HomeMy WebLinkAbout10-25-2021 City Council Study Session AgendaCity Council Study Session P W C D S FA October 25, 2021 - 5:30 P M City Hall Council Chambers and Virtual A GE NDA Watch the meeting L I V E ! Watch the meeting video Meeting videos are not available until 72 hours after the meeting has concluded. I .C A L L TO O R D E R I I .P UB L I C PA RT I C I PAT I O N A .P ublic P articipation The A uburn City Council Meeting scheduled for Monday, October 25, 2021 at 5:30 p.m. will be held in person and virtually. Virtual Participation L ink: To attend the meeting virtually please click one of the below links, enter the meeting I D into the Zoom app, or call into the meeting at the phone number listed below. T he link to the Virtual Meeting is: Zoom: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/87032992809 The public can also view the meeting on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/watchauburn/live/?nomobile=1 To join the meeting by phone, please use the below call-in information: 253 215 8782 877 853 5257 (Toll F ree) Webinar I D: 870 3299 2809 B .Roll Call I I I .A NNO UNC E ME NT S , R E P O RT S , A ND P R E S E NTAT I O NS I V.A G E ND A I T E MS F O R C O UNC I L D I S C US S I O N A .A uburn S chool District Presentation (Tate/Gaub)(30 Minutes) J oint presentation by the A uburn S chool District and City of A uburn staff pertaining to a general overview of the development and/or redevelopment of schools within the city and a presentation on a planned roundabout at Chinook E lementary School and the City’s future widening project Page 1 of 101 B .Ordinance No. 6836 (T homas)(15 Minutes) A n Ordinance amending Ordinance No. 6794, the 2021-2022 B iennial Operating B udget Ordinance, and Ordinance No. 6796, the 2021-2022 Biennial Capital Budget, as amended by Ordinance No. 6815, as amended by Ordinance No. 6827, authorizing amendment to the City of A uburn 2021-2022 Budget as set forth in S chedule “A” and S chedule “B” C.Ordinance No. 6837 (T homas)(15 Minutes) A n Ordinance amending Ordinance No. 6794, the 2021-2022 B iennial Operating B udget Ordinance, and Ordinance No. 6796, the 2021-2022 Biennial Capital Budget Ordinance, as set forth in S chedule “A” and Schedule “B ” D.Ordinance No. 6842 (T homas)(10 Minutes) A n Ordinance establishing the levy for Regular P roperty Taxes by the City of Auburn for collection in 2022 for general City operational purposes in the amount of $23,917,282 V.P UB L I C W O R K S A ND C O MMUNI T Y D E V E L O P ME NT D I S C US S I O N I T E MS A .K ing County Clean Water P lan (Gaub)(15 Minutes) B .P lanning S ervices E nvironmental Regulation Series – P resentation 4 of 6 on Floodplain Development Permitting (Tate)(30 Minutes) P lanning S ervices staff to provide presentation on the administration of floodplain development regulations and floodplain development permitting. T his presentation is part four of a six part series focusing on environmental regulation within the City of A uburn V I .O T HE R D I S C US S I O N I T E MS V I I .NE W B US I NE S S V I I I .A D J O UR NME NT Agendas and minutes are available to the public at the City Clerk's Office, on the City website (http://www.auburnwa.gov), and via e-mail. Complete agenda packets are available for review at the City Clerk's Office. Page 2 of 101 AGENDA BILL APPROVAL FORM Agenda Subject: Auburn School District Presentation (Tate/Gaub)(30 Minutes) Date: October 20, 2021 Department: Community Development Attachments: ASD Building Program Presentation Chinook Roundabout Budget Impact: Current Budget: $0 Proposed Revision: $0 Revised Budget: $0 Administrativ e Recommendation: For discussion only. Background for Motion: Background Summary: Representatives of the Auburn School District will provide a presentation of the status of their ongoing investments in modernizing several existing schools and the development of 2 new schools. Following this presentation City of Auburn Public Works staff will provide an overview of the City’s Auburn Way South widening project in the vicinity of Chinook Elementary School and an overview of the Roundabout and other frontage improvements that are being developed as part of the School District’s project and how these projects intersect. Rev iewed by Council Committees: Councilmember:Stearns Staff:Tate Meeting Date:October 25, 2021 Item Number: Page 3 of 101 AUBURN SCHOOL DISTRICT BUILDING PROGRAM Overview PROJECTS: 8 Schools •1 Middle School Replacement •5 Elementary School Replacement •2 New Elementary Schools CAPACITY: 5,350 Students •Replacement Capacity –3,000 Students •Added Capacity –2,350 Student SQUARE FOOT AREA: 630,000 SF •Replacement Area –310,000 SF •Added Area –320,000 SF FUNDING: $546,000,000 •2016 Bond Proposition –$456,000,000 •State Matching Funds -$90,000000 Page 4 of 101 AUBURN SCHOOL DISTRICT BUILDING PROGRAM Map of Projects 1 -Olympic Middle School 2 -Dick Scobee Elementary 3 -Bowman Creek Elementary ( Elem. School No. 15) 4 -Pioneer Elementary 5 -Elementary School No. 16 6 -Chinook Elementary 7 -Lea Hill Elementary 8 -Terminal Park Elementary Page 5 of 101 AUBURN SCHOOL DISTRICT BUILDING PROGRAM Project Locations and Schedule Olympic Middle School - Phase 1 & 2 839 21st St. SE Complete 2019 Dick Scobee Elementary 1031 14th St. NE Complete 2020 Bowman Creek Elementary (Elem. No. 15)5701 Kersey Way SE Complete 2020 Pioneer Elementary 2301 M St. SE Complete 2021 Elementary School No. 16 13002 SE 304th St.Complete 2021 Chinook Elementary 3502 Auburn Way South Complete 2022 Lea Hill Elementary 30908 124th Ave. SE Complete 2022 Terminal Park Elementary 1101 D St. SE Complete 2023 Olympic Middle School - Phase 3 839 21st St. SE Complete 2024 Page 6 of 101 AUBURN SCHOOL DISTRICT BUILDING PROGRAM Olympic Middle School Phases 1 & 2 Page 7 of 101 AUBURN SCHOOL DISTRICT BUILDING PROGRAM Olympic Middle School Phases 1 & 2 Page 8 of 101 AUBURN SCHOOL DISTRICT BUILDING PROGRAM Dick Scobee Elementary School Page 9 of 101 AUBURN SCHOOL DISTRICT BUILDING PROGRAM Dick Scobee Elementary School Page 10 of 101 AUBURN SCHOOL DISTRICT BUILDING PROGRAM Bowman Creek Elementary School (Elem. No. 15) Page 11 of 101 AUBURN SCHOOL DISTRICT BUILDING PROGRAM Bowman Creek Elementary School (Elem. No. 15) Page 12 of 101 AUBURN SCHOOL DISTRICT BUILDING PROGRAM Pioneer Elementary School Page 13 of 101 AUBURN SCHOOL DISTRICT BUILDING PROGRAM Pioneer Elementary School Page 14 of 101 AUBURN SCHOOL DISTRICT BUILDING PROGRAM Elementary No. 16 Page 15 of 101 AUBURN SCHOOL DISTRICT BUILDING PROGRAM Elementary No. 16 Page 16 of 101 AUBURN SCHOOL DISTRICT BUILDING PROGRAM Chinook Elementary School Page 17 of 101 AUBURN SCHOOL DISTRICT BUILDING PROGRAM Chinook Elementary School Page 18 of 101 AUBURN SCHOOL DISTRICT BUILDING PROGRAM Lea Hill Elementary School Page 19 of 101 AUBURN SCHOOL DISTRICT BUILDING PROGRAM Lea Hill Elementary School Page 20 of 101 AUBURN SCHOOL DISTRICT BUILDING PROGRAM Terminal Park Elementary School Page 21 of 101 AUBURN SCHOOL DISTRICT BUILDING PROGRAM Olympic Middle School Phase 3 Page 22 of 101 AUBURN SCHOOL DISTRICT BUILDING PROGRAM Olympic Middle School Phase 3 Page 23 of 101 AUBURN SCHOOL DISTRICT BUILDING PROGRAM Closing COMPLETION TO DATE: •Design Work –80% Complete •Construction Work –60% Complete SCHEDULE: •5 Schools –Complete and Occupied On-Schedule •2 Schools –Under Construction •1 School & Olympic Phase 3 –Under Design COSTS: •All Projects –Within Budget REMAINING CHALLENGES: •Build Chinook and Terminal Park Elementary Schools within tight construction time frames. •Build Chinook Elementary roundabout within tight time frame while maintaining traffic flow in Auburn Way South. •Complete projects with supply chain challenges affecting material, equipment and furniture deliveries. Page 24 of 101 A U B U R N V A L U E S S E R V I C E E N V I R O N M E N T E C O N O M Y C H A R A C T E R S U S T A I N A B I L I T Y W E L L N E S S C E L E B R A T I O N SR164 ROUNDABOUT @ CHINOOK ELEMENTARY JAMES WEBB, SENIOR TRAFFIC ENGINEER OCTOBER 25, 2021 Public Works Department Engineering Services Airport Services Maintenance & Operations Services Page 25 of 101 SERVICE ENVIRONMENT ECONOMY CHARACTER SUSTAINABILITY WELLNESS CELEBRATION Half street improvements required by City code (sidewalks, lighting, storm drainage) District Desired Controlled Access at New School Driveway WSDOT Required Roundabout SCHOOL PROJECT - LOCATION AND BACKGROUND SERVICE ENVIRONMENT ECONOMY CHARACTER SUSTAINABILITY WELLNESS CELEBRATION Page 26 of 101 SERVICE ENVIRONMENT ECONOMY CHARACTER SUSTAINABILITY WELLNESS CELEBRATION NEW ROUNDABOUT DESIGN First two-lane roundabout in the City Auburn Way S, to the east and west of the roundabout, will remain one lane in each direction initiailly Two-lane roundabout needed to meet LOS standards with the school Chinook Elementary School Page 27 of 101 SERVICE ENVIRONMENT ECONOMY CHARACTER SUSTAINABILITY WELLNESS CELEBRATION EXISTING ROUNDABOUTS IN AUBURN SE 304th Street/124th Avenue SE on Lea Hill I Street NE/22nd Street NE Page 28 of 101 SERVICE ENVIRONMENT ECONOMY CHARACTER SUSTAINABILITY WELLNESS CELEBRATION Sidewalks, bus-pull outs, street lighting, 2-lanes each direction, access management Recently awarded grant funding for construction $9.7M Total Cost $4.9M Grant Funds $4.8M City/Other Funds Currently in Design ROW/Easements 2022-23 Construction 2024 CITY PROJECT - LOCATION AND BACKGROUND SERVICE ENVIRONMENT ECONOMY CHARACTER SUSTAINABILITY WELLNESS CELEBRATION Page 29 of 101 SERVICE ENVIRONMENT ECONOMY CHARACTER SUSTAINABILITY WELLNESS CELEBRATION NEXT STEPS Public Outreach City Council Discussion (today) Auburn Magazine article (Winter edition) Informational mailer by ASD/City Social media articles Public meeting(s) Approval of school improvements to AWS Complete detailed design of City widening project Ongoing coordination with MIT and WSDOT Explore design opportunities for the central island treatment Page 30 of 101 AGENDA BILL APPROVAL FORM Agenda Subject: Ordinance No. 6836 (Thomas)(15 Minutes) Date: October 19, 2021 Department: Finance Attachments: Memo Ordinance No. 6836 Schedule A Schedule B Budget Impact: Administrativ e Recommendation: For discussion only. Background for Motion: Background Summary: Ordinance No. 6836 (Budget Amendment #3) amends the 2021-2022 revised budget as presented in the attached transmittal memorandum and supporting attachments. Rev iewed by Council Committees: Councilmember:Baggett Staff:Thomas Meeting Date:October 25, 2021 Item Number: Page 31 of 101 Interoffice Memorandum To: City Council From: Jamie Thomas, Finance Director CC: Nancy Backus, Mayor Date: October 12, 2021 Re: Ordinance No. 6836 – 2021-2022 Budget Amendment #3 Budget Amendment #3 is the third amendment of the City of Auburn’s 2021-2022 biennial budget and final amendment for the 2021 budget. The purpose of this budget amendment is to adjust for the following: 1. Revenue Adjustments: these include new/increased revenue related to grant awards, other new funding, and reallocation of revenues between funds; 2. Capital Fund Transfers: transfers from operating to capital funds to provide budget for previously approved capital projects in prior years; 3. Funding Adjustments: to increase, decrease, or otherwise adjust budget authority for previously approved programs; and 4. New Requests: new programs, projects, purchases, and FTEs that have not been previously approved by Council. Below is a summary of the proposed amendments. For additional detail, Schedule A, Summary of 2021 Budget Adjustments by Fund, breaks down each request and its relative impact to each fund. Revenue Adjustments: This amendment recognizes new grants and updated revenue projections. The total adjustment in this category is $8.6 million and includes: • Add one-time state assistance for unfunded local government police reform mandates (General Fund) $ 331,500 • Receive American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) revenues (Fund 106) 7,375,600 • Community Development Block Grants (Fund 119) 180,400 • Increase solid waste revenues and hauler charges (Fund 434) 500,000 Page 32 of 101 Capital Fund Transfers: This budget amendment provides funding for current and future capital projects by transferring monies among funds. These transfers include moving cash reserves from enterprise operating funds to the associated capital funds; e.g., $1.5 million from the Water Operating Fund (F430) to the Water Capital Fund (F460), as well as the transfer of $726,600 in parks impacts fees for application to the Arts & Culture Center renovation project. The total requested adjustment in this category is $2.3 million. Funding Adjustments: Funding adjustment requests included in this budget amendment increase or decrease spending authority for existing programs. The total net requested adjustment in this category is $0.2 million, and includes: • Reduce budget for hangar projects that had been planned to be bond-funded: This request would eliminate planned revenue bond proceeds by $3.8 million, associated debt service and issuance costs, and $2.75 million in capital expenditures (Fund 435). • Increase utility tax expenditures: This amendment would add $2.1 million in utility tax expenditures due to the Council-adopted increase in City utility taxes from 7% to 10% in Ordinance No. 6801 (Funds 430, 431, 432, and 434). • Increase budget for SCORE: This request would add $830,000 to the 2021 budget for increased SCORE costs due to revenue losses the jail has incurred resulting from decreased jail population as a consequence of the pandemic and recent legislative action (General Fund). New Requests: New funding requests total $1.8 million and include: • Expenditures to provide support for body cameras (ARPA and SB1592 funded): This amendment would authorize four new FTEs in the Legal Department and fund the 2021 portion of an annual contract for body camera hardware and software for the Police Department (General Fund). • New Limited Term Employee (LTE) – Recruitment Coordinator: This new position would help address the high turnover rate and rehiring of temporary, volunteer, and seasonal employees to support re-opening of City-wide programs . The request is for Council approval of the LTE position. All costs incurred in 2021 will be absorbed within the existing Human Resources Department budget; however, salary and benefit costs will be incurred in 2022 (General Fund). Page 33 of 101 • New Limited Term Employee (LTE) – Grants Coordinator (ARPA funded): This new position would help assist with the documentation, reporting, and audit support required by the receipt of ARPA funds in 2021. The request is for Council approval of the LTE position. All costs incurred in 2021 will be absorbed within the existing Finance Department budget; however, salary and benefit costs will be incurred in 2022 through 2024. ARPA funds will be used to cover these costs (General Fund). • New Limited Term Employee (LTE) – Accounting Specialist: This new position would help the Finance Department reconcile unbilled and past due accounts receivable accounts and get billing up to date. The request is for Council approval of the LTE position. All costs incurred in 2021 will be absorbed within the existing Finance Department budget; however, salary and benefit costs will be incurred in 2022 (General Fund). • Budget for a Utility Assistance Program (ARPA funded): This amendment would add $525,000 to help residents adversely affected by the pandemic to prevent them from having their water shut off due to unpaid utility balances and encourage them to enter into payment plans (Fund 430). • Flow monitoring to identify areas of high sewer system inflow and infiltration: This amendment would provide $181,000 to fund contracted flow monitoring of the City’s sewer system (Fund 431). • New Limited Term Employee (LTE) – Security Officer: This new position would provide security at City Hall, the Annex building, and the Les Gove campus (Fund 505). The following table summarizes the current and revised budget as a result of this amendment. Table 1: 2021 Budget as Amended 2021 Budget as Amended through Budget Amendment #2 $ 412,333,562 Budget Amendment #3 (Ord. #6836) 6,730,390 2021 Budget as Amended $ 419,063,952 Attachments:  Proposed Ordinance #6836 (Budget Amendment #3)  Summary of proposed 2021 budget adjustments by fund and department (Schedule A)  Summary of 2021 ending fund balance/working capital by fund (Schedule B) Page 34 of 101 ------------------------- Ordinance No. 6836 October 20, 2021 Page 1 of 3 ORDINANCE NO. 6836 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, WASHINGTON, AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 6794, THE 2021-2022 BIENNIAL OPERATING BUDGET ORDINANCE, AND ORDINANCE NO. 6796, THE 2021-2022 BIENNIAL CAPITAL BUDGET, AS AMENDED BY ORDINANCE NO. 6815, AS AMENDED BY ORDINANCE NO. 6827, AUTHORIZING AMENDMENT TO THE CITY OF AUBURN 2021-2022 BUDGET AS SET FORTH IN SCHEDULE “A” AND SCHEDULE “B” WHEREAS, the Auburn City Council at its regular meeting of November 16, 2020, adopted Ordinances No. 6794 and 6796 which adopted the City of Auburn 2021-2022 Biennial budget; and WHEREAS, the Auburn City Council at its regular meeting of April 5, 2021, adopted Ordinance No. 6815 (BA#1) which amended Ordinances No. 6794 and 6796 which adopted the City of Auburn 2021-2022 Biennial budget; and WHEREAS, the Auburn City Council at its regular meeting of July 26, 2021, adopted Ordinance No. 6827 (BA#2) which amended Ordinance No. 6815 which amended the City of Auburn 2021-2022 Biennial budget; and WHEREAS, the City of Auburn deems it necessary to appropriate additional funds to the various funds of the 2021 budget as outlined in this Ordinance (BA#3); and WHEREAS, this Ordinance has been approved by one more than the majority of all councilpersons in accordance with RCW 35A.34.200. NOW THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, WASHINGTON DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Page 35 of 101 ------------------------- Ordinance No. 6836 October 20, 2021 Page 2 of 3 Section 1. Amendment of the 2021-2022 Biennial Budget. The 2021- 2022 Biennial Budget of the City of Auburn is amended pursuant to Chapter 35A.34 RCW, to reflect the revenues and expenditures as shown on Schedule “A” attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. The Mayor of the City of Auburn, Washington is hereby authorized to utilize revenue and expenditure amounts shown on said Schedule “A” and Schedule “B”. A copy of said Schedule “A” and Schedule “B” is on file with the City Clerk and available for public inspection. Section 2. Implementation. The Mayor is authorized to implement those administrative procedures necessary to carry out the directives of this legislation. Section 3. Severability. The provisions of this ordinance are declared to be separate and severable. The invalidity of any clause, sentence, paragraph, subdivision, section, or portion of this ordinance, or the invalidity of the application of it to any person or circumstance, will not affect the validity of the remainder of this ordinance, or the validity of its application to other persons or circumstances. Section 4. Effective date. This Ordinance will take effect and be in force five days from and after its passage, approval, and publication as provided by law. INTRODUCED: PASSED: APPROVED: ____________________________ NANCY BACKUS, MAYOR Page 36 of 101 ------------------------- Ordinance No. 6836 October 20, 2021 Page 3 of 3 ATTEST: APPROVED AS TO FORM: ____________________________ ____________________________ Shawn Campbell, MMC, City Clerk Kendra Comeau, City Attorney Published: ___________________ Page 37 of 101 Schedule A Summary of 2021 Budget Adjustments by Fund Budget Amendment #3 (Ordinance #6836) 2,455 Beg. Fund Balance 2021 Revenues 2021 Expenditures Ending Fund Balance General Fund (#001) 2021 Adopted Budget 19,948,152 72,870,710 82,294,077 10,524,785 Previous Budget Amendments 11,280,248 1,377,800 6,047,000 6,611,048 2021 Amended Budget 31,228,400 74,248,510 88,341,077 17,135,833 BA#3 (Ordinance #6836, Proposed):- 2,118,600 1,838,200 280,400 General Fund Revenues: One-time state assistance for unfunded local government police reform mandates - 331,500 - 331,500 Move lease revenues from Facilities to General Fund - 107,500 - 107,500 Budget for ACRC lease revenues from the Auburn Food Bank - 32,600 - 32,600 Human Resources Department: Vaccination incentive program (ARPA funded)- 47,500 47,500 - Security and safety buildout of Human Resources lobby - - 25,000 (25,000) New Limited Term Employee (LTE): Recruitment Coordinator (NO COSTS IN 2021)- - - - Finance Department: New Limited Term Employee (LTE): Grants Coordinator (NO COSTS IN 2021)- - - - New Limited Term Employee (LTE): Accounting Specialist (NO COSTS IN 2021)- - - - Police Department: C/F unspent 2020 Coronavirus Emergency Supplemental Funding Program grant - 22,500 22,500 - Community Development Department: Increase budget for repairs to City-owned parking lots - - - - 001.17.558.600.49 MISCELLANEOUS (15,000) 001.98.597.100.55 OPERATING TRANSFERS OUT 15,000 SCORE: Increase budget for SCORE operating costs (partially ARPA funded)- 800,000 830,000 (30,000) Public Works Department: Increase signal systems repair and maintenance budget due to crashes - - 30,000 (30,000) Update the City's Local Road Safety Plan (LRSP)- - 50,000 (50,000) Parks Department: AWC Summer Experiences & Enrichment for Kids (SEEK) grant - 90,600 90,600 - Increase Golf Pro Shop inventory and repair and operating supply budgets - 100,000 100,000 - Streets Department: Move funds to F102 for Roadway Channelization Refreshment project - - - - 001.42.542.300.41 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES (100,000) 001.98.597.100.55 OPERATING TRANSFERS OUT (to F102)100,000 ERROR: Detail ≠ Schedule A Page 1 of 8 10/14/2021 12:50 PM Page 38 of 101 Schedule A Summary of 2021 Budget Adjustments by Fund Budget Amendment #3 (Ordinance #6836) 2,455 Beg. Fund Balance 2021 Revenues 2021 Expenditures Ending Fund Balance ERROR: Detail ≠ Schedule A City Attorney's Office: 4 New FTEs and costs for PD body camera implementation (ARPA and SB1592 funding)- 586,400 642,600 (56,200) Revised 2021 Budget - Fund 001 31,228,400 76,367,110 90,179,277 17,416,233 Arterial Street Fund (#102) 2021 Adopted Budget 1,015,159 4,948,080 5,535,930 427,309 Previous Budget Amendments and CIP Carry-Forwards 1,268,916 3,708,523 4,847,618 129,821 2021 Amended Budget 2,284,075 8,656,603 10,383,548 557,130 BA#3 (Ordinance #6836, Proposed):- 100,000 100,000 - Move funds to F102 for Roadway Channelization Refreshment project - 100,000 100,000 - Revised 2021 Budget - Fund 102 2,284,075 8,756,603 10,483,548 557,130 American Rescue Plan Act Fund Fund (#106) 2021 Adopted Budget - - - - Previous Budget Amendments - - - - 2021 Amended Budget - - - - BA#3 (Ordinance #6836, Proposed):- 7,375,600 1,958,900 5,416,700 Receive American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) money into new ARPA Fund - 7,375,600 - 7,375,600 4 New FTEs and costs for PD body camera implementation (ARPA and SB1592 funding)- - 586,400 (586,400) Increase budget for SCORE operating costs (partially ARPA funded)- - 800,000 (800,000) Vaccination incentive program (ARPA funded)- - 47,500 (47,500) Utility Assistance Program (ARPA funded)- - 525,000 (525,000) Revised 2021 Budget - Fund 106 - 7,375,600 1,958,900 5,416,700 Housing & Comm Develop Fund (#119) 2021 Adopted Budget 42,904 600,000 600,000 42,904 Previous Budget Amendments (579) 952,100 952,100 (579) 2021 Amended Budget 42,325 1,552,100 1,552,100 42,325 BA#3 (Ordinance #6836, Proposed):- 180,400 180,400 - Align revenue & expenditure budgets w/ most recent CDBG and CDBG-CV awards - 180,400 180,400 - Revised 2021 Budget - Fund 119 42,325 1,732,500 1,732,500 42,325 Page 2 of 8 10/14/2021 12:50 PM Page 39 of 101 Schedule A Summary of 2021 Budget Adjustments by Fund Budget Amendment #3 (Ordinance #6836) 2,455 Beg. Fund Balance 2021 Revenues 2021 Expenditures Ending Fund Balance ERROR: Detail ≠ Schedule A Mitigation Fees Fund (#124) 2021 Adopted Budget 12,420,562 1,217,560 4,265,480 9,372,642 Previous Budget Amendments and CIP Carry-Forwards 1,996,460 - 2,746,457 (749,997) 2021 Amended Budget 14,417,022 1,217,560 7,011,937 8,622,645 BA#3 (Ordinance #6836, Proposed):- - 726,600 (726,600) Add'l funding for Arts & Culture Center renovations (funded by park impact fees)- - 726,600 (726,600) Revised 2021 Budget - Fund 124 14,417,022 1,217,560 7,738,537 7,896,045 Parks Construction Fund (#321) 2021 Adopted Budget 819,996 3,095,800 2,883,800 1,031,996 Previous Budget Amendments and CIP Carry-Forwards 9,470 163,869 414,509 (241,170) 2021 Amended Budget 829,466 3,259,669 3,298,309 790,826 BA#3 (Ordinance #6836, Proposed):63,869 32,000 32,000 63,869 True-up 2021 beginning fund balance 63,869 - - 63,869 Construct bike park at Cedar Lanes Park (grant funded)- 32,000 32,000 - Revised 2021 Budget - Fund 321 893,335 3,291,669 3,330,309 854,695 Capital Improvements Fund (#328) 2021 Adopted Budget 7,705,844 4,264,180 7,932,720 4,037,304 Previous Budget Amendments and CIP Carry-Forwards 2,578,483 4,702,995 4,008,767 3,272,711 2021 Amended Budget 10,284,327 8,967,175 11,941,487 7,310,015 BA#3 (Ordinance #6836, Proposed):- 481,600 726,600 (245,000) Add'l funding for Arts & Culture Center renovations (funded by park impact fees)- 481,600 726,600 (245,000) Revised 2021 Budget - Fund 328 10,284,327 9,448,775 12,668,087 7,065,015 Local Revitalization Fund (#330) 2021 Adopted Budget 244,000 1,000 245,000 - Previous Budget Amendments and CIP Carry-Forwards 111,086 34,000 145,086 - 2021 Amended Budget 355,086 35,000 390,086 - BA#3 (Ordinance #6836, Proposed):- 15,000 15,000 - Increase budget for repairs to City-owned parking lots - 15,000 15,000 - Revised 2021 Budget - Fund 330 355,086 50,000 405,086 - Page 3 of 8 10/14/2021 12:50 PM Page 40 of 101 Schedule A Summary of 2021 Budget Adjustments by Fund Budget Amendment #3 (Ordinance #6836) 2,455 Beg. Fund Balance 2021 Revenues 2021 Expenditures Ending Fund Balance ERROR: Detail ≠ Schedule A Water Fund (#430) 2021 Adopted Budget 17,088,517 19,149,300 25,067,833 11,169,984 Previous Budget Amendments and CIP Carry-Forwards 6,540,539 - 4,698,220 1,842,319 2021 Amended Budget 23,629,056 19,149,300 29,766,053 13,012,303 BA#3 (Ordinance #6836, Proposed):2,663 525,000 2,580,900 (2,053,237) Increase utility tax expense to reflect higher City tax rate (in Ord. #6822)- - 518,000 (518,000) True-up 2021 beginning working capital balance 2,663 - - 2,663 Purchase brush mower for utility property and access roads - - 10,000 (10,000) Increase budget to replace dump truck, salt spreader, and plow - - 27,900 (27,900) Utility Assistance Program (ARPA funded)- 525,000 525,000 - Replenish working capital balance in Water capital subfund (transfer from F430)- - 1,500,000 (1,500,000) Revised 2021 Budget - Fund 430 23,631,719 19,674,300 32,346,953 10,959,066 Sewer Fund (#431) 2021 Adopted Budget 7,837,981 9,670,730 8,507,355 9,001,356 Previous Budget Amendments and CIP Carry-Forwards 878,126 - 29,200 848,926 2021 Amended Budget 8,716,107 9,670,730 8,536,555 9,850,282 BA#3 (Ordinance #6836, Proposed):1,190 - 1,137,100 (1,135,910) Increase utility tax expense to reflect higher City tax rate (in Ord. #6822)- - 918,200 (918,200) Purchase brush mower for utility property and access roads - - 10,000 (10,000) Flow monitoring to identify areas of high sewer system inflow and infiltration - - 181,000 (181,000) Increase budget to replace dump truck, salt spreader, and plow - - 27,900 (27,900) True-up 2021 beginning working capital balance 1,190 - - 1,190 Revised 2021 Budget - Fund 431 8,717,297 9,670,730 9,673,655 8,714,372 Page 4 of 8 10/14/2021 12:50 PM Page 41 of 101 Schedule A Summary of 2021 Budget Adjustments by Fund Budget Amendment #3 (Ordinance #6836) 2,455 Beg. Fund Balance 2021 Revenues 2021 Expenditures Ending Fund Balance ERROR: Detail ≠ Schedule A Storm Drainage Fund (#432) 2021 Adopted Budget 8,943,194 10,686,150 9,366,223 10,263,121 Previous Budget Amendments and CIP Carry-Forwards 1,163,165 - 29,200 1,133,965 2021 Amended Budget 10,106,359 10,686,150 9,395,423 11,397,086 BA#3 (Ordinance #6836, Proposed):996 - 521,500 (520,504) Increase utility tax expense to reflect higher City tax rate (in Ord. #6822)- - 333,600 (333,600) Purchase brush mower for utility property and access roads - - 10,000 (10,000) Stormwater Management Action Plan (SMAP) and supporting documentation - - 150,000 (150,000) Increase budget to replace dump truck, salt spreader, and plow - - 27,900 (27,900) True-up 2021 beginning working capital balance 996 - - 996 Revised 2021 Budget - Fund 432 10,107,355 10,686,150 9,916,923 10,876,582 Solid Waste Fund (#434) 2021 Adopted Budget 5,753,618 16,775,500 16,950,830 5,578,288 Previous Budget Amendments 174,299 - 81,000 93,299 2021 Amended Budget 5,927,917 16,775,500 17,031,830 5,671,587 BA#3 (Ordinance #6836, Proposed):- 500,000 874,600 (374,600) Increase utility tax expense to reflect higher City tax rate (in Ord. #6822)- - 374,600 (374,600) Incr budget and revenue for WM costs due to higher-than-expected service levels - 500,000 500,000 - Revised 2021 Budget - Fund 434 5,927,917 17,275,500 17,906,430 5,296,987 Airport Fund (#435) 2021 Adopted Budget 810,777 5,285,700 4,487,696 1,608,781 Previous Budget Amendments 193,185 - 44,210 148,975 2021 Amended Budget 1,003,962 5,285,700 4,531,906 1,757,756 BA#3 (Ordinance #6836, Proposed):- (3,630,900) (3,008,100) (622,800) Increase revenue and expenditure budget for aviation fuel - 180,000 120,000 60,000 Reduce budget for hangar projects that had been planned to be bond-funded - (3,810,900) (3,128,100) (682,800) Revised 2021 Budget - Fund 435 1,003,962 1,654,800 1,523,806 1,134,956 Page 5 of 8 10/14/2021 12:50 PM Page 42 of 101 Schedule A Summary of 2021 Budget Adjustments by Fund Budget Amendment #3 (Ordinance #6836) 2,455 Beg. Fund Balance 2021 Revenues 2021 Expenditures Ending Fund Balance ERROR: Detail ≠ Schedule A Cemetery Fund (#436) 2021 Adopted Budget 505,802 1,203,600 1,344,820 364,582 Previous Budget Amendments 566,587 - 100,070 466,517 2021 Amended Budget 1,072,389 1,203,600 1,444,890 831,099 BA#3 (Ordinance #6836, Proposed):- - 29,400 (29,400) Purchase riding mower for Cemetery turf care - - 29,400 (29,400) Revised 2021 Budget - Fund 436 1,072,389 1,203,600 1,474,290 801,699 Water Capital Fund (#460) 2021 Adopted Budget 888,139 11,614,710 10,670,410 1,832,439 Previous Budget Amendments and CIP Carry-Forwards (483,857) 4,590,020 5,863,319 (1,757,156) 2021 Amended Budget 404,282 16,204,730 16,533,729 75,283 BA#3 (Ordinance #6836, Proposed):- 1,500,000 - 1,500,000 Replenish working capital balance in Water capital subfund (transfer from F430)- 1,500,000 - 1,500,000 Revised 2021 Budget - Fund 460 404,282 17,704,730 16,533,729 1,575,283 Storm Drainage Capital Fund (#462) 2021 Adopted Budget 10,569,965 838,870 4,695,700 6,713,135 Previous Budget Amendments 1,336,596 - 829,311 507,285 2021 Amended Budget 11,906,561 838,870 5,525,011 7,220,420 BA#3 (Ordinance #6836, Proposed):12,096 - - 12,096 True-up 2021 beginning working capital balance 12,096 - - 12,096 Revised 2021 Budget - Fund 462 11,918,657 838,870 5,525,011 7,232,516 Airport Capital Fund (#465) 2021 Adopted Budget 20,557 3,000,200 2,891,600 129,157 Previous Budget Amendments and CIP Carry-Forwards 140,783 (42,290) (42,290) 140,783 2021 Amended Budget 161,340 2,957,910 2,849,310 269,940 BA#3 (Ordinance #6836, Proposed):- (2,750,000) (2,750,000) - Reduce budget for hangar projects that had been planned to be bond-funded - (2,750,000) (2,750,000) - Revised 2021 Budget - Fund 465 161,340 207,910 99,310 269,940 Page 6 of 8 10/14/2021 12:50 PM Page 43 of 101 Schedule A Summary of 2021 Budget Adjustments by Fund Budget Amendment #3 (Ordinance #6836) 2,455 Beg. Fund Balance 2021 Revenues 2021 Expenditures Ending Fund Balance ERROR: Detail ≠ Schedule A Cemetery Capital Fund (#466) 2021 Adopted Budget 48,983 800 40,100 9,683 Previous Budget Amendments and CIP Carry-Forwards (40,798) 100,070 15,673 43,599 2021 Amended Budget 8,185 100,870 55,773 53,282 BA#3 (Ordinance #6836, Proposed):(2) - - (2) True-up 2021 beginning working capital balance (2) - - (2) Revised 2021 Budget - Fund 466 8,183 100,870 55,773 53,280 Facilities Fund (#505) 2021 Adopted Budget 986,936 3,713,100 4,076,191 623,845 Previous Budget Amendments 147,089 235,600 235,600 147,089 2021 Amended Budget 1,134,025 3,948,700 4,311,791 770,934 BA#3 (Ordinance #6836, Proposed):- (88,750) 104,600 (193,350) Move lease revenues from Facilities to General Fund - (107,500) - (107,500) Increase budget for Auburn Central Parking Garage - - 74,300 (74,300) Add lease revenue for Game Farm Park - 18,750 - 18,750 New LTE: Security Officer for City Hall, Annex, and Les Gove campus - - 30,300 (30,300) Revised 2021 Budget - Fund 505 1,134,025 3,859,950 4,416,391 577,584 Innovation & Technology Fund (#518) 2021 Adopted Budget 2,597,407 6,724,750 7,372,520 1,949,637 Previous Budget Amendments 267,252 - 141,000 126,252 2021 Amended Budget 2,864,659 6,724,750 7,513,520 2,075,889 BA#3 (Ordinance #6836, Proposed):- 14,200 14,200 - New LTE: Security Officer for City Hall, Annex, and Les Gove campus - 3,000 3,000 - 4 New FTEs and costs for PD body camera implementation (ARPA and SB1592 funding)- 11,200 11,200 - Revised 2021 Budget - Fund 518 2,864,659 6,738,950 7,527,720 2,075,889 Page 7 of 8 10/14/2021 12:50 PM Page 44 of 101 Schedule A Summary of 2021 Budget Adjustments by Fund Budget Amendment #3 (Ordinance #6836) 2,455 Beg. Fund Balance 2021 Revenues 2021 Expenditures Ending Fund Balance ERROR: Detail ≠ Schedule A Equipment Rental Capital Fund (#560) 2021 Adopted Budget 4,104,409 3,046,920 3,248,600 3,902,729 Previous Budget Amendments and CIP Carry-Forwards 376,202 329,400 1,898,790 (1,193,188) 2021 Amended Budget 4,480,611 3,376,320 5,147,390 2,709,541 BA#3 (Ordinance #6836, Proposed):133,728 143,100 143,100 133,728 True-up 2021 beginning working capital balance 133,728 - - 133,728 Purchase riding mower for Cemetery turf care - 29,400 29,400 - Increase budget to replace dump truck, salt spreader, and plow - 83,700 83,700 - Purchase brush mower for utility property and access roads - 30,000 30,000 - Revised 2021 Budget - Fund 560 4,614,339 3,519,420 5,290,490 2,843,269 Grand Total - All Funds 2021 Adopted Budget 137,202,931 213,828,120 241,379,280 109,651,771 Previous Budget Amendments 38,437,106 22,865,405 44,043,189 17,259,322 2021 Amended Budget 175,640,037 236,693,525 285,422,469 126,911,093 TOTAL BA#3 (Ordinance #6836, Proposed):214,540 6,515,850 5,225,000 1,505,390 Revised 2021 Budget 175,854,577 243,209,375 290,647,469 128,416,483 419,063,952 419,063,952 Page 8 of 8 10/14/2021 12:50 PM Page 45 of 101 Schedule B 2021 Ending Fund Balance/Working Capital by Fund Fund 2021 Amended Budget (before BA#3) BA#3 (Ord #6836) Revised Budget General Fund (#001)17,135,833 280,400 17,416,233 Arterial Street Fund (#102)557,130 - 557,130 Local Street Fund (#103)2,027,953 - 2,027,953 Hotel/Motel Tax Fund (#104)277,797 - 277,797 Arterial Street Preservation Fund (#105)1,442,653 - 1,442,653 American Rescue Plan Act Fund (#106)- 5,416,700 5,416,700 Drug Forfeiture Fund (#117)559,307 - 559,307 Housing & Comm Develop Fund (#119)42,325 - 42,325 Recreation Trails Fund (#120)89,412 - 89,412 BIA Fund (#121)135,095 - 135,095 Cumulative Reserve Fund (#122)10,681,144 - 10,681,144 Mitigation Fees Fund (#124)8,622,645 (726,600) 7,896,045 City Hall Annex 2010 A&B Bond Fund (#230)- - - Local Revitalization 2010 C&D Bond Fund (#231)- - - 2020 LTGO A&B Refunding Bonds Fund (#232)102,828 - 102,828 SCORE Debt Service Fund (#238)- - - LID Guarantee Fund (#249)1,686 - 1,686 LID 350 Fund (#275)2,157 - 2,157 Golf/Cemetery 2016 Refunding Fund (#276)- - - Parks Construction Fund (#321)790,826 63,869 854,695 Capital Improvements Fund (#328)7,310,015 (245,000) 7,065,015 Local Revitalization Fund (#330)- - - Water Fund (#430)13,012,303 (2,053,237) 10,959,066 Sewer Fund (#431)9,850,282 (1,135,910) 8,714,372 Storm Drainage Fund (#432)11,397,086 (520,504) 10,876,582 Sewer Metro Sub Fund (#433)2,842,422 - 2,842,422 Solid Waste Fund (#434)5,671,587 (374,600) 5,296,987 Airport Fund (#435)1,757,756 (622,800) 1,134,956 Cemetery Fund (#436)831,099 (29,400) 801,699 Water Capital Fund (#460)75,283 1,500,000 1,575,283 Sewer Capital Fund (#461)7,729,407 - 7,729,407 Storm Drainage Capital Fund (#462)7,220,420 12,096 7,232,516 Airport Capital Fund (#465)269,940 - 269,940 Cemetery Capital Fund (#466)53,282 (2) 53,280 Insurance Fund (#501)1,589,515 - 1,589,515 Workers' Comp Fund (#503)2,702,725 - 2,702,725 Facilities Fund (#505)770,934 (193,350) 577,584 Innovation & Technology Fund (#518)2,075,889 - 2,075,889 Equipment Rental Fund (#550)1,779,893 - 1,779,893 Equipment Rental Capital Fund (#560)2,709,541 133,728 2,843,269 IT Capital Fund (#568)500,353 - 500,353 Fire Pension Fund (#611)1,981,776 - 1,981,776 SKHHP Fund (#654)224,913 - 224,913 Cemetery Endowment Fund (#701)2,085,882 - 2,085,882 Total 126,911,093 1,505,390 128,416,483 Page 46 of 101 AGENDA BILL APPROVAL FORM Agenda Subject: Ordinance No. 6837 (Thomas)(15 Minutes) Date: October 19, 2021 Department: Finance Attachments: Memo Ordinance No. 6837 Schedule A Schedule B Budget Impact: Administrativ e Recommendation: For discussion only. Background for Motion: Background Summary: Budget Amendment #4 represents the fourth budget amendment for the 2021-2022 biennium and the first budget amendment for 2022. For details, see the attached transmittal memorandum and supporting materials. Rev iewed by Council Committees: Councilmember:Baggett Staff:Thomas Meeting Date:October 25, 2021 Item Number: Page 47 of 101 Interoffice Memorandum To: City Council From: Jamie Thomas, Finance Director CC: Nancy Backus, Mayor Date: October 12, 2021 Re: Ordinance No. 6837 – 2021-2022 Budget Amendment #4 The City’s biennial 2021-2022 budget was approved by Council as two one-year appropriations. Budget Amendments #1 through #3 amended the budget for calendar year 2021. This amendment will be the fourth budget amendment for the biennium and the first budget amendment for calendar year 2022. The purpose of this budget amendment is to: 1. Realign significant revenue sources; 2. Adjust projected 2022 beginning fund balance to reflect budget amendments made in 2021; 3. Adopt the continuation of previously-approved requests for ongoing expenditures; 4. Adjust capital project budgets to match the 2022-2025 Capital Facilities Plan (CFP); and 5. Add budget authority for new programs and other expected changes in 2022. Realign Significant Revenue Sources. With new legislation and policies adopted throughout 2021, and three quarters of revenue collection data for 2021, there is an opportunity to fine-tune revenue projections for 2022. Total General Fund revenue adjustments would result in a net reduction of $652,000 and include: • Sales and use tax increase $ 2,500,000 • Business & Occupation tax reduction to reflect delays in implementation −4,300,000 • Streamlined sales tax mitigation increase due to legislative extension through 2022 1,000,000 Adopt the continuation of previously approved requests by Council. Amend the 2022 budget for changes adopted in 2021 for which there is an ongoing fiscal impact in 2022. Items in this category were previously approved by Council in 2021. In total, these items would increase budgeted 2022 expenditures by about $1.1 million, and include: • Utility tax increase to reflect higher City tax rate $ 2,242,900 • Reduced budget for lead service line replacement project (moved to 2021) − 1,600,000 • Net reduction in debt service on 2020 LTGO A&B refunding bonds − 695,400 • Axon contract for body camera hardware and software 427,500 • Reduction in Airport debt service due to change in funding for hangar project − 336,300 • Increased budget for homeless sheltering by the Auburn Food Bank 275,000 • Operating budget for the Auburn Community Resource Center 150,900 • Limited Term Employee: Recruitment Coordinator 137,000 Page 48 of 101 • Limited Term Employee: Grants Coordinator (ARPA-funded) 132,000 • Limited Term Employee: Accounting Specialist 116,700 • Limited Term Employee: Security Officer 112,000 Adjust capital project budgets. Represent changes to project budgets to align with the updated 2022-2027 Capital Facilities Plan (CFP) that is scheduled to be adopted in December, excluding unspent capital project budgets from 2021 that are automatically carried forward into 2022 due to the adoption of multi-year capital budgeting, as authorized in Ordinance No. 6682 (June 2018). The net increase due to these proposed adjustments is $4.2 million. Significant project adjustments included in this budget amendment include: • Funding for North Airport storm improvements (cp2102) $ 946,000 • Incr. budget for sidewalk repair and improvements (ARPA and fee funded) 850,000 • Incr. budget for Neighborhood Street Lighting Program (ARPA funded) 500,000 • Net increase for Airport hangar project 439,100 • Funding for North Airport stormwater system improvements (cp2118) 435,000 • Budget for City Hall Annex customer service center reconfiguration 350,000 • Incr. budget for Neighborhood Traffic Safety Program (ARPA and REET funded) 250,000 Add budget authority for new programs and other expected changes in 2022.These include requests for new full-time employees (FTEs), increased funding for existing programs, and funding requests for new projects or programs. These requests, which total $1.9 million, include: • Four new FTEs to provide support for body cameras $ 479,200 • Two new FTEs for an in-house litter crew 267,500 • New FTE: Outreach Coordinator 141,600 • Supplement the existing human services contracts budget (ARPA funded) 160,000 • Incr. Golf Course maintenance, inventory, and supplies budget (revenue funded) 105,000 Adjustments of 2022 beginning fund balance due to 2021 budget amendments. Each approved budget amendment in 2021 (in BA #1, BA#2, and proposed BA#3) that amended the 2021 budgeted ending fund balance also affects the budgeted 2022 beginning fund balance. These adjustments, which affect most funds, increase 2022 budgeted fund balance by $18.8 million. The following table summarizes the current and revised budget as a result of this amendment. Table 1: 2022 Budget as Amended 2022 Adopted Budget $ 326,609,691 Budget Amendment #4 (Ord #6837) 20,294,437 2022 Budget as Amended $ 346,904,128 Attachments:  Proposed Ordinance # 6837 (Budget Amendment #4)  Summary of 2022 Budget Adjustments by Fund (Schedule A)  Summary of 2022 ending fund balance/working capital by fund (Schedule B) Page 49 of 101 Ordinance No. 6837 October 20, 2021 Page 1 of 2 ORDINANCE NO. 6837 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, WASHINGTON, AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 6794, THE 2021-2022 BIENNIAL OPERATING BUDGET ORDINANCE, AND ORDINANCE NO. 6796, THE 2021-2022 BIENNIAL CAPITAL BUDGET ORDINANCE, AS SET FORTH IN SCHEDULE “A” AND SCHEDULE “B” WHEREAS, the Auburn City Council at its regular meeting of November 16, 2020, adopted Ordinances Nos. 6794 and 6796 which adopted the City of Auburn 2021-2022 biennial operating and capital budgets; and WHEREAS, the City of Auburn deems it necessary to appropriate additional funds to the various funds of the 2022 budget as outlined in this Ordinance (BA#4); and WHEREAS, this Ordinance has been approved by one more than the majority of all councilpersons in accordance with RCW 35A.34.200. NOW THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, WASHINGTON DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. Amendment of the 2021-2022 Biennial Budget. The 2021- 2022 Biennial Budget of the City of Auburn is amended pursuant to Chapter 35A.34 RCW, to reflect the revenues and expenditures as shown on Schedule “A” attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. The Mayor of the City of Auburn, Washington is hereby authorized to utilize revenue and expenditure amounts shown on said Schedule “A” and Schedule “B”. A copy of said Schedule “A” and Schedule “B” is on file with the City Clerk and available for public inspection. Page 50 of 101 Ordinance No. 6837 October 20, 2021 Page 2 of 2 Section 2. Severability. The provisions of this ordinance are declared to be separate and severable. The invalidity of any clause, sentence, paragraph, subdivision, section, or portion of this ordinance, or the invalidity of the application of it to any person or circumstance, will not affect the validity of the remainder of this ordinance, or the validity of its application to other persons or circumstances. Section 3. Implementation. The Mayor is authorized to implement those administrative procedures necessary to carry out the directives of this legislation. Section 4. Effective Date. This Ordinance will take effect and be in force five days from and after its passage, approval and publication as provided by law. INTRODUCED: _______________ PASSED: ____________________ APPROVED: _________________ ____________________________ NANCY BACKUS, MAYOR ATTEST: ____________________________ Shawn Campbell, MMC, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: ____________________________ Kendra Comeau, City Attorney Page 51 of 101 Schedule A Summary of 2022 Budget Adjustments by Fund Budget Amendment #4 (Ordinance #6837) 2,455 Beg. Fund Balance 2022 Revenues 2022 Expenditures Ending Fund Balance General Fund (#001) 2022 Adopted Budget 10,524,785 81,938,250 85,605,016 6,858,019 BA#4 (Ordinance #6815, Proposed):6,611,048 75,000 740,900 5,945,148 Human Resources Department: Ongoing incr to the budget for the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion program [BA#1]- - 150,000 (150,000) Ongoing budget for operation of the Auburn Consolidated Resource Center [BA#2]- - 150,900 (150,900) Ongoing incr to budget to respond to civil judjments, subpoenas, etc. [BA#1]- - 25,000 (25,000) Ongoing incr to Auburn Food Bank sheltering budget for homeless persons [BA#2]- - 275,000 (275,000) Community Development Department: Ongoing budget for eCityGov Alliance annual subscription (fee supported) [BA#2]- - 65,000 (65,000) - - - - - - - - Public Works Department: Ongoing increase in budget for signal system repair and maintenance [BA#1]- 50,000 50,000 - - - - - Parks Department: Ongoing increase in Golf Course pro shop front counter staffing [BA#2]- 25,000 25,000 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Non-Departmental: Adjust beginning fund balance for budget amendments in 2021 6,611,048 - - 6,611,048 Revised 2022 Budget - Fund 001 17,135,833 82,013,250 86,345,916 12,803,167 Arterial Street Fund (#102) 2022 Adopted Budget 427,309 5,778,300 5,892,400 313,209 BA#4 (Ordinance #6815, Proposed):129,821 - - 129,821 Adjust beginning fund balance for budget amendments in 2021 129,821 - - 129,821 Revised 2022 Budget - Fund 102 557,130 5,778,300 5,892,400 443,030 ERROR: Transfers In ≠ Transfers Out ERROR: Detail ≠ Schedule A Page 1 of 11 8/27/2021 1:43 PM Page 52 of 101 Schedule A Summary of 2022 Budget Adjustments by Fund Budget Amendment #4 (Ordinance #6837) 2,455 Beg. Fund Balance 2022 Revenues 2022 Expenditures Ending Fund Balance ERROR: Transfers In ≠ Transfers Out ERROR: Detail ≠ Schedule A Local Street Fund (#103) 2022 Adopted Budget 1,318,428 1,660,500 1,664,500 1,314,428 BA#4 (Ordinance #6815, Proposed):709,525 - - 709,525 Adjust beginning fund balance for budget amendments in 2021 709,525 - - 709,525 Revised 2022 Budget - Fund 103 2,027,953 1,660,500 1,664,500 2,023,953 Hotel/Motel Tax Fund (#104) 2022 Adopted Budget 187,276 168,900 177,110 179,066 BA#4 (Ordinance #6815, Proposed):90,521 - - 90,521 Adjust beginning fund balance for budget amendments in 2021 90,521 - - 90,521 Revised 2022 Budget - Fund 104 277,797 168,900 177,110 269,587 Arterial Street Preservation Fund (#105) 2022 Adopted Budget 1,514,104 2,058,800 2,135,000 1,437,904 BA#4 (Ordinance #6815, Proposed):(71,451) - - (71,451) Adjust beginning fund balance for budget amendments in 2021 (71,451) - - (71,451) Revised 2022 Budget - Fund 105 1,442,653 2,058,800 2,135,000 1,366,453 Drug Forfeiture Fund (#117) 2022 Adopted Budget 612,573 148,000 356,531 404,042 BA#4 (Ordinance #6815, Proposed):(53,266) - - (53,266) Adjust beginning fund balance for budget amendments in 2021 (53,266) - - (53,266) Revised 2022 Budget - Fund 117 559,307 148,000 356,531 350,776 Page 2 of 11 8/27/2021 1:43 PM Page 53 of 101 Schedule A Summary of 2022 Budget Adjustments by Fund Budget Amendment #4 (Ordinance #6837) 2,455 Beg. Fund Balance 2022 Revenues 2022 Expenditures Ending Fund Balance ERROR: Transfers In ≠ Transfers Out ERROR: Detail ≠ Schedule A Housing & Comm Develop Fund (#119) 2022 Adopted Budget 42,904 600,000 600,000 42,904 BA#4 (Ordinance #6815, Proposed):(579) - - (579) Adjust beginning fund balance for budget amendments in 2021 (579) - - (579) Revised 2022 Budget - Fund 119 42,325 600,000 600,000 42,325 Recreation Trails Fund (#120) 2022 Adopted Budget 87,125 7,700 - 94,825 BA#4 (Ordinance #6815, Proposed):2,287 - - 2,287 Adjust beginning fund balance for budget amendments in 2021 2,287 - - 2,287 Revised 2022 Budget - Fund 120 89,412 7,700 - 97,112 BIA Fund (#121) 2022 Adopted Budget 62,025 55,400 90,000 27,425 BA#4 (Ordinance #6815, Proposed):73,070 - - 73,070 Adjust beginning fund balance for budget amendments in 2021 73,070 - - 73,070 Revised 2022 Budget - Fund 121 135,095 55,400 90,000 100,495 Cumulative Reserve Fund (#122) 2022 Adopted Budget 6,484,315 80,000 1,950,000 4,614,315 BA#4 (Ordinance #6815, Proposed):4,196,829 - - 4,196,829 Adjust beginning fund balance for budget amendments in 2021 4,196,829 - - 4,196,829 Revised 2022 Budget - Fund 122 10,681,144 80,000 1,950,000 8,811,144 Page 3 of 11 8/27/2021 1:43 PM Page 54 of 101 Schedule A Summary of 2022 Budget Adjustments by Fund Budget Amendment #4 (Ordinance #6837) 2,455 Beg. Fund Balance 2022 Revenues 2022 Expenditures Ending Fund Balance ERROR: Transfers In ≠ Transfers Out ERROR: Detail ≠ Schedule A Mitigation Fees Fund (#124) 2022 Adopted Budget 9,372,642 1,161,900 5,851,450 4,683,092 BA#4 (Ordinance #6815, Proposed):(749,997) - - (749,997) Adjust beginning fund balance for budget amendments in 2021 (749,997) - - (749,997) Revised 2022 Budget - Fund 124 8,622,645 1,161,900 5,851,450 3,933,095 City Hall Annex 2010 A&B Bond Fund (#230) 2022 Adopted Budget 4,489 1,637,300 1,637,300 4,489 BA#4 (Ordinance #6764, Proposed):(4,489) (1,637,300) (1,637,300) (4,489) Move debt service on 2010 debt to 2020 LTGO A&B Refunding Bonds Fund [BA#2]- (1,637,300) (1,637,300) - Adjust beginning fund balance for budget amendments in 2021 (4,489) - - (4,489) Revised 2022 Budget - Fund 230 - - - - Local Revitalization 2010 C&D Bond Fund (#231) 2022 Adopted Budget 33,863 567,370 567,100 34,133 BA#4 (Ordinance #6815, Proposed):(33,863) (567,370) (567,100) (34,133) Adjust beginning fund balance for budget amendments in 2021 (33,863) - - (33,863) Move debt service on 2010 debt to 2020 LTGO A&B Refunding Bonds Fund [BA#2]- (567,370) (567,100) (270) Revised 2022 Budget - Fund 231 - - - - 2020 LTGO A&B Refunding Bonds Fund (#232) 2022 Adopted Budget - - - - BA#4 (Ordinance #6764, Proposed):102,828 2,204,670 1,509,250 798,248 Adjust beginning fund balance for budget amendments in 2021 102,828 - - 102,828 Move debt service on 2010 debt to 2020 LTGO A&B Refunding Bonds Fund [BA#2]- 2,204,670 1,509,250 695,420 Revised 2022 Budget - Fund 232 102,828 2,204,670 1,509,250 798,248 Page 4 of 11 8/27/2021 1:43 PM Page 55 of 101 Schedule A Summary of 2022 Budget Adjustments by Fund Budget Amendment #4 (Ordinance #6837) 2,455 Beg. Fund Balance 2022 Revenues 2022 Expenditures Ending Fund Balance ERROR: Transfers In ≠ Transfers Out ERROR: Detail ≠ Schedule A LID Guarantee Fund (#249) 2022 Adopted Budget 1,679 10 - 1,689 BA#4 (Ordinance #6815, Proposed):7 - - 7 Adjust beginning fund balance for budget amendments in 2021 7 - - 7 Revised 2022 Budget - Fund 249 1,686 10 - 1,696 LID 350 Fund (#275) 2022 Adopted Budget 1,363 10 - 1,373 BA#4 (Ordinance #6815, Proposed):794 - - 794 Adjust beginning fund balance for budget amendments in 2021 794 - - 794 Revised 2022 Budget - Fund 275 2,157 10 - 2,167 Parks Construction Fund (#321) 2022 Adopted Budget 1,031,996 3,483,950 3,730,050 785,896 BA#4 (Ordinance #6815, Proposed):(241,170) - - (241,170) Adjust beginning fund balance for budget amendments in 2021 (241,170) - - (241,170) Revised 2022 Budget - Fund 321 790,826 3,483,950 3,730,050 544,726 Capital Improvements Fund (#328) 2022 Adopted Budget 4,037,304 3,109,910 3,689,210 3,458,004 BA#4 (Ordinance #6815, Proposed):3,272,711 - - 3,272,711 Adjust beginning fund balance for budget amendments in 2021 3,272,711 - - 3,272,711 Revised 2022 Budget - Fund 328 7,310,015 3,109,910 3,689,210 6,730,715 Page 5 of 11 8/27/2021 1:43 PM Page 56 of 101 Schedule A Summary of 2022 Budget Adjustments by Fund Budget Amendment #4 (Ordinance #6837) 2,455 Beg. Fund Balance 2022 Revenues 2022 Expenditures Ending Fund Balance ERROR: Transfers In ≠ Transfers Out ERROR: Detail ≠ Schedule A Water Fund (#430) 2022 Adopted Budget 11,169,984 19,298,050 23,266,154 7,201,880 BA#4 (Ordinance #6815, Proposed):1,842,319 - (1,585,800) 3,428,119 Adjust beginning fund balance for budget amendments in 2021 1,842,319 - - 1,842,319 Ongoing cost of new FTE in M&O Division − Administrative Specialist [BA#2]- - 14,200 (14,200) Delete budget for lead service line replacement project (moved to 2021) [BA#1]- - (1,600,000) 1,600,000 Revised 2022 Budget - Fund 430 13,012,303 19,298,050 21,680,354 10,629,999 Sewer Fund (#431) 2022 Adopted Budget 9,001,356 9,992,880 8,321,966 10,672,270 BA#4 (Ordinance #6815, Proposed):848,926 - 14,200 834,726 Adjust beginning fund balance for budget amendments in 2021 848,926 - - 848,926 Ongoing cost of new FTE in M&O Division − Administrative Specialist [BA#2]- - 14,200 (14,200) Revised 2022 Budget - Fund 431 9,850,282 9,992,880 8,336,166 11,506,996 Storm Drainage Fund (#432) 2022 Adopted Budget 10,263,121 10,951,870 9,283,281 11,931,710 BA#4 (Ordinance #6815, Proposed):1,133,965 - 14,200 1,119,765 Adjust beginning fund balance for budget amendments in 2021 1,133,965 - - 1,133,965 Ongoing cost of new FTE in M&O Division − Administrative Specialist [BA#2]- - 14,200 (14,200) Revised 2022 Budget - Fund 432 11,397,086 10,951,870 9,297,481 13,051,475 Sewer Metro Sub Fund (#433) 2022 Adopted Budget 2,070,836 21,012,700 21,008,800 2,074,736 BA#4 (Ordinance #6815, Proposed):771,586 - - 771,586 Adjust beginning fund balance for budget amendments in 2021 771,586 - - 771,586 Revised 2022 Budget - Fund 433 2,842,422 21,012,700 21,008,800 2,846,322 Page 6 of 11 8/27/2021 1:43 PM Page 57 of 101 Schedule A Summary of 2022 Budget Adjustments by Fund Budget Amendment #4 (Ordinance #6837) 2,455 Beg. Fund Balance 2022 Revenues 2022 Expenditures Ending Fund Balance ERROR: Transfers In ≠ Transfers Out ERROR: Detail ≠ Schedule A Solid Waste Fund (#434) 2022 Adopted Budget 5,578,288 18,629,600 18,719,680 5,488,208 BA#4 (Ordinance #6815, Proposed):93,299 - - 93,299 Adjust beginning fund balance for budget amendments in 2021 93,299 - - 93,299 Revised 2022 Budget - Fund 434 5,671,587 18,629,600 18,719,680 5,581,507 Airport Fund (#435) 2022 Adopted Budget 1,608,781 1,507,100 2,878,847 237,034 BA#4 (Ordinance #6815, Proposed):148,975 - - 148,975 Move budget for Airport maintenance projects from capital subfund [BA#2]- - - - 435.00.597.100.55 OPERATING TRANSFERS OUT (75,000) 435.00.546.800.48 REPAIRS & MAINTENANCE 75,000 Adjust beginning fund balance for budget amendments in 2021 148,975 - - 148,975 Revised 2022 Budget - Fund 435 1,757,756 1,507,100 2,878,847 386,009 Cemetery Fund (#436) 2022 Adopted Budget 364,582 1,280,400 1,386,048 258,934 BA#4 (Ordinance #6815, Proposed):466,517 - - 466,517 Adjust beginning fund balance for budget amendments in 2021 466,517 - - 466,517 Revised 2022 Budget - Fund 436 831,099 1,280,400 1,386,048 725,451 Water Capital Fund (#460) 2022 Adopted Budget 1,832,439 10,450,710 9,466,310 2,816,839 BA#4 (Ordinance #6815, Proposed):(1,757,156) - - (1,757,156) Adjust beginning fund balance for budget amendments in 2021 (1,757,156) - - (1,757,156) Revised 2022 Budget - Fund 460 75,283 10,450,710 9,466,310 1,059,683 Page 7 of 11 8/27/2021 1:43 PM Page 58 of 101 Schedule A Summary of 2022 Budget Adjustments by Fund Budget Amendment #4 (Ordinance #6837) 2,455 Beg. Fund Balance 2022 Revenues 2022 Expenditures Ending Fund Balance ERROR: Transfers In ≠ Transfers Out ERROR: Detail ≠ Schedule A Sewer Capital Fund (#461) 2022 Adopted Budget 8,125,157 755,600 3,815,900 5,064,857 BA#4 (Ordinance #6815, Proposed):(395,750) - - (395,750) Adjust beginning fund balance for budget amendments in 2021 (395,750) - - (395,750) Revised 2022 Budget - Fund 461 7,729,407 755,600 3,815,900 4,669,107 Storm Drainage Capital Fund (#462) 2022 Adopted Budget 6,713,135 562,800 4,651,800 2,624,135 BA#4 (Ordinance #6815, Proposed):507,285 - - 507,285 Adjust beginning fund balance for budget amendments in 2021 507,285 - - 507,285 Revised 2022 Budget - Fund 462 7,220,420 562,800 4,651,800 3,131,420 Airport Capital Fund (#465) 2022 Adopted Budget 129,157 1,847,420 1,780,440 196,137 BA#4 (Ordinance #6815, Proposed):140,783 (1,675,000) (75,000) (1,459,217) Move budget for Airport maintenance projects to operating subfund [BA#2]- (75,000) (75,000) - Adjust beginning fund balance for budget amendments in 2021 140,783 - - 140,783 Delete budget for lead service line replacement project (moved to 2021) [BA#1]- (1,600,000) - (1,600,000) Revised 2022 Budget - Fund 465 269,940 172,420 1,705,440 (1,263,080) BA#4 (Ordinance #6815, Proposed):43,599 - - 43,599 Adjust beginning fund balance for budget amendments in 2021 43,599 - - 43,599 Revised 2022 Budget - Fund 466 53,282 1,000 100 54,182 Page 8 of 11 8/27/2021 1:43 PM Page 59 of 101 Schedule A Summary of 2022 Budget Adjustments by Fund Budget Amendment #4 (Ordinance #6837) 2,455 Beg. Fund Balance 2022 Revenues 2022 Expenditures Ending Fund Balance ERROR: Transfers In ≠ Transfers Out ERROR: Detail ≠ Schedule A Insurance Fund (#501) 2022 Adopted Budget 1,571,253 12,000 183,200 1,400,053 BA#4 (Ordinance #6815, Proposed):18,262 - - 18,262 Adjust beginning fund balance for budget amendments in 2021 18,262 - - 18,262 Revised 2022 Budget - Fund 501 1,589,515 12,000 183,200 1,418,315 Workers' Comp Fund (#503) 2022 Adopted Budget 2,644,627 1,144,900 884,000 2,905,527 BA#4 (Ordinance #6815, Proposed):58,098 - - 58,098 Adjust beginning fund balance for budget amendments in 2021 58,098 - - 58,098 Revised 2022 Budget - Fund 503 2,702,725 1,144,900 884,000 2,963,625 Facilities Fund (#505) 2022 Adopted Budget 623,845 3,694,500 3,724,226 594,119 BA#4 (Ordinance #6815, Proposed):294,177 2,700 - 296,877 Ongoing operating budget for Auburn Consolidated Resource Center [BA#2]- 2,700 - 2,700 Adjust beginning fund balance for budget amendments in 2021 147,089 - - 147,089 Adjust beginning fund balance for budget amendments in 2021 147,089 - - 147,089 Revised 2022 Budget - Fund 505 918,022 3,697,200 3,724,226 890,996 Innovation & Technology Fund (#518) 2022 Adopted Budget 1,949,637 6,903,800 7,014,444 1,838,993 BA#4 (Ordinance #6815, Proposed):126,252 - - 126,252 Adjust beginning fund balance for budget amendments in 2021 126,252 - - 126,252 Revised 2022 Budget - Fund 518 2,075,889 6,903,800 7,014,444 1,965,245 Page 9 of 11 8/27/2021 1:43 PM Page 60 of 101 Schedule A Summary of 2022 Budget Adjustments by Fund Budget Amendment #4 (Ordinance #6837) 2,455 Beg. Fund Balance 2022 Revenues 2022 Expenditures Ending Fund Balance ERROR: Transfers In ≠ Transfers Out ERROR: Detail ≠ Schedule A Equipment Rental Fund (#550) 2022 Adopted Budget 1,552,779 2,301,100 3,079,708 774,171 BA#4 (Ordinance #6815, Proposed):227,114 - 24,000 203,114 Ongoing cost of new FTE in M&O Division − Administrative Specialist [BA#2]- - 24,000 (24,000) Adjust beginning fund balance for budget amendments in 2021 227,114 - - 227,114 Revised 2022 Budget - Fund 550 1,779,893 2,301,100 3,103,708 977,285 Equipment Rental Capital Fund (#560) 2022 Adopted Budget 3,902,729 1,993,760 1,435,600 4,460,889 BA#4 (Ordinance #6815, Proposed):(1,193,188) - - (1,193,188) Adjust beginning fund balance for budget amendments in 2021 (1,193,188) - - (1,193,188) Revised 2022 Budget - Fund 560 2,709,541 1,993,760 1,435,600 3,267,701 IT Capital Fund (#568) 2022 Adopted Budget 635,814 3,400 414,200 225,014 BA#4 (Ordinance #6815, Proposed):(135,461) - - (135,461) Adjust beginning fund balance for budget amendments in 2021 (135,461) - - (135,461) Revised 2022 Budget - Fund 568 500,353 3,400 414,200 89,553 Fire Pension Fund (#611) 2022 Adopted Budget 1,926,737 103,600 211,204 1,819,133 BA#4 (Ordinance #6815, Proposed):55,039 - - 55,039 Adjust beginning fund balance for budget amendments in 2021 55,039 - - 55,039 Revised 2022 Budget - Fund 611 1,981,776 103,600 211,204 1,874,172 Page 10 of 11 8/27/2021 1:43 PM Page 61 of 101 Schedule A Summary of 2022 Budget Adjustments by Fund Budget Amendment #4 (Ordinance #6837) 2,455 Beg. Fund Balance 2022 Revenues 2022 Expenditures Ending Fund Balance ERROR: Transfers In ≠ Transfers Out ERROR: Detail ≠ Schedule A SKHHP Fund (#654) 2022 Adopted Budget 186,885 252,300 315,450 123,735 BA#4 (Ordinance #6764, Proposed):38,028 - - 38,028 Adjust beginning fund balance for budget amendments in 2021 38,028 - - 38,028 Revised 2022 Budget - Fund 654 224,913 252,300 315,450 161,763 Cemetery Endowment Fund (#701) 2022 Adopted Budget 2,046,766 64,130 - 2,110,896 BA#4 (Ordinance #6815, Proposed):39,116 - - 39,116 Adjust beginning fund balance for budget amendments in 2021 39,116 - - 39,116 Revised 2022 Budget - Fund 701 2,085,882 64,130 - 2,150,012 Grand Total - All Funds 2022 Adopted Budget 109,651,771 215,591,220 236,158,325 89,084,666 TOTAL BA#4 (Ordinance #6815, Proposed):17,406,410 (1,597,300) (1,562,650) 17,371,760 Revised 2022 Budget 127,058,181 213,993,920 234,595,675 106,456,426 341,052,101 341,052,101 Page 11 of 11 8/27/2021 1:43 PM Page 62 of 101 Schedule B 2022 Ending Fund Balance/Working Capital by Fund Fund 2022 Adopted Budget BA#4 (Ord #6837) Revised Budget General Fund (#001)6,858,019 4,006,548 10,864,567 Arterial Street Fund (#102)313,209 (70,179) 243,030 Local Street Fund (#103)1,314,428 709,525 2,023,953 Hotel/Motel Tax Fund (#104)179,066 90,521 269,587 Arterial Street Preservation Fund (#105)1,437,904 (71,451) 1,366,453 American Rescue Plan Act Fund (#106)- 3,446,700 3,446,700 Drug Forfeiture Fund (#117)404,042 (53,266) 350,776 Housing & Comm Develop Fund (#119)42,904 (579) 42,325 Recreation Trails Fund (#120)94,825 2,287 97,112 BIA Fund (#121)27,425 73,070 100,495 Cumulative Reserve Fund (#122)4,614,315 4,196,829 8,811,144 Mitigation Fees Fund (#124)4,683,092 (1,176,597) 3,506,495 City Hall Annex 2010 A&B Bond Fund (#230)4,489 (4,489) - Local Revitalization 2010 C&D Bond Fund (#231)34,133 (34,133) - 2020 LTGO A&B Refunding Bonds Fund (#232)- 798,248 798,248 SCORE Debt Service Fund (#238)- - - LID Guarantee Fund (#249)1,689 7 1,696 LID 350 Fund (#275)1,373 794 2,167 Golf/Cemetery 2016 Refunding Fund (#276)- - - Parks Construction Fund (#321)785,896 (177,301) 608,595 Capital Improvements Fund (#328)3,458,004 2,627,711 6,085,715 Local Revitalization Fund (#330)- - - Water Fund (#430)7,201,880 821,882 8,023,762 Sewer Fund (#431)10,672,270 (1,263,384) 9,408,886 Storm Drainage Fund (#432)11,931,710 243,861 12,175,571 Sewer Metro Sub Fund (#433)2,074,736 771,586 2,846,322 Solid Waste Fund (#434)5,488,208 (962,501) 4,525,707 Airport Fund (#435)237,034 673,375 910,409 Cemetery Fund (#436)258,934 437,117 696,051 Water Capital Fund (#460)2,816,839 (257,156) 2,559,683 Sewer Capital Fund (#461)5,064,857 (395,750) 4,669,107 Storm Drainage Capital Fund (#462)2,624,135 (861,619) 1,762,516 Airport Capital Fund (#465)196,137 140,783 336,920 Cemetery Capital Fund (#466)10,583 43,597 54,180 Insurance Fund (#501)1,400,053 18,262 1,418,315 Workers' Comp Fund (#503)2,905,527 58,098 2,963,625 Facilities Fund (#505)594,119 (226,061) 368,058 Innovation & Technology Fund (#518)1,838,993 126,252 1,965,245 Equipment Rental Fund (#550)774,171 201,414 975,585 Equipment Rental Capital Fund (#560)4,460,889 (1,059,460) 3,401,429 IT Capital Fund (#568)225,014 (135,461) 89,553 Fire Pension Fund (#611)1,819,133 55,039 1,874,172 SKHHP Fund (#654)123,735 36,853 160,588 Cemetery Endowment Fund (#701)2,110,896 39,116 2,150,012 Total 89,084,666 12,870,087 101,954,753 Page 63 of 101 AGENDA BILL APPROVAL FORM Agenda Subject: Ordinance No. 6842 (Thomas)(10 Minutes) Date: October 19, 2021 Department: Finance Attachments: Memo Ordinance No. 6842 Budget Impact: Administrativ e Recommendation: For discussion only. Background for Motion: Background Summary: Proposed Ordinance No. 6842 establishes the 2022 Property Tax Levy based upon preliminary information from King County. It represents an increase over the 2021 levy of $233,481 plus the increase due to new construction and refund levy. King County will not finalize the City’s assessed valuation (AV), new construction, and refund levies until December. Therefore the levy is based upon preliminary information as it is scheduled for Council adoption on November 15, 2021. The following table summarizes the 2022 Property Tax levy: T able 1. 2022 Property T ax Levy Calculations 2021 property tax levy $ 23,348,142 1.000% increase 233,481 Estimated new construction 285,155 Estimated refund levy 50,503 Total Estimated property tax levy $ 23,917,282 As of this date the County has preliminarily established the 2022 assessed valuation (including estimated new construction) for the City of Auburn at $14.4 billion which is an 8.9% increase over the 2021 level of $13.2 billion. The total 2022 Property Tax Levy will be distributed to the General Fund to support general governmental operations. Rev iewed by Council Committees: Councilmember:Baggett Staff:Thomas Meeting Date:October 25, 2021 Item Number: Page 64 of 101 Interoffice Memorandum To: City Council From: Jamie Thomas, Finance Director CC: Nancy Backus, Mayor Date: November 10, 2021 Re: 2022 Property Tax Ordinance No. 6842 Attached is proposed Ordinance No. 6842, establishing the 2022 Property Tax Levy. The 2022 Property Tax Levy is based upon preliminary information from King County as of November 10, 2021, and represents an increase over the 2021 levy of $233,481, not including new construction and the refund levy. The estimated increase on new construction is $285,155 and the refund levy is $50,503. King County will not finalize the City’s assessed valuation (AV) and new construction until December therefore the levy will be based upon preliminary information as it is scheduled for Council adoption on November 15, 2021. The following table summarizes the 2022 Property Tax levy: Table 1. 2022 Property Tax Levy Calculations 2021 property tax levy $ 23,348,142 1.000% increase 233,481 Estimated new construction 285,155 Estimated refund levy 50,503 Estimated Property Tax Levy $ 23,917,282 As of this date the County has preliminarily established the 2022 assessed valuation (including estimated new construction) for the City of Auburn at $14.4 billion which is an 8.9% increase over the 2021 level of $13.2 billion. The total 2022 Property Tax Levy will be distributed to the General Fund to support general governmental operations. Attachments:  1. Ordinance No. 6842 Page 65 of 101 ---------------------------- Ordinance No. 6842 November 15, 2021 Page 1 of 3 ORDINANCE NO. 6842 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, WASHINGTON, ESTABLISHING THE LEVY FOR REGULAR PROPERTY TAXES BY THE CITY OF AUBURN FOR COLLECTION IN 2022 FOR GENERAL CITY OPERATIONAL PURPOSES IN THE AMOUNT OF $23,917,282 WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Auburn has met and considered its budget for the calendar year 2022; and WHEREAS, pursuant to RCW 84.55.120 the City Council held public hearings on October 18, 2021 and November 1, 2021, after proper notice was given, to consider the property tax levy needed to support the City of Auburn’s 2022 budget; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Auburn, after public hearing, and after duly considering all relevant evidence and testimony presented, has determined that the City of Auburn requires property tax revenue and any increase of new construction and improvements to property, any increase in the value of state-assessed property, annexations, and any refund levies in order to discharge the expected expenses and obligations of the City and in its best interest; and NOW THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, WASHINGTON, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. Regular property taxes for collection in the City of Auburn for the year 2022 are authorized in the amount of $23,917,282. Not including Page 66 of 101 ---------------------------- Ordinance No. 6842 November 15, 2021 Page 2 of 3 the addition of new construction and improvements to property, any increases related to the value of state assessed property, and any refund levies available, the regular property tax levy for 2022 collection represents an increase from regular property taxes levied for collection in 2021 of $233,481 which is a 1.0% increase in revenue from the previous year. Section 2. Implementation. The Mayor is hereby authorized to implement those administrative procedures necessary to carry out the directions of this legislation. Section 3. Severability. The provisions of this ordinance are declared to be separate and severable. The invalidity of any clause, sentence, paragraph, subdivision, section or portion of this ordinance, or the invalidity of the application of it to any person or circumstance will not affect the validity of the remainder of this ordinance, or the validity of its application to other persons or circumstances. Section 4. Effective date. This Ordinance will take effect and be in force five days from and after its passage, approval and publication as provided by law. INTRODUCED: _________________ PASSED: ______________________ APPROVED: ___________________ ____________________________ NANCY BACKUS, MAYOR Page 67 of 101 ---------------------------- Ordinance No. 6842 November 15, 2021 Page 3 of 3 ATTEST: _____________________________ Shawn Campbell, MMC, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: ____________________________ Kendra Comeau, City Attorney Published: ________________ Page 68 of 101 AGENDA BILL APPROVAL FORM Agenda Subject: King County Clean Water Plan (Gaub)(15 Minutes) Date: October 18, 2021 Department: Public Works Attachments: Clean Water Plan Pres entation Budget Impact: Current Budget: $0 Proposed Revision: $0 Revised Budget: $0 Administrativ e Recommendation: For discussion only. Background for Motion: Background Summary: King County Wastewater Treatment Division (WTD) is the regional entity responsible for collecting and treating wastewater from its 34 member agencies, including Auburn. WTD is preparing a comprehensive plan, called the “Clean Water Plan” or CWP, that will guide the decision making within WTD’s various programs for the next 40 years. The objective of the CWP is to “direct the right public investments to the right actions at the right time for the best water quality outcomes”. King County recently extended the schedule to complete the Clean Water Plan at the end of 2022, instead of December 2021 as originally intended. This extension is in response to numerous agencies requesting additional analysis and cost information about the proposed actions and strategies in the CWP. WTD has solicited input from a wide variety of stakeholders, including elected officials, regulators, several Tribes in the Central Puget Sound region, community-based organizations, youth and student groups, the Metropolitan Water Pollution Abatement Advisory Committee (MWPAAC), and the Regional Water Quality Committee (RWQC). This extensive outreach program is intended to determine the issues that should be addressed in the CWP and the priorities for various programs and actions. This year, Councilmembers Stearns and Baggett have attended 4 workshops: 1 – Overview of the regional wastewater system, purpose of the CWP, planning process, and public engagement process 2 – Wastewater operations and treatment, wet weather management 3 – Policy considerations, equity evaluation, financial/sewer rates 4 – Development of strategies, topics to address at future workshops Staff will provide a presentation summarizing these workshops and the issues that impact Auburn. Page 69 of 101 Rev iewed by Council Committees: Councilmember:Stearns Staff:Gaub Meeting Date:October 25, 2021 Item Number: Page 70 of 101 A U B U R N V A L U E S S E R V I C E E N V I R O N M E N T E C O N O M Y C H A R A C T E R S U S TA I N A B I L I T Y W E L L N E S S C E L E B R A T I O N ENGINEERING SERVICES KING COUNTY CLEAN WATER PLAN LISA TOBIN UTILITIES ENGINEERING MANAGER CITY COUNCIL STUDY SESSION OCTOBER 25, 2021 Public Works Department Engineering Services Airport Services Maintenance & Operations Services 1 Page 71 of 101 SERVICE ENVIRONMENT ECONOMY CHARACTER SUSTAINABILITY WELLNESS CELEBRATION Purpose of Clean Water Plan (CWP) Overview of Regional Wastewater System Decision Process Issues Concerns TONIGHT’S DISCUSSION SERVICE ENVIRONMENT ECONOMY CHARACTER SUSTAINABILITY WELLNESS CELEBRATION 2 Page 72 of 101 SERVICE ENVIRONMENT ECONOMY CHARACTER SUSTAINABILITY WELLNESS CELEBRATION WHAT IS THE CLEAN WATER PLAN? SERVICE ENVIRONMENT ECONOMY CHARACTER SUSTAINABILITY WELLNESS CELEBRATION Comprehensive plan to guide King County’s decisions about wastewater management Policies, programs, and projects that reflect region’s priorities Path for investments over next 40 years Objective: “direct the right public investments to the right actions at the right time for the best water quality outcomes” 3 Page 73 of 101 SERVICE ENVIRONMENT ECONOMY CHARACTER SUSTAINABILITY WELLNESS CELEBRATION KING COUNTY REGIONAL WASTEWATER SYSTEM SERVICE ENVIRONMENT ECONOMY CHARACTER SUSTAINABILITY WELLNESS CELEBRATION Collects wastewater from 34 agencies (cities, sewer districts, and the Muckleshoot Indian Tribe) 3 regional wastewater treatment plants - West Point, South Plant, Brightwater Auburn’s sewage flows through King County pipelines to South Plant in Renton for treatment 4 Page 74 of 101 SERVICE ENVIRONMENT ECONOMY CHARACTER SUSTAINABILITY WELLNESS CELEBRATION CLEAN WATER PLAN DECISION PROCESS SERVICE ENVIRONMENT ECONOMY CHARACTER SUSTAINABILITY WELLNESS CELEBRATION 5 Page 75 of 101 SERVICE ENVIRONMENT ECONOMY CHARACTER SUSTAINABILITY WELLNESS CELEBRATION CLEAN WATER PLAN DECISION AREAS SERVICE ENVIRONMENT ECONOMY CHARACTER SUSTAINABILITY WELLNESS CELEBRATION 6 Page 76 of 101 SERVICE ENVIRONMENT ECONOMY CHARACTER SUSTAINABILITY WELLNESS CELEBRATION PRELIMINARY STRATEGIES SERVICE ENVIRONMENT ECONOMY CHARACTER SUSTAINABILITY WELLNESS CELEBRATION 7 Page 77 of 101 SERVICE ENVIRONMENT ECONOMY CHARACTER SUSTAINABILITY WELLNESS CELEBRATION KEY ISSUE FOR AUBURN = SEWER RATES SERVICE ENVIRONMENT ECONOMY CHARACTER SUSTAINABILITY WELLNESS CELEBRATION Level of investment in aging infrastructure Nutrient removal and new regulations Climate change Wastewater treatment Combined sewer overflows Stormwater management Resource recovery Interagency equity 8 Page 78 of 101 SERVICE ENVIRONMENT ECONOMY CHARACTER SUSTAINABILITY WELLNESS CELEBRATION NEXT STEPS SERVICE ENVIRONMENT ECONOMY CHARACTER SUSTAINABILITY WELLNESS CELEBRATION Completion of CWP – extended to end of 2022 Elected Officials Workshops – review draft strategies, discuss issues and costs Auburn – will evaluate impact to customers Next briefing to Auburn City Council – early 2022 9 Page 79 of 101 SERVICE ENVIRONMENT ECONOMY CHARACTER SUSTAINABILITY WELLNESS CELEBRATION QUESTIONS? SERVICE ENVIRONMENT ECONOMY CHARACTER SUSTAINABILITY WELLNESS CELEBRATION 10 Page 80 of 101 AGENDA BILL APPROVAL FORM Agenda Subject: Planning Services Environmental Regulation Series – Presentation 4 of 6 on Floodplain Development Permitting (Tate)(30 Minutes) Date: October 19, 2021 Department: Community Development Attachments: Presentation Budget Impact: Current Budget: $0 Proposed Revision: $0 Revised Budget: $0 Administrativ e Recommendation: For discussion only. Background for Motion: Background Summary: This is the fourth in a series of presentations on the City’s environmental regulations that Planning Services will provide to City Council. This presentation will provide information on the City’s administration of floodplain development permitting and floodplain regulations. Rev iewed by Council Committees: Councilmember:Stearns Staff:Tate Meeting Date:October 25, 2021 Item Number: Page 81 of 101 AUBURN VALUES S E R V I C E ENVIRONMENT E C O N O M Y C H A R A C T E R SUSTAINABILITY W E L L N E S S C E L E B R AT I O N PLANNING SERVICES ENVIRONMENTAL REGULATION SERIES: FLOODPLAIN DEVELOPMENT MANAGEMENT PRESENTED TO CITY COUNCIL OCTOBER 25 TH, 2021 DUSTIN LAWRENCE, AICP, CFM, SENIOR PLANNER Department of Community Development Planning ⚫Building ⚫Development Engineering ⚫Permit Center Sustainability ⚫Community Services ●Code Enforcement ●Economic DevelopmentPage 82 of 101 “Floodplain” or “flood prone area” means any land area susceptible to being inundated by water from any source “Floodway” means the channel of a river or other watercourse and the adjacent land areas that must be reserved in order to discharge the base flood without cumulatively increasing the water surface elevation more than a designated height. WHAT IS A FLOODPLAIN? SERVICE ⚫ENVIRONMENT ⚫ECONOMY ⚫CHARACTER ⚫SUSTAINABILITY ⚫WELLNESS ⚫CELEBRATION Issac Evans Park Page 83 of 101 WHY ARE FLOODPLAINS PROTECTED? SERVICE ⚫ENVIRONMENT ⚫ECONOMY ⚫CHARACTER ⚫SUSTAINABILITY ⚫WELLNESS ⚫CELEBRATION Flooding can result in loss of life and/or property Limiting development in these areas saves money due to reduced future damage claims throughout the community Floodplains provide multiple ecological benefits, including wildlife habitat and act as filtration for groundwater Green River Page 84 of 101 ENDANGERED SPECIES ACT SERVICE ⚫ENVIRONMENT ⚫ECONOMY ⚫CHARACTER ⚫SUSTAINABILITY ⚫WELLNESS ⚫CELEBRATION Endangered species found within the Green and White River can swim to nearby floodplains during a flood event Such species include the Bull Trout, Chinook Salmon, and Steelhead Salmon Ensuring these areas provide native vegetation and are limited in development can help protect ESA listed species during flood events Protecting floodplains allow for storage of water and reduce turbidity Skokomish Valley Road , Skokomish River –Seattle Times Page 85 of 101 WHERE ARE FLOODPLAINS LOCATED IN AUBURN? SERVICE ⚫ENVIRONMENT ⚫ECONOMY ⚫CHARACTER ⚫SUSTAINABILITY ⚫WELLNESS ⚫CELEBRATION Primarily the valley in north portion of the City and in close proximity to rivers and streams The Green and White River are both considered floodways Streams, including Mill Creek, are also considered floodways Floodplain locations are determined by Flood Insurance Rate Maps (FIRMs), prepared by FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency) Page 86 of 101 FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP (FIRM) SERVICE ⚫ENVIRONMENT ⚫ECONOMY ⚫CHARACTER ⚫SUSTAINABILITY ⚫WELLNESS ⚫CELEBRATION Zone x Shaded Zone X Floodway Base Flood Elevation Line and Value Zone AE Page 87 of 101 All development within a floodplain requires a permit Per FEMA, “Development” means any unnatural change to improved or unimproved real estate in the Special Flood Hazard Area (SFHA), including but not limited to buildings or other structures, mining, dredging, filling, grading, paving, excavation or drilling operations or storage of equipment or materials. . . FLOODPLAIN PERMITTING SERVICE ⚫ENVIRONMENT ⚫ECONOMY ⚫CHARACTER ⚫SUSTAINABILITY ⚫WELLNESS ⚫CELEBRATIONPage 88 of 101 FLOODPLAIN PERMITTING (CONT.) SERVICE ⚫ENVIRONMENT ⚫ECONOMY ⚫CHARACTER ⚫SUSTAINABILITY ⚫WELLNESS ⚫CELEBRATION Permit Types ▪Exemptions –Normal maintenance activities ▪Level 1 –Small expansions of existing structures ▪Level 2 –Development within Floodplain areas, but requires a habitat impact assessment ▪Level 3 –Development within Floodplain areas, but requires hydraulic and hydrologic analysis to confirm no rise in base flood elevation Process ▪Floodplain permits are typically associated with other types of permits (building, shoreline, grading) ▪Floodplain permits are the final permit issued if associated with other permits Page 89 of 101 FLOODPLAIN PERMITTING DATA SERVICE ⚫ENVIRONMENT ⚫ECONOMY ⚫CHARACTER ⚫SUSTAINABILITY ⚫WELLNESS ⚫CELEBRATION 40% 56% 4% Floodplain Permits since 2011 Exemption Development Permit Misc. On average, roughly 8 to 10 floodplain permits per year since 2011 While there are more development permits than exemptions, many were classified as Level 1, in which only minor work was completed within the floodplain Page 90 of 101 EXAMPLE PROJECTS IN AUBURN SERVICE ⚫ENVIRONMENT ⚫ECONOMY ⚫CHARACTER ⚫SUSTAINABILITY ⚫WELLNESS ⚫CELEBRATION New Warehouse Development, with fill brought in and addition of flood storage facilities Flood protection projects, such as repairs to existing levees Page 91 of 101 Created by the National Flood Insurance Act of 1968 Participation is voluntary ▪Adopt and enforce regulations ▪Eligible for Flood Insurance Benefits of participation ▪Flood Insurance ▪Grants and Loans ▪Disaster assistance ▪Federally -backed mortgages NATIONAL FLOOD INSURANCE PROGRAM SERVICE ⚫ENVIRONMENT ⚫ECONOMY ⚫CHARACTER ⚫SUSTAINABILITY ⚫WELLNESS ⚫CELEBRATIONPage 92 of 101 Save lives and protect property Offer low -cost flood insurance Encourage a comprehensive approach to floodplain management Puget Sound area –protect Endangered Species GOALS OF NATIONAL FLOOD INSURANCE PROGRAM (NFIP) SERVICE ⚫ENVIRONMENT ⚫ECONOMY ⚫CHARACTER ⚫SUSTAINABILITY ⚫WELLNESS ⚫CELEBRATIONPage 93 of 101 Insurance claims are paid with no disaster declaration 20-25% of insurance claims are outside the mapped flood area Insurance cannot be canceled for repeat losses Insurance is available to renters and owners BENEFITS OF FLOOD INSURANCE SERVICE ⚫ENVIRONMENT ⚫ECONOMY ⚫CHARACTER ⚫SUSTAINABILITY ⚫WELLNESS ⚫CELEBRATIONPage 94 of 101 Require permits in Special Flood Hazard Area (SFHA) per the FIRM’s issued by FEMA Development in Floodway is not allowed for single family residential and is difficult for commercial development Enclosed spaces can only be used for parking, access, and limited storage Residential buildings: lowest floor, including basement, elevated to/or above Base Flood Elevation Non -residential buildings: elevated or floodproofed No increase in Base Flood Elevation for development within SFHA Utilities must be waterproof, anchored, and/or elevated FEDERAL MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS SERVICE ⚫ENVIRONMENT ⚫ECONOMY ⚫CHARACTER ⚫SUSTAINABILITY ⚫WELLNESS ⚫CELEBRATION Example of Manufactured home built above flood elevation Page 95 of 101 Federal -FEMA ▪National program oversight ▪Flood Insurance Rate Mapping ▪Establish development/building standards ▪Provide Insurance Coverage State –Department of Ecology ▪State program oversight ▪Establish development/building standards ▪Provide technical assistance to local communities/agencies ▪Evaluate and document floodplain management activities NFIP ROLES: FEDERAL & STATE SERVICE ⚫ENVIRONMENT ⚫ECONOMY ⚫CHARACTER ⚫SUSTAINABILITY ⚫WELLNESS ⚫CELEBRATIONPage 96 of 101 Local Government and Floodplain Administrators ▪Adopt and enforce floodplain management ordinance compliant with Federal/State laws ▪Permit or deny development activities in the regulated floodplain ▪Inspect development in the regulated floodplain ▪Maintain records of all development in the regulated floodplain ▪Make substantial damage determinations ▪Ensure all permits are obtained from other government agencies when they are needed in the regulated floodplain ▪Development oversight in the regulated floodplain is the City of Auburn’s Responsibility NFIP ROLES: LOCAL SERVICE ⚫ENVIRONMENT ⚫ECONOMY ⚫CHARACTER ⚫SUSTAINABILITY ⚫WELLNESS ⚫CELEBRATIONPage 97 of 101 Voluntary incentive program that encourages communities to exceed minimum requirements of the NFIP Allows for additional reduction on flood insurance cost for citizens Requires regular audits Auburn is rated a 5 on a scale of 1 to 10 rating. Every point allows for a 5% discount on flood insurance (additional 25% reduction in Auburn) COMMUNITY RATING SYSTEM (CRS) SERVICE ⚫ENVIRONMENT ⚫ECONOMY ⚫CHARACTER ⚫SUSTAINABILITY ⚫WELLNESS ⚫CELEBRATIONPage 98 of 101 Provides funding (through taxing of real property) and policy oversight for flood risk reduction capital projects and programs in King County By combining resources, easier to develop significant flood control projects that can have a regional benefit Current Auburn Representative also participates in WRIA 9, allowing for connection of Flood and Environmental objectives KING COUNTY FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT SERVICE ⚫ENVIRONMENT ⚫ECONOMY ⚫CHARACTER ⚫SUSTAINABILITY ⚫WELLNESS ⚫CELEBRATIONPage 99 of 101 FUTURE TRENDS SERVICE ⚫ENVIRONMENT ⚫ECONOMY ⚫CHARACTER ⚫SUSTAINABILITY ⚫WELLNESS ⚫CELEBRATION More emphasis on native vegetation within floodplains Floodplains ecological benefits are continuing to be recognized Man made flood protection facilities are becoming discouraged Desirable to limit development on flood prone areas, particularly areas close to the Green and White Rivers Better data and mapping tools has continued to increase accuracy of FIRMS Green River Page 100 of 101 City of Auburn Floodplain Permitting Contacts: QUESTIONS? SERVICE ⚫ENVIRONMENT ⚫ECONOMY ⚫CHARACTER ⚫SUSTAINABILITY ⚫WELLNESS ⚫CELEBRATION Dustin Lawrence, AICP, CFM Senior Planner Community Development dlawrence@auburnwa.gov (253) 931-3092 Steve Sturza, PE, CFM Development Engineering Manager Community Development ssturza@auburnwa.gov (253) 876-1969 Page 101 of 101