan
6. RCW 38.52.110, Use of Existing Services and Facilities— Impressment of Citizenry
7. Washington State Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan
8. Washington State Department of Transportation Disaster Plan
9. National Response Framework
1. Warning Dissemination
2. Field Warning/Evacuation Instructions
ESF#2—Communications and Warning Revised January 2015 87
City of Auburn Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan
Attachment 1: Warning Dissemination
Local, County, State, and Federal agencies routinely issue warnings of impending or occurring
disasters and emergencies via the state-wide ACCESS teletype system. This system is located
within the Records Unit of the Auburn Police Department. Upon receiving a warning of an
impending or occurring natural or man-made disaster, the Records Unit will immediately make
the following notifications:
1. On-duty Police Department field supervisor
2. On-duty or on-call Police Department Commander
3. Emergency Management Duty Officer
4. Assistant Police Chief
5. Police Chief
6. On-duty or on-call Public Works staff
Records Unit personnel tasked with making notifications will receive verbal confirmation from
each person being notified to ensure the warning is clearly received and understood.
ESF#2—Communications and Warning Revised January 2015 88
City of Auburn Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan
Attachment 2: Field Warning/Evacuation Instructions
Though field warnings will primarily be handled by law enforcement and/or fire personnel, other
City employees and volunteers may be called upon to assist in the efforts. Following are general
directions to follow when providing warning or evacuation information to the public.
1. Drive slowly the length of all streets in the warning area. Use the siren or other means to
get people's attention. If you are assigned to go door-to-door, ensure you account for
every house in your assigned area.
2. If driving, stop at appropriate intervals and use the public address system to announce
the message provide by the EOC or Incident Commander. DO NOT DEVIATE FROM
THE MESSAGE. If assigned to go door-to-door, ring the doorbell and knock vigorously
on the door of each residence, loudly announcing who you are and your intentions.
When someone comes to the door, deliver the message. Again, DO NOT DEVIATE
3. Do not use force of any kind to ensure that people leave.
4. If you encounter a resident who refuses to leave, log the address and, as time permits,
attempt to get the names of the people who are not evacuating and their out-of-area next
of kin information. If there is not sufficient time or if the resident does not want to give
this information, request that they prominently display their name and pertinent
information either on their person or someplace visible within their residence to expedite
identification should they not survive the event. Depending on the urgency of the
warning/evacuation, do not delay subsequent notification to gather information or give
additional identification instructions.
5. Direct residents to use the designated evacuation routes to the nearest safe area or
reception area, as appropriate. Provide them maps if available.
6. Continue to travel your designated area until all residents have been notified or warned,
or it becomes unsafe to do so..
7. Upon completion of notifications in your assigned area, or the inability to complete them,
inform your immediate supervisor so that the EOC can be updated. Relocate to the
staging area unless given another assignment.
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City of Auburn Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan
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ESF#2—Communications and Warning Revised January 2015 90
City of Auburn Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan
LEAD: Public Works Department(PW)
SUPPORT: City: Finance
Community Development
Local: Valley Regional Fire Authority
A. Purpose
1. To provide for effective coordination and operation of public water(potable and fire
protection), sanitary sewer, storm drainage, and street transportation facilities required to
meet essential needs during major emergencies and disasters, and to provide for the
orderly restoration of such facilities affected by an emergency or disaster.
2. To address technical advice and evaluations, engineering services, construction
management and inspection, emergency contracting, and emergency repair of water,
sanitary sewer, storm drainage, and transportation infrastructure.
B. Scope
This Emergency Support Function addresses activities including:
1. Participation in mitigation and preparedness activities, and in needs and damage
assessment immediately following an event.
2. Emergency clearance of debris to allow for reconnaissance of the damaged areas and
passage of emergency personnel and equipment for lifesaving, life protecting, and
health and safety purposes during response activities.
3. Operation and emergency restoration of critical transportation routes and facilities.
4. Operation and emergency restoration of critical public facilities including water, sanitary
sewer, and storm drainage facilities.
5. Emergency demolition or stabilization of damaged structures and facilities. The
damaged structures are designated by the State and local jurisdictions as immediate
hazards to the public health and safety, or as necessary to facilitate the accomplishment
of lifesaving operations.
6. Emergency contracting to support the above-referenced activities.
7. Technical assistance to the Building Division including structural inspection of private
residences, commercial buildings, and structures, as resources permit.
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City of Auburn Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan
A. The City of Auburn has the right to collect for any costs incurred by its authorized
representatives, contractors, and sub-contractors in carrying out any necessary work on
private property, including debris removal, demolition of unsafe or abandoned structures,
removal of wreckage, and administration costs.
B. Permitting fees and normal inspection procedures will stay in effect following a disaster
unless otherwise directed by the Mayor.
C. It is the policy of the City to provide Utility services to lands and facilities under the City's
jurisdiction and service area, either directly or through contract. Other services, such as
debris collection or fee adjustments, may be established by the Mayor, if deemed
D. Large-scale debris removal and disposal is covered in the City of Auburn Debris
Management Plan.
The King County Regional Hazard Identification and Vulnerability Analysis identifies the natural
and technological emergencies or disasters the City of Auburn may experience that could
overwhelm Auburn Public Works Department.
An emergency or disaster could damage or destroy structures, streets, signals, or water, storm
drainage and sewer utility systems. Public Works personnel may also be affected by the event
and unable to work or obtain the necessary equipment to perform their standard operating
Additional resources may not be available to the City to meet emergency requirements. County,
State or Federal assistance may be necessary to deploy resources from outside the City of
Auburn to ensure a timely, efficient, and effective response and recovery from the event.
A. A major emergency or disaster may cause extensive damage to property and the
infrastructure. Structures may be destroyed or severely weakened. Homes, public buildings,
bridges, and other facilities may have to be reinforced or demolished to ensure safety.
Debris may make streets and highways impassable. Public utilities may be damaged or
partially or fully inoperable.
B. Access to the disaster areas may be dependent upon the re-establishment of ground routes.
In many locations, debris clearance and emergency road repairs will be given top priority to
support immediate lifesaving emergency response activities.
C. Rapid damage assessment of the disaster area will be required to determine potential
workload and priorities.
D. The City will be responsible for its own emergency repairs and restoration of services. All
requests for assistance will be forwarded to the EOC, which will coordinate any needed
ESF#3—Public Works and Engineering Revised January 2015 92
City of Auburn Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan
outside resources.
E. Assistance from the State or Federal government may be needed to clear debris, perform
damage assessments and structural evaluations, make emergency repairs to essential
public facilities, reduce hazards by stabilizing or demolishing structures, and provide
emergency water for human health needs and firefighting. It is understood however, that
these resources take several days to mobilize and respond and that the City should
anticipate no state or federal assistance for at least seven days following a major disaster.
F. Significant numbers of personnel with engineering and construction skills, along with
construction equipment and materials, may be required from outside the disaster areas.
G. Following an earthquake, aftershocks will require re-evaluation of previously assessed
structures and damages.
A. City of Auburn
1. The PW Department will assign a qualified staff member to the EOC to serve as the
primary coordinator of utilities functions for the City.
2. The PW Department will assign a qualified staff member to serve as the primary
coordinator of engineering functions for the City.
3. The PW Department will provide damage assessments and provide for emergency
restoration of all City-owned utilities and transportation facilities.
4. Priority will be given to utilities and street transportation facilities that provide critical and
essential life safety services, such as to the Multicare Auburn Medical Center.
5. Additional assistance may be obtained through existing mutual aid agreements,
contracts with public and private agencies and/or through regional, county, or state
6. The following utility systems operate within the City:
Public/City Owned Privately Owned
Water Electric power
Sanitary Sewer Water
Storm Drainage Natural Gas
Telephone/Fiber Optic/DSL
Cable /Satellite Television
These systems, with some exceptions, generally have the following aspects in
* They provide services to individual properties, both public and private.
*There are other purveyors of water and sewer systems within the city's limits.
* Most systems have a trunk or trunks from which distribution or collection branches
ESF#3—Public Works and Engineering Revised January 2015 93
City of Auburn Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan
service each property.
* All or substantial portions of each system reside underground.
7. The CD Department will provide damage assessment of City-owned buildings and
8. Time permitting and resources allowing, the CD & PW Departments may provide
damage assessment for other public buildings and facilities and rapid damage
assessment for privately owned critical facilities located within the City of Auburn (VRFA,
shelter locations, medical facilities, etc.).
9. The CD Department plans for emergency actions in the following phases:
a. Phase 1
i. Rapid damage assessment.
ii. Provide a qualified staff member to coordinate City-wide rapid damage
assessment efforts from the EOC.
iii. Provide building inspectors to sweep affected areas and report damage to the
b. Phase 2— Emergency Permitting and Inspections
i. Review damages and assist application process.
ii. Issue permits.
iii. Permit construction.
iv. Provide inspections.
c. Phase 3—Abandoned Buildings
i. Identification.
ii. Inspection.
iii. Coordinate demolition.
iv. Legal process.
B. Other Organizations
1. Valley Regional Fire Authority
a. Assist in rapid damage assessment, as personnel and resources allow, and report
findings to the EOC.
A. City of Auburn
1. CD Department
1) Provide post-event serviceability determination of facilities and structures.
2) Provide support to Valley Regional Fire Authority in the safety evaluation of
structures during rescue operations.
3) Expedite permitting and required inspections, as appropriate and as resources
4) Coordinate damage assessment and post-disaster safety inspections of City-
owned buildings and facilities.
5) Coordinate with local engineering firms for additional assistance with inspections.
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City of Auburn Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan
6) Coordinate damage assessment and post-disaster safety inspections of public
assembly buildings (shelter locations, commodity distribution facilities, medical
facilities, etc.) if requested and as resources allow.
7) Enforce City ordinances and State law regarding construction during new or
reconstruction efforts prior to and after an emergency or disaster.
8) Provide for the demolition of damaged and/or abandoned structures posting a
threat to human safety.
2. Public Works Department
a. General
i. Document damages and costs related to damage sustained to street
transportation and utility infrastructure during the emergency or disaster.
ii. Coordinate damage assessments and post-disaster safety inspections of city-
owned bridges.
iii. Assess hazards associated with damage to streams, shorelines, and steep
slopes, and make recommendations for repair and/or mitigation.
iv. Coordinate with local engineering firms for additional assistance with the above
hazard assessments.
v. Coordinate with the EOC and PIO on public information.
vi. Assist the Community Development Services with damage assessment of
buildings and facilities, as requested by the EOC.
b. Water Division
i. Conduct damage assessments of City-owned water facilities.
ii. Maintain operation of public water supply, storage, pumping, and distribution
iii. Provide for priority restoration of critical water facilities.
iv. Provide temporary repair of damaged water infrastructure.
c. Sanitary Sewer Division
i. Conduct damage assessments of city-owned sanitary sewer facilities.
ii. Maintain operation of public sanitary sewer collection, conveyance, and pumping
systems, assist in meeting public sanitation needs, and control wastewater
pollution in the environment.
iii. Provide for priority restoration of critical sanitary sewer facilities.
iv. Provide temporary repair of damaged sanitary sewer infrastructure.
d. Storm Drainage Division
i. Conduct damage assessment of the City-owned storm drainage system and
assist in the assessment of the rivers dike systems.
ii. Maintain operation of the public storm drainage collection, conveyance, and
pumping systems.
iii. Provide for priority restoration of critical storm drainage facilities, including the
rivers, dike systems.
iv. Provide temporary repair of damaged storm drainage infrastructure, and assist in
maintenance of the rivers dike systems.
e. Streets Division
i. Provide debris removal, emergency protective measures, emergency temporary
repair, and/or construction to maintain passable vehicular circulation of priority
ii. Provide damage assessment of streets to the EOC.
iii. Provide for priority restoration of essential streets.
iv. Designate potentially usable roads and bridges.
v. Establish and maintain evacuation routes as directed by the EOC.
ESF#3—Public Works and Engineering Revised January 2015 95
City of Auburn Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan
vi. Coordinate road closures through the EOC.
vii. Provide temporary repair of damaged City roads and bridges, if possible. Provide
road blocks, barricades, signs, or flaggers, as requested and resources allow.
3. Police Department
a. Provide assistance in implementing street closures and detours.
b. Provide perimeter control to bar access to unsafe locations, if requested and as
resources allow.
c. Assist in rapid damage assessment(windshield survey) efforts as requested.
4. Finance Department
a. Solid Waste
i. Coordinate debris removal and disposal with contracted service providers for
solid waste, pursuant to the City of Auburn Debris Management Plan.
B. Other Organizations
1. Valley Regional Fire Authority
a. Provide support in rapid damage assessment, debris removal, and emergency
protective measures, if requested and as resources allow.
Resource requirements for a major event or disaster will likely place a strain on Public Works
personnel and equipment. The impacts will vary based on the event and the severity, placing
particular importance on rapid assessment of the event and its impact on Public Works
resources. Resource requirements will be determined at the time of the event or disaster,
additional resource requests will be submitted to the EOC. It is important to consider that this
evaluation will need to be conducted periodically to ensure adequate resources as conditions
1. City of Auburn Debris Management Plan
2. City of Auburn Duty Officer Manual
3. City of Auburn EOC Manager Manual
4. King County Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan
5. King County Regional Coordination Framework
6. Pierce County Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan
7. Washington State Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan
8. National Response Framework
9. Public Works Emergency Management Manual
ESF#3—Public Works and Engineering Revised January 2015 96
City of Auburn Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan
Attachment 1: Windshield Survey Form
(see next page)
ESF#3—Public Works and Engineering Revised January 2015 97
City of Auburn Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan
Observer/Unit# District DATE TIME
DAMAGE PRIORITY (check one) P1 ❑ (report immediately) P2 ❑ P3 ❑
Type: (check one) Residential ❑ Multi-Family ❑ Business ❑ Public❑ School ❑ Other❑_
Nearest Cross Streets
I. INJURIES REPORTED OR OBSERVED: Yes U No ❑ If yes, estimate number:
Immediate assistance required Yes ❑ No ❑
If yes, nature of fire (natural gas, live power lines, hazardous materials, etc.):
If yes, description (i.e., multi-story collapse, partial collapse, occupied, etc.):
If yes, what(natural gas, live power lines, hazardous materials, etc.):
V. INFRASTRUCTURE ASSESSMENT: Road impassable: Yes ❑ r No ❑
Water lines broken: Yes ❑ No ❑
Power lines down/arcing: Yes ❑ No ❑
Gas Leak: Yes ❑ No ❑
ESF#3—Public Works and Engineering Revised January 2015 98
City of Auburn Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan
Attachment 2: ATC-20 Rapid Evaluation Safety Form
ATC-20 Rapid Evaluation Safety Assessment Form
Inspector ID: Inspection date and time: DAM❑PM
Affiliation: Areas inspected: ❑ Exterior only ❑ Exterior and interior
Building Description Type of Construction
Building name: ❑ Wood frame ❑ Concrete shear wall
Address: ❑ Steel frame ❑ Unreinforced masorry
❑ Tilt-up concrete ❑ Reinforced masonry
❑ Concrete frame ❑ Other.
Building contacttphone:
Number of stories above ground: below ground:
Primary Occupancy
Approx.`Footprint area"(square feet): ❑ Dwelling ❑ Commercial ❑ Government
❑ Other residential ❑ Offices ❑ Historic
Number of residential units: ❑ Public assembly ❑ Industrial ❑ School
Number of residential units not habitable: ❑ Emergency services ❑ Other.
Evaluation Estimated Building Damage
Investigate the building for the conditions below and check the appropriate column. (excluding contents)
Observed Conditions: MinorNone Moderate Severe ❑ None
Collapse,partial collapse,or building off foundation ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 0-1%
Building or story leaning ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 1-10%
Racking damage to walls,other structural damage El Cl ❑ El 10-30%
Chimney,parapet,or other falling hazard ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 30-60%
Ground slope movement or cracking ❑ ❑ ❑ El 60-100%
Other(specify) ❑ ❑ El ❑ 100%
Choose a posting based on the evaluation and team judgment.Severe conditions endangering the overall building are grounds for
an Unsafe posting.Localized Severe and overall Moderate conditions may allow a Restricted Use posting.Post INSPECTED
placard at main entrance.Post RESTRICTED USE and UNSAFE placards at all entrances.
❑ INSPECTED(Green placard) ❑ RESTRICTED USE(Yellow placard) El UNSAFE(Red placard)
Record any use and entry restrictions exactly as written on placard:
Further Actions Check the boxes below only if hither actions are needed.
❑ Barricades needed in the following areas:
❑ Detailed Evaluation recommended: ❑ Structural ❑ Geo teclnical ❑ Other:
❑ Other recommendations:
r.c ynght Par iui Appl red Technclog/(concil.
Permission Is yon ted for ran knwted non-ettlusi te,non.anmei tial use an d tebon d.Ail cooluatron f am s,poi dad that thi stcpyright Notice appears co 41 cope;an d th a Applied
Technology Council name shall not be used in any advertising or publicity of Licensee podat.Permission is furl her collet to tha klIo wing conditions t1 Licensee does not reprint 4epackage
A or otter the form for sale or I tense and x 11 no mater algae or nnara ialp rofit is to be made kom any sailor kenseof the form Placards may be used without restrictions br their intended use
asdlading postings.All rifts not specifically gantedto licensee ate heren reset ted f AK.
ESF#3—Public Works and Engineering Revised January 2015 99
City of Auburn Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan
ATTACHEMENT 3 ATC-45 Rapid Evaluations Safety Assessment Form
ATC-45 Rapid Evaluation Safety Assessment Form
Inspector ID: Inspection date:
Affiliation: Inspection time: ❑AM ❑PM
Areas inspected: ❑ Exterior only ❑ Exterior and interior
Building Description 1
Type of Building
Building name:
i ❑ Mid-rise or high-rise ❑ Pre-fabricated
Address: ❑ Low-rise multi-family ❑ One or two-family dwelling
❑ Low-rise commercial
Building contactiphone: Primary Occupancy
Number of stories: 1 CIDwelling CICommercial ❑ Government
"Footprint area"(square feet): i CIOther residential ElOffices ❑ Historic
❑ Public assembly ❑ Industrial ❑ School
Number of residential units: ❑ Emergency services ❑ Other.
Evaluation i
Investigate the building for the conditions below and check the appropriate column. Estimated Building Damage
Observed Conditions: Minor:None Moderate Severe (excluding contents)
Collapse,partial collapse,or building off foundation ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ None
Building significantly out of plumb or in danger ; ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ >0 to <1%
Damage to primary structural members,racking of walls El ❑ ❑ ❑ 1 to <10%
Falling hazard due to nonstructural damage f ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 10 to <30%
Geotechnical hazard,scour,erosion,slope failuretc. CI CI ❑ 30 to <70%
Electrical lines 1 fixtures submerged 1 leaning tres ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 70 to <100%
Other(specify) i ❑ El ❑ ❑ 100%
❑ See back of form for further comments. j
Choose a posting based on the evaluation and team judgment.Severe conditions endangering the overall budding are
grounds for an Unsafe posting.Localized Sever and overall Moderate conditions may allow a Restricted Use posting.
❑ INSPECTED(Green placard) ❑ RESTRICTED USE(Yellow placard) ❑ UNSAFE(Red placard)
Record any use and entry restrictions exactly as vjritten on placard:
Number of residential units vacated: 1,
Further Actions Check the boxes below only if further actions are needed.
El Barricades needed in the following areas:
❑ Detailed Evaluation recommended: El Structural Cl Geotechnical ❑ Other:
❑ Substantial Damage determination recommended
❑ Other recontnendatians:
❑ See back of form for further comments.
•copyright 1ou4-01.ApTl led Tedtn d orgy Council.
Fermi seat is granted for unites ted,non-exdusive,non-.omrnercia I use and distribution of ATC evaluation forms pro sded that this Copyright Notice appears on all copes and the Applied
Technology council nacre shall rut be used in any advatuing or publicity of Licensee product.Pernnsron n further subject to the blbwingconi Sion&I,I I Licensee does not report,repac lade
c offer this form for sale a iicen sa and(1)no m aer ick gain a Ananctal prink is to be made kcal any sale a license cf this form,nacards maybe used without restrictions for thee intended use
at bu Admgpostings.All i icsts not specifically dant edto Licensee ane herein Nseived by ATC
ESF#3—Public Works and Engineering Revised January 2015 100
City of Auburn Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan
LEAD: Valley Regional Fire Authority
SUPPORT: City: Police
Emergency Management
Public Works
State: Washington State Patrol
A. Purpose
To identify the City of Auburn's support activities relating to fire services within the City.
B. Scope
This Emergency Support Function addresses the City's support activities in relation to the
detection and suppression of fires as the City has no direct role in the provision of these
The City of Auburn receives fire suppression services from the Valley Regional Fire
Authority (VRFA), a municipal corporation authorized under RCW 52.26 and charged with
the provision of fire suppression services to the City as identified in scope of the VRFA Fire
A. Under ideal conditions the management of large firefighting operations is complex and
involves an immense staff and often involves several different agencies and jurisdictions.
Extremely large fires and those resulting from or coinciding with a major earthquake or other
disaster will place extraordinary demands on available resources and logistical support
A significant natural or technological event may result in many emergencies throughout the
City of Auburn. Ignition sources could cause hundreds of fires during and after an
earthquake. The damage potential from fires in urban areas during and after a major
earthquake exceeds that of all other causes. Under the worst conditions, these fires will
have the potential to spread rapidly, cause extensive damage, and pose a serious threat to
life, property and the environment.
Day to day and mutual aid firefighting resources will be difficult to obtain and utilize due to
massive disruption of communications, transportation routes, utilities and water systems.
ESF#4-Firefighting Revised January 2015 101
City of Auburn Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan
A. The National Incident Management System (NIMS)will be used for all fire related operations
within the City.
B. The City will function in a support role to the VRFA for fire services in the City.
C. VRFA personnel will be responsible for conducting windshield surveys within their assigned
districts and reporting results back to either their DOC or the EOC, whichever is active.
D. Many routine calls for service will not be handled during a disaster, while firefighters are
focused on life safety events. Prioritization of calls for service will change as the event
fluctuates, and how calls are prioritized will remain with the DOC or EOC.
E. The capabilities of local firefighters law may be strained or exceeded. Supplemental
assistance may be requested utilizing existing mutual aid agreements or via the EOC.
A. The VRFA provides fire protection services both inside and outside of the City.
B. VRFA is the lead agency for fire suppression operations within the City.
C. VRFA serves multiple cities and as such, will allocate fire resources during emergency
incidents using established best practices, incident triage, and methodologies.
D. A VRFA representative will report to or establish communication with the EOC when
requested by the City.
E. As authorized by their Board of Governance, VRFA participates in several intrastate mutual
aid agreements, which may include, but is not limited to, Washington State Fire Mobilization,
King County Mutual Assistance, the King County Regional Framework, and Pierce County
Mutual Assistance.
A. City of Auburn
1. Emergency Management Director
a. Function as, or appoint a, liaison officer to work directly with VRFA representative in
the EOC or other location as needed..
2. Building Division
ESF#4-Firefighting Revised January 2015 102
City of Auburn Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan
a. Provide technical expertise in the evaluation of damaged structures, if requested and
as resources allow.
3. Police Department
a. Provide incident scene security, traffic control, and evacuation, if requested and as
resources allow.
4. Public Works Department
a. Provide regular maintenance to hydrants located within the City.
b. Conduct testing of hydrants located in the City and forward any hydrant out of
service or other deficiencies to the VRFA including notification when repairs are
c. Ensure adequate water pressure to hydrants located within the City, as resources
d. Provide operational support with equipment, trained staff, traffic control, and utilities
control during an emergency or disaster.
B. (Other Organizations
1. Valley Regional Fire Authority
a. Provide fire suppression and control and imminent life-safety services within the City.
b. Provide a representative to the EOC, if requested and as resources allow.
c. Provide regular status reports and information regarding fire operation and resource
needs to the EOC, when activated and if requested.
d. Assist in warning the public of evacuations, traffic routing, and/or traffic control, if
requested and as resources allow.
e. Support evacuation and recovery efforts, if requested and as resources allow.
2. Washington State Patrol
a. Coordinate State Fire Mobilization Plan, including requests for mutual aid.
The King County Fire Resources Plan (separately published document) provides for the
coordination of countywide fire resources during localized emergencies. The Washington
State Fire Services Resource Mobilization Plan provides for the coordination of statewide
and interstate fire resources during localized emergencies. Prior to requesting additional
resources through the Washington State Fire Services Mobilization Plan, the primary and
support agencies will provide the available personnel, facilities and equipment to support
their activities.
1. City of Auburn Duty Officer Manual
2. City of Auburn EOC Manager Manual
ESF#4-Firefighting Revised January 2015 103
City of Auburn Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan
3. King County Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan
4. King County Regional Coordination Framework
5. Pierce County Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan
6. Washington State Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan
7. National Response Framework
8. Valley Regional Fire Authority Standard Operating Procedures and "Plan".
9. Fire Defense Mobilization Plan
10. RCW 39.34, Interlocal Cooperation Act
11. RCW 43.43, Washington State Patrol —State Fire Services Mobilization Plan
ESF#4-Firefighting Revised January 2015 104
City of Auburn Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan
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ESF#4—Firefighting Revised January 2015 105
City of Auburn Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan
LEAD: Emergency Management
Community Development
A. Purpose
1. To collect, process, analyze, disseminate, and use information about a potential or
actual emergency or disaster situation.
2. To provide a common operating picture fusing data, information and intelligence to assist
the decision and policy making process.
3. To provide guidance in reporting response and recovery information to local and state
emergency management agencies.
B. Scope
This Emergency Support Function (ESF) addresses the informational needs of the
Emergency Operations Center(EOC)for assessing a disaster situation and supporting
related response and planning efforts. Incident Command is not addressed in this ESF, but
instead in the Basic Plan and in SA#1.
A. It is the policy of the City of Auburn (City)to disseminate current and accurate information,
and request the same from outside agencies and volunteer organizations, during times of
EOC activations or potential activations. The analysis of this information and planning for
anticipated resources will occur in support of emergency or disaster response and recovery
B. All activities within ESF 5: EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT will be conducted in accordance
with the National Incident Management System (NIMS).
Emergencies or disasters may occur in a local jurisdiction at any time causing significant
human suffering, injury and death, public and private property damage, environmental
degradation, economic hardship to businesses, families, individuals, and disruption of local
government. These hazards are identified in the King and Pierce County Hazard
Identification and Vulnerable Assessment (HIVA) included in the King County Regional
Hazard Mitigation Plan, which is a supporting document to the CEMP.
A. To identify urgent response requirements during an emergency or disaster, or the threat of
one, and to plan for continuing response, recovery, and mitigation activities, there will be an
ESF#5—Emergency Management Revised January 2015 106
City of Auburn Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan
immediate and continuing need to collect, process, and disseminate situational information.
B. Information will be provided by field personnel, responders, volunteers, the public, the
media, social media, and others. All City departments are expected to provide information
and/or staffing to the EOC, to facilitate updates on departmental status of mission critical
functions and resource requirements.
C. Information collection may be hampered due to many factors including: damage to
communications systems, communications system overload, damage to transportation
infrastructure, effects of weather, smoke, and other environmental factors.
D. Urgent response requirements during an emergency or disaster, or the threat of one, and
the plan for continued response and recovery activities, necessitates the immediate and
continuing collection, processing, and dissemination of situational information.
E. Information, particularly initial information, may be ambiguous, conflict with information from
other sources or with previous information from the same source, or be limited in detail.
A. Whenever any part of the City is threatened by a hazard that could lead to a large-scale
emergency or disaster, or when such an emergency or disaster situation exists, the EOC will
be activated at the appropriate level to assess the situation.
1. The Planning Section will:
a. Collect, record, and disseminate information to the appropriate staff and facilitate the
dissemination of information to appropriate field personnel and responders. The
Planning Section also has the responsibility to process, display, and disseminate
information through situation reports, status boards and or software in the EOC.
b. Display and analyze information for future response and recovery needs.
2. The Operations Section will:
a. Display and analyze information for immediate response needs.
b. Coordinate interdepartmental issues
c. Operations are done at the Department level. The Operations Section in the EOC
coordinates planning elements between the Department Operating Centers and the
EOC. The Operations Section can expand at the EOC to accommodate the functions
of Area, or Unified Command.
3. PIO/COMMS Section
a. Assess need for special alert and warnings-including LEP populations.
b. Prepare initial information summary as soon as possible after activation.
c. Establish contact with local and national media representatives, as appropriate.
d. Establish location of information center for media and public away from EOC.
e. Obtain approval for information release from EOC Manager.
B. Information analysis will include, as appropriate:
1. Assessment and display of the hazard's impact and potential future impacts, including
the boundaries of the affected area and the distribution, type, and magnitude of the
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City of Auburn Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan
2. Maintaining a current status of emergency response activities, resource needs, and
requests, and the status of critical facilities.
3. Establishing priorities in the event of resource scarcity.
4. Consolidation of information into logs and reports to keep others informed and to
document relevant activities.
C. Planning will include, as appropriate:
1. Using the analyzed information to identify trends and determine courses of action for
responding to a hazard or its effects. Planning will focus on response strategies and
resource requirements beyond those needed for immediate response, attempting to
anticipate future actions and needs. The planning horizon may be the next hour, 24
hours, or weeks, depending upon the scenario and situation.
2. Planning information will be shared with King and Pierce County Emergency
Management, neighboring agencies, Washington State Emergency Operations Center
(SEOC), and other EOC functional positions. Where possible, it will also be incorporated
into appropriate visual displays.
3. The planning staff, in coordination with the operations staff, will recommend courses of
action for immediate and future activity, including the need for specific resources
identified as part of the planning process.
4. Once a planning cycle has ended, the planning staff will immediately commence
planning for the next cycle.
D. Whenever information is lacking, contains insufficient detail, is ambiguous, or is conflicting,
recommendations or decisions will be made based on the best analysis possible under the
circumstances using the combined talents of the staff then assembled.
E. Analysis and planning will continue until the EOC is deactivated, though it may continue long
after deactivation. Analysis and planning functions may be transferred to individual City
departments following deactivation.
A. Emergency Manager
1. Ensure development of EOC procedures for coordinating information management,
including flow, recording, dissemination, display, analysis, use, and reporting.
2. Ensure development of EOC procedures for information analysis and planning.
3. Maintain the EOC in a configuration to support the analysis and planning function.
ESF#5—Emergency Management Revised January 2015 108
City of Auburn Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan
4. Include analysis and planning as part of the citywide emergency management training
5. Ensure development of policies and procedures to assist the EOC with obtaining
appropriately trained personnel to support EOC functions.
B. Innovation &Technology Department—GIS
1. Ensure GIS staff is appropriately trained and have access to sufficient tools to provide
real-time data display services (mapping and plotting) during an EOC activation.
2. Obtain appropriate data from the EOC Planning Section to produce appropriate visual
3. Work closely with Planning Section to ensure that information is displayed appropriately
and is accessible.
C. CD Department— Planning Division
Ensure Planning Division personnel are sufficiently trained to staff the Planning Section
of the EOC.
D. All City Departments
1. Report observed damage information to the EOC in accordance with established
damage assessment protocols, including windshield survey data, inspection data, and
other tools.
2. Continue to provide additional disaster related information to the EOC as it becomes
Resource requirements for Emergency Management are described in the Division's COOP,
and includes, standard office machines, computers, printers, facsimile machines, charts,
boards, and communications equipment. It is also important to recognize the significant
need for trained personnel to staff the EOC whether in the normal EOC facility, remotely
operating from another jurisdiction's EOC, or a devolution site as described in the COOP
1. City of Auburn CEMP Basic Plan: Appendix 4: Training, Drills, and Exercises
2. City of Auburn Duty Officer Manual
3. City of Auburn EOC Manager Manual
4. King County Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan
5. King County Regional Coordination Framework
6. Pierce County Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan
7. Washington State Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan
ESF#5—Emergency Management Revised January 2015 109
City of Auburn Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan
8. National Response Framework
1. Essential Elements of Information
ESF#5—Emergency Management Revised January 2015 110
City of Auburn Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan
Attachment 1: Essential Elements of Information
The essential elements of information, which may or may not be immediately or readily available
to City staff, but are of common need to one or more response activities, may include the
1. Boundaries of the disaster area
2. Social/economic/political impacts
3. Jurisdictional boundaries
4. Status of transportation systems
5. Status of communication systems
6. Access points to the disaster area
7. Status of utilities
8. Hazard specific information
9. Weather data affecting operations
10. Seismic or other geophysical information
11. Status of critical facilities
12. Status of key personnel
13. Status of disaster or emergency declaration
14. Major issues/activities
15. Overall priorities for response
16. Status of upcoming activities
17. Status of community housing and shelter
18. Status of critical public health issues (water supply, food, sanitation, etc.)
19. Extent of damage to private property
20. Potential future impacts of the disaster/emergency
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City of Auburn Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan
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City of Auburn Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan
LEAD: Parks, Arts, and Recreation
SUPPORT: City: Human Services
Building Division
Emergency Management
Auburn Police Animal Control
Public Works
Human Resources
County: Seattle/King County Public Health
King County Office of Emergency Management
Regional: American Red Cross
A. Purpose
To coordinate the provision of non-medical mass care (humans and pets), shelter, and
individual assistance for residents and City employees impacted by an emergency or
disaster who are unable to care for themselves.
B. Scope
This Emergency Support Function (ESF) addresses the sheltering and mass care needs in
the City of Auburn during a major emergency or disaster and the coordination regional mass
care offerings through the Emergency Operations Center(EOC) in coordination with King
and Pierce County Emergency Management and the American Red Cross. Mass care
services include sheltering for people and animals, emergency feeding and relief supplies,
first aid, and welfare information.
A. It is the policy of the City of Auburn to conduct mass care and shelter operations in close
coordination with surrounding agencies and King and Pierce County Emergency
Management in order to avoid duplication of effort and to combine and share resources as
may be practical.
B. Shelters operated by the City of Auburn will be operated under American Red Cross
standards, guidelines, and procedures to the greatest extent possible in order to facilitate
joint management with the American Red Cross whenever feasible.
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City of Auburn Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan
C. All mass care services will be provided without regard to economic status or racial, religious,
political, ethnic, or other affiliation.
D. The City of Auburn will not operate "Medical Needs" or"Skilled Care" shelters intended for
the medically fragile or medically dependent. These shelters require specialized equipment,
personnel, and expertise which the City of Auburn does not possess and these shelters fall
under the purview of King County Public Health, which will facilitate their operation on a
county-wide basis.
E. All offered mass services will be provided in compliance with the Americans With Disabilities
Act and other federal and state laws related to access and functional needs.
F. The City may provide temporary housing as available, either via employee shelters or other
accommodations, for City employees and their families who require assistance during a
G. In accordance with the Federal Pets Act, the City will make available pet shelter facilities to
the extent practical, recognizing that the City has limited ability to provide these services
directly and must rely upon mutual aid available through King and Pierce Counties.
As outlined in the King County Regional Hazard Mitigation plan, Auburn is subject to a
number of hazards that may negatively impact structures within the city, including
those used for housing, and cause disruption or reduction of essential services. The
nature of the damage to structures may be such that citizens of Auburn will be forced
to leave their homes or places of business and seek alternative shelter.
In a major disaster, thousands of residents could be forced from their homes,
depending on such factors as time of occurrence, area demographics, building
construction, and existing weather conditions. There may be large numbers of dead
and injured. Thousands of family members may be separated immediately following
a sudden-impact incident, such as children in school and parents at work. Large
numbers of transients such as tourists, students, and foreign visitors may be
A. Mass care requirements during a large emergency or disaster may overwhelm social service
B. The opening of shelters in the City will be coordinated by the Emergency Management
Division, who will coordinate with surrounding agencies, King and Pierce Counties, and the
American Red Cross as appropriate.
C. The Parks Department, in cooperation with the Emergency Management Division, will
coordinate City resources and services necessary for shelter and mass care operations and
management, including employee needs.
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City of Auburn Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan
D. Each sheltering situation is unique and requires close coordination and possibly inspection
of facilities prior to a shelter site being announced. Schools in particular have a primary
responsibility to their students and are not a first choice for shelters during the school year.
E. Whenever possible, shelters will be operated using standards created by the American Red
F. The City has limited capacity and capability for sheltering. Once the City has identified that it
has met or will soon meet, those limits, the appropriate County will be notified so that
regional sheltering can be coordinated.
G. Companion and/or service animals that belong to survivors will be impacted by the disaster
and may need shelter, veterinary service, food, rescue or need to be located. The City has
limited capacity and capability for pet sheltering. The City will coordinate with Auburn Valley
Humane Society, other non-profit organizations and King or Pierce County Animal Control
will be contacted to operate or coordinate larger shelters.
H. The City does not have capacity for large animal sheltering. Large animal sheltering is
coordinated by King or Pierce County Emergency Management, with the closest large
animal shelter available.
I. During a disaster and when requested to support a jurisdiction's sheltering efforts, the
city will make every reasonable effort to provide facilities that are compliant with
applicable laws pertaining to accessibility. Persons with access or functional needs will
receive the same standard of care and services as accorded to all others, regardless of
the venue in which they are sheltered.
1. In the event of a Presidential Disaster Declaration, additional assistance may become
available to eligible individuals. This may include cash grants, low interest loans, food
stamps, disaster counseling, and unemployment benefits.
A. Mass care provides for the immediate survival needs of victims through group services and
B. Mass care will normally be carried out during and immediately after an emergency or
disaster, until individual services can be provided. Mass care services are usually provided
for less than a week. Local government is responsible for coordinating resources needed in
an individual community and may utilize the services of the American Red Cross, Salvation
Army, or other non-profit or private organizations.
C. The impact of a disaster may necessitate the provision of emergency food, water, shelter,
clothing, childcare, and crisis support for disaster victims and disaster workers.
D. Delivery of appropriate services will be coordinated to the greatest extent possible through
the EOC, which in turn will coordinate with the Zone Coordinator and/or the County and
State Coordination or Operations centers. Whenever possible, the services provided will be
consolidated to central locations, with individual City's contributing staff and supplies to the
larger effort to achieve economies of scale that cannot be accomplished at the local level.
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City of Auburn Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan
E. Mass care may include such basic human needs as, emergency sheltering and provisions
of emergency food, water, and supplies.
F. The EOC will coordinate the identification of safe areas of the city, inspection and clearance
of potential shelter locations, identification of safe travel routes, assessment of the
appropriate number and location of shelters, etc.
G. Victim lists and disaster assistance inquiries will be coordinated within the EOC, which in
turn will work closely with the Counties, the Red Cross, and other organizations with similar
information to provide a uniform message to the public on these topics.
H. Public information regarding shelter availability and locations will be coordinated through the
designated Public Information Officer for the City or EOC, utilizing the County JIC as
I. Insurance companies, local human service organizations, and various City, County, State,
and Federal government agencies may provide individual assistance to disaster victims.
J. Individuals may arrive at shelters with pets. Whenever practical, pet shelters will be co-
located (on the same property)with human shelters to facilitate animal care by pet owners.
Pets or companion animals are not allowed in human shelters due to safety and health
concerns. Service animals will be allowed in shelters, however may be challenged to verify
the service provided by their animal. For additional information on Pet Shelters, see SA-6,
Pet Preparedness Plan.
A. City of Auburn
1. Parks Department
a. Act as lead department for emergency shelter operations and mass care.
b. Open shelters upon request of the EOC, utilizing City personnel and trained
volunteers for staff. Shelter locations will be determined by the EOC, taking into
account the location of displaced individuals and the condition of potential shelter
c. Coordinate the distribution of food, clothing, shelter, first aid, and other services to
disaster victims, utilizing the resources of the City, non-profit organizations, and
private companies.
d. plan and coordinate utilization of City facilities and park sites for use as shelters or
staging areas, in coordination with the Emergency Management Division.
e. Develop plans to house and feed impacted City employees and their families during
disaster operations, when those employees do not have ready access to resources
in their own communities.
f. Parks personnel will be trained on shelter operations and management at least once
every two years.
2. Emergency Management Division
a. Maintain current list of potential shelter locations, based upon information from the
American Red Cross and other sources.
b. Encourage potential local shelter facilities to sign American Red Cross shelter
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City of Auburn Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan
c. Coordinate and organize a local COAD group to bring potential local resource
providers together prior to disaster.
d. Ensure that identification and inspection of potential shelter locations is coordinated
in the EOC during a disaster.
e. Assist the Parks Department with donation management services.
3. Human Services
a. Coordinate local non-profit and private resources to meet short term needs of
disaster survivors.
b. Serve as focal point for long-term human services needs of disaster victims, in
coordination with local, county, state, and federal agencies.
c. Assist in locating a facility to serve as local disaster recovery center as needed.
d. Work with Parks Department and Emergency Management to help facilitate and
distribute donated goods. This includes working with various organizations, including
the American Red Cross, Salvation Army, various religious organizations, and
4. Building Division
Provide structural and building safety inspections of potential shelter sites prior to
shelters opening.
5. Police Department
a. Provide or coordinate security, crime prevention, crowd control, traffic control at
shelter locations in the city, as resources allow.
b. Assist in identifying and monitoring safe travel routes to shelters, in conjunction with
c. The Chief of Police will designate an Animal Health Office to oversee all
responsibilities for ensuring the coordination of activities regarding emergency
animal sheltering and mass care in the City of Auburn.
d. Oversee coordination of emergency pet and large animal sheltering, via the Animal
Shelter Manager designated by the Animal Health Officer.
6. Public Works Department
a. Coordinate disposal of solid waste from shelters, in conjunction with Solid Waste
b. Coordinate water availability at shelters.
c. Assist in crowd and traffic control by providing temporary traffic control devices and
d. Assist in identifying, monitoring, and maintaining safe travel routes to shelters, in
conjunction with Police Department.
e. Makes vehicles and personnel available to Parks Department to transport donated
and procured mass care supplies to shelters and other locations.
7. Public Information Officer
Coordinate the dissemination of public information concerning mass care and
individual assistance, ensuring proper information is provided to and by all relevant
partner organizations.
8. Human Resources Department
a. Identify employees and their families who may need disaster related assistance.
b. Assist Parks Department with disaster related employee services.
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City of Auburn Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan
c. Human Resources will coordinate training opportunities for staff members regarding
shelter and mass care operations.
9. Finance Department- Solid Waste
a. Coordinate cleaning of areas surrounding shelters, empty waste containers, and
dispose of solid waste.
b. Coordinate solid waste disposal needs with other city departments.
c. Communicate any resource or supply needs with Finance DOC or EOC.
B. Local Organizations
1. Auburn Valley Humane Society
a. Provide assistance with emergency stray pet sheltering within the City of Auburn.
b. Provide assistance with pet shelters for evacuee animals in close proximity to mass
care shelters.
c. Provide assistance with an animal donation location and management of donated
d. Provide assistance in finding shelter and services for owners of pets and other
e. Provide assistance for transportation of stray and owned pets to the shelters.
f. Assist with reunification of stray pets with owners.
g. Assist in placing stray or injured pets and animals with local veterinarians or kennels.
h. Shelter stray domestic household animals including pocket pets per Auburn City
i. Auburn Valley Humane Society coordinates with the Animal Health Officer and their
Animal Shelter manager Designee. The Animal Health Office and their designee
have the final decision.
2. American Red Cross
As resources allow, and potentially in a regionalized model, provides the following
a. Food, Shelter and Emergency Supplies: During a disaster, first priority is to
ensure that people have a safe place to stay, food, and emergency supplies. Red
Cross works with government and community partners to open shelters where
residents will find comfort with a hot meal, recovery information, and a place to
rest. For emergency workers and people returning to their homes, the Red Cross
mobilizes emergency response vehicles from which disaster workers distribute
food, water, and essential clean-up items that might not be immediately
available in the community.
b. Welfare Information: Disasters often disrupt regular communication channels
and can separate families. Through the Red Cross' nationwide network of
chapters, family members may request welfare information regarding their loved
ones. The Red Cross "Safe and Well"Web site enables people within a disaster
area to let their families and friends outside of the affected region know that
they are all right. Clients register on Safe and Well, by going to
http://redcross.org/safeandwell. Red Cross call agents at 1-800-RED-CROSS will
register individuals without computers or connectivity.
c. Client Casework and Recovery Planning and Assistance: To help people with
disaster-caused needs, Red Cross provides individualized client services through
casework. Particular attention is given to those who have experienced significant
damage or loss of their homes. This casework process consists of an in-depth
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City of Auburn Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan
interview that allows the worker to assess the client's immediate needs. With
this information, the caseworker can connect the client with items, financial
assistance and/or referrals to local resources which can meet those immediate
needs. The caseworker also engages the client in a brief planning process which
can help identify action steps for the client to follow in the first few days or
weeks after a disaster. Red Cross caseworkers work closely with local, state and
federal government to ensure clients have access to all available resources.
d. Disaster Health and Mental Health Services: After an emergency, injuries can
ensue, essential prescription medicines lost, and the shock and stress of sudden
loss can overwhelm a person's normal coping skills. The Red Cross deploys
licensed health and mental health professionals who are specifically trained and
equipped for disaster responses to help. Disaster health professionals are
available for emergency first aid, medical assessment, triage and replacement of
emergency medications. Our Disaster Health Services team meets these needs
through item distribution, financial assistance or referrals to community
partners. Disaster mental health professionals in shelters and service locations
provide mental health assessments, crisis intervention and a sympathetic ear to
those in need.
e. Provides preliminary and detailed damage assessments of the affected area to
determine the number of dwellings and public shelters damaged and the extent
of damage.
f. Coordinates, within its agreements, the provision of relief efforts by any
volunteer organizations actively engaged in providing relief assistance to disaster
g. Coordinates its relief activity with participating and support agencies and
affected areas through liaisons to the state, county, and local jurisdiction EOCs.
h. Makes recommendations to the City of Auburn EOC for the establishment of
mass care priorities.
3. Non-profit organizations
Various organizations, including the American Red Cross, Salvation Army, various
religious organizations, and others may provide a variety of donated goods and
services after a disaster, which will be done in coordination with the Parks
Department, Human Services Division, or Emergency Management Division.
4. Private (for-profit) organizations
a. Various businesses may provide donated or purchased goods and services for the
benefit of disaster victims. This will be done in coordination with the Parks
Department, Human Services Division, or Emergency Management Division.
b. All local organizations which provide goods or services which may be useful after a
disaster, whether non-profit or for-profit, will be encouraged to become part of the
local COAD group, organized by the Emergency Management Division, in order to
provide more efficient services during the disaster.
B. County
1. King and Pierce County Emergency Management
a. Coordinate the location, staffing, and supplies for regional shelters, in conjunction
with all impacted jurisdictions.
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City of Auburn Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan
b. Coordinate with the American Red Cross and other large service organizations for
the provision of shelters and supplies regionally.
2. King and Pierce County Animal Control
Coordinate the location, staffing, and supplies for regional pet shelters, in conjunction
with all impacted jurisdictions and non-profit organizations.
Specialized staff, locations and consumables will be required to manage mass care and
human services support on a 24-hour basis for days to weeks or longer. The City will
need to contract for supplies and services to support most of this effort.
1. American Red Cross Shelter Operations Guide
2. City of Auburn Duty Officer Manual
3. City of Auburn EOC Manager Manual
4. King County Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan
5. King County Regional Coordination Framework
6. Pierce County Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan
7. Washington State Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan
8. National Response Framework
9. Auburn Emergency Pet Shelter Manual
1. King County Regional Sheltering Concept of Operations
2. King County Regional Shelter Types Table
3. King County Regional Sheltering and Mass Care Decision Tree
ESF#6—Mass Care, Housing, and Human Services Revised January 2015 120
City of Auburn Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan
Attachment 1: King County Regional Shelter Concept of Operations
King County Regional Concept of Operations
General Population Shelters
Updated May 26, 2009
The King County Shelter table has been established by the King County Mass Care Workgroup
to establish a common operating platform for shelter operations county-wide. The shelter table
takes into consideration the potential need for individual cities to be able to offer some sort of
shelter in their jurisdiction, while balancing the availability of regional resources and the concept
that no person in need will be turned away based on jurisdictional boundaries.
The intent of the Workgroup is to recommend that jurisdictions coordinate shelter services to
maximize the efficient use of scare resources. Toward this goal,jurisdictions are encouraged to
consolidate dormitory shelters while offering local warming/cooling centers as able and needed.
Jurisdictions must evaluate what level of effort they can adequately support and sustain for the
anticipated length of the event, taking into consideration staff, supplies, facilities, and other
related needs.
The Workgroup recommends that all jurisdictions offering shelter services adopt and utilize
sheltering procedures endorsed by the American Red Cross in order to facilitate the potential
operation of multi-jurisdiction shelters. The Workgroup further recommends that all jurisdictions
in King County adopt the shelter typing system created by the Workgroup.
In a wide-spread regional disaster, the availability of resources from other local jurisdictions and
the American Red Cross will be severely limited, thus collaborative regional shelters will be the
standard in those situations.
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City of Auburn Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan
Attachment 2: King County Shelter Types
The King County Shelter types have been established by the King County Mass Care Workgroup to establish a common operating platform for
shelter operations county-wide.They take into consideration the need for each individual City to be able to offer some sort of shelter in their
jurisdiction,while balancing the availability of regional resources.The intent is to encourage jurisdictions to offer the shelter services they are able
to, but to recognize that when local resources are expended,or insufficient to begin with,regional shelters will become necessary in order to
leverage available resources from all involved jurisdictions.The shelter typing system encourages all jurisdictions offering shelter services to adopt
and utilize sheltering procedures endorsed by the American Red Cross in order to facilitate the operation of multi-jurisdiction shelters. No jurisdiction
is prohibited from opening their own shelter of any type,however they must take into consideration the availability of resources to support it,
recognizing that local shelters are the sole responsibility of the jurisdiction that opens them, until and unless outside resources are available. In a
wide-spread regional disaster,the availability of resources from other local jurisdictions and the American Red Cross will be severely limited,thus
collaborative regional shelters are highly encouraged in those situations.
Regional Dormitory Mega- Jurisdiction or American Red Cross(ARC), County,City,SP Windstorm, Current event Federal Support;Zone
Shelter(>500 capacity). Tribal Execs thru County,City,Special Purpose District,Tribes,ARC, Power Outage, information,public Coordination Centers;
KCECC,Private (SP)Districts,Tribes,Private Private Sector. Earthquake, education,prepared State Resources,County,City,
Sector.County Sector. Supported by all Terrorism, meals,sanitation, SP District,Tribes ARC,Non-
coordination jurisdictions in Volcanic sleeping,first aid,ADA Governmental Organizations
necessary due to region. Eruption access,security,pet (NGOs),Faith,Private Sector
resource shelter nearby (see
constraints. below)
Zone dormitory shelter Jurisdiction or ARC,KC Parks,City,SP County,City,SP Hazmat, Current event County,City,SP District,
(<500 capacity) Tribal Execs thru Districts,Tribes,Private Sector Districts,Tribes, Earthquake, information,public Tribes,ARC,NGOs,Faith,
Zone 1=North County KCECC or Zone ARC,Private Sector. Flooding, education,prepared State Resources
Zone 3=South County+ Coord Center. Supported by all Winter Storm meals,sanitation, Regional Coordination
Vashon Zone or County jurisdictions in Zone. sleeping,security,ADA Framework(RCF),Zone
Zone 5=Seattle. coordination access,first aid,pet Coordination Centers.
necessary due to shelter in separate
resource location(see below)
ESF#6—Mass Care,Housing,and Human Services Revised January 2015 122
City of Auburn Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan
Local dormitory shelter Jurisdiction or County,City,SP District,Tribes, Local jurisdictions. All Hazards, Current event City,SP District,Tribes,ARC,
(dependent upon local Tribal Exec ARC. localized information,public Faith,NGOs,
jurisdiction resources, education,prepared Mutual Aid,Inter-local
typically<100 capacity) meals,sanitation, Agreements,RCF,Private
utilities,sleeping,first Sector
access;pet shelter in
separate location(see
Severe weather shelter Jurisdiction or County,City,Multiple Agency County,City,SP Severe Winter Sanitation,utilities, County,City,Multiple Agency
(Provides overnight-only Tribal Exec,or Partnership,SP District,Tribes, District,Tribes Weather sleeping,security,ADA Partnership,SP District,Tribes
sleeping quarters for ARC,faith-based ARC access. ARC,NGOs,Faith,Private
homeless and general Optional:Human Sector
public during severe cold services information,
weather events.) warm/cold drinks and
snacks.Pets per facility
Medical Needs Shelter Public Health KC Public Health Public Health All Hazards Nursing staff,in-patient County,City,SP District,
(Patients have no acute beds.Medical Reserve Tribes,ARC,Faith,-
medical needs but require Corps staff. State Resources,
some medical surveillance RCF,Zone Coordination
and/or special assistance Center Activations,Private
beyond what is available in Sector,all health-care
a standard shelter). providers.
Skilled Care Nursing Home Public Health KC Public Health Public Health All Hazards Sick call team,acute County,City,SP District,
Evacuation care,oxygen,Medical Tribes,ARC,Faith,
(Patients who require Reserve Corps staff, State Resources,
recurring professional nursing staff,in-patient RCF,Zone Coordination
medical care,special beds. Center Activations,Private
medical equipment,and a Sector,all health-care
level of care usually only providers.
available in Hospitals or
Skilled Care Facility.
ESF#6—Mass Care, Housing,and Human Services Revised January 2015 123
City of Auburn Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan
Medical Surge Public Health KC Public Health Public Health All Hazards Sick call team,medical County,City,SP District,
(Patients who need acute records,acute care, Tribes,ARC,Faith,
medical care such as pediatrics team,oxygen, .State Resources,
individuals experiencing medical reserve corps RCF,Zone Coordination
trauma or injury.In case of staff,administration, Center Activations,Private
disease outbreak or certain nursing staff,in-patient Sector,all health-care
other disasters,a significant beds. providers.
portion of the population
may be immediately thrown
into this category as a result
of the incident.)
Disaster Meal Site(Meals to Jurisdiction or County,City,SP District,Tribes, County,City,SP All Hazards Prepared meals,current County,City,SP District,ARC,
general public when normal Tribal Exec NGOs,ARC District,ARC Faith, event information and NGOs,Faith Community,
food distribution channels NGOs education;basic Private Sector
disrupted,or for emergency sanitation;ADA access
Warming/Cooling Center Jurisdiction or County,City,SP District,Tribes, County,City,SP All Hazards Current event Mutual Aid,Inter-local
(Provide respite for general Tribal Exec EOCs Districts,Tribes, information,heating or Agreements,volunteer and
public on a drop-in basis). Faith,NGOs,private NC,basic sanitation, faith-based resources;local
ADA access.Optional: staffing,ARC,NGOs
public education,drinks,
Pet Shelter Facility Jurisdiction or Local jurisdiction will address Same as Type 3 and All Hazards Pet food,water,cages, Pet Owners,Shelter agencies,
(May be set up in close Tribal Exec 4 shelters leashes,vet support, state Ag,County Gov agencies,
proximity to dormitory Shelter agencies, volunteers,sanitation volunteer agencies,private
shelter to house pets of State Ag County supplies and plan, business,
shelter occupants.) Gov agencies/ tracking plan,pet
Tribes;volunteer contract,shelter SOP;
agencies,private off-site storage facilities,
business. security plan
ESF#6—Mass Care,Housing,and Human Services Revised January 2015 124
City of Auburn Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan
Lost&Found Pet Shelter Local,county, Local jurisdictions and County See Pet Shelter All Hazards See Pet Shelter County facilities,state Ag,
(shelter for household pets Tribal Execs Animal Control;Shelters cross- volunteer agencies,private
whose owners are unknown leveled at KCECC business
or can't be located).
Individual Home/Apartment Individual Individual Resident;Business Individual Resident; All Hazards Family Plan,Skills; Individual family budget,
Residence;Workplace- Resident; Owner/Employees Possible linkage with Disaster Supplies;pet Purchases from vendors;
Shelter at Home/Work(for Business Owner CERT, supplies.Event Business Continuity of
individuals able to be Neighborhood information from media Operations(COOP)Plans
independent for own shelter Teams;Workplace (radio,TV,print).
and care). Business Plans,
Supplies;safe room for
shelter in place from
Livestock Shelter(set up to Jurisdiction Same as Local,Zone,Regional Shelter agencies, All Hazards Livestock food,water, Livestock owners,State Ag
house livestock evacuated Tribal shelters State Agriculture, fenced,secure areas;vet Dept;Volunteer and livestock
form rural/suburban areas. Executive County Government support,care volunteers, organizations;County Gov
agencies sanitation supplies, agencies,private business
Tribes,Volunteer tracking system,owner
organizations, contacts;shelter SOP,
Private Business off-site storage,security
ESF#6—Mass Care,Housing,and Human Services Revised January 2015 125
City of Auburn Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan
Attachment 3: King County Sheltering and Mass Care Decision Tree
Attachment 3:King County Sheltering and Mass Care Decision Tree Can people stayosJh friends/
family,in hotels/moesls,in their ;All to King
Il even
own RVs,or will they require inGudeovemight sheltering?Can they discal peapl fromludingaleeD in their homes as long as Yes. air homes or intenupSart Here < r type,other mass care services are Oetermine vital servicesration.
available? Duration.
Who/What RegoMe No King County ECC:208-2963830
needs to Shelter King County Public Health:208-296-.1606
Refer to King County Shelter Table and be NOM I
Concept of Operations for specific sheltered?
details related to this tree. service Services
KC Regional Shelter Task Forty People NOTE:Estimate Me size of
Updated 5/26/2009
Animals the general population
-u` shelter to be 10%of the Consider
/General displaced population. a non-shelter
Population or mass care
NOTE:Medically dependent
DeperMenl7 refers to individuals who
Pete or
Liwbdt �_. General require specialized medical Meals
care in order to survive,such Climate Controlled
PoDulaton as ventilators. Facilities
Will meal provision
Medically allow people to
1 Pets Livestock Dependent stay
aymes?Ir Will access to
o you have eo you have NO climate coatrolled
YES respite allow
sufficient facilities, sufficientsfacilities, to
staffing and pa(sno and e.you have YES NO pMelahomes in
supplies to support supplies to support ♦ sufficient facilities, Mil
this shelter for the this shelter for the• Send people to staffing, d
duration of the duration of the regiohal shelters osn • YES
vent? event? thissuphe to support Consider Disaster NO
shelter for the Meal Site
YES NO duration of the
event? Consider
YES NO Open Livestock Facility
Shelter YES NO ♦
e s
Open Pet Shelter 111111 Open General tb you hav:es,
Population Shelter sufficient fand bas Do you have
pu staffing, su(ficienlfahMs,
supplies to support staffing,and
is for the duratio supplies to support
of the event? this for the duratio
of the event?
Regularly and Modify YES NO
s Necessary! YES NO
/ - OpenSer - Open Warming/ MI
Meall Site iteCooling Facility
ESF#6—Mass Care, Housing,and Human Services Revised January 2015 126
City of Auburn Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan
LEAD: Emergency Management
SUPPORT: City: Human Resources
Public Works
Community Development
All City Departments
A. Purpose
To provide the most efficient coordination of resources in order to effectively respond to and
recover from an emergency or disaster.
B. Scope
Resource support involves the procurement and allocation of resources beyond normal day
to day operations. These resources include equipment, materials, facilities, contracted
services, supplies, and personnel required to support the city's departments/divisions during
the response and recovery phases of an emergency or disaster. Resource support may
continue until the demobilization/disposition of all resources is complete.
A. In accordance with Section 7 of Article VIII of the Washington State Constitution, "no county,
city, town, or other municipal corporation shall hereafter give any money, or property, or loan
its money, or credit to or in aid of any individual, association, company, or corporation,
except for the necessary support of the poor and infirm, or become directly or indirectly the
owner of any stock in or bonds of any association, company or corporation".
B. In accordance with RCW 38.52.070, "each political subdivision, in which any disaster as
described in RCW 38.52.020 occurs, shall have the power to enter into contracts and incur
obligations necessary to combat such disaster, protecting the health and safety of persons
and property, and providing emergency assistance to the victims of such disaster. Each
political subdivision is authorized to exercise the powers vested under this section in the
light of exigencies of an extreme emergency situation without regard to time-consuming
procedures and formalities prescribed by law(except mandatory constitutional
requirements), including, but not limited to, budget law limitations, requirements of
competitive bidding and publication of notices, provisions pertaining to the performance of
public work, entering into contracts, the incurring of obligations, the employment of
temporary workers, the rental of equipment, the purchase of supplies and materials, the
levying of taxes, and the appropriation and expenditures of public funds".
C. In accordance with RCW 38.52.110, in responding to a disaster, "the governor and the
executive heads of the political subdivisions of the state are directed to utilize the services,
equipment, supplies, and facilities of existing departments, offices, and agencies of the
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state, political subdivisions, and all other municipal corporations thereof including but not
limited to districts and quasi municipal corporations organized under the laws of the state of
Washington to the maximum extent practicable, and the officers and personnel of all such
departments, offices, and agencies are directed to cooperate with and extend such services
and facilities to the governor and to the emergency management organizations of the state
upon request notwithstanding any other provision of law."
D. In accordance with RCW 38.52.110, "the chief executive of counties, cities and towns and
the emergency management directors of local political subdivisions appointed in accordance
with this chapter, in the event of a disaster, after proclamation by the governor of the
existence of such disaster, shall have the power to command the service and equipment of
as many citizens as considered necessary in the light of the disaster proclaimed:
PROVIDED, that citizens so commandeered shall be entitled during the period of service to
all privileges, benefits and immunities as are provided by this chapter and federal and state
emergency management regulations for registered emergency workers."
E. In accordance with RCW 38.56, the City is a member of the Washington Intrastate Mutual
Aid System and may request resources from any political subdivision in the State which has
not opted out of the system. It is understood that the City will reimburse any jurisdiction
which provides resources under this system.
F. It is the policy of the City of Auburn that departments/divisions utilize their own resources or
mutual aid agreements before requesting outside resources. It is not necessary to wait to
make a request for outside resources until the city is already out of resources; the request
may be initiated earlier to coordinate delivery of outside resources to arrive at the point in
time when exhaustion of city resources is anticipated.
G. The Regional Disaster Framework for Public and Private Organizations in King County,
Washington to which the City of Auburn is a signatory, provides a financial agreement
between signatory partners when mutual aid resources are requested. This financial
agreement, when invoked, supersedes other financial arrangements which may govern
normal response operations and resource sharing between jurisdictions. It also describes
the resource management and procurement process coordinated by King County when local
city resources are insufficient to meet the demands of the incident.
A significant emergency or disaster may damage or limit the existing resources needed to
maintain vital city services or to care for the general public in need of disaster assistance.
Certain disasters may significantly impact transportation infrastructure and/or vendor
operations and may inhibit the availability and flow of resources into and within the city.
Refer to the Auburn Hazard Identification and Vulnerability Analysis within the King County
Regional Hazard Mitigation Plan for details on hazards.
A. The City will not have all of the resources, either in type or quantity that may be required to
combat the effects of all potential emergencies or disasters.
B. Each individual department is responsible for inventories of their own resources and for
reporting same to the Emergency Management Division or the EOC when requested. All city
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resource inventories will follow NI MS guidance including "type" and "kind."
C. The Logistics Section of the EOC will track all unassigned staff and volunteers. When the
EOC is not activated, this function will be performed by the HR Department.
D. All unassigned personnel and volunteers will report their location and availability to the
nearest Department Operations Center(DOC) or EOC and that information will be tracked
by the Logistics Section in the EOC, if activated, otherwise by the HR Department
E. The Human Resources Department is responsible for handling claims for workers
compensation from credentialed volunteers and City personnel, and this function will be
coordinated by the Finance/Admin Section in the EOC when activated.
F. The Emergency Management Division is responsible for managing damage and
compensation claims from emergency workers eligible for such under WAC 118-04 and for
submitting those to the Compensation Board and to the State.
G. The Emergency Management Division is responsible for purchasing, maintaining, and
tracking disaster supplies to be issued to employees. This includes, but is not limited to,
emergency backpacks, emergency food and water, and other supplies as resources allow.
H. Weather conditions, damage to transportation routes, or other factors may restrict access to
a disaster site or to a storage area and affect the availability and distribution of resources.
I. Department Operations Centers will have available, or have immediate access to, resources
and vendor lists for the most commonly used or anticipated resources used during an
emergency or disaster. This information will also be made available to EOC personnel.
A. During an emergency or disaster, or the threat of one, the EOC may be activated to
coordinate the response and support of City departments and other responding agencies
with evaluation, planning, information, and resource management.
B. During urgent preparedness or response activity, resources will only be provided upon the
request of recognized field command personnel, such as an Incident Commander, or upon
direction of the Emergency Management Director or EOC Manager.
C. The EOC will be activated on a case-by-case basis to support the resource needs of the
restoration and recovery effort. As resource needs diminish, staff may provide coordination
services without EOC activation.
D. The Logistics Section of the EOC has the responsibility for the procurement process. The
EOC Finance &Administration section will support the resource procurement process by
accounting for resources during and after incidents, tallying current expenditures, and
providing appropriate documentation for cost recovery. This information will be coordinated
with the Auburn Finance Department.
E. To the maximum extent possible, the continued operation of a free-market economy using
existing distribution systems will be utilized.
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F. Mandatory controls on the allocation, utilization, or conservation of resources can be used
when necessary for the continued protection of public health, safety, and welfare. Whenever
possible, voluntary controls are preferred.
G. A successful and efficient response and recovery effort relies heavily upon the involvement
of the whole community. To that end, the community is encouraged to involve themselves
in community based pre-disaster activities. This includes active involvement in the COAD
group, which gathers resources information and distributes procedures as part of the
preparedness process.
H. Close coordination will be maintained with Federal, Tribal, State, County and Local officials
and volunteer associations directly involved in the event. The priority of tasks will be
determined by EOC staff.
I. The resources of the City will be used to the extent practicable and in accordance with the
provisions of RCW 38.52.110. City departments will retain sufficient quantities of applicable
resources in reserve to meet City needs, as appropriate. Department Operating Centers
(DOC's)will first utilize normal procedures and/or vendor lists for procuring resource needs
before requesting outside assistance. The EOC Finance and Administration Section will
identify the process for the emergency procurement of resources
J. Should City resources be insufficient, additional resources may be procured or requested
through the following:
1. Private sector purchase.
2. Mutual Aid and Interlocal Agreements, including the King County Regional Coordination
Framework and the Washington Intrastate Mutual Aid Agreement.
3. Private sector resources, in accordance with the provisions of RCW 38.52.110 (Use of
Existing Services and Facilities— Impressment of Citizenry), upon a Governor's
declaration of disaster.
K. Ensuring adequate staff to respond during an emergency or disaster is essential.
L. Areas in the City will be identified as Community Points of Distribution (CPODS), for the set-
up and distribution of life-sustaining supplies to individuals during an emergency.
A. City of Auburn
1. Emergency Management Division
a. Ensures deployed and available resources are inventoried and that an updated
inventory list is available in the EOC and in each DOC.
b. Coordinates requests for out-of-area resources through the use of EOC staff.
c. Coordinates with all departments to ensure accurate reporting of disaster-related
costs, in conjunction with Finance Department.
d. Provides trained emergency radio volunteers to provide communications from
remote or communications damaged sites.
e. Trains and pre-identifies disaster volunteers.
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f. In conjunction with Public Works, develops standard operating procedures for city-
wide resource management. Develop and maintain disaster-specific policies and
procedures to acquire equipment, materials, supplies, contract services, and
equipment maintenance during an emergency or disasters.
g. Identifies resource distribution and storage areas.
h. Ensures there are enough adequately trained personnel and/or volunteers to carry
out EOC activities and schedules them appropriately.
i. Ensures that the essential needs of EOC staff are accounted for(food, shelter, rest,
mental health, etc.).
j. Develops plans for managing donated goods and services, whether those goods and
services are donated for City use or public use.
2. Human Resources
a. Develops plans for employee and family notification during an emergency.
b. Develops procedures and coordinates the registration of temporary emergency
workers and volunteers on behalf of the City, in coordination with the Emergency
Management Division.
c. Provides staff to serve in the Logistics and/or Finance Sections of the EOC.
3. All City Departments
a. Inventories personnel, major equipment, and supplies and provides a listing to the
Emergency Management Division annually, and directly to the EOC during a
b. Coordinates resource use under emergency conditions through the EOC.
c. Monitors and processes time sheets, rosters, overtime requests, and event specific
activity logs.
d. Maintain cost records of personnel, contractors, and equipment used during
emergency response and recovery as may be required for FEMA Public Assistance.
Provide information upon request from Finance personnel.
e. Assesses the impact of the event on available resources and identifies repair,
maintenance, and replenishment needs.
f. Provides appropriate staff to support the EOC, as requested, to ensure the following
activities occur:
i. Procures equipment, materials, supplies, contract services, equipment
maintenance, and negotiate leases for grounds, offices, or space required by the
City, as directed by the Emergency Management Director.
ii. Coordinates the allocation, utilization, and conservation of resources.
iii. Verifies that local resources are exhausted, or are about to be, prior to requesting
resources through mutual aid channels.
g. Develops and maintains policies, a Continuity of Operations Plan, and Standard
Operating Procedures (SOPs)for the department's disaster responsibilities.
4. Finance Department
a. Establishes "Emergency Purchasing Agreements" with local businesses for use
during emergency or disaster operations.
b. Establishes project codes to track disaster expenses for reimbursement.
c. Establishes all necessary special accounts for the receipt of monetary donations.
d. Assists in identifying sources of disaster funds, if departmental budgets are
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e. Ensures disaster-related expenditures are made in accordance with applicable laws,
regulations, and accounting procedures.
f. Coordinates with all departments to ensure accurate reporting of disaster-related
costs, in conjunction with Emergency Management Division.
g. Develops procedures for collecting and processing emergency time cards and for
paying City employees.
5. Police Department
a. In coordination with Public Works and Valley Regional Fire Authority, identify
passable routes for transport of goods and people.
b. Provides or coordinates security and mobile radio communications at distribution
centers, if requested and as resources allow.
c. Provides or coordinates security at the entrances of the EOC, for access control and
logging purposes.
d. Provides or coordinates security at DOC sites, as requested and as resources allow.
6. Public Works Department
a. In coordination with the Police Department and Valley Regional Fire Authority,
identifies passable routes for transport of goods and people.
b. Assists in the transport of goods and people, if requested and as resources allow.
c. In conjunction with Emergency Management, develop SOPs for city-wide resource
management. Develop and maintain disaster-specific policies and procedures to
acquire equipment, materials, supplies, contract services, and equipment
maintenance during an emergency or disasters.
7. Parks Department
a. Assists in the transport of goods and people, if requested and as resources allow.
b. Assist in distribution of goods and commodities to the public, via established shelter
locations or other identified points of distribution.
Auburn Community Organizations Active in a Disaster(COAD) contacts list
City of Auburn department-specific inventory records
City of Auburn vendor records
1. City of Auburn Duty Officer Manual
2. City of Auburn EOC Manager Manual
3. King County Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan
4. King County Regional Coordination Framework
5. Pierce County Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan
6. RCW 38.52.020, Declaration of policy and purpose
7. RCW 38.52.070, Local Organization and Joint Local Organizations Authorized —
Establishment, Operation — Emergency Powers, Procedures
8. RCW 38.52.110, Use of Existing Services and Facilities— Impressment of Citizenry
9. RCW 38.56, Intrastate Mutual Aid System
10. Washington State Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan
11. Washington State Constitution, Article VIII, Section 7
12. National Response Framework
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City of Auburn Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan
LEAD: Emergency Management
SUPPORT: City: Police
Public Information Officer
All City Departments
Local: Valley Regional Fire Authority
Regional: King and Pierce County Public Health
Northwest Regional Healthcare Response Network
A. Purpose
1. To coordinate the support of health, medical, and mortuary services in the City of Auburn
during an emergency or disaster.
2. To provide a format for the City to support a health, medical, or mortuary services
emergency in cooperation with King or Pierce County Medical Examiner's Office, VRFA,
King County Medic One, the King or Pierce County Public Health Departments, and/or
another related organization by participating in an Incident or Unified Command system
depending on the type, severity, and needs of the specific incident.
3. To identify the role of all the agencies that might possibly be involved in a health,
medical or mortuary services emergency in the City of Auburn.
B. Scope
This Emergency Support Function (ESF) addresses the identification and coordination of the
City's health, medical, and mortuary needs during an emergency or disaster. This includes
the following:
• Assessment of medical and health needs
• Health surveillance and communicable disease response
• Medical care personnel
• Medical and health equipment and supplies
• Patient evacuation
• In-hospital care
• Mental health
• Public health information
• Vector control (rats, pests, etc.)
• Potable water, wastewater, and sanitation
• Solid waste disposal
• Mortuary services and victim identification
• Hazardous materials (spills and releases)
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City of Auburn Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan
A. The City will support the efforts of King and Pierce County Health Departments, VRFA, King
County Medic One, the King and Pierce County Medical Examiner's Offices, or other related
organizations regarding health, medical, and mortuary services in the City.
B. King and Pierce County Public Health Departments provide guidance to the City, County,
and other agencies and individuals on basic public health principles involving safe drinking
water, food sanitation, personal hygiene, and proper disposal of human waste, garbage,
infections or hazardous waste, and communicable diseases.
1. The County Health Officers, or designee, may implement quarantine policies and/or a
health order when required due to incidents of mass communicable disease exposure,
or contamination of food, water, and environmental resources.
C. Representatives of County departments will coordinate their county-wide responsibilities
from their respective County Emergency Operations Centers. In instances where an event is
contained within the Auburn city limits, those organizations may send representatives to the
City of Auburn EOC.
D. Unified or Area Command will be used in all incidents relating to health, medical, and
mortuary services that are criminal in nature or that require a police investigation be
A. Emergencies or disasters may occur in a local jurisdiction at any time causing significant
human suffering, injury and death, public and private property damage, environment
degradation, economic hardship to business, families, individuals, and disruption of local
1. A significant natural disaster or technological event that overwhelms the City of Auburn.
would demand county, state, and federal public medical care assistance.
2. Hospitals, nursing homes, pharmacies and other medical/health care facilities may be
structurally damaged or destroyed. Those facilities that survive with little or no
structural damage may be rendered unusable or only partially usable because of
damage to utilities (power, water, sewer), or the inability of staff to report for duty.
3. Medical and health care facilities which remain in operation and have the necessary
utilities and staff may be overwhelmed by the "walking wounded" and seriously injured
patients who are transported there in the immediate aftermath of an
emergency/disaster occurrence.
4. Medical supplies and equipment will likely be in short supply. Most health care facilities
maintain only inventory stock to meet their short-term (24 to 36 hours) normal patient
load needs. Disruptions in local communications and transportation systems could
prevent timely resupply.
5. Uninjured persons who require daily medications such as insulin, antihypertensive
drugs, and digitalis may have difficulty in obtaining these medications because of
damage or destruction of normal supply locations and general shortages within the
disaster area.
6. Damage to transportation systems may delay medical transports and outside assistance
from other agencies.
7. Damages to drinking and wastewater systems may complicate health care and possibly
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add to the victim or patient totals.
8. Hazardous Materials incidents will present unique problems to patient care as the
patients themselves may become contaminated and considered hazardous.
A. The City of Auburn does not provide health, medical, or mortuary services of any type and
assists in these functions in a support role only.
B. VRFA and Medic One, along with private ambulance companies, provide emergency
medical care in the City of Auburn.
C. A significant natural or technological disaster or terrorist event could overwhelm local
medical facilities and services requiring emergency coordination of casualties. This
coordination will generally be the responsibility of VRFA, Medic One, and area hospitals.
ESF 8 agencies should not anticipate additional resources or personnel for 24-72 hours
during a large scale incident.
D. Area hospitals, including Multicare Auburn Medical Center, clinics, nursing homes,
pharmacies, and other medical and health care facilities may suffer severe structural
damage, be destroyed, or be rendered unusable in a disaster.
E. A major emergency or disaster could pose public health threats to food, water, and personal
F. Damaged manufacturing facilities, waste processing and disposal facilities, sewer lines, and
water distribution systems and secondary hazards such as fires could result in toxic
environmental and public health hazards to the surviving population and response
G. The damage and destruction of a catastrophic disaster will produce urgent needs for mental
health crisis counseling for disaster victims and response personnel.
H. Disruption of sanitation services and facilities, loss of power, and massing of people in
shelters may increase the potential for disease and injury.
A. Public Health
1. King and Pierce County Health Departments
a. Provide or coordinate health and environmental health services and activities within
the City (including pandemic disease planning and response), including:
i. Identification of regional health hazards and their impacts.
ii. Implementation of disease control measures, including examination, testing,
treatment, vaccination, isolation, or quarantine, when appropriate.
iii. Coordination with the Department of Ecology to assess the public health risk
from a hazardous materials spill.
b. Activate emergency response plans and protocols when an emergency occurs or is
imminent, requiring a coordinated regional response of health and medical agencies.
c. Public Health will be the primary expert source of public information regarding health,
medical, mortuary and environmental response to emergencies in King or Pierce
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Counties. Public Health will work with Joint Information Center(s), County EOC's,
and with appropriate response partners to coordinate all releases of health
information to the public.
d. Report to local officials and the public regarding health conditions, warnings, and
public information utilizing available means of communication and information
e. Provide limited medical support and sanitation services (identifying health hazards
and making recommendations)to mass care facilities when activated.
f. Provide the medical support and mechanism for distribution of prophylaxes to the
public and emergency personnel, if warranted by threat of disease.
g. Provide oversight of potable water supplies, including those operated by the City.
B. Emergency Medical Services (EMS)
1. The primary objective of EMS in an emergency or disaster is to ensure that basic and
advanced life support systems are organized and coordinated to provide prompt,
adequate, and continuous emergency care to disaster victims. These may include, but
are not limited to:
a. Identification and coordination of medical resources.
b. Identification of potential sites and support staff for temporary emergency clinics.
c. Emergency care at shelters and mass care facilities.
d. Coordination of medical transportation resources.
2. Both King and Pierce Counties have mass casualty plans that detail operational
concepts and responsibilities to assure that EMS in the area will be capable of providing
mass casualty emergency medical services during an emergency or disaster.
3. Basic and advanced life support services are provided by VRFA, Medic One, and
various private ambulance companies within the City of Auburn. Mutual aid between and
among EMS providers is utilized to make the most efficient use of available resources.
4. Hospitals and other medical providers and facilities will respond according to their
established emergency response and disaster plans.
C. Mortuary Services
1. The King and Pierce County Medical Examiner's Offices have jurisdiction over bodies of
all deceased persons within their county boundaries (RCW 68.50.010), with the
exception of incidents that fall under the jurisdiction of the Federal Aviation
Administration (FAA), the State of Washington, or the military.
2. Both King and Pierce Counties have Mass Fatality Plans that detail operational concepts
and responsibilities to assure that mass fatalities are dealt with in the most appropriate
3. The Medical Examiner's Offices will coordinate support of local mortuary services, as
needed. Local funeral directors may assist in emergency mortuary services, if requested
and at the discretion of the Medical Examiner.
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4. If local resources for mortuary services are exceeded, the State and/or Federal
government may provide supplemental assistance. The Medical Examiner may make a
request for such assistance through his/her respective county EOC or to the Washington
State Department of Health.
A. City of Auburn
1. All Departments
a. Designate appropriate staff to support public health, medical, and mortuary services
from the EOC during an event, as requested.
b. Provide resources to be involved with public health, medical, and mortuary service
organizations, as requested and as available.
c. Ensure that departmental Continuity of Operations plans contain contingencies for
staffing in the face of pandemic disease outbreak.
2. Emergency Management Division
a. Prior to an event, work with local medical providers to establish lines of
communication to be used during an emergency or disaster.
b. Coordinate with any volunteer disaster medical organization that may exist within
the City of Auburn, ensuring lines of communication exist for information exchange
and activation. Ensure that county Public Health agencies are aware of these
c. Provide logistical support to health and medical providers in the City of Auburn as
requested and as resources allow.
3. Public Information Officer
a. Coordinate closely with public health, medical, mortuary service organizations, and
regional partners during an event to ensure consistent public messaging.
4. Police Department
a. Provide or coordinate crowd and traffic control, law enforcement operations, and
crime scene investigations, if requested and as resources allow.
b. Coordinate additional security support for local hospitals and clinics, if requested and
as resources allow.
c. Coordinate quarantine enforcement with the King or Pierce County Health
Department, if requested and as resources allow.
d. Provide assistance to the Medical Examiner's Office with mortuary operations if
requested and as resources allow.
B. Local Agencies
1. Valley Regional Fire Authority
a. Coordinate all aspects of emergency medical care and transportation of patients at a
specific scene, including but not limited to triage, treatment, transportation, and set-
up for an initial morgue area, and provide incident status and operations needs to the
DOC/EOC at regular intervals.
2. Local Healthcare Providers
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City of Auburn Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan
a. Request mutual aid and medical logistics support through established healthcare
logistics mechanisms; utilizing the City of Auburn EOC logistics process only when
those channels fail, when the request is non-medical in nature, or when extra
coordination is needed between the healthcare provider and the City.
C. County
1. King and Pierce County Public Health Departments
a. Provide leadership and direction in responding to health and medical emergencies
across the Counties, consistent with the authority of the Local health Officer.
b. Activate ESF 8 Area command center, Joint information System and the ESF8 MAC
Group as appropriate.
c. Maintain 24/7 Duty Officer program and serve as the primary point of notification for
health and medical emergencies in their respective Counties.
d. Provide current and accurate information to the City of Auburn EOC, both for internal
use and public dissemination.
e. Organize and mobilize public health services during an emergency or disaster.
f. Identify and coordinate activation of additional health professionals, when
appropriate, including any volunteer disaster medical organization that may exist
within the City of Auburn.
2. King and Pierce County Medical Examiner's Office
a. Assume overall responsibility for emergency mortuary services, including but not
limited to selection of suitable facilities for emergency morgues and ensuring
qualified personnel are assigned to operate them.
b. Keep all necessary records and furnish the local EOC with a periodic status report
update and casualty list.
D. Federal
1. Department of Agriculture
a. Under guidelines of the Food and Drug Administration, work with State and local
governments in establishing public health controls for the proper disposal of
contaminated food and drugs.
2. Department of Health and Human Services
a. Assist State and local communities in taking protective and remedial measures for
ensuring sanitary food and potable water supplies, adequate sanitary systems,
rodent, insect and pest control, care of the sick and injured, and control of
communicable diseases.
b. Assign professional and technical personnel to augment state and local forces.
Specific medical and non-medical resources will be required for any major health or medical
emergency. Medical transportation, facilities, equipment and supplies are coordinated through
King County Emergency Medical Services. Additional resources may be requested through King
County Office of Emergency Management.
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City of Auburn Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan
1. City of Auburn Duty Officer Manual
2. City of Auburn EOC Manager Manual
3. King County Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan
4. King County Regional Coordination Framework
5. Pierce County Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan
6. RCW 68.50.010, Coroner's Jurisdiction Over Remains
7. Washington State Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan
8. National Response Framework
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City of Auburn Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan
LEAD: Police
Valley Regional Fire Authority
SUPPORT: City: Emergency Management
Public Works
Community Development
A. Purpose
The purpose of this ESF is to provide for the support of search and rescue resources that
may be operating within the City of Auburn.
B. Scope
This ESF addresses wilderness, suburban/urban, and structural search and rescue
operations, and includes ground, air, and water operations.
A. Search and rescue means the acts of searching for, rescuing, or recovering persons whom
have become lost, injured, or are killed as a result of natural, technological, or human
caused disaster. Refer to RCW 38.52.010.
B. The chief law enforcement officer of each political subdivision will be responsible for local
search and rescue activities (RCW 38.52.400) the Auburn Police Chief is responsible for
search and rescue operations in the City of Auburn.
C. The City of Auburn has no direct search and rescue assets and relies upon the assets of
King and Pierce counties to conduct non-structural search and rescue functions within the
City. The Valley Regional Fire Authority provides structural search and rescue operations
with the City and serves as the Incident Commander for all such operations.
D. The respective outside organizations are responsible for coordinating administrative
services for their search and rescue activities.
E. King and Pierce counties will activate and coordinate their non-structural search and rescue
assets at the request of the Police Chief.
F. Valley Regional Fire Authority will activate and coordinate their structural search and rescue
assets in response to events that require them or at the request of the Police Chief or
Director of Emergency Management. VRFA will be responsible for prioritizing use of their
structural search and rescue assets across their entire service area.
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City of Auburn Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan
A. The City of Auburn is vulnerable to airline crashes, terrorist activities, and natural disasters
that can cause significant structural collapse with multiple persons trapped. . Such disasters
can result in large, multi-jurisdictional search and rescue operations.
Earthquakes pose out most serious threat that would require significant search and rescue
operations. A major earthquake would trigger search and rescue operations involving VRFA,
City of Auburn personnel, statewide search and rescue volunteers, the Washington National
Guard, responders from neighboring jurisdictions, federal response agencies including the
military, and FEMA Urban Search and Rescue resources.
A. People may become lost, injured, trapped, or killed, during and emergency or disaster,
requiring search and rescue activities in the City of Auburn.
B. An emergency or disaster such as an earthquake may cause building collapse, leaving
persons in life-threatening situations requiring prompt structural search and rescue actions.
Such impacts will likely require multi-jurisdictional search and rescue operations.
C. Large numbers of people are likely to initiate their own search and rescue activities in
response to a large event. Some of these individuals will have been trained through CERT
or other programs, but most will not have. Historically, 95% of people rescued are assisted
by other victims, so the self-initiated response of the public must be anticipated and will
require coordination.
D. Responders will not have sufficient resources to manage spontaneous volunteers and it will
not be possible to account for them all, however procedures must be in place for registering
as emergency workers those who can be accounted for.
E. Access to damaged sites or event locations may be limited. Some sites may initially be
accessible by only air or water.
F. The Police Chief has the authority to formally limit access to impacted sites where search
and rescue operations are underway(RCW 38.52.400).
A. The Emergency Operations Center(EOC) may be activated to provide coordination and
logistical support to search and rescue operations conducted in the City.
B. The Police Chief, or designee, is the Incident Commander of non-structural search and
rescue operations in the City and of overall events which may contain a structural search
and rescue component. The Police Chief will not generally directly command structural or
technical search and rescue missions.
C. VRFA provides the Incident Commander for structural or technical search and rescue
operations that consist primarily of fire, medical, and heavy rescue operations that are
localized to a specific incident.
D. The Incident Commander will request search and rescue assets via the appropriate county
or other agency. Specialized teams, including water, confined space, high angle, and heavy
rescue will be requested through VRFA, who will obtain them via existing mutual aid
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City of Auburn Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan
E. WSDOT is responsible for the conduct and management of all aerial search and rescue
efforts in the State.
A. City of Auburn
1. Police Department
a. Establish Incident or Unified Command, as appropriate.
b. Coordinate search and rescue operations.
c. Request appropriate search and rescue resources.
d. Conduct and document all investigative activities.
e. Provide on-site security, if appropriate.
2. Emergency Management Division
a. Request Washington EMD mission number for search and rescue incidents where
outside resources are requested or volunteers are used.
b. Open and manage the EOC as needed to support search and rescue operations.
c. Coordinate logistical support between search and rescue assets and their home
organizations, as needed.
3. Public Works
a. Provide equipment and qualified operators for search and rescue operations, if
requested and as resources allow.
4. Community Development Building Division
a. Provide technical expertise in the evaluation of damaged structures, if requested and
as resources allow.
B. Local Agencies
1. Valley Regional Fire Authority
a. Command and conduct technical rescue operations and/or request the resources to
do so.
b. Provide status reports to the EOC, if activated, on USAR activities throughout the
C. County
1. King and Pierce County Emergency Management
Provide non-structural search and rescue assets, if requested and as resources
Specially trained first responders, support staff, qualified volunteers and equipment will
be needed to provide 24 hour a day coverage, until the demands of the emergency are
over. It is expected that the City will not have sufficient resources to meet this
requirement, and will need to request support from outside agencies.
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City of Auburn Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan
1. City of Auburn Duty Officer Manual
2. City of Auburn EOC Manager Manual
3. King County Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan
4. King County Regional Coordination Framework
5. Pierce County Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan
6. RCW 38.52.400, Search and Rescue Activities— Powers and Duties of Local Officials.
7. RCW 47.68.380, Search and Rescue
8. Washington State Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan
9. National Response Framework
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City of Auburn Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan
LEAD: Police
Valley Regional Fire Authority
SUPPORT: City: Community Development
Public Works
Public Information Officer
State: Washington State Patrol
A. Purpose
The purpose of this ESF is to provide for the effective and coordinated response by the City
of Auburn with VRFA and regional hazardous materials teams to prepare for, respond to,
and recover from a hazardous materials release that may impact the city of Auburn.
B. Scope
To provide guidance for off-site emergency planning and notification to minimize exposure
and/or damage to human health and safety, or to the environment as required by Title III of
the Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act of 1986 (SARA) now known as the
Emergency Planning and Community Right-to Know Act (EPCRA).
A. Federal and State regulations require that local jurisdictions form Local Emergency Planning
Committees (LEPCs). It is the responsibility of each LEPC to develop a Hazardous Material
Response Plan. Planning may include coordination with outside agencies, recognition
procedures, safe distance for places of refuge, site security, control procedures, and a list of
required personal protective equipment. LEPC functions for the City of Auburn are handled
by the King County LEPC, managed by King County Office of Emergency Management.
B. Valley Regional Fire Authority will be incident command for all non-criminal hazardous
materials incidents within the City, except for those on State highways, and will follow their
applicable policies and procedures.
C. Unified Command will be used for all hazardous materials incidents that include a criminal
investigation, including terrorism.
D. Washington State Patrol is responsible for coordinating hazardous materials incident
responses that occur on state highways.
Hazardous materials may be released during a naturally occurring event like earthquakes or
during an industrial accident, train derailment, terrorism or illegal activity. The City of Auburn has
a high volume of hazardous materials used, manufactured, stored and transported, which
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City of Auburn Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan
increases the likelihood of a significant release. Illegal drug labs and dumping create yet
another concern. The coordination of emergency response operations of hazardous material
incidents may require multi-agency and multi-disciplinary responses. Disciplines involved may
include hazardous materials technician, firefighters, emergency medical service providers, law
enforcement, environmental containment and clean —up specialists, fish and wildlife experts,
and environmental/public health.
A. Hazardous materials incidents can occur anywhere at any time; however, railways,
freeways, and industrial areas are places of higher than usual occurrence.
B. The possible effects of an emergency could range from a small cleanup problem to the
evacuation of residences, businesses, and other facilities.
C. Properly trained and equipped local emergency responders can handle most hazardous
materials incidents.
D. Protective actions that may be necessary for the public in affected area may include
sheltering, evacuation, and the protection of animals, water, and food supplies. The choice
of protective actions will depend on many factors including the magnitude, severity and
urgency of the situation, the characteristics of the area, population affected, weather, and
road conditions.
E. Emergency exemptions may be needed for disposal of contaminated materials.
F. The City does not have personnel specifically trained for hazardous materials response and
will act solely in a support role for hazardous materials operations.
G. The City does have technical specialists in Public Works, Community Development, Police,
and other areas who do have specialized knowledge and/or training applicable to hazardous
materials incidents. These personnel will be made available as appropriate to assist with
hazardous materials events.
A. Incident or Unified Command will be utilized for all hazardous materials events.
B. The City will assist VRFA, WSP, and other responding agencies as requested and as
resources allow.
C. Hazardous materials incidents may require multi-disciplinary response from fire services,
law enforcement, emergency medical services, environmental protection, fish and wildlife,
and other agencies.
D. The National Incident Management System (NIMS)will be used to manage all hazardous
materials incidents, in accordance with local, state, and federal laws.
E. Requests for additional assistance may be routed either through ValleyCom or through the
Emergency Management Division/EOC which will make requests through the appropriate
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county or the State.
F. State agencies will respond to hazardous materials incidents according to appropriate State
and Federal laws, regulations, and other agency plans.
G. Federal agencies and resources will be utilized if local and state capabilities have been
exceeded and/or if federal response is required under federal laws, regulations, or plans.
A. City of Auburn
1. Public Information Officer
Serve as the PIO for the City, coordinating information with all other response
agencies to create a clear and consistent message.
2. Police Department
a. Assist with perimeter and traffic control at hazardous materials incidents, if requested
and as resources allow.
b. Provide responders specially trained in CBRNE if requested and as resources allow.
3. Public Works
a. Assist with perimeter and traffic control at hazardous materials incidents, if requested
and as resources allow.
b. Provide equipment and certified operators to assist in containment, as requested and
as resources allow.
c. Provide technical specialists from the Engineering and/or Maintenance and
Operations divisions if requested and as resources allow.
d. Implement and or coordinate protection measures to ensure the safety of the water,
sewer, and storm water systems.
B. Local Agencies
1. Valley Regional Fire Authority
a. Command and conduct hazardous materials operations and/or request the resources
to do so.
b. Make necessary immediate protective action decisions for the public and emergency
c. Participate in Unified Command with other involved agencies as appropriate.
C. County Agencies
1. King and Pierce County Public Health
Coordinate with the Washington State Department of Ecology to assess the public
health risk from hazards materials spills.
2. King and Pierce County Emergency Management
a. Activate appropriate warning systems, as requested.
b. Support incident operations with information and resource coordination, if requested.
c. Assume responsibility for emergency notifications, evacuations, and warnings for
unincorporated areas of their respective counties that may be impacted by incidents
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City of Auburn Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan
that occur in the City.
3. King and Pierce County Sheriff's Offices
Assist with perimeter control, warning, evacuation, and traffic control, if requested
and as resources allow.
D. State Agencies
1. Washington State Patrol
Serve as Incident Command for hazardous materials incidents occurring on state
highways and freeways.
2. Department of Ecology
a. Provide on-scene coordination, technical information, containment, cleanup, disposal
and recovery, environmental damage assessment, chemical analysis, and evidence
collection for enforcement actions for non-radioactive hazardous materials incidents.
b. Maintain a list of cleanup contractors, equipment, and technical and scientific
personnel for non-radioactive hazardous materials.
c. Coordinate damage assessments of moderate and major spills by activating the
State Natural Resource Damage Assessment Team, when appropriate.
3. Department of Health
a. Serve as the lead agency in Unified Command for incidents involving radioactive
b. Provide technical personnel and equipment for use with radioactive materials.
c. Provide advice and guidance regarding the health hazards relating to hazardous
d. Provide technical assistance, sample collection, laboratory analysis, risk
assessment, and control information relative to incidents involving hazardous
Hazardous materials releases require substantial amounts of specialized equipment, supplies
and training. many specialized monitoring devices may be needed as well as training,
decontamination equipment and technical information resources.
1. City of Auburn Duty Officer Manual
2. City of Auburn EOC Manager Manual
3. King County Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan
4. King County Regional Coordination Framework
5. Pierce County Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan
6. Washington State Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan
7. National Response Framework
8. Superfund Amendments and Re-Authorization act of 1986 (SARA Title III)
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City of Auburn Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan
LEAD: Parks, Arts, and Recreation
SUPPORT: City: Emergency Management
Public Information Officer
Public Works
A. Purpose
The purpose of this ESF is to coordinate efforts to provide safe handling of food, water, and
donated goods to persons unable to provide for themselves following a major emergency or
B. Scope
This ESF provides for the management, safe handling, and distribution of food stocks,
water, and donated goods for the needs of people within the City of Auburn during and
immediately after a major emergency or disaster.
A. The City will coordinate with county, state, and federal officials, as well as with non-profit
organizations to organize the distribution of food, water, and donated goods.
B. The City will not accept unprocessed donated goods during a time of disaster. Only those
goods that can quickly be placed into the community will be accepted.
C. The City will keep on-hand sufficient food and water to support all City employees for at
least 7 days following a disaster.
D. The City will educate individuals and businesses regarding the need for them to be
responsible for their own food and water for at least 7 days following a disaster.
E. The City will encourage the public to only donate cash and specifically requested goods
following a disaster.
A. A significant emergency or disaster will deprive substantial numbers of people of the ability
to prepare or gain access to food and water. An emergency or disaster may cause
disruption of the distribution system and partially or totally destroy the food products stored
in the affected area.
B. Natural and Technological disasters will also affect plant life, wildlife, and other living
organisms which may cause further harm or detriment if left unattended.
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City of Auburn Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan
A. A wide variety of outside agencies have the ability to provide mass care services, including
coordination support. The City will work with all of these organizations in providing for the
needs of the community.
B. King and Pierce County Public Health will provide guidance to the City and to individuals to
ensure the safety of food and water made available to the public.
C. The distribution of food, water, and donated goods will be a community-wide effort that will
be coordinated by the City.
D. The City has limited experience in coordinating the distribution of foods, water, and donated
goods in large quantities and will rely upon the expertise of outside agencies and
organizations to accomplish these tasks whenever possible.
E. If not handled properly, food, water and donated goods can become vehicles for illness and
disease transmission, which must be avoided.
F. Food warehouses located in the City are not available for the sole use of the City and must
be considered a regional resource.
G. Unprocessed and unsolicited donations of goods will arrive in the City after a disaster,
however the City does not have the capacity to process them. Unsolicited goods that cannot
be immediately placed into the community will be set aside until volunteers or other
organizations can process them. It is highly probable that many unsolicited donations will
not be appropriate for use and will have to be disposed of during the recovery process.
A. General
1. During an emergency or disaster, the City will coordinate with local non-profit and private
sector organizations, such as the COAD, for the management of food, water, and
donated goods.
2. Management and procurement of food and water in the City for disaster victims and
workers will be coordinated by the Logistics Section in the EOC, with the assistance of
the Finance/Admin Section. They will coordinate with county, state, and federal
resources as appropriate.
3. Distribution of goods will be coordinated by the Parks Department.
4. Food, water, and other goods may be distributed using a Point of Distribution (POD) or
Community Point of Distribution (CPOD) concept, using centralized locations in the City
from which to distribute commodities. Local organizations, both public and private, may
have staff members trained to assist in this function. The Emergency Management
Division will actively work with members of the COAD to identify locations for CPODS
and organizations that can provide staffing for them.
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5. King and Pierce County Health Departments will provide information on preventative
measures to be taken to reduce contamination of food, water, crops, and livestock, as
well as information/recommendations for the safe storage and distribution of emergency
food. Information will be disseminated in accordance with ESF 2.
B. Food
1. Food supplies in most retail outlets will be gone in 72 hours or less if re-supply routes
are impacted. Close coordination between the food sector and the City is essential to
keeping those routes open and food supplies available.
2. The Logistics section in the EOC will be responsible for procuring food, while the Parks
Department will be responsible for managing and distributing it.
3. Emergency food stocks will be purchased or procured under the provisions of RCW
38.52.070, Local Organization and Joint Local Organizations Authorized —
Establishment, Operation— Emergency Powers, Procedures.
C. Water
1. City residents obtain their drinking water from the City's public water supply, as well as
from privately owned wells.
2. The Logistics Section in the EOC will be responsible for procuring potable water should
local water systems fail.
3. Water supplies may be severely impacted during flooding, severe winter storms (frozen
and ruptured pipes), and earthquakes (cracks, pipeline failures, etc.).
4. The Public Works Department has limited personnel, equipment or supplies to repair the
City water system after a major event, such as an earthquake, and will need outside
assistance to complete recovery efforts.
5. Any event that disrupts water distribution may also cause water supplies to become
D. Donated Goods
1. During and immediately following a disaster, individuals and businesses become very
generous in donating both money and goods to the impacted area. This outpouring of
support often overwhelms local government and social service agencies trying to
manage donated goods.
2. The Logistics Section in the EOC will track offers of donations and volunteer assistance
and will utilized donated goods to fulfill resources requests anytime possible.
3. The Parks Department will coordinate solicited donated goods and resources in
conjunction with the Emergency Management Division, which may have staff and
volunteers trained in donations management.
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4. The Parks Department will coordinate unsolicited donated goods and resources, by
either disposing or redirecting unsolicited donations to alternative organizations, in
conjunction with the Emergency Management Division, which may have staff and
volunteers trained in donations management.
5. In a major region-wide event, the management of donated goods will not only tax
government and voluntary agencies, but the donated goods could be both generous and
inappropriate, causing many of them to go unused and be disposed of.
6. Nationally donated goods will be coordinated through either King or Pierce County EOC
or the Washington State EOC.
7. The Logistics Section in the EOC will make every effort to evenly distribute goods
throughout the City based on need.
8. Donated goods are divided into two categories: solicited goods and unsolicited goods.
a. Solicited Goods—Specific items that are identified by the City as being "needed" and
that the City has specifically asked for.
b. Unsolicited Goods— Items donated by the public which are neither asked for nor
specifically needed for the particular event.
A. City of Auburn
1. Emergency Management Division
a. Coordinate the purchase and storage of food and water supplies that will sustain City
employees for 7 days following a disaster.
b. Coordinate with local voluntary agencies and private organizations prior to events to
verify their readiness and availability, as well as to clarify roles and responsibilities in
food, water, and donated goods distribution. This will be accomplished through the
use of the COAD group.
c. Identify potential sites for holding donated goods, food, and water supplies.
d. Educate individuals and businesses regarding the need for them to be responsible
for their own food and water for at least 7 days following a disaster.
2. Public Information Officer
a. Coordinate the release of information and instructions regarding food, water, and
goods distribution with all involved agencies and organizations.
3. Police Department
a. Provide or coordinate security at food, water, and donated goods storage areas and
crowd control at distribution sites, if requested and as resources allow.
4. Parks Department
a. Provide one or more representatives to staff the Logistics Section in the EOC as
b. Coordinate with City departments and relief agencies regarding transportation and
distribution of food and water to City staff and the public.
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City of Auburn Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan
c. Appropriate Parks personnel will attend donations management training at least once
every two years.
5. Public Works Department
a. Develop and maintain SOPs to restore water services as quickly as possible after an
b. Work with the Logistics Section to identify potable water supplies and backup water
B. Local Agencies
Various non-profit organizations will provide disaster victims with food, water, clothing,
shelter, first aid, and other immediate needs following a disaster. These efforts must be
coordinated with the Emergency Management Division prior to an event and with the
EOC during an event to ensure resources are allocated in the most beneficial way.
These organizations will be encouraged to join the COAD group in order to maintain
regular contact with the Emergency Management Division.
C. County Agencies
1. King and Pierce County Emergency Management
a. Receive resource requests from local government and attempt to fill them though
regional or state-wide distribution chains.
2. King and Pierce County Health Departments
a. Analyze water samples from sources of potentially contaminated water and make
appropriate recommendations.
b. Provide guidance on handling donated food items during a disaster.
Direct purchasing and contract development with private sector food businesses and
volunteer organizations will be utilized, until bulk distribution of food and water supplies
can be coordinated with State and Federal agencies.
The EOC will funnel all requests for County, State and Federal food and water support
through the King or Pierce County EOCs.
1. City of Auburn Duty Officer Manual
2. City of Auburn EOC Manager Manual
3. King County Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan
4. King County Regional Coordination Framework
5. Pierce County Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan
6. RCW 38.52.070, Local Organization and Join Local Organizations Authorized—
Establishment, Operation— Emergency Powers, Procedures
7. Washington State Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan
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City of Auburn Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan
8. National Response Framework
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City of Auburn Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan
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City of Auburn Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan
LEAD: Public Works
SUPPORT: City: Police
State: Department of Commerce, Energy Division
A. Purpose
1. To provide for the effective utilization of available electric power and petroleum products,
as required to meet essential energy needs of the City during an emergency or disaster.
2. To facilitate the coordination with private and public utilities required to meet essential
needs during an emergency or disaster.
B. Scope
This ESF addresses:
1. Assessing energy systems and infrastructure damage, supply, demand, and
requirements to restore such systems, to the extent possible.
2. Assisting City departments and agencies in obtaining fuel for transportation,
communication, emergency operations, and other critical uses.
3. Helping energy suppliers to obtain equipment, specialized staffing, and transportation to
repair or restore service to pre-disaster levels.
A. The City will prioritize energy needs based on protection of lives, safety of personnel and the
public, protection of property, and preservation of the environment, and distribute fuel based
on these priorities.
B. The City will provide prioritized lists for service restoration to utility service providers as
C. The City will not attempt to repair energy systems for which it does not have responsibility.
A. Auburn is subject to a number of hazards, both natural and technological that may disrupt or
damage equipment, which may cause disruption to essential services.
B. PSE power line facilities are both overhead and underground in Auburn. Auburn is
susceptible to high winds and interference from tall trees and other vegetation. Most power
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City of Auburn Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan
outages range from several hours to days. This time frame is expected to be much worse in
a major disaster or emergency.
C. Many homes and businesses are served with natural gas as an energy source. Gas service
could be interrupted by supply chain disruptions. Broken gas lines to buildings could also
cause gas to build up in the structure creating an explosion hazard.
A. Puget Sound Energy provides electric power and natural gas service inside the City limits.
B. The Public Information Officer will coordinate information regarding electricity and natural
gas service with Puget Sound Energy.
C. A severe natural disaster or other significant event can sever key energy and utility lifelines,
constraining supply in impacted areas, or in areas with supply links to impacted area, and
also affect firefighting, transportation, communication, and other critical lifeline functions
needed to ensure public safety.
D. There may be widespread power system failures following an event, which may take weeks
to repair.
E. There may be extensive pipeline failures, including natural gas and petroleum products,
which may take weeks to repair.
F. There may be hoarding of fuel in areas where shortages have occurred.
G. The City has its own gasoline and diesel fuel pumping station, with sufficient stocks to last
approximately 72 hours under normal use. In disaster situations, it is likely this stock will last
less than 72 hours. It is also likely that restocking will be limited or non-existent for some
period of time after a disaster.
H. The City, under existing building and fire codes, has the authority to disconnect utilities to
buildings or structures when deemed necessary during an emergency.
I. Puget Sound Energy, under a Proclamation of Local Emergency, may be granted the
authority to go on to private property to evaluate and repair utilities that jeopardize public
safety, property or the environment.
J. Ruptures of electrical and petroleum lines can represent potential sources of environmental
contamination and/or safety hazards.
A. The occurrence of a major disaster could destroy or disrupt all or a portion of the City's
energy system.
1. The electrical power industry within Washington is organized into a network of public and
private generation and distribution facilities that form the Northwest Power Pool. Through
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City of Auburn Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan
such networks, the electrical power industry has developed a capability to provide power
under even the most extreme circumstances.
2. The Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) can access local
petroleum supplies and major oil companies to facilitate the delivery of adequate
amounts of emergency petroleum fuel supplies and may be requested through local
emergency management channels.
B. To the maximum extent possible during a disaster, energy systems will continue to provide
services through their normal means.
C. If energy shortages exist, requests to meet needs will be submitted through existing
emergency management channels. Actions may be taken to curtail use of energy until
normal levels of service can be restored or supplemented. These resources, when curtailed,
will be used to meet immediate and essential emergency needs.
D. The Mayor or Emergency Management Director may authorize the fueling of non-City
owned vehicles (emergency services, essential utilities, etc.)from city gas and diesel
supplies, provided that a complete accounting is made for future reimbursement by the
requesting organization.
E. Energy information will be furnished to emergency officials at all levels to inform the public
on proper use of services.
F. As needed or requested, energy service providers will compile post-emergency damage
assessment reports, service restoration estimates, and other information and provide them
to emergency officials at all levels of government.
G. "To protect the public welfare during a condition of energy supply alert or energy
emergency, the executive authority of each State or local governmental agency is hereby
authorized and directed to take action to carry out the orders issued by the government
pursuant to this chapter as now or hereafter amended. A local governmental agency will not
be liable for any lawful actions consistent with RCW 43.21G.030 as now or hereafter
amended taken in good faith in accordance with such orders issued by the Governor."
(RCW 43.21G.050).
A. City of Auburn
1. Public Works Department
a. Serve as liaison and coordinate response and recovery efforts between City
departments and local utility companies, as appropriate.
b. Provide support in securing areas where electrical or natural gas incidents pose a
danger to the public.
c. Provide assistance in implementing road closures and detours for roadways and
providing access to utility service providers to repair damage.
d. Support and maintain franchise agreements, letters of understanding, contracts, etc.
with private utilities responsible for electricity, natural gas, and pipeline fuel transport
to ensure response and recovery operations are conducted in an orderly manner and
in citywide priority sequence to the greatest extent possible.
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City of Auburn Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan
e. In coordination with other City departments, identify priorities for energy service
f. Coordinate fuel needs, in conjunction with the Logistics Section, for transportation,
communications, emergency operations, and critical facilities.
2. Police Department
a. Provide or coordinate support in securing areas where electrical or natural gas
incidents pose a danger to the public.
b. Provide or coordinate assistance in implementing road closures and detours for
B. State Agencies
1. Washington State Department of Commerce, Energy Division
a. Provide assistance to local jurisdictions in assessing damage to energy systems.
b. Coordinate restoration of energy systems statewide and provide assistance to local
jurisdictions with energy needs.
Resources that may be necessary in an energy emergency may include supplemental electrical
energy, reserve petroleum sources, utility contingency plans, maps and office supplies. Private
and public utility agencies will require specialized equipment and trained crews to rapidly
assess, maintain service, and restore impacted infrastructure.
1. City of Auburn Duty Officer Manual
2. City of Auburn EOC Manager Manual
3. King County Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan
4. King County Regional Coordination Framework
5. Pierce County Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan
6. RCW 43.21G, Energy Supply— Emergencies and Alerts
7. Washington State Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan
8. National Response Framework
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City of Auburn Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan
LEAD: Police
SUPPORT: City: Community Development Department
Public Works
A. Purpose
1. To provide for the effective coordination of law enforcement operations within the City
during an emergency or disaster.
2. To provide support for local and State law enforcement operations.
B. Scope
This ESF addresses law enforcement and security activities within the City.
A. Under emergency or disaster conditions, law enforcement activities are the responsibility of
the local law enforcement agency within the jurisdiction.
B. Law enforcement units supplied by other levels of government will operate under the
direction and control of the designated Incident Commander, but can be recalled by their
jurisdiction at any time.
C. The Police Department will maintain normal policies and procedures whenever possible, but
may make adjustments when necessary to protect life, property, and the environment, in
accordance with City of Auburn Police Department Policy Manual, Chapter 4, Patrol
D. During any emergency, the first priority for response is life safety, including the lives of first
responders. For this reason, lives will not put in harm's way to protect property or the
Any large scale emergency or disaster, natural or man-made, holds potential for causing
disruption and the need for control and coordination by law enforcement to ensure the safety
and security of our community.
The City will periodically experience emergency situations that may overwhelm current law
enforcement capabilities. Equipment and personnel may be damaged or unavailable at times
when they are most needed.
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City of Auburn Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan
A. General law enforcement problems are compounded by disaster-related community
B. Law enforcement personnel will be responsible for conducting windshield surveys within
their assigned districts and reporting results back to either their DOC or the EOC, whichever
is active.
C. Many routine calls for service will not be handled during a disaster, while law enforcement
personnel are focused on life safety events. Prioritization of calls for service will change as
the event fluctuates, and how calls are prioritized will remain with the DOC or EOC.
D. The capabilities of local law enforcement may be strained or exceeded. Supplemental
assistance may be requested utilizing existing mutual aid agreements or notices of consent
or via the EOC, however, normal mutual aid resources may be unavailable during a disaster
or significant event.
A. The Emergency Management Director is designated as the City's Incident Commander in
situations which require a full (Level 3 with IMT) activation of the EOC.
B. The Police Chief will designate a police representative to assist with coordination in the
Operations Section of the EOC.
C. If an emergency occurs within the City, the Police Department will exercise overall authority
for law enforcement activities and responsibilities.
D. On-scene management of all incidents will follow the National Incident Management System
(NIMS) and will utilize the Incident Command System (ICS).
E. Unified Command will be utilized when multiple departments or jurisdictions respond to the
same incident and there is joint responsibility.
F. The on-scene Incident Commander will provide regular status reports and coordinate all
requests for additional resources through normal methods or the EOC.
G. The Washington Mutual Aid Peace Officers Powers Act, RCW 10.93, provides law
enforcement with mutual assistance capabilities between jurisdictions. Mutual aid
agreements exist with local law enforcement agencies. Supplemental law enforcement
assistance should be requested through the EOC, when activated.
Law enforcement support that may be available to deploy to the City of Auburn during
disasters and emergencies includes, but is not limited to, the following:
1. Local Agencies (mutual aid/notices of consent)
a. Pacific Police Department
b. Algona Police Department
c. Kent Police Department
d. Federal Way Police Department
ESF#13—Public Safety and Security Revised January 2015 163
City of Auburn Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan
e. Sumner Police Department
2. County Agencies (mutual aid/notices of consent)
a. King County Sheriff
b. Pierce County Sheriff
3. State Agencies
a. Washington State Patrol
b. Washington National Guard
4. Federal Agencies
a. FBI
c. Secret Service
d. Federal Protective Services
e. Department of Homeland Security
These are federal government resources described in the Concept of Operations of the
National Response Framework. Federal agencies may be requested to provide public
safety and security during disasters and emergencies. ESF #13 provides guidance on
the integration of resources to support incident management functions.
A. City of Auburn
1. Police Department
a. Ensure all Police personnel are trained in City of Auburn Police Department Policy
Manual Chapter 4, Patrol Operations.
b. Provide routine and non-routine law enforcement activities within the City during a
c. Conduct post-disaster windshield surveys in impacted areas.
d. Provide or coordinate security and perimeter control at incident scenes and the EOC
during activation when appropriate.
e. Provide support to the King and Pierce County Medical Examiner's Offices in the
investigation, identification, recovery, and management of deceased persons.
f. Provide support to the EOC in the dissemination of emergency warning information
to the public, as requested.
g. Organize completion of Traffic Control Plans as related to road closures and efficient
traffic flow.
2. Public Works Department
a. Provide temporary traffic control measures/devices and operational control of traffic
signals, as requested.
Commissioned law enforcement officers, support staff, and equipment to provide 24 hour-a-day
coverage until the demands for the emergency situation or disaster are over.
ESF#13—Public Safety and Security Revised January 2015 164
City of Auburn Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan
1. City of Auburn Duty Officer Manual
2. City of Auburn EOC Manager Manual
3. King County Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan
4. King County Regional Coordination Framework
5. Pierce County Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan
6. Washington State Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan
7. RCW 10.93, Washington Mutual Aid Peace Officers Powers Act
8. National Response Framework
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City of Auburn Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan
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City of Auburn Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan
LEAD: Emergency Management
SUPPORT: City: Economic Development
Community Services
Public Information Officer
Innovation &Technology
Human Resources
Community Development
Public Works
All City Departments
A. Purpose
To provide a standardized system to collect, report, and evaluate information related to an
emergency or disaster and the response necessary to facilitate the community's transition
from an emergency situation to the resumption of normal activities.
B. Scope
This ESF addresses long-term recovery and mitigation activities required to return the
community to normal after a major emergency or disaster. It also addresses disaster
assistance and services provided to the City and non-profit organizations (Public
Assistance)and individuals in the community(Individual Assistance).
A. The recovery efforts for the City in a large disaster will initially be coordinated from the EOC,
under the direction of the EOC Manager.
B. After the initial recovery efforts are underway, or if the EOC has not been activated, recovery
efforts will be coordinated by the Emergency Management Division.
C. Departments are responsible for reporting observed damage to the EOC in accordance with
ESF 3, or directly to the Emergency Management Division when the EOC is not activated.
D. Detailed damage assessment will be conducted by the Community Development and Public
Works Departments and will commence as soon as possible after initial damage surveys are
E. Damage assessment information will be reported to King and Pierce County Emergency
Management by the Emergency Management Division as requested and as required for
reimbursement purposes.
F. In the event of a state or federal disaster declaration, individuals, families, and businesses
with losses will be referred to outside agencies for individual assistance whenever those
resources are made available. This activity is typically coordinated by King and Pierce
ESF#14-Long Term Community Recovery& Mitigation Revised January 2015 167
City of Auburn Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan
County Emergency Management, with local information disseminated by the City.
G. When individuals, families, and businesses are not eligible for aid via individual assistance
programs, or when such programs are not made available, assistance programs will be
coordinated by the Economic Development Division and the Community Services Division
as appropriate.
H. Costs related to the event, including public facility damage and response costs, remain the
responsibility of the impacted agency, though state and/or federal assistance may be made
In the event of a major disaster, the City of Auburn can expect disruption and damage to
communications systems, public and private utilities systems, transportation systems
and other critical infrastructure, all of which will cause disruption to essential City
services. Recovery may be a long-term process which will impact individuals,
businesses, and government, for weeks, months, or possibly years.
A. The capability to recover from any emergency or disaster is dependent upon the timely
receipt of accurate information. This information is used to determine priorities based on
needs and the availability of resources.
B. All City departments are responsible for inventorying, documenting, and reporting damage
to their facilities, as well as reporting time worked by their employees and volunteers, to the
Emergency Management Division. Employee timesheets for incident related work should
use project number as provided by the Finance Department.
C. The Emergency Management Division will compile and forward damage reports to the
respective counties as requested.
D. There are two types of damage assessment: Rapid, as covered in ESF 3, and Detailed,
which documents the specific losses incurred by both public and private entities. Detailed
assessment is used to justify state and federal disaster declarations and requests for
significant assistance.
E. Initial reports of damage from the public may be fragmented, incomplete, and inaccurate or
lacking the needed detailed information and must be followed up on by those charged with
compiling complete and detailed damage assessments. A windshield survey is conducted
from a vehicle and provides a visual overview of a community. Conditions and trends in the
community that could affect the health of the population are noted. Whenever possible
windshield surveys should be conducted by trained individuals using a form to ensure
appropriate data is collected and presented in a consistent manner.
F. There will likely be a shortage of individuals qualified to assess damage.
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City of Auburn Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan
G. Depending on the nature of the hazard and availability of resources, the City may conduct
structural inspections of privately-owned structures and businesses to determine whether
they are safe to enter and/or occupy. Those facilities with a life safety component will have
the highest priority (hospitals, medical facilities, shelter locations, etc.). The property owner
or occupant will be responsible for subsequent engineering evaluations to determine
corrective action or to appeal the City's evaluation
H. King and Pierce County collect damage assessment information for individuals and
businesses within the City of Auburn and will report that information to the City upon
I. The City has a FEMA approved Debris Management Plan, which is incorporated by
reference into ESF #14.
A. Following an event that requires activation of the EOC, the EOC may remain open to
coordinate initial recovery and restoration activities. In the event the EOC was not activated,
or a large number of people are not required to coordinate these efforts, recovery and
restoration activities will be coordinated by the Emergency Management Division and
carried out by their respective departments.
B. During the response phase of an event, EOC staff will document reported damage through
the City, evaluate community needs, and commence planning for recovery and restoration.
Resources and services will be arranged, as necessary for meeting urgent community
C. No single City Department has the resources necessary to survey and assess damage
throughout the entire City in a timely manner. All departments capable of providing
appropriate staff will do so and will be coordinated by the EOC or the Emergency
Management Division.
D. Damage assessment teams will be supplemented using mutual aid and qualified volunteers.
E. Rapid damage assessment will be carried out by existing field staff, pursuant to ESF 3.
F. The Emergency Management Division will coordinate and compile damage assessment
information supplied by all departments, prepare required county, state, or federal reports
regarding damage, and will act as the primary point of contact for state and federal
G. Damage assessment will be conducted in two phases: Rapid, as specified in ESF 3, and
Detailed, as specified below:
1. A detailed damaged assessment is needed to document the magnitude of private and
public damage for planning recovery activities, to justify requests for state and federal
assistance, and to meet the information needs of the public.
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City of Auburn Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan
2. Detailed damage assessment will generally begin following the completion of response
activities to protect life and property. Depending on the nature and magnitude of
damage, detailed assessment could last for several weeks.
3. Detailed damage assessment of city-owned facilities may be conducted by the
Community Development Department for structures and Public Works Department for
public infrastructure, or other qualified personnel, either employed, contracted, or
otherwise retained by the City to perform such services.
4. Damage will be documented in such a way as to facilitate completion of preliminary
damage assessment forms by the Emergency Management Division.
5. The Emergency Management Division will collect all damage information and complete
the preliminary damage assessment forms made available by the State. These forms will
be submitted to King and Pierce County Emergency Management as appropriate.
6. Damage assessment forms must generally be provided by the County to the State prior
to any public assistance being made available.
7. Information contained on these forms may be made available to the public pursuant to
public information laws and information releases will be coordinated between the
Emergency Management Division and the Communications Manager.
H. Individuals, families, and businesses seeking post-disaster assistance will be referred to the
appropriate Disaster Field Office or local resources as appropriate.
A. City of Auburn
1. Emergency Management Division
a. Solicit, receive, document, evaluate, and disseminate damage assessment
information if the EOC is not activated.
b. Ensure appropriate City employees and volunteers are trained in damage
assessment process, procedure, and techniques.
c. In conjunction with other departments, develop a list of essential public and private-
owned facilities requiring the highest priority for safety evaluation and approval of
any required repair work.
d. Develop and maintain relationships with community organizations and businesses to
facilitate recovery and restoration resources and services.
e. Recommend policy and provide direction on emergent issues not otherwise
addressed or those for which there is disagreement or confusion regarding
responsibility, scope, duration, coordination, or procedure.
f. Coordinate debriefings, complete after-action reports, and recommend revisions to
the CEMP and other plans.
g. Compile and submit all cost recovery related paperwork to appropriate agencies.
h. Maintain all official records used to request reimbursement.
2. Public Information Officer
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City of Auburn Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan
a. Inform the public of available services and assistance programs and encourage
damage reporting.
3. All City Departments
a. Assist in development of a critical facilities list.
b. Ensure staff is trained on damage reporting procedures.
c. Perform immediate assessments of work areas after an event and report information
to EOC or DOC.
d. Direct relocation of department staff pursuant to COOP plans, in coordination with
the EOC if possible.
e. Provide staff to assist with county, state or federal official site visits.
f. Utilize project tracking to document all incident related expenses including time
sheets for employees and requisitions or purchases using appropriate project
number for the event or incident.
4. Finance Department
a. Document all expenditures relating to disaster recovery and restoration efforts.
b. Ensure disaster-related expenditures are made and documented in accordance with
applicable laws, regulations, and accounting procedures.
c. Assist City departments with documenting disaster-related expenditures.
d. Conduct financial and cost analysis of emergency and disaster efforts.
e. Assist in identifying internal and external funding sources for disaster-related
expenditures if department budgets are exceeded.
f. Solid Waste Division coordinates recycling issues, solid waste collection, and pick-up
and disposal of hazardous materials.
g. Finance will develop plans and procedures for managing debris removal activities in
conjunction with the Parks Department and the Public Works Department, ensure
adequate resources and trained personnel are identified to conduct debris removal
activities [refer to the City of Auburn Debris Management Plan].
5. Human Resources Department
a. Manage the compensation for injury and claims process arising from the event.
6. Innovation &Technology Department
a. Work to ensure or restore telecommunications services and computers within City
b. Provide damage assessments of communications and computer systems in all City
7. Community Development Department
a. Assist and advise the public with relevant recovery activities, including, but not
limited to building and safety inspections, land use and zoning information, and
permits assistance.
b. Review development standards and building codes, making recommendations for
improvements based on lessons learned from specific events.
c. Provide representatives to staff the Planning Section of the EOC, including the
Planning Chief position.
8. Public Works Department
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City of Auburn Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan
a. Develop and implement procedures for conducting urgent and detailed damage
assessment and post-disaster safety inspections of city owned transportation and
infrastructure facilities.
b. Develop policies and procedures for addressing storm water, surface water, and
drainage issues on public and private property.
c. Provide a representative to the EOC who will serve in the Operations Section.
d. Operation Services
i. In conjunction with the Parks Department and the Solid Waste Division, ensure
adequate resources and trained personnel are identified to conduct debris
removal activities. Develop plans and procedures for managing debris removal
activities, including recycling issues, solid waste collection, and pick-up and
disposal of hazardous materials.
ii. Identify temporary storage locations for disaster-related debris.
iii. Remove debris from right-of-ways, and repair transportation infrastructure
damaged during the event, focusing on critical "lifeline" routes.
Resources required for recovery are largely dependent on the emergency, its location, duration and
population impacted, however it is expected that more resources than readily available will be required.
1. City of Auburn Duty Officer Manual
2. City of Auburn EOC Manager Manual
3. City of Auburn Debris Management Plan
4. King County Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan
5. King County Regional Coordination Framework
6. Pierce County Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan
7. Washington State Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan
8. National Response Framework
ESF#14-Long Term Community Recovery& Mitigation Revised January 2015 172
City of Auburn Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan
LEAD: Communications
SUPPORT: City: Emergency Management
All City Departments
A. Purpose
1. To ensure sufficient assets are mobilized during emergencies or disasters to provide
accessible, accurate, coordinated, and timely information to impacted individuals, first
responders, governments, media, tribes, and the private sector.
2. To provide resource support and mechanisms to implement a local Joint Information
Center(JIC) when necessary and supplementing first responder public information
officer operations with JIC resources.
B. Scope
1. This ESF details the establishment of support positions to coordinate communications to
various audiences. It applies to all City departments that may require public information
support, or whose public information assets may be utilized during an emergency or
2. The context of this ESF is emergency or disaster situations that exhaust or nearly
exhaust the capacity of local public information officers or in other situations where
additional support is requested.
The City recognizes the importance of providing vital information to the community during times
of emergency or disaster. The City will strive to work with all involved agencies to ensure that
information provided to the community is accessible, consistent, accurate, complete, and
promptly delivered using all appropriate means of communication. The City will coordinate the
development and dissemination of all disaster-related public information through a designated
Public Information Officer(s).
The City of Auburn may experience emergency situations, which require the dissemination of
critical information to the public and news media. Potential emergency situations include both
natural and technological events, as identified in the King County Hazard Identification and
Vulnerability Analysis (HIVA). Public information is critical to alerting citizens of an impending
emergency, directing and informing them during the emergency, and assisting them in the
recovery process. Many of the avenues for communicating can be found in ESF #2
Communications and Warning.
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City of Auburn Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan
A. The EOC Manager will appoint a qualified Public Information Officer(PIO)for each
operational period of an incident where public information is required. The PIO will act as the
focal point for coordination and dissemination for public information, as approved by the
EOC Manager.
B. The EOC Manager or PIO may appoint Assistant PIOs when needed, or as requested by
the primary PIO.
C. Media briefings will normally take place at City Hall, where adequate parking and media
facilities exist. Alternate locations will be identified at the time of the incident should City Hall
not be available. Unless absolutely necessary, media briefings will not take place at the
EOC. The City will attempt to arrange for a certified sign language interpreter to translate
during televised briefings.
D. When possible, emergency information will be provided in both English, Spanish, and be at
a 6th grade reading level or lower. When unable to obtain a translator, pre-scripted, standard
emergency messages will be disseminated in Spanish and English, accompanied by images
when possible, and provided in both audio and text format. When determined necessary by
the PIO, the city will also provide language translation for other limited English proficiency
population groups in the city.
E. The PIO will utilize checklists and worksheets for guidance when preparing public
information notices during an emergency or disaster.
F. A wide variety of communications tools may be utilized to disseminate public information,
including, but not limited to: print, radio, and television media, websites, social media, e-
mail, printed materials, public safety and amateur radio systems, and the Emergency Alert
System (EAS). LEP and impaired populations needs will be considered.
G. In some circumstances, it may become necessary to release emergency public information
from field command posts. In this event, the Incident Commander at the Command Post will
notify the EOC and the primary PIO as quickly as possible to ensure consistent information
A. Overview
The PIO, as authorized by the EOC Manager, will act as the focal point for coordination
and dissemination for public information and will coordinate with other PIOs as
B. Objectives
1. The public information objectives during an emergency or disaster are:
a. To inform the public and City employees of the presence of a hazardous situation, its
effects, and proper counter measures.
b. To coordinate the City's release of public information to the media.
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City of Auburn Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan
c. To inform the public on protective measures that can be taken during an emergency
and the availability of disaster assistance after an emergency.
d. To control rumors and provide timely and accurate information.
C. Dissemination
2. The PIO will determine the methods for dissemination of local emergency information
and instructions, with authorization of the EOC Manager and in coordination with other
City departments.
3. Information will also be disseminated to the Mayor, City Council, field personnel, and
other City employees so they are aware of what is being released to the public. Once
this information has been released, all personnel are authorized to repeat to the public
whatever public information has been provided to them, to ensure that residents and
agencies receive prompt replies to their queries. Media inquiries should be directed to
the PIO.
4. Dissemination of public information regarding City activities and services relating to an
emergency will be reviewed and coordinated with the primary PIO.
5. A Joint Information Center(JIC) may be established to coordinate emergency public
information in situations where multiple jurisdictions are involved in the emergency
response. A JIC will typically be a function of the County during a large-scale event, but
may be implemented on the local level when appropriate.
6. Public Information Officers will have access to current distribution lists maintained by the
City's Communications Manager for media and other public contacts.
A. City of Auburn
1. Emergency Management Director(Incident Commander or EOC Manager as
a. Appoint a PIO for each operational period of the EOC.
b. Represent the City at press conferences, public meetings, and other public events,
along with the Mayor and relevant department heads.
c. Approve all press releases and briefings
d. Support the PIO in coordinating all press releases and briefings.
e. Incorporate an evaluation of communications effectiveness in the after action review
2. Public Information Officer(s)
a. Organize press conferences, public meetings, and other public events as
appropriate, and represent the City at same.
b. Receive Emergency Management Director(IC or EOC Manager as appropriate)
approval for all press releases and briefings.
c. Coordinate with involved departments and other local agencies when information is
to be released via EAS or other shared information systems.
d. Arrange for translation services (Spanish &American Sign Language) and other
languages as appropriate to translate messages and briefings.
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City of Auburn Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan
e. Gather and coordinate emergency public information for timely release to the public.
f. Notify appropriate agencies to assist in the dissemination of emergency public
g. Give regular information briefings to news media and the public, as authorized by the
Emergency Management Director, or EOC Manager.
h. Provide information to City departments that can be released to the public.
i. Recommend appropriate location(s) for public official and media briefings to the EOC
j. Monitor media coverage and public reaction and perceptions in order to identify
rumors and misinformation as soon as possible. Prepare and disseminate
corrections as appropriate.
3. All City Departments
a. Provide pertinent and timely information to the EOC through department
representatives regarding field activities and emergency public information
recommendations and needs.
b. Notify the PIO of rumors and misinformation so that corrections can be prepared and
c. Coordinate all information releases with the PIO.
d. Provide staff to be trained as PIOs at the request of the Communications Manager or
Emergency Management Division.
e. Provide trained PIOs to the EOC or other departments as requested and as
resources allow.
City department personnel trained in Public Information development and dissemination.
1. City of Auburn Duty Officer Manual
2. City of Auburn EOC Manager Manual
3. King County Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan
4. King County Regional Coordination Framework
5. Pierce County Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan
6. Washington State Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan
7. National Response Framework
ESF#15—Public Information Revised January 2015 176
City of Auburn Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan
LEAD: Police
Community Development
Public Works
SUPPORT: State: Washington State Military Department- EMD
Washington State Military Department- National Guard
Federal: Federal Emergency Management Agency
Department of Defense - ARNORTH/US NORTHCOM
A. Purpose
1. To describe the circumstances and conditions under which units of the Washington
State National Guard and the Department of Defense (DOD) can provide military support
civil authorities.
2. To describe the procedures used to obtain military support.
B. Scope
This ESF addresses all requests for military support originated by the City of Auburn
through King or Pierce County Emergency Management following a proclamation of civil
A. The Police Department will serve as liaison between the EOC and military forces located
within the City which are providing law enforcement related services
B. Public Works will serve as liaison between the EOC and military forces located within the
City which are providing services related to the PW mission areas. Washington National
Guard Civil Support missions are conducted to assist in:
• Supporting civil authorities whose capabilities or capacity are insufficient to meet
emergency response requirements with general purpose, specialized, or unique
Guard forces or capabilities, such as HAZMAT, CBRNE and Aviation.
• Protecting the life, property, and safety of U.S. citizens and U.S. persons.
• Protecting critical U.S. infrastructure through planning and preparation.
• Providing humanitarian assistance during disaster response and domestic
• Providing support to designated law enforcement activities and operations such as
security, traffic management, personnel support and additional resources.
• Providing support to designated events, programs, and other activities such as
security, CBRNE detection and response, HAZMAT and medical support.
C. All military forces remain under, and will follow, the military chain of command.
ESF#20—Defense Support to Civil Authorities Revised January 2015 177
City of Auburn Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan
If the City of Auburn cannot accommodate a resource request using city or private assets, a
resource request will be made to Zone 3 partners or the Zone 3 Coordinator if established as
part of the Regional Coordination Framework or King County ECC as part of routine resource
management activities. If Zone 3 or King County cannot meet the need, the request will be sent
to the state EOC. It will be up to the state to determine the appropriate means of meeting the
City's request, including the use of military assets,
A. The City may request military assistance to assist in disaster operations and civil
B. The military is capable of providing a wide range of support to local governments during an
emergency or disaster.
C. Military assistance is considered supplemental to local efforts and will not be requested
unless and until applicable local resources have been, or will imminently be, exhausted.
D. Military support may be delayed until a state of emergency is proclaimed by the Governor or
a Presidential Disaster Declaration has been issued.
E. It may take 48 hours or longer to receive military assistance.
F. When deployed to provide military support to civil authorities, military forces will work under
the direction of local authority, but will retain their unit integrity and chain of command.
Resource requests are submitted through the appropriate county emergency management
agency, which then routes them to the State if they are unable to be fulfilled with existing
resources. The state may use military assets to fulfill routine resources requests during a
disaster or emergency.
A. All requests for military assistance, except requests during imminently serious situations as
described herein, will be submitted to the Washington State Emergency Operations Center
through the applicable county emergency management office.
B. If the City is aware of a specific military asset that would fulfill the resource request
submitted, that information should be included in the request.
C. In an imminently serious situation, the City may request assistance directly from the military.
An imminently serious situation is one in which there is an imminent threat to life and/or
property which will cause human suffering. A military unit commander can respond to direct
requests for assistance, if:
1. An imminently serious situation exists.
ESF#20—Defense Support to Civil Authorities Revised January 2015 178
City of Auburn Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan
2. The military unit is capable of providing the type of support requested without
degrading its primary national defense commitments.
3. The military unit is the only source of help available including the private sector, or
the only source of help including the private sector that can response in time to
support the City in alleviating the situation.
4. The Mayor has issued a proclamation of civil emergency.
5. The City government is willing to certify to military authorities that conditions 1, 3,
and 4 (above) exist.
6. The City agrees to assume the costs incurred by the military unit to provide the
requested support.
D. The base commander of a military installation has the authority to respond to immediate life-
threatening emergencies. Requests made under these circumstances may be made directly
to the local installation. Assistance from the U.S. Coast Guard and the Military Assistance to
Safety and Traffic(MAST—Joint Base Lewis-McChord) may be requested through
Washington State SEOC. All other requests for military assistance must be submitted to
SEOC via the appropriate county emergency management agency.
E. The National Guard may be available following activation by the Governor. Requests for
National Guard assistance must be submitted to SEOC via the appropriate county
emergency management agency.
F. To obtain National Guard assistance, the City must demonstrate that the need is beyond its
capability or that a special capability provided only by the military is immediately required.
G. Under the Posse Comitatus Act, Federal military forces cannot engage in direct law
enforcement activities, such as arresting individuals or conducting surveillance. However,
they are allowed to provide indirect support, such as loaning equipment or providing
technical assistance to civilian law enforcement agencies.
A. City of Auburn
1. Police Department
a. Determine if and when a recommendation will be submitted to request military
assistance for law enforcement related activities.
b. Identify suitable staging areas and coordinate logistic support with the
responding military unit, as appropriate.
c. Coordinate activities to ensure efficient use of requested assets.
2. Public Works
a. Determine if and when a recommendation will be submitted to request military
assistance for Public Works. For examples of military resources and services
available see Attachments 1 and 2.
b. Identify suitable staging areas and coordinate logistic support with the
responding military unit, as appropriate.
ESF#20—Defense Support to Civil Authorities Revised January 2015 179
City of Auburn Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan
c. Coordinate activities to ensure efficient use of requested assets.
Large scale disasters or events may require large amounts of resources to support local law
enforcement and public works. This may include equipment and personnel that the military or
Washington National Guard may possess. While the military can provide support in many
cases, there are limitations on the work that can be provided to the City. When local resources
are overwhelmed or reaching that point, city leadership should consider requesting resources
from the military and or Washington National Guard.
1. City of Auburn Duty Officer Manual
2. City of Auburn EOC Manager Manual
3. King County Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan
4. King County Regional Coordination Framework
5. Pierce County Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan
6. Military Support to Civil Authorities Plan, Headquarters I Corps and Joint Base Lewis-
7. Washington State Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan
8. National Response Framework
1. Military Organizations
2. Examples of Military Resources and Services
ESF#20—Defense Support to Civil Authorities Revised January 2015 180
City of Auburn Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan
Attachment 1: Military Organizations
NOTE: all requests for military assistance must be coordinated through the King or Pierce
County Emergency Operations Center and requested via the Washington State Emergency
Operations Center or Duty Officer.
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
Seattle, WA
Washington Army National Guard
Camp Murray, WA
Madigan Army Medical Center
Tacoma, WA
364th Expeditionary Sustainment Command (USAR)
Marysville, WA
B Company, 214th Aviation Regiment (USAR)
Joint Base Lewis-McChord, WA
Navy Region Northwest
Silverdale, WA
Naval Station Everett
Everett, WA
Navy Engineering Field Activity NW
Poulsbo, WA
Naval Submarine Base Bangor
Silverdale, WA
62nd Air Force Wing
Joint Base Lewis-McChord, WA
ESF#20—Defense Support to Civil Authorities Revised January 2015 181
City of Auburn Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan
Attachment 2: Examples of Military Resources and Services
(not all inclusive)
Washington Military Department
• Aircraft for transportation and reconnaissance
• Vehicles and drivers to assist with transportation
• Vehicles for transporting sand and sandbags
• Personnel to assist in securing roadblocks
• Limited mass feeding
• Civil disturbance operations/area security patrols
• Perimeter security/quarantine
• Limited military engineering
• Mobile/fixed communications
• Delivery of supplies
• Emergency shelter
• Limited emergency electrical power
• Urban search and rescue
• Limited emergency medical aid
• Limited potable water
U.S. Department of Defense Assets
• Medical assistance
• Patient evacuation
• Urban fire suppression
• Communications equipment
• Debris clearance for emergency access
• Damage assessment and structural evaluation of buildings
• Demolition
• Water supply
• Service restoration for critical facilities
• Contract and construction management
• Electrical generation
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City of Auburn Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan
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City of Auburn Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan
Support Annexes
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City of Auburn Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan
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City of Auburn Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan
A. To provide for the effective direction, control, and coordination of emergency management
activities undertaken in accordance with the City of Auburn Comprehensive Emergency
Management Plan (CEMP).
B. To ensure continued operation and continuity of City government and its functions during
and after and emergency or disaster.
C. To ensure preservation of public and private records essential to the continued operations of
government and the private sector.
A. The City Council has adopted Chapter 2.80 of the Auburn City Code to implement the
provisions of RCW 42.14, the Continuity of Government Act, for the continuation of local
government due to incapacitation because of an emergency or disaster.
B. The City will coordinate its activities with surrounding cities, counties, State, Federal, and
Tribal governments and with other jurisdictions within both King and Pierce counties.
C. Each City Department will be responsible for creating Continuity of Operations (COOP)
Plans specific to their mission areas, which are also compatible with the CEMP.
D. The Director of Emergency Management, has authority for the direction and control of
emergency operations.
A. Following a hazardous event, the City will continue to be exposed to the hazards noted in
the King County Regional Hazard Mitigation Plan and may have sustained sufficient
damage, including loss of life and destruction of infrastructure, that traditional emergency
services may be overwhelmed.
B. Activation of the Emergency Operations Center(EOC), with appropriate staff and resources,
can facilitate coordination of disaster response and recovery activities thereby reducing
personal injury and damage to property and the environment.
C. The EOC will only be activated to the level needed to efficiently coordinate the response to
the emergency or disaster at hand and staffing recommendations will be made by the EOC
Manager. Several levels of activation are included in the EOC Position Guidebook(s).
D. The EOC may be activated at the request of any impacted Department, at the request of an
outside agency, upon the recommendation of the Emergency Preparedness Manager, or at
the discretion of the Director of Emergency Management.
E. The effects of an emergency or disaster on personnel and infrastructure, as well as family
responsibilities, may cause delays in activating the EOC.
SA #1—Direction and Control Revised 186
City of Auburn Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan
A. General
1. Direction, control, and coordination are conducted along the general guidelines shown in
Attachment 1 — Emergency Management Organization Chart, Attachments 2-5—
Emergency Operations Center Activation Levels, and Attachment 6— Functional
Responsibility Matrix.
2. Continuity of government is ensured through leadership succession, backup
communications systems, alternate operational locations, and preservation of essential
B. Organization
1. Emergency management in the City is established by RCW 38.52, Emergency
Management. Other city, county, and state laws and ordinance provide guidance for how
the City conducts business during an emergency or disaster. (See Appendix 3,
2. In accordance with ACC 2.75, direction and control of disasters and emergencies in the
City is delegated to the Director of Emergency Management, in his/her capacity as
Incident Commander, when so designated by the Mayor.
3. Appropriate individuals may operate during emergencies and disasters from the primary
EOC, an alternate EOC, or DOCs,
4. Direction and control can be conducted using the existing communications systems that
are available to City employees.
C. Coordination
The EOC provides the means for coordinating resources and assets necessary to
alleviate emergency or disaster impacts on residents and public entities. Coordination
occurs with local, county, state, tribal, and federal agencies, as well as special purpose
districts, voluntary organizations, and the private sector.
D. Continuity of Government
1. City Council and Mayor
a. RCW 42.14, the Continuity of Government Act, establishes provisions for the
continuation of government in the event its leadership is incapacitated.
b. RCW 42.12, Vacancies, provides for filling vacant elective offices by the City Council.
The line of succession for elected City officials will be the Mayor, followed by the
Deputy Mayor, with further designations specified in ACC 2.80.030.
c. ACC 2.75 designates the Director of Emergency Management and further
designates the Director of Emergency Management as the Incident Commander for
City-wide emergencies.
d. Should it become necessary for the Director of Emergency Management to assume
City-wide administrative duties due to line of succession requirements, he or she will
appoint an interim Director of Emergency Management to ensure continuity of
SA #1—Direction and Control Revised 187
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Emergency Management functions.
2. Essential Records Preservation
All departments will identify records essential for continuity and preservation of
government and provide for their protection as required by RCW 40.10.010,
Essential Records— Designation - List-Security and Protection — Reproduction and
as outlined by the State Archivist.
E. Emergency Operations Center
1. The City will coordinate emergency and disaster activities from a central location,
referred to as the EOC, which has facilities and amenities to facilitate such activities. The
primary EOC is located at 1 E Main ST; Suite 380. The Auburn Police Department,
located in the Auburn Justice Center, 340 E Main St. Suite 201., may serve as an
alternate EOC. The city also has agreements with other public agencies to facilitate
alternate locations in the event our EOC is out of service when needed.
2. The purpose of the EOC is to be the focal point of the City's response to an emergency
or disaster and to be a central support and coordination point for City departments. The
EOC will:
a. Collect, record, analyze, display, and distribute information.
b. Create and maintain situational awareness and a common operating picture, to be
disseminated to all City departments.
c. Coordinate public information and warning.
d. Coordinate City government emergency activities
3. The EOC may be activated to whatever level is deemed appropriate for the specific
circumstances. Recommendation for initial activation of the EOC is the responsibility of
the Director of Emergency Management or the Emergency Manager, who will then also
make staffing and activation level recommendations. Citywide and interagency
coordination of information, resources, and plans will take place in the EOC. In general,
the EOC will be activated and physically staffed during any situation in which one or
more City departments require coordination with outside agencies or in which one or
more departments face critical resource shortages. Level one EOC activation may take
place from a location other than the designated primary or alternate EOC locations if the
necessary functions can be adequately performed. Such locations might include any
Department Operations Center or the Emergency Management Office.
A. General
1. General responsibilities for City departments are identified in the Basic Plan, under
Responsibilities. Attachment 6, the Functional Responsibility Matrix, identifies lead and
support departments, agencies, and other responders as they related to the emergency
support functions identified by this CEMP.
2. Administrative and response policy decisions affecting the City are made by the Policy
Group in the EOC, led by the Mayor, with the support of the City Council. The EOC will
be informed of all policy decisions that impact response and recovery efforts. The role of
SA #1—Direction and Control Revised 188
City of Auburn Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan
the Policy Group is to deal with the policy issues brought about by the circumstances of
the emergency or disaster, not to determine on-going or long-term City policies.
3. Department Directors may be required to be part of the Policy Group, hold a position in
the EOC, and/or oversee their own departments from their respective DOCs.
4. Overall direction and control of department resources and operations rests with each
individual department, recognizing that all large incidents will have a single or unified
Incident Command System in place. Overall coordination of information, resources, and
preparation of the City-wide Incident Action Plan rests with the Incident Commander if
one has been designated. Otherwise, this function falls to the EOC and the EOC
5. Each department will have a pre-designated location from which to establish direction
and control of its respective activities in an emergency or disaster. These locations will
be referred to as Department Operations Centers (DOCs). Department Directors are
responsible for ensuring their departments maintain sufficient documentation,
communicate and coordinate with the EOC, and follow established procedures for
resource needs. Each department engaged in field operations will assign
representative(s) to the Operations Section in the EOC to ensure a direct link between
the DOC and the EOC.
6. Because of the complexity of emergencies and disasters, departments and individuals
may find themselves responsible for functions or operations that do not normally fall
within their scope of responsibility. They will further find that they must work closely with
other employees, departments, and outside agencies in order to ensure the success of
the operation.
7. Personnel in the EOC handle coordination issues, including coordination of operational
decisions that significantly affect more than one department. The Incident Commander,
Director of Emergency Management, or EOC Manager will keep the Mayor and/or Policy
Group apprised of major events, decisions, or activities associated with the emergency
or disaster. The Mayor and/or Policy Group will inform the EOC of all policy decisions
concerning the event.
B. City of Auburn
1. The Emergency Management Program for the City of Auburn is organized pursuant to
ACC 2.75. The appointed Director of Emergency Management is designated by the
Mayor and in-turn appoints an Emergency Manager. The Emergency Manager is
responsible for day-to-day emergency management activities in the City, including
training, exercises, planning, and compliance activities. The organization includes an
Emergency Management Board, which is chaired by the Mayor and vice-chaired by the
Director of Emergency Management during non-emergency times. All Department
Heads are members of the Emergency Management Board. The Board's responsibility is
to provide policy recommendations to the City Council during emergency and recovery
periods and to provide policy direction for development and maintenance of the
emergency operations plan. During an emergency, the Board is chaired by the Director
of Emergency Management and is charged with providing overall policy direction for the
SA #1—Direction and Control Revised 189
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2. The organization also includes an Emergency Management Committee, which is chaired
by the Emergency Manager. The committee includes representatives from all City
departments as well as those outside organizations with a defined role in emergencies
and disasters. The Committee is charged with ensuring the City has a complete and
current emergency operations plan and with ensuring appropriate staff are trained and
made available to work in the EOC upon activation.
3. During an emergency or disaster, those assigned to either the Board or the Committee
may be placed into differing roles in the EOC, depending on the requirements of the
4. RCW 42.14, the Continuity of Government Act, allows local governments to conduct the
affairs of the jurisdiction outside the territorial limits of the jurisdiction in the event it is
impossible or impractical to continue operations at the usual locations. Decisions to
relocate local government will be the responsibility of the City Council and the Mayor and
be based upon the circumstances of the emergency or disaster or upon the
recommendation of staff. RCW 42.30.070, the Open Public Meetings Act—Times and
Places for Meetings— Emergencies— Exceptions, allows for City Council to take
expedited actions in times of emergency, at a place and time other than their regular
meeting, without giving public notice. The Mayor may request a meeting of the Council in
times of emergency pursuant to these RCWs.
C. City Council
1. Establish emergency management policy and budget, prior to, during, and after an
incident sufficient to fulfill the requirements of the City's preparedness, mitigation,
response, and recovery activities.
2. For the duration of an event, maintain liaison with the EOC Policy Group via the Mayor
and establish a presence in the EOC Policy Group if requested by the Mayor.
3. Communicate to the EOC via the Mayor, the status of various neighborhoods and any
public concerns that exist in the City.
4. Communicate to the public only that information which is approved by the Mayor or
Incident Commander for dissemination.
5. Attend emergency City Council meetings called by the Mayor pursuant to RCW 42.14
and RCW 42.30.070 to conduct urgent business of the City.
6. Provide for the continuity of the legislative branch and temporarily fill any vacancy of an
elected position by appointment.
7. Upon request of the Mayor, host and accompany VIPs and governmental officials on
tours of the emergency/disaster area.
D. Mayor
1. Sign proclamations of emergency as warranted by the incident
SA #1—Direction and Control Revised 190
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2. Preserve the continuity of the executive branch of government.
3. Provide for the implementation of planning, including drills and exercises, for the
preparedness of persons and property within the City in the event of an emergency or
4. Provide visible leadership in the community, through direct visits, press conferences,
and other means, providing interviews to the media as arranged by the Public
Information Officer.
5. Host and accompany VIPs and governmental officials on tours of the
emergency/disaster area.
6. Provide for the coordination of local, State, Federal, private, and volunteer organizations
and resources before, during, and after an incident.
7. Provide for the appointment of a Liaison Officer to serve in the Incident Command
structure to act as the point of contact for outside organizations and agencies.
8. Approve activation of the EOC as recommended by the Director of Emergency
Management or other staff.
9. Call emergency meetings of the City Council to pass ordinances and conduct other
urgent business pursuant to RCW 42.14 and RCW 42.30.070.
E. Director of Emergency Management (through the Emergency Manager or Division as
1. Ensure emergency preparedness, mitigation, response, and recovery activities are
carried out within the City. Develop plans necessary for utilization of local resources in
2. Ensure training programs and emergency operations drills are carried out within the City.
3. Coordinate local, State, Federal, private, and volunteer organizations and resources
before, during, and after an incident, in consultation with the Mayor as appropriate.
4. Appoint a Liaison Officer during an event to serve as the point of contact for agency
representatives from assisting organizations and agencies outside of City government, in
consultation with the Mayor as appropriate.
5. Appoint a Public Information Officer for each operational period, as appropriate.
6. Establish and maintain communications with the Mayor(Policy Group), the Public
Information Officer, and EOC Section Chiefs.
7. Activate the EOC when necessary to coordinate disaster response activities of all City
departments during disasters or other emergencies. Advise King and/or Pierce County
Emergency Management when the local EOC has been activated.
SA #1—Direction and Control Revised 191
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8. Provide initial warning of impending disaster to public officials and local emergency
response departments, provide instruction to the general public before, during, and after
emergencies, and minimize rumors. A communication link to the local Emergency Alert
System via King and/or Pierce County Emergency Management may be vital to the
transmission of information critical to the life safety of responders and the public.
9. Manage EOC operations during activations.
10. During City-wide Incident Management Team activation, approve all decisions and
actions by City personnel through the use of an Incident Action Plan.
11. Request disaster mission number from Washington State EMD if volunteers will be
assisting in the event, to provide medical and equipment loss coverage to the volunteers
pursuant to RCW 38.52.
12. Establish command structure and implement the appropriate EOC level and personnel
assignments to manage the event.
13. Establish immediate priorities.
14. Develop and implement strategic goals and tactical objectives based upon the situation
and priorities established.
15. Ensure planning meetings and briefings are scheduled and conducted with elected
officials and EOC personnel and approve all press releases.
16.Approve and authorize the implementation of the Incident Action Plan (IAP).
17. Provide interviews to the media, as arranged by the Public Information Officer.
18. Implement the City-wide recovery plan.
19. Ensure all EOC personnel maintain an individual Activity Log Sheet.
20. Approve plan for demobilization of resources.
21. Prepare the after action report.
22. Appoint a Logistics Chief to accept requests for additional resources from City
personnel, residents, and departments and to coordinate supplemental resources
supplied by local private organizations or from the state and federal level.
23. Assist the Mayor, as needed, in drafting and submitting local proclamations of
24. Ensure mechanisms are in place to register spontaneous volunteers at the time of an
25. Coordinate and manage the message control function in the EOC, including staffing,
logging, and message delivery.
SA #1—Direction and Control Revised 192
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26.Act as the City's agent for coordinating and requesting FEMA assistance post-disaster.
F. Public Information Officer
1. Obtain prior approval and authorization from the Incident Commander, Director of
Emergency Management, or EOC Manager for all press releases and briefings.
2. Prepare and coordinate all press releases and briefings.
3. Provide press releases to the EOC and other City Departments prior to public release if
4. Coordinate with affected jurisdictions to ensure the public receives accurate and
consistent information.
5. Assist in the preparation of briefings to the Mayor, public and elected officials, and EOC
6. Response to media and public information calls, as appropriate.
7. Establish rumor control hotline, as needed.
G. Department Directors
1. Oversee and provide policy recommendations before, during, and after an emergency or
disaster as part of the Emergency Management Board, pursuant to ACC 2.75.
2. Provide staff to support the efforts of the EOC.
3. Identify and train specific staff members to function as Public Information Officers prior to
an event, upon the request of the City Public Affairs and Marketing Manager.
4. Work with the Finance Section to document all expenses.
5. Assist the City Clerk and Innovation & Technology in identifying and preserving essential
department records.
6. Assign staff members to the Emergency Management Committee (EMC) to carry out
development, maintenance, and implementation of the CEMP.
7. Develop and maintain policies and SOPs for the department's disaster responsibilities.
8. Document emergency related activities and costs.
9. Provide direction and leadership to department staff while fulfilling emergency
management responsibilities.
H. City Employees
1. Develop individual and family plans for use during an event.
SA #1—Direction and Control Revised 193
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2. Be prepared to respond, as needed, in the role of an emergency worker, assuming that if
the disaster is severe enough and communications are down, they will have an
assignment and should attempt to find a way to reach the City.
3. In the event the City is not reachable, report to the nearest other government agency to
offer assistance, if appropriate.
4. Respond to a designated area with proper clothing and equipment, as directed.
5. Be prepared to assist in whatever capacity assigned, regardless of regular assignment.
I. City Attorney
1. Provide legal advice to elected officials, the Mayor, the Director of Emergency
Management, and City Departments as it pertains to emergency response or disaster
2. Review contracts for emergency work and procurement.
3. Provide legal review of emergency plans and supporting documents to ensure
compliance with local, State, and Federal laws.
4. Prepare a Proclamation of Emergency, if appropriate.
5. Obtain appropriate signatures for ratification of any Proclamation of Emergency.
J. Human Resources
1. Provide a representative to assist in the Planning, Logistics and/or Finance and
Administration Sections in the EOC.
2. Develop plans for employee's family notification and support during disaster activities.
3. Develop, in coordination with the Emergency Management Division, procedures to
coordinate the registration of volunteers as temporary emergency workers on behalf of
the City.
4. Manage the compensation for injury and claims process arising from the disaster, in
accordance with ACC 2.75.
5. Provide for continuity for Court operations, as feasible.
6. Continue to operate the Municipal Court as efficiently as possible in order to maintain
due process of law in civil and criminal justice matters.
7. Develop plans and procedures to relocate courtrooms to continue necessary judicial
process during emergencies or disasters.
8. Work with Building Division to assess and prioritize City-owned building damage/repairs.
SA #1—Direction and Control Revised 194
City of Auburn Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan
9. Utilize Facilities Division to provide minor rapid repairs to critical facilities that will enable
them to quickly be placed into service.
10. Identify staff and field support personnel to support emergency operations, including
staffing of the Emergency Operations Center.
11. Coordinate with other departments for the provision of emergency staff and field support
through the response and recovery phases.
12. Coordinate the hiring of emergency personnel.
13. Document emergency related activities and costs.
14. Support response and recovery activities as requested.
K. Finance Department
1. Provide a representative to serve in the Finance and Admin Section of the EOC.
2. Advise City officials and the Director of Emergency Management on financial matters.
3. Supervise and maintain the financial systems and records of the City.
4. Arrange for emergency cash management and banking services.
5. Establish all necessary special or project accounts for the receipt of donations and cost
reimbursements filed under local, state, and federal laws.
6. Assist in identifying sources of disaster funds if department budgets are exceeded.
7. Ensure disaster related expenditures are made in accordance with applicable laws,
regulations, and accounting procedures, while making provisions for modified
procedures during the time of a declared emergency.
8. Coordinate and implement the City Debris Management Plan.
9. Monitor and process time sheets, rosters, and overtime requests.
10. Develop alternate methods of payroll and vendor payments in case of general system
failure during an emergency or disaster.
11. Ensure documentation processes exist for emergency related costs.
12. Maintain a list of all local vendors used by the City and provide to the Emergency
Management Division on a quarterly basis.
13. Assist in the procurement of equipment, materials, supplies, contract services, and
equipment maintenance in conjunction with the Logistics Section in the EOC.
14. Negotiate leases for grounds, offices, or space required by the City.
SA #1—Direction and Control Revised 195
City of Auburn Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan
L. City Clerk
1. Provide a representative to the EOC, if available.
2. Provide information and direction to departments on requirements for the identification
and preservation of essential records.
3. Maintain official records of elected officials.
4. File, maintain, and store all incident documents for the official history of the emergency
or disaster.
M. Innovation & Technology
1. Provide a representative to support the needs of the EOC as requested.
2. Provide City departments with guidance and direction for the protection of computer
hardware, software, data, and telephone systems.
3. Provide telecommunications (telephones, faxes, cellular phones, radios) and computer
support to all City Departments, with emphasis on the EOC and DOCs.
4. Assist in identifying and acquiring alternate communications systems during an event.
5. Provide liaison for coordination with telephone service providers for the re-establishment
of telephone service to the City government.
N. Parks, Arts, and Recreation Department
1. Provide a representative to serve in the Operations, Planning, or Logistics Sections of
the EOC, as requested.
2. Activate, manage, and support mass care shelters at sites selected within the City, or
assist with regional sites as appropriate.
3. Provide mass care services to both disaster victims and emergency workers in the form
of food, blankets, cots, and other disaster relief supplies and services.
4. Coordinate services with the American Red Cross and other non-profit agencies as
5. Assign staff to attend American Red Cross disaster shelter training.
6. Provide emergency protective measures and debris removal activities in conjunction with
the Public Works Department.
7. Provide transportation to emergency worker and the public as needed and if resources
SA #1—Direction and Control Revised 196
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O. Police Department
1. Provide a representative to serve as the Incident Commander, Operations Section Chief,
or Police Operations Representative, as appropriate.
2. Maintain law and order and provide physical security in and around the affected area
with the City.
3. Provide command and control for field operations through established command posts,
as appropriate.
4. Participate in initial citywide damage assessment(windshield surveys), as appropriate.
5. Provide emergency traffic and crowd control.
6. Provide direction and traffic control for evacuation efforts, as appropriate.
7. Provide support to the King and Pierce County Medical Examiner's Offices as
8. Assist King and Pierce County Medical Examiner's Offices with temporary morgue
management and security, if requested and as resources allow.
9. Provide support in the dissemination of emergency warning information to the public, as
10. Develop emergency and evacuation plans for facilities under department management.
P. Community Development
1. Provide representatives to serve in the Operations, Planning, Logistics, and/or other
sections in the EOC.
2. Coordinate and compile initial damage assessment and safety evaluation of essential
City owned facilities and non-City owned critical facilities.
3. Establish a centralized location where the impacted community can receive information,
direction, and assistance directly related to rebuilding and recovery efforts.
4. Assist in windshield surveys, provide emergency protective measures, emergency and
temporary repairs and/or construction for water, wastewater, surface water, and streets.
5. Develop policies, procedures, and permitting process for the rapid rebuilding of the
community and resumption of business following the incident, including the waiver of
certain review and permit requirements where emergency work is necessary to protect
lives or property during an emergency or disaster.
6. Provide support to the VRFA in the safety evaluation of structures during rescue
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7. Enforce City ordinances and State laws regulating construction during new or
reconstruction efforts prior to and after and emergency or disaster.
8. Provide support to other City Departments regarding critical areas during recovery
9. Maintain a list of all businesses in the City and provide to the Emergency Management
Division as requested
10. Provide expertise and recommendation for reconstruction, demolition, and mitigation
during recovery period.
Q. Public Works
15. Develop policies and procedures to acquire supplies and services during an emergency
or disaster when the EOC Logistics Section is not activated.
16. Provide support to the VRFA in hazardous materials incident response as requested.
17. Provide support to other City Departments regarding critical areas during recovery
18. Provide expertise and recommendation for reconstruction, demolition, and mitigation
during recovery period.
19. Provide support to City-wide evacuation planning.
20. Install, maintain, and operating all parking and traffic control devices and assist with
access and traffic control measures.
21. Provide assessment of transportation routes, identify alternate routes, and provide
temporary thoroughfares and bridges for emergency vehicles.
22. Develop plans and recommendations for effective motor vehicle and pedestrian traffic
flow and safety during and after a disaster.
23. Provide emergency debris removal from City properties and public areas.
24. Develop policies and SOPs for providing and maintaining the sanitary sewer system,
storm drainage system, lift stations, and water supply.
25. Coordinate and prioritize public utility restoration.
26. Coordinate with private utilities for the restoration of critical and essential facilities and
27. Assist the VRFA with rescue operations, if requested and as resources allow.
28. Coordinate fuel dispensing services for emergency equipment, vehicles, and others who
may be authorized by the Mayor or Director of Emergency Management.
SA #1—Direction and Control Revised 198
City of Auburn Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan
Mutual Aid
Mutual aid resources will be included in any incident using the principles of NIMS and ICS.
Whenever possible the city will utilize existing mutual aid agreements, memorandums of
agreements, or memorandums of understanding. The King County regional framework is
one example of an agreement that should be used for outside resources.
a. City of Auburn Duty Officer Manual
b. City of Auburn EOC Manager Manual
c. King County Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan
d. King County Regional Coordination Framework
e. Pierce County Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan
f. RCW 38.52, Emergency Management
g. RCW 40.10.101, Essential Records— Designation List—Security and Protection—
h. RCW 42.12, Vacancies
i. RCW 42.14, Continuity of Government Act
j. RCW 42.30.070, Open Public Meetings Act—Times and Places for Meetings—
Emergencies— Exceptions
k. Washington State Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan
I. National Response Framework
1. Emergency Management Organization Chart
2. EOC Organization Charts
3. Functional Responsibility Matrix
SA #1—Direction and Control Revised 199
City of Auburn Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan
Attachment 1: Emergency Management Organization Chart
Auburn City Council Mayor
Emergency Management
(All Department Heads)
Director of
Management Director
Emergency Management
Emergency Committee
(All Departments + Outside
Manager Agencies)
Day-to-day management of the City of
Auburn Emergency Management
organization, pursuant to ACC 2.75 and
RCW 38.52. This diagram is not indicative of
an Emergency Operations Center (EOC)
activation. See following pages for EOC
activation levels.
SA #1—Direction and Control Revised 200
City of Auburn Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan
Attachment 2: EOC Organization Chart -- Level Three
Monitoring activation, may involve physical EOC Manager
setup of the EOC in a standby mode or
function from regular work stations, PIO --,- Call Taker
depending on the nature of the incident. Key
personnel will begin to monitor events, Radio
gather situational awareness information, Operator
evaluate required resources, and forecast
future impacts. Personnel will generally be VRFA Parks
limited to Emergency Management staff and DOC ———-l——— DOC
a Public Information Officer, though
generally at least one Department Public Works ___J___ Police
Operations Center will have been activated.
The Emergency Management Director,
Mayor, and City Council are kept apprised of
the situation, but are not located in the EOC.
SA #1—Direction and Control Revised 201
City of Auburn Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan
Attachment 3: EOC Organization Chart-- Level Two
EOC Manager
Branch Director
Planning Logistics Message
Chief Chime — Distributors
_ Radio
Check-In __ISupplyUtltt Operators
Recorder I -Leader Call
— Takers
—MIN MIME Situation Unit
D.1111M 1.111._ Unit Le tder
Unit Leader
Coordination activation, requires physical presence in the EOC.An EOC Manager and Public Information Officer(PIO)
will be assigned to the EOC, along with representatives of departments actively involved in the event/incident.The EOC
Manager will recommend staffing levels for the EOC consistent with current and projected incident activity.Typically this
type of activation will occur when two or more departments are actively involved in event/incident activities.The function
of this activation level is to facilitate face-to-face communication between involved departments and to support logistics
needs in the field. EOC staff may include representatives of outside agencies.The Emergency Management Director,
Mayor,and City Council are kept apprised of the situation, but are not generally located in the EOC.
SA#1—Direction and Control Revised January 2015 202
City of Auburn Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan
Attachment 4: EOC Organization Chart--Level One
EOC Manager)
Liaison Officer—
Branch Director
I i
--°— —
Planning FinencdAdmin Logistics PFnnsrm
chef Chief Chief — Specialist
Documentation Situation Unit _ Procurement - Supply Unit
Unit Leader Leader Unit Leader Leader
Radio Room Call Center
_ Supervises Supervisor
Food Unit I J
Public Works VRFA • - Leader
Rep Liaison — Resources Unit Silr�f Radio
Leader R — Operators — Call Takers
Parks Auburn School ;�
Rep District Liaison— Check-In Distie __DiMsMessabulorsge Di°MWbn— BQ°
Recorder Processor
_ Police Mukicare —
Rep Auburn LiaisonCM—
This is a full activation of the EOC,with all sections staffed.The purpose is to continue facilitation of department-to-department communications and to handle logistics
on a city-wide basis.The Planning section is focused on situational awareness,gathering IAPs from the individual DOCS and compiling them.This level does not direct
field operations in any manner,though decisions may be made regarding resource allocation.The Emergency Management Director,Mayor,and City Council are kept
apprised of the situation and may or may not be located in the EOC,depending upon the circumstances.
SA#1—Direction and Control Revised January 2015 203
City of Auburn Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan
Attachment 5: EOC Organization Chart--Level One with Incident Management Team (IMT)
Policy Incident
Grout/ Commander
PIO —I Safety Officer
—Liaison Officer
I- —I I
Operations Flaming L Vice Finance — EOC Manager
ChiefChief Chief
Internal A Coat Unil _ Time Unit EOC Comms FoodBupplie.
Branch Documentation DemobilizationIll Leader Leader Branch Dir. Unit Leader
Unit Leader Una Leader
IIM— Resources Unit Situation Unit —Procurement _ PhonsAT
Leader Leader Unit Leader pfepp
Check-in Sicuacon Medical Unit I I
Recorder Reporter Radio Room Call Center
Supervisor Supervisor
— Ground Food Unit ____I
Processor or la Support Unit II
Radio I Call Taken
— Operators
— Mintage -1 Meaxge
Distributors -1
Adds executive level policy-making to the EOC functions when an overwhelming event has impacted the City and decisions need to be made regarding service priorities and
expectations on a city-wide basis.The IMT conducts the city-wide Incident Command Function and is lead by the Chief of Police as the Incident Commander.The remainder
of the ICS positions are filled by department directors(or their designees)as appropriate.IMT activation adds a policy-making component to the emergency management
organization,lead directly by the Mayor.The policy group may consist of department directors not serving on the IMT,City Council members,and others as appropriate.
The Incident Commander serves as the direct link between the Policy Group and the IMT,conveying decisions made by the policy group to the IMT and conveying incident
information to the policy group.
SA#1—Direction and Control Revised January 2015 204
City of Auburn Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan
Attachment 6: Functional Responsibility Matrix
CEMP Responsibility Matrix
It is assumed that most departments will have some interaction with each ESF.This matrix is intended to provide a quick reference to primary
and secondary responsibilities for each function.
Department Basic 1 2 3 . 4 5 6 7 8 . 9 10 . 11 12 13 14 15 . 20
Administration X X X X X X X X X X X X X
City Attorney X X X
Finance X X X _ X _
HR X _ _ _ X _ X
IT X X X X _ X X
Parks X X X X X X
PW X X X X X X _ X X X X X X X X . X X
Police X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X
SA#1—Direction and Control Revised January 2015 205
City of Auburn Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan
To provide guidelines for fiscal and administrative functions in support of the City of
Auburn's emergency services during an emergency or disaster.
A. In emergency situations, political subdivisions have the power to enter into contracts and
incur obligations without regard to time-consuming procedures and formalities prescribed by
law(except mandatory constitutional requirements) including, but not limited to, budget law
limitations, and the appropriation and expenditure of public funds as identified in the Revised
Code of Washington (RCW) 35.33.081, Emergency Expenditures— Nondebatable
B. Expenditures necessary for the immediate survival of persons endangered by an emergency
or that may be incurred by a disaster may not exceed the legal limitations of the budget
unless the City Council passes a resolution authorizing a budget amendment.
C. The emergency or disaster response capabilities of the City will be built upon the capabilities
of existing departments, augmented by volunteers and reassignment of regular personnel to
duties that are more urgent during an emergency period.
A. An emergency or disaster may require the expenditure of large sums of money by the City.
B. Financial operations will be carried out under compressed schedules and intense public
pressures, necessitating expeditious (non-routine) procedures, but with no lessened
requirement for sound finance management and accountability.
C. A Presidential Disaster Declaration will permit funding from the Federal Disaster Relief Fund
under the provisions of Public Law 93.288, Disaster Relief Act of 1974, as amended by
Public Law 100-707, the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act.
D. Actions, decisions, conditions, and expenses must be documented in an emergency or
disaster to recover Federal and State funds and to provide for legal documentation.
E. Sufficient administrative personnel will be available to perform support tasks.
A. Authorization of Emergency Expenditures
1. Emergency expenditures are not normally integrated into the budgeting process.
Nevertheless, disasters occur on a periodic basis requiring substantial and necessary
unanticipated obligations and expenditures.
SA #2—Financial Management Revised January 2015 206
City of Auburn Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan
2. Local political subdivisions will incur disaster related obligations and expenditures per
the provisions of RCW 38.52.070(2) as follows:
a. In carrying out the provisions of this chapter each political subdivision, in which any
disaster as described in RCW 38.52.020 occurs, will have the power to enter into
contracts and incur obligations necessary to combat such disaster, protecting the
health and safety of persons and property, and providing emergency assistance to
the victims of such disaster. Each political subdivision is authorized to exercise the
powers vested under this section in light of the exigencies of an extreme emergency
situation without regard to time-consuming procedures and formalities prescribed by
law (excepting mandatory constitutional requirements), including, but not limited to,
budget law limitations, requirements of competitive bidding and publication of
notices, provisions pertaining to the performance of public work, entering into
contracts, the incurring of obligations, the employment of temporary workers, the
rental of equipment, the purchase of supplies and materials, the levying of taxes, and
the appropriation and expenditures of public funds.
3. The City is authorized to make the expenditures necessary to meet emergencies without
further notice of hearing as provided by RCW 35.33.081, Emergency Expenditures—
Nondebatable Emergencies:
a. Upon the happening of any emergency caused by violence of nature, casualty, riot,
insurrection, war, or other unanticipated occurrence requiring the immediate
preservation of order or public health, or for the restoration to a condition of
usefulness of any public property which has been damaged or destroyed by
accident, or for public relief from calamity, or in settlement of approved claims for
personal injuries or property damages, or to meet mandatory expenditures required
by laws enacted since the last annual budget was adopted, or to cover expenses
incident to preparing for or establishing a new form of government authorized or
assumed after adoption of the current budget, including any expenses incident to
selection of additional or new officials required thereby, or incident to employee
recruitment at any time, the city or town legislative body, upon the adoption of an
ordinance, by the vote of one more than the majority of all members of the legislative
body, stating the facts constituting the emergency and the estimated amount
required to meet it, may make the expenditures therefore without notice or hearing.
B. Record Keeping
The City, when expending resources in response to a proclaimed emergency or disaster, will
maintain detailed records during such emergencies or disasters to meet the financial and
account requirements of the Federal or State funding agency. Records will be kept in such a
manner that emergency or disaster related expenditures and obligations of local
departments and agencies can be broken out and identified separate from regular or
general programs and activities.
Complete and accurate records are necessary to:
1. Document requests for assistance and ensure maximum eligible reimbursement.
2. Facilitate reimbursement under approved applications pertaining to proclaimed local
SA #2—Financial Management Revised January 2015 207
City of Auburn Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan
3. Audit reports and records. Detailed records will be kept from the onset of the emergency
or disaster, including but not limited to:
a. Appropriate extracts from payrolls, with any cross-references needed to located
original documents.
b. A schedule of City equipment used or copies of invoices for rented equipment.
c. Invoices, warrants, and checks issued and paid for materials and supplies used on
the job.
d. Copies of contracts for all work performed by an outside agency.
C. Federal and State Reimbursement
Emergency or disaster related expenditures and obligations of local political subdivisions
may be reimbursed under a number of Federal or State programs. Reimbursement of
approved costs for work performed in the restoration of certain public facilities may be
authorized by the Federal or State government after a major disaster declaration by the
President or under statutory authority of certain Federal agencies. The Federal Emergency
Management Agency(FEMA) provides funding to public entities through the Public
Assistance program. Other agencies that may provide post-disaster funds to public agencies
include, but are not limited to:
• Washington State Department of Energy— FCAAP Grants
• US Department of Transportation—Trans Aid
• US Fish and Wildlife
• FEMA Mitigation Program
• US Army Corps of Engineers
• Federal Highway Administration (for"on-system" roads)
• Natural Resources Conservation Service
1. Before a Presidential Disaster Declaration
After an occurrence that may result in a declared major disaster or emergency, the
Counties will assess damages and prepared an estimate of labor and damage costs.
These assessments are provided directly to the counties by local jurisdictions and must
be completed quickly after an event and, on occasion, while the event is still in progress.
The Counties then forward these Preliminary Damage Assessments (PDAs)to the
Washington State Emergency Operations Center. If expenditures within a particular
county and/or the state have exceeded a preset threshold, the governor will request a
Presidential Disaster Declaration.
2. After a Presidential Disaster Declaration
Once a disaster declaration is made by the President, Joint Field Offices are opened and
staffed by FEMA and the State, for the purpose of administering disaster assistance
programs. Public assistance meetings are held with impacted jurisdictions and moneys
are made available through established processes.
SA #2—Financial Management Revised January 2015 208
City of Auburn Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan
D. Audits of Disaster-Related Expenditures and Obligations
1. Audits of local disaster-related emergency expenditures will be conducted during the
normal audit period. Federal disaster assistance projects will be audited after the
completion of associated work and records must be kept for 6 years.
E. Fiscal Procedures
1. Each City department will designate personnel to be responsible for documentation of
emergency or disaster-related expenses within their department.
2. Emergency or disaster expenditures will come from currently appropriated local funds in
accordance with RCW 35.33.081, Emergency Expenditures— Nondebatable
Emergencies and RCW 35.33.091, Emergency Expenditure —Other Emergencies—
3. The Finance Director, or designee, will be responsible for identifying sources of internal
funds to meet emergency or disaster related expenses that are incurred.
4. Regular"normal" approval procedures for expenditures may be modified to
accommodate the circumstances associated with the emergency or disaster.
5. Records will be kept in a manner that distinguishes between day-to-day operations and
emergency or disaster expenses.
6. The Emergency Preparedness Manager will coordinate documentation of city-wide
financial records and expenditures resulting from an emergency or disaster and will
serve as the City's Primary Applicant Agency for FEMA reimbursement.
7. Alternate methods of payment and payroll processing will be established in case of
computer system failure.
F. Administrative Procedures
1. Each City department will designate personnel to be responsible for the documentation
of emergency operations within their respective department.
2. During emergency operations, non-essential administrative activities may be suspended.
Personnel not assigned to essential duties may be assigned to other departments in
order to provide support services.
3. Records of disaster operations activities will be kept in a manner that distinguishes them
from day-to-day operational reports, service work requests, and payroll records.
4. When appropriate, disaster reports and expenditures will be coordinated, and
documentation for State and/or Federal reimbursement and/or assistance programs will
be prepared and submitted to the appropriate State and Federal agencies.
5. Volunteer emergency workers used during emergencies and disaster operations will be
registered with the City as outlined in the Washington Administrative Code (WAC)
SA#2—Financial Management Revised January 2015 209
City of Auburn Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan
118.04, Emergency Worker Program and all donated hours tracked. Volunteers who are
pre-registered will be issued City Volunteer Identification cards. Spontaneous volunteers
will be registered on-site and their identity verified with government issued photo-ID.
6. In any event where volunteer emergency workers are used, the Emergency
Management Division will obtain a mission number from Washington State EMD. All
volunteers, their arrival and departure times, the nature of their work, and any injuries or
personal equipment losses will be documented for future reimbursement and claim
7. City departments may streamline permit processes based on the circumstances created
by the emergency or disaster.
8. City departments will identify and prepare plans for alternate processing methods of
essential documents in case of computer or automation system failure.
G. Electronic Information Management
The Innovation & Technology Department is responsible for the protection and restoration of
electronic and computer hardware, software, connectivity, and data. The personnel from this
department will work with a designated employee from other departments to identify
mission—critical Innovation &Technology equipment with redundancy for emergency
H. Records Preservation and Retention
1. The City Clerk is responsible for establishing and publishing policy for essential record
preservation to ensure continuity of City government.
2. Directors of each department are responsible for records preservation in their respective
A. All City Departments
1. Prepare emergency fiscal procedures for the operation of their respective departments.
2. Designate personnel responsible for documenting emergency or disaster-related
expenses at the department level.
3. Coordinate with Emergency Management in preparation and submittal of documentation
for reimbursement or assistance from Federal or State agencies.
4. Identify all repair and recovery actions and coordinate those through the EOC or the
Emergency Management Division for resolution.
5. Maintain documentation regarding injuries and lost or damaged equipment caused by
the emergency or disaster and provide this information to Risk Management, Finance, or
Emergency Management as requested.
SA #2—Financial Management Revised January 2015 210
City of Auburn Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan
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SA #2—Financial Management Revised January 2015 211
City of Auburn Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan
All emergency operations will adhere to the applicable occupational safety and health laws. The
following are specific laws passed by the State of Washington Legislature that pertain to
occupational safety and health. The laws listed here are hosted on Washington State's Office of
the Code Reviser web site.
Chapter 43.05 RCW—Technical Assistance Programs
Title 49 RCW— Labor Regulations
Chapter 49.17—WISHA Act
Chapter 49.19—Workplace Violence in Healthcare
Chapter 49.22—Safety—Crime Prevention
Chapter 49.26—Asbestos
Chapter 49.70— Right to Know
Title 70 RCW— Public Health and Safety
Chapter 70.74— Explosives
Chapter 70.77— Fireworks Act
Chapter 72.23— Public and Private Facilities for the Mentally III
Chapter 72.23.400—Workplace safety plan
Chapter 72.23.410—Violence prevention training
Washington Administrative Code
Chapter 298.800—Safety and Health Core Rules
SA #3 — Worker Health and Safety July 2019 212
City of Auburn Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan
SA 4: Pandemic Influenza Plan
There have been four influenza pandemics over the last century. The 1918 influenza pandemic
is thought to have been the most deadly pandemic in human history, with an estimated 50 to
100 million fatalities. The global and regional impacts of the 1918 pandemic remain
unparalleled, causing long-term and widespread social and economic devastation, comparable
only to a major world war.
In the last twenty years we have seen the 2009 H1 N1 (Swine) influenza pandemic, localized
outbreaks of H7N9 (Avian) influenza, and several significant non-influenza infectious disease
epidemics: SARS coronavirus, MERS coronavirus, Ebola hemorrhagic fever, and the Zika virus.
All of these outbreaks were produced by either novel virus' or appeared in regions without
historical precedent. Research suggests that changes in climate, global transportation,
agricultural practices, and continued deforestation may increase the prevalence, severity, and
transmission of future infectious disease outbreaks.
The emergence of H7N9 in 2013 in China, which continues to cause periodic outbreaks, is
thought to have the greatest potential of known influenza virus' to cause a global pandemic. Of
particular concern is the high percentage of those infected who have died, suggesting a greater
lethality than the 1918 pandemic. This recognition has prompted the World Health Organization
to call for urgent and sweeping global and regional preparedness efforts.
The true severity of the next pandemic remains largely unknown as virus' are in a constant state
of mutation. This necessitates planning that is similarly able to adapt to dynamic disease
characteristics and response demands. The following plan exemplifies this perspective by
providing concise objectives, flexible response actions, and a clear delineation of
responsibilities. Lessons from past pandemics were integral to the development of this plan, so
that we are better able to respond to the infectious disease challenges of the future.
"[The 1918]Spanish flu remains the deadliest outbreak in recorded history, killing more people
than the First World War itself. But its lessons are just as relevant today as they were then: that
a devastating epidemic can start in any country at any time, and kill millions of people, because
we are not prepared, because we're still vulnerable."
Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus
Director-General of the World Health Organization
12 February 2018
SA #4 — Pandemic Influenza Plan July 2019 213
City of Auburn Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan
This annex provides supplementary guidance to the City of Auburn Comprehensive Emergency
Management Plan (CEMP), bridging the gap between the traditional all-hazards planning and
the unique planning and response requirements for pandemic influenza.
The goals of this pandemic influenza plan annex are to:
1. Protect the safety of city employees;
2. Ensure the continuity of essential functions; and
3. Provide a clear delineation of responsibilities between the City of Auburn and Public Health -
Seattle & King County (PHSKC).
There are several assumptions and considerations for a pandemic influenza event:
1. Pandemic influenza may cause high rates of illness and death requiring spgcial
considerations for short-term and long-term absenteeism in critical positions.
2. Pandemic influenza may jeopardize essential resources and services such as healthcare,
emergency services, communications, transportation, and utilities.
3. Pandemic influenza often come in waves. Each wave could last weeks or months, and have
unique transmission and severity characteristics.
4. Prevention and control actions will likely involve social distancing such as staggered shifts,
quarantines/isolation and the closures of public spaces—which may exacerbate staff
5. The geographic scale of high-severity pandemics are likely to overwhelm federal, state, and
regional capacities, making outside assistance unlikely.
6. Pandemic influenza will force many key decisions to be made in a dynamic environment of
limited or shifting information, events, and/or viral characteristics.
7. The severity, speed, and reach of a pandemic may blur the distinction between the various
pandemic influenza waves, underscoring the need for plan and response flexibility and
modification as new information and changes to capabilities dictates.
8. Physical damage to equipment will likely result from breakdowns from deferred maintenance
and repair.
9. Vaccine development could take 6- 8 months, with more time required for manufacturing
and distribution.
10. Those who fall ill from the pandemic influenza and then recover are presumed to be immune
to future illness caused by the pandemic.
SA #4 — Pandemic Influenza Plan July 2019 214
City of Auburn Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan
A. City of Auburn responsibilities:
1. Follow PHSKC guidelines to protect the health of City employees.
2. Ensure the continuity of essential City functions.
3. Department-specific responsibilities [Capability Support Functions Section]
4. Coordinate with PHSKC on specified response activities [see Reference Documents:
Memorandum of Understanding, 2011].
B. Public Health- Seattle & King County (PHSKC):
Lead response agency for a pandemic influenza incident in King County (see Reference
Documents, Pandemic Influenza plan, page 15, 22-25). All public health prevention,
response, and recovery activities will be carried out and/or coordinated by PHSKC,
including the distribution of Medical Countermeasures (MCM).
A. Coordination
Coordinate with Public Health- Seattle & King County (PHSKC) according to Memorandum
of Understanding (MOU) guidelines [see Reference Documents: Memorandum of
Understanding, 2011].
B. Pre-Incident Actions [Refer to Department-specific COOP Pandemic Influenza Annexes &
Capabilities-based Support Functions].
1. Logistics & Planning
Convene EOC planning and logistic sections upon notification from PHSKC of a possible
pandemic to assess the potential impacts of pandemic influenza on essential City
functions. Identify actions to mitigate impacts to essential city operations. The logistic
assessments will consider the following assumptions:
a. In the first wave of the pandemic, there is likely to be explosive demand for PPE,
bottled water, food, and essential medications. Demand will far outstrip supply.
b. Staff shortages across all industries will jeopardize vital city services and resources
(food, utilities, transportation, social, and economic systems).
c. Periods between waves must be utilized to prepare for following waves and the
continuity of essential functions.
Logistics Assessment will include:
a. Contingency plans;
b. Emergency payroll;
c. Expedited financial decision-making;
d. Accounting systems to track and document costs of the disaster;
e. Supply chain impact and resource redundancy;
f. Backup contracts;
g. Cross-training personnel for critical functions;
SA #4 — Pandemic Influenza Plan July 2019 215
City of Auburn Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan
h. Gaps in technological needs for remote work ;
i. Staggered scheduling, and in-office social distancing needs;
j. Just-in-time delivery;
k. Warehousing; and
I. Critical services and delivery of essential commodities - gasoline, food, PPE
supplies, etc.
C. Incident Management Actions
Pandemic influenza management activities will be based on information and
recommendations from PHSKC, department-specific staffing capacities, and CEMP
operating procedures:
• PHSKC advised strategies to protect City employees will be carried out by each City of
Auburn department.
• The City of Auburn will coordinate and collaborate with PHSKC response efforts [see
Reference Documents: Memorandum of Understanding, 2011].
If necessary, prioritize essential functions that protect employee safety. The Director of
Emergency Management and/or Mayor will decide which services/functions to curtail.
Given pandemic influenza assumptions, the city will regularly assess department capacities
to prioritize the essential functions and services necessary to sustain the City's mission and
protect City employees.
1. Situational Awareness & Information
Situational awareness will be achieved via PHSKC notifications on pandemic severity,
transmission, and scale, and City-specific impacts such as absenteeism, closures, etc.
PHSKC will provide incident information to the EOC staff, in addition to the
communication channels listed in the CEMP [Section: Incident Management Actions,
sub-section A, paragraph 1].
a. Assessing & Reporting Daily Staffing Capacities:
i. Illness reporting: city employees will report to their supervisor if they are
unable to come into work, or they will call their supervisor if they feel ill at
work. The supervisor, or supervisor designee, will report their daily
number of absences to the department director or designee each
ii. Each day, each City of Auburn department director or designee will assess
departmental capacities due to absenteeism and write a brief report of the
number of absent employees and whether essential functions are able to be
carried out. This report will be send to the EOC, and will be used to inform
situational awareness and City priorities.
2. EOC Activation
Activation of the EOC to support the City essential functions and/or coordinate
consequence response will be based on recommendations by PHSKC and/or the City's
ability to carry out essential functions. The EOC will be operated remotely unless the
Mayor, Director of Emergency Management (EM), or their designee says otherwise.
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City of Auburn Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan
3. Concurrent Incident & Non-Remote Staffing
Due to pandemic influenza assumptions regarding incident duration, concurrent and/or
associated incidents may necessitate higher-level activation. If necessary to be in the
City of Auburn EOC, each staff will be required to bring their issued PPE and follow
infection control measure training [COOP- Pandemic Influenza Annex]. All staff will be
expected to wear PPE and follow pandemic influenza control measure protocols
throughout an activation.
4. Communications
Pandemic information for personnel will be provided by PHSKC and funneled through
the EOC to city and department leadership. The City of Auburn will:
a. Facilitate that dissemination of pandemic-related information from PHSKC to city
employees and residents via:
i. Intranet
ii. Email
iii. Social media
iv. City website
v. Conference video and audio calls
vi. Posted documents and memorandums
vii. Press releases & press conference
viii. CodeRED alert system
b. Incorporate department-specific communications to ensure the continuity of essential
services and consistent messaging; and
c. Ensure City communications are consistent with PHSKC information.
D. Recovery Actions
1. Medical Countermeasures (MCMs)
PHSKC will carry out and manage the distribution of MCMs [Reference Documents:
Medical Countermeasures Plan, 2016] at pre-determined Points of Distribution in Auburn
[Reference Documents: MCM Site Assessments]. PHSKC will coordinate with Auburn
EOC to facilitate MCM transportation, security, and distribution as designated in the
PHSKC MCM plan and PHSKC and City of Auburn MOU [Reference Documents].
2. Reconstitution
Unlike other disasters, pandemic recovery efforts will be balanced with essential
preparedness for future waves. Reconstitution will include:
• Assessment of all physical, personnel, and economic impacts.
• Notifying personnel to return to normal operations within work units when deemed
safe by PHSKC.
• Rapid hiring and training for the replacement of employees unable to return to work -
prioritizing hiring and training efforts for essential staff duties.
• Notifying the public as to which services will begin to be provided and when.
• Adjustment of recovery actions based upon impacts and circumstances.
• Assessment of costs to prepare for the next wave.
• Assessment of supply shortages, and the identification and implementation of
actions to correct shortages.
SA #4 — Pandemic Influenza Plan July 2019 217
City of Auburn Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan
• Providing continuous updates in employee communication plan concerning recovery
efforts and next pandemic wave preparedness efforts.
• Continuation of providing timely, accurate, and accessible information to the general
public, while addressing misinformation.
• Reviewing and adjustment of the pandemic plan— understanding the period of time
between waves can be anywhere from weeks to years.
I. Plan Management and Maintenance
This annex will be reviewed and updated with the CEMP.
J. Capabilities-based Support Functions
Incident-specific support functions to compliment or modify CEMP ESFs.
1. Emergency Management Division
a. Regular coordination and communications with PHSKC regarding:
i. Communications
1. Messages to disseminate.
2. Monitoring information.
3. Responding to false information.
ii. MCM distribution
1. Vaccination of essential City personnel.
2. Security detail if requested.
3. PODs.
b. Report city staff absenteeism and department capacities to the Mayor.
c. Support logistic and planning assessments.
d. Maintain situational awareness and share with city leadership.
e. Develop plan to remotely operate the EOC.
2. Police Department
a. Coordination with EOC & PHSKC for MCM transportation &facility security (refer to
b. Enforce PHSKC mandated site closures, quarantines, and/or isolation as able.
c. If requested, coordinate with EOC to disseminate public information.
d. All social disruptions and essential services/resource closures will be reported to the
3. Innovation &Technology Department
a. Provide IT support and technology services to ensure all departments can carry out
their essential functions remotely.
4. Legal Department
a. Support HR Department regarding labor rules and expectations; these will need to
be negotiated in advance of and throughout the incident [consultation and
b. Coordinate with PHSKC, as requested, to support the development of public health
5. Human Resources Department
a. Ongoing communications and negotiations with labor to ensure the protection of city
employees and continuity of City Department essential functions.
SA #4 — Pandemic Influenza Plan July 2019 218
City of Auburn Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan
b. Update policies to ensure staff are able to work remotely (telework), work
irregular/flexible hours, and can follow PHSKC recommendations for infectious
disease prevention and control.
c. As needed carry out remote training of employees to replace essential staff.
d. Develop reconstitution strategic plan for rapid hiring of essential staff replacements.
e. Develop plans and procedures following PHSKC guidelines, to ensure the
facilities/buildings are safe for employees.
6. Community Organizations Active in Disaster (COAD) & CERT
a. Maintain regular communications with EOC concerning staffing capacities.
b. Support the distribution of necessary provisions to community residents, with a
particular focus on those most in need. This will likely require COAD staff and CERT
members to obtain PPE, train to use it, and practice social distancing measures such
as staggered deliveries/pickups.
c. If able and requested, support PHSKC prevention and response efforts.
1. Pandemic Influenza Plan. Public Health -Seattle & King County, 2013.
2. Memorandum of Understanding: agreement between Public Health-Seattle & King
County and the City of Auburn, 2011 [PHSKC#2011 NM048]. Location:
O:\Government\Regional Disaster Plan\King County Based
3. Medical Countermeasures Plan. Public Health-Seattle & King County, 2016.
4. Site Assessments for Points of Distribution in the City of Auburn. Public Health - Seattle
& King County, 2016. Location: O:\Government\Regional Disaster Plan\King County B
SA #4 — Pandemic Influenza Plan July 2019 219
City of Auburn Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan
SA 5: Inclusive Emergency Communications — Limited English Proficiency
The City of Auburn is an ethnically and linguistically diverse community, an asset to the City's
cultural and economic vibrancy. This Emergency Communications Proficiency Support Annex
was developed to support the City in better communicating life-safety messages to people with
limited English proficiency (LEP). This annex is a guidance document which describes Auburn
LEP language groups, principles for EM to increase LEP communications capacities, EM's
language access obligations, messaging strategies, communication methods, available
resources, and in a supplementary spreadsheet, a list of specific platforms, networks, systems,
and individuals, with their contact information.
Providing important, life-safety information in languages other than English may not always
be possible, depending largely on the nature of the incident, resource capacities, and impact
to social networks and communication infrastructure. The City of Auburn EM is fully
committed to meeting its obligations of sharing life-safety information with LEP individuals
and communities within the City.
In accordance with RCW 38.5, public notices regarding public health, safety, and welfare will be
provided in all languages spoken by 5% of the city's populations, or by 1,000 residents,
whichever is less. According to the 2015 Census, this criteria is met for the following languages:
Languages Percentage of City Population Number
Spanish 9.7% 7,341 [margin of error±971]
Ukrainian 2.3% 1,736 [margin of error±517]
Russian 1.6% 1,239 [margin of error±434]
Tagalog 1.6% 1,206 [margin of error±4011_
Auburn residents from LEP priority language groups infrequently interact with EM and its
programs. The majority of interaction between LEP language groups and City/Regional services
are primarily with non-emergency City departments, and emergency responder Valley Regional
Fire Authority (VRFA), Auburn Police Department (APD), and Valley Communications Center.
The frequency of interaction with these agencies is most often based on individual service
needs and circumstances.
H. Build knowledge to identify, locate and maintain a profile of diverse racial/ethnic, immigrant
and limited English proficient (LEP) populations within the community. Primary strategy:
strengthen collaboration with the Auburn School District and public housing sector to
continually update information on LEP communities.
I. Build partnerships that promote collaborative planning and action between communities and
key emergency management organizations. Primary strategy: use the information available
in this report to assign emergency preparedness staff responsibility for next steps listed
SA #5—Inclusive Emergency Communications New July 2019 220
City of Auburn Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan
J. Build trust between local communities, service providers and government officials to
promote cooperation with emergency management efforts. Primary strategy: EM to
collaborate with City departments and social service agencies that support LEP populations,
to encourage sustained engagement and promote a preparedness-in-all-services approach.
K. Build capacity of Auburn's emergency management office and emergency preparedness
system. Primary strategy: maintain and update a repository of translated materials that have
been vetted for accuracy and appropriateness.
L. Build resilience to mitigate existing vulnerabilities, reduce negative consequences, and
rapidly restore community functioning. Primary strategy: pay special attention to building
relationships with vulnerable populations (e.g. women and the elderly) to enhance their
resilience in the event of a disaster.
EM is obligated to provide life-safety notifications for the following information:
• Notices on evacuation (SSB 5046 requirement) to include information on available
transportation, if available.
• Notices on sheltering /sheltering in place (SSB 5046 requirement).
• Notices where individuals can obtain care or assistance (e.g., food, water, showers, medical
care; and shelter and food /water for pets and large animals, etc.). (SSB 5046 requirement
is communicating availability of food and water). Include information on available
transportation, if known.
• Notices on facility lockdown (SSB 5046 requirement).
• Notices of curfew and curfew-related restrictions.
• Share translated life-safety information notices from Public Health - Seattle & King County.
EM's messaging strategy for life-safety notifications will be largely dependent on situational
circumstances and resource availability. The overarching strategy will be the dissemination of
life-safety information in as many LEP priority language groups as possible, utilizing all available
dissemination systems. When resources are limited, life-safety messages to language groups
will be prioritized based the size of the language population in the following order:
1. English
2. Spanish
3. Russian (spoken by a majority of Ukrainian-speakers)
4. Tagalog
A. Communication Platforms
EM has identified messaging platforms, systems and methods which will be use to
disseminate life-safety notifications and other emergency messages to LEP language
groups. These range from traditional media (Radio, television, print) and social media, to
regional communication networks and community service contractors. Specific platforms
and contact information can be found in this document's accompanying spreadsheet.
SA #5—Inclusive Emergency Communications New July 2019
City of Auburn Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan
B. In-Person & Door-to-Door
In-person or door-to-door notifications may be a necessary method to disseminate urgent
life-safety information. However, the capacity to carry out such an effort will likely be limited
due to time and resource constraints. As resources allow, EM will provided printed materials
with translated life-safety information to first responder agencies and volunteers, to support
their in-person and door-to-door efforts. In the case of a large-scale evacuation, City
resources may use audio announcements from emergency response vehicles, which will
likely be possible only in English.
C. Community-Based Dissemination Resources
EM has a variety of community-based resources for urgent and non-urgent life-safety
information dissemination. Specific contact information to access these resources can be
found on the accompanying spreadsheet document.
• Community Centers can be used to disseminate urgent and non-urgent messages.
These include places of worship, libraries, schools, restaurants, grocery stores, and
other frequented gathering locations.
• Community bulletin boards may be used for non-urgent EM information
• EM Volunteers may be contacted to support EM information dissemination efforts
• COAD members may be asked to voluntarily support EM outreach efforts and provide
employees, customers, or members with important EM information.
• Community Communications Network, a two way communications network controlled by
Public Health - Seattle & King County, can be used to disseminated life-safety
• Trusted Partners Network, a regional network of bilingual community partners, can be
utilized to disseminate EM life-safety information through formal and informal LEP social
• City of Auburn Community Service Partners may be contacted via the Department of
Community Development.
D. Translation assistance services & pre-translated messages.
EM, with the help of King County and neighboring jurisdictions, have developed an
extensive list of pre-translated messages, which can be found in the accompanying
spreadsheet document. This list will continue to be updated as time and resources allow
(see revision criteria). It must be noted that emergency situations often necessitate incident-
specific translations—which cannot be pre-translated. Written translations and oral
interpretations of these messages will be obtained by contacting designated translation
assistance services, identified in the accompanying spreadsheet document.
E. Resources
Resources for LEP translation are available through a variety of sources. Limited funding
from EM budget is accessible for preparedness outreach materials and translation of life-
safety messages. EM will continue to participate in the Inclusive Emergency Communication
County Wide Planning Team and the County Outreach Workgroup, which shares LEP
resources between partners. EM will continue to identify bilingual community volunteers
interested in supporting EM with languages services. These volunteer resources will be
SA#5—Inclusive Emergency Communications New July 2019
City of Auburn Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan
identified via EM training (Community Emergency Response Team or HAM amateur radio)
and community outreach activities.
A. Review& Update
1. Following any emergency or disaster for which public information was disseminated, EM
will conduct an After Action Review(AAR) to determine the effectiveness of its public
communication efforts. This AAR will solicit input from people and organizations
representative of the intended target audiences. The AAR findings will dictate whether
this annex needs to be reviewed and/or revised.
2. There is currently a regional LEP plan in development, estimated to be completed before
2020. The completion of the regional plan will require EM to review and revise this annex
to ensure jurisdictional alignment.
3. This annex will be regularly reviewed and updated along with the City's CEMP, or when
deemed necessary by EM.
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SA#5—Inclusive Emergency Communications New July 2019
City of Auburn Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan
SA 6: Pet and Service Animal Preparedness Plan
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July 2019
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City of Auburn Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan
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City of Auburn
Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan
Changes to this plan should be submitted to City of Auburn Emergency Management.
SA #6—Pet and Service Animal Preparedness Plan New July 2019
City of Auburn Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan
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SA #6—Pet and Service Animal Preparedness Plan New July 2019
City of Auburn Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan
V. SCOPE 231
A 231
B 231
A 233
B 233
Phases of Emergency Management
1 233
2 233
3 234
4 234
A 235
Pet Sheltering
B 235
Temporary Animal Housing Areas
C. 236
Vaccination Practices for Emergency Shelters
D. 236
Abandoned Animals in Shelters
A 237
Command— Responsibility for overall operations
B Logistics— Responsibility for overall to istical su 237
9 pport of shelter components
C 237
Operations— Responsible for the operations of registration and kennels
D. 237
Planning— Responsible for developing Incident Action Plans
E 238
Finance— Responsible for monitoring costs and mutual aid response
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City of Auburn Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan
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SA #6—Pet and Service Animal Preparedness Plan New July 2019
City of Auburn Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan
Residents of the City of Auburn live with the potential for disasters such as flooding, storms, train
derailments, chemical hazards and terrorist attacks. During a disaster, the state and federal
government may offer support for these activities, but the primary responsibility falls on the local
The purpose of this plan is to protect people, animals, and property during an emergency
situation by ensuring the effective evacuation and care of pets in the City of Auburn. It will
describe policies and procedures for evacuation, care and control of animals during a
disaster as well as the related roles and responsibilities of participating agencies and
external partners.
This annex applies to the City of Auburn and its mutual aid partners.
This plan considers the needs of all legally owned domestic pets allowed within the City of
Auburn. Owners of exotic pets must act responsibly and take appropriate actions in
providing care or evacuating their animals.
A. General
During an incident within the City of Auburn that will call for evacuation or sheltering
operations for the general public, a percentage will be evacuating or sheltering with
household pets.
Definition of household pets—"A domesticated animal, such as a dog, cat, bird, rabbit,
rodent or turtle, that is traditionally kept in the home for pleasure, rather than for
commercial purposes, can travel in commercial carriers, and be housed in temporary
facilities. Household pets do not include reptiles (except turtles), amphibians, fish,
insects/arachnids, farm animals (including horses) and animal kept for racing purposes."
B. Demographic
Using the American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA)formula, of the current
population in the City of Auburn, roughly 72% of Auburn households own at least one
household pet.
SA #6—Pet and Service Animal Preparedness Plan New July 2019 231
City of Auburn Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan
Number of Pet Owning Pet Population
Animal Type Households
21,305 39,749
DAll Pets 10,876 17,401
Catt a 9,058 19,010
BB924 2,116
Horsed 447 1,222
• Pet shelters will parallel human shelter sites as most people will not want to be
separated from their pets.
• The principles and policies of the National Incident Management System (NIMS)
will be adopted in local and state emergency plans, and demonstrated through
plan exercise activities.
• Auburn Police Department Animal Control will direct and control all activities
related to animal protection and control during an emergency, through the
Emergency Operations Center.
• As part of their commitment to this plan, tasked agencies will engage in
systematic assessments of procedures, resources, and training, to ensure their
continued ability to carry out their responsibilities as outlined in this plan.
• Service animals will be sheltered with those whom they assist in accordance with
American Red Cross policies and current ADA legislation.
• Owners of small and large animals may fail to evacuate because they are unable to take
their animals with them or if they left their animals behind, will try to reenter the affected
area to rescue them.
• Individual pet owners should include their animals into their disaster plans.
• Any agency or group involved in the rescue and evacuation efforts must be approved by
the City of Auburn Animal Control and ensure that disease and bite prevention methods
are exercised.
• Personal Protective equipment(PPE) needs to be made available as recommended by
the local health authority. It is up to Auburn Police Department and humane
organizations to determine the appropriate PPE for its officers, employees or volunteers.
• Bite cases shall be reported to the animal control authority in the jurisdiction where they
occur. It is up to that animal control authority to investigate and determine who is
responsible for each bite case.
SA #6—Pet and Service Animal Preparedness Plan New July 2019
City of Auburn Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan
• All animals collected from the disaster areas where they may have been exposed to
unknown chemicals or agents should be examined, and based on the event, Auburn
Police Department Animal Control will determine right course of actions.
A. General
As lead coordinating agency, the Auburn Police Department's Animal Control is
responsible for ensuring the coordination of activities regarding animal care in the City of
Auburn. In the event of a disaster or emergency situation, the designee by the Auburn
Police Chief will be appointed as the Animal Health Officer for the event.
During an emergency evacuation, pet-owners will be encouraged to execute their
personal pet disaster plans and make an early evacuation. Pet-owners and their pets
may be unable to leave the City of Auburn before the onset of the disaster events and
will have to take refuge in a short term pet friendly shelter. A pet-friendly shelter will be
activated at the same time as other public shelters and used only on an emergency and
on a temporary basis.
When a decision is made by Auburn's Emergency Management to open emergency
public shelters, the supporting agencies will be notified and should be ready to activate a
pet-friendly shelter pre-designated by the Emergency Operations Center(EOC). .
Auburn Emergency Management will notify all supporting agencies when a decision is
made to activate emergency shelters, this notice will also simultaneously activate the pet
friendly shelters if the event is anticipated to last more than twenty-four hours. For
isolated, no-notice events, such as flooding, pet sheltering may not be available. Pet
owners are encouraged to make alternate arrangements for their pets for this short
The Pet Sheltering Supervisor will maintain contact with, and provide shelter statistics to,
the Shelter Manager. The Shelter Manager will relay that information to the EOC either
by telephone, radio, WebEOC, or other modes of communication used at the time of the
incident. Pet Friendly Shelters will remain open for as long as emergency public shelters
are open.
All participating agencies will participate in a post-disaster evaluation (hot wash) hosted
by the City of Auburn Emergency Management in order to determine best practices and
future pet-sheltering strategies.
B. Phases of Emergency Management
1. Mitigation
a. Determine resources and requirements for adequate sheltering
b. Determine locations and best available facilities for use as shelters
SA #6—Pet and Service Animal Preparedness Plan New July 2019 233
City of Auburn Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan
c. Educate the general public about methods to ensure the safety, care and control
of animals during a disaster
d. Educate the public on developing a pet disaster plan and development of
a pet evacuation kit
e. Maintain Standard Operating Procedures
f. Develop and maintain an on-going public awareness campaign to educate
public on preparedness activities for pet safety and appropriate pet
2. Preparedness
a. Conduct a hazard analysis and risk assessment of the population that will be
evacuating with pets.
b. Procure and pre-position support resources that will be needed.
c. Identify personnel to staff a local emergency animal shelter
d. Conduct training and exercises annually for shelter personnel.
e. Identify and schedule disaster response training concerning this plan
f. Estimate local pet populations
g. Compose list of possible emergency animal shelter locations
h. Secure memorandums of understanding to provide pet facilities,
equipment and supplies in emergency situations
i. Provide up to date list of veterinarians
j. Designate potential animal burial and carcass disposal sites
k. Designate potential animal waste sites
I. Develop and maintain euthanasia protocol and equipment
m. Develop local pet evacuation plans
3. Response
a. The City of Auburn EOC will be activated and staffed.
b. Coordinate following services to the pet population:
i. Rescue and Recovery
Pet rescue services are available to domestic animals found roaming
after a disaster has occurred.
ii. Transport
iii. Shelter
iv. Identification
v. Triage and treatment
SA #6—Pet and Service Animal Preparedness Plan New July 2019 234
City of Auburn Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan
vi. Evacuation
c. Activate personnel to staff an emergency animal shelter
d. Execute memorandums of understanding to procure use of facilities, equipment,
and supplies
e. Coordinate with emergency evacuation shelters to inform displaced citizens of
the protocol for retrieval or delivery of pets This includes seniors/disabled that
are unable to drive and may need to be transported.
f. Coordinate unsolicited volunteer response
g. Provide security for animal shelters
4. Recovery
a. Planning for recovery will be implemented at the same time emergency response
actions are being taken to protect the public.
b. Consolidating and closing of shelter sites as necessary.
c. Determine long term needs for animals that are left behind.
d. Identify and implement all appropriate State and Federal programs to
financially assist with the continued operation of animal shelter and care
e. Coordinate animal waste disposal
f. Determine conditions for repopulation
g. Identify and return animals to appropriate owners
h. Establish procedures for abandoned animals
i. Keep records to include (see appendix documents):
i. Volunteers and shift assignments
ii. Animal owners
iii. Animals in care/shelter
iv. Supplies and expenses
A. Pet Sheltering
Generally there are three types of Emergency Household Pet Sheltering (EHPS):
1. A Co-located EHPS is located in reasonable proximity (enabling owners to easily
interact with their pets in the shelter)to a General Population Shelter for people and
the owners provide a substantial amount of the care for their household pets:
generally exercising/walking and feeding. This method for providing EHPS services
SA #6—Pet and Service Animal Preparedness Plan New July 2019 235
City of Auburn Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan
is, far less labor intensive than a Stand Alone EHPS, and maximizes sensitivity to the
human-animal bond and its impact on the well-being of people and their pets.
a. This option also reduces staffing requirements for the care of sheltered pets
b. HVAC issues must be considered to reduce exposure of people to animal related
2. A Cohabitation EHPS is a congregate shelter in which people and household pets (or
other animals) share space. This is not a common practice and will likely not occur in
the region due to shelter protocols and practices.
3. A Stand Alone EHPS is for household pets from various sources (e.g., evacuated or
rescued household pets) sheltered in one facility. It may or may not be located near
a General Population Shelter for people. With this method of providing EHPS it's
unlikely or impractical for owners to be involved with or allowed to participate in care
for their animals. This method is a labor intensive activity
B. Temporary Animal Housing Areas
As human shelter locations are opened, the City of Auburn may coordinate nearby
temporary housing areas for animals owned by evacuees staying at the shelters that are
not suitable to house animals. If temporary animal housing cannot be set up near a
human shelter, then a staging area of cages will be set up near the human shelter
location until they can be transported in an appropriate transport vehicle to a pre-
determined housing area.
C. Vaccination Practices for Emergency Shelters
Transmission of infectious disease is a serious concern at shelters caring for refugee
animals. Many of these animals will be arriving unvaccinated, some inevitably incubating
serious disease such as parvovirus and canine distemper in dogs, and pan leukopenia in
cats. Large shelters create difficulties for meaningful isolation and effective disinfection,
and the overwhelming volume of animals coming in and out of these shelters
exacerbates the problem. For these reasons, it is particularly urgent that vaccination
practices be optimized in order to provide maximum protection for those conditions.
All incoming animals should be assessed. The designated Health Authority will
determine whether these animals need to be immediately vaccinated upon intake with
modified live or recombinant vaccines for core shelter diseases. If a reliable vaccination
records exist, the vaccination requirement can be waived. However, if animals become
City of Auburn property (due to abandonment etc.)they will be vaccinated according to
current protocols.
D. Abandoned Animals in Shelters
Animals abandoned at temporary animal housing areas associated with a human shelter
will become property of the City of Auburn. They will be handled as per established
protocols after 72 hours. Any extension of the hold period will be decided on a case by
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case basis with input from the area health authority and Auburn Police Department,
Animal Control.
A. Command — Responsibility for overall operations
1. Submission of ICS 214 on a scheduled frequency to the EOC.
Logistics Operations Planning Finance
B. Logistics — Responsibility for overall logistical support of shelter
1. Set up signage and registration location at designated shelter.
2. Request additional security from law enforcement, if needed.
3. Evaluate building facilities and report conditions.
4. Inventory supplies and report on needs and surplus.
5. Set up fans, trash cans, and other necessity supplies.
6. Stage additional support supplies including disinfectant, refrigerators, first aid,
generators, lighting, etc....
uu sing
Signage Supplies
C. Operations— Responsible for the operations of registration and kennels
1. Register evacuees and their pets using associated forms.
2. Take picture of animal with owner.
3. Make photocopy of owners driver's license or resident ID card for file.
4. Distribute animal collar, owner wrist band and associated stickers (as necessary).
5. Direct owner to appropriate kennel area.
Registratio Dog Kennel Cat Kennel
Branch Branch
SA #6—Pet and Service Animal Preparedness Plan New July 2019 237
City of Auburn Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan
D. Planning — Responsible for developing Incident Action Plans
1. Work with operations and logistics to develop Incident Action Plans for next
operational period.
Housing Situation
monitoring reports
E. Finance — Responsible for monitoring costs and mutual aid response
1. Monitor volunteer hours.
2. Maintain cost accounting for supplies and other materials procured before, during
and after the event.
3. Monitor damages for disaster related, evacuee related and cat/dog/owner related.
4. Submit financial summary to Incident Commander on scheduled frequency.
214 Cost Mutual aid
monitor accounting monitor
Interagency Communication
The participating agencies will meet on a periodic basis to review and modify plans as necessary.
Office of Emergency Management and the Auburn Police Department will coordinate these
The participating agencies will ensure ongoing communication in addition to everyday agency
responsibilities. Contact information for each participating agency can be found in the Auburn
Emergency Pet Shelter Manual.
Communication with the Public
The public must be informed about methods to ensure the safety, care and control of animals
during a disaster. Such information must be communicated to the public prior to a disaster in order
to ensure maximum preparation. It is critical that residents of the City of Auburn receive a
unified message regarding animal issues.
The EOC will work with the appropriate professionals (i.e. public information officers)to develop
and update messages about animal care, evacuation, sheltering and control during disasters.
SA#6—Pet and Service Animal Preparedness Plan New July 2019
City of Auburn Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan
During the Preparation phase, the key message for individual pet owners is to make disaster
plans which include their animals#neverleaveyourpetbehind. Further, the public needs to know
there will be limited space at shelters, area veterinary clinics and boarding facilities for animals,
so pet owners should ensure that their personal evacuation plans include their animals.
Messages should clearly challenge pet owners to take responsibility for planning for their pets in
the case of disaster. It is criminal to leave them stranded and the responsibility of the owner to
evacuate them pre disaster.
Procedures and policies will be developed to track record, billing, and other administrative
accountability needs. Proper documentation and record keeping are essential to adherence
to the FEMA guidelines for reimbursement.
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City of Auburn Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan
SA 7: Cyber Security
Primary Agency: City of Auburn Innovation and Technology Department
Support Agencies: City of Auburn
Exenn Departments.Departments, City of Auburn Police
Department, and all other City of
The City uses a variety of systems, services, and devices that reply upon both internal
and external computer networks in order to function properly. These networks as a
whole are
commonly referred to "cyberspace" and failures in them, regardless of cause, are
referred to as "cyber incidents". Cyber incidents have the potential to disable city
release non-disclosable information to unknown parties, and create public safety issues,
other things.
This incident annex outlines fundamental steps in the City's response to a major cyber
including assignment of responsibility and critical actions that must be taken to prepare
respond to, and recover from a cyber-incident.
1. The Innovation and Technology Department is responsible for securing and
maintaining City information technology assets in accordance with industry
standard best practices. They are further responsible for developing and
implementing policies and procedures that ensure the City's ability to prevent,
detect, and respond to cyber incidents.
2. All employees, volunteers,
and others lty o
uter systems are
required to befamiliar and cmply with all polices and procedures related to
information technology use and security.
3. All City departments are expected to activity participate in continuity of operations
planning that accounts for loss of information technology services. Continuity of
operations planning must include identification of critical services and procedures
continuing those services during the loss or all or some of the City's cyber
SA#7—Cyber Security
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City of Auburn Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan
Situations and Assumptions:
Emergency Conditions
The City's vulnerability to a major cyber incident is directly related to the amount of
and prevention activities that have been undertaken and the degree that system users
able to rapidly detect, isolate, and report potential incidents. Emergency conditions
related to a
major cyber incident may be created from both internal and external sources and have
the potential to cause critical life safety and other essential services to fail.
Planning Assumptions
1. The City has a robust cyber security and computer/internet use policy that is
updated to reflect best practices
2. The City provides training to all system users on acceptable use policies, social
engineering awareness, and incident identification/notification procedures.
3. Major cyber incidents can occur with or without warning.
4. Major cyber incidents may be malicious or accidental/inadvertent, but initial
must not be dependent on determining which.
5. Cyber vulnerabilities are both technological and human caused and will continue
to exist
regardless of the number of safeguards put in place and the amount of training
6. Regardless of cause, major cyber incidents have the potential to shutdown
critical infrastructure, negatively affect life safety, reveal protected information,
and to cause
harm to people, data, and physical assets.
7. Incidents may start and end on systems that are outside of the City's direct
8. Close coordination with county, state, federal government partners, as well as
sector entities and NGOs will likely be required in a major cyber incident.
Concept of Operations:
1. The City's Innovation and Technology Department the following services to
support all City departments:
a. Voice and Data communication systems.
b. File and Print systems.
SA #7—Cyber Security New July 2019 241
City of Auburn Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan
c. Wired and wireless networks.
d. Servers and file storage.
e. Routers, switchers, gateways, &firewalls.
f. Business systems support. application software development,
g. GIS systems and services.
h. Access to the internet and inter-governmental networks.
2. Information Technology issues contracts for certain types of work and services,
a. Software/hardware maintenance.
b. Print/copier maintenance.
c. Software/database hosting.
d. Network security.
e. Internet services.
f. Phone services.
3. Information Technology will routinely works with other government organizations
to exchange information and best practices
4. Information Technology works in conjunction with Emergency Management to
assist departments in developing appropriate expectations and continuity of
operations plans.
5. Information Technology bases its own continuity of operations plan upon the
needs of other City departments.
6. Information Technology maintains detailed, confidential procedures for cyber
incident response that are based on current best practices.
7. Information Technology maintains non-disclosable lists of available cyber
incident detection and response resources, including tools and outside vendors.
8. Information Technology utilizes up-to-date services, tools and techniques to
detect adverse events on their networks and other systems.
9. All system users are trained and know when and how to report possible cyber
incidents and how to avoid common network intrusion and social engineering
City of Auburn Innovation and Technology Department
1. Serve as lead department for major cyber incident response
a. Provide subject matter expertise to the EOC and key decision-makers
b. Provide personnel and technology to detect, isolate, and eliminate threats and
to restore systems after the threat has been dealt with.
c. Serve as liaison to other cyber response organizations, which may include but
is not limited to:
d. Washington State Fusion Center.
e. Multi-State Information Sharing and Analysis Center (MS-IASAC).
f. Washington State Cyber Unified Coordination Group (UCG).
g. Hardware and software vendors.
New Jul 2019 242
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City of Auburn Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan
h. Cybersecurity vendors.
i. Cybersecurity response teams (government, private, or combined).
City of Auburn's Innovation Technology Department
1. Serve as lead for managing consequences that extend beyond the direct effects
on computers and server systems.
2. Manage the EOC.
3. Coordinates briefings for key decision-makers, in coordination with Information
4. Ensure that life safety needs internally and externally are being addressed by
appropriate departments or agencies.
5. Serve as liaison to other emergency management organizations, which may
include but
is not limited to:
a. Other City EOCs.
b. King County Emergency Coordination Center.
c. Washington State Emergency Operations Center.
d. Private sector EOCs.
6. Coordinate with Public Affairs for release to public of appropriate information
and/or notification to individuals of protected information release.
City of Auburn Police Department
1. Serve as lead for any criminal investigation that results from the incident and is
within the City's jurisdiction.
a. Provide law enforcement subject matter expertise to the EOC.
b. Conduct criminal investigations pursuant to established policy and procedure.
c. Serve as liaison to other law enforcement entities with a role in cyber incident
response, which may include but is not limited to:
• Washington State Fusion Center.
• FBI Joint Cyber Task Force (CTF).
• Washington State Patrol High Tech Crimes United (WSP HTCU).
• Other local or county law enforcement agencies.
All Other City Departments
1. Provide representation to the EOC as needed.
2. Implement Continuity of Operations plans as required.
SA #7—Cyber Security New July 2019 243
City of Auburn Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan
t jPP CylDsP Oncod.__ C hsc idtia
Action Items Supplemental
Continue to enhance, maintain and revise, as needed,
the appropriate emergency response plans relating to
cyber security, including the CEMP and annexes.
Arrange for personnel to participate in necessary
training and develop exercises relevant to cyber-
Ensure the contact lists are current and establish a pre-
event duty roster allowing for 24/7 operational support
to the EOC.
Participate in City, County, regional, State, and Federal
cyber security preparedness activities, seeking
understanding of interactions with participating agencies
in a cyber-security scenario.
Analyze cyber vulnerabilities, exploits, and attack
Identify new equipment or capabilities required to
prevent or respond to new or emerging threats and
hazards, or to improve the ability to address existing
Inform Emergency Manager of any major developments
that could
adversely affect response operations Supplemental
Activate the EOC and appropriate DOCs and establish
Incident Command. For larger events that cross multiple
jurisdictions, participate in Unified Command.
Conduct situational and periodic readiness
Execute contracts and procure goods and services to
support cyber security.
Ensure financial and property accountability for cyber
security activities.
Estimate emergency staffing levels and request
personnel support.
Develop work assignments for ICS positions (recurring). ICS Form 203:
Assignment List
New Jul 2019 244
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City of Auburn Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan
Notify supporting agencies (dependent on the type of
incident) and the Mayor/City Council.
Determine the type, scope, and extent of the cyber ICS Form 209: Incident
security incident (recurring). Verify reports and obtain Status Summary
estimates of the area that may be affected.
Ensure that all required notifications have been
Consider other local, regional, State, and Federal
agencies that may been affected by the incident. Notify
them of the status.
Determine the need for additional resources and
request them as necessary through appropriate
channels (recurring).
Activate mutual aid agreements. Activation includes
placing backup teams on standby and alerting resource
suppliers of both potential and current needs.
Formulate emergency public information messages and
media responses utilizing "one message, many voices"
concepts (recurring).
Public information will be reviewed and approved for
release by the EOC Director and lead Public Information
Officer before dissemination to the public and/or media
Record all EOC activity and completion of individual EOC Planning Section
personnel tasks (recurring). All assignments, person(s) Position Checklist, ICS
responsible, and significant actions taken should be Form 214: Unit Log
documented in logbooks.
Record all incoming and outgoing messages (recurring).
All messages, and the person sending or receiving
them, should be documented as part of the EOC log.
Develop and deliver situation reports (recurring). At ICS Form 209: Incident
regular intervals, the EOC Director and staff will
assemble a situation report. Status Summary
Develop an Incident Action Plan (recurring). This ICS Form 202: Incident
document is developed by the Planning Section and Objectives, ICS Form 203:
approved by the EOC Director. The Incident Action Plan
should be discussed at regular intervals and modified as Organization Assignment
the situation changes.
List, ICS Form 204:
Assignment List, ICS Form
205: Incident Radio
Communications Plan, ICS
Form 206: Medical Plan,
SA #7—Cyber Security New July 2019
City of Auburn Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan
Safety Message, Incident
Implement objectives and tasks outlined in the IAP
Coordinate with private-sector partners as needed. Supplemental
Action Items Information
Ensure an orderly demobilization of emergency
ICS Form 221:
operations in accordance with current demobilization Demobilization Plan
and community recovery plans. Continuityof
Activate, if necessary, the appropriate recovery
strategies, continuity of operations plans, and/or plans
continuity of government plans.
Release mutual aid resources as soon as possible.
Conduct a post-event debriefing to identify success
opportunities for improvement, and development of the
After Action Report/Improvement Plan.
Deactivate/demobilize the EOC.
Correct any response deficiencies reflected in the
Improvement Plan.
Revise any applicable emergency response plans
based on the success stories and/or lessons learned
during the response.
1. National Cyber Incident Response Plan, Department of Homeland Security, 2016
2. Computer Security Incident Handling Guide (Revision 2) National Institute of
Standards and Technology, 2012
3. Washington State Significant Cyber Incident Annex, Washington Military
Department—Emergency Management Division, 2015
4. ISO 27032 — Information Technology— Security techniques— Guidelines for
cybersecurity, International Standards Organization, 2012
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