HomeMy WebLinkAbout08-09-2021 CITY COUNCIL STUDY SESSIONCity Council S tudy Session F inance, Technology and Economic Dev elopment Special F ocus Area August 9, 2021 - 5:30 P M City Hall Council Chambers and Virtual AGE ND A Watch the meeting L IV E ! Watch the meeting video Meeting videos are not available until 72 hours after the meeting has concluded. I .C A L L TO O R D E R I I .P UB L I C PA RT I C I PAT I O N A.P ublic Participation The A uburn C ity C ouncil Meeting scheduled for Monday, A ugust 9, 2021 at 5:30 p.m. will be held in person and virtually. Virtual P articipation L ink: To attend the meeting virtually please click one of the below links, enter the meeting I D into the Z oom app, or call into the meeting at the phone number listed below. The link to the Virtual Meeting is: Zoom: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/82462366568 The public can also view the meeting on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/watchauburn/live/?nomobile=1 To join the meeting by phone, please use the below call-in information: 253 215 8782 877 853 5257 (Toll Free) Webinar I D: 824 6236 6568 B.R oll Call I I I .A G E ND A I T E MS F O R C O UNC I L D I S C US S I O N A.Waste Management Contract I mplementation (Thomas)(30 Minutes) B.Ordinance No. 6828 (Tate)(15 Minutes) A n O rdinance relating to the regulation of portable signs, and amending sections 18.29.060, 18.29.070, 18.56.030 of the A uburn City Code and various sections of the D owntown Urban Center design standards Page 1 of 26 I V.F I NA NC E , T E C HNO L O G Y A ND E C O NO MI C D E V E L O P ME NT D I S C US S I O N I T E MS V.O T HE R D I S C US S I O N I T E MS V I .NE W B US I NE S S V I I .A D J O UR NME NT Agendas and minutes are available to the public at the City Clerk's Office, on the City website (http://www.auburnwa.gov), and via e-mail . Complete agenda packets are available for revi ew at the City Clerk's Office. Page 2 of 26 AGENDA BILL APPROVAL FORM Agenda Subject: Waste Management Contract Implementation (Thomas)(30 Minutes) Date: August 4, 2021 Department: Finance Attachments: No Attachments Av ailable Budget Impact: Administrativ e Recommendation: For discussion only. Background for Motion: Background Summary: The City of Auburn’s solid waste contract with Waste Management and franchise agreement with Republic Services both expire September 30, 2021. The City conducted a request for proposal (RFP) process to competitively procure the next solid waste contract and Waste Management was the highest scoring proponent. The City entered into a new contract with Waste Management that will be effective October 1, 2021 and encompass the entire City. This presentation is a summary of the implementation efforts that are underway in preparation f or the contract switch over on October 1, 2021. Rev iewed by Council Committees: Councilmember:Baggett Staff:Thomas Meeting Date:August 9, 2021 Item Numb er: Page 3 of 26 AGENDA BILL APPROVAL FORM Agenda Subject: Ordinance No. 6828 (Tate)(15 Minutes) Date: August 2, 2021 Department: Community Development Attachments: Ordinance No. 6828 Portable Sign S tandards Text Amendments DUC Portable S ign Des ign Standards Text Amendments Portable Sign Code Update Pres entation Budget Impact: Current Budget: $0 Proposed Revision: $0 Revised Budget: $0 Administrativ e Recommendation: For discussion only. Background for Motion: Background Summary: Previously temporary signs, which also included portable signs, were allowed throughout the City – including the Downtown Urban Center zoning district. However, the temporary sign provision that allowed portable signs throughout the City sunsetted in 2016 and portable signs are now prohibited everywhere except the DUC zone (and except f or real estate signs). Prior to the sunsetting of the code, the City had a no fee sign permit for temporary signs. The purpose of the no fee sign permit was to ensure a signs compliance with City code. After the temporary sign provisions of that allowed portable signs throughout the City sunsetted, the no f ee sign permit f or temporary signs ended as well. Portable signs, however, are still allowed in the DUC zoning district because Chapter 18.29 ACC “DUC Downtown Urban Center”, still contains provisions for portable signs. Since 2016 there has been a increase in noncompliant portable signs. This includes being noncompliant in the number, placement, and size of signs. The proposed text amendment is intended to clarify, improve, and reinf orce the existing portable sign standards, provide new portable sign design standards, and address some challenges with portable signs that have occurred over the years. Rev iewed by Council Committees: Councilmember:Stearns Staff:Tate Meeting Date:August 9, 2021 Item Number: Page 4 of 26 Page 5 of 26 -------------------------------- Ordinance No. 6828 July 27, 2021 Page 1 Rev. 2020 ORDINANCE NO. 6828 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, WASHINGTON, RELATING TO THE REGULATION OF PORTABLE SIGNS, AND AMENDING SECTIONS 18.29.060, 18.29.070, 18.56.030 OF THE AUBURN CITY CODE AND VARIOUS SECTIONS OF THE DOWNTOWN URBAN CENTER DESIGN STANDARDS WHEREAS, temporary signs, including portable signs, are prohibited throughout the City except for certain locations including the Downtown Urban Center (DUC); and WHEREAS, portable signs are permitted in the DUC zoning district, subject to the regulations contained in ACC 18.29.060(I)(4) and the DUC design standards; and WHEREAS, Auburn has experienced challenges with portable signs and wishes to address these challenges by clarifying, improving, and reinforcing the portable sign standards; and WHEREAS, until such time City Council adopts a fee, portable signs will require a sign permit for no fee; and WHEREAS, pursuant to RCW 36.70A the proposed code language contained herein was transmitted to the Washington State Department of Commerce, which performed an expedited agency review. The state agency comment period expired on July 6, 2021 and the City did not receive any agency comments; and WHEREAS, the code amendments were reviewed according to the process established by the Washington State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA), a Determination of Non-Significance (DNS) was issued on June 24, 2021, and the City observed a fourteen-day public comment period; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission reviewed the proposed amendments and considered the effect of the changes on public and private property owners at its June 8, 2021 meeting; and Page 6 of 26 -------------------------------- Ordinance No. 6828 July 27, 2021 Page 2 Rev. 2020 WHEREAS, on July 20, 2021 the Planning Commission held a public hearing, after receiving no public comment letters regarding the proposed amendments, and afterwards forwarded a recommendation for approval to the City Council. NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, WASHINGTON, DO ORDAIN as follows: Section 1. Amendment to City Code. Sections 18.29.060, 18.29.070, and 18.56.030 of the Auburn City Code are amended to read as shown in Exhibit A. Section 2. Amendment to City Code. Section fivee of the Downtown Urban Center Design Standards is amended to read as shown in Exhibit B. Section 3. Implementation. The Mayor is authorized to implement those administrative procedures necessary to carry out the directives of this legislation. Section 4. Severability. The provisions of this ordinance are declared to be separate and severable. The invalidity of any clause, sentence, paragraph, subdivision, section, or portion of this ordinance, or the invalidity of the application of it to any person or circumstance, will not affect the validity of the remainder of this ordinance, or the validity of its application to other persons or circumstances. Section 5. Effective date. This Ordinance will take effect and be in force five days from and after its passage, approval, and publication as provided by law. INTRODUCED: _______________ PASSED: ____________________ APPROVED: _________________ Page 7 of 26 -------------------------------- Ordinance No. 6828 July 27, 2021 Page 3 Rev. 2020 ____________________________ NANCY BACKUS, MAYOR ATTEST: ____________________________ Shawn Campbell, MMC, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: ____________________________ Kendra Comeau, City Attorney Published: ____________________ Page 8 of 26 Portable Sign Code Text Amendment - City File No. ZOA20-0003 Page 1 of 4 Chapter 18.29 DUC DOWNTOWN URBAN CENTER DISTRICT 18.29.060 Development standards. I. Signs. The design of all signs shall be in conformance with the design standards referenced in ACC 18.29.070. Allowable types, numbers and sizes of signs shall be as follows: 1. Freestanding: not allowed, except for monument signs as described within the “Downtown Auburn Design Standards”; no more than one per street frontage; maximum size: 64 square feet, calculated at a rate of one square foot of sign area per lineal foot of site frontage; minimum entitlement shall be 32 square feet; maximum height: five feet. 2. Wall signs: maximum area of 150 square feet per building facade, calculated at a rate of one square foot of sign area for every lineal foot of facade; minimum entitlement shall be 16 square feet. 3. Suspended signs attached under a marquee or canopy: one double-faced sign, no greater than three square feet per face allowed for each building entrance; minimum clearance above grade: eight feet. 4. Portable Signs. One pPortable signs may be allowed for each business entrance, not to exceed one portable sign per building frontagebusiness, subject to the following: a. Signs Mmay be placed within the public right-of-way, within 12 feet of a business entrance, subject to the guidelines provided by the director in consultation with the city engineer such that sign placement does not interfere with pedestrian or vehicular traffic, does not create a sight hazard, and conforms to the requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act. Additional portable signage may be authorized in order to support downtown events that are permitted or sanctioned by the City. b. The sign shall be in accordance with the provisions of ACC 18.56.030(L). bc. The sign area cMay not Cannot exceed 36 42 inches in height and , 320 inches in width, and be limited to two faces. d. Portable signs are not permitted to be affixed to City infrastructure located within the right- of-way (e.g. street lights, fire hydrants, public art). This includes a prohibition of chaining or otherwise securing portable signs to such infrastructure. EXHIBIT 1 Ordinance No. 6828 July 27, 2021 Page 4 EXHIBIT A Page 9 of 26 Portable Sign Code Text Amendment - City File No. ZOA20-0003 Page 2 of 4 d. Must be constructed of either wood or another sturdy material to ensure stability in the wind. e. May not move, spin, flash, or otherwise be animated. ce. Signs mMay only be displayed during business hours and shall not be displayed when the business is closed. f. No landscaping may be covered, cut, damaged, or modified to accommodate a portable sign. The City may require replacement of any damaged landscaping pursuant to Chapter 18.50 ACC. g. All portable signs shall have the permit number affixed to the back of the sign. 18.29.070 Design standards. Adopted by reference are the “Downtown Auburn Design Standards” and the “Auburn Junction Design Standards,” a copy of which shall be maintained by the city clerk. These documents contain standards for development of the built environment in the DUC zone. The director shall have the authority to apply the standards to specific development proposals. These standards may be amended upon approval by the community development director city council. (Ord. 6532 § 29, 2014; Ord. 6419 § 2, 2012; Ord. 6287 § 2, 2010; Ord. 6190 § 1, 2008; Ord. 6071 § 6 (Exh. A), 2007.) Ordinance No. 6828 July 27, 2021 Page 5 Page 10 of 26 Portable Sign Code Text Amendment - City File No. ZOA20-0003 Page 3 of 4 Chapter 18.56 SIGNS 18.56.030 General provisions, all districts. I. Prohibited Signs. From and after the effective date of the ordinance codified in this chapter it shall be unlawful for any person to erect or place within the city, except as otherwise authorized: 1. A swinging projecting sign; 2. Portable signs, except as permitted by ACC 18.56.025 (Real estate signs) and, 18.56.040(E) (C-2 Zoning District) , and ACC 18.29.060(I) (DUC); 3. Banners, pennants, ribbons, streamers, spinners, rotating or blinking lights, strings of lights, or similar devices, except as permitted by subsection B of this section (Temporary Signs); 4. Flashing signs, except as permitted in subsection D of this section (Sign Lighting Provisions); 5. Changing message center signs, except as allowed in the I, P-1, C-1, C-2, C-3, M-1 and M-2 zones; 6. Signs attached to, or placed on, a vehicle or trailer parked on private or public property that is not associated with the business advertised on said sign(s). This provision is not to be construed as prohibiting the identification of a firm or its principal products on a vehicle used in the normal course of business. This does not include automobile for sale signs or signs attached to franchised buses or taxis; 7. Private signs placed in or on a public right-of-way, except for as expressly permitted by this chapter; 8. Any sign which constitutes a traffic hazard or detriment to traffic safety by reason of its size, location, movement, coloring, or method of illumination, or by obstructing the vision of drivers, or detracting from the visibility of any official traffic control device by diverting or tending to divert the attention of drivers of moving vehicles from traffic movement on streets, roads, intersections, or access facilities. No sign shall be erected so that it obstructs the vision of pedestrians by glare or method of illumination or constitutes a hazard to traffic. No sign may use words, phrases, symbols or characters in such a manner as to interfere with, mislead, or confuse traffic; 9. Any sign or advertising structure or supporting structure that is torn, damaged, defaced or destroyed; Ordinance No. 6828 July 27, 2021 Page 6 Page 11 of 26 Portable Sign Code Text Amendment - City File No. ZOA20-0003 Page 4 of 4 10. Signs attached to poles installed by governmental agencies, utility poles, trees, rocks or other natural features; 11. Signs attached to benches, garbage cans, or other street furniture located within the public right-of-way; 12. Rotating signs; 13. Billboards; 14. Any sign which does not structurally or materially conform to the requirements of the city’s adopted International Building Code. Ordinance No. 6828 July 27, 2021 Page 7 Page 12 of 26 Downtown Urba n Center City of Auburn Design Standards ADOPTED 2/12/07; AMENDED 4/14/08, 06/9/08, 06/16/09, 05/24/10, 2/21/17, 2/21/17; REVISION EFFECTIVE 03/01/2017 City of Auburn Downtown Standards Downtown Urban Center Zone March 1, 2017 1 EXHIBIT B EXHIBIT B Ordinance No. 6828 July 27, 2021 Page 8 Page 13 of 26 TABLE OF CONTENTS I. Definitions/Architectural Terms II. Guidelines Applicable to All Development Site Design Parking Lots and Garages --Screening and Landscaping --Pedestrian Connections --Width / Spacing of Driveways Shielded Lighting Screening Service Areas Public Plazas Building Design Entrances Ground Level Details Base / Middle / Top Upper Level Setbacks Treating Blank Walls Use of Neon Parking Structures Screening Rooftop Equipment Energy Efficiency Sign Design Integration with Architecture Creativity Landmark Signs Ground Signs III. Guidelines Applicable to Pedestrian Streets Site Design Limitation on Driveways Location of Parking Location of Drive-Through Lanes Building Design Land Use Mix Proximity to Sidewalk Ground Level Transparency Weather Protection Sign Design Pedestrian Orientation City of Auburn Downtown Standards Downtown Urban Center Zone March 1, 2017 2 Portable Signs Ordinance No. 6828 July 27, 2021 Page 9 Page 14 of 26 facilities are not damaged by other activity on the roof. C. The applicant shall install an outdoor speaker system and AM receiver, to receive the City’s Main Street radio signal, on any new commercial structure within the Downtown Urban Center zone. The property owner and/or building owner shall be responsible for the outdoor speaker system and any repairs or maintenance. D. Utility equipment such as power and gas meters shall be painted to match the structure. E. Private utility cabinets (e.g. Comcast, PSE) shall be screened with landscaping where feasible. 1. LANDMARK SIGNS Intent: preserve the unique character of the downtown A. Retain existing historic signs (as determined by the City) that feature the character of the area, wherever possible. 2. INTEGRATION WITH ARCHITECTURE Intent: ensure that signage is a part of the overall design of a project and not additive or an afterthought A. The design plans for buildings and sites shall identify locations and sizes for future signs. As tenants install signs, such signs shall be in conformance with an overall sign program that allows for advertising which fits with the architectural character, proportions, and details of the development. The sign program shall indicate location, size, and general design. B. New signs shall not project above the roof, parapet or exterior wall unless part of an integral architectural feature. Signs mounted on a roof are not allowed. City of Auburn Downtown Standards Downtown Urban Center Zone March 1, 2017 12Ordinance No. 6828 July 27, 2021 Page 10 Page 15 of 26 3. CREATIVITY Intent: encourage interesting, creative and unique approaches to the design of signage A. Signs should be highly graphic in form, expressive and individualized. Signs should convey the product or service offered by the business in a bold, graphic form B. If a projecting sign is designed by a graphic design professional and includes a non-verbal, three-dimensional symbol that succinctly conveys the nature of the business and constitutes a dominant proportion of the overall design, the sign may be allowed to exceed the maximum area otherwise allowed by 50%. 4. GROUND SIGNS Intent: ensure that signs are not principally oriented to automobile traffic A. All freestanding signs shall be ground (monument) signs no higher than five (5) feet. Pole signs are prohibited. B. The area around the base of any ground sign shall be planted with shrubs and seasonal flowers. C. Backlit signs are permitted if the sign meets all other standards for signage in this document and Chapter 18.29. D. Internally-lit signs are p permitted when located adjacent and oriented to Auburn Way North/Auburn Way South street frontages and only with electronic message center signs in accordance with Auburn City Code Chapter 18.56 Signs. If an internally lit sign is utilized, the sign shall also conform to all other applicable standards for changing message center signs as described in this same chapter. E. Boxed cabinet signs are prohibited in the Downtown Urban Center zone. F. Outlined cabinet signs are permitted only if the sign meets all other standards for signage in this document and Chapter 18.29. City of Auburn Downtown Standards Downtown Urban Center Zone March 1, 2017 13Ordinance No. 6828 July 27, 2021 Page 11 Page 16 of 26 1. LAND USE Intent: ensure a rich, uninterrupted mixture of lively activities aimed at people on foot A. Along Pedestrian I Streets, ground floor uses that face the sidewalk shall be retail, restaurant or personal service uses. B. Along Pedestrian II Streets, ground floor office and residential uses are also acceptable when facing the sidewalk. 2. PROXIMITY TO SIDEWALK Intent: reinforce an active pedestrian experience along Pedestrian Streets A. Buildings along Pedestrian Streets shall be set immediately at the back of the sidewalk, with the exception of providing open space for public use such as plazas, courtyards and seating areas. B. Water run-off from canopies/awnings should be controlled by gutter or other means. City of Auburn Downtown Standards Downtown Urban Center Zone March 1, 2017 15 5. PORTABLE SIGN DESIGN STANDARDS Intent: to encourage finished appearance of portable signs A. Portable signage in the Downtown Urban Center should contribute to the downtown’s designation as a vibrant and pedestrian-oriented zone in the City. Signs should be designed with the purpose of promoting nearby services and goods and street activity, and contribute to a lively street aesthetic. B. Signs must be professionally manufactured of durable materials. Sign copy shall be framed, board-mounted, or plastic laminated for a finished appearance. Chalkboard style A-frame signs and menu boards are permitted, provided text and graphics are tasteful. C. Signs should convey the product or service offered with a highly graphic, expressive, and individualized design. D. Sign may not include lighting, attachment, animations or move, spin, and/or flash. Ordinance No. 6828 July 27, 2021 Page 12 Page 17 of 26 PLANNING SERVICES PORTABLE SIGN CODE UPDATE CITY COUNCIL STUDY SESSION AUGUST 9, 2021 ALEXANDRIA D. TEAGUE, AICP AUBURN VALUES SERVICE ENVIRONMENT ECONOMY CHARACTER SUSTAINABILITY WELLNESS CELEBRATION Department of Community Development Planning Building Development Engineering Permit Center Sustainability Community Services ●Code Enforcement 1Page 18 of 26 WHERE WILL THE PROPOSED CODE TAKE EFFECT? SERVICE ENVIRONMENT ECONOMY CHARACTER SUSTAINABILITY WELLNESS CELEBRATION Zoning Code –Title 18 The downtown urban center zone is intended to create a distinct and strong identity for downtown Auburn by establishing land use and design standards for review of development proposals within the core area of the city of Auburn’s designated urban center… Page 19 of 26 WHY MAKE CHANGES? SERVICE ENVIRONMENT ECONOMY CHARACTER SUSTAINABILITY WELLNESS CELEBRATIONPage 20 of 26 Page 21 of 26 PROPOSED CHANGES TO CHAPTER 18.29 ACC EXISTING PORTABLE SIGN ZONING DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS TO BE MODIFIED: (4). One Portable signs may be allowed for each business entrance, not to exceed one portable sign per building frontage, subject to the following: (a).Signs may be placed within the public right-of-way, within 12 feet of a business entrance, subject to the guidelines provided by the director in consultation with the city engineer such that sign placement does not interfere with pedestrian or vehicular traffic, does not create a sight hazard, and conforms to the requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act. Additional portable signage may be authorized in order to support downtown events that are permitted or sanctioned by the City. Additional portable signage may be authorized in order to support downtown events that are permitted or sanctioned by the City. (c).The sign area May not cannot exceed 36 42 inches in height and 30 32 inches in width and be limited to two faces. (e). Signs may be displayed during business hours only and shall not be displayed when the business is closed. (d).Must be constructed of either wood or another sturdy material to ensure stability in the wind. (e).May not move, spin, flash, or otherwise be animated. , SERVICE ENVIRONMENT ECONOMY CHARACTER SUSTAINABILITY WELLNESS CELEBRATIONPage 22 of 26 PROPOSED CHANGES TO CHAPTER 18.29 ACC CONTINUED NEW PORTABLE SIGN ZONING DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS TO BE ADDED: (b) The sign shall be in accordance with the provisions of ACC 18.56.030(L). (d) Portable signs are not permitted to be affixed to City infrastructure located within the right- of-way (e.g. street lights, fire hydrants, public art). This includes a prohibition of chaining or otherwise securing portable signs to such infrastructure. (f) No landscaping may be covered, cut, damaged, or modified to accommodate a portable sign. The City may require replacement of any damaged landscaping pursuant to Chapter 18.50 ACC. (g) All portable signs shall have the permit number affixed to the back of the sign. , Page 23 of 26 ACC 18.29.070 Adopted by reference are the “Downtown Auburn Design Standards” and the “Auburn Junction Design Standards,” a copy of which shall be maintained by the city clerk. These documents contain standards for development of the built environment in the DUC zone. The director shall have the authority to apply the standards to specific development proposals. These standards may be amended upon approval by the city council.community development director. ACC 18.31.200(D) Adopted by reference are the following architectural and site design documents, copies of which shall be maintained by the city clerk….The following specific architectural and design standards documents may be amended upon approval by the community development director. 1.Mixed-use and multiple-family development design standards. 2.Auburn Gateway architectural and site design standards. 3.Downtown urban center design standards. 4.Auburn Junction design standards. PROPOSED CHANGES TO CHAPTER 18.29 ACC CONTINUED , SERVICE ENVIRONMENT ECONOMY CHARACTER SUSTAINABILITY WELLNESS CELEBRATIONPage 24 of 26 Portable signage Should contribute to the downtown’s designation as a vibrant and pedestrian-oriented zone in the City Must promote nearby services and goods and street activity Must contribute to a lively street aesthetic Must be professionally manufactured of durable materials Should convey the product or service offered with a highly graphic, expressive, and individualized design May not include lighting, attachment, animations or move, spin, and/or flash PROPOSED CHANGES TO THE DUC DESIGN STANDARDS SERVICE ENVIRONMENT ECONOMY CHARACTER SUSTAINABILITY WELLNESS CELEBRATIONPage 25 of 26 QUESTIONS? SERVICE ENVIRONMENT ECONOMY CHARACTER SUSTAINABILITY WELLNESS CELEBRATION Thank you! Alexandria Teague, Planner II, Dept. of Community Development Page 26 of 26