HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 5211 - Settlement AgreementRESOLUTION NO. 5 2 1 1 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, WASHINGTON, AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO EXECUTE A SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF AUBURN AND HAROLD GAMBINI FOR SETTLEMENT OF THE LAWSUIT FILED IN THE KING COUNTY SUPERIOR COURT UNDER CAUSE NUMBER 14-2-34852-5 KNT WHEREAS, on September 7, 2007, the City of Auburn and Harold Gambini entered into a ninety-four (94) year sublease agreement for certain commercial space and parking spaces in the Sound Transit, parking terminal and garage at.23 A Street SW i.n the City of Auburn; and WHEREAS, sections three and four of the Sublease Agreement obligated Gambini to pay the City for certain maintenance, repair, and operation costs associated with the commercial _space and theparking spaces and billed to the City by Sound Transit; and WHEREAS, the. City and Harold Gambini differed in what maintenance, repair and operating costs. applied to the parking spaces; and WHEREAS., following unsuccessful efforts to resolve the dispute, the City commenced a lawsuit, filed in the King County Superior Court under cause number 14- 2-34852-5 KNT, seeking a judicial determination of the issues in dispute and collection of monies owed; and WHEREAS, during the pendency of the lawsuit, the parties negotiated a Settlement Agreement that amended the Sublease Agreement, clarifying the maintenance, repair and operation costs for the commercial space and parking spaces for which Harold Gambini would be responsible, and settling the claims of the parties. NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE. CITY OF AUBURN, WASHINGTON, HEREBY RESOLVES as follows: Resolution No. 5211 February 22, 2016 Page 1 Section 1. That the Mayor and City Clerk are hereby authorized to execute the Settlement Agreement between the City and Harold Gambini, which agreement shall be in substantial. conformity with the agreement attached hereto, marked as Exhibit "1" and incorporated herein by this reference. Section 2. That the Mayor is authorized to implement such administrative procedures as- may be necessary to carry out the directives of this legislation. Section 3. That this Resolution shall take effect and be in full force upon passage and signatures hereon. VA Dated and Signed this day ofc:Z uc � _, 2016. CITY OF AUBURN ATTEST: Danielle E. Daskam, City Clerk APP VED O FORM" Daniel B. Heid, Cityorney ------------------- Resolution No, 5211 February 22, 2016 Page 2 van, �-Daa ANCY B I KLIS, MA OR EXHIBIT "I" SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT City of Auburn v. Harold Gambini, et. al., 14-2-34852-5 KNT This Settlement Agreement ("Settlement Agreement") is made this ;� day of 2016, (the "Effective Date".), by and. between the CLq of Anburm a municipal c rporation organized under Title 35A of the Revised Code of Washington (the "City"), and Harold Gambini, ("Ganibini"). WHEREAS, .the City and Gambini (together the "Parties") entered into a sublease agreement (the "Sublease Agreement") on September 7, 2007, for certain commercial space and parking spaces in the.Sound Transit parking terminal acid garage at 23 A'Street.SW in the City of Auburn for a period ofninety-four (94) years, and; WHEREAS, sections three and four of the Sublease Agreement obligate Gambini to pay the City for certain maintenance, repair, and operation costs associated with.the commercial space and the parking spaces billed to the City by Sound Transit, excluding any security fee, and; WHEREAS, the City did not invoice. Gambini f6r maintenance, repair and operating costs for the parking spaces between September 7, 2007, and July 2011, because of an imbedded security fee as billed by Sound Transit to the City, and; WHEREAS, the City first demanded payment of past maintenance, repair and operating costs from Gambini on December 18, 2013,.upon clarification of the amountof the security fee from Sound Transit; and; WHEREAS, Gambini has not paid said maintenance, repair, and operation costs from the period September-7, 2007 to December 31, 2015 (the "Disputed. Billing Timeframe"), and; WHEREAS, section seven of the Sublease Agreement. obligates Gambini to pay the leasehold excise tax assessed for the commercial space and the parking spaces pursuant to the laws of the State of Washington and the ordinances of the City of Auburn, and; WHEREAS, Gambini has not paid the leasehold excise tax. obligation in fill; WHEREAS, the City commenced a breach of action claim against Gambini, 14-2-34852-5 KNT, in'King County Superior Court on December 31, 2014, and; WHEREAS, the Parties have negotiated an amendment to the Sublease Agreement that clarifies the portions of the maintenance, repair and operation costs for the commercial space and parldng spaces.for which Gambini is responsible andwish to settle theirclaims. 1. NOW, THEREFORE, for good and valuable consideration, the receiptand sufficiency of which, is hereby acknowledged, the City, and Gambini agree as follows: That theTarties shall each execute, within 5 days of the effective date of this Agreement, the amendment to the Sublease .Agreement, attached hereto as Exhibit A and incorporated herein by this reference. 2.. That the City, for and in consideration of the amount of twenty-eight thousand dollars ($28,000), the receipt and sufficiency of which is acknowledged, does release Gambini from any and all actions and causes of action, rights, suits, covenants and demands whatsoever in law or in equity, including attofheys' .fees, which have been and may be sustained by the City or, by any and all other persons, associations, and corporations, whether named or not, arising out of the unpaid maintenance, repair and operating costs accrued during the Disputed Billing Timeframe. 3. That the $28,000 described in section two above shall be paid and is due in full by the anniversary of the Effective Date in the year 2021. The unpaid balance shall accrue interest at six -percent. (6%) per annum until such date. If any amount remains due after such date, that balance shall accrue.interest at twelve -percent (12%) per annum thereafter until paid in full. 4. That. from January 1, 2016, through December 31, 2024, Gambini shall receive a. discount to the costs described in section four. (4) of the Sublease Agreement, described in Exhibit A, as follows: Year Discount 2016 100% 2017 90% 2018 80% 2019 70% 2020 60% 2021 50% .2022 40% 2023 30% 2024 20% 5. That the discount described in section four (4) above shall apply only to subtenancies existing as of the Effective Date, and shall be apportioned according to the proportional share of the total square footage of the ground floor commercial tenancies, such that the discount shall not apply to any new subtenancies commenced after the Effective Date or 2. to any vacancies.' To determine the appropriate discount, the City shall initially use the square footage• amounts provided in Mr. Gambini's September 11, 2015 letter to the City Finance Director, Shelley Coleman. That within thirty (30) days of any changes to subtenants, other than renewal of sublease(s), Gambini shall notify the City of the change and the proportional square footage that remains occupied by those subtenancies existing as of the Effective Date. Upon executing a sublease with a subtenant other than the five subtenants existing as of the Effective Date, Gambini .shall forward a copy of the sublease agreement to the City of Auburn Finance Department. 7. That the City, fox and in consideration of the amount of thirty-six thousand, six hundred and.fifty-eight dollars ($36,658), due and payable within thirty (30) days of the Effective Date, does release Gambini from any and all actions and causes of action, rights, suits, covenants and demands whatsoever in law or in equity; including attorneys' fees, which have been and may be sustained by the City or by any and all other persons, associations, and corporations, whether named or.not, arising out of the unpaid leasehold excise tax. accrued during the Disputed Billing Time, subject to section 8 of this agreement. 8. That Gambini shall indemnify the City for any unpaid taxes, interest, and penalties that are determined to be due by the Washington Department of Revenue (DOR) for unpaid leasehold excise tax during the Disputed Billing Time. 9. That the Parties shall, jointly; stipulate to the dismissal of 14-2-34852-5 KNT with prejudice and without costs. 10. That. each party shall bear its own costs and attorneys'.fees. 11. That any dispute regarding. the language or the terms of the Settlement Agreement shall be decided by binding arbitration. The arbitrator shall be an attorney who is mutually agreeable to the parties and if the parties are -unable to reach agreement, the ICng County Presiding Judge shall appoint the. -arbitrator. The fees and costs of the arbitrator shall be paid by the losing party. 'As an illustrative example, if the existing subtenancies occupy forty-five percent (45%) of the total square footage in 2019, the remainder is either vacant or sublet by new tenants, and the total cost to be apportioned is $1,000: Gambini would pay $550 for the portion of the commercial retail space that is either vacant or occupied by new subtenants and $135 for the portion of the commercial retail space occupied by existing subtenants,. which is a seventy percent (70%) discount on the remaining $450. 12. That this Settlement Agreement covers any and all actions, causes of action, rights, suits, covenants, contracts, agreementsJudgments, claims- and demands, including. attorneys' fees, for which one party may, in any combination and:with any other person, association, or corporation; and/or his, her, or their heirs, assigns, and. executors and administrators, whether named or°not, arising out of the leasehold excise tax and operating costs accrued during the Disputed Billing Timeframe. 13. That the City does acknowledge full and final settlement.for any claims arising from the leasehold excise. tax. and operating costs accrued during the.'Disputed Billing Timeframe, and:tliat such:settlement shall not. be treated as evidence -of liability, or an admission of :liability or responsibility at any time of. in any matter 14. That the Parties shall not be precluded or'barred from.asserting any'olaim or cause of action they may have against the other -:party or others, unrelated to the leasehold excise tax and operating costs accrued during.theDisputed Billing Time. frame, that rightbeing expressly reserved. 15. That. this Settlement Agreement will: be governed by the laws of the :State of Washington. 16. That no promise; inducement, or agreement not herein referenced has been made to either of the Parties, and that this Settlement Agreement, together with the Sublease Agreement and the amendment thereto attached as Exhibit A, contains the entire agreement. between the Parties hereto, and that the terms of this Settlement Agreement are contractual and not mere recital. .17. That Gambini acknowledges that:this Agreement does not bind the City of Auburn until the City Council approves: the agreement. ACCEPTANCE OF SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT The Parties have read, and fully understand the nature and terms; of this Settlement Agreement,. and accept ;such terms as falland final resolution: of their respective claims arising out of the leasehold excise tax and operating costs accrued during the Disputed Billing Timeframe. Harold Gambink Signature STATE OF W A 61A) 01) 4 t� COUNTY OF f 11 N � ss) On this 1 571'�" day of �;� , 2016, before -me personally appeared }-{aVVIA .. to me personally.know.n, and known to the persons, individually anJ jointly described in and who executed the above instrument and who acknowledged the act of signing and sealing thereof. c0aoN H. WLdok 9TATE OF WASHIt GTON' NOTARY PUBLIC MY COMMISSIM EXPIRES 07=17-18 The City of Auburn: 1 Nancy Back yor ATTEST: 16W�v __ City Clerk otary Public, .C°1lt lion it, laai .COY' in and. for the State Of Washington Residing at: 'TA ep w My commission expires: 7 -1-4 : Zz. cp, Exhibit A to the SETTLEMENT AGREE SENT City of Auburn v. Harold Gambini, et. al., 14-2-34852-5 KNT Amendment 1 to AUBURN SOUND,TRANSIT STATION SUBLEASE AGREEMENT by and between CITY OF AUBURN and HAROLD GAMBINI For good and valuable consideration, the parties agree to amend the above agreement in the following manner: Section 3. Assurn Lion of Obligaations:,is amended to read as follows: Unless otherwise excepted or.modified by Section 4 of this Agreement as Amended, Gambini accepts all obligations and conditions of. Auburn as they pertain to the commercial retail space as outlined in the Lease Agreement between Auburn and Sound Transit, Exhibit 1, and the 42 parking spaces provided in Section 2, hereof, including but not limited all maintenance, repair, utilities, insurance, and operating costs. Auburn represents that not in this sublease conflicts with the lease agreement attached hereto as Exhibit 1. Section•4.. "Softhd Transit Costs:" is retitled "CMK90lale Costs�aver" and is amended to read as follows': (a) Chargeable. Costs: Auburn will bill Gambini for the Sound Transit Costs invoiced to Auburn for the Parking Garage Operating Costs as set forth in Exhibit 3.2 of the Master Lease between Auburn and Sound Transit, EXCLUDING those costs specified in subsection (i) below. (i) Auburn.will not bill Gambini for any Security costs billed to Auburn by Sound Transit. Auburn will bill Gambini for seven and eighteen one hundredths percent (7.18%)of the property insurance cost of Sound Transit. In addition, to the extent Sound Transit is responsible to cover the following described costs Auburn will not bill Gambini for catastrophic costs, special assessments, or local improvement district (LID) charges assessed against the Parking Garage spaces, or the commercial retail space that is subject to this sublease.. (ii) If Chargeable Costs are not billed to Gambini within 90 days of Auburn's receipt of a Sound Transit invoice, Auburn waives its right to bill and collect payment from Gambini for his share of those Chargeable Costs. Section 19, Miseellaneous Provisions is amended to add the following provision at the end of the section: "K. The failure of either party to enforce any provision of this Agreement shall hot be construed as a waiver or limitation of that party's right to subsequently enforce and compel strict compliance with every provision of this Agreement:" All other provisions of the Agreement and of any previous amendments remain in full force and effect. VA Executed this � ` day of. ,- e , 2016 CITY OF AUBURN V&,, �'6at ancy B.ac ayor ATTEST: Danielle E.. Daskam, City Clerk .,' I.NIX i� Mai �!! hy Attorney