HomeMy WebLinkAbout07-11-2022 City Council Study SessionCity Council Study Session PWCD SFA July 11, 2022 - 5:30 PM City Hall Council Chambers AGENDA Watch the meeting LIVE! Watch the meeting video Meeting videos are not available until 72 hours after the meeting has concluded. I.CALL TO ORDER II.PUBLIC PARTICIPATION A.Public Participation The Auburn City Council Study Session Meeting scheduled for Monday, July 11, 2022 at 5:30 p.m. will be held in person and virtually. Virtual Participation Link: To view the meeting virtually please click the below link, or call into the meeting at the phone number listed below. The link to the Virtual Meeting is: https://www.youtube.com/user/watchauburn/live/?nomobile=1 To listen to the meeting by phone or Zoom, please call the below number or click the link: Telephone: 253 215 8782 Toll Free: 877 853 5257 Zoom: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/86331592015 B.Roll Call III.AGENDA ITEMS FOR COUNCIL DISCUSSION A.Ordinance No. 6878 (Thomas) (20 Minutes) An Ordinance amending Ordinance No. 6794, the 2021-2022 Biennial Operating Budget Ordinance, and Ordinance No. 6796, the 2021-2022 Biennial Capital Budget Ordinance, as amended by Ordinance No. 6815, Ordinance No. 6827, Ordinance No. 6836, Ordinance No. 6837, and Ordinance No. 6850, authorizing amendment to the City of Auburn 2021-2022 Budget as set forth in schedule “A” and schedule “B” IV.PUBLIC WORKS AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DISCUSSION ITEMS A.Ordinance No. 6877 (Gaub) (10 Minutes) An Ordinance adding a new section to Chapter 13.48 of the Auburn City Code (ACC), adopting and enforcing best management pollution practices for the City’s storm drainage system Page 1 of 72 B.Capital Projects Update Summer 2022 Construction Summary (Gaub) (10 Minutes) V.ADJOURNMENT Agendas and minutes are available to the public at the City Clerk's Office, on the City website (http://www.auburnwa.gov), and via e-mail. Complete agenda packets are available for review at the City Clerk's Office. Page 2 of 72 AGENDA BILL APPROVAL FORM Agenda Subject: Ordinance No. 6878 (Thomas) (20 Minutes) Date: July 7, 2022 Department: Finance Attachments: Interoffice Memorandum Ordinance No. 6878 Schedule A Schedule B Budget Impact: Current Budget: $0 Proposed Revision: $0 Revised Budget: $0 Administrative Recommendation: For discussion only. Background for Motion: Background Summary: Ordinance No. 6878 (Budget Amendment #6) represents the sixth budget amendment for the 2021-2022 biennium and the third budget amendment for 2022. For details, see the attached transmittal memorandum and supporting materials. Reviewed by Council Committees: Councilmember:Baggett Staff:Thomas Meeting Date:July 11, 2022 Item Number: Page 3 of 72 Interoffice Memorandum To: City Council From: Jamie Thomas, Finance Director CC: Nancy Backus, Mayor Date: July 11, 2022 Re: Ordinance #6878 – 2021-2022 Budget Amendment #6 The City’s biennial 2021-2022 budget was approved by Council as two one-year appropriations. Budget Amendments #1, #2, and #3, amended the budget for calendar year 2021. Budget Amendments #4 and #5 amended the 2022 budget. This amendment will be the sixth budget amendment for the biennium and the third budget amendment for calendar year 2022. The purpose of this amendment is the following: 1. Fund Balance Adjustments: realign budgeted 2022 beginning fund balances to match 2021 ending fund balances per accounting records at year end; 2. American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) Funds: budget those uses of ARPA funds anticipated to occur in 2022; 3. Adjust Capital Project Budgets: add new or modify existing capital project budgets; 4. New Requests: new programs, projects, and purchases that haven’t been previously approved by council. Fund Balance Adjustments: This amendment adjusts City-wide 2022 budgeted beginning fund balances to reflect actual ending balances as of the end of 2021. City-wide beginning fund balances are adjusted by a net increase of $62.0 million. American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) Funds: This amendment provides for usage of federal ARPA funding received in 2021-2022. The total ARPA funding requested in this amendment is $1.1 million, and includes:  Broadband grants to hardest hit communities  Cameras in qualified census tracts  Encampment and illegal dumping cleanup  Police duty handgun improvements  Spidr Tech customer communication software  Axon drone program Page 4 of 72 Adjust Capital Project Budgets. These requests represent additions of new capital projects and changes to existing project budgets, excluding unspent capital project budgets from 2021 that are automatically carried forward into 2022. Total requested adjustments to capital projects net to a reduction of $2.6 million (includes reduction of some revenue and addition of new grant revenue). Significant project adjustments included in this budget amendment include*:  Reduced budget for Coal Creek Springs transmission main repl. (cp1603) – $1,725,000*  Reduce budget for Lea Hill Safe Routes to Schools (gcbd16) – 765,000*  Reduce budget for Jacobson Tree Farm Development (cp2020) – 333,500  Increase budget for Cedar Lanes Bike Park Improvements (cp2127) 234,900*  Add budget for new project: Reservoirs 4 and 8 Seismic Retrofit 342,850*  Increase budget for grant-funded High Friction Surface Treatment (cp2112) 380,200*  Increase budget for M&O Facility Improvements – Phase 1 (cp2107) 1,290,000 *does not reflect changes in offsetting revenue New Requests. These include requests for increased funding for existing programs and funding requests for new projects or programs. New requests, which net to $1.0 million, include*:  School zone photo enforcement – General Fund 154,000*  Increased King County elections costs – General Fund 186,500  2022 roadway channelization (ms2115) – Arterial Street Fund 185,000*  Purchase Max House property – Cumulative Reserve Funds 450,000 *does not reflect changes in offsetting revenue This budget amendment includes one request for (1) Limited Term Employee (LTE) Contract Specialist in the Community Development department, to assist with the delivery of ARPA and CDBG funds. This LTE position is requested to be funded using existing 2022 budget. The following table summarizes the current and revised budget as a result of this amendment. Table 1: 2022 Budget as Amended 2022 Amended Budget $ 360,484,614 Budget Amendment #6 (Ord # 6878) 63,789,105 2022 Budget as Amended 424,273,719 Attachments:  Ordinance # 6878  Schedule “A” – Summary of 2022 Budget Adjustments by Fund  Schedule “B” – 2022 Appropriations by Fund Page 5 of 72 ------------------------- Ordinance No. 6878 July 18, 2022 Page 1 of 3 ORDINANCE NO. 6878 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, WASHINGTON, AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 6794, THE 2021-2022 BIENNIAL OPERATING BUDGET ORDINANCE, AND ORDINANCE NO. 6796, THE 2021-2022 BIENNIAL CAPITAL BUDGET ORDINANCE, AS AMENDED BY ORDINANCE NO. 6815, ORDINANCE NO. 6827, ORDINANCE NO. 6836, ORDINANCE NO. 6837, AND ORDINANCE NO. 6850, AUTHORIZING AMENDMENT TO THE CITY OF AUBURN 2021-2022 BUDGET AS SET FORTH IN SCHEDULE “A” AND SCHEDULE “B” WHEREAS, the Auburn City Council at its regular meeting of November 16, 2020, adopted Ordinances Nos. 6794 and 6796 which adopted the City of Auburn 2021-2022 biennial operating and capital budgets; and WHEREAS, the Auburn City Council at its regular meeting of April 5, 2021, adopted Ordinance No. 6815 (BA#1) which amended Ordinances No. 6794 and 6796 which adopted the City of Auburn 2021-2022 Biennial budget; and WHEREAS, the Auburn City Council at its regular meeting of August 2, 2021, adopted Ordinance No. 6827 (BA#2) which amended Ordinance No. 6815 which amended the City of Auburn 2021-2022 Biennial budget; and WHEREAS, the Auburn City Council at its regular meeting of November 1, 2021, adopted Ordinances Nos. 6836 (BA#3) and 6837 (BA#4), both of which amended Ordinance No. 6827 which amended the City of Auburn 2021-2022 Biennial budget; and WHEREAS, the Auburn City Council at its regular meeting of March 21, 2022, adopted Ordinance No. 6850 (BA#5) which amended Ordinance No. 6827 which amended the City of Auburn 2021-2022 Biennial budget; and Page 6 of 72 ------------------------- Ordinance No. 6878 July 18, 2022 Page 2 of 3 WHEREAS, the City of Auburn deems it necessary to appropriate additional funds to the various funds of the 2022 budget as outlined in this Ordinance (BA#6); and WHEREAS, this Ordinance has been approved by one more than the majority of all councilpersons in accordance with RCW 35A.34.200. NOW THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, WASHINGTON DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. Amendment of the 2021-2022 Biennial Budget. The 2021- 2022 Biennial Budget of the City of Auburn is amended pursuant to Chapter 35A.34 RCW, to reflect the revenues and expenditures as shown on Schedule “A” attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. The Mayor of the City of Auburn, Washington is hereby authorized to utilize revenue and expenditure amounts shown on said Schedule “A” and Schedule “B”. A copy of said Schedule “A” and Schedule “B” is on file with the City Clerk and available for public inspection. Section 2. Severability. The provisions of this ordinance are declared to be separate and severable. The invalidity of any clause, sentence, paragraph, subdivision, section, or portion of this ordinance, or the invalidity of the application of it to any person or circumstance, will not affect the validity of the remainder of this ordinance, or the validity of its application to other persons or circumstances. Section 3. Implementation. The Mayor is authorized to implement those administrative procedures necessary to carry out the directives of this legislation. Page 7 of 72 ------------------------- Ordinance No. 6878 July 18, 2022 Page 3 of 3 Section 4. Effective Date. This Ordinance will take effect and be in force five days from and after its passage, approval and publication as provided by law. INTRODUCED: _______________ PASSED: ____________________ APPROVED: _________________ ____________________________ NANCY BACKUS, MAYOR ATTEST: APPROVED AS TO FORM: ____________________________ _______________________________ Shawn Campbell, MMC, City Clerk Kendra Comeau, City Attorney PUBLISHED:__________________ Page 8 of 72 Schedule A Summary of 2022 Budget Adjustments by Fund Budget Amendment #6 (Ordinance #6878) AE AF AG AH Beg. Fund Balance Revenues Expenditures Ending Fund Balance OT/OG Req No General Fund (#001) 2022 Adopted Budget 10,524,785 81,938,250 85,605,016 6,858,019 Previous Budget Amendments 7,558,518 2,601,400 7,582,670 2,577,248 2022 Amended Budget 18,083,303 84,539,650 93,187,686 9,435,267 BA#6 (Ordinance #6878, Proposed):17,274,065 1,068,726 1,551,565 16,791,226 Administration:2021 EMPG Grant Match - 15,215 15,215 - OT 001-01Human Resources:Recruitment Outreach Efforts - - 55,000 (55,000) OG 001-02City Attorney's Office: Property Management Budget Increase - - 58,500 (58,500) OT 001-03 ARPA Funds for Encampment & Dumping Cleanup - 500,000 500,000 - 001-04 Elections Cost Increase - - 186,500 (186,500) OT 001-05 Community Development: LTE Contract Specialist for ARPA and CDBG Funds (Using Existing 2022 Budget)- - - - OG 001-06 2022 Maple Valley SKHHP member contribution - 7,190 7,190 - OT 001-07 Police Department: Non-Benefitted LTE Position – Wellness Coordinator Officer - 55,000 55,000 - OT 001-08 ARPA: Duty Handgun Improvements - 111,000 111,000 - 001-09ARPA: Spidr Tech Customer Communications Software - 132,000 132,000 - 001-10ARPA: Axon Drone Program - 70,600 70,600 - 001-11Public Works Department:2022 Channelization Project - - 185,000 (185,000) OT 001-13School Speed Zone Photo Enforcement - 154,000 154,000 - OG 001-12Parks Department:4Culture – Preservation Funding - 4,680 4,680 - OT 001-144Culture – Local Arts Agency Funding - 16,880 16,880 - OT 001-15Non Departmental:Close out Fund 275 - 2,161 - 2,161 OT 001-16True Up 2022 BFB 17,274,065 - - 17,274,065 OT 001-17 Revised 2022 Budget - Fund 001 35,357,368 85,608,376 94,739,251 26,226,493 Page 1 of 12 7/6/2022 2:39 PMPage 9 of 72 Schedule A Summary of 2022 Budget Adjustments by Fund Budget Amendment #6 (Ordinance #6878) AE AF AG AH Beg. Fund Balance Revenues Expenditures Ending Fund Balance OT/OG Req No Arterial Street Fund (#102) 2022 Adopted Budget 427,309 5,778,300 5,892,400 313,209 Previous Budget Amendments 129,821 515,000 865,000 (220,179) 2022 Amended Budget 557,130 6,293,300 6,757,400 93,030 BA#6 (Ordinance #6878, Proposed):2,153,358 620,200 620,200 2,153,358 Auburn Ave/2nd Street RRFB KC Metro Funding - 55,000 55,000 - 102-012022 Channelization Project - 185,000 185,000 - 102-02High Friction Surface Treatment Grant Funds - 380,200 380,200 - 102-03True Up 2022 BFB 2,153,358 - - 2,153,358 102-04 Revised 2022 Budget - Fund 102 2,710,488 6,913,500 7,377,600 2,246,388 Local Street Fund (#103) 2022 Adopted Budget 1,318,428 1,660,500 1,664,500 1,314,428 Previous Budget Amendments 709,525 636,866 636,866 709,525 2022 Amended Budget 2,027,953 2,297,366 2,301,366 2,023,953 BA#6 (Ordinance #6878, Proposed):1,304,121 - - 1,304,121 True Up 2022 BFB 1,304,121 - - 1,304,121 OT 103-01 Revised 2022 Budget - Fund 103 3,332,074 2,297,366 2,301,366 3,328,074 Hotel/Motel Tax Fund (#104) 2022 Adopted Budget 187,276 168,900 177,110 179,066 Previous Budget Amendments 90,521 - - 90,521 2022 Amended Budget 277,797 168,900 177,110 269,587 BA#6 (Ordinance #6878, Proposed):155,332 - - 155,332 True Up 2022 BFB 155,332 - - 155,332 OT 104-01 Revised 2022 Budget - Fund 104 433,129 168,900 177,110 424,919 Arterial Street Preservation Fund (#105) 2022 Adopted Budget 1,514,104 2,058,800 2,135,000 1,437,904 Previous Budget Amendments (71,451) 225,000 225,000 (71,451) 2022 Amended Budget 1,442,653 2,283,800 2,360,000 1,366,453 BA#6 (Ordinance #6878, Proposed):1,691,043 33,770 33,770 1,691,043 2nd Street SE Preservation – Safeway Fee-In-Lieu - 33,770 33,770 - OT 105-01 True Up 2022 BFB 1,691,043 - - 1,691,043 OT 105-02 Revised 2022 Budget - Fund 105 3,133,696 2,317,570 2,393,770 3,057,496 Page 2 of 12 7/6/2022 2:39 PMPage 10 of 72 Schedule A Summary of 2022 Budget Adjustments by Fund Budget Amendment #6 (Ordinance #6878) AE AF AG AH Beg. Fund Balance Revenues Expenditures Ending Fund Balance OT/OG Req No American Rescue Plan Act Fund Fund (#106) 2022 Adopted Budget - - - - Previous Budget Amendments 5,788,000 7,375,600 4,893,166 8,270,434 2022 Amended Budget 5,788,000 7,375,600 4,893,166 8,270,434 BA#6 (Ordinance #6878, Proposed):14,647 - 1,143,600 (1,128,953) ARPA: Broadband Grants to Hardest Hit Communities - - 180,000 (180,000) 106-01ARPA: Cameras in Qualified Census Tracts - - 150,000 (150,000) 106-02ARPA: Encampment & Dumping Cleanup - - 500,000 (500,000) 106-03ARPA: Duty Handgun Improvements - - 111,000 (111,000) 106-04ARPA: Spidr Tech Customer Communications Software - - 132,000 (132,000) 106-05ARPA: Axon Drone Program - - 70,600 (70,600) 106-06True Up 2022 BFB 14,647 - - 14,647 OT 106-07 Revised 2022 Budget - Fund 106 5,802,647 7,375,600 6,036,766 7,141,481 Drug Forfeiture Fund (#117) 2022 Adopted Budget 612,573 148,000 356,531 404,042 Previous Budget Amendments (53,266) 6,000 11,000 (58,266) 2022 Amended Budget 559,307 154,000 367,531 345,776 BA#6 (Ordinance #6878, Proposed):500,530 - - 500,530 True Up 2022 BFB 500,530 - - 500,530 OT 117-01 Revised 2022 Budget - Fund 117 1,059,837 154,000 367,531 846,306 Housing & Comm Develop Fund (#119) 2022 Adopted Budget 42,904 600,000 600,000 42,904 Previous Budget Amendments (579) 744,900 744,900 (579) 2022 Amended Budget 42,325 1,344,900 1,344,900 42,325 BA#6 (Ordinance #6878, Proposed):517 - - 517 True Up 2022 BFB 517 - - 517 OT 119-01 Revised 2022 Budget - Fund 119 42,842 1,344,900 1,344,900 42,842 Page 3 of 12 7/6/2022 2:39 PMPage 11 of 72 Schedule A Summary of 2022 Budget Adjustments by Fund Budget Amendment #6 (Ordinance #6878) AE AF AG AH Beg. Fund Balance Revenues Expenditures Ending Fund Balance OT/OG Req No Recreation Trails Fund (#120) 2022 Adopted Budget 87,125 7,700 - 94,825 Previous Budget Amendments 2,287 - - 2,287 2022 Amended Budget 89,412 7,700 - 97,112 BA#6 (Ordinance #6878, Proposed):(617) - - (617) True Up 2022 BFB (617) - - (617) OT 120-01 Revised 2022 Budget - Fund 120 88,795 7,700 - 96,495 BIA Fund (#121) 2022 Adopted Budget 62,025 55,400 90,000 27,425 Previous Budget Amendments 73,070 - - 73,070 2022 Amended Budget 135,095 55,400 90,000 100,495 BA#6 (Ordinance #6878, Proposed):51,107 - - 51,107 True Up 2022 BFB 51,107 - - 51,107 OT 121-01 Revised 2022 Budget - Fund 121 186,202 55,400 90,000 151,602 Cumulative Reserve Fund (#122) 2022 Adopted Budget 6,484,315 80,000 1,950,000 4,614,315 Previous Budget Amendments 4,196,829 2,029,800 - 6,226,629 2022 Amended Budget 10,681,144 2,109,800 1,950,000 10,840,944 BA#6 (Ordinance #6878, Proposed):(127,377) - 450,000 (577,377) Real Property Purchase: Max House - - 450,000 (450,000) OT 122-01True Up 2022 BFB (127,377) - - (127,377) OT 122-02 Revised 2022 Budget - Fund 122 10,553,767 2,109,800 2,400,000 10,263,567 Mitigation Fees Fund (#124) 2022 Adopted Budget 9,372,642 1,161,900 5,851,450 4,683,092 Previous Budget Amendments (1,476,597) - (2,881,550) 1,404,953 2022 Amended Budget 7,896,045 1,161,900 2,969,900 6,088,045 BA#6 (Ordinance #6878, Proposed):8,145,835 - (475,000) 8,620,835 VRFA: Fire Impact Fees Payments - - (475,000) 475,000 OT 124-01True Up 2022 BFB 8,145,835 - - 8,145,835 OT 124-02 Revised 2022 Budget - Fund 124 16,041,880 1,161,900 2,494,900 14,708,880 Page 4 of 12 7/6/2022 2:39 PMPage 12 of 72 Schedule A Summary of 2022 Budget Adjustments by Fund Budget Amendment #6 (Ordinance #6878) AE AF AG AH Beg. Fund Balance Revenues Expenditures Ending Fund Balance OT/OG Req No 2020 LTGO A&B Refunding Bonds Fund (#232) 2022 Adopted Budget - - - - Previous Budget Amendments 102,828 2,204,670 1,509,250 798,248 2022 Amended Budget 102,828 2,204,670 1,509,250 798,248 BA#6 (Ordinance #6878, Proposed):279,159 - - 279,159 True Up 2022 BFB 279,159 - - 279,159 OT 232-01 Revised 2022 Budget - Fund 232 381,987 2,204,670 1,509,250 1,077,407 LID Guarantee Fund (#249) 2022 Adopted Budget 1,679 10 - 1,689 Previous Budget Amendments 7 - - 7 2022 Amended Budget 1,686 10 - 1,696 BA#6 (Ordinance #6878, Proposed):(8) - - (8) True Up 2022 BFB (8) - - (8) OT 249-01 Revised 2022 Budget - Fund 249 1,678 10 - 1,688 LID 350 Fund (#275) 2022 Adopted Budget 1,363 10 - 1,373 Previous Budget Amendments 794 - - 794 2022 Amended Budget 2,157 10 - 2,167 BA#6 (Ordinance #6878, Proposed):(7) - 2,161 (2,167) Close out Fund 275 - - 2,161 (2,161) OT 275-01True Up 2022 BFB (7) - - (7) OT 275-02 Revised 2022 Budget - Fund 275 2,151 10 2,161 - Parks Construction Fund (#321) 2022 Adopted Budget 1,031,996 3,483,950 3,730,050 785,896 Previous Budget Amendments (177,301) (2,790,450) (2,690,450) (277,301) 2022 Amended Budget 854,695 693,500 1,039,600 508,595 BA#6 (Ordinance #6878, Proposed):220,443 259,900 (73,600) 553,943 Cedar Lanes Bike Park Improvements Grant - 234,900 234,900 - OT 321-01Fulmer Park Playground Improvements grant - 25,000 25,000 - OT 321-02Jacobsen Tree Farm Development - - (333,500) 333,500 OT 321-03 True Up 2022 BFB 220,443 - - 220,443 OT 321-04 Revised 2022 Budget - Fund 321 1,075,138 953,400 966,000 1,062,538 Page 5 of 12 7/6/2022 2:39 PMPage 13 of 72 Schedule A Summary of 2022 Budget Adjustments by Fund Budget Amendment #6 (Ordinance #6878) AE AF AG AH Beg. Fund Balance Revenues Expenditures Ending Fund Balance OT/OG Req No Capital Improvements Fund (#328) 2022 Adopted Budget 4,037,304 3,109,910 3,689,210 3,458,004 Previous Budget Amendments 3,177,711 1,550,000 2,100,000 2,627,711 2022 Amended Budget 7,215,015 4,659,910 5,789,210 6,085,715 BA#6 (Ordinance #6878, Proposed):6,867,903 (300,000) 309,640 6,258,263 Downtown Decorative LED Conversions - - 82,640 (82,640) OT 328-01Real Property Purchase: Max House - 450,000 450,000 - OT 328-02M&O Facility Improvements – Phase 1 - - 542,000 (542,000) OT 328-03Lea Hill Safe Routes to Schools - (750,000) (765,000) 15,000 OT 328-04True Up 2022 BFB 6,867,903 - - 6,867,903 OT 328-05 Revised 2022 Budget - Fund 328 14,082,918 4,359,910 6,098,850 12,343,978 Local Revitalization Fund (#330) 2022 Adopted Budget - - - - Previous Budget Amendments - - - - 2022 Amended Budget - - - - BA#6 (Ordinance #6878, Proposed):316,579 - - 316,579 True Up 2022 BFB 316,579 - - 316,579 OT 330-01 Revised 2022 Budget - Fund 330 316,579 - - 316,579 Water Fund (#430) 2022 Adopted Budget 11,169,984 19,298,050 23,266,154 7,201,880 Previous Budget Amendments 211,082 - (458,900) 669,982 2022 Amended Budget 11,381,066 19,298,050 22,807,254 7,871,862 BA#6 (Ordinance #6878, Proposed):3,228,426 (1,500,000) (1,313,000) 3,041,426 M&O Facility Improvements – Phase 1 - - 187,000 (187,000) OT 430-01Coal Creek Springs Transmission Main Replacement - (1,500,000) (1,500,000) - OT 430-02True Up 2022 BWC 3,228,426 - - 3,228,426 OT 430-03 Revised 2022 Budget - Fund 430 14,609,492 17,798,050 21,494,254 10,913,288 Page 6 of 12 7/6/2022 2:39 PMPage 14 of 72 Schedule A Summary of 2022 Budget Adjustments by Fund Budget Amendment #6 (Ordinance #6878) AE AF AG AH Beg. Fund Balance Revenues Expenditures Ending Fund Balance OT/OG Req No Sewer Fund (#431) 2022 Adopted Budget 9,001,356 9,992,880 8,321,966 10,672,270 Previous Budget Amendments (186,984) - 1,173,500 (1,360,484) 2022 Amended Budget 8,814,372 9,992,880 9,495,466 9,311,786 BA#6 (Ordinance #6878, Proposed):550,923 - 187,000 363,923 M&O Facility Improvements – Phase 1 - - 187,000 (187,000) OT 431-01True Up 2022 BWC 550,923 - - 550,923 OT 431-02 Revised 2022 Budget - Fund 431 9,365,295 9,992,880 9,682,466 9,675,709 Storm Drainage Fund (#432) 2022 Adopted Budget 10,263,121 10,951,870 9,283,281 11,931,710 Previous Budget Amendments 663,461 - 517,400 146,061 2022 Amended Budget 10,926,582 10,951,870 9,800,681 12,077,771 BA#6 (Ordinance #6878, Proposed):996,143 - 187,000 809,143 M&O Facility Improvements – Phase 1 - - 187,000 (187,000) OT 432-01 True Up 2022 BWC 996,143 - - 996,143 OT 432-02 Revised 2022 Budget - Fund 432 11,922,725 10,951,870 9,987,681 12,886,914 Sewer Metro Sub Fund Fund (#433) 2022 Adopted Budget 2,070,836 21,012,700 21,008,800 2,074,736 Previous Budget Amendments 771,586 - - 771,586 2022 Amended Budget 2,842,422 21,012,700 21,008,800 2,846,322 BA#6 (Ordinance #6878, Proposed):870,712 - - 870,712 True Up 2022 BWC 870,712 - - 870,712 OT 433-01 Revised 2022 Budget - Fund 433 3,713,134 21,012,700 21,008,800 3,717,034 Solid Waste Fund (#434) 2022 Adopted Budget 5,578,288 18,629,600 18,719,680 5,488,208 Previous Budget Amendments (281,301) - 464,900 (746,201) 2022 Amended Budget 5,296,987 18,629,600 19,184,580 4,742,007 BA#6 (Ordinance #6878, Proposed):(1,507,755) 130,000 130,000 (1,507,755) 2022 Solid Waste Grants - 130,000 130,000 - OT 434-01True Up 2022 BWC (1,507,755) - - (1,507,755) OT 434-02 Revised 2022 Budget - Fund 434 3,789,232 18,759,600 19,314,580 3,234,252 Page 7 of 12 7/6/2022 2:39 PMPage 15 of 72 Schedule A Summary of 2022 Budget Adjustments by Fund Budget Amendment #6 (Ordinance #6878) AE AF AG AH Beg. Fund Balance Revenues Expenditures Ending Fund Balance OT/OG Req No Airport Fund (#435) 2022 Adopted Budget 1,608,781 1,507,100 2,878,847 237,034 Previous Budget Amendments (463,825) 750,000 (387,200) 673,375 2022 Amended Budget 1,144,956 2,257,100 2,491,647 910,409 BA#6 (Ordinance #6878, Proposed):376,996 - - 376,996 True Up 2022 BWC 376,996 - - 376,996 OT 435-01 Revised 2022 Budget - Fund 435 1,521,952 2,257,100 2,491,647 1,287,405 Cemetery Fund (#436) 2022 Adopted Budget 364,582 1,280,400 1,386,048 258,934 Previous Budget Amendments 437,117 97,100 112,100 422,117 2022 Amended Budget 801,699 1,377,500 1,498,148 681,051 BA#6 (Ordinance #6878, Proposed):831,316 - - 831,316 True Up 2022 BWC 831,316 - - 831,316 OT 436-01 Revised 2022 Budget - Fund 436 1,633,015 1,377,500 1,498,148 1,512,367 Water Capital Fund (#460) 2022 Adopted Budget 1,832,439 10,450,710 9,466,310 2,816,839 Previous Budget Amendments (257,156) (1,600,000) (1,600,000) (257,156) 2022 Amended Budget 1,575,283 8,850,710 7,866,310 2,559,683 BA#6 (Ordinance #6878, Proposed):5,244,756 (1,425,000) (1,382,150) 5,201,906 Reservoirs 4 and 8 Seismic Retrofits - 300,000 342,850 (42,850) OT 460-01Coal Creek Springs Transmissions Main Replacement - (1,725,000) (1,725,000) - OT 460-02True Up 2022 BWC 5,244,756 - - 5,244,756 OT 460-03 Revised 2022 Budget - Fund 460 6,820,039 7,425,710 6,484,160 7,761,589 Sewer Capital Fund (#461) 2022 Adopted Budget 8,125,157 755,600 3,815,900 5,064,857 Previous Budget Amendments (395,750) - 100,000 (495,750) 2022 Amended Budget 7,729,407 755,600 3,915,900 4,569,107 BA#6 (Ordinance #6878, Proposed):3,663,050 - - 3,663,050 True Up 2022 BWC 3,663,050 - - 3,663,050 OT 461-01 Revised 2022 Budget - Fund 461 11,392,457 755,600 3,915,900 8,232,157 Page 8 of 12 7/6/2022 2:39 PMPage 16 of 72 Schedule A Summary of 2022 Budget Adjustments by Fund Budget Amendment #6 (Ordinance #6878) AE AF AG AH Beg. Fund Balance Revenues Expenditures Ending Fund Balance OT/OG Req No Storm Drainage Capital Fund (#462) 2022 Adopted Budget 6,713,135 562,800 4,651,800 2,624,135 Previous Budget Amendments 519,381 - 1,261,000 (741,619) 2022 Amended Budget 7,232,516 562,800 5,912,800 1,882,516 BA#6 (Ordinance #6878, Proposed):4,472,526 - - 4,472,526 True Up 2022 BWC 4,472,526 - - 4,472,526 OT 462-01 Revised 2022 Budget - Fund 462 11,705,042 562,800 5,912,800 6,355,042 Airport Capital Fund (#465) 2022 Adopted Budget 129,157 1,847,420 1,780,440 196,137 Previous Budget Amendments 140,783 364,100 364,100 140,783 2022 Amended Budget 269,940 2,211,520 2,144,540 336,920 BA#6 (Ordinance #6878, Proposed):(100,605) - - (100,605) True Up 2022 BWC (100,605) - - (100,605) OT 465-01 Revised 2022 Budget - Fund 465 169,335 2,211,520 2,144,540 236,315 Cemetery Capital Fund (#466) 2022 Adopted Budget 9,683 1,000 100 10,583 Previous Budget Amendments 43,597 - - 43,597 2022 Amended Budget 53,280 1,000 100 54,180 BA#6 (Ordinance #6878, Proposed):(45,996) - - (45,996) True Up 2022 BWC (45,996) - - (45,996) OT 466-01 Revised 2022 Budget - Fund 466 7,284 1,000 100 8,184 Insurance Fund (#501) 2022 Adopted Budget 1,571,253 12,000 183,200 1,400,053 Previous Budget Amendments 18,262 - - 18,262 2022 Amended Budget 1,589,515 12,000 183,200 1,418,315 BA#6 (Ordinance #6878, Proposed):178,660 - - 178,660 True Up 2022 BWC 178,660 - - 178,660 OT 501-01 Revised 2022 Budget - Fund 501 1,768,175 12,000 183,200 1,596,975 Page 9 of 12 7/6/2022 2:39 PMPage 17 of 72 Schedule A Summary of 2022 Budget Adjustments by Fund Budget Amendment #6 (Ordinance #6878) AE AF AG AH Beg. Fund Balance Revenues Expenditures Ending Fund Balance OT/OG Req No Workers' Comp Fund (#503) 2022 Adopted Budget 2,644,627 1,144,900 884,000 2,905,527 Previous Budget Amendments 58,098 - - 58,098 2022 Amended Budget 2,702,725 1,144,900 884,000 2,963,625 BA#6 (Ordinance #6878, Proposed):167,895 - - 167,895 True Up 2022 BWC 167,895 - - 167,895 OT 503-01 Revised 2022 Budget - Fund 503 2,870,620 1,144,900 884,000 3,131,520 Facilities Fund (#505) 2022 Adopted Budget 623,845 3,694,500 3,724,226 594,119 Previous Budget Amendments (3,561) 82,200 550,700 (472,061) 2022 Amended Budget 620,284 3,776,700 4,274,926 122,058 BA#6 (Ordinance #6878, Proposed):262,544 - 25,000 237,544 Mel’s Lot Operational Costs - - 25,000 (25,000) OG 505-01 True Up 2022 BWC 262,544 - - 262,544 OT 505-02 Revised 2022 Budget - Fund 505 882,828 3,776,700 4,299,926 359,602 Innovation & Technology Fund (#518) 2022 Adopted Budget 1,949,637 6,903,800 7,014,444 1,838,993 Previous Budget Amendments 381,252 6,000 261,000 126,252 2022 Amended Budget 2,330,889 6,909,800 7,275,444 1,965,245 BA#6 (Ordinance #6878, Proposed):667,646 - - 667,646 True Up 2022 BWC 667,646 - - 667,646 OT 518-01 Revised 2022 Budget - Fund 518 2,998,535 6,909,800 7,275,444 2,632,891 Equipment Rental Fund (#550) 2022 Adopted Budget 1,552,779 2,301,100 3,079,708 774,171 Previous Budget Amendments 227,114 - 111,700 115,414 2022 Amended Budget 1,779,893 2,301,100 3,191,408 889,585 BA#6 (Ordinance #6878, Proposed):820,043 - - 820,043 True Up 2022 BWC 820,043 - - 820,043 OT 550-01 Revised 2022 Budget - Fund 550 2,599,936 2,301,100 3,191,408 1,709,628 Page 10 of 12 7/6/2022 2:39 PMPage 18 of 72 Schedule A Summary of 2022 Budget Adjustments by Fund Budget Amendment #6 (Ordinance #6878) AE AF AG AH Beg. Fund Balance Revenues Expenditures Ending Fund Balance OT/OG Req No Equipment Rental Capital Fund (#560) 2022 Adopted Budget 3,902,729 1,993,760 1,435,600 4,460,889 Previous Budget Amendments (1,059,460) 298,400 374,100 (1,135,160) 2022 Amended Budget 2,843,269 2,292,160 1,809,700 3,325,729 BA#6 (Ordinance #6878, Proposed):2,276,444 1,103,000 1,290,000 2,089,444 M&O Facility Improvements – Phase 1 - 1,103,000 1,290,000 (187,000) OT 560-01True Up 2022 BWC 2,276,444 - - 2,276,444 OT 560-02 Revised 2022 Budget - Fund 560 5,119,713 3,395,160 3,099,700 5,415,173 IT Capital Fund (#568) 2022 Adopted Budget 635,814 3,400 414,200 225,014 Previous Budget Amendments (135,461) - - (135,461) 2022 Amended Budget 500,353 3,400 414,200 89,553 BA#6 (Ordinance #6878, Proposed):150,301 330,000 330,000 150,301 ARPA: Broadband Grants to Hardest Hit Communities - 180,000 180,000 - 568-01 ARPA: Cameras in Qualified Census Tracts - 150,000 150,000 - 568-02 True Up 2022 BWC 150,301 - - 150,301 OT 568-03 Revised 2022 Budget - Fund 568 650,654 333,400 744,200 239,854 Fire Pension Fund (#611) 2022 Adopted Budget 1,926,737 103,600 211,204 1,819,133 Previous Budget Amendments 55,039 - - 55,039 2022 Amended Budget 1,981,776 103,600 211,204 1,874,172 BA#6 (Ordinance #6878, Proposed):7,794 - - 7,794 True Up 2022 BFB 7,794 - - 7,794 OT 611-01 Revised 2022 Budget - Fund 611 1,989,570 103,600 211,204 1,881,966 Page 11 of 12 7/6/2022 2:39 PMPage 19 of 72 Schedule A Summary of 2022 Budget Adjustments by Fund Budget Amendment #6 (Ordinance #6878) AE AF AG AH Beg. Fund Balance Revenues Expenditures Ending Fund Balance OT/OG Req No SKHHP Fund (#654) 2022 Adopted Budget 186,885 252,300 315,450 123,735 Previous Budget Amendments 38,028 150,225 125,400 62,853 2022 Amended Budget 224,913 402,525 440,850 186,588 BA#6 (Ordinance #6878, Proposed):34,228 1,455,267 7,190 1,482,305 SKHHP Member Contributions: Substitute House Bill 1406 - 1,448,077 - 1,448,077 OT 654-012022 Maple Valley SKHHP member contribution - 7,190 7,190 - OT 654-02True Up 2022 BFB 34,228 - - 34,228 OT 654-03 Revised 2022 Budget - Fund 654 259,141 1,857,792 448,040 1,668,893 Cemetery Endowment Fund (#701) 2022 Adopted Budget 2,046,766 64,130 - 2,110,896 Previous Budget Amendments 39,116 - - 39,116 2022 Amended Budget 2,085,882 64,130 - 2,150,012 BA#6 (Ordinance #6878, Proposed):20,565 - - 20,565 True Up 2022 BFB 20,565 - - 20,565 OT 701-01 Revised 2022 Budget - Fund 701 2,106,447 64,130 - 2,170,577 Grand Total - All Funds 2022 Adopted Budget 109,651,771 216,957,920 237,525,025 89,084,666 Previous Budget Amendments 20,832,782 13,042,141 13,761,252 20,113,671 2022 Amended Budget 130,484,553 230,000,061 251,286,277 109,198,337 TOTAL BA#6 (Ordinance #6878, Proposed):62,013,242 1,775,863 3,023,376 60,765,729 Revised 2022 Budget 192,497,795 231,775,924 254,309,653 169,964,066 424,273,719 424,273,719 Page 12 of 12 7/6/2022 2:39 PMPage 20 of 72 Schedule B 2022 Ending Fund Balance/Working Capital by Fund Fund 2022 Amended Budget (before BA#6) BA#6 (Ord #6878) Revised Budget General Fund (#001)9,435,267 16,791,226 26,226,493 Arterial Street Fund (#102)93,030 2,153,358 2,246,388 Local Street Fund (#103)2,023,953 1,304,121 3,328,074 Hotel/Motel Tax Fund (#104)269,587 155,332 424,919 Arterial Street Preservation Fund (#105)1,366,453 1,691,043 3,057,496 American Rescue Plan Act Fund (#106)8,270,434 (1,128,953) 7,141,481 Drug Forfeiture Fund (#117)345,776 500,530 846,306 Housing & Comm Develop Fund (#119)42,325 517 42,842 Recreation Trails Fund (#120)97,112 (617) 96,495 BIA Fund (#121)100,495 51,107 151,602 Cumulative Reserve Fund (#122)10,840,944 (577,377) 10,263,567 Mitigation Fees Fund (#124)6,088,045 8,620,835 14,708,880 City Hall Annex 2010 A&B Bond Fund (#230)- - - Local Revitalization 2010 C&D Bond Fund (#231)- - - 2020 LTGO A&B Refunding Bonds Fund (#232)798,248 279,159 1,077,407 SCORE Debt Service Fund (#238)- - - LID Guarantee Fund (#249)1,696 (8) 1,688 LID 350 Fund (#275)2,167 (2,167) - Golf/Cemetery 2016 Refunding Fund (#276)- - - Parks Construction Fund (#321)508,595 553,943 1,062,538 Capital Improvements Fund (#328)6,085,715 6,258,263 12,343,978 Local Revitalization Fund (#330)- 316,579 316,579 Water Fund (#430)7,871,862 3,041,426 10,913,288 Sewer Fund (#431)9,311,786 363,923 9,675,709 Storm Drainage Fund (#432)12,077,771 809,143 12,886,914 Sewer Metro Sub Fund (#433)2,846,322 870,712 3,717,034 Solid Waste Fund (#434)4,742,007 (1,507,755) 3,234,252 Airport Fund (#435)910,409 376,996 1,287,405 Cemetery Fund (#436)681,051 831,316 1,512,367 Water Capital Fund (#460)2,559,683 5,201,906 7,761,589 Sewer Capital Fund (#461)4,569,107 3,663,050 8,232,157 Storm Drainage Capital Fund (#462)1,882,516 4,472,526 6,355,042 Airport Capital Fund (#465)336,920 (100,605) 236,315 Cemetery Capital Fund (#466)54,180 (45,996) 8,184 Insurance Fund (#501)1,418,315 178,660 1,596,975 Workers' Comp Fund (#503)2,963,625 167,895 3,131,520 Facilities Fund (#505)122,058 237,544 359,602 Innovation & Technology Fund (#518)1,965,245 667,646 2,632,891 Equipment Rental Fund (#550)889,585 820,043 1,709,628 Equipment Rental Capital Fund (#560)3,325,729 2,089,444 5,415,173 IT Capital Fund (#568)89,553 150,301 239,854 Fire Pension Fund (#611)1,874,172 7,794 1,881,966 SKHHP Fund (#654)186,588 1,482,305 1,668,893 Cemetery Endowment Fund (#701)2,150,012 20,565 2,170,577 Total 109,198,337 60,765,729 169,964,066 Page 21 of 72 AGENDA BILL APPROVAL FORM Agenda Subject: Ordinance No. 6877 (Gaub) (10 Minutes) Date: July 5, 2022 Department: Public Works Attachments: Ordinance No. 6877 Exhibit A Storm Code Updates Presentation Budget Impact: Current Budget: $0 Proposed Revision: $0 Revised Budget: $0 Administrative Recommendation: For discussion only. Background for Motion: Background Summary: This ordinance adds a new section to Auburn City Code (ACC) Chapter 13.48 to address National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) requirements related to the Storm Drainage Utility. The City operates its storm drainage system under the NPDES Western Washington Phase II Municipal Stormwater Permit issued from the Washington Department of Ecology. City of Auburn Surface Water Management Manual (SWMM) and the Washington Department of Ecology’s Stormwater Management Manual for Western Washington (SWMMWW) are the basis for the City’s stormwater management and protection measures. The NPDES permit requires the City to implement an inspection program (“Source Control Program”) by January 1, 2023. Under a Source Control Program, the City is required to inspect public and private properties to ensure that onsite activities are employing the SWMM Best Management Practices (BMPs) to prevent pollutants from entering the City’s storm drainage facilities and enforce BMP violations by implementing sufficient measures to control the pollution and contamination to the City’s storm water system. The current code requires the application of the SWMM to new and redevelopment projects and does not allow the enforcement of BMPs to existing land uses and activities. The added code section will require the application of BMPs to pollution generating sources for all businesses, land uses and activities within the city. Reviewed by Council Committees: Councilmember:Stearns Staff:Gaub Meeting Date:July 11, 2022 Item Number: Page 22 of 72 Page 23 of 72 -------------------------------- Ordinance No. 6877 July 18, 2022 Page 1 of 3 Rev. 2019 ORDINANCE NO. 6877 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, WASHINGTON, ADDING A NEW SECTION TO CHAPTER 13.48 OF THE AUBURN CITY CODE (ACC), ADOPTING AND ENFORCING BEST MANAGEMENT POLLUTION PRACTICES FOR THE CITY’S STORM DRAINAGE SYSTEM WHEREAS, RCW 35.67.020 empowers the city to maintain, conduct and operate a storm drainage utility to protect the public health, safety, and general welfare; promote sound development policies and construction procedures to preserve the city’s natural resources; and prevent the creation of public nuisances. ACC 13.48 establishes the City’s storm drainage utility; WHEREAS, the City has enacted ACC 12.04.010.B.2, which establishes the City of Auburn Surface Water Management Manual (SWMM) and the Washington Department of Ecology’s Stormwater Management Manual for Western Washington (SWMMWW) as the basis for the City’s stormwater management and protection measures; WHEREAS, the city’s storm drainage utility operates under a National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Western Washington Phase II Municipal Stormwater Permit from the Washington Department of Ecology. In 2019 the NPDES Permit added a new requirement: that the City adopt and enforce SWMM identified Best Management Practices (BMPs) to control pollution generating sources associated with existing land uses and activities; WHEREAS, the City’s NPDES permit also requires the City to implement an inspection program (“Source Control Program”) by January 1, 2023. Under this program, the City will: 1) inspect public and private properties to ensure that onsite activities are Page 24 of 72 -------------------------------- Ordinance No. 6877 July 18, 2022 Page 2 of 3 Rev. 2019 employing the SWMM identified BMPs to prevent pollutants from entering the City’s storm drainage facilities; and 2) enforce BMP violations by implementing sufficient measures to control the pollution and contamination of the City’s storm water system. NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, WASHINGTON, DO ORDAIN as follows: Section 1. New Section to Auburn City Code. A new section ACC 13.48.215, defining BMPs and requiring BMPs to control pollution for land use activities that may discharge contaminants into the City’s storm water system, is added to the Auburn City Code as set forth in Exhibit A to this Ordinance. Section 2. Implementation. The Mayor is authorized to implement those administrative procedures necessary to carry out the directives of this legislation. Section 3. Severability. The provisions of this ordinance are declared to be separate and severable. The invalidity of any clause, sentence, paragraph, subdivision, section, or portion of this ordinance, or the invalidity of the application of it to any person or circumstance, will not affect the validity of the remainder of this ordinance, or the validity of its application to other persons or circumstances. Page 25 of 72 -------------------------------- Ordinance No. 6877 July 18, 2022 Page 3 of 3 Rev. 2019 Section 4. Effective date. This Ordinance will take effect and be in force five days from and after its passage, approval, and publication as provided by law. INTRODUCED: _______________ PASSED: ____________________ APPROVED: _________________ ____________________________ NANCY BACKUS, MAYOR ATTEST: ____________________________ Shawn Campbell, MMC, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: ____________________________ Kendra Comeau, City Attorney Published: ____________________ Page 26 of 72 1 EXHIBIT A—ORD. 6877 ACC 13.48.215 Source Control Best Management Practices. A. In accordance with the SWMM adopted by the City in ACC 12.04.010, all businesses, land uses, or activities that may discharge contaminants into the city's storm drainage system, surface water, or groundwater must implement appropriate operational source control SWMM identified Best Management Practices (BMPs) to control such potential contamination. B. If the city engineer determines that discharges or releases of pollutants are not being controlled by operational source control BMPs, the city engineer may require the responsible party to undertake more stringent or additional BMPs, which may include structural BMPs or other ACC 12.04.010 consistent actions necessary to cease causing or contributing to contaminated discharges. Page 27 of 72 A U B U R N V A L U E S S E R V I C E E N V I R O N M E N T E C O N O M Y C H A R A C T E R S U S TA I N A B I L I T Y W E L L N E S S C E L E B R A T I O N ENGINEERING SERVICES ORDINANCE NO. 6877 CHANGES TO ACC 13.48 TIM CARLAW STORM DRAINAGE ENGINEER CHRIS THORN WATER QUALITY PROGRAM COORDINATOR CITY COUNCIL STUDY SESSION JULY 11, 2022 Public Works Department Engineering Services Airport Services Maintenance & Operations Services 1 Page 28 of 72 SERVICE ENVIRONMENT ECONOMY CHARACTER SUSTAINABILITY WELLNESS CELEBRATION Current City code requires implementation of source control best management practices for pollution generating sources on new and redeveloped properties only Recent code changes clarified that the City may inspect properties to ensure use of best management practices The City’s National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit requires that we mandate the use of source control best management practices for pollution generating sources associated with existing land uses and activities 2 PROPOSED CODE CHANGE Page 29 of 72 SERVICE ENVIRONMENT ECONOMY CHARACTER SUSTAINABILITY WELLNESS CELEBRATION Inspection program required starting in 2023 Education and technical assistance will be the first step to achieve compliance PROPOSED CODE CHANGE SERVICE ENVIRONMENT ECONOMY CHARACTER SUSTAINABILITY WELLNESS CELEBRATION 3 Page 30 of 72 SERVICE ENVIRONMENT ECONOMY CHARACTER SUSTAINABILITY WELLNESS CELEBRATION Add new section ACC 13.48.215 Source Control Best Management Practices 4 PROPOSED CODE CHANGES Page 31 of 72 SERVICE ENVIRONMENT ECONOMY CHARACTER SUSTAINABILITY WELLNESS CELEBRATION July 18, 2022 – consider adoption of Ordinance No. 6877 NEXT STEPS SERVICE ENVIRONMENT ECONOMY CHARACTER SUSTAINABILITY WELLNESS CELEBRATION 5 Page 32 of 72 AGENDA BILL APPROVAL FORM Agenda Subject: Capital Projects Update Summer 2022 Construction Summary (Gaub) (10 Minutes) Date: July 5, 2022 Department: Public Works Attachments: Capital Projects Status Report Presentation Budget Impact: Current Budget: $0 Proposed Revision: $0 Revised Budget: $0 Administrative Recommendation: For discussion only. Background for Motion: Background Summary: The purpose of this discussion is to inform the Council and Public of the overall status of the City’s Capital Project program managed by the Engineering Services Division and to provide an update of major construction activities taking place during the summer 2022. The Capital Project Group of Engineering Services is currently managing 41 projects, totaling approximately $95 million in total project costs. Of these projects, 22 are in design and 19 are under construction. In the next month, 3 projects currently in design are expected to enter the construction phase and 4 projects that are currently in construction will enter Project Closeout and then subsequently removed from the Capital project Status Report. Reviewed by Council Committees: Councilmember:Stearns Staff:Gaub Meeting Date:July 11, 2022 Item Number: Page 33 of 72 Project Number Project Name & Description Current Budget Construction Start Construction Finish Project Manager Recent Progress Design Consultant Contractor CP1916 Academy Pump Station 1 Replacement This project demolishes and replaces Pump Station 1, repurposes Pump Station 2 into a storage facility, replaces backup power systems at the site, and replaces/installs underground water main to the facility. $4,352,479 QTR 2 (APR- JUN) 21 QTR 3 (JUL- SEP) 22 Jeffrey Bender The construction contract has been suspended for the procurement of long lead-time materials and coordination of power service from PSE. It is anticipated that the work will resume in July 2022. The onsite generator was delivered and installed on June 24, 2022. Coordination with PSE for new power service is underway. Carollo McClure & Sons, Inc. CP1927 Auburn Way N and 1st Street NE Signal Replacement This project will replace the existing traffic signal at Auburn Way North and 1st Street NE with a new traffic signal per the City of Auburn standards and the Downtown standards. The project also includes adding left turn pocket on 1st Street NE and flashing yellow arrows in all four directions. $1,606,514 QTR 3 (JUL- SEP) 21 QTR 3 (JUL- SEP) 22 Matt Larson The contractor is currently working on the improvements to the west leg of the intersection. This work requires a full closure of 1st Street between Auburn Way North and B Street NE. N/A RW Scott Construction Capital Project Status Report Construction Projects Public Works Department - Engineering General Services Division Page: 1 Page 34 of 72 Project Number Project Name & Description Current Budget Construction Start Construction Finish Project Manager Recent Progress Design Consultant Contractor CP1922 Lead Service Line Replacement Project The purpose of this project is to provide improvements to the City’s water distribution system, and avoid any potential public health issues associated with existing lead gooseneck service line infrastructure. The project will replace approximately 7,100 linear feet of water main, approximately 190 water services, potentially reconstruct 13 street segments and upgrade associated drainage, curb & gutter, curb ramps; as well as grind and overlay 4 street segments. $7,697,532 QTR 4 (OCT- DEC) 21 QTR 3 (JUL- SEP) 22 Jai Carter Pavement restoration work has been completed at all of the project sites. The contractor is currently constructing sidewalks, curbing, curb ramps, driveways, adjusting utility lids to grade, and restoring landscaping projectwide. MurraySmith Pivetta Brothers Construction CP2003 2nd Street SE Preservation Project This project will reconstruct the pavement on 2nd Street SE between A Street SE and Auburn Way S. The project will also replace 450 feet of sewer main, construct new curb ramps, install new LED Street lighting, replace curb & gutter as needed, and upgrade drainage infrastructure as needed. $1,163,755 (Includes State Grant Funds) QTR 2 (APR- JUN) 22 QTR 4 (OCT- DEC) 22 Jai Carter 2nd St SE from A Street SE to Auburn Way South is closed to through traffic until the end of July 2022. Access to residences and businesses is maintained during the closure. Joint utility trench work continuing. Concrete restoration of sidewalks, driveways and curb and gutters is scheduled for the week of July 11. N/A Ceccanti, Inc. Page: 2 Page 35 of 72 Project Number Project Name & Description Current Budget Construction Start Construction Finish Project Manager Recent Progress Design Consultant Contractor CP2010 2021 Sewer Repair and Replacement Project This project plans to replace a total of approximately 2585 LF of 8”-10” diameter sewer line at 9 separate sites and construct 10 spot repairs. $2,400,000 QTR 2 (APR- JUN) 21 QTR 3 (JUL- SEP) 22 Jai Carter All underground utility work is complete with the exception of Site #12 (Alley between 3rd St SW and 4th St SW). This site is awaiting the relocation of a Puget Sound Energy (PSE) gas line. Pavement restoration work has been completed at all but two sites. Project currently in suspension. N/A Nordvind Company CP2017 2021 Storm Renewal and Replacement Project The purpose of this project is to repair and replace storm system infrastructure throughout the City, at eight different locations. Improvements will eliminate known drainage issues and reduce maintenance efforts. $1,100,000 QTR 3 (JUL- SEP) 21 QTR 3 (JUL- SEP) 22 Matt Larson The contractor has completed the work at all project sites with the exception of the fence installation at Site #8 and the inline check valve at Site #7. The project has been suspended for the procurement of the check valve. It is anticipated that the work will resume and be completed in September 2022. N/A Northwest Cascade Page: 3 Page 36 of 72 Project Number Project Name & Description Current Budget Construction Start Construction Finish Project Manager Recent Progress Design Consultant Contractor CP2019 2021 Local Street Reconstruction and Preservation This project will design and construct the following improvements: Site #1 (G St SE from E Main to 4th St SE) - Full depth pavement re-build; replace water main incl. water services; upgrade storm drainage system as needed; and upgrade curb ramps to meet ADA. Site #2 (Riverwalk/Forest Ridge) - Grind and overlay the roadway; replace water main incl. water services; upgrade storm drainage system on 24th Ave/St. SE; and upgrade curb ramps to meet ADA. $5,660,000 QTR 2 (APR- JUN) 21 QTR 3 (JUL- SEP) 22 Kim Truong The project was substantially completed on April 18, 2022. Contractor is working on punchlist items. Jacobs Engineering Tucci & Sons CP2007 Lea Hill Rd Bridge Deck Preservation The project will grind and overlay the Lea Hill bridge deck in an effort to extend the overall service life of the bridge. $980,642 (Includes Federal Grant Funds) QTR 1 (JAN- MAR) 22 QTR 2 (APR- JUN) 22 Kim Truong Work at this site was completed on May 20, 2022. This project is combined with CP2006 for construction. KPFF Combined Construction CP2006 3rd Street SW Bridge Decks Preservation The project will seal and overlay the 3rd Street SW bridge decks in an effort to extend the overall service life of the bridges. $588,935 (Includes Federal Grant Funds) QTR 1 (JAN- MAR) 22 QTR 3 (JUL- SEP) 22 Kim Truong 3rd Street SW, between Division Street and C Street SW, will be closed the weekend of July 8, 2022 to complete the bridge preservation work. The previous start date was rescheduled due to weather. This project is combined with CP2007 for construction. KPFF Combined Construction Page: 4 Page 37 of 72 Project Number Project Name & Description Current Budget Construction Start Construction Finish Project Manager Recent Progress Design Consultant Contractor CP2102 4th Street SE Preservation This Project will replace pavement and utilities on 4th Street SE from Auburn Way South to L Street SE. The project will also include replacement of City utilities, removal of sidewalk obstructions, replacement of sidewalk and curb ramps as needed to address ADA requirements, street lighting, and other improvements. $5,970,835 QTR 1 (JAN- MAR) 22 QTR 4 (OCT- DEC) 22 Jeffrey Bender The contractor is currently working between F Street SE and M Street SE. 4th St SE from Auburn Way S to F St SE was reopened to traffic on June 1, 2022. 4th St SE from F St SE to M St SE is closed to through traffic until October 2022. The contactor is currently working on installing the new storm drain system. Access to residences and businesses is maintained during the closure. HDR Reed Excavating and Trucking CP2112 High Friction Surface Treatment The project will install high friction surface treatment (HFST) at six different curved roadway segments throughout the City. The HFST involves the application of fine/rough aggregate to the pavement using a polymer binder to increase pavement friction. The higher pavement friction helps motorists maintain better control in both dry and wet driving conditions. $734,200 (Includes Federal Grant Funds) QTR 3 (JUL- SEP) 22 QTR 4 (OCT- DEC) 22 Aleksey Koshman Bids were opened on May 19, 2022. The City received two total bids and awarded the contract to lowest responsive bidder, American Civil Constructors West Coast, on June 23, 2022. Preconstruction meeting is scheduled for July 12, 2022. Construction work is anticipated to begin in August 2022. N/A American Civil Constructors West Coast Page: 5 Page 38 of 72 Project Number Project Name & Description Current Budget Construction Start Construction Finish Project Manager Recent Progress Design Consultant Contractor CP2119 Arterial Pedestrian and Bike Safety Project This project will improve pedestrian safety and accessibility by replacing curbs ramps to meet ADA, installing Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacon, infill gaps in the sidewalk and storm improvements. $340,000 (Includes State Grant Funds) QTR 2 (APR- JUN) 22 QTR 3 (JUL- SEP) 22 Aleksey Koshman Notice to proceed with construction was issued on June 10, 2022. The contractor is currently constructing the sidewalk at the A Street SE site. N/A CCT Construction CP2115 Deduct Meter Replacement, Phase 3 This project will replace the remaining deduct meters (approximately 68) within the City limits, including replacing related piping and restoration. $729,154 QTR 1 (JAN- MAR) 22 QTR 3 (JUL- SEP) 22 Jeffrey Bender Construction activities are underway. The contactor has completed 48 of the 63 sites. Restoration at various sites is underway. N/A Nordvind Company CP2008 Parking Lot Improvements This project consist of troubleshooting and replacing outlets with enclosures, replacing light fixtures, removing light poles, and installing new downtown pedestrian poles with foundations. $99,000 QTR 3 (JUL- SEP) 21 QTR 2 (APR- JUN) 22 Aleksey Koshman Substantial completion was granted on June 14, 2022. The Contractor is completing punch list items and awaiting final L&I inspection. N/A West Coast Signal Page: 6 Page 39 of 72 Project Number Project Name & Description Current Budget Construction Start Construction Finish Project Manager Recent Progress Design Consultant Contractor CP2111 Community Center Parking Lot Improvements This project will resurface the main drive that serves the Community and Event Center. Replacing the existing pervious concrete pavement with hot mix asphalt pavement. Pavement restriping will be necessary for some of the existing parking stalls affected by the removal and replacement of the pavement. $250,000 QTR 2 (APR- JUN) 22 QTR 3 (JUL- SEP) 22 Kim Truong The construction work was substantially completed on June 27, 2022. Final pay in process. N/A ICON Materials CP2120 Auburn Way Pavement Patching The Auburn Way Pavement Patch project will grind and overlay asphalt to meet the City of Auburn standards at locations where previous temporary patching has been completed by the City water department. $150,000 QTR 1 (JAN- MAR) 22 QTR 3 (JUL- SEP) 22 Aleksey Koshman This project has been combined with CP2115. See CP2115 for recent progress. N/A Nordvind Company CP1612 Auburn Arts & Culture Center - Fire Suppression Connection This project will supply water to the fire suppression system that will be constructed as part of the Auburn Arts and Culture Center Renovation project. A supply line will be extended from the 8” water main under the west bound lanes of 1st Street NE to the Fire Department Connection near the NW corner of the Arts and Culture Center building, located at 20 Auburn Ave. $262,220 QTR 3 (JUL- SEP) 22 QTR 3 (JUL- SEP) 22 Matt Larson Bids were opened on June 2, 2022. The City received three total bids and awarded the contract to lowest responsive bidder, Nordvind Company, on June 24, 2022. N/A Nordvind Company Page: 7 Page 40 of 72 Project Number Project Name & Description Current Budget Construction Start Construction Finish Project Manager Recent Progress Design Consultant Contractor CP2131 2022 Sidewalk and ADA Improvements The purpose of this project is to improve pedestrian accessibility and safety throughout the City. The project includes numerous sites throughout the City where curb ramps are missing or need to be improved, where sidewalks are in need of repair or improvement, and where pedestrian crosswalk improvements are desired. $335,000 (Includes Federal Grant Funds) QTR 2 (APR- JUN) 22 QTR 3 (JUL- SEP) 22 Kim Truong Preconstruction meeting was held on June 2, 2022. Notice to proceed with construction was issued on June 30, 2022. Construction work will begin on July 5, 2022. N/A Reign City Services MS2115 2022 Channelization Project This project will restore thermoplastic pavement markings (i.e. crosswalks, stop lines, arrows and legends) and refresh paint striping at various locations across the City. $370,000 QTR 3 (JUL- SEP) 22 QTR 3 (JUL- SEP) 22 Aleksey Koshman Preconstruction meeting was held on June 7, 2022. Construction work is anticipated to begin in July 2022. N/A Specialized Pavement Marking Page: 8 Page 41 of 72 Project Number Project Name & Description Current Budget Construction Start Construction Finish Project Manager Recent Progress Design Consultant Contractor CP1603 Coal Creek Springs Transmission Main Repair The project will construct a second, parallel transmission pipeline over the White River suspended from a new pedestrian bridge, inspect the existing steel transmission main for possible leaks and repair the leaks, if any. $4,593,520 QTR 4 (OCT- DEC) 22 QTR 3 (JUL- SEP) 23 Seth Wickstrom Hydraulic Project Approval and a SEPA amendment have been submitted to the State Department of Fish and Wildlife and the City Community Development Department respectively. Design team is currently working on the shoreline, floodplain, building, grading and storm permits which are expected to be submitted to the City Community Development Department in July 2022. Jacobs TBD CP1622 Auburn Way South Improvements - Hemlock St SE to Poplar St SE Roadway widening to create a five-lane cross section with two general purpose travel lanes in each direction, and a two-way center left-turn lane. A new roundabout is proposed near the Noble Court intersection to support access to Chinook Elementary School. Additionally, curb and gutter, 10 foot sidewalks, illumination, transit stop improvements, storm water improvements, water main extension, and access management (where feasible) with accommodation for U-turns are proposed. $12,197,900 (Includes Federal Grant Funds) QTR 1 (JAN- MAR) 24 QTR 3 (JUL- SEP) 25 Jeffrey Bender 30% Design review is completed. Consultant design team is working on the 60% design submittal which is anticipated to be completed by August 19, 2022. Parametrix TBD Design Projects Page: 9 Page 42 of 72 Project Number Project Name & Description Current Budget Construction Start Construction Finish Project Manager Recent Progress Design Consultant Contractor CP2207 10th St NW/A Street NW Intersection Improvements The project will construct a new traffic signal at the intersection in place of the existing stop control on the 10th Street NW approach. $1,000,000 QTR 1 (JAN- MAR) 23 QTR 4 (OCT- DEC) 23 Jeffrey Bender The design team is working on the 30% design submittal which is anticipated to be completed by July 22, 2022. N/A TBD CP2121 Riverwalk Drive SE Non- Motorized Improvements In partnership with the MIT the project will complete the sidewalk gap along the east side of Riverwalk Drive SE between Auburn Way S and Howard Road SE. The project also include lighting and storm improvements and an RRFB at Howard Road. $1,872,000 (Includes State Grant Funds) QTR 1 (JAN- MAR) 23 QTR 3 (JUL- SEP) 23 Jeffrey Bender Consultant design team is working on the 60% design submittal which is anticipated to be completed by July 18, 2022. HDR TBD CP2211 49th Street NE (Auburn Way N to D Street NE) The project will complete the buildout of 49th Street NE between Auburn Way N and D Street NE to complete the roadway cross section. The project will widen the roadway, where required, to provide a complete three lane section matching the existing cross section to the east of D Street NE. $1,027,000 QTR 1 (JAN- MAR) 24 QTR 4 (OCT- DEC) 24 Matt Larson Design is underway.N/A TBD Page: 10 Page 43 of 72 Project Number Project Name & Description Current Budget Construction Start Construction Finish Project Manager Recent Progress Design Consultant Contractor CP2018 S. 330th St and 46th Place S Storm Improvements Relocate existing storm system located on private property, into approximately 350 linear feet of new 24-inch storm pipe within the public right-of-way. Improvements will include replacing existing outfall structure and connections of private drainage pipes. $379,000 TBD Matt Larson SEPA process is complete. Preparing other documents for Nationwide Permit application to US Army Corps and WDFW Hydraulic Project Approval (HPA). Completed and submitted Endagered Species Act (ESA) No-Effect letter on June 28, 2022. N/A TBD CP2009 Rainier Ridge Pump Station This project will replace the Rainier Ridge Sewer Pump Station and its associated force main (approximately 725 ft). $3,415,000 TBD TBD Jai Carter Design is underway. The preliminary proposed alternative has been identified. Further investigation is underway to vet the preliminary proposed alternative feasibility. Geotechnical drilling at proposed pump station site to begin July 7, 2022. Kennedy Jenks TBD CP2022 Garden Avenue Realignment The project will create a new east/west connection between Garden Ave (102nd Ave SE) and 104th Ave SE and remove the existing Garden Ave connection to 8th St NE and replace it with a permanent cul- de-sac. The project will also demolish an existing building and acquire the ROW needed for the roadway. Utility improvements include storm drainage needed to support the roadway surface; approx. 1500 ft of new/replaced watermain; and approx. 220 ft of sewer line. $1,383,000 QTR 1 (JAN- MAR) 23 QTR 4 (OCT- DEC) 23 Kim Truong City design team completed 30% design submittal in March and they are currently working on the 60% design submittal, which is anticipated to be completed in September 2022. ROW acquisition is underway and running concurrently with design. N/A TBD Page: 11 Page 44 of 72 Project Number Project Name & Description Current Budget Construction Start Construction Finish Project Manager Recent Progress Design Consultant Contractor CP2021 Well 4 Facility Improvements The project included a comprehensive investigation and evaluation of the well operation. The consultant design team has already determined that the soft starter settings needed to be adjusted for the generator to function as designed and a new VFD or generator are not needed. The team has also determined which aging mechanical and electrical components need to be replaced. The remaining scope of this project includes the replacement of these aging mechanical and electrical components. $1,094,139 QTR 1 (JAN- MAR) 23 QTR 2 (APR- JUN) 23 Seth Wickstrom Consultant design team working on 30% submittal package which is expected to be complete in July 2022. Carollo TBD CP2110 Regional Growth Center Access Improvements The project would improve the 3rd Street NE/4th Street NE intersections with Auburn Ave and Auburn Way N. The project will improve non-motorized access and traffic operations and circulation. The project adds the northbound left-turn movements and a northbound/southbound crosswalk at 3rd St/Auburn Ave, and removes the split phase operations at 4th St/Auburn Way N. $2,295,000 QTR 1 (JAN- MAR) 23 QTR 4 (OCT- DEC) 23 Seth Wickstrom Consultant design team completed 60% design submittal on June 29, 2022 which is currently under review. Consultant scope and fee negotiations are underway for the right-of- way acquisition phase of the project. TranspoGrou p TBD Page: 12 Page 45 of 72 Project Number Project Name & Description Current Budget Construction Start Construction Finish Project Manager Recent Progress Design Consultant Contractor CP2107 PW M&O Facility Improvements Phase 1 This project will enclose the existing 8 bay fleet covered parking area by installing full height mechanically operated doors. This project will also expand the existing PW M&O main building for a new Central Stores. The existing building will be reconfigured to increase the fleet maintenance area. To accommodate the addition, an existing 8" watermain will need to be relocated and upsized (12") to improve fire flow to the building. $910,000 QTR 2 (APR- JUN) 23 QTR 4 (OCT- DEC) 23 Matt Larson The project team has performed a value engineering analysis and has chosen the preferred design alternative to established the final scope of work. The consultant design team is preparing a scope and fee for the chosen scope. Page & Beard Architects TBD CP2118 North Airport Stormwater Improvements Phase 2 Eliminate an existing surface pond at the Auburn Municipal Airport. Removing this pond will eliminate the existing bird netting and vegetation management issues. $1,670,000 QTR 3 (JUL- SEP) 22 QTR 4 (OCT- DEC) 22 Seth Wickstrom Design is complete and this project was advertised for bids on June 23, 2022. Bid opening is scheduled on July 12, 2022. PACE TBD CP2116 R Street SE/29th Street SE Intersection Improvement The project will make intersection improvements at 29th St SE and R St SE and add a second southbound lane, to address level of service deficiencies. The project will include underground utility work, as well as preservation of the project limits, and installation of street lighting. $7,910,000 QTR 1 (JAN- MAR) 24 QTR 4 (OCT- DEC) 24 Matt Larson Design is underway.HDR TBD Page: 13 Page 46 of 72 Project Number Project Name & Description Current Budget Construction Start Construction Finish Project Manager Recent Progress Design Consultant Contractor CP2117 A Street SW Loop The project will construct a new one-way (eastbound) roadway connection between A Street SW/S Division Street and A Street SE. The new intersection with A Street SE will allow an unsignalized right-turn movement onto southbound A Street SE, providing an alternative to the intersection of 3rd Street SE and A Street SE, which does not meet adopted LOS standards. $1,932,000 (Includes Federal Grant Funds) QTR 3 (JUL- SEP) 23 QTR 3 (JUL- SEP) 24 Matt Larson 60% design review is complete and the consultant design team is working toward 90% design submittal which is anticipated to completed in July 2022. Otak TBD CP2129 Auburn Way S (SR 164) Southside Sidewalk Construct approximately 1,700 feet of new sidewalk along the south side of Auburn Way S between Howard Road and the existing sidewalk that begins to the west of the intersection with Muckleshoot Plaza. The project will also install a rectangular rapid flashing beacon (RRFB) where Auburn Way S intersects Howard Rd (near Frugal's Restaurant). $845,000 (Includes State Grant Funds) QTR 1 (JAN- MAR) 23 QTR 4 (OCT- DEC) 23 Seth Wickstrom City design team is working on the 60% design submittal which is anticipated to be completed in July 2022. N/A TBD Page: 14 Page 47 of 72 Project Number Project Name & Description Current Budget Construction Start Construction Finish Project Manager Recent Progress Design Consultant Contractor CP2123 C Street SW Preservation This Project will grind and overlay C Street SW between W Main Street and the GSA signal (approximately 2,000 feet to the south of 15th Street SW). As part of the project, non-ADA compliant curb ramps and pedestrian push buttons will be upgraded, and c-curbing and vehicle detection loops will be replaced as needed. There are also, water, storm and sewer improvements along a portion of C St SW. $2,946,544 (Includes Federal Grant Funds) QTR 1 (JAN- MAR) 23 QTR 3 (JUL- SEP) 23 Kim Truong 30% design review is complete. The City design team is working toward the 60% design submittal which is anticipated to be completed in July 2022. N/A TBD CP2201 Airport T-Hangar Upgrades Remove and replace the electric role up canvas doors on the J Hangar row at the Auburn Municipal Airport. Enclose at least 1 row of the 4 existing “open” hangars (E through H Hangar rows) by installing partition walls and manual sliding doors. One additional row of the 4 existing “open” hangars rows will also be enclosed if the budget allows. $1,000,000 QTR 4 (OCT- DEC) 22 QTR 1 (JAN- MAR) 23 Seth Wickstrom City has selected KPFF as the design consultant for this project. Consultant agreement is being routed for signatures. It is anticipated that design work will begin in July 2022. KPFF TBD Page: 15 Page 48 of 72 Project Number Project Name & Description Current Budget Construction Start Construction Finish Project Manager Recent Progress Design Consultant Contractor CP2137 Frontage Road Culvert Repair, Phase 2 This project will be completed in 2 phases. Phase 1 will remove the curb, gutter, sidewalk, reinforced concrete support structure, fencing and remove the obstruction. Phase 2 will restore the roadway, install a large rock headwall to support the east edge of the road to prevent sloughing into the channel, install a concrete barrier in place of the fence, relocate the existing catch basin to the north at the south end of the existing driveway and stabilize the west shoulder of the road. $50,000 QTR 3 (JUL- SEP) 22 QTR 3 (JUL- SEP) 22 Jeffrey Bender Consultant design team completed 60% design submittal on June 15, 2022 which is currently under review. KPFF TBD CP2210 M Street NE Widening (Main St to 4th St NE) The project will widen M Street NE to a 4/5 lane section between Main Street and 4th Street NE. The project will also replace the signal at Main/M Street. There are also Water, Sewer, and Storm Drainage improvements proposed with the project. $4,806,000 QTR 1 (JAN- MAR) 24 QTR 4 (OCT- DEC) 24 Kim Truong City staff is drafting the Request for Proposals to select a design consultant. TBD TBD Page: 16 Page 49 of 72 Project Number Project Name & Description Current Budget Construction Start Construction Finish Project Manager Recent Progress Design Consultant Contractor CP2208 124th Ave SE Improvements The project will install two school zone signs with flashing beacons on 124th Ave SE near the intersection of SE 290th Pl to Mountain View High School. Curbing and signage will also be installed to restrict left turns from the Mountain View Hight School driveway to southbound 124th Ave SE. This project is a collaboration with the Auburn School District. $100,000 QTR 3 (JUL- SEP) 22 QTR 3 (JUL- SEP) 22 Kim Truong Design is complete and the project was solicited for construction quotes on June 15, 2022. Quote proposals are due on June 30, 2022. N/A TBD CP2125 D Street SE and 23rd Street SE Storm Improvements Project The purpose of this project is to eliminate localized flooding and make better use of available capacity in the 21st St SE Regional Infiltration Storm Pond by extending and connecting existing storm drainage infrastructure in the area south of 21st St SE at D Street SE and at K Street SE. $5,295,000 QTR 2 (APR- JUN) 23 QTR 4 (OCT- DEC) 23 Jai Carter Consultant design team is working on the 30% design submittal which is anticipated to be completed in August 2022. MurraySmith with KPG TBD Page: 17 Page 50 of 72 Project Number Project Name & Description Current Budget Construction Start Construction Finish Project Manager Recent Progress Design Consultant Contractor CP2213 Runway and Taxiway Improvements and RSA Grading Rehabilitate the runway and taxiway pavement, upgrade taxiway lighting to LED, update lights on the side of the runway that provide guidance to pilots during decent, extend the safety area at the south end of the runway by regrading a small portion of the King County Park & Ride, and survey of existing facilities for the Airport Geographic Information System (AGIS) phase. $4,055,550 QTR 2 (APR- JUN) 23 QTR 3 (JUL- SEP) 23 Seth Wickstrom AGIS survey is anticipated to take place in July 2022. The consultant design team is working on the 30% design submittal which is anticipated to be completed by August 2022. FAA grant applications have been submitted for the AGIS and design phases. A WSDOT grant has been awarded for the design phase. Century West TBD Page: 18 Page 51 of 72 A U B U R N V A L U E S S E R V I C E E N V I R O N M E N T E C O N O M Y C H A R A C T E R S U S T A I N A B I L I T Y W E L L N E S S C E L E B R A T I O N ENGINEERING SERVICES CAPITAL PROJECT UPDATE (SUMMER 2022 CONSTRUCTION SUMMARY) RYAN VONDRAK CITY COUNCIL STUDY SESSION JULY 11, 2022 Public Works Department Engineering Services Airport Services Maintenance & Operations Services Page 52 of 72 SERVICE ENVIRONMENT ECONOMY CHARACTER SUSTAINABILITY WELLNESS CELEBRATION CAPITAL PROJECTS – CURRENT STATUS SERVICE ENVIRONMENT ECONOMY CHARACTER SUSTAINABILITY WELLNESS CELEBRATION 41 Active Capital Projects (Approximate total proje ct value $95 million) 22 in Design Phase (Approximate total project value $60 million) 19 in Construction Phase (Approximate total project value $35 million) Page 53 of 72 SERVICE ENVIRONMENT ECONOMY CHARACTER SUSTAINABILITY WELLNESS CELEBRATION CAPITAL PROJECTS –CONSTRUCTION SERVICE ENVIRONMENT ECONOMY CHARACTER SUSTAINABILITY WELLNESS CELEBRATION 0.0 5.0 10.0 15.0 20.0 25.0 30.0 2017 (17) 2018 (13) 2019 (17) 2020 (17) 2021 (18) 2022 (10)* 21.0 13.0 20.1 21.3 26.7 9.6 6.8 TOTAL PROJECT VALUE (MILLIONS)YEAR (# CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTS PROCURED) Page 54 of 72 SERVICE ENVIRONMENT ECONOMY CHARACTER SUSTAINABILITY WELLNESS CELEBRATION CP1927 AUBURN WAY NORTH AND 1 ST ST NE SIGNAL REPLACEMENT - Page 1 of 18 in CPS Report - Replace Aging Traffic Signal System - Improve Pedestrian and Vehicle Safety - Improve Vehicle Capacity Through the Intersection - Construction began fall 2021 Page 55 of 72 SERVICE ENVIRONMENT ECONOMY CHARACTER SUSTAINABILITY WELLNESS CELEBRATION AUBURN WAY NORTH AND 1ST ST NE INTERSECTION (LOOKING SE) Page 56 of 72 SERVICE ENVIRONMENT ECONOMY CHARACTER SUSTAINABILITY WELLNESS CELEBRATION AUBURN WAY NORTH AND 1 ST ST NE SIGNAL (SIGNAL POLES) Page 57 of 72 SERVICE ENVIRONMENT ECONOMY CHARACTER SUSTAINABILITY WELLNESS CELEBRATION CP1922 LEAD SERVICE LINE REPLACEMENTS - Page 2 of 18 in CPS Report - Replacing approx. 7,100 ft of Water Main and Services - Reconstruct and/or Overlay Street Segments - Upgrade Curb Ramps - Sidewalk and Driveway Improvements as needed - Construction began November 2021 Page 58 of 72 SERVICE ENVIRONMENT ECONOMY CHARACTER SUSTAINABILITY WELLNESS CELEBRATION CP1922 LEAD SERVICE LINE REPLACEMENTS Page 59 of 72 SERVICE ENVIRONMENT ECONOMY CHARACTER SUSTAINABILITY WELLNESS CELEBRATION CP1922 LEAD SERVICE LINE REPLACEMENTS (FINAL PAVING) 1 ST ST NE PIKE ST NEN ST NE Page 60 of 72 SERVICE ENVIRONMENT ECONOMY CHARACTER SUSTAINABILITY WELLNESS CELEBRATION CP2003 2ND STREET SE PRESERVATION - Page 2 of 18 in CPS Report - Roadway Reconstruction - Street Lighting Improvements - 450 ft of Sanitary Sewer Improvements - Storm Drainage Improvements - Upgrade Curb Ramps and Sections of Sidewalks - Street Closed During Construction - Construction began April 2022 Page 61 of 72 SERVICE ENVIRONMENT ECONOMY CHARACTER SUSTAINABILITY WELLNESS CELEBRATION 2 ND ST SE (LOOKING EAST) Page 62 of 72 SERVICE ENVIRONMENT ECONOMY CHARACTER SUSTAINABILITY WELLNESS CELEBRATION 2 ND ST SE (UTILITY VAULTS) Page 63 of 72 SERVICE ENVIRONMENT ECONOMY CHARACTER SUSTAINABILITY WELLNESS CELEBRATION CP2007 LEA HILL ROAD BRIDGE DECK PRESERVATION - Page 4 of 18 in CPS Report - Perform Crack Sealing - Grind and Remove top layer of Bridge Deck - Replace Expansion Joints - Perform Concrete Overlay - Construction April-May 2022 Page 64 of 72 SERVICE ENVIRONMENT ECONOMY CHARACTER SUSTAINABILITY WELLNESS CELEBRATION 8 TH ST NE (LOOKING WEST) Page 65 of 72 SERVICE ENVIRONMENT ECONOMY CHARACTER SUSTAINABILITY WELLNESS CELEBRATION 8 TH ST NE LOOKING WEST LOOKING EAST Page 66 of 72 SERVICE ENVIRONMENT ECONOMY CHARACTER SUSTAINABILITY WELLNESS CELEBRATION CP2006 3RD STREET SW BRIDGE DECKS PRESERVATION - Page 4 of 18 in CPS Report - Remove Debris and Clean Bridge Decks - Apply Protective Sealant - Construction July 2022 Page 67 of 72 SERVICE ENVIRONMENT ECONOMY CHARACTER SUSTAINABILITY WELLNESS CELEBRATION 4 TH ST SE FROM AUBURN WAY SOUTH TO L ST SE SERVICE ENVIRONMENT ECONOMY CHARACTER SUSTAINABILITY WELLNESS CELEBRATION - Page 5 of 18 in CPS Report - Roadway Preservation and Reconstruction - 1,700 LF of Water Improvements - 880 LF of Sewer Improvements - Replace Sections of Sidewalk to meet ADA - Street Lighting Improvements - Segmented Street Closures - Construction began 2022 Page 68 of 72 SERVICE ENVIRONMENT ECONOMY CHARACTER SUSTAINABILITY WELLNESS CELEBRATION 4 TH ST SE (LOOKING WEST) Page 69 of 72 SERVICE ENVIRONMENT ECONOMY CHARACTER SUSTAINABILITY WELLNESS CELEBRATION 4TH ST SE (LOOKING EAST) Page 70 of 72 SERVICE ENVIRONMENT ECONOMY CHARACTER SUSTAINABILITY WELLNESS CELEBRATION CHINOOK ELEMENTARY SCHOOL ROUNDABOUT SERVICE ENVIRONMENT ECONOMY CHARACTER SUSTAINABILITY WELLNESS CELEBRATION - Roundabout - 100 LF of Sewer Improvements - 1,800 LF of Storm Improvements - Construction began 2022 Page 71 of 72 SERVICE ENVIRONMENT ECONOMY CHARACTER SUSTAINABILITY WELLNESS CELEBRATION AUBURN WAY SOUTH (LOOKING WEST) Page 72 of 72