2004 Final Budaet
Section V: City Operations
This section and the next will describe the budget as an operational guide to the City and its services,
summarizing the current and planned operations of the City. Following that, the Baseline Budget Section
provides a department-by-department description of the City operations.
Since the operations of the City are influenced by its structure, this section will focus on the manner in which
the financial resources of the City are allocated within that administrative structure to various competing
purposes. The first part of this section (relating to City structure) will address the manner in which the budget
resources are allocated to City programs from various perspectives.
This section then provides greater detail on the use of General Fund resources identifying budget
allocations among the different services or cost centers within General Fund departments. The manner in
which administrative costs are accounted for among the various funds is also presented. Finally, this section
addresses the use of personnel resources, which are assigned to various functions.
The table below provides a cross-reference of the relationships between funds and City structure. City
Funds are represented along the horizontal axis of the table while City structural divisions lie along the
vertical axis. Boxes indicate how money from various City funds is allocated to support distinct City
administrative divisions. Only those administrative divisions with multiple allocations are illustrated.
Relationship between Fund and City Structure
Mayor/Council x x x x x x x x x
Human Resources x x x x x x x x x
Finance x x x x x x x x x
Legal x x x x x x x x x
Planning x x
Engineering x x x x x x
Parks x x x
Storm Drainage x
Solid Waste x x x x x x x x
Equip Rental x x x x x x
Page 83
2004 Final Budaet
Section V: City Operations
City Organization
The organization of a city can be expressed in a variety of ways depending on the context. This Budget
presents three different organizational perspectives.
1. Financial Structure: The City of Auburn uses the type of budget structure that is directly
related to the accounting structure prescribed by state law for cities. It conforms to
Generally Accepted Accounting Principles and separates the structure of the City into
different funds. The establishment and separation of funds is based on accounting
principles, and only secondarily reflects functional or administrative concerns.
2. Functional or Proqram Structure: A city can also be organized by what it does or the
services it provides. This type of organization would identify the full costs of provided
various activities, irrespective of where those activities may be administratively located or
how the expenditures are usually accounted. This type of budget would reflect cost
accounting principles.
3. Administrative Structure: The most common way to view a City structure is by the way it is
organized administratively. Organizational units are determined by what functions can
be most effectively grouped into organizational relationships. It is often defined by
reporting relationships.
The financial structure was presented in the Financial Plan Section IV of this document. Section V, City
Operations, presents the same budget data based on the two other organizational perspectives:
administrative structure and functional or program structure. Page 95 presents staffing of the City.
One of the reasons it is useful to view the City structure in a variety of ways is to clarify how administrative
expenses are handled and to illustrate how the accounting of these expenses affect the cost of various
services. In the budget, administrative services are charged against the fund they benefit rather than the
General Fund department providing those services. The cost of personnel services to the water utility is
charged to the Water Fund even though the Human Resources Department, which is part of the General
Fund operation, incurs those costs. In the various General Fund departments, the administrative costs are
not allocated to each department. Civil Service costs are reported as part of the Human Resources
Department not the Police Department. Consequently, expenditures in the General Fund do not include
administrative costs. The reasons for this difference are associated with the principles of governmental
accounting, which require the General Fund to be accounted for as a whole and require the separation of
Proprietary Fund costs from General Fund accounts. Certain activities occurring in special revenue funds
and capital funds are charged for administrative costs.
Legal Structure
The City of Auburn has a "strong mayor" form of government as organized under the Optional Municipal
Code as provided in state law. The independently elected Mayor is responsible for all administrative
functions of the City and all department heads report to the Mayor. The City Council exercises legislative
and quasi-judicial functions. All seven members of the City Council and the Mayor are elected at large for
four-year terms. Beginning in 1998, the City has an elected Judge. The position is elected at large and
serves a four-year term. The Mayor develops and proposes the budget while the Council reviews and
modifies the proposed budget, as it deems appropriate. The optional municipal code confers a limited
form of "home rule" to those municipalities organized under its provisions.
Page 84
2004 Final Budaet
Section V: City Operations
Mayor City Council
Public Services
Public Safety Public Works
Parks &
Boards & Commissions
Planning Commission
Human Services Commission
Airport Advisory Board
Civil Service Commission
Cemetery Board
Parks Board
Arts Commission
BIA Committee of Rate Payers
Emergency Services Advisory Board
White River Valley Historical Society
Page 85
2004 Final Budoet
Section V: City Operations
Administrative Structure
Perhaps the most common way of viewing the organization of the City is by administrative structure. The
opposite page presents the budget from this perspective.
The administrative structure is based upon the reporting relationships - what people or functions are
accountable to whom. The criteria of organizing a City administratively are based on the grouping of
specific work tasks or skills into groups with similar or related characteristics. This creates more efficiency,
eliminates duplication of effort and allows the diversity of the City to be managed consistently. For
example, it is more efficient for the accounts of the City to be handled centrally where trained staff can be
provided. Likewise, it is more efficient to share engineering skills than for each utility to have separate
engineering staff.
The administrative structure of the City consists of the Mayor and eight department heads. The larger
departments are then subdivided into divisions. The organizational chart at the start of this section of the
budget illustrates this structure. The nine departments (including the Mayor) are:
Administrative or Support Departments:
Mayor and Council: Provides overall administration to the entire City. Also includes expenditures
related to the operation of the City Council.
Human Resources: This department provides centralized personnel services to all City services,
administers the Auburn Municipal Court, and provides risk management services throughout the
City. Human Resources also include the Civil Service Division, which applies to Police and Fire
Finance: Provides centralized budgeting and financial reporting services to all City departments.
Finance also provides a variety of other central administrative services including printing,
information services, and billing of City utilities.
City Attorney: Provides centralized legal and City Clerk services to all City Departments.
Line Departments:
Planninq and Community Development: Includes the Planning Division, Airport Division, and
administers the City's Community Development Block Grant. In 2002 the Building Maintenance and
Permitting divisions were moved from Public Works to Planning.
Police: Provides all police services, including Auburn jail services.
Fire: Provides all fire, emergency medical. and hazardous material services to the City.
Public Works: Includes engineering, all utilities, equipment rental and streets.
Parks: Provides recreational services, and maintains park facilities. Includes providing senior citizen
services and the management of the Cemetery and Golf Course.
Costs are allocated to the units on the facing page. Expenditures are accounted for on the basis of where
the authority for the expenditure lies rather than by the fund or function.
The table excludes the LID funds (except the LID Guarantee Fund).
Page 86
2004 Final Budoet Section V: City Operations
Costs by Administrative Structure
2001 2002 2003 2003 2004 %
Actual Actual Adj Budget Est Actual Budget Share
Mayor & Council $ 258,280 $ 355,111 $ 596,147 $ 590,147 $ 638,000 0.4%
Human Resources 1,420,595 1,708,938 2,1 76,340 2,135,940 2,314,700 1.5%
Finance Dept 1,173,708 1.516,863 2,698,750 2,225,750 1,944,900 1.3%
City Attorney 878,373 822,355 1,087,450 995,850 1,171,1 00 0.8%
Planning & Community Dev
Planning & Prop Mgmt 1,240,495 1.624,874 3,646,806 3,385,506 3,754,600 2.5%
Comm Devl Block 542,169 415,514 483,000 483,000 483,000 0.3%
Airport 986,260 892,765 1,434,890 843,890 1,693,400 1.1%
BIA/T ourism 67,781 74,571 150,800 150,800 151,700 0.1%
Commercial Retail 1,147,400 1,119,600 55,000 0.0%
Police Dept 11,356,575 1 2,301 ,722 14,064,775 13,061.675 15,424,100 10.3%
Fire Dept Operations 7,309,648 7,863,376 8,301.503 8,173,203 8,844,300 5.9%
Public Works Dept:
Public Works 3,185,137 3,467,472 2,501.800 2,434,300 2,363,700 1.6%
street 1.501.269 1,688,709 1.923,300 1.923,300 2,205,300 1.5%
street Construction 16,517,947 7,567,139 8,547,100 5,892,100 6,132,000 4.1%
Water utility 14,202,798 1,338,363 7,202,740 7,202,740 8,364,100 5.6%
Sewer utility 9,218,872 9,910,352 10,851.575 10,851.575 13,400,400 9.0%
Storm Drainage utility 4,426,973 2,974,718 4,217,075 4,217,075 5,040,100 3.4%
Solid Waste utility 8,689,529 7,685,042 9,010,982 8,985,982 8,915,300 6.0%
Parks Dept:
Parks & Recreation Op. 3,453,991 3,634,373 4,668,900 4,385,500 4,703,800 3.1%
Parks Construction 2,489,037 331.853 465,300 465,300 16,029 0.0%
Cemetery 641.076 631.812 665,952 665,952 707,000 0.5%
Golf Course 974,984 962,802 1 ,1 72,600 1 ,122,600 1,060,500 0.7%
Total Operations 90,535,497 67,768,724 87,015,185 81,311,785 89,383,029 59.7%
Other Funds:
Non-Departmental 6,4 18,493 4,792,830 4,972,095 2,231 ,084 3,313,200 2.2%
Transfers/Other 1,677,786 1,713,871 4,931,800 3,152,400 1,840,000 1.2%
Debt Service 322,813 318,868 304,940 304,940 307,500 0.2%
Capital 177,418 4,124,873 5,385,788 5,385,788 2,352,323 1.6%
Internal Service 1,568,297 1,943,492 2,699,700 2,704,700 2,245,800 1.5%
Fiduciary /Trust 230,166 274,415 286,300 286,300 286,300 0.2%
General Fund 17,279,327 15,676,553 8,635,692 13,913,300 6,707,400 4.5%
Airport W /C 260,890 157,253 149,962 266,463 210,663 0.1%
utilities W /C 18,387,778 22,632,232 20,083,149 20,078,152 15,627,752 10.4%
Equipment Rental W /C 3,863,699 3,671,789 3,324,958 3,270,958 3,797,958 2.5%
Cemetery W /C 329,041 335,524 292,934 292,934 253,634 0.2%
Golf Course W /C 199,754 316,305 143,705 191.905 168,905 0.1%
Commercial Retail W/C 50,000 33,300 36,300 0.0%
Construction Reserves 11,856,614 14,932,648 10,923,596 9,259,196 8,177,973 5.5%
Other 17,588,769 17,265,922 13,568,232 16,661,001 14,980,672 10.0%
Total Funds $ 170,696,342 $ 155,925,298 $ 162,768,041 $ 159,344,205 $ 149,689,409 100.0%
Page 87
2004 Final Budoet
Section V: City Operations
Functional Structure
Another way of viewing the organizational structure of the City is by the services it provides. The page
opposite accounts for the various activities of the City from this perspective. Data on this page reflects
cost accounting principles rather than the state BARS system upon which the budget is based. Internal
Service and Debt Service Funds are separated from the various functions since these accounts would
double account expenditures made for that purpose. Reserves and working capital have also been
excluded in order to identify the planned expenditures by each category.
Administrative costs are grouped with the costs of the service rather than with the related administrative
unit, as it would be identified under administrative structure. For example, the administrative expenditures
made by the Finance Department in order to provide police services, are accounted for under police
services. Consequently, administrative units that are mainly administrative in character, such as finance,
personnel, etc., are not listed on the table; those costs are allocated to the appropriate service.
The table groups various activities of the City into several broad categories:
Public Safety: Including police and fire services.
Public Services: Including all utilities, transportation and the cemetery.
Quality of Life: Including planning, engineering, recreation, and building and land use regulation.
The table excludes the LID funds (except the LID Guarantee Fund).
The chart below is based on total cost rather than total funds.
2004 Budget by Function
Public Safety
Public Service-
Quality of Life
Public Service-
Page 88
2004 Final Budoet Section V: City Operations
Budget by Function or Program
2001 2002 2003 2003 2004 %
Actual Actual Adj Budget Est Actual Budget Share
Public Safety: $ 19,479,001 $ 2 I, 176,434 $ 23,719, I 10 $ 22,6 16,430 $ 25,938,300 17.3%
Fire 7,309,648 7,863,376 8,301 ,503 8,1 73,203 8,844,300 5.9%
Police, Court, Probation 12,169,353 13,313,058 15,41 7,607 14,443,227 17,094,000 11.4%
Public Services: 56, 184,724 32,688,900 43,853,614 40,582,6 14 46,457,600 31.0%
Cemetery 641,076 631,812 665,952 665,952 707,000 0.5%
Transportation: 19,005,476 10,148,613 11,905,290 8,659,290 10,030,700 6.7%
Airport 986,260 892,7 65 1,434,890 843,890 1,693,400 1.1%
streets 1,501,269 1,688,709 1,923,300 1,923,300 2,205,300 1.5%
street Construct. 16,517,947 7,567,139 8,547,100 5,892,100 6,132,000 4.1%
utilities: 36,538, 172 2 1,908,475 3 1,282,372 3 1,257,372 35,7 19,900 23.9%
utility Services 27,848,643 14,223,433 22,271,390 22,271,390 26,804,600 17.9%
Water 14,202,798 1 ,338,363 7,202.7 40 7,202.740 8,364,100 5.6%
Sewer 9,218,872 9,910,352 10,851,575 10,851.575 13,400,400 9.0%
Storm Drainage 4,426,973 2,974.718 4,217,075 4,217,075 5,040,100 3.4%
Solid Waste 8,689,529 7,685,042 9,010,982 8,985,982 8,915,300 6.0%
Quality of Life: I 1,953,594 10,5 I 1,459 14,236,606 13,546,606 12,588,329 8.4%
Recreation: 6,9 18,0 12 4,929,028 6,306,800 5,973,400 5,780,329 3.9%
Golf Course 974,984 962,802 1 ,1 72,600 1,122,600 1,060,500 0.7%
Parks 3,453,991 3,634,373 4,668,900 4,385,500 4.703,800 3.1%
Parks Construct. 2,489,037 331 ,853 465,300 465,300 16,029 0.0%
Community Develop: 5,035,582 5,582,43 I 7,929,806 7,573,206 6,808,000 4.5%
Planning/PropMgmt 1,240,495 1,624,874 1.757,656 1,602,356 1.7 66,000 1.2%
Building & Permits 1,261 ,805 1,352,646 1,889,1 50 1.783,150 1,988,600 1.3%
Engineering 1,923,332 2,114,826 2,501,800 2,434,300 2,363.700 1.6%
Com. Dev. Block Gr. 542,169 415,514 483,000 483,000 483,000 0.3%
Commercial Retail 1,147,400 1,119,600 55,000 0.0%
BIA/T ourism 67.781 74,571 1 50,800 150,800 1 51,700 0.1%
Total Expenses: 87,617,319 64,376.793 81 ,809,330 76.745,650 84,984,229 56.8%
Other: 83,079,023 9 1,548,506 80,958,706 82,598,557 64,705, 180 43.2%
Administration 2,918,180 3,391,928 5,205,855 4,566,135 4,398,800 2.9%
Non-Departmental 6,418,493 4.792,830 4,972,095 2,231 ,084 3,313,200 2.2%
Transfers/Other 1,677.783 1.713,871 4,931,800 3,152,400 1,840,000 1.2%
Debt Service 322,81 3 318,868 304,940 304,940 307,500 0.2%
Capital 177,418 4,1 24,873 5,385.788 5,385.788 2,352,323 1.6%
Internal Service 1,568,297 1,943,492 2,699.700 2.704.700 2,245,800 1.5%
Fiduciary 230,1 66 274,415 286,300 286,300 286,300 0.2%
Reserves: 69,765,873 74,988,229 57, 172,228 63,967,2 10 49,96 1,257 33.4%
General Fund 17,279,327 15,676,552 8,635,692 13,913,300 6.707,400 4.5%
Proprietary 25,955,668 30,015,543 26.784,148 26,836.752 22.740,252 15.2%
Construction 11,856,614 14,932,648 10,923,596 9,259,196 8,177,973 5.5%
Other 14,674,264 14,363,482 10,828.792 13,957,961 12,335,632 8.2%
Grand Total $ 170,696,342 $ 155,925,298 $ 1 62.768,041 $ 159,344,205 $ 149,689,409 100.0%
Page 89
2004 Final Budoet
Section V: City Operations
Departmental Expenditures by Cost Center: General Fund
The table opposite presents a summary of General Fund expenditures by cost center. A cost center
identifies specific activities within an administrative unit of the City. Since these cost centers correspond to
specific programs operated by the City, this page summarizes the program budgets of the General Fund.
The total public safety budget, which includes Police, Fire, Court, Probation and Civil Service, is 48.3% of the
General Fund. Police services are 28.8% of the General Fund, of which the largest police program is
operations. Jail services are 6.6% of the total General Fund, while Municipal Court and Probation Services
are 2.8%.
16.6% of the General Fund is allocated to fire services with the bulk of these funds committed to fire
suppression services.
The remainder of the General Fund is dispersed among a variety of services. Approximately 8.8% is
allocated to recreation (along with approximately 1 % for senior services), about 4.2% for street
maintenance, 4.6% for engineering, and 7.1 % for planning, permitting, and building code administration.
The pie chart below depicts General Fund expenditures exclusive of fund balance.
General Fund Expenditures by Cost Center
(excludes ending fund balance)
Finance Legal
4.2% 2.5%
Page 90
2004 Final Budoet Section V: City Operations
General Fund-Cost Center 2001 2002 2003 2003 2004 %
(includes fund balance) Actual Actual Adj Budget Est Actual Budget Share
Mayor & Council:
City Council Operations $ 66,919 $ 105,061 $ 139,750 $ 136,250 $ 157,300 0.3%
Mayor 191,361 250,050 456,397 453,897 480,700 0.9%
Total Mayor & Council 258,280 355,111 596,147 590,147 638,000 1.2%
Human Resources:
Court 631,216 646,853 783,195 756,145 867,000 1.6%
Probation 181,562 364,483 569,637 625,407 612,900 1.2%
Administration 555,538 644,241 739,958 672,938 755,500 1.4%
Civil Service Comm. 52,279 53,361 83,550 81,450 79,300 0.1%
Total Human Resources 1,420,595 1,708,938 2,176,340 2,135,940 2,314,700 4.3%
Administration 116,017 143,164 226,190 223,190 257,200 0.5%
Budget. Acct, Audit 374,384 329,005 537,670 511,670 538,800 1.0%
Printing 59,949 152,283 325,260 313,260 0.0%
Information Systems 623,358 892,411 1,609,630 1,177,630 1,148,900 2.2%
Total Finance 1,1 73,708 1,516,863 2,698,750 2,225,750 1,944,900 3.7%
City Attorney:
City Attorney 619,473 594,845 727,010 635,4 10 830,400 1.6%
City Clerk 258,900 227,510 360,440 360,440 340,700 0.6%
Total City Attorney 878,373 822,355 1,087,450 995,850 1,171,100 2.2%
Property Mngmnt 781,175 1,100,878 1,118,566 1,032,566 1,194,200 2.2%
Permits & Inspection 884,615 834,615 928,400 1.7%
Building/Maintenance 1,034,535 948,535 1,060,200 2.0%
Social Services & Health 459,320 523,996 609,090 569,790 571,800 1.1%
Total Planning 1,240,495 1,624,874 3,646,806 3,385,506 3,754,600 7.1%
Administration 1,462,788 1,700,263 2,163,100 1,753,750 2,475,300 4.6%
Operations 5,010,519 5,271,163 6,250,939 5,936,439 6,570,800 12.3%
Investigation 1,533,990 1,818,053 1,801,100 1.710,850 1,839,700 3.5%
Comm. Programs Unit 462,003 278,818 337,600 316,600 316,200 0.6%
Support 535,889 568,843 579,250 551 ,250 592,700 1.1%
Jail 2,280,834 2,560,153 2,783,600 2,643,600 3,514,300 6.6%
Total Police 11,286,023 12,197,293 13,915,589 12,912,489 15,309,000 28.8%
Administration 364,222 333,654 345,085 341 ,085 547,100 1.0%
Fire Suppression 5,711,868 6,074,524 6,524,861 6,417,561 6,799,400 12.8%
Prevention & Investig. 479,842 531,965 567,755 560,755 588,100 1.1%
Training & Facilities 678,450 765,928 735,572 726,572 782,300 1.5%
Special, Disaster & Med. 75,266 157,305 128,230 127,230 127,400 0.2%
Total Fire 7,309,648 7,863,376 8,301,503 8,173,203 8,844,300 16.6%
Public Works:
Permits & Inspections 747,355 669,490 0.0%
Building & Maintenance 514,450 683,156 0.0%
Engineering 1,923,332 2,114,826 2,501 ,800 2,434,300 2,363,700 4.4%
Total Public Works 3,185,137 3,467,472 2,501 ,800 2,434,300 2,363,700 4.4%
Administration 249,592 262,393 447,700 415,700 566,100 1.1%
Senior Citizen Services 303,920 341,105 374,650 358,650 444,700 0.8%
Recreation & Facilities 2,434,893 2,557,062 3,286,570 3,082,170 3,089,000 5.8%
Arts & Comm Museum 416,042 428,933 533,480 502,480 577,500 1.1%
Total Parks 3,404,447 3,589,493 4,642,400 4,359,000 4,677,300 8.8%
Maintenance & Opns 1,102,470 1,472,352 1,690,650 1,690,650 1,954,800 3.7%
Administration 398,799 216,357 232,650 232,650 250,500 0.5%
Total Streets 1,501,269 1,688,709 1,923,300 1,923,300 2,205,300 4.1%
Transfers & Misc. 6,418,493 4,792,830 4,972,095 2,231,084 3,313,200 6.2%
Ending Fund Balance 17,279,327 15,676,552 8,635,692 13,913,300 6,707,400 12.6%
Total Non-Depart. 23,697,820 20,469,382 13,607,787 16,144,384 10,020,600 18.8%
Total General Fund $ 55,355.795 $ 55,303,866 $ 55,097,872 $ 55,279,869 $ 53,243,500 100%
Page 91
2004 Final Budoet
Section V: City Operations
2004 Cost Allocations and Administrative Expenditures
The opposite page presents the allocation of administrative expenditures to proprietary funds. Many of the
City administrative services are provided centrally to all departments and funds. The costs of these services
are allocated to each fund within this budget. The table treats this complex subject in a simplified form in
order to present consistent data for each fund. For example, many costs are included which often would
not be considered administrative. Examples include legal costs, which include prosecution of city offenses,
and billing costs for utilities, which are included along with engineering costs.
For the 2004 budget, allocation of how staff is charged to proprietary funds was reviewed. Over the years,
job functions have changed, which results in a change of their allocation to other funds. For example, if
proprietary funds require less support from the Finance Department, less Finance staff costs are allocated to
them. Likewise, if proprietary funds require more support from an administrative department, more of the
support costs are allocated to that fund. In the allocation of interfund charges, consideration is also given
to funds such as Airport, Cemetery, and Golf Course who rely on their working capital balances to finance
future capital needs.
Administrative Cost Allocations
Page 92
2004 Final Budoet
Section V: City Operations
2004 Administrative Cost Allocations to Proprietary Funds
Fund Fund Fund Fund Fund Fund Fund Fund
430 431 432 434 435 436 437 550
Departments Water Sewer Storm Solid Waste Airport Cemetery Golf Equip. Total
Human Resources:
Personnel Service $ 32,200 $ 26,500 $ 18,800 $ 3,900 $ 5,500 $ 10,100 $ 7,700 $ 6,900 $ 111,600
Personnel Service 311, 100 202,400 1 62,800 247,100 38,600 28,000 16,000 63,000 1,069,000
Professional Service 9,700 9,400 5,800 5,400 700 800 900 1,900 34,600
Printshop/I.S. Chgs 115,300 45,500 47,300 33,000 15,000 11,700 9,000 23,800 300,600
Interfund Bldg Rent 31,500 28,300 28,300 27,800 1,400 3,300 2,800 3,700 127,100
Total Finance 467,600 285,600 244,200 313,300 55,700 43,800 28,700 92,400 1 ,531 ,300
Personnel Service 36,400 31,900 40,200 3,400 9,700 2,000 123,600
Personnel Service 10,900 10,900 3,700 14,400 39,900
Public Works:
Personnel Service 594,500 594,300 743,100 24,800 1,956,700
Personnel Service 6,900 42,700 6,800 21,900 78,300
Personnel Service 104,500 104,500
Personnel Service
Personnel Service 43,100 43,100
Equipment Rental:
Personnel Service 42,600 42,600 42,600 127,800
Interfund Bldg Rent 28,800 28,800 28,700 86,300
TOTALS $ 1,219,900 $ 1,063,700 $ 1,164,000 $ 425,100 $ 85,300 $ 60,700 $ 58,300 $ 126,100 $ 4,203,100
Page 93
2004 Final Budoet
Section V: City Operations
Budgeted Staffing
The following table presents current and past staffing at the various City departments. The data is
presented on the basis of the City's administrative structure, not on the basis of funds as in the case of the
financial data contained in this budget. The graph below depicts the distribution of staffing by
administrative structure for 2004. The 2004 budget adds 1.00 FTE-a Court Collections Clerk.
2004 Budgeted Positions
other 6%
Parks &
Page 94
2004 Final Budoet
Section V: City Operations
Budgeted Staffing
Mayor 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 4 4 *
Human Resources 5 6 6 6 6 6 6 7 7 7
Municipal Court 6 7 7 7 9 10 11 12 12 13 +1
Finance 18 18 19 20 25 25 26 27 28 28
Legal 9 9 9 10 11 13 13 13 13 13
Planning 13 14 14 14 12 12 12 13 31 31
Police 97 100 103 103 107 110 112 114 115 115
Fire 71 74 74 76 76 78 78 81 81 81
Public Works 47 54 55 56 58 62 62 62 48 49 +1
Parks & Rec. 29 30 30 33 34 34 34 35 37 37
street 11 11 11 13 13 13 13 13 13 13
Water 14 14 13 13 13 14 14 14 16 16
Sewer 6 6 6 6 6 7 7 7 7 6 -1
Storm Drainage 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7
Solid Waste 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 2 2
Airport 5 5 5 5 4 3 3 3 3 3
Cemetery 6 6 6 7 7 7 7 7 7 7
Golf Course 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 6 6 6
Equip. Rental 7 9 8 9 8 8 8 8 10 10
TOTAL 364 383 386 399 411 424 428 438 447 448 +1
Chanaes in 2003 throuah 2004:
Finance: In 2003 a reorganization eliminated the Assistant Finance Director and Buyer positions and created
the Accounting Manager and Financial Planning Manager positions.
Sewer/Public Works: The Storm/Sewer Supervisor position was eliminated and an M & 0 Operations Manager was
Court: A Court Collections Clerk 1.00 FTE was added during the 2004 Budget process.
( HE - Full-time Equivalent)
*Does not include seven Council positions.
Page 95
2004 Final Budoet
Section V: City Operations
Page 96