HomeMy WebLinkAboutTAB Agenda Packet 9.14.21 CITY OF AUBURN TRANSPORTATION ADVISORY BOARD September 14, 2021 MEETING AGENDA I. CALL TO ORDER – 5:30 P.M., II. VIRTUAL PARTICIPATION LINK: Virtual Participation Link: The Transportation Advisory Board Meeting scheduled for Tuesday, September 14, 2021 at 5:30 p.m. will be held virtually and telephonically. To attend the meeting virtually please click one of the below links, enter the meeting ID into the Zoom app, or call into the meeting at the phone number listed below. Per Governor Inslee's Emergency Proclamation 20-05 and 20-28 et. seq. and City of Auburn Resolution No. 5581, City of Auburn has designated meeting locations as “virtual” for all Regular, Special and Study Session Meetings of the City Council and for the Committees, Boards and Commissions of the City. The link to the Virtual Meeting or phone number to listen to the Transportation Advisory Board Meeting is: Join from a PC, Mac, iPad, iPhone or Android device: Please click one of the below URL to join. ZOOM: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/96667038050 Or join by phone: 253 215 8782 888 475 4499 (Toll Free) Webinar ID: 966 6703 8050 International numbers available: https://us06web.zoom.us/u/koJjdg3yc III. ROLL CALL (Sherwin) IV.MEETING PROTOCOLS (Malik) • Please keep you microphones turned off Page 1 of 69 Transportation Advisory Board September 14, 2021 • Please keep your cameras turned on • If you have questions or comments, or for motions, please use the raise hand feature V. CONSENT AGENDA A. APPROVAL OF MINUTES FOR THE MEETING ON JUNE 1, 2021* B. APPROVAL OF MINUTES FOR THE SPECIAL MEETING ON JULY 7, 2021* VI.. DISCUSSION AND INFORMATION A. General Update (Malik) Overview of ongoing transportation projects and programs. B. 2021 Annual Comprehensive Transportation Plan Update (Malik)* Included items in packet: - Comprehensive Transportation Plan 2021 Update Presentation - Draft 2021 update to the Comprehensive Transportation Plan C. Discussion Topic: Transportation issues for students (Malik)* Included item in packet: - Student Transportation Presentation Jeff Grose from the Auburn School District will present an update on the new schools and schools being rebuilt. Discussion with TAB members related to student transportation, planning and issues to address, for grade schools and college students. What have they heard from the community? What is working? What is not working? A time for each TAB member to share. D. TAB Onboarding Packet (Malik) Discuss onboarding packet content, which will be shared in the next few weeks, and need for feedback from TAB members prior to finalization. Intent of packet is to prepare new members to be successful in their new role. E. Next meeting focus: (Malik) Transportation issues for disabled residents, ADA Transition Plan progress update, discuss plan for 2024 Major Comprehensive Transportation Plan update, discuss proposed items for 2022 Workplan, review Board Annual Report to the City Council to be presented to Council by Chair following December TAB meeting. F. Other Discussion Items / Roundtable. VII. ADJOURNMENT Next meeting will be held on Tuesday, December 14, 2021, at 5:30 PM. Page 2 of 69 CITY OF AUBURN TRANSPORTATION ADVISORY BOARD June 1, 2021 DRAFT MINUTES I. CALL TO ORDER II. VIRTUAL PARTICIPATION LINK: The Auburn Transportation Advisory Board Meeting scheduled for Tuesday, June 1, 2021 at 5:30 p.m. will be held virtually and telephonically. To attend the meeting virtually please click the link or enter the meeting ID into the Zoom app or call into the meeting at the phone number listed below. Per Governor Inslee's Emergency Proclamation 20-05 and 20-28 et. seq. and Stay Safe-Stay Healthy, the City of Auburn is prohibited from holding in-person meetings at this time. City of Auburn Resolution No. 5581, designates City of Auburn meeting locations for all Regular, Special and Study Session Meetings of the City Council and of the Committees, Boards and Commissions of the City as Virtual Locations until Washington’s Governor authorizes local governments to conduct in-person meetings. The link to the Virtual Meeting or phone number to listen to the Transportation Advisory Board Meeting is below. Join from a PC, Mac, iPad, iPhone or Android device. https://zoom.us/j/92909762425 Webinar ID: 929 0976 2425 III. ROLL CALL (Sherwin) Committee members present were Waylon Menzia, Jeanette Miller, Peter Di Turi, David Jensen, Christian Faltenberger, Cheryl Rakes, Cynthia Rapier. Dennis Grad present after roll call. Those not present were Sarah Shaw (excused), Michael Harbin, Jr. (excused), Steve Carstens (excused), Riley Patterson (unexcused), and Pamela Gunderson (unexcused). Also present during the meeting were: Public Works Director Ingrid Gaub, Assistant Director/City Engineer Jacob Sweeting, Senior Traffic Engineer James Webb, Senior Transportation Planner, Cecile Malik, Assistant Traffic Engineer, Kenneth Clark, and Office Assistant, Angie Sherwin. IV. MEETING PROTOCOLS (Malik) Board Meeting Protocols for Zoom Please keep you microphones muted. Please keep your cameras turned on. If you have questions or comments, or for motions, please use the raise hand feature. V. CONSENT AGENDA A. APPROVAL OF MINUTES It was moved by David Jensen, seconded by Jeanette Miller that the Committee approve the Transportation Advisory Board minutes for March 9, 2021. Motion carried. Page 3 of 69 Transportation Advisory Board June 1, 2021 DRAFT MINUTES Page 2 VI. DISCUSSION AND INFORMATION A. TAB Rules and Procedures (Malik)* The proposed Transportation Advisory Board Rules and Procedures, which were discussed at the last meeting and edited following TAB members’ comments, were presented to the board for approval. It was moved by David Jensen, seconded by Christian Faltenberger (multiple responses) that the Committee approve the proposed Transportation Advisory Board Rules and Procedures. B. General Update (Malik) An overview of ongoing transportation projects and programs which announce that grants were awarded for the Auburn South Side Sidewalk project and the Riverwalk Sidewalk project. C. 2020 State of Our Streets (SOS) Report (Webb/Clark)* A PowerPoint presentation of the 2020-year end summary of the City’s Arterial/Collector and Local Street Pavement Preservation Programs include: • Street Preservation Overview • Preservation Projects and Programs o Local Street Preservation o Arterial and Collector Street Preservation • Summary of 2020 Street Condition (Dashboard) • Funding and Predicting Pavement Conditions • Next Steps Questions by TAB members were addressed by staff. D. 2022-2027 TIP and 2022 Traffic Impact Fee Update (Webb)* Discussion about the proposed update to the Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) for the years 2022-2027 and resulting 2022 Traffic Impact Fee rates. A PowerPoint presentation of the 2022-2027 Traffic Impact Fee Update overview include: • Removal of 9 projects, 7 being complete in 2021 • 2 being incorporated into other programs • Grant Awards o 2 projects have received grant awards o 1 project is anticipated to be grant awarded in June 2021 • Two new projects to be added Questions by TAB members were addressed by staff. E. Discussion Topic: Non-Motorized Facilities (Malik)* Discussion with TAB members related to non-motorized facilities planning. • Comprehensive Transportation Plan Non-Motorized Chapter for Pedestrian and Bicycle Travel o Existing conditions and challenges o Prioritize project o Main source funding • Non-Motorized Policies • Planning and Improvements o Challenges and Opportunities Page 4 of 69 Transportation Advisory Board June 1, 2021 DRAFT MINUTES Page 3 Feedback requested by TAB members – roundtable discussion • Community feedback o Academy Trail suggested as a good non-motorized project for an alternative route for cyclists o Lack of dedicated bike facilities from West Hill to Interurban trail o Support for non-motorized improvements along Lea Hill Corridor o Safety concern related to crosswalks on Main Street, support for bicycle facilities and bike racks downtown to support economy o 324th and near Green River College – sidewalk gaps, lack of lighting, lack on enhanced crosswalks o 312th lack of lighting near shopping center o The Outlet Collection is not impacted by bicycle traffic • Questions from the Non-Motorized Chapter of the Comprehensive Transportation Plan o Future corridors for consideration for the West Hill to W Valley Hwy • Suggestions on project prioritization o Riverwalk Sidewalk Improvement – Grant awarded F. Other Discussion Items / Roundtable. • There are no other items for discussion. VII. ADJOURNMENT Next meeting will be held on Tuesday, September 14, 2021 at 5:30 PM. VIII. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the Transportation Advisory Board, the meeting was adjourned at 7:24 p.m. Approved this 14th day of September, 2021. Waylon Menzia Angie Sherwin Chairman Engineering Services Office Assistant Page 5 of 69 CITY OF AUBURN TRANSPORTATION ADVISORY BOARD July 7, 2021 DRAFT MINUTES I. CALL TO ORDER – 5:30 P.M. Chairman Waylon Menzia called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m. held virtually and telephonically. Per Governor Inslee's Emergency Proclamation 20-05 and 20-28 et. seq. and Stay Safe-Stay Healthy, the City of Auburn is prohibited from holding in-person meetings at this time. City of Auburn Resolution No. 5581, designates City of Auburn meeting locations for all Regular, Special and Study Session Meetings of the City Council and of the Committees, Boards and Commissions of the City as Virtual Locations until Washington’s Governor authorizes local governments to conduct in-person meetings. The link to the Virtual Meeting or phone number to listen to the Transportation Advisory Board Meeting is below. Join from a PC, Mac, iPad, iPhone or Android device. https://us06web.zoom.us/j/83375908629 • Please keep you microphones muted. • Please keep your cameras turned on. • If you have questions or comments, or for motions, please use the raise hand feature. II. ROLL CALL (Sherwin) Committee members present were Waylon Menzia, Dennis Grad (Tardy), Peter Di Turi, Cynthia Rapier, Sara Shaw, Christian Faltenberger, Cheryl Rakes, David Jensen, and Steve Carstens. Those not present were Riley Peterson (unexcused), Jeanette Miller (excused), Michael Harbin (excused), and Pamela Gunderson (unexcused). Also present during the meeting were: Public Works Director Ingrid Gaub, Assistant Director/City Engineer Jacob Sweeting, and Office Assistant, Angie Sherwin. Sound Transit staff in attendance included; Andrew Austin and Katie Drewel. III. DISCUSSION AND INFORMATION SOUND TRANSIT RE-ALIGNMENT STUDY (Gaub, Sound Transit) Andrew Austin and Katie Drewel with Sound Transit presented the 2021 Sound Transit Update. • System Expansion & the Auburn Parking and Access Improvements Project (PDF) • Discuss the 2021 Sound Transit realignment process to adjust project plans and schedules • Board members expressed general concern regarding the project costs and schedules. Board members indicated general support for the Sound Transit Chair’s proposal to make the Auburn Station garage project a Tier 1 project and disappointment in the potential delay of the work but an understanding of why the delay is occurring. IV. ADJOURNMENT – There being no further business to come before the Transportation Advisory Board, the meeting was adjourned at 6:15 p.m. Page 6 of 69 Transportation Advisory Board July 7, 2021 DRAFT MINUTES Page 2 Approved this 14th day of September 2021. Waylon Menzia Angie Sherwin Chairman Engineering Services Office Assistant Page 7 of 69 AUBURN VALUES S E R V I C E ENVIRONMENT E C O N O M Y C H A R A C T E R SUSTAINABILITY W E L L N E S S C E L E B R AT I O N COMPREHENSIVE TRANSPORTATION PLAN 2021 ANNUAL AMENDMENTS TRANSPORTATION ADVISORY BOARD SEPTEMBER 14, 2021 CECILE MALIK, SENIOR TRANSPORTATION PLANNER Department of Community Development Planning ⚫Building ⚫Development Engineering ⚫Permit Center Sustainability ⚫Community Services ●Code Enforcement Page 8 of 69 SERVICE ⚫ENVIRONMENT ⚫ECONOMY ⚫CHARACTER ⚫SUSTAINABILITY ⚫WELLNESS ⚫CELEBRATIONSERVICE ⚫ENVIRONMENT ⚫ECONOMY ⚫CHARACTER ⚫SUSTAINABILITY ⚫WELLNESS ⚫CELEBRATION 2021 COMPREHENSIVE TRANSPORTATION PLAN ANNUAL AMENDMENTS Annual amendments to the Comprehensive Transportation Plan to reflect current conditions: Project list update: ▪Added new projects: Main Street TOD Maps updated: ▪Improve visual ▪Combined redundant maps ▪Updated data to current conditions ▪Added future signals ▪Updated project map to reflect updated list Page 9 of 69 SERVICE ⚫ENVIRONMENT ⚫ECONOMY ⚫CHARACTER ⚫SUSTAINABILITY ⚫WELLNESS ⚫CELEBRATION New Projects added: ▪Main Street TOD Page 10 of 69 SERVICE ⚫ENVIRONMENT ⚫ECONOMY ⚫CHARACTER ⚫SUSTAINABILITY ⚫WELLNESS ⚫CELEBRATION 2.1 Functional Classification MAP CHANGES Page 11 of 69 SERVICE ⚫ENVIRONMENT ⚫ECONOMY ⚫CHARACTER ⚫SUSTAINABILITY ⚫WELLNESS ⚫CELEBRATION 2.3 Truck Routes MAP CHANGES Page 12 of 69 SERVICE ⚫ENVIRONMENT ⚫ECONOMY ⚫CHARACTER ⚫SUSTAINABILITY ⚫WELLNESS ⚫CELEBRATION 2.7 Intelligent Transportation Systems MAP CHANGES Page 13 of 69 SERVICE ⚫ENVIRONMENT ⚫ECONOMY ⚫CHARACTER ⚫SUSTAINABILITY ⚫WELLNESS ⚫CELEBRATION 2.8 Comprehensive Plan Projects MAP CHANGES Page 14 of 69 SERVICE ⚫ENVIRONMENT ⚫ECONOMY ⚫CHARACTER ⚫SUSTAINABILITY ⚫WELLNESS ⚫CELEBRATION 3.1 Priority Sidewalk Corridors MAP CHANGES Page 15 of 69 SERVICE ⚫ENVIRONMENT ⚫ECONOMY ⚫CHARACTER ⚫SUSTAINABILITY ⚫WELLNESS ⚫CELEBRATION 3.2 Existing and Future Bicycle Facilities and Multi -Use Trails MAP CHANGES Page 16 of 69 SERVICE ⚫ENVIRONMENT ⚫ECONOMY ⚫CHARACTER ⚫SUSTAINABILITY ⚫WELLNESS ⚫CELEBRATION 4.1 & 4.2 Transit Routes and Transit Dependent Areas MAP CHANGES Page 17 of 69 SERVICE ⚫ENVIRONMENT ⚫ECONOMY ⚫CHARACTER ⚫SUSTAINABILITY ⚫WELLNESS ⚫CELEBRATION 2.2 Average Daily Traffic Volume 2.4 Freight Classification 2.5 LOS Corridors 3.3 Bicycle Corridors and Connectors MAP CHANGES Page 18 of 69 SERVICE ⚫ENVIRONMENT ⚫ECONOMY ⚫CHARACTER ⚫SUSTAINABILITY ⚫WELLNESS ⚫CELEBRATIONSERVICE ⚫ENVIRONMENT ⚫ECONOMY ⚫CHARACTER ⚫SUSTAINABILITY ⚫WELLNESS ⚫CELEBRATION 2021 COMPREHENSIVE TRANSPORTATION PLAN ANNUAL AMENDMENTS Next Steps: -Planning Commission : -Public hearing -Recommendation to Council to adopt changes -Council Approval and Adoption Page 19 of 69 PROPOSED EDITS COMPREHENSIVE TRANSPORTATION PLAN Page 20 of 69 City of Auburn APPENDIX A Comprehensive Transportation Plan Project List Page 21 of 69 The table below lists transportation projects that address current and anticipated transportation needs through the 2035 horizon year. The list excludes projects planned to be underway within the next 6 years that are included in the current Transportation Improvement Program (TIP). Number Name Description Purpose/Need Estimated Cost (2020) Comp-1 M Street SE Corridor with signal at 12th St SE Corridor and Intersection Improvements Widen M St to construct multi-lane arterial, including a new traffic signal at 12th St SE. Capacity, Safety, LOS: This project will improve mobility and contributes to the completion of a north/north arterial corridor. Combines projects listed as (16) and (22) in the 2022 analysis. $7.3M Comp-2 Lea Hill Road Corridor - 104th Avenue SE/8th Street NE Intersection & Corridor Improvements Construct multi-lane roundabout to replace the signalized intersection, re-align the curved section of Lea Hill Road, widen sidewalks on the 8th Street bridge, Potential access management on 8th Street NE and intersection improvements at Pike Street NE Capacity, Safety, Non- motorized: Project identified in Lea Hill Road Corridor Study (2020). $4.0M Comp-3 Lea Hill Road Corridor - 116th Avenue SE/SE 312th Street Intersection and Corridor Improvements Construct a single-lane, roundabout at the intersection of 116th Avenue SE, pedestrian crossings with flashing beacons at key crossings, and complete gaps in sidewalks and bicycle lanes between 116th Avenue SE and 124th Avenue SE. Portions of this project may be completed as frontage improvements by developers of adjacent properties. Capacity, Safety, Non- motorized: Project identified in Lea Hill Road Corridor Study (2020). $5.6M Comp-4 Lea Hill Road Widening Capacity Improvements Construct shared use path along the east side and a bike lane on the west side of Lea Hill Road between 112th Avenue Capacity, Safety, Non- motorized: Project identified in Lea Hill Road Corridor Study (2020). $9.5M Page 22 of 69 SE and 106th Place SE, left-turn pocket at the Lea Hill Condominiums, pedestrian crossings with flashing beacons bus stops, and a soldier-pile retaining wall on the downhill side of Lea Hill Road as needed to accommodate roadway widening and stabilize the hillside. Comp-5 M Street SE/29th Street SE Intersection Improvements Construct single lane roundabout. Capacity, Safety: Project identified in R Street SE Corridor Study (2019). Listed as project (23) 2022 analysis as a new traffic signal. $1.0M Comp-6 R Street Bypass Capacity Improvements Construct a new arterial connection between M St SE and Auburn Black- Diamond Rd, parallel to the Stampede Pass rail line and potentially remove at-grade railroad crossing that connects Black Diamond Road to R Street SE. Capacity, Safety, Non- Motorized: This project was identified in the 2002 M Street SE Grade Separation Pre-Design Study and was originally planned to be implemented with the grade separation that has since been completed. The new connection would keep freight and commuter traffic off of R Street, a residential collector street and provide a connection between SR18 and SR164 via M Street SE. This would reduce congestion at the intersection of R Street NE/8th Street SE and address other capacity and safety issues. Listed as project(30) in the 2035 analysis. $8.0M Comp-7* 116th Avenue SE/SE 320th Street Intersection Improvements Construct single lane roundabout. Capacity, Safety: The project would provide traffic calming and improved intersection control. This is a portion of a project (11) listed in the 2022 analysis. $2.0M Page 23 of 69 Comp-8* C Street SW/15th Street SW Intersection Improvements Construct a southbound right-turn pocket, re- channelize the intersection to provide two southbound through lanes, and replace the existing spanwire traffic signal with a new traffic signal. Capacity, Safety $1.2M Comp-9* 124th Avenue SE/SE 320th Street Intersection Improvements Replace traffic signal with roundabout Capacity, Safety: This project was identified to be needed to support the on- going expansion of Green River College. Listed as project (32) was in the 2035 analysis. $2.5M Comp- 10* 124th Avenue SE/SE 284th Street Intersection Improvements Construct northbound left-turn lane on 124th Ave SE Capacity, Safety: Project need identified using crash history prior to 2015. Listed as a project (24) in the 2022 analysis. $1M Comp- 11* 15th Street SW Preservation Improvements Re-construction of the roadway from West Valley Highway to C Street SW with potential safety improvements at the Union Pacific at grade rail and Interurban Trail crossings Preservation, Safety. $10M Comp- 12* Auburn Way Corridor Improvements Construct pedestrian accessibility and aesthetic enhancements on Auburn Way between 4th St NE and 4th St SE, including curb-bulbs at Economic Development, Non-motorized. $4.5M Page 24 of 69 intersections adjacent to on-street parking, a new northbound left-turn at 3rd St SE, and signal and channelization improvements at E Main St. Comp- 13* SE 320th St Corridor Improvements Construct non-motorized and safety improvements including bicycle lanes, sidewalks, and street lighting between 122nd Ave SE and 116th Ave SE. Safety, Non-motorized: SE 320th is a primary route serving Green River College and adjacent neighborhoods. There are high volumes of pedestrians, bicyclists, and transit utilizing the corridor. Listed as project (11) in the 2022 analysis. $4.0M Comp- 14* West Valley Highway Corridor Improvements Rehabilitate and widen pavement from 15th Street NW to W Main Street, re-channelize to add bicycle lanes and, pedestrian facilities including a trail on one side, roadway lighting, ITS, and required storm system improvements. Preservation, Non- Motorized. This road segment is a popular bike corridor which is also on the annual Seattle-to- Portland bike race route. Listed as project (13) in the 2022 analysis. $4.0M Comp- 15* Auburn Way S Corridor Improvements Construct improved pedestrian linkages, new and repaired sidewalks, undergrounding utilities, new street lighting, trash and recycling receptacles, and other appropriate amenities from SR-18 interchange to M Street SE. Economic Development: This project will revitalize and beautify Auburn Way S. $4.5M Comp-16 SE 304th Street/112th Avenue SE Intersection Improvements Construct a new traffic signal, northbound left turn lane on 112th Ave SE, and sidewalks/bike lanes on both sides of SE 304th Street. Capacity, Safety, Non- motorized: Listed as project (31) in the 2035 analysis. $1.5M Comp-17 SE 284th / SE 288th St New roadway This project will construct a new collector linking 284th St at 124th Ave to 288th St at 132nd Network Capacity and Non- motorized. Listed as project (34) in the 2035 analysis. $TBD9M Page 25 of 69 Ave. The roadway will have one lane in each direction, and include a bike lane and sidewalks on each side. A portion of this project was partially constructed by a private development. Approximately 700 feet remains to be constructed to connect the roadway to SE 288th St. Comp-18 D St NW New Roadway This project will construct a new 4 lane arterial from 37th St NW to 44th St NW, including bike lanes and sidewalks on each side. Network Capacity and Non- Motorized. Listed as project (36) in the 2035 analysis. $7M Comp-19 37th Street SE Safe Routes to Schools Construct sidewalks along 37th Street SE from M Street SE to Olympic to Olympic Street SE and enhanced pedestrian crossings along 37th Street SE between M Street SE and D Street SE. Non-motorized: This project would complete a gap in the sidewalk network and provide connections to/from Gildo Ray Elementary, Mt. Baker Middle School, the 37th Street trail to R Street SE and transit stops on 37th Street SE and M Street SE. TBD Comp-20 Lea Hill Road Corridor - 112th Ave SE & 105th Place SE Intersection Improvements Reconfigure 105th Place SE to be right in /right out. Construct a single lane roundabout with sidewalks and bike lanes on SE 312th Street. Construct a single lane roundabout with sidewalks and bike lanes on SE 312th Street. $5M Comp-21 51st Ave S/S 296th St Intersection Improvements Construct a protected southbound left turn lane on 51st Avenue S, bike lanes, and sidewalks on all legs of the intersection. Capacity, Safety, Non- motorized. Listed as project (35) in the 2035 analysis. $1.6M Comp-22 BNSF Yard Grade Separation This project will construct a road across the BNSF yard This project would provide a grade separated arterial connection over the BNSF rail yard that would provide connectivity to/from the yard to SR 18 and SR 167. The project would be needed if/when the BNSF Yard converts to a multi- modal facility. TBD Comp-23 East Auburn Access Project Construct a new arterial connection from SR-18 Capacity, Safety, Non- motorized: TBD. Muckleshoot Page 26 of 69 New Roadway to SR-164 that connects to SR-164 between MIT Plaza and Riverwalk Drive. Previously referred to as Auburn Bypass, a draft Bypass Feasibility Report was prepared in partnership with WSDOT, City of Auburn, Muckleshoot Indian Tribe, and other regional partners in 2009. Indian Tribe project, $15M awarded by Connecting Washington Program in 2015. Comp-24 I St NE Corridor New Roadway Construct a new roadway connection from 45th St NE to S 277th St. Network Capacity. Listed as project (2) in the 2022 analysis. TBD Developer led project. Comp-25 R Street SE Extension New Roadway Construct a new roadway connection between 17th St SE and Auburn Black-Diamond Road Capacity, Safety, Non- motorized: Reduce congestion on Auburn Way South and M Street SE. TBD Potential Muckleshoot Indian Tribe project. Comp-26 Main Street TOD Infrastructure Improvements – Central Main Street East Main Street, Auburn Avenue to Auburn Way North – replace roadway, parking, sidewalks, and utilities. Improvements support revitalization of Auburn’s downtown core to support transit oriented development $9.0M Comp-27 Main Street TOD Infrastructure Improvements – Western Main Street West Main Street, B Street NW/SW to Division Street, replace roadway, parking, sidewalks, and utilities. Improvements support revitalization of Auburn’s downtown core to support transit oriented development $6.0M Comp-28 Main Street TOD Infrastructure Improvements – Eastern Main Street East Main Street, Auburn Way to F Street SE/NE, replace roadway, parking, sidewalks, and utilities. Improvements support revitalization of Auburn’s downtown core to support transit oriented development $7.0M * Project was removed from the TIP in 2020 and placed back into the comprehensive plan because there is still a current or future need for the project but funding was anticipated to not be available for the project within the 6-year TIP period Page 27 of 69 City of Auburn APPENDIX B Comprehensive Transportation Plan Maps Page 28 of 69 TS18 TS18 TS167 TS167 A ST SEB ST NWAUBURN WAY SI ST NEC ST SWM ST SEAUBURN WAY NR ST SE124TH AVE SEE MAIN STWESTVALLEYHWYN SE 304TH ST C ST NWS 277TH ST 15TH ST SW 2ND ST E STUCKRIVERDRSE W MAIN ST 15TH ST NW 132ND AVE SELAKETAPPS PKWYSE 41 S T ST SE 29TH ST SE SE 312TH ST KERSEYWAY S E SE 288TH ST 8TH ST NE 37TH ST NW LAKELANDHILLSWAYSEO R A V ETZR D S E 25TH ST SE EAST BLVD55TH AVE S56TH AVE SSE 320TH ST D ST SE110TH AVE SE4TH ST SE 104THAVESEI ST NW51ST AVE SWESTVALLEYHWYSN ST NEW ST NWO ST NESCE NICD RSES 287TH ST 112TH AVE SED ST NE58TH AVE SK ST SEEAST VALLEY HWY E4THSTSW 7TH ST SE T ST SEC ST SE57THPLSM ST NEH ST SEJOHNREDDINGTONRDN E FOSTER AVE SEB ST SE47T H STSE 56THSTSEU ST NWS 305TH ST 130TH AVE SE35THWAYSER ST NW26TH ST SEB ST NESE318THWAY SE 323RD PL 17TH ST S E SE 301ST ST 36THSTSE 50TH ST NE 64TH ST SE A S TE 108TH AV ESESE304T HWAY SE 298TH PL 22ND ST SE 42ND ST NW S 292ND ST SE 282ND ST 51STSTSE SE 286TH ST V CT SE32ND ST SE 42ND ST NE 73RD ST SE PEARL AVE SESE 285TH ST 62ND ST SE SE 307TH PL118TH AVE SE65TH ST SEA ST SE51ST AVE SMUCKLESHOOT CASINO MUCKLESHOOT CASINO THE OUTLET COLLECTION THE OUTLET COLLECTION Auburn Transportation Plan Map ID: 4609Printed On: 7/24/2020 °0 1 Miles City of Auburn Highway Principal Arterial Future Principal Arterial Minor Arterial Future Minor Arterial Residential Collector Future Residential Collector Non Residential Collector Future Non Resident Collector Rustic Collector Local Private Functional Roadway Classification Map 2-1 Source: City of Auburn GIS Department Page 29 of 69 .-14,478.-2,900.-7,095.-2,815.-87,550.-19,608 .-4,237.-14,287 .-35,583 .-18,999.-540.-3,890 .-8,593.-27,204.-1,638.-2,881.-6,161.-1 , 5 4 8 .-4,517.-10,444.-5 , 8 4 4 .-12,049.-9,450.-23,813.-9,482.-24,792.-9,675.-1,303.-26,293.-18,888.-22,447.-318,790 .-22,172 .-33,290 .-17,834.-19,500.-5,113.-7,866.-8,525.-1 8 ,0 0 9 .-5 ,2 1 2 .-4,146 .-7,959.-12,177 .-6,500 .-350,240 .-6,980.-25,14 5 .-2,616 .-12,894.-2,270.-10,950.-4,804 .-24,921.-20,329 .-26,027.-25,159 .-17,613.-21,818.-5,509.-4,612.-4,907.-3,580 .-2,321.-15,503 .-7,3 80 .-11,098.-3,1 79 .-9,147.-2,126 .-4,114 .-22,510 .-15,295.-9,892.-30,760 .-25,865.-21,157 .-6,191.-9,054.-28,701.-3,905.-3,311 .-14,455 .-3,817 .-6,072.-6,828 .-12,455.-4,218 .-27,785 .-8,207.-20,333.-9,415.-21,113.-22,540.-5,7 1 4 .-12,618.-5,941.-2,498 .-5,738 .-8,807 .-5,276 .-24,294 .-18,749.-6,812.-22,50 3 .-5,250.-32,300.-10,391.-6,0 86 .-9,6 44 .-3,5 19 .-6,576 .-2,881.-3,580 TS18 TS18 TS167 TS167 A ST SEB ST NWI ST NEAUBURN W AY S C ST SWM ST SER ST SE124TH AVE SEE MA IN ST SE 304TH ST S 277TH ST C ST NW15TH ST SW STUCK RIVER DR S E 2ND ST E W MAIN ST 132ND AVE SEL AKETAPPSPK WY S E 4 1STSTS E 29TH ST SE SE 312TH ST SE 288TH ST 8TH ST N E 37TH ST NW L A K E LAND HIL L S WAYSE25TH ST SE EAST BLVD55TH AVE S56TH AVE SD ST SE110TH AVE SE4TH ST SE104THAVESEI ST NW51ST AVE SN ST NEW ST NWSCENICD R S E S 287TH ST 118TH AVE SED ST NE112TH AVE SE58TH AVE S4TH ST NE K ST SE4TH ST SW 7TH ST SE 67TH S T SEM ST NEJOHNREDDINGTONRDNEH ST SEFOSTER AVE SE47THST S E 56TH ST SEUSTNW 35T H W A Y S ER ST NW26TH ST SE SE 323RD PL 1 7 T H S T S E 3 6 T H S T SE6 4 T H S T S E50THSTSE AST E 21ST S T N E 108THAVESES 297TH PL S 31 8TH ST 22ND ST SEE ST NES 292ND ST O ST SEV CT SE42ND ST NE 7 3 R D S T S E SE 285TH ST PEARL AVE SE6 2 N D S T S E SE 307TH PL 4 9 T H S T N E S 303RD PL 22ND ST NW K ST NE19TH ST SE 65TH ST SE SE 315TH PL108THAVESE104TH AVE SEA ST SET H E T H E O U T L E T O U T L E T C O L L E C T I O N C O L L E C T I O N Auburn Transportation Plan Map ID: 4592Printed On: 7/21/2020 °0 1 Miles Parks City of Auburn 100-999 1,000-9,999 10,000+ Average Daily Traffic Volumes (2019) Map 2-2 Source: City of Auburn GIS Department Page 30 of 69 TS18 TS18 TS167 TS167 A ST SEB ST NWAUBURN WAY SI ST NEC ST SWM ST SEAUBURN WAY NR ST SE124TH AVE SEE MAIN STWESTVALLEYHWYN SE 304TH ST C ST NWS 277TH ST 15TH ST SW 2ND ST E STUCKRIVERDRSE W MAIN ST 15TH ST NW 132ND AVE SELAKETAPPS PKWYSE 41 S T ST SE 29TH ST SE SE 312TH ST KERSEYWAY S E SE 288TH ST 8TH ST NE 37TH ST NW LAKELANDHILLSWAYSEO R A V ETZR D S E 25TH ST SE EAST BLVD55TH AVE S56TH AVE SSE 320TH ST D ST SE110TH AVE SE4TH ST SE 104THAVESEI ST NW51ST AVE SWESTVALLEYHWYSN ST NEW ST NWO ST NES 287TH ST SCE NI CDRSE118TH AVE SE112TH AVE SED ST NE58TH AVE SK ST SEEAST VALLEY HWY E4THSTSW 7TH ST SE T ST SEC ST SE57THPLSM ST NEH ST SEJOHNREDDINGTONR D N E FOSTER AVE SEB ST SE47THSTSE 56THSTSEU ST NWS 305TH ST Auburn Ave130TH AVE SE35THWAYSER ST NW26TH ST SE SE318THWAY SE 323RD PL 17TH ST S E SE 301ST ST 36THSTSE 50TH ST NE 64TH ST SE A S TE 108TH AV ESESE304T H WAY SE 298TH PL 22ND ST SE 42ND ST NW S 292ND ST SE 282ND ST 51STSTSE SE 286TH ST V CT SE32ND ST SE 42ND ST NE 73RD ST SE PEARL AVE SESE 285TH ST 62ND ST SE SE 307TH PL 65TH ST SEA ST SE51ST AVE SMUCKLESHOOT CASINO MUCKLESHOOT CASINO THE OUTLET COLLECTION THE OUTLET COLLECTION Auburn Transportation Plan Map ID: 4681Printed On: 10/18/2019 °0 1 Miles Truck Routes Map 2-3 Source: City of Auburn GIS Department Priority 2 WSDOT Parks City of Auburn Priority 1 Current Local Truck Routes Future Local Truck Route Current Through Truck Route Future Through Truck Route Current Local Truck Route Future Local Truck Route Page 31 of 69 TS18 TS18 TS167 TS167 A ST SEB ST NWI ST NEAUBURN W AY S C ST SWM ST SEAUBURN WAY NR ST SE124TH AVE SEE M A I N STWESTVALLEYHWYN SE 304TH ST S 277TH ST C ST NW15TH ST SW STUCK RIVER DR S E 2ND ST E W MAIN ST 15TH ST NW 132ND AVE SELAKE T A P PSPKW Y S E4 1STSTS E 29TH ST SE SE 312TH ST K ER SEYWAYSE SE 288TH ST 8TH ST N E 37TH ST NW LAKEL A N DHI LLSWAYSEORAVETZRDSE25TH ST SE EAST BLVD55TH AVE SSE 320TH ST 56TH AVE SD ST SE110TH AVE SE4TH ST SE 104THAVESEI ST NW51ST AVE SWESTVALLEYHWYSN ST NEW ST NWO ST NESCENICD R S E S 287TH ST 118TH AVE SED ST NE112TH AVE SE58TH AVE SK ST SEEAST VALLEY HWY E4TH ST SW 8 T H S T S E T ST SE57THPLSM ST NEJOHNREDDINGTONRDNEH ST SEB ST SEFOSTER AVE SE47THST S E 56TH ST SERIVERDRSES305THSTU ST NW130TH AVE SE35T H W A Y S ER ST NW26TH ST SEB ST NESE 323RD PL 1 7 T H S T S E S E 3 1 8 T H W A Y 3 6 T H S T SE5 0 T H S T N E 6 4 T H S T S E AST ESE304THWAY108THAVESE22ND ST SE 42ND ST NW S 292ND ST SE 282ND ST SE 286TH ST V CT SE32ND ST SE 42ND ST NE 7 3 R D S T S E SE 285TH ST PEARL AVE SE6 2 N D S T S E SE 307TH PL 65TH ST SEA ST SE51ST AVE ST H E T H E O U T L E T O U T L E T C O L L E C T I O N C O L L E C T I O N Auburn Transportation Plan Map ID: 4588Printed On: 7/21/2020 °0 1 Miles City of Auburn T1 (Over 10,000) T2 (4,000 - 10,000) T3 (300 - 4,000) T4 (100 - 300) T5 (Over 20 in 60 Days) Freight Routes Classification MapClass T-1 to T-5Annual Tons (in thousands) Map 2-4 Source: City of Auburn GIS Department Page 32 of 69 ")10")4 ")16")18")1")13")11 ")35")17 ")19 ")27 ")26")9 ")12 ")8 ")14")25 ")15 ")3 ")23")5 ")22")6")2")33 ")31 TS18 TS18 TS167 TS167 A ST SEB ST NWAUBURN WAY S C ST SWI ST NEM ST SEAUBURN WAY N124TH AVE SER ST SE132ND AVE SEE M A I N S TWESTVALLEYHWYN SE 304TH ST S 277TH ST C ST NW15TH ST SW 2ND ST E STUCK RIVER DR S E W MAIN ST 15TH ST NW LAKE T A P PSPKW Y S E4 1STSTS E 29TH ST SE SE 312TH ST 51ST AVE SK ER SEYWAYSE SE 288TH ST 8T H ST N E 37TH ST NW ORAVETZRDSE25TH ST SE EAST BLVDSE 320TH ST D ST SE110TH AVE SE4TH ST SE 104THAVESEI ST NWSE 299TH ST N ST NEW ST NWO ST NE37TH ST NE S 287TH ST 56TH AVE SSCENIC D R S E118TH AVE SESE 316TH ST 3 2 1 S T S T S AUBURN-BLACKDIAMOND RD SED ST NE112TH AVE SEACADEMYDRSEK ST SEEAST VALLEY HWY E4TH ST SW 7TH ST SE 67TH S T SELSTSEC ST SEJOHNREDDINGTONRDNEB ST SEFOSTER AVE SE52ND AVE S47THST S E 56TH ST SE57THPLSSE290TH ST 130TH AVE SE35T H W A Y S ER ST NW26TH ST SEBSTNE SE 323RD PL 1 7 T H S T S E 3 6 T H S T SE50TH S T N E 6 4 T H S T S EV ST NWAST ESE304THWAY108THAVESE31ST ST SE 22ND ST SEE ST NE42ND ST NW S 292ND ST SE 282ND ST SE295TH ST 5 1 S T S T S E SE 286TH ST V CT SE7 2 N D S T S E 42ND ST NE 2ND ST SE PEARL AVE SESE 307TH PL K ST NE5 7 T H D R S E S 324TH ST F ST NE56THAV E S 6 4 T H S T S E SE 282ND ST OSTNERSTSEA ST SEM U C K L E S H O O TMUCKLESHOOTCASINOCASINO T H E T H E O U T L E T O U T L E T C O L L E C T I O N C O L L E C T I O N Auburn Transportation Plan Map ID: 4603Printed On: 10/8/2015 °0 1 Miles Corridor Sections City of Auburn Auburn L OS Corridors Map 2-5 Source: City of Auburn GIS Department Page 33 of 69 ")V ")V ")V ")V ")V ")V ")V ")V !( !( !(!( !( !( !( !(!( !( !( !(!( !( !( !( !(!(!(!(!(!( !( !( !( !( !( !(!( !(XW!( !( !( !( !( !( !( !(XW!( !( !( !(XWXWXW!( ") !(!(!( !( !( !( !( !( 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H S T S E AST ESE304THWAY108THAVESE SE 298TH PL 22ND ST SE 42ND ST NW S 292ND ST SE 282ND ST 5 1 S T S T S E SE 286TH ST V CT SE32ND ST SE 7 2 N D S T S E 42ND ST NE SE 285TH ST PEARL AVE SE6 2 N D S T S E SE 307TH PL118TH AVE SE65TH ST SE51ST AVE ST H E T H E O U T L E T O U T L E T C O L L E C T I O N C O L L E C T I O N Auburn Transportation Plan Map ID: 4589Printed On: 7/28/2020 °0 1 Miles City of Auburn ")V Future Variable Message ")V Existing Variable Message !(City Signal XWPED Signal ")County Signal !.WSDOT ITS Copper ITS Fiber Future ITS Corridor Intelligent Transportation Systems Map 2-7 Source: City of Auburn GIS Department Page 34 of 69 T H E T H E O U T L E T O U T L E T C O L L E C T I O N C O L L E C T I O N M U C K L E S H O O TMUCKLESHOOTCASINOCASINO A U B U R N W A Y S MONTEVISTADRSES 285TH ST S 289TH PL 16THST E 111THPL SEB ST SE9 T HST S E 5 8 T HPL S E 20THST NE 36THST SE HOPEAVE SE126THCT SE114THPL SE134TH CT SE SE 30 1 STWAY U D A L L C T S ENATHANAVE SE7 3 R DST 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PL 49THST SEA ST NE18THST NE K ST SE1 STSTNE4TH ST SE T ST SEA ST NWVS TSER ST NE19THST SE 117THPL SE15THSTNW 112TH PL SEE ST NE27THPL SES 297TH PL 114THPL SE72NDST SE I SAACAVE SE58THPL S29THST SE9THCTNW WE S LEYA V E SES C E NIC D R S E 31STST SE 119THPLSE SE 323R D S T PERRYAVE SE58THAVE S1 S TST N E E V A N CTSESE 299TH PL 47THAVE S15THST SE 35THW AYSE15TH ST SE 28THST SE 108THAVESE127THPL SE108THAVE SE121ST PL SE121STPLS E51STAVE S72NDST SEAABYDRNW2NDST NE51STAVE SS296THPL S 320TH ST 112THAVE SEHAZELLOOP SESE 306TH ST 17 TH STSE SE 296THWAY JAMESPL SE305THPL SE 29THST NW E ST SW3R DST N E F ST SWIPLNE43RDST NE 6 0 T H P L S 15THST NW R ST SE1ST ST SE 8THST NE 181STAVE E101STAV E S E 55TH AVE S56THAVE S129THPL SERIVERDR SEPOPLARST SEW ST NWO ST SE118THAVE SEN ST SE59THAVE S29THSTNW 122NDPL SESE 309TH ST 52NDAVE SSE 326TH ST 33RD ST SE 32NDST NE 11THST SET STNW8THST SE S 3 21 ST S T VPL SE58THAVE SD PL SE 19THST SE 67THCT SE61ST AVE S54THCTS35THST NEB STNWS 329TH PL S 328TH ST 63RDPLSE100THAVE SEJORDANAVE SE33RDSTSE SE 308TH PL D STSER STSE33RDST SE 57THST SEN STSE5 8 T H AVES130THAVE SE56THCTS 16THST SE FIR ST SEG STSE20TH ST N W 56THAVE S114THAVE SES 277TH ST 27TH ST SE GINKGOSTSE36THSTSE56THST SE 114THPLSE9THSTNE I STNEB STNWHAZELAVE SE4 8THC TSE6 T H S T NE D STSE57THPL S5T HST S E51STAVE SVICTORIAAVE SES E 3 2 1ST PL 7T HST S E 138TH AVE SE118THAVE SE17THST SE 14TH ST SE SE295TH ST C STNWG STNW10THST NE 53RDST SE 13TH ST SE 6THST NE 1 1 4 T HWA Y SEA STSE54THST SE 66THST SE56THAVE SS 326TH CT T E R R A C E D R N WSE 315TH ST C STSEAUBURNWAY N26THST NW I STNE112THAVE SE63RDPL SS E 45TH ST52NDAVE SMSTNE17THST NE 129THPLSEK STNE15THST NE NATHANAVESEPERRYAVESEN STNEPIKESTNE60THAVESB STNE106THAVESES E 293R D S T E STSE19THPLSE5THST SE K STNEW MAIN ST 12THST NE 14THST NW K STNE8T HST N E B STSESE288TH PLI STNEG STSES 305TH ST 2NDST NE 107THAVE SE124TH AVE SE59THAVE SM STSE110THAVE SEA STNWJ STSE9TH ST SE66THAVE S8T H S T S E7TH ST SEJ STNEE STSE176THAVE EG STSEL STSE2NDST SE L STSE51STAVE S14THSTSEN STNEI STSE176THAVE E28THST SE SE 304TH STI STNEBOUNDARYBLVD SW A STSE168THAVEEAUBURNWAY S31STST NE 28TH ST SE 26TH ST SE 108THAVESE52NDAVE S118THAVE SEPIKEST NE120THAVE SES 322ND PL SE 281STST H STSE7THST SE 124TH AVE SES E 3 1 3TH ST 23 R DST S E SE 296TH ST 19THPLSET STSEPIKEST NEI STNEN STNEFR A N C I S C T S E 25THST SEM STSE124THAVE SESE 300TH WAY H STSE29TH ST SE B STSEPIKESTNE QUINCYAVESE22NDST SE 110THAVE SE128TH PL SED STSE63RDPLSE127THPL SE8T HST N E ASTNE5T H S T NE 25TH ST S E 3 5 T HWAYS EN STNEQ UIN C Y A V E S E2NDST E SE 288TH ST 8THST SW 116TH AVE SEPIKESTN E 108THAVE SE31STST SE 5THST SE 15THST SW 4 9 T H S T N E L STNE21STCTSE59THAVES6 5 T H A VES58THWAYSE SE 320TH ST 37THSTSE E MAIN ST S E 3 2 3 R D P L 15 THST SW 23 RD S T SEAUBURNWAY NI STNE109THPLSESE 316TH ST 32NDST NE 25THST SE LAKELANDHILLS WAY SE16TH S T NW R STSESE 282ND ST U STNWCROSSST SES298THPL I STNEC STSWAUBURNWAYN53RD ST SE 12 7 T HPLS ESE 297TH ST SE 300TH S T 112THAVE SE46THAVES5 1 S T P L N E H A R V E Y R D N E 16THST SE ELMSTSEC STSEWEST VALLEYHWY S108THAVESEA STNE111THPLSE110THPL SE6THST SE S 3 24 T H S T SE 288TH ST 19 THDR N E 124THAVE SEMAPLEDR SE R STSE55THST SE58THAVE SELAINEAVE SE15THST NE 4THST SW SE 294TH ST LA K ELA N D HILLS W AY SE DOGWOODDR SESE 320TH ST 124THAVE SESE 320TH ST 133RDAVE SEHENRYRDNESE282N D S T 42NDST NE PERR Y DRSEH STNE124THAVE SE15THSTNW RSTNWS 302ND PL SE 292ND ST O STSER I V E R WALKD R SESE 307TH PL AUBURNWAY NWSTNW5 6 T HAV E S 4THST NE NATHANWAYSER STSE8 T HST N E 10THST NE E STNES 319TH ST LEAHILLRDSEAUBURNWAY NSE 43RD STW STNWCSTSW SE 290TH ST KENNEDYAVE SELAKE TAPPSPKWY SE49THAVE SAUBURN WAY NSE299TH ST 15THST SW AUBURNWAYNS 303RD PL SE 297TH ST KENNEDYAVESEI ST NE10THST NE 5 5THA V ESSE 304TH ST 37 THST N E W MAINST HSTNEM ST SEM ST SE15THST NW 2NDST E 134THPLSE37THST NW S 277THST JASMINEAVE SE22NDST NW ST U ARTPL S E15THST NE SE 288TH ST SE 281ST ST SE 290TH PL O RAVETZPLSE 1 6 7THA V 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K Y W A Y L N S E 148THAVE SEA ST NE42NDST NW MSTSEBST NWLUNDRD SWMONTEVI STADRSE L A K E T A PPSP K W Y SE3 6THS T SE21STSTNE SE31 2 THWA YMILLPON D LOOPS E SE 295THST EAST VALLEYHWY EORAVETZRDSE10 8THA VE SE37TH PL SES 277TH ST WEST VALLEYHWY NTERRA C EVIEWLNS E DSTNELA K E LANDH ILLS W AYSESE 301ST ST 15TH ST NW AUBURNWAY NA ST SEA ST NW2ND ST E54TH AVE SWESTVALLEYHWYSAU BU RNWAY S55THAVE S56THAVE SWEST VALLEYHWY NWESTVALLEYHWYNC ST SWA ST SEAUB U R N W A Y S S E 287THST 47TH ST SERIVERWALKDRSEA ST SEWESTVALLEYHWYNKERS E Y WAY S EHIGHLANDDRSE EAS T V ALLE YR DSEUSTNWB ST NWISTNWB ST NWOUTLETCOLL E CTIONRDS W 124TH AVE SEAUBURN-BLACKDIAMONDRDSE WESTVALLEYHWYSORAVETZRDSEKERSEYWAYSE LAKETAP P S PKWYS EORAVETZRDSECLAY ST NWS 287TH ST FOSTER AVE SELA KETAPPS P KWYSEAUBURNMANORRDSE S UMNER- T APPSHWY EDSTNWRONCROCKETTDRNWAUBURN W AYSWESTVALLEYHWYNAUBURN WAY S AUBURN WAY S K E R S E Y W A Y S E 144TH AVE SETERRACEDRNWHICRE S TDR NWC ST NWB ST NWEASTBLVDP E A S LEYCANYONRDS RONCROCKETTDRNW104THAVESEOUTLE T COLLECTI ONDRS WPA CIFICAVES4 1 S TSTSEJOHNREDDINGTONRDNEC ST SWSTUCK RIVER DR SE TS167 TS167 TS18 COMP-11 COMP-20 COMP-21 COMP-2 COMP-12 COMP-10 COMP-20 COMP-24 COMP-20 COMP-6 COMP-8 COMP-17 COMP-1 COMP-3 COMP-9 COMP-18 COMP-5 COMP-14 COMP-13 COMP-25 COMP-7 COMP-22 COMP-23 COMP-19 COMP-4 Auburn Transportation Plan Map ID: 6184Printed On: 8/14/2020 °0 1 Miles Parks City of Auburn Comprehensive Plan Projects Comprehensive Plan Projects Source: City of Auburn GIS Department COMP-15 Page 35 of 69 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 55 5 5 55 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 A ST SEB ST NWAUBURN WAY SC ST SWI ST NEM ST SEAUBURN WAY NR ST SE124TH AVE SEWEST VALLEY HWY NC ST NW15TH ST SW LAKE TAPPS PKWY SE W MAIN ST 15TH ST NW SE 304TH ST E MAIN ST 132ND AVE SE51ST AVE SKERSEY WAY SE 29TH ST SE SE 312TH ST 8TH ST NE 37TH ST NW LAKELAND HILLS WAY SEORAVETZ RD SEM ST NESE 320TH STD ST NWA ST NE4TH ST SE 104TH AVE SERON CROCKETT DR NWA ST NWWEST VALLEY H WY S LEA HILL R D S E 37TH ST NE S 316TH ST S 277TH ST RIVERWALK DR SED ST NE112TH AVE SEEAST VALLEY HWY EHARVEY RD NE 15TH ST NE PEASLEY CANYON RD S BOUNDARY BLVD SW SE 30 4 T H W A Y Auburn Ave41ST ST SETERRACE DR NWSE 281ST ST SUMNER- T A P P S H W Y E AU B U R N - B L A C K D I A M O N D R D S E 17TH ST SE HO W A R D R D S E 6TH ST SE 3RD ST SW 3RD ST NW INDUSTRY DR SW16TH ST NW 9 T H S T N E A ST SESE 304TH ST R ST SE124TH AVE SESE 304TH ST SE 320TH ST 112TH AVE SEA ST NWC ST NESTUCK RIVER DR SE 2ND ST E 53RD ST SEM ST NWM ST NESE 288TH ST 37TH ST SE SE 284TH ST 22ND ST NE 46TH PL S 41ST ST SE 17TH ST SE 25TH ST SE EAST BLVDPERIMETER RD SW12TH ST SE S 296TH ST R ST NED ST SE55TH AVE S56TH AVE S110TH AVE SEPACIFIC AVE S116TH AVE SE51ST AVE SI ST NWM ST SESE 299TH ST N ST NEE ST NEO ST NESCENIC DR SEW ST NW69TH ST S E S 287TH ST H ST NW62ND ST SE 6TH ST SE S 300TH PL 44TH ST NW A ST NECLAY ST NWSE 316TH ST 14TH ST NE 127TH PL SEEVERGREE N W A Y S E58TH AVE SK ST SE49TH ST NE 144TH AVE SE4TH ST NE 7TH ST SE 4TH ST SW 5TH ST SE BRIDGET AVE SEFRONTAGE RDD ST NES 331ST ST L ST SEI ST SEDOGWOOD ST SEF ST SEC ST SE67TH ST S E PIKE ST NE8TH ST SE T ST SE118TH AVE SEFOSTER AVE SEG ST SEH ST SE57TH PL SB ST SEMILL POND DR SE140TH AVE SEE ST SEG PL SE52ND AVE S105TH PL SE32ND ST NE RIVER D R S E SE 310TH ST 47TH ST SE 56TH ST SE54TH AVE SSE 296TH WAY QUINCY AVE SESE 290TH ST U ST NWS 305TH ST 112TH AVE SEE MAIN ST J ST SE130TH AVE SED ST NW28TH ST NE R ST NWOLIVE AVE SEELIZABETH AVE SE30TH ST NE 61ST AVE S51ST ST NE SE 323RD PLB ST NE26TH ST SE65TH AVE SSE 318TH W A Y SE 301ST ST 32ND ST S E 36TH ST SE SE 287TH ST 64TH AVE S50TH S T S E 10TH ST NE 29TH ST NW HEMLOCK ST SEV ST NWA ST E21ST ST N E 31ST ST SE 30TH ST SE S 2 9 7TH P L SE 298TH PL85TH AVE S24TH ST SE HIGH L AND D R S E S 318TH ST 23RD ST SEH ST NE22ND ST SEPIKE ST NWO ST SESE 282ND ST 42ND ST NW LUND RD SWS 288TH ST 24TH ST NE 19TH DR NE 111TH PL SED ST SW27TH ST SE 108TH AVE SE V ST SE10TH ST SE 8TH ST NE 20TH ST SE V CT SESE 295TH ST 176TH AVE EF ST SWSE 286TH ST 49TH AVE SE ST SW66TH ST SE104TH PL SE72ND ST SE 148TH AVE SEALPINE ST SE128TH PL SEB PL NW 16TH ST SE 13TH ST SE 42ND ST NE G ST SW2ND ST SE ELM ST SE6TH ST NW 73RD ST SE S E 3 1 2 T H W A Y 57TH ST SE55TH PL SL ST NES 312TH ST S 292ND ST CHARLOTTE AVE SE9TH ST SE52ND PL SSE 285TH ST ISAAC AVE SEHAZEL AVE SESE 307TH PL 28TH ST SE T ST NEJ ST NE15TH ST SE 45TH S T N E SE 308TH PL 14TH ST S E 26TH ST NE HEATHER AVE SEMAPLE DR SE RANDALL AVE SEK ST NESE 43RD ST S 319TH ST 20TH ST NW 22ND ST NW NOBLE CT SER PL SE S 322ND ST S 314TH S T 19TH ST SE WARD AVE SESE 297TH ST 129TH PL SE21ST ST SEI PL NE33RD ST SE SE 307TH ST 63RD PL S E 55TH ST SE SE 32 3 R D S T WESTERN AVE NW111TH AVE SE114TH AVE SE117TH PL SETERRACE VIEW LN SEF ST NESE 296TH ST 112TH PL SE134TH PL SESE 306TH ST 12TH ST NE ORAVETZ PL SE 35TH ST NE SE 286TH PL 8TH ST SW KATHERINE AVE SE142ND AVE SEJASMINE AVE SESE 300TH ST 43RD ST NE 59TH AVE S46TH AVE S63RD PL S22ND WAY NE S 322ND PL STILLMAN ST SE 18TH ST SE FIR ST SEELAINE AVE SE6TH ST NE66TH AVE SV P L SE107TH AVE SESE 305TH PL KENNEDY AVE SESE 314TH PL S 307TH ST 56TH PL SAABY DR NWSE 3 1 8 T H P L121ST PL SEC PL SE14TH ST NW I ST NE37TH PL SE56TH CT S49TH ST NW 28TH PL SESE 304TH PL 71ST ST SE 26TH ST NW 120TH AVE SE113TH PL SES 329TH PL S 328TH ST 58TH W A Y S E SE 321ST PL 49TH S T S E SE 311TH ST S 321ST ST 114TH WAY SE54TH CT SFRANKLIN AVE SE11TH ST SE 168TH AVE ESE 315TH PL S 320TH ST 181ST AVE E13TH ST NEQ ST NE23RD ST NE 305TH PL SE 27TH PL SEL P L S E 53RD A V E S S 292ND ST SE 310TH ST 26TH ST NE 118TH AVE SESE 282N D S T SE 29 5TH STK ST NE47TH S T S ED ST SET ST SEE ST NE17TH ST SE 24TH ST SE 14TH ST SEPIKE ST NWB ST NE28TH ST SE56TH AVE S4TH ST NE I ST SE22ND ST SEV ST NW9TH ST SE PIKE ST NEL ST SEK ST SE29TH ST NW 57TH ST SEOLIVE AVE SE61ST AVE S50TH S T S E 30TH ST NE ELM ST SEL ST NEC ST SE49TH ST NE 107TH AVE SE37TH ST SE112TH PL SEF ST SE129TH PL SE2ND ST SE ELIZABETH AVE SE16TH ST SE DOGWOOD ST SESE 286TH PL SE 295TH ST 36TH S T S EA ST SEB ST NWAUBURNWAYSI ST NEC ST SWM ST SER ST SE124THAVESEWESTVALLEYHWYNSE304THST CSTNW15TH ST SW STUCKRIVERDRSE 15TH ST NW LAKETAPPS PKWYSE 41 ST ST SE 29TH ST SE SE 312TH ST SE 288TH ST 37TH ST NW ORAVETZ R D SE25TH ST SE EAST BLVD110TH AVE SEA ST NE104THAVESEISTNW51ST AVE SRONCROCKETTDRNWN ST NE 112THAVESEA C ADEMYDRSE MONTEVI STADRS E JOHNREDDINGTONRDNEG ST SEESTSE108THAVESE16TH ST NE O ST SESE 32 6 T H P LT ST NW2NDSTSE SE294THST ELMLNSE 118THAVESEPERRY AVE SES303RDPL SE289THST 5 7 T H DRSE 33RD ST S E S 310TH ST U CT NWR ST NEO PL NEA ST SETS18 TS18 MUCKLESHOOT CASINO MUCKLESHOOT CASINO TS167 TS167 THE OUTLET COLLECTION THE OUTLET COLLECTION Auburn Transportation Plan Map ID: 4587Printed On: 8/18/2020 °0 1 Miles 5 Education Facilities Existing Sidewalk on One Side Existing Sidewalk on Both Sides Future Pedestrian Corridors Multi-Use Trail Downtown Urban Center (DUC) Zone Future Priority Sidewalk Corridors Map 3-1 Source: City of Auburn GIS Department Page 36 of 69 TS18 TS18 A ST SEB ST NWI ST NEAUBURN W AY S C ST SWM ST SEAUBURN WAY NR ST SE124TH AVE SEE M A I N STWESTVALLEYHWYN SE 304TH ST S 277TH ST C ST NW15TH ST SW STUCK RIVER DR S E 2ND ST E W MAIN ST 15TH ST NW 132ND AVE SELAKE T A P PSPKW Y S E4 1STSTS E 29TH ST SE SE 312TH ST K E R SEYWAYSE SE 288TH ST 8TH ST N E 37TH ST NW LAKEL A N DHI LLSWAYSEORAVETZRDSE25TH ST SE EAST BLVD55TH AVE SSE 320TH ST 56TH AVE SD ST SE110TH AVE SE4TH ST SE 104THAVESEI ST NW51ST AVE SWESTVALLEYHWYSN ST NEW ST NWO ST NESCENICD R S ES 287TH ST D ST NE112TH AVE SE58TH AVE SK ST SEEAST VALLEY HWY E4TH ST SW 8 T H S T S E T ST SE57THPLSM ST NEJOHNREDDINGTONRDNEH ST SEB ST SEFOSTER AVE SE47THST S E 56TH ST SERIVERDRSES305THSTU ST NW130TH AVE SE35T H W A Y S ER ST NW26TH ST SEB ST NESE 323RD PL 1 7 T H S T S E S E 3 1 8 T H W A Y 3 6 T H S T SE5 0 T H S T N E 6 4 T H S T S E AST ESE304THWAY108THAVESE22ND ST SE 42ND ST NW S 292ND ST SE 282ND ST SE 286TH ST V CT SE32ND ST SE 42ND ST NE 7 3 R D S T S E SE 285TH ST PEARL AVE SE6 2 N D S T S E SE 307TH PL118TH AVE SE65TH ST SEA ST SE51ST AVE STS167 TS167 T H E T H E O U T L E T O U T L E T C O L L E C T I O N C O L L E C T I O N Auburn Transportation Plan Map ID: 4604Printed On: 7/27/2020 °0 1 Miles Existing Trailheads Future Trailheads Bike Facility Future Bike Facility Trail Future Trail Existing and Future Bicycle Facilities and Multi-Use Trails Map 3-2 Source: City of Auburn GIS Department Page 37 of 69 5 55 5 5 5 5 5 5 55 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 INTERURBAN TRAILMAIN ST CONNEC TORA/B STREET CORRIDOR124TH AVE SE CORRIDORGREEN RIVER ROAD CORRIDORLEA HILL CONNECTOR STE WART/L AKE TA PPS CONNECTORSOUTH AUBURN M STREET SE CORRIDORWEST VALLEY CORRIDORA ST SE AND LAKELAND HI LLS CORRI DORNORTH 37TH ST NW AND WEST HILL CONNECTOR NORTH AUBURN R STREET NE / I STREET NE CORRIDORRIVERWALK-AUBURN WAY S-ENUMCLAW CONNECTOR KERSEY W AY / LA KE T APPS C O R RID O RC STREET TRAIL AND 15TH ST SW CORRIDORTS18 TS18 TS167 TS167 A ST SEAUBURNWAYSB ST NWC ST SWISTNEM ST SEAUBURN WAY NR ST SE124TH AVE SE132ND AVE SEE MA IN S TWESTVALLEYHWYN SE 304TH ST S 277TH ST C ST NW15TH ST SW 2ND ST E STUCK RIVER DR S E W MAIN ST 15TH ST NW LAKE T A P PSPKW Y S E4 1STSTS E 29TH ST SE SE 312TH ST 51ST AVE SKERSEYWAYSE SE 288TH ST 8T H ST N E ORAVETZRDSE25TH ST SE EAST BLVDSE 320TH ST D ST SE110TH AVE SE4TH ST SE 104TH AVE SEI ST NWWESTVALLEYHWYSSE 299TH ST N ST NEW ST NWOSTNE37TH ST NE S 287TH ST 56TH AVE SSCENICD R S E118TH AVE SESE 316TH ST AUBURN-BLACKDIAMOND RD SED ST NE112TH AVE SEACADEMYDRSE P E A S LEYCA N Y O N RDS EAST VALLEY HWY E4TH ST SW 8TH ST SE C ST SEM ST NEJOHNREDDINGTONRDNEH ST SEB ST SEFOSTER AVE SE47THST S E 56TH ST SE S 305TH ST57TH PLS130TH AVE SE35T H W A Y S ER ST NWBSTNESE 323RD PL 17TH ST SE 5 0 T H S T N E 6 4 T H S T S EV ST NW21ST S T N E 108THAVESE23R D ST S E 36 T H S TSE42ND ST NW S 292ND ST SE 282ND ST O ST SE5 1 S T S T S E SE 286TH ST 7 2 N D S T S E 2ND ST SE PEARL AVE SE6 2 N D S T S E SE 307TH PL J ST NEK ST NE5 7 T H D R S E S 324TH ST FIR ST SE43RD ST NE A ST SEM U C K L E S H O O TMUCKLESHOOTCASINOCASINOTHE T H E O U T L E T O U T L E T C O L L E C T I O N C O L L E C T I O N K E N TKENT P I E R C EPIERCECOUNTYCOUNTY K I N GKINGCOUNT YCOUNTY P A C I F I CPACIFIC S U M N E RSUMNER E D G E W O O DEDGEWOOD A L G O N AALGONA F STREET / LES GOVE CORRIDOR AUBURN BLACK DIAMOND/GREEN VALLEY ROAD CONNECTORDownhillB.P.A Pow er li ne R ight of Way B.P.A Pow erline Right of W ayB .P .A P o w e rlin e R igh t o f W ayVALENTINET oToFlami n g F l a m i n g G e y s e rGeyser @ EMERALDDOWNS AUBURNDOWNTOWN SUPERMALL YMCA LES GOVE H ill AUBURNGOLFCOURSEBRANNAN PARK MARYOLSONPARK LAKELAND HILLSCOMMERCIALAREA Only T oToKen tKent@ T oToKen tKent@ T oToKen tKent@ @ T oToKen tKent&&S e a t t l eSeattle@ @T oToFeder a l F e d e r a l W a yWay @T oToFeder a l F e d e r a l W a yWay @T oToFeder a l F e d e r a l W a yWay @T oToEdgew o o dEdgewood @T oToMilt o nMilton @T o T o T a c o m 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8TH ST NE 37TH ST NW LAKELANDHILLSWAYSEO R A V ETZRD S E 25TH ST SE EAST BLVD55TH AVE S56TH AVE SSE 320TH ST D ST SE110TH AVE SE4TH ST SE 104THAVESEI ST NW51ST AVE SWESTVALLEYHWYSN ST NEW ST NWO ST NESCE NI CDRSES 287TH ST 118TH AVE SE112TH AVE SED ST NE58TH AVE SK ST SEEAST VALLEY HWY E4THSTSW 7TH ST SE T ST SEC ST SE57THPLSM ST NEH ST SEJOHNREDDINGTONR D N E FOSTER AVE SEB ST SE47THSTSE 56THSTSEU ST NWS 305TH ST 35THWAYSER ST NW130TH AVE SE26TH ST SEB ST NESE318THWAY SE 323RD PL 17TH ST S E 36THST SE 50TH ST NE 64TH ST SE A S TE 108TH AV ESESE304T H WAY SE 298TH PL 42ND ST NW S 292ND ST SE 282ND ST 51STSTSE SE 286TH ST V CT SE32ND ST SE 42ND ST NE 73RD ST SE PEARL AVE SESE 285TH ST 62ND ST SE SE 307TH PL 21ST ST SE 65TH ST SEA ST SE51ST AVE SAuburn Transportation Plan Map ID: 4510Printed On: 7/15/2020 °0 1 Miles ^_Auburn Transit Station Park & Ride Metro Transit Routes Pierce Transit Routes Sound Transit Routes Muckleshoot Shuttle Routes Auburn Transit Routes and MIT Shuttle Route Map 4-1 Source: City of Auburn GIS Department ")164 ")181 ")181 ")160 ")952 ")566 ")566 ")578")181 ")917 ")180 ")497 ")917 ")578 ")497 ")915")MIT Shuttle Page 39 of 69 ^_ TS18 TS18 MUCKLESHOOT CASINO MUCKLESHOOT CASINO THE OUTLET COLLECTION THE OUTLET COLLECTION TS167 TS167 A ST SEB ST NWAUBURN WAY SI ST NEC ST SWM ST SEAUBURN WAY NR ST SE124TH AVE SEE MAIN STWESTVALLEYHWYN SE 304TH ST C ST NWS 277TH ST 15TH ST SW 2ND ST E STUCKRIVERDRSE W MAIN ST 15TH ST NW 132ND AVE SELAKETAPPS PKWYSE 41 ST ST SE 29TH ST SE SE 312TH ST KERSEYWAY S E SE 288TH ST 8TH ST NE 37TH ST NW LAKELANDHILLSWAYSEO R A V ETZRD S E 25TH ST SE EAST BLVD55TH AVE S56TH AVE SSE 320TH ST D ST SE110TH AVE SE4TH ST SE 104THAVESEI ST NW51ST AVE SWESTVALLEYHWYSN ST NEW ST NWO ST NESCE NI CDRSES 287TH ST 118TH AVE SE112TH AVE SED ST NE58TH AVE SK ST SEEAST VALLEY HWY E4THSTSW 7TH ST SE T ST SEC ST SE57THPLSM ST NEH ST SEJOHNREDDINGTONR D N E FOSTER AVE SEB ST SE47THSTSE 56THSTSEU ST NWS 305TH ST 35THWAYSER ST NW130TH AVE SE26TH ST SEB ST NESE318THWAY SE 323RD PL 17TH ST S E 36THST SE 50TH ST NE 64TH ST SE A S TE 108TH AV ESESE304T H WAY SE 298TH PL 42ND ST NW S 292ND ST SE 282ND ST 51STSTSE SE 286TH ST V CT SE32ND ST SE 42ND ST NE 73RD ST SE PEARL AVE SESE 285TH ST 62ND ST SE SE 307TH PL 21ST ST SE 65TH ST SEA ST SE51ST AVE SAuburn Transportation Plan Map ID: 4684Printed On: 7/15/2020 °0 1 Miles ^_Auburn Transit Station Park & Ride Transit Dependent Areas Metro Transit Routes Pierce Transit Routes Sound Transit Routes Muckleshoot Shuttle Routes Auburn Transit Routes and Transit Dependent Areas Map 4-2 Source: City of Auburn GIS Department ")164 ")181 ")181 ")160 ")952 ")566 ")566 ")578")181 ")917 ")184 ")497 ")917 ")578 ")497 ")915 ")MIT Shuttle Page 40 of 69 PROPOSED FINAL VERSION COMPREHENSIVE TRANSPORTATION PLAN Page 41 of 69 City of Auburn APPENDIX A Comprehensive Transportation Plan Project List Page 42 of 69 The table below lists transportation projects that address current and anticipated transportation needs through the 2035 horizon year. The list excludes projects planned to be underway within the next 6 years that are included in the current Transportation Improvement Program (TIP). Number Name Description Purpose/Need Estimated Cost (2020) Comp-1 M Street SE Corridor with signal at 12th St SE Corridor and Intersection Improvements Widen M St to construct multi-lane arterial, including a new traffic signal at 12th St SE. Capacity, Safety, LOS: This project will improve mobility and contributes to the completion of a north/north arterial corridor. Combines projects listed as (16) and (22) in the 2022 analysis. $7.3M Comp-2 Lea Hill Road Corridor - 104th Avenue SE/8th Street NE Intersection & Corridor Improvements Construct multi-lane roundabout to replace the signalized intersection, re-align the curved section of Lea Hill Road, widen sidewalks on the 8th Street bridge, Potential access management on 8th Street NE and intersection improvements at Pike Street NE Capacity, Safety, Non- motorized: Project identified in Lea Hill Road Corridor Study (2020). $4.0M Comp-3 Lea Hill Road Corridor - 116th Avenue SE/SE 312th Street Intersection and Corridor Improvements Construct a single-lane, roundabout at the intersection of 116th Avenue SE, pedestrian crossings with flashing beacons at key crossings, and complete gaps in sidewalks and bicycle lanes between 116th Avenue SE and 124th Avenue SE. Portions of this project may be completed as frontage improvements by developers of adjacent properties. Capacity, Safety, Non- motorized: Project identified in Lea Hill Road Corridor Study (2020). $5.6M Comp-4 Lea Hill Road Widening Capacity Improvements Construct shared use path along the east side and a bike lane on the west side of Lea Hill Road between 112th Avenue Capacity, Safety, Non- motorized: Project identified in Lea Hill Road Corridor Study (2020). $9.5M Page 43 of 69 SE and 106th Place SE, left-turn pocket at the Lea Hill Condominiums, pedestrian crossings with flashing beacons bus stops, and a soldier-pile retaining wall on the downhill side of Lea Hill Road as needed to accommodate roadway widening and stabilize the hillside. Comp-5 M Street SE/29th Street SE Intersection Improvements Construct single lane roundabout. Capacity, Safety: Project identified in R Street SE Corridor Study (2019). Listed as project (23) 2022 analysis as a new traffic signal. $1.0M Comp-6 R Street Bypass Capacity Improvements Construct a new arterial connection between M St SE and Auburn Black- Diamond Rd, parallel to the Stampede Pass rail line and potentially remove at-grade railroad crossing that connects Black Diamond Road to R Street SE. Capacity, Safety, Non- Motorized: This project was identified in the 2002 M Street SE Grade Separation Pre-Design Study and was originally planned to be implemented with the grade separation that has since been completed. The new connection would keep freight and commuter traffic off of R Street, a residential collector street and provide a connection between SR18 and SR164 via M Street SE. This would reduce congestion at the intersection of R Street NE/8th Street SE and address other capacity and safety issues. Listed as project(30) in the 2035 analysis. $8.0M Comp-7* 116th Avenue SE/SE 320th Street Intersection Improvements Construct single lane roundabout. Capacity, Safety: The project would provide traffic calming and improved intersection control. This is a portion of a project (11) listed in the 2022 analysis. $2.0M Page 44 of 69 Comp-8* C Street SW/15th Street SW Intersection Improvements Construct a southbound right-turn pocket, re- channelize the intersection to provide two southbound through lanes, and replace the existing spanwire traffic signal with a new traffic signal. Capacity, Safety $1.2M Comp-9* 124th Avenue SE/SE 320th Street Intersection Improvements Replace traffic signal with roundabout Capacity, Safety: This project was identified to be needed to support the on- going expansion of Green River College. Listed as project (32) was in the 2035 analysis. $2.5M Comp- 10* 124th Avenue SE/SE 284th Street Intersection Improvements Construct northbound left-turn lane on 124th Ave SE Capacity, Safety: Project need identified using crash history prior to 2015. Listed as a project (24) in the 2022 analysis. $1M Comp- 11* 15th Street SW Preservation Improvements Re-construction of the roadway from West Valley Highway to C Street SW with potential safety improvements at the Union Pacific at grade rail and Interurban Trail crossings Preservation, Safety. $10M Comp- 12* Auburn Way Corridor Improvements Construct pedestrian accessibility and aesthetic enhancements on Auburn Way between 4th St NE and 4th St SE, including curb-bulbs at Economic Development, Non-motorized. $4.5M Page 45 of 69 intersections adjacent to on-street parking, a new northbound left-turn at 3rd St SE, and signal and channelization improvements at E Main St. Comp- 13* SE 320th St Corridor Improvements Construct non-motorized and safety improvements including bicycle lanes, sidewalks, and street lighting between 122nd Ave SE and 116th Ave SE. Safety, Non-motorized: SE 320th is a primary route serving Green River College and adjacent neighborhoods. There are high volumes of pedestrians, bicyclists, and transit utilizing the corridor. Listed as project (11) in the 2022 analysis. $4.0M Comp- 14* West Valley Highway Corridor Improvements Rehabilitate and widen pavement from 15th Street NW to W Main Street, re-channelize to add bicycle lanes and pedestrian facilities including a trail on one side, roadway lighting, ITS, and required storm system improvements. Preservation, Non- Motorized. This road segment is a popular bike corridor which is also on the annual Seattle-to- Portland bike race route. Listed as project (13) in the 2022 analysis. $4.0M Comp- 15* Auburn Way S Corridor Improvements Construct improved pedestrian linkages, new and repaired sidewalks, undergrounding utilities, new street lighting, trash and recycling receptacles, and other appropriate amenities from SR-18 interchange to M Street SE. Economic Development: This project will revitalize and beautify Auburn Way S. $4.5M Comp-16 SE 304th Street/112th Avenue SE Intersection Improvements Construct a new traffic signal, northbound left turn lane on 112th Ave SE, and sidewalks/bike lanes on both sides of SE 304th Street. Capacity, Safety, Non- motorized: Listed as project (31) in the 2035 analysis. $1.5M Comp-17 SE 284th / SE 288th St New roadway This project will construct a new collector linking 284th St at 124th Ave to 288th St at 132nd Network Capacity and Non- motorized. Listed as project (34) in the 2035 analysis. $TBD Page 46 of 69 Ave. The roadway will have one lane in each direction, and include a bike lane and sidewalks on each side. A portion of this project was partially constructed by a private development. Approximately 700 feet remains to be constructed to connect the roadway to SE 288th St. Comp-18 D St NW New Roadway This project will construct a new 4 lane arterial from 37th St NW to 44th St NW, including bike lanes and sidewalks on each side. Network Capacity and Non- Motorized. Listed as project (36) in the 2035 analysis. $7M Comp-19 37th Street SE Safe Routes to Schools Construct sidewalks along 37th Street SE from M Street SE to Olympic to Olympic Street SE and enhanced pedestrian crossings along 37th Street SE between M Street SE and D Street SE. Non-motorized: This project would complete a gap in the sidewalk network and provide connections to/from Gildo Ray Elementary, Mt. Baker Middle School, the 37th Street trail to R Street SE and transit stops on 37th Street SE and M Street SE. TBD Comp-20 Lea Hill Road Corridor - 112th Ave SE & 105th Place SE Intersection Improvements Reconfigure 105th Place SE to be right in /right out. Construct a single lane roundabout with sidewalks and bike lanes on SE 312th Street. Construct a single lane roundabout with sidewalks and bike lanes on SE 312th Street. $5M Comp-21 51st Ave S/S 296th St Intersection Improvements Construct a protected southbound left turn lane on 51st Avenue S, bike lanes, and sidewalks on all legs of the intersection. Capacity, Safety, Non- motorized. Listed as project (35) in the 2035 analysis. $1.6M Comp-22 BNSF Yard Grade Separation This project will construct a road across the BNSF yard This project would provide a grade separated arterial connection over the BNSF rail yard that would provide connectivity to/from the yard to SR 18 and SR 167. The project would be needed if/when the BNSF Yard converts to a multi- modal facility. TBD Comp-23 East Auburn Access Project Construct a new arterial connection from SR-18 Capacity, Safety, Non- motorized: TBD. Muckleshoot Page 47 of 69 New Roadway to SR-164 that connects to SR-164 between MIT Plaza and Riverwalk Drive. Previously referred to as Auburn Bypass, a draft Bypass Feasibility Report was prepared in partnership with WSDOT, City of Auburn, Muckleshoot Indian Tribe, and other regional partners in 2009. Indian Tribe project, $15M awarded by Connecting Washington Program in 2015. Comp-24 I St NE Corridor New Roadway Construct a new roadway connection from 45th St NE to S 277th St. Network Capacity. Listed as project (2) in the 2022 analysis. TBD Developer led project. Comp-25 R Street SE Extension New Roadway Construct a new roadway connection between 17th St SE and Auburn Black-Diamond Road Capacity, Safety, Non- motorized: Reduce congestion on Auburn Way South and M Street SE. TBD Potential Muckleshoot Indian Tribe project. Comp-26 Main Street TOD Infrastructure Improvements – Central Main Street East Main Street, Auburn Avenue to Auburn Way North – replace roadway, parking, sidewalks, and utilities. Improvements support revitalization of Auburn’s downtown core to support transit oriented development $9.0M Comp-27 Main Street TOD Infrastructure Improvements – Western Main Street West Main Street, B Street NW/SW to Division Street, replace roadway, parking, sidewalks, and utilities. Improvements support revitalization of Auburn’s downtown core to support transit oriented development $6.0M Comp-28 Main Street TOD Infrastructure Improvements – Eastern Main Street East Main Street, Auburn Way to F Street SE/NE, replace roadway, parking, sidewalks, and utilities. Improvements support revitalization of Auburn’s downtown core to support transit oriented development $7.0M * Project was removed from the TIP in 2020 and placed back into the comprehensive plan because there is still a current or future need for the project but funding was anticipated to not be available for the project within the 6-year TIP period Page 48 of 69 City of Auburn APPENDIX B Comprehensive Transportation Plan Maps Page 49 of 69 Page 50 of 69 Page 51 of 69 Page 52 of 69 Page 53 of 69 Page 54 of 69 Page 55 of 69 Page 56 of 69 Page 57 of 69 Page 58 of 69 Page 59 of 69 Page 60 of 69 A U B U R N V A L U E S S E R V I C E E N V I R O N M E N T E C O N O M Y C H A R A C T E R S U S T A I N A B I L I T Y W E L L N E S S C E L E B R A T I O N ENGINEERING SERVICES PLANNING & PRIORITIZATION TRANSPORTATION PROJECTS NEAR SCHOOLS CECILE MALIK TRANSPORTATION ADVISORY BOARD SEPTEMBER 14, 2021 Public Works Department Engineering Services ⚫Airport Services ⚫Maintenance & Operations Services Page 61 of 69 SERVICE ⚫ENVIRONMENT ⚫ECONOMY ⚫CHARACTER ⚫SUSTAINABILITY ⚫WELLNESS ⚫CELEBRATION Ped -01: Promote pedestrian travel within the city and connections to adjacent communities with emphasis placed on safety and on connectivity to priority destinations such as schools , parks, the downtown, and other pedestrian -oriented areas. Pedestrian -oriented areas are those areas with high pedestrian traffic or potential and are identified in this plan. These areas and streets shall encourage pedestrian travel by providing enhanced pedestrian improvements or controls on motorized traffic. Ped -02: Focus investments on and aggressively seek funding for the high priority pedestrian corridors, identified in Map 3 -2. Ped -03: Require developers to incorporate pedestrian facilities into new development and redevelopment in conformance with the Auburn City Code. Ped -04: Continue to construct new and rehabilitate existing sidewalks through a sidewalk improvement program. Ped -05: Seek ways to provide pedestrian amenities such as streetlights, trees, seating areas, signage, and public art along all major pedestrian travel routes. COMPREHENSIVE TRANSPORTATION PLAN POLICIES Page 62 of 69 SERVICE ⚫ENVIRONMENT ⚫ECONOMY ⚫CHARACTER ⚫SUSTAINABILITY ⚫WELLNESS ⚫CELEBRATION Ped -06: Work towards buffering pedestrian walkways from moving traffic, particularly in areas with high levels of pedestrian movements, such as near schools and commercial areas, and along corridors with heavy vehicular traffic. Ped -07: Pedestrian crossings shall be developed at locations with significant pedestrian traffic and designed to match pedestrian desire lines. Ped -08: Encourage the formation of LIDs to develop pedestrian pathways and other non -motorized amenities throughout the City. Partner with the local school districts to improve Safe Walking Routes to School. Street -18: The local street network shall be developed to maximize the efficiency of the transportation network in residential areas and minimize through traffic in neighborhoods. •The internal local residential street network for a subdivision should be designed to discourage regional through traffic and non -residential traffic from penetrating the subdivision or adjacent subdivisions. •Where possible, streets shall be planned, designed, and constructed to connect to future development. •When applicable, non -motorized paths shall be provided at the end of dead -end streets to shorten walking distances to an adjacent arterial or public facilities including, but not limited to, schools and parks. POLICIES (CONTINUED) Page 63 of 69 SERVICE ⚫ENVIRONMENT ⚫ECONOMY ⚫CHARACTER ⚫SUSTAINABILITY ⚫WELLNESS ⚫CELEBRATION Safer access to school = ▪Less need to drive ▪Health benefits ▪Community quality of life WSDOT grants available: ▪Safe Routes to School Program ▪Pedestrian and Bicyclist Program WTSC: ▪School Zone Safety Grant SAFE ROUTES TO SCHOOL SERVICE ⚫ENVIRONMENT ⚫ECONOMY ⚫CHARACTER ⚫SUSTAINABILITY ⚫WELLNESS ⚫CELEBRATION Page 64 of 69 SERVICE ⚫ENVIRONMENT ⚫ECONOMY ⚫CHARACTER ⚫SUSTAINABILITY ⚫WELLNESS ⚫CELEBRATION Concerns from residents: ▪Lack of sidewalks ▪Drivers not stopping at crosswalks ▪Speeding ▪Pick -up and Drop -off traffic and parking impacts Police Enforcement Data 2019 ▪School zone speeding infractions: 315 ▪Speeding infractions near GRC: 161 ▪Distracted driving infractions near GRC: 325 Photo Enforcement project for school zones ▪Starting contract negotiation process ▪Needs council approval SAFETY NEAR SCHOOLS Page 65 of 69 SERVICE ⚫ENVIRONMENT ⚫ECONOMY ⚫CHARACTER ⚫SUSTAINABILITY ⚫WELLNESS ⚫CELEBRATION Auburn School District: ▪Schools rebuilt ▪New schools Non -motorized improvements ▪Sidewalk gaps ▪Crossing ▪Bike lanes SCHOOL DISTRICT REQUIREMENTS Page 66 of 69 SERVICE ⚫ENVIRONMENT ⚫ECONOMY ⚫CHARACTER ⚫SUSTAINABILITY ⚫WELLNESS ⚫CELEBRATION Jeff Grose, Auburn School District, Executive Director of Capital Projects Presentation to update the TAB on school district projects (new schools built and existing schools rebuilt) and pedestrian improvements provided with these projects. PLACEHOLDER AUBURN SCHOOL DISTRICT PRESENTATION Page 67 of 69 SERVICE ⚫ENVIRONMENT ⚫ECONOMY ⚫CHARACTER ⚫SUSTAINABILITY ⚫WELLNESS ⚫CELEBRATION City’s non -motorized improvement projects: ▪Sidewalk gaps ▪ADA ramps ▪Bicycle facilities improvements Prioritization: ▪Deficiency ▪Demand / Requests ▪Proximity to schools ▪Funding CITY NON -MOTORIZED IMPROVEMENTS Page 68 of 69 SERVICE ⚫ENVIRONMENT ⚫ECONOMY ⚫CHARACTER ⚫SUSTAINABILITY ⚫WELLNESS ⚫CELEBRATION Questions about this presentation? Feedback about Policies? Feedback regarding our planning / prioritizing? Feedback about safe access to school from your groups? Specific locations? Any other suggestions? THANK YOU! TAB MEMBERS FEEDBACK Page 69 of 69