HomeMy WebLinkAboutPre-Application Conference ApplicationAU P)O RN CITY OF AUBURN _. &A%imc,um Department of Planning, Building&Community Auburn City Hall, 2 Floor 25 West Main Street Auburn, WA 98D01 Tel: 253,931.3090 Fax: 253,804.3'114 permilcenler@aubumm.gov wver.auburnvra.gov OFFICE USE ONLY FILE #: FILE NAME: TYPE: FEE PAID: SUBMITTAL DATE: NO USE DESIG: RECEIVED BY: CHECK/CASH: PRE -APPLICATION CONFERENCE APPLICATION APPLICANT: CYUse mailing address for meeting notification. p Check box if Primary Contact COMPANY: KING- (,ouNTY L.19RARM SYSTeM ADDRESS: _ %o NEWQT POWA1( NW (CITY, STATE, ZIP) ISSAQUAN WA 40o2ti PHONE: 425 1(vj 32dd FAX: E-MAIL: SIGNATURE:. PRINTED NAME: (Signature Required) APPLICANT'S REPRESENTATIVE: Eck box if Primary Contact COMPANY: SC14ACHT I ASLAW AV*Clatrl:CTs ADDRESS: SMIT'ta Tootaft 506 56cot4b Assla sulr£+ Too (CITY, STATE, ZIP) 5EATT1-1~ v WA �98t t'1 PHONE: ZOro 443 4448 FAX: �Dto 4d 3 *54" t 1 E-MAIL: EyAt-I @ SAAR�LH • coM SIGNATURE: �' (Signature Requiredl PRINTED NAME: TsYAN $ov¢QvA¢D PRQPERTY OWNER(S): I7 Attach separate sheet i/needed. ki Check box if Primary Contact COMPANY: C 7� E Crk��- � — C`��c I �e�-e , i PI .� S ADDRESS: ��� t xn _ C�1A� ":-73 -p�-z (CITY, STATE, ZIP P Q b PHONE: a q t F E-MAIL:' J\ e S del t-r UV SIGNATURE: PRINTED NAME: \ \ e L.�, 1,25 (Signature Required) Note: Applicant torteprese "tative must have property owner's consent to file this application form In order for It !o be accepted''•§ SITE ADDRESS: EXISTING USE OF SITE: LCIA L- au v ti rY ASSESSOR'S PARCES.IgX'"'`-Z,. L(STSIZE ZONING DISTRICT L15tLA�4 13v1LA Iat+�I L,ES lsdl/E AW PROPOSED USE OF SITE: SAME AS ABOVE AREA TO BE DEVELOPED (s,f.): 1oubum-1ZplanNngTermll CenteWPLICATIONS FORMST!anning Fwm512009 FORMSTreappluUmConfereAMAppForm?009.dw =25109 3 CITY OF AUBURN IAUf3FJ RN Department of Planning, mm ng, Building & Counity hA.ulu.rs\ Auburn City Hall,2 Floor 25 West Main Street Auburn, WA 98001 Tel: 253,931,3090 _ Fax 253.804.3114 pennilcenter@auburnwa.gov w w.aubumwa.gov PRE -APPLICATION CONFERENCE PRE -APPLICATION CONFERENCE -AUTHORIZATION LETTER FROM PROPERTY OWNER GRANTING AUTHORIZATION 70 ACT (A copy of this letter must be submitted for each property owner Involved) being duly sworn declare that I am the owner of the property oived in the application. I hereby grant � , of C t� rc4 . C -e r T S to act on m behalf. I certify under penalty of perjury declare that ail statements, answers, and information herein submitted is in all respects true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. I agree to hold the City of Auburn harmless as to any claim (including costs, expenses and attorneys fees Incurred in the investigation of such claim) which may be made by any person, including the undersigned, and filed against the City of Auburn, but only where such claim arises out of the reliance of the City, including its officers and employees, upon the accuracy of the information provided to the City as part of this application. I further agree that the City of Auburn staff may enter upon the subject property (ies) at any reasonable time to gain familiarity with site conditions and to take photographs and to post public ,eta 24�C,Q l Address Subscribed and sworn to before me this 30 day of Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, 4"U 1laUEurn121plaaniMjtPemtil C2nteMPPLICAT10YS FORMS4PIareYng Forrns�20e9 FOBA7S1ProapplicationCon(aranceApoForm_20o9.aac Cu25:20a9 BBUR(� CITOF AUBURN V • N DepartmYent of Planning, Building & Community h'hHll\fI:M Auburn City Hall, 2' Floor 25 West Main Street Auburn, WA 98001 Tat: 253.931.3090 Fax: 253.804.3114 pemitcenter@aubumwa.gov www.auburnwa.gov PRE -APPLICATION CONFERENCE PRE -APPLICATION CONFERENCE SUBMITTAL CHECKLIST SITE AND USE INFORMATION —please answer the following: How many access points to the public street does the site have now and how many are proposed under the current application? (Mote: An approved deviation Is required from the City Engineer to allow more than one access point.) Existing: 1 Proposed: r ( No c"""46 All rmr, > ❑ For non-sinale family residential applications only, please identify: The proposed type of construction (i.e., VN, IIIN): uB The proposed size of the largest building: I Q , 99a 5p Wl4r" COAFL>c7?r The proposed occupancy of the structures (i.e., "S", "F", "H"), if known: IN + 13 M[iFmp ocwpA! 14Y Any manufacturing processes proposed: t�10 . WiII you will be utilizing fire sprinkler systems: IVi''es i_ No t, Do not know, but possible Will you will be storing or using hazardous material: Yes L�No C Do not know, but possible If yes, type of material to be stored: N A Please file attached "Owner's Statement of Intended Use" WRITTEN MATERIALS — Total of ten 1101 copies A. APPLICATION FORM. Provide a completed application form signed by the property owner(s) and/or applicant inclusive of the completed Application Submittal Checklist. ✓❑ B. WRITTEN STATEMENT. Provide a detailed description of the proposed project or proposal including, but not limited to: the changes to the site, structure, landscaping, parking and land use. \launurn121planninglPermit CenfeMPPLICATIOVS_FORMS1PIanning Formsl2009 FORMS1PreappliralwnConferenceAppForm_2D09.doc a1151200g PRE -APPLICATION CONFERENCE C. $259.00 APPLICATION FEE as established by the City Council. Make checks payable to the City of Auburn. PLANS &GRAPHICS — Total of ten l90) copies All plans, except architectural elevations, should be to scale (engineering scale) and should have a maximum sheet size of 24" x 36" and a minimum sheet size of 11" x 17". Architectural elevations may be drawn to an architectural scale and should have a maximum sheet size of 24" x 36" and a minimum sheet size of 11" x 17". All plans should be folded to fit a legal size file jacket. LA. VICINITY MAP showing parcels, streets, and key physical features (e.g, streams, lakes) within 500 feet on all sides of the proposed development site. B. PROPOSED CONCEPTUAL SITE PLAN: Applicants are encouraged to provide as much information and detail as available. Below is a list of recommended items to be shown on the Proposed Conceptual Site Plan: • Proposed name of project (e.g„ subdivision or business). • Area of the site (acres or square feet). • Location of existing public and private utilities, easements, and 100-year floodplain (if known) • Environmentally sensitive areas, as defined by Chapter 16.10 (Critical Areas) of the Auburn City Code. • Location of on -site wetlands, upland wooded areas, riparian areas, rock out-croppings, and streams (if known). • Configuration and dimensions of all existing and proposed lots and tracts, including proposed park, open space, and or drainage tracts or easements. • Location and dimensions of existing and proposed buildings, structures. • Internal circulation system, name and location of existing and proposed roadways and roadway easements (private and public). • Location of existing and proposed on -site driveways and off-street parking • Location of existing off -site driveways across the street. • Location and width of existing and proposed on -site pedestrian and bicycle facilities on -site. • Location and width of existing and proposed easement for access, drainage, etc. • Location of existing and proposed trees and other landscaping to be planted at the site. C. PROPOSED ARCHITECTURAL ELEVATIONS (if applicable and available) • Building height, direction each elevation will face, material elements (if known) and other features. 1Wuburn121p13nNrglPermit CenlerWPPLiCATiONS-FORMSWWnning Fwm5�2009 FORMSiPreapp��calionConferencenppForni 2W9.doc &25/2009 PR&APPLICATION CONFERENCE SPECIFIC QUESTIONS AND ISSUES YOU WISH TO HAVE DISCUSSED Al THE PRE -APPLICATION CONFERENCE: (Attach separate sheet if necessary) PLEASE NOTE BELOW THE NAMES OF CITY STAFF WITH WHOM YOU HAVE ALREADY DISCUSSED THIS PROPOSAL, ESPECIALLY IN RELATION TO THE ABOVE QUESTIONS AND ISSUES: STAFF=PERSON NAME , DEPARTMENT 1. 71iiFF p/Xotif c,(T 6? AvFSuf FJI PlwA14ttij("fi 2. $o� Wr=tA-c-Mr t or AvISvW� PLAtgtJft4 3. \tauburni2\pianningWermit CenterlAPPUCA710NS_fORR1SWianning Forms�2009 FORMS�PreappiicafionconferenceAppForn12009.doc 829/2009 Valley Regional Fire ! t pt [l tilreet Norrheast • Auburn wA 9tipp7 4p75. 753 937 3WV HIGH -PILED COMBUSTIBLE STORAGE OWNER'S STATEMENT OF INTENDED USE Address: I1 0 2 AU6UIGl.I wAY Sour�l Permit Number: Tenant: KtWr savor" u1S7Af9,q SyttEsU Telephone: _ Owner: KcLs (RAMC Rs Asoviel Telephone: Gross Building Area: I'i, 4qo sq. ft. Designated Storage Area: D sq. ft. Will this storage area be accessible to the public? Yes ❑ No ❑ tit /A The Valley Regional Fire Authorities review of this project indicates there is the potential for it to be used for piled combustible combustible storage as defined by the International Fire Code. If this is the case, special fire protection features may be required above and beyond those specified in the regular building permit plan review. Please check the appropriate box below, sign and return this form to the Valley Regional Fire Authority at the address listed above. If you have questions, please contact us at (253) 931-3060. If additional fire protection features are required, you will be notified. his building will not be used for high -piled combustible storage as defined by the International Fire Code: Storage in piles or on pallets, shelves or racks where the commodity exceeds twelve (12) feet in height, or, Tires, Group "A" plastics, flammable/combustible liquids, idle pallets or similar high -hazard commodities stacked or stored more than six (6) feet above the floor. ❑ This building will be used for high piled combustible storage, and will be designed to conform to International Fire Code requirements. A Fire Authority Permit is required for all storage areas more than 500 sq. ft. NOTE: If you checked this box, the Valley Regional Fire Authority will ask you to provide additional information on the materfal(s) stored and the methods) in which they are stored. ❑ This building has no identified tenant at this time. I will notify the tenant that there may be special Fire Authority requirements for high -piled combustible storage, and the tenant will be advised to contact the fire authority for permits prior to occupancy. Owner's Signature 1�auburn121planNngWermir CenteMPPUCATl0l�5 FORI./Sfalanning Formsr2009 pORMSiPreapp�icaLonConrcrenceAppromi_2009.da &25l2009