HomeMy WebLinkAboutFederal Financial Report CDBG19 & CDBG18 )r1itrb'' FEDERAL FINANCIAL REPORT (Follow form instructions) 1. Federal Agency and Organizational Element 2. Federal Grant or Other Identifying Number Assigned by Federal Agency i Page of to Which Report is Submitted (To report multiple grants,use FFR Attachment) 1 2 Housing and Urban Development B-19-MC-53-0014, B-18-MC-53-0014 i cages {I 3. Recipient Organization(Name and complete address Including Zip code) City of Auburn , 25 West Main Street,Auburn,WA 98001 4a. DUNS Number 4b. EIN 5. Recipient Account Number or Identifying Number 6. Report Type 7 Basis of Accounting (To report multiple grants,use FFR Attachment) x Quarterly 032942575 91-6001228 o Semi-Annual CDBG19&CDBG18 ❑Annual 0 Cash x Accrual 0 Final 8.Project/Grant Period 9 Reporting Period End Date From (Month,Day,Year) I To (Month,Day,Year) (Month,Day,Year) 01/01/2019 03/31/2019 I 03/31/2019 10. Transactions Cumulative (Use lines a-c for single or multiple grant reporting) II Federal Cash (To report multiple grants,also use FFR Attachment): I a. Cash Receipts I $0 b. Cash Disbursements I $54,394.75 C. c,dsn un 11d11U pence mmuavj (Use lines d•o for single grant reporting) ruuarat cxpuilutlurub din]UlnTuuadtuu Cidlallt.u. I d. Total Federal funds authorized I e Federal share of expenditures I I f. Federal share of unliquidated obligations I g. Total Federal share(sum of lines a and f) h. Unobligated balance of Federal funds(lined minus g) rcyupiunc anaru. 1 Ii Total recipient share required I j Recipient share of expenditures II k. Remaining recipient share to be provided(line i minus j) ` rrugram nrt.unra. I. Total Federal program income earned I m. Program income expended In accordance with the deduction alternative I n. Program income expended in accordance with the addition alternative I o. Unexpended program income(line I minus line m or line n) I a Type b.Rate c.Period From Period To d.Base e. Amount Charged f.Federal Share ( 11.Indirect Expense 3^.�nTQ %1t alr4 '. I g Totals: I 12. Remarks. Attach any explanations deemed necessary or information required by Federal sponsoring agency In compliance with governing legislation 13.Certification: By signingthis deport,I certify that it is true,complete,ancPaccurate tb the best of my knowledge. I ani aware that any false,fictitious,or 1 fraudulent information ma sub'ect me to criminal,civil,or administrative enalties. U.S.Code,Title 18,Section 1001 a. Typed or Printed Name and Title of Authorized Certifying Official c. Telephone(Area code,number and extension)' 253-931-3008 Nancy Backus, Mayord Email address nbackus@aubumwa.gov b. Sigr,ture of Authorized Certifying Official e. Date Report Submitted (Month,Day,Year) �__`' A•nl 24,2019 ='` t' :_. L:!_u. !-._iii: ._:..._..._ ...,.".i._.__.:.c__.i- ti. ... ,wt,..-:::,...1;::::.:.:.:-.i Standard ....1,.. ,`- Standard Form 425 OMB Approval Number 03484061 txpiradlliLMIli.111.31/ZVl 1 Paperwork Burden Statement According to the Paperwork Reduction Act,as amended,no persons are required to respond toe collection of Information unless It displays a valid OMB Control Number The valid OMB control number for this information collection is 0348-0061 Public reporting burden for this collection of Information is estimated to average 1 5 hours per response,including time for reviewing instructions,searching existing date sources,gathering and maintaining the data needed.and completing and reviewing the collection of information.Send comments regarding the burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information,Including suggestions for reducing this burden,to the Office of Management end Budget,Paperwork Reduction Project(0348-060). IN,eKnntnn rim nncn4 FEDERAL FINANCIAL REPORT ATTACHMENT (For reporting multiple grants) 1 Federal Agency and Organizational Element 2. Recipient Organization(Box 3 cm Page 1) to`Nh cn Report is Submitted(fox I on Paget) Housing & Urban Development City of Auburn 25 West Main St. Auburn.WA 98001 3a DUNS Number(Box 4a on Page 1) 4 Reporting Period End Date(Box 9 on Page I) 032942575 (Month.Day year) 3b EIN(Box tib on Page 1) 03/31/2019 Page 2 of 2 91-6001228 5.List Information below for each grant covered by this report. Use additional pages if more space is required Federa,Grant Numter Recipient Account Numoor Cumulative Federal Cash Disbursement B-19-MC-53-0014 cdbgl9 $ 52.424.95 B-18-MC-53-0014 cd bg 18 1,969.80 — r \.LA Q, r-:ec 0 r--L, — GDP)G . SOLS�2. r6tilke. '6 's' F-1.3 rQA ULV✓1 to CDnsu-Q-(p ,I cr.'''. I .`� TOTAL(Should correspond to the amount on Line lob on Page I) $ 54.394 75 SlaManl Fpm 4?SA °Me AFpnnel NAube:0346.00e1 Expiation Date.1 04 112 0 1 1 Paperwork Burden Statement According to the Papemork ReducOon Act.as amended.no persons are required to respond to a coaecocn or nformaeon unless n displays a veld OMB Contra Numoor The veld OMB control number for Pis information collection is 0348.0081. Public reporting burden for this collection of informal or is estimated to average thirty(30)minutes per response. including time`or revlevang instrxbons.searching existing data sources.gathenng and maintaining the data needed.end ccmptobng and renendng the caleC900t cf.nfonnation. Send comments regard ng the ourden sea-tate or any em.'asoecr of this corecscn of infernakon.me ucrg suggestions for reducing tris burden,io re Once of Management and Budget.Paoerwork Reduclon Protect 1034A-0061 I.wasn.ncnn tDC 2C533