HomeMy WebLinkAbout89D1065 e FOUND REBAR WITH CAVENESS CAP 1.0' OFFSET TO CORNER PROPERTY LINE PER SURVEY 20 BY CAVENESS ENGINEERS 1 " = ' BACK OF WALK in c0 cD ui ui 20. 0' N 00'02'30" E 474.60' 'co 10 /////x/' AL OR I, w AL Li uj l j I A (N U 1n O I AL - 40.10' F.F. _ 87.08 F.F. 87.06 WM M — . — . — . — • — • — Lo F.F. = 88.54 ASPHALT F.F. = 86.35 IL I 1 0 cl� 78.25' / 78.30' GRAVEL 78.40' o o nj— ALZz 01 M r7 zo 3 4260 / I / N / 40.37' -,ten AIL AL I AL obi MAIL � / JAIL 1L �LIIL 00 / TPAD AL I 3 WILDAL n WM A 0)i W . �WMI co %w 0.72' ASPHALT — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — ASPHALT N � — — — — — . --WV. 27.63'SSMH 12" PVC 178.53' 12" PVC 12" PVC •180.34' PVC��' 12" PVC ASPHALT RIM 0 cV — — - - — — —- — INV. E. 76.79 12" RCP R QJ�' 6° INV. W. 76.77 12" RCP r "�` 333.55' 8" PVC INV. S. 76.87 12" RCP �0)° 2t Na. N 00'02'30" E 475.52' — -- - _ O1 RIM 86.35 - CB - - `�' INV. S. 80.23 12" PVC RIM 85.00 RIM 83.98 INV. S.E. 79.06 6" PVC RIM 85.00 N INV. N.W. 80.80 12" PVC INV. S. 81.98 12" PVC INV. N. 78.63 8" PVC INV. N. 83.45 12" PVC SDMH v RIM 84.99 FOUND REBAR WITH CAVENESS CAP INV. W. 77.69 12" RCP INV. S.E. 79.43 12" PVC 1.0' OFFSET TO CORNER INV. E. 77.61 12" PVC FOUND REBAR WITH CAVENESS CAP SSMH RIM 85.05 LEGEND LEGAL DESCRIPTION SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATION QS SEWER MANHOLE ELECTRICAL BOX LOT 29, EAST AUBURN ACRES ADDITION I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THE HORIZONTAL OD DRAINAGE MANHOLE POWER POLE AS RECORDED, IN VOL. 14 OF PLATS, AND VERTICAL LOCATIONS SHOWN HEREON WV PAGE 41 , AT KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON ARE THE RESULT OF A FIELD SURVEY WATER VALVE El WM WATER METER PERFORMED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECTION FIRE HYDRANT �TPAD TRANSFORMER PAD ON JULY 21, 1989 AT THE �iEQUEST OF DAN MAY R. C� CATCH BASIN q BLOW-OFF geet me NEIL . CABBAGE P, L.S. 23445 AS Only w .14 APPRML low, PREPARED BY OWNER JOHN R. EWING AND ASSOCIATES D N M CIVIL ENGINEERING - LAND SURVEYORS �� AVER 8-29►•89JRE PROJECT KENT, WASHINGTON (206) 852-6633 3RD ST APARTMENTS CHECKED BY DESIGNED BY DRAWN BYs fa SHEET CONTENT � IAKD S 1329-01 NSA KMN NSC - AS B� � I T EY. NO. 4 DESCRIPTION T GEO-LINE 129887 Q �' 0 b'70fUG5 SYT f oF�-4 LEGEND ® WATER METER SITE PLAN ® CONCRETE THRUST BLOCK > ti 9PF ----"-WATER VALVE LOCATED AT 1200 3rd ST S.E., AUBURN (SITE ADDRESS ) T P° 11 TAPPING TEE (WATER) a c�� CATCH BASIN W p DEVELOPER GENERAL NOTES w =Q �� • SEWER MANHOLE I LEGAL DESCRIPTION 1. All workmanship and material shall conform to the City of Auburn's w e m N f I - FIRE HYDRANT �.� LOT 29 , EAST AUBURN ACRES ADDITION 2. requirement and specifications. Q a MAIN sT E The standard specifications shall be 1981 APWA as modified by the City of O EXISTING SEWER MANHOLE RECORDED , PLAT VOL. 14, PAGE 41 Auburn. w J z 3rd sT SE 3. A copy of these approved plans shall be on-site during construction. 4. Prior to starting construction, the contractor shall be required to Q m HWY 18 844UeV ( call ONE-CALL (1-800-424-5555) for utility locations (water, sanitary a gC,k RN sewer, storm, gas, power, telephone, and television) . 01 QMOND R S C A L E 1 = 20' 5. Six-inch extruded curbs or parking bumpers shall be requited around all 0 SITE or,-site paving areas, where parking will be adjacent to a public street. A six-inch extruded curb is required between all abutting pavement and landscape areas,. .� :. (.� � `.}Z•� 6. All downspouts for roof drains shall be directed into the private storm drainage system. 7. All connections of SDR 35 PVC pipe to manholes and catch basins shall V I CINITY M A P A be made by using A.C. or GPI^; manhole adapters, or approved equal. 0 8 The maximum laying lengths for SDR 35 pipe shall not exceed 12 feet 6 N.T.S. s. CD .A 9. bedding for PVC pipe shall be 5/8 inch minus crushed rock, 4 inches under to 6 inches minimum over the pipe. 10. Bedding for concrete and ductile iron pipe shall be 5/8 inch minus c crushed rock, 6 inches minimum under to 6 inches over the pipe. fCT7jy '�ilzter IMefer r �_� 11. Ali pipe trench backfill shall be Class A Bank Run Gravel modified by sfan�ar�S I . ' � I the City of Auburn. Existing backfill material or,-site may only be used j/� See✓c ne I I a upon the approval by the City. ", 12. Ali pipe trench backfill within the public right-of-way shall be 5/8 1�as�men� 8 7 I ' -'' inch minus crushed rock. �m�vl it '� r• 13. Any existing pavement surfaces being disturbed shall be sawcut full EXIST. BLDG. �k % I t 160� ® �I �'�� depth with straight, uniform edges. All joints between the new and I �� �':. original pavement shall be painted with asphalt emulsion (CSS-1). 1 I II ). ��/ a E' - - 14. All required landscaping shall conform to the City of Auburn Zoning Or- dinance,er✓,'ce 1 AREA RESERVED cr✓,cam Sewer 1� 3/ �!� See;/; FOR ROADWAY l I `;» cSection No. 18.50. ,^ r15. The contractor shall install, replace, or relocate all signs, as CPURPOSES 8Y THE g�e I 4� shown on the plans, or as affected by construction, per the City's Stan- CITY OF AUBURN - dard Detail. I � r••. 16. All power and telephone lines shall be in a separate trench with a mini- ' I I Z-I .f � "! . .3 and stormmum ontal sewer)eofrfivenfeetm. other utilities (water. sanitary sewer, - 17. All construction surveyir:g for extensions of public facilities " ` I1 (water, sewer, storm, and streets) shall be done under the direction of a 01 4 - _ -- -- � licensed surveyor or a licensed professional Civil Engneer. u is'Sewer - FH-w � � I ,��;/,'y Ba?sement �� I � 1 C;3• ., , 16. During construction, the contractor shall be required to control on- jj3 -8 P, ✓G': 8 site storrl water runoff by using temporary erosion/siltation control pro- /'/a _ - � M H t�ti- _` I t cedures, No sediment laden storm water shall be allowed to discharge I I '""" onto adjacent properties or into the City's system. L --�- - t - - 19. During construction City streets adjacent tc this project shall be kept y clear, of all material deposits resulting frorr. on-site construction, as I 'tJt,/!Ly ✓ester 6 �� I8 �!a/✓G ^ •_- directed by the City. -I- - -- - w I r TeL. - t r\ I Plr/T L I _ o oleo/ 8 G✓a�er Lane 1. EaS«ehf _ u� I IS x8"x _. . L[, 20. All side sewers shall be marked with a 2 by 4 stake connected by a wire Y LrL �Z �t ICoix B �C 6-A4 �/de -f • � to the end of the stub. All curbs shall be marked with an 'SS' at all L-� side sewer locations. k Sa l✓/ ". G ✓a/✓c 8 - ILIh­47-41- STORM MH G /✓G ^ 8 21. All water services shall be lambed_j.- p per the City of Auburn Standard G X "�f3 Tee Detail with meter setters. fp G � t3� � B �� r\ 0 �nnc. T/iraJ B/oc� 22. Ali new catch basin locations shall be reinforced at the curb and gutter n `arc, T/iius f /oc� per the City's Standard Detail. F° /ncreas-rr I ,.. �AN' � T/�YM�H I ITA 3 r2m = BS 00 /E. 77.03 4. . p . jo _ Orilnd/- - - - t/c r' an �1 x1 0l o Pa✓e Groat) � ' � � � - y' ! NOTE. : �►.. ................ ...... ....__ ... . .. __ �,,: _• ..._.__� . ..:.- o .. ....�-. .., ..r _--.... n � ' . . 5 E E SINI-MT 1 Or 4 ;.. y _ q j . I ppo !rem wq firate ...... L.:... - 1........ .................. --........ ._ ( I - - _ _ _ - 9 - .. APPROVED - - - - - _ -__ DEPT aR Qe�IC WORKS J CITY pt= AUBURN _ s•w.r Section E;%4G)NE.ERf N- DEPAR:IMF, C + ................ .... .. ....................... �./ !}�/._...._. ........•.-..�..�..�... ......._. _. .... .. ..._................_ _....................._........y......................... ...........j..................... ..... ... .. .............L.................. ......_ .. __..._........... _. I- ...� ...�. �...an..'.. 2.�.. ... ....... __..__ ... ... ........+......... .. t ):. . _ ii? /Z 5'7�`D/2��_U - - - N ... . �• DATE' - N i - - I r 3 bar rwoc i APPROVEID - [Q Y4•M.V.O.MYDRN+T �.. e9� : .. ...... raw ,1N PAv t•NT ......... ... ..................... ....................... ................_ .. _..__....._._......... Y......__ _.__.... ...__. _ _........ _............................. ............... ................................. ....... �CfIM� Z aT v'AYN ilpav�iRµicT' � w l� o0.R MWNRI rc • E I >T hoop �.'. I.L = 82 : : : . -.7 .'�,C� 7 C.MT I.PN vI.LVR.oF . . . . 0. /�j !Ove.R GRAYEI.. GMlGT1Nl. WRolif 6RT!v4.vE ;4M I_I �(/'6/ _ I /4•P[.PIP! U4T IRON T!G ✓Q - KIu4 ... ...I�.. ......... ......................... G?. o _Q , .................'................... ..... ....`... .. ............................... ..o / V :� ...Y. �/ ... .... .......................... ; ; j... j... . $... ..;.. .. ....... ................i................... ........... ......... ... 1A�.... .. ..... ..... ....... [y,�1 ..... .. {/�//(� I -- ..i.. '1M.LH.�T 2-�4.6TEEL -1IX11f ..,..Y .. ...�.. . 1 _- ocest T�C11Ef1 LANr�e YV' n J ... . S Y p cokc OLOGK �MACRL! ROO` i h Ev L i k Ufa ` /YEOMfMEnt of fp� I /�' � �. .I4• N fM 1�ow NOTES: 1 'wAtNl GRAv! ice. = 77 i ,)-- NO CURL GUTfcRls,N6�A��GO F,RE NY GRANT TiNA�� 1 I.PI-T+ev o" RELATION TOGTRGCT ClNTlR I,N!)1,S CITY OF ye3 ,NO,c PTCI ON TMG ORAWei PG.S .�'yi• eacrowner ' 9iav'�0icEwNrs 1o'w Ie z-2% N, T NO..!PORT'4T1N4yi N...r AUBURN WASHINGTON .. i\ : ^I I 1 pu"PER PORT.(NATIpNAI_6TANGARD TNRi#A') cv o + _ _C7... ..BSa _ ir.Q.Q_.... L.a'.. Q... ......._ .L : 4.6... ..... . .(.#..Cad . _ _ ..1.., ..' :.__. ...:.2 .�:LQ.._._. .. ?• .2.�?........ .......2. .4Q.... . ....__7.'.: .W.0..... .._Z-f.BU 3�.b.0 3.#.2ZQ 3.i�.Q-s� 3.�..�Q x,Trw DETAIL 1� Mal Na ENOMEEA p�TE2 64 Iv ,w i . F/,CAE HYDgAAUT DETAIL 5 / .JAZE: :PE Q Fly ✓E;�T : : I .. ..................... a L : i i i ._...... ............... ......_......_ ._........ ...r. ... .. ........ ............ ............ ..........................................................y....................................»........................ _,.............................. �...... ... .. y.. y.. _ ..i... ..»»...................:. ...................................I......... ....... .... ..... ......................................,.................. ..... .....y... ............ •, . . . . . . i . . . . . . . . . . . . : : } . . . . . . . . ..�... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . •. . . . . . GATC,,q 5A91AJ ' DETAIL . . . . .0e , . ; . . . . . . . . 3p I . . Al.T5: i . . . . . . . I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i ®®pp . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i /Q•.2,A68 . : ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : . . . . . . . 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' I i . . . . . . I PROJECT ENGINEER T PON L 64195810 DATE DOMESTIC SANITARY SEWER PLAN OWNER • CIVIL ENGINEERS jos "� DAN M AY E R DATE 9-14- 88 • LAND SURVEYORS 748-18- 21 - 5 DESIGNED j •} & 30836 - 26 TH AVE. SW �� AS NOTED SCALE • PLANNERS SHEET NO DRAWN o ENOINEERs,INC. CM EC KED 5�'MBOL R E V IS 10 N •V APPRD A TE DOMESTIC WATER PLAN FEDERAL WAY, WA. 98023 c 3 4 D PH - (206) 874 - 3278 A►►wovlD IF No ZOl SO. DIVISION • AUBURN, WA 98002 (206)941-2750 - 924-0339 - bit7 f065 9*7- 3 of 4 I I I CONSTRUCTION SEQUENCE 1. Install Silt Fence. SITE PLAN 2. Construct Quarry Spall Entrance Pad. 3. Construct Siltation Ponds with Overflows. 4. Dig Erosion Control Ditches. a v 5. Install Sewer System Extension. LOCATED AT 1200 3rd ST S.E. AUBURN (SITE ADDRESS ) 6. Install Storm Drain System. 7. Install Domestic Water & Fire System. W o 8. Grade Site. G�� 9. Install Paving. w 9� DEVELOPER GENERAL NOTES 3 3 I LEGAL DESCRIPTION w � N 1. All workmanship and material shall conform to the City of Auburn's 0 N f Y ✓ �____� requirement and specifications. 3 MAIN ST E LOT 29, EAST AUBURN ACRES ADDITION 2. The standard specifications shall be 1981 APWA as modified by the City of w RECORDED , PLAT VOL. 14, PAGE 41 Auburn. J 3rd ST SE 3. A copy of these approved plans shall be on-site during construction. -J m a 4. Prior to starting construction, the contractor shall be required to Q a Hwy IB s(4ce�RN I call ONE-CALL (1-800-424-5555) for utility locations (water, sanitary DIAMOND qo „ sewer, storm, gas, power, telephone, and television).SCALE 1 = 20 5. Six-inch extruded curbs or parking bumpers shall be required around all SITEon-site paving areas, where parking will be adjacent to a public street. A six-inch extruded curb is required between all abutting pavement and + i �! ! landscape areas. b. Ali downspouts for roof drains shall be directed into the private storm A A drainage system. _ � ^ � � . All connections of SOR 35 PVC pipe t� manholes and catch basins shall VICINITY M A P ` be made by using A.C. or GPE manhole adapters, or approved equal. N.TS. TEMPORARY EROSION I Cc �,, SILTATION m 8. The maximum laying lengths for SDR 35 pipe shall not exceed 12 feet 6 CONTROL DITCH (Typ.) 474.60 FENCE inches. Ico 9. Bedding for PVC pipe shall be 5/8 inch minus crushed rock, 4 inches under 0.11 `� - _ - X _ X - _ _ X _ - X - - _ X _ X _ K _ _ X _ - - X _ _ a( - _ -X - - - - - - - - - - - - - to 6 inches minimum over the pipe. Cam' 7� j 10. Bedding for concrete and ductile iron pipe shall be 5/B inch minus (E'x/st,",y) r r - crushed rock, 6 inches minimum under to 6 inches over the pipe. 11. Ali pipe trench backfill shall be Class A Bank Run Gravel modified by 1 rer✓'G G,ne I _ the City of Auburn. Existing backfill material or,-site may only be used I - ' upor, the approval by the City. "t 12. Ali pipe trench backfill within the public right-of-way shall be 5/6 w e'� inch minus crushed rock. // V/ I EXIST. BLDG. SILI ATION. I 13. Any existing pavement surfaces being disturbed shall be sawcut full C POI 6 0 tea• depth with straight, uniform edges. All joints between the new and • I ) I B I r'. original pavement shall be painted with asphalt emulsion (CSS 6 % I SILTATION AREA RESERVED 14. All required landscaping shall conform to the City of Auburn Zoning Or- POND I FOR ROADWAY I dinance, Section No. 18.50. p { {,• 15, The contractor shall install, replace, or relocate all signs, as I B p PURPOSES BY THE '}' shown on the plans, or as affected by construction, per the City's Stan- CITY OF AUBURN O ''"-' dard Detail. I I O , 16. All power and telephone lines shall be in a separate trench with a mini- 0 ' mum horizontal separation from other utilities (water, sanitary sewer, C I •j and storm sewer) of five feet. M I O V E R F 0 �Q `;�-, 17. All construction surveying for extensions of public facilities 1 I h _ _� � _ � � +•._ (water, sewer, storm, and streets) shall be done under the direction of a I � OVERFLOW ' '""# L��- � � � ' - � I �` H a, licensed surveyor or a licensed professional Civil Engineer. W R a I,r ? I 1.•, ti- 18. During construction, the contractor shad be required to control on- "- site storm water runoff by using temporary erosion/siltation control pro- � 8 I owed to discharge ced�res No sediment laden storm water shall be al - ; """'•�•- -`�- `�'� " " �'"� onto adjacent properties. or into the City's system. �.6 •�_ 19. During construction City streets adjacent to this project shall be kept f clean of all material deposits resulting from on-site construction, as directed by the City. W _ :J._ 20. All side sewers shall be marked with a 2 by 4 stake connected by a wire ' { to the end of the stub. All curbs shall be marked with an 'SS' at all -- ( � side sewer locations. STORM M H 8 j _ 21. All water services shall be plumbed per the City of Auburn Standard 0� 20� / 50' QUARRY SPALL PAD WITH OD Detail with meter setters. 22. All new catch basin locations shall be reinforced at the curb and gutter 4" TO 6" QUARRY SPALL 8" THICK ti E per the City's Standard Detail. I u c 90 go aw90 Q 05 v�`fj w _•e -- T �/a trr / 88 z l 2 88 3 7j77-7,7, 0 IF Z U face b ca/ I rolca/ w.: �'oetrn+ w/�mrovnt_ ,. oe�+�+ �xyl srat�,e" OF CITY RMrit►1LC1< �� �.e�uTro�t / /- STAPLES MIRE RINGS2'12"114 GA.WELDED WIRE r. (TYPICAL) FABRIC OR EQUAL _ SO *�f70 T �m W/ I� � 1-cow G.6 YL 7 mcPi. . FILTER FURIC MATERIAL �Co Ol0 �i In /1v1U>3T GMT • MIc1MIRAFI 100 X OR EQUAL2"1 4•DOW.FIR AT 4' O.C. tGASICCT I rr' ct,�,w�ttc I I I I I v I I = -/ C.6.,i114�40' •' ewe 1C/+TQrLE W/taTT.+tsTl o N II Iv II J II ^' 0400 421,20 Of�o OfCpa OtBc> 14aa /� 2o O+oO 0 >_/4 424-2.0 04, 30 Df5(D 04_s"o D-t00 Ot�O OtZO 0030 U � �O OtS�o �Nc osA� 1 I J► i I I I I u NI+o r►c y'- , / C /�/ � /� I►W..1►To1L 1' i i �• '• t I•I•• • •••oua I •. •S• :•. ,- III a ✓�. T u .G-C TI OM - �/. 1 S[..� C �I L//Y C� Z �1_ D , MIN.�IlOWA6l.G _ DtitiN ` ATLD IN MAJCJ<OMI Irs G 10A A- A 25 .. . . .1frlL. I:.• .•1 .o ���Z. / �ZD IfaT1IF 111T�IfI ITTi ilfEl :t+ /}�1,r•II►AA� _ rI ;o ✓E,QT /"'= 2' �/C, 7./":=,,2' ✓t T.' /' = z' EIGV f c,v=occa • • • I I I / / p1�tRCMc.r M1I rN +�" ...... .......... .........._. ......... .... tnC,OR�D V V _ pEV ELOrJH1L►IT ELEVATION d'16o TRENCH w`ac� I'koppGr�y. FILTER FABRIC MATERIAL LIh E _ }„ "J p� e-r 1.�>1 e esex14GA. W.W.F. �I�I�• / •. - n�,� w-kZr' V T�: •'•. Not 61zc io / 1 V2• WASHED ROCK �, , ��.�� I ' SE.e s}IEET C�� 4 TYPI GAL COt.JTKOL I71£�C OR PEA GRAVEL. 3� LL Z¢ _ �'146 DOUG. FIR OR EQUAL a � 2t1 ASPS 1Y (G I a�S���� �� 11 . �G� �s�5 QsL)I L_-T'� r35 FI 1 F_ S q.t' _ . . .2�op���(�,�� STKlJCT1JFz� S 6"1 6" TRENCH �Se e EXCESS OVERLAP �'► t TYPICAL CROSS SECTION d V IN. _r A P P R O V E D SILTATION FENCE DETAIL DERM ae ®uBrro WORKS CfTY OF AUBURN S ,T I DN ...D- D GT1:0.h� )...... ._ ._ N,�INEERINQ. DEPARTMENI� H0Rlz. I�I=_lo'I 00p,Iz, II - 101 2 \/ART I - Z VGI�T I 21 pATE>_h' - 8 RUvEu -. U�GE�_N^E'`C. ROUT, PE. L S. 9e90 DATE YK� ENGINEEP (TONE 641-5810 I • CIVIL ENGINEERS joB NO Ir T. E . S . C . P . OWNER R DAN MAYE R DESIGNED DATE 9-1 - 88 • LAND SURVEYORS 748-IS- 21 - 5 DRAWN - 30836 - 26 TH AVEr SW ,o AS NOTED SHEET NO FEDERAL WAY, WA. 98023 e #/ f L�r��s 8B SCALE Ci NO1NEERs.INC. PLANNERS �1 CHECKED S�'MBOL R E v I510 N BV APPR D DATE TEMPORARY EROSION SEDIMENTATION CONTROL PLAN PH - (206) 874 - 3278 APPROVED F ■ No 01 SO. DIVISION • AUBURN, WA 98002 (206)941-2750 - 924-0339 4' , - t"147 fv6 5 5117' 4 OA:: �