HomeMy WebLinkAboutAmendment to Lease - VRFAAMENDMENT TO LEASE AGREEMENT FOR USE OF CITY OWNED PROPERTY This amendment to the Lease Agreement dated August 18, 2008, between the Valley Regional Fire Authority, a Washington municipal corporation ("VRFA' in the State of Washington and the Ciry qf Aub»Trn a Washington unicipal corporation(the"City") (the"Lease") is emered into this /'v day of7'/d,201 I. In consideration of the mutua] promises and covenanu contained in the Lease and this amendment,the parties agree as follows: 1.The second recital clause is amended to read as follows: WHEREAS, the City owns land and is willing to lease the portion of the land which is legally described on Exhibit A attached hereto to the VRFA to operate a fire station at 500 182' Ave. E. (Pierce Counry Parcel No. 0520051032) ("Station 33"), and land and building located at 1101 D. St. NE (King County Pazce] No. 7459920010) ("Station 31") and 1951 R. Street SE King County Parcel No. 1921059336)("Station 32"), collectively Imown as the "F've Stations", and 2. The Lease Ageement dated August 18, 2008, shall be construed and interpreted in conformity with the above amended second recital clause. 3. Al1 other provisions of the Lease shall remain in fiill foroe and effect. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties.hereto have executed tkiis amendment as of the day and year first written above. VALLEY REGIONAL FIRE CI AUTHO TY r--- Bx: Eric .Robertson, Administrator Peter B. Lewis, ayor Attest: Attest: f`°'"'"`—' I.ouise M. Bartol, lerk of the Board Danielle Daskam,City Clerk Approved as to form: Appr ed as t seph F. Quinn,VRFA Attomey D el B.Heid, rty Attomey B ISIT pA" LSLBS 118BA PABCSL LBfiAL DBSCBIF'lIOS' CI1Y OP A BORA TO VALLBY 98CIOtAi. PI@B AD17[ORITY TBAT BORTIOEI OP 17 8T1[ HALB OP T116 90017 118T QW QTID! pY T1 O1tSIB718T pIIART OB 88CPION S. TONd6HIP 20 NORTN. RANf36 S SPBT. MILLPN8IRB I IDIAR, PISACS COONTY. PA9EQNOT0217 IICBPTINfi TIBRBPROM: 17B HABT 70.00 PB@T TIf 80P COliVBY 10 PIBACS COUNTY SIITeIN D68D RHCORD L[ID8R A.B.B. 4II77811 A9D AL80 6%CBptIEp T88R8FRp1 ApY PORTIOA COHV6Y8D 1U SL PA80 NATORAL (iA8 COEBANY BY D D RSCORDID DNU A.Y.N. IIa30180. BSIDIC NORB PARTICOLARLY DSSCRIB, AS 70LLOWS: B&3I9ttIN0 AT TFB IiORTBHAST C089BR OP BAI NOATN 9ALB 08 '17 80RRB718T pUART OP TNS EMATH6A8T QmIRT j '1776NC8 11LO G T HOH1'8 LI96 OP SAID SUBDIVISIO& 80VfH B9°40'lY W83T, 30.06 P T TO T88 qB84 LIl16 OB T BAST 30.G0 PSSP COIiVBY TO PI88C8 CO@7TY BY BZ7. N ER AODIIDR'8 PILB p101 89 ]2 7811 J1ND $410280 AND T TROB POIM' OP BSfiIpRlNp; 17 1C8 ALOBG SAID LINS SOPPH O]°13'OY 9BST, 676.OB PIIT; '17 PC8 80RTH B8°38'15' NBST, 26.64 P88T7 't'CS NORY'H Sl°70'47• NBBT. 35.93 PSBT: THO1C8 HOR17[ 23°S•i3• NSST, 102.1 P T; T 7CB PORYH 16•70'43' N86T, 1{0.'!7 P84Pr 41 1CH NOR1F 65•37'71• NBST, SY,66 886T; 4N C8 600.TIt 89^23'S8• fiBBT, 55.50 P T 77ffiif:6 60Pn7 Ol°53'10' 11E8T, 81.16 Pffi'1 171 iC8 NORTd 89•l0'07• 1P88T, 193.75 P6BP; 77 iC8 WOR18 19°77'10• IBSS. B.CB P'77 'CB ImORTN 77•07'09• MSbT. ]f.30 BBBT; 171 RB NDA371 7°41'37• NBSTr 1].09 Y64f: TF ICS 9ORT1[ 25°55'S2• NSBT. 17.1 P68T1 7'[C8 1GORTA 13°17'44• BAST. 75.20 P T: T1BNC8 &ORTB 00°37'71• N88T. 70.94 P88T: T1 VC6 90HTII 34°32•17• N88T. 78.57 P68T; T'HIIiiC6 9CRTH OB°21'07• BABT. 25.04 Y66T; T1186C8 gORTfI 20°58'14• N68T, 55.58 886Tt 17 iC6 3QORT9 5°48'25• WBST, 17.39 PB&T; Tf 7C6 90ATf1 16•Z7'{9' 1 ST, 1{.01 PBST; Tt!ffiiCH NORTlI 00°19'45' iP8S7, 197.75 PBST TO 17B DiORTH LSN6 0/ BRID SOBDIV29ZOM; T{7C8 AiAN6 SAID LIPB NORTFI 89^60'15' SABT, 551.63 PBeT TO TN8 TRIB DOIIPf OP B&iI 47IN6. BITtlATB Ip T1 COIRiTY OP PISRC6.STATB OP NASNINOTON. CONTAI9IN6 931,682 SQm1Afi P86T OH 5.319 ACRBS, MOR6 OR LB88) e? 0. AANO° 1 yq a 6-A AL A1 Page 1 of I 1dy 29.2W8 INSf9 B.APIDHRSON&ASSOCLI'fB4,NiG t vew ypA1.D rtON mme