HomeMy WebLinkAbout71STR2543_7_// r A 70S.Jr w: I i IrVA IL m N� H Ili i tl t mart#�w ami lt�I= E. _ha L�` '_ IX. M IW tl�fn_ 1�__ie_orN 4 - - boanddd by the existliV mterly riOM-of-itivy It** of Aubrra Vay Mwth sad fr the existing mabo 'ty rIlWaf-wey line of 1Stt Street M.E., and an arc convex to the > rthNst IWAV t radios of 15.00 foot and Atvi p9 Points of t ort: ds be ay coamp ed herein �enlr�j► avow lhoN � r1 rof-Troy �i nos . The lan oowta u Oa- 4~ of 70 sgwro feet sots or less. E w# tie thot low e>P Parcel 'A" lying wltki of the area b om m'ed by : tie •�>�#rts�tl� tic y rift-o�'�wrp 1 #we of llob� 1�r Mph sad �Me �tlst#wZ t "`'fit romms of $&00. fe" MW #otlr* potwts oft too n the + # I fps. 16 hoft b&hji hupeIn cowtaM an area 'ar.:ol We. Tint ~booth 50 sasm of do -.lane* -frawnla tonotlon LwW CIA* Obs 37 In 5ttkm 1E* 1mmoMp 21 jow s Xw4pe k E.Vah. , .�.� �► �/�/ am lira, 3m #n 13mtt I'* T00k1p Z; nort#t, Iwo"" 5 ::E.Y.M. , 211M few �� �o � tit .>lI011�d r r 1 Court Cause 2 • DOWT that fwtkm ored to the -City of Auburn for street I2 't tl iro low to --the E ity► of Auburn for r19M m *of #ar # Sth 0trant- N. C. uade>r ►uudLtoy's f t Is__Ib. M LEWIS - R RDFOR D - ENCv CONSULTING ENGINEERS JOB NO, LONGVIEW �-lei9/� BELLEVUE Drawn by Date~ Sheet , C'heckcd by of Appr t� 1A1y 1 , File No. STIt 27 4; S H -7 ' ��I�l�r�,,�,:�I,l,I,�,�,l,I,�.I, .1•,,I �,I,�,,,I,I,`,l,.,,,l,l,`,;,',l,I,f,�,r,l,l,�,.,l,r,i,l, MCHES t 2 t i 3) 4 I1 51 6� MU'Ro - D � FA - ITCH 1?? � ��oko« Jif Seattle, Washington 4813.: Coll ' �0� ' MA 3 5740 Sll >�I E�t Z!t II! 011 16 I6 jl 19 �S !> IE 1t M�It�ttl13M� t+!ot�+++tl+i+t+;+tt�IIIIIIII1Rllfll!ill!!!++!iiil!il!illill`.ill'.Illlllllllillllliflllii!1�'�!liff:I;liifl+ii"•1i+!�'i!fit!I!lil',Iffll!IIII!Ilillll11111 DESCRIPTION OP RIGHT--O--b;A TA!:E All that portion of the follo,.-�irg described Parcel "A" lying westerly of a line drawn parallel with and 6.00 feet easteriy of the exist?ng easterly right-of-way of Auburn Way North. Also, all that portion of said Parcel "A" lying northerly of a line drawn parallel with and 37.00 feet southerly, when neasured at right angles and/or radially, from the centerline of proposed l5th Street N.E. as it connects to Harvey Road. Also, all that portion of said Parcel "A" lying within the above described lines and an arc convex, to the northwest having a radius of 17-00 feet and having points of tangency upon the above described lines. Parcel "A": That portion of the V. Brannon Donation land Clai No.37 in Section 7, Township 21 North, Range s East W.M., lying westerly of the right -of -bray of Harvey Road less the south 517 feet there of and less the rigtt-of-way of State Route Mo. 5, all In King County, Washington. The lands being conveyed herein contain an area of 6706 square feet, more or less, the specific details concerning all of which are to be found within that certain map nor of record and on file in Volume page records of King County. p2a-,t,:2 1 1 c ' C � �}Ni=M1/ I f O k • R /� f-�/ it All" ./ J�C17.00 Rr- sea law r _ 1 1 c! 9*49G 2i3LTr P' 7?4.2 - - - - - — — 6._— _ 9 ;. _. -n�► :���� _-� __? _.__`�?'z _�I- �..�'-".. ar rr.r�.'. rw...... �. _ .s._r: .... .. .�y_. ».�' a.- �..s.•_ .J '- - - a .�• _ � __-_. '�_.'.- _. _ . f ."�i e�"i��s-+.�i�1r.r.�s.`.►-+rr+r+r•kca�-ar�•is-�� aerie �:.�rc i�..>,� .r.,.'w� �t,rri wr�r pis-s..�s-:r�irrt-ari��k .r.�rrrr ��T�s-ars �rJ...�1rst�7�+s" i a/f!s � 2-W7'1 I R.L.P I Ao0E0 LEGAL OE.90WON Ma I - Dw 6,r Ai. I AML RMisiae r k or • A sp% ,► i J i Xr �%>-" - END_ CONSTRUCTION W: Tr+ERc it 15th STREET . A a 47'00' 00' R a 200.001 T 96.96' i t ' t /��y Rpp pE m -' A a 102*53137" R a 25.00' L a 44.901 T a 31.371 Z LEGEND PROPOSED EX 1ST 1" —�--� -- R 16NT -OF -WAY - PROPERTY LINE P#JM TOTAL AiEA TAKE RE M I NMR IiU016 Oil 14,162 S.F. 6.206 S.F. 7,976 S.F. 5 it • Mtm N WAY 12 13AUSM ►- S'Cam/- no now. TE F 7. K'µ54 A1,29 N'T i Fr a` xr Ftr ' SL 44 r.__71„49;+r23.4 7t _ n. - mow __ 1-'t. .--- - •�r'20% .... ti: Me~ of F4 Ic r1orks G} . ♦ ..,.... } F #fit! - + 1 �t+�' , # Itr��+sit'.,rlrl�isla�rtrl.r+,lrlrr;,�yl,*e•�� ,: 1 C" Owi CITY OF Alf '# S._ RIGHT-OF-WAY FOR CONNECTION OF t;:r_PROPOSED ISTH ST. TO HARVEY RD. I"N-I 71 Tt 12 c7TYPICA Ll PLACE 6- 6'x l L"S St WiRE.TNE VvL 2t TURNS OF WIRE. DIMENSIONS AND __yw kLL HAVE THREE BURNS OF LOOPS SHALL NAVE TWO i NEAREST EXISTING JUNCTWN bOX r �2 t "CONDUIT 8Co.NCii)Cr'0R l*i2 LOCATE I2 1NCV4 INCAHUESCENT PEG SIGNALS WfTH NEAV Y DUTY PUS4SUTTON, Atli 51vx 7"Sltitis , Qu ± V. PUSHOUrTON SIG,-1S 514ALL BEAWOMATIC'S � A-MM AN D A-*AII - OWEWiV. = W A Si'1`UMD Nglill 1101809,!'*MED BY CITY 0 MSTALL UnCTOR LEAD IN CABLE, BELDEN OW72 T%. MTRGLLER C A&& CABLE FURM #HEO BY C IT Y , 1�=wqow, •ILL 4 w._. ..:. .... I'!'�•f,�.t'{,ta},I��f1'�•t'I'{!I•i11,s`'�►is�It# ,,..V, �} C"MGE CONTROLLER FROM TtiREE TO 511 PHASE 14IT14 FOUR ACTUATED PEG MOVEMENTS M 1 STRT 1.E./N. W. Awl 14Y N. SIGNAL MODIFICATION 5NNED H. L. O. AWN H, L. 0, APPROVEQ.l SC' LE NONE TINE 2-14-7e SHEET