HomeMy WebLinkAbout0867 .. ~ , ORDINANCE NO. 867 AN ORDINANCE approving and acoepting, on behalf of the City of Auburn, a wri tten deed of conveyance from Minnie 1!. Hastings, dated February 29, 1944, tor publio street purposes. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AUBURN DO ORDAIN AS FOLLO;VS: Seotion 1. That that oertain written Statutory ~uit Claim Deed of oonvey- anoe, dated February 29, 1944, wherein ~innie M. Hastings, a widow, is grantor, and the City of Auburn is grantee, and whereby the grantor therein oonveys and quit olaims to the City of Auburn, for public street .and highway purpoeee, two traots of land, situate in Frenoh's First Addition to the Town of Slaughter, King County, Washington, as the same appears on the reoorded plat thereof now of reoord in the County Auditor's Offioe of Xing County, Washington, in Volume 5 of Plats, at Page 53, whioh traots are partioularly deecribed as follows, to-wit: Traot 1. Beginning at the Southeast Corner of Blook 7, in said Addition, running thenoe West 270 feet to the Southwest Corner of said Blook 7, thenoe South 70 feet to the Northwest Corner of Blook 12 in said Addition, thenoe East 270 feet to the Northeast Corner of said Blook 12, thence Korth 70 feet to the point of beginning; for public street purposes, as a part of Firet Street N. E., in the City of Auburn; Traot 2. Beginning at the Northwest Corner of Lot 10, in Blook 8 of said Addition, running thence West 60 feet to the Northeast 'Corner of Lot 20 in Blook \) in said Addition, thenoe South 105 feet to the Southeast Corner of said I.ot 20, thenoe East 60 feet to the Southwest Corner of Blook 8 in said Addition, thenoe North 105 feet to the point of beginning; for use as a public street, and as a part of K Street N. E., in the City of AubUt'n; and whioh deed of oonveyanoe has been tendered by said grantor to the City of Auburn, be and the same hereby is approved and accepted by the City of Auburn. Seotion 2. That the City Clerk be and he hereby is instruoted to file said deed of conveyance for reoord with the County Auditor of King County, Washington, and the traots of land so oonveyed by said written deed of oonvsyanoe shall consti- tute portions of First Street N. E., and X Street N. E., respeotively, in the City of Auburn. Introduced Passed Approved 1~aroh 21, 1944 March 21, 1944 March 21, 1944 ~~ UAYOR ??~ ."~ C CLERK Approved as to form: 3.oA<'~~I\~ ~ ' ilTTORNE Published March 2. 2. , 1944. c ,,j. \ "101M..... ~11.t. '4 L "I, . . ~I , I '. , ~ -:- . 1;"";:""""'" . ORDINANCE NO. 867 AN ORDINAlCE approving and accepting, on behalt ot the City ot J.uburn, !l written deed ot conveyance from Minnie M. Hasting., dated February 2Q, lQ<<, tor public street purpo.ea. . THE CITY COUNCIL or THE CITY OF AUBURN DO ORD.AIN AS FOLL0\1S1 SlIction 1. That that certain written statutory ~uit Claim Deed of oonn)"- ance, dated February 2Q, lQ<<, wherein Minnie U. Hastings, a widow, is grantor, and the Cit)" of Auburn ia grantee, end whereb)" the grantor therain conveys and quit claims to the City ot Auburn, tor public street end highway purpose8, two tracta ot land, aituate in Frenoh's First Addition to the Town ot Slaughter, King Count)", Washlngton, as the llama appears on. the recorded plat tbereot now ot record in the County AUditor's Ottice ot King Count)", Washington, in Volume 5 ot Platll, at Page 53, whioh tracts are partioularly desoribed as tollowa, to-wit: Tract 1. Beginning at the Southes.st Corner of Block 7, in said Addition, running thence West 270 feet to the Southwest Corner ot said .Block 7, thence South 70 teet to the Nor thwest Corner ot Blook 12 in 8aid Addition, thence East 270 feet to the Northeast Corner ot seid Block 12, thence North 70 teet to the polnt ot beginning; tor publiC lltreet purpolle8, all a part ot First Street N. E., in the Cit,- ot Auburn; Traot 2. Beginning at too Northwe8t Corner ot Lot 10, in Block 8 of said Addition, running theme \'lest 60 teet to the Northeallt Oornerot Lot 20 in Block Q in aald Addition, thence South 105 teet to the Southeast Corner ot sald Lot 20, thenoe East 60 teet to the Southwest Corner ot Block 8 in said Addition, thenoe North 105 teet to the point ot beginning; tor uss as a publiC street, end 8.S a part ot K Street N. E., in the City at Auburn; and which deed ot cOnfe)"ance has been tendered b)" said grantor to the Cit.f ot AUburn, be and the S8lllll hereby is approved. and accepted by the Ci t.f ot Auburn. Section 2. That the City Clerk bs and he hereby 18 instructed to file said deed of conveyance tor record with the County Auditor ot King Count)", Vlashington, and the tracts of land so oonveyed by said written deed ot conveyance llhall consti- tute portion. ot First Street N. E., and K Street N. E., respectively, in the City of Auburn. Introduced Passed Approved Llaroh 21, 1~4 Maroh 21, lQ44 March 21, lQ"" 1?~~ ~ . ~ C CITY ERK Approved a8 to torm: :u::.}\~~y published J!lll'ch 22- , 194,4. ,. . " i.i-'''~ \~\ lla7 / ., ~ , \ah 1~ ~,',~ I . ~ . , ,. i " . ..... .