HomeMy WebLinkAbout07-12-2021 STUDY SESSION AGENDACity Council Study Session Muni Serv ices S FA J uly 12, 2021 - 5:30 P M Virtual AGE ND A Watch the meeting L IV E ! Watch the meeting video Meeting videos are not available until 72 hours after the meeting has concluded. I .C A L L TO O R D E R I I .V I RT UA L PA RT I C I PAT I O N L I NK A.Virtual P articipation L ink The A uburn C ity C ouncil S tudy S ession scheduled for Monday, J uly 12, 2021 at 5:30 p.m. will be held virtually and telephonically. To attend the meeting virtually please click one of the below links, enter the meeting I D into the Z oom app, or call into the meeting at the phone number listed below. P er Governor I nslee's E mergency P roclamation 20-05 and 20-28 et. seq. and Stay S afe-S tay Healthy, the City of A uburn is holding public meetings virtually at this time. C ity of A uburn Resolution No. 5581, designates City of A uburn meeting locations for all Regular, S pecial and Study S ession Meetings of the City Council and of the C ommittees, Boards and Commissions of the City as Virtual L ocations until Washington’s Governor authorizes local governments to conduct in-person meetings. The link to the Virtual Meeting or phone number to listen to the C ouncil Meeting is: J oin f rom a P C , Mac, iP ad, iP hone or A ndroid device: P lease click one of the below UR L to join. Z O O M: https://zoom.us/j/91349994789 YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/watchauburn/live/?nomobile=1 Or join by phone: 253 215 8782 877 853 5257 (Toll Free) Webinar I D: 913 4999 4789 B.R oll Call Page 1 of 136 I I I .A G E ND A I T E MS F O R C O UNC I L D I S C US S I O N A.A xon B ody Camera Presentation (O 'Neil)(60 Minutes) A presentation f rom Axon on B ody C amera Technology and S ervices B.1st Q uarter 2021 Financial R eport (T homas)(20 Minutes) I V.MUNI C I PA L S E RV I C E S D I S C US S I O N I T E MS A.P olice Advisory Committee Update (O'Neil)(30 Minutes) B.2021 L egislative Updates Related to Policing (O'Neil)(45 Minutes) C .C ommunity Court Update (Comeau)(20 Minutes) V.O T HE R D I S C US S I O N I T E MS V I .NE W B US I NE S S V I I .A D J O UR NME NT Agendas and minutes are available to the public at the City Clerk's Office, on the City website (http://www.auburnwa.gov), and via e-mail . Complete agenda packets are available for revi ew at the City Clerk's Office. Page 2 of 136 AGENDA BILL APPROVAL FORM Agenda Subject: Axon Body Camera Presentation (O'Neil)(60 Minutes) Date: July 7, 2021 Department: Police Attachments: Axon Body Camera Pres entation Budget Impact: Current Budget: $0 Proposed Revision: $2.5-2.6 million over 5 years. Personnel cost not included. Revised Budget: $0 Administrativ e Recommendation: Background for Motion: For discussion only. Background Summary: We look f orward to hearing your feedback and welcome the opportunity to dive deeper into any of the technologies discussed. Axon's goal is to collaborate with agencies to build the public saf ety nervous system. We believe the very best way to do this is to build a massive network of law enf orcement professionals committed to taking law enf orcement technology into it’s next chapter. W e hope you consider this is an opportunity not just f or your own agency but f or the entire public safety profession and practice. Rev iewed by Council Committees: Councilmember:Jeyaraj Staff:O'Neil Meeting Date:July 12, 2021 Item Numb er: Page 3 of 136 Page 4 of 136 Page 5 of 136 Page 6 of 136 THE AXON NETWORKPage 7 of 136 Page 8 of 136 BWC Partnerships in WA State•Seattle PD•Spokane PD•Tacoma PD•Kent PD•Tukwila PD•Bellingham PD•Pasco PD•Everett PD•Pierce County Sheriff•Spokane County Sheriff•Spokane Valley PDPage 9 of 136 DECREASEDUSE OF FORCEPage 10 of 136 DECREASEDLITIGATIONINCREASEDCOST SAVINGSPage 11 of 136 STREAMLINEDEVIDENCEMANAGEMENT ANDREPORT WRITINGPage 12 of 136 THE AXONNETWORK INACTIONPage 13 of 136 SITUATION DE-ESCALATED: TASER 7DISTURBANCEPage 14 of 136 CAPTURE THE TRUTH WITH HIGH-QUALITY VIDEO: AXON BODY 3 AND FLEET 3AUTOMATED EVIDENCE CAPTUREPage 15 of 136 COLLECT WITNESS VIDEO WITHOUT CONFISCATING PHONES: AXON CITIZEN FOR OFFICERSPOST EVENTEVIDENCECOLLECTIONPage 16 of 136 CAPTURE THE CONVERSATION FROM ALL ANGLES: AXON INTERVIEWAT THE STATIONCAPTURE THE CONVERSATION FROM ALL ANGLES: AXON INTERVIEWAT THE STATIONPage 17 of 136 QUICKLY ASSOCIATE ALL VIDEO TO THE CSF: AUTO TAGGING SIMPLIFIEDEVIDENCEMANAGMENTPage 18 of 136 EASINGADMINSTRATIVEBURDENSFILE THE INCIDENT REPORT IN HALF THE TIME, NO DOUBLE ENTRY, NO UNNECESSSARY DATA FIELDS: AXON RECORDS Page 19 of 136 MANAGE AND REDACT VIDEO FOR DISTRIBUTION: REDACTION ASSISTANTBUILD THE CASE AND SHARE WITH PROSECUTION: AXON EVIDENCEAFTER THE EVENTPage 20 of 136 MEASUREPERFORMANCEBWC PROGRAM PERFORMANCE TRACKED AND OPTIMIZED: AXON PERFORMACEPage 21 of 136 OFFICER SAFETY PLANPage 22 of 136 AXON AUTO-TRANSCRIBETRANSFORM THE WAY YOU REVIEW AND TRANSCRIBE EVIDENCEPage 23 of 136 REVIEW ASSISTANTAuto-transcripts are ready in minutes, not the days or weeks required for human transcriptionQuickly scan evidence or search for key words using the time-synced auto-transcriptEasily pull direct quotes and witness statements directly into the reportPage 24 of 136 DIGITAL NOTEPAD1. Officer dictates report into BWC2. Report is transcribed in minutes and sent via LTE to evidence.com3. Officer can then edit and copy & paste into RMSPage 25 of 136 VR OFFERINGSAXON’SPage 26 of 136 TRAINING SIMULATORSCLASSROOM ROLE PLAYERS2D SCREENSVIRTUAL REALITYMINIMAL FACILITY/STORAGEDYNAMIC CONTENTCOMPACT & PORTABLECREATE REALISTIC STRESSEASILY REPEATABLELONG-TERM COST/STAFFINGPage 27 of 136 Axon Privileged and ConfidentialEXCEPTIONAL CONTENT FROM SMEs, PEERS, AND COMMUNITY MEMBERSWIRELESSLY AVAILABLE ANYTIME & ANYWHEREREAL-TIME INSTRUCTION & INSIGHTSAXON’S VRADVANTAGEPage 28 of 136 VR: TWO PRODUCTS, ONE SOLUTIONCOMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT TRAININGFixed-pathVR scenarios focused on introducing key learning objectives and de-escalation tacticsfor situations like Autism, Schizophrenia, Peer Intervention and more.SIMULATOR TRAINING“Open world” VR scenarios where trainees have autonomy to practice and refine their skillsin dynamic situations. Trainees speak and respond naturally, and can draw on training TASER energy weapons or training firearmsshould a situation demand.Page 29 of 136 COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT TRAINING: 2021 ROADMAPUPCOMING RELEASESPROFOUND AGITATIONOFFICER SUICIDESUBSTANCE ABUSEAUTISM IIAT-RISK YOUTHPROTESTSENGLISH AS A SECOND LANGUAGEAVAILABLE NOWSCHIZOPHRENIAAUTISMSUICIDE PREVENTIONALZHEIMER’SHARD OF HEARINGVETERAN PTSIPEER INTERVENTION x3DOMESTIC VIOLENCEDEAFSCHIZOPHRENIA IIHUMAN TRAFFICKINGSUPERVISOR TRAININGADDITIONAL BASED ON FEEDBACKPage 30 of 136 SIMULATOR TRAINING: 2021 ROADMAPA V A I L A B L E A T L A U N C H I N D E V E L O P M E N TDOMESTIC VIOLENCEFIRING RANGE+STREET STOP TRAFFIC STOPCRISIS MANAGEMENT ADDITIONAL SCENARIOS BASED ON FEEDBACKPage 31 of 136 •24/7 US-Based Support•Customer Success Manager•Account Manager•Sales Engineer AXON SUPPORT MODELPage 32 of 136 AXON BODY 3Page 33 of 136 EMBEDDED GPSSIMPLE OPERATION & DISPLAYIRONCLAD SECURITYLIGHTER, MORE SECURE MOUNTFULL-SHIFT BATTERYRUGGED WEARABILITYCAPTURE CLEARER TRUTH:CORE CAPABILITIESPage 34 of 136 CAPTURE CLEARERPage 35 of 136 IMPROVEDLOW-LIGHT PERFROMANCEPage 36 of 136 Page 37 of 136 CLEAR FRAME PLAYBACKPage 38 of 136 WITHOUT CLEAR FRAMEWITH CLEAR FRAMECLEAR FRAME PLAYBACK(VIDEO)WITHOUT CLEAR FRAME WITH CLEAR FRAMEPage 39 of 136 CLEAR FRAME PLAYBACKWITH CLEAR FRAMEWITHOUT CLEAR FRAMEPage 40 of 136 PRECISION AUDIO WITH WIND-NOISE REDUCTIONPage 41 of 136 ACT ON REAL-TIMEAWARENESSPage 42 of 136 INTRODUCING AXON RESPONDFOR MAXIMUM OFFICER SAFETYSEND HELP WHEN IT'S NEEDEDMAINTAIN VISIBILITY WITH ALERTS, LIVE MAPS AND STREAMINGQUICKLY ACCESS AND SHARE INFORMATION AS IT EMERGESPage 43 of 136 Page 44 of 136 Drive the FutureFLEET 3 INTEGRATED IN-CAR VIDEOPage 45 of 136 NEVER MISS A CRITICAL MOMENTAXON SIGNALSenses a variety of inputs to start Axon camera recordings Configurable per your agency policySends alerts & notifications to Axon RespondAxon Signal Vehicle included for BWC activationPage 46 of 136 Page 47 of 136 AGENDA BILL APPROVAL FORM Agenda Subject: 1st Quarter 2021 Financial Report (Thomas)(20 Minutes) Date: July 7, 2021 Department: Finance Attachments: Q1 Report Budget Impact: Administrativ e Recommendation: For discussion only. Background for Motion: Background Summary: The financial report summarizes the general state of Citywide financial af f airs and highlights significant items or trends that the City Council should be aware of . The attachment provides the year-to-date through March 2021 status report based on financial data available as of April 26, 2021. Sales tax inf ormation represents business activity that occurred through January 2021. Rev iewed by Council Committees: Councilmember:Baggett Staff:Thomas Meeting Date:July 12, 2021 Item Numb er: Page 48 of 136 Quarterly Financial Report Through March 2021 General Fund Summary $1.0 $4.8 $3.5 $1.0 $0.3 $0.5 $1.7 $0.4 $12.0 $5.4 $2.5 $0.1 $1.2 $5.8 $0.4 $1.9 $11.2 $4.1 $2.5 $0.0 $3.0 $0.7 $0.4 $0.3 PropertyTaxesSalesTaxesOtherTaxesIntergovernmental(Grants, etc.)DevelopmentService FeesCulture &RecreationOther Fees& ChargesOtherRevenuesPersonnelSupplies& ServicesOtherExpendituresTransfersOutRevenues Expenditures $0 $10 $20 Millions2021 Budget 2021 Actuals (Favorable) 2021 Actuals (Unfavorable) General Fund Revenues and Expenditures (Through March 2021) $13.0 $19.9 $13.7 $17.8 Total Revenues Total Expenditures $0 $10 $20 $30 Millions$0.4 $0.6 $0.7 $1.0 $0.9 $1.3 $0.1 $1.3 $7.7 $0.9 $3.4 $0.9 $0.7$0.3 $0.6 $0.6 $0.9 $0.7 $1.1 $0.1 $1.1 $7.6 $0.8 $2.5 $0.9 $0.5 Council& MayorAdministrativeServicesHumanResourcesFinanceCity AttorneyCommunityDevelopmentCommunity &Human ServicesJail - SCOREPolicePublicWorksParks, Arts& RecreationStreetsNon-Departmental$0 $5 $10 Millions2021 Budget 2021 Actuals (Favorable) 2021 Actuals (Unfavorable) General Fund Expenditures by Department (Through March 2021) 1 Page 49 of 136 Quarterly Financial Report Through March 2021 2 General Fund 2020 Summary of Sources and Uses Annual YTD YTD YTD Budget Budget Actual Actual Amount Operating Revenues Property Tax 7 22,842,300$ 955,200$ 1,230,328$ 827,713$ 275,128$ 28.8 % Retail Sales Tax 7-9 16,947,000 4,180,600 5,100,201 4,701,796 919,601 22.0 % Affordable Housing Sales Tax Credit 123,700 30,925 44,057 27,537 13,132 42.5 % Sales Tax - Pierce County Parks 99,700 24,700 30,670 27,556 5,970 24.2 % Criminal Justice Sales Tax 2,034,000 527,100 599,073 616,847 71,973 13.7 % Brokered Natural Gas Tax 130,000 36,500 48,102 51,339 11,602 31.8 % City Utilities Tax 3, 9-10 6,471,400 1,422,500 973,666 935,395 (448,834)(31.6)% Admissions Tax 11 320,000 80,001 9,603 94,165 (70,398)(88.0)% Electric Tax 9-11 3,723,200 926,900 921,206 890,624 (5,694)(0.6)% Natural Gas Tax 9-11 1,116,900 229,400 268,331 275,456 38,931 17.0 % Cable Franchise Fee 876,900 219,225 232,850 226,874 13,625 6.2 % Cable Utility Tax 960,000 240,000 245,716 241,325 5,716 2.4 % Cable Franchise Fee - Capital 60,000 15,000 14,723 15,826 (277)(1.8)% Telephone Tax 9-11 765,400 163,400 209,034 210,877 45,634 27.9 % Solid Waste Tax (external)9-11 112,500 28,140 53,002 39,065 24,862 88.3 % Leasehold Excise Tax 210,000 12,500 13,660 13,813 1,160 9.3 % Gambling Excise Tax 12 307,000 76,750 399 50,302 (76,351) (99.5)% Taxes sub-total 57,100,000$ 9,168,841$ 9,994,619$ 9,246,509$ 825,778$ 9.0 % Business License Fees 12-13 385,400$ 115,800$ 103,954$ 121,746$ (11,846)$ (10.2)% Building Permits 13-14 858,400 105,600 350,997 148,894 245,397 232.4 % Other Licenses & Permits 785,600 140,800 401,548 106,754 260,748 185.2 % Intergovernmental (Grants, etc.)15 4,320,220 971,951 675,251 1,326,196 (296,701)(30.5)% Charges for Services:16-17 General Government Services 16 3,474,060 868,515 828,576 719,838 (39,939)(4.6)% Public Safety 16-17 929,900 232,475 143,391 271,784 (89,084)(38.3)% Development Services Fees 16-17 896,100 271,000 392,607 356,021 121,607 44.9 % Culture and Recreation 16-17 2,072,630 454,500 356,994 404,942 (97,506)(21.5)% Fines and Penalties 18-19 722,200 204,900 120,137 225,975 (84,763) (41.4)% Fees/Charges/Fines sub-total 14,444,510$ 3,365,541$ 3,373,456$ 3,682,150$ 7,914$ 0.2 % Interest and Investment Earnings 19-20 138,800$ 34,700$ 10,712$ 66,415$ (23,988)$ (69.1)% Rents and Leases 19-20 754,600 252,300 110,230 229,400 (142,070)(56.3)% Contributions and Donations 19-20 28,000 7,000 843 1,865 (6,157)(88.0)% Other Miscellaneous 19-20 217,800 61,942 88,424 49,076 26,482 42.8 % Transfers In 162,000 74,000 74,000 81,527 0 0.0 % Insurance Recoveries - Capital & Operating 25,000 6,250 16,445 9,905 10,195 163.1 % Other Revenues sub-total 1,326,200$ 436,192$ 300,653$ 438,187$ (135,538)$ (31.1)% Total Operating Revenues 72,870,710$ 12,970,574$ 13,668,728$ 13,366,846$ 698,154$ 5.4 % Operating Expenditures Council & Mayor 1,375,222$ 376,500$ 314,970$ 255,707$ 61,530$ 16.3 % Administration 1,972,658 602,703 587,521 587,536 15,182 2.5 % Human Resources 1,867,531 471,500 449,398 412,147 22,102 4.7 % Municipal Court & Probation 3,160,261 269,615 172,322 179,018 97,293 36.1 % Finance 3,833,612 984,700 856,490 838,209 128,210 13.0 % City Attorney 3,511,313 886,100 702,635 615,647 183,465 20.7 % Community Development 4,950,254 1,287,100 1,104,989 1,125,547 182,111 14.1 % Community & Human Services (Comm Devel)1,201,797 149,900 141,255 131,267 8,645 5.8 % Jail - SCORE 5,021,600 1,255,400 1,141,275 1,141,275 114,125 9.1 % Police 30,884,021 7,722,917 7,607,135 6,799,484 115,782 1.5 % Public Works 3,334,062 931,800 849,375 1,042,050 82,425 8.8 % Parks, Arts & Recreation 13,774,608 3,351,800 2,465,946 2,889,235 885,854 26.4 % Streets 4,092,068 949,900 854,824 838,010 95,076 10.0 % Non-Departmental 3,315,070 701,143 548,680 447,655 152,463 21.7 % Total Operating Expenditures 82,294,077$ 19,941,078$ 17,796,816$ 17,302,787$ 2,144,262$ 10.8 % Page Ref 2021 2021 YTD Budget vs. Actual Favorable (Unfavorable) Percentage 2 Page 50 of 136 Quarterly Financial Report Through March 2021 3 Executive Summary This report provides an overview of the City’s overall financial position for the fiscal period ending March 31, 2021, reflecting financial data available as of April 26, 2021. General Fund: Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, some General Fund revenues are lower than the pre-pandemic levels due to the economic impact the pandemic has had at the local and regional level. In January of this year, the Governor announced a new COVID plan where counties are now grouped into eight regions and the reopening depends on four metrics. Starting on January 11th, all regions were rolled back to Phase I. Effective on February 1, 2021, King and Pierce counties advanced to Phase II – which allowed for indoor dining at 25% occupancy as well additional occupancy requirements for personal and professional services and retail. Then, 7 weeks later, on March 22, 2021, both King and Pierce counties advanced to Phase III of the state’s Healthy Washington Roadmap to Recovery Plan. Phase III allows businesses to have indoor dining occupancy up to 50%, retail, fitness and competitive sports at 50% occupancy, and indoor entertainment venues like theaters, concerts, museums, bowling alleys, cardrooms, zoos, etc. are allowed to reopen with restrictions. Source: The Governor’s guidance for the Healthy Washington Roadmap to Recovery Plan: https://www.governor.wa.gov/sites/default/files/HealthyWashington.pdf Therefore, during the first quarter of 2021, there have been numerous changes in what types of businesses are allowed to be open and the restrictions upon occupancy has loosened since the beginning of the year. In addition, COVID vaccine availability and eligibility has opened up during the first quarter of this year. As the number of people vaccinated continues to rise, it is expected that the increased vaccination rate will have a positive impact on the economy as people feel safer to navigate around others, the infection rates are expected to decrease, unemployment rates are expected to decrease, and eventually restrictions reduced. Note: In 2020 to help close the revenue gap due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the City implemented several short-term policy changes in 2020. It is important to note that, effective January 1, 2021, all of those policy changes have been discontinued. Overall, General Fund revenues collected in the first quarter of 2021 totaled $13.7 million as compared to a budget of $13.0 million. Policy Changes in 2021: • In November 2020, City Council approved Ordinance No. 6801, which increased the City interfund utility tax rate from 7.0% to 10.0%. While the 1.0% tax revenue that supports the Arterial Street Preservation Fund remains unchanged, this change will increase the General Fund tax revenues for Water, Sewer, Storm and Solid Waste services from the previous 6.0% to 9.0%. This change is expected to increase General Fund revenues in 2021 by $2.2 million. Due to a timing issue, this policy change is not reflected in this financial report but will be reflected in the Q2-2021 financial report. Currently, the City utility tax revenues reflected here are $449,000 unfavorable to budget, but once the correction is made in April, an additional $487,000 in revenue will be recorded in the General Fund which will result in a favorable variance to budget of $38,000. 3 Page 51 of 136 Quarterly Financial Report Through March 2021 4 Notable variances to budget include: • Retail Sales Tax: The sales tax report through March 2021 (which is provided as an attachment to this report) reflects amounts remitted to the City of Auburn based on sales from November 2020 through January 2021. Total sales tax revenue collected through March 2021 totals $5.1 million and is $398,000, or 8.5%, more than what was collected through Q1-2020. Sales tax revenues collected during the first quarter of the year exceed pre-pandemic levels collected in Q1-2020. The most notable increases in revenues were seen in the retail trade category, automotive, and the transportation and warehousing categories. It is believed that this increase in sales tax revenue is due to pent up demand. [pages 7-9] • As noted on the previous page, City utility tax collections through Q1-2021 are $449,000 unfavorable to budget due to a timing issue. The City Council approved a City utility tax increase from 7% to 10% effective January 2021. Once the revenues to account for this change are booked in April 2021, an additional $487,000 in revenue will be recorded in the General Fund which will result in a favorable variance to budget of $38,000. [pages 9-10] • Other Licenses and Permits: Revenues in this category primarily consist of excavation permits, street and curb permits as well as plumbing permits. Through Q1-2021, these revenues total $402,000 and were $261,000 favorable to budget. The majority of favorability to budget was seen in excavation permit revenues. The majority of excavation permit revenues collected in Q1-2021 were for permit activity from 2020. • Intergovernmental revenues collected through the first quarter of 2021 were $297,000, or 30.5%, unfavorable to budget. The primary reason for the variance to budget was due to the timing of the collection of the quarterly payment from the Muckleshoot Indian Tribe for City services rendered to the casino. [page 15] • The rents and lease category ended the quarter $142,000, or 56.3%, unfavorable to budget due to the fact that the majority of facilities that would normally be available for rentals were closed during the first quarter of 2021 due to the Governor’s order. It is expected that facilities will start to open, in some capacity, in the second quarter of the year. [pages 19-20] General Fund expenditures in the first quarter of 2021 totaled $17.8 million compared to a budget of $19.9 million, representing an 10.8% favorable variance to budget. All departments operated within their allocated quarterly budget in the first quarter of 2021. 4 Page 52 of 136 Quarterly Financial Report Through March 2021 5 Street Funds: The City’s three street funds are special revenue funds wherein the revenue sources and expenditures are legally restricted. These funds are used for street capital construction projects, as well as local and arterial street repair and preservation projects. Historically, the majority of expenditures in all three street funds occur during the second half of the year when weather conditions are optimal for pavement construction. Variances in budget and actuals between years are generally due to the schedule and level of activity on projects in the fund, and the timing of grant reimbursements and other funding. In the first quarter of 2021, Arterial Street Fund revenues totaled $180,000 as compared to collections of $182,000 in 2020, while expenditures totaled $544,000 as compared to expenditures of $144,000 in the first quarter of 2020. [pages 22–23] Local Street Fund revenues of $197,000 compare to collections of $598,000 through March 2020. Expenditures in the first quarter were $60,000 as compared with $204,000 million in 2020. [pages 24–25] Lastly, Arterial Street Preservation Fund revenues totaled $501,000 through March 2021, approximately $40,000 lower than the same period last year when the funding source had been changed to REET 2. Expenditures totaled $625,000 versus $154,000 last year. [pages 26–27] ​YTD Budget $13.0 M ​YTD Budget $19.9 M ​YTD Actuals $13.7 M ​YTD Actuals $17.8 M $0 $2 $4 $6 $8 $10 $12 $14 $16 $18 $20 $22 $24 Revenues Expenditures $ Millions General Fund Revenues vs. Expenditures Through March 2021 5 Page 53 of 136 Quarterly Financial Report Through March 2021 6 Enterprise Funds: The City’s enterprise funds account for operations with revenues primarily provided from user fees, charges or contracts for services. The Water Fund ended the first quarter of 2021 with operating income of $996,000, compared to $1.1 million last year. This variance is largely due to low first-quarter water consumption. [page 29] The Sewer Fund had operating income of $452,000 through March 2021 versus $660,000 in 2020. Lower consumption and interest revenues coupled with increased personnel and service expenses explain much of this variance. [page 30] Through March 2021 the Stormwater Fund had operating income of $725,000 compared to $955,000 in 2020; this variance is largely due to increased personnel costs, permits, and contracted services. [page 30] The Solid Waste Fund had operating income of $301,000 through the first quarter compared to operating income of $361,000 in the same period last year; the variance is mainly due to higher service charges and payments to the City’s solid waste vendor. [pages 30-31] The Airport Fund experienced operating income of $93,000 through March 2021, compared to $198,000 in the same period last year. This variance is largely attributable to fuel inventory purchases, as well as personnel, contracted service and fleet costs. [page 32] The Cemetery Fund had operating income of $86,000 through March 2021, compared with an operating loss of $18,000 in the same period last year. This increase in largely attributable to increased sales revenues. [page 32] Internal Service Funds: Internal service funds provide services to other City departments and include functions such as Insurance, Worker’s Compensation, Facilities, Innovation & Technology, and Equipment Rental. No significant variances were reported in these funds in 2020. [page 33] 6 Page 54 of 136 Quarterly Financial Report Through March 2021 7 General Fund Revenues The combined total of property, sales/use, utility, gambling, and admissions taxes provides over 70% of all resources supporting general governmental activities. The following section provides additional information on these sources. Property Tax collections in Q1-2021 totaled $1.2 million and compares to a budget of $1.0 million. As depicted in the graphic below, the majority of property taxes are collected during the months of April and October, coinciding with the due dates for the County property tax billings. The COVID-19 pandemic had minimal, if any, impact to property tax revenues. Retail Sales Tax collections in Q1-2021 totaled $5.1 million and reflects taxes remitted to the City of Auburn based on sales from November 2020 through January 2021. Due to the global pandemic, the 2021 retail sales tax revenue projection was reduced in order to account for business closures and/or occupancy restrictions combined with a slower economy due to higher than usual unemployment rates. Due to stronger than anticipated sales in several categories including retail trade and construction, sales tax revenues collected through Q1-2021 were $920,000, or 22.0%, higher than budget. $0.0 $2.0 $4.0 $6.0 $8.0 $10.0 $12.0 $14.0 $16.0 $18.0 $20.0 $22.0 $24.0 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov DecMillionsProperty Taxes 2021 Budget 2021 YTD Actual 2020 Actual 7 Page 55 of 136 Quarterly Financial Report Through March 2021 8 Note: The increase in sales tax revenue from 2018 to 2019 was primarily due to a policy change whereby sales tax on construction revenue stays in the General Fund starting in 2019. Of the year-over-year increase in sales tax revenue depicted in the graphic above from 2018 to 2019, $2.2 million of the $2.9 million increase was due to this policy change. $0.0 $2.0 $4.0 $6.0 $8.0 $10.0 $12.0 $14.0 $16.0 $18.0 $20.0 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov DecMillionsRetail Sales & Use Tax 2021 Budget 2021 YTD Actual 2020 Actual $14.6 $14.9 $15.9 $18.8 $18.9 $5.1 $0.0 $2.0 $4.0 $6.0 $8.0 $10.0 $12.0 $14.0 $16.0 $18.0 $20.0 $22.0 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 YTDMillionsRetail Sales & Use Tax Actuals 8 Page 56 of 136 Quarterly Financial Report Through March 2021 9 The following table breaks out the City’s retail sales taxes by major business sector. Citywide retail sales tax revenue collected in Q1-2021 was $398,000, or 8.5%, more than collections in Q1-2020. The business sectors that realized the greatest revenue increase year- over-year was in retail trade and construction. Utility Taxes consist of interfund taxes on City utilities (Water, Sewer, Storm and Solid Waste) and taxes on external utilities (Electric, Natural Gas, Telephone and Solid Waste). As noted on page 3 of this report, in November 2020 City Council approved Ordinance No. 6801, which increased the City utility tax rate from 7.0% to 10.0%. While the 1.0% tax revenue that supports the Arterial Street Preservation Fund remains unchanged, this change will increase the General Fund tax revenues for Water, Sewer, Storm and Solid Waste services from the previous 6.0% to 9.0%. This change is expected to increase General Fund revenues in 2021 by $2.2 million. Due to a timing issue, this policy change is not currently reflected on this Financial Report but will be reflected on the Q2-2021 Financial Report. Currently, the City utility tax revenues reflected here shows $449,000 unfavorable to budget but once the correction is made - an additional $487,000 in revenue will be recorded in the General Fund which will result in a favorable variance to budget of $38,000. 2020 2021 Component Group Actual Actual Amount Construction 627,426$ 750,470$ 123,044$ 19.6 % Manufacturing 99,304 91,899 (7,405) (7.5)% Transportation & Warehousing 26,939 89,580 62,641 232.5 % Wholesale Trade 332,761 328,040 (4,720) (1.4)% Automotive 978,176 1,021,105 42,929 4.4 % Retail Trade 1,484,732 1,625,691 140,959 9.5 % Services 1,094,129 1,114,626 20,497 1.9 % Miscellaneous 58,329 78,790 20,461 35.1 % YTD Total 4,701,796$ 5,100,201$ 398,405$ 8.5 % Comparison of Retail Sales Tax Collections by Group Through March Change from 2020 Percentage 9 Page 57 of 136 Quarterly Financial Report Through March 2021 10 $0.0 $2.0 $4.0 $6.0 $8.0 $10.0 $12.0 $14.0 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov DecMillionsUtility Tax 2021 Budget 2021 YTD Actual 2020 Actual $10.0 $10.2 $9.9 $9.6 $11.4 $2.4 $0.0 $2.0 $4.0 $6.0 $8.0 $10.0 $12.0 $14.0 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 YTDMillionsUtility Tax Revenues Actuals 10 Page 58 of 136 Quarterly Financial Report Through March 2021 11 The table below demonstrates the various utility tax revenues and show actuals compared to budget. An Admission Tax of 5.0% is placed on charges for general admission, season tickets, cover charges, etc. Admission tax revenues collected in Q1-2021 totaled $10,000 and is $70,000 unfavorable to budget. Due to COVID-19, some entertainment style businesses had not reopened during the first quarter of the year. The primary remitter of admission tax to the City of Auburn is the Auburn Regal Cinema at the Outlet Collection mall. The theater was closed for several months and just recently reopened so it is expected that tax collections will increase in the second quarter of 2021. Revenues collected in this category in the first quarter of the year were exclusively from admissions tax collected from the Auburn Golf Course. 2020 2021 2021 Utility Tax Type YTD Actual YTD Budget YTD Actual Amount Amount City Interfund Utility Taxes 935,395$ 1,422,500$ 973,666$ $ 38,271 4.1 % $ (448,834)(31.6)% Electric 890,624 926,900 921,206 30,582 3.4 %(5,694) (0.6)% Natural Gas 275,456 229,400 268,331 (7,125) (2.6)%38,931 17.0 % Telephone 210,877 163,400 209,034 (1,843) (0.9)%45,634 27.9 % Solid Waste (external)39,065 28,140 53,002 13,937 35.7 %24,862 88.3 % YTD Total 2,351,417$ 2,770,340$ 2,425,238$ $ 73,821 3.1 % $ (345,102)(12.5)% Through March 2021 Utility Tax by Type 2021 vs. 2020 Actual 2021 vs. Budget Percentage Percentage $0.0 $100.0 $200.0 $300.0 $400.0 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov DecThousandsAdmission Tax 2021 Budget 2021 Actual 2020 Actual 11 Page 59 of 136 Quarterly Financial Report Through March 2021 12 Gambling Tax applies to all card games, punch board games, pull tabs, bingo games, raffles and amusement games played within City limits. Due to COVID-19 and occupancy limitations, some of these establishments had not opened up for business until the later part of Q1-2021 or had opened at a reduced capacity. It is anticipated that in Q2-2021 revenue from these entertainment style activities will be stronger than what was experienced during the first quarter of the year. The City charges an annual fee of $100 for a Business License for each business that is located within the City. The City typically sends out the renewals for the following year around December of each year. Therefore, the majority of these revenues are collected in December for the following year or January in the current year. Business license revenues collected through Q1- 2021 totaled $104,000 and were $12,000, or 10.2%, unfavorable to budget. $0.0 $100.0 $200.0 $300.0 $400.0 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov DecThousandsGambling Tax 2021 Budget 2021 YTD Actual 2020 Actual 12 Page 60 of 136 Quarterly Financial Report Through March 2021 13 Building Permit revenues collected through March 2021 totaled $351,000 and were $245,000 favorable to budget. A total of 132 building permits were issued in Q1-2021 compared to 106 building permits issued in Q1-2020, representing a 24.5% increase. Of the building permit revenues collected in the first quarter, 63% were attributable to commercial projects and the remaining 37% was predominately single-family housing permits. Major projects providing building permit revenues in the first quarter of 2021 include the Logisticenter, and several single-family houses in the Forest Glen, Huntington Woods and Carter’s Estates housing developments. $0 $50 $100 $150 $200 $250 $300 $350 $400 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov DecThousandsBusiness Licenses 2021 Budget 2021 YTD Actual 2020 Actual $225 $163 $353 $336 $354 $104 $0 $50 $100 $150 $200 $250 $300 $350 $400 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 YTDThousandsBusiness License Revenues Actuals 13 Page 61 of 136 Quarterly Financial Report Through March 2021 14 $0.0 $0.2 $0.4 $0.6 $0.8 $1.0 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov DecMillionsBuilding Permits 2021 Budget 2021 Actual 2020 Actual $2.0 $1.2 $0.9 $1.2 $0.8 $0.4 $0.0 $0.5 $1.0 $1.5 $2.0 $2.5 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 YTDMillionsBuilding Permits Actuals 14 Page 62 of 136 Quarterly Financial Report Through March 2021 15 Intergovernmental revenues include grants (direct and indirect federal, state and local), revenue from the Muckleshoot Indian Tribe (MIT) compact as well as state shared revenues. Collections in Q1-2021 totaled $675,000 and were $297,000, or 30.5%, below budget expectations. The majority of the unfavorable variance to budget was seen in the contributions from Muckleshoot Casino for services related to police calls for service, court related prosecutions, and street maintenance. 2020 2021 2021 Revenue YTD Actual YTD Budget YTD Actual Amount Amount Federal Grants -$ -$ -$ $ - N/A % $ - N/A % State Grants 31,680 30,771 2,992 (28,688) (90.6)%(27,779) (90.3)% Interlocal Grants 45,242 82,310 3,000 (42,242) 0.0 %(79,310) (96.4)% Muckleshoot Casino Services 319,588 231,250 0 (319,588) (100.0)%(231,250) (100.0)% State Shared Revenues: Streamlined Sales Tax 244,790 0 0 (244,790) (100.0)%0 N/A % Motor Vehicle Fuel Tax 281,906 221,300 243,260 (38,645) (13.7)%21,960 9.9 % Criminal Justice - High Crime 54,759 53,050 58,871 4,111 7.5 %5,821 11.0 % Criminal Justice - Population 6,195 6,500 6,519 324 5.2 %19 0.3 % Criminal Justice - Special Prog.22,235 23,700 23,270 1,035 4.7 %(430) (1.8)% Marijuana Excise Tax 44,711 45,900 41,004 (3,707) (8.3)%(4,896) (10.7)% State DUI 2,681 2,950 3,217 536 20.0 %267 9.0 % Fire Insurance Tax 0 0 0 0 N/A %0 N/A % Liquor Excise 108,403 111,720 131,228 22,825 21.1 %19,508 17.5 % Liquor Profit 164,006 162,500 161,890 (2,116) (1.3)%(610) (0.4)% Total State Shared:929,685 627,620 669,258 (260,427)(28.0)%41,638 6.6 % YTD Total 1,326,196$ 971,951$ 675,251$ (650,945)$ (49.1)%(296,701)$ (30.5)% Through March 2021 Intergovernmental Revenues (Grants, Entitlements & Services) 2021 vs. 2020 Actual 2021 vs. Budget % Change % Change $5.7 $6.1 $6.3 $6.0 $10.2 $0.7 $0 $2 $4 $6 $8 $10 $12 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 YTDMillionsIntergovernmental Revenues (Grants, Entitlements & Services) Actuals 15 Page 63 of 136 Quarterly Financial Report Through March 2021 16 Charges for Services consist of general governmental service charges, public safety charges, development service fees, and culture and recreation fees. Total charges for services collected through March 2021 totaled $1.7 million and were $105,000, or 5.7%, less than budgeted. The General Government revenue category primarily includes the interfund assessment for the salary and benefit costs for support departments (Finance, Human Resources and the Legal Department). Salary and benefit costs for these support departments are charged to the respective General Fund home department and the offsetting revenues for that support personnel is recouped from other funds into the General Fund. Public safety revenues mostly consist of revenues for law enforcement services. Law enforcement services include revenues received for extra duty security services, whereby police officers are contracted for and reimbursement is made by the hiring agency. This category also includes reimbursements from the Muckleshoot Indian Tribe (MIT) for a full-time dedicated police officer and associated expenditures as well as monies collected from the Auburn School District and the Criminal Justice Training Commission (CJTC) for services rendered. Public safety revenues collected through Q1-2021 totaled $143,000 and were $89,000 unfavorable to budget primarily due to the timing of when law enforcement services were billed. Development services fee collections consist primarily of plan check fees, facility extension charges, and zoning and subdivision fees. Through March 2021, development service fees collected totaled $393,000 and were $122,000 favorable to budget expectations. The favorable variance to budget was seen primarily in facility extension charges which generated $149,000 in revenue in the first quarter of the year. Plan check revenues collected in Q1-2021 totaled $193,000 and were approximately $20,000 more than amounts collected through Q1-2020. Plan check revenues included numerous commercial and residential projects including Logisticenter and the Forest Glen housing development. 2020 2021 2021 Revenue YTD Actual YTD Budget YTD Actual Amount Amount General Government 719,838$ 868,515$ 828,576$ $ 108,737 15.1 % $ (39,939)(4.6)% Public Safety 271,784 232,475 143,391 (128,393) (47.2)%(89,084) (38.3)% Development Services 356,021 271,000 392,607 36,586 10.3 %121,607 44.9 % Culture & Recreation 404,942 454,500 356,994 (47,948) (11.8)%(97,506) (21.5)% YTD Total 1,752,586$ 1,826,490$ 1,721,568$ (31,018)$ (1.8)% $ (104,922)(5.7)% Through March 2021 Charges for Services by Type 2021 vs. 2020 Actual 2021 vs. Budget Percentage Percentage 16 Page 64 of 136 Quarterly Financial Report Through March 2021 17 The majority of culture and recreation revenues are derived from greens fees and pro shop sales at the Auburn Golf Course, recreational classes, ticket sales at the Auburn Avenue Theater, senior programs and special events. Due to COVID-19, many of these activities continued to be suspended or are significantly modified. Through Q1-2021, 63.9% of the culture and recreation revenues collected were from the green fees and pro-shop sales at the Auburn Golf Course. $1.0 $0.9 $0.9 $1.1 $1.0 $0.4 $0.0 $0.2 $0.4 $0.6 $0.8 $1.0 $1.2 $1.4 $1.6 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 YTDMillionsDevelopment Service Fees Actuals $0.0 $0.2 $0.4 $0.6 $0.8 $1.0 $1.2 $1.4 $1.6 $1.8 $2.0 $2.2 $2.4 $2.6 $2.8 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov DecMillionsCulture & Recreation 2021 Budget 2021 YTD Actual 2020 Actual 17 Page 65 of 136 Quarterly Financial Report Through March 2021 18 Fines & Penalties include civil penalties (such as code compliance fines), parking and traffic infraction penalties, criminal fines (including criminal traffic, criminal non-traffic and other criminal offenses) as well as non-court fines such as false alarm fines. Total revenues collected through Q1-2021 totaled $120,000 compared to a budget of $205,000 and were 41.4% below budget expectations primarily due to lower than budgeted collections in civil infraction penalties and parking infractions. 2020 2021 2021 Month YTD Actual YTD Budget YTD Actual Amount Amount Civil Penalties 21,239$ 6,300$ 382$ $ (20,857)(98.2)% $ (5,918)(93.9)% Civil Infraction Penalties 91,125 115,600 54,378 (36,748) (40.3)%(61,222) (53.0)% Redflex Photo Enforcement 0 0 855 855 N/A %855 N/A % Parking Infractions 28,740 37,200 12,480 (16,261) (56.6)%(24,720) (66.5)% Criminal Traffic Misdemeanor 13,938 14,200 12,999 (940) (6.7)%(1,201) (8.5)% Criminal Non-Traffic Fines 6,833 9,800 7,904 1,072 15.7 %(1,896) (19.3)% Criminal Costs 6,809 4,400 9,441 2,632 38.7 %5,041 114.6 % Non-Court Fines & Penalties 57,290 17,400 21,700 (35,590) (62.1)%4,300 24.7 % YTD Total 225,975$ 204,900$ 120,137$ $ (105,837)(46.8)% $ (84,763)(41.4)% Through March 2021 Fines & Penalties by Type 2021 vs. 2020 Actual 2021 vs. Budget Percentage Percentage $0.0 $0.1 $0.2 $0.3 $0.4 $0.5 $0.6 $0.7 $0.8 $0.9 $1.0 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov DecMillionsFines & Penalties 2021 Budget 2021 YTD Actual 2020 Actual 18 Page 66 of 136 Quarterly Financial Report Through March 2021 19 Miscellaneous Revenues consist of investment earnings, income from facility rentals, revenue collected on golf cart rentals at the Auburn Golf Course, contributions and donations, and other income including the quarterly purchasing card (P-card) rebate monies. Revenues collected in Q1-2021 in this category totaled $210,000 and were under budget expectations by $146,000, or 40.9%. The majority of the unfavorable variance to budget was in the rents and leases category. The rents and leases revenue category is primarily rental revenue generated from campsites and park shelters, rentals of the athletic fields, and rentals of meeting and event rooms as well as golf cart rentals, parking spot rentals, and lease rental revenue from the restaurant located at the Auburn Golf Course. Due to COVID-19, facility rental revenue abruptly halted in March of last year as all of the facilities closed. While some rental activity since resumed, there continues to be significant restrictions on rentals through the first quarter of 2021 due to restrictions set forth by the Governor. $0.9 $0.9 $0.9 $0.9 $0.6 $0.1 $0.0 $0.2 $0.4 $0.6 $0.8 $1.0 $1.2 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 YTDMillionsFines & Penalties Actuals 2020 2021 2021 Month YTD Actual YTD Budget YTD Actual Amount Amount Interest & Investments 66,415$ 34,700$ 10,712$ (55,703)$ (83.9)%(23,988)$ (69.1)% Rents & Leases 229,400 252,300 110,230 (119,170)(51.9)%(142,070) (56.3)% Contributions & Donations 1,865 7,000 843 (1,022)(54.8)%(6,157) (88.0)% Other Miscellaneous Revenue 49,076 61,942 88,424 39,347 80.2 %26,482 42.8 % YTD Total 346,756$ 355,942$ 210,208$ (136,547)$ (39.4)%(145,733)$ (40.9)% Miscellaneous Revenues by Type Through March 2021 2021 vs. 2020 2021 vs. Budget Percentage Percentage 19 Page 67 of 136 Quarterly Financial Report Through March 2021 20 Starting in April 2020, the City implemented a temporary policy change where the majority of interest earnings for most funds were diverted to the General Fund. While this policy is no longer in place, it is important to be aware of the policy when comparing 2021 interest earnings to 2020 interest earnings. While the 2021 budget took into account a reduced State Pool Interest rate, the actual rate in 2021 so far is considerably lower than anticipated. The State Pool Investment earnings rate in March 2021 was 0.11% and compares to a rate of 1.3% in March of 2020. Real Estate Excise Tax (REET) revenue is receipted into the Capital Improvement Projects Fund and is used for governmental capital projects. REET revenue represents taxes on the sale of both commercial properties and single-family residences. REET revenues collected in Q1- 2021 totaled $1.0 million, exceeding budget expectations by $510,000. Sales activity in the first quarter of 2021 included the sale numerous commercial businesses including the sale of a storage facility, a multi-family complex, warehouse, vacant land, as well the sale of numerous single-family homes. $1.2 $1.5 $1.8 $1.8 $1.2 $0.2 $0.0 $0.5 $1.0 $1.5 $2.0 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 YTDMillionsMiscellaneous Revenues Actuals 2020 2021 2021 Month Actual Budget Actual Amount Amount Jan 214,936$ 162,000$ 328,140$ 113,204$ 52.7 %166,140$ 102.6 % Feb 455,986 162,000 244,189 (211,797) (46.4)%82,189 50.7 % Mar 214,029 162,000 423,532 209,502 97.9 %261,532 161.4 % Apr 273,949 162,000 #N/A #N/A #N/A %#N/A #N/A % May 245,815 162,000 #N/A #N/A #N/A %#N/A #N/A % Jun 288,495 162,000 #N/A #N/A #N/A %#N/A #N/A % Jul 392,753 162,000 #N/A #N/A #N/A %#N/A #N/A % Aug 368,252 162,000 #N/A #N/A #N/A %#N/A #N/A % Sep 346,819 162,000 #N/A #N/A #N/A %#N/A #N/A % Oct 444,623 162,000 #N/A #N/A #N/A %#N/A #N/A % Nov 439,428 162,000 #N/A #N/A #N/A %#N/A #N/A % Dec 554,308 162,500 #N/A #N/A #N/A %#N/A #N/A % YTD Total 884,951$ 486,000$ 995,861$ 110,910$ 12.5 %509,861$ 104.9 % Real Estate Excise Tax Revenues March 2021 2021 vs. 2020 2021 vs. Budget Percentage Percentage 20 Page 68 of 136 Quarterly Financial Report Through March 2021 21 $0.0 $0.5 $1.0 $1.5 $2.0 $2.5 $3.0 $3.5 $4.0 $4.5 $5.0 $5.5 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov DecMillionsReal Estate Excise Tax 2021 Budget 2021 YTD Actual 2020 Actual $4.3 $3.6 $3.8 $5.2 $4.2 $1.0 $0.0 $1.0 $2.0 $3.0 $4.0 $5.0 $6.0 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 YTDMillionsReal Estate Excise Tax Revenues Actuals 21 Page 69 of 136 Quarterly Financial Report Through March 2021 22 Street Funds This section provides a financial overview of the City’s three street funds for the period ending March 31, 2021. The City’s three street funds include the Arterial Street Fund (Fund 102), the Local Street Fund (Fund 103), and the Arterial Street Preservation Fund (Fund 105). Fund 102 – Arterial Street Fund The Arterial Street Fund is a special revenue fund that is funded by transportation grants, traffic impact fees, a portion of the City’s gas tax receipts, Public Works Trust Fund loans, developer contributions, and other sources. As of March 31, 2021 there were 16 separate street projects budgeted in this fund. Through March 2021, revenues collected totaled $180,000 as compared to collections of $182,000 through March 2020. Total expenditures through March were $544,000 as compared to $144,000 in the same period last year. Variances in revenues and expenditures are largely due to the timing of capital expenditures and any subsequent reimbursement via grants and/or operating transfers. Expenditure timing is generally determined by the current phase of each individual capital project; expenditures tend to increase as projects move from design phase into construction. Fund 102 - Arterial Street 2020 Summary of Sources and Uses 2021 2021 YTD 2021 YTD 2020 YTD Report Period: March 2021 Budget Budget Actual Actual Amount Revenues Federal Grants 1,153,750$ -$ -$ -$ -$ State And Local Grants 419,980 - - - - Motor Vehicle Fuel and Multimodal Taxes 620,000 121,171 130,621 148,956 9,450 7.8 % Developer Contributions - - - - - Miscellaneous Revenue 500,000 125,000 - 14,469 (125,000) (100.0)% Other Governmental Agencies - - - - - Operating Transfer In 2,248,150 100,146 49,465 10,499 (50,681) (50.6)% Investment Income 6,200 7,290 288 7,660 (7,002) (96.1)% Total Revenues 4,948,080$ 353,606$ 180,373$ 181,584$ (173,233)$ (49.0)% Expenditures Salary and Benefits 350,000$ 75,671$ 131,413$ 93,231$ (55,741)$ (73.7)% Capital Outlay 4,729,980 233,284 395,541 30,755 (162,257) (69.6)% Subtotal - Capital Project Expenditures 5,079,980 308,956 526,954 123,987 (217,998) (70.6)% Services and Charges 180,000 - - - - Interfund Payments for Services 69,050 17,263 17,263 20,025 (0) (0.0)% Debt Service Principal and Interest 206,900 - - - - Operating Transfer Out - - - - - Total Expenditures 5,535,930$ 326,218$ 544,216$ 144,012$ (217,998)$ (66.8)% Net Change in Fund Balance (587,850)$ 27,388$ (363,843)$ 37,573$ (391,231)$ (1428.5)% Beg. Fund Balance, January 2021 1,015,159$ Net Change in Fund Balance, March 2021 (363,843) Ending Fund Balance, March 2021 651,316$ 2021 Budgeted Ending Fund Balance 427,309$ 2021 2021 YTD Budget vs. Actual Favorable (Unfavorable) Percentage 22 Page 70 of 136 Quarterly Financial Report Through March 2021 23 The table below presents the status of the projects with the most significant budget impact on the fund. Many capital projects are budgeted over multiple years; what is displayed below is the 2021 portion of each project’s budget and year-to-date expenditures. Name 2021 Budget YTD Actual Remaining AWS Improvements - Hemlock St SE to Poplar St SE $1.5M $0.0M $1.5M R Street SE / 29th SE Intersection Improvements $0.8M $0.0M $0.8M M Street SE Sidewalk Improvements $0.7M $0.0M $0.7M All Other Projects (13 Others Budgeted)$2.1M $0.5M $1.6M Total $5.1M $0.5M $4.6M *Components may not sum to total due to rounding. Fund 102 - Arterial Street Capital Projects Status * 23 Page 71 of 136 Quarterly Financial Report Through March 2021 24 Fund 103 – Local Street Fund The Local Street Fund is a special revenue fund used for local street repair. The fund is currently funded by interfund transfers on a project-reimbursement basis; in 2019 and 2020, it was funded at a specific annual amount by real estate excise tax (REET 2). Expenditures through March 2021 were $60,000 and compare to expenditures of $204,000 in the first quarter of 2020. Highlighted in the table below and shown in the following graph are the fund’s total expenditures related to capital projects. Fund 103 - Local Street Fund 2020 Summary of Sources and Uses 2021 2021 YTD 2021 YTD 2020 YTD Report Period: March 2021 Budget Budget Actual Actual Amount Revenues Operating Transfer In 2,350,000 201,402 195,608$ 587,500 (5,794) (2.9)% Interest Earnings 10,600 6,644 1,039$ 10,301 (5,605) (84.4)% Total Revenues 2,360,600$ 208,046$ 196,647$ 597,801$ (11,399)$ (5.5)% Expenditures Capital Salary and Benefits 235,000 - 20,356 31,678 (20,356) Capital Services and Charges Capital Outlay 2,115,000 143,738 35,857 163,508 107,881 75.1 % Subtotal - Capital Project Expenditures 2,350,000 143,738 56,213 195,187 87,525 60.9 % Admin Salary and Benefits - - - 5,163 -$ Admin Services and Charges 700 293 - 179 293 100.0 % Interfund Payments for Services 13,250 3,313 3,313 3,900 (0) (0.0)% Operating Transfer Out - - - - - Total Expenditures 2,363,950$ 147,344$ 59,526$ 204,429$ 87,818$ 59.6 % Net Change in Fund Balance (3,350)$ 60,702$ 137,121$ 393,372$ 76,419$ 125.9 % Beg. Fund Balance, January 2021 1,321,778$ Net Change in Fund Balance, March 2021 137,121 Ending Fund Balance, March 2021 1,458,899$ 2021 Budgeted Ending Fund Balance 1,318,428$ 2021 2021 YTD Budget vs. Actual Favorable (Unfavorable) Percentage 24 Page 72 of 136 Quarterly Financial Report Through March 2021 25 The table below presents the status of the projects with the most significant budget impact on the fund. Many capital projects are budgeted over multiple years; what is displayed below is the 2021 portion of each project’s budget and year-to-date expenditures. Name 2021 Budget YTD Actual Remaining 2021 Local Street Preservation $2.2M $0.0M $2.2M 2020 Local Street Reconstruction $0.2M $0.0M $0.1M Total $2.4M $0.1M $2.3M *Components may not sum to total due to rounding. Fund 103 - Local Street Capital Projects Status* 25 Page 73 of 136 Quarterly Financial Report Through March 2021 26 Fund 105 – Arterial Street Preservation Fund The Arterial Street Preservation Fund is a special revenue fund that is primarily funded by a 1.0% utility tax that was adopted by Council in 2008; these utility tax revenues are restricted for arterial street repair and preservation projects. In 2020, due to COVID-19 impacts, the funding source was transfers-in of REET 2 revenues while the 1.0% utility tax was retained in the General Fund. Major projects budgeted within the Arterial Street Preservation Fund in 2021 include Lakeland Hills Way Preservation, 2nd Street SE Preservation, and Signal Replacement at Auburn Way North and 1st Street NE. Through March 2021, revenues totaled $501,000, which is approximately $41,000 lower than the same period in 2020. This is primarily due to the change in funding source, and also the timing associated with construction projects and their subsequent cost reimbursements from grants and transfers-in. Expenditures through March 2021 totaled $625,000 as compared to $154,000 through March 2020. Historically, the majority of this fund’s expenditures occur in the second half of each year due to the weather sensitivity of pavement construction (this work needs to be done primarily in the summer and early fall). Highlighted in the table below and shown in the following graph are the fund’s total expenditures related to capital projects. Fund 105 - Arterial Street Preservation 2020 Summary of Sources and Uses 2021 2021 YTD 2021 YTD 2020 YTD Report Period: March 2021 Budget Budget Actual Actual Amount Revenues City Utility Tax 725,100$ 170,461$ 162,278$ 155,899$ (8,183)$ (4.8)% Electric Utility Tax 744,600 186,150 184,241 178,125 (1,909) (1.0)% Natural Gas Utility Tax 223,400 36,080 53,666 55,091 17,586 48.7 % Cable TV Tax 175,400 43,850 49,143 48,265 5,293 12.1 % Telephone Utility Tax 153,100 35,536 41,807 42,175 6,271 17.6 % Garbage Utility Tax (External Haulers)18,800 4,700 8,834 6,511 4,134 87.9 % Grants 741,250 - - - - Permits - - - - - Developer Mitigation Fees - - - - - Operating Transfer In - - - 48,265 - Interest Earnings 12,400 3,100 781 7,297 (2,319) (74.8)% Total Revenues 2,794,050$ 479,878$ 500,750$ 541,628$ 20,872$ 4.3 % Expenditures Salary and Benefits 188,000$ 38,494$ 141,209$ 122,292$ (102,715)$ (266.8)% Capital Outlay 2,623,250 74,797 452,277 31,205 (377,479) (504.7)% Subtotal - Capital Project Expenditures 2,811,250 113,291 593,485 153,497 (480,194) (423.9)% Services and Charges 25,000 12,500 - 985 12,500 100.0 Operating Transfer Out 50,000 12,500 31,280 - (18,780) (150.2) Total Expenditures 2,886,250$ 138,291$ 624,765$ 154,481$ (486,474)$ (351.8)% Net Change in Fund Balance (92,200)$ 341,587$ (124,016)$ 387,147$ (465,602)$ (136.3)% Beg. Fund Balance, January 2021 1,606,304$ Net Change in Fund Balance, March 2021 (124,016) Ending Fund Balance, March 2021 1,482,288$ 2021 Budgeted Ending Fund Balance 1,514,104$ 2021 2021 YTD Budget vs. Actual Favorable (Unfavorable) Percentage 26 Page 74 of 136 Quarterly Financial Report Through March 2021 27 The table below presents the status of the projects with the most significant budget impact on the fund. Many capital projects are budgeted over multiple years; what is displayed below is the 2021 portion of each project’s budget and year-to-date expenditures. Note: The majority of YTD capital expenditures are for the projects 2020 Arterial Street Preservation, AWN Preservation Phase 2 (8th Street SE to 22nd) and AWN Preservation Phase 3 (4th Street SE to 8th Street). Budget for these projects will be recognized in Q3 pursuant to Ordinance #6682, which outlines multi-year capital budgeting. Name 2021 Budget YTD Actual Remaining Lakeland Hills Way Preservation $1.4M $0.0M $1.3M 2nd Street SE Preservation $.9M $0.0M $0.8M Signal Replacement at AWN & 1st Street NE $0.2M $0.0M $0.2M All Other Projects (7 Others Budgeted)$.4M $0.5M -$0.2M Total $2.8M $0.6M $2.2M *Components may not sum to total due to rounding. Capital Projects Status* Fund 105 - Arterial Street Preservation 27 Page 75 of 136 Quarterly Financial Report Through March 2021 28 Fund 124 – Mitigation Fees The Mitigation Fees Fund is a special revenue fund funded from revenues from fees for new development that are assessed at the time applications are received for development activity. These revenues are used to address costs associated with City growth. The fund houses two types of revenues: mitigation fees and impact fees. Mitigation fees are variable charges collected as a result of State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) reviews and the City’s determination that a project must pay additional fees to compensate for a unique effect that it has on the community. Impact fees are set charges collected automatically for a variety of projects. These fees are adopted annually by the City Council based on projects anticipated in the Capital Facilities Plan over the next six years. Through March 2021, the City received $1.1 million in mitigation and impact revenues, largely driven by commercial transportation impact fees paid for two large warehouses. Expenditures through March were minimal due to the timing of capital projects funded by mitigation and/or impact fee revenues. Fund 124 - Mitigation Fees Summary of Sources and Uses Report Period Through:Ending Ending March 2021 Fund Balance Fund Balance Transportation Impact Fees 818,000$ 2,098,150$ 5,392,899$ 979,647$ 18,185$ 8,746,020$ Traffic Migitation Fees - 100,000 23,687 - - 137,806 Fire Impact Fees 148,300 75,000 622,189 31,236 - 611,466 Fire Mitigation Fees - - 81 - - 81 Parks Impact Fees 158,500 1,911,530 2,789,203 87,500 42,279 5,584,001 Parks Mitigation Fees - - 349,371 - - 186,352 School Impact Admin Fees 5,600 - 94,251 1,560 - 90,776 Wetland Mitigation Fees - 36,600 30,981 - - 72,872 Interest and Investment Income 87,160 - 87,160 4,585 - 4,585 Fees in Lieu of Improvements - - 27,020 - - 27,128 Permit Processing Fees - 44,200 (44,200) - - - Total 1,217,560$ 4,265,480$ 9,372,642$ 1,104,528$ 60,464$ 15,461,086$ Beginning Fund Balance, January 2021 14,417,022$ Net Change in Fund Balance, March 2021 1,044,064 Ending Fund Balance, March 2021 15,461,086$ 2021 Budgeted Ending Fund Balance 9,372,642$ BUDGET YTD ACTUALS Revenues Expenditures Revenues Expenditures 28 Page 76 of 136 Quarterly Financial Report Through March 2021 29 Enterprise Funds Detailed income and expense statements for Enterprise and Internal Service funds can be found in an attachment at the end of this report. The attachment provides operating and – as applicable – capital fund reports for these funds showing budget, actuals, and variances. Operating funds house all the operating costs along with debt service and financing obligations. Capital funds show costs associated with capital acquisition and construction. Both the operating and capital funds have a working capital balance. This approach isolates those funds available for capital and cash flow needs for daily operations, and project managers will know exactly how much working capital is available for current and planned projects. Through March 2021 the Water Utility had operating income of $996,000 (operating revenues less operating expenditures) as compared to $1.1 million in the same period last year. Water Fund operating revenues were $66,000 or 2.1% lower than 2020; the majority of this variance was due to weaker performance in interest earnings and slightly lower water sales. Operating expenditures increased by $86,000 due to personnel costs and service charges. Billable water consumption through March 2021 totaled 575,000 hundred cubic feet (ccf) as compared to 594,000 ccf in 2020, a decrease of 3.2%. Total consumption decreased across all non-residential categories, resulting in the lowest first quarter consumption in a five-year period. This is in line with a trend of decreased year-over-year consumption on a per account basis due largely to conservation efforts and appliance efficiency improvements, which are anticipated in the Utilities Comprehensive Plan. COVID-19 mitigation efforts contributed significantly to the decrease in commercial and manufacturing consumption, as many businesses were required to operate at reduced capacity. - 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1,000 $0.0M $0.2M $0.4M $0.6M $0.8M $1.0M $1.2M $1.4M $1.6M $1.8M $2.0M ThousandsMillionsWater Revenues vs Water Sold 2020 vs 2021 2020 Water Sales ($)2021 Water Sales ($) 2020 Water Sold (ccf)2021 Water Sold (ccf) 29 Page 77 of 136 Quarterly Financial Report Through March 2021 30 Through March 2021, the Sewer Utility finished with operating income of $452,000 as compared to $660,000 through March 2020. Operating revenues were down $69,000 from last year due to weaker performance in interest earnings and charges for City sewer service. Operating expenses were up $139,000 due to increased personnel costs and charges for services. Billable consumption by volume was down 5.7% from Q1-2020 mainly due to reductions in commercial consumption, which were exacerbated by COVID-19 mitigation efforts. Commercial consumption of 335,000 ccf is the lowest first-quarter consumption since 2015. In the first quarter of 2021, the Stormwater Utility had operating income of $725,000 compared with $955,000 in the same period last year. Operating revenues were up $19,000 compared to 2020 mainly due to charges for City storm service. As most Stormwater Utility charges are based on a flat rate, COVID-19 did not have a significant effect on service revenue. Operating expenditures in the Stormwater Utility were up $250,000 from 2020, contributing to the lower operating income noted above. This variance was mainly due to increased personnel costs, fleet costs, NPDES permit renewal and contracted services. Through March 2021, the Solid Waste Utility Fund had $3.9 million in operating revenues compared to $3.6 million in operating expenditures. The City of Auburn’s Solid Waste services are outsourced to Waste Management and to Republic Services, who manages the contract for the annexed areas. In the first quarter of 2021, Waste Management serviced 15,606 customers (79% of customers) and Republic Services serviced 4,174 customers (21% of customers). The current mix of solid waste customer account types (rounded) is: • 89.6% Residential • 8.0% Commercial • 2.5% Multifamily The “diversion rate” is a measure of how much generated waste is not sent to the landfill; i.e., waste that is either recycled or collected yard waste. Through March 2021, the total diversion rate was 25.4%, which represents a total of 4,100 tons of waste that was diverted from landfills. 30 Page 78 of 136 Quarterly Financial Report Through March 2021 31 2021 Tons Collected and Diversion Rates Of the total tonnage collected in 2020, 31% was from residential customers, 17% from multifamily customers, and 52% from commercial customers, as shown in the following graph: Garbage - 2,895 tons (57.4%)Yard Waste - 1,090 tons (21.6%) Recycling- 1,062 tons (21%) Q1 2021 Residential Waste Stream Garbage Yard Waste Recycling Total: 5,047 tons collected Diversion Rate: 42.6% Garbage - 2,170 tons (80.6%) Yard Waste - 86 tons (3.2%)Recycling- 435 tons (16.2%) Q1 2021 Multifamily Waste Stream Garbage Yard Waste Recycling Garbage - 6,936 tons (83.2%) Yard Waste - 21 tons (0.2%) Recycling- 1,382 tons (16.6%) Q1 2021 Commercial Waste Stream Garbage Yard Waste Recycling Garbage - 12,001 tons (74.6%) Yard Waste - 1,197 tons (7.4%)Recycling- 2,878 tons (17.9%) Q1 2021 Total Waste Stream Garbage Yard Waste Recycling Total: 2,691 tons collected Diversion Rate: 19.4% Total: 8,339 tons collected Diversion Rate: 16.8%Total: 16,076 tons collected Diversion Rate: 25.4% 5,254 4,806 6,016 0 1,000 2,000 3,000 4,000 5,000 6,000 7,000 Jan-21 Feb-21 Mar-21 Apr-21 May-21 Jun-21 Jul-21 Aug-21 Sep-21 Oct-21 Nov-21 Dec-21TonnageSolid Waste Tonnage by Customer Type Residential Multifamily Commercial 31 Page 79 of 136 Quarterly Financial Report Through March 2021 32 Through March 2021, the Airport Fund had operating income of $93,000 as compared with operating income of $198,000 in the same period last year. Operating revenues in the Airport Fund were $8,000 more than the same period last year, largely due to increased revenue for property leases and aviation fuel sales. Operating expenditures in the Airport Fund were $113,000 more than in the first quarter of last year. Much of this variance consisted of fuel inventory expenses, but also included increased personnel costs, contracted services and fleet costs. In the first quarter of 2021, the Cemetery Fund experienced operating income of $86,000 as compared with an operating loss of $18,000 through March 2020. Total sales revenue was up $118,000, or 41.6% from first-quarter 2020, due to significant increases in lot sales, markers, and openings and closings. Operating expenditures were up $11,000 or 3.8% from last year due mostly to inventory purchases and professional services. Internal Service Funds Operating expenditures within the Insurance Fund represent the premium cost pool that will be allocated monthly to other City funds over the course of the year. As a result, the expenditure balance gradually diminishes each month throughout the year. No significant variances are reported in the Workers’ Compensation, Facilities, Innovation & Technology, or Equipment Rental Funds. 2021 Budget vs. Actual CEMETERY Cumulative Revenues and Expenditures $0 $200 $400 $600 $800 $1,000 $1,200 $1,400 $1,600 ThousandsRevenues 2021 Actual Revenue 2020 Actual Revenue Expenditures 2021 Actual Expenses 2020 Actual Expenses 2021 Budgeted Revenue 2021 YTD Budgeted Expenses 32 Page 80 of 136 Quarterly Financial Report Through March 2021 33 Contact Information This report is prepared by the Finance Department. Additional financial information can also be viewed at our website: http://www.auburnwa.gov/. For any questions about this report please contact Jamie Thomas at jdthomas@auburnwa.gov. 33 Page 81 of 136 Investment Purchase Book Maturity Yield to Type Date Value Date Maturity State Investment Pool Various 135,734,989$ Various 0.11% KeyBank Money Market Various 14,112,819 Various 0.01% Pacific Premier Bank Interest Acct Various 10,543,560 Various 0.14% FHLB 1/17/2020 5,168,350 12/9/2022 1.56% FHLMC 11/20/2020 5,004,250 11/6/2023 2.38% Total Cash & Investments 170,563,968$ 0.217% Investment Mix % of Total State Investment Pool 79.6%Current 6-month treasury rate 0.05% Key Bank Money Market 8.3%Current State Pool rate 0.11% Pacific Premier Bank Interest Acct 6.2%KeyBank Money Market 0.01% FHLB 3.0%Pacific Premier Interest Acct 0.14% FHLMC 2.9% 100.0% City of Auburn Investment Portfolio Summary March 31, 2021 Summary 34 Page 82 of 136 SALES TAX SUMMARY MARCH 2021 SALES TAX DISTRIBUTIONS (FOR JANUARY 2021 RETAIL ACTIVITY) 2020 Annual Total 2020 YTD 2021 YTD YTD 2020 Annual Total 2020 YTD 2021 YTD YTD NAICS CONSTRUCTION (Nov '19-Oct '20)(Nov '19-Jan '20)(Nov '20-Jan '21)% Diff NAICS AUTOMOTIVE (Nov '19-Oct '20)(Nov '19-Jan '20)(Nov '20-Jan '21)% Diff 236 Construction of Buildings 2,000,382 381,823 471,532 23.5%441 Motor Vehicle and Parts Dealer 3,594,307 916,958 962,411 5.0% 237 Heavy and Civil Construction 184,377 52,870 55,506 5.0%447 Gasoline Stations 232,674 61,217 58,693 -4.1% 238 Specialty Trade Contractors 883,406 192,733 223,432 15.9%TOTAL AUTOMOTIVE 3,826,981$ 978,176$ 1,021,105$ 4.4% TOTAL CONSTRUCTION 3,068,164$ 627,426$ 750,470$ 19.6%Overall Change from Previous Year 42,929$ Overall Change from Previous Year 123,044$ 2020 Annual Total 2020 YTD 2021 YTD YTD 2020 Annual Total 2020 YTD 2021 YTD YTD NAICS RETAIL TRADE (Nov '19-Oct '20)(Nov '19-Jan '20)(Nov '20-Jan '21)% Diff NAICS MANUFACTURING (Nov '19-Oct '20)(Nov '19-Jan '20)(Nov '20-Jan '21)% Diff 442 Furniture and Home Furnishings 209,308 59,099 81,415 37.8% 311 Food Manufacturing 10,332 2,890 2,318 -19.8%443 Electronics and Appliances 300,343 78,635 86,317 9.8% 312 Beverage and Tobacco Products 11,872 2,794 3,139 12.4%444 Building Material and Garden 751,040 140,889 172,629 22.5% 313 Textile Mills 1,178 709 271 -61.7%445 Food and Beverage Stores 450,577 105,103 113,171 7.7% 314 Textile Product Mills 2,390 980 936 -4.5%446 Health and Personal Care Store 348,418 110,963 96,177 -13.3% 315 Apparel Manufacturing 1,301 374 533 42.6%448 Clothing and Accessories 872,671 352,201 281,111 -20.2% 316 Leather and Allied Products 488 50 94 89.0%451 Sporting Goods, Hobby, Books 239,744 76,404 82,817 8.4% 321 Wood Product Manufacturing 14,670 2,919 3,076 5.4%452 General Merchandise Stores 878,021 240,905 263,097 9.2% 322 Paper Manufacturing 4,028 954 706 -26.0%453 Miscellaneous Store Retailers 1,178,104 258,091 361,966 40.2% 323 Printing and Related Support 37,260 11,765 10,087 -14.3%454 Nonstore Retailers 271,309 62,444 86,991 39.3% 324 Petroleum and Coal Products 1,404 1,376 3 -99.7%TOTAL RETAIL TRADE 5,499,535$ 1,484,732$ 1,625,691$ 9.5% 325 Chemical Manufacturing 10,595 2,395 1,849 -22.8%Overall Change from Previous Year 140,959$ 326 Plastics and Rubber Products 7,322 1,748 2,168 24.0% 327 Nonmetallic Mineral Products 16,154 2,665 3,911 46.8% 331 Primary Metal Manufacturing 62,321 10,027 7,144 -28.8%2020 Annual Total 2020 YTD 2021 YTD YTD 332 Fabricated Metal Product Manuf 34,205 5,893 6,497 10.3%NAICS SERVICES (Nov '19-Oct '20)(Nov '19-Jan '20)(Nov '20-Jan '21)% Diff 333 Machinery Manufacturing 22,168 4,973 4,416 -11.2%51*Information 684,732 172,549 193,953 12.4% 334 Computer and Electronic Product 8,232 1,331 1,806 35.7%52*Finance and Insurance 177,847 35,428 41,765 17.9% 335 Electric Equipment, Appliances 8,276 3,067 266 -91.3%53*Real Estate, Rental, Leasing 368,873 103,895 98,651 -5.0% 336 Transportation Equipment Man 92,399 30,164 30,078 -0.3%541 Professional, Scientific, Tech 394,150 a 88,460 109,262 23.5% 337 Furniture and Related Products 10,109 3,531 3,563 0.9%551 Company Management 66 15 13 -13.2% 339 Miscellaneous Manufacturing 32,935 8,701 9,037 3.9%56*Admin. Supp., Remed Svcs 651,469 146,512 200,181 36.6% TOTAL MANUFACTURING 389,637$ 99,304$ 91,899$ -7.5%611 Educational Services 40,410 10,115 9,041 -10.6% Overall Change from Previous Year (7,405)$ 62*Health Care Social Assistance 110,693 29,007 26,994 -6.9% 71*Arts and Entertainment 50,412 24,540 8,232 -66.5% 72*Accommodation and Food Svcs 1,204,980 355,493 282,510 -20.5% 2020 Annual Total 2020 YTD 2021 YTD YTD 81*Other Services 534,972 127,848 143,718 12.4% NAICS TRANSPORTATION AND WAREHOUSING (Nov '19-Oct '20)(Nov '19-Jan '20)(Nov '20-Jan '21)% Diff 92*Public Administration 1,620 268 309 15.3% 481 Air Transportation 0 0 0 N/A TOTAL SERVICES 4,220,223$ 1,094,129$ 1,114,626$ 1.9% 482 Rail Transportation 14,421 5,057 5,093 0.7%Overall Change from Previous Year 20,497$ 483 Water Transportation 0 0 0 N/A 484 Truck Transportation 22,499 8,725 6,241 -28.5% 485 Transit and Ground Passengers 9 0 0 N/A 2020 Annual Total 2020 YTD 2021 YTD YTD 488 Transportation Support 79,945 10,001 11,250 12.5%NAICS MISCELLANEOUS (Nov '19-Oct '20)(Nov '19-Jan '20)(Nov '20-Jan '21)% Diff 491 Postal Service 676 174 237 36.1%000 Unknown 0 0 0 N/A 492 Couriers and Messengers 69,993 52 63,608 122506.2%111-115 Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing 5,367 2,114 3,609 70.7% 493 Warehousing and Storage 9,647 2,930 3,151 7.6%211-221 Mining & Utilities 28,831 4,730 8,885 87.8% TOTAL TRANSPORTATION 197,189$ 26,939$ 89,580$ 232.5%999 Unclassifiable Establishments 273,689 51,485 66,297 28.8% Overall Change from Previous Year 62,641$ TOTAL SERVICES 307,887$ 58,329$ 78,790$ 35.1% Overall Change from Previous Year 20,461$ 2020 Annual Total 2020 YTD 2021 YTD YTD NAICS WHOLESALE TRADE (Nov '19-Oct '20)(Nov '19-Jan '20)(Nov '20-Jan '21)% Diff GRAND TOTAL 18,855,888$ 4,701,796$ 5,100,201$ 423 Wholesale Trade, Durable Goods 1,027,727 253,078 255,838 1.1%Overall Change from Previous Year 398,405$ 8.5% 424 Wholesale Trade, Nondurable 303,860 75,165 67,233 -10.6% 425 Wholesale Electronic Markets 14,684 4,518 4,970 10.0%Total March 2021 Sales Tax Distributions 1,567,941$ TOTAL WHOLESALE 1,346,271$ 332,761$ 328,040$ -1.4%Dollar Change from February 2020 151,412$ (4,720)$ Percent Change from March 2020 10.7% Comparisons: March 2020 4,701,796 3,285,267 1,416,529$ Includes Adjustments in excess of +/- $10,000.March 2019 4,579,062 3,204,298 1,374,764$ a. WA State Department of Revenue adjustment to sales tax returns for July 2020 Reporting (adjustment: $18,706). 03/24/21 35Page 83 of 136 Budget YTD Actual Variance Budget YTD Actual Variance Budget YTD Actual Variance Budget YTD Actual Variance OPERATING FUND:460 460 461 461 462 462 OPERATING REVENUES Charges For Service 16,311,200 3,130,970 (13,180,230) 9,601,630 2,128,328 (7,473,302) 20,319,350 4,284,587 (16,034,763) 10,607,050 2,619,083 (7,987,967) Grants - - - - - - Interest Earnings 113,100 6,339 (106,761) 69,100 2,614 (66,486) 16,600 167 (16,433) 79,100 3,080 (76,020) Rents, Leases, Concessions, & Other 30,000 (4,579) (34,579) - 68 68 - - - - 68 68 TOTAL OPERATING REVENUES 16,454,300 3,132,731 (13,321,569) 9,670,730 2,131,010 (7,539,720) 20,335,950 4,284,753 (16,051,197) 10,686,150 2,622,232 (8,063,918) OPERATING EXPENSES Salaries & Wages 2,866,306 621,680 2,244,626 1,709,833 390,904 1,318,929 - - - 2,669,368 628,159 2,041,209 Benefits 1,503,001 314,438 1,188,563 892,805 196,280 696,525 - - - 1,400,208 325,395 1,074,813 Supplies 359,850 71,271 288,579 163,050 38,978 124,072 - - - 82,050 13,576 68,474 Other Service Charges 4,724,100 641,014 4,083,086 3,224,700 653,903 2,570,797 20,331,250 4,306,948 16,024,302 2,135,830 402,667 1,733,163 Intergovernmental Services (Less Transfers Out)- - - - - - Waste Management Payments Sewer Metro Services - - - Debt Service Interest 809,200 - 809,200 105,900 - 105,900 - - - 187,000 - 187,000 Interfund Operating Rentals & Supplies 1,937,400 488,806 1,448,594 1,578,600 399,106 1,179,494 - - - 2,096,200 527,021 1,569,180 TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES 12,199,857 2,137,209 10,062,648 7,674,888 1,679,170 5,995,718 20,331,250 4,306,948 16,024,302 8,570,656 1,896,817 6,673,839 OPERATING REVENUES LESS EXPENSES BEFORE DEPRECIATION 4,254,443 995,522 (3,258,921) 1,995,842 451,840 (1,544,002) 4,700 (22,195) (26,895) 2,115,494 725,415 (1,390,079) NON-OPERATING REVENUES Operating Transfers-in - - - Intergovernmental Loan 2,695,000 - 2,695,000 Other Non-Operating Revenues - Revenue Bond Proceeds - - - NON-OPERATING EXPENSES Transfer to Capital Subfund 10,643,610 261,490 10,382,120 - - - - - - Other Operating Transfers-out 408,166 50,081 358,085 383,167 50,081 333,086 444,667 124,081 320,586 Debt Service Principal 1,816,200 - 1,816,200 449,300 - 449,300 350,900 - 350,900 Net Change in Restricted Net Assets - - - - - -- - - Interfund Loan Repayment Other Non-Operating Expenses BEGINNING WORKING CAPITAL - January 1, 2021 17,088,517 17,088,517 - 7,837,981 7,837,981 - 2,066,136 2,066,136 - 8,943,194 8,943,194 - ENDING WORKING CAPITAL - March 31, 2021 11,169,984 17,772,468 6,602,484 9,001,356 8,239,740 (761,616) 2,070,836 2,043,941 (26,895) 10,263,121 9,544,528 (718,593) NET CHANGE IN WORKING CAPITAL (see Note)(5,918,533) 683,951 6,602,484 1,163,375 401,759 (761,616) 4,700 (22,195) (26,895) 1,319,927 601,334 (718,593) CAPITAL FUND: CAPITAL REVENUES Interest Revenue 10,900 117 (10,783) 75,600 23,341 (52,259) 68,800 3,786 (65,014) Grants - - - 255,970 - (255,970) Contributions - - - - - - - - - Other Non-Operating Revenue - (22,370) (22,370) - - - - - - Increase In Contributions - System Development 960,200 168,595 (791,605) 686,800 93,543 (593,257) 514,100 334,155 (179,946) Interfund Revenues - - - - - - - - - Increase In Contributions - FAA - - - - - - - - - Proceeds of Debt Activity - - - - - - - - - Transfers In from Operating Sub-Fund 10,643,610 261,490 (10,382,120) - - - - - - Transfer In from Other Funds - - - - - - - - TOTAL CAPITAL REVENUES 11,614,710 407,832 (11,206,878) 762,400 116,884 (645,516) 838,870 337,940 (500,930) CAPITAL EXPENSES Other Non-Operating Expense - - - - 387,642 (387,642) - - - Increase In Fixed Assets - Salaries 535,700 54,460 481,240 85,700 32,824 52,876 321,400 44,161 277,239 Increase In Fixed Assets - Benefits 214,300 25,626 188,674 34,300 14,118 20,182 128,600 21,330 107,270 Increase In Fixed Assets - Services 21,800 - 21,800 16,600 - 16,600 12,600 - 12,600 Increase In Fixed Assets - Site Improvements - 12,107 (12,107) - - - - - Increase In Fixed Assets - Equipment - -- - - - - - - Increase In Fixed Assets - Construction 9,898,610 656,046 9,242,564 3,263,000 9,279 3,253,721 4,233,100 150,665 4,082,435 Operating Transfers Out - - - - - - - - - TOTAL CAPITAL EXPENSES 10,670,410 748,238 9,922,172 3,399,600 443,862 2,955,738 4,695,700 216,156 4,479,544 BEGINNING WORKING CAPITAL - January 1, 2021 888,139 888,139 - 10,762,357 10,762,357 - 10,569,965 10,569,965 - 1,832,439 547,733 (1,284,706) 8,125,157 10,435,378 2,310,221 6,713,135 10,691,749 3,978,614 NET CHANGE IN WORKING CAPITAL (see Note)944,300 (340,406) (1,284,706) (2,637,200) (326,979) 2,310,221 (3,856,830) 121,784 3,978,614 Total Change in Working Capital (4,974,233) 343,545 5,317,778 (1,473,825) 74,781 1,548,606 4,700 (22,195) (26,895) (2,536,903) 723,118 3,260,021 (*) Depreciation 4,083,600 973,998 2,415,000 600,020 - - 2,229,800 542,796 ENDING WORKING CAPITAL - March 31, 2021 Working Capital = Current Assets minus Current Liabilities (*) Debt service interest as shown represents actual cash outlay. Debt service principal represents actual expenditures; payments will be made as scheduled in December 2021. Through March 2021 WATER SEWER STORM OPERATING & CAPITAL FUNDS ENTERPRISE FUNDS SEWER METRO See note 36Page 84 of 136 OPERATING FUND: OPERATING REVENUES Charges For Service Grants Interest Earnings Rents, Leases, Concessions, & Other TOTAL OPERATING REVENUES OPERATING EXPENSES Salaries & Wages Benefits Supplies Other Service Charges Intergovernmental Services (Less Transfers Out) Waste Management Payments Sewer Metro Services Debt Service Interest Interfund Operating Rentals & Supplies TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES OPERATING REVENUES LESS EXPENSES BEFORE DEPRECIATION NON-OPERATING REVENUES Operating Transfers-in Intergovernmental Loan Other Non-Operating Revenues Revenue Bond Proceeds NON-OPERATING EXPENSES Transfer to Capital Subfund Other Operating Transfers-out Debt Service Principal Net Change in Restricted Net Assets Interfund Loan Repayment Other Non-Operating Expenses BEGINNING WORKING CAPITAL - January 1, 2021 ENDING WORKING CAPITAL - March 31, 2021 NET CHANGE IN WORKING CAPITAL (see Note) CAPITAL FUND: CAPITAL REVENUES Interest Revenue Grants Contributions Other Non-Operating Revenue Increase In Contributions - System Development Interfund Revenues Increase In Contributions - FAA Proceeds of Debt Activity Transfers In from Operating Sub-Fund Transfer In from Other Funds TOTAL CAPITAL REVENUES CAPITAL EXPENSES Other Non-Operating Expense Increase In Fixed Assets - Salaries Increase In Fixed Assets - Benefits Increase In Fixed Assets - Services Increase In Fixed Assets - Site Improvements Increase In Fixed Assets - Equipment Increase In Fixed Assets - Construction Operating Transfers Out TOTAL CAPITAL EXPENSES BEGINNING WORKING CAPITAL - January 1, 2021 NET CHANGE IN WORKING CAPITAL (see Note) Total Change in Working Capital (*) Depreciation ENDING WORKING CAPITAL - March 31, 2021 Working Capital = Current Assets minus Current Liabilities Through March 2021 OPERATING & CAPITAL FUNDS See note Budget YTD Actual Variance Budget YTD Actual Variance Budget YTD Actual Variance Budget YTD Actual Variance 464 464 465 465 466 466 - 16,669,900 3,884,523 (12,785,377) 1,458,000 347,145 (1,110,855) 1,199,000 403,207 (795,793) - - - 60,000 - (60,000) - - - - - 45,600 1,528 (44,072) 12,800 380 (12,420) 4,600 349 (4,251) 12,800 109 (12,691) - - - 4,000 1,195 (2,805) - - - 16,775,500 3,886,050 (12,889,450) 1,474,800 348,719 (1,126,081) 1,203,600 403,556 (800,044) 12,800 109 (12,691) - - - 249,471 57,196 192,275 495,692 112,397 383,295 - - - - - - 119,725 29,425 90,300 271,278 61,830 209,448 175,000 - 175,000 48,200 343 47,857 362,000 70,751 291,249 261,700 79,461 182,239 - - - 2,785,230 383,672 2,401,558 267,800 70,819 196,981 157,200 23,514 133,686 7,900 1,251,783 (1,243,883) - - - - - - - - - - - - 13,485,300 3,041,842 10,443,458 - - - 251,400 - 251,400 - - - - - - 632,100 159,510 472,590 110,600 27,650 82,950 158,950 40,332 118,618 - - - 16,950,830 3,585,367 13,365,463 1,360,996 255,841 1,105,155 1,344,820 317,534 1,027,286 182,900 1,251,783 (1,068,883) (175,330) 300,684 476,014 113,804 92,878 (20,926) (141,220) 86,022 227,242 (170,100) (1,251,674) (1,081,574) - - - - - - - - - 3,810,900 - 3,810,900 3,000,000 32,087 100,000 42,500 - - - - - - (100,000) (42,500) (57,500) 126,700 - 126,700 - - - - 3,949 3,949 - - - - - - 5,753,618 5,753,618 - 810,777 810,777 - 505,802 505,802 - 1,741,353 1,741,353 - 5,578,288 6,054,302 476,014 1,608,781 867,620 (741,161) 364,582 591,824 227,242 1,571,253 489,679 (1,081,574) (175,330) 300,684 476,014 798,004 56,843 (741,161) (141,220) 86,022 227,242 (170,100) (1,251,674) (1,081,574) 200 28 (172) 800 3 (797) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 3,000,000 32,087 (2,967,913) 100,000 42,500 (57,500) - - - (100,000) (42,500) 57,500 3,000,200 32,115 (2,968,085) 800 3 (797) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 100 - 100 100 - 100 - - - - - - - - 2,891,500 37,137 2,854,363 40,000 - 40,000 - - - - - - 2,891,600 37,137 2,854,463 40,100 - 40,100 20,557 20,557 - 48,983 48,983 - 129,157 15,535 (113,622) 9,683 48,986 39,303 108,600 (5,022) (113,622) (39,300) 3 39,303 (175,330) 300,684 906,604 51,821 (854,783) (180,520) 86,024 266,544 (170,100) (1,251,674) (1,081,574) 20,000 - 434,700 175,320 32,200 10,509 - - Note: Includes March's Waste Management payment ($1,109,370), which will be made in April. (*) Debt service interest as shown represents actual cash outlay. Debt service principal represents actual expenditures; payments will be made as scheduled in December 2021. SOLID WASTE AIRPORT CEMETERY INSURANCE ENTERPRISE FUNDS INTERNAL SERVICE FUNDS See note below 37Page 85 of 136 OPERATING FUND: OPERATING REVENUES Charges For Service Grants Interest Earnings Rents, Leases, Concessions, & Other TOTAL OPERATING REVENUES OPERATING EXPENSES Salaries & Wages Benefits Supplies Other Service Charges Intergovernmental Services (Less Transfers Out) Waste Management Payments Sewer Metro Services Debt Service Interest Interfund Operating Rentals & Supplies TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES OPERATING REVENUES LESS EXPENSES BEFORE DEPRECIATION NON-OPERATING REVENUES Operating Transfers-in Intergovernmental Loan Other Non-Operating Revenues Revenue Bond Proceeds NON-OPERATING EXPENSES Transfer to Capital Subfund Other Operating Transfers-out Debt Service Principal Net Change in Restricted Net Assets Interfund Loan Repayment Other Non-Operating Expenses BEGINNING WORKING CAPITAL - January 1, 2021 ENDING WORKING CAPITAL - March 31, 2021 NET CHANGE IN WORKING CAPITAL (see Note) CAPITAL FUND: CAPITAL REVENUES Interest Revenue Grants Contributions Other Non-Operating Revenue Increase In Contributions - System Development Interfund Revenues Increase In Contributions - FAA Proceeds of Debt Activity Transfers In from Operating Sub-Fund Transfer In from Other Funds TOTAL CAPITAL REVENUES CAPITAL EXPENSES Other Non-Operating Expense Increase In Fixed Assets - Salaries Increase In Fixed Assets - Benefits Increase In Fixed Assets - Services Increase In Fixed Assets - Site Improvements Increase In Fixed Assets - Equipment Increase In Fixed Assets - Construction Operating Transfers Out TOTAL CAPITAL EXPENSES BEGINNING WORKING CAPITAL - January 1, 2021 NET CHANGE IN WORKING CAPITAL (see Note) Total Change in Working Capital (*) Depreciation ENDING WORKING CAPITAL - March 31, 2021 Working Capital = Current Assets minus Current Liabilities Through March 2021 OPERATING & CAPITAL FUNDS See note Budget YTD Actual Variance Budget YTD Actual Variance Budget YTD Actual Variance Budget YTD Actual Variance - - 568 568 560 560 1,104,400 268,868 (835,532) 3,705,100 926,401 (2,778,699) 6,653,150 1,654,260 (4,998,890) 2,290,400 572,600 (1,717,800) - - - - - - 20,000 1,054 (18,946) 8,000 506 (7,494) 21,600 1,045 (20,555) 16,400 749 (15,651) 15,000 - (15,000) - - - - - - - 58,863 58,863 1,139,400 269,922 (869,478) 3,713,100 926,907 (2,786,193) 6,674,750 1,655,305 (5,019,445) 2,306,800 632,212 (1,674,588) - - - 819,855 162,716 657,139 2,209,075 525,602 1,683,473 691,161 166,724 524,437 250,000 29,030 220,970 452,466 96,613 355,853 1,099,145 238,318 860,827 357,276 89,726 267,550 - - - 140,200 11,120 129,080 420,650 23,815 396,835 1,153,840 176,541 977,299 461,100 153,226 307,874 1,407,700 275,361 1,132,339 2,866,800 992,280 1,874,520 570,050 78,578 491,472 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 159,700 39,925 119,775 227,900 56,975 170,925 276,850 69,212 207,638 343,750 86,532 257,218 870,800 222,181 648,619 3,048,121 602,785 2,445,336 6,872,520 1,849,228 5,023,292 3,116,077 598,100 2,517,977 268,600 47,741 (220,859) 664,979 324,123 (340,856) (197,770) (193,923) 3,847 (809,277) 34,111 843,388 - - - 50,000 - (50,000) - - - 500,000 - 500,000 1,028,070 - 1,028,070 - - - 22,000 - 22,000 - - - - - - - - - - - - - 49,840 (49,840) 2,382,027 2,382,027 - 986,936 986,936 - 2,597,407 2,597,407 - 2,384,056 2,384,056 - 2,650,627 2,429,768 (220,859) 623,845 1,311,059 687,214 1,949,637 2,403,484 453,847 1,552,779 2,418,167 865,388 268,600 47,741 (220,859) (363,091) 324,123 687,214 (647,770) (193,923) 453,847 (831,277) 34,111 865,388 4,700 233 (4,467) 45,600 1,462 (44,138) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1,975,900 493,975 (1,481,925) - - - - - - - - - - - - 500,000 - (500,000) - - - 75,000 - (75,000) 1,025,420 243 (1,025,177) 579,700 233 (579,467) 3,046,920 495,681 (2,551,239) - - - - - - - - - - 165 (165) - - - - 78 (78) 200 0 200 700 - 700 - - 489,000 (36,498) 525,498 2,107,900 610,339 1,497,561 - - - 1,140,000 - 1,140,000 - - - - - - 489,200 (36,498) 525,698 3,248,600 610,582 2,638,018 545,314 545,314 - 4,104,409 4,104,409 - 635,814 582,045 (53,769) 3,902,729 3,989,508 86,779 90,500 36,731 (53,769) (201,680) (114,901) 86,779 268,600 47,741 (220,859) (363,091) 324,123 687,214 (557,270) (157,193) 400,077 (1,032,957) (80,790) 952,167 - - - - 236,900 119,470 1,453,200 328,037 INTERNAL SERVICE FUNDS INNOVATION & TECHNOLOGY EQUIPMENT RENTALWORKER'S COMPENSATION FACILITIES 38Page 86 of 136 AGENDA BILL APPROVAL FORM Agenda Subject: Police Advisory Committee Update (O'Neil)(30 Minutes) Date: July 7, 2021 Department: Police Attachments: PAC Update Budget Impact: Current Budget: $0 Proposed Revision: $0 Revised Budget: $0 Administrativ e Recommendation: Background for Motion: For discussion only. Background Summary: Police Advisory Committee (PAC) summary of meetings held since February and topics for upcoming meetings. Rev iewed by Council Committees: Councilmember:Jeyaraj Staff:O'Neil Meeting Date:July 12, 2021 Item Numb er: Page 87 of 136 AUBURNVALUESSERVICEENVIRONMENTECONOMYCHARACTERSUSTAINABILITYWELLNESSCELEBRATIONPOLICE ADVISORY COMMITTEE UPDATE Auburn Police DepartmentPage 88 of 136 Chief Daniel O’Neil POLICE ADVISORY COMMITTEE UPDATE Page 89 of 136 SERVICE ENVIRONMENT ECONOMY CHARACTER SUSTAINABILITY WELLNESS CELEBRATIONSERVICE ENVIRONMENT ECONOMY CHARACTER SUSTAINABILITY WELLNESS CELEBRATIONLast update was in February BOLA Wrap Community Service Award Scholarship FoundationLegislative Reform PAC UPDATE Page 90 of 136 SERVICE ENVIRONMENT ECONOMY CHARACTER SUSTAINABILITY WELLNESS CELEBRATIONSERVICE ENVIRONMENT ECONOMY CHARACTER SUSTAINABILITY WELLNESS CELEBRATIONAuburn Police FoundationAuburn Police Liaisons Community Court Lea Hill Community Concerns Training PAC UPDATE Page 91 of 136 SERVICE ENVIRONMENT ECONOMY CHARACTER SUSTAINABILITY WELLNESS CELEBRATIONSERVICE ENVIRONMENT ECONOMY CHARACTER SUSTAINABILITY WELLNESS CELEBRATIONIncorporate PIO into PAC Community MessagingMission Statement Mission Statement The Police Advisory Committee brings together the community and police personnel to exchange ideas and information on police services and provides input on the implementation of community policing. PAC UPDATE Page 92 of 136 AGENDA BILL APPROVAL FORM Agenda Subject: 2021 Legislative Updates Related to Policing (O'Neil)(45 Minutes) Date: July 7, 2021 Department: Police Attachments: 2021 Legis lative Updates Related to Policing Budget Impact: Current Budget: $0 Proposed Revision: $0 Revised Budget: $0 Administrativ e Recommendation: For discussion only. Background for Motion: Background Summary: 2021 Legislative updates related to Policing. Summary and open discussion on Key Bills, other Legislatives updates and Reform Laws. Rev iewed by Council Committees: Councilmember:Jeyaraj Staff:O'Neil Meeting Date:July 12, 2021 Item Numb er: Page 93 of 136 AUBURNVALUESSERVICEENVIRONMENTECONOMYCHARACTERSUSTAINABILITYWELLNESSCELEBRATION2021 LEGISLATIVE UPDATESRELATED TO POLICINGAuburn Police Department Page 94 of 136 AUBURN POLICE DEPARTMENTAUBURNVALUESSERVICEENVIRONMENTECONOMYCHARACTERSUSTAINABILITYWELLNESSCELEBRATIONDANIEL O’NEIL CHIEF OF POLICEDONEIL@AUBURNWA.GOV253-261-8001Page 95 of 136 2021 LEGISLATIVE UPDATEPage 96 of 136 SERVICE ENVIRONMENT ECONOMY CHARACTER SUSTAINABILITY WELLNESS CELEBRATIONSERVICE ENVIRONMENT ECONOMY CHARACTER SUSTAINABILITY WELLNESS CELEBRATIONESHB 1054 - Tactics E2SHB 1310 - Use of Force ESB 5476 -BlakeDecisionSSB 5066 - Duty to Intervene KEY BILLS Page 97 of 136 SERVICE ENVIRONMENT ECONOMY CHARACTER SUSTAINABILITY WELLNESS CELEBRATIONSERVICE ENVIRONMENT ECONOMY CHARACTER SUSTAINABILITY WELLNESS CELEBRATIONSHB 1088 - Potential Impeachment Disclosures E2SHB 1089 - Audits of Indep. Investigations SHB 1223 - Electronic RecordingsESHB 1140 - Juvenile Access to Attorneys ESHB 1267 - Office of Indep. Investigations E2SHB 1320 - Protection OrdersOTHER LEGISLATIVE UPDATESPage 98 of 136 SERVICE ENVIRONMENT ECONOMY CHARACTER SUSTAINABILITY WELLNESS CELEBRATIONSERVICE ENVIRONMENT ECONOMY CHARACTER SUSTAINABILITY WELLNESS CELEBRATIONE2SSB 5051 - Decertification SSB 5055 - Grievance Arbitration Panels E2SSB 5259 - Law Enforcement Data Collection OTHER REFORM LAWS CONTINUED Page 99 of 136 SERVICE ENVIRONMENT ECONOMY CHARACTER SUSTAINABILITY WELLNESS CELEBRATIONSERVICE ENVIRONMENT ECONOMY CHARACTER SUSTAINABILITY WELLNESS CELEBRATIONSummary of the Scope of Changes:Officers may respond differently to calls than previously;Officers may be required to spend more time at many scenes, stretching resources;Individuals and businesses may be encouraged to file online reports;Proactive policing measures will be limited going forward;Body cameras.Why are we making these changes? In May of 2021, Governor Inslee signed into law 13 bills that require these legislative changes. INTRODUCTION Page 100 of 136 SERVICE ENVIRONMENT ECONOMY CHARACTER SUSTAINABILITY WELLNESS CELEBRATIONSERVICE ENVIRONMENT ECONOMY CHARACTER SUSTAINABILITY WELLNESS CELEBRATIONThemes coming out of this legislative session mandate that not every call to 911 be handled by law enforcement—while there is no other emergency contact number to call but 911. Legislative mandates require more law enforcement resources be made available when making arrests and dealing with individuals demonstrating mental health illnesses or who are under the influence of drugs and/or alcohol. INTRODUCTION Page 101 of 136 SERVICE ENVIRONMENT ECONOMY CHARACTER SUSTAINABILITY WELLNESS CELEBRATIONSERVICE ENVIRONMENT ECONOMY CHARACTER SUSTAINABILITY WELLNESS CELEBRATIONWashington State currently ranks 50thin the nation for law enforcement officers per capita (USA Facts, 2021). In 2019, Washington was 6 out of 10 when ranking the top ten states with the most overworked police officers, with Washington having the lowest ratio at 1.45 officers per 1,000 people (Torres, 2019). Since at least 2012, the Auburn Police Department, which has always had the full support of the Auburn Mayor and Council, has operated consistently within Washington State standards maintaining an average of 1.4 officers per 1000 citizens. INTRODUCTION Page 102 of 136 SERVICE ENVIRONMENT ECONOMY CHARACTER SUSTAINABILITY WELLNESS CELEBRATIONSERVICE ENVIRONMENT ECONOMY CHARACTER SUSTAINABILITY WELLNESS CELEBRATIONESHB1054 - Police Tactics: Bans the use of choke holds and neck restraints. Criminal Justice Training Commission work group will establish training and deployment policies for the use of police canines. Guidelines on the use of tear gas, restricts the use of military equipment, establishes uniform standards for officers, and restricts vehicle pursuits.Police Officers may only pursue a vehicle if: Section 7(a)(i) There is probable cause to believe that a person in the vehicle has committed or is committing a violent offense or sex offense as defined in RCW 9.94A.030, or an escape under 9A.76; or(ii) There is reasonable suspicion that a person in the vehicle has committed or is committing a driving under the influence offense under RCW 46.61.502. HOUSE BILL 1054 TACTICS Page 103 of 136 SERVICE ENVIRONMENT ECONOMY CHARACTER SUSTAINABILITY WELLNESS CELEBRATIONSERVICE ENVIRONMENT ECONOMY CHARACTER SUSTAINABILITY WELLNESS CELEBRATIONPotential Impacts: 1)The Auburn Police Department issued a directive prohibiting choke holds and neck restraints in August of 2020, which is now required under this legislation for all agencies.2)In the event of non-violent offenses, such as residential burglary or an auto theft, police will respond to write a report, gather information and evidence, and interview persons with information. 3)APD reporting system to collect information regarding the limits on the law enforcement response, any complaints received, and the impact on criminal enforcement. HOUSE BILL 1054 TACTICS CONTINUED Page 104 of 136 SERVICE ENVIRONMENT ECONOMY CHARACTER SUSTAINABILITY WELLNESS CELEBRATIONSERVICE ENVIRONMENT ECONOMY CHARACTER SUSTAINABILITY WELLNESS CELEBRATIONESSHB 1310 – Use of Force:“The fundamental duty of law enforcement to preserve and protect all human life.” A peace officer shall use reasonable care when determining whether to use physical force and when using physical force against another person. Section 3(1)(a): Except as otherwise provided under this section, a peace officer may use physical force against a person when necessary to: Protect against criminal conduct where there is probable cause to make an arrest; effect an arrest; prevent an escape as defined under chapter 9A.76, or protect against an imminent threat of bodily injury to the peace office, another person, or the person against whom force is being used. Section 3(2)(a):When possible, exhaust available and appropriate de-escalation tactics prior to using any physical force, such as: Creating physical distance by employing tactical repositioning and repositioning as often as necessary to maintain the benefit of time, distance, cover; when there are multiple officers, designate one as the primary communicator. Call for additional resources such as a crisis intervention team or mental health professional when possible. Call for back-up officers when encountering resistance. Take as much time as necessary, without using physical force or weapons and leaving the area if there is no threat of imminent harm and no crime has been committed, is being committed, or is about to be committed. USE OF FORCE Page 105 of 136 SERVICE ENVIRONMENT ECONOMY CHARACTER SUSTAINABILITY WELLNESS CELEBRATIONSERVICE ENVIRONMENT ECONOMY CHARACTER SUSTAINABILITY WELLNESS CELEBRATIONPotential Impacts:1)Challenges to APD may include resources, delays in APD responses and potential delays in mental health counselors and/or crisis communicatorsresponding.2)We need funding for additional mental health counselors and crisis communicators.3)EMS staff will need to take primary response to non-criminal activity related calls. Officers will be partnering with the local business community to offer training opportunities for reporting criminal activity to the Prosecutor’s Office and to provide additional information about civil remedies available when law enforcement is not dispatched under the legislative directive.USE OF FORCE CONTINUEDPage 106 of 136 SERVICE ENVIRONMENT ECONOMY CHARACTER SUSTAINABILITY WELLNESS CELEBRATIONSERVICE ENVIRONMENT ECONOMY CHARACTER SUSTAINABILITY WELLNESS CELEBRATIONESB 5476 – The BlakeBill:The knowing possession of a controlled substance, counterfeit substance, or legend drug without a prescription is now a simple misdemeanor. Law enforcement officers are required, in lieu of jail booking and referral to the prosecutor, to offer a referral to assessment and services to any person subject to arrest for possession of drugs under this legislation. Decriminalizes drug paraphernalia used to introduce or inject a controlled substance into the human body. THE BLAKEDECISION Page 107 of 136 SERVICE ENVIRONMENT ECONOMY CHARACTER SUSTAINABILITY WELLNESS CELEBRATIONSERVICE ENVIRONMENT ECONOMY CHARACTER SUSTAINABILITY WELLNESS CELEBRATIONPotential Impacts: 1)Auburn Officers will generally refer all simple drug possession cases to the Prosecutor’s Office, along with providing an individual a referral for services.  2)Concerns that traditional paraphernalia‐related items might be more prevalent in the community.  The City has re‐engaged its City Work Crew and Community Service program to clean‐up litter, debris, and other items coupled with training and PPE for individuals participating in those programs.  3)The State will need to establish the recovery navigator program to provide community‐based outreach, intake, assessment, connection to services and case management and recovery services.4)Referral and tracking system needed between agencies.THE BLAKEDECISION CONTINUEDPage 108 of 136 SERVICE ENVIRONMENT ECONOMY CHARACTER SUSTAINABILITY WELLNESS CELEBRATIONSERVICE ENVIRONMENT ECONOMY CHARACTER SUSTAINABILITY WELLNESS CELEBRATIONSSB 5066 – Duty to Intervene: Any identifiable on-duty peace officer who witnesses another peace officer engaging or attempting to engage in the use of excessive force against another person shall intervene when in a position to do so to end the use of excessive force or attempted use of excessive force, or to prevent the further use of excessive force. A peace officer shall also render aid at the earliest safe opportunity in accordance with RCW 36.28A.445, to any person injured as a result of the use of force.Any identifiable on-duty peace officer who witnesses any wrongdoing committed by another peace officer, or has a good faith reasonable belief that another peace officer committed wrongdoing, shall report such wrongdoing. Notice send to the CJTC of any disciplinary decision resulting from a peace officer’s failure to intervene or failure to report as required by this section to determine whether the officer’s conduct may be grounds for suspension or revocation of certification under RCW 43.101.105. DUTY TO INTERVENE AND REPORTPage 109 of 136 SERVICE ENVIRONMENT ECONOMY CHARACTER SUSTAINABILITY WELLNESS CELEBRATIONSERVICE ENVIRONMENT ECONOMY CHARACTER SUSTAINABILITY WELLNESS CELEBRATIONPotential Impact: The Auburn Police Department has had a policy requiring officers to intervene and report excessive force for at least the last 10 years, which will now be reported to the Criminal Justice Training Commission. DUTY TO INTERVENE AND REPORT CONTINUEDPage 110 of 136 SERVICE ENVIRONMENT ECONOMY CHARACTER SUSTAINABILITY WELLNESS CELEBRATIONSERVICE ENVIRONMENT ECONOMY CHARACTER SUSTAINABILITY WELLNESS CELEBRATIONSHB 1223 – Electronic Recordation:Custodial interrogations of an adult for a felony offense, or a juvenile of any offense, must be electronically recorded starting January 1, 2022. Limited exceptions to the electronic recording requirement. Potential Impacts: 1)HB 1223 will increase local costs for the purchase, deployment, use, storage, and management of body worn cameras.ELECTRONIC RECORDATION Page 111 of 136 SERVICE ENVIRONMENT ECONOMY CHARACTER SUSTAINABILITY WELLNESS CELEBRATIONSERVICE ENVIRONMENT ECONOMY CHARACTER SUSTAINABILITY WELLNESS CELEBRATIONESHB 1140 – Juvenile Access to an Attorney:Requires that a law enforcement officer provide a juvenile (under the age of 18) with access to an attorney for consultation prior to a juvenile waiving any constitutional rights if the officer: (a) questions a juvenile during a custodial interrogation; or (b) detains a juvenile based on probable cause of involvement in criminal activity or requests that a juvenile consent to an evidentiary search of their person, property, dwelling, or vehicle.Requires the State Office of Public Defense to provide access to attorneys for juveniles contacted by law enforcement.JUVENILE ACCESS TO AN ATTORNEY Page 112 of 136 SERVICE ENVIRONMENT ECONOMY CHARACTER SUSTAINABILITY WELLNESS CELEBRATIONSERVICE ENVIRONMENT ECONOMY CHARACTER SUSTAINABILITY WELLNESS CELEBRATIONPotential Impacts: 1)Potential unintended consequences of this bill may be that juveniles, who are already vulnerable due to their age, may be recruited to participate in adult criminal enterprises. The City of Auburn is currently working with local resource providers to interrupt the gang recruitment of juveniles in the community. 1)The City is also concerned that juveniles will need access to an attorney expeditiously and the resources provided by the Office of Public Defense may be insufficient.JUVENILE ACCESS TO AN ATTORNEY CONTINUED Page 113 of 136 SERVICE ENVIRONMENT ECONOMY CHARACTER SUSTAINABILITY WELLNESS CELEBRATIONSERVICE ENVIRONMENT ECONOMY CHARACTER SUSTAINABILITY WELLNESS CELEBRATIONThe role of police in our community is one that changes from year to year. Professional policing demands that we respond to and provide the type of policing that is demanded by our community.Communities elect officials to be their voice, which in this situation are state legislators. This legislative session, as noted in HB 1310 specifically states that “it is a fundamental duty of law enforcement to preserve and protect all human life” and restricts the use of physical force to incidents where there is an imminent threat of bodily harm to a peace officer or another person. APD will need to redeploy the law enforcement resources that are available to us in order to meet the requirements of new legislation. STEPS FORWARD Page 114 of 136 SERVICE ENVIRONMENT ECONOMY CHARACTER SUSTAINABILITY WELLNESS CELEBRATIONSERVICE ENVIRONMENT ECONOMY CHARACTER SUSTAINABILITY WELLNESS CELEBRATIONTheft/Shoplift Under $250: Cop Logic and civil restitution.Service of court orders: Law enforcement will only serve orders if required to do so by law or court order. Involuntary Committals at Medical Facilities to Include Mental Health Facilities:We will encourage mental health facilities to have their own DCR or DMHP on staff to facilitate the involuntary commitment process. Welfare Checks:If not criminal, these calls will be screen by Sergeants and the response will be based on the totality of the circumstances. STEPS FORWARD Page 115 of 136 SERVICE ENVIRONMENT ECONOMY CHARACTER SUSTAINABILITY WELLNESS CELEBRATIONSERVICE ENVIRONMENT ECONOMY CHARACTER SUSTAINABILITY WELLNESS CELEBRATIONMisdemeanor Crimes:APD may not make physical arrests in certain misdemeanor cases. Exceptions include DUIs and DV related offenses that require mandatory arrests. Suspicious Subjects: Officers will no longer respond to calls of suspicious activity unless there is clearly articulated criminal activity. This will include suspected drug activity. Juvenile Problems/Civil Issues/Disputes: Officers will no longer respond in-person to calls involving juvenile problems and civil disputes that are not criminal. As an alternative, officers will make phone contact and refer the involved parties to resources, which are available on the Auburn Police Department webpage. STEPS FORWARD Page 116 of 136 SERVICE ENVIRONMENT ECONOMY CHARACTER SUSTAINABILITY WELLNESS CELEBRATIONSERVICE ENVIRONMENT ECONOMY CHARACTER SUSTAINABILITY WELLNESS CELEBRATIONTrespass/Unwanted Persons: Officers will continue to respond to unwanted subject calls and will assist in having unwanted persons removed from property if they are trespassing. Suicidal Subjects: Officers will respond if the subject is in an open area accessible to the public or is armed and in a structure with other family members. Officers will protect those not involved and request a crisis communicator and/or a mental health professional. Controlled Substances: Officers will respond to calls of suspected drug activity, once the call is screened by a sergeant to confirm that actual drug activity is occurring and not just suspected. This will prevent the escalation of non-criminal activity. STEPS FORWARD Page 117 of 136 SERVICE ENVIRONMENT ECONOMY CHARACTER SUSTAINABILITY WELLNESS CELEBRATIONSERVICE ENVIRONMENT ECONOMY CHARACTER SUSTAINABILITY WELLNESS CELEBRATIONLost Property: Lost property will be a mandatory E-report.Traffic Complaints and Traffic Enforcement:Patrol units will only be dispatched if a traffic unit is not working. Parking Complaints:All parking complaints will be forwarded to parking enforcement unless the complaint is a safety hazard, or is related to a vehicle blocking mailboxes on a day that mail is to be delivered.RV’s and Transient Camps:Complaints regarding individuals living in RV’s will be forwarded to the Community Response Team. If CRT is not working, the complaints will be forwarded to them to handle on their next duty day. The Community Response Team works with the City of Auburn Homeless Outreach Coordinator and the Salvation Army to find resources for community members who are experiencing homelessness. STEPS FORWARD Page 118 of 136 SERVICE ENVIRONMENT ECONOMY CHARACTER SUSTAINABILITY WELLNESS CELEBRATIONSERVICE ENVIRONMENT ECONOMY CHARACTER SUSTAINABILITY WELLNESS CELEBRATIONProperty Crimes without Suspect Info: All property crimes without suspect information will be referred to E-Reporting. Noise Complaints: Noise complaints at multi-family housing complexes should be reported to property managers instead of the police. Property managers within the city have the ability to work with the Community Response Team to resolve problems with repeat offenders. STEPS FORWARD Page 119 of 136 SERVICE ENVIRONMENT ECONOMY CHARACTER SUSTAINABILITY WELLNESS CELEBRATIONSERVICE ENVIRONMENT ECONOMY CHARACTER SUSTAINABILITY WELLNESS CELEBRATIONThe Auburn Police Department is developing and will continue to develop a website of community resources to assist in solving issues that require assistance outside of law enforcement. https://www.auburnwa.gov/city_hall/police/social_servicesThe officers of the Auburn Police Department remain committed to providing professional police services to our community. Those services are just going to look a little different and won’t always include face to face contact with a uniformed police officer. STEPS FORWARD Page 120 of 136 AGENDA BILL APPROVAL FORM Agenda Subject: Community Court Update (Comeau)(20 Minutes) Date: July 6, 2021 Department: Legal Attachments: Community Court Budget Impact: Current Budget: $0 Proposed Revision: $0 Revised Budget: $0 Administrativ e Recommendation: For discussion only. Background for Motion: Background Summary: The City Attorney’s Of f ice through the Real Estate Division constructed the temporary physical spaces for the Auburn Community Court and Auburn Community Resource Center in April and May of 2021 with the coordination and support of the Facilities Division. The King County District Court began operating the Auburn Community Court on May 27, 2021. The City’s update on the Community Court operations will be presented to Council. More inf ormation is available here: https://www.auburnwa.gov/city_hall/legal/community_court. Rev iewed by Council Committees: Councilmember:Staff:Comeau Meeting Date:July 12, 2021 Item Numb er: Page 121 of 136 AUBURN VALUES SERVICE ENVIRONMENT ECONOMY CHARACTER SUSTAINABILITY WELLNESS CELEBRATION COMMUNITY COURT UPDATE JULY 2021 City Attorney’s Office Page 122 of 136 Purpose King County District Court and the City of Auburn have partnered to bring acommunitycourtoptiontoAuburn.Community Court is an alternative,problem-solving court for some non-violent misdemeanor cases.It allowscasestobehandledbyreferralstocommunityresourcesthataddressaparticipant’s underlying needs that likely led to criminal activity. Re-thinking criminal justice The criminal justice system traditionally seeks to reduce crime by punishingpeople.While fines or jail can be effective –and sometimes necessary –deterrents,they do not address the problems that many people struggle withthatmighthaveledthemtocommitcrimes.Such problems can includehomelessness,extreme poverty,addiction,or mental health.While noteveryonewiththesechallengescommitscrime,community court provides aneffectivealternativeforpeoplewhodo.It holds participants accountablewhileofferingresourcesandsupporttobuildabetterlife. https://www.auburnwa.gov/city_hall/legal/community_court AUBURN COMMUNITY COURT Page 123 of 136 SERVICE ENVIRONMENT ECONOMY CHARACTER SUSTAINABILITY WELLNESS CELEBRATIONSERVICE ENVIRONMENT ECONOMY CHARACTER SUSTAINABILITY WELLNESS CELEBRATION King County District Court Judge York Public Defender Tricia Grove, Cayce Grove Law Offices Kent Hay Community Service Providers City of Auburn Work Crew PARTNERS IN THE AUBURN COMMUNITY COURT Page 124 of 136 SERVICE ENVIRONMENT ECONOMY CHARACTER SUSTAINABILITY WELLNESS CELEBRATIONSERVICE ENVIRONMENT ECONOMY CHARACTER SUSTAINABILITY WELLNESS CELEBRATION AUBURN RESOURCE CENTER 2816 Auburn Way N Page 125 of 136 SERVICE ENVIRONMENT ECONOMY CHARACTER SUSTAINABILITY WELLNESS CELEBRATIONSERVICE ENVIRONMENT ECONOMY CHARACTER SUSTAINABILITY WELLNESS CELEBRATION Lease: City leased the building in February of 2020 22,000 square feet Subleases: Auburn Food Bank Auburn Food Bank shelter space We Care Daily Clinic (coming soon) AUBURN RESOURCE CENTER Page 126 of 136 SERVICE ENVIRONMENT ECONOMY CHARACTER SUSTAINABILITY WELLNESS CELEBRATIONSERVICE ENVIRONMENT ECONOMY CHARACTER SUSTAINABILITY WELLNESS CELEBRATION March of 2021-Design and Construction for temporary Community Court and Resource Center spaces 2,000 square feet each Architect, HVAC contractor, and Josh Arndt worked together to obtain building permits along with the distribution and mechanical permit. Timeline: 3 Weeks CONSTRUCTION Page 127 of 136 SERVICE ENVIRONMENT ECONOMY CHARACTER SUSTAINABILITY WELLNESS CELEBRATIONSERVICE ENVIRONMENT ECONOMY CHARACTER SUSTAINABILITY WELLNESS CELEBRATION CONSTRUCTION Page 128 of 136 SERVICE ENVIRONMENT ECONOMY CHARACTER SUSTAINABILITY WELLNESS CELEBRATIONSERVICE ENVIRONMENT ECONOMY CHARACTER SUSTAINABILITY WELLNESS CELEBRATION CONSTRUCTION Page 129 of 136 SERVICE ENVIRONMENT ECONOMY CHARACTER SUSTAINABILITY WELLNESS CELEBRATIONSERVICE ENVIRONMENT ECONOMY CHARACTER SUSTAINABILITY WELLNESS CELEBRATION Construction of demising walls, re-routing and extending power, re-rerouting plumbing, remodeling restroom to meet ADA requirements, redistributing HVAC, flooring and paint Construction timeline from permit issuance: 3 weeks Total cost: $122,500 CONSTRUCTION Page 130 of 136 SERVICE ENVIRONMENT ECONOMY CHARACTER SUSTAINABILITY WELLNESS CELEBRATIONSERVICE ENVIRONMENT ECONOMY CHARACTER SUSTAINABILITY WELLNESS CELEBRATION CONSTRUCTION Page 131 of 136 SERVICE ENVIRONMENT ECONOMY CHARACTER SUSTAINABILITY WELLNESS CELEBRATIONSERVICE ENVIRONMENT ECONOMY CHARACTER SUSTAINABILITY WELLNESS CELEBRATION Subleases: Auburn Food Bank, We Care Daily Clinic License Agreements: Service providers for scheduled use of the Resource Center The ACRC will have room for 2 more permanent sublessees Stay tuned for the future permanent buildout of the Auburn Community Court and the Auburn Resource Center-6,000 square feet PROPERTY UPDATES Page 132 of 136 SERVICE ENVIRONMENT ECONOMY CHARACTER SUSTAINABILITY WELLNESS CELEBRATIONSERVICE ENVIRONMENT ECONOMY CHARACTER SUSTAINABILITY WELLNESS CELEBRATION Eligibility criteria Constantly being evaluated Generally: 2nd degree criminal trespass, unlawful transit conduct, prostitution (not patronizing), disorderly conduct, interference with a health care facility, SODA order violation, possession of auto theft tools, possession of burglary tools, vehicle trespass, possession of a controlled substance, unlawful camping General disqualifiers: Prior Class A felony or attempt, solicitation, or conspiracy to commit a Class A felony, violent crimes, sex offenses, DV related crimes, crimes against children, escape from confinement, gun related charges, hate crimes, human trafficking, kidnapping 28 people have been identified so far. COMMUNITY COURT PARTICIPANTS Page 133 of 136 SERVICE ENVIRONMENT ECONOMY CHARACTER SUSTAINABILITY WELLNESS CELEBRATIONSERVICE ENVIRONMENT ECONOMY CHARACTER SUSTAINABILITY WELLNESS CELEBRATION Community court is intended to address lower-level non-traffic offenses committed by individuals struggling with substance use, mental health, or homelessness issues These lower-level offenses include those on slide 12 The legislature’s recent passing of ESB 5476 has forced a change to eligible offense criteria: Initially, possession of drug paraphernalia was an included offense given its effect on our community (in 2019, our office filed over 500 cases involving this charge) With 5476, we have had to remove this offense from community court consideration as personal use drug paraphernalia possession is now legal and cannot be charged criminally Initially, we intended to exclude possession of controlled substance violations since that offense was eligible for felony prosecution and the possibility of the superior court drug court program With 5476, we have now added drug possession to our eligible offense list since the change in the law reduced the charge to a misdemeanor statewide, eliminating superior court’s involvement and leaving local community court programs as a primary method of a therapeutic court SCOPE OF COMMUNITY COURT Page 134 of 136 SERVICE ENVIRONMENT ECONOMY CHARACTER SUSTAINABILITY WELLNESS CELEBRATIONSERVICE ENVIRONMENT ECONOMY CHARACTER SUSTAINABILITY WELLNESS CELEBRATION STIPULATED ORDER OF CONTINUANCE Page 135 of 136 SERVICE ENVIRONMENT ECONOMY CHARACTER SUSTAINABILITY WELLNESS CELEBRATIONSERVICE ENVIRONMENT ECONOMY CHARACTER SUSTAINABILITY WELLNESS CELEBRATION STIPULATED ORDER OF CONTINUANCE Page 136 of 136