HomeMy WebLinkAboutLease 2010ORIGINAL LEASE THiS LEASE is made as of tha2day` of 1 , 2010, by and bet"cen the CiTY OF AUBURN, WASHINGTON and KING C 'TY R RAL LIBRARY DISTRICT, doing business its KING COUNTY LIBRARY SYST R1. Capitalired terms used herein have the meanings set forth in Section i below, RECITALS Wl[EREAS, pursuant to the Annexation Agreement, the City provided die Imul for and constructed a library facility oil the Land hercinafler described, which KCLS has operated for the benefit of residents of the City and other patrons of KCLS since completion of construction in 1998; 1VliEREAS, the City and KCLS desire that KCLS undertake, at its sole cost and expense, an expansion to the existing library facility, and that KCLS continue to operate such expanded library facility for the benefit of the residents of the City mid other patrons of KCLS, for so long as this .case remains in effect; NO\V THERFORE the City and KCL5 agree as i'ollows: 1. Definitions. Cnpitaliacd terms axed herein slmll have the meaning set forth below: "Annexation Agreement" memis the Agrcentcnt far Library Services Pending Annexation of the City of Auburn into the King County Rural Library District dated November 26, 1996, by and between the City and KCLS. "City" means the City of Auburn,lVashington. "Entryway" means the entryway from Auburn 1Vay South to the Parking Stalls as identified on i'sxhibit A attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference ("Exhibit A") "Improvements" means all buildings, structures, and improvements now existing or hereafter constructed upon the Land, and any restorations thereof, additions to, or replacements thereof, but excluding therefrom KCLS's Trade Mixtures. "KCLS" means the King County Rural Library District, doing business as King County Library System. "KCLS's Trade Mixtures" means all personal property of whatsoever nature of med, leased or used by KCLS in the operation of a library on the premises, and all furnishings, equipment and lixtures within the improvements, regardless of whether affixed to the Land or improvements, including without limitation the following: (a) Office equipment of every nature whatsoever, including without limitation, computers, copy and facsimile machines, and telephone equipment; (b) Book and media storage and display fixtures, and library fumiturc, including, (ables, chairs, book shelves, counters, desks, metal floor racks, and partitions with movable studs; (c) Oince furniture, including cabinets, chairs, desks, INS, and safes; (d) Removable walls and partitions extending from floor to ceiling but not an integral pan of slab at top and bottom; (c) Miscellaneous items such as alarm systems, scales, wall clocks, lockers and water coolers, and steel hand trucks, but not including heating or air conditioning equipment, electrical wiring and conduits, air ducts, and plumbing fixtures and pipes, carpeting, carpet litters, padding, striping, and rugs, or lighting fixtures; (f) Signage and art work, including bulletin boards, pegboards, pictures and decorative art placed on walls, sign holders, and ornamental fixtures on walls; (g) Counter display faxtures, including sign holders, stands, mirrors, and table dividers and any and all renewals, replacements of, additions to, and substitutions for the above -enumerated items. "Land" means that certain parcel of real property described in Exhibit B, attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference, including all easements, rights, rights -of --way, and licenses appurtenant thereto, but excluding the Improvements and KCLS's Trade Fixtures. "Parking Stalls" means the parking stalls currently located on the Land more particularly described in Exhibit A; "KCLS Parking Stalls" shall mean sixty (60) stalls identified in Exhibit A for use by KCLS in connection vfith the operation a public library on the Premises in accordance with this Lease, and "City Parking Stalls shall mean any remaining stalls identified in Exhibit A for use by the City in connection with the City's operation of a public park on property adjacent to the Premises, "Prcmiscoil means the Land, the Improvements, the Entryway and the KCLS Parking Stalls. 2, [case of Prcmiscs, '(cent. Subject to the City's rights and obligations with respect to the city Parking Stalls in accordmtcc with Section 20 of this Lcasc, the City hereby grants to KCLS, exclusive rights to possession and use of the Premises for so long as KCLS continues to operate a public library on the Premises in accordance with the terms of this lease. KCLS represents that the Premises, the sidewalks and structures adjoining the sane, sub -surface conditions, and fine present tenancies, uses and non -uses thereof, have been examined by KCLS and KCLS's agents, and that KCLS accepts the same, without recourse to the City, in the condition or state in which they or any of them now are, without representation or warranty, expressed or implied in fact or by law, as to the nature, condition, or usability thereof, or as to the use or uses to which tic Premises or any part thereof may be put, or as to the prospective income from, and expense of operation of, the Premises. 2 3. Rent. KCLS hereby agrees to pay and the City hereby agrees to accept as rent licrcunder, froth the date of this Lease until terminated, the sum of one dollar ($1.00) per year payable on or about the 151h day of January; provided that in the event of failure of KCLS to timely make any such rental payment, the sole recourse of the City shall be to specific enforcement of such obligation. 4. 1'itic to imnrovotnents and `I'rndc Fixtures. (a) Subject to the City's rights and obligations with respect the City Perking Stalls in accordance with Section 20 of this Lease, KCLS shall be the sole owner of all Improvements now existing or herenfier constructed on the Promises for so long as this Lease remains in efYect. Upon tennination of this Lease, all right, title, and interest of KCLS, or any entity or person acquiring any interest through KCLS in and to the Improvements then in existence, if any, shall cease and terminate, and title to such Improvements shall automatically vest in and the Premises shall be surrendered to the City, unless the City provides written notice to the KCLS, within one hundred twenty (120) days after the termination date, that it has determined to reject title to the Improvements and to require KCLS to remove the Improvements in accordance with Section 4(b) of this Lease. Unless the City so notifies KCLS of its detcrmination to reject title to tine improvements, no deed or other instrument shall be necessary to confirm the vesting in the City of title to time Improvements upon the tennination of this Lease; however, upon request of the City, KCLS shall execute, acknowledge, and deliver to the City a quitclaim deed confirming transfer, without warranty, of all of KCLS's right, title, mid interest in or to the Premises and the hnprovements then existing. The City shall pay all costs of preparing and recording such quitclaim deed, including without limitation, transfer taxes, if any. (b) '1'lic City shall hnvc the right, iu its sole discretion, to reject title to the hmprovcments upon lonninatiott of this Lease, by written notice to KCLS within one hundred twenty (120) days after the date of tennination. if the City so notifies KCLS of its determination to reject title to (lie Improvements upon tennination of this Lease, KCLS, at its own expense, shall remove all improvements and KCLS's Trade Fixtures from the Land and shall retuni the Land to the City free and clear of all improvements, with the exception of underground utilities which shall be properly capped. KCLS shall apply for permits to accomplish the removal of the improvements no later than one hundred eighty (180) days after the date of receipt of written notice from the City of its determination to reject title to the improvements, and shall diligently work to complete such removal upon receipt of necessary permits. (c) 'Title to KCLS's Trade Fixtures are and shell remain the sole and exclusive property of KCLS, during the term of this Lcasc and upon its termination, and the City shall have no rights in KCLS's Trade fixtures unless KCLS determines, in its sole discretion, to sell of gift all or any portion of such property to the City, The City acknowledges and understands that unless conveyed by gift or sale by KCLS to the City, the City shall have no right, title, or interest in KCLS's Trade Fixtures, including, without limitation, any option to purchase such properly, and KCLS shall have the absolute right to encumber, sell, or hypothcente KCi.S's `Trade Fixtures, to remove them from the Premises, or to otherwise deal with all or any portion of such KCLS's Trade Fixtures as it may determine in its sole discretion. The City shall not be obligated to accept title to any of the Trade Fixtures and unless the City otherwise agrees, in its sole discretion, KCLS shall remove all KCLS's Trade fixtures from the Premises within one hundred twenty (120) days after tern» nation of this !.case. 5. Taxes, Assessments and Utilities, kill Subject to the Uty's rights and obligations with respect the City Parking Stalls in accordance with Section 20 of this Lease, KCLS shall, at its own cost and expense, bear, pay, and discharge prior to delinquency, all real estate taxes, assessments, sewer rents, water rents find charges, duties, impositions, license and permit fees, charges for public utilities of any kind, payments and other charges of every kind and nature whatsoever, ordinary or extraordinary, foreseen or unforeseen, general or special (all orwhich are hereinafter collectively referred to as "Impositions"), which shall, pursuant to present or future law or otherwise, prior to or during the terns hereby granted, have been or be levied, charged, assessed, or imposed upon, or grown or become due and payable out of or for, or become or have become a lien on the Premises; it being the imention of the parties hereto that the rents reserved herein shall be received find enjoyed by the City as a net sum free front all of such Impositions, Impositions shall be apportioned between KCLS and the City as of the date of tcmnination of this Lease and shall be paid within sixty (00) days after such termination, but shall not be apportioned at the commencement of the term of this Lease. (b) KCLS shall pay all interest and penalties imposed upon the late payment of any Impositions that KCLS is obligated to pay hereunder. If KCLS shall fail, for thirty (30) days after notice and demand given to KCLS, to pay any Imposition on or before the lust day upon which the same may be paid without the imposition of interest or penalties for the lute payment thereof, then the City may pay the same with all interest and penalties lawfully imposed upon the late payment thereof, and the amounts so paid by the City shall thereupon be and become immediately due and payable by KCLS to the City hereunder. (c) At its own cost and expense, KCLS may, if it shall in good faith so desire, contest the validity or amount of any Imposition, in which event KCLS may defer the payment thereof for such Period as such contest shall be actively prosecuted and shall be pending undetermined, so long as such proceedings and any appeals shall operate to legally prevent tile collection of such payments and the sale of the Premises to satisfy any lien arising out of the non-payment of the same, The City shall execute and deliver to KCLS whatever documents may be necessary or proper to permit KCLS to so Contest any such Imposition or which may be necessary to secure payment of any refund which may result from any such proceedings. G. Maintenance and Repairs. Subject to the City's rights and obligations with respect ile City Parking Stalls in accordance with Section 20 of this Lease, at all times during the term of this Lease, KCLS shall, at its own cost and expense, keep the Premises, in good order, condition, and repair, ordinary wear and tear excepted, and in such condition as may be required by applicable law and by the terms of the insurance policies required to be maintained by KCLS pursuant to this Lease, whether or not such repair shall be interior or exterior, and whether or not such repair shall be of a structural nature, and whether or not the same can be said to be within the present contemplation of tlie panics hereto. The obligation of KCLS to maintain and repair the Premises shall specifically include, but shall not be limited to maintenance of the KCLS Parking Stalls by sweeping, snow and ice removal, repaving, remstriping and re -asphalting as KCLS reasonably determines to be necessary. Colnphance will Law. (a) Subject to the City's rights and obligations with respect the City Parking Stalls in accordance with Section 20 of this Lease, at all times during the term of this Lease, KCLS shall, at its ow7m cost and expense, perform and comply with all laws, roles, orders, ordinances, regulations, and requirements now or hereafter enacted or promulgated, of every sovereign, municipal or other governmental authority having jurisdiction over the Premises, and of any agency thereof, relating to the Premises now or hereafter located thereon, and equipment now or hereafter located therein, whether or not such laws, rules, orders, ordinances, regulations, or requirements so involved shall necessitate structural changes, improvements, interference with use and enjoyment of the Premises, replacements, or repairs, extraordinary as well as ordinary; and KCLS shall so perform and comply, whether or not such laws, rules, orders, ordinances, regulations, or requirements shall now exist or shall hereafter be enacted or promulgated, and whether or not such laws, rules, orders, ordinances, regulations, or requirements can be said to be within the present contemplation of the parties hereto. (b) KCLS shall have the right, provided it does so with due diligence and dispatch, to contest by appropriate legal proceedings, without cost or expense to the City, the validity of any law, rule, order, ordinance, regulation, or requirement of the nature: hercinabove referred to in this Section 7. KCLS may postpone compliance with such laws, rule, order, ordinance, regulation, or requirement until the final determination of such proceedings, only so long as such postponement of compliance will not subject the City to any criminal prosecution, or any other liability of any kind against the reversion of the Premises thereon which may arise by reason of postponement or failure of compliance with such law, rue, order, ordinance, regulation, or requirement. No provisions of this Lease shall be construed so as to permit KCLS to postpone compliance with such law, rule, order, ordinance, regulation, or requirement if any sovereign, municipal, or other governmental authority shall threaten to carry out any work to comply with the same or to foreclose or sell any lien affecting all or any part of the Premises which shall have arisen by reason of such postponement or failure of compliance. 8. Alterations. (a) KCLS shall have the right, al KCLS's expense, to expand the Improvements now or hereafter located on the Land, provided that the plans for any such expansion are approved by the City's Office of Facility Management prior to the commencement of construction; it being understood and agreed that approval by the City's Office of Facility Management of plans for expansion shall not be unreasonably withheld or delayed, (b) 6n addition to rights under Section 8(a) hereof, KCLS shall have the right from time to time during the tent of This Lease to make any other alteration or modification to the Improvements now or hereafter located on the Land as it determines; provided that, except with the City's consent (which shrill not be unreasonably withheld): (1) the Premises shall be used for the same general use after said alterations, or modifications, (ii) said alterations or modifications shall not lessen the market value or reduce the square footage of the Improvements. (c) It is expressly understood that the City's approval of plans or other required consent to the alterations, expansions, or modifications of the Improvements may be conditioned upon the famishing by KCLS of waivers of mechanics' and materialmen's liens from all persons furnishing materials or labor. Purther, in the event that mitigation is required under the State Gnvironmcntal Protection Act or the City's Critical Areas Ordinance, KCLS must negotiate with the City to identify potential property for the mitigation, or the work must happen an -site. KCLS is responsible for all costs and obligations of mitigation, including but not limited to costs to acquire property for mitigation if necessary. (d) KCLS shall apply, at its sole cost, to the appropriate governmental authorities or third parties for, and shall diligently pursue and obtain all permits, licenses, permissions, consents, or approvals required by law in connection with the construction of uny alterations, expansions or modifications to the improvements. The City agrees to process applications for permits and approvals submitted to it by KCLS in accordance with its nornal processes, reasonably and in good faith. However, KCLS acknowledges that the City has not made any representation or warranty with respect to KCLS's ability to obtain any pennit or approval, or to meet any other requirements for development of the Premises for its purposes, and nothing in this Lease is intended or shall be construed to require that the City exercise its discretionary authority under its regulatory ordinances to further the plans of KCLS to expand, alter or modify the Improvements. 9. Use of Premises. Subject to the City's rights and obligations with respect the City Parking Stalls in accordance with Section 20 of this Lease, KCLS shall use the Premises for the purpose of operating and maintaining a public library and ancillary uses related to the operation of a public library as KCLS determines in its sole discretion, Any other use of the Premises by KCLS shall be subject to the prior writtcn approval of the City mid shall be subject to such terms and conditions as the City and KCLS may agree. KCLS %Sill not use or keep or allow the Premises or any portion thereof, or any appurtenances thereto, to be used or occupied for any unlawful purpose or in violation of any certificate of occupancy, and will not suffer any act to be done or any condition to exist within the Premises or any portion thereof or in any improvement thereon, or pennit any article to be brought therein, which may be dangerous, unless safeguarded as required by Inv, or which may, under applicable law, constitute a nuisance, public or private, or which may make void or voidable any insurance in force with respect thereto. 10. Liens. KCLS shall at all times take such actions as are authorized by applicable law to protect the City against any loss, cost, fee, charge, expense, lien, or liability of any nature occurring or accruing by virtue of any such work, labor, service, or material performed or furnished for or to KCLS. If* Net Lease. This is an absolute net lease and the City shall not be required to provide any services or do any act or tiling with respect to the Premises or the appurtennnces thereto, except as may be specifically provided herein, and the rent reserved herein shall be paid to the City without any claim on the part of KCLS for diminution, setoff, or abatement, and nothing shall suspend, abate, or reduce any rent to be paid hereunder, except as otherwise specifically provided in this LCOSC. 12. Insurance. G (a) KCLS shall at all times during the tern of this Lease maintain insurance for property damage to the Premises similar to that wfiich KCLS carries for its other public library facilities. The City shall at all times during the terns of this Lease maintain insurance for property damage to the City Parking Stalls similar to that which the City carries for its other public parking facilities. (b) KCLS shall a( all times during the tern of this Lease maintain liability insurance in the amount of at least two million dollars ($2,000,000) per occurrence and five million dollars ($5,000,000) in the aggregate, and slwll cause the City to be made an additional insured on such insurance policy notwithstanding the existence of any other coverage available to the City. No less than once every ten years during the tern of this Lease, KCLS and (lie City agree to review the coverage limits hereunder and adjust tine coverage limits to insure that coverage remains adequate in light of inflation and any material change in the risk environment. KCLS's insurance coverage shall be primary insurance as related to the City. Any insurance, self4usurance, or insurance pool coverage mnintained by the City shall be considered excess of KCLS's insurance and shall not be subject to contribution with it. (e) The City shall at all (lines during the term of this Lease maintain liability insurance in the amount of at least two million dollars (S2,000,000) per occurrence and five million dollars {$5,000,000) in the aggregate. (d) No less than once every ten years during the tcml of this Lease, KCLS and the City agree to review the coverage limits hereunder and adjust the coverage limits to insure that coverage remains adequate in light of inflation and any material change in the risk environment, 13. Casual( . Subject to the City's rights and obligations with respect the City Parking Stalls 111 accordance with Sectioll 20 of lhls Lease, if tile Improvements are damaged or destroyed by fire or by any casualty such that they are no longer suitable for the provision of public library services without rebuilding or repair, KCLS shall within one hundred twenty (120) days advise the City of its determination whether it will rebuild and repair the Improvements and resume library services. If KCLS determines to rebuild and repair the premises and resume library services, KCLS shall promptly and diligently restore (be Improvements at its own cost and expense to a condition as nearly as may be possible tinder the circumstances to those existing immediately prior to such tire or casualty and resume public library services at a level comparable to that prior to said casualty. In the event that (i) KCLS fails to advise the City within one hundred twenty (120) days following any fire or casualty causing a cessation of library services of its intent to repair and rebuild the improvements and resume providing public library services, or (ii) KCLS fails to proceed promptly and diligently as circumstances may permit to rebuild and repair the Improvements and resume public library sentices after giving notice of its intention to do so, then, in either case, the City may terminate this Lease upon one hundred twenty (120) days' written notice to KCLS. The City shall not be entitled to any share of the proceeds of insurance maintained by KCLS on the Premises; however, in the event that this Lease is tenninuted by the City as the result of the determination by KCLS not to restore the Premises following damage or destruction thereof, upon the request of the City, KCLS agrees to pay the costs of demolishing and removing the Improvements from the Land. 14. Indemnification. To the extent permitted by law, KCLS shall defend, indetmt[fy, and (told the City, its officers, officials, employees and volunteers harmless from and against any and all claims, suits, actions, or liabilities for injury or death of any person, or for loss or damage to property, which arise or relate to: (i) the use or occupancy or manner of use or occupancy of the Premises by KCLS or any person claiming under KCLS; (H) any activity, work, or thing done or permitted by KCLS in or about the Premises; (iii) any breach by KCLS or its employees, agents, contractors or invitees of this Lease; and (iv) any injury, loss or damage to the person, property or business of KCLS, its employees, agents, or contractors or tiny invitees entering upon the Premises tinder the express or implied invitation of KCLS, except for injuries or damages as shall have been occasioned by the sole negligence of the City. If any action or proceeding is brought against the City or its employees or agents by reason of any such claim arising out of this Lease, KCLS, upon written notice from the City, will defend the same at KCLS's expanse with counsel reasonably satisfactory to the City. KCLS and the City have specifically negotiated and to the extent permitted by law KCLS specifically waives any provisions of any industrial insurance act, including Title 51 of the Revised Code of Washington, or any other employee benefit act that might operate to release or immunize KCLS from its obligations under this Section 14, I5. Assienntent: Subletting. (a) KCLS may assign this Lcasc or nay interest herein to a successor public entity formed through the reorganization of KCLS or to another governmental entity providing public library services. KCLS cony sublet or license space in the Premises to a sublessee providing ancillary services related to the operation of a public library as detcrntined by KCLS in its reasonable discretion, including, without limitation, provision of copying service to patrons and sale of used library materials. Any other assignment or sublease or license of the Promises and Improvements by KCLS shall be subject to the prior written approval of t[te City and shall be subject to such terns and conditions as the City, KCLS, and such assignee or sublessee may agree; provided, that on termination of this Lease any such assignment, sublease or license shall be terminated unless . otherwise agreed in writing by both the City and the assignee or sublessee. (b)'fhc City shall notify KCLS in writing of any assignment, pending sale, transfer of the leased property. 16 Hazardous Materials. KCLS and the City each agree to keep and maintain the Yrentises in compliance with, and shall not cause or pemtit the Premises to be in violation of, any applicable federal, state, or local laws, ordinances or regulations relating to industrial hygiene or to the environmental conditions (Hazardous Materials Laws) on, under, about, or affecting the Premises. Neither KCLS nor the City shall use, generate, manufacture, store, or dispose of on, under or about the Premises or transport to or from the Premises any flammable explosives, radioactive materials, hazardous wastes, toxic substances, or related materials, including without limitation any substances defined as or included in the definition of hazardous substances, hazardous wastes, hazardous materials, or toxic substances under any applicable federal or Washington stale laws or regulations (collectively referred to hereinafter as "Hazardous Materials"), Subject to the City's rights and obligations with respect to the City Parking Stalls, KCLS shall, at its expense, take all remedial aeflon(s) required by applicable Hazardous Materials Laws in response to the presence of any Hazardous Materials on, under, or about the Premises. 17, Default: '1'erminalion. The occurrence of any of the following events shall constitute a material default and breach of this Lease by KCLS: (a) Any failure by KCLS to pay (lie Impositions required to be paid hereunder by KCLS where such failure continues for thirty (30) days after written notice thereof by the City to KCLS, subject to the right of KCLS to protest; (b) There shall be filed by or against KCLS in any court or other tribunal pursuant to any statute or other rule of Inv, either of the United Stales or of any State or of any other authority now or hereafter exercising jurisdiction, a petition in bankruptcy or insolvency proceedings or for reorganivAution or for the appointment of a receiver or trustee of all or substantially all of KCLS's propeny, unless such petition be riled against KCLS and if in good faith KCLS shall promptly thereafter commence and diligently prosecute any and all proceedings appropriate to secure the dismissal of such petition, and such petition is dismissed within one hundred eighty (180) days or KCLS makes an assignment for the benctit of creditors; (c) Any failure by KCLS to provide public library services where such failure continues for thirty (30) days after written notice thereof by the City to KCLS; provided, that, in the event of a fire or other casualty causing damage or destruction requiring cessation of library services, KCLS shall have ninety (90) days to advise the City notice of KCLS's intent to repair and rebuild the Improvements and resume providing public library services, and upon receipt of such notice the City shall not tenninate this Lease so long as KCLS proceeds promptly and diligently as circumstances permit to rebuild, repair, and resume services; or (d) Any other failure of the payment or performance by KCLS of its obligations Iereunder, if such failure shall continue for more than sixty (60) days after written notice of default and demand for performmnce shall have been delivered by tine City to KCLS; provided that, if in good faith KCLS undertakes reasonable action to cure such failure within such sixty (60) day period, such failure shall not ripen into an event of default unless and until such time as KCLS shall cease SUChdeasonable action to care. In the event of any such default by KCLS, then in addition to any other remedies available to tlie City at law or in equity, the City shall have the option to tenninate this Lease and all rights of KCLS hereunder immediately by %witten notice to KCLS. 18. Npn-Waiver. No waiver by the City of any breach by KCLS of any term, covenant, condition, or agreement herein and no failure by the City to exercise any right or remedy in respect of any breach hereunder, shall constitute a waiver or relinquishment for the future of any such term, covenant, condition, or agreement or of any subsequent breach of any such term, covenant, condition, or agreement, nor bar any right or remedy of the City in respect of any such subsequent breach, nor shall the receipt of any rent, or any portion thereof, by the City, operate as a waiver of the rights of the City to enforce the payment of any other rent then or thereafter in default, or to terminate this Lease, or to recover the Premises, or to invoke any other appropriate remedy which the City may select as herein or by law provided, 19. Surrender. (a) Upon termination of this Lease, KCLS shall surrender and deliver up the Premises into the possession and use of the City, without delay, without any payment or allowance whatever by the City on account of or for any Improvements erected or maintained on the Premises at the tine of the surrender. The Improvements shall be delivered to the City in the condition such property is otherwise required to be maintained by the terms of this Lease, (b) Upon termination of this Lease, KCLS's Trade Fixtures and any property belonging to any other occupant of space in the Premises shall be and remain the property of KCLS or such other occupant, as applicable, and KCLS shall have one hundred twenty days (120) after tine termination of this Lease to remove the same. If KCLS fails to remove any such Trade Fixtures or other property within such period, the City may take whatever steps the City deems reasonable to immediately remove the same from the Premise and to sell or dispose of it, refunding any proceeds to KCLS minus any incurred City expenses up to a maximum of two thousand dollars ($2,000) unless agreed otherwise in writing. 20. Cit y's Rights and nblieations with Respect to City Parking Stalls. Notwithstanding any provision of this Lease to the contrary: (a) The City shall have the right to use the City Parking Stalls for public parking in connection with its operation of a public park on land located adjacent to the Premises, (b) The City shall maintain the City Parking Stalls as the City reasonably determines to be necessary. (c) The City shall be obligated to pay all impositions with respect to the City Parking Stalls, and shall perform and comply with all laws, rules, orders, ordinances, regulations, and requirements now or hereafter enacted or promulgated, of every sovereign, municipal or other governmental authority having jurisdiction over the City Parking Stalls, and of any agency thereof, whether or not such laws, rules, orders, ordinances, regulations, or requirements so involved shall necessitate structural changes, improvements, interference with use mid enjoyment of the City Parking Stalls, replacements, or repairs, extraordinary as well as ordinary; and the City shall so perform and comply, whether or not such laws, rules, orders, ordinances, regulations, or requirements shall now exist or shall hereafter be enacted or promulgated, and whether or not such Taws, rules, orders, ordinances, regulations, or requirements can be said to be within (lie present contemplation of the parties hereto. 21. Recordation of Lease, The parties hereto hereby agree to record this Lease or a memorandum of this Lease identifying the Premises and such other clauses therein as either party may desire. 22. No Partnership. The City shall not be deemed, in any way or for any purpose, to have become, by the execution of this Lease or any action taken under this Lease, a partner of KCLS, in KCLS's business or otherwise, or a member of any joint enterprise with KCLS. 23. No Oral Chnnecs, Phis Lease may not be changed or modified orally, but only by mt agreement in writing signed by both parties. 24. Bind and hare. The terms, covenants, conditions, and agreements of this Lease shall bind and inure to the benefit of the parties hereto and their respective successors and assigns. 25. Notice. Except as otherwise provided herein, all notices, consents or other communications required hereunder shall be in writing and shall be sufficiently given if delivered by facsimile transmission with prompt telephonic confirmation of receipt, or personally by hand, or sent by nationally recognized overnight courier service, or by certified or registered mail, postage prepaid and return receipt requested, addressed as follows; 'I'IiL CITY: City of Auburn 25 Nest Main Street Auburn, Washington 98001.4998 Attention: Mayor +with concurrent capics to: City of Auburn 25 West Main Street Auburn, Washington 980014998 Attention: Director of Human Resources, Risk and Property Management 9Go Ncwpon Way N1V Issaquah Washington 98027 Attu: facilities 2G. Resolution of Cottf]icts with Annexation A reF, cancan. This Lease is intended to clarify and amend the terms of fire Annexation Agreement as it relates to the rights and obligntions of KCLS and the City with respect to ownership and use of the Premises. It) the event of a conflict between the terms of this Lease and the Annexation Agreement, the terms of this Lease shall control. 27. Counterparts. This Lease may he executed in counterparts, and cacti such counterpart shall be deemed to he an original, 1N WI I NESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Lease to be executed as of the day and year first above Witten, lllf;% rI1 0 I'I{Ii CITY OF AUBURN,IVASFIING'CON By —� Pete Lewis, Mayor` STAI'l; OF IVAS] [ING'I'ON } } ss COUNTY OF KING ) KCI,S: KING COUNTY RURAL LIBRARY DISTRICT, doing business as KING COUNTY LIBRARY SYSTEM [Title] I certify that I now or have sittisfactory evidence thntf<t� G�« F is the person t"ho appeared before me, and said person acknowledged (lint he/she signed this instrument, on oath stated that he was authorized to execute the instrument and acknowledged it as tltc �L�a✓ of the CITY OF AUBURN, WASHINGTON, to be the free and voluntary act of such p arty tr vat for the uses and purposes mentioned in the instrtment6 ' D Al M4,F SS NOTARY PUI341C in and for the State ofl , residing 000111�III I II liltat C(�' Lk ,%.Lk 11 YI%., rd4nti�" s,'n,.1,oa.1ti My appointment expires: IF S'I'A'1'L" Of 1VA51IINGT'ON ) ) SS COUNTY OF KING ) 1 certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that B.ti Ant is the person who appeared bcfore me, and said person acknowledged that he signed this instrument, on oath stated that he was authorized to execute the instrument and acknowledged it as the ?C�1,e4Wof KING COUNTY RURA14 LIBRARY DISTRICT', doing business as KING COUNTY LIBRARY SYSTEM, a Washington public corporation, to be the free and vo untary act o such party for the uses and purposes mentioned in the instrument, DAfGD: h•2�1�2oio NOTARY P BLC in and for the State oft t ' °, residing My appointment expires: 121�t1Zo1_ t3 Exhibit A to Ground Lease Identification of Leased Area Prior to expansion of Library Building CORE DESIGN, INC. BELLEVUE WA 98007 Core Project No: 09080 03/18/2011 Legal Description —Auburn_ Library —Current Lease Area That portion of Parcel A, City of Auburn Lot Line Adjustment #BLA08-0018, recorded under King County Recording No. 20090120900004, in the northwest quarter of the northeast quarter of Section 19, Township 21 North, Range 5 East, W.M., City of Auburn, King County, Washington, described as follows: BEGINNING at the most we§terly corner of said Parcel A and a point on the northeasterly right-of-way margin of Auburn Way South; thence N48058'22"E, along the westerly line of said Parcel A, 40.58 feet; thence N01 006'38"E, continuing along said westerly line, 249.61 feet; thence N89050'42"E 22.27 feet; thence S88°08'01"E 108.55 feet; thence S88°57'30"E 89.40 feet; thence S88057'30"E 14.22 feet; thence S01°44'04"W 167.51 feet; thence S89032'47"E 24.99 feet; thence S01026'48"W 71.72 feet; thence S88°33'12"E 12.08 feet; thence S01°30'58"W 44.37 feet; thence N88°46'09"W 229.02 feet; thence N42020'38"W 18.86 feet; thence S47°18'48"W 46.09 feet to a point on said westerly line of Parcel A and said northeasterly margin; thence N42021'17"W, along said line and margin, 34.54 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING, Contains 70,202t Square Feet (1.6116t Acres) N:\2009109080\Legal\09080L02 Current Lease.doc 19TeL N 64 I N89'50'42`E EXISTING .L 0. 22.27 BUILDING T.L N0. 1921059122 OF 9 yGVF IY;F;�I EXISi1NG AUBURN LIBRARY BUILDING PARCEL A AUBURN LLA �LA08-0018 REC, We 20090120900004 PARKING/DRIVE AISLE N8B'57'30`W 14.22 f1i:F79 PARKING/DRIVE AISSCCEE I T.L N0. 1921059006 AUBURN LIBRARY CURRENTLEASEAREA EXHIBITA 24.99 � �\ o ' IzI I A/ SCALE: 1" = 60' 30 60 PAGE 10F 1 `CO/RE 14711 NE Washington Place 980 101 Bellevue, Washington 98007 425.885.7877 Fax 425,885,7963 It DESIGN ENGINEERING PLANNING, SURVEYING JOB NO_ 09080 Exhibit B to Ground Lease Identification of leased Area During Construction and including additional leased area to accommodate expansion of Library Building CORE DESIGN, INC. BELLEVUE WA 98007 Core Project No: 09080 03/18/2011 Legal Description —Auburn Library — Post -expansion Lease Area That portion of Parcel A, City of Auburn Lot Line Adjustment #BLA08-0018, recorded under King County Recording No. 20090120900004, in the northwest quarter of the northeast quarter of Section 19, Township 21 North, Range 5 East, W.M., City of Auburn, King County, Washington, described as follows: BEGINNING at the most westerly corner of said Parcel A and a point on the northeasterly right-of-way margin of Auburn Way South; thence N48°58'22"E, along the westerly line of said Parcel A, 40.58 feet; thence N01 °06'38"E, continuing along said westerly line, 249.61 feet; thence N89°50'42"E 22.27 feet; thence S88°08'01"E 108.55 feet; thence S88057'30"E 89.40 feet; thence N01°02'30"E 8.39 feet; thence S88057'30"E 33.73 feet to a point of non -radial intersection with a 82.00400t radius curve to the right, the center of which bears S73003'35"W; thence southerly, along said curve, through a central angle of 17°04'30", a distance of 24.44 feet to a point of tangency; thence S00008'05"W 14.56 feet; thence S10°10'07"W 20.69 feet to a point of tangency with a 30.00- foot radius curve to the left; thence southerly, along said cure, through a central angle of 09005'12", a distance of 4.76 feet to a point of tangency; thence 301 °04'55"W 98.03 feet to a point of tangency with a 30.00400t radius cure to the left; thence southerly, along said cure, through a central angle of 18005'04", a distance of 9,47 feet to a point of tangency; thence S17000'09"E 43.09 feet; thence S01 030'58"W 79.75 feet; thence N88046'09"W 256.22 feet; thence S47018'48"W 26.39 feet to a point on said westerly line of Parcel A and said northeasterly margin; thence N42°21'17"W, along said line and margin, 34.54 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING, Contains 75,006± Square Feet (1.7219±Acres) N:\2009\09080\Legal\09080L03 Post -expansion Lease.doc N89'50'42'E EXISTING T.L. N0. 22.27 BUILDING 1921059164°°" 9 I1X:F9�:77:1 PROPOSED s+. AUBURN g LIBRARY N BUILDING m `rd " N U PARCEL AUBURN �p #BLA08-0018 (w5 REC. N0* z 20090120900004 z POINT OF PARKING/DRIVE AISSLLEE 8.39 Il�ti� PARKINC/DRIVE AISLE I 1921059006 AUBURN LIBRARY POSi•EXPANSION LEASE AREA EXHIBIT A4 v n� n SCALE; 1" = 60' 30 60 PAGE 10F 1 980 `14711 NE 29t6 Place 101 Bellevue, Washington 98007 CORE 425.8857877 Fax 425.885.7963 VAI DESIGN ENGINEERING PLAWNING, SURVEYING JOB NO_ 09080 RESOLUTION N0.4 S 81 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, WASHINGTON, AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR AND CITY CLERK TO EXECUTE A LEASE AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF AUBURN, WASHINGTON AND KING COUNTY RURAL LIBRARY DISTRICT, DOING BUSINESS AS KING COUNTY LIBRARY SYSTEM WHEREAS, pursuant to the Annexation Agreement, the City of Aubum (herein after referred to as "City") provided the land tar and constructed a library facility on the Land hereinafter described, which King County Library System (herein after referred to as "KCLS") has operated for the benefit of residents of the city and other patrons of KCLS since completion of construction in 1998; and WHEREAS, the City and KCLS desire that KCLS undertake, at its sole cost and expense, an expansion to the existing library facility, and that KCLS continue to operate such expanded library facility for the benefit of the residents of the City and other patrons of KCLS, for so tang as this Lease remains in affect. NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON, HEREBY RESOLVES as follows: Resolution No. 4581 March 15, 2010 F ege 1 of 3 Section I. Purpose. That the City Council of the City of Auburn approves the Lease Agreement between the City of Auburn and King County Library System in substantial conformity with the agreement attached hereto as Exhibit "A"and incorporated herein by this reference. Section 2. That the Mayor of the City of Auburn, and the City Clerk are authorized to execute the Lease Agreement between the Cify of Auburn and King Couniy Library System. Soctio_n 3. Implementation. The Mayor is hereby authorized to implement such administrattve procedures as may be necessary to carry out the directives of this legislation. Section 4. Effective date. This resolution shall be in full force and effect upon passage and signatures hereon. Doled and Signed this _ PETER MAYOR ATTEST: anieile E. Daskam, City Clerk Resolution No, 4561 March 15, 2010 Pogo 2 0l 3 2010. AS TO FORM: Resolulfon No. 4581 March 15, 2010 Page 3 013