HomeMy WebLinkAboutForte Auburn LLC Site - Phase I0 PHASE I ENVIRONMENTAL SITE ASSESSMENT Auburn LLC Site King County Tax Parcels 1921059237 and 9122 1022 Auburn Way South Auburn, Washington Project No. T-6487 Terra Associates, Inc. Prepared for: King County Library System Issaquah, Washington September 21, 2010 TERRA ASSOCIATES, Inc. Consultants in Geotechnical Engineering, Geology and Environmental Earth Sciences September 21, 2010 Project No. T-6487 Ms. Kay Johnson King County Library System 960 Newport Way South Issaquah, Washington 98027 Subject: Phase I Environmental Site Assessment Auburn, LLC Site King County Tax Parcels 1921059237 and 9122 1022 Auburn Way South Auburn, Washington Dear Ms. Johnson: We have completed a Phase I Environmental Site Assessment (ESA) for King County Tax Parcels 1921059237 and 9122 sites in Auburn, Washington. The two parcels are side by side. The purpose of our study was to review the site and to provide our opinions on the probable presence or absence of recognized environmental conditions (RECs) that would affect the site. Three RECs were identified with the site in this study. These RECs are: The former presence of two generations of gasoline stations with USTs in the northern one-third of the site. 2. The past use of the existing building on -site for automotive repairs. 3. The former presence of a bulk heating oil storage facility on the southern one-third of the site. The attached report describes our study in detail. We trust the information presented is sufficient for your current needs. If you have any questions or require additional information, please call. Sincerely yours, TERRA ASSOCIATES, INC. Charles . Lie, . .G., L. Project M er 12525 Willows Road, Suite 101, Kirkland, Washington 98034 Phone (425) 821-7777 • Fax (425) 821-4334 TABLE OF CONTENTS Page No. 1.0 Executive Sunmmary ............................................................................................... 2.0 Introduction...................................................................................................... .............................. 1 2.1 Purpose....................................................................................................... ................... 1 2.2 Scope of Work................................................................................................................. 2 2.3 Significant Assumptions ........................................... ........................................................ 2 2.4 Special Terms and Conditions......................................................................................... 2 2.5 Limitations ................................ ........................................ ........................__.....................2 3.0 Site Conditions ............... ............................................................. ......... ......_..,................................ 3 3.1 Site Description................................................................................................................ 3 3.2 Adjacent Land Use........................................................................................................... 3 3.3 Soil Conditions................................................................................................................. 4 3.4 Hydrogeologic Conditions................................_..._.......................................................... 4 4.0 Site History Research..................................................................................................................... 4 4.1 Aerial Photography Review............................................................................................. 4 4.2 Map Review .............................. „............................................................................._... 5 4.2.1 1895 Tacoma Quadrangle ...................................................................................... 5 4.2.2 1900 USGS Land Use Sheet .. ........................ ............ _.......................................... 5 4.2.3 1950/1973 USGS Map........................................................................................... 5 4.3 Sanborn Maps.................................................................................................................. 6 4.4 Real Estate Maps/Surveys ....... .._.._................................... ............. ,................................ 6 4.4.1 Government Land Office Records ..................... ... 6 4.4.2 Conunercial Real Estate Maps............................................................................... 6 4.5 City Directory Review........................................................ ........................._................ 7 4.6 Tax Records.................................................................................................................... 9 4.6.1 Archived Records.................................................................................................. 9 4.6.2 Current Tax Records.............................................................................................. 10 4.7 Activity and Use Limitation ............ ......... 10 4.8 Title Review................................................................................................... .............. 10 4.9 Interviews................................................................. —..................................................... 10 4.9.1 User Questionnaire................................................................................................. 10 4.9.2 Owner Interview ........ ........................... ........................................._........................ 11 4.9.3 Valley Regional Fire Authority............................................................................... 11 4.10 Report Review................................................._.._.,........................................................... 11 5.0 Regulatory Document Review........................................................................................................11 5.1 Federal Records............................................................................................................... 11 5.I.1 National Priority List (NPL or Superfund Sites),._, ............................................ -.11 5. I.2 Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Information System (CERCLIS) and CERCLIS — No Further Action Planned (CERCLIS-NFRAP).............................................................................................. 12 5.1.3 Resource Conservation Recovery Act Information System — Treatment, Storage, and Disposal (RCRA-TSD)................................................... 12 5.1.4 Resource Conservation Recovery Act (RCRA) — Generators ................................ 12 5.1.5 Emergency Response Notification System (ERNS) ............................................... 13 5.1.6 US Brownfields...................................................................................................... 5.2 State Records................................................................................................................... 13 5.2.1 Confinned or Suspected Contaminated Sites List (CSCSL) and CSCSL No Further Action(NFA)..................... .......................... ...................................... 13 5.2.2 Solid Waste Facilities/Landfills(SWF/LF)........................................ ...._..._...._...... 13 5.2.3 Underground Storage Tank (UST) List ................................................ .................. 14 5.2.4 Leaking Underground Storage Tank (LUST) List ................................................. 14 TABLE OF CONTENTS (continued) Page No. 6.0 Other Hazards .............................. ................. ................. ........................ .................................... __ 14 6.1 PCBs and Transformers................................................................................................... 14 6.2 On -Site USTs................................................................................................................... 15 6.3 Clandestine Drug Laboratories (Meth Labs)., .................................................................. 15 6.4 Water Wells..................................................................................................................... 15 7.0 Summary ......._.......................................................................,........................................................ 15 7.1 Current Site Use ............... .................. ..................................... ....... .............................. _.. 15 7.2 Historical Site Use..................................................................................................._..... 15 7.3 Off -site Parcels ...... -......................................................................................................... 15 7.4 Deviations (Data Gaps For This Study)........................................................................... 15 8.0 Conclusions.................................................................................................................................... 16 9.0 QuaIifications............................................... ... 16 10.0 References...................................................................................................................................... 16 10.1 Documents and Publications...... ..... _ ................................................ .............................. 16 10.2 Internet Websites .......................................................................................................... 17 10.3 Personal Communications................................................................................................ Is Figures VicinityMap ..... ............... ......................................................... ........................... .................................... Figure I TopographicVicinity Map.................................................................._................_..................................Figure 2 SchematicSite Plan.................................................................................................................................Figure 3 Appendices ArchivedTax Records...................................................................................................................... Appendix A Current On-line Tax Records............................................................................................................ Appendix B Chain -of -Title Report........................................................................................................................ Appendix C UserQuestionnaire......................................................................................... ........ ....... Appendix D SellersDisclosure Report.................................................................................................................. Appendix E United Rental Interview.................................................................................................. .......... Appendix F FireAuthority Memo .... .......... ............... .............................................. ............... .............................. Appendix G PIIReport ....................................................... .....................................,.................................... Appendix H Phase [Environmental Site Assessment Auburn LLC Site King County Tax Parcels 1921059237 and 9122 1022 Auburn Way South Auburn, Washington 1.0 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY This report presents the findings of our Phase I Environmental Site Assessment (ESA) for the Auburn LLC Site at 1022 Auburn Way South in Auburn, Washington. This report has been prepared in general accordance with American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) E-1527-2005. The site consists of two side by side tax parcels. The parcels cover approximately 0.9 acres. The site is developed with a single -story CMU building. The most recent use of the building was for heavy tool rentals. In the past, the site has been occupied by a gas station, a bulk heating fuel facility, and automotive repair shops. The past use of the site for auto repairs, bulk storage of heating fuel, and as a retail gas station are recognized environmental conditions (RECs) associated with the site. The following sections of this report present the details of our study. 2.0 INTRODUCTION 2.1 Purpose American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) E-1527-05 states: "In defining a standard of good commercial and customary practice for conducting an environmental site assessment of a parcel of property, the goal of the processes established by this practice is to identify recognized environmental conditions. The term recognized environmental conditions means the presence or likely presence of any hazardous substances or petroleum products on a property under conditions that indicate an existing release, a past release, or a material threat of a release of any hazardous substances or petroleum products into structures on the property or into the ground, ground water, or surface water of the property. The term includes hazardous substances or petroleum products even under conditions in compliance with laws, The term is not intended to include de minimis conditions that generally do not present a threat to human health or the environment and that generally would not be the subject of an enforcement action if brought to the attention of appropriate governmental agencies. Conditions determined to be de minimis are not recognized environmental conditions". September 21, 2010 Project No. T-6487 2.2_ Scope_of Work Our scope of work for this project included: • Review of a report compiled by Parcel Insight, Inc, (PII), dated August 18, 2010, which consisted of a tabulated summary of available federal and state databases named in the ASTM Test Designation E- 1527-05: Standard Practiee_for Environmental Site Assessments: Phase I Environmental Site Assessment Process. • Site reconnaissance to observe existing conditions and to review potential risks to the subject Site from on- and off -site activities. • Review of standard historical documents including tax assessor records for the site, fire insurance maps, real estate atlases, and aerial photographs of the area. • Review of available current and archived tax information for the subject site. • Interview with a representative of the Valley Regional Fire Authority. • Contacts with a representative of the current owner and previous tenant. • Review of geologic information in our files and public sources. • Review of a building condition report and site plans for the site, • Preparation of this report. We performed the research for this project and report in general accordance with ASTM Test Designation E- 1527-05: Standard Practice for Environmental Site Assessments: Phase I Environmental Site Assessment Process. 2.3 Significant Assumptions In the preparation of this report, it has been assumed that this report will be used for due diligence purposes. 2.4 Special Terms and Conditions Our work did not include the following tasks: • Site specific soil or groundwater sampling or testing. • Asbestos or lead paint sampling on the site. 2.5 Limitations We conducted no testing for this report. The findings, conclusions, and recommendations presented in this report are based on our documented site observations, review of historical and regulatory information, interviews, and review of the referenced historic resources, Other information related to past site uses or current site conditions may exist. Our conclusions in part are based on information provided or prepared by others. If the existing site uses change, or if further information on the site becomes available, Terra Associates, Inc. should review the information, as it may affect our conclusions. Page No. 2 September 21, 2010 Project No, T-6487 We prepared our conclusions and recommendations in accordance with generally accepted professional engineering practices. We snake no other warranty, either expressed, or implied. This report is the copyrighted property of Terra Associates, Inc. and is intended for specific application to the Auburn LLC Site in Auburn, Washington. This report is for the exclusive use of King County Library System and their authorized representatives. 3.0 SITE CONDITIONS 3.1 Site Description The approximate location of the property is shown on Figure 1. Figure 2 is a topographic vicinity map that shows the site with respect to adjacent topography. Figure 3 is a schematic site plan that shows the site and adjacent properties. Figure 3 is based on an aerial photo from 2010 obtained from Goggle Earth. The property consists of two individual tax parcels. The northern parcel, Parcel 9237 covers 0.25 acres. The southern parcel, Parcel 9122 covers 0.65 acres. Both parcels are nearly flat. An existing building with a footprint of about 4,600 square feet is present on Parcel 9122. The building is built with CMU blocks and timber. The building is currently vacant and in use for the storage of commercial drying units owned by the former tenant, United Rentals. There are several office spaces, a waiting area/retail display room, and storage/shop areas. In the eastern shop area, we observed a 20-gallon drum of lube grease, The drum was nearly empty. The lube grease appeared to be new. There was a flammable towel can next to the drum. The towel can was labeled as needing to be emptied every night. The can held one or two shop rags. In a small room within the northern shop area, there is a flammable materials locker. The locker held rattle cans of retail spray paint. Neither the floors nor the walls of the shop area had signs of staining. No floor drains were noted within the buildings. At the southeast corner of the building is a covered wash rack that is reported to have been a truck wash down pad. The wash rack appears to drain to an oil water separator and then to off -site disposal. There is an unused chimney on the northeast side of the building. We observed two partially full 55-gallon drums of antifreeze beneath the roof overhang at the wash rack area. No rubbish or signs of stained pavement were noted on the parcels. The site is served by municipal water, sewer, storm sewer, natural gas, and electric utilities. 3.2 Adjacent Land Use The subject site is located in an area that is commercial in nature. Figure 3 shows the relationship of the site to the adjacent parcels. Adjacent property use is summarized below: North Medical/dental clinic East Les Grove Park and King County Library West Auburn Way South and Retail -Commercial Developments, Auto Repair Shop South Auburn Way South and Retail -Commercial Developments, Restaurant Page No. 3 September 21, 2010 Project No, T-6487 3.3 Soil Conditions We anticipate that the site is underlain by alluvial sands and gravels, The site is near historic river channels that were filled in after the White River was cliannelized, There may be some fills associated with historic regrading of this portion of Auburn. The Geologic Map of the Auburn Quadrangle, Washington D.R. Mullineaux, 1965, shows the site and vicinity as being underlain by coarse alluvium from the White River. 3.4 Hydrogeolo !ic Conditions For the purpose of this study, it is reasonable to assume that near -surface groundwater gradients are strongly controlled by topography and/or surface features. Based on the topographic location of the site and our field observations, it appears that the direction of near -surface groundwater flow beneath the subject site is generally to the west. The alluvial soils will have a high permeability. We anticipate that the depth to groundwater will be on the order of 10 to 15 feet below existing grade. Groundwater levels will fluctuate based on the season and the river conditions, 4.0 SITE HISTORY RESEARCH 4.1 Aerial Photography Review We reviewed historical aerial photographs of the site and vicinity on-line at Terraserver, the USGS, King County IMAP, Historic Photos (NETR Website), and Google Earth. We also referred to aerial photos in our files, The aerial photos are vertical photos that show the footprints of the buildings and other details visible from that point of view. Dense forest cover can obscure small buildings such as houses and small outbuildings. The actual use of the buildings is usually not ascertainable from the photographs alone. Conclusions of the use of the buildings contained in the following description are based on research from other sources. Figure 3 attached to this report is a 2010 photo from Google Earth. 1930 The site appears to have been recently cleared or plowed. The site and vicinity are agricultural. 1936 The site and adjacent properties are agricultural fields. There is a road along the alignment of Auburn Way South. There arc several small buildings immediately north of the site. 1940 The site and vicinity are unchanged from the 1936 photos. 1955 The photo is of low quality, The details on the site are not clear. It appears that there is a housing development cast of the site. 1964 The existing building is present. There are several small buildings south of the existing building and one building north of the existing building. The buildings east of the site are gone. 1968 The site and vicinity appear as in 1964. Page No. 4 September 21, 2010 Project No. T-6487 1980 The on -site building north of the existing building has a different configuration. There is only one on -site building south of the existing building_ 1985 The site is developed with three buildings. The existing building is present. There are smaller buildings north and south of the existing building. This photo is presented on Figure 4. 1990 The site and vicinity resemble the 1985 conditions 1994 The site and vicinity resemble the 1990 conditions. 2002 The site and vicinity resemble the 1994 conditions except the building north of the existing building is no longer present 2006 The site and vicinity resemble the existing conditions. 2007 The site and vicinity resemble the existing conditions. 2010 The site and vicinity resemble the existing conditions. This photo is presented on Figure 3. 4.2 Map Review 4.2.1 1895 Tacvrna Quadrangle The northerly channel of the White River is shown along the approximately alignment of D Street west of the site. There is a road and a small building consistent with a house shown immediately west of the site vicinity. The developed area of Auburn is about one-half mile northwest of the site. 4.2.2 1900 USGS Land Use Sheet We reviewed the Tacoma Quadrangle Land Classification Sheet, prepared by the USGS, dated 1900. The base map is the 1895 map summarized above. The site is shown as being in an area of second growth forest. A cleared area with a small structure is shown immediately west of the site vicinity along the east bank of the northerly flowing channel of the White River. 4.Z.3 195011973 USGS Map We reviewed the United States Geological Survey (USGS) 7.5-Minute Series Topographic Map Auburn, Washington, 15' Quadrangle dated 1949, photo revised in 1968 and 1973. The photo revisions are shown in a purple overlay to allow comparison between development shown on the base map, and the changes in 1968 and 1973. The mapping shows nearly all of the development in the vicinity of the site in the purple overlay. The site is shown with an orange overlay signifying urban development, No individual buildings are shown on the site. Page No. 5 September 21, 2010 Project No. T-6487 4.3 Sanborn Mans Sanborn Maps were created to aid in underwriting fire insurance policies in urbanized areas. The maps were generally updated until the 1960s_ The library of congress collection coverage for Auburn was updated through 1943. They typically show the types of buildings and their use for the areas of coverage. We reviewed the Sanborn Maps for the site electronically through the Library of Congress Sanborn Map collection at the King County Library System. Our search of the Sanborn Maps found no coverage for the site. This is consistent with the rural history of the site area. 4.4 Real Estate Maas/Surveys 4.4.1 Goternment Land Office Records We reviewed the Iand records maintained by the Government Land Office. The area surrounding the parcel was originally surveyed by the U.S. Government in 1874_ The map dated April 9, 1874 shows the site as being on an island between two north flowing channels of the White River. The neap shows a trail labeled as the White River Trail along the west bank of the western branch of the White River. No buildings are shown. The closest settlement shown is an Indian Village located near the Lee Hill Road Bridge across the Green River about one - mile north of the site. 4.4.2 Commercial Real Estate Maps Real estate maps have been published for the greater Seattle Area for more than 100 years. They record subdivisions of land and were updated on a regular basis. For some years, the maps would show the type of building present on the parcels of land. We reviewed an Anderson Map Company map for 1907. This map shows that the site was between the two northerly flowing branches of the White River. No roads are shown adjacent to the site. The site is within a larger parcel shown as being owned by C.A. Ryan, We reviewed available Kroll Atlas for 1912. The information is the same as the 1907 Anderson Map except the river channels are listed as being dry channels. The most recent full size sheet for Kroll Atlas for this site shows the site as being occupied by three structures. The northern parcel is occupied by a building labeled as being as service station, The southern parcel has the existing building at I018 and a southern building labeled as I022. The date for this map is reported to be the 1980s or 1990s. Page No. 6 September 21, 2010 Project No. T-6487 4.5 City Directory Review City Directories have listings by address of the persons or businesses that owned or leased properties within cities and towns. We reviewed city directories at the Bellevue Branch of the Washington State Archives and at the Bellevue Branch of the King County Library System. The site addresses include 1008, 1010, 1018, 1020, and 1022 Auburn Way South. The following table summarizes the entries for the site. City Directory Summary Year and Title Address Entry and Notes 1961/62 Polk's Auburn City Directory 1000 Enumclaw Highway McMasters Valley Sawdust fuel dealers 1008 Enumclaw Highway B & J Gas Station 1010 Enumclaw Highway Baller Tune-up 1018 Enumclaw Highway Auburn Area Health and Welfare Center 1020 Enumclaw Highway McMasters Fuel Co. 1022 Enumclaw Highway Dorothy's Beauty Salon 1968 Polk's Auburn City Directory 1008 Enumclaw Highway B & J Gas Station U HauI Rentals 1010 Enumclaw Highway S & J Automotive Repair 1018 Enumclaw Highway C & M Plumbing and Heating Contractors 1020 Enumclaw Highway Harold McMaster 1022 Enumclaw Highway Max D. Piersol -Chiropractor 1974 Polk's Auburn City Directory 1000 Auburn Way South Richard's Carpets 1008 Auburn Way South Sunset Rentals gas and rentals 1010 Auburn W ay South Wheeler Automotive 1018 Auburn Way South Sunset Rentals 1020 Auburn Way South Vacant 1022 Auburn Way South Jon J. Godfrey 1024 Auburn Way South Auburn Valley Barber Shop Page No. 7 September 21, 2010 Project No. T-6487 City Directory Summary (continued) Year and Title Address Entry and Notes 1976 Polk's Auburn City Directory 1000 Auburn Way South Richard's Carpets 1008 Auburn Way South Sunset Rentals gas and rentals 1010 Auburn Way South Harding's Rock Shop 1018 Auburn Way South Sunset Rentals 1020 Auburn Way South No return 1022 Auburn Way South No return 1024 Auburn Way South Auburn Valley Barber Shop 1978179 Polk's Auburn City Directory 1000 Auburn Way South Richard's Carpets 1010 Auburn Way South Harding's Rock Shop 1018 AuburnWay South Sunset Rentals 1022 Auburn Way South Auburn Chiropractic 1024 Auburn Way South Auburn Valley Barber Shop 19$3 Polk's Auburn City Directory 1000 Auburn Way South Richard's Carpets 1010 Auburn Way South Harding's Custom Jewelry 1018 Auburn Way South Rental Mart 1022 Auburn Way South Kid 's Corner Pizza 1024 Auburn Way South Auburn Valley Barber Shop 1987 Polk's Auburn City Directory 1000 Auburn Way South Richard's, the Floor Store t010 Auburn Way South Harding's Custom Jewelry 1018 Aubunr Way South Rental Mart 1022 Auburn Way South Pizza Corner 1024 Auburn Way South Auburn Valley Barber Shop Page No. 8 September 21, 2010 Project No. T-6487 City Directory Summary (continued) Year and Title Address Entry and Notes 1991 Polk's Auburn City Directory I000 Auburni Way South Richard's, the Floor Store 1010 Auburn Way South Vacant 1018 Auburn Way South Rental Mart 1022 Auburn Way South Pizza Corner 1024 Auburn Way South Auburn Valley Barber Shop 2000 Polk's Auburn Federal Way City Directory 1000 Auburn Way South Chan, Philip Durch, Stephen 1010 Auburn Way South Not listed 1018 Auburn Way South Not listed 1022 Auburn Way South Smitty's Bar B Q 1024 Auburn Way South Auburn Valley Barber Shop 4.6 Tax Records 4.6.1 Archived Records We reviewed the available archived King County tax records at the Puget Sound Regional Archives located in Bellevue, Washington. The archived tax records were initially created in the mid 1930s as a Works progress Administration project. These records were maintained manually until the 1970s when the system was computerized. The archived records are not complete; some records were destroyed in the course of creating updated records. The archived tax records are summarized below and attached as Appendix A. The existing building is listed as having been built in 1957 with additions in 1958 and 1959 and a remodel in 1970. The sketch of the building shows the layout of the interior of the building. A paint booth is shown in the southeast corner of the building. The heat source is listed as a stove. The address of the existing building is listed as 1018 Enumclaw Highway. The northern building is listed as being built in 1959. The address is listed as being 1008 Enumclaw Highway. The photo shows the site as being a Richfield Service Station. The station had two service bays. There are two 4,000-gallon USTs for gasoline and one 280-gallon UST for waste oil. The site is listed as being remodeled inl973 and having two 10,000-gallon USTs and one 6,000-gallon UST. Page No. 9 September 21, 2010 Project No_ T-6487 The southern buildings are listed as being 1020 and 1022 Enumclaw Highway. A house is listed at 1020 as having been built in 1947. The house is listed as having two 4,000-gallon USTs. The southern building is listed as having been built in 1952, The sketch shows it as being a beauty salon and barber shop. The updated tax records show the change in site use to include a restaurant, rock shop, and rental shop, 4.6.2 Current Ta_v Records The current tax records are available on-line from the King County Assessor's web site. The current tax records are attached as Appendix B. The tax records list the parcels as being occupied by the existing building and parking. The ownership is consistent with the 50-year chain -of -title. 4.7 Activity and Use Limitation Activity and use limitations (AULs) are commonly placed on sites that have undergone partial cleanups and have residual levels of contamination that remain in place. In the State of Washington, this is normally accomplished through the creation of a covenant that spells out the environmental issues and limitations on site use. To review for the possible presence of AULs, we referred to documents recorded at Auburn for the specific tax parcels that comprise the site and we reviewed the current Environmental Covenant Registry maintained by Ecology. Our review was done electronically via the intcrnet. Our review of these two sources found no AULs for the site. We searched King County Recorders Office on-line Official Public Records database for this review. 4.8 Title Review We reviewed chain -of -title documents provided by Chicago Title. There are two reports, one dated July 16, 2010 and the second dated September 8, 2010. The chain -of -title documents are attached in Appendix C. No site use limitations of covenants related to dangerous material releases is present in the documents_ The second chain -of -title summary extends back to 1955 and includes documents that refer to the Richfield Oil Company. The Richfield Oil Company had a lease to build a gas station on the site. 4.9 Interviews 4.9.1 User Questionnaire We received a completed user questionnaire. The questionnaire is attached in Appendix D. Page No. 10 September 21, 2010 Project No. T-6487 4.9.2 Owner Interview We have reviewed a seller's disclosure statement for the site. The statement is attached in Appendix E. The statement discloses the past presence of USTs on -site. We also received an email response to our questions from United Rentals. Their email response is in Appendix F. 4.9.3 Valley Regional Fire Authorin, We contacted Jeff Stottlemyre, the current Fire Marshal with the Valley Regional Fire Authority. He reported that he would review his databases and respond to our request for information regarding USTs and hazardous material responses on the site. The database system at the Fire Authority is not set up for a specific site search. The Fire Authority did provide a inemo that addresses the closure of USTs on the northern end of the site in 1990, The memo does not address the question of site contamination. The memo is attached in Appendix G. 4.10 Report Review We reviewed a building condition report prepared by Schacht Aslaini Architects dated August 18, 2010_ The report addressed the general condition of the building and layout of the floor plan. Beyond listing the past use of the building by United Rentals, no references to past land uses were in the report. 5.0 REGULATORY DOCUMENT REVIEW We reviewed The PII Radius Map Report, dated August 18, 2010, compiled for the subject property by PH, This company searches U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and Washington State Department of Ecology (Ecology) databases for sites within a specified radius of a subject property that may pose a risk to that property. We evaluate relative elevations and locations of listed sites based on our site reconnaissance and review of relevant topographic and geologic maps. The center of the search radius is the approximate center of the property. There are 37 sites of record listed as being within or near their designated search radii. The search radius is based on addresses. The site was listed as being 1022 Auburn Way South. An alternative address for the building, 1018 Auburn Way South is listed as being a site of record, The PI1 report is summarized below. The full PII report is attached as Appendix H, 5.1 Federal Records 5.1.1 National Priority List (NPL or Superfund Sites) Section 8.2.1 of the ASTM standards requires a review of federal and state lists of hazardous waste sites identified as NPL or Superfund sites within a one -mile radius of the subject property. The PII search found no Superfund sites within a one -mile radius of the subject site. Page No. I I September 21, 2010 Project No. T-6487 5.1.2 Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Information Systeln (CERCLIS) and CERCLIS-No Further Action Planned (CERCLIS NFRAP) Section 8.2.1 of the ASTM standards requires a review of federal and state lists of hazardous waste sites identified as CERCLIS sites within a one-half mile radius of the subject property. The PIT search found no CERCLIS sites and one CERCLIS-NFRAP sites within a one-half mile radius of the subject site. The CERCLIS- NFRAP site is: Site Name/Address Location Notes Hartung Properties Approximately one-third of a This site does not appear on any other 242 - I2th Street SE mile west and down or databases. Auburn, Washington crossgradient from the site. Based on its distance and local hydrogeologic conditions, this CERLIS-NFRAP site is not considered an REC. 5.1.3 Resource Conservation Recovery Act Information System - Treatment, Storage, and Disposal (RCRA-TSD) Section 8,2.1 of the ASTM standards requires a review of RCRA Treatment, Storage, or Disposal (TSD) lists to a radius of one-half mile. The PIT search found no RCRA-TSD site within a one-half mile radios of the subject site. Section 8.2.1 of the ASTM standards requires a review of RCRA Treatment, Storage, or Disposal CORRACTS lists to a radius of one -mile. CORRACTS sites are TSD facilities that have had violations in the past. The PII search found one CORRACTS site within a one -mile radius of the subject site. This site is: Site Name/Address Location Notes Fabrication Division Auburn Site About three fourths of a mile This site also appears on the CSCSL, UST, 700 - 15th Street SW west and down or crossgradient and LUST databases_ Auburn, Washington of the site. Based on its distance and local hydrogeologic conditions, this CORRACTS site is not considered an REC. 5.1.4 Resource Conservation Recovery Act (RCRA) - Generators Section 8.2.1 of the ASTM standards requires a review of federal RCRA generators on the property and adjoining properties. The PII search found one RCRA generators adjacent to the site. This generator is: Site Name/Address Location Notes U Haul Company of Auburn Immediately northwest of the site This site is listed as being a non -designated 917 Auburn Way South across Auburn Way South. generator. This suggests that the operator Auburn, Washington Cross or downgradient of the submitted paperwork to become a generator site. but did not generate wastes that were reportable. This site is also on the UST database. Based on its distance and local hydrogeologic conditions, this RCRA site is not considered an REC. Page No. 12 September 21, 2010 Project No. T-6487 5.1.5 Emergency Response Notification System (ERNS) Section 8.2.1 of the ASTM standards requires a review of federal ERNS listings on the property. The ERNS database records' stores information on reported releases of oil and hazardous substances. The PH search found no ERNS sites on or adjacent to the site. 5.1.6 US Brownfields The Brownfields database records and stores information on abandoned, idle, or under -used commercial or industrial properties with confirmed and/or suspected contamination. The PIl search found no US Brownfields sites within a mile of the subject property. 5.2 State Records 5.2.1 Confirmed or Suspected Contaminated Sites List (CSCSL) and CSCSL No Further Action (NFA) Section 8.2.1 of the ASTM standards requires a review of state lists of hazardous waste sites identified for investigation or remediation within a one -mile radius of the subject property. PII conducted a records search for listed CSCSL sites within a one -mile radius and for CSCSL — NFA sites within one-half mile of the subject property. There are CSCSL sites listed within a one -mile radius of the site. The two closest sites are: Site Name/Address Location Notes Auburn Valley Chevron Approximately one -tenth of a This site is also on the UST database. This 1156 Auburn Way South mile southeast and potentially site had a confinned release of petroleum Auburn, Washington upgradient of the site, products that impacted the soils and groundwater_ The site has been cleaned up and provided with a No Further Action Determination dated July 1, 2005. Brown Bear Car Wash 5473 Approximately one -tenth of a This site is also on the UST database. This 814 Auburn Way South mile northwest and cross or site had a confirmed release of petroleum Auburn, Washington downgradient of the site. products that impacted the soils and groundwater. The site has been cleaned up and provided with a No Further Action Determination dated September 18, 2001. Based on Iocal hydrogeologic conditions, the distance from the site to the listed CSCSL sites, and their current status, it is our opinion that none of the CSCSL sites listed in the PII report are RECs. 5.2.2 Solid Kaste Facilities/Landfills (SWFILF) Section 8.2.1 of the ASTM standards requires a review of state lists identifying landfill and solid waste disposal facilities within a one-half mile radius of the subject property. The PII search found no SWF/LF sites listed within a half -mile radius of the subject site. No abandoned or inactive landfills were listed as being present within a one-half mile radius of the site. Page No. 13 September 21, 2010 Project No, T-6487 5.2.3 Underground Storage Tank (UST) List Section 8.2.1 of the ASTM standards requites a review of state UST lists for underground tanks listed on the subject site or adjoining properties. The subject site is listed as being a UST site. The database shows that three USTs were closed in placed at 1018 Auburn Way South. The USTs are listed as having been used to store leaded and unleaded gasoline. The USTs are listed to have been placed in 1964. No closure date is listed. The PII database summary lists one UST site adjacent to the site. This adjacent site is: Site Name/Address Location Notes U Haul Company of Auburn Immediately northwest of the site The UST on this site is reported to have 917 Auburn Way South across Auburn Way South. been removed. Auburn, Washington Cross or downgradient of the site. Based on its distance and local hydrogeologic conditions, this off -site UST site is not considered an REC. The past presence of USTs on -site is considered to be an REC. 5.2.4 Leaking Underground Storage Tank (LUST) List Section 8,2.1 of the ASTM standards requires a review of state LUST lists for possible contaminated sites within a half -mile radius of the subject property. The PII search found four LUST sites within a one-half mile radius of the site. The closest sites are: Site Name/Address Location Notes Brown Bear Car Wash 5473 Approximately one -tenth of a This site is also on the UST database. This 814 Auburn Way South mile northwest and cross or site had a confirmed release of petroleum Auburn, Washington downgradient of the site. products that impacted the soils and ground water. The site has been cleaned up and provided with a No Further Action Determination dated September 18, 2001. Auburn Fire Station Approximately four tenths of a This site is also on the CSCSL NFA and 700 Auburn Way South mile northwest and downgradient UST database. This site had a confirmed Auburn, Washington of the site. release of petroleum products that impacted the soils and groundwater. The site has been cleaned up and provided with a No Further Action Determination dated August 19, 1997 Based on local hydrogeologic conditions, the distance from the site to the LUST sites listed in the PII report, and their current status, it is our opinion that none of the LUST sites listed in the PII report are RECs. 6,0 OTHER HAZARDS 6.1 PCBs and Transformers Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) are associated with electrical transformer fluids and ballasts in older fluorescent light fixtures. The use of PCBs in transformer fluids was discontinued in units manufactured after 1977. Transfonners are the property of the local utility that is generally responsible for leakage or spills from the transformers, We observed pole -mounted transformers adjacent to the site. The transformers appeared to be in good condition. Page No. 14 September 21, 2010 Project No. T-6487 6.2 On -Site USTs The tax records list two generations of USTs on -site for the storage of gasoline and one set of USTs for the presumed storage of heating fuel for retail sales. In addition, there is an unused chimney along the rear of the existing building suggesting that there may have been an oil furnace in the existing building some time in the past. The past presence of USTs on -site is considered to be an REC. 6.3 Clandestine _Drug Laboratories (Meth Labs) We reviewed the on-line list of clandestine drug laboratories maintained by the Seattle King County Public Health Department. The list was dated July 16, 2010. The subject site is not listed on the CDL Iist. 6.4 Water Wells We performed a search of Ecology"s on-line well log database for the quarter section of the site. No records were found specifically identified water wells or monitoring wells as being on -site. We observed no wells on - site. 7.0 SUMMARY 7.1 Current Site Use The site consists of a vacant parcel used for parking and a parcel developed with a vacant one-story building. The existing site use does not constitute an REC. 7.2 Historical Site Use The site was formerly occupied by two retail gasoline stations and a bulk storage heating oil facility, hi addition, the existing building was formerly used as an auto repair facility. The historic uses of the site are considered to be RECs. 7.3 Off -site Parcels Our reconnaissance of the vicinity and of the site indicates there are potential for soil and/or groundwater contamination within a one-inile radius of the site. However, based on the data we reviewed, none of the off -site sources are considered to be RECs. 7.4 Deviations (Data Gans) For This Study There are no data gaps for this study. Page No. 15 September 21, 2010 Project No. T-6487 8,0 CONCLUSIONS We have performed a Phase I Environmental Site Assessment in conformance with the scope and limitations of ASTM Practice E-1527 of the Auburn LLC Site, Any exceptions to, or deletions from, this practice are described in Section 7.4 of this report. This assessment has revealed the following recognized environmental conditions (RECs) in connection with the property: 1. The former presence of two generations of gasoline stations with USTs in the northern one-third of the site. 2. The past use of the existing building on -site for automotive repairs. 3. The former presence of a bulk heating oil storage facility on the southern one-third of the site. 9.0 QUALIFICATIONS We declare that, to the best of our professional knowledge and belief, we meet the definition of Environmental professional as defined in §312.10 of 40 CFR 312. We have the specific qualifications based on education, training, and experience to assess a property of the nature, history, and setting of the subject property. We have developed and performed all appropriate inquiries in conformance with the standards and practices set forth in 40 CFR Part 312. Project work was performed by Charles R. Lie. The following brief biography summarizes the experience of this professional. Charles R. Lie, L.E.G., L.H.G„ has more than 23 years of experience in the assessment of contaminated sites, ranging from Phase I ESAs of rural -residential properties to characterization and remediation of parcels ranging from corner gasoline stations to industrial facilities. Mr. Lie has 35 years experience performing hydrogeologic and engineering geologic assessments of sites ranging from large rural tracts to downtown urban properties. His project work has included detailed reviews of historical records, aerial photograph interpretation, geologic mapping, geophysical surveys, monitoring well installation and sampling aquifer testing, hydrogeological interpretation, and report preparation. Mr. Lie has a Bachelor of Science in Geology. He is a licensed Geologist, Hydrogeologist, and UST Assessor in the State of Washington. Mr. Lie is a certified Asbestos Building Inspector. 10.0 REFERENCES 10.1 Documents and Publications American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM). 2005, E-1527-05 Standard Practice for Elnvir'ornrnner7tal Site Assessments — Phase I Environmental Site Assessment Process. Parcel Insight, Inc. (PII). 2009, Parcel Insight Radius Map Report. Prepared for Terra Associates, Inc., dated August 18, 2010. Page No. 16 September 21, 2010 Project No. T-6487 Sanborn Map Company, Fire Insurance Atlas, Library of Congress Collection_ Schacht Aslaini Architects, Preliminary BuildingAssessnreni, dated August 18, 2010. United States Geological Survey (USGS). 1895. Tacoma Quadrangle Map. United States Geological Survey (USGS). 1900. Tacoma Quadrangle Land Classification Map. United States Geological Survey (USGS). 1953. 7.5-Minute Series Topographic Map Auburn, Washington. Photo revised 1981, 10.2 Internet Websites Google Earth, accessed on August 31, 2010 Historic Aerials (NETR) littp://www.historicaerials.com/default.aspx accessed on August 31, 2010 King County Assessor Office Parcel Data http://www5.kingcounty.gov/iMAP/viewer.htm?mapset=kcproperty accessed on August 20, 2010 King County Recorder"s Office Records Search Data accessed on August 31, 2010 Seattle King County Health Department- Drug Lab Summary http,//www.kingcounty.gov/healthservices/health/ehs/toxic/inethlabs.aspx accessed on August 31, 2010 Terra Server http://www.terraserver.coin/ accessed on August 31, 2010 USGS Aerial Photos littp://edcsns17.cr.usgs.gov/EarthEUlorer/ accessed on August 31, 2010 US Government Land Office Survey Records hitp://www.blm.t,rov/or/landrecords/survey/vSrvyl.ph-p accessed on August 30, 2010 US Government Land Office Records http://www.glorecords.bini.�,ov/PatentSeareIV accessed on August 30, 2010 Washington State Department of Ecology Well Notice of Intent Viewer https://fortress.wa.gov/ecy/wrx/wrx/wel/query pages/NOl_Wellsquery.asp accessed on August 31, 2010 Washington State Department of Ecology, Environmental Covenants Registry (using the integrated site information system — ISIS), littps.//fortress.wa. >o� v/ecy/tepwebreporting/reports.aspx accessed on August 31, 2010 Page No. 17 September 21, 2010 Project No. T-6487 10.3 Persona] Communications Mr, Jeff Stottlemyre, Fire Marshal, Valley Regional Fire Authority email on September 8, 2010 Page No. 18 rl am t u a I Aahurn 1 1 St E M lit ST � Perin tin Arts v`u v"i "' 2nd 5t ,SE W n 1 n 599 5t SE ua m ,U? 2nd St SE 5 o W Ath 5t SE g 3 St SE Y 5t 5E E Ct 699 Bk9: P STATE I as :• PARK `5 SE ` w,�, 18 is III AUBURN n 6th �8(7 NARROW5 EAST GREEN 7th 40o t eboSE ^u, 5 I I ;rti, I .,.,..-. ,`m RIVER PARK tth 15E „� t — �' _I u $th 5t h alhy sr s'E ovE s sE WCn cNnlnr ��AIbaND R Ih S 200 HA T� PARKS t t399 2 ,n Ot1 "' t1O h h<<e SE River Vale I 10515E „' 5E '11+fusetun W 11 5t5E 1 " I 'n w .� MUCKLEStiDOT h ER P I „ ' 14J RESERVATION N METERY 1 t 5 u o I 9�,�G MU RESERVATION !AN 5th t SE +v "` JI MA,� •' v' a o �. t� 61h Z% tD z ' \ Our Mace ZQ "� 5 h . 5 tSSc I -t5 5 ! 17 5! 5 16th St 18th SE 4r 7th x s; H 5E 5,1 t y N St19ih m�o`iy. ` 3 St 71 a SE; �n,ti n is Uw�l�, Or SE t 21ST ST SE'�� [utn � 5 16A ^ �, iz d cum at st � i htuddeslEa9t M ,n 21 215t St SE ry Cedar r SE A Casino �, E St Ste= `^ a I w 1% 22nd 5t SE �&� �$5 UGHNt 55Y 22nd St SE M 23 1200 !y N4' z(% 9t Lnd t 5E OANK 23rr15t 5E "' 5 23rd St SE -I y w, a 23rd 515E �tSE stte'a 241h 24th 5t 5E'�. Nth 5! 5E N St SE 2 th 24 5tqF 5 SE t290 I r 2 th sts 5t S w 26th 't SE CEDAR 2fi 5t 5§6th St 5E '� O w w fi 515E . m �, T" ao rd LAN u, ,� w 7 S � W PARK '1P � t`� 1 n I7ih 5! SE ,n; PARK ' m '� '^ 27 h w J N �a2pt x t39 ,, a i�++ 54j 28 f 7 Stw .., 8th - S. s99 . x 28[ - Si+%, ��- �P� 5t5 .. �E Ct b? 4o9 29TH = SE > FOrest R 9� Au6u �c n 30th vw S us w 31st t SE a o St SE } 31st St SE � � AUBURN GAME Auh _ FARM PARK GAME S 591h 5t o 32hd 5t SE FARM m 5E 33rd 51 -per 29 PARK River Or 30 I SE w Sl5 5� n 5 Pf '3 1 3 6th St rn SE LIARES' i7 `I ire rI f� (�T,1 �PISEi.U31,0)tw l v, LI s r" n W5E43rd v % MILL. ie j POND - - - - - v, PARK � HOEGNER MILL a d PARK 406mb KwARK h Reference: Thomas Bros King County Road Atlas. NOT TO SCALE TERRA Vicinity Map 4 ` Auburn LLC Site ASSOCIATES Auburn, Washington Geatechnical Consultants Proi. Nd T-6487 Date Sept 2010 Figure I rMedical --CI nu AN } %% .�SIT 0 $�-• t{ 1 r r 0 136 - k_'26 ft Reference: Co ri ht Goo ie Earth, photodated2010 Library F 1 Date Sept 2010 APPENDIX A ARCHIVED TAX RECORDS I Addition 14act or Cat Na._ - Pd[miE,t'ia _ Dwrlption- Iiiltsi - r 3 Addreai of Prgperty . a Fee: 4 Original Bmtlding Cos! - fimtkidR , er qa 7 C ndision of Estericr---_.,...„,�nlcrior--..--paaadxtioa. _ x';ooe P1aa -Copt,. A Poor UILDI l6 �N TILE.,..-. ._-. LTHO PQfIC iE5 - E%TESIOB WALLS Floor•WallRath Stairway - - Oae Story _ Twa Family Dwdiing Ho. of Starles F7oor•W+ll-._Laratdr7 Floor-Wa11____._.__ Opgoed_....._-Olned F{aishgd Two Story L?aroofcd Beards and Hatton EhtpLap - No. of Ito.-'3IAa� F]oor-Wat1u_ti..._._.,, • VAV.Laha �- Brick and, or Ceacrcte Rvatla Cedar Sidipa B..ament Floor-Wa1L............_,..SbQwcr Useful Cement Floor ShfaFSes ' Firat Floor Second Floor Third Flcor Attic loot-Wall—KiLehen itchen Draia Board None Unfinished DOHYERS& Ho.._.,., . Width._..__.,_- Recessed Gla.sed Eaelgsed shakga Staoaq an T•_t4 Hrick,Venear IfITERIOR WALLS Plaster Dots first aoeupad, Ymk6. ,,. Plaster Hoard Date Built, inl uilt, t9_.-S !_ :J Unfabad Yored, 19 . .....-. V Control. Block ' Calatex .Date Fiafah.d. iRbYST[, Plywmd '- EfPoctive Age.._.......................:...,w...ti<!►d! Coiled Bep. for Cand,.iRR' ;lr;...... ...... ._Dep. for ES.- ---- .. _. eks r' _._. I ra.__ __ se_.�.-.1.. _, -. .. .� - _ S fff r _ '�Cloa Open studs Feinted coNsrRucTioN _ �y Saade Dom81a )Papered If Solid Unffnfshed WAilr _ Vrry Cheap FLOOHB Hxrdwaod Fir Can f re - - 1 f _ Medium G ood Speed ~ �, shirt,LQ Corner inin to CPILING IJBIGHT _ Baremcmt ft. FtREPLdCH-Mo, .. 1st F1aor '�% !L� im Stem. _ ... 2nd2nd F�• It: 3rd Floor ft Attic Lew High ]Brick _.•:. - Tfle Faca. - E HASEYEBT Fu1L HE Try 0 -lava GROUND FLOOR AREA SCALE ❑ J :LqL1 Cohhlakane Vntfni.hed Peet.........._-....... q5 To tint Floor IoUt Freme and Omaraka ft. it. gipe{e.. Furaa•t plaor FurPa-e xat Air Furxaaa Yea • INTERIOR TRIM Hardwood Mah.gaay v . . . . • a .---- - F!r pea _ Cemaat gloats ,.— Unhaiohed Ftcor Stoker _ Pat Oit Huraar • kreseucs Oil Hpr•er �,._�[ , I _ eecreauan Acorn living Ram. PT, RING No. Fixtures of ffer.lea It—, Oil 13-1ca unit TaL-i.eB or, Pem, Toilets Oararq Air Coad• Ccmy. r Baaia-i!CR'eald Deal. • $ot Water -4- Sink ... Shower' Stall Unfinished Mooks4' • f . - .. �. FOVHDATIRN EXTRA FEATUATt6 � �eF - Hot Water Tank Concrete:.._...- .. �...Tht.k Caeh•dral Celiint Laundry Trays Cement Huck. Ia.ula4d T None _ ptcn. or Brink tlnfiniahcd Wood Post Coacmte -fact - _ Expensive I Good Average HOOF- �, - - ' - - Lihinrle Shake FLOOR CONSTRUCTION - tat F1ocr Jatata s+i` • ----•-ti BriSlRed • Post Site x Cheap D. S. $ewer Caton. Composlkion Tile at Sine - t - �![' .. a.-- "' _� Beam Sire x Tor ood Oravel tar 'Tr. • • a OLbgrBuiLdig Canetroctivn - Flwr Rgaf $ty.- i Oimenaiono S. F. Area Factgr yaigc'- `ir Oci1. pRR[aq. Net 'iralgc Gar. ,r-.-_— ; Z IT x s s s x _ s ion co, rsa a-si :,t -y• i. 2 9,j o 7 2. a o 2 �. 0 !) 2 2 7. J 0 S 7.3 0 10 . 0 f) T (� r.• a Additi®l - y f - ,``•' Tyr=--r -•-d _ Sec[lop_.L TRD.•„I�_�aaYa- $ BIQck_ ,•.'irsCt or 41 NA�Cr-y 1 it N ^ r 3 Data y 7 Address of Property _ Owner. 6 Original 13114diPg Colt i-_»...Ow�a/er•�T/emat 4cevpiFd----� y. .. aq.. tat pa month s----.—� 7 Condition of Etacrior��.�....InlcriorrLF�!u _.Foandati lour Plan Cat rt-Aceayt je- (BUILDING TTLEWORK M ATTIC P"CFH3S EXTERIOR WALLS One Family DwdBaq I Flint-WaU..._._.�__Betit f — Plaster L One Story' Boards and Batt= . — Two Family Dwellim filoor-Wa1L__Lavatmy - a....d Two Story _ &arHEM. weflfn tl - F P L Flo¢r•We Celled � i3sYroolad Rnpic p �- Naes � Floor•Watf_..__. � Stairway-._.Op=—tlassd Brick and or Coacrate Fir Sidivq f No. Floor- Wall.:.„,__:_._Shower Useful Cement Floor---, Cedar Sidi¢L 9saeenen[ - r"'b" . Nona Rece"w Shingles Pint F'iaer r' % Ritchpa 7'1raw Board ❑¢aGlassed Shakes �. Second Floor "=� =' - -. --"- •eMl'''..,, "~., ...-a Enclosed s Stucco on.._...-..-....._..Lalh sq —• — Third Floor tlo6nished a° Y - Brisk Venter -� Allis Kind_ Ik CLASS 1-7- . 5.6:7 NQ' - _ ..1.._ - Staas INTORTOIl WALLS -- GOOD_ _ -•„ tdH47l7M�.__.�__.- CITBA@_-_ . _ Date Hvilt :l�„ 4 Finished L; r []nfinishrA1 ❑ Aimodr]ed Fabriaxt.4 Steel Plaster Elective Aqe�-_...._.__._]"yre - •SruTure _ Jaet Platter Dep. for Coad.._.____._.._ Dep. foi O. B._.._..'Dep_ for I. S.-__.--._.... Total____ Ceded Buitt,Int �jJ/ u Plyow Hoard '.... d a Q - CONSTRUCTION p(j • Open Siads f Painted _ —tr SinLle r,+' `.J+C boob _ ILalaamiae " S� . Pepaad Unfinished Walls - Very ups. _ -Cheap FLOORS r `� QI _ Hr4iam. $ardrovd ( ) Gaol r Shipley _ Carner7ninta CEILING HEIGHT I aim? Linoleum _ Basamrnt it" to. f PIRHPLACB-Na_- __..._. let Fleur j It. r� ia. - Brick - ._ ., - - 2nd Floor It. n TSIa Face 3rd Floor f[. rn. — Cancrate _ - Attic �y Cobblestone SASHMHNT a x g HEATING GIGUND FLOOR AREA •SCALE _ - FT. fi' Tlani•hed Full + Store d 6 J. / ❑ - - Part.---_g4 Coo. Pipelue Furnace /�_ _�p INTERIOR TOM � To let Floor Joiri..__Thiek Hot Air Furnace • - - - f Hardwood Frame and Concrete — Hot Water * g Mahogany ..�—.lt.�__..E6 Steam Fir Cement Block, Gaa thfiniphea ...Plaor .- Vtpor 3Lr[t • Isy'�'/; ' 11� Recreation Rory¢[ Air C ,& Fab PLiIMBING _ GaraPe Stoker f] p•- ,� - Na, vi Fiatvree Plaseered � oil Hnrne }�w^ t ` Tab-IMMw Pan, Drain Air Cond. Camp;a. r H •� p� - ,• Toilets Nave -Haain-Pedeataf Unfinished • i EXTRA FEATURES r • Sink FOUNDATION � •y flj ' Shnwcriv Tub Caacreta-_____.Thick Hay dow--r..-.-Story • �� 1„ Hot:Mlater Taak Cemapl Blcek, Bex Ceiling • _ /!may" F Laundry Trays Stone or Brick Gth sal Ceitmv /U ' j� • }. ; None Wood P�grt} Ca mete Block _7- Dormer j~ SS Expensive ROOF Good Skinglp a� FLOOR CONSTRUCTION NSTRUTION 1 ,! Average Compoaitiq�j{��0 1of FloorJoist* _ ,--x Z r `/ • ( - r� [heap -'file oY Slate _.-- -Bridled '�• + i D. S. Sewer COOP. Tar sad Gravel Pocl Sire a Tar Paper He;m Si.. it e OtherH ildinge Construction Floor Roof Sty. Dimensions S. F. Ares Factor Vat[le• %r Dep. Deprec. • Nct value t i : d °�_.' lGr. Sine. C• __,_,�� Ag x .?.•o fr,Y' Co I , ,.. lip a. l lu r 4qt4 t t FilidO" b. ADDITION ? — 1� ��AGchieaa 'Conditiop pf E�tarior . y Tnteri �,9vodslio�aor p1au; G USX ROOF COHB'r8i1C'}'ION IrLOOR FMBHCB Tiles Iino. P mumiO. ".--.-F.. No. Stories lhawn Y�ro T,...— F'ir PI.VT&G tnpl< Eachq �'Fl, _ Walk hro. M. Stares —Mill Coadmt(aa �, Oak. W T&4 &y ai- utoore _� To"- a No. Rooms Rein. Canto Lsno.. :.�.'• t . H Hq. F SP ila — 3'ube..IeC oc Pem_ - 8aeemda[ No. T+usses CWS : Camepi billl!� T,in. T+t. D, Bd.. Bminp, Ped. No, Omg6 � Wood © cl Tetrparo sq. Ft. __. ploora . t3iake - ______ Na. A meats ROOFIN4 JSLATPRIAL AaesoRtb ?! �q. Ft„ _balls - .IIrimla c 5 Tar pad Gravel !� Tile AT _ 0 f iS . F' 3,in. Ft- nt. l3ds. _ 9hawaw (Tub) (Stoll} 5'rm. G rm.8 rro. Or_.. Or� Tnuadry Trans Ty" DP CoN8T8FcTj %it's. Fi.D'wa w . . 17ST AUM i sd H. W. Tpak Fl Dra(ae .-.-�-.._ Frame. .. - im. ll'wt , � ., $)niehod TTafiniehea ! —.— eprin_7i. 8Ya xo ds. _ ❑ iemadoled - - T____'. Single DOW& Edeot(Ye Ace .,{ Years Futura Tif 9"� �Y.cera ;IGATINtl " --- Ordiwq'MaeoarY - DSD. [or Goad.—^a{r,.R'gS OI?,..e:-.--Dep. fus Fa TOW - _ _Stove Orp - MiilC-Amatioa Pipe]® Furasae _ ClamA Wm -Con.. .^'Cravily $. A. - .Steel pnd Con FpsE hK CoAd.. Fan �� lc i❑�1 Brisk —� - SuspeLo4o Gas, Hot Water bon. �J Reis. [iaw ;— - - - .. - ' C[� Water t tOW DATiON -- " _ _ OR Burner Mad Sills�,.�� Aseaseed ...`-._.—. Post and Pier' • Ae 4atrie BrWl. y. Pile _ _ --- Full % Bub-Bagewmt ?AN.. - - .-�-. . -, •. ai` - --, Garage �No.Cus _____ Aar, .',_,_,- TlBtre�pied , �.✓rler�0abla F"'p _r Sian, aYd. Traeted Pik, only Conduit c6DE - ��...-. i'Ipatere$ � — k[an, Averaga Laagth Power wulag Y.iviag Ropois �- Paved.- Ranges igiriag Service Rooms H&OA: Elea—H d. No. TxOutleUt/ FXTMOR WALL COMM '!`MO$ WALLS O. ff. ' GROUND FLOOR 6RBA� B . Side Aoubla Stud and Plaatex - - i•:!• Stud WatIa Ism. ❑ PJaetomd TOTAL FT.00R AREA .� r; 8•stud Wake t -- - - - PkYwood- - Ariek Walk eip -Wl q . Bugle with Pilsstan kW4. Hoard• q - . (;4aoxetx_ $Ve�r Painted 1 Co. �Eh P. sq 0�'J - - j[ Stain I _I Ysrn sb ! Tiles Walk .. • raise •u�.rr' Reis-Coa. Ske4 KF >n Willa --X_ IIafiuiehad i'��i�a. 8 - L—iad Walla aw! 9 •• - Blri Iox �*AO¢jq nmll um D 9 sy V1 CIS ce r . Sb Biding $biaglea Firs;^ T6 _ .��+±� - - ,9halm B 8tuoco MaTr. q, Oalc ll- - A � -P� -_. Hriiek V.Aumrrsty� MataS _ as - l � LING 17Ln __ trend Tpgra 18 atean . FtfO 'IN— 1�A i Ril �� � w:ado �a a� mum Cotter d Staiae t 14 �-- litruat. Glass 4arniaylpd 18 . Triap eaiaipd - i� OFF 1$- a a ooN oaalaiana�roa ! $S7 - ....... _-�.!� OaBniahed WK$16 A5.- ?oist Con. S+19. -- - . 4.0 1�.-i 4k-'1L CO tM6L46n Otb=Baildinp C.oasttuetiea Flog Eani gWA— Dacraku S. r. A— 1'*A— W., aDzn.Drrr .. Net VA-1,.- r�ir re f•.F u, C J, ' k a 0 SPLIT VAU..!A o �,,--"}) LIMITS ri,); T! — S^FIO L YFF R'EA FIRV, TOiAf ACMGE TIMBER IWRQVO UNDEROVKI) [AL01JRN �f—v O —f SEWLH HSAIL. A;ftPf- FERRY YR AO i-QW . BUDGS. DOTAL 1 B UATE REAWN Ff39 OWM DATE g 19 5 h Sa 5G 9' 113� 500 636 /6 5� (3 of 6 /aLlt C��c ✓ - � v 9 -� 19 0 5K5o Il duo LL 4-lo-Sq fit„ I 19 9s �5d 9-sb �v o -/d- _ ! .19 f i I9 S-Q ev F _ Go Y � az z7 19 G.Jt d A. o �...A I — LIMITS ROAD SCHOOL WAM FIHE $EWER HOUTTAL ATRP" M F±FRRY - HER 7' NO'I[INE_-- �92L05-122 5D00 9650 a DATE REASON tm _FED +J wf' - FIAT FFTIz PRICE YEAR. AC LAND B TOTAL .5 it 1962 3 76-Z H 1 eAl 19 J So o 0 21 I, 19 19 �9-71 L 10000 8 19700 T 257CC*152105-9122-0 8/9' 1 -2 -- SCE 't f 60 700 _19 - 19 sm7li 193 G 19 12- L 1C322 B C(8-", 7 - T --284"1- 192IA5-9i�2$^ �9 73 L 1300o 8 ;;,, 22780 T 35780 *102105-9122-0 . y 19 - S X T n j � 3 - T Cn 40 kil b N a r C, R 0 zz� IZJ % cri La F 3 CD � N - tp t74 N H R] C a x � _ CrA d x vs 0 x K r. or r r y { 4 w E0110 - (/ ADDITION _ I" !L- O -^V p 6eckio',-c/.yc(J- �Twn.�Rangr. -Ewm; Block iok ar - P£#Ib(I'(' Trask RATE -*- & Ad&.4 or P-Ip My.-- - l Gank. Pnrol,arc°r 9 Fee Owner_ J lirchilxk-- Coptisct'pr - B Original Building Coxt; 0—;Fit•N Uc9opisd - - �Bantal per Algath 1 P tirnated Reatul j— MQakh I 7 Condition of Eztgrlor, .r., inlcriar_ -- - Toundttiion.. -._w Flanr Plan: Goof BD;T1DTAtl - �m- ilg w t 7— Fancily Dwelling Va. of Stories No, of Ronan Bssemcat Fhsk Ffoor Second Floor Attic BAST.MYMT ,tVo M- Full - Part ,e To First Haar Joist Fume apd Copercte ri. ri.- 0CAj -IM73DkA �_ Siaglo -- --- ❑ ' `� paublo -.---- Solid Very Cheap _ ¢heap . w Medium .� Ceed Bpeeid ' ' Ituulaled y EYTEBIO& WALLS - Itaarda and Ba - Shiplop n • `: Ced '•' Shinslea Lath e — Brisk c mnopmition - - to Cone c 1 OOVALIiY r 'yte),tin Cyl' !� _ Ci et =-- }l'ardrotw� • .• � • - purr i+' uPicd, JrvntIv 14� .�_ Ihrtct S 7 trnpoi/hrd ❑- Moved. 19 Dnm Finv ed. 19 -A-7 - i:ehuilk, 10 - - • ltczaodcled, 19 L&ai-age Y,*q Eueurq 3.ifa ]v.rn -i)wv f-r Cmnf - i 3- �.��'=,y t • 7� ' ' p - �• . ` - - " - - ' . - YOPt � 9aly.p Shrim.y '- F{n ,jvkl1 rt•lb �/� - 'Opened Cla6cd FloortYail _ia+'atwy,'-151 - El—Wallr. Unfinished Floor4VA- Uaclnl r Floor-Wsll 51107er- i:lltMEtiS � Fluor-l5'nll -NP.—�Il'idtit— - Ii it..4",pratn Bo'erd None Dnfiaished ._— Cement Blocks fluor Reernatian Room Igvink Room Service Rooms Garage h Unfinisd e RMATOR. WALLS Plaster - Plaster Board Celotex - Plywood Ceil^ed Opep Ssuda Puipled Lxlsomirrt Papered Unfinished Walls FOUNDAT3 fr 'l Cement 81 Stunt or Bdek W-1 P., Ca ode Rlnrk �,-- noOlt OpNSTED TON �� lst Fluor Juuts Bridged Poet & lleoo,f Stud IIesring T_ Beam S., FLOOIIR Httrdu'ood To Concrete rv/,(.,,:, Asnfudt Ttk ShinSnp -� CEILING HEIGHT Basement k. Iat Floor__�It. 2nd Fhwr— rr. 3rd Ph,ur�—It. in- .illic 1,uw_�.11igh Stems ➢amt.—Ist—�2nd Ikiek T;ie Fxcc Cnbblestope Unfinished — —J BPOg Shiaxl.- Shake Cnmpu+iu,.0 Tiln or Shric Tar and Gm+,1 Tsr N,— T T INTItRIOB. TRIM 3iardwund 5lahogan5' Fir Unfinished 1 �--- .�l ^PORCHES — One Story T" Stary Unroofed Cfiment Floor Recessed Enclosed _ - PLUMBDTP A No. al Fixtures Tub—Ikg or Pem. TPilats Basin —Pedestal Sink Shown Stall Hot Water Tank isundry Trays NPne L°nfjnished Expensive Good - jrrengrPat4kl Cheap _ Dishq'•sher Autrt-lt'ashar Airkp-Dryer —� --7-- T, $EATTNG Stave Pipcless Furnace Floor Furnace II A Air Furnace Ferc Gas ker BarrierFinlghert} ,Ftrsntrc OilByrncr Oi§Ilmning Dnit - ➢adinnR Hot {rater Electric — --_--,- ,--r— ---� — - T_ --- ...-.._._ �— �— . Ot4C 8�ildknga Oor#r.gcYion . Flour . ..of .Stores T�iM.osiPns S. F. Arxp Fscloe -Value 'T Pep ..,.Depme , Net Val ,p: - RV1150-18 (DATA ENTRY: RVII00-J) C/1,DATA COLLECTION AND DISPLAY FORM (100) ACCOUNT NO: 192105-9122-0 LOG/DATE: P M 2 �O1/08/97 - FOLIO: 22028- - LEO CODE: 0-440 LAST UPDATE: 01/08/97 BY: SRO _ TAX STATUS: TAXABLE_ APPR I➢: MD_ DA_ YW AREA: 464- Q/SC/TW/RG: NW/19/21/05 /-_/// AUBURN LAND USE: 251 _ PROP NAME: RENTAL MART - PIZZA KORNER OTHER RETAIL-S (105) __ _-------- �-------------- PROPERTY ADDRESS: 1022 AUBURN WY S 010) __ _ RB NUh4 FR - PR STREET -NAME - TY SU (112)+++++++++++++++++++ COMMERCIAL/INDUSTRIAL-LAND RECORD +++++++++++++++++++++++++ ZONING JURIS/AUBURN % USABLE/ 100 ZONE ACTUAL/C1 TDPOGRAPHY/_ LEVEL ZONE CODE/-- RES COMML SHAPE/ IRREGULAR LOT SIZE/ ........ 29,270.00 ACCESS/STANDARD UNIT/S_A- SQFT VISUAL EXPOSURE/ STANDARD CORNER LOT/Y_N_ NO OPEN SPACE CLASS. NO WATERFRONT ON/_ NONE RESTRICTIVE CONDITIONS/Y N NO CONTAMINATED PROP NO HW HC UT AS RO (335)+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ PERMIT ACTIVITY+++++++++f+++.+++.+++++++++++++++ ACT BLDG: TYPE PERMIT DATE VALUE % COMPLETE % % --- % ---% AI)D_-- (510)++DEL ALL BUGS /__/+++++++ PROPERTY WIDE IMPROVEMENTS SUMMARY ++++++++++++++++ DESC: RETAIL TOTAL BLDGS ON PROPERTY/ 2 _______ GROSS AREA (ALL BLDGS)/------ 5,765 YEAR BLT/__-57 CLA55/MASONRY NET AREA (ALL BLDGS)/...... 5,765 EFF YEAR/ _ 57 QUAL/__ AVERAGE MULTI-USE/Y N NO LOT COVERAGE/___5,765 MULTI -PARCEL. PROP/Y N NO NUMBER OF UNITS/ 0 - (500).++++++++++++++++++++ INDIVIDUAL BUILDING DETAILS +++++++++++++++++++++++f+++++ BLD CL QU DESCRIPTION NU GROSS NET % HE SP_ NUM AS AL ST AREA AREA YB/EY CMP AT KL #1 C C RETAIL 1 4,641 4,641 57 57 100 FA N #2 D C RETAIL--------- ----------------- 1- -1,124 -1,124 52/52 100 BB N #3 -- ---------------------------------- -- ------ ------ --/-- -- -- N #4 -- ---------------------------------- -- ------ ------ --/-- -- -- N (520)*++++++++++++++++++++t fNTER14R 5EC71ON DETAILS t..+....+++++++++++++++++++++.++ ------ SECT 1------------- SECT 2------------- SECT 3------------- SECT 4------- BLD# AREA STR-HT AREA STR-HT AREA STR-HT AREA STR-HT 1 4,641 14 CO3-STORE,SPECIALITY 2 1,124 -- $ -- ------ -- -/-- ------ -- -/-- ------ -/-- 006-RESTAURANT ------ -- -/-- -- -/-- ------ -/-- 4 ------ -- -/ ------ -- -/-- ------ - -/-- ------ -/-- (589)+++++++++++++++++++*+ACCESSORY IMPROVEMENT SUMMARY ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ACT ENT DESCRIPTION ACT ENT DESCRIPTION /__/ (1)------------------------ /--/ (2) ----------------- (160)+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ COMMENTS+++++++++++++++++f++++++++++++++++++++ 0006g J. J. iC **JOB RV1100•- C/l PARCEL VALUE ANALYSIS WORKSHEET PARCEL NO: 192105-9122-0 RPT RV1150-20' PRINTED ON: 02/21/94 .r FOLIO: 22028- - PROP NAME: RENTAL MART - PIZZA KORWER Q-S-T-R: NW-19-21-05 PROP AODR: 1022 AUBURN WY S AREA: 460 LUC: 251 CLASS: MASONRY QUAL: AVERAGE TAX STATUS: TAXABLE YR-BLT/EFF-YR: 57/57 #STY: 01 , #UNITS: LOG/DATE: 460 02/21/94 GBA/NRA: 5,765 / 5,765 AVG-UNIT-SIZE: SEG-�MERGE DATE: •• •• i •• :'c t; ECONOMIC INCOME * t: .. .. .. :t ., t :t * t .. COST APPROACH USE AREA RATE GROSS VCL EXP NET INC x OCC#_ _ CL IRANK _ g r��'�_ __.Y(lYL__ $ S-.50 _ ISszy ./v_ do 2at. 7s-- * #STY ----STY HT EFF AGE-- vy--- $-V-.oR- -_77 ?-?--- �l_v_ jo- -7L -_* HEAT - ELEV -SPR -- ---------------- $------------- --- -----------* AREA ---------- ---------------- $----------_-_ --- -----------J` MISC -----------------�- -- -- --- ------ ---CODE -SF -- - CODE '_ - ---------SF `� ��: ECONOMIC INCDME�APPROACH�'s 'c :`. it `-- ------------ NET INCOME ------------ :: ACCY IMPS AREA COST DEP RCNLD LESS PER. PROP. INCOME LESS LAND INCOME ---_-------- �,-----------_ ------ -------- X( + } --____------------------ ------ ------ --- ----� ------ -___ _----- ------ ---------- LAND VALUE INT�+ TAX NET IMPROVEMENT INCOME _ CAPITALIZATION RATE ------------ ----------- ------ ------ ----------• INT'^ + -TAX- + RECAP -- :c M&S BASE CAPITALIZED IMP. VALUE _ * HEAT LAND VALUE .: -SPRINKLER ------ ------ ------ ------ EXCESS LAND/ADD LAND ELEVATOR TOTAL BY INCOME APPROACH $---- ---- �: TOT BASE --� ------ ^'-- '-''-- _ $---------NSF STY FACT ---- ----- -- -- ------ HGT FACT •• •• ••• OTHER VALUE INDICATORS* AREA FACT ------ ------ ------ ------ NET INC ( a7959 ) / (•17ta ) OAR=_ 23Z 9��-_ ,.; REF COST GR I NC ( ) X ( ) GRM=_______ :t COST MULT ------ ------ ------ ------ LIN I TS ( ) X ( ) $/UN I T-_ __--_- , LCL MULT ------ ------ ------ ------ GBA ( 5,765)X( )$/SF=---__ _-__- - FINAL COST ------ ------ ------ ------ RA ( 5, 765) X ( ) $/SF= - STY/BLDG AREA ^ F f IJ COST RCN-BL6G#T rc .. LAND:: ZONE/TYPE AREA $/SF VALUE * ----------�---'-----'-- "-- " ------ _..--------- - ----------------------- $ _=$--f------ SUB^TOTAL ------- -- --------------- TOTAL -r 29270.005E S Ski=$_/6u_'Ze PHY5ICAL DEPRECIATION - - RATIOS: (SF LAND)/(SF GBA)= 5.1 ECON-FUNCT OBSOLESCENCE --_ _ _-_ (SF LAND)/(SF RA) = 5.1 DEPRECIATED IMP VALUE ---' SELECTED VALUE• : = ACCESSORY IMPS(SEE ABOVE)_-- _ _ -__ APPRAISER _1q LAND $ ICa/GCjc)_ TOTAL IMPROVEMENTS �- -- -r DATE H,1 _4yIMPS $ _7a�aci __ .: LAND --_--'---_--_-- TOTAL $ _�33aa F� 'c TOTAL BY COST APPROACH /UNIT OR =$ -:'_c .. SALES C COMPARABLES PARCEL # E-NUMBER SALES PRICE VC DATE $/RA REMARKSz -------- 1L5m4?P -- --- ---------- PETITION CHG ORDER DATE FROM -LAND TO -LAND FROM -IMPS TO -IMPS OTHER APPEALS: *COMMENTS Y. * :: * .. .. * ., * :c * .. .. .. .. * * .. ---------- Ct_!__--�r z2� Eos[w�+t r� ryrsc. C2�r.YiL 2 �'CIJG S _______-__S7GS¢6�ft�fLl�r1 --------------r3[��-/--rvnSaNReK--5!�Y1 ----- ---------------------'3LD�,#t_--Fi2rrtrr�= 11zy5, ------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------ o38b7 **JOB RVI'TOO C/I PARCEL VALUE ANALYSIS WORKSHEET PARCEL NO: 192105-9122-0 RPT RVII50-20 PRINTED ON: 03/07/92 J FOLIO: 22028- - PROP NAME: RENTAL MART - PIZZA KORNM Q-S-T-R: NW-19-21-05 PROP ADDR: 1022 AUBURN WY S AREA: 460 LUC: 251 CLASS: MASONRY QUAL: AVERAGE TAX STATUS: TAXABLE YR-BLT/EFF•-YR: 57/57 #STY: 99 ; #UNITS: LOG/DATE: 460 03/07/92 GBA/NRA: 5,765 / 5,765 AVG-UNIT-SfZE: SEG-MERGE DATE: %t * * * * * * ECONOMIC INCOME * * * * * * * * * is * * * * COST APPROACH USE AREA RATE GROSS VCL EXP NET INC * OCC# CL_ RANK_ Ale 5r I I Z I $ .LS 2767 .S .2c _f f.G3 * #STY _ STY H7 _ EFF AGE_ IgTWL $_,ZS-0&t .S .20 4 HEAT ELEV SPR $ * AREA PERiM $ * MISC _CODE 5F _CODE SF $ * _CODE SF * * * * ECONOMIC INCOME APPROACH* NET INCOME ,t ACCY IMPS AREA COST DEP RCNLD LESS PER. PROP. INCOME LESS LAND INCOME LAND VALUE INT + TAX * _ NET IMPROVEMENT INCOME * _ CAPITALIZATION RATE + + INT + TAX + RECAP —T * M&S BASE CAPITALIZED IMP. VALUE * HEAT LAND VALUE * SPRINKLER EXCESS LAND/ADD LAND * ELEVATOR TOTAL BY INCOME APPROACH $ ,e TOT BASE . $ /SF * STY FACT * HGT�FACT * * * * OTHER VALUE INDICATORS* * * >< * AREA FACT NET INC( Zs701 )/(.12G)OAR= aZ/S1ay2 * REF COST GR INC ( ) X ( ) GRM= * COST MOLT UNITS( )X( )$/UNIT= * LCL MULT GBA ( 5,765)X( )$/SF- * FINAL COST RA ( 5,765)X( )$/SF= * STY/BLDG AREA FIN COST RCN-BLDG#1 * * is * 9c * * * * LAND* * * * * is * * * s4 ZONE/TYPE AREA $/SF VALUE _$ * SUB TOTAL TOTAL 29270.00SF lj. Q _$ /3/ 7/ S * PHYSICAL DEPRECIATION RATIOS: (SF LAND)/(SF GBA)= 5.1 * ECON-FUNCT OBSOLESCENCE (SF LAND)/(SF RA) = 5.1 * DEPRECIATED IMP VALUE SELECTED VALUE* * * * * * * * * ACCESSORY IMPS(SEE ABOVE) APPRAISER LAND $ /3/70b * TOTAL IMPROVEMENTS DATE •V-ja-9L IMPS $ 2taS00 * LAND TOTAL $ .9l L/aoo * TOTAL BY COST APPROACH =$ /UNIT OR =$ 3 7./5- /SF * _$ /SF * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * SALES & COMPARABLES * * * * * * * * * is * * * * PARCEL # E-NUMBER SALES PRICE VC DATE $/RA REMARKS 97 i'93.� APPEAL ACTIVITY PETITION CHG ORDER DATE FROM -LAND TO -LAND FROM -IMPS TO -IMPS OTHER APPEALS: *COMMENTS * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 12ENTfYL M/p.L q-- cjwlZ2-A` /�LOAAgIL /�E yyiL.tlTlf - 10ZZ 9d8 OA 1 wwcr S. - Z IYU)a5 Ai9h A)$ . e v6, L?- Jt.5 B e 7-/2 25A-46 07704 FOLIO NO, ;?070 p2�„ PARCEL--�NO. 171 CLASS/DUAL. / [' M-O PAYE STORY/NOT. YR. ■LT. /yS CONDITION (jam PERIM. E. Y /MEL. / NO. UNITS/A. U. S. / AREA INCOME APPROACHX COST APPROACH USE AREA RATE DROSS I VCL EXP MET -BASE hem; - X16Y 1. , -/O 2227 7 S ,75' li gErC% HEAT a E ST- lf1N ,bo n 3 ,S b53S SPRIHK ELEV_ ACTUAL ANNUAL POTENTIAL DROSS ECONOMIC TOTAL SASE STY. FAC. NOT. FAC. AREA FAC. REF. COST COST MUL. LOCAL MUL- IF - LESS VAC. AND CL. , EFFECTIVE GROSS MISC. INCOME LESS EXPENSES ANN, NET INCOME LESS iNCOME INCOME TO R P. LESS INCOME TO LAND I )X( + J LAND VALUE INT. TAX NET INCOME TO IMPS. FIN. COST STORIES AREA FIN. COST RCN BLDi. I RCN ■LOY. t CAPITALIZED AT l )+I-) + I J IHT. TAX RECAP. CAPITALIZED IMP. VALUE SUBTOTAL (NCH) PHYSICAL OEPAEC. ECON. OR " FUNCT. OSSOL. LAND VALUE EXCESS LAND TOTAL BY INCOME APPROACH OTHER VALUE INDICATORS NET INCA [/siy J I ,.2O JDAN • 6q3&% OEP. COST (MCNLD.) ACC. IMP$. (SEE BELOW) TOTAL IMPROVEMENTS LAND TOTAL BY COST APPROACH DATE COSTED TO, GROSS INC.( j X I ) ONM.. NO. UNITS ( J X I ) /UNIT AREA( J X I ) :/SF • LAND CALC.+ 7 4' }: co- 11 -7zlf�) ACC. IMPS. AREA COST DEP. RC NLO SELECTED VALUE LAND IMPS + ArrR. -�r-o TOTAL DATE I- /U - 87.30d d 36a S• �/H TOTAL COMPARABLE SALES E N0. AMOUNT DATE bETAILS/REMARX5 COMMENTS_ 2i A.-Q Imo/ tp '7S / 'IF'/ri`d r1n Clt-n`:S TC. oZ3),I P,T 1957- Ole — 5-7L5-'t 416 0116 '�' f C . / I? �l -t q'. 3 `' ASSESSORS FORM Ar Si ASSESSOR'S FORM NO,A Z50.2 ASSESSOR'S ACCT NON 210 - 91 z z GRACE i UK Coo[ NTORIEE T_ FF K YEAR WILT CDND1710N STORY (TATIa TIGS PfAlm � TER - n EFFECTIVE ARE NO. OF URITI ROUARF FEET STORY NOT ADDITION$ FLAT ITEMS IUILPiNO CALCULATIGHS RAPT. iFp RUM/INp ,, Et 1- 1 RT OF L SASE I N0 OF a XGT PAC a RD ! F P AREA FAC 4 TN A F B STY. FAC SYR IF da ADJ Fit. ATH SF OL RFG "----af - - APJ. Mac TM LINT ■TM 6 FLOOP� IF_G )JJ ROOF IOTx IJTN AF1} --OFF —_-. CELL - - -_ PART MEAT —_ E.0 �f p� �'4,f S.Lr _ l lIR CONO �]� / - LI•HYS T O TA L STOR IEE _ - IF& _ TOTA_L TOTAL OF 6 AREA OR OIJANTITY - UNIT GO(T REPLACE GOAT POP. ARE DEM NET TOTAL VALUE FLAT ITEMS �- IUB- TOTAL ADDITIONS T 7OVAL - -� - COST FACTOR TOTAL REP4ACENENT CAST PRTJjCAL DEPAECIATfON [NETT l Y T TOTAL PNTRICAL VALUE M ECOR. OR FUNCT OWL (NETT Y FINAL APPRAISED VALUE PERCENT CDNF L I I E IN ITI Y TOTAL ACGE38ORY RUILDINpS R OTHER IYPRCYFNENTa APARTIAL VALUE INCOME APPROACH ACTUAL EGORONIC ANNUAL POTENTIAL GRO!! IS L[Sa YAC F CREDIT LDaa -51"7o ts ANHWL EFFECTIVE 90*23 L(iX EXPENSES - AYNWL MET INCOME /1 INT RATE RATE AND RAT[ +TAX /s4 LE AND JMC ONESV f LAME VALUE LAND RATE MET lNCONE 70 BUILDING INT RATE TA): RATE RECAFTWIE RATE OUILO111p RAC WILDING VALUE 2 PERSONAL PROP VALUE LAND VALUE INDIC TOTAL PWIFRTY VALUE INCOME APPROACH * ! 2 3 COST APPROACH OR RCN i MKT i i' X SRN amost 5, MKT *2• R RO, wl Ti ►ER UNIT R, MKT 4 3, E AREA PER SD_ FT. SELECTED VALUE- LAND i� J VCR Ly APPRAISER RLD,a DATE TOTAL /� l SALES $uw(cT SUBJECT DOW CON, COMMENTS 60-1,I 6f PARCEL E A AMOUMT DATE LOCATION NOTES FOLIO ADD1Ti0N f ��v d Section_-•T�vp,Asngawm, Book �j Lot or PERa'iLTSTi 0 ' Taz Lot 12 I T[avt 66 u DATE Fae Ownpr--JY4- /+ - Amhttact Condition of Esteripr�nterlpr�poandatipn_-_ _Floor Plan; Cwd Aceapt,.__X_Good P$LI F' ROOF CONSTRUCTION FLOOR FINISHES Tile 0 U- PLUMBING No. Stories _ -.� Frame Lam Fir Mapto ]).the El Fl. W-w .�_ No. Fistutm No. Stores Mill Ganstructioa Oat; 2 =6" TAG Sq• Ft. Floors Toilets 3 No, Roo ne tla _Rein. Coreta i�� IAnn. 3 z6'" Td G H S4. Ft. Walls Tube, Leg or Paw. Bryeemonk No. Offices No. Trusses 6J,O6�,--s Gamont W#S Lin- Ft. nr. Bd..-_F_.., )3 aiw' Pod. ❑ Tit% r -- - Wood $W Tacraa:o Sq. Ft, —'Floors Sioka No. Apa tmtuW ROOFING MAT$RIAL Raecolith Sq. Ft. Wall. TJrinale e° 1 rm. 2 rm. 3 rm. �- Tarand CrawlX TiIo AT o FF S F Lin. nr. Bda. Shun em (Tub) (Stall) 4 rm. A rm. 6 M. Or� 6 , ) ' �, y Gr~ Sit'a ❑ Fl. 0Wal10Ia1up Tm a TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION r� ! 9 A �9 11Lt , G0 A L a✓ _I- / H. W. Task Fi. Draim ❑ Duta IIviIL����7 n�aFiad ❑ IInSnislud fjode)eltd$prink. Sys. No Trds. ^� r ] --- Frame ❑ --- Single Dcuble E¢eckive A ' ' �mm HRATIIQO s �•� Future. 1. O[din.ry Kaeonry _ Dcp. [o[ Cond. na1r. [or UE% �' - - - 4F F $kove Mill CoaSkuotiou CI-4 A Roin. Con. $tru. Steel and Co. Tile ❑ Brick Con. ❑ Role. Con. — -- i---"-- -p�/ -- Y IBpe[ees Furnace - - _ Gravity H. A. I` Air Good.. Fan "- _ - _ _ -- - - -" C — Suawrolod Gas, Hot Water 1Sleam Heat emd.—area.-.K=cnenp_- w� � � � aetwatar - 7- oil Butner —d �_ YGUSDATION — Mud Sills - --�_ Poet and Pier t Rear Value -- Rriek Concrete Pile ♦ - LYL 66 - -•^a � • . F �- BAS]QMRIT Full El SAb.13ueem9nt TAl wmlxO — Pass. F k Treated Ppes,. Timb � kl;u9bo k Tubb Gangs ❑ No. Care - - .F?oom Pin tered- fAving Roams - Man. ►_� ...,. 14M only o aduit COPE ?'°r°ge Zongth Power{i'iriAg- -" Range Wiring 5arvica Raema Ho'sta: Eleo--TTA, — No. Outlote INTERIOR WALLS O. B. GROUND FLOOR. ARZA ' Stud and Plaster Lam. Plastc d TOTAL FLOOR AARA 1 EXTERIOR WALL CONST. 6ingla ❑ DAubla 2"x ds Stud Well. 21 x V Stud Walls 3M.I. Walla Plywood B CA11Ad of "1„� r, (r3W Brisk with PileaLora Y PfnsLer Board 2 _ �- Con oralc o f- Paintod -.�.' CovntEi PLlaetehm Stain ❑Varaieh- Tilo Walls R.I., Con. Sk.L Xuleoudea f 1 1a Wlutew.ehed Qnfiaiahed wos. Laminated Wells q nl:u X PL. FF ,'1A-' — R%TRRIOR FACINO INTRRIOIL TRIM �f ♦a5 (�Q7eV1 Sb Nt ,_ 4�-,! _'� Fie O!~%': 10 "''t' Siding Shiaglee ® $halo Stueca Meh. ❑ Deli kl pit w�7 — Brick V .early //11 Metal 12 L CdNG ui a- r 1 nd l W1 t 1� 1 T�oora 13 -�- &pno 0Fml�,,ylgr UW wA$-MI �T.4-W[ndoxa ---� b1' Term Cott. opt' 'T Swrad 13 St . Glass Verniahed 10 Z C 14 Timm PaiAted �A �195y fS FLOOR CONBTUUOMON � Unfi>nebed ,N� 1g 19 :Ini.t con. Sine a "� 0,0 Tn Bridg.—D 20 �I Mill Canskruotloa 21 14 iteio. Co., as Other Buildings Construction Floor Roof $loriea Dimonsious S, F. A[ea Factor Valuo ^Ja Dep. Depr .Net Veto. d i i "@w N.P.n'N. CO. Y r FOLIIO+� ADDITION / , L' .d.L d.0 7f 8rotion >1 TWP Ren7H F �. Ill.. � 1 � � Lot nr 1PERblSo4'tn.S�I Taxlgt Tract I FOR REFFIRF Of x DATE.2-27"q Ad - w Foe Owner Coaditioo of Exteriar� is �/ -�s� .Good Bm"WHS. *OFF No. stari a No. Stores Na Ronma 13pement -�. No-Cflicea N0. A rtmonls 1tm.�2rm, 3rm.• 4 rm. ❑5rm 0rm.- TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION Fmmo y Single ❑ ➢ouble I --_ - Orditmmry Masonry 1 - Alili Construction Class A Rain. Con. _ stru. Steel end Con - Tile ❑Brick Co.. ❑ Rein, Con, d• t:aod-�fed..�i^Ghee FORAOATION - M+rd Bills - 1 Pest and Pier Brick �� Conercta � Pik BABSM$t1T Full ❑ 9 ._ BulMllscmpnt TA Gi' G.rag. El No. Ogre Room — Pi.Amd LivlA6 Rooms — 6crvicaRaoms Hoists-.Mea_Yf d. EXTERIOR WALL CCNOT. nZT31=011. WALLS Single ❑ Double Stud and Plaster 2'x4' and Wa16 Lam. ❑ PIP.Cmd M x d• stud walls Plywood Brisk Walls Ceil.d 1' l7v Brick with Pilasters Pl.At Hoard 2 Can]9ailsPainted 8 Comth Pileeteei &sin ❑ Varnish 4 Tile Wins Y-I—in. s — Rein, Cop, Skel. WMIawaehed . s 17ilier Wall. �` Ilnfrniahad wo$ Lam paced walls 7 x PG• cr. FF�. e � E$TERIOR FACING INTIMOR TRIM 9 &dine Shingles Fir G``F- 10 Shakes Stucco m.b. ❑ Oak 11 Ildok V.neerf� Metal 12 edNL 13L R u nd h%i<) 1 too m ld 8tnne Cast w:3 .da" .I4 rarra cntta FaFl GN eti;nia 15 Skint. Akan y r i hed la Trim Painted 17 FLOOR CONSTRUCTION --- Twmbhod wjf�s is ,iaiat Con. Bise •. 18 O.0 rn Rridg.�� 7.6 -�I Mill Corutruotiou 21 Rd . Co.. —w 22 Other Buildings Ca-truatinn I Floor I Roo! Stories i .0w N-"..N. cis, PLI7MHFZI[i Wells � No. Firiurm re Toilets s Tube, Les or Pea:. ,Ida. Psalm, Pad. re Sipla Drioala Ids. 8how'ors (Tub) (Blatl) woos L.npdry T-ye H. W. Tank 111. Drains �77 sprink. Bye, No. Ird . (1 n"TINo eam - -lt stov. drA Pipdosa Furunee {14. ' Gravity H. A. - - _ - Air Caad., Fan Sespeadad Gee, Hot Water Steam Heat Hot Water Oil Burner 15r V Year Vd - a ]Sri[r Ylr-+ILtl Past. . Fttight Tmate4 Piles, Tim Auto. .Jam. y . ,- - .)• Man. i'Iyd. %ell. �., /LYorsga Length Pifved O.H. J_GROVHDYLOORARYA 7 TOTAL FLOOR AREA LGay ba � N-- d: T." Conauit�cOA� } P— wiring Rnaga wiring ct 2. Dimensions I s. F. Awe I Fsctor I Value I % Dop, I Deprec. ,Ci���� gyp II F04}IQ p� ADDITION r-1r 1`'r r 1 �, �` 1 o I R Scotian 19 'ibvP•-—RsnBa-�Ewm. Block Lot or I . PER/"/p6S20. x -,.. Tax Y.otiiiTract rlyr u 410E UNIX FOR REFEK Yea 0—ar—z�fx COPdAlon of111891 Exterior • , `i r IL _Gaccf aQ, ZVE _ No.&ories No. Stores -'--ate No. Room. —� Bpeament No. Offices ---.- No. Apartme.te El I M. I rm. — •1 rm. 6 rm. 6 rm, TWI OF CONSTRUCTION —� Fmme Single ❑ Double Ordinary Mat.nry MI C,nnstruntion _ -- Class A Rein. Con. _ Stru. Steel and Can — Tile Briall — t ® — co.. RoI.. Con.- Gaad—Med.�Chea FODNDATYOH j �q Mad Bills Post and Pier �- _q Brick co -rot.- - Pile � x r _ HA81:M" PLUMM=1s Walls No, Fixturea I wM Toileta IN Tube. Lee or Pam. Hd.. —♦< Boa., red. 5ra Bioko la Urinala Bde. showers (Tub) (Stall) " Weil. IAnndry Trays H. W- Tank FL Ilraia. ❑ —� — sprink. 9Ya. No, r+da. Yi WMG 1 �Yesm stave aPP Pipelass Furnaoo f J4. 1 i GmAty H. A, Air Cond., Fan �— Suspended Gas, Hut Water Stcam IFeaL f�JJ HotWatrr Oil Bnracr Yaa.r Va3uad. Vol % ,sun velsration 60 % lC� j e Sub-BUerrwnt TANXA �... ,.rrsltB 11OCX6 AND DYERS WI=a Size— — -Peas. Fright —� Trrsle¢ PHm, TimU _ $n.bn k Tuba_ — Garnxf El No. Cara Auto.P'sida,FfoonsIlya. T_, ._..r„.'4caGulp, �: Conduit C6AE I Plastcrnd -D Ma.. —. Afema. rmngth Power Wiring _~ Livibg Rooms Service Room. — laved — Range Wiring Hoh&.; EIec—H d. No, OuRats EXTERIOR WALL CONOT. YNTSRYOR tVALLe O. R. GROUND FLOGS ARLA- Biagle Double stud and Piaster A•X4, Stud Wall. Ism, ❑ Pieat.rcd TOTAL FLOOR AREA 21x 9' Stud Walls Plywood B Brick Well. Ceiied tea= w �Vr'�b c•— Brick with Pila.tar. Plates Board 2 Y'[ _ 2 f — C. 19 .K ' i+fhc P.i.tea a CoLh pill— — stab, ❑ V.rosh — Tilo W.IIs Hai..mine 6 W Y• i' Rein. Con, Skel, White —boa 6 Filler Wall. X Unfiaisliod WA. d l Iamimted Wall. X fir^. Fic 9i:•L . r EXTUJOR rAOINq TRT=OR TRW f: 6 1/v " Vol.(jt e �� //f1"_._ Biding Bhing[se Ft, r9�✓� 10 Bbakes stucco — Mah. ❑ Oak 11 �by W(}'2 Brick Veaeer Mel.! 12 f 1 gNC 13LK u:ad ----.Y�%A _Do.ea 13FRO ON ` Iw Terra Cotta op Bt.ined 1s i Struat. Glass Vmaiebed 16 f•J 14 Tdm ! FLOOR 00156TBOOTYOII Patnlsd 17 QCFj4s7 !�' UnGnbbed IN EB. �. X• , GOI' 7oiet Con. size —� 10 I O,C In Bridg. n — 20 Mill C.Wruca.. 21 Ir hots. Ga.. 22 Maur Buildups Contraction Floor Roof S Drift Dimens;.ru S. F. Area Fact.r V.1.6 7 Dep. Dopruo, ,Net V.l.n a N.n.H N, Co. I FOL1G ADDITION - - O x LZ-- Boction / 9 TwP•i`I---Kense--+.L--.-.-Ewen, Black PERMLTSl30. - _ ,Tea Lot WE RATE 4 "%5-57 Ad 4 Foo owner -- Conditla¢ of l;aterior. cr. 1 otar yy { I �4 Gaod "'—WHS.''Oi-f- _ 1.PLIfe1BIN0 /-� N.' &azice Walla ..' N. Stores ors Na. Flztuma Toilets — �. �r--.F No. Rooms Its Tube, Leg or Pew. IRWonea6 Bda. —!< Basins, Ped, No. Oflicaa Irs Siake —� No. A A mts a 1 ❑ urinals rm. 2 rm. 3 nn; M. 6 M. a El rm.: �� 8da. Shawers (Tub) (stall) + TYPE OF CCNSTRIIC'liOx Walls � 7mundry Trays 11, W. Tank Fl. Drains ❑ Frame Smiak. bye. X.—Hds. EJ.T¢ma ` y Single ❑ Double Yenn Ozdinary b[asonry ---1 - Tl>r for E. - - - - � �� Btava 9FF ...��•'�`'-r°�all'�' — Mill Construction 20ADCTION OOOT Factor af�' � - - r Piwesa l'unrece , �. — CIamA Rein. Can. — - - Stru, Steel and Con Factor Plus Minus GreYitY H. A, or Dimenai— s. F. Area Factor Cost � ,_ Air Cud., Fan Tits Brink Con. ❑Rai¢. Con. i 0 � $ /) - Suspended Gee, Hat Water — Can d Med.,X—Cheap— 7l'J/ r r ab1-iLr�— FOUNDATION S`I W715 Af �� r (, ( 16L I� L- Tot Water Mud Silts Oil Burner ', • �`� Ameisgad -� t {" Year Value Past and Pier Brie]; Concrcta � ¢•S Peh. r C7s lq.S�'9 Slyf"t)-, r OGd 0-1' , Total_ 1 •� •� a `!{� �? F A! ' ( VI S S! — �X Pile ' a Odd ar LeeaDoprectatioa a l�Ir9Q "+t+t �tt - •VA IS i.. `�0 Othat Buildm�_-__S _— /'7'_{�i'r'f%•L / r - Total Value — 33AS7<It KT - Full % (Full)--- A—ed Valuation boro M --- Sub•Bnaamont TAPIRS, ETC., LIST ELEVATORS DOCKS AND PIP.R.S WnUNQ — Sise — Garass ❑ Mo. Cam Pass- Fn,ight Treaded Piles, Timb _ Knobs k Tubq �, T'laaea � —Auto. �._,_,....d, — Mna. ❑ H"'L ir.....- Cape Pbwtered — Neowili, Conduit El �I� Power Nk'waga L.ongth ^-_ Livida Raamo — —LI �9P• —. — Wiring _ 'PArad Range Wrins . ` — Eierviso Roams 1-1 'foists; Rea—Byd. No, Ontlate EXTERIOR WALL COMET. nM'MOR WALLS C. H. CIROU" FLOOR AREA SLud end Floater I.M.❑ Pla'Umd TOTAL FLOOR AREA Single Dovblo 21. 9e Stud Walls 2• z 61 Stud Wolfs Brick Walla Pilastan Plywood Ceiledre iqq — — —'•Brink witfi PI-LmrBsard g Co W9rlftl�+i Poiafed- i C-�w th Pllastere Stela ❑ VarnieU l !F jd Tile Walk Rd.. Con. Sinai. I'iiler Walla q — %alsomiao t3s i j' i � t — Wbitewashed t5h� Unfinished TaminatodWall. X P�-.GG6. INTfulcolt TFSII X Fir Off- 56 to EXTERIOR FACING Siding Blsingla Shakes Stucce max. ❑ Oak It ply W p x Brisk Yenoar CON(, FJL1i Rana _ Y - Gf01a1 12 sm tJA Bona Ii 7SG" Stone Toren cette, d struct. Glm 1 —awned IS Varniahod to bA 1 4 — Trim Painkod 17 OFF ig FLOOR CONSTRUCTION psi Unileied d vvta 14. 19 �, saint Gov. 13� O.C.- - - Tn )3ridz._o 1 Yo I M31 Comtruction Jzt 1� can. as Otber Buildiao ConaLruetln¢ Floor Real Slurim Dimensions S. F. Area F-Lor Value Dop. Dnprec. ,Net Valuo Gara,oaa --z S i er.r.e.N, eo. x � i e 3 Address of i'rapert7 ! t) 1.'L._ G.DG!(!Y(l � r.t�w --.1 r• _ _[ c t *�' : - .... a - "- _ f Fee Qwaer...._ A. SArc411ect.^._.._.__.,T_.__ .�__..__........r..... _ _ ••: •�,i Znu.;cla p H y ¢Qri(cloal BpitdinfCoot ,.•—.....,_..............._Oxner•Te rtt Occupied_= • �..._..__S'a1ErlOi.-- t Auburn, wash a r. pdidou of Estarrar».µ� _FOtlrtdatl0l.._-_ - ` a • trILDINt3 ATTIC~— { { 4r!-FYmitp'L�IIln4 oor-W3F1...__.._..__Halh S;akrwsy ()15() 1972.1—j 1`22 . T..Fam11 ZL�qwellia �J Flaor•Wa1L-__..Lavatory Pp•nea.,_- , •POi' OP SEA Of GOY Lot 5 ly IUEly Of �] Nu. p[$kor;er'�RN J Fkar•W■Il—_.__._ FJonh�d S�&iv Rd 110 5 Less dui 5�r in width Less ' i ..7 xu.afNaama 5Ko f{d Fi Wa1L-,_.._-_. 7Yaifnlihe por i:iSly aP In rnng N 46°56E4b'r W frm ' DuemEnt "' L` �Vraor-Wall..-_---...__.Shower tr�sal Pt :�51e�1;)' Nd`ly of most Sly car First tI a Second Flppr 1� i' ' I µ Floar-Wall.-_-...__.Kilehen htn Draia Board DOBHE&S Na....,.... GYanaed FF aWkdt4...,. ... Stucco on. ,_Lath Thar¢ Etc- N9up 1/, � y v Brink Yaueer Attio . iTpfiaia r` s - Elnd ALES Planter .: )late flrai epaupl _ ; a�dl.,::, _ _ H._, _ SAMINTERIOR 16.'TY� Compoaikioa %y Ylaater Boned Dats sullt, 18... .,.^"'"'^"f^^^l lYaf5nia4cd )tared, 76 Cpaarata Rlock �f & _ Opl.iox Date Fiaiahad, lE.yi.. .......,i hunt, I ...... ._.....,..-..- ,*-Mp'glkdr ,1@.......... ........ HtrILT•INS PYywpeA EffeMlre AaE.... ...._�,,..._.,.,�qqa � F'ulura Ytr� I. Yearn "` $ikphan coma Dap, for Caad..... .... 7ttM. for Q.Ai _.______._.,,. LEA. far AS. ....... .....'iHll epee awaE _ _ _. UCTAGN � a AiS La. neY -3-et . 3Addreas. of Property LOM LAWL 4 Fee Owner 6 Original Building Cast Oc.uple', Re,oW per Month Estimated Rental per Month 2 Condition of Exterior... Ilan G­i__ ------- PORCHRS PXTERIOR WALLS tsirw. One Story B.-40 and flatten TWO FLMilY Dwelfln,,,q c� Two Starr Fl-r-W.UL_. go P Fbor-W-11— Unroofed R-tk III '3�NO, or RL..M. 6j? Flp. — Brirk and or Co-rete, C.4-T Siding 0 ' ( V - First Floor ie,Floor ADpRICE.RK 74, Shake. 8.r.nd Fl.,r itche. Drain Board No Gilaysed SO— Third Ft— Attic U.f.is'—Brick V ... or Kind WALLS v1sat­ Date ff,.L .0cupia P1.4t.r Board Dole B.11'. 19, Can.,.t. Mork COOL_ Data Fl.bbd, 394,e Be..................•RlntT.11111 P1,W_1 Eff..tf- AV .... ......... 7.11 17-turt Kitchen coiled D.P. for Good ....................FRI 0 . .................... . . DIP' for XS­'';­­­ Opera 11td4 3 P.P.red U.f,.i4b.d Wall. FLOoaa 4H.rdwsOA rh C. er.te elf ilia / ShIP1.5, cheap Ip er to FIEEPLACE—N........ ft"e" in. st'.r ft. in. _11t_ end 14k Tit. F..0 CohhlnLanaLm -0 .1#111 INTERIOR TRIM Told Vacua (Fail) p I hardwood A--.d Vaivati.n rose Fir C.rae.t Unfinished Floor Stoke, Rr.- 1,t Ovv., A VL RING Lii.r ROOMF Tress— Oil Burner 1No. of Fi.tu­s Tub—Lc9.rPc.. servlee enema Garage Oit Buroine Unit Air Cond. C—,,, Toilets R.al..t Bain—PeS eta] Drain H.t WaterAPO Sink Vnfi-$-),.d Elect'i� Show., Stoll Hot Tank VOVV3)ATfDX._U A3 I XXTUA FEATURES 4-, water Thiqk CAtb.dr.1 Collins, Laundry T,.ye None Stcne ar zrick Unfinished W.Od F..t O..Vre,it Biotic. Expensive ROOF -7 Good — W.Kl_ FLOOR CONSTRUCTION A­rxg. — Shako J.tFleet Joists — Cheap cOmp4mu.. ..I—",-- - Bridged — D. S. Sewer Cona. Til. ­ &lot. P.'s si.c x Tar And Grj,­1 Beam Size x Tar pa er • • other-31mildIngs Construction Construction Floor Roof SLY. Di.r.3i... F. Area Far, FactorT, V�Iuc Dep. 13mrc. Net 9vah._e G.rage x x S S $ 3 Mdrose e( Property .%f-'L I'NVMGLftW.�� [k..l +>• •-1'- - «...: - A...y .+v..r--: �.�.. 5Archllect_- .... ...- �� i C11111claw HWY. .t 4 Ctr-W,*) Building Cu.t i .---_-..,O--crnTrt Occupied �I 2 1 Auburn, Wa h. y Condition of Extorior,—,__„_._,._.,_..7nlerim».....».___,......—Favadatipa........« - r / UIL➢INU � TILE.. _.._........ZINC.... .,._.. I ATTIG _- _ �..; ax•-hYrmktf'>79FeSling leor-wz� 11.....�.....-...Balkh ,�_ sk.,_irw.4 �_ ---- A25n._. ?.9-21-5 122 i Two F.muy D/�wLepdtn¢ No: ae Sterf.l��`Vf _ it Width of Room 5rr'Y _ I Na. ,Ffht��J il: ✓ 0'� brl �, fL'Ps C CI' Third Flcor 1 I Brick V"oer MEW l Rind I F WALL Campo.atloa � Plantar DOE. Ai Stone yk Atf-k - Plantar 80.rd Bake B[ Conant. Black �� n Celot . DOE. Ff #� - �JUILT-INS wo Plyod xMiti. 4 Aa,.. C.Dfld Dee, fce Oloaeka r Pq"rikea + Ile Ijal.amtne - �le �'� 1 a P.PBrnd p UafWO.d Well. - I i [Cheap FLOOB9 r� tp xerdsl.ed �, � A•sk+kiTll. / � i �rne�rininte gh[ylan HBIGS HT I Ik. in. i J fl. in. I >FIaEPLAC�N.................. ..... — � - B.mS.,-..........iSL...... .... ,Rnd- r 10c------ Nigh Rise Fee. G Cohbl..tme OLhec HulZdioas, It1fYBRIOR TRIM Tote] V.lue (Full) II• �i hardwood A�d Valu.Lion fit I Mahog.ny c Flr. Commt 81ec1'a - - - - UnGal.hed Flcot 6koker / Yi%$ Neore.tt.n R.om 1.4 Oil B.- • I fLf__, _��� PL BING L"'. Beam Prc..ure Oil Bonner 1 ! Nc. of Fixture Serrle. 8oem. Oil B—hiw U.LL • r' %�I TulLeg or.Pem. Garage Al, Caad. Camp. • r ` t} k � �k Toikia--8.d[mt ��: L • ;kt- Baai�P¢Ccata[ Drssn Hat Wakflr Sink Unrinkh.d Electrlc 1 i Shnw.r Stall FOIINDATIOM � £RTBd FESTUBEg idot WaRr Tank Ctncr.ke-_Thick C.th.4-1 CBlilar • f � f LanndrY Trays CcmenL ele.lrr Iuanlated h Str.e or Brink Uafinishcd Wa.d Fo.L C4.0. a Blo.k- ExpeRll9a HOOF • y Good Shins]. - FLOOR CONSTRUCTION Atara¢t Sh.ke 1st Fiao-ri.t 7oe � Fear/�'" Cbcap ComnaaittaR----Bridg.d D. S. Sawa Loan. Tit. ar Slak. Post Sire x Tar.od fir -el Baam Size x Z F r OtherBuildings I Construction Floor Roof Sty. Di —ion. S.F.Art. Factor Woe• %Dep, Deprec. NetValne i S S x S S f Folio S A4dre14 at Vee owner.,. z B � Eno )claw Iluy. 6 Qr(giaal Building Cast j._—_..--.Ownu-Trn nt Occnpicd--._. � .—.�.�..,I pi.Ilburrl r Wash a I�`� ' I 7 C�nditie¢ aE Exterior = _^� r 3 qa. F+nIRp D� that 3 .9-21-5 122 Two Family R�pvr7 _ NO: oL Starks!'_' A i#�I r3 All Ha:emeat yr First ti.or S... us Flgar 1 j Third Fle- _ Attie _ Plaa[er ): Plaster Bard L Cal -tax D Plywood x peiied p Open Blvd* Painted Ifalaamiae - Papered U010.1,64 Wall[ FLOORS Hardwapd Fir poppe to 4 4l rl. x{�tli l epllatt e f ShIPIAP FIREPLACEIra.._...............__.: $lemt Bamt..,........Ut..,......,.Sad : Brick Tilt Face C.bblaltoaa IInflaiahed IhiTERIOR TRIM _1 Hardwood Mabog"y ~ Tir uafialabed No. of Fixtures Tab —Le ff or.Pem. Toilets Bain—mcalal Sink 5bawer SWI Hot Waier Tank Laundry Trays Nona UnSnisbcd Expeasi- Goad Average Cbeap D. S. Stover Conn. Other Buildings NE1y of wid th J,C,S ,r4511 W frm 1 car I gtµ.oa cn Tath Hriok Veneer C.mp..iL3oa �. gioa.Y bi At TI-eY• Central. Block �� ICILT•It78 �"�� Ritoden plaaels f UCPION �yJT f � pie adI 4 7 (cheap p {. ` - ip f111a %J i 176rncr Joint[ a HEIGHT P IL in. ll. t L ft: in. I Et. la. L r Hull I -£ Otbar Buildiuim—F—{[ .•••�,.-�.]11 (�!, Total Value (Full) [ s f y,. • 37 Ateeaeed Valw6an I� u Ial. a-39 v Tn yr- p j� I Cement Hlockx ova` � ... f r � ,� !!•+ � DI + ny F Flccr Stoker ,dal 7 Reoraatioo Rcam Pot OR Bar— 1 I rr e Llrirt $tame , Preuµre Oil Bomar Service ]Loom. OR Bvraleg Unit Garage Air Condo N.P. Drasn Radiant Htt water „ � — —� � .a-,: � 00 A 9D Vvi!Wahed Eleotrla a _ a e Ito a S OUNDATION ° �. r �_ Concrete .................... Thtek. Cement 8lcaka EXTRA FEATVRFB�V Cathedrel Ceiling Iaauated Slane or Brklc a Woad Port Concrete Block. ehingie - Ff.000 CONSTRIDCTtON Shake lot Ft... TOWS Comptailite --- Bridged Tile w Sate Post Sire Tar end Orava3 Beam Sisa x Canaerueiian I Floor RooF Sly. T)imeaaions S. F. Area Factor Value - x f Deprec. Net Value S S S $ S S $ S . Falio� ff 1 AdX dlttao .—_.,.. U 5ect160. _TWAzj—Range_._..—..-EWM, Blaek. 3 Addrsalr of Proverty MUM / Pea Owner_..,_.- 5Arcidiecl_-..___—._.._.—.�.___, _--.._.._ T^ �„-_�j- t' E'• `•�u'��F3S wai8 �- 5 Origi.uh Btlhldiag Cu,t:--.._..—T....,Awne -Te nt Qr:gpicd —.--1 En1l 1clai7 Ilwy. •s 122 .-.-�... Auburn, 7 Condition of Esterios � .—.��t==;ate-__..Fom.t-,�� � 1 _ _._ � VSLDINp�— CarFemilyVhdenmg '}-21-5 122 Two Fundy DRR+dFIAr ' gEly Of No, of litpriei' x�. Widtl [,c$S Na. of Ruaa. �p 1' 146e1 p' fret Aatensant r'f 11 ' j C Or Fier! Floor V Seaoad @ Third Flcpr Attie PLaat" 1 PL,.lpr Bard I C.laeex 1 Pkrwaod Coiled T OBan Btud. - Pamt.d Paperad VnfinL.hed WALL. FLOORS U-Owaod Fir / r� Ca prate r 1�g !+ A44 it T31a i Shiplap _ I ' FIHEPLAC�N.............._._._.-.: i Hlam! ' Rua L.............lrt ._.-.-._2nd Brlok Tile F.c. Cohkleataa. Vbfinllh•d IraTBRIOR TRIM _S Hardwood hlalmgaaT Fir Fbfeni.hed L Stuaor an rat! M'i,,k Yan.er Bind CoraBorill.n �_llr ' Alarm ✓C "y 17�"'�[ ,—, Cpaarele Hlach J (UILT-INS ! IIltoh.n r vCI'ION Ef° P Date Built _ 35.6b,d IIbCpiidred Remoderled Mr_-U,e Ay ") Y FW,bra l.] At`� f { Years D.P, r C -d for F RZFRODUCnom COST Fake 14ko-up . Paetor ma 'aw - rmioaa $. F. Are. - FACL., Coat a¢ /6�1 1)DWO P TOLFI— i �� Lrae Iiepezxiak' i — -- Tote OLlus BuiEdi „,. i Total Y.Ive tFu31)_ A.ae�od Yalvatioo 1 a1. 9-34 p Cemcat Hlocx: + Hecrealion Hcom PL ING Llv[ag BoomF.. No. of Fixture. Sarriee Ram. Tub—L,eYOr.PcI., ORtape Toilet. Bain-Ptf,tal Drala -� Sink Vnfiei.bed _ Shower Mon FOUNDATION f F Hot Water Tank �R Canorate _.. _A. Laundry Try, Cement Blacks None W.. or Brick _ ITnfitd.hed Woad Pawl Clborel. 111ack� _ Eapeb,ive HOOF sls w. - Good Average Shake _ Cheap Caug0r41.0 — M S, Sewer Conn. Tile nr Slate T.r and Gravel C Tar Pa eY Other Bvlldjng, CPn%Lrtic0.. I !hoot I Roaf Dip • Stoker � �� PM OIL Burner • t` — Prea.ara oil Baser r yyd� l Oil 9urui.c VAL Air co.a, C=V- - f— — �. 0 ti H.dl.nt ! ! — R.I. W.Ur y a — — T '7; -k Ele,Lria • ' _ ._— )-- EXTRA FF.ATUH> g CatbednE Qei11a( Inan3.ted � b FLOOR CONSTR/�UCT�ION 1st FEoar jo3.te LJY f++f �- ,.,w...,__. Bridged Ppm Sire x Heave Si.. >< Sly- ➢imensiooe S. F. Area Factor Value %lien. Denrec, Na Value S f f x i i i s 3 $ f .. fl 5ectio u _Tvrp. _.Aangr.. ~ _EWBi. Block— tr._ Permit Na Put 7 Addreat^o! Propert>•�1n2-2 �>UVM k-R.rzA'1t_—t'f I!%�y --_.�- - _. - '—i �� { Irv. Owner_..___, 6 Drigiml Euildi¢g cost f._ 122 7 Canditio¢ of Eateriur„_— I r ; 9•• a�t111q 71drliin[ r5 122 T.. Famliy Dwelligir ! of I{ Y�. i Nn. at Stariea� 5�q ',th 3 Noy of Ao ra h, 'W f rm eaa•mant I First Floor t�I _ Seoana F1cor 1I. J f' pcaa oa *nth Third Flcar +ok Veneer Attic . Rind F 'ALL - 'l➢arltien 1 _Jy Plaster by Plarter Haard - crels Bieck Plywood r _ _ IPon Ceilad ..-. -....- �.�,,......,. I ` I It Op"etude Painted PaPervd Unli.iahaa Walls .. rea agar at CONSTRUCCTON Single Slid Very Cheap ; {j�/�— f j —-`_ x x `—ram r $ { FLOORS Hardwood Fir Q Cc arete i A.phiiFL.T316 % Shiplap - Pch. x ; Pch. x S Total f Les, Depreriatiam Total f Other Buildings f - ToW Value (Full) $ 50%Yalnatioa F Main Building $ Other Buildings i f Assessed Valne � Cheap l Medium Good G p A rnae�r jninta CHiLING HEIGHT Barement It. in. ............ stems ll_t.... Ist,-..,.._-¢nd $rialCTotal ViaDobrac Tlk race Unlinlrh•d let Floor ` ft- y in. 2nd� It: in. 3rd Floor ft. in, Attic L $ish 1 "" t - r w BASEMENT- To first i7oar doiat P • Fr... end CoriereLa ft, ft. - Floor X.re.ee Hat AirFureare F att r?,�? Can 111.hev Rat Oil RUFnar Preseon. Oil Burner Oil Burnie[ Unit Air Caed. Comp. Radiant Hat Water £lectrle EXTRA FEATURES Cathedral Ouilln[ IHtnlakod UND FLOOR AREA SCALE' r OFF 5 $ ) !{ -fr f rw4 • —� . y-^"" _ at � �{ APO - • Y " �f�v -- - 1 �� f • • • 7NTERIOR t TRIM Hardwood M.hogaoy Fir Unfinished - Cement Bloekt Ficar Reorention Rcom Living nevnyt Barrlce Rooms Oa::Fe nrxsv Un(lai.hea P �'�7I� 1 DING No. of Fixtures Tub—T,eg or"Pem. Toilets Basin—Ptdaetal Sink Shower $tall Hot Water Tank Laundry Trays None Unfinished Expensive Good Average Cheap D. S. Sewer Cann. 2 FOUNDATI0IQ I �� CencreLe..r ..Thiele Cement Milk. $ten. or Hriak Wood Port CanmL. Hlook 'HOOF FLOOR CONSTRUCTION Yet Floor Joists Shin[[e - Shake Camparition Tile or Slat° Tar and Gravel Tar P8 er -----• Bridged Past Sire x Beam Sire Otherllufldfn[e Conslr¢ction Floor Rml Sly- Dimensions S. F. Arc Factor Value• cl Dep. Deprec. Net Valve Garage % .-� x f $ f s s s s s f i Z ry, LeH no. r I i 7..'/� y^�}�v'�I+-+t..�-••::..•.,,,._,Q y,�/ -S .��e i �1.. J5`#�y, Yi.l,rtJ ,-t+ ?�.�:ta'E �'tt-..eyrG-x... I C -y r 'E rtA p�.F^'b� �{`��� ��'t.",�i#•=• +�4 Fe'k F`.p`-�.k�.�• 'i y�+r':1•;^�p�.' ad 1}.-L'rp�T �i' •-�I�i i• -,.: '; 1, A. r FAJO ADDITION �• �" • . nCq q /} ,,.,. -F _ 23t NO. At184agKt of 2� Iwo ni M nh srER5 — �r. t t ' Caudifiort of Fptitcrior Takerior ..-.,___.__ l4mrZaa: pt - aSK F-. STA. WOY L`O4BT&T c—'r noCA 2iNI$]3SS3 D Tin � Lim. PL4fMAWQ . No. Sign. Fn<:ae I. ❑ Fu hlnple Twh, Fi. ❑ Wall.. No-Fwuree No. 8tnr� Miil Camtcuction Oak YzE' Td;G Sq. Ft. x'loo a --� 1'oileta up, Roome Raia. Concrete --_-;_ Lin6. 4•s9• TkG H Sq. Et. WaUUs Tub. UX or [teen. Basement No. Trua.es --X- Cemaat Liu. $t. Dn Bda. •}- Beams. Ped. No•Offioea Wood -to Bteel Tswana. Sq. Ft-- w. -- Sinks - No. A uunte ROo1rma MAT" Rev 4th Sq. Ft Walls Uripal. T Tv and Gravel ------ We Ted. Ft T?r. Bda — Bhawem {Tu63 lesell} 4 rm• d rm. 8 rm. Or a a [ip:— laundry Trays - Trrs O2 tso1PBT8VartoN ,. i3.- *a,. H, W. Tank FI. Anus ❑ FnmeSTt- Dote $u'tit Finished Gi $.06 ❑ Double 1 - ! RemgdOtai E[1:A�TYNO - -- - Eife6tive Age... ars YeFuiwe L.i,. Yeace Ordinary Masonry - Y =1- Store �J' - —Dill Coaatruetion PCDalem a� Cl-,.PLJ4 A Rein. Coa. - i ' - F 11, A Gravity H. A. _ Stru. Steel and Gan, $ _ - Tile ®Brisk i Gas Hat Water .� ,x Jt.-�-• y,� ,.-}.�..!_- diundcd ae �. Goa. Reid Can. 6tmm Heat G 3fed.—Cheap_-es k Bet Water "IOM FOUAT °�� _ 04 Burner _ 3fud 8ilieValue ilalue - Pent and Pier 't i • - Brisk �� Conarcle -. Pile — •-,v� rri�f - BASEYRCr Nb Sib-Beaemeut TAYsau;env.;.u+p'"....^,aa.uraz.rar"'._.--.,•.,.-.-srgoaca'sMn"li�cKKU' "wlxQ'tyO4E -ltnob — $zee - „ ?/UdD :. 'Freight Treafed Piles• Timb & Tnba ' ❑ _ Caraga No. Cate .a (Ai�f$T� Auto. Eler.. IIntceated 8[aF. Cahla . a'loora :Piaetared �' g.U! Wi1s Y, Man. HY& Trested Pilo$dWy• Coadait — Dian• A.•anga IaagtL Power Wiriae ,�.� Living I;oamn L �'%& $74 Paved - Range Wiring Servi. R.00me Houta:.QFes. lyd. .Na. Oullal. - TYTMOR WALL CORBT. DiTK&IOR WALLS JD, $. OBOLND FLOOR ARx&, Singh ❑ Double l ___,._ Stud sad Plusher . 2' z 4' Stud Watee — Gem. ❑ Plastered - TOTAL ]EI.00Ik.ARL V s V stud W.1b . Phywood RrwL.Aellg 1 �i 1. B �. C63led- _r._ Hrjek with Pilaatata T Plaster Soard - - Concrete Walls- - Con. with Film" Stein ❑ Varnish 3 ' —'rile Walla — $aleouvue � 5 . _ Re'n: Co.. SkeS. S'illar Whitewashed - -^-.- Unfigsabed 7 IAWMWd W.UA k1C17ai7ati 2ASII11'Q e I1g - TFHI06 Tam9 Siding Shingles Fit 10 - Slak- Si— Mah. ❑ oak 11 _ 13riekVa m r,4New la x &ern wed ,^ !�y.Tq-�1oo3s 13 Stono ❑ Cest 8. S r N �l Windows 19 — .Terra Cott. Swaed 1$ Etraa. Glass - V - hod y Triter Petnted 17 � . - iLOOB CONSTB.lTOTfON IIufin3sb�d 1g ' Jaiai Cnn- Bin• - 19 O.0 - ?n Hridg—❑ .� - - _hill Gan.truatioa %1 - oth4.Buiidina Coortrustlon VL" Bali r9or" T b--iiam R. I'. Arne 1'e.Sor Val- %DeD• Ds4ttea Not V" . - Cant_ g t ....�__1�......ae..�__ _�._.:. _.ter.....- - •�- ��.. __ -__. _. _-_--_-__-��w._-____-_�.. _..�._�-.,.-.-.._ _. .. ..- �192105-237 - -- LIU' T" M10 SCHOOL WkTER 'FIRE 3KMR HOSPITA J,UdORT F-RRY 11710# PRICE ! YR ac LM Ei.DGS TCT" ; 15 __ 71 L 5800 B 7300 T 13t00*192105-9237-0 �13Y D,TE RElMfl 8/9. CD FM, G};s'$SM _ is, L 1,72.L 5907 B 7300 T 13207*192105-9237-0 9/71 3 is 7440 B 7300 T 1474n*192105-9237-0 9/71-- 77 Zr eI G a O ry } 19 r. r, TAX LOT 237 r " _BEG AT'PT.307.05, N OF SE GOR 0F.G0V LOT 5 TH A'iILY AID NELY MGM OF ST RD NO. 5 II5T OF 257.491 TO TPOB TIi GONTG NWff,145t,TH N 89-26,161, E 214.661 TH S 46656,461, W 158.29, TO TPOB. oil RV1150-1B (DATA ENTRY: RVI100-J) C/I.DATA COLLECTION AND DISPLAY FORM (100) ACCOUNT NO: 192105-9237-0 LOG%DATE: PM2 ,01/08/97 FOLIO: 22028- - L"EVY CODE: 0.140 LAST UPDATE: 01/08/97 BY: SRO TAX STATUS: TAXABLE APPR ID: MO__DA__YJP _ AREA: 460 _ Q/SC/TW/RG: NW/19/21/05 _ /_ / _/-4% - I. AUBURN LAND USE: 921 PROP NAME: VACANT LAND PKG FOR 9164 VACANT LAND -CO (105) --------------------- PROPERTY ADDRESS: 100E AUBURN -_-WY S (110) _ _ RB NUM FIR PR STREET NAME - TY SU (112)+++++++++++++++++++ COMMERCIAL/INDUSTRIAL'LAND RECDRD ......................... ZONING JURIS/-_ AUBURN % USABLE/ 100 ZONE ACTUAL/__ C1 TOPOGRAPHY/_ LEVEL ZONE CODE/_- RES COMML SHAPE/_ IRREGULAR LOT SIZE/ _____.__ 10,776.00 ACCESS/_ .. STANDARD UNIT/S_A SQFT VISUAL EXPOSURE/ STANDARD CORNER LOT/Y-N- NO OPEN SPACE CLASS. 140 WATERFRONT ON/_ NONE RESTRICTIVE CONDITIONS/Y N NO _ CONTAMINATED PROP NO HW HC UT AS ` 40 (335)+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ PERMIT ACTIVITY+++.+++++++++++t+++++f+++++++++.. ACT BLDG.- TYPE PERMIT DATE VALUE % COMPLETE % - � ---% AAA __ ---- --/--/-- --------- % (510)++DEL ALL BLTIGS /__/+++++++ PROPERTY WIDE IMPRDVEMENTS SUMMARY ++++++++++++++++ DESC: TOTAL BLDGS ON PROPERTY/ 0 <----_ GROSS AREA (ALL BLDGS)/ -M 0 YEAR BLT/O--CLASS/_T NET AREA (ALL BLDGS)/ 0 EFF YEAR/ 0 QUAL/__ MULTI-USE/Y N - LOT COVERAGE/___ 0 MULTI -PARCEL PROP/Y N NUMBER OF UNITS/ 0 - (500)+++++++++++++++++++++ INDIVIDUAL BUILDING DETAILS +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ BLD CL QU DESCRIPTION NU GROSS NET % HE SP NUM AS AL ST AREA AREA YB/EY CMP AT KL #1 N -- --------------------------- #2 - ------ ---- -- -- ------------------------- --------- #3 -- ------------ --/-- -- -- N -- ------------------------ #4 ---------- -- -----------�- --/-- {5za)+++++++++++++�+++++++ INTERIOR SECTION DETAILS +++i-++-F++t++++++++.++++++++++ ------ SECT 1------------- SECT 2------------- SECT 3------------- SECT 4------- BLD# AREA STR-HT AREA STR-HT AREA STR-HT AREA STR-HT ------ -- -/-- -- -/-- -- /-- ------ -- -/ - (589)+++++++++++++++++++++ACCESSORY IMPROVEMENT SUMMARY +++++++++++++++++i....++++++ ACT ENT DESCRIPTIDN ACT ENT DESCRIPTION CANOPY ONLY --------------------- -- (160)++++++++++++++++++++f++++++++++ COMMENTS++++++++.fi++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ IMP ON 9164 ---------------------------------------- )0078 t **JOB RV4:100 C/I PARCEL VALUE ANALYSIS WORKSHEET PARCEL NO: 192105-9237-0 RPT RV1150-20. PRINTED ON: 03/07/92 .«0 FOL10: 22028- - PROP NAME: VACANT Q-S-T-R: NW-19-21-05 PROP ADDR: 1008 AUBURN WY S AREA: 460 LUC: 501 CLASS: QUAL: TAX STATUS: TAXABLE YR-BLT/EFF-YR: / #STY: #UNITS: LOG/DATE: 460 03/07/92 GBA/NRA: / AVG-UNIT-SIZE: SEG-MERGE DATE: * is * * * * * ECONOMIC INCOME is % * is * * * * is * * * * * COST APPROACH * * rt S< USE AREA RATE GROSS VCL EXP NET INC * OCC# CL_ RANK $ _ i* #STY STY HT _ EFF AGE HEAT ELEV _ SPR 7 $ * AREA PERIM $ * MISC _CODE SF _CODE SF _CODE SF * * * * ECONOMIC INCOME APPROACH* NET INCOME * ACCY IMPS AREA COST DEP RCNLO LESS PER. PROP. INCOME LESS LAND INCOME X LAND VALUE INT + TAX is NET IMPROVEMENT INCOME * — - CAPITALIZATION RATE INT + TAX + RECAP * M8S BASE CAPITALIZED IMP. VALUE * HEAT LAND VALUE _; SPRINKLER EXCESS LANQ/ADD LAND ELEVATOR TOTAL BY INCOME APPROACH $ * TOT BASE $ /SF * STY FACT * HGT FACT * * * * OTHER VALUE INDICATORS* * * * * * AREA FACT NET INC( ) / ( ) OAR= * REF COST GR INC ( ) X ( ) GRM= * COST MOLT UNITS( )X( )$/UNIT= * LCL MULT GBA { ) X ( ) $/SF= * FINAL COST RA { )X( )$/SF= * STY/BLDG A R WEA FIN COST RCN-BLDG#1 * * sY * oY * * * * LAND* * * is * * * * * rt ZONE/TYPE AREA $/5F VALUE _$ is _$ * SUB -TOTAL- TG­TAL 10776.00SF _*�;SO =$ yTyq y * PHYSICAL DEPRECIATION RATIOS: (SF LAND)/(SF GBA)= O * ECON-FUNCT OBSOLESCENCE (SF LAND)/(SF RA) _ .0 * DEPRECIATED IMP VALUE * * * * * SELECTED VALUE* * * * * it * * * ACCESSORY IMPS(SEE ABOVE) APPRAISER -Z]pt)_ LAND $ y,f SO U _ * TOTAL IMPROVEMENTS DATE y-3_o-4a IMPS $ 11600 * LAND TOTAL $ * TOTAL BY LOST APPROACH _$ /UNIT OR =$ /SF * _$ /SF * * * it * * * * * * SALES & COMPARABLES PARCEL # E-NUMBER SALES PRICE VC DATE $/RA REMARKS e� APPEAL ACTIVITY PETITION CHG ORDER DATE FROM -LAND TO -LAND FROM -IMPS TO -IMPS OTHER APPEALS: sY * * * * * * * * * at * rt st * * * *COMMENTS * * * it * * * * * * * * * * * * * s'c 07722 **JOB RVI1006; C/I PARCEL VALUE ANALYSIS WORKSHEET PARCEL NO: 192105-9237-0 RPT RV1150-20' PRINTED ON: 02/21/94 .1 FOLIO: 22028- - PROP NAME: ASSOC PARKING Q-5-T-R: NW-19- 21-05 PROP ADDR: 1008 AUBURN WY S AREA: 460 LUC: 401 CLASS: QUAL: TAX STATUS: TAXABLE YR-EILT/EFF-YR: / #STY: #UNITS: LOG/DATE: 460 02/21/94 GBA/NRA: / A'VG-UNIT-SIZE: SEG-MERGE DATE: •• •• ^ •• ^ ;t ., ECONOMIC INCOME 9c * Sc ., ., .. .. .. :t ;t .f ., , COST APPROACH USE AREA RATE GROSS VCL EXP NET INC * OCC# CL - RANK__ ________ _______ -------* #STY STY HT _ EFF AGf _ -�-- - - - ---- - - - - -$------ --- ------_--- HEAT ELEV SPR- ------ ---------------- $----- ----- -- - - --- - ----* AREA __ PE RIM ---------------- $ ----- --_--___ .: MISC -CODE----- - SF -------- __ __----__ $ --- --- ----------- ---CODE --JCODE------------SF •, 9; :"'ECONOMIC INCOME APPROAEH� •.-?: 'c .: ..-,. ., ----------__ NET INCOME ------------ •• ACCY IMPS AREA COST DEP RCNLD LESS PER. PROP. INCOME LESS LAND INCOME ----- X(----+_ } Y------------ a ----------- ______ ______ ___ ----- _ LAND VALUE INT + TAX - ------ ------ -------- NET IMPROVEMENT INCOME ----`------- -------- ------ -------- CAPITALIZATION RATE ------------ INT + TAX + RECAP -------- -- MCS BASE CAPITALIZED IMP. VALUE _--�- HEAT -_---- LAND VALUE .t SPRINKLER EXCESS LAND/ADD LAND - _ _ _ ELEVATOR -__--- ------ TOTAL BY INCOMf APPROACH $ TOT BASE _ STY FACT ------ ------ - H1;T FACT OTHER VALUE INDICATORS* '.c c AREA FACT NET INC( }/{ )OAR= _ __ 4 •• REF COST ------ ------ ------ ------ GR INC ( )X{ )GAM= _ __ - COST MULT ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ UNITS ( ) X ( ) $/UNIT=__ -^ %. LCL MULT _ __ GBA ( )X( )$/SF=---- ---- ,.c FINAL COST --- -- - ---- ------ ------ RA ( ) X { ) $/SF9`_ - of STY/BLDG AREA F I N C05T RCN-BLpGI LAND: t .. .. .. .. .. ZONE/TYPE AREA $/SF VALUE ------------------ ------ -$-- - -------------------------------- - -------------- -- ---------------------- ------------------ ------ ---------- --------------------------- _ %t SUB TOTAL T07A1- - 10776.66SF S S"O _$ =$_Spy 4 _ PHYSICAL DEPRECIATION - RAT 1 05: (SF LAND) / (SF GBA) = .0 ECON-FUNCT OBSOLESCENCE _ -_ -_- __ _ (SF LAND)/(SF RA) = .0 DEPRECIATED IMP VALUE - SELECTED VALUE*ti at ACCESSORY IMPS(SEE ABOVE) ___ --__-_ APPRAISER �[J LAND $ _S`�� 0C3 a A TOTAL IMPROVEMENTS - DATE Y��=q_Y_ I MPS $ d:t LAND -------___-- TOTAL $ _ ITtI0_�__ * TOTAL BY COST APPROACH =, _ _ _ _ /UNIT OR =$ _ /SF _$ --_ --- -�_�SF SALES & COMPARABLES PARCEL # E-NUMBER SALES PRICE VC DATE $/RA �REMARKS� �.; .. ..'9c .. .. .. .. PETITION CHG ORDER DATE FROM -LAND TO -LAND FROM -IMPS To-- IMPS OTHER APPEALS: :t ,:COMMENTSi ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FOIL-_ k4j:kc- m6a ----------------- ------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3885 --------------------------------------------------- ------------------------ RVI150-3 C/I PROPERTY VALUE SUMMARY RECORD ACCOUNT NO. : 192105-9237-0 LUG/DATE ! 460 06/15/91 STATUS :CURRENT 06/15/91 11 FOLII3 NO. : 22028— — SEC—TWN—RNG : NW-19-21-05 BLDG.CNT 00 AREA : 460 COMP -TYPE 0 LEVY CODE 0140 CNDO/TWN H: TAX STATUS TAXABLE .r ACTION CODE __I. COST COMP WITHOUT COMP SHEET --2. COST COMP WITH CDMP SHEET _-3. FINAL VALUE/DATA UPDATE __4. REVIEW WITHOUT VALUE CHANGE 5.,REVIEW WITH VALUE CHANGE -7--6. NO VALUE CHANGE.MDVE TO STATIC {p u 150 * REVIEW STATUS I —PERMIT 03/04/91 'MAINTENANCE REVALUE,POST TO ROLL 'F 130 VALUE SUMMARY CONTROL VAL 000059800 SEQ 01 ,__ LAND IMP RLYR ROLL 43100 16700 91 06/15/90 COIF: C-1 REVAL _ TOTAL DATE TYPE APR RVR LAST 43100 16700 59800 01/10/89 P TDU APR------------ ------------ ------- --/--/__ RVR------------------------------------- --/—_/_— NEW CONSTRUCTION _ t5 335 * BUILOING PERMIT ACTIVITY BLDG: TYPE PERMIT DATE VALUE X COMPLET 01 RMDL 01/02/91 6700 0 % f V. ADD--- ------/---/------------___ ___--- Y, * SALES ACTIVITY DATE AFF." SALE PRICE INST. REASON VERIFICATION CLASS 01/26/88 E 0985831 QCD ADMIN. 45—MULTI—PARCEL COM. IMP. * 504 at ACCESSORY IMPROVEMENT VALUE SUM ARY ENT. TYPE ACT.COST SR RCN EFYR CONO RCNLD VALUE 69—OTHER 8901 CANOPY ONLY 00 00% $0 --- ---X $-------- LAST COST INDEX UPDATE 01/01/77 125 0 LAND VALUE SUMMARY, CHG LINE DESCRIPTION ASFZ UNIT VALUE SIZE VALUE I SQFT $3.75 10776. $40400 --- -------------------------- --- ------------ X---------_------------ --- __------------------------- --- ------------ X--------- —------------ __— —_— ----------------------- --- ------------ X ---------—------------ --- -------------------------- --- ------------ X--------- ------------- --- _ _------------------------ --- ------------ X--------- = ------------ LAND VALUE TOTAL $40400 160 # NOTE: IMP ON 9164 01043 FOLIO NO. t 2 b 2 it PARCEL-140. !a S - 913 7a CLMf/DUAL. / M-3 PAYE iTORY/N6T. YR, $LT. GONDIYION PERIM. E. Y/REL. L-1 / NO. UNITS/A. U. S. / AREA INCOME APPROACH COST APPROACH USE AREA RATE GROSS VCL EXP ' NET I,42E HEAT SPAINK ELEV. ACTUAL ANNUAL POTENTIAL CROSS ECONOMIC TOTAL BASE STY. FAC. HOT, FAC. AREA FAC. REF COST COST MUL, LOCAL MUL_ CA / tj r.o/ LESS VAC" AND CL. EFFECTIVE GROSS MISC. INCOME LESS EXPENSES ANN. NET INCOME LESS INCOME INCOME TO R P. LESS INCOME TO LAND ( 1 X ( + 1 LAND VALUE $11T. TAX NET INCOME TO IMPS. FIN. COST STORIES AREA FIN"CWT RCN BLOB. 1 RCN @LDS. Y CAPITALIZED AT ( ) + l 3 + ( 1 INT. TAX RECAP. CAPITALIZED IMP. VALUE SUBTOTAL (RCN) PHYSICAL DEPREC. ECON. OR FUNCT. OBSOL, LAND VALUE EXCESS LAND TOTAL BY INCOME APPROACH OTHER VALUE INDICATORS NET INC.( } + ( ) OAR DEP. COST iRCNLb.) ACC. IMPS. (SEE BELOW) TOTAL IMPROVEMENTS LAND TOTAL BY COST APPROACH DATE COSTEO TO - GROSS INC. ( ) X i I YRM.. NO. UNITS i 1 X I ) /UNIT • AREA( 1 X I )/BF • �i r! LAND CALC.= lD 7&�,C .00 = 13 'o ACC. IMPS. AREA COST DEP. RCNLD SELECTED VALUE LAND y3/oo IMra = Its Too APPR. 111 TOTAL DATE TOTAL COMPARABLE SALES E NO. AMOUNT DATE DETAILS/REMARKS 2 3 4 COMMENTS ZOAi — :TF7 ._ CJ�•P.ifNo YhZye 4 1c A44,114f ,<-�_ . To 7;0 L A[[i 5 n .1~ [_/�yir✓ - a r ti� ASSE"ORS FORM AP 96 FOLIO �+� ADDITION six L P-r--t a ] FIIR REFERERE ONLY .22n a7f�2-Sectio Nn�TwpsZLRonge_S, EWM. Black Lot or PERMIT NO. Tax Lot=3Trocl '177 6 iDATIE ` Address Fee Qwnsr 'r N �G>w Arc__haact Zoning-- _Condition of FxmriorInlerior Foundi J 0150 19-21-5 237 USE STA7/P ROOF CONSTRUCTION FLOOR FIHISHFf Bag at pt 307.05e of SE COr Of IsOV No. Starles l�CRNt7 Frame..raixt F;r Lot 5 th ri'hly alt; rNEly mnr3 of St rRd -10 No. Srores 6 Mil#.perk Oak 5 f1Z5t Of 'aS7.4ir to tpoh th eantg I�t�Jly' No. Roams Rain. Conc. GLB ino lF}5s til %; i:l �]°Lo' lb`r E `�1R, O[]s 'tti S si by Barament Unii saes Fr, �.µeto' Deck Cemem No.,Offices Sq. Ff. T--s. Span Terrax ro No. Aparrmis.� Wood Steel Asphalt 7 1 rm. ❑ 2 rm.❑3 rm. 4 rm, ❑ 5 rm. 06 rm, 7 bate Built '/? Date Add. Built Jl '- ir, r �T r'1 JEre r �o ob TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION E,,.rtive Age Years Fuiure g P Frame pa .for Cand, Dep fat Oh, Metal -pro Fah FACTOR _ _ 1.TFY _ _ - ----- _. .._. Ordinary Masonry M+I1 Canssruction Class A Rein. Cont. Situ. Steel and C.nc. Sims ct. Steel, Frame or QUALITY -TYPE FOUNDATFON _ Mud SOJ ❑ Past Pier Conc. ❑ Brick LoodH i, ❑Piling BASEMENT F„li %Part. Sub.Bosemenl Si se Garagn No. Ca,s - Floors Plnslered QPI. Bd, No. Apartments Service Rooms M15C_ TANKS, Etc. J ELEVATORS 1 1 Auto. Mon. EXTERIOR WALL CONST. Singke Q Oou61a Stud Walls Boo,_ P,F.❑ Co SF B Conc.— Pil,❑ Rein. Can,. Skeleton Sir. 5f1.-Frame Pre -Fob Metal TVi-Up Filler Wall INTERIOR WALLS& CEILING Stud Wood ✓%etal plosle, Dry Well I 2 7 4 S _ Curtain Wail Acc.Tile Ceiolex 6 Ceded Plywood 7 EXTERIOR FACING Sohd Biv.k 8 Siding Sound P—(.d Lamirl. 9 Stutca_5hokes Finished Unlmished 10 Morblocrese Painted Varnished 11 Brick Q Veneer 12 Co... Q Co.., ON. 13 INSULATION 14 15 FYier. P.rfit,on FLOOR CONSTRUCTION R.qf Floor 16 1a1sl x_x`O.C. 17 Mill —Car Oaak INTERIOR TRIM 38 R-Canc. 151—. —GLB, 1 Fir Birch 19 Steel Moh. Oak 20 +.sal 21 ROOF COVERING Wood Mesas Doors 22 Bh: Up Tot.&Grm Wood aM/awl Sash 23 Comp, 4/ Metal Stained Vcrnish 24 ar Pointed Unlin. 25 zom 11/53 *w— ING Elcc:_Oil Gas _H.A. B.Bd._Suspanded PHA _Pipaless A, Cond. _Wall Unit Comb, Unit _Cuss.. Refrlg. _Convector H-1 Pump _Fireplace ASSESSED VALUE DOCKS AND PIERS WIRING phi Hl..d MdLgt X..h& Tube ea. Ubr, Flex. Coble Jr. C.s b Conduit Tr. Pwr. Wiring PL' Range Wiring _Sropa_Speed b.lphinsOutlets De,k C.Hgt. I GROUND FLOOR AREA IU PAL t-LUUR AREA 11N0•-fAi1Jd5-- Es<' 3 - 2/"""' - 1/ro00 cA,wal j - 17161t } y• I . { i2L � I f I r Z FOLIO AODI TfON % Ft Secro Nn L✓ TwpRnng•. �P-E-��rrR�MMI T4 N1o1. T- P TE _3 Addr°ss - Fee Owner T L(, L� Atah;tacl Contractor �J itiN 6K Zoning Conditipn of Exterior_ _ Interior Foundation Floor Plan: Good Acc•pt, , USE O ROOF CONSTRUCTION FLOOR FINISHES ❑Tf1•❑Line Farm. Penr 'PLUMBING No. Stories (� 6 Frame-Joial Fir ❑ Maple Both Floor No, Fixtures No. 51ares Mill -Deck Oak ❑ 2x6TG Both Wullr Tai[e1s_Urinolf No. Rooms Rein. Can., GLB Lino ❑ 3x6TG Tub R.cess 4 Tubs Leg. or Pam. Basemen# Unit 51ee1 Fr. �M.tal Deck Cement ❑ Lglwgt Drain Bds. Basins Dr, Ftns, No, Offices Sq. Ft. Trusses Span Ttr raz xo Con`' Vani tins Sinks No, Apartmts. Wand Steel As hat Vinyl e Til l p ❑ Tile wash art 1 rm❑�-22 rm. ❑arm. °< �Dryers 4 nn, L5 rm, 06 rm. Showed buL} (stall) Dole Boi11�f'-3 ,,��,,// H.W. Tank: Ldy.Troys �Disoosn3s Dole Add, Built L✓T riekad ❑Unfinlahad ❑Romodel.d D-w-hers TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION Effectuv. Aga Years Future Lit. Y.or Frame D.P. for Cond. Dep_Jar Ob, Dep, for Es, Total Sprinkler Sys. MetaLPre (ob Ordinary Masonry Mill Cansiruction Class A Rein. Conc. 51ru. Steel and Can.. 5truct, Steel, From. or :4Mud Sit ❑ Pos1 Pi.' Co-. ❑ Brick L..dHw.. ❑ Piling BASEMENT Fol! °a Part, Sub-Basemtnt Si xe 'ING Elae;_Ofl Gas H.W. _St, _H,A. B.Bd._Suspend•d FHA _p;p.l.ss A. Cond. _Wall Unit Comb. Unis Cuslom Reirig. _Can vector Heat pump _Fireplace ASSESSED VALUE GorogeL__J No. Cars MISC. TANKS, Etc, ELEVATORS DOCKS AND PIERS I WIRING - Floors HOISTS: Ele., H dr. Pais Fr ht Hvy.,Mad. Lgt Knob&Tube Plastered ❑Pl. Bd. .2 p p sL4rY� Auto, Lc. Unlnd. Pi Tmbr. Flex. Cable Ho. Ap art m.nts Mo ri. Hydr. Con c,P asB Bms Conduit Service Rooms Doors-Auio Man. Trt .Pile Tmbr. purr, wiring E olala rs P ved L Ronga Wiring EXTERIOR WALL CONST. _Stups_Spe.d Dolphins Outlets Single ❑ Double Co ' Deck Stud Walls C.Ngl, GROUND FLOOR AREA Brick_ Prl.❑ 58 TOTAL FLOOR AREA Conc, P'L❑ B Rein. Conc. 5kelernn 1 TpA,JeS- £ST}., 3 Z j+0000 - a000 Sir, Stl.-Frame 2 LrMe1� 1 l�frp `i Pre -Fob Mitsui INTERIOR WALLS& CEILING 3 l Tili•Up 5rud Wood rletal 4 Fills Wall pi.kT., Drywoli 5 _ Cur,ain W.lI Acc.Tile Celatax 6 Ceded PI'ywoad 7 EXTERIOR FACING Solid Blook 8 I - - - - - - - - _ - Siding SnundProaf.d Laurin. 9 I 04. ) Stucco_ Sh okcs Finished Unfinished 10 I #ZL Marb4.c ie pvinl.d Varnished 11 l Brick ❑ Veneer 12 Conc. El Conc. Elk. t3 I 1 INSULATION 11 - — - - - - - - -- -'� Ever. Porti,;ons IS FLOOR CONSTRUCTION Roof Floor 16 Jalat _O,C, 17 Mill _ Car Deck INTERIOR TRIM 18 R-Cone. Efev. Fir Birch 19 Steel _GLB. Moh. Oak 20 or oral 21 ROOF COVERING Wood M.ml Doors 22 Blt.-Up Tar.&Gr Wood e./ldatol Sash 23 Comp. r/ Metal Stoin.d Vomish 24 or Paroled U.(i 2S 26 20M 11/63 4w" .�OMII, FnDLgto r� ADDITION 4X 4- elft % FOR REFERENCE DNLY /( .C-r 22 SecliaLN��-Twp .2L _Ranga-6--EWM. Block Lol ar • PERMIT NO. Tax Lot Z3 7 Trocr ' DATE ! Address _ -Ag - - 1 1 0. F..0 not #l: 4 A d-4 - - Zoning Condition .50 19-21-5 237 .- USE I SrA-7_1Vff ROOF if SE COY` Of Gov No. Stark¢ `�N� '.y TR=n of St Pt3 i:0 No, Slor.s 6 tpoh th contg N'�Y'ly No. Roams 2i4,bb' th S 400 Bas.ment tlnir Nq. Officers Sq, Ft. No. Aportrots. 1 rm, ❑ 2 rm, ❑3 rm. 4 .trio ❑ 5 rm, ❑d r,. Dale B TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION Effcctr tpob From. O., Ic Moral-Profo6 FACTOR IT'2ai DIMENSIONS W,FT.Alin PALIUKI COST - HEATING Ordinary Masonry x F1—: Oil Ga. Mill Construction X H.W. St. H.A. • Close A R¢in. Conc. X B. Bd. Suspended Seru, $lgol and C.—x FHA _Pip.lv.s Stry cl, Steel, Frame A. Cend. Wall (snit or QUALITY -TYPE Comb. Unit Cu slom Relrig. flan YgGla( Good Mad. ch... Hoot Pump _Fireplace FOUHDATiON Mud Sill ❑ Pasl Pi, YEAR ASSESSED VALUE Curie. ❑ Brick Laud H t. ❑ PrLng BASEMENT TOTAL Full °epurr, LESS DEPRECIATION SV6.BOStt i DEPR. FULL VALUE S1�° 455ESSED VAL. Goroge�N.. Cars MISC. TANKS, Et.. ELEVATORS DOCKS AND PIERS WIRING Floors HOISTS: El—H dr, Paii.._Fr h) H,y.Med, Lq1 Knab&Tu6. Plosrared QPI.Bd. UMA ,r[4X� Auto. lee. Untrld. Pi Tm6r. FIgx. Coble No, Apart mcnts Man. Hyd,. Conc.P- es& Bms Conduit Servia¢Raom. Doore-Aura Mon. Tr1 .Pilo Tm6r. Pwr, Wiring 'c of otors P Yed 47 Range Wiring EXTERIOR WALL CONST. _Stnps_Sppgd bolphiris Oullers. Single ❑ Doubl. Ca ' Deck Sfud Walls C,Hgt. GROUND FLOOR AREA Brick P.1,❑ SB TOTAL FLOOR AREA Cu, r„ PiL❑ B Refer. Curie. Skeleton I uNp 7RNk s' >Ei� 3 - 2l/doeo - 1%Lpp� Sir, SfL.Frume 2 Pro.Fob Moral INTERIOR WALLS&CEILING 3 C!•1 /�0�%� !7i(p� Tilt.Up Stud W—d 4 ' Fills Wolf pi —I., DryWoll 5 Curtain Wall ACc.Tlle C.losex 6 Coiled Pfywaod 7 L�r EXTERIOR FACING S.Ird Block 8 I Siding SeundPteoiad tamin. 4 Stucco_Shakes Finished Unhni-hod 10 Marhl.crety Painted Varnished 11 Brisk ❑ Veneer 12 1 I Conc. ❑ Conc. Bik. 13 I l � INSULATION 14 t Error, Parrilian, 15 FLOOR CONSTRUCTION Raaf Flaw 16 Jalst x_x_O.C. 17 Mill Car Deck INTERIOR TRIM 18 R. Canc. El—, Fir Bi-h 19 Steel GLB. Moh. 0a1, 20 or etul 21 ROOF COVERING Wood Me1a1 Doors 22 BIi..Up Tar.&Gr. Wood_14i.l Sash 23 Camp. s/ Motal Srain.d Varnish 24 or Painted Unbrk. 2S 21S F] zom 11/.3 ­ APPENDIX B CURRENT ON-LINE TAX RECORDS New Search Property Tax Bill Map This Property Glossary of Terms Area Report Print Property Detail I PARCEL. DATA Parce[ 192105.9237 Judsdrelion iAUBURN Name — UNITED RENTAL$INC Levy Cade �0120 Site Address 1008 AUBURN WAY S 98002 I Propert Type C Gen Area i 60-10 Plat Block / BuMing Number Spec Area 0.0 ! Plat Lot ! Unit Number I QuarlerSection-Township,Range — Legal Description BEG AT PT 307,05 FT N OF SE COR OF GL 5 TH NWLY ALG NELY MGN OF ST RD # 5 DIST OF 257.49 FT TO TPOB TH CONTG NWLY 145 FT TH N 89-26-16 E 214.66 FT TH S 46-56-46 W 15&29 FT TO TPOB LAND DATA I I� I i + I - - IL h Highest & Besl Use As if Vacant COMMERCIAL SERVICE Percentage Unusable 10 Highest & Best Use As Improved (unknown) Unbuddable I NO Present Use Vacant(Commercial) Reskiclive Size Shape Zoning I Y£S ': G1 — Base Land Value SgFI 10 Base Land Value 75,00o Water WATER DISTRICT Base Land Value Impacted i 100 SewerlSeptie !PUBLIC Base Land Valued Dale 14I1312010 Ruad Access I PUBLIC Base Land Value Tax Year 12011 Parking ADEQUATE Land Sgrt 110.776 Slreel Surface — !PAVED Acres 0.25 ;Views Waterfront i Rainier waterfront Location Territorial Walnrfront Footage E: Olympvcs Lot Depth Factor Cascades E - Wateffronl Bank Seattle Skyline TidelShcre I Puget Sound Waterfront Restricted Access 4 Lake Woshmglen iI Waterfront Access Rights NO Lake Sammamishy� I Poor Quality l �� LakelRiverlCreek i Proximity Influence NO Other View E Designations �€ Nuisances ICI Historic Site I Topography INO Traffic Noise-- Airport Noise --_-�---- Current Use Nbr Bldg 3ites _ Power Lines I NO • E" (External link) (External link) Adjacent to uoit i-airway, AdjaCent to Greenbelt NO NO j 'Problems Other Nuisances NO Other Dezignallon NO Water Problems.,,___,__ Transporiattan Concurrency Other Problems iNO NO jNO Dead Restnotiens !NO F Development Rights Purchased NO i Easements jNO Native Growth Pfolee(w Easement 4'NO I DNR Lease Environmental Environmental !NO !BUILDING ncl TAX ROLL HISTORY Account I Valued Year 'r., Year omit Year Law Code Appraised Appraised nn:8valuaT 1-$75,1000 Appraised INo. _ Taxable Dollars Land Value taxable ,M value able Taxable TrtotValu lue Tax e Reason 192105923705 192105023705 2010 2009 12011 I2010 l lo120 i012() 5O. 1575.000 i50 $75.000 875.000 ISO $75,000 I5o Is75,000 !$G 1$751000 150 S75,000 19210592370512DOB 12009 1 I0120 1 sm.000 iso 1$75M0 ISO 1$75,000 1$0 1$75,000 19210592370512001 2008 0140 so 1$69200 . $0 1$59,2.00 1$0 IS89,200 19210592370512006 20117 10140 j $59,200 i$O $ 59, 200 F$G ISf,9.200 ISO !$59,200 19210 19210592370512OG4 2005 12004 1 101140 .0140 1 SO 1$59,200 [So 1559,200 [$O 1$59,200 $69,200 $69,2GO ISO so ISO I$59,200 'SO 1$59.200 1So 1$59,: iS59,200 !S59.200 19210592370512DO2 192105923705 2.001 72602 I2003 0140 f01140 S53,86O 50 364.600 [SO _ $53,800 _jiO 1$64,600 1$0 1$53�800 1$64,600 !so ]SO 553.800 j$64,60om 19210592570512000 1 9210592370511999 12061 12001) 1 0140 564.600 �SO $59.300 :so $64,600 $59,300 _7W0 1$0 S64,600 1$59,300 SO ISO 1564,600 1$%,300 19210592370511998 11999 101410 559.300 jSa I$59,300 ISO 1$59,300 1$0 IM3,300 1 119210592310511997 1996 0140 SO $0 Is0 ISO $59,300 ISO LM3,300 I 19210592,170�T11996 11997 0140 1$0 '!SO !s0 ISO 1$59.300 ISO $59,300 1 i 1921059237051!1994 11996 G140 ISO so 'Is0 !so 1S59,300 so $59,300 192105923705 I 1921059237GS11990 1921059237051]988 1921059237D511986 1992 '1993 i 1991 11989 ;11987 0140 014 0140 0140 ISO [$O 1 ISO so ISO �SO is0 $0 Iso i$0 1$0 i $4 8.500 jS4.ODO 1$1) 1$43.100 JS16.700 $0 IS45.600 1514.000 so 1$45.800 1$34.600 IS52,500 559.800 j $50.800 1$80.400 I 1921059237C511984 11985 jj!LjSO 1SO 1$0 $0 i$45,800 sm,soo I Sao 40 19210592370511982 JIM 1 10140 1 so so jso ISO IS44,400 lS34,6o6 1$79.000 SALES HISTORY Excise [Recording I Sale Date Sale Price Numtrar Number I— Jin$0.00 Belief Name Buyer Name I FORTE RONALD ;AUBLLC M+JACQELINEA Instrument Statutory Warranty Deed Salo Reason I � Other ALLeN 8TEPH15N G 'FORTE RONALD M-JACQUELINE A Statutory iWarranty ORC, D None i I —I• SOM ORCHAX INNA G :ALLEN STEPHEN G Quit Claim Deed Divorce Settlement REVIEW HISTORY !PERMIT HISTORY IHOME IMPROVEMENT EXEMPTION NOTES Note Increase in land value sipported by comp sales t000l. 112412008 12:44: DO PM PARKING FOR UNITED RENTALS, MINOR 9122 91112005 5:37:06 AM Area Report I Print Property Detail Updated: July 9, 2090 6�� a ---a a n MMIMEW on Links to external sites do not constitute endorsements by King County. By visiting this and other King County web pages, you expressly agree to be bound by terms and conditions of the site, New Search I Property Tax Bill Map This Property Glossary of Terms Area Report I Print Property DetaS� PARCEL DATA Parcel 192105-9122 Jurisdiction j AUBURN Name j UNITED RENTALS INC Levy Code 0120 I Sae Address -- 11022 AUBURN WAY S 98002 v Properl Type C Geo Area i 60-1p Plat Black f Bu4iling Number _ Spec Area 00 Plat Lot! Unit Number Quarter-Seclien�Tewnship-Range �— ! Legal Description I� POR OF SE 1I4 OF GL 5 OF SEC 19-21-5 LY NELY OF AUBURN WAY S LESS N 52 FT IN WIDTH & LESS POR LY NWLY OF LN RNNG N 46-56-46 W FAP LY 257.49 FT NWLY OF MOST SLY COR & LESS POR DAF BEG AT SE COR OF SD GL 5 TH NLY ALG E LN THOF 314,47 FT TO NE MGN OF SD AUBURN WAY S & TPOB TH CONT NLY Al SD E LN 58.97 FT TH S 48-59-09 W 40,58 FT TO SD NE MGN OF AUBURN WAY S TH SELY ALG SD NE MGN 43.74 FT MIL TO TPOB !LAND DATA Highest & Best Use As If Vacant RETAIUWHOLESALE Pertentage Unusable 0 Highest & Best Use As Improved f PRESENT USE Unbuildable Restrictive Size Shape NO j NO Present Use Base Land Value SgFI —� Retailmiscouni) I6 !Zoning ---- Cl Base Land Value 156,100 Water I WATER DISTRICT f % Base Land Value lmpacled �100 Sewerlseptic PUBLIC Base Land Valued Dale 013r2010 ! Read Access PUBLIC Base Land Value Tax Year 12011 Parking l AOEQUATE Land SgFt :28,W3 street Surface PAVED Acres 10.65 !views Waterfront f Rainier Waterfront Location Territorial Waterfront Footage l..— i` Olympics I Lot Bepth Factor. L Cascades Seattle Skyline Puget Sound - — _— Waterfront Bank TidelShore Waterfront Restricted Access 'I Lake Washington I Waterfront Access Rights _ INO Lake Sammamish Poor Quakily iJ0 LakelRlverlCreek Proximity Influence Other View Designations Nuisances Historic Site Topography NO Traffic Noise Current Use Aar orl Noise Nbr Bldg Sites _ power Lines Other Nuisances I` NO --- f1%10 _ _ _ Adjacent to Golf Fairway —' NO----�_-� Adjacent to Greenbelt l NO Problems ' Other Designation --------��-�� Deed Restrictions Development Rights Purchased -- ii NO -- NO 'No - WalerProbfems �NO Transportation Concurmncy � NO Easements I. -- NO E Other Problems NO ... - ...... - -- _ _ Native Native Growth Protection Easement Growth -- ii NO ! Environmental DNR Lease NO { Environmental !I NO BUILDING {External link) (Ex-i temal link) Building Number 1 Braiding Description EQUIPTMENT RENTAL STORE Number Of Buildings 1 Aggregated it Predominant Use LIGHT COMMERCIAL UTILITY .BUILDING (471) Shape ._.,.----------- Recl or Slight Irreq -r----_- __.----- - .... GonslructicnClass iMASONRY Building Quality AVBRAGE Stories i,1---- - - —_.-...._............._.,....,....._.! Building Gross Sq Ft ,..._.._. _-- - - -- -1 4,641 Building Net Sq Ft f 4.641 Year Buill — i 1957 Efi, Year 1980 Percentage Complete 100 Heating System 'I FORCED AIR UNIT Sprinklers— Elevators I � Click the carnera to see more pictures. _ j Picture of Buildin 1 �I I it i� I! it r� it 1I , ,I I Section(s) Of Building Number: 1 ..._. _._.._...._....`- _-_-------.------.-------.--�, _--.?� _, -e 1 �' Height Floor Number Gross Sq Ft I Net Sq Ff Secllon Number Section Use Oescd Ion ll Stories l_- I I-- �._._---..._. 1 LIGHT COMMERCIAL UTILITY BUILDING (A711 I 14 j 4,245 4.245 2 WAREHOUSE OFFICE (810) I 1 10 p 396 j 396 CL TAX ROLL HISTORY Account Valuatl Tax Omit levy Appralsed Appraised Appraised New Taxable LTEble Taxable Tax Year Year Year Code Land Value Imps Value Total value Dollar Land Total Value _Value -- e _1Value _ Reason 4921059i2203j2010 2011 0120 �$156, 100 1$159,500 1$315,600 ISO j$156,100 $159,500 �$315.600 i 921059i2203 ',2009 LL�20i0 0120 $156,100 ti$i59,500 j$315,6p0 �$p 5166,1017; 1$159,500 $3115.600 19210591220312008 - `2009 0120 I$156.100 _�$t69�500 �$315,600 j30 �I5156,100 $159,504 1$315.600 19210591220312007 2408 0140 $156.100 $t41 6,100 j$302,200 �$0-J5156'100 i$146,100 $302,200 j 192105012203!2006 I2007 I 0140 1$156.100 i$146.100 1$302,200 Igo T5156,100 $146,100 $3p2.20O 19210591220312005 12066 0140 1S156.100 $t46,10- 02,200 j$0 j�$156,700 5146,100 $3p2„20p 19210591220312004 112005 ' pi, 40 i$1.56.100 �$291.500 i$447.600 j$156, 100 d1$291,500 1$447,600, 192105912203!2003 i2004 01�$156.100 i$291.500 1$447.600 !SO $156,100 1$291,500 1$447,600 19210591220312002 I2003 j i0140 S141,900 1$305.700 TiS447.600 150 $141,900 1$305,700 $447.600 19210591220312001 t2002 1 0140 S174,600 $224,400 $399,060 ISO �ii$17A,600 $224,400 i$399.000 19210591220312000 2001 1 0140 1$176,600 jS223,500 j$3s o $0 i$175.600 S223.500 $399,100 192105912203 1999 ii2 0140 .$161,000 i$84 ,400u j8245,40q �$O $161,440 �S84.400 $245.400 192105912203 17998 1999 I 10140 1$161,000 $84,409 iS245,400 �1$0 $161,04D $84,400 S245.400 192105912203f1997 j1998 0140 jSO $0 ISO ISO $161,000 $64,440 1$2,5.400 192105912203�1995 11997 Ot40 �SO _ !$0 1$0 I$D --,5167,000 I$e 44 oD 1$245,400 192105912203 r1994 T11995 1 10140 I$0 i$D i$0 -so $161,p0p _ $72,000 $233.000 192105912203 1992 j1993 i 0140 ISO IS, _i$0 ISO $131,700 I$62,500� 1$214,204 1521059122113j199D 1091 1 10140 jSO !so ;$0 !so i$117,000 IS87,300 IS204,300 192105912203 1988 11969 10140 ISO �SO T �SO Iso $124,400 1$66,600 $791.000 192105912293 1986 11987 i D1gp 0$g$ —�$0 ;S0 1SO $124,400 $mxm -1$791.000 19210591220311964 11985� W140 �$0 '$0 ISO SO $12A.400 $66,600 �S191.060 ;��------ I _ _ 192105912203j1982 11983 10140 f$0 So !so !so $146.200 $66.600 I$212.860 i SALES HISTORY �. Excise Number Recording Number Sale Dale Sale Price Seller Name Buyer Name I_..._._.__.._,._.__l -- Instrument Sale Reason I112912OW $0.00 FORTI=RONALD IAUBLLC Statutory '— M+JACQELINE A _ I Warranty Deed lOther 1 0124/1998 I�j $490.000,00 i ALLEN STEPHEN G FORTE RONALD I Statutory i None ' I I M+JACQUELINE A Warranty Deed I 615i199fi ! $0.00 i ORCHAK INNA G ALLEN STEPHEN G !Quit Claim Deed Divorce Settlement ;REVIEW HISTORY Tax Year Review Number - Ig Review Type --`_----- - -. ..._I_ Appealetl Value Hearing Dale I Settlement value ..._..._..._ —I __...._..1.—......._.—.._-.__ __ Decision Status 1I.-..._--�--- 2006 �10501243 LocalAppealj$717,100 11111900 �$0 I ;Gompleletl PERMIT HISTORY HOME IMPROVEMENT EXEMPTION I NOTES i Nate _ _ _ Physically inspected properly on 91112005. Changed improvement data to reflect subject property condilion. Building was i constructed as a warehouse in 1958 and has been added onto te Date 6f2005 7:55:00 �AM SeglMerge Na_ E 03450 worked. 9102002 6.45:00 AM 90 SALE INCLUDES 9237 14I1912001 9:45,00 AM New Search Property Tax Bill Map This Property Glossary of Terms Area Report Print Property Detail Updated: July 9, 2010 -! I- � Links to external sites do not constitute endorsements by King County. By visiting this and other King County web pages, you expressly agree to be bound by terms and conditions of the site. APPENDIX C CHAIN -OF -TITLE REPORT CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY 701 FIFTH AVENUE, #2300, SEATTLE, WA 98104 Order No.: 001309510 PROPERTY ADDRESS: 1018 & 1022 AUBURN WAY SOUTH Your No.: 1018&1022 AUBURN WAY S., AUBURN, WA AUBURN, WASHINGTON 98002 IC & L GATES 925 4TH AVE, #2900 SEATTLE, WASHINGTON 98104-1158 ATTN-. DIANE STOME 1/1 R5EIVED MAKE FITOKKE Enclosed are your materials on the above transaction. if you have any questions regarding these materials, please contact: us. Thank you for this opportunity to serve you. <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<e<<<<<>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> TTPLE UNrr 6 TELEPHONE: (206) 628-5610 TOLL FREEr (800) 627,0530 FAX: (206) 628-9717 DARYL SAVIDIS SENIOR TULE C?MCERAN13 UNIT MANAGER (E-MAIL: DARYL.SAVIDIS@CrL,COM) DAVID P. CAMPBELL SENIORTrIIX OFFICER (EMAIL: DAVID.CAMPBMA.@CIT.COM) "rffl BISENBREY TITLE OMCER (E-MAIL: KErX4.F3l$FNBRBY@CFT.COM) MIKE HARRIS TITLE OFFICER (F-MAIL: MICHAB1_14ARRIS@C T.COM) CHs:-�-iGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY Unit No.: U-05 OurNQ.: 1309510 Phone No.: (206)628-5610 YourNo.: 1416&1022 Au6IIRti FPAY a., AIIBIIRN, WA Pax No,: (206) 628-9717 CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY A NEBRASKA CORPORATION, HEREIN CALLED THE COMPANY GUARANTEES the Assured named in Schedule A, against actual loss not exceeding the liabilitystated in Schedule A which the Assured shall sustain by reason of any incorrectness in the assurances set forth in Schedule A. LIABILITY EXCLUSIONS AND LIMITATIONS No guarantee is given nor liability assumed with respect to the identity of any party named or referred to in Schedule A or with respect to the validity, legal effect, or priority of any matter shown therein. 2. The Company's liability hereunder shall be limited to the amount of actual loss sustained by the Assured because of reliance upon the assurance herein set forth, but in no event shall the Company`s liability exceed the liability amount set forth above. CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY SIGNATORY PLEASE NOTE CAREFULLY THE LIABILITY EXCLUSIONS AND LIMITATIONS AND THE SPECIFIC ASSURANCES AFFORDED BY THIS GUARANTEE, IF YOU WISH ADDITIONAL LIABILITY, OR ASSURANCES OTHER THAN AS CONTAINED HEREIN, PLEASE CONTACT THE COMPANY FOR FURTHER INFORMATION AS TO THE AVAILABILITY AND.COST. Your Property History Guarantee is enclosed PRPHCUA] /RDA/09" -,AICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPAIN 701 FiFrH AVENUE, #23DD, SEATTLL, WA 98104 PROPERTY HISTORY GUARANTEE Total Liability Limited to $ 5 o, o o 0. o o Fee: $350,00, PLUS $33,25 SALES TAX Date o€ Report: DULY 16, 2010 Order Number; 1309510 A. ASSURED: K & L GATES B. THE LAND DESCRIBED IN THIS GUARANTEE IS DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: SEE ATTACHED DESCRIPTION C. AT YOUR REQUEST, CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY, A NEBRASKA CORPORATION HAS SEARCHED THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF FuNG COUNTY, WASHINGTON, WHICH BY LAW IMPART CONSTRUCTIVE NOTICE, FOR THE DOCUMENTS SHOWN BELOW {HEREINAFTER CALLED "THE INSTRUMENTS"}: DEEDS, REAL ESTATE CONTRACTS, LEASES AND ENVIRONMENTAL LIENS D. AT YOUR REQUEST, THE PERIOD OF TIME SEARCHED IS AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING DATE: TALY 1, 1960 at 8:00 A.M. ENDING DATE: DULY 16, 196 a at 5:00 A,M, PRPH4UA/RDA/DM ,H]CAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPAN i PROPERTY HISTORY GUARANTEE Order Number; 1309510 LEGAL DFSCREMON (continued) THAT PORTION OF GOVERNMENT LOT 5 IN SECTION 19, TOWNSHIP 21 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, WILLAMETTE MERIDIAN, IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF SAID GOVERNMENT LOT 5; RUNNING THENCE NORTH 0024'46" EAST ALONG THE EAST LINE OF SAID GOVERNMENT LOT 5 A DISTANCE OF 307.05 FEET TO THE NORTHEASTERLY BOUNDARY OF STATE HIGHWAY NO. 5 AND THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE CONTINUING NORTH 0024'46" EAST 352.15 FEET; THENCE SOUTH B9026'16" WEST 327.52 FEET TO THE SAID NORTHEASTERLY BOUNDARY OF STATE HIGHWAY NO. 5; THENCE SOUTH +43903114" EAST ALONG SAID HIGHWAY BOUNDARY 477,49 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; EXCEPT THE NORTHERLY 52 FEET OF EVEN WIDTH; AND EXCEPT ANY PORTION OF THE ABOVE -DESCRIBED TRACT WHICH MAY LIE WITHIN THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED PROPERTY; FROM A STONE MONUMENT WHICH IS THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF GOVERNMENT LOT 5, SECTION 19, TOWNSHIP 21 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, WILLAMETTE MERIDIAN; RUNNING THENCE NORTH 0024'46" EAST ALONG THE EAST LINE OF GOVERNMENT LOT S A DISTANCE OF 307.05 FEET TO THE NORTHEAST BOUNDARY OF STATE HIGHWAY NO. 5; THENCE CONTINUING NORTH 0024'46" EAST 352.15 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 89026'16" WEST 327.52 FEET TO THE SAID NORTHEAST BOUNDARY OF STATE HIGHWAY NO. 5 AND THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING OF THE EXCEPTED TRACT; THENCE SOUTHEASTERLY ALONG THE SOUTHWEST LINE THEREOF 60 FEET; THENCE EASTERLY ON A DINE PARALLEL TO THE NORTH BOUNDARY OF SAID TRACT TO THE EASTERLY BOUNDARY LINE; THENCE NORTH ALONG THE EASTERLY BOUNDARY TINE TO THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF SAID TRACT; THENCE WESTERLY ALONG THE NORTH BOUNDARY OF SAID TRACT TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; AND EXCEPT THAT PORTION THEREOF CONVEYED TO THE CITY OF AUBURN BY DEED RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 20001116001264. PRPHLEG(RDA%i139y —AICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPAN PROPERTY HISTORY GUARANTEE Order Number: 1309510 E. THE FOLLOWING MATTERS ARE EXCLUDED FROM THE SEARCH PROVIDED BY THIS GUARANTEE: 1. UNPATENTED MINING CLAIMS, AND PATENTS 2. WATER RIGHTS, OR CLAIMS THEREOF 3, INSTRUMENTS, PROCEEDINGS OR OTHER MATTERS WHICH DO NOT SPECIFICALLY DESCRIBE SAID LAND. THIS GUARANTEE IS RESTRICTED TO THE USE OF THE ASSURED, THIS GUARANTEE IS NOT A COMMITMENT NOR AN OBLIGATION BY THE COMPANY TO ISSUE ANY POLICY OR POLICIES OF TITLE INSURANCE INSURING SAID LAND, AND IS NOT TO BE USED AS A BASIS FOR CLOSING ANY TRANSACTION AFFECTING TITLE TO SAID PROPERTY. F. THE INSTRUMENTS AS DEFINED IN PARAGRAPH "C" RECORDED DURING THE PERIOD OF TIME SEARCHED ARE: a 1. DOCUMENT TYPE: RECORDING DATE: RECORDING NUMBER: FIRST PARTY: SECOND PARTY: s 2, DOCUMENT TYPE; RECORDING DATE: RECORDING NUMBER: FIRST PARTY: SECOND PARTY: C 3. DOCUMENT TYPE: RECORDING DATE: RECORDING NUMBER: FIRST PARTY: SECOND PARTY: n 4. DOCUMENT TYPE: RECORDING DATE RECORDING NUMBER: FIRST PARTY: REAL ESTATE CONTRACT OCTOBER 27, 1971 7110270222 H. A. MC MASTERS ALSO KNOWN AS HARROLD MC MASTERS AND RUTH H. MC MASTERS, HIS WIFE STEPHEN G. ALLEN AND MARGARET L. ALLEN, HIS WIFE DEED AND PURCHASER'S ASSIGNMENT OF REAL ESTATE CONTRACT MAY 22, 1979 7905221109 MARGARET L. ALLEN STEPHEN G. ALLEN QUIT CLAIM DEED 'FEBRUARY 12, 1968 B802120273 CAROL M. ALLEN STEPHEN G. ALLEN STATUTORY WARRANTY DEED MAY 21, 1991 9105210907 H. A. MC MASTERS A/K/A HAROLD MC MASTERS AND RUTH H. MC MASTERS, HUSBAND AND WIFE P"HGl1A2/R0A/0M PROPERTY HISTORY GUARANTEE Order Number: 13 0 951 o INSTRUMENTS (continued) SECOND PARTY: STEPHEN G. ALLEN, A SINGLE PERSON s S. DOCUMENT TYPE: QUIT CLAIM DEED RECORDING DATE: AUGUST 21, 1996 RECORDING NUMBER: 96OB211475 FIRST PARTY: INNA G. ORCHAK A/K/A INNA G, ALLEN SECOND PARTY: STEPHEN G. ALLEN r 6. DOCUMENT TYPE. STATUTORY WARRANTY DEED RECORDING DATE: SEPTEMBER 30, 1998 RECORDING NUMBER: 9809300375 FIRST PARTY: STEPHEN G, ALLEN, A SINGLE PERSON, AS HIS SEPARATE ESTATE SECOND PARTY: RONALD M. FORTE AND JACQUELINE A. FORTE, HUSBAND AND WIFE c 7. DOCUMENT TYPE: STATUTORY WARRANTY DEED RECORDING DATE: JUNE 13, 2002 RECORDING NUMBER: 20020613000504 FIRST PARTY: RONALD M. FORTE AND JACQUELINE A. FORTE, HUSBAND AND WIFE SECOND PARTY: AUB LLC, A WASHINGTON LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY x r NOTE: THIS PROPERTY HISTORY GUARANTEE DOES NOT INCLUDE ANY UNRECORDED DEEDS, REAL ESTATE CONTRACTS, LEASES OR ENVIRONMENTAL LIENS WHICH MAY BE DISCLOSED BY OTHER DOCUMENTS OF RECORD. **********END OF GaARANTES*********x prpinsic/1203/nd. nw CHICAGO T71TLL,,[NSU ANCE COMPANY 701 FIFTH AVENUE, #2300, SEATTLE, WA 98104 PHONE: (206)6�8-5610 FAX: (206)628-9717 IMPORTANT_ This is not a Survey- It is furnished as a convenience to locate the land indicated hereon with reference to streets and other land, No liability is assumed by reason of reliance hereon. h, PTN OF THE NE '/ OF THE NW '/ OF 19-21-5 �, �' x36-aa• �'.�.. '�;; -°z 3615s s n 40 6.097 ^AC ,�h ' Q f 21A-66 10776 bC: a g.� LOT 1Mii '� pJ 1.53 RC 9Ja 66461M `*¢ Z°y ba Q H 360,32 L1A _ 63 39.75 N 99-DS-26 M 312.63-A-- 171 99-27-33 066,561 rs { - � AC 9 99-OS-26 W 346.44 (S. P.) nin rS igJF 'ry ��G".. 28783M o AUB.SP'"3 4311070901 rBr c� S R9?'n v .Q x o 145"76 LG'T 1 A^•ryry������ N 69^31-16 C 6y hb .t,m x Sll B9-46-1 6 £ i 10340, l: ✓ w F • _ y�i. 1Sa.95 is 897}_47 £ ]d - "'• AUB LLA k 14-88 ryh�? �Ba ?rdoa 1Do7s■ �h 141T S aw ;, s LOT 5 09 ]-46 er14D 1$. P, I,T 1 � �W 139.fi9 ay�x; ..cl. L7 b �>6, .��' •rt-H " cJ! ml�. Yj p s'j Jp 10365 �o �J 4120271 J °Y `� r �o ` 05. 99 ;v � :•.. ladpiR �- Ing's T J31697A JSi1� N 99-]]-47 C A D} ACr.� o 9-, 7 5.01 I5 P-I O o� -a . n 5 s9-71^36 N 220.3}I5. 10 60 60 65 a AUb. MA. R1 p 77 k33 a N Q ! ,15530p aOD4 47045R c 1209A T20DR 1.06 At "46.7 is 55.3Z 9: >•` 64-31-47 ¢ _ J`'70506O4Ds77061D2-15'1-2-4-367 - - �1050�0 a09-15' n 1 _ 1140 rST.) . .1..., ^77-2-4-36 R ARN a " 71.7-4-366 �...... .�itrC.Q. �1Q' �` 473D!_21�-IS' R 1S4 30 10 a n 1�w • 'I:r iY' J 51 M li'�lT 1A T . y Yl`N. 1=i. "�+� t•8W' ��� Vvlbi��gi ?`7l 4 ,..iri• y, ='`. 1. A. AC XASTIM a3Ua knem ar MOLDNW=-8 "d " - RUM It., ]C-rianksi .hilt vlfr;` s ,. fk�r��J}f,�t b"Ib w a" 1W Maim" "d , +� 06� STVMM • 6. A to and It ifi� ! 3 ^er d Ylflndlt e.it d* *PUFAO!"f 111m«3lttimt "A so oft so*" M Fa M Go Prnfrr ad 11&4 0MLia" fa jeti�i Rra+a* mar W U%,. t IZ i.aM,i VQ w.U. WI S ek #4w*+6RFALjje§N M AE . , 4 r.. , . 5: , Ce+rb. ltMi at wril ow As per attached rider which by this reference is tech a ]part hereofs ;hat portion of Government Lot 5 in Section 19,,3ounship 21 North Range 5 East, W.N. , described as follows: ., '_. Beginning at the Southeast corner of said,Govarn Running saent Lot 5 t Thence North 0*2414611 East along the Bast, line of said Government Let 5 a 3:s;&i.Go or 307.0, fe Ut to the northeasterly boundary of State Highway No. So and the true point of beginning; Thonca continuing North 0.24146" East 352.15 feet; Thence South 89.260161! West 327.52 feet to the said Northeasterly p boundary of Highway Na. S; `q Thence South 43°03'a4" East along said highway' be 477.49 V` feet to the point of beginning; EXCEPT the Northerly 52 feat of even width. 11NP EXCEPT any portion of the above described tract which . may lie within the fallowing described property: From a stone monument which is the Southeast corner of Government Lot'59 Section 19, Townshi 21 North, Tian e 5 Bast, W.H. Running Korth 0a2414611 East along the Eas of Government Lot � a distant of 307.05 feet to the Northeast boundary of State Highway No. 5; Thence continuing North 0-24146" East 352.15 foet,, Thence South 89026116" West 327,52 feet to the said Northeast boundary of Highway No. 5 and the true point of beginning of the excepted tract. Thence Southeasterly along the Southwest line thereof 60 feet Thence Eastorly on a line parallel to the North bcundary or said tract to the Easterly boundary line Thence North along the Easterly boundary line to the Norheast corner of said tract; Thence Westerly along the North boundary of said tract to t wf!14�r_h7, point of beginning; Situate in the City of Auburn, County of ling, State of Washington. 777 � M "W'= 1 't* rare rs4 uftaso a of db re.tma t+re bs hagv► no pvrlep peks k 01M =liDi= Al TER THOUSAND AND 10%100..---------------------------..------- 4110 000 00 ) DoUgm of wMA SIXTZZ9.:THDV3AXD ,ASD NO/100-------------------- -- - WR'600.00 7 ti•� boar pcld, ow "afpt wlroe..r i lrtebl eed 91. bJuw* o[ wM partlarW &A 1, pdQ a kW► M; ty SEVER HUNDRED .AND FIF= AND NO/1D0 ------------- -----0 7 50. 0P ) �h t: iu ►t ptad*ta !6 opt a..ox or Wan the 9 th &T of Novexbar ; J9 era SKM HUNDRED AND-nFTY AHD N0/100--------------- 4 750.60 •) umbra, gppg�yq it peon oDt ^ - oe brfon tb. 9 th dq' of a& roewwft ftsmdu owtb "M U. bai bm of r.Je CU padL+m Dri- tbm2 ben boos to ly pd& n* pwd*,w IM"a itri r to pqr trLt W on tot GlmfabblaT b.Lsw of rend p p't. O Apt nu of 7-1/2 pa—tpaw trtu tine 9th &r of O:tober , JV 71 W%kln La kmf rh,a be dedurlai! from M& k&AnmcA ras'uom nd rbr bohsix of 4*6 psmmt AMW to fedna)oa of >dnd* N a pr7mau to W mk ate+adw AA br wedr W or aS ordr erbtr pirn d On "B r *err d4w to wrftbK• Additional clauses as pa- attached RSCSEDULE A" which by thks reference is made a part hereof,, ri-m"'j- In addition to the above monthly payments, it is agreed 'aizd understood that the purchaser will at the same time pay a sum. equal :to 1/12th of the e7Jmiel taxes. These additional Stands are to bet'-erbdited on principal as paid and principal balance will be charged from time to time as taxes are paid by the seller herein. Purchaser agrees at the xegnest of the seller to nigh any necessary papers to enable seller to secure the ]ages, possible mortgage loan on tl.e property described above, provided the anouut of the lost shall not exceed the then existing balancer of this contract, xhieh the seller agrees to pay according to its terms and conditions. Nott44hstanding the aforementioned payment schedule, the .seller herein agrees that upon the reduction if the principal balance due hereunder by $10 000.00, to reduce the nonthly payments as called faz herein to Notwithstanding the aforementioned payment schodule, purchasers herein shall have the right to pay this Contract in part or in full After October 9, 1976• Seller herein shall havo the right to remain in the homo.he is presently occupying which is included in the aforementioned prcp erty for a period not to exoeed one year from the date of closia herein anA agrees topay rental to the purchasor herein in the mount of $125.66 por iron ]�._4i>>�;•, h it ljje •, ' I • 7= � t F r ♦nt E'8 �. v r ni•. R_'i V'r+ I.A ' �11 �•r: t ='F A :r w .L t� '1 E- i�f AA rd"Ttd to �. ikkt c tmt "daL at abifs� roan tM_ 2bar 19.71 f}) The parrSaws eu mes and atwee to Pas before defiagaraey aA lato<s and "UR4tula that isay �. betw6m g t Coy d rr"trg st, Ltferltt: btcvme s ]kts ea a!d nak eru -, and ft by are trims *� �1+ pKrChw t =+ 0� new . ySea o t xid wutrut at otter membesaot. or has is met. Paymeat N to, wq wilt wtxta, the jmKbatar Raw► to Pry tha rams Won d0*goeac7 to the ac�6lnp nes► Cad Lttsana Neared on a►!d tta3 ar;<* ( (_? The ptrrr3sssr carets mttn tb. parsh►+t P !a PadP to the J't r and for (u h+mmd to the Word Cuk Ta1na tbera+bt arcatntt kox or damsir� 'Atha Or � O�de1! L &I OPR ptrCOPtAbk olid i►nd rmewah tt goot to j © tht odkel, benefit, n hk iataat twCr a "Up rt)d to pqp"Inbab the aelkt. 1eaQecf1oa (f} i'he pttrcham atree that lt+11 1 of s.id m3 taes4 bat been made wind that swither the sr>)ef teat 1+la aafitnf $be1R be htld N to any eovmant ttat:tttlot the taadtttaa o Ley bn^Vemenb tbtrrao nor AiR the Putsbaarr or vdkr or tbt apk m of thbtr be bell to O toy tpreaaat ar =Ore rt for alkralfom *WOVemtuu or nptin 4ska the roranaat or atxwaamt IT d an k coat&kW Ruda or it "' !s wrtttrlt Cad stYached to and made a part of fhb contract is norr Ca aafd test butt or bf-mftrr p1►ced r' tbeesoa, and a! tt,t ""iLLft U e+sd rtal ew4 or nn� W tLercod! Iar p blk wrr4cao, or y, and W. tbat rA rorb dar,w=4 dest.-uetim o a4 tnustitute a "am of amodentlon. 24 Cue a!p paii oT told ted estate: taYtu for p�1k kte tM portion of file remalntoe after pLyment of re.sonabk txperaa o ►r"0409 toe faro• at+s8 M , of to C adbr nod. jppowk Wad as Ct► prior Ludo ankh the ttuer tlecri to allmr tbt parcb.ar to apply atl or a pottkon of tateb from x p rg in ored to of tion of any rtwenta daxuged by mb t*k]zZ U we Of a dwrodioa frnm x Ltt9 iruorrd aas ItEwraart nkV after payment at ibe rrsraoabk _z _Tm' of MMV ttw tame" be denrttd to the rest o > � ahali be pafd', to the ter rr tmprorcmen4 t.ltbla a ttafotn)>k tlmr, auks p rdmPi' deda that Cold peoa'rdl �D pprcEa.r Prior basfo. i (!} The fttk'r tor► deirrrtd, or NTM to &IIrsr within iS dsya of the da4 at dadatt, R Pmthrlae sundud lom or a totembwmA thnefep Jwga ed by 1frwm6w wka Tide t.rrrawo+ P*"*Om v fasott 4 ,the Pa Qf MW pEerebat print spimt kom or darner by muoa of dated, In wDen thk to law rw ettde of of lia daft s n[tsPf30na agwr ihaa the fohowb4. a, printed ettu" empliooe apptaef w ko mm pa%q form C 0. t rm or aa[ambranom whk I by the terms of " amatsd the pmdaw b to aaamel ar as to wbkh b to Lt made wbytd l and i c wny gAptISC orttm4 or mtruu tinder wbkh saris b pwdmdvt rYd rat meats, Cad aq� mwrYpP or Jcfkr by t" on agn'" to pay, mm of uhkb for the pnrpae of M psnpgb (1) tmap br draatrd def f d- Mortgage dated October 12, 1965, recorded under Auditor's F e f NO. 5939825, to Auburn Federal Savings and Loata Association, which i �""••, the seller heroin agrees to ooatinue to pay. .IeM IN�R _y _ y left, �..�trY•--..-..-r—_...... .. --_ ...r.....-.....,. .• .....-...- ` .., , 4 y'' . 1. j0�,t" e ,R..• 'Ri 1 V i,�i,y F � S .f - r I� "t� d t�-,'�v' TjJ -:fv%''4'!Fl�'7ii{ti{ h • �.:. ; '+.,' . t e r, 1tl `'?• a`s ta, L,�4�ywig' 1:� I f �� i'- • it ; t�L .' E qr ![���� Tt°� rF•,ot t•�. cy P{ N.. If „t .rFw' �JSiFI'; J tJt ki; {f y4x dyS { iJ F "z . •Y;er;+ 't►t�w"AA�.'' g• �t •.. J a"�t�t� n *, "� tr � ' .1•:�'k�r':1;"L�. 3E. . L .F.' ^it' r {::�y'-. i.. rc �. '�y ��• r ,:� y.iF� - icy �;r�ia.'J � 1'}J�ie;lFi»�k:' •"t �"�;;r Syyrt i.4.� I t �Y.a�fi� y. i�1�M+ya�t� 15.7� a�Fn�r.•i.. .,. _, I . . r••`-!`,t>?;t�r;'t,� e ',"?'r�i....•l, ..- ., �P:r`34.�:5>X'' ",:.•'� 1._ IE a Ct'tora t { t 1y r IM1' .rxa�)►' X0e 1951 Wbiah the ptar*b*S9W1Ataatr3>f�'. 1t�ilt�a.71X1i ppar raeeofting to ,the Urns. and ca►sdit�i+z�o .rcift. f. K2sosxmmt ieTiad b7 city �r'�u'k"ft>t:tti* t1l "-tab& ! gatterr ,ender L.I.D. No. 1,95, vbiah the: pUraha#*rs b*V41k i Ltrati to stammv and pay aeaording °to the terns -sled oohdi: herain. Of "y 1 s tt OtW �1--.—. ��1r1 ice. k !e y�~4 aaAc sriTrw 4� va4e' !-1 ^��.- !n Maxd+ate tRe.= t.f:.P4. and rpt. e,faax, t►. pmcn...s etraC tsar tb rlewi to soak. nr pat'ow *fin to w. er. ties Artask ud luq ! �r ml% se,vA& 1W iN apt�+d is t1. v+y*+*t• asd f:Pa,r Oas tie >.6ec t�Aa kW {1) The wart "Paw Oft 1pwv et W Psf'+K et 1M pstchws 11110, fed 6tter.a ht'the nspw it" *R*L . la stove" sad drtS.rr to sarrr►attt. d+tvtaf wn+riskz ..�i�l� fZig iL) Area t. sofa WO afro, kto* be a "":.park thoft-1 ►gnto er takem for p+rblft "it, tr.s et mcst*eacr now am test War attba rtter wo of etr011.c lk"FO t b*Y P"gorKarr. apt sablrct to tbs fohorwbt: S#taouent recordad ardor Auditor's File No'. 5MO54j AlgbefslsU4nt levied by City of Aubu—1 under L.I.D. Wo. 1951 Asaesslaent .Levied b7 f ity_ of Auburn under L.X.D. No. 1951 M Vrdnr a rffikesot data in yrotkkd for 6ertin, for pnrcham "half bt "ntitkd to pearerlba of geld re*1 "Hate on dale of c;mlA; and to rttaht P&OWiao 1n 6kF a► p4l&artr b Ool 4 delatllt lsrrWW", Tb# pu,tlaW MrraaSta to leetp the b 40hp. u�d Ober trnMarr• rMbts ea said rtai tstale In Rood rtpdr **d *at to pcnolt wart" abd not to aer, or lib the we of, tbt "4 fatal; for MAY ilkao p�rDar la pDuurrbrrr aorraaata to IsY a1] terrier, isrta>;atloa er conetruttlw rharty !or teatat, *rwar, Okdrkitr t:arbW er other btlbty smftre i9enlshed W aatd nz e't tt alter flee dntt pere>:raer 1a e+ethled to gas.ostotl, (0) fo Carr the pmrthastr fags to mane any payc*ot Wainpeo►Mcd or to mafnta n Irantabte, as bWlzk Mq IWL the Ort may m►ke each payment or rftret svrh hremabaa, herd any "wants so pew by tit serkr, tolkst6ct wkb iatt"st at tbt We of 1Qrr per abnum thereon from Batt at pyment nnt[l trpald ehta ix repaytbh by p4re►*aer on aelkedet► 's demand, a� Itbosrt Drsjodke to lay btlrrr >tRl t tat "tiler misht have by rarwn rt tocL drGoh (10) rime 1* of tba to e= of tbtt a:ttra 4 ear It la Urted tbat in tale V* purthwt eba11 tin to mano j wtth or perform r<oy tanditlab br at rrrmmt hrrml or la taaka Any ptygarat rsqulrrd brrtander ptompW at the time and ht the manner htrrib required. the *tiler awT sk et la da3axs dt tbt s S.0 i treontbr trfminated, uK! trpoa )di dreg se, as pay is made by the ynrChaw here,m6[T and sA tmyar'r�tsrts'p fed 16c'raat s'ltek abaa br lorttltld 9n tLt Nt3rr as kuklatld drroatta, and Ot rrlkr "I Cute liskt !o rei�la cad ta�rpmre.don bi for real feint": on f era ova!! rcr Irk Lbe seller of any dtfaolt ob the put., of the purclwwr *hull M ta)ratnred u s fairer et apY atrbesgvsat dd..h. � • .. - .. � .... : ,_ ... mrk" upon pv>h,asrr of sli dtv a,rd{_aotfcea or ahQ paper► w{th,rsapett to, fotirhurc rad trrlbin.tfan of poreha*ej rights may be meee Vatted butQ Tda�. Patter pro Dsld'ittvrn mat t teilaested, dkected io ebr pbrt3ssrr !t his eddrm hrt known it the seller. (11} gear ae3les's aksdon tb brezr Tide to enfaty eaY eareaant bt ibfs [bner.et, lacledinY wdr te, aolkit ;any ysymtat mqufrrd hetremdcr, ibt purc6utt!trtes to p�.s ieawoabte wm it aCkOraty a lea led rtll costs fod ass ia.tnunedloW with streh so14 'r1dch snmr aba� be 1aeladsd W any jadsrt+est or datret entered to latch wit. '" Il the ,ritC sSa11 being wdt to Prove in idtudkatlob if ibe uma ea11011'Dr the p c6a 7i le'btel4A�Cr. and )Od meet 11 so "t"'ed, for P=kLW sm= to -Day.* n woosbh sum et attarpay'a Ira and all oorlr and *sp�tma interrWans with rad svlt, and also the rtisu"bk cod of se■rthinit r*Wrda W determtb. Cho eoadw= of " at the dw .a& soft is aommmted wwa gums awl bt tord%r ed fa my )odaaent or detxee sowed In soth sa44 IN WrITP= 'iVI>] WF,'the partift haato bare "*netted tbtt t-.Dthr•#ata-L s MAZ sbot STATE 811 WASI coboty or KING, ra ob soh day paramal4 apprered hrtan sot H. A. MC MASTERS and RUTH H. HC MASTERS) to sot known to be the kdtridaaig damned to and whe R"tatad the within and forcpks (aRrpmtnt, and sck=wUdred tact they geed the aam" as their free and .a®1uY ad and deed. for So am sod purpo n Cheese* meatsaaed. t:IV 1f r i.ad o4tri*1 awl tut day at 0dDbar s 1971. `e �;i�r:: r�.,.,0 '`s .Wy 7.,►iet lie a.rl lw ti. .f w.�Ak+rt.rr, �• Yrus sr,.Ct tfsrfrrte 1bR etcorotes tat, T+Matra.e.:fes crroret,e� j N C'Jtiix • st:C 1 �~ f 1%kV s r jor C4 �,,�,f- tie c� SAP pD 13 rid LZ ..,,� 'mot g�.` � hw,*P d 1If "we" of l N r ffolea..��-s+saa�.rn...ltiP.wtt„►� sttat,,aer � � ' H7 �S?�?[tJ�1 ""'"'.... �., f � , R"11 l IAMCkTI&TI-ADAM .. .. p'{ ►1R33F? a Picicrr .,"!tip -.I iisla Ec.:;r,;,ttct' L;.:�,;1zsy Pi o,l f„r RIV11111 At ltiaitt04t „f CD ,-t Loli e Stovons, isn 98258 N . N LIN tD a r— H YOAh LCtA o �1�Ced and Purchaser's Assignment f ~�C.ate"' an.rart I 71;t ;`,ii.'tii•vit %VIRCflRET L. AULN tf for value rn:ctcrd do e'a hcrthg con.tl and quit chin. tr, STNPHWN� G. ALL the grantee, thv lo:lawing Jeeorihod real niate, oituoted in tht County of KIi,G S:n:c of Washington intluding a;:y interest therein whEch grantor may herooftor acquirat see attached lagal description MIQ COUNTY NO EXCISE TAX MAY a 21979 F05371413 encl ao egwrthy Amisn, tralnfer n411tt oYCT to The grantoe 0141 otrtatn real estate Contract dattd the gth day or October, 1971 Eeh+con H. A. McMasters a/k/a Harold McMastera and Ruth H, McMastRQrs, his wife °.rcllcr t::d Stephen G. Allen and Margaret L. Allen, his wife ns lunlls,rr t.,r 111P aAla And Putt-hoFo of th-i aklvo drocr;h"l rml trtatn Tho grantoo hcrohy awmea and ogroas to tul IB t,tr rondiul,c. of ►nSJ real caste eamrnct. natvd Ihi, rJ1` dAy of d:ay, 1979. e.ARC,�$3' L. ALUN N OF 1S'ASHIXC'I'ON, } r,rvnty 01, 11JA cloy 1'emm„ lly Lrturo pro XAA(.,M 1i"r L. AL7.1.:1 11I:,C l:rsti,n It, Le ]ha ia•31YiiNal JeAlihad in Jmd 'Ahu erhrutad the within and lor.,.,in„ Gtsnu..:cat. nl:,l s, i.t.l.a'lr.lgrd tl.at sou airncrl 01v tamu ai her 14TO rnQ valunt4ry ud uA� dv..','far th,, ph ., n,r.i ,n1r1,..,VF.1 ai7d;i1 ,µrhtiup4.1, ' a.u:r my han,i and u0iti:1 coal aria % day of MAY 111 7, r j.'� . /.;i•fine t+j/%il1,C'�4:C r I:: 01 t ;1.. 010 sou—wwit oornot! �f sold Cowriumikt I.Ot 5, RUM311-1), Tlionce North 0024'46" 14.'10 0." aAki 1,,,t 5 a di-qLaiwv of 307.05 foot to the ,40rj,,,WeRRGL.rly ' V Of MAIN.fty S, .11W LiJ4! tem, point of Lv-x;innIn(j, li'iLnco continuing NDrth 35-1.15 foot, V0026114" I-Lst 327.52 fect to the SAA •iOrt�WmSM-rjy -'.MfI1'Y O-L 1AC--h,�TY -'�- 5, 111once, South -13'03'14" 7 at alor9 said higlyway lx=dary 477.49 ff<--" Cf IN,7inninqt CD ly 52 foeof even width. C\J t't: ' ' any ivrt,'-v% 01 tho dxm doscribc%l tract ulilch rroy lio within tho follwing doscrOibcd 1 111 lk Il V r t.V r— .1,rm a 8tono =itrmnt which is the Sorzthozist mmer of Gmterntent Lot 5, Soction. 19, Tvw%ship \nr l , , h, !,,*k:-.,p 5 IUnIN %irtIl 00241461 Sant along the But of t;ovorrga-r,t Int 5 a I Ji4'�Q~-uvo Of 307-05 foct. to Qv NorU)ozst boan&u-y of Staga Iii(jilmy Igo. SP Than--Q cont"Tiuirg \0.'U. 4924'46" list 352.15 foat '1I=co South 89'26'IG" IC-st 327.52 foot to the said Nbztheast of 111'cjhtiay NO, 5 Plid the trie point of baginning of tho cme c nL, p-tod tra t 1'-=Q -astorly along Oic southfi,;ost lim thereof 60 rfQQt' Thorne E&StQrIv on a line W'allell to G'.e Nordi tk=eary of sail tract to the Msterly I)omdary 14-,a. Theme 1Aorth along tho Easterly lino to, rbe Northeast Corner of said traCt, 7bonce Wbuterly along tho North bomdarj or aWd tract to tnu point of besgjrL-ang; N 4 KI TICQR TITLE INSURANCE srny s►►ct xstrrtD iw acorou s tns i w (Dr Tietord At fiegnnt a We r AMR RECOMM RAIL Tilt Nielsen, ldelsen 6 Leach, ln+ P.S. 3113 Rockefeller, P. 0. Box C Bverel<t, WA 90204 RRrNSTrR, TI! Quit Claim Deed me cu*lm CAROL M. ALLNN t2TaA" 2f12 00:77N n $ rr. F i. on t i rostt t S6 � tar am it, tontsdaratlon of provisions contairted in Dt:croe of uissoiution entered in Snohomish County Superior Court Cause No. 87•-3-02530-3 coma7'S axd `utt clotms to STLPHLt! 0. r1GLEl ! the foitwtat dt.cribtd rnt Potato, otllnt.d to th. cmunty of Kiny stays of Vothir4ton in41v4tn4 cry Imt.r.at Ovrt1m vhLvb p"tor oty haro,Lc.t .favtw: leer attacned lLwd dcucrriptzon} 1Slpli [CUlrry Na EXCISE TAX FEB z 11988 e - Dart$ thlr day of ..................IsrAei sSAn or W1si imim, c.wnt7 of snohom4 f�c. Ow tht. day pttsa»4117 Apptorod holes ar CAROL M. ALLLr i l to w kmwn to hr th, t+dtvldwl dcatrl6.d «n and vha .+ftvlbd thr within and rortsotn= twitumnt, .nd , uknwt.ts.d tut Site ►L$wd thf .ant ty her t.tt and vblumny act and dttd, roc thf utto and Pwtptta. ttifrala m.ntxm.4, i1KN t+nd.t I hand and virtflol o.ol No •� t0 �+ .y7,., iI� / { L iyi L Vc L���..t _!rn�t'+r'�f,• �LL ry 7!v . �. ........:.J •.-. : 7?; :, .Yraflt ttljjjt S11 s49 j04,tte stet or jfat"ryto.. •,ram +4ra.d.l+j �; L:`G sits r ; idtgoitttntent expires: r}. f P- yC ; public IL' Rturd e Ix. Improved Parcel of real property oomKonly known as 1010- 1024 Auburn Hay South, 9 AS follows: Auburn, Washington, legally describod C [o That portioown Of Governmont Lot 5 Township 21 Borth Ran c in Section 19, et fo11OHS; g $ East, W.M „ described a ID r2 Beginning at the Souttleatt corner of said Government Lot 5, running: East Iine of said Govermm�trl,atth 052ar 461, 13 dfstance olOng307.95 the feet to the Northeasterly boundary of State highway No, 14 5, and the true point of beginning; Thence continuing North 0 241464 East 152.15 feet; Thence South 89 261161, rs Nest 327,522 feet to the said Northeasterly boundary or Highway No. 5: Thenco South 43 03114" Fart along slid 16 highway boundary 477.49 t'eeC to the point of beginning; EKCt%p1 the Northerly 52 afeet Of even width, AND "XCEPT 11 ny portion of the :above -described tract which may lie within the foilowinrl described property; re � From a stone u,onument which is the southeast cornet' of 19 Government lot 9, Section 39, Township 21 t1orth, Range 5 East, W.M, running earth 0 24046" East along the East 20 of Government Lot 5 a distance of 307,05 Feet to the Northeast boundary of State Highway 110. 5; Thence 2+ SOuthn89n26 North 4 Z4'46" East 352.15 feet; Thence boundary 16' Hest 327.52 feet to the said Northeast 22 ry of Highway No. 5 and the true point he9inning of the excepted tract, of ?3 Thence Southeasterly along the southwest line thereof t+ 80 feet: Thence Easterly an a line parallel to the North hoUndary of said tract to the Easterly oounda.•y 25 lime: Thence North along the Easterly boundary line to the Northeost corner OE said tract; Thence 26 along the North boundary oWesterly f said tract t4 the paint of r beginning; Situate in the City of Auburn, I(Ing, State Of Washington. county of 1 Sear-M UOC, KUIYtW MSU2120273 Public Record 3 _ac �c M m After recording, return to: b S. Robert Leach - 3305 Oakes Avenue v Everett, WA 98206 U5 on9nk IR RRCF'f'F ++^rCID eTATSTTORX NARRANTY DIED CAI6HIA 4 e4a-4, M $S The Grantor, H. A. Tic Tiasters a/k/a Harold Mc Masters and Ruth H. Mo Masters, husband and wife, for and in consideration of Fulfillment of real estate contract, in hand paid conveys and warrants to Stephen G, Allen, a single person, formerly married to Margaret L, Allen, the following described real estate, situated in r, the county of King, State of Washington, a 4) That portion of Government Lot 5 in Section 19, Township O 21 North Range 5 East, W.M., described as follows: V4 NBeginning at the Southeast corner of said Government Lot Q 5, Running Thence North D°24'46" East along the East line ) of said Government Lot 5 a distance of 307.05 feet to the Northeasterly boundary of State Highway No. 5, and the true point of beginning; Thence continuing North 0/241461/ East 352.15 feet; Thence South 89026116" West 327.52 feet to the said Northeasterly boundary of highway No. 5; Thence South 4360114" East along said highway boundary 477,49 feet to the point of beginning; EXCEPT the Northerly 52 feet of even width. AND EXCEPT any portion of the above described tract which may lie within the ,fallowing described property: From a stone monument Which is the Southeast corner of Government Lot 5, Section 19, Township 21 North, Range 5 East, W.M. Running North 4°24146" East along the East of Government Lot 5 a distance of 307.05 feet to the Northeast boundary of State Highway No. 5; Thence continuing North 0624'46" East 352.15 feet; Thence South 89026116" West 327.52 feet to the said Northeast boundary of Highway No, 5 and the true point of beginning of the excepted tract. Thence Southeasterly along the Southwest line thereof so feet; Thence Easterly on a line parallel to the North boundary of said tract to the Easterly boundary line; Thence North along the Easterly boundary line to the Northeast corner of said tract; Thence Westerly along the porth boundary of said tract to the point of beginning; Situate in the City of Auburn, county of King, State of Washington. deed is given in fulfillment of that certain real estate between the grantors and Stephen G, Allen and Margaret L. S*i To PW On C90d A"- Nu.t16,6'1 1 i KM Co. FS4wr0 DMM a•, ' � Ulpuly ' 1'ubi�c Revwd Allen dated October 8, m 1, recorded under King County recorder's file number 711D27D222, and conditioned for the conveyance of the above -described property, and the covenants of warranty herein shall not apply to any title, interest or encumbrance arising by, through, or under the purchaser in said contract, and shall not apply to any taxes, assessments or other charges levied, assessed or becoming due subsequent to the date of :said contract. Real, estate excise tax was paid on this sale on October 26, 1971, receipt number E160161. Rated this day of 64'_• 1991, asters Ruth H. Mt Masters oy Ruth H. Mc Masters, his Attorney in Fact STATE OF HA5H1 N ) 68. COUNTY of ) N on this day personally appeared before me RUTH H. Mc MASTERS, to me known to be the individual described in and who executed the l 0 within and foregoing instrument., and acknowledged to me that she } signed the same as her free and voluntary act and deed for the uses t-4 and purposes therein mentioned. OSubscrib�d`WT—mwrn to me by RUTH H. Mc MASTERS on this ." ►.4 day ofs '.,' - ;'.1991. Notary Public in and for the state of Washington, residing at�4y- 7,� My commission eyeless: I STATE OF WASHINGTON ) COUNTY OF 1%10 9 i- ) THIS IS TO CERTIFY that on this-_#tday of April, 1991, before me, the undersigned, a notary public in and for the state Of Washington, duly commissloned and sworn, personally appeared RUTH fi, tic MASTMs, to me known to be the attorney -in -fact for If, A. Mc MASTERS, and who executed the within and forgoing instrument as such attorney -in -fact for the uses and purposes therein mentioned, and on oath stated that to the best of said individual's knowledge, the power of attorney authorizing the execution of said instrument l{ aFL.x�smClJna — 2 h i I d'{• 5,, �' 25 x I o Public Record '=- -.1 9) M has not been revoked and that the principal is now living and As not disabled or incapacitated at lay. . SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me by RUTH H. ma MASTM an this ;jj!f&jjAy of April, 1991. wt ROTARY PUBLIC in and for_tbA_ State or Washington, residing at /IL441AV-6 tt my commission expires: 1ILL.34131=11114 . 3 - 10 11wb1tc Record ,ruer. IVOn-UrMr aegrcrl = KC1.991 91uD2 ILPJVI --CFEUM By: Moe0e! Priniec: ij22j2uiu21M/.v3 M P.Si `WANSAMERICA _.......................• TW5 SPACE PROYIOED FOR RECQRDER E; '- TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY , • a¢gt F"D FOR RECORD AT REQUEST OF � t Y C YRtEN RkGpppEa RE7URN TO Runt.....•.,.. .7. RDbert l,t?dch ........_...._. ...,....... ._................... ..... .. ..... `.•.....•............ ............ _.... ....... ' Anderson Hunter: Law Firm Asa■cc............._.......................... • r Clly,Stast.tb-....•..............................kZrLx.ri$A.....��;.....,.......................••..... ............_.._-_...... ._._..----a._.........._.._. .......... tl' 1 Quit Claim Deed THE GRANTOR, MA G. ORCMK, aA/a Inns G. Allen for and in wnsidwation of Separation ContrAct In Plntziage Diasoiution proceeding mnvays and quit da;ttis to sraPHM G. ALLEN r the (Dllowiog daserihed real estate, aiUmted its the County of RiM3 state of Washington, together rvitft ell after acquired title of the grantors} themio, SEE ATCACUE) t _ gated.................,>�u. .r. J............ . v.'r1ra,.l....... rr ------ Tnna G. ota�4us.(mu" gI .....,.•.• .--•..............—............................................• By,.........,..........._.............................--- (ladivdaalj (Ptraidertt) STATE OF WATJNGTON MUNTY OF.— . On this day Pen ptarrd Irelvre tns to me krwwn to be Use individual deaeribtd in and WIND "oontcd thv .'imi'n and tornoing roar Mm"t, and "rrostedged that ..Af;:..... sES'aa�.tiA• � u ...,,•.,.}tpr.— tree and �eluntary_ fat the usta and purpmhs t}aartin a6 _-.. _SaIYEN By.............. ...... ._........................ --..•... .................._............ STATE OF WABHINVSr�f'ON COUNTY OF. ...... _.............._.. On this M.... der of •_..._.�..._. ..... I9... _.. b.two ma, laic undow4na , a Notary Public in and for the Stat. of Waslr inglQn, duty commiusonad nod -+yarn, per onatty aPptwt+d...,,_..,..... •._....,....... and..»..«...,.•..............•..•.........,v............._.».,..._..T;....`.i......,...._................ to me known to by the - .•........ ............Prrsident and ............ t* atively, ot.......„....._.�....._...,..,.,.._..,. _....._...__..._ 'r7 rarpatation that txecaled the foregoing instrument, and aeknowtaditd I id instrument to F>• the frot and voluntary vet and dead of said rutpor- t otitgt, inr the uses ;md Purposes therein vz"4oatd, wA em oath stated that A anthorimd to rxecutt the said bnsbwwnt and dwt the neol affi7nd is the mrpomte seal or said mrporatioa ri - Wiuwm my land and -McW near hereto at3atd the drly "d yta.r ant Notary P4biic in Q 7\l0taryPWir is and rvr the State of Washington, Mitten, ttlidinr atA14 at._,.....--. ...... ........ •,....._..-_,,.... ............. My appointment expires: at .,. ,- My a➢pointmentexpizes: -.... .... ............... ..._...... — Public Record n That portion of Government Lot 5 in Section 1.9, Township 21 North Range 5 East, W.M., described as follows: Beginning at the Southeast corner of said Government Lot 5, running., thence North 0-24146" East along the East line of said Government Lot 5 a distance of 307.05 feet to the Northeasterly boundary of State Highway No. S, and the true po nt of beginning; thence continuing North 0024146 East 342.15 feet; thence south. 89426116" WQst 327.522 feet to the said Northeasterly boundary of Highway No. 5; thence South 43003114" Last along said highway boundary 477.49 feet to the point of beginning, - EXCEPT the Northerly 52 feet of even width_ AND EXCEPT any portion of the above --described tract which may lie within the following described property: From a stone mvnament which is the Southeast corner of Government Lot 5, Section 19, Township 21 North, Range 5 East, W.M., running North 00241460 East along the East of Government Lot 5 a distance of 3Q7.05 feet to ther. Northeast boundary of State Highway No. 5; thence cpopntinuing North 01124146" East 352,15 feet; thence South 8902601b" West 327.52 feet to the said Northeast boundary of Highway No. 5 and the true point of beginning of the excepted tract. Thence southeasterly along the southwest line thereof 60 feet; thence Easterly on a line parallel to the North boundary of said tract to the Easterly boundary line;. thence North along the Easterly boundary line to the Northeast corner of said tract; .thence Westerly along the North boundary of said tract to the point of beginning; Situate in the City of Auburn, County of � icing, State of Washington. �2 CD C� t73 Public Record 0 f�f wI IV., Rp=FI FiD KMRNTO AUSAW m • FORTE 1670 80tb ?lava S,£. Mercer islond, WA, 98040 CMCAG0=EJNSCT ANMC0WANY STATUTORY WARRANTY DEED 526848 Dated; swrEi$;BR 25, 1998 THEGRAN OX STEPHEN 0. ALtO, A SINGLE FMSDN, AS HIS SEPARATE MAT � 0 l CH U% PIS. for and in cOttsidcralim ul TEN DOLLARS AND OTIIErt GOOD AND VALUABLE CONSIDERATION ja hand peid, cmmys end wammis lD ROHALD M MiTE AND JA[O1fELIHE A. MATE, HUSBAND AND WIPE the fo1krAing desaibcd real i fgmc zitwcr In the Cnualy of SlateOf Wluhiegt00 TAX ActaanlNumbur(i}. inko1142a03 uaioftz�vfr THAT MOTION OF 00VMNM.Ng U)7 5 IN SECTION 19, TONNSU3P 22 NOM7.a, PANOZ 5 EAST, Wxt-I.AtO M )MRIDIAN, IN HIM C'at1NTY, HASHINOWN, OESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: tIRGINNING AT riff SOfYFHEAST CORNER OF 5AIt7 GOVERNKRNT LOT 3; RUNNING MIKE NORTN D-24146' EAST ALONG THE FAST LIK OF SAID OOVBRNnK Wr 5 A DISTANCR OF 307.05 F6Sr 70 THE NORTHEASTERLY BWHDARY OY STATE HIGHWAY 140. 5 AND THE TRUE POINT Of BBOIRNINO; THENCE CONTINUING NORTH 0124'46" EAST 352.15 FEET] THENCti 5017171 vy-26' 16` NEST 327.52 MrT TO THE SAID tooRTmEASTSRLY AGUM JARY OF STATE HIGHWAY NO, 5; THENCE SOVTA 43007'14' EMT PAXNO SAID J41ORWAY ROlMtLMY 477.49 FEET To 'iHC TRUE POINT OF BHOINNIRO; ExCEf I' THE N08THLHLY $2 FSEi' OF KM WIDTH; AND EXCEPT ANY PORTION OF THE ABOVE-DESCRISED TRACT WHICH MAY LIS WMIR THE POLIDWING DESCRIBED PROPERTY: SH8 ATTAMIM D99CHIPTION g t7HFW 0. A -Efi Ei64iD46 09I30/99 87P@.DO 4900R1�-i:0 Public Record fl. L n 0 0 c� m O STATE OP WASH se COUNTY OF ON THIS PAY OF 19�EPOR$ M, TH$ UHI]&RSI A NOTARY PnLIC IN FOR THE STATE OF WASHIIRMN, DULY COM ISSIONM AND SWORN, PBIi APPEARED STEPNBN G. ALLEN KNOWN TO ME TO BE THE IN rvr[)r7 s) DESCRIBED IN AND WHO RXECUTED TIM IrITHIN TltrOU t' TAND ACOOWLMXiW THAT SIGNED AND spAM T98 SAME A53 fi VOLUHYARY ACT AND DEED, FOR THE USES AND P 9B4 8$REiTI I PRINTEDlloj'Wcuu NOTARY PRBLI !gjRND TFIg STATE OF WASHIN= RESIDING AT {� 41- MY comisSION EXPIRES ON �+ � WA 4 ;.v(n�r r { e Public Rcc9rd I CH1CAGo Tr LL^ ImuRANCE COMPANY FAaawNn: 526848 EXF[MIiA 7f ftN ; 52684e no" A STONI3 F!O?iVMENT WHICH IS Ta BO{rnmbsT CORM OF WV6wuwr LOT 5, SECT10F 19, YQ"N5NIP 21 NOXT$, XXV6e 5 EAST, NTLLkMET`TE IWRIDTAN; kINNINU TMMCs i;ORTf! Q-24'46' WT ALO]q THE EASI' LINE OF GOV� LOT 5 A DISTANCE OF M7.0$ PHET TO TAR "ORTREAST DOVXPARY OF GTATS HUNKILY 00. 5; iHEHC6 CONTTNUIi3$ iR7M 0.24'49" RUT 352.1$ PgWrf TRRNCC VQ%]r F! 89*YE'I61 WMT I27.52 P14rF' TO THS MUZ) NORTHWT SUMDARY OF STATE VIUMMY NO. 6 AND TH9 TA"OH FD2wr OF BR6IIINNM OF THE EXCEPTOD 7YJ1CT; TnWCE SOUTFMX9T0lY A$,000 leg &O[1TwwT LIRE TfW=F 60 FEET; THENCB 948MMY ON A 47" PAP.ALLM, TO nM NORTR EODNDARY OP SAID TRACT TO T$m RA9'ZURU 130021DARY LINE., T7=Vg NORTH ALONG THE EASTERLY SOMMO RY 1.14H TV = NOATWMST CORNEA OF 6AID TRA=t TH64CS WESTMY ALONG THE NoRTm WuNDARY OF 6aiD TRACT TO 'ii[fr TR POINT OF UZO INNING npkt-Yty1 b f t- i7 - i -" � !' ■ ) �' ": � 1 � 43i�iC)Ilal[711;fi�i7C�P.isfq��ITi7P�fl�llll/4!)NL'S�I/U17L�FiJ.7� r r CHICAGO TnU MUtANCECOMPAWY M"BIT h Frc awNQ- 525646 EASMEN1' MD THE TRANS AND C' OPTIONS THERSOP: ORAM9.. CITY OF AU9l7RN, A HONICIM CORPOMTXW PURPOSE: SNORES$ AND BGRESE AND PM LAYING, WURTAININO ANO INSTALLING A SANITARY 59"99 AREA AFPECTEM: A 6RVrmntilY PORTION Of SAID PRImsRS RECORDED: SEPTBtMER 5, 196t RECORDING HIMER! 5791054 EA PMM AM THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS TRERSOP: GRAMC, CITY OF AVOM, A "OrCIPAL CORPORATION PURPOSE: LAYING, MINSAINING A" 11r9T'A141INb A TRAFM SIGNAL POLE AND APPUftMANCEE AIM APPBCTSD: A NSSTYRLY PORTION OF SAID PMXSYL A141 MNO STATE RIORWAY NO, 5 RECORIM.- AUGUST 10, i990 RECORDINQ NO4BER: 90DOLDOI07 1r+ Ct1lGROO7xlIEDrsUkANc>ECO7��iW trRfLftlrlail717ff PuhllC Record Irder Mated Retum Address Ronald M Forte 7670 80th Place S E Mercer Island, WA 98040 E1891 sAiE371 Me H STATUTORY WARRANTY DEED ft E dot OF 99Z Reference 4 (if applicable) -� Grantor(s) (1) Ronald M Forte and Jacqueline A Forte, husband and wife Grantees) (1) AUB LLC, a Washington limited liability company Legal Description (abbreviated) Portion of Gov Lot 5, See 19, T 21 N, R5 E WM, King County c-� Assessor's Property Tax Parcel/Account # %i 7-1 os- -- yz s7 --n.r f zlp.S -V an Q C1+ THE GRANTORS Ronald M Forte and Jacqueline A Forte, husband and wife, as *� a contribution to capital convey and warrant to AUB LLC, a Washington limited liability . ce company, all of the grantors' interests in and to the following described real estate situated to the County of King, State of Washington See attached Exhibit for 'Legal Description Dated effective the date set forth below Grantors Ronald M Forte .. Ja uelin 4FoTVZ—� Public Record i . Irk, STATE OF WASt ) COUNTY OF K1- -4 ss } 1 certify that I know or have satisfactory knowledge that Ronald M Forte and Jacqueline A Forte are the persons who appeared before me, and said persons acknowledged that they signed this instrument and acknowledged it to be their free and voluntary act for the uses and purposes mentioned in the instrument Dated this day of .2002 QhF.c:�e� �-IYt a,c:L94.c�. Print Name Notary Public in and For the State of My appointment expires 6Ry �a►nrnrssron e.por, March 17, 2002 Public Record EXHIBIT A LEGAL DESCRIPTION THAT PORTION OF GOVERNMENT LOT 5 IN SECTION 19, TOWNSHIP 21 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, WILLAMETTE MERIDIAN, IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS. BEGINNING AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF SAID GOVERNMENT LOT 5, RUNNING THENCE NORTH 0024'46" EAST ALONG THE EAST LINE OF SAID GOVERNMENT LOT 5 A DISTANCE OF 307.05 FEET TO THE NORTHEASTERLY BOUNDARY OF STATE HIGHWAY NO 5 AND THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING, THENCE CONTINUING NORTH 0'24'45" EAST 352 15 FEET, —dTHENCE SOUTH 89026*16" WEST 327.52 FEET TO THE SAID NORTHEASTERLY BOUNDARY OF crr STATE HIGHWAY NO 5, Uri THENCE SOUTH 43003'14" EAST ALONG SAID HIGHWAY BOUNDARY 477 49 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING, cry EXCEPT THE NORTHERLY 52 FEET OF EVEN WIDTH, AND EXCEPT ANY PORTION OF THE ABOVE —DESCRIBED TRACT WHICH MAY LIE WITHIN THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED PROPERTY FROM A STONE MONUMENT WHICH IS THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF GOVERNMENT LOT 5, SECTION 19, TOWNSHIP 21 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, WILLAMETTE MERIDIAN; RUNNING THENCE NORTH 0024'46" EAST ALONG THE EAST LINE OF GOVERNMENT LOT 5 A DISTANCE OF 307.05 FEET TO THE NORTHEAST BOUNDARY OF STATE HIGHWAY NO 5, THENCE CONTINUING NORTH 0924'46" EAST 352 15 FEET, THENCE SOUTH 89026'16" WEST 327 52 FEET TO THE SAID NORTHEAST BOUNDARY OF STATE HIGHWAY NO 5 AND THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING OF THE EXCEPTRD TRACT; THENCE SOUTHEASTERLY ALONG THE SOUTHWEST LINE THEREOF 60 FEET; THENCE EASTERLY ON A LINE PARALLEL TO THE NORTH BOUNDARY OF SAID TRACT TO THE EASTERLY'BOUNDARY LINE; THENCE NORTH ALONG THE EASTRRLY BOUNDARY LINE TO THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF SAID TRACT, THENCE WESTERLY ALONG THE NORTH BOUNDARY OF SAID TRACT 1*0 THE 'TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING Subject to and together with restrictions, reservations, easements and encumbrances of record, and the existing Lease between Grantors as Landlord and United Rentals, Inc , as Tenant dated March 3 I , 1999 I0307FO 70 3 Public Record CAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY 0 Unit No.: U-06 OurNo.: 1312051 Phone No„ (206)628-5610 YourNo.: AUB LLC Fax No.- (206} 628-9717 CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY A NEBRASKA CORPORATION, HEREIN CALLED THE COMPANY GUARANTEES the Assured named in Schedule A, against actual loss not exceeding the liability stated in Schedule A which the Assured shall sustain by reason of any incorrectness in the assurances set forth in Schedule A. LIABILITY EXCLUSIONS AND LIMITATIONS No guarantee is given nor liability assumed with respect to the identity of any party named or referred to in Schedule A or with respect to the validity, legal effect, or priority of any matter shown therein. 2. The Company's liability hereunder shall be limited to the amount of actual loss sustained by the Assured because of reliance upon the assurance herein set forth, but in no event shall the Company's liability exceed the liability amount set forth above. CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY SIGNATORY PLEASE NOTE CAREFULLY THE LIABILITY EXCLUSIONS AND LIMITATIONS AND THE SPECIFIC ASSURANCES AFFORDED BY THIS GUARANTEE. IF YOU WISH ADDITIONAL LIABILITY, OR ASSURANCES OTHER THAN AS CONTAINED HEREIN, PLEASE CONTACT THE COMPANY FOR FURTHER INFORMATION AS TO THE AVAILABILITY AND COST. Your Property History Guarantee is enclosed ruQxcuA1 /FLDA/oDW OCAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPAN10 701 FIFTH AVENUE, #2300, SEATTLE, WA 98104 PROPERTY HISTORY GUARANTEE Total Liability Limited to $ 5 0 , 0 0 0.0 0 Fec: $350.00, PLUS $33.25 SALES TAX Date of Report: SEPTEMBER 8, 2010 Order Number: 1312051 A, ASSURED: GRUBB & ELLIS B. THE LAND DESCRIBED IN THIS GUARANTEE IS DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: SEE ATTACHED DESCRIPTION C. AT YOUR REQUEST, CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY, A NEBRASKA CORPORA HAS SEARCHED THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON, WHIC BY LAW IMPART CONSTRUCTIVE NOTICE, FOR THE DOCUMENTS SHOWN BELOW (HEREINAFTER CALLED "THE INSTRUMENTS") - DEEDS, REAL ESTATE CONRACTS AND LEASES D. AT YOUR REQUEST, THE PERIOD OF TIME SEARCHED IS AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING DATE: SEPTEMBER 1, 1955 at 8:00 A,M, ENDING DATE: SEPTEMBER 8, 2010 at 8:00 A.M. OCAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANIP PROPERTY HISTORY GUARANTEE Order Number. 13121 LEGAL DESCRIPTION {continued} THAT PORTION OF GOVERNMENT LOT 5 IN SECTION 19, TOWNSHIP 21 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, WILLAMETTE MERIDIAN, IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOW BEGINNING AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF SAID GOVERNMENT LOT 5; RUNNING THENCE NORTH 0024'46" EAST ALONG THE EAST LINE OF SAID GOVERNMENT I A DISTANCE OF 307.05 FEET TO THE NORTHEASTERLY BOUNDARY OF STATE HIGHWAY NC AND THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE CONTINUING NORTH 0024'46" EAST 352.15 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 89°26'16" WEST 327.52 FEET TO THE SAID NORTHEASTERLY BOUNDARY STATE HIGHWAY NO. 5; THENCE SOUTH 43003'14" EAST ALONG SAID HIGHWAY BOUNDARY 477.49 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING; EXCEPT THE NORTHERLY 52 FEET OF EVEN WIDTH; AND EXCEPT ANY PORTION OF THE ABOVE -DESCRIBED TRACT WHICH MAY LIE WITHIN THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED PROPERTY: FROM A STONE MONUMENT WHICH IS THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF GOVERNMENT LOT 5, SECTION 19, TOWNSHIP 21 NORTH, RANGE 5 FAST, WILLAMETTE MERIDIAN; RUNNING THENCE NORTH 0024'46" EAST ALONG THE EAST LINE OF GOVERNMENT LOT 5 DISTANCE OF 307.05 FEET TO THE NORTHEAST BOUNDARY OF STATE HIGHWAY NO. 5; THENCE CONTINUING NORTH 0024'46" EAST 352.15 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 89026'16" WEST 327.52 FEET TO THE SAID NORTHEAST BOUNDARY OF HIGHWAY NO. 5 AND THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING OF THE EXCEPTED TRACT; THENCE SOUTHEASTERLY ALONG THE SOUTHWEST LINE THEREOF 60 FEET; THENCE EASTERLY ON A LINE PARALLEL TO THE NORTH BOUNDARY OF SAID TRACT TO EASTERLY BOUNDARY LINE; THENCE NORTH ALONG THE EASTERLY BOUNDARY LINE TO THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF S TRACT; THENCE WESTERLY ALONG THE NORTH BOUNDARY OF SAID 'TRACT TO THE TRUE POINT C BEGINNING; AND EXCEPT THAT PORTION THEREOF CONVEYED TO THE CITY OF AUBURN BY DEED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 20001116001264. 151 D fpICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPAO PROPERTY HISTORY GUARANTEE Order Number: 1312N E. THE FOLLOWING MATTERS ARE EXCLUDED FROM THE SEARCH PROVIDED BY THIS GUARANTEE: )51 1. UNPATENTED MINING CLAIMS, AND PATENTS 2. WATER RIGHTS, OR CLAIMS THEREOF 3. INSTRUMENTS, PROCEEDINGS OR OTHER MATTERS WHICH DO NOT SPECI ALLY DESCRIBE SAID LAND. THIS GUARANTEE IS RESTRICTED TO THE USE OF THE ASSURED, THIS GUARANTEE S NOT A COMMITMENT NOR AN OBLIGATION BY THE COMPANY TO ISSUE ANY POLICY OR OLICII OF TITLE INSURANCE INSURING SAID LAND, AND IS NOT TO BE USED AS A BASIS FOR LOSI] ANY TRANSACTION AFFECTING TITLE TO SAID PROPERTY. F. THE INSTRUMENTS AS DEFINED IN PARAGRAPH "C" RECORDED DURING THE PERI OF TIME SEARCHED ARE: A 1. DOCUMENT TYPE: RECORDING DATE: RECORDING NUMBER; FIRST PARTY: SECOND PARTY: 2. DOCUMENT TYPE: RECORDING DATE: RECORDING NUMBER: FIRST PARTY: SECOND PARTY: c 3. DOCUMENT TYPE: RECORDING DATE: RECORDING NUMBER: FIRST PARTY: SECOND PARTY: n 4. DOCUMENT TYPE; RECORDING DATE: RECORDING NUMBER: FIRST PARTY: LEASE MARCH 11, 1959 5006827 H. A. MCMASTERS AND RUTH H. MCMASTERS, HIS WIFE RICHFIELD OIL CORPORATION LEASE AMENDMENT NOVEMBER 13, 1959 5102553 H. A. MCMASTERS AND RUTH H. MCMASTERS RICHFIELD OIL CORPORATION REAL, ESTATE CONTRACT OCTOBER 27, 1971 7110270222 H. A. MC MASTERS ALSO KNOWN A,' HAROLD MC MASTERS AND RUTH H. MASTERS, HIS WIFE STEPHEN G. ALLEN AND MARGARET ALLEN, HIS WIFE DEED AND PURCHASER'S AS OF REAL ESTATE CONTRACT MAY 22, 1979 7905221109 MARGARET L. ALLEN PRPIiGUA2/RDA j0M PROPERTY HISTORY GUARANTEE Order Number: 1312 INSTRUMENTS (continued) SECOND PARTY: STEPHEN G. ALLEN a S. DOCUMENT TYPE: QUIT CLAIM DEED RECORDING DATE: FEBRUARY 12, 1988 RECORDING NUMBER: 8802120273 FIRST PARTY: CAROL M. ALLEN SECOND PARTY: STEPHEN G. ALLEN a G. DOCUMENT TYPE: STATUTORY WARRANTY DEEP] RECORDING DATE: MAY 21, 1991 RECORDING NUMBER: 9105210907 FIRST PARTY: H. A. MC MASTERS A/K/A HAROLD N MASTERS AND RUTH H. MC MASTERS, HUSBAND AND WIFE SECOND PARTY: STEPHEN G. ALLEN, A SINGLE PERS c 7. DOCUMENT TYPE: QUIT CLAIM DEED RECORDING DATE: AUGUST 21, 1996 RECORDING NUMBER: 9608211475 FIRST PARTY: INNA G. ORCHAK A/K/A INNA G. SECOND PARTY: STEPHEN G. ALLEN a 8. DOCUMENT TYPE: STATUTORY WARRANTY DEED RECORDING DATE: SEPTEMBER 30, 1998 RECORDING NUMBER: 9809300375 FIRST PARTY: STEPHEN G. ALLEN, A SINGLE PERSON HIS SEPARATE ESTATE SECOND PARTY: RONALD M. FORTE AND JACQUELINE A. FORTE, HUSBAND AND WIFE s 9_ DOCUMENT TYPE: STATUTORY WARRANTY DEED RECORDING DATE: DUNE 13, 2002 RECORDING NUMBER: 20020613000504 FIRST PARTY: RONALD M. FORTE AND JACQUELINE A. FORTE, HUSBAND AND WIFE SECOND PARTY: AUB LLC, A WASHINGTON LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY prpins[c/1203/ 151 AS • • PROPERTY HISTORY GUARANTEE Order Number: 1312 b 51 INSTRUMENTS (continued) y NOTE: THIS PROPERTY HISTORY GUARANTEE DOES NOT INCLUDE ANY UNRE DEEDS, REAL ESTATE CONTRACTS OR LEASES WHICH MAY BE DISCLOSED BY DOCUMENTS OF RECORD. x ***#******FND OF GUARANTEE********** CHICAGO n `ti,-iNSURANCE COMPANY 701 FIFTH AVENUE, #23oo,SF.ATTLE, WA 4$104 PHONE: pm)6: FAX: (206)6, IMPORTANT: This is not a Survey. It is furnished as a convenience to locate- the land indicated hereon' reference to streets and other land. No liability is assumed by reason of reliance hereon. ". PTN OF THE NE % OF THE NW % OF 19-21-5 ..- �_... Ila_oa 'J , 361ss s � 0. 09, At U J.-T 214-66 10776 S51.53 At 36B.32 LLA Y 1h tl' i - 63 + 49. 25 N tl9-05-2B x 312.04 IN B9-27-33 i166.561 `- is 's� , AC N 89-05-I1 W366.44 A Jd J3 ul .; 243431 AUB.SP.B-B3 831'107O9o1 '�r Q� aP Ealf x 4 145-76 L. vT '• 9�.1 .a6 511 N. -6n tl9-46-}6 E 10440• J4'b 15B." N 89-31-47 E Is a n AUB LLA $ 14-08 h�' �e1ri!o 10075■ ��`+ 5 126. 77 69 1-46 w50 [5.P-C> >0 olr ta n d3 SG 10165 i m 3 69-3}- 6 /i Ar. 4120214 190674 Joe N 69-31-47 E 131B479 ;.03 AC >200< 9 105.01 5 95-}1-36 x 770.3} S.P-ut 'tl] 60 40 65 40. 33 a AUH. LLA- R5 - p 77 133 s � 1653P4 470450 7209- 770J4 70008 1 OB At Iwo 0409-15' 7050609 P971061005<2-19.1-2-4-}67 1 _ 1340 -ST.1 12G 6l ao I/ _6 R.ARNE�LLMRD,', 71-2 4-366 /54 30 H 4ry 6 1 !7 MAP a1yWoN Tlil8 LL"J) made and WAtred into thit,_,...k ". I?4n a^7 Tyr+K;r,A4;var`'�'6Md,Y A r4i•�' ly l• +, (W I i9-•Ii•-••�, by and between......... ........ A—AA.11finsRNni+r idled Iauoar, ae3 Aiehfiis .1 F Party of the first part, heron a corporation. Party of second part, bereft celled Unto ' WIT NE898'i"%f That Lower does hereby kaac to lessee that oertafa teal atahi A=Ud in the city County of...__-.._..._.. King -, fltaft of- Staahl _ ._. �. Puticulu�' d.-bed u: That portion of 0overntmut IAt 5 in Section 19, Tottnship 21 North, Range 5 East, W.11., dascribe4 as follows Beginning at a stonw monument tax1LLnE the Southeast corner of said ¢overmntnt I-t 51 tbenaa North 0+2k146" East 907.05 feet to the Nortbaastarly zargin of State Rota 1110. 5; thence xorttt 43'03'14" Wait along said Horthe3atarly axrgin of 9tata Road No. 5, 257.49 feet to the true point Of beginning of the tract herein deseribedj thanas contittuiap North k3"OVIV Neat 145 feet; thence North 69.26116" East 21k.66 feet; thance South 46.56,46" Neat 158-N feet tO the true point of begirtniugj together with all the purtenancu and hereditamrnta thNt.Unto In anywise'bel-gine and together Idea with any im• pravcmenrs now loaua therron or which may hereafter be Placed 6"Con, asor To a have and to bald for term oF....t!1°ntY..._yran mmtoenang...u"?t3.. of the Conatruction and installation of ■n ail and gasolirm service station upon the lensed real agitate; or (b) the lot day of February, 19603 vhiebevur data first occurs. ' IT IS PURTKEk AGREED: i4 M ' to cztcnci•dear-lose-fer-rt"P�nf'•�---"''��.r'�':` - .�, �/," least sixty (60) days Prior to the expiration of the team brreof. °TltLS 2. Lexece is furth tGeraQtian-ta y the above deicn$cd Premises xt asfq time during the rcrm of this 3. In the event Lessor shili desire to acript any bona He oEer to purchase the leased premises, Lessor shall submit raid o6er to 1 ssee and lessee tnay dect within twcnty (ZO) days to ppurehan in �ordtnrc with the terms thereof, and in the event of failure of Lebec to purchase. Lessor may sell in aaordance with said offer, .aid sale to be subject to this lease. 4. 3"•u,r agrres not to conduct or permit to be conducted on Premaes controlled by Lutor, if any, wirhin two hundred (Ioo) yards of the prcmiscs hereby demised arsd leased, any business venture from which Petroleum Qrnduru other than that supplied by i.r-sare arc sold or distributed. i, The rentals to be paid by Lessee and the obligations and rights of the Lersee and the the in respect ra this fe•ac ally F#F,�t1e-r++sw�'. Preen:sea, arc act forth in chat tcriein lease yr even d+tc lxrew�d. «gned by nc� prttics htalo cr•vering the 1d rrernisa. This instrument is merely a memorandum of the aFnrcaaid tense, and should :ray Fneonsirtcnty r #rma of this instrument Rod said lease, the terms of mid lease shsU prevail as between the rattin f crew. gi tl u •�,•.,�,,, t, ; seta ..Wj' ,1 S VHIIREOY, the parties hereto hove tict:uted chic leAw in duplicate the day and year ,rat a vc 4 4T11(;'( to Of etoecution tifro okiv�a,,as�entered. rti,>e'•k�upsrsada■ and Alti te j p� 0"' Jn lease made and : day of September, :.G(,..'kete.............................1976, by.OA!. tvtran the parties ..dreto, H.re _ by which vat leased certain pretniean therein described of which the ^— iftiE�''1i:/Uc're'`._ l .,:..�s.. r..(..r....�...� .lcsscn pTemiaeo demised hereby are a part. r�f / �t liI AIL.GfIHPtYtATILIti.,..................... ......... . >ir.�. �.. :.. ..........._..... ... YI ra19109W AND OLNO aIANA a q-s of MAakRlNe �,p,-r:. ',��'. _;. _....-.t ^'�}1�, ...^'w',:St�l.�.•o.,=�•x 11`,15�.. - -,� rear= 1►�hrsury , ��y rTlk u ,» 616 �� la.X.t Mwl w4. rr.l is r VAT SS M is wtw '.'f *, Q,, � t -.:w gin. .r.." •,i.i' i tisho for rtxo • 1( e a". keouesl of ��-}.•t•1�+ ROBERi PL MORRIS, count-1 z•t 1 jfj _ r t t k,; C to 7 RichfialA Oil Corpoxution, 555 s. Flower street, Iota Aagelen 17, C1LlifOmi6. Gentlemen: Under date of Fabrusry god, 1959i.-tha vudaxsi6h11d,1 w }+story 4"cuteA with you, as lessee, a l.oaaa by which �as.lrssad:ogrbain merrio6 statloa premises therein described an the Horthaasiar T'd"•df IMU4 " H145hV%Y Dmthsastnrly of ,F,, Street S.E., in the City of Aubu=, County of Ring, State of Washington, for the term of twenty (20) rears adml0ti0in9 p't tL tim Provided in Article 4 thereof; subject, howrver, to so= r•1rrAdUkUM As'tharrin yrovidad. A memorandum of said la$Se pan recorded Yhrah,•llth, 1959, in Volurm 168, Page 197, Auditor's Records of Xing County, ifea111060mt as Instrument }fo. 50OW. The undersigned hereby offer to amend said leasa by striking trap Article 2 thereof the ward and figure "twenty (20)" and by substituting for the word and figure so stricken the words and figure "twenty fire (25)", and by atrlking from the second line of Article 25 thereof the Hord "tentia" and by substituting for the ward sa stricken the Vord "twolfth". You may accept the aforesaid offer by signing in the opsce provided below, which action on year part shall constitute this letter a binding agreement amending said lemse as aforesaid. Very tralp yours, i - I" - - rs APPROVED AND ACCEPTED: fdath kSeMas axe RIC131�UJD OIL 90MRAXION,m. . ,;�rn�;•r.,• ., MPLE rOn VICr MSIDtN (D D mLRAL VANA40 :•7,�: C) po HAnxtnnU C 0 Z{ fa S 19 T - The undersigned, assignee of rentels under the aforesaid leaae, does IAt0y,bt4nt64. sent to the execution of the foregoing letter agreement by the partiet,tl `tl t?�',• , SEATTLP-FIRST 14ATIC L SUMP STA"F OF Nas 10� py Countyof )<iRe 1 •;-+: «,�,r+t..,_,..,. On thin 12 th day of J10"911RAr A. D. 19 — Wore me. the undern'� Public in and for the State of duly commiac+on d and sworn r to me knewn to be the individuatA dercribed in end who executed the forejoinir instrument, and Rol that �cY-_ siirned and .ealtd the said instrument a� ieF" and valuntery act and deed for t therein mentioned. WITNESS my hand and official real hereto affixed the day end yr in thin catific above written.' 4 V-440-1' '06 �t L 6s= f n oa m.etl of �Jt-�.�. U./ `.-"' , �aq Pr611r i* end for th .tr oI RC9ER IC 7loRRiS, Caorlv7lite�fer r..idiax.t, Au r {AcicnaN3adpn.at l.y laitaiayai._ Rfas6fa{taa 1'Iti. Enwr.nw Ca�ap.ar. Farm L 2E1 g. A. m ) ami al a* kaora as ZAWLD NO 1UMS And RMI E ' Mc ItAl TSUI, his Vito; ler.r. W UM An NOW awl' 7 STSPEU G. A1.I.$1I &n4 MMOAM I.. i13.f^ his` rlf., E Unhaw WW do Oro"", rrrtMsssasu. 7w as New WM ti :a 1. el. .r IM W" to I+..:'w+.� im a" ao ask j ter.+ "a e.af., oft w NJ 1 4- - +4 Is SinE As per attached rider vhioh by this reference is tia de, a part hersofs That portion of Government Lot 5 in Section 19,;Township 21 North Range 5 East, W.M., described as follows; Beginning at the Southeast corner of and Government Lot S, Running Thence North 0*24146" East along the East line cf1 said Government Tot S di.-tinco of 337,0S toot to the Northeaszerl.y boundary of State Highway No. 5, and tha true point of•beginning; Thence continuing Borth 0*244611 East 352.15 feet; Thence South 99'26'16" West 327.S2 fact to the said Northeasterly p boundary of HiS way No. 5; Thence South 4003'14" East along said highway boundary 477.49 feet to the point of beginning; EXCEPT the Northerly 52 feet of even width, ANP EXCEPT any portion of the above described tract which . may lie within the following described property: ' From a stone monument which is the Southeast corner of Government Lot 5, Section 19, Township 21 North, Range 5 East, W.M. Running North 0024J46" East along the East of Government Lot 5 a distant of 307.05 feet to the Northeast boundary of State Highway No. 5} Thence continuing North 0024'46" Fast 352.15 feet, Thence South 8902611611 West 327,52 feet to the said Northeast boundary of Highway No. 5 and the true point of beginning of tho excepted tract. Thence Southeasterly along the Southwest line thereof 60 feet Thence Easterly on a line parallel to the North boindury of said tract to the Easterly boundary line Thence North along the Easterly boundary line to the NTtheast corner of said tract; Thence Westerly along the North boundary of said tract to t oe-11).aehl• point of beginning; 1 0- 40 j Situate in the City of Auburn, County of Xing, State of Washineton. m 1' 1 i r � � I 'n. 1 cad oW,dt M" of tbh roc► I M r khWes, lu pstrlea pft Y on HUADM Alb TEN TMUSAND ATID HO/100------------------------------ - --- nllo 000.00 ) Dcsate, M W" SIXTEEN THO•USAFTD AND 10/100------------- --------- ni6,OW. 00 t.. pd4 w wlpt to b b wo* uAta.sddted, oed am baba It aaW pads�aat Rbt �.r ie t*+d r b7ebwa (� SEVEA HUNDRED AND FIFTY AND WO/100---- -------------- (f 750.00 ) DOM ! cv KxM u twd� "Oft, 4M w WHO an 9 th b of Novomber • io 71 N L-d SEVER MnMaD An-FIFTT AND N0/i00--------------- 0 750.60 J DODM f: at por&Meb Op"'M # befate tb► 9 th av of edi "oded W aMadar Woos! MW On We of ark k CV pwrd-m pew -ball hve bon to* Va Th* padart fmtba SRI to py Alba est on tM OmbdAht baum of WW purd r.'" prSQ at tkr me of 7-1/2 pec oast per mr— frM the 9 th Wear of Oo tuber > sv ww kung ehaII bo dedod*d hen eada bgaunn4 "romt a" the %-%— a! ma ptymeat qvW U iododlm of pdsdPLL i� Al mrowwU to ba nwh !ta»— roll to Wad. O IT it Wh O"M piaat r tbf SID" WV drOd M WrkhW Additional clauses as pr attached "SCHEDULE A" which by this reference is 4 made a part hereoftr �� . "SCHADOLE A" - c In addition to the above monthly payments, it if; agreed 'and understoodyy that the purchaser will at the same time pay a sum equal',to 1/12th of the annual taxes. These additional funds are to bit -credited on principal as paid and principal balance will be charged from time to time as taxes are paid by the seller herein. Purchaser agrees at the request of the seller to sign any necessary papers to enable seller to secure the Ingest possible mortgage loan on tl.e property described abovel provided the amount of the loan shall not exceed the then existing balance of this contract, which the seller agrees to pay according to its terms and conditions. KotvdAhstandibg the aforementioned payment schedule, tho,:seller herein agrees that upon the reduction d' the principal balance due hereunder by i 410 000.00, to reduce the monthly payments as called for herein to �65a.00. R Notrithstamding the aforementioned payment schedule, purchasers herein c shall have the right to pay this Contract in part or in full after October 9, 1976. Seller herein shall have the right to remain in the home:ha is presently occupying which is included in the aforementioned property for a period to not exceed one year from the data of closing herein and agxeet to pay rental to the herein pv.rehasor in the amount at` S125.M per men I r r; • x i T �I 4' S' 1 As referred to 4 Ihh rune%. "data Or dodgy' (t) Tba puctkwr o�alr mad &t7Io to PW Watt delaarn cy an ttxea Lod aeteameata tiet.W as belie+& grgPlar old graatte b"%olt#r Clete a ko, m sskl re►1 a to l; sad a b7 the terms of sable warmer the purtbaw has. Lee Per k of Lay toortpta, ceatmct or otber ocaetbr"cla at W ndrrsaed pel—o' of or wa d. a pnrclw *b)od to. 07 ism at wes�sou new a &a OR satd (� real watt. tie purcMear &Crew to par ire aosir before ' (1] f: � Tye parerAw atrLLti tones th& PL L pLke is fun' P" ra t#p tie baNdktp now tad lenaflet pW boa said " Witt (V Iwred to the aetool temp rartw tberaor aptsl beet w d Lop by both 6M gad wbedstorm ilk COMPW senptebk the ed$r gad for © the eenees bteest. Y lk I&Wwt 047 appwr. aed N pK+i' all pretawm tbtWw Wed to Atliree _ ox ,►heir+ lad ra wW13% Owtof to the edkr. fv e+ that faA of nid real #Alto has bacn wadr W that aakla for seAd net his urkoh A ilr be bdd (3) Ttm Purchaser agre to sac eotmaat ez>pertft Uw eaadlUoa of etas EmprVm-wm4 tbnm nor shill tht pwdw=r Or mar or Me &o8[ne a[ either be heW to gay [ewnael or ageterOeat for Lkeratfoxa, hopeoratamta a rspcln taieet sale tore&&&( or w"ement rdbd on k tnalaboed herrJa or It ^_ to wrking and attuied to and a&& a Part at ehh eoalra& tberem), led Tbtof the tlkb of "W nal agate of &my puttetkmt lot pub* UwBE" q %o Po$ MdLra . 4tzi;— aoa id foal nfttj of e�fter pr.ced maKitott a ULM Of ennrNsrattorti In come MY part or " tool wtato M tahs for Pabtk m% tie' lwetiaa ar 00 rA rrm&&bat after payammt of roosomble tapew a[ t K1KpGala the fatty sM9 bet pall to Ume mUrr asd me fa pritr beJst& &aces+ tret IOUW ekcn n &BOW the pord+amer to fpPlr air Or a Portfoa of fetch aoadeosaatleA award to Of clot& of ass? ht•�—a,rm���.-,Ve aeole damaged by Bothrgilnt. Set meet of damgp or da trettian fnm a Pfeil Iaaored sah Imunore mlo mint afta Panettat of the rOAMLbk -PC of proaorint the wale ih&L be Aerated Lk the rw tmPTO"Meals withkt a rrweoaab[e time, wakK pur&w dents test wtd prooetda 1thfA be Paw' to 0* for Ito purbm: prim Katie. Aoodsaoit a mataskm�tet iberefa booed br 1rammeww"Yp4 OY Weems i aa.y+ar.at• fasilrroL tm vu ard form �. _M pjmh— prkt aphwt lore or (linage by mum of Add be Wkeg Wle t• said no tAm as Of the dLle a exceptions otba than the lubwotagl e. NOW Patrol ranptioto appoarfat Y lard POiq• loew: oa b, Lk -A or mcmbrtbm a•6ia br sale UTM of fife toatte'd sale P� l+ a aLaeme, at ra is eAkl e� � Jo to be fwac eubJed; and C. An adift amobv4 w LstrSde ,udw wwa nua, Is pwyUI.5 PH rest oef&n, Led actttsP K 9Uer by Crag +&&trawl Mm" to par, awe al whlrh for the PNMQO ai Crag f+orsFaph (1) in !r>!ed W d. Mortgage dated ootober 12, 1965, recorded under Auditor's e No. "39825, to Auburn Federal 8avitg$ and Loan Association, xhlch the seller herein. agrees ma rees to contie to My / J,eeJ w.. y _ �•I .r;'' r-j„m t} r ;y s t I �, rn 4t'I I _ .,-'srw.l.�Lu �9 :M.-',"-Y<�'�'t1f#�1. ,t'arrhiY�3:i��i*Ma��Sht, tf1)itiR - _ � ' •... .--��.rrr+, r� •.� e. isauaf^ xt IWO.Od by city i1e-kitvi�164i 61 �nw.i` M) Y 1 r a d�d oars vrAer Lti.D. No. 195t which the piue�as+lrs :1s�rs�'�tf�WiW to=� ssw •an4 . ;' n _ -fr IM�yaaeeftding to tha terms clad man t3aas,:a�iML: tstrtih'# o ta. ' ssesafef1 t lerisd by City uf'tvibuft'ftr- str ft`--cwbs'*d gutters i under L.I.D. No. 195, Vxioh for p'urohasors borfl s,;row.r-ta :sswa and pttf teeordina tc tbi torus anli ocMigeng -as wt tcrit''*hsr*1n. i (e) It woffla stile Is mew nef Im"O Is mom to to r.ieLr eerfrad K ot.ttrKtr meaie wtil6 ss ei tM*liitl.e idd tall moats. OW a" Mcelc% r or ad.w a, IV W 4 rile! sAet le e► 1a eater me 0 to aMbr eW tersmaass la eaemr+tanea nrii?M tame UWr ol, W ' CV or" detamh, OW pesmiarw Belt bm gist ridrt S. e.rkr irR/� �a)n. W �waratt M w�nr qrf Am" W W I ps ea UMe d" t11 tw apyrWd to s►.,artasots anal bMI isrr tit sst)er taahe sail raskrret. - f". n0) TW Mier he wpm ,rpWvloiR fall Ou Mt of tot 1wq*m pft tad Monet la de >.ramrsf sure 00" to laenrto read dery to [wrrcb.rtr a -Weft'.-.. �-{,'4t1 eat i tamrrt t iM! b mold teat aaaia. Na0t1 alr`j✓ part litter! Lenaftrr e token !rr fpbk We, from of satrhtaaer eve" rear riot OW atilid afar Mte of arariet thft"Ok mar pnsen A* thLa the -sisr, tad nbkct to for Ioiaw1W,- &ttesuent reoorded under Auditor' • File No. 57'910pt1 Assessment levied by City of Aubmm tinder L.I.D. No. 195; Assessment laried by city.. of Auburn under L.I.D. No. 195• (I) Untra a different dab 6 prwvWd ter berok. the pordh *0 be entitled to pommmmdoa of AM nal #galea on Me of r)o-riat sell to ream �e�r�iev eat Taal u parsiaser 6 sal to skbeh ieressder. Tls peeriawr mrenaatm to leap for bnfldhp and oilier Lnpraw. menu os raid real MUW to Rood rypo4 awd met to per*Yt wane sad mot to see, a perm& tit U.e of, tot m1 awu for may 1 eral purp- TW pntahrser tareearu fe par aD aerritr, lmea>fatioa at t:oomtrnctira daft" for +rates, termeroisatrl , e+ubatr or ether a ty aervim [nrnirAed to rill r1LL dam char tbo date Vard seer b a AkW to paMsYae. to) Ie ease the parshates last to makt W pares"I lereta prorWtd or to mrimWA bwxwKe, a Mersin requlrtd, the edkr euy main nth payment or t!f[tt math ltnrrace, tad Lay anreaab so }aid ar tht Mrien t with latere+t at the rate of 7M6 per ananm thereon from date ai payment aetq trpLld, eLsA bo topayahk by yaadwuer me w0ces=d, aIi wheat prejudke to ray otber right the seller w8bi hair br rroaae of w default. - (10) TU* h ai tea amsrstr of tie eoatraet, next ft in agreed iktt in smear ibe purdarr *W tag to eaasptr'wlth or perform any tond1doa teaks or arrren at beraf or to Ray �t raWked hereunder prompllp a thter e Um lad the snamrtM herds rogWrrd. tht seller miry tket to doelorr all t►r psu� ToEu Mreunder tmohutod, atond t ea We doiaR me. aA 1:rWeeis made br the purrhaarr Merrundtr mad r11 lapew'iaee y plow IV- ol aMte *4 br WOW the otter as I(pafdattd deat;a, met! rho Witt shAl ban A& to m4imber mad tale prLeetdoa sf tM sea, eetsta) Lad so rndrar by the uDff of ud detau& in Oarpt+t of the parabasar shall be mAroed Le a wal— of any t rbaa- uetd dafeek. -- •—... - ... __ . ... ._ . ... Strike upon pwthamer ei Lq ctmaadt,.motfere or otter pLpm wit! ►+Pad to, lorfsltgn and Iaralaatime of pmrlmear'a dOU racy be made by welted State MID, poAW pto-pal� mitura nee* irgaeetA,dtreetmd to Ihs pardow, at'[+1r adder fait known to the artler. (11) Uporn wlier't alection to br* "fit'to saforte W trrenatit of th6 eanvatt, tattedaR male to toff d Uy payment lrqutred berrtmdtr, the parr6attrLtrrw W yay e, reasonable " as aaom7)h Iset µid all mom f d speem m tale OuseeCSeJt.wflh oaik daft, MWrd sums thin Ire tachdod m'up lsdtmmt er did malerod is mach rear&. •..-. If Hs sdkz O%all oriel wtt to procOi oa adlodleatleo of the torma aatioa of art, por&ukes'rlifrulUrandodir, and fudrment 6 to intend. !hr aPtaa b "co rtorsrah6 aakn n eat t 1otm Well I stab mad a:petaM fa ooaatctioa wU such rutt, Lad Sim the renanabk wR 4f txrddoR ttcptds to dkrrrb,e s4 �ia1t of thk at Ilia " aueig Wk 6 COVAU tad, whkh rum- a6 n be brduded to any IadLmtat or tsar aetetrd to roach soh. IN WTrN= WRXRZtOFi'tW outles Uvoto Lyre aaacoted STATE OF WASEMMON as County ar KING, Oo th)a say w.am aty appoarad betoze mr H . A. MG MASTERS and RUM H- Mc MASTERS, to toe hewn to be the Jodrridssl a iaocrtbod is med rim a comW tb within and foraLsing bmtrom4 oad aahaawtaitrd Hat they -IRaod tier mama a their Item mad .nLwq ad and ape& for tbs tame sad purpoem et,..at .reiwa..t %'tl •i V lop, E ` Tft his', ON no plq,o COlandl4,r+ts .ad d W nd tWt may of bdDber � 1971. ' atry P.Ok * and area mat stairof 1Fiiiw o., ttat IF&& UUMo roe blCCM11 tilt, AIN U '}IM't1� ON171-fiN�ti33�� 00 a "d LZ IX 1!61 `' ' �aONa3lfl � r ' W 401 hOI %k n II, L DiVtWar. 1'dr.i fotr I; 1vot,l it ilvquoet of a qp „__i ,.ai i i, _ Al IA17 OCD :.3 :llCy ig� .L. Ito ad TT ^_O_ C_/, .�.1\4 St vane, i'�ft 9B3 J13 N N Ih 4 01 tom, I.La ,rnt.t q',I h)r Yt LI,+'lII> V., � roarY i•c.n a �:zcd and Purchaser's Assignment of Res! "tatc 'Contract _ L. r^ iliZ urlrl.,:vli XLI.R IItET L. AL LEN r:r Scr ralur rrrcivcd do L , hereby convoy and quit elaittm to STEPHEN G. ALLEN . the grantee, :he fo5wing dcstribed rcni CAIAN'', situated la the Cr.unly of KiNC S7a:c of Washirglnn including any tnleresltherain which grantor may hereafter acquirer see attached leral de3cription runt; COUNIV NO EXCISE TAX MAY $ $1979 FU53'� 1r�� and do 0ligrclry anign, tramfez and act over to the grnaloa that certain real emote eorsiraet dated the 8th day of October, 1971 bciween H. A. McMasters a/k/a Harold McMaster$ and Ruth H. McMasters, his wife a.,rlltrand Stephen G. Allen and Margaret L. Allen, his wife ns pwrlla!er f,.r thr Fate Anil pwrrhaao of tha 46i va dtura'ird reel enlale. The atanum hor4y a,tnraoa and agros to fullrll the vr,ndiii-n. of .aid rcul fttato CGntral9. Dawd11da 7B day of Kay, 1979, :iARGr CT L. ALLGN un=lll.�r,'rm-� f:t.rnty 1[SHCi :,. fps. thi, day rirr,on.dly alip,.tell Lrft,ro nn MAIWil.'tf:'r L. ALL1 1a Ric f:rniNn je be Il,u in.t;vHfual dca:riln:d In mid who ealcuted the within anti fur.,oing inatiu,.:cul, and u..r.,.Nit•,Il.,el tlio silo ■iy,nrd I:ie iorno as her frca and voluntary art pad Jar,;, f"r dss u.� ni.i purp,.aa rht'1':.liii nsALrjrrpuft. a 1 GI l t7'1. L'::.; , ,iar my harti and udreial sad LL'u % �� day of �• 1' ,/ / /'J�7 y� ��� ..Ire... rf 1'.�':ic �r ar d �w rl.. ti:.� r,rj r"„!i..i;, � •. • i 1 3 r.:.ri:firlb ar/i✓i.C' �� • c c !fit ;ort lon of C",V, 't 111401.1. 1.nt ') (n Sootioti 14), Timi.411; «l North mt,;;,- j P',mit, W.?'_ of'!.Crlbed Sout!t,-;i!;L .,tram of said Govk-rtiiq,!tit Jcit S. Manning ThcDve %'orth 0424116" li'.10 ol i;ajO 141VV1*:',1!Wnt I , 1L 5 0 J1AWtjL!1- Of 307.05 foue to the Sta—, HiAllyway Uo. 5, .111,1 ;he triso point of L"Innirvj; 75'On= continuing lorLh Fast 35'�-15 111c:"Co 17,3uLh 99'26'14" R1-,;L 327.52 foot to tho :.said NortimAstarly of Mftvay '1:0. 5, 1%oircl Snuth 43103'14" zjloraj said higImly !;oun6arj 07,49 feet c)N C! Lxldnninq; C) 52 fort Of even width. C\j EV:'J-, rLlly j•:0rt.:J,% Or OIL' vxm doscribLN1 tract w1dch my Zia within Um follrmi.ng doscribcd Lr) 'rom a gtono nxn=nt which ie the 1;OUtJ1QADL correr of GoVernm2nt Lot 5, Section 19, Tranship �oi,h, Ringo 5 r,3sto W.N1. TUMing North 0'24'46" &ct along the East of CbvnrnTrr.t Imt 5 a Of 307.05 fcvt to tiro Xc)rU=st LxMdaly of S to Ili tz ( L#=y No. 5., -LiAnm cont"Tiuing ';n:-Lh 9'24'46" 1',Inst 352.15 foot silence south 89o2&,1G,, West 327.52 foot to the said X,zthoast i ",It'.Aary of Hiterl.way No. 5 1114 the trk- point of boqinning of tho m=ptod tract. T�s ,.nco 'r1V a'ON tho Sourjv"st line therl=f 60 fcOt- %=CG ButerlY on a Una Mralle'l to ,,orth boundary of saki tract to the- Easterly bomdary ILm. Thmm North along tho Easterly lv,LIM4al7 ling to 9t,0 %.M1=St corner of said tract, Vence Westerly along tho North bowAarj said tract to tnu point of bc%jjnnjn,]; Clk 7' J.v *�.- i �- Pj r1COR TITLE IMSURANCE tin veer Jlutxo gotneatore t uu Filed tnr i KOM at Ftegubat tl AFTER RECORDING MIL TO Nielsen, Nielsen d. Leach, Inc P.6 3113 Rockefeller, P. Q. Box C Nverett, WA 9B205 10"WAR4 tt.r.a n �f,p0 6Do 1 . :3 BRINSLCR, Tfl9F V A F L' r�pn , $ ' 21112, HQ273 r, r+) l ] ►01ot L y6 k 0 Quit Claim Deed TM LUNM CAROL M. ALLEN tot and Intantldsrstloo or pro Visions Contairle'tl in Uocrue o� OissolutiOn entered in Snohomish County Superior Court Cause No. 67-3-02538-3 romey5 And ivlt c1a45 to S11CPYLL-•N G. AL"N the rollo..inl dasrrrbrd rest ett►tt, 11rveted to th* Catnty of rainy sect* of v&shI%tvn locludire any loteren therrin rhteh grantor may hazWrer sequtraf IScL! aLCacnct' Le(tr,) ,iescript irin) niliG CUUNfy N4 EXCISE TA% FEE. 11 �988] l i %'1' `,f,`�/ `n o,tsd this day or • c.'A�iit7L 1:°"�fL` ryu 7'_ • .•:,•r..z:r._.uratt ................................ it L1CA71 suor VAS"mraf, cwnty of Snongmip 0. this day yereondly ."Asrod brfara as CAROL M. ALL,E:N to of k--n to k eha LMlrldual desrrtbd "n and who asetvtad the vithta avd raresalns iocgr—t, tnd atknwlydgad that she a16na4 tha s— a her free And vPtunury Act PM Aced. rat the ulva and parPatte thetrin ■eatt—Ak alvr l under my hand and official sett this L"I L64 h��a._ig. .f LCG 1 L� J!-•1. � n.'.;�'.� .Medelrhgbtie {{aa sad rot tAt Sutr ri•aacAi.0tcd' td,e' 4a --kart '•. ; •. 4 x q iotment expires: "/p- 9C ,ti - 3 a 2• Improved parcel of real property commonly known as 1020- IC24 Auburn Way South, Auburn, Washington, legally descrJbed y as follows: 10 That portion of Government Lot 5 n Section I9, G Township 21 llorth Range i 5 East, W.Mdescribed as l� toIJows; �7 beginning at the southaant corner of said Government Lot 5, running: Thence North 0 241461, East along the 43 East line of said Covcrmmnt Lot 5 a distance of 307,05 feet to the Northenstcrly boundary of state Jfighway No. 4 51 and the true point of beginning; Thence continuing North 9 52.2 " East 352.15 feet; Thence South 89 2611611 15 Hishwa7 Nez feet to the said Nvrthcasterly boundary of g Y 5; Thence south 43 0311411 Fart along slid 16 highway boundary 477,49 tact to the point of beginning; EXCF;PT the Northerly 52 feet of even width. AND J;XU PT if any portion of the above-describod tract which may lie Within the following deocr=bed property: 16 From a stone monument which is the Sautheast corner of 15 Government Lot 5, Suction J9, Township 21 North, Range 5 East, W.M. running North 0 2414610 East along the East 20 of Government Lot 5 a distance of 307.05 feet to the Northeast bcundary of State Highway NO. 5; Thence 21 cont6inuin�North 0 2414611 East 352.15 feet; Thence 22 boundary of 16jfi hwa of t 727.52 feet to the said Northeast beginningg y No. 5 and the true point of 73 the excepted tract, Thence Southeasterly along the Southwest line thereof 24 50 feat; Thence Easterly On a North boundary of said tract line parallel �ndthe 2$ line, Thence North along to the Easterlyadthe Easterly the Northeast corner of said sterltracty boundary line to 26 along tho North boundary of said tract toerhD westerly Point of 1 beginning; situate in the City of Auburn, county of King, State of Washington. m •Y � .'O -' n m After recording, return to: J. Robert Leach 3305 ❑axes Avenue Cn el Everett, WA 98206 41.n5%;: ; „ ui fingnt tH -- FFcn F F.FCFFF STATUTORY WARRANTY DEED CR5H5� x:a .ra y.:ln SS The Grantor, H. A. Mc Masters a/k/a Harald Mc Masters and Ruth H. Mc Masters, husband and wife, for and in consideration of fulfillment of real estate contract, in nand paid conveys and warrants to Stephen G, Allen, a single person, formerly married to Margaret L. Allen, the following described real estate, situated in i\ the County of King, State of Washington, C Oi That portion of Government Lot 5 in Section 19, Township © 21 North Range 5 East, W.M., described as follows: Vq N Beginning at the Southeast corner of said Government Lot 5, Running Thence North 0*2414611 East along the East line of said Government Lot 5 a distance of 307.05 feet to the Ci Northeasterly boundary of State Highway No. 5, and the true point of beginning; Thence continuing North 0024 14 611 East 352.15 feet; Thence South 8902611611 West 327.52 feet to the said Northeasterly boundary of Highway No. 5; Thence South 43-0312401 East along said highway boundary 477,49 feet to the point of beginning; EXCEPT the Northerly 52 feet of even width. AND EXCEPT any portion of the above described treat which may lie within the following described property: From a stone monument which is the southeast corner of Government Lot 5, Section 19, Township 21 North, Range 5 East, W.K. Running North 002414611 East along the East of Government Lot 5 a distance of 307.05 feet to the Northeast boundary of State Highway No. 5; Thence continuing North 002414611 East 352.15 feet; Thence South 89026' 1611 West 327.52 feet to the said Northeast boundary of Highway No. 5 and the true point of beginning of the excepted tract. Thence southeasterly along the Southwest line thereof 60 feet; Thence Easterly on a line parallel to the North boundary of said tract to the Easterly boundary line; Thence North along the Easterly boundary line to the Northeast corner of said tract; Thence Westerly along the north boundary of said tract to the point of beginning; Situate in the City of Auburn, County of King, State of Washington. SY:is deed is given in fulfillment of that certain real estate :,ntra;t e-tveen the grantors and Stephen G. Allen and Margaret L. S,W} Tat Paid 9n CorIDt'ct AN. HD.� KYq Ca. R% tdS961 OM owl 0 ;77 r 25 X y __ _ C7 rI 0 Allen dated October 8, 1971, recorded under King County recorder's file number 7110270222, and conditioned for the conveyance of the above -described property, and the covenants of warranty herein shall not apply to any title, interest or encumbrance arising by, through or under the purchaser in said contract, and shall not apply to any taxes, assessments or other charges levied, assessed or becoming due subsequent to the date of said contract. Real estate excise tax was paid on this sale on October 26, 1971, receipt number E160161. Dated this day of Ifs ' 1991, C %� . 71, -c rc7l. /�/ • 7% t fi .. 1 H, A. Mc a6t0erE Ruth H. Mc Hastens By Ruth H. me Mastrrs, his Attorney in Fact STATE OF WASH! TON ) ) ss, COUNTY OF SNeHOMtaW) I� On this day personally appeared before me RUTH H. He MASTERS, to me known to be the individual described in and who executed the D within and foregoing instrument, and acknowledged to me that she H signed the same as her free and voluntary act and deed for the uses and purposes therein mentioned, psubscrib.0,-5ri9'svorn to me by RUTH H. Mc MASTERS on this V *-{ day of Notary Public In and for the state of Washington, residing atr� My commission expires: STATE OF WASH-INNGTON ) COUNTY OF SND1iPrxtei►, ) THIS IS To CERTIFY that an this Z7itday of April, 1991, before me, the undersigned, a notary public in and for the State of Washington, duly commissioned and sworn, personally appeared RUTH 1i. Mc MASTERS, to me known to be the attorney -in -fact for M. A. Mc MASTERS, and who executed the within and forgoing instrument as such attorney -ins -fact for the uses and purposes therein mentioned, and on oath stated that to the best of said individual+s knowledge, the power of attorney authorizing the execution of said instrument ,Al kISOOU ilFI•i ` 2 al has not been revoked and that the principal is now living and is not disabled or incapacitated at law. SUBSCRIM AND SWORN to before me by RUTS H. No MASTERS on this of April, 1991. rpr,•-y nr;; NOTARY PUBLIC in and fa state of ' Waehingtan, residing at �. ".-' � �•', I • . Ic * $ My commise commission expires: i.• .R:py1 N� N Q J0 1"1 N^ V) O T�T Y! 71L341XM..17f1.1 - a � ,,'vr'•�e:tr.t-x'.'.ii"�r ua�3ri+f;��11.1tl ���j' V *TYANSAMERICA ITTLE INSURANCE COMPANY FILED rOg RECORD AT REQUEST OF WHEW FiErORDED RETURN TO J . RebWt Leach I ..... ....... I ....... ... . . ............... . .. ... Andarazn hunter Law Firm . ...... . ........ Z7.Q7.-.CQIIY &M. 3;A,--&4V--1.Q9,�- 0 ................. .... ....... .... Quit Claim Deed .......... TWS SPAGF PROVIDtD FOR RECORDER ro ............ ........ ........... — THE GRANMR, nM G. MaW, a/k/a IT" G. AJJ-gn for and in (vusideration of Separation Contract in Marriage Diaeolvtjon proceeding li conveys and quit daimn W ST&DREN G. ALLEN the fatiowing descaed Teal estate, situated in the County of King State of Washington, together with 01 dwy acquired fitio of the g=tor(s) therein. SEE ATTACHED I A. I .. V ... ............... ....... Datcd......... P-e ................. ...... ..... . ................ .. ...... inna C. 009takut-l"InffividW) ......... -------- -- --- - .... --.- .................... .............. By ................... ............................................ ........... By., . .. . . ....... -- .. .............. (swcisry 2 STATE OF WABFNGTON STATE OF WASHINGTON COUNTY 'vwok COUNTY OF.-........._ ..... Os, "0 Joy reraonaQ*4veered bdure Me On ...... 1, Wore MR, the te in wad kw M. Mof Wady . . . . ...... ­ . .. . ...... inawn. dvly cmamiarioned *W ovvm ptrwnally appmrrd-..... to Dw kn.— to 1w the individual desuibed In and who executed the --O-bin and forwring frwtruakmt, and w-k=w1Hg*d totak krwrwn to b* tbp . ........ I . . ... ...... . . ....... . ..... ........ . . 01 - hor—, free and volun�r7 ....... 'i pettiv.1 '. f- .. .. ............ thereini bon UAI extcuted 14 NrWinr inrLmmont, sad uIrmowledgod ORa fov0wkwtd*ndpumoms d imtr�t to be the free and vvluntmv ad " d .7t� Lj for thu us" *PA purpom glawsin aftnt�mvd' MW -W -7 :1 t AUffWri1rd to tx*WtO Me said jNgUuM&nt and that the Feel 1IVENv r M nd an **Xd "" coi. "rutir 9081'�r Mid coppel ti-M i z itrim miy h=d and WS" .1 It. LM..d the %IRY and yq*t ant written., Notary F.Wic in oLa ry Fl&&ic in and for Qw SI&4* of Wmahinxian, ington, reakunr 24Y *ppointw—t --pinesMy appointrawt,*Xpirew: ........................ That portion of Government Lot 5 in section 19, Township 21 North Range 5 East, W.K., described as follows: Beginning at the southeast corner of said Government Lot 5, ru=ing: thence North 002V 46" East, along the East line of said Government 'Lot 5 a distance of 307.05 feet to the Northeasterly boundary of State Highway No. 5, and the true po nt of beginning; thence continuing North 0424146 East 352.15 feet; thence South 89026'16" West 327.522 feet to the said Northeasterly boundary of Highway No. 5; thence South 43003114" Last along said highway boundary 477.49 -feet to the point of beginning; EXCEPT the Northerly 52 feet of even width. AND EXCEPT any portion of the above -described tract which may lie Within the following described property: From a stone monument which is the Southeast corner of Government Lot 5, Section 19, Township 21 North, Range 5 East, W.M., running North 01124146" East along the East of Government Lot 5 a distance of 307.05 feet to thJ Northeast boundary of State Highway No. 5; thence continuing North 0°24`46" East 352.15 feet; thence South 89026116" West 327.52 feet to the said Northeast boundary of Highway No. 5 and the true point of beginning of the excepted tract. Thence Southeasterly along the Southwest line thereof 60 feet; thence Easterly on a line parallel to the North boundary of said tract to the Easterly boundary line; thence North along the Easterly boundary line to the Northeast corner of said tract; .thence Westerly along the North boundary of said tract to the point of beginning; Situate in the City of Auburn, County of King, state of Washington. Cw2 C G� C7 t4s w Wt1Fi RECUADE_D1tL'rt1AN70 RONALD H. FORTE 7670 SOth Place S.E. Mercer t8land, WA 9804D CMCAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY ��✓/ STATUTORY WARRANTY DEER 576848 Dated! SEFTSMUR 25, 199E THE GRANTOR STEPHEN G. ALLSN, A SINGLE PERSON, AS HIS SEPARATE ESTATaI CHIC% Ns for and in ronsideratim of TEN DOLLARS ISIO,00 An OTHRR GOOD AND VALOAELE CONSIDERATION in baud *La coa" aad wwrants to RONAS.D H. FORTE AND .7AC0V8:,INZ A. FORTE, HU.GNAHD AND NIPS the following dtsmbcd Tral esr4c 4stuatcdin the Countyof State of Wastavm: TuAccounl N mbcr(s); M16511a317 MID9.33ves THAT PORTION OF GOVKUOU 7T RAT 5 IN SECTION 19, TOWNSHIP 21 NORTH, RANGE $ EAST, WIW.AKETTB MERIDIAN, IN ICII#3 COUNTY, WASHINGTON. DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF SAID OOV8tNKSVI LOT 5; RUNNING TRISNCE NORTH 0.24'46' EAST ALONG THU EAST LINE OF SAID GOVEWR4ENT LOT 5 A DISTANCE OF 307,05 FEET TD THE NORTHRAZTMY BOUNDARY OF STATE HIGHWAY NO, 5 AND T" TRUE M1INT OF BEOINNINai THP.NCE COHTINVINQ NORTH 0•24'46• LAST 352.15 FEET, THENCE SOUTH 89.26'16* WEST 327.52 FEET TO THS SAID NORTHSAST9NIY UOVNOARY OF STATE HIGHWAY NO. 5; 'rHFNCE SOUTH 43403'14* LAST ALONG 9ASD RIMMAY EODtd"Y 471,49 FEET TO THE TRLT9 POINT OF SHINNING; EXCEPT THE NORTHERLY 52 FVRT OF FM WIDTH; AND FXCEPT ANY PORTION OF 7'FU3 A90YE,DESCN IBBO TRACT WHICH NAY LIE WITHIN THE FOLIgNING DESCRIBED PROPERTY-- SU ATTACHED DRSCRIFI.'ION Flo;1049 09130/99 a7et.00 4900M.00 is • c IP N C7 O a rn c y a� STATE OF NASHI La COUNTY OF ON THis DAY OF , 19 BEFORE MB, THE UNDERSIG A NOTARY MMLIC IN FOR THE STATE OF WASBIBOTON, DULY COVISSIONED AND BMORN, PEREGN APPEA= STBPMBN G. ALLBN KNOWN M HS TO B8 THS IHDTVTDUALf$) DESCR 5= IN AND WHO EXELVCED THE MYTIM4 lwT9LRK1T AND AMONLBD W TNAT SIGMHD AHD SEALED THE SAME A5 JN_�I /2 yplznARY ACC AND DEHD, FOR TIE 45as AM Il*OSES H$RBTN I "M14% Fc��Y A lip�`4 PRINT. u ' NOTARY POBLI APD THH STAT9 OF NASHI f i RESIDING AT rt' MY cowisSCON EXPI1LEs ON _ 71C Pl�vO ' CHICAOOTrnZ INSURANCE COMPANY ESaoWN0.: SU64E EXMBTTA TRk NO.: 52684B FROM A STONI NONI7MM "ICET I9 Till SOUTHRUT CORKER OF GOVERNMENT LOT 5, SECTION 19, TOWNSHIP 71 NORTH. RANOB 5 EAST, KILLAMHTI$ MERIDIAN] ■ RUNNING THMU9 NORTH 9*24'46" EAST ALONG THE EAST LINE OF GOVERNMENT LOT 5 A DISTANCE OF 107. 05 pXX TV THE F+'ORTARAST BOOHOAAY OF STATE KIGUWAY NO. 53 THENCE CONTINUING NORTH U'W "' RUT 351. 15 FEET, THENCE SOUTH BN•26'16* WEST 327,53 FEET TO TO SAID HOHTHBAST 607NDARY OF 5TATS HTCVNAY NO. S AMID THB TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING OF THE ZXCBPTRD TRACT: THENCE 30LTrffXMTWRLY AI.l1HO THE SOUTH SST LIRE TW=P 64 Fes•; THENCE HASTSRLY OR A LINE PARALLEL TO rn NORTR BOUNDARY Of SAID TRACT TO TH$ EASTERLY BOUNDARY LIVE; TNENC6 NORTH ALONG THE EASTERLY BOLNUNRY LIM TO THE NORTHEAST COP.IlER OF SAID TRACT; THENCE WESTERLY ALONG THE NOATT3 BOUNDARY OF SAID TRACT TO THB TRUE POINT OF H80 XNNTNC; - r 'M O C C3 pca-T LW 2-I2-17 s CHICAGO TM-E INSURANCE COMPANY MWIBrf 4 6sanw Nu.. 51684E EASWE[rI AND THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS THEREOF: w GR7w7'EY.: CITY OF AiIECIRN, A KVNTCTPAL CORPORATION PURPOSR; INORYBS AND smogs AND FOR LAYIM, MAINTAINING AND INSTALLING A SANITARY SEWER AREA AFFECTED: A SQUIRMY PORTION OF LAID PRIDiTSBS RECORDED: SEPTEMBER 5, 1964 RECORDING NCRWER: 5191054 HASEK MT AND TUB TERMS MM CONDITIONS THEREOF: DRAIt1'$E: CITY OF AUEU", A KORICIPAL CORPORATION PURPOSE: LAYING, MAINTAINING AND INSTALI,INO A TRAFFIC SIGNAL POLE AND APFORTRNANCES AREA AFFECTED. A NRSTCRLY PORTION of SAID PREMISES AAIIITIND STATE HIOEWAY RP. 5 RECORDED: AUGUST 10. 1990 RECORDING NDIWER: 5004100187 C'3 Q `1 � Y a CYDCAtNO TIiI.0 RsUICANC1E CCkdANY sshlbltlrla1121]!1 is Record • • 115114 002 ee6130 20 �7r ON Return Address WA Ronald M Forte 7670 SQth Place S E E1g91371 Mercer Island, WA 98040 �faNG y soX � r, 11:8 "M 901 OF 692 STATUTORY WARRANTY DEED Reference # (if applicable) Grantor(s) (1) Ronald M Forte and Jacqueline A Forte, husband and wife Uri Grantec(s) (1) AUB L.L,C, a Washington limited liability company Legal Description (abbreviated) Portion of Gov Lot 5. Sec 19, T 21 N, R5 E WM, King County Assessor's Property Tax Parcel/Account 4 /y zlQx , y z- 57—ti-hi9 t-/o.s -91 I L" 0 3 eo 0 �+ THE GRANTORS Ronald M Forte and Jacqueline A Forte, husband and wife, as a contribution to capital convey and warrant to AUB LLC, a Washington limited liability company, all of the grantors interests in and to the following described real estate situated in the County of King, State of Washington Sec attached Exhibit A for Legal Description Dated eft'ective the date set forth below Grantors Ranald'VI Forte Jaiguelid A Forte • Na,war � STATE OF WAftM9+8"3d ) M(LU ; ¢,w ) ss COUNTY OF K f N e ) 1 certify that I know or have satisfactory knowledge that Ronald M Forte and Jacqueline A Forte are the persons who appeared before me, and said persons acknowledged that they signed this instrument and acknowledged it to be their free and voluntary act for the uses and purposes mentioned in the instrument Dated this t day of _ 2002 Print Name Notary Public in and for the State of 14 d _ My appointment expires My cnmmusiprt expo-res March 17, 2oo2 • EXHIBIT A LEGAL DESCRIPTION THAT PORTION OF GOVERNMENT LOT 5 IN SECTION 19, TOWNSHIP 21 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, WILLAMETTE MERIDIAN, IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS. BEGINNING AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF SAID GOVERNMENT LOT 5, RUNNING THENCE NORTH 0624'46" EAST ALONG THE EAST LINE OF SAID GOVERNMENT LOT 5 A DISTANCE OF 307.05 PEST TO THE NORTHEASTERLY BOUNDARY OF STATE HIGHWAY NO 5 A14D THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING, THENCE CONTINUING NORTH 0°24'46" EAST 352 15 FEET, THENCE SOUTH 89926'16" WEST 327.52 FEET TO THE SAID NORTHEASTERLY BOUNDARY OF c� STATE HIGHWAY NO 5, THENCE SOUTH 43003'14" EAST ALONG SAID HIGHWAY BOUNDARY 477 49 FEET TO THE TRUE =7 POINT OF BEGINNING, c+a EXCEPT THE NORTHERLY 52 FEET OF EVEN WIDTH, AND EXCEPT ANY PORTION OF THE ABOVE -DESCRIBED TRACT WHICH MAY LI£ WITHIN THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED PROPERTY a,a FROM A STONE MONUMENT WHICH IS THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF GOVERNMENT LOT 5, SECTION 0 19, TOWNSHIP 21 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, WILLAMETTE MERIDIAN; RUNNING THENCE NORTH 0'24'46" EAST ALONG THE EAST LINE OF GOVERNMENT LOT 5 A DISTANCE OF 307.05 FEET TO THE NORTHEAST BOUNDARY OF STATE HIGHWAY NO 5, THENCE CONTINUING NORTH 0024'46" EAST 352 15 FEET, THENCE SOUTH 89°26'16" WEST 327 52 FEET TO THE SAID NORTHEAST BOUNDARY OF STATE HIGHWAY NO 5 AND THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING OF THE EXCEPTED TRACT; THENCE SOUTHEASTERLY ALONG THE SOUTHWEST LINE THEREOF 60 FEET; THENCE EASTERLY ON A LINE PARALLEL TO THE NORTH BOUNDARY OF SAID TRACT TO THE EASTERLY BOUNDARY LINE; THENCE NORTH ALONG THE EASTERLY BOUNDARY LINE TO THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF SAID TRACT, THENCE WESTERLY ALONG THE NORTH BOUNDARY OF SAID TRACT TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING Subject to and togetherwah restrictions, reservations, easements and encumbrances of record, and the existing Lease between Grantors as Landlord and United Rentals, Inc , as Tenant dated March 11, 1999 10307FO 70 3 APPENDIX D USER QUESTIONNAIRE USER QUESTIONNAIRE for PHASE 1 ESA (ASTM Standard E 1527-05) Site Name: United Rentals Site/ Aub LLC Address: 1022 and 1018 Auburn Way South, Auburn, Washington The person who will use the Phase 1 ESA should provide the following information. Please fill in this form to the best of your ability, explaining any Yes answers on a separate sheet of paper. Without these answers, our report would have to note that the Phase 1 ESA is incomplete, and your Landowner Liability Protections could be at risk. 1. Environmental Cleanup Liens. ASTM requires the User to check for environmental liens that may be filed or recorded against the subject property under federal, tribal, state or local law. Failure to check for these liens could put your Landowner Liability Protections at risk. Have you checked for these environmental cleanup liens? G] Yes x No Are you aware of any such liens against the subject property? ❑ Yes x No 2. Activity and Use Limitations (AULs). These include engineering controls (e.g., slurry walls, caps) and land use restrictions or institutional controls (e.g., deed restrictions, covenants) that may be in place at the site or filed under federal, tribal, state or local law. Are you aware of any possible AULs involving the subject site? ❑ Yes x No 3, Specialized Knowledge. This involves personal knowledge or experience related to the subject property or nearby properties. For example, if you are involved in the same line of business as the current or former occupants of the property or an adjoining property, you would probably know of any chemicals, oil, degreasers, gasoline, or other hazardous substances commonly used in that type of business. Do you have any specialized knowledge that might indicate the past or present use of such substances on the subject or nearby properties? ❑ Yes x No 4. Fair Market Value (FMV). A purchase price significantly below FMV may indicate an environmental problem. Please note that this question does not require an appraisal of the property. If the price is significantly below FMV, the User should consider whether it might be because contamination may be present at the property. Is the purchase price significantly below fair market value? 0 Yes x No 5, Obvious Indicators. This involves past or present spills, stains, releases, cleanups, etc. on or near the site. Do you know of any obvious indicators of possible contamination on or near the site? G7 Yes x No 6. Common Knowledge. Please use a separate sheet if necessary. a. Describe the past uses of the property: gas station in the past located here b. Describe any specific chemicals that may have been present at the property: gas, diesel, propane, oil & oil based lubricants c, Describe any other information that may help us identify possible contamination: Kay Johnson Name (printed) Signature August 27, 2010 Date Director for Facilities Development King County Library System Title Explain Yes answers on a separate sheet. # of separate sheets attached: APPENDIX E SELLERS DISCLOSURE REPORT Form 17 Commercial ecop"N 2010 5e+lerDlidosureStelament-Cammardal SELLER DISCLOSURE STATEMENT'( NaM)M$tMultiple UstIngStmoo Ray. $Ae COMMERCIAL PROPERTY ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Page 1 ef4 SELLER[ FI U,��, �L 1 t l0 he used in uAasfers or CummeroiAl Vaal mto as deCmrd in R17W %42.003. Sac RCW Chapter 64.06 for jurth<r 2 explanations. 3 1 NS'I'RUCTIONS'1'O TH E SELLER 4 please wmpiete the fallawin# form. Do not leave any spays blank. If the question clearly dues net apply to the prvp'Oty write 5 "NA:" If the srunver is "yes" M any asterisked (*) Item(s), please explain oo Attached sheets. Please refer to the line qulnberls) of 6 the qumtlon(s) when you provide your r xplAl4adgn(y), Fir your protection you utuA date And Initial cash page of this disclosure 7 statement and each adademeot. Delivery of the disclusum statement must occur not law than five (5) business days, utlett It otherwise agreed, after mutual aoceptanceafawrhten purchase and sale agreement halwccn Buyer and Salter. 9 NOTICz TO THE SIIVFR ill TI IF, FOLLOWING I SCI.OSU Attu MADE BY SELLERABOUT THE COND'I'ION OF TIIt: PROPERTY IL'1) l l A'I' + Ui 16%2�s11rt L_ .1 �4ct[� ��KK/ 110.?.� / 06 CITY CPA —("THE PROPERTY') 13 9/ OR AS t,IXlAAtJ.YD SCRIUI D ON THE ATTACHED SARI A, SI_LLER MAKES'I'lih FOLLOWING DISCLOSURES 14 OF EXISTING MATERIAL FACTS OR MATERIAL. DEFECTS TO SLYER IiAMID ON SELLER'S ACTUAL 15 KNOWLEDGE OF THE PROPPR't'Y AT THE TIMii SELLER COMPLETES TIUS DISCLOSURE. STATL'MUNV 1'. UNLESS 16 YOU AND S13t.I. P OTMERW ISU AGREE IN WRITING, YOU NAVE THRlU: (1) BUSINESS DAYS FROM THE DAY 17 SCI,I.ER OR SULIAR'S AGENT DRIVERS THIS DISCLOSURE STA'IE.MFNi TO YOU TO KFSCIND THE IS AGREEMENT BY I) LLIVF.RINO A SEPARATELY SIGNED WRI'I'MN $TATI1Ml4NT OF RESCISSIUN TO SELLER OR i9 SELLER'S AGENT, IF TILL+ SELLER DOES NOT OWL YOU A COMPLETED DISCI.OSUPE STATaMHNT, `I HEN YOU �0 MAY WAIVE THE RIOIIT"il) RESCIND PRIOR TO Ott AFTER TILE TIME YOU 1SNTFR INTO A PURCIIASE AND 21 SALE AGREEMENT, 22 THE FOLLOWIN(i ARE DISCLOSURES MADS BY SELLER AND ARE. NOT THEL REPRESrNTATIONS �3 OF ANY REAL ESTATE LICENSEE OR OTHER PARTY. THIS INFORMATION IS FUR DISCLOSURE ONLY 24 AND 1S NOT INTENDER TO BE A PART OF ANY WRITI'SN AGREEMENT BF'I'WP_EN BUYFR. ANI) 25 SFI.i.F.R. 26 VOR A MORE COMPRIUMNSIVE EXAMINATION OF THE SPECIFIC CONDITION OF THIS 27 PR0PF.RTY YOU ARF. ADVISED TO OBTAIN AND PAY FOR THE SERVICES OF QUALIFII-D EXPF.RTS 25 TO INSPECT THE PROPERTY, WHICH MAY INCLUDE, WIT14OUT LIMITATION, ARCHITECTS, 29 ENGINEERS, LAND $IIRVEYORS, PLUMBliKS, ELECTRICIANS, ROOFERS, BUILDING INSPECTORS, 30 ON.S11'E WASTEWATER TREATMENT INSPE.C.TORS, OR STRUCfURAL PEST INSPECTORS. THE 31 PROSPECTIVE BUYER AND SELLER MAY WISH TO OBTAIN PROFESSIONAL ADVICE OR 32 INSPECTIONS OF THC PROPERTY OR TO PROVIDE APPROPRIATE PROVISIONS IN A CONTRACT 33 BETWEEN T'IM-M WITH RL'SPECTTO ANY ADVICI-: INSPECTION, DEFUCTSOR WARRANTrFS. 34 $elicr R is/ t9's not occupying the pruperty, 35 I. SELLIOvs DLSCLosViRi+Se 36 • (f you amswar "Yes" to a question with an asterisk (°). phatsa explain your answer and attach documents, if avaitahlc and 37 nut otherwise Publicly recorded. If necessary, use an attached sheet. 3$ YRs NO DON'T 39 1. TITLE KNOW 40 A. Du you have legal Authority to sail the properly? 1 f np, p)case axprAlrl. U ❑ 41 °B. Is title to the prupo ty stdrNect to any of the following) 42 (1) Fits[ right of rulusal U Q 43 (2)Optlnn ❑ ❑ 44 13) Lease or rental agreement Ll a 45 (4) Life dale? Q X Q 46 �C. Are there any enmitchmcnts, boundary agreements, cc boundary• dispute,'" ❑ ❑ 14 47 *D. Is there any leased Parking? ❑ t ❑ 48 *E. Is there a privale road or emment agreement for access to the pmpcdy? Q 49 *F- Arc Ikro any rights -of -way, casrmtnts, shared useaBmcrnonis or access limitations? Q d 50 •(i. Aru 11wro ally written agreements furlointmaiotenao¢a ofan uesament or righlof--way? ❑ 13 51 *11, Are there any moaing Violations or ntxrexxtformdng uses? ❑ ❑ 52 *I IN them a survey for the propaw. U ❑ 53 *J, Arc there Arty kgul actions pending ur threatened (ltat afPoctthu gmptarty'1 13 54 *K, is the properly in compliance with the Americans with Dimbilitirx Act? ❑ C1 55 Sr•.I.LLR'S INI11A1 S! pA'I7:' 7' �_1�� _ SP.I.I F S 1N(1'IA[.S: JQ _ DATt`; 7 /' -2161 f, 9 /Z 'ass LZLU'Z98C5Z 33I330 21aAVSD st-d t3 I+wv SS:SD OTgZ'ZZ'TTeT Farm 17ca,ener6al SELLER DISCLOSURE STATEMENT Ooapftm2010 Salk % Disalosure Statbamt-commarew Noftweal m dvpt ff Ll$00 SeN*A COMMERCIAL PROPERTY Rev.64t0 lConlltwedJ ALL PJGMSRE!WRVRD Pape 2 of A VES No DON"t' 56 2. WATER KNOW 57 *Are there xuy wakLC rights far tltC property, such as a water right permit, C<rtl RCale, or eaaim? L) Q LW ! 5a 3, SEWEpj*.NA1TL�SEWAGESYfiTEM 54 *Is lax: properly subject to any sewaZa System fees or charges in addlt ml m chase eawred 66 in your regularly bided seAw qr on -site sewage syslLm maintenance scrvicG? ❑ ❑ 61 4. �URUCTUtRAL 62 *A_ NNs lha toor leaked within dlt last 5 yaws? 17 q 61 1 D, Hra are), u=pird subsurface flooded or leaked within the UNT live' ye"11 (1 � � ❑ ❑ 64 1C. 1lave there been any conversions, additions or remodeling? ro a -7 -r'tiyP1 ` / � ❑ ❑ 65 •(') if yes, wore all building pami[s ohtained7 O ❑ 66 ,(?) t(yes,wart all fimtl inspealansobtelned? 0 ❑ 1�` � 67 '1]. Has there been any Alin(; aliplraSe.+xslifaog orate property or its improvemems? q ❑ 68 *CI. Are there any dcfculs tvitlr the fallowing; (ifyes, please elteck applicable items and explain.) l] ❑ 69 LJ Foundations Q slab Floors 70 Cl Doors ❑ Cluthuildings 71 Q Ceilings U Rxlerirrr Walls 72 Cl Sidewalks ❑ Siding 73 * inlcrior Walls ❑ other 74 ❑ Voci s 711; 5, SYSTEh13 &ND t:IX'CuRfR 76 A. Atr: that: arty defects in the rr llowiog systems? 1 r y m pi ease explain, Q ❑ I� 77 (1) Elcetricalsyoem ❑ El� 7R (2} plumbing system Q ❑ �17 79 {:3 j Hunriny am1 Coaling syslerlts G7 ❑ I:k Ra (a) Pireaudseeuritysyileni ❑ u 4 81 6. ENVIKONMENTAL 82 *A, Have than; been any flooding, atandil,g wgtrd, or drainagt: problems ore tht property that alTecl 93 the properly or access ra the property? ❑ U1 94 18. is iha'e any material aamayle to the property from lire, wind, flouds, beach mtvpt;Cnls. 85 earthquake,expansivcsoih,orlandslides? a ❑ 86 *C. Arc those any shorelines, wellm*, floadplaim, or critical areas on the pnperty? ❑ ❑ 97 *D_ Are there any aubstanets, materials, or products in fir on the property that may be eevin%mem(al 83 concerns, such as asbestos, fatmaidehyde, radon ps, lead- paV, fuel or chemical , C113=1U.S ❑ 40' 89 90 storage tanks, or contaminated soil or Watee? l7i' )A •E, is thcrc any soil orgTountlwatercontnminaliort? ❑ ❑ E)i 91 *P. Has Ille property harm used as a kgal or illegal dumping sht? ❑ O r' '(j. Has IE L property been used as all illegal drug manufacturing site? C) Q 93 7. VWX DISCLOSURC BY SELLER 94 A. Other cctnditiaos or defecrxe 95 `Are then any other existing 1nttlerial defters affeeaing the property that a pmspcOlve 96 buyer should know about? ❑ q uN 97 SE:1-1,1FM114131ALS: /- r+ -to SULMSINIIMlti:_ DATC.:_.,f-21f$n1 _G.Aft:__. 9 fE 3E)ed LZLDZ98£5Z 513rsaO x2AVZa Zllaas WV 65:60 ()T0Z-FZ-Tnr Fom 17Comnwaat SELLER DISGLOSURESTATEMENT i;�=opyNlt2016 SelleMitioure57elemant-eommerdr] COMMERCIAL PROPERTY NedhwestsnuadptausangServAse Rev. otio ALL R GHTS RE69RVED Page a of 4 (0&* d) R. Vcrlflration 98 The foregoing answers and attattrcd Wiwalions (if any) are complete end correct to the beat of Wer'a knowledge 99 and Seller has received a copy horenF Scaler agrees to defend, indemnify and hold reel egMte licensees hannk" fi+om l00 and against any and all claims drat the above lnformatiun Is inaccurate. Seller avthorida real estate fttsncccs, if any, to 101 deliver a copy oFthis disclosure statement to other real estate literates and 411 pnispeolive buyers of Ifra property, 102 Date: -7 — ,'�,IO. _ _._.,Hatt; _ lei Seller: 104 Salter: �(� - NOTICE 1'0 HUYER 105 SEX OFFEsNARR REGISTRATION 106 INFORMA'PION RRCARDiNG XEGISTERED SEX OFFEN]WR5 MAY SS OBTAINED FROM LOCAL LAW 107 ENFORCEMENT AGFNCIM -1111S NOTICE 1S INTENDED ONLY TO INFORM YOU OF WHERE TO l08 0111TAIN THIS INFORMATION AND IS NOT AN IYDICATLON OP THIR PRESENCE OF REGISTERED SEX 169 OVIORINDERS. I t0 II. SUVRIt'SAC1{NOWLRDGEMENT Buyer hereby atknowlcdgcs that: III 112 A, Buyer Itas a duty to pay dillgent altualion to any matedal defects thul are known to Buyer nr can bo klmwn to Buyer by 113 uli living diligent atteatiort and observation, 114 B. The disclncures zct Forth In this statement and in any amendments to this statcmem are made only by Seller and no( by 115 My real a iwa licensee Or Other Party, 1 f 6 C. Buyer acknowIt4cs that, pursuant to RCW 64,06.950(2). reel eshitti licensees ore not liable fir inai;cumte Information I P provided by Seller, exgepl to dre extent that real estate lioensedr know of web inaccurate information, 1 i s D. Thii information is fur disclosure only and Is not hitcaded In bo a part or the writtell agrecment betwma Buyer sad 119 Seiler. 120 E. Buyer (which term includes ail pe was signing the "i3tryer's 4"60twicc" purlion of this disclosure a4ltelnent below) 121 has received a copy urthls Dlscknure StatementOneludfng attachments, Ifany) betting seller's Ognaturc(s). 122 1115CLOSURES CONTAINED IN THIS DISCI,OSURB STATEMENT ARE PROYMED BY SFLLER BASED ON 123 SVI.I,ER'S AL:t'UAI. KNOWLEDOR OF THE PROPERTY AT THE TIML Sb'LLt P COMPIZTES THIS DISCL OSUR4. IN LINLFSS 13UYEK AND SELLER OTHERWISE AGREE IN WRITING, UUYER SHALL HAVE 111REE (3) BUSINESS 125 PAYS FROM THt' DAY SELLER OR SELLUIV$ AGENT 0111VERS THIS DISCLOSURE STAUMENT TO RESCIND 126 TIIF ADRUMENT BY DELiVKRIN6 A $l:PARATELY SIGNED WRITTEN STKFBMENT OF RESCIS$1ON TO 127 StiI,I,F.R OR SL-t,A.ER°S AGENT'. YOIJ MAY WAIVE THE RIGHT 1*0 RESCIND PRIOR TO OR AFTER THE TIMI; 129 YOU ENTER IN-110 A 1ALE AURLEMENT. 129 BUYER IIEREBY ACKNOWLEDGII.S RECEIPT OF A COPY Ot THIS DISCLOSURE STATEMENT ANt) 130 ACKNOWLEDGES THAT THE DISCLOSURES MADE HEREIN ARE TIIOSS OF THC SELLER ONLY, AND NOT 01; 131 ANY RFAL ERTAIIs LICMEE OK OTHER PARTY. 132 DATE,: DATE _- 131 nUYF.R: _ BUYER: 134 S1:l,t.11sz ti tlartlnt5: ( _ DATE: L ,' F 1O_ st t,l.rttm 1N1TIALs: UATC: -44- LZLVZ99CSZ 30I,UO 13'JAH'3f; 311103 KV 69=61) 0TO,--ZZ-tn.0 form 17 Cwmserdal 00o49r19N[2fftU Semer Dlsdosure Slasomem-CamtnerWal SELLER 1318CL0$l1RE STATEMENT 404m"ct mutlpw uatmp Service Ray.9110 COMMERCIAL PROPERTY ALL RIGHTS RESERVED PBge4o14 - fowwnudo BVVLR'S WAIVER OF RICWf'1'0 REVOKE OrFER 133 Buyer has mead and ravimad the Seller's responses to this Seiler ONclosum Statemant, Bayer approves this stateutsnt attd 136 waives Buyer's right to mvokc Buyer's offer basod on thla disclosure. 137 DATL%: _DATE: -- � 138 BUYER: -BUYER! 139 BUYER'S WAIVER OF RIGHT TO RECEIVE COMPLETED SKLLRR DISCLOSURE STATKMENT M Buyer Ilan been advised of Buyer's right to receive 9 oompleted Seiler 01sclosury Statement. Buyer waives That right. 141 However, if the answer to arty of the questiorm in the section entittcd "EnvlronmcrRal " would he "yes," Huycr may not waive M2 the rrcelpt ufthc "EnvirOnmenral" acclion oftha Scllcr Disclosure Statemem, 143 DATE: �. _ DATE: 144 HINER: _ BUYER: 145 if the answer ie "YEs" to arry w-,WriakW (I1 items, ptcaso oxplain briuvr (vae additivnst Sheen if mc*ssaty). Please t%far to the tO iinc nuatber(s) ofthe questionjs). 147 149 149 150 151 t$2 153 154 t55 SXLt.f:R'S llVft7Al-5: _ DATE! _ SEUTUN MOWS: _ UATP: _.. - 2 /5 * a9vd LZLD ZWGZ 201dao 11MVES al-do3 PIV 195 � 60 ❑TDZ - ZZ- IRC APPENDIX F UNITED RENTAL INTERVIEW 2 7.d g 2 2.8 0 1 2 f.O g 2 2 7.6 0 S 7.1 0 = 2 0,0 n T BRRBER \. 3 Addflk . _ d SecI a- - 1]c+eripl� - Dote r ' I Address of Provcity— •-i i Fee Owner_-_ S AmbkteL..._ 6 Origins] Building Gast_ - 7 Condition of F-Merior-14—� BUILDING - r ! One Family Dwelling - Two Family Dwelling • Stare and Dwalling W. of Stories Nn of Rooms Basement First Flour 4' 1V s .. Second Floor .:j i 'third1Floor Attic INTERIOR WALLS _ Piaster Jus Fluter Cold f _pp Y Plywood t3 !f} Opts Stada Potted Kolsomine Palrered I irnflnrshrd Walla FLOORS - Hardwood ( ) .._L..Rr1tk _ Tde Face _ Concrete Cobble.lone Unfioishcd INTERIOR Tuam _ Hardwood �fahoFaar Fir y Unfinished No, of Fizfurer Tab—jM:or Pem. Toilets Basin—Pedea[sl Sink Shower in Tub Hni Waler Tank Laapdry Trays None Upfiniabea Ea9epaife Good A Vera je Cheap D. S. Sewer Conn. Other o- . yTract or I.ol ......__.._..�_�_�.r ---- .__Solerlorris=/!Y_Foned;tiap_.;,,�vloor r ru �attta Plan (7ot}i!_a r _,. —._..estimated _A ace i it lieatal per i[oeJL I_ ATTIC 111 Plaster TTIILIE WORK FR. Floor•Wa@__nisi PORCHES / OAester7' I EXTERIOR WALLS Boarl and Haller Floor*WaBr,._.Lavatcry F1oae•Watt ,„„.-_ ._._-._.Board Two SIor7 Hfi'ooted pap Rtwia Celled Pleoz•WaIL_...,,..,.-, SWrwa7„0pen—Cloned Erick and or Coacrete Fir Siding _ Floori_.Abo,.r - Plogr•i114rM.�-_....Ailchepe Kitehea Droll Heard 9 Vnfioi.hrd �" Useful None Va sni d °'� Caateat Flaw. - R Glassed - ��T�r� Cedar Siding Shingles Shakes Stucco Lath .iy f.f� g'[', _-• Kind � - ♦• -7.. CLASS 1.2- �! CHEAP__—:-. Dsle�Huil[.L.! !..__., 4 Fsniehed '%r lln fi.tishr![ ❑ Ramadeisd EStetive Age__�.__�--_.__,.,�._7•rarr --Yuri Since Fabricated Sttel Unfiniabed Do. for Cood.._.__....�...._., Dep, to; O. H._.,...,L.;Dep. for R. s.—_...__ ._ Total Assisi CONSTRUCTION "�� pif Af Cheap Meffiam Special Cur tr j, CEILING HEIGHT Ind 3rd 1 - - '-wa.raarayal P! -- -- - 1 2T2� j SHbIll I HEATING GitOUll FLOOR'AREA 'SCALE _ Full _ �� $w.e Purl % Con. Pipelcaa Furnace -- Fa. Fr. • w } To fat Floor 3oi,l... ,Thick Hot Air Furmsee Frame and Cut ... 1. Hot Wslsr r D Shamdip • , Ccmeut Rlecks Gu "'...Floor Recrsaliaa $omn Air Goir FaFor,40 � • _ � �, Garage j� Stokcr Plastered �l OilBarnc►�J _ r1, •D J �Q' Drain Air Cond. complete � a None r •� ,]r } UnAni+hod � I • t ry 7HDASLON!/ '� Itlt'1-RA FEUR ATES Concrete.. —Thick BaY ndow...._.__..._Starr • �� I ' Cement Blocks Bn Cci[iaa • _ 1 /�'��1c' Stoat ar Brick -_� Cath ral Ceilinj Wood Fgat yC. rte Block Dormer $ !P ' Sbipj]evaaili` FLOOR CONSTRUCTION1 Cnma 1s1 Floor tat. f'` x (.•/ rNu� • , Tile or Slate Tar and Gravel Port Sixe r Tar Papir Beam Size i • . • _ a Fiaor F Roof TI Sly, 2itnem.iona S. F. Ales, Factai Valus 9F Dep. ➢eprce. Nee Value Page 1 of 4 Chuck Lie From: Lanford, Jane [Jane. Lanford@Grubb-Ellis.com) Sent: Friday, September 17, 2010 3:27 PM To: Chuck Lie Cc: Kay Johnson Subject: FW: United Rentals -Auburn Chuck — please see below for answers from United Rentals. I believe you have what you need now to complete your report. Please let me know when you think it might be available. Thanks. Jane Lanford Senior Vice President Grubb & Ellis Company 601 Union Street, Suite 1400, Seattle, WA 98101 Main- 425.653.3000 - Fax: 206.388.3001 • Cell: 206.953.6688 http://www.grubb-ellis.com/mane.lanford From: Dennis Fevergeon [mailto:dfeverge@ur.com] Sent: Wednesday, September 15, 2010 3:10 PM To: Lanford, Jane Cc: rhonda.forte@comcast.net Subject: FW: United Rentals - Auburn Jane, see United Rentals answers below. Thanks, Dennis Dennis Fevergeon Regional Real Estate Manager United Rentals Inc. 8242 Orangethorpe Ave. PO Box 367 (for mailing) Buena Park, Ca. 90621 714-736-3254 direct 714-521-5129fax 949-872-6646 cell This email is not intended to constitute a legally binding contract to consummate the transaction referred to above nor an agreement to enter into a legally binding contract. The parties at their option, may proceed in negotiating to their mutual satisfaction all of the terms, provisions, and conditions of a contract BUT ANY BINDING LEGAL OBLIGATION OF ANY NATURE BETWEEN THE PARTIES SHALL ONLY BE THOSE SET FORTH IN A FINAL CONTRACT EXECUTED AND DELIVERED BY BOTH PARTIES. It is expressly understood, agreed, and hereby acknowledged, that only upon the proper execution and delivery of o fully completed, formal contract, with all the terms and conditions clearly defined and included therein, will there be any obligations of any kind or nature, incurred or created between the herein parties. If, at any time prior to the dote a contract has been executed and delivered by both parties, the parties cannot reach mutual agreement on the terms and conditions of a contract, either party may terminate the negotiations contemplated by this email. All information contemplated by this email provided by one party to the other or otherwise obtained by either party and which is not publicly available or otherwise required to be disclosed by law sholl be treated as confidential. From: Chuck Lie [mailto:Chuck@terra-associates.com] 9/20/2010 Page 2 of 4 Sent: Thursday, September 09, 2010 1:03 PM To: Lanford, lane; Dennis Fevergeon Cc: rhonda.forte@comcast.net Subject: RE: United Rentals - Auburn Jane, here are the typical questions that we need to ask the current property owner, tenant or manager. This is from the ASTM requirements for Phase I Environmental Assessments. The property owner, key site manager (if any is identified), and user (if different from the property owner) shall be asked Whether they know of: (1) any pending, threatened, or past litigation relevant to hazardous substances or petroleum products in, on, or from the property; (2) any pending, threatened, or past administrative proceedings relevant to hazardous substances or petroleum products in, on or from the property; and (3) any notices from any governmental entity regarding any possible violation of environmental laws or possible liability relating to hazardous substances or petroleum products. the property owner, key site manager (if any is identified), and user (if different from the property owner) shall be asked if they know whether any of the documents listed below exist and, if so, whether copies can and will be provided to the environmental professional within reasonable time and cost constraints. Even partial information provided may be useful. 10.8.1 Helpful Documents: Environment site assessment reports, WE DO NOT PROVIDE Environment compliance audit reports, WE DO NOT PROVIDE Environmental permits (for example, solid waste NONE TO MY KNOWLEDGE disposal permits, hazardous waste disposal permits, wastewater permits, NPDES permits, underground injection permits), Registrations for underground and above -ground storage tanks, NONE TO MY KNOWLEDGE Registrations for underground injection systems, NONE TO MY KNOWLEDGE Material safety data sheets, NOT AVAILABLE Community right -to -know plan, NONE TO MY KNOWLEDGE Safety plans; preparedness and prevention plans; NOT AVAILABLE spill prevention, countermeasure, and control plans; etc., Reports regarding hydrogeologic conditions on the NONE TO MY KNOWLEDGE property or surrounding area, Notices or other correspondence from any government agency relating to past or current violations of environmental laws with respect to the property or relating to environmental liens encumbering the property, NONE TO MY KNOWLEDGE Hazardous waste generator notices or reports, NOT AVAILABLE Geotechnical studies, NONE TO MY KNOWLEDGE Risk assessments, and NOT AVAILABLE Recorded AULs. DO NOT KNOW WHAT AN AUL IS. Please let me know if you have any questions. I do have a copy of the seller's disclosure statement that was 9/20/2010 Page 3 of 4 provided to the Library System Terra Associates, Inc Charles R. Lie, LEG, LHG 12525 Willows Road, Suite 101 Kirkland, Washington 98032 425.821.7777 voice 206.396.5766 cell From: Lanford, Jane [mailto:Jane.Lanford@Grubb-Ellis.com] Sent: Thursday, September 09, 2010 12:45 PM To: Dennis Fevergeon; Chuck Lie Cc: rhonda.forte@comcast.net Subject: RE: United Rentals - Auburn Chuck — if you could give some direction, we will work to put you in touch with the best contact. Thanks. Jane Lanford Senior Vice President Grubb & Ellis Company 601 Union Street, Suite 1400, Seattle, WA 98101 Main: 425.653,3000 • Fax: 206.388.3001 • Cell: 206.953,6688 htt :ll. rubb-ellis.comlmane.lanford From: Dennis Fevergeon [mailto:dfeverge@ur.com] Sent: Thursday, September 09, 2010 12:34 PM To: Lanford, Jane; chuck@terra-associates.com Cc: rhonda.forte@comcast.net Subject: RE: United Rentals - Auburn What kind of questions does he have? That would help me know who to direct them to. Thanks, Dennis Dennis Fevergeon Regional Real Estate Manager United Rentals Inc. 8242 Orangethorpe Ave. PO Box 367 (for mailing) Buena Park, Ca. 90621 714-736-3254 direct 714-521-5129fax 949-872-6646 cell This email is not intended to constitute a legally binding contract to consummate the transaction referred to above nor an agreement to enter into a legally binding contract. The parties at their option, may proceed in negotiating to their mutual satisfaction all of the terms, provisions, and conditions of a contract, BUT ANY BINDING LEGAL OBLIGATION OF ANY NATURE BETWEEN THE PARTIES SHALL ONLY BE THOSE SET FORTH IN A FINAL CONTRACT EXECUTED AND DELIVERED BY BOTH PARTIES. It is expressly understood, agreed, and hereby acknowledged, that only upon the proper execution and delivery of a fully completed, formal contract, with all the terms and conditions clearly defined and included therein, will there be any obligations of any kind or nature, incurred or created between the herein parties. If, at any time prior to the date a contract has been executed and delivered by bath parties, the parties cannot reach mutual agreement on the terms and conditions of a contract, either party may terminate the negotiations contemplated by this email. All information contemplated by this email provided by one party to the other or otherwise obtained by either party and which is not publicly available or otherwise required to be disclosed by law shall be treated as confidential. From: Lanford, Jane [mailto:Jane.Lanford@Grubb-Ellis.com] 9/20/2010 Page 4 of 4 Sent: Thursday, September 09, 2010 12:31 PM To: chuck@terra-associates.com; Dennis Fevergeon Cc: rhonda.forte@comcast.net Subject: United Rentals - Auburn Dennis — Chuck Lee with Terra Associates is needing to ask the most current property manager some questions relative to the Auburn Way South site, Since URI has been in possession since 1999, figured URI side has most recent input. If you could put the appropriate person in touch with Chuck via email, or by phone at 425-821-7777, that would be appreciated. Chuck is working on a Phase 1 for the Buyer, Thanks and please let me know if there are any questions. Jane Lanford Senior Vice President Grubb & Ellis Company 601 Union Street, Suite 1400, Seattle, WA 98101 Main: 425,653.3000 • Fax: 206.388.3001 - Cell: 206.953.6688 http:/ w grub b-ellis.corn iane.lanford 9/20/2010 APPENDIX G FIRE AUTHORITY MEMO - )b Roegner. Mayor .obeo K Johnson Fire Cniel f ILE Goer AUBURN FIRE DEPARTMENT 700 AUBURN WAY S AUBURN W:A 98002 (206) 931-3060 ,-L D(. (fo CID FIRE MPSHAL'S OFFICE PLAN CHECK NOTES BUILDING., V[ ADDRESS. � OCCUPANCY: si 0 w Z.` y PAGE _ OF j— �( �=/lQt4nEs .-4 c)(-)c)_ 1� -C) DATE C FC CHECKED i �'� ./ ► G .s � - ` z � J-�. 1 r ��, a P c..� �za6] ��8 y- 1 Zy � Sr�Yv'��� � L�tit � by m i 1 -�tisa`�naa0in� ' G��nyRbC� i�8 jj q�O mbCx•�QOSn r+� $ -1 Cb ti �l� v yh��i 1� APPENDIX H PH REPORT PARCEL INSIGHT N C 0 R P 0 R A T E Parcel Insight Radius Map Report Report ID: 1286 Date: 817 812010 United Rentals 1022 AUBURN WAY S AUBURN, WA 98002 TABLE OF CONTENTS 114 Mile Detail Map Overview Map 2 Non -Exact Match Map 3 Tabular Summary of Findings 4 Exact Match Summary 5 Non -Exact Match Summary 8 Exact Match Details 9 Non -Exact Match Details 56 Disclaimer 65 Government Record Tracking 66 Report 1285 page i 1/4 Mile Detail Map Ith St S15 1• 24 S k Oth It -3. SE ffth $1 S-E [so ?6&km; Park :2 rn St SE Oth St SE V , V-10 E lith St SE 121h St SE -12 V, , 14 + Address Search Pnmarfy Highway Park Release El Secondary Highway Water Use R Morn Road Use Restriction Street 114 Mile SE I Report 1286 page 1 Overview Map Address Search = Primary Highway Park Release � Secondary Highway Water v Use = — Main Road Use Restriction ® Street 0 112 1 Mile Report 1286 page 2 Non -Exact Match Map Address Search — Primary Highway Park Release ® Secondary Highway Water Use Main Road Use Restriction ® Street 0 1 I2 1 Mile Report 1286 page 3 Tabular Summary of Findings RELEASE ♦ A site listed in a database that documents a release of hazardous material(s). USE V A site listed in a database that documents the use of hazardous material(s), but not a release of hazardous material(s). USE RESTRICTION O A site listed in a database that documents a restriction on the use of the site related to a release of a hazardous material(s) or a formal oversight decision from a government agency, Distance Z Z Z Z N Lq D N O O O O - ZE 0 o a o + Total by Subject o N Ln Ln o Map Map Class Property o 6 6 0 .- Class RELEASE ♦ 1 8 12 1 2 24 USE V 6 6 1 13 USE RESTRICTION D Database Search Radius Subject Property Distance Total by Database Type b a Q> o o q a N o ^ O a U) 6 C.:. a ^ o + o NPL ♦ 1.25 M RCRA CORRACTS + 7.25 M 1 T 2 RCRA TSD V 0.75 M I 1 CERCLIS + 0.75 M CERCLIS NFRAP ♦ 0.75 M 1 1 1 3 ,ERNS ♦ 0.25 M RCRA LQG V 0.50 M 1 1 2 RCRA SQG V 0.50 M 2 2 RCRA CESQG © 0.50 M 2 1 4 7 LUST ACTIVE TRIBAL ♦ 0.75 M LUST INACTIVE TRIBAL ♦ 0.75 M BROWNFIELDS 0 0.75 M INSTENG CONTROLS 0 0.75 M HMIRS + 0.50 M TRIS ♦ 0.50 M 1 I CSCSL + 0.75 M 2 5 1 1 9 CSCSL HSL + L 25 M 2 1 1 1 5 CSCSL NFA ♦ 0,75 M 1 4 2 7 SWLF STATE + 0.75 M LUST + 0.75 M 4 7 1 12 UST V 0.50 M 5 8 9 1 1 24 SWLF KING ♦ 0.75 M SWLF STATE ♦ 0.75 M DECISIONS D 0.75 M 1 1 INST ENG CONTROLS 0 0.75 M RCRA ND V 0.25 M 21 2 5 1 10 Totals by Distance 0 7 1 14 13 1 2 37 Report 7 286 page 4 Exact Match Summary MAP CLASS + I v 1 0 z 0 MAP ID GRID SITE NAME ADDRESS PI 1D # DATABASES w x LU 9 AUBURN VALLEY CHEVRON 53018452 RCRA NO F6 1156 AUBURN WAY S, AUBURN 0.04424 CSCSL NFA X X SE UST 10 RENTAL MARTS 53078384 UST E5 7018 AUBURN WAYS, AUBURN 0.08281 X NW I 1 AUBURN MUFFLER & BRAKE INC 53078529 RCRA CESQG F6 1301 AUBURN WAYS, AUBURN 0.75966 X SE 12 AUBURN VALLEY YMCA 53078559 UST F6 1005 12TH ST SE, AUBURN 0,16696 X SE 13 U HAUL CO OF AUBURN 53018285 RCRA ND E5 917 AUBURN WAY S, AUBURN 0.20497 UST X NW 14 ROGERS FURNITURE 53018544 UST F6 7 407 AUBURN WAYS, AUBURN 0.21089 X SE 15 USEPA HARTUNG PROPERTY OF 53018252 RCRA CESQG E6 AUBURN-RESIDEN 0,21912 X 424 12TH ST SE, AUBURN SW 16 GREEN RIVER HOMES 53018622 UST G5 1 103 9TH ST SE, AUBURN 0.25799 X E 17 PCL CONSTRUCTION SERVICES INC 53018646 RCRA LQG G6 1201 M ST SE UNIT A, AUBURN 0.25858 X E 18 RITE AID 5172 53018573 RCRA SQG F6 1509 AUBURN WAYS, AUBURN 0.26012 X SE 19 BROWN BEAR CAR WASH 5473 53018227 CSCSL NFA D5 814 AUBURN WAYS, AUBURN 0,26361 LUST X X W UST 20 CIRCLE K STORE 5473 BP OIL 53018228 RCRA CESQG D5 814 AUBURN WAYS, AUBURN 0-25361 X W 21 7-ELEVEN STORE #2303-25087J 53018278 UST D5 813 AUBURN WAY S, AUBURN 0.27143 X W 22 CONOCOPHILLIPS 2611055 53018538 RCRA SQG F7 117 1 7 7TH ST SE, AUBURN 0.33461 CSCSL NFA X X S UST Report 1286 page 5 Exact Match Summary MAP CLASS + v 0 z 0 MAP 1D GRID SITE NAME ADDRESS PI ID # DATABASES 11121 23 HARTUNG PROPERTIES 53031881 CERCLIS NFRAP D6 242 72TH ST SE, AUBURN 0,34129 X W 24 AUBURN FIRE STATION 53018177 CSCSL NFA D5 700 AUBURN WAYS, AUBURN 0.35047 LUST X X W UST RCRA ND 53018128 CSCSL HSL 25 CENEX VALLEY SUPPLY COOP 0.36197 CSCSL D5 238 8TH ST SE, AUBURN W LUST X X X UST DECISIONS 26 AUBURN CITY MAINTENANCE FACILITY 53018172 CSCSL NFA D4 AUBURN WAY S & SR 18 OFF RAMP, AUBURN 0.37265 X NW 28 CONOCOPHILLIPS SITE 2705928 53018149 RCRA ND D4 601 AUBURN WAYS, AUBURN 0.40337 LUST X X NW UST 29 TERN BOAT PROPERTY 53017976 UST C5 7 06 1 1 TH ST SE, AUBURN 0.45527 X W 30 BURLINCTON NORTHERN RR AUBURN 53017946 CSCSL HSL C5 A ST SE & SE 9TH ST, AUBURN 0.48598 CSCSL X W 31 UNOCAL SS NO 5377 53018139 RCRA CESQG D4 407 AUBURN WAYS, AUBURN 0.51485 CSCSL NFA X X NW UST 32 Auburn Auto Wrecking Farmer 53017972 CSCSL C4 572 A ST SE, AUBURN 0.55682 X NW 33 ELECTROFINISHING INC 53017973 RCRA ND C4 510 A ST SE, AUBURN 0.55757 CSCSL HSL X X NW CSCSL 34 JACKPOT STATION 308 53017949 CSCSL C7 1602 A ST SE, AUBURN 0.56728 LUST X X SW UST 35 SHELL STATION 120849 8137 RCRA ND D3 201 AUBURN WAYS, AUBURN 0775 r53O677757 LUST X X NW UST 36 AUBURN CITY M & O BUILDING RCRA CESQG C6 1305 C ST SW, AUBURN 0.53285 LUST X X Wl UST 37 AUBURN SHELL 53017965 LUST X X Report 1286 page 6 Exact Match Summary MAP CLASS + a 0 z O MAP 1D GRID SITE NAME ADDRESS PI ID # DATABASES w � � C4 305 A ST SE, AUBURN 0.63521 UST NW 38 Canham Property 53018672 CSCSL G8 1225 21 ST ST SE, AUBURN 0.63601 X SE 39 CHEVRON USA A ST AUBURN 53017986 RCRA ND C3 206 A ST, AUBURN 0.65873 LUST X X NW UST 40 A STREET AUTOMOTIVE 53017957 RCRA ND C3 225 A ST SE, AUBURN 0.67672 LUST X X NW UST 41 I- IOLIDAYCLEANERS 53018223 RCRA CESQG D3 430 E MAIN ST, AUBURN 0.68245 CSCSL X X NW 42 AUBURN CITY IMPORTS 53018578 RCRA ND F2 1 148 E MAIN ST, AUBURN 0.69041 LUST X X N UST 43 ARCO 6120 53018592 RCRA CESQG F2 1204 E MAIN ST, AUBURN 0.69748 CSCSL NFA X X N UST RCRA CORRACTS RCRA TSD CERCLIS NFRAP 44 FABRICATION DIVISION AUBURN SITE 53077565 RCRA LQG B6 700 7 5TH ST SW, A UB URN 0,86290 IRIS X X W CSCSL HSL CSCSL LUST UST 53017807 RCRA CORRACTS 45 GROW GROUP INC CONSUMER PROD D CERCLIS NFRAP C2 I 113RD ST NW, AUBURN 1.01311 N W RCRA ND X X UST 46 AUBURN SALVAGE & RECYCLING 53017945 CSCSL HSL CIO 2905 A ST SE, AUBURN 1.77562 CSCSL X SW Report 1286 page 7 Non -Exact Match Summary MAP CLASS + 4 Q O F= MAP ID U GRID SITE NAME ADDRESS PI 1D # DATABASES 4, W W t� � � a 1 KING CO -FEDERAL WAY LDFL (CLOSED} 53031680 CERCLIS NFRAP H4 S 352 & 1-5 AT PUYALLUP CUTOFF, AUBURN 0.00000 X NE 2 BAHNMILLER AUTOBODY WORKSHOP 53031730 CERCLIS NFRAP H4 3734 A STSW, AUBURN 0,00000 X NE 3 WICKHAM SONS 53018528 RCRA ND H4 3401 C ST NE, AUBURN 0.00000 X NE 4 FORMULA CORP 53031484 TRIS H4 4432 C ST NE, AUBURN 0.00000 X NE 5 Coal Creek Pump Station 53034810 LUST INACTIVE H4 2108 HOWARD RD,, AUBURN 0.00000 TRIBAL X NE 6 HD SUPPLY UTILITIES LTD HG3303 53035906 RCRA CESQG H4 1620 INDUSTRIAL BLVD, AUBURN 0.00000 X NE 7 WEST VALLEY HWY SITE 53031801 CERCLIS NFRAP H4 27603 WEST VALLEY HWY, AUBURN 0.00000 X NE 8 YELLOW TRANSPORTATION 53034709 HMIRS H4 AUBURN 0,00000 X NE 27 ASSOCIATED MACHINE & FAB INC 53035896 RCRA SQG 6 1570 BOUNDARY BLVD STE 100, AUBURN 0.39181 X E Report 1285 page 8 Exact Match Details Map ID 9 0.044 M GRID F6 PI ID ## 53018452 LAT.- 47.29778 LON:-122.21822 RELEASE Site Name AUBURN VALLEY CHEVRON Databases: SE Address 1 156 AUBURN WAY S CSGSL NFA UST RCRA ND AUBURN, WA 980026227 CSCSL NFA Confirmed and Suspected Contaminated Sites List No Further Action Site: AUBURN VALLEY CHEVRON 1 156 AUBURN WAYS AUBURN, WA 98002 Facility Site 1D. 5722273 County Name: King COUNTY No Further Action Code: NFA after assessment, TRAP, or VCP No Further Action Date: 0710712005 UST Underground Storage Tanks Site: AUBURN VALLEY CHEVRON 7156 AUBURN WAY S AUBURN, WA 98002 Facility Site ld. 5722273 County: King Unit- NORTHWEST Tank ID Tank Name Status Inst. Date Capacity Cmpt/1D Substance 16393 1 Removed 1964-12-37 5,000 to 1116636 Unleaded 9,999 Gallons Gasoline 16340 2 Removed 1964-12-37 5,000 to 1116582 Leaded 9,999 Gallons Gasoline 16522 3 Removed 1964-12-31 2,001 to 1116766 Unleaded 4,999 Gallons Gasoline 16235 4 Removed 1964-12-31 117 TO 1/16477 Used 1, 700 Gallons Oil/Waste Oil 16423 5 Removed 7964-12-31 111 TO 1116666 Heating Fuel 1,100 Gallons 24904 1-R Operational 7991-04.01 10,000 to 1/25242 Unleaded 19,999 Gasoline Gallons 5187 2-R Operational 1991-04-10 70,000 to 1/5283 Unleaded 19,999 Gasoline Gallons 7374 4-R Operational 1991-04-10 117 TO 1/7507 Used 1,100 Gallons Oil/Waste Oil 23858 3-R Operational 1991-04-70 10,000 to 1124190 Unleaded 19,999 Gasoline Gallons RCRA NO RCRA No Designation Site: AUBURN VALLEY CHEVRON 1 756 AUBURN WAY S AUBURN, WA 98002 HANDLER ID: W40988482147 NAICS DESC: Gasoline Stations with Convenience Stores CONTACT NAME: ANDREW RAAB TSD ACTIVITY: N Report Submission History Category Report Date LQG SQG CESQG RCRA NO 10211112002 Report 7 286 page 9 Exact Match Details Map ID GRID F6 PI ID # 53018452 LAT: 47.29778 LON:-122.21822 RELEASE i 9 0.0444 M Site Name AUBURN VALLEY CHEVRON Databases: SE Address 1 156 AUBURN WAYS CSCSL NFA UST RCRA ND AUBURN, WA 980026227 Last Report Details: Site Name: Seq Number: Received Date: Transfer Facility: Federal Waste Generator State Waste Generator: AUBURN VALLEY CHEVRON 9 0211712002 N N Map 1D 10 0.083 M GRID E5 I PI ID # 53018384 LAT; 47.2991 T LON: -12L 22008 I USE V Site Name RENTAL MARTS Databases: NW Address 1018 AUBURN WAY S UST AUBURN, WA 98002 UST Underground Storage Tanks Site: RENTAL MARTS 1018 AUBURN WAY S AUBURN, WA 98002 Facility Site id. 85372715 County: King Unit: NORTHWEST Tank ID Tank Name Status Inst. Date Capacity Cmpt./1D Substance 27061 1 Closed in 1964-12-31 1127429 Leaded Place Gasoline 27008 2 Closed in 1964-72-31 1127374 Leaded Place Gasoline 27132 3 1 Closed in 1964-72-31 1127500 Unleaded Place Gasoline Map ID I 0. 160 M GRID F6 I PI ID # 53018529 LAT. 47.29650 LON:-122.21669 I USE V Site Name AUBURN MUFFLER & BRAKE INC Databases: SE Address 1301 AUBURN WAYS RCRA CESQG AUBURN, WA 980026743 RCRA CESQG RCRA Conditionally Exempt Small Quantity Generator Site: AUBURN MUFFLER & BRAKE INC 7 301 AUBURN WAY S AUBURN, WA 98002 HANDLER ID: WAD988493045 NA1CS DESC: Other Automotive Mechanical and Electrical Repair and Maintenance CONTACT NAME; JOSHUA COLSON TSD ACTIVITY: N Report Submission History Category Report Date LQG SQG CESQG 1213112003,0612112004 RCRA ND Last Report Details: Report 1286 page 10 Exact Match Details Map ID 11 0. 160 M GRID F6 I PI ID # 53018529 LAT.- 47.29650 LON:-122.21664 I USE F Site Name AUBURN MUFFLER & BRAKE INC Databases: SE Address 1301 AUBURN WAYS RCRA CESQG AUBURN, WA 980026743 Site Name: Seq Number: Received Date: Transfer Facility Federal Waste Generator: State Waste Generator: AUBURN MUFFLER & BRAKE INC 12 0612112004 Conditionally Exempt Small Quantity Generator Small Quantity Generator Map ID 12 0. 767 M GRID F6 P1 ID # 53018559 LAT,- 47.29739 LON:-122.21550 I USE V Site Name AUBURN VALLEY YMCA Databases: SE Address 1005 12TH ST SE UST AUBURN, WA 98002 UST Underground Storage Tanks Site: AUBURN VALLEY YMCA 1005 12TH ST SE AUBURN, WA 98002 Facility Site Id: 75864862 County: King Unit: NORTHWEST Tank ID Tank Name Status Inst. Date Capacity Cmpt./ID Substance 44299 1 Exempt 1964-72-31 111 TO 1,100 Gallons 1144916 Map ID I 0.205 M GRID E5 PI ID # 53018285 I LAT 47.30007 LON:-122.22230 1 USE C� Slte Name U HAUL CO OFAUBURN Databases: NW Address 917 AUBURN WAYS RCRA ND UST AUBURN, WA 980026135 RCRA ND RCRA No Designation Site: U HAUL CO OF AUBURN 977 AUBURN WAYS AUBURN, WA 98002 HANDLER ID: WAD988494837 NAICS DE5C: Truck, Utility Trailer, and RV (Recreational Vehicle) Rental and Leasing CONTACT NAME: MANDY ECKERT TSD ACTIVITY: N Report Submission History Category Report Date LQG SQG CESQG 7213112003 RCRA ND 0112412005 Last Report Details: Site Name: Seq Number: Received Date: Transfer Facility: Federal Waste Generator: State Waste Generator. U HAUL CO OF AUBURN 10 01/24/2005 N N Report 1286 page 11 Exact Match Details Map ID 13 0.205 M GRID E5 PI 1D # 53078285 LAT: 47.30007 LON:-122.22230 I USE i1 Site Name U HAUL CO OFAUBURN Databases: NW Address 917 AUBURN WAYS RCRA ND UST AUBURN, WA 980026135 UST Underground Storage Tanks Site: U-HAUL COAUBURN 707-43 917 AUBURN WAY SAUBURN, WA 98002 Facility Site Id., 41255524 County: King Unit: NORTHWEST Tank ID Tank Name Status Inst. Date Capacity Cmpt./ID Substance 25757 1 Removed 7981-07-01 10,000 to 1126104 Leaded 19,999 Gasoline Gallons 25953 2 Removed 1981-07-01 10,000 to 1126304 Diesel 19,999 Gallons 25794 3 1 Removed 11981-07-01 111 TO 3126145 Used 1,100 Gallons 1Oil/Waste OiI Map ID 14 0.211 M GRID F6 PI ID # 53018544 LAT: 47.29596 LON:-122.21589 I USE 0 Site Name ROGERS FURNITURE Databases: SE Address 1407 AUBURN WAYS UST AUBURN, WA 98002 UST Underground Storage Tanks Site: ROGERS FURNITURE 1407 AUBURN WAY S AUBURN, WA 98002 Facility Site Id: 22372684 County: King Unit: NORTHWEST Tank ID Tank Name Status Inst Date Capacity Cmpt./ID Substance 44595 1 Closure in Process 1964-12-31 177 TO 1,100 Gallons 1145214 Leaded Gasoline Map ID 15 0.219 M GRID E6 PI ID # 53018252 LAT.- 47.29721 LON:-122.22322 USE a Site Name USEPA HARTUNG PROPERTY OF Databases. Sw AUBURN-RESIDEN RCRA CESQG Address 424 12TH ST SE AUBURN, WA 980026714 RCRA CESQG RCRA Conditionally Exempt Small Quantity Generator Site: US EPA HARTUNG PROPERTY AUBURN RESIDENT 424 72TH ST SF AUBURN, WA 98002 HANDLER ID: WAR000006519 NAICS DESC: Other General Government Support CONTACT NAME: DONALD HARTUNG TSD ACTIVITY., N Report Submission History Category Report Date LQG Report 1286 page 12 Exact Match Details Map ID 15 0.219 M GRID E6 PI ID # 53018252 LAT: 47.29721 LON:-122.22322 USE V Site Name USEPA HARTUNG PROPERTY OF Databases. SW AUBURN-RESIDEN RCRA CESQG Address 424 12TH STSE AUBURN, WA 980026714 SQG CESQG 07/16/1997 RCRA NO 03/01/1996 Last Report Details: Site Name: US EPA HARTUNG PROPERTY AUBURN RESIDENT Sea Number: 3 Received Date: 07/16/1997 Transfer Facility: Federal Waste Generator: Conditionally Exempt Small Quantity Generator State Waste Generator.' Small Quantity Generator Map ID rs 0.258 M GRID GS PI ID # 53018622 LAT: 47.30000 LON: 122.21394 USE V Site Name GREEN RIVER HOMES Databases: Address 1 103 9TH STSE UST AUBURN, WA 98002 UST Underground Storage Tanks Site: GREEN RIVER HOMES 1703 9TH STSE AUBURN, WA 98002 Facility Site Id: 75827666 County: King Unit: NORTHWEST Tank ID Tank Name Status Inst Date Capacity Cmpt./ID Substance 4704 1 Removed 1974-01-01 111 TO 1,100 Gallons 114796 Unleaded Gasoline Map ID 17 0 259 M GRID G6 PI ID # 530 T8646 LAT: 47.29729 LON:-122.21349 I USE V Site Name PCL CONSTRUCTION SERVICES INC Databases: E Address 1201 M STSE UNIT RCRA LQG AUBURN, WA 980026707 RCRA LQG RCRA Large Quantity Generator Site: PCL CONSTRUCTION SERVICES INC 7201 M STSE UNIT A AUBURN, WA 98002 HANDLER 1D: WAH00001 1239 NA1CS DESC Industrial Building Construction CONTACT NAME: SAM PARSONS TSD ACTIVITY: N Report Submission History Category Report Date LQG 0212812001 SQG CESQG RCRA NO Report 7286 page 13 Exact Match Details Map ID 17 0.259 M GRID G6 PI ID # 53018646 LAT. 47.29729 LON: 122.21349 I USE V Site Name PCL CONSTRUCTION SERVICES INC Databases: E Address 1207 MST SE UNIT A RCRA LQG AUBURN, WA 980025707 Last Report Details: Site Name: Seq Number: Received Date: Transfer Facility: Federal Waste Generator: State Waste Generator: PCL CONSTRUCTION SERVICES INC 3 0212812001 Large Quantity Generator Large Quantity Generator Map ID 18 0.260 M GRID F6 Pl ID # 53018573 LAT.• 47.29544 LON:-122-21517 I USE P Site Name RITE AID 5172 Databases: SE Address 1509 AUBURN WAY S RCRA SQG AUBURN, WA 980026739 RCRA SQG RCRA Small Quantity Generator Site: RITEAID 5172 1509 AUBURN WAYS AUBURN, WA 98002 HANDLER ID: WAH000014530 NAICS DESC. One -Hour Photofinishing CONTACT NAME: GARY BALENTINE FOUND VIOLATION: N TSD ACTIVITY: N Report Submission History Category Report Date LQG SQG 7213112003,0212812005 CESQG RCRA ND Last Report Details: Site Name: Seq Number: Received Date: Transfer Facility: Federal Waste Generator State Waste Generator: RITE AID 5172 6 0212812005 Small Quanity Generator Medium Quantity Generator Map ID 19 0.264 M GRID D5 PI 1D # 53018227 LAT.- 47.30029 LON:-122.22360 RELEASE + Site Name BROWN BEAR CAR WASH 5473 Databases: W Address 814 AUBURN WAYS CSCSL NFA LUST UST AUBURN, WA 98002 CSCSL NFA Confirmed and Suspected Contaminated Sites List No Further Action Site: BROWN BEAR CAR WASH 5473 814 AUBURN WAYS AUBURN, WA 98002 Facility Site 1D: 1289197 County Name: King COUNTY No Further Action Code: NFA after assessment, TRAP, or VCP Report 1286 page 74 Exact Match Details Map ID 19 0.264 M GRID D5 PI ID # 53018227 LAT.- 47.30029 LON: - 722,22360 RELEASE Site Name BROWN BEAR CAR WASP 5473 Databases: W Address 814 AUBURN WAYS CSCSL NFA LUST UST AUBURN, WA 98002 No Further Action Date: 09/1812001 LUST Leaking Underground Storage Tanks Site: BROWN BEAR CAR WASH 814 AUBURN WAYS Auburn, WA 98002 Facility Site Id: 1289197 Alternate Name: CAR WASH ENTERPRISES-1995 County: King Unit: NORTHWEST Release ID Release Notification Date Release Status Change Date Release Status Media Affected 324026 10/10/1995 1112011995 Awaiting Cleanup Ground Water 324026 7011011995 1112011995 Awaiting Cleanup Soil 324026 10/70/7995 0411111996 Cleanup Started Ground Water 324026 10/10/1995 0417111996 Cleanup Started Soil 324026 10110/1995 0510112001 Reported Cleaned Up Ground Water 324026 70/70/1995 0510112007 Reported Cleaned Up Soil UST Underground Storage Tanks Site: BROWN BEAR CAR WASH 814 AUBURN WAYS AUBURN, WA 98002 Facility Site Id: 7289197 County. King Unit: NORTHWEST Tank ID Tank Name Status Inst. Date Capacity Cmpt./ID Substance 4479 1REG Removed 7964-12-31 2,001 to 1/4569 Leaded 4,999 Gallons Gasoline 7868 2UNL Removed 1964-12-31 10,000 to 1/8006 Unleaded 79,999 Gasoline Gallons 37478 3UNL Removed 1964-12-31 5,000 to 1/31867 Unleaded 9,999 Gallons Gasoline 26558 4SUP Removed 1964-12-31 5,000 to 1126918 Unleaded 9,999 Gallons Gasoline 26347 L217027UNL Removed 7990-07-09 10,000 to 1126706 Unleaded 19,999 Gasoline Gallons 79703 L217028SUP Removed 1990-07-09 10,000 to 1119988 Unleaded 19,999 Gasoline Gallons 44545 L217031REG Removed 1990-07-09 5,000 to 1145162 Leaded 9,999 Gallons I Gasoline Report 1286 page 15 Exact Match Details Map ID 20 0.264 M GRID D5 PI ID # 53018228 GAT.- 47.30029 LON:-122.22360 I USE V Site Name CIRCLE K STORE 5473 SP OIL Databases: W Address 874 AUBURN WAYS RCRA CFSQG AUBURN, WA 980025027 RCRA CESQG RCRA Conditionally Exempt Small Quantity Generator Site: CAR WASH ENTERPRISES CWE 814 AUBURN WAY S AUBURN, WA 98002 HANDLER 10: WAD988516357 NAICS DESC: Gasoline Stations with Convenience Stores CONTACT NAME: TOM NORTH TSD ACTIVITY: N Report Submission History Category Report Date LQG SQG CESQG 1213112003, 0510212005 RCRA ND Last Report Details. - Site Name: CAR WASH ENTERPRISES CWE Seq Number: 12 Received Date: 0510212005 Transfer Facility. Federal Waste Generator: Conditionally Exempt Small Quantity Generator State Waste Generator. Small Quantity Generator Map ID 21 0.271 M GRID D5 PI 1D # 53018218 LAT 47.30024 LOiV:-122.22383 USE 0 Site Name 7-ELEVEN STARE #2303-25087J Databases: W Address 873 AUBURN WAYS UST AUBURN, WA 98002 UST Underground Storage Tanks Site: 7-ELEVEN 2303-25087J 813 AUBURN WAYS AUBURN, WA 98002 Facility Site !d 56122859 County. King Unit: NORTHWEST Tank ID Tank Name Status Inst. Date Capacity Cmpt./ID Substance 30727 NOL Removed 1983-12-01 70,000 to 1131765 Unleaded 19,999 Gasoline Gallons 3078 REG Removed 1983-72-01 10,000 to 113127 Leaded 19,999 Gasoline Gallons 30324 SNL Removed 1983-12-01 10,000 to 1130757 Unleaded 19,999 Gasoline Gallons Report 1286 page 16 Exact Match Details Map ID 22 0.335 M GRID F7 PI ID # 53018538 LAT: 47,29376 LON:-122,21622 I RELEASE + Site Name CONOCOPHILLIPS 2611065 Databases: S Address 1 1 1 1 17TH ST SF RCRA SQG CSCSL NFA UST AUBURN, WA 98002 RCRA SQG RCRA Small Quantity Generator Site: CONOCOPHILLIPS 2611065 17 11 77TH AVE SF AUBURN, WA 98002 HANDLER ID: WAD988487179 NAILS DESC: Gasoline Stations with Convenience Stores CONTACT NAME: TIANA ANDRIAMANARIVO FOUND VIOLATION: N TSD ACTIVITY: N Report Submission History Category Report Date LQG SQC 1213112007,0210812009 CESQG 1213112003 RCRA ND 1213112005 Last Report Details: Site Name Seq Number: Received Date: Transfer Facility.' Federal Waste Generator: State Waste Generator: CONOCOPHILLIPS 2677065 10 0210812008 Small Quanity Generator Medium Quantity Generator CSCSL NFA Confirmed and Suspected Contaminated Sites List No Further Action Site: BP SERVICE STATION 11065 1 1 1 1 17TH ST SE AUBURN, WA 98002 Facility Site ID: 98619798 County Name: King COUNTY No Further Action Code: NFA after assessment, IRAP, or VCP No Further Action Date: 0611412007 UST Underground Storage Tanks Site: ROYAL AUBURN BP 17 11 Facility Site Id: 96619798 County: King Unit: NORTHWEST 17TH ST SE AUBURN, WA 98002 Report 7 286 page 17 Exact Match Details Map 10 22 0.335 M GRID F7 PI ID # 53018538 LAT.47.29376 LON:-122.21622 I RELEASE Site Name CONOCOPHILLIPS 261 1055 Databases: S Address 1 1 7 1 17TH ST SE RCRA SQG CSCSL NFA UST AUBURN, WA 98002 Tank ID Tank Name Status Inst. Date Capacity Cmpt./ID Substance 38334 1 Removed 1964-12-31 2,001 to 1138871 Leaded 4,999 Gallons Gasoline 4126 70 Exempt 1964-12-31 111 TO 114204 Heating Fuel 1,100 Gallons 38443 2 Removed 1964-12-31 7 0, 000 to 1138981 Unleaded 19,999 Gasoline Gallons 38405 3 Removed 1964-12-31 10,000 to 7138943 Unleaded 19,999 Gasoline Gallons 38570 4 Removed 1964-72-31 111 TO 1139049 Used I,100 Gallons oil/Waste Oil 38357 5 Removed 1964-72-31 111 To 1138895 Heating Fuel 1,100 Gallons 38472 6 Operational 1990-01-01 10,000 to 7139010 Leaded 19,999 Gasoline Gallons 38399 7 Operational 1990-01-01 10,000 to 1138937 Unleaded 19,999 Gasoline Gallons 38499 8 Operational 7990-01-01 10,000 to 1139037 Unleaded 19,999 Gasoline Gallons 38351 9 Removed 7990-01-07 111 TO 1138889 Used 1,100 Gallons oil/Waste Oil Map 3ID 0.341 M GRID D6 P1ID # 53031881 LAT: 47.29718 LON:-122.22592 RELEASE { Site Name HARTUNG PROPERTIES Databases: W Address 242 12TH STSE CERCLIS AUBURN, WA 98002 NFRAP CERCLIS CERCLIS No Further Remedial Action Planned NFRAP Site: NARTUNG PROPERTIES 242 12TH STSE/STORMOREAUBURN, WA 98002 County: KING Region: 10 EPA ID: WA0001402866 FIPS Code: 53033 Congressional District: 0 OU !0. 00 Action Code: RV Action Name: RMVL Action Code ID: 001 Action Lead Type: EPA Fund Action Start Date: 1995-12-04T00:00:00 Action Completion Date: 7995-12-12T00:00:00 Action_ Template_ Order: 70 Non_NPL_Status: NFRAP-Site does not qualify for the NPL based on e OU 1D: 00 Report 7 286 page 18 Exact Match Details Map ID 23 0.341 M GRID D6 PI ID # 53031881 LAT: 47.29718 LON:-122.22597 I RELEASE + Site Name HARTUNG PROPERTIES Databases: W Address 242 12TH ST SE CERCLIS AUBURN, WA 98002 NFRAP Action Code: VS Action Name: ARCH SITE Action Code ID: 001 Action Lead Type: EPA In -House Action Completion Date. 1995-I2-12T00:00..00 Action_ Template_ Order: 7 500 Non -NFL -Status: NFRAP-Site does not qualify for the NPL based on e Map ID 24 0.350 M GRID D5 PI 1D # 53018177 ILA 47.30122 LON:-122.22497 RELEASE + Site Name AUBURN FIRE STATION Databases: W Address 700 AUBURN WAY S CSCSL NFA LUST UST AUBURN, WA 98002 CSCSL NFA Confirmed and Suspected Contaminated Sites List No Further Action Site: AUBURN ABANDONED FIRE STA 700 AUBURN WAYS AUBURN, WA 98002 Facility Site ID: 2240 County Name: King COUNTY WARM Bin Number: 3 No Further Action Code: Removed from Hazardous Sites List fHSL) No Further Action Date: 08/19/1997 LUST Leaking Underground Storage Tanks Site: AUBURN FIRE STATION 700 AUBURN WAYS Auburn, WA 98002 Facility Site Id: 2240 Alternate Name: FIREHOUSE SQUARE County: King Unit: NORTHWEST Release 10 Release Notification Date Release Status Change Date Release Status Media Affected 4731 0310111988 0810911993 Cleanup Started Ground Water 4731 0310111988 0610111995 Monitoring Ground Water 4731 0310111988 10/23/7996 Reported Cleaned Up Ground Water UST Underground Storage Tanks Site: AUBURN FIRE STATION 700 AUBURN WAY S AUBURN, WA 98002 Facility Site ld: 2240 County., King Unit. NORTHWEST Tank ID Tank Name Status Mst Date Capacity Cmpt./1D Substance 2269 1. OLD STA. Removed 1964-12-31 112313 39268 2. OLD STA. Removed 1964-12-31 111 TO 1,100 Gallons 7139875 34631 3. OLD STA. Removed 1964-12-37 171 TO 1,100 Gallons 1135132 41272 4- OLD STA. I Removed 11964-12-31 171 TO i 1,100 Gallons 1141854 Used OiVWaste Oil Report 1286 page 19 Exact Match Details Map ID GRID D5 PI ID # 53018128 LAT: 47, 30040 LON:-122,22588 I RELEASE f 25 0, 362 M Site Name CENEX VALLEY SUPPLY COOP Databases: W Address 238 8TH ST SE RCRA ND CSCSL CSCSL HSL AUBURN, WA 980026099 LUST UST DECISIONS RCRA ND RCRA No Designation Site: CENEX VALLEY SUPPLY COOP 238 8TH ST SE AUBURN, WA 98002 HANDLER 1D: WAD981772973 NA1C5 DESC: Strawberry Farming CONTACT NAME: GEORGE RICHTER TSD ACTIVITY: N Report Submission History Category Report Date LQG SQG CESQG RCRA NO 10510517.988 Last Report Details: Site Name: Seq Number: Received Date: Transfer Facility: Federal Waste Generator: State Waste Generator. CENEX VALLEY SUPPLY COOP 1 0510511988 N N CSCSL Confirmed and suspected Contaminated Sites List Site. Cenex Harvest States Auburn 238 8TH ST SEAUSURN, WA 98002 Facility Site Id: 2487 County Name: King Responsible Unit: NORTHWEST Ecology Status Code: Remedial Action in progress Program Plan Code Program Plan WARM Bin Number: 3 Affected Id: (/ Con firmed ) Confirmed Contaminates Suspected Contaminates Petroleum Products Non -Halogenated Solvents Affected ld: (/ Confirmed) Confirmed Contaminates Suspected Contaminates Petroleum Products Non -Halogenated Solvents CSCSL HSL Confirmed and Suspected Contaminated Sites List Hazardous Site List Site: Cenex Harvest States Auburn 238 8TH ST SE AUBURN, WA 98002 Facility Site id: 2487 County Name: King Responsible Unit: NORTHWEST Ecology Status Code: Remedial Action in progress Program Plan Code: Program Plan WARM Bin Number: 3 Report 7286 page 20 Exact Match Details Map ID 25 0.362 M CR1D D5 Pl ID # 53078128 LAT 47.30040 LON:-122.22588 RELEASE + Site Name CENEX VALLEY SUPPLY COOP Databases: W Address 238 8TH ST SE RCRA ND CSCSL CSCSL HSL AUBURN, WA 980026099 LUST UST DECISIONS Petroleum Products: C Nan -Halogenated Solvents: C Petroleum Products: C Non -Halogenated Solvents: C LUST Leaking Underground Storage Tanks Site: CENEX HARVEST STATES COOPERATIVES 238 8TH SE Auburn, WA 98002 Facility Site Id., 2487 Alternate Name: CENEX VALLEY SUPPLY COOP County: King Unit: NORTHWEST Release ID Release Notification Date Release Status Change Date Release Status Media Affected 5479 0511711994 01/02/1995 Cleanup Started Soil 5479 0511717994 0110211995 Cleanup Started Ground Water UST Underground Storage Tanks Site: CENEX HAR VEST STATES COOPERATIVES 238 8TH SE AUBURN, WA 98002 Facility Site Id: 2487 County: King Unit. NORTHWEST Report 1286 page 27 Exact Match Details Map ID 2S 0.362 M GRID DS I PI ID # 53018128 LAT• 47.30040 LON.-122.22588 RELEASE t Site Name CENEX VALLEY SUPPLY COOP Databases: W Address 238 8TH ST SE RCRA ND CSCSL CSCSL HSL AUBURN, WA 980026099 LUST UST DECISIONS Tank ID Tank Name Status Inst. Date Capacity Cmpt-/1D Substance 79715 I Operational 1961-01-01 10,000 to 1120000 Unleaded 19,999 Gasoline Gallons 20792 10 Removed 1961-01-01 10,000 to 1121097 Diesel 19,999 Gallons 19918 2 Operational 1961-07-01 10,000 to 7120206 Unleaded 19,999 Gasoline Gallons 19628 3 Removed 1961-01-01 2,007to 1119913 Kerosene 4,999 Gallons 19815 4 Operational 1961-01-01 10,000 to 1120102 Diesel 19,999 Gallons 19742 5 Removed 1961-07-01 10,000 to 1120027 Diesel 19,999 Gallons 19952 6 Removed 7961-01-01 2,001 to 1120240 Kerosene 4,999 Gallons 19719 9 Removed 1961-01-01 171 TO 1120004 Kerosene 1, 700 Gallons 19671 7 Operational 7964-12-31 10,000 to 1179956 Kerosene 19,999 Gallons 20990 11 Exempt 1964-12-37 7121296 20725 12 Exempt 1964-12-37 7121030 19859 8 Operational 7968-01-01 70,000 to 1120746 Unleaded 19,999 Gasoline Gallons DECISIONS Ecology Digest 26 (Catalog of Formal Oversight Decision Documents, Orders and Decrees) FACILITY SITE NO: 2487 SITE NAME: CENEX - AUBURN LAT.- 47.30039400 LON:-722,22613T00 ADDRESS: 238 8TH ST SE CITY: AUBURN STATE: WA ZIP: 98002 PROJECT MANAGER: Peck, Norm REGION: NW COUNTY: King DOCUMENT TYPE: Agreed Order & Amendment FILING DATE: Nov-94 CAUSE NUMBER: DE-94TC-N396 Report 1286 page 22 Exact Match Details Map ID 2s 0.373 M GRID D4 PI ID # 53078772 1 LAT.47.30757 LON:-122,22511 RELEASE + Site Name AUBURN CITY MAINTENANCE FACILITY Databases: NW Address AUBURN WAY S & SR 78 OFF RAMP CSCSL NFA AUBURN, WA 98002 CSCSL NFA Confirmed and Suspected Contaminated Sites List No Further Action Site: AUBURN CITY MAINTENANCE FACILITY AUBURN WAY S & SR 18 OFF RAMP AUBURN, WA 98002 Facility Site ID: 91 188982 County Name: King COUNTY No Further Action Code: NFA after assessment, TRAP, or VCP No Further Action Date: 0810212002 Map ID 28 0.403 M GRID D4 PI ID # 53018749 LAT- 47.30190 LON: 42Z.22556 RELEASE t Slte Name CONOCOPHILLIPS SITE 2705928 Databases: NW Address 601 AUBURN WAYS LUST UST RCRA ND AUBURN, WA 980026031 LUST Leaking Underground Storage Tanks Site: CIRCLE K 76 2705926 601 AUBURN WAYS Auburn, WA 98002 Facility Site Id. 12222643 Alternate Name: U-SAVE OIL BP STATION AUBURN County., King Unit. NORTHWEST Release 1D Release Notification Date Release Status Change Date Release Status Media Affected 5442 0712711994 0712111994 Cleanup Started Ground Water 5442 07/21/1994 07/21/1994 Cleanup Started Solt UST Underground Storage Tanks Site: CIRCLE K 76 2705928 607 AUBURN WAYS AUBURN, WA 98002 Facility Site Id., 12222643 County., King Unit: NORTHWEST Report 7 286 page 23 Exact Match Details Map ID GRID D4 PI ID # 53078149 LAT.47.30190 LON:-122.22556 RELEASE t 28 0.403 M Site Name CONOCOPHILLIPS SITE 2705928 Databases: NW Address 601 AUBURN WAY S LUST UST RCRA NO AUBURN, WA 980026031 Tank 1D Tank Name Status Inst. Date Capacity Cmpt./1D Substance 44367 2 Removed 1955-01.01 1144984 Unleaded Gasoline 44236 3 Removed 1955-01-01 1144853 Unleaded Gasoline 44320 4 Removed 1955-01-01 1144937 Unleaded Gasoline 44269 l Removed 1978-07-07 7/44886 Leaded Gasoline 44286 5 Removed 7986-01-01 1144903 44384 6 Operational 7994-06-30 5,000 to I/45001 Unleaded 9,999 Gallons Gasoline 44257 7 Operational 1994-06-30 5,000 to 7144868 Unleaded 9,999 Gallons Gasoline 44335 8 Operational 7994-06-30 10,000 to 7144952 Leaded 19,999 Gasoline Gallons 44274 9 Operational 1994-06-30 10,000 to 7144891 Diesel 19,999 Gallons RCRA NO RCRA No Designation Site: CONOCOPHILLIPS SITE 2705928 607 AUBURN WAY S AUBURN, WA 98002 HANDLER ID: WAH000028488 NA1CS DESC: Gasoline Stations with Convenience Stores CONTACT NAME: TIANA ANDRIAMANARIVO T5D ACTIVITY: N Report Submission History Category Report Date. LQG SQG CESQG RCRA NO 7213112007,0210712008 Last Report Details: Site Name: Seq Number: Received Date: Transfer Facility: Federal Waste Generator State Waste Generator CONOCOPHILLIPS SITE 2705928 3 0210712008 N N Report 1286 page 24 Exact Match Details Map ID 29 0-455 M GRID 06 1 PI ID # 53017976 LAT- 47.29795 LON:-122.22852 I USE Site Name TERN BOAT PROPERTY Databases: W Address 706 I 1 TH ST SE UST AUBURN, WA 98002 UST Underground Storage Tanks Site: TERN BOAT PROPERTY 106 11 TH ST SE AUBURN, WA 98002 Facility Site Id: 5576416 County: King Unit: NORTHWEST Tank ID Tank Name Status Inst. Date Capacity Cmpt:/1D Substance 618886 1 Removed 1/1/1900 Map ID GRID CS PI ID # 53017946 LAT: 47.29986 LON:-122.2289Z 1 RELEASE + 30 0.486 M Site Name BURLINGTON NORTHERN RR AUBURN Databases: W Address A ST SE & SE 9TH ST CSCSL CSCSL HSL AUBURN, WA 98002 CSCSL Confirmed and Suspected Contaminated Sites List Site: BURLINGTON NORTHERN RR AUBURN A ST SE & SE 9TH ST AUBURN, WA 98002 Facility Site Id: 2573 County Name: King Responsible Unit: NORTHWEST Ecology Status Code: Ranked, Awaiting Remedial Action (RA) WARM Bin Number: 1 Affected Id: (/ Confirmed ) Confirmed Contaminates Suspected Contaminates Petroleum Products Non -Halogenated Solvents Contaminates Below Cleanup Levels Remediated Contaminates EPA Priority Pollutants - Metals and Cyanide Affected Id: (/ Confirmed ) Confirmed Contaminates Suspected Contaminates EPA Priority Pollutants - Metals and Cyanide Affected Id: (/ Confirmed ) Confirmed Contaminates Suspected Contaminates EPA Priority Pollutants - Metals and Cyanide Petroleum Products Non -Halogenated Solvents Affected Id. (/ Suspected) Confirmed Contaminates Suspected Contaminates EPA Priority Pollutants - Metals and Cyanide CSCSL HSL Confirmed and Suspected Contaminated Sites List Hazardous Site List Site: BURLINGTON NORTHERN RR AUBURN A ST SE & SE 9TH ST AUBURN, WA 98002 Facility Site id: 2573 County Name: King Report 1286 page 25 Exact Match Details Map ID 30 0.486 M GRID C5 P1 ID # 53077946 LAT.-47.29986 LON:-122.22892 I RELEASE + Site Name BURLINGTON NORTHERN RR AUBURN Databases: W Address A ST SE & SE 9TH ST CSCSL CSCSL HSL AUBURN, WA 98D02 Responsible Unit: NORTHWEST Ecology Status Code: Ranked, Awaiting Remedial Action (RA) WARM Bin Number: 1 EPA Priority Pollutants - Metals and Cyanide: B Petroleum Products. C Non -Halogenated Solvents C EPA Priority Pollutants - Metals and Cyanide: C EPA Priority Pollutants - Metals and Cyanide: C Petroleum Products: C Non -Halogenated Solvents: C EPA Priority Pollutants - Metals and Cyanide: S Map ID 31 0.575 M GRID D4 PI 1D #F 53018739 LAT. 47.30404 LON:-122.22578 I USE V Site Name UNOCAL SS NO 5377 Databases: NW Address 407 AUBURN WAYS RCRA CESQG CSCSL NFA UST AUBURN, WA 980025419 RCRA CESQG RCRA Conditionally Exempt Small Quantity Generator Site: UNOCAL SS NO 5377 407 AUBURN WAY S AUBURN, WA 98002 HANDLER ID: WAD988493458 CONTACT NAME: NA NA TSD ACTIVITY. N Report Submission History Category Report Date LQG SQG CESQG 0212911996, 0212111997, 03/11/1997 RCRA NO 10110711995 Last Report Details: Site Name: UNOCAL SS NO 5377 Seq Number: 4 Received Date: 0311117997 Transfer Facility: Federal Waste Generator: Conditionally Exempt Small Quantity Generator State Waste Generator: Small Quantity Generator CSCSL NFA Confirmed and Suspected Contaminated Sites List No Further Action Site: UNOCAL SS NO 5377 407 AUBURN WAY S AUBURN, WA 98002 Facility Site ID: 33431837 County Name: King COUNTY No Further Action Code: NFA after assessment, TRAP, or VCP No Further Action Date: 0412111994 UST Underground Storage Tanks Site: UNOCAL 5377 407 AUBURN WAYS AUBURN, WA 98002 Report 7 286 page 26 Exact Match Details Map 10 GRID D4 PI ID # 53018139 LAT.' 47.30404 LON:-122.22578 I USE Q 31 0.515 M Site Name UNOCAL SS NO 5377 Databases: NW Address 407 AUBURN WAYS RCRA CESQG CSCSL NFA UST AUBURN, WA 980025479 Facility Site Id: 33431837 County: King Unit: NORTHWEST Tank ID Tank Name Status Inst. Date Capacity Cmpt./1D Substance 2978 1 Removed 1964-12-31 1/3027 Unleaded Gasoline 3054 2 Removed 1964-12-31 1/3703 Leaded Gasoline 3010 4 1 Removed 11.964-72-31 1/3059 Used O!!/Waste Oi! Map ID 32 0.557 M GR)D C4 PI ID # 53017972 I LAT.' 47.30286 LON:-122,22859 RELEASE f Site Name Auburn Auto Wrecking Former Databases: NW Address 512 A ST SE CSCSL AUBURN, WA 98002 CSCSL Confirmed and Suspected Contaminated Sites List Site: Auburn Auto Wrecking 57 2 A ST SE AUBURN, WA 98002 Facility Site 14: 3539302 County Name: King Responsible Unit: NORTHWEST Ecology Status Code: Awating Site Hazard Assessment (SHA) Affected Id: (/Confirmed) Confirmed Contaminates Suspected Contaminates EPA Priority Pollutants - Metals and Cyanide Petroleum Products Map 1D 33 0.558 M GRID C4 PI ID # 53017973 LAT. 47.30288 LON:-122.22859 RELEASE + Site Name ELECTROFINISHING INC Databases: NW Address 510 A ST SE CSCSL CSCSL HSL RCRA ND AUBURN, WA 980026040 CSCSL Confirmed and Suspected Contaminated Sites List Site: Electrofinishing Co 510 A STSE AUBURN, WA 98002 Facility Site Id' 2247 County Name: King Responsible Unit: NORTHWEST Ecology Status Code. Ranked, Awaiting Remedial Action (RA) WARM Bin Number: 4 Affected Id. (/Confirmed ) Confirmed Contaminates Suspected Contaminates Petroleum Products Halogenated Organic Compounds EPA Priority Pollutants - Metals and Cyanide Metals - Other Corrosive Wastes Report 1286 page 27 Exact Match Details Map iD GRID C4 PI ID # 53017973 LAT..- 47.30285 LON:-122.22859 RELEASE + 33 0 558 M Site Name ELECTROFiNISHING INC Databases: NW Address 510 A ST SE CSCSL CSCSL HSL RCRA NO AUBURN, WA 980026040 Conventional Contaminants - Organic Affected Id: (/Confirmed) Confirmed Contaminates Suspected Contaminates EPA Priority Pollutants - Metals and Cyanide Halogenated Organic Compounds Petroleum Products Metals - Other Corrosive Wastes Conventional Contaminants - Organic Affected id: (/Suspected ) Confirmed Contaminates Suspected Contaminates Halogenated Organic Compounds EPA Priority Pollutants - Metals and Cyanide Metals - Other Petroleum Products Corrosive Wastes Conventional Contaminants - Organic CSCSL HSL Confirmed and Suspected Contaminated Sites List Hazardous Site List Site: Electrofinishing Co 510 A STSE AUBURN, WA 98002 Facility Site Id: 2247 County Name: King Responsible Unit: NORTHWEST Ecology Status Code: Ranked, Awaiting Remedial Action (RA) WARM Bin Number: 4 Halogenated Organic Compounds: S EPA Priority Pollutants - Metals and Cyanide: S Metals - Other: S Petroleum Products: C Corrosive Wastes: S Conventional Contaminants - Organic: S Halogenated Organic Compounds: S EPA Priority Pollutants • Metals and Cyanide: C Metals - Other: S Petroleum Products: C Corrosive Wastes: S Conventional Contaminants - Organic S Halogenated Organic Compounds: S EPA Priority Pollutants - Metals and Cyanide: S Metals - Other: S Petroleum Products: S Corrosive Wastes: S Conventional Contaminants - Organic S RCRA NO RCRA No Designation Site: ELECTROFiNISHING CO 57 0 A ST SE AUBURN, WA 98002 HANDLER iD: WAD043766740 NAICS OESC: Electroplating, Plating, Polishing, Anodizing, and Coloring CONTACT NAME: EDWARD RAYMOND FOUND VIOLATION: Y TSD ACTIVITY: N Report Submission History Report 1286 page 28 Exact Match Details Map ID 33 0 558 M GRID C4 Pl ID # 53017973 LAT.' 47.30288 LON:-122.22859 I RELEASE + Site Name ELECTROFINISHING INC Databases: NW Address 510 A STSE CSCSL CSCSL HSL RCRA ND AUBURN, WA 980026040 Category Report Date LQG SQG CESQG RCRA ND 12131/1990, 7213112003, 0410412005 Last Report Details: Site Name: Seq Number: Received Date: Transfer Facility: Federal Waste Generator: State Waste Generator: ELECTROFINISHING CO 11 0410412005 N N Map ID 34 0.561 M GRID C7 PI ID # 53017949 LAT 47.29385 LON:-122.22886 I RELEASE + Site Name JACKPOT STATION 308 Databases: SW Address 1602 A STSE CSCSL LUST UST AUBURN, WA 98002 CSCSL LUST UST Confirmed and Suspected Contaminated Sites List Site: JACKPOT STATION 308 7602 A ST SE AUBURN, WA 98002-6620 Facility Site Id: 17223135 County Name: King Responsible Unit: NORTHWEST Ecology Status Code: Awating Site Hazard Assessment (SHA) Affected Id: (/Confirmed ) Confirmed Contaminates Suspected Contaminates Petroleum Products Affected Id: (/Confirmed ) Confirmed Contaminates Suspected Contaminates Petroleum Products EPA Priority Pollutants - Metals and Cyanide Leaking Underground Storage Tanks Site: PETROSUN 1308 7 602 AST SE Auburn, WA 98002 Facility Site ld: 17223135 Alternate Name: TIME OIL 01-308 County: King Unit: NORTHWEST Release ID Release Notification Release Status Release Status Media Affected Date Change Date 4598 0413011993 12/01/1993 Cleanup Started Soil 4598 0413011993 0413011996 Reported Cleaned Soil Up Underground Storage Tanks Report 1286 page 29 Exact Match Details Map ID 34 0.561 M GRID C7 PI ID # 53017949 LAT. 47.29385 LON.-122.22886 RELEASE f SiteName JACKPOT STATION 308 Databases: SW Address 1602 A ST SE CSCSL LUST UST AUBURN, WA 98002 Site: PETROSUN 1308 1602 A ST SE AUBURN, WA 98002 Facility Site id, 17223135 County: King Unit: NORTHWEST Tank ID Tank Name Status Inst. Date Capacity Cmpt-/ID Substance 33725 745 Operational 1977-03-07 5,000 to 1134220 Unleaded 9,999 Gallons Gasoline 33855 746 Operational 1977-03-01 10,000 to 1134351 Unleaded 19,999 Gasoline Gallons 33819 747 Operational 1977-03-01 5,000 to 1134314 Unleaded 9,999 Gallons Gasoline Map 10 35 0.608 M GRID 03 PI ID # 53018737 1 LAT: 47,30559 LON.-122.22579 RELEASE + Site Name SHELL STATION 120849 Databases: NW Address 201 AUBURN WAYS RCRA NO LUST UST AUBURN, WA 980025423 RCRA ND RCRA No Designation Site: SHELL. STATION 720849 201 AUBURN WAY S AUBURN, WA 98002 HANDLER ID: WAD165554692 NAICS DESC: Gasoline Stations with Convenience Stores CONTACT NAME: RAY WALDING TSO ACTIVITY: N Report Submission History Category Report Date LQG SQG CESQG RCRA ND 1 1213112003, 1213112005, 1213 712007, 0310412008 Last Report Details: Site Name: Seq Number: Received Date: Transfer Facility: Federal Waste Generator: State Waste Generator: SHELL STATION 120849 15 0310412008 N N LUST Leaking Underground Storage Tanks Site: JACKSONS 652 201 AUBURN WAYS Auburn, WA 98002 Facility Site Id: 53454594 Alternate Name: TEXACO 63 232 1413 County: King Unit., NORTHWEST Report 7286 page 30 Exact Match Details Map 1D 35 0.608 M GRID D3 PI ID # 53018137 LAT- 47.30569 LON:-122,22579 RELEASE + Site Name SHELL STATION 120849 Databases: NW Address 201 AUBURN WAYS RCRA ND LUST UST AUBURN, WA 980025423 Release ID Release Notification Release Status Release Status Media affected Date Change Date 3573 0612611992 0612611992 Cleanup Started Soil 3573 0612611992 06/01/1995 Reported Cleaned Soil Up UST Underground Storage Tanks Site: JACKSONS 652 201 AUBURN WAYS AUBURN, WA 98002 Facility Site ld: 53454594 County: King Unit: NORTHWEST Tank ID Tank Name status Inst. Date Capacity Cmpt/1D Substance 19008 1 Removed 1964-72-31 1/19289 Leaded Gasoline 19789 2 Removed 1964-12-37 1119472 Unleaded Gasoline 18940 3 Removed 1964-12-31 1179227 Unleaded Gasoline 19127 4 Removed 1964-72-31 171 TO 1179470 Used 1,100 Gallons Of Waste Oil 19069 5 Removed 1954-72-31 1/19350 Heating Fuel 19243 6 Operational 1992-10-01 70,000 to 1179526 Unleaded 19,999 Gasoline Gallons 19006 7 Operational 1992-10-01 10,000 to 7119287 Unleaded 19,999 Gasoline Gallons 19166 8 Operational 1992-10-01 10,000 to 7119449 Unleaded 19,999 Gasoline Gallons 79047 9 Operational 1992-10-01 10,000 to 7119328 Unleaded 19,999 Gasoline Gallons Map 10 GRID 06 P1 ID # 53017757 1 LAT• 47.29805 I LON.-122.23232 RELEASE + 36 0.633 M Slte Name AUBURN CITY M & O BUILDING Databases: W Address 7305 CSTSW LUST UST RCRA CESQG AUBURN, WA 980075910 LUST Leaking Underground Storage Tanks Site: MAINTENANCE AND OPERATIONS FACILITY 1305 C STREET SW Auburn, WA 98007 Facility Site Id. 49185162 Alternate Name: AUBURN CITY MAINTENANCE & OPERATIONS County., King Unit: NORTHWEST Report 1286 page 31 Exact Match Details Map 1D GRID C6 PI ID # 53017757 LAT: 47.29805 LON:-122.23232 I RELEASE + 36 0.633 M Site Name AUBURN CITY & O BUILDING Databases: W Address 1305 CST SW LUST UST RCRA CESQG AUBURN, WA 980075910 Release ID Release Notification Release Status Release Status Media Affected Date Change Date 301289 0412711995 05/19/1995 Cleanup Started Soil 301289 0412711995 09/75/1995 Reported Cleaned Soil Up UST Underground Storage Tanks Site: MAINTENANC£AND OPERATIONS FACILITY 1305 C STREET SW AUBURN, WA 98001 Facility Site Id. 49185162 County: King Unit., NORTHWEST Tank ID Tank Name Status Inst. Date Capacity Cmpt./1D Substance 15867 1 Removed 1964-12-31 7117113 Unleaded Gasoline 76554 2 Removed 7964-12-31 7116798 Unleaded Gasoline 16799 3 Removed 7964-12-31 1117044 16772 4 Removed 7969-06.01 111 TO 1116957 Used 1,100 Gallons Oil/Waste Oil 16843 5 Operational 1988.02-02 10,000 to 1117088 Unleaded 79,999 Gasoline Gallons 16609 6 Operational 1988-02.02 10,000 to 1/16853 Unleaded 79,999 Gasoline Gallons 16733 7 Operational 1988-02-02 10,000 to 1116978 Diesel 19,999 Gallons RCRA CESQG RCRA Conditionally Exempt Small Quantity Generator Site: AUBURN CITY M & O BUILDING 1305 C ST SW AUBURN, WA 98007 HANDLER ID: WAD988498727 NAICS DESC: Other General Government Support CONTACT NAME: SHARON HLAVKA TSD ACTIVITY: N Report Submission History Category Report Date LQG SQG CESQG 1213712003,0412712005 RCRA ND Last Report Details. Site Name. AUBURN CITY M & O BUILDING Sea Number: 12 Received Date- 0412112005 Report 1286 page 32 Exact Match Details Map 1D 36 0.633 M GRID C6 Pl 1D # 53017757 LAT 47.29805 LON:-722.23232 RELEASE + Site Name AUBURN CITY M & O BUILDING Databases: W Address 7305 CST SW LUST UST RCRA CESQG AUBURN, WA 980015910 Transfer Facility: Federal Waste Generator: Conditionally Exempt Small Quantity Generator State Waste Generator: Small Quantity Generator Map ID 37 0.635 M GRID C4 PI ID # 53017965 I LAT 47.30457 LON:-122.22870 1 RELEASE + Site Name AUBURN SHELL Databases: NW Address 305 A ST SE LUST UST AUBURN, WA 98002 LUST UST Leaking Underground Storage Tanks Site: A ST VALERO 305 A ST SE Auburn, WA 98002 Facility Site Id: 83888595 Alternate Name: BP OIL 1 1349 County: King Unit: NORTHWEST Release ID Release Notification Date Release Status Change Date Release Status Media Affected 1776 04/12/1990 0610111995 Cleanup Started Soil 389058 0812611996 0812611996 Cleanup Started Soil 389058 08/26/1996 09/23/1996 Reported Cleaned Up Soil 1776 04/12/1990 0912311996 Reported Cleaned Up Soil Underground Storage Tanks Site: A ST VALERO 305 A ST SE AUBURN, WA 98002 Facility Site Id: 83888595 County: King Unit., NORTHWEST Tank ID Tank Name Status Inst. Date Capacity Cmpt./ID Substance 5028 1 Removed 1964-72-31 7/5126 Leaded Gasoline 4868 2 Removed 7964-12-31 114966 Unleaded Gasoline 4964 3 Removed 7964-72-31 1/5062 Unleaded Gasoline 15442 3R Operational 1990-05-01 10,000 to 1/15673 Unleaded 19,999 Gasoline Gallons 19458 21? Operational 1990-05-07 10,000 to I/19743 Unleaded 19,999 Gasoline Gallons 75018 1R Operational 7990-05-01 10,000 to 1115244 Unleaded 19,999 Gasoline Gallons Report 1286 page 33 Exact Match Details Map ID 38 0.636 M GRID G8 PI ID # 53018672 LAT. 47.29018 LOIV.-122.21236 I RELEASE + Site Name Canham Property Databases: SE Address 1225 2ISTSTSE CSCSL AUBURN, WA 98002 CSCSL Confirmed and Suspected Contaminated Sites List Site. Canham Property 1225 21 ST ST SE AUBURN, WA 98002 Facility Site Id: 7503879 County Name., King Responsible Unit: NORTHWEST Ecology Status Code: Awating Site Hazard Assessment (SHA) Affected Id: (/ Confirmed) Confirmed Contaminates Suspected Contaminates Petroleum Products Affected Id. (/ Confirmed) Confirmed Contaminates Suspected Contaminates Petroleum Products Map ID 39 0.658 M GRID C3 PI ID # 53017966 LAT 47.30533 LON:-122.22825 I RELEASE + Site Name CHEVRON USA A STAUBURN Databases: NW Address 206 A ST RCRA ND LUST UST AUBURN, WA 98002 RCRA ND RCRA No Designation Site. CHEVRON USA A ST AUBURN 206 A STAUBURN, WA 98002 HANDLER ID: WAD981772676 NAICS DESC: Gasoline Stations with Convenience Stores CONTACT NAME: HAL GROVE TSD ACTIVITY: N Report Submission History Category Report bate LQG SQG CESQG RCRA ND 0411211988 Last Report Details: Site Name: Seq Number: Received Date: Transfer Facility: Federal Waste Generator: State Waste Generator: CHEVRON USA A ST AUBURN 1 0411211988 N N LUST Leaking Underground Storage Tanks Site: CHEVRON 92431 206 A STSE Auburn, WA 98002 Facility Site Id: 61289773 Alternate Name: CHEVRON STA77ON # 9-2431 County: King Report 1286 page 34 Exact Match Details Map ID 39 0.658 M GRID C3 AI ID # 53017996 LAT: 47.30533 LON:-122.22825 RELEASE + Site Name CHEVRON USA AST AUBURN Databases: NW Address 206 A ST RCRA ND LUST UST AUBURN, WA 99002 Unit. NORTHWEST Release ID Release Notification Date Release Status Change Date Release Status Media Affected 1670 09106/1989 09/06/1989 Cleanup Started Soil 1670 09106/1989 0910611989 Cleanup Started Ground Water 1670 09106/1989 0610111995 Reported Cleaned Up Soil 7670 09/06/1989 06101/1995 Reported Cleaned Up Ground Water UST Underground Storage Tanks Site: CHEVRON 92431 206 A ST SEAUBURN, WA 98002 Facility Site Id. 61289713 County: King Unit., NORTHWEST Tank ID Tank Name Status Inst. Date Capacity CmpL/1D Substance 40626 1 Removed 1964-12-37 1141199 Unleaded Gasoline 40772 2 Removed 1964-12-31 1141285 Leaded Gasoline 40634 3 Removed 1964-12-31 1141207 Unleaded Gasoline 40738 4 Removed 7964-12-31 1141311 40596 5 Removed 1964-72-31 1141169 Used Olwaste Oil Map 1D 40 0.676 M GRID C3 PI ID # 53017967 LAT.• 47.30542 LON:-122.22868 I RELEASE + Site Name A STREET AUTOMOTIVE Databases: NW Address 225 A STSE RCRA ND LUST UST AUBURN, WA 960025430 RCRA ND RCRA No Designation Site: A STREET AUTOMOTIVE 225 A STSE AUBURN, WA 98002 HANDLER ID: WAD988504270 NAICS DESC: General Automotive Repair CONTACT NAME: ALLAN THOMASON FOUND VIOLATION. N TSD ACTIVITY: N Report Submission History Category Report Date LQG SQG CESQG RCRA ND 1213112003, 0112212004 Report 1286 page 35 Exact Match Details Map ID 40 0.676 M GRID C3 PI ID # 53017967 LAT: 47.30542 LON.-122.22868 I RELEASE + Site Name A STREET AUTOMOTIVE Databases: NW Address 225 A STSE RCRA ND LUST UST AUBURN, WA 980025430 Last Report Details: Site Name: Sea Number: Received Date: Waste Activity Type: Transfer Facility: Federal Waste Generator: State Waste Generator: A STREET AUTOMOTIVE 11 0712212004 USED OIL BURNER N N LUST Leaking Underground Storage Tanks UST Site: A STREETAUTO 225 A' ST Auburn, WA 98001 Facility Site ld: 1 795126 Alternate Name: A STREETAUTO County: King Unit: NORTHWEST Release ID Release Notification Release Status Release Status Media Affected Date Change Date 2677 1110811997 71/08/1997 Cleanup Started Soil 2677 1110811991 05/21/1995 Reported Cleaned Soil Up Underground Storage Tanks Site: A STREETAUTO 225 'A' ST AUBURN, WA 98001 Facility site Id. 1195126 County: King Unit. NORTHWEST Tank ID Tank Name Status Inst. Date Capacity Cmpt./ID Substance 575338 1 Removed 1900-01-01 1/575339 Used OIl/Waste Oil Map ID 41 0.682 M GRID D3 I PI ID # 53018223 LAT.' 47.30758 LON:-122.22369 I RELEASE Site Name HOLIDAY CLEANERS Databases: NW Address 430 E MAIN ST RCRA CESQG CSCSL AUBURN, WA 980025503 RCRA CESQG RCRA Conditionally Exempt Small Quantity Generator Site: HOLIDAY CLEANERS 430 E MAIN STAUBURN, WA 98002 HANDLER ID: WAD045150422 NAICS DESC: Drycleaning and Laundry Services (except Coin -Operated} CONTACT NAME: FRANKLIN Yl TSD ACTIVITY: N Report Submission History Category Report Date LQG SQG CESQG 03/05/1996 Report 1286 page 36 Exact Match Details Map ID 41 0.682 M GRID D3 I PI 10 ## 53018223 LAT. 47.30758 LON:-122-22369 RELEASE + Site Name HOLIDAY CLEANERS Databases: NW Address 430 E MAIN ST RCRA CESQG CSCSL AUBURN, WA 980025503 RCRA ND Last Report Details: Site Name: HOLIDAY CLEANERS Seq Number: 1 Received Date: 0310511996 Transfer Facility. Federal Waste Generator: Conditionally Exempt Small Quantity Generator State Waste Generator: Small Quantity Generator CSCSL Confirmed and Suspected Contaminated Sites List Site: Holiday Cleaners 430 E MAIN STAUBURN, WA 98002 Facility Site ld: 52875678 County Name: King Responsible Unit: NORTHWEST Ecology Status Code: Remedial Action in progress Program Plan Code., VCP Affected Id: (/Suspected ) Confirmed Contaminates Suspected Contaminates Halogenated Organic Compounds Affected id: (/Suspected ) Confirmed Contaminates Suspected Contaminates Halogenated Organic Compounds Map ID GRID F2 P1 ID ## 53018578 LAT: 47.30793 LON:-122.21505 RELEASE + 42 0.690 M Site Name AUBURN CITY IMPORTS Databases: N Address 1 148 E MAIN ST LUST UST RCRA ND AUBURN, WA 980025714 LUST Leaking Underground Storage Tanks Site: AUBURN CITY IMPORTS LTD 1148 E MAIN ST Auburn, WA 98002 Facility Site Id: 79777843 Alternate Name: AUBURN CITY IMPORT County. King Unit: NORTHWEST Release ID Release Notification Release Status Release Status Media Affected Date Change Date 387083 0912011996 09/20/1996 Cleanup Started Soil 387083 09/20/1996 1011512001 Reported Cleaned Soil Up UST Underground Storage Tanks Site: AUBURN CITY IMPORTS LTD 1148 E MAIN ST AUBURN, WA 98002 Facility Site Id: 19777843 County: King Unit: NORTHWEST Report 1286 page 37 Exact Klatch Details Map ID 42 0.690 M GRID F2 I PI ID # 53018578 LAT, 47.30793 LON:-122.21505 RELEASE + Site Name AUBURN C17Y IMPORTS Databases: N Address 7148 E MAIN ST LUST UST RCRA NO AUBURN, WA 980025774 Tank ID Tank Name Status Inst. Date Capacity Cmpt/1D Substance 865 1 Removed 7965-01-07 1/882 Used Oil/Waste Oil RCRA ND RCRA No Designation Site: AUBURN CITY IMPORTS 1 148 E MAIN STAUBURN, WA 99002 HANDLER ID: WAD988492633 NAILS DESC: Used Car Dealers CONTACT NAME: CHUCK BURR TSD ACTIVITY., N Report Submission History Category Report Date LQG SQG CESQG RCRA ND 1213112003, 1213112005, 1213 712007, 0110912008 Last Report Details: Site Name: Seq Number; Received Date: Transfer Facility: Federal Waste Generator State Waste Generator: AUBURN CITY IMPORTS 14 0710912008 N N Map ID GRID F2 PI lD # 53078S92 LAT; 47.30795 LON: •722.21458 RELEASE 43 0.697 M Site Name ARCO 6120 Databases: N Address 7204 E MAIN ST CSCSL NFA UST RCRA CESQG AUBURN, WA 980025760 CSCSL NFA Confirmed and Suspected Contaminated Sites List No Further Action Site: ARCO 6720 7204 EMAIN STAUBURN, WA 98002 Facility Site ID: 6214861 County Name; King COUNTY No Further Action Code: NFA after assessment, TRAP, or VCP No Further Action Date; 0317011998 UST Underground Storage Tanks Site: EAST MAIN GAS MART 1204 E MAIN ST AUBURN, WA 98002 Facility Site Id. 6214867 County: King Unit: NORTHWEST Report 7286 page 38 Exact Match Details Map ID GRID FZ I PI ID # 53018592 1 LAT.- 47.30795 LON:-122,21455 1 RELEASE + 43 0,697 M Site Name ARCO 6120 Databases: N Address 1204 E MAIN ST CSCSL NFA UST RCRA CE'SQG AUBURN, WA 990025750 Tank 1D Tank Name Status Inst. Date Capacity Cmpt.1ID Substance 9829 1 Removed 1964.72-31 1/9988 Unleaded Gasoline 9732 2 Removed 1964-12-31 119889 Leaded Gasoline 9798 3 Removed 7964.72-31 119957 Leaded Gasoline 9758 4 Removed 1954-12-31 119976 Unleaded Gasoline 9857 5 Removed 1964-12-31 111 TO 1110016 Used 1, 700 Gallons Oil/Waste Oil 13547 DIESEL. Operational 1990-12-07 10,000 to 1113754 Diesel 19,999 Gallons 2738 SUPER 4 Operational 7990-12-01 10,000 to 112787 Unleaded 19,999 Gasoline Gallons 22384 UNLEAD 2 Operational 1990-12-01 10,000 to 1122703 Unleaded 19,999 Gasoline Gallons 22107 UNLEAD 3 Operational 1990-12-01 10,000 to 1122423 Unleaded 19,999 Gasoline Gallons 30009 USED -OIL Removed 1990-12-07 111 TO 7130431 Used 1,100 Gallons Oil/Waste air RCRA CESQG RCRA Conditionally Exempt Small Quantity Generator Site: ARCO 6720 7204 E MAIN ST AUBURN, WA98002 HANDLER ID: WAD988483962 NAILS DESC Gasoline Stations with Convenience Stores CONTACT NAME BRIAN FREDERICK TSD ACTIVITY! N Report Submission History Category Report Date LQG SQG CESQG 0412312002 RCRA NO Last Report Details: Site Name: Seq Number: Received Date: Transfer Facility Federal Waste Generator State Waste Generator: ARCO 6720 9 0412312002 Conditionally Exempt Small Quantity Generator Small Quantity Generator Report 1286 page 39 Exact Match Details Map ID 44 0.863 M GRID B6 Pl ID # 53017565 I LAT., 47.29579 LON: 122.23686 RELEASE f Site Name FABRICATION DIVISION AUBURN SITE Databases: W Address 700 15TH ST SW CSCSL CSCSL HSL LUST AUBURN, WA 980016558 UST RCRA TED CERCLIS NFRAP RCRA LQG TR15 RCRA CORRACTS CSCSL Confirmed and Suspected Contaminated Sites List Site: BOEING FABRICATION DIV 700 15TH ST SW AUBURN, WA 98001-6533 Facility Site Id: 2018 County Name: King Responsible Unit: NORTHWEST Ecology Status Code. Ranked, Awaiting Remedial Action (RA) Program Plan Code: Independent WARM Bin Number: 3 Affected Id. (/Confirmed) Confirmed Contaminates Suspected Contaminates Halogenated Organic Compounds EPA Priority Pollutants - Metals and Cyanide Polychlorinated biPhenyles (PCBs) Petroleum Products Conventional Contaminants - Inorganic Affected Id: (/Confirmed) Confirmed Contaminates Suspected Contaminates Halogenated Organic Compounds EPA Priority Pollutants - Metals and Cyanide Metals - Other Polychlarinated biPhenyles (PCBs) Petroleum Products Conventional Contaminants - Inorganic CSCSL HSL Confirmed and Suspected Contaminated Sites List Hazardous Site List Site: BOEING FABRICATION DIV 700 1 STH ST SW AUBURN, WA 98001-6533 Facility Site Id: 2018 County Name: King Responsible Unit: NORTHWEST Ecology Status Code: Ranked, Awaiting Remedial Action (RA) Program Plan Code: Independent WARM Bin Number: 3 Halogenated Organic Compounds: C EPA Priority Pollutants - Metals and Cyanide: S Polychlorinated biPhenyles (PCBs): C Petroleum Products: S Conventional Contaminants - Inorganic: C Halogenated Organic Compounds: C EPA Priority Pollutants - Metals and Cyanide: C Metals - Other: C Polychlormated biPhenyles (PCBs): C Petroleum Products: C Conventional Contaminants - Inorganic- C LUST Leaking Underground Storage Tanks Site: FABRICATION DIVISION 700 1 STH ST SW Auburn, WA 98001 Facility Site Id: 2018 Alternate Name: BOEING AUBURN FABRICATION County: King Unit: NORTHWEST Report 7 286 page 40 Exact Match Details Map ID 44 0.863 M GRID B6 PI ID # 53017565 LAT- 47.29579 LON: -12Z.23566 RELEASE f Site Name FABRICATION DIVISION AUBURN SITE Databases: W Address 700 75TH STSW CSCSL CSCSL HSL LUST AUBURN, WA 980016558 UST RCRA TSD CERCLIS NFRAP RCRA LQG TRIS RCRA CORRACTS Release ID Release Notification Release Status Release Status Media Affected Date Change Date 2556 0717617990 0210911999 Cleanup Started Soil 2556 07/16/1990 0610512000 Reported Cleaned Soil Up UST Underground Storage Tanks Site: FABRICATION DIVISION 700 15TH ST SW AUBURN, WA 98001 Facility Site Id: 207 8 County: King Unit: NORTHWEST Report 7 286 page 4 7 Exact Match Details Map ID 44 0.863 M GRID B6 PI ID # 53017565 LAT. 47.29579 LON: • 122.23686 RELEASE + SiteName FABRICATION DIVISION AUBURN SITE Databases: W Address 700 157714 ST SW CSCSL CSCSL HSL LUST AUBURN, WA 980016558 UST RCRA TSD CERCLIS NFRAP RCRA LQG TRIS RCRA CORRACTS Tank ID Tank Name Status Inst. Date Capacity Cmpt./1D Substance 20943 1 Removed 7964-12-31 20,000 to 1121249 Diesel 29,999 Gallons 11712 12 Removed 1964-12-31 111 TO 1117900 Diesel 1,100 Gallons 17928 17 Removed 7964-12-31 5,000 to 1112116 Hazardous 9,999 Gallons Substance 17858 18 Removed 1964-12-31 5,000 to 1172046 Hazardous 9,999 Gallons Substance 20751 2 Removed 1964-12-31 10,000 to 1121056 Leaded 79,999 Gasoline Gallons 40727 21 Exempt 1964-12-31 111 TO 1141300 1,100 Gallons 40655 22 Removed 1964-12-31 111 TO 1141228 Used 1,100 Gallons OilJWaste Oil 40717 29 Removed 1964-12-31 1141290 Heating Fuel 20881 3 Removed 1964-12-31 2,001 to 1121786 Diesel 4,999 Gallons 43740 30 Removed 1964-12-31 111 TO 1144356 Other 1,100 Gallons Petroleum Substance 43781 33 Exempt 1964-12-31 111 TO 7144398 Other 1,100 Gallons Petroleum Substance 43777 34 Exempt 7964-12-31 111 TO 1144393 Other 1,100 Gallons Petroleum Substance 43836 35 Exempt 1964-12-31 111 TO 1144453 Other 1,100 Gallons Petroleum Substance 20780 4 Closed in 7964-12-31 5,000 to 1121085 Other Place 9,999 Gallons Petroleum Substance 20589 6 Removed 1964-12-31 2,001 to 1120994 Diesel 4,999 Gallons 20837 8 Removed 1964-12-31 2,001 to 1121136 Diesel 4,999 Gallons 40744 27 Operational 1986-06-01 111 TO 1141317 Diesel 1,100 Gallons 40610 28 Removed 1986-06-01 117 TO 1147183 Diesel 7,100 Gallons 43846 31 Operational 1990-07-15 10,000 to 1144463 Diesel 19,999 Gallons Report 1286 page 42 Exact Match Details Map ID GRID B6 P11D # 53017565 LAT.- 47.29579 44 0.863 M Site Name FABRICATION DIVISION AUBURN SITE W Address 700 15TH ST SW AUBURN, WA 980076558 LON:-122,23686 1 RELEASE CSCSL CSCSL HSL LUST UST RCRA TSD CERCLIS NFRAP RCRA LQG TRIS RCRA CORRACTS f 43770 32 Operational 7990-07-15 10,000 to 1144326 Unleaded 19,999 Gasoline Gallons 43705 36 Operational 7992-09-74 5,000 to 1144321 Hazardous 9,999 Gallons Substance RCRA TSD RCRA Non Corracts TSD Site: BOEING COMPANY AUBURN 700 15TH ST SW AUBURN, WA 98007 HANDLER ID: WAD047337730 NAILS DESC: Other Aircraft Parts and Auxiliary Equipment Manufacturing CONTACT NAME PETER WEICKMANN FOUND VIOLATION: Y TSD ACTIVITY: Y Report Submission History Category Report Date LQG 0310712002, 1213712003, 1213112005, 7213112007, 02/28/2008 SQG CESQG RCRA ND 11213117990, 0910111993, 04101/1994, 0310111,996, 10/19/1998, 0410312000 Last Report Details: Site Name: Seq Number: Received Date: Waste Activity Type: Transfer Facility: Federal Waste Generator: State Waste Generator: BOEING COMPANY AUBURN 15 0212812008 TSD ACTIVITY Large Quantity Generator Large Quantity Generator CERCLIS CERCLIS No Further Remedial Action Planned NFRAP Site: BOEING COMPA NY A UB URN 700 15TH STREET SW AUBURN, WA 98002 County: KING Region: 10 EPA ID: WAD041337130 FIPS Code: 53033 Congressional District: 0 OU ID: 00 Action Code: DS Action Name: DISCVRY Action Cade ID: 007 Action Lead Type: EPA Fund Action Completion bate: 1979-07-02T00:00:00 Action_ Template_ Order: 10 Non_NPL`Status: NFRAP-Site does not qualify for the NPL based on e OU ID: 00 Action Code: PA Report 1286 page 43 Exact Match Details Map 1D 44 0,863 M GRID 86 PI ID * 53017563 T. LA- 47,29579 LON:-122.23686 RELEASE + Site Name FABRICATION DIVISION AUBURN SITE Databases: W Address 700 15TH ST SW CSCSL CSCSL HSL LUST AUBURN, WA 980016558 UST RCRA TSD CERCLIS NFRA P RCRA LQG TR15 RCRA CORRACTS Action Name: PA Action Code ID: 001 Action Lead Type: State (Fund) Action Start Date: 1984-09.24T00:00:00 Action Completion Date: 1984-09-25T00:00:00 Action_ Template_ Order: 730 Non-NPL-Status: NFRAP-Site does not qualify for the NPL based on e OU 1D: 00 Action Code: PA Action Name: PA Action Code 10: 002 Action Lead Type: EPA Fund Action Start Date: 1988-07-12T00:00:00 Action Completion Date: 1988-07-12T00:00:00 Action_ Template_ Order: 130 Non-NPL-Status: NFRAP-Site does not qualify for the NPL based on e OU ID: 00 Action Code: VS Action Name: ARCH SITE Action Code 1D: 007 Action Lead Type: EPA In -House Action Completion Date: 1988-07-12T00:00:00 Action_ Template_ Order- 1500 Non-NPL-Status: NFRAP-Sire does not qualify for the NPL based on e RCRA LQG RCRA Large Quantity Generator Site: BOEING COMPANY AUBURN 700 15TH ST SW AUBURN, WA 98001 HANDLER ID: WAD041337130 NA1CS DESC: Other Aircraft Parts and Auxiliary Equipment Manufacturing CONTACT NAME: PETER WEICKMANN FOUND VIOLATION: Y TSD ACTIVITY- Y Report Submission History Category Report Date LQG 0310712002, 1213112003, 7213112005, 7213112007, 0212812008 SQG CESQG RCRA ND 1213711990, 0910111993, 0410111994, 0310111996, 7017911998, 0410312000 Last Report Details: Site Name: Seq Number: Received Date: Waste Activity Type: Transfer Facility. Federal Waste Generator State Waste Generator: BOEING COMPANY AUBURN 15 0212812008 TSD ACTIVITY Large Quantity Generator Large Quantity Generator TR1S Toxic Chemical Release Inventory Report 1286 page 44 Exact Match Details Map ID 44 0.863 M GRID B6 PI ID # 53017565 LAT: 47.29579 LON:-122.23686 I RELEASE + Site Name FABRICATION DIVISION AUBURN SITE Databases: W Address 700 7 5TH ST SW CSCSL CSCSL HSL LUST AUBURN, WA 980016S58 UST RCRA TSD CERCLIS NFRAP RCRA LQG TRIS RCRA CORRACTS Site: BOEING COMMERCIAL AIRPLANES - AUBURN 700 15TH ST SW AUBURN; WA 98002 Facility Site Id: 980028NGCM700 7 5 Form Type: R Name: BOEING COMMERCIAL AIRPLANES - AUBURN Street: 700 1 STH ST SW City: AUBURN County., KING State: WA ZIP Code: 98002 Parent Company: THE BOEING CO Reporting Years: 2007, 2005, 2005, 2004 Report 1286 page 45 Exact Match Details MaP ID 44 0.863 M GRID 86 PI ID # 53017565 LAT.47.29579 LON.-I22.23686 RELEASE + Site Name FABRICATION DIVISION AUBURN SITE Databases: w Address 700 157-H ST SW CSCSL CSCSL HSL LUST AUBURN, WA 960016558 UST RCRA TSD CERCLIS NFRAP RCRA LQG TRIS RCRA CORRACTS Maximum Amount Onsite Reporting Year CAS Number Chemical Name Classification Amount (Unit of Measure) 2007 000708883 TOLUENE TRI 3(Pounds) 2007 0074400.20 NICKEL TRI 3 ( Pounds ) 2007 007440508 COPPER TRI 4(Pounds) 2007 007664393 HYDROGEN TRI 3 (Pounds) FLUORIDE 2007 007697372 NITRIC ACID TRI 4 ( Pounds ) 2007 N090 CHROMIUM TRI 4 (Pounds) COMPOUNDS(EXCEP T CHROMIT£ ORE MINED IN THE TRANSVAAL REGION) 2007 N511 NITRATE TRI 4 ( Pounds ) COMPOUNDS 2006 N090 CHROMIUM TRI 4 ( Pounds ) COMPOUNDS(EXCEP T CHROMITE ORE MINED IN THE TRANSVAAL REGION) 2006 007664393 HYDROGEN TRI 3 ( Pounds ) FLUORIDE 2006 007440020 NICKEL TRI 3(Pounds) 2006 007697372 NITRIC ACID TRI 4 ( Pounds ) 2006 N511 NITRATE TRI 4 ( Pounds ) COMPOUNDS 2006 007440508 COPPER TRI 4 ( Pounds ) 2006 000108883 TOLUENE TRI 3(Pounds) 2005 007440508 COPPER TRI 4 ( Pounds ) 2005 N511 NITRATE TRI 4 ( Pounds ) COMPOUNDS 2005 007440020 NICKEL TRI 3 ( Pounds ) 2005 007664393 HYDROGEN TRI 3(Pounds) FLUORIDE 2005 007439921 LEAD PET I(Pounds) 2005 007697372 NITRIC ACID TRI 4 ( Pounds ) 2005 N090 CHROMIUM TRI 4 (Pounds) COMPOUNDS(EXCEP T CHROMITE ORE MINED IN THE Report 1286 page 46 Exact Match Details Map ID 44 0.863 M GRID 86 1 PI ID* 53017555 LAT: 47.29579 LON:-122.23686 IRELEASE 4- Site Name FABRICATION DIVISION AUBURN SITE Databases: W Address 700 1 STH ST SW CSCSL CSCSL HSL LUST AUBURN, WA 980016558 UST RCRA TSD CERCLIS NFRAP RCRA LQG TRIS RCRA CORRACTS TRANSVAAL REGION) 2005 000108883 TOLUENE TRI 3 (Pounds) 2005 108883 TOLUENE TRI 3(Pounds) 2005 7439921 LEAD PBT I(Pounds) 2005 7440020 NICKEL TRI 3 ( Pounds ) 2005 7440508 COPPER TRI 4 ( Pounds ) 2005 7664393 HYDROGEN TRI 3 ( Pounds ) FLUORIDE 2005 7697372 NITRICACID TRI 4(Pounds) 2005 N090 CHROMIUM TRI 4 ( Pounds ) COMPOUNDS(EXCEP T CHROMITE ORE MINED IN THE TRANSVAAL REGION) 2005 N511 NITRATE TRI 4 ( Pounds ) COMPOUNDS 2004 108883 TOLUENE TRI 3(Pounds) 2004 7697372 NITRIC ACID TRI 4 ( Pounds ) 2004 N517 NITRATE TRI 4 ( Pounds ) COMPOUNDS 2004 7440020 NICKEL TRI 3(Pounds) 2004 7439921 LEAD PBT I(Pounds) 2004 7664393 HYDROGEN TRI 3 ( Pounds ) FLUORIDE 2004 7440508 COPPER TRI 4(Pounds) 2004 N090 CHROMIUM TRI 4 ( Pounds ) COMPOUNDS(EXCEP T CHROMITE ORE MINED IN THE TRANSVAAL REGION) Total Air Emissions Reporting Year CAS Number Chemical Name Classification Amount (Unit of Measure) 2007 000108883 TOLUENE TRI 8900 (Pounds) 2007 N090 CHROMIUM TRI 18 ( Pounds ) COMPOUNDS(EXCEP T CHROMITE ORE MINED IN THE TRANSVAAL REGION) Report 1286 page 47 Exact Match Details Map ID 44 0.863 M GRID 86 1 PI ID # 53017565 LAT. 47.29579 LON: -122.23586 RELEASE + Site Name FABRICATION DIVISION AUBURN SITE Databases: w Address 700 15T14 ST SW CSCSL CSCSL HSL LUST AUBURN, WA 980016558 UST RCRA TSD CERCLIS NFRA P RCRA LQG TRIS RCRA CORRACTS 2006 N090 CHROMIUM TRI 43 ( Pounds ) COMPOUNDS(EXCEP T CHROMITE ORE MINED IN THE TRANSVAAL REGION) 2006 007697372 NITRICACID TRI 248 ( Pounds ) 2006 000108883 TOLUENE TRI 17900(Pounds) 2005 N090 CHROMIUM TRI 244 ( Pounds ) COMPOUNDS(EXCEP T CHROMITE ORE MINED IN THE TRANSVAAL REGION) 2005 000108883 TOLUENE TRI 4100(Pounds) 2005 108883 TOLUENE TRI 4100(Pounds) 2005 N090 CHROMIUM TRI 244 ( Pounds) COMPOUNDS(EXCEP T CHROMITE ORE MINED IN THE TRANSVAAL REGION) 2004 708883 TOLUENE TRI 7800(Pounds) 2004 N090 CHROMIUM TRI 26 ( Pounds ) COMPOUNDS(EXCEP T CHROMITE ORE MINED IN THE TRANSVAAL REGION) Total Transferred Mite to Disposal Reporting Year CAS Number Chemical Name Classification Amount (Unit of Measure) 2007 000108883 TOLUENE TRI 4970(Pounds) 2007 007440020 NICKEL TRI 1162(Pounds) 2007 007440508 COPPER TRI 2934 (Pounds) 2007 007664393 HYDROGEN TRI 2909 (Pounds) FLUORIDE 2007 007697372 NITRIC ACID TRI 256000 ( Pounds ) 2007 N090 CHROMIUM TRI 87874 ( Pounds ) COMPOUNDS(EXCEP T CHROMITE ORE MINED IN THE TRANSVAAL REGION) 2006 N090 CHROMIUM TRI 37205 ( Pounds ) COMPOUNDS(EXCEP T CHROMITE ORE Report 1286 page 48 Exact Match Details Map ID 44 0.863 M GRID BS PI ID # 53017565 LAT• 47.29579 LON:-122.23586 RELEASE + Slte Name FABRICATION DIVISION AUBURN SITE Databases: w Address 700 15TH STSW CSCSL CSCSL HSL LUST AUBURN, WA 980016558 UST RCRA TSD CERCLIS NFRAP RCRA LQG TRIS RCRA CORRACTS MINED IN THE TRANSVAAL REGION} 2005 007664393 HYDROGEN TRI 7360 ( Pounds ) FLUORIDE 2006 007440020 NICKEL TRI 749(Pounds) 2006 007697372 NITRICACID TRI 62709 ( Pounds ) 2006 007440508 COPPER TRI 2573 ( Pounds ) 2006 000108883 TOLUENE TRI 225(Pounds) 2005 007440508 COPPER TRI 7941 ( Pounds ) 2005 007440020 NICKEL TRI 781 ( Pounds ) 2005 007664393 HYDROGEN TRI 63(Pounds) FLUORIDE 2005 007439921 LEAD PBT 182 ( Pounds ) 2005 007697372 NITRIC ACID TRI 310 ( Pounds ) 2005 N090 CHROMIUM TRI 41757 ( Pounds ) COMPOUNDS(EXCEP T CHROMITE ORE MINED IN THE TRANSVAAL REGION) 2005 000108883 TOLUENE TRI 90 ( Pounds ) 2005 108883 TOLUENE TRI 90(Pounds) 2005 7439927 LEAD PBT 782 ( Pounds ) 2005 7440020 NICKEL TRI 781 ( Pounds ) 2005 7440508 COPPER TRI 194 7 ( Pounds } 2005 7664393 HYDROGEN TRI 63 ( Pounds ) FLUORIDE 2005 7597372 NITRIC ACID TRI 310 ( Pounds ) 2005 N090 CHROMIUM TRI 41757 ( Pounds ) COMPOUNDS(EKCEP T C14ROMITE ORE MINED 1N THE TRANSVAAL REGION) 2004 108883 TOLUENE TRI 452(Pounds) 2004 7697372 NITRIC ACID TRI 28000 ( Pounds ) 2004 7440020 NICKEL TRI 1172 (Pounds) 2004 7439921 LEAD PBT 151 ( Pounds ) 2004 7440508 COPPER TRI 2770(Pounds ) 2004 N090 CHROMIUM TRI 22039 (Pounds) COMPOUNDS(EXCEP T CHROMITE ORE MINED IN THE Report 7 286 page 49 Exact Match Details Map ID 44 0.863 M GRID 86 PI ID # S3017555 LAT: 47.29579 LON: -122.23686 RELEASE Site Name FABRICATION DIVISION AUBURN SITE Databases: W Address 700 1 STH ST SW CSCSL CSCSL HSL LUST AUBURN, WA 980016558 UST RCRA TSD CERCLIS NFRAP RCRA LQG TRIS RCRA CORRACTS TRANSVAAL REGION} Total Transferred Offsite for Further Waste Manaaemant Reporting Year CAS Number Chemical Name Classification Amount (Unit of Measure) 2007 000108883 TOLUENE TRI 5970 ( Pounds ) 2007 007440020 NICKEL TRI 11010(Pounds) 2007 007440508 COPPER TRI 299901(Pounds) 2007 007664393 HYDROGEN TRI 17000 (Pounds) FLUORIDE 2007 N090 CHROMIUM TRI 29430 ( Pounds ) COMPOUNDS(EKCEP T CHROMITE ORE MINED IN THE TRANSVAAL REGION) 2007 N511 NITRATE TRI 86000 (Pounds) COMPOUNDS 2006 N090 CHROMIUM TRI 4500 ( Pounds ) COMPOUNDS(EXCEP T CHROMITE ORE MINED IN THE TRANSVAAL REGION) 2006 007664393 HYDROGEN TRI 8900 ( Pounds ) FLUORIDE 2006 007440020 NICKEL TRI 12569(Pounds) 2005 007697372 NITRIC ACID TRI 261330 ( Pounds ) 2006 N511 NITRATE TRI 340000 ( Pounds ) COMPOUNDS 2006 007440508 COPPER TRI 286080(Pounds) 2006 000108883 TOLUENE TRI 4271(Pounds) 2005 007440508 COPPER TRI 256827(Pounds) 2005 N511 NITRATE TRI 94000 ( Pounds ) COMPOUNDS 2005 007440020 NICKEL TRI 10419(Pounds) 2005 007664393 HYDROGEN TRI 253 ( Pounds ) FLUORIDE 2005 007697372 NITRIC ACID TRI 490 ( Pounds ) 2005 N090 CHROMIUM TRI 23300 ( Pounds ) COMPOUNDS(E)(CEP T CHROMITE ORE MINED IN THE TRANSVAAL REGION) Report 7 286 page 50 Exact Match Details Map ID 44 0.863 M GRID B6 PI ID # 53017565 LAT: 47,29579 LON: -122,23686 RELEASE + Site Name FABRICATION DIVISION AUBURN SITE Databases: W Address 700 75TH 5TSW CSCSL CSCSL HSL LUST AUBURN, WA 980016558 UST RCRA TSD CERCLIS NFRAP RCRA LQG TRIS RCRA CORRACTS 2005 000708883 TOLUENE TRI 5836(Pounds ) 2005 108883 TOLUENE TRI 5836(Pounds) 2005 7440020 NICKEL TRI 10419(Pounds) 2005 7440508 COPPER TRI 256827(Pounds) 2005 7664393 HYDROGEN TRI 253 ( Pounds ) FLUORIDE 2005 7697372 NITRIC ACID TRI 490 ( Pounds ) 2005 N090 CHROMIUM TRI 23300 ( Pounds ) COMPOUNDS(EXCEP T CHROMITE ORE MINED IN THE TRANSVAAL REGION) 2005 N511 NITRATE TRI 94000 ( Pounds ) COMPOUNDS 2004 108883 TOLUENE TRI 3604(Pounds) 2004 7697372 NITRIC ACID TRI 120 ( Pounds ) 2004 NS11 NITRATE TRI 240000 ( Pounds ) COMPOUNDS 2004 7440020 NICKEL TRI 72439(Pounds) 2004 7664393 HYDROGEN TRI 3 ( Pounds ) FLUORIDE 2004 7440508 COPPER TRI 225403(Pounds) 2004 N090 CHROMIUM TRI 27303 ( Pounds ) COMPOUNDS(EXCEP T CHROMITE ORE MINED IN THE TRANSVAAL REGION) RCRA RCRA Corrective Action Report CORRACTS Site: BOEINC COMPANY AUBURN 700 15TH ST SW AUBURN, WA 98001 HANDLER ID: WAD041337130 NAICS DESC: Other Aircraft Parts and Auxiliary Equipment Manufacturing CONTACT NAME; PETER WEICKMANN FOUND VIOLATION: Y TSD ACTIVITY: Y Report Submission History Category Report Date LQG 0310712002, 1213112003, 1213112005, 1213112007, 0212812008 SQG CESQG RCRA ND 12/31/1990.0910111993, 04101/1994,0310111996,1011911998,0410312000 Report 1286 page 57 Exact Match Details Map ID 44 0.863 M GRID B6 I PI ID # 53077555 LAT.- 47.29579 LON:-122.23686 I RELEASE + Site Name FABRICATION DIVISION AUBURN SITE Databases: W Address 700 15TH ST SW CSCSL CSCSL HSL LUST AUBURN, WA 980075558 UST RCRA TSD CERCLIS NFRAP RCRA LQG TRIS RCRA CORRACTS Last Report Details: Site Name: Seq Number: Received Date: Waste Activity Type. Transfer Facility: Federal Waste Generator State Waste Generator- BOEING COMPANY AUBURN 15 0212812008 TSD ACTIVITY Large Quantity Generator Large Quantity Generator Map 1D 4S 1.013 M GRTD C2 PI TD # 53017801 LAT 47.31027 LON: 122.23T26 RELEASE + Site Name GROW GROUP INC CONSUMER PROD D Databases: NW Address 1 1 1 3RD ST NW CERCLIS RCRA ND RCRA AUBURN, WA 980014024 NFRAP CORRACTS UST CERCLIS CERCLIS No Further Remedial Action Planned NFRAP Site: GROW GROUP INC 1 1 1 3RD ST NW AUBURN, WA 98001 County: KING Region: 10 EPA ID: WAD05731 1334 FIPS Code: 53033 OU ID: 00 Action Code: DS Action Name: DISCVRY Action Code ID: 001 Action Lead Type: EPA In -House Action Completion Date: 1991-10-01 T00:00.00 Action_ Template_ Order: 10 Non-NPL-Status: NFRAP-Site does not qualify for the NPL based on e OU ID. 00 Action Code: PA Action Name: PA Action Code ID: 001 Action Lead Type: EPA Fund Action Start Date: 1992 02-06T00:00:00 Action Completion Date: 1992-04-02T00:00:00 Action_ Template_ Order: 130 Non-NPL-Status: NFRAP-Site does not qualify for the NPL based on e OU ID: 00 Action Code: VS Action Name: ARCH SITE Action Code ID: 001 Action Lead Type: EPA In -House Action Completion Dare: 1992-04-02T00:00:00 Action_ Template_ Order: 1500 Non-NPL-Status: NFRAP-Site does not qualify for the NPL based on e RCRA ND RCRA No Designation Site: GROW GROUP INC CONSUMER PROD D 1 T 1 3RD ST NW AUBURN, WA 98001 Report 1286 page 52 Exact Match Details Map ID 45 1.013 M GRID C2 PI ID # 53017801 1 LAT.• 4 7.3102 7 1 LON:-122.23126 RELEASE + Site Name GROW GROUP INC CONSUMER PROD D Databases: NW Address Ill 3RD ST NW CERCLIS RCRA ND RCRA AUBURN, WA 980014024 NFRAP CORRACTS UST HANDLER ID: WAD057311334 NAICS DESC: Plastics Material and Resin Manufacturing CONTACT NAME: DONALD GREEN FOUND VIOLATION: N TSD ACTIVITY: N Report Submission History Category Report Date LQG SQG CESQG RCRA ND 10/30/7986 Last Report Details: Site Name: Seq Number: Received Date: Transfer Facility: Federal Waste Generator: State Waste Generator: GROW GROUP INC CONSUMER PROD D 1 1013011986 N N RCRA RCRA Corrective Action Report CORRACTS Site: GROW GROUP INC CONSUMER PROD D 111 3RD ST NW AUBURN, WA 98001 HANDLER ID: WADOS731 7 334 NAICS DESC: Plastics Material and Resin Manufacturing CONTACT NAME: DONALD GREEN FOUND VIOLATION: N TSD ACTIVITY: N Report Submission History Category Report Date LQG SQG CESQG RCRA ND 1013017986 Last Report Details: Site Name: GROW GROUP INC CONSUMER PROD D Seq Number: I Received Date1013011986 Transfer Facility: Federal Waste Generator: N State Waste Generator: N UST Underground Storage Tanks Site: GROW GROUP INC 11 13RD ST NW AUBURN, WA 98001 Facility Site Id: 39459351 County: King Report 7 286 page 53 Exact Match Details Map ID 45 1,013 M GRID C2 I PI ID # 53017801 LAT.- 47.31027 LON:-122.2312b I RELEASE + Site Name GROW GROUP INC CONSUMER PROD D Databases: NW Address 1 1 1 3RD ST NW CERCLIS RCRA ND RCRA AUBURN, WA 980014024 NFRAP CORRACTS UST Unit. NORTHWEST Tank ID Tank Name Status Inst. Date Capacity Cmpt./ID Substance 28883 1 Removed 1964-12-37 1129286 Hazardous Substance Map ID GRID C10 PI ID # 53017945 LAT.• 47.28269 LON:-122.22895 1 RELEASE 46 Databases: 1.177 M Site Name AUBURN SALVAGE & RECYCLING SW Address 2905 A ST SE CSCSL CSCSL HSL AUBURN, WA 99002 CSCSL Confirmed and Suspected Contaminated Sites List Site: AUBURN SALVAGE & RECYCLING 2905 A ST SE AUBURN, WA 98002-8816 Facility Site Id: 2326 County Name: King Responsible Unit: NORTHWEST Ecology Status Code: Ranked, Awaiting Remedial Action (RA) Program Plan Code: Independent WARM Bin Number: I Affected Id: (/ Confirmed ) Confirmed Contaminates Suspected Contaminates EPA Priority Pollutants - Metals and Cyanide Polychlorinated blPhenyles (PCBs) Pesticides Petroleum Products Affected Id. (/Suspected) Confirmed Contaminates Suspected Contaminates EPA Priority Pollutants - Metals and Cyanide Petroleum Products Affected Id: (/ Suspected ) Confirmed Contaminates Suspected Contaminates EPA Priority Pollutants - Metals and Cyanide Polychlorinated biPhenytes (PCBs) Pesticides Petroleum Products Affected Id: (/ Suspected ) Confirmed Contaminates Suspected Contaminates EPA Priority Pollutants - Metals and Cyanide Petroleum Products CSCSL HSL Confirmed and Suspected Contaminated Sites List Hazardous Site List Site: AUBURN SALVAGE & RECYCLING 2905 A STSE AUBURN, WA 98002-8816 Facility Site Id: 2326 County Name: King Report 1286 page 54 Exact Match Details Map ID 46 I.777 M GRID C10 PI ID #53017945 1 LAT. 4 7,282 69 LON:-122.22895 1 RELEASE + Site Name AUBURN SALVAGE & RECYCLING Databases: SW Address 2905 A ST SE CSCSL CSCSL HSL AUBURN, WA 98002 Responsible Unit: NORTHWEST Ecology Status Code: Ranked, Awaiting Remedial Action (RA) Program Plan Code: Independent WARM Bin Number: I EPA Priority Pollutants - Metals and Cyanide: C Polychlorinated biPhenyles (PCBs): C Pesticides.. C Petroleum Products: C EPA Priority Pollutants - Metals and Cyanide: S Petroleum Products: S EPA Priority Pollutants - Metals and Cyanide: S Polychlorinated biPhenyles (PCBs): S Pesticides: S Petroleum Products: S EPA Priority Pollutants • Metals and Cyanide: S Petroleum Products: S Report 1286 page 55 Non -Exact Match Details Map ID T 0.060 M GRID H4 PI ID # 53031680 LAT.- 47.30327 LON:-122.21668 RELEASE + Site Name KING CO -FEDERAL WAY LDFL (CLOSED) Databases: NE Address S 352 & 1.5 AT PUYALLUP CUTOFF CERCLIS AUBURN, WA 98002 NFRAP CERCLIS CERCLIS No Further Remedial Action Planned NFRAP Site. KING CO -FEDERAL WAY LOFL (CLOSED) S 352 & 1-5 AT PUYALLUP CUTOFF AUBURN, WA 98002 County: KING Region: 10 EPA ID: WAD98051 1737 FIPS Code: 53033 Congressional District, 0 OU ID: 00 Action Code: DS Action Name: DISCVRY Action Code ID: 001 Action Lead Type: EPA Fund Action Completion Date: 1981-06-01TOO:00:00 Action_ Te mplate_Ord er: 10 Non_NPL_Status: NFRAP-Site does not qualify for the NPL based on e OU ID: 00 Action Code. PA Action Name: PA Action Code ID: 001 Action Lead Type: State (Fund) Action Start Date: 7984-1 Z-20T00:00:00 Action Completion Date: 1985-04-24T00:00:00 Action_ Template_ Order 130 Non-NPL-Status: NFRAP-Site does not qualify for the NPL based on e OU 1D 00 Action Code: Sl Action Name: Sl Action Code ID: 001 Action Lead Type EPA Fund Action Start Date: 1988-01-08TOO:00:00 Action Completion Date: 1988-01-08T00:00:00 Action_ Template order: 160 Non-NPL-Status: NFRAP-Site does not qualify for the NPL based on e OU ID: 00 Action Code: VS Action Name: ARCH SITE Action Code ID: 001 Action Lead Type: EPA In -House Action Completion Date: 1988-0 1 -08T00:00:00 Action- Template_ Order: 1500 Non-NPL-Status: NFRAP-Site does not qualify for the NPL based on e Map ID GRID H4 PI ID # 53031730 LAT. 47.30327 LON:-122.21668 RELEASE + 2 0,000 M Site Name BAHNMILLER AUTOBODY WORKSHOP Databases: N£ Address 3734 A ST SW CERCLIS AUBURN, WA 98002 NFRAP CERCLIS CERCLIS No Further Remedial Action Planned NFRAP Site: BAHNMILLER AUTOBODY WORKSHOP 3734 A ST SW AUBURN, WA 98002 County: KING Region: 10 EPA ID: WAD980722250 F1PS Code: 53033 Report 1286 page 56 Non -Exact Match Details Map ID 2 O.000 M GRID H4 PI ID # 53031730 LAT.- 47.30327 LON:-122.21668 RELEASE + Slte Name BAHNMILLER AUTOBODY WORKSHOP Databases: NE Address 3734 A ST SW CERCLIS AUBURN, WA 98002 NFRAP Congressional District: 0 OU ID: 00 Action Code: DS Action Name: DISCVRY Action Code ID: 001 Action Lead Type: EPA Fund Action Completion Date: 1982-09-07T00:00:00 Action_ Template_ Order: 10 Non_ NPL_ Status: NFRAP-Site does not qualify for the NPL based on e OU ID: 00 Action Code: PA Action Name: PA Action Code 10: 001 Action Lead Type: State (Fund) Action Start Date: 1985-04-16T00:00:00 Action Completion Date: 1985.05.06T00:00:00 Action_ Template_ Order: 730 Non-NPL-Status: NFRAP-Site does not qualify for the NPL based on e OU ID: 00 Action Code: VS Action Name: ARCH SITE Action Code ID. 001 Action Lead Type: EPA In -House Action Completion Date: 1985-05-06T00:00:00 Action_ Template_ Order: 1500 Non-NPL-Status: NFRAP-Site does not qualify for the NPL based on e Map ID GRID H4 PI ID # 53018S28 I LAT 47.30325 LON: l22.21666 1 USE V 3 0.000 M Site Name WICKHAM SONS Databases: NE Address 3401 CST NE RCRA ND AUBURN, WA 98002 RCRA ND RCRA No Designation Site: WICKHAM SONS C ST NE AUBURN, WA 98002 HANDLER ID: WAD085188282 TSD ACTIVITY: N Report Submission History Category Report Date LQG SQG CESQG RCRA ND 1710812002 Last Report Details: Site Name: WICKHAM SONS Seq Number: 1 Received Date. 1110812002 Transfer Facility: Federal Waste Generator: N Report 7286 page 57 Non -Exact Match Details MA3 1D 3 0.000 M GRID H4 P! ID # 53018528 LAT: 47.30326 LON:-122.21666 USE Site Name WICKHAM SONS Databases: NE Address 3401 CST NE RCRA ND AUBURN, WA 98002 State Waste Generator: N Map ID GRID H4 PI ID # 53031484 4 LAT. 47.33752 LON: I22.22656 I RELEASE i• 0.000 M Site Name FORMULA CORP Databases: NE Address 4432 CST NE TR1S AUBURN, WA 98002 TRIS Toxic Chemical Release Inventory Site: FORMULA CORP 4432 CST NE AUBURN, WA 98002 Facility Site ld: 98002FRMLC4432C Form Type: R Name: FORMULA CORP Street. 4432 C ST NE City. AUBURN County: KING State: WA ZIP Code: 98002 Reporting Years: 2007, 2006, 2005, 2004 Report 1286 page 58 Non -Exact Match Details Map 1D 4 0.000 M GRID H4 PI ID # 53031484 LAT.- 47.33752 LON:-122.22656 RELEASE + Site Name FORMULA CORP Databases: NE Address 4432 CST NE TR1S AUBURN, WA 98002 Maximum Amount Onsite Reporting Year CAS Number Chemical Name Classification Amount (Unit of Measure) 2005 N230 CERTAIN GLYCOL TRI 4 ( Pounds ) ETHERS 2005 N230 CERTAIN GLYCOL TRI 4 ( Pounds ) ETHERS Total Air Emissions Reporting Year CAS Number Chemical Name Classification Amount (Unit of Measure) 2007 N230 CERTAIN GLYCOL TRI 250 ( Pounds ) ETHERS 2006 N230 CERTAIN GLYCOL TRI 250 ( Pounds ) ETHERS 2005 M230 CERTAIN GLYCOL TRI 250 ( Pounds ) ETHERS 2005 N230 CERTAIN GLYCOL TRI 250 ( Pounds ) ETHERS 2004 N230 CERTAIN GLYCOL TRI 250 ( Pounds ) ETHERS Total Transferred Offsite to Disposal Reporting Year CAS Number Chemical Name Classification Amount (Unit of Measure) 2007 N230 CERTAIN GLYCOL TRI 1250 ( Pounds ) ETHERS 2006 N230 CERTAIN GLYCOL TRI 2000 ( Pounds ) ETHERS 2005 N230 CERTAIN GLYCOL TRI 2250 ( Pounds ) ETHERS 2005 N230 CERTAIN GLYCOL TRI 2250 ( Pounds ) ETHERS 2004 N230 CERTAIN GLYCOL TRI 2250 ( Pounds ) ETHERS Total Transferred Offsite for Further Waste Manaaement Reporting Year GAS Number Chemical Name Classification Amount (Unit of Measure) 2007 N230 CERTAIN GLYCOL TRI 250 ( Pounds ) ETHERS 2006 N230 CERTAIN GLYCOL TRI 250 (Pounds) ETHERS 2005 N230 CERTAIN GLYCOL TRI 250 ( Pounds ) ETHERS 2005 N230 CERTAIN GLYCOL TRI 250 (Pounds) ETHERS Report 1286 page 59 Non -Exact Match Details Map ID 4 0.000 M GRID H4 PI ID # 53031484 LATLAT.-47.33752 LON: 122.22656 1 R1 LEASE + Site Name FORMULA CORP Databases: NE Address 4432 CST NE IRIS AUBURN, WA 98002 2004 N230 CERTAIN GLYCOL I TRI 250 ( Pounds ) ETHERS Map ID $ 0.000 M GRID H4 PI ID # 5303481 Q LAT. NaN LON., NaN I RELEASE + Site Name Coal Creek Pump Station Databases: NE Address 2108 HOWARD RD, LUST AUBURN, WA INACTIVE TRIBAL LUST Tribal Leaking Underground Storage Tanks Inactive INACTIVE TRIBAL Site:, Site -ID: 4090006 Site -Name: Coal Creek Pump Station Site -Address: 2108 Howard Rd. Site -City. Auburn Site -State: WA Tribe: Muckleshoot Release: 1998-10-13 T00: 00: 00 Initiated: 1998-10-13T00:00: 00 Completed: 2002-07-29T00:00:00 Map ID 6 0.000 M GRID H4 PI ID # 53035906 LAT.- NaN LON: NaN USE G Site Name HD SUPPLY UTILITIES LTD HG3303 Databases: NE Address 1620 INDUSTRIAL BLVD RCRA CESQG AUBURN, WA 98007 RCRA CESQG RCRA Conditionally Exempt Small Quantity Generator Site: HD SUPPLY UTILITIES LTD HG3303 1620 INDUSTRIAL BLVD AUBURN, WA 98007 HANDLER ID: WAH000030102 NAICS DESC: Electrical Apparatus and Equipment, Wiring Supplies, and Related Equipment Merchant Wholesalers CONTACT NAME: MARK LAUBACH TSD ACTIVITY: N Report Submission History Category Report Date LQG SQG CESQG 1213112007, 0817 512008 RCRA ND Last Report Details: Site Name: HD SUPPLY UTILITIES LTD HG3303 Seq Number: 6 Received Date: 0811512008 Transfer Facility: Federal Waste Generator: Conditionally Exempt Small Quantity Generator State Waste Generator: Small Quantity Generator Report 1286 page 60 Non -Exact Klatch Details Map ID G 0.000 M GRID H4 PI ID # 53035906 LAT.,NaN LON: NaN USE v SiteName HD SUPPLY UTILITIES LTD NG3303 Databases: NE Address 1620 INDUSTRIAL BLVD RCRA CESQG AUBURN, WA 98001 Map ID D.DDO M GRID H4 PI ID # 53037801 LAT. 47.37868 LON: •122.27892 RELEASE Site Name WEST VALLEY HWY SITE Databases: NE Address 27603 WEST VALLEY HWY CERCLIS AUBURN, WA 98001 NFRAP CERCLIS CERCLIS No Further Remedial Action Planned NFRAP Site: WEST VALLEY HWY SITE 27603 WEST VALLEY HWY AUBURN, WA 98007 County: KING Region: 10 EPA ID: WAD988488728 FIPS Code: 53033 Congressional District: 0 OU ID: 00 Action Code: DS Action Name: DISCVRY Action Code ID: 001 Action Lead Type: EPA Fund Action Completion Date: 7990-11-01T00:00.00 Action_ Template -Order: 10 Non-NPL-Status: NFRAP-Site does not qualify for the NPL based on e OU ID: 00 Action Code: RV Action Name: RMVL Action Code ID: 001 Action Lead Type. EPA Fund Action .Start Date: 1991-06-07T00:00:00 Action Completion Date: 1991-06-08T00:00:00 Action -Template -Order: 70 Non-NPL-Status: NFRAP-Site does not qualify for the NPL based on e OU ID: 00 Action Code: PA Action Name: PA Action Code 10: 001 Action Lead Type: EPA Fund Action Start Date: 1991-06-07T00:00:00 Action Completion Date: 1991.06.08To0:00:00 Action_ Template_ Order: 130 Non-NPL-Status, NFRAP-Site does not qualify for the NPL based on e OU 1D: 00 Action Code: AR Action Name: ADMM REC Action Code ID: 001 Action Lead Type: EPA Fund Action Start Date: 1991-09-20T00:00:00 Action -Template -Order. 580 Non-NPL-Status: NFRAP-Site does not qualify for the NPL based on e OU ID: 00 Action Code: VS Action Name: ARCH SITE Action Code ID: 001 Action Lead Type: EPA In -House Action Completion Date: 1996-07-25T00:00:00 Report 1286 page 61 Non -Exact Match Details Map ID GRID H4 PI ID #E 53037801 LAT: 47.31868 LON:-122.27892 I RELEASE + 7 0.000 M Site Name WEST VALLEY HWY SITE Databases: NE Address 27603 WEST VALLEY HWY CERCLIS AUBURN, WA 98001 NFRAP Action_ Template_ Order: 1500 Non_NPL_Status: NFRAP-Site does not qualify for the NPL based on e Map ID GRID H4 PI ID #153034709 LAT.- 47.30326 LON:-122.21665 RELEASE + 8 0.000 ly Site Name YELLOW TRANSPORTATION Databases: NE Address AUBURN, WA 98002 HMIRS HMIRS Hazardous Materials Information Reporting System SITEJD: 707 RPT 1D: 406037 Site -Name., YELLOW TRANSPORTATION Site -State: WA DATA -SRC: ! RPT_TYPF, A RPTNO: 2006030975 I DATE: 20 0 6-02-2 0 TO 0: 00: 00 ITIME. 0900 EVENT: 2 DRUMS OF ADHESIVES RUPTURED AS TRAILER WAS TURNED ON IT'S SIDE ENROUTE TO SEATTLE FROM SACRAMENTO TRAILER WAS CLEANED UP AND TAKEN INTO SEATTLE FOR UNLOADING JDH. NRC_ NUM: 0 !_CITY: AUBURN !_COUNTY: KING !_ZIP: 98002 I_CNTRY: US (_ROUTE., 700 1 STH ST SE !_ MODE: 4 T PHASE: 263 C_STREET: 10990 ROEAVENUE C CITY: OVERLAND PARK C_STATE., KS C_Z1P: 662 7 1 C_CNTRY: US C_ DO T_ ID: 65616 C_REG_ID:050903550045LN R_SPILL: T R_FIRE.- F R_EXPLO: F R_SEWER: F R_ VAPOR: F R_ENVIR: F R_NO REL: F EE_IND: T EENBR. PENDING POL_IND: T POL_NBR: PENDING CU_HOUSE. T CU_OTHER: F DMC_500: T M_LOSS: 500 C_DAMAG. 0 P_ DAMAG: 0 RSP_COST• 0 REM_ COST: 2300 HZ-FATAL: F H7_F_EMP: 0 HZ F ASP: 0 HZ F GEN: 0 NH -FATAL: F Report 1285 page 62 Non -Exact Match Details Map 1D GRID H4 I PI ID # 53034709 LAT: 47.30325 LON:-122.21666 RELEASE + 8 Databases: 0.000 M Site Name YELLOW TRANSPORTATION NE Address AUBURN, WA 98002 HMIRS NH_F NBR: 0 HZINJ: F W-1- EMP: 0 HZH_RSP 0 HZ H_ GEN: 0 HZ N EMP: 0 HZ N_RSP: 0 HZ_N_GEN: 0 EVACUATE: F EVAC_ PUB: 0 EVAC_ EMP: 0 EVAC TO T 0 EVAC_HRS 0 MA_ CLSO: F MA HRS: 0 ACCIDENT F SPEED: 0 POC NAME: MICHAEL N. WINDSOR POC_TITL: MANAGER -HAZARDOUS MATERIALS POC COMP: YELLOW TRANSPORTATION POC_STR: 10990 ROE AVENUE POC_CITY: OVERLAND PARK POC ST KS POC_ZIP: 66271 POCCNTRY: US POC_DATE: 2006-03-1 ST00:00:00 POC_ PHNE: 913-344.3057 POC FAX: 913-344-3614 POC_TYPE, C Map 1D 27 0.392 M GRID 6 PI ID # 53035896 LAT 47.29567 LON:-122.24757 I USE V Site Name ASSOCIATED MACHINE & FAB INC Databases: E Address 1570 BOUNDARY BLVD STE 100 RCRA SQG AUBURN, WA 98007 RCRA SQG RCRA Small Quantity Generator Site. ASSOCIATED MACHINE & FAB INC 1510 BOUNDARY BLVD STE 100 AUBURN, WA 98007 HANDLER 10. WAH000032812 NAILS DESC: Commercial and Industrial Machinery and Equipment (except Automotive and Electronic) Repair and Main CONTACT NAME: STEVE SCHUMACHER FOUND VIOLATION: N TSD ACTIVITY: N Report Submission History Category Report pate LQG SQG 0411012008 CESQG RCRA ND Last Report Details: Site Name: ASSOCIATED MACHINE & FAB INC Seq Number: 1 Report 1286 page 63 Non -Exact Match Details Map ID 27 0.392 M GRID 6 PI 1D * 53035895 ILAT,47.29567 LON:-122.24757 I USE V Site Name ASSOCIATED MACHINE & FAB INC Databases: E Address 1510 BOUNDARY BLVD STE 100 RCRA SQG AUBURN, WA 98001 Received Date: Transfer Facility. Federal Waste Generator: State Waste Generator. 0411012008 Small Quanity Generator Medium QuantityGene rator Report 1286 page 64 Disclaimer Information in this Report has been collected and aggregated by Parcel Insight, Inc. from government agencies and other publicly -available repositories that likely contain inaccuracies and incomplete data. The purpose of the Parcel insight, Inc. aggregation is to provide our Customer with Information in an easy to use and understandable format. Parcel insight, Inc. cannot ensure the accuracy of the data that was aggregated and maintained by others. WE DO NOT WARRANT THAT THE REPORT WiLL BE ERROR -FREE. TO THE EXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW, WE DISCLAIM AND EXCLUDE ALL REPRESENTATIONS, WARRANTIES AND CONDITIONS WiTH RESPECT TO THE INFORMATION IN THE REPORT, WHETHER EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY, OTHER THAN THOSE EXPRESSLY IDENTIFIED IN THIS AGREEMENT, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, WARRANTIES OF NON -INFRINGEMENT, TITLE, SATISFACTORY QUALITY, ACCURACY, RELIABILITY, MERCHANTABILITY, AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. TO THE MAXIMUM EXTENT PERMITTED BY LAW, OUR ENTIRE LIABILITY, AND YOUR ONLY REMEDY, FOR A BREACH OF A WARRANTY WILL BE EITHER REPLACEMENT OF THE REPORT, OR RETURN OF THE FEES YOU PAID FOR THE PRODUCT OR SERVICES. PARCEL INSIGHT, INC. AND iTS THIRD PARTY LICENSORS WILL NOT BE LIABLE IN ANY EVENT TO YOU OR ANY OTHER PERSON, REGARDLESS OF THE CAUSE, FOR THE EFFECTIVENESS OR ACCURACY OF THE PRODUCTS, FOR THE COST OF PROCURING REPLACEMENT GOODS OR SERVICES, OR FOR LOST PROFITS OR LOST SALES, OR FOR ANY SPECIAL, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, PUNITIVE, EXEMPLARY, MULTIPLE OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES ARISING FROM OR OCCASIONED BY YOUR USE OF THE REPORTS, EVEN iF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. The information in this report is provided "as is" and is not to be construed as legal advice. The information in the report is copyrighted by Parcel Insight, Inc. 2007, all rights reserved, and reproduction in any form is prohibited without prior written permission of Parcel Insight, Inc. Report 7 286 page 65 Government Record Tracking Database: Brownfields Grant Sites Map Class: Use Restriction Contact Number: Web Page: http://www.epa.govlbrownfields/index.htrnl Date of Database: 2008-04-0 7 T00: 00: 00 The Brownfields Management System (BMS) is the official U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) database of the Brownfields Program. It is designed to assist EPA in collecting, tracking, and updating information, as well as reporting on the major activities and accomplishments of the various Brownfields grant programs. BMS captures data on grantee activities (assessment. cleanup and redevelopment), funding, job training, and details on cooperative partners and leveraging efforts - a central objective of the Brownfields Program. Database: CERCLIS No Further Remedial Action Planned Map Class: Release Contact Number: Web Page: http://www.epa.gov/Superfund/sites/cursites/index.htm Date of Database: 2010-07-0 7 Too: 00: 00 The No Further Remedial Action Planned WRAP) or "Archived" designation means that, to the best of the EPA's knowledge, Superfund has completed its assessment at a site, and has determined no further steps to list this site on the NPL will be taken unless information indicating this decision was not appropriate or other considerations make a recommendation for listing appropriate at a later time. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) may perform a minimal level of assessment work at a site while it is archived if site conditions change and/or new information becomes available and in these cases, the Archive designation is removed and the site is returned to the CERCLIS inventory if more sustentative assessment and/or any cleanup work is necessary under the Federal Superfund program An archive decision does not necessarily mean that there is no hazard associated with a given site; it means only that based upon available information, the location is notjudged to be a potential NPL site. Sites are archived as historical records so EPA does not needlessly repeat the investigations in the future. The States will coordinate with EPA to determine if any sites should be returned to CERCLIS because of newly identified contamination problems at the site, It is important to note the sites on CERCLIS and the archived list will change as the sites are being investigated or if new information becomes available. Database: Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Information System Map Class: Release Contact Number: Web Page: http://www. epa.govlsuperfund/siteslsitein fo.htm Date of Database: 20 7 0-07-01 T00: 00: 00 The Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability information System (CERCLIS) list contains information on hazardous waste sites, potentially hazardous waste sites and remedial activities. CERCLIS is a database used by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to track activities conducted under its Superfund program. Specific information is tracked for each individual site. The database includes sites that are on the National Priorities List (NPL) or being considered for the NPL. The CERCLIS Database displays site information for NPL sites (i.e., sites proposed to the NPL, currently on the final NFL or deleted from the final NPL NPL Sites are listed separately on the Report 1285 page 56 Government Record Tracking NPL data set. Once a site is added to CERCLIS, the next step in evaluating the potential problem is the completion of a preliminary assessment (PA). The purpose of the PA is to determine whether the site warrants further Superfund investigation. The PA is typically an information gathering phase for which sampling does not take place. A PA is usually completed within one year of a site being listed in CERCLIS. Based on the conclusions of the PA, a site could be recommended for a) no further action under the EPA Superfund program; b) a sampling site investigation to collect data for further evaluation and possible nomination to the NPL; or c) an emergency or time -critical removal (short-term cleanup). Active CERCLIS sites are sites at which site assessment, removal, remedial, enforcement, cost recovery, or oversight activities are being planned or conducted under the Superfund program. CERCLIS excludes sites which EPA has assessed and designated "No Further Remedial Action Planned", or archive, sites, EPA is aware that the CERCLIS inventory is often used as a resource in assessing property. People conducting such assessments should not misinterpret the meaning of a site being contained in CERCLIS. Such sites are not necessarily contaminated, and sites not in CERCLIS are not necessarily contaminant -free. Database: Confirmed and Suspected Contaminated Sites List No Further Action Map Class: Release Contact Number. - Web Page: http://www,ecy,wa,gov/programs/tcp/sitesISiteLists.htm Date of Database: 2010-07-0 l T00: 00: 00 No Further Action Site List This data set contains information about sites previously on the Confirmed and Suspected Contaminated Sites list (above) that have received a No Further Action (NFA) determination. Because it is necessary to maintain historical records of sites that have been investigated and cleaned up, sites are not deleted from the database when cleanup activities are completed. Instead, a No Further Action code is entered based upon the type of NFA determination the site received. The NFA code lists the basis for the NFA determination. Database: Confirmed and Suspected Contaminated Sites List Map Class: Release Contact Number: Web Page: http://www.ecy.wa.gov/programs/tcp/sitesISiteLists.htm Date of Database: 2010-07-01 T00: 00: 00 The data set contains information about sites that are undergoing cleanup and sites that are awaiting further investigation and/or cleanup by the Department of Ecology Toxics Cleanup Program. Sites on the Hazardous Sites List (i.e., those that have been ranked using the Washington Ranking Model) are included in this data set. Within 90 days of learning of a potentially contaminated site, the Department of Ecology conducts an initial investigation of each site. If the initial investigation shows that further action is needed, the site will appear in the Confirmed & Suspected Contaminated Sites (CSCS) Report. Once remedial action has been completed, the Toxics Cleanup Program's management determines the removal of a site from the CSCS Report The Hazardous Sites List is a subset of the CSCS Report. It contains those sites that have been ranked using the Washington Ranking Method. Site owners and operators do not necessarily agree with Ecology's determination of site status. Database: Confirmed and Suspected Contaminated Sites List Hazardous Site List Map Class: Release Contact Number: Report 7 286 page 67 Government Record Tracking Web Page: http://www.ecy.wa.gov/programs/tcp/sites/SiteLists.htm Date of Database: 2010-07-01 T00: 00: 00 The Hazardous Sites List (HSL) is required by law 173-340-330 WAC- It includes all sites which have been assessed and ranked using the Washington Ranking Method (WARM). Also listed are National Priorities List (NPL) sites. The categories of evaluation are linear and include several steps. The Initial Investigation (11) is a brief investigation conducted within 90 days of receiving a site discovery report. The 11 step provides enough information to determine if the site needs further investigation, emergency cleanup, or no further action. if further action is required, early notice letters are sent to site owners, operators, etc inviting them to work cooperatively with us to resolve any contamination problems, AND the site proceeds to the next step. The Site Hazard Assessment (SHA) is an assessment to confirm the presence of hazardous substances and to determine the relative risk the site poses to human health and the environment. (Nate: Some SHAs are conducted by Ecology staff while others are conducted by local health districts / departments.) The Hazard Ranking (WARM Score) includes the results of the Site Hazard Assessment step that are used in the Washington Ranking Method (WARM) to yield a WARM score. The WARM score is a number between I and 5, where a score of I represents the highest level of risk and 5 indicates the lowest assessed risk. A zero indicates that the site is either on the federal National Priorities List (NPL) or is a sub -site or operable unit of an NPL site. NPL sites are ranked under the federal Hazard Ranking System (HRS). This WARM score is not removed at the time of a No Further Action determination as it is kept for historical purposes. Database: Ecology Digest 26 (Catalog of Formal Oversight Decision Documents, Orders and Decrees) Map Class: Use Restriction Contact Number: Web Page: http://Www.ecy.wa.govlprograms/tcp/sitesIDICEST%2026, pd f Date of Database: 2010-07-0 7 T00: 00: 00 The Toxics Cleanup Program maintains a list of all formal oversight decision documents under the Model Toxics Control Act that have been agreed to and signed by the Program's manager or designee. These decision documents include all Consent Decrees, Prospective Purchaser Consent Decrees, Agreed Orders, and Enforcement Orders under the Model Toxics Control Act, Database: Emergency Response Notification System Map Class: Release Contact Number: Web Page: http://www. nrc. uscg. mil/wdbcgi/wdbcgi. exe/WWWUSER/WE BDB. foia_query.show_parms Date of Database: 2010-06-25T00: 00: 00 The Emergency Response Notification System (ERNS) is a national computer data base used to store information on releases of oil and hazardous substances. ERNS supports the Emergency Response and the Title 111 program. The ERNS program is a cooperative effort among EPA Headquarters, the Department of Transportation (DOT), National Transportation Systems Center (NTSC), the ten EPA Regions, the U.S. Coast Guard (USCG), and the National Response Center (NRC). ERNS provides the most comprehensive data compiled on release notifications of oil and hazardous substances in the United States When a release report is submitted to Federal authorities (e.g., NRC or Regional offices), the individual reporting is asked a series of questions regarding the release (e.g., type, location, volume). Information concerning all releases originally reported to the NRC or EPA Regional offices is entered into local Report 7 286 page 68 Government Record Tracking computers and transmitted electronically from the NRC or EPA Regional office to the NTSC, where it becomes part of the ERNS national data base. The procedures for maintaining the initial reports differs between the NRC and the EPA Regions. The NRC maintains electronic copies of all spill reports as they were initially received and does not make any changes to spill reports once they have been entered into the system. Reports received by the NRC contain information that may be valuable to the on -scene coordinators, as well as to enforcement personnel. The information received by the NRC is sent to the Regional offices through the Volpe National Transportation Systems Center (VNTSC). Since these reports may be used in enforcement actions, it is necessary to maintain a copy of the spill report as it was originally reported. Each EPA Region maintains its own Region -specific data base, which is a subset of the national data base Initial spill reports made directly to an EPA Region are maintained as hard copies and kept in the individual Regional office. When additional information on a release notification is obtained, it is also entered at the Regional level and electronically transmitted to the national system. An initial and modified copy of each report is maintained at VNTSC to preserve data integrity. Database: Hazardous Materials Information Reporting System Map Class: Release Contact Number: Web Page: http://hazmat.dot.gov/pubslinclhmisframe.htm Date of Database: 2009-05- l 8T00: 00: 00 The Hazardous Materials incident Reporting System (HMIRS) contains data on spills, releases, or other incidents involving hazardous materials during the course of transportation. All modes of transportation are included except pipeline and bulk marine transportation. The data set contains the incident Report Form 5800. 1 data submitted under the requirements of Title 49 CFR 171.15 and 171, 16. HMiRS of the Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA) was established in 1971 to fulfill the requirements of the federal hazardous materials transportation law. Part 771 of Title 49, Code of Federal Regulations (49 CFR) contains the incident reporting requirements of carriers of hazardous materials. An unintentional release of hazardous materials meeting the criteria set forth in Section 171. 16, 49 CFR must be reported on U_S. Department of Transportation (DOT) Form 5800. 1, and data from the reports received are subsequently entered in the HM1RS database. All spills meeting the following criteria to be reported to P14MSA: 1) As a direct result of hazardous materials a person is killed or receives injuries requiring hospitalization, estimated property damage exceeds S50,000, an evacuation of the general public lasts for one or more hours, a major transportation artery or facility is closed for one or more hours, or the operational flight pattern or routing of an aircraft is altered, 2) Fire, breakage, spillage, or suspected contamination occurs involving shipment of radioactive materials or infectious substances, 3) There has been a release of a marine pollutant exceeding 450 L or 400 kg, or 4) Any hazardous material is unintentionally released from a package or any quantity of hazardous waste is discharged during transportation Database: Institutional and Engineering Controls Map Class: Use Restriction Contact Number: Web Page: http://www.epa.govlsuperfundlindex.htm Date of Database: 2010-06-24T00: 00: 00 This data set identifies RCRA and NPL sites with institutional and/or engineering controls in place. Database: institutional and Engineering Controls Map Class: Use Restriction Contact Number: Report 1286 page 69 Government Record Tracking Web Page: http://www,ecy.wa.govlprograms/tcp/sitesISiteLists.htm Date of Database: 2010-06-24T00: 00: 00 This data set is a subset of CSCSL and identifies sites where a remedial action was conducted, residual contamination was left on site and on -going institutional controls required Database: King County Abandoned Landfills Map Class: Release Contact Number. Web Page: http.//www.spl.org/ Date of Database: Abandoned landfill study in King County by Seattle -King County Dept. of Public Health. Environmental Health Division, 7985, Database: Leaking Underground Storage Tanks Map Class: Release Contact Number: Web Page: http://www.ecy.wa.govlprograms/tcp/sitesISiteLists.htm Date of Database: 2010-07-07T00:00:00 The LUST data file contains information on UST Cleanup sites and cleanup history. Sites that have been cleaned up and sites currently being cleaned up are included in the data set. Sites are categorized based on the activities taken. Awaiting Cleanup means the site has been discovered or reported release, yet no active cleanup measures taken or Site check (identified the source) begun or completed, yet no active cleanup measures taken or site characterization begun or completed, yet no active cleanup measures taken. Cleanup Started means responsible party has initiated physical, biological, or chemical management of release, e.g. soil excavated, groundwater pumped, vapors extracted, free product removed, oxygen added, etc., site investigations and emergency responses (e.g, venting explosive vapors, providing bottled water) do not qualify as activities under cleanup started. Monitoring means groundwater monitoring is the only activity occurring at the site or site has been characterized, only low levels of soil and/or groundwater contamination remain, and natural attenuation is the chosen cleanup method or conformational monitoring following active cleanup measures. Reported Cleaned Up means owner or consultant reports that contamination has been cleaned up and/or some soil contamination may remain under existing structures or in otherwise inaccessible areas if groundwater is not threatened and there has been no migration of contamination into the structure and cleanup report has not been formally reviewed by Ecology A formal review could determine that the site has not been cleaned up to MTCA standards. No Further Action means the cleanup report has been formally reviewed by Ecology under the fee -based Voluntary Cleanup Program and resulted in a No Further Action status and Institutional controls may have been required due to soil contamination that may remain under existing structures or in otherwise inaccessible areas, Database: National Priority List Map Class: Release Contact Number: Web Page: http://www.epa.govlsuperfundlindex.htm Date of Database: 2010-06-24T00:00:00 Report 7 286 page 70 Government Record Tracking The National Priorities List (NPL) is an information and management tool that is a part of the Superfund cleanup process. The NPL serves primarily informational purposes, identifying for the States and the public those sites or other releases that appear to warrant remedial actions. The identification of a site for the NPL is intended primarily to guide the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in: determining which sites warrant further investigation to assess the nature and extent of the human health and environmental risks associated with a site; identifying what Comprehensive Environmental Response Compensation and Liability Act (CERCLA)-financed remedial actions may be appropriate; notifying the public of sites EPA believes warrant further investigation; and serving notice to potentially responsible parties that EPA may initiate CERCLA-financed remedial action. Inclusion of a site on the NPL does not in itself reflect a judgment of the activities of its owner or operator, it does not require those persons to undertake any action, nor does it assign liability to any person. Section 705(a)(8)(B) of CERCLA, as amended, requires that the statutory criteria provided by the Hazard Ranking System (HRS) be used to prepare a list of national priorities among the known releases or threatened releases of hazardous substances, pollutants, or contaminants throughout the United States. The NPL list is also known as Appendix B of the National Contingency Plan. The Federal Register (FR) Notices for NPL Updates page provides a list of FR Notices for proposed and final NPL Updates. The Superfund cleanup process begins with site discovery or notification to EPA of possible releases of hazardous substances. Sites are discovered by various parties, including citizens, State agencies, and EPA Regional offices- Once discovered, sites are entered into the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Information System (CERCLiS), EPA's computerized inventory of potential hazardous substance release sites (view Superfund Site information). EPA then evaluates the potential for a release of hazardous substances from the site through these steps in the Superfund cleanup process. Superfund was created in 1980 when Congress enacted the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA) to clean up the nation's uncontrolled hazardous waste sites. Under the Superfund program, abandoned, accidentally spilled, or illegally dumped hazardous wastes that pose a current or future threat to human health or the environment are cleaned up. EPA works closely with communities, potentially responsible parties, scientists, researchers, contractors, and state, local, tribal, and federal authorities on site cleanup. Together with these groups, EPA identifies hazardous waste sites, tests the conditions of the sites, develops cleanup plans, and cleans up the sites. The site areas depicted in this polygon data set have been developed by EPA solely for the purpose of a modeling exercise being conducted for the Superfund Workload Assessment Project. These data are not intended for and should not be used or refrenced for any other purpose. Database: RCRA Conditionally Exempt Small Quantity Generator Map Class: Use Contact Number. Web Page: http://www.epa.gov/epaoswerlosw/gen_translgenerate.ht m#pagecontents Date of Database: 2010-06-24T00:00:00 Conditionally Exempt Small Quantity Generators (CESQG) generate 100 kilograms or less per month of hazardous waste, or 1 kilogram or less per month of acutely hazardous waste- Requirements for CESQG's include (see also 40 CFR 261.5 ). CESQG's must identify all the hazardous waste generated. CESQG's may not accumulate more than 1,000 kilograms of hazardous waste at any time. CESQG's must ensure that hazardous waste is delivered to a person or facility who is authorized to manage it. Database: RCRA Corrective Action Report Map Class: Release Contact Number: Web Page: http://www.epa.gov/epaoswerlbazwaste%alindex.htm Date of Database; 2010-06-24T00:00:00 Report 1286 page 77 Government Record Tracking The Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) Corrective Action (CORRACTS) list is a summary of those facilities where corrective action is occurring. The RCRA Corrective Action Program, run by EPA and 41 authorized states and territories, compels responsible parties to address the investigation and cleanup of hazardous releases themselves. RCRA Corrective Action differs from Superfund in that Corrective Action sites generally have viable operators and on -going operations. RCRA grants EPA and authorized states the authority to regulate hazardous waste management facilities that treat, store, or dispose of hazardous waste. Although EPA guidelines are designed to prevent toxic releases at RCRA facilities, accidents or other activities have sometimes released pollutants into soil, ground water, surface water and air. 8y the year 2020, EPA and the authorized states plan to have largely completed the work of implementing final remedies at all facilities requiring Corrective Action. (See Goal 3 of the Office of Solid Waste's 2020 Vision for more details.) While working toward the 2020 goal, EPA decided to ensure that sites presenting the greatest risk to human health and the environment are dealt with first. Accordingly, the Corrective Action Program has pledged to select a final remedy at 30%and put a final remedy in place at 20% of 7,968 highest -priority sites by 2008. Database: RCRA Large Quantity Generator Map Class: Use Contact Number: Web Page: http://www.epa.gov/epaoswerloswlgen_translgenerate.ht m#pagecontents Date of Database: 2010-06-24T00:00: 00 Large Quantity Generators {LQG) generate 1,000 kilograms per month or more of hazardous waste, or more than 1 kilogram per month of acutely hazardous waste. LQG's may only accumulate waste on site for 90 days, but certain exceptions apply. LQG's do not have a limit on the amount of hazardous waste accumulated on site. There must always Lie at least one employee available to respond to an emergency. This employee is the emergency coordinator responsible for coordinating all emergency response measures. LQG's must have detailed, written contingency plans for handling emergencies. LQG's must submit a biennial hazardous waste report. Database: RCRA No Designation Map Class: Use Contact Number: Web Page: http://www.epa.govlepaoswerlosw/gen_translgenerate.ht m#pagecontents Date of Database: 2010-06-24T00: 00: 00 RCRA sites that are identified as having a RCRA generator identified number but that are not identified as a large quantity generator, small quantity generator, conditionally exempt small quantity generator, treatment storage or disposal (TSD) facility, or RCRA corrective action sites. Database: RCRA Non Corracts TSD Map Class: Use Contact Number. - Web Page: http://www.epa.gov/epaoswerloswltsds.htm Date of Database: 2010-06-24T00: 00: 00 Report 1286 page 72 Government Record Tracking Through the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA). Congress directed EPA to create regulations to manage hazardous waste from "the cradle to the grave. "Under this mandate, EPA developed strict requirements for all aspects of hazardous waste management including the treatment, storage, and disposal (TSD) of hazardous waste. TSOS include those facilities that treat, store, and/or dispose hazardous waste. TSDS are the last link in the cradle to the grave waste management system. The requirements for TSDS are found in 40 CFR Parts 264 and 265 and are more extensive than those that apply to hazardous waste generators or transporters. Database: RCRA Small Quantity Generator Map Class: Use Contact Number: Web Page: http://www.epa.gov/epaoswer/osw/gen_trans/gen era te.ht m#pagecontents Date of Database: 2010-06-24T00:00: 00 Small Quantity Generators (SQG) generate more than 100 kilograms, but less than 1,000 kilograms, of hazardous waste per month. SQG's may accumulate hazardous waste on site for 180 days without a permit (a• 270 days if shipping a distance greater than 200 miles). The quantity of hazardous on site waste must never exceed 6,000 kilograms. There must always be at least one employee available to respond to an emergency. This employee is the emergency coordinator responsible for coordinating all emergency response measures. SQL's are not required to have detailed, written contingency plans. Database: Solid Waste Facility Database Map Class: Release Contact Number: Web Page: http://www.ecy.wo.govlblblio10407019.html Date of Database: 2007-01-01 T00: 00: 00 The solid waste facility database contains disposal information for landfills, incinerators, and transfer facilities. The types of facilities included are those that are permitted under chapter 173.350 WAC, Minimum Functional Standards for Solid Waste Handling and chapter 173-351 WAC, Criteria for Municipal Solid Waste Landfills. information in the solid waste facility database is obtained through annual reporting forms sent to all landfill types (municipal, inert/demolition, limited purpose/special use, and wood waste landfills) and to waste-to-energy/incinerators Database: Toxic Chemical Release Inventory Map Class: Release Contact Number: Web Page. http://www.epa-govltrilindex.htm Date of Database: 2009-OS-18T00:00:00 The Toxics Release Inventory (TR1) contains information on releases of nearly 650 chemicals and chemical categories from industries including manufacturing, metal and coal mining, electric utilities, and commercial hazardous waste treatment, among others. The Emergency Planning and Community Right -to -Know Act (EPCRA) primary purpose is to Report 1286 page 73 Government Record Tracking inform communities and citizens of chemical hazards in their areas, Sections 31 1 and 312 of EPCRA require businesses to report the locations and quantities of chemicals stored on -site to state and local governments in order to help communities prepare to respond to chemical spills and similar emergencies. EPCRA Section 373 requires EPA and the States to annually collect data on releases and transfers of certain toxic chemicals from industrial facilities, and make the data available to the public in the Toxics Release inventory (TRI). In 1990 Congress passed the Pollution Prevention Act which required that additional data on waste management and source reduction activities be reported under TRI. The goal of TRI is to empower citizens, through information, to hold companies and local governments accountable in terms of how toxic chemicals are managed. EPA compiles the TRI data each year and makes it available. The TRi program has expanded significantly since its inception in 1987, The Agency has issued rules to roughly double the number of chemicals included in the TRI to approximately 650. Seven new industry sectors have been added to expand coverage significantly beyond the original covered industries, i.e, manufacturing industries. Most recently, the Agency has reduced the reporting thresholds for certain persistent, bioaccumulative, and toxic (PBT) chemicals in order to be able to provide additional 'reformation to the public on these chemicals Database: Tribal Leaking Underground Storage Tanks Active Map Class: Release Contact Number: Web Page: http://www.epa.gov/oustldirectivlod961075.htm Date of Database: 2006-1 1-01 T00. 00: 00 The list contains information about "active" leaking underground storage tanks (LUST) sites on federally recognized Native American tribal lands. The sites are considered active because they are still subject to future investigation and/or remediation by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. The tribes are sovereign entities subject to federal laws. Underground storage tanks located on tribal lands generally are not subject to state laws. As a result, unless a state acts as a tribe's agent pursuant to a formal agreement with a tribe, EPA and the tribe are responsible for implementing and enforcing the UST program on tribal lands. Database: Tribal Leaking Underground Storage Tanks Inactive Map Class: Release Contact Number: Web Page: http://www,epa.gov/OUSTIdirectivld961015a,htm Date of Database: 2006-1 1-01 T00:00: 00 The list contains information about 'Mactive" leaking underground storage tanks (LUST) sites on federally recognized Native American tribal lands, The sites are considered inactive because they have been investigated and/or remediated and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has concurred with the inactive status. The tribes are sovereign entities subject to federal laws. Underground storage tanks located on tribal lands generally are not subject to state laws. As a result, unless a state acts as a tribe's agent pursuant to a formal agreement with a tribe, EPA and the tribe are responsible for implementing and enforcing the UST program on tribal lands. Database: Underground Storage Tanks Map Class: Use Contact Number: Web Page: http://www,ecy.wa.gov/programs/tcp/sitesISiteLists.htm Date of Database: 2010-07-01 T00: 00: 00 Report 1286 page 74 Government Record Tracking The UST list contains information for UST sites and tanks in Washington. Both operational and closed USTs are on the list. USTs that are excluded from the list include those that have not been registered with the Washington Department of Ecology. Nonregistered tanks generally include farm or residential tanks of 1,100 gallons or less capacity storing motor fuel for noncommercial purposes; tanks storing heating oil for use on the premises where stored; Septic tanks; Pipeline facilities (including gathering lines) regulated under the Natural Gas Pipeline Safety Act of 1968, or the Hazardous Liquid Pipeline Safety Act of 1979, or which is an intrastate pipeline facility regulated under State laws; Surface impoundments, pits, ponds, or lagoons; Storm water or waste water collection systems; Flow -through process tanks; Liquid traps or associated gathering lines directly related to oil or gas production and gathering operations; Tanks on or above the floor of underground areas, such as basements or tunnels; Tanks with a capacity of 1 10 gallons or less. The substances covered under the notification requirements apply to USTs- Database: Washington Unauthorized Tire Piles Map Class: Release Contact Number. Web Page: http://www.ecy.wa.gov/biblio/0507043.htm1 Date of Database: 2005-1 1-15T00: 00: 00 The Washington Department of Ecology (Ecology) conducted a study of unauthorized tire piles in Washington. The legislature required this study to be completed and submitted by Ecology to the appropriate standing committees of the legislature by November 15, 2005. The report and appendices present a detailed discussion of how this information was collected and assembled. This study identified 54 sites statewide with unauthorized accumulations of scrap tires. Site mapping was completed and the number of scrap tires was estimated. One site (Goldendale-Tire Shredders) accounts for more than two-thirds of the calculated scrap tires and more than half of the total estimated cleanup costs. Of the 54 sites, only five require more than 10 estimated on -site days to complete the individual clean ups. Report 7286 page 75