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LEGEND DESCRIPTION NEW EXISTING EX. 12" STORM STORM SEWER D EX. 8" SEWER SANITARY SEWER S WATER W EX. 2" WATER AC PAVING CONCRETE PAVING GRAVEL/ CRUSHED ROCK DETENTION POND LANDSCAPING SPOT ELEVATIONS , xx,xx +xx.xx CONTOURS 50 — PARKING O5 STORM MANHOLE 0 Q STORM CATCHBASIN ■ ❑ SANITARY SEWER MANHOLE 0 Q WATER VALVE H N FIRE HYDRANT r TELEPHONE MANHOLE TQ POWER VAULT STREET LIGHT �— UTILITY POLE -o- SE 1 /4, SECTION 36, TOWNSHIP 22 N, RANGE 4 E, W.M. GFNERAL PLAN NOTES CONSTRUCTION SEQUENCE 1. ALL WORKMANSHIP AND MATERIALS SHALL CONFORM TO THE CITY OF AUBURN'S REQUIREMENTS AND SPECIFICATIONS. 1. SUBMIT A HAUL ROUTE TO THE CITY OF AUBURN FOR EARTHWORK ACTIVITIES. 2. ALL WORK SHALL CONFORM TO THESE DRAWINGS AND THE RULES AND REGULATIONS OF THE "WASHINGTON STATE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION (WSDOT) STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS FOR ROAD, BRIDGE, AND MUNICIPAL 2. SCHEDULE AND ATTEND A PRE -CONSTRUCTION MEETING WITH CONSTRUCTION," 1998 OR LATEST EDITION, EXCEPT WHERE SUPPLEMENTED OR MODIFIED BY THE CITY OF AUBURN THE CITY OF AUBURN OFFICIALS. STANDARD DETAILS AND DEVELOPMENT PROJECT SPECIFICATIONS. 3. ESTABLISH "CLEARING AND GRADING LIMITS" FOR THE 3. THE CONTRACTOR IS REQUIRED TO HAVE A COPY OF THE STANDARD CONSTRUCTION NOTES, STANDARD DETAILS AND SITE. SPECIFICATIONS AVAILABLE AT THE JOB SITE ALONG WITH A COPY OF THE APPROVED DEVELOPMENT PLANS. 4. REPAIR OR MAINTAIN TESC MEASURES PER SHEET C2. 4. A PRE -CONSTRUCTION MEETING SHALL BE REQUIRED PRIOR TO ANY ON -SITE WORK FOR ALL PUBLIC FACILITY EXTENSION 5. BEGIN CONSTRUCTION OPERATIONS, INCLUDING WORK WITHIN PROJECTS. THE 44TH ST. ROW, ON -SITE UTILITIES, PAVING, ETC. WORK 5. LOCATIONS SHOWN FOR EXISTING UTILITIES ARE APPROXIMATE. IDENTIFICATIONS, LOCATION MARKING AND RESPONSIBILITY WITHIN THE 44TH ST. ROW SHALL BE LIMITED TO 15 WORKING FOR UNDERGROUND FACILITIES OR UTILITIES IS GOVERNED BY THE PROVISIONS OF CHAPTER 19.122 REVISED CODE OF DAYS. WASHINGTON (RCW). PRIOR TO STARTING CONSTRUCTION, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL CALL ONE -CALL (1-800-424-5555) 6. BEGIN CONSTRUCTION OF PERMANENT STORM DETENTION POND FOR UTILITY LOCATIONS (WATER, SANITARY SEWER, STORM SEWER, GAS, POWER, TELEPHONE AND TELEVISION) AND BIOSWALE WHILE MAINTAINING CONTROL OF SILT -LADEN 6. THE CONTRACTOR IS CAUTIONED THAT OVERHEAD ELECTRICAL LINES ARE NOT SHOWN ON THE DRAWINGS. THE CONTRACTOR RUNOFF. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL ENSURE THAT NO SILT -LADEN RUNOFF DISCHARGES TO THE ADJACENT PROPERTIE IS RESPONSIBLE FOR DETERMINING THE EXTENT OF ANY HAZARD CREATED BY OVERHEAD ELECTRICAL POWER IN ALL AREAS S OR TO THE PUBLIC STORM DRAIN SYSTEM, AND SHALL FOLLOW PROCEDURES DURING CONSTRUCTION AS REQUIRED BY LAW AND REGULATION. 7. REVEGETATE ALL SLOPES AND DISTURBED AREAS AS 7. TRAFFIC CONTROL AND STREET MAINTENANCE FOR SAFETY OF THE TRAVELING PUBLIC ON THIS PROJECT SHALL BE THE SOLE SPECIFIED BY THE "REQUIREMENTS FOR EXPOSED SOIL RESPONSIBILITY OF THE CONTRACTOR AND ALL METHODS AND EQUIPMENT USED WILL BE SUBJECT TO THE APPROVAL OF THE STABILIZATION". CITY OF AUBURN. CONTRACTORS AND THEIR SURETY SHALL BE LIABLE FOR INJURIES AND DAMAGES TO PERSONS AND PROPERTY SUFFERED BECAUSE OF THE CONTRACTOR'S OPERATIONS OR NEGLIGENCE CONNECTED WITH THEM. I i J Q Z � 3 ' 30' M-1 w o 1 I NEW 30' DRIVEWAY I— v COA STD DTL 1 (/) W I STDW-1 C • BLC - BUILDING CORNER C - COMPACT CB - CATCH BASIN CL - CLASS CO - CLEAN OUT D - STORM DRAIN DDCV - DOUBLE DETECTOR CHECK VALVE DI - DUCTILE IRON DS - DOWNSPOUT D/W - DRIVEWAY EL - ELEVATION ESMT - EASEMENT EXG - EXISTING FD - FOUNDATION DRAIN FDC - FIRE DEPT. CONNECTION FF - FINISH FLOOR FH - FIRE HYDRANT FL - FLANGE JOINT HC - HANDICAP IE - INVERT ELEVATION LF - LINEAR FEET LS - LANDSCAPING 11 h,� WETLA DJ ND BOUNDARY NEW LOT WETLAND �"�-M"1 SEEBUFFE EATS LINE 6' / BUFFER \ T ND BOUNDARY SEE 'L' SHEETS 6 40 22 0.5 22 20.5 54' BUFFER EASEMENT 83' 85' BUFFER EASEMENT 121' 10' TYPE 3 L/S I I EX BIOSWALE ( NEW DETENTION POND MH - MA44OLE MJ - MECHANICAL JOINT OH - OVERHEAD PL - PROPERTY LINE R - RADIUS RW - RIGHT-OF-WAY SS - SANITARY SEWER SO FT - SQUARE FEET S/W - SIDEWALK TC - TOP OF CURB TP - TEST PIT UNO - UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE S - SOUTH W - WEST E - EAST N - NORTH NW - NORTHWEST SW - SOUTHWEST NE - NORTHEAST SE - SOUTHEAST CODE NOTES ZONING M1 LOT SIZE 5 ACRES TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION V-N, SPRINKLERED OCCUPANCY: FIRST FLOOR SECOND FLOOR TOTAL F1: 71,421 SF 1,922 SF 73,343 SF B: 5,019 SF 2,635 SF 7,654 SF ALLOWABLE AREA: UNLIMITED PER UBC SEC. 505.2 BUILDING FOOTPRINT 76,440 SETBACKS: NORTH = 20 FEET + 60 FEET ROW SOUTH = 124 FEET EAST = 252 FEET WEST = 20 FEET + 40 FEET NBE PARKING REQUIRED MANUFACTURING 73,343/1000 = 73.3 STALLS OFFICE 7,654/300 = 25.5 STALLS 98.8 STALL PARKING PROVIDED STANDARD = 74 STALLS COMPACT = 21 STALLS HANDICAP = 4 STALLS 9 TALL LEGAL DESCRIPTION Lot A of Lot Line Adjustment 0009-99, State of Washington, County of King, also described as follows: A 217,783 square foot tract out of Lots 10, 11 & 12, White River Valley Home Tracts, as recorded in Book 13 of Plats at page 17, in King County, Washington, being more particularly described by metes and bounds as follows: BEGINNING at the Northwest corner of Lot 10, White River Valley Home Tracts on the South side of the 60 foot Right of Way of South 285th Street, said point also being the Northeast corner of Lot 9, White River Valley Home Tracts in Section 33, Township 22 North, Range 4 East, Willamette Meridian, also being the POINT OF BEGINNING of the tract herein described; THENCE with the Southerly Right of Way of South 285th Street, South 89'15'49" East for a distance of 631.68 feet to the Northeast corner of Lot 12, White River Valley Home Tracts, said point also being the Northwest corner of Lot 13, White River Valley Home Tracts; THENCE leaving the Southerly Right of Way of South 285th Street MATCH EXISTING SIDEWALK and continuing with the common line of said Lot 12 and Lot 13, TO NEAREST JOINT. South 00'40'14" West for a distance of 344.80 to a point; THENCE leaving said common line, North 89'15'49" West for distance of 631.59 feet to a point on the common line of said Lot 9 and Lot 10; o WETLAND CONSERVATION EASEMENT SHEET INDEX Cl SITE PLAN C2 TESC PLAN C3 STORM & GRADING PLAN C4 WATER & SEWER PLAN, SECTIONS C5 SECTIONS & DETAILS C6 PLAN & PROFILE L1 LANDSCAPE PLAN L2 IRRIGATION PLAN L3 LANDSCAPE DETAILS & NOTrS L4 IRRIGATION DETAILS & NOTES Al FLOOR PLAN M- 1 A2 ELEVATIONS A3 OFFICE FLOOR PLANS A4 SECTIONS " SECTIONS & DETAILS A6 REFLECTED CEILING PLANS & INTERIOR ELEVATIONS A7 DETAILS A8 GENERAL NOTES A9 CONT. GENERAL AND ACCESSIBILITY NOTES S1 FOUNDATION PLAN S2 ROOF FRAMING PLAN S3 FOUNDATION DETAILS S4 PANEL ELEVATIONS S5 PANEL ELEVATIONS S6 PALL ELEVATIONS & DETAILS S7 FLOOR FRAMING PLAN & DETAILS S8 STRUCTURAL DETAILS S9 STRUCTURAL DETAILS S10 STRUCTURAL DETAILS S11 PARTIAL FOUNDATION, ROOF FRAMING & SECTIONS S12 STRUCTURAL NOTES VICINITY MAP NIS NORTH OWNER TRI-WAY INDUSTRIES ATTN: BRAD JOHNSON 18500 SW 108th AVE TUALATIN, OR 97062 (503) 692-3024 THENCE with the common line of said Lot 9 and Lot 10, North 00'39'18" East for a distance of 344.80 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING, containing 217,783 square feet, more or less. Subject to: An ingress / egress easement for the benefit of Lot B of LLA 0009-99, being described as follows: That portion of Lot A lying within a strip of land 60 feet in width being 30 feet on each side of the following described centerline: Commencing at the Northeast corner of said Lot A, thence North 89' 15'49" West along the North line thereof 178.83 feet to the Point of Beginning, being a curve to the lect, the center of which bears South 89'15'49" East 430.05 feet; thence southerly along said curve, through a central angle of 07'20'40", an arc distance of 55.13 feet; thence South 06'36'29" East 138.03 feet to a curve to the right; thence southerly along said curve, through a central angle of 07'20'40", an arc distance of 68.57 feet; thence South 00'44'11" West 26.94 feet to the beginning of a 90- foot wide strip of land, being 30 feet on the west side and 60 feet on the east side of the following described centerline; thence South 00'44'11" West 57.60 feet to the South line of said Lot A and the terminus of this described centerline. nATI RA TBM #1 RAILROAD SPIKE ON NORTH SIDE OF POWER POLE LOCATED APPROXIMATELY 250 FEET WEST OF THE CENTERLINE OF "D" STREET. ELEVATION = 48.00' CITY OF AUBURN BENCHMARK 11-K (NGVD 1929 DATUM) NORTHWEST CORNER OF CONCRETE BASE FOR STREET LIGHT AT THE EAST SIDE OF "B" STREET NW, 4TH STREET LIGHT NORTH OF 42ND STREET NW. ELEVATION = 47.31' N C:D CD CD CD O U Q V) ^rJrLJJ (. Z Z 0 Q I m 0 ko W UJ J 1= w r- V) W UJ a: v v Ln z o 6 3 Of W Of ti 0- CL a 0 0 0 in v� in af E girt WASy/�Y z ry D m a 4- d- d- Q0 O Ln � z' Ub 18536 �p�I�4 / STEM` ��► AL E UTILITY CONFLICT NOTE: RECORD DRAWING CERTIFICATION PROJECT REF: FACOO-0002 BLDOO-0025 DATE 10/13/99 THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR VERIFYING THE LOCATION, DIMENSION, AND DEPTH OF ALL EXISTING UTILITIES, WHETHER SHOWN ON THESE DRAWINGS CONFORM TO THE THESE PLANS ARE "APPROVED" FOR SITE PLAN THESE PLANS OR NOT, BY POTHOLING THE UTILITIES AND SURVEYING THE CONTRACTOR'S CONSTRUCT'i RECORDS. CONFORMANCE MATH THE CITY OF AUBURN C>Wov\ DRAWN S.S. THE HORIZONTAL AND VERTICAL LOCATION PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. ENGINEERING DIVISION S REQUIREMENTS 1 = 4O NORTH THIS SHALL INCLUDE CALLING UTILITY LOCATE 0 1-800-424-5555 G/u CHECKED L.K. AND THEN POTHOLING ALL EXISTING UTILITIES AT LOCATIONS BY; I L'% DATE: ft J05 NO. A066 OF NEW UTILITY CROSSINGS TO PHYSICALLY VERIFY WHETHER Approved By. ,,�.ww-, OR NOT CONFLICTS EXIST. LOCATIONS OF SAID UTILITIES AS TITLE/POSITION: P SHOWN ON THESE PLANS ARE NOT GUARANTEED AND ARE SUBJECT TO VARIATION. IF CONFLICTS SHOULD OCCUR, Date Approved- Li Z D 4"� PP SHEET N0. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL CONSULT RUPERT ENGINEERING, INC. TO RESOLVE ALL PROBLEMS PRIOR TO PROCEEDING WITH CONFIRMED BY CITY: DAB; C 1 CONSTRUCTION. R.E.I. FILE:/ Cl-066.dwg 06/16/00 13:54 Q 20 S' 00Dl.5'82 �_ ;- , , NOTE: THIS SHEET REPRESENTS THE T.E.S.C. PLAN "DESIGN" FOR THE BUILDING PAD FILL PROJECT. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY THE AS -BUILT CONDITION OF THE FILL PROJECT AND REPORT DIFFERENCES TO THIS SHEET TO RUPERT ENGINEERING, INC. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL ALSO MAINTAIN THESE FACILITIES DURING THE GRADING OPERATIONS AS NOTED ON THIS PLAN. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL ALSO HAVE SHEETS G1 AND G2 (GRA0016-99 APPROVED 10/29/99) OF THE FILL PROJECT AT THE JOB SITE AT ALL TIDES. 1 I I i I I I 1 • I i I I I I i 35' 12" ® 0.36% PVC SDR35 Z i W TYPE I CB i 1 R EX CB3 5 PE 1 I i 30 i s RIM = 46.25 IE(N)(I2`'PVC)=42.00 9T I EX CB TYPE 1 IE = 41.37 IN TYPE 1 EX CB TYPE 1 IE(E)(8" D.I.)=42.11 i L Ji Z i I RIM=43.46 - If 40.89 La Cl-- �-3q-1 IE(W)(8"DA.)=41.91 15' 12" PVC TO EXG DITCH, TYP k 4 � I I ' �. EX CB T)'PE 1 80 RIM=44.44 I W I SDR35 ® 0.36 RIM-45.62 "PVC)=41.10 5.50' TO SUMP EX CB T`tPE I cn I� - "PVC)=40.95 UNABLE TO LOCATE INVERT SIZE OR TYPE PIM=44.48 435 4i r- �- Q, �� 4.40 F,X CB TYPE 1 IE(N)(12"CONC)=41.82 -----,----------------IC(Fd1�rZ PVC =41 18-q- -- /' a464.261 444i8`ft..93 r RTM=44.84 �IE(S)(12"CONC)=41.87 -- -IE ,, 12PVC =41.18 �� aa4.26I-IE(N)(12'CONC)=41.14 0 45.37 $5. 45.43 45.23 45. 1 407 N rt - - - EX CB TYPE 1 -------k--45A EX_ WATER-LI- -- 44,�4 4i,9� 0 1 4b.2 40,05 44.a8 44,34 i w 4 \ RIM=45.62 EX SSMH 45.57 1 ---- W-------------------------- -------------...IM - �X ,_WATER ----- --45 I A�. 4484 I45,62458 RIM=46.10 __----5--- 45.ao --8 PQC ----y� ------------ - ___ --- r ------------�5�z- -------------- I IE(S)(8„D.I.)=43.42 ----- _ ---- -1�- I _ - 45.12 4513 -- --I -I---- /� /� # KI IE(E)(10"PVC)=37.85 45.77 45.30 ---- 45.18 IF = 41.85`T`T I H ET I \W 45.16 I `---449p5------ ¢¢,,gg _ 46 I �t 45 ` _ a6.12 45:57-----------35 -- ---- I 4 43-------------- 45.22-------- 45.41 4545 I' I I IE W 10 PVC 37.75 ------- ------ 3 .3 ---1------------. --- 53� -- 145_00 _ 1p----- 5.09 ------ 45A.7! - 4B___- 45�7 - - - I ----IE(S)(10 PVC)=38.00 _------------------ 7 44.88 p r--------44---------44.58 -`-- -- - --------------- - ------ -- i - -- ------ 45------------- --- 438�- -------------=----------------- - - -- - _ \ - - _ _ `44.97 d5 53- 045 W.25 45.33 G2 r �46.10 h ,-__ - ------43�3 -- ----- -------------- - --- \ 2 } .4�.82 4 .90.25 1 ----------- ----- I I I -- ---- -43--- titr- ---- 43.i8 °44.36 t 1 \ ' I w3 45.85 46.33 1 ATRA - - 44.. - - Y = - - - ,� ExISTiNc - - ,_ 1 ' 4 _ I " i 471 u9\� IM �l�.�4 41.15EX CB ,TYPE 1 (SOLID LID) EDGE OF I �•--I--------r 1 I- �� \ -�------------ i 44.86 ,4 . 7 R ( )(6 22 ---- 1 ' I 1 �------------------------------.� I � .. ',x\ ,- ; IE N 8"D.I.)=43.42 PAVEMENT 11 I I 1 GRADE TO -DITC a 6 IE(E)(12" PVC)=41.62 1 1 i I 45-1 I I I 4. 9 1.5:1 a3.35 1 45. FI ;[ 54 i 11i i IE(S)(12"PVC)=41.22 1 I EX 12'1 PVC I 1 ' I 43.2s 52.75 I - _ - \ I I - 1 II I itIf -0.98 1 I I I I 44.49 11 43.75 - I 1 1 I A , 17 1 I I I I I 47.53 4Z5 IE (N (12" CONC) = 41.32 1 I 1 I 1 44.35 4 2, _ _ _ - - - - - - GRADE TO PIPE 1 CONSTRUCTION RANG I OLISI I t GRADE TO PIPE 1 1 I 1 1.5:1 1 I ', i i i t I 44 44.53 I COA STD DTL D -5 I 1 1 1 45 ' I TO EXI T IE = 43 I' I I I I I EX. HOUSE � ,, ; I 4, a , I + I 1 I ( 1 1 44.53 I Ii I j i 1 I TQ BE 44.05 ------ -1 44 (6 I 4�'J.95 I 45.06 r I I 1 REMOVE ,44.98 1.5-23 I I GRAVEL CO E i EX CB TYPE 1 DEMOLISHED 4 .71TR E8 \✓ i 1 5.23 CONTROL ST z i i I i RIM=44 87 I LOT LINE , h� �I IE(NE)(6"D.i.)-4297 DTL 1/G2 I °i itl 1 , _ 1 I TO BE REMOVED � I IE(N, W, SW)(12"PVC)=42.27 1 I I 14 4Jr 3 / I - ( 1 I � f6 i 1 1 - -- TOPfOF PAD 11 EX. SHEDS 1 I 1 1 i__- 3:1 3:1 1 ` I \ / r__ 49- 1 45.99 I 7 4k29 i I EL = 54.75 44. 4� I I I I t 1 f 1 i 44.35 `4 \� f I f//' �// �59 \ \� I , I ,' / i IE = 51.7 I IE 46.0 DEMOLISHED 1 1 1 I \ - 1 1 i 1 t / I llli� 44.71 44.83 44.919 1 1 1 1 51.51 A �1 1 1 1 1 t 1 44.18/ 14A. 11 ' 41 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 45.20 45.111 I 1 1 44.40 30' 12" PV 1 EX S L SHALL BE 72 I -C - 19 44. `'a 7 i I I I l 5i as 1 1 r , 1 1 i SETTLEMENT ARKER; , TYP I EXCA ATED TO A 44.45 4§ �, 1 " - DEPTM 2 BELOW 1 ' - = -1\ 11 I 1 \ � � � // �l45.93 � 8 PLACES \ i •___ --�r- i i 14.¢_ I r ' 4639 1 DTL 6/G2 ' PROPOSED SPREAD ( it_z V-DITCH 010.4% i I r- - 0 i 1 a a 1 i ECOLOGY i i it 45.57 \\ 4a.3o i FOOT G. SEE DTL 5/G2 1 � 13 aa� 1 t ' �1 45ss ; i DTL 1 /G 1 / 1 a�.� I' 4s' ; \ I GRADE TO V-DITCH o 1 LOCKS, TYP §' I, \ d 1 46.19 44.31 11 ,1 21 45. ..69 `, GRADE TO PIPE L--------- - 1 11 I 1 GRADE TO PIPE ' .22 I / EXISTING 1 I , GRAVEL FILTER BERM I 45.79 p FENCE LINES 1 i i f I COA STD DTL DEV-10 y� 5 .7 4 �� 31 IE = 51.75 45.14 - 52.75 (TYP) 45 -E-X ----- BAR I 1 / 45.; 45.67 _ 1I 1 i 44 IL6 TO 1 t ------------------------------t------------ 4 #j------------------- 45.E ---- -- - _i-- !{ }-- It 44.68 OEM I E 1t47.i1 43.95 ----- 4 II 11 I I �� EX, STORM 4489 i asoln I I I DETEN ON � 44.51 44,80 44.75 I I I I r i FILTER FENCE ® TOE 1 i I `Qr TO V-DITCH 3:1 3:1 � � 43 zo y' POND 1 \ 1 _11 I I I OF SLOPE, TYP , 1.5:1 30' 12" COA STD DTL DEV-6 TO EXIST 4 4 5 �� �IE = 46.0 44- 45.08 I in I II II I h 1111 I I 5 �� --- 496 0-----------4 ♦ 11 I5ff1 11 /' AR D-, 44.55 12' CONC - EX. SHE BARN 44, 4 IE = 42.87 GRADE TO V DITCH To BE P i I 1Ak I 44.80 44.32 1 ' TO BE i",- - - - - -i - -_ I 4 44.60 DEMOLI HID 2 i � k \ - 45' GRADE TO V-[?ITCH NEW BUILDING 44.6s a4.oz ` DEMOLISHED , G2 I' I 4A*5Y4.64,' I t l l 1 l i V-DITCH @ 0.3% FOOT PRINT 1 ' DTL 1 /G 1 ' i `, ; a5. t 4 ,' / I � 1 CY HAND PLACED-, \` IE = 43.5 451 2 1 46.19 - - 44.44 I /-REMO \ �ni�� 43.116 43.94 4N4.7@ I ,' ' I RIPRAP, TYP. I r - 45- 2:1 45.43 4 1 \ I 11 11 I 4U8. PIPE �� I I A3 - 44.12 V.. - - - d4. 7 44.23 `n 4 --44----- 44,56 II 111 I 4.40 4l6 15i E -- -- - - - - - - 3-�----- ,¢ s5 43.77 _ ____43 _ IE = 41.7 44.27 44�a-- v NEW LOT LINE-/ 12" CONC `� III' 1 I (IIII ,IIII ".IE = 42.86 - - - - 33 1 /4 EX 8" WATEP, 43.80 I , 43.52 142L=---------- � 44.39 44,64 �7� --------g1M ----------4281 -. - ` 46.q5 1 7 43.77 AA 4;A8 4= 44.0B\ � I,-, GRADING AND TESC PLAN --qlLd2ujh 1 " = 40' I-I®R"TH Q REQUIREMENTS FOR EXPOSED U SOIL STABILIZATION F- 1. SEASONAL REQUIREMENTS: DENUDED AREAS AND SOIL STOCKPILES MUST BE STABILIZED o� Z ACCORDING TO THE FOLLOWING SCHEDULE OR EXCEPTED IN THE FIELD Q WHEN IN THE JUDGEMENT OF THE BUILDING OFFICIAL OR THE OFFICIAL'S REPRESENTATIVE, SUCH SCHEDULE IS NOT WARRANTED: Gtt1 LJ 00 `0_ FROM APRIL 2 TO SEPTEMBER 30 , ALL DENUDED AREAS AT FINAL _ U `� GRADE AND ALL EXPOSED AREAS THAT ARE SCHEDULED TO REMAIN oo V) o UNWORKED FOR MORE THAN 30 DAYS SHALL BE STABILIZED WITHINLn O 10 DAYS. (E� W C/' FROM OCTOBER 1 TO APRIL 1, ALL EXPOSED SOILS AT FINAL UUIL z 5 � 0 GRADE SHALL BE STABILIZED IMMEDIATELY USING PERMANENT OR Z o TEMPORARY MEASURES. EXPOSED SOILS WITH AN AREA GREATER W : THAN 5000 SQUARE FEET THAT ARE SCHEDULED TO REMAIN UNWORKED FOR MORE THAN 24 HOURS AND EXPOSED AREAS OF LESS Z o THAN 5000 SQUARE FEET THAT WILL REMAIN UNWORKED FOR MORE V -00 THAN 7 DAYS SHALL BE STABILIZED IMMEDIATELY. (011 -�00 �y 'D V) 2. STABILIZATION METHOD: HYDROSEEDING & MULCHING z N A. TIME OF PLANTING - DURING THE TIME PERIOD BETWEEN APRIL 1 THROUGH JUNE 30 AND SEPTEMBER 1 THROUGH OCTOBER 31. (NOTE: IF PLANTING BETWEEN JULY 1 AND AUGUST 31, Q IRRIGATION MAY BE REQUIRED. IF PLANTING BETWEEN NOVEMBER 1 AND MARCH 31, MULCHING WILL BE REQUIRED IMMEDIATELY AFTER PLANTING.) B. SEEDBED PREPARATION - THE SEEDBED SHOULD BE FIRM, BUT NOT LLJ m COMPACT, WITH A FAIRLY FINE SURFACE FOLLOWING SURFACE Q ROUGHENING, SURFACE ROUGHENING SHOULD BE DONE AT RIGHT "CAT ANGLES TO THE SLOPE AND PREFERABLE WALKED" UP SLOPE. V) C. FERTILIZATION - AS PER SUPPLIER'S RECOMMENDATIONS. Z DEVELOPMENTS ADJACENT TO WATER BODIES AND WETLANDS MUST USE NON -PHOSPHOROUS FERTILIZER. Z D. SEEDING - APPLY THE FOLLOWING MIXTURE TO THE PREPARED SEED BED AT A RATE OF 120 LBS/ACRE: �C m z PROPORTIONS PERCENT PERCENT NAME BY WEIGHT PURITY GERMINATION c- cn REDTOP(AGROSTIS ALBA) 10% 92 90 4- ANNUAL RYE (LOLIUM MULTIFLORUM) 40% 98 90 J t CHEWINGS FESQUE 40% 97 80 0 (RESTUCA RUBRA COMMUTATA) o Ln (JAMESTOWN,BANNER, SHADOW OR KOKET) WHITE DUTCH CLOVER 10% 96 90 (TRIFOLIUM REPENS) E. "HYDROSEEDING" APPLICATIONS WITH APPROVED SEED -MULCH - FERTILIZER MIXTURES MAY ALSO BE USED. F. MAINTENANCE - SEEDING SHOULD BE SUPPLIED WITH ADEQUATE Z MOISTURE. SUPPLY WATER AS NEEDED, ESPECIALLY IN Q ABNORMALLY HOT OR DRY WEATHER, OR ON ADVERSE SITES. WATER J APPLICATION RATES SHOULD BE CONTROLLED TO PREVENT RUNOFF. r INADEQUATE AMOUNTS OF WATER MAY BE MORE HARMFUL THAN NO WATER. U V) W UTILITY CONFLICT NOTE: THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR VERIFYING THE LOCATION, DIMENSION, AND DEPTH OF ALL EXISTING UTILITIES, WHETHER SHOWN ON THESE PLANS OR NOT, BY POTHOLING THE UTILITIES AND SURVEYING THE THE HORIZONTAL AND VERTICAL LOCATION PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. THIS SHALL INCLUDE CALLING UTILITY LOCATE ® 1-800-424-5555 AND THEN POTHOLING ALL EXISTING UTILITIES AT LOCATIONS OF NEW UTILITY CROSSINGS TO PHYSICALLY VERIFY WHETHER OR NOT CONFLICTS EXIST. LOCATIONS OF SAID UTILITIES AS SHOWN ON THESE PLANS ARE NOT GUARANTEED AND ARE SUBJECT TO VARIATION. IF CONFLICTS SHOULD OCCUR, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL. CONSULT RUPERT ENGINEERING, INC. TO RESOLVE ALL PROBLEMS PRIOR TO PROCEEDING WITH CONSTRUCTION. DITCH LOCATION & o SLOPE PER PLAN o10 2' 1 2' 1 L Df W 2 MAX. w w SLOPE z o 1 V-DITCH DETAIL v G1 NITS z Z 0 0 Qlf co �to RECORD DRAWING CERTIFICATION THESE DRAWINGS CONFORM TO THE CONTRACTOR'S CONSTRUCTION RECORDS. BY; DATE: L 20 o p TITLE/POSITION: CONFIRMED BY CITY: DATE: D. 6q wasy�� c:.A cn z k 47 18536��p�� / STE 7�NA L E PROJECT REF: FACOO-0002 BLDOO-0025 DATE 10/13/99 THESE PLANS ARE "APPROVED" FOR DRAWN CONFORMANCE WITH THE CITY OF AUBURN S.S. ENGINEERING DIVISION'S REQUIREMENTS CHECKED L.K. Approved By. tirv.,.-� S,.,C, JOB NO. 99066 Date Approved: 201490 SHEET NO. T� C 2 R.E.I. FILE:/ C2-066.dwg , 06/13/00 10:16 2 og 00 D /S8 2 EARTH WORK QUANTITIES FILL = 1500 CY CUT = 300 CY QUANTITIES ARE ESTIMATES ONLY AND SHOULD NOT BE USED FOR BIDDING PURPOSES BIOSWALE GRASS SEEDMIX 0.25' DESIGN DEPTH DURING 6 MO. 24 HR. STORM (FOR BIOSWALE SLOPES < 1.0%) 20% SHORTAWN FOXTAIL ROCKERY PER DTL. 6/C5 20% WATER FOXTAIL LOCATION PER PLAN 20% WESTERN MANNAGRASS 3:1 MAX. 20% SLOUGH SEDGE 1' MIN. FREEBOARD 20% VELVET GRASS BOTH SIDES ti EACH SEED TYPE TO HAVE 92-95% PURITY AND FLOW 3.1 80% MINIMUM GERMINATION. DEPTH APPLICATION (PER ACRE): -III •� : ••::.,'•:.:��•:''::.•' ;;..':�,•':: '�:' 2-3 LB. SEED MIX (1=''' 435 LB. 10-20-20 (N-P-K) NON -PHOSPHOROUS FERTILIZER "� -� I-111-III-III=III-III=III=111-III={II- -'-'-I-'--„- 1,500-2,000 LB. WOOD CELLULOSE FIBER MULCH 75' 20' 4" MIN. TOPSOIL NOTE: EROSION CONTROL BLANKET BIOSWALE TO BE FULLY ESTABLISHED PRIOR 0.75' (JUTE NETTING OR APPROVED EQUAL) TO INTRODUCTION OF STORMWATER RUNOFF. 21 ' S IRRIGATE IF NECESSARY. BIOSWALE GRASS SEEDMIX HYDROSEED OR S00 1 BIOSWALE C3 NTS METAL FRAME AND SOLID COVER RIM = +L4 _fb.8o ADJUSTMENT BRICK (4" MIN., 12" MAX.) STANDARD GALV. STEEL LADDER/ STEPS 7 I 1-111-� 1 OFFSET TOP SLAB 11- 12" CAP RUBBER GASKET SHORT NIPPLE (LUBE BOTH ENDS) MIN• 43.37 A. C. OR G.P.K. MANHOLE ADAPTER Qa = 1.29 CFS TO BIOSWALE - .35 42.37 12" PVC SDR 35 12"x 12"x 12" PVC TEE RUBBER GASKET JOINTS 12" PVC BYPASS :9( 12" PVC INLET 12" RUBBER GASKET PLUG 48" TYPE it-C CATCH BASIN W/ 6.89" 0 ORIFICE CONTROL STRUCTURE ELEV. 41.87 2 BIOSWALE INLET CONTROL C3 J ;K"=l'-O" RELEASE RATES DESIGN STORM Q (CFS) 50% OF 2 YR. 0.32 10 YR. 1.16 25 YR. 1.55 100 YR. 1.93 EL. 44.72 0 CENTER RIM =47,Et Z4 OF 1 "0 ORIFICE 25 YR, WSE=44.62 10 YR. WSE=44.41 100 YR WSE=44.89 2 YR. 12" PVC WSE=44.13 URE. CB EL. 44.22 0 CENTER OF--" 10"x5.42" WEIR (CUT WEIR IN TEE & NIPPLE) STANDARD GALVANIZED STEEL LADDER/STEPS ROUND SOLID COVER MARKED "DRAIN" r-ADJUSTMENT BRICK (4" MIN, 12" MAX) OFFSET TOP SLAB L�jl2" CAP, RUBBER 11 ul GASKET C0 PIPE SUPPORTS 11 o z Q SEE NOTE 3 - = wz 12" OUTLET IE 42.*- 35 A.C. OR G.P.K. MANHOLE ADAPTER 12" PVC TEE RUBBER GASKET JOINTS (REMOVABLE) 6" RUBBER GASKET PLUG W/ ORIFICE HOLE 3.02"0 ELEV. 41.89 3 MULTIPLE ORIFI C3 J W=l'-0" EX CB TYPE 1 I Z I I 13, I RIM=43.51 EX TYPE I CB M_ 1 IE(N)(12"PVC)=42.00 1 w I Z 1 EX CB TYPE 1 RIM = 46.�s/3 J�E TYPE 1 EX CB TYPE 1 IE(E)(8 D.I.)=42.11 RIM=43.46 IE = 41.,R30 CS) IE = 40.89 4.80 RIM=44.44 iE 51. $ 9 !S) TO EXG DITCH, TYP a I 34'I I a. 4 IE(W)(8"D.i.)=41.91 !E = 4l. 33 C E% 2"PVC)=41.10 5.50' TO SUMP I I I EX CB TYPE 1 EX CB TYPE 1 ' I I� RIM=45.62 2"PVC)=40.95 UNABLE TO LOCATE INVERT SIZE OR TYPE MATCH EXISTING RIM=44.t49 �` Q 4 OVERFLOW EX C8 TYPE 1 RIM= 1 .62 -41.82 T 45 PAVEMENT _ -- -_ -- IE N 12 PVC =41.18 - 45- - - `� - - - S 1 "P 2 - 44 2;, I� s3 RIM=44.841�7- - 6 LOCAT�N IE(S)(12"GONG)=41.87 44 02- �sIE N 12 CONC)=41.•a-4 45.37 44. 44.07FJ44 -�-4:n_- - 4 % _ �.28- 4C402 45.43 A,M z w 44.79 ROCKERY TYP \ EX CB TYPE 1EX. WATER LIN- - - - - 45- - - - - - - 45.23 45.31 ------------ �►---------� - 4a:� 4�, - 45.06--------- _ _ 4�,�� 44.48 1 EX SSMH ----- 45.57 _ _W - - - - - - - - - - - W - - 44�:2� - 4$ - - -45 I 45.8 RiM=45.62 45.77 FL 45.35 45.30 - - - _MAINTAIN" -V RTI AL - - - 45.00 -- - YV- - - - - - - -- 12"WATE _. - IDTL 2/C5 - - IE(S)(8 D.L)=43.42 -46` 1 4" 45- - �4 9 I 45.18 _ _ _ ��7 -- - - - {N- 5 2 - -- - -- - -- - - - RIM=46.10 EARANC -441 SlTR ET N 1� I/ 45.16 FL 45.432 1 LEVEL SPREAD45. -�-I- - - - IE(E)(10 PVC)=37.85 45.57 SSING 5. -- I „ - - - 45N_ - -_ 00 CB 1T - 4- - - - - --A5; 1 EL -a5a3- - - - - - - 4s.� -- I _45.4 _ TL 5/C IE(W)(10 PVC)=37.75 ---- -- ---___ --- _- _--as.41 - -_ 5 z-I - _ --- - - -- - }-I----� -Sg-- IE(S)(10"PVC)=38.00 - 5.09 -C� 1-6 - -- A I L 1 - Alga - - - 4 4 - -- -43- - - -: _ - ' 45.503 - 2 44.82 4 5025 / I 44.65 43r - J 31.68 _ _ I C4 A�3,93 44_ 6K43 � �-45. �4 \ � - 45.85 46.,U 4 .201 ®-._.y43.88 E _ 44.5 �- C- C #1✓' EX CB (TYPE 1 (SOLID LID) IE - ,�s44 ��.�9 46.55 RIM=46.;� $3 TOW 46.0 46.00 43.64 i .87 " 12" DEEP V-DITCH W�/ IE(N)(8 D.I.)=43.42 I BOW 42.0 / 36' 8 HDP C_- 1 1g4a . 6 I IE(E)(12 PVC)=41.62 I EX 12 '� PVC I " " 2H:1 V SIDE SLOPES, ®1.35% " I I IE _ 0.98 T24 x24 RIPRAP PAD, 45.75 - � 1I 4 I IE S 12 PVC = 43.7s " S=0.3% 4 75 2:1 I I a 3 ()( (12 CONC22 41.E I I 4 QUARRY SPACES, C 33 451 8 DEEP TYP 8 PLACES I C 42 34 47.5 IE ) T F -- �� , " 6" PVC SDR 35, DAYLIGHT 2/ �2/ C� iI`9 29 - I I II I \ 6" DI, DAY LIGHT AT DITCH, AT DITCH, 12 MIN COVER, C C 3:1 oO 1 I I� EX CB TYPE 1 6 MIN COVER, 1.0% MIN SLOPE 1.0% MIN SLOPE, TOW 48.0 \ TYP. 7 PLACES I BOW 43.0 . \ 46.2 I 1 1 1 i 1 RIM E)(6'D I \ \ 2� 0. 2%I 4 � RI GE C 4 I IE(NE)(6 D.L)=42.97 I TY I I IE(N, W, SW)(12 PVC)=42.27 3 i 44.35 \� CS ( - I�� 1 BIO AL C5 II DITCH ® 1 FF 49.75 0.92% 1 I' II' 30' BIOSWALE 0 0.696% 11 / I 4 70 I = 1� 6� ���7 II DTL 1 /C3 M-4 4�3 4 .75 4 .70 IE 42.42 I I / TOW 47.0 47.00 5.20 1_ '. 6 PVC CB - =47 II BOW 43.5 - 1 _ 6 0 5 CONSTRUCTION i 47.75 - - - --I � a 4� I AND FILL. EASEMENT { � - 1 � � a� 4 7 ti3 6 " w4 RIP RAP PAD, 12 THICK, (l TO BE OBTAINED FROM 49.25 " - ( IE - �-Q�-- c I I I /PROPERTY 70 WEST. 6" DI, 6" MIN COVER _ 1 4520 '` ""QU�RY9 SPACES TYP. 5 PLACES z II 1.0% MIN SLOPE / 6" PVC SDR 35, 12" MIN 47-1547 r _ M I III COVER 0 LANDSCAPING, J : I I I A&Z 30" MIN COVER 0 PAVING, IE IE I I I I 44 C O. 4 1% MIN SLOPE 45. 0 91 % I 45. 0 o I I I I \ 4 4 .80 43.95 C.O. I 11 1 I I 147.11 01 RAMP CB #14 I CB i2 47.60 C II I i I /� I lIl - 16.9% \46.00 I 7.2X 4 60 CB 7 M I 1� - M-1 60' C ES ENT C 31--- TOP OF POND 44.92 C.. C - 0.5 2' 0.5 10', 1 II I I I 71' CB #15 46.47 I 47.6 C O I 111 I BOTTOM OF POND = 42.42 / I 47. IE � IE - -~-D C I 46.11 4 .0 4 .11 CB #11 D'-" I _ 1 1 W WETLAND CONSERVATION 47. / // / I. I I CB #10 Q C 2.4 I i 1 1 11 I EASEMENT 43.94 I 1 -- 7.7-- - -48 ---►tt , G - I! 1 I 47 OW 47. 47.1 4 47. 4 60 W 440 .47. 47. 0 4 _ 44 4 -' TOW 47 35 - �* - 43.11 1 BOW 4 .5 I 4 { II II I qq 23 `._ -0i i 7� %44.1�6 ij 73- n 4374�53_ 4395 43.77 \ _ _43- E TOW 47.10 / 44.z7 - 42.�o - .a -q3- 6g� - �--�_ ! - BOW 43.5 _ _ _ � 5c *�_1 \ 6 i i E ND BOUNDARY L' " \\ - T AND BOUNDARY 1V1 6 TOW 47.55 TOP OF WALL &` 5 I - . - - ' \ 6 40 22 2 20. \ I I 1 BOW 44.0 BOTTOM OF WALL I I I 43.80 54' BUFFER EASEMENT 83 85' BUTAM: 121' III 4323 " EX 8" WATER 43.52 / �� 8 I �/ \ _ i UTILITY CONFLICT NOTE: THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR VERIFYING THE LOCATION, STORM & GRADING PLAN DIMENSION, AND DEPTH OF ALL EXISTING UTILITIES, WHETHER SHOWN ON 1 = 70THESE PLANS OR NOT, BY POTHOLING THE UTILITIES AND SURVEYING THE NORTH THE HORIZONTAL AND VERTICAL LOCATION PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. THIS SHALL INCLUDE CALLING UTILITY LOCATE 0 1-800-424-5555 AND THEN POTHOLING ALL EXISTING UTILITIES AT LOCATIONS OF NEW UTILITY CROSSINGS TO PHYSICALLY VERIFY WHETHER OR NOT CONFLICTS EXIST. LOCATIONS OF SAID UTILITIES AS SHOWN ON THESE PLANS ARE NOT GUARANTEED AND ARE SUBJECT TO VARIATION, IF CONFLICTS SHOULD OCCUR, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL CONSULT RUPERT ENGINEERING, INC. TO RESOLVE ALL PROBLEMS PRIOR TO PROCEEDING WITH CONSTRUCTION, 4� 1\ TROL STRUCTUR NOTES: 1. STRUCTURE SHALL BE TYPE II-54"0 MIN. CAP M w N 17 -1 2. OUTLET CAPACITY: MAXIMUM DEVELOPED DESIGN FLOW. U 3. PROVIDE AT LEAST ONE 3"x.090 GAGE STAINLESS STEEL a 0 SUPPORT BRACKET WITH TURNBUCKLE ANCHORED TO CONCRETE WALL (MAX 3' 0" VERTICAL SPACING). 4. ROTATE OFFSET LID OVER ORIFICE TEE WHEN LESS 0o b 0 THAN 3' OF COVER. INCREASE MH SIZE OR CASTING Q OPENING AS NECESSARY. ORIFICE J @ 5. PIPE SIZES AND CONFIGURATION MAY REQUIRE ? N A LARGER SIZE STRUCTURE. WEIR I 6. THE OUTLET PIPE SHALL BE A MIN OF 12" © TOP OF RISER DETAIL W LADDER RUNG N.T.S. Z 1 24"0 ACCESS a � LID W L Z r > j 12 OUTLET � STAGGERE `3 ORIFICES � O a, tiGti�• U 'r�� 12" PVC Z w PLAN VIEW . m m n n rr Q 5 PIPE SCHEDULE CB TO CB PIPE LENGTH & SIZE PIPE TYPE SLOPE REMARKS 1 TO EX. CB 15 LF 12 PVC SDR 35 0.3% B.S. TO #1 8 LF 12" PVC SDR 35 0.3% 2 TO #1 8 LF 12" PVC SDR 35 2.41% 3 TO #2 66 LF 12" PVC SDR 35 2.41 % 4 TO #3 7 LF 12" PVC SDR 35 2.41% 4 TO B.S. 10 LF 12" PVC SDR 35 0.30% 5 TO #4 10 LF 12 PVC SDR 35 0.30% POND TO #5 14 LF 12 PVC SDR 35 0.30% 8 TO POND 50 LF 12" HOPE 0.307. 6 TO POND 48 LF 15" HDPE 0.30% 7 TO #8 95 LF 6" HDPE 0.30% #9 TO #8 86 LF 10" HDPE 0.30% #10 TO #6 155 LF 12 HDPE 0.30% 11 TO #10 101 IF 12" HDPE 0.30% # 12 TO # 11 65 LF 8" DI CL. 52 0.30% 13 TO #11 120 LF 12 HDPE 0.30% 14 TO #13 60 LF 8 DI CL. 52 0.30% 15 TO #13 93 LF 8 DI CL. 52 0.30% DITCH TO 9 70 LF 10" HDPE 0.46% 16 TO EX. CB 34 LF 12 PVC SDR 21 0.50% 17 TO EX. CB 34 LF 12" PVC SDR 21 0.50% VERIFY EX. CB INVERT #18 TO EX. CB 34 LF 12" PVC SDR 21 0.50% B.S. = BIOSWALE CB/MH SCHEDULE NO. TYPE RIM INVERT COMMENTS CB 1 1 45.71 (N 41.4 45) 41.4CF SOLID LID CB2 1 45.44.9i 41.;+Cw) (S) SOLID LID CB3 1 4-3 0) 43.78M SOLID LID C64 2-48" 47:6' 46.50 42.37- (N, SW) 43.3� E 4.2,666 SOLID LID, DTL 2/C3 P CB5 2-54" 47.71* 42. Ls)l E)4l, ro SOLID LID, DTL 3/C3 CB6 1-L 44 - 42. (15") L E) 42 (12") (w) GRATE CB7 1 43. W) GRATE C88 1 4-5-(1VXE) 44. g8 442(6"yf0 42. GRATE 3 Lu ) CB9 1 42.8?r dt)00&tw) GRATE CB10 1 46*419 43.280 RATE CB11 1 46.77 43.58&(12") 43. (8", M)SOLID LID C812 1 45.r 44.11 e5, e, w) GRATE CB13 1 46.r If A 43.9A� (12")��) 44.2- 8" 4W) 43. SOLID LID / Lake✓) CB14 1 45.7- 44. toxi) GRATE CB 15 1 45.97 44. (**00- 4,/Oy RATE CB16 1 44.7fs 4-.-,Fj 42, 27 ctr sl) GRATE C817 1 44.7& 41-45.49.03 I$") Nj GRATE CB18 1 45.,R 44-3t-f Z,7702 GRATE 1) SOLID LIDS TO BE LOCKING TYPE. 2 PROTECT NEW CATCH BASIN AND MANHOLE INLETS FROM SEDIMENTATION PER AUBURN STD. DTL. DEV-7. II-- i) CD Z p < (� z J I` P m o O u') CD L.L. CD Q C _J tZ m Q*lo J Cn w V) cj zo � a in `IIW ``, 00 18536p\ / STE A L' RECORD DRAWING CERTIFICATION PROJECT REF: FACOO-0002 BLDOO-0025 DATE 10/13/99 THESE DRAWINGS CONFORM TO THE THESE PLANS ARE "APPROVED" FOR CONTRACTOR'S CONSTRUCTION RECORDS. CONFORMANCE WITH THE CITY OF AUBURN 0�� DRAWN S.S. ENGINEERING DIVISION'S REQUIREMENTS G�,Lo/Qo CHECKED L.K. BY; DATE: 1 Z 2a d Approved By. �_ S'-.►�o JOB No. 99066 TITLE/POSMON: �? E. a / $ 673 6 - Date Approved - SHEET N0. CONFIRMED BY CITY: DATE. C3 R.E.I. FILE:/ C3-066.dwg 05/19/00 11:01 --- 0209 00 Dle`82 NOTE: MAINTAIN 4Z MIN COVER ABOVE WATER LINE CL ROW 12' 2' CURB &GUTTER I EXISTING PAVEMENT CONCRETE SIDEWALK_ 2" CSTC ` SAWCUT 2' INSIDE EDGE OF EX. PAVEMENT, 10.5' 5' 0.5' MATCH NEW PAVEMENT SECTION TO SAWCUT EDGE. 6" 5/8" MINUS CRUSHED ROCK 3" CL "E" ACP 2" CL "B" ACP SUBBASE (SEE NOTES) I I ACCESS EASEMENT BOUNDARY I I 15' I I I I ACCESS EASEMENT QI� CENTERLINE 15, I 15, 6" 5/Er IINUS CRUSHED ROCK 3" CL "E" ACP 2" CL "B" ACP I ACCESS EASEMENT I BOUNDARY 15, 1 I I I I I I I I SUB -BASE COMPACTION PROCEDlA1f SUBBASE (SEE NOTES) 1 ROAD SECTION 1. EXCAVATE TO THE ELEVATION OF THE BOTTOM OF THE CRUSHED ROCK. 2 ROAD SECTION C4 NTS 2. COMPACT EXISTING SOIL TO 95% MIN. C4 NTS 3. PROOF -ROLL TO VERIFY A MINIMUM CBR OF 10. 4. ANY SOFT SPOTS ENCOUNTERED SHALL BE OVER -EXCAVATED AT LEAST 12 INCHES. FILL THE EXCAVATION WITH CLASS 'A' GRAVEL (LESS THAN 5% FINES). COMPACT THE FILL TO 95% MINIMUM. 5. PROOF -ROLL THE FILLED SOFT SPOTS TO VERIFY A MINIMUM CBR OF 10. � I I I I I I I I EX SSMH #208-24 I I RIM=45.53 47 EX CB TYPE 1 Z W IE(N)(10"PVC)=36.68 RIM=43.51 130' I EX TYPE I CB IE(N)(12"PVC)=42.00 EX CB TYPE 1 -1 IE(E)(8"PVC)=36.7$ I W I o RIM = 46. /3 EX CB TYPE 1 EX CB TYPE 1 IE(S)(8"PVC)=36:84 s2 IE(E)(8" D.I.)=42.11 I LEI I RIM=43.46 IE = 41.R36 (5) IE = 40.89 RIM=44.80 RIM=44.44 !g 0. > q fs) I I �- IE(W)(8"D.I.)=41.91 IE ' 4I• 4:% (_0 EX CB TYPE 1 IE(N)(12'PVC)=41.10 5.50' TO SUMP TO EXG DITCH, TYP 1- EX CB TYPE 1 I C/7I I RIM=45.62 IE(S)(12"PVC)=40.95 UNABLE TO LOCATE INVERT SIZE OR TYPE RIM=44.48-49 - IQ EX CB TYPE 1 IE(N)(12 CONC)=41.82 r EXG FH IE(N)(12"PVC)=41.18 T �I �� RIM=44.84 IE(S)(12"CONC)=41.87 - - - - - _ - - - IE S 12"PVC,)=4H-'Tg' �, b ._ ._ - - � � c I__ � IE(N)(12 CONC)=41.14 � EX CB TYPE 1 EX. WATER LINE o I I EX SSMH -------- - - - - - W - - - - - - ---- - - -yy-----�---�------ _ EXG FHA _ RIM=45.62 _ EX 17_' WATER - -- - - W- I - - - - - - - CD -- - - IE(S)(8"D.i.)=43.42 RIM=46."10 I I 44tH STR ET NW - - - - -� -- - - - - - - - - -,-I- - - -- - IE(E)(10Pvc)=37.85 €XG 12" W 35 LF FROM CROSS) IL ►E(W)(1o"PVC)=37.75 STA 0+00 - -I - - - - - - - - - - -l-I _ _ _ - - - �� - IE(S)(10"PVC)=38.00 --- - 12x8 REDUCER - I lb #4 ® 12" HORIZ. PAVING PER PLAN xM #4 0 1 CONT. 12" n T" 1 1 /2" DIA. STEEL PIPE GUARDRAIL WHERE "H" EXCEEDS 30" PER UBC SECT. 1006.9 (PAINT ALL METAL PARTS) 3/4" CHAMFER PAVING PER PLAN -IIII-IIIii111.� -k GRANULAR BACKFILL -I I= COMPACT TO 95% L .if xv .r "A" BARS "B. BARS 2-0" 2'-0" 6" #4 0 16" #4 0 16" 4'-0" 3'-0" 6" #4 0 1IV #4 0 16" 4'4" 6" #4 ® 16" #4 0 16" 4'4 8" #4 0 16" 1 #4 0 16" 1 1 /2" BARS 4" PERF. PIPE W/ 12"- 3/4" WASHED ROCK, TIGHTLINE TO CB OR SWALE 0 ;, ao i� 3 RETAINING WALL C4 NTS -CONCRETE SHALL HAVE 28-DAY COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH OF 3000 PSI -REINFORCING SHALL BE PER ASTM A-615, GRADE 60 "B" BARS J NOTE SOIL UNDER FOOTINGS SHALL HAVE MIN. BEARING CAPACITY OF 2000 PSF. NOTIFY THE ENGINEER IF OTHER CONDITIONS ARE FOUND. 5Y2" CONC WALKWAY _ EXPANSION JOINT (20' o.c.) EXP JOINT MATERIAL DUMMY JOINT (10' o.c.) WHERE WALL OCCURS S W15'49" E REMOVE EXG 18 LF 8 - - - I 4'4" CHAMFER SA SEWER BACK J L_ EX CB TYPE 1 (SOLID LID) V4 : 12 SLOPE MH RIM=46.eZ,3 E(N)(8"D.L)=43.42 A.C. PAVING EX 12" PVC I 1715' I SEE 6/C5 FOR IE(E)(12"PVC)=41.62 IE 40.98 WHERE OCCURS SANITARY SEWER � = IE(S)(12"PVC)=41.22 I & WATER PROFILE I I 5' PUB 1C �� I IE (� (12" CONC) 20' PU I SA I A Y WA ER SEMENT SEWER EASMEN I - V� (2) #4 CONT. EX CB TYPE 1 337' 8" PVC - RIM=44.87 SDR35 0 0.5 12" MIN. CLASS "A" FILL-/ I I _ IE(NE)(6"D.I.)=42.97 I g I -�f -�� I I I IE(N, W, SW)(12"PVC)=42.27 COMPACT TO 95% -1 F.F.=49.75 _I 217' FIRE HYDRANT ASSY�� - --LOASID ML 25' PUBLIC - WATER EASEMENT I 2" WATER METER I COA STD DTL WASM-2 1" DEDUCT METER I I I COA STD DTL WADM-1 2" D OMESTIC TAP SPRINKLER RISER W/ 94' 6" SPRINKLER LINE DDCVA SPRINKLER LINE 90' 2" WATER SYSTEM MUST BE SUBMITTED 1r TO CITY OF AUBURN FIRE PLUMBING BY OTHERS I MARSHAL FOR APPROVAL, PUMPER CON PLUMBING BY OTHERS FIRE HYDRANT ASSY 31' 6" D COA STD DTL WAFH-1 CO, IE =41.44 - - - -- � CROSSING TOP SS = 38.39 IE WATER = 42.5 40' 6" PVC SDR35 0 1.0% CO n C. U. CROSSI IE = 41.04 TOIL- SS 39.1 If WATE TEE (MJ) (MJ)-- --- CO , " DR35 CONC BLKG COA ►--- D 6 1__ 1.25' ELBOW 1,0% STD-BTt WASt 275' DI 13'8"DI ----- - -160' 811 1 CROSSI G TOP SS = 38.33 IE WATE = 42.5 12' 8" DI 7 I"x$"x6" TEE (MJxMJ " G.V. (MJX�L) NC. BLKG COA ST D L WABL-1 1� �! I I I147' 9' DI i 1 I I ISTA 8"x8"x6" T 11' 8" DI `V _ _ 631.59' L S 8fl 15'4 E STA 3+37 NEW 8" CAP, CONC BLKG SSMH #208-28 5' 12.5' COA STD DTL WABL-1 THE SIDE SEWER IS NOT RIM #208- 3 -1 PART OF THE FAC AND IE=38 OUT 8"x8"x6" TEE REQUIRES A SEPARATE 8" CROSS (MJ) 45 ELBOW, (MJxMJxFL) SIDE SEWER PERMIT CHANNEL MH TO NORTH ONLY CC 6" G.V. (MJxFL) CONC BLKG COA STD DTL WABL-1 PROVIDE BLOCKOUTS FOR FUTURE (3)CAP (MJ�MJ) BLKG COA STD EXTENSIONS TO WEST, SOUTH & EAST CONC BLKG COA DTL WABL-1 STD DTL WABL-1 WATER & SEWER PLAN �m "w NORTH EX BIOSWALE - CONCRETE SHALL HAVE 28-DAY COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH OF 3000 PSI AND 5% AIR ENTRAINMENT - REINFORCING SHALL BE PER ASTM A-615, GRADE 60 I xFL) I+,� 4 CONCRETE WALKWAY D :� I ° C4 NTS I I � M-1 II N I I PI I N I I II III I i1 RO ING N I I q OP S=39.0 III I q S - 04 III I q III I q i III I II 7' LF DI m I IIl I II f1 N �2- III i II +` I III I �I s �� III I II 90' ELBOW, CONC III :H �"' LI BLKG COA STD DTL WABL-1 III -I EX 8" WATER 15' PUBLIC WATER EASEMENT REMOVE CAP, CONNECT TO 8' g' DI EXIST 8", 8" G.V. (MJxFL) UTILITY CONFLICT NOTE: (CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR VERIFYING THE LOCATION, LOCATION OF EXISTING 8" PRIOR DIMENSION, AND DEPTH OF ALL EXISTING UTILITIES, WHETHER SHOWN ON TO WATER CONSTRUCTION) THESE PLANS OR NOT, BY POTHOLING THE UTILITIES AND SURVEYING THE THE HORIZONTAL AND VERTICAL LOCATION PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. THIS SHALL INCLUDE CALLING UTILITY LOCATE 0 1-800-424-5555 AND THEN POTHOLING ALL EXISTING UTILITIES AT LOCATIONS OF NEW UTILITY CROSSINGS TO PHYSICALLY VERIFY WHETHER OR NOT CONFLICTS EXIST. LOCATIONS OF SAID UTILITIES AS SHOWN ON THESE PLANS ARE NOT GUARANTEED AND ARE SUBJECT TO VARIATION. IF CONFLICTS SHOULD OCCUR, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL CONSULT RUPERT ENGINEERING, INC. TO RESOLVE ALL PROBLEMS PRIOR TO PROCEEDING WITH CONSTRUCTION. SPREADER MUST BE LEVEL ' l l III I I I-1 I I-1 I I-1 I I-1 I I-1 11EI I I III 18" MIN. REBAR SUPPORTS PRESSURE 8' MIN. SPACING TREATED 4x6" ALTERNATIVELY, 6" DIA. CMP MAY BE USED AS A SPREADER. THE PIPE SHALL BE BURIED SO THAT ONLY 1" EXTENDS ABOVE GROUND 5 LEVEL SPREADER C4 NTS RECORD DRAWING CERTIFICATION THESE DRAWINGS CONFORM TO THE CONTRACTOR'S CONSTRUCTION RECORDS. BY; DATE: Z& o • TITLE/POSITION: F. f, * L g SS 4 CONFIRMED BY CITY: DA"E: Q C� o® d Z �: `:�/ Q 00 U _ it W cn N o L' L�J 0 z � Z W �. � s d 0 Z ~ u o ' - J 0 n) > c» 00 = cc Z U c-4 � ¢ i=' W � m 1� f- 0 m Z I- cn J � v � co m o C? Ln W W Q r 00.� W Q J w V) 00 o rn w � v j CL C w F cl. o z �� 2 <51 D. B9 F F Was fi 18536 �p STEP PROJECT REF: FACOO-O2 BLDOO-0025 DATE 10113199 THESE PLANS ARE "APPROVED" FOR DRAWN CONFORMANCE MATH THE CITY OF AUBURN S.S. ENGINEERING D~S REQUIREMENTS CHECKED L.K. o Approved By. ��rw�.� Se JOB No. 9906E Date Approved: -� �t o Lo!o SHEET NO. C4 R.E.I. FILE:/ C4-066.dwg 06/20/00 09:09 Q 2 d8 EXTRUDED CONC, CURB 1/2" 3" CLASS "B" 1 /2" 1 /2" A.C. PAVING SLOPE v� �• o om� w�. 8 4"- fib" MINUS CRUSHED ROCK 6" CLASS "A" FILL (ALTERNATE: 3" ATB) SUB -BASE, SEE NOTE SUB -BAD COMPA{;t11 ! 1. EXCAVATE TO THE ELEVATION OF THE BOTTOM OF THE CRUSHED ROCK. 2. COMPACT EXISTING SOIL TO 95% MIN. 3. PROOF -ROLL THE EXISTING SOIL TO VERIFY A UM CBR OF 10, 4. ANY SOFT SPOTS ENCOUNTERED SHALL BE OVER -EXCAVATED AT LEAST 12 INCHES. FILL THE EXCAVATION WITH CLASS 'A' GRAVEL (LESS THAN 5% FINES). COMPACT THE FILL TO 95% MINIMUM. 5. PROOF -ROLL THE FILLED SOFT SPOTS TO VERIFY A MINIMUM CBR OF 10. 1�1 CURB AND PAVING SECTION C�5,j NTS 4 4 4 4; PLACE TENSAR UX1400 GEOGRID OR APPROVED EQUAL, WHERE ADJACENT TO VEHICLE AREAS, 5.6' MIN. WIDTH ® 24" VERT., PLACE ROCKERY AND FILL AT SAME TIME. �7r TOP OF PER PLANALL (T.O.W.) GRADING PER PLAN FREE -DRAINING BACKFILL 54 (2" MAX. SIZE, 40% TO 60% GRAVEL MAX. 5% FINES); MIN. 12' CHOKE COARSE OF 44" -6" g QUARRY SPALLS ADJACENT ui o TO ROCKERY 52 - ',-. STABLE CUT FACE IN NATIVE/FILL MATERIAL (SEE NOTE 6) MIN. 6" DIA. SLOTTED PIPE; MIN. 0.5% CONTINUOUS SLOPE 0 OF WALL B.O.W. ►+. TO OUTLET; SURROUND WITH LAN 1" MINUS ROCK, 6" MIN. COVER OVER 50 _•.� °. �-- PIPE; 2" MIN. ROCK UNDER PIPE 0+00 4 SECTION C5 1"=40' HORZ 1"=2' VERT 4+00 46 A46 44 42 46 44 42 40 52 -2 44 NW 40 36 iii 48.E 207 IE *. t, 8" N 3 8. 43 (CHANNEL MH TO NORTH ONLY PROVU SIOCKOUTS FOR FUTURE EXTENSIONS TO WEST, SOUTH & EAST) LtV 4L.4L I .l.J . . 40 (... Ltou 5 SECTION C5 1"=40' HORZ 1"=2' VERT uvLv vum rLl\ VIL //l.J EXCEPT USE TOP WIDTH & SIDE SLOPES AS SHOWN ABOVE 4+00 2 GRADE C5 1"=40' HORZ 1"=2' VERT REMOVE EXG 18 LF 8" SS, CONNECT NEW SS TO MH 6 UTILITY PROFILE_ C5 1"=40' HORZ 1"=4' VERT ST. NW CL EXG 12" WATER _y FIELD VERIFY EXG I( _ :TARY SEWER 0 0.3% - EXG SSMH #208-24 RIM 4563`47 IE 36.68 10" N IE 36.78 8" E IE 36�8" S (MATCH CROWN OF 10") UTILITY CONFLICT NOTE: THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR VERIFYING THE LOCATION, DIMENSION, AND DEPTH OF ALL EXISTING UTILITIES, WHETHER SHOWN ON THESE PLANS OR NOT, BY POTHOLING THE UTILITIES AND SURVEYING THE THE HORIZONTAL AND VERTICAL LOCATION PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. THIS SHALL INCLUDE CALLING UTILITY LOCATE 0 1-800-424-5555 AND THEN POTHOLING ALL EXISTING UTILITIES AT LOCATIONS OF NEW UTILITY CROSSINGS TO PHYSICALLY VERIFY WHETHER OR NOT CONFLICTS EXIST. LOCATIONS OF SAID UTILITIES AS SHOWN ON THESE PLANS ARE NOT GUARANTEED AND ARE SUBJECT TO VARIATION. IF CONFLICTS SHOULD OCCUR, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL CONSULT RUPERT ENGINEERING, INC. TO RESOLVE ALL PROBLEMS PRIOR TO PROCEEDING WITH CONSTRUCTION. PROPOSED GRADE EXISTING GRADE �-- STRIP TOP SOIL AND KEY 2' CENTERED BERM INTO NATIVE SOIL. BERM COMPACTION SHALL BE PER WSDOT (1994) SPEC. 2-03.3 (14) (COMPACTED TO 95% DRY DENSITY PER ASTM D-1557 MODIFIED PROCTOR) TYP BERM DETAIL C5 NTS RECORD DRAWING CERTIFICATION THESE DRAWINM CONFORM TO THE CONTRACTOR'S CONSTRUCTION RECORDS. BY; . DATE: Zd o0 Ru/POSCfION: I'.' !.Ora 4 XWIRMED BY CITY: DATE: n�a �J Q o Dy'''' d Q ® J N D� , o rn DC ^ w cn N Z � U- L��! • C'i z Z W �. 3 r� ro rn LO 0 Z 0 C" �� r¢W Q V) Z LAJ :D m Qf 0 42.42 . .J Q m z 4- Q v) V C> W W V) J to W V) BEY a. O WAsy�y \i TNn�/ L. , 200 PROJECT REF: FACOO-0002 BLD00-0025 DATE / /9 THESE PLANS ARE "APPROVED" FOR / / CONFORMANCE WITH THE CITY OF AUBURN DRAWN S.S. ENGINEERING DIVISION'S REQUIREMENTS CHECKED J.B.R. Approved By -' �,�► S. JOB N0. 99066 Dom. Affrent_ G 7I%* SHEET N0. C5 R.E.I. FILE:/ C5-066.dwg 06/13/00 09:56 o�os OODPS 92 R.E.I. FILE:/ C6-066.dw , 06/20/00 09:03 g Q208 OODI.gam n I I Z1 W 30' � .3V 9T M-1 w; Z I I n I ® I I , r , -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - -- -- -- -- -- -- -- ; -- i-- -- -- --- �\ ------------- ST ----------- a---------T------ _------------- -�---------S{------------- 0I I m -- --Ex_ -WATER -L-IN-E- --` --------- -- W--------------- ------ --------V----------- WATER ---------- ; I � �_ -------- I ------------ 44tH STREET NW - I ---�5---------------------------SS-- = +-r--------------- ------ I _ I I — 20' TYPE 3 L/S S OW59'03" W 631.82' .. - _ �- � � • 1� .. _ �_ -,ter-- � l0' �/s FRoM RdW To - E F R k�( V - - �1 F i� OGkE _._ - N"Or IF N BIOSWALE °' ' - - d�dt'C F- C C X� -c _`S C)`/fF-i� 3'•o.c.TALL PLANTEFS -cl � �--'H LV 10 lu ( -- ( x x X xX I � ®rxx x( x V) W Qf CD Z 0 0 Z J Q m I W Dto� J H m 0 i Y.� � I L M t E r� QUA,"' r.�o l-�� ttc.� t_ t�tAi,�r c.a���� o �t t_t��; �' = s t z t= W M I I EX Q BIOSWALE 5'T ["'c��Ut_u�'T2E/nUL.ot�t= s �V.�K-111('--= P.SPEr--t �r%2. GA? PI1JUG C4Di-t-rc72TIL-4F!>�� PI�Ir- G-I t,.►ANUFACTURING I /�IG>,G. r'C,�`f4l_'�.� I AcUP[�GE2A£�1;• �7_1+P�ELl�1lA' '1yP,al_ �.f{P.�P_Y j _ _.. .fin__.. ___�^-.---r 72 000 SF • ' �v---t.r- � � ' _� M-1 I zl 40' NO BUILD' I �� ,�Er--=- I� EASEMENT ° _ ® oa--n 0 c., \/lt�>c3t?-W�,'% DAuI DII nA�ttr� vlr�,t1(ZNc.i\ Ia- _ II o I it I1 ('� St�/+lt3OC.��?' 3�c�,G. e►�'. ToST .Pt��t-GGS Uv�—u25t I'f?ILIIle-1"a I,I 40' i A 0 )I i i i 11 IN NON - w r l_ a N D P L A ,vn rl G AREAS N W ETUI N D >b MFFFR -lam NAn11E $>l� MI 1yL GPO (� r 1�1L l31O (,pig IP.6t cw1M9vD4neu 11 60' I 10• i i i II NEW DETENTION y .�.'1 I ii i II POND '_'��_� !�'��--� T L•- I g�.1_ _ ----- 17, --- I I _._ .-_ 40 C I � , I II _�...>� C >~ F--1© �,l sht a'T' Fao 'c'ls. ►-. t t C n, L_ 1-.� A I�. P�. Go/n. it ca 1-F P..tA✓� � �a t 7 � OFFICE 10 C ll1 ❑ �5jb6 Qo A Mt..�'1'KAMA NOOT'KA R056 2-4r 40'7,500 SF 14' j X I I C ��� ;; ° ao R I a� s -t'P_t srm Pt=rD cu(LR.�4NT 10'� cc 1-( �� p �0 O 1 �1 T {O� G�� l =, c'.r� s (DISC oL02. ©C.EArJ SF'2-A`� 60' -� 24 9-- 43 �) 1O u 1 5 V4-4YG0Ck,F.-E'US GAPIT-ATUS 1•�1tam P.aA2 2-1 r v1 "1' /��PLt 2 - 0 _ 1 t C � e� 11 I p I G, �.�1= c l r .c-,t �i�-rui� N J 1 + 1 Eji ' �'''� �_"yDIRASEE=p tC. t- - o -�t1 � G> OSItE lz t7��4�V ct� '2 W � ,_•_/ � 3zr( 1111 —t I, ® I`I <_.C�''1�-1�t�. ._�C7l..�ii�►� �-� . 10' TYP L/S Lo ,III iI • A - I X LOT ~< 8' 16' 5' BE T0 O isEE =. ► A, ti\Jt D =T L oo C 0 P TYP o_ pi- -- `'� � DUMPSTER —_ �N-- o-F- �,i (li I � 11 _. ------ ---- __ - TYL u I I L_. C-r 1-�L� QUf�.i-� 1?-�T�) ; tc__A 1-� ; LT �v/1/tiDl+l h tJ�/�lE a1N „ Ili` _ / �D t' c� 00 '• O r.. � 7I I j 11 x l«_t�ti.. �-t....c_. . _ _ � C C �;�J U O U D C III I I1 ) 2 2_ I1._(t Pi ! U L_!'.T I �_<) �_ 11� G�4T TA 1 L_ GOP AV7>/bv I b 1 f _ i „�+` S S A III I y-y.y- 01 �,'-vr•� j >V x 0 _ , dD O UU�� ID V n I < 1 II I WX5 '49' E 631.5 I y Z nI M �WETLAND OUNDA EW LOT �' ��- ETLAND BOUNDARY III I 'I 5 M- LINE sdrac ;Wed III /' II �EX 8" WATER II b= LANDSCAPE PLAN gff� i r - 4u NORTH P L.. A"`1_ L_ 1 1 NOTE: PROVISION OF THE SIXTEEN (16) 2—INCH CALIPER QUAKING ASPEN TREES SATISFIES SEPA CONDITION #7c: A TOTAL OF 154 INCHES DIAMETER OF Q DECIDUOUS TREES WILL BE REMOVED, REQUIRING A MINIMUM OF 154/10=15.4 REPLACEMENT DECIDUOUS TREES WITH MINIMUM 2—INCH CALIPER. J UTILITY CONFLICT NOTE: THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR VERIFYING THE LOCATION, DIMENSION, AND DEPTH OF ALL EXISTING UTILITIES, WHETHER SHOWN ON THESE PLANS OR NOT, BY POTHOLING THE UTILITIES AND SURVEYING THE THE HORIZONTAL AND VERTICAL LOCATION PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. THIS SHALL INCLUDE CALLING UTILITY LOCATE ® 1-800-424-5555 AND THEN POTHOLING ALL EXISTING UTILITIES AT LOCATIONS OF NEW UTILITY CROSSINGS TO PHYSICALLY VERIFY WHETHER OR NOT CONFLICTS EXIST. LOCATIONS OF SAID UTILITIES AS SHOWN ON THESE PLANS ARE NOT GUARANTEED AND ARE SUBJECT TO VARIATION. IF CONFLICTS SHOULD OCCUR, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL CONSULT RUPERT ENGINEERING, INC. TO RESOLVE ALL PROBLEMS PRIOR TO PROCEEDING WITH CONSTRUCTION. RECORD DRAWING CERTIFICATION THESE DRAWINGS CONFORM TO THE CONTRACTOR'S CONSTRUCTION RECORDS. CONFIRMED BY CITY: DATE: DATE: PROJECT REF: FACOO-0002 BLDOO-0025 THIS PLAN SHEET REFLECTS THE CITY OF AUBURN'S PLANNING DEPARTMENT MINIMUM LANDSCAPE REQUIREMENTS. Approved By. ,.. ; . •rk Date Approved: c>4_,WI Z w F— Wcl- = o U c7 <n z z W N W v C:)- cif Z W O a Qf DATE 10/5/99 DRAWN E.N. CHECKED E.N. JOB NO. 99066 SHEET NO L 1 R.E.I. FILE:/ L1-066.dwg 12/27/99 10:31 Q 2 09 OO D isg 2 ! h i I I i I M-1 I 40' NO BUILD I EASEMENT I� ,4,I I M-1 w I— N �I ntl LANU OWNUNR I , i I I 1 i I i 30Z! 30' I WETLAND BOUNDARY NEW DETENTION POND M-1 Z ON I- I A. Rs Al D I✓ r H I 1 7 K L I t4 11111ML 1 ►..:_:, G 'L`. M an, Gc PM 364 sK5 SS n5 2LS 26.5 b5 50 Byt'S 2� 2.1 MS 2Q R.ls.l N-P��R.D T-` FC.-Tv0-5,0 T-4PG-TSo-I,b t1 I T- 4 FG --T 22 -- -A -0 1, I� T-4PG-T22--4.D `C - 4PG -T D tt I1 T- 4PG --T22 - t.0 Z 1 ._ : - - -- i _ ._ a 7. ''- - I' Iet2 - 1oF . � _ r � _::: 1' 18 ► �. - t o vA tit _::..---Y .- .�... �: _ t -_ __.� � ..� �:_ _: :a--- ._ � _ _-_._,.._ :q - n T 12 = t, .��_: , I i S t 2 - t'S t•-1 _ __ __ �.� .,. _._, _'sue_ �- _ - t t9 - __ �. __ - �, __,._�; ._._ -aa 1812 � 1 5 �lA• t4 - �' " _ __ 1315 938T - _ _ _ __ _ 2 2 _ _ m ag ► g ...:: iq 151wS FST _ _ - .:.�{_. __ST 0- �i �I 33 bNP t6N-Pbr^ u/G 4: tJrL ids : AI-v k k i L1�GN if 1 o o -PGA _ I tro -P6RA �� II -,t �4aP=16LX♦._ Wf tsA.t1J. cH�i6:._.�... _ _. _ __ -t -. QQO�/tC911r iaoA�'TbL�.t_ i�sc�6T w m pr—AINA6.P_ USE 'bG'. FLEX )L IL -40 PVC PI P06 FOR �a GLAAb6 7-00 PVL PI PIL MR.. =at-W L fj4*A u i r AM1tttTF.t_ MAt-VfA. (� O tJ Q U a D 00 0 b Z N 1 0= N rn s W '' .Z v t. W v+ � r` P OL V) 3 3 Z C N v 0 L�2-PC � Q z W m Q V Z 0 Z _J Z Q m to r F— d- cD q L Q J r Z C Q CD W r= i, +g Z O 0 ew, UTILITY CONFLICT NOTE: RECORD DRAWING CERTIFICATION PROJECT REF: FACOO-0002 BLDOO-0025 DATE 10/5/99 -THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR VERIFYING THE LOCATION, THESE DRAWINGS CONFORM TO THE THESE PLANS ARE APPROVED " FOR DRAWN DIMENSION, AND DEPTH OF ALL EXISTING UTILITIES, WHETHER SHOWN ON THESE PLANS OR NOT, BY POTHOLING THE UTILITIES AND SURVEYING THE CONTRACTOR'S CONSTRUCTION RECORDS. CONFORMANCE ! THE CITY OF Q E N CHECKED E.N. RRIGATION PLAN THE HORIZONTAL AND VERTICAL LOCATION PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. THIS SHALL INCLUDE CALLING UTILITY LOCATE ® 1-800-424-5555 t ENGINEERING DiVWN'S RE�dTS 4/tO/00 NORTH 1 = 40 AND THEN POTHOLING ALL EXISTING UTILITIES AT LOCATIONS DATE. D,,t�w+�.•.. OF NEW UTILITY CROSSINGS TO PHYSICALLY VERIFY WHETHER ` Approved By J JOB NO. 99066 q OR NOT CONFLICTS EXIST, LOCATIONS OF SAID UTILITIES AS TITLE/POSITION: SHOWN ON THESE PLANS ARE NOT GUARANTEED AND ARE Date Approved: Cr Lm 00 SHEET NO. SUBJECT TO VARIATION. IF CONFLICTS SHOULD OCCUR, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL CONSULT RUPERT ENGINEERING, INC. CONFIRMED BY CITY: pgTE; �j TO RESOLVE ALL PROBLEMS PRIOR TO PROCEEDING WITH L CONSTRUCTION. DO D 15? 2 R.E.I. FILE:/ L2-066.dwg , 12/27/99 10:33 I SEC-1-1 n19g0 - 1 AN1)SCAU, NR 1. SIFi1E8Al. A. , N - A . . I . T1te landscaping shall be installed using (ile materials as shaven on Drawings and/or u specified In tire- Speciflcallons. The landscaping . shall be Instilled to trades and conform to arma s and lollons as shown on the Drawings. 1, The term 'Contractor" as used In this Sped .ricallon Iektlon shall refer to the Landscspe Contractor., . . J. Prior to final acceptance of the landscaping, the Contractor shall . submit a written 'watering schedule' to (he Owner, coordinated with the Irrigs6on Contactor, to ensure ndequale watering of all plant materials during lute Ouarantee Period of this Contract. D. SCOPE CE WORK i. Fumish all malerlsli,equlpmenl, labor and related hems necessary I complete the work shown on the Drawings and/or as specified in Specifications. The work included in this Specification (whether menlloned of not) shall consist of all labor, bola, materials, lctLs, permits and other related Items necessary for the Installation of all . plant materials other related items necessary for ore Installation of.all plant materials In a first quality workmanlike manner. C. RMAIM WORK DESCRIDE11 EI 4 MBEM . h I -Related work In other sections of the" Specifications Includes but Is trot limited to: ' A. • Irr-i`stlon System D. (Z(1_AUTYASMIRAMM 111. Standard Spe ncadons A. American Association of Nurserymen s; American i Standard For Nursery Stock, /ANSI-760.1-1986. B. - American loinl Committee of Nm o"Iculture Noenclslum; Standard Plant names, Latest Edition. R. jEyIE!N(QE ELANTMATM,S I S . 1. Tire review and approval of all plant rmterish by tie Owner's Pzpre"ntative Architect; prior to planting; Is mandatory. The Contractor has three y(3) options to secure approval of plant materials.: . . . A. Submit plant ramples to the Owner's Reprenrttatlwt . at the project site for review during scheduled rile vlslts. D. Submit coloredd holol(rsphs (@pproxlmately 3'x S') to Owner's • Representative fair review. Photographs are to be of sufficient quality to allow full review. More than one photograph per plant species may be required. C. • Have the Owner's Represenudve review plants at the place of growth at the Contractor's expense 2. Owner reserves the rillht to reject, through Minim agent, any or ail plant material at any time untifinal review and acceptance. Remove rejected plants Immediately from site. ' sales r J. Produce, upon request, eceipts for all nursery stock and certificales of lnspoctlon from federal, state and otter autiioritles. F. SAMM TTAU .1. Plant Material Documentation: A. .. Wlttin rburh&n (14) carlentler days after award of a ODritnect, submit written documenlallon to the Owner's R Isllve that all specified plant materials have been ordered. Should the Contractor neglect to provide this documentalion within line Allocated time, Contractor may forfeit any subsalulion benefits. . . D. Ust suppliers names, addresses, and phone number. . C. Ust respective growing or storage locations with addresses. L6. Soil tests: See Subtrade and Planting Soil Section S. Sod Sample: Sec Sod Lawn Section . 4. Watering Schedule: See General Section O. UJANGS ORDERS AND SU13M MONS . III. The Contractor shall do ro work for extra compensation without prior written approval of the Owner In (tie form of a Change Order. . ,, . 2. The Contractor shall provide ill plants of lite sIM species, vrirlely quality noted and specified If unavailable, the Contractor shall • notify the Owner's Represuntative in writing Immediately and provide the names and ielepham numbers of five (S) nursery suppliers that be he luu contacted If substitution should be permitted, It can be made . only with the prior wrillen approval of the Owner's Representative, H. LONUI' 1.Qu5 AT STT13 W 1. Before proceeding with any work, the Contractor shall inspect the site, carefully check all grades and verify all d1menslons and conditions affecting the work. 2. Contractor shall report to the Owner's Representative all deviationand/or 6xillicu between Drawings. Specifications and site conditions. , Extra work arising from failure to do so shall be dome at the Contractor's dxpense. 1, h10ViNU ANT MA RIA . ' ' PL 'I. Transport carefully. Prevent damage. 'fie branches at necessary. Use burlap bangs to protect bark from rape chafing. Do not dung plant material without proper rvoi and branch protection. . 1. QUALIFICATIONS OF INSTA . -R I . Contractor must be it bonded iand"' pe conlr:xtor. Contractor must be experienced In landscape work of best accepted trade practices and have equipment and personnel adequate to perform the work specified. Contractor must be familiar and comply with Amerban Standard for Nursery Stock pdblished by Ole American Association of Nu"erymen. K. UNDER ,ROUND IMIIT1fS AND OBSTRUCTIONS I . Existing known utilities have been shown on the Archhecturil/Engineering and Surver Drawings and will be made available from The Owner or the Utility Companies. The Contractor shall be responsible for she protection of known utllides.. Promptly notify the Owner's Representative of any conflict between proposed work and obstruction (s). f;ilure to follow this procedure places upon (lie Contractor the responsibility and expense of making any sad all repairs for damage from work there from. . 2. in the event that undisclosed rock, soils cotninminaled with toxic substances, hardpan, or underground construction work and/or obstrucdons are encountered In any plant excavation work to be under this ctin(raci, alternate locations may be selected by the Owner's Representative. Where allemale locations are nut a ed, the obstnhcrlon stall be removed to a depth of not less thin three (3) feel below Ilse bottom of ball or roots when plant Is properly set at the required grade or other solutions to The planting problem will be reviewed with the Owner, '(Tie Contractor shall be paid for work required to solve the planting problem, such as, tithe removal of such rock, contaminated soils, hardpan or underground obstnuction encountered err a unit price basis and agreed upon by a Change Order prior to comnxrtcxment of work. L. PROTCCTiON OF wOR . PROP -M AND PFRS11M I . Take all necessary precautions to protect work In tprtroo��trtess, all property, persons, walks, curbs, pavement and bulldings from any damage that might be Incurred arising from this Contract; Do not mix planting soil directly on paved surfaces Lome all underground utilities prior so comrllencenxrit of work. 71ie Contractor shell pay I for any damage at Contractor's expense. n M. PERM U_CV _E AND R Il I A11 1NJ . I . The Contractor thrill obhln rind pey fl7r all necessary permits and re" as rerlidred by Local Authority and prevailing ordinances and/or coda. 2. Tire Contractor shrill keep fully Informed and shall comply with . all existing laws codes, vidirinric" and reguln0pns which In any way afrect the conduct of the work. N . L@Sl.B,Ai2.B . . 1I . 'ire subgrado Is to be established per thbe Specirleallons. . 1. It shall be the Contrtrctor'a r"Mrslhllily to verify the existence of a proper subgrade prior to beginning Ilnish grading. .0. FINIS__ N ORMU I . Tire Contractor shrill be relpornslble Par establishing it finished i grade. The deaths of planting soils will vary with existing conditions utd as shown on the Drawings and/or as specified within I these Specircarlons. • P. CONDUCT OF WORK Ii . The Contractor (hall mainialn r.orillntnxasly a rnmpetcnt superintendent or foreman during the progren of tire work, with the sutlorily to act for tiro Contrnctor In TO neuters t(mtalnlri f to Ole wank. the Contractor shall give rersvrnol attention to die fulfillment Of the 0-nitir-sct and shall keep lire work under crmhol. Subcontractors shall not be rtcogn(zed and all persons exignRed In the wnrk will be coruldered employees of the Contractor and tttrlr work shall be • . subject to (lie provisions of the Crnnrnct and Specifications. 2. The Catilractor shall confine operations to the working rtreat allotted by the Owner for operations, Includinj material and equipmenl storage. 3. The Conirrrlor shall progressively chain the work site of debris and . rubbish as the work proceeds. Q. UUARANiF . Gnaranlee work of till Siftlficatlon »xtlon for tine (1) year agninst Jill defects of mnlydils and v+urkrnnnsldp. 11t gu rtmilee period begins after the dale of final accelitnrme. Rrplrice pfinls and firrirt0swn nreas not In normal ixnllhy f rowing condition, tiepin" with plants with identical species and size. i'u'ril acceptance will be certified in writing by the Owner. . Ant plaint n)alrtrIII dw h twal1y' slut (15j ptlti, 111 of mme mead or dls Ant rtrall be conrldkied dead and mutt be replaced at ion dhuge. A tree shall be c nildmed dead when The maln leader has died back or there Is Iwenty-flue (25) ptrxrnt of the crov,n dead Plants $lull be considered disfigured when excessive dad wood has been removed or when the symmtlry, typical habit of growth, or sculptured form has been Impaired by the removal of dead wood. 3. All plants title subject to one (1) replact,mellt only per Ile,", and the Cot'tractOr 911411 rubrnil, after each repimeme t perioti, a marked planling plan shmvinge the exact IocrUlvit of etch Item rteepplteed a that time. 11I13 OWNER MAY RMUIRGIIIHMNIRACI-011'11) REPLACR DEAD . PLANTS PRIOR 10'PIRENDOF111RUUArlAN1E9PERIOD AT NO ADDITIONAL COST. This iupplles only after fiital acceptance. 4. Contractor has tie right to enter upon tltr ty fox Inspergnn and curative ter raiment of tiny mnledils nredin Iuch whkh are s1111 to drr wnmutty daring the entire wmrunty peal Owner Ir fo Fee notified Its advance of any dorttctive or curative treatment meristtrei to as to arrange r for convenient access to lite arts. • i. T1re above jusiranter, shill be applleaihli! 10 any gmwlnR conditions through which plants of like kind could be e;rpecled to survive and any derormhy or cause of death which could be altribuled to, or affected by, the physioloRichl condition of the plant shall be deemed rrr l.x=b►c cause; hv*vver, this would not apply lu plant losses due to AiJNORMAL WEATIIER conditions such ss, floods, excessive wind damage, drought, severe freezing or abnornnni rains, as determined by llae National Watcher . Service. . 6. Repinceents made by lite Conlrsrclor shall be con lefed during flit m Period-' set out as planting periods arid sliall be subject to the same conditions and stall be made In doe smile nutnner a, specified for the I original planting, mid shall be done at no extra cost to tote Owner.. 7. Replace all tttet, shrubs, aroundcoven and reed vests when plants art no longer In a satisfactory growing condition as determined by lie Owner reprrsentmtJve for the duration of the Ruarant" period . Make replacements within seven (7) days of notiflration from the . Owner's representative. R•.iitave dead plants within two (7) days of notification and mark planting plan showing the exact location of replaced plants. j iiLtc;svm3ilcttlftltlDsI.111a1 e,-QsmttAdQLzrUI-ktt maiblr,-durLru 1 JfM_Qu1r1L11mUrtW, for normal landscpe malnlenance of the project. Mnintenn ice of lite landscape shall Include, but not be limited to, watering, mowing, weeding, monitoring and treating any disease and/or pest 4- problems, cultivating ind,ftny other mahnfenance requlrrmerils (per standard trade p"rIlces) to keep lite plant materials In it normal healthy growing condition. 11. mw$ m A. 11,XIMNG ,SUHURADR SOIL . The Cor'tractor shill be responsible for all toll additives re+qulird ror the performance of this Contract and for determining the quantity of . I additives requited to fulfill Contract obilgallons 2. Soil "if of the l nt• jrndt roll shall be made by the Contractor to . detemhlve MECHANICAL ANAI.YSIS etrr•rr USDA pvsicle Sire and Organic Mauer Taq and FERT1tArY ANALYSIS (to diehrmine wit��neslum, nitrogen, potassium, Ind rliosphmus ►evela; rvfuble tllu/conddretbvlty And pit). Contractor thrill tend a minimum of three (3) representative samples of subgride soil M an approved sell tefdng Iaitaralvey (stale laboraln,y or r"rilzed eornmercial labvralnry). Iitt cost rbr I" ling . must be horn by the Conirmlor. The Controic►or &hall be.pald for the Poll additives at a unit price basis and spilmd uoixt by a Cludnge Order Rrior to commencement of work. 'i FSr RFSULIS AND LADORATORY pp ECOMMENDAT10NS FOR ORNAM13fTAL PLANT URow-m must be submhtrd to the Owner's Repesentstive for approval prior to Ira mporaling soil additives Into the subgrade and placing planting soil . S. PLA"N0 SOIL I . The Conttitclor shall he responsible fox the supply of all nntursl soil and soil additivra required for the perfrirnunee of [loll Contract and for determining Ure volume of sail and sdditivei required to fulfill Contract obligatlons. Svil shall be fir. of weeds, pests, toxic . substances and other undesirable material humful to omantental plant growth. 2. All planting .oil, Including "Suggest Soil Sourcty' material, rut on- gra a and itI otherrrgtilird planting Ifunilont, altall ben two-way ml"t planting soil consisting of Iwo-lhird (211) natural gull and one-third (I!3) organic matter by volume tlr7routtsly mixed IaRrt nT. 'two-way' mix soil shall have a pH range of 3.0 to 61, with twomidc Iirrierimte added as . necessary to attain this range. Contractor shall send a minimum of One (1) rrptesentative nample of M[XE.l1 SOIL; to rn approved soil tesllnR labor"trxry (stale or commercial taboistory) to dete:t►nine MECIiANICALANALYSIS (per USDA mngneslum, nitrogen, potassium and pho,,4plimity levels, soluble talts/conducilvity ind pit). T1ie results shall be aibmilled to the OwnrK's Rc11neaentallvr. (WI TII TEST RES1310S AND I.AiN)RATORY RBC:OMMENDA110NS FOR ORNAMENTAL PLAHI' GROWT 11) for afproval prior in use on die project site. Ile Contractor shall be responsible for whalever toll additives may be requited, its recemmentled by the testing laboratory. The cost for testing must be borne by the Contractor. A. Soil sliall meet the follohving mechanical analysis. Size Sieve Percent falling 3f8 AS1M i3-1I `109 ' • No. Io ASiM 8-I I . es - I90 No. 210 ASTM E-11 25- 45 . O.UU2 MM Clay 0 - 10 . 1. (hgrinlc Matter. O►ganic mslter,ilall be'Sleeico", • 'Fertil-Mulch' or tppmved equal.. .. .. I. Mulch Strait be:BAaKDUST, :"Felill-Mulch"orspprs)vedequal: D. FERTI11ZER . 1. Shall be emnplele a)mlrttrrial brand (Itttlllrer with chemical analysis shown on unopened container whin delivered. '. Commercial Fettlllctr'A' for lives, shrubs and ground cover during . planting: AORO'Tlansplamler", or equal. .. i. Commercial Perdllzer'H,' fbr lawn pr?d rind eroslnti control planthig arm during plitndnr shall be granular fertilize conlnlning the following percentages by weight: lux Nltmgen (N) 1Ux Plinsphdxui (P) . 2U% Potash (K) Fertilizer'13' Is s minimum rrqulrement, liddltimhal retllllrer may be required per she planting soli lest as dentlbed 0mve.Fllly t1o) ppeerscent of Ills nitrc�en shall he rktivrd frorn Nitioftwm'B 'Blue Chip." i'rtish shall be derived frorn sulfate of patnsh. Ferilliza shall be standard fire flowing. fertillzer tlhafi be packaged In new, waterproof, non-ovetlald bags clearly laureled as to weight, manufacturer and content. R. I. Soil addldm Rhrmn,ertlon of pH and trace element e0clenclei stall be factory labeled containers and approved prior to application. F. LINE . I . Wrtm shall be dolomltfe Ilrnetlone contiifnlnit not less than elthty- (") percent of low carbonates. Unoestone: shall be around to such fineness that one hundred (IVU) percent will pass a No. 20 sieve. 0. VAM . Crxtlrsctor $hall make, at Contractor eutpense, whalewer amngerrenls Ole neceln!"T to ensure ran adequate supply of walrx to meet the needs of this Contract.Cortlrnctor shall also funnlsh necessary hose, equipment, attachnunts, Ind acee»otie$ for the adequate Irnlgnllon of planted treads NO may he required to complete Ure work specified. All costa for water • I"rurred during die coribatc( paled rhatl he borne by the Contractor unless other arrangements are made with ore Owner. Ii. .AN1I- )MICCArtr 1, Anil-desle;wt shall be'wllt•Prur ex equal, 4ellveA In mmufkcturres containers and used In accordance with manufacturet'$ rrommendalions. .1. 7-RERS1'AKINO MM RIA 4 Use two (2) - It'- 24's per tree, fasten trees to stake using hose and wire type lies. ) . Lt AM . 1. Trees, Shrubs and Otoundcover. (See Planting Ilan.) . A. All ptanb thall be nursery grown, or normal habit of I�rowth, healthy, rl orous rand free of dlrme, Insect etas end larvae. Plants shall not be pruned pfivr to delivery. Plants rhali have ell lestlerr and budts Intact (Iradin` of plant material and root ball/ container sires shall be In acrordatce with (IM code of fti iderds of doe American Asseclxllon of Nurserymen. Norteerclature shall conform with Stindard Plant Norms, latest edition. Names not pieseytt In this listing shall conform to accepted nomenclature In the nursery trade. . B. No less than fen ((107 �f�rrmt of eftch reriety endrot speclen of pplent delivered to the pmjkt shall be ftccurstely labeled. of or nol labeled, any plants which do not conform to the Plan) Schedule and/or Plariling Platt shill be rrplacr•d Immediately with ttltnts conforming. Plant mstexial I:(�tels shall be durable, legible labels stating lite cotTect plant name( C. Provide the number of piuils slinwn on the Drswingi or listed tin fir Plant Schedule, whichever Is greater, or to cover at specified spacings. D. Collected plant material may be used ONLY when approved by the Owner's Representative. I13. Plants Ire required to be Rom stock acclimated to Projxt Site environmental cor'ditlons, having been consistently cultivated and grown under these cvnditlons. K. SOD LAWN I. Gerteral ' . A. Sod Shed be supplied by "1.H. Sod%'Eme'rald Turrgrass Farms' or approved equal. . B. • Sat shill be premlilin quality, free of all t,"ds, pests, dlRm.te, MA ANNt1A and otlxx ureslrable fri iterfad• It shall not he less lhu► twelve (121 months old nor more trip fwtTly-rau (24) months old, Brown In fumigated soli, healthy, and have a dense, vigorous well. . developed toot structure. . . C• The Contncivt shall submii a thirty (IV) sguim fiich iample of sod . for approval by the Owner. D. All Pod ddlrered to [Ile liro(ect shall be equrd to or exceed tiro gdrallty rxhlbllrA In the sod( temple. It shall not be cut from . the fleld more than oxte (1) thy prior to delivery to the project site. III. p.X,nCij MN ' A. . VENEPAL . L All Irks dull be io finish de bePotn eamnttxncentitnh of planting. All arras . $hall allow for planting tol�rimind mulch added to Individual planting Rem at specified herein. All tracks shall finw smoothly Into dire snoUtr^r and produce Positive dialnllle. Ilia contractor Is rr-ponsible far any adverse drat rm cdmditlrnu that may affect plant growth unless the Cmttpctnr contricts Ilse Owner'$ Rfl7ir" atAdve Immediately; Indicsting any possible problem. Verify all grades before commencement of planning. B. 3 AURAb13 .' +'.. , . , ,. 1: Verify Iccepttrtce of lubErad a cxmdhlons as to proper prod", and compaction. Inform other trades of lire regnlrrments, at the proper time, to prevent delay or revislorr% Be Informed of the requirements of other trades and check over work for conflicts with lire work of other trades. 2. cmbertor stroll review and Id entlfy plandnR areas tint have Kr" ' excemlvelr compacted by construction equipment Rnlnvate or sevify evmpacted sut1rade soils to a minimum depth of six (6) Inches prior to placement of planting soil. J. Remove dlrhrts end rocks over one (1) Inch In site, establish proper grades and lightly compact. 4. Macln� Of ltrtdna soli s1na11 constitute acceptance of subgraeis conditions by Contractor. C. SOIL IWPARAt)rxa . All tress to n!celyt: tree, shrub, aroundcover, lawn, pod, emslon control and shall be shared of all detnls hrri re spading eight Inches (8') of topsoil In as planting areand six Inches (6-) In lawn areas. 2. Finish Orsding •• • A. Plnlith grade Is defined" the top surface of planting Moll prior to the . Instnllall6n of mulch and lawn sod. . . B. Finish Rrsding shall consist of placing, lrndlrig ind rvlllnt plandni soil, providing for surface dralrtstr, es e, cutting nil necessary drainage swales Ind�tenaally cvnf'ormiq to finish grades sl'dwn on the Drawings and . as directed by tiro Owner a Representallve. : . C. Compact nnlsh ride to elghlrr-five IRS) percent of maximum dry density u defetmir'bd by ASTM: D 1557 unless otherwise defined In EAR-111- WORK Section. ' D. After settling, finish grades In lawn sod arm thrill be one (1) Inch below all walks, curbs and/or other hard surface edges. R. After settling, finish pradet In tree, shrubs and groundeover planting areas shall fie two (2) Inches below all walks, curbs, and/or other hard surface edges. . F. All planting areas shall be to nnlsh grades before commencement of planting. D. 51'AKI 411 AND Ay. Otrr I ' i. Staking end Ilrout rvNii to locatlnll And veilrr]ing all ppinntlnl�i{ Ivcatlons. Make requited field ail►uitments as directed w{ibout additional coil to Ute . Owner. His work $hall rntnrrnnce an Installation of materials until staking and layout Is verified by Ile Owner's Representative. . 1. Comtracl7r 11tall notlry pwim'/ Reptrientative In writing Immedllolely of any variance betwemi plans and actual site conditions and await instructions before proceeding. R. �RtA SHRUB ANn dFtOLf11Lx'nV R llittA I •T10N I. Set All W,M, shrubs and groundcover according to spacing on Planting Plans. I. , Dig pill for hers, shrubs And grviindcover as Indicated on Drawings, consistent with good horticultural practice. Hacklill n►atalat flit Ianthl��4 Is to be two-ullds (b1) plantbig troll as tt*ncilled with one-third (I/""Isdnt sell thoroughly mixed together. If the Cmitractrir encounters any unusual condld" which marr be det- . r1metlal to the new pltntllt, the Crnttrsctor slush wiry this Owners ReprewtaUm Immediately. Unsullsble mataa W, If ertootrrrteted, shall bis rm>oved fi*lrrr tut xite end planting toll distributed to replace Urn untultrble malerlsl a Ears Wvrk In n-cordirtce with die Si,ecl(latlom Unndtable rnafetial rr mov l will be paid rot as a Change Order In accordance with die f Specifications. • 3. SmIt rortfWI1 whl'rfi ItAve allied beadle �lantlrig. hone broken rpptf trite- , half (N2) loch of most In dlarrirfrr 0mily. Ptrnt at tote plait mittertilo are arollrble end In rtntnb M rail ofYyM In which dug and when weetiter midlttcna are consistent with good honllcilltnal practice. If tc,"lalnex oWk . looks to he roMbound, lilkili torts vettleslly with a /hnlp knlfe alotiR outside of ball In throe placies minlntum "role plathtln6[T,ly F'etdllzex "A" per manurttcturef's twor meridatIm to Of treM shrubs ind grvundcover. Ilnid plants In unit of hale ofgqn"Inapd two (2) Inches abort normtl trowing posltlort tend backflll to w1U'In fix (6�IItcltes of finish Bride Fill hole with water and allow to srtile, conppfete bmkflll and tamp firmly. Finish Inhale at plants, after planllnst and retlling, shall afford positive dJrithnage away from crown at no greater than one -quarter (IP4) Inch per rodt, unless otherwise specified. . 4. Stake ALL tees'" and lessee all dttubf which erne or may beconis loosened or tipped front their proper position during the first growlti season. Staking ( must be In a wtitkininllke operation. / J. i'Mylea all plfmdn>f Item with pal finis two (2) Inch layer or mulch material over a properly clesritd and grrtded surtlem k As neretsefy, A ftrllow-up N11111rt A)TIksdrm for all pinrnhig both 311all be In Arcot co donce with recommendations from toll test fertlllty sralysis. r•. kDD�D__ t> VNs&gALL&RM . 1. Sell rrrtmatlon . A. Any wd Iawl) gets Utah may hove become conirmted purer to todding must be 0mified to it minlinum depth of six (6) Inches by approved means, then finish graded as hetttn before described. D. Arply N1111 tx'i3' At 01 ndnl►nuin rite of t"nly (2U) pounds per one thousand (I,OVhj rr)itste fret of artist or at requited by the planing poll lest. TT'otoughly mix two (2) Inches deep, Wong care not to (rtcotpotale tubtoll Into plarhdnR soil mla. AReT nhlxing Is complete, remora tiny debris or rock over one (1) Inch In ilm Rike to titre grade and toll rot flrmnest. If quit Is dry, 11p.litly rfxlnkle brier to roiling. • Ursd" 11Rer roping shall be approved by die Owner s Represeritadve prior to laying of sod. 1. Sod Plncement A. Bud lhsll be hewthit onto lawn am by wheeled ntearts with proper otecdon of end Ends. Sod layers shall be e:tpetlenced, or If rtrxp*xieneed shall Fee cmutantly supervised by an experienced forentrlt. Sod layers flu11 kneel on plywood or tonne alter platform during loyinR ppttocrst the Conlrrictor shall rnt'ufc Ihxt the base Immediately al'rnd of pod layer Is molsL Sod $hall tee laid right with to `ipit. Allowsncet shall be trade rot shrinkage. Lay sod . with long edges perpendicular to primary slope. B. All sod NiUST be Installed within twelve (12) bouts after delivery to tiro project /lee. • C. Soil duill be rolled with a two hunched (2VU) (round roller after Inttnllstlon to ennire proper contact between toll rand end. Final rolling must provide it uniform surface., After final rolling, tie tod lawn shall be mowed and waletied. A)rprvvsl of rod Ixwns shall be based tin uniform, healthy and vigorous growth with no dry or . dead spots. : . . a. MMBML :.. . 1. All plastid nntetlnls aholl be plo ily ptutmied agalroi lhfnm (tom exam& weedier eondIitont And the public brr tiro ountincior. Mslntena nce of all tire planted true 01i.11 InclurK but not bn limited to, watering, no.ving, weeding, and prunlnft r' ell of replaceaterht of any plants which rppm to be in distress. . 7-lee stakes 4 hAII be kept $'cure lit ed tlmap. Althotigh p vl ntlehg seal) occur In spring or fall Of yy"t whet wextIrer condltlons me ('avoiable rpecIN[ plon[Ing texfirilgire!it, defbllxlhtp, will proofing or rpsy mining may due ttqulred.slrorrld unseasonable planting conditions occur. No work shall be performed In, over or adjacent to planting areas without approved protection and tafequards. 1. Plant instep due to AdNnRMAL YVIIA111nR milidillon$ such its, noadb, excessive wind damage, mere ffeerin` Or abnormal rainr, is defermined by the National Weather Service, will not be the responsibility of die Contractor. it. i. X.&H UE . . . 1. Arras to ht kfrt clean otuing t-pt"i ref work and until rxrnplellrm. Witter, dirt Rod nebbish to be kept off of all pived arras. Remove surplus materials and rubbish Isom piantint beds, rake beds natty to an even, One trtride trtnmd all plants and wash clean all pnved urns. Leave project In first quality condition. 1. FINAL A171 1"tANC9 . 11ntll Aoec(ttFi" of tell ItirttctpinA walk dAtctlhed In thlt Speelllcitivn reclton wit' tote "clusltm of post hle rrplaciementt of plant materials under lite Uutrantee, shill be made by die rrfnesentatdve of tire Owner to determine one hundred (IOU) percent completion of tie Contrsc( work. Ibis review Ihall he "tilde 17M wtillen request to die Owner's Reremttstive no hKa then fcxly-eight (48) hours prior to Ole anticipated dale of Inspection. 1. 8110LI "n A1101110NAL. ANAL ACrnrtANCR PEvlftrY (e) dt1 Rr?QUIrm HY11111UWNER'S REI'RFSnN1AiIVRDUE 10T1IFFAt11.IJRBOF1TIE CON TRAGIUR 10IIAVE'iIli! PROJECT LANDSCAPING READY FOR rINAL ACC[rP1 ANCE, T 1111 CON i RACTOR SHALL PAY 10 T I I E OIVNEItNS RErpPPsm t',AYIvn11i13 Stint OP SIXTY DVI_fARS (rA).(NJ) prig IIOUR ANDACTUALCOSTOIr RXI'MSL'S 1'UR EACH ADDHIONALFINAL ACCLU'i'ANCH ROV113W. • I. MA1141114AIT . MWIVIln Itndsca(ili work Itr ) f,(Y f(gfi„LhltIty)PUIIIP%.QUv .11)1 l ihn MIMJ1M .tit.(.saltl1VVz1c>tw,d.111r1 1hi)r,fi .-T.var)_sttaranlcn.mriud. • Include: Waletlrip, wr ding, movieR and Wrnmbig lawn, pruning tires nhd Ifil'01, prulimllo n (theta InrrctP and dresses, re"IltclnR�t; and ill other .. operations as m mded to exunre mmrtl Rood health v4id,growth of land- shcapinq.Ilia contractor shall tertrove ail grant clipplligs, Itnvey and debris from the ptemlitm and mtlntaln tho ilia In a treat aigrcarhng . condition- The nulnteriance stall be k' die full :uitisfricthj,t of the vivom, lite prevailing malntcrnrice ordinances and/or cocks of tiro local riutitorily. VN17 Oil SMC1ION 112900 I ` Cht►ck drslrtagn of plaritlnp hole veldt weter, 6djust slid for correct any dralHtge problem. A AA - - . •. Evergreen Tree and kar e. Shrub Gu Cing . Not to Scale . Chuck dralnfAgs of plat'tlisq fools filth ilraNr, adjust and /or correct retry drrelnsge problem. Bhrub Planting_ P7 al to Scala Crake drothins of p(tiltiog hole rtridi ""ter, adjust rend for correct retry dralnaige problem. . . Tree Staking Nvt Io scale -------_- . . h Notb�,; �61�I1'SvRd pil"lrc�: , . OA mtI * if. Gam- D6U, -3T')C,,e.lJ17 eni AI,V0 . � GI. zed i�/G ptl'L . ov;rz WI", Mat-4 - To 19 15eI1. . USE (4- �) V Lv0e4 '�/+44- rI.v rr1PE. 7r.��r ito" e�rA,e, 1 lJ e f ,..� t1 o v -n z. E-l;, Ohl er M01'e'll . �" of nor 6ML. 110t,cl geli nooziv trdwrz 0 1 M 41 t 40, t&t. tMo-.0P 4,-Ld. 4t itle Q 1. t l x br P. F. 3,r,a,K-Its Mth.c-,H -T�qre twl L. i I -_ - ❑ Q 0l U �[A V I V) 31=1 Q z rid 9 9J O ^ ( Lr�� U c i a 3G7 \ o C \J ✓ ~ WLr W 3 N z_ � '' () LL z z W T � C� r, _` r, /lam z >o r a) CO v 1- - CO , > � a o Q N � N Z z � , Lr c O a, cl� cl U - ¢P V L. d m D 0-110, Q .. F- v) =) z I Z _ I Q co ,- w J i.0 o t� 1 UTILITY CONFLICT NOTE: RECORD DRAWING CERTIFICATION PROJECT REF: FACOO-0002 BLDOO-0025 THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR VERIFYING THE LOCATION, • DIMENSION, AND DEPTH OF ALL EXISTING UTILITIES, WHETHER SHOWN ON THESE DRAWINGS CONFORM THE THIS PLAN SHEET REFLECTS THE CITY OF THESE PLANS OR NOT, BY POTHOLING THE UTILITIES AND SURVEYING THE CONTRACTOR'S CONSTRUCTION RECORDS AUBURN'S PLANNING DEPARTMENT MINIMUM THE HORIZONTAL AND VERTICAL LOCATION PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. LANDSCAPE REQUIREMENTS. C441'FA THIS SHALL INCLUDE CALLING UTILITY LOCATE ® 1-800-424-5555 AND THEN POTHOLING ALL EXISTING UTILITIES AT LOCATIONS ����°d BY: DATE: OF NEW UTILITY CROSSINGS TO PHYSICALLY VERIFY WHETHER Approved By. OR NOT CONFLICTS EXIST. LOCATIONS OF SAID UTILITIES AS TITLE/POSITION: SHOWN ON THESE PLANS ARE NOT GUARANTEED AND ARE Date Approved: SUBJECT TO VARIATION. IF CONFLICTS SHOULD OCCUR, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL CONSULT RUPERT ENGINEERING, INC. CONFIRMED BY CITY: DATE: TO RESOLVE ALL PROBLEMS PRIOR TO PROCEEDING WITH CONSTRUCTION. V) _ I Q W 0 W W F-- U wz_1 'Q 1-- t I = V) 0 Ln 0 Ne v w = U N z z o o a. a 4) Ld z 0 h - E V) DATE 10/5/99 DRAWN E. CHECKED E.N. JOB No. 99066 SHEET NO. L3 .-_.- ------ ---- - - .._.. i . Q20? Oe!rD /S1.S'Z - i... SECTIQN 021110 - IRRIGATION SYSTF,ai 1. 1�B&U . • 1. The underground sprinkler 6TigAtlon System 1111111.1y0 constructed ' - I. The Contractor rtudl be responsible for the prrrvisios of barikades .'-- • using the sprinkler heads, valves, piping, [Ittin�s, a m"ll" • wiring, etc., of sim and types a called for on Isle Wilslloti plant and safety `uards, and luny outer struchuni or im truyea eslb racessary !or the templets protecdot of the publk. • uhd theme Sped icstiaru. The system shall be construldpd.lo On • , • . . S fdnIA V40es and cmfarm to the site Lsodmcape pla.m., - • �. Any of the Owner's pwopnzly; Including existing buildings, 2i, The lerrtt'Coatracirx" u used In this Specification send] t dial! equipment, pi Ing, p1pe covering, towers, sidewalks; Laodmcapiog, w., damaged by the Coontrw for shall he replaced or repalred by '... refer to tit Underground Sprinkler System Subcontractor. Contractor In a mwnner tatisfacory to tier Owner at the Contr}etoes , • 3i The Contractor shall provide and Install acp+uite Irritations hicterls expense before Final f aynxnt Is made. As required ror the prufi r operation of Ova Irrigation system Wad Irriµdon 7' Contractor Is resppoonnsible for all dxRuges to the g oulids, walks, . at the mefrr may or mA7 no( be available at the dine of pipe . curbs, toads, buildings, piping system,, rJectricxl systems and their Ir stxllativrt. Temporary water will be available At the ilia for the Gotra ocioes use. Coat,wtoe shall be re-Foostbie for trampating of • equipment and cartetots ciuttd by Yaks in the piping iylierru being butall6d or having barn IruWlal by hin0wr. 'i lie Contrtte•.1ar st,a.0 • water from rtietcr. Water Meta (1) for Irrigation system to be "(s) from building rrpair all damages at his/her ezp rase and in a numner satisfactory to . an exempt mcparaie watrx meiea (s). : the Owner. . 4.t The lrrli tioa Meter (a) capedty &full meet the following I � • . • requirements: t As part of line gtarxntze under this ronu-act, the Contractor intern be A. The pressure lots through the water r peter (a) shall riot exceed sea ( IU) percent of the minimum static water pleasure in Waller responsible for the dtscUvadng And divining of Owe system prior to the onset of the freezing xmxn and for rractivatin,y the system at the Ar&ihabls the StrviCS MAW" onset of the spring =tvwing selion; each task mwl be accomplished r; I . B. The maximum flow duouKh the mesa (a) for Irrigation shall ' oeice drain the one (1) yuxxntee. In the event the system is completed in our a season where we system will not bc; In uar, Our I not exceed mevtnty-flue (75) perms. of Ilm maximum sari Contractor will winterize die system upon completions of testing . Dow of Ilea i�eirr ill) mid rr"valt ilia system In the spring. The Contractor dada, upon . completion of the wintmixJng plum submit a letter in the Owner C. The velodly of now through One water Smice litre shall not crttlrying thud the system was wlntetizzd and drained and huUcate exceed Ara (3) feet per mccood. Om data which such actions was acrotophislied The Contractor at I 51 The �t{xrinkl r Irrigation system shall be conexuded to Allow proper ALL Drawings be Ilabte for any dustage resulting frnm failure to comply. The Contractor shall notify the Owner Arid the twctnly•fow (24) hours oratsring of plan! rnateriaL shown on the prior to the work so that i n Owner's rgxesenwive cart ba pmacni B. Ii OF WOF�K dtuing the winterizing and maKdvadng phasm of work. ,T(�(�P_ 1. Furnish and Instill x canpdeie un d sprinkler Irri ,tic" • ' •• s�y(,�,�7 top�y ide efficient anal tern Wiptli«n (WITH! MINIMUM 0 I . The system shall be guaranteed for ail workmaruhi;p and material fox y ERSPRAY ONTO SIGNS, PAVED OR NON -PLANTED a period of One (1) yew from the date o(accepurict'. of the system. AREAS AND NO OYERSPRAY OITFO BUILDINGS) of all During Ore+umanter period, One Contractor will check, clmn And planting Area sbal" on the Landscape Planting Drawings and Am adjuu sprinkles hearts and o therwiss ensure adequate operation of ►od In the spbdrlcYtiocts, oompleic and rradp fox orraat1ots• ' HIE CONTRACTOR SILAI.L PROVIDE HEAD ifi. system. , IO HEAD t COVERAGE) The worklncltidad In this Sprifiation (wlhcilKr L • � , mentioned or not) shall coaiLd of all labor, lools, materials, tests, h pa-mlts Arid other related Ibe mx nocesaxy fox the Installatlon and I. As specified in line Specifications tests we to be witnessed by the operation of Ih+ In4ALion gstt= Owner's Repitumt&tive. ' 2. Inigxte ALL areas shown oa the Planting Drawinftt. Provide I A. Pressure Teti: All system joints, connections, couplin s, . cnutrolkrr wirier, To (capped), Aid sleeves for all Pubiria Planting valves and All other Junction points shall be left ex until Arms'. completion And scceptance of the poetsure inert- A leaks, however minor, shall be rrMiied and corrected The • 3. Irrigation mainline Arid Is erid line pipe shall be sized to avoid water Owmm's Representative shhali be present dmirhg the ttsL The vsioddes ill excess of fly s U) feet per second. total Inititlon system shall be pressure tested for • 4. mga ltion equipment shah' be coordinateio d with utility lom n Io. avoid blotkato from Abu ro utllldem, such as electric ' . B. Paformaricm Coyerage Tatsc grade transformers, light Upon compie[ioxn of tie . stand ids, tic. . • _ system iastallAtion and after ilia flushing And puenure tests • ' ; ' • 3. Any Item of labor, mxlggW a equipoxnt not spedflecl ar:slown In am eomplet-d, the Co nbw-tox shall operate Oro system In the presence of Ole Owners Reprer--ntadve. Thin automate . dfiatill, but Incidental to pr moma-y fa the rnonpleta lnmthl.lstlou gad ion system shall be cyycad to this sadsfaction of the Owners ' • proper operation of the system, be ftrillshed by the Contractor without AJt9tlonatl cost the Owoar. • Repteaentailva .Ilia Owm's Rgw,rm tative may recx�qquesrt dal up 10 five (3) toe . JP .. . pr�cant v( total nozzlq be rubeltuted. ' Flvs (5) parr_", of Uio lieulr «uy also be relocated at no 6.. All sieevin required fox the execution of the work Is to be provided • sunder t Section.' extra coat lot dhe Owner. ' . , 2. The Contractor shall PR13-TPST for 19e"tire and r"fcxrgaiice ' • C. UIATIED WORK DEkRIBaU USMy11F.0 Coverage prior to the Owner's Repreacntative review of said testi to confirm that test sprinkler Irritation rystem will "hoar Utfsr 1. • Retested wale !re. othci kccilau or Uio Spexltioatioxu lricluda but 4 i Waitedbx n�gturrdnrnts of the sgxdfiei ruts- SI IOU[ D AI]ptT10NAL TEST REVIEWS BEREQUIRIEDDUE 1011i13 not FAILURE OFTHE . e CONTRACTOR TO POW-O RM ,W D 7 ES1:S 11 IF, ' h A. Landscaping CONTRACTOR SHALL PAY Tr) 111.E OWNER'S I REPRFZENTATiVA 171F SUM OF SIXTY DOUAR-S ($60.00) • D. Q11-AllFl _ATI.ONS OF LN_S II j EZ . PER HOUR AND ACTUAL COST OF EXPENSES FOR EACH ADDITIONAL TEST.* . 1. - Contractor must be it bonded lnigation contractor. The • . . Irrigation system must be hrstalled byy an experienced, , 1st. s111�A • BLS lrrigntion mcchank or)ourneyman plunibrr. All electrical : service connection work must be dom by a licensed Ekctrkal I, Contractor must subnhit four (4) sets of tympics and/or . Contractor. mil nufActurx's 'Catalog Cuts" of all malmial as noted In Speclfiadws. F&Ilure to do an may rrault In non -acceptance of E. VLRIFILATIQN materials alrrxdy used or hauled to Ott site- Any removal or delays Incurred will be At the expenses of the Contactor. All samples ' I. Before proceeding with any work, the Contractor stall Inspect Ilia submitted for approval must be unaltered and of quantity sufficient &lie, cirefullyy check all grades And verify all d mauions and condidorts slfecting the work In order to proceed safely. to allow for proper inspection and review. 1. Contractor shall submit, such items As, As -Built DrawingRs; keys; . 2. Contractor &hat repot Io the Owner Reprmsentsttive All devislion i tools; permits; water schedule; Instructions, mainlernancdoperation and/or conflicu between Drawings, Specifications and site information as required per Ote3e Specifications. tr�work wising; ftotu failure ter do so atoll be done at the pctua. N. AS F1L11L.T DRAWINGC . 3. Prior lo the start of Any work, the Contractor shall verify die I. The Contractor stall nWritxin a cment retard of ill pipe and available static water pressure (PSi) and =aliens pa minute At point ' equipment placement and shall record any vuiations. Upon of connection to water service and show PSI and GPM on completion of Oro Irrigation system and prior to rrlcis•: of the final , Drawings. Any replacement. relocation or Additional materials failure to do so shall be done at the Contractor's payrria,t• the Contraoxor shrdl provide A Rear and legible reproducible mylar'As Built Drawing (s)" of the complete irrigation required as a system. . expextse. Any pipe not installed in msocordanve with lfro Drawings >u onggfinally Contracted, shall be dinhensloned to a permanent structure sufHclent F. t }IA�t.FSR SLi�s rT n NS for location after burial. 1. The Coxntr-Adox shall do no work for extra compesuation without O. rlpr, LF.EYFS pride written mpproril o(tbe Owner In the form of (]urge Order. I , Contractor shall ((irovide and Inxiall Class 200 PVC pipe sleeves . 2. The inserts of the xiiwhere )a to p a IrrigationIbhes cross walks, drives, parkin lots or fory rather hard surface payements. CWFRACTQR SHAH. COORD[NAIE with th land iantin Subs ittc�rated irrigation system wits the landsapa plantings. Substitutions will be LOTIONS AND INSTALLATION OF PIPR acccpitcd only If t Are proven to be wholly compatible with this '� system. if sLin dardirslJon of products Ts requested by the Owner, SLEi?VINQ WTTU THE GENERAL CONTRACT OR PRIOR 70 PAVINO ' . • NO SUB5TTI1MONS will W pexuilted. • ' . OPERATIONS. . Q. PERMITS. COI)F�AND RWATLAT10NS • . •' - .. it. r$Q� . .The ^. �18AL • . 1. Contractor shall apply for and pay fox r u prririits And Aulh«ity . .. ' foes as required by Leal and prehailing and/or 1. AU materials and equipment shall be thew Aid of Ott best quality. All . Codes • harts of equlpnxrK or nmtaial dull be am specified ort<pptmed 2. Tlit Contractor &lull keep fully Informed and shall curnplr with all equal.: ' ' existln lacod es, des, ordtrurices, and regulations which n any way affect the conduct Of the work., ' I �. PLAS _ C PIP13 H. PRQTSd.. QN OF WORK-ERQPERTY AND PERSONS ' I . I . PVC pipe upxtrearn of One contrnl calves slnrJl be Schedule 40 and 1. Take All necessary prrawUons to pr otect we rk In progress, all conform to all requirements of ASIM D1783. . pruperty, persons, walks, Curbs, pavement i nd buildings from any • damage that mltht be incurred arisJnt from ,his Contract. Repair, to 2• PVC pi , (zone Ilnes) downsunvn of the coxuuol valves shill be' ppec . the nib faction of the Owner or Owner's Representitive, any Class 2W ( re rated for 2D0 psi), uhd enrhform la all roquireinrnti u oof f ASIM D 1783. damage At Contractors expense. " 1. CUNDtl= OF WORK 3. PVC Pipe sleevinit shall lie Class 200 and conform to all requirements of ASTM D 1785. ). The Contracwr stall malnthSln continuously a trornpetmt superintendent or foremian Owing rum of the work, with the 4, All pip; shall be nuuked with the mrnufacturrs's name, class of pipe and NSP seal. Pipe shall hear no rwidenre of interior tx exterior authority to act In all frolic" tin to the work. The Contractor shall Iva personal anentioq to the ftdliillrrte t of the contract and extnu lon marks. Pipe walls shhall be uniform, smooth and glossy. pipe may be or with individual solyent-weld shall toep the work whcltx q;ntriil. pro-bel.led couplings. 2. The Contractor dull confinj o>Eperatiorts to the working &anus allotted 3. AU [tuinRs ,hall conform to the requfrchu o51A of At D2466 SCHEDULE 40 PVC. ' by tit Owrsrs, Inducting material and equipment storage. 3. The Contractor shall progr Ively clean the work site of debris end 6. All pipe mush be delivered In at least twenty (20) fool lengths. rubbl&h As the work proceeds. 4. The Contractor shill rrpair to One satisfaction of the. Owner or C. ALIT_ A1]CSPRINY.L-FACOtfTROLLFR Owner& ma tative any dule to existing utilities. Existing _O�f I . known utt'Uties have been shown on the ArchiLwAunUEnginecring and Survey Drawings and will be Rude available from the Owner or for 1. Shall be electric Con"Uer, am drawings, we2amproo(cabindx (if abiriet Is located outside o(a building). rn Ufillty CopAtket the Contractor to Identify any known undergaxhad utlllbes. It will be the Contractors resporuibility to J. Controller wiring that Is above ground shall be instilled in a . verify utility bciulioru on die ground with A pipe-fuider or by other eondult. mearu. The Contractor shall be responsible for the protection of asides. Should the dllclilnl Intercept and damage . ' ' NthlL�VxdUy ' I• Electrical wiring "it be Installed according to local code. The cost anyall further worts: within =1d ester tfha.11 stop until ised mad can wprxvlse repair. of all electrical wr nk necessary to nuke the automatic equipmenttit wait shall be included in this contract. D. RINKLER HE&M . . -. 1. See drawings. . . I E. ! tI xrtATlt„YALYE I Shall be electric, see drawings. F. ANT1-DRAINYALYE(IF R EQ111RU FQRSYSTEMQPER T1Q 2 i. Provide and install on low h"d lines anti -drain valves 'Kill. Spring . Check Valve Series', 'Rainbird I B00 SAM' or `Toni 370 Check Valve" rimy heads or equal As required to eliminate siphpning on landscaped slopes. . . O• . .. . ILil NS Control wire must be iruula►rA ringie stand copper dcsigtied for twenty (20) to fifty (30) Volts and UL approved as Type U.F. (Underground Feeder). h . 2• Copper conductor must meet or exceed ASTINI B-3 roquirements. 3. Red mid while colors must be available. H. QUICK CQUPIJNCl VA( YFS 1. Shull be Rainbird manufacturer or approved equal. One-piece heavy-duty brass construction construction with vinyl locking cap. 2. Provide matching valve key, cup key, and swivel hose ell. 1. QCK1l r .ID i. Valve car shall be Weatmirmlalie 906L, locking IT with key or approved equal. Provide two (2) keys RLK-I to Owner. 1. MANUAL. CONTROL- VA .Y S I. All gate valves of two (2) hide: end smaller shall be all bronze (ASIM B-62) valve with bronze solid wedge, Integral ta{.•cr teats with a nonrising stem. All gate valves of two and one-half (2-1/2) Inches rind larger shall be threaded Inxi body, brass trimmed, resilient wedge, Integral taper sc#U with no mising stun, 2. All drain valves shall be tree -quarter (314) Inch bronze gate valves with ants handles or approved equal. Automatic duiln valves Raln- Bird 16A-P or equal. Drat" valves shall be unclosed In two (2) inch PVC pipe with itWctihermnadc 906L with locking cap, or approved. equal. Provide one (1) valve key for Owner's use:. K. pgLSJ11R�clNO Y LY . ( F R nUlRFt7 FOR SYSTEM i. PE. .ATI(1NSl I. Shall be 'Wilkins 600 Sala' pressure reducing valve or equal. 2. Ursa presture reducing valves As required W control sprinkler irrigation system water ptes.sura L• VA�V • i)S)xPA ' . ' . . 1. Unless otherwise specified, sill automatic valves Of manpal.vilves hull be enclascd in AMETEK Plymouth Valve Box of Superflexon with locking lid or approved equal, while single diald v&(va two (2) Inches and smaller will be covered w)lli a Watimmu tic 9%L locking cap and PVC pipe or approved equal. M. BA -KFIDW PRF.YENTFR - I, Shall be -Febco Model 805Y Series' double check bwkflow pxeyent= or ■ pmved oquxL All bickilow preventers must be approved by ilia controlling a�feney. Inclose In Brooks No. 1730 . PB-18 Box or approved a .T (See drawings) N. IRRIGATHON WATER M .TFRM . I. Water Meter (a) dull be per Code. O. LaIlER SUPPLIES I . Electrical tapir_ shall he black plasOC, three-rquarten (3/4) Inch wide • I and a minimum of 0.0007 Inches thick and the all-weather type. 2. All flexible nip?,les or pipe joints shall be'Aninbird Swing Pipe'; `Toro Funny Pipe' a 'ltiple Swing Joint Assembly'. 3. All dectrica) wire. splicer trust be Made watertighl with sealing Rainbird SF-03ULIPT-53 Snap -Tote or approved equal. 4. Thrust blocking doll be on tree (3) Inch and larger malnline only. ill. EXECJMQti A. T-RFNCHINQ �. Trenches shall allow for twelve (12) inches of coveroversprinkler lateral linen, eighteen (18) inches of cover fox Ini ation main lino (see detail) And twenty-four (24) Inches of cover lair main supply ' line from point of connecton to backllow preventrx. Maintain a minimum clearance of three (3) inches between inn anion fishes . within a common trench. Trenches for sleeves shall Allow for it minimum cf ei I teen (I8) Inches of cover unlem otherwise noted on the Drawings. Vxtavatc no wirier at any point than Is near_+nary to lay pipe or install equipment. Excavate with vatial sires And provide br2ong and snoring as required. 2. All trenches must be straight and not have abnipt changes in grade- . Trenching that nay pour iWy diVtrb root systems of existing trees shall be brought to l m attention of too Owner's Representadvis before proceeding with work. . 3. Tim trench bottoms and bedding maluid surrounding all pipes must be free of rocks grraler than ore (I) Inch In di2meteror thanp-edged Objects. Bed and surround all pipe with suitable soil or sand B. .INUAIIAT1oN . 1. .PVC Pipe and Fittings (Includes pipe sleeves): . A. Due to the nature of the PVC pipe And litlings, Ilia . Ccmtraclox shall exercise care 1n handling, loading. . unloading avid storing to avoid damage. Any pipe that has been defiled or damaged shall be dismecd undl such . damage has bon cut out and the pipe is rejoined with a coupling. . B. PVC pipe ends shall be cut to ninety (90) d1e,"s to the pipe lethgth and rJ-" d-vfltLoUing-b 1Ql.ptlS2f:Jt2SrJJ)Sd (IL U" approved maiming tool. Him ends shall be wiped c .an with a rag lightly wetted with PVC thinner. Cement shell be applied with alight coat on the Inside of tiro fluln And* heavier mat an t}ir outside of the pipe. Pipe shall be inserted Into thin fitting rind given a quarter turn to aest the cement. Fxepis comment s sit be wipsA fMm the gutside of the nice. C. Backfilling shall be done when pipe Is not In An expanded condition due to heat or prmura Cooling of the pipe ap be accomplished by opcnlin4 the system for a short time before backfi I, or by backfilling in the early part of )he morning before the heat of the day. • D. No PVC pipe may be threaded or connected to a thrirded fitting without an adapter. E. Great care mutt be taken to Insure that the (w(dy gLUT,pi= 11,ah.v1n11rJysJ=. Any pipe ends not being worked on must be protected and not left open F. All threaded joints Are to haw Teflon tape or pope dope • , applied to male treads only. . �- flead Locations: A. Locate sprinkler heads nine (9) inches from building foundation unless otherwise noted. fir -ads Immediately sdjacent to walks, curbs, etc. shall have one (1) inch clearance between head and walks, curbs, etc, unless otherwise noted. CCNf tRACTOR SHALL RUiOVEAND . DISPOSE OF PAVFNPNT GNAT PORTION OF PAVEmwr FOR ItEkD AiID PIPE ONLY) ADJACENT TO CURBS IQ ALLOW Ot•IE (1) UJC1J CLEARANCE PER THE ABOVE. . Cogtrol Wire . ' '' 13. CILAN 11 o A. Control wives are In be taped together At five (5) toot Intervals: Then this bundle Is to be taped so the bottom of the ' Clean all work Areas uijoining area, such as paving, curbs, catch basins, manholes and lawn, ox debris caused b the wvtk on this - supply firm at ten (10) foot Intervals with i t least date (3) project, or an t of a on completion o� aBons aid pslox wraps of electrical tape . ' ' to watering_ All hard n�rllac d areas stall be washed clean. Daily B. All splices must he made watertight with rtalin Rainbird • .. ST-03UL+'FrT-33 Snap -Tile and contained In valve boxei. clean up rlvsll be requlrec( on all areas used for clrzvliUon, parking,. or other dally use. , ' . ' 14. FINAL. T1 511NQ C. Splices will be peirmilted only at the valves Arev id nerbetween • • valves or valve and controller. Iberemust be a Defore the; sprinkler system will be accepted, six Contractor, In the scpanto lead or'hot' wire to each automatic valve. One (1) . presence of the Owner's Representative, shall perform a.. common wire will be acceptable. water 'Performance Coverage Test'. to deterrnme If the wait er . . D. Minimurn size of wire is In be determined strictly by the wire coverage and operation of Ole system Is complete And itatisfact,otr: If any part of the system is inadequate, It sliaall be repaired or sizing chart provided by Rainbird or approved equal. replaced at tie Contractors expense and the test repeated until E. The control *ties shall by color coded as follows• accepted. The Contractor must give twenty-firnir (24) tours notice to the Owner's Representative prioir to the field review. The Contactor Ground Wire - Whits slull also adjust and balance spPrinkler heads for optimum and uniform coverage wltioul excessive fogging; nvetthrow on to I Lead -In Wire - Red paverneM (s), structure Is) and building (s); check all spninkleer head !- Autonutic Controllers I hei its per and art &.11 valve boxes to prograde prior io final review by Gwrier's Reprisrntafive. . A. Electrial wiring shall be installed according to local code. I 15. SY.�M F&il IARIZATION The cast of all electrical work necessary to make the ' automatic equipment operate properly shall hie Included in this contract ELEMRICAL POWER FROM Upon acceptance of [be system by the Owner, the Contractor shall AN • APPROVED SOURCHTO11IR • provide Ole nc�ry keys and/or other tools necr-wry to CON" TROU.ER operue/dia.In/scdvale the system and spend sufficient tinge with die LOCATION (S) SHALL BE PROVIDED BY THE Owner to insure tat Ole system op►raltan/main►enancdwlntcrizing GENERAL CONTRACTOR can conlinue x1ter One departure of tie Contractor. The Contractor will bra liable for all damages or loss" resulting from failure to ' B. A diagram or schedule shall be posted In die mntiniler to comply with the provisions of this paragraph. facilitate the selection of the valves to be opewed I 'lROLL 16. FINAL ACCEPTANCE C. CON ER I.DCATTON (S) AND TYPE OF MOUN TING OF CONiROiA_ER (S) SHALL BE Upon completion and Approval of all tests, final acceptance of llte . APPROVED BY THE OWNER system will be contingent upon Contractor providing signet and 3. Backflow Preventer: apptrncd r(xinklcr/piumbinq/lhealths/dectrical Per milt as mad be appllable in the Area as well u reproducible mrlvr "As Dulll Drawings' and taw (2) Three (3) nri g binders of all catalog A. Install in accordance with local elumhing code. See 'Backilow cttta/manufactutexi in&tructo ns/niarntm=ce and operation Preventer Assembly detail. information. B. For proper maintenance, the 'Back now Neventer Prior to final P-ceptanee of lute iiiigalon system, Ole Contractor shall Assembly' will be located with sufficient clo•wwxa from cooperate with Owner in recommending watering schedules. other materials and away from die traffic pattern. 17. UEARA_ la C. A mutual shut-off valve shall be located upsdmtri of I BwAliow Preventer to Allow full i&olation of system from I . The entire sprinkler system stall be guaranteed by Ure water supply. Contractor to give complete and satisfactory service as to 6. Manual Drain Valve:the materials srhd w rkmiarnship for a period of one (1) year from date of final acceptance of the work by the Owner. A. Use Ihree tquarNs (314) Inch drain vrdyr% FOR IIIS 2. Shmld Any trouble okyelcp wltiln one (I) yettr which, in dte GENERAL DRAINAGE OF TILE 1RR10A11ON SYSTEM. opinion of'auO"ined Owner prrmcmnel, Is dve to Infsxlor a • �. Aulorrutie faulty material and/or worknsxrulil , the trouble slixil be ' deJar, to die satisfaction of One authorized Yaly= correcird, without . Owner's personnel and at the-Crritractors ezpeme. A. Instill as shown on drawings. - 3. Any setting of bQckfilkd traidia shall be rrpnlroud by qhe utoatic valves, tie sly lino B. Before InsWialirm of any automatic upp trtrx at tea Contractors expense, Including but pot Conav- indlor mutt be thoroughly flushhed. Ilinited to; restocation of pavement, sce. ded, sodded plaited areas.. , _. . }. Quick Coupling Valves . ' 4. The c6otractox shall maintain tiro inigatior system , A. Locate all quick couplets In shrub and groundcover planting tubughout the entire time of cotiv uscUughou oh aria thtvl do beds where ever possible Aid At points of easy access from one year guarantee petloid . pared and/or lawn area&, • B. Pron Provide and iitall quick coupling valves per drawings and END OF SECTION 02810 Speclflalions. - 9. Inigadon Water Meter (&): A. C.00rdiratioin with the (governmental Agency for Installation . of the water meter shall bt the respiorusibility of Ohe Coxntracim All work dull be per code requirements. Meter size, see drawings. . 10. Pipe Sleeves( f A. All sleeves shall extend a minimum of twelve (12) Inches = I 1111 beyond the edges of pavement. - B. Pipe for irrigation mairu and laterals may be Installed with 11 1 1 sleeves but shall not Include any pipes with couplets whenever possible C. Plug all ends of sleeves end Irrigation mains and laterals to . r fiLTtrir- Iprevent moil from entering. __ 1 I. Pressure Testing: I I I A. Before bmckfhlling, flush all main water liner then (pressure Zest at ninety (90) pal. thin pressure shall be. maintained -II I 1 until all joints, fittings and pipes have bin- n inspected 7- Cuffed any leakage And repeal tat until the tvstem Is _ waknight Maximum psi loss in a fifteen (IS) minute lest III 1 �}..4-� r shall be five (3) psi. Contractor to test system prior w o 0 p e' ' * o- Owner s Representative final lest. . B. Before backfilling all PVC sprinkles lateral Uric shall be flushed and 1wessurr tested with tire system exposed to static ITLI I AmtCK W oot6�11,� 4 W ,\� _II 111i I •I I ;� Lvr, Iv - I 1 7-!- 1:::: __ i 11- 11 -III- " r- 40H L, jI W-K, Lll(1= 'I =IIIIII1- , t•11w-rlr G'oNfe,rag,;, # rT 5'.yL.�L� ___ No L,,,Tent1- U �I -! ( .- •- I GtJ. Ft• of rEr• Gttr�/EL . IIII -___ fir- .-= 111 h= = I. I Electric Remote Control Valves Not to Scale • .. �==11111 =_ ='IIII - .011= ItsI IIII \ �[------- =l►� �i11 I 1111 I111= II-11 =� 1I • _• T ^I Ilil - III I I I o ----- Check dralnage of planting hole wlth water, adjust and /or correct any drainage problem. Manual Drain Valve Not to Scale I-1�.T►1M- i'1 I-G E 0, � 0u. I- �G _T)% all- .1 rio iJ �sr�,�.�J4 LE ti/�✓ sL Ne, . ail Pettit ux � Get . rT. or �•1 Gi )t�•.J t L , ;G••..I�►-1 1-1 S,o D - r i,ZL +- 11 tPo P - ILL (WITO L• 6ot.r I•,wlt) arc A-rrKe-vyp f.ad,►.t,- ' % C.IJ. 1st. err t•"L e. GP,&-.icL 1117TA-L t. rt., L oc,a., . c v v A-s-Its 1ng Ti ►�G 9& 0 J I M&M t' P Tg 04 f i•i � f -a U,-Tl5• G LF.a•,l1.A +�" A-44LI && •y ,&Gl 1051L1r-( NIZ Ilt'tyrIIJ4 PPaings s pressues have dh 11s maintained unOl all Johan �t7 t 40- lJ! PCP a �.•O rfiG'lj FKO f•'j Fat: Z) 0Cf . fittings and pipes have beat vitally Inspected. Correct Any major leakage and repeat test until the sysrein Is watertight. ' Contractor to tut system re for W Owner's Rgxesentadve (� 5 0 Double C 1 1 e c if Valve a I v e final lest, DO NOT INS) ALL NEARS PRIOR 1p �•/ v Ls 1 • V c � I N KV � �� FS� TONN ION.PLUG RISERS ATLACIITiONOft. . . I Qackflow Preventor Asssembl _ /- rwrt-Ur'sf'I_lt1W.tt.b CONNECiION. C. To be valid, all final tests must be witnessed by lha .Not l0 Scale Owner's Representative, The Contractor must give twenty- .. four (24) hour notice to the Owner's Representative prior to . the anticipated date of lnspecd6n. I 12. Backfnlling: f..` I f f d' I I lI 1 I ,1 �� 1 iI I I I I `- j C -' � .. .��1� A. In refilling trenches, ilia bedding Around the pipe end fltUngs I 1 �� 1 I TN1111= shall be sand or moll free from slcxnes greater thus one (1) I di I .- 1I I- �'_8 =� �11 =Inch In disinter and shall tie well tamped- if nxes+ary, IIII 1- - c_--T provide suitable Imported hackfill. The earth all within Uie I f _ 1"t-1I �I F�'f7 IC.�►-1=C7�/ _ I�_ benches rhaJl be reatsonably rock foes Trv,cJtes shall be UI I I I I I _ I I I _ ��OF'�T1G i�C.��I� . 7 thoroughly water -settled. Trenches shall be backfillO I o uniform with die surrounding grade, raked to a slight --1 III 0. J t ) i ; • �•� I mound, Own rolled with A two hundred fifty (23) pound s O �� ,� ., roller, or compacted with a vibrator. V _ . �`.'. II HI= •���•..% `� " II111 B. All mob, nicks and surplus excavation &hall be. removed _ - .0 C, ,� ` from the Zito n , -��;•- C. Trenches or tunnel under roads or paved arras shall be O ) C c'O O 0a �� _ , . ( backfilled And tam with a moctiariical tamper In 1 1 1 1 11 2�u i'1 r t _ 2 G� Fr successive six (6) rich IIi11 to at last ninety -flue (95) - Lk,r- permit denxlty at determined by ASTM:D 1357. Paving shall be replaced to the satisfaction of The Owner's Authorized representative, D. Before bukffllinee all underground appunenunxs Including rise, valves, backfiow preventers, drain valves, etc:, must Check dradnsige of planting hole with water, retrain eapcned so Iliad they can be viewed during testing. it is suggested that the Contractor partially backfill the pipe As adjust and /or correct any drainege problem. It is land, leRying all joints exposed; then complete backfilling Inter after flu. -thing, pressure testing, inspection and preparation of 'As Bulls Drawing(s)'• TMd b"fiva, Inspecting �q u to m a fit e D re. i n Drain and testing provisions of these spedficadoru will be strictly adhar•.d to. If, for any reauxn, Any put of the - sp ,nkler system Is backfilled before It Is Approved by if* Owner's Not to Scale Representative. It must be completely uncovered - and ex until approved for back IIll Ing' UTILITY CONFLICT NOTE: . THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR VERIFYING THE LOCATION, DIMENSION, AND DEPTH OF ALL EXISTING UTILITIES, WHETHER SHOWN ON THESE PLANS OR NOT, BY POTHOLING THE UTILITIES AND SURVEYING THE • THE HORIZONTAL AND VERTICAL LOCATION PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. THIS SHALL INCLUDE CALLING UTILITY LOCATE ® 1-800-424-5555 AND THEN POTHOLING ALL EXISTING UTILITIES AT LOCATIONS FN BY. vF i+ ^ ct9.w):L. RECORD DRAWING CERTIFICATION THESE DRAWINGS CONFORM TO THE CONTRACTOR'S CONSTRUCTION RECORDS. DATE: 0 EW UTILITY CROSSINGS TO PHYSICALLY VERIFY WHETHER OR NOT CONFLICTS EXIST. LOCATIONS OF SAID UTILITIES AS TITLE/POSITION: SHOWN ON THESE PLANS ARE NOT GUARANTEED AND ARE SUBJECT TO VARIATION. IF CONFLICTS SHOULD OCCUR, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL CONSULT RUPERT ENGINEERING, INC. CONFIRMED BY CITY: DATE: TO RESOLVE ALL PROBLEMS PRIOR TO PROCEEDING WITH CONSTRUCTION. M1IW®!WIE-41M -d, w?c r F•-s.L - . - . ,� \;. , rl `'' / ` .1 . ,/ .."fir, - �4 I!s XIv -6f• e'l.Jl0e; ri f•E -r_ -o Vt?_L? �r gLwE� *rIr_A_.- r°?'�Jg•b IrlJTIH 1-S . t 'Pop-up Sprinkler Not to Scale A Y .r iZ Q 3111011111111111 IY .� D t� I- M D t71� 0 � Z 9 Q V > � cD � U N I rn ❑C7 (� rn gD ff ;� � W cn � jj� Z -M I=1 5 z Z W T � �, 0 CP CD _ r- r- 9 �� (•- J o a) � �Q00 _ __1 � � Z �'� d" 0 O ��� .. U -Q~ 3: Z V I � LI.J M m <. '�- V I =) z M C:)Z_I �� � Q � Z t-- w J H O0 o _I . _< I- LIJ (� CD LIJ I-- O Z Q CD w Q/ W t_ t- 11171-10 w = L0 0 CD `L V w _ c> on z z � 22 1-11 � a- 0 a Of . PROJECT REF: FACOO-0002 BLDOO-0025 DATE 10/5/99 THIS PLAN SHEET REFLECTS THE CITY OF DRAWN E,N, AUBURN'S PLANNING DEPARTMENT MINIMUM LANDSCAPE REQUIREMENTS. �o� CHECKED E.N. d�C O Approved By. 0_6��_ 5A JOB NO. 99066 Date Approved: 41 20 O U SHEET NO. L4 . I - ____ -------.--- I GENERAL PLAN NOTES SE 1 /4, SECTION 36, TOWNSHIP 22N, RANGE 4E, W.M. 1. All workmanship and materials shall conform to the City of Auburn's requirements and specifications. CONSTRUCTION SEQUENCE fJ R E V I AT I 0 N S ABBREVIATIONS _ 2. Al work shall conform to these drawings and the rules and regulations of the "Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) Standard Specifications for Road, Bridge, and Municipal 1. SUBMIT A HAUL ROUTE TO THE CITY OF AUBURN FOR BLC - BUILDING CORNER Construction," 1998 or latest edition, except where supplemented or modified by the City of Auburn EARTHWORK ACTIVITIES. C - CB - COMPACT CATCH BASIN Standard Details and Development Project Specifications. 2. SCHEDULE AND ATTEND APRE-CONSTRUCTION MEETING WITH CL - CLASS 3. The Contractor is required to have a copy of the Standard Construction Notes, Standard Details and THE CITY OF AUBURN OFFICIALS. CO - CLEAN OUT OUT Specifications available at the job site along with a copy of the approved development ins. 3. ESTABLISH "CLEARING AND GRADING LIMITS" FOR THE SITE. D - DDCV - STORM IN DOUBLE DETECTOR CHECK VALVE 4. A pre -construction meeting shall be required prior to any on -site work for all Public Facility Extension CONSTRUCT GRAVEL CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE AND FILTER FABRIC 4. FENCE AS SHOWN ON THE DRAWINGS AND AS -REQUIRED BY THE CITY DI - DS - DUCTILE IRON DOWNSPOUT projects. OF AUBURN. D/W - DRIVEWAY 5. Locations shown for existing utilities are approximate. Identifications, location marking and responsibility 5. DEMOLISH ALL EXISTING STRUCTURES AS NOTED ON THE PLAN. EL - ELEVATION for underground facilities or utilities is governed by the provisions of Chapter 19.122 Revised -Code of 6. LOCATE EXISTING SEPTIC TANK(S). PUMP THE TANKS DRY BY A DEPT. OF ECOLOGY ESMT - EXG - EASEMENT EXISTING Washington (RCW). Prior to starting construction, the Contractor shall coil ONE -CALL (1-800-424-5555) for utility locations (water, sanitary sewer, storm sewer, gas, power, telephone and television.) APPROVED CONTRACTOR. EXCAVATE AND REMOVE TANK. FD - FDC - FOUNDATION DRAIN FIRE DEPT. CONNECTION SEND A COPY OF THE SEWER PERMIT TO THE DEPT. OF HEALTH SO THAT THEY 6. The Contractor is cautioned that overhead electrical lines are not shown on the drawings, The contractor 9 CAN CLOSE THE FILE ON THE SEPTIC SYSTEM FOR THE SITE. FF - FH - FINISH FLOOR FIRE HYDRANT is responsible for determining the extent of any hazard created by overhead electrical power in all areas 7. CONSTRUCT THE TESC POND, AND TEMPORARY SWALES AS SHOWN FL - FLANGE JOINT and shall follow procedures during construction as required by law and regulation. ON THE PLAN, TEMPORARY SWALES SHALL BE ADDED AS NECESSARY HC - HANDICAP TO ENSURE THAT ALL SITE RUNOFF REACHES THE TESC PONDS. IE - INVERT ELEVATION 7. Traffic control and street maintenance for safety of the traveling public on this project shall be the sole LF - LINEAR FEET responsibility of the contractor and all methods and equipment used will be subject to the approval of the 8. OVEREXCAVATE THE TOPSOIL/ORGANIC LAYER iN THE FOOTING AREAS LS - LANDSCAPING City of Auburn. Contractors and their surety shall be liable for injuries and damages to persons and AND BACKFILL WITH STRUCTURAL FiLL, AS SHOWN IN DETAIL 5/G2. property suffered because of the Contractors operations or negligence connected with them. 9. BEGIN FILL AND GRADING OPERATIONS. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL ENSURE THAT NO SILT -LADEN RUNOFF DISCHARGES TO THE DUST CONTROL NOTES: ADJACENT PROPERTIES. 1. CONTRACTOR SHALL MINIMIZE THE PERIOD OF SOIL EXPOSURE THROUGH USE OF TEMPORARY GROUND COVER AND OTHER 10. REVEGETATE ALL SLOPES AND DISTURBED AREAS AS SPE FIED BY 1 I TEMPORARY STABILIZATION PRACTICES SUCH AS SEEDING AND MULCHING, AND EROSION BLANKETS. THE "REQUIREMENTS FOR EXPOSED SOIL STABILIZATION". i I 2. DURING CONSTRUCTION AND DRY WEATHER, SPRINKLE THE SITE WITH WATER UNTIL SURFACE AREA IS WET. REPEAT THE PROCESS AS NEEDED DURING THE DAY. 1 3. ALL TRUCK TRAFFIC MUST USE THE CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE AS SHOWN ON THE T.E.S.C. PLANS TO PREVENT CARRYING MUD INTO ( i i 35' 12" ® 0.36% STREET. J �I PVC SDR35 4. DURING CONSTRUCTION, ALL PROPERTIES AND ALL PUBLIC STREETS A[?XENT TO PROJECT WHICH WILL BE USED BY CONSTRUCTION Q I i Z i ,,cI TYPE i CB RIM - 46.25 TRAFFIC SHALL BE KEPT CLEAN OF ALL MATERIAL DEPOSITS RESULTING FROM ON -SITE CONSTRUCTION. i 30' 30 SIT i ,L .I I EX CB TYPE 1 IE = 41.37 MH - MANHOLE MJ - MECHANICAL JOINT OH - OVERHEAD PL - PROPERTY LINE R - RADIUS RW - RIGHT-OF-WAY SS - SANITARY SEWER SO FT - SQUARE FEET S/W - SIDEWALK TIC - TOP OF CURB TP - TEST PiT UNO - UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE S - SOUTH W - WEST E - EAST N NORTH NW _ NORTHWEST SW - SOUTHWEST NE - NORTHEAST SE - SOUTHEAST LEGEND VICINITY MAP NTS FORTH 0 Q o � a 00 0 d Z 5 C V 1 N y� W cn (j (j Z Z >. s Z. `- U) 0�LAJ Z O cv Z V) W _W m rV00 Q F V EX CB TYPE 1 i W I Z ' RIM=43.46 IE = 40.89 EX CB TYPE 1 EX CB TYPE 1 RIM=43.51 `, t ' 1 _. I 53M-1 - IE(W)(81J.)=41.91 15� 12" PVC EX CB TYPE 1 DATUM �- RIM=44.80 RIM=44.44 IE(N)(12"PVC) 4200 \ ; ; 4. SDR35 00.36y = REQUIREMENTS FOR EXPOSED RIM-45.62 IE(N ,12"PVC)=41.10 5.50' TO SUMP IE(E)(8" D )=42.11 1, r 3 --' 1 ! '-- I IE N 12"CONC =41.82 E, (g TYPE 1 ,,-I- --+ - I 4.44 Lq( CB TYPE 1 ()( )- #1 Q - SOIL STABILIZATION IE(S12"PVC)=40.95 UNABLE TO LOCATE INVERT SIZE OR TYPE ¢ �_4 144 1 `,I ,. ___f?I1I -1=I-� ._ --_ /' QI 4a.3a r-4as3 I.. RAM=44.84 IE(S)(12"GONG)-41.R7 TBM RAILROAD SPIKE (X'Jd NORTH SIDE OF POWER POLE LOCATED APPROXIMATELY 45---- F IEiI'`(12"PVCi 41.18 - - = - --- -- - - _----- - - - - _ - - _ HE CENTERLINE OF D STREET. =_ , IF (12' CONC) 41.14 �� " - 44.0 � � 1 250 FEET WEST Of T 44e7 �' EX CB TYPE 1 _42-a#5 a5.43 - 45.23 4 1 :.. 1 ' 4 . r 1. SEASONAL REQUIREMENTS: ELEVATION = 48.00 45.37 4 . 3 �'' 45 I _ \� AL'�- :' \ 45.8 RiM=45 62 - `-EX SD i _ 4b,P►, 4d.4 __ ------ - ----------\- - - lE S 8 D.I.) 43.42 / _____ EX:_WATER_LlNE _----=ti___--.� I _---` 1 1` • 44.84 ,45.62 PIV=46.10 DENUDED AREAS AND 501E STOCKPILES MUST BE STABILIZED - ----- - ------------------------- - --- - -- X3 WATR - - O( -K 7 I ca - - ..-_r,� z___ --------- E - �E-=--------- - --------------------- -�--I ----- -�� ---- p CITY OF AUBURN BENCHMARK 11 45.5 ``----___ - 45.00f=__ .---------- _--- W-------� - --- '4s.1 I IE E1(10 C)= �7.85 ACCORDING TO THE FOLLOWING SCHEDULE OR EXCEPTED IN THE FIELD 10 J� #(� �f `u 45.tz 1 45.3 I , NORTHWEST CORNER OF CONCRETE BASE FOR STREET LIGHT AT THE EAST SIDE LLJ as.n 145.30 _ - ---4491�15-------- 98 45.18 IE _ 41.8' `t11 I -WET I, 11 45.ts I 45.3s A IE(v,)(10"PVC)=37.75 WHEN IN THE JUDGEMENT OF THE BUILDING OFFICIAL THE _ 1 - - it - 4i �L - - - 8 - - - - - - - - - - - - -1-SI ,, / OF "B" STREET NW, 4TH STREET LIGHT NORTH OF 42ND STREET NW. i 4S - 33 1 _ r OFFICIALS REPRESENTATIVE, SUCH SCHEDULE IS NOT WARRANTED: v4�i2 4557 ----- 5 511- - - - 45.41 } A5 7s--,S--------- ----- 48--- 4 �-'SS -4- - I t r IE, )(1D"PVC)=38.00 ELEVATION - 47.31 M ----- ---- 4 ---- - 45�3� •----- -- 5-45a --- ---- -- 45.tt----- --------- -- -- --- *'`5.53----45------------- -o --!- ------ ---- p------- 5.09 r-t-+------- \ sj----�46.10---- _--,�__��50© _--------- - 44.88 -� .-- _44_-------_--_44.,8 44.97 - - \ 45 .25 45.33 G2 - 2 .44.82 , a .".25 i FROM APRIL 2 TO SEPTEMBER 30 ALL DENUDED AREAS AT FINAL. /�v .-_- _ ---- 1,_. ,, /'43 � --- ��______ � 43 - - s ---_- i-- y- 3; ----- - ---- -- --- -- -- - 43.7a n 1 v` '--__ 45.85 46.33 I GRADE AND ALL EXPOSED AREAS THAT ARE SCHEDULED TO REMAIN --- --- --- ----- -- -- - -- - - a; ---- 03-W__63L82'-- 44.13s 1 LEGAL DESCRIPTION A - -J - Nwwv -,' - � ' I UNWORKED FOR MORE THAN 30 DAYS SHALL BE STABILIZED WITHIN f 1 / - 4 1I LI)10 DAYS., -.'�:6s�x EX (,B iYPE 1 151�LID DSTING /� a > 4s.5s R = I ai.as ` 7 I' N)( =43.42 I ----------------------------- 46.22 NORTH 5 ACRES OF LOTS 10 11 & 12 WHITE RIVER -EDGE OF a 1 � �►-----------------�--------r --; I-----r=------- ,------------ ----- ------ ♦ 1 I 1 x� �+ _______ = � IE8 D.I.)- FROM OCTOBER 1 TO APRLL 1, ALL EXPOSED SOILS AT FINAL VALLEY HOME TRACTS. ALSO KNOWN AS LOT A OF, ' PAVEMEN 1 ` GRADE TO -D1T _ 1441s8�2i' I` ' IE( F 12"PVC -41.1 2 AUBURN LLA 0009-99 )( )- GRADE SHALL BE STABILIZED IMMEDIATELY USING PERMANENT OR r �// / /PVC 1 I 1 1 EX 12" 11"a3.7s IE _ ;0.98 Li fl 1 I 1 II I 45' I , I `\\15, }, II \ \ X44.35 \\ 1 I j \ 1 ° v i / II t i I � ,' •v g4k.t� ECOLOGY BLOCKS, TYP I. Il 1 I DESCRIPTION NEW EXISTING EX. 12" STORM STORM SEWER D EX. 8" SEWER SANITARY SEWER S WATER W EX. 2" WATER AC PAVING CONCRETE PAVING SPOT ELEVATIONS �xx_xx +xx.xx CONTOURS 50 `0 PARKING 05 STORM MANHOLE 0 STORM CATCHBASIN ■ ❑ SANITARY SEWER MANHOLE 0 WATER VALVE H ca FIRE HYDRANT TELEPHONE MANHOLE O POWER VAULT E STREET LIGHT UTILITY POLE ♦ -0- FOUND CASE MON OWNER TRI-WAY INDUSTRIES ATTN: BRAD JOHNSON 18500 SW 108th AVE TUALATIN, OR 97062 (503) 692-3024 CODE NOTES ZONING M1 LOT SIZE 5 ACRES � ^ J 1 ' 44-18' 1 1 �+• / 1 AND MARCH 31, MULCHING WILL BE REQUIRED IMMEDIATELY ! , ! i' AFTER PLANTING.) SHEET INDEX l 1 EX S L SHALL BE 2 , C '' Jii ; 7 i EXCA A D TO A� `� 4 44.45 ; _ -,\ B. SEEDBED PREPARATION -THE SEEDBED SHOULD BE FIRM, BUT NOT G1 GRADING AND J 1 DEPT�I 2 BELOW ��� 7 COMPACT, WITH A FAIRLY FINE SURFACE FOLLOWING SURFACE ' PROPOSED SPREAD (� 1 �_+.�a _ _ T.E.S.C. PLAN V-DITCH * 4X 1 , ,1 , �� 4 ROUGHENING. SURFACE ROUGHENING SHOULD BE DONE AT RIGHT G2 SITE SECTIONS AND to FOOT1 G. EE DTL 5 G2 , ' , r .3 ' w I / DTL 1/G1 / `' P 4F4> .i 4,1: - ~ ANGLES TO THE SLOPE AND PREFERABLE CAT WALKED UP SLOPE. DETAILS C:D GRADE TO V-DITCH /' F 1 i 1 i l �46.19 1 x44.31 ' ! I i �' y' C. FERTILIZATION - AS PER SUPPLIERS RECOMMENDATIONS., "' \` z2 ' i ! I DEVELOPMENTS ADJACENT TO WATER BODIES AND WETLANDS MUST'. 5' I EXISTING i , i ! i ! i 4 `. GRAVEL FILTER BERM USE NON -PHOSPHOROUS FERTILIZER. DITCH LOCATION dt �`i, 1 I FENCE LINE 1 !1i1I COA STD DTL DEV-10 SLOPE PER PLAN I I 1 (TYP) ` 45 I iI !i +'� D. SEEDING - APPLY THE FOLLOWING MIXTURE TO THE PREPARED SEED 2 2' 1 50' i I I - BAP i / 1 BED AT A RATE OF 120 LBS/ACRE: `- TO f f ti 11 I! 47.11 44 PROPORTIONS PERCENT PERCENTii 1 ----- ----------- �-- -_ 1 `. i� 44.68 E) II I i 1 / i ♦---------------------------- t 4 .. �------- ee----� �--- �-----• -fl--t ,t.77 it 1 i r � i EX. STEM x 1 4 s --I i x ` i 44.5t 44.E 44.7s 1i i ! i ^� 1 DETENTION NAME BY WEIGHT PURITY GERMINATION ' 43.95 !' 1 45.07 I I I 1 1 ! _ 1 _ ���. i I I DE T -DITCH 3:1 3:1 1 4. 26 ' POND 2 MAX. FILTER FENCE @ TOE ' 180 I i o �/- J I !iI.1i 1 REDTOP(AGROSTIS ALBA) 10% 92 90 SLOPE OF SLOPE, TYP 1.5:1 30' 12" PVC I I I ( ° I ' 1 ' 11 11 z o ' COA STD DTL DEV-6 TO EX;�ST x I 60 ACCESS EASEMENT I 1 ! 1 0 /1 = 46.0 4a 45.08 1 i 11 1 , 1 1 ANNUAL RYE (LOL NUM MULTIFLORUM) 40% 98 90 ' 4336-- _ Cl- 4_ 1 ----------� _ I. ; I; ; 1 V-DITCH DETAILUJ 44.s5 12" CONC EX. SHED i ` i 1 i i G1 NTS d o ' 1 CHEWINGS FESQUE 40% 97 80 `� BARN 44. a GRADE TO V-DIT H �32 TO BE 11 �` 1 i (RESTUCA RUBRA COMMUTATA) �, IE = 22.87 44.80 I 4 3 2 11 TO BE 44M DEMOLI HED i i �1 2 (JAMESTO1d1N, R, OR KOKET) ,1 a5 GRADE TO V-DITCH NEW BUILDING 44.66 44.02 G2 , DEMOLISHED i ! 1 W sa FOOT PRINT ! I ,! 1 , , WHITE DUTCH CLOVER 10% 96 90 `I V-DITCH @ 0.3% 4E, - -. _; ! i^ ! 1 1 (TRIFOLlUM REPENS) DTL 1/Gt x - ; 15.14 iCY HAND PLACED I 1 1 E = 43.5 45. 4o.ts ( I I R2AP, TYP. ' 1 I ;' 1 47 " " 1 \ \ ' 4.3. 6 1 X � 1 � , � ,,- 1 II i 11 � E. HYDROSEEDING APPLICATIONS WITH APPROVED SEED -MULCH- 1 FERTILIZER MIXTURES MAY. ALSO BE USED. 43.94 1 _ 45 1 45.43 4 1 44.44 '�PIPEO �C I N M . -3 7V.► io r i I I I I I 1 I 44-12 414 �-- ; ! I I I I F. MAINTENANCE SEEDING SHOULD BE SUPPLIED WITH ADEQUATE 4. ------44------'i 44.56 44.23 it i ii �QN f - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ; MOISTURE. SUPPLY WATER AS NEEDED, ESPECIALLY IN 71'- _ _ - - _ N 89 49 E , 1.56' ,. - - I i I i I ! ABNORMALLY HOT OR DRY WEATHER OR ON ADVERSE SITES. WATER y E A E 9� _ - - a3 : IE = 41.76 I i i I i i 3i _ _ 7 ? 1 - - , NEW LOT LINE 1, 1 1, I I APPLICATION RATES SHOULD BE CONTROLLED TO PREVENT RUNOFF. 44.27 44 " 33' 11.1 i 1 i INADEQUATE AMOUNTS OF WATER MAY BE MORE HARMFUL THAN NO c 12" CONC - III 1 I --G2 IE - 42.86 11 WATER. �... 4 I�r___-x I EX 8" WATER 11 3 -----�J x x ' �� C/ STEW 43.80 r 1 43.52 � �� �`� ,`' �� X � 1 / x 44.3`9 x 3 44.64 _ ----__ _--- x440. �` 46.E+5 x 43.43 44.(lt� \\, a `47 X X.,,, - : -- ------ -- 13.88 - "2 is GRADING AND TESC PLAN UTILITY CONFLICT NOTE: PROJECT REF: GRA16-99 DATE " NORTH THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR VERIFYING THE LOCATION, DID CEFORM O T � , 5/5/99 1 = 40 THESE DRAB TO TIC DIMENSION, AND DEPTH OF ALL EXISTING UTILITIES, "ETHER SHOWN ON THESE PLANS ARE APPROVED FOR DRAWN THESE PLANS OR NOT, BY POTHOLING THE UTILITIES AND SURVEYING THE CONTRACTORS CON.'I UCTION RE CONFORMAt� VATH THE CITY OF AUBURN S.S. THE HORIZONTAL AND VERTICAL. LOCATION PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. ENGrNEERING DiVI ON`S THIS SHALL INCLUDE CALLING UTILITY LOCATE 0 1-800-424-5555 Lilr1^ CHECKED J.B.R. AND THEN POTHOLING ALL EXISTING UTILITIES AT LOCATIONS BY; DATE: �h� / 11 OF NEW UTILITY CROSSES TO PHYSICALLY VERIFY WHETHER Approved B� JOB NO. 99066 OR NOT CONFLICTS EXIST. LOCATIONS OF SAID UTILITIES AS TM -EXPOSITION: SHOWN ON THESE PLANS ARE NOT GUARANTEED AND ARE ��g� SUBJECT TO VARIATION. IF CONFLICTS SHOULD OCCUR, Dote_/'��Z SHEET N0. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL CONSULT RUPERT ENGINEERING, INC. CONFIRMED BY CITY: DATE: TO RESOLVE ALL PROBLEMS PRIOR TO PROCEEDING WiTH G 1 1 CONSTRUCTION. i 1 / �4 9 X X 43.35 I i 1 4., 19 I' 44.3s zi14.21 _ _ _ .-- - -- _ -_ .. - _ . , GRAM TO PIPE . GRADE TO PIPE I 1 EX. HOUSE 44 4453 �-- - I i 1 1 11 TO BE 44.0e REMOVE _ _ ,44.98 I / DEMOLISHED 4 71TI8 J I' 1 5', TYP I � y�+17 49_ \-`� ;\,1 1 45.99 4.429 / o /' IE = 51.75 A CD 51.51 1. I I 1 I I /^ 1 X 45.20 X,..,1 4 `' I 44.40 SETTLEMENT ARKERL,ITYP 30' 12" P VC 45.93 1 8 PLACES 45N ��' `\ �� � I DTL 6/G2G2 x �� 44.30 - I 45.57 45.59 45. `, PIPE GRADE TO PEE , .60 GRADE TO 3' I X45.47 45.79 2.75 i I 4 .9 .31 IE - 51.75 45.14 5 .7 I I 4 45.67 .71 -- I 1 _ 45.1 "`� i i j1� I i PARCEL 'S 936000-0055 1 I 5.8s E S)(° %"P C) 41, , TEMPORARY MEASURES. EXPOSED SOILS WITH AN AREA GREATER # 1 44.49 T, I I I I THAN 5000 SQUARE FEET THAT ARE SCHEDULED TO REMAIN ` CONSTRUCTION / 17 1 10LISI- _ ) II i i ill I 47.53 7.5� fE ' N) (12" i , �P1C t = 4"1.32 1 I UNWORKED FOR MORE THAN 24 HOURS AND EXPOSED AREAS OF LESS EARTH WORK QUANTITIES & NOTES 1 TO EXIT I COA STD DTL DE -5 1 i 111 I THAN 5000 SQUARE FEET � THAT WILL REMAIN UNWORKED FOR MORE f IE = 4X ' a5� ' 4'4' i ���"1 �'� EX CB TYPE 1 THAN 7 DAYS SHALL BE STABILIZED IMMEDIATELY. 43195 GRAVEL CONE I I - j11 P,IM=44.87 FILL = 25,000 CY t1 ( ) /' S.23 CONTROLS �'I i i i i �i 1 IE NE 6"D.I.' 42 Y % 2. STABILIZATION METHOD: HYDROSEED NG &MUNCHING CUT = 700 CY LOT LINE I �`�" f 1 ! ,�;, ! ( �_ THESE QUANTITIES ARE ESTIMATES P DTL 1/G2 ; E' ! I i 1 ' IE(N, W, SW (12"PVC =42.27 TO BE REMOVED 1 1 I ri I ( ), ) ONLY AND SHOULD NOT BE USED 111 A. TIME OF PLANTING - DURING THE TIME PERIOD BETWEEN APRIL 1 _ - - - , I I , 1 1 FOR BIDDING PURPOSES. - TOP OF PAD ', EX. SHEDS - I 1 I ! � � � THROUGH JUNE 30 AND SEPTEMBER 1 THROUGH OCTOBER 31. ELE = 54.75 44. A -- 3:1 3:1 I 1 1111 ,' r (NOTE: IF PLANTING BETWEEN JULY 1 AND AUGUST 31, DEMOLISHED�� �„ ,' i IRRIGATION MAY BE REQUIRED. IF PLANTING BETWEEN NOVEMBER IE = 6.0 I X 44 71 4483 / 1 I'_ V) t et- L O in R.E.I. FILE:/ G I-066.dwg , 10/27/99 13:20 C2@'� OD D IS-? 2 WHEN ADJACENT GRADES ARE LOWER THAN 1.0' FREEBOARD, CONSTRUCT 6.0 WIDE BERM ALONG LOW SECTION OF POND PERIMETER. SEE "BERM COMPACTION" NOTE. TOP OF POND / FREEBOARD = 46.0 MIN. OVERFLOW ELEV = 45.5 BERM COMPACTION ALL POND BERM EMB"MENTS SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED OF SOIL COMPACTED TO 95%, PLACED IN 6" LIFTS, WITH THE FOLLOWING SOIL CHARACTERISTICS: 20% MIN. OF SILT AND CLAY, 60% MAX. OF SAND, 60% MAX. OF SILT, WITH NOMINAL GRAVEL AND COBBLE CONTENT. 48" CMP STANDPIPE FILTER FABRIC FENCE OPEN TOP, CLOSED BOTTOM AROUND GRAVEL CONE ENCASED IN CONCRETE / TOP OF PONDING = 45.0 DURING — - 25 YR (- 24-HR STORM) _� 71 �I 11= i it � p WATER TIGHT 1 SEAL p, f, 0 .C? O /© O p O p O• p �y�G � p p p ` 0'0� 114" WASHED ROCK •° Lq " GRAVEL CONE 12" PVC SDR 35 ° 2H:1V, TYP. DISCHARGE = 0.69 CFS E IE 41.5 ° ° ° ° 2- , 24 -HR too ° 1° ° Q► PREDEVELOPED STORM) 12" x 12" x 12" PVC TEE----' ? 6" MIN. DEAD GASKET ,JOINTS STORAGE 12" RUBBER GASKET 00 1" DIA. TYP., 40 HOLES MIN. 0 10" .©.C. PERFORATIONS SHALL BE LOCATED PLUG W/ 3.69" DIA. OI?IFIGE .' WITHIN THE LIMITS OF THE GRAVEL CONE IEGIMNNING AT 0.5' ABOVE OUTLET INVERT. /\�' 6" CM- BASE COMPACTED GRAVEL BASE GRAVEL CONE CONTROL STRUCTURE G2 NTS I \ 5' 5 OVEREXCAVATION DETAIL G2 NTS BOTTOM OF POND ELEV. 41.0 u HIGH GROUND WATER ELEV. 39t WEST P/L... .::'::::: .....:::: :::: ... ...... .... is .... . ......... . ... ..... ......... ....... ..... ..... .. ...... ....... .. ....... ......... ......... ........: ......... ....... ...... V. .. I :EAST '..P.. /L.. . 48 5�:... ....... ......... ... .. L. ......... . ..... ...... . . . . . . 2` BE . .. . ......... ......... ... ... .... ...... .... ......... .. ...... . ... . ......... ...... ...... ....... . ....... :2` .. 6'. L FILTER ... .. . 46 , FEND ......... N GRADE ..... o . 0 ------ ------- --------- --- ..... ... ..... ... . ... _ _- ----.---... ------------=--=- -- ..... ... ..... ': m N I :::::: EW. FILTER ... �_-_- __ _ �, 1. h:CE:::::.: 2:1: :::::: ::: �� ::: , '�= �' EXIST NG GRADE ::::: �� �' 1 1 44 ., ' ....... ... ... ,:��... .. ...... ..... ........ ......... ...... ... .. .... ... . ...... .. ::.: DETE ;: " : POND. ON .. ......... ...... ... ....... .....:. ... .. .... ...... ......:: .:: .... I ... I. .`. --.... 42 . ... . : . ... ..: ... .... :: ... ... .... :: ::: .. :: ... : �.: ... ..::: ::: ::::::: :::: :::: ...... . ...:::::: .::..1. ... . .. . ........ ......... ......... ......... .... . . . . . . . . . .. ... ... . . . . . . ...... .:::: ... . . . . ' . ......... ..... . . . ... . ....... . . . ....... . . . . . ...... ......... :: . . . . . . . ....... . . . ' ' . . .... ....::: ......... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ......... " . . . . z.�.... r: ::: . ...... I. .....L. 3�:::1 . . . . . . ......... .:..... 40 . ........ ........ ......... ......... .... ...... 0 00 2+00 K-2'\N SECTION 4+00 6+00 G2 j 1 "=40' HORZ 1"=2' VERT 56 ..... ... ..... ......... ......... ..... FUTURE IEDGE '.BUILDING, GE OF .. ... ... ... 5',TYP' ' TYP ..... ... . 54 ........ . .. .... ...... ....... .. .::...... ......... .... ....... . ...::: : : ,::::: ....... ......... .. NEW: :: 52 ......... ....... . ......... ......... ......... ........ ......... ...I..... ......... ...... ......... ...... ....... ....... I. ......... ......... ....... ......... ..... ..... ..: .... ......... ......... ....... ....I.... I...... .1...... :.::: .. ... ....... ......... ..... ..... :::::: ....... ......... . 50 ........ ....... I. ......... ....... ..... ........ ... GUTH P/L . ........ . . ........ ......... . ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ...... ......... ....I ........ ......... .1.......... .....I... .I....... ......... ........ ......... . ......... ........ .I...... N ... RTH P/L NOTE I BASE CONSISTS OF 1 /2" THICK, 2'X2' PLYWOOD WITH CENTER DRILLED 5/8" 4811 i DIAMETER HOLE. . .... .... ..... . . N CE 2 BEDDING MATERIAL, RIAL, IF REQUIRED, SHOULD CONSIST OF CLEAN, COARSE SAND. ...... .. ..... EC0 OGY BLOCKS. ` 1 I . S. 2 5th 3. 1 2" DIAMETER MARKER ROD IS / ETER ROD THREADED AT BOTH ENDS STEEL ......... ........ ........ ...... ......... ........ R/W C L .. .... ..... . ... EXIST G 4 MARKER 0 ATTACHED TO BASE D WASHER ON EACH SIDE OF BASE. MAR ROD IS BY NUT AN E. 46 ....... ...., .- .. _______ ______... . ,I EDGE OF ......... ....... .... ;,-' ---_ '---. -__. - PAV[N 5 . PROTECTIVE SLEEVE SURROUNDINGO" ROD �ED TORFBASE. .. ....... ,� ��•- ....... �. __--_----.- ------- DIAMETER PLASTIC TUBING. SLEEVEISENOTATTACHR TOLD ROD NEW FILTER ,�- .. .... - ---------- ---- .... FENCE : .... . . , ..:... ......... ... ... . ........ ......... EXISTING GRADE' ...... .. ... , 6. ADDITIONAL SECTIONS OF STEEL ROD CAN BE CONNECTED WITH THREADED ......... ......... ........ ......::: ..::::: ........ ... ':: COUPLINGS. 44 �•�� :: . .. .. : `I: 7. ADDITIONAL SECTIONS OF PLASTIC PROTECTIVE SLEEVE CAN 13E CONNECTED WITH ..... .. .... .. .... .... I ... ......... .. .... .... ... ......... 1 . PRESS -FIT PLASTIC COUPLINGS. ....... ......... ..I...... ........ ......... ......... ...... ........ I.1_. ...... ......... ......... ......... .. .. . . ........ .. . .. .... .. ... 8. STEEL MARK SHOULD EXTEND EAST 6" ABOVE TOP PLASTIC ......... ......... PROTECTIVE SLEEVE. 420+00 2+00 4+00 9 STEEL MARKER ROD SHOULD EXTEND AT LEAST 1" ABOVE TOP OF FILL SURFACE SECTION G2 1 "=40' HORZ STEEL ROD-\ 1"=2' VERT n PROTECTIVE SLEEVE ,; Red 44 42 40 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ....... ... ... ..... EXISTING ...... NORTH P/L O. Dt ......... ......... .. .. ......... :: 6'BE :... .::::::. AVING ... ..... .... ....... ELEV - 0 . ..... ... ....... ..... . ::::..:: ...:.. . S. 2 5` ... .. ..... R/W C . ....... ...... .. ..... ... ....... ... TOP LIVE STORAGE ........ NEW FILTER ... ..... ...... �. :r? . . ...... FENCE ::::: «_. ...... ...... .... .... ; :: . N. ....:::: �. . . -- .: _ ---: _ --.-. - - . EXISTII - -- ... -- .. * ::: FILTER NC ... .. .... .. .... .-- � IG GRADE ..--�' , . .... .::: :::::::. ......... ..... :: :.::::: :::.:::: = ........._ .... ... :� .... ... .... ' GRA <rt L FILTER I ........ . ........ ......... :A" .. �R COA STD .:: :: : ' ::::: DTL EV�-10 ... .•< 1� ... .... .... ..... 6 ..... BOTTOM . .. . : S IMENT ... ...... .ki PON °+00 4 SECTION G2 1"=40' HORZ 1 "=2' VERT 2+00 UTILITY CONFLICT NOTE: THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR VERINNG THE LOCATION, DIMENSION, AND DEPTH OF ALL EXISTING UTILITIES, WHETHER SHOWN ON THESE PLANS OR NOT, BY POTHOLING THE UTILITIES AND SURVEYING THE THE HORIZONTAL AND VERTICAL LOCATION PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. THIS SHALL INCLUDE CALLING UTILITY LOCATE 0 1-800-424-5555 AND THEN POTHOLING ALL EXISTING UTILITIES AT LOCATIONS OF NEW UTILITY CROSSINGS TO PHYSICALLY VERIFY WHETHER OR NOT CONFLICTS EXIST, LOCATIONS OF SAID UTILITIES AS SHOWN ON THESE PLANS ARE NOT GUARANTEED AND ARE SUBJECT TO VARIATION. IF CONFLICTS SHOULD OCCUR, THE CONTACTOR SHALL CONSULT RUPERT ENGINEERING, INC. TO RESOLVE ALL PROBLEMS PRIOR TO PROCEEDING WITH CONSTRUCTION. h RECORD DRAWING CEIRnFrXf.PAl lti ;• .• A . • • .. aU tCHARGE • G1"fT �iARiES, NOTKS). THESE DRAWINGS CONFORM TO THE CONTRACTOR'S CONSTRUCTION RECORDS. BY; DATE: TITLE/POSITION: CONFIRMED BY CITY: DATE: s SETTLEMENT MARKER G2 NTS d o � U ear J In a� P-n Z Q 5 Ia N I m 4 w Z cn N ..� u� l� Z �d i� Z s l�J J >COO,� 5 rn 3 3 c CJ L.J z V L �v Q V z LL! m GL � 0 J M r?00 It }--- `i m o o Ln v) 72, 0 LAJ E._ C) LL] J w z a o e cr Li CL ' 11103 ST�� AL PROJECT REF: CRA0016-99 DATE 5/5/99 THESE PLANS ARE "APPROVER" FOR DRAWN CONFORMANCE WITH THE CITY OF AUBURN S.S. ENGINEER DIMSION'S REQUIRE "TS CHECKED J.B.R. Approved BY JOB NO. 99066 Date Approved: 47- SHEET NO. G2 R.E.I. FILE:/ G2-066.dwg 09/30/99 08:54 Q2a 1°F arr`,, t OD.fll�g2