HomeMy WebLinkAbout56STR225toy i 2 f i E ; :t 10 9 j g 4 7 j 6 y 4 3 2 1 t^.j N t � 141 Jb if 4+. + t � '+ t 1 �_ •' � 40 ! Cor*%+rucr inlets 1 s s if1l1 Ro 1la i \ T tCH ►'-t S 5"ikw, S�.eer Seo»ie. 111006,ngt" CO'' MA ? rt ell I qt rs to ,s 9 c " !"u"! c , • ;[ CotaaTQVcT ✓TpJ4D wD Cutea & SU-TTM E. Z3 E 24 APPROXNATE QUANTITIE5 4Z$O Lin ft. Tor: Curb 4 Guf w 200 Lin ft. Radial Curb t Gutter 400 eft 4" C'axre'te `Jide•a+a�rC W 50t. 5` Concrete Oren" Aprons * ZOO Sg f t Concrete idol OAi t Otspsso! 10 Ecctt 5**nn Wet am&* LQxtt'recto+- 5WI, eonstrtx' lnkt Bates c5ty W01 fvrmy+ ttl"Tn-, and 1aq t5etutr.� t j 1 ` i 5 4 3 f2 ( ! E tot w L ao 4o 143.20 Const'ru ct to 20 act. W3•I5 Zy ZG 27 2A t � Zi9 30 I ! i , tDwlvetuuy4 u■il De eon%l 'm-ted rsY1y as r'c'a+es"4 by "fie prop" 04-m a. Roperty *W-*rs jesertrg t1x tlrtvetvayb e n%trueied may engpl%t ttx tor;trat?or tD pr¢ fow" or r"^%* vfm city T have 'fie : x** dme ud tie Coot Odkd to At v5.5eswr enr for CvrD / GutRr or: ttte iowt 4eep ovs+mnt diet+'kt oas*%%ment e'o11. -Dw c :y spa11 not tx respoextb* *Ir pe meat of drwe&;apr! jnkt'5 `t+t eN=erneer 4 twelb /►�tr.clp'ty u1 wrjr,rq 'ft *ft tmnh-actbv frr tn6tpllQtbr'. GENERAL NOTE' 5 lit The •5PEC1FtCATiON5 C►ty of AubVt'n 1954 sWI 9trRrn this X)Crk. Z EXCPWATON: Ile city Vdkll tough eltet nAfe ioer -"w eowvcrett e,wb f gutitr ixMh ttk e%ty"% power gw�der est ro auv* Ito A%t WntrActbr.Ttte cor+tmC_-mv %Bait tie retji; n ►bw Apv- fi')t qv"nq ```e t '::, au . ram yr atrOV, oansitt' oct iiw- k% Qs, spe%i{Yeti in mttan 3 Or r 2 et :?fe. eon{roCN-Or may ,mc tt+e e►i ys -%= ioY►ma ioir er-mm'+e cwb tw1Skv. p vickd uwm ort4 rcturnmd t'd o% y to �jw a acnd'tt(ar%. `E limed 'vi11 be re0im d In eeP'!a•-e Ww da"Od For•.. t. The forP»s ore ate*cd lit the Sttect tl+ept.:Y at bti ile 5.7. CLEAKUP: Tlx st>toii Ctcxrrap, re_,,. w aii dwrmgr. -Iti, pvr"rty betwmn itre eewt taed pvcptrty Lve ord tkak% kQLye +iTm p%rtf r: :vt :ur_.ric ncimpteted R" a!{ r'eSCecta, except the_ eontr% truer .a;,:1 ro# Ce e4,'ir-ti -tr. Seed lriwr dimmxge m-t:gtr mt��e Cre lit st rift, tb grAe f-exceez' for 5pt-m- excck%nt+C1 bl to v-A eurit for *et -•-:a) Tr.,s areo small be tiled to tt c -'"p of ttv nsb with Xieej sc:d from -te fu:av-tr'Or. . } The ^_tt•y '0011 preirl 1tt Othev- z�nv p in lone caock.wy. L.i.ID. 12b Pi ce 5T tE MAIN to 4 th 2 nd 5T EVE. Rim to R Si K 5T. 5.E End* N. c R^ CURB 4 Gu l I 5"Mr.T `J ilwpcbry APRs. V-) % ALEX S m u ctKU 5"Evr 1 cf 2 5V&CTS '•: try Evlws, tCR 4-6 rrR sis S* /t6 M {S- dAf ell- 1 r'K F,V AV r` 41 C. r' 0 5_ MiMm E - MMLM Cows-mucr J ,Asu ►wcI CURB t GOTTER u 40 ( 1}0 40 01161 r In tr% M SO t2 i1 1 iE 9 & ! 7 (0 ( i , � I ,...,::....., _.. w . . S 6 T JO MICRO - DA [ A T!-CH 137 S. Spokane Street Seattle, Washrngron 98134 toll k16) MA 3 5740u�IE Lj c!J N d L.i.D 1z6 PIKE ST ME NIAIN o 4th 2 nd 5-r N.E H ME ro R 5T. K 5T. S. E 2 nd *o NP R/1N Cuv—= f GurT&-R - T A=�K}>j& Avem. 195� ALwx Scmtattc►+�t1u GRG F. T 2 C+ 2 SMar3 C ►1'^r S6 s'rK I t3 S�-Z LID 116 w if I— W w G: H Existing f?c:,dius Z Q I_ 12 II 10 3 8 7 6 5 4 3 z 1 40 1 it 4p 3G 40 „ 1. „ ,. 40 40 40 40 to ZD 10 1 zo 40 40 13 14 15 ICE 17 18 19 20 21 ZZ 23 2.4 I i t 0 I N 1 I I 1 15 14 15 12 11 lQ 9 g 7 G 5 40 1zn 20 q0 40 1 20 to 4 40 3 40 2 13.Z 2`. 1 4-5.20 Cron-,i'ruci Inlc}� -,-.APPROXIMATE = QUANTITIES 4280 Lin ft. Tan Curb i Gather 200 Lin ft. Radial Curb �t Gutter 400 59.ft 4"Concrete 5iclewall< 500 SR -it. 5"Concrete Driveway Aprons,.* _ Z z00 Sq,ft. Concrete Removal d. Disposal : 10 Each '­ Storm Inlet boxe CCont.ncto,- shall eonsfn c' Inlet boxes City will furnit-vi Cas�incjs and toy sewer _ V Driveways will be constructed only ns requested by the property owners. Roperty owners desiring the drlvewoy5 eonstrucied may engage the eontrQcfor tb pre{orrn or, request -the city to have the work done and the eo5t 4dded to -the assessment -for Curb $ Gutter- on the bco,l Impyovemen-- district ossessrnen�- roll. -Ihe catty shall not be responc%ble. fcr pclymcnt of driveuxiy5 unless the engineer gives int, rvction;, in wrlting tb the Qonfiractbr for tnai'ollot°ion. j 1 GENERAL NOT":S LL1 The 'SPECIFICATION5 City of Auburn 1954~ shall govern • this work. z EXCPwATION: Tee city will rough excavate for -the Concrete curb �qu;ter w%* the 6tys pourer gmAer at ;ro cos'; ~o the. ezntra.ctor-. The eentrac-kor slr_1l be Z,� r- fin` grading. __ 1'O[2M5: _The eon fo-r-Aor shall eanstrvct forms as specified in section 3 item, 2 of the•)5PECIFICATt3N5:'7he Conti a -Va'r may ULC_ Abc -{arms fpr concrLie curb &-quAer provided dame are returned To ei;y in Saner eandi�,ion.lf u-_el con; racer will be required io replace any damaoed fortes. Tfic forms ore stored at the street dcpt, yards at Gth'1 C 5. CLEANUP= TlI-- contro.ct'or shell cleanup, repair all darn': eQ_ -to property between -I r_ curb and property line and shall iec, re _ this portion of work eomplttt°d in all respects; excep} the eo"�mr-tor wl\\ na-f be required .-b seed lawn darnoge Cr" -;tr- sfireet right of W< / Or -to fill, exca'rca-te or le•rel -the plAki�i1A Strip fo grade Cexcept for space excavated behind curb fDr -forms;. Thit, area shall be. filled -to tl,e o-f -thc curb with selec-i sail from the cxcavatic��. -Thc city 401 pre-�^rm all o%cr elenyiup in -the tmdwoy. _ ---- Lt. D. 126 PIKE. 5- - N.E. . MAIN _-Vo 4th ._ 2 nd 5T N E: Pi K1E to R 5T.- K -_ ST.- S.E ==_ 2nd 4,- N.P .R/W CURD GUTTED' STREET.SVFP�ItJG .. ApRt� 195G A�_Ex Scur,�ctis�N SHEET laf 2 .5HEr.:Ts Crry �biGItJE�R s6 STP. 2 i- - so - ,LID /2,6 4- 13 14 is, L­7 IG -19 Zo 21- 22, 25 24 so 25.10 so QonE,teoct In %t+s 60 QuRe GurTsiz 50 1­7 10 A 5 -7 tI C\j --PIKE 5T. N.E MAIN, to 4tb . 2 nd"5-r. N.E:, PIKE --ro.R 5T. _7 nd lb W. 'R1W__l CUQB �. G u7T sR STF, 6i---T I WS T 2 C>r,- 2 SHQtM C lr-e F ZVAWO-� - S_rpl 27.S so-z:1, i-ID I6