HomeMy WebLinkAboutMOA Africatown InternationalDocuSign Envelope ID; EDD8CC40-EA69-49F1-A4F1-7E04361DF197 MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT For Participating Eligible Centralized Diversion Fund Recipients This Memorandum of Agreement ("MOA") is between Africatown International, an organization that administers the Centralized Diversion Fund (CDF) that provides flexible financial assistance to households experiencing unsheltered homelessness and (name of organization): CITY OF AU BURN (the "Participating Agency"). This MOA shall start on the last date of execution below (upon signature) and shall end when CDF funds are depleted which is anticipated to be on or before be:cember 31, 2024 or if the Participating Agency is deemed either ineligible or in violation of this MOA by either Africatown International or the organization providing diversion funding to Africatown International. Diversion is a housing first, person -centered, strengths -based approach to help individuals identify choices and solutions to end their homeless experience with limited interaction with the crisis response system. Diversion is an approach that assists households in quickly securing permanent or temporary solutions to homelessness outside of the crisis response system by encouraging creative and cost- effective solutions to meet individual needs. By signing this MOA you are affirming that your agency has staff that is trained by diversion coaches and approved by the Participating Agency to access the funds. The goal of this MOA is to outline the policies and procedures and obligations for the Participating Agency. By signing this MOA your organization agrees with the policies and procedures required of CDF recipients and Seattle/King County diversion principals (see attached). Party obligations: Africatown International shall perform the following tasks: Africatown International Office: 206-487-3222 Email: request@africatowninternational.org Page 1 DocuSign Envelope ID: EDDBCC40-EA69-49F1-A4F1-7E04351DF197 1. Upon receipt of a request for funds and required documents verifying eligibility of homeless clients via email, Africatown International will verify the eligibility of the requesting agency and all required documentation showing client's eligibility for receipt of diversion funds. 2. Upon approval of the information, Africatown International will then issue a payment to the party identified by the participating agency. The Participating Agency shall perform the following tasks: 1. Ensure that all client eligibility requirements are met by providing required documentation to Africatown International. 2. Acknowledge receipt of funds paid to landlords on behalf of clients by contacting landlord or fund recipient and informing Africatown International via email at request@africatowWinternational.org. Confidentiality: All information provided to Africatown International is confidential and agency level details will only be shared with the project funders and Building Changes, Al's CDF partner, subject to the requirements of the Public Records Act, 42.56 RCW, or applicable law. Relationship between parties: This MOA is an organization -to -organization agreement. Both organizations will perform the services independently from the other and in accordance with professional expectations. Neither organization will be deemed, byvirtue of executing this Agreement and the performance of it, to have entered into any partnership, joint venture, or other relationship with the organization. Liability: Africatown International is not liable for any misinformation provided to participating agencies on the part of clients. Signatures (--�-^pDo�c�u�Signed by: Malakhi Kaine,,Executive Director, Africatown International Malakhi Kaine, Executive Director Name/Job Title/Participating Agency Africatown International Office: 206-487-3222 Email: req u est@af ricatown intern ational.org Page 2 DocuSign Envelope ID: EDD8CC40-EA69-49F1-A4F1-7E04351DF197 CITY OF AUBURN Nancy Ba kwe Mayor Date: M -Act +A CATY `f Africatown International Office: 206-487-3222 Email: request@africatowninternational.org Page 3