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01-20-2021 Hearing Examiner Agenda
HEARING EXAMINER January 20, 2021 5:30 p.m. The meeting of the City of Auburn Hearing Examiner scheduled for January 20, 2021 at 5:30 p.m. will be held virtually and telephonically. To attend the meeting virtually please click the link or enter the meeting ID into the Zoom app or call into the meeting at the phone number listed below. Per Governor Inslee’s Healthy Washington - Roadmap to Recovery plan, the location for Hearing Examiner meetings will be virtual until the Governor of Washington State authorizes local governments to conduct in-person meetings. Per the Governor’s Emergency Proclamation 20-28, the City of Auburn is prohibited from holding an in-person meeting at this time. The link to the Virtual Meeting or Phone number to listen to the Hearing Examiner is: Join from a PC, Mac, iPad, iPhone or Android device: Join Zoom Meeting https://zoom.us/j/97458189487 Meeting ID: 974 5818 9487 253 215-8782 I. Case No: CAO20-0003 Applicant(s): Jon Lindenauer, Property Owner 29216 58th Pl S. Auburn, WA 980001 Agent: Jeffery S. Jones, Biologist J.S. Jones & Associates, Inc. P.O Box 1908 Issaquah, WA 98027 Request: Request for a critical areas variance for a reduced Category II wetland buffer and Type Ns stream buffer in order to allow for the future construction of a single-family residence on a vacant parcel. Project Location: The site is located directly to the west of 29216 58th Pl S. Parcel Number(s): King Co. Parcel Nos. 9286200040 Page 2 AGENDA BILL APPROVAL FORM HEARING EXAMINER Agenda Subject/Title: CAO20-0003, Lindenauer New Residence Critical Area Variance Date: January 7, 2021 Department: Community Development Budget Impact: Current Budget: $0 Proposed Revision: $0 Revised Budget: $0 DESCRIPTION: Request for a critical areas variance for a reduced Category II wetland buffer and Type Ns stream buffer in order to allow for the future construction of a single-family residence on a vacant parcel. ADMINISTRATIVE RECOMMENDATION: Hearing Examiner to conduct a public hearing and approve the Critical Area Variance request. PROJECT SUMMARY: The applicant seeks to construct a new single-family residence on a vacant parcel that contains a Category II wetland and buffer and a Type Ns stream and buffer. The residence and associated site features would encroach up to 36 feet into the Category II Wetland buffer and 12 feet into the Type Ns stream buffer. The total buffer area impacted would be approximately 2,880 square feet. The site has a zoning designation of R-5 Residential Zone, Five Dwelling Units Per Acre. The future development of the lot will be designed to meet all of the setback and development requirements of the R-5 Zone. LOCATION: The site is located directly to the west of 29216 58th Pl S; The King County parcel number is 9286200040. APPLICANT & PROPERTY OWNER: Jon Lindenauer, 29216 58th Pl S, Auburn, WA 98001 APPLICANT’S REPRESENTATIVE: Jeffery S. Jones, Biologist, J.S. Jones & Associates, Inc., P.O. Box 1908, Issaquah, WA 98027 Staff Member: Dustin Lawrence Date: January 7, 2021 Page 2 of 9 The Comprehensive Plan designation, zoning classification and current land uses of the site and surrounding properties are: Location Comprehensive Plan Designation Zoning Classification Current Land Use Subject Site “Single Family” R-5 Residential, 5 du per acre Vacant North “Single Family” R-5 Residential, 5 du per acre Public Road South “Single Family” R-5 Residential, 5 du per acre Single family residential East “Single Family” R-5 Residential, 5 du per acre Single family residential West “Single Family” R-5 Residential, 5 du per acre Single family residential Excerpted Comprehensive Plan Designation Map: Subject Site Single-Family S 292nd St Staff Member: Dustin Lawrence Date: January 7, 2021 Page 3 of 9 Excerpted Zoning Designation Map: 2019 Aerial Vicinity Map: Subject Site R-5 Residential Zone, 5 dwelling units per acre S 292nd St Staff Member: Dustin Lawrence Date: January 7, 2021 Page 4 of 9 FINDINGS OF FACT: Proposal Description 1. Jon Lindenauer, applied on September 25, 2020 for a Critical Area Variance to allow for the construction of a new single-family residence and associated site development activities within Category II Wetland buffer and a Type Ns stream buffer, at King County parcel number 9286200040. A copy of the Site Plan, prepared by DL Williams Architect PLLC, dated November 14, 2020 is included as Exhibit 5. 2. The proposed residence would be two stories and be approximately 2,541 square feet in area with a 516 square foot attached garage. It is staff’s understanding that the property will be sold and developed by a separate party than the applicant. The residence and site features, such as the lawn and patio area, will be setback approximately 36.5 feet from an existing Category II Wetland (75 foot buffer required) and approximately 39 feet from the Type Ns Stream (50 foot buffer required). A total of 2,880 wetland and stream buffer area will be impacted. A copy of the Mitigation Plan, prepared by J.S. Jones and Associates, Inc., dated September 21, 2020 is included as Exhibit 6. 3. As part of the proposal, 3,557 square feet of existing wetland and stream buffer would be enhanced. The enhancement would include a mix of trees at 10-foot by 10-foot spacing and shrubs at 6-foot by 6-foot spacing. Please see Exhibit 6 for the details of the proposed enhancement plan. Site Characteristics 4. The project site is a 11,220 square foot vacant parcel that is directly served by 58th Pl S, a cul-de-sac directly to the north of the property. See Exhibit 2 for the vicinity map. 5. The property was created via subdivision in King County (Lot 4, West Valley Heights, September 22, 1964). 6. The property is heavily vegetated with a known Category II Wetland and a Type Ns Stream, both located on the southerly portion of the site. Per ACC 16.10.090(E)(1), the Category II Wetland generally has a minimum 75-foot wide buffer requirement. Per ACC 16.10.090(E)(2), the Type Ns Stream generally has a minimum 50-foot wide buffer requirement. The Type Ns Stream is known as the Mullen Slough, per city of Auburn records, which travels to the north and eventually connects to the Green River. Ns Streams are those natural streams and drainage swales with a channel width less than two feet taken at the ordinary high water mark, that do not contain fish habitat. 7. The applicant provided a Critical Area Study, prepared by J.S. Jones and Associates, Inc., dated June 15, 2020, in order to identify wetlands, streams, or other critical areas on the property and address any impacts associated with the project. The Report confirmed the presence of a Category II Wetland and Type Ns Stream on the property. Based on the report, approximately 9,851 square feet of the site (nearly 88 percent) is encumbered by critical areas and buffers. Per the report and the plans submitted with the application, no work is proposed directly within either the wetland or stream. However, work will be proposed within each’s respective buffer area. The Critical Area Study is marked as Exhibit 7. Staff Member: Dustin Lawrence Date: January 7, 2021 Page 5 of 9 8. Per City records, the site is also located within a Type II Aquifer Recharge Area. Specifically, the site is located within Groundwater Protection Zone 4, as defined in ACC 16.10.080(F). Characteristics of the Surrounding Area 9. The project and adjacent properties are located within the jurisdiction of the City of Auburn. All proposed work will occur on private property. 10. The surrounding areas have Comprehensive Plan designations of: “Single Family”. The surrounding zoning designations include “R-5” Residential Zone. 11. The existing land use surrounding the site includes single-family residences. Such residences are generally two stories with an attached garage and a minimum of 2,000 square feet in area. The residences that are accessed from 58th Pl S were constructed between 1960 and 1980. 12. The applicant provided a list of real estate comparisons that show recently constructed homes within one mile of the site. The purpose for this information is for the applicant to demonstrate the proposed home is the minimum size necessary in order for it to be marketable for sale within the area. See Exhibit 8. Critical Area Ordinance 13. Wetlands and Streams are regulated under ACC 16.10, Critical Areas. Because a single-family dwelling is proposed to be constructed on a site with regulated critical areas, such construction must be consistent with the requirements of ACC 16.10. 14. Per ACC 16.10.090(E)(1), Category II Wetlands with low habitat scores have a minimum buffer width requirement of 75 feet, provided minimization measures outlined in ACC 16.10.090(E)(1)(a)(ii) are met. 15. Per ACC 16.10.090(E)(2), Type Ns Streams have a minimum buffer width of 50 feet. 16. ACC 16.10.090(E)(1)(b) allows for buffer averaging to Category II wetland buffers. Buffer averaging would allow buffer widths to be reduced in limited areas and increased in other areas, so long as the overall square footage area of the buffer remains the same . In this instance, the proposed residence and site development features cannot meet the square footage area requirements and must encroach into the wetland buffer more than what is allowed through buffer averaging. Further, buffer averaging is not an available option for Type Ns streams. 17. Due to strict application of the requirements contained within ACC 16.10, a critical area variance to the minimum buffer width standards is being sought. As noted in ACC 16.10.160, Variances: “ Applications for variances to the strict application of the terms of this chapter to a property may be submitted to the city. Minor variances, defined as up to and including 10 percent of the requirement, may be granted by the director as a Type II decision as defined by Chapter 14.03 ACC. Variance requests which exceed 10 percent may be granted by the hearing examiner as a Type III Staff Member: Dustin Lawrence Date: January 7, 2021 Page 6 of 9 decision, pursuant to ACC 14.03.030 and Chapter 2.46 ACC. Approval of variances from the strict application of the critical area requirements shall conform to the following criteria: A. There are unique physical conditions peculiar and inherent to the affected property which make it difficult or infeasible to strictly comply with the provisions of this section; B. The variance is the minimum necessary to accommodate the building footprint and access; C. The proposed variance would preserve the functions and values of the critical area, and/or the proposal does not create or increase a risk to the public health, safety and general welfare, or to public or private property; D. The proposed variance would not adversely affect surrounding properties adjoining; E. Adverse impacts to critical areas resulting from the proposal are minimized; and F. The special circumstances or conditions affecting the property are not a result of the actions of the applicant or previous owner.” 18. Based on the above, the proposed buffer variances are being processed as a Type III decision to the Hearing Examiner, as the buffer reduction requests exceed the 10 percent threshold allowed for critical area variances to be administratively decided. . 19. The applicant provided a written response to the variance criteria outlined within ACC 16.10.160. The responses to the criteria are included within Exhibit 4. 20. The City’s critical area variance code section (ACC 16.10.160 ) does not contain a time limit for implementation of the variance, unlike the City zoning code section which provides a time limit at ACC 18.70.110(C) (Variances) as follows: “C. A variance so authorized shall become void after the expiration of one year, or longer period if specified at the time of issuance, if no building permit, occupancy permit or business registration has been issued in accordance with the plans for which such variance was authorized. The planning director may extend the period of variance authorization for one additional year upon a finding that there has been no basic change in pertinent conditions surrounding the property at the time of the original application.” Public Notice, Comments, and Procedures 21. The City issued a Notice of Application (NOA) and Notice of Public Hearing (NOH) on December 14, 2020 with an associated 15-day comment period (File #CAO20-0003). The notice was mailed to property owners within 300 feet of the project site, published in the newspaper, posted on site, and emailed to various agencies that may have jurisdiction related to stream and wetland permitting (See Exhibit 9). 22. No public comments were received in response to the Notice of Application or Notice of Public Hearing. Staff Member: Dustin Lawrence Date: January 7, 2021 Page 7 of 9 23. The contents of the case file for this project (CAO20-0003) are hereby incorporated by reference and made part of the record of this hearing. State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) 24. Because the project only involves the construction of one single-family residence, which will not be within the Category II Wetland itself or Type Ns Stream bed (lands covered by water), it is categorically exempt from SEPA, per WAC 197-11-800(1)(b)(i) and ACC 16.06.055(A)(1). CONCLUSIONS: 1. Staff recommends that a Critical Area Variance should be approved in that the project is consistent with the approval criteria outlined in ACC 16.10.160. What follows is a listing of the criteria for decision-making provided in italics, followed by an analysis by staff of the project’s consistency with the criteria (in bold). “A. There are unique physical conditions peculiar and inherent to the affected property which make it difficult or infeasible to strictly comply with the provisions of this section;” Staff Analysis: The site contains a Category II Wetland and Type Ns Stream. These critical areas and their respective buffers encumber nearly 88 percent of the property. With only 12 percent of the site, approximately 1,369 square feet, available for construction (not encumbered by critical areas and buffer), it is infeasible to strictly comply with the provisions of ACC 16.10.090. “B. The variance is the minimum necessary to accommodate the building footprint and access” Staff Analysis: The proposed dwelling, including the associated site features, is the minimum necessary in order to meet the development standards of the R-5 zone, building code requirements, and City utility requirements. The dwelling has been designed and scaled to be consistent with other new construction within the West Hill area. The applicant provided evidence that the dwelling is similar in size to nearby development and is the minimum necessary to be marketable within the area. “C. The proposed variance would preserve the functions and values of the critical area, and/or the proposal does not create or increase a risk to the public health, safety and general welfare, or to public or private property;” Staff Analysis: The applicant supplied a mitigation plan, prepared by J.S. Jones and Associates, indicating that the functions and values of the existing wetland and stream buffers will be preserved. Specifically, while 2,563 square feet of existing buffer area will be impacted due to the construction of the new dwelling, 3,557 square feet of existing buffer area will be enhanced. The enhancement will include new native vegetation plantings consisting of a mix of trees and shrubs that are typically found within wetland and stream buffer areas within the region. Additionally, existing non-native vegetation will be removed. Nder proposed Staff Member: Dustin Lawrence Date: January 7, 2021 Page 8 of 9 implementation of the mitigation plan, the performance of these plantings will be monitored annually for five yearswith annual reports prepared by the consultant and submitted to the City, confirming that they survive and the mitigation construction meets performance standards. Provided that the plantings survive and meets the performance standards outlined in ACC 16.10, the proposed variance will preserve the functions and values of the existing critical areas that will be impacted. “D. The proposed variance would not adversely affect surrounding properties adjoining;” Staff Analysis: The variance will allow for the construction of a new single-family residence consistent in the size and scale of other residences in the area. The Category II Wetland and Type Ns Stream on the property will not be impacted, as the variance only relates to their respective buffers. The Notice of Application and Notice of Public Hearing were transmitted to the surrounding property owners within 300 feet, as well as various agencies that may have jurisdiction with permitting related to streams and wetlands. As of the date of this report, no member of the public or agency representative has expressed any concerns related to the critical area variance. For these reasons, the proposed variance would not adversely affect surrounding properties. “E. Adverse impacts to critical areas resulting from the proposal are minimized;“ Staff Analysis: As noted previously, the applicant has requested the minimum variance necessary in order to allow for reasonable development of the site. The applicant will be enhancing the remaining wetland and stream buffer area as a way to mitigate for the buffer areas that will be impacted. Additionally, the minimization methods outlined in ACC 16.10.090(E)(1)(a)(ii) will be incorporated into the project. Adverse impacts to the critical areas resulting from the proposal will be minimized. “F. The special circumstances or conditions affecting the property are not a result of the actions of the applicant or previous owner.” Staff Analysis: The property was created via a subdivision (Lot 4, West Valley Heights, September 22, 1964), while in King Co. and prior to the establishment and applicability of the City’s Critical Areas Ordinance. Additionally, the City’s Critical Areas Ordinance has been modified multiple times since the creation of the property. Such modifications included increasing buffer distances and changes to the methodology for classification of wetlands. For these reasons, the critical areas affecting the property and how they are regulated are not the result of the applicant. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Based on the application, findings, and conclusions of the Staff report, Staff recommends that the Hearing Examiner APPROVE the Critical Area Variance (CAO20-0003) to reduce the Category II Wetland buffer and the Type Ns Stream buffer for the project, as depicted on the mitigation plan. The residence and associated site features would encroach up to 36 feet into the 75-foot minimum Category II Wetland buffer and 12 feet into the 50-foot minimum Type Ns Staff Member: Dustin Lawrence Date: January 7, 2021 Page 9 of 9 stream buffer. The total buffer area impacted would be approximately 2,880 square feet subject to the following conditions: 1. The future residence shall be developed to be generally consistent with the site plan prepared by DL Williams Architect PLLC, dated November 14, 2020 (Exhibit 5). Significant modifications to the plan, including changes to the layout, size, and location of site features, will be considered a major modification and will require a new critical area variance review and decision. 2. The site shall be developed generally consistently with the Mitigation Plan, J.S. Jones & Associates, inc., dated September 21, 2020 (Exhibit 6). Any deviations to the mitigation plan will need to be consistent with ACC 16.10.110, -120, and -130, related to Mitigation standards, mitigation construction performance standards, and monitoring and as may be amended. 3. The applicant will be required to record a conservation easement in order to protect the critical areas and their respective buffers. The easement shall be prepared in accordance with the requirements outlined in ACC 16.10.110(D) and recorded prior to final inspection of the home. 4. The critical area variance shall become void after the expiration of two years from the date of the approval, if no building permit, has been issued in accordance with the plans for which such variance was authorized. Staff reserves the right to supplement the record of the case to respond to matters and information raised subsequent to the writing of this report. EXHIBIT LIST Exhibit 1 Staff Report Exhibit 2 Vicinity Map Exhibit 3 Completed Land Use Application Form, received November 23, 2020 Exhibit 4 Applicant’s Response to Variance Criteria, received November 23, 2020 Exhibit 5 Site Plan, DL Williams Architect PLLC, dated November 14, 2020 Exhibit 6 Mitigation Plan, J.S. Jones & Associates, Inc., dated September 21, 2020 Exhibit 7 Critical Area Study, J.S. Jones & Associates, Inc., dated June 15, 2020 Exhibit 8 Real Estate Comparisons, received November 23, 2020 Exhibit 9 Combined Notice of Application and Notice of Public Hearing, December 1, 2020 Exhibit 10 Public Notice Affidavits 333.3 NAD_1983_StatePlane_Washington_North_FIPS_4601_Feet Feet333.3166.70 Vicinity Map 1/6/2021Printed Date: Map Created by City of Auburn eGIS Imagery Date: May 2015 Information shown is for general reference purposes only and does not necessarily represent exact geographic or cartographic data as mapped. The City of Auburn makes no warranty as to its accuracy. October 26, 2020 Reasonable Use Exception & SEPA Checklist File No. CAO20-0003 & SEP20-0019 Notice of Complete Application & 1st Review Comments King County Parcel No. 9286200040 Mr. Lawrence, Building 1. Per pre-application meeting, the geotech report is not required if we assume soil bearing capacity is 1500 psf. Planning 1. We will use the Critical Area Variance process. Does this require an enhancement area? 2. ACC 16.10.160 Variances. A. The lot is pie-shaped with the stream running along the back of the property. The designated wetland buffer zone reduces the buildable lot area to 6% of the 11,220 square feet lot. B. The house footprint will maximize the available building width at the front of the lot and minimize the depth into the lot. C. The requested variance will preserve the functions and values of the critical area. The proposed construction project does not create or increase a risk to the public health, safety and general welfare, or to public or private property. The requested critical area variance for wetland and stream buffers will not pose or create a risk to public health, safety and general welfare or to public or private property. The granting of this critical area buffer variance, in a neighborhood of single-family residences, is in the public interest because it allows development of a vacant undeveloped property. Vacant lots can be subject to illegal activities such as dumping and trespassing. There will be no direct impacts to the wetlands and streams. A reduction in critical area buffer widths are unavoidable for use of the property. The required wetland buffer is 75 feet and the required stream buffer is 50 feet. The applicant has requested a reduced wetland buffer with a minimum width of 37.6 feet and a reduced stream buffer with a minimum width of 35.5 feet. The area of the full onsite wetland buffer is 7,355 sf and the proposed reduced wetland buffer is 4,480 sf. The area of the full onsite stream buffer is 5,984 sf and the proposed reduced stream buffer is 5,840 sf. The requested reductions are 39% of the wetland buffer and 2.4% of the stream buffer. Critical area functions and values will be improved by the proposed vegetative enhancement of critical area buffer. The buffer functions improved are wildlife habitat and water quality. Best management construction practices will be implemented according to the approved buffer mitigation plan. BMP’s will protect the wetland and stream from adverse impacts during construction. The enhancement area will be placed in a “Native Growth Protection Easement” (NGPE) which will be recorded on title. The outside limits of the remaining critical area buffer will be split-rail fenced and critical area signs posted. Mitigation will be implemented prior to occupancy. Mitigation will have a financial guarantee. D. The lot has developed areas on both sides. The two adjacent lots have developement beyond the proposed area for this project. Our project would not adversely affect them. E. The average variance distance is approximately 35' into the buffer zone. The house location at the front of the lot, closest to the street, will minimize the adverse impacts to critical areas. We will request the 25% reduction variance to the front yard setback. F. The lot was created more than 60 years ago. Therefore, the conditions affecting the property are not a result of the actions of the applicant. 3. Floor plan is attached to email. The other attachment is sales of new homes within a one mile radius of the lot. The overall average size of new homes is 2509 square feet. The building will be 1440 square feet, which includes a 400 square feet garage. The liveable area is 1040 square feet on the main level and 2432 square feet total. One of the houses adjacent to the lot is 2650 square feet total. 4. The house will be connected to Lakehaven Water and Sewer service. 5. We will request the variance for Building Setbacks in ACC 18.70.015(A)(1) to reduce the impacts to the Category 2 wetland buffer. Development Review Engineering 1. Additional infomation requested will be provided in the updated SEPA. Utilities Engineering 1. The response to item 16 of the Environmental Checklist, waste water will be discharged to the Lakehaven Sewer system. Transportation 1. According to the ITE Trip Generation, 10th Edition, a single-family detached house generates a daily rate of 9.44. Sincerely, Jon Lindenauer FOUND REBAR & CAPLS #107082 WATERMETERSBLOCKWALLEND OF 5'CHAIN LINK FENCE0.2' WEST OF LINEEND OF 8'CHAIN LINK FENCE0.6' WEST OF LINEEND OF 8'CHAIN LINK FENCE0.6' WEST OF CORNEREDGE OFASPHALT ROADSET REBAR & CAPLS #368049.96' SW'LY OFCORNER ON LINESTREAM ORDINARYHIGH WATER MARKFOUND BROKENMONUMENT IN CASE(NOT ABLE TO USE)HOUSE1,604 SFCRITICAL AREABUFFER IMPACT2,563 SFXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX X X X X X X X SPLIT RAIL FENCESILT FENCEENHANCEMENT AREA 3,557 SFTYPE-NS STREAMON-GRADEPATIO160 SFCRITICAL AREA SIGN5' CHAIN LINK FENCEDRIVEWAY540 SFBUFFER IMPACT AREA 2,880 SFExisting Native Vegetation41'22'24.6292'38'Environmental ConsultantsPROJECT: 1"=10' SCALE DRAWN BY: CHECKED BY: DESIGNED BY: 1 of 4 SHEET APPROVED BY: DATE: CONSULTANT: Wetlands, Streams, and Wildlife J. S. Jones and Associates, Inc. NO.DATE BY REVISION P.O. BOX 1908 ISSAQUAH, WASHINGTON 98027 Jeff Jones Jeff Jones LINDENAUER RUE MITIGATION PLAN292XX 58TH PL. S., AUBURN, WASHINGTON 98001PARCEL NO.: 928620-0040NORTHSCALE: 1" = 10'KEYIMPACTCONTACT INFORMATIONApplicant:JON LINDENAUER29216 58TH PLACE S.AUBURN, WAJMLSTAT@GMAIL.COM253-431-9601Real Estate Agent:DOUG WILLIAMSDOUG@GOTEAMRED.COM206-731-9002Environmental Consultant:J. S. JONES AND ASSOCIATES, INCPO BOX 1908ISSAQUAH, WASHINGTON 98027253-905-5736JEFF.JSJONES@COMCAST.NETJON LINDENAUER 29216 58TH PL. S., AUBURN, WA 98001 jmlstat@gmail.com 253-431-9601 CONTACT:ENHANCEMENT AREACRITICAL AREA BUFFERWETLAND BOUNDARYCRITICAL AREA BUFFER IMPACTSTOTAL BUFFER IMPACT2,880 SFMITIGATIONENHANCEMENT AREA 3,557 SF9/21/2020 RUE MITIGATION PLAN TAX PARCEL #: 928620-0040 VICINITY MAP NORTHNot to ScaleDRIVEWAYWETLANDPROPERTY LINESSTREAM OHWMXXXSILT FENCESPLIT-RAIL FENCESETBACKPROJECT REF: _________________________THESE PLANS ARE APPROVED FORCONFORMANCE WITH THE CITY OF AUBURN’SPLANNING AND CRITICAL AREAS REQUIREMENTS.APPROVED BY: _________________________DATE APPROVED: ______________________CRITICAL AREA SIGN Environmental ConsultantsPROJECT: CLIENT: SCALE DRAWN BY: CHECKED BY: DESIGNED BY: 2 of 4 SHEET APPROVED BY: DATE: CONSULTANT: Wetlands, Streams, and Wildlife J. S. Jones and Associates, Inc. P.O. BOX 1908 ISSAQUAH, WASHINGTON 98027 Jeff Jones Jeff Jones 9/21/2020 NO.DATE BY REVISIONDOUGLAS FIRWESTERN RED CEDARBIG-LEAF MAPLERED ALDERNOOTKA ROSESNOWBERRYVINE MAPLEBEAKED HAZELNUTSALMONBERRYTHIMBLEBERRYSWORD FERNTotalPSEUDOTSUGA MENZIESSITHUJA PLICATAACER MACROPHYLLUMALNUS RUBRAROSA NUTKANASYMPHORICARPOS ALBUSACER CIRCINATUMCORYLUS CORNUTARUBUS SPECTABILISRUBUS PARVIFLORUSPOLYSTICHUM MUNITUM2 GAL2 GAL2 GAL1 GAL1 GAL1 GAL1 GAL1 GAL1 GAL1 GAL1 GALPLANT MATERIALS SCHEDULESCIENTIFIC NAMECOMMON NAMESIZE10881033121212181224159Area #1RestorationQty. BufferSPREAD A 16" MINIMUMDIAMETER MULCH RINGTREE AND SHRUB PLANTING AND STAKING DETAILSPREAD A 16" MINIMUMDIAMETER MULCH RINGSPREAD A 16" MINIMUMDIAMETER MULCH RINGNATIVE SOIL2 INCH DEPTH MEDIUM BARKMULCH NOT TOUCHING STEMREST BOTTOM OF ROOTBALL ONUNDISTURBED NATIVE SOILCUT CIRCLING ROOTS ANDSPREAD OR "BUTTERFLY"ROOTBALLWIDTH OF PLANTINGHOLE SHALL 3'' WIDER AND 2"DEEPER THAN ROOTBALLSTAKE TREE AT 1/3 HEIGHT OFTREE, USE "TREE TIES" ORENGINEER APPROVEDEQUIVALENT, REMOVE STAKEAND TIE AFTER 1 YEARSTAKE ONLY IF NECESSARY(TYPICALLY IF TREE IS GREATERTHAN 4 FEET TALL)BACKFILL WITH NATIVE SOILONLY, COMPACT MODERATELYBY HANDPLACE TOP OF ROOTBALL LEVEL WITHNATIVE SOIL2 INCH DEPTH MEDIUM BARKMULCH NOT TOUCHING STEMTREE TIE SHALL NOT CONSTRICTTREE DEVELOPMENTNATIVE SOILCUT CIRCLING ROOTS ANDSPREAD OR "BUTTERFLY"ROOTBALLBACKFILL WITH NATIVE SOILONLY, COMPACT MODERATELYBY HAND2 INCH DEPTH MEDIUM BARKMULCH NOT TOUCHING STEMNATIVE SOILCUT CIRCLING ROOTS ANDSPREAD OR "BUTTERFLY"ROOTBALLSTAKE ONLY IF NECESSARY(TYPICALLY IF TREE IS GREATERTHAN 4 FEET TALL)TREE TIE SHALL NOT CONSTRICTTREE DEVELOPMENTSTAKE TREE AT 1/3 HEIGHT OFTREE, USE "TREE TIES" ORENGINEER APPROVEDEQUIVALENT, REMOVE STAKEAND TIE AFTER 1 YEARREST BOTTOM OF ROOTBALL ONUNDISTURBED NATIVE SOILWIDTH OF PLANTINGHOLE SHALL 3'' WIDER AND 2"DEEPER THAN ROOTBALLREST BOTTOM OF ROOTBALL ONUNDISTURBED NATIVE SOILWIDTH OF PLANTINGHOLE SHALL 3'' WIDER AND 2"DEEPER THAN ROOTBALLBACKFILL WITH NATIVE SOILONLY, COMPACT MODERATELYBY HANDPLACE TOP OF ROOTBALL LEVEL WITHNATIVE SOILPLACE TOP OF ROOTBALL LEVEL WITHNATIVE SOILNote: Tree spacing is 10' x 10', shrub spacing is 6' x 6'JON LINDENAUER 29216 58TH PL. S., AUBURN, WA 98001 jmlstat@gmail.com 253-431-9601 RUE MITIGATION PLAN TAX PARCEL #: 928620-0040 * APPLICATION RATE: 40 LBS PER ACRE* TOTAL BUFFER AREA TO BE SEEDED: 0.08 ACRES* TOTAL AMOUNT OF SEED NEEDED: 3.25 LBS* BROADCAST SEED APPLICATION BY HAND60%30%10%ELYMUS GLAUCUSHORDEUM BRACHYANTHERUMDESCHAMPSIA CAESPITOSABLUE WILDRYEMEADOW BARLEYTUFTED HAIRGRASSBUFFER GRASS SEEDINGSCIENTIFIC NAMEPERCENTAGEGRASS NAMEPROJECT REF: _________________________THESE PLANS ARE APPROVED FORCONFORMANCE WITH THE CITY OF AUBURN’SPLANNING AND CRITICAL AREAS REQUIREMENTS.APPROVED BY: _________________________DATE APPROVED: ______________________LINDENAUER RUE MITIGATION PLAN292XX 58TH PL. S., AUBURN, WASHINGTON 98001PARCEL NO.: 928620-0040 Environmental ConsultantsPROJECT: CLIENT: NONE SCALE DRAWN BY: CHECKED BY: DESIGNED BY: 3 of 4 SHEET APPROVED BY: DATE: CONSULTANT: Wetlands, Streams, and Wildlife J. S. Jones and Associates, Inc. P.O. BOX 1908 ISSAQUAH, WASHINGTON 98027 Jeff Jones Jeff Jones NO.DATE BY REVISIONGENERAL NOTES1.THIS DEVELOPMENT PROJECT SHALL CONFORM TO THE CITY OF AUBURN'SREQUIREMENTS AND BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE APPROVED PLANS. ANY CHANGESFROM THE PLAN WILL REQUIRE APPROVAL FROM THE OWNER, ENGINEER, AND THE CITY.2.ALL WORKMANSHIP AND MATERIALS SHALL CONFORM TO THE “WASHINGTONSTATE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION (WSDOT) STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS FORROAD, BRIDGE, AND MUNICIPAL CONSTRUCTION (CURRENT EDITION),” EXCEPT WHERESUPPLEMENTED OR MODIFIED BY THE CITY'S CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS MANUAL.COPIES OF THE ABOVE DOCUMENTS SHALL BE AVAILABLE AT THE JOB SITE DURINGCONSTRUCTION.3.A PRE-CONSTRUCTION MEETING SHALL BE REQUIRED PRIOR TO THE START OFALL CONSTRUCTION. CONTACT THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT AT253-804-5076, TO SCHEDULE A MEETING.4.LOCATIONS SHOWN FOR EXISTING UTILITIES ARE APPROXIMATE. THECONTRACTOR IS CAUTIONED THAT OVERHEAD UTILITY LINES MAY NOT BE SHOWN ONTHE DRAWINGS. IT SHALL BE THE CONTRACTOR'S RESPONSIBILITY TO DETERMINE THETRUE ELEVATIONS AND LOCATIONS OF ALL UNDERGROUND UTILITIES AND THE EXTENTOF ANY HAZARD CREATED BY OVERHEAD UTILITY LINES. IDENTIFICATION, LOCATION,MARKING, AND RESPONSIBILITY FOR UNDERGROUND FACILITIES OR UTILITIES, ISGOVERNED BY THE PROVISIONS OF CHAPTER 19.122 REVISED CODE OF WASHINGTON(RCW). PRIOR TO STARTING CONSTRUCTION, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL CALL ONE-CALL(811) FOR UTILITY LOCATIONS (WATER, SANITARY SEWER, STORM SEWER, GAS, POWER,TELEPHONE, AND CABLE).5.IF A PROPOSED ROUTE IS NOT INCLUDED ON THESE PLANS, A PROPOSED ROUTEAND SCHEDULE FOR HAULING MATERIAL TO THE SITE SHALL BE SUBMITTED TO THE CITYFOR APPROVAL PRIOR TO THE START OF CONSTRUCTION. IF THE CITY BELIEVES THATTHE PROPOSED HAUL ROUTE WILL ADVERSELY IMPACT THE STREET NETWORK, A SEPAAMENDMENT MAY BE REQUIRED TO EVALUATE THE IMPACTS AND DETERMINEMITIGATION REQUIREMENTS BEFORE BEGINNING WORK. HAULING MAY BE LIMITED TOAPPROPRIATE OFF-PEAK HOURS OR ALTERNATIVE ROUTES, AS DETERMINED BY THECITY.6.THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR PUBLIC SAFETY ON AND AROUNDTHE PROJECT. PRIOR TO THE START OF WORK, ALL METHODS AND EQUIPMENT USEDFOR TRAFFIC CONTROL AND STREET MAINTENANCE SHALL BE SUBMITTED TO THE CITYFOR APPROVAL. CONTRACTORS AND THEIR SURETY SHALL BE LIABLE FOR INJURIESAND DAMAGES TO PERSONS AND PROPERTY SUFFERED BECAUSE OF CONTRACTORSOPERATIONS OR NEGLIGENCE CONNECTED WITH THEM.7.ALL CONSTRUCTION SURVEYING FOR EXTENSIONS OF PUBLIC FACILITIES SHALLBE DONE UNDER THE DIRECTION OF A WASHINGTON LICENSED LAND SURVEYOR OR AWASHINGTON LICENSED PROFESSIONAL CIVIL ENGINEER.8.CERTIFIED DRAWINGS ARE REQUIRED PRIOR TO PROJECT ACCEPTANCE. REFERTO THE CITY'S “RECORD CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENT” HANDOUT. IssuedFebruary 26, 2018 City of Auburn Engineering Design Standards Page 55 Appendix B (continued)GRADING AND EROSION CONTROLNOTES1.WITHIN THE CITY OF AUBURN, ALL REQUIRED SEDIMENTATION AND EROSIONCONTROLS INDICATED ON THE PLANS MUST BE CONSTRUCTED AND IN OPERATIONPRIOR TO LAND CLEARING AND/OR OTHER CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES. THESEFACILITIES SHALL BE MAINTAINED AND UPGRADED, IF NECESSARY, TO INSURE THATSEDIMENT-LADEN WATER AND STORM DRAINAGE RUNOFF DOES NOT IMPACT THEADJACENT PROPERTIES, NATURAL DRAINAGE WAYS, OR THE EXISTING CITY STORMDRAINAGE SYSTEM.2.THE SOURCES FOR ALL MATERIAL IMPORTED TO THE SITE SHALL BE APPROVED BYTHE CITY.3.THE STORM DRAINAGE DETENTION (RETENTION IF INFILTRATION SYSTEM IS USED),SEDIMENTATION AND EROSION CONTROL FACILITIES DEPICTED ON THE APPROVEDDRAWINGS ARE INTENDED TO BE MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS TO MEET ANTICIPATED SITECONDITIONS. ADDITIONAL DRAINAGE AND EROSION CONTROL FACILITIES MAY BEREQUIRED AS SITUATIONS WARRANT DURING CONSTRUCTION. THE IMPLEMENTATION,MAINTENANCE, REPLACEMENT AND ADDITIONS TO THESE CONTROL SYSTEMS SHALL BETHE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE PERMITEE.4.THE TEMPORARY EROSION CONTROL MEASURES, INCLUDING ALL PERIMETERCONTROLS AND THE DETENTION (RETENTION IF INFILTRATION SYSTEM IS USED),CONTROL PONDS, SHALL REMAIN IN PLACE UNTIL FINAL SITE CONSTRUCTION ISCOMPLETED. AFTER CITY APPROVAL, THE CONTRACTOR WILL BE RESPONSIBLE FORREMOVING ALL TEMPORARY FACILITIES.5.THE CONTRACTOR WILL BE REQUIRED TO WATER THE SITE, AS NECESSARY, TOREDUCE DUST EMISSIONS AS A RESULT OF CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY.6.NO TRACKING IN THE ROADWAY IS ALLOWED. IF SEDIMENT IS TRACKED ONTO THEROAD, THE ROAD SHALL BE THOROUGHLY AND IMMEDIATELY CLEANED BY SHOVELINGOR PICKUP SWEEPING. TRANSPORT SEDIMENT TO A CONTROLLED SEDIMENT DISPOSALAREA. KEEP STREETS CLEAN AT ALL TIMES.7.ALL AREAS OF ACTIVE EARTHWORK WHICH HAVE THE POTENTIAL FOR EROSIONAND SEDIMENTATION IMPACTS ON ADJACENT PROPERTIES, NATURAL DRAINAGE WAYS,OR THE EXISTING CITY STORM DRAINAGE SYSTEM MUST BE STABILIZED ACCORDING TOTHE FOLLOWING SCHEDULE: FROM MAY 1 TO SEPTEMBER 30, AREAS AT FINAL GRADEAND THOSE THAT ARE SCHEDULE TO REMAIN UN-WORKED FOR MORE THAN SEVEN (7)DAYS SHALL BE STABILIZED. FROM OCTOBER 1 TO APRIL 30 EARTHWORK ACTIVITIESSHALL BE CONDUCTED IN STAGES IN ORDER TO MINIMIZE SOIL EXPOSURE. EXPOSEDSOILS THAT WILL REMAIN UN-WORKED FOR MORE THAN TWO (2) DAYS SHALL BESTABILIZED IMMEDIATELY.PROJECT REF: _________________________THESE PLANS ARE APPROVED FORCONFORMANCE WITH THE CITY OF AUBURN’SPLANNING AND CRITICAL AREAS REQUIREMENTS.APPROVED BY: _________________________DATE APPROVED: ______________________10' ON CENTER12" TO 16"8"40" TO 46"CONCRETE18" TO 24"4"x4"" SPLIT RAIL POST SPLIT RAIL FENCEFENCE NOTES:INSTALL SPLIT RAIL FENCE ALONG WETLAND BUFFER BOUNDARY AND CLEARING LIMIT. FENCEWILL BE CONSTRUCTED OF CEDAR SPLIT-RAIL. THE DEVELOPER HAS THE OPTION OFINSTALLING A 6-FOOT HIGH SOLID WOOD FENCE. ANY PROPOSED CHANGES TO THE FENCESHALL FIRST BE APPROVED BY THE CITY OF AUBURN PLANNING DEPARTMENT.SPLIT RAIL FENCE DETAILWETLAND SIGN DETAIL9/21/2020 12" TO 16"8"40" TO 46"CONCRETE18" TO 24"4"x4"" SPLIT RAIL POST MORTISED HOLESSILT CONTROL FENCE DETAILNUMBER: E-02.1SILT CONTROL FENCE DETAIL IS FROM AUBURN ENGINEERING ANDCONSTRUCTION STANDARDS PART 2END OF RAILJON LINDENAUER 29216 58TH PL. S., AUBURN, WA 98001 jmlstat@gmail.com 253-431-9601 RUE MITIGATION PLAN TAX PARCEL #: 928620-0040 LINDENAUER RUE MITIGATION PLAN292XX 58TH PL. S., AUBURN, WASHINGTON 98001PARCEL NO.: 928620-0040 Environmental ConsultantsPROJECT: CLIENT: NONE SCALE DRAWN BY: CHECKED BY: DESIGNED BY: 4 of 4 SHEET APPROVED BY: DATE: CONSULTANT: Wetlands, Streams, and Wildlife J. S. Jones and Associates, Inc. P.O. BOX 1908 ISSAQUAH, WASHINGTON 98027 Jeff Jones Jeff Jones NO.DATE BY REVISION1.0 EXECUTIVE SUMMARYTHE APPLICANT PROPOSES TO CONSTRUCT A 1,604 SF FOOTPRINT SINGLE-FAMILY HOMEON PARCEL # 928620-0040. MULLENS CREEK FLOWS THRU THE PROPERTY ALONG THESOUTH PROPERTY LINE. MULLENS CREEK IS A TYPE-NS STREAM WITH A 50-FOOTSTREAM BUFFER (AUBURN MUNICIPAL CODE 16.10.090). ADJACENT TO THE MULLENSCREEK IS A CATEGORY III WETLAND WITH A 75-FOOT BUFFER. THE STREAM BUFFERFALLS WITHIN THE WETLAND BUFFER. THE CRITICAL AREA BUFFER IMPACT IS 2,880 SF.MITIGATION IS 3,557 SF OF BUFFER ENHANCED WITH NATIVE VEGETATION. THECRITICAL AREAS WILL BE PLACED IN A NATIVE GROWTH PROTECTION TRACT. THEREWILL BE A NOTICE ON TITLE. THE OUTER BUFFER WILL BE FENCE WITH SPLIT-RAILFENCE AND CRITICAL AREA SIGNS WILL BE POSTED ON THE FENCE.1.1 GOALS AND OBJECTIVESTHE GOAL OF MITIGATION IS TO INCREASE THE FUNCTIONS AND VALUES OF THEEXISTING CRITICAL AREA BUFFER THROUGH VEGETATIVE ENHANCEMENT. THEOBJECTIVES NECESSARY TO MEET THE ABOVE STATED GOAL AREA AS FOLLOWS:·INSTALL EROSION CONTROL MEASURES·REMOVE INVASIVE PLANTS FROM THE BUFFER·INSTALL PLANTS·INSTALL TEMPORARY IRRIGATION·PROTECT THE BUFFER FROM FUTURE IMPACTS BY FENCING, SIGNAGE AND A NOTICEON TITLE·MAINTAIN AND MONITOR THE ENHANCEMENT AREA FOR A PERIOD OF THREE (3)YEARS OR UNTIL THE SITE MEETS THE SPECIFIED PERFORMANCE STANDARDS·IF THE ENHANCEMENT AREA FAILS TO MEET PERFORMANCE STANDARDS PROVIDE ACONTINGENCY PLAN TO RECTIFY THE SITUATION2.0 PROJECT LOCATIONTHE PROPERTY IS KING COUNTY TAX PARCEL NO. 928620-0040. LOCATED AT 292XX 58THPL. S., AUBURN, WASHINGTON 98001.3.0 RESPONSIBLE PARTIESAPPLICANTJON LINDENAUER29216 58TH PLACE S.AUBURN, WAJMLSTAT@GMAIL.COM253-431-9601REAL ESTATE AGENTDOUG WILLIAMSDOUG@GOTEAMRED.COM206-731-9002ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANTJ. S. JONES AND ASSOCIATES, INC.JEFFERY S. JONES, PWSP.O.BOX 1908ISSAQUAH, WASHINGTON 98027253-905-57364.0 STANDARDSALL WORK AND MATERIALS SHALL CONFORM TO THE CITY OF AUBURN STANDARDSAND SPECIFICATIONS, AND TO THE SPECIFICATIONS AND DETAILS SHOWN ON THESEPLANS.5.0 CITY OF AUBURN CONTACTCERTAIN ACTIONS WITHIN THIS MITIGATION/RESTORATION PLAN REQUIRE INSPECTIONOR APPROVAL BY CITY OF AUBURN STAFF. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION/APPROVALSHALL BE COORDINATED WITH THE CITY OF AUBURN PLANNING DEPARTMENT, AT253-931-9020, OR PLANNING@AUBURNWA.GOV.6.0 CONTRACTOR INFORMATIONWHEN IT IS AVAILABLE, CONTRACTOR INFORMATION SHALL BE PROVIDED TO THE CITYOF AUBURN THAT INCLUDES NAMES, ADDRESSES AND PHONE NUMBERS OFPERSONS/FIRMS THAT WILL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR GRADING THEMITIGATION/RESTORATION AREA, INSTALLING REQUIRED PLANTS, AND PERFORMINGREQUIRED MAINTENANCE AND MONITORING.7.0 CONTRACTOR'S QUALIFICATIONSCONTRACTOR/LANDSCAPE INSTALLER MUST BE EXPERIENCED IN MITIGATION ANDRESTORATION WORK. THE PERMITTEE SHALL PROVIDE THAT THERE IS ONE PERSON ONTHE SITE AT ALL TIMES DURING WORK AND INSTALLATION WHO IS THOROUGHLYFAMILIAR WITH THE TYPE OF MATERIALS BEING INSTALLED AND THE BEST METHODSFOR THEIR INSTALLATION, AND WHO SHALL DIRECT ALL WORK BEING PERFORMEDUNDER THESE SPECIFICATIONS. THIS PERSON SHALL BE EXPERIENCED IN INSTALLINGNATIVE PLANT MATERIALS FOR WETLAND MITIGATION OR RESTORATION PROJECTS,UNLESS OTHERWISE ALLOWED BY THE WETLAND SCIENTIST AND/OR CITY OF AUBURNSTAFF .8.0 SITE CONDITIONSTHE PERMITTEE AND/OR WETLAND SCIENTIST SHALL IMMEDIATELY NOTIFY CITY OFAUBURN STAFF OF ANY DISCREPANCIES BETWEEN THESE PLANS AND THE SITECONDITIONS. THE LOCATIONS OF PLANTS SHOWN MAY BE MODIFIED IN THE FIELD BYTHE WETLAND SCIENTIST AND/OR CITY OF AUBURN STAFF BASED ON FIELDCONDITIONS AT THE TIME OF PLANTING. CHANGES SHOULD BE DOCUMENTED ANDAS-BUILT DRAWINGS SUBMITTED TO CITY OF AUBURN UPON REQUEST FOR FORMALCONSTRUCTION APPROVAL.9.0 PLANTS9.1 ORIGIN: PLANT MATERIALS SHALL BE NORTHWEST NATIVE PLANTS, NURSERYGROWN IN THE PUGET SOUND REGION OF WASHINGTON. DUG PLANTS MAY ONLY BEUSED UPON APPROVAL OF CITY OF AUBURN STAFF OR WETLAND SCIENTIST.9.2 HANDLING: PLANTS SHALL BE HANDLED SO AS TO AVOID ALL DAMAGE, INCLUDINGBREAKING, BRUISING, ROOT DAMAGE, SUNBURN, DRYING, FREEZING OR OTHER INJURY.PLANTS MUST BE COVERED DURING TRANSPORT. PLANTS SHALL NOT BE BOUND WITHWIRE OR ROPE IN A MANNER THAT COULD DAMAGE BRANCHES. PROTECT PLANT ROOTSWITH SHADE AND WET SOIL IN THE TIME PERIOD BETWEEN DELIVERY ANDINSTALLATION. DO NOT LIFT CONTAINER STOCK BY TRUNKS, STEMS, OR TOPS. DO NOTREMOVE FROM CONTAINERS UNTIL READY TO PLANT. WATER ALL PLANTS ASNECESSARY TO KEEP MOISTURE LEVELS APPROPRIATE TO THE SPECIES HORTICULTURALREQUIREMENTS. PLANTS SHALL NOT BE ALLOWED TO DRY OUT. ALL PLANTS SHALL BEWATERED THOROUGHLY IMMEDIATELY UPON INSTALLATION. SOAK ALLCONTAINERIZED PLANTS THOROUGHLY PRIOR TO INSTALLATION. BARE ROOT PLANTSARE SUBJECT TO THE FOLLOWING SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS, AND SHALL NOT BE USEDUNLESS PLANTED BETWEEN NOVEMBER 1 AND MARCH 1, AND ONLY WITH THEPERMISSION OF THE WETLAND SCIENTIST AND CITY OF AUBURN STAFF. BARE ROOTPLANTS MUST HAVE ENOUGH FIBROUS ROOT TO INSURE PLANT SURVIVAL. ROOTS MUSTBE COVERED AT ALL TIMES WITH MUD AND/OR WET STRAW, MOSS, OR OTHER SUITABLEPACKING MATERIAL UNTIL TIME OF INSTALLATION. PLANTS WHOSE ROOTS HAVE DRIEDOUT FROM EXPOSURE WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED AT INSTALLATION INSPECTION.9.3 STORAGE: PLANTS STORED BY THE PERMITTEE FOR LONGER THAN ONE MONTHPRIOR TO PLANTING SHALL BE PLANTED IN NURSERY ROWS, AND TREATED IN AMANNER SUITABLE TO THAT SPECIES HORTICULTURAL REQUIREMENTS. PLANTS MUSTBE INSPECTED BY THE WETLAND SCIENTIST PRIOR TO INSTALLATION.9.4 DAMAGED PLANTS: DAMAGED, DRIED OUT, OR OTHERWISE MISHANDLED PLANTSWILL BE REJECTED AT INSTALLATION INSPECTION. ALL REJECTED PLANTS SHALL BEIMMEDIATELY REMOVED FROM THE SITE.9.5 PLANT NAMES: PLANT NAMES SHALL COMPLY WITH THOSE GENERALLY ACCEPTEDIN THE NATIVE PLANT NURSERY TRADE. ANY QUESTIONS REGARDING PLANT SPECIESOR VARIETY SHALL BE REFERRED TO THE WETLAND SCIENTIST OR CITY OF AUBURNSTAFF. ALL PLANT MATERIALS SHALL BE TRUE TO SPECIES AND VARIETY.9.6 PLANT SUBSTITUTIONS: PLANT SUBSTITUTIONS ARE NOT PERMITTED WITHOUT THEPERMISSION OF THE WETLAND SCIENTIST AND/OR CITY OF AUBURN STAFF. SAMESPECIES SUBSTITUTIONS OF LARGER SIZE DO NOT REQUIRE SPECIAL PERMISSION.HOWEVER, SMALL PLANTS OFTEN EXPERIENCE LESS TRANSPLANT SHOCK AND ADAPTMORE QUICKLY TO SITE CONDITIONS, RESULTING IN A HIGHER SUCCESS RATE. AS SUCH,SMALLER PLANTS WILL BE APPROVED AS SUBSTITUTIONS BASED ON CERTAINSITE-SPECIFIC CONDITIONS (TREES NOT LESS THAN 1 GALLON SIZE HOWEVER).9.7 QUALITY AND CONDITION: PLANTS SHALL BE NORMAL IN PATTERN OF GROWTH,HEALTHY, WELL-BRANCHED, VIGOROUS, WITH WELL-DEVELOPED ROOT SYSTEMS, ANDFREE OF PESTS AND DISEASES. DAMAGED, DISEASED, PEST-INFESTED, SCRAPED,BRUISED, DRIED-OUT, BURNED, BROKEN, OR DEFECTIVE PLANTS WILL BE REJECTED.PLANTS WITH PRUNING WOUNDS OVER 1" IN DIAMETER WILL BE REJECTED.9.8 ROOTS: ALL PLANTS SHALL BE BALLED AND BURLAPPED OR CONTAINERIZED,UNLESS AUTHORIZED BY THE WETLAND SCIENTIST. ROOTBOUND PLANTS OR B&BPLANTS WITH DAMAGED, CRACKED OR LOOSE ROOTBALLS (MAJOR DAMAGE) WILL BEREJECTED. IMMEDIATELY BEFORE INSTALLATION, PLANTS WITH MINOR ROOT DAMAGE(SOME BROKEN AND/OR TWISTED) MUST BE ROOT-PRUNED. MATTED OR CIRCLINGROOTS OF CONTAINERIZED PLANTINGS MUST BE PRUNED OR STRAIGHTENED AND THESIDES OF THE ROOT BALL MUST BE ROUGHENED FROM TOP TO BOTTOM TO A DEPTH OFAPPROXIMATELY HALF AND INCH IN TWO TO FOUR PLACES. BARE ROOT PLANTINGS OFWOODY MATERIAL IS ALLOWED ONLY WITH PERMISSION FROM THE WETLANDSCIENTIST, AND/OR CITY OF AUBURN STAFF.9.9 SIZES: PLANT SIZES SHALL BE THE SIZE INDICATED IN THE PLANT SCHEDULE.LARGER STOCK MAY BE ACCEPTABLE PROVIDED THAT IT HAS NOT BEEN CUT BACK TOSIZE SPECIFIED, AND THAT THE ROOT BALL IS PROPORTIONATE TO THE SIZE OF THEPLANT. SMALLER STOCK MAY BE ACCEPTABLE, AND UNDER SOME CIRCUMSTANCESPREFERABLE, BASED ON SITE-SPECIFIC CONDITIONS. MEASUREMENTS, CALIPER,BRANCHING AND BALLING AND BURLAP SHALL CONFORM TO THE AMERICANSTANDARD OF NURSERY STOCK BY THE AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF NURSERYMEN(LATEST EDITION).9.10 FORM: EVERGREEN TREES, IF USED, SHALL HAVE SINGLE TRUNKS ANDSYMMETRICAL, WELL-DEVELOPED FORM. DECIDUOUS TREES SHALL BESINGLE-TRUNKED UNLESS SPECIFIED AS MULTI-STEM IN THE PLANT SCHEDULE. SHRUBSSHALL HAVE MULTIPLE STEMS, AND BE WELL-BRANCHED.9.11 PLANTING: PLANTING SHALL BE DONE IN ACCORDANCE WITH ILLUSTRATEDDETAILS IN THE MITIGATION/RESTORATION PLAN SET AND ACCEPTED INDUSTRYSTANDARDS.9.12 TIMING OF PLANTING: UNLESS OTHERWISE APPROVED BY CITY OF AUBURNSTAFF, ALL PLANTING SHALL OCCUR BETWEEN SEPTEMBER 1 AND MARCH 31.9.13 WEEDING: EXISTING AND EXOTIC VEGETATION IN THE MITIGATION AND BUFFERAREAS WILL BE HAND WEEDED FROM AROUND ALL NEWLY INSTALLED PLANTS AT THETIME OF INSTALLATION AND ON ROUTINE BASIS THROUGH MONITORING PERIOD. NOCHEMICAL CONTROL OF VEGETATION ON ANY PORTION OF THE SITE IS ALLOWEDWITHOUT THE WRITTEN PERMISSION OF CITY OF AUBURN STAFF.9.14 MULCH: THE SOIL SURFACE SURROUNDING ALL PLANTING PIT AREAS SHALLRECEIVE NO LESS THAN 2"-4" OF ORGANIC COMPOST OR MEDIUM BARK MULCH AFTERPLANTING. COMPOST OR MULCH SHALL BE KEPT WELL AWAY (AT LEAST 2") FROM THETRUNKS AND STEMS OF WOODY PLANTS. COMPOST SHALL BE CEDAR GROVE PURECOMPOST OR APPROVED EQUAL.9.15 SITE CONDITIONS: CONTRACTOR SHALL IMMEDIATELY NOTIFY THE WETLANDSCIENTIST OF DRAINAGE OR SOIL CONDITIONS LIKELY TO BE DETERIMENTAL TO THEGROWTH OR SURVIVAL OF PLANTS. PLANTING OPERATIONS SHALL NOT BE CONDUCTEDUNDER THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: FREEZING WEATHER, WHEN THE GROUND ISFROZEN, EXCESSIVELY WET WEATHER, EXCESSIVELY WINDY WEATHER, OR INEXCESSIVE HEAT.9.16 PLANT LOCATIONS: LOCATIONS SHALL BE AS DEPICTED IN THE APPROVED PLANSET. THE LANDSCAPE DESIGNER AND/OR WETLAND SCIENTIST MAY CHANGE THELOCATIONS OF PLANTINGS SHOWN ON PLANS BASED ON FIELD CONDITIONS.9.17 PLANTING IN PITS: PLANTING PITS SHALL BE CIRCULAR OR SQUARE WITHVERTICAL SIDES, AND SHALL BE 3" DEEPER AND 6" LARGER IN DIAMETER THAN THEROOT BALL OF THE PLANT. BREAK UP THE SIDES OF THE PIT IN COMPACTED SOILS. SETPLANTS UPRIGHT IN PITS, AS ILLUSTRATED IN PLANTING DETAIL. BURLAP SHALL BEREMOVED FROM THE PLANTING PIT. BACKFILL SHALL BE WORKED BACK INTO HOLESSUCH THAT AIR POCKETS ARE REMOVED WITHOUT ADVERSELY COMPACTING SOILS.9.18 FERTILIZER: SLOW RELEASE FERTILIZER MAY BE USED IF PRE-APPROVED BY CITYOF AUBURN STAFF. FERTILIZERS SHALL BE APPLIED ONLY AT THE BASE OF PLANTINGSUNDERNEATH THE REQUIRED COVERING OF MULCH (THAT DOES NOT MAKE CONTACTWITH STEMS OF THE PLANTS). NO FERTILIZERS WILL BE PLACED IN PLANTING HOLES.9.19 WATER: PLANTS SHALL BE WATERED UPON COMPLETION OF BACKFILLING. FORSPRING PLANTINGS (IF APPROVED), A RIM OF EARTH SHALL BE MOUNDED AROUND THEBASE OF THE TREE OR SHRUB NO CLOSER THAN THE DRIP LINE, OR NO LESS THAN 30" INDIAMETER, EXCEPT ON STEEP SLOPES OR IN HOLLOWS. PLANTS SHALL BE WATERED ASECOND TIME WITHIN 24-48 HOURS AFTER INSTALLATION. THE EARTHEN RIM/DAMSHOULD BE LEVELED PRIOR TO THE SECOND GROWING SEASON.10.0 GRASS SEEDINGSEEDING IS REQUIRED AS DESCRIBED IN APPROVED PLANS. USE SPECIFIED NATIVE MIXAT RATE SPECIFIED. ALL SEED MATERIALS SHALL BE FREE OF WEED SEEDS OR OTHERFOREIGN MATTER DETRIMENTAL TO PLANT GROWTH.10.1 TIMING: SEEDING SHALL NOT TAKE PLACE UNTIL MULCH HAS BEEN APPLIED.CONTRACTOR SHALL INSURE THAT AREAS TO RECEIVE SEED ARE CLEAN OF DEBRIS ANDTHAT FINAL GRADES ARE CORRECT. SEEDING SHALL BE PERFORMED AFTER OTHERPLANT INSTALLATION IS COMPLETE. SEEDING IS THE FINAL STEP OF THE INTIALINSTALLATION; SITE SHALL BE CLOSED TO ALL VEHICLES AND FOOT TRAFFIC SHALL BEMINIMIZED AFTER SEEDING IS COMPLETE. SEEDING SHALL NOT TAKE PLACE WHEN THEGROUND IS FROZEN OR IN WINDY WEATHER. SEEDS SHALL BE HAND BROADCAST OR BYMECHANICAL HAND POWERED SPREADER, WITH AS EVEN DISTRIBUTION AS FEASIABLE.AREAS WITHIN 6"-12" OF STEMS OF INSTALLED PLANTS SHALL NOT BE SEEDED. 11.0 MAINTENANCEMAINTENANCE SHALL BE REQUIRED IN ACCORDANCE WITH CITY OF AUBURNGUIDELINES AND APPROVED PLANS.11.1 SURVIVAL: THE PERMITTEE SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE HEALTH OF 100% OFALL NEWLY INSTALLED PLANTS FOR ONE GROWING SEASON AFTER INSTALLATION HASBEEN ACCEPTED BY CITY OF AUBURN STAFF (SEE PERFORMANCE STANDARDS). AGROWING SEASON FOR THESE PURPOSES IS DEFINED AS OCCURRING FROM SPRING TOSPRING (MARCH 15 TO MARCH 15, FOLLOWING YEAR). FOR FALL INSTALLATION (OFTENREQUIRED), THE GROWING SEASON WILL BEGIN THE FOLLOWING SPRING. THEPERMITTEE SHALL REPLACE ANY PLANTS THAT ARE FAILING, WEAK, DEFECTIVE IN AMANNER OF GROWTH, OR DEAD DURING THIS GROWING SEASON, AS DIRECTED BY THELANDSCAPE DESIGNER, WETLAND SCIENTIST, AND/OR CITY OF AUBURN STAFF.11.2 INSTALLATION TIMING FOR REPLACEMENT PLANTS: REPLACEMENT PLANTSSHALL BE INSTALLED BETWEEN SEPTEMBER 1 AND MARCH 31, UNLESS OTHERWISEDETERMINED BY THE LANDSCAPE DESIGNER, WETLAND SCIENTIST, AND/OR CITY OFAUBURN STAFF.11.3 DURATION AND EXTENT: IN ORDER TO ACHIEVE PERFORMANCE STANDARDS, THEPERMITTEE SHALL HAVE THE MITIGATION/RESTORATION AREA MAINTAINED FOR THEDURATION OF THE MONITORING PERIOD, 3 YEARS. MAINTENANCE WILL INCLUDEWATERING, WEEDING AROUND BASE OF INSTALLED PLANTS, PRUNING, REPLACEMENT,RE-STAKING, REMOVAL OF ALL CLASSES OF NOXIOUS WEEDS (SEE WASHINGTON STATENOXIOUS WEEDS LIST, WAC 16-750-005) AS WELL AS HIMALAYAN BLACKBERRY, ANDANY OTHER MEASURES NEEDED TO INSURE PLANT SURVIVAL. ALL MAINTENANCESHALL BE DIRECTED BY THE WETLAND SCIENTIST.11.4 STANDARDS FOR REPLACEMENT PLANTS: REPLACEMENT PLANTS SHALL MEETTHE SAME STANDARDS FOR SIZE AND TYPE AS THOSE SPECIFIED FOR ORIGINALINSTALLATION UNLESS OTHERWISE DIRECTED BY THE LANDSCAPE DESIGNER, WETLANDSCIENTIST, AND/OR CITY OF AUBURN STAFF. REPLACEMENT PLANTS SHALL BEINSPECTED AS DESCRIBED ABOVE FOR THE ORIGINAL INSTALLATION.11.5 REPLANTING: PLANTS THAT HAVE SETTLED IN THEIR PLANTING PITS TOO DEEP,TOO SHALLOW, LOOSE, OR CROOKED SHALL BE REPLANTED AS DIRECTED BY THEWETLAND SCIENTIST, AND/OR CITY OF AUBURN STAFF.11.6 HERBICIDES/PESTICIDES: CHEMICAL CONTROLS SHALL NOT BE USED IN THEMITIGATION/RESTORATION AREA, SENSITIVE AREAS OR THEIR BUFFERS. HOWEVER,LIMITED USE OF HERBICIDES MAY BE APPROVED DEPENDING ON SITE SPECIFICCONDITIONS, ONLY IF APPROVED BY CITY OF AUBURN STAFF.11.7 GENERAL: THE PERMITTEE SHALL INCLUDE IN GENERAL MAINTENANCEACTIVITIES THE REPLACEMENT OF ANY VANDALIZED OR DAMAGED SIGNS, HABITATFEATURES, FENCES OR OTHER STRUCTURAL COMPONENT OF THE MITIGATION SITE.12.0 PERFORMANCE STANDARDS - PLANT COVER AND SURVIVALPLANT SURVIVAL AND COVER STANDARDS ARE ESTABLISHED TO MEASURE MITIGATIONSUCCESS AS FOLLOWS:12.0 PERFORMANCE STANDARDS - PLANT COVER AND SURVIVALPLANT SURVIVAL AND COVER STANDARDS ARE ESTABLISHED TO MEASURE MITIGATIONSUCCESS AS FOLLOWS:PERFORMANCE STANDARDSYEAR 1YEAR 2YEAR 3SHRUB AND SAPLING TREE COVER*>10%>15%>20%SHRUB AND SAPLING TREE SURVIVAL100%>85%>80%*INCLUDES BENEFICIAL NATIVE PLANTS IN THAT CATEGORY THAT ARE NATURALLYRECRUITING VOLUNTEERS**LESS THAN 10% INVASIVE PLANT COVER DURING ANY MONITORING EVENT.13.0 MONITORINGMONITORING SHALL BE CONDUCTED ANNUALLY FOR 3 YEARS IN ACCORDANCEWITH THE APPROVED MITIGATION/RESTORATION MONITORING PLAN.13.1 VEGETATION MONITORING: SAMPLE PLOTS WILL BE ESTABLISHED FORVEGETATION MONITORING, AND PHOTO-POINTS ESTABLISHED FROM WHICH PHOTOSWILL BE TAKEN THROUGHOUT THE MONITORING PERIOD. SAMPLE PLOTS ARE THEPREFERRED METHOD FOR VEGETATION MONITORING FOR THIS SITE. NO LESS THANFOUR (4) PLOT WILL BE ESTABLISHED IN EACH ENHANCEMENT AREA. PERMANENT PLOTLOCATION(S) MUST BE IDENTIFIED ON MITIGATION/RESTORATION SITE PLANS IN THEFIRST MONITORING REPORT (THEY MAY BE DRAWN ON APPROVEDMITIGATION/RESTORATION PLANS BY HAND). PLOTS SHALL DETAIL HERB, SHRUB, ANDTREE AERIAL COVER AT RADII OF 1M, 5M, AND 10M RESPECTIVELY, USING THEBRAUN-BLANQUET RELEVE METHOD OR OTHER ACCEPTABLE FIELD METHOD.MONITORING OF VEGETATION PLOTS SHALL OCCUR ANNUALLY BETWEEN AUGUST 1AND SEPTEMBER 30 (PRIOR TO LEAF DROP), UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED.13.2 PHOTOPOINTS: NO LESS THAN ONE (1) PERMANENT PHOTO POINT PER PLOT WILLBE ESTABLISHED WITHIN THE MITIGATION/RESTORATION AREA. PHOTOGRAPHS WILL BETAKEN FROM THESE POINTS TO VISUALLY RECORD THE CONDITION OF THEMITIGATION/RESTORATION AREA. PHOTOS SHALL BE TAKEN ANNUALLY BETWEENAUGUST 1 AND SEPTEMBER 30 (PRIOR TO LEAF DROP), UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED.13.3 REPORTS: MONITIORING REPORTS SHALL BE SUBMITTED BY DECEMBER 31 OFEACH YEAR DURING THE MONITORING PERIOD. AS APPLICABLE, MONITORING REPORTSMUST INCLUDE DESCRIPTION/DATA FOR:I. SITE PLAN AND LOCATION MAPII. HISTORIC DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT, INCLUDING DATE OF INSTALLATION,CURRENT YEAR OF MONITORING, RESTATEMENT OF MITIGATION/RESTORATION GOALS,AND PERFORMANCE STANDARDSIII. PLANT SURVIVAL, VIGOR, AND AERIAL COVERAGE FROM EVERY PLANTCOMMUNITY (TRANSECT DATA), AND EXPLANATION OF MONITORING METHODOLOGY INTHE CONTEXT OF ASSESSING PERFORMANCE STANDARDSIV. BUFFER CONDITIONS, E.G. SURROUNDING LAND USE, USE BY HUMANS, WILD ANDDOMESTIC CREATURESV. OBSERVED WILDLIFE, INCLUDING AMPHIBIANS, AVIANS AND OTHERSVI. ASSESSMENT OF NUISANCE/EXOTIC BIOTA AND RECOMMENDATIONS FORMANAGEMENTVII. SOILS, INCLUDING TEXTURE, MUNSELL COLOR, ROOTING AND OXIDIZEDRHIZOSHPERESVIII. RECEIPTS FOR OFF-SITE DISPOSAL OF ANY DUMPING, WEEDS, OR INVASIVEPLANTSIX. RECEIPTS FOR ANY STRUCTURAL REPAIR OR REPLACEMENTX. 4"X6" COLOR PHOTOGRAPH TAKEN FROM PERMANENT PHOTO-POINTS AS SHOWNON MONITORING/RESTORATION PLAN.XI. SUMMARY OF MAINTENANCE AND CONTINGENCY MEASURES PROPOSED FORNEXT SEASON AND COMPLETED FOR PAST SEASON13.4 DEFICIENCES: ANY DEFICIENCY DISCOVERED DURING ANY MONITORING ORINSPECTION VISIT MUST BE CORRECTED WITHIN 60 DAYS OF APPROVAL BY CITY OFAUBURN.13.5 CONTINGENCY PLAN: SHOULD ANY MONITORING REPORT REVEAL THEMITIGATION HAS FAILED IN WHOLE OR IN PART, AND SHOULD THAT FAILURE BEBEYOND THE SCOPE OF ROUTINE MAINTENANCE, A CONTINGENCY PLAN WILL BESUBMITTED. THE CONTINGENCY PLAN MAY RANGE IN COMPLEXITY FROM A LIST OFPLANTS SUBSTITUTED, TO CROSS-SECTIONS OF PROPOSED ENGINEERED STRUCTURES.ONCE APPROVED, IT MAY BE INSTALLED, AND WILL REPLACE THE APPROVEDMITIGATION/RESTORATION PLAN. IF THE FAILURE IS SUBSTANTIAL, THE CITY OFAUBURN MAY EXTEND THE MONITORING PERIOD FOR THAT MITIGATION.14.0 BONDPRIOR TO BEGINNING ANY WORK, THE PERMITTEE MUST PROVIDE AMITIGATION/RESTORATION BOND OR ASSIGNMENT OF FUNDS PER CITY OF AUBURNPROCEDURES. UPON APPROVAL OF THE MITIGATION PLAN, A BOND QUANTITYWORKSHEET WILL COMPLETED BASED ON ALL ELEMENTS OF THEMITIGATION/RESTORATION PLAN.15.0 PROTECTIONTHE BUFFER ENHANCEMENT AREA WILL BE PLACED IN A NATIVE GROWTH PROTECTIONEASEMENT OR TRACT.16.0 AS-BUILT REPORTSAN AS-BUILT REPORT WILL BE PROVIDED TO THE CITY OF AUBURN WITHIN 30 DAYS OFTHE COMPLETION OF INSTALLATION OF THE BUFFER ENHANCEMENT PLAN.9/21/2020 JON LINDENAUER 29216 58TH PL. S., AUBURN, WA 98001 jmlstat@gmail.com 253-431-9601 RUE MITIGATION PLAN TAX PARCEL #: 928620-0040PROJECT REF: _________________________THESE PLANS ARE APPROVED FORCONFORMANCE WITH THE CITY OF AUBURN’SPLANNING AND CRITICAL AREAS REQUIREMENTS.APPROVED BY: _________________________DATE APPROVED: ______________________LINDENAUER RUE MITIGATION PLAN292XX 58TH PL. S., AUBURN, WASHINGTON 98001PARCEL NO.: 928620-0040 1 Critical Area Study Of the King County Tax Parcel No. 9286200040 Northwest 1/4 of Section 2, Township 21 N, Range 4 E of the Willamette Meridian Prepared for: Jon Lindenauer 29216 58th Place S. Auburn, Washington 98001 jmlstat@gmail.com 253-431-9601 Dated: June 15, 2020 Prepared by: Jeffery S. Jones, Wetland Scientist & Wildlife Biologist J. S. Jones and Associates, Inc. i Table of Contents 1.0 Project Description..........................................................................................................1 2.0 Site Address, Identification and Directions ....................................................................1 3.0 Methodology ...................................................................................................................1 4.0 General Site Description .................................................................................................1 5.0 Vegetation .......................................................................................................................2 5.1 Vegetation Methodology ..............................................................................................2 5.2 Vegetation Results ........................................................................................................2 6.0 Hydrology .......................................................................................................................2 6.1 Hydrology Methodology ...............................................................................................2 6.2 Hydrology Results ........................................................................................................3 7.0 Soils.................................................................................................................................3 7.1 Soils Methodology ........................................................................................................3 7.2 Soil Series .....................................................................................................................3 7.3 Soils Results ..................................................................................................................3 8.0 Stream Determination, Rating, and Buffers ....................................................................3 9.0 Wetland Determination, Rating, and Buffers .................................................................3-4 10.0 Impacts ..........................................................................................................................4 11.0 Authority .......................................................................................................................4 12.0 Limitations ....................................................................................................................4 13.0 References .....................................................................................................................4 Tables 1.0 Plant Indicator Status ......................................................................................................2 Attachments Vicinity Map King County Assessor’s Property Details Soils Map DNR-FPARS Water Type Map PHS Online Report Wetlands of High Conservation Value Map Routine Field Data Forms Wetland Rating Data Forms Photos Critical Area Sketch Wetland Critical Area Map (provided by land surveyor) J. S. Jones and Associates, Inc. 1 1.0 Project Description The applicant proposes to build or sell the lot for a single-family residence. This study was conducted to determine the type and extent of wetlands and streams on and near the site. 2.0 Site Address, Identification, and Directions The property is adjacent to the applicant’s residence at 29216 58th Place S., Auburn, Washington 98001 (see attached Vicinity Map). The tax parcel number is 9286200040. The property is located in the Northwest quarter of Section 2, Township 21 North, Range 4 East, of the Williamette Meridian. Directions to the site from downtown Auburn are as follows: 1. Head east on E. Main St. 2. Turn left onto M St. N.E. 3. Continue onto Harvey Road 4. At Starbucks continue onto 15th St. N.E. 5. Turn right onto W. Valley Hwy. N. 6. Turn left onto S. 292nd St. 7. Continue to 65th Ave. S. 8. 64th Ave. S. turns slight right and becomes S. 292nd St. 9. Turn right onto 64th Ave. S. 10. Continue onto S. 296th 11. Turn right onto 59th Ave. S. 12. Turn left onto 58th Ave S. 13. Proceed to the end of the cul-de-sac The legal description is: West Valley Heights Addition, Lot 4 Recorded in 1982 3.0 Methodology The wetland assessment and delineation were performed by Jeffery S. Jones Wetland Scientist, using the Routine Determination methodology as described in the Interim Regional Supplement to the Corps of Engineers Wetland Delineation Manual: Western Mountains, Valleys, and Coast Region (COE, 2008). Wetland are classified according to the 2014 (2016 update) Washington State Department of Ecology methodology (Hruby, 2014). The wetland boundary is flagged with 8, consecutively numbered A-1 through A-8, orange flags, preprinted “Wetland Boundary”, see the attached wetland sketch. Sample locations are flagged with orange flagging labeled SL-1 and SL-2. 4.0 General Site Description The property is a nearly level and somewhat triangular single-family lot. There are existing single-family residences to the east and west. Mullens Creek is along the south property line, just inside of a forest. J. S. Jones and Associates, Inc. 2 5.0 Vegetation 5.1 Vegetation Methodology Hydrophytic vegetation has adaptations that allow these species to survive in saturated or inundated environments. These environments are classified according to the Classification of Wetlands and Deepwater Habitats of the United States (Cowardin, 1979). The probability of plant species being found in wetland environments is been determined in the Western Mountains, Valleys, and Coast, 2016 Regional Wetland Plant List (Lichvar, et. al., 2016). An indicator status was applied to each species according to its probability of occurring in wetlands (see Table 1). Table 1. Plant Indicator Status Indicator Category Symbol Occurrence in Wetlands Obligate Wetland OBL > 99% Facultative Wetland FACW 67-99% Facultative FAC 34-67% Facultative Upland FACU 1-33% Upland UPL < 1% Vegetation data was recorded at two sample locations. At each sample location, the dominant plant species were assessed by indicator status to determine if the plant community was hydrophytic. Rules for determining dominant species are from the Interim Regional Supplement to the Corps of Engineers Wetland Delineation Manual: Western Mountains, Valleys, and Coast Region (COE, 2008). 5.2 Vegetation Results At sample location 1 (SL-1), the plant community is dominated by red alder (Alnus rubra, FAC), twinberry (Lonicera involucrata, FAC), salmonberry (Rubus spectabilis, FAC), skunk cabbage (Lysichiton americanum, OBL), lady fern (Athyrium filix-femina, FACW), and Himalayan blackberry (Rubus armeniacus, FAC). The plant community meets hydrophytic vegetation criteria 2 – Dominance Test, because more than 50% of the dominant species are OBL, FACW, or FAC. At sample location 2 (SL-2), the plant community is dominated by big leaf maple (Acer macrophyllum, FACU), unidentified grass, common dandelion (Taraxacum officinale, FACU), and Himalayan blackberry (Rubus armeniacus, FAC). The plant community is non-hydrophytic because less than 50% of the plant species are FAC or wetter. Grasses were not used because they were mowed and not identified to species. 6.0 Hydrology 6.1 Hydrology Methodology The presence of wetland hydrology was determined at each sample location by evaluating a variety of direct and indirect indicators. In addition to direct visual observation of inundation or saturation, secondary hydrologic indicators were used to infer wetland hydrology. Secondary indicators include oxidized channels (rhizospheres) associated with living roots and rhizomes, water marks on vegetation or fixed objects, drift lines, water-borne sediment deposits, water stained leaves, surface scoured areas, wetland drainage patterns, morphological plant adaptations, and hydric soil characteristics. J. S. Jones and Associates, Inc. 3 6.2 Hydrology Results SL-1 has wetland hydrology. The water table is present at 8 inches below the soil surface, which meets hydrology criteria A2. SL-2 does not have wetland hydrology. The soil profile is dry to the surface. A water table is not present within the upper 18 inches of the soil profile. There are no primary or secondary indicators of wetland hydrology. 7.0 Soils 7.1 Soils Methodology The procedures for soil sampling are provided in the Interim Regional Supplement to the Corps of Engineers Wetland Delineation Manual: Western Mountains, Valleys, and Coast Region (COE, 2008). Hydric soils are soils that are either organic soils (peats and mucks) or are mineral soils that are saturated long enough to produce soil properties associated with a reducing environment. These soils have hydric characteristics such as a reduced matrix (a matrix that changes color when exposed to air), redox depletions (gleying), or redox concentrations (mottles). Soils were colored using Munsell color charts (MacBeth, 2000). 7.2 Soil Series The USDA National Resource Conservation Service (NRCS) mapped the soils on the subject property as Alderwood gravelly sandy loam. Alderwood typically has inclusion of Norma silt loan or sandy loam in depressions and drainage patterns. 7.3 Soils Results The soil at SL-1 is a Norma silt loam which is a hydric soil. From 0 to 18+ inches, the soil is a black (10YR 2/1) gravelly sandy loam. The soil is hydric because it has a one-chroma matrix, which is a thick dark surface and meets soils criteria A12. The soil at SL-2 is an Alderwood gravelly sandy loam. Alderwood is a non-hydric soil series. From 0 to 2 inches, the soil is a dark brown (10YR 3/2) gravelly sandy loam. From 2-8 inches, the soil is dark brown (10YR 3/3) gravelly sandy loam. From 8-16+ inches, the soil is brown (10YR 4/4) gravelly sandy loam. The soil is non-hydric because it has a four-chroma matrix. 8.0 Stream Determination, Ratings, and Buffers Mullens Creek runs along the south property line and crosses the southeast property corner. Mullens Creek is a Type Ns stream, see the attached DNR FPARS map. The stream buffer requirement is 50 feet. 9.0 Wetland Determination, Ratings, and Buffers A wetland is located along the south property line. It is identified as Mullens Creek, Wetland A. The soils are a hydric Norma silt loam. The plant community is dominated by wetland indicator species including skunk cabbage which is an obligate wetland plants species. The water table is within 12 inches of the soil surface. Mullens Creek is located within the wetland. The wetland is a Palustrine forested wetland (PFO) (Cowardin, 1979). Wetland A rates as a Category II wetland with a total score of 21 and a habitat score of 6 points. The required wetland buffer width is 75 feet, if certain measures are implemented, according to Auburn Municipal Code, 16.10.090.E.1. J. S. Jones and Associates, Inc. 4 The remainder of the subject property is upland. The soil is a non-hydric Alderwood gravelly sandy loam with a three to four-chroma matrix. There are no indicators of wetland hydrology. The soils profiles are dry. 10.0 Impacts A survey will be needed to determine the exact location of the wetland boundary and if a 25% buffer reduction or a reasonable use exception process will be needed. A civil engineer will do pre-construction and post-construction calculations to ensure the wetland hydrology is maintained. There are no endangered or threatened plants or animals on or near the site, according to the DNR National Heritage Program and WDFW Priority Habitats and Species data. Therefore, there are not impacts to endangered or threatened plants or animals. 11.0 Authority This wetland determination is in accordance with Section 404 of the Clean Water Act, the objective of which is to "restore and maintain the chemical, physical, and biological integrity of the Nation's waters" (https://www.epa.gov/enforcement/clean-water-act-cwa-and-federal- facilities#:~:text=The%20CWA%20aims%20to%20prevent,CWA%20section%20101(a). 12.0 Limitations Wetland determinations and delineations are not final until approved by regulatory agencies and/or local jurisdictions. J. S. Jones and Associates, Inc. does not guarantee acceptance or approval by regulatory agencies, or that any intended use will be achieved. J. S. Jones and Associates, Inc. 5 13.0 References COE. 2008. Interim Regional Supplement to the Corps of Engineers Wetland Delineation Manual: Western Mountains, Valleys, and Coast Region. U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center, Environmental Laboratory, ERDC/EL TR-08-13, Vicksberg, MS. Cowardin, Lewis M. 1979. Classification of Wetlands and Deepwater Habitats of the United States. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Jamestown, North Dakota. Hruby, T., 2014. Washington State Wetland Rating System for Western Washington: 2014 Update. (Publication #14-06-029). Olympia, WA: Washington Department of Ecology. Lichvar, R.W., D.L. Banks, W.N. Kirchnir, and N.C. Melvin. 2016 Western Mountains, Valleys, and Coast, 2016 Regional Wetland Plant List . The National Wetland Plant List: 2016 Wetland Ratings. Phytoneuron 2016-30: 1-17. Published 28 April 2016. ISSN 2153 733X (https://wetland_plants.usace.army.mil).. MacBeth. 2000. Munsell Soil Color Charts-Revised Washable Edition. 617 Little Britain Road, New Windsor, NY 12553. 10p + 9 charts. J. S. Jones and Associates, Inc. 6 Attachments K in g C oun ty Date : 6/10/20 20 Notes: ±The informati on included on this map has been c ompil ed by King County s taff from a variety of sources and issubject to change without notice. King County makes no repr esentations or warr anties, ex press or implied,as to accurac y, completeness, timel iness, or rights to the us e of such information. T hi s doc ument i s not intendedfor use as a s urvey product. Ki ng County shall not be l iable for any general , special, indirect, incidental, orconsequential damages i ncl uding, but not li mited to, lost revenues or los t profits resulting from the us e or mi sus eof the information contained on this map. Any sale of thi s map or informati on on this map is prohi bited exc ept bywritten permi ss i on of Ki ng County. Vicinity M ap Fair, Equitable, and Understandable Property Valuations You're in: Assessor >> Look up Property Info >> eReal Property Department of Assessments 500 Fourth Avenue, Suite ADM- AS-0708, Seattle, WA 98104 Office Hours: Mon - Fri 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. TEL: 206- 296-7300 FAX: 206- 296-5107 TTY: 206- 296-7888 Send us mail ADVERTISEMENT New Search Property Tax Bill Map This Property Glossary of Terms Area Report Property Detail PARCEL Parcel Number 928620-0040 Name LINDENAUER VIRGINIA+JON Site Address 29220 58TH PL S 98001 Legal WEST VALLEY HEIGHTS ADD BUILDING 1 Year Built Total Square Footage Number Of Bedrooms Number Of Baths Grade Condition Lot Size 11220 Views No Waterfront TOTAL LEVY RATE DISTRIBUTION Tax Year: 2020 Levy Code: 0117 Total Levy Rate: $11.65066 Total Senior Rate: $6.48539 48.78% Voter Approved Click here to see levy distribution comparison by year. TAX ROLL HISTORY Valued Year Tax Year Appraised Land Value ($) Appraised Imps Value ($) Appraised Total ($) Appraised Imps Increase ($) Taxable Land Value ($) Taxable Imps Value ($) Taxable Total ($) 2019 2020 84,000 0 84,000 0 84,000 0 84,000 2018 2019 80,000 0 80,000 0 80,000 0 80,000 2017 2018 77,000 0 77,000 0 77,000 0 77,000 2016 2017 71,000 0 71,000 0 71,000 0 71,000 2015 2016 68,000 0 68,000 0 68,000 0 68,000 2014 2015 66,000 0 66,000 0 66,000 0 66,000 2013 2014 66,000 0 66,000 0 66,000 0 66,000 2012 2013 66,000 0 66,000 0 66,000 0 66,000 2011 2012 85,000 0 85,000 0 85,000 0 85,000 2010 2011 94,000 0 94,000 0 94,000 0 94,000 2009 2010 94,000 0 94,000 0 94,000 0 94,000 2008 2009 94,000 0 94,000 0 94,000 0 94,000 2007 2008 90,000 0 90,000 0 90,000 0 90,000 2006 2007 80,000 0 80,000 0 80,000 0 80,000 2005 2006 59,000 0 59,000 0 59,000 0 59,000 2004 2005 55,000 0 55,000 0 55,000 0 55,000 2003 2004 53,000 0 53,000 0 53,000 0 53,000 2002 2003 51,000 0 51,000 0 51,000 0 51,000 2001 2002 49,000 0 49,000 0 49,000 0 49,000 ADVERTISEMENT Reference Links: King County Taxing Districts Codes and Levies (.PDF) King County Tax Links Property Tax Advisor Washington State Department of Revenue (External link) Washington State Board of Tax Appeals (External link) Board of Appeals/Equalization Districts Report iMap Recorder's Office Scanned images of surveys and other map documents Scanned images of plats Search Kingcounty.gov Home How do I... 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View King County social media © King County, WA 2020 Privacy Accessibility Terms of use 2000 2001 47,000 0 47,000 0 47,000 0 47,000 1999 2000 35,000 0 35,000 0 35,000 0 35,000 1998 1999 33,000 0 33,000 0 33,000 0 33,000 1997 1998 0 0 0 0 31,000 0 31,000 1996 1997 0 0 0 0 30,500 0 30,500 1994 1995 0 0 0 0 30,500 0 30,500 1992 1993 0 0 0 0 30,500 0 30,500 1990 1991 0 0 0 0 27,700 0 27,700 1988 1989 0 0 0 0 18,900 0 18,900 1986 1987 0 0 0 0 18,000 0 18,000 1984 1985 0 0 0 0 15,000 0 15,000 1982 1983 0 0 0 0 15,000 0 15,000 ADVERTISEMENT Updated: Jan. 29, 2019 Share Tweet Email Information for...Do more online Get help Soil Map—King County Area, Washington Natural Resources Conservation Service Web Soil Survey National Cooperative Soil Survey 6/11/2020 Page 1 of 352429505243010524307052431305243190524325052433105242950524301052430705243130524319052432505243310555460555520555580555640555700555760555820555880555940556000 555460 555520 555580 555640 555700 555760 555820 555880 555940 556000 47° 20' 27'' N 122° 15' 58'' W47° 20' 27'' N122° 15' 30'' W47° 20' 15'' N 122° 15' 58'' W47° 20' 15'' N 122° 15' 30'' WN Map projection: Web Mercator Corner coordinates: WGS84 Edge tics: UTM Zone 10N WGS84 0 100 200 400 600 Feet 0 35 70 140 210 Meters Map Scale: 1:2,650 if printed on A landscape (11" x 8.5") sheet. Soil Map may not be valid at this scale. MAP LEGEND MAP INFORMATION Area of Interest (AOI) Area of Interest (AOI) Soils Soil Map Unit Polygons Soil Map Unit Lines Soil Map Unit Points Special Point Features Blowout Borrow Pit Clay Spot Closed Depression Gravel Pit Gravelly Spot Landfill Lava Flow Marsh or swamp Mine or Quarry Miscellaneous Water Perennial Water Rock Outcrop Saline Spot Sandy Spot Severely Eroded Spot Sinkhole Slide or Slip Sodic Spot Spoil Area Stony Spot Very Stony Spot Wet Spot Other Special Line Features Water Features Streams and Canals Transportation Rails Interstate Highways US Routes Major Roads Local Roads Background Aerial Photography The soil surveys that comprise your AOI were mapped at 1:24,000. Warning: Soil Map may not be valid at this scale. Enlargement of maps beyond the scale of mapping can cause misunderstanding of the detail of mapping and accuracy of soil line placement. The maps do not show the small areas of contrasting soils that could have been shown at a more detailed scale. Please rely on the bar scale on each map sheet for map measurements. Source of Map: Natural Resources Conservation Service Web Soil Survey URL: Coordinate System: Web Mercator (EPSG:3857) Maps from the Web Soil Survey are based on the Web Mercator projection, which preserves direction and shape but distorts distance and area. A projection that preserves area, such as the Albers equal-area conic projection, should be used if more accurate calculations of distance or area are required. This product is generated from the USDA-NRCS certified data as of the version date(s) listed below. Soil Survey Area: King County Area, Washington Survey Area Data: Version 15, Sep 16, 2019 Soil map units are labeled (as space allows) for map scales 1:50,000 or larger. Date(s) aerial images were photographed: Jun 29, 2019—Jul 21, 2019 The orthophoto or other base map on which the soil lines were compiled and digitized probably differs from the background imagery displayed on these maps. As a result, some minor shifting of map unit boundaries may be evident. Soil Map—King County Area, Washington Natural Resources Conservation Service Web Soil Survey National Cooperative Soil Survey 6/11/2020 Page 2 of 3 Map Unit Legend Map Unit Symbol Map Unit Name Acres in AOI Percent of AOI AgC Alderwood gravelly sandy loam, 8 to 15 percent slopes 18.6 65.4% AmC Arents, Alderwood material, 6 to 15 percent slopes 9.8 34.6% Totals for Area of Interest 28.4 100.0% Soil Map—King County Area, Washington Natural Resources Conservation Service Web Soil Survey National Cooperative Soil Survey 6/11/2020 Page 3 of 3 «k «k «k E EE E E E E E EE E E400 200200400200X F NFNF NNF NF NNFNFN1723044 1723024 1723082 1723084 1723062 1723086 1723064 1723026 1723066 1723042 1723046 1723022 2 35 11 3 1 34 1210 36 FN Date: 3/16/2018 Time: 2:17:32 PMNAD 83Contour Interval: 40 Feet Application #: ________________________ FOREST PRACTICE ACTIVITY MAP TOWNSHIP 21 NORTH HALF 0, RANGE 04 EAST (W .M.) HALF 0, SECTION 2 1,000 Feet Please use the legend from the FPA Instruction or provide a list of symbols used. ® SOURCE DATASET:WASHINGTON DEPARTMENT OF FISH AND WILDLIFEPRIORITY HABITATS AND SPECIES REPORTREPORT DATE:P180316142107PHSPlusPublic03/16/2018 2.21Query ID:Priority AreaCommon NameAccuracySource EntityOccurrence TypeResolutionNotesSource DateSite NamePHS Listing StatusScientific NameSource DatasetState StatusMgmt RecommendationsMore Information (URL)Sensitive DataFederal StatusGeometry TypeSource RecordN/APolygonsN/A1/4 mile (Quarter902797AS MAPPEDN/AGREEN/PUYALLUP VALLEYPHSREGIONBiodiversity Areas AndPHS LISTEDWA Dept. of Fish and Wildlifehttp://wdfw.wa.gov/publications/pub.php?NTerrestrial HabitatOccurrence/migrationhttp://wdfw.wa.gov/wlm/diversty/soc/soc.htmLinesN/ANA39769AS MAPPEDN/ASWIFDCohoPHS LISTEDhttp://wdfw.wa.gov/publications/pub.php?NOncorhynchus kisutchOccurrence/MigrationOccurrence/migrationhttp://wdfw.wa.gov/wlm/diversty/soc/soc.htmLinesN/ANA40140AS MAPPEDN/ASWIFDCohoPHS LISTEDhttp://wdfw.wa.gov/publications/pub.php?NOncorhynchus kisutchOccurrence/MigrationOccurrencehttp://wdfw.wa.gov/wlm/diversty/soc/soc.htmLinesN/ANA3140AS MAPPEDCandidateSASICohoPHS ListedWDFW Fish Programhttp://wdfw.wa.gov/publications/pub.php?NOncorhynchus kisutchOccurrenceOccurrencehttp://wdfw.wa.gov/wlm/diversty/soc/soc.htmLinesN/ANA3140AS MAPPEDCandidateSASICohoPHS ListedWDFW Fish Programhttp://wdfw.wa.gov/publications/pub.php?NOncorhynchus kisutchOccurrenceOccurrence/migrationhttp://wdfw.wa.gov/wlm/diversty/soc/soc.htmLinesN/ANA39766AS MAPPEDN/ASWIFDResident Coastal CutthroatPHS LISTEDhttp://wdfw.wa.gov/publications/pub.php?NOncorhynchus clarkiOccurrence/MigrationOccurrence/migrationhttp://wdfw.wa.gov/wlm/diversty/soc/soc.htmLinesN/ANA40135AS MAPPEDN/ASWIFDResident Coastal CutthroatPHS LISTEDhttp://wdfw.wa.gov/publications/pub.php?NOncorhynchus clarkiOccurrence/Migration03/16/2018 2.211 Priority AreaCommon NameAccuracySource EntityOccurrence TypeResolutionNotesSource DateSite NamePHS Listing StatusScientific NameSource DatasetState StatusMgmt RecommendationsMore Information (URL)Sensitive DataFederal StatusGeometry TypeSource RecordDISCLAIMER. This report includes information that the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) maintains in a central computer database. It is not an attempt to provide you with an official agency responseas to the impacts of your project on fish and wildlife. This information only documents the location of fish and wildlife resources to the best of our knowledge. It is not a complete inventory and it is important to note that fishand wildlife resources may occur in areas not currently known to WDFW biologists, or in areas for which comprehensive surveys have not been conducted. Site specific surveys are frequently necesssary to rule out thepresence of priority resources. Locations of fish and wildlife resources are subject to vraition caused by disturbance, changes in season and weather, and other factors. WDFW does not recommend using reports more thansix months old.03/16/2018 2.212 WDFW Test Map S ource : Esri, Dig it alGlob e, G eoE ye, E arthst ar Geo grap hics, CNES/Airb usDS, USDA, USGS, A eroG RI D, IGN, a nd th e G IS Use r Co mmunity PH S Re po rt C lip Ar ea PT LN PO LY AS MAPPED SECTION QTR -TW P TO WN SH IP Marc h 1 6, 2 01 8 0 0.3 0.60.15 mi 0 0.55 1.10.275 km 1:19,8 42 T22R04E 2 1 WA Wetlands of High Conservation Value Sources: Esri, HERE, Garmin, USGS, Intermap, INCREMENT P, NRCan, Counties Townships Sections 6/10/2020, 10:14:46 PM 0 0.2 0.40.1 mi 0 0.3 0.60.15 km 1:18,056 Washington Natural Heritage Program County of King, Bureau of Land Management, Esri, HERE, Garmin, INCREMENT P, NGA, USGS | U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, National Standards and Support Team, wetlands_team@fws.gov | Washington State Department of Natural Resources | Washington Rating Form Map #1 Cowardin Plant Classes± Assessment Unit Wetland A King County, EagleView Technologies, Inc. PFO Streams Tax Parcels PFO Legend0300600150 Feet Rating Map #2 Hydroperiods with Outlet± Assessment Unit Wetland A Tax Parcels Seasonally Saturated Legend King County, EagleView Technologies, Inc. 0 300 600150 Feet SS Outlet Rating Form Map #3 Boundary of Area within 150 feet of Wetland± Assessment Unit Wetland A Wetland Legend 150 feet from Wetland Boundary King County, EagleView Technologies, Inc. 0 500 1,000250 Feet Rating Form Map #4 Map of Contributing Basin± Assessment Unit Wetland A Wetland A Legend Contributing Basin King County, EagleView Technologies, Inc. 0 1,000 2,000500 Feet Rating Form Map #5 1 Kilometer Polygon± Assessment Unit Wetland A Wetland 1 Kilometer Polygon Relatively Undisturbed Legend Low & Moderated Intensity Land-Use High Intensity Land-Use 12% 23% 65% King County, EagleView Technologies, Inc. 0 0.5 10.25 Kilometers Rating Map #6 - 303(d) Listed Waters Sources: Esri, HERE, Garmin, Intermap, increment P Corp., GEBCO, USGS,FAO, NPS, NRCAN, GeoBase, IGN, Kadaster NL, Ordnance Survey, EsriJapan, METI, Esri China (Hong Kong), (c) OpenStreetMap contributors, and Ju ne 15, 20 20 0 0.25 0.50.125Miles K AssessedWaters/Sediment Water Category 5 - 303d Category 4C Category 4B Category 4A Category 2 Category 1 Sedim ent Category 5 - 303d Category 4C Category 4B Category 4A Category 2 Category 1 Lot View Looking South from Cul-de-sac SL-1 SL-1 Soils and Hydrology SL-1 Skunk Cabbage SL-2 SL-2 Soils and Hydrology Mullen’s Creek Kin g C oun ty, EagleVie w Te chn ologi es, In c. Date : 6/15/20 20 Notes: ±The informati on included on this map has been c ompil ed by King County s taff from a variety of sources and issubject to change without notice. King County makes no repr esentations or warr anties, ex press or implied,as to accurac y, completeness, timel iness, or rights to the us e of such information. T hi s doc ument i s not intendedfor use as a s urvey product. Ki ng County shall not be l iable for any general , special, indirect, incidental, orconsequential damages i ncl uding, but not li mited to, lost revenues or los t profits resulting from the us e or mi sus eof the information contained on this map. Any sale of thi s map or informati on on this map is prohi bited exc ept bywritten permi ss i on of Ki ng County. Critica l Are a Sketch S ingle F a mily Multiline w /comments 5607 S 303rd St , A uburn 98001 MLS#:1558194 Status:S List Price:$542,085 Area:100 Stat Dt:10/31/2020 Sold Price:$542,085 Sub Prop:Residential Office:Pulte Ho mes of Washington Inc Community:Auburn Phone:(425) 216-3400 Style Code:10 - 1 Story Agent:Brian Williamson New Cnstr:U nder Construction Phone:(253) 987-6660 (Cellular) Project:Huntington Woods Beds:2 Dues:$76 Baths:2 Yr Built:2020 PTS:(253) 987-6660 Cov Prk:0 Fireplcs:1 Owner:Pulte Ho mes SqFt:1,859 Price/SF:$291.60 Occ Name:N/A Lot Size:.277 ac/12,074 sf Occ Type:Presale Commission:3.0%CDOM:31 Tax ID:3530750040 Tax Yr:2020 Ann Tax:$0 View:See Remarks Key:Appo intment, Call Listing Office, See Remarks Direct:From I-5S exit S 272nd St. and head east to 55th Ave. S & turn rt. Turn rt o n S 288th St left on 51st Ave S left on S 300th Pl rt o n 57th Pl S and sales center is on your left. Marketing Remarks: The Haven has everything you need all o n a single level. The spacious kitchen includes a dine- in island and walk-in pantry for ample sto rage. A charming courtyard provides a private outdo or oasis while the extended rear covered patio is great for outdoo r entertaining. The expansive o wner's suite offers an exquisite bath and over-sized walk-in closet. Different options allow you to cho ose a den or third bedroo m. Co mmunity Grand Opening on January 25, 2020. Recent:10/31/2020 : Sold : P->S 5625 S 303rd St , A uburn 98001 MLS#:1568610 Status:S List Price:$554,758 Area:100 Stat Dt:09/25/2020 Sold Price:$554,758 Sub Prop:Residential Office:Pulte Ho mes of Washington Inc Community:Auburn Phone:(425) 216-3400 Style Code:10 - 1 Story Agent:Brian Williamson New Cnstr:U nder Construction Phone:(253) 987-6660 (Cellular) Project:Huntington Woods Beds:2 Dues:$76 Baths:2 Yr Built:2020 PTS:(253) 987-6660 Cov Prk:0 Fireplcs:1 Owner:Pulte Ho mes SqFt:2,092 Price/SF:$265.18 Occ Name:N/A Lot Size:.203 ac/8,840 sf Occ Type:Presale Commission:3.0%CDOM:0 Tax ID:3530750043 Tax Yr:2020 Ann Tax:$0 View:See Remarks Key:Appo intment, Call Listing Office, See Remarks Direct:From I-5S exit S 272nd St. and head east to 55th Ave. S & turn rt. Turn rt o n S 288th St left on 51st Ave S left on S 300th Pl rt o n 57th Pl S and sales center is on your left. Marketing Remarks: The Preserve has everything yo u need all on a single level. The spacio us kitchen includes a dine-in island and walk-in pantry for ample storage. The expansive o wner's suite offers an exquisite bath and over-sized walk-in closet. Different optio ns allow you to choo se a den or third bedroom. Community Grand Opening on January 25, 2020. 5649 S 303rd St , A uburn 98001 MLS#:1578621 Status:S List Price:$543,290 Area:100 Stat Dt:11/05/2020 Sold Price:$561,217 Sub Prop:Residential Office:Pulte Ho mes of Washington Inc Community:Auburn Phone:(425) 216-3400 Style Code:10 - 1 Story Agent:Brian Williamson New Cnstr:U nder Construction Phone:(253) 987-6660 (Cellular) Project:Huntington Woods Beds:2 Dues:$76 Baths:2.5 Yr Built:2020 PTS:(253) 987-6660 Cov Prk:0 Fireplcs:1 Owner:Pulte Ho mes SqFt:2,474 Price/SF:$226.85 Occ Name:N/A Lot Size:.203 ac/8,840 sf Occ Type:Presale Commission:3.0%CDOM:0 Tax ID:HW00004701 Tax Yr:2020 Ann Tax:$0 View:See Remarks Key:Appo intment, Call Listing Office, See Remarks Direct:From I-5S exit S 272nd St. and head east to 55th Ave. S & turn rt. Turn rt o n S 288th St left on 51st Ave S left on S 300th Pl rt o n 57th Pl S and sales center is on your left. Marketing Remarks: The main living spaces o f the Refuge plan are set in the back o f the home providing ample privacy. The gourmet kitchen o ffers a walk-in pantry, dine-in island, and seamlessly connects to the cafe and gathering ro om. This home also comes with massive 8' fo ot doors, 10' ceilings and plenty o f open space. A center sliding glass do or & side sliding glass door from your Cafe take yo u to your back patio. The community has a flo or plan o f this model for yo u to view! Home to be co mplete Sept - Nov. Recent:11/05/2020 : Sold : P->S 5659 S 303rd St , A uburn 98001 MLS#:1572994 Status:S List Price:$542,165 Area:100 Stat Dt:10/18/2020 Sold Price:$575,409 Sub Prop:Residential Office:Pulte Ho mes of Washington Inc Community:Auburn Phone:(425) 216-3400 Style Code:10 - 1 Story Agent:Brian Williamson New Cnstr:U nder Construction Phone:(253) 987-6660 (Cellular) Project:Huntington Woods Beds:3 Dues:$76 Baths:2.5 Yr Built:2020 PTS:(253) 987-6660 Cov Prk:0 Fireplcs:1 Owner:Pulte Ho mes SqFt:2,474 Price/SF:$232.58 Occ Name:N/A Lot Size:.203 ac/8,840 sf Occ Type:Presale Commission:3.0%CDOM:0 Tax ID:HW00004901 Tax Yr:2020 Ann Tax:$0 View:See Remarks Key:Appo intment, Call Listing Office, See Remarks Direct:From I-5S exit S 272nd St. and head east to 55th Ave. S & turn rt. Turn rt o n S 288th St left on 51st Ave S left on S 300th Pl rt o n 57th Pl S and sales center is on your left. Marketing Remarks: The Refuge has everything yo u need all on a single level. The spacio us kitchen includes a dine- in island and walk-in pantry for ample sto rage. A charming courtyard provides a private outdo or oasis while the extended rear covered patio is great for outdoo r entertaining. The expansive o wner's suite offers an exquisite bath and over-sized walk-in closet. Different options allow you to cho ose a den or third bedroo m. 5668 S 302nd St , A uburn 98001 MLS#:1557161 Status:S List Price:$595,538 Area:100 Stat Dt:06/29/2020 Sold Price:$578,000 Sub Prop:Residential Office:Pulte Ho mes of Washington Inc Community:Auburn Phone:(425) 216-3400 Style Code:12 - 2 Story Agent:Brian Williamson New Cnstr:U nder Construction Phone:(253) 987-6660 (Cellular) Project:Huntington Woods Beds:4 Dues:$76 Baths:2.25 Yr Built:2020 PTS:(253) 987-6660 Cov Prk:0 Fireplcs:1 Owner:Pulte Ho mes SqFt:2,472 Price/SF:$233.82 Occ Name:N/A Lot Size:.103 ac/4,500 sf Occ Type:Presale Commission:3.0%CDOM:73 Tax ID:HW00001201 Tax Yr:2020 Ann Tax:$0 View:See Remarks Key:Appo intment, Call Listing Office, See Remarks Direct:From I-5S exit S 272nd St. and head east to 55th Ave. S & turn rt. Turn rt o n S 288th St left on 51st Ave S left on S 300th Pl rt o n 57th Pl S and sales center is on your left. Marketing Remarks: The Brinno n greets you with a spacio us entry foyer that opens to a den, ideal to wo rk from ho me or organize the household. The kitchen includes an eat-in island plus walk-in pantry and opens to the café. A well-appointed fireplace is the focal point of the spacious gathering room. U pstairs enjo y the owner's suite, three secondary bedrooms, and an o pen lo ft pro viding a secondary gathering area. Home complete. 5987 S 302nd P lace, A uburn 98001 MLS#:1582302 Status:S List Price:$581,018 Area:100 Stat Dt:10/01/2020 Sold Price:$581,018 Sub Prop:Residential Office:Pulte Ho mes of Washington Inc Community:Auburn Phone:(425) 216-3400 Style Code:10 - 1 Story Agent:Brian Williamson New Cnstr:U nder Construction Phone:(253) 987-6660 (Cellular) Project:Huntington Woods Beds:2 Dues:$76 Baths:2.5 Yr Built:2020 PTS:(253) 987-6660 Cov Prk:0 Fireplcs:1 Owner:Pulte Ho mes SqFt:2,474 Price/SF:$234.85 Occ Name:N/A Lot Size:.205 ac/8,930 sf Occ Type:Presale Commission:3.0%CDOM:0 Tax ID:HW00007201 Tax Yr:2020 Ann Tax:$0 View:See Remarks Key:Appo intment, Call Listing Office, See Remarks Direct:From I-5S exit S 272nd St. and head east to 55th Ave. S & turn rt. Turn rt o n S 288th St left on 51st Ave S left on S 300th Pl rt o n 57th Pl S and sales center is on your left. Marketing Remarks: The main living spaces o f the Refuge plan are set in the back o f the home providing ample privacy. The gourmet kitchen o ffers a walk-in pantry, dine-in island, and seamlessly connects to the cafe and gathering ro om. This home also comes with massive 8' fo ot doors, 10' ceilings and plenty o f open space. A center sliding glass do or & side sliding glass door from your Cafe take yo u to your back patio. The community has a flo or plan o f this model for yo u to view! Home to be co mplete Sept - Nov. 5611 S 302nd St , A uburn 98001 MLS#:1578618 Status:S List Price:$582,035 Area:100 Stat Dt:10/11/2020 Sold Price:$582,035 Sub Prop:Residential Office:Pulte Ho mes of Washington Inc Community:Auburn Phone:(425) 216-3400 Style Code:12 - 2 Story Agent:Brian Williamson New Cnstr:U nder Construction Phone:(253) 987-6660 (Cellular) Project:Huntington Woods Beds:4 Dues:$76 Baths:2.5 Yr Built:2020 PTS:(253) 987-6660 Cov Prk:0 Fireplcs:1 Owner:Pulte Ho mes SqFt:2,472 Price/SF:$235.45 Occ Name:N/A Lot Size:.173 ac/7,555 sf Occ Type:Presale Commission:3.0%CDOM:0 Tax ID:3530750015 Tax Yr:2020 Ann Tax:$0 View:See Remarks Key:Appo intment, Call Listing Office, See Remarks Direct:From I-5S exit S 272nd St. and head east to 55th Ave. S & turn rt. Turn rt o n S 288th St left on 51st Ave S left on S 300th Pl rt o n 57th Pl S and sales center is on your left. Marketing Remarks: The Brinno n greets you with a spacio us entry foyer that opens to a den, ideal to wo rk from ho me or organize the household. The kitchen includes an eat-in island plus walk-in pantry and opens to the café. A well-appointed fireplace is the focal point of the spacious gathering room. U pstairs enjo y the owner's suite, three secondary bedrooms, and an o pen lo ft pro viding a secondary gathering area. Home will be ready for move in by May of 2020. Community Grand Opening on January 25, 2020. 5604 S 303rd St , A uburn 98001 MLS#:1568615 Status:S List Price:$592,563 Area:100 Stat Dt:10/11/2020 Sold Price:$592,563 Sub Prop:Residential Office:Pulte Ho mes of Washington Inc Community:Auburn Phone:(425) 216-3400 Style Code:12 - 2 Story Agent:Brian Williamson New Cnstr:U nder Construction Phone:(253) 987-6660 (Cellular) Project:Huntington Woods Beds:4 Dues:$76 Baths:2.25 Yr Built:2020 PTS:(253) 987-6660 Cov Prk:0 Fireplcs:1 Owner:Pulte Ho mes SqFt:2,472 Price/SF:$239.71 Occ Name:N/A Lot Size:.127 ac/5,528 sf Occ Type:Presale Commission:3.0%CDOM:0 Tax ID:3530750027 Tax Yr:2020 Ann Tax:$0 View:See Remarks Key:Appo intment, Call Listing Office, See Remarks Direct:From I-5S exit S 272nd St. and head east to 55th Ave. S & turn rt. Turn rt o n S 288th St left on 51st Ave S left on S 300th Pl rt o n 57th Pl S and sales center is on your left. Marketing Remarks: The Brinno n greets you with a spacio us entry foyer that opens to a den, ideal to wo rk from ho me or organize the household. The kitchen includes an eat-in island plus walk-in pantry and opens to the café. A well-appointed fireplace is the focal point of the spacious gathering room. U pstairs enjo y the owner's suite, three secondary bedrooms, and an o pen lo ft pro viding a secondary gathering area. Home will be ready for move in by May of 2020. Community Grand Opening on January 25, 2020. 5655 S 303rd St , A uburn 98001 MLS#:1578674 Status:S List Price:$593,132 Area:100 Stat Dt:10/27/2020 Sold Price:$593,132 Sub Prop:Residential Office:Pulte Ho mes of Washington Inc Community:Auburn Phone:(425) 216-3400 Style Code:10 - 1 Story Agent:Brian Williamson New Cnstr:U nder Construction Phone:(253) 987-6660 (Cellular) Project:Huntington Woods Beds:3 Dues:$76 Baths:2.5 Yr Built:2020 PTS:(253) 987-6660 Cov Prk:0 Fireplcs:1 Owner:Pulte Ho mes SqFt:2,474 Price/SF:$239.75 Occ Name:N/A Lot Size:.203 ac/8,840 sf Occ Type:Presale Commission:3.0%CDOM:0 Tax ID:3530750048 Tax Yr:2020 Ann Tax:$0 View:See Remarks Key:Appo intment, Call Listing Office, See Remarks Direct:From I-5S exit S 272nd St. and head east to 55th Ave. S & turn rt. Turn rt o n S 288th St left on 51st Ave S left on S 300th Pl rt o n 57th Pl S and sales center is on your left. Marketing Remarks: The main living spaces o f the Refuge plan are set in the back o f the home providing ample privacy. The gourmet kitchen o ffers a walk-in pantry, dine-in island, and seamlessly connects to the cafe and gathering ro om. This home also comes with massive 8' fo ot doors, 10' ceilings and plenty o f open space. A center sliding glass do or & side sliding glass door from your Cafe take yo u to your back patio. The community has a flo or plan o f this model for yo u to view! Home to be co mplete Sept - Nov. Recent:10/27/2020 : Sold : P->S 5613 S 303rd St , A uburn 98001 MLS#:1561566 Status:S List Price:$600,831 Area:100 Stat Dt:10/31/2020 Sold Price:$600,831 Sub Prop:Residential Office:Pulte Ho mes of Washington Inc Community:Auburn Phone:(425) 216-3400 Style Code:10 - 1 Story Agent:Brian Williamson New Cnstr:U nder Construction Phone:(253) 987-6660 (Cellular) Project:Huntington Woods Beds:3 Dues:$76 Baths:2.5 Yr Built:2020 PTS:(253) 987-6660 Cov Prk:0 Fireplcs:1 Owner:Pulte Ho mes SqFt:2,474 Price/SF:$242.86 Occ Name:N/A Lot Size:.203 ac/8,840 sf Occ Type:Presale Commission:3.0%CDOM:0 Tax ID:3530750041 Tax Yr:2020 Ann Tax:$0 View:See Remarks Key:Appo intment, Call Listing Office, See Remarks Direct:From I-5S exit S 272nd St. and head east to 55th Ave. S & turn rt. Turn rt o n S 288th St left on 51st Ave S left on S 300th Pl rt o n 57th Pl S and sales center is on your left. Marketing Remarks: The Refuge has everything yo u need all on a single level. The spacio us kitchen includes a dine- in island and walk-in pantry for ample sto rage. A charming courtyard provides a private outdo or oasis while the extended rear covered patio is great for outdoo r entertaining. The expansive o wner's suite offers an exquisite bath and over-sized walk-in closet. Different options allow you to cho ose a den or third bedroo m. Co mmunity Grand Opening on January 25, 2020. Recent:10/31/2020 : Sold : P->S 5981 S 302nd P lace, A uburn 98001 MLS#:1565921 Status:S List Price:$627,940 Area:100 Stat Dt:10/27/2020 Sold Price:$627,940 Sub Prop:Residential Office:Pulte Ho mes of Washington Inc Community:Auburn Phone:(425) 216-3400 Style Code:10 - 1 Story Agent:Brian Williamson New Cnstr:U nder Construction Phone:(253) 987-6660 (Cellular) Project:Huntington Woods Beds:3 Dues:$76 Baths:2.5 Yr Built:2020 PTS:(253) 987-6660 Cov Prk:0 Fireplcs:1 Owner:Pulte Ho mes SqFt:2,474 Price/SF:$253.82 Occ Name:N/A Lot Size:.234 ac/10,178 sf Occ Type:Presale Commission:3.0%CDOM:0 Tax ID:HW00007101 Tax Yr:2020 Ann Tax:$0 View:See Remarks Key:Appo intment, Call Listing Office, See Remarks Direct:From I-5S exit S 272nd St. and head east to 55th Ave. S & turn rt. Turn rt o n S 288th St left on 51st Ave S left on S 300th Pl rt o n 57th Pl S and sales center is on your left. Marketing Remarks: The Refuge has everything yo u need all on a single level. The spacio us kitchen includes a dine- in island and walk-in pantry for ample sto rage. A charming courtyard provides a private outdo or oasis while the extended rear covered patio is great for outdoo r entertaining. The expansive o wner's suite offers an exquisite bath and over-sized walk-in closet. Different options allow you to cho ose a den or third bedroo m. Co mmunity Grand Opening on January 25, 2020. Recent:10/27/2020 : Sold : P->S 5680 S 302nd St , A uburn 98001 MLS#:1557307 Status:S List Price:$641,990 Area:100 Stat Dt:08/02/2020 Sold Price:$635,000 Sub Prop:Residential Office:Pulte Ho mes of Washington Inc Community:Auburn Phone:(425) 216-3400 Style Code:12 - 2 Story Agent:Brian Williamson New Cnstr:U nder Construction Phone:(253) 987-6660 (Cellular) Project:Huntington Woods Beds:4 Dues:$76 Baths:3.25 Yr Built:2020 PTS:(253) 987-6660 Cov Prk:0 Fireplcs:1 Owner:Pulte Ho mes SqFt:3,024 Price/SF:$209.99 Occ Name:N/A Lot Size:.118 ac/5,126 sf Occ Type:Presale Commission:3.0%CDOM:85 Tax ID:HW00001401 Tax Yr:2020 Ann Tax:$0 View:See Remarks Key:Appo intment, Call Listing Office, See Remarks Direct:From I-5S exit S 272nd St. and head east to 55th Ave. S & turn rt. Turn rt o n S 288th St left on 51st Ave S left on S 300th Pl rt o n 57th Pl S and sales center is on your left. Marketing Remarks: The well-designed Roslyn plan effortlessly connects the Chef's kitchen, cafe, and gathering roo m creating an ideal space to entertain. A private main-flo or bedroo m is great for overnight guests offering a full bath and walk-in clo set. The seco nd floo r hosts the expansive owner's suite, three secondary bedroo ms, and an o pen loft. Each bedroom conveniently has a walk-in closet to store all yo ur items. 5627 S 302nd St , A uburn 98001 MLS#:1564900 Status:S List Price:$654,697 Area:100 Stat Dt:09/21/2020 Sold Price:$654,647 Sub Prop:Residential Office:Pulte Ho mes of Washington Inc Community:Auburn Phone:(425) 216-3400 Style Code:12 - 2 Story Agent:Brian Williamson New Cnstr:U nder Construction Phone:(253) 987-6660 (Cellular) Project:Huntington Woods Beds:4 Dues:$57 Baths:3.25 Yr Built:2020 PTS:(253) 987-6660 Cov Prk:0 Fireplcs:1 Owner:Pulte Ho mes SqFt:3,024 Price/SF:$216.48 Occ Name:N/A Lot Size:.118 ac/5,130 sf Occ Type:Presale Commission:3.0%CDOM:7 Tax ID:3530750018 Tax Yr:2020 Ann Tax:$0 View:See Remarks Key:Appo intment, Call Listing Office, See Remarks Direct:From I-5S exit S 272nd St. and head east to 55th Ave. S & turn rt. Turn rt o n S 288th St left on 51st Ave S left on S 300th Pl rt o n 57th Pl S and sales center is on your left. Marketing Remarks: The well-designed Roslyn plan effortlessly connects the Chef's kitchen, cafe, and gathering roo m creating an ideal space to entertain. A private main-flo or bedroo m is great for overnight guests offering a full bath and walk-in clo set. The seco nd floo r hosts the expansive owner's suite, three secondary bedroo ms, and an o pen loft. Each bedroom conveniently has a walk-in closet to store all yo ur items. Home will be ready for move in by September 2020. Information Deemed Reliable But Cannot Be Guaranteed. Lot Size and Square Footage Are Estimates. 11/10/2020 6:23:00 PM. Douglas L. Williams Page 1 of 1Single Family CMA 1 Line (Portrait) Status is 'Sold' Contractual Date is 11/10/2020 to 5/14/2020 Sale Type is 'MLS' Property Sub Type is 'Residential' County is 'King' Year Built is 2020+ Status is not 'Incomplete' Latitude, Longitude is around 47.34, -122.26 Sold Properties CityAddress Bd Bth SqFt Lot Sz Year Date $/SqFt CDOM List PriceOrig Price Sold PriceListing # 5607 S 303rd St $542,085Auburn22.00 1,859 2020 10/30/20 31$291.600.277 $542,085$513,990 1558194 5625 S 303rd St $554,758Auburn22.00 2,092 2020 09/24/20 0$265.180.203 $554,758$521,415 1568610 5649 S 303rd St $543,290Auburn22.50 2,474 2020 11/04/20 0$226.850.203 $561,217$543,290 1578621 5659 S 303rd St $542,165Auburn32.50 2,474 2020 10/16/20 0$232.580.203 $575,409$542,165 1572994 5668 S 302nd St $595,538Auburn42.25 2,472 2020 06/26/20 73$233.820.103 $578,000$567,490 1557161 5987 S 302nd Place $581,018Auburn22.50 2,474 2020 09/30/20 0$234.850.205 $581,018$566,315 1582302 5611 S 302nd St $582,035Auburn42.50 2,472 2020 10/09/20 0$235.450.173 $582,035$557,890 1578618 5604 S 303rd St $592,563Auburn42.25 2,472 2020 10/09/20 0$239.710.127 $592,563$553,165 1568615 5655 S 303rd St $593,132Auburn32.50 2,474 2020 10/27/20 0$239.750.203 $593,132$562,440 1578674 5613 S 303rd St $600,831Auburn32.50 2,474 2020 10/30/20 0$242.860.203 $600,831$546,940 1561566 5981 S 302nd Place $627,940Auburn32.50 2,474 2020 10/23/20 0$253.820.234 $627,940$564,190 1565921 5680 S 302nd St $641,990Auburn43.25 3,024 2020 07/30/20 85$209.990.118 $635,000$622,190 1557307 5627 S 302nd St $654,697Auburn43.25 3,024 2020 09/21/20 7$216.480.118 $654,647$612,015 1564900 Listing Count :Averages:15 $588,61913 $590,6642,481 $240.23 $559,500 HighPrice :$654,647 $542,085 $582,035LowMedian Grand Totals SP:LP:OP:15CDOM:SqFt:$588,619$559,500Averages:Count :13 $590,6642,481 Information Deemed Reliable But Cannot Be Guaranteed. Lot Sizes and Square Footage Are Estimates. 11/10/2020 - 6:23PM NOTICE OF APPLICATION & NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING LINDENAUER CRITICAL AREA ORDINANCE VARIANCE CAO20-0003 The City of Auburn is issuing a Notice of Application & Notice of Hearing for the following described project. The permit applications and listed studies may be reviewed at the Auburn Department of Community Development at 1 E Main ST, 2nd Floor, Customer Service Center, Auburn, WA 98001. Proposal: Critical Area Ordinance (CAO) variance to allow for the reduction of a Category II wetland buffer and a Type Ns stream buffer. The purpose of the buffer reductions is to allow for the future construction of a single-family residence on the property. To offset the loss of the buffers, the remaining buffer areas for these critical areas would be enhanced. No work is proposed in the Category II wetland or Type Ns stream channel. Location: 29220 58th Pl S, Auburn, WA, King County Parcel Number 9286200040. Notice of Application: December 14, 2020 Permit Application: September 25, 2020 Complete Application: September 25, 2020 File No. CAO20-0003 Applicant: Jon Lindenauer 29216 58th Pl S Auburn, WA 98001 Owner: Jon Lindenauer 29216 58th Pl S Auburn, WA 98001 Studies/Plans Submitted with Application: • Environmental Checklist, dated November 10, 2020 • Critical Area Study, prepared by J.S. Jones and Associates, dated June 15, 2020 • Critical Area Mitigation Plan, prepared by J.S. Jones and Associates, dated September 21, 2020 Other Permits, Plans, and Approvals Needed: • Building Permit Statement of Consistency and List of Applicable Development Regulations: This proposal is subject to and shall be consistent with the Auburn City Code, Comprehensive Plan, and Design and Construction Standards. Public Comment Period: All persons may comment on this application. Comments must be in writing and received by the end of the comment period at 5:00 p.m. on December 29, 2020 to the mailing address of 25 W Main ST, Auburn, WA, 98001-4998. Any person wishing to become a party of record, shall include in their comments that they wish to receive notice of and participate in any hearings, if relevant, request a copy of decisions once made, and be made NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING CAO20-0003 (Continued) Page 2 of 2 aware of appeal rights. For questions regarding this project, please contact Dustin Lawrence, AICP, Senior Planner, at planning@auburnwa.gov or (253) 931-3092. Public Hearing: The meeting of the City of Auburn Hearing Examiner scheduled for January 20, 2021 at 5:30 p.m. will be held virtually and telephonically. To attend the meeting virtually please enter the meeting ID into the ZOOM app or call into the meeting at the phone number listed below. Per the Governor’s Emergency Proclamation 20-28, the City of Auburn is prohibited from holding an in-person meeting at this time. All meetings will be held virtually and telephonically. City of Auburn is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting. Join Zoom Meeting https://zoom.us/j/97458189487 Meeting ID: 974 5818 9487; One tap mobile+12532158782,,97458189487# US (Tacoma) Dial by your location: +1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma); 888 475 4499 US Toll-free; 877 853 5257 US Toll-free; Meeting ID: 974 5818 9487; Find your local number: https://zoom.us/u/aqJx4h9nv VICINITY MAP: Subject Site S 292nd St