HomeMy WebLinkAbout03-04-2025 Agenda Arts Commission * * Regular Meeting CITY OF * March 4, 2025 - 4:30 PM A1JJIJJ4 Postmark Center for Arts 20 Auburn Ave WASHINGTON AGENDA CALL TO ORDER PUBLIC PARTICIPATION A. The Arts Commission Meeting scheduled for Tuesday, March 4, 2025 at 4:30 p.m. will be held in person and virtually. In-person location: Postmark Center for the Arts, 20 Auburn Ave, Auburn, WA 98002 Virtual Participation Link: To listen to the meeting by phone or Zoom, please call the number below or click the link: Zoom: httcs://us06web.zoom.us/i/87673366029 Meeting ID: 876 7336 6029 One tap mobile +12532158782„87673366029# US (Tacoma) +12532050468„87673366029# US • 888 475 4499 US Toll-free • 877 853 5257 US Toll-free ROLL CALL AGENDA MODIFICATIONS AUDIENCE PARTICIPATION This is the place on the agenda where the public is invited to speak to the Board on any issue. A. The public can participate in-person or submit written comments in advance. Participants can submit written comments via mail, fax, or email. All written comments must be received prior to 5:00 p.m. on the day before the scheduled meeting and must be 350 words or less. Please mail written comments to: City of Auburn Attn: Allison Hyde, Arts Program Supervisor 25 W Main St Auburn, WA 98001 Please fax written comments to: Attn: Allison Hyde, Arts Program Supervisor Fax number: 253-931-4005 Email written comments to: ahyde@auburnwa.gov Page 1 of 25 If an individual requires accommodation to allow for remote oral comment because of a difficulty attending a meeting of the governing body, the City requests notice of the need for accommodation by 5:00 p.m. on the day before the scheduled meeting. Participants can request accommodation to be able to provide a remote oral comment by contacting the Parks, Arts and Recreation Department in person, by phone (253) 931-3043, or by email (ahyde@auburnwa.gov). APPROVAL OF MINUTES A. February 4, 2025 Minutes ACTION ITEMS A. "The Long Look" Deaccession B. "Hawk" Deaccession NEWS AND UPDATES ADJOURNMENT Agendas and minutes are available to the public at the City Clerk's Office and on the City website (http://www.auburnwa.aov). Page 2 of 25 CITY OF J\iJBIJIIF4 AGENDA BILL APPROVAL FORM WASHINGTON Agenda Subject: Meeting Date: February 4, 2025 Minutes March 4, 2025 Department: Attachments: Budget Impact: Parks, Arts & Recreation 02.04.25_Minutes Arts Commission Administrative Recommendation: Background for Motion: Background Summary: Councilmember: Staff: Page 3 of 25 Arts Commission * / Regular Meeting CITY OF * February 4, 2025 - 4:30 PM UBAURN Postmark Center for Arts 20 Auburn Ave WASHINGTON MINUTES CALL TO ORDER Chair Tori Olsen called the meeting to order at 4:31 PM. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION A. The Arts Commission Meeting scheduled for Tuesday, February 4, 2025 at 4:30 p.m. will be held in person and virtually. ROLL CALL Present: Tori Olsen, Rocky Salvador, Ann Marie Natali, Trisenda Mayfield, John Harris, Amber Lott, Tammy Dwight, Kristine De Leon, Dinah Rau, Carol Crawford Danner, Andrea Dailey Excused: Carol Smetheram Unexcused: None Staff: Allison Hyde, Arts Program Supervisor; Julie Krueger, Arts & Events Manager; Jim Kleinbeck, Performing Arts Coordinator; Alex Mojica, Arts Assistant Guests: N/A AGENDA MODIFICATIONS There were no agenda modifications. AUDIENCE PARTICIPATION There were no public comments. APPROVAL OF MINUTES A. Minutes of the November 5, 2024, Arts Commission Meeting Commissioners were asked to review minutes from the November 5, 2024 meeting. Commissioner Harris moved that the minutes be accepted as written. Commissioner Natali seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously. Page 4 of 25 ANNOUNCEMENTS, REPORTS, AND PRESENTATIONS A. Introductions All Commissioners and staff in attendance introduced themselves to welcome new Commissioners Crawford Danner and Dailey. DISCUSSION ITEMS A. 2024 Year in Review Arts Program Supervisor Allison Hyde provided a presentation on Auburn Arts in 2024. Hyde gave an overview of the community impact and the number of gallery exhibitions, art-related programming and public art showcased in the previous year. Theater Operations Coordinator Jim Kleinbeck summarized ongoing and upcoming performing arts programming and events, noting how well Postmark Center for the Arts has served as a venue for performances and rentals. B. 2025 Programming and Commissioner Participation Arts Program Supervisor Allison Hyde provided Commissioners with a printed sign-up sheet with 2025 AAC Postmark Grant Programming. Hyde asked Commissioners if they could participate in attending at least one event to observe and supply feedback on each program's success. C. Postmark Lower Level Update Arts Program Supervisor Allison Hyde gave an update on the status of the lower level, with construction close to completion. Hyde presented designs of the lower level and briefly described plans that include providing additional art gallery space and media- specific classes for metals, glass, printmaking and 2-D arts. A small ribbon-cutting ceremony for the grand opening will take place at a date to be determined in spring 2025. D. Auburn Theater Update Theater Operations Coordinator Jim Kleinbeck gave a presentation on Downtown Auburn infrastructure improvements, updates on the Auburn Avenue Theater and plans for a downtown green space. ACTION ITEMS ADJOURNMENT Meeting is adjourned at 5:26PM. Page 5 of 25 CITY OF J\iJBIJIIF4 AGENDA BILL APPROVAL FORM WASHINGTON Agenda Subject: Meeting Date: "The Long Look" Deaccession March 4, 2025 Department: Attachments: Budget Impact: Parks, Arts & Recreation Deaccession Request_The Long Look_Brad Rude Administrative Recommendation: Background for Motion: Background Summary: Councilmember: Staff: Page 6 of 25 City of Auburn, WA Request for the Deaccession of Public Artwork Please see The City's Deaccession Policy and procedure before removing any objects from the permanent collection. Please use one form per item. Artwork: The Long Look Artist: Brad Rude Location: Centennial Viewpoint Park,1700 Mountain View Drive SW Date Accessioned: 1991 Acquisition Method: Commission Original Cost:$20,000 (original 1991 cost) I $30,000 (refabrication from 2012 theft) Current Market Value: $55,000+ Current Insurance Value: $55,000 Estimated cost of Repair: N/A(replacement: $60,000+) Condition: B Destroyed ❑ Poor I I Very Poor ❑ Fair ❑ Good ❑Very Good ❑ Excellent Reason for Deaccession (Check all that apply): Theft of the artwork. N Damage beyond reasonable repair, and/or artwork is damaged to the extent that it no longer represents the artist's intent,and/or it is damaged to the extent that the expenses of restoration and repair are found to equal or exceed current market value of the artwork. Portable artwork is not,or is only rarely, on display due to lack of a suitable site. For site-integrated or site-specific artworks,the site for which the artwork was specifically created is structurally or otherwise altered and can no longer accommodate the artwork, is made publicly inaccessible as a result of new construction, demolition, or security enhancement,or has its surrounding environment altered in a way that significantly and adversely impacts the artwork. For site-integrated or site-specific artworks,the site for which the artwork was specifically created is sold or acquired by an entity other than City of Auburn. There exists a documented history of incident(s)that shows the artwork is a threat to public safety. The artist legally exercises the Right of Disassociation granted by the Visual Artists Rights Act of 1990, preventing the use of his or her name as the creator of the artwork. The artwork requires excessive maintenance to the extent that the expenses are found to equal or exceed current market value of the artwork. N The City wishes to replace the artwork with another work by the same artist. Page 7 of 25 City of Auburn, WA Request for the Deaccession of Public Artwork At the time of accessioning, if complete information on the provenance of the artwork is not available,or more information has since become available, indicating that the artwork does not meet accession or art selection criteria. The artwork has become a violation of a city code, policy or regulation. Additional Reasons/notes: At approximately 08:15AM I received a call from a coworker that while opening up Centennial Viewpoint Park this morning they noticed that the gate to the park had been broken, Padlock cut, and the bronze sculpture of a Deer had been stolen. I then immediately drove to the park to meet with my coworker and observed that the padlock to the park gate had appeared to be cut as well as the gate itself. I then walked over to where the deer was located and observed that the deet sculpture had been cut at the base and is in fact missing. I proceeded to then take pictures of the damage to the padlock,the park gate, and the location of the deer sculpture and emailed them to myself and my supervisor. Estimation bid for restoration by Artech: N/A Documentation of correspondence with the artist regarding the above: See attached Photo documentation of site conditions, if applicable: See attached Police Report: See attached "X Agreement that Artist has been notified and has NOT requested reconsideration: See attached Artist has requested reconsideration: Artwork will (after proposed deaccession)will be: Returned to Artist. \Repurposed by City. Disposed of by City. Transferred. Date of Return/Repurpose/Disposal/Transfer:TBD Transfer: N/A Additional notes: Recommended for Deaccession by: Allison Hyde, City of Auburn Arts Program Supervisor Approved for Deaccession by Arts Commission on: Final Approval of Deaccession by Mayor and City Council: Page 8 of 25 City of Auburn, WA Request for the Deaccession of Public Artwork Artwork: The Long Look Artist: Brad Rude Location: Centennial Viewpoint Park,1700 Mountain View Drive SW Date Accessioned: 1991 Original Cost: $20,000 (original 1991 cost) I $30,000 (refabrication from 2012 theft) Photographs of artwork proposed for deaccession: • - ' y f 6 GAVIIVr LAUIIUN I.AU lam I+NUIis i't LEA T The Long Look by Brad Rude after being installed at Centennial Viewpoint Park in 2013 (above) .ram ; r^, �^ 9 'Polort/LIPACMA. !i.i.�Sa The Long Look by Brad Rude theft and damages in 2024 (above) Page 9 of 25 Auburn Poke Department 4p4 I Thia insiderrt has been repertea'tads 5A0 East Haire Street;Surto.ZO s', W rb++rn 4 aLle u Depa runeot + i HAispB'ldlrrgapprov 253A31-34$4 Geriered InfurniatiOn incidrrntTyae Theft Numbar T23OO1 TS TrackInu Report adze 63/2TJ2d23>1;15 Ali Repo-tire Person I rifDrm%loo Employer t amo Cityo1kubum WorkAddrSS 2020 Mountain Vier)r1'I1P,Auburn,WA98O01,US Ie'le E[rin,Lin i ria HCr}rf Addih S6 I lupin PhOre Cold IL 1(irk Phanc Race - Sey DOt! Dnaer Lkerdie No Locenitrle State Ifiddent Intl-Ma/1On incidentLocallran CenieanlalVyrtrprsntPaic Akburn,W,a indolent Timeistar#i o3I27Jto2349'15 Nd hxident Tlme{end} 03 f n f]o73{r&23 M4 L xanan Type Ifid aril Uygrounds TheftType Crther{Dine&bash) • it thud of Entry Cut Padlctk Property In arrnW n Not Type et her Items Grand L nlu5¢Svr. Model unknown CdOr ErOfIZC How Many 1 Markel.value IS .54,>pQ PropertyDeStilptlon PA,O.neseuI tuteofadeer Harrakiw At appiosrnatety 08:1544 Freceired a taLI from caygriierdusk while opal'rmgup Certerniat 1liewpeint Parkth, rnornFrr atop noticed that*legate In the pail<had beer)brekeo,Padlock rut,acid the borne yculptureofa Deer had been stolen.I then inrnediate#ydrave tithe park to meet upwith n'coworkerand observed that the Dad lad( IncitlerttDtSCripllon to the packg,-rtohacl,ppoa pad ta. ocut as weal 5s LNoi;iate'mug.(than walked over to where the deer wastoKated and ObStrVei Eh 3E Lilt dttr IpCUK haO been cut at the base and is in Fact rnis-sir',P praoceded kr then Salle pictures of the damage to the padlock,(hit parkgare,and the I c tiorl of et.a deer s[ulptioreand ton niled them to psyus1farid rry Suparvitar. Page 10 of 25 Correspondence with Brad Rude (the artist) On Tue, Aug 1, 2023 at 1:04 PM Allison Hyde <ahyde(@auburnwa.gov>wrote: Brad, Hi! Ok, thanks for thinking about that. No, we do not have a specific timeline in mind, but it would be good to get a new contract in place before the end of the year if we are going to move forward with something. The bronze log is still onsite. Our crew could not figure out how to deinstall it. Do you recall how it was mounted to the concrete pad? Thank you, Allison Allison Hyde (she/her) Arts Program Supervisor City of Auburn (253) 804-5043 From: Brad Rude <brad( bradrude.com> Sent:Tuesday, August 1, 2023 5:40 AM To:Allison Hyde <ahvde( auburnwa.gov> Subject: Re: Sad News -Auburn's "The Long Look" Stolen CAUTION:The following message originated from outside the City of Auburn. Be careful opening links and attachments Page 11 of 25 Allison, Sounds great! Let me do some thinking about all of this and I will work on some ideas. Is there a timeline/deadline of any sort that we are working towards as far as replacing the sculpture? And just confirming that the bronze log is still there. Has that been moved to storage? thanks, Brad On Mon, Jul 31, 2023 at 10:27 AM Allison Hyde <ahvde(�auburnwa.gov>wrote: Brad, Hello! That's great to hear that you might be able to consider working with another material for a replacement piece. As far as budget goes, we could certainly spend the $55,000 that we received from the insurance company for the sculpture that was stolen, and possibly more depending on the design and materials needed for a piece of that scale. What type of material are you thinking of, and what would the budget need to be to create a piece of a similar scale to before? Thank you, Allison Allison Hyde (she/her) Arts Program Supervisor City of Auburn (253) 804-5043 Page 12 of 25 From: Brad Rude <brad( bradrude.com> Sent: Sunday, July 30, 2023 5:42 AM To:Allison Hyde <ahvdeC�auburnwa.gov> Subject: Re: Sad News -Auburn's "The Long Look" Stolen CAUTION:The following message originated from outside the City of Auburn. Be careful opening links and attachments Hi Allison, I am excited that there is interest in having me do a replacement piece for the site there. Yes I'd also be up for thinking about another material. Do you happen to know what the budget is for the replacement as that could impact what material can be used depending on costs. Thanks!! Brad On Fri, Jul 28, 2023 at 1:01 PM Allison Hyde <ahyde@auburnwa.gov>wrote: Brad, Hello again! I wanted to reach out to inquire if you would consider working in another material for a sculpture at that site? Have you ever cast in concrete, aluminum or other less desirable-to-steal material?We would really love to have a replacement artwork for this site by you. Unfortunately, after two times having the piece stolen, and other recent bronze thefts in Auburn, we do not think it is wise to replace a bronze at this location so are looking into other options. Page 13 of 25 Feel free to let me know your thoughts on that and we can schedule a phone call if needed too. Thanks and have a great weekend! Allison Allison Hyde (she/her) Arts Program Supervisor City of Auburn (253) 804-5043 From: Brad Rude <brad( bradrude.com> Sent:Thursday, April 13, 2023 1:04 PM To:Allison Hyde <ahvde(@auburnwa.gov> Subject: Re: Sad News -Auburn's "The Long Look" Stolen CAUTION:The following message originated from outside the City of Auburn. Be careful opening links and attachments Hello Allison, Well this is definitely sad news for sure. I can give you a call to discuss, but wanted to ask if the log was stolen as well? Also,just to let you know, the mold for that deer sculpture was made many, many years ago and has been deemed non-viable and thus was destroyed. So, that specific deer would not be able to be recast. Page 14 of 25 I have a new life-size black bear that we could replace it with. I think it would look fantastic. Maybe we could do a stone base and with the thicker bear paws/legs we could use some high-level anti theft materials. Just some initial thoughts.... Error! Filename not specified. Let me know when is a good time to talk. thanks, Brad On Thu, Apr 13, 2023 at 8:44 AM Allison Hyde <ahyde(c�auburnwa.gov>wrote: Dear Brad Rude, Good morning! I hope this finds you well. I wanted to reach out to let you know the unfortunate news that your sculpture titled "The Long Look"was stolen again, and we were notified on March 27th. We have filed a police report and have begun the insurance claim process, but are wondering what your thoughts are for next steps. Sadly, the artwork has been stolen from this site twice now,which makes us question whether or not it is wise to once again cast it in bronze and replace it in the same material at the same location. Our staff wondered if it would be possible to recast the sculpture in a less valuable material to go at the same site? Or if there were a way to fill the hollow inside of the sculpture with something more theft deterrent like concrete? I know that these might be stupid questions, and that the last time it was recast there was an anti-theft rod installed inside it. Page 15 of 25 Although this does seem like the perfect site for the piece given it's scenic overlook, we have concerns about replacing in-kind since this is not only the second time it has been stolen from this location but it is also th second bronze piece we have had stolen this year. Looking forward to your thoughts. Thank you, Allison Allison Hyde I Arts Program Supervisor Pronouns (she/her/hers) City of Auburn Parks, Arts & Recreation 253.804.5043, ahvde((auburnwa.gov More ARTS Than You Imagined! The information contained in this electronic communication is personal, privileged and/or confidential information intended only for the use of the individual(s) or entity(ies)to which it has been addressed. If you read this communication and are not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any dissemination, distribution or copying of this communication, other than delivery to the intended recipient is strictly prohibited. If you have received this communication in error, please immediately notify the sender by reply e- mail. Thank you. BRAD RUDE Phone: 509-520-3098 E-mail: brad(a�bradrude.com Web site: bradrude.com The information contained in this electronic communication is personal, privileged and/or confidential information intended only for the use of the individual(s) or entity(ies)to which Page 16 of 25 it has been addressed. If you read this communication and are not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any dissemination, distribution or copying of this communication, other than delivery to the intended recipient is strictly prohibited. If you have received this communication in error, please immediately notify the sender by reply e- mail. Thank you. Page 17 of 25 CITY OF J\iJBIJIIF4 AGENDA BILL APPROVAL FORM WASHINGTON Agenda Subject: Meeting Date: "Hawk" Deaccession March 4, 2025 Department: Attachments: Budget Impact: Parks, Arts & Recreation Deaccession Request_Hawk_Steve Tyree Administrative Recommendation: Background for Motion: Background Summary: Councilmember: Staff: Page 18 of 25 City of Auburn, WA Request for the Deaccession of Public Artwork Please see The City's Deaccession Policy and procedure before removing any objects from the permanent collection. Please use one form per item. Artwork: Hawk Artist: Steve Tyree Location: Game Farm Park, 3030 R St SE, Auburn, WA 98002 Date Accessioned: 8/08/2016 Acquisition Method: Purchase Original Cost:$8,750.00 Current Market Value: $0 Current Insurance Value: $0 Estimated cost of Repair : Original Purchase Cost: $8,750.00 Condition: \Destroyed ❑ Poor I I Very Poor ❑ Fair ❑ Good ❑Very Good ❑ Excellent Reason for Deaccession (Check all that apply): S Theft of the artwork. N Damage beyond reasonable repair,and/or artwork is damaged to the extent that it no longer represents the artist's intent,and/or it is damaged to the extent that the expenses of restoration and repair are found to equal or exceed current market value of the artwork. Portable artwork is not,or is only rarely, on display due to lack of a suitable site. For site-integrated or site-specific artworks,the site for which the artwork was specifically created is structurally or otherwise altered and can no longer accommodate the artwork, is made publicly inaccessible as a result of new construction, demolition, or security enhancement,or has its surrounding environment altered in a way that significantly and adversely impacts the artwork. For site-integrated or site-specific artworks,the site for which the artwork was specifically created is sold or acquired by an entity other than City of Auburn. There exists a documented history of incident(s)that shows the artwork is a threat to public safety. The artist legally exercises the Right of Disassociation granted by the Visual Artists Rights Act of 1990, preventing the use of his or her name as the creator of the artwork. - The artwork requires excessive maintenance to the extent that the expenses are found to equal or exceed current market value of the artwork. - The City wishes to replace the artwork with another work by the same artist. Page 19 of 25 City of Auburn, WA Request for the Deaccession of Public Artwork At the time of accessioning, if complete information on the provenance of the artwork is not available,or more information has since become available, indicating that the artwork does not meet accession or art selection criteria. The artwork has become a violation of a city code, policy or regulation. Additional Reasons/notes: I received an email on 12/11/24 alerting me that one of the City's bronze public artworks,titled "Hawk," had been stolen and was missing from it's location at the entrance of Game Farm Park. It's unclear exactly when the theft took place. Estimation bid for restoration by Artech: N/A Documentation of correspondence with the artist regarding the above: See attached Photo documentation of site conditions, if applicable: See attached Police Report: See attached N Agreement that Artist has been notified and has NOT requested reconsideration: See attached Artist has requested reconsideration: Artwork will (after proposed deaccession)will be: — Returned to Artist. — Repurposed by City. Disposed of by City. — Transferred. Date of Return/Repurpose/Disposal/Transfer: Transfer: N/A Additional notes: Recommended for Deaccession by: Allison Hyde, City of Auburn Arts Program Supervisor Approved for Deaccession by Arts Commission on: Final Approval of Deaccession by Mayor and City Council: Artwork: Hawk Artist: Steve Tyree Location: Game Farm Park, 3030 R St SE, Auburn, WA 98002 Date Accessioned: 8/08/2016 Original Cost: $8,750.00 Page 20 of 25 City of Auburn, WA Request for the Deaccession of Public Artwork Photographs of artwork proposed for deaccession: 4 A14, 6-itaiw-4*.4*-_,- ----.. 1 4. , , ._, \ S4' ..,g.....4 tir• 4.4,-,-.0-40./Vs'Irtaik, .0 7. '21' ' \' ' '' ` ----, ika—ri lit4ii = h°�p 1§4 ' ' r i `' ..p. Nis 1FA' :',i / 74,,,,,,ri,,,,,,e4,44.9riliti.iftreor,.. 11104.0.. t , elr 4 �f ` 1 tom' t{ '} �`.S. v''' ' t }`CO.!, E IX iz y i j,, k urg�'�F�f! a wn L :�',:i S � x. rlt 'ti n ��"{ � 2,a r p_,,.,,ice : ..�, " .r. ,sit-`"�1 `,4 •' �"ry' _ 7L g i^t 7 .. .s.' -Um t r r ,*I. �^,4! 4, 'ray ES • Wit r"3 ', fir h� • 3 1 1 >• 1. " i . olotimil• , Hawk by Steve Tyree installed at Game Farm park in 2019 (above) Page 21 of 25 City of Auburn, WA Request for the Deaccession of Public Artwork -7.7----' ''.. • . ...0.r.r.... ''-----''1 ceV'), i' ..--7,1:......-,_:____________,....-- --, .,,,..X • �� 17 ' . r i ahh.V s , • - \ - 0 - iHe �- ' PP,„AI' ., „< Iii# f_ ; , � i .t` r -„..- ._ f 7, �� y' Hawk by Steve Tyree theft and damages in 2024 (above) Page 22 of 25 AUBURN POLICE DEPARTMENT SUMMARY INCIDENT REPORT riti REPORT NUMBER:24-EO1338 INCIDENT INFORMATION iTIME ENDED ATE•T ME INDENT INC DENT PIPE L�NCATION R ii a 12:11 M 11211102024 12: P�PPRO EDGY 24 02:07 PM REPORT FILED FR M TRACKING NUMBER "" T240D3478 Game Farm Park.3 I30 R St E.Auburn,WA 13210iTara Knigge LOCATION TYPE !THEFT TYPE ET D OF METHOD OF EXIT PT OF Y OP EXIT ENTRY LOC Park-Playgrounds • PERSON LISTINGS TAPE LAST NAME 009 RACE FSE?4 RIVER LIC NO (LIC Victim City of Auburn 1 [SN ETHNICITY RESIDENT rYE COLOR HAIR COLOR (AGE !HEIGHT IGHT (CELL PHONE EMAIL rESIDENCE ADDRESS HOME PHONE EMPLOYER NAME puSINES3 ADDRESS WORK PHONE City of Auburn 253 04 96d3 TKPE LAST NAME FIRST NAME (MIDDLE NAME DOB RACE SEX DRIVER LIC NO ILI 0 2 7 HydeIUlis.an ETHN:Cm RESIDENT rYE COLOR HAIR COLOR SAGE [HEIGHT WEIGHT (CELL PHOl EMAIL RESIDENCE ADDRESS I I HOME PHONE a hydedaulawnwa.gor "* irk EMPLOYER NAME BUSINESS ADDRESS WORK PRONE City of Auburn tit '*' PROPERTY LISTINGS HNVL I ITEM 14UANTIT IBRAN0 MODEL Stolen Other Items I1 Sculpture(Art) Bronze sculpture SERIAL NO OWNER APPLIEDNO C LOR I MKT VALUE I DMGVALUE 1 grown I S 114041.00 IS Lit74.-(IF I ION An aetdoar bronze sculpture ofa hawk at Game Farm Park entrance. NARRATIVE I recerMed an email on 12111124 alerting me that one of the City's bronze public artworks,,titled"Hawk."had been stolen and was missing from it's location at the entrance of Game Farm Park. It's unclear exactly when the theft took place_ Report Created On 12/152024 01:44 PM Page 1 of 1 Page 23 of 25 Correspondence with Steve Tyree (the artist) From:Toni Tyree <tvree.aaintings(ftmail.com> Sent:Wednesday, January 22, 2025 7:34 AM To:Allison Hyde <ahvde(�auburnwa.aov> Subject: Re: Sad News...Theft of Hawk from Auburn's Game Farm Park CAUTION:The following message originated from outside the City of Auburn. Be careful opening links and attachments Hello Allison, Yes that is sad news and I am sorry to hear that it happened. I will not need the base back. So if you know of another artist that could use the metal you are welcome to donate it to them. Thanks, Steve Sent from my iPhone On Jan 14, 2025, at 11:42 AM, Allison Hyde <ahyde@auburnwa.gov>wrote: Dear Steve Tyree, Good morning! I hope this finds you well. I am sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but I need to share the sad news that your sculpture titled "Hawk"was stolen from Game Farm Park around December 11th, 2024. We have filed a police report, but have no leads on retrieving it. As you know from recent experience, we have had trouble recently with bronze artworks being stolen, and given that recent track record,we have had to make the difficult decision Page 24 of 25 to not replace this artwork. I will speak from my own perspective and say that it's very discouraging when the public treats artwork so disrespectfully since it's something that is truly there for the entire community to enjoy.We have loved having this beautiful artwork of yours in our collection and hope we have the chance to work with you again in the future. If we need to reach out to you with any further information, or permission to"deaccession" this piece from our collection, I will be in touch.We do still have the base of the piece, which we will remove and put in storage. If you would like it, I am more than happy to schedule a time to meet with you. Sincerely, Allison Allison Hyde I Arts Program Supervisor Pronouns (she/her/hers) City of Auburn Parks,Arts & Recreation 253.804.5043, ahvdeC&auburnwa.gov More ARTS Than You Imagined! The information contained in this electronic communication is personal, privileged and/or confidential information intended only for the use of the individual(s) or entity(ies)to which it has been addressed. If you read this communication and are not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any dissemination, distribution or copying of this communication, other than delivery to the intended recipient is strictly prohibited. If you have received this communication in error, please immediately notify the sender by reply e- mail. Thank you. Page 25 of 25