HomeMy WebLinkAboutCOA Design Stds and Const Stds Part 2 Issued 3_3_2023City of Auburn Issued March 2023 Engineering Design Standards Page 1 ENGINEERING DESIGN STANDARDS & ENGINEERING CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS PART 2 – STANDARD DETAILS March 3, 2023 City of Auburn Community Development & Public Works Departments 25 West Main Street Auburn, WA 98001-4998 Approved By: ______________________________________________ __________ Jacob Sweeting, P.E. Date Assistant Director of Engineering Services/City Engineer 3/3/2023 City of Auburn Issued March 2023 Engineering Design Standards Page 2 This page intentionally left blank. City of Auburn Issued March 2023 Engineering Design Standards Page 3 ENGINEERING DESIGN STANDARDS TABLE OF CONTENTS Chapter 1: General Information............................................................................................13 1.00 Preface........................................................................................................................13 1.01 Definitions...................................................................................................................13 1.02 Contact Information....................................................................................................20 1.03 City Reference Material ..............................................................................................20 1.03.01 City of Auburn Surface Water Management Manual (SWMM) ......................21 1.03.02 City of Auburn Engineering Construction Standards Manual..........................21 1.03.03 Planning Documents .......................................................................................21 1.03.04 Informational Handouts..................................................................................21 1.03.05 Additional Technical Information....................................................................21 1.03.06 Other Reference Material ...............................................................................22 1.04 Deviation from Standards...........................................................................................22 1.04.01 General Deviations..........................................................................................23 1.04.02 Surface Water Management Manual (SWMM) Deviations.............................23 1.04.03 Appeal of City Engineer’s Decision..................................................................23 1.04.04 Changes to Standards......................................................................................24 Chapter 2: Plan Approval Process.........................................................................................25 2.00 Preface........................................................................................................................25 2.01 Types of Plans..............................................................................................................25 2.01.01 Grading (GRA) Plans........................................................................................25 2.01.02 Building Site Plans...........................................................................................25 2.01.03 Public Facility Extension (FAC) Plans and Agreement .....................................25 2.01.04 Other Plans......................................................................................................25 2.02 Review and Approval Process.....................................................................................26 2.02.01 Submittals .......................................................................................................26 2.02.02 City Review......................................................................................................27 2.02.03 Plan Approval..................................................................................................27 2.02.04 Construction Plan Revision..............................................................................28 2.02.05 Project Close Out.............................................................................................28 City of Auburn Issued March 2023 Engineering Design Standards Page 4 Chapter 3: Plan Preparation Requirements..........................................................................31 3.00 Preface........................................................................................................................31 3.01 General Requirements................................................................................................31 3.02 Plan Format.................................................................................................................31 3.03 General Plan Requirements ........................................................................................32 3.03.01 Standard Plan Format......................................................................................32 3.03.02 Drafting Standards ..........................................................................................33 3.04 Plan Sheet Elements....................................................................................................33 3.04.01 Cover Sheet.....................................................................................................33 3.04.02 Temporary Erosion and Sediment Control (TESC) Plan Sheet.........................35 3.04.03 Grading and Private Storm Drainage Plan Sheet.............................................35 3.04.04 Cross-Section Sheet.........................................................................................37 3.04.05 Detail Sheet.....................................................................................................37 3.04.06 Utility Plan Sheets ...........................................................................................37 3.04.06.A Water...............................................................................................................37 3.04.06.B Sanitary Sewer.................................................................................................38 3.04.06.C Storm Drainage................................................................................................39 3.04.07 Utility Profile Sheet .........................................................................................40 3.04.07.A Storm Drainage................................................................................................40 3.04.07.B Water...............................................................................................................40 3.04.07.C Sanitary Sewer.................................................................................................41 3.04.08 Public Street Plan and Profile Sheet................................................................41 3.04.08.A Plan View.........................................................................................................41 3.04.08.B Profile..............................................................................................................42 3.04.08.C Intersections....................................................................................................43 3.04.08.D Typical Roadway Sections................................................................................43 3.04.08.E Striping and Signing.........................................................................................43 3.04.08.F Signalization ....................................................................................................44 3.04.08.G Illumination .....................................................................................................46 3.04.08.H Streetscape......................................................................................................47 3.04.08.I Other Features ................................................................................................48 3.04.09 Site and Landscape Plan Sheet........................................................................48 City of Auburn Issued March 2023 Engineering Design Standards Page 5 3.04.10 Site Irrigation Plan sheet.................................................................................49 3.04.11 Critical Area Restoration/Mitigation...............................................................49 3.04.12 Phasing Plans...................................................................................................49 Appendix A – Approval Blocks..............................................................................................51 Appendix B – Standard Notes...............................................................................................52 Appendix C – Deviations, Maximum Extents Feasible, and Deferral/Fee-In-Lieu ................57 Appendix D – Survey Standards............................................................................................59 Appendix D – Survey Standards (continued)........................................................................60 Appendix E – Minor Grading Permit Criteria........................................................................61 Appendix F – AutoCAD Layers Standards .............................................................................62 Appendix F – AutoCAD Layers Standards (continued)..........................................................63 Chapter 4: Report Preparation Requirements......................................................................65 4.00 Preface........................................................................................................................65 4.01 General Requirements................................................................................................65 4.02 Report Types and Requirements.................................................................................65 4.02.01 Geotechnical Reports......................................................................................65 4.02.02 Stormwater Site Plan Report...........................................................................66 4.02.03 Critical Area Report.........................................................................................66 4.02.04 Traffic Impact Analysis ....................................................................................67 4.02.05 Construction Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP).......................67 4.02.06 Other Reports..................................................................................................67 Chapter 5 TESC, Clearing and Grading.................................................................................69 5.00 Preface........................................................................................................................69 5.01 Temporary Erosion and Sediment Control (TESC).......................................................69 5.02 Grading........................................................................................................................69 5.03 Cut and Fill...................................................................................................................70 5.04 Retaining Walls............................................................................................................70 5.04.01 Underdrains.....................................................................................................71 5.04.02 Rock Walls.......................................................................................................71 5.04.03 Block Retaining Walls......................................................................................71 5.04.04 Reinforced Concrete Walls..............................................................................72 5.04.05 Mechanically Stabilized Earth Walls (MSE Walls)............................................72 City of Auburn Issued March 2023 Engineering Design Standards Page 6 5.05 Construction Sequence...............................................................................................72 Chapter 6: City Utilities and Telecommunications Requirements........................................75 6.00 Preface........................................................................................................................75 6.01 Easements...................................................................................................................75 6.01.01 Easement Width..............................................................................................75 6.01.02 Easement Form ...............................................................................................76 6.01.03 Location of Facilities within Easement............................................................76 6.02 Utility Pipe Separation ................................................................................................76 6.02.01 Potable and Non-Potable Separation Requirements......................................76 6.02.02 General Separation Requirements..................................................................77 6.03 Utility Access Roads ....................................................................................................77 6.04 City Telecommunication Facilities...............................................................................78 6.04.01 Preface ............................................................................................................78 6.04.02 Design Criteria.................................................................................................78 6.04.03 Conduits ..........................................................................................................78 6.04.04 Splice Vaults and Pull Boxes...........................................................................79 Chapter 7: Water Facilities....................................................................................................81 7.00 Preface........................................................................................................................81 7.01 Water Mains and Appurtenances...............................................................................81 7.01.01 Extension Requirements .................................................................................81 7.01.02 Materials .........................................................................................................81 7.01.03 Water Main Sizing...........................................................................................82 7.01.04 Water Main Location.......................................................................................82 7.01.05 Water Main Fittings.........................................................................................83 7.02 Water Services ............................................................................................................83 7.02.01 Domestic Services ...........................................................................................83 7.02.02 Other Services.................................................................................................85 7.02.03 Service Abandonment.....................................................................................85 7.03 Water Valves...............................................................................................................85 7.04 Cross Connection Control............................................................................................86 7.04.01 Domestic Services ...........................................................................................86 7.04.02 Irrigation Services............................................................................................86 City of Auburn Issued March 2023 Engineering Design Standards Page 7 7.04.03 Fire Line Connections......................................................................................86 7.04.04 General............................................................................................................87 7.05 Pressure Reducing Stations.........................................................................................87 7.06 Fire Systems................................................................................................................87 7.06.01 Fire Hydrant Assemblies..................................................................................87 7.06.02 Fire Sprinkler Systems.....................................................................................89 7.06.03 Fire Flows ........................................................................................................90 7.06.04 Fire Authority and Hydrant Access..................................................................90 Chapter 8: Sanitary Sewer and Storm Drainage Facilities.....................................................91 8.00 Preface........................................................................................................................91 8.01 Sanitary Sewer and Storm Mains................................................................................91 8.01.01 Sizing/Slope.....................................................................................................91 8.01.02 Location...........................................................................................................92 8.01.03 Material...........................................................................................................93 8.02 Sanitary Sewer and Storm Drainage Structures..........................................................94 8.02.01 Type and Size...................................................................................................94 8.02.02 Structure Locations .........................................................................................95 8.03 Sanitary Side Sewers...................................................................................................96 8.04 Oil/Water Separators..................................................................................................98 8.05 Pressurized Sewer Systems.........................................................................................99 8.06 Sanitary Sewer Meters................................................................................................99 8.07 Storm Drainage System Requirements.....................................................................100 Chapter 9: Facilities in the Right of Way.............................................................................101 9.00 Preface......................................................................................................................101 9.01 Franchise/Public Way Agreement Requirement.......................................................101 9.02 Construction Permit Requirement............................................................................101 9.03 Design Criteria...........................................................................................................101 9.04 Pavement Trenching and Restoration.......................................................................102 9.04.01 Perpendicular Trenching in Asphalt Pavement.............................................102 9.04.02 Longitudinal Trenching in Asphalt Pavement................................................103 9.04.03 Trenching in Cement Concrete Pavement.....................................................104 9.05 Non-Pavement Trenching.................................................................................................104 City of Auburn Issued March 2023 Engineering Design Standards Page 8 9.06 Aboveground Facilities..............................................................................................104 9.07 Building and Structure Related Facilities...................................................................105 9.08 Small Wireless Facilities............................................................................................106 9.08.01 General Requirements ..................................................................................106 9.08.02 Attachments to City Facilities........................................................................107 9.08.03 General Pole Requirements ..........................................................................107 9.08.04 Wiring and Conduit .......................................................................................107 9.08.05 Concealment.................................................................................................108 9.08.06 Pole Mounted Antennas and Equipment......................................................108 9.08.07 Non-Pole Mounted Equipment.....................................................................109 9.08.08 Strand Mounted Small Wireless Facilities.....................................................109 Chapter 10: Transportation ..................................................................................................111 10.00 Preface......................................................................................................................111 10.01 Development Activity Requirements........................................................................111 10.01.01 Traffic Impact Analysis ..................................................................................111 10.01.01.A When Traffic Impact Analyses are Required .................................................111 10.01.01.B Elements of a Traffic Impact Analysis............................................................112 10.01.01.C Mitigation Identification and Recommendation...........................................113 10.01.02 Neighborhood Circulation Plan.....................................................................113 10.01.03 Half Street Improvements.............................................................................114 10.01.03.A Half-Street Triggers .......................................................................................114 10.01.03.B Half-Street Extents ........................................................................................114 10.01.03.C Half-Street Width ..........................................................................................115 10.01.03.D Required Half-Street New Improvements.....................................................115 10.01.03.E Required Half-Street Existing Improvements................................................115 10.01.03.F Half-Street ROW Dedication..........................................................................115 10.01.03.G Alley Half-Streets...........................................................................................116 10.01.04 Additional Public Improvements...................................................................116 10.01.05 Deferred Public Improvements.....................................................................116 10.02 Right of Way..............................................................................................................116 10.03 Roadway Network.....................................................................................................117 10.03.01 Connections and Vehicle Volumes................................................................117 City of Auburn Issued March 2023 Engineering Design Standards Page 9 10.03.02 Intersection Layout and Spacing...................................................................118 10.03.03 Intersection Control (Local Residential Streets)............................................118 10.03.04 Intersection Control (Traffic Signals and Roundabouts)................................118 10.03.05 Dead End Streets and Cul-De-Sacs................................................................119 10.03.06 Street Classifications.....................................................................................119 10.03.06.A Principal Arterial............................................................................................120 10.03.06.B Minor Arterial................................................................................................121 10.03.06.C Residential Collector......................................................................................122 10.03.06.D Non-Residential Collector..............................................................................123 10.03.06.E Local Residential...........................................................................................124 10.03.06.F Local Non-Residential...................................................................................126 10.03.06.G Rustic Streets.................................................................................................127 10.03.07 Alleys............................................................................................................128 10.03.08 Private Streets...............................................................................................128 10.03.09 Downtown Urban Center Standards.............................................................129 10.04 Road Design Geometrics...........................................................................................130 10.04.01 Sight Distance................................................................................................130 10.04.02 Posted and Design Speeds ............................................................................130 10.04.03 Curves............................................................................................................130 10.04.04 Vertical Grades..............................................................................................131 10.04.05 Cross Slopes...................................................................................................131 10.04.06 Intersection Landings....................................................................................132 10.04.07 Curb and Right-of-Way Radius......................................................................132 10.05 Pavement Design ......................................................................................................132 10.05.01 Simplified Asphalt Pavement Design.............................................................133 10.05.02 AASHTO Asphalt Pavement Design...............................................................134 10.05.03 Pavement Design Report..............................................................................135 10.05.04 Permeable Pavements..................................................................................135 10.05.05 Pavement Surface Restoration and Preservation .........................................136 10.06 Roadside Design........................................................................................................136 10.06.01 Roadway Edge...............................................................................................136 10.06.02 Clear Zone – Lateral Separation from Fixed Objects.....................................136 City of Auburn Issued March 2023 Engineering Design Standards Page 10 10.06.03 Traffic Barriers...............................................................................................137 10.07 On-Street Parking......................................................................................................137 10.08 Driveways..................................................................................................................138 10.08.01 Number of Driveways....................................................................................138 10.08.02 Driveway Classifications, Widths, and Spacing..............................................138 10.08.03 Driveway Lay Out ..........................................................................................139 10.08.04 Driveway Locations .......................................................................................140 10.08.05 Driveway Alignment (Horizontal and Vertical)..............................................141 10.08.06 Driveway Sight Distance................................................................................142 10.08.07 Shared Driveway Access Roads.....................................................................142 10.08.08 Controlled Driveways....................................................................................144 10.08.09 Restricted Access Driveways.........................................................................144 10.08.10 Emergency Vehicle Access Driveways...........................................................144 10.09 Sidewalks...................................................................................................................144 10.09.01 Downtown Sidewalks....................................................................................144 10.09.02 Meandering Sidewalks..................................................................................146 10.09.03 Accessibility...................................................................................................146 10.09.04 Curb Ramps...................................................................................................146 10.09.05 Crosswalks.....................................................................................................146 10.09.06 Downtown Crosswalks..................................................................................148 10.10 Bikeways....................................................................................................................148 10.10.01 Class I Bikeway ..............................................................................................148 10.10.02 Class II Bikeway .............................................................................................149 10.10.03 Class III Bikeway ............................................................................................149 10.11 Landscape Strips........................................................................................................149 10.12 Street Trees...............................................................................................................150 10.12.01 Species Selection, Placement, and Spacing...................................................150 10.12.02 Root Direction Devices..................................................................................152 10.13 Ground Cover............................................................................................................152 10.14 Irrigation Systems......................................................................................................153 10.15 Mailboxes..................................................................................................................153 10.16 Illumination...............................................................................................................154 City of Auburn Issued March 2023 Engineering Design Standards Page 11 10.16.01 Street Lighting Design ...................................................................................154 10.16.02 Luminaries.....................................................................................................154 10.16.03 Light Poles.....................................................................................................155 10.16.04 Service Cabinet, Foundation, Conduit...........................................................155 10.17 Junction Boxes...........................................................................................................156 10.18 Survey Monuments...................................................................................................156 10.19 Bollards .....................................................................................................................156 10.20 Bus Transit Facilities..................................................................................................157 10.20.01 Bus Stops Locations.......................................................................................157 10.20.02 Bus Stops Features........................................................................................157 10.20.03 Bus Pullout Lanes ..........................................................................................158 10.21 Traffic Control Facilities.............................................................................................158 10.21.01 Median Islands..............................................................................................158 10.21.02 Mountable Curbs...........................................................................................159 10.21.03 “Pork Chop” Islands.......................................................................................159 10.21.04 Signage..........................................................................................................159 10.21.05 Left Turn Lane Channelization.......................................................................160 10.21.06 Right Turn Lane Channelization.....................................................................160 10.21.07 Lane Division .................................................................................................160 10.21.08 Painted Islands..............................................................................................161 10.21.09 Other Pavement Markings............................................................................161 10.21.10 Construction Area Temporary Traffic Control..............................................161 10.21.11 Roadway Barricades......................................................................................161 10.21.12 Traffic Signals ................................................................................................161 10.21.13 Traffic Calming ..............................................................................................162 City of Auburn Issued March 2023 Engineering Design Standards Page 12 This page intentionally left blank. City of Auburn Issued March 2023 Engineering Design Standards Page 13 Chapter 1: General Information 1.00 Preface The City of Auburn has adopted this Engineering Design Standards manual to require the standardization of design elements for consistency and to assure that public safety needs are met. This manual contains engineering standards for use by professional civil engineers when designing facilities within the City of Auburn. The information contained in this manual cannot provide for all situations and conditions that may be encountered. Specific provisions contained within this manual may not be appropriate for all locations and existing conditions. These standards are intended to assist, but not substitute for, competent work by professional civil engineers. The design requirements contained within this manual do not set legal standards of care but provide guidance for possible engineering treatment under some circumstances. Compliance with these standards does not alleviate the design engineer from using sound professional engineering practices and meeting the requirements of the specific utility in question. The design criteria contained herein are the minimum acceptable under standard conditions. Special conditions may require more stringent requirements that will be addressed during the plan review process. This Chapter contains general information on this manual and the City of Auburn. 1.01 Definitions Note that additional definitions are included in the documents referenced in Section 1.03. AASHTO – American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials. Access Point – A driveway or private street that connects to the general public street system. A public street is not considered an access point. ACC – Auburn City Code. ACP – Asphalt Concrete Pavement. Activity Centers – Locations such as schools, parks, retail areas and shopping centers, places of employment, or public service areas that attract people. Accessible – Meeting Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) requirements as established by the City’s ADA Transition Plan. ADT – Average Daily Traffic. The total two-directional volume of traffic passing through a given point during a given time period, divided by the number of days in that time period. Aggregate – A mixture of various soil components (e.g., sand, gravel, and silt). Alley – Right-of-way, usually narrower than a street with an all-weather surface, which provides access to the rear boundary of 2 or more residential or non-residential properties and is not intended for general traffic circulation. An alley is considered to be a classification of roadway/street. Applicant – The owner or their agent seeking approval from the city for any land use or other related permit or approval referenced in City of Auburn Code and which requires utilization of these Standards. References: See Developer. Appurtenance – Equipment and/or accessories that are a necessary part of an operating utility system or subsystem. City of Auburn Issued March 2023 Engineering Design Standards Page 14 APWA – American Public Works Association. ASTM – American Society for Testing and Materials. Backfill – Replacement of excavated material with suitable material compacted as specified. Backwater – Water held back by some obstruction, natural or artificial. Backwater Curve – A plot of depth versus location along the channel containing backwater. Bicycle Facilities – A general term referring to improvements that accommodate or encourage bicycling, including parking facilities, bike racks, bicycle route mapping and bicycle route development. Boring/Jacking – Grade and alignment-controlled mechanical or other method of installing a pipe or casing under a street without disturbing the surrounding medium. Breakaway Structure or Breakaway Design – A structure or installation that has been crash tested in accordance with National Cooperative Highway Research Program procedures. (NCHRP 230). Capacity – (1) The maximum number of vehicles that have a reasonable expectation of passing over a given roadway or section of roadway in one direction during a given time period under prevailing roadway and traffic conditions. (2) The volume of liquid or gas that can be transported by a pipe. (3) The load-carrying limit of a structure. Carrier – Pipe directly enclosing a transmitted fluid or gas. Casing – A larger pipe enclosing a carrier for the purpose of providing structural or other protection to the carrier and/or to allow for carrier replacement without re-excavation, jacking or boring. CF – Cubic Feet. Channelization – The separation or regulation of conflicting traffic movements into definite paths of travel by the use of pavement markings, raised islands or other suitable means to facilitate the safe and orderly movement of both vehicles and pedestrians. Check – A short section of built-up channel placed in a canal or irrigation ditch and provided with gates or flashboards to control flow or raise upstream level for diversion. Check Dam – Short berm used as erosion protection on steep drainage ditches. City – The City Engineer or any designee thereof. References: See City Engineer. City Council – The City legislative authority. City Engineer – The City Engineer for the City of Auburn. References: See Engineer. Clean-Out – A pipe through which plumbing snakes can be pushed to unplug a sewer. Clear Zone – The total streetside border area, starting at the edge of traveled way, available for safe use by errant vehicles. This area may consist of a shoulder, a recoverable slope, a non-recoverable slope, and/or a clear run-out area. The desired width is dependent upon the traffic volumes, speeds, and the streetside geometry. CMP – Corrugated Metal Pipe. Coating – Protective material applied to the exterior of a pipe or conduit to prevent or reduce abrasion and/or corrosion damage. Commercial Property Use – Property with residential developments with four or more dwelling units per parcel or commercial developments. This is consistent with building permit administration in City of Auburn. City of Auburn Issued March 2023 Engineering Design Standards Page 15 Conduit – An enclosed tubular runway for protecting wires or cables. Contractor – The individual, partnership, firm, corporation or joint venture, contracting with the Developer to do prescribed work. Concrete Plain – Concrete that is not reinforced with steel. Concrete Thrust Blocking – Concrete that is used to support fittings in water mains. Control Zone – That streetside area defined by the “Control Zone Distance Table”; found in Appendix 5 of the WSDOT Utilities Manual, within the street right-of-way in which placement of utility objects is controlled. Corporation Stop – A brass fitting used to connect service lines to a water main. Cover – Depth to top of pipe, conduit, casing, or gallery below the grade of a street or ditch. Cross Connection – Connecting fire, irrigation and drinking water supplies together, or connecting storm and sanitary sewers together. Cul-de-sac – A street closed at one end by widened pavement of sufficient width for vehicles to turn around. CSBC – Crushed Surfacing Base Course. CSTC – Crushed Surfacing Top Course. CTP – The City of Auburn’s current Comprehensive Transportation Plan. See Section 1.03.03. CY – Cubic Yard. Dead End Street – Street that accesses the roadway system only at one end. See also Stub End Street. Dedication – The transfer of land or the interest of land by the owner of such land to the City for public uses, reserving no other rights than such are compatible with the full exercise and enjoyment of the uses the property has been dedicated. Design Speed – Design speed is the maximum safe speed that can be maintained when conditions are so favorable that the design features of the highway govern. Detention Tanks and Vaults – Detention tanks and vaults are underground facilities for the storage of surface water. Detention Time – The average time spent by water in a basin or structure. Developer – The Owner and any agent of the Owner authorized to represent the Owner. References see Applicant. Development – All structures and other modifications of the natural site above and below ground on a particular site. DHV – Design Hour Volume. Hourly traffic volume used for street design and capacity analysis, usually one or more peak hours during a 24-hour period. Drain – Appurtenances to discharge accumulated liquids from casings or other enclosures. Driveway – An access point providing motorized access to/from property(s), shared driveway or alleys to a street (public or private) or shared driveway. Driveway access roads and aprons are considered parts of a driveway. Driveway Access Road – Driveway driving surface, including approach and adjacent non- motorized facilities (where present). City of Auburn Issued March 2023 Engineering Design Standards Page 16 Driveway Approach – The portion of a driveway access road that connects the driving surface on the property(s), private street, or alley to the driveway apron. Driveway Apron – The improved area that connects a driveway approach to a street, alley, or shared driveway which includes, when present, the sloped areas (wings) to the adjacent sidewalk or landscape strip, and also includes the area between the curb or edge of pavement and the back of the pedestrian pathway. Flush curbs across commercial driveway aprons are considered to be part of the driveway apron. Easement – A right to use or control the property of another for designated purposes. Edge of Traveled Way – The face of curb for streets that are or will be constructed to urban standards and the edge of pavement (not shoulder) for streets that are, or will be constructed to rural standards. Embankment – A raised structure constructed of natural soil from an excavation or borrow source. Encroachment – Occupancy of City right-of-way by non-roadway structures or other objects of any kind. Engineer – The City Engineer for City of Auburn or any designee thereof. Fixed Object – Any object that is not intended to move or break away upon impact. Force Main – A sewer line that is pressurized. Franchise – Occupancy and use document granted by the City required for occupancy of street rights of way. Geometrics – The arrangement of the visible elements of a street such as alignment, grade, sight distance, widths, and slopes. Grade – Rate or percent of change in slope, either ascending or descending from or along the roadway. It is measured along the centerline of the roadway or access point. Gravity Distribution – A water supply that uses natural flow from an elevated tank or mountain reservoir to supply pressure. Hazard – A side slope, an object, water, or a drainage device that, if impacted, would apply unacceptable impact forces on the vehicle occupants or place the occupants in a hazardous position. It may be either natural or man-made. Headwall – Entrance to a culvert or sluiceway. Hydraulic Jump – The rapid change in the depth of flow from a low stage to a high stage resulting in an abrupt rise of water surface. Impervious Layer – A geologic layer through which no water can pass. Infiltration – (1) The act of stormwater permeating into the ground. (2) Groundwater that enters sewer pipe through cracks and joints, or the movement of water through the upper soil. Interception – Rain that falls on vegetation and other impervious objects, which evaporates without contributing to the runoff. Intersection – The connection of two or more public or private streets excluding alleys, driveways, and shared access roads, Intersection Sight Distance – The distance required for a vehicle, traveling at or near the design speed to reduce its speed to avoid overtaking another vehicle, which has entered the intersection from another street. The entering vehicle can be making right, left-turning movements or crossings. City of Auburn Issued March 2023 Engineering Design Standards Page 17 Island – A defined area between traffic lanes for control of vehicle movements and/or for pedestrian refuge. Joint Use Driveway Tract – A jointly owned and maintained tract or easement serving 2 properties. Landing – A road or driveway approach area to any public or private road. Lateral – A sewer line that goes off at right angles to another. LF – Linear Feet. Manhole – An opening in an underground utility system into which workers or others may enter for the purpose of making installations, inspections, repairs, connections, cleaning, and testing. Main – A principal pipe in a system that distributes water or collects sewage. Median – That portion of a divided roadway separating the traveled ways for traffic in opposite directions. Mode Split – The percentage of overall trips made by different means of transportation. MPH – Miles per hour. MSE Walls – Mechanically Stabilized Earth Walls. MUTCD – The Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices. MVO – Minimum valve opening. NDCBU – Neighborhood Delivery and Collection Box Unit. Neighborhood – For the purposes of these design standards, a neighborhood is considered to be one or more residential subdivisions and parcels that are interconnected by local residential streets and typically bound by arterial and collector streets or other boundaries such as rivers, critical slopes, or jurisdictional boundaries. Nonpotable – Fluid that is not for human consumption, but may be used for other purposes, such as sewage and stormwater runoff. Gas mains are also considered nonpotable. Outfall – The pipe that discharges completely treated wastewater or stormwater runoff into a lake, stream, or river. Passing Sight Distance – The minimum sight distance required for the driver of one vehicle to pass another vehicle safely and comfortably. Pavement – The combination of gravel base, crushed rock, and asphalt concrete pavement placed on a subgrade to support the traffic load and distribute it to the subgrade. Pavement Width – The distance measured from face of curb to face of curb for curbed sections of roadway or the distance measured from outside edge of shoulder to outside edge of shoulder for shouldered sections of roadway. PC – Point of Curvature. PCC – Portland Cement Concrete. Peak-Hour – That period experiencing the highest volume of traffic. Peak Period – Two hours during any a.m. or p.m. period when vehicle arrival and departure from the site or corridor is the highest. Perimeter Streets – Public streets comprising the perimeter of a particular commercial/industrial development. City of Auburn Issued March 2023 Engineering Design Standards Page 18 Permit – A document including any license, permit or franchise authorizing specified use of City right-of-way and granted under the authorization of the regulating agency. Pipe – A structural tubular product designed, tested, and produced for the transmittance of specific liquids and gases under specific conditions. PI – Point of Intersection. Plowing – Direct burial of utility lines by means of a `plow’ type mechanism, which breaks the ground, places the utility line at a predetermined depth, and closes the break in the ground. Posted Speed – Is the signed speed limit along a street. Potable – Water that is Drinkable. PRC – Point of reverse curvature. Pressure – Internal gage pressure in a pipe in pounds per square inch, gage (psig). Private Street – A privately owned and maintained access provided for by a tract, easement or other legal means. Professional Engineer – An engineer licensed to practice in the State of Washington. Professional Land Surveyor – A surveyor licensed to practice in the State of Washington. Public Street – A publicly owned facility that provides access, including the roadway and all other improvements. PT – Point of Tangency Relocation – Planned change of location of an existing facility to a more advantageous place without changing the character or general physical nature of the facility. Redevelopment – See ACC 13.48.010. Replacement – Installation of a like element of a utility system or subsystem in the same or near-same physical location normally due to damage, wear or obsolescence of the element. Restoration – All work necessary to replace, repair or otherwise restore the right-of-way and all features contained within to the same or equal condition as before any change or construction thereto. Reviewing Agency – City of Auburn. Restricted Access Point – A driveway or private street that connects to the general public street system, that turning movements are restricted to right in and out only. Right-of-way (R/W) – All property in which the City has any form of ownership or title, and which is held for public street purposes, regardless of whether or not any street exists thereon or whether or not it is used, improved, or maintained for public travel. Riprap – Pieces of broken stone used to protect the sides of waterways from erosion. Roadway Intersection – location where two or more roadways intersect, including private roads but excluding alley’s, driveways, shared driveways, and access tracts. Rural – All lands regardless of current comprehensive plan designation not meeting the definition of Urban. Sand Trap – A section constructed deeper than the rest of the channel to allow sediment to settle out. City of Auburn Issued March 2023 Engineering Design Standards Page 19 Separate Turn Lane – An auxiliary lane for traffic in one direction which has been physically separated from the intersection area by a traffic island or stripe. Separate turn lanes may be included within intersections or separated from intersection areas by traffic islands. SF – Square Feet. Shared Driveway – Driveway that provides access from a public or private street to more than one parcel or a driveway that provides access from a public or private street to a single parcel across one or more other parcels and/or an access tract or easement. Shared Driveway Access Road – Shared driveway driving surface, including approach and non-motorized facilities (where present), but excluding parking lot drive aisles. Shoulder – That portion of the roadway contiguous with the traveled way for accommodating stopped vehicles, for emergency use, and for lateral support of base and surface courses. Single Main System – One main supplies both drinking water and firefighting water. Single Occupancy Vehicle (SOV) – Automobiles transporting the driver only. Slab – A cast concrete member of uniform thickness. Standards – The City of Auburn Engineering Design Standards. Stopping Sight Distance – The distance needed for a vehicle traveling at or near to stop before reaching a stationary object in its path. Street or Roadway – A public way open for the passage of vehicles and persons. Limits include the outside edge of sidewalks, or curbs and gutters, or side ditches, including the appertaining shoulder and all slopes, ditches, channels, waterways, and other features necessary for proper drainage and protection within the right-of-way. Street Frontage – Any part of private or public property that borders a public street. Street Tree – A tree placed within the public right-of-way. Stub End Street – A dead end street that is planned to be extended and connected to future streets in an adjacent development. Depending on its length, it may or may not require a temporary cul-de-sac. Substantial – In the sole opinion of the City Engineer, of ample or considerable amount, quantity, or size. Surface Retention – That part of a storm that does not immediately appear as infiltration or surface runoff. Retention is made up of depression storage, interception, and evaporation. Time of Concentration – The time required for water to flow from the most distant point on a runoff area to the measurement or collection point. Traffic Control – Those activities necessary to safeguard the general public, as well as all workers, during the construction and maintenance of roadway and other facilities within the right-of-way. Traveled Way – That portion of the roadway intended for the movement of vehicles, exclusive of shoulders. Trenched – Installation of a utility in an open excavation. Trip – A one-direction movement that begins at the origin and ends at the destination. For example, a trip movement from a residence to a work place is a trip from home to work. City of Auburn Issued March 2023 Engineering Design Standards Page 20 Trip Generation – A general term describing the analysis and application of the relationships that exist between the trip makers, the traffic study area, and the trip making. It relates to the number of trip ends in any part of the traffic study area. Uniform Flow – Flow that has a constant depth, volume, and shape along its course. Unopened Right-of-way – A City right-of-way that exists by dedication or deed, but for which no vehicular roadway has been constructed by the City or other parties, and the street is not maintained by the City. Unrestricted Access Point – A driveway or private street that connects to the general public street system, that has no limitations on turning movements. Left, right turns in and out are permissible. Untrenched – Installation of a utility without breaking the ground or pavement surface such as by jacking or boring. Utility – A company providing such public services as gas, electric power, telephone, water, sewer, or cable television, whether or not such company is privately owned or owned by a governmental entity. Vent – Appurtenance to discharge gaseous contaminants from casings or other enclosures. Wetpond – A stormwater pond that has been designed to retain a permanent pool of water “wetpool” to provide treatment of storm runoff. Wetpool – The permanent pool of water retained in a wetpond or wetvault. Wetvault – A stormwater vault that has been designed to retain a permanent pool of water “wetpool” to provide treatment of storm runoff. 1.02 Contact Information Permit Center Physical address: Auburn Professional Plaza – Customer Service Center (2nd Floor) One East Main Street Mailing address: 25 West Main Street Auburn, Washington 98001-4998 Email address: permitcenter@auburnwa.gov Public Works Department – Engineering Services: Phone:(253) 931-3010 Department of Community Development: Building Phone: (253) 931-3020 Planning Phone: (253) 931-3090 Email address: development@auburnwa.gov and/or permitcenter@auburnwa.gov 1.03 City Reference Material Unless noted otherwise, reference material referred to herein may be obtained from the City of Auburn’s website or by clicking on the hyperlink below: Auburn Reference Material City of Auburn Issued March 2023 Engineering Design Standards Page 21 1.03.01 City of Auburn Surface Water Management Manual (SWMM) The City of Auburn Surface Water Management Manual (SWMM) is the 2019 Department of Ecology Stormwater Management Manual for Western Washington (DOE SWMMWW) and the City of Auburn Supplemental Manual. The SWMM is a manual of specific requirements related to storm drainage management. See Section 8.07 for more information. 1.03.02 City of Auburn Engineering Construction Standards Manual The Engineering Construction Standards manual sets forth the standards used during the construction of all civil projects within the City’s jurisdiction, including the extension of public water, sanitary sewer, storm drainage, and transportation facilities by private developments. The manual is comprised of two parts: Part 1 contains the City’s Special Provisions that supplement and modify the current “Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT/APWA) Standard Specifications for Road, Bridge and Municipal Construction”. Part 2 contains the City’s Standard Details, comprised of the City’s construction and design detail drawings for temporary erosion control, grading, water, sanitary sewer, storm drainage, and street work within the City that are supplemented by the “Washington State Department of Transportation’s (WSDOT) Standard Plans.” Standard Details as referenced herein refer to the current City of Auburn Standard Details included in the City of Auburn Engineering Construction Standards – Part 2, Standard Details. WSDOT Standard Plans as referenced herein refer to current WSDOT Standard Plans. The referenced details and plans shall be the standard except as modified by Part 1 (Special Provisions) of the Engineering Construction Standards and by this document (City of Auburn Engineering Design Standards). 1.03.03 Planning Documents The following planning documents can be found on the City’s website or by clicking on the hyperlinks below: Auburn Comprehensive Plan Transportation Improvement Program Comprehensive Transportation Plan 2016 Comprehensive Sewer Plan 2015 Comprehensive Water Plan 2015 Comprehensive Storm Drainage Plan 1.03.04 Informational Handouts Handouts are currently available from the City to aid the public in planning and constructing development projects within the City of Auburn. Contact the Permit Center or see the City’s website by clicking on the hyperlink below (select ‘Information Handouts’) for the most current list available: https://www.auburnwa.gov/city_hall/public_works/standards_publications 1.03.05 Additional Technical Information Additional design guidance and standards for specialized facilities such as pump stations, pressure reducing stations, and others are not included herein, but may be provided by the City as guidance to supplement efforts during design discussions. City of Auburn Issued March 2023 Engineering Design Standards Page 22 1.03.06 Other Reference Material The following publications are to be used for design applications and can typically be found on the publishing agency’s website. In case of conflict between City publications and those referenced below, the City publication will take precedence: A. Auburn City Code (ACC) related to development requirements. B. Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) “Standard Specifications for Street, Bridge and Municipal Construction” as amended by the City’s Special Provisions (Part 1 of the Construction Standards). These will be referred to in City publications as the “WSDOT Standard Specifications.” C. Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) “Design Manual” (latest edition). D. Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) “Standard Plans” E. American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials’ (AASHTO) “A Policy on Geometric Design of Highways and Streets” (latest edition). F. FHWA and Washington State Department of Transportation, Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) G. Transportation Research Board’s (TRB) Roundabouts: An Informational Guide, 2nd Edition (NCHRP 672) H. State of Washington Department of Ecology’s “Criteria for Sewage Works Design” (latest edition). I. State of Washington Department of Health (DOH) “Water Systems Design Manual” (latest edition). J. American Water Works Association (AWWA) Standard Specifications (latest edition). K. “IES Lighting Handbook” (Illuminating Engineering Society of North America) (latest edition). L. American National Standard for Roadway Lighting ANSI/IESNA RP-8-00 (latest edition). 1.04 Deviation from Standards In some cases, City standards may not best address a particular engineering application. In these instances, a design deviation from the City’s standards may be requested from the City Engineer. Except deviations for City capital improvement projects, deviations shall be made using the City’s Deviation Request Application and shall include applicable engineering justification for the deviation. Deviation requests and supporting justification must be sealed by a professional engineer. The City Engineer will evaluate the request and notify the applicant of a decision within 15 working days upon receipt of a complete deviation request or with the completion of the first review of the development review plans or plats (for Short Plats, Plats, FAC’s and Grading Permits), whichever is later. Additional City review time may be required in certain circumstances and will be coordinated with the applicant. For deviation applications that are associated with a preliminary plat application submitted in compliance with ACC 17.10, the deviation application and a recommendation from the City Engineer must accompany the preliminary plat to the hearing examiner. The hearing examiner must obtain the concurrence of the City Engineer for any requests to modify any City of Auburn design or construction standard. Approved deviations must be shown on the final civil site improvement plans as specified in Chapter 3. City of Auburn Issued March 2023 Engineering Design Standards Page 23 Deviations for City capital improvement projects will be reviewed and approved by the City Engineer during design review. The City Engineer signing the final plans as approved for construction constitute approval of any deviations from these Standards. The deviations identified in the following subsections may be obtained from the City of Auburn: 1.04.01 General Deviations General deviations apply to all engineering design standards except for the Surface Water Management Manual’s Minimum Requirement deviations. The engineering design deviation, with compelling supporting justification, shall clearly demonstrate the engineering design standard for which the deviation is being sought is not physically or technically possible, would have undesirable impacts to public or private infrastructure and property, or would impact critical areas. Additionally, the proposed deviation will meet or exceed the corresponding City standard for the following applicable criteria: A. The functional intent of the design element. B. Safety factors associated with the design element. C. Operational concerns associated with the design element. D. Maintenance concerns associated with the design element. E. Liability concerns associated with the design element. F. The capacity and/or efficiency of the design element. G. The design life, historical performance, and durability of the design element. H. The aesthetic and visual impacts of the design element. I. The cost effectiveness and availability of any replacement components or materials. J. Consistency with the spirit and purpose of the corresponding City design standard. K. Demonstration that the environment will not be adversely affected. L. Supported by published industry standards. M. The effect on buildable lands within the City of Auburn. 1.04.02 Surface Water Management Manual (SWMM) Deviations A deviation request from any of the 10 Minimum Requirements in the SWMM goes through a different process which includes a public notice requirement. This is to ensure that the Department of Ecology mandated surface water regulations are complied with. The 10 Minimum Requirements of the SWMM can be found in Section 8.07. Requests for deviations from the 10 Minimum Requirements of the SWMM shall be in accordance with ACC 13.48.226 and these standards. 1.04.03 Appeal of City Engineer’s Decision Appeal of the City Engineer’s decision shall follow the following procedure: The applicant shall have 15 working days from the date of receipt of the City Engineer’s decision in which to submit a written notice to the Public Works Director contesting the decision of the City of Auburn Issued March 2023 Engineering Design Standards Page 24 City Engineer. The Public Works Director shall then have 15 working days to notify the applicant of a decision to uphold or modify the City Engineer’s decision. For appeals of engineering deviations requests, the Public Works Director’s determination shall be final. 1.04.04 Changes to Standards Per ACC 12.04.010, the City Engineer is authorized to make any additions, deletions, or modifications stated in these Standards with consultation with the City Council on policy issues or broad Citywide implications. City of Auburn Issued March 2023 Engineering Design Standards Page 25 Chapter 2: Plan Approval Process 2.00 Preface This Chapter contains standards and procedures that apply to the review and approval process for civil engineering plans. Development or redevelopment of property within the City of Auburn, and/or within the limits of Auburn’s Utility Service Area, that require civil engineered plans to support a development action must follow the processes outlined in the subsections below. 2.01 Types of Plans This section contains information regarding the types of civil engineering plans submitted to the City. Specific plan requirements are described in detail in Chapter 3. Civil engineering plans submitted to the City for review fall within the following four categories. 2.01.01 Grading (GRA) Plans Grading plans are required prior to the issuance of a Grading Permit and before commencement of construction, if triggered per ACC 15.74. 2.01.02 Building Site Plans A Building Site Plan includes all civil site development requirements including site layout, building location, site access, parking, code required landscaping, utility service, and storm drainage control. An approved Site Plan is required prior to the issuance of a Building Permit and before commencement of construction. A building Site Plan is required for all new non-residential developments and residential construction of 3 units or more per lot. 2.01.03 Public Facility Extension (FAC) Plans and Agreement City of Auburn approved Public Facilities Extension (FAC) Plans and an executed FAC Agreement are required prior to construction of City of Auburn sanitary sewer, water, storm drainage, and/or transportation facilities by any party other than the City of Auburn. 2.01.04 Other Plans Some projects may also require other types of plans. The requirements for these additional plans will usually be addressed early in the submittal process. These plans could include, but are not limited to, the following: A. Landscape plans, prepared in accordance with ACC 18.50. B. Land clearing plans, prepared in accordance with ACC 15.74. C. Irrigation plans, prepared in accordance with ACC 18.50. D. Critical Area restoration/enhancement plans, prepared in accordance with ACC 16.10. E. City-Owned Retaining Wall Plans and Structural Calculations. F. Illumination/Site Lighting Plans, prepared in accordance with ACC 18.55. City of Auburn Issued March 2023 Engineering Design Standards Page 26 2.02 Review and Approval Process 2.02.01 Submittals When submitting civil engineering plans to the City for review, the following steps are required to insure a complete submittal and timely approval of civil engineering plans: A. Applicants are encouraged to meet with City staff prior to plan submittal. (Pre-application information is available through the City of Auburn Permit Center) All plans and associated documents submitted to the City will be assigned a project number and receive a preliminary review to make sure they adequately address the minimum requirements of a complete application. Any such plans and associated documents not meeting these requirements will be returned to the applicant or the applicant’s designee as unacceptable for review, with a written explanation of necessary corrections required prior to the subsequent resubmission. B. Prior to preparing civil engineering plans for submittal, the applicant shall review the submittal requirements outlined in the Civil Submittal Handout (FAC &GRA) on the City’s website under Forms. This packet provides a summary of the Engineering Design Standard sections that apply to civil plan preparation but does not substitute for a thorough review of the Engineering Design Standards. C. Civil Engineering plans and associated documents are to be submitted to the City for processing. All submittal documents (Reports & Plans) must be single .pdfs and not require collating, with file names that clearly state the document type and may be submitted through www.MyBuildingPermit.com. If you have any questions regarding the application process or submittal requirements please contact the City Permit Center at permitcenter@auburnwa.gov, (253) 931-3020 or Development Engineering at development@auburnwa.gov, (253) 876-1969, or in person at the City of Auburn Permit Center on the Second Floor of the Auburn Professional Plaza, One East Main Street. D. After the receipt of a completed Civil Submittal, the City will make a preliminary review of the plans and supporting data to verify the scope of the proposed extension(s) and check for completeness of the application. The City requires 28 calendar days from the date of initial submittal to determine if the application is complete. Once the City is satisfied with the completeness of the application, the applicant will receive payment instructions, and once the application fees have been paid, the 1st detailed civil submittal review will begin. E. Once the length of the public extension(s) and/or hours required for review/inspection have been verified/calculated, 30% of the review and inspection fees are due with the application for 2nd review. Detailed FAC Plan review work for the 2nd review will not continue until 30% of the review and inspection fee is paid. If no 2nd review is needed, then payment of the full review and inspection fee is due before the City signs the facility extension agreement. F. All proposed public right-of-way dedications shall be dedicated to the City prior to start of construction with the exception of plats and short plats. A title report pulled within 30 calendar days of the application will be required to confirm property ownership and to verify that the portions of the property dedicated as right-of-way and/or easements have been cleared of encumbrances. The applicant is responsible for clearing all encumbrances the City determines to be inconsistent or in conflict with the intended purpose of the dedications. Title insurance shall be provided to the City for right-of-way dedications in the amount of $50.00 per square foot of right-of-way area dedicated, or other amount as proposed by the Developer City of Auburn Issued March 2023 Engineering Design Standards Page 27 and accepted by the City Engineer. Refer to the Right-of-Way Dedication Handout on the City’s website under Forms for additional information. Easements shall be executed by the Applicant prior to start of construction. Easement documents will be held by the City until the end of construction, at which time the easement exhibits and descriptions may need to be updated by the Applicant, based on as-built conditions, except easements that are being granted by someone other than the Applicant which will be recorded prior to the start of construction. Once the easements are confirmed to match field conditions, the easements will be recorded by the City. G. The following applicable information may be required along with the plan submittal: 1. Title report (required if right-of-way is being dedicated). 2. The final biologist report, including the wetland mitigation plan, when appropriate. 3. Traffic reports. 4. A copy of other applicable applications (Short Subdivisions, Subdivisions, etc.). 5. Letter indicating how SEPA and/or other applicable application conditions have been accounted for in the development/plan process. H. All final plans, calculations, or reports submitted for review shall be stamped by a Professional Engineer. Electronically signed seals will only be accepted if they meet the requirements of WAC 196-23-070. I. Where the plan review process is running concurrent with other applications (SEPA, Subdivisions, etc.), the above-referenced information may not be available at time of plan submittal. In such instances, other required applications shall be provided prior to final plan approval. J. All final approved Plan submittals shall include the associated electronic AutoCAD files. K. If the project is to be phased, phasing plans must be submitted per the requirements specified herein. 2.02.02 City Review The City will review plans and associated calculations, reports, and AutoCAD files for conformance with City development requirements, standards, and policies. Marked up construction drawings, calculations, reports, and written plan review comments will be returned to the applicant’s designated contact person for revisions. The applicant’s engineer shall revise construction drawings, calculations, or reports to address City plan review comments and provide comprehensive comment responses in a unique color directly on the marked-up documents along with the updated documents. The revised drawings (the required number will be determined by the City) and associated calculations and reports, along with the redline comments, shall be resubmitted to the City for additional review. 2.02.03 Plan Approval Once the plan review process is completed and all City review comments have been addressed, the City will request that one electronic copy of the sealed plans and reports be submitted for approval. Final reproducible plans shall be produced in .pdf format, signed and stamped by a professional City of Auburn Issued March 2023 Engineering Design Standards Page 28 engineer and provided to the City for approval signatures, along with the final AutoCAD files. Electronically signed seals must meet the requirements of WAC 196-23-070 and also provide permissions for City staff to apply signatures to the approved plans. The City will return the signed and approved plans to the Applicant. All applicable AutoCAD files shall be submitted to the City on a compact disk, flash drive or electronically transferred to development@auburnwa.gov for integration into the City’s Geographic Information System (GIS). For more information on AutoCAD file submittal, please see Appendix F of Chapter 3. 2.02.04 Construction Plan Revision If after plan approval the applicant desires to make changes to the approved plan(s) a revised plan(s) reflecting such changes shall be required. In some cases, minor changes may be considered and approved by the City Engineer without a formal plan revision. City Inspectors may not authorize changes to the approved plans. The following is the general process required for submitting revisions to the approved plans after plan approval: A. Provide a written summary of the proposed plan/report changes to the Development Review Engineer assigned to the project or to development@auburnwa.gov. B. Submit for City review, comment, and approval, the revised plans. C. Changes on the plans can be clouded for ease of review but will need to be removed prior to approval of the construction plan revision. D. Provide the text “REVISION” in 0.2” height bold text above the Approval Block (B-3) in Appendix A on all sheets that are being revised and submitted for review. E. Provide a date and brief revision description in the revision title block. F. Include the cover sheet of the plans even if revisions are not proposed on the cover sheet as the cover sheet is the sheet that has approval lines for the Planner and City Engineer. The following list are examples of changes that would require a formal plan revision process (Note that this list does not include all potential changes that would require a plan revision process): A. Alternative pavement section; B. Revised structural elements such as walls; C. Revised City utility location of 2 feet or more horizontally or vertically; D. Addition of structures such as catch basis and manholes; E. Revised driveway location, width, or alignment; F. Change in storm pond facility embankment slopes; G. Addition of temporary irrigation; H. Phasing Construction. 2.02.05 Project Close Out The following is the general process required for accepting construction completion on a project: Construction Record Drawings (also referred to as the Construction Redlines) refer to the field City of Auburn Issued March 2023 Engineering Design Standards Page 29 changes the Applicant clearly tracks and marks on the final approved and signed plans that are retained throughout construction, in accordance with the requirements specified in the Construction Standards. After completion of construction, the Applicant shall submit the Construction Record Drawings to the City electronically for review and comment. After the City has concurred the Construction Record Drawings reflect the as-built conditions and meet City record drawing standards, as described in the City Construction Standards, the Applicant shall utilize them to produce the Final As-built Record Drawing set for submission to the City. A copy of the “Record Construction Document Packet” which outlines the complete record drawing process in detail can be obtained from the City. The Applicant shall also provide the City the current AutoCAD drawing files to reflect any revisions that occurred after plan approval and submit an electronic PDF set to the City. The City will apply an ‘As-Built’ stamp on each sheet of the submitted Final As-built Record Drawing set and apply a “Record Drawing Certification” block on the Cover sheet. The Record Drawing Certification will be signed by the City and the Final As-built Record Drawings will be archived and imported into the City’s GIS database. A final Stormwater Site Plan certification letter shall be stamped, signed and submitted by the Engineer of Record to the City verifying that the storm facilities were installed as designed or note any minor changes during construction that require no changes to the Stormwater Site Plan report. Submit an electronic copy of the Stormwater Site Plan report and Geotechnical Report if there have been changes during construction. The following shall also be completed for projects prior to project close out. A. All legal documents, including but not limited to a Bill of Sale and Utility Easements, shall be updated as needed and executed. B. For all FACs, a “Developer Contributions Document” for all public transportation, water, sewer, and storm facilities constructed as part of the project shall be obtained from the City, completed, and returned electronically to the City. C. All Warranty Bonds or Assignments of Funds for the 1 to 2-year warranty period shall be in place. City of Auburn Issued March 2023 Engineering Design Standards Page 30 This page intentionally left blank. City of Auburn Issued March 2023 Engineering Design Standards Page 31 Chapter 3: Plan Preparation Requirements 3.00 Preface This Chapter describes City requirements for plans submitted to the City for review and approval. Civil engineering plans must meet these standards in order to move through the review process in an efficient manner and in order to receive approval. 3.01 General Requirements The following general requirements apply to civil engineering plans submitted for review and approval by the City: A. The general construction requirements for the City shall be those contained in the City of Auburn’s current Engineering Construction Standards Manual which supplements or modifies the “Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) Standard Specifications for Road, Bridge and Municipal Construction,” except where supplemented or modified by the City in this manual. B. The civil engineering plans shall reference City Standard Specifications, Standard Details, and WSDOT Standard Plans as necessary. The City’s Standard Specifications and Standard Details are contained in the Engineering Construction Standards, a copy of which shall be on-site during construction. C. All civil engineering plans and reports shall be prepared and sealed by a professional engineer. D. Property surveys shall be performed and prepared per WAC 332-130-145, sealed and signed by a professional land surveyor and be tied to the current City datum (NAVD 88) and horizontal control datum shall be NAD83 (1991) as officially adjusted and published by the National Geodetic Survey. (WAC 332- 160-060 and RCW 58.20). A list of City Benchmarks is available upon request. E. All civil engineering plans and calculations shall be neat, uncluttered, legible, and in conformance with the requirements herein. F. All plans shall be prepared utilizing AutoCAD software in accordance with the standards specified herein. G. For a Development project, all deviations from City’s Engineering Design and Construction Standards must be shown on the plans with a note call-out and description that references the City assigned deviation number and deviation approval date. The format of these call-outs and note descriptions shall be as shown in Appendix C of this Chapter. H. Except as approved otherwise by the City Engineer, a project may qualify for a Minor Grading Permit Submittal. Refer to Appendix E for project thresholds to quality for a Minor Grading Permit and the submittal requirements. 3.02 Plan Format The City requires that plan sets be submitted in an order consistent with this section. Depending on the complexity or simplicity of the project, the amount of detail and content required will be subject to change. Depending on the scope of the project the civil site improvement plans may be comprised of a combination of the grading, site and facility extension (FAC) plan elements outlined below to create a set of Civil Site Improvement Plans. City of Auburn Issued March 2023 Engineering Design Standards Page 32 Civil Site Improvement Plans shall consist of the following sheets: A. Cover sheet (See Section 3.04.01). B. Temporary Erosion and Sediment Control (TESC)/Demo Sheet (Land Clearing when applicable) (See Section 3.04.02). C. Grading and Private Storm Drainage Plan (See Section 3.04.03). D. Utility Plan and Profiles if applicable (See Sections 3.04.07 & 3.04.09). E. Street and/or Storm Plan and Profiles if applicable (See Sections 3.04.08 & 3.04.09). F. Street Cross-Sections and Additional Street Elements if applicable (See Section 3.04.09). G. Cross-Sections (See Section 3.04.04). H. Details (See Section 3.04.05). I. Street and/or Site and Landscape Plan (See Section 3.04.10). J. Irrigation Plan if applicable (See Section 3.04.11). If a separate associated grading plan has been submitted and approved, those areas covered under the grading plans will not need to be readdressed in the building site plans. 3.03 General Plan Requirements 3.03.01 Standard Plan Format Applicable information in this section shall be shown on the plan set. A. Each sheet of the plan set shall be stamped by a professional engineer. B. North arrow. C. The title block shall include the development/Capital project title (in bold print), the name, address and phone number of the firm preparing the plan and the owner/developer, a revision block (showing the date of the latest revision), page of pages numbering, and sheet title (e.g., road and storm drainage, grading, erosion/sedimentation control, water and sanitary sewer). D. Indicate units of measurement for all slope callouts as either percent (%) or feet per foot (ft./ft.). Do not mix units of measurement on a plan set. E. Provide all match lines with matched sheet numbers (stationing). F. The street classification shall be provided under the street name on all plan views. G. For the approved Development project plans, a City of Auburn approval block (4”x2”) shall be provided in lower right corner of each plan sheet after the cover sheet. Show project reference numbers (BLD for Building Permit, FAC for Public Facility Extension Plan, STM for Storm Permit and/or GRA for Grading/Erosion Control Permit) in the approval block area. A blank Auburn Engineering approval block is shown as Approval Block (B-1) in Appendix A of this Chapter. H. The locations of the title blocks, approval blocks, and engineering stamp shall remain consistent throughout all the plan sheets. City of Auburn Issued March 2023 Engineering Design Standards Page 33 3.03.02 Drafting Standards Drafting requirements are as follows: A. Plan sheets should be formatted to print on 22”x34” size paper. Any variation must be approved by the City prior to plan submittal. Approved plans shall be produced per Section 2.02.03 of the Engineering Design Standards. Margins should be set to provide for ½ size drawings to fit on 11”x 17“ sheet size. B. Lettering size shall be no smaller than one tenth (1/10) of an inch in height and shall be uppercase. Callouts and other information shall be printed horizontally in most cases. C. Existing features shall be shown with dashed lines and/or screened back APWA line types and symbols (screening 45%). D. Proposed features shall be shown with APWA symbols and line types. The intent is to clearly distinguish existing features from proposed improvements. E. Minimum scale shall be: F. Site work: 1” = 40’ horizontal. G. Public facility work: 1” = 20’ horizontal. H. Vertical scales are to be 1/10th the horizontal scale except for public facility work in areas with steep slopes, 1” = 5’ may be used in place of 1” = 2’. I. Use a scale that best utilizes paper space and gives the best overall view of the site. J. Use APWA AutoCAD symbols and line types in the legend to identify both existing and proposed improvements and utilities. K. Electronic AutoCAD files shall be prepared in accordance with the Layers Standard included in Appendix F of this Chapter. A .dwt file containing the AutoCAD layers can be found on the City’s website or by clicking on the following hyperlink: Development AutoCAD Layers and Linetypes L. Electronic AutoCAD files shall be geo-referenced per the standards specified herein. 3.04 Plan Sheet Elements The following section covers the basic elements that are required to be shown on the different plan sheets. While all plan sets will have a cover sheet, there are other sheets covered here that may or may not be included in a particular projects plan set. 3.04.01 Cover Sheet The Cover Sheet and General Information Sheet(s) shall incorporate all the requirements listed in Section 3.02, plus the following applicable items: A. A general scaled site plan covering an area approximately 10 inches square. B. Vicinity map (approximate scale) with north arrow covering an area approximately 5 inches square. C. Site address. D. Owner/Applicant, address, contact, phone number, and e-mail address. City of Auburn Issued March 2023 Engineering Design Standards Page 34 E. Engineer/Surveyor/Architect address, contact, phone number, and e-mail address. F. Elevations with City datum (NAVD 88) tied to City benchmarks with reference to the benchmarks’ numbers and locations indicated. Horizontal control information (NAD83). See Appendix E of this Chapter for more information on survey requirements. G. Monuments used for horizontal control per the City’s horizontal control datum NAD83 (1991) with a description of the monument and northing and easting. H. The permit number in 1 inch bold lettering shall be above the title block (located on the right side of the sheet) on the cover sheet only. I. Sheet Index with reference to all civil plan sheets. J. Legend of all existing and proposed lines and symbols used on the plans. K. Full legal description(s) including quarter section, section, township, and range. L. Parcel number(s). M. Site zoning and adjacent zoning (may be shown on a separate vicinity map sheet). N. Applicable plat name and lot numbers. O. Applicable site information including the number of parking spaces required and the number of parking spaces provided. P. Type of building construction as defined by the adopted Building Code and the building height as defined in Appendix D of the International Fire Code. Q. Site access including adjacent driveways, roadways, and intersections that may have an impact on the location and type of site access. R. An overall site plan key map shall be shown if the plan set includes more than 4 plan sheets, unless otherwise directed by the city. S. Construction Sequence outlining a basic construction schedule for all elements of the project. (See Section 5.05 for a sample construction sequence related to storm and TESC elements) In addition, depending upon the nature of the project, the construction of some public facilities may also dictate separate construction sequencing requirements that will also need to be indicated on the plans. T. The City of Auburn General Notes as shown in Appendix B of this Chapter. U. Provide a list of the additional non-building permits required for this project. The City will update this list with the 1st review comments. V. Indicate approximate fill and excavation quantities in cubic yards. Refer to the Civil Submittal Handout (FAC & GRA) located on the City’s website for required format. W. Storm drainage related quantities and information required to support calculation of System Development Charges (SDC). Refer to the Civil Submittal Handout (FAC & GRA) located on the City’s website for required format. X. The City of Auburn Engineering Approval Block, (min size 2” x 8.5”) as shown in Appendix A of this Chapter. A blank Auburn Engineering approval block is shown as Approval Block (B-3) in Appendix A of this Chapter. City of Auburn Issued March 2023 Engineering Design Standards Page 35 3.04.02 Temporary Erosion and Sediment Control (TESC) Plan Sheet TESC design shall be in accordance with Chapter 5 – TESC, Clearing, and Grading, and include the following applicable items: A. Marked clearing work limits, environmentally sensitive areas and their buffers, and trees that are to remain. B. Indicate the location of the construction entrance. C. Provide the onsite stormwater facilities during construction. D. Indicate the minimum temporary erosion control measures to be used on the site during construction, this may include, silt fencing, interceptor ditches, detention or retention facilities, flow control structures, etc. E. Show containment locations for storing pollutants, including waste materials and demolition debris, prior to their removal from site. F. In the construction sequence, provide a phasing schedule for installing and removing TESC BMPs, including the transition from the temporary storm drainage system to the permanent storm drainage system. G. All existing site features and conditions shall be shown on this sheet including the existing topography. H. This sheet may also function as a demolition site plan and indicate all existing features and structures to be removed/demolished and those that will remain. I. Provide the Auburn Grading and Erosion Control Notes as shown in Appendix B of this section. 3.04.03 Grading and Private Storm Drainage Plan Sheet The Grading design shall be in accordance with Chapter 5 – TESC, Clearing, and Grading, and include the following applicable items: A. Indicate slope of any fill or cut slopes. B. Show or provide reference for type of fill material and associated compaction requirements. C. Show existing significant trees (6 inches in diameter and larger for evergreens and 4 inches in diameter or larger for deciduous). Indicate if tree is to either be retained or removed. D. Provide temporary storm drainage retention or detention facilities including City control structure, water surface (W.S.) elevations, seasonal high groundwater elevation, orifice sizes, design storms for the W.S. elevations, and release rates. E. Show horizontal setback between the bottom of any fill placement and the top of the bank of a defined drainage channel per requirements noted in Section 5.03.03. F. Show typical ditch sections. G. Show connections of building roof and foundation drains to the site drainage system. H. Show the existing topography shaded back and overlaid by the proposed grades. City of Auburn Issued March 2023 Engineering Design Standards Page 36 I. Show existing and finished elevations and contours. Spot elevations may be required for relatively flat sites to supplement the contour elevations as necessary to adequately reflect existing and finish grades. Provide spot elevations along property line and a minimum of 30 feet beyond property line (at least 50 foot intervals). J. Reference standard City of Auburn Detail Numbers appropriately. If a project specifies modification to a Standard Detail, a new detail must be shown on the plans. K. Provide notes to protect and maintain erosion control facilities during grading operations. L. Provide arrows to indicate drainage flow direction on paved surfaces. M. Show layout of the entire storm drainage pipe with length, slope, and material type labeled and direction of flow indicated. N. Provide site specific details and cross-section sheets for storm drainage detention or retention facilities. O. Indicate the emergency overflow to the public storm system. P. Show berm dimensions, materials, compaction requirements for ditches and detention ponds where applicable. When projects include storm ponds, include a storm pond profile sheet. Q. Show locations of manholes and catch basins, indicating type, stationing, offset, lid type, rim, and invert elevations. Number manholes and catch basins consecutively. R. Show existing and proposed sanitary sewers and water mains, identifying crossing and minimum vertical distance between utilities. S. Provide type of material and size of energy dissipaters (riprap, etc.). T. Provide details and cross sections of all low impact development, water quality, and flow control facilities for stormwater runoff. U. Show trash racks, if applicable. V. Show locations, widths, and types of easements. W. Show locations and types of pumps, if applicable. X. Provide planting and seeding requirements with establishment procedure in construction sequence for water quantity and quality systems. Y. Show finish floor elevations. Z. Show the controlling downstream storm drainage elevations including the associated design conditions. AA.For ponds, provide: aesthetics, fencing, power (if applicable), maintenance access, control structure, critical water surface elevations, and other items, such as walls and liners. BB.Address bypass surface flows. CC.Address subsurface flows and indicate water surface elevations. DD.Some projects may be able to combine the grading sheet with the erosion control and demo plan depending on the complexity of the project. City of Auburn Issued March 2023 Engineering Design Standards Page 37 3.04.04 Cross-Section Sheet The Cross-Section plan sheet(s) shall be provided for projects that propose grading activities 10 feet or closer to the property line, excavations over 5 feet or fill over 8 inches in depth or more and have the following applicable items: A. Cross-sections for fill and grading shall be shown through all properties to at least 30 feet beyond the property lines. Adequate cross-sections shall be shown to represent the site. At a minimum this shall include one shown in the north direction (west-east from left to right) and one shown in the east direction (south- north from left to right) cross-section. B. This sheet may also contain cross-sections for the temporary storm drainage pond. C. The scale used for the site cross-sections on this sheet should match the scale on the other sheets. D. Some projects may be able to combine the cross-section sheet with the grading sheet depending on the complexity of the project. 3.04.05 Detail Sheet The Detail sheet(s) shall have the following applicable items: A. Any detail that is specific to this project. B. City of Auburn Standard Details are not to be shown on this sheet unless they need to be modified for a project specific application, in which case the detail would be shown with the modifications explicitly called out/labeled and shall not include the City Engineer’s signature from the original detail. C. Storm control manholes shall be shown on this sheet. D. This sheet shall contain cross-sections for the storm facility. E. City of Auburn Standard Details and WSDOT Standard Plans are to be called out on the applicable plan sheet using the detail or standard plan number. 3.04.06 Utility Plan Sheets The plan set shall include an overall utility plan that shows the private connections to the public water and sanitary sewer systems, together with the storm drainage system and proposed landscaping, and any required extensions of the public water and sanitary sewer systems. The overall utility plan shall be clearly visible on one to two plan sheets, with a maximum scale of 1”=100’. The scale of the plans may need to be increased to improve visibility. Construction Note Callouts shall be shown in the plan view (e.g., manholes, catch basins, etc.). The more detailed Utility Plan sheet(s) shall have the applicable items identified in the following sections. 3.04.06.A Water Water system design shall be in accordance with Chapter 7 – Water Facilities, and shall include the following items: A. Water pipe and fitting size, location, and type of material. City of Auburn Issued March 2023 Engineering Design Standards Page 38 B. Details of connections to existing water mains. C. Valve size, locations, and type. D. Fire hydrants locations. E. Air/vacuum relief valve and blow-off locations. F. Pressure reducing stations and associated valves, vaults and by-pass piping as required. G. Concrete blocking, mechanical or flanged joint, or restrained joint or locking gasket. H. Water main, water meter, and fire hydrant easements. I. Meter size and service line size, material type, and location. J. Irrigation meter size and service line size, material type, and location. K. Proposed fire line, FDC line, and PIV locations. Provide a note with the underground fire line noting that a separate fire permit will be required for the underground fire line between the connection to the public water main to the building. L. Backflow prevention assembly and detector check meter size, type and location. M. For buildings requiring fire sprinklers, the fire sprinkler notes shall be shown on the plan, as shown in Appendix B of this Chapter. N. Table or call out showing physical separation in feet between water lines and other utilities at crossings, when a profile is not required. O. Cross connection control notes included in Appendix B of this Chapter. P. For plat or road projects, provide unique stationing down the center of the road with the appropriate offset at all water main appurtenances. For all other projects, provide unique stationing down the center of the water main tied into known survey control. 3.04.06.B Sanitary Sewer Sanitary sewer system design shall be in accordance with Chapter 8 – Sanitary Sewer and Storm Drainage Facilities, and include the following items: A. Sanitary sewer pipe size, locations, and type of material. B. Location of manholes. Indicate type of manhole, stationing, offset, and number manholes consecutively. During the City review process, manhole numbers shall be assigned by the City to be incorporated into the next submittal. C. Indicate knockouts in manholes for future connections. D. The direction of sewage flow shall be indicated with an arrow at the manhole. Proposed sewer shall have solid arrowheads while existing pipe and manholes shall be shown in ghost or screened lines with the arrowhead and manhole not filled. The location of the frame and cover on the manhole, positioned over the widest part of the shelf and not over a flow channel, shall be shown. E. Drop manholes, if approved, are to be detailed on the plans. F. Length, slope, type and class of material, and inverts for side sewers. City of Auburn Issued March 2023 Engineering Design Standards Page 39 G. Stationing for side sewers from downstream manholes. H. Connection of a side sewer to the City’s sanitary sewer pipe shall be indicated with a tee. I. Locations of sanitary sewer cleanouts. J. Locations of sanitary sewer easements. K. Clearly define right-of-way and adjacent property lines. Parcel numbers for all lots adjacent to the improvements shall be indicated, with existing or proposed finished floor elevations. L. Floor drains, drains from other covered areas potentially subject to pollutants, and wash areas within parking lots shall be connected to the sanitary sewer through an approved oil/water separator. 3.04.06.C Storm Drainage Grading and Storm Drainage system design shall be in accordance with Chapter 5 – TESC, Clearing, and Grading, and Chapter 8 – Sanitary Sewer and Storm Drainage Facilities (which incorporates by reference the SWMM), and include the following applicable items: A. The layout of all the storm drainage pipes with the length, slope, and material type indicated in the labeling of the storm drainage pipes. Provide arrows to indicate the direction of flow into the structures. B. Typical ditch section. C. Location of manholes and catch basins. Indicate type, stationing, offset, rim and invert elevations, and number manholes and catch basins consecutively. D. Existing and proposed sanitary sewers and water mains. Identify crossings and minimum distance between utilities. E. Building downspouts or footing drain locations, inverts and connections to the storm drain system. F. For single-family home sites, indicate means for collection and discharge of water from roof, foundation drains, and driveways. G. Provide arrows to indicate drainage direction in parking lots, roadway intersections and cul-de-sacs. H. Reference to the detail/BMP and/or cross-section sheets for storm drainage detention or retention facilities such as the control discharge structure and pond cross-sections. Indicate water surface elevations, allowable discharge rates, and design storms. I. Show an emergency overflow to the public storm drainage system. J. Berm dimensions, material, and compaction requirements for ditches and detention ponds. K. Indicate type of material and size of energy dissipaters (riprap, etc.). L. Provide details of the storm drainage water quality facility. M. Limits of surface water ponding within parking lots. N. Trash racks. O. Location and widths of easements. City of Auburn Issued March 2023 Engineering Design Standards Page 40 P. Location and type of pumps. Q. Stormwater treatment/quality control facility location, length, width, slopes, and cross-section. R. Planting and seeding requirements with establishment procedure (construction sequence) for water quantity or quality systems. S. Finish floor elevations of all buildings. T. Indicate separation from any pipe, infiltration trench, open ditch, water quality and stormwater facilities to any property line, structure and obstruction. U. For ponds, provide landscaping, fencing, empty power conduits for potential future aeration system, maintenance access, critical water surface elevations, and other items, such as walls and liners. V. Number the storm drain structures. (Numbers will be provided by the City prior to final plan approval.) W. Low Impact Development (LID) facility location, length, width, slopes, and cross- section. X. Provide the Auburn Storm Drainage Notes as shown in Appendix B of this Chapter. 3.04.07 Utility Profile Sheet Utility Profiles are to be included on the associated utility plan sheet(s) with plan view above the profile view and corresponding unique stationing. All existing and proposed parallel and crossing utilities shall be shown on the profile. 3.04.07.A Storm Drainage Profiles shall be created for all designed storm systems. These profiles are to include the following items where applicable: A. Public storm drainage located within the street right-of-way shall be shown on the street profile. See Section 3.04.09. B. Public storm drainage located in an easement shall have separate profiles. C. Structure size, location, type, station, invert elevation, type of lid or grate, rim elevation, stationing and offset. D. Pipe size, type of material, slope (ft./ft.), and lineal footage. E. Utility crossings shall identify size and type of utilities involved. F. Ditches, size, type, and slope. G. Existing and finished grade along pipe centerline. H. Connections to existing structures. 3.04.07.B Water Profiles shall be provided for all public water systems, including on-site systems and systems within the street/City right of way and easements, These profiles shall include the following items where applicable: City of Auburn Issued March 2023 Engineering Design Standards Page 41 A. Water line located within the street right-of-way shall be shown on the street profile. See Section 3.04.09. B. Pipe size, type of material, lineal footage, cover, stationing and offset. C. Utility crossings shall identify size and type of utility involved. D. Existing and finished grade along pipe centerline. E. Connections to existing mains and fittings. F. Label fittings and valves include blocking. 3.04.07.C Sanitary Sewer A profile will be required for all public sanitary sewer mains. These profiles are to include the following items where applicable: A. Sanitary sewer located within the street right-of-way shall be shown on the street profile. See Section 3.04.09. B. Structure size, location, type, station, invert elevations, type of lid, rim elevation, stationing and offset. C. Pipe size, type of material, slope (ft./ft.), and lineal footage. D. Utility crossings shall identify size and type of utility involved. E. Existing and finished grade along pipe centerline. F. Connections to existing structures. G. Side sewer locations, stationing and offset. 3.04.08 Public Street Plan and Profile Sheet Whenever a project includes construction within a public street, excluding utility connections, both a plan and a profile shall be included in the plan set. The Public Street Plan and Profile sheet(s), when required, shall have the applicable items identified below: 3.04.08.A Plan View The plan view shall include the following items where applicable: A. Plan views shall be drawn at a 1” = 20’ scale. B. Existing and proposed rights-of-way. C. Existing and proposed contours and elevations. D. Existing and proposed street names. E. Existing and proposed centerline bearing and distance. F. Existing and proposed signs and traffic control devices. G. Existing and proposed storm drainage systems. H. Existing and proposed sewers and water mains. Identify crossings and minimum distances between utilities. I. Horizontal curves. J. Horizontal stationing. City of Auburn Issued March 2023 Engineering Design Standards Page 42 K. Location of curbs, sidewalks, wheelchair ramps, and driveways (by station). L. Locations of monuments at all centerline intersections, cul-de-sacs, PCs, and PTs by station. M. Street luminaires, conduit for street lights, traffic signals, and traffic signal loop detectors located within the vicinity of the project. N. Mailbox types and locations for plats and short plats. Submit to postmaster for approval. O. Address any horizontal utility conflicts in plan. P. Street landscaping, if required. Q. Construction limits. R. Slope excavation and/or embankment limits. S. Pavement and lane tapers. T. Identify any non-standard street cross slopes. U. ADA Maximum Extent Feasible (MEF) documented on the Plans with a notation indicating the deficiency and that the curb ramp was designed to the MEF. V. All proposed and existing underground and overhead utilities shall be shown and labeled on the plan in gray scale. The locations shall be coordinated and approved through the appropriate utility purveyor. 3.04.08.B Profile The profile shall include the following items where applicable: A. Profiles shall be drawn using 1” = 20’ horizontal and 1” = 2’ vertical scales. B. Existing and proposed centerline road grade. C. Existing and proposed storm drainage systems. D. Existing and proposed sewers and water mains (use ghost lines). Identify crossings and minimum distances between utilities. E. Existing and proposed flowline grades. F. Finish grade elevations every 50 feet and every 25 feet for vertical curves along design centerlines. G. Vertical curve information in profile section. H. Address vertical utility conflicts in profile. City of Auburn Issued March 2023 Engineering Design Standards Page 43 3.04.08.C Intersections Intersection plans shall be 20 scale drawings in conformance with Figure 3-1 below: Figure 3-1 Intersection Plan Sheet Requirements 3.04.08.D Typical Roadway Sections Typical roadway sections shall show pavement depths, widths and materials, cross-slopes of pavement (%), centerline, dimensioned right-of-way lines, curb and gutter, ditches, embankment and excavation slopes (1:1), walls, etc. Typical sections will be labeled within identified station ranges. 3.04.08.E Striping and Signing Provide maximum 40 scale plans per these Standards, WSDOT and MUTCD, including lane City of Auburn Issued March 2023 Engineering Design Standards Page 44 markers, pavement markings, and signing. 3.04.08.F Signalization Provide 20 scale separate detailed signalization plan per City of Auburn Standards, including poles, bases, conduits, and traffic loops. Signal Plan Sheet 1. The plan sheet shall conform to the following requirements: a. For areas that require greater detail (such as the corner that has the controller), a blown-up detail may be necessary at a 1″=10′ scale. b. All proposed signal equipment, including signal poles, mast arms, heads, signs, junction boxes, conduit, loops, controller, and service cabinet shall be shown as bold. c. All existing and proposed right-of-way information shall be shown and labeled on the plan, including easements needed for signal equipment. The line type shall be different for easements and right-of-way. d. All proposed curb, sidewalk, proposed striping, and existing curb/striping (to remain) information shall be shown on the plan in gray scale (screened back). e. Sight triangle lines shall be shown on plans in gray scale. f. All proposed and existing underground and overhead utilities shall be shown and labeled on the plan in gray scale. g. Provide on the plan signal construction notes as shown in Appendix B of this chapter. 2. Construction notes shall contain, but not be limited to: a. Signal pole and foundation installation (including pole type, mast arm length, and installation of items on the pole). b. Controller cabinet and foundation installation. c. Coordination of utility removal/relocation. d. Coordination of connection of power, and power source type. e. Interconnect connection to other signals. f. Removal of existing signal and/or street light equipment. 3. Displays: The plan sheet shall include the following displays: a. Phase diagram display. b. Signal display showing signal layout of all vehicle signal heads and pedestrian heads. 4. Detection: The plan sheet shall include: a. Stop bar, intermediate and advanced loop location, and numbering. b. Pedestrian push button location. c. Preemption detection location and numbering. 5. Signal Poles and Associated Equipment: The plan sheet shall contain, but not be limited to: a. Signal Pole Locations and Numbering: The locations shall be called out by the major arterial station and offset. City of Auburn Issued March 2023 Engineering Design Standards Page 45 b. Signal head location and numbering. c. Pedestrian head location and numbering. 6. Controller and Service Location: At least one corner of the controller/service foundation shall be called out by the major arterial station and offset. The footprint of the foundation shall be shown on the plans with the controller and service cabinets oriented on the foundation as they would be placed in the field. If the information required to show all the controller/service conduit connections and foundation footprint makes the plan too cluttered, a blown-up detail of the corner containing this information is needed at a 1″=10′ scale. 7. Power Source Location: The location of the power source shall be identified on the plans. 8. Wire Schedule: a. A wire schedule table shall include run numbers, conduit size, wire type, and comments. b. Comments shall include, but not be limited to, number of twisted loop pairs for runs between the detection loops and adjacent junction box, identification of spare conduits, conduits utilized only by interconnect or illumination, and power cables. c. For designs that include modifications to an existing signal, all existing wire runs affected by the design shall be shown on the wire schedule. 9. Junction box type and approximate location. 10. Signing: a. Signs shall be shown on all mast arms. Signs that are post mounted but are signal related (such as a “signal ahead” sign) shall be shown on the signal plan. b. A sign display shall be shown on the plan with the MUTCD sign designation, dimensions, and lettering type for all signs. c. Indicate removal of existing stop signs after signal is in operation. d. Installation of “New Signal Ahead” or “Signal Revision Ahead” signs. 11. Other Illumination: a. Proposed illumination that will use the signal service cabinet, but is located outside the four quadrants of the intersection, shall be shown as proposed on a separate illumination plan sheet. On the signal plan sheet, the illumination shall be shown as gray scale and labeled as “proposed illumination, see illumination plans.” However, once the illumination enters the quadrants of the intersection (i.e., when it is using the same junction box as the signal equipment), it shall be shown as proposed on the signal plan and gray scale on the illumination plan. b. Indicate the circuit that street lights are on. City of Auburn Issued March 2023 Engineering Design Standards Page 46 Wire Diagram Plan In general, the wire diagram shall include the following: 1. All signal heads, pedestrian heads, pedestrian push buttons, luminaires, preemption detectors, loops, and junction boxes drawn in schematic forms. 2. All termination points in the controller cabinet. The wire diagram shall include every termination point the controller will have, including those that may not be used for this particular signal design. 3. All wiring associated with the items above, as well as the wiring for interconnect. The wire diagram shall show how these items are connected to the controller. 4. Location of wire splices. 5. All termination numbering at each end of each wire. For example, the 5- conductor cable connecting a signal head to the controller shall have the termination numbering called out at the signal head and in the termination points in the controller. 6. All wire colors at each end of the wire. 7. A call out to each wire run noting the number and type of each wire. 8. Intersection schematic with a north arrow showing approach phase. 9. Pole, signal head, pedestrian head, preemption detection, and loops shall be numbered on the wire diagram. Pole Schedule Plan The pole schedule shall include the following: 1. A signal standard detail chart. 2. Pole orientation attachment and base detail, pole foundation detail, and signal standard detail. 3.04.08.G Illumination A. Street Light Plans shall be labeled as Street Light Plans, and shall be prepared, stamped, signed, and dated by a professional engineer. B. Street Light Plans will include references to all applicable City of Auburn Standard Details and/or Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) Standard Plans, or copies of other specific details applicable to the project shall be shown on the plans. C. Plans should show any proposed street trees and underground utilities in the background. City of Auburn Issued March 2023 Engineering Design Standards Page 47 D. Street Light Plans shall be provided on separate and uncluttered sheets that do not show unrelated street, utilities, or on-site improvements. Street Light Plans shall be drawn to a maximum engineer’s scale of 1” = 40’. E. Street Light Plans shall at a minimum include the following applicable items for new or existing street lighting system: F. Lighting schedule with the following information in a table format: a. Luminaire make and model b. Lamp/Ballast type c. Lamp wattage d. Uniformity Ratio e. Minimum Light Level f. Average Maintained Light Level g. Light standard type h. Mounting height (ft.) i. Bracket or davit arm length (ft.) j. Light distribution pattern k. Luminaire spacing distance (ft.) G. Light standard locations by station and offset from the centerline of the street to the center of the light standard. Show all existing street lights for a distance of 500 feet in both directions from the limits of the project site, including both sides of the street(s) and in medians. H. Wiring/Conduit schedule with the following information in a table format: I. Circuit number J. Conduit size, material, and purpose (street lighting, traffic signal interconnect, spares, etc.). K. Location of points of service (the PSE connection or service location and the new or existing City Electrical Service Cabinet(s). L. Location of junction boxes. Indicate junction box type and purpose (lighting, traffic signal, etc.). M. Existing topography, including but not limited to the location of driveways, street trees (including species), street intersections, overhead utilities (including maximum and minimum heights), underground utilities (including sizes), medians, curb, and lane widths (pavement markings). 3.04.08.H Streetscape Provide information on planting of the public landscape strips along the street frontage. Information shall include the following: A. Type and size of trees. B. Tree spacing. C. Type of ground cover. City of Auburn Issued March 2023 Engineering Design Standards Page 48 D. Root control/barrier. E. Irrigation if applicable. F. Show all proposed and existing surface features and underground utilities. 3.04.08.I Other Features Include locations of any other feature including mailboxes and bus stops. Any mailbox placement that requires approval from the postmaster shall include the Postmaster Approval Block (B-2) in Appendix A of this chapter. 3.04.09 Site and Landscape Plan Sheet The site and landscape sheets (separate plans may be more appropriate), when required, shall have the following applicable items: A. Demonstrate conformance with ACC 18.50, “LANDSCAPING AND SCREENING” and ACC 18.52 “OFF-STREET PARKING AND LOADING”. B. Label name, classification, and boundary of adjacent streets both public and private. C. Pavement types with unique hatching. D. Site signage and striping E. The boundaries and dimensions of site. F. Show and label any easements. G. Show and label any critical areas and buffers affecting the site. H. The location of on-site buildings and their eaves or protrusions (decks, porches, covered entries, etc.) and other site features (generators, compressors, retaining walls, fuel tanks, etc.). I. The location of on-site parking stalls, drive aisles, and loading/unloading areas and required fire lanes with dimensions. J. The location and size of landscape areas (measured to the inside of curbs). K. Landscape area calculations as required by ACC 18.50.040, “Landscape development standards.” L. The species (common and scientific name), condition (bare root, balled & bur lapped) or containerized) and size of planting materials (shown within a “planting schedule”). M. Notation of which species are native to, or adapted to the Pacific Northwest (minimum 50%) N. Site preparation specifications (removal of construction debris, soil amendment, fertilizer, etc.) O. The location and type of non-vegetated groundcovers such as rock, mulch, etc. P. The location, size, and proposed screening of outdoor storage areas and dumpster/refuse areas. Q. The location, species, and size (diameter at DBH) of all existing trees and measures to protect them. City of Auburn Issued March 2023 Engineering Design Standards Page 49 R. Show all proposed and existing surface features and underground and above- ground utilities affecting the site. S. Landscaping notes, including: a. Plant materials list substitutions requiring city approval and possibly “as- built plans”. b. Planting notes (e.g., when to remove tree stakes). c. Soil quality and installation. d. Maintenance after installation. T. Site furnishings such as light posts, bike racks, benches, trash cans, and shopping cart racks. 3.04.10 Site Irrigation Plan sheet The site irrigation sheets, when required, shall have the following applicable items: A. The connection point to the City system, together with the water meter size. B. The size, location, and type of the backflow prevention. C. The proposed layout of the irrigation system. D. Be consistent with the site’s building and landscaping plans. E. Show the existing and/or proposed location of all parcel lines. 3.04.11 Critical Area Restoration/Mitigation A critical area restoration or mitigation sheet, when required, shall include the items as required by the City pursuant to ACC 16.10 and 15.68. 3.04.12 Phasing Plans Applications that propose to complete projects in phases shall submit a phasing plan which incorporates all required conditions of approval and details infrastructure improvements and sequencing of the phases. Prior to occupancy of any buildings within a phased project, complete construction, inspection, acceptance, and transfer of ownership to the City via Bill of Sale as well as recorded easements are required for all public utilities (water, sewer, & storm) serving the building and public road improvements/right of way dedications must be complete. If the private utilities are proposed to be constructed in phases, the points of connection between phases and how the future phases will be constructed without affecting the operation of the previous phases must be shown. Phasing plans are subject to approval by the City Engineer and Building Official and shall include the following information: 1. Illustrative maps for each proposed phase which clearly mark in heavy lines the boundaries of the subject phase, label the phase alphabetically (to avoid confusion with lot numbers), and depict roads, lots, infrastructure, easements, dedications and open space which are included within the subject phase. The plan shall also illustrate those proposed improvements which mitigate impacts associated with the unbuilt portions of the project which are not located within the boundaries of the subject phase. Previously established phases, including roads, lots, infrastructure, easements, dedications, and open space, should be shown on the map shaded or gray-scaled. All phasing maps shall be drawn at the same scale. City of Auburn Issued March 2023 Engineering Design Standards Page 50 2. A narrative description or table which describes each phase and its associated improvements. In addition, the narrative or table shall demonstrate that each phase would comprise a “stand-alone” development which, should no subsequent phases be constructed, would meet or exceed City standards and all other conditions of approval. The narrative should also describe the proposed timeline for completion of the entire project. The narrative must address emergency access, street improvements, and alternative construction access. City of Auburn Issued March 2023 Engineering Design Standards Page 51 Appendix A – Approval Blocks Sample Approval Block (B-1): Sample Postmaster Approval Block (B-2): Sample Engineering Approval Block (B-3): PROJECT REF: __________________________ THESE PLANS ARE APPROVED FOR CONFORMANCE WITH THE CITY OF AUBURN’S REQUIREMENTS. DEV. REVIEW ENGINEER: ________________ DATE APPROVED: _______________________ CITY OF AUBURN POSTMASTER APPROVAL APPROVED BY: ________________________ TITLE/POSITION: _______________________ DATE APPROVED: ______________________ City of Auburn Issued March 2023 Engineering Design Standards Page 52 Appendix B – Standard Notes The following General Notes shall apply to Development projects: GENERAL NOTES CONSTRUCTION SHALL CONFORM TO THE CITY OF AUBURN’S ENGINEERING DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS, EXCEPT AS OTHERWISE APPROVED BY DEVIATION, AND BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE APPROVED PLANS. ANY CHANGES FROM THE APPROVED PLAN WILL REQUIRE APPROVAL FROM THE OWNER, ENGINEER OF RECORD, AND THE CITY. ALL WORKMANSHIP AND MATERIALS SHALL CONFORM TO THE “WASHINGTON STATE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION (WSDOT) STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS FOR ROAD, BRIDGE, AND MUNICIPAL CONSTRUCTION (CURRENT EDITION),” EXCEPT WHERE SUPPLEMENTED OR MODIFIED BY THE CITY’S CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS MANUAL. THE ABOVE DOCUMENTS SHALL BE AVAILABLE AT THE JOB SITE DURING CONSTRUCTION. A PRE-CONSTRUCTION MEETING SHALL BE REQUIRED PRIOR TO THE START OF ALL CONSTRUCTION. CONTACT THE PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT AT (253) 931-3010, TO SCHEDULE A MEETING. UNLESS STATED OTHERWISE, LOCATIONS SHOWN FOR EXISTING UTILITIES ARE APPROXIMATE. THE CONTRACTOR IS CAUTIONED THAT OVERHEAD UTILITY LINES MAY NOT BE SHOWN ON THE DRAWINGS. IT SHALL BE THE CONTRACTOR’S RESPONSIBILITY TO DETERMINE THE TRUE ELEVATIONS AND LOCATIONS OF ALL UNDERGROUND UTILITIES AND THE EXTENT OF ANY HAZARD CREATED BY OVERHEAD UTILITY LINES. IDENTIFICATION, LOCATION, MARKING, AND RESPONSIBILITY FOR UNDERGROUND FACILITIES OR UTILITIES, IS GOVERNED BY THE PROVISIONS OF SECTION 19.122 REVISED CODE OF WASHINGTON (RCW). PRIOR TO STARTING CONSTRUCTION, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL CALL ONE-CALL (811) FOR UTILITY LOCATIONS (WATER, SANITARY SEWER, STORM SEWER, GAS, POWER, TELEPHONE, AND CABLE). IF A PROPOSED ROUTE IS NOT INCLUDED ON THESE PLANS, A PROPOSED ROUTE AND SCHEDULE FOR HAULING MATERIAL TO THE SITE SHALL BE SUBMITTED TO THE CITY FOR APPROVAL PRIOR TO THE START OF CONSTRUCTION. IF THE CITY BELIEVES THAT THE PROPOSED HAUL ROUTE WILL ADVERSELY IMPACT THE STREET NETWORK, A SEPA AMENDMENT MAY BE REQUIRED TO EVALUATE THE IMPACTS AND DETERMINE MITIGATION REQUIREMENTS BEFORE BEGINNING WORK. HAULING MAY BE LIMITED TO APPROPRIATE OFF-PEAK HOURS OR ALTERNATIVE ROUTES, AS DETERMINED BY THE CITY. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR PUBLIC SAFETY ON AND AROUND THE PROJECT. PRIOR TO THE START OF WORK, ALL METHODS AND EQUIPMENT USED FOR TRAFFIC CONTROL AND STREET MAINTENANCE SHALL BE SUBMITTED TO THE CITY FOR APPROVAL. CONTRACTORS AND THEIR SURETY SHALL BE LIABLE FOR INJURIES AND DAMAGES TO PERSONS AND PROPERTY SUFFERED BECAUSE OF CONTRACTORS OPERATIONS OR NEGLIGENCE CONNECTED WITH THEM. City of Auburn Issued March 2023 Engineering Design Standards Page 53 ALL CONSTRUCTION SURVEYING FOR EXTENSIONS OF PUBLIC FACILITIES SHALL BE DONE UNDER THE DIRECTION OF A WASHINGTON LICENSED LAND SURVEYOR OR A WASHINGTON LICENSED PROFESSIONAL CIVIL ENGINEER. CERTIFIED DRAWINGS ARE REQUIRED PRIOR TO PROJECT ACCEPTANCE. REFER TO THE CITY’S “DEVELOPMENT RECORD CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENT” HANDOUT. GRADING AND EROSION CONTROL NOTES WITHIN THE CITY OF AUBURN, ALL REQUIRED SEDIMENTATION AND EROSION CONTROL FACILITIES INDICATED ON THE PLANS MUST BE CONSTRUCTED AND IN OPERATION PRIOR TO LAND CLEARING AND/OR OTHER CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES. THESE FACILITIES SHALL BE MAINTAINED AND UPGRADED, IF NECESSARY, TO INSURE THAT SEDIMENT-LADEN WATER AND STORM DRAINAGE RUNOFF DOES NOT IMPACT THE ADJACENT PROPERTIES, NATURAL DRAINAGE WAYS, OR THE EXISTING CITY STORM DRAINAGE SYSTEM. THE SOURCES FOR ALL MATERIAL IMPORTED TO THE SITE SHALL BE APPROVED BY THE CITY. THE STORM DRAINAGE DETENTION (RETENTION IF INFILTRATION SYSTEM IS USED), SEDIMENTATION AND EROSION CONTROL FACILITIES DEPICTED ON THE APPROVED DRAWINGS ARE INTENDED TO BE MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS TO MEET ANTICIPATED SITE CONDITIONS. ADDITIONAL DRAINAGE AND EROSION CONTROL FACILITIES MAY BE REQUIRED AS SITUATIONS WARRANT DURING CONSTRUCTION. THE IMPLEMENTATION, MAINTENANCE, REPLACEMENT AND ADDITIONS TO THESE CONTROL SYSTEMS SHALL BE THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE PERMITEE. THE TEMPORARY EROSION CONTROL FACILITIES, INCLUDING ALL PERIMETER CONTROLS AND THE DETENTION (RETENTION IF INFILTRATION SYSTEM IS USED), CONTROL PONDS, SHALL REMAIN IN PLACE UNTIL FINAL SITE CONSTRUCTION IS COMPLETED. AFTER CITY APPROVAL, THE CONTRACTOR WILL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR REMOVING ALL TEMPORARY FACILITIES. THE CONTRACTOR WILL BE REQUIRED TO WATER THE SITE, AS NECESSARY, TO REDUCE DUST EMISSIONS AS A RESULT OF CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY. NO TRACKING IN THE ROADWAY IS ALLOWED. IF SEDIMENT IS TRACKED ONTO THE ROAD, THE ROAD SHALL BE THOROUGHLY AND IMMEDIATELY CLEANED BY SHOVELING OR PICKUP SWEEPING. TRANSPORT SEDIMENT TO A CONTROLLED SEDIMENT DISPOSAL AREA. KEEP STREETS CLEAN AT ALL TIMES. ALL AREAS OF ACTIVE EARTHWORK WHICH HAVE THE POTENTIAL FOR EROSION AND SEDIMENTATION IMPACTS ON ADJACENT PROPERTIES, NATURAL DRAINAGE WAYS, OR THE EXISTING CITY STORM DRAINAGE SYSTEM MUST BE STABILIZED ACCORDING TO THE FOLLOWING SCHEDULE: FROM MAY 1 TO SEPTEMBER 30, AREAS AT FINAL GRADE AND THOSE THAT ARE SCHEDULE TO REMAIN UN-WORKED FOR MORE THAN SEVEN (7) DAYS SHALL BE STABILIZED. FROM OCTOBER 1 TO APRIL 30 EARTHWORK ACTIVITIES SHALL BE CONDUCTED IN STAGES IN ORDER TO MINIMIZE SOIL EXPOSURE. EXPOSED SOILS THAT WILL REMAIN UN-WORKED FOR MORE THAN TWO (2) DAYS SHALL BE STABILIZED IMMEDIATELY. City of Auburn Issued March 2023 Engineering Design Standards Page 54 STORM DRAINAGE DETENTION POND NOTES PUBLICLY-OWNED AND MAINTAINED DETENTION FACILITIES SHALL MEET THE FOLLOWING REQUIREMENTS: ALL POND CONSTRUCTION, LANDSCAPING, AND TEMPORARY IRRIGATION, IF USED AS NOTED BELOW, SHALL BE COMPLETED PRIOR TO SCHEDULING AN INITIAL PUNCHLIST INSPECTION. THE GRASS SHALL HAVE SPROUTED OVER AT LEAST 80% OF THE AREA TO BE SEEDED. ALL POND ACCESS RAMPS SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED WITH A MINIMUM OF 8” COMPACTED BASE COURSE TOPPED WITH A MINIMUM OF 2” COMPACTED TOP COURSE. THE POND RAMP SUBGRADE SHALL BE COMPACTED TO A MINIMUM OF 95% MODIFIED PROCTOR. THE POND SIDE SLOPES SHALL BE SCARIFIED, AND ALL VEGETATIVE AND CONSTRUCTION DEBRIS AND ROCKS LARGER THAN 2 INCHES SHALL BE REMOVED PRIOR TO HYDROSEEDING. HYDROSEEDING SHALL BE APPLIED OVER THE ENTIRE DETENTION POND BOTTOM (OR ON THE SLOPES ABOVE THE WATER QUALITY ELEVATION FOR WETPONDS) UP TO THE TOP OF THE BERM.. THE POND BOTTOM AND ALL INTERIOR SIDE SLOPES PER REQUIREMENT 3 ABOVE SHALL BE SEEDED WITH THE FOLLOWING GRASS MIXTURE: TURF-TYPE TALL FESCUE AT 40%; TURF-TYPE PERENNIAL RYE AT 30%; RED FESCUE AT 25%; COLONIAL BENTGRASS AT 5% APPLICATION RATE: HYDROSEED AT 60 LBS/ACRE; HAND SEED AT 2 LBS/1,000 SQUARE FEET THE NEED FOR WATERING TO ESTABLISH THE HYDROSEEDING WILL DEPEND ON WHAT TIME OF YEAR THE HYDROSEEDING IS APPLIED AND HOW LONG IT TAKES FOR THE SEED TO BE ESTABLISHED. IF A TEMPORARY IRRIGATION SYSTEM IS USED, IT SHALL BE ATTACHED TO THE FENCE OR PLACED AT LOCATIONS THAT DO NOT INTERFERE WITH MOWING. THE CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR WEED CONTROL AND REMOVAL OF LITTER PRIOR TO PLANTING AND THROUGHOUT THE PLANT ESTABLISHMENT PERIOD. THE CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR REMOVING THE TEMPORARY IRRIGATION SYSTEM PRIOR TO EXPIRATION OF THE 1-YEAR WARRANTY PERIOD. FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEMS NOTES SPRINKLER SYSTEMS SHALL MEET CITY OF AUBURN STANDARD 7.06.02 AND THE FOLLOWING REQUIREMENTS: PROPOSED FIRE LINE TO BE SIZED BY A FIRE PROTECTION ENGINEER. City of Auburn Issued March 2023 Engineering Design Standards Page 55 BACKFLOW PROTECTION IS REQUIRED ON FIRE SPRINKLER LINES A SEPARATE DETAILED PLAN OF THE UNDERGROUND FIRE SPRINKLER SUPPLY LINE SHALL BE APPROVED BY THE FIRE MARSHAL AND INSTALLED BY A WASHINGTON STATE CERTIFIED LEVEL “U” CONTRACTOR IN ACCORDANCE WITH WAC 212-80-010. A POST INDICATOR VALVE SHALL BE INSTALLED ON THE FIRE SPRINKLER SUPPLY LINE TO ISOLATE THE SYSTEM FROM THE CITY’S WATER SYSTEM WHEN REQUIRED FOR REPAIR. BLOCKING, PIPING, AND RODDING DETAILS SHALL BE PROVIDED WITHIN THE SUBMITTAL. APPROVAL OF THE CIVIL PLANS DOES NOT APPROVE THE INSTALLATION OF THE SPRINKLER SYSTEM SUPPLY PIPING. CROSS CONNECTION CONTROL NOTES CROSS CONNECTION CONTROL SHALL MEET THE FOLLOWING REQUIREMENTS: ALL BACKFLOW PREVENTION ASSEMBLIES SHALL BE INSTALLED IN A MANNER THAT WILL ALLOW PROPER OPERATION, AND IN-LINE TESTING AND MAINTENANCE. A BACKFLOW ASSEMBLY PERMIT IS REQUIRED FOR ALL ASSEMBLIES INSTALLED WITHIN THE CITY OF AUBURN, AND/OR THE CITY’S WATER DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM. BACKFLOW ASSEMBLIES MUST BE ON THE CURRENT WASHINGTON STATE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH – BACKFLOW ASSEMBLIES APPROVED FOR INSTALLATION LIST. BACKFLOW ASSEMBLIES MUST BE TESTED BY A STATE CERTIFIED BACKFLOW ASSEMBLY TESTER, AND INSPECTED AND APPROVED BY A CITY OF AUBURN CROSS CONNECTION CONTROL SPECIALIST. UPON RECEIVING APPROPRIATE FEE PAYMENTS AND VERIFYING THAT REDUCED PRESSURE BACKFLOW ASSEMBLY (RPBA) HAS BEEN INSTALLED (NOT BY CITY), THE CITY WILL INSTALL THE DOMESTIC METER INSIDE THE DOMESTIC METER BOX. THE PASSING TEST REPORT FOR THE RPBA MUST BE RECEIVED BY THE CITY WITHIN 72 HOURS OF THE INSTALLATION OF THE DOMESTIC METER. UPON RECEIVING APPROPRIATE FEE PAYMENTS AND VERIFYING THAT DOUBLE CHECK VAULT ASSEMBLY (DCVA) HAS BEEN INSTALLED (NOT BY CITY), THE CITY WILL INSTALL THE IRRIGATION METER INSIDE THE IRRIGATION METER BOX. THE PASSING TEST REPORT FOR THE DCVA MUST BE RECEIVED BY THE CITY WITHIN 72 HOURS OF THE INSTALLATION OF THE IRRIGATION METER. DOUBLE CHECK VALVE ASSEMBLY (DCVA, NOT BY CITY) TO BE INSTALLED BY THE CONTRACTOR ONTO THE FIRE SERVICE LINE, THE PASSING TEST REPORT FOR THE DCVA MUST BE RECEIVED BY THE CITY WITHIN 72 HOURS OF THE CONNECTION OF THE BUILDING FIRE SERVICE LINE TO THE CITY MAIN. City of Auburn Issued March 2023 Engineering Design Standards Page 56 SIGNAL CONSTRUCTION NOTES THE LOCATION OF ALL CONDUIT, JUNCTION BOXES, AND CABINETS SHOWN ON THIS PLAN ARE FOR GRAPHIC PRESENTATION ONLY AND FINAL LOCATION SHALL BE DETERMINED BY THE ENGINEER. ALL TRAFFIC SIGNAL AND PEDESTRIAN HEADS AND PUSH BUTTONS SHALL BE SECURELY AND COMPLETELY COVERED WHILE SIGNAL IS NOT IN OPERATION. ALL CONDUCTORS FOR SIGNAL HEADS, LOOPS, PEDESTRIAN HEADS, PUSH BUTTONS AND STREET LIGHTS SHALL BE LABELED IN EACH JUNCTION BOX. City of Auburn Issued March 2023 Engineering Design Standards Page 57 Appendix C – Deviations, Maximum Extents Feasible, and Deferral/Fee-In- Lieu Plan Sheet Deviation Call-Out: Leader arrow points to deviation location. DEV-# is the City assigned deviation number. Plan Sheet Deviation Description: Description is included with the construction notes on the plan sheet where the deviation is located. Description references the Chapter, Section, and Subsection Number (where applicable) of the Engineering Design or Construction Standards where the standard that is being deviated from is. Includes approval date in mm/dd/yyyy format. Includes a brief description why the deviation allowed as provided by the City. Plan Sheet Maximum Extents Feasible (MEF) Call-Out: Leader arrow points to the MEF location. Date is City approval date in mm/dd/yyyy format. DEV- # DEV- # MEF (DATE) SECTION X.X.X OF THE _____________, APPROVED _____. City of Auburn Issued March 2023 Engineering Design Standards Page 58 Plan Sheet MEF Description: Description is included with the construction notes on the plan sheet where the MEF is located. Description explains what aspect of the facility does not meet ADA requirements and what is constraining it from meeting requirements. Includes approval date in mm/dd/yyyy format. Plan Sheet Deferral (Street Delay) or Fee-In-Lieu Call-Out: Leader arrow points to deviation location. SDR-# is the City assigned street delay number. Plan Sheet Deferral (Street Delay) or Fee-In-Lieu Description: Description is included with the construction notes on the plan sheet where the deferred improvements would have been located. Description includes a summary of the deferred improvements. MEF (DATE) SDR- # SDR- # City of Auburn Issued March 2023 Engineering Design Standards Page 59 Appendix D – Survey Standards COA Horizontal Datum & Basis of Bearing Information (Ref RCW 58.09.060; WAC 332-130-050) The City of Auburn’s horizontal datum is NAD83(1991), Washington State Plane Coordinates, North Zone, 4601 Basis of Bearings: Provide the observed or calculated bearing between two existing, recoverable monuments, along with NAD83(1991) coordinates and an accurate physical description of the monuments, including type, size and date visited. Clearly depict on the survey map ties to the project site from the basis of bearings. For Example: HORIZONTAL DATUM NAD83(1991), Washington State Plane Coordinates, North Zone, 4601 Basis of Bearings: The monumented centerline of 17th Street NE from COA Mon 509-036 at the intersection of Auburn Way North to COA Mon 509-010 at the intersection of I Street NE = S 89°04’04” E COA Mon 509-036 COA Mon 509-010 N: 121004.23 N: 120994.54 E: 1296131.38 E: 1296726.97 DESC: Encased brass disk with “X” DESC: Encased brass disk with punch COA Vertical Datum & Benchmark Information (Ref WAC 332-130-050) The City’s vertical datum is NAVD88 Provide Project Benchmark information that includes a physical description of the benchmark, date visited and elevation. Clearly depict the project benchmark on the survey map. If the project benchmark is located a significant distance from the project site, it is recommended that a site benchmark be established in close proximity to the project site and also clearly labeled and depicted on the survey map. For example: VERTICAL DATUM NAV88 Project Benchmark: COA 509-036 (BM B19) Brass disk in concrete in monument case at SI of Auburn Way North & 17th St NE Elevation = 65.99 (NAVD88) City of Auburn Issued March 2023 Engineering Design Standards Page 60 Appendix D – Survey Standards (continued) City of Auburn Issued March 2023 Engineering Design Standards Page 61 Appendix E – Minor Grading Permit Criteria Project Thresholds Except as approved otherwise by the City Engineer, projects meeting all of the following criteria qualify for a Minor Grading Permit Submittal: A. The project is located on a single family parcel with an existing home, and does not include the construction of a new single family home (accessory dwelling unit is not considered a single family home) or the project is a remodel/tenant improvement on a non-residential project with all work occurring inside the existing building that is not exempt from a grading permit per ACC 15.74. B. The project does not include the construction of public improvements and right of way dedications. C. Project does not construct walls that are over 7-feet tall that are within a setback area (typically within 10 feet from the property line). D. Combined cut and fill earthwork is less than 200 cubic yards. Earthwork is calculated by adding cut and fill quantities together, no net earthwork volume. E. Grading activities do not change existing drainage patterns and are not within 10-feet of the property line. F. Project disturbs less than 1 acre of area. G. Total area of new and/or replaced hard surfaces is less than 5,000 SF. H. The project is a remodel/tenant improvement on a non-residential project that is inside of a building that is not exempt from a grading permit per ACC 15.74. A project proposing 2,000 SF or more of new and/or replaced hard surfaces may qualify for a Minor Grading Permit in circumstances where the 2,000 SF threshold is exceeded due to utility work. Restoration associated with the utility work must replace the ground surface with in-kind materials with similar runoff characteristics. Applicability of this criteria to be determined at the discretion of the City Engineer, or designee. Submittal Requirements – Refer to the Minor Grading Permit Guide on the City’s website under Forms for minimum submittal requirements. Contact the Development Engineering team at development@auburnwa.gov for a plan template, if eligible for the scope of work proposed. All other projects requiring a Grading Permit shall submit a Grading Permit per the Civil Submittal Handout. City of Auburn Issued March 2023 Engineering Design Standards Page 62 Appendix F – AutoCAD Layers Standards FORMAT: Digital files shall be provided in AutoCAD 2019 (2018 format) or older “.DWG” format. All support files required to display or plot the files in the same manner as developed shall be delivered along with these files. Scanned hard copy drawings using raster-to-vector conversion will not be an acceptable digital format. AutoCAD files shall be prepared in accordance with the Layers Standard included in Appendix F, Chapter 3 of the City of Auburn Engineering Design Standards and the latest version of the United States National CAD Standard (NCS). MEDIA: Digital files shall be submitted via an electronic delivery method acceptable to the City of Auburn. Disks and/or drives shall be clearly labeled with the project name, drawing name(s), name of the drafting/engineering company or individual(s), date, and appropriate City of Auburn identifiers (e.g., BLD#, FAC#, etc.). SPATIAL REFERENCES: Drawings will be at full scale and shall be accurately located in State Plane Coordinates Washington North Zone, 4601, and tied to two existing and recoverable City of Auburn horizontal control monuments. Datum will be noted on the drawings. All drawings shall use survey control datum NAD 83/91 for horizontal control and NAVD 88 for vertical control. CONTENTS: The digital drawing files shall include, at a minimum, the following: The overall project site plan showing new and existing construction, property lines, easements, and survey references. New and existing water, sanitary sewer, and storm drainage elements showing location, size, and material of utility lines and structures. Separate layering showing existing impervious surfaces, new impervious surfaces, and annotation on the area of each in square foot units. Layer features for impervious surfaces shall be created from closed polylines to aid in verifying calculations of impervious surface area. DOCUMENTATION: Final recorded changes shall be clearly reflected when Certified Record Construction Drawings are processed. Proposed features shall use the layer names and descriptions given below. Any layers included that do not meet the descriptions below shall be accompanied by a detailed list of layers and layer descriptions. City of Auburn Issued March 2023 Engineering Design Standards Page 63 Appendix F – AutoCAD Layers Standards (continued) Proposed Feature AutoCAD Layer Name Commercial Fiber – Polyline C-COMM-FIBR Conduit: Polyline C-COMM-CDNT Easements – Polygon C-PROP-ESMT Power Service Cabinets – Point C-POWR-VALT Sewer Cleanouts – Point C-SSWR-SSCO Sewer Laterals – Polyline C-SSWR-LATR Sewer Mains: Polyline C-SSWR-PIPE Sewer Manholes – Point C-SSWR-MHOL Sidewalks – Polygon C-PVMT-CONC-SDWK Storm Catch Basins – Point C-STRM-STRC Storm Culverts – Polyline C-STRM-CULV Storm Manholes – Point C-STRM-MHOL Storm Pipes – Polyline C-STRM-PIPE Street Lights – Point C-POWR-LITE Street Painted Lines – Polyline C-ROAD-MRKG Traffic Signal Cabinets – Point T-POWR-SGNL-CBNT Traffic Signal Poles – Point T-POWR-SGNL-POLE Traffic Signs – Point C-SITE-SIGN Traffic Vaults T-POWR-VALT Utility Poles – Point C-POWR-POLE Water Auxiliary Equipment – Point C-WATR-FTTG Water Hydrants – Point C-WATR-FHYD Water Laterals – Polyline C-WATR-LATR Water Mains – Polyline C-WATR-PIPE Water Meters – Point C-WATR-METR Water Valves – Point C-WATR-VALV Wetlands – Polygon C-WETL-DELN City of Auburn Issued March 2023 Engineering Design Standards Page 64 This page intentionally left blank. City of Auburn Issued March 2023 Engineering Design Standards Page 65 Chapter 4: Report Preparation Requirements 4.00 Preface This Chapter describes how technical engineering reports are to be laid out to meet City requirements and provide a format that is easy to follow and understand. Reports need to meet these basic standards in order to move through the review process in an efficient manner. 4.01 General Requirements The following general requirements shall be met for all technical engineering reports being submitted for review and approval: A. All reports and calculations shall be prepared, stamped, signed, and dated by a professional engineer. B. The topographic map prepared for the project shall be prepared, stamped, signed, and dated by a professional land surveyor. C. All reports and calculations shall be neat, uncluttered, legible, and in conformance with the requirements herein. D. All engineering reports shall be bound with the civil engineer’s stamp clearly visible. E. Reports shall reference City Standards as necessary. F. All reports shall be provided in electronic format (PDF). 4.02 Report Types and Requirements The following are basic types of reports submitted as supporting project information. Depending on the complexity or simplicity of the project and its location, the amount of detail, and the number and types of reports required will be subject to change. The examples given are the typical reports required for a standard project, there may be other reports required that are specific to a particular project. 4.02.01 Geotechnical Reports Geotechnical reports are required to support the design and construction of various facilities as specified in the ACC, these design standards, the SWMM, the Engineering Construction Standards, and other documents. The geotechnical report format shall include (at a minimum) the following applicable items: A. Title page including project name and address. B. General information, which includes existing site conditions. C. Site history including any prior grading. D. Subsurface soil information and conditions including seasonal high groundwater and impermeable layer elevations. Seasonal groundwater levels shall be determined using groundwater monitoring well(s) and shall be required where consideration of groundwater levels is a design consideration. E. Soil log information and locations of explorations. F. Soil characteristics including suitability for fill and compaction requirements. G. Slope stability analysis. City of Auburn Issued March 2023 Engineering Design Standards Page 66 H. Seismic hazards. I. Geological hazard areas as defined in the ACC 16.10. J. Site plan showing the topography and proposed structures and paving. K. Grading information including depth of cuts and recommended slopes. L. Recommendations on temporary erosion and sediment control. M. Conclusions and recommendations for foundations. N. Appendix with test pit and boring logs. O. Information on infiltration rates for use in designing low impact design facilities, retention ponds and infiltration trenches. P. California Bearing Ratio (CBR) information for pavement design per Chapter 10, Table 10-5 or AASHTO Pavement Design. Q. Additional requirements for geotechnical reports are included in Volume I of the SWMM. 4.02.02 Stormwater Site Plan Report The Stormwater Site Plan Report shall contain the information as noted in Appendix I-I of Volume I of the SWMM. 4.02.03 Critical Area Report A. Title Page including project name, contact information for property owner, applicant, and preparer, a description of the proposal, site address, and the parcel number. B. Identify all local, state, and other critical area related permits/approvals required for the proposal. C. Indicate accuracy of the report. D. Documentation of field work (such as field data sheets, and rating worksheets in the case of wetlands). E. Description of methodologies used in the study. F. Identify and characterize all critical areas including wetlands, streams, water bodies, buffers, regulatory floodplain, wildlife habitat, groundwater protection areas, critical erosion hazard areas, landslide hazard areas, seismic hazard and volcanic hazard areas on or adjacent (within 300 feet of the project boundaries) to the proposed project area. G. Provide location and critical area rating/classification (if applicable) and required buffers based on a professional survey. Provide the classification according to ACC 16.10.080, “Classification and rating of critical areas” and identify the classification according to other agency standards for which permits/approvals are required. H. A description of proposed actions, including estimated area of impacts to the critical area(s), and the impact to buffer(s). I. An assessment of probable temporary, permanent, and cumulative impacts to the critical area(s) and buffer(s). Section 10.05 or AASHTO Pavement Design. City of Auburn Issued March 2023 Engineering Design Standards Page 67 J. Mitigation measures proposed and relationship to applicable mitigation standards. K. Scaled site plan. L. Qualifications of person(s) preparing the report. 4.02.04 Traffic Impact Analysis A. Title Page including project name and address. B. Executive Summary. C. Table of Contents. D. Introduction consisting of a description of the project, location, site plans with access to city streets, circulation network, land use and zoning, phasing plan, project developer and contact person, reference other studies. E. Traffic Analysis to include assumptions, existing and projected traffic volumes, project trip generations, trip distribution, level of service (LOS), and warrant analysis. F. Appendix with all calculations. G. Information as specified in Section 10.16 of these design standards. 4.02.05 Construction Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) See Section 5.01.03 of these design standards and Section 2 of Volume II of the SWMM. 4.02.06 Other Reports Other reports may be required on a site-specific basis. The specific information required in these reports shall be determined during the SEPA process or by the department requiring the report. These reports shall include the following basic items: A. Title page including project name and address. B. General information, which includes existing site conditions. C. Site plan showing the topography, proposed structures, and paving. D. Conclusions and recommendations. E. Appendix with collected field information. of these design standards and Section 2 of Volume II of the SWMM. City of Auburn Issued March 2023 Engineering Design Standards Page 68 This page intentionally left blank. City of Auburn Issued March 2023 Engineering Design Standards Page 69 Chapter 5 TESC, Clearing and Grading 5.00 Preface Temporary Erosion and Sediment Control (TESC), clearing, and grading shall conform to the requirements herein. Compliance with these standards does not alleviate the design engineer from using sound professional engineering practices. The design criteria contained herein are the minimum acceptable under standard conditions. Special conditions may require more stringent requirements that will be addressed during the plan review process. The purpose of these requirements is to provide the design criteria necessary to preserve the City of Auburn’s water courses; minimize surface and ground water quality degradation; control sedimentation in creeks, streams, rivers, ponds, lakes, and other water bodies; protect adjacent and downstream property owners from increased runoff rates which could cause erosion and flooding; and ensure the safety and stability of City of Auburn’s roads and rights-of-way. 5.01 Temporary Erosion and Sediment Control (TESC) TESC design requirements shall meet design criteria requirements as identified in Volume II of the City of Auburn Surface Water Management Manual (SWMM), and follow City of Auburn grading requirements. All TESC measures regardless of design and implementation must meet the latest Nephelometric Turbidity Units (NTU) test requirements. The City may conduct tests and if the applicable limits are not met, the project will be halted until such time as it is brought into compliance. The temporary sedimentation facilities (ponds and traps) shall be defined as the active storage available a minimum of 1 foot above the seasonal high ground water. Any project with exposed soil meeting the requirements of the Chapter 2 of Volume II of the SWMM shall prepare a Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP). The plan shall follow the SWPPP Template (available at the Dept. of Ecology’s website) or City of Auburn Short Form (where approved by the City) from the SWMM. For land clearing requirements see ACC 15.74 Plans for Land Clearing shall follow the requirements for Grading. The TESC plan shall also include a construction sequence element which clearly identifies the timing and methodology required to: A. Contain areas of active earthwork to prevent uncontrolled discharge of storm drainage. B. Minimize erosion and the extent and time soils are exposed on-site. C. Prevent tracking of sediment onto City streets. D. Protect permanent on-site and off-site storm drainage systems. 5.02 Grading The following section establishes the requirements for grading. These requirements do not supersede nor are they intended to be inconsistent with any landscaping requirement established by the Zoning Ordinance or other City action. A grading permit shall be required except for the situations described in ACC 15.74.050 and the following scenario: City of Auburn Issued March 2023 Engineering Design Standards Page 70 A. A.The City Engineer may approve the broadcasting of less than 500 cubic yards of topsoil, peat, sawdust, mulch, bark, chips, or solid nutrients used for landscaping or soil conditioning on a lot, tract or parcel of land during any 24- month period, provided the finished depth does not increase the grade from the existing grade by more than 8 inches. 5.03 Cut and Fill Cut and fill slopes are subject to the requirements of ACC 16.10. Permanent cut and fill slopes shall be constructed no steeper than two horizontal to one vertical (2:1). Permanent cut and fill slopes within the public right of way or within 5 feet of a roadway shall be no steeper than three horizontal to one vertical (3:1). See Section 5.04 for additional information. Temporary fills, such as fill material placed for preloading of building pads, may use a slope one and one-half horizontal to one vertical (1.5:1). Slopes shall be stabilized by terracing, cat tracking, jute mat, grass sod, hydro-seeding, or by other planting or surfacing materials acceptable to the City. The City Engineer may require geotechnical analysis for the following: A. As supporting documentation for deviation from these standards B. Cut or fill existing slopes of greater than five horizontal to one vertical (5:1) C. Slopes with sub-surface or surface water flows. D. In areas of questionable soils conditions or slope stability. E. Where the length of the slope requires terracing. Additional requirements for placement of fill material are as follows: A. A minimum horizontal setback of 5 feet shall be provided between the bottom of any fill placement and the top of the bank of any defined drainage channel. B. When filling a site, particular care shall be taken to prevent impeding the existing upstream surface drainage flow. C. Prior to any fill being placed, all vegetation, topsoil and other unsuitable material shall be removed unless dictated otherwise by the geotechnical engineer. D. Fill material shall be placed in lifts of no more than 12 inches and compacted to 90% or greater of the maximum dry density as determined by ASTM D1557 Modified Proctor or as directed by the geotechnical engineer. 5.04 Retaining Walls Retaining walls that support/retain land outside the public right-of-way will be located outside the public right-of-way and be owned and maintained by the owner of the land the retaining wall is supporting. This is typically the case when the public right-of-way is below the grade of the adjacent property. These walls are considered private walls and subject to ACC Title 15. Walls supporting private property that are built with City capital projects may be considered public or private walls, to be determined by the City Engineer on a case-by-case basis with general preference that the walls be privately owned and maintained. Retaining walls that support/retain the public right-of-way will be located within the public right- of-way and be owned and maintained by the City. This is typically the case when the public right-of-way is above the grade of the adjacent property. These walls are considered public walls. City of Auburn Issued March 2023 Engineering Design Standards Page 71 Retaining wall systems with a vertical difference of 30-inches or greater require protective fencing along the top edge for safety. Per ACC 12.12.232, maintaining barriers or fences between the edge of pavement or back of curb along any public street and the abutting property (defined by ACC 12.12.020 as “sidewalk”), where the sidewalk is elevated more than two feet above the abutting property is the responsibility of the abutting property owner. Retaining walls require the wall owner to have property rights of sufficient terms and area, in the opinion of the City Engineer, to allow for construction, access, maintenance, repair, removal, and reconstruction of the wall. The minimum easement width required for walls owned by the City that are less than 10 feet tall is 10 feet centered on the wall face and a minimum of 5 feet beyond any and all structural elements behind the wall. The minimum easement width required for walls owned by the City that are 10 feet and taller is 15 feet and shall a maintenance road along the wall base that is fenced and gated. Public walls shall be reinforced concrete walls or block walls as directed by the City Engineer. Other wall types require deviation to be considered for City ownership and maintenance. Tiebacks, pins, geogrids, anchors, footings, and any other elements of private walls are not allowed within the right-of-way. 5.04.01 Underdrains Underdrains are required for all retaining walls over 4 feet in height (i.e., concrete walls, MSE walls, soil nail walls, block retaining walls, etc.). A minimum 6-inch diameter perforated or slotted drainpipe shall be placed in a shallow excavated trench located along the inside edge of the keyway. The pipe shall be bedded on and surrounded by “Gravel Backfill for Drains” (WSDOT/APWA 9-03.12(4)) to a minimum height of 18 inches above the bottom of the pipe. A filter fabric shall surround the gravel backfill and shall have a minimum of 1 foot overlap along the top surface of the gravel. The perforated pipe shall be connected to a storm drain system or to an acceptable outfall. 5.04.02 Rock Walls Rock Walls may be used for containment of cut slopes or fill embankment up to a maximum height of 8 feet. Rock Walls over 4 feet in height, surcharged, or in areas of questionable soil stability will require an engineered design. The engineered design shall include a soils investigation and report by a geotechnical engineer and calculations to support the rockery design. Rock Size Categories include: Two-man rocks (200 – 600 pounds) 18” – 28” average diameter. Three-man rocks (601 – 2000 pounds) 28” – 36” average diameter. Four-man rocks (2001 – 4000 pounds) 36” – 48” average diameter. The rock material shall be as rectangular as possible. No stone shall be used that does not extend through the wall. The quarried rock shall be hard, sound, durable, and free from weathered portions, seams, cracks, and other defects. The rock density shall be a minimum of 160 pounds per cubic foot, measured accordingly to WSDOT test method 107 (Bulk Specific Gravity – S.S.D. basis). 5.04.03 Block Retaining Walls Block retaining walls, (e.g., Keystone, Allan Block, Ecology Block) may be used for containment City of Auburn Issued March 2023 Engineering Design Standards Page 72 of cut slopes or fill embankment. Block retaining walls over 4 feet in height, surcharged, or in areas of questionable soil stability will require an engineered design. The engineered design shall include a soils investigation and report by a geotechnical engineer and structural calculations to support the block wall design. Blocks used for retaining walls shall be in good condition and structurally sound; cracked and/or broken blocks are not acceptable. Unless designed as a gravity wall (ecology blocks), block walls over 4 feet in height shall employ geo-grid type material to increase the structural stability of the wall. 5.04.04 Reinforced Concrete Walls Reinforced concrete walls or cast-in-place concrete walls may be used for containment of cut slopes or fill embankment. Concrete retaining walls over 4 feet in height, surcharged, or in areas of questionable soil stability will require an engineered design. The engineered design shall include a soils investigation and report by a geotechnical engineer and structural calculations to support the concrete wall design. A minimum 3,000-psi structural reinforced concrete shall be used in the design of concrete retaining walls. 5.04.05 Mechanically Stabilized Earth Walls (MSE Walls) MSE walls may be used in conjunction with other retaining walls or as a stand-alone application when constructing fill slopes. MSE walls will require an engineered design. The engineered design shall include a soils investigation and report by a geotechnical engineer and calculations to support the MSE wall design. MSE walls shall employ well-draining structural soil compacted to the geotechnical engineer’s specifications. MSE walls are not allowed in the right-of-way. 5.05 Construction Sequence A construction sequence is intended to ensure that the timing and installation of storm drainage and erosion control measures are in place prior to activities that may cause erosion to occur. The following elements are to be included in a construction sequence: A. Establishment of clearing and grading limits. B. Construction of temporary construction entrance. C. Construction of perimeter ditches, filter fabric fences, and other erosion control devices as shown. D. Construction of storm drainage control (applicant to be specific) facilities including emergency overflow as applicable. E. Construction of ditches and swales as necessary to direct all surface water to the storm drainage control (be specific) facilities as clearing and grading progress. Prevention of uncontrolled surface water being allowed to leave the site at any time during the grading operations. F. Establishment of at what point grading activities can begin, which is usually only after all perimeter drainage and erosion control measures are in place. City of Auburn Issued March 2023 Engineering Design Standards Page 73 For sites with a final development plan, the following shall also be addressed when applicable: A. Installation of on-site permanent storm drainage, sanitary sewer, and water facilities. B. Site paving. C. Indicate at what point building construction may begin. D. A description of how to transition from the temporary to permanent storm facilities. E. The possibilities of any phased construction. F. Any off-site public or private improvements including the general timing and duration. G. The removal of all TESC measures at project completion upon City approval. City of Auburn Issued March 2023 Engineering Design Standards Page 74 This page intentionally left blank. City of Auburn Issued March 2023 Engineering Design Standards Page 75 Chapter 6: City Utilities and Telecommunications Requirements 6.00 Preface Standards that are applicable to all three City utilities (water, sanitary sewer, and storm drainage) and City Telecommunications are described in this section. Additional standards for City utilities are included in Chapters 7, 8, and 9 of this document and in the Surface Water Management Manual (SWMM). Chapter 9 describes specific additional requirements for City and non-City facilities, including utilities, within the public right-of-way. Compliance with these standards does not alleviate the design engineer from using sound professional engineering practices. The design criteria contained herein are the minimum acceptable under standard conditions. Special conditions may require more stringent requirements that will be addressed during the plan review process. 6.01 Easements Public Utility Easements are required for the placement, operation, and maintenance of public utility and telecommunications facilities located outside the public right-of-way and not in tracts/parcels owned by the City for the specific use of the utility or telecommunication facility. Easements shall encompass all portions of the facilities including, but not limited to, valves, manholes, hydrants, meters, catch basins, channels, access roads, vaults, junction boxes, and other appurtenances. Easement requirements for storm ponds, ditches, and channels are specified in the SWMM. 6.01.01 Easement Width Easement widths for City utilities and telecommunications shall provide adequate space for access, operations, maintenance, repair, and open cut replacements. Easement widths for City telecommunications facilities located outside the right-of-way will be determined by the City Engineer, or designee, on a case-by-case basis. Table 6-1 shows minimum required easement widths for City Utility pipes and appurtenances based on depth of pipe/appurtenance. Under certain circumstances (e.g., steep slopes, pipe diameters greater than 12 inches, excessive depths) the City may require wider easements than shown in the table. Minimum easement widths for non-pipe facilities and appurtenances, such as channels and ditches, shall be the minimum width required for the City to access, operate, maintain, repair, and replace the facility and to meet the other requirements specified herein and in the SWMM. Table 6-1 Minimum Easement Width for City Utilities PIPE INVERT DEPTH, FEET EASEMENT WIDTH, FEET < 10 15 10 – 15 25 15 – 20 30 > 20 40 City of Auburn Issued March 2023 Engineering Design Standards Page 76 6.01.02 Easement Form Easements shall be provided on the City’s standard easement form, with a separate easement for each utility and telecommunications facility. A legal description of the easement and the property that the easement encumbers, along with a sketch showing both, shall be stamped and signed by a professional land surveyor and incorporated into the easement form as exhibits. The legal descriptions and sketch shall have margins acceptable to the County of recording. The easements may also be described and recorded on a final plat document. Encumbrances that would conflict with the City’s rights and ability to access, operate, maintain, repair, and replace the facilities require release/clearing from title. The City will record approved easements in the appropriate County prior to acceptance of the public facilities unless part of a final plat document. 6.01.03 Location of Facilities within Easement Facilities shall be located within the easement as follows: The preferred location of pipes, channels, structures, and appurtenances is to be centered within the easement. Where facilities are not centered in the easement, additional easement width may be required and it shall be demonstrated, to the satisfaction of the City Engineer, or designee, that the placement will not impede the City’s ability to access, operate, maintain, repair, and replace the facilities using typical City practices. Utility facilities must be located within the easement so that each pipe face or edge of channel, structure, or appurtenance is no closer than 5 feet from its adjacent easement boundary. Telecommunications facilities must be located within the easement so that each conduit, vault, or appurtenance is no closer than 2 feet from its adjacent easement boundary. 6.02 Utility Pipe Separation 6.02.01 Potable and Non-Potable Separation Requirements The requirements of this section are based on WAC 246-290-200, Washington State Department of Health (DOH), and the Washington State Department of Ecology (DOE). Potable pipes include pipes conveying water for domestic purposes, including domestic service and irrigation service lines. Non-potable pipes include, but are not limited to, pipes conveying sewage, storm drainage, natural gas, gasoline, and oxygen. Natural gas service lines, drain pipes (yard drains, down spout drains, and wall drains) are not subject to the potable/non- potable separation requirements but are still subject to general separation requirements as specified herein. The following requirements apply to separation between pipes and appurtenances of potable and non-potable materials: A. A Minimum of 10 feet horizontal separation is required between the outside walls/limits of parallel facilities where the crown of the non-potable pipe is less than 18 inches lower than the invert of the potable pipe. B. A Minimum of 5 feet horizontal separation is required between the outside walls/limits of parallel facilities where the crown of the non-potable pipe is at least 18 inches lower than the invert of the potable pipe. C. The invert of the potable pipe is required to be a minimum of 18 inches above the pipe crown of the non-potable pipe at crossings. Where meeting separation requirements would require pumping/pressurization of an existing or new gravity non-potable pipe, the separation requirements may be reduced with the following additional requirements: City of Auburn Issued March 2023 Engineering Design Standards Page 77 A. For construction of new potable pipes, the potable pipe shall be encased with ductile iron or steel pipe designed to withstand a minimum static pressure of 150 psi and extending at least 10 feet to either side of the crossing per City of Auburn Standard Detail W-26. B. For construction of new non-potable pipes, the non-potable pipe shall be encased in controlled density fill for at least 10 feet to either side of the crossing. C. Where non-potable pipe crosses over potable pipe, 18-inches of separation shall be maintained and one or both utilities will be encased, as deemed necessary by the City Engineer or designee. 6.02.02 General Separation Requirements The following separation requirements are in addition to the other separation requirements specified herein. Placement of new City utility facility mains shall be done in a manner that allows the City to access, operate, maintain, repair, and replace the facilities without impacting other adjacent facilities or structures in the vicinity. Facilities shall be located a minimum horizontal distance of 10 feet from structures. Except as noted above (for crossings of potable water), underground facilities that cross each other shall have a minimum separation of 12 inches. In addition to other separation requirements specified herein, non-potable facilities require a minimum horizontal distance of 5 feet from all other underground utilities. Additional separation of City utility facilities from structures may be required where soil conditions are poor, facility depth is greater than 10 feet, or other conditions are present that require additional separation to ensure the City may access, operate, repair, and replace the facilities using standard City methods. The minimum separation between an underground facility and an adjacent structure shall be such that the zone of influence from the weight of a structure shall be below the invert of the underground facility. 6.03 Utility Access Roads Public utilities within a utility easement, tract, or parcel that have appurtenances such as manholes, catch basins, stormwater ponds, vaults, fire hydrants, valves, blowoffs, etc. shall have an access road. The access road shall be constructed of gravel, asphalt, pervious concrete or pervious asphalt, or other surface material as approved by the City Engineer, and shall conform to the following requirements: A. Maximum vertical profile shall be 12% for public facilities and 15% for private facilities. B. A paved commercial driveway apron meeting City design standards shall be required for both public and private access where access roads connect to paved public roadways. C. The beginning of the access road shall not exceed a vertical profile of 5% for a minimum distance of 25 feet measured from the back of sidewalk or right-of-way line. D. The minimum access road length shall be 50 feet. E. Access to the access road shall be limited by a double-posted gate with a minimum width of 15 feet (if the gate is connected to a fence), removable bollards, or other approved equal. F. Except as noted in Section 7.06.04, access roads shall be a minimum of 15 feet in width on curves and 12 feet in width on straight sections, centered within the easement. Easement width will need to be increased at curves to accommodate City of Auburn Issued March 2023 Engineering Design Standards Page 78 the wider road and adjacent ditch described below. A hammerhead or a turnaround meeting IFC standards is required at the end of all access roads unless drive-through access is provided. G. Inside turning radius shall be a minimum of 45 feet. Turning analysis may be required to verify movement of equipment. H. Access roads whose vertical profile is greater than 8% shall be asphalt paved. See Table 10-5 for paved access road requirements. I. Unpaved gravel access roads and pond ramps shall meet the requirements of Table 10-7. J. The access road shall have a cross slope of 2%. K. Access roads will be constructed with appropriate drainage to prevent stormwater ponding on the road. L. Access roads cut into a hillside will require regrading of the adjacent slopes. To reduce the length of unimpeded slope and to collect and reduce the probable impacts of sheet flow on the slope face, install benches at least 10 feet wide into the slopes adjacent to the access road, with 30 feet maximum vertical spacing between benches. On the uphill slope face, the first bench shall be adjacent to the ditch. 6.04 City Telecommunication Facilities 6.04.01 Preface The design of City Telecommunications facilities, including intelligent transportation systems (ITS) and general communications fiber located within City right-of-way and easements shall be in conformance with these standards. City telecommunications facilities shall be included in the Public Facility Extension Agreement (FAC) between the developer and the City when the Agreement includes street improvements per ACC 12.64A. 6.04.02 Design Criteria The City has established the following minimum requirements to ensure the efficient construction of City telecommunication facilities with the least impact to City transportation and other utility infrastructure. The design of City telecommunications facilities shall also meet the requirements of Chapter 9. City telecommunications facilities may be required in conjunction with street improvements on all roadways classified as Arterial or Collector. Such facilities, when required, shall be extended the full length of the street improvement. When feasible, placement of the facilities shall accommodate connection with other existing or future telecommunication facilities within the corridor. 6.04.03 Conduits City telecommunication conduits shall be 3-inch PVC Schedule 40 and shall have a minimum of 24 inches of cover and, except for street crossings, shall be located under the sidewalk per City of Auburn Standard Detail T-23. If no sidewalk is included in the scope of the required street improvements, the conduit will be installed in the most feasible location within the street 10-5 10-7 City of Auburn Issued March 2023 Engineering Design Standards Page 79 construction limits as directed by the City. Roadway crossings shall be minimized, and sweeps shall be long sweep 90-degree bends. Trace wire shall be placed within the conduit. Conduits shall be placed a minimum of 5 feet from other utilities. 6.04.04 Splice Vaults and Pull Boxes When required, splice vaults and pull boxes shall be per WSDOT Standard Plans J-90.21 and J-90.10, respectively, except that lid marking lettering shall be as specified in the Construction Standards and lids shall not be marked with WSDOT logos or text indicating WSDOT. Splice vaults shall be placed every 1,500 feet. Pull boxes shall be placed every 500 feet and at all intersections. City of Auburn Issued March 2023 Engineering Design Standards Page 80 This page intentionally left blank. City of Auburn Issued March 2023 Engineering Design Standards Page 81 Chapter 7: Water Facilities 7.00 Preface The design and construction of Public Water Facilities shall conform to the State of Washington Department of Health (DOH) Design Standards for Group A Public Water Systems, the Standard Specifications of the American Water Works Association (AWWA), and the most recent published and adopted edition of the Uniform Plumbing Code (UPC), unless modified herein. Compliance with these standards does not alleviate the design engineer from using sound professional engineering practices. The design criteria contained herein are the minimum acceptable under standard conditions. Special conditions may require more stringent requirements that will be addressed during the plan review process. Contact the City of Auburn Public Works Department for specific requirements for the design of pump stations, wells, reservoirs, treatment systems, and other special facilities. The design criteria used to estimate future line capacities are established in the City’s Comprehensive Water Plan. Anyone proposing to extend or modify the City’s water system should contact the Public Works Department for information. Applicants needing to construct public water improvements shall enter into a Developer Public Facility Extension Agreement (FAC) with the City. The City’s Permit Center can provide information on this agreement as well as applicable permit and connection fee estimates. 7.01 Water Mains and Appurtenances 7.01.01 Extension Requirements Per ACC 13.08.020, no property shall be served with City water unless the water main is extended to the extreme boundary limit of the property line extending the full length of the front footage of the property. All extensions shall extend to and across the full width of the property served with water. Water main extensions shall be looped to provide a minimum of two separate connection points to the existing water system, with sufficient valves so that water can be delivered through either connection point independent of the other. Such looping will provide more reliable service and water movement through the distribution system. Water main extensions that may serve adjacent property or to which adjacent property may connect future extension(s) require additional easements as determined by the City Engineer or designee to be needed to accommodate the future connections. 7.01.02 Materials Unless otherwise approved by the City Engineer, all water mains shall be the following: Pipe Type Construction Standard Notes Ductile Iron Pipe, Special Class 52 9-30.1(1) (Ductile Iron Pipe)Asphaltic coating on the exterior and cement mortar lining on the interior The list of acceptable valves, fittings, and other appurtenances for water facility construction is subject to change as new and improved components become available. Refer to the City of Auburn Issued March 2023 Engineering Design Standards Page 82 Construction Standards for the most current information on these requirements. 7.01.03 Water Main Sizing New water mains shall be sized, as indicated in the City's current Comprehensive Water Plan and as follows: A. Water mains serving only single-family residential properties shall be a minimum of 8 inches in diameter, except as noted herein. Subdivision of property for single-family use triggers the requirement for water main(s) that will provide water service to the subdivided properties to be re-constructed to meet the minimum size requirement across the frontage(s) of the original property. B. Water mains serving properties that are not solely single-family residential use shall be a minimum of 12 inches in diameter. Any new or up-sized service connections to a water main triggers the requirement for the water main from which the new or existing service is taken to be up-sized if it does not meet the minimum size requirement. When triggered, the main(s) shall be upsized across the frontage(s) of the property(s) being served. C. New or upsized water service connections to an existing single-family residential lot does not trigger the requirement to upsize existing water mains across the property frontage that do not meet the minimum size requirement, except as needed to meet minimum fire flow requirements for the developing parcel. D. Water mains shall be sized under fire flow conditions, so that flow velocity shall not exceed 8 feet per second in distribution mains or 5 feet per second in transmission mains. E. The minimum allowed diameter of a water main in a cul-de-sac or dead end street serving only single family residential properties that has been determined by the City Engineer to not require future extension to serve adjacent or nearby property may be reduced to 4 inches after the last fire hydrant connection serving the cul-de-sac or dead end street. If a conflict arises between two or more of these criteria, the water main shall be designed using the largest pipe diameter required. 7.01.04 Water Main Location Water mains shall be installed with no less than 42 inches and no more than 72 inches of finished cover. The City Engineer or designee may grant exceptions to the minimum and maximum cover requirements and may require measures to mitigate impacts of the decreased or increased cover. Said exceptions will only be considered based on the potential impacts to City utilities of constructing the water main within the allowed cover ranges and topographic constraints. A formal deviation request may be required. Water mains shall be located in the public right-of-way or within a public water utility easement. Water mains within a utility easement with appurtenances such as hydrants, valves, blowoffs, etc. shall have an access road to such appurtenances conforming to Chapter 6. Water mains located in the public right-of-way shall meet the requirements of Chapter 9. For separation requirements between utilities, see Chapter 6. City of Auburn Issued March 2023 Engineering Design Standards Page 83 7.01.05 Water Main Fittings A. Blowoffs (See City of Auburn Standard Detail W-03 or W-04) are required on dead-end water mains with a diameter of 6 inches or less; hydrants are required for dead-end mains over 6 inches in diameter. Blowoffs shall also be installed at the low point of a depressed “sag” section of a water main, except where a fire hydrant is installed within 50 feet of said area or on a short segment (20 feet or less) where the water main dips under other utilities. Blowoffs shall be placed in a level clear area within the right-of-way or easement, be located as close to the main as possible, and be easily accessible to the City. B. Combination air/vacuum release valves (See City of Auburn Standard Detail W-02) are required at high points in water mains when an abrupt vertical change in pipe elevation exceeds one pipe diameter, except where fire hydrants are installed within 50 feet of said area. Combination air/vacuum release valves shall also be installed at the end of all dead-end water mains in addition of a blowoff or fire hydrant, when there is a vertical change in pipe elevation that exceeds one pipe diameter, and the dead end main is greater than 50 feet in length. Combination air/vacuum release valves shall be placed within a level clear area within the right-of-way or easement, be located as close to the main as possible, and be easily accessible to the City. C. All bends shall have mechanical restrained joints or flanged joints and concrete thrust blocking (See City of Auburn Standard Detail W-01). D. Tees shall have flanged joints unless there is no valve against the Tee, in which case the Tee may be flanged or mechanical restrained joints. Tees shall include concrete thrust blocking (See City of Auburn Standard Detail W-01). When connecting to an existing public water main, a tapping tee and valve may be used, if only a single valve is needed at the tee, or unless otherwise approved or required by the City Engineer or designee. E. Tapping tees are not allowed on commercial fire lines or other water taps needing uninterruptible service; a cut-in tee or installed tee is required. F. Size-on-size taps are not allowed unless authorized by the City Engineer or designee. G. The maximum allowable deflection per joint for ductile iron water mains shall be half of the maximum joint deflection specified by the pipe manufacturer or 4 degrees, whichever is lesser. 7.02 Water Services See City of Auburn Standard Details W-06, W-13 through W-16a, and W-20. The City owns and shall maintain the water service line from the public main to the meter, the meter and setter, the meter radio, the meter tailpiece, and the meter box. The property owner owns and shall maintain the tailpiece connection fitting, shut-off valve, service line after the shut-off valve, and other facilities such as pressure reducing valves, pumps, or backflow prevention assemblies behind the meter. For fire sprinkler connections, City ownership and maintenance responsibilities cease at the valve installed at the point of connection between the main and the fire service line. 7.02.01 Domestic Services Domestic Water Services are defined as any service that connects directly to plumbing within City of Auburn Issued March 2023 Engineering Design Standards Page 84 a structure and is used for drinking, cooking, washing, and other standard uses of potable water. Domestic water services shall meet the following requirements: A. Each parcel receiving water service shall have its own meter. Non-single-family developments with multiple buildings on a single parcel shall have a meter for each building unless otherwise authorized by the City Engineer or designee. B. Installation of corporation stops, water services, and meters shall be per City of Auburn Standard Details. The City may, at the City's option, install services from public water mains to the meter in existing rights-of-way and easements. The developer/contractor will install and/or replace all applicable services when installing new water mains required for the project. The City will furnish and install the meter for services of 2 inches and smaller. C. Water meters of 3 inches and larger will be purchased from the City and installed by the developer/contractor under City observation. Where vaults are required, the vault roof shall contain a 2-inch port for remote read device. D. Water meters shall be located as close to the City main as possible, while meeting other requirements as specified herein, with the distance not to exceed 50 feet. E. Water meters serving residential lots shall be located in the right-of-way along the frontage of the lot being served. Water meters serving residential lots without right-of-way frontage (such as lots that access the right-of-way via a shared driveway access road) shall be placed in the right-of-way adjacent to the access connection (driveway connection) to the roadway. F. Water meters shall be placed in landscape strips. If there is no landscape strip, the meter shall be placed behind the sidewalk (in a public water utility easement if not in right-of-way). If there is no landscape strip or sidewalk, the meter shall be placed at the right-of-way limits in a level area, outside of vehicle or pedestrian travel paths, outside parking areas, and away from obstructions. G. Meters in landscape strips and other landscaped or unimproved areas shall be set 2 inches above the finished grade including landscaping and mulch. H. Water meters that cannot be placed in the right-of-way while meeting other water meter location requirements may be placed within a public water utility easement adjacent to the right-of-way. I. Commercial and industrial sites shall have meters located near driveway entrances within the right-of-way or within public water utility easements in landscape islands located near access driveways when placement in right-of- way is not practical. J. Meters may not be placed within sidewalks or pedestrian travel pathways except in cases where obstructions prevent the meter box from being placed behind the sidewalk or in a landscape strip (where a landscape strip is present). In such conditions, the meter box shall be placed in the back of the sidewalk. K. The water service diameter and meter size shall be sized per Tables 610.3 and 610.4 of the current Uniform Plumbing Code and, upon request by the City Engineer or designee, supporting documentation of the meter size selection provided to the City. The length of the private service line between the right-of- way line and the structure shall not exceed 300 feet. L. When installing multiple services to a public main, a minimum horizontal spacing of 5 feet shall be used between the corporation stops and tapping tees when the ables 610.3 and Tables 610.3 and 610.4 City of Auburn Issued March 2023 Engineering Design Standards Page 85 existing main material is ductile iron. A minimum spacing of 10 feet shall be used between the corporation stops and tapping tees on all other types of existing water main materials. M. Domestic water services shall be connected to a looped distribution main unless otherwise approved by the City Engineer or designee. 7.02.02 Other Services Irrigation and other non-domestic water services shall meet all the above requirements as well as the following: A. An Irrigation meter shall be installed in cases where water is used for landscape purposes by non-single family customers and does not enter the sanitary sewer system. B. For fire sprinkler service line requirements, see Section 7.06.02. C. Cross connection control devices shall be installed per Section 7.04. 7.02.03 Service Abandonment Services shall be abandoned when properties are redeveloped, and existing meters will no longer be used. The following actions are required after removal of the meter: A. Obtain the necessary permits (e.g., for work in the right-of-way, for meter abandonment) B. Shut off the corporation stop at the main. C. Disconnect the service line from the corporation stop. D. Remove the meter box. E. Restore the roadway or other surface(s) disturbed by construction activities (e.g., trench patch/overlay) 7.03 Water Valves Water valves shall be as specified in the Construction Standards and the requirements of this section. See City of Auburn Standard Details W-17 through W-19 for valve box and extensions. Water valves shall be of the resilient wedge gate variety. Butterfly valves shall be placed on water mains 14” or larger in diameter. Valves larger than 12 inches may require the valve to be turned on its side with a gear to maintain minimum cover. Water valves shall be located as follows: A. Water valves shall be installed at a maximum spacing of 400 feet and at the intersection of lateral lines. A maximum of 20 service connections between valves shall be maintained except on dead end residential streets where up to 30 service connections between valves are allowed. B. Water valves shall be located in clusters at tees and crosses when possible and shall be located so that each leg of the main line system can be isolated separately. C. When extending public water mains, a water valve may be required near the end of lines where future extensions are projected. City of Auburn Issued March 2023 Engineering Design Standards Page 86 D. Water valves shall not be placed within the wheel path of vehicle traffic. A gravel or paved road surface may be required within the public water utility easement as needed to allow access to valves and other appurtenances. Valves shall be adjusted to final grade in accordance with City of Auburn Standard Detail T- 05. 7.04 Cross Connection Control See City of Auburn Standard Details W-22 through W-25. Water Systems shall be designed to protect the City water system from contamination via cross connection control in accordance with Washington State Law (WAC 246-290-490), Auburn City Code (ACC), the City’s Cross Connection Control Program manual, and these design standards. Premises isolation shall be provided on service connections and proposed building tenant improvements in accordance with these standards. 7.04.01 Domestic Services Backflow protection assemblies shall be installed on all new non-single family service connections. Backflow protection assemblies shall be installed on existing non-single family service connections as directed by the City Cross Connection Specialist. The type of backflow protection assembly shall be as determined by the City Cross Connection Specialists: A. A Reduced Pressure Backflow Assembly (RPBA) shall be installed adjacent to the meter or at an alternate location where the service line enters the building. RPBA assemblies installed at an alternate location, require the approval of the City, shall have no connections between the meter and the assembly, and shall be installed with adequate drainage to accommodate discharges from the RPBA. B. A Double Check Valve Assembly (DCVA) for domestic service shall be installed adjacent to the meter, unless installed at an alternate location approved by the City Cross Connection Specialists. 7.04.02 Irrigation Services A backflow prevention assembly shall be installed on all irrigation service connections. The layout of the backflow prevention assembly shall be per City of Auburn Standard Detail W- 06 for single family residential services up to 2 inches and per City of Auburn Standard Detail W-20 for non-single family residential services. The minimum level of backflow prevention required shall be provided by a Double Check Valve Assembly (DCVA) per City of Auburn Standard Detail W-24. A higher degree of protection may be required if deemed necessary by the City, which may include a Reduced Pressure Backflow Assembly (RPBA) per City of Auburn Standard Detail W-22. The backflow prevention assembly shall be installed adjacent to the meter. 7.04.03 Fire Line Connections A backflow prevention assembly shall be installed on all fire service connections. The layout of the backflow prevention assembly shall be per City of Auburn Standard Detail W-09 for single family residential services up to 2-inches and per City of Auburn Standard Detail W-20 for non-single family residential services. The minimum level of backflow prevention required shall be provided by a Double Check Valve Assembly (DCVA) per City of Auburn Standard Detail W-24. A higher degree of protection may be required if deemed necessary by the City, which City of Auburn Issued March 2023 Engineering Design Standards Page 87 may include a Reduced Pressure Backflow Assembly (RPBA) per City of Auburn Standard Detail W-22. The backflow prevention assembly shall be located in the building riser room. 7.04.04 General A. A DCVA shall be installed to provide adequate access for inspection, testing and maintenance. B. A DCVA located outside the building shall be installed in a vault, as described on City of Auburn Standard Detail W-24. C. A DCVA located inside the building shall be installed per City of Auburn Standard Detail W-25. D. An RPBA shall be installed in an above ground enclosure or at alternate location with no connections between the meter and assembly (See City of Auburn Standard Detail W-23). An RPBA is required for all services utilizing chemicals. E. Prior to installation, 2 sets of backflow prevention assembly plans, including the connection point to the City main, shall be submitted for review and approval by the City. F. Only assemblies listed on the current list of Backflow Prevention Assemblies Approved for Installation in Washington State shall be allowed. This list is maintained by the State of Washington and is available from the City. G. When multiple buildings are proposed on a parcel the building backflow prevention devices shall all be located outside the buildings or all be located inside the buildings per City of Auburn Standards. 7.05 Pressure Reducing Stations A Pressure Reducing Station shall be installed as required between pressure zones to maintain adequate pressure in the water system. Isolation valves are required upstream and downstream of the station. Contact the City Water Utility Engineer for specific requirements, when applicable. Water system design shall be done so as to minimize the number of pressure reducing stations necessary. 7.06 Fire Systems 7.06.01 Fire Hydrant Assemblies See City of Auburn Standard Details W-07 & W-08. Fire Hydrant Assemblies shall meet the following requirements: A. Fire hydrant service lines shall be installed at right angles to 8 inch minimum diameter supply mains. B. Fire hydrants shall stand plumb, be set to meet manufacturer’s specification for ground bury line, and have a clear, level area around the hydrant with a radius of no less than 60 inches. C. Fire hydrants shall be located no closer than 50 feet to the surrounding structures, or at a distance as determined by the Fire Marshal and approved by the City Engineer or designee. Fire hydrants shall be located such that no City of Auburn Issued March 2023 Engineering Design Standards Page 88 portion of the fire hydrant is within 5 feet of any portion of a driveway (including throat, apron, and wings). D. Fire hydrants shall be provided with two 2½ inch National Standard Thread (NST) hose ports and one 4½ inch NST by 5 inch hose port with a Storz adapter and cap. E. The pumper port shall face the street or fire access road and be readily accessible to any fire vehicle for firefighting and pumping operations. There shall be at least 18 inches clear from the face of the pumper port to the edge of pedestrian or traveled ways. F. The service line from the supply main to the fire hydrant shall be 6 inches in diameter unless the service line extends over 50 feet in length, in which case the service line shall be 8 inches in diameter. Service lines shall be restrained when the length of service line exceeds one pipe length. G. Fire hydrants shall be installed with a maximum spacing of 600 feet along streets in single-family zones and 300 feet in all other zones. H. The maximum distance allowed from any part of a single-family residential structure to the closest fire hydrant is 450 feet. I. Buildings, other than single-family residences, located with portions of the building more than 150 feet in vehicular travel (see figure below) from a fire hydrant assembly or with building fire flow over 2500 gpm, shall require on-site fire hydrant assemblies. These hydrants shall be served by a public water main that loops around the building, or complex of buildings, and reconnects back to a distribution supply main. City of Auburn Issued March 2023 Engineering Design Standards Page 89 7.06.02 Fire Sprinkler Systems Fire Sprinkler Systems shall meet the following requirements: A. Any contractor offering to design, install, test, and/or provide maintenance of fire sprinkler systems in the State of Washington must be licensed with the State Fire Marshal’s Office, Licensing Section. B. Fire sprinkler systems shall be required in commercial/industrial and multifamily buildings according to the adopted fire code regulations. Sprinkler systems may be required in single-family residences when determined by the City and the Fire Authority. C. Fire sprinkler supply lines for commercial buildings, unless designed by a Fire Protection Engineer, shall be a minimum of 8 inches in diameter. D. Fire sprinkler supply lines for non-single family buildings shall be connected to a looped water main. E. Fire sprinkler supply lines shall be separated from the public water main by a valve located at the point of connection. The fire sprinkler supply line shall be installed with a cut-in tee and shall have a 3 valve cluster unless otherwise approved by the City Engineer. F. The design of fire sprinkler supply lines for single-family/duplex shall be in accordance with City of Auburn Standard Detail No. W-09. G. A Washington State Certified Level “U” contractor shall install underground fire sprinkler supply lines in accordance with WAC 212-80-010. Prior to installation, 3 sets of underground fire sprinkler supply line plans shall be submitted to the City for approval by the Fire Marshal. Both a State Certified Level “U” contractor and a Fire Protection Engineer shall stamp these plans. A letter from a state certified sprinkler system designer stating “FOR DESIGN PURPOSES ONLY” may be attached in lieu of a stamp from the Fire Protection Engineer. H. A post indicator valve (PIV) shall be installed on the fire sprinkler supply line between the public water main and the building. PIV’s shall be located in such a manner as to be easily visible to Fire Department personnel. A wall-mounted PIV may be installed when the exterior wall of the building is of non-combustible construction. A detail containing this information shall be included with the submitted plans. I. Fire Department Connections (FDC’s) shall be placed within 50 feet of a fire hydrant or as directed by the Fire Marshal. FDC’s must be identified and approved by the Fire Marshal. J. New water mains shall be constructed with valves on each side of fire line taps. K. Fire sprinkler systems shall have backflow prevention in accordance with Section 7.04. L. Fire sprinkler service lines shall not be connected to fire hydrant service lines. M. Flow-through fire sprinkler systems may be installed for single family residential only. Design shall be according to NFPA 13D. Backflow prevention is not required for flow-through systems. City of Auburn Issued March 2023 Engineering Design Standards Page 90 7.06.03 Fire Flows New developments, redevelopment of existing sites, or changes in land use are required to meet the minimum City fire flow requirements listed below. The developer shall provide information to the City to define the project specific fire flow requirements. The developer is responsible for providing hydraulic modeling that demonstrates the system meets fire flow requirements. The developer may request that the City perform the hydraulic modeling at the applicants cost and the City may or may not agree to provide the modeling depending on resource availability and other considerations. The minimum fire flow requirements within the Auburn Water Service areas are: A. Single Family Residential: 1,500 GPM @ 2 Hours B. Industrial/Commercial/Multi-Family: 2,500 GPM @ 3 Hours Additional fire flow may be required per ACC 15.36A. Minimum fire flows outside Auburn Water Service areas shall be determined by the water service provider and the Fire Marshal. The Developer shall be responsible for any on-site and/or off-site improvements such as water main extensions, additional connections, fire hydrants, etc. to meet these requirements. 7.06.04 Fire Authority and Hydrant Access Fire Authority and hydrant access shall meet the following requirements: A. Access shall be a minimum of 20 feet wide with a minimum vertical clearance of 13½ feet. B. Access roads shall be designed using a minimum inside radius of 28 feet and a minimum outside radius of 48 feet. C. Except as noted otherwise in these standards, access that exceeds 150 feet in length from the face of curb or edge of the existing asphalt of the public road and does not return to a public road shall provide a turnaround within 150 feet of the dead-end. If a hammerhead configuration is utilized for the turnaround, it shall be designed per Figure D103.1 and Table D103.4 in Appendix D of the International Fire Code. If a cul-de-sac is utilized for the turnaround, it shall be designed per the City of Auburn Design Standards. D. Single family residential driveways greater than 150 feet in length from the face of curb or the edge of the existing asphalt to a location where a single family home has all portions of the building no more than 150 feet, as measured by an unobstructed route around the exterior of the building, shall have an 18 foot wide driveway apron and a minimum 20 foot wide paved surface. City of Auburn Issued March 2023 Engineering Design Standards Page 91 Chapter 8: Sanitary Sewer and Storm Drainage Facilities 8.00 Preface Compliance with these standards does not alleviate the design engineer from using sound professional engineering practices. The design criteria contained herein are the minimum acceptable under standard conditions. Special conditions may require more stringent requirements that will be addressed during the plan review process. The City’s Comprehensive Sanitary Sewer Plan and Comprehensive Storm Drainage Plan establish basins and design parameters used to estimate future line capacities. Anyone proposing to extend or modify the City’s sanitary sewer system and/or storm drainage system should contact the Public Works Department for information on proposed line sizes and locations. Sanitary Sewer: The design of sanitary sewer facilities shall be in conformance with the State of Washington Department of Ecology’s "Criteria for Sewage Works Design" manual (DOE Manual) unless modified herein. These standards are set forth as a minimum requirement for the planning and design of gravity sanitary sewer facilities. Sewage pump stations and special facilities are not included within this design manual due to the complexity of these facilities. When designing pump stations and special facilities, please contact the City of Auburn Engineering Services for specific requirements. In lieu of constructing a public sewer system, the developer of a single, non-residential lot may construct a private sewer system, in accordance with the standards for public sanitary sewer systems consisting of manholes and sewer mains. The property owner is responsible for maintenance and repair of the private system. This option is only available if the sewer extension would not serve any additional upstream properties. Private sewer systems are not allowed in the public rights of way except where permitted through franchise agreement or right- of-way use permit. Storm Drainage: These storm drainage requirements provide the design criteria necessary to preserve the City of Auburn’s water courses; to minimize surface and ground water quality degradation; to control the sedimentation in creeks, streams, rivers, ponds, lakes, and other water bodies; to protect adjacent and downstream property owners from increased runoff rates, which could cause erosion and flooding; to ensure the safety of City of Auburn’s roads and rights-of-way; to decrease drainage-related damage to both public and private property, and to control runoff from development, redevelopment and construction sites. The design of storm drainage facilities shall be in conformance with the City of Auburn Surface Water Management Manual (SWMM) to comply with the Western Washington Phase II Municipal Stormwater Permit issued by the State of Washington Department of Ecology. 8.01 Sanitary Sewer and Storm Mains 8.01.01 Sizing/Slope All new mains shall be sized as indicated in the City's current Comprehensive Plan. For lines not specified in the plan, the applicant must design the line with sufficient capacity to convey any future flows (based on current land use designations). City of Auburn Issued March 2023 Engineering Design Standards Page 92 Sanitary sewer mains shall be designed and constructed to provide a minimum cleaning velocity of 2 ft/s when flowing at 80% full. If at final build out the planned contributing area will not achieve this capacity, additional provisions may be required. Analysis of storm drainage pipe systems shall be per the requirements of the SWMM. The following are the minimum slopes for the corresponding Sanitary Sewer pipe sizes: Table 8-1 Sanitary Sewer Pipe Sizes and Slopes Pipe Diameter Minimum Slope 8 inch*0.50% 10 inch 0.30% 12 inch 0.25% 18 inch 0.15% * Minimum sanitary sewer pipe size 8.01.02 Location The desired installation depth for sanitary sewer mains is between 6 feet and 15 feet below the finished surface elevation. For mains less than 6 feet deep and over 15 feet deep, additional provisions may be required by the City Engineer or designee. Mains shall be located in the public right-of-way or within a public utility easement per Chapter 6. Mains within a utility easement with appurtenances such as manholes shall have an access road to such appurtenances conforming to Chapter 6. Mains located in the public right-of-way shall meet the requirements of Chapter 9. When the potential exists to serve upstream properties, mains shall extend through the property being served, through the shared driveway or access tract serving the property(s), or across the entire length of the lot frontage at the depth necessary to serve the upstream properties, as determined by the City Engineer or designee. For separation requirements between utilities, see Chapter 6. City of Auburn Issued March 2023 Engineering Design Standards Page 93 8.01.03 Material The following is the City’s list of required sanitary sewer and storm drainage pipe materials and depth criteria. Table 8-2 Sanitary Sewer and Storm Drainage Pipe Material and Cover Pipe Type Construction Standard Minimum Pipe Cover** Maximum Pipe Depth Solid Wall Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) Pipe, SDR-21***** 9-05.12(1) (Solid Wall PVC Culvert Pipe, Solid Wall PVC Storm Sewer Pipe, and Solid Wall PVC Sanitary Sewer Pipe) 18 inches 22 feet Solid Wall Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) Pipe, SDR-35 (Requires 14 foot lengths.***** 9-05.12(1) (Solid Wall PVC Culvert Pipe, Solid Wall PVC Storm Sewer Pipe, and Solid Wall PVC Sanitary Sewer Pipe)3 feet 18 feet Solid Wall Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) Pipe, PS46 (Requires 14 foot lengths.***** 9-05.12(1) (Solid Wall PVC Culvert Pipe, Solid Wall PVC Storm Sewer Pipe, and Solid Wall PVC Sanitary Sewer Pipe)3 feet 18 feet Solid Wall Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) Pipe, C900 9-05.12(1) (Solid Wall PVC Culvert Pipe, Solid Wall PVC Storm Sewer Pipe, and Solid Wall PVC Sanitary Sewer Pipe) 12 inches 30 feet* Ductile Iron Pipe, Special Class 50 9-05.13 (Ductile Iron Sewer Pipe)6 inches 30 feet* High Density Polyethylene Sanitary Sewer Pipe (HDPE)*** 9-05.23 (High Density Polyethylene Pipe (HDPE))2 feet 30 feet* Triple Wall Polypropylene Culvert and Storm Sewer Pipe**** 9-05.24(1) (Polypropylene Culvert Pipe and Storm Sewer Pipe)N/A N/A * Sanitary sewers and storm drainage pipes deeper than 30 feet will require pre-approval from the City Engineer or designee. ** Minimum cover is depth of cover excluding cover depth provided by flexible pavements. No portion of any pipe shall be allowed within 6 inches of the bottom of the flexible or concrete pavement. *** The design engineer is responsible for specifying a thickness ratio adequate to withstand all loads anticipated for this application. **** For use in Storm Drainage applications only ***** These are the City preferred material types that must be utilized unless depth, loading, or other conditions necessitate the use of other material types indicated in the table. Consideration of alternate material type requires deviation. City of Auburn Issued March 2023 Engineering Design Standards Page 94 8.02 Sanitary Sewer and Storm Drainage Structures 8.02.01 Type and Size Manholes, Catch Basins, and Inlets shall be constructed per the following: Table 8-3 Sanitary Sewer and Storm Drainage Structure Types Shallow manholes (32”-50” deep) shall conform to City of Auburn Standard Detail S-06 and may only be used upon approval of the City Engineer or designee. Additional design provisions may be required by the City Engineer or designee for manholes over 20 feet deep. Manhole diameters shall meet the following requirements based on the manhole depth and the size, number, and configuration of pipes entering as shown on Table 8-3. Manholes shall provide a minimum of 0.10 foot of drop between the inlet pipe and the outlet pipe. Pipes of differing diameters shall be aligned so that the crowns of the pipes match. Where the slope of a pipe entering or exiting a manhole is greater than 5%, the slope shall be continued through the manhole and the invert elevations indicated on the plans. Manholes are to be channeled from the entering pipe to the outlet pipe, with the sidewalls of the channel extended above the top of the largest connected pipe. See City of Auburn Standard Detail S-08. When making a new connection to an existing manhole, the manhole shall be rechanneled to match the new pipe configuration. Type Construction Standard Notes Manhole (48-inch to 60-inch)WSDOT Standard Plan B-15.20 with an eccentric cone Manhole (72-inch to 96-inch)WSDOT Standard Plan B-15.40 with a flat top instead of riser Catch Basin Type I WSDOT Standard Plan B-5.20 15-inch diameter max. pipe size, 5- foot max. depth to invert. Catch Basin Type II WSDOT Standard Plan B-10.20 Concrete Inlet WSDOT Standard Plan B-25.60 15-inch diameter max. pipe size, 5- foot max. depth to invert., only utilized for single pipe and where a full depth catch basin is not feasible. Cement Concrete Curb and Gutter Pan WSDOT Standard Plan F-10.16 Utilized along curb and gutter sections. Rectangular Vaned Grate WSDOT Standard Plan B-30.30 Utilized for all catch basins along curb and gutter sections unless in a sag condition. Rectangular Frame (Reversible)WSDOT Standard Plan B-30.10 Utilized for all catch basins. Combination Inlet WSDOT Standard Plan B-25.20 Utilized in sag conditions along curb and gutter. City of Auburn Issued March 2023 Engineering Design Standards Page 95 Table 8-3 Sanitary Sewer and Storm Drainage Structure Sizing Manhole Diameter Number & Diameter of pipes/ Connections Allowed Depth of Manhole 48” Diameter 1 Pipe, 21” 2 Pipes, 12” – 18” 3 Pipes, 8” – 10” 4’ Minimum 12’ Maximum 54” Diameter 1 Pipe, 36” 2 Pipes, 21” – 30” 3 Pipes, 12” – 18” 4 Pipes, 8” – 10” 6’ Minimum 15’ Maximum 60” Diameter 1 Pipe, 42” 2 Pipes, 24” – 36” 3 Pipes, 15” – 21” 4 Pipes, 10” – 12” 5 Pipes, 8” 8’ Minimum 20’ Maximum 72” Diameter 1 Pipe, 48” – 54” 2 Pipes, 36” – 42” 3 Pipes, 18” – 24” 4 Pipes, 12” – 15” 5 Pipes, 8” – 10” 8’ Minimum 25’ Maximum Pipes entering manholes must have a minimum of 8 inches between their penetrations on the inside of the manhole (See City of Auburn Standard Detail S-08). The angle between inlet pipes and the outlet pipe shall not be less than 90-degrees. Drop manholes are discouraged and require approval from City Engineer or designee. When approved, drop manholes shall be inside drops conforming to City of Auburn Standard Detail S-05. 8.02.02 Structure Locations The design of new sanitary sewer and storm drainage conveyance systems shall be done in a manner that minimizes the total number of structures (manholes and catch basins), using the following criteria: A. Structures shall be installed at a maximum spacing of 400 feet apart along the main. B. A structure shall be installed at all junctions of two or more mains. C. A structure is required whenever connecting to a main with an 8-inch or larger diameter pipe. D. A structure shall be installed at all changes in vertical slope, horizontal direction, and/or pipe size. E. In cases where a sewer main steeper than 5% must turn 90-degrees through a manhole, a transition manhole is required at least 20 feet upstream to reduce the pipe slope to a maximum of 2% and/or to change the angle to 45-degrees. F. All public sanitary sewer lines shall end with a manhole. All end of the line sanitary sewer manholes with no side sewers connected directly to them shall conform to City of Auburn Standard Detail S-07. City of Auburn Issued March 2023 Engineering Design Standards Page 96 G. Sanitary sewer manholes are not to be located within the limits of surface water ponding or flow lines associated with stormwater runoff. H. Structure covers shall be located outside the wheel paths of roadways and outside driveway aprons. I. Structures shall not be located within sidewalks, landscape strips trails, or curb and gutters, except as approved by the City Engineer, or Designee. In cases where structures are located in walking paths, the structure cover shall be non- skid, smooth top. J. Cleanouts are not an acceptable alternative for structures (manholes or catch basins) except they may be used with City Engineer or designee approval at the end of a sanitary sewer main, when the future extension of the sanitary sewer main is planned, and the current end point is not a practical location for a manhole. When approved by the City Engineer or designee, public cleanouts shall conform to City of Auburn Standard Detail S-03. K. Structures shall not be located on portions of streets or access roads with a slope greater than 8%. L. Structures shall be subject to the separation requirements from buildings and structures specified in Chapter 6. M. Structures set in gravel areas shall be set at the center of a 6-foot concrete apron flush with the finished grade of the apron. N. Structures set in landscaped or unimproved areas shall be set 6 inches to 12 inches higher than the surrounding terrain and provided with a 6-foot diameter concrete apron around the manhole lid. O. Frames and covers shall conform to City of Auburn Standard Detail S-04. P. Structures shall be adjusted to grade per City of Auburn Standard Detail T- 05. Rubberized adjustment rings may be required in certain circumstances as determined by the City Engineer. 8.03 Sanitary Side Sewers See City of Auburn Standard Details S-01, S-02 & S-03. Side sewers are defined as that portion of the sewer system that extends from 2 feet outside of the outer foundation wall of the structure to the public sanitary sewer main. The City maintains the portion of the side sewer located within the right-of-way. The property owner owns and maintains the portion of the side sewer located outside of the public right-of-way. Side sewers located within easements are the property owners’ responsibility to maintain. Side sewers shall meet the following requirements and shall be laid out per Figure 8-01: A. A separate and independent side sewer from the public main shall be provided for each and every parcel. B. A separate and independent side sewer from the public main shall be provided for each non-single family building on a parcel. C. Side sewers within the public right-of-way and side sewers serving non-single family development shall be a minimum of 6-inches in diameter. The private portion of side sewers serving single family residences may be 4-inches in diameter within the parcel that it serves. City of Auburn Issued March 2023 Engineering Design Standards Page 97 D. 6-inch diameter side sewers shall be connected to the public sanitary sewer main by the use of a tee (City of Auburn Standard Detail S-01) or connected directly to a manhole located along the public main. All side sewer manhole connections shall incorporate a channeled or rechanneled manhole. E. Side sewers with a diameter of 8-inches or greater shall be connected to the sanitary sewer system by use of a sanitary sewer manhole which shall be channeled or rechanneled. F. When constructing sanitary sewer mains in new developments, side sewer installation shall extend from the connection on the main line to the edge of any utility easements or the public right-of-way, whichever is further. G. When installing new sanitary sewer mains or replacing existing mains in developed areas, side sewers shall be installed for all existing occupied structures and any buildable lots. Side sewers shall extend to the property lines and their location shall be clearly marked in conformance with City of Auburn Standard Detail S-01. H. The maximum length of side sewer from the sanitary sewer main to the building shall not exceed 150 feet. The City Engineer or designee may allow this length to be exceeded in instances where the side sewer can maintain a 2% slope, a public sewer extension built to shorten the side sewer would not serve any other potential customers. Where the maximum length is exceeded and the minimum slope maintained, the City Engineer or designee may require additional cleanouts or other measures to mitigate the additional length. I. Side sewers shall be designed and constructed with a minimum 2% slope from the building to the tee or manhole connection. Where site constraints require that the slope be less than 2%, the City Engineer or designee may require larger diameter pipe and/or additional cleanouts. J. When an immediate connection to a building is not being made, side sewers shall be designed to provide a minimum depth at the property line of 5 feet below the floor to be served or 6 feet below the street, whichever is deeper. In cases of vacant properties with no anticipated building elevation, the side sewer shall be constructed at a 2% slope from the tee. K. Side Sewers shall not have horizontal or vertical bends located within the right- of-way. L. Side sewers shall have a minimum cover of 5 feet at the edge of right-of-way. M. Side sewers shall be a minimum of 5 feet from potable water service lines. N. Side sewer cleanouts shall be installed within 3 feet of the building foundation providing an access point into said line for future maintenance. O. Side sewer cleanouts shall be installed at the edge of the property owner’s side of the public right-of-way line or utility easement where the ownership of the side sewer changes from private to public. P. Sanitary sewer cleanouts shall be installed in side sewers every 100 feet and for each change in direction totaling 90 degrees. See Figure 8-01. Q. If the private portion of the side sewer crosses another private property other than the property being served, a minimum of a 10 foot wide private sewer easement (5 feet on either side of the pipe centerline) must be obtained granting the property owner being served permission to cross said property. City of Auburn Issued March 2023 Engineering Design Standards Page 98 R. All side sewers must use push on gasketed joints. Glued joints are not allowed outside the building footprint. Figure 8-01 Side Sewer Layout 8.04 Oil/Water Separators Prior to discharging into the sanitary sewer system, oil separation facilities shall be used in pre- treating drainage flows from fuel islands, trash enclosures, wash pads, and floor drains where (in the opinion of the City Engineer or designee) heavy concentrations of oil may occur. Pads with drains for trash enclosures and wash pads intended for washing the exterior surfaces of vehicles shall drain to a catch basin with a downturned 90-degree elbow prior to discharge to the sanitary sewer. Oil/water separators for other applications shall meet the following design criteria: A. A forebay to collect floatable and the larger settleable solids. City of Auburn Issued March 2023 Engineering Design Standards Page 99 B. A surface accessible inspection T inside the first chamber at the inflow pipe and a sample T at the last chamber at the outflow pipe. C. Access to the separator shall be maintained free for inspection at all times. D. A maximum of 200 SF of uncovered area open to rainfall may discharge to the separator. Refer to BMP S441 in the SWMM for applications where this may apply. E. If a pump mechanism is required to convey the discharge from the site to the sanitary sewer system, the pump must be designed for discharge to a controlled gravity outlet flow into the City system. F. The separator shall have a valve on the discharge pipe that can be closed during cleaning and in the event of a spill. G. All piping entering and leaving the separator must be 6 inches minimum diameter. H. Access points in the top of the separator vault must be provided to allow a minimum twelve-inch diameter access for observation and maintenance to all chambers of the separator. I. Access doors shall be galvanized spring-assisted diamond plate with a penta-head bolt-locking latch and recessed lift handle. J. Access doors must open a full 180 degrees. 8.05 Pressurized Sewer Systems Private low pressure sewer systems are allowed only where the existing public system has already been extended to, or is within 200 feet of, the subject property and the elevation differences between the public sewer main and the subject property do not allow for a gravity connection. Extension of a private gravity sewer main onto the property(s) may be required if such extension could make gravity sewer service possible. Sewage from pressurized systems must be discharged into a minimum 6-inch diameter private gravity side sewer prior to connecting to the public portion of the side sewer. Low pressure sewer systems are not allowed in public right-of-way or public easements. Low pressure sewer systems shall be owned and maintained by those connecting to it. Systems serving multiple properties shall be within easements or tracts dedicated or owned by all properties connecting to the system. All other proposed pressurized systems require deviation(s). In addition to the standard deviation considerations required by these standards, deviations requesting pressurized systems must show that extension of the public systems as intended per the Sewer Comprehensive Plan to serve the property(s) and that serving the property(s) with septic system(s) are not feasible. Septic systems may only be considered infeasible if there is no form or scale of a septic system(s) that the County would accept for at least one form of development of the property(s) that would be allowed under the current zoning and land use regulations. Determination that septic system(s) are not feasible require written documentation from the County. 8.06 Sanitary Sewer Meters The use of sewer meters shall only be allowed if it is determined by the City Engineer that a sewer meter is the appropriate device for the accurate measurement of wastewater being sent into the public sewer system. City of Auburn Issued March 2023 Engineering Design Standards Page 100 8.07 Storm Drainage System Requirements All requests for developing a storm drainage system must comply with the City of Auburn Surface Water Management Manual (SWMM). The City has adopted the 2019 Department of Ecology Stormwater Management Manual for Western Washington and the City of Auburn Supplemental Manual as the SWMM. The Supplemental Manual provides guidance for applying specific sections of the Ecology document within the City of Auburn. All references to the City’s SWMM include both documents. The City’s Supplemental Manual can be found utilizing the following hyperlink: Supplemental Manual Storm drainage system design is guided by the 10 Minimum Requirements for Stormwater Management, listed below. The applicability of the Minimum Requirements is based on project size and the total new and/or replaced hard surfaces created by the project. It is recommended that the Minimum Requirements, especially LID, are considered at the beginning of project design to ensure that the required elements can be included in the project. The SWMM also addresses modeling standards and design criteria for conveyance, storage, treatment facilities, and other drainage system structures. The SWMM is divided into five volumes that address different aspects of storm drainage system design. These volumes and the key components for design and application submittal are: Volume I – What Requirements Apply to My Site? The 10 Minimum Requirements (MR) for Stormwater Management are: MR #1: Preparation of Stormwater Site Plans MR #2: Construction Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan MR #3: Source Control of Pollution MR #4: Preservation of Natural Drainage Systems and Outfalls MR #5: On-Site Stormwater Management MR #6: Runoff Treatment MR #7: Flow Control MR #8: Wetlands Protection MR #9: Operations and Maintenance MR #10: Off-Site Analysis and Mitigation (Supplemental Manual) Volume II – Construction Stormwater Pollution Prevention Volume III – Choosing, Modeling, and Documenting Your BMPs Volume IV – Source Control BMP Library Volume V – Runoff Treatment, Flow Control, and LID BMP Library City of Auburn Issued March 2023 Engineering Design Standards Page 101 Chapter 9: Facilities in the Right of Way 9.00 Preface The design of public and private facilities located within City right-of-way shall be in conformance with these standards. For the purposes of these standards, “facilities” shall include City owned and non-City owned potable water, irrigation water, sanitary sewer, storm drain, gas, communications, electrical, illumination, and any other utility facility and their appurtenances. This Chapter also covers non-utility facilities such as building foundation elements, awnings, and private signs. When a non-City sponsored project requires the relocation of private utilities due to public utility extensions or other City required improvements, the cost of relocation of the private utility shall be borne by the developer. 9.01 Franchise/Public Way Agreement Requirement Private facilities within the City right-of-way require prior approval from the City. Except as allowed otherwise by Auburn City Code, owners of private facilities in the right-of-way shall have a current franchise, public way agreement, or Right-of-Way Use Permit consistent with Title 20 and/or Title 13 and/or Title 12, if applicable, of the Auburn City Code. 9.02 Construction Permit Requirement Any non-City entity intending to construct, repair, or replace any facility in City right-of-way shall apply for a construction permit. Applications for constructions permits can be made directly through MyBuildingPermit.com. A City permit must be obtained prior to any work within the City right-of-way. 9.03 Design Criteria The City has established the following minimum requirements to ensure the efficient construction of facilities with the least impact to City transportation and public utility infrastructure: A. Public water, sewer, storm, and telecommunications facilities shall be constructed per the Engineering Design and Construction Standards. B. Private underground facilities shall be installed with no less than 36 inches of finished cover. C. Private underground facilities shall be located a minimum horizontal distance of 5 feet from buildings and public facilities. D. When crossing public underground facilities, private underground facilities shall be located a minimum vertical distance of 12 inches from the public utility. Additional separation may be required between potable and non-potable pipes per Chapter 6 of these Engineering Design Standards. E. Manholes, valve boxes, power vaults, etc., that are located in the paved area of a street shall be located outside of the wheel paths of vehicles and flush with the pavement surface. F. The design of underground facilities shall seek to minimize the number of required structures and redundant pipes/conduits. City of Auburn Issued March 2023 Engineering Design Standards Page 102 G. Structures located within parking lots, sidewalks, and paths/trails shall also be flush with the surface. In areas where traffic will pass over the structure, load- bearing lids shall be incorporated in the design. H. Repair of existing cement concrete roadway panels shall be per City of Auburn Standard Detail T-27. I. The City Engineer may allow required restoration overlays per City of Auburn Standard Details T-02 and T-02A of individual trenches to be deferred where a program or project exists that would complete the restoration/overlay of multiple trenches as a single project or effort. In all cases, permanent repair of the trench is required per City of Auburn Standard Detail T-01 with the trench construction and backfill and cannot be deferred or delayed. 9.04 Pavement Trenching and Restoration Trenching, backfill, and restoration shall, within paved areas, be per City of Auburn Standard Details T-01 and T-02. Manhole covers, valve covers, vault lids, and other utility appurtenances within pavement restoration areas, including areas of grind and overlay, shall be first lowered beneath the final wear course, paved over, and then raised to final grade per City of Auburn Standard Detail T-05 and per the Construction Standards. This requirement may be waived by the City Engineer or designee when the total area of the final wear course paving area is less than 100 SF. The City Engineer may allow required restoration overlays per City of Auburn Standard Details T-02 and T-02A of individual trenches to be deferred where a program or project exists that would complete the restoration/overlay of multiple trenches as a single project or effort. In all cases, permanent repair of the trench is required per City of Auburn Standard Detail T-01 with the trench construction and backfill and cannot be deferred or delayed. 9.04.01 Perpendicular Trenching in Asphalt Pavement Trenching through and within intersections is considered perpendicular trenching. A. Perpendicular trench backfill shall be in accordance with City of Auburn Standard Detail T-01. B. Pavement restoration shall match existing pavement type and thickness with a minimum thickness of 4-inches. C. After trenching, the adjacent pavement on each side of the trench shall be sawcut and removed (full depth) to a minimum of 12 inches from the edges of trench to reveal a clean pavement edge to patch against. This is referred to as the “T-cut”. D. In the process of perpendicular trenching, if the remaining section of pavement between the edge of T-cut and the edge of the pavement/gutter is less than 4 feet wide, the restoration/overlay will extend to the edge of the pavement/gutter. E. In the process of perpendicular trenching, remaining sections of pavement between the edge of T-cut and lane line/lane edges less than 4 feet wide, shall be included in the restoration/overlay area. F. When more than 1 perpendicular trench is constructed along a roadway, pavement areas between the limits of the restoration/overlay limits that are less than 10 feet wide are to be added to the required restoration/overlay area. City of Auburn Issued March 2023 Engineering Design Standards Page 103 G. Perpendicular trenching to roadways may not be allowed on newer roads or streets that have been constructed or overlaid within the last five years. H. Perpendicular trenching may not be allowed or may be limited to off-peak hours and/or weekends on principal arterials or where the construction activity will seriously impede large volume traffic patterns. Utility connections that have to be made within the roadway will be allowed after approval from the City. I. Jacking/boring alternatives may be required as substitute methods for perpendicular trenching. J. The minimum pavement patch width and overlay restoration for perpendicular/transverse trenches shall be per City of Auburn Standard Detail T-02. K. When multiple trenches are required in close proximity, the asphalt patch shall encompass all the trenches. L. The longitudinal edge of the perpendicular asphalt patch shall not lie within the wheel paths of vehicles. M. Requirements for curb ramp installation, replacement, and/or upgrade associated with the utility trench work shall be in accordance with Chapter 10. 9.04.02 Longitudinal Trenching in Asphalt Pavement Trenching outside of intersection limits (curb returns) and running parallel, or within 30 degrees of parallel, to the edge of pavement/flowline is considered longitudinal trenching. A. Longitudinal trench backfill shall be in accordance with City of Auburn Standard Detail T-01. B. Pavement restoration shall match existing pavement type and thickness with a minimum thickness of 4-inches. C. After trenching, the adjacent pavement on each side of the trench shall be sawcut and removed (full depth) to a minimum of 12 inches from the edges of trench to reveal a clean pavement edge to patch against. This is referred to as the “T-cut”. D. In the process of longitudinal trenching, if the remaining section of pavement between the edge of T-cut and the edge of the pavement/gutter is less than 4 feet wide, the restoration/overlay will extend from the trench to the edge of the pavement/gutter. E. In the process of longitudinal trenching, remaining sections of pavement between the edge of T-cut and adjacent lane line/lane limits less than 4 feet wide, shall be included in the restoration/overlay area. F. When more than 1 longitudinal trench is constructed along a roadway, pavement areas between the limits of the restoration/overlay limits that are less than 5 feet wide are to be added to the required restoration/overlay area. G. The longitudinal edges of the asphalt patch shall not lie within the wheel paths of vehicles. H. The minimum pavement patch width and overlay restoration for longitudinal trenches shall be per City of Auburn Standard Detail T-02. I. For streets that have been constructed or overlaid within the last 5 five years the City Engineer may require additional restoration area. City of Auburn Issued March 2023 Engineering Design Standards Page 104 J. For streets that have been constructed or overlaid within the last 5 five years, or for principal arterials where open trenching will impede large volume traffic patterns, the City Engineer may require that trenchless techniques be used as an alternative. The City Engineer may require that trenchless techniques be limited to off peak hours and/or weekends. K. Requirements for curb ramp installation, replacement, and/or upgrade associated with the utility trench work shall be in accordance with Chapter 10. L. The City Engineer may allow trench restoration/overlay of individual trenches to be included in a program or project to complete the restoration/overlay of multiple trenches as a single project or effort. 9.04.03 Trenching in Cement Concrete Pavement D. Repair of existing cement concrete roadway panels shall be per City of Auburn Standard Detail T-27. E. The edges of trenches in concrete pavement shall be sawcut prior to excavation to avoid damaging the slab. Concrete slabs 6 inches and over shall be drilled for the installation of dowels. Dowels shall be 1 and 1¼ inches in diameter, 18 inches long, and spaced 12 inches center to center. F. The minimum pavement patch width for concrete trenches shall be 4 feet. G. In the process of trenching concrete, if the section of pavement between the trench and the edge of the existing concrete panel is less than 4 feet, the section shall be removed and replaced. H. Longitudinal trenches in concrete may be repaved with an asphalt pavement thickness of equivalent strength upon City approval. 9.05 Non-Pavement Trenching Trenching in areas other than paved surfaces, including sidewalks, gravel shoulders, and landscape strips, shall conform, where applicable, to the previous sections and replace the disturbed material in kind or as directed by the City. Utility trench bedding and backfill shall conform to City of Auburn Standard Detail T-01 and to the Construction Standards. 9.06 Aboveground Facilities Unless otherwise provided in a public way agreement, franchise, or lease, all facilities must be located underground. Exceptions to this standard are as follows: A. Fire Hydrants, Blow-offs, Air/Pressure Relief B. Pipe and cable crossings of rivers and freeways C. High voltage electrical facilities (transmission lines and substations) D. Illumination and signal facilities E. Telephone pedestals F. Aerial cables hung on existing utility poles (with approval of City Engineer) G. Small Wireless Facilities H. Other facilities, that in the opinion of the City Engineer, cannot be reasonably constructed underground. City of Auburn Issued March 2023 Engineering Design Standards Page 105 Where underground requirements do not apply, the following parameters shall be addressed in locating or relocating aboveground utilities: A. Clear Zone Requirements: Non-breakaway utility poles and other fixed aboveground utility structures shall meet the clear zone requirements of these design standards, See Chapter 10. Respective utility owners shall be responsible for securing easements from adjacent property where clear zone requirements cannot be met within the public right of way. B. ADA Requirements: Utility poles and other aboveground utility structures shall not be located within the sidewalk. This requirement may be waived by the City Engineer if the pole location in the sidewalk allows a minimum of 48 inches of unobstructed pedestrian travel way and the pole/structure meets clear zone/lateral separation requirements described in Chapter 10. C. Utility poles and other aboveground utility structures shall be compatible with driveways, intersections, and all other road features. They shall not interfere with sight distance, road signing, traffic signals, culverts, etc. The City Engineer may require poles to be relocated to meet this requirement. D. No utility pole or other aboveground utility structures shall be located in such a way as to pose a hazard to the general public. Utility companies shall locate and replace poles and other structures with primary consideration given to public safety and roadway functionality. E. New overhead power and communications wires and appurtenances shall comply with the vertical clearance requirements established by WAC-468-34- 290. Except as may be determined otherwise by the City Engineer to address safety issues, for the purposes of this overhead clearance requirement, replacement of existing facilities and overlashing of existing cables/wires that do not reduce the existing minimum vertical clearances are not considered to be new. Whether considered to be new or not, plans for overhead power and communications wires and appurtenances must show the existing and proposed vertical clearance of the facilities being installed or modified at each midspan location between poles. F. If allowed by the City Engineer, wireless and radio facilities that are not considered Small Wireless Facilities per ACC 20.14 are subject to the concealment standards cited in Chapter 9. G. A net increase in the number of poles is not allowed except that the City Engineer may determine that additional poles with service lines only serving properties not included in the project (no distribution lines) may be allowed. In making this determination, the City Engineer will consider the potential impact to structures of undergrounding service line connections. 9.07Building and Structure Related Facilities Permanent buildings, building shoring systems that would leave any elements in the right-of- way after construction, footings and foundations, and privately owned walls, gates, and fences are not allowed in the public right-of-way. Facilities such as Awnings, overhangs, and elevated decks/patios/railing (only in the Downtown Urban Center Zone), and bus shelters may be permitted by the City Engineer with special conditions and considered on a case-by-case basis and subject to ACC 12.60. City of Auburn Issued March 2023 Engineering Design Standards Page 106 9.08 Small Wireless Facilities This section describes design standards for Small Wireless Facilities as set forth in ACC 20.14. The purpose of these standards is to provide concealment and safety standards for Small Wireless Facilities in the public right-of-way. 9.08.01 General Requirements A. Small wireless facilities will comply with applicable Federal Communications Commission (FCC), Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), state, and City regulations and standards. B. A Small Wireless Facility will not be used for mounting signs, billboards or message displays except as approved by the City for the purpose of providing concealment. C. No lights, other than street lights, are permitted on any pole or antenna unless required by the Federal Communications Commission, the Federal Aviation Administration, or the City. D. No Small Wireless Facility may be attached to a tree or any other vegetation. E. Installation of a new pole in the public right of way to serve a Small Wireless Facility will not be allowed whenever an existing pole or other structure in the public right of way can meet technical and network location requirements and the owner of said pole or structure grants permission for the Small Wireless Facility Attachment. If the existing pole or structure does not meet the City’s design standards or other requirements, with agreement from its owner, it may be replaced with a pole or structure that meets the design requirements and these standards. In these cases, all attachments must be transferred from the existing pole to the new pole and the existing pole must be completely removed and surface restored. F. Small Wireless Facilities and all associated facilities, including support poles or structures, will be free from all manufacturer decals and/or logos. G. Generators are not permitted for Small Wireless Facilities. A battery backup may be permitted through the submittal of a concealment plan and emergency spill response plan. H. Installation of Small Wireless Facilities is not allowed where it would create a sight distance issue for vehicular or non-motorized traffic, identified in the City of Auburn Engineering Design and Construction Standards. I. Applications for Small Wireless Facilities will include plans that conform to the plan requirements described in the City of Auburn Design and Construction Standards. Concealment plans will include photos of the proposed site location(s) with overlaid renderings of the proposed Small Wireless Facilities to demonstrate the facility’s adherence to concealment standards. J. Small Wireless Facilities may not share power service connections with City facilities unless specified otherwise in the applicable use agreement for City- owned property. K. Record Construction Drawings are required in accordance with the City of Auburn Engineering Design and Construction standards. City of Auburn Issued March 2023 Engineering Design Standards Page 107 9.08.02 Attachments to City Facilities A. Attachment, modification, relocation, or replacement of City facilities requires an executed agreement with the City in addition to any applicable franchise or public right-of-way agreements. B. Attachment to an existing City pole requires calculations sealed by a Professional Engineer that shows the existing pole can support the Small Wireless Facility. Where the existing facility being attached to is a City owned street light, signal pole, sign support structure, or Dynamic Message Sign (DMS) support structure, calculations must show compliance with the strength and loading parameters stated in the City’s Construction Standards. The loading calculations will include consideration of potential future loading with planned or potential future City facility attachments. C. Small Wireless Facilities are not permitted on City street light poles where they would interfere with street lighting, City banners, flower baskets, holiday lighting, holiday decorations, or other City uses of the pole. D. Replaced City light poles will be of the same color and similar style as adjacent existing City light poles, unless otherwise approved by the City Engineer. Where a City light pole has been replaced or relocated the davit arm length will be replaced as needed to place the luminaire in-line with the other luminaires along the roadway and in accordance with City design standards. E. Installation of Small Wireless Facilities on City facilities within secured sites is not allowed. Secure City facilities are those facilities that are enclosed by a fence with locked gate access and typically include water reservoirs, water treatment plants, pump stations, and water wells. F. Installation of Small Wireless Facilities on traffic signal mast arms is not allowed. 9.08.03 General Pole Requirements A. Installation of Small Wireless Facilities on poles intended to break-away from vehicular impact is not allowed. B. New, replaced, or relocated poles are not allowed within the clear zone (as identified in the City of Auburn Engineering Design and Construction Standards). For the purposes of determining clear zone requirements, poles with Small Wireless Facilities attached are considered utility poles. C. Small Wireless Facilities will be mounted such that no portion of the facility, including antenna, are higher than 50 feet, or 10% higher than the height of buildings or structures immediately adjacent to the right-of-way, or the Small Wireless Facility attachment does not extend the height of the pole to more than 50 feet or by more than 10 percent, whichever is greater. D. A pole that is relocated or replaced for the purpose of attaching a Small Wireless Facility is considered an existing structure. 9.08.04 Wiring and Conduit A. All wiring must be inspected and accepted by Washington Department of Labor and Industries and associated documentation provided to the City prior to being placed into service. City of Auburn Issued March 2023 Engineering Design Standards Page 108 B. Except on wooden poles and other support structures where internal routing is not feasible, all cables, wires, and fiber must be routed internally in the pole or support structure and must not be visible externally. C. Wiring, cables, and fiber associated with the Small Wireless Facility will be in their own conduit, interducts, and channels so they are not co-mingled with conduits and cables serving other uses. Electrical wiring will be separated from communications wiring with interduct or separate channels. D. All interducts, channels, cables, and wiring will be clearly labeled at the pole ends, handholes, junction boxes, and other termination points. Record construction drawings will show and label all cables/wiring, interduct, and channels. 9.08.05 Concealment Small Wireless Facilities will be screened, concealed, or camouflaged employing the best available technology, such as compatible materials, shrouding, location, color, and other tactics to minimize visibility of the facility. Pole mounted equipment, antenna, conduits, cables, mounting hardware, and other visible components will match the color of the pole they are attached to unless specifically approved by the City. The City Engineer or the City Engineer’s designee will consider the cumulative visual effects on the visual character of the surrounding area of Small Wireless Facilities mounted on existing structures and/or located on a given permitted site in evaluating concealment requirements. Where conduit or cables are mounted external to the support structure, the outside cable conduit or cable will be the color of the support structure, and the City may require that the cable be placed in conduit. Full concealment of all conduits, cables, wires, and fiber is required within mounting brackets, shrouds, canisters, or sleeves if attaching to exterior antennas or equipment. 9.08.06 Pole Mounted Antennas and Equipment Antennas will be located, mounted and designed so that visual and aesthetic impacts upon surrounding land uses and structures are minimized, and so that they blend into the existing environment. Panel antennas shall not be mounted more than 12 inches from the surface of the utility pole, with the distance measured from inside edge of the antenna to the surface of the pole, unless an additional distance is required by the pole owner. An applicant may install a side-mounted canister antenna, so long as the inside edge of the antenna is no more than 12 inches from the surface of the pole. Pole mounted equipment other than the antenna(s), electric meter, and disconnect switch must be concealed within equipment enclosures. Equipment enclosures will be installed flush to the pole and not extend more than 24 inches from the face of the pole. All attachments to a pole that are projecting, or any equipment or appurtenance mounted on the ground, will comply with the Engineering Design and Construction Standards, the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) standards and will not obstruct an existing or planned sidewalk or walkway. All proposed projecting attachments to the pole will provide a minimum vertical clearance of 12 feet over sidewalks, 16 feet over driveways, and 20 feet over roadways. City of Auburn Issued March 2023 Engineering Design Standards Page 109 9.08.07 Non-Pole Mounted Equipment A. Non-pole mounted equipment facilities will be placed underground if doing so is technically feasible and would not defeat the purpose of the facility. B. Above ground equipment facilities that are not pole mounted will be screened from any street and adjacent property with fencing, landscaping, shrouding, topography, or a combination of these methods, C. Above ground equipment facilities that are not pole mounted will be treated with graffiti resistant paint or material. 9.08.08 Strand Mounted Small Wireless Facilities A. Each strand mounted Small Wireless Facility will not exceed three cubic feet in volume. B. The strand mounted Small Wireless Facility will be placed as close as possible to the nearest utility pole, but no more than five feet from the pole unless a greater distance is technically necessary or required by the pole owner for safety clearance. C. No strand mounted Small Wireless Facility will be located in or above the portion of the roadway open to vehicular or non-motorized traffic. D. Strand mounted small wireless facilities must be installed to cause the least visual impact and with the minimum excess exterior cabling or wires (other than the original strand) necessary to meet the technological needs of the facility. City of Auburn Issued March 2023 Engineering Design Standards Page 110 This page intentionally left blank. City of Auburn Issued March 2023 Engineering Design Standards Page 111 Chapter 10:Transportation 10.00 Preface The intent of this Chapter is to encourage the uniform development of an integrated and accessible transportation system that will support all modes. Through the implementation of these standards, streets are built as transportation facilities as well as public space, contributing positively to the character of the City. These standards help create an efficient multimodal transportation system while minimizing environmental impacts to the community. The design of Streets within the City of Auburn shall conform to the standards provided herein. The current editions of the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO), FHWA and Washington State Department of Transportation, Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD), and the State of Washington Department of Transportation (WSDOT) standards shall be utilized by the City Engineer when the design standards, standard specifications, or standard drawings are not covered by the scope of the City’s standards. The design criteria used to estimate future street usage are established in the City’s Comprehensive Transportation Plan (CTP). All streets shall be designed and constructed to comply with Federal Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) laws. Additional guidelines and information can be found at WSDOT’s ADA web page by clicking on the following hyperlink: https://wsdot.wa.gov/about/americans-disabilities-act-ada 10.01 Development Activity Requirements 10.01.01 Traffic Impact Analysis Per the Comprehensive Transportation Plan (CTP), development shall not be allowed when the impacts of the development on the transportation system degrade the level of service (LOS) below the adopted LOS standard, unless the impacts are mitigated by the improvements provided by the development. For more details regarding level of service standards and when mitigation is triggered, see the CTP. A traffic impact analysis (TIA) is used to identify capacity and safety concerns, to assist in the evaluation of site design as it relates to traffic engineering issues, and to identify appropriate solutions and mitigation. Projected trip generation shall be calculated based on the current edition of the Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE) Trip Generation Manual. 10.01.01.A When Traffic Impact Analyses are Required To adequately assess a development’s traffic impact, the City Engineer, or designee, may require a TIA. The requirement for a TIA will be based on the size of the development proposed, existing street and intersection conditions, traffic volumes, crash history, safety considerations, community concerns, and other pertinent factors relating to traffic impacts attributable to the development. A traffic impact analysis is required for development activities that create one or more of the following conditions: A. The development could potentially affect an intersection or corridor where an existing level of service is at or below standard. City of Auburn Issued March 2023 Engineering Design Standards Page 112 B. The development generates more than 30 PM or AM peak hour trips on a corridor or intersection. C. The development may potentially affect the implementation of the street system as outlined in the Comprehensive Transportation Plan and Six Year Transportation Improvement Program (TIP), or of any other documented transportation project. D. The development proposes a rezone of the subject property. E. The original Traffic Impact Analysis for a future development is outdated due to changes in traffic volumes in the vicinity of the proposed project or approved pipeline projects or a change in the proposed land use’s trip generation and/or distribution. F. The development could potentially affect safety or requires an analysis to assist in designing appropriate access. G. Special event land uses which do not exhibit typical trip generation characteristics may require unique analysis, including but not limited to weekend and off-peak scenarios, and AM versus PM time frames. Examples of such uses would be school, concert stadiums, racetracks or uses which exhibit substantial traffic peaking associated with special events that are scheduled on a periodic basis. The traffic analysis for such uses may include a traffic management plan to control traffic impacts associated with the special events. 10.01.01.B Elements of a Traffic Impact Analysis Development activities have a wide range of considerations and potential issues that vary depending on the proposed development and its setting. The TIA will be cooperatively scoped by the developer and City Engineer, or designee. However, the City Engineer, or designee, will make the final decision regarding what analyses must be included in the TIA. The TIA may include all or some of the following analyses: A. Corridor level of service analyses B. Intersection level of service analyses C. Access point level of service analyses D. Analysis of proposed street connections to other new and existing streets and resulting volumes to demonstrate the requirements of Section 10.03.01 are met. E. Queue Analysis F. Critical gap analyses G. Roundabout analyses H. Traffic signal warrant analyses. I. Stop control warrant analyses. J. Turn lane warrant analyses. K. Traffic calming evaluation. L. Access management evaluation M. Mitigation identification and analyses confirm proposed mitigation addresses impacts. See Mitigation Identification section. City of Auburn Issued March 2023 Engineering Design Standards Page 113 N. Neighborhood Circulation Plan. See Neighborhood Circulation Plan section. O. Truck trip generation and routing analysis. P. Evaluation of existing transit services and facilities and identification of modified or new transit services and facilities needed to serve the project. Q. Other analyses and information as required by the City Engineer, or designee. 10.01.01.C Mitigation Identification and Recommendation To address the potential adverse impacts of a development activity and to fulfill an identified need for public services within the impacted area related to the development, the TIA shall identify any impacts and needs required to be addressed by the development. The TIA shall identify measures to address the impacts and needs and demonstrate through modeling and/or other analyses that the proposed measures provide adequate mitigation and fulfillment of the needs. The developer is responsible for mitigating on-site and off-site deficiencies for present and proposed phases of the development. The TIA shall propose improvements necessary for safe and efficient traffic flow and bicycle, pedestrian, and transit movement and access proportional to the identified impacts. Build-out year, and project phasing impacts shall be considered. Long range forecast modeling is required for proposed zoning changes or non- conforming uses. All or some of the following items are to be included in the mitigation identification: A. Measures for mitigating on-site impacts and proposed mitigation. B. Measures for mitigating off-site impacts and proposed mitigation. C. Discussion of whether on-site and off-site improvements are justified, reasonably related to, and proportional to the impacts of the proposed development. In situations where mitigation of a development’s impacts provides mitigation beyond what is caused by the development and beyond the required half street improvements, the City Engineer may consider under certain conditions and in accordance with applicable City Code, a traffic impact fee credit and/or a payback agreement. D. Any requirements or mitigation measures associated with the Area Circulation Plan The Traffic Impact Analysis shall clearly state the mitigation measures recommended by the analysis and shall summarize how the recommended mitigations are proportional to the identified impacts. The recommended mitigation measures shall be explained in sufficient detail in the analysis to allow them to be understood and evaluated. The recommendation shall also include the following: A. Clear statements of the applicant’s recommended mitigation measures. B. Conceptual plans depicting recommended mitigation improvements and their relationship to existing and proposed conditions if drawings are needed. 10.01.02 Neighborhood Circulation Plan Per ACC 17.16, a Neighborhood Circulation Plan is a conceptual plan that outlines the vehicular and nonmotorized circulation within and between a proposed subdivision and the surrounding area consistent with the CTP. Per ACC 17.10, a Neighborhood Circulation Plan is required with all subdivision applications that meets the requirements of ACC 17.16 and RCW 58.17.110(2) for safe walking paths for students. This requirement applies to both residential and non- residential subdivisions. To satisfy this requirement, plans and supporting documentation (such as a TIA where applicable), must satisfy and demonstrate the following: City of Auburn Issued March 2023 Engineering Design Standards Page 114 A. The planned street system must be compatible with the CTP. Development which is proposed in areas of the city which have a planned street system which is a part of the comprehensive plan or the city’s six-year plan, and any other street plan, shall make provisions for such streets and must not cause implementation of such street plans to become unattainable. B. Make provisions for, and not otherwise obstruct, planned routes or facilities for bicycles, equestrian, or other nonmotorized transportation mode which is a part of the CTP or Transportation Improvement Plan (TIP). C. Provide a nonmotorized circulation system that is integrated into the overall subdivision and the surrounding area as follows: Includes an integrated nonmotorized circulation system that connects buildings, open spaces, and parking areas with the adjacent street sidewalk system. Provides connections to existing or potential future trails/pedestrian routes on adjacent properties unless there are physical constraints such as sensitive areas that preclude the construction of a pedestrian connection. D. For residential subdivisions, in coordination with the applicable school district(s), identify walking routes for students within the subdivision for which bus services are not provided or planned to be provided by the school district(s). At locations where the identified route is not on a sidewalk meeting minimum City standards or where the route crosses a roadway, the project shall include enhancements to meet the requirements of RCW 58.17.110(2). Enhancements shall be identified, designed, and documented by a professional engineer and are subject to acceptance by the City Engineer. In deciding whether the proposed enhancements are acceptable the City Engineer will consider factors such as operations, maintenance, and replacement. Roadway crossings at uncontrolled intersection legs or not at intersections shall require enhancement per Section 10.09.05. 10.01.03 Half Street Improvements 10.01.03.A Half-Street Triggers The requirements described in this section are in addition to any requirements determined during the SEPA process and/or the traffic study process described in Section 10.01.01, to mitigate localized impacts of the proposed development activity. This section describes the requirements for public improvements triggered by permitted actions as set forth in ACC 12.64A. 10.01.03.B Half-Street Extents A public street or alley frontage that requires public improvements is referred to as a “Half- Street”. The Half-Street extents are determined using the frontage street’s cross section applicable to the street’s roadway classification as defined in the CTP. The Half-Street may apply to an existing roadway or to a planned roadway which has not yet been built and extends along the entire length of the subject property frontage(s) with vehicular and/or non-motorized access. When Half-Streets connect to an intersection, the nearest corner of the intersection on the side being improved shall be designed and constructed for the full build-out of the street and shall extend, at a minimum, the intersection curb returns. Half-Street elements may extend beyond the property frontage(s) as described herein to transition to existing improvements or City of Auburn Issued March 2023 Engineering Design Standards Page 115 to provide additional improvements as described in Section 10.01.04. Half-Street requirements associated with alley frontage is described in Section 10.01.03.E. 10.01.03.C Half-Street Width Along existing roadways, the Half-Street width is the area from the planned right-of-way limits to the planned roadway centerline based on the roadway classification and the typical cross sections in Section 10.03.06. Along planned or unimproved roadways, the Half-Street width is either 1) the area from the planned right-of-way limits to the planned roadway centerline or 2) the area from the planned right-of-way limits to the limit required to provide 24 feet of pavement, whichever is greater. 10.01.03.D Required Half-Street New Improvements Half-Streets shall include construction of the following elements: paved roadway, sidewalks, curb/gutter, street landscaping, street lighting system, storm drainage, and conduit for City telecommunications. Half-street improvements to planned or unimproved roadways shall include improvements to the un-finished side of the roadway (opposite of the subject property frontage), as follows: temporary curbing, shoulders, clear zones, guardrail, slope treatments, and drainage accommodations to assure proper drainage, bank stability, and traffic safety. If a Half-Street does not connect at both ends to other streets, construction of a permanent or temporary cul-de-sac will be required. Where Half-Streets are connected to existing streets, lane markings transition tapers are required in accordance with AASHTO where edges of pavement do not match. Pavement transition tapers shall be constructed to a minimum of 5:1 or as constrained by the existing right-of-way. All public utility improvements required for the project and service connections in the right-of- way shall be installed during the Half-Street construction. The Half-Street will be designed to provide drainage for the constructed portion of the street and to connect to the existing storm drain systems (where present), or be designed to allow for connection of the system to future planned storm drain systems. 10.01.03.E Required Half-Street Existing Improvements Half-Street improvements shall include removing and replacing existing driveway aprons that do not meet current ADA requirements. Half-Street improvements shall include addressing sidewalk obstructions in the Half-Steet area, including, but not limited to, replacing existing sidewalk areas that are an ADA obstruction. Additionally, the City Engineer may make a determination that existing improvements within the Half-Street that do not conform to current City standards require improvement, upgrade, modification, or re-construction. In making this determination, the City Engineer will consider the proportionality of the required work to the potential impacts of the project, pedestrian and vehicular safety, ADA requirements, consistency and conformity with adjacent existing and planned improvements, and other factors as deemed relevant by the City Engineer. As part of this determination, the City Engineer may require existing driveway access(es) that do not meet current standards to be removed, relocated, and modified. 10.01.03.F Half-Street ROW Dedication Right-of-way dedication is required for areas of the subject property within the Half-Street area along all frontages that are not already dedicated as right-of-way. Additional right-of-way dedication may be required as determined by the City Engineer per Section 10.01.04. City of Auburn Issued March 2023 Engineering Design Standards Page 116 10.01.03.G Alley Half-Streets Half-Street improvements in alleys shall include paving the alley to a width of 20 feet along the frontage of the property and, if the property frontage extends to the connection(s) of the alley to the roadway, the improvements shall also include construction of commercial driveway apron(s) at the alley entrance(s). Where a driveway apron already exists, the project shall be required to remove and replace it if the apron does not meet ADA requirements. Additional Half- Street improvements in alleys for projects constructing anything other than one single family residential unit shall include paving the alley to a width of 20 feet along the frontage limits and to the alley’s roadway connection. For right-of-way dedication purposes, the Half-Street width along alley frontage is the area between the planned or existing centerline of the alley and the alley limits along the frontage (typically 10 feet offset towards the frontage along the planned or existing alley centerline), as determined by the City Engineer. The required paving width is reduced, as needed, to provide the maximum paved width available within the limits of the existing right-of-way and right-of-way dedicated by the project. 10.01.04 Additional Public Improvements Additional public improvements besides the Half-Street improvements may be required as determined by the City Engineer to be necessary to mitigate the impacts of the development activity that may include the following improvements, not necessarily located on the property frontage: A. Additional street lighting B. Additional storm drainage systems C. Traffic control and other safety systems including, but not limited to, roadway channelization, signage, non-motorized safety, and traffic calming. D. Dedication of public right-of-way on public street frontages without vehicular or non-motorized access E. Off-site improvements identified in the TIA and/or through the SEPA process. 10.01.05 Deferred Public Improvements Public improvements triggered per ACC 12.64A and/or undergrounding of overhead wiring triggered per ACC 13.32A for which the City Engineer has approved deferral or payment of a fee-in-lieu shall be documented on the Plans with a notation indicating the City street delay application number (SDR-####) and the applicable agreement(s) shall be signed by the applicant and returned to the City prior to Plan approval. Agreements associated with grading permit(s) shall be executed by the City and recorded prior to issuance of notice to proceed with construction activities. Agreements associated with FAC plans/agreements shall be executed and recorded by the City with final acceptance of the FAC. 10.02 Right of Way Required right-of-way widths are shown on the typical cross sections in this Chapter. The required right-of-way will depend upon the width of the street and other improvements. Additional right-of-way may be required for bike/pedestrian trails, retaining walls, or storm facilities, for example. Right-of-way requirements may be variable within a street corridor due to intersections, turn lanes, bus loading zones, and other street features. Right-of-way radii required at intersections is shown on Table 10-6. Right-of-way shall be conveyed to the City on a recorded plat, by a right-of-way dedication, or a separate instrument. Right-of-way shall be free of title encumbrances that, in the opinion of City of Auburn Issued March 2023 Engineering Design Standards Page 117 the City Engineer, would conflict or inhibit existing or future use of the right-of-way and/or present an unacceptable risk or burden on the City. Right-of-way dedications shall require title insurance as deemed appropriate by the City Engineer. 10.03 Roadway Network New streets and/or new street systems, other than local residential streets serving residential neighborhoods, shall be configured in conformance with the CTP guidelines and policies. Where the comprehensive plan lacks clear guidance to address a particular situation, the City may require traffic studies and other supporting analysis to help define the configuration and nature of the planned street system. Streets and street networks will be configured to deter speeding and cut-through traffic. Cut- through traffic is traffic that utilizes local street(s) to connect from one arterial or collector street to another arterial or collector street. Traffic calming measures may also be required to deter speeding and cut-through traffic. 10.03.01 Connections and Vehicle Volumes Analysis of proposed street connections to other new and existing streets and resulting volumes shall be submitted to demonstrate the requirements of this section are met. Connection of new streets to existing streets or connections within new proposed street networks shall not be allowed if the connections result in traffic volumes in excess of the upper limit of the average daily traffic volume range for the roadway’s classification as listed in Table 10-1 below. The layout of local street networks shall be such that the number of local street connections to arterials and collectors is the minimum number of connections required to limit the design ADT on existing and planned local streets in the network to be within the ADT range listed in Table 10-1 below. This requirement generally limits local street networks with only a single connection to an arterial or collector street to 100 or less units. Traffic volume limits shall not restrict the improvement of an existing parcel to include one single family residential unit. Table 10-1 Traffic Volumes by Roadway Classification Roadway Classification* Average Daily Traffic (ADT) Principal Arterial Over 15,000 Minor Arterial 10,000 – 15,000 Residential Collector 2,500 – 10,000 Non-Residential Collector 2,500 – 5,000 Rustic Collector 1,000 – 5,000 Local Residential Up to 1,200 Local Non- Residential Up to 1,200 Rustic Residential Up to 1,000 * Roadway classifications are listed from highest to lowest classification. City of Auburn Issued March 2023 Engineering Design Standards Page 118 10.03.02 Intersection Layout and Spacing The horizontal approach angle of street intersections shall be between 85 and 95 at the centerlines of intersecting streets. Intersections shall be aligned so that opposing single left turn lanes and through lanes are not offset more than 4 feet as measured from the lane centerline approach tangent. At intersections with two different street classifications, the highest classification for curb radii shall be used except at intersections with local residential streets where the lowest order street shall be used. Intersection spacing for classified roadways shall be determined by the City Engineer on a case- by-case basis using the CTP, AASHTO, and contextual considerations. Local roadway intersections shall meet the minimum centerline spacing requirements as shown in Figure 10- 1 below. Local roadways shall not exceed 1,300 feet in length between intersections. Figure 10-1 Minimum Local Street Intersection Spacing from Centerline to Centerline 10.03.03 Intersection Control (Local Residential Streets) New local street intersections shall be designed with sufficient intersection sight distance such that all intersection legs do not require stop control. Design speeds for approaches without intersection control may be lowered per Table 10-3 when the intersection includes a center traffic island and design speed justification documentation is provided. Projects creating new intersections or modifying existing intersections of local residential streets are required to provide analysis and documentation justifying the proposed intersection control approach. 10.03.04 Intersection Control (Traffic Signals and Roundabouts) Per the City’s Comprehensive Transportation Plan, roundabouts are generally preferred over traffic signals. Where a traffic signal is warranted, an evaluation to determine the feasibility of installing a roundabout instead of a traffic signal will be performed. The feasibility criteria will include right-of-way constraints and property impacts, critical areas, geometrics, context, and other factors as determined to be relevant. Roundabouts shall be designed per WSDOT Design Manual Chapter 1320 and the Transportation Research Board’s (TRB) Roundabouts: An informational Guide, 2nd Edition – Second Edition (NCHRP 672). Traffic signals shall be designed per Section 10.21.12. City of Auburn Issued March 2023 Engineering Design Standards Page 119 10.03.05 Dead End Streets and Cul-De-Sacs New streets shall be planned, designed and constructed to connect to existing or future streets except when the City Engineer has determined that a new dead-end street is allowed. Where a dead-end street is allowed, the City Engineer will determine whether the dead-end street is considered permanent or temporary. In making these determinations, the City Engineer will consider whether or not a future through street to connect adjacent properties and/or other streets is reasonably anticipated, feasible, needed, and desirable. Existing dead-end streets shall be linked to new or existing streets as determined by the City Engineer to be required. The following requirements apply to dead-end streets: A. Dead-end streets that exceed 150 feet in length shall end in a cul-de-sac per the requirements of Table 10-2. B. Dead-end streets shall not be more than 800 feet in length as measured from the center of the nearest intersection to the center of the cul-de-sac. C. Dead-end streets shall not serve more than 30 dwelling units unless secondary emergency vehicle access is provided. See Section 10.08.10 for emergency vehicle access driveway requirements. D. Dead-end streets determined by the City Engineer to be temporary shall include a sign posted at the end of the road indicating the road is planned to be extended in the future and to contact the City of Auburn Public Works Department for further information. E. When applicable, non-motorized paths shall be provided at the end of dead-end streets to connect to adjacent streets, trails, schools, parks, neighborhoods, or other features. Table 10-2 Cul-De-Sac Design Requirement Requirement Temporary Cul-De- Sac Permanent Cul-De- Sac Maximum cross slope and vertical grade as measured from center of cul-de-sac to all points along the curb 5%5% Minimum paved surface diameter 65 feet 75 feet ROW Diameter (Easement allowed for temporary cul-de-sac)65 feet 90 feet Sidewalk width (street lights, fire hydrants, and other pathway obstructions must be placed in easement behind the sidewalk) Not Required 7 feet 10.03.06 Street Classifications The following section contains descriptions of the street classifications used in the City and typical cross-sections for each street classification. Under certain circumstances, typically to mitigate operational or a safety conditions, the City Engineer may require variations from the typical cross-sections. Examples of these variations include, but are not limited to acceleration and deceleration lanes, right and left turn pockets/lanes, and modified lane widths. Where required, left turn pockets shall be a minimum of 11 feet wide with right turn pockets a minimum of 14 feet wide. City of Auburn Issued March 2023 Engineering Design Standards Page 120 Roadway travel width is measured from the face of curb to the face of curb. Sidewalk width excludes the width of the curb where present. Non-motorized facilities such as sidewalks and bikeways shall be incorporated into the roadway cross sections per the CTP and as determined by the City Engineer to be needed to comply with the City’s Complete Streets Policy (See ACC Chapter 12.06). 10.03.06.A Principal Arterial Principal Arterials are designed to move traffic between locations within the region and to access the freeways. Design emphasis is placed on providing movement of inter-city rather than intra-city traffic. Direct access to multi-family, commercial and industrial land uses is permitted, but managed to improve safety and reduce congestion. Direct access to single family residential land uses is not allowed unless there is no other access point available. Parking is generally not allowed on principal arterials except in certain areas of the Downtown Urban Center (See Figure 10-14) and other areas where parking is not prohibited due to specific circumstances. Auburn Way South is a principal arterial that, from the State Route 18 interchange to the southeastern City limits, is also State Route 164 and subject to both City and Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) requirements. Figure 10-2 Principal Arterial Typical Cross Section City of Auburn Issued March 2023 Engineering Design Standards Page 121 10.03.06.B Minor Arterial Minor Arterials interconnect and augment principal arterials and provide service to trips of moderate length at a somewhat lower level of travel mobility than principal arterials. Relative to principal arterials, the minor arterial street system consists of facilities that place more emphasis on land access than the higher system and offers a lower level of traffic mobility. Minor Arterials may serve secondary traffic generators such as community business centers, athletic fields, neighborhood shopping centers, major parks, multifamily residential areas, medical centers, large church complexes, hospitals, and traffic from neighborhood to neighborhood within the City. Parking is generally not allowed on principal arterials except in certain areas of the Downtown Urban Center (See Figure 10-14) and other areas where parking is not prohibited due to specific circumstances. Figure 10-3 Minor Arterial Typical Cross Section City of Auburn Issued March 2023 Engineering Design Standards Page 122 10.03.06.C Residential Collector Residential collectors are used to connect local residential streets to arterial streets. Traffic using residential collectors is typically generated by single and multi-family residential neighborhoods, light commercial areas, neighborhood parks, and institutional use (schools, churches, community centers). Residential collectors are not intended to serve truck traffic or traffic between arterials. As residential collectors are intended to provide vital links in the City’s non-motorized transportation network, they include bike lanes and sidewalks. The current standard configuration for residential collectors does not allow for parking on either side of the roadway. Direct access to residential collector streets from single family residential uses is discouraged but is allowed where no other access is available. Residential collector streets typically require a center left turn lane at an approach to an intersection with another collector or an arterial street. A center turn lane and/or median may be required on residential collectors in other circumstances as determined to be applicable by the City Engineer. Figure 10-4 Residential Collector Cross Section City of Auburn Issued March 2023 Engineering Design Standards Page 123 10.03.06.D Non-Residential Collector Non-residential collectors are used to connect local non-residential streets to arterial streets. Traffic using residential collectors is typically generated by industrial and heavy commercial land uses and therefore, are intended to serve truck traffic. Non-residential collectors are not intended to carry vehicular traffic between arterials. The current standard configuration for non- residential collectors does not allow for parking on either side of the roadway. However, there are many examples of existing non-residential collector streets built to previous standards that allow parking on one or both sides of the street. Non-residential collector streets have wide lanes to help facilitate turning movements for trucks. Figure 10-5 Non-Residential Collector Cross Section City of Auburn Issued March 2023 Engineering Design Standards Page 124 10.03.06.E Local Residential Local residential streets provide access to abutting residential land use and are designed to convey residential traffic to higher classification streets. A local street network usually carries no through traffic and includes a series of short interconnected streets and cul-de-sacs. Local residential streets are not intended to serve truck traffic or through traffic. Local residential streets provide non-motorized connections from residential dwelling units via sidewalks and the roadway. The current standard configuration for local streets allows for parking on one side of the roadway. Local streets are not striped with lane markings except as directed by the City Engineer. Figure 10-6 Local Residential Cross Section City of Auburn Issued March 2023 Engineering Design Standards Page 125 Figure 10-6A Local Residential Cross Section – Alternate w/Bioretention Swale City of Auburn Issued March 2023 Engineering Design Standards Page 126 10.03.06.F Local Non-Residential Local non-residential streets provide access to abutting heavy commercial and industrial land uses and are designed to conduct traffic between those uses and higher order streets. A local non-residential street usually carries no through traffic and includes a small network of short interconnected streets and cul-de-sacs. The wide lanes of local non-residential streets are intended to serve the turning movements of truck traffic. Parking is typically not allowed on local non-residential streets and the street is marked with a centerline. Figure 10-7 Local Non-Residential Cross Section City of Auburn Issued March 2023 Engineering Design Standards Page 127 10.03.06.G Rustic Streets Rustic streets serve the City’s residential conservancy zoning designation. For additional information regarding the context of these roads, see the CTP. Rustic collectors are a type of residential collector street. Rustic residential streets are a type of local residential streets. Figure 10-8 Rustic Collector Cross Section Figure 10-9 Rustic Residential Cross Section City of Auburn Issued March 2023 Engineering Design Standards Page 128 10.03.07 Alleys Alleys provide vehicular access to abutting properties and are not intended for general traffic circulation. Dead-end alleys are generally unacceptable; however, where dead-end alleys are determined suitable by the City Engineer, for short term or temporary applications, they shall be provided with adequate turnaround facilities at the dead-end. All new alleys shall be private. New alleys and existing alleys being improved shall meet the following requirements: A. Minimum width of 20 feet of asphalt pavement. B. Curb and gutter, sidewalk, lighting, and landscaping are not required along alleys. C. Alleys may be paved with either a crown at centerline with asphalt wedge curbs on both sides to control drainage or be sloped to one side with an asphalt wedge curb on one side to control drainage. When necessary, storm drainage conveyance systems shall be installed along the alley to address storm drainage runoff from the paved surface. D. Alleys shall connect to City streets via a commercial driveway apron. Alleys serving alley loaded lots shall include provisions for unimpeded vehicular circulation along the alley, and provisions for adequate sight distances along both the alley at driveways and at intersections with public streets. 10.03.08 Private Streets The City Engineer will determine on a case-by-case basis whether or not a private street will be allowed. Private streets are generally discouraged and will only be considered for approval by the City Engineer under the following circumstances: A. The street does not provide a current or future planned connection between public roadways. B. The street does not provide current or future access to properties other than those whom would own the private street. C. The street would not result in land locking present or planned parcels. D. The street would only serve a single planned single family residential short subdivision, apartment, townhome, condominium, industrial, or commercial development project. Private streets are not allowed for residential subdivisions not meeting the definition of “Short Subdivision” per ACC 17.04.330. E. The street would connect directly to a public street. Roadway geometrics of private streets will be in conformance with the street standards that most closely reflect their intended use, with a minimum of 36 feet of pavement width or 28 feet of pavement width with a marked fire lane on one side. Private streets shall be located within permanently established tracts or easements. A capable, legally responsible owner or homeowners’ association shall be established to maintain private streets. A plat or short plat with private streets requires an executed recorded Private Street Maintenance Agreement and a Storm Water Easement and Maintenance Agreement that obligate the future property owners to maintain the infrastructure indefinitely. City of Auburn Issued March 2023 Engineering Design Standards Page 129 10.03.09 Downtown Urban Center Standards Streets in the downtown urban center (DUC) zone, as defined in the Comprehensive Plan zoning map, require sidewalks, street lights, street corners, crosswalks, and traffic signals that differ from other streets. In 2007, the City Council passed Resolution 4271 that approved and adopted for inclusion into the Engineering Design Standards the Auburn Sidewalk Design Guidelines (Guidelines). Since then, the Guidelines have been revised in consultation with the Downtown Redevelopment Committee (formerly a committee of City Council members) and at various Council Study Sessions. The Guidelines are included in the sections referenced below and are no longer a separate document: A. Sidewalks, Street Trees, Driveway Transitions, and Street Corners (See Section 10.09.01 and Section 10.12) B. Crosswalks (See Section 10.09.06) C. Street Lighting (See Section 10.16.03) D. Traffic Signals (See Section 10.21.12) Where the DUC zone boundaries are shown along or within a street, the Guidelines apply to both sides of the street and extend to the curb returns of the exempt street. Figure 10-10 illustrates the DUC zone and the applicability of the Guidelines within it. All local streets, except N. Division Street and B Street NW, are exempt from the Guidelines. South Division Street from 3rd Street SE/SW through W Main St, also referred to as the “Promenade” and incorporates specialized sidewalks and pedestrian crosswalks that vary from the Guidelines. Figure 10-10 Downtown Sidewalk Design Guidelines Applicability Map City of Auburn Issued March 2023 Engineering Design Standards Page 130 10.04 Road Design Geometrics 10.04.01 Sight Distance Minimum sight distance requirements are to be determined using the current edition of AASHTO’s “A Policy on Geometric Design of Highway Streets”. Roadway geometry shall be designed such that sight lines are unobstructed and within right-of-way, tract, or sight distance easement. Where AASHTO provides guidance for both a “desirable” sight distance and a “minimum” sight distance, the “desirable” sight distance shall be the City’s required sight distance. Sight distance calculations supporting the roadway design geometrics shall be included in the plans. 10.04.02 Posted and Design Speeds Posted speeds for new arterial and collector roadways shall be determined by the City Engineer and Comprehensive Transportation Plan policies. Posted speeds for new non-arterial or collector roadways and the design speeds for all existing roadways shall be per Table 10-3. Table 10-3 Existing Road Design Speeds Arterial and Collector Streets Local and Rustic Residential Local Non- Residential Shared Driveway Access Roads and Alleys Posted Speed (mph) Varies 25 30 Not Posted Design Speed (mph) Posted + 10 mph or 85th percentile per a speed study conducted within 1- year, whichever is greater. 30 35 15 Reduced Design Speed (mph)* N/A 20 25 N/A * Reduced design speed may be used within 150 feet of the following: 1) Permanent dead end 2) Permanent cul-de-sac 3) End of road @ T-Intersection 4) On stop controlled approach to local/local Intersection 5) On approaches to local/local intersection with a traffic circle with (design speed justification documentation required) 10.04.03 Curves Design calculations supporting the design of roadway curves shall be included in the plans. Horizontal curves shall be designed to provide the minimum radii required for vehicles to safely negotiate a turn without leaving their driving lane and shall in no case violate minimum sight distance requirements. Sections of straight roadway must be designed between curves to avoid quick left-right transitions that could potentially lead to loss of vehicular control. Where reverse curves are superelevated, tangents between curves shall be of sufficient length to accommodate City of Auburn Issued March 2023 Engineering Design Standards Page 131 transitions into and out of the superelevated sections per AASHTO. Vertical curves are required where a change in vertical alignment equals or exceeds a 1% algebraic grade difference. Crest vertical curves shall be designed to provide the required minimum stopping sight distance for the streets design speed. Sag vertical curve lengths shall be designed to provide headlight sight distance equal to or greater than the design speed stopping sight distance. All vertical curves must be symmetrical, parabolic, and meet AASHTO standards. 10.04.04 Vertical Grades Table 10-4 Vertical Grades by Roadway Type Arterial Collector & Local Non-Residential Local Residential & Rustic Residential Shared Driveway Access Roads & Alleys Maximum Vertical Grade 6%8% 8% (may be increased to 10% without deviation where all other geometric design requirements are met) 10% (may be increased to 12% without deviation in access roads without existing or planned public utilities) Minimum Vertical Grade 1%1%1%1% Deviations to the maximum allowed vertical street grades of arterial and collector roadways shall generally not be granted unless it can be demonstrated that, and the City Engineer determines that, the public benefits significantly outweigh any potential detriments. Deviations will only be considered for up to an 8% maximum grade for arterials and a 10% maximum grade for collector streets. If approved, deviations for roadway grades above 8% may trigger the additional following design considerations, as determined to be necessary by the City Engineer: A. Increased travel lane widths B. Enhanced Paving Section C. Incorporation of Separated Multi-use trail D. Incorporation of Median Islands E. Enhanced Intersection/Signal Improvements 10.04.05 Cross Slopes Cross slopes shall be as shown in the typical cross sections except roads with vertical grades of greater than 6% where cross slopes may be increased up to 3% and cross slopes of roadways constructed with pervious/permeable pavement may be reduced to 1%. Superelevation design shall be per AASHTO. Intersections shall be designed to drain away from the higher classification street. Grades shall match at the center of intersections for equal classification streets. At intersections of differing classification streets, the crown shall be carried through the intersection for the higher classification. City of Auburn Issued March 2023 Engineering Design Standards Page 132 10.04.06 Intersection Landings The intersection landing approach is a defined segment of the street before the intersection and is measured back from the point of tangency of the curb radius on each approach to the intersection. Minimum requirements for intersection landings are shown in Table 10-5. Minimum requirements for driveway landings, which include landings for shared driveway access roads and alleys, are included in Section 10.08.05. Table 10-5 Intersection Landing Requirements Arterial Non-Arterial Roadways Shared Driveway Access Roads & Alleys Minimum Landing Approach Length (ft) 30 20 12 Maximum Landing Approach Grade 3%5%5% 10.04.07 Curb and Right-of-Way Radius Table 10-6 lists minimum required curb and right-of-way radii. Intersections serving transit routes require analysis to determine if increased radii is needed. The analysis will demonstrate that busses may execute a right turn at 9 mph without crossing lanes or encroaching onto the adjacent curb. The design vehicle will be the largest bus expected currently or planned to be utilized at the intersection. The City Engineer may determine that additional right-of-way is required at or near intersections to accommodate auxiliary traffic lanes and equipment for existing or future traffic signals and street lights. Table 10-6 Minimum Curb and ROW Radii Roadway Minimum Intersection ROW Radii (ft) Minimum Intersection Curb Radii (ft) Principal Arterial 29.5 40 Minor Arterial 24.5 35 Residential Collector 14.5 25 Non-Residential Collector 19.5 30 Rustic Collector 17 30 Local Residential 9 20 Local Non-Residential 19.5 30 Rustic Residential 7 20 10.05 Pavement Design Pavement design of public streets is based on the street classification per the CTP, subgrade conditions, and whether or not the street is on a transit or freight route. Pavement design of private streets will be in conformance with the street standards that most closely reflect their intended use. City of Auburn Issued March 2023 Engineering Design Standards Page 133 10.05.01 Simplified Asphalt Pavement Design The simplified pavement design approach described in this section may be utilized as a simplified approach to determine the required pavement section except for the following streets for which pavement sections must be designed per the current AASHTO design procedure: A. Principal arterials B. Designated transit and freight routes per the CTP C. Streets where subgrade California Bearing Ratio (CBR) values are less than 3 This simplified approach has been developed so that extensive data and computer analysis is not necessary for developing pavement designs for most projects. The approach requires determination of the street’s subgrade conditions and street classification which are then utilized to determine the required pavement design section. The California Bearing Ratio (CBR) shall be used to classify existing subgrade soils as poor, medium, good, or excellent. The subgrade under the proposed street shall be evaluated by an independent testing laboratory or geotechnical firm to determine the CBR of the subgrade. The proposed roadway shall have a minimum of one test for every 1,000 feet of road and/or for every obvious change in subgrade material. With approval from the City Engineer, or designee, other information such as soils testing data from adjacent projects and field observations may be utilized instead of testing where, in the opinion of the City Engineer or designee, the information provides sufficient data to classify the soil type. City of Auburn Issued March 2023 Engineering Design Standards Page 134 Table 10-7 Simplified Asphalt Pavement Section Design Chart Soil Type Street Type Poor (CBR 3-5) Medium (CBR 6-10) Good (CBR 11-20) Excellent (CBR >20) Unpaved Utility Access Roads 2” CSTC 12” Base Course Geotextile Fabric 2” CSTC 8” Base Course 2” CSTC 8” Base Course 2” CSTC 8” Base Course Alleys, Access Roads, Locals 2” HMA CL 1/2” 4” HMA CL 1” 11.5” CSBC Geotextile Fabric 2” HMA CL 1/2” 4” HMA CL 1” 7.5” CSBC 2” HMA CL 1/2” 4” HMA CL 1” 4” CSBC 2” HMA CL 1/2” 3” HMA CL 1” 4” CSBC Collectors 3” HMA CL 1/2” 4” HMA CL 1” 14.5” CSBC Geotextile Fabric 3” HMA CL 1/2” 4” HMA CL 1” 9” CSBC 3” HMA CL 1/2” 4” HMA CL 1” 5.5” CSBC 3” HMA CL 1/2” 3.5” HMA CL 1” 4” CSBC Minor Arterials 3” HMA CL 1/2” 6 HMA CL 1” 18.5” CSBC Geotextile Fabric 3” HMA CL 1/2” 6” HMA CL 1” 11” CSBC 3” HMA CL 1/2” 4” HMA CL 1” 9.5” CSBC 3” HMA CL 1/2” 4” HMA CL 1” 6” CSBC 10.05.02 AASHTO Asphalt Pavement Design Engineered pavement designs may be utilized regardless of whether or not the simplified approach is applicable. Engineered pavement designs shall follow the latest “AASHTO Guide for Design of Pavement Structures” for flexible pavements except that the minimum asphalt pavement thicknesses shall apply: Table 10-8 AASHTO Pavement Design Minimum Require Asphalt Pavement Thickness Street Type Minimum Asphalt Pavement Thickness Local, Alley, Access Road/Tract 5” Collector 6.5” Arterial 7” City of Auburn Issued March 2023 Engineering Design Standards Page 135 The subgrade under the proposed street shall be evaluated by an independent testing laboratory or geotechnical firm to determine the CBR and/or Resilient Modulus (Mr) of the subgrade for the pavement design. The proposed roadway shall have a minimum of one test for every 1,000 feet of road and/or for every obvious change in subgrade material. Documentation for these required tests shall be included in the Pavement Design Report. For projects where a traffic analysis report was not required, to determine the amount of traffic for which a street is to be designed, contact the City to obtain the most recent street classification and traffic counts. Traffic counts are done assuming there is a 50/50 split in the direction of traffic. 100% of the 50/50 split must be assumed in the design lane, regardless of the number of lanes in each direction. The existing traffic levels shall then be inflated to match the projected traffic at the end of the roadways design life (in most cases a twenty-year design life will be used). The annual rate of growth is 1.5% for residential streets and 3.5% for commercial/industrial streets and arterials streets. The minimum pavement section shall be as determined by the pavement design using the AASHTO pavement design approach with a 20-year service life except as limited by Table 10-8. The Reliability Level factors used in pavement design shall be in accordance with the following table: Table 10-9 Pavement Design – Reliability Factors Required Level of ReliabilityFunctional Classification Urban Rural Principal Arterials 95 90 Minor Arterials 90 Collectors 90 Local 85 10.05.03 Pavement Design Report All pavement designs (whether per the AASHTO method or per the simplified approach) shall be documented in a Pavement Design Memorandum stamped and signed by a Professional Engineer and may be included in the project Geotechnical Report where applicable. The report shall include a narrative of the site conditions, geotechnical boring logs, testing results, calculations, the pavement analysis, and applicable background information for review and approval. The report must contain all calculations regarding the pavement design including, spreadsheets, all variables and assumptions, as well as geotechnical engineering information on the subgrade soils. 10.05.04 Permeable Pavements Pervious Cement and Asphalt Concrete Pavement must be designed by a professional engineer. The design shall be documented by a report that includes relevant calculations, data collection, and assumptions. The report must provide evidence that the permeable surfaces are designed to have at least a 30-year service life given the anticipated vehicle counts and vehicle classifications. The minimum pavement design section shall be as follows: A. 6-inch-thick wearing course of porous asphalt or pervious concrete; over B. 6-inch reservoir course (Permeable Ballast per Section 9-03.9(2) of the Construction Standards); over City of Auburn Issued March 2023 Engineering Design Standards Page 136 C. Geotextile (Non-Woven, Moderate Survivability per Section 9-33.2(1) of the Construction Standards); over D. Where treatment is required, and native subsoils do not meet water quality design criteria per the SWMM: 18-inch runoff treatment layer with specifications per the SWMM. Permeable pavements shall be designed and constructed per the SWMM and the Construction Standards. Pervious cement and porous asphalt concrete pavement within the public right-of-way shall not be utilized for storm water management of runoff from areas outside the public right-of-way. 10.05.05 Pavement Surface Restoration and Preservation Restoration of pavement disturbed by trenching or other activities shall be per Chapter 9. When the total surface restoration area exceeds 1,000 SF feet, pavement core sample(s) are required to be collected in the required restoration area to determine the existing pavement thickness. The City Engineer, or designee, may waive or reduce the coring requirement where other information is available to determine the existing pavement thickness. This information could include, but is not limited to, as-built records, coring samples from other work at the same location, or observations made by the City during construction work at the same location. Where the existing pavement to be removed and replaced does not meet current City standards, the City Engineer, or designee, may determine that pavement replacement to meet City Standards is required. 10.06 Roadside Design 10.06.01 Roadway Edge Roadway edges shall be per the typical sections included in Section 10.03.06. Concrete curb and gutter shall be constructed per WSDOT Standard Plan F-10.12. Curbs that are not along stormwater flow paths shall be constructed as cement concrete traffic curb per WSDOT Standard Plan F-10.12. Rustic roads within the City may be designed with a gravel shoulder (minimum of 3 inches Crushed Surfacing Top Coarse (CSTC) over 8 inches of Gravel Base. Drainage inlets and grates along curbs shall be constructed per WSDOT Standard Plan F- 10.16. 10.06.02 Clear Zone – Lateral Separation from Fixed Objects The following standards apply to all new or replaced facilities and do not obligate the City to retrofit or replace existing facilities for the sole purpose of meeting the standards below. The City has adopted 4 feet as the minimum lateral separation from the edge of motorized vehicular travel way to fixed objects for streets with vertical curbs within the urban environment. Utility and traffic signal poles along streets with vertical curbs within the urban environment, as defined in Chapter 10 of the AASHTO Roadside Design Guide require minimum 6 feet lateral separation from edge of motorized vehicular travel way. Under many conditions, additional lateral separation shall be required to provide adequate clear zone per the AASHTO Roadside Design Guide. These conditions include, but are not limited to: streets without vertical curbs, horizontal curves, proximity to driveways, high design speeds (in excess of 45 mph), merge locations, crash history, roadways that are not built per existing City standards, and other conditions as deemed applicable by the City Engineer. Reduced minimum lateral separation along roadways with design speeds of 35 mph or less is allowed for street trees centered within landscape strips and for mailboxes. Minimum lateral separation from the face of curb to any City of Auburn Issued March 2023 Engineering Design Standards Page 137 roadside object (regardless if fixed or non-fixed) is 2 feet. 10.06.03 Traffic Barriers Evaluation of roadside conditions, including embankments, for traffic barriers, including guardrail installations, shall be in accordance with the WSDOT Design Manual. Guardrail installations shall conform to WSDOT Standard Plan C-1, Beam Guardrail Type 1. End anchors shall conform to WSDOT Standard Plan C-6, Beam Guardrail Anchor Type 1. 10.07 On-Street Parking On-street parking is generally not allowed on arterial, collector, and local non-residential streets. For Local Residential streets where parking is allowed on one side only and there are landscape strips present on both sides of the road, the parking shall be placed on the side of the street that can accommodate the most parking. Pavement parking space demarcations shall not be used except as directed by the City Engineer. Parking is not allowed at any of the following locations. Signage, curb, and pavement markings are not required to establish these restrictions except as determined otherwise by the City Engineer, or designee, or as specified otherwise below: A. Within fire lanes. Fire lanes shall require pavement marking and/or signage. B. Within 20 feet of an uncontrolled intersection measured from the point of tangency on the entering curb radius. C. Within 30 feet of a stop, yield or signal controlled intersection measured from the point of tangency on the entering curb radius. D. Within any intersection. For “T” intersections, the no parking limits shall apply to both sides of the through street (top of the “T”). See Figure 10-11 below. Figure 10-11 - T-Intersection Parking Restrictions E. In front of or within 15 feet of each side of a fire hydrant. City of Auburn Issued March 2023 Engineering Design Standards Page 138 F. In front of or within 5 feet of each side of a driveway. G. Where mid-block crosswalks are installed, no parking shall be allowed on either side of the street within 50 feet in advance of the nearest edge of the crosswalk and within 20 feet past the furthest edge of the crosswalk. In no case shall the advance parking restriction for crosswalks be less than the minimum stopping sight distance of the roadway. Additional parking restriction may be required depending upon roadway geometrics, adjacent land use, and the proximity to bridges and railroads. No parking signage shall be per City of Auburn Standard Detail T-40. 10.08 Driveways Construction of driveway access to the public street right-of-way requires prior approval by the City Engineer, or designee. Connection between the driveway and street shall be with a driveway apron per City of Auburn Standard Detail T-34 or T-35 except a driveway connection to a street that does not have curb/gutter and sidewalk may be with an apron constructed of the same material, thickness, and strength as the street with tapered corners that accommodate the largest vehicles anticipated to utilize the driveway apron. Work that requires any portion of a driveway apron to be replaced triggers the requirement to upgrade/replace the entire driveway to meet ADA standards. 10.08.01 Number of Driveways Regardless if a project includes one or multiples parcels, it is limited to one driveway access to a City street (including alleys) with the following exceptions: A. Single family residential subdivision projects are allowed one driveway access to each single family residential parcel when all of the driveway accesses for the project are to a local residential roadway, alley, or a shared access tract/driveway. B. Additional driveway(s) may be provided to satisfy International Fire Code Requirements IFC). These additional driveways are subject to the requirements of Emergency Vehicle Access Driveways per the IFC and these Engineering Design Standards. See Section 10.08.10 for emergency vehicle access driveway requirements. Subdivisions with a driveway access to a roadway classified higher than local residential or for non-single family residential projects shall be limited to a single access tract/driveway for the entire subdivision. 10.08.02 Driveway Classifications, Widths, and Spacing Driveway spacing shall be per City of Auburn Standard Detail T-04. When the minimum spacing is not obtainable, to address safety concerns, or to mitigate impacts of traffic flow, the City Engineer, or designee, may determine that two contiguous parcels require a single driveway centered on the property line. Driveway widths are measured across the driveway apron, excluding driveway wings/ramps. Spacing between driveways is measured from the limits the driveway apron wings/ramps. Residential Driveways – A driveway serving one single family residential property is a residential driveway. Residential driveway widths shall be per City of Auburn Standard Detail T-04. City of Auburn Issued March 2023 Engineering Design Standards Page 139 Shared Residential – A driveway serving two or more single family residential parcels is a shared residential driveway. Widths of shared residential driveways shall be per residential driveway standards as shown on City of Auburn Standard Detail T-31. Shared residential driveways require a commercial driveway apron. See Section 10.08.07 for shared driveway access road requirements. Shared Commercial/Industrial – A driveway serving two or more non-single family residential parcels is a shared commercial/industrial driveway. Widths of shared commercial/industrial driveway shall be as shown on City of Auburn Standard Detail T-31. See Section 10.08.07 for shared driveway access road requirements. Light Commercial/Industrial - A driveway serving a site where the average vehicle use will range from passenger vehicles to small size delivery trucks is a light commercial/industrial driveway. Examples include mini marts, strip malls, fast-food restaurants, duplexes, triplexes, and small apartment buildings (less than 10 units). Light commercial/industrial driveways shall have one entering lane and up to two exiting lanes with the lane widths restricted to a maximum of 12 feet per City of Auburn Standard Detail T-04. Medium Commercial/Industrial – A driveway serving a site where the average vehicle use will range from medium to high volumes of passenger vehicles to multiple medium delivery trucks per day and the occasional large tractor/trailer delivery truck is a medium commercial/industrial driveway. Examples include supermarkets, outlet stores, shopping malls, large apartment buildings (more than 10 units), and retail stores located on arterials. Medium commercial/industrial driveways shall have one entering lane and up to two exiting lanes with the lane widths restricted to a maximum of 14 feet per City of Auburn Standard Detail T-04. Heavy Commercial/Industrial – A driveway serving a site where high volumes of medium to large tractor/trailer trucks enter and exit every day is a heavy commercial/industrial driveway. Examples include manufacturing, industrial, and storage warehouses. Heavy commercial/industrial driveways shall have one entering lane and one exiting lane with the lane widths restricted to a maximum of 16 feet. The City Engineer, or designee, may determine that additional driveway apron width is allowed. This determination would be based on turning templates for the largest anticipated vehicle entering/exiting and proposed improvements to mitigate the additional width such as a pedestrian refuge island per City of Auburn Standard Detail T-04. 10.08.03 Driveway Lay Out Driveways and on-site parking, other than that for single-family residences on local residential street or alleys, shall be designed such that vehicle-backing maneuvers will not occur onto the street. A properly designed driveway shall allow the largest typical vehicle that will use the driveway (i.e., tractor-trailers at large warehouses, delivery trucks at mini marts) to enter and exit the site without encroaching into opposing traffic lanes, including two-way left turn lanes. When designing site layout and driveway access, internal circulation shall be such that on-site traffic will not backup the driveway impeding vehicles in the public street. The City may require sites with internal traffic congestion to design driveways with long throat lengths to provide extra storage to avoid impacting City streets. Per ACC 18.52.050, commercial and industrial driveways shall have at least a 40 foot throat from the street (not be intersected by parking aisle, parking space, or another access driveway for a minimum distance of 40 feet from the street right-of-way). The City Engineer may require additional throat distance or may allow less throat distance with the consideration of the following: classification and volumes of street from which access is being taken, total number of parking stalls, design vehicle for parking lot, size of parcel and parking area to which the driveway is providing access, and queueing analysis. If a gate is proposed across a driveway City of Auburn Issued March 2023 Engineering Design Standards Page 140 it shall be located a minimum distance of the largest vehicle accessing the site (excluding emergency vehicles), measured from the right-of-way line, unless there is adequate room for parking outside the travel lane(s) without blocking non-motorized facilities. Driveways connecting non-single family residential development to non-local roadways shall accommodate waste management and other service vehicles serving the development such that the service vehicles do not stop on the roadway (they enter the site, perform services, and exit the site). 10.08.04 Driveway Locations When a property has frontage on two or more streets (or alleys), the driveway will be located on the lowest classification of street (or alley). Driveway accesses with any portion of the driveway (including wings) within the “Functional Intersection Boundary” shall be either prohibited or restricted. See Table 10-10 and Figures 10-12 and 10-13. Single family residential driveways on local residential streets are exempt from functional intersection boundary requirements. The functional intersection boundary is the portion of the street leading up to the intersection required to allow vehicle movements and storage. This is the area where drivers identify the situation, change lanes, come to a stop, and wait before proceeding through the intersection. The functional length of an intersection is measured from the point of curvature/point of tangency (PC/PT) of the curb return. Driveway restrictions include prohibiting either all left turn movements, left turns from, or left turns to the subject driveway. The City Engineer may also impose driveway restrictions at other locations when a safety hazard is identified or to mitigate impacts to traffic flow along a classified street. Such restrictions shall be incorporated into the design of the driveway in a manner that strives to maintain existing access turning movements to other adjacent properties. Table 10-10 Distance Requirements for Functional Intersection Boundaries Posted Speed (mph) Speed (ft./sec) Reaction Time (sec) Decision Distance (ft.) “d1” Lane Change Distance (ft.) “d2”* Braking Distance (ft.) “d3” Storage Length (ft.) “d4” Distance A (Approaching) (ft.) Distance A (Departing) (ft.) Distance B (ft.) 25 37 1.0 37 25 60 50 135 80 172 30 44 1.0 44 40 86 50 176 107 220 35 51 1.0 51 60 118 100 278 140 329 40 59 1.0 59 85 154 100 339 179 405 45 66 1.0 66 105 194 100 399 216 465 * For single lane approaches where a lane change is not possible, “d2” should be omitted. City of Auburn Issued March 2023 Engineering Design Standards Page 141 Figure 10-12 Functional Length Diagram of an Intersection with Right and/or Left-Turn Lane Figure 10-13 Functional Intersection Boundary Restricted Access Diagram 10.08.05 Driveway Alignment (Horizontal and Vertical) The angle between the centerline of a driveway approach and the edge of a street travel way shall not be less than 85 degrees or greater than 95 degrees unless a “pork chop” or other access control device is allowed. Where the edge of the roadway is curved, such as in cul-de- City of Auburn Issued March 2023 Engineering Design Standards Page 142 sacs, the angle will be measured from the tangential line to the travel way edge at the intersection of the driveway approach centerline. The vertical grade behind the driveway apron shall not exceed 5% for a distance of 12 feet beyond back of sidewalk or right of way line except for the alternate driveway type per City of Auburn Standard Detail T-35 where the 5 foot driveway ramp grade may be up to 10%. Driveways shall be designed to preclude vehicles from dragging when entering or exiting the site. 10.08.06 Driveway Sight Distance Minimum sight distance requirements are to be determined using the current edition of AASHTO’s “A Policy on Geometric Design of Highway Streets”. Easements may be required to meet sight distance requirements. The minimum sight distance for pedestrian safety shall be as shown in Figure 10-14 and determined as follows: The driver of an exiting vehicle shall be able to view a one-foot-high object 15 feet away from the edges of the exiting lane or lanes, measured at the back of the sidewalk, when the driver’s eye is 14 feet behind the back of the sidewalk. Figure 10-14 - Pedestrian Sight Distance 10.08.07 Shared Driveway Access Roads Residential shared driveway access roads may serve a maximum of 6 residential units except that development of a single family residential unit on an existing lot will not be prohibited due to more than 6 existing residential units being served by an existing shared access driveway. Shared driveway access roads are privately owned and shall be maintained by the property owners who use them to access their property or as otherwise stipulated in the tract easement dedication documents or private agreements. Maintenance of shared driveway access roads shall not be the responsibility of the City. Shared driveway access roads shall include storm drainage facilities in accordance with Chapter 6 of these standards. Shared driveway access roads shall have only a single City of Auburn Issued March 2023 Engineering Design Standards Page 143 connection to the public/private roadway except that an additional gated access for emergency vehicles and/or maintenance vehicles only may be allowed. The following requirements apply to shared driveway access roads except that one or more of the requirements may be waived by the City Engineer, or designee, for development of a single- family residence on an existing platted lot that only has access to an existing shared driveway where inclusion of the requirement would require additional property rights beyond the applicant’s control, modification of existing building(s) and structure(s), impacts to critical areas, or other reason as deemed acceptable by the City Engineer: A.Easement/Tract Width: Set within dedicated and recorded easement or tract with a minimum width of 22 feet for access roads serving 2 or less residential units, 26.5 feet for access roads serving 3 or more residential units, 35 feet for access roads serving commercial use(s), and 41 feet for access roads serving industrial use(s). B.Pavement Width: Minimum asphalt pavement width of 20 feet for access roads serving residential unit(s), 24 feet for access roads serving commercial uses, and 30 feet for access roads serving industrial uses. C.Turnaround: All access road ends that are 150 feet or more from the connection to the public/private roadway connection shall include turnarounds. If a hammerhead configuration is utilized for the turnaround, it shall be designed per Figure D103.1 in Appendix D of the International Fire Code. If a cul-de-sac is utilized for the turnaround, it shall be designed per the City of Auburn Design Standards. The turnaround area must be paved and lie entirely within the access tract or easement. D.Length: Maximum length of 600 feet as measured along the centerline of the access road to the centerline of the street to which the access road connects. Where an access road has multiple centerlines (due to a “T” or other discontinuous configuration, the total length is measured along all centerlines of the access road). E.Grades/Curves: Geometrics per Section 10.04. F.Sidewalks: Shared driveway access roads that serve 2 or less residential units or provide emergency access only do not require sidewalk along the access road. Access roads serving 3 or more residential units require sidewalk, curb and gutter along one side of the access road. Access roads serving commercial or industrial property(s) require sidewalk, curb and gutter along both sides of the access road. The minimum sidewalk width shall be 5 feet (not including curb) and shall be separated from the vehicular egress/ingress with curb and gutter. Where sidewalks are required and the residential units are along only one side of the access road, the sidewalk shall be placed on the side of the road with the residential units. G.Signage: Identified as a fire lane with pavement markings and/or signage per ACC 10.36.175(E) such that a minimum clear width of 20 feet, free of parked vehicles or other obstructions, is provided. Signed as private drives inclusive of all addresses being served off the access road per City of Auburn Standard Detail T-26. H. Edges of access roads without curb/gutter and sidewalk will have an asphalt wedge curb per City of Auburn Standard Detail T-41, along the edge(s) to which the roadway drains, if any. Wedge curb may be excluded/modified as required to accommodate drainage facilities serving the access road. Where curb, gutter, and sidewalk are present along the shared access road, driveway City of Auburn Issued March 2023 Engineering Design Standards Page 144 connections to property(s) from the shared access road shall be by residential driveway apron. I. Driveway connections to property(s) on the access tract are configured such that vehicles backing out of the driveway are able to turn around without entering another property. 10.08.08 Controlled Driveways Where a driveway connection meets a signal warrant that cannot be addressed without a signal or roundabout, the City Engineer may allow signalized or roundabout access to a public street from a private access. In such situations, dedication to the City of any right-of-way necessary for maintaining and operating the intersection will be required. Additional mitigation measures may be required to ensure safe and efficient access to the public street. The private leg of the intersection within the right-of-way shall be designed to the applicable public street standard as determined by the City Engineer. 10.08.09 Restricted Access Driveways Restricted Access Driveways are used to restrict turning movements out of or into driveways. Turning restrictions at driveway locations shall be by one or more of the following methods as deemed appropriate by the City Engineer, or designee: A. Median Islands B. Mountable Curbs C. Pork Chops D. Signage (turn restriction signage must be placed in the right-of-way) 10.08.10 Emergency Vehicle Access Driveways Local street networks with over 30 dwelling units that do not have more than one street connection to a collector or arterial roadway are required to have a second access from the local street network to a collector or arterial via an emergency access driveway. The emergency vehicle access must be gated and restricted to emergency vehicles only with a knox lock. Non-motorized access may also be provided at the emergency vehicle access. Emergency access roadways shall meet the requirements for shared access driveways. 10.09 Sidewalks Streets shall include sidewalks as shown on the typical sections in Section 10.03 and as designated in the CTP. The City Engineer may determine that sidewalk widths that differ from the typical sections and CTP are required. Sidewalks with landscape strips shall be per City of Auburn Standard Detail T-13. Sidewalks without landscape strips shall be per City of Auburn Standard Detail T-15. Pervious sidewalks shall be per City of Auburn Standard Detail T-14. 10.09.01 Downtown Sidewalks The following requirements apply to sidewalks subject to DUC zone guidelines: A. Shall be per City of Auburn Standard Detail T-15 and will also include a 2-foot x 2-foot square scoring pattern with a light broom finish with minimal scoring depth to allow for easy cleaning. City of Auburn Issued March 2023 Engineering Design Standards Page 145 B. Shall be a minimum of 10 feet in width except sidewalks along A Street NE/NW may be 7 1/2 feet wide at some locations, as determined by the City Engineer. C. Shall include a single row of bricks to be used at transition points such as driveways per in City of Auburn Standard Detail T-44. D. Shall include street trees per City of Auburn Standard Detail T-06. Where the tree planter area encroaches upon the minimum pedestrian clearance width, a tree grate shall be required per City of Auburn Standard Detail T-30. E. Shall include decorative street corners as follows: i. Corner bulbs shall be integrated into corners where on-street parking is allowed, dependent upon the adjacent street geometry, presence of bus routes or other large vehicle use, as determined by the City Engineer. ii. All street corners where a corner bulb is required or where both legs of the street corner have sidewalks that are at least 10-feet wide shall be constructed of brick pavers in a rectangular pattern as shown in the figure below. The specific type of brick pavers shall be approved by the City, including shape, size, and color. The brick pavers shall be set on a concrete base. iii. The bulb-out layout and limits shall generally be as depicted in Figure 10-15. The City Engineer, or designee, shall determine specific design parameters for bulb-outs on a case-by-case basis. iv. Construction of a new or replaced curb ramp on a street corner that does not meet the DUC zone standards shall require the street corner to be re-built in its entirety to meet the DUC zone standards.   Figure 10-15 Downtown Street Corner Illustration City of Auburn Issued March 2023 Engineering Design Standards Page 146 10.09.02 Meandering Sidewalks The City Engineer may approve meandering sidewalks along a corridor when the sidewalk, landscaping, lighting, signing, right-of-way, and other surface features are integrated into the design of the improvements. Additional right-of-way (or an easement) may be required to accommodate the meander of the sidewalk and other surface features. 10.09.03 Accessibility All sidewalk cross slopes shall be designed to 1.5% and not exceed 2%. Sidewalk grade shall not exceed the grade of the adjacent street centerline, except at driveways and curb ramps. All sidewalks shall maintain a minimum walking zone of 5 feet in width, free of all obstructions including utilities, signage, street trees, furniture or other elements, permanent or temporary. Sidewalks require a minimum overhead clearance from trees, street signs, and vegetation of 7- feet and a minimum overhead clearance of 10-feet from all other objects. 10.09.04 Curb Ramps See WSDOT Standard Plans F-40.12, F-40.15 & F-40.16. Curb ramps shall be provided at all intersections and pedestrian crossings having vertical curb sections. Every curb ramp shall have at least one receiving ramp. Existing curbed radius return access points also require curb ramps. All curb ramps shall have detectable warning patterns formed with manufactured truncated domes in accordance with WSDOT Standard Plan F- 45.10. Truncated dome color shall be yellow except in the downtown urban core area where truncated dome color shall be brick red. Pervious cement concrete ramps and landings shall not be allowed. For any deficient element that does not meet ADA requirements, designers shall document the deficiency via a Maximum Extent Feasible (MEF) document stamped and signed by a professional engineer. The MEF document will be reviewed for acceptance by the City. MEF’s shall also be documented on the Plans with a notation indicating the deficiency and that the curb ramp was designed to the MEF per Chapter 3, Appendix C of these standards. Trenching work and the associated patching and surface restoration that traverse crosswalks/pedestrian pathways (crossings) shall not trigger the requirement to replace curb ramps that do not meet current ADA standards at the crossing, unless, the cumulative width of surface restoration at the crossing for all work associated with the project equals or exceeds 50% of the crossing width, as measured from curb face or pavement edge at the pedestrian pathway entry into the vehicle travel way to curb face or pavement edge at the pedestrian pathway departure from the vehicle travel way. This distance is measured through medians, islands, and other pedestrian refuge areas. If the cumulative width of all surface restoration at a crossing equals or exceeds 50% of the crossing width, then the curb ramp(s) that intercept the impacted crosswalk that do not meet current ADA standards must be upgraded/replaced, including signal push-button replacement/relocation where applicable per Section 10.21.12 of these Standards. Whenever any portion of a curb ramp or intersection corner without a curb ramp is replaced or upgraded for any reason, the entire curb ramp or a new curb ramp is required to meet ADA standards and installation of curb ramp(s) on the receiving end(s) is required if not already present. 10.09.05 Crosswalks Per RCW 46.04.160, crosswalks exist at all roadway intersections, whether marked or un- marked, and regardless of whether there are sidewalks at the intersection. Crosswalks also City of Auburn Issued March 2023 Engineering Design Standards Page 147 exist at non-intersection locations where they have been established with crosswalk markings (such as a midblock crossing). For the purposes of these standards, intersections are as defined in Chapter 1 of these standards. Marked crosswalks shall be per WSDOT Standard Plan M-15.10 except where DUC zone standards apply marked crosswalk shall be per Section 10.09.06. Crosswalks will be marked at the following intersection locations, except where pedestrian facilities are NOT present: A. Traffic signal and stop controlled intersections as shown in the figure below: Figure 10-16 Marked Crosswalks at Signalized Intersections B. Yield controlled approaches to roundabouts. C. Stop controlled approaches at intersections within the Downtown Urban Center. D. Stop controlled approaches to Arterial Streets (Principal or Minor Arterials). E. Stop controlled approaches at the intersection of two or more arterial and/or collector Streets. F. Stop controlled approaches of Local Streets to Non-Residential Collector Streets. Crosswalks at non-intersection locations, and intersection locations not listed above, are by- default not marked and when they are marked require enhancement(s) that reduce traffic speeds, shorten crossing distance, increase driver awareness of the crossing, and/or provide City of Auburn Issued March 2023 Engineering Design Standards Page 148 active warning of pedestrian presence. Selection of appropriate enhancements requires analysis and documentation by a professional engineer. Enhancements may include, but are not limited to, signage, rapid rectangular flashing beacon(s), and/or bulb-outs. Permanently closed crosswalks across arterial and collector streets shall have signage indicating that pedestrian crossing is prohibited (No Pedestrian Crossing Sign, MUTCD R9- 3). A supplementary plaque with arrow (Use Crosswalk Plaque w/Arrow MUTCD R9-3bP) will be included with the no pedestrian crossing sign where the closed crosswalk is at an intersection where one crosswalk is closed, and the adjacent crosswalk is open and at locations where an open crosswalk exists only in one direction from the closed crosswalk. 10.09.06 Downtown Crosswalks Marked crosswalks subject to DUC zone standards shall be per City of Auburn Standard Detail T-43. An existing marked crosswalk that does not meet the requirements of the Guidelines shall be re-built in its entirety to meet the requirements of the Guidelines with the any of the following construction activities: A. On an arterial street, full depth pavement re-construction across half or more of the crosswalk width. B. On a non-arterial street, surface pavement restoration across half or more of the crosswalk width. The crosswalk width is measured from face of curb or pavement edge at the pedestrian pathway entry into the vehicle travel way to curb face or pavement edge at the pedestrian pathway departure from the vehicle travel way. This distance is measured through medians, islands, and other pedestrian refuge areas. 10.10 Bikeways See City of Auburn Standard Detail T-17 and WSDOT Standard Plan M-9.50 Bikeways shall be incorporated into street and trail networks in accordance with the CTP and the typical sections in Section 10.03. Bikeways shall be designed in accordance with AASHTO’s current “Guide for the Development of Bicycle Facilities” the latest adopted edition of FHWA’s Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD), this section, and applicable City of Auburn standard details. The City of Auburn’s bicycle network consists of various classification bikeways. Typically, these bikeways are shared with other transportation modes, although they may be provided exclusively for bicycle use. Bikeways are categorized as follows: Class I, II, or III Bikeways. 10.10.01 Class I Bikeway Class I Bikeways are facilities shared with other non-motorized modes and are physically separated from motorized vehicle roadways. For the purposes of this section, Class I Bikeway design standards are for bicycle facilities that generally parallel a roadway with minimal crossflow by motor vehicles. When required, Class I Bikeways shall be designed for two-way traffic. Class I Bikeways that are part of the City’s Future Trails and Bicycle Network shall be public and shall be located within public right-of-way, tracts or easements. Class I Bikeways shall be either asphalt or cement concrete, at the discretion of the City Engineer or designee. Asphalt bikeways shall have a minimum pavement section of 2 inches of CL ½” asphalt concrete pavement over 6 inches of Crushed Surfacing Base Course (CSBC). City of Auburn Issued March 2023 Engineering Design Standards Page 149 Cement concrete bikeways shall be per City of Auburn Detail T-13. When the California Bearing Ratio (CBR) of the existing soil is 5 or less, an additional 6 inches of gravel base shall be required. When the trail is also utilized as a vehicular service road, the pavement design shall be the Access Road classification on Table 10-5. Class I Bikeways shall be separated from the vehicular travel way by a landscape strip or other physical buffer with a minimum 5 foot width. Where Class I Bikeways are intersected by driveways appropriate signing and pavement markings shall be provided consistent with requirements for midblock crossings. Class I Bikeways shall have widths as shown on the typical sections in Section 10.03 and as designated in the CTP. The width of the Class I Bikeways may be reduced or increased at the discretion of the City Engineer, but in no case shall the width of a Class I bikeway be less than 10 feet. 10.10.02 Class II Bikeway Class II Bikeways, or “Bike Lanes,” are incorporated within the roadway section adjacent to vehicle travel lanes. Bike lanes are exclusive one-way bicycle facilities delineated by pavement markings and signage. Bicycle traffic is carried in the same direction as the adjacent motorized vehicle traffic. Bike lanes shall have a minimum width of 6 feet as measured from nearest edge of the travel way to face of curb, edge of pavement, or edge of parking lane. Bike lanes shall have the same pavement section as the adjacent roadway. Buffering from the vehicle travel ways may be required as determined by the City Engineer. 10.10.03 Class III Bikeway Class III Bikeways, or “Shared Lanes,” are facilities shared by bicyclists and motorized vehicles Class III Bikeways may or may not be delineated with shared use pavement markings and signage as determined by the City Engineer. Generally, lower-speed/lower-volume streets are adequate for bicycle travel, so additional signing and pavement markings for bicycle use are unnecessary. 10.11 Landscape Strips Landscape strips are required per the typical sections in Section 10.03. Landscape strips are also included as part of separated trails/Class I Bikeways. Landscape strips shall be located between the back of the curb and the sidewalk. Landscape strips shall meet the following requirements: A. 5 foot minimum width. B. Minimum 8 inch deep amended soils as bedding over minimum 4 inch layer of scarified/tilled base soils all free of rocks, construction debris, slurry, and other construction material. C. Graded towards the curb at approximately 1.5%. Other grades may be allowed where it can be demonstrated to not cause drainage or maintenance issues. D. Planted with grass or shrubs, vegetation groundcover, and street trees. Shrubs and vegetative groundcover must be low maintenance, minimal debris dropping, and not present a tripping hazard to pedestrians. Landscape strips shall not include gravel, rocks, or other aggregate. Artificial turf may be placed in landscape strips subject to the following requirements: City of Auburn Issued March 2023 Engineering Design Standards Page 150 i. Must have lifelike individual blades of grass that emulate natural turf in look and color (green). ii. Indoor or outdoor plastic or nylon carpeting is not allowed. iii. Pile height must be at least 1.5 inches and have a face weight of 50 ounces per square yard. iv. A minimum eight-year manufacturer’s warranty that protects against color fading and decreased pile height is required. v. Must not utilize rubber infill. vi. Must be free of tears, bulges, wrinkles, ripples, and frayed edges. vii. Must be anchored. viii. Must be installed with the grain pointing in a single direction. ix. Edges must be trimmed to fit against all regular and irregular edges to resemble a natural look. x. Must be a minimum water permeability of thirty inches per hour per square yard after installation. E. Driveways, lighting, fire hydrants, junction boxes, water meters and other appurtenances shall be configured such that no landscape strip has a net landscaped surface area (landscape strip area minus areas occupied by non- landscape features) of less than 50 SF and no portion of a landscaped surface within a landscape strip has a width less than 2 feet. Landscape strips along local residential streets may be constructed as bioretention swales to provide low impact development (LID) surface water management. Bioretention swales in the public right-of-way shall be designed to collect, treat, and infiltrate runoff from the public right- of-way. If, after runoff from the public right-of-way has been accounted for, additional capacity remains in the bioretention swale, the bioretention swale may be utilized to treat and infiltrate runoff from adjacent private single family residential property(s) with a maintenance agreement between the City and property(s) draining to the swale that requires those property(s) to maintain the swale in perpetuity. The bioretention swale shall be designed and constructed in accordance with the SWMM. Street trees shall not be placed in landscape strips constructed as bioretention swales. Instead, required street trees shall be placed on adjacent private properties and/or tracts. 10.12 Street Trees See City of Auburn Standard Detail T-06. Street trees are required for local residential streets, residential collector streets, and streets within the DUC zone (except along Auburn Way). 10.12.01 Species Selection, Placement, and Spacing Where street trees are required, they shall be installed at a spacing of 40 feet on center or no closer than 1-1/2 times the mature diameter of the tree canopy, whichever is greater. Street trees shall be placed such that the center of the tree trunk is at 2-1/2 feet from the back of the adjacent curb or centered in the landscape strip, whichever is greater. Selection of tree species, placement, and spacing requires consideration of the following: City of Auburn Issued March 2023 Engineering Design Standards Page 151 A.Sight Lines: Trees shall be placed so that they do not obstruct the view of any street intersection, driveway, or visibility of any traffic control device or sign. Sight distance triangles shall be used to analyze visibility at street intersections. B.Planting Next to a Building: Where a building is placed close to the sidewalk, the mature size of a tree should be considered when selecting species. Trees with a pyramidal, columnar, or oval shaped canopy are preferable; a tree with a round head is generally unsuitable in this situation. C.Overhead Wires: When trees must be planted directly under or when the mature canopy is within 12 feet of overhead utility lines, species with a mature maximum height of 25 feet or less must be selected. D.Street Lighting: Street and pedestrian lights should be placed between street trees. The trees shall be located at least half their mature canopy width or 20 feet from street lights, whichever is greater. E.Underground Utilities: Trees shall be planted to avoid impacts on underground utilities. F.Clearance: Trees shall be pruned as they grow to provide at least 8 feet vertical clearance above sidewalks and 14 feet of vertical clearance above roadway surfaces. Table 10-11 provides a selection of acceptable species of trees. Many other trees are appropriate and alternative selections may be proposed if desired. Alternative plant choices must be evaluated and approved by the City Engineer. Needled evergreens and trees with mature heights of over 35 feet are not allowed. A.Round: These are generally wide spreading trees that need more space than other shapes. B.Oval: Taller than they are wide and cause less interference with traffic. C.Columnar:Useful in locations where there is little available room between the street and buildings, awnings, or other features. Branches of columnar trees tend to grow up rather than out. Many branch lower than other types of trees without causing problems with traffic or pedestrians. D.Pyramid: Also called cone, typically broad at the base of the canopy and are somewhat pointed at the top. Planted close together, pyramidal trees can screen unwanted views or create vistas. Lower branches sometimes droop with age and may have to be limbed up in later years to provide the needed clearance. E.Vase:(sometimes also called “v-shaped”) have canopies that are narrow toward the bottom and broad at the top. V-shaped trees may have arching branches that form a canopy over both street and sidewalk. They generally do not cause problems with overhead power lines or traffic. City of Auburn Issued March 2023 Engineering Design Standards Page 152 Table 10-11 Street Trees Common Name Mature Height (ft.) Mature Canopy Width (ft.) Sidewalk Landscape Areas Medians Canopy Shape Amur Maple ‘Flame’20 20 x Round Mt. St. Helens Plum ‘Frankthrees’20 20 x x Round Rocky Mt Glow Maple ‘Schmidt’25+15 x x Round Flowering Plum ‘Krauter Vesuvius’30 15 x x Round Pear ‘Autumn Blaze’30 25 x Round Pacific Sunset Maple ‘Warrens Red’30 25 x x Round Serviceberry ‘Princess Diana’20 15 x Round Serviceberry ‘Autumn brilliance’20 15 x Round Queen Elizabeth Maple ‘Evelyn’35 30 x Oval Red Fox Katsura 30 16 x x Oval Frans Fontain Hornbeam 35 15 x x Columnar Cherry ‘Columnarus’35 15 x x Columnar Cherry ‘Spire’30 10 x x Columnar Pyramidal European Hornbeam ‘Fastigiata’35 25 x x Columnar Red Obelisk 35 12 x x Columnar “Marilee”24 10 x x Pyramid Pear ‘Redspire’35 25 x x Pyramid Linden ‘Redmond’35 20 x x Pyramid Linden ‘DeGroot’30 20 x x Pyramid Chancelor Linden ‘Chancole’35 20 x x Pyramid Flowering Cherry ‘Amanogowa’20 6 x x Vase Flowering Cherry ‘Akebono’25 25 x Vase F. 10.12.02 Root Direction Devices Trees within sidewalks, landscape strips, and on public or private property that are within 10- feet of a street or sidewalk require root barrier devices to deflect tree roots downward into the soil. The root barrier will be placed on all sides of the tree root ball. For a tree outside the street cross section, the barriers may be omitted on the side of the tree root ball that is parallel and opposite to the street. Plan submissions shall indicate the location of root barriers and provide a specification sheet on the product to be used. 10.13 Ground Cover Ground cover and shrubs plantings in landscape strips and medians shall adhere to the requirements of this section. Except street trees, landscape strips and median plantings shall have a mature height of less than 3 feet. Table 10-9 provides several acceptable species of ground cover and shrubs. Many other types of plants may be appropriate and alternative selections may be proposed if desired. Alternative plant choices must be evaluated and approved by the City Engineer, or designee. The SWMM shall be utilized to select groundcover plantings within the wet areas of bioretention facilities. City of Auburn Issued March 2023 Engineering Design Standards Page 153 Groundcover shall be planted from either four-inch pot with 12-inch spacing or one-gallon pot with 18-inch spacing. Alternative spacing of particular species may be approved by the City Engineer if documentation concerning the effectiveness of the groundcover is submitted with the landscape plan. Table 10-12 Ground Cover Common Name Mature Height (ft.) Can be utilized in: M (Medians), L (Landscape Strips) Minimum Planting Area Width (ft.) Kinnikinnick Bearberry 0.5 to 1 M, L 5’ to 6’ California Wild Lilac 1.5 M 6’ to 8’ Bearberry Cotoneaster < 2 M 5 to 6’ Purple Leaf Winter Creeper 1.5 M 6’ to 8’ Blue Chip Juniper/Hughes Juniper 1 M 6’ to 8’ Siberian Carpet Cypress 1.5 M 7’ to 8’ Evergreen Bramble 1 M 6’ Mother of Thyme 0.25 M 1 Otto Lyuken 3 M 6 Japanese Barberry 4 M 5 Wings of Gold 3 – 4 M 3 Periwinkle 0.5 M 1.5’ 10.14 Irrigation Systems Irrigation systems for landscape strips in the public right of way shall conform to ACC 12.12.236 and shall adhere to the standards specified in the City of Auburn Construction Standards. 10.15 Mailboxes See City of Auburn Standard Details T-07, T-08 & T-09. Locating and installing mailboxes in connection with the construction or reconstruction of a City street shall follow AASHTO and Post Office guidelines. Mailboxes shall be located a minimum of 2 feet back from the face of curb on streets which have a curb. For streets without a curb, setbacks shall be determined using ASSHTO standards. When locating mailboxes, access, sight distance, parking, and landscaping requirements shall be taken into account. Final locations shall be detailed on the civil plans and approved by the serving Post Office and the City Engineer. When mailboxes are located in the sidewalk, individually or in clusters, sidewalks shall be widened to provide a minimum 5 feet of clearance around the mailboxes. Widening of the sidewalk may require the dedication of additional right-of way or easement. The owners or residents served by mailboxes will install and thereafter maintain their own individual, clustered, or separated mailboxes as instructed by the U.S. Postal Service. City of Auburn Issued March 2023 Engineering Design Standards Page 154 10.16 Illumination 10.16.01 Street Lighting Design Street lighting design shall be in conformance with the design criteria in the most recent edition of the IES Lighting Handbook (Illuminating Engineering Society of North America) and applicable WSDOT and City of Auburn Design and Construction Standards. Table 10-13 provides minimum lighting design criteria, lamp attachment types, heights, davit arm lengths, and typical spacing for various roadway classifications in the City. The schedule is based on typical straight roadway sections with a staggered lighting configuration. Wider road sections, curves, intersections, cul-de-sacs, single sided lighting configurations require additional analysis to determine the spacing, height, and davit arm lengths required to achieve the required lighting levels. Street light standards shall be staggered from one side of the roadway to the other, except where site constraints make single sided lighting more feasible and equally effective. Street lights on streets with median islands 8 feet in width and greater shall be located in the medians using dual davit arms to light the street on both sides of the median. The Applicant shall provide project specific lighting calculations that demonstrate minimum illumination levels will be met. Light level calculations shall be done ignoring any existing substandard luminaires (PSE lights on wood poles, etc.). Special consideration shall be given for light levels at crosswalks, curves, conflict points and street ends. The locations of street lights shall take into consideration any obstacles which may screen or impede lighting levels such as street trees and awnings. Minimum separation between street trees and street lights shall be 20 feet or ½ the mature tree canopy width, whichever is greater. Marked crosswalks at traffic signal controlled intersections and sidewalks in the Downtown Urban Corridor (DUC) zone shall be lit to an average of 2-foot candles. All other marked crosswalks will be lit to a minimum of 1-½ times the required average light level per Table 10- 13. 10.16.02 Luminaries All City street lights shall be LED. Acceptable light fixtures/luminaries are shown on City of Auburn Standard Detail T-37. Use of other fixtures requires documentation showing they meet all applicable City standards and approved by the City Engineer.. Street and Pedestrian Luminaires shall operate on 240 Volt AC and all luminaires shall be full cutoff. All luminaires shall be provided with wattage labels for positive identification of Lamp (See Table 10-10). A maximum of 5% voltage drop across each circuit will be permitted. City of Auburn Issued March 2023 Engineering Design Standards Page 155 Table 10-13 Lighting Design Criteria Street Classification Lamp Attachment Type (See City of Auburn Standard Detail T-37) Avg. Light Level (ft-candle) Max. Uniformity Ratio Min. Light Level (ft-candle) Luminaire Mounting Height (ft) Spacing* (ft) Davit Arm Length (ft) Principal Arterial Type A 1.4 3 To 1 0.2 35** 190 12 Minor Arterial Type B 0.9 3 To 1 0.2 35 190 12 Minor Arterial w/Center Turn Lane or Median Type B 0.9 3 To 1 0.2 35 190 12 Non-Residential Collector Type B 0.9 3 To 1 0.2 35 200 12 Residential Collector Type D 0.6 3 To 1 0.2 30 175 14 Residential Collector w/Center Turn Lane or Median Type D 0.6 3 To 1 0.2 30 175 14 Local Non- Residential Type D 0.6 3 To 1 0.2 35 160 12 Rustic Roads*N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Local Residential and Local Residential Alternate Type F 0.4 6 To 1 0.1 30 185 8 * Lighting for rustic roads shall be at intersections only and meet the design criteria for Local Residential Roads. 10.16.03 Light Poles City street light poles shall be “cobra head” style per City of Auburn Standard Detail T-19 except for streets within the DUC zone that shall be per City of Auburn Standard Detail T-28 or T-39. An alternate street light may be utilized along local residential streets per City of Auburn Standard Detail T-29. Light Standards handholes shall be four inches by six inches nominal non-flush type in accordance with City of Auburn Standard Detail T-19 with tamper resistant screws. All light poles shall be placed on a foundation. Foundations for light standards shall conform to City of Auburn Standard Details T-19, T-28, or T-29. Luminaire wiring, conduit, and pole placement within street cross sections that have curb, gutter, and sidewalks shall be per City of Auburn Standard Detail T-18. 10.16.04 Service Cabinet, Foundation, Conduit See City of Auburn Standard Detail T-21. All new luminaires shall be connected on an electrical circuit that is connected to a power source through a service cabinet. The service cabinet shall be within 50 feet of the Puget Sound Energy (PSE) point of service connection. Service cabinets shall be installed behind the sidewalk and at locations that do not impede maintenance access or sight distance. The cabinet shall be located in the center of the system so there are a near equal number of lights being served on separate circuits from each side of the cabinet. The cabinet shall be labeled with “COA Lighting” and service site address. City of Auburn Issued March 2023 Engineering Design Standards Page 156 The number of luminaires per service will be based upon the type of luminaire and the capacity of the service. Testing may be required to determine if additional luminaires may be added to an existing service. Service cabinets shall be in conformance with the City of Auburn Engineering Construction Standards. All new luminaires shall have a 7 pin PCR7 receptacle and come with a Sensus VantagePoint wireless control node. Street light conduit shall be per the City of Auburn Construction Standards. 10.17 Junction Boxes See City of Auburn Standard Detail T-20. Junction boxes shall be of the type specified on the plans and shall conform to the requirements of WSDOT Standard Plan J-40.10. All junction boxes shall be locking. Type 1 junction boxes shall be located adjacent to the sidewalk within the landscaping strip, if provided, or adjacent to the back of sidewalk if there is not a landscape, or within the shoulder of a non-curbed roadway. Junction boxes remaining or placed within the sidewalk or walking paths shall have non-slide lids. 10.18 Survey Monuments See City of Auburn Standard Detail T-46 Survey monuments shall be placed or replaced in accordance with WAC 332-120 (Survey Monuments – Removal or Destruction), and RCW 58-09.120 and good practice in land surveying. Monuments are required along the centerline of improvement of all new or reconstructed streets. Monuments shall be placed at intersections, points of curvature (PC), and points of tangency (PT). Unless approved otherwise by the City Engineer or designee, ground disturbing activities within 25 feet of an existing survey monument requires securing of a permit from the Department of Natural Resources in advance of those activities. All existing survey monuments that are disturbed, lost, or destroyed during construction shall be replaced by a registered land surveyor registered in the State of Washington at the expense of the responsible party. Any monuments set shall be permanently marked with the certificate number of the Professional Land Surveyor (PLS) setting it (which shall be the same PLS that prepares and certifies the associated monument recording information). 10.19 Bollards See City of Auburn Standard Detail T-03. When necessary to deny vehicle access to an easement, tract, or trail (except for maintenance vehicles) the point of access shall be closed by a line of bollards. These shall include one or more fixed bollards on each side of the traveled way and removable, locking bollards across the traveled way. Spacing shall provide one bollard on centerline of the trail and other bollards at a spacing of 3 feet on center. Where pedestrian access is intended, bollards shall include at least one space between them of 5 feet. Bollards are considered fixed roadside objects and shall meet separation requirements described in Section 10.17. Emergency vehicle access roads shall not be blocked with bollards. Emergency vehicle access roads will be blocked with a gate and knox-lock. City of Auburn Issued March 2023 Engineering Design Standards Page 157 10.20 Bus Transit Facilities Transit facilities in the City of Auburn will be coordinated with the relevant transit agency. When determined appropriate by the City Engineer, or requested by a transit service agency, an applicant for new or expanded development is required to consult with King County METRO, Pierce Transit, Sound Transit, and/or the Muckleshoot Indian Tribal Transit to determine the practicality of how the site can be served by transit-oriented improvements such as bus pullout lanes, bus stops, or other appurtenances. Bus stops are located, designed and installed as part of a cooperative effort between the City and the operating transit agency. Bus stops are managed as part of a right of way use permit granted by the City to the operating transit agency. In general bus stop location and design decisions should follow the facility design guidelines of the operating transit agency. 10.20.01 Bus Stops Locations In general bus stop location and design decisions should follow the facility design guidelines of the operating transit agency. The following are guidelines that indicate where bus stops are appropriate: A. Projected or existing passenger boardings demand warrant a stop. B. The stop is not at a location where traffic level of service standards are not being met or where the stop would cause traffic operations to drop below traffic level of service standards. C. The stop does not obstruct minimum required sight distances. D. The location meets the facility guidelines and fleet specifications of the operating transit agency. E. The stop is required to meet all applicable ADA requirements. 10.20.02 Bus Stops Features In general bus stop location and design decisions should follow the facility design guidelines of the operating transit agency. The following are some guidelines that would indicate what type of treatment would be appropriate by type of bus stop. A. Shelters should be installed at bus stops with an existing or estimated 25 or more boarding per day. B. Benches should be installed at bus stops with an existing or estimated 15 or more boarding per day. C. Trash receptacles should be installed and maintained by the operating transit agency at all bus shelters. A sign should be placed indicating that the shelter stop is maintained by the operating transit agency and giving specific contact information to report problems with the stop including a phone number. D. At all bus stops experiencing 15 or more boarding per day trash receptacles may be placed by the City or adopt a spot group and should be maintained by the City or the adopt a stop group. E. Information schedules and schedule holders shall be placed at all inbound stops (stops where buses are headed toward a major Central Business District), at all transfer points and at heavily used outbound stops. City of Auburn Issued March 2023 Engineering Design Standards Page 158 F. Additional bus stop lighting should be provided at locations where lighting levels are determined to be less than 1 foot candle. 10.20.03 Bus Pullout Lanes The City Engineer may determine that bus pullout lanes are required where bus queuing or staging is required. In making this determination, the City Engineer will consider the following: A. Traffic volumes, bus frequency, and ridership volumes. B. Traffic impacts of an in-lane stop vs a pullout. C. Posted speed limits. Bus pullout locations shall meet the following requirements: A. Placement of bus pullouts shall be on the far side of signalized intersections and non-signalized intersections immediately following the intersection. Distance between pullouts should not be less than 1,000 feet. B. Pullouts should be constructed on both sides of a two-way street in a complementary pair. C. When locating a bus pullout consideration shall be given to existing access points and where passengers have access to sidewalks, crosswalks, ramps, or other pedestrian facilities. Consideration shall also be given to trip attractors, and activity centers. D. Bus pullouts shall be designed to provide for a bus leaving the pullout lane to enter traffic with minimum required entering sight distance per AASHTO. E. Bus pullouts shall be located along roadways meeting minimum stop sight distance requirements per AASHTO. 10.21 Traffic Control Facilities Traffic control facilities are all signs, signals, markings, medians, curbing, and other features used to regulate, warn, or guide traffic. All traffic control devices shall meet the requirements of FHWA’s latest adopted version of the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) and the standards herein. 10.21.01 Median Islands The City Engineer may determine that a median island is needed to provide the following: A. Manage/restrict access along a corridor. B. Provide a traffic calming element. C. Provide pedestrian refuge. D. Improve roadway aesthetics. E. Separate opposing travel lanes. Median Islands shall be designed using the same geometric criteria as the street on which they will be constructed. Medians shall also meet the following requirements: A. All edges shall require concrete curb per WSDOT Standard Plan F-10.12. Median edges towards which runoff flows shall include concrete curb and gutter City of Auburn Issued March 2023 Engineering Design Standards Page 159 per WSDOT Standard Plan F-10.12. The face of curb shall be offset at least 1 foot from the edge of adjacent travel way. B. Median ends shall include reverse curves of the curb lane with 20 foot minimum radii to accommodate turning vehicles and street sweeping. C. Minimum median width is 4 feet. D. Median landscaping is not allowed on medians less than 9 feet wide and shall conform to the requirements of Sections 10.11, 10.12 and 10.13. Landscaped medians shall include irrigation systems. Landscaped medians shall provide a 1 foot wide, 6-inch thick, concrete maintenance apron around the perimeter of the median behind the curb. E. Median hardscape shall be stamped concrete with colors and patterns as determined to be required by the City Engineer or designee. F.Street lights on streets with median islands 8 feet in width and greater shall be located in the medians using dual davit arms to light the street on both sides of the median. G.Medians with street lights and/or landscaping will be designed to allow maintenance of the lights or vegetation without requiring full closure of a travel direction(s). 10.21.02 Mountable Curbs Mountable (also referred to as “C” Curbs), are curbs used for the restriction of turning movements and to aid in the channelizing of traffic. The City Engineer may determine that mountable curbs may be required in order to control access along a corridor within the restricted zones of any functional intersection boundary as defined in Section 10.08.04. Mountable Curbs constructed to retrofit existing roadways shall be constructed per City of Auburn Standard Detail T-32. Mountable Curbs constructed on new roadway surfaces shall be cast-in-place curb per City of Auburn Standard Detail T-47. All Mountable Curb shall be painted to match the adjacent roadway striping (yellow or white) and shall be marked with raised pavement markers and flexible tubular delineators at the beginning and end sections as shown on City of Auburn Standard Detail T-32. Mountable curbs shall be designed to account for roadway drainage. 10.21.03 “Pork Chop” Islands “Pork Chop” Islands are barrier islands used to restrict turning movements at driveways. The City Engineer may determine that a pork chop is required where left turns are restricted and other physical barriers such as median Islands or curbing is not feasible. When required, pork chops shall be accompanied by appropriate turn restriction signage in the right-of-way and pavement markings. 10.21.04 Signage All signing shall be per the “Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices” (MUTCD) and City of Auburn Engineering Construction Standards. Applicants shall be responsible for providing and installing all traffic control signs, including but not limited to street name signs, regulatory signs, warning signs, barricades, and bicycle/pedestrian signs as required. Sign posts shall be installed per City of Auburn Standard Detail T-24. City of Auburn Issued March 2023 Engineering Design Standards Page 160 Mast arm mounted street name signs shall be per City of Auburn Standard Detail T-25. Post mounted street name signs shall be per City of Auburn Standard Detail T-26. 10.21.05 Left Turn Lane Channelization See WSDOT Standard Plans M-3.20 & M-3.40. Single direction left-turn lane channelization shall include a minimum of 150 feet of full-width lane. The standard width of a left-turn lane will be 11 feet. Left-turn arrows per WSDOT Standard Plan M-24.40 shall be installed 25 feet behind the stop bar. Additional storage may be required for long vehicles, anticipated left-turn queues longer than the minimum storage, or to ensure that a left-turn lane is not blocked by an adjacent through queue. If storage length exceeds 150 feet, auxiliary turn arrows will be installed at 100 foot intervals. Deviation requests from the minimum left-turn lane storage requirements will need a traffic study submittal and approval by the City Engineer. The installation of two-way left-turn lanes on City streets will be determined by the City Engineer based on street classifications and left turn requirements. The minimum width of a two-way left-turn lane shall be 11 feet. The delineation lines shall be Single Broken Yellow and a Single Solid Yellow along the opposing lanes per the MUTCD. Two-way traffic arrows shall be spaced every 250 feet along this lane with a minimum of one per block. Left-turn Lane at End of Two-way Left-turn Lane Shall conform to Standard Plan M-3.40. Dual Left Turn Shall conform to WSDOT Standard Plan M-3.50. 10.21.06 Right Turn Lane Channelization See WSDOT Standard Plan M-5.10 Right-turn lane pocket channelization shall include a minimum of 150 feet of full-width lane. The standard width of a right-turn lane will be 11 feet. Additional storage may be required for long vehicles, to accommodate anticipated right-turn queues longer than the minimum storage, or to ensure that a right-turn lane is not blocked by a through queue. Deviation requests from the minimum right-turn lane storage requirements will need a traffic study submittal and approval by the City Engineer. Right-turn arrows shall conform to WSDOT Standard Plan M- 5.10. “ONLY” lettering per WSDOT 80.10 is required where a through lane converts to a turn lane and other circumstances as determined by the City Engineer. 10.21.07 Lane Division See WSDOT Standard Plan M-20.10 and City of Auburn Standard Detail T-12. All pavement markings used to separate or channelize traffic shall conform to the referenced Standard Plans and to the City of Auburn Construction Standards. Lane division pavement markings on Local Residential streets are not required, except as may be deemed necessary by the City Engineer. City of Auburn Issued March 2023 Engineering Design Standards Page 161 10.21.08 Painted Islands Painted islands will be allowed on a case-by-case basis with approval from the City Engineer. Pavement markings for painted islands shall meet the MUTCD requirements. 10.21.09 Other Pavement Markings Railroad crossing marking shall be per the standard symbol shown on WSDOT Standard Plan M-11.10. 10.21.10 Construction Area Temporary Traffic Control The contractor shall be responsible to provide and maintain all signs, barriers, warning lights, striping, and flag control required for maintaining public safety in construction areas. Traffic control shall be maintained at all times when construction is in progress on all streets, and access points in the construction area. Construction activities will not be allowed in the public right of way without an approved traffic control plan. Contractor to refer to the Construction Standards for further details. 10.21.11 Roadway Barricades Barricades shall conform to the standards described in Section 6C-8 of the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD). Type I or Type II barricades may be used when traffic is maintained through an area being constructed/reconstructed. Type III barricades may be used when streets are closed to traffic. Where provision must be made for access of equipment and authorized vehicles, the Type III barricades may be provided with movable sections that can be closed when work is not in progress, or with indirect openings that will discourage public entry. Where job site access is provided through the Type III barricades, the developer or contractor shall assure proper closure at the end of each working day. Type III barricades shall be used at the end of a local access street terminating abruptly without cul-de-sac bulb or on temporarily stubbed off streets. Each such barricade shall be used together with an end-of-road marker. See City of Auburn Standard Detail T-45. 10.21.12 Traffic Signals Traffic signals shall be designed and constructed in accordance with Sections 8-20, 9-29, and other applicable sections of the Construction Standards. Traffic signal facilities shall utilize video vehicular detection. Induction loops are only allowed where the City Engineer, or designee, has determined that video detection is not feasible. Wherever existing induction loops are damaged and require replacement, the City Engineer may require their replacement with video detection. WSDOT Standard Plans shall be utilized except the following elements that shall be per City of Auburn Standard Details: Traffic Signal in the DUC Zone: City of Auburn Standard Detail T-38 Traffic Signal Controller and Foundation: City of Auburn Standard Detail T-22 Telecommunication and Luminaire Electrical Trench: City of Auburn Standard Detail T-23 The following definitions are referenced when determining what upgrades to pedestrian push- button and pedestrian signal head systems are triggered by development/construction activity: City of Auburn Issued March 2023 Engineering Design Standards Page 162 A.Functionally Accessible: For pedestrian pushbuttons and pedestrian signal heads to be considered accessible from a functionality standpoint, they must be of the brands, makes, and models that are specified by the current Engineering Construction Standards. B.Location Accessible: For pedestrian pushbuttons to be considered accessible from a location standpoint, they must be between 42 and 46 inches in height measured vertically from the centerline of the pushbutton and the adjacent level landing and the pushbutton must be 10 inches or less measured horizontally from the adjacent level landing. In accordance with the City’s adopted ADA Transition Plan, modification, or expansion of any portion of the electrical systems of a signalized intersection or enhanced crossing requires making all pedestrian pushbuttons and pedestrian signal heads at the intersection or crossing Functionally Accessible. Construction, modification, removal or replacement of any portion of any curb ramp at a signalized intersection or enhanced crossing requires making the pedestrian pushbutton serving the new, modified, or replaced ramp Location Accessible and making all of the pedestrian pushbuttons and pedestrian signal heads at the intersection or crossing Functionally Accessible. 10.21.13 Traffic Calming The City Engineer may determine that traffic calming features are required on existing or new streets to address cut-through or speeding concerns. Potential traffic calming features include varying roadway sections, traffic circles, chicanes, medians, bulb-outs, raised intersections, and raised crosswalks. Speed cushions are not an acceptable traffic calming approach except when considered and installed as either: 1) Part of the City’s Neighborhood Traffic Calming Program, or 2) With approval from the City Engineer, as mitigation on existing roadways where development activity creates the potential for cut-through and/or speeding traffic and the City Engineer determines that other traffic calming approaches would not be applicable or appropriate. Where speed cushions are installed, they will be per City of Auburn Standard Detail T-42. PART 2: STANDARD DETAILS TABLE OF CONTENTS NAME NUMBER BANNER DETAIL G-01 TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION SITE SIGN BOARD (4'x4') G-02 TEMPORARY H.U.D. CONSTRUCTION SITE SIGN BOARD (4'x4') G-04 TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION SITE SIGN BOARD (8'x4') G-05 PULL BOX (CITY TELECOMMUNCATIONS PULL BOX)J-90.10 SMALL CABLE VAULT (CITY TELECOMMUNCATIONS SPLICE VAULT) J-90.21 TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE/EXIT E-01 SILT CONTROL FENCE E-02 CATCH BASIN INLET PROTECTION E-03 ALTERNATE CATCH BASIN INLET PROTECTION E-04 GRADING/EROSION DISCHARGE CONTROL STRUCTURE E-05 TYPICAL PIPE TRENCH BACKFILL T-01 EXISTING ROADWAY RESTORATION OF UTILITY TRENCHES T-02 EXISTING ROADWAY RESTORATION OF UTILITY TRENCHES IN INTERSECTION T-02A TYPICAL BOLLARD INSTALLATION T-03 DRIVEWAY WIDTHS AND LOCATION T-04 ADJUSTMENT OF NEW AND EXISTING UTILITY STRUCTURES TO FINISH GRADE T-05 STREET TREE T-06 NEIGHBORHOOD DELIVERY AND COLLECTION BOX UNIT (N.D.C.B.U.) INSTALLATION T-07 NEIGHBORHOOD DELIVERY & COLLECTION BOX UNIT (N.D.C.B.U.) SINGLE UNIT T-08 NEIGHBORHOOD DELIVERY & COLLECTION BOX UNIT (N.D.C.B.U.) MULTIPLE UNITS T-09 DOUBLE CENTERLINE WITH RAISED PAVEMENT MARKERS T-12 CEMENT CONCRETE SIDEWALK WITH LANDSCAPE STRIP T-13 PERVIOUS CEMENT CONCRETE SIDEWALK T-14 CEMENT CONCRETE SIDEWALK WITHOUT LANDSCAPE STRIP T-15 BICYCLE LANE MARKINGS T-17 LUMINAIRE AND CONDUIT LAYOUT DETAIL T-18 LUMINAIRE POLE T-19 UNIFORM LUMINAIRE WIRING DETAIL T-20 POWER SERVICE CABINET DETAIL T-21 TRAFFIC SIGNAL CONTROLLER & FOUNDATION DETAIL T-22 TELECOMMUNICATION AND LUMINAIRE ELECTRICAL TRENCH T-23 TYPICAL SIGN POST INSTALLATION T-24 GENERAL DETAILS TEMPORARY EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL (TESC) DETAILS For additional TESC details and figures see the City of Auburn SWMM TRAFFIC DETAILS WSDOT STANDARD PLANS (INCLUDED BY REFERENCE ONLY) Issued February 2023 City of Auburn Engineering Construction Standards Part 2, Page 1 NAME NUMBER GENERAL DETAILSMAST ARM MOUNTED, STREET NAME SIGN DETAIL T-25 POST MOUNTED, STREET NAME SIGN DETAIL T-26 REPAIR OF EXISTING CEMENT CONCRETE PANEL IN ROADWAY T-27 DOWNTOWN PEDESTRIAN POLE MOUNT LIGHTING STANDARD T-28,28A,28B LOCAL RESIDENTIAL ORNAMENTAL STREET LIGHTING STANDARD T-29 TYPICAL PLAN FOR TREE GRATE T-30 PRIVATE ACCESS ROAD / SHARED DRIVEWAY T-31 PRECAST CONCRETE DUAL FACED SLOPED MOUNTABLE CURB RETROFIT T-32 STANDARD DRIVEWAY - OFFSET APRON T-34 ALTERNATE DRIVEWAY - INLINE (DROP) APRON T-35 STREET LIGHTING LAMP SCHEDULE T-37 DOWNTOWN DECORATIVE TYPE III COMBO LIGHTING & MAST ARM SIGNAL T-38 DOWNTOWN DECORATIVE LIGHT POLE T-39 "NO PARKING" SIGN T-40 CONCRETE TRAFFIC CURB & GUTTER TO HMA WEDGE CURB TRANSITION T-41 SPEED CUSHION DETAIL T-42 SPEED CUSHION PLAN T-42A DOWNTOWN PEDESTRIAN CROSSWALK T-43 DOWNTOWN BRICK PAVER BAND T-44 TYPICAL TRAFFIC BARRICADES T-45 POURED IN PLACE MONUMENT TYPE A MODIFIED T-46 CAST-IN-PLACE DUAL MOUNTABLE CEMENT CONCRETE TRAFFIC CURB T-47 SENSITIVE AREA SIGN COMMERCIAL AQUATIC T-48 DOWTOWN PEDESTRIAN PUSH BUTTON STANDARDS T-49 RECTANGULAR RAPID FLASHING BEACON T-50a, 50b RAISING BEAM GUARDRAIL DETAIL C-1 BEAM GUARDRAIL ANCHOR TYPE 2 C-6a CEMENT CONCRETE CURBS F-10.12 PARALLEL CURB RAMP F-40.12 PERPENDICULAR CURB RAMP F-40.15 SINGLE DIRECTION CURB RAMP F-40.16 DETECTABLE WARNING SURFACE F-45.10 CEMENT CONCRETE DRIVEWAY ENTRANCE TYPES 1, 2,3, & 4 F-80.10 LOCKING LID STANDARD JUNCTION BOX TYPES 1 & 2 J-40.10 TYPE 3 BARRICADE K-80.20 LEFT TURN CHANNELIZATION REDUCED TAPERS M-3.20 TWO-WAY LEFT TURN AND MEDIAN CHANNELIZATION M-3.40 DOUBLE LEFT-TURN CHANNELIZATION M-3.50 RIGHT TURN CHANNELIZATION M-5.10 BICYCLE LANE SYMBOL LAYOUT M-9.50 WSDOT STANDARD PLANS (INCLUDED BY REFERENCE ONLY) Issued February 2023 City of Auburn Engineering Construction Standards Part 2, Page 2 NAME NUMBER GENERAL DETAILSRAILROAD CROSSING LAYOUT M-11.10 CROSSWALK LAYOUT M-15.10 LONGITUDINAL MARKING PATTERNS M-20.10 SYMBOL MARKINGS - TRAFFIC ARROWS FOR LOW-SPEED ROADWAYS M-24.40 SIDE SEWER STUB S-01 PRIVATE SANITARY SIDE SEWER CLEAN OUT S-02 PUBLIC SIDE SEWER CLEANOUT (8" OR LARGER)S-03 24" DIA. MANHOLE FRAME AND COVER S-04 RETROFIT EXISTING MANHOLE WITH INSIDE DROP S-05 EXTRA SHALLOW MANHOLE DETAIL S-06 MANHOLE AT END OF SANITARY SEWER LINE S-07 MANHOLE CHANNEL CONSTRUCTION S-08 FLOW RESTRICTOR S-09,9a COVERED CURB OPENING INLET S-10 CATCH BASIN TYPE 1 B-5.20 CATCH BASIN TYPE 2 B-10.20 MANHOLE TYPE 1 B-15.20 MANHOLE TYPE 2 B-15.40 COMBINATION INLET B-25.20 CONCRETE INLET B-25.60 CEMENT CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER PAN F-10.16 WATER MAIN BLOCKING W-01 TYPICAL AIR AND VACUUM RELIEF VALVE DETAIL W-02 2" PERMANENT BLOW OFF ASSEMBLY W-03 TEMPORARY BLOW OFF DETAIL W-04 WATER SAMPLING STATIONING DETAIL W-05 3/4" TO 2" IRRIGATION FROM DOMESTIC SERVICE LINE (SINGLE FAMILY) W-06 5 1/4" M.V.O. HYDRANT SETTING DETAIL W-07 FIRE HYDRANT LOCATION IN CUT OR FILL W/ GUARD POSTS W-08 2" FIRE SPRINKLER LINES WITH 3/4" TO 2" DOMESTIC SERVICE LINE W-09 1" WATER SERVICE INSTALLATION W-13 1 1/2" & 2" WATER SERVICE W-14 WATER METER LOCATION & MATERIAL SCHEDULE W-15 3" OR LARGER WATER METER INSTALLATION W-16,16a VALVE WRENCH EXTENSION BOX W-17 C.I. VALVE BOX TOP & VALVE BOX COVER W-18 5" C.I. SOIL PIPE VALVE BOX EXTENSION & C.I. VALVE BOX BOTTOM W-19 NON-SINGLE FAMILY SERVICE LINES W-20 SANITARY SEWER AND STORM DRAIN DETAILS WATER DETAILS WSDOT STANDARD PLANS (INCLUDED BY REFERENCE ONLY) Issued February 2023 City of Auburn Engineering Construction Standards Part 2, Page 3 NAME NUMBER GENERAL DETAILSTEMP. COMBINATION HYDRANT METER/ REDUCED PRESSURE BACKFLOW ASSY. W-21 REDUCED PRESSURE BACKFLOW ASSY. (OUTSIDE INSTALLATION) W-22 REDUCED PRESSURE BACKFLOW ASSY. (INSIDE INSTALLATION) W-23 DOUBLE CHECK VALVE ASSEMBLY (OUTSIDE INSTALLATION) W-24 DOUBLE CHECK VALVE ASSEMBLY (INSIDE INSTALLATION) W-25 PIPE CASING DETAIL W-26 Issued February 2023 City of Auburn Engineering Construction Standards Part 2, Page 4 75’ OF 1/4”0 NYLON ROPE CONTINUOUS THROUGH TOP AND BOTTOM OF BANNER. CONNECT ENDS TO EXISTING MOUNTS.3/8”0CABLE30 MAX24’ MIN1.5’ TYP.MAX.►A~=dfX<WIND - SLOTS2.5’ H45’ TYP.L2.5’1” METAL GROMMET (3/8” INSIDE DIA.) TO ACCOMMODATE 3/4” LINK SNAP LOCKS AS SHOWN-UD00r-O^t"=F=►A-—EXISTING 3/8”0 STEEL CABLE-LINK SNAP LOCK3/4” LINK SNAP LOCKS (AS SHOWN)\v\7Li_l/\//o/1/4” 0NYLON ROPE\o</\crl/4”0 NYLON ROPE -/lstr/riz mV/\/\/OV\/<\/OclBANNERMATERIAL\/\REINFORCING STITCHES ON SEAMS AT TOP & BOTTOM OF BANNER AS SHOWNSECTION A-AFRONT VIEWNTSNTSNOTES:EXIST. 3/8”0 STEEL CABLELINKSNAPLOCKWIND SLOT SHALL BE 6” DIAMETER HALF CIRCLE, MINIMUM. THEY MAY BE LOCATED IN AREAS WHICH DO NOT DETRACT FROM THE BANNER.1.WIND SLOTS SHALL BE SPACED ONE SLOT PER 5 FT. OF BANNER LENGTH.2.nO1/4” ROPEBANNER SHALL BE DURABLE TEARING RESISTANT MATERIAL, I.E., NYLON, VINYL, ETC.3.STITCHINGBANNER SHALL BE CONNECTED TO EXISTING CABLE WITH DETACHABLE 3)4’AS SHOWN. OTHER METAL RING TYPES WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED. APPLICANT SHALL PROVIDE A MINIMUM OF 40 LINK SNAP LOCKS INSTALLED ON THE TOP AND BOTTOM OF BANNER AS SHOWN (20 ON EACH SIDE). NOT ALL LOCATIONS REQUIRE LINK SNAP LOCKS ON THE BOTTOM. APPLICANT TO VERIFY DURING BANNER APPLICATION SUBMITTAL.LINK SNAP LOCKS4.GROMMETBANNER - MATERIAL (SINGLE LAYER)REINFORCING STITCHES SHALL BE PROVIDED ON SEAMS AT TOP & BOTTOM OF BANNER.5.BANNER SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED USING A SINGLE LAYER OF BANNER MATERIAL. DOUBLE SIDED BANNERS SHALL HAVE PRINT ON BOTH SIDES OF THE SINGLE LAYER MATERIAL.6.ySIDE VIEWBANNER CONSTRUCTION SHALL BE APPROVED BY THE CITY ENGINEER PRIOR TO BANNER BEING DEPLOYED AT THE PERMITTED LOCATION.7.NTScn-j uvujtn1 4V/ i O' I BS(ALLOW FOR SAG)DATE:6XG3NIONAPPROVED BY BANNER DETAIL N9±{?N1HSVM1G-01.3STANDARD DETAIL:PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT 4’ 4” ol TYP. 1/2” BORDER 3” TYP.—i R=1/2 )> i o ro CM — 4C CITY OF AUBURN PROJECT NAME :IZ CITY)FAUBURN' _L PRd ECT NAME CLProject no:____ Contractor:___ Estimated Starting Date:_ Estimated Completion Date:__ Project no,: Contractor: _ Estimated Starting Date: AJ Estimated Completion Date: v- >-i—o 4”ro *- TYP. For More Information Please Call 253.931,3010 Fit More Infomlati Please CaL 253.931.30'” nCITY OF -.'Jl'Ul CD EVl 1'lS IsWASHINGTON A Sc Of Oily of Auburn 1 Giy of Auburn P i • LLV- > Hro ro i 1/2 n 2Cin CM TYP. h s y k ASTj. /WIWAV ~c!cmI YAolnuL Jh X1A5Lis h. Y EXISTING GRADE 5" bUstf_JcYL j !'•ri. Ais! b'_ J £E j 5 CONSTRUCTION NOTES:■:: ■Vi SIGN BOARD SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED FROM 4’x4’x3/4” EXTERIOR MARINE PLYWOOD. ALL LETTERS AND NUMERALS SHALL BE SERIES C. LETTERING SHALL BE BLACK ON WHITE BACKGROUND USING 3M SCOTCHLITE EC FILM SERIES 1700 OVER 3M DIAMOND GRADE VIP OR BETTER. 1.L. c>c V I. Q 3 2.>eo. %B3 3. o 2 T£ SIGN AND POSTS SHALL BE PLANTED INTO AN UNYIELDING SOIL AND REINFORCED BY TAMPING GRAVEL OR SMALL ROCKS WHEN NECESSARY TO ASSURE RESISTANCE AGAINST STRONG WIND. BRACING MAY BE REQUIRED AT SOME LOCATIONS AS DIRECTED BY THE ENGINEER. 4.o •Q C O CO cc T Ic 3 SIGN BOARD SHALL BE FABRICATED AND MOUNTED ON 2 EACH 4"x4”x8’ POSTS WITH THE FOLLOWING GALVANIZED FASTENERS AND SIZES AS INDICATED: 5. o i;: 4 EA. 1/4” DIA.x6 4 EA. 1/4” NUTS 8 EA. 1/4” WASHERS »» CO o CM K) V.h*:: OI O APPROVED,* BY CITY ENGINEER:DATE; .cityof • Zlsbo DEVELOPMENT & PUBLIC WORKS DEPT! e TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION SITE SIGN BOARD (4’x4’) o 5k.n ' B N STANDARD DETAIL:COM G-02.1n. 4’ 4” £L TYP. 1/2” BORDER >-3C CLiro >-R=1/2 n CNJ CITY OF AUBURN PROJECT NAME mjF AUBURN' PRC® CT NAMEi i i i (Project No:_____ Contractor:_____ Estimated Starting Date:_ Estimated Completion Date:__ Community Block Dev. Grant:_ City Utility Funds:_ Project No: Contractor:T H. 4CCNJ •4"3C r Estimated Completicpate: . i Community BIck* DeTAt S-City Utility Fundsu i i)R = 3 sz:-YOF %CO-\/WASHINGTON WASHINGTON. FofMcrainferiaiicii PfeaseCai “ This Is \ For More Information \ PleaseCal \ 253.931.30j0 * ThsiiA Sc* OfOily of Auburn Progress Process 253*3*: *ro 1 CL4- >-i/ Q / VV ro 1/2 » LD 2C* %Csl TYP.EXISTING GRADE % O.s 0 pmi4 * 4♦a bo £££; £LD *O E )2 I .STY _ J _ J _ Jo C o CI ■X) CONSTRUCTION NOTES: IT cr C SIGN BOARD SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED FROM 3/4” EXTERIOR MARINE PLYWOOD. ALL LETTERS AND NUMERALS SHALL BE SERIES C. 1.* Eo 2.> 2Ie>3.LETTERING SHALL BE BLACK ON WHITE BACKGROUND USING 3M SCOTCHLITE EC FILM SERIES 1700 OVER 3M DIAMOND GRADE VIP OR BETTER. q S H *SIGN AND POSTS SHALL BE PLANTED INTO AN UNYIELDING SOIL AND REINFORCED BY TAMPING GRAVEL OR SMALL ROCKS WHEN NECESSARY TO ASSURE RESISTANCE AGAINST STRONG WIND. BRACING MAY BE REQUIRED AT SOME LOCATIONS AS DIRECTED BY THE ENGINEER. 4. GO c o c 3<r SIGN BOARD SHALL BE FABRICATED AND MOUNTED ON 2 EACH 4”x4”x8’ POSTS WITH THE FOLLOWING GALVANIZED FASTENERS AND SIZES AS INDICATED: 4 EA. 1/4” DIA.x6 4 EA. 1/4” NUTS 8 EA. 1/4” WASHERS 5.co if)/: to o<N n S(-• o i j a I APPROVED BY CITY ENGINEER: DATE:TEMPORARY H.U.D. CONSTRUCTION SITE SIGN BOARD (4’x4’) • CITYOFAuburnO SjsUoIt.AJt WASHINGTON DEVELOPMENT & PUBLIC WORKS DEPT!:8 COMMU STANDARD DETAIL:G-04.10 83/4” BORDERR=1/2NvTYP.1/2:3C6iTYP.CITY OF AUBURNPROJECT NAMETYP.Q_CD >-IroCMProject No.:__Contractor:___Estimated Starting Date: _ Estimated Completion Date:ICITY 8F AUBURN _—LfROJECT NAMEii4Ciito.: _This Is A Sign Of ProgressFor More Infomjatioh Please Call 253.931.301b -■orintractor:3CWASHINGTONb^QF AUBURN2C—Q.— — >te:ii—roI4 EA. 3/8” DIA. x 6” GALV. BOLTS W/ TOTAL OF (8) EA. WASHERS, & (4) EA. NUTSThis Is__AWiotPramsFor More l«fa/nal>! Pleasp'CsKi | 253331.3010 jinCDf CF^Y Of AUBURNCLV- >-30roCDY—N>I2CCMEXISTINGGRADEWMWmWMWMMMM1§k\Y<\CD&CONSTRUCTION NOTES:SIGN BOARD SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED FROM 4’x4’x3/4” EXTERIOR MARINE PLYWOOD. ALL LETTERS AND NUMERALS SHALL BE SERIES C.1.2.LETTERING SHALL BE BLACK ON WHITE BACKGROUND USING 3M SCOTCHLITE EC FILM SERIES 1700 OVER 3M DIAMOND GRADE VIP OR BETTER.3.SIGN AND POSTS SHALL BE PLANTED INTO AN UNYIELDING SOIL AND REINFORCED BY TAMPING GRAVEL OR SMALL ROCKS WHEN NECESSARY TO ASSURE RESISTANCE AGAINST STRONG WIND. BRACING MAY BE REQUIRED AT SOME LOCATIONS AS DIRECTED BY THE ENGINEER.4.SIGN BOARD SHALL BE FABRICATED AND MOUNTED ON 2 EACH 4”x4”x8’ POSTS WITH THE FOLLOWING GALVANIZED FASTENERS AND SIZES AS INDICATED:4 EA. 3/8” DIA.x6”4 EA. 3/8” NUTS 8 EA. 3/8” WASHERS5.Plotted by: Craig Dobyns on 7/13/2016 Flic location: M:\Construction Standard Detalla\Approved Drawing Files (dwg)\General\STDETL—G-05.1APPROVES] BY CITY ENGINEER:DATE:TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION SITE SIGN BOARD (8’x4’) 4CITY OFAuburn WASHINGTON \ onand :i cA ?? INBNdOlBAg-CJ? AlINtMjflOOWORKS DEPT. STANDARD DETAIL:G-05.1 INSTALL DRIVEWAY CULVERT IF ROADSIDE DITCH IS PRESENT NOTE: FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION PERTAINING TO CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE / EXIT, REFER TO DEPT. OF ECOLOGY BMP C105 n 1 InEXISTING ROAD ' 11Humif 7/7/ a 'UX \ %\o^ & 25’-fill AV//V." / 4”-8 QUARRY SPALLS I Ai//m 7 Ji\V\J\ \25’ MIN. FOR SMALL SITE (SEE NOTE 1)WWW Qm3EOTEXTILE FOR SOIL------- STABILIZATION PER WSDOT STANDARD SPECIFICATION SECTION 9-33 v Y...../>r . ,^o _ 15’ MIN. FOR SMALL SITE (SEE NOTE 1) 12” MIN. THICKNESSo ■ £MAINTENANCE STANDARDS: SMALL SITE IS DEFINED AS A SITE THAT ADDS OR REPLACES LESS THAN 5,000 SQUARE FEET OF IMPERVIOUS SURFACE & DISTURBS LESS THAN ONE ACRE. 1.1c O '5I 2. QUARRY SPALLS PLUS WOVEN GEOTEXTILE FABRIC UNDER ROCK SHALL BE ADDED AS NEEDED TO KEEP THE ENTRANCE IN CONFORMANCE WITH THESE STANDARDS.77 tJ IF THE ENTRANCE IS NOT PREVENTING SEDIMENT FROM BEING TRACKED ONTO PAVEMENT, THEN ALTERNATIVE MEASURES TO KEEP THE STREETS FREE OF SEDIMENT SHALL BE USED. THIS MAY INCLUDE SHOVELING, PICKUP SWEEPING, & HAND SWEEPING, AN INCREASE IN THE ENTRANCE DIMENSIONS, OR THE INSTALLATION OF A SELF-CONTAINED WHEEL WASH STATION, (REFER TO DOE BMP C-106 FOR MORE INFORMATION). ANY SEDIMENT THAT IS TRACKED ONTO STREET PAVEMENT SHALL BE REMOVED IMMEDIATELY BY SHOVELING, PICKUP SWEEPING, & HAND SWEEPING. THE SEDIMENT COLLECTED BY SWEEPING SHALL BE REMOVED OR STABILIZED ONSITE. PAVEMENT SHALL NOT BE CLEANED BY WASHING DOWN THE STREET, EXCEPT WHEN SWEEPING IS INEFFECTIVE & THERE IS A THREAT TO PUBLIC SAFETY. IF IT IS NECESSARY TO WASH THE STREETS, A CONSTRUCTION OF A SMALL SUMP SHALL BE CONSIDERED. SEDIMENT WOULD THEN BE WASHED INTO THE SUMP. 3.tz c* o 7 EI 4.q I •p ■C (/) ■ c o 5.ANY ROCK SPALLS THAT ARE LOOSENED FROM THE DRIVEWAY PAD & ONTO THE ROADWAY SHALL BE REMOVED IMMEDIATELY. VACTOR TRUCK MUST BE USED TO CLEAN CATCH BASIN IF IT BECOMES PLUGGED. VEHICLES SHALL NOT ENTER OR EXIT THE SITE OTHER THAN THE CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE(S). REMOVE TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE/EXIT UPON COMPLETION OF THE ON-SITE WORK. o C <o 6.oN n N.r-. 7.g.XI a a» E APPROVED BM CITY ENGINEER: DATE:TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE / EXIT .CITY OFO £ WASHINGTON_ yp/ELOPMENT & PUBLIC WORKS DEPT.COMMU STANDARD DETAIL:E-01.1a. JOINTS IN FILTER FABRIC SHALL BE SPLICED AT POSTS. USE WIRE RINGS, OR EQUIVALENT TO ATTACH FABRIC TO POSTS--------------- 2”x2”, 14 GA. WIRE MESH OR EQUIVALENT IF STANDARD FILTER FABRIC IS USED. EXISTING GRADE-A rnm — MIN. 4” DEEP TRENCH \ |T" I II I u Au 6’ MAX. SPACING MAY INCREASE IF WIRE BACKING IS USED SILT FENCE NOT TO SCALE MAINTENANCE STANDARDS:STEEL FENCE POSTS---------INSPECT WEEKLY ON ACTIVE SITES, MONTHLY ON INACTIVE SITES, & AFTER EACH STORM EVENT TO VERIFY PROTECTION IS STILL ADEQUATE. ANY DAMAGE SHALL BE REPAIRED IMMEDIATELY. 1.io 2”x2”, 14 GA. WIRE MESH OR EQUIVALENT IF STANDARD FILTER FABRIC IS USED---------- . 1tz a IF CONCENTRATED FLOWS ARE EVIDENT UPHILL OF THE FENCE, THEY MUST BE INTERCEPTED AND CONVEYED TO A SEDIMENT POND. 2.I FILTER FABRICa> TJ 3. THE UPHILL SIDE OF THE FENCE SHALL BE PERIODICALLY CHECKED FOR SIGNS OF CLOGGING CAUSING CHANNELIZATION OF THE FLOWS PARALLEL TO THE FENCE. IN SUCH CASE, REPLACE THE FENCE AND OR REMOVE THE TRAPPED DEBRIS AND SEDIMENT. MULCHc O I CNI TJ MIN. 4 DEEP TRENCH 2 I» o 1 SEDIMENT AND DEBRIS BUILD UP MUST BE REMOVED WHEN 6” HIGH. 4.•E BACKFILL TRENCH W/ 3/4”—1 1/2” WASHED GRAVEL OR NATIVE SOIL------------ •o 1’—0CO REMOVE AND REPLACE DETERIORATED FILTER FABRIC DUE TO ULTRAVIOLET BREAKDOWN. i 5.MIN. STEEL FENCE c 3 MIN. 4” WIDE UPON COMPLETION OF WORK AND WHEN ALLOWED BY THE CITY OF AUBURN, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL REMOVE ALL FILTER FABRIC FENCE AND GRAVEL. PROVIDE FINISH GRADES WITH SURFACING MATERIAL AND L4NDSCAPING AS REQUIRED. FILTER FABRIC FENCES SHALL BE INSTALLED ALONG CONTOUR WHENEVER POSSIBLE. 6. TRENCH LINEo SECTION A-A NOT TO SCALEGI to NOTES:o INN,K) N 1. 1o FOR ADDITIONAL TECHNICAL INFORMATION, REFER TO WSDOE BMP C233.2. a DATE:APPROVED ,Y CITY ENGINEER:p..CITY OF_ -1 SILT CONTROL FENCE o COMMUimY DEVELOPMENT & PUBLIC & WASHINGTON g WORKS DEPT. STANDARD DETAIL:E-02.1Q. a .GEOTEXTILE FABRIC t> DRAINAGE GRATE, RECTANGULAR GRATE SHOWN------rt> 6 a c*A' 5” MAX.. t>t>a t>.-A hA A, t>t>at>CURB & GUTTER -': 5?muvs>OVERFLOW BYPASS OPENING (TYP.)------------------ MAINTENANCE STANDARDS: „-cf. : SEDIMENT AND DEBRIS RETRIEVAL STRAPS (TYP.) ,v,- ANY ACCUMULATED SEDIMENT ON OR AROUND THE FILTER FABRIC SHALL BE REMOVED PROMPTLY AND DISPOSED OF. 1. w BELOW DRAINAGE GRATE DEVICE V 2.SEDIMENT SHALL NOT BE REMOVED WITH WATER INSIDE THE BASIN. REGULAR MAINTENANCE IS REQUIRED. INSPECT WEEKLY ON ACTIVE SITES, MONTHLY ON INACTIVE SITES, & AFTER EACH STORM EVENT TO VERIFY PROTECTION IS STILL ADEQUATE. REPLACE AS NEEDED. DO 3. SCHEMATIC DETAIL VIEW NOT TO SCALE CURB & GUTTER -5” MAX.CATCH BASIN WITH GRATE4. ANY SEDIMENT IN THE CATCH BASIN INSERT SHALL BE REMOVED WHEN IT HAS FILLED 1/3 OF THE STORAGE CAPACITY OF THE FILTER DEVICE. 15"EDGE OF>a a a ■CN • t>TRIMA A fO A O ■lj £GRATE FRAME±.a6 5.THE GEOTEXTILE FABRIC FILTER MEDIA SHALL BE INSPECTED AFTER EACH STORM EVENT & CLEANED OR REPLACED WHEN 1/3 OF STORAGE CAPACITY IS REACHED, OR MONTHLY, UNDER NORMAL WEATHER CONDITIONS, WHICHEVER OCCURS FIRST. REMOVE CATCH BASIN INLET PROTECTION DEVICE UPON COMPLETION OF THE WORK. izdV t>a AJ-“ao !>.c p*c BELOW DRAINAGE GRATE DEVICE c.; e tA •O a ✓CD OVERFLOW BYPASS OPENING (TYP.) S n-> a O'ct a ao* 6.ac O o FILTERED WATER — Do SEDIMENT AND DEBRIS •Ea NOTES:~ccr- (O 1. THIS DEVICE IS APPLICABLE TO WHERE PONDING OF WATER ABOVE THE CATCH BASIN WILL NOT CAUSE TRAFFIC PROBLEMS AND WHERE OVERFLOW WILL NOT RESULT THIS INSERT DEVICE SHALL HAVE A MINIMUM OF 0.5 C.F. OF STORAGE. IT SHALL ALSO PROVIDE FOR DE-WATERING STORED SEDIMENT, AN OVERFLOW, AND EASE OF MAINTENANCE. FOR ADDITIONAL TECHNICAL INFORMATION, REFER TO WSDOE BMP C220. co3 Tr%ac0 Ao 2 aaoA I a2.oo CATCH BASIN © ■a-. aIT.a o.■ t>' > » 5 ■oo aa'ao i i a CM cs o SECTION A-A3.■ Io NOT TO SCALEQ o> s APPROVED BY CITY ENGINEER:DATE:.CITYOF^ -L CATCH BASIN INLET PROTECTION O Vs rOjo) O/^Q ( 'DEVELOPMENT 8c PUBLIC WORKS DEPT. . : WASHINGTON I COM Nl STANDARD DETAIL:E-03.2 A O CEMENT CONCRETE BLOCK WITH HOLES IN HORIZONTAL POSITION, TYP.------FILTER FABRIC O T I I □11 i nn 3in i J L CATCH BASIN GRATE□□ OVERFLOW WATER DIRECTIONx □ □/□□i ii i i ii i□ □ J L CEMENT CONCRETE BLOCK WITH HOLES FACING UP, TYP. —A A GRAVEL FILTER WITH 3/4” TO 1-1/2” OF CLEAN WASHED ROCK AREA DRAIN PLAN VIEW PONDING HEIGHTr FILTER FABRICNTSCM 3 OVERFLOW WATER DIRECTION OVERFLOW WATER DIRECTION ■ A£ITT7-------n I 11|H I I I I Inn1 11 ! j1 I'M M \A Yk ka I 'XIo l Y77$7/^7^t7M/7-y <Vo o MAINTENANCE STANDARDS:Y\</>oas \ANY ACCUMULATED SEDIMENT ON OR AROUND THE GRAVEL FILTER SHALL BE REMOVED PROMPTLY AND DISPOSED OF. SEDIMENT SHALL NOT BE REMOVED WITH WATER INSIDE THE CATCH BASIN. INSPECT WEEKLY ON ACTIVE SITES, MONTHLY ON INACTIVE SITES, & AFTER EACH STORM EVENT TO VERIFY PROTECTION IS STILL ADEQUATE. REPLACE AS NEEDED. REMOVE CATCH BASIN PROTECTION UPON COMPLETION OF PROJECT. THIS DETAIL IS APPLICABLE ONLY WHERE PAVEMENT DOES NOT EXIST AROUND THE CATCH BASIN. 1.Q 16rv. CI A . It>3c c tD D 8SBo2. D 5 ■E TYPICAL CEMFNT CONCRETE Bl OCK XJ 3.(O NTSI "Fc <3 ■ A NOTES: SECTION A-A 1. BASIN INLET IN SOME AREAS MAY REQUIRE (2) STACKS OF CEMENT CONCRETE BLOCKS, AS DIRECTED BY THE ENGINEER. 2. FOR ADDITIONAL TECHNICAL INFORMATION, REFER TO WSDOE BMP 0220. 4.NTS 5.C co o a ■ a 2 APPROVED BY CITY ENGINEER: DATE:ALTERNATE CATCH BASIN INLET PROTECTION .CITY OFO X?(-2d IcQo/V EVELOPMENT & PUBLIC WORKS DEPT. >7.a WASHINGTONs COM TY STANDARD DETAIL:E-04.2 48” MIN. PERFORATED CMP STANDPIPE, W/ (40) 1”0 MIN. HOLES @ 10” O.C., OPEN TOP CLOSED BOTTOM, ENCASED IN CONCRETE---------------------------- DISTANCE GREATER THAN MIN. HEAD TO PASS DESIGN STORM i SHOW OVERFLOW ELEVATIONS------SHOW TOP OF BERM ELEVATION SHOW & DESIGNATE THE DESIGN STORM ELEVATIONSILT FENCE (TYP.)--------WATER SURFACEn'»— 6WATER TIGHT SEAL o nAyn■ /SHOW INVERT ELEVATION — 8” DIA. PVC MIN. — -1-----H----------O o ,:,WY EL ftII— 6oo o!oV UJ<O o Q<LUoX0o <X00 IX■c18S8H%hJ*. Afij - V 3 o <X,<Vx< QSHOW ”Q ALLOWABLE oM CO coEssrUrko A/i " in A' s\: Ss\/?8"x8”x8” PVC TEE WITH RUBBER GASKET JOINTS — SHOW POND BOTTOM ELEVATION- oo _£1 /> V' 1 s gapc:V.3/4” TO 1-1/2 WASHED ROCK GRAVEL CONE tt SHOW ORIFICE SIZE AS REQ’D--------------- o I 0 6” CONC. BASE----- *TJ COMPACTED GRAVEL BASEIZ rc a E Q NOTES:> 2a B PROVIDE A RIP RAP LINED SPILLWAY, 6” MINIMUM ABOVE STANDPIPE, OPEN TOP. A MULTIPLE PHASE POND SEPARATED BY PERVIOUS GRAVEL WINDOW MAY BE REQUIRED TO CONTROL AND TRAP SEDIMENT, AND TO REDUCE DISCHARGE ENERGY. POND CHARACTERISTICS SUCH AS DESIGN VOLUME, INFLOW, OUTFLOW, AND MAXIMUM HEAD SHALL BE SHOWN ON PLANS. 1. *5I 2. E! •cc'(/>3.cc1 Ic 5 THE OUTLET PIPE SHALL BE A MINIMUM OF 8” DIAMETER. INDICATE SEASONAL HIGH GROUND WATER ELEVATION. 4. 2: 5.ccS3 THIS DETAIL IS FOR DESIGN GUIDANCE ONLY, THE ENGINEER IS RESPONSIBLE FOR PROVIDING THE NECESSARY ELEVATIONS AND ORIFICE SIZES. REFER TO WSDOE BMP 220 FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION. 6.« IZ to o<N 7. SN Co a x APPROVED BY CITY ENGINEER:DATE:GRADING/EROSION DISCHARGE CONTROL STRUCTURE .CITY OFC (A skjzoij, >KTV DEVELOPMENT & PUBLIC ' I£> WASHINGTON COM M l/!WORKS DEPT.STANDARD DETAIL:E-05.1ri: 2/9/2023056 2/9/20230505 2/9/20233053 FOR PLASTIC POSTS USE 4” WHITE REFLECTIVE TAPE, WOOD POSTS SHALL BE PAINTED 1/8” THICK MIN. GALVANIZED STEEL TUBE OR ALUMINUM TUBE, INTERIOR SIDE DIMENSIONS ARE 1/4” GREATER THAN POST DIMENSIONS CD 4 CM 8”x8”x4’ '>Y\\Y\\Y7L .□•/a j • o/4>X:v I.CD\X NXA./XS \\X 00,■v'/ . LV I y'r/, -A \ 500 LBS. (MIN.) TEST GALVANIZED CHAIN ANCHORED IN CONCRETE \N;CD > :•X »■»’//XREMOVABLE t=i------r=rh .\/C\l (V§BOLLARD 4X1* NOT TO SCALE 0.CLASS 3000 CONCRETE- r/A t».t>A 6”Lx3/8” DIA. STEEL ROD, CHAIN ANCHOR \ t>/• Yw\—X\X4X<: 2” GALVANIZED PIPE I 1/2” GALVANIZED EYE BOLT WITH WASHER AND NUT. RECESSED NUT AND PIN BOLT THREAD 1” CHAMFER, ALL SIDES, TYP. a24 SECTION A-A NOTES:NOT TO SCALE it8”x8”x5’—6 RECYCLED PLASTIC OR TIMBER, SEE NOTE 1 RECYCLED PLASTIC BOLLARDS SHALL BE WHITE. TIMBER SHALL BE DOUGLAS FIR OF DENSE CONSTRUCTION GRADE, AND SHALL BE PRESSURE TREATED WITH WEATHER BORNE PRESERVATIVE (ACA, CCA, ACZA) IN ACCORDANCE WITH REQUIREMENTS OF SEC. 9-09.3(1) (GENERAL REQUIREMENTS) OF WSDOT STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS AND CITY’S AMENDMENTS THERETO. TOP 5” OF TIMBER SHALL BE PAINTED WHITE. GALVANIZED STEEL TUBE SHALL CONFORM TO ASTM A53 GRADE A. NUTS, BOLTS, & WASHERS SHALL CONFORM TO ASTM A307. ALL STEEL PARTS SHALL BE GALVANIZED. CEMENT CONCRETE SHALL BE CLASS 3000. MINIMUM OF 5’—0” O.C. SPACING. BOLLARD SHALL BE PLUMBED VERTICALLY IN ALL DIRECTIONS. 1. CD I IN S54 / vs 2.\ &DIRECT BURIED IN COMPACTED NATIVE OR IMPORTED SOIL fO »- 'A 3. •Xn ; K£S 4.4< 7^ ; 4 5. /M/sZ/sf// 6. FIXED BOLLARD 7.NOT TO SCALE DATE: _________________________ UNITY DEVELOPMENT & PUBLIC"WORKS DEPT. APPROVEDDBY CITY ENGINEER:TYPICAL BOLLARD INSTALLATION .CITY OF^ ( lU]/WASHINGTON STANDARD DETAIL:T-03.2CO RECYCLED PLASTIC OR TIMBER, SEE NOTE 1------------------ 1” CHAMFER, ALL SIDES, TYP.4 X00X<00□ □NOTE 6<SEEPlotted by: Craig Dobyns on 2/2/2018 Rio location: M:\Construction Standard Details\Current Working DWG\Traffic\STDETL—T—03.2 3/1/2023 6’ DIA. OR12” (TYP. EA. SIDE)NOTE 2 6’ SQUARE JUNCTION BOX LID & NEW CONC. COLLAR SHALL BE FLUSH W/ FINISH GRADE 6” MIN. HMA, — 1/2” PAVEMENT PATCH £m>-- t:t I rm NOTE 4 'y/X4 ■■ ‘ . % WT~W* 55#' 6” MIN. CLASS EXISTING A.C. PAVEMENT — MANHOLE fOR CB) IN ASPHALT ARFA NOT TO SCALE 4000 CEMENT CONC. NOTE 4 6” MIN. CLASS 4000 CEMENT CONC. JUNCTION BOX IN UNIMPROVED EXISTING GRADE 6’ DIA.OR PARTIAL ASPHALT AREA NOT TO SCALE OR 6’ SQUARE VALVE BOX & LID SHALL BE FLUSH W/ EXIST. GRADE or >a I \ t> 12 NOTE 4 NOTE 2 TYP. MANHOLE OR CATCH BASIN IN UNIMPROVED AREA NOT TO SCALEw!, ■%l FOG TITE VALVE POST MARKER, 60# SEE NOTE 36” MIN. 1/2 PAVEMENT PATCH V NOTE 4IT) O'3’T a VALVE BOX IN ASPHALT AREA 12 TYP.I£NOT TO SCALEs T12O C\J§ 2 “WM-■> I 4^* "m 6” MIN. CLASS 4000 CEMENT CONCRETE----- -—#S t o VALVE BOX, LID, & CONC. COLLAR SHALL BE FLUSH W/ FINISH GRADE %1 NOTE 4■E XI (ft VALVE BOX IN UNIMPROVED AREAotsNOT TO SCALEIcNOTES: 8s.1. ADJUSTMENT OF SANITARY SEWER AND STORM STRUCTURES SHALL BE PER SECTION 7-05.3(1). ADJUSTMENT OF WATER UTILITY STRUCTURES SHALL BE PER SECTION 7-12.3(2). 2. SURFACE SEAL AT MATCHLINE SHALL BE CSS-1 OR CSS-1 H EMULSIFIED ASPHALT OR 3.VALVE IN UNIMPROVED AREAS SHALL HAVE A VALVE POST MARKER. FILL ANY VOIDS OR DISTURBED AREAS BELOW 6” WITH QUICK SETTING CEMENT CONCRETE, DEPTH AS REQUIRED. RISER RING HEIGHT 2” MIN. 25” MAX. ANY ADJUSTMENT OVER 18” REQUIRES A HAND HOLD. 4. II 00 o <Ns IO S(N 5. V)i.PG. o E APPROVI DATE: ,cffattea\x UNITfr/DEVELOPMENT & PUBLIC WORKS DEPT. BY CITY ENGINEER:ADJUSTMENT OF NEW AND EXISTING UTILITY STRUCTURES TO FINISH GRADE city oro IJA& WASHINGTONT;>. :CO STANDARD DETAIL:T-05.2CL 02/09/2023 1/17/2022 PLACE 4-1/2 0 ANCHOR BOLTS. USE N.D.C.B.U. TEMPLATE TO INSURE EXACT ALIGNMENT I)4-0 CHAMFER EDGES FACING LANDSCAPED AREAS. MATCH GRADE W/ ADJOINING SURFACES IN PAVED AREAS CONCRETE BASE PLAN VIEW COLLECTION BOX PEDESTAL SLOPE SURFACE 1/4” PER FOOT (ALL SIDES) FOR DRAINAGE & BROOM FINISH GROUT4-1/2” 0 x 12 ANCHOR BOLTS i3” CLR. TYP.MATCH EXIST. GRADE IN PAVED AREAS T b.. >t> A ,L-> .• V ^O >>EXISTING PAVEMENT I A • > b ■ t> i •>’ .i #4 REBAR @ 14” O.C. MAX. EA. WAY-------- EXCAVATION LIMITS----------- L 4” MIN CSTC i / FIRM UNDISTURBED SOIL OR WELL COMPACTED FILL iLANDSCAPED AREA PAVED AREAz/CONDITION CONDITION SECTION A-ANOTES: 1. CONCRETE SHALL HAVE A COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH OF 3000 PSI AT 28 DAYS, CONTAIN 4% MIN. TO 6% MAX. AIR ENTRAINMENT AND BE PLACED WITH A 3-1/2” TO 4-1/2” SLUMP IN ACCORDANCE WITH ACI 301. 2. REINFORCING STEEL SHALL CONFORM TO ASTM A615, GRADE 40. 3. ANCHOR BOLTS SHALL CONFORM TO ASTM A307, GALVANIZED CARBON STEEL OR ASTM A193, B8M (316) STAINLESS STEEL. 4. GROUT SHALL BE NON-SHRINK, NON-METALLIC. MIN.4 MIN. ir i o \ A JI_ i DATE:APPROVED BY CITY ENGINEER:NEIGHBORHOOD DELIVERY & COLLECTION BOX UNIT (N.D.C.B.U.) SINGLE UNIT .CITY of./ / WASHINGTON COMMUNITY/DEVELOPMENT & PUBLIC WORKS DEPT.STANDARD DETAIL:T-08.2 CN trr B O: : O cn c- v: o3= c 3 O i j 'pi a■ocD(/) c o e 8 2 co%g JO oo o<N CO tz o sJCo E3DC OO 5 &xi Ii'L NDCBU< ARRANGE IN GROUPS SO THAT OVERALL DIMENSION OF BASE DOES NOT EXCEED 16’-0 » PLACE 4-1/2” DIA. ANCHOR BOLTS. USE TEMPLATE TO INSURE EXACT ALIGNMENT A NDCBU i i o® I I I I i i CHAMFER EDGES FACING LANDSCAPED AREAS. MATCH GRADE W/ ADJOINING SURFACES IN PAVED AREAS i i A 2-0 M 2-0 ifLL MIN.MIN.CONCRETE BASE PLAN VIEWCOLLECTION BOX PEDESTAL SLOPE SURFACE 1/4” PER FOOT, ALL SIDES FOR DRAINAGE W/ BROOM FINISH MATCH EXIST. GRADE IN PAVED AREAS GROUT 4-1/2” DIA. X 12 ANCHOR BOLTS- tt I3” CLR. TYP. CN T T t>I A.. t>J't> A . t>.£>.o A.EXISTING PAVEMENT I A &t> :o I C>t>' .t>J0 o 3:Q L 4” MIN CSTCHHIcn#4 REBAR AT 14” O.C. MAX. EA. WAY-------- r t:o 3: c 3 o EXCAVATION LIMITS-------- FIRM UNDISTURBED SOIL OR WELL COMPACTED FILL 1 iLANDSCAPED AREA PAVED AREA a 1 a ■X)/5 CONDITION CONDITION(/) c NOTES:oI SECTION A-A 1c CONCRETE BASE DIMENSION "L” IS THE WIDTH OF NDCBU PLUS 2”. FOUNDATION CAN BE EXTENDED BY LENGTH "L" TO ACCOMODATE ADDITIONAL UNITS. CONCRETE SHALL HAVE A COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH OF 3000 PSI AT 28 DAYS, CONTAIN 4% MIN. TO 6% MAX. AIR ENTRAINMENT AND BE PLACED W/ A 3 1/2” TO 4 1/2” SLUMP IN ACCORDANCE W/ ACI 301. REINFORCING STALL SHALL CONFORM TO ASTM A615, GRADE 40. ANCHOR BOLTS SHALL CONFORM TO ASTM A307, GALVANIZED CARBON STEEL OR ASTM A193, B8M (316) STAINLESS STEEL. 1.5 c oi 2.8 _T> £ 00 oC) oo 3. c o 4.s to K TJ APPROVER BY CITY ENGINEER:DATE:a , CITY OF T NEIGHBORHOOD DELIVERY & COLLECTION BOX UNIT (N.D.C.B.U.) MULTIPLE UNITS// 'f/r IfvTUNfDr DEVELOPMENT & PUBLIC WORKS DEPT. WASHINGTON c STANDARD DETAIL:T-09.2.£ 80’ SEE NOTE 1 TYPE 2YY RPM, TYP. 4” 4”O- TRAVEL DIRECTION4”□ “t □-t> TRAVEL DIRECTION 4” DOUBLE YELLOW PAINT CENTER LINE PLAN DOUBLE CENTERLINE <N T •• ■ : tJ (z g 1 1p 2 o E8 in s 3S is NOTES: RAISED PAVEMENT MARKERS SHALL BE SPACED AT 80’ (FT.) INTERVALS ON TANGENTS AND ON HORIZONTAL CURVES W/ A RADIUS OF 1500’ (FT.) OR MORE, AND 40’ (FT.) INTERVALS ON HORIZONTAL CURVES HAVING RADII OF LESS THAN 1500’ (FT.). 1.IZ iO ;• i <N eu o -a0 .C?>CITY ENGINEER:DATE:APPROVEDE DOUBLE CENTERLINE WITH RAISED PAVEMENT MARKERS .CITYOF , -Auburno *3i WASHINGTON TJ:STANDARD DETAIL:T—12.1EVELOPMENT & PUBLIC WORKS DEPT.COMMUNITYSl WESTERN GROOVER SCORE 10’ O.C. MAX. R.O.W. LIMITS FULL DEPTH EXPANSION JOINT WITH PRE-MOLDED JOINT FILLER 10’ O.C.i. 'h. i 3” WIDE EDGER FINISH 5'(Ty - 'V- 5T <3? o/ '*s- NOTE 4 R.O.W. LIMITS VARIES* VARIES* TRAFFIC BARRIER CURB & GUTTER iLANDSCAPE STRIP OR SWALE (SEE NOTE 5) 4” THICK CONC. SLAB i CM 1.5% MAX.PAVEMENTI 7 ci I K 2” CSTCSECTION A-A o NOT TO SCALEE COMPACTED SUITABLE BASE MATERIAL PER NOTE 1 u>ci * * SIDEWALK AND LANDSCAPE WIDTHS SHALL BE PER STREET CLASSIFICATION. ci 3o o •E ■p NOTES:CO 'i PLACE CEMENT CONCRETE ON COMPACTED SUITABLE BASE, AS PER SPECIFICATION SECTION 2-06.3 AND AS APPROVED BY THE ENGINEER. 1.1c O CEMENT CONCRETE SHALL BE CLASS 3000 PER SPECIFICATION SECTION 6-02.3 WITH 5% AIR ENTRAINMENT. 3E 2. o TO£INSPECTION REQUIRED FOR FORM AND SUB GRADE APPROVAL BEFORE POURING CONCRETE.3. oo MATCH JOINTS ON SIDEWALK WITH JOINTS ON CURB OR AT 10’ O.C.4.OCMN. CM LANDSCAPE STRIP SHALL GENERALLY BE GRADED TOWARDS THE CURB AT 1.5%. OTHER GRADES MAY BE ALLOWED WHERE IT CAN BE DEMONSTRATED TO NOT CAUSE DRAINAGE OR MAINTENANCE ISSUES. 5.CM rj DATE: , „ , .I'/zofel? ITY^DEVELOPMENT & PUBLIC WORKS DEPT. E APPROVED.BY CITY ENGINEER:CEMENT CONCRETE SIDEWALK WITH LANDSCAPE STRIP CITY OFO.UBIJs WASHINGTON~Ss STANDARD DETAIL:CO T-13.2 PERMEABLE BALLAST PER SECTION 4-04.2 & 9-03.9(2)SLOPE PER PLANISOLATION JOINT ADJACENT TO EXISTING CONC. SIDEWALK, TYP.CIRCULAR UTILITY LIDS SHALL BE CENTERED WITHIN A CONTRACTION JOINT W/ ISOLATION JOINT ALL AROUND LIDCONTRACTION JOINT, TYP.4”A10’-0” TYP.I—,,—.15’—0” MAX.NOTE 6W2-<■A•- Aer r.CONSTRUCTION GEOTEXTILE FOR UNDERGROUND DRAINAGE, SEE NOTE 7----------[id<4• A< J. .a• * *■ISECTION BPERVIOUS CEMENT--------CONCRETEUTILITY SERVICE BOX (ISOLATION JOINT ALL AROUND)NTSNOTES:ISOLATION JOINTS SHALL BE FULL DEPTH WITH 3/8” PREMOLDED JOINT FILLER.CONTRACTION JOINTS SHALL HAVE A MINIMUM DEPTH OF 1/3 OF THE PERVIOUS CONCRETE THICKNESS AND 1/8” MAXIMUM WIDTH (UNLESS OTHERWISE APPROVED BY THE ENGINEER).ALL JOINTS SHALL BE CLEAN & EDGED WITH A 1/2” RADIUS EDGER.SUBGRADE PREPARATION SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 2-06.3(3) (SUBGRADE FOR PERMEABLE PAVEMENTS). ALL SOFT 8c YIELDING FOUNDATION MATERIAL SHALL BE REMOVED 8c REPLACED WITH PERMEABLE BALLASTFOR BALLAST DEEPER THAN CURB, PROVIDE A GEOMEMBRANE BARRIER BETWEEN PERMEABLE BALLAST 8c ROAD SECTION UNLESS ADJACENT ROAD IS PERMEABLE AS REQUIRED BY THE ENGINEER.1.PLANNTS2.SEE CONTRACT PLANSPRE-MOLDED JOINT FILLER FULL DEPTHFOR SIDEWALK WIDTH3.SEE NOTE 6THICKENED EDGE TO FULL DEPTH OF CURB. (NOT REQUIRED NEXT TO LANDSCAPE STRIP)4.1.5%4 (MAX.)1•jTpiSSliSRpfl.:Xi5.SEELANDSCAPEPLAN186.DEPTH OF PERMEABLE BALLAST VARIES. SEE SWMM FOR SPECIFIC REQUIREMENTS.CONSTRUCTION GEOTEXTILE FOR UNDERGROUND DRAINAGE, SEE NOTE 7PERMEABLE BALLAST PER SECTION 4-04.2 & 9-03.9(2)7.CONSTRUCTION GEOSYNTHETIC MAY BE REQUIRED BETWEEN NATIVE SOILS 8c PERMEABLE BALLAST IF DIRECTED BY THE ENGINEER. WHEN REQUIRED, THE GEOTEXTILE SHALL BE CLASS A, MODERATE SURVIVABILITY PER SECTION 9.33.2(1) TABLES 1 & 2 (UNLESS OTHERWISE APPROVED BY THE ENGINEER).SECTION ANTSPlotted by: Craig Dobyns on 8/1/2016 File location: M:\Construction Standard Detaiis\Approvod Drawing Rios (dwg)\Traffic\STDETL—T-14.1APPROVE® BY CITY ENGINEER: DATE:PERVIOUS CEMENT CONCRETE SIDEWALK .CITY OF °fm/A■WASHINGTON —COMMUNITY ./DEVELOPMENT 8c UBLIC WORKS DEPT.STANDARD DETAIL:T-14.1 02/09/2023 1/17/2022 4 THICK CONCRETE PAD 3/8” EXP. JOINT CONCRETE POLE FOUNDATION -TRAFFIC CURB & GUTTER *.11. A*'i' V -u *A // 'V J-BOX *** if-*'4*. \V *4 *ri■t 3/8” EXP. JOINT *1 • " J*I,t* * * *J\Y »12 *** J-BOX SHALL BE LOCATED ON THE OPPOSITE SIDE OF THE LUMINAIRE FROM ONCOMING TRAFFIC \ . II •- “•I 1-- A A A .4II\/ AJ-BOX ***4. A AJL . 44• II •. I! .-II * .. ■«.* A 4 4 2’ CONDUIT, SEE STD DETAIL T-23 CONCRETE POLE FOUNDATION, SEE STD. DETAIL T-19, OR T—29 * SET BACK EDGE OF POLE BASE PLATE AT FRONT EDGE OF SIDEWALK J-BOX PER STD. DETAIL T—20 12 12 f TYP. < + -- /. ii ^LANDSCAPE STRIP, (VARIES)t12 3’SIDEWALK/TRAIL, (VARIES)* POLE BASE PLATESIDEWALK- (VARIES)**PAD DETAIL 12 TRAFFIC CURB & GUTTER CONCRETE POLE — FOUNDATION (TYP.) CONDUIT, SEE------ STD. DETAIL T-232’ LANDSCAPE STRIP, (VARIES) SIDEWALK/TRAIL, (VARIES)* SIDEWALK- (VARIES)**** SET BACK OF CONCRETE FOUNDATION AT BACK EDGE OF SIDEWALK n 00 I I b o o*o o> o£ § o "o s oT3Coa co o E%coo o ooo II o CM CM co >N-QO Q APPROVED,DATE: 01/05/2021 CpWNGJNEER:LUMINAIRE AND CONDUIT LAYOUT DETAILAuburnrac. 1 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT T-18.3STANDARD DETAIL:TRAVELDIRECTIONTRAVELDIRECTION Dobyns on 5/16/2018 File location: M:\Construction Standard Details\Current Working DWG\Traffic\STDETL-T-19.3(4)—BOLTS IN 11 1/2 CIRCLE PATTERNDAVIT ARMCONDUIT EXTENDS 1-1/2” ABOVE BASE£O-LENGTH (SEE NOTE 6)t1— 5(8) #7 BARS EQ. SPACED(DtSEE DAVIT ARM END DETAIL\8<7himmu■ 7 £?N.C. STAINLESS STEEL THRU BOLTS. NUTS & NYLON WASHERSR=5’—9to|ii^77<— 4-1/2” DIA. ALUM. TUBE 0.188” WALL ALLOY 6063-T6 SATIN GROUND FINISHco2 PVC, SCH. 40 CONDUIT>I4f 88I .4~1l4-yL#4 HOOPS @ 1 ’—0” O.C.I-----L.■ L J/■—8ixUNDISTURBED NATIVE SOIL2’x2’ SQ. OR 3’ 0 CONC. FOUNDATION, CLASS 40004-/\DAVIT ARM ATTACHMENToLLjJ2” CLR.1’—2” FLUSH JOINTxNOT TO SCALEOcoTAPERED ALUMINUM TUBE ’C’ WALL ALLOY 6063-T6 SATIN GROUND FINISHSECTION A-ASEE DAVIT ARMATTACHMENTDETAILoNOT TO SCALEOINSTALL 1 1/2”x3/4” REDUCING WASHER & 3/4” CABLE CLAMP TO SECURE CONDUCTORS AT END OF PIPEHORIZONTALLjJINTERNAL VIBRATION DAMPENERUJCO(X<8” O.D.z4”x6” (NOMINAL) HAND HOLE, S FLUSH OR NON-FLUSH TYPE, COMPLETE WITH REINFORCING FRAME ALLOY 365-T6 COVER,& STAINLESS STEEL HEXAGON HEAD SCREWS2'5/8” MIN. 4” MAX.r 2T/W\ROUND & SMOOTH INSIDE EDGES BOTH ENDS-------------1/4>t<111n i1” ANCHOR BOLTS W/ (2) EA.: 1” NUTS, 1” FLAT WASHERS, 1” SPLIT LOCKING WASHERS, ALL FASTENERS ARE GALVANIZED STEEL OR STAINLESS STEEL2 1 /2”^~ 2 5/8”WIDE FILLER THICKNESS TO FITr>— 182” DIA. SLIPFITTER7—1/2»>41PIPE• ArDAVIT ARM ENDNOT TO SCALEELEVATIONNOT TO SCALENOTES:1. POLE ASSEMBLIES DESIGNED TO SUPPORT MAXIMUM LUMINAIRE SIZE OF 1.5 SQ. FT. E.P.A. AND 60 LBS. IN A 100 MPH ISOTACH/130 MPH GUST VELOCITY WIND.2. 4043 FILLER WIRE USED FOR WELDING.3. ONLY THE BASE FLANGE WELDS ARE HEAT TREATED.4. BASE FLANGE SHALL ACCOMMODATE 11” TO 12” BOLT CIRCLE.5. 1”—8NC STEEL ANCHOR BOLT ASTM A576, AISI GRADE 1021-1046, 50,000 PSI=MIN. YIELD MEAN DIA. OF ROD STOCK 0.908± 0.011”, OUT OF ROUND TOLERANCE: ± 0.012” ROLLED OR CUT THREADS PER A307, CLASS 2A, TOP 10" GALV. PER ASTM A153 COMPLETE WITH (8) 1” 8NC GALV. STL. HEX NUTS & (8) 1” GALV. STL. FLAT WASHERS.6. SEE DESIGN STANDARDS TABLE 10-8.7. SEE STD. DETAIL T-18 FOR POLE, CONDUIT, AND FOUNDATION PLACEMENT.2 APPROVED BY CITY ENGINEE DATE:.CITYor -L LUMINAIRE POLE /WTp&Ji/■<~WASHINGTON CLf CQMMtJNrPC DEVELOPMENT & PUBLIC WORKS DEPT. STANDARD DETAIL:T-19.3 Dobyns on 2/15/2018 File location: M:\Constniction Standard Details\CufTont Working DWG\Troffic\STDErL—T—20.2POLE AND BRACKET CABLE, TWO CONDUCTOR AWG #10 STRANDED COPPER WIRE, 45 MIL PVC INSULATION, 95 MIL HMW POLYETHYLENE BELT OR APPROVED EQUIVALENTNOTES:GRIND ALL 4 CORNERS AND EXPOSE TO BARE METAL.1.TO LUMINAIREFIELD WELD 2” BEAD AFTER APPROVAL OF WIRING INSPECTION BY THE ENGINEER.2.STREET LIGHT\3.SPRAY GALVANIZED PAINT TO ALL WELDS.FACE HANDHOLE AWAY FROM APPROACHING TRAFFIC---------------GROUND LUG4.FOR JUNCTION BOX & LUMINAIRE LOCATION STD. DETAIL T-18.TYPE U.S.E. #8AWG STRANDED COPPER WIRE/BARE COPPER STRANDED GROUNDING —SEC MODEL 1791-SF FUSE KITS, 2 EACH-FOG TITE LOCKING LID W/ TAMPER RESISTANT STAINLESS SCREWS---------1 1/2” ABOVE BASE/<>JUNCTION BOX PER WSDOT STD. PLAN J—40.10-04, TYPE 1BELL END PVC BUSHINGJSEC MODEL 1791-DP OR APPROVED EQUIVALENT2” HBELL END PVC BUSHING’’ILSCO”COPPER-COMPRESSION TYPE OR STAINLESS STEEL CLAMP-----------------.6”—8” BELOWS NILID/xITYPE U.S.E. #8AWG STRANDED COPPER WIRE (SIZE PER ELECTRICAL PLAN)12” DIA. PVC,^ SCH. 40VBARE STRANDED COPPER GROUND (SIZE PER ELECTRICAL PLAN)-----y<X-FROM LAST — JUNCTION BOX2” DIA. PVC CONDUIT, SCH. 40, USE SCH. 80 @ STREET CROSSINGS-BELL END PVC BUSHINGSTO NEXT- JUNCTIONBOXJ APPROVEDxjBY CITY ENGINEER:DATE:UNIFORM LUMINAIRE WIRING DETAIL CITY OF scrWASHINGTON 8.INQi^AlOO gVELOPMENT & PUBLIC WORKS DEPT. STANDARD DETAIL:T-20.2 1/17/2022 1/17/2022 2” SAND BEDDING(M y> LUMINAIRE CONDUIT, 2”0 SCH. 40 PVC MINIMUM TELECOMMUNICATION CONDUIT, 3”0 SCH. 40 PVC W/ TRACER WIRE #12 LOCATE WIRE NOTES: PULL STRING SHALL BE INSTALLED IN ALL SPARE CONDUIT.1. SEE STD. DETAIL T-18 FOR CONDUIT PLACEMENT.2. DATE: 01/05/2021 APPROVED^ CljytNGJNEER:TELECOMMUNICATION AND LUMINAIRE ELECTRICAL TRENCHAuburn'ar. WASHINGTON T-23.3PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT STANDARD DETAIL: BACKFILL WITH NATIVE MATERIAL OR AS DIRECTED BY THE ENGINEER 24” MIN.il. COVER&Plotted by: Craig Dobyns on 12/30/2020 File location: M:\Construction Standard Details\Current Working DWG\Traffic\STDETL—T-23.3 (2) TAMPER PROOF DRIVE RIVETS OR EQUAL AT 90' FROM EACH OTHER-----------SIGN POST, 1 3/4” SQ.o 10” 0 SONO TUBE OR 3/8” EXP. JOINT IN SIDEWALK APPLICATIONS------ CONCRETE SIDEWALK OR LANDSCAPE STRIP o CM T ~2T ' 4 4 .«■I F*■ A oA<y •4<7 '•*■■4A4. A .mm At ZL_o_j< ;\<\z IP4.. 4 ' <.A <7. O !j • ) 18” LONG SLEEVE 2-1/4” SQ.------------- />y4 .o ‘ 4 ,sr.a .CN 4. .CONCRETEA ' '< ' 4’< ■ <7 o A ft ■A A<°\24” LONG ANCHOR 2” SQ.-------------------- *A A ■ SEE NOTE 4 eg CM D NOTES:I o 1 ALL TUBING MATERIAL SHALL BE "UNISTRUT TELESPAR” TYPE GALVANIZED STEEL (ASTM A570 GRADE 33) OR ENGINEER APPROVED EQUIVALENT. SIDEWALKS AND PAVED AREAS SHALL BE CORE DRILLED BEFORE SIGN INSTALLATION. 1. o c 2.o ■ c l 3.SIGNS SHALL HAVE A MIN. HEIGHT OF 7 FT. FROM THE LOWER EDGE OF THE SIGN TO SIDEWALK GRADE, AND A 2 FT. LATERAL OFFSET FROM THE FACE OF CURB TO THE NEAR EDGE OF SIGN. SIGN LOCATION SHALL BE AS SHOWN ON PLANS AND PER MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (M.U.T.C.D). WRAP ANCHOR TUBING WITH TAPE BEFORE PLACING IN CONCRETE. o 'o o E D T) O U) 4.o$ 1tz 5. DEMONSTRATE SIGN POST IS REMOVABLE BEFORE RIVETING.oo o oo J.' IZ CO O CM N.CM CM co 03 Ioo ,gi E APPROVED BY CITY ENGINEER: DATE:TYPICAL SIGN POST INSTALLATION . CITY OFO!Iir 2. / 2#/2a/V,WASHINGTON ITYc VELOPMENT & PUBLIC WORKS DEPT.COM STANDARD DETAIL:T-24.2IT Dobyns on 7/13/2016 File location: M:\Con3tructlon Standard DetQlls\Approved Drawing Files (dwg)\Traffic\STPETL—T—25.1ASIGN STANDARDSDIMENSIONINCHES[ee Main istjAVARIESB16C6o00D8E21 1/4FII>—1.54 1/2G8” TYP.R3SEE NOTE 46” MIN.[ 29th St SE ]o1.5RNOTE 4FNOTES:SIGN BLADES SHALL BE 0.125” THICK TEMPERED ALUMINUM ALLOY.1.BACKGROUND FOR STREET NAME SIGNS SHALL BE GREEN COLOR, ENGINEERING GRADE REFLECTIVE SHEETING.ALL LETTERING AND 1-1/4” BORDER FOR STREET NAME SIGNS SHALL BE WHITE COLOR, REFLECTIVE HIGH INTENSITY GRADE SHEETING.2.3.ARROW ON THE RIGHT SIDE OF THE BLOCK NUMBER INDICATES AN INCREASING BLOCK NUMBER IN THE ARROW DIRECTION.4.FOR GUIDANCE ON LETTERING AND NUMERAL WIDTHS AND SPACING, SEE WSDOT ’’SIGN FABRICATION MANUAL APPENDIX C.ENGINEER APPROVAL OF SIGN PROOF(S) REQUIRED BEFORE FABRICATION.5.6.£ APPROVED BY CITY ENGINEER:° A DATE:MAST ARM MOUNTED, STREET NAME SIGN DETAIL ■ CITY OF YWASHINGTON —I coMmuni EVELOPMENT & PUBLIC WORKS DEPT.STANDARD DETAIL:T-25.1 02/09/2023 02/09/2023 1/17/2022 02/09/2023 II30 r—12” TYPICALB ^ ■ 6.tlx ;YV~-----k>-I c: vAItII Afs I At, \\ a <-tr--------------1 JUrsICTION (BOX, SEE T-28AV'" ORIENTATION ■ OF LIGHT, A A(2) BBS5—30-iBL—P CLAMP STYLE BANNED SUPPORT ARMS BY KIM jUGHTING (OR APPROVED EQ') EXCEPT FINAL SHALL BE F1-A-P E^Y CYCLONE LIGHTING (OR APPROVEp EQ.) tlx txfk 4 1— LIGHT | HOOD, I TYP. u- I— C*O £ CM ^ LU : I• A kQ<: /IDx A'■ k A •LlJ \ QO 3 b.A,CO A CI­S'S 4 0 i Q_ X O &b> & to • AnAI.IbxA»»T-2ro A I BB A c -H TYP.u4 LlDxa ~—A-TSTI IA<X -------FOUNDATION-------'24" DIA. FOOTING BANNER-------- (BY OTHERS) RECEPTACLE, SEE DETAIL T-28A-------- TRAFFIC CURB AND GUTTER-BANNER PLAN VIEW ARM RIGID MOUNTING NTS CLAMPS (4) EA. SLOTS ACCEPTING (4) EA. 1” x 60” x 4” FULLY GALVANIZED STEEL ANCHOR BOLTS BE<M (2) EA. OF BA1—5—XX-AP/S1 STREET NAME SIGN SUPPORT BRACKET BY CYCLONE (OR APPROVED EQ.) HANDHOLE FOR STREET NAME SIGN ORIENTATION, REFER TO STD DETAIL T-26 mEHhi 10.5” DIA. BOLT CIRCLE BASE PLATESIGN MOUNTING SHALL BE PER WSDOT STD PLAN G-24.30 TYPE PL SIGN SUPPORT--------------------------- STREET LIGHT JUNCTION BOX, SEE STANDARD DETAIL T—20 NTS /I l\ JiL-Jo,SECTION A-A W YNTS4 - —fcrj — +* < ROUGHEN FOUNDATION SURFACE PRIOR TO POURING SIDEWALK HANDHOLE R <i STREET LIGHT JUNCTION BOX, LOCATION AS DETERMINED IN THE FIELD-------- 3 8" FREE DRAINING GRAVEL PAD J - T ” r a \(4) EA. 1” x 60” x4’ J-BOLTmTT<t 4- ■>. ROUGHEN FOUNDATION SURFACE PRIOR TO POURING SIDEWALK #4 BARS, 54” DIA. AT 8” O.C. X00 m PI m #4 HOOPS, 20” DIA. AT 16” O.C.I'7tr 7T,\ 1” DIA.x18”x18 J-BOLT 5’ x 5’ ALTERNATE BASE (SPREAD FOOTING)SECTION B-B NTS NTS 24 DIA. . g APPROVED/BY/CITY ENGINEER: DATE:DOWNTOWN PEDESTRIAN POLE MOUNT LIGHTING STANDARD .CITY OFOJJBDFA■O 7 llPUBLIC/WORKSt DEPARTMENT C **WASHINGTON•o STANDARD DETAIL: T-28B.2Dobyns on 12/31/2018 Hie location: M:\Construction Standard OetcilsVCurrent Working DWG\Traffic\STDETL—T—288.2 1/17/2022 CONCRETE CURB & GUTTER------------ CONTINUOUS EXPANSION JOINT AROUND GRATE 8c SIDEWALK--------- 5’x5’ URBAN ACCESSORIES (4 PIECES) ’’CHINOOK TREE GRATE & FRAME W/ ’’BOLT DOWNS i) i||g|S||ip ISSfiSSisoilV : V 0 CONTINUOUS ROOT CONTROL BARRIER AROUND PLANTER PERIMETER------------- -in Qo :I 0.LO II '{A II II II \ OlllOlllllllllOlilIll|o CN I I t 5’—0 » CONTINUOUS EXPANSION JOINT AROUND GRATE & SIDEWALK------------------------- o e>£Q 10’-0” SIDEWALKcn o5 u t O S' o FOR INSTALLATION AT EXISTING CURBS, CUT FRAME STUBS & oT3 Co CO MATERIAL SCHEDULEco ROADWAYo E GRATE: co GREY IRON ASTM A48 CLASS 358 OR BETTEROMATERIAL FINISH NATURAL PATINA OF RAW IRONco =88 FRAME: © MATERIAL MILD STEEL ASTM A36O CM O CM FINISH NATURAL PATINA OF RAW STEEL\co LOAD RATING: PEDESTRIANCM co £o Q .5*s DATE: 01/05/2021 APPROVED^ CljytNGJNEER: eei'/Sp TYPICAL PLAN FOR TREE GRATEAuburno'ar.£ 2 T-30.2PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT STANDARD DETAIL:o o. 02/09/2023 REFLECTIVE SHEETING DELINEATOR--- POST W/ BASE CD 0ro o 8” DIA.O DELINEATOR NTS * 5’ SEGMENTS ALLOWED ON STRAIGHT SECTIONS AS APPROVED BY THE ENGINEER. DUAL SLOPED BLOCK, TYP.O 5T-* DUAL SLOPED MOUNTABLE CURB<S> NTS fO cmto oI I O TYPE 2YY OR TYPE 2W RPM, TYP.o e>£Q NOTES:cn *o 1.PRECAST CONCRETE DUAL FACED, SLOPED MOUNTABLE CURB SHALL BE PER WSDOT STANDARD PLAN F-10.64, 12” WIDE. CURB SHALL BE INSTALLED USING EPOXY ADHESIVE PER WSDOT STANDARD SPECIFICATION 9-26.2. EPOXY SHALL BE APPLIED AT A RATE OF ONE GALLON PER SEVEN FEET OF CURBING. 5 ut O 2.o & oT3 Co CURB SHALL BE INSTALLED IN 20’ SEGMENTS, WITH 18” OPENING BETWEEN ENDS, OR MODIFIED TO FIT FIELD DIMENSIONS AS APPROVED BY THE ENGINEER. CURB AND DELINEATOR SHALL BE THE SAME COLOR AS THE CHANNELIZATION STRIPE. V)3.co o E c 4.oo DELINEATOR BASE SHALL BE AFFIXED TO PAVEMENT WITH FLEXIBLE BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT MARKER ADHESIVE PER WSDOT STANDARD SPECIFICATION 9-02.1(8). RPM’S SHALL BE PLACED AT EACH APPROACH END OF THE CURBING AND CENTERED ON EACH SECTION AS SHOWN. THEY SHALL BE THE SAME COLOR AS THE CHANNELIZATION STRIPE. 5.co =88 © 6. O CM O CMS 8 CM THIS DETAIL IS USED TO RETRO-FIT EXISTING STREETS. NEW CONSTRUCTION SHALL REQUIRE CAST-IN-PLACE CURBS. 7.co £ O Q .5*s DATE: 01/05/2021 APPROVED^ CljytNGJNEER:PRECAST CONCRETE DUAL FACED SLOPED MOUNTABLE CURB RETROFITAuburno 'ar.£ 2 T-32.3PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT STANDARD DETAIL:o Q. CEMENT CONCRETE SIDEWALK VARIES, SEE NOTE 33/8" EXP.- JOINT, TYP.SEE NOTE 1 7Hf ft _ 7 ::::z ■i +- V.A SIDEWALK OR LANDSCAPE STRIP, (SEE PLANS) CEMENT CONC. CURB & GUTTERDRIVEWAY ENTRANCE TAPER 0 TO 3’ (SEE PLANS)6x6—W1.4xW1.4 WELDED WIRE FABRIC (W.W.F.) TYP. SEE NOTE 6 DRIVEWAY ENTRANCE SIDESLOPE 3-0” RESIDENTIAL 6-0” COMMERCIAL/INDUSTRIAL STANDARD DRIVEWAY NTS DRIVEWAY ENTRANCE DRIVEWAY RAMP 1/2” LIP BETWEEN ROADWAY GUTTER Sc CURB SIDEWALK, 5’ MIN. (SEE PLANS) (SEE PLANS) 1/2 3/8” EXP. JOINT, TYP.RADIUS,1.5% RECOMMENDED, 2.0% MAX.TYP. DEPRESSED CURB & GUTTER SEE NOTE 5 10% max.iint1 i- f •i —iEO1in DRIVEWAY APPROACH 2” CSTCit 6” RESIDENTIAL 8” COMMERCIAL/INDUSTRIALO 5 Q SECTIONCT>A NTSNOTES:o 5 WHEN THE DRIVEWAY WIDTH EXCEEDS 15’(FT), CONSTRUCT A FULL DEPTH EXPANSION JOINT WITH 3/8” JOINT FILLER ALONG THE DRIVEWAY CENTERLINE. SEE WSDOT STANDARD PLAN F-30.10. CONSTRUCT EXPANSION JOINTS PARALLEL WITH THE CENTERLINE AS REQUIRED AT 15'(FT) MAXIMUM SPACING WHEN DRIVEWAY WIDTHS EXCEED 30'(FT). RESIDENTIAL DRIVEWAY SERVING 2 OR MORE LIVING UNITS AND/OR THAT CONNECT TO AN ACCESS ROAD SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED AS A COMMERCIAL/INDUSTRIAL DRIVEWAY. SEE STANDARD DETAIL T-04 FOR DRIVEWAY WIDTHS AND LOCATIONS. CONCRETE SHALL BE CLASS 4000 WITH 5% AIR ENTRAINMENT WITH A BROOM FINISH PARALLEL TO CURB LINE. DEPRESSED CURB FOR HEAVY COMMERCIAL/INDUSTRIAL DRIVEWAYS SHALL BE POURED INTEGRAL/MONOLITHIC TO DRIVEWAY. WELDED WIRE FABRIC (W.W.F.) SHALL BE PLACED 3” FROM BOTTOM, AND 2” FROM ALL OTHER LIMITS. WELDED WIRE FABRIC (W.W.F.) NOT REQUIRED FOR RESIDENTIAL DRIVEWAYS. WHEN DRIVEWAY OPENING IS TO BE CONSTRUCTED WHERE CURB EXISTS, THE ENTIRE CURB AND GUTTER SECTION SHALL BE REMOVED TO THE NEAREST EXPANSION JOINT ON EACH SIDE OF THE OPENING AND REPLACED. 1.Do Cl •p •O 2.CO 3. o 4.2 5. IZ 00 o 6.CM CMS 7. XI Q gi APPRO’ 3/ CTTY ELpiNEER:DATE:STANDARD DRIVEWAY - OFFSET APRON lCITY OFO/ X WASHINGTON-o COwiMU DEVELOPMENT & PUBLIC WORKS DEPT.STANDARD DETAIL:T-34.1o. VARIES* 1.5% RECOMMENDED. 2.0% MAX. ** 7.5% RECOMMENDED. 8.3% MAX. SEE NOTE 3 CEMENT CONCRETE PEDESTRIAN CURB. PER WSDOT STD PLAN F-10.12,l SEE NOTE 1 TYP. 3/8" EXP.- JOINT, TYP. 6x6—W1.4xW1.4 WELDED WIRE FABRIC (W.W.F.).1. U...1 ;■LL LTl 4#LI ...... 4-4 BALTERNATE DRIVEWAY NTS 15’ MAX.15’ MAX.VARIES SEE NOTE 3 NOT STEEPER THAN ADJACENT ROADWAY GRADE 4”~i **** I 3/8” EXP. JOINT,--------6” RESIDENTIAL 8” COMMERCIAL 6x6—W1.4xW1.4 WELDED WIRE FABRIC (W.W.F.) SEE NOTE 6 TYP. PEDESTRIAN RAMP (NO DOMES) 2” CSTCCEMENT CONC.- SIDEWALK, TYP. SECTION A NTSm SEE PLANS SEE PLANSE Q 1/2” LIP BETWEEN CURB & ROADWAY GUTTER 5’ MIN.I-1/2 3/8” EXPANSION JOINT, TYP. ID DRIVEWAY RAMP RADIUS,£ D TYP.DEPRESSED CURB & GUTTER1 o% max.n * ) cn -srt 3F45t ROADWAYDRIVEWAY APPROACH 6” RESIDENTIAL 8” COMMERCIAL 2” CSTCO D SECTION BC> TJ NOTES;NTSi ~o o WHEN THE DRIVEWAY WIDTH EXCEEDS 15’(FT), CONSTRUCT A FULL DEPTH EXPANSION JOINT WITH 3/8” JOINT FILLER ALONG THE DRIVEWAY CENTERLINE. SEE WSDOT STANDARD PLAN F-30.10. CONSTRUCT EXPANSION JOINTS PARALLEL WITH THE CENTERLINE AS REQUIRED AT 15'(FT) MAXIMUM SPACING WHEN DRIVEWAY WIDTHS EXCEED 30’(FT). RESIDENTIAL DRIVEWAY SERVING 2 OR MORE LIVING UNITS AND/OR THAT CONNECT TO AN ACCESS ROAD SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED AS A COMMERCIAL/INDUSTRIAL DRIVEWAY. SEE STANDARD DETAIL T-04 FOR DRIVEWAY WIDTHS AND LOCATIONS. CONCRETE SHALL BE CLASS 4000 WITH 5% AIR ENTRAINMENT WITH A BROOM FINISH PARALLEL TO CURB LINE. DEPRESSED CURB FOR HEAVY COMMERCIAL/INDUSTRIAL DRIVEWAYS SHALL BE POURED INTEGRAL/MONOLITHIC TO DRIVEWAY. WELDED WIRE FABRIC (W.W.F.) SHALL BE PLACED 3” FROM BOTTOM, AND 2” FROM ALL OTHER LIMITS. FABRIC (W.W.F.) NOT REQUIRED FOR RESIDENTIAL DRIVEWAYS. WHEN DRIVEWAY OPENING IS TO BE CONSTRUCTED WHERE CURB EXISTS, THE ENTIRE CURB AND GUTTER SECTION SHALL BE REMOVED TO THE NEAREST EXPANSION JOINT ON EACH SIDE OF THE OPENING AND REPLACED. 1.in 2.O _o 3.ooo 4. IZ DO 5.o to 6.WELDED WIREcl CM 7.c >N-Ooo cp APPROVED CITY ENGINEER: DATE:ALTERNATE DRIVEWAY - INLINE (DROP) APRON .CITY OFO PUBLIC WORKS DEPT. //XI WASHINGTONT> 5 ELOPMENT &CO STANDARD DETAIL:T—35.1o_ 02/09/2023 1/17/2022 1/17/2022 R 1 1/2 » 3/8E 5/8F CslIt 00m 3/4 ff 00 ^E CM 9 i ^Ei t o I cn *o5 'nE Dfc o ^Eo S po"Oco in co o 5 »12coo co=8 8 COLORS: LEGEND, CIRCLE, DIAGONAL, BORDER, & ARROW* SYMBOL BACKGROUND RED (RETROREFLECTIVE) BLACK WHITE (RETROREFLECTIVE) © o <N O CN toSCM * USE SINGLE ARROW LEFT OR RIGHT AS APPROPRIATEco <0 JOo Q DATE: 01/05/2021 o APPROVED^ CljytNGJNEER:>>NO PARKING” SIGNA-rrrYOf -— —-Auburno 'ar. 'A'ASHINGTONs STANDARD DETAIL: T-40.2PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENTo Q. 1 ’ —0If WEDGE CURB POURED CONTIGUOUS W/ HMA WEARING COURSE 4 a -J ! ' / o o o o cc>c> c> ASPHALT WEDGE CURB A NTS BACK OF CURB a ■* ■F~ Ci (fi a o s*r:.. O' <4> :: ■£BACK OF CURB FLOW LINE c 4 4<r V<i '• 5 o <J ■O aca oo tr.o CEMENT CONCRETE TRAFFIC CURB & GUTTERous'-> :: 0 CONCRETE TRAFFIC CURB & GUTTER TO HMA WEDGE CURB TRANSITION ■ a) \Z BoM NTS\ iN :: O c £i Q CITY ENGINEER: DATE: /*■/*//? a APPROVED CONCRETE TRAFFIC CURB & GUTTER TO HMA WEDGE CURB TRANSITION lCITY OF.O lUEOTJO ~>/~17 PUBLIC7 WORKS DEPARTMENT WASHINGTONTJ STANDARD DETAIL:T-41.1oa. 6” WHITE THERMO STRIPE i TRAFFIC FLOW CLASS 1/2” HMA B 10’-0 /iz7 / APPLY TACK COAT 4’ —0”3-0 M3-0 >> i/ 7^ : 7 ■> CLASS 1/2” HMA 7 )) F3!> 3 y> zzZZZZ2N\ \3 \\ V\W V\•- 11 SECTION A>EXISTING HMA PAVEMENT s SCALE: 6" = 1'-0" 3 3 6-0 z7f:• 7 T '■ :■APPLY TACK COAT 4-0 >> ’-0 >>3 Z7. CLASS 1/2” HMA£>>r r: d| IVCx\»iCv \\,•! I>SECTION B>4 4 EXISTING HMA PAVEMENT SCALE: 6" = T-0'> 0 3 DATE:•IMEER:APPROVED BY CITY SPEED CUSHION DETAIL • vTlVtYtAUBURN5 3 Wa5VUNgtc5n/<$£■>- 9 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT STANDARD DETAIL:T-42.1:> 7 2’ — \ 2’77 2’ 10’ LANE 2’ — \, 8’ PARKING LANE (IF PRESENT)2’ —22V 77 28' ROADWAY SCALE: 6" = 1'-0" SPEED CUSHION PER COA STD. DETAIL T-42 i: I; 3: 1.5’.y \::• 2 5 5 22v1.5’.)2 5 i 3 723:: ■■Z Z'i -• ■ 1.5’.> >12’ LANE 31 7a 1.5’7!>•>•! •i 24' ROADWAY'f SCALE: 6M= I'-O'5 0»>:>: 7 z DATE:APPROVED BY CITY ENGINEER:3 SPEED CUSHION PLAN itFrVfl'F. >AUBURN5 5*fit WASUiNGtON 7 STANDARD DETAIL:T-42A.1PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT3 1/17/2022 02/09/2023 1/17/2022 02/09/2023 6”'P 7/16”/ <*■ROADWAY CO <1 A J <7 CD J <7 4 <7 CEMENT CONCRETE, CLASS 4000, PER WSDOT SPECIFICATIONS 8-04 AND 6-02 <L 16.5' CAST-IN-PLACE DUAL-FACED MOUNTABLE CEMENT CONCRETE TRAFFIC CURB NTS DATE: 01/05/2021 APPROVED^-BJ? CljytNGJNEER:CAST-IN-PLACE DUAL MOUNTABLE CEMENT CONCRETE TRAFFIC CURBAuburn'ar. WASHINGTON STANDARD DETAIL:T-47.1PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENTPlotted by: Craig Dobyns on 12/10/2020 File location: M:\Construction Standard Details\Current Working DWG\Traffic\STDETL-T-47.1 1.5” RADIUSED CORNERS D 3/8” HOLES CENTERED 1.5” FROM TOP AND BOTTOM Sensitive Area Boundary 3i i 3/4” ARIAL BOLD FONTo £ 2 o5o Help protect and care for this area. Trampling or cutting vegetation, placing fill or garbage, and any other activities that may disturb the sensitive area are prohibited, as regulated under Chapter 16.10 of the Auburn City Code. Please contact the City of Auburn Planning Dept, at c€o5 9/32” ARIAL BOLD FONT cE3o m 6 Q o ■Oco planning@auburnwa.gov or 253-931-3020 with any questions.(/> o o £coo/ SIGN FACE IS DIGITALLY PRINTED TEAL C:100 M:0 Y: 30 K: 6 AND BLACK C:100 M:100 Y:100 K:100 ON 3 MIL. CALANDERED WHITE VINYL THEN LAMINATED WITH A 2.5 MIL. LAMINATE. THIS SIGN FACE IS THEN MOUNTED TO .080” THICK 5052 H38 ANODIZED ALUMINUM. co 8 c O CITY OF AUBURN SENSITIVE AREA SIGN COMMERCIAL AQUATIC cso<N to «N co 5.NTSXIoo gi 8 APPROVED BY CITY ENGINEER:DATE:.-rr/.T J_SENSITIVE AREA SIGN COMMERCIAL AQUATIC o 01/05/2021 '%nntfOT5t«1 STANDARD DETAIL:T-48.1PUBLIC WOkKS ARTMENTo CL 1/17/2022 02/09/2023 02/09/2023 4 X2 X4 , PRESSURE TREATED TEMPORARY MARKER, WRAP WIRE AROUND MARKER 5’ OR WIDTH OF PROPERTY LINE, R.O.W., OR PUBLIC SEWER EASEMENT- UTILITY EASEMENT (WHICHEVER IS GREATER) SEWER CLEANOUT, REFER TO STD. DETAIL S—02 FINISH GRADE / NOTES:4 n I ^LAY SIDE SEWERS PERPENDICULAR TO THE MAIN. EXTEND SIDE SEWERS FROM THE SEWER MAIN ONLY WITH TEES. 1. CO 2. BENDS ARE NOT ALLOWED IN THE PUBLIC RIGHT OF WAY (R.O.W.). PORTION OF THE TEMPORARY MARKER EXTENDING OUT OF THE GROUND SHALL HAVE 2” HIGH STENCILED ”SS” LETTERS IN BLACK PAINT, DEPTH TO THE STUB SHALL BE NOTED. SIDE SEWERS SHALL BE 6” DIA. UNLESS OTHERWISE APPROVED BY THE CITY ENGINEER, WITH A MINIMUM SLOPE OF 2%. GREATER THAN 25" ANGLE (47% SLOPE) REQUIRES CONCRETE BLOCKING. GREATER THAN 45" REQUIRES EPOXY LINED DUCTILE IRON TEE. err:1’x2”x4” PRESSURE TREATED CLEAT----- 3.W 4. 9 GAUGE- GALV. WIRE5. GASKETED CAP (TO BE REMOVED WHEN CONNECTION IS MADE) GASKETED SWEEPING WYE 6” DIA. MIN., 2% MIN. SLOPE \ TEE GASKETED CAP AT END OF LINE------- SEWER MAIN 12”X2”X4” PRESSURE TREATED ANCHOR---- DATE: 01/05/2021 APPROVECljytNGJNEER:igfrrgf ________—. •Auburn SIDE SEWER STUB'ar. STANDARD DETAIL: S-01.2PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENTPlotted by: Craig Dobyns on 12/16/2020 File location: M:\Construction Standard Details\Current Working DWG\Sewer and Storm\STDETL-S-01.2 5/8 —11 N.C. x1-1/4” STAINLESS STEEL COL, HEX DRIVE CAP SCREW (2) EA. REQ’Di22’’ DIA.XCONCRETE APRON OR DRIVEWAY>\\yy vyx7,AvX \/ypp \\xj*:itPROPERTY LINE, R.O.W., OR PUBLIC SEWER EASEMENT (SEE NOTE 2)11 MINI-32’ MAX.IIUPfMi •.<XCAST IRON RING Sc LIDI.:moo16NATIVEMATERIAL—r■fiCMX:i' /jr15” 0, 12” MIN. LENGTH PVC OR DUCTILE IRON-uIim3/4” TO 1 1/2” MINUS WASHED ROCK14’NON-GASKETED PVC CAP-------------19xAPPROPRIATEREDUCER45" BEND/CAST IRON RING Sc LIDvTO SIDE SEWER TEE AT THE MAIN, SEE STANDARD DETAIL S-01-------------6” MIN. DIA., 2% MIN. SLOPEFUTURE CONNECTION TO BUILDINGNOTES:4” DIA. MIN. RESIDENTIAL. 6” DIA. MIN. COMMERCIAL, 2% MIN. SLOPEBENDS IN THE SIDE SEWER LINE ARE NOT ALLOWED WITHIN THE PUBLIC R.O.W.1.2. CLEAN OUTS MAY BE ESTABLISHED ON BACKSIDE OF UTILITY EASEMENTS IF APPROVED BY CITY ENGINEER.ADDITIONAL CLEAN OUTS ARE REQUIRED ON SIDE SEWER LINE WITHIN PRIVATE PROPERTY WHEN CUMULATIVE BENDS ON SIDE SEWER LINE EQUALS OR EXCEEDS 135“3.Plotted by: Craig Dobyns on 1/31/2017 File location: M:\Construction Standard Details\Approved Drawing Files (dwg)\Sewer and StorTn\STDETL—S—02.2DATE:APPROVED/BY CITY ENGINEER:PRIVATE SANITARY SIDE SEWER CLEAN OUT .CITY OF• I131 Tm 1 EVELOPMENT Sc PUBLIC WORKS DEPT.COMMUNITY STANDARD DETAIL:S-02.2 Pobyn9 on 12/16/2020 File locotion: M:\Construction Stondord Detail9\Current Working DWG\Sewer and Storm\STDETL-S-03.2LOCKING MANHOLE RING & COVER SHALL CONFORM TO STANDARD DETAIL S-04NON-GASKETED PVC CAP----------CLEANOUT RING AND COVER ADJUSTMENT SHALL CONFORM TO STANDARD DETAIL T—05----------------------x<omNOTE:MANHOLES ARE REQUIRED AT UPSTREAM END OF ALL SEWER MAINS.A» ►--INSTALL PRECAST CONCRETE ADJUSTING RINGS/LEVELLING BLOCKS AS NECESSARY TO MATCH FINAL GRADE--------------------' - >—2PLACE AND COMPACT CRUSHED SURFACING TOP COURSE (TYP) PER WSDOT SPEC. SECTION 9-03.9(3)CD3/4” TO 1 1/2 MINUS WASHED ROCK--------------8” DIA. MIN.45" BEND8” DIA. MIN.,12” LONG NIPPLE45" BEND8” MIN. DIA.-'GASKETED SWEEPING WYEGASKETED GASKETEDCAPCAPGASKETED SWEEPING WYE8” DIA. MIN.STANDARDINSTALLATIONALTERNATEINSTALLATIONNTS NTS99:y33Nf0N3'AII0 £a-'a3AOdddV IDATE: 01/05/2021 jsransnvPUBLIC SIDE SEWER CLEANOUT (8” OR LARGER)ocrS-03.2PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT STANDARD DETAIL: (3) 1”0 HOLES EQ. SPACED AT 120" APART ON A 30^”0 B.C. -(3) %” POCKETS EQ. SPACED AT 120" APART ON A 23K6”0 BOLT CIRCLE PICKHOLE O'B0=0 0=0n=DE=D=D«=D=n T=SEWER=0=D O=D=D=D=0 TV B ir>A A aLJtasP O £ F fFFP t 5 o o r2 am**. COVER - PLANn i i'o'. V,NTS%[£Y 25CM53MADE IN I.SA [ FRAME - PLAN ro NTS h.y2 1 a1 NONSKID PATTERN SECTION B-B0 25y2 a NTS 1% it "t % nCAST IN GASKET GROOVE o 1*6CO I m I 1/2”-13 HEX BOLT & STEEL WASHER & RUBBER WASHER TYP. (3) PLACES io CO (O TJCo 0 23%n*©CO o 0 279/6 i)5o cn RUBBERIZED GASKET, SEE NOTE 4 0 34/8 it o 5 BOLT DETAIL ©NTStSECTION A-Ao s’NTSNOTES:o ®o ■p COVERS SHALL HAVE THEIR USE CAST IN 2” RAISED LETTERS: ’SEWER’ FOR SANITARY SEWERS, ’DRAIN’ FOR STORM SEWERS AND ’WATER’ FOR WATER CONVEYANCE. THE WORDS ’CONFINED SPACE PERMIT REQUIRED’ SHALL BE CAST IN 1” LETTERS AS SHOWN. 1.oTJco CO co o 5 c GRAY OR DUCTILE IRON FRAME AND DUCTILE IRON COVER WITH MINIMUM WEIGHTS AS FOLLOWS: 2.oo co =8 FRAME = 210 LBS.8 © COVER = 150 LBS.o CM O CM\3. PROVIDE SLIP RESISTANT COATING IN PAVED AREAS.co CM WHEN CALLED FOR IN THE CONTRACT DOCUMENTS, INSTALL INFRA-RISER PRODUCT NUMBER IC2431F0050F BY EJCO PER MANUFACTURER RECOMMENDATIONS (OR APPROVED EQUAL). 4.o cio Q DATE: 01/05/2021 o APPROVED^ CljytNGJNEER:24” DIA. MANHOLE FRAME AND COVER i'STYOf-Auburno'ar.£ 'VA5H1 KjTrK 2 S-04.4PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT STANDARD DETAIL:o CL 90° PVC LONG SWEEP BEND, TURNED TOWARD THE DIRECTION OF THE FLOW — CORE DRILL HOLE INTO EXISTING, APPLY KOR-N-SEAL® CONNECTOR OR APPROVED EQUIVALENT, NON-SHRINK GROUT AS REQ’D--------------- EXISTING LADDER RUNGS -8” PVC TEE (SDR 35) W/ PARTIAL PVC PLUG (SEE NOTE 3 BELOW) 12” MIN. 18” MAX. INLET SANITARY LINE I \PVC PIPE (SDR 35) OR Dl PIPE (EPOXY LINED & COATED) DIAMETER SHALL MATCH INLET / trX V- <PIPE ”2 I PIPE SUPPORTS SHALL HAVE ADJUSTABLE BRACKETS Sc SHALL BE MADE OF 1-1/2” WIDTH 11 GAUGE TYPE 304 STAINLESS STEEL. PINCH BOLTS Sc NUTS SHALL BE 3/8” DIA. 18-8 STAINLESS, (TYP). BRACKETS SHALL BE RELINER®(OR APPROVED EQUIVALENT) 90' PVC LONG SWEEP BEND, TURNED TOWARD THE DIRECTION OF THE FLOW (SEE DETAIL ABOVE) x /<CL2 > CM t X rn<CM REMOVE EXISTING BENCH TO SPRING LINE OF EXISTING PIPE & RECHANNEL AS REQ’D*■ •• A Jt-L EXISTING SANITARY SEWER CHANNELNOTES: TYPE 1 MANHOLE SHOWN FOR ILLUSTRATIVE PURPOSES ONLY. DETAIL MAY ALSO BE APPLIED TO TYPE 2 & 3 MANHOLES. 1. 2. DROP CONNECTIONS TO EXISTING 48” OR LARGER MANHOLES ONLY WITH ENGINEER APPROVAL. PLUG TO BE CUT TO LEAVE 60% OF PIPE DIAMETER OPEN FOR MAINTENANCE ACCESS. 3. DATE: 01/05/2021 APPROVED^!? CljytNGJNEER:Auburn RETROFIT EXISTING MANHOLE WITH INSIDE DROP'ar. WAIHINSTON S-05.2PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT STANDARD DETAIL:FLOWPlotted by: Craig Dobyns on 12/10/2020 File location: M:\Construction Standard Details\Current Working DWG\Sewer and Storm\STDETL-S-05.2 NOTE: CITY ENGINEER APPROVAL IS REQUIRED BEFORE USING THIS DETAIL MANHOLE RING & COVER ADJUSTMENT SHALL CONFORM TO STD DETAIL T-05—LOCKING MANHOLE RING & COVER SHALL CONFORM TO STD DETAIL S—04 FINISH GRADE 24LEVELING BRICKS OR GRADE RINGS AS REQUIRED. 3000 PSI SMALL AGGREGATE CONCRETE BETWEEN EACH RING------------------- s\\\\\\\\\W 4PRECAST CONCENTRIC CONE <7 V y HAND HOLD 12” O.C. (1 STEP MIN.)FULL DEPTH CAHNNEL —xCD1/2”/FT. Q (TYP) <ro o 4”£5o1 C\J oTYP.X<¥-U) ■rO lOEoo is'GROUT FILLET (TYP)g 3 VGO ------t>—TJ Ac:o A . FIELD CONSTRUCT 3000 PSI SMALL AGGREGATE CONCRETE CHANNEL AND SHELF TO CROWN OF THE PIPE--------------------- A A■ t>y t>LL AC <5 CNJa E>A \IT 8”—12” DIA.s PIPEQ 5-6" DIA. CEMENT CONCRETE BASE, CL. 3000, CAST IN PLACE T>) REBAR #4 @ 12” EW> Im RUBBER GASKET 48” DIA. oV.c:ain c O c ALTERNATE: MANUFACTURED BASE WITH FLAT TOP, FRAME AND COVER IS ACCEPTABLE s' c i8 .... co n co1 ! i o Sp 2 APPROVED BY CITY ENGINEER:DATE: ..... .....g/ypcib flCOMMLfffllTY ff^VELOPMENT & PUBLIC WORKS DEPT. EXTRA SHALLOW MANHOLE DETAIL .CITY OF £ WASHINGTON STANDARD DETAIL:S-06.1 MAIN n ADJUSTMENT RISER(S) PER STD DETAIL T-05 < a \I N A O I V) I E i • io <0 XJ •1cJo >-& CD 3= Q iio L- c L O _ro q sjr.\Q "2u 1 /2”/FT. (TYP) SEWER MAINTJ C D(/)GROUT SUMP TO FLOW AS SHOWN ABOVE *• Aco c A f I<5 A.a c o =g8 <1 v :-1.-2.u: to 4” LAYER OF GROUT o SAND BASE BELOW GROUT WHERE FUTURE EXTENSION IS ANTICIPATED OTHERWISE GROUT FULL DEPTH OF BASE c S I-- » c: o 3.amI3r:: 1 APPROVED) BY CITY ENGINEER:DATE:MANHOLE AT END OF SANITARY SEWER LINE lCITYOF —, d@EF^N'LzLofedfy PUBLIC V .L WASHINGTON Y I CO DEVELOPMENT & WORKS DEPT.STANDARD DETAIL:S-07.2 1/2” PER FT., TYP.A •d <s A A 4 * ,’o>y •• <0 = ■ Ia i4 GROUT SUMP TO FLOW TO SEWER • d A 2.V=rFLOW MANHOLE LADDER RUNGS <■<3 d A,4 d CHANNEL WIDTH SHALL MATCH THE INSIDE DIAMETER OF THE OUTFLOW PIPE d d<3 • 4 <7 / <4 <7//d // d h ■ < <7 <74« 4 Ld <7 * 9- 4 4 d 4 '«d d < d *3 d d <7 d NOTES: NO STEPS OVER PIPES OR MANHOLE CHANNELS. WHEN POSSIBLE STEPS SHALL BE POSITIONED OVER THE LARGEST BENCH AREA. 1. 2. FAST SETTING CONCRETE SHALL NOT BE USED. <7 'd 4d <7<3d 4<7 d d d<74 4 • < 1 d 4 4d • <?• d d<7 d4<7r<777 T~tvdd CD d: d d d rO •n' d CHANNEL WIDTH SHALL MATCH THE INSIDE DIAMETER OF THE INFLOW PIPE, TYP. * ^CHANNEL SHELF% 1/2” PER FT., TYP.FULL DEPTH CHANNEL SHALL MATCH THE LARGEST INSIDE PIPE DIAMETER------------------ 4 d. 4>&<7 d d Td d- d d d OI : I Io(/> D * C : 2-a II ■. :: Ea >Eo. %a 'a i x. o ■qc 5w c C cS<r o I <o oC 1 ro o Il io E APPROVED BY CITY ENGINEER: DATE:MANHOLE CHANNEL CONSTRUCTION .CITY OF Sj5 /2oUa LOPMENT Sc PUBLIC WORKS DEPT. WASHINGTON | COMMUNITY STANDARD DETAIL:S-08.1dFLOW■ vb.■ vd 02/09/2023 GASKETy2”0 THRU ON 103/4 BC (6 PLACES) n nM11.852.75 iv x 1 y2DP SOCKET DRILL FOR y4” MAC SCR & ESNA NUT >> >)10.34 o o og PIVOT BOLT o o n8.63 o o OFCO CMCM »>oo .50tztt ICDI O OO O 7t O ITTo TTT CMOI I I ILL .50 SCH 80 PVC VAN STONE FLANGE SOCKET Sc GASKET DRILL FOR 7/16-14 — UNC 2AX 2/4” HEX HEAD CAP SCR W/ ESNA LOCK NUT, OR APPROVED EQUIVALENT DRILL THRU FOR 7Aq CAP.50 FLANGE SOCKET, SEE DETAIL THIS SHEET--------------- SCR FLANGE SOCKFT NTSSHEAR GATE NTS PVC ELBOW, AFFIXED W/ PVC ADHESIVE TO SADDLE, SECURED W/ (2) STAINLESS STEEL CLAMPS 2” MIN. CIRCUMFERENCE LENGTH- OF OPENING SHALL BE SIZED FOR 100 YR. FLOW I v_0VERF_L0_W W.S.YiCiESiGNJATS.^6” MIN.•a >* j V3/4” 0 VERTICAL BAR GRATE @ 4” O.C. FOR SECONDARY INLET PVC CAP AFFIXED W/ PVC ADHESIVE TO ELBOW - ORIFICE TO BE SPECIFIED > 6” MAX.1 /• 2 VERTICAL BAR GRATE ELBOW RESTRICTOR NTS NTS NOTE:2,:NOTES: ■THIS DETAIL IS FOR STORM USE ONLY USE A MINIMUM OF 54” DIA. TYPE 2 CATCH BASIN. OUTLET CAPACITY SHALL BE 100-YR. DEVELOPED PEAK FLOW. RESTRICTOR TO BE MADE WITH NON-GASKETED PVC, SDR-35. FLOW RESTRICTOR TO BE CONNECTED TO OUTLET PIPE WITH GASKETED CONNECTION OR ROMAC COUPLER. BASIN LID FRAME AND LADDER RUNGS OR STEPS ARE OFFSET SO THAT: A. RESTRICTOR IS VISIBLE FROM TOP. B. ACCESS SPACE IS CLEAR OF RISER AND RESTRICTOR. C. COVER FRAME IS CLEAR OF CURB. PROVIDE AT LEAST TWO 3”x0.090 GAUGE TYPE 304 STAINLESS STEEL SUPPORT BRACKET EPOXY ANCHORED 2” INTO CONCRETE WALL WITH MAX. 3’ VERTICAL SPACING. LOCATE ELBOW RESTRICTOR AS NECESSARY TO PROVIDE MINIMUM CLEARANCE AS SHOWN. PIPE SIZES AND SLOPE PER PLAN. SHOW ALLOWABLE DISCHARGE ”Q” 1.Z 2.i> 3.> 4.!> 3 5. 5 : ■ :■/3 6.5 3 ■ S'7.■s ■i" > PAGE 2 OF 2> 2» DATE: z/zcY/y :NGINEER:APPROVED BY Cl FLOW RESTRICTOR.Tii v ClAUBURNvWAaiilN^'rON STANDARD DETAIL: S-09a.2PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT JOINTfCENTER OF UNIT (INSTALLATION POINT)--------------- C6x8.2 CHANNEL RAIL M12 7^// 0 7^0/ CURB OPENING INLET NOTES: 00 CM1. STRUCTURE SHALL BE MONOLITHIC AIR-ENTRAINED CLASS 3000 CONCRETE. 2. HOT DIP GALVANIZE C6x8.2 CHANNEL & ANCHOR BOLTS AFTER FABRICATION. ro mm \m.\ \ >>12 to 00r-to CM 7^>7>> \\T\VV\7\\CL >-OO CM ro 0 \06x8.2 CHANNEL RAIL (MATCH TOP OF CURB)------ TYPICAL GUTTER ELEV. 2%MIN. 3/4”x10 ANCHOR BOLT W/ 1/4” WELD (TYP. OF 4) LID FACILITY MARKER TO BE PROVIDED BY CITY (TYP. OF 2) » 6 ”6 ”6 ”6’’o (4) ANCHORSiU) i vE 1/4” TYP.7 gO 6:1(/) TJ II. O 0i I 6”ilf SWALE BED€> I cm PLAN PAVEMENT / ROAD TrV.o NTS•». ; Q cn L »»36o 5 /»3/4”x10 ANCHOR BOLT, //c ZJ MODIFIED CURB & GUTTER o TYP.co I SECTION AoX)NTS P</)06x8.2 CHANNEL TOP OF CURB n 11 >>>>r,■n 6”c 18 A 28 A 18o i// /1c ✓/7 7 1” LIP3 ZZET2E3Ez“5SEZE ROADWAY SLOPEo 5 ;JJO b.■c•c JD IZ a)MATCH ROADWAY SLOPE o t: l GUTTER3/4”x10” ANCHOR BOLT W/ 1/4” WELD, TYP.--------- JOINTSo LINE o 2 SECTION B1NTSIK -o APPROVI BY CITY ENGINEER: DATE:o COVERED CURB OPENING INLET .CITY OF> EVELOPMENT Sc PUBLIC WORKS DEPT. ilUBTJI/>,.a WASHINGTONs CO UNI STANDARD DETAIL:S-10.1r>. BLIND FLANGE OR SMALLER SIZE PIPE C B BABLIND FLANGE A t>< K) 3lsic) C s c BLIND FLANGE OR PLUG \i-sru __C—1 ■“ClBLIND FLANGE I 90° BENDTEETEEUNBALANCEDACAPPED CROSS CROSS HORIZ OR UPWARD VFRT. BENDSNOTE: SEE STD. DETAIL W-03 FOR TYPICAL BLOW OFF ASSEMBLY. MAINTAIN 2” CLEARANCE BETWEEN CONCRETE AND PIPE D.l. PIPE i fl'S <££nj>cotz Lijfc p //r- 3"E DB 1 *4cr <>ioo FOR PIPE SIZES UNDER 12" USE 2 3/4” 0 HOT DIPPED GALV. THREADED RODS FOR 12” & 14” USE 4 3/4” 0 HOT DIPPED GALV. RODS 11 1 /4' BEND 22 1 /?' RFND 18'#4 REINF. HOOP SHALL BE 2” BELOW TOP OF CONCRETE - MIN. TIE BACK BLOCK #5 REBAR (EXTEND 2' INTO CONCRETE) cDETAIL C 3 x PIPE 0 dD • <r A MINIMUM BLOCK SHALL BE AGAINST UNDISTURBED EARTH r 45' RFNDonDOWNWARD VERTICAL BEND PLASTIC BARRIER CONC. BLOCK SYMMETRICAL TOP & BOTTOM THRUST BLOCK TABLE MIN. BEARING AGAINST UNDISTURBED SOILNflIES BEARING AREA OF CONC. THRUST BLOCK IS BASED ON 200 PSI PRESSURE AND SAFE SOIL BEARING LOAD OF 2000 PSF. 1.©© ©©PIPE SIZE SQ. FT.SQ. FT.SQ. FT.SQ. FT.SQ. FT. AREAS MUST BE ADJUSTED FOR OTHER PIPE SIZES. PRESSURES, AND SOIL CONDITIONS. 2.3 3 2 24' 2 4 3 2 26’2 CONCRETE BLOCKING SHALL BE CAST IN PLACE AND HAVE A MINIMUM OF 1/4 SQUARE FOOT BEARING AGAINST THE FITTING. 3.7 5 48'2 2 6118 310'2 16 11 9 512'3 THE BLOCK SHALL BEAR AGAINST THE FITTINGS ONLY AND SHALL BE CLEAR OF JOINTS TO PERMIT TAKING UP AND DISMANTLING OF JOINT. 4. 14”22 1215 6 3 29 20 1616 8 4 18”36 25 20 10 5THE CONTRACTOR SHALL INSTALL BLOCKING ADEQUATE TO WITHSTAND FULL TEST PRESSURE AS WELL AS TO CONTINUOUSLY WITHSTAND OPERATING PRESSURE UNDER ALL CONDITIONS OF SERVICE. 5. 45 32 24 1320' 6 54 38 29 1522'8 24”3564 45 18 9USE 2” THICK STYROFOAM TO FORM THE CONCRETE BLOCKING. PLASTIC SHALL BE INSTALLED BETWEEN ALL CONCRETE BLOCKING AND FITTINGS. 6. 28”87 62 48 24 12 30”101 71 55 28 14 RESTRAINED JOINTS ARE REQUIRED WHERE BEARING SOILS OR FILL MATERIAL ARE DETERMINED BY THE ENGINEER TO BE UNSUITABLE TO PROVIDE ADEQUATE BEARING LOAD. OR THIS SOIL HAS BEEN DISTURBED. 7.36”145 102 78 40 20 107197139 5542' 27 257 181 140 7148’36 DATE:APPROVED BY CITY, ENGINEER*WATER MAIN BLOCKING city or- ©i WASHINGTON OPMENT & PUBLIC WORKS DEPT. STANDARD DETAIL:COMMUNI W-01.1Plotted by: Craig Dobyns on 8/10/2016 File location: M:\Construction Standard DctailsYApproved Drawing Files (dwg)\Water\STDETL—W—01.1 02/09/2023 1/17/2022 1/17/2022 02/09/2023 SHUTOFF VALVE INSTALL TEE AFTER UNION DOMESTIC WATER SERVICE METER DOMESTIC WATERLINE TO LANDSCAPE IRRIGATIONl 1 1 TO WATER MAIN BACKFLOW PREVENTION ASSEMBLY PROPERTY OWNER TO INSTALL AND MAINTAIN VALVE AFTER ”TEE”— c±>ROW, OR EASEMENT LINE PLAN NTS NOTES: 1. BACKFLOW ASSEMBLY SHALL BE PER DESIGN STANDARDS. 2. THIS DETAIL IS APPLICABLE TO SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE ONLY. DATE: 01/05/2021 APPROVED^ CljytNGJNEER:3/4” TO 2” IRRIGATION FROM DOMESTIC SERVICE LINE (SINGLE FAMILY) I'trrtor —Auburn'ar. 'VASHtNSTrK W-06.3PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT STANDARD DETAIL:Plotted by: Craig Dobyns on 12/30/2020 File location: M:\Construction Standard Details\Current Working DWG\Water\STDETL-W-06„3 02/09/2023 4 . i13 1 109Oi FIRE SPRINKLER LINE TO BUILDING S>.12 7O.C£ I I f: i13 3 !11 A,>\ /\a >-LiI,\7 2 : I1413 DOMESTIC SERVICE LINE TO BUILDING5 8CONSTRUCTION NOTES:6 i ©2” POLYETHYLENE SERVICE PIPE. PUBLIC PRIVATE©2” SADDLE. 2” CORPORATION STOP. ©CURB VALVE WITH COUPLINGS AND LOCK WING EARS, ENCASED VERTICALLY BY 3” DIA. SCH. 40 PVC PIPE, NOTCHED AT BOTTOM TO FIT OVER COUPLINGS. FIRE LINE PVC PIPE SHALL BE PAINTED RED TO IDENTIFY AS A FIRE LINE. METER YOLK WITH SPACER PIPE W/ HOLE IN SPACER. DO NOT INSTALL GASKETS. 17”x30” METER BOX. ADAPTER COUPLING, TEMPORARILY CAP IF PRIVATE SIDE CONNECTION IS NOT READY. SHUT OFF VALVE ON DOMESTIC LINE (CUSTOMER TO INSTALL AND MAINTAIN). 2”x2”xl” TEE, WHERE *” IS METER SIZE IN INCHES (1” MINIMUM) FOR DOMESTIC LINE. BACKFLOW PREVENTION ASSEMBLY ON FIRE SPRINKLER LINE (CUSTOMER TO INSTALL AND MAINTAIN). #10 INSULATED COPPER TRACER WIRE. 2" ADAPTER (MIPxCOMP) 1” BRASS NIPPLE, LENGTH AS NEEDED. *” BRASS ELBOW © © ©7 8 ©3-) : V > 3 7< ©5 12> 133 3 'j 14 ■> NOTES:3 THIS DETAIL IS APPLICABLE TO SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCES ONLY.1.3 CONNECTION TO CITY WATER MAIN PER CITY OF AUBURN REQUIREMENTS.2. >BACKFLOW PREVENTION ASSEMBLY SHALL BE PER DESIGN STANDARDS.3. PLANS FOR SEPARATE FIRE SPRINKLER LINE MUST BE SUBMITTED AND APPROVED BY THE FIRE MARSHAL PRIOR TO INSTALLATION. 4.3 5*•! 4 NO DETAIL IS REQUIRED FOR FLOW-THROUGH FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEMS.5. SEE STANDARD DETAIL W-15 FOR MATERIAL SCHEDULE.6.> 3 DATE:APPROVED BY CITY ENGINEER:3 2” FIRE SPRINKLER LINES WITH 3/4” to 2” DOMESTIC SERVICE LINE iCiWflr © .AUBURN5 PUBLIC WORK^ DEPARTMENT ^ 31 WAiiilfjfi’rdfJ 3 STANDARD DETAIL:W-09.3 1/17/2022 1/17/2022 02/09/2023 METER METER LENGTH FLG. TO FLG. MIN. MIN.OLDCASTLE VAULT MODEL GRANITE VAULT MODEL MIN.BYPASSMAIN LINESIZE LENGTH WIDTH HEIGHT ** ** 3” D.I.P. 3” D.I.P.8’-4”4-4"6’—2”4484-LA 4x8 MV3'17' 4” D.I.P. 4” D.I.P. 8’—4'4’-4”6’—2'4484-LA 4x8 MV20'4’ 6” D.I.P.6” D.I.P.10’—6”5-0' 6-2'5106-LA 5x10 MV6'24' 30 1/8’8” D.I.P.8” D.I.P.12’—0”6’—0’6’—5'612-LA 6x12 MV8’ 41 7/8’10” D.I.P. 10” D.I.P.14’—O'8’-0’ 6’—5’814-LA 8x14 MV10’ CM ^OR APPROVED EQUAL** 6”2 13 MIN. 13 o I!33OUTLET INLET 9 113 6” MIN..mi-rpn PLAN 126 6” MIN.NTS 9ro CD /TH]I I b \ *\O£\Q CMcn7 '■iO5 1uIt 44o/✓ os "2oT3 C D INLETOUTLETV) co 8o 5 CM coo mm c .1 io v~V=8 ,0 sos X~Y)oi ’Or a at a Sl iYDl©f o CM O A JCM >4<So z 13ICMELEVATIONc 10o COci NTS Page 1 of 2oa DATE: 01/05/2021 APPROVED^ CljytNGJNEER:3” OR LARGER WATER METER INSTALLATION i'STYOf-Auburno 1 ’VASHlKjTCKs W-16.3PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT STANDARD DETAIL:o Q. BILL OF MATERIALSQUANTITYPART NO. DESCRIPTIONMETER PROVIDED BY CITY FOR CONTRACTOR INSTALLATION:SENSUS OMNI C2 COMPOUND METER OR APPROVED EQUAL FLANGED WITH BUILT-IN STRAINER AND ENCODERS COMPATIBLE WITH CURRENT SENSUS AMR/AMI SYSTEMO1©1LOCK WITH CHAINS©3 AWWA C-509 OR C-515 GATE VALVE COMPLETE WITH HAND WHEEL©FIRST JOINT OUTSIDE VAULT REQUIRES FIELD LOK GASKET OR OTHER FORM OF JOINT RESTRAINT2PRECAST CONCRETE VAULT COMPLETE WITH COLLAR, C555 WHITE INTERIOR PAINT©1©36”x72” ALUMINUM HATCH H20-44 CLASS B, STATIC LOADING WITH HOLD OPEN ARM1APPROVED SAFETY LADDER W/ TELESCOPING SAFETY POST (IF VAULT IS OVER 30’O.S.H.A.DEEP). BOLT LADDER TO VAULT FLOOR AND TO VAULT WALL©1©2GALVANIZED STEEL ADJUSTABLE PIPE SUPPORT©2 MEGALUG OR ROMAGRIP SEALED IN CONCRETE FILLING KNOCKOUTSUMP DRAIN, CONNECT TO CITY STORM SYSTEM, IF GRAVITY DRAIN IS NOT FEASIBLE, A SUMP PUMP WITH CHECK VALVE ON DISCHARGE LINE IS REQUIRED1SPOOL, MINIMUM LENGTH 2’-0”, ONE END OF SPOOL TO BE INSTALLED WITH A UNI-FLANGE W/ RESTRAINT LUGS.©12” AMR PORT15/8” MINUS CRUSHED ROCK FOUNDATION WITH COMPACTED DEPTH OF 12” MINIMUMAS REQ’DSTANDARD FABRICATION & FINISHING SPECIFICATIONALL STEEL PIPE SHALL BE SANDBLASTED, EPOXY LINED AND COATED TO AWWA C-120 AND NSF-61 SPECIFICATIONS. FINISH COATING SHALL BE BLUE ENAMEL.1.2. GATE VALVE ON THE BYPASS SHALL BE NORMALLY CLOSED AND LOCKED WITH THE GATE VALVE ON THE MAIN LINE AS SHOWN AND KEYS GIVEN TO THE CITY.3. DUCTILE IRON PIPE SHALL BE ACCORDING TO 9-30.1(1) OF THE STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS.Plotted by: Craig Dobyns on 12/10/2020 File location: M:\Construction Standard Details\Current Working DWG\Water\STDETL-W-16a.4Page 2 of 2 DATE: 01/05/2021 APPROVED^ CljytNGJNEER:3” OR LARGER WATER METER INSTALLATION NungnvSTANDARD DETAIL: W-16a.4PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT WApR Cl VALVE BOX DROP COVER, PER STD. DETAIL W-18 E5 p 18” Cl VALVE BOX TOP, PER STD. DETAIL W-18 NOTE: IF DEPTH OF NUT IS GREATER THAN 7 FEET, CONTRACTOR TO PROVIDE NUT EXTENSION 5” DIA. C.l. SOIL PIPE (OR APPROVED EQUAL) LENGTH AS NEEDED, PER STD. DETAIL W-19 / C.l. VALVE BOX BOTTOM (OR APPROVED EQUAL) LENGTH AS NEEDED, PER STD. DETAIL W-19 i£b * ■ EI \ ->% 2” SQUARE OPERATING NUT s fc~a \W V ViE Eo eCL I TT1 TT I TP TT I ti fl-H iIJji OJ1 fl'20Vc Ato co {4-- = ^-)C 5 T ae c j \f-------u::::]E <0 o to ::o (i£ o Q E APPROVED BY CITY ENGINEER:DATE:, CITY OF -1 VALVE WRENCH EXTENSION BOX ENVELOPMENT & PUBLIC WASHINGTONS I NITYCO WORKS DEPT.STANDARD DETAIL:W-17.1 ALIGN LID EARS WITH DIRECTION OF MAINi %i I"""- -r-:- f / ro CDw, TOP VIEW TOP VIEW 8)6' > 6% % •' 6%11 ^2 >> 3+ CO N \l BOTTOM VIEW > 3 I COCO J S'roro3a II ■00 rmVCOc i r-O A 2s CO 9y4"' DIA. 4% cn»;i y 65/q" DIA.ij 5% M 3 e%>>3 Ji 5 6/Ejn !> VALVE BOX DROP COVER^6:• i NOT TO SCALE !> 3 18” CAST IRON VALVE■i : BOX TOP & COVER‘3 5 NOT TO SCALEo 3; /i , DATE; public works /Department NEER:APPROVED BY CITYa C.l. VALVE box top & VALVE BOX COVER • city of. ....__AUBURN) C*j WASHINGTON !■ W-18.3STANDARD DETAIL:3 5 3/8 0 5 3/16” 0 1/2” 0 V B 9 0H P# S oo4ESAG 6 13/16” 0HT M oo 6 1/8” 0A N 0 CM CO 5 5/16” 0&to 5 3/8” 0D A 5 3/8” 0T5 5/16” 0 roE ft1 LETTERS (TYP.) 6 1/8” 0 CO in B H P# Sco6 13/16” 0 9 E0A GSINGLE HUB 5” C.l. SOIL PIPE 4 T MDVALVE BOX EXTENSION AH NOT TO SCALE N 0 5 5/8” 0 &5 1/8” 0 D DOUBLE HUB 5” C.l. SOIL PIPE VALVE BOX EXTENSION A T ENOT TO SCALE CM 7 1/2” 0 13/16” 0 8 3/4” 0 C.l. VALVE BOX BOTTOM NOT TO SCALE O) 9 EI ’ o L' c;->*-o C Q 1 o. a £ X) o X3C5 CO c0 15 c <5 - co © C CO oCM K) s.N o:<> 0a e APPROVED BY CITY ENGINEER: DATE:5 C.l. SOIL PIPE VALVE BOX EXTENSION K/W&ljh & C.l. VALVE BOX BOTTOM o L. §I c VELOPMENT & PUBLIC WORKS DEPT.STANDARD DETAIL:W-19.1&17u91/1 —HH(ALSO AVAILABLE IN 30”,36”, AND 42”) IM i BACKFLOW PREVENTION ASSEMBLY CL O>-IRRIGATION METER----- oc CM AM IRRIGATION LINE *BACKFLOW PREVENTION ASSEMBLY GATE VALVE OR CORP STOP DEPENDING ON METER SIZE FIRE SPRINKLER LINE TO EACH BUILDING SHALL HAVE BACKFLOW PREVENTION ASSEMBLY INSIDE BUILDING NOTES: CONNECTION TO CITY WATER MAIN PER CITY OF AUBURN REQUIREMENTS.1. 2. BACKFLOW ASSEMBLY IS REQUIRED ON FIRE SPRINKLER, DOMESTIC, & IRRIGATION LINES. TYPE OF ASSEMBLY SHALL BE PER DESIGN STANDARDS. 3. PLANS FOR SEPARATE FIRE SPRINKLER LINE MUST BE SUBMITTED & APPROVED BY THE FIRE MARSHAL PRIOR TO INSTALLATION, AND SHALL BE DESIGNED BY A FIRE PROTECTION ENGINEER. * FOR METERS 2” OR LESS USE CORP STOP & FOR METERS LARGER THAN 2” USE GATE VALVE WITH 2” STANDARD OPERATING NUT & COA VALVE BOX TO SURFACE. DATE: 01/05/2021 APPROVED B>^ITY ;INEER:NON-SINGLE FAMILY SERVICE LINESAuburn PUBLIC WORKS DEPXRTMENT WASHINGTON W-20.3STANDARD DETAIL: OPUBLIC PRIVATE DOMESTIC WATER METER SIZE OF SERVICE TO MATCH METER SIZE- DOMESTIC WATER LINE CITY WATER MAINPlotted by: Craig Dobyns on 12/30/2020 File location: M:\Construction Standard DetailsXCurrent Working DWG\Water\STDETL—W—20.3 Dobyns on 7/13/2016 Flic location: M:\Construction Standard D«tails\Approved Drawing Files (dwg)\Watcr\STDETL—W—21.15 1/4” M.V.O. HYDRANTREDUCED PRESSURE BACK FLOW ASSEMBLY FROM STATE APPROVEDrGATE VALVEHYDRANT f ADAPTER 2 1/2”x2LISTWATER METER€r=Ly\INCREASER 2 1 /2”x2”6’ HOSE\I I\\/ma\ \ y-w J k\\. [2 1/2” NTS HOSE PORTCOUPLING WITH PLUGWOOD BLOCKS, ADJUST ASSEMBLY IN THE HORIZONTAL POSITION (BY OTHERS)x<SANDBAG-----(BY OTHERS)oo00CM■■■■■■■■■. 0i>DATE:e APPROVED-.BY CITY ENGINEER:TEMP. COMBINATION HYDRANT METER/ REDUCED PRESSURE BACKFLOW ASSY. CITY OF mmxELOPMENT & PUBLIC WORKS DEPT.'M. rWASHINGTON aSTANDARD DETAIL:W-21.1ITYCOM FROM WATER /InrtfiSi METER OR MAIN PROPERTY OWNER TO ■ INSTALL AND MAINTAIN VALVE AT THE POINT OF CONNECTION PRIVATE INSULATED PROTECTIVE ENCLOSURE 6” MIN. TYP. TO DOMESTIC OR INDUSTRIAL USE3£► 13 PLAN MIN.NTS 1. INSULATED PROTECTIVE ENCLOSURE MUST COMPLY WITH THE AMERICAN SOCIETY OF SANITARY ENGINEERING (ASSE) 1060 OUTDOOR ENCLOSURES FOR BACKFLOW PREVENTION ASSEMBLIES. IT SHALL BE LOCKABLE WITH A KEY LOCK OR PADLOCK AND SHALL ALLOW FOR MINIMUM CLEARANCES AND PROVIDE ADEQUATE DRAINAGE. 2. RPBA SHALL BE INSTALLED ADJACENT TO THE METER AND HAVE NO BRANCH CONNECTION BETWEEN THE METER AND THE BACKFLOW ASSEMBLY. INSTALL RPBA HORIZONTALLY. 3. BACKFLOW ASSEMBLY MUST BE APPROVED FOR USE IN WASHINGTON STATE BY THE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH (DOH). IT MUST BE TESTED BY A STATE CERTIFIED ”BAT” AT THE TIME OF INSTALLATION, ANNUALLY, AFTER THE ASSEMBLY IS REPAIRED, MOVED OR AFTER AN INCIDENT AT OWNER’S EXPENSE. 4.BACKFLOW ASSEMBLY SHALL BE PURCHASED AND INSTALLED AS A UNIT, AS SHIPPED BY THE MANUFACTURER, WITH NO MODIFICATIONS TO ANY PART OF THE ASSEMBLY. 5. A MINIMUM OF TWO SUPPORTS MUST FIRMLY ANCHOR THE ASSEMBLY. :ITY ENGlXitER:APPROVED DATE:.CITY OF JL (5^t REDUCED PRESSURE BACKFLOW ASSY. (OUTSIDE INSTALLATION)WASHINGTON PUBLIC/WORKS "DEPARTMENT STANDARD DETAIL:W-22.2 INSULATED PROTECTIVE ENCLOSURE 3” MIN. WHEN VALVE IS FULLY OPEN- 3 MIN. DOH APPROVED REDUCED PRESSURE BACKFLOW ASSEMBLY3” MIN. WHEN VALVE IS FULLY OPEN- CM 3” MIN. TYP.m 6” MIN. INSTALL UNIONS TYP. FOR 2” AND SMALLER ASSEMBLIES TYP. SECTION P DRAIN, TYP. BOTH ENDSNTS r i vr!12 %MIN.3iCONC. SU\B -oo PVC SLEEVE #3 E ELEVATION NOTES:NTS I t>PROPERTY OR EASEMENT LINEoi-meuCOVERion Standard Detaiis\Curreni: Working DWG\Woter\5TDETL-W—22.2Plotted by: Craig Dobyns on 12/31/2G18 File location: M:\Constru< PRIVATEPUBLI 4 *PROPERTY OR- EASEMENT LINE TO DOMESTIC ORFROM WATER INDUSTRIAL USEMETER OR MAIN COPROPERTY OWNER TO INSTALL AND MAINTAIN VALVE AT THE POINT OF CONNECTION <4 .~r —.— PLAN NTS r 3” MIN. FROM ANY OBSTRUCTION WHEN VALVE IS FULLY OPEN BUILDING WALL, TYP. DOH APPROVED REDUCED PRESSURE BACKFLOW ASSEMBLY BUILDING WALL, TYP. 4 CM 4 . 4 3” MIN. FROM ANY OBSTRUCTION WHEN VALVE IS FULLY OPEN A. 6” MIN. 6” MIN.4TYP.TYP.«■ T 4.d **INSTALL UNIONS TYP. FOR 2” AND SMALLER ASSEMBLIES CONCRETE SLAB (BUILDING FLOOR) CONCRETE SLAB (BUILDING FLOOR)* *SECTION ' 4 4 NTS •a,A •:--* ' 12 MIN.oo U1LBCE PROPERTY OR EASEMENT LINE ELEVATION NTSNOTES: RPBA INSTALLED INSIDE BUILDING SHALL HAVE NO BRANCH CONNECTIONS BETWEEN THE METER AND THE BACKFLOW ASSEMBLY. INSTALL RPBA HORIZONTALLY. 1. 2. BACKFLOW ASSEMBLY MUST BE APPROVED FOR USE IN WASHINGTON STATE BY THE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH (DOH). IT MUST BE TESTED BY A STATE CERTIFIED ”BAT” AT THE TIME OF INSTALLATION, ANNUALLY, AFTER THE ASSEMBLY IS REPAIRED, MOVED OR AFTER AN INCIDENT AT OWNER’S EXPENSE. 3. BACKFLOW ASSEMBLY SHALL BE PURCHASED AND INSTALLED AS A UNIT, AS SHIPPED BY THE MANUFACTURER, WITH NO MODIFICATIONS TO ANY PART OF THE ASSEMBLY. 4. A MINIMUM OF TWO SUPPORTS MUST FIRMLY ANCHOR THE ASSEMBLY. 5. ADEQUATE DRAINAGE MUST BE PROVIDED. K>CN I5 I i 0) ■s p5o o* o5 e o m O ©o ■p oT3co V) co o 2 coo co =§8 .© iZ O CN OM O CN co c >s oo DATE: 01/05/2021 APPROVED^ CIJjytNGJNEER:REDUCED PRESSURE BACKFLOW ASSY. (INSIDE INSTALLATION)'ar.1-wumvfTQyTJ PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT W-23.3STANDARD DETAIL:COVER PUBLIC PRIVATE 01 PROTECTIVE ENCLOSURE MUST PROVIDE SPECIFIED CLEARANCES, SEE NOTE 5 o >- |i- 01 , Ld UJ | ^ CL Ld O CO vvvvvvvvvvvv 7VVVVVVVVVVVS ''■-“-HJZV V V V CL < CL Ld FROM WATER METER METER OR MAIN TO DOMESTIC►OR INDUSTRIAL USE PROPERTY OWNER TO INSTALL AND MAINTAIN VALVE AT THE POINT OF CONNECTION PLAN i NTS PER NOTE 5 i 4'4: MIN.MIN. UNIONi \ i I UNIONCDbm 4 6” MINIMUM PEA GRAVEL MIN. ELEVATION NTS 1. BACKFLOW ASSEMBLY MUST HAVE ADEQUATE SPACE CONSIDERATIONS FOR PROPER TESTING AND MAINTENANCE. A MINIMUM OF 12” CLEARANCE FROM ANY OBSTRUCTIONS ON THE TEST SIDE. A MINIMUM OF 6” CLEARANCE BELOW ASSEMBLY AND A MINIMUM OF 6” OF PEA GRAVEL IN THE BOTTOM OF THE BOX. THE MINIMUM CLEARANCE FROM THE TOP OF THE PEA GRAVEL TO THE BOTTOM OF THE ASSEMBLY IS 6”. 2. DCVA MUST BE INSTALLED WITH TEST COCKS FACING UP. TEST COCKS MUST BE PLUGGED WITH BRASS OR PLASTIC PLUGS. INSTALL DCVA HORIZONTALLY. 3. BACKFLOW ASSEMBLY MUST BE APPROVED FOR USE IN WASHINGTON STATE BY THE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH (DOH). IT MUST BE TESTED BY A STATE CERTIFIED ”BAT” AT THE TIME OF INSTALLATION, ANNUALLY, AFTER THE ASSEMBLY IS REPAIRED, MOVED OR AFTER AN INCIDENT AT OWNER’S EXPENSE. 4. BACKFLOW ASSEMBLY SHALL BE PURCHASED AND INSTALLED AS A UNIT, AS SHIPPED BY THE MANUFACTURER, WITH NO MODIFICATIONS TO ANY PART OF THE ASSEMBLY. 5. MINIMUM CLEARANCE AT ABOVE ASSEMBLY SHALL BE: 9” (FOR 3/4” METER), 12" (FOR 1 METER), AND 14” (FOR 1 1/2” & 2” METER). § APPROVED BY^ITY ENGI :R: DATE:DOUBLE CHECK VALVE ASSEMBLY (OUTSIDE INSTALLATION) .CITY OF /JQ tv \ i PUBLIC ZWORKS ‘DEPARTMENT WASHINGTON STANDARD DETAIL:W-24.2iCOVER18” MIN.inFnojcation: M:\ConstrucUon Standard DetaIls\Current Working DWG\Wcter\STDETL-W—24.2Dcbyns on 12/31/2018 Hi L\ UNIONUNION FLOOR 'A 6” MIN. ELEVATION NTS NOTES: BACKFLOW ASSEMBLY MUST HAVE ADEQUATE SPACE CONSIDERATIONS FOR PROPER TESTING AND MAINTENANCE. A MINIMUM OF 6” SIDE CLEARANCE BETWEEN DCVA AND WALL OR ANY OBSTRUCTIONS AND A MINIMUM OF 6” CLEARANCE BELOW ASSEMBLY SHALL BE PROVIDED. 1. 2.DCVA MUST BE INSTALLED WITH TEST COCKS FACING UP. TEST COCKS MUST BE PLUGGED WITH BRASS OR PLASTIC PLUGS. 3.DCVA INSTALLED INSIDE BUILDING SHALL HAVE NO BRANCH CONNECTIONS BETWEEN THE METER AND THE BACKFLOW ASSEMBLY. INSTALL DCVA HORIZONTALLY. BACKFLOW ASSEMBLY MUST BE APPROVED FOR USE IN WASHINGTON STATE BY THE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH (DOH). IT MUST BE TESTED BY A STATE CERTIFIED "BAT" AT THE TIME OF INSTALLATION, ANNUALLY, AFTER THE ASSEMBLY IS REPAIRED, MOVED OR AFTER AN INCIDENT AT OWNER’S EXPENSE. 4. 5.BACKFLOW ASSEMBLY SHALL BE PURCHASED AND INSTALLED AS A UNIT, AS SHIPPED BY THE MANUFACTURER, WITH NO MODIFICATIONS TO ANY PART OF THE ASSEMBLY. TWO SUPPORTS, EITHER WALL OR FLOOR, ONE ON EACH SIDE OF THE ASSEMBLY, MUST FIRMLY ANCHOR THE ASSEMBLY. 6. APPROVED B Y ENGINEER:DATE:DOUBLE CHECK VALVE ASSEMBLY (INSIDE INSTALLATION) ,CITY ofm -c* v/~7 public Works Apartment WASHINGTON STANDARD DETAIL:W-25.2 <A A 6” MIN.WALL FROM WATER METER OR MAIN TO DOMESTIC OR-- INDUSTRIAL USE WALL •d- 6” MIN. PLAN NTS : A •WALLCDCDWALLA'iV'orking DWG\Woter\STDETL-W-25.2\Construction Standard Detaiis\CurrentPlotted by: Craig Dobyns on 12/31/2013 FIlocation: 02/09/2023