HomeMy WebLinkAbout4792RESOLUTION NO.4792 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, 1NASHINGTON, AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR AND CITY CLERK TO EXECUTE AN AMENDMENT TO A LEASE BETWEEN THE CITY OF AUBURN AND THE VALLEY REGIONAL FIRE AUTHORITY (VRFA) WHEREAS; on August 18,:2008, the City and the VRFA entered into a 5- year lease Agreement concerning the GSA building; and WHEREAS, the parties now wish to change the scope of the lease to permit the City to use a larger portion of the building; and WHEREAS the VRFA has changed the station number for the leased building from Fire Station #33 40#35; and WHEREA8, it is in the public interest for the parties to enter into an Agreement amending the scope of the lease. NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON,`HEREBY RESOWES as follows: Section 1. The Mayor, and the Aubum City Clerk are hereby authorized to execute a lease amendment between the City of Aubum and the Valley Regional Fire Authority concerning the lease of the GSA building provided the amendment. is in substantial conformity with the attached amendment marked as Exhi6it,"A;" and incorporated herein by this reference. Resolution No.4792 January 9, 2012 Page 1 of 2 Section 2. The Mayor is hereby authorized to impiement such administrative procedures as may be necessary to carry out the directives of this legislation. Section 8. This Resolution shall be in full force and effect upon passage and signatures hereon. Dated and signed this O day of February, 2012. CITY OF AUBURN RETER B. LEWIS, MAYOR ATTEST: Danielle E. Daskam, City Glerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: D niel B. Hei , ity Attome Resolution No.4792 January 9, 2012 Page 2 of 2 AMENDMENT No. 1 to the LEASE AGREEMENT BETWEEIV THE CITY OF AUBURN AND THE VALLEY REGIONAL FIRE AUTHORITY FOR FIRE STATION #35 Eaecuted August 18,2008 and Approved by Resolution 4391 The changes made by this amendment to the above lesse are described as follows: Section I, Use of Fire Station #35;shall be replaced in its entirety and superseded by the following terms and conditions Use of Fire Station#35. The Ciry hereby offers the use of the Fire Station portion of the"GSA Building"for the VRFA to use for the purpose of providing fire, rescue, emergency medical and safety training, emergency prepazedness storage and response; fire code and inspection ' services, general'storage and altemate fire and emergency medical services resporise capa6ilities. The "GSA Building" is the Ciry-owned structure located at 2905 "C" _ Street SW, Auburn, WA 98001. Fire Station" shall be all portions of the GSA building except the western most Warehouse poition,consisting of 4,470 square feet,the Maintenance _ Shop portion;consisting of 2,110 squaze feet, azid the three Vehicle Bays in the southwest portion of the building, consisting of 414,398, and 522 square feet. Section 5, Maintenance;Cleaning, Repair and Utilities, shall be replaced in its enticety and superseded by the following terms and conditions: Maintenance, Cleaning, Reoair and Utilities. The VRFA shall maintain the GSA Building in.good repair and tenable condition during the term of this lease. The VRFA shall make all repairs and replacements, whether strucnual or non-stnictural; necessary to keep the GSA Building safe and in good condition, including all utilities, fixtures, and systems serving the GSA Building. The VRFA shall be responsible for payment of all water and sewer utilities to the GSA Building of this Interlocal Agreement, as well as telecommunications, electrical, and other utilityservice chazges which are furnished to the GSA Building during the tarm of this Agreement,which utility payments shall be made on time and so as to avoid any adverse implicarions for ttie GSA Building and the City. For the purpose of providing maintenance and repaic of the GSA Building, the VRFA has authoriry to enter upon the Ciry'sportion of the GSA Building (Wazehonse,Maintenance Shop, and three Vehicle Bays). However, the VRFA shall receive approval from the City prior to performing any repairs to the City's portion of the building,unless immediate repairs are necessary to avoid further sigrificant damage to the building, in which case the VRFA shall proceed with the emergency repaiis and later inform the City of the actions performed. All other provisions in the Agreement and any previons amendments remain in fi ll force and effect. Executed this day of... 2012 CITY OF AUBURN VALLEY REGIONAL FIRE AUTHORITY 2 Pete Lewis, Mayor Eri . Robertson, Administrator ATTEST: l.E;r.-.,1 Danielle E. askam, Ciry Clerk APP D FO Dan eid, City orney