HomeMy WebLinkAbout2024, A2 - AG-C-540, HDR Engineering, Inc.----------------------------------------------------------------- Amendment No. 2 for Agreement No. AG-C-540 HDR Engineering, Inc. ENG-182, Revised 08/23 Page 1 of 1 THE CITY OF AUBURN AND HDR ENGINEERING, INC. AMENDMENT TO AGREEMENT FOR SERVICES AG-C-540 RELATING TO PROJECT NO CP2116, R ST SE WIDENING AND CP2315, R ST SE PRESERVATION THIS AMENDMENT TO THE AGREEMENT is made and entered into by and between the CITY OF AUBURN, a municipal corporation of the State of Washington (hereinafter referred to as the “CITY”), and HDR ENGINEERING, INC. (hereinafter referred to as the “PROVIDER”). The City and Provider agree to amend the Agreement AG-C-540 executed on the 3rd day of January 2022. The changes to the Agreement are described as follows: 1. SCOPE OF SERVICES: The scope of work is amended to include the following tasks that will be performed in a good and professional manner: See Exhibit A, which is attached hereto and by this reference made part of this Amendment. 2. COMPENSATION: The amount of this amendment is $416,253.98. As total compensation for the Provider’s performance of the services provided based on this Amended Agreement, the City shall pay the Provider fees and costs not-to-exceed $1,409,298.01. See Exhibit B, which is attached hereto and by this reference made part of this Agreement. REMAINING TERMS UNCHANGED: All other provisions of the Agreement between the parties for AG-C-540 executed on the 3rd day of January 2022, shall remain unchanged, and in full force and effect. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties hereto have executed this Agreement as of the day and year first above written. HDR ENGINEERING, INC. CITY OF AUBURN By: ___________________________ ____________________________ Authorized signature Nancy Backus, Mayor Date:__________________________ Date:________________________ Approved as to form (Optional): Approved as to form: ________________________________ _____________________________ Attorney for (Other Party) Doug Ruth, Acting City Attorney DocuSign Envelope ID: A1CF5073-BA23-4EEE-8DE4-F0EA08555BF4 5/23/2024 5/26/2024 R St Corridor Projects (CP2116 & CP2315) City of Auburn 1 of 39 Amendment #2 City of Auburn R St SE/29th Intersection Improvement (CP 2116) - OLD CP2116 R-Street SE Widening - 22nd Street SE to 33rd Street SE & CP2315 R-Street SE Preservation - 33rd Street SE to 37th Way SE Scope of Work Amendment #2 A. Project Description/Background The City of Auburn (City) has selected HDR Engineering Inc. (Consultant) to assist the City in providing conceptual design; intermediate design; final design; geotechnical engineering; environmental permitting, public involvement support, preparation of storm water pollution prevention plan; right-of-way acquisition services; and preparation of construction plans, specifications, and estimate of probable construction cost for the R St SE/29th St SE Intersection Improvement project, located on R St SE in the City of Auburn, from 37th Way SE to 22nd St SE. Improvements are anticipated to include: Amendment: The Project has been split into two distinct segments. CP2116 R-Street SE Widening (22nd Street SE to 33rd Street SE) and CP2315 R-Street SE Preservation (33rd Street SE to 37th Way SE). The below scope of work and assumptions reflect the division of work into two projects and fully replace the existing scope of work. The scope also reflects an extension of schedule from the original scope and addition of the Right-of-Way phase of work for CP2116. CP2116: • Grind and overlay of existing roadway from 33rd Street SE to 22nd St SE. • Widening of R St from 33rd St SE to 22nd St SE including new full depth pavement in widened roadway areas, new curb and gutter, new sidewalk on one side of the street and new multi-use pathway on one side of the street. • Design of landscape strip between multi-use pathway and curb line. • Removal and reconstruction of existing curb ramps as required to meet ADA requirements throughout project limits. • Design of curb bulbs at select intersection corners to decrease crossing distance and facilitate ADA compliant ramp design. • Channelization throughout project limits for new configuration with additional SB lane from 33rd St SE to 22nd St SE. • Removal and reconstruction of existing driveways. • Coordination with Franchise Utilities to relocate utility poles and vaults to eliminate potential clear zone and pedestrian accessibility issues. Overhead utility poles exist from 29th St SE to 22nd St SE. • Design new City lighting from 33rd St SE to 22nd St SE. Exhibit ADocuSign Envelope ID: A1CF5073-BA23-4EEE-8DE4-F0EA08555BF4 R St Corridor Projects (CP2116 & CP2315) City of Auburn 2 of 39 Amendment #2 • Reconfigure and replace the existing pedestrian crossing signal at 31st Street with a new traffic signal at Game Farm Park. • Reconfigure and replace 29th St SE signalized intersection including new signal poles. • Design of thickened edge sidewalk or integral curb sidewalk for grade differences at back of walk that cannot be mitigated by grading. • Design of retaining walls for grade differences taller than 12” at back of sidewalk. • Multi-Use pathway on west side of the roadway from the entrance to Game Farm Park to 22nd St SE. • Multi-Use pathway on the east side of the road following existing park trail from 33rd St SE to Game Farm Park Entrance. • Private Property Restoration for frontage features impacted by the Project. Including the following: o Rockery walls to be replaced by modular block walls, or grading behind new sidewalk o Chain Link fences and wooden fences to be replaced by new fences using similar material. o Pathways from sidewalk to features on the property are replaced in-kind to new connection point o Driveways are replaced and graded to tie into the existing driveway with the same material type as currently exists. If existing driveway is gravel, it will be replaced with asphalt to the extent feasible. o Landscaping will be replaced in-kind with similar plantings as currently exist in the frontage. • Storm Drainage - Replace approximately 2,800 LF of stormwater main and 11 laterals. Pipe type to be determined based on cover. Existing 8-inch and 10-inch pipes to be replaced with 12-inch pipe. New stormwater pipes assumed to be 12-inch. Consultant will perform conveyance calculations to verify adequacy. Stormwater improvements triggered by the roadway re-construction and new impervious surface by complying with SWMM minimum requirements (MR) 1-10. Analyze feasibility and if applicable utilize LID techniques as appropriate to meet MR’s. This project will add more than 5000 sq. ft. of new hard surfaces. In addition to conveyance replacement for the widened roadway and new location of curb line, minor stormwater collection/conveyance improvements will be designed as needed to accommodate road grading or to address known problem areas. No offsite stormwater systems from private parcels are anticipated to exist that would require connection to the new stormwater system. • Water Utility – Replace approximately 2,800 LF of 8-inch cast iron pipe with 12-inch ductile iron pipe, and replace all hydrant leads, hydrants, service lines, and meters (anticipated to be 30 service lines) from 33rd St SE to 25th St SE. • Sewer Utility – Dependent on full depth pavement replacement limits, replace approximately 340 LF of sanitary sewer gravity main with same diameter PVC pipe between 29th St SE and 28th St SE. Replace all side sewers within the replaced mainline section to the edge of new right-of-way or as close to edge of right-of-way as practical. • Right-of-way acquisition to support the road widening between 33rd St SE and 22nd St SE. DocuSign Envelope ID: A1CF5073-BA23-4EEE-8DE4-F0EA08555BF4 R St Corridor Projects (CP2116 & CP2315) City of Auburn 3 of 39 Amendment #2 • No Federal Funding is anticipated with this project at this time. However, the City is actively seeking grant funding opportunities to support construction costs. CP2315: • Grind and overlay of existing roadway from 37th Way SE to 33rd St SE. • Remove existing landscape strips from 37th Way SE to 33rd St SE and replace with sidewalk on the west side of the street and multi-use pathway on the east side of the street. • Design of landscape strip between multi-use pathway and curb line. • Removal and reconstruction of existing curb ramps as required to meet ADA requirements throughout project limits. • Design of curb bulbs at select intersection corners to decrease crossing distance and facilitate ADA compliant ramp design. • Channelization throughout project limits for new configuration. • Removal and reconstruction of existing driveways. • Coordination with Franchise Utilities to relocate utility duct banks and vaults to eliminate conflicts with underground City utilities and sidewalk reconstruction. • Design of new City owned lighting from 37th Way SE to 33rd Street SE. • Multi-Use pathway on east side of the roadway throughout project limits. • RRFB foundations and junction boxes will be designed for future installation of RRFB signage. • Private Property Restoration for frontage features impacted by the Project. Including the following: o Chain Link fences and wooden fences to be protected in place. o Pathways from sidewalk to features on the property are replaced in-kind to new connection point o Driveways are replaced and graded to tie into the existing driveway with the same material type as currently exists. If existing driveway is gravel, it will be replaced with asphalt to the extent feasible. o Landscaping will be protected to the extent feasible. • Storm Drainage - Pipe type to be determined based on cover. Existing 8-inch and 10-inch pipes to be replaced with 12-inch pipe. New stormwater pipes assumed to be 12-inch. Consultant will perform conveyance calculations to verify adequacy. Stormwater structures are replaced for new curb line and where new pipes will enter existing structures. Roadway re-construction and construction of the MUP will result in net zero pollution generating impervious surface added by the project. Design will comply with SWMM minimum requirements (MR) 1-5. No LID is required in this segment. No offsite stormwater systems from private parcels are anticipated to exist that would require connection to the upgraded stormwater system. • Water Utility – Adjust existing valves to grade with the overlay. Replace meter boxes with new meters. Replace existing water line at 33rd Street SE intersection to be forward compatible with water line north of 33rd Street SE. DocuSign Envelope ID: A1CF5073-BA23-4EEE-8DE4-F0EA08555BF4 R St Corridor Projects (CP2116 & CP2315) City of Auburn 4 of 39 Amendment #2 • Sewer Utility – Adjust manholes to grade. • No Right-of-Way acquisition is required. • No Federal Funding is anticipated with this project. B. Assumptions The following assumptions were made to provide direction for the design, environmental documentation, and right-of-way acquisition services. (Assumptions apply to both CP2116 and CP2315 unless otherwise stated): 1. Roadway Improvements: o Roadway is widened to add the width for a second SB lane from 33rd St SE to 22nd St SE. (CP2116) o New Pavement will be full depth and existing pavement is a grind and overlay. o Existing roadway cross slopes will largely be maintained and extended through widened edges of roadway. o Pavement section for full-depth and overlay will be per the Geotechnical Report provided by the Consultant. However, discussion on lifespan and construction impact may result in overlay depths less than 20-year design life. Requires approval from City. o Roadway Channelization will be replaced south of 33rd St SE and will consist of a center two-way-turn-lane and a single travel lane in each direction. Roadway Channelization from 33rd St SE to 22nd St SE will be restriped to include 2-SB lanes and 1-NB lane. Channelization at the 29th St SE signalized intersection will match the configuration developed in the previously completed planning study. 2. All driveways, sidewalks, and curb ramps within the project limits will be replaced with the project. 3. The traffic signal at 29th St SE will be replaced. (CP2116) 4. Illumination systems will be City owned systems. 5. Franchise utilities will relocate prior to construction and no franchise work is anticipated to be completed by the City Contractor. 6. The development of a Geotechnical Report will be included in the work. This report will include recommendations for pavement section(s), trench construction requirements including dewatering, infiltration potential feasibility, wall recommendations for modular block and cast-in-place wall types, and foundation recommendations for signal poles and luminaires. 7. Suggested Construction Sequencing plans will be included in the work. The sequencing plans will show potential detour routes but will not show detailed site-specific setup for traffic control and signage. 8. Existing condition survey and base map to be completed by the City and provided to Consultant. City will perform additional survey to support the design process as mutually agreed during the Project. 9. Right of way and easement acquisition will be required. Right of way acquisition limits will be determined using the right of way CAD file provided by the City. The City shall prepare DocuSign Envelope ID: A1CF5073-BA23-4EEE-8DE4-F0EA08555BF4 R St Corridor Projects (CP2116 & CP2315) City of Auburn 5 of 39 Amendment #2 legal descriptions and exhibits for acquisitions and easement needs on the project using Consultant provided CAD linework for acquisition and easement needs. (CP2116) 10. The City will be responsible for review and approval of right-of-way documentation throughout the right-of-way process. (CP2116) 11. The City will be responsible for all permit fees. 12. City will be responsible for preparing applications and acquiring all required City permits. The SEPA determination is anticipated to be a Determination of Non-significance (DNS). The City will be responsible for all project postings/advertisements and for issuing the final SEPA Determination. Consultant will support the City in the permitting process by providing guidance, review of documents, supplemental information to include in permits, and graphics. 13. The project is assumed to occur within the 200-foot shoreline jurisdiction of White River. Construction activities are assumed to be within ROW and considered maintenance and repair. City will prepare a shoreline exemption application with support from the Consultant. (CP2315) 14. Consultant will be responsible for preparing cultural resources documentation and submitting documents for DAHP approval. 15. A Construction Stormwater General Permit will be required. Consultant will be responsible for development of the CSWPPP. City will apply for the permit. 16. Applicable City of Auburn and/or WSDOT Standard Plans will be included in the Contract Provisions. 17. City will provide traffic counts within the project area including at the 29th St SE signal. (CP2116) 18. Consultant reserves the opportunity to shift budget between work tasks and sub- consultants (excludes optional tasks) with approval from the City project manager. 19. Analyses, design, plans, specifications, and estimates performed or prepared as part of this project will be in English units. 20. City of Auburn drafting and plan sheet standards will be used. 21. It is anticipated that the project will produce more than 5,000 square feet of new impervious surface. Therefore, MR #1-10 are expected to be triggered by the project. The Consultant will document the stormwater conveyance, detention, and treatment through the Stormwater Site Plan. (CP2116) 22. The project consists of three threshold discharge areas (TDAs): o TDA-1 spans from the White River to mid-way between 30th Street and 31st Street and direct discharges to the White River. (CP2315) o TDA-2 spans from mid-way between 30th Street and 31st Street to 28th Street and discharges to an existing storm piping that goes west along 29th St SE and then south along M St SE and then discharges to an infiltration facility near the intersection of M St SE and 37th St SE approximately 400 feet north of the White River. (Note: Information on the outfall of the infiltration facility was not known. Depending on the exact location of the outfall, if an outfall exists, TDA-2 may be considered part of the same TDA as TDA-1 if the outfall is within a 1/4-mile of the TDA-1 outfall. This will be verified once record drawing information of the facility is provided as part of Work Element 4.) (CP2116) o TDA-3 spans from 28th Street to the north end of the project and is a part of the Green River basin. The discharge from TDA-3 enters the storm system DocuSign Envelope ID: A1CF5073-BA23-4EEE-8DE4-F0EA08555BF4 R St Corridor Projects (CP2116 & CP2315) City of Auburn 6 of 39 Amendment #2 combining with other flows and is eventually conveyed to a regional infiltration pond near 21st St SE and C St SE. (CP2116) 23. The portion of the project south of Game Farm Park entrance (TDA 1) is within a TDA that directs discharge to the White River which is flow control exempt. No flow control will be needed for this portion of the project. The only required LID BMP is dispersion which is assumed to be infeasible due to space constraints. (CP2315) 24. For TDA-2, it is assumed that the infiltration facility near the intersection of M St SE and 37th St SE is directly connected to the White River allowing TDA-2 to be flow control exempt. It is also assumed that the infiltration facility has adequate capacity to meet water quality treatment requirements for TDA-2. (CP2116) 25. For TDA-3, it is assumed that the regional infiltration pond near 21st St SE and C St SE has adequate capacity to meet flow control and treatment needs for TDA-3. (CP2116) 26. The project’s location within Groundwater Protection Zone 2 will preclude the project from infiltrating stormwater from pollution generating hard surfaces (PGHS). 27. In providing opinions of cost and schedules for the project, the Consultant has no control over cost or price of labor and materials; unknown or latent conditions of existing infrastructure that may affect costs; competitive bidding procedures and market conditions; time or quality of performance by third parties; and other economic and operational factors that may materially affect the ultimate project cost or schedule. The Consultant therefore makes no warranty that the City’s actual project costs or schedules will not vary from the Consultant’s opinions, analyses, projections, or estimates. 28. All submittals shall be submitted electronically and, in specific instances, in hard copy format as defined in the scope deliverables. Draft reports and memorandums shall be submitted in Microsoft Word format and PDF. Final reports and documents shall be submitted in Microsoft Word format, PDF format, and in hard copy as defined in the scope deliverables. Submittals for draft plans shall be in full sized PDF format. All final plans shall be submitted in AutoCAD 2019 (.dwg) format, and full-sized PDF format. 29. Preliminary efforts for Project Management, 15% Conceptual Design, and the Multi-Use Path Design change through April of 2023 are solely scoped in the CP2116 project efforts. Major Milestone Schedule The following are major schedule milestones for the project: Notice to Proceed…………………………January 5, 2022 – Completed. Project Pause………………………………March 25, 2022 – Completed. Project Re-start……………………………September 15, 2022 – Completed. MUP Design Change……………………..January, 2023 – Completed. 15% Design………………………………..March 29, 2023 – Completed. Project Split………………………………..April, 2023 – Completed. Amendment #1…………………………… March, 2024 CP2315 60% Design………………………………..June 20, 2023 90% Design………………………………..October, 2023 99% Design………………………………..December, 2023 Advertisement……..………………………February, 2024 Bid Opening……………………………….March, 2024 DocuSign Envelope ID: A1CF5073-BA23-4EEE-8DE4-F0EA08555BF4 R St Corridor Projects (CP2116 & CP2315) City of Auburn 7 of 39 Amendment #2 Construction NTP…………………………April, 2024 Construction Completion…………………December, 2024 CP2116 60% Design………………………………..October, 2023 90% Design………………………………..August, 2024 99% Design………………………………..March, 2025 ROW Complete…………………………...April 2025 Advertisement……..………………………April, 2025 Bid Opening………………………………..May, 2025 Construction NTP…………………………June, 2025 Construction Completion…………………December, 2026 C. City of Auburn-Provided Items: The City of Auburn will provide/prepare the following: 1. Topographic Survey data and base map (including DIPs). 2. Public utility record drawings (sewer, water, storm). 3. Contact list for Franchise Utility contacts in the corridor. 4. Right of way CAD drawing file. 5. City of Auburn Boilerplate Special Provisions. 6. City of Auburn drafting and plan sheet standards. 7. Prepare and publish all public notices, project flyers, news releases, etc. 8. Traffic Counts in the corridor and at the 29th St SE signal. 9. GIS layers for the City’s existing stormwater system (pipes, catch basins, manholes, infiltration/detention facilities, outfalls) for all areas upstream and downstream from the project. 10. If available, GIS layers of City’s existing land cover (vegetation, buildings, sidewalks, roadways) for all areas within the project and tributary to stormwater systems upstream and downstream from the project. 11. Record drawings and design reports for the following stormwater facilities: 11.1 Infiltration facility located at 37th St SE and M St SE (including any outfall infrastructure to the White River). 11.2 Infiltration facility located north east of the intersection of 21st St SE and C St SE. 12. Draft high-level Milestone Project Schedule, if available. 13. Title Reports for all Parcels in Corridor (Including a title report update) 14. ROW Acquisition Legal Descriptions and Exhibits for Acquisitions, Permanent Easements, and Temporary Construction Easements. D. DESIGN CRITERIA: DocuSign Envelope ID: A1CF5073-BA23-4EEE-8DE4-F0EA08555BF4 R St Corridor Projects (CP2116 & CP2315) City of Auburn 8 of 39 Amendment #2 Plans and reports prepared as part of this scope of work will be developed in accordance with the latest edition and amendments to the following documents, as of the date this Agreement is signed (unless otherwise noted below): AASHTO Publications a. A Policy on Geometric Design of Highways and Streets WSDOT Publications b. Washington State Department of Transportation/American Public Works Association (WSDOT/APWA), Standard Specifications for Road, Bridge and Municipal Construction: Current edition at time of construction advertisement. c. WSDOT/APWA Standard Plans for Road, Bridge, and Municipal Construction d. WSDOT Design Manual e. WSDOT Highway Runoff Manual. f. WSDOT Hydraulics Manual. CITY of Auburn Standards g. Engineering Design and Construction Standards - Current Edition h. Drafting Standards i. City of Auburn SWMM (2019 Ecology Stormwater Management Manual for Western Washington and Auburn Supplements) Other Standards and Publications j. FHWA and Washington State Department of Transportation, Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) k. Washington State Regulations, Accessibility Design for All (ADA) l. American Water Works Association (AWWA) m. Department of Ecology’s Stormwater Management Manual for Western Washington n. Federal Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real Property Acquisition Act (URA) o. WSDOT Right-of-Way Manual If there are conflicts between standards for the above referenced documents, the Project team will identify the conflict and City will provide guidance on which standard to utilize on the Project. E. SCOPE OF WORK This section describes the Scope of Services to be provided by the Consultant. The Scope of Services is broken down by the following Work Elements: CP2116 • Work Element 1 – Project Management and Administration • Work Element 2 – Quality Control and Quality Assurance • Work Element 3 – Utility Coordination • Work Element 4 – Conceptual Design (15% Design) • Work Element 5 – Public Outreach • Work Element 6 – Geotechnical Engineering • Work Element 7 – Intermediate Design (60% Design) • Work Element 8 – Permitting • Work Element 9 – Final Design and Check Set (90% Design & 99% Check Set) • Work Element 10 – Right-Of-Way Acquisition Services DocuSign Envelope ID: A1CF5073-BA23-4EEE-8DE4-F0EA08555BF4 R St Corridor Projects (CP2116 & CP2315) City of Auburn 9 of 39 Amendment #2 • Work Element 11 – Assistance During Bidding • Work Element 12 – Support During Construction CP2315 • Work Element 1.1 – Project Management and Administration • Work Element 2.1 – Quality Control and Quality Assurance • Work Element 3.1 – Utility Coordination • Work Element 7.1 – Intermediate Design (60% Design) • Work Element 8.1 – Permitting • Work Element 9.1 – Final Design and Check Set (90% Design & 99% Check Set) • Work Element 11.1 – Assistance During Bidding • Work Element 12.1 – Support During Construction DocuSign Envelope ID: A1CF5073-BA23-4EEE-8DE4-F0EA08555BF4 R St Corridor Projects (CP2116 & CP2315) City of Auburn 10 of 39 Amendment #2 CP2116: R Street SE Widening - 22nd Street SE to 33rd Street SE Work Element 1 – Project Management and Administration This section covers the effort required to manage the Contract and to assure that the project meets the City’s expectations for schedule, budget, and quality of product. Effort included under this section is as follows: 1.1 Consultant will provide continuous project coordination and internal management for the project duration (estimate 60 months). This will include Project Setup and development of a Project Management Plan. 1.2 Consultant will prepare monthly invoices and progress reports that identify work in progress, upcoming work elements, and reporting of any delays, problems, or additional information needs. 1.3 Consultant will coordinate with City staff, including preparing for and attending up to 55 coordination meetings throughout the duration of the project. At the coordination meetings, Consultant staff shall review and update decision log with City PM. 1.4 Consultant will manage and coordinate work with Subconsultants, including reviewing and providing QA for subconsultant work products. 1.5 City will provide initial project schedule. Consultant shall modify schedule for a design baseline schedule. Consultant shall update project schedule at each major milestone deliverable (4 updates). 1.6 Consultant shall conduct a project kickoff meeting including City and Consultant staff. Deliverables: • Monthly progress reports with each invoice. • Kickoff Meeting and Coordination meeting agendas and notes. Electronic (PDF) copies of the meeting notes will be distributed to all attendees. Assumptions: • Contract Duration is assumed from January 2022 through December of 2026. • The Coordination Meetings with the City will be during the design phase of the project prior to construction. Consultant shall have up to 2 staff attend each coordination meeting. Coordination Meetings anticipated to last 1 hour each. It is expected that coordination meetings will take place through bid award. • Kickoff meeting agenda and meeting notes will be prepared by the Consultant. Up to 12 consultant staff will attend virtual kickoff meeting. Kickoff meeting anticipated to last 2 hours. • All meetings are planned to be virtual and will utilize the Consultant’s Webex meeting platform or the City’s Team’s meeting platform. • The decision log will be jointly maintained by the City and Consultant. • There will be up to 60 months of invoices and progress reports. DocuSign Envelope ID: A1CF5073-BA23-4EEE-8DE4-F0EA08555BF4 R St Corridor Projects (CP2116 & CP2315) City of Auburn 11 of 39 Amendment #2 Work Element 2 – Quality Control and Quality Assurance The Consultant shall follow the Quality Control Plan developed for this Project. Quality Control will be provided prior to each submittal to the City to ensure Consultant’s design work follows City, State, and Federal standards as applicable to the Project. Final work submitted to the City shall be stamped and signed by a professional engineer in the State of Washington. 15%, 60%, 90%, and 99% Plans, Specifications, and Opinion of Probable Construction Costs shall be stamped but not signed and will be marked “Not for Construction”. At each submittal the Consultant shall review comments provided by the City and key stakeholders and compile responses to comments indicating actions planned to be taken on each comment. The City and Consultant will conduct a roundtable review meeting to discuss comment resolution prior to moving to the next phase of design. 2.1 The Consultant shall conduct QA/QC efforts for the 15% design deliverables. 2.2 The Consultant shall complete 15% design comment review and response, 15% roundtable resolution and design review meeting, and shall conduct QA/QC efforts for the 60% design deliverables. 2.3 The Consultant shall complete 60% design comment review and response, 60% roundtable resolution meeting, and shall conduct QA/QC efforts for the 90% design deliverables. 2.4 The Consultant shall complete 90% design comment review and response, 90% roundtable resolution meeting, and shall conduct QA/QC efforts for the 99% design deliverables. Deliverables: • Comment Review meeting agendas and meeting notes. • Comment Review Plans including responses to all City comments received (at 15%, 60%, and 90% design level comment periods). Assumptions: • The Consultant shall provide up to 3 staff at each roundtable comment resolution meeting. • City comments and Consultant responses will be provided in Bluebeam pdf markups for plans and estimate and track changes in Word for specifications. Comments and responses will be directly on the work product. Work Element 3 – Utility Coordination The Consultant will take an active role in coordinating with private utilities affected by the proposed improvements. This task will focus on identifying conflicts between franchise utilities and proposed project improvements and working with the utilities to relocate their facilities to avoid conflicts. Effort included under this section is as follows: 3.1 Prepare letters requesting utility record information and send to each purveyor. Cross- check franchise utility-provided maps with field survey information and resolve conflicts between utility maps and field conditions. 3.2 Identify locations where City owned utilities require potholing to facilitate the design process and conflict identification. Coordinate the locations with the City for potholing of the facilities. DocuSign Envelope ID: A1CF5073-BA23-4EEE-8DE4-F0EA08555BF4 R St Corridor Projects (CP2116 & CP2315) City of Auburn 12 of 39 Amendment #2 3.3 Prepare Utility Conflict Matrix (UCM): The UCM will be submitted to all purveyors with utilities in the project limits to assess whether said utilities may be in conflict with the proposed improvements. Utilities thought to be in conflict will be potholed. The UCM will be developed and delivered at the 15 percent submittal and updated at the 60 percent submittal and 90 percent submittal. 3.4 Review utility relocation plans and incorporate final relocations into City contract plans and specifications. 3.5 Coordinate utility appurtenance potholing, relocation, and/or adjustment as needed to accommodate proposed improvements. 3.6 Conduct Utility Coordination Monthly meetings, as needed, to discuss conflicts, proposed relocations, timing of relocations, and status of project schedule. 3.7 Conduct one-on-one utility coordination workshop meetings to coordinate specific relocation plans with utilities. These meetings would include a single franchise utility meeting with the Consultant and the City PM. Deliverables: • Up to 7 emails to 3rd party utility purveyors requesting record drawing information. • 2 PDF versions of the potential Utility Conflict Matrix (11x17, draft (15%) and final (60%)). • Utility Coordination meeting agendas and meeting notes. Assumptions: • 7 utility purveyor emails will be developed. • Public utility locates will be completed by the City. • Potholing of public utilities will be conducted by the City. Potholing of private utilities will be conducted by the pertinent purveyor directly and data provided to the Consultant. • Up to 10 monthly utility meetings will be conducted as needed. Up to 3 Consultant staff will attend the Utility Coordination Meetings. Meetings will be virtual and last 1 hour. • Up to 12 one-on-one utility workshop meetings will be conducted as needed. Up to 2 Consultant staff will attend the workshop meetings. Meetings will be virtual and last 1 hour. Work Element 4 – Conceptual Design (15 Percent Design) Effort under this section includes development of a conceptual design (15 percent design). 4.1 Field Investigation Site Visit with City Project Manager: Consultant will coordinate a site reconnaissance with the City Project Manager to identify specific elements of the site that require attention, including assessing condition of the pavement, existing driveways, curb and gutter and sidewalk that will be removed and replaced, and other potential obstacles and elements of note along the corridor. This activity will include a walk of stormwater infrastructure along the project corridor; visits to the infiltration facilities at 37th St SE and M St SE, and 21st St SE and C St SE; and conveyance systems both upstream and downstream of the project within a flow distance of 1/4-mile to support completion of the Off-Site Analysis required as part of the Stormwater Site Plan. DocuSign Envelope ID: A1CF5073-BA23-4EEE-8DE4-F0EA08555BF4 R St Corridor Projects (CP2116 & CP2315) City of Auburn 13 of 39 Amendment #2 During the field investigation, Consultant will verify survey contents and note additional elements to be picked up by City survey. 4.2 Hold a workshop with City to discuss nearby regional infiltration facilities (M St SE and 37th St SE, and 21st St SE and C St SE). Prepare meeting notes of discussion topics and decision points made during meeting. Discussion topics include: • Design overview and background of M St SE and 37th St SE facility. • Outfall design of M St SE and 37th St SE facility. • Design overview and background of 21st St SE and C St SE facility. • Potential capabilities of facilities for providing all, or a portion of, the required flow control and treatment necessary for meeting requirements triggered by the project. 4.3 Perform an alternatives analysis activity to right-size the widening between 33rd St SE and 22nd St SE. This activity will include preliminary layout of back of sidewalk using the approved cross section widths provided by the City. Corridor modeling will be conducted to determine how best to minimize right-of-way impacts in the corridor. The following iterations will be assessed and evaluated for earthwork, walls, right-of-way square footage, number of impacted parcels, and fatal flaws. The Consultant will conduct a review meeting with the City to present findings and recommend a preferred configuration to carry into the 15% conceptual design. • Symmetrical widening • Partial Asymmetrical widening (75% widening to a single side) • Full Asymmetrical widening (100% widening to a single side) • Best Fit widening (combination of the three options above dependent on context within that segment of the corridor) 4.4 Prepare 15 percent design roll plot: Consultant will develop conceptual design, consisting of a series of roll plots including the following information: • Roadway Improvements Plan: o The horizontal location of the roadway improvements. o The locations of curb and gutter, sidewalk, and curb ramps to be removed and reconstructed. o The locations of driveway approaches to be removed and reconstructed. o The location of the signalized pedestrian crossing by Game Farm Park. o Signalized Intersection at 29th St SE. o The location of proposed retaining walls at back of sidewalk. o Channelization for proposed striping. • Utility Plan: o The horizontal location of the water improvements. o The horizontal location of stormwater improvements. o The horizontal location of the sanitary sewer improvements (optional, dependent on full-depth pavement replacement limits) o Potential Franchise Utility conflicts. • Utility Profiles: o Sanitary sewer profiles o Water main profiles o Stormwater profiles DocuSign Envelope ID: A1CF5073-BA23-4EEE-8DE4-F0EA08555BF4 R St Corridor Projects (CP2116 & CP2315) City of Auburn 14 of 39 Amendment #2 The vertical location of utilities and the roadway centerline will be established at this point. Vertical grading associated with intersections, curb ramps, and transitioning to private property at the back of driveway approaches will be roughed together but not detailed on the Plans. Proposed Cut/Fill lines developed for the roadway corridor improvements will be shown on the plan. Existing utility crossings will be shown in profile with the understanding that vertical location is assumed until potholing is complete. Consultant will conduct an over-the-shoulder (OTS) meeting with the City early on in the 15% design development to confirm configuration of design prior to finalizing the 15% design roll plots. OTS meeting is expected to last 4 hours and consists of a roadway meeting (2 hours), stormwater meeting (1 hour), and sewer/water meeting (1 hour). 4.5 Prepare Conceptual Construction Cost Estimate. 4.6 Prepare Design Criteria Worksheet to document adherence to the City standards as well as identify any substandard conditions. Any decisions made will be documented in the Project decision log. 4.7 Prepare a technical memorandum on the planned stormwater design that includes: • Delineation of Threshold Discharge Areas (TDAs) • Estimate of additional runoff generated by the project and required treatment area. • Determine flow control and/or treatment requirements needed for each TDA and what capacity would need to be provided by existing regional infiltration facilities if no new facilities are provided in each TDA. Summarize current peak flowrate, future peak flow rate after project, and increase in peak flow rate for discharges to regional facilities. • Planned treatment and flow control facilities that will be used in the 15 percent design. • Overview of how minimum requirements are planned to be met. 4.8 Revise design to include the multi-use pathway design throughout the 15% concept, estimate, and design documentation. Including updated roll plots and coordination on design nuances for the implementation of the multi-use pathway for the entire corridor. Deliverables: • Roll plot showing horizontal location of roadway improvements (PDF version). • Roll plot showing horizontal location of utility improvements (PDF version). • Roll plot showing sanitary sewer profiles (PDF version). • Roll Plot showing water profiles (PDF version). • Roll Plot showing stormwater profiles (PDF version). • Conceptual Construction Cost Estimate (Excel .XLS format and PDF format). • Design Criteria Worksheet (PDF and Excel .XLS format) • Stormwater Workshop Meeting Notes (PDF version). • Stormwater Technical Memorandum (PDF version). • Meeting Materials and Meeting Notes from widening alternatives analysis meeting DocuSign Envelope ID: A1CF5073-BA23-4EEE-8DE4-F0EA08555BF4 R St Corridor Projects (CP2116 & CP2315) City of Auburn 15 of 39 Amendment #2 Assumptions: • The City will not make major changes to improvements approved during the conceptual design review. Major changes may result in scope and budget revisions, to be addressed at that time. • City staff present at project design review meeting will have the authority to make decisions and provide direction regarding critical project elements except decisions that may have budget implications beyond the authority of the City’s project manager or that require deviation from City standards (which requires City Engineer consideration). Any decisions requiring City Engineer consideration will be solidified within 2 weeks of the OTS review meeting. • Drawing Roll plots will be developed at 1” = 40’ scale. • No major vertical realignment of the roadway will occur on any affected street. Pavement will be restored at approximately preconstruction grades. • All plans at this stage will be in the form of roll plots with improvements shown to scale. Notes and Legends will be provided on the roll plots to define improvements. • Consultant will utilize City Cost Estimate form. • 15 percent stormwater design will assume that regional facilities can accommodate flow control and/or treatment requirements. City will take flow control / treatment requirements needed for the project provided in the stormwater technical memorandum, and will conduct modeling to determine if regional facilities have adequate capacity to provide all, or a portion of, the flow control / treatment requirements. If existing facilities do not have adequate capacity for handling flow control / treatment requirements, new facilities will be added as part of the 60 percent design. • HDR will not be required to complete modeling of regional stormwater facilities. That effort will be completed by City’s on-call Consultant as required under a separate agreement. • City staff present at the Stormwater Workshop will have the background information to speak to how the regional infiltration facilities are operated and their design basis to assist in determining if excess capacity exists to provide flow control / treatment for runoff generated by the Project. • The traffic signal and pedestrian crossing configuration presented in Alternative 3 of the planning study will be the configuration included for the 15% conceptual design. • The 15% conceptual design for the full corridor is captured within this task. Work Element 5 – Public Outreach Effort under this section includes work necessary to gather stakeholder feedback, including meeting with property owners to discuss the project, such as impacts to private property and impacts during construction, and participating in open houses. The City will develop an outreach plan which outlines messaging and project goals for use by City and Consultant during outreach events. 5.1 Conduct targeted stakeholder outreach to key entities within the corridor. The Consultant will make contact with the following properties and schedule virtual meet and greet discussions to present information about the project and solicit input to the project from that stakeholder: • Leisure Manor Mobile Home Park DocuSign Envelope ID: A1CF5073-BA23-4EEE-8DE4-F0EA08555BF4 R St Corridor Projects (CP2116 & CP2315) City of Auburn 16 of 39 Amendment #2 • VRFA Fire Station 32 • Bible Chapel • Game Farm Park – Parks Department 5.2 Prepare for and attend two open house meetings with stakeholders and property owners. Consultant will conduct virtual / in-person open houses. Consultant will conduct one planning meeting for each of the Open Houses. The intent of the two meetings is as follows: • Meeting Number 1 – To inform the public of the project progress and schedule. The meeting will present a project schedule for upcoming right-of-way activities and anticipated construction timelines. The meeting will focus on presenting information to the public. Public comments will be noted, but no specific input will be requested. The meeting will occur sometime after the 60% design is completed. • Meeting Number 2 – To inform the public of upcoming construction and anticipated traffic control measures that will be in place during construction. The team will present a project schedule with anticipated construction start and end dates. The public will be able to ask questions about the traffic control measures. This meeting will occur prior to advertisement of the project. 5.3 Provide strategic review of engagement plans and informational materials. The Consultant will conduct strategic reviews of informational materials developed by the City, including mailers and notifications, to ensure technical accuracy and consistent messaging. The Consultant will also participate in engagement strategy meetings to inform project outreach activities and events. Consultant will support the City by modifying graphics from Open House or other outreach to right-size for mailers. In addition, this task includes development of a construction awareness flier for distribution to residents along R Street SE prior to CP2315 construction. Deliverables: • Comments on City prepared Project Outreach Plan • Exhibit for stakeholder outreach meetings • Meeting notes from stakeholder outreach meetings • Materials for the public meeting’s o Meeting Number 1 - Power Point Presentation (15 min project overview), roll plot plan showing pavement improvements, and Project Schedule Graphic Board in electronic PDF format. Sign-in sheets and wayfinding signage. o Meeting Number 2 - Power Point Presentation (15 min project overview), roll plot plan showing pavement improvements, Traffic Control Board, and Project Schedule Graphic Board in electronic PDF format. Sign-in sheets and wayfinding signage. Assumptions: • The City will prepare the Outreach Plan meeting Title VI requirements. • The City will prepare and send all mailers and public meeting notifications. • Up to two Consultant staff will attend the virtual stakeholder outreach meetings. • Up to two Consultant staff will attend each open house, as well as up to one planning meeting per event. Virtual event will include a facilitator and technical team member. DocuSign Envelope ID: A1CF5073-BA23-4EEE-8DE4-F0EA08555BF4 R St Corridor Projects (CP2116 & CP2315) City of Auburn 17 of 39 Amendment #2 • The public open houses could be held virtually or in person. In person open houses are anticipated to occur at a building near the project site or City Hall. . • The City will be responsible for securing space for the in-person open house and providing tables, chairs, and AV support for any power point presentation. • The City will be responsible for the software used to host the virtual open house if that method is selected for one of the meetings. • The City will post all public open house material on the City’s website. • Stakeholder meetings are expected to be 1-hour in length • Open houses are expected to be 1-hour in length for virtual and 2-hours in length for in- person. • Franchise Utilities will conduct their own public outreach as needed related to service outages and relocation work. • All public outreach for the corridor improvements is included in this task. Work Element 6 – Geotechnical Engineering Effort under this section will include field explorations, analysis, and recommendations for construction of project elements. Specifically including pavement recommendations for overlay and full depth pavements, reconstruction, subgrade improvement needs under pavement and sidewalks, trenching, infiltration potential, dewatering, retaining walls, luminaire foundations, and signal foundations. 6.1 Coordination will be provided by the Consultant for the geotechnical engineering activities and shall include the following: • Geotechnical Coordination. The Consultant shall attend up to 3 meetings with the City and design team to discuss geotechnical issues and recommendations. The Consultant shall attend up to 3 meetings with the design team to discuss recommendations. 6.2 Geotechnical field service preparation and field services will be provided by Consultant, and will consist of the following: • Site Reconnaissance and Field Preparation. The Consultant shall visit the site to evaluate the pavement conditions, locate exploration locations and call-in utility locates for drilling. • Develop a field exploration Work Plan. The Consultant shall review existing geologic maps, historical boring information, and planned project improvements to aid in selection of exploration locations. The work plan shall document planned field work, schedule, safety measures, and traffic control plans to complete the field work. • Traffic Control. Traffic control plans shall be provided for exploration work within the driving lanes for City approval prior to field operations. Consultant shall perform traffic control in accordance with the approved traffic control plan. • Field Explorations. The results of the site reconnaissance, review of data provided by the City, and visual pavement evaluations will determine the DocuSign Envelope ID: A1CF5073-BA23-4EEE-8DE4-F0EA08555BF4 R St Corridor Projects (CP2116 & CP2315) City of Auburn 18 of 39 Amendment #2 locations of field explorations. These explorations will be performed where mutually agreed with the City. Exploratory soils borings will be drilled to collet pavement data and investigate the subgrade soils beneath the pavement. Up to 100 feet of drilling has been budgeted based on an estimated 8 borings. 6 drilled to 10 feet deep and 2 drilled to 20 feet deep. The 20-foot borings will be at locations for the traffic signal and retaining wall. The 10-foot borings will be evenly spaced through the corridor to inform pavement design, luminaire foundations, and subgrade conditions. Borings will be advanced with a hollow-stem auger, trailer-mounted drill rig operated by an independent firm working under subcontract. Throughout the drilling operation, soil samples will be obtained at 2 ½- or 5-foot depth intervals by the Standard Penetration Test procedure (ASTM:D-1586) or similar method. After drilling, each hole will be backfilled with a mixture of soil cuttings and bentonite, and then the surface will be patched with asphalt or concrete. Monitoring wells will be installed in 2 of the borings. Collect data from monitoring wells over the course of Project Design. Collect soil samples for grain-size distribution testing to estimate infiltration rates. After coring for borings, the surface will be patched with ready-mix concrete. Perform Dynamic Cone Penetration testing at each soil boring location and sawcut location. Perform Falling Weight Deflectometer (FWD) testing along northbound and southbound lanes to estimate the elastic modulus of pavement layers and resilient modulus of subgrade. • Laboratory Testing. The Consultant shall conduct a series of laboratory tests on selected soil samples obtained from the explorations, which will include evaluating the engineering and index properties of the site soils. These tests will include moisture content and grain size distributions as deemed necessary and appropriate. No California Bearing Ratio (CBR) tests will be administered as that data can be derived from the FWD testing data. 6.3 Geotechnical engineering analysis and report preparation will be provided by the Consultant, and will consist of the following: • Geologic Interpretation. The Consultant shall research available geologic maps and nearby exploration logs; review laboratory test results; prepared boring logs; geologic hazard areas; and other pertinent information to develop recommendations. • Engineering Analysis. In reviewing and analyzing the laboratory data, geologic maps, and nearby historical explorations the Consultant shall use this information to develop recommendations for construction activities noted within this task, including infiltration potential, trenching, dewatering, subgrade improvement needs, retaining walls, luminaire foundations, and traffic signal pole DocuSign Envelope ID: A1CF5073-BA23-4EEE-8DE4-F0EA08555BF4 R St Corridor Projects (CP2116 & CP2315) City of Auburn 19 of 39 Amendment #2 foundations. The Consultant shall also consider impacts to geologic hazard areas if present and how construction activities may need to address those areas. • Pavement Analysis and Design Recommendations. Perform the pavement design using field and laboratory test results. This shall include typical pavement recommendations and overlay recommendation. • Report Preparation. The Consultant shall prepare Draft and Final Geotechnical Engineering Reports summarizing the findings and providing recommendations for Pavement Design, utility trenching, Stormwater Management, structural design of retaining walls, luminaire foundations, and signal pole foundations. The report shall be finalized in response to comments provided by the project team. Deliverables: • Field Exploration Work Plan (PDF) • Draft Geotechnical Report (PDF) • Final Geotechnical Report (PDF) Assumptions: • The field explorations will be completed in a single stage and prior to 15% design. • Field Exploration Work Plan will be reviewed by the City prior to beginning work. • The Draft Geotechnical Report will be delivered at the 15% design milestone. • The Final Geotechnical Report will be delivered at the 90% design milestone. • Up to two geotechnical Consultant staff will attend each coordination meeting. • City will obtain ROW permits to conduct the field explorations. • Monitoring well data will be collected 6 times during the project (initial field work, 1 month after well established, and every 3 months after that point through the 6 collection times). • Monitoring wells will be decommissioned by the Project Contractor during construction. Consultant will provide recommendation and specifications to include the decommissioning work in the Project. • Consultant will provide traffic control during the field activities. • All geotechnical project design and support for the full corridor is included in this task. Work Element 7 – Intermediate Design (60 Percent Design) Effort under this section includes the anticipated work necessary to develop intermediate design (60 percent design) submittal package for improvements. 7.1 Prepare 60 percent design plans: Incorporate all comments received during the conceptual design plan review meeting. It is anticipated that the Intermediate design submittal will contain the following sheets: Title Number Cover Sheet with Vicinity Map and Sheet Index 1 DocuSign Envelope ID: A1CF5073-BA23-4EEE-8DE4-F0EA08555BF4 R St Corridor Projects (CP2116 & CP2315) City of Auburn 20 of 39 Amendment #2 General Notes and Legend 1 Survey Information, Alignment and Right Of Way 9 Site Preparation, TESC, and Existing Conditions Plan (20 Scale) 9 Sewer Utility Plan and Profile (20 Scale) (Optional) 2 Storm Drainage Plan and Profile (20 Scale) 9 Storm Drainage Lateral Profile 3 Storm Drainage Details 1 Water Utility Plan and Profile (20 Scale) 9 Water Utility Lateral Profiles 3 Typical Roadway Sections 3 Paving Plan and Profile (20 Scale) 9 Curb Ramp and Driveway Details 24 Retaining Wall Plans, Profiles, and Details 8 Pavement Marking and Signing Plans (20 Scale) 9 Landscaping Restoration Details 1 Traffic Signal Plans 6 Illumination Plans and Details 7 Franchise Utility Relocation Plan 9 TOTAL 123 Vertical grading associated with intersections, curb ramps, and transitioning to private property at the back of driveway approaches will be developed, but not called out on the Plans unless critical. Cut/fill lines will be shown. 7.2 Prepare Intermediate Construction Cost Estimate. 7.3 Prepare Intermediate Specifications including upfront contracting forms and special provisions. 7.4 Prepare draft Stormwater Site Plan. Deliverables: • Plans (PDF versions) • Specifications, upfront bid documents and Special Provisions (Word format and PDF) • Intermediate Construction Cost Estimate (Excel .XLS format and PDF) • Draft Stormwater Site Plan (PDF version) Assumptions: • The City will not make major changes to improvements approved during the preliminary design review. • City staff present at project design review meeting will have the authority to make decisions and provide direction regarding critical project elements. • Plan comments will be issued via Bluebeam. • Detail sheets will be included in submittal but will not include all pertinent design information in the 60% submittal. • The draft 60% Stormwater Site Plan will follow the outline in Appendix K, Volume I of the COA Supplemental Manual. For the 60% design, the Stormwater Site Plan will not include the following attachments: DocuSign Envelope ID: A1CF5073-BA23-4EEE-8DE4-F0EA08555BF4 R St Corridor Projects (CP2116 & CP2315) City of Auburn 21 of 39 Amendment #2 ▪ Attachment A - Operations and Maintenance Manual. ▪ Attachment B - Construction Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP). ▪ Attachment C – Hydraulic/Hydrologic Modeling Results. Work Element 8 – Permitting This effort includes providing support in developing a SEPA Checklist, supporting a Notice of Intent (NOI) for the Construction Stormwater General Permit, and Cultural Resources Assessment including coordination with DAHP. 8.1 Consultant support in the development of a SEPA Checklist. 8.3 Consultant shall provide City Project Manager information necessary to develop an NOI for the Ecology Construction Stormwater General Permit. The Ecology NOI will be completed after SEPA determination is issued. 8.4 Consultant shall conduct cultural resources assessment and reporting to comply with the Revised Code of Washington and gain approval from the Department of Archaeology and Historic Preservation (DAHP). In the event of potential capital funding, the assessment will also comply with Executive Order 21-02. This work shall include the following: • Defining Project Area of Potential Impacts (API). The API shall include the maximum extent of proposed ground disturbance, inclusive of potential direct and indirect effects on resources located on parcels adjacent to the ground disturbing activity. Consultant shall prepare a map that displays the API for review and approval by the City Project Manager, and subsequent submittal to DAHP. • Background Research. Background research will include a check of records at the DAHP Washington Information System for Architectural and Archaeological Records Data (WISAARD) for information on previous projects and identified cultural resource within a 1-mile radius of the project area prior to any field activity. Other background information will be collected from ethnographic and historic accounts, previous regional cultural resource investigations, online local historical societies and informants, maps, and photographs. Consultant shall contact the Indian tribes who may have interest in the API as part of the background research to ask about any concerns they may have regarding the API and to inform them of the geotechnical investigations and field survey. • Archaeological Monitoring of Geotechnical Investigations. A Consultant professional archaeologist who either meets the Secretary of the Interior’s (SOI) professional qualifications for archaeology or is supervised by a Consultant SOI-qualified archaeologist will visually and, if possible, manually inspect the sediment samples in the field. If the geotechnical engineers do not need to retain sediment samples, the available spoils may be screened through ¼ inch mesh for artifacts prior to disposal in drums or backfilling. Any artifacts identified during geotechnical investigations will be described, photographed, and reburied near the surface of the borehole in which they were identified. Notes about content and sediments encountered in the borings will be kept on standard forms. UTM coordinates of all borings will be recorded with a hand−held GPS unit. If an archaeological site is identified, additional work will likely be necessary to delineate site boundaries and evaluate significance. In addition to identifying cultural resources, an important part of fieldwork will be to document current conditions and recent disturbance in the project area. • Archaeological Field Survey. Archaeological field survey will be completed in one day by two Consultant professional archaeologists, who meet or are supervised by a Consultant archaeologist who meets the SOI professional qualifications. A pedestrian DocuSign Envelope ID: A1CF5073-BA23-4EEE-8DE4-F0EA08555BF4 R St Corridor Projects (CP2116 & CP2315) City of Auburn 22 of 39 Amendment #2 survey will be completed within the API to document the existing conditions. No shovel probes are planned as this area is largely impervious surface (e.g., pavement, road gravel, etc.), or contains existing utilities and/or landscaping modifications. Subsurface observations will be conducted by observing the geotechnical exploration work. • Analysis and Reporting. The results of cultural resources assessment will be presented in a technical report suitable for submission to DAHP, appropriate agencies, tribes, and other concerned parties. The report will include information concerning any identified cultural resources and will provide recommendations of their eligibility for listing in the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP) and Washington Heritage Register (WHR), if feasible, or if further work is needed to complete eligibility evaluations. The report will also include recommendations regarding project impacts and ways to avoid or minimize damage to cultural resources, as well as any additional cultural resources work that may be necessary (e.g., construction monitoring and architectural history survey). Due to confidentiality requirements for archaeological site location data, distribution of the report may be restricted. • Coordination and Recommendations to the Project Team. The Consultant will aid with development of bid items and or specification language to include an inadvertent discovery plan or active monitoring plan during construction. This will include coordination with DAHP and review and response to comments received from the interested Tribes as part of the DAHP approval process. Deliverables: • Supporting information for the SEPA Checklist (Electronic) • Information necessary for online submittal of the Ecology Construction Stormwater General Permit NOI. • Preparation of Project EZ form for City to submit to DAHP. • Draft and Final Cultural Resources Report. • Project Specific Monitoring Plan and/or Inadvertent Discovery Plan. Assumptions: • It is assumed that no other permits will be required, outside of the permits listed below. • City will acquire necessary rights of entry for Cultural Resources investigations • There will be no direct impacts to wetlands or waterbodies in the project area. No Critical Areas Report is required for the Project. • Cultural resources work for the Project is included in this task. SEPA • The City Project Manager will fill out and submit the SEPA Application Form, Letter of Authorization, and SEPA Submittal Checklist. • The SEPA Determination will be a DNS or categorical exemption based on WAC 197- 11-800. • The City Project Manager will be responsible for all postings, advertisements, and fees. NOI DocuSign Envelope ID: A1CF5073-BA23-4EEE-8DE4-F0EA08555BF4 R St Corridor Projects (CP2116 & CP2315) City of Auburn 23 of 39 Amendment #2 • City Project Manager will develop the NOI. The information necessary to complete the NOI will be provided to the City by Consultant. • The City Project Manager will be responsible for all postings, advertisements, and fees. Cultural Resources • The exact amount of field time needed for archaeological monitoring of the boreholes and cores will be dictated by the schedule of geotechnical field crew. 4 days of work have been assumed for this task. • No shovel probes are currently part of the cultural resources assessment as the area is largely covered by impervious surfaces, utility corridors, or landscaping. If areas suitable for shovel probing are identified during the pedestrian survey, and if required by DAHP, an amendment to this scope will be necessary to conduct subsurface survey in selected areas. • No monitoring services or inadvertent discovery services during construction are included in this task. • The Monitoring Plan / Inadvertent Discovery Plan deliverable will be appended to the cultural resources report. • Architectural history survey is not included in this task. No direct or indirect impacts to the built environment are anticipated. If any such impacts are later identified, the scope will be modified to include historic property inventory and evaluation, as needed. • Recording of up to one archaeological site or isolated find on an archaeological site inventory form is included in this task. This does not include any specialized studies such as radiometric dating, extensive artifact analysis, or other extensive cultural resources work such as evaluative testing. • Consultant will support coordination with Tribes on an informal basis. Any formal consultation is not included in this work as it must occur on a government-to-government basis. • The City Project Manager will be responsible for submitting the EZ form. • Consultant will submit the Cultural Resources Report with attached IDP/Monitoring Plan to DAHP via WISAARD for formal concurrence on behalf of the City Project Manager. Work Element 9 – Final Design and Check Set (90% Design & 99% Check Set) This section includes the effort required to develop 90 percent PS&E, Final Check Set, and Final Bid Documents. Each submittal will consist of Plans, Specifications, and Estimate. 9.1 Develop 90 percent PS&E: Incorporate all comments received during the intermediate design plan review meeting. It is anticipated that the 90 percent, Final Check Set, and Final Bid Documents submittals will contain the following sheets: Title Number Cover Sheet with Vicinity Map and Sheet Index 1 General Notes and Legend 1 Survey Information, Alignment and Right Of Way 9 Site Preparation, TESC, and Existing Conditions Plan (20 Scale) 9 Sewer Utility Plan and Profile (20 Scale) 2 Sewer Utility Details 1 Storm Drainage Plan and Profile (20 Scale) 9 Storm Drainage Lateral Profile 3 Storm Drainage Details 2 Water Utility Plan and Profile (20 Scale) 9 Water Utility Lateral Profiles 3 Water Utility Details 1 DocuSign Envelope ID: A1CF5073-BA23-4EEE-8DE4-F0EA08555BF4 R St Corridor Projects (CP2116 & CP2315) City of Auburn 24 of 39 Amendment #2 Typical Roadway Sections 4 Paving Plan and Profile (20 Scale) 9 Curb Ramp and Driveway Details 25 Paving Details 3 Retaining Wall Plans, Profiles, and Details 10 Pavement Marking and Signing Plans (20 Scale) 10 Landscaping Restoration Details 3 Traffic Signal Plans 6 Illumination Plans and Details 8 Franchise Utility Relocation Plan 9 Construction Phasing Plan (40 Scale) 8 TOTAL 145 • Specifications, including up front contracting forms, bid table, and special provisions. • Construction Cost Estimate based on the 90 percent PS&E package. • Perform pre-90% design constructability assessment and traffic control assessment memorandum. Consultant shall meet with City to review the constructability assessment and gain concurrence on the traffic control plan to include at 90% design. 9.2 Provide Final Stormwater Site Plan with the 90 percent submittal which will also include the following attachments: • Attachment A - Operations and Maintenance Manual (If facility contains treatment or detention systems on-site). • Attachment B - Construction Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP). The SWPPP will be based on the Department of Ecology Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan Template. • Attachment C – Hydraulic/Hydrologic Modeling Results. 9.3 Develop Final Check Set PS&E: Incorporate all comments received during the 90 percent review meeting. 9.4 Address comments on 90% Submittal Document and prepare 99% design documents. 9.5 Address comments on 99% submittal documents and prepare Bid Documents. Deliverables: • SWPPP o Draft SWPPP (PDF). o Final SWPPP (PDF) (Included as part of the Final Stormwater Site Plan) • 90 Percent Design Review Submittal o Contract Plan set (PDF) o Specifications (Word format for specials and PDF format for complete document) o Construction Cost Estimate (Excel format and PDF) o Final Stormwater Site Plan (PDF format) • 99% Final Check Set Submittal o Contract Plan set (PDF) DocuSign Envelope ID: A1CF5073-BA23-4EEE-8DE4-F0EA08555BF4 R St Corridor Projects (CP2116 & CP2315) City of Auburn 25 of 39 Amendment #2 o Specifications (Word format for specials and PDF format for complete document) o Construction Cost Estimate (excel format and PDF) • Bid Documents o Final Plan Sheets: Electronic Stamped and signed full size final plan set and all AutoCAD 2019 drawing files in .dwg format. o Final Specifications: Electronic stamped and signed in PDF format; Electronic file in Word format. o Final Construction Cost Estimate: Electronic copy in PDF format; Electronic file in Excel format. Assumptions: • A formal meeting will not be held after the Final Check Set submittal. Comments developed during the final review will be provided by the City to Consultant via email and Bluebeam review. • Pertinent City of Auburn Standard Details will be included as an appendix to the Contract Documents. Auburn Standard Details will not be shown on the plan sheets unless the detail has not been approved by the City Engineer at the time. • No funding authorization submittals are planned at this time. • Draft CSWPPP will be provided prior to the 90% Submittal. Final CSWPPP will be provided at 90% Submittal. No updates to the Stormwater Site Plan or CSWPPP are required for the 99% or Bid Document phases. • Traffic Phasing Plans assume 2-stages of construction to shift traffic with each stage containing 3-plans sheets. 2-plan sheets will be the typical section and general notes. No detour plan is anticipated with this work. Work Element 10 – Real Estate Services This section includes the efforts required to support the City with real estate services for acquiring the necessary right of way (ROW) to construct the roadway improvements. The Consultant shall coordinate the acquisition efforts with the City in accordance with applicable State and local laws, and City administrative rules, to facilitate the acquisition of the identified properties. The work is assumed to not include WSDOT certification and will not be subject to Federal Funding sources. However, ROW activities will be conducted per the LAG manual requirements and WSDOT certification could be added at a later date through a separate amendment, If required. The phase for this work is anticipated to start April15, 2024 and end April 31, 2025 (term of 12 months). • All deliverables will be produced in accordance with the approved quality control/quality assurance (QC/QA) process established by the Consultant and the City. • All deliverables prepared by the Consultant, shall be delivered electronically with one hard copy provided to the City, unless otherwise requested. • The level of effort includes valuation and acquisition efforts for up to fifteen (15) parcels. Acquisitions on these parcels consist of partial fee acquisition, permanent easements, temporary easements, or a combination of those items. 10.1 Management and Administration This section includes overall management for ROW services, Title Report review, ROW schedule development, direction and communication with the City related to the ROW scope DocuSign Envelope ID: A1CF5073-BA23-4EEE-8DE4-F0EA08555BF4 R St Corridor Projects (CP2116 & CP2315) City of Auburn 26 of 39 Amendment #2 of work, schedule, budget, and overall ROW status. This task includes management of the following activities: • Prepare for and attend ROW kickoff meeting and monthly ROW update meetings with the City. • Attend ROW status meetings. • Prepare and provide monthly ROW status reports. • Provide QA/QC for all deliverables required for the ROW portion of the project. • Coordinate activities throughout the ROW process that includes title review, valuation, acquisition, and negotiation for up to fifteen (15) parcels. • Establish clear lines of communication with the CITY to determine and document the appropriate decision-making process to achieve project goals. • Coordination for completion of the subtasks included in this scope of work under Work Element 10. City Responsibilities: • Attend ROW kickoff meeting. • Attend monthly City/Consultant ROW status meetings. • Review monthly status reports and provide comments as needed. • The City will provide a copy of their approved ROW Acquisition Procedures / standard templates and forms. Assumptions: • Up to three (3) Consultant staff will attend the ROW kick off meeting. Staff commitment is estimated at two (2) hours per staff for preparation and participation. • Up to two (2) Consultant staff will attend up to sixteen (12) recurring monthly client meetings. Staff time commitment is estimated at three (3) hours per staff and per meeting for preparation and participation in the meeting. • All meetings are anticipated to be held virtually. Deliverables: • ROW Kick-off meeting Notes. • Up to twelve (12) monthly status reports for ROW. 10.2 Preliminary ROW Services The Consultant will provide preliminary ROW services that include reviewing the ROW plans that are developed by the City, assembling landowner contact information, drafting the ROW Funding Estimate (RFE) and ROW Schedule, reviewing and documenting title reports and encumbrances, reviewing legal descriptions and acquisition exhibits and confirming necessary property rights to be acquired for up to fifteen (15) parcels. City Responsibilities: DocuSign Envelope ID: A1CF5073-BA23-4EEE-8DE4-F0EA08555BF4 R St Corridor Projects (CP2116 & CP2315) City of Auburn 27 of 39 Amendment #2 • Attend ROW kickoff meeting. • The City will provide ROW Plans, legal descriptions, and exhibits for acquisitions for up to fifteen (15) parcels. • City will provide title reports and updates, as needed, to the Consultant during the project for up to fifteen (15) parcels. Assumptions: • Title company will be responsive and deliver title reports information in a timely manner. • Acquisition needs are set at ROW kickoff meeting and major changes to the acquisition areas will not occur. Deliverables: • Up to one (1) redline review of the ROW plans. • Landowner contact list. • One (1) RFE and up to one (1) update. • One (1) ROW schedule and up to three (3) updates. • Up to fifteen (15) title encumbrance reports. • Up to one (1) redline review of legal descriptions and acquisition exhibits for up to fifteen (15) parcels. 10.3 Property Descriptions and Valuations Consultant will manage the valuation process that will include administrative offer summary reports (AOS), appraisal reports and appraisal review reports, as needed for the project. It is anticipated there will be up to ten (10) appraisal reports with ten (10) appraisal review reports and up to five (5) AOS reports. The Consultant will subcontract the valuation services and the subcontractors shall meet all requirements set forth in 49 CFR 24.103. The Consultant will: • Prepare a valuation schedule for delivery of AOS reports, appraisal reports and appraisal reviews. • Assemble all needed appraisal data and appraisal scope including ROW plan sheets, title reports, approved legal descriptions and exhibits for each assigned parcel for the valuation subcontractors. • Send out landowner contact letters for up to ten (10) parcels in advance of the appraisal, if needed. • Agents will attend up to ten (10) appraisal inspections, when needed. • Complete ten (10) Appraisal reports. • Complete five (5) AOS reports. • Review up to five (5) AOS reports. DocuSign Envelope ID: A1CF5073-BA23-4EEE-8DE4-F0EA08555BF4 R St Corridor Projects (CP2116 & CP2315) City of Auburn 28 of 39 Amendment #2 • Review up to ten (10) appraisal reports for concurrence and provide to the appraisal reviewer. • Complete ten (10) appraisal review reports. • Review up to ten (10) appraisal review reports for concurrence and provide to the City. City Responsibilities: • Review and approve valuation schedule. • Provide approved ROW plan sheets, approved legal descriptions and exhibits for all acquisition parcels to Consultant. • Review and approve landowner appraisal inspection letter. • Review and authorize just compensation via signature on Determination of Value (DV) for up to ten (10) appraisal review reports. • Review and authorize just compensation via signature for up to five (5) AOS reports. Assumptions: • Consultant will manage their appraisal staff to develop the most expeditious schedule for delivery of all valuations. • City shall provide all information to the Consultant, that is required to complete the assigned appraisals, including legal descriptions and acquisition exhibits for up to fifteen (15) parcels. • It is anticipated there will be a total of fifteen (15) parcel valuations consisting of ten (10) appraisals, and five (5) AOS reports. This assumption is based on a preliminary review of the amount of property required at each of the 15 parcels identified for acquisition activities. o All valuation services will be performed by a WSDOT certified independent appraiser to WSDOT LAG manual standards. o Appraisals will be before and after short form narrative appraisal reports. o Notice to Proceed (NTP) for the appraiser will be the date of receipt of sufficient ROW plans or legal description and exhibits; title reports; and landowner contact information. o The estimated delivery schedule for the appraisal reports is within 75 days from the date of NTP. o NTP for the review appraiser will be upon delivery of the appraisal report. Estimated delivery time of the appraisal reviews is 45 days from NTP. o If there is an increase or change to the assumed number of appraisal reports, appraisal review reports or administrative offer summary reports, this will result in additional levels of effort and will require authorization from the City. Deliverables: • Valuation schedule • Up to ten (10) appraisal reports. • Up to ten (10) appraisal review reports. • Up to five (5) AOS reports. DocuSign Envelope ID: A1CF5073-BA23-4EEE-8DE4-F0EA08555BF4 R St Corridor Projects (CP2116 & CP2315) City of Auburn 29 of 39 Amendment #2 10.4 Acquisition and Negotiation Services Consultant will prepare offer packages, present offers, negotiate purchases and prepare administrative settlement memos in accordance with all guidelines and regulations set forth under the Uniform Relocation Act (URA). It is anticipated that there will be up to fifteen (15) acquisition parcels. Upon completion of all ROW activities, all acquisition files will be transmitted to the City with all original documents for closing and recordation by the City. The Consultant will: • Prepare all offer package documents required for up to fifteen (15) acquisition parcels. Including: Offer Letters, Deeds, Easements, IRS Form W-9s, Real Property Vouchers, Real Estate Excise Tax Affidavits and Negotiator Diaries. • Act as the agent of the City in all negotiations and in accordance with the URA. • Make a maximum of four (4) good faith contact attempts with each of the impacted landowners to present a written offer and an effort to negotiate a fair settlement. • Acquire easements and fee acquisitions, as approved by the City. • Provide an administrative settlement memorandum to the City for approval. • Transmit completed files to City after conveyance documents are recorded with the King County Recorder’s Office. City Responsibilities: • Provide all acquisition offer package documents and forms to the Consultant. • Review and approve initial acquisition offer packages with all real estate documents and forms consistent with City acquisition practices. • Provide written approval for all administrative settlement memorandums agreed to by the City. • Make prompt payment for all approved acquisitions submitted by the Consultant to the City for recording. • Review and accept all transmitted files. Assumptions: • The Consultant shall make the initial offer to purchase in person if possible, or by certified mail. • The Consultant shall make a maximum of four (4) good-faith attempts at negotiations for each parcel assigned, with those attempts being defined as an in-person visit with landowner, a detailed phone conversation, or a substantive correspondence or email exchange. • Consultant’s acquisition duties shall be deemed complete if any of the following occur: o A negotiated settlement approved by the City is reached and the necessary closing documents are executed; DocuSign Envelope ID: A1CF5073-BA23-4EEE-8DE4-F0EA08555BF4 R St Corridor Projects (CP2116 & CP2315) City of Auburn 30 of 39 Amendment #2 o A Possession and Use Agreement secured and the acquisition file is transmitted to City; o An impasse in negotiations is reached or; o The offer to purchase is rescinded. • If an impasse is reached during negotiations, the entire parcel file shall be submitted to the City for further action, including determination to eliminate acquisition of property. • When the City receives acceptable documents from Consultant, they will be signed by the City and returned to the Consultant for processing, recording and closing by Consultant. • If negotiations cannot be concluded within 120 days of the offer date on any given parcel the Consultant will notify the City. Continuation of negotiations may require an increased level of effort and the effort to complete those parcels will be re-negotiated. • All driveway/temporary construction permits will be the responsibility of the City. • No private utility easements will be acquired by the City. • Relocation advisory services are not included in this scope of work. • Condemnation services are not included in this scope of work. • WSDOT ROW Certification is not required as part of this project. Deliverables: • Up to fifteen (15) completed acquisition documents with Negotiation Diaries. • Up to fifteen (15) Administrative Settlement Memorandums. • Up to fifteen (15) completed parcel files transmitted to the City. Work Element 11 – Assistance During Bidding (Optional) This section includes the effort to prepare addenda and respond to bidders’ questions relayed through the City. It is assumed that the Consultant will prepare up to 3 addenda. Addenda that are necessary as a result of an error and/or omission on the part of the Consultant shall not be invoiced or paid. Deliverables: • Addenda support responses on City forms (Word format) • Revised Plan Sheet for Addenda (PDF format) • Revised Specification Language for Addenda (Word format) • Conformed Set Plans, Specifications DocuSign Envelope ID: A1CF5073-BA23-4EEE-8DE4-F0EA08555BF4 R St Corridor Projects (CP2116 & CP2315) City of Auburn 31 of 39 Amendment #2 Assumptions: • No pre-bid meeting will be conducted as part of the Project. • City will compile question responses and revised information in the addenda form. Consultant will provide information to support the response, and revised specification language or plan sheets to address required changes. • It is assumed the Consultant will not need to provide conformed Plans and City will use any addendum plan sheets and specification revisions to compile a conformed set for the Contractor. Work Element 12 – Design Support During Construction and Closeout (Optional) This section includes effort for providing engineering/geotechnical engineering support during construction as requested by the City Project Manager. Effort under this section could include: • Developing change order designs. • Responding to RFIs. • Developing independent estimates for change orders. • Providing clarification on design and specifications. • Periodic site visits and/or attendance at Contractor meetings as requested by the City. • Submittal review for materials or shop drawings. • Archiving. At the completion of construction, the Consultant shall archive all project files and maintain for a minimum of three years. Deliverables: • Design or specifications related to change order documentation (Electronic) • RFI responses on City forms (Word format) • Submittal Review Responses (Electronic) • Archived zip folder with project files. (Electronic) Assumptions: • The Consultant will provide written responses to RFI’s, inquiries, change orders etc., but the City will prepare final documents. • The actual support for engineering and geotechnical services that will be needed during construction is unknown. An estimated hour amount has been entered into the Fee Estimate. Effort beyond this amount will be scoped under a separate contract, or an amendment to this contract, if deemed necessary by the City. • Contractor will develop as-built drawings and deliver to the City at end of Construction. No as-built drawings will be developed by the Consultant. • No Project walkthrough or punch list development is included in this work. DocuSign Envelope ID: A1CF5073-BA23-4EEE-8DE4-F0EA08555BF4 R St Corridor Projects (CP2116 & CP2315) City of Auburn 32 of 39 Amendment #2 CP2315: R Street SE Preservation - 33rd Street SE to 37th Way SE Work Element 1.1 – Project Management and Administration This section covers the effort required to manage the Contract and to assure that the project meets the City’s expectations for schedule, budget, and quality of product. Effort included under this section is as follows: 1.1.1 Consultant will provide continuous project coordination and internal management for the project duration (estimate 20 months, from time of Project Split). This will include Project Setup and development of a Project Management Plan. 1.1.2 Consultant will prepare monthly invoices and progress reports that identify work in progress, upcoming work elements, and reporting of any delays, problems, or additional information needs. 1.1.3 Consultant will coordinate with City staff, including preparing for and attending up to 20 coordination meetings throughout the duration of the project. At the coordination meetings, Consultant staff shall review and update decision log with City PM. 1.1.4 Consultant will manage and coordinate work with Subconsultants, including reviewing and providing QA for subconsultant work products. 1.1.5 City will provide initial project schedule. Consultant shall modify schedule for a design baseline schedule. Consultant shall update project schedule at each major milestone deliverable (2 updates). Deliverables: • Monthly progress reports with each invoice. Assumptions: • Contract Duration is assumed from April 2023 through December of 2024. • The Coordination Meetings with the City will be during the design phase of the project prior to construction. Consultant shall have up to 2 staff attend each coordination meeting. Coordination Meetings anticipated to last 1 hour each. It is expected that coordination meetings will take place through bid award. • All meetings are planned to be virtual and will utilize the Consultant’s Webex meeting platform or the City’s Team’s meeting platform. • The decision log will be jointly maintained by the City and Consultant. • There will be 20 months of invoices and progress reports Work Element 2.1 – Quality Control and Quality Assurance The Consultant shall follow the Quality Control Plan developed for this Project. Quality Control will be provided prior to each submittal to the City to ensure Consultant’s design work follows City, State, and Federal standards as applicable to the Project. Final work submitted to the City shall be stamped and signed by a professional engineer in the State of Washington. 60%, 90%, and 99% Plans, Specifications, and Opinion of Probable Construction Costs shall be stamped but not signed and will be marked “Not for Construction”. At each submittal the Consultant shall review comments provided by the City and key stakeholders and compile responses to comments indicating actions planned to be taken on each comment. The City and Consultant will conduct a roundtable review meeting to discuss comment resolution prior to moving to the next phase of design. DocuSign Envelope ID: A1CF5073-BA23-4EEE-8DE4-F0EA08555BF4 R St Corridor Projects (CP2116 & CP2315) City of Auburn 33 of 39 Amendment #2 2.1.1 The Consultant shall conduct QA/QC efforts for the 60% design deliverables. 2.1.2 The Consultant shall complete 60% design comment review and response, 60% roundtable resolution meeting, and shall conduct QA/QC efforts for the 90% design deliverables. 2.1.3 The Consultant shall complete 90% design comment review and response, 90% roundtable resolution meeting, and shall conduct QA/QC efforts for the 99% design deliverables. Deliverables: • Comment Review meeting agendas and meeting notes. • Comment Review Plans including responses to all City comments received (at 15%, 60%, and 90% design level comment periods). Assumptions: • The Consultant shall provide up to 3 staff at each roundtable comment resolution meeting. • City comments and Consultant responses will be provided in Bluebeam pdf markups for plans and estimate and track changes in Word for specifications. Comments and responses will be directly on the work product. Work Element 3.1 – Utility Coordination The Consultant will take an active role in coordinating with private utilities affected by the proposed improvements. This task will focus on identifying conflicts between franchise utilities and proposed project improvements and working with the utilities to relocate their facilities to avoid conflicts. Effort included under this section is as follows: 3.1.1 Identify locations where City owned utilities require potholing to facilitate the design process and conflict identification. Coordinate the locations with the City for potholing of the facilities. 3.1.2 Prepare Utility Conflict Matrix (UCM): The UCM will be submitted to all purveyors with utilities in the project limits to assess whether said utilities may be in conflict with the proposed improvements. Utilities thought to be in conflict will be potholed. The UCM will be updated at the 60 percent and 90 percent submittal. 3.1.3 Review utility relocation plans and incorporate final relocations into City contract plans and specifications. 3.1.4 Coordinate utility appurtenance potholing, relocation, and/or adjustment as needed to accommodate proposed improvements. 3.1.5 Conduct Utility Coordination Monthly meetings, as needed, to discuss conflicts, proposed relocations, timing of relocations, and status of project schedule. 3.1.6 Conduct one-on-one utility coordination workshop meetings to coordinate specific relocation plans with utilities. These meetings would include a single franchise utility meeting with the Consultant and the City PM. Deliverables: • 2 PDF versions of the Utility Conflict Matrix (11x17, draft (60%) and final (90%)). DocuSign Envelope ID: A1CF5073-BA23-4EEE-8DE4-F0EA08555BF4 R St Corridor Projects (CP2116 & CP2315) City of Auburn 34 of 39 Amendment #2 • Utility Coordination meeting agendas and meeting notes. Assumptions: • Public utility locates will be completed by the City. • Potholing of public utilities will be conducted by the City. Potholing of private utilities will be conducted by the pertinent purveyor directly and data provided to the Consultant. • Up to 4 monthly utility meetings will be conducted as needed. Up to 3 Consultant staff will attend the Utility Coordination Meetings. Meetings will be virtual and last 1 hour. • Up to 4 one-on-one utility workshop meetings will be conducted as needed. Up to 2 Consultant staff will attend the workshop meetings. Meetings will be virtual and last 1 hour. Work Element 7.1 – Intermediate Design (60 Percent Design) Effort under this section includes the anticipated work necessary to develop intermediate design (60 percent design) submittal package for improvements. 7.1.1 Prepare 60 percent design plans: Incorporate all comments received during the conceptual design plan review meeting. It is anticipated that the Intermediate design submittal will contain the following sheets: Title Number Cover Sheet with Vicinity Map and Sheet Index 1 General Notes and Legend 1 Survey Information, Alignment and Right Of Way 5 Site Preparation, TESC, and Existing Conditions Plan (20 Scale) 4 Storm Drainage Plan and Profile (20 Scale) 4 Storm Drainage Details 1 Water Utility Plan and Sewer Plan and Profile (20 Scale) 4 Water Utility Lateral Profiles 1 Typical Roadway Sections 1 Paving Plan and Profile (20 Scale) 4 Curb Ramp and Driveway Details 10 Paving Details 1 Pavement Marking and Signing Plans (20 Scale) 4 Landscaping Restoration Details 1 Illumination Plans and Details 3 Franchise Utility Relocation Plan 4 TOTAL 49 Vertical grading associated with intersections, curb ramps, and transitioning to private property at the back of driveway approaches will be developed, but not called out on the Plans unless critical. Cut/fill lines will be shown. 7.1.2 Prepare Intermediate Construction Cost Estimate. 7.1.3 Prepare Intermediate Specifications including upfront contracting forms and special provisions. 7.1.4 Prepare draft Stormwater Site Plan. DocuSign Envelope ID: A1CF5073-BA23-4EEE-8DE4-F0EA08555BF4 R St Corridor Projects (CP2116 & CP2315) City of Auburn 35 of 39 Amendment #2 Deliverables: • Plans (PDF versions) • Specifications, upfront bid documents and Special Provisions (Word format and PDF) • Intermediate Construction Cost Estimate (Excel .XLS format and PDF) • Draft Stormwater Site Plan (PDF version) Assumptions: • The City will not make major changes to improvements approved during the preliminary design review. • City staff present at project design review meeting will have the authority to make decisions and provide direction regarding critical project elements. • Plan comments will be issued via Bluebeam. • Detail sheets will be included in submittal but will not include all pertinent design information in the 60% submittal. • The draft 60% Stormwater Site Plan will follow the outline in Appendix K, Volume I of the COA Supplemental Manual. For the 60% design, the Stormwater Site Plan will not include the following attachments: ▪ Attachment A - Operations and Maintenance Manual. ▪ Attachment B - Construction Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP). ▪ Attachment C – Hydraulic/Hydrologic Modeling Results. • The Stormwater Site Plan is developed as a full corridor document and modified with each submittal in CP2116 and CP2315. Work Element 8.1 – Permitting This effort includes providing support and coordination for the City developed SEPA Checklist, supporting documents for the Notice of Intent (NOI) for the Construction Stormwater General Permit, and Cultural Resources Assessment including coordination with DAHP. 8.1.1 Consultant support the City in general permitting coordination and strategy. 8.1.3 Consultant shall provide City Project Manager information necessary to develop an NOI for the Ecology Construction Stormwater General Permit. The Ecology NOI will be completed after SEPA determination is issued. Deliverables: • Information necessary for online submittal of the Ecology Construction Stormwater General Permit NOI. Assumptions: • It is assumed that no other permits will be required, outside of the permits listed below. • There will be no direct impacts to wetlands or waterbodies in the project area. No Critical Areas Report is required for the Project. • Cultural Resources and DAHP coordination is covered under the CP2116 project for the corridor. DocuSign Envelope ID: A1CF5073-BA23-4EEE-8DE4-F0EA08555BF4 R St Corridor Projects (CP2116 & CP2315) City of Auburn 36 of 39 Amendment #2 SEPA • The City Project Manager will fill out and submit the SEPA Exemption Request Shoreline Substantial Development Permit Exemption • The City will prepare exemption request. NOI • City Project Manager will develop the NOI. The information necessary to complete the NOI will be provided to the City by Consultant. • The City Project Manager will be responsible for all postings, advertisements, and fees. Work Element 9.1 – Final Design and Check Set (90% Design & 99% Check Set) This section includes the effort required to develop 90 percent PS&E, Final Check Set, and Final Bid Documents. Each submittal will consist of Plans, Specifications, and Estimate. 9.1.1 Develop 90 percent PS&E: Incorporate all comments received during the preliminary design plan review meeting. It is anticipated that the 90 percent, Final Check Set, and Final Bid Documents submittals will contain the following sheets: Title Number Cover Sheet with Vicinity Map and Sheet Index 1 General Notes and Legend 1 Survey Information, Alignment and Right Of Way 5 Site Preparation, TESC, and Existing Conditions Plan (20 Scale) 4 Storm Drainage Plan and Profile (20 Scale) 4 Storm Drainage Details 1 Water Utility Plan and Sewer Plan and Profile (20 Scale) 4 Water Utility Lateral Profiles 1 Typical Roadway Sections 1 Paving Plan and Profile (20 Scale) 4 Curb Ramp and Driveway Details 10 Paving Details 1 Pavement Marking and Signing Plans (20 Scale) 4 Landscaping Restoration Details 1 Illumination Plans and Details 3 Franchise Utility Relocation Plan 4 Construction Phasing Plan (40 Scale) 3 TOTAL 52 • Specifications, including up front contracting forms, bid table, and special provisions. • Construction Cost Estimate based on the 90 percent PS&E package. • Perform pre-90% design constructability assessment and traffic control assessment memorandum. Consultant shall meet with City to review the constructability assessment and gain concurrence on the traffic control plan to include at 90% design. 9.1.2 Provide Final Stormwater Site Plan with the 90 percent submittal which will also include the following attachments: • Attachment A - Operations and Maintenance Manual. DocuSign Envelope ID: A1CF5073-BA23-4EEE-8DE4-F0EA08555BF4 R St Corridor Projects (CP2116 & CP2315) City of Auburn 37 of 39 Amendment #2 • Attachment B - Construction Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP). The SWPPP will be based on the Department of Ecology Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan Template. • Attachment C – Hydraulic/Hydrologic Modeling Results. 9.1.3 Develop Final Check Set PS&E: Incorporate all comments received during the 90 percent review meeting. 9.1.4 Address comments on 90% Submittal Document and prepare 99% design documents. 9.1.5 Address comments on 99% submittal documents and prepare Bid Documents. Deliverables: • SWPPP o Draft SWPPP (PDF). o Final SWPPP (PDF) (Included as part of the Final Stormwater Site Plan) • 90 Percent Design Review Submittal o Contract Plan set (PDF) o Specifications (Word format for specials and PDF format for complete document) o Construction Cost Estimate (Excel format and PDF) o Final Stormwater Site Plan (PDF format) • 99% Final Check Set Submittal o Contract Plan set (PDF) o Specifications (Word format for specials and PDF format for complete document) o Construction Cost Estimate (excel format and PDF) • Bid Documents o Final Plan Sheets: Electronic Stamped and signed full size final plan set and all AutoCAD 2019 drawing files in .dwg format. o Final Specifications: Electronic stamped and signed in PDF format; Electronic file in Word format. o Final Construction Cost Estimate: Electronic copy in PDF format; Electronic file in Excel format. Assumptions: • A formal meeting will not be held after the Final Check Set submittal. Comments developed during the final review will be provided by the City to Consultant via email and Bluebeam review. • Pertinent City of Auburn Standard Details will be included as an appendix to the Contract Documents. Auburn Standard Details will not be shown on the plan sheets unless the detail has not been approved by the City Engineer at the time. • No funding authorization submittals are planned at this time. • Draft CSWPPP will be provided prior to the 90% Submittal. Final CSWPPP will be provided at 90% Submittal. No updates to the Stormwater Site Plan or CSWPPP are required for the 99% or Bid Document phases. DocuSign Envelope ID: A1CF5073-BA23-4EEE-8DE4-F0EA08555BF4 R St Corridor Projects (CP2116 & CP2315) City of Auburn 38 of 39 Amendment #2 • Traffic Phasing Plans assume 2-stages of construction to shift traffic with each stage containing 2-plans sheets. 2-plan sheets will be the typical section and general notes. No detour plan is anticipated with this work. • The Stormwater Site Plan is developed as a full corridor document and modified with each submittal in CP2116 and CP2315. Work Element 11.1 – Assistance During Bidding (Optional) This section includes the effort to prepare addenda and respond to bidders’ questions relayed through the City. It is assumed that the Consultant will prepare up to 3 addenda. Addenda that are necessary as a result of an error and/or omission on the part of the Consultant shall not be invoiced or paid. Deliverables: • Addenda support responses on City forms (Word format) • Revised Plan Sheet for Addenda (PDF format) • Revised Specification Language for Addenda (Word format) • Conformed Set Plans, Specifications Assumptions: • No pre-bid meeting will be conducted as part of the Project. • City will compile question responses and revised information in the addenda form. Consultant will provide information to support the response, and revised specification language or plan sheets to address required changes. • It is assumed City will use addendum information to compile a confirmed set of Plans and Specifications. Work Element 12.1 – Design Support During Construction and Closeout (Optional) This section includes effort for providing engineering/geotechnical engineering support during construction as requested by the City Project Manager. Effort under this section could include: • Developing change order designs. • Responding to RFIs. • Developing independent estimates for change orders. • Providing clarification on design and specifications. • Periodic site visits and/or attendance at Contractor meetings as requested by the City. • Submittal review for materials or shop drawings. • Archiving. At the completion of construction, the Consultant shall archive all project files and maintain for a minimum of three years. Deliverables: • Design or specifications related to change order documentation (Electronic) DocuSign Envelope ID: A1CF5073-BA23-4EEE-8DE4-F0EA08555BF4 R St Corridor Projects (CP2116 & CP2315) City of Auburn 39 of 39 Amendment #2 • RFI responses on City forms (Word format) • Submittal Review Responses (Electronic) • Archived zip folder with project files. (Electronic) Assumptions: • The Consultant will provide written responses to RFI’s, inquiries, change orders etc., but the City will prepare final documents. • The actual support for engineering and geotechnical services that will be needed during construction is unknown. An estimated hour amount has been entered into the Fee Estimate. Effort beyond this amount will be scoped under a separate contract, or an amendment to this contract, if deemed necessary by the City. • Contractor will develop as-built drawings and deliver to the City at end of Construction. No as-built drawings will be developed by the Consultant. • No Project walkthrough or punch list development is included in this work. DocuSign Envelope ID: A1CF5073-BA23-4EEE-8DE4-F0EA08555BF4 FEE ESTIMATE City of Auburn: R-Street Improvements, CP 2116 (33rd Street to 22nd Street) Widening Project Task # Task Description Total Labor Total Escalation Total Expenses Total Subconsultants Total From Spreadsheet 1 Project Management and Administration 70,024.61$ 2,678.88$ 366.80$ -$ 73,070.29$ 2 Quality Control and Quality Assurance 52,490.12$ 2,008.08$ -$ -$ 54,498.20$ 3 Utility Coordination 30,441.82$ 1,164.59$ -$ -$ 31,606.41$ 4 Conceptual Design (15% Design)151,703.97$ 5,803.62$ 314.40$ -$ 157,821.99$ 5 Public Outreach 35,259.10$ 1,348.88$ 622.25$ -$ 37,230.23$ 6 Geotechnical Engineering 8,345.50$ 319.27$ -$ 84,784.00$ 93,448.77$ 7 Intermediate Design (60%)171,835.48$ 6,573.78$ 209.60$ -$ 178,618.86$ 8 Permitting 22,992.90$ 879.62$ 419.20$ -$ 24,291.72$ 9 Final Design (90%, 99%, Advertisement)182,693.93$ 6,989.18$ 104.80$ -$ 189,787.91$ 10 Real Estate Services 210,370.23$ 8,047.98$ 2,791.75$ 77,500.00$ 298,709.96$ 11 Assistance During Bidding 4,813.74$ 184.16$ -$ -$ 4,997.90$ 12 Design Support During Construction 31,460.83$ 1,203.57$ 314.40$ -$ 32,978.80$ 1,177,061.04$ Exhibit BDocuSign Envelope ID: A1CF5073-BA23-4EEE-8DE4-F0EA08555BF4 LABOR ESTIMATE, HDR ENGINEERING STAFF City of Auburn: R-Street Improvements, CP 2116 (33rd Street to 22nd Street) Widening Project Ferrier, Paul A Johnson, Lawrence S (Scott Johnson) Nguyen, Maria Tram Harper, Jennifer K Danel, Halliet James III Parenteau, Trevor Michael Sannon, Jenson Sterling Kuhns, David W Jr. Skadorwa, Tatiana Golbuff, Graham Finn, Maureen C Danielski, Lisa C Jennifer Ferris Robison-Mathes, Anna Lee Posten, Dustin Lee Starling, Jonathan M (Michael)Johnson, Ty M Pi, Jake S Chambers, Krista Ray Whelpley, Cynthia Genella (Cyndi) Gunderson, Rita M Ramirez-Ambion, Hernann John Christopher (Hernann Ambion) Quach, Katherine Anders, Eric J Walmsley, Tara A Pfeister, Ben Total Labor Hours Total Labor Dollars Project Role PIC Project Manager Project Controller Design Manager Transportation Eng CAD Lead Utility Engineer Sr Stormwater Engineer Stormwater Engineer Landscape Architect Document Editor Environmental Lead Cultural Resources Lead Cultural Resources Scientist Roadway QC Utility QC Stormwater QC Traffic Engineer Sr Real Estate QC Real Estate Manager Real Estate Services Tech Public Involvement Structural Engineer Traffic QC Real Estate Tech Real Estate Agent Hours Total Labor Dollars Billing Rate 364.89 268.98 101.19 200.26 131.70 96.78 134.77 171.58 148.06 110.13 126.00 210.94 185.99 100.66 199.71 217.19 233.16 190.69 237.14 179.31 134.57 133.31 128.29 193.89 90.78 107.45 1 9 126 142 56 2 2 6 6 0 2 0 6 2 0 4 0 0 2 4 4 0 2 0 0 0 0 375 70,024.61$ Project Setup, PMP, Quality Plan, HASP 4 10 8 4 4 30 6,558.76$ City Coordination Meetings, Decision Log Updates 48 36 4 4 4 96 22,189.56$ Progress Reporting, Earned Value 2 38 100 140 21,070.02$ Subconsultant Management 2 18 34 2 4 60 10,203.40$ Project Schedule 1 8 8 17 4,118.81$ Project Kickoff Meeting 4 8 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 32 5,884.06$ 2 0 12 0 22 0 0 0 12 0 0 0 0 0 0 82 38 42 4 0 0 0 0 14 30 0 0 256 52,490.12$ 15% Design QAQC 4 6 20 8 8 4 50 10,650.04$ 60% Design QAQC 4 8 6 30 12 14 4 6 10 94 19,040.70$ 90% Design QAQC 2 4 4 20 10 12 4 10 66 13,441.40$ 99% Design QAQC 2 4 2 12 8 8 4 6 46 9,357.98$ 3 0 10 0 35 0 8 126 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 193 30,441.82$ Utility Record Request and Asbuilt Check 1 10 11 1,547.96$ Utility Conflict Matrix 4 12 4 20 3,287.04$ Utility Relocation Coordination 2 16 52 6 2 78 12,434.68$ Utility Potholing and Information Verification Coordination 8 20 28 3,469.64$ Utility Coordination Meetings (Monthly and Workshop)8 14 32 2 56 9,702.50$ 4 3 32 0 109 328 109 114 94 151 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 53 4 0 0 0 5 0 0 0 1010 151,703.97$ Field Investigation, Site Visit 4 6 4 6 8 28 4,985.54$ Stormwater Design Workshop and Technical Memorandum 2 4 42 42 90 14,763.88$ Widening and Signal Alternatives Analysis 1 8 20 64 4 4 101 16,662.05$ 15% Design Roll Plots 2 4 40 140 70 72 24 70 4 28 2 456 65,250.68$ 15% Design Cost Estimate 2 8 8 8 4 12 2 4 1 49 7,846.15$ 15% Design Design Criteria Worksheet 1 4 2 2 4 2 15 2,670.66$ Revision to Design to include MUP 11 27 110 39 26 12 27 2 15 2 271 39,525.01$ 5 0 20 0 20 0 12 0 0 0 0 52 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 0 0 122 0 0 0 0 234 35,259.10$ Targeted Stakeholder Outreach 2 6 4 24 36 5,442.96$ Open Houses (2)16 12 8 36 8 84 164 25,112.20$ Review of Engagement Plans and Materials 2 2 4 12 14 34 4,703.94$ 6 0 3 0 13 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 0 0 0 0 19 0 0 0 49 8,345.50$ Geotechnical Coordination 1 6 5 1 12 25 4,058.61$ Geotechnical Field Services 2 2 400.52$ Geotechnical Engineering Analysis and Reporting 2 5 4 4 7 22 3,886.37$ 7 2 39 0 77 274 196 122 89 94 26 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 174 0 0 0 0 66 0 0 0 1159 171,835.48$ 60% Design Plans 2 24 66 260 196 110 48 84 22 164 54 1030 149,734.60$ 60% Cost Estimate 4 6 12 8 2 6 4 6 6 54 8,521.96$ 60% Specifications 10 4 4 3 4 4 6 35 6,669.40$ Draft Stormwater Site Plan 1 1 2 36 40 6,909.52$ 8 0 4 0 6 0 4 0 4 0 0 8 4 28 125 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 183 22,992.90$ SEPA Checklist Support 1 2 2 2 7 1,284.94$ DOE CSGP NOI Support 1 2 4 7 1,355.82$ Cultural Resources DAHP Approval 2 2 2 8 2 28 125 169 20,352.14$ 9 3 44 0 90 212 208 138 56 102 62 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 210 0 0 0 0 66 26 0 0 1217 182,693.93$ 90% PS&E 1 22 48 148 144 92 28 48 38 150 36 20 775 114,917.49$ Final Stormwater Site Plan 1 2 12 15 2,728.46$ SWPPP (Draft and Final)1 2 4 12 19 3,132.54$ 99% PS&E 1 12 26 48 48 34 8 30 18 44 24 6 299 44,778.07$ Advertisement PS&E 1 8 12 16 16 12 4 12 6 16 6 109 17,137.37$ 10 1 14 0 12 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 34 200 396 0 0 0 604 482 1743 210,370.23$ Management and Administration 1 4 4 48 120 177 21,889.85$ Preliminary ROW Services 2 16 8 40 12 56 134 18,118.60$ Property Descriptions and Valuations 2 2 2 16 40 52 50 164 19,757.58$ Acquisition and Negotiation Services 8 8 12 128 316 420 376 1268 150,604.20$ 11 0 2 0 6 2 8 4 2 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 32 4,813.74$ Addenda Preparation and Question Response 2 6 2 8 4 2 2 2 2 2 32 4,813.74$ Conformed Documents (PS&E)0 -$ 12 1 30 0 44 4 18 12 10 8 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 18 0 0 0 0 26 0 0 0 177 31,460.83$ RFI Responses 3 6 4 4 17 3,284.42$ Submittal Reviews 8 6 4 8 18 44 7,628.66$ Change Order Designs and CO Estimate Reviews 3 8 14 8 2 8 2 2 2 49 7,227.96$ Plan and Specification Clarifications 10 8 4 4 2 28 5,997.54$ Site Visits as Requested by City 1 6 16 4 4 4 4 39 7,322.25$ Task Total Hours 19.00 336.00 142.00 490.00 822.00 565.00 522.00 282.00 357.00 106.00 60.00 10.00 30.00 125.00 86.00 50.00 42.00 470.00 50.00 204.00 396.00 124.00 198.00 56.00 604.00 482.00 6628.00 Task Total Fee 6,932.91$ 90,377.28$ 14,368.98$ 98,127.40$ 108,257.40$ 54,680.70$ 70,349.94$ 48,385.56$ 52,857.42$ 11,673.78$ 7,560.00$ 2,109.40$ 5,579.70$ 12,582.50$ 17,175.06$ 10,859.50$ 9,792.72$ 89,624.30$ 11,857.00$ 36,579.24$ 53,289.72$ 16,530.44$ 25,401.42$ 10,857.84$ 54,831.12$ 51,790.90$ 972,432.23$ Project Management and Administration Quality Control and Quality Assurance Utility Coordination Conceptual Design (15% Design) Public Outreach Geotechnical Engineering Intermediate Design (60%) Permitting Final Design (90%, 99%, Advertisement) Real Estate Services Assistance During Bidding Design Support During Construction DocuSign Envelope ID: A1CF5073-BA23-4EEE-8DE4-F0EA08555BF4 EXPENSES City of Auburn: R-Street Improvements, CP 2116 (33rd Street to 22nd Street) Widening Project Mileage/mile (2023)Copies/Page 8.5x11 Color Copies/Page 8.5x11 B&W Office Supplies-Misc. Office Expenses Office Expenses Office Expenses OTHER DIRECT COSTS Each Each Each Unit Cost $0.655 $0.45 $0.05 $25.00 0.00% 1 Quantity 560 0 0 0 Task Total $366.80 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $366.80 $0.00 $366.80 2 Quantity 0 0 0 0 Task Total $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 3 Quantity 0 0 0 0 Task Total $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 4 Quantity 480 0 0 0 Task Total $314.40 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $314.40 $0.00 $314.40 5 Quantity 950 0 0 0 Task Total $622.25 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $622.25 $0.00 $622.25 6 Quantity 0 0 0 0 Task Total $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 7 Quantity 320 0 0 0 Task Total $209.60 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $209.60 $0.00 $209.60 8 Quantity 640 0 0 0 Task Total $419.20 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $419.20 $0.00 $419.20 9 Quantity 160 0 0 0 Task Total $104.80 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $104.80 $0.00 $104.80 10 Quantity 3600 75 3000 10 Task Total $2,358.00 $33.75 $150.00 $250.00 $2,791.75 $0.00 $2,791.75 11 Quantity 0 0 0 0 Task Total $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 12 Quantity 480 0 0 0 Task Total $314.40 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $314.40 $0.00 $314.40 Total ODC 4,709.45$ 33.75$ 150.00$ 250.00$ 5,143.20$ -$ 5,143.20$ Quality Control and Quality Assurance Utility Coordination Conceptual Design (15% Design)Total ODCODC MarkupTotal ODC + MarkupReal Estate Services Assistance During Bidding Design Support During Construction Public Outreach Geotechnical Engineering Intermediate Design (60%) Permitting Final Design (90%, 99%, Advertisement) Project Management and Administration DocuSign Envelope ID: A1CF5073-BA23-4EEE-8DE4-F0EA08555BF4 SUBCONSULTANTS City of Auburn: R-Street Improvements, CP 2116 (33rd Street to 22nd Street) Widening Project Shannon & Wilson AGNW (Appraisal Review)SH&H (Appraisal) SUBCONSULTANTS 0.00% 1 Task Total $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 2 Task Total $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 3 Task Total $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 4 Task Total $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 5 Task Total $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 6 Task Total $84,784.00 $0.00 $0.00 $84,784.00 $0.00 $84,784.00 7 Task Total $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 8 Task Total $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 9 Task Total $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 10 Task Total $0.00 $22,500.00 $55,000.00 $77,500.00 $0.00 $77,500.00 11 Task Total $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 12 Task Total $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Total Subconsultants 84,784.00$ 22,500.00$ 55,000.00$ 162,284.00$ -$ 162,284.00$ Intermediate Design (60%) Permitting Final Design (90%, 99%, Advertisement) Real Estate Services Assistance During Bidding Design Support During Construction Geotechnical Engineering Total SubconsultantsSub MarkupTotal Subconsultants + MarkupProject Management and Administration Quality Control and Quality Assurance Utility Coordination Conceptual Design (15% Design) Public Outreach DocuSign Envelope ID: A1CF5073-BA23-4EEE-8DE4-F0EA08555BF4 FEE ESTIMATE City of Auburn: R-Street Improvements, CP 2315 (37th Way to 33rd Street) Preservation Project Task # Task Description Total Labor Total Escalation Total Expenses Total Subconsultants Total From Spreadsheet 1.1 Project Management and Administration 17,806.50$ 133.55$ 52.80$ -$ 17,992.85$ 2.1 Quality Control and Quality Assurance 16,092.45$ 120.69$ -$ -$ 16,213.14$ 3.1 Utility Coordination 8,837.73$ 66.28$ -$ -$ 8,904.01$ 7.1 Intermediate Design (60%)91,476.07$ 686.07$ -$ -$ 92,162.14$ 8.1 Permitting 3,343.30$ 25.07$ -$ -$ 3,368.37$ 9.1 Final Design (90%, 99%, Advertisement)80,265.40$ 601.99$ 105.60$ -$ 80,972.99$ 11.1 Assistance During Bidding 2,393.46$ 17.95$ -$ -$ 2,411.41$ 12.1 Design Support During Construction 10,031.23$ 75.23$ 105.60$ -$ 10,212.06$ 232,236.97$ DocuSign Envelope ID: A1CF5073-BA23-4EEE-8DE4-F0EA08555BF4 LABOR ESTIMATE, HDR ENGINEERING STAFF City of Auburn: R-Street Improvements, CP 2315 (37th Way to 33rd Street) Preservation Project Ferrier, Paul A Johnson, Lawrence S (Scott Johnson)Nguyen, Maria Tram Harper, Jennifer K Danel, Halliet James III Parenteau, Trevor Michael Sannon, Jenson Sterling Kuhns, David W Jr.Skadorwa, Tatiana Golbuff, Graham Danielski, Lisa C Posten, Dustin Lee Starling, Jonathan M (Michael)Johnson, Ty M Pi, Jake S Anders, Eric J Total Labor Hours Total Labor Dollars Project Role PIC Project Manager Project Controller Design Manager Transportation Eng CAD Lead Utility Engineer Sr Stormwater Engineer Stormwater Engineer Landscape Architect Environmental Lead Roadway QC Utility QC Stormwater QC Traffic Engineer Sr Traffic QC Hours Total Labor Dollars Billing Rate 364.89 268.98 101.19 200.26 131.70 96.78 134.77 171.58 148.06 110.13 210.94 199.71 217.19 233.16 190.69 193.89 1.1 2 38 44 12 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 96 17,806.50$ Project Setup, PMP, Quality Plan, HASP 1 2 4 7 1,307.61$ City Coordination Meetings, Decision Log Updates 16 8 24 5,905.76$ Progress Reporting, Earned Value 1 16 40 57 8,716.17$ Subconsultant Management 2 2 4 938.48$ Project Schedule 2 2 4 938.48$ 2.1 0 2 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 26 15 17 0 10 76 16,092.45$ 60% Design QAQC 2 12 6 8 4 32 6,741.02$ 90% Design QAQC 1 2 8 6 6 4 27 5,744.84$ 99% Design QAQC 1 2 6 3 3 2 17 3,606.59$ 3.1 0 4 0 10 0 4 32 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 1 0 55 8,837.73$ Utility Conflict Matrix 1 4 1 6 956.53$ Utility Relocation Coordination 2 4 12 2 1 21 3,581.31$ Utility Potholing and Information Verification Coordination 4 4 8 926.20$ Utility Coordination Meetings (Monthly and Workshop)2 5 12 1 20 3,373.69$ 7.1 1 23 0 35 171 104 60 42 92 14 0 0 0 0 78 0 620 91,476.07$ 60% Design Plans 1 12 28 154 104 52 18 68 12 70 519 74,381.27$ 60% Cost Estimate 4 4 16 6 2 4 2 6 44 7,092.58$ 60% Specifications 6 2 2 2 4 2 18 3,600.72$ Draft Stormwater Site Plan 1 1 1 20 16 39 6,401.50$ 8.1 0 5 0 2 0 2 0 4 2 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 17 3,343.30$ General Permitting Support 2 2 4 959.84$ DOE CSGP NOI Support 3 2 2 4 2 13 2,383.46$ 9.1 2 29 0 38 116 98 62 38 67 18 0 0 0 0 66 0 534 80,265.40$ 90% PS&E 1 12 18 80 60 36 12 36 10 44 309 45,272.63$ Final Stormwater Site Plan 1 1 8 1 11 1,989.94$ SWPPP (Draft and Final)1 6 2 9 1,525.86$ 99% PS&E 1 12 12 28 28 18 8 20 6 18 151 23,246.11$ Advertisement PS&E 4 6 8 10 8 4 8 2 4 54 8,230.86$ 11.1 0 1 0 4 2 2 2 0 2 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 15 2,393.46$ Addenda Preparation and Question Response 1 4 2 2 2 2 1 1 15 2,393.46$ 12.1 1 11 0 18 0 4 2 5 3 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 50 10,031.23$ RFI Responses 2 2 2 6 1,319.86$ Submittal Reviews 2 2 2 6 1,319.86$ Change Order Designs and CO Estimate Reviews 1 2 4 2 1 2 1 13 1,984.55$ Plan and Specification Clarifications 2 4 1 1 8 1,677.75$ Site Visits as Requested by City 1 4 8 4 17 3,729.21$ Task Total Hours 6.00 113.00 44.00 125.00 289.00 214.00 158.00 89.00 166.00 33.00 2.00 26.00 19.00 17.00 152.00 10.00 1463.00 Task Total Fee 2,189.34$ 30,394.74$ 4,452.36$ 25,032.50$ 38,061.30$ 20,710.92$ 21,293.66$ 15,270.62$ 24,577.96$ 3,634.29$ 421.88$ 5,192.46$ 4,126.61$ 3,963.72$ 28,984.88$ 1,938.90$ 230,246.14$ Final Design (90%, 99%, Advertisement) Assistance During Bidding Design Support During Construction Intermediate Design (60%) Permitting Project Management and Administration Quality Control and Quality Assurance Utility Coordination DocuSign Envelope ID: A1CF5073-BA23-4EEE-8DE4-F0EA08555BF4 EXPENSES City of Auburn: R-Street Improvements, CP 2315 (37th Way to 33rd Street) Preservation Project Mileage/mile (2023) OTHER DIRECT COSTS 1.1 Quantity 80 0.00 Task Total $52.80 $0.00 $0.00 $52.80 $0.00 $52.80 2.1 Quantity 0 0.00 Task Total $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 3.1 Quantity 0 0.00 Task Total $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 7.1 Quantity 0 0.00 Task Total $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 8.1 Quantity 0 0.00 Task Total $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 9.1 Quantity 160 0.00 Task Total $105.60 $0.00 $0.00 $105.60 $0.00 $105.60 11.1 Quantity 0 0.00 Task Total $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 12.1 Quantity 160 0.00 Task Total $105.60 $0.00 $0.00 $105.60 $0.00 $105.60 Total ODC 264.00$ -$ -$ 264.00$ -$ 264.00$ Total ODCODC MarkupTotal ODC + MarkupAssistance During Bidding Design Support During Construction Intermediate Design (60%) Permitting Final Design (90%, 99%, Advertisement) Project Management and Administration ContingencyTech FeesQuality Control and Quality Assurance Utility Coordination DocuSign Envelope ID: A1CF5073-BA23-4EEE-8DE4-F0EA08555BF4 SUBCONSULTANTS City of Auburn: R-Street Improvements, CP 2315 (37th Way to 33rd Street) Preservation Project Shannon & Wilson SUBCONSULTANTS 1.1 Task Total $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 2.1 Task Total $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 3.1 Task Total $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 7.1 Task Total $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 8.1 Task Total $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 9.1 Task Total $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 11.1 Task Total $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Total Subconsultants -$ -$ -$ -$ Total SubconsultantsSub MarkupTotal Subconsultants + MarkupProject Management and Administration Quality Control and Quality Assurance Utility Coordination Intermediate Design (60%) Permitting Final Design (90%, 99%, Advertisement) Assistance During Bidding DocuSign Envelope ID: A1CF5073-BA23-4EEE-8DE4-F0EA08555BF4