HomeMy WebLinkAbout5592 RESOLUTION NO. 5592 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, WASHINGTON, APPROVING THE 2021 HOUSING ACTION PLAN FOR THE 2020 TO 2040 PLANNING PERIOD WHEREAS, on November 18, 2019, the Auburn City Council considered and adopted City Resolution No. 5471 authorizing the City to enter into a contract with the Washington State Dept. of Commerce (Commerce) to accept grant funds for the preparation of a Housing Action Plan. The contract specifies that the Housing Action Plan (HAP) must be adopted by the City Council; and WHEREAS, the City of Auburn, as the first part of the grant partnered with the cities of Burien, Federal Way, Kent, Renton, and Tukwila to conduct sub-regional data collection; and WHEREAS, the sub-regional funding and data collection resulted in the preparation of the South King County Sub-Regional Framework document in August of 2020; and. WHEREAS, the City of Auburn, as the second part of the grant application, contracted separately to prepare a Housing Action Plan specifically for the City and utilizing the sub-regional data collection and remaining grant funding ($80,000.00); and WHEREAS, Auburn coordinated with the Department of Commerce to determine the final scope of work, which is substantially unchanged from the one contained in the original application for grant funding; and Resolution No. 5592 June 17, 2021 Page 1 of 3 Rev.2019 WHEREAS, the goal of the Housing Action Plan is to encourage construction of additional affordable and market rate housing in a greater variety of housing types and at prices that are accessible to a greater variety of incomes, and the Plan identifies several strategies and preliminary recommendations, including strategies aimed at the for-profit single-family home market, that the City may implement to guide its housing policies and regulations and decisions over the 2020-2040 (20-year) planning period; and WHEREAS, the Housing Action Plan was developed using ongoing public outreach consisting of virtual individual stakeholder interviews, virtual focus/small group discussions, virtual open houses on May 12 and 17, 2021, and website feedback; and WHEREAS, presentations on the Housing Action Plan were provided to the Planning Commission on February 2, 2021, and May 18, 2021; and WHEREAS, the Housing Action Plan was discussed at regular City Council Study Sessions on February 22, 2021, and May 24, 2021; and WHEREAS, among other methods of collecting feedback, the City prepared and made publicly available on its website a draft of the Housing Action Plan on May 10, 2021, and accepted public comment on the website through June 1, 2021; and WHEREAS, the original grant contract required City Council adoption of the Housing Action Plan and submittal to the Washington State Department of Commerce by June 15, 2021; and WHEREAS, due to delays caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, the Washington State Department of Commerce and the City extended the time for adoption of the final deliverable (HAP) by a contract amendment, without any change in the grant budget which satisfies the grant obligations. Resolution No. 5592 June 17, 2021 Page 2 of 3 Rev.2019 NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, WASHINGTON, RESOLVES as follows: Section 1. The 2021 Housing Action Plan is approved for implementation in the City of Auburn. Section 2. The Mayor is authorized to implement those administrative procedures necessary to carry out the directives of this legislation. Section 3. This Resolution will take effect and be in full force on passage and signatures. Dated and Signed: Julv 6, 2021 CITY OF AUBURN C1C AkKUS, MAYOR ATTEST: APPROVED AS TO FORM: Shawn Campbell, MMC, City Clerk Kendra Comeau, City Attorney Resolution No. 5592 June 17, 2021 Page 3 of 3 Rev.2019 Housing Action Plan City of Auburn June 2021 Prepared for: City of Auburn Draft Report CITY OF oeni. Usart "..„,,useszto, * * * , ._ WASHINGTON Acknowledgements ECONorthwest prepared this report for the City of Auburn. ECONorthwest and the City of Auburn are grateful to the numerous staff, elected officials, and community members who participated and provided feedback to shape the plan. City of Auburn • Jeff Tate, Director of Community Development • Jeff Dixon, Planning Services Manager • Anthony Avery, Senior Planner(former) • Joy Scott, Community Services Manager • Alexandria Teague, Planner II • Erika Klyce, Neighborhood Programs Coordinator • Kyla Wright, Human Services Program Coordinator • Steven Sturza, Development Engineer Manager • Jason Krum, Development Services Manager South King County Housing and Homelessness Partnership (SKHHP) • Angela San Filippo, Executive Manager Consultant Team Tyler Bump, Madeline Baron, Oscar Saucedo-Andrade, ECONorthwest Justin Sherrill, Michelle Anderson, James Kim, Andres ECONOMICS • FINANCE • PLANNING Arjona, and Jennifer Cannon. *rats Andrea Petzel and Valerie Pacino !a BROADVIEW PLANNING SERA Ben Webber and Ross Determan City of Auburn Housing Action Plan i Auburn Community Members (alphabetical order) • Arnie Hudson, Neiders Company • Christopher Loving, Eastside Legal Assistance Program • Cyndi Rapier, Green River College • Debbie Christian, Auburn Food Bank • Greg Brown, Auburn School District • Isiah Johnson, Auburn School District • Jean, Resident • Jennifer Hurley, Auburn Senior Center • Jenny, Resident • Joan, Resident • Josh Headley, Revive Church • Julie DeBolt, Auburn School District • Kacie Brae, Auburn Area Chamber of Commerce • Katharine Nyden, Eastside Legal Assistance Program • Kathy Powers, Orion • Lewis, Resident • Melanie Fink, Investment Property Group • Terri Herren, Auburn School District • Three housing developers City of Auburn Housing Action Plan ii How this Plan is Organized This report is organized into five parts: 1. Part 1: Introduction offers helpful background information on this plan, the objectives driving the work, and the study area. 2. Part 2: Summary summarizes the most important information in Parts 3 and 4, highlighting key findings from the housing needs analysis, public engagement, preliminary recommendations, and implementation steps. - 3. Part 3: Development Feasibility Analysis outlines and summarizes the development feasibility analysis that was conducted to identify many of the preliminary recommendations offered in Part 2 and Part - 4: Part-4: Preliminary recommendations&Implementation Steps offers 17 policy and program preliminary recommendations and an implementation roadmap for the City to consider as Auburn works toward increasing housing supply over the next 20 years. 5. Part 5:Appendicesliststechnical appendices that support this plan, including the full Public Engagement Results, Existing Conditions on Auburn's community and housing stock;the housing policy review, and the development feasibility proforma assumptions. City of Auburn Housing Action Plan iii Table of Contents Part 1:Introduction 1 Introduction 2 What is a Housing Action Plan? 2 How was the HAP Created? 2 Where Did the Plan Preliminary Recommendations Come From? 3 What Objectives are Driving the HAP? 5 What is the Planning Horizon for the HAP? 6 What is the Geographic Study Area for the Plan? 6 What are the Regulated Income Limits in Auburn? 8 Part 2:Summary 10 I.Summary of Housing Needs 11 II.Summary of Public Engagement Key Findings 22 III.Summary of Preliminary Recommendations&Next Steps 25 Part 3:Development Feasibility Analysis 29 Objectives and Focus Areas 30 Development Standards 31 Development Feasibility Methods 32 Analyzed Prototypes 34 Development Feasibility Results 42 Part 4:Preliminary Recommendations & Implementation Steps 49 Preliminary Recommendations 50 Preliminary Recommendations and Alignment with the Comprehensive Plan 73 Implementation Steps 76 City of Auburn Housing Action Plan iv Part 1: Introduction This Part offers helpful background information on the legislation governing Housing Action Plans, the plan development process,the City's objectives driving this work,the planning horizon,the geographic study area in Auburn,and regulated housing income limits in Auburn. City of Auburn Housing Action Plan 1 Introduction The City of Auburn was founded in 1891 and has grown to become the fifteenth largest city in the State of Washington. Multiple periods of growth can be observed in the many regions of Auburn, including early 20th century neighborhoods, mid-century growth, and the annexation of rural county lands in the early 21st century. This has resulted in over 29 square miles of housing growth representing many different scales of development that have occurred over different periods. In 2019, the state legislature adopted House Bill 1923 (HB 1923), which awarded grants in the amount of up to $100,000 to various cities to increase residential capacity. The City received a grant to increase residential capacity through development of a Housing Action Plan (referred to as a HAP). What is a Housing Action Plan? The City of Auburn is growing. Supported by data, community Prior to creating this engagement, a review of policies, and an assessment of housing Housing Action Plan, development feasibility, this HAP identifies preliminary Auburn participated in the South King County recommendations, implementation considerations, and actions that Subregional Housing can help the City of Auburn guide its housing policies, regulations, and Action Framework, along with the cities of Burien, programs as it encourages housing needed to accommodate current Federal Way, Kent, residents and Auburn's growing population. HAP efforts are focused Renton, and Tukwila. on encouraging the production of both affordable and market rate This Subregional Housing housing at a variety of price points to meet the needs of current and Action Framework met future residents. the same Housing Action Plan requirements but focused on regional and This HAP must comply with state guidance, including the adoption of subregional strategies that the South King County the grant-funded HAP document consisting of the needs assessment, cities could pursue housing policy review, and implementation preliminary together. recommendation components, no later than June 30, 2021. Funding is provided by the Washington State Department of Commerce via House Bill 1923 (HB 1923). How was the HAP Created? The City of Auburn hired a team of consultants— ECONorthwest, Broadview Planning, and SERA Architects—to assist in the development of this HAP. The HAP process has involved many steps which are summarized in Figure 1. Throughout the entire process, Broadview Planning has engaged the public to offer input on the community's vision and housing needs, to provide ideas and preliminary recommendations for how Auburn can increase capacity for more housing, and to review draft documents before they are finalized and adopted by City Council. City of Auburn Housing Action Plan 2 Figure 1.Auburn's HAP Development Process Public Engagement Community Vision Existing Conditions Solicit Ideas Recommended Actions Assess Changes Data Analysis Employment Trends Adoption. Public Input Population Growth Staff Input Policy Evaluation Planning Commission Development Analysis City Council Prioritization The Department of Commerce requires that funded HAPs be adopted by each city. In Auburn, that means that this DRAFT HAP will be presented to city staff for review, revised, and then presented for public review and to the Planning Commission for a briefing. After reviewing those comments, a revised, final'HAP will be the subject of a briefing, and then presented to City Council for adoption. Where Did the Plan Preliminary Recommendations Come From? The preliminary recommendations offered in this HAP are informed by several components of this project. In addition to building on the work completed in 2020 for the South King County Subregional Housing Action Framework document, the preliminary recommendations in this plan were developed using the following components. (See Figure 2): 1. Data on current and future housing needs discussed in the Existing Conditions Memorandum, 2. Suggestions and ideas generated from the community through the continuous community engagement process, and 3. A development feasibility analysis and review of Auburn's zoning code/development standards to evaluate impacts to the feasibility of new construction. However, this analysis did not include a review of the Engineering Design Standards and how the proposed concepts work with the streetscape elements within the city's complete streets policy. This analysis will be required in any future processes that consider implementation of the concepts presented here. These three sources of input were used to arrive at the preliminary recommendations offered in this plan. The key findings from each of these sources are described in Part 2: Summary. City of Auburn Housing Action Plan 3 Figure 2. HAP Preliminary Recommendations Inputs Community Data Input, Analysis(7Q,. \ , /jct.) / mk , •Qi 9� �`\ 4, • , ✓ Q i cso \ 14 Development r / ao/ <<), '40� Feasibility Preliminary Recommendations f This plan uses the Term "preliminary recommendations" because, while a substantial amount of research and analysis has been conducted to prepare this plan and its identified measures, there remain additional evaluation and considerations in order to implement some of the recommendations. Some of the measures recommended are not fully ready and capable of being implemented based on the contents of the plan alone. It is acknowledged that additional evaluation is necessary to determine whether some measures are appropriate for Auburn and whether there are unintended consequences. For example, changes to increase density will require consideration in the Transportation Element and Utility Element of the Comprehensive Plan to determine the necessary infrastructure required to implement changes. Depending on the locations of increases and how broadly these are applied, there could be for example, impacts to the transportation system that could generate an issue related to transportation concurrency and result in either lowering level of service standards further or limiting development until improvements can be built to support the higher density. This after plan analysis of the preliminary recommendations is beyond the scope and budget of this HAP preparation. There will be additional public input that will influence and shape the measures through the review and adoption process. Also, as discussions about housing supply continue to advance in the future, the city may wish to consider other measures that are not identified in this plan. City of Auburn Housing Action Plan 4 What Objectives are Driving the HAP? The City of Auburn desires a mix of housing types,sizes,and options that serve a wide array of residents from seniors arid multigenerational housing,to low-income households,to young _ workers - and desires this mixture throughout the City.The City understands the importance of housing affordability and seeks affordable housing options spread throughout the City- options for ` buyers and renters alike. It recognizes that affordable housing options will look different in different parts of the City to suit the neighborhood context and desires of residents.And, importantly,the City wants to preserve its existing housing stock,and support landlords in maintaining existing properties. . • For the purposes of this Housing Action Plan scope of work, the City wanted to explore a few key targeted housing development types and locations, identified below. These specific topics fit into the City's larger efforts to create a diverse range of housing options to meet the needs of a broad range of residents. These objectives were developed as part of the scope of work for this project to support a broader mix of housing types, housing sizes, and housing price points across the City that are available to a wider range of current and future Auburn residents. While these are not ordered in any rank or priority, they are helpful to organize the preliminary recommendations and support the implementation steps that will be suggested in the final HAP: A. Encourage market rate development in Downtown Auburn: What is Middle Housing? increased development and denser development In this analysis, the term middle housing refers to B. Encourage the development of below-market affordable housing duplexes and triplexes. in Downtown Auburn See relevant development standards on page 31 and example renderings on C. Encourage the development of middle housing in R-5 and R-7 page 39. Zones in the Study Area (see Figure 3 on page 7) D. Prevent displacement and encourage the preservation of existing affordable housing One reason the City highlighted downtown Auburn in this HAP is because it seeks to ensure that Downtown continues to meet criteria for the Puget Sound Regional Council's (PSRC) 2050 designation of a "Regional Growth Center."' This designation requires moving from 18 towards 45 activity units per acre minimum and both additional development as well as denser development can help to achieve this. ' PSRC Regional Centers Framework,page 4. https://www.psrc.org/sites/default/files/final_regional_centers_fra mework_ma rch_22_version.pdf City of Auburn Housing Action Plan 5 What is the Planning Horizon for the HAP? This HAP focuses on the 2020-2040 planning period using data from PSRC. As a regional planning agency, PSRC produces regional population forecasts for King, Snohomish, Pierce, and Kitsap Counties. These population forecasts are allocated by each county for their city- level growth targets. King County is updating its growth targets and forecasts for the 2017 - 2044 forecast period, but the formal adoption of these targets will not occur until later in 2021. Auburn's future housing needs estimated in the Existing Conditions Memorandum and summarized in Part 2 are based on the acknowledged 2040 population forecast. Since the HAP timing is earlier, a subsequent effort will be needed to compare results attributable to the end points of the different forecast periods. The Puget Sound Regional Council is a regional planning agency overseeing urban growth, economic development,and transportation planning for King,Snohomish, Pierce,and Kitsap Counties. PSRC develops policies and guides decision making with over 100 members from the cities,.towns,counties, ports,transportation agencies,and tribal governments in the Puget Sound area. What is the Geographic Study Area for the Plan? The contents of the Auburn HAP are prepared for the purpose of The City may choose to make evaluating circumstances in and applicability to, all areas of the city zoning code changes in this limits of Auburn, as this is where the City has regulatory jurisdiction. study area -testing the response from the housing Auburn's housing-related goals and planning processes are focused market, developers, and citywide. However, some of the comprehensive plan policy guidance neighborhood / community members- before making may also extend to those areas within the City's few designated changes in other parts of the Potential Annexation Areas (PAA) where only the Comprehensive Plan City. policies apply. The City could also choose to advance changes to Due to time and fiscal limitations of analyzing the entire city, certain development standards that support a broader range of geographic areas were selected for a concentrated focus. The Auburn housing options in single HAP study areas shown in Figure 3 were selected by City of Auburn family dwelling zoned areas staff to evaluate.specific policy and regulatory interventions to across Auburn. advance the objectives identified above. The Downtown Auburn Regional Growth Center is identified in the map below as the study area where this analysis evaluates changes to development standards that support more feasible mixed-income housing at density levels that meet the PSRC 2050 Regional Growth Center criteria. The middle housing study area was selected for its proximity to commuter rail transportation, proximity to downtown, diversity of built characteristics, representation of other parts of the City of Auburn Housing Action Plan 6 City, and its somewhat-regular street grid pattern. The study area is also based on the boundaries of Census block groups. This area is not to be interpreted as the only area in which the middle housing preliminary recommendations contained within this plan could apply. This study area was chosen as a _ representative area of the city within which to conduct more in-depth analysis of middle housing regulations that would not be practical to conduct city-wide. Figure 3.Auburn HAP Study Area Source:ECONorthwest analysis of Auburn Municipal Code S cif I \‘\_„,„,---7------ 4 9 f_.;Vii. `v,� 9....._. V. . I 1 off it _ __ 4 1 N !", ; i. � 1, IwA1aj �� �—.. ,(�— _ 1 i —_ ._� ; I Lea �: i Hill I ___ -�, � ' z o- a I___-_____—_,.._ 4. i \ t) .-. . wA 16 ` a --- - 1-*'- 1-..- ..„..4 __ '.. --: ' \I F" 3 ,... '� JIwA 1611 �.,. C ,�...' / r^/tel ,/,' .,,3 ; :�„:�:°.. '.- ` y 1 `a, cj �—•Pacific �,,,- F,4 ri Auburn:. • Regional urban growth center aPD Q�'"s�ay --e `� \�` -Middlejii housingstud `area, ` i City of Auburn , Housing Action Plan 7 It is important to note that although parts of the City of Auburn extend into Pierce County, this analysis, and the preliminary recommendations herein, focus exclusively on the portions of Auburn located in King County. Data in the Existing Conditions Memorandum (and summarized in Part 2) do account for housing conditions and demand in both the King County and Pierce County areas of Auburn, but the analysis and preliminary recommendations herein are focused solely on King County geographies because there are very few future housing opportunities within the Pierce County portion of Auburn. These strategies and preliminary recommendations still could be applied to city-wide even though they were not evaluated specifically for the Pierce County portion of the City. What are the Income Level Categories Related to Housing in Auburn? This HAP regularly refers to affordable housing and housing that is affordable to a certain segment of the population. This section describes affordability terms and income limits in Auburn. Understanding AMI and MFI The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) defines an area's Median Family Income (MFI), but Area Median Income (AMI) is often used interchangeably.'AMI is used in this report to align with'King County's data and reporting. Auburn is part of the Seattle- Bellevue, WA HUD Metro Area. As shown in Figure 4, the Seattle-Bellevue, WA HUD Metro Area AMI was$103,400 for a family of four in 2018.3 HUD adjusts theincome limits up or down based on family size and provides income limits for 30% of MFI, 50% of MFI, and 80% of MFI. Additional income limits (such as 60% or 120%) can be calculated off the 100% income limit to get an approximation of other affordability thresholds.4 Figure 4. HUD 2018 Median Family Income Limits for the Seattle-Bellevue,WA HUD Metro Area Affordability Level: i Annual Income Limit(for a family of 4): 30%of AMI $32,100 50%of AMI $53,500 80%of AMI $80,250 100%of AMI $103,400 2 Source: HUD.2018. "FY 2018 Income Limits Frequently Asked Questions." www.huduser.gov/portal/datasets/il/i118/FAQs-18r.pdf 3 The 2018 AMI is referenced to align with the 2018 Census data used in developing the Housing Action Plan. 4 These approximations—and HUD's official limits—may not be exact fractions of the 100%median income(in the table,the official 50%income limit for a family of four is slightly higher than half of the 100%limit). City of Auburn Housing Action Plan 8 „ Understanding MHI Because the Seattle-Bellevue, WA HUD Metro Area is so large, it does not account for differences within the geography. A property developed in Auburn using a 50%AMI limit would have the same limits as one in Bellevue, despite underlying differences in the incomes of these cities individually. To capture a more localized consideration of median income, we calculated Auburn's median household income (MHI) using 5-year American Community Survey (ACS) data. In the 2014-2018 time period, Auburn's MHI was estimated to be $68,950. This is much lower than the$89,400 estimated for King County as a whole, and pretty close to the MHI estimated for the South King County region ($71,400 using Census PUMS 2018 1-year data). It is important to note that this MHI is not directly comparable to HUD's MFI. HUD's MFI calculation relies on underlying Census data related to family incomes, and the 100% median is set for families of four. This MHI is for all households—not just families—and households can have a wide range of compositions and sizes (e.g., roommates) compared to families. In the City of Auburn, the median household only has 2.77 people. An area's MHI is typically lower than its MFI. Although MHI does not directly compare to MFI, affordable housing properties in Auburn use region-wide MFI limits. Meanwhile, Auburn's MHI is lower than MHI of other cities in the region. Therefore, these two facts result in a greater likelihood that households and families in Auburn may have a harder time finding housing that is affordable within their income ranges (costing less than 30% of gross monthly income). City of Auburn Housing Action Plan 9 • Part 2: Summary This Part summarizes the most important information in Parts 3 and 4, highlighting key findings from the,housing needs analysis, public engagement, preliminary recommendations,and implementation steps. It has three sections and is intended to provide an overview of all the elements of the Housing Action Plan required by the Department of Commerce. ■ Section 1 summarizes housing and population data for the City of Auburn Section Ilsummarizes the results from public engagement conducted throughout the project, • Section III summarizes the preliminary recommendations and next steps that are - described in more detail in Part 4. 10 City of Auburn Housing Action Plan I. Summary of Housing Needs Current Housing Inventory As of 2018, there were 31,345 total housing units in Auburn (OFM, 2019). About half of Auburn's housing stock was built in the 1980's or earlier(King County Assessor, 2020) and the majority of housing across Auburn is in single-family detached (61 percent) housing. About 16 percent of Auburn's housing stock is in properties with 2-4 units. About 23 percent of Auburn's housing stock is characterized as multifamily, the majority of which was built pre-1960, and in the 1990s and 2000s.5 Auburn saw 3,511 new dwelling units built between 2011 and 2019, averaging 390 new units per year. Over this period, 7.8 new housing units were produced for every 10 new households that formed in Auburn.° Figure 5. Number of Units Built Per Year,Auburn, 2011-2019 Source:OFM,2019. 658 653 600 - -- 507 534 412 400 -- - - — - - - 250 204 200 168 125 0 --_ 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 The majority of Auburn's single-family housing stock was built prior to the 2000's. The 1960's, 1990's, and 2000's saw peak construction of single-family homes. The majority of duplexes, triplexes and quad-plex type housing was built prior to the 2000's. The 1970's and 1980's saw peak construction of these housing types relative to other years and in the 2010s this housing type was not built. 5 In this report,multifamily housing is defined as five or more units in a given property development. 6 Household formation occurs when people move into the city,or when one household becomes two(e.g.,a child moves out of a family home,roommates separate). City of Auburn Housing Action Plan 11 Figure 6.Type of Single-Family Housing Built,Auburn, 1960-2020 Source:King County Assessor's Office,2020. 3,000 2,000 ----- _ 1,000 - 1960s 1970s 1980s 1990s 2000s 2010s Type of Single-Family Housing (units) 1 2-4 The majority of multifamily housing in Auburn was built before 2000. Auburn saw an increase in larger multifamily housing development (100+ units) in the 1980s, 1990s, 2000s, and 2010s. The majority of medium sized multi-family housing (between 5 and 50 units) was built in the 1990s or earlier. Since 2010 the vast majority of multi-family built was of the 100+ unit type and saw very few smaller-scale multi-family housing being built. Figure 7.Scale of Multifamily Housing Built,Auburn, 1960-2020 Source:King County Assessor's Office,2020. 3,000 2,000 - _ 1,000 --- 0 1960s 1970s 1980s 1990s 2000s 2010s Building scale(units) 5-19 20-49 50-99 100+ City of Auburn Housing Action Plan 12 Income Characteristics Income is one of the key determinants in housing choice and households' ability to afford housing. This is because, for most households in the U.S., housing is the single largest expense and impacts numerous other factors like access to jobs, schools, and amenities. Between 2012 and 2018, Auburn saw a large increase in the number of households earning between 50% and 80% of the 2018 King County Area Median Income (AMI —see page 11 for a description), while it saw a modest decrease in the number of households earning less than 30% of AMI, and a small decrease in the number of households earning between 80% and 100% of AMI (see Figure 8). About 33 percent of Auburn's households earn less than 50% of AMI. This is in line with the - South King County Region as a whole, where 34 percent of households earn less than 50% of AMI. Auburn's share of households earning more than 80% of AMI is also similar to that of the South King County Region: 41 percent and 43 percent, respectively. Figure 8. Income Distribution by AMI,Auburn, 2012 and 2018 Source:PUMS(2012 and 2018). 30% 30%30% 25% 20% 21% 1 rY0 — 16/°° -16/°o 20%. _ 13%11% o _ 0-30% 30-50% 50-80% 80-100% +100% - - Household Income as % of AMI Year • 2012 ® 2018 Population Characteristics Between 2010 and 2018, Auburn's population grew by more than 10,400 new residents, from 70,180 people in 2010, to 80,615 people in 2018. Auburn's population is younger on average compared to other cities in South King County, with a larger share of residents under age 19. In addition, as of the 2014-2018 time period, about 16 percent of Auburn's residents identify as Hispanic or Latino of any race and about 57 percent identify as non-Hispanic White. About 11 percent identify as non-Hispanic Asian, and another 11 percent as non-Hispanic of Another or Multiple races (including Pacific Islander or Native Hawaiian and Non-Hispanic City of Auburn Housing Action Plan 13 American Indian or Alaskan Native). About 5 percent identify as non-Hispanic Black or African American. Figure 9. Population by Race and Ethnicity,Auburn (City), 2014-2018 Source:ACS(5-year,2014-2018). 16% 57% all, 11(76, i 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% Share of Total Population ®Hispanic or Latino of Any Race ■Non-Hispanic White •Non-Hispanic of Another or Multiple Races•Non-Hispanic Black or African American ■Non-Hispanic Asian Auburn saw an 86 percent increase in the number of residents who identify as Hispanic or Latino of any race between 2010 and 2018. In addition, Auburn saw about a 67 percent increase in the number of residents'who identify as being non-Hispanic of Another or Multiple races (including Pacific Islander or Native Hawaiian and Non-Hispanic American Indian or Alaskan Native). Figure 10. Population by Race and Ethnicity,Auburn (City), 2010 and 2018 Source:ACS(5-year,2006-2010 and 2014-2018). 8,800 ! ■2018 ®20110 Non-Hispanic Asian 6,710 ! I ti ! Non-Hispanic Black or African American 3,816 Hispanic or Latino of Any Race 6,891 12,831 M. Non-Hispanic of Another or Multiple Races 8'782 5,266 4 � � Non-Hispanic White 44,803 p, 4,--6, ... _ . ;.mac=,..N., ;,:. :s 44,302 0 10,000 20,000 30,000 40,000 50,000 Total Population Like most areas, the majority of Auburn's residents are between 20 and 64 years old. Auburn has a larger population proportion of young residents (those age 19 years and under)than seniors (those 65 years and older). City of Auburn Housing Action Plan 14 Figure 11.Age Distribution,Auburn, 2014-2018 Source:ACS(5 year 2014-2018). 85 years and over `7 1% 75to84years � 3% 65 to 74 years 6% 60 to 64 years 6% 55to59years 7% 45 to 54 years 13% 35to44years 13%` 25 to 34 years 15% 20to24years immiimommi 7% 15 to 19 years 6% 10 to 14 years 7% 5 to 9 years NININIEN 8% Under 5 years somim 8% 0% 5% 10% 15% 20% Share of Population Housing Cost Trends Similar to much of the Puget Sound, Auburn has seen steep price increases. Since 2010, home prices in Auburn rose by 88 percent,from a median sales price of$222,750 in 2010 to $418,300 in 2020 (see Figure 12). In addition, the average rent for a two-bedroom apartment in Auburn increased by 49 percent from 2010 to 2020, reaching $1,393 per month. Using 2018 income data, the average rent for a two-bedroom apartment would be affordable to a four-person household earning 50% of the AMI (which would be a relatively tight space), or to a two-person household earning between 50% and 80% of AMI. Figure 12. Median Home Sales Price and Average 2-Bedroom Rent,Auburn, 2010 and 2020 Source:Costar and Zillow.Not adjusted for inflation. 2010 2020 Average Rent $934 $1,393 Median Sales Price $222,750 $418,300 Housing Cost Burdening In 2018, 88 percent of Auburn renters earning less than 30% of AMI were cost burdened and 71 percent of renters earning between 30%to 50% of AMI were cost burdened (see Figure 13). Cost burdening tends to decline as incomes go up, because a household has more income to spend on housing. In Auburn, 33 percent of renters earning between 50% and 80% of AMI were cost burdened. City of Auburn Housing Action Plan 15 Figure 13. Cost Burdened and Severely Cost Burdened Renters,Auburn, 2018 Source:PUMS(2018). Renter 100% - 88% - 75j% 72% 71% - . - 50% -- --- 25%25% -7 in. 33% 0 0% 0% 0% 0% 0-30% 30-50% 50-80% 80-100% +100% - - III Cost burdened II Severe cost burdened In Auburn, households of color account for a disproportionate number of households experiencing cost burdening, compared to their share of total populations (see Figure 14). Hispanic households of any:race accounted for approximately 25 percent of all of the households experiencing cost burdening (blue bar) in the 2014-2018 period, yet they only accounted for roughly 16 percent of the Auburn area's total households (yellow bar). This means that they are disproportionately cost burdened relative to non-Hispanic White and non- Hispanic Asian households. Figure 14. Cost Burdening by Race and Ethnicity,Auburn Area PUMA, 2014-2018 Source:PUMS(5 year 2014-2018). Amer. Indian&Alaskan Native, 4.9%®1.9% - -- non-Hispanic i Pac.Islander&Native Hawaiian,_ 2.7%®2.3% non-Hispanic Multiple, 10.4% 5.1% non-Hispanic Black,_ _ _ non-Hispanic 6.6% 5.6% Asian,_ 6.0% i 10.8% non-Hispanic Hispanic,_ 25.0% 16.1% any race White,- 44.4/° 58.1% _- non-Hispanic ° 40% 0% 40% ■ Share of burdened renters ® Share of area population City of Auburn Housing Action Plan 16 Employment & Transportation Based on data from the Puget Sound Regional Council (PSRC), Auburn's total employment grew from 40,070 jobs in 2008 to 45,990 jobs in 2018—an increase of 5,919 jobs or 15 percent. In 2018, the top four largest industries were: (1) Manufacturing with 8,765 people, (2) Retail Trade with 5,091 people, (3) Health Care and Social Assistance with 4,925 people, and (4) Wholesale Trade with 4,308 people. Combined, these industries represent 50 percent of Auburn's total jobs. Between 2008 and 2018, several industries lost employment. The four industries that lost the greatest share of employees were: (1) Mining, Quarrying, and Oil and Gas Extraction with a 100 percent decline, (2) Utilities also with a 100 percent decline, (3) Retail with a 13 percent decline, and (4) Public Administration,with a 12 percent decline. Combined, these industries represent a loss of 1,251 jobs. Job losses in each of the industriesmentioned above, and job gains in new industries, signify a shift in Auburn's employment profile;between 2008 and 2018. For example, the five industries which gained the greatest share of employment were: (1) Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing and Hunting with a 192.percent increase,' (2) Finance and Insurance with a 115 percent increase, (3) Real Estate and Rental and Leasing with a 72 percent increase, (4) Health Care and Social Assistance with a 70 percent increase, and (5)Transportation and Warehousing with a 53 percent increase. Combined,these industries represent a gain of 3,784 employees. Median salaries in 2018 also varied by industry. At opposite ends of the wage spectrum, the Accommodation and Food Services industry had the lowest annual wages of$32,451, of which this industry represented approximately five percent of Auburn's total employment. On the other, the Finance and Insurance industry had the highest annual wage of$79,375, representing about 2 percent of Auburn's total employment. Figure 15 below shows how far an Auburn resident can travel to access employment in the Puget Sound Region within a 45-minute drive time (blue) and a 45-minute transit trip (orange). It is important to note that the large increase in Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing and Hunting is an increase from 13 to 38 people between 2008 and 2018. City of Auburn Housing Action Plan 17 isFigure 15.Access to Employment—Travel Shed, 2018 Source:ECONorthwest Analysof 2018 PSRC Data. Note:Departing at 8:00 AM,midweek `, I i ,. -,,,Iti it:"'"-- fl :, `‘,-..,4' ,2,4`,.:74 .i,,,,:;-Ai..4.,1 4** --ii. l'" ' '441/4‘ , ti , ', '‘;''%ilffl:k , 1. F • txti ;, / '' ° -t 4y } J ,p - Y � r� '41-7'-',!:,!..,,,,',' 11 i' E �7r..,„�� .. gds w,�y, t f A / 0 . A .a a T. . 5) ^�+� r k /Is ' � w: ,. IL . r , , , City of Auburn Housing Action Plan 18 Future Housing Needs PSRC forecasts that by 2040, Auburn will grow to a population of 95,461 people, an increase of 14,846 people (or 18 percent) from its 2018 population estimate of 80,615 people. As Auburn is forecast to grow at a faster rate than it has in the past, the City's population growth will continue to drive future demand for housing through 2040. Based on this forecast population growth,the City is projected to Underproduction is need 10,429 new dwelling units between 2020 and 2040, at an calculated from the ratio average trajectory of 521 new units per year through 2040. Of those of housing units produced and new households needed dwellings, 2,361 units are a result of housing formed in Auburn over underproduction (see sidebar). The remaining 8,068 units are to time. If too few housing accommodate population growth. In total, this represents a sizable neat are ootive to thheeructed relanumber of increase in the number of housing units that need to be produced new households formed, each year(521 units), given the annual average of only 390 units built underproduction occurs and contributes to price per year from 2011 to 2019. increases. Figure 16. Housing Units Needed by AMI,Auburn, 2040 Without including current Source:OFM,2019;PSRC,2017;ECONorthwest Calculation. underproduction in AMI #of Units %of Units calculations of future need, the current 0-30% 1,669 16% mismatch of housing units 30-50% 1,043 10% to numbers of households 50 80% 2,503 24% will continue into the future. 80-100% 1,251 12% 100%+ 3,963 38% See more detailed Total10,429 100% explanation of — -- — methodology in the Existing Conditions As Figure 16 demonstrates, 38 percent of units needed between 2020 Memorandum in Part 5 and 2040 should be affordable to households earning more than Appendices. 100% of the AMI (recall the discussion of affordability limits beginning on page 8). This is helpful since new'market-rate housing tends to be developed at prices and rents that are affordable to higher income households. When an area does not have enough housing priced for higher income households, these households "rent down" and occupy units that would be appropriately priced for lower-income households, thereby increasing competition for low-cost housing units. All cities need a range of housing choices—of different sizes, types, and prices—to accommodate the various needs and incomes of residents. Housing Needs Analysis Methodology This analysis calculates total future housing needs as the current underproduction of housing plus the future needs based on projections from PSRC 2040 household projections. Without City of Auburn Housing Action Plan 19 accounting for past and current underproduction, development targets focused solely on future housing needs will continue to underproduce relative to the actual need.' Figure 17.Total Needed Housing Units in Auburn by 2040 Source:ECONorthwest analysis of PSRC and OMF data Current Future Under- — Total Units: production: w 8'0 8 10,429 2,361 Current Underproduction We first calculate the current underproduction of units in Auburn's housing inventory. This underproduction is estimated based on the ratio of housing units produced and new households formed in King County over time. As of 2019, King County as a whole had 1.06 housing units for every household. Auburn's ratio was 0.986. Since Auburn's ratio is less than King County's ratio, we consider Auburn to have underproduction. Conversely, if the ratio were greater than 1.06, the city would have overproduced housing relative to King County as a whole. The steps for"calculating current underproduction include: 1. Calculatethecount of housing units and population from Washington Office of Financial Management(OFM) 2018 data. 2. We then convert population to households by using average household size in Auburn from the 2018 PUMS dataset. 3. We then compare Auburn's ratio of total housing units to households to that of the county(1.06 units per household) as the target ratio. 4. If a city's ratio is lower than 1.06, we calculate the underproduction as the number of units it would have needed to produce over the timeframe, to reach a ratio of 1.06. Because Washington State does not have a regional approach to planning for housing production, our consideration of underproduction implies that the City of Auburn should be 8 This analysis primarily relied on 2019 data from the Washington Office of Financial Management(OFM)to evaluate housing and demographic trends.Where OFM data was unavailable we relied on the U.S.Census Bureau's Public Use Micro Sample(PUMS)data from 2012 through 2018 and the U.S. Census Bureau's 2012-2016 Comprehensive Housing Affordability Strategy(CHAS)Data.To supplement OFM data on housing trends and existing housing types by size,we supplemented this analysis with King County Assessor data. For housing market data on rents and sales prices we relied on data from the King County Assessor and CoStar. For the housing demand analysis,we relied on Puget Sound Regional Council VISION 2040 population forecast for Auburn for 2040. City of Auburn Housing Action Plan 20 producing housing at a rate to be consistent with the King County ratio of housing units to households of 1.06. This approach to underproduction is simple and intuitive while using the best available data that is both local and the most recent. This analysis does not differentiate between renter and owner households and relies on average household size to convert population counts to household counts. The relationships between average household size, number of households, and current housing units interact in ways that impact underproduction findings for cities within the subregion differently. This approach to identifying current underproduction does not account for local or regional housing preferences by type or tenure. Housing affordability considerations are taken into account in the next step, in determining future housing needs. Future Housing Needs We estimate Auburn's future housing needs based on the forecasted household growth through 2040 from PSRC. PSRC does not forecast housing units, but instead forecasts the estimated number of households. To calculate Auburn's future housing need, we use a target ratio of developing 1.14 housing units per new household. This ratio is the national average of housing units to households in 2019. It is important to use a ratio greater than 1:1 since healthy housing markets allow for vacancy, demolition, second/vacation homes, and broad absorption trends. Use of the national ratio is a reasonable target, particularly for larger areas and regions. Using this ratio suggests that at a minimum,jurisdictions should be hitting the national average and is preferred as the existing regional ratio may capture existing issues in the housing market (such as countywide/regional existing housing shortages). Total Units Needed by Income The next step is to allocate the needed units by income level. We first look at the most recent distribution of households by income level (using 2018 PUMS to determine area median income or "AMI") in Auburn. We then account for current and future household sizes at the city level to better understand nuances of how housing need by income can shift over time as household sizes change and subsequent changes to housing affordability. Because forecasting incomes at the household level over time can be challenging at best, and misleading at worst, this data evaluates housing need using current income distributions forecast forward. The forecast housing need by income category at the city level is likely to vary depending on policy choices made over the next 20 years. That is to say that if cities do not take meaningful action to increase housing production, and affordability worsens due to demand from higher-income households outpacing supply of total housing units, many low- income households would face displacement and the forecast need for lower income households would likely be lower. The ultimate income distribution in 2040 will be the result of regional housing trends and policy decisions made at the local level. City of Auburn Housing Action Plan 21 II. Summary of Public Engagement Key Findings This section summarizes the key findings and themes from the public engagement conducted by Broadview Planning throughout the project. The purpose of the community engagement element of the HAP is to connect with residents, workers, businesses, non-profit organizations, service providers, and other key stakeholders to discover qualitative data and stakeholder stories to support and ground truth the HAP's quantitative data. As captured in the project's initial Public Engagement Plan, which was reviewed and approved by City Staff, the priorities for this work included: 1. Integrate an educational approach to community outreach to build awareness of the importance of housing needs and types. 2. Gather community input as a key part of creating strategic and intentional policy actions to address the city's need to create (and preserve existing) more, and different types, of affordable housing. 3. Understand community perceptions of density and different housing types. The public engagement processincludes four iterative phases: stakeholder interviews; small group conversations; a HAP project website hosted by the City on Speak Up Auburn, and two final community open houses. Due to restrictions from the COVID-19 pandemic, the public engagement process was conducted entirely through online video meetings or phone calls. Building on the engagement priorities established by the consultant team and the City, an inclusive process was designed to maximize the inclusion of a diverse range of voices. Every effort was made to ensure that underrepresented communities had a voice in this public engagement process, particularly those at highest risk of displacement from new development, and those often overlooked in traditional planning processes. The full public engagement process, list of stakeholders, key themes, community suggestions, and challenges relating to COVID-19 social distancing protocols are all discussed in Part 5, Appendices. City of Auburn Housing Action Plan 22 Qualitative Research Methodology Qualitative data and community stories provide insight and a greater understanding of community perceptions and experiences with housing and what types of housing choices community members seek now and in the future. One-on-one and small group interview allow stakeholder participation on their own terms and with a sense of empowerment and inclusion. Qualitative research is also. beneficial because it: - • Supports quantitative data meaningfully and purposefully, allowing for more detailed understanding of complex issues. • Values livedexperiences and expresses data in people's own words,with the capacity to uncover multiple perspectives or unconventional thinking. • - Informs and enhances decision-making and adds immeasurably to our understanding of human, institutional,and systems behavior. However,the quantitative research process generates a tremendous amount of information that must be thoughtfully_analyzed, edited,and presented. It is also important to remember that.a qualitative research process will never reach all stakeholders,and while participants are considered"representative,"they are speaking from their own lived experiences.A final note: analysis is through the lens of the interviewer,and even with an emphasis on neutrality, interpretation can carry elements of our own biases. Consistent Themes After reviewing all stakeholder input from both interviews, small group conversations, and the open houses, Broadview Planning identified the following key themes, which are summarized below. In addition, the city has hosted an ongoing HAP webpage to gather input and the themes from this effort are summarized below. Each theme is further supported by quotes, insight, and preliminary recommendations from stakeholders in their own words, detailed in Part 5: Appendices. Consistent themes across the interviews and small group conversations, included: • While Auburn has changed dramatically over time, people have a strong sense of community identity, and like the small-town feel. People from Auburn want to stay here. • While there is a perception that housing in Auburn is more affordable than Seattle, it is still not affordable for a lot of people living in Auburn. • The greatest housing need is for low-income, supported housing. • Public safety is an ongoing concem for many stakeholders. • Mobile home parks are an in-demand source of affordable housing with low turnover rates and long wait lists. • Stakeholders expressed concern about the conditions of affordable rental units, including building maintenance and upkeep. • There is a sense that middle housing is missing, with stakeholders citing a lack of starter homes, smaller homes, and options for seniors to downsize. Stakeholders also expressed a desire for more accessory dwelling units and other types of options for seniors or kids moving back home to be able to live with family. City of Auburn Housing Action Plan 23 • There are existing family-sized units(2-4 bedrooms), but still not enough of these types of units to meet demand. • The eviction moratorium has quelled a lot of housing instability, but the real issue is the loss of jobs/income to pay for rent post-moratorium. • There is a desire for a strong,vibrant,mixed-use downtown area, but there are no opportunities for home (condo) ownership, and weak support for businesses to thrive as part of a mixed-use complex. • Resource inequities are part of the housing situation, and housing developments should address the need for easy access to medical services, grocery stores, transportation, and green space. Consistent themes expressed in the open houses, included: • Many households need:better access to affordable housing and need supportive services. Consider integrating these services into new housing to help ensure sustainable housing. • Missing middle housing 'strategies appear they can be implemented quickly and there appear to be good local examples. • The missing middle strategies are an important tool to move folks from renting to home ownership. Increasedtransit accesswould seem a factor in additional or more dense housing. • We must consider how we bring along the infrastructure (public--streets, utilities, services and parks & private--services and amenities)to support new housing- development. • Affordability of housing should be considered from an equity lens. • While there remain some obstacles, more and increased diversity of ownership forms.of housing should be pursued. • High-density and low-cost housing seems to be associated with problems, including crime. There is a loss of character with only focusing on high-density housing. • Up-zoning and more density should consider quality of life. • Increasing middle income housing, avoiding displacement, and helping people move from renting to ownership should be priorities. Consistent themes expressed in the website feedback, included: • Auburn's charm has been in its attempts at preserving the old homes and buildings and recommendations in this HAP are going in another direction. • Sprawl or increases in housing are inevitable, conscious choice to locate more dense housing in downtown dose to transit and services is preferrable. • There is support for small lot development and for accessory dwelling units (ADU). Consider reductions in lot and building size to make housing more affordable. • Auburn should take the lead in innovative housing solutions. ■ Massive apartment buildings being planned in the neighborhoods of the city is alarming. Large apartment structures should not be overlapping the single dwellings City of Auburn Housing Action Plan 24 already in existence. The huge buildings can be erected on large lots on the outskirts or in areas that do not have single family homes already in place. • Downtown parking is already insufficient, the large number of units will make parking and traffic worse. • Develop a local transport system to service a greater number of units in the downtown. The city does not have the proper infrastructure to significantly increase housing in in the downtown. III. Summary of Preliminary Recommendations & Next Steps Figure 19 on the next page describes 18 preliminary recommendations for the City of Auburn to consider as it encourages more housing production to meet the needs of its growing population. A few things to keep in mind when reading this table: • The preliminary recommendations are outlined in greater detail in Part 4, with rationales, considerations for the City to evaluate, potential next steps, and suggestions for implementation and prioritization. • Many of these preliminary recommendations were evaluated via development feasibility testing which is described in Part 3. The prototypes and zoning development standards referenced in these preliminary recommendations are described in detail in Part 3. This development feasibility testing did not include an analysis of the public infrastructure required to support the preliminary recommendations. • These preliminary recommendations are grouped by the four objectives driving this HAP (discussed on page 5). • The various types of preliminary recommendations are denoted by icons listed in Figure 18 below. Figure 18. Icons used to denote Preliminary recommendation Types Icon 1; Preliminary recommendation.Type Preliminary recommendation calls for a zoning or Comprehensive Plan change. fill Preliminary recommendation can be implemented through the Zoning Code, W other city code, or administrative regulations or through Auburn's next Comprehensive Plan Housing Element update. Preliminary recommendation calls for a new program. Implementation will require staff time and or resources or capital investment or potential state legislative action to get a new program off the ground. 4 � Preliminary recommendation calls for increased partnerships and collaboration. ��' Implementation will focus on enhancing relationships and securing partnerships. City of Auburn Housing Action Plan 25 Fi:ure 19.Summa of Recommended Actions Objective # Preliminary Description Preliminary Near-Term or _ Recommendation Recommendation Type Long-Term Al Reduce Parking . To achieve denser developments,the City needs to reduce ,1. Long-Term Requirements to parking requirements so developers can fit more units and � $ ���''►� . ,- - W Support Development make development feasible.This entitlement can be given for W ' 3 Ir in Downtown Auburn desired housing types but must be paired with preliminary o recommendation A2. A2Di Offer a Density Bonus, To achieve denser developments,the City needs to increase Near-Term to Support Denser the maximum residential floor area ratio(FAR)allowed in the mW® o. Residential Downtown Urban Center(DUC)zone.This entitlement can be WW W Z Development and given for desired housing types but must be paired with cMixed-Income Housing preliminary recommendation Al because FAR bonus without 0 . parking reduction will not yield more units. cc A3 Promote Lot Smaller lots in downtown Auburn will need to be consolidated Near-Term Di Y Aggregation in • if they are to be used for podium(wood-frame over concrete W�� R Downtown Auburn construction)apartments.Since this is costly and creates W E delays,the City should encourage and promote lot aggregation � or allow shared parking between developments. o Explore Fee Waivers for The City could explore waiving fees for desired housing types to $ Long-Term I s A4 Targeted Development reduce the overall cost of development and increase - Types in Downtown feasibility.These policies need to balance the public benefit Auburn with the lost fee revenues. no Create Policies to Explore programs and policies to help lower the costs of , Near-Term c B1 Lower the Cost of affordable housing development in downtown Auburn. $ ,,^ TA Affordable Housing x° Development a c Consider a Voluntary Auburn could explore a voluntary inclusionary housing program Long-Term Di ° 2 B82 Inclusionary Housing that requires affordable units in exchange for a tax exemption �pW® $ 3 Program Paired with a or increases in density allowances. W a c° Density Bonus 0 P. B3 Reduce Parking Newly developed micro units(small units with some shared Long-Term 0 Requirements for Micro amenities)rent around 50%AMI and can offer affordable W� ,1.� �^�� L0 Units housing options without any public subsidy.However,they are W only feasible with much fewer required parking spaces. City of Auburn DRAFT HousingAction Plan 26 Objective # Preliminary Description Preliminary Near-Term or • Recommendation Recommendation Type Long-Term C1 Allow Duplexes and To encourage the development of duplexes and triplexes,the Near-Term Eli • Triplexes in Single- City first needs to allow these uses in single family Ww� Family Neighborhoods neighborhoods,including R-5 and R-7 Zones. W oC2 Increase Density and , After allowing duplex and triplex uses,the City would need to Near-Term Eli NN Reduce Minimum Lot• increase the allowed residential density and lower the p�Size Per Unit in R-5 and minimum lot size per unit in the R-5 and R-7 Zones.1*7 WW WW cc R-7 Zones m C3 Revise Rear Yard The rear setback requirements limit building configurations in Near-Term Bil Setbacks to : typical R-7 lots for triplex development prototypes. El cc Accommodate Triplexes In in R-7-Zones o Reduce Parking Although the current perking requirements can be li Near-Term 0- C4 Requirements in R-5 accommodated,they create a tradeoff between parking,open W�� m and R-7 Zones space,and the footprint of duplexes and triplexes. W c C5 Consider Minimum Site The City should consider circumstances under which to reduce Near-Term 141 T Size Requirements minimum site sizes to support land-divisions as a strategy to W W W® v Relative to support homeownership opportunities. v Homeownership Goals . d in R-5 and R-7 Zones 2• C6 Evaluate Site Site development standards and infrastructure requirementsEll Long-Term o Development 'such as the engineering design standards should be evaluated m�® $ . w Standards and ,in the context of supporting a wider range of housing types WW WW Infrastructure across Auburn. Requirements to 14S# Support Middle 1i,, Housing Development City of Auburn DRAFT Housing Action Plan 27 Objective . # Preliminary Description Preliminary Near-Term or Recommendation ,Recommendation Type Long-Term - Monitor and Track Un- Expand the data collected on naturally occurring affordable Near-Term 6 - D1 regulated Affordable housing.starting with the City's rental housing licensing "`���"' *V `o Housing -- program. • D2 Create Programs and The City should explore programs,policies,and partnerships Long-Term d Policies to Preserve and collect data to maintain and preserve its stock of naturally $ ^� a Naturally Occurring occurring affordable housing units. ���. 0 = Affordable Housing • _ D3 Monitor and Track Strengthen partnerships and collect data to monitor the City's Long-Term �, Regulated Affordable :supply of regulated affordable housing units and prepare for I�� • o m Housing affordability restrictioniexpirations. ���. W 9 G `m a t NEIN _ Preservation tools andstrategies can help prevent mobile W� _ Provide support for -• homearks frombein redevelopedy E N D4 Mobile Home Park pg purchased and thereby Near-Term 23 adisplacing existing residents from this critical affordable y Preservation housing stock , i, c Identify Opportunities Encouraging and expanding access to homeownership is a P. solid way to prevent and mitigate displacement because a D5 to Increase homeowners are less vulnerable to changes in the market or I,i,^ $ Near-Term • Homeownership the effects of redevelopment. City of Auburn DRAFT Housing Action Plan 28 Part 3: Development Feasibility Analysis This Part steps through the development feasibility analysis that was used to arrive at many of the preliminary recommendations offered in this Housing Action Plan. City of Auburn Housing Action Plan 29 To inform preliminary recommendations about the development standards and affordable housing programs that can support more market rate and affordable housing, we evaluated the development feasibility of several development types (or prototypes) using some limited development feasibility analysis and sensitivity testing that did not include public infrastructure- related development standards. Development feasibility analysis allows us to analyze and test the impacts that result from various changes to development standards and incentive programs. Along with data Development feasibility analysis helps identify the analysis and public engagement, development feasibility analysis is the regulatory and program third input to the preliminary recommendations advanced in this HAP. preliminary recommendations that However, future analysis of the public infrastructure development could most effectively standards will be required to understand the potential impacts. help the City encourage more housing production This section:describes the development standards and market-realistic of all types. development examples called prototypes on which the development Auburn will need more standards were tested to understand the impact that these changes size ,housing units ef all points,typ , Psizes, and price to could have on Auburn's housing goals. meet its forecasted population growth and to This section also summarizes the development feasibilityanalysis ment maideain current residents access to a methods used to arrive at some of the preliminary recommendations in variety of housing options. Part 4. Important information relating to data inputs and development assumptions can be found in Part 5: Appendices. Objectives and Focus Areas As discussed on page 5,this HAP is driven by four objectives aimed at increasing housing production in a relatively narrow geographic study area. However, the analysis and preliminary recommendations outlined in this HAP fit within Auburn's larger housing-related goals and planning processes, which are focused citywide. However, the applicability citywide may depend on sufficiency of infrastructure. Three of the four objectives driving this HAP were evaluated via development feasibility analysis, as displayed in Figure 20 below. The fourth objective, relating to anti-displacement efforts and the preservation of affordable housing, is assessed qualitatively in Part 4 beginning on page 49. Figure 20.Auburn's Housing Action Plan Objectives Evaluated via Development Feasibility Analysis # [ Objective Geography Relevant Zones Housing.Types. 1 More Market Rate Downtown Auburn Downtown Urban Encourage higher density Housing Center(DUC)Zone developments to produce more market rate housing. 2 More Affordable Downtown Auburn Downtown Urban Regulated to be affordable to Housing Center(DUC)Zone households earning less than 80%of AMI. 3 More Diverse Specific Study R-5 and R-7 Zones Middle housing types including Housing Options Area (see Figure 3) duplexes and triplexes. City of Auburn Housing Action Plan 30 Development Standards Auburn's zoning code specifies the development standards for each zone. Although zoning determines the allowed uses in each zone, the zoning development standards determine the actual form of the properties by limiting height, density, or lot coverage, and by requiring certain amounts of landscaping, parking, and recreational spaces. As described in the next section, this analysis evaluated development prototypes that could occur on a wide range of sites across the What is Middle Housing? study areas evaluated. During this project, the consultant team In this analysis, the term engaged with staff from the Building Services and Development middle housing refers to duplexes and triplexes. Engineering Services areas of the Community Development See example renderings Department to better understand the impact of additional on page 39. regulations beyond standards in the development code. This analysis did not evaluate site-specific infrastructure or other regulatory requirements— such as complete street improvements, utility improvements, or transit services—that could be required or needed on a site-specific basis. While site-specific infrastructure is an important consideration contributing to the cost for each development project, generalizing it in a prototypical analysis does'not produce useful insights because it could vary widely from one development to another and in some cases are not feasible due to the scope of infrastructure needed. Figure 21 below identifies'the zoning development standards that are relevant for the structure of high-density residential properties (both affordable and market rate) in downtown Auburn, as well as middle housing properties in the R-5 and R-7 Zones. Figure 21.Select Residential Zoning Development Standards Source:ECONorthwest Analysis of Auburn Municipal Code Development Standard s DUC Zone R-5 Zone R-7 Zone Maximum Residential Density Base limit:2 FAR* 5 dwelling units per 7 dwelling units With bonus:3.5 FAR acre per acre Maximum Height 75 ft. 35 ft. 35 ft. Maximum Impervious Coverage N/A 65% 75% Minimum Landscape Coverage 0% 0% 0% Minimum Lot Area Per Dwelling N/A 4,500 sq.ft. 4,300 sq.ft. Unit Allowed Residential Uses Multifamily and Mixed- Single Family Single Family and Use Duplex Min. 1 stall per 2 stalls per unit for duplexes(4 stalls total) Residential Parking Ratio dwelling unit 1.5 stalls per unit for triplexes(up to 2 bedrooms each, round to 5 stalls total) Retail Parking Ratio Min.2 stalls per 1,000 N/A N/A sq.ft.of retail space Restaurant Parking Ratio 0.5 stalls per 4 seats N/A N/A Structured Parking Requirement None N/A N/A City of Auburn Housing Action Plan 31 *Notes: Floor Area Ratio(FAR)is the ratio of total floor area(all floors within the walls of a building)to the total lot size. Areas devoted to vents,shafts,light courts,loading and unloading facilities,and parking are excluded from the floor area. The development standards outlined in Figure 21 dictate what can be built. These standards affect building mass and development footprints in Auburn, and thus impact the overall value of potential development. For example, reducing the parking ratio (the number of off-street parking stalls required per unit) allows a.developer to increase the value of a property, by using the space previously dedicated to parking to build and rent more units on a site. Changes to these standards can increase or decrease the potential value of a property and thus impact overall development feasibility. Reducing Parking Requirements _ Because of the potential to add value, these changes can be "given" to developers, typically in exchange for a public benefit or to encourage a Reducing parking requirements can be an development type that the City desires but the market is not delivering effective way to increase (e.g., podium construction, or regulated affordable housing). housing options, improve affordability, and increase Infill residential developments in the City of Auburn are also guided by development feasibility. Chapter 18.25 of the Auburn Municipal Code. It allows added flexibility However, reductions in parug requirements in development standards to encourage more development of shouldbe cosidered underutilized parcels. It applies to R-5 and R-7 Zones, as well as to along with potential other residential zones (i.e., R-10, R-16, and R-20 Zones). However, the mitigations such as Transportation Demand provisions of infill residential standards are not directly evaluated in the Management strategies, analysis below. The existing infill development standards do not allow on-street parking management, or flexible the'housing types at the residential densities necessary to advance on-site and off-site these preliminary recommendations. Still, the preliminary parking options. recommendations that follow are relevant and point to a need to change both residential development standards and the infill residential standards.9 Development Feasibility Methods We used a financial pro forma model to estimate the impact on the feasibility of development from hypothetical changes to the City of Auburn's regulations. More specifically, this analysis evaluates the residual land value (RLV)to understand development feasibility and the value that a change to development standards or tax abatements might provide. RLV is an estimate of what a developer would be willing to pay for land given the property's income from leases or sales, the cost of construction, and the investment returns needed to attract capital for the project. While there are other quantitative 9 Examples of residential zones and infill standards to support middle housing standards can be found at these links: https://www.oregon.gov/lcd/UP/Documents/OAR660046%20EXHIBIT%20B%20- %20Large%20Cities%20Middle%20Housing%20Model%20Code%2020201209.pdf https://olvmpiawa.gov/-/media/Files/CPD/Planning/Housing-Code/HousingCode-OPC-Rec-Summary.pdf?la=en https://www.lakestevenswa.gov/DocumentCenter/View/8507/1081-Infill-Regulations City of Auburn Housing Action Plan 32 methods for calculating regulatory and incentive changes, such as an internal rate of return (IRR) threshold approach, all the potential methods share drawbacks regarding the quality of inputs and sensitivity to those inputs. An advantage of the RLV approach is that it does not rely on land prices as an input. Rather, observed land prices can be compared with the model outputs to help calibrate the model and ensure it reflects reality. Because RLV isessentially a land budget, a higher RLV relative to land prices indicates better development feasibility. For example, in Auburn, typical land prices are between $45 and $65 per square foot in the DUC Zone. So, prototypes that have an RLV below $45 per square foot would be unlikely to develop (without free or discounted land, other changes to development standards, or new financial incentives), whereas prototypes that exceed the typical land prices are much more likely to develop. Figure 22 demonstrates, for illustrative purposes only, how RLV results are presented and compared to existing land prices. In this example, each scenario needs to meet or exceed current land price thresholds (identified in green),for the scenario development to be feasible. A scenario falling within the green box indicates project feasibility would depend more on the price of a specificparcel than on other changes to development standards. Figure 22. Illustration of Residual Land Value Per Square Foot Source:ECONorthwest $100.0 --- ---.._.. 0 LL $80.0 2 $80.0 — — — --- — -- ---- — cr m $60.0 $55.0-CL w. � a) $40.0 $30.0 To $20.0 y a) Scenario 1 Scenario 2 Scenario 3 City of Auburn Housing Action Plan 33 To conduct this analysis, 2019 and 2020 real estate data inputs were gathered10 from multiple sources including CoStar, Redfin, RS Means, the King County Assessor," and various interviews with local developers and real estate experts. Data include building program assumptions (e.g., unit mix, parking ratios, floor heights), operating assumptions (e.g., sales prices, rents, vacancy, operating costs), development cost assumptions (e.g., hard costs, soft costs), and valuation metrics (e.g., return on cost and yield thresholds). The initial results were tested against actual recent projects and land prices. The RLV pro forma analysis was modeled for the prototypes that conform to Auburn's current development standards.The model also includes additional prototypes that do NOT conform to the City of Auburn's developrrient standards to demonstrate the financial impact of such changes. The financial value of each'prototype under a set of development standards is heavily dependent on the assumptions used in the pro forma analysis (listed in the Appendix). Thus, the most relevant insights from the analysis come from comparing the results for one prototype across changes to development standards. Analyzed Prototypes Six prototypes were elected to assess the impacts of changing different development standards in this analysis. These six:prototypes were tested on lots sizes that are representative of the existing lot patterns and existing lot sizes in the DUC Zone, the R-5 Zone, and the R-7 zone for the study area referenced in Figure 3. Podium Apartments Podium construction The development standards in the DUC Zone makepodium construction Pre p five woodototypes frame four or the most obvious housing type to build. The height limit (75 feet) and residential stories over parking requirements (1 stall per unit) in the DUC Zone are suitable for a floorone or more concrete 5-over-2 prototype in which five residential floors are located above two floors of concrete structured parking. The ground floor programming A 7-story building would likely be a "5- would include a main lobby, retail space, and/or structured parking. Also, over-2" prototype with street-level retail and structured parking area help achieve the bonus five wood frame residential density(3.4FAR). See an example in Figure 23. residential floors over P 9 two concrete floors. Podium apartments are assumed to have a mix of studio, 1-bedroom, and A 5-story building "4- 2-bedroom units. Market data show theyare likelyto rent at$1,850, on would likely a over-1 prototype with average ($1,500 for studio, $1,690 for 1-bedroom, and $2,190 for 2- four wood frame bedroom). This analysis assumes that podium prototypes are located on a residentialoneconcrete floorsfloor.over 10 The real estate data collected in 2019 and 2020 reflect market conditions before the economic impacts of COVID- 19.The pandemic and economic recession are likely to impact development viability in multiple ways.The results of this analysis presented in this memo do not reflect these effects and likely future reality. 11 A very small portion of the City of Auburn is located in Pierce County,but this portion falls outside our study area (see the study area map on page 6 so data were not collected from the Pierce County Assessor. City of Auburn Housing Action Plan 34 60,000-square-feet lot, have up to 6,000 square feet of commercial area, and 226 dwelling units.12 Figure 23. Example of a 5-over-2 Podium Development with Structured Parking Source:Teutsch Partners;Location:Auburn Town Center A•artments,Auburn,WA N* , ..„..„ „..,....::"::....ci:,i,,,,.ri, �I w. I :,, v1' i -gip —' �; - s ; Nj1'1111-1111011111. e q• Mii i� ' .t 'i- "# taut � , 1>? ' r, —,' � i ,",, 111111,1.€i jl II- ( r i g 11 • 4,i :11111 I ., i�. r tai Ji ; - ®111t1f1 ` ' '.3d = .. t. t.liiihie.pi Q 1$.'' r'ta m) `ra" yi � a4 ° I- 1111 ' t) _14 r #111111 r, ; _. , r it.,n • .., ''''1311 g ° n4�r��^ �t111111 Ini 1.41 �•�� '�®",'-'I .� i -I � rtll l tililllill°f ��) �f nog" j '� "11 7111 - � ;:;, ,�_ � 1111 -- 1iF = �� � . L 6 AI! t � �� � • - e� -Ipa«cac [+a Y1_,'7 F'i till/m C IL1ti ,.',......°7------ t ..7.:.-,i,•;4 h 'r ri . 9 ,rte.t ',K 1 U +/ J7 11 'V �'e �1 it,1, 4+t, ��' `L )t"�1^' t 1_..,12. ti -2�. �.,. ., it z ��. 1 Micro Units Another high-density multifamily building that can be built in downtown Auburn (DUC Zone) is an apartment with micro units. Based on a comparison of nearby real estate markets with micro units, they tend to have about 220 square feet of living area that would be sufficient for a queen-sized bed, a private bathroom, and a kitchenette—similar to hotel rooms. Shared laundry facilities and kitchens are available. See an example in Figure 24. Because this 4-story prototype is targeted for transit-dependent workers who oftentimes are not car-dependent, the City's development standards would need to reduce parking requirements for this prototype. Transportation demand management (TDM) strategies could be required for development projects that take advantage of lower parking allowances. Some cities require TDM plans for development projects that are permitted with lower parking ratios. This analysis assumes initially that this prototype would be located on a 15,000-square-feet lot, have no on-site parking, and have 155 dwelling units, resulting in a 3.4 FAR. Further sensitivity 12 Although the podium apartment(5-over-2)prototype is similar in shape to The Verge that was recently completed in downtown Auburn,its financial feasibility will be different because the material and construction costs for future projects are expected to be much higher than the costs assumed for developments that are under construction or recently opened. City of Auburn Housing Action Plan 35 test is conducted to show the tradeoff between parking requirement and unit production. Market data shows that the possible rent for micro units could be slightly under$1,000, which would be affordable to single person households earning about 60% of the King County MF1.13 These market-rate units are "naturally affordable" because they do not need regulatory restrictions from government funding sources to be affordable to lower-income households. Figure 24. Example of an Apartment Building with Micro Units Source:CoStar;Location:162TEN A.artments,Redmond,WA 0!1t' II I111°` ' N ,\.0 ,,, ,./, , ,.„!, ,,, f„, , .„ , „ ,, , ,,. ,,, r. ,/' \r ,\ 1 [L' ,, a;. . :TY , .I�,: 0� a . \ „ ,.„, _ . \_____. ,,,- , SII 1 -.„-.0.‘tai 1. .� // , ', 4.4. 11 f ♦of*-i- . l D-,. .I .... , - . . r 1i .z 1,,:;---‘fc', II11�ui:-�►• ,_ ______________ . . r.T. . 1 ii ,ic. — — —-- ,. 1 f. , _ sr 3 .SIJ �..,r s �. y�i _ (,_ ikri 13 MFI limits for micro units correspond to 0 bedroom and 1 bedroom units identified in the King County 2018 Income and Rent Limits—Multifamily Rental Housing.King County uses 1.5 persons per bedroom to determine the household size and corresponding rent limits. City of Auburn Housing Action Plan • 36 '". i'0. sr. Y - 11 .,z--1„, XHui.. Gig- . + ',1 I _ '` fir. ` r;.�rrvr �� t � ,,i is ,'^y. r' r«W" �„ ,�.-.�.. ,rpt-- )� ,_ ;`-'y .W.r` _� "f- � `-T Bp .„...„4,,,,, 4,. pe r • '. a' 'rte .�. !� S + . UK _ 'B •r th •7:::.;:::• p 'ppee•„ )'B <BBepee •r :.r , rrt . , �y �{ ..c-or+ � ; ,kic7�.17�: w� S..e T,1'e�D� il... �+.�c3..� r`• • '1;�. Micro Units and Housing Affordability Micro units can increase housing affordability in downtown Auburn by virtue of the very small size of units and by increasing the overall supply of housing.This type of housing can be one component of a wider array of solutions aimed at more housing choices, and housing options at different price points. However, it is important to note that the likely demand for these types of units come from smaller(1-person) households.And because they are unregulated,the rents can change over time. While these units can provide increased affordability,this type of development is not necessarily a solution to the wider issue of providing more-affordable housing for a diverse range of Auburn residents - with so little square footage, micro units are not generally desirable for families. City of Auburn Housing Action Plan 37 Middle Housing Types This analysis includes four additional prototypes: duplexes and triplexes developed for both ownership and rental. A duplex development consists of two units sharing a wall, and each unit having access to covered parking in a single-car garage and uncovered parking on the shared driveway. The driveways and balconies of both units face the street. Duplexes are modeled on 5,000-square- foot lots, resulting in a lot size per unit of 2,500 square feet.14 The selection for this lot size was _ informed by the minimum lot area in the zoning code, which is 4,500 square feet in the R-5 Zone and 4,300 square feet in the R-7 Zone. Because a majority of lots in R-5 and R-7 Zones within the study area are larger than 5,000 square feet,the selection of a relatively small lot size ensures the feasibility test considers even more challenging development circumstances. • For-sale units are assumed to have 3 bedrooms, an average of 1,514 square feet of space, and are modeled to sell at$360,000 per unit. • Rental units are assumed to have 2 bedrooms, an average of 1,255 square feet of space, and are modeled to rent at$2,300 per unit. A triplex development consists of three units constructed side-by-side so that one unit shares two walls with other units. Each unit in a triplex has access to a single-car garage, with additional parking is available in the rear of the lot. Where alley access is available, additional parking may be accessed through the alley. Triplexes are modeled on a 7,500-square-foot lot, which is the median size in the R-7 Zone (the median lot size is larger in R-5 Zone.) • For-sale units are assumed to have 3 bedrooms, an average of 1,466_square feet of space, and are modeled to sell at about $338,000 per unit. • Rental units are assumed to have 2 bedrooms, an average of 1,203 square feet of space, and are modeled to rent at$2,160 per unit. From a developer's perspective, duplexes and triplexes can be desirable because they utilize the lot more efficiently, which results in lower costs, more attainable price points, and greater demand. Shared wall and utility lines entering the lot increase development efficiency. Meanwhile, the construction costs of duplexes and triplexes are not higher than those of single-family houses. However, duplexes and triplexes could trigger a few additional development requirements such as storm water management due to greater percentage impervious surface. These additional development requirements are likely to be site specific and will not apply evenly to all R-5 and R-7 development prototypes evaluated in this analysis. Additionally, there is likely a broader market demand for middle housing types that can be built as fee simple housing (housing units on individual lots) as opposed to middle housing types that can be built as condominiums. Potential home buyers oftentimes prefer fee simple housing over condominiums that require homeowner associations (HOA) and associated HOA 14 Duplex and triplex housing types as ownership can be delivered as both condo ownership or fee simple ownership. City of Auburn Housing Action Plan 38 fees. Builders of these housing types also generally prefer fee simple development over condo development because of reductions in risk exposure. Figure 25. Massing Diagram of Duplex Building Type Source:SERA Architects ,...400000000111100 '0, lip., &p:Ar ,'-—''.., Tir- ,..› ,''' 0 I r,),1 ' to 0. ,--- .„- Atl,.._ ..., 4.21 ri 0 il il 40. ,,______.-- i<flo . ..--<-:-:,,,....7.-T . (,.", ,,,,, ,,,---- „,,-' 440 .7 0..11 „ie. trx- e� 411110 411000.-....., ' * ,._. f.,, .., r,i \ , 00 .7.--70 _, 4-S(41L:11,_ 1 0 j,?--------”---CI + ,f /140,-' City of Auburn Housing Action Plan 39 1- _ a _111 s_AI 1 .: 70 Ls. ill IC! - _ imnsmfim 111111111111111111111111111111111111 tIII 12K City of Auburn Housing Action Plan 40 Figure 26. Massing Diagram of Triplex Building Type Source:SERA Architects <,,,, <-., ---- '' ,- kt 114‹ <A `' ` yR C 44.„...„ \.�.\ �.�\� ` � -tom � fI/Q \, s p rip ,...-- >,..-- - - / � , '+ ~ 4 '`r to It 0 V •>,->;,,,›"› \11,� � �� /}�� G,0. Y� r/ //c?V�r,. City of Auburn Housing Action Plan 41 '..' - C-",,,,>,<, ,.,-, 1 t Q / 1,---- �; :� /" ��t ' / 'rte 1 i I .___I I f; i i it 1 9 eu !r rl _ " I 3 II i, � , I J - I 1Q_..1 L_____w Development Feasibility Results Market Rate Housing in DUC Zone The podium apartment prototype is generally suitable for the DUC, Downtown Urban Center Zone. A 5-over-2 building can have 226 units, some street-level retail space, and sufficient structured parking to provide one parking stall for each residential unit. There likely exists market demand for these rental apartments with a relatively low parking ratio (compared to that of single-family housing types) due to a limited increment of transit access at the Sounder station in the DUC Zone. Recent developments, including the Verge Apartments, are evidence of the prototype's feasibility in the DUC Zone at the time of their application. However, steep increases in construction costs in the past few years will likely hamper further development of podium apartments. Based on today's construction costs,15 the residual land 15 Construction cost data were accessed in fall 2020. City of Auburn Housing Action Plan 42 value (RLV) of a podium apartment prototype is $19.7 per square foot, well below current land costs, which range between $45 and $65 per square foot in Auburn. This finding is consistent with similar findings in other cities in South King County. In Auburn a 22% increase in rents would be necessary to support podium-style development without any subsidies given current market conditions and land prices.16 In contrast, reducing the total construction cost by 5% in the model results in an RLV of$75.8 per square foot. The difference in RLV is equivalent to $3.37 million (= [$75.8 - $19.7] x 60,000 square foot) in the value of the podium project. Development of podium apartments is likely to be challenging until market dynamics change overtime, rents increase to overcome high construction costs, or construction costs decrease. Although the City of Auburn cannot influence construction costs, it can improve the feasibility of podium projects,by making regulatory changes. Reducing the parking requirements and increasing the allowed density (FAR) are two of many ways the City can encourage the continued production of market rate housing through podium development: • Reducing the parking ratio from 1.0 stalls per unit to 0.8 stalls per unit can increase the RLV on.a podium prototype from $19.7 to $67.0 per square foot. • Requiring fewer parking stalls allows more units to be added. In this scenario, the maximum bonus density (FAR) would have to increase from 3.5 to 4.3. Figure 27 compares the development feasibility of the three scenarios mentioned above. Based on today's construction costs and expected market rent(Base Scenario), podium apartments are not feasible because the RLV is not high enough to pay for land in the DUC Zone. This pro forma-analysis found that a 5% reduction in construction costs would make the podium apartment feasible. Finally, podium prototypes can become feasible if parking requirements were reduced and maximum bonus density was increased. Reducing the parking ratio increases the total number of residents and units in the podium apartment without changing the total parking area. Adding an additional unit without additional parking increases the net operating income of the building far beyond the combined costs of construction, taxes, and fees. 16 South King County Subregional Housing Framework Feasibility Analysis Tool; https://econw.shinyapps.io/south- kc-policy-analysis-tool/ City of Auburn Housing Action Plan 43 Figure 27. Feasibility of Market Rate Housing in 5-Over-2 Podium Apartments $100.0 - - _. - - -- -- -- 0 ' $80.0 - - _-_-_ - — -$7.5.8 $67.0 co uc $60.0 - CF) DUC Improved Land Value: $45-65j $40.0 _ -------- --- To o $20.0 -_._.-. $19.7 To cc $(20.0) Base Scenario 5% Reduction in Parking Reduction Construction Costs (0.8 stalls per unit, 4.3 FAR) Affordable Housing in DUC Zone There are two ways the City of Auburn can encourage the production of more affordable units in the DUC Zone. • The City can mandate affordable housing requirements through an inclusionary housing (IH) program, which would require 20% of units to be affordable to households earning below a certain income level." • The City can make regulatory changes necessary to allow the development of micro units, which would be "naturally affordable," meaning their market-rate rents would be affordable to lower-income households without regulations stipulating affordability. Inclusionary Housing (IH): An IH program would generate regulated apartments in which 20% of the units in the building would be accessible for households that earn less than 80% of AMI. Because this requirement would reduce the average rent from $1,850 to $1,700 for 20% of units, the RLV would become negative (-$2.6 per square foot), meaning the project would not be feasible even with free land. This analysis indicates that inclusionary housing, without incentives to off-set the negative impacts of the affordability requirement, is not feasible. "Although the City can choose to designate an affordability set-aside higher or lower than 20%of the units,the 20%requirement is used for this analysis because the 12-year Multifamily Tax Exemption program requires at least 20%of units to be affordable. City of Auburn Housing Action Plan 44 One mechanism that the City of Auburn can use to improve the feasibility of a project with the IH program is to award the 12-year Multifamily Tax Exemption (MFTE)for projects that participate in the IH program. Washington State allows its cities to provide property tax exemptions on multifamily housing properties. Eight(8) years of property tax exemption is available for all qualifying multifamily properties and 12 years of property tax exemption is available for those that have income- and rent-restricted units. As Figure 28 shows, adding the - 12-year MFTE program to the podium apartment prototype with an active IH program would increase the RLV to $75.7 per square foot, above the typical land prices. Figure 28. Feasibility of 5-Over-2 Podium Apartments with IH and MFTE $100.0 I $80.0$60.0 DUC Improved Land Value: $45-651 $40.0 $19.7 J $20.0 -073 a $(2.6) $(20.0) Base Scenario Inclusionary Housing 12 Year MFTE with IH (80%of AMI) (80%of AMI) Micro Units: A relatively novel approach to increasing the availability of affordable units in the DUC Zone is encouraging the development of micro units. Although they do not currently exist in Auburn and are not a type of housing the City of Auburn is familiar with, they exist in other urban areas with good access to transit because they provide affordable housing opportunities for small, lower-income households that want to live in urban environments. Because the market rent for micro units is expected to be slightly below$1,000 a month18, they can be affordable to households earning 60% of AMI without any regulatory restrictions or requirements. Moreover, unlike the IH or MFTE programs, all market rate units would be affordable to households earning 50% of AMI. However, any one- or two-person household 18 The estimate for rents is based on existing properties in other nearby markets,such as Columbia City(Seattle)and Redmond,because there are no micro units in Auburn. City of Auburn Housing Action Plan 45 can reside in these units because there are no income restrictions. And, because there are no rent restrictions, the rent could increase above $1,000 over time. Assuming no on-site parking is required, the micro unit prototype can achieve 155 units and 3.4 FAR with only four floors and its RLV is estimated at$152 per square foot, well-above the land value for the DUC Zone. The City would need to exempt this housing type from on-site parking requirements to generate the maximum utilization of the lot area. But, because the value of such development is very high, the City could also require public benefit contributions that do not take up buildable area, such as vertical public art installations. However, if exempting parking requirements for a development type is difficult or not preferred, micro units could still be feasible with some on-site parking. Sensitivity test of the parking requirement reveals that having 0.5 parking stalls per unit would result in an RLV of$48 per square foot, barely within the range of typical land prices in the DUC Zone. Notably, as Figure 29 shows, 95 "naturally affordable" micro units could be lost by increasing the parking requirement from 0 stalls to 0.5 stalls per unit. In order for a micro unit prototype to be feasible on most lots in the DUC Zone, parking requirement would need to be reduced to 0.3 stalls per unit. Still, this policy option would produce about half the number of units possible without a parking requirement. Figure 29.Sensitivity Test of Parking Requirement in Micro Units Prototype 155 ------ -- — -- ------- — —.. -- --._ —_ 121 $152 — — - — — -- _._ _. — ----- till: —_ 98 8-- - 70ST6 60;— t I DUG Land Vlue:$45 651 4.``4 - -- -+ -- — — � 25 28 3C) — ; } 13 Total Units Resulting On-Site Parking RLV Per Square Foot ■0 staff per unit■0.1stalls per unit■0.2stalls per unit®0.3stalls per unit❑0.4stalls per unit n 0.5 stalls per unit City of Auburn Housing Action Plan 46 Middle Housing Types Two changes to the zoning code are required to allow duplex and triplex housing types in R-5 and R-7 Zones. First, the allowed uses in R-5 Zone must be changed to allow duplexes and triplexes, and the allowed uses in R-7 Zone must be changed to allow triplexes (duplexes are currently allowed in R-7 Zone). To achieve middle housing outcomes recommended in this section,the City's Infill Residential Development Standards in Chapter 18.25 must also be modified to accommodate middle housing as infill development. Second, the maximum residential density must be increased from the existing standard to 17.4 dwelling units per acre (du/ac). On small lots (5,000 square feet for duplexes and 7,500 square feet for triplexes), duplexes and triplexes can reach up to 17.4 du/ac, though they can be built on larger lots with lower residential density. Relatedly, minimum lot size per unit, which is inversely related to residential density, will need to be lowered. The changes to residential density and minimum lot size must also be reflected in the infill residential development standards. Modifications of other development standards(e.g., maximum height, minimum landscape coverage, setbacks, etc.)were not tested in the model because the current standards are much less likely to be barriers to development feasibility. Alternatively, the City could choose to instead apply the current R-16 Zone in areas where middle housing types would be desired. The current R-16 zone exists as a zone within the code but is not currently mapped anywhere in the City. If Auburn were to choose re-mapping current R-5 and R-7 Zoned areas to allow middle housing through the R-16 zones, the city should also consider increasing density allowances to allow 18 dwelling units per acre which is the density level necessary to support middle housing types evaluated as part of this analysis. The City could also choose to allow the R-16 (at 18 dwelling units per acre) within the existing comprehensive plan designations that would allow for a zoning designation change consistent with the comprehensive plan designations. However, this approach would add additional process that would likely limit production of these housing types and increase time and costs associated with the zone change process. Even with the changes to the development standards, the current market prices and rents for new duplex and triplex units are not high enough to support their development in R-5 and R-7 Zones in the middle housing study area today. Blue bars in Figure 30 show the four prototypes modeled in the analysis generate RLV ranging from $11 to $22 per square foot. However, the median land cost is $36 per square foot in R-5 Zone and $40 per square foot in R-7 Zone. The expected financial value of converting a single-family property on R-5 or R-7 Zone to a duplex or a triplex building is not high enough to justify redevelopment. Even with reduced parking requirement—to 1 stall per unit—the RLV is simply not high enough. Based on current market prices, duplex and triplex developments are feasible on vacant sites across the City of Auburn where the typical land value is closer to $6 per square foot. City of Auburn Housing Action Plan 47 Figure 30. Feasibility of Duplex and Triplex Developments $45.0 -- -- — — — �, R-7 Improved Land Value:$40 0 u_ R-5 Improved Land Value:$36 m (Sr $30.0 -- L a m $22.3 $23.2 To $18.7 $19.3 $14.7 $15.0 —X13..7.. — J — $11.1 $11.-976 —. 76 7 Vacant Land Value:$6 cc Duplex Ownership : Triplex Ownership Duplex Rental Triplex Rental •Base Scenario •Parking Reduction City of Auburn Housing Action Plan 48 Part 4: Preliminary Recommendations & Implementation Steps This Part describes 17 policy and program preliminary recommendations and an implementation roadmap for the City to consider as Auburn works toward increasing housing supply over the next 20 years. City of Auburn Housing Action Plan 49 Preliminary Recommendations A) Encourage Market Rate Development Downtown Market rate housing is typically affordable to households earning above 80% of AMI. These are often new, high-amenity apartments in areas that are targeted for growth and have good transit access. Several podium apartments, including a project for senior living, have been constructed in downtown Auburn in the past few years. Auburn's zoning code and development standards do not present many barriers to the physical development of this type of housing._Only small changes are needed (presented as preliminary recommendations below) that will allow a developer to maximize the efficiency of the land and achieve a scale that makes the project financing feasible. While physical limitations are not a big barrier, there are financing barriers due to current construction costs and Auburn's current rental market. In the near-term, development of market-rate podium apartments is challenged due to high construction costs. Although the development of podium apartments:in the downtown area is desirable because it allows more households to live near transit and other urban amenities, development of this higher-density prototype is likely to be challenging until market dynamics change overtime, rents increase to overcome high construction costs, or construction costs decrease. Al) Reduce Parking Requirements to Support Development in Downtown Auburn See development feasibility analysis on page 42. Rationale To encourage more market-rate podium apartments in downtown As noted on page 31, parking Auburn, the City should consider allowing denser housing ratios and density limits are construction by reducing the parking requirement to 0.8 stalls per development standards that create (or subtract) potential unit AND increasing the maximum FAR (with bonus density)to 4.3 value for development. FAR (see Preliminary recommendation A2). To encourage more Changes that increase the overall building footprint give development, the parking reduction must be paired with an value to developers. increase in the allowable FAR in the DUC Zone and should also be paired with the considerations described below. Generally, cities like to extract some sort of public benefit from these These changes are needed to achieve the unit density that is entitlements or use them to feasible in today's market conditions. Although the City of Auburn encourage development the City desires, but the market is cannot influence rents or construction costs in today's market, it can not delivering, such as podium construction (discussed here) improve development feasibility via these regulatory changes. or affordable housing (discussed in Recommend- Considerations ation B2 on page 57). Reducing parking requirements is an effective way to increase — ---development feasibility and help the market deliver more housing units, more choices, and City of Auburn Housing Action Plan 50 improved affordability. However, reductions in parking requirements should be considered along with potential mitigations such as Transportation Demand Management strategies, on- street parking management, or flexible on-site and off-site parking options. The reduced parking requirements will need to be balanced with a development's proximity to groceries, restaurants, and frequent transit service and stops/stations to attract residents who are less likely to own automobiles. There likely are a limited number of lots in downtown Auburn that are suitable for such development, so the City of Auburn must proactively identify sites for future development of podium apartments. Parking and density requirements are related. Their interaction affects what can be physically developed on a site, which affects the potential value of the development and its feasibility: However, impacts on transportation system also need to be considered to facilitate increases in density. • Reducing the parking requirement alone is insufficient to encourage podium construction. Requiring fewerparking stalls per unit might not result in more units if the building is already near the allowable density limit in the Code. • Increasing density alone is insufficient to encourage podium construction. Allowing more units on a typical lot may not matter if a large portion of the site must be dedicated to a high parking ratio. Next Steps Building on the development feasibility analysis offered in this HAP, the City should consider the following next steps as it works toward implementing this preliminary recommendation: • The City should work with developers and city's current planning, public works, economic development, and police staff to understand the physical and financial opportunities and barriers related to satisfying current parking requirements Downtown including infrastructure needs beyond those supporting the development. • The City planning, public works, economic development, and police should work with property owners in the areas where parking reductions might be recommended to understand the potential impacts that reductions in parking requirements might have on surrounding areas. • The City could pair reductions in parking requirements with the requirement for development projects to include transportation demand management strategies such as providing transit passes to tenants, requiring the project to restrict units without parking to residents without vehicles, and provide a project-sponsored vehicle share program. • The City could explore parking management strategies and the resources to implement these strategies that can be implemented in Downtown Auburn to manage the on- street parking inventory to support development in the district. The evaluation should also include resources to efficiently manage parking in the nearby area and possible oversight of private parking. City of Auburn Housing Action Plan 51 A2) Offer a Density Bonus to Support Denser Residential Development and Mixed-Income Housing in Downtown Auburn See development feasibility analysis on page 42. Rationale As mentioned in the prior preliminary recommendation, the City of Auburn should also increase the maximum residential density (with bonus density)to 4.3:1 floor area ratio (FAR) to allow more units to be built on each lot in downtown. As it works toward encouraging more housing development to meet the housing needs of current and future residents, Auburn will need denser housing. To achieve denser developments, the maximum residential FAR in the DUC Zone should be increased to support efficient development types that can advance multiple objectives in Downtown. Like parking reductions, allowing increased residential density on a site is an entitlement that the City can provide to developers to achieve desired development and community outcomes. Considerations As noted in Preliminary recommendation Al, a FAR bonus that does not relieve properties of the required parking ratio will not yield more dwelling units because they cannot physically fit on the site. Increasing density allowances is an effective way to increase development feasibility and help the market deliver more housing units, more choices, and improved affordability. In addition to encouraging podium development, density bonuses can be offered in exchange for the public benefit of regulated affordability in mixed-income developments. This is discussed in Preliminary recommendation B2 on page 57. Next Steps • The City should consider modifying existing density bonuses, and related development standards, to allow for up to 4.3 FAR. • The City should modify the density bonus allowances to work in coordination with reduced parking requirements. Additional floor area that can be accessed through a density bonus is only achievable when parking requirements are aligned to not force parking into financially infeasible underground parking facilities. • The city should have a process to periodically assess the financial feasibility of market rate housing in downtown to calibrate development feasibility in relation to FAR and bonus provisions and the requirement for any public benefit such as affordable housing. City of Auburn Housing Action Plan 52 A3) Promote Lot Aggregation in Downtown Auburn Rationale Some smaller lots in Downtown Auburn will need to be consolidated to be developed with the desired higher density podium development.The structured parking area of podium apartments usually requires at least half of a city block to have efficient circulation of automobiles. Because the acquisition of adjacent lots for redevelopment can take advanced planning and time, strategic planning efforts by the City may be necessary to deliver market rate housing more quickly. - - One element of overcoming development obstacles created by existing parcel configuration is through allowing shared parking across property lines. Considerations The City could consider allowing shared parking between developments to support more efficient lot assembly..Shared parking would allow parking requirements to be met either between new development projects, or across existing development projects with underutilized parking capacity. While•there are current provisions to allow for shared parking in City Code, the code should be modified to expand provisions for shared parking with the specific goal of supporting shared parking in Downtown Auburn for residential uses.19 The City could encourage or require.shared parking agreements to maximize utilization of the off-street parking inventory in Downtown Auburn by sharing spaces between daytime (employment) and nighttime (residential) uses. Next Steps • Explore opportunities to support and negotiate shared parking agreements between different property owners in Downtown. Downtown Auburn currently has a supply of off-street parking that could be more efficiently utilized if this existing parking supply couldbe shared with other uses and developments Downtown. • Explore allowing developers to "pool" parking requirements that can be in other nearby development projects to support development on smaller lots or to facilitate site assembly. • Consider expanding city code provisions which allow parking requirements to be satisfied off-site pursuant to ACC 18.52.050(A)(2)to include residential uses in the DUC zone when the site is legally encumbered by appropriate means to ensure continuous use and where pedestrian connection/linkage is provided within a reasonable walking distance of the site. 19 Examples of shared parking strategies can be found at the links below: https:/hsbanland.uli.org/news/uli-releases-new-edition-of-shared-parking/ https://eugene.municipal.codes/EC/9.6400 https://crcog.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/07/ChOS Technical Part1 Parking.pdf City of Auburn Housing Action Plan 53 • Evaluate extending existing code provisions in Table ACC 18.52.030, 'Parking Quantity Reductions', for instances of different peak parking demands, mixed occupancies, and for proximity to frequent transit service to apply within the DUC zone. A4) Explore Fee Waivers for Targeted Development Types in Downtown Auburn Rationale One way of encouraging more housing development in Downtown Auburn, is by reducing the cost of development. Ongoing costs like property taxes and up-front costs like impact fees or permitting fees, contribute to a property's overall development costs which need to be paid for via rental revenues or housing sales prices. By reducing, waiving, or allowing fees to be financed and repaid over time, the City can help to reduce development costs and encourage more housing production. Lower development costs can also translate to lower rents and sales prices and be part of a strategy to encourage affordable housing. Considerations There are numerous considerations to make when determining if a fee waiver(or reduction or financing) program is appropriate. • The City does not control dr oversee all the various fees levied on a new property. The city may collect the fees on behalf of another entity, or it may share fees with special purpose districts or school districts, reducing its ability to implement such a program. Examples are certain impact fees or regional sewer treatment plant fees. • Development and permitting fees add costs to development but also pay for essential services provided by City staff and municipal infrastructure that are not funded by any other sources. Reduction of fees will likely require a reduction in services elsewhere within the City. • Conversations around fee waivers must carefully balance the need to fund staff and infrastructure and the value of reducing costs for a development. For example, if waived, the City of Auburn's transportation impact fees could be required to be paid from City general funds, so this creates both foregone fee revenue and a reduction in the City's budget to replace the costs of the fee waiver and a likely reduction in City services due to the current deficit of the city general fund. • Reducing fees creates value for the developer and property owner. This value could be exchanged for a public benefit desired by the community. Often fee waiver programs are offered for specific development types that a city wants to see but the market is not developing, or they are provided in exchange for some sort of public benefit (e.g., public plazas, affordable housing units, etc.). Next Steps • The City should only pursue fee waivers when it is determined that the program will not have negative impacts on the overall city financial condition and will not have negative impacts on the delivery of City services or the operations and maintenance of existing infrastructure systems. City of Auburn Housing Action Plan 54 • Evaluate the opportunities to update city code to enable partial fee waivers, up to 80% of fees, that does not require local government funding to backfill the exempted portion of the fee consistent with recent authorized legislation in RCW 82.020.060(3).20 • While the City has recently removed, or let sunset, previous fee waiver programs for the Downtown Catalyst and Downtown Plan Areas, fee waivers are a tool that could be considered in the future when/if the City's financial environment changes. B) Encourage Affordable Housing Downtown While increasing the total stock of housing units is an important factor for improving housing affordability in a regional market, increasing the stock of affordable housing options—both regulated and unregulated--.will have a quicker and more direct impact on the overall affordability of housing in Auburn. The City of Auburn can directly encourage more affordable housing in a couple of ways, detailed below. 131) Create Policies to Lower the Cost of Affordable Housing Development Rationale There are many programs and policies that the City of Auburn can explore to help lower the costs of affordable housing development. Some will require meaningful funding (such as grant programs), or staff time (such as a low-cost loan program), but others can be done through the improvements to City processes (such as expedited entitlement programs or reduced permitting fees). In addition, strong partnerships with existing mission-oriented developers (those who only or primarily build and operate affordable housing), community-based organizations, and regional funders, can go far in building a supportive network for affordable housing development. Considerations If the City.of Auburn wants more affordable housing development in Because almost all new the DUC Zone, it should make every effort to support developers real estate development is funded by loans, seeking to build. A few example programs worth exploring include: developers pay interest on these loans while the ■ Expedited or simplified development review processes. Some project is being permitted and built. The interest on cities offer expedited or simplified development and permitting these loans is referred to processes specifically for affordable housing projects. This can as a carrying cost and speed up the development process, which reduces a must be repaid, dding to o the overall cost of developer's carrying costs. development. • Reduced permitting costs. The City could offer reduced permitting costs to reduce the overall cost of development when they will not have negative impacts on the city financial condition and will not have negative impacts on 20 https://app.leg.wa.gov/rcw/default.aspx?cite=82.02.060 City of Auburn Housing Action Plan 55 the delivery of City services or maintenance of existing infrastructure systems. See a larger discussion of this in Preliminary recommendation A4 on page 54. ■ Grants or low-cost loans for development. Rather than starting a grant or lending program (which requires a lot of program rulemaking and staff effort to run), Auburn could partner with other jurisdictions and regional entities already offering these types of programs. A few examples include the South King County Housing and _ Homelessness Partnership (SKHHP), the Regional Equitable Development Initiative (REDI) Fund, or the Sound Transit Revolving Loan Fund. Also, Auburn is already partnering with SKHHP and putting SHB 1406 sales tax credit revenues towards a regional housing capital fund. Next Steps ■ While the City of Auburn's development review process is relatively streamlined and less time intensive compared to other jurisdictions in the Puget Sound, the City could choose to offer an expedited permitting for both regulated affordable housing developments as well as market rate housing developments that include below market • rate units as part of mixed-income development. • The City could offer reduced permitting costs specifically to non-profit affordable housing developers and other regulated housing development across the City. An analysis should be prepared for the City to take a deep dive into permitting costs, what can and cannot be waived/reduced, and the connection between fees and impact on affordable housing development. • The City should partner with other government agencies to access and leverage existing affordable housing funding mechanisms. Auburn is currently partnering with SKHHP and has contributed SHB 1406 funds to SKHHP's housing capital fund. During Spring 2021, the SKHHP Executive Board will be developing an administration program for the SKHHP Housing Capital Fund. This includes identifying priorities and an application and allocation process for jurisdictional partners. Auburn also currently directs HB 1406 funds to SKHHP and has deferred to King County for the HB 1590 funds since Auburn didn't adopt a local,ordinance. City of Auburn Housing Action Plan 56 B2) Consider a Voluntary Inclusionary Housing Program Paired with a Development,Bonus See development feasibility analysis on page 44. Rationale The City could consider regulating housing affordability through a voluntary inclusionary housing program. Voluntary inclusionary What is inclusionary housing programs require new developments (of a certain size or in a housing. certain location) to include a portion of their units as regulated Affordable housing affordable housing — restricted so that households of various incomes requirements, often referred to as inclusionary can afford to live there— in exchange for incentives such as density housing or inclusionary bonuses, parking reductions, or tax exemptions. A program in the zoning, require (via a DUC Zone would likelytarget 10-20% of units in a development to be mandatory program)or 9 P encourage (via a voluntary set aside for households earning less than 80% of AMI. This would program)developers to result in new, affordable units in downtown Auburn that lower-income cpuli benefitontribute of affordable c households can immediately access and that would be rent restricted housing. into the future creating longer-term affordable housing. Current This often takes the form market dynamics in Auburn can likely not support a broad mandatory of either providing inclusionary housing requirement. affordable units within a new or renovated market rate project, building, or Auburn could explore a voluntary inclusionary housing program that renovating new affordable requires affordable units in exchange for participation in an MFTE housing off-site but in conjunction with a new program or increases in density allowances. This could be an effective market rate development tool to support the creation of long-term affordable housing through or paying a fee-in-lieu of providing the affordable mixed-income development in Downtown Auburn. However, for an housing on or off site. inclusionary housing program to be effective,the City would need to These programs can be package affordable housing obligations with financial incentives, mandatory or voluntary and can apply to regulatory incentives such as reductions to parking standards or bonus residential development entitlements (e.g., increased height and density limits), or process as well as commercial development. improvements. Considerations Without development or financial incentives that offset the lost revenue from requiring affordable units in a new development, inclusionary housing policies decrease development feasibility and can negatively impact housing production. To overcome this obstacle, the City would need to pair an inclusionary housing program with a benefit to developers that helps to overcome the lost revenues. Generally, this type of benefit can come in as a financial incentive (directly offsetting the lost revenues) or as a regulatory incentive (allowing more floor area to be constructed thereby adding value to the development). • Financial Incentives: In addition to the financing programs outlined in the prior preliminary recommendation B1, the City could consider adopting a 12-year multifamily City of Auburn Housing Action Plan 57 • tax exemption (MFTE) program. Development feasibility analysis performed on Page 27 demonstrates that a 12-year MFTE program (with 20% of the unit's set-aside for households earning 80% of AMI in exchange for a 12-year tax exemption) is likely to generate sufficient incentive for developers to not only develop more podium apartments in downtown Auburn but also develop some income- and rent-restricted units. • Regulatory Incentives: In addition to financial incentives, the City could offer a density bonus that allows more housing to be physically built than would otherwise be allowed in the Code. This creates more value for the development and helps the developer reach the necessary scale to offset the lost revenues from the affordable units. A density bonus and or parking reduction (as suggested in preliminary recommendations Al and A2) could be paired with a voluntary inclusionary housing program. Inclusionary housing programs can either be structured as voluntary or mandatory. In a voluntary program,developers choose to opt into the affordability requirements in exchange for development incentives. In a mandatory program, all newly constructed properties meeting the requirements (e.g., size or location) must participate in the program. Current market conditions•could prove challenging when implementing an effective inclusionary housing program without a broad suite of incentives to mitigate impacts to development feasibility. In today's market conditions, a voluntary inclusionary housing policy is most appropriate. By tailoring a package of incentives to the needs of a particular type of development project, the City can work in partnership with developers to ensure development remains financially feasible while also achieving the community's housing needs. Next Steps • Explore the tradeoffs associated with on-site inclusionary housing obligations with other program options such as fee-in-lieu payments that could work better with current market conditions while also generating revenue for affordable housing more broadly across the City. • Track market activity and developer perceptions. The single most important factor for an inclusionary housing program to achieve its objectives is a significant and sustained level of market-rate development in the local market. If a community is not currently experiencing a material amount of new development, a voluntary inclusionary housing policy will not generate a meaningful number of new affordable housing units. • Work with stakeholders (residents, associations, developers, housing advocates) to solicit input on the priority locations, set asides, and other requirements for a potential • program if the market is supportive in the future. • Conduct further traffic impact analysis to determine if the incentives for a voluntary inclusionary housing program are supported by existing infrastructure or infrastructure needs. City of Auburn Housing Action Plan 58 B3) Reduce Parking Requirements for Micro Units See development feasibility analysis on page 35. Rationale The City of Auburn could encourage the development of Micro units are newly unregulated affordable housing by making the development of constructed apartments that micro units more feasible. As discussed in the development are very small (about 220 - - p square feet), have bathrooms feasibility analysis on page 35, these units are affordable by virtue of and kitchenettes, and come their small size and are generally targeted towards small, transit- with shared common space. dependent households. The City could encourage the development of these unregulated affordable housing units by eliminating the parking requirement:- development of these units in downtown Auburn is very feasible when no on-site parking is.required. A single project with micro units can deliver 155 housing units that are affordable to single-person households earning less than 50% of AMI, which is about$40,000 per year when adjusted for household size.21 It is also possible to'encourage micro unit developments by reducing the parking requirement to 0.3 stalls per unit, or to 0.5 stalls per unit on parcels with lower existing land values. However, increasing the parking requirement from 0 stalls per unit reduces the total number of housing units that can be produced. This tradeoff should not be ignored when considering policy options to best serve the needs of lower-income households. Considerations Newly developed micro units in Auburn would likely rent around 60% of AMI and can offer affordable housing options without any public subsidy. However, because they are unregulated, the rents can increase over time. Micro units are typically marketed to small households (one person) who primarily rely on public transit. While these housing types can increase housing variety and choice to meet the diverse needs of Auburn's residents, these types of housing units are not suitable or desirable for every household type—with so little square footage, micro units are not generally desirable for families. While these units can provide increased affordability, this type of development is not necessarily a solution to the wider issue of providing more affordable housing for a diverse range of Auburn residents. Encouraging this type of housing should be one component of a wider array of solutions aimed at more housing choices, and housing options at different price points. 21 $40,000=$113,300(2020 AMI)x 70%(HUD adjustment factor for one-person household)x 50% City of Auburn Housing Action Plan 59 Next Steps ■ Because current density in the DUC zone is only regulated by FAR and not by residential densities, current development standards generally support the development of micro units. However, if the City wanted to encourage this housing type as a way to meet their current and future housing needs, the City should consider reducing parking requirements to support the feasibility of this housing type as well as to realize the production of more units. If parking is reduced or eliminated, those dwelling units without parking should be restricted to residents without vehicles.) • To ensure a micro housingdevelopment with no on-site parking serves the needs of lower-income households, the City of Auburn could choose to deed restrict a development project that receives a full parking exemption from on-site parking requirements to limit its tenants to those who earn less than 80%AMI. While micro units are naturally affordable at 60%AMI, adding an affordability requirement at this level is likely too restrictive. This approach would functionally create a voluntary inclusionary housing approach specific to this housing type with only one regulatory incentive. C) Encourage Middle Housing Options in R-5 and R-7 Zones Allowing the development of duplexes and triplexes (See explanation of middle housing page 5) in areas currently zoned for single-family development can help to increase the number of housing units available across Auburn, provide housing types that are not broadly available in the market today, and increase housing affordability. Duplexes and triplexes can help support housing affordability because they can both increase the total supply of housing and because they are typically smaller than new detached single-family units and subsequently less costly to build. C1)Allow Duplexes and Triplexes in Single-Family Neighborhoods See development feasibility analysis and massing diagrams beginning on page 38. Rationale The current housing supply in Auburn could benefit from increasing housing choices and types that can better meet the wide range of needs of Auburn's residents, including seniors, empty nesters, small families, and young people who find the transition to single-family homeownership out of reach due to student loan debt, underemployment, or high rents that prevent saving for a down payment. The number of households with these unmet needs is likely to increase as Auburn's demographics change over the next several decades (with more seniors, empty nesters, and people looking to buy homes). Because middle housing units are generally smaller than traditional single-family housing, they are usually more affordable and generally sell for between 80% and 120%AMI. In addition, these housing types can provide lower-barrier homeownership opportunities than more traditional single family housing types. City of Auburn Housing Action Plan 60 Currently, Auburn's zoning code allows only single-family units in the R-5 Zone and single- family and duplex units in the R-7 Zone. To encourage the development of middle housing types, Auburn could allow duplexes and triplexes uses in the R-5 and R-7 single dwelling zones. Alternatively, the City could choose to instead apply the current R-16 Zone in areas where middle housing types would be desired. The current R-16 Zone exists within the code but is not currently mapped anywhere in the City. If Auburn were to choose re-mapping current R-5 and R-7 Zones to allow middle housing through the R-16 Zone, it should also consider increasing density allowances to allow 18 dwelling units per acre which is the density level necessary to support middle housing types evaluated as part of this analysis (see preliminary recommendation C2 below). The City could also choose to allow the R-16 (at 18 dwelling units per acre)within the existing comprehensive plan designations that would allow for a zoning designation change consistent with the comprehensive plan designations. Considerations The City should evaluate the trade-offs of allowing duplexes and triplexes by modifying zoning allowances in the R-5 and R-7 Zones or applying the R-16 Zone designation to areas on the zoning map. Allowing middle housing types by right in the R-5 and R-7 Zones would provide a more dispersed and flexible approach of integrating middle housing across both current future residential communities across Auburn. Allowing middle housing types by redesignating areas of the City with an R-16 Zone could also achieve the desired outcomes,of increasing housing options and housing choice through a broader diversity of housing types but would be a more focused and limited approach. This approach would allow the City to more precisely map areas where they would like to see middle housing consistent with other City goals and objectives such as proximity to transit, grocery stores, and other community amenities. However, the City should also consider access to other amenities such as neighborhood schools and neighborhood parks that are more aligned with the lower density scaleof middle housing types when evaluating how and where to map the R-16 Zone. Next Steps • The City should move forward to allow middle housing types in the study area and other areas of Auburn to meet Auburn's current and future housing needs. • The City should support zone changes through redesignating areas with the R-16 zone or changes to development standards in the R-5 and R-7 zones as part of the next Comprehensive Plan update. • The City should update the residential infill development standards to support middle housing in an infill context. For example, maximum density can be 10% greater for infill developments under certain conditions, but this amount is nowhere near the 17.4 units per acre necessary to build middle housing. Additionally, minimum lot area can be reduced by 20%for infill developments under certain conditions, but this is also City of Auburn Housing Action Plan 61 insufficient to reach 2,500 square feet minimum lot area per dwelling unit needed for duplex and triplex housing types. ■ The City should consider a public outreach effort to increase community understanding of compatibility issues, housing types, density, and housing needs and how these housing types can support and advance the Auburn's housing goals in the comprehensive plan. • Explore the implications of middle housing regulatory changes on parking. Even if the cost of providing parking is not an issue for development feasibility, the space dedicated to parking can be. See Preliminary recommendation C4 below. C2) Increase Density and Reduce Minimum Lot Size Per Unit in R-5 and R-7 Zones See development feasibility analysis and massing diagrams beginning on page 38. Rationale In addition to allowing duplex and triplex uses whether through modifications to existing R-5 and R-7 Zones or through mapping a higher density R-16 Zone, the City of Auburn needs to increase the allowed residential density to 17.4 units per acre in order to realize development of this scale. Although duplexes and triplexes can be built with lower residential density on larger lot sizes, on smaller lots they are likely to reach 17.4 dwelling units per acre on lot sizes (e.g., 5,000 square feet for duplexes and 7,500 square feet for triplexes) that are most prevalent throughout Auburn's current single dwelling zones. Considerations If the City chooses to redesignate some R-5 and R-7 Zones to an R-16 Zone, the density allowances in the R-16 Zone would also need to be increased to 17.4 units per acre to allow the development of duplexes and triplexes on smaller lot sizes. Effectively, the City would need to create an R-18 Zone that permits duplexes and triplexes. These recommended changes are beyond the flexibility offered by the residential infill development standards. For example, maximum density can be 10% greater for infill developments under certain conditions, but this amount is nowhere near the 17.4 dwelling units per acre needed. Additionally, minimum lot area can be reduced by 20%for infill developments under certain conditions, but this is also insufficient to reach 2,500 square feet per dwelling needed for duplex and triplex housing types. These regulatory changes alone, however, will not immediately result in the production of duplex and triplex housing types because they are currently feasible only on vacant lots. The regulatory changes could make duplex and triplex developments more valuable than single- family developments for owners of vacant lots, but they will not be valuable enough to support the broad conversion or redevelopment of existing single-family housing into duplexes or triplexes within current market conditions. City of Auburn Housing Action Plan 62 Next Steps ■ Auburn should integrate middle housing options in its next Comprehensive Plan and Code Amendment process to increase the supply of less expensive housing, increase home ownership opportunities, and provide housing options that can better meet the range of current and future household needs across the City. This will require additional traffic and utility analysis to determine the impact on the public infrastructure needed to support the additional development and to determine feasibility of expanding the infrastructure to meet the demand. • The City should explore the tradeoffs associated with the approach of broadening housing type allowances in the R-5 and R-7 zones versus redesignating areas of the City with the R--16 (or future R-18) zoning designation. The City should work with community stakeholders and governing bodies to evaluate the preferred path forward as part of the forthcoming Comprehensive Plan update process. • The City will also need to update its residential infill development standards to accommodate middle housing in an infill context. The current infill development standards are not designed in way to support smaller scale, medium-density infill of middle housing types on smaller parcel sizes in the single dwelling zones. • If the City chose to pursue modifying development standards in the R-5 and R-7 Zones, it will alsoneed to modify the Land Use Element (Volume 1) of the City's Comprehensive Plan that limits residential densities in these single dwelling zones. The Transportation and the Utility Elements of the Comprehensive plans will also need to be evaluated. C3) Revise Rear Yard Setbacks to Accommodate Triplexes in R-7 Zones See development feasibility analysis and massing diagrams beginning on page 38. Rationale The City's zoning development standards currently require a rear setback of 20 feet in "all zones for structures with vehicular entrances oriented toward the street or a public alley" (Auburn City Code 18.07.030). On a typical 150-foot by 50-foot lot, this requirement limits the buildable area for triplexes (not duplexes) when accommodating two parking stalls per unit, because the structure of one unit would need to extend into the rear setback area. The current standards limit the configuration of triplex developments to have separate parking stalls outside the structure. To create more flexible options and more efficient site design and development without reducing the parking requirement, the rear setback from triplex structures should be reduced, to 10 feet, for example. This is especially important for these housing types to be built with alley-loaded parking access when alleys are present, and the conditions of the alleys supports vehicle access and parking at the rear or a site. City of Auburn Housing Action Plan 63 Relatedly, the current infill residential development standards require building orientation on infill lots to "match the predominant orientation of the other buildings along the block face" (Auburn City Code 18.25.040). This requirement would limit triplex infill developments that are designed to not face the street(see Figure 26). Considerations When allowing middle housing types (duplexes and triplexes) on smaller parcels in single dwelling areas, there are site constraints that present tradeoffs between setback requirements and parking requirements. Given the prevalence of alley access in the middle housing study area which adds to additional buffers between adjacent properties, reducing rear setback requirements to allow triplexes to meet current parking requirements is likely to generate less off-site impacts to the adjacent property owners than reducing parking requirements. Next Steps ■ When updating development standards as part of the code amendment process, the City should explore modifying rear setback requirements, such as reducing the rear setback to 10 feet, when triplex developments are meeting existing parking requirements. C4) Reduce Parking Requirements in R-5 and R-7 Zones See development feasibility analysis and massing diagrams beginning on page 38. Rationale Although the current parkingrequirements can be accommodated, they create a tradeoff between parking, open space, and the footprint of duplexes and triplexes. While developers could theoretically fit the required 2.0 stalls per unit on a typical lot, this creates a tradeoff between on-site open space (such as a shared yard or patio) or, as mentioned in preliminary recommendation C2, a larger home footprint. Parking can consume about 700 square feet per unit. In perspective, the average U.S bedroom is 132 square feet. Considerations Due to the small site sizes in single dwelling zones to accommodate middle housing types, there are tradeoffs between development standards such as impervious coverage, open space, setbacks, and parking that are interrelated and effect the production of middle housing at the site-level. Additionally, private sector developers are likely to make decisions related to these tradeoffs about how housing can best meet demand for housing as preferences change over time. An approach to development standards that allows flexibility between parking, setbacks, and open space is likely to produce housing types that better meet the diverse needs of households in Auburn. City of Auburn Housing Action Plan 64 Next Steps ■ The City should consider mitigating for conflicting development standards that create physical constraints on small sites where middle housing development is likely to occur during the Comprehensive Plan update and code amendment processes. C5) Consider Minimum Site Size Requirements Relative to Homeownership Goals in R-5 and R-7 Zones Rationale The City of Auburn should also consider the tradeoffs inherent in minimum lot size requirements and its goals of promoting homeownership. Modifying minimum site sizes to support land-divisions that would result in more ownership could be considered as a strategy to support increasing homeownership opportunities. Considerations Both builders and prospective home buyers prefer fee-simple ownership over condo ownership. Allowing more fee-simple,homeownership opportunities on smaller lots would help expand homeownership access for more residents. The required minimum lot size per unit, which is inversely related to residential density, will need to be reduced to 2,500 square feet to accommodate these housing types. The currently required minimum lot size per unit (4,500 square feet in R-5 and 4,300 square feet in R-7) effectively limits residential density to about 10 units per acre which may not achieve desired affordability For reference, the minimum lot size per unit in higher density zones (i.e., R-10, and R-16) is 2,000 square feet. Next Steps • When updating development standards as part of the code amendment process, the City should'explore reducing minimum lot size requirements to 2,500 square feet per unit to support middle housing development and create more homeownership opportunities through attached side-by-side duplexes and triplexes. C6) Evaluate Site Development Standards and Infrastructure Requirements to Support Middle Housing Development Rationale While the other preliminary recommendations in this section are focused on zoning code standards to support middle housing development, there are other City codes and administrative requirements that can barriers to development feasibility for these housing types. These other standards and requirements could include things such as civil site development requirements, street frontage improvement standards, access requirements, and utility infrastructure standards. The costs of complying with these standards and requirements can render development of this housing type unfeasible. City of Auburn Housing Action Plan 65 Considerations Current development standards and requirements have been developed and implemented to serve the needs of Auburn's residents and businesses. Additionally, many site development standards and infrastructure requirements can be a function of increasing standards over time and an orientation to operation and maintenance costs. An evaluation of modifications to site development standards should be undertaken to assess the effect on development costs and coordinated with achieving city housing goals. Also, the evaluation should consider recognized engineering standards in coordination with the City Engineer and the context of the Washington State Building Code in coordination with the Building Official. Next Steps • Site development standards and infrastructure requirements should be revisited by the Community and Public Works Departments in the context of supporting a wider range of housing types across Auburn in both vacant and infill development contexts. • The City should coordinate with local building professionals, home builders, architects, and engineers to,identify opportunities to simplify these standards and requirements to support middle housing types in Auburn. City of Auburn Housing Action Plan 66 D) Prevent Displacement and Encourage the Preservation of Existing Affordable Housing While increasing the City's overall housing stock and its stock of affordable housing is important, it is also critical to preserve the housing stock that exists because it does not consume new resources and so that households are not displaced and forced to move when redevelopment occurs. These efforts can focus on preserving naturally occurring affordable housing (unregulated but affordable) or preserving regulated affordable housing at risk of regulations expiring and no longer remaining affordable. In addition, tenant supports and resources for landlords are essential to ensuring that tenants are educated about their rights and that landlords can properly maintain their properties. • Landlord and Tenant Supports • The City of Auburn has numerous policies and programs already in place to support existing landlords and tenants as it relates to displacement pressures.The Community Development and Community Services websites offer a wealth of information on resources, community-based services,and landlord-tenant information. Information is available in several languages, and there are numerous links to partner agencies and community organizations. A new-city ordinance(Ordinance No. 6786)was passed in the wake of the COVID-19 crisis and the economic recession's effects on low-income renters.22 The City is aware of the need to carefully balance renter relief and support programs with additional programs and resources focused on supporting landlords who still have mortgages,taxes, and maintenance to pay for,even if tenants lose income to pay for rent. Existing Tenant Supports: Existing Landlord Supports: .■Tenant's rights and education resources ■ Landlord education resources • City funding to support multiple legal •:Clearly established and documented rental assistance agencies focusing on tenants, notice requirements . •Just cause eviction policies • Clearly established and documented tenant • 120-day notice for rent increases for .responsibilities tenants on month-to-month leases or on • Clearly established and.documented annual increases in excess of 5% maintenance standards • Requirement for landlords to give"Notice of Intent to Sell" an existing property with low- income units • Requirement for landlords to give"Notice of . Resources"when serving other notices to tenants(under RCW 59.12.030) 22 Ordinance text can be found here: https://weblink.auburnwa.gov/External/0/doc/394573/Pagel.aspx City of Auburn Housing Action Plan 67 D1) Monitor and Track Unregulated Affordable Housing Rationale The City of Auburn should build on the data collected through its rental housing licensing and inspection program to develop a more robust understanding of the rental properties in the City. A good starting point would be to expand the basic information gathered from landlords through the annual licensing process, then merge this information with code violations and inspection results and ask for rent amounts and rent increases each year. Considerations Examples of basic data points that could be collected to track and monitor unregulated affordable housing include: • Property address • Property size (number of units) • Year built • Contact information for the landlord • Management company (if applicable) The data points listed below are examples of expanded data that could be collected depending on the City's desire to increase staffing and funding resources for this purpose. Ideally, this data would also be gathered from the rental licensing and inspection program, but some of it might come from the King County Assessor's database, or from other city departments (like code compliance or permitting applications). Code violations or complaints •; Permit data (to monitor major remodels or renovations) • Rents & rent changes • Changes to management companies (if applicable) Tracking and monitoring this type of data in a comprehensive database can require significant staff time and resources, so the effort should be scaled to resource availability.. Next Steps • The City could consider expanding the types of data collected from landlords through the existing rental licensing program. Regular, updated access to this type of data would allow the City to actively monitor the rents and affordability levels of rental housing as well as have readily available contact information for landlords when the need arises. • Once the City has a robust database that allows it to monitor low-cost market rentals, the City could build a framework to track and understand which properties might be primed for sale and redevelopment. The "Notice of Intent to Sell" policy can help to mitigate some of this risk by providing advanced notice of an intent to sell, but 60 days does not provide a huge window of time without additional data on hand. City of Auburn Housing Action Plan 68 D2) Create Programs and Policies to Preserve Naturally Occurring Affordable Housing Rationale Because regulated affordable housing is so difficult and costly to build, the majority of low- income households live in unregulated affordable housing, often called 'naturally occurring affordable housing.' However, because these housing units are not regulated by a government or community-based lender and subject to inspections and subsidies to maintain the properties,they can fall into disrepair. This is especially common if the rents are well below market and the property has deferred maintenance. Deferred maintenance can put a property at risk of being sold for redevelopment because the current property owner may not have the capital or the interest in undergoing major renovations. A new owner, financing'the property acquisition and rehabilitation with debt, will need to increase rents to pay for the debt and repairs, putting the existing tenants at risk of displacement. A variety of programs and policies can help unregulated property owners and smaller landlords maintain and repair their properties. Proper ongoing maintenance and capital repairs can help keep deferred maintenance at bay and ensure that existing low-income tenants have safe and stable housing. Considerations These programs and policies, as well as partnerships in the community and region, can help to preserve this important stock of low-cost The City of Auburn's Notice of Intent to Sell unregulated multifamily rentals. is a great example of a policy that can help ■ The City should enhance its existing partnerships with mission- prevent displacement. oriented acquisition funds like the Regional Equitable This policy requires Development Initiative (REDI) Fund or Sound Transit's Transit- landlords of low-income multifamily rental Oriented Development Revolving Loan Fund. These funds stand properties (with 5+units ready to deploy capital aimed at acquiring and rehabilitating low- and at least 1 unit renting below 80%AMI) to notify cost market rentals in exchange for affordability restrictions. the City at least 60 days ■ Work with the King County Housing Authority or South King prior to listing the property for sale. Housing and Homelessness Partners (SKHHP) to establish a pilot program that would offer low-cost loans for property owners to This advanced notice gives i rehabilitate their units in exchange for guaranteeing tenants the tohthe arrangeCitysome a mission- tmeto try ability to return and guaranteeing affordability restrictions. oriented buyer or work Because the City of Auburn does not have a housing agency or with the landlord to maintain affordability. housing bureau that is already set up to monitor compliance and lend funds, except for its shared participation in.the SKHHP, the See Auburn Municipal Code 5.23.060 for more best course of action is to partner with an agency that already has information. these programs and policies in place. City of Auburn Housing Action Plan 69 Common Red Flags for Redevelopment Risk • Small property size(e.g.,fewer than 10 units) • Non-institutional landlord,and or aging • Low assessed value landlord • lowrents and or lack of rent increases in • Nearby properties under common ownership recent years • Nearby properties are rentals and meet • High sales price or high land price numerous other conditions • Presence of redevelopment nearby • Nearby(re)development or city-led planning • Near amenities or transit . efforts to spur housing or economic • Presence of deferred maintenance or capital development repairs(blight, numerous code violations, or numerous complaints) Next Steps ■ - The City should coordinate with the SKHHP and other regional housing organizations to participate in existing programs while also working with other cities through South King County to develop new programs that can advance housing affordability across the sub- region. • Building on the data collected in Preliminary recommendation D1, the City could monitor this data and general market data for warning signs of redevelopment risk. • The City should continue to build strong relationships with property owners and managers of small multifamily buildings that could be at risk, particularly when there are other development projects or planning efforts happening nearby. • - The City should also continue to enhance its partnerships and relationships with mission-oriented funders, lenders, and housing providers. Having an awareness of which properties might-be at risk of redevelopment coupled with strong relationships with service and housing providers, will enable the city to act quickly when it receives a "notice of intent to sell" to ensure existing tenants are protected. D3) Monitor and Track Regulated Affordable Housing Rationale Most regulated affordable housing properties receive funding that comes with a requirement to rent some or all the units at a certain income level, for a certain amount of time. The length of these affordability restrictions varies by program, funding type, and property. However, when affordability restrictions do end,these properties can be at risk of moving to market-rate housing, thereby becoming unaffordable to the existing tenants. This risk is particularly high if properties are owned by private, for-profit companies (nonprofit affordable housing owners and operators will typically work to keep the rents affordable). While Auburn's "Notice of Intent to Sell" policy can help to mitigate this by providing advanced notice, regulated affordable property owners have numerous regulatory "hoops" to jump through to recapitalize and extend restrictions. Often these properties have meaningful capital repairs that need to be addressed when restrictions are renewed. City of Auburn Housing Action Plan 70 By monitoring regulated affordable housing properties that are nearing their affordability expiration dates, the City can be a strong partner and advocate, working with the property owners to help secure needed funding and avoid the property returning to market rate at the end of the period, the Low-Income Housing Tax Credit program has a 15-year affordability period). Considerations Newly constructed affordable housing developments will not likely see their affordability restrictions end for some time, but older properties should be monitored. The City should consider establishing a database along with a solid understanding of the affordability terms associated with different funding programs (e.g., the MFTE program has a 12-year affordability period, the Low-Income Housing Tax Credit program has a 15-year affordability period). Next Steps • The City should coordinate with PSRC and King County regional and county-wide affordable housing tracking and monitoring efforts to ensure that city-level affordable housing data is accurate and includes relevant information. • The city should ensure that it has strong, ongoing relationships with, and proper contact information for, all the mission-driven developers and affordable housing property owner-operators in the City. • The City should.work with these housing providers to ensure data sharing is possible, consider setting up a reporting agreement with reporting information and deadlines to create a database that monitors upcoming expirations. • The City should gain familiarity with the,various funding sources that are available to support recapitalization and rehabilitation including the Low-Income Housing Tax Credit, HUD Funding (such.as CDBG or HOME funds), funding opportunities through the Washington State Housing Finance Commission, and funding programs through the Washington State Department of Commerce. D4) Provide Support for Mobile Home Park Preservation Manufactured home parks can face incredible displacement and redevelopment pressure if they are located on valuable land with close proximity to strong housing markets, regional employment centers, and amenities. Preservation can be a highly effective model for preventing mobile home parks from being purchased and redeveloped. The City should explore ways to provide more support for low-income residents of mobile home parks. Considerations Any guidelines developed surrounding mobile home park preservation should also provide clear criteria around housing quality, environmental health and life safety standards, and shared utility billing practices. City of Auburn Housing Action Plan 71 The City currently regulates mobile home parks through the RHMP zone that already includes a preservation strategy by requiring any conversions or redevelopment to go through a rezone process. The City also regulates mobile home park closures and requires relocations plans and relocation assistance through Chapter 14.20 (Mobile Home Park Closures) of the City Code. These local regulations along with State of Washington financial assistance provisions of RCW 59.21.005 represent current best practice of manufactured home preservation strategies from a regulatory perspective. • The City could consider establishing procedures or guidelines to support non-profit housing providers that might be interested in acquiring and managing manufactured home parks to preserve the lowest cost naturally occurring affordable housing that exists in communities throughout the region. • The City could also explore opportunities to collaborate with government and non- profit partners to fund the repair, maintenance, or rehabilitation of units in manufactured home parks and the private utility infrastructure within them as this is the source of a significant cost burden on tenants. D5) Identify Opportunities to Increase Homeownership Rationale One way to mitigate for the risk of displacement caused by changing market conditions is through programs aimed at increasing homeownership opportunities. This is particularly important for renters, low-income households, households of color(who have historically lower homeownership rates than white households), as well as immigrants and refugees. Compared to renters, homeowners are largely shielded from displacement pressures because they have fixed mortgage payments. Unlike rents that can rise without warning or increase annually with a lease renewal, mortgage payments cannot change without warning. While property taxes do change each year, they are a small portion of overall homeownership housing costs. In addition, because lenders size a mortgage to a buyer's income and ability to pay, homeowners are less susceptible to cost burdening and housing insecurity, absent a sudden change in income. Considerations Because of these benefits, and because homeownership offers the benefit of wealth generation through equity in a real asset, encouraging homeownership is one of the best ways to prevent displacement. The most impactful way to improve homeownership opportunities is likely through a down payment assistance program. However, this requires meaningful funding resources and careful calibration to ensure tenant success. City of Auburn Housing Action Plan 72 Example Programs Requiring Funding • Down payment assistance programs • Expand existing homeownership weatherization and rehabilitation grants • Energy assistance grants Many other programs do not require meaningful funding to be successful. The City should look to the community-based partners already working in these areas and build strong lines of communication as to how it can help. Example Programs Not Requiring Funding • Donate city facilities for in-person meetings (when safe and appropriate) or staff time to advancing one of these programs • Host homebuyer education (classes educating renters on the homebuying process) • Foreclosure education assistance and counseling • Donate excess land for affordable homeownership within legal requirements Next Steps • Auburn should work with SKHHP and regional partners to collaborate with the Washington State Housing Finance Commission to develop area-specific down payment assistance funding and programs for South King County in the same way that is done with A Regional Coalition for Housing (ARCH) in East King County, in Pierce County, and in Tacoma. • City staff could also work with community organizations, landlords, and housing providers to encourage referrals to homebuyer education programs sponsored by the Washington State Housing Finance Commission and the Washington Homeownership Resource Center. Preliminary Recommendations and Alignment with the Comprehensive Plan This HAP identifies 18 preliminary recommendations that can help the City of Auburn potentially address the current and future housing needs that are expected to emerge over the next few decades, as described Part 2 (see the Summary of Housing Needs beginning on page 11). As required by the Washington State Growth Management Act, a jurisdiction's Housing Element must include adequate provisions for existing and projected housing needs of all the economic segments of the community.23 As such, the City of Auburn Comprehensive Plan (referred to as Imagine Auburn, amended in 2015, first adopted in 1986) meets the regional responsibilities to manage urban growth and the corresponding residential development 23 Washington State Growth Management Act,RCW 36.70A.070(2) City of Auburn Housing Action Plan 73 needed for current and future residents.24 Among the eight primary Comprehensive Plan elements, the Housing Element (Volume 2) is most relevant to the HAP strategies and the Land Use Element(Volume 1) includes a few applicable areas. This section reviews how these two Comprehensive Plan elements compare to the HAP and assesses whether updates would be needed. As acknowledged elsewhere in this plan, certain preliminary recommendations such as increasing density may also require review and modification of the Transportation (Volume 5) or Capital Facilities (Utility) (Volume 3) Comprehensive Plan Elements to determine the feasibility of serving higher densities. The preliminary recommendations in this HAP are supportive and largely consistent with Auburn's Housing Element. In fact, many of the HAP preliminary recommendations provide direct support to advancing numerous Housing Element policies. For example, there are preliminary recommendations in the HAP that promote: • _Workforce housing development(Comprehensive Plan policy H-4), • More housing development in Downtown Auburn (policies H-5 and H-13), • Increased housing variety (policy H-10), • Increased home ownership opportunities and education (policies H-11, H-39, and H-40), • Conservation and repairs of existing housing (policies H-18 to H-21, LU-3, and LU-25), - and • Affordable housing development meeting community needs (policies H-23, and H-24). Many of the HAP preliminary recommendations on development standard and regulatory amendments aim to promote greater flexibility and minimize costs to build housing which directly promotes policy H-27. Other key HAP regulatory suggestions help to further execute policy H-29, calling for exploration of density bonuses, parking reductions, and fee reductions. Implementing a few of the HAP preliminary recommendations could involve possible policy and Code amendments and Comprehensive Plan updates. These are a few areas to consider during the next Comprehensive Plan update process. The plan updates discussed here, primarily focus on amending existing policies to encompass emerging topics and recalibrate the direction towards better meeting housing needs. • The HAP includes a few preliminary recommendations to explore fee waivers for targeted development types in Downtown Auburn (A4) and policies to lower the cost of affordable housing development(B1). These actions are worded generally, calling for a process of further evaluation of different policy options. Consequently, during the 24 The Auburn Comprehensive Plan should be updated every eight years,by around 2024,as outlined in the periodic update schedule,mandated by the Growth Management Act.The currently adopted Comprehensive Plan includes a 20-year planning horizon from 2015 to 2035; however,the next update is expected to include an updated 20-year planning horizon. City of Auburn Housing Action Plan 74 process of developing policies associated with fees, LU-5 policy should be considered as to whether minor modifications would be needed or could be avoided. o LU-5: New residential development should contribute to the creation, enhancement, and improvement of the transportation system, health and human services, emergency services, school system, and park system. This may be accomplished through the development of level-of-service standards, mitigation fees, impact fees, or construction contributions. ■ HAP preliminary recommendations (C1 —C5) encouraging middle housing options in the R-5 and R-7 Zones largely involve land use, development standards (such as setback and minimum lot size standards), development densities, and parking requirement amendments in the Citjr of Auburn Code traffic and utility analysis and coordination with the design standards within the public Right-of-way. In addition, a few areas with the Comprehensive Plan may need to be addressed including updating the transportation and utility elements. These HAP actions support the provision of a variety of housing typologies to suit the needs of various potential residents (LU-17) but implementing density increases in the R-5 and R-7 Zones (HAP preliminary recommendation C2), would require amendments to Land Use, Transportation and Utility Elements Comprehensive Plan language (on page 4) describing the allowable residential housing density for the R-5 and R-7 zones and the related infrastructure.. o R-5 Residential Zone (Five Dwelling Units Per Acre):All properties not located within the Urban Separator Overlay may be zoned R-5. o R-7 Residential Zone (Seven Dwelling Units Per Acre):All properties not located within the Urban Separator Overlay may be zoned R-7. ■ HAP preliminary recommendations (Al —A3), supporting market rate development in Downtown Auburn, chiefly call for parking requirement reductions, increased maximum residential Floor Area Ratio limits in the DUC Zone, and lot aggregation which would likely necessitate amendments to the City of Auburn Code. Similarly, preliminary recommendation B3, supporting affordable housing development in Downtown Auburn, by reducing parking requirements for micro housing units, likely would involve amendments to the City of Auburn Code. Additionally, a few areas within the Land Use Element of Auburn's Comprehensive Plan might need to be modified (LU-39, shown below)to support the implementation of HAP preliminary recommendations A2 and A3. In addition to allowing additional height or density in exchange for supplemental amenities identified in this policy, the City should explicitly identify affordable housing and mixed-income development as eligible uses for increases in height, density, or intensity. This might also necessitate analysis within the Transportation and Utility Elements of the Comprehensive Plan and review of the public right-of-way standards. o LU-39: Deviations of height, density or intensity limitations should be allowed when supplemental amenities are incorporated into site and building design. Examples of amenities include use of low-impact development, use of City of Auburn Housing Action Plan 75 sustainable site and building techniques, public space and art, transit-oriented development, landscaping and lighting, and bike shelters. • To address policy LU-43, safeguards should be evaluated and considered to mitigate for parking impacts on commercial development associated with HAP preliminary recommendations Al and 83, involving changes to the parking requirements for certain targeted types of residential development. o LU-43: Parking standards within the downtown should reflect the pedestrian orientation of the area, but also consider parking's impact for economic development and quality of life. • The HAP also includes an objective regarding preventing displacement and encouraging the preservation of affordable housing. This objective is similar to the Comprehensive Plan goal,and corresponding policies aiming to improve the quality and maintenance of the housing stock to help preserve affordable housing. However,this goal and the associated policies do not explicitly address the need to minimize displacement impacts. Consequently, this Comprehensive Plan goal could be updated to better encompass this emerging topic.A new aspect of PSRC's VISION 2050 plan (adopted in 2020) is the recognition of displacement risk (cultural, economic, and physical) and the need for jurisdictions to mitigate and minimize displacement. Implementation Steps In the coming years, implementing this HAP will require the City to balance and coordinate its pursuit of actions, funding, and partnerships with its other policy and programmatic priorities. This section outlines an implementation process that will improve success with advancing this Plan's preliminary recommendations. Develop and Assign Work Programs The 18 preliminary recommendations.in this HAP will require varying levels of effort for the City to implement. Each preliminary recommendation will require different levels of staff time and resources and will achieve different objectives with different levels of overall benefit. The relative costs of an option should be carefully evaluated against the overall benefit to the intent of this plan. Each of these preliminary recommendations lie within the City of Auburn's control, but work will span departments and involve meaningful contributions from stakeholders such as City Council, Planning Commission, residents, homeowners, neighborhood associations, advocates, developers (both affordable and market rate), and many others. Additionally, some of the actions in the HAP are intended to support enhanced coordination with government agency and non-profit partners. While implementation will take several years, one of the first steps will be to develop a work program and assign tasks. The City will need to assess the varying levels of effort and potential benefit, allocate funding and additional resources, and examine technological solutions to City of Auburn Housing Action Plan 76 • develop work programs that can help complete the needed analysis and initiate important conversations with these stakeholders. Prioritize Code Changes and Preliminary Recommendations that Work Through the Housing Element As described in the table below, the City should prioritize the preliminary recommendations that can be achieved through zoning code changes once their impacts on infrastructure needs are evaluated and understood to avoid unintended consequences. preliminary recommendation Given that general funds are and will likely remain limited in the coming years due to-the effects of the COVID-19 economic recession, prioritizing changes through the code can help to support housing development, generate economic activity, and promote - community stability. In addition, the City should understand which preliminary recommendations may not all be implemented via the next update of the City's Comprehensive Plan. These actions can be prioritized so the City is ready and prepared when the Housing Element update process begins (many of the changes will require'some lead time to coordinate among departments and then to connect withthe community, Planning Commission, and City Council). Programmatic preliminary recommendations that require new assets (staff, funding, or technological solutions) should be given a lower priority given limitations on resources. However, as these preliminary recommendations can also have longer lead times, the City could prioritize actions for longer term implementation and impact, should resources become available. Figure 32 provides an overview of each of the 18 preliminary recommendations highlighted in this HAP. Each preliminary recommendation is aligned with its geography (Study Area or Citywide), is suggested as a near-term or long-term action, and has an initial assessment of its relative impact on the City's staff and fiscal resources. In addition, icons are used to denote the type of preliminary recommendation, which influences its implementation (see Figure 32). Figure 31. Icons used to denote Preliminary Recommendation Types Icon l Preliminary Recommendation Type Eli Preliminary recommendation calls for a zoning or Comprehensive Plan change. Me Preliminary recommendation can be implemented through the Zoning Code and/or through Comprehensive Plan update and code amendment processes. Preliminary recommendation calls for a new program. Implementation will require staff and or resources to support new or expanded program operations. *AV Preliminary recommendation calls for increased partnerships and collaboration. Implementation will focus on enhancing relationships and securing partnerships. City of Auburn Housing Action Plan 77 • • Figure 32.Summary of Recommended Actions and Implementation Considerations Near-term - Objective # Recommended Action Preliminary Sub-Area of Citywide? or Long- Impact to City • Recommendation Type Term Resources i } 1 'Reduce Parking Requirements to Support , s ^ Al Downtown Long-Term I Moderate staff time i c Development in Downtown Auburn j WNW * • 3 ---- ---5-------- f 5 f Offer a Density Bonus to Support Denser . DI c° — Moderate staff time ; A2 (Development and Mixed In o �� Downtown Near-Term me Housing �— I 1 LI c A3 'Promote Lot Aggregation in Downtown Auburn WSW Downtown Near-Term Moderate staff time w 0 } — f — — ❑ Potential for ' $ A4 'Explore Fee Waivers for Targeted j Downtown Long-Term I negative fiscal Development Types in Downtown Auburn I impact —— .. — —— = -- J -- — i — — — , I r j Moderate staff time j {Create Policies to Lower the Cost of ♦ ^� I and potential lost j a 3 j 61 'Affordable Housing Development �.,, i Citywide Near-Term i revenue from I P. — Permitting I a• o 1 I Moderate staff time a,❑ B2 'Consider a Voluntary Inclusionary HousingDowntown Long Term to create and V t Program Paired with a Density Bonus di $ Id0 TA a program ! W• B3 Reduce Parking Requirements for Micro Units• m ® $$ %f! IS I Downtown Long-Term Moderate staff time 1 I I Middle Housing Study I i c Lo a j [Allow Duplexes and Triplexes in Single-Family d H ii c l Cl ! $ Area and Citywide as Near-Term i Moderate staff time 1 o 0 c o Neighborhoods �� Appropriate I. c v—mc,v C2 ;Increase Density and Reduce Minimum Lot — !Middle n Housing Study — m j m v a m ® Area and Citywide as Near-Term I Moderate staff time g o•m (Size Per Unit in R-5 and R-7 Zones W� f — — - i _ Appropriate — — City of Auburn Housing Action Plan 78 Near-term Preliminary Impact to City • Objective # Recommended Action Recommendation Type Sub-Area of Citywide? or Long- Resources Term I N Revise Rear Yard Setbacks to Accommodate m Middle Housing Study e C3 mm ® I Area and Citywide as Near-Term Moderate staff time I- !Triplexes in R-7 Zones W� Appropriate • oParking mIl Inil ® I nto c 'Middle Housing Study 0 C4 Reduce Requirements in R-5 and R-7 WSW Area and Citywide as Near-Term Moderate staff time • _o r- F... W Appropriate °1 IConsiderMinimum Site Size Requirements m® Middle Housing Study • a ' { C5 Relative to Homeownership"Goals in R-5 and WSW i Area and Citywide as Near-Term I Moderate staff time • m R-7 Zones W WWW �_ Appropriate `2 Evaluate Site Development Standards and. I Middle Housing Study 1 �.,...S C6 Infrastructure Requirements to Support . WSW �,•!°�♦ Area and Citywide as Long-Term 1 Moderate staff time i W Middle Housing Development I Appropriate — i f — —— ' — Meaningful staff I .I f)` N ID D1 'Monitor and Track Unregulated Affordable Y N I ,•4 I Citywide Near-Term time,to establish ;Housing . $ _ and track data co cu Meaningful staff Create Programs and Policies to Preserve o a D2 I ( $ ^ i Citywide Long-Term time to create and • c GI ;Naturally Occurring Affordable_Housing '•a I a6 r -- manage a program o au cr I i ( ! 1 Meaningful staff to Monitor and Track Regulated Affordable l N D3 Housing 4r#,,, Citywide Long-Term time to establish • E R and track data co [ Meaningful staff I � Ti° Provide Support for Mobile Home Park I WW I I'�♦ Citywide Near-Term time to establish c D4 ' W ''o r !Preservation ., m _ and track data ; c Z — s 'Identify Opportunities to Increase ! � ♦ i Moderate staff timet a D5 I I $ ,,i Citywide I Near-Term and potential o ;Homeownership '• program funding City of Auburn Housing Action Plan 79 This page is intentionally left blank. City of Auburn DRAFT Housing Action Plan 80 Housing Action Plan Appendices H. City of Auburn June 2021 Prepared for: City of Auburn Report Appendices CITY OF * -10044' .,01/ . , . - 270 Atraza =zzifn t /MC igal * WAS H I N GTO N Part 5: Appendices This section provides 4 appendices with important,data sources, methods, and assumptions for the analysis and recommendations advanced in this Housing Action Plan. City of Auburn DRAFT Housing Action Plan -Appendix A A-2 Appendix A. Full Public Engagement Summary Memorandum 206.709.9588 Y:u J.'.b:C3d.:aW7.��ng.rnm BROADVIEW PLANNING To: Jeff Dixon,Anthony Avery,City of Auburn Cc: Tyler Bump+Madeline Baron,ECONorthwest From: Andrea Petzel+Valerie Pacino,Broadview Planning Re: 'REVISED Summary of Aubum Housing Action Plan Public Engagement Date: 12 March 2021(REVISED 23 June 2021) This memorandum summarizes stakeholder feedback for developing the City of Auburn's Housing Action Plan(HAP). Project Overview The purpose of the community engagement element of the HAP is to connect with residents,workers, businesses,non-profitorganizations,service providers,and other key stakeholders to discover qualitativedataand stakeholder stories to support and ground-truth the HAP's quantitative data.As captured in the project's initial public engagement plan,the priorities for this work are to: 1. Integrate an educational approach to community outreach to build awareness of the importance of housing needs and types. 2: Gather community:input as a key part of creating strategic and intentional policy actions to address thecity's need to create(and preserve existing)more,and different types,of affordable housing. 3. Understand community perceptionsof density and different housing types. The public engagement process includes three iterative phases:stakeholder interviews;small,focused group conversations;and a final community open house.Due to restrictions from COVID-19,the public engagement process was conducted entirely through online video meetings or phone calls.This report provides analysis of feedback from all interviews and focus groups to inform HAP recommendations and strategies.The third phase of engagement,a community open house,is forthcoming in spring 2021,and will invite the public to consider and react to draft housing recommendations and strategies in a draft Housing Action Plan.A separate memo will synthesize feedback from the open house. Qualitative Research Methodology Qualitative data and community stories provide insight and a greater understanding of community perceptions and experiences with housing and what types of housing choices community members seek now and in the future.One-on-one and small group interviews allow stakeholder participation on their own terms and with a sense of empowerment and inclusion.Qualitative research is also beneficial because it: City of Auburn DRAFT Housing Action Plan -Appendix A A-3 • Supports quantitative data meaningfully and purposefully,allowing for more detailed understanding of complex issues. • Values lived experiences and expresses data in people's own words,with the capacity to uncover multiple perspectives or unconventional thinking. • Informs and enhances decision-making and adds immeasurablyto our understanding of human,institutional,and systems behavior. However,the quantitative researchprocess generates a tremendous amount of information that must be thoughtfully analyzed,edited;-and presented.It is also important to remember that a qualitative research processwill never reach all stakeholders,and while participants are considered "representative,"they arespeaking from their own lived experiences.A:final note:analysis is through the lens,ofthe interviewer,and even with an emphasis on neutrality,interpretation can carry elements of our own biases. Outreach Approach The community engagement process began with a collaborative effort to identify specific outreach goals in a Public Engagement Plan(PEP).These specific goals set forth in the PEP were: a. Conduct outreach that reflects diversity of Auburn and helps tell an accurate qualitative story of the city's housing opportunities and.challenges. 2. Remain focused,yet flexible,on authentic public involvement during the challenges of social distancing during the COVID-ig pandemic. 3. Develop and maintain a:consistent communications strategy between the City of Auburn and its residents, ensuring equitable messaging. 4. Provide a clear connection between community involvement and how input informs housing strategies. 5. Present clear qualitative data that succinctly summarizes community perspectives on how w new housing can best integrate into Aubum's neighborhoods. 6. Understand the;existing barriers to.homeownership and best practices for creating opportunities for people'to'own their own home. 7. Coordinate,as necessary,with other Auburn-related outreach efforts,and remain mindful of potential overlap between stakeholders. Building on the outreach goals,we established a process designed to maximize inclusion of a diverse range of voices.This process included: Stakeholder Interviews:We conducted twelve interviews with thirteen people across a broad range of community stakeholders representing City staff,non-profits,social serviceproviders,faith-based organizations, property managers,seniors,and community groups. 2 Ca'MuNrrY PLANNING PUGUC ENGAGEMENT I fAC UTARON City of Auburn DRAFT Housing Action Plan -Appendix A A-4 Focused Group Conversations:We held two focused conversations of three or more people, representingrenters and Auburn School District representatives.Seven people participated in these focused group conversations. Community Forums:The City of Auburn hosted two online community forums to discuss the recommendations of the draft Housing Action Plan.Twelve peopleparticipated in the daytime meeting on May12 and eight-people participated during the evening meeting on May 17(excluding city staff{-consultants).The,meeting included an interactive poll to gauge understanding of housing issues with theresults presented below. Speak Up Auburn:The'CityofAuburn's Community Development Department also hosted the draft Housing Action plan on their platform for residents,business owners and students to engage and make their voice heard. A complete list of stakeholders who participated in interview and focused group conversations is included in Appendix A. The cumulative contentof each engagement process was analyzed to identify key themes and insights.thatshould be proactively considered when developing housingpolicy recommendations. While some feedback may provide direct recommendations for housing strategies,the real value of stakeholder perspectives is what we glean from their lived experiences and to develop housing policies to directlyaddress their concerns. Examples of some questions we asked participants included: • What is your iinpressionjknowledge of housing availability in Auburn? 0 Do you believe there are adequate opportunities to rent a home in Auburn?Do you believe there are adequate opportunities to buy a home in Auburn? • Has the COVID-19 public health crisis changed the way you think about housing in Auburn? How has it changed? • How can the City of Aubum demonstrate leadership on affordable housing? • Who are the most important people to hear from for their perspective on housing issues? • 15-zo years from now what should housing look like in Auburn? Key Themes After reviewing all stakeholder input from both interviews,group conversations,and community forums,we identified thefollowing key themes,which are summarized below.Each theme is further supported by quotes,insight,and recommendations from stakeholders in their own words,detailed in Appendix B. 3 COMMUNEPLANNING;Pll8LUC ENGAGEMENT i FACllITA)IO City of Auburn DRAFT Housing Action Plan -Appendix A A-5 Consistent themes across interviews,included: • While Auburn has changed dramatically overtime,people have a strong sense of community identity,and like the small-town feel.People from Auburn want to stay in Auburn. • While there's'a perception that housing in Auburn is more affordable than Seattle,it's still not affordable for a lot of people living in Auburn. •. The greatest housing need is for low-income,supported housing. • Public-safety is an ongoing concern for many stakeholders. • Mobile home parks are an in-demand source of affordable housing with low turnover rates and long wait lists. .• 'Stakeholders expressed concern about the conditions of affordable rental units,including building maintenance and upkeep. • There is a.sense of"middle income"housing,with stakeholders citing a lack of starter homes, smaller homes,and options forseniorsto downsize.Stakeholders also expressed a desire for more accessory dwelling units and other types of options for seniors or kids moving back home to be able to live with family. • There are existing family-sized units(2-4 bedrooms),but still not enough of these types of units to meet demand. • The eviction morat'oritjm has quelled a lot of housing instability,but the real issue is the loss ofjobs/income to pay for rent post-moratorium. • .There's a:desire for a strong,vibrant,mixed-use downtown area,but there are no opportunities'forhome(condo)ownership,and weak support for businesses to thrive as part of a mixed-use complex. • Resource inequities'are part of the housing situation,and housing developments should address the need for easy access to medical services,grocery stores,transportation,and green space. Stakeholders offered the following considerations,in their own terms,about opportunities for the City to show leadership on housing: • 'Develop the City's own Section 8 housing program,separatefrom King County,to help Auburn residents stay in Auburn. • Senior living can be isolating in general.The City should develop intergenerational housing complexes with lots of opportunities for all ages to interact. • Supporta coalition of faith-based organizations to take action on housing issues and help the faith community to view tackling homelessness as more than the"City's problem". • Educate landlords in order to help them embrace just-cause eviction requirements. • Invest in long-term business/economic development support as part of nixed-use development projects.The City is too focused on developing space,not businesses. • Don't plan for housing in isolation.All affordable housing development should include easy access to support services,transportation,job options,and grocery stores.This helps communities thrive. • Hold joint planning efforts with Auburn School District,in order to marry housing demands and planning with culturally-appropriate services and support for immigrant and refugee communities. 4 COMMUNITY PLANNING gPUALJC ENGAC'u4 hT I MCtUTNTU) City of Auburn DRAFT Housing Action Plan -Appendix A A-6 Outreach Challenges+Opportunities Conducting community outreach with the challenges of COVID-19 is difficult.All outreach events were held via video:or phone calls,with peoplewho had access to technology.Scheduling was relatively easy,and groups forfocused conversations never exceeded more than four people.While -somewhat small,the size of the group allowed for more in-depth conversation and shared ideas. Next Steps Community input from this phase ofthe outreach process will be used to shape the direction ofthe HAP's strategiesand recommendations.Draft strategies and recommendations will be reviewed by . staff and City Council,and a community open house will be held in April or May 2oz1 for further refinement and feedback.Additional public engagement opportunities beyond the HAP will occur when the city seeks to implement the recommendations of this planthrough the development of new comprehensive'plan.policies,new development regulations,and new capital expenditures. s CLbs,StN:Irv/PuKNino.PU UC ENCAB6.NEMT I McIurAxlo,a City of Auburn DRAFT Housing Action Plan -Appendix A A-7 Appendix A.Participant List StakeholderInterviews Jean,Resident Julie DeBolt,Auburn School District Kacie Brae,Auburn Area Chamber of Commerce Debbie Christian,Auburn Food Bank Melanie Fink,Investment Property Group Josh Headley,Revive Church Arnie Hudson,Neiders Company Jennifer Hurley,Auburn Senior Center Christopher Loving,Eastside.Legal Protection Katharine Nyden,Eastside Legal Protection Kathy Powers,Orion Cyndi Rapier,Green River College Kyla Wright,City of Auburn Focused Group Conversations Greg Brown,Auburn School District Julie DeBolt,Auburn School District Terri Herren,Auburn School District Isiah Johnson,Auburn School District Renters:Jenny,Lewis,Joan(Auburn residents) 6 COMMUNITY PLANNING;MUBLC ENGAGEMENT 1 FACILITATION City of Auburn DRAFT Housing Action Plan -Appendix A A-8 Appendix B.Stakeholder Feedback Organized by Theme Below is a summary of feedback received,organized thematically.Where noted,the statement is a verbatim quote from a stakeholder. Perceptions of Housing Availability • While there's a perception that housing in Auburn is more affordable than Seattle,it's still not affordable fora lot of people living in Auburn. • There's nothing-available—either to rent or own.Rents and mortgages have continued to rise. •.• Townhomes are extremely popular with renters because ofthe yard.Townhomes and duplexes rent very quickly. • "Auburn is expensive,and anything affordable is a dive." Sense of Community •. Many people.are long term residents and there's a strong sense of community here.This can be:challenging„but itdoesn'tfeel like community tension[around affordable housing],rather unawareness:"Many people in Auburn haven't had to buy a home in a long time and have no shared sense of the realities of housing". •. There's not.a,strong:level of community engagement with the broader community,it's hard to get people to engage in civic conversations. • "Auburn has always been kind of a small hometown.This is home,and a lot of people feel that • way,it's not the place to move away from". • It feels like a caring City,with an engaged and proud community. Greatest Housing Need • .• A mixof housing isneeded,it can't all be affordable housing.We also need people who can spend money in the community. • 'It's too expensive to live in King County,more people are looking in Pierce County where they can have more land Or bigger homes. • Renting more than a one-bedroom apartment is a challenge. • The need is for large fare ly units,there are a lot of multigenerational housing needs that aren't met. • Low-income-housing is missing. • Rents are too high. • Low-income senior housing in neighborhoods where people feel safe. • Assisted living,across the board.There is none in Auburn. • Housing with access to support/services. • Missing Housing • There's no condo ownership options downtown and that would be great. • Duplexes,cottages-small spaces with yards.People looking to downsize want yards. • There aren't duplexes or"generational"homes for families to expand in to when they want to care foraging parents or kids move back home. • "Offering 2-3-bedroom apartments is pretty typical.But we always have people looking for one-bedroom units." 7 COMMW IFY PLANNING PUeUC E.NGA GLMENT FACUJTAiiON • City of Auburn DRAFT Housing Action Plan -Appendix A A-9 Housing Stability • Getting landlords to embrace just-cause eviction would be great—and the City probably needs to adjust messaging and educate landlords. • In general,housing in Auburn is more affordable than Seattle,but you still need to have a dual income or multigenerational housing to make it work. • Stable housing is critical for people trying to get/maintain employment. • Auburn is a manufacturing base where people can train and get jobs and live in Auburn. COVID Impacts • Eviction moratorium has quelled a lot of instability.The real issue is the loss of jobs and income to pay for rent post-moratorium. • Therehas been a greater need for financial support,rather than food support from the food. bank. • There's been'a big increase in homeless population.Couch surfers aren't really welcome anymore now that everyone is home all the time. • There's beenrsome.difficulty communicating with ESL renters about the quarantine requirements.They've also neglected tote!!us when they're sick and that presents issues when we have to do maintenance issues,etc. • Social isolation has been incredibly impactful on seniors. • "People'are in survival mode.In my church of about 100 people,30-4o are behind on rent." • There's concern people might move out of housing,into homelessness,because they can't make rent once the moratorium lifts. Demonstrating Leadership on Housing .• ."I'm:impressed with themixed-use downtown. If I was single I'd love it, it's brought so much vitality and hopefully post-COVID there's still support." • -City leaders should meet with people in their home environment so they can hear directly from those most impacted by lack of affordable housing. • Auburn could develop its own Section 8 housing program, separate.from King County (like Renton).This would help Auburn residents stay in Auburn. • Senior living canbe isolating in general.The City should develop intergenerational housing complexes with lots of opportunities for all ages to interact. • Partner with faith-based organizations to help distribute information about housing resources. • Support a coalition of faith-based organizations.to take action on housing issues and help the faith community to view tackling homelessness as more than the"City's problem". • Advocate for rent relief/forgiveness. • Coordinate with school district leaders to plan for community needs related to education and housing.Auburn School District has felt unprepared to with understanding the specific needs of different immigrant/refugee communities. zo Year Vision • There will be pride in Auburn businesses and homes—people love where they work and live. • Duplexes,triplexes. 8 CCM/AVM fY PLANNING PUBLIC ENG&GE)1ENT iACUTAf1UN City of Auburn DRAFT Housing Action Plan -Appendix A A-10 • More mixed use in multiple areas of the city. • Creative expansion of accessory dwelling units. • Keep the hometown look and feel. • .A welcoming and diverse place with a.wide range or residents from different cultures. • More ability for people families to live close to where they work.Auburn should be walkable and have access to transportation. Seniors • Seniors have particular housing needs that should be addressed like public WIFI access,laundry onsite,access to outdoor space that's level and walkable. o Senior living spaces need:walk in showers,kitchens,at least one bedroom,and nothing under 50o square feet.Parking is somewhat important because someseniors still drive. • "Create spate in public areas for us to store our walkers and canes,otherwise the fire department tells us it's a hazard." .• It's very hard to find senior housing and some people what 4-5 years for government housing. o "The main reason I need to stay in Auburn is for my doctor's.And if I can't,staying in King County is just as important." • "There is no housing,and seniors are hurting the worst." • "Seniors are lobking'for something smaller,notbigger and bigger is what's getting built." Housing issues showup when big change happens—death of a spouse,or landlord sells a rental -• .house.Seniors aren't always looking to buy,but definitely want to downsize. • ADUs,or extra space in a home would allow seniors to have additional income potential. • .Do need assistance'with upkeep and home repair.For low-income seniors Auburn does have a 'program,but.you:have to be low income.Some churches/charities also provide assistance. Rental Housing Conditions+Concerns • A lot ofthe rental housing seems to be older and in need of repair. • -Work with property owners more to make sure old buildings are renovated and maintained. • My senior housing conditions aren't great,things are falling apart,and the space was filthy when I moved in. • A lot of surrounding properties look really bad—but campers and graffiti and the condition of the buildings."We maintain our property,but it impacts our appeal when the neighbors don't" • There are a lot of habitability issues and demanding rent to meet repair needs. Financial qualifications are a barrier for renters,including:first/last month's rent,excessive pet deposits and fees,and cosign requirements for leases. Housing+Economic Development • Housing is on the business community's agenda because ofthe need to address homelessness. • A lot of people come to Auburn to work,but both living and working in Auburn is rare.Living in Auburn is great access to either Seattle or Tacoma. • Retail spaces below apartment complexes can be an issue because there's not enough support for business development.There aren't great incentives to bring in and support retail and commercial spaces.If that's what the City wants,then they have to provide support. 9 COMMUU;TV?LOANING i'U&LIC ENGRGEM.Ehl i FAClLITMi6N City of Auburn DRAFT Housing Action Plan -Appendix A A-11 • • Economic development should be about developing businesses;the City is focused on developing space,not businesses. • Business development must be a part of housing.development. Safety Perceptions • People can come and dowhateverthey want,there's a lot of trespassing and property crime. Also needles laying around downtown.Businesses have a lot of complaints and would love to • the City clean up the downtown. • "We have.a lot_of crime around our property.We work closely with the Auburn Police Department,and they're great." '• Citywide there are a lot of campers along the streets,and nobody does anything about it. • Mobile home.parks could use more police support attimes.Police won't respond to mobile home parks issues because they are treated as private property. Miscellaneous • Auburn should focus-on housing solutions for Auburn residents and not on a regional approach except working togetherto discuss possibilities and new ideas. • Mobile homes present affordable housing options,both to rent or own.However,there's a very low turnover rate and long wait lists for spots. • Mobile homeparks provide a sense of safety,security,and long-term housing opportunity. •' Development in Lea Hill supports more and more families,but lacks resources,especially grocery stores. • There's no shelter for homeless youths in Auburn—they have to go to Kent for a bed. • Auburn is drawing more and more new residents who come from cultures that are more .community-based and less individualistic.Auburn should think about planning for multigenerational housing,and shared spaces. 10 COMMUNITY PLANNING RUBUC ENGAGLMENT I FACILITATION City of Auburn DRAFT Housing Action Plan -Appendix A A-12 Appendix B. Existing Conditions Memorandum (Housing Needs Assessment Section) ECONorthwest ECONOMICS • FINANCE • PLANNING ORIGINAL'DATE: January 15, 2021 REVISED DATE: February 26, 2021 TO: Jeff Dixon and Anthony Avery, City of Auburn FROM: Tyler Bump, Madeline Baron,Jenn Cannon, Oscar Saucedo-Andrade,Justin Sherrill, Ryan Knapp SUBJECT: AUBURN HOUSING ACTION PLAN - EXISTING CONDITIONS MEMORANDUM - REVISED Introduction The City of Auburn was founded in 1891 and has grown to become the fifteenth largest city in the State of Washington.Multiple periods of growth can be observed in the many regions of Auburn,including early 20th century neighborhoods,mid-century growth, and the annexation of rural county lands in the early 21st century.This has resulted in over 29 square miles of housing growth representing many different scales of development that have occurred over different periods of time. HB1923 and Housing Action Plans In 2019, the state legislature adopted House Bill 1923 (HB 1923),which awarded grants in the amount up to$100,000 to various cities for the purpose of increasing residential capacity. As the first step in developing a Housing Action Plan,the city of Auburn participated in the development of a supporting document:the South King County Subregional Housing Action Framework, along with the cities of Burien,Federal Way,Kent,Renton, and Tukwila.Auburn's individual Housing Action Plan builds off the data analysis,housing needs, demographic and employment trends,housing policy review, and potential housing production strategies that were generated through this previous subregional framework report. Auburn's individual Housing Action Plan must comply with state law,including adoption of the grant-funded Housing Action Plan consisting of the needs assessment,housing policy review, and implementation recommendation components,no later than June 30,2021. Funding is provided by the Washington State Department of Commerce via House Bill 1923(HB 1923). Housing Action Plan Development Process Housing Action Plan efforts are focused on encouraging production of both affordable and market rate housing at a variety of price points to meet the needs of current and future City of Auburn DRAFT Housing Action Plan -Appendix B B-1 residents.Developing the Housing Action Plan is a multi-step process (see Figure 1). Throughout the entire process, a subconsultant,Broadview Planning is engaging the public to seek input on the community's vision and housing needs, as well as ideas and recommendations for how Auburn can increase capacity for more housing.In addition,the public will be invited to review a draft Housing Action Plan and provide comment before the City moves toward finalization and City Council adoption of the Housing Action Plan. Figure 1.Auburn's Housing Action Plan Development Process Public Engagement Community Vision Existing'.Conditions Solicit Ideas Recommended Actions Data Analysis Assess Changes Employment Trends Adoption Population Growth Public Input Policy Evaluation Staff Input Planning Commission Development Analysis City Council Prioritization The Department of Commerce requires that Housing Action Plans be adopted by each city.In Auburn,that means the Housing Action Plan will be presented to city staff for review, revised, and then presented for public review.After reviewing those comments, a revised,final Housing Action Plan will be presented to the Planning Commission, then to City Council for adoption. City of Auburn DRAFT Housing Action Plan -Appendix B B-2 Housing Needs Analysis This section summarizes the housing inventory,household) demographics, and socio-economic trends that influence housing needs in Auburn.It is based on work conducted for the South King County Subregional Housing Action Framework which was completed in June 2020.Important data sources,methods, and assumptions are listed in Part 5 beginning on page 35. This report uses the best available data sources to assess the housing inventory and future needs, analyze employment trends, and analyze demographic trends in Auburn.Because Auburn has more than 65,000 people,it is surveyed in the American Community Survey every year and thus has data in 1-year samples.The most recent survey data is for 2018. Information from other sources may be a few years old but represent best data sources. Current Housing Inventory As of 2018, there were 31,345 total housing units in Auburn(OFM,2019).About half of Auburn's housing stock was built in the 1980's or earlier(King County Assessor,2020) and the majority of the housing is single-family detached(61 percent).About 16 percent of Auburn's housing stock is located in properties with 2-4 units,and construction of these housing types peaked in the 1970s and 1980s.About 23 percent of Auburn's housing stock is characterized as multifamily, the majority of which was build pre-1960, and in the 1990s and 2000s.2 Auburn saw 3,511 new Figure 2. Number of Units Built Per Year,Auburn, 2011-2019 dwelling units built Source:OFM,2019. between 2011 and 658 653 2019, averaging 390 600 —new units per year. 534 Over this period, 7.8 507 new housing units were 412 produced for every 10 400 — — new households that formed in Auburn.3 250 200 0 204 168 125 III 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 'The U.S.Census defines a household as the following:"all the people who occupy a housing unit(such as a house or apartment)as their usual place of residence.A household indudes the related family members and all the unrelated people,if any,such as lodgers,foster children,wards,or employees who share the housing unit.A person living alone in a housing unit,or a group of unrelated people sharing a housing unit such as partners or roomers,is also counted as a household.The count of households exdudes group quarters.There are two major categories of households,"family"and"nonfamily."(see:https://www.census.gov/glossary/#term Household) 2 In this report,multifamily housing is defined as five or more units in a given property development. 3 Household formation occurs when people move into the city,or when one household becomes two(e.g.,a child moves out of a family home,roommates separate). City of Auburn DRAFT Housing Action Plan -Appendix B B-3 The majority of Figure 3. Occupied Housing by Tenure,Auburn, 2014-2018 Auburn's homeowners Source:ACS(5 year 2014-2018). (88 percent) live in 100% .. 3r.: single-family detached '% - housing. 80% — ` 49% About half of Auburn's renters live in 60% .---------__. _. multifamily housing (with five or more units 40% ---- .-- — --- 20% per structure)and 23 8%o percent of renters live in 20% - --__---- single-family detached 23% housing. 0% — — Owner Renter •Single-family detached ®Single-family attached •Duplex,Triplex,Quadplex •Multifamily(54-units) The majority of Figure 4.Type of Single-Family Housing Built,Auburn, 1960-2020 Auburn's single-family Source:King County Assessor's Office,2020. housing stock was built prior to the 2000's.The 3,000 1960's, 1990's,and 2000's saw peak construction of single- 2,000 ----. _._._...__,....__...____. family homes. The majority of ' ' 1,000 - - - — — duplexes,triplexes and quad-plex type housing 0 was built prior to the 2000's.The 1970's and 1960s 1970s 1980s 1990s 2000s 2010s 1980's saw peak Type of Single-Family Housing(units) construction of these Eli NM housing types relative to 1 2-4 other years. Figure 5.Scale of Multifamily Housing Built,Auburn, 1960-2020 The majority of Source:King County Assessor's Office,2020. multifamily housing in Auburn was built before 3,000 2000.Auburn saw an increase in larger_ multifamily housing 2,000 -- _ _ development(100+ units) in the 1980s, 1,000 1990s, 2000s,and 2010s. The majority of medium 0 -- sized multi family 1960s 1970s 1980s 1990s 2000s 2010s housing(between 5 and 50 units) was built in Building scale(units) the 1990s or earlier. 1111 11111111 NEI _ 5-19 20-49 50-99 100+ • City of Auburn DRAFT Housing Action Plan -Appendix B B-4 Compared to King Figure 6.Share of CoStar5 Multifamily Inventory by"Star Rating" in County and South King Auburn,South King County, and King County County,Auburn has a Source:CoStar;Note:n signifies number of properties in each geography's sample. higher share of 2-star4 King County 27°r° 36% ° apartments(typically (n=305,51x) '• 3� older properties with few amenities). Based on CoStar data, S. =49County (n=X9.671) 27% 56% 1% _ half of Auburn's apartment housing stock is rated 2-star, 'Auburn compared to 27 percent (n=5,794) 51°'° 38% f - o in King County and South King County. 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% ■2-star ■3-star .4-star ■5-star Compared to King Figure 7.Share of Housing Units by Bedroom Size,Auburn,South King • County and South King County, and King County County,Auburn has a Source:ECONorthwest analysis of U.S.Census Bureau PUMS 2018 1-year survey data6 larger share of 3-and 4 'King County 7% 17% bedroom units. ' 19% 6% About one-third of Auburn's housing units have 1 or 2 bedrooms. II South'King County 3% 13% 65 - 18% g$ • .1111 Auburn 30j 12% KR3 gill 23% 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% •Studios ■1-BR Units ®2-BR Units ■3-BR Units n 4-BR Units ■5+BR Units 4 CoStar's proprietary ratings consider design,amenities,certification,and landscaping,and other factors.A 5-Star multifamily building represents the luxury end of the market as it relates to finishes,amenities,design,and the highest level of specifications for its style(garden,low-rise,mid-rise,or high-rise).4-Star multifamily buildings are constructed with higher end finishes and specifications,provide desirable amenities to residents,and are built to contemporary standards.3-Star multifamily buildings are likely smaller and older with less energy-efficient systems, average quality finishes and or a layout conducive to compact lifestyle,and few on-site facilities.2-Star multifamily buildings have small,adequate windows,average aesthetics,purely functional systems,below-average finishes and use of space,and limited on-site facilities.1-star multifamily buildings are practically uncompetitive,may require significant renovation,and may be functionally obsolete. 5 CoStar is a private,third-party,proprietary data provider commonly used in the real estate industry.Of its residential data,CoStar focuses on multifamily properties with four or more units.While CoStar is one of the best sources for multifamily data,it has gaps and limitations.Newer buildings and those that are professionally managed are more likely to have reliable information,while smaller,older buildings may have incomplete or missing data.In Auburn in 2020,CoStar had data on about 5,800 multifamily units(in properties with four or more units).This compares to a 2018 PUMS estimate of roughly 12,000 multifamily units(in properties with five or more units). 6 The Public Use Microdata Sample(PUMS)dataset is very comprehensive and provided by the U.S.Census Bureau for statistical analysis.PUMS data are only available for geographies called Public Use Microdata Sample Areas (PUMAs)which contain about 100,000 people.The Auburn PUMA includes the Cities of Auburn and Lakeland. City of Auburn DRAFT Housing Action Plan -Appendix B B-5 About 37 percent of all Figure 8. Housing Units by Bedroom Size,Auburn housing units in Auburn Source:ECONorthwest analysis of U.S.Census Bureau PUMS 2018 1-year survey data have 3 bedrooms,the largest share of all Studios 1,397 bedroom sizes. Four-bedroom units make up the next 1-Bedroom 5,377 i largest share of the city's total housing stock 2-Bedroom 10,106 (23 percent),followed by 2-bedroom units(22 percent), and then 1- 3-Bedroom 17,177 bedroom units(12 percent). 4-Bedroom 10,799 i I 5+Bedrooms - 1,793 5,000 10,000 15,0 00 20,000 Special Needs Housing The 2010 Census provides the most recent available data for describing residents that live in group homes or residential treatment centers.In that year, about 105 Auburn residents lived in group homes intended for adults, and no adult residents lived in residential treatment centers (Census,2010).According to the.Census Bureau,group homes are"community-based group living arrangements in residential settings that are able to accommodate three or more clients of a service provider."7 These homes provide services to clients such as behavioral or social programs, in addition to room and board.Residential treatment centers differ from group homes in that they are staffed 24-hours per day and help treat residents for ailments such as drug or alcohol abuse,or behavioral disorders.' Population and Household Demographics This section provides information on the demographics of Auburn residents,both at the population level and at the household level.This section includes important information on the race and ethnicity characteristics of Auburn residents. The U.S. Census Bureau considers race and ethnicity as two distinct concepts. Census survey respondents self-identify as one of two ethnicities:Hispanic or Latino,or Not Hispanic or Latino. Census survey respondents also self- identify as one of seven races(these are the options offered by the Census):White,Asian,Pacific Islander or Native Hawaiian,Black or African American,American Indian or Alaskan Native, 7 U.S.Census Bureau.Definition of Group Homes Intended for Adults(pg.7).2010 American Community Survey/Puerto Rico Community Survey Group Quarters Definitions.https://www2.census.gov/programs- surveys/acs/tech_docs/group_definitions/2010GQ_Definitions.pdf 8 U.S.Census Bureau.Definition of Residential Treatment Centers for Adults(pg.7).2010 American Community Survey/Puerto Rico Community Survey Group Quarters Definitions. City of Auburn DRAFT Housing Action Plan-Appendix B B-6 Multiple Races, or"Other"Race.This analysis groups individuals by their race and ethnicity (e.g.,Non-Hispanic Black or African American),so as to provide mutually exclusive racial and ethnic identities. Population Characteristics Between 2010 and 2018,Auburn's population grew by more than 10,400 new residents,from 70,180 people in 2010,to 80,615 people in 2018.Auburn's population is younger on average compared to other cities in South King County,with a larger share of residents under age 19. In addition, as of the 2014-2018 time period, about 16 percent of Auburn's residents identify as Hispanic or Latino of any race and about 57 percent identify as non-Hispanic White. Like most areas,the Figure 9.Age Distribution,Auburn, 2014-2018 • majority of Auburn's Source:ACS(5 year 2014-2018). residents are between 20 85 years and over 1°i° and 64 years old. 75 to 84 years 3%1 65 to 74 years INiemi 6% Auburn has a larger 1 1 population proportion of 60 to 64 years I I • 6% young residents(those age 55 to 59 years I I 7% 19 years and under)than 45to54years I I I 13% seniors(those 65 years and 35to44years I I 13°il older). 25 to 34 years 1 I 15% - - 20 to 24 years ilimmomirme 7% 15 to 19 years 6% 10 to 14 yearsI 7% 5to9years immimilmml 8% Under 5 years ' 8% 0% 5% 10% 15% 20% Share of Population As of the 2014-2018 time period, about 16 percent of Auburn's residents identified as Hispanic or Latino of any race and about 57 percent as non-Hispanic White.About 11 percent identified as non-Hispanic Asian, and another 11 percent as non-Hispanic of Another or Multiple races (including Pacific Islander or Native Hawaiian and Non-Hispanic American Indian or Alaskan Native).About 5 percent identified as non-Hispanic Black or African American. Figure 10. Population by Race and Ethnicity,Auburn (City), 2014-2018 Source:ACS(5-year,2014-2018). I I I i y 16% 57% i i ', I I i i 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% Share of Total Population ®Hispanic or Latino of Any Race ■Non-Hispanic White •Non-Hispanic of Another or Multiple Races■Non-Hispanic Black or African American to Non-Hispanic Asian City of Auburn DRAFT Housing Action Plan -Appendix B B-7 Auburn saw an 86 percent increase in the number of residents who identify as Hispanic or Latino of any race between 2010 and 2018. In addition,Auburn saw about a 67 percent increase in the number of residents who identify as being non-Hispanic of Another or Multiple races(including Pacific Islander or Native Hawaiian and Non-Hispanic American Indian or Alaskan Native). Figure 11. Population by Race and Ethnicity,Auburn (City), 2010 and 2018 Source:ACS(5-year,2006-2010 and 2014-2018). 8,800 ■2018 ®2000 Non-His panic Asian 6,710 Non-Hispanic Black or African American n 3'894 3,8161 1 4 1 I Hispanic or Latino of Any Race - 12'831 6,891 • Non-Hispanic of Another or Multiple Races 5 266782 Non-Hispanic White b 44,803 44,302 0 10,000 20,000 30,000 40,000 50,000 Total Population As of 2018, across all race and ethnic groups, residents of the Auburn Area PUMA(which includes Lakeland and some rural areas)tend to own their homes rather than rent.The homeownership rate in this area is about 64 percent, right in line with national averages. However, more residents identifying as non-Hispanic Black or African American,or non-Hispanic of Another or Multiple-races(including Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander, and American Indian and Alaskan Native) rent rather than own their homes. Figure 12. Population Tenure by Race and Ethnicity,Auburn Area PUMA, 2018 . Source:ECONorthwest analysis of U.S.Census Bureau PUMS 2018 1-year data Non-Hispanic Asian 9,202 +. 3,424 ■Homeowner ®Renter Non-Hispanic Black or African American n3,142 2,789 Hispanic or Latino of Any Race 9,539 NNW Non-Hispanic of Another or Multiple Races 5,4715 ;6,134 Non-Hispanic White 47,511 [ 20 097° 'r I i 0 20,000 40,000 60,000 Total Population City of Auburn DRAFT Housing Action Plan -Appendix B B-8 Household Characteristics Similar to other cities in South King County, about 33 percent of Auburn's households earned less than half of the Area Median Income(AMI-see page 12 for a description of AMI)in 2018, compared to 34 percent in the South King County region.Auburn's average household size is 2.72 persons for renters and 2.80 persons per household for homeowners(ACS,2014-2018). The majority(62 percent) Figure 13. Number of Households by Household Size,Auburn, of Auburn's households 2014-2018 were one-and two-person Source:ACS(5 year 2014-2018). households. 12,000 --------- -------------- - .- About 25 percent of 9,775 Auburn's households were 10,000 -- ---------- - --- large families, with four or 8,549 more persons per 8,000 _ -- - _7;491 household. 6,000 Between 2012 and 2018, Auburn.added 7,474 new 3,850 • households(PUMS, 2012 • 4,000 -- -- and 2018). 2,000 — -- — — • 0 1 2 3 4+ The majority(56 percent) Figure 14. Household Tenure,Auburn, 2014-2018 of Auburn households own Source:ACS(5 year 2014-2018). and 44 percent of 100% - - -households rent. 80%In Tukwila, only 40 percent of housing units were 60% --- -owner-occupied in 2018. In Burien,this figure was 53 40% - -percent. 56% — 20% —— 44% 0% — — — — Owner-occupied households Renter-occupied households About two-thirds of Figure 15. Household Composition,Auburn, 2014-2018 Auburn's households are Source:ACS(5 year 2014-2018). family households.9 33% 34% 33% Approximately one-third of l Auburn's households are non-family households (roommates and one- 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% person households). •Non-fa mily households •Family households without children ▪Family households with children 9 See footnote 1 on page 4 for a definition of family household. City of Auburn DRAFT Housing Action Plan -Appendix B B-9 Income Characteristics Income is one of the key determinants in housing choice and households' ability to afford housing.This is due to the fact that,for most households in the U.S.,housing is the single largest expense and impacts numerous other factors like access to jobs, schools, and amenities. Between 2012 and 2018,Auburn,saw a large increase in the number of households earning between 50% and 80%of the 2018 King County Area Median Income (AMI—see page 11 for a description),while it saw a modest decrease in the number of households earning less than 30% of AMI, and a small decrease in the number of households earning between 80%and 100%of AMI(see Figure 16). About 33 percent of Figure 16. Income Distribution by AMI,Auburn, 2012 and 2018 Auburn's households earn Source:PUMS(2012 and 2018). Tess than 50%of AMI.This 30%30%_.__ 30/o is in line with the South -- ..___...__.__.. 25°i° King County Region as ao 21°i° _20% whole,where 34'percent of 13% 1% ° households earn less than . 10% 1 _ 50%of AMI. Auburn's share of households earning more 0-30% 30-50% 50-80% 80-100% +100% than 80%of AMI is also'_; Household Income as % of AMI similar to that of the South King County Region: 41 percent.and 43 percent, Year ■ 2012 II 2018 respectively. The majority of Auburn Figure 17. Income Distribution by AMI and Tenure,Auburn, 2018 homeowners, 56 percent, Source:PUMS,2018. earned 80%of AMI or r d more,while the majority of Renters 28 26 2s 9 0 renters, 82 percent, earned 80%of AMI or less. Owners 10 11 1 23 The share of renters earning less than 80%of 0% 25% 50% 75% 100% AMI is similar to that of South King County, 74 Household Income (as % of AMI) percent. 111111111 0-30% 30-50% 50-80% 80-100% +100% City of Auburn DRAFT Housing Action Plan -Appendix B B-10 Like national trends, household incomes in Auburn vary meaningfully by race and ethnicity. Across all races and ethnicities, household incomes in Auburn are lower than that of Bellevue, and King County as a whole. In the 2014-2018 time period, non-Hispanic White and non-Hispanic Asian households had incomes above Auburn's median, while incomes for non-Hispanic households of Multiple Races were right in line with the median. Most other races and ethnicities had household incomes below the median. Figure 18. Household Income by Race and Ethnicity,Auburn, Bellevue, and King County, 2018 Source:ACS(5 year 2014-2018). '.56 161 Hispanic or Latino of Any Race $74,826 ',62,784 { $.6,_ 01 Non-Hispanic of Multiple Races $92,393 _ .ra . _ ' $76,155 ',52,326 Non-Hispanic of Another Race $64,356 $54,123 Non-Hispanic Pacific Islander or � $71,31 Native Hawaiian .:_�� $70,361 Non-Hispanic Asian $83,9 �_,, $121,192 is $102,233 Non-Hispanic American Indian or $54,875 Alaskan Native $47,92 49 059 Non-Hispanic Black or African 47 917 $73,531 American $48,075 $72 117 Non-Hispanic White $109,604 $94,533 '.68 947 All Households _ $112,283 I $89,418 $0 $50,000 $100,000 ■Auburn Bellevue King County City of Auburn DRAFT Housing Action Plan -Appendix B B-11 Housing Affordability Housing costs are typically the largest portion of a household budget.Housing is considered to be affordable to a household of a certain income if the household pays less than 30 percent of its gross income on monthly housing costs.While this is an imperfect measure of affordability and does not consider disposable income after housing costs,it is an industry-accepted threshold to measure affordability. Understanding AMI and MFI Each year,the U.S.Department of Housing and Urban Development(HUD) defines an area's Median Family Income (MFI),but Area Median Income (AMI)is often used to mean the same thing.10 AMI is used in this report to align with King County's data and reporting.In 2018,the King County AMI was$103,400 for a family of four.2018 is used to align with the 2018 Census data used in this report(the latest available). HUD calculates affordability and income limits for metro areas and counties across the country, based on the area's MFI which comes from Census data.11 The City of Auburn falls within the Seattle-Bellevue,WA Metro Area and is subject to the same income and affordability limits as the rest of the cities in this metro area(which includes King County and Snohomish County). Properties developed in Auburn that use HUD income limits to determine eligibility—such as regulated affordable housing that is restricted to tenants of a certain income—will use the same affordability limit as properties in Bellevue,Seattle,or other parts of King and Snohomish Counties, since they all fall within the same HUD metro area. In 2018,the Seattle-Bellevue,WA HUD Metro Area MFI was$103,400 for a family of four.HUD adjusts the income limits up or down based on family size and provides income limits for 30% of MFI,50%of MFI, and 80%of MFI(see Figure 19). 10 We used AMI and MFI interchangeably in this report.HUD offers the following note on MFI vs AMI:"HUD estimates Median Family Income(MFI)annually for each metropolitan area and non-metropolitan county.The metropolitan area definitions are the same ones HUD uses for Fair Market Rents(except where statute requires a different configuration).HUD calculates Income Limits as a function of the area's Median Family Income(MFI).The basis for HUD's median family incomes is data from the American Community Survey,table B19113-MEDIAN FAMILY INCOME IN THE PAST 12 MONTHS.The term Area Median Income is the term used more generally in the industry.If the term Area Median Income(AMI)is used in an unqualified manor,this reference is synonymous with HUD's MFI.However,if the term AMI is qualified in some way-generally percentages of AMI,or AMI adjusted for family size,then this is a reference to HUD's income limits,which are calculated as percentages of median incomes and include adjustments for families of different sizes."Source:HUD.2018."FY 2018 Income Limits Frequently Asked Questions." https://www.huduser.gov/portal/datasets/il/ill8/FAQs-18r.pdf 11 For the Seattle-Bellevue,WA HUD Metro FMR Area,HUD has deviated from its typical use of Office of Management and Budget(OMB)area definitions.In this case,the Seattle-Bellevue,WA HUD Metro FMR Area income limit program parameters include King County and Snohomish County. City of Auburn DRAFT Housing Action Plan -Appendix B B-12 Figure 19. HUD 2018 Income Limits for Seattle-Bellevue, WA HUD Metro Fair Market Rent Area Source:HUD(see https://www.huduser.gov/portal/datasets/il.html and select the year and metro area from the list). Afford- Family Size(Number of People) ability 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Level 30% $22,500 $25,700 $28,900 $32,100 $34,700 _ $37,250 $39,850 $42,400 50% $37,450 $42,800 $48,150 $53,500 $57,800 $62,100 $66,350 $70,650 - 80% $56,200 $64,200 $72,250 $80,250 $86,700 $93,100 $99,550 $105,950 100% $103,400 Additional income limits(such as 60%or 120%) can be calculated off the 100%income limit to get an approximation ofother affordability thresholds.However,these approximations-and HUD's official limits-may not be exact scalars to the 100%median income (in Figure 19 the official 50%income limit for a family of four is slightly higher than half of the 100%limit). Figure 20. HUD 2018 Income Limits.for Seattle-Bellevue, WA HUD Metro FMR Area, Max Housing Costs, and Example Jobs Source:HUD 2018,Puget Sound Regional Council Employment Data,ECONorthwest Calculations Family Size 2018 a Annual 1 Max Monthly Housing Costs ' Example Jobs Income Limit Income 1 (30%of Monthly Income) ' (full time) 30%of AMI $25,700 $643 1 worker in retail sector 50%of AMI $42,800 $1,070 1 worker in retail sector 2-Person _ Family 80%of AMI $64,200 $1,605 2 workers in food service; 1 full time worker in info.tech. 2 workers in retail sector; 1 100%of AMI $85,600 $2,140 worker in management+ 1 worker in retail sector 30%of AM! $32,100 $803 1 worker in food service 50%'of AMI $53,500 • $1,338. 1 worker in transportation/ • warehousing 4-Person 1 worker in finance; Family - -80%of AMI $80,250 $2,006 1 worker in education+1 worker in retail sector 1 worker in finance+.1 worker 100%of AMI $103,400 $2,585 in agriculture;2 construction • workers Median Household Income (MHI) Because the Seattle-Bellevue,WA HUD Metro Fair Market Rent Area is so large,it does not account for differences within the geography.As noted, a property developed in Auburn using a 50%income limit would have the same rents as one in Bellevue, despite underlying differences in the incomes of these cities individually.To capture a more localized consideration of median income,we calculated Auburn's median household income(MHI)using Census 5-year ACS data (see Figure 18).In the 2014-2018 time period,Auburn's median household income was estimated to be$68,950.This is much lower than the$89,400 estimated for King County as a whole, and significantly lower than the$112,300 estimated for the City of Bellevue(using the City of Auburn DRAFT Housing Action Plan -Appendix B B-13 same Census 5-year ACS data).The MHI for the South King County region was estimated at $71,400 using Census PUMS 2018 1-year data. - It is important to note that this MHI is not directly comparable to HUD's MFI. HUD's MFI calculation relies on underlying Census data related to family incomes, and the 100%median is set for families of four.This MHI is for all households—not just families—and households can have a wide range of compositions (e.g.,roommates) compared to families.In the City of Auburn,the median household only has 2.77 people.An area's MHI is typically lower than its MFI. While MHI does not directly compare to MFI,the fact that Auburn's MHI is lower than other cities in the region,but that affordable properties in Auburn use region-wide MFI limits,means that households and families in Auburn may have a harder time finding housing that is affordable within their income ranges (costing less than 30 percent of gross monthly income). Housing Cost Trends In the past decade,housing costs in the entire Puget Sound have risen dramatically,buoyed by the strong economy,low housing production, and high demand for housing in the region.Price increases in the past decade are also high because they are measured off the very low prices in 2010,which was a period of home price declines from the housing crisis and economic recession. Auburn is no exception to having seen steep price increases.Since 2010,home prices in Auburn rose by 88 percent,from a median sales price of$222,750 in 2010 to$418,300 in 2020(see Figure 21).In addition,the average rent for a two-bedroom apartment in Auburn increased by 49 percent from 2010 to 2020,reaching$1,393 per month.Using 2018 income data from Figure 20,this average rent for a two-bedroom apartment would be affordable to a four-person household earning 50%of the AMI(which would be a relatively tight space), or to a two-person household earning between 50%and 80%of AMI. Between 2010 and 2020, Figure 21. Median Home Sales Price and Average 2-Bedroom Rent, the average monthly rent in Auburn, 2010 and 2020 Auburn increased by 49 Source:Costar and Zillow.Not adjusted for inflation. percent($459 per month). 2010 2020 In this same time period, Average Rent $934 $1,393 the median sales price for Median Sales Price $222,750 $418,300 a home increased by 88 percent($195,550). Figure 22 demonstrates the housing cost distribution of Auburn's ownership housing stock as it relates to percent of AMI(this includes all ownership housing types and sizes).Despite price increases over time,Auburn's housing stock remains somewhat affordable to lower income households:38 percent of all housing units are affordable to households earning less than 50% of AMI($42,800 for a family of two and$53,500 for a family of four).Another 32 percent of the City of Auburn DRAFT Housing Action Plan -Appendix B B-14 housing stock is affordable to households earning between 50% and 80%of AMI($42,800- $64,200 for a family of two and$53,500-$80,250 for a family of four). Of Auburn's ownership Figure 22. Ownership Housing Units Affordable by AMI,Auburn, units(using 2018 data), 38 2018 percent were affordable to Source:PUMS(2018). households earning less Owner than 50%of AMI, 32 10,000 percent were affordable to 8.715 households earning 50- 7,500 80%of AMI, and 30 5,000 .._._ 5,811 ..__.__-.-aso9_ _....___ 4,667 percent were affordable to 3,770 households earning 80%of 2,500 -- AMI or more. 0 0-30% 30-50% 50-80% 80-100% +100% Household Income as %of AMI _ Figure 23 demonstrates the housing cost distribution of Auburn's rental housing stock as it relates to percent of AMI(this includes all rental housing types and sizes).Despite cost increases over time,Auburn's housing stock remains relatively affordable to lower income households:54 percent of rental housing units are affordable to households earning less than 50%of AMI($42,800 for a family of two and$53,500 for a family of four).Another 35 percent of the rental housing stock is affordable to households earning between 50%and 80%of AMI ($42,800-$64,200 for a family of two and$53,500-$80,250 for a family of four). Of Auburn's rental units Figure 23. Rental Housing Units Affordable by AMI,Auburn, 2018 (using 2018 data), 54 Source:PUMS(2018). percent were affordable to Renter households earning less 10,000than 50%of AMI, 35 percent were affordable to 7,500 __.__- __.6,694 households earning 50- 5,000 5,432. -------- - . _ ..� ..._._--- 80%of AMI,and 11 percent were affordable to 2,500 -._.._1,707_ _._.. i,oaa households earning 80%of 0 586 _._._. AMI or more. 0-30% 30-50% 50-80% 80-100% +100% Household Income as % of AMI Regulated and Unregulated Affordable Housing Importantly,Figure 23 also includes the regulated affordable rental housing stock in the City. Regulated affordable housing is income or rent-restricted by certain county,state, or federal agencies,to ensure that it is occupied by households earning a certain income.Regulations are set according to the types of funding used to develop the housing, such as the Low-Income Housing Tax Credit,or HUD funding.Most regulated affordable housing is restricted for households earning under 60%of AMI,but these restrictions vary.Often,the only healthy, City of Auburn DRAFT Housing Action Plan -Appendix B B-15 quality housing that rents at prices affordable to households earning less than 30%of AMI is this regulated housing stock.12 In 2020,Auburn had 2,778 regulated affordable housing units which are included in all analyses of Auburn's housing stock.These units were provided in 31 across the City,with an average of 88 units per property (King County Housing Authority,the Washington State Housing Finance Commission, and HUD,2020).The majority of these units are affordable to households earning less than 60%AMI, and very few units are restricted to households earning less than 30%AMI. Additionally,construction data was available for about 72 percent of Auburn's regulated units. Of these 2,027 units,22 percent were constructed before 2000, and another 24 percent were constructed between 2000 and 2010.The remaining 54 percent were constructed after 2011,with the largest delivery of units occurring in 2018 at 879 units, or 43 percent of the total stock for properties with data. For numerous reasons relating to the cost of building and operating housing,cities across the country face a shortage of affordable housing units to meet demand.Nationally, only 1-in-4 households who would qualify for Federal housing assistance,is able to receive it. As a result, the majority of low-income households live in low-cost market rentals,that are often referred to as "naturally occurring affordable housing" (NOAH) units. Figure 24 below presents data on Auburn's NOAH rental units.These units are defined as NOAHs by virtue of being unregulated but affordable to lower-income households(either households earning less than 50%of AMI or less than 80%of AMI).NOAH units are an important part of a city's housing stock,but can be at risk of substandard quality,neglect,or dramatic price increases because they are not regulated.Auburn has few NOAH units that can accommodate larger household sizes in 3-and 4-bedroom units. Of Auburn's 6,421 NOAH Figure 24. Number of Naturally Occurring Affordable Rental Units, units, 34 percent are by AMI Level,Auburn, 2012-2016 affordable to households Source:ECONorthwest Analysis of Costar data. earning 50%of AMI or less Units Affordable at: 50%of AMI 80%of AMI and 66 percent are or less or less affordable to households Studio units 87 230 earning between 50-80% 1-bedroom units 1,029 2,477 of AMI. 2-bedroom units 952 3,139 3-bedroom units 103 471 4-bedroom units 12 104 Total 2,183 6,421 12 Unregulated housing stock that may be affordable to households earning less than 30%of AMI may be substandard quality.Households with these extremely low incomes may also find housing via HUD's Housing Choice Voucher program,where a subsidy pays the difference between the market rent and the price the household can pay. City of Auburn DRAFT Housing Action Plan -Appendix B B-16 Housing Cost Burdening When a household cannot find adequate housing(habitable,the appropriate size,in a desired location) at a price that is considered to be affordable,it becomes "cost burdened."As mentioned,the typical standard used to determine housing affordability is that a household should pay no more than 30 percent of its gross household income for housing,including payments and interest or rent,utilities, and insurance. HUD guidelines indicate that households paying more than 30 percent of their income on housing experience "cost burdening" and households paying more than 50 percent of their income on housing experience"severe cost burdening" (because those paying more than 50%on housing are by definition paying more than 30%on housing,rates of"cost burden" include those considered "severely cost burdened"). Cost burdening is an issue in that Recalling the figures on households mayhave too little income leftover after paying for housingpage 13, a four-person p y g household earning less costs,to afford other necessities, such as transportation,food,medicine, than 30%of AMI in 2018 or childcare.Housing cost burdening is particularly important for low- could afford a maximum monthly rent of$803. Yet income households,who have very little income to begin with. the average two-bedroom apartment in Auburn was Policymakers typically focus on renters when assessing cost burdening. nearly$1,400 in 2020. It can signal a lack of affordable housing in a region.It is less of a focus With rents at this level, for homeowners,because a lender will assess a buyer's ability to pay extremely low-income for a mortgage before the household can buy a home, and because householdsand houd pressed toofind housing mortgage payments are typically fixed and do not fluctuate with the that is affordable, and often end up cost larger economy or housing market.Thus,homeowners are not as burdened. vulnerable to price changes in the housing market. In 2018,88 percent of renters earning less than 30%of AMI were cost burdened and 71 percent of renters earning between 30%to 50%of AMI were cost burdened(see Figure 26).Cost burdening tends to decline as incomes go up,because a household has more income to spend on housing.In Auburn,33 percent of renters earning between 50%and 80%of AMI were cost burdened. Of the approximate 15,507 Figure 25.Cost Burdened and Severely Cost Burdened Renters, renter households in Auburn, 2018 Auburn, more than half(53 Source:PUMS(2018). _ . , - -percent)are cost_burdened; Income Total Severely Cost and more than one-quarter Category Households Cost Burdened Burdened (27 percent)are severely cost burdened. Count %Share . Count . %Share 0 - 30% , 4,407 3,886. 88% 3,160 .72% 30 - 50% 4,009 2,830 71% 1,004 25% 50 - 80% 4,299 1,426 33% 0 0% 80 - 100% 1,381 0 0% 0 0% 100%+ 1,411 121 9% 0 0% Total 15,507 8,263 53% 4,164 27% City of Auburn DRAFT Housing Action Plan -Appendix B B-17 Of Auburn's renter Figure 26.Cost Burdened and Severely Cost Burdened Renters, households(earning 30% Auburn, 2018 of AMI or less), 88 percent Source:PUMS(2018). were cost burdened and 72 Renter percent were severely cost 100% -138% burdened. 75% — 7.%___7th°__r__ __�____ __._---_----- Because those paying more 50°i° -- - -- -than 50%on housing are by 25% 33% definition paying more th,an 25% '- —__. 9% 0 0% 0% 0% 0% 30%on housing, rates of 0,° -._- _...._. __-.._----- _--- "cost burden" include those 0-30% 30-50% 50-80% 80-100% +100% _ , considered "severely:cost Household Income as % of AMI burdened." • . ■ Cost burdened III Severe cost burdened In Auburn, households of color account for a disproportionate number of households experiencing cost burdening,compared to their share of total populations(see Figure 27). Hispanic households of any race accounted for approximately 25 percent of all of the households experiencing cost burdening(blue bar) in the 2014-2018 period,yet they only accounted for roughly 16 percent of the Auburn area's total households(yellow bar).This means that they are disproportionately cost burdened relative to non-Hispanic White and non-Hispanic Asian households. Figure 27.Cost Burdening by Race and Ethnicity,Auburn Area PUMA, 2014-2018 Source:PUMS(5 year 2014-2018). • Amer.Indian&Alaskan Native,-,--= 1 4:9%®1:9% — — non-Hispanic I Pac.Islander&Native Hawaiian,_..__ i ! _:. 2:7%II 2:3% --------- • non-Hispanic Multiple, non-Hispanic — - 0.4/o 5.1/° — --t-- - I Black, !-.. - .._.__, !_..6.6% I 5.6% . _ — _i. non-Hispanic 1. i Asian, I . non-Hispanic - - — I ,— 6.0% 10:8%— — i __.. . Hispanic,_ l--25:0% ! 16:1% any race White,_ -44.4% '58..- 1%-- non-Hispanic 1 40% 0% 40% ■ Share of burdened renters ® Share of area population City of Auburn DRAFT Housing Action Plan-Appendix B B-18 Housing Affordability, with Transportation Cost Considerations The standard definition of cost burden does not factor transportation costs.However,today, housing advocates and researchers stress the importance of considering transportation costs in affordability analyses,because many households relocate to the outer edges of metro areas in search of affordable housing, thereby increasing their transportation costs. Center for Neighborhood Technology publishes a Housing+Transportation Affordability Index (H&T Index) (most recently as of 2017),providing a ready-made data source for assessing the possible transportation cost burdening of Auburn residents.The H+T Index calculates,through a series of statistical models, the transportation and housing costs for the"regional typical" and "regional moderate"household; "typical"meaning a household earning the regional AMI with the regional average number of commuting workers and persons per household, and "moderate"meaning a household earning 80% of AMI(but having the same number of workers and persons per household). For the Seattle metro region,the"regional typical"household has the following attributes according to the H+T Model: • Income:$70,475 • Commuters: 1.19 workers • Household Size:2.54 people While the index considers the"regional moderate" (80% of AMI)household as: • Income:$56,380 • Commuters: 1.19 workers • Household Size:2.54 people In Auburn, the model estimates that a"typical"household would spend about 45 percent of its income on housing and transportation costs,while a"moderate"household would spend about 52 percent of its income on these necessities.This compares to 44 percent and 52 percent for households in Kent, and 44 and 51 percent for households in Federal Way(see Figure 28). Figure 28. 2017 Housing+Transportation Costs as a Percent of Household Income,South King County Jurisdictions and Comparable Areas Source:Center for Neighborhood Technology Housing+Transportation Affordability Index Name H+T costs as%of income- H+T costs as%of income- 100%of AMI ; 80%of AMI Auburn 45% 52% Bellevue 55% 65% Burien 44% 52% Federal Way 44%._ 51% Kent 44% 52% Renton 46% 54% Seattle 46% 54% Tukwila 39% 46% City of Auburn DRAFT Housing Action Plan-Appendix B B-19 Displacement Risk As described in the demographics section above,Auburn has a very diverse population—by age, race, ethnicity, and household composition (e.g.,family or non-family household).The City has included housing preservation as a key goal driving this Housing Action Plan, particularly as it relates to preserving housing for low-income households. Housing preservation is an anti-displacement effort,and can help to mitigate and minimize the negative effects that often arise from new housing development. Different Types of Displacement Before determining recommendations to prevent against displacement,it is helpful to define and unpack the meaning of displacement. Generally,there are three types of displacement: ■ Economic or indirect displacement. Economic displacement can occur if new development or redevelopment in an area rents or sells at higher price points that encourage owners of existing units to increase rents,and these increases exceed what existing tenants can afford.The effects of (re)development renting at market rates may spill over to lower-cost rental units, causing rents to rise and potentially displacing existing residents. However,if supply is tight and high demand puts upward pressure on rents,market changes could lead to displacement without any new development occurring in an area. • Economic displacement can occur due to high demand and low supply of new housing,with or without(re)development occurring. Economic insecurity and displacement are very important for existing communities,but is difficult to measure quantitatively. • Low-income households are at high risk of economic displacement as they have fewer choices about where they can afford to live. • Physical or direct displacement. When evaluating when,where, and what type of project to build or rehabilitate, developers consider many factors, including market rents,construction costs, local amenities, and transit access. In some cases,public programs could encourage displacement by incenting a developer to rehabilitate or replace older, less expensive (unregulated affordable) housing with newer,higher-priced units.This could lead to the direct displacement of existing residents,who may not be able to afford the higher rents in the new development. • Physical displacement occurs with the redevelopment of a specific parcel.This only occurs when new development is feasible, and can be measured quantitatively. • In theory, any type of household could be at risk of physical displacement due to a new development demolishing their current housing.But in reality,low-income households,households of color,immigrant households,and other marginalized populations are at higher risk of physical displacement.Wealthy or"powerful" households are at lower risk of direct displacement, as they may not live in areas experiencing new development, and they may hold sway over decision makers or otherwise know how to exert influence in the process. • Cultural displacement occurs when people "choose" to move because their neighbors and culturally-relevant businesses and institutions have left the area.The presence (or absence) of these cultural assets can influence racial or ethnic minority households in their decisions about where to live,more than for broader populations. While this is difficult to measure,and one can argue whether these are true"choices" or whether this is "forced" displacement, it is an important effect that can have broad equity implications beyond physical or economic displacement alone. City of Auburn DRAFT Housing Action Plan -Appendix B B-20 • Cultural displacement can occur with (re)development and includes business displacement.While cultural displacement is very important for existing communities,it is very difficult to measure quantitatively. • Marginalized communities—be they low-income, a specific race or ethnicity, or another group of people—are at higher risk of cultural displacement than dominant communities.When businesses and housing that serves these communities leave or are removed,people can feel pushed out of their neighborhoods. Displacement Risk Given these differenttypes of displacement, Figure 29 on the following page shows the Census Block Groups within the City of Auburn that are most vulnerable to displacement, based on six different - demographic_and socioeconomic variables. Some of the Census Block Groups used in this analysis extend beyond Auburn's city limits,however this does not influence or affect the methodology.Any recommendations about preservation and anti-displacement measures will be focused within Auburn's city limits. Variables Used to Estimate Displacement Risk • • • Percent of population that is a race other than non-Hispanic White ■ Percent of households that speak a language other than English at home 'L. • Percent of,population over age 25 who lack a bachelor's degree. • • Percent of households that are renters •: Percent of households paying>30%or more of their gross income on housing • Per capita income • See the full methodology in Part 5 on page 39. The data only goes so far Actually measuring displacement is difficult,and not quantifiable from data. It requires qualitative , information from in-person engagement with people living near new development.Cultural displacement, in particular can be very difficult to measure,as:its effects are subtle and multifaceted. City of Auburn DRAFT Housing Action Plan -Appendix B B-21 Figure 29. Map of Displacement Vulnerability in Auburn, 2018 Source:ECONorthwest Analysis of ACS 2018 5-year data. Note:The block group with an *in the SouthWest corner of the City is mostly commercial and industrial areas and has few housing units.A mobile home park located in this block group scored high on displacement vulnerability. •,\ ......:1 ,‘,'757.,.....5 % '--LI' .1101114,c1 i "''' Vulnerability � � score :, r III6 (High) III 5 1 '.- ' ,,', -.,--.,--,4-7,, pi , ) L '-„-, :30 , 4 \ ; ''. A ",,„I' : ,,,,°:,„,,, An „I'. ---'0.-,"'%,.''''''''''4 77.- ,,,, t 3:: Joi,"."..e. ''.°!:1 lic,,,i4.- \n,t::1--—'7^. h, - k.--7.-m7rillir , i k2 _ ' � �d �`- _ 0 (Low) �; 0City of Auburn 410 I IlBlock groups shown in purple and dark pink have the highest risk of displacement vulnerability when considering these socioeconomic factors.These neighborhoods might be at greater risk for economic displacement which can occur even without new development if market forces—such as an imbalance of housing supply and demand—work to increase rents. It is important to keep in mind that this analysis doe&not consider development feasibility layered in with displacement risk. All three forms of displacement—physical displacement, economic displacement, and cultural displacement—can occur when new development occurs. A deeper dive into economic displacement resulting from the spillover of new development City of Auburn DRAFT Housing Action Plan -Appendix B B-22 requires a robust analysis of new and existing rent trends, and this is beyond the scope of this work.More analysis is needed to understand this risk. When considering recommendations to boost housing production around the City,Auburn should evaluate the displacement risk in each neighborhood, and act carefully to implement policy changes.More discussion of policy changes,housing preservation, and other anti- displacement efforts will be discussed in a forthcoming Recommendations memorandum (expected in Spring 2021) and full Housing Action Plan. Access to Healthy Food According to the U.S.Department of Agriculture(USDA),food access is a measure that considers accessibility to healthy foods and the resources necessary to obtain healthy foods such as income and transportation, at both the individual and neighborhood levels.Healthy foods can be found in supermarkets, grocery stores, and in other retail markets.The further the distance required to travel to these supermarkets the greater the burden on individuals and families to maintain a healthy diet.In urban areas,the USDA considers close access to healthy food to be within one-mile of a household's home for driving, and 1h mile for walking.13 To assess access to healthy food in the City of Auburn,this analysis researched the locations of grocery stores, culturally specific markets, and farmers markets in or just outside the city limits. An initial list of locations was found via Google maps,Yelp.com, and was then cross-referenced with Auburn's retail license data to approximate the number and location of stores offering healthy food.This analysis excludes locations that are primarily delis or hot-food suppliers, even if these locations offer basic sundries.This analysis also excludes corner-markets and gas station markets,even if these locations might offer basic stables such as milk and eggs. As seen in Figure 30,Auburn residents have access to roughly 22 food retailers that might offer healthy grocery stables.Twenty are located within city limits and two are within a mile of city limits. Ten are found along Auburn Way, seven are big-box grocery stores, six are ethnic grocery stores, and one is a farmer's market. 13 USDA Economic Research Service.Food Access Research Atlas.Available from:https://www.ers.usda.gov/data- products/food-access-research-atlas City of Auburn DRAFT Housing Action Plan -Appendix B B-23 Figure 30. Map of Grocery Stores in and Near Auburn,2021 Source:City of Auburn Retail License Data,2021,Google Maps,Yelp Note:Circles represent number of housing units gt % .we r,, , S .. 3 1 1 A + + a MTS^ s ' R `; i` t_ '.t ,2 µ - f j Housing units fs S{. i � CflC ' � a- 7 ! 0 1 (iilp _ Y �x 'It: ! E t �'�� f, l' 'r >,.��,a 1 ' . . , t _ ,. i 0 20 ' ". i... . .. -f yet,,'''''''../4*,...- : 0 100 ' Pias,t - ? .' . :-----1;',;----:------4.-.',-3- ,: . r. � ' Drive distance to f .� ; } :a nearest grocery store (mi),-;v , , yd 'a ,,, 4., i +.4 t 1 y 2 i i ,g , 1b f 4 1 tr;, •: '1i 4. , 1 , Ap. t ' . oil -,. • Grocery store 1 i . °- / 61a rf f Figure 30 also shows the driving distance to the closest grocery store or market for Auburn's households(depicted in blue,pink,red or yellow shading),as well as the number of housing units clustered in dense areas(depicted by circle size). According to this analysis, approximately 52 percent of Auburn's housing units are located within one mile of a grocery store or food retailer, and only 21 percent are located within walking distance—1 mile or less. Figure 31 below shows the locations of these 22 grocery stores and their one-mile drive sheds overlaid with the displacement risk analysis conducted on page 21.This displacement risk analysis considers socio-demographic variables such as income,minority race or ethnicity, educational attainment and tenure by census Block Group.As the map displays,there does not appear to be a food access issue in the Block Groups identified as most vulnerable(depicted in dark pink and purple). City of Auburn DRAFT Housing Action Plan -Appendix B B-24 Figure 31. Map of Grocery Stores in and Near Auburn and Census Block Groups with High Displacement Vulnerability, 2018 Source:City of Auburn Retail License Data,2021,Google Maps,Yelp • - • Vulnerability • sr score . III 6 (High) III 5 III 4 tei 4,,f0.4 3 j ,r, •' ,e �'. `.:4, . . .- _. 1 u cr r I� 40 (Low) \s.7,,2\ 4 •- • Grocery store Jr`'• • EJ1-mile drive • Employment & Transportation Based on data from the Puget Sound Regional Council(PSRC),Auburn's total employment grew from 40,070 jobs in 2008 to 45,989 jobs in 2018—an increase of 5,919 jobs or 15 percent.This analysis measures residents of Auburn who are employed(in a given sector),not the total number of jobs located in Auburn. In 2018,the top four largest industries,in terms of total employed Auburn residents were: (1) Manufacturing with 8,764 people, (2)Retail Trade with 5,091 people, (3)Health Care and Social City of Auburn DRAFT Housing Action Plan -Appendix B B-25 Assistance with 4,925 people, and (4)Wholesale Trade with 4,308 people. Combined,these industries represent 50 percent of Auburn's total resident employment workforce. Between 2008 and 2018, several industries lost Auburn residents.The four industries that lost the greatest share of employed Auburn residents were: (1)Mining,Quarrying, and Oil and Gas Extraction with a 100 percent decline, (2)Utilities also with a 100 percent decline,(3)Retail with a 13 percent decline, and(4)Public Administration with a 12 percent decline. Combined,these industries represent a loss of 1,251 employment jobs. Job losses in each of the industries mentioned above,and job gains in new industries,signify a shift in Auburn's employment profile between 2008 and 2018.For example, the five industries which gained the greatest share of employment were: (1)Agriculture,Forestry,Fishing and Hunting with a 192 percent increase,14(2)Finance and Insurance with a 115 percent increase, (3) Real Estate and Rental and Leasing with a 72 percent increase, (4)Health Care and Social Assistance with a 70 percent increase, and (5)Transportation and Warehousing with a 53 percent increase. Combined,these industries represent a gain of 3,784 employees. Median salaries in 2018 also varied by industry.At opposite ends of the wage spectrum, the Accommodation and Food Services industry had the lowest annual wages of$32,451, of which this industry represented approximately five percent of Auburn's total employment.On the other,the Finance and Insurance industry had the highest annual wage of$79,375, representing about 2 percent of Auburn's total employment. Figure 32 below shows how far an Auburn resident can travel to access employment in the Puget Sound Region within a 45-minute drive time(blue) and a 45-minute transit trip(orange). 14 It is important to note that the large increase in Agriculture,Forestry,Fishing and Hunting is an increase from 13 to 38 people between 2008 and 2018. City of Auburn DRAFT Housing Action Plan -Appendix B B-26 Figure 32.Access to Employment Travel Shed, 2018 Source:ECONorthwest Analysis of 2018 PSRC Data. Note:Departing at 8:00 AM,midweek r fi ') + rTr • 4Tç f�?1 M1 qt3 do.: l . 1� I � �' �( i' r 41"1 k . 4 , .—.. , 5.- ', ,.''," :. 1,<,..t !' - , r' ,4 ` `/ 1 _ ,, ' �'� '.:1!*.r.,.:; P f/ " apt„,,,,,, } �tiG 7 aFc { , '.e '' ,' , ....„ 4 . \ ii.1_,: .. _ ,. :141i.:,,.„. . , e. - e---4------b v .. ,c ,,, 0 ,,.,..,„i‘i.-.....1,•,,..: --ti .s. ,,,,,,, . .,7„. , &•-,.” ), .r il ,., , : Auburn N WA A- k__ ® Drive time Y l'a''4 , N ei i1 III l00 r. Transit time B-27 City of Auburn DRAFT Housing Action Plan -Appendix B Future Housing Needs PSRC forecasts that by 2040,Auburn will grow to a population of 95,461 people, an increase of 14,846 people (or 18 percent)from its 2018 population estimate of 80,615 people.As Auburn is forecast to grow at a faster rate than it has in the past,the City's population growth will continue to drive future demand for housing through 2040.15 • Based on this forecast population growth,the City is projected to Housing underproduction is need 10,429 new dwelling units between 2020 and 2040, at an calculated based on the ratio of average trajectory of 521 new units per year through 2040.Of those housing units produced anew households formed in Auburn needed dwellings,2,361 units are a result of housing over time. underproduction(see sidebar).The remaining 8,068 units are to If too few housing units are accommodate population growth.In total,this represents a sizable constructed relative to the increase in the number of housing units that need to be produced number of new households formed, underproduction each year(521 units), iven the annual average of only 390 units occurs and contributes to price built per year from 2011 to 2019. increases. Without including current Figure 33. Housing Units Needed by AMI,Auburn, 2040 underproduction in calculations Source:OFM,2019;PSRC,2017;ECONorthwest Calculation. of future need, the current AMI # of Units %of Units mismatch of housing units to numbers of households will 0-30% 1,669 16% continue into the future. 30-50% 1,043 10% 50-80% 2,503 24% See more detailed methods in 80-100% 1,251 12% Part 5 beginning on page 35. 100%+ 3,963 38% Total . 10,429 — • 100% As Figure 33 demonstrates,38 percent of units needed between 2020 and 2040 should be affordable to households earning more than 100%of the AMI.This is helpful since new market- rate housing tends to be developed at prices and rents that are affordable to higher income households.When an area does not have enough housing priced for higher income households, these households "rent down" and occupy units that would be appropriately priced for lower- income households,thereby increasing competition for low-cost housing units.All cities need a range of housing choices—of different sizes,types, and prices—to accommodate the various needs and incomes of residents. 15 See footnote Error!Bookmark not defined.on page 2 for an explanation of King County 2040 Growth Targets. City of Auburn DRAFT Housing Action Plan -Appendix B B-28 Market Conditions To get a deeper look at housing This section presents information about market conditions and market trends in Auburn, this section primarily relies on development trends in Auburn's housing market.Data includes proprietary data sources, such multifamily rents,vacancy rates, and recent developments as Zillow and CoStar, rather delivered to the market, as well as home price trends that should than public sources like the Office of Financial Management be taken into consideration when evaluating future development or the US Census, which take in Auburn.This section also includes comparisons of trends in longer to be collected and Auburn to other cities in South King County. published. The CoStar data presented here These data and market trends are important to consider as the focuses on market rate trends Cityworksto encourage the development to reach the 10,429 and only shows multifamily g p properties (with 4+units)so units needed by 2040. statistics here are a subset of the full housing stock analyzed in the Housing Inventory. Rental Market Trends As the housing inventory demonstrated,3,511 total housing units were developed between 2011 and 2018 (see Figure 2 on page 3).Roughly 60 percent of these new units are ownership units, while about 40 percent are rentals. In 2020,multifamily rents in Auburn reached a historic high of$1.68 per square foot,however, rents are lower than the greater King County region where average rents are about$2.18 per square foot.Vacancies also increased in 2020 due to a brand new 500-unit multifamily apartment development that is still being absorbed into the market.16 Irrespective of this large market delivery,historic vacancies in Auburn remain low at about 4.5 percent as demand for multifamily apartments continues to increase. From 2013 to 2019, Figure 34. Multifamily Rent per Square Foot and Vacancy Rate, Auburn, multifamily rents in 2008 through Q3 2020 Auburn have Source:CoStar increased while $2.00 12.0% 11.0% vacancy rates have $1.75 10.5% hovered around 4.5 6-2 $1.50 9.0% percent. Q Y The 2020 vacancy a $1.25 7.5% co spike came from a $1.00 6.0% large multifamily $0.75 4.5°r° >15 delivery of about 500 $1.68 units. o $0.50 3.0% $0.25 1.5% From 2010 to 2020, multifamily rents moo T 0.0% grew 47 percent o°�o°�'oti°0"Y oti,otic otic otic'oti°otic otic otic oa3 from $1.14 to $1.68 ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ry � per square foot. —Rent per Sq.Ft. —vacancy(%) 16 Copper Gate apartments,located at 4750 Auburn Way N,construction with first occupancies in October 2020. City of Auburn DRAFT Housing Action Plan -Appendix B B-29 The average rent for a two-bedroom unit in Auburn was$1,393 in 2020, and has grown 49 percent since 2010.As shown in Figure 35,Auburn's rents have grown commensurate with its neighboring cities, only surpassing that of Federal Way in about 2011.Unlike some cities, Auburn's rents did not decline in the post-recession housing crisis.By third quarter(Q3)2020, Auburn's average rent was approaching that of Kent and Tukwila's. Figure 35. Multifamily Rent per Unit,South King County Cities&Tacoma, 2010-2020 Source:CoStar $1,800 - - Auburn 1-2 $1,600 —Bu rien Q. , $1,400 —Federal '''-.-°�.°'� Way $1,200 ®Kent w .E- $1,000 Renton a —Tacoma $800 —Tukwila $600 —T C ,y0 y'y ,ry, ,y3 ,yCx y< CotiyA y 4) (Or " �0 O O ,O O `, �O 9O �O 1O (1, 'O Figure 36 below shows that net absorption17 has been mostly positive,indicating an increase demand for multifamily housing in the City. According to CoStar data accessed in fall 2020, Auburn has about 614 multifamily units under construction,with 63 percent of them(or 387 units) expected to be delivered by the end of 2020.The remaining 37 percent of units are expected to be delivered by June 2021. i7 Net absorption measures the net change in supply of multifamily units in Auburn.A positive value indicates that supply is being rented more than what has been delivered to market in a given year. City of Auburn DRAFT Housing Action Plan -Appendix B B-30 Over the 2008 to Figure 36. Multifamily Net Absorption,Auburn, 2008 through Q3 2020 2020 Q3 period, net Source:CoStar absorption has been 700 mostly positive, 600 - indicating demand has continually 500 - - increased. 400 - In 2020 Q3, net u) 300 absorption is ,_ negative,though this E 200 - - is likely due to the recent multifamily 100 1 delivery of,units that 0 �, I �- has yet to be leased T -� - -- " 71-7 to residents. -100 -200 cO rO fl, 9, (O �O (O 'I (O (O (O (O O(p Recent Rental Property Developments Figure 37 shows examples of recently constructed market-rate and affordable multifamily buildings in Auburn. These properties were selected to highlight the recent market trends in design,size, and amenities being constructed in multifamily residential properties in Auburn. Since 2008,ten multifamily properties were built.Typically,these new multifamily properties are between three and five stories tall and mostly offer one-and two-bedroom units.Typical amenities for new properties include clubhouses,fitness centers,laundry facilities, and game rooms/media centers.Additionally,three of these properties are for senior living and six are regulated affordable housing(including two of the senior properties). Three additional multifamily properties are under construction with expected completion in 2021. Figure 37. Examples of New Multifamily Apartment Buildings in Auburn Source:CoStar Trek Apartments Type: Mid-Rise Apartments Year Built 2015 -, Description:The Trek Apartments is a 126- ®f , 1 1 !I�`;- = ' ; �"` ", -; unit, 5-story apartment building. It has ni Pitt _, -- studio, 1-, and 2-bedroom units ranging in 1 I , L -i '� size from 536 SF for studios and 650 833 /.:: 1 k - L-, SF for 1-and 2-bedrooms units. Rents are K, ,; �. 414 ' rt « marketrate and rangefrom $1,322for�, � �t `� ' : la '�. k studios to$1,712 for 2-bedroom •l -4 , tY" apartments. ' ''I 'g % , l e + .•' Unit amenities include a washer/dryer, mi ""1"". 1 7" _ dishwasher, balcony, HVAC, and upper -----0--::-------z k- level terrace,community room, and fitness center. It is located in downtown Auburn. City of Auburn DRAFT Housing Action Plan -Appendix B B-31 Merrill Gardens at Auburn Type: Low-Rise Apartments Year Built 2017 e 1-1_ Description: Merrill Gardens is a 129-unit 4 —, %, ' ., .... 7.-- 4-story senior living apartment building bt w r , x; � , �. ��, ,� around the corner from Trek Apartments. It Or„, ° �� 4 , �z ,. r has studio, 1-,and 2-bedroom units IOCIII IN *4� c f ,g, a ranging in size from 496 SF studios and Iz :-�1 u; 1i, .3i ar x 693-976 SF for 1-and 2-bedroom units. a.t `f i3 ,� �re --,—.7`' . __� , '4::.,.. =i*�r�` �,r, � � Rents are market rate and range from -7,_:::-.14'.42- ry_ . ., 1 $2,923 for studios to$4,291 or 2- _T bedroom apartments. Unit amenities include HVAC with site amenities such as community room, patio and meal service. The Reserve at Auburn Type: Mid-Rise Apartments ,, ,,,,,x s r , Year Built 2018 I 1 , 't ''"" �"`�' Description:The Reserve at Auburn is part Iv ^n u .. - ,` L, "l At ,. of a phased affordable mixed-use r-, fid a ; I " * . .¢ i �, y } ,, development that contains 298 affordable '"° i f _iii filo ,, ti„°. - r;r1 M units for senior living.The second phase is t s , r c t� --Ei ii! °': rl t ", i IC the Villas at Auburn which has 295 r>x , I" ri +� , �� ° T -' affordable family-sized units and � c5,- , ." ,' I. , t ry V approximately 11,000 square feet of ' '# . �.�.-' �, FF -" ground floor commercial space. Both r 1 ____.- - - - r--` '-`� multifamily buildings are 5-stories and each contain their own separate amenity space. All units are 1-or 2-bedroom, averaging 547 SF($1,303 asking rent)and 612 SF ($1,565 asking rent), respectively.The Reserve is located just north of downtown Auburn offofCSt. Ownership Market Trends As indicated in the Housing Needs Analysis in Part 2,Auburn's housing stock primarily consists of ownership units (it has a 56 percent homeownership rate) compared to only about 44 percent of rental units.Due to demand outpacing the supply of homes in Auburn,prices have been rising.Since 2010,home prices in Auburn rose by 88 percent,from a median sales price of $222,750 in 2010 to$418,300 in 2020.Over this time,Auburn has seen somewhat lower median home sales price growth than nearby cities (see Figure 38), and the median sales price in Auburn did not overtake that of another city in the 2010-2020 time period. City of Auburn DRAFT Housing Action Plan -Appendix B B-32 Figure 38. Median Home Sales Price Growth,South King County Cities&Tacoma, 2015-2020 Source:Zillow 2010,2013,and 2020 Home Sales Price Data Area i Median Sales Price • Median Sales Price I Percent Change 2010(or 2013 *) 2020 Auburn $222,750 $418,300 88%(10 years) Burien* $233,450 $470,300 101%(7 years) Federal Way $211,600 $414,700 96%(10 years) Kent• $237,750 $447,500 88%(10 years) Renton $269,950 $516,800 91%(10 years) Tukwila* - $182,500 $412,000 126%(7 years) Residential Development Capacity The Core Plan of the City of Auburn Comprehensive Plan had identified a gross adjusted net development capacity in vacant development and redevelopment capacity for 14,597 residential units.This summary can be found in Table 2 of the Core Plan that identifies gross and adjusted net acres of vacant and redevelopable land and capacity by aggregated residential cone type.18 We have identified a need of 10,429 units through 2040 and 3,511 units that have been built through 2019.This analysis indicates that the current development capacity identified in the Comprehensive Plan is sufficient to satisfy housing needs,but that land efficiency and intensification policies should be considered as part of the Comprehensive Plan update and BLI update process. Key Market Data Findings Overall,Auburn's housing market is characterized by strong growth in both the homeownership and multifamily rental markets.These trends are important to consider as the City works to encourage development to reach the 10,429 units needed by 2040. Key findings include the following: • Multifamily rents in Auburn increased 47 percent from $1.14 per square foot in 2010 to $1.68 in 2020 Q3. Auburn did not see a dip in rents in 2011-2013 like many of its peer cities. In addition, thus far through 2020,multifamily rents are continuing to grow in Auburn, approaching levels in Kent and Tukwila which have started to level off. • Auburn's rental vacancy rates are low, indicating continued demand for housing. Multifamily vacancy rates in Auburn increased by 2.7 percentage points from 8.3 percent in 2008 to 11.0 percent in 2020 Q3, spurred by the recent Copper Gate affordable apartment complex,which added 500 units to Auburn's housing market in late 2020. Although this increase in vacancy is reflected by an influx of new multifamily units that have yet to be rented,the mostly positive net absorption in the City over 2008 to 2019 indicates demand for multifamily housing is strong. • About 60 percent of the new units developed in Auburn between 2010 and 2018 are for homeownership,while only about 40 percent are intended as rentals. These ownership trends, coupled with strong price growth, indicate strength in the market. 18https://www.cityofauburnwa.gov/UserFiles/Servers/Server 11470554/File/City%20Hall/Community%20Developme nt/Zoning%20and%20Land%20Use/Comprehensive%20Plan/01-Core%20Comprehensive%20Plan.pdf City of Auburn DRAFT Housing Action Plan -Appendix B B-33 Methodology, Data Sources, and Assumptions A) Housing Needs Analysis Data Sources To conduct this existing conditions assessment we primarily relied on 2019 data from the Washington Office of Financial Management(OFM)to evaluate housing and demographic trends.Where OFM data was unavailable we relied on the U.S. Census Bureau's Public Use Micro Sample(PUMS) data from 2012 through 2018 and the U.S.Census Bureau's 2012-2016 Comprehensive Housing Affordability Strategy (CHAS)Data.To supplement OFM data on housing.trends and existing housing types by size,we supplemented this analysis with King County Assessor data.For housing market data on rents and sales prices we relied on data from the King County Assessor and CoStar.For the housing demand analysis we relied on Puget Sound Regional Council VISION 2040 population forecast for Auburn for 2040. We used the best available data sources to assess the housing inventory and future needs, analyze employment trends, and analyze demographic trends in Auburn.Because Auburn has more than 65,000 people,it is surveyed in the American Community Survey every year and thus has data in 1-year samples.The most recent survey data is for 2018. To get more granular data on keyvariables of interest,we also rely on PUMS data.As noted in footnote 6 on page 5,PUMS data are only available at the PUMA geography,which contain about 100,000 people.The Auburn PUMA includes the City of Auburn and Lakeland. Housing Needs Analysis Methodology Total Housing Units Needed We calculated future housing needs as the current underproduction of housing plus the future needs based on projections from PSRC 2040 household projections.Without accounting for past and current underproduction, development targets focused solely on future housing needs will continue to underproduce relative to the actual need. Figure 39.Total Needed Housing Units in Auburn by 2040 Source:ECONorthwest analysis of PSRC and OMF data Current Future Under- ft] Need: �-- Total Units: production: 10,429 2;361 8,068 City of Auburn DRAFT Housing Action Plan -Appendix B B-35 Current Underproduction We first calculate the current underproduction of units in each city's existing housing inventory. This underproduction is estimated based on the ratio of housing units produced and new households formed in King County over time. As of 2019,King County as a whole had 1.06 housing units for every household.Auburn's ratio was 0.986.Since Auburn's ratio is less than King County's ratio,we consider Auburn to have underproduced. Conversely,if the ratio were greater than 1.06,the city would have overproduced housing relative to King County as a whole.The steps for calculating current underproduction include: 1. Calculate the count of housing.units and population in each city from Washington Office of Financial Management(OFM)2018 data. 2. We then convert population to households by using average household size for each city in the South King County Subregion from the 2018 PUMS dataset. 3. We then compare each city's ratio of total housing units to households to that of the county(1.06 units per household) as the target ratio. 4. If a city's ratio is lower than 1.06,we calculate the underproduction as the number of units it would have needed to produce over the timeframe,to reach a ratio of 1.06. Because Washington State does not have a regional approach to planning for housing production,our considerationof underproduction implies that the City of Auburn should be producing housing at a rate to be consistent with the King County ratio of housing units to households of 1.06. This approach to underproduction is simple and intuitive while using the best available data that is both local and the most recent.This analysis does not differentiate between renter and owner households and relies on average household size to convert population counts to household counts.The relationships between average household size,number of households, and current housing units interact in ways that impact underproduction findings for cities within the subregion differently.This approach to identifying current underproduction does not account for local or regional housing preferences by type or tenure.Housing affordability considerations are taken into account in the next step,in determining future housing needs. Future Housing Needs We estimate Auburn's future housing needs based on the forecasted household growth through 2040 from PSRC.PSRC does not forecast housing units,but instead forecasts the estimated number of households.To calculate Auburn's future housing need,we use a target ratio of developing 1.14 housing units per new household.This ratio is the national average of housing units to households in 2019.It is important to use a ratio greater than 1:1 since healthy housing markets allow for vacancy, demolition, second/vacation homes, and broad absorption trends. Use of the national ratio is a reasonable target,particularly for larger areas and regions. Using this ratio suggests that at a minimum,jurisdiction should be hitting the national average and is preferred as the existing regional ratio may capture existing issues in the housing market(such as existing housing shortages). City of Auburn DRAFT Housing Action Plan -Appendix B B-36 Total Units Needed by Income The next step is to allocate the needed units by income level.We first look at the most recent distribution of households by income level(using PUMS to determine area median income or "AMI")in Auburn and the South King County subregion. This distribution is displayed for the South King County subregion and King County as a whole in Figure 40,below.We then account for current and futurehousehold sizes at the city level to better understand nuances of how housing need by income can shift over time as household sizes change and subsequent changes to housing affordability. Because forecasting incomes at the household level over time can be challenging at best, and misleading at worst, this data evaluates housing need using current income distributions forecast forward.The forecast housing need by income category at both the city level and at the subregion is likely to vary depending on policy choices made over the next 20 years. That is to say that if cities do not take meaningful action to increase housing production, and affordability worsens due to demand from higher-income households outpacing supply of total housing units,many low-income households would face displacement and the forecast need for lower income households would likely be lower..The ultimate income distribution in 2040 will be the result of regional housing trends and policy decisions made at the local level. Figure 40. Household Income Distribution in Auburn,South King County Subregion, and King County Source:ECONorthwest analysis of 2018 Census 1-year PUMS data 1 AMI Level Auburn South King County 'King County 1 0-30%of AMI 17% 18% 18% 31-50%of AMI 16% - 16% 15% 51-80%of AMI 25% 23% 16% 81%of AMI 11% 12% 11% 100%+of AMI 30% 31% • 40% 50% - - - - -- i 40% 40% - -- --- - i 30° 1% 30% — — — — ° 25% 3% 18% 20% 17% 1-18% 1646%o— %1112111 11°-?%1%1110% 0-30% ofAMl 31-50%ofAMl51-80% ofAMl 81-100%of 100%+ofAMl AMI ■ Auburn ■ South King County a King County City of Auburn DRAFT Housing Action Plan -Appendix B B-37 We then apply Auburn's distribution of households by income(right column)to the total units needed to get the share of new units needed by income level. Figure 41.Total Units Needed by 2040 by Area Median Income Distribution Source:ECONorthwest analysis of 2018 Census 1-year PUMS data AMI Level Auburn Total Units South King County Total Units Needed Needed by 2040 by 2040 0-30%of AMI 16% 1,669 18% 11,207 31-50%of AMI 10% 1,043 _ 16% V 10,288 51-80%of AMI _ 24% 2,503 23% 14,552 81-100%of AMI V 12% 1,251 12% 7,603 100%+AMI .38% 3,963 _ 31% 19,440 - _,"TOTAL V`: V 100% _ 10;429 100% 63,090 _ As shown in Figure 41,the City has the highest need over the period for units that are affordable to households earning more than 100%of AMI, and the next greatest need for units affordable at the 51%-80%of AMI level. B) Employment Analysis An employment analysis and an analysis of trends in job growth by industry are requirements for local housing action plans.We developed city-level employment estimates by 2-digit North American Industry Classification System(NAICS)codes using a combination of the U.S. Census Bureau's Longitudinal Employer-Household Dynamics (LEHD)Origin-Destination Employment Statistics (LODES) data, and PSRC's Covered Employment Estimates.The employment estimates show the total number of Auburn residents working in different 2-digit NAICS industries,the change in employment in that industry since 2008, and the 2018 median wages for Auburn residents in that sector. Access to Employment We measured access to employment for both transit and auto use,using a preset limit of 45 minutes to generate isochrones(travel sheds).We used ESRI Services to create drive-time isochrones,simulating traffic conditions typical of 8:00AM,Wednesday.We created transit isochrones using OpenTripPlanner and the consolidated Puget Sound General Transit Feed Specification(GTFS) database that is created and maintained by Sound Transit.This GFTS database allows users to model possible transfers between the region's multiple transit agencies. For each 2-digit NAICS industry,the data summarize the share of jobs across the four-county region that are accessible within a 45-minute transit or auto commute from Auburn. Transit Isochrones We created isochrones originating from every transit stop within the jurisdiction. Each transit stop was also weighted by the population within a half-mile distance(straight-line).These isochrones were then joined to LODES job points at the Census Block Level, and the total number of jobs by NAICS industry was calculated for each isochrone.The total number of jobs City of Auburn DRAFT Housing Action Plan -Appendix B B-38 reachable by transit(and walking)within 45 minutes was calculated as the weighted mean number of jobs within the isochrones,using the transit-stop population as weights. Auto Isochrones For drive-time isochrones,we used a similar method as the transit isochrones.Instead of transit stops,however,we used block group centroids as the isochrone origin points, and the associated block group population estimates provided the weights with which we calculated the average number of jobs reachable by the"average resident." Number of Jobs We derived the number of jobs by industry from PSRC's Covered Employment Estimates for 2018 and 2008.PSRC provides job totals by city and NAICS 2-digit industry categories,but will censor an estimate if that number represents fewer than three reporting firms,or when a single employer accounts for more than 80 percent of jobs in an industry within a jurisdiction.In these instances,we have provided an internally calculated estimate of employment in that industry based on the uncensored totals for each industry.Average wages by industry were calculated using the 2018 5-yr ACS estimates at the city level. Caveats The auto isochrones may be overly optimistic in terms of traffic. Since we are limited in terms of other tools that even claim to model travel sheds with traffic congestion,there are few alternative options. ACS wage estimates by industry are not available for every industry,usually due to low numbers of survey samples.Many of these estimates,especially for industries with few workers,show relatively high margins of error and should be treated as rough approximations. C) Displacement Risk Analysis The displacement risk analysis on page 22 was modeled after PSRC's Displacement Risk Mapping Tool which compiles 15 different demographic and socioeconomic variables (using ACS 5-year tract-level data),standardizes and weights them equally, and creates a composite, index score("high", "medium", and"low")for every Census Tract in the 4-county Puget Sound region.However, the Census Tract level is not granular enough for this analysis.We build off PSRC's tool,using the following variables at the Census Block Group level,to estimate displacement risk in Auburn. 1. Percent of population that is a race other than non-Hispanic White 2. Percent of households that speak a language other than English at home 3. Percent of population>_25 who lack a bachelor's degree 4. Percent of households that are renters 5. Percent of households paying>30%or more of their gross income on housing 6. Per capita income City of Auburn DRAFT Housing Action Plan -Appendix B B-39 In Figure 29 on page 22,the color palette of the map visualizes the six levels of displacement vulnerability based on how many variables were present in each block group. City of Auburn DRAFT Housing Action Plan -Appendix B B-40 Appendix C. Existing Conditions Memorandum (Housing Policy Review Section) ECONorthwest ECONOMICS • FINANCE • PLANNING ORIGINAL DATE: January 15, 2021 REVISED DATE: February 26, 2021 TO: Jeff Dixon and Anthony Avery, City of Auburn FROM: Tyler Bump, Madeline Baron,Jenn Cannon,Oscar Saucedo-Andrade,Justin Sherrill, Ryan Knapp SUBJECT: . AUBURN HOUSING ACTION PLAN - EXISTING CONDITIONS MEMORANDUM - REVISED Introduction The City of Auburn was founded in 1891 and has grown to become the fifteenth largest city in the State of Washington.Multipleperiods of growth can be observed in the many regions of Auburn,including early 20th century neighborhoods,mid-century growth, and the annexation of rural county lands in the early 21st century.This has resulted in over 29 square miles of housing growth representing many different scales of development that have occurred over different periods of time. HB1923 and Housing Action Plans In 2019,the state legislature adopted House Bill 1923 (HB 1923),which awarded grants in the amount up to$100,000 to various cities for the purpose of increasing residential capacity. As the first step in developing a Housing Action Plan,the city of Auburn participated in the development of a supporting document:the South King County Subregional Housing Action Framework, along with the cities of Burien,Federal Way,Kent,Renton, and Tukwila.Auburn's individual Housing Action Plan builds off the data analysis,housing needs, demographic and employment trends,housing policy review, and potential housing production strategies that were generated through this previous subregional framework report. Auburn's individual Housing Action Plan must comply with state law,including adoption of the grant-funded Housing Action Plan consisting of the needs assessment,housing policy review, and implementation recommendation components,no later than June 30,2021.Funding is provided by the Washington State Department of Commerce via House Bill 1923(HB 1923). City of Auburn DRAFT Housing Action Plan-Appendix C C-1 Housing Action Plan Development Process Housing Action Plan efforts are focused on encouraging production of both affordable and market rate housing at a variety of price points to meet the needs of current and future residents.Developing the Housing Action Plan is a multi-step process (see Figure 1). Throughout the entire process, a subconsultant,Broadview Planning is engaging the public to seek input on the community's vision and housing needs, as well as ideas and recommendations for how Auburn can increase capacity for more housing.In addition,the public will be invited to review a draft Housing Action Plan and provide comment before the City moves toward finalization and City Council adoption of the Housing Action Plan. Figure 1.Auburn's Housing Action Plan Development Process Public Engagement Community Vision Existing Conditions Solicit Ideas Data Analysis Recommended Actions Assess Changes Employment Trends •- Adoption Population Growth Public Input Staff Input Policy Evaluation Planning Commission Development Analysis City Council Prioritization The Department of Commerce requires that Housing Action Plans be adopted by each city.In Auburn,that means the Housing Action Plan will be presented to city staff for review,revised, and then presented for public review.After reviewing those comments, a revised,final Housing Action Plan will be presented to the Planning Commission, then to City Council for adoption. Housing Planning and Policy Evaluation As demonstrated in the Housing Needs Analysis in Part 2,Auburn,like other cities in the region,has grown over the years and this has led to increasing housing affordability challenges. The lack of affordable housing is a common problem for many cities across the Puget Sound region and a complex issue without an easy solution. Each policy, strategy and tool are unique in its support and delivery of different levels of housing affordability;consequently, communities benefit from developing a comprehensive toolkit with a variety of different solutions designed to meet each community's unique housing needs.Recognizing the guidance offered by relevant state,regional, county, and city plans within Auburn's planning context helps to set the stage for housing actions and policy development. City of Auburn DRAFT Housing Action Plan -Appendix C C-2 This summary of existing plans and policies is divided into two sections:the first describes the "planning pyramid" and the associated roles of the Growth Management Act,PSRC, and King and Pierce Countywide Policies as it relates to comprehensive planning at the local level (the City of Auburn is located in both counties).The next section provides a summary of Auburn's existing policies key to promoting housing goals. The Planning Pyramid The"planning pyramid" in Figure 2 below illustrates how the planning scale is broader and less detailed at the top tiers of plans while at the bottom of the pyramid,the scale tends to be smaller and the regulatory detail more extensive and specific. While this Housing Action Plan and its associated implementation steps will be less binding than the other types of planning documents listed in the pyramid, as a subject-focused plan,its detail sits between a jurisdiction's Comprehensive Plan and its Development Regulations (such as zoning codes). Growth Management Act At the top of the pyramid is the role of the state.The Washington State Legislature adopted the Growth Management Act(GMA, adopted in 1990,as amended) to plan for population and employment growth by establishing urban growth areas and critical/natural resource areas to avoid impacting.The GMA requires cities and counties to develop Comprehensive Plans to coordinate urban growth and this plan should include a Housing Element(RCW 36.70A.070(2)). Essentially, a Housing Element provides goals and policies for promoting the preservation and improvement, and to provide for the development of housing and the identification of adequate land for all housing needs.A jurisdiction's Housing Element must include adequate provisions for existing and projected housing needs of all the economic segments of the community and these needs should be identified through an inventory and analysis of existing and projected housing needs.Based on the analysis, strategies should be developed to meet the housing needs and their performance should be measured to allow for continual adjustment to meet evolving housing needs.In addition, the Washington State Growth Management Act requires that zoning regulations and districts be consistent with Comprehensive Plans. City of Auburn DRAFT Housing Action Plan -Appendix C G3 Figure 2.The Growth Management"Planning Pyramid" Source:ECONorthwest .,_. °' " STATE-GMA requires cities and counties to develop n "Comprehensive Planincluding a Housing Element with goals and r rl.•j"P¶i.t(r;n l.;'i ri -Cr oy;i1� i,p'f+�.t1i a"�1 %;1 1- r 1Y:y, - policies promoting the preservation,improvement,and to provide for the development of housing fdr at housing needs. �� REGION-Multi-county vision supports best housing practices for "t ou d . '-OU!.0 I VI 'COr r gaining affordable,healthy and safe housing for all the region's -1 _ residents and coordinates where to allocate growth in the region. I •' - - 'COUNTY-Countywide Planning Policies advises'cities on strategies to l ,' and Pierce Gan ties o Coun ide° address affordable housing needs,and promote bons ng diversity.transit I [a..1110yZ/( access and fair housing meeting the diverse needs of residents.Provides { housing and employment growth targets for clues in the county. Ji px' CTY ; mi t�'Y11 GovernmentComprehensve�� 4 housingneedTseyCpoovrehgeanssoPn aann douhtloiunseisngrhgo cAolty' sansAdtarpiofliocrieasddestreabsgirtg a �.� } ., ?r•c framework for specific programmatic actions to pursue across a city. I' "" !^ *-.. °r r ;CITY-The most detailed rules for developing housingis provided in a city's Local Government,Develo ment •° •" ,,„a p ,code of orduuvtces including the zonrngcade,and in subarea,specific,and master "! :Regulations =� Il plana Guidance is provided on where housing can be built and regarding the size, °scale,configuration"and design. • . • Protect Review ,CITY-.Building new housing and doing significant remodels typically requires permitting -' and project review. PSRC Housing Planning Documents At the regional level, PSRC has established multi-county housing policies in VISION 2050.The cities and unincorporated areas within King,Kitsap,Pierce, and Snohomish Counties are part of the Puget Sound region and thus, are subject to VISION 2050 (adopted in 2020). VISION 2050 encourages local jurisdictions to adopt best practices and innovative techniques to advance the delivery-of affordable,healthy, and safe housing for all the region's residents and includes guidance on growth. The newly adopted plan expects that by 2050 an additional 1.8 million people will move to the region and that this population will be older,more diverse, and living in smaller households than today's regional population.The plan emphasizes advancing housing choices, homeownership opportunities, and affordability particularly for lower income housing and calls for cities to support the building of more diverse housing types,especially near transit, services, and jobs. A new aspect of this plan is the recognition of displacement risk(cultural,economic, and physical) and the need for jurisdictions to mitigate and minimize displacement.PSRC expects to update the new housing,job, and population targets by 2021 and after release, cities will need to recalibrate their capacity to accommodate this expected growth. Countywide Planning Documents The King County Countywide Planning Policies(CPPs, amended June,2016) advises cities in King County to consider strategies to address affordable housing needs of all economic and City of Auburn DRAFT Housing Action Plan -Appendix C C-4 demographic groups, as well as strategies that can help overcome housing affordability barriers (policy H-7).1 The King County CPPs in the Housing Chapter emphasize that cities should share in the responsibility of increasing the supply of housing affordable to households earning less than 80%AMI(policy H-1),noting that housing for households earning less than 30%AMI can be the most challenging to develop—often requiring interjurisdictional cooperation and support from public agencies(policy H-2).Policy H-3 outlines the housing inventory and existing and projected housing needs analysis requirements (mandated by statewide Growth Management Act policies)for each local jurisdiction's Comprehensive Plan Housing Element.The remaining policies describe a range of strategies for meeting diverse housing needs. Examples of these CPP strategies are listed below: • Within designated Urban Growth Areas,include sufficient zoning capacity to accommodate the development requirements for a range of housing types and densities in a.way that supports attainment of overall housing targets (policy H-4), • Preserve,maintain, and rehabilitate the existing housing stock including affordable housing to ensure housing conditions are safe and livable (policies H-6,H-11), • Adopt incentive programs to encourage the development of low-income housing, • Adopt strategies,regulations, and goals promoting housing diversity, affordability, and supply (diversity in tenure, affordability, types, sizes, and accommodations for special needs,universal design,sustainable development,policy H-5), • Plan for neighborhoods supporting the health and well-being of residents (policy H-12), • Plan for housing(particularly for middle-income households or lower)with reasonable access to employment centers(policy H-9) and in coordination with transit,bicycle, and pedestrian plans and investments (policy H-10), and • Promote fair housing to help meet the diverse needs of residents with a range of abilities, ages,races,ethnicities,incomes, and characteristics (policy H-13). A small southern section of the City of Auburn is located in Pierce County and as such,the area is subject to the Pierce County Countywide Planning Policies.Pierce County's CPPs(amended in 2018) offer similar guidance as King County particularly in adequately providing housing affordable to all economic segments of the city population along with sufficiently providing housing for special needs.In addition,Pierce County promotes innovative housing techniques to promote higher-density affordable housing,the use of funding opportunities and incentives to subsidize affordable housing development, and inclusionary zoning techniques. In the CPPs,Pierce County also requires that jurisdictions set a goal to satisfy at a minimum, 25%of the growth allocation,through affordable housing (defined as earning up to 80%of the county AMI).Pierce County's 2006-2031 Housing Growth Target for Auburn, designated a core city,is 3,634 net new housing units by 2030 (Table 1,Exhibit A to Ordinance No.2017-24s, Growth Targets 2008-2030,by Vision 2040 Regional Geography). 1 Source:King County Countywide Planning Policies.(2012,Amended Tune,20161. City of Auburn DRAFT Housing Action Plan -Appendix C C-5 Local Planning Documents At the bottom of the "planning pyramid" sits local planning documents and policies,but their location at the bottom belies their importance.This section steps through the most relevant housing focused planning documents and highlights the goals and policies that are most important to the Auburn Housing Action Plan. Over the course of the past several decades and with annexations in the late 1990s and early 2000s,Auburn has grown from a small town to a mature city of regional significance. Auburn has varied assets to build upon including many parks and trails, a solid business core and an ideal location along the Sound Transit commuter line. City of Auburn Comprehensive Plan The City of Auburn Comprehensive Plan (referred to as Imagine Auburn, amended in 2015,first adopted in 1986)meets the regional responsibilities to manage urban growth for current and future residents between 2015 to 2035.2 This plan establishes a framework from which to identify specific programmatic actions for affordable housing.Among the eight primary plan elements,policy guidance within the Housing Element(Volume 2)was reviewed.Auburn's Comprehensive Plan lays out a roadmap for navigating its 20-year horizon by articulating a vision and corresponding core values,policies to achieve the vision and actions to promote the core values. AAuburn's vision was based on seven value statements associated with beeburn's exciting,203vision is to an vibrant character,wellness,service, economy,celebration,environment, and city attracting sustainability.Downtown Auburn, designated as an urban center,has businesses, andvisitors residentsand , become the thriving heart of the community and is poised for continued revitalization. "a city of connected and cherished places,from a vibrant downtown to The Housing Element themes provided below summarize guidance quiet open spaces and useful for the development of housing action strategies. everything in between, where a community of healthy, diverse, and Comprehensive Plan Housing Element Themes engaged people live, work, visit, and thrive." Essentially,the housing focused vision for Auburn is to gain attainable housing in a variety of styles meeting the needs of all ages, abilities,cultures, and incomes and establish safe and attractive neighborhoods.Managing the evolving housing needs of Auburn's communities is guided by a set of seven goal-oriented themes that are summarized below. Along with this summary, an assessment of progress in achieving Comprehensive Plan goals/policies is provided for each theme along with an evaluation discussion to consider for 2 The Auburn Comprehensive Plan should be updated every eight years,by around 2024,as outlined in the periodic update schedule,mandated by the Growth Management Act.King and Pierce County jurisdictions must complete a review and evaluation of their"Buildable Lands Program"at least one year before the comprehensive plan update to provide data that will be used for the comprehensive plan update,per RCW 36.70A.215(2)(b). City of Auburn DRAFT Housing Action Plan -Appendix C C-6 future action.The City of Auburn faces growth pressures and various challenges and opportunities as it relates to housing development,some of which are newly emerging.This makes it important to continually review current conditions and progress towards achieving planning goals. As the City continues to grow and mature, creative approaches might be needed to accommodate growth and support diverse community needs. Figure 3.Auburn Housing Element Themes,Summary and Evaluation Source:ECONorthwest Analysis of Auburn Comprehensive Plan Housing Element 1)Healthy Homes and Neighborhoods This theme focuses on enhancing the safety and connections in Auburn's neighborhoods along with improving the streetscapes.This theme also recognizes the need to provide housing for Auburn's workforce to help balance the jobs-housing ratio.This theme also includes a policy objective to provide for housing choices in downtown and other designated mixed-use centers where infrastructure is more available or can be improved with regional and local funds. Evaluation Discussion: The jobs-to-housing ratio is another metric for describing the availability of housing for local workers. King County uses the jobs-to-housing assessment to improve the jobs/housing balance within the county, and as a factor in determining the allocation ofresidential and employment growth for different jurisdictions.Auburn too recognizes the need to balance jobs to housing as a wayto ensure the attainment of an appropriate supply and 'mix of housing and affordability levels to meet the needs of people who work and desire to live in theCity.Auburn's jobs to housing ratio is slightly tilted towards jobs. In 2019,Auburn's had around 1.5 jobs for each housing unit in the City.This metric is limited in not accounting for the number of wage-earners and is not necessarily fully reflective of true housing demand. However, it can generally be used to guide the planning of development to achieve efficient transit networks.Anemployment to housing ratio in the range of 0.75'to 1.5 is considered beneficial for reducing vehicle miles traveled (Cox, 2020). The ratio has slightly lowered overall in the last two decades as Auburn transitions from a suburban town to a thriving city offering broader housing options. Housing production should continue alongside job growth. Auburn has been effective in encouraging a variety of multifamily housing and infill development in its downtown area which could be.partially attributed to Multifamily Tax Exemption(MFTE) incentives targetedfor this area.As noted in the MFTE program review below approximately 680 market rate units were.created or rehabilitated since 2003.The City has made progress in providing for more housing choices in the Downtown area; however other mixed-use areas With sufficient infrastructure in place or capable of improvement should be reviewed to determine whether housing variety has improved, particularly in terms of providin: a ran:e of housin: at different price points. 2)Variety This theme calls for the City to broaden housing options.Objective H-10 notes the need to integrate a variety of land uses and densities for housing providers while other objectives support homeownership opportunities; mixed-uses integrating residential uses in the downtown area;ADUs as an affordable housing strategy; and manufactured,transitional, and multifamily housing in limited zones. Evaluation Discussion: Achieving a healthy mix of housing requires boosting housing production to broaden housing choices where supplies are limited, in a way that aligns with housing demand considerations. This goal promotes King County's Regional Affordable Housing Task Force Goal 6 which supports greater housing growth and diversity to achieve a variety of housing types at a range of affordability and to improve the jobs/housing connections throughout King County.The majority of duplexes,triplexes and quad-plex housing in Auburn was built prior to the 2000's(comprising 16%of the total housing stock) and since 2010 single-family attached housing production has declined for this type of housing.About 23%•of Auburn's housing stock is characterized as multifamily,the majority of which was build pre- City of Auburn DRAFT Housing Action Plan -Appendix C C-7 1960, and in the 1990s and 2000s. Production of larger multifamily housing with over 100 units has picked up during the last decade since 2010.Auburn should continue supporting production of single- family attached and multifamily housing construction to continue integrating a variety of housing options. By 2025,the number of seniors in King County will double to comprise 23 percent of the population. Likely trends for the Baby Boomer generation: Household sizes will decrease(greater 1- person households)and demand could grow for missing middle-housing options allowing for "downsizing" and lower-maintenance living.- Rising housing prices are increasingly making homeownership more out of reach. Over the last decade, housing prices have increased by 88%;consequently, more action could be needed to increase the availability of moderate and middle-income housing such'as cottages, condominiums, and townhomes. Recent legislation passed reform to the state's condominium liability law in support condo production. The implications of this new law should be monitored to see if it truly encourages more condo construction and associated homeownership. Auburn has adopted.code updates over the last decade to support increased Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU) production.The:pace of ADU development has increased but isstill somewhat low.The City should continue to track ADU development as time progresses and possibly revisit and augment. actions promoting ADU affordable housing strategies. 3)Quality This theme aims to improve the quality and maintenance of the housing stock to help preserve affordable housing. Key objectives for this theme are to track rundown properties and improve code enforcement, educate property managers, and promote improvements of affordable housing possibly through possible tax exemptions.Objective H-21 includes specific steps to carry out home repairs and rehabilitation such as through loans, participation in the Emergency Home Repair Program, and green lending for improved energy efficiency.These home repair efforts can help preserve naturally occurring affordable housing(NOAH)units. Objective H-22f calls for the consideration of creating an Auburn- based Housing Authority. Evaluation Discussion: Affordable housing preservation strategies can range from increasing investments to preserve. affordable properties to repairing homes to help keep people in affordable housing. The City could collect key data on rental housing to build a rental housing preservation inventory(including key information such as the age of housing, rental rates, number of bedrooms, conditions such as the CoStar housing condition star rating). • The King County Housing Repair Program: Eligible low-income homeowners can gain a deferred loan or matching funds loan (up to $25,000)to cover housing repairs addressing health and safety concerns; and emergency grants covering life-threatening repairs for owner-occupied homes(up to$6,000). For renters with a disability,they also provide free financial assistance to make housing more accessible. Between 2018 and the second quarter of 2020, 17 applicants totaling approximately$320,135 from the City of Auburn participated in this program.Source: King County Housing Repair Program.This. program does not necessarily provide weatherization home repairs or energy efficiency audits.A local energy-efficient,weatherization and rehabilitation grantprogram could help improve the livability and energy efficiency of existing owner-occupied homes.This program should.complement the existing King County Housing Repair program. • The Washington State Department of Commerce administers a Weatherization Program to help increase home energy efficiency for low-income families.This program is funding by the U.S. Department of Energy's Weatherization Program among other sources: • https://www.com merce.wa.gov/growi ng-the-economy/energy/weatherization-and-energy- effici ency/weatherization-program-documents/ City of Auburn DRAFT Housing Action Plan -Appendix C C-8 4)Attainability This theme addresses the need for affordable'housing to accommodate Auburn's changing demographics and to meet the fair share housing objectives,outlined by King and Pierce Counties. Objective H-24a outlines King County's share of housing by income levels: • Below 30%AMI (very low income) - 12%of total, • 30-50%AMI (low income) - 12%of total, and • 50-80%AMI (moderate income) - 16%of total housing supply. The city also aspires to lead and find new funding strategies to build more low-income housing. Other objectives include using surplus land(sales)for affordable housing, promoting fair housing laws, streamlining development regulations,and explorin:the use of density bonuses. Evaluation Discussion: The housing growth targets should align with the adopted King County countywide targets that are beingdeveloped for the 2024 Comprehensive Plan update cycle and expected to be adopted by mid- 2021(PSRC VISION 2050, King.County,2020). These housing production and income level targets for 2024 to 2044 could be adopted in mid 2021. In general,Auburn will likely need to increase annual ' housing production to help increase housing availability. As of 2020,Auburn has around 2;850 manufactured/mobile homes which is around 9%of the total housing stock.This:type of naturally occurring affordable housing tends to be accessible to low to moderate-income households (earning less than 80%AMI).•Consequently, housing preservation strategies could be considered suchas mobile home park preservation, repair(see above discussion under theme 3), monitoring strategy,and:assistance in establishing Mobile Home Parks into cooperatives. 5)Special Needs These policies call for the City's support of programs that offer funding, housing, and supportive services to keep persons with special needs housed.These populations include veterans,single-parent households,seniors,disabled households, and those experiencing homelessness.Assisting low- income persons displaced by redevelopment in accordance with relevant laws is also recognized under this theme. Other policies support seniors aging in place(encouraging development to adhere to universal design principles) and the availability of transitional housing and assisted living facilities. Evaluation Discussion: The existing conditions analysis highlighted gradation of displacement risk across the city and this. information could inform affordable housing'preservation and anti-displacement measures.The City likely will be updating its comprehensive plan by June 2024 and during this update process,the plan policies will be reviewed to ensure they are consistent with state, regional,and countywide policies.A new aspect of PSRC's VISION 2.050 plan is the recognition of displacement risk(cultural, economic, and physical)andthe need for jurisdictions to mitigate and minimize displacement. Consequently,the -City of Auburn should consider anti-displacement policy and code updates. 6)Supportive Services This theme focuses on providing education,training,engagement opportunities,and human services associated with affordable housing and homeownership. Evaluation Discussion: There are a range of options in support of education and engagement associated with affordable housing and homeownership. Here are a few education examples: Education on tenant rights,fair housing laws, andhomebuyer's class/credit counseling training. City of Auburn DRAFT Housing Action Plan -Appendix C C-9 7) Partnership and Monitoring This theme supports a variety of partnerships to collectively work on challenging topics such as homelessness, affordable housing financing, and housing assistance. Policy H-50 calls for Auburn to evaluate possible modifications to these housing policies and strategies every five years. Evaluation Discussion: The City,of Auburn has joined a regional affordable housing consortium in partnership with various other south King County cities(Burien,Covington, Des Moines, Federal Way, Kent, Normandy Park, Renton, and Tukwila)and King County.The South King Housing and Homelessness Partners(SKHHP) was recently formed through an interlocal agreement to share resources to preserve and increase access to affordable housing. Effective in 2019,the interlocal agreement outlines the role, purpose, ` _structure, and other details of SKHHP. Essentially,SKHHP will share technical information and,. resourcesto promote sound housing policy,coordinate public resources to attract greater private and public investment,and support advocacy.SKHHP has the potential to help the City of Auburn in a variety of ways including possibly.expanding housing assistance,facilitating greater partnerships, and increasing the availability of affordable housing. A list of Housing Element outcomes,indicators, and example tools that are useful for monitoring progress is provided below (Auburn Comprehensive Plan,2015).Revisiting the progress (or lack thereof) towards achieving outcomes can help to lay the groundwork for potential areas of improvement. City of Auburn DRAFT Housing Action Plan -Appendix C C-10 Figure 4.Auburn Comprehensive Plan Housing Element Goal Outcomes and Indicators Source:Auburn Comprehensive Plan Housing Element Outcomes Indicators Example Tools Housing rehabilitation and repair loans • Loans for energy conservation and healthy indoor air quality Improve housing Increased quality of.rental City-sponsored and nonprofit property manager quality housing programs Housing inspection program Code enforcement Community volunteer program Meet demand for Land capacity to meet or Land use plan and zoning new housing units exceed housing target Pr-emotehousing Maintain or increase Single-family dwellings including small lots ownership homeownership rates Accessory dwelling units Cottages,townhomes Increased numbers Single-family dwellings including small lots Allow:for,a variety of small units with Accessory dwelling units of housing types to neighborhood recreation meet size and age and service amenities Multiplexes,cottages,townhomes and cultural trends Retention of housing stock Mixed-use zoning with larger units Incentives infill housing types Increased numbers of ownership dwellings avail- Accessory dwelling units Increase`opportu- able to moderate incomes nities for,housing to Increased mixed-use de- Downtown incentives very-low,low-,and "vetopment for all incomes Infill incentives moderate-income Increased'preservation Permit and impact fee waivers households and improvementof rental housing with long-term af- See also"improve housing quality"above fordability commitments Im roved'o or- Greater match of housing P PP to special needs includ- Community services programs tunities for special . mg housing for all ages needs housing and Partnerships with nonprofit housing providers and non- services and abilities as well as the governmental organizations homeless - - Monitor housing Address achievement of Monitor in conjunction with regular Comprehensive Plan supply,affordabili- updates and new countywide planning policy housing ty,and diversity indicators above targets City of Auburn DRAFT Housing Action Plan -Appendix C C-11 South King County Subregional Housing Action Framework As noted,this report builds off the existing conditions work that was developed through the South King County Subregional Housing Action Framework.The City of Auburn participated in this regional effort, along with the cities of Burien,Federal Way,Kent,Renton, and Tukwila. As part of the South King County Subregional Housing Action Framework,the following affordable housing regulations and incentives were evaluated: Multifamily Tax Exemptions (MFTE), Incentives for Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs), Fee Waivers,.Density and Height Bonuses, and Planned Action Environmental Impact Statements.3 Figure 5 below builds on Evermost Consulting's evaluation of these five affordable housing incentive programs in the_South King County Subregional Housing Action Framework, and assesses Auburn's success and possible areas of improvement. 3 This analysis of past planning policies was conducted by Evermost Consulting as part of the ECONorthwest consulting team on the South King County Subregional Housing Action Framework. City of Auburn DRAFT Housing Action Plan -Appendix C C-12 Figure.5.Evaluation of Key Existing Affordable Housing Incentive Programs in Auburn Source:ECONorthwest building on Evermost Consultin:,2020,data provided b City of Auburn Policy How it Works Auburn Findings Evaluation Multifamily Tax. RCW chapter 84.14,allows cities with Auburn established its program in 2003 The 8-year exemption does not require Exemptions more than 15,000 people to establish and has had four contracts take advantage affordable housing units.At the time (METE) a multifamily tax exemption program of the lax waiver to date.These properties when this program was adopted,the for 8-years or 12-years if the housing created or rehabilitated 680 units under Downtown Center area targeted for the • development includes 20%of its units the 8-year exemption. program was lacking market rate as affordable housing.By waiving housing.Unsurprisingly,this program • • taxes,housing developments have The METE incentive is available only for has not yet generated affordable housing lower operating costs,which affects new construction or for the rehabilitation of and the program has resulted in an the project's overall feasibility by multifamily housing located in the average of 40 units created/ making it easier to build new units. Downtown Urban Center.Tax exemptions rehabilitated per year for 17 years. Programs can exempt eligible new are available for 8 years for new multi- . construction or rehabilitated housing family'or rehabilitated housing units and the housing development must be constructed downtown(market-rate)or for • located in an urban center and include 12 years for qualified affordable housing at least four housing units. units(Auburn City Code 3.94). Accessory Accessory dwelling units(ADUs) According to data provided by the city, Until recently,the City of Auburn was Dwelling Units provide an additional dwelling unit— Auburn has issued 36 building permits for requiring ADUs to pay school and traffic - typically with its own sleeping,bathing, ADUs since 2005.It is important to note impact fees along with utility system . and cooking facilities—on properties that this summary does not encompass development charges,which could have with existing single-family homes.ADU unperrnitted ADUs(an estimate for Seattle contributed to lower development.Since policies attempt to increase housing indicated that up to three-quarters of what removing this requirement a few years density in ways that do not change the appeared to be ADUs was unpermitted). ago,the pace of ADU development has character,look,and feel of existing increased but is still somewhat low. neighborhoods,and put more housing In Auburn,ADUs are permitted outright in • in areas with access to amenities such all residential zones that allow single-family Auburn's Zoning Code has a fair amount as jobs,schools,and retail centers.In homes.The homeowner must successfully of flexibility for ADU construction and theory,because they are smaller than gain an ADU building permit.One attached density.The size,parking,and owner- single-family homes,ADUs can be ADU or detached ADU is allowed on a occupancy requirements are somewhat cheaper housing options-but this is parcel and each ADU is limited to no more restrictive but are not too burdensome. not always the case. than two bedrooms. Possible areas of improvement to The style of the ADU should match the consider:pre-approved ADU/DADU plans primary residence and cannot exceed 50 to streamline the process(Renton and percent of the primary unit or 950 square Sea tle example),ADU guidebook feet,whichever is less. (Tacoma example),removal of owner- City of Auburn DRAFT Housing Action Plan-Appendix C C-13 Policy How it Works I Auburn Findings Evaluation One additional parking space beyond what occupancy requirement in exchange for is required for the single-family home must affordability(below 80%AMI),and be provided for the ADU.The home or ADU opportunities to reduce fees and allow must be the principal place of residence for shared/off-street parking. the homeowner.(Source:Auburn Code Section 18.31.120,last amended in 2012 ADU permitting requirements and ADU by Ord.6419§4). development scenarios could be analyzed for the accumulative effect of layered requirements(including site coverage)to identify possible areas to add more flexibility. In terms of providing housing options, there is a level of uncertainty as to • whether these units are actually rented • long-term versus short-term or used for off-market purposes such as for family • guests,if their rents are lower than other units,and the extent that ADUs are provided in amenity-rich locations.The City could address short-term rental use of ADUs by evaluating regulatory options • to limit potential conversions ofADUs serving as long-term rentals(RCW 64.37 provides new Short-term Rentals legislature to consider). Fee Waivers - The list of potential fees when entitling Auburn had established several fee waiver The reinstatement of select fee waivers, " a new building often includes,but is incentives.The City has fee waivers for the even over a temporary period of time, not limited to,zoning application fees, Downtown Catalyst and Downtown Plan could be considered when city revenue mitigation fees,building permit fees, Areas which were implemented in 2001 sources are plentiful to target plan check review fees,utility (more detail in Auburn Code Section underproduced housing and the connection charges,building 19.04).These fee waivers have all expired construction of more affordable housing. inspection fees,and impact fees. and the last exemption for the Downtown While these fees are important Catalyst area was extended through , Relaxing fees can help incentivize funding sources for their respective Ordinance No.6637 was scheduled to affordable housing development in the municipal departments and special City.While careful calibration is needed districts,they can add up and to ensure the public benefit of reduced City of Auburn DRAFT Housing Action Plan-Appendix C C-14 Policy How it Works Auburn Findings 1 Evaluation _ ._ effectively discourage new housing sunset on December 31,2017.4 These fee fees is offset by the lost revenue to the - development-particularly at lower waiver's have been utilized in conjunction City,these programs can meaningfully _ price points.Fee waivers for with MFTE. reduce the cost of development and help affordable housing development or incentivize lower-cost housing. other qualified development projects. • Expedited Some cities such as Kirkland,Lacey Concurrent review of preliminary plat and A common area of continuous Permitting, and Vancouver offer streamlined civil plans is being explored by Auburn(with improvement for many cities is to adjust review or expedited permitting the applicant assuming the risk).The the permitting processes to be more processes for qualified development Master Builders Association(2020) predictable,efficient,accessible,and - projects.The state of Washington estimates that this could save up to a year transparent. Local Project Review law(RCW on the permit process 5 36.7OB)supports the establishment of � Possible areas of improvement to make • -• a predictable and timely review - (See incentives described in the next row.) the process more predictable particularly process by setting time limits on - for affordable housing development application review and permit could be identified and examined for - decisions and a maximum time period Outside of this,Auburn does not have an trade-offs.A pilot program can be of 120 days unless the jurisdictions expedited permit review process for implemented as a way to test out makes written findings that additional affordable housing or qualified different techniques and work out -. time is needed. development. process tweaks.A key area of improvement is to examine ways to Auburn could define criteria for • reduce upfront fees and requirement qualification of expediting permitting barriers such as the possibility of review to include things such as rent or price process efficiencies and/or integrating restricted affordable housing,projects payment deferment options. `. that utilize the 12-year MFTE program, for targeted development types such Other measures to consider:Additional as infill development or podium online permitting and tracking development,or for development improvements to reduce trips to the projects in specific areas such as the permit counter,cross-departmental Downtown area. coordination enhancements, ameliorating design review 4"Downtown catalyst accessory area"means the area defined by the boundary of 1st Street NW to the south,"A"Street NW to the west,2nd Street NW to the north, and North Division Street to the east(Auburn Code Section 19.04.020 Definitions,GG:https://auburn.munidpal.codes/ACC/19.04.020). 5 Master Builders Association of King and Snohomish Counties Housing Toolkit,2020: https://www.mbaks.com/docs/default-source/documents/advocacvf ssue- briefs/mbaks-housing-tool ki t-2020.pd f City of Auburn DRAFT Housing Action Plan-Appendix C C-15 Policy How it Works Auburn Findings Evaluation Safeguards could be added to - requirements,and enhanced staff - expedited permitting measures such training. as including negotiated deadlines for the applicant and permitting staff to The following cities enacted permitting each meet,respectively. efficiencies:Kirkland and Tacoma. • Density and Most cities offer some manner of In the City of Auburn,development The overall effectiveness of these Height Bonuses incentives or bonuses in exchange for standard bonus incentives may be policies in spurring housing development additional exactions on the developer; awarded to residential developers in is yet to be seen.Additional analysis on - these incentives can often result in exchange for recognized public benefits the types and uses of these incentives is better design or substantially pursuant to Chapter 18.25(infill an area of further study. • advancing public interest while making development)or 18.49 ACC(flexible the project more profitable for the development alternatives). Other opportunities for incentives should developer. be identified to help encourage Eligible infill development(section ACC affordable housing development in the Policies are often put in place when a 18.25.020 provides more guidance)can City.The City should consider developing jurisdiction wants to encourage a type gain density increases by up to 10 percent, policy incentives that are easy-to- of development that the market is not increased building height by up to five feet, understand with low complexity. delivering(for a variety of reasons),so reduced/alternative setbacks,and a 10 the jurisdiction makes it easier,less percent reduction in the minimum on-site Many local jurisdictions are also offering costly,or more profitable to build the parking when designed to be shared(Code incentives to encourage green building desired type of project. Section 18.25.040). such as Tacoma,Everett,and Kirkland. • The flexible development alternative • (adopted in 2009)allocates incentives for ` residential and mixed-use development -with features/benefits such as sustainability,urban design,neighborhood safety features,housing,cultural/ historical,transportation/mobility,and open space/recreational features and benefits(Code Section 18.49). The-incentives range from expedited review (90 days or less),density bonus(135 to 150 percent above base zoning),and • - reduced parking by up to 25 percent. These incentives are high along with the City of Auburn DRAFT Housing Action Plan-Appendix C C•16 Policy How it Works Auburn Findings Evaluation • policy complexity for applicant • participation. Planned Action Under the Washington State According to data provided by the City in While this coverage may expedite review Environmental Environmental Policy Act(SEPA),a spring'2020,Auburn has planned action and increase certainty of development, Impact • - planned action—such as rezoning, coverage for 708 residential dwelling units Auburn staff-along with most of the Statements development agreement,subarea in planned action environmental impact South King County Cities-noted that plan,etc.—can pre-analyze the statements,thereby helping to reduce the few SEPA challenges were filed so the • • predicted impacts of a certain level of cost of development(SEPA analysis),and benefits of this program(reducing the development.Jurisdictions may increase both the certainty and speed of cost of development by avoiding a SEPA implement these policies to encourage development. analysis)are limited. development by allowing projects to avoid costly SEPA analyses,by It is unclear how many units have been increasing certainty around mitigation ' developed under this program,and if it requirements,and by avoiding lengthy has truly helped to incentivize market • delays due to SEPA challenges. rate or affordable housing. City of Auburn DRAFT Housing Action Plan-Appendix C C-17 This page is intentionally left blank. City of Auburn DRAFT Housing Action Plan -Appendix C C-18 Appendix D. Development Feasibility Proforma Model Assumptions Operating Revenue and Cost Assumptions Variable _ Assumption Unit of.Measure RevPnuP -- ---__ Duplex for-sale $ 359,948 Sale price per unit Triplex for-sale; $' 338,170 'Sale price per unit Duplex rental, $ 2,299 Monthly rent per unit Triplex rental $ 2,160 Monthly rent per unit Micro units 1 $ ' 988;Monthly rent per unit Podium $ .1,854 Monthly rent per unit Affordable rent; $ , 1,708 Monthly rent per unit Retail, $ 28.00 I NNN,per square foot,yearly Vacancy Rate Affordable residential 4%Percent Market rate residential l 5% Percent Retails 12%Percent Operating Expenses • Duplex/Triplex' 5%,Percent of rent per unit Micro units; 30%,Percent of rent per unit Podium," 20%0l Percent of rent per unit Retail; $ 1.20'Per square foot,yearly Residential Parking Net Revenue Vacancy 10%; Podium $ 80 ;Per stall,monthly Development Cost Assumptions Variable • Assumption Unit of Measure Hard Costs Kitchen; $ `R •-350 ;Per square foot Bathroom; $ 460 Per square foot Other Interior Space i $ 70 Per square foot Micro units $ 247 Per square foot Podium i $ 190 Per square foot Retail; $ 160 `,Per square foot Lobby/Shared, $ 180•Per square foot Parking Cost j Garage; $ 10,000 Per stall Surface, $, 5,000 Per stall Podium $ 35,000 Per stall StalLSize Garage • 300 Square foot per stall Surface: • 280 'Square foot per stall Podium. 370 Square foot per stall City of Auburn DRAFT Housing Action Plan -Appendix D D-1 Development Cost Assumptions Variable_ __ Assumption Unit of Measure Other Development Costs ���� Hardscapej $ 15 Per square foot Landscape $ 10 Per square foot Soft costs(incld permitting and taxes) 22%'. Percent of hard costs Duplex and triplex impact fees $ 19,510 Per unit Micro units impact fees $ 10,702 Per unit Podium impact fees'. $ 13,552 ' Per unit Contingency fee; 5%;Percent of hard and soft costs Developer fee/comission 3% Percent of development costs Retail T.I. $ 40 Per square foot Target Returns f � Duplex Triplex ROC; 7.5%' Multifamily ROC. 5.0%) Retail ROC` 7.0%' Parking ROC 6.0%. } p Apartment/Unit_ Assumptions Variable Assumption Unit of Measure Unit Sipe I , Duplex for-sale Studio,. 0;Square feet 1 Bedroom! 7.70,Square feet 2 Bedroom 1304 Square feet 3 Bedroom 1541;Square feet 4 Bedroom ', . 17411 Square feet Triplex for-saleI Studio;. 0;Square feet 1 Bedroom# 770 Square feet 2 Bedroom 12481 Square feet 3 Bedroom 1496 Square feet 4 Bedroom; 1696;Square feet Duplex rental;. Studio 0 Square feet 1 Bedroom I •770,Square feet 2 Bedroom 1192 Square feet 3 Bedroom) 1402 Square feet 4 Bedroom! 1602 Square feet Triplex rental Studio 0 Square feet 1 Bedroom i. - 770;Square feet 2 Bedroom 11361 Square feet 3 Bedroom '1359 Square feet 4 Bedroom; 1559 Square feet City of Auburn DRAFT Housing Action Plan -Appendix D D-2 Apartment/Unit Assumptions Variable Assumption Unit of Measure UnitSvP. `--- _--a--- ---------I -------- --_�__ Micro units. Studio! 220'Square feet 1 Bedroom 460,Square feet 2 Bedroom' 0;Square feet 3 Bedroom 0!Square feet Podium Studio' • 490,Square feet 1 Bedroom • 6801 Square feet 2 Bedroom 9901 Square feet 3 Bedroom' -1310 Square feet Unit Mix J)ilexfor-sale:: , Studio 0%,percent of all units 1 Bedroom; 0%, percent of all units 2 Bedroom 20%!percent of all units 3 Bedroom' 70%percent of all units 4 Bedroom, 10%i percent of all units Triplex for-sale; • Studio 0%,percent of all units 1 Bedroom 0% percent of all units 2 Bedroom 20% percent of all units 3 Bedroom 70%!percent of all units 4 Bedroom, 10%;percent of all units Duplex rental Studio 0%i percent of all units 1 Bedroom 0% percent of all units 2 Bedroom i -70%j percent of all units 3 Bedroom 30%'percent of all units 4 Bedroom:. 0% percent of all units Triplex rental Studio! • 0%a percent of all units 1 Bedroom 0%i percent of all units 2 Bedroom 70%i percent of all units 3 Bedroom 30%percent of all units 4 Bedroom, 0%percent of all units Micro units' Studio'. 100%0%percent of all units 1 Bedroom; 0%,percent of all units 2 Bedroom 1 0%`percent of all units , 3 Bedroom; 0%percent of all units Podium Studios 10%;percent of all units 1 Bedroom 55%percent of all units 2 Bedroom. :35%;percent of all units 3 Bedroom 0% percent of all units City of Auburn DRAFT Housing Action Plan -Appendix D D-3 Apartment/Unit Assumptions Variable Assumption Unit of Measure Unit Price New/Future Construction Premium 5%; Duplex for-sale Studio`: $ 205 I Per square foot 1 Bedroom+ $ - 295 I Per square foot 2 Bedroom $ 240 Per square foot 3 Bedroom! $ 241 Per square foot 4 Bedroom f $ 207 Per square foot Triplex for-sale; Studio $ 199 I Per square foot 1 Bedroom $ 287 I Per square foot 2 Bedroom` $ '233 I Per square foot 3 Bedroom $ 234,I Per square foot 4 Bedroom $ 2011 Per square foot Duplex rental ` , Studio; $ 2.54 ;Per square foot,monthly 1 Bedroom $ 2.08 ;Per square foot,monthly 2 Bedroom $ 1.86 ;Per square foot,monthly 3 Bedroom', $ 1.7.8 Per square foot,monthly 4 Bedroom $ j Per square foot,monthly Triplex rental I Studio] $ 2.49 i Per square foot,monthly 1 Bedroom' $ 2.04 Per square foot,monthly 2 Bedroom $, '1.82 Per square foot,monthly • 3 Bedroom $ 1.741 Per square foot,monthly 4 Bedroom $ - Per square foot,monthly Micro units f Studio $ 4.49 Per square foot,monthly 1 Bedroom f;.$ 3.67 ;Per square foot,monthly 2 Bedroom E ,Per square foot,monthly 3 Bedroom` ;Per square foot,monthly Podium; - Studio $ 2.99 Per square foot,monthly 1 Bedroom $ 2.45 Per square foot,monthly 2 Bedroom $ 2.18 I Per square foot,monthly 3 Bedroom; $ `2.09 i Per square foot,monthly Averag,Unit Sipe Blended unit size' ' Duplex for-sale 1514 Square foot Triplex for-sale 1466`Square foot Duplex rental sr 12551 Square foot Triplex rental 1203;Square foot Micro units • 2201 Square foot • Podium 770;Square foot City of Auburn DRAFT Housing Action Plan -Appendix D D-4 Apartment/Unit Assumptions Variable Assumption Unit of Measure _ Average Unit 5i7a Gross to Net Ratio Duplex and Triplex` 100% Micro units 70%1 Podium':, 87% Gross unitsi7e Duplex for-sale 1514]Square feet Triplex for-sale'.; 1466 Square feet Duplex rental, 1255!Square feet Triplex rental 1203!Square feet Micro units 314!Square feet Podium' 884J Square feet ,Sales prices Duplex-$ , 238I Per square foot Triplex; $ 231 1 Per square foot Blended Rent Duplex, $ 1.83 1 Per square foot,monthly Triplex' $ 1.80.I Per square foot,monthly Micro units $ 4:49 !Per square foot,monthly Podium $ .2.41 Per square foot,monthly Affordability Policy Assumptions _ _ Variable Assumption Unit of Measure Taxes and MFTF Assumptions Property tax rate $ 13.19E Per$1,000 of assessed value MV to AV ratio' 90% Tax abatement(discount rate) 6.00%! 12-year abatement PV factor ' . 70%1 Percent taxes abated; 100%� Affordability Assumptions MFI(4 person household) $ - 113,3001 Income toward rent 30% Percent of income Depth 80%I Percent of MFI Set-aside;n 20%!Percent of units Utilities allowance Studio $ 80.00 Per unit Utilities allowance 1 Bed, $ 95.00 I Per unit Utilities allowance 2 Bed $ 110.00 I Per unit Utilities allowance 3 Bed $ 125.00 I Per unit M Fl Multiplier for Studio: 70%!Percent of M Fl MFI Multiplier for 1 Bed Unit 75%;Percent of MFI MFI Multiplier for 2 Bed Unit . 90%;Percent of MFI MFI Multiplier for 3 Bed Unit 104%'Percent of MFI City of Auburn DRAFT Housing Action Plan -Appendix D D-5 `l STATg o , 'L I889 a STATE OF WASHINGTON DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE 1011 Plum Street SE • PO Box 42525 • Olympia, Washington 98504-2525 • (360) 725-4000 • www.commerce.wa.gov June 24,2021 City Council City of Auburn do Jeff Dixon 25 W Main Street Auburn, Washington 98001 Sent Via Electronic Mail Re: City of Auburn -Draft Housing Action Plan Dear Auburn City Council: Thank you for the opportunity to comment on Auburn's proposed draft Housing Action Plan(HAP). We appreciate your coordination with our agency as you work to fulfill the grant contract to develop this plan. Auburn has done an excellent job through this draft plan to address all the required elements of a housing action plan as outlined in RCW 36.70A.600. The plan, if implemented as designed,will help the city address its future housing needs by accommodating the future population with a greater diversity of housing options and affordability, while addressing displacement and preserving affordable housing. The following parts of the city's HAP are particularly strong and commendable: • The development feasibility was helpful in evaluating specific strategies that will help the city move forward with implementation quickly. The analysis looked at the real world implications of how the different strategies would most effectively achieve the desired development identified in the plan. • The recommendations are presented so that readers can understand the rationale and considerations, impacts based on the development feasibility(where applicable), and what next steps are needed for implementation for each strategy. • The Implementation Steps section and Figure 31. Summary of Recommended Actions and Implementation Considerations ties the plan together giving clear direction and an easy visual to help decision makers decide how and when to implement this plan. Auburn City Council June 24, 2021 Page 2 • The combination of existing landlord and tenant supports, and displacement prevention strategies adds to the strength of this plan as displacement is a critical area to focus on as residents are increasingly priced out of areas. • The housing policy analysis was successful at identifying where the HAP strategies implement existing policies and where existing policies may need to be refined to support the proposed • recommendations. This analysis will be extremely helpful as Auburn undergoes the periodic review and update of the comprehensive plan and development regulations,which is due in 2024. As Auburn looks toward adoption and implementation of this strong set of housing strategies, we suggest the city make a plan for how it wants to monitor the goals within the HAP and develop indicators to track progress. Such a plan would allow the city to measure its progress and evaluate which changes have been effective at meeting the goals, and which might need modifications to meet the intended purpose. Congratulations to the staff for the good work that the draft HAP represents. We extend our continued support to the City of Auburn as you work toward setting your intended direction for housing policy. If you have any questions or need technical assistance,please feel free to contact me at laura.hodgson@commerce.wa.gov or(360) 764-3143. Sincerely, 4 Laura Hodgson Associate Planner Growth Management Services cc: Jeff Dixon,Planning Services Manager, City of Auburn David Andersen,AICP,Managing Director, Growth Management Services Steve Roberge, Deputy Managing Director, Growth Management Services Ben Serr, AICP,Eastern Region Manager, Growth Management Services Anne Fritzel,AICP, Senior Housing Planner, Growth Management Services Gary Idleburg, Senior Planner, Growth Management Services