HomeMy WebLinkAbout06-17-2020 Hearing Examiner AgendaHEARING EXAMINER AGENDA June 17, 2020 5:30 p.m. The meeting of the City of Auburn Hearing Examiner scheduled for June 17, 2020 at 5:30 p.m. will be held virtually and telephonically. To attend the meeting virtually please click the link or enter the meeting ID into the Zoom app or call into the meeting at the phone number listed below. Per the Governor’s Emergency Proclamation 20-28.4, the City of Auburn is prohibited from holding an in-person meeting at this time. All meetings will be held virtually and telephonically. Join Zoom Meeting https://zoom.us/j/95569006576 Meeting ID: 955 6900 6576 One tap mobile +12532158782,,95569006576# US (Tacoma) 877 853 5257 US Toll-free 888 475 4499 US Toll-free Meeting ID: 955 6900 6576 Find your local number: https://zoom.us/u/aq7jARNI0 I.Case No:PLT20-0003 Applicant(s):Jeff Grose Executive Director of Capital Projects Auburn School District No. 408 915 4th St NE Auburn, WA 98201 Applicant Rep: Camie Anderson Senior Associate Shockey Planning Group, Inc. 2716 Colby Ave Everett, WA 98201 1 of 33 Request: Application for a Subdivision Alteration pursuant to ACC 17.20 & 17.22 to remove and release Lot 21 from all terms and conditions of the easement provisions and withdraw Lot 21 from the plat of Vintage Hills, Division V as part of a larger future school site. Project Location: The address associated with the previous house on the subject property is 12921 SE 302nd Pl., The site is directly south of the intersection of SE 302nd Pl. and 129th Pl. SE. and within the SE 1/4 of Section 4, Township 21, and Range 5, WM; King County Assessor Parcel No.8946700210. Parcel Number(s): King County Assessor Parcel No. 8946700210. 2 of 33 AGENDA BILL APPROVAL FORM HEARING EXAMINER Agenda Subject/Title: PLT20-0003, Auburn School District No. 408, Proposed Elementary School No. 16 Subdivision Alteration Date: June 1, 2020 Department: Community Development DESCRIPTION: Application for a Subdivision Alteration pursuant to ACC 17.20 & 17.22 to remove and release Lot 21 from all terms and conditions of the easement provisions and withdraw Lot 21 from the plat of Vintage Hills, Division V as part of a larger future school site. ADMINISTRATIVE RECOMMENDATION: Hearing Examiner to conduct a public hearing and approve the Auburn School District No. 408, proposed Elementary School No. 16 Subdivision Alteration with no conditions. LOCATION: The address associated with the previous house on the subject property is 12921 SE 302nd Pl., The site is directly south of the intersection of SE 302nd Pl. and 129th Pl. SE. and within the SE 1/4 of Section 4, Township 21, and Range 5, WM; King County Assessor Parcel No. 8946700210. APPLICANT(S)/PROPERTY OWNER(S): Jeff Grose, Executive Director of Capital Projects, Auburn School District No. 408, 915 Fourth St. NE, Auburn, WA 98002 APPLICANT’S REPRESENTATIVE: Camie Anderson, Senior Associate, Shockey Planning Group, Inc., 2716 Colby Ave., Everett, WA 98201 3 of 33 EXHIBIT 1 Staff Member: Teague Date: June 1, 2020 Page 2 of 10 Subject Property and Adjacent Property Comprehensive Plan Designation, Zoning Classification and Current Land Use: Comprehensive Plan Designation Zoning Classification Current Land Use Project Site Institutional I, Institutional Vacant (single family residence &accessory structures demolish with permit; future school site) North Single Family Residential R-5, Residential Zone – Five Dwelling Units per Acre Single-Family Residences South Institutional I, Institutional Vacant (single family residence demolished 2020; future school site) East Institutional I, Institutional Vacant (single family residence demolished 2020; future school site) West Single Family R-5, Residential Zone – Five Dwelling Units per Acre Single-Family Residences Excerpted Zoning Map: Subject Property 4 of 33 Staff Member: Teague Date: June 1, 2020 Page 3 of 10 Excerpted Comprehensive Plan Map: 2017 Aerial Vicinity Map: Subject Property 5 of 33 Staff Member: Teague Date: June 1, 2020 Page 4 of 10 Street Layout Map: SEPA STATUS: Pursuant to Auburn City Code (ACC) 16.06.055 and WAC 197-11-800(6), subdivision alterations are exempt from environmental review. FINDINGS OF FACT: 1. Camie Anderson, Senior Associate with Shockey Planning Group Inc., on behalf of Jeff Grose, Executive Director of Capital Projects, Auburn School District No. 408 (the “District”), Property Owner, submitted a Subdivision Alteration application (the “Application”) on March 5, 2020 to remove and release Lot 21 from all terms and conditions of the easement provisions, and withdraw Lot 21 from the plat of Vintage Hills Division V, referred to in this Staff Report as the “Subject Property”. 2. The Subject Property is an approximately 0.93 acre site (approximately 40,553 square feet), located in the Lea Hill portion of the City, directly south of the intersection of SE 302nd Pl. 6 of 33 Staff Member: Teague Date: June 1, 2020 Page 5 of 10 and 129th Pl. SE., is roughly rectangular in shape (as shown below), and is referenced by King County Tax Assessor Parcel No. 8946700210. 3. The Subject Property is currently vacant. An approximately 2,210 square-foot single family residence and 1,650 square-foot garage on the property were demolished in March/April 2020 under city issued permit. 4. Auburn School District purchased the Subject Property from its prior owner in 2018 for the purpose of incorporating the site with other adjacent properties into a new public elementary school site. 5. On November 19, 2020 and February 4, 2020, the District made application for a civil permit (facility extension agreement) and building permit, respectively, for the construction of a new public elementary school. 6. On May 23, 2019, the applicant’s representative, on behalf of the applicant/property owner, submitted a Comprehensive Plan Amendment and Rezone application to change the City Comprehensive Plan land use designation from ‘Single Family Residential’ to ‘Institutional’, and change the zone from R-5, Residential 5 dwelling units per acre to I, Institutional. Per ACC 18.68.030, the Comprehensive Map Amendment and Rezone application were considered by the Planning Commission concurrently, and approved by City Council on 255.4 ft. 161.6 ft. 165 ft. 246.5 ft. 7 of 33 Staff Member: Teague Date: June 1, 2020 Page 6 of 10 December 2, 2019 under Ordinance No. 6746. Four parcels, totaling approximately 11 acres were included in the Comprehensive Map Amendment and Rezone. 7. The intent of the City’s Comprehensive Plan ‘Institutional’ land use designation is as follows: “This category includes those areas that are reserved for public or institutional uses. These public uses include public schools and institutional uses such as large churches and schools. It is also intended to include those of a significant impact, and not those smaller public uses that are consistent with and may be included in another designation. For example, public uses of an industrial character are included in the industrial designation, and small-scale religious institutions of a residential character are included in the residential designation.” 8. ACC 18.35.020(D) provides the following intent statement for the I, Institutional zoning district: “The I zone is intended to provide an area wherein educational, governmental, theological, recreational, cultural and other public and quasi-public uses may be allowed to develop. It is further intended these areas be significant in scope which will allow a combination of uses which may not be permitted outright within other zones. This district is not intended to include those smaller or singular public uses which are consistent with and permitted in other zones.” 9. The Subject Property was platted as Lot 21 of the Vintage Hills Division V subdivision, which was approved by the King County Council in 2001. 10. Per the Declaration on the plat map for Vintage Hills Division V, all lots within this plat are subject to a blanket easement within the first ten feet abutting street frontage by an easement reserved for and granted to US West Telephone Co., AT&T Cable TV, Puget Sound Energy, and other (undefined) utility providers for the purpose of serving the subdivision with utilities. 11. The Vintage Hills Division V homeowner’s association (HOA) recorded an amendment to the plat Convent, Conditions, and Restrictions (CC&Rs; Recording No. 20191227001075) on December 27, 2019 removing and releasing Lot 21 from all terms and conditions of the Covenants. 12. ACC 17.20.010 provides the scope of an subdivision alteration: “Alterations to an existing subdivision which cannot be processed as formal subdivisions, short subdivisions, boundary line adjustments or subdivision vacations shall be processed pursuant to the requirements of this chapter.” 13. ACC 17.20.020 provides the application materials required for a subdivision alteration: “A. When any person is interested in the alteration of any subdivision or the altering of any portion thereof, that person shall submit an application to the city. 8 of 33 Staff Member: Teague Date: June 1, 2020 Page 7 of 10 B. The application shall contain signatures of the majority of those persons having an ownership interest of lots, tracts, parcels, sites or divisions in the subject subdivision or portion to be altered. If the subdivision is subject to restrictive covenants which were filed at the time of the approval of the subdivision, and the application for alteration would result in the violation of a covenant, the application shall contain an agreement signed by all parties subject to the covenants providing that the parties agree to terminate or alter the relevant covenants to accomplish the purpose of the alteration of the subdivision or portion thereof. C. The application shall also be accompanied by a drawing showing the details of the alteration.” 14. ACC 17.20.030 provides the decision criteria for a subdivision alteration: “The hearing examiner shall conduct a public hearing pursuant to ACC 2.46.130 on the application for an alteration and may approve or deny the application for alteration of the subdivision after determining the public use and interest to be served by the alteration of the subdivision.” 15. ACC 17.22.005 provides the scope of a subdivision vacation: “This chapter provides specifications for the process and requirements of vacating a subdivision or portion of a subdivision, or any land dedicated for public use, except rights-of-way associated with public streets.” 16. ACC 17.22.010 provides the application materials required for a subdivision vacation: “The application shall set forth the reasons for vacation and shall contain signatures of all parties having an ownership interest in that portion of the subdivision subject to vacation. If the subdivision is subject to restrictive covenants which were filed at the time of the approval of the subdivision, and the application for vacation would result in the violation of a covenant, the application shall contain an agreement signed by all parties subject to the covenants providing that the parties agree to terminate or alter the relevant covenants to accomplish the purpose of the vacation of the subdivision or portion thereof.” 17. ACC provides the decision criteria for a subdivision vacation: “The hearing examiner shall conduct a public hearing pursuant to ACC 2.46.130 on the application for a vacation and may recommend to approve or deny the application for vacation of the subdivision after determining the public use and interest to be served by the vacation of the subdivision. The director shall then examine and approve the vacation pursuant to this chapter.” 18. To be procedurally accurate, while the Applicant filed for a Subdivision Alteration, this Application is intended to remove both the easements (Subdivision Alteration) and Lot 21 (Subdivision Vacation) from the Vintage Hills Division V plat under the same process. Therefore, Staff has reviewed the Application such that the scope of both processes has been satisfied and the application materials required for a complete application have been 9 of 33 Staff Member: Teague Date: June 1, 2020 Page 8 of 10 met. Additionally, the Application has been processed such that all of the procedural requirements for the subdivision alteration and subdivision vacation currently are met or will be met following the Hearing Examiner decision, and the subsequent approval by the City Director of Community Development. A summary of these two processes is below. Subdivision Alteration (Chapter 17.20 ACC) Subdivision Vacation (Chapter 17.22 ACC) Application made to the City Application made to the City Approval of majority (51%) of those persons with ownership interest in portion to be altered Approval of all parties with ownership interest in portion to be vacated Public hearing per ACC 2.46.130 required Public hearing per ACC 2.46.130 required Noticing methods of ACC 14.07.040 required Noticing methods of ACC 14.07.040 required Determination the public use and interest to be served by the vacation of the subdivision to be made by Hearing Examiner Determination the public use and interest to be served by the vacation of the subdivision to be made by Hearing Examiner Hearing Examiner approves or denies the application Hearing Examiner recommends to approve or deny the application Director examines and approves the vacation Title to the vacated property shall vest with the rightful owner as shown in the county records Revised drawing signed by the applicable departments and recorded at the appropriate King County offices 19. The Application was received by the City on March 5, 2020 and determined complete for processing on May 1, 2020. The combined Notice of Application and Notice of Public Hearing (NOPH) was issued per ACC 2.46.130 in accordance with the methods contained in ACC 14.07.040 on June 2, 2020. 20. As of June 1, 2020, no public comments have been received. CONCLUSIONS: As indicated above in Finding of Fact No. 14 and 17, the Hearing Examiner may approve or deny an application for a subdivision alteration and make an affirmative or negative recommendation on the subdivision vacation request after determining the public use and interest to be served by the change. What follows is Staff’s analysis of how the application serves the public use and interest: The Subdivision Alteration is necessary to fulfill the District’s goal of constructing a new school site. Based on current standards, the District needs a new school site to serve the increasing student population in the Lea Hill portion of the City. Lot 21 is needed in combination with other adjacent parcels to achieve the suitable size. Since Lot 21 and the easements that encumber Lot 21 were created through the platting process, as provided in Finding of Fact No. 12 and 15, the process for undoing what was created through the platting process, is a subdivision alteration and subdivision vacation. The process for both a subdivision alteration and subdivision vacation has been or will be completed or through this Application. 10 of 33 Staff Member: Teague Date: June 1, 2020 Page 9 of 10 1. The District has demonstrated that the intended future use of the Subject Property is a new public elementary school. As numerated in Findings of Fact No. 4, 5, 6, and 11, the District has made substantial progress, towards converting the residential subject property into part of a larger site for a new public elementary school, including: amending the land use designation and zoning and making application for building and civil permits. 2. As a public agency, the District constructs, owns, and operates public schools, and public schools meet the definition of a “public use”: Per ACC 18.04.760, public use is defined as: “Public use” means a use operated exclusively by a public body, such use having the purpose of serving the public health, safety, or general welfare, and including uses such as public schools, parks, playgrounds, and administrative and service facilities.” 3. The phrase “serving the public health, safety, or general welfare”, is essentially the public interest. The Subdivision Alteration facilitates the development for an elementary school of a suitable size to provide a civic public good that includes benefits for both the individual (Auburn School District) and the wider community. Individuals benefit from receiving an education that enables them to function in society, and the wider community benefits from being part of a population possessing shared general knowledge, critical- thinking ability for making decisions about social problems, and norms of civility and community engagement. These benefits are made widely available and accessible to all social classes, races, and ethnic groups through a universal, tuition-free system of public schooling. The future school site also provides secondary benefits of accessible green space and a gathering place for the nearby community. Given the definition of “public use”, it can also be stated that a public use inherently serves the public interest. Therefore, as analyzed above the Subdivision Alteration serves the public use and interest. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Based upon the application, accompanying materials, Findings of Fact, and Conclusions of this Staff Report, Staff recommends that the Hearing Examiner approve the requested Subdivision Alteration, with no conditions. Staff reserves the right to supplement the record of the case to respond to matters and information raised subsequent to the writing of this report ATTACHMENTS: Exhibit 1. Staff Report Exhibit 2. Subdivision Alteration Application, Written Statement From Applicant’s Representative, Vintage Hills Division V Amended Declaration, received March 5, 2020 Exhibit 3. Combined Notice of Application and Notice of Public Hearing 11 of 33 Staff Member: Teague Date: June 1, 2020 Page 10 of 10 Exhibit 4. Subdivision Alteration Drawing, AHBL, received June 1, 2020 Exhibit 5. Recorded Plat of Vintage Hills Division V Prepared by Alexandria Teague, AICP, Planner II Reviewed by Thaniel Gouk, Senior Planner 12 of 33 Form Updated: June 2019 MASTER LAND USE APPLICATION FORM Date Received: Physical Address: Auburn City Hall Annex, 2nd Floor 1 E Main St Mailing Address: 25 W Main St Auburn, WA 98001 Webpage & Application Submittal: www.auburnwa.gov applications@auburnwa.gov Phone and Email: 253-931-3090 permitcenter@auburnwa.gov Project Name: Parcel Number(s): APPLICANT  Check Box if Primary Contact OWNER  Check Box if Primary Contact Name: Name: Title: Title: Company: Company: Email: Email: Address: Address: City: State: Zip: City: State: Zip: Phone: Phone: Signature: Signature: (Signature Required) (Signature Required) AGENT  Check Box if Primary Contact ARCHITECT / ENGINEER  Check Box if Primary Contact Name: Name: Title: Title: Company: Company: Email: Email: Address: Address: City: State: Zip: City: State: Zip: Phone: Phone: Signature: Signature: (Signature Required) (Signature Required) Brief Description: LAND USE APPROVALS BEING APPLIED FOR UNDER THIS APPLICATION (Check all That Apply)  Administrative Appeal  Director’s Interpretation Short Plat (Subdivision 9 Lots or Less)  Administrative Use Permit  Landscape Plan Alteration / Tree Removal  Preliminary  Administrative Variance  Master Sign Plan (New or Adjustment)  Final  Architectural and Site Design Review Plat (Subdivision Greater Than 9 Lots)  Site Plan Approval (Outlet Collection)  Multi-Family / Mixed-Use  Preliminary  Site Plan Approval (Lakeland PUD)  DUC Design Review  Final  Sign Area Deviation Binding Site Plan  Adjustment (Major)  Special Exception  Preliminary  Adjustment (Minor)  Special Home Occupation  Final  Extension Temporary Use Permit (See Checklist)  Boundary Line Adjustment  Real Estate Tax Exemption  Type I  Boundary Line Elimination  SEPA Environmental Review  Type II  Comp. Plan Map Amendment  Special Event  Comp. Plan Text Amendment  Exemption  Variance  Conditional Use Permit  Substantial Development  Zoning Code Text Amendment Critical Areas  Variance  Zoning Map Amendment (Rezone)  Exemption  Reasonable Use  Variance Shoreline 13 of 33 EXHIBIT 2 March 3, 2020 Ms. Alexandria Teague City of Auburn, Community Development 25 W. Main Street Auburn, WA 98001 RE: Auburn School District No. 408 Elementary School No. 16 Site Vintage Hills Plat Alteration Dear Ms. Teague, On behalf of the Auburn School District No. 408 (District), Shockey Planning Group is submitting to you the following materials for the Vintage Hills Plat Alteration. The application materials enclosed include the following:  Master Land Use Application Form  Declarations of Covenants – recorded  Land Surveyor’s Certification  Proposed revised Plat Document The proposal is to remove Lot 21 from the Plat of Vintage Hills Division V as it will be ultimately be joined with three other parcels that will be combined to become one parcel housing the District’s Elementary School No. 16. There are some utilities that run through Lot 21; those will be relinquished under a separate instrument in conjunction with the overall proposed development of the school. In addition, we offer the following response to the requested subdivision alteration as outlined in ACC 17.20.020. A. When any person is interested in the alteration of any subdivision or the altering of any portion thereof, that person shall submit an application to the city. B. The application shall contain signatures of the majority of those persons having an ownership interest of lots, tracts, parcels, sites or divisions in the subject subdivision or portion to be altered. If the subdivision is subject to restrictive covenants which were filed at the time of the approval of the subdivision, and the application for alteration would result in the violation of a covenant, the application shall contain an agreement signed by all parties subject to the covenants providing that the parties agree to terminate or alter the relevant covenants to accomplish the purpose of the alteration of the subdivision or portion thereof. 14 of 33 City of Auburn Community Development Department March 3, 2020 Page 2 C. The application shall also be accompanied by a drawing showing the details of the alteration. Response: A copy of the recorded copy of the Declaration to Remove Covenants for Lot 21 is included in the submittal materials. This document was approved by the Vintage Hills Division V Homeowners’ Association and was signed by the HOA President. A drawing showing the details of the alteration to the plat is also included in the submitted materials. If you have any questions or require additional information, please do not hesitate to call me at (425) 258-9308. Sincerely, SHOCKEY PLANNING GROUP, INC. Camie Anderson Senior Associate Enclosures: As Previously Detailed cc: Jeffrey Grose, Auburn School District No. 408 15 of 33 * CITY OF tJB1U--- --- WASHINGTON CITY OF AUBURN Planning & Development Department Auburn City Hall Annex, 2nd Floor 1 East Main Street / Auburn, WA 98001 Tel: (253) 931-3090 / Fax: (253) 804-3114 permitcentereauburnwa.gov / www.auburnwa.gov PRELIMINARY SUBDIVISION (PLAT) APPLICATION PRELIMINARY SUBDIVISION (PLAT) LAND SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATION NAME OF SUBDIVISION: Vintage Hills Division V Alteration AHBL, Inc. David Follansbee, PLS REGISTERED LAND SURVEYOR (COMPANY) NAME (INDIVIDUAL) 2215 North 30th Street, Suite 200 253-383-2422 STREET ADDRESS TELEPHONE Tacoma, WA 98403 dfollansbee@ahbl.com CITY STATE ZIP E-MAIL ENGINEER (COMPANY) NAME (INDIVIDUAL) STREET ADDRESS TELEPHONE CITY STATE ZIP E-MAIL APPLICANT (COMPANY) NAME (INDIVIDUAL) STREET ADDRESS TELEPHONE CITY STATE ZIP E-MAIL Land Surveyor's Certification I hereby certify that the accompanying plat has been inspected by me and conforms to all rules and regulat' ns of the plattin. - ution and standar. for A burn, caryitinow ISOM SIGNATURE: ,I11/ Pr'," PRINTED NA DATE: Land Surveyor Seal and Signature I i/WWWW/P,06,0MMANW.V...N.A1/ David Follansbee 3-2-2020 Form Updated May 2018 6 16 of 33 17 of 33 18 of 33 19 of 33 20 of 33 21 of 33 NOTICE OF APPLICATION NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Auburn School District No. 408 Subdivision Alteration PLT20-0003 The City of Auburn is issuing a Notice of Application and Notice of Public Hearing for the following described project. The project application may be reviewed by visiting www.auburnwa.gov/landuse or by request to the contact person below. Proposal: Application for a Subdivision Alteration to remove and release Lot 21 of Vintage Hills Division V from all terms and conditions of the easement provisions of the plat, and withdraw Lot 21 from the plat of Vintage Hills Division V, as part of a larger future school site. Location: Address associated with the previously demoed house on the subject property is 12921 SE 302nd Pl., directly south of the intersection of SE 302nd Pl. and 129th Pl. SE. It is within the SE 1/4 of Section 4, Township 21, and Range 5, WM; King County Assessor Parcel No. 8946700210. Notice of Public Hearing: June 17, 2020 Notice of Application: June 2, 2020 Application Complete: May 1, 2020 Permit Application: March 5, 2020 File Nos. PLT20-0003 Applicant/Property Owner: Jeff Grose, Executive Director of Capital Projects, Auburn School District No. 408, 915 Fourth St. NE, Auburn, WA 98002 Applicant’s Representative: Camie Anderson, Senior Associate, Shockey Planning Group, Inc., 2716 Colby Ave., Everett, WA 98201 Other Permits, Plans, and Approvals Needed: N/A Public Hearing: The Hearing Examiner will conduct a public hearing on the Subdivision Alteration on June 17, 2020 at 5:30 p.m. The public hearing will be held virtually and telephonically. To attend the meeting virtually please enter the meeting ID into the ZOOM app or call into the meeting at the phone number listed below. Per the Governor’s Emergency Proclamation 20-28, the City of Auburn is prohibited from holding an in-person meeting at this time. Auburn invites you to join the ZOOM meeting at the following web address: https://zoom.us/j/95569006576. Meeting ID: 955 6900 6576, or via one tap mobile: +12532158782, 95569006576# US (Tacoma). Dial by your location: +1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma) or 853 5257 US Toll-free or 888 475 4499 US Toll-free; Meeting ID: 955 6900 6576. Find your local number: https://zoom.us/u/aq7jARNI0. Written comments may be emailed to the contact person below, mailed attention to the contact person below to 25 W Main St., Auburn WA, 98001, or submitted at the public hearing by email. For citizens with speech, sight, or hearing disabilities wishing to review documents pertaining to this hearing should contact the person below within 10 calendar days prior to the hearing. Each request will be considered individually according to the type of request, the availability of resources, and the 22 of 33 EXHIBIT 3 NOTICE OF APPLICATION AND NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING PLT20-0003 (Continued) Page 2 of 2 financial ability of the City to provide the requested services or equipment. For questions regarding this project, please contact Alexandria Teague, AICP, Planner II, at planning@auburnwa.gov or 253- 931-3088. Vicinity Map Future Auburn School District Elementary School Site Plan 23 of 33 24 of 33 AFFIDAVIT OF POSTING OF LEGAL NOTICE BY APPLICANT Application Number: PLT20-0003 Applicant/Property Owner: Jeff Grose, Executive Director of Capital Projects, Auburn School District No. 408, 915 Fourth St. NE, Auburn, WA 98002 Applicant’s Representative: Camie Anderson, Senior Associate, Shockey Planning Group, Inc., 2716 Colby Ave., Everett, WA Location: Address associated with the previously demoed house on the subject property is 12921 SE 302nd Pl., directly south of the intersection of SE 302nd Pl. and 129th Pl. SE. It is within the SE 1/4 of Section 4, Township 21, and Range 5, WM; King County Assessor Parcel No. 8946700210. Closing Date for Comments: June 17, 2020 I certify that on ________________________ I did erect a land use posting board at the location above, which included a Notice of Application for the above referenced application, as required by Auburn City Code 1.27 and 18.70.015(A)(2)(b). The board was erected at least 15 days prior to the closing date for public comments noted above. I declare under penalty of perjury of the laws of the State of Washington that the foregoing is true and correct. Name (please print or type) Date Signature NOTE 25 of 33 06-02-2020 06-02-2020Zach Thomas This affidavit must be returned to the Department of Community Development at least one week prior to the closing date for public comments or review of the application may be postponed. 26 of 33 2215 North 30th Street, Suite 300, Tacoma, WA 98403 253.383.2422 TEL 253.383.2572 FAX SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE POST LEGAL DESCRIPTION VINTAGE HILLS DIVISION V PLAT ALTERATION A PORTION OF THE SE 1/4, SEC. 04, T.21N., R.5 E. W.M. CITY OF AUBURN, KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON. CITY OF AUBURN FILE NO. PLT20-0003 RECORDING CERTIFICATE DECLARATION OF PLAT ALTERATION AND FINANCE DIRECTOR'S CERTIFICATE CITY ENGINEER PLANNING DIRECTOR'S CERTIFICATE KING COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF ASSESSMENTS AMENDMANT OF COVENANTS ACKNOWLEDGMENTS REVISED EASEMENT RESERVATIONS PRE LEGAL DESCRIPTION KING COUNTY FINANCE DIVISION CERTIFICATE 27 of 33 EXHIBIT 4 129th PL SEVACATED 130th AVE SES.E.302nd PLACE S.E.304th STREETC15C16 C17 9 10 8 5 6 7 C9C12 2215 North 30th Street, Suite 300, Tacoma, WA 98403 253.383.2422 TEL 253.383.2572 FAX N GRAPHIC SCALE 0 40 80 FEET 1" = 40 FEET 20 LEGEND CURVE TABLE NO.DELTA RADIUS LENGTH VINTAGE HILLS DIVISION V PLAT ALTERATION BASIS OF BEARING A PORTION OF THE SE 1/4, SEC. 04, T.21N., R.5 E. W.M. CITY OF AUBURN, KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON. CITY OF AUBURN FILE NO. PLT20-0003 28 of 33 29 of 33EXHIBIT 5 30 of 33 31 of 33 32 of 33 33 of 33