HomeMy WebLinkAbout12-10-2019 Agenda CITY OF AUBURN TRANSPORTATION ADVISORY BOARD DECEMBER 10, 2019 MEETING AGENDA I. CALL TO ORDER – 5:30 P.M., CITY HALL 25 W MAIN STREET II. INTRODUCTIONS III. CONSENT AGENDA A. APPROVAL OF MINUTES FOR THE MEETINGS ON JUNE 11, 2019 and OCTOBER 1, 2019* IV. DISCUSSION AND INFORMATION A. RapidRide I Line Update (King County Metro) B. Mobility Plan Update (King County Metro) C. SR 164 East Auburn Access Project Update (Sweeting) D. R Street Corridor Study – Recommendations (Webb)* E. Discuss Future Meeting Format (Webb)* F. Transportation Grant Update (Webb) IV. ADJOURNMENT *Denotes attachments included in the agenda packet. Page 1 of 20 CITY OF AUBURN TRANSPORTATION ADVISORY BOARD June 11, 2019 DRAFT MINUTES I. CALL TO ORDER Chairman Dennis Grad called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m. in Council Chambers, located on the first floor of Auburn City Hall, 25 W Main Street, Auburn, Washington. Committee members present were: Pamela Gunderson, Jeanette Miller, Ronald Riley, Sarah Shaw, David Jensen, Michael Harbin Jr, Steve Carstens, Dezarae Hayes, and Dennis Grad. Also present during the meeting were: Public Works Director Ingrid Gaub, Assistant Director/City Engineer Jacob Sweeting, Senior Traffic Engineer James Webb, Senior Transportation Planner Cecile Malik and Office Assistant Angie Sherwin. II. CONSENT AGENDA A. APPROVAL OF MINUTES It was moved by David Jensen, seconded by Pamela Gunderson, that the Committee approve the Transportation Advisory Board minutes for March 2019. Motion carried. III. DISCUSSION AND INFORMATION A. KING COUNTY RAPIDRIDE ‘I-LINE’ UPDATE (King County Metro) Greg McKnight and Natalie Westward with King County Metro presented an update of the Rapid Ride I-Line. Currently the I Line is in the planning phase with an estimated completion date of 2023. The I Line goal is to improve equitable transit access. Technical Analysis and community outreach through interviews, surveys, online assessment and the Mobility Board is providing findings of issues and concerns for prioritizing needs in the planning of the I Line. The Needs Assessment results for transit to major destinations within Auburn, (Algona and Pacific) were discussed along with other issues and concerns. B. 2019 TIP UPDATE – ADOPTED CHANGES (Webb) The TIP is a multiyear planning tool and document for the near term development of transportation facilities within the City and does not represent a financial commitment by the City. Once the TIP is approved, projects are budgeted and funded through the City’s biennial budget. The TIP sets priorities for the acquisition of project funding and is a prerequisite of most grant programs. Staff also uses the TIP to coordinate future transportation projects with needed utility improvements. Changes to TIP include projects being deleted, added, completed or condensed into other projects included in the TIP. The Transportation Advisory Board and City Council comments will be addressed and adoption is anticipated to follow the schedule below.  MARCH 12, 2019: FIRST TRANSPORTATION ADVISORY BOARD DISCUSSION  APRIL 22, 2019: FIRST COUNCIL STUDY SESSION  MAY 28, 2019: SECOND COUNCIL STUDY SESSION  JUNE 3, 2019: CONSENT AGENDA TO SCHEDULE PUBLIC HEARING  JUNE 11, 2019: SECOND TRANSPORTATION ADVISORY BOARD DISCUSSION  JUNE 17, 2019: PUBLIC HEARING & RESOLUTION FOR ADOPTION Page 2 of 20 Transportation Advisory Board June 11, 2019 DRAFT MINUTES Page 2 C. 2019 COMPREHENSIVE TRANSPORTATION PLAN ANNUAL UPDATE (Malik) Washington State adopted the Growth Management Act (GMA) in 1990. Jurisdictions are required to adopt a Comprehensive Plan that evaluated several elements, one of which is transportation. Auburn’s current Comprehensive Plan was adopted in 2015. The GMA allows for annual updates (amendments), with major updates are required every 8 years. Auburn’s Comprehensive Transportation Plan has not been updated since its adoption in 2015. The next major Comprehensive Plan update is due to be completed and adopted by June 2023. The City of Auburn Transportation division is updating the Comprehensive Transportation Plan in 2019. This effort is being coordinated with the Department of Community Development as part of an annual update to the Comprehensive Plan. The annual update to the Transportation elements is focused on the following:  Incorporate new language required by law  Update the current transit service information  Incorporate recent private development  Update to include capital projects completed since 2015  Update TIP information/project list  Update maps as needed to reflect current data and conditions  Remove the equestrian section The schedule for the Comprehensive Plan: Summer 2019: Planning Commission review and comments September 2019: TAB update November 2019: City Council adoption D. TRANSPORTATION BENEFIT DISTRICT (Gaub) In 2005, the State Legislature created the ability for public agencies to create Transportation Benefit Districts with specific funding options available to these Districts in a response to the growing need for more funding options for local agencies to obtain funding to complete needed roadway improvements. The City of Auburn created a Transportation Benefit District (TBD) in September 2011 who’s boundaries are contiguous with the boundaries of the City of Auburn. At the time of its creation, a TBD had to be a separate entity from that of the City even if it was the same boundary as the City. Beginning this summer and into 2020, the TBD will be considering two topics that staff would like input from the Advisory Board. 1. Assumption of the TBD by the City - In 2015, the State Legislature revised the TBD requirements and now allows the City to absorb the TBD as long as the boundaries are contiguous with that of the City’s. The City would assume all the TBD’s rights, powers, functions and obligations and the TBD would cease to exist as a separate entity. 2. TBD Funding Options - At this time, the TBD has not enacted any of the various funding options that are available to it. Page 3 of 20 Transportation Advisory Board June 11, 2019 DRAFT MINUTES Page 3 At the June 11, 2019 TAB meeting, a discussion on the funding options that the TBD may consider and specifically input on the following questions.  Which funding options do you think may be viable for the TBD to consider?  Are there options that should not be considered?  Are the impacts of the funding options different of businesses verses residents?  Do you think that the public would support one or more of the funding options if they knew what project(s) might be constructed? IV. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the Transportation Advisory Board, the meeting was adjourned at 7:20 p.m. Approved this 10th day of December, 2019. Dennis Grad Angie Sherwin Chairman Engineering Services Office Assistant Page 4 of 20 CITY OF AUBURN TRANSPORTATION ADVISORY BOARD OCTOBER 1, 2019 SPECIAL MEETING DRAFT MINUTES I. CALL TO ORDER Chairman Dennis Grad called the meeting to order at 5:31 p.m. in Council Chambers, located on the first floor of Auburn City Hall, 25 W Main Street, Auburn, Washington. Committee members present were Peter Di Turi, Pamela Gunderson, Ronald Riley, David Jensen, Steve Carstens, and Dennis Grad. Also present during the meeting were Public Works Director Ingrid Gaub, Assistant Director/City Engineer Jacob Sweeting, Senior Traffic Engineer James Webb, Senior Transportation Planner Cecile Malik, Project Manager Kim Truong and Office Assistant Angie Sherwin. II. DISCUSSION AND INFORMATION A. ADA TRANSITION PLAN (Malik) The City of Auburn Transportation division is creating the City’s first ADA Transition Plan for facilities in the public right-of-way. This document will guide the process to reach full compliance with the ADA requirements for facilities in the public right-of-way. The City of Auburn’s Draft ADA Transition Plan includes the following elements:  Overview and background  Self-Evaluation  Policies and Procedures Part of this effort includes a public comment period, with the draft plan available for review and comments. The draft will be available on the City website by October 1, 2019. A link to the page will be sent via email to all TAB members. Tentative Schedule October 1, 2019: Draft ADA Plan available for public comment on City’s dedicated webpage November 25, 2019: Council Discussion on Draft ADA Plan and related policies December 31, 2019: End of public comment period January 2020: review of public comments – drafting of the Final ADA Plan February 2020: Adoption of Final ADA Plan and related policies B. LEA HILL ROAD CORRIDOR STUDY UPDATE (Truong) The study corridor includes portions of 8th Street NE, Lea Hill Road SE, and SE 312th Street stretching between Harvey Road/M Street NE and 124th Avenue SE. Within the study area, there are physical constraints that present constructability challenges and limit the feasibility of roadway widening which were considered when developing design alternatives. Over 160 community members participated in our first public open house and online survey. In total, we received 300+ individual comments about existing conditions on the Lea Hill Road Corridor. The ideas and issues shared were used to shape our design alternatives. Eight performance metrics were considered when evaluating project alternatives:  Corridor Safety  Intersection Operations Page 5 of 20 Transportation Advisory Board October 1, 2019 SPECIAL MEETING DRAFT MINUTES Page 2  Corridor Operations  Lea Hill Neighborhood Connectivity  Pedestrian Mobility & Transit Access  Bicycle Mobility  Environmental Risks  Right of Way Impacts C. SOUND TRANSIT AND TIB GRANT APPLICATIONS (Webb) The System Access Fund will help fund improvements that make it easier and more convenient for people to get to Sound Transit and partner transit services. Sound Transit received 53 applications from 33 local governments requesting more than $86 million. The City of Auburn was eligible to submit three applications for funding, two for projects in King County and one in Pierce County:  “A” Street Loop  Regional Growth Center Access Improvements - Approved $1.6 million grant funding for design in 2021 and construction in 2022  Route 497 Accessibility Improvements TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT BOARD TIB The Legislature created the Transportation Improvement Board to foster state investment in quality local transportation projects. The TIB distributes grant funding, which comes from the revenue generated by three cents of the statewide gas tax, to cities and counties for funding transportation projects. TIB's grant programs are categorized by the type of customer agency each program is intended to serve. The City submitted two funding applications to TIB:  2nd Street SE, Auburn Way to Auburn Avenue  M Street SE Sidewalk, 8th to 12th Street SE In November, the results for the grant award will be announced. D. 2020-2025 TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM MODIFICATION (Webb) BACKGROUND SUMMARY Previous TIP modifications were made with the annual TIP update adopted in June. Since then, changes in available project funding and the addition of projects associated with grants and developer projects necessitates additional modifications. The proposed modifications are summarized below and will be presented at City Council study session on October 14, 2019. SUMMARY OF PROPOSED AMENDMENTS TO THE 2020-2025 TIP Modifications: The following existing projects are proposed to be revised:  TIP P-7: Auburn Way N Preservation Phase 2 ($1.63M) – a portion of the grant funds awarded to this project were swapped with local funds in the A Street SE preservation project to help meet regional funding obligation targets set by PSRC. Page 6 of 20 Transportation Advisory Board October 1, 2019 SPECIAL MEETING DRAFT MINUTES Page 3  TIP R-8: 49th Street NE ($3.35M) – the project will complete the 49th Street NE corridor between Auburn Way N and I Street NE. Proposed changes reflect portions of the project being completed as part of a development project and the remaining portion would be completed by the City with traffic mitigation funds.  TIP R-16: Regional Growth Center Access Improvements ($2.01M) – The project is being revised to reflect the award of $1.625M in grant funds from the Sound Transit Access Fund competition. Additions: The following projects are proposed to be added to the updated TIP:  TIP I-16: 15th Street NW/SR-167 NB Ramps ($1.525M) – The project would fund the design and construction of a new westbound right-turn pocket at the intersection.  TIP P-3: 2nd Street SE Reconstruction ($0.98M) – The project would reconstruct 2nd Street SE between A Street SE and Auburn Way S. TIB grant funding for the project was applied for in 2019. NEXT STEPS Staff will discuss the proposed modifications with Council at the October 14, 2019 study session. The public hearing and adoption are scheduled for the October 2, 2019 Council meeting. E. 2018 SOS REPORT (Sweeting) The 2018 year end summary of the City’s Arterial and Local Street Pavement Preservation Programs will be presented in the dashboard format. This dashboard provides a quick look at the overall condition of the City’s roadways and preservation program activities. It also gives City policy makers a quick executive overview in order to help facilitate policy and funding decisions. A more detailed explanation of the City’s street preservation programs including program history, funding, and technical considerations is provided on the City’s website. IV. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the Transportation Advisory Board, the meeting was adjourned at 6:54 p.m. Approved this 10th day of December, 2019. Dennis Grad Angie Sherwin Chairman Engineering Services Office Assistant Page 7 of 20 Page 1 of 3 Memorandum To: Transportation Advisory Board From: James Webb, Senior Traffic Engineer Date: December 2, 2019 Re: R Street Corridor Study Summary Background Summary The R Street corridor, to the south of Auburn Way S, experiences recurring congestion during the weekday AM and PM peak hours, with long queues extending from the existing signals at 21st Street SE and 29th Street SE. The roadway currently only has a single travel lane in each direction, with left-turn lanes at major intersections. Problem Statement R Street SE is one of only two north/south City roadways which connect across the White River. To the north it connects to Auburn Way S, via 17th Street SE, to the south it crosses the White River and becomes Kersey Way which provides a connection to Lakeland Hills before extending into Pierce County. The study area is shown on Figure 1. As development in Lakeland Hills and the communities in Pierce County have continued to occur, traffic volumes along the R Street corridor have experienced significant growth. The key intersections along R Street SE are located at 21st Street SE and 29th Street SE. Both 21st Street SE and 29th Street SE provide east/west connectivity between the A Street SE corridor to the west with the Auburn Way S corridor to the east. This means that both intersections must accommodate high volumes of both north/south and east/west traffic. The 21st Street SE intersection is currently stop controlled on the 21st Street SE/Howard Road approaches. During both the AM and PM peaks the stop controlled side street approaches currently operate below adopted level of service standards. 29th Street SE has an existing traffic signal, but due to the need to accommodate traffic using 29th Street SE, the existing signal does not have the capacity to accommodate southbound traffic using R Street during the PM peak. This results in long delays for southbound vehicles and extensive queues which can, at times, extend back onto Auburn Way S, a distance of more than 4,000 feet. Additionally, the intersection of M Street SE and 29th Street SE experiences similar and concurrent issues to the intersection of R Street SE and 29th Street SE. Another issue is that south of 29th Street SE, many of the residential neighborhoods located along both sides of the corridor can only be accessed via R Street SE and as traffic on the R Street corridor has increased, it has become increasingly difficult to access those neighborhoods. Page 8 of 20 Page 2 of 3 Study Purpose This study developed and evaluated conceptual alternatives to establish a recommended alternative that maximizes operational and safety benefits while minimizing costs and property impacts. The study findings will be utilized to update the City’s Transportation Improvement Program and Comprehensive Transportation Plan. Study Findings The study evaluated the following three alternatives for the corridor and intersections: ● Alternative 1 - Adding a second southbound through lane ● Alternative 2 - Adding a center two-way left-turn lane ● Alternative 3 - Adding both a second southbound through lane and a center two-way left-turn lane Intersection improvements were evaluated with each alternative that considered variations of signalized intersections or roundabouts. Alternative 1 would add a second southbound through lane from Howard Road to 37th Way SE. Howard Road is modified to include two EB lanes and one WB lane with dedicated one right-turn and one left-turn only lane. This improvement will facilitate more free-flow conditions since the right-turn will be yield controlled and experiences significant volumes during the PM peak. After Howard Road, R Street SE is widened by adding an additional SB through lane. This improvement will increase the traffic capacity on R Street SE, which will increase mobility throughout the corridor. Alternative 1 also includes various intersection alternatives for major intersections along the corridor. This includes both signalized and roundabout options for each intersection of study. Figures 2A and 2B show the signal and roundabout options for Alternative 1. Alternative 2 would widen R Street SE to add a center two-way left turn lane from Howard Road to 37th Way SE. This lane will facilitate side-street and driveway access along the corridor without impeding through traffic using R Street, and makes left-turn movements onto R Street easier by accommodating a two-stage left-turn movement. This in-turn will provide safety benefits for vehicles, and would provide the ability to provide a median refuge at mid-block pedestrian crossing locations. Alternative 2 requires less right-of-way than Alternatives 1 or 3. However, the largest movement throughout the corridor is SB and this option does not help distribute traffic volumes in the corridor. This includes both signalized and roundabout options for each intersection of study. Figures 3A and 3B show the signal and roundabout options for Alternative 2. Alternative 3 includes two SB through lanes from Howard Road to 33rd Street SE, near Game Farm Park. From 33rd Street SE to 37th Street SE the second through lane is dropped and a two-way left turn lane is added. This option allows for improved mobility during the peak hour through the most congested intersections in the corridor and improved accessibility to neighborhoods towards the south end of the corridor. To the south of Game Farm Park the cross section would transition from two southbound lanes to one southbound lane and a center two-way left-turn lane. Alternative 3 includes intersection alternatives for R St and 29th St and R St and 21st St. The intersection alternatives include multi-lane and single-lane roundabouts, increased turn-pockets/re-channelization, and new traffic signals. Figures 4A and 4B show the signal and roundabout options for Alternative 3. For each of the three alternatives, at the 21st Street SE and 29th Street SE intersections, traffic operations were evaluated for both signal control and roundabout control to determine which type of intersection control is most appropriate for each location considering traffic operations, ROW needs and cost. The design of the intersection improvements included for each alternative matched the proposed roadway cross section. The M Street/29th Street SE intersection has historically been all-way stop-controlled (AWSC) with a single shared lane on each approach. To improve capacity at the intersection, which experiences long Page 9 of 20 Page 3 of 3 vehicle delays and queuing during the weekday AM and PM peaks, the intersection was re-channelized to remove the bicycle lanes on the approaches to the intersection, and add left-turn lanes on all four approaches. Future improvements evaluated as part of the study included the installation of a traffic signal or the conversion to a single-lane roundabout. Figure 5 shows the signal and roundabout options for this intersection. The analysis of all the alternatives was based on forecast 2040 conditions. Project Costs Preliminary cost estimates were developed for each of the alternatives. The cost information was included in the process to identify a preferred alternative for the corridor. Table 1 summarizes the overall cost for each of the three alternatives assuming traffic signals are installed along the corridor. Table 1. Cost Estimate with Signalization Alterative 1 Alternative 2 Alternative 3 $9.25M $8.85M $9.20M Table 2 summarizes the additional costs for each alternative if roundabouts are used in place of signalization. Table 2. Incremental Costs with Roundabouts Intersection Alterative 1 Alternative 2 Alternative 3 R Street SE/21st Street SE $15,000 $10,000 $50,000 R Street SE/29th Street SE $35,000 $15,000 $100,000 The primary reason for the additional costs associated with roundabouts is due to the need to acquire additional ROW due to the larger footprint for a roundabout compared with a signal. In addition to the costs presented above for the corridor improvements, the improvements at the M Street SE/29th Street SE intersection are estimated to cost $634k to signalize the intersection and $694k to construct a roundabout. Next Steps The alternatives are being reviewed and discussed to determine the preferred alternative and potential phasing options. Page 10 of 20 2,666.7 NAD_1983_StatePlane_Washington_North_FIPS_4601_Feet Feet2,666.71,333.30 Figure 1 - R Street Corridor - Study Area 12/5/2019Printed Date: Map Created by City of Auburn eGIS Imagery Date: May 2015 Information shown is for general reference purposes only and does not necessarily represent exact geographic or cartographic data as mapped. The City of Auburn makes no warranty as to its accuracy. Page 11 of 20 788910-0010JESS BERGERSON2803 R PL SE 98002788910-0020CHRIS BONEWELL2805 R PL SE 98002788910-0030TAMMY GOURDINE2807 R PL SE 98002447420-0010JACOBSON HOLMGREN2809 R ST SE 98002447420-0070GLEN WOODS2812 PIKE ST SE 98002447420-0060GARY THOMPSON2816 PIKE ST SE 98002447420-0020THEODORE VISAYA2815 R ST SE 98002447420-0030CORIN HOMOLKA1505 29TH ST SE 98002447420-0040HUANG XIAOXIN1503 29TH SE 98002447420-0050APRILLE GANUELAS1501 29TH ST SE 98002788910-0160ALAN PFEIFFER2802 R PL SE 98002788910-0010JESS BERGERSON2803 R PL SE 98002788910-0170MICHAEL BRUNS2820 R ST SE 98002788910-0140JANET MCCART2806 R PL SE 98002788910-0130DEBRA PLATA2808 R PL SE 98002080840-0010NDIABOU DIAGANA1540 29TH ST SE 98002080840-0020RONALD VOSS1536 29TH ST SE 98002302105-9277EDDY MAGGIE2929 R ST SE 98002302105-9038EDDY MAGGIE2939 R ST SE 98002302105-9221LPB INC1509 30TH ST SE 98002292105-9011CITY OF AUBURN2840 RIVERWALK DR SE 98002292105-9069CITY OF AUBURN3030 R ST SE 98002302105-9040LPB INC1506 30TH AVE SE 98002302105-9042HOMESTEAD APARTMENTS1501 31ST ST SE 98002302105-9045KING TRUST1526 31ST ST SE 98002302105-9296NORMA CRUZ1518 31ST ST SE 98002734531-0170JOHN HALL1514 31ST AVE SE 98002792460-0150RAYMOND COADY1525 32ND ST SE 98002792460-0160JAMES BURPEE1535 32ND ST SE 98002025510-0440CARL JOHNSON3206 PIKE ST SE 98002025510-0430RICHARD NEWMAN3214 PIKE ST SE 98002025510-0420DANIEL HENCH3228 PIKE ST SE 98002025510-0460CRYSTAL ANDERSON1461 33RD ST SE 98002025510-0410ARTEMIO MENDOZA1611 33RD ST SE 98002734500-0620GUADALUPE GARCIA1615 33RD ST SE 98002734500-0610STARO SUCHKOV1623 33RD ST SE 980027344500-0600CYNTHIA HEUPEL1629 33RD ST SE 98002025510-0400NTT BROTHERS LLC1610 33RD ST SE 98002025510-0390SHIRLEE TOMAN3328 R ST SE 98002025510-0040WILLIAM BERGSTROM1514 33RD ST SE 98002025510-0050WILLIAM DOWNS1515 34THT ST SE 980027344500-0600CYNTHIA HEUPEL1629 33RD ST SE 980027344500-0010ELAINE BOONE1614 33RD ST SE 980027344500-0020NORMAN KOBBERSTAD1622 33RD ST SE 98002025510-0370DAVID ZEHENER3404 R ST SE 98002025510-0350DAVID MUIR1514 34TH ST SE 98002025510-0320YOLANDA HEPPARD1515 35TH ST SE 98002025510-0310KENETH WATLAND1611 35TH ST SE 98002025510-0030MADELINE TOLFORD1510 33RD ST SE 98002025510-0060JEFFERY LEE1511 34TH ST SE 98002025510-0360GINGER ZEHENER3414 R ST SE 98002025510-0340IH LP3414 PIKE ST SE 98002025510-0330SHELLY DEWOLFE3432 PIKE ST SE 98002025510-0150JUNIUS WEED1514 35TH ST SE 98002025510-0140PAUL SCHENE1510 35TH ST SE 98002025510-0170TERESA OBRIEN1511 36TH ST SE 98002025510-0160CONNIE PESTERFIELD1515 36TH ST SE 98002025510-0300RITA RIVERS1610 35TH ST SE 98002025510-0290GLENN PEASE1611 36TH ST SE 98002025510-0280MERRILLYN FEET1610 36TH ST SE 98002025510-0270RAYMOND MCCULLOUGH1514 36TH ST SE 98002025510-0260D.B LIEDAHL3614 PIKE ST SE 98002025510-0250T.A BURGIN3632 PIKE ST SE 98002025510-0240DENISE BARLETT3642 PIKE ST SE 98002734520-0390RUSHER BORCHELT1619 37TH PL SE 98002734520-0400ANDREW BROOKS1617 37TH PL SE 98002734520-0410JAMES DIEFEL1611 37TH WAT SE 98002734520-04200KEVIN HART1613 37TH WAY SE 98002302105-9021SEGALEAUBURN 98002RIVERWALK DR SE"R" ST SE29TH ST SE"R" PL SE30TH ST SE31ST ST SE33RD ST SEPIKE ST SE34TH ST SE35TH ST SE36TH ST SEPIKE ST SE 37TH WAY SE37TH PL SE "R" ST SE "R" ST SE "R" ST SE 192105-9336CITY OF AUBURN1951 R ST SE 98002202105-9001MUCKLESHOOT INDIAN TRIBE1862 R ST SE 98002192105-9188VALLEY FIRE2000 R ST SE 98002192105-9274VALLEY REGIONAL FIRE2015 HOWARD ROAD 98002192105-9307MULTI SERVICE CENTER1501 21ST SE 98002192105-90787-ELEVEN1539 21ST SE 98002192105-9177THOMAS C ERATH1540 21ST SE 98002202105-9013MUCKLESHOOT TRIBEAUBURN 98002950090-0365CHARLIE MEYER1540 22ND ST SE 98002950090-0205JAYSON CRUZ1540 23RD ST SE 98002950090-0370DONNA ROBERTSON1530 22ND ST SE 98002950090-0365DON COOK1520 22ND ST SE 98002950090-0365LI RUI ZHONG1510 22ND ST SE 98002950090-0364MICHEAL POWELL1505 23RD ST SE 98002950090-0350KENNETH JOHNSON1515 23RD ST SE 98002950090-0351LEROY MEADE1525 23RD ST SE 98002950090-0360TIM BLUMENSTEIN1535 23RD ST SE 98002950090-0210JUREY DELBERT1530 23RD ST SE 98002950090-0215GEE MEREDITH1520 23RD ST SE 98002950090-0220WILLIAM TOMAN1510 23RD ST SE 98002950090-0185LOREN BUTZ1505 24TH ST SE 98002950090-0190WILLIAM BUTZ1515 24TH ST SE 98002950090-00195JOHN BARTELT1525 24TH ST SE 98002950090-0200NORMAN DAVIS1535 24TH ST SE 98002192105-9179TAYLOR HIGHLAND2405 R ST SE 98002192105-9350CATHERINE SLEIPNES1516 24TH ST SE 98002192105-9234KYLE BUNN1510 24TH ST SE 98002192105-9213JUAN SOLANA1505 25TH ST SE 98002192105-9178JOSE HERNANDEZ1515 25TH ST SE 98002192105-9212MAILENE ANONUEVO1525 25TH ST SE 98002292105-9031JAIME MARTINEZ2502 R ST SE 98002292105-9060CAROL LIVINGSTONAUBURN 98002292105-9060CAROL LIVINGSTONAUBURN 98002788900-0190JAMES MYERS2616 R ST SE 98002788900-0185TIMOTHY LEAHY2710 R ST SE 98002788900-0180ROBERT KERCHER2712 R ST SE 98002788900-0175AMY O'BRIEN28TH ST SE 980027889000-0171OCTAVIO GUTIERREZ2709 S ST SE 98002788900-0166LAURA CAIN2707 S ST SE 98002788900-0165ROBERT THOMPSON2705 S ST SE 98002241320-0005MARTIN GREENWAY2613 R ST SE 98002241320-0050TIAN ENGELHARDT2612 PIKE ST SE 98002241320-0045JOHN PLASTER2614 PIKE ST SE 98002241320-0010SALVADOR QUINTERO2615 R ST SE 98002241320-0015JARED DILLENBURG2709 R ST SE 98002241320-0040KELLY ROGERS2708 PIKE ST SE 98002241320-0045JOHN PLASTER2614 PIKE ST SE 98002241320-0020WILLIAM GOSHORN2711 R ST SE 98002241320-0025BRADLEY URBAN1505 28TH ST SE 98002241320-0030PETER MILLER2712 PIKE ST SE 98002788900-0005FRANK IRA1602 28TH ST SE 98002788900-0010TRACY RENISH1606 28TH ST SE 98002788900-0016CHRIS MILLER1702 28TH ST SE 98002241320-0170GERI SMITH1506 28TH ST SE 98002241320-0165SCOTT URBAN1504 28TH ST SE 98002241320-0165DONALD THOMPSON1502 28TH ST SE 98002302105-9059WILLIAM SASSI2501 R ST SE 98002302105-9126VIRGINIA HAUGEN2503 R ST SE 98002302105-9049PATRICIA UNZEN2507 R ST SE 98002302105-9054JOEL WALTA2521 R ST SE 98002302105-9065CORY SHERBON2609 R ST SE 98002302105-9066WAYNE SANDVIG2605 R ST SE 98002302105-9235THOMAS FOGARTY1530 25TH ST SE 9800221ST ST SE"R" ST SE 28TH ST SE"S" ST SE PIKE ST SE 22ND STSE23RD ST SE24TH ST SE25TH ST SE"R" ST SE 1601 5th Avenue, Suite 1600 Seattle, WA 98101 206.622.5822 www.kpff.com Know what's below. R Call before you dig. Page 12 of 20 788910-0010JESS BERGERSON2803 R PL SE 98002788910-0020CHRIS BONEWELL2805 R PL SE 98002788910-0030TAMMY GOURDINE2807 R PL SE 98002447420-0010JACOBSON HOLMGREN2809 R ST SE 98002447420-0070GLEN WOODS2812 PIKE ST SE 98002447420-0060GARY THOMPSON2816 PIKE ST SE 98002447420-0020THEODORE VISAYA2815 R ST SE 98002447420-0030CORIN HOMOLKA1505 29TH ST SE 98002447420-0040HUANG XIAOXIN1503 29TH SE 98002447420-0050APRILLE GANUELAS1501 29TH ST SE 98002788910-0160ALAN PFEIFFER2802 R PL SE 98002788910-0010JESS BERGERSON2803 R PL SE 98002788910-0170MICHAEL BRUNS2820 R ST SE 98002788910-0140JANET MCCART2806 R PL SE 98002788910-0130DEBRA PLATA2808 R PL SE 98002080840-0010NDIABOU DIAGANA1540 29TH ST SE 98002080840-0020RONALD VOSS1536 29TH ST SE 98002302105-9277EDDY MAGGIE2929 R ST SE 98002302105-9038EDDY MAGGIE2939 R ST SE 98002302105-9221LPB INC1509 30TH ST SE 98002292105-9011CITY OF AUBURN2840 RIVERWALK DR SE 98002292105-9069CITY OF AUBURN3030 R ST SE 98002302105-9040LPB INC1506 30TH AVE SE 98002302105-9042HOMESTEAD APARTMENTS1501 31ST ST SE 98002302105-9045KING TRUST1526 31ST ST SE 98002302105-9296NORMA CRUZ1518 31ST ST SE 98002734531-0170JOHN HALL1514 31ST AVE SE 98002792460-0150RAYMOND COADY1525 32ND ST SE 98002792460-0160JAMES BURPEE1535 32ND ST SE 98002025510-0440CARL JOHNSON3206 PIKE ST SE 98002025510-0430RICHARD NEWMAN3214 PIKE ST SE 98002025510-0420DANIEL HENCH3228 PIKE ST SE 98002025510-0460CRYSTAL ANDERSON1461 33RD ST SE 98002025510-0410ARTEMIO MENDOZA1611 33RD ST SE 98002734500-0620GUADALUPE GARCIA1615 33RD ST SE 98002734500-0610STARO SUCHKOV1623 33RD ST SE 980027344500-0600CYNTHIA HEUPEL1629 33RD ST SE 98002025510-0400NTT BROTHERS LLC1610 33RD ST SE 98002025510-0390SHIRLEE TOMAN3328 R ST SE 98002025510-0040WILLIAM BERGSTROM1514 33RD ST SE 98002025510-0050WILLIAM DOWNS1515 34THT ST SE 980027344500-0600CYNTHIA HEUPEL1629 33RD ST SE 980027344500-0010ELAINE BOONE1614 33RD ST SE 980027344500-0020NORMAN KOBBERSTAD1622 33RD ST SE 98002025510-0370DAVID ZEHENER3404 R ST SE 98002025510-0350DAVID MUIR1514 34TH ST SE 98002025510-0320YOLANDA HEPPARD1515 35TH ST SE 98002025510-0310KENETH WATLAND1611 35TH ST SE 98002025510-0030MADELINE TOLFORD1510 33RD ST SE 98002025510-0060JEFFERY LEE1511 34TH ST SE 98002025510-0360GINGER ZEHENER3414 R ST SE 98002025510-0340IH LP3414 PIKE ST SE 98002025510-0330SHELLY DEWOLFE3432 PIKE ST SE 98002025510-0150JUNIUS WEED1514 35TH ST SE 98002025510-0140PAUL SCHENE1510 35TH ST SE 98002025510-0170TERESA OBRIEN1511 36TH ST SE 98002025510-0160CONNIE PESTERFIELD1515 36TH ST SE 98002025510-0300RITA RIVERS1610 35TH ST SE 98002025510-0290GLENN PEASE1611 36TH ST SE 98002025510-0280MERRILLYN FEET1610 36TH ST SE 98002025510-0270RAYMOND MCCULLOUGH1514 36TH ST SE 98002025510-0260D.B LIEDAHL3614 PIKE ST SE 98002025510-0250T.A BURGIN3632 PIKE ST SE 98002025510-0240DENISE BARLETT3642 PIKE ST SE 98002734520-0390RUSHER BORCHELT1619 37TH PL SE 98002734520-0400ANDREW BROOKS1617 37TH PL SE 98002734520-0410JAMES DIEFEL1611 37TH WAT SE 98002734520-04200KEVIN HART1613 37TH WAY SE 98002302105-9021SEGALEAUBURN 98002RIVERWALK DR SE"R" ST SE29TH ST SE"R" PL SE30TH ST SE31ST ST SE33RD ST SEPIKE ST SE34TH ST SE35TH ST SE36TH ST SEPIKE ST SE 37TH WAY SE37TH PL SE "R" ST SE "R" ST SE "R" ST SE 192105-9336CITY OF AUBURN1951 R ST SE 98002202105-9001MUCKLESHOOT INDIAN TRIBE1862 R ST SE 98002192105-9188VALLEY FIRE2000 R ST SE 98002192105-9274VALLEY REGIONAL FIRE2015 HOWARD ROAD 98002192105-9307MULTI SERVICE CENTER1501 21ST SE 98002192105-90787-ELEVEN1539 21ST SE 98002192105-9177THOMAS C ERATH1540 21ST SE 98002202105-9013MUCKLESHOOT TRIBEAUBURN 98002950090-0365CHARLIE MEYER1540 22ND ST SE 98002950090-0205JAYSON CRUZ1540 23RD ST SE 98002950090-0370DONNA ROBERTSON1530 22ND ST SE 98002950090-0365DON COOK1520 22ND ST SE 98002950090-0365LI RUI ZHONG1510 22ND ST SE 98002950090-0364MICHEAL POWELL1505 23RD ST SE 98002950090-0350KENNETH JOHNSON1515 23RD ST SE 98002950090-0351LEROY MEADE1525 23RD ST SE 98002950090-0360TIM BLUMENSTEIN1535 23RD ST SE 98002950090-0210JUREY DELBERT1530 23RD ST SE 98002950090-0215GEE MEREDITH1520 23RD ST SE 98002950090-0220WILLIAM TOMAN1510 23RD ST SE 98002950090-0185LOREN BUTZ1505 24TH ST SE 98002950090-0190WILLIAM BUTZ1515 24TH ST SE 98002950090-00195JOHN BARTELT1525 24TH ST SE 98002950090-0200NORMAN DAVIS1535 24TH ST SE 98002192105-9179TAYLOR HIGHLAND2405 R ST SE 98002192105-9350CATHERINE SLEIPNES1516 24TH ST SE 98002192105-9234KYLE BUNN1510 24TH ST SE 98002192105-9213JUAN SOLANA1505 25TH ST SE 98002192105-9178JOSE HERNANDEZ1515 25TH ST SE 98002192105-9212MAILENE ANONUEVO1525 25TH ST SE 98002292105-9031JAIME MARTINEZ2502 R ST SE 98002292105-9060CAROL LIVINGSTONAUBURN 98002292105-9060CAROL LIVINGSTONAUBURN 98002788900-0190JAMES MYERS2616 R ST SE 98002788900-0185TIMOTHY LEAHY2710 R ST SE 98002788900-0180ROBERT KERCHER2712 R ST SE 98002788900-0175AMY O'BRIEN28TH ST SE 980027889000-0171OCTAVIO GUTIERREZ2709 S ST SE 98002788900-0166LAURA CAIN2707 S ST SE 98002788900-0165ROBERT THOMPSON2705 S ST SE 98002241320-0005MARTIN GREENWAY2613 R ST SE 98002241320-0050TIAN ENGELHARDT2612 PIKE ST SE 98002241320-0045JOHN PLASTER2614 PIKE ST SE 98002241320-0010SALVADOR QUINTERO2615 R ST SE 98002241320-0015JARED DILLENBURG2709 R ST SE 98002241320-0040KELLY ROGERS2708 PIKE ST SE 98002241320-0045JOHN PLASTER2614 PIKE ST SE 98002241320-0020WILLIAM GOSHORN2711 R ST SE 98002241320-0025BRADLEY URBAN1505 28TH ST SE 98002241320-0030PETER MILLER2712 PIKE ST SE 98002788900-0005FRANK IRA1602 28TH ST SE 98002788900-0010TRACY RENISH1606 28TH ST SE 98002788900-0016CHRIS MILLER1702 28TH ST SE 98002241320-0170GERI SMITH1506 28TH ST SE 98002241320-0165SCOTT URBAN1504 28TH ST SE 98002241320-0165DONALD THOMPSON1502 28TH ST SE 98002302105-9059WILLIAM SASSI2501 R ST SE 98002302105-9126VIRGINIA HAUGEN2503 R ST SE 98002302105-9049PATRICIA UNZEN2507 R ST SE 98002302105-9054JOEL WALTA2521 R ST SE 98002302105-9065CORY SHERBON2609 R ST SE 98002302105-9066WAYNE SANDVIG2605 R ST SE 98002302105-9235THOMAS FOGARTY1530 25TH ST SE 9800221ST ST SE"R" ST SE 28TH ST SE"S" ST SE PIKE ST SE 22ND STSE23RD ST SE24TH ST SE25TH ST SE"R" ST SE 1601 5th Avenue, Suite 1600 Seattle, WA 98101 206.622.5822 www.kpff.com Know what's below. R Call before you dig. Page 13 of 20 788910-0010JESS BERGERSON2803 R PL SE 98002788910-0020CHRIS BONEWELL2805 R PL SE 98002788910-0030TAMMY GOURDINE2807 R PL SE 98002447420-0010JACOBSON HOLMGREN2809 R ST SE 98002447420-0070GLEN WOODS2812 PIKE ST SE 98002447420-0060GARY THOMPSON2816 PIKE ST SE 98002447420-0020THEODORE VISAYA2815 R ST SE 98002447420-0030CORIN HOMOLKA1505 29TH ST SE 98002447420-0040HUANG XIAOXIN1503 29TH SE 98002447420-0050APRILLE GANUELAS1501 29TH ST SE 98002788910-0160ALAN PFEIFFER2802 R PL SE 98002788910-0010JESS BERGERSON2803 R PL SE 98002788910-0170MICHAEL BRUNS2820 R ST SE 98002788910-0140JANET MCCART2806 R PL SE 98002788910-0130DEBRA PLATA2808 R PL SE 98002080840-0010NDIABOU DIAGANA1540 29TH ST SE 98002080840-0020RONALD VOSS1536 29TH ST SE 98002302105-9277EDDY MAGGIE2929 R ST SE 98002302105-9038EDDY MAGGIE2939 R ST SE 98002302105-9221LPB INC1509 30TH ST SE 98002292105-9011CITY OF AUBURN2840 RIVERWALK DR SE 98002292105-9069CITY OF AUBURN3030 R ST SE 98002302105-9040LPB INC1506 30TH AVE SE 98002302105-9042HOMESTEAD APARTMENTS1501 31ST ST SE 98002302105-9045KING TRUST1526 31ST ST SE 98002302105-9296NORMA CRUZ1518 31ST ST SE 98002734531-0170JOHN HALL1514 31ST AVE SE 98002792460-0150RAYMOND COADY1525 32ND ST SE 98002792460-0160JAMES BURPEE1535 32ND ST SE 98002025510-0440CARL JOHNSON3206 PIKE ST SE 98002025510-0430RICHARD NEWMAN3214 PIKE ST SE 98002025510-0420DANIEL HENCH3228 PIKE ST SE 98002025510-0460CRYSTAL ANDERSON1461 33RD ST SE 98002025510-0410ARTEMIO MENDOZA1611 33RD ST SE 98002734500-0620GUADALUPE GARCIA1615 33RD ST SE 98002734500-0610STARO SUCHKOV1623 33RD ST SE 980027344500-0600CYNTHIA HEUPEL1629 33RD ST SE 98002025510-0400NTT BROTHERS LLC1610 33RD ST SE 98002025510-0390SHIRLEE TOMAN3328 R ST SE 98002025510-0040WILLIAM BERGSTROM1514 33RD ST SE 98002025510-0050WILLIAM DOWNS1515 34THT ST SE 980027344500-0600CYNTHIA HEUPEL1629 33RD ST SE 980027344500-0010ELAINE BOONE1614 33RD ST SE 980027344500-0020NORMAN KOBBERSTAD1622 33RD ST SE 98002025510-0370DAVID ZEHENER3404 R ST SE 98002025510-0350DAVID MUIR1514 34TH ST SE 98002025510-0320YOLANDA HEPPARD1515 35TH ST SE 98002025510-0310KENETH WATLAND1611 35TH ST SE 98002025510-0030MADELINE TOLFORD1510 33RD ST SE 98002025510-0060JEFFERY LEE1511 34TH ST SE 98002025510-0360GINGER ZEHENER3414 R ST SE 98002025510-0340IH LP3414 PIKE ST SE 98002025510-0330SHELLY DEWOLFE3432 PIKE ST SE 98002025510-0150JUNIUS WEED1514 35TH ST SE 98002025510-0140PAUL SCHENE1510 35TH ST SE 98002025510-0170TERESA OBRIEN1511 36TH ST SE 98002025510-0160CONNIE PESTERFIELD1515 36TH ST SE 98002025510-0300RITA RIVERS1610 35TH ST SE 98002025510-0290GLENN PEASE1611 36TH ST SE 98002025510-0280MERRILLYN FEET1610 36TH ST SE 98002025510-0270RAYMOND MCCULLOUGH1514 36TH ST SE 98002025510-0260D.B LIEDAHL3614 PIKE ST SE 98002025510-0250T.A BURGIN3632 PIKE ST SE 98002025510-0240DENISE BARLETT3642 PIKE ST SE 98002734520-0390RUSHER BORCHELT1619 37TH PL SE 98002734520-0400ANDREW BROOKS1617 37TH PL SE 98002734520-0410JAMES DIEFEL1611 37TH WAT SE 98002734520-04200KEVIN HART1613 37TH WAY SE 98002302105-9021SEGALEAUBURN 98002RIVERWALK DR SE"R" ST SE29TH ST SE"R" PL SE30TH ST SE31ST ST SE33RD ST SEPIKE ST SE34TH ST SE35TH ST SE36TH ST SEPIKE ST SE 37TH WAY SE37TH PL SE "R" ST SE "R" ST SE "R" ST SE 192105-9336CITY OF AUBURN1951 R ST SE 98002202105-9001MUCKLESHOOT INDIAN TRIBE1862 R ST SE 98002192105-9188VALLEY FIRE2000 R ST SE 98002192105-9274VALLEY REGIONAL FIRE2015 HOWARD ROAD 98002192105-9307MULTI SERVICE CENTER1501 21ST SE 98002192105-90787-ELEVEN1539 21ST SE 98002192105-9177THOMAS C ERATH1540 21ST SE 98002202105-9013MUCKLESHOOT TRIBEAUBURN 98002950090-0365CHARLIE MEYER1540 22ND ST SE 98002950090-0205JAYSON CRUZ1540 23RD ST SE 98002950090-0370DONNA ROBERTSON1530 22ND ST SE 98002950090-0365DON COOK1520 22ND ST SE 98002950090-0365LI RUI ZHONG1510 22ND ST SE 98002950090-0364MICHEAL POWELL1505 23RD ST SE 98002950090-0350KENNETH JOHNSON1515 23RD ST SE 98002950090-0351LEROY MEADE1525 23RD ST SE 98002950090-0360TIM BLUMENSTEIN1535 23RD ST SE 98002950090-0210JUREY DELBERT1530 23RD ST SE 98002950090-0215GEE MEREDITH1520 23RD ST SE 98002950090-0220WILLIAM TOMAN1510 23RD ST SE 98002950090-0185LOREN BUTZ1505 24TH ST SE 98002950090-0190WILLIAM BUTZ1515 24TH ST SE 98002950090-00195JOHN BARTELT1525 24TH ST SE 98002950090-0200NORMAN DAVIS1535 24TH ST SE 98002192105-9179TAYLOR HIGHLAND2405 R ST SE 98002192105-9350CATHERINE SLEIPNES1516 24TH ST SE 98002192105-9234KYLE BUNN1510 24TH ST SE 98002192105-9213JUAN SOLANA1505 25TH ST SE 98002192105-9178JOSE HERNANDEZ1515 25TH ST SE 98002192105-9212MAILENE ANONUEVO1525 25TH ST SE 98002292105-9031JAIME MARTINEZ2502 R ST SE 98002292105-9060CAROL LIVINGSTONAUBURN 98002292105-9060CAROL LIVINGSTONAUBURN 98002788900-0190JAMES MYERS2616 R ST SE 98002788900-0185TIMOTHY LEAHY2710 R ST SE 98002788900-0180ROBERT KERCHER2712 R ST SE 98002788900-0175AMY O'BRIEN28TH ST SE 980027889000-0171OCTAVIO GUTIERREZ2709 S ST SE 98002788900-0166LAURA CAIN2707 S ST SE 98002788900-0165ROBERT THOMPSON2705 S ST SE 98002241320-0005MARTIN GREENWAY2613 R ST SE 98002241320-0050TIAN ENGELHARDT2612 PIKE ST SE 98002241320-0045JOHN PLASTER2614 PIKE ST SE 98002241320-0010SALVADOR QUINTERO2615 R ST SE 98002241320-0015JARED DILLENBURG2709 R ST SE 98002241320-0040KELLY ROGERS2708 PIKE ST SE 98002241320-0045JOHN PLASTER2614 PIKE ST SE 98002241320-0020WILLIAM GOSHORN2711 R ST SE 98002241320-0025BRADLEY URBAN1505 28TH ST SE 98002241320-0030PETER MILLER2712 PIKE ST SE 98002788900-0005FRANK IRA1602 28TH ST SE 98002788900-0010TRACY RENISH1606 28TH ST SE 98002788900-0016CHRIS MILLER1702 28TH ST SE 98002241320-0170GERI SMITH1506 28TH ST SE 98002241320-0165SCOTT URBAN1504 28TH ST SE 98002241320-0165DONALD THOMPSON1502 28TH ST SE 98002302105-9059WILLIAM SASSI2501 R ST SE 98002302105-9126VIRGINIA HAUGEN2503 R ST SE 98002302105-9049PATRICIA UNZEN2507 R ST SE 98002302105-9054JOEL WALTA2521 R ST SE 98002302105-9065CORY SHERBON2609 R ST SE 98002302105-9066WAYNE SANDVIG2605 R ST SE 98002302105-9235THOMAS FOGARTY1530 25TH ST SE 9800221ST ST SE"R" ST SE 28TH ST SE"S" ST SE PIKE ST SE 22ND STSE23RD ST SE24TH ST SE25TH ST SE"R" ST SE 1601 5th Avenue, Suite 1600 Seattle, WA 98101 206.622.5822 www.kpff.com Know what's below. R Call before you dig. Page 14 of 20 788910-0010JESS BERGERSON2803 R PL SE 98002788910-0020CHRIS BONEWELL2805 R PL SE 98002788910-0030TAMMY GOURDINE2807 R PL SE 98002447420-0010JACOBSON HOLMGREN2809 R ST SE 98002447420-0070GLEN WOODS2812 PIKE ST SE 98002447420-0060GARY THOMPSON2816 PIKE ST SE 98002447420-0020THEODORE VISAYA2815 R ST SE 98002447420-0030CORIN HOMOLKA1505 29TH ST SE 98002447420-0040HUANG XIAOXIN1503 29TH SE 98002447420-0050APRILLE GANUELAS1501 29TH ST SE 98002788910-0160ALAN PFEIFFER2802 R PL SE 98002788910-0010JESS BERGERSON2803 R PL SE 98002788910-0170MICHAEL BRUNS2820 R ST SE 98002788910-0140JANET MCCART2806 R PL SE 98002788910-0130DEBRA PLATA2808 R PL SE 98002080840-0010NDIABOU DIAGANA1540 29TH ST SE 98002080840-0020RONALD VOSS1536 29TH ST SE 98002302105-9277EDDY MAGGIE2929 R ST SE 98002302105-9038EDDY MAGGIE2939 R ST SE 98002302105-9221LPB INC1509 30TH ST SE 98002292105-9011CITY OF AUBURN2840 RIVERWALK DR SE 98002292105-9069CITY OF AUBURN3030 R ST SE 98002302105-9040LPB INC1506 30TH AVE SE 98002302105-9042HOMESTEAD APARTMENTS1501 31ST ST SE 98002302105-9045KING TRUST1526 31ST ST SE 98002302105-9296NORMA CRUZ1518 31ST ST SE 98002734531-0170JOHN HALL1514 31ST AVE SE 98002792460-0150RAYMOND COADY1525 32ND ST SE 98002792460-0160JAMES BURPEE1535 32ND ST SE 98002025510-0440CARL JOHNSON3206 PIKE ST SE 98002025510-0430RICHARD NEWMAN3214 PIKE ST SE 98002025510-0420DANIEL HENCH3228 PIKE ST SE 98002025510-0460CRYSTAL ANDERSON1461 33RD ST SE 98002025510-0410ARTEMIO MENDOZA1611 33RD ST SE 98002734500-0620GUADALUPE GARCIA1615 33RD ST SE 98002734500-0610STARO SUCHKOV1623 33RD ST SE 980027344500-0600CYNTHIA HEUPEL1629 33RD ST SE 98002025510-0400NTT BROTHERS LLC1610 33RD ST SE 98002025510-0390SHIRLEE TOMAN3328 R ST SE 98002025510-0040WILLIAM BERGSTROM1514 33RD ST SE 98002025510-0050WILLIAM DOWNS1515 34THT ST SE 980027344500-0600CYNTHIA HEUPEL1629 33RD ST SE 980027344500-0010ELAINE BOONE1614 33RD ST SE 980027344500-0020NORMAN KOBBERSTAD1622 33RD ST SE 98002025510-0370DAVID ZEHENER3404 R ST SE 98002025510-0350DAVID MUIR1514 34TH ST SE 98002025510-0320YOLANDA HEPPARD1515 35TH ST SE 98002025510-0310KENETH WATLAND1611 35TH ST SE 98002025510-0030MADELINE TOLFORD1510 33RD ST SE 98002025510-0060JEFFERY LEE1511 34TH ST SE 98002025510-0360GINGER ZEHENER3414 R ST SE 98002025510-0340IH LP3414 PIKE ST SE 98002025510-0330SHELLY DEWOLFE3432 PIKE ST SE 98002025510-0150JUNIUS WEED1514 35TH ST SE 98002025510-0140PAUL SCHENE1510 35TH ST SE 98002025510-0170TERESA OBRIEN1511 36TH ST SE 98002025510-0160CONNIE PESTERFIELD1515 36TH ST SE 98002025510-0300RITA RIVERS1610 35TH ST SE 98002025510-0290GLENN PEASE1611 36TH ST SE 98002025510-0280MERRILLYN FEET1610 36TH ST SE 98002025510-0270RAYMOND MCCULLOUGH1514 36TH ST SE 98002025510-0260D.B LIEDAHL3614 PIKE ST SE 98002025510-0250T.A BURGIN3632 PIKE ST SE 98002025510-0240DENISE BARLETT3642 PIKE ST SE 98002734520-0390RUSHER BORCHELT1619 37TH PL SE 98002734520-0400ANDREW BROOKS1617 37TH PL SE 98002734520-0410JAMES DIEFEL1611 37TH WAT SE 98002734520-04200KEVIN HART1613 37TH WAY SE 98002302105-9021SEGALEAUBURN 98002RIVERWALK DR SE"R" ST SE29TH ST SE"R" PL SE30TH ST SE31ST ST SE33RD ST SEPIKE ST SE34TH ST SE35TH ST SE36TH ST SEPIKE ST SE 37TH WAY SE37TH PL SE "R" ST SE "R" ST SE "R" ST SE 192105-9336CITY OF AUBURN1951 R ST SE 98002202105-9001MUCKLESHOOT INDIAN TRIBE1862 R ST SE 98002192105-9188VALLEY FIRE2000 R ST SE 98002192105-9274VALLEY REGIONAL FIRE2015 HOWARD ROAD 98002192105-9307MULTI SERVICE CENTER1501 21ST SE 98002192105-90787-ELEVEN1539 21ST SE 98002192105-9177THOMAS C ERATH1540 21ST SE 98002202105-9013MUCKLESHOOT TRIBEAUBURN 98002950090-0365CHARLIE MEYER1540 22ND ST SE 98002950090-0205JAYSON CRUZ1540 23RD ST SE 98002950090-0370DONNA ROBERTSON1530 22ND ST SE 98002950090-0365DON COOK1520 22ND ST SE 98002950090-0365LI RUI ZHONG1510 22ND ST SE 98002950090-0364MICHEAL POWELL1505 23RD ST SE 98002950090-0350KENNETH JOHNSON1515 23RD ST SE 98002950090-0351LEROY MEADE1525 23RD ST SE 98002950090-0360TIM BLUMENSTEIN1535 23RD ST SE 98002950090-0210JUREY DELBERT1530 23RD ST SE 98002950090-0215GEE MEREDITH1520 23RD ST SE 98002950090-0220WILLIAM TOMAN1510 23RD ST SE 98002950090-0185LOREN BUTZ1505 24TH ST SE 98002950090-0190WILLIAM BUTZ1515 24TH ST SE 98002950090-00195JOHN BARTELT1525 24TH ST SE 98002950090-0200NORMAN DAVIS1535 24TH ST SE 98002192105-9179TAYLOR HIGHLAND2405 R ST SE 98002192105-9350CATHERINE SLEIPNES1516 24TH ST SE 98002192105-9234KYLE BUNN1510 24TH ST SE 98002192105-9213JUAN SOLANA1505 25TH ST SE 98002192105-9178JOSE HERNANDEZ1515 25TH ST SE 98002192105-9212MAILENE ANONUEVO1525 25TH ST SE 98002292105-9031JAIME MARTINEZ2502 R ST SE 98002292105-9060CAROL LIVINGSTONAUBURN 98002292105-9060CAROL LIVINGSTONAUBURN 98002788900-0190JAMES MYERS2616 R ST SE 98002788900-0185TIMOTHY LEAHY2710 R ST SE 98002788900-0180ROBERT KERCHER2712 R ST SE 98002788900-0175AMY O'BRIEN28TH ST SE 980027889000-0171OCTAVIO GUTIERREZ2709 S ST SE 98002788900-0166LAURA CAIN2707 S ST SE 98002788900-0165ROBERT THOMPSON2705 S ST SE 98002241320-0005MARTIN GREENWAY2613 R ST SE 98002241320-0050TIAN ENGELHARDT2612 PIKE ST SE 98002241320-0045JOHN PLASTER2614 PIKE ST SE 98002241320-0010SALVADOR QUINTERO2615 R ST SE 98002241320-0015JARED DILLENBURG2709 R ST SE 98002241320-0040KELLY ROGERS2708 PIKE ST SE 98002241320-0045JOHN PLASTER2614 PIKE ST SE 98002241320-0020WILLIAM GOSHORN2711 R ST SE 98002241320-0025BRADLEY URBAN1505 28TH ST SE 98002241320-0030PETER MILLER2712 PIKE ST SE 98002788900-0005FRANK IRA1602 28TH ST SE 98002788900-0010TRACY RENISH1606 28TH ST SE 98002788900-0016CHRIS MILLER1702 28TH ST SE 98002241320-0170GERI SMITH1506 28TH ST SE 98002241320-0165SCOTT URBAN1504 28TH ST SE 98002241320-0165DONALD THOMPSON1502 28TH ST SE 98002302105-9059WILLIAM SASSI2501 R ST SE 98002302105-9126VIRGINIA HAUGEN2503 R ST SE 98002302105-9049PATRICIA UNZEN2507 R ST SE 98002302105-9054JOEL WALTA2521 R ST SE 98002302105-9065CORY SHERBON2609 R ST SE 98002302105-9066WAYNE SANDVIG2605 R ST SE 98002302105-9235THOMAS FOGARTY1530 25TH ST SE 9800221ST ST SE"R" ST SE 28TH ST SE"S" ST SE PIKE ST SE 22ND STSE23RD ST SE24TH ST SE25TH ST SE"R" ST SE 1601 5th Avenue, Suite 1600 Seattle, WA 98101 206.622.5822 www.kpff.com Know what's below. R Call before you dig. Page 15 of 20 788910-0010JESS BERGERSON2803 R PL SE 98002788910-0020CHRIS BONEWELL2805 R PL SE 98002788910-0030TAMMY GOURDINE2807 R PL SE 98002447420-0010JACOBSON HOLMGREN2809 R ST SE 98002447420-0070GLEN WOODS2812 PIKE ST SE 98002447420-0060GARY THOMPSON2816 PIKE ST SE 98002447420-0020THEODORE VISAYA2815 R ST SE 98002447420-0030CORIN HOMOLKA1505 29TH ST SE 98002447420-0040HUANG XIAOXIN1503 29TH SE 98002447420-0050APRILLE GANUELAS1501 29TH ST SE 98002788910-0160ALAN PFEIFFER2802 R PL SE 98002788910-0010JESS BERGERSON2803 R PL SE 98002788910-0170MICHAEL BRUNS2820 R ST SE 98002788910-0140JANET MCCART2806 R PL SE 98002788910-0130DEBRA PLATA2808 R PL SE 98002080840-0010NDIABOU DIAGANA1540 29TH ST SE 98002080840-0020RONALD VOSS1536 29TH ST SE 98002302105-9277EDDY MAGGIE2929 R ST SE 98002302105-9038EDDY MAGGIE2939 R ST SE 98002302105-9221LPB INC1509 30TH ST SE 98002292105-9011CITY OF AUBURN2840 RIVERWALK DR SE 98002292105-9069CITY OF AUBURN3030 R ST SE 98002302105-9040LPB INC1506 30TH AVE SE 98002302105-9042HOMESTEAD APARTMENTS1501 31ST ST SE 98002302105-9045KING TRUST1526 31ST ST SE 98002302105-9296NORMA CRUZ1518 31ST ST SE 98002734531-0170JOHN HALL1514 31ST AVE SE 98002792460-0150RAYMOND COADY1525 32ND ST SE 98002792460-0160JAMES BURPEE1535 32ND ST SE 98002025510-0440CARL JOHNSON3206 PIKE ST SE 98002025510-0430RICHARD NEWMAN3214 PIKE ST SE 98002025510-0420DANIEL HENCH3228 PIKE ST SE 98002025510-0460CRYSTAL ANDERSON1461 33RD ST SE 98002025510-0410ARTEMIO MENDOZA1611 33RD ST SE 98002734500-0620GUADALUPE GARCIA1615 33RD ST SE 98002734500-0610STARO SUCHKOV1623 33RD ST SE 980027344500-0600CYNTHIA HEUPEL1629 33RD ST SE 98002025510-0400NTT BROTHERS LLC1610 33RD ST SE 98002025510-0390SHIRLEE TOMAN3328 R ST SE 98002025510-0040WILLIAM BERGSTROM1514 33RD ST SE 98002025510-0050WILLIAM DOWNS1515 34THT ST SE 980027344500-0600CYNTHIA HEUPEL1629 33RD ST SE 980027344500-0010ELAINE BOONE1614 33RD ST SE 980027344500-0020NORMAN KOBBERSTAD1622 33RD ST SE 98002025510-0370DAVID ZEHENER3404 R ST SE 98002025510-0350DAVID MUIR1514 34TH ST SE 98002025510-0320YOLANDA HEPPARD1515 35TH ST SE 98002025510-0310KENETH WATLAND1611 35TH ST SE 98002025510-0030MADELINE TOLFORD1510 33RD ST SE 98002025510-0060JEFFERY LEE1511 34TH ST SE 98002025510-0360GINGER ZEHENER3414 R ST SE 98002025510-0340IH LP3414 PIKE ST SE 98002025510-0330SHELLY DEWOLFE3432 PIKE ST SE 98002025510-0150JUNIUS WEED1514 35TH ST SE 98002025510-0140PAUL SCHENE1510 35TH ST SE 98002025510-0170TERESA OBRIEN1511 36TH ST SE 98002025510-0160CONNIE PESTERFIELD1515 36TH ST SE 98002025510-0300RITA RIVERS1610 35TH ST SE 98002025510-0290GLENN PEASE1611 36TH ST SE 98002025510-0280MERRILLYN FEET1610 36TH ST SE 98002025510-0270RAYMOND MCCULLOUGH1514 36TH ST SE 98002025510-0260D.B LIEDAHL3614 PIKE ST SE 98002025510-0250T.A BURGIN3632 PIKE ST SE 98002025510-0240DENISE BARLETT3642 PIKE ST SE 98002734520-0390RUSHER BORCHELT1619 37TH PL SE 98002734520-0400ANDREW BROOKS1617 37TH PL SE 98002734520-0410JAMES DIEFEL1611 37TH WAT SE 98002734520-04200KEVIN HART1613 37TH WAY SE 98002302105-9021SEGALEAUBURN 98002RIVERWALK DR SE"R" ST SE29TH ST SE"R" PL SE30TH ST SE31ST ST SE33RD ST SEPIKE ST SE34TH ST SE35TH ST SE36TH ST SEPIKE ST SE 37TH WAY SE37TH PL SE "R" ST SE "R" ST SE "R" ST SE 192105-9336CITY OF AUBURN1951 R ST SE 98002202105-9001MUCKLESHOOT INDIAN TRIBE1862 R ST SE 98002192105-9188VALLEY FIRE2000 R ST SE 98002192105-9274VALLEY REGIONAL FIRE2015 HOWARD ROAD 98002192105-9307MULTI SERVICE CENTER1501 21ST SE 98002192105-90787-ELEVEN1539 21ST SE 98002192105-9177THOMAS C ERATH1540 21ST SE 98002202105-9013MUCKLESHOOT TRIBEAUBURN 98002950090-0365CHARLIE MEYER1540 22ND ST SE 98002950090-0205JAYSON CRUZ1540 23RD ST SE 98002950090-0370DONNA ROBERTSON1530 22ND ST SE 98002950090-0365DON COOK1520 22ND ST SE 98002950090-0365LI RUI ZHONG1510 22ND ST SE 98002950090-0364MICHEAL POWELL1505 23RD ST SE 98002950090-0350KENNETH JOHNSON1515 23RD ST SE 98002950090-0351LEROY MEADE1525 23RD ST SE 98002950090-0360TIM BLUMENSTEIN1535 23RD ST SE 98002950090-0210JUREY DELBERT1530 23RD ST SE 98002950090-0215GEE MEREDITH1520 23RD ST SE 98002950090-0220WILLIAM TOMAN1510 23RD ST SE 98002950090-0185LOREN BUTZ1505 24TH ST SE 98002950090-0190WILLIAM BUTZ1515 24TH ST SE 98002950090-00195JOHN BARTELT1525 24TH ST SE 98002950090-0200NORMAN DAVIS1535 24TH ST SE 98002192105-9179TAYLOR HIGHLAND2405 R ST SE 98002192105-9350CATHERINE SLEIPNES1516 24TH ST SE 98002192105-9234KYLE BUNN1510 24TH ST SE 98002192105-9213JUAN SOLANA1505 25TH ST SE 98002192105-9178JOSE HERNANDEZ1515 25TH ST SE 98002192105-9212MAILENE ANONUEVO1525 25TH ST SE 98002292105-9031JAIME MARTINEZ2502 R ST SE 98002292105-9060CAROL LIVINGSTONAUBURN 98002292105-9060CAROL LIVINGSTONAUBURN 98002788900-0190JAMES MYERS2616 R ST SE 98002788900-0185TIMOTHY LEAHY2710 R ST SE 98002788900-0180ROBERT KERCHER2712 R ST SE 98002788900-0175AMY O'BRIEN28TH ST SE 980027889000-0171OCTAVIO GUTIERREZ2709 S ST SE 98002788900-0166LAURA CAIN2707 S ST SE 98002788900-0165ROBERT THOMPSON2705 S ST SE 98002241320-0005MARTIN GREENWAY2613 R ST SE 98002241320-0050TIAN ENGELHARDT2612 PIKE ST SE 98002241320-0045JOHN PLASTER2614 PIKE ST SE 98002241320-0010SALVADOR QUINTERO2615 R ST SE 98002241320-0015JARED DILLENBURG2709 R ST SE 98002241320-0040KELLY ROGERS2708 PIKE ST SE 98002241320-0045JOHN PLASTER2614 PIKE ST SE 98002241320-0020WILLIAM GOSHORN2711 R ST SE 98002241320-0025BRADLEY URBAN1505 28TH ST SE 98002241320-0030PETER MILLER2712 PIKE ST SE 98002788900-0005FRANK IRA1602 28TH ST SE 98002788900-0010TRACY RENISH1606 28TH ST SE 98002788900-0016CHRIS MILLER1702 28TH ST SE 98002241320-0170GERI SMITH1506 28TH ST SE 98002241320-0165SCOTT URBAN1504 28TH ST SE 98002241320-0165DONALD THOMPSON1502 28TH ST SE 98002302105-9059WILLIAM SASSI2501 R ST SE 98002302105-9126VIRGINIA HAUGEN2503 R ST SE 98002302105-9049PATRICIA UNZEN2507 R ST SE 98002302105-9054JOEL WALTA2521 R ST SE 98002302105-9065CORY SHERBON2609 R ST SE 98002302105-9066WAYNE SANDVIG2605 R ST SE 98002302105-9235THOMAS FOGARTY1530 25TH ST SE 9800221ST ST SE"R" ST SE 28TH ST SE"S" ST SE PIKE ST SE 22ND STSE23RD ST SE24TH ST SE25TH ST SE"R" ST SE 1601 5th Avenue, Suite 1600 Seattle, WA 98101 206.622.5822 www.kpff.com Know what's below. R Call before you dig. Page 16 of 20 788910-0010JESS BERGERSON2803 R PL SE 98002788910-0020CHRIS BONEWELL2805 R PL SE 98002788910-0030TAMMY GOURDINE2807 R PL SE 98002447420-0010JACOBSON HOLMGREN2809 R ST SE 98002447420-0070GLEN WOODS2812 PIKE ST SE 98002447420-0060GARY THOMPSON2816 PIKE ST SE 98002447420-0020THEODORE VISAYA2815 R ST SE 98002447420-0030CORIN HOMOLKA1505 29TH ST SE 98002447420-0040HUANG XIAOXIN1503 29TH SE 98002447420-0050APRILLE GANUELAS1501 29TH ST SE 98002788910-0160ALAN PFEIFFER2802 R PL SE 98002788910-0010JESS BERGERSON2803 R PL SE 98002788910-0170MICHAEL BRUNS2820 R ST SE 98002788910-0140JANET MCCART2806 R PL SE 98002788910-0130DEBRA PLATA2808 R PL SE 98002080840-0010NDIABOU DIAGANA1540 29TH ST SE 98002080840-0020RONALD VOSS1536 29TH ST SE 98002302105-9277EDDY MAGGIE2929 R ST SE 98002302105-9038EDDY MAGGIE2939 R ST SE 98002302105-9221LPB INC1509 30TH ST SE 98002292105-9011CITY OF AUBURN2840 RIVERWALK DR SE 98002292105-9069CITY OF AUBURN3030 R ST SE 98002302105-9040LPB INC1506 30TH AVE SE 98002302105-9042HOMESTEAD APARTMENTS1501 31ST ST SE 98002302105-9045KING TRUST1526 31ST ST SE 98002302105-9296NORMA CRUZ1518 31ST ST SE 98002734531-0170JOHN HALL1514 31ST AVE SE 98002792460-0150RAYMOND COADY1525 32ND ST SE 98002792460-0160JAMES BURPEE1535 32ND ST SE 98002025510-0440CARL JOHNSON3206 PIKE ST SE 98002025510-0430RICHARD NEWMAN3214 PIKE ST SE 98002025510-0420DANIEL HENCH3228 PIKE ST SE 98002025510-0460CRYSTAL ANDERSON1461 33RD ST SE 98002025510-0410ARTEMIO MENDOZA1611 33RD ST SE 98002734500-0620GUADALUPE GARCIA1615 33RD ST SE 98002734500-0610STARO SUCHKOV1623 33RD ST SE 980027344500-0600CYNTHIA HEUPEL1629 33RD ST SE 98002025510-0400NTT BROTHERS LLC1610 33RD ST SE 98002025510-0390SHIRLEE TOMAN3328 R ST SE 98002025510-0040WILLIAM BERGSTROM1514 33RD ST SE 98002025510-0050WILLIAM DOWNS1515 34THT ST SE 980027344500-0600CYNTHIA HEUPEL1629 33RD ST SE 980027344500-0010ELAINE BOONE1614 33RD ST SE 980027344500-0020NORMAN KOBBERSTAD1622 33RD ST SE 98002025510-0370DAVID ZEHENER3404 R ST SE 98002025510-0350DAVID MUIR1514 34TH ST SE 98002025510-0320YOLANDA HEPPARD1515 35TH ST SE 98002025510-0310KENETH WATLAND1611 35TH ST SE 98002025510-0030MADELINE TOLFORD1510 33RD ST SE 98002025510-0060JEFFERY LEE1511 34TH ST SE 98002025510-0360GINGER ZEHENER3414 R ST SE 98002025510-0340IH LP3414 PIKE ST SE 98002025510-0330SHELLY DEWOLFE3432 PIKE ST SE 98002025510-0150JUNIUS WEED1514 35TH ST SE 98002025510-0140PAUL SCHENE1510 35TH ST SE 98002025510-0170TERESA OBRIEN1511 36TH ST SE 98002025510-0160CONNIE PESTERFIELD1515 36TH ST SE 98002025510-0300RITA RIVERS1610 35TH ST SE 98002025510-0290GLENN PEASE1611 36TH ST SE 98002025510-0280MERRILLYN FEET1610 36TH ST SE 98002025510-0270RAYMOND MCCULLOUGH1514 36TH ST SE 98002025510-0260D.B LIEDAHL3614 PIKE ST SE 98002025510-0250T.A BURGIN3632 PIKE ST SE 98002025510-0240DENISE BARLETT3642 PIKE ST SE 98002734520-0390RUSHER BORCHELT1619 37TH PL SE 98002734520-0400ANDREW BROOKS1617 37TH PL SE 98002734520-0410JAMES DIEFEL1611 37TH WAT SE 98002734520-04200KEVIN HART1613 37TH WAY SE 98002302105-9021SEGALEAUBURN 98002RIVERWALK DR SE"R" ST SE29TH ST SE"R" PL SE30TH ST SE31ST ST SE33RD ST SEPIKE ST SE34TH ST SE35TH ST SE36TH ST SEPIKE ST SE 37TH WAY SE37TH PL SE "R" ST SE "R" ST SE "R" ST SE 192105-9336CITY OF AUBURN1951 R ST SE 98002202105-9001MUCKLESHOOT INDIAN TRIBE1862 R ST SE 98002192105-9188VALLEY FIRE2000 R ST SE 98002192105-9274VALLEY REGIONAL FIRE2015 HOWARD ROAD 98002192105-9307MULTI SERVICE CENTER1501 21ST SE 98002192105-90787-ELEVEN1539 21ST SE 98002192105-9177THOMAS C ERATH1540 21ST SE 98002202105-9013MUCKLESHOOT TRIBEAUBURN 98002950090-0365CHARLIE MEYER1540 22ND ST SE 98002950090-0205JAYSON CRUZ1540 23RD ST SE 98002950090-0370DONNA ROBERTSON1530 22ND ST SE 98002950090-0365DON COOK1520 22ND ST SE 98002950090-0365LI RUI ZHONG1510 22ND ST SE 98002950090-0364MICHEAL POWELL1505 23RD ST SE 98002950090-0350KENNETH JOHNSON1515 23RD ST SE 98002950090-0351LEROY MEADE1525 23RD ST SE 98002950090-0360TIM BLUMENSTEIN1535 23RD ST SE 98002950090-0210JUREY DELBERT1530 23RD ST SE 98002950090-0215GEE MEREDITH1520 23RD ST SE 98002950090-0220WILLIAM TOMAN1510 23RD ST SE 98002950090-0185LOREN BUTZ1505 24TH ST SE 98002950090-0190WILLIAM BUTZ1515 24TH ST SE 98002950090-00195JOHN BARTELT1525 24TH ST SE 98002950090-0200NORMAN DAVIS1535 24TH ST SE 98002192105-9179TAYLOR HIGHLAND2405 R ST SE 98002192105-9350CATHERINE SLEIPNES1516 24TH ST SE 98002192105-9234KYLE BUNN1510 24TH ST SE 98002192105-9213JUAN SOLANA1505 25TH ST SE 98002192105-9178JOSE HERNANDEZ1515 25TH ST SE 98002192105-9212MAILENE ANONUEVO1525 25TH ST SE 98002292105-9031JAIME MARTINEZ2502 R ST SE 98002292105-9060CAROL LIVINGSTONAUBURN 98002292105-9060CAROL LIVINGSTONAUBURN 98002788900-0190JAMES MYERS2616 R ST SE 98002788900-0185TIMOTHY LEAHY2710 R ST SE 98002788900-0180ROBERT KERCHER2712 R ST SE 98002788900-0175AMY O'BRIEN28TH ST SE 980027889000-0171OCTAVIO GUTIERREZ2709 S ST SE 98002788900-0166LAURA CAIN2707 S ST SE 98002788900-0165ROBERT THOMPSON2705 S ST SE 98002241320-0005MARTIN GREENWAY2613 R ST SE 98002241320-0050TIAN ENGELHARDT2612 PIKE ST SE 98002241320-0045JOHN PLASTER2614 PIKE ST SE 98002241320-0010SALVADOR QUINTERO2615 R ST SE 98002241320-0015JARED DILLENBURG2709 R ST SE 98002241320-0040KELLY ROGERS2708 PIKE ST SE 98002241320-0045JOHN PLASTER2614 PIKE ST SE 98002241320-0020WILLIAM GOSHORN2711 R ST SE 98002241320-0025BRADLEY URBAN1505 28TH ST SE 98002241320-0030PETER MILLER2712 PIKE ST SE 98002788900-0005FRANK IRA1602 28TH ST SE 98002788900-0010TRACY RENISH1606 28TH ST SE 98002788900-0016CHRIS MILLER1702 28TH ST SE 98002241320-0170GERI SMITH1506 28TH ST SE 98002241320-0165SCOTT URBAN1504 28TH ST SE 98002241320-0165DONALD THOMPSON1502 28TH ST SE 98002302105-9059WILLIAM SASSI2501 R ST SE 98002302105-9126VIRGINIA HAUGEN2503 R ST SE 98002302105-9049PATRICIA UNZEN2507 R ST SE 98002302105-9054JOEL WALTA2521 R ST SE 98002302105-9065CORY SHERBON2609 R ST SE 98002302105-9066WAYNE SANDVIG2605 R ST SE 98002302105-9235THOMAS FOGARTY1530 25TH ST SE 9800221ST ST SE"R" ST SE 28TH ST SE"S" ST SE PIKE ST SE 22ND STSE23RD ST SE24TH ST SE25TH ST SE"R" ST SE 1601 5th Avenue, Suite 1600 Seattle, WA 98101 206.622.5822 www.kpff.com Know what's below. R Call before you dig. Page 17 of 20 M ST SE 29TH ST SE© 2019 Microsoft Corporation © 2019 DigitalGlobe ©CNES (2019) Distribution Airbus DS M ST SE 29TH ST SE© 2019 Microsoft Corporation © 2019 DigitalGlobe ©CNES (2019) Distribution Airbus DS 1601 5th Avenue, Suite 1600 Seattle, WA 98101 206.622.5822 www.kpff.com Know what's below. R Call before you dig.29TH ST SE"M" STREET SE 29TH ST SE"M" STREET SE Page 18 of 20 Page 1 of 2 Memorandum To: Transportation Advisory Board From: James Webb, Senior Traffic Engineer Date: December 2, 2019 Re: Transportation Advisory Board – Meeting Format Background Summary City staff is requesting feedback from the Transportation Advisory Board members to determine if the current meeting schedule provides members an adequate opportunity to fulfill the role of the board as identified by Code, and is convenient for members to regularly attend meetings. For reference, a copy of the Code section outlining the administration of the Board is included as an attachment. Month The quarterly meetings are currently scheduled for March, June, September, and December. Based on the items which staff bring to the Board on an annual basis, and the timing of those items (Transportation Improvement Program, Traffic Impact Fees, etc.), it may make sense to change the months when meetings are held so that the first meeting is earlier in the year, either January or February. This could also mean that a meeting is not scheduled during December. Day Currently meetings are schedule for the second Tuesday of the month. In general, how are Tuesdays evening working for members, or is there a consensus on moving the meetings to an alternate day. Note that Monday meetings would not be possible due to the conflict with City Council/Study Session meetings, and Wednesday meetings would conflict with Planning Commission and Hearing Examiner meetings. This would only leave Thursday as an potential alternative. Start Time The meetings are currently scheduled to start at 5:30pm. Is this start time to early/late? Does this allow enough time for members to attend the meetings after work? Would an earlier/later start time improve attendance? Recent meetings have lasted between 90-120 minutes. Membership City code identifies the 15 membership positions for the TAB as follows: A.One representative from the Auburn school district. B.One representative from Green River College. C.One representative from the Auburn Area Chamber of Commerce. D.One representative from the Auburn Downtown Association. E.One representative from the Muckleshoot Indian Tribe. F.Two local business representatives. Page 19 of 20 Page 2 of 2 G.One bicycling community representative. H.One high school student representative. I.One senior citizen representative. J.Three citizens at large selected to maximize geographical representation. K.One Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) accessibility advocacy group representative. L.One transit users group representative. Currently, there are 5 of the 15 positions vacant; Auburn Downtown Association, High School Student, bicycle community, one of the two local business, and the Chamber of Commerce. Does the existing membership see any need to revise the overall number of members or make changes to the groups represented by these positions. Page 20 of 20