HomeMy WebLinkAboutSECTION 6-BASELINE BUDGET 2004 Final Budaet Section VI: Baseline Budaet SECTION VI: BASELINE BUDGET Introduction This section of the budget details the City's baseline budget. As such, department or fund delineates a complete discussion of City operations. This section also takes a detailed look at departments and divisions by providing both quantitative and qualitative performance measures. This enhanced presentation is designed to focus more attention on the results and direction of City services rather than on line-item allocations. The format of this section has been redesigned and the information is presented in a functional structure beginning with the administrative function, which includes such departments as the Mayor, Human Resources, Finance and Legal, followed by Public Safety, Public Service and Quality of Life. The non- functional departments or divisions are presented at the end of the baseline section and include a detailed description of the fund and a financial summary by line item. Sections for those funds representing functional departments or divisions are presented at the beginning of the baseline section and include: 1. Departmental or Divisional Orqanizational Chart: Each organizational chart identifies the authorized staff positions in the 2004 baseline budget. The charts specifically identify each full-time and permanent part-time position. Upper-level supervisory positions specify the total number of staff that report to the position, including those reporting to lower level supervisors and excluding the position itself. Consequently, in a department head's "box" is a number identifying the total number of staff in that department except for the department head's own position. Each employee has a "home" department/division/fund, but may perform work for another department/division/fund. This system is intended to identify all authorized permanent staff positions. 2. Fund Description: A summary of the progress each department or division made in its mission or work program during 2003, including general operations and obligation of the fund, and the work program and the goals that the department will undertake in 2004. 3. Baseline Budqet by Line Item: For general fund departments and funds, this information is presented in a line item format. This is based on the Washington State Budgeting, Accounting and Reporting System (BARS), which govern the City's accounting procedures. Data for the proprietary funds is presented in a working capital format, which not only describes the use of these funds, but also examines the fiscal status of the fund itself. This format also summarizes the income associated with the fund. Page 97 2004 Final Budaet Section VI: Baseline Budaet 2001 2002 2003 2003 2004 Total Baseline Budget Adual Adual Adj Budget Est Adual Budget 10 Salaries & Wages 11 Regular Salaries & Wages $ 22,258,802 $ 24,149,814 $ 26,980,426 $ 25,230,718 $ 27,937,400 12 Overtime 683,936 687,593 896,850 869,850 927,900 13 Other Wages 400,213 418,329 554,600 554,600 583,600 Salary Sub-Total 23,342,951 25,255,736 28,431,876 26,655,168 29,448,900 20 Personnel Benefits 5,197,337 5,591,541 7,902,533 7,474,630 8,223,300 22 Uniforms & Clothing 166,837 1 78,040 21 7,850 21 7,850 210,500 Benefits Sub-Total 5,364,1 74 5,769,581 8,120,383 7,692,480 8,433,800 30 Supplies 31 Office & Operating Supplies 1 ,855,039 1,681,062 1,946,730 1,936,980 1 ,953,000 35 Small Tools & Minor Equip 560,114 646,216 864,030 699,130 672,700 Supplies Sub-Total 2,415,153 2,327,278 2,810,760 2,636,11 ° 2,625,700 40 Other Services & Supplies 41 Professional Services 10,112,462 9,200,989 13,016,711 1 2,722,461 11,1 77,1 23 42 Communication 1,243,097 1 ,509,207 1 ,696,250 1,601,550 1 ,71 0,700 43 Travel 49,090 70,370 154,890 154,840 146,200 44 Advertising 105,354 133,727 148,790 143,490 154,800 45 Operating Rentals & Leases 294,775 300,769 436,160 431,960 426,900 46 Insurance 800,854 836,436 1,015,100 1,015,100 1,156,900 47 Utility Services 1 ,268,202 1 ,486,103 1 ,639,220 1 ,630,420 1 ,626,800 48 Repairs & Maintenance 728,099 848,016 1 ,489,605 1,476,105 1 ,462,900 49 Miscellaneous 2,354,024 2,513,942 3,730,355 3,737,705 3,619,400 Other Services Sub-Total 16,955,957 16,899,559 23,327,081 22,913,631 21,481,723 50 Intergovt/lnterfund Services/Tax 14,441,037 14,696,091 16,711 ,073 13,067,273 12,825,300 60 Capitol Outlays 61 Land 3,130,442 926,417 1 ,269,000 1 ,100,000 165,000 62 Buildings 480,4 1 7 1 ,193,364 582,188 1 ,155,688 3,900 63 Other Improvements 15,078,756 9,752,488 9,730,100 6,543,600 7,855,329 64 Machinery & Equipment 1,319,116 1 ,703,299 4,036,182 3,501,382 2,534,700 65 Construction In Progress 9,389,812 4,472,851 5,157,800 4,692,300 8,184,000 Capitol Outlay Sub-Total 29,398,543 18,048,4 19 20,775,270 16,992,970 18,742,929 70 Debt Service: Principal 1 ,734,035 2,078,033 2,381,500 2,381,500 2,492,100 80 Debt Service: Interest 1,174,319 876,294 951,580 951,580 891,600 90 Interfund Payments For Services 186,915 240,604 (25,900) (25,900) 92,100 95 Interfund Oper Rentals & Leases 1,491,584 1 ,306,296 2,112,185 2,112,185 2,694,000 99 Interfund IS Services Interfund Sub-Total 1 ,678,499 1,546,900 2,086,285 2,086,285 2,786,100 00 Other Uses 4,607,566 (5,973,216) 587,600 587,600 564,900 00 Designated Ending Fund Balance 4,200,000 4,824,000 4,380,000 3,560,000 3,722,900 00 Undesignated End Fund Balance 65,291,558 69,576,625 52,204,628 59,819,61 ° 45,673,457 Department Totals $ 170,603,794 $ 155,925,299 $ 162,768,036 $ 159,344,207 $ 149,689,409 Page 98 2004 Final Budaet Section VI: Baseline Budaet 2001 2002 2003 2003 2004 Total General Fund Adual Adual Adj Budget Est Adual Budget 10 Salaries & Wages 11 Regular Salaries & Wages $ 17,771,880 $ 19,341,933 $ 21,402,640 $ 19,723,932 $ 22,140,600 12 Overtime 636,494 637,932 775,550 748,550 802,100 13 Other Wages 331 ,066 329,519 432,000 432,000 456,600 Salary Sub-Total 18,739,440 20,309,384 22,610,190 20,904,482 23,399,300 20 Personnel Benefits 4,034,495 4,507,274 6,100,843 5,687,940 6,367,200 22 Uniforms & Clothing 148,871 161,613 191,030 1 91,030 184,500 Benefits Sub-Total 4,183,366 4,668,887 6,291,873 5,878,970 6,55l,700 30 Supplies 31 Office & Operating Supplies 888,448 773,252 1,086,450 1,080,000 1,058,600 35 Small Tools & Minor Equip 476,530 471,828 599,630 439,730 477,700 Supplies Sub-Total 1,364,978 1,245,080 1,686,080 l,519,730 1,536,300 40 Other Services & Supplies 41 Professional Services 2,098,683 1,945,444 3,274,437 3,001,887 2,792,400 42 Communication 1,042,311 1,300,550 1,560,500 1,466,400 1,568,400 43 Travel 41,569 61,096 1 22,340 122,290 118,000 44 Advertising 86,133 87,374 131,150 125,850 131,900 45 Operating Rentals & Leoses 242,828 253,135 379,110 374,910 362,800 46 Insurance 575,225 585,679 731 ,000 731,000 750,400 47 Utility Services 656,370 793,731 866,220 866,220 901 ,800 48 Repairs & Maintenance 301 ,334 51 2,366 852,165 852,165 857,700 49 Miscellaneous 412,842 446,646 776,605 783,855 692,200 Other Services Sub-Total 5,457,295 5,986,021 8,693,527 8,324,577 8,175,600 50 Intergovt/lnterfund Services/Tax 6,269,114 5,166,758 4,128,205 2,263,805 3,345,700 60 Capitol Outlays 61 Land 3,525 62 Buildings 44,601 27,000 27,000 63 Other Improvements 428,727 448,885 202,000 75,000 202,000 64 Machinery & Equipment 464,841 763,905 1,200,520 665,720 858,100 65 Construction In Progress 281,900 366,400 707,500 Capitol Outlay Sub-Total 941,694 1,212,790 l,711,420 1,134,120 1,7 67,600 70 Debt Service: Principal 134,000 134,000 139,000 80 Debt Service: Interest 117,000 117,000 11 1,1 00 90 Interfund Payments For Services 127,381 190,486 (212,500) (212,500) 25,300 95 Interfund Oper Rentals & Leoses 993,200 847,908 1 ,302,385 1 ,302,385 1,484,500 99 Interfund IS Services Interfund Sub-Total 1,120,581 1,038,394 1 ,089,885 1 ,089,885 1 ,509,800 00 Designated-Retirees 574,315 587,600 587,600 587,600 564,900 00 Designated Ending Fund Balance 4,200,000 4,824,000 4,380,000 3,560,000 3,722,900 00 Undesignated End Fund Balance 12,505,012 10,264,952 3,668,092 9,7 65,700 2,4 19,600 Department Totals $ 55,355,795 $ 55,303,866 $ 55,097,872 $ 55,279,869 $ 53,243,500 Page 99 2004 Final Budoet Section VI: Baseline Budoet Page 100 2004 Final Budoet Section VI: Baseline Budoet Organizational Chart Intergovernmental Services Coordinator Elected Judge Patrick Burns Human Resources Director Brenda Heineman 18 Reporting Staff Chief of Police Jim Kelly 114 Reporting Staff Public Works Director Dennis Dowdy 100 Reporting Staff Parks Director Daryl Faber 49 Reporting Staff Mayor Pete Lewis 447 Reporting Staff Page 101 Executive Assistant to the Mayor Administration Secretary City Attorney Dan Heid 12 Reporting Staff Fire Chief Bob Johnson 80 Reporting Staff Planning Director Paul Kraus 33 Reporting Staff Finance Director Shelley Coleman 29 Reporting Staff 2004 Final Budoet CITY COUNCIL AND MA YOR Section VI: Baseline Budoet The department consists of the City's elected officials. The Council, the legislative body representing the citizens of Auburn, is charged with the responsibility for developing policies that guide the legislative affairs of the City. Guidelines promulgated by the Council in the form of ordinances and resolutions are transmitted to the Mayor for implementation, follow-up and evaluation. Annually, the Council develops goals and provides a budget, which gives purpose and direction to City programs and initiatives. The Mayor, as Auburn's Chief Executive Officer, sees that all laws and ordinances are faithfully enforced and has general supervision of the administration of City government and all City interests. In this role the Mayor assists the Council in developing City policy and translating Council goals and policies into specific administrative objectives. Under the direction of the Mayor, eight department directors -- the City A ttorney, Chief of Police, Fire Chief, Director of Public Works, Director of Planning, Director of Human Resources, Director of Finance and Director of Parks & Recreation -- carry out the necessary activities of the City. 2003 ACCOMPLISHMENTS AUBURN IS SAFE .:. Sought approval and funding for needed public facilities and equipment for use in fire and law enforcement; worked towards approval of a public safety building site and fire station sites. .:. Continued emphasis on essential City infrastructure. .:. Continued proactive outreach to the community in need. .:. Continued to make crosswalk improvements, concentrating on the Central Business District, major arterials, and schools first; then prioritizing zones radiating from the center for expansion of the program. .:. Continued support of the most critical human services programs; completed the Human Services Needs Assessment and reviewed opportunities for additional sources of funding. .:. Implemented Downtown lighting improvements through" Light Up Auburn". .:. Ensured adequate water supply. .:. Updated non-motorized plan. .:. Continued regional transportation efforts by seeking partnerships to widen SR 167 from 1- 405 to SR 512 by two lanes and add an HOV lane. Developed partnerships for funding to widen SR 164 from Auburn Way South to Enumclaw and extend the link road from SR 18 to SR 164. .:. Implemented plans for improvements to enterprise programs and facilities to emphasize increased revenues. .:. Continued to implement procedures and policies to help the City deal effectively with the economic slowdown. AUBURN IS USER-FRIENDLY .:. Instituted a Customer Service Training program. .:. Worked with the community to develop a "One Stop Permit Shop". .:. Continued pressure for a new post office. .:. Continued the sidewalk infill program. .:. Continued improvement of local streets (improved the top three on the priority list). .:. Continued to develop a cooperative relationship with our partner, the Muckleshoot Tribe. .:. Began work towards development of a Community Center Citizen Plan. .:. Expanded City Website for community benefit. .:. Televised Council meetings. .:. Created and distributed a citywide event calendar. Page 102 2004 Final Budoet 2003 ACCOMPLISHMENTS, continued AUBURN IS ATTRACTIVE .:. Continued to initiate planned neighborhood improvement programs within budget constraints. .:. Began strategies, as allowed by budget, based on the results of the branding exercise; improve streetscape and focus on a cooperative effort to build gateways. .:. Began City Tree Plan for a Tree City USA program, including needs assessment, replacement of trees and/or repair of sidewalks. .:. Continued current level of code enforcement with Council review and modernization of codes. .:. Updated Landscaping Code/Zoning Code/Comp Plan. Page 103 Section VI: Baseline Budoet 2004 WORK PROGRAM GOALS .:. Begin work on Enhanced Wetlands project. .:. Work toward meeting Public Safety Building goal needs. .:. Begin Les Gove Community Campus planning process. .:. Televise City events and meetings. .:. Implement Downtown lighting improvements, "Light Up Auburn." .:. Institute new One Stop Permit Shop Committee findings. .:. Continue crosswalk improvements. .:. Increase community involvement in street safety needs. .:. Continue support for critical human service needs. .:. Work on funding for adequate improvements to State Highway 167, road and safety improvements to State Highway 164 and re- establish the link road from State Route 18 to State Route 164. .:. Work on funding for A Street, M Street and I Street corridors. .:. Expand economic development and retention efforts throughout the Auburn community. .:. Take the Customer Service Program to the community. .:. Establish new meeting schedules for City meetings to be held outside City Hall. .:. Develop funding sources for ongoing local street improvements. .:. Further develop working relationship with our partner in the valley, the Muckleshoot Indian Tribe. .:. Expand City website for community use. .:. Utilize City Community Calendar for community benefit. .:. Increase City involvement in coordinating local and regional human service efforts. .:. Increase public participation in parks and area beautification. .:. Continue efforts to improve quality of life in low income, high-density housing areas. .:. Continue efforts to provide opportunities for remodeling and new construction in our urban center. .:. Increase Council's participation in regional political venues. 2004 Final Budoet Section VI: Baseline Budoet Line Item Summary 001 General 2001 2002 2003 2003 2004 11 Mayor & Council Actual Actual Adj Budget Est Actual Budget 10 Salaries & Wages 11 Regular Salaries & Wages $ 1 73,649 $ 205,220 $ 266,800 $ 261,374 $ 329,000 12 Overtime 13 Other Wages 90 2,000 2,000 2,000 Salary Sub-Total 173,649 205,310 268,800 263,374 331,000 20 Personnel Benefits 22,820 31,502 65,900 64,326 82,800 22 Uniforms & Clothing Benefits Sub-Total 22,820 31,502 65,900 64,326 82,800 30 Supplies 31 Office & Operating Supplies 810 2,668 2,250 2,250 3,200 35 Small Tools & Minor Equip l,756 500 500 500 Supplies Sub-Total 810 4,424 2,750 2,750 3,700 40 Other Services & Supplies 41 Professional Services 46,182 71, 1 83 127,200 127,200 55,000 42 Communication 162 2,423 45,900 45,900 55,600 43 Travel 2,622 11, 193 19,100 19,100 23,500 44 Advertising 7,000 7,000 7,000 45 Operating Rentals & Leases 1,313 1,000 46 Insurance l,712 1,801 3,400 3,400 2,300 47 Utility Services 48 Repairs & Maintenance 49 Miscellaneous 4,064 15,206 46,900 46,900 52,500 Other Services Sub-Total 54,742 103,119 249,500 250,500 195,900 50 Intergovt/lnterfund Services/Tax 60 Capital Outlays 61 Land 62 Buildings 63 Other Improvements 64 Machinery & Equipment 65 Construction In Progress Capitol Outlay Sub-Total 70 Debt Service: Principal 80 Debt Service: Interest 90 Interfund Payments For Services 959 5,560 2,950 2,950 7,600 95 Interfund Oper Rentals & Leases 5,300 5,196 6,247 6,247 13,000 99 Interfund IS Services 4,000 Interfund Sub-Total 6,259 10,756 9,197 9,197 24,600 00 Other Applications Deportment Totals $ 258,280 $ 355,111 $ 596,147 $ 590,147 $ 638,000 Page 104 2004 Final Budoet Section VI: Baseline Budoet Human Resources Department Human Resources Director Brenda Heineman 18 Reporting Staff Human Resources Assistant Court & Probation Services Administrator Compensation & Employee Relations Manager Court & Probation Services Manager Safety Manager Probation Counselor (2) Court Clerk II (7) Recruitment and Employment Manager Probation Assistant Human Resources Assistant Human Resources Clerk Page 105 2004 Final Budoet Section VI: Baseline Budoet HUMAN RESOURCES DEPARTMENT The Human Resources Department responsibilities include developing and administering policies, conducting employment recruitment, interviewing and selection of new and regular employees for available positions. The department also ensures compliance with the Safety program, monitors the Affirmative Action program, and provides citywide risk management services. The Department analyzes and recommends modifications and/or creation of job classifications and salary and wage systems and coordinates and administers employee benefits. Develops and conducts training programs, develops and oversees the performance evaluation system, interfaces with employees on the Employee Assistance Program, ensures compliance with applicable state and federal laws and regulations, negotiates labor contracts and processes grievances under labor contracts. The Municipal Court administers the judicial processing of misdemeanors, domestic violence and traffic cases within the City's jurisdiction. 2003 ACCOMPLISHMENTS 2004 WORK PROGRAM GOALS .:. Implemented an ongoing Public Relations Program for employees to reflect community values. .:. Created a new performance evaluation system for Public Works technical and engineering positions. .:. Analyzed and identified all "caution zone" jobs in accordance with state ergonomics regulations. .:. Conducted management and employee training programs, reviewed policies, procedures and employment/safety practices. .:. Created a manual on court operations to include desk procedures on each job task. .:. Developed a safety training matrix delineating required safety training for each position with appropriate follow up by managers. .:. Recommend and implement additional alternatives to incarceration programs. .:. Create a new performance evaluation system for Finance, Parks and Planning. .:. Negotiate seven collective bargaining contract agreements for 2004-2006. .:. Develop an updated volunteer handbook. .:. Input employee history into HRIS program to complete files. .:. Centralize CPR/First Aid training in-house. .:. Enable applicants looking for employment with the City to complete and submit applications on line. .:. Reduce Worker's Compensation Claims by ten percent. .:. Obtain certification by Washington State to become a certified drug and alcohol assessment agency. .:. Implement the 3 C's; City Service- Service to our co-workers, Customer Service- Service to our citizens, Care in Service- Service to our entire community, into performance appraisals. Page 106 2004 Final Budoet Section VI: Baseline Budoet Line Item Summary 001 General 2001 2002 2003 2003 2004 13 Human Resources (Includes Court) Actual Actual Adj Budget Est Actual Budget 10 Salaries & Wages 11 Regular Salaries & Wages $ 755,679 $ 888,137 $ 993,300 $ 960,7 42 $ 1,085,200 12 Overtime 5,861 1 2,788 4,250 4,250 3,300 13 Other Wages 28,838 19,415 37,000 37,000 37,000 Salary Sub-Total 790,378 920,340 1,034,550 1,001,992 1,125,500 20 Personnel Benefits 164,301 204,182 295,073 285,631 321 ,000 22 Uniforms & Clothing 807 Benefits Sub-Total 164,301 204,989 295,073 285,631 321 ,000 30 Supplies 31 Office & Operating Supplies 10,634 10,498 12,800 12,800 12,800 35 Small Tools & Minor Equip 14,506 1,013 3,020 3,020 6,500 Supplies Sub-Total 25,140 1l,511 15,820 15,820 19,300 40 Other Services & Supplies 41 Professional Services 306,238 45 l,7 1 8 692,377 692,377 700,500 42 Communication 445 462 1,200 1,200 1,300 43 Travel 4,196 2,664 4,380 4,380 4,400 44 Advertising 47,162 52,717 50,100 50,100 45,100 45 Operating Rentals & Leases 3,268 5,547 1,000 1,000 1,000 46 Insurance 1,712 1,801 3,400 3,400 2,300 47 Utility Services 48 Repairs & Maintenance 9,321 1,465 4,890 4,890 4,900 49 Miscellaneous 35,788 34,367 48,200 48,200 48,800 Other Services Sub-Total 408,130 550,7 41 805,547 805,547 808,300 50 Intergovt/lnterfund Services/Tax 60 Capitol Outlays 61 Land 62 Buildings 63 Other Improvements 64 Machinery & Equipment 12,648 65 Construction In Progress Capitol Outlay Sub-Total 12,648 70 Debt Service: Principal 80 Debt Service: Interest 90 Interfund Payments For Services 19,998 18,561 24,250 24,250 24,400 95 Interfund Oper Rentals & Leases 2,796 2,700 2,700 4,000 99 Interfund IS Services 12,200 Interfund Sub-Total 19,998 21,357 26,950 26,950 40,600 00 Other Applications Department Totals $ 1,420,595 $ 1,708,938 $ 2,177,940 $ 2,135,940 $ 2,314,700 Page 107 2004 Final Budoet Section VI: Baseline Budoet Page 108 2004 Final Budoet Section VI: Baseline Budoet Finance Department Financial Planning Manager Financial Analyst Finance Director Shelley Coleman 29 Reporting Staff Capital Assets! Grants Accountant Accounting Manager General Ledger Accountant Accounting Assistant Accounting Specialist Payroll Specialist (2) Accounting Supervisor Information Systems Administrator Computer Specialist (2) Secretary Solid Waste Supervisor Utility Accounting Manager Accounting Assistant - Utility (3) Accounting Specialist - Solid Waste Network Administrator (2) Systems Analyst M u Itimed ialWeb Multimedia Specialist Page 109 Accounting Specialist - Utility Accounting Technician - Utility Meter Reader (2) 2004 Final Budoet FINANCE DEPARTMENT Section VI: Baseline Budoet The Finance Department provides support services for both the public and internal City Departments. Major responsibilities include: financial and budgetary policy development; long term financing and cash management; centralized information systems, telephone systems, printing and mail processing; the budgeting and accounting functions of utility billing, payroll, purchasing, and accounts payable. The department prepares a comprehensive annual financial report and an annual budget document. Other duties include providing analytical support, guidance and accounting and budget advice to departments. 2003 ACCOMPLISHMENTS .:. Researched, studied and prepared RFP for a software upgrade of utility billing and prepare system for 2004 conversion. .:. Prepared and analyzed the 2004 rate study for Solid Waste fund. .:. Implemented use of credit/debit cards for utility billing payments. .:. Installed upgraded credit card machines at cemetery, parks, senior center, golf course & district court and provided training. .:. Continued implementation of GASB 34 reporting requirements; analyzed impact on future annual reports and budgets. .:. Established formal Equipment Rental reserves for vehicle operations and replacement. .:. Researched financing options for public safety facilities. .:. Prepared 2002 Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR); applied for national award on the 2002 CAFR. .:. Finalized 2003 City of Auburn Budget and prepared the 2004 Preliminary Budget. .:. Continued to monitor bond issues for arbitrage compliance. .:. Researched, recommended, and implemented Government Access Cable Television. .:. Piloted laptop communication in Fire Department command vehicles. .:. Implemented wireless laptop reporting in Police patrol vehicles. .:. Implemented field laptop inspection module to allow Building Inspectors to document inspections in the field and upload to CRW at days end. .:. Updated six-year Capital Facilities Plan. .:. Managed annual Financial & Compliance Audit. Page 110 2004 WORK PROGRAM GOALS .:. Complete conversion/upgrade of utility billing system. .:. Prepare and analyze 2005 rate study for the Solid Waste fund. .:. Research, recommend and implement video conferencing services including correctional/Court systems, desktop and inter-facility communications. .:. Connect Police records management system with King County fingerprint system. .:. Research, recommend and install technology for new Public Safety building. .:. Prepare 2004 Final Budget and prepare 2005 Preliminary Budget. .:. Prepare 2003 Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR); apply for national award for 2003 CAFR. .:. Upgrade cash receipting system. .:. Implement GASB 34. .:. Secure financing for proposed Public Safety Building. .:. Manage the annual audit. .:. Continue to monitor bond issues for arbitrage compliance. .:. Update six-year Capital Facilities Plan. 2004 Final Budoet Section VI: Baseline Budoet Line Item Summary 001 General 2001 2002 2003 2003 2004 14 Finance Actual Actual Adj Budget Est Actual Budget 10 Salaries & Wages 11 Regular Salaries & Wages $ 469,837 $ 552,620 $ 658,100 $ 580,580 $ 686,000 12 Overtime 3,881 5,412 8,000 8,000 5,000 13 Other Wages 1,836 6,644 37,500 37,500 55,000 Salary Sub-Total 475,554 564,676 703,600 626,080 746,000 20 Personnel Benefits 98,892 106,426 197,850 175,370 208,100 22 Uniforms & Clothing 198 300 300 Benefits Sub-Total 99,090 106,426 198,150 175,670 208,100 30 Supplies 31 Office & Operating Supplies 100,150 57,066 1 79,580 1 73,580 110,000 35 Small Tools & Minor Equip 140,242 148,271 157,100 76,600 113,100 Supplies Sub-Total 240,392 205,337 336,680 250,180 223,100 40 Other Services & Supplies 41 Professional Services 97,974 84,578 333,480 333,480 332,800 42 Communication 62,782 71,013 274,100 274,100 272,800 43 Travel 2,148 2,790 10,610 10,610 10,600 44 Advertising 45 Operating Rentals & Leases 66,324 81,171 1 63,500 1 63,500 166,700 46 Insurance l,712 1,801 3,400 3,400 2,300 47 Utility Services 48 Repairs & Maintenance 69,584 91,849 285,550 285,550 292,700 49 Miscellaneous 93,067 118,625 314,910 314,910 21l,200 Other Services Sub-Total 393,591 451 ,827 1,385,550 1,385,550 l,289,1 00 50 I ntergovt /1 nterfund Services/Tax 60 Capitol Outlays 61 Land 62 Buildings 63 Other Improvements 64 Machinery & Equipment 1 29,253 291 ,506 579,870 293,370 292,500 65 Construction In Progress Capitol Outlay Sub-Total 129,253 291 ,506 579,870 293,370 292,500 70 Debt Service: Principal 80 Debt Service: Interest 90 Interfund Payments For Services (164,172) (102,909) (507,900) (507,900) (470,700) 95 Interfund Oper Rentals & Leases 2,800 2,800 4,200 99 Interfund IS Services (347,400) Interfund Sub-Total (164,172) (102,909) (505,100) (505,100) (813,900) 00 Other Applications Department Totals $ 1 ,1 73,708 $ 1,516,863 $ 2,698,750 $ 2,225,750 $ 1,944,900 Page 111 2004 Final Budoet Section VI: Baseline Budoet Page 112 2004 Final Budoet Legal Department Section VI: Baseline Budoet Paralegal Legal Assistant Assistant City Attorney Legal Receptionist Associate City Attorney Records & Reg.! License Clerk City Attorney Dan Heid 12 Reporting Staff City Clerk Page 113 Legal Secretary City Prosecutor (2) Domestic Violence Victim Advocate Deputy City Clerk 2004 Final Budoet Section VI: Baseline Budoet LEGAL DEPARTMENT This department consists of the Legal Department and the City Clerk's office. The Legal Department represents the City in all litigation, including civil and criminal misdemeanor cases. The department prepares ordinances, resolutions, petitions, contracts, leases, easements, deeds, notices and other legal documents; provides legal counsel and advice to the City. The department responds to citizen inquiries concerning City matters, prosecutes criminal cases in Auburn Municipal Court and at all levels of appeal thereafter. Prosecutes and/or defends all civil actions brought by or against the city, or against officials, officers and employees in their official capacity. Responsibilities of the City Clerk Division include monitoring various legal matters; business licensing; issuing pet licenses; acting as a central repository for all municipal records; processing insurance claims and requests for public information; ordinance codification, City Council agendas and minutes, and LEOFF Board agendas and minutes. 2003 ACCOMPLISHMENTS 2004 WORK PROGRAM GOALS .:. Reviewed and revised procedures for cases in .:. Work with the Police Department to develop the Municipal Court to increase effectiveness procedures to enhance effective pursuit of and efficiency of prosecution functions. property/drug forfeiture cases. .:. Worked with the Police Department to .:. Develop prosecution strategies, including develop procedures and approaches to standard dispositional recommendations, to enhance successful prosecution of crimes approach cases in the Municipal Court and to and violations of City Ordinances. enhance prosecution effectiveness. .:. Worked with the Police Department, .:. Work with local and regional service providers attorneys, neighboring law enforcement to assemble a support network to address agencies, and regional communities in needs of victims of domestic violence. addressing a consistent/uniform approach to .:. Review the efficacy and practicality of enforcement of criminal laws in the region. transferring City business licensing functions to .:. Developed procedures to address needs of the Finance Department and/or the Planning Domestic Violence cases and utilization of the Department. City's Domestic Violence Victim Advocate. .:. Work with the Mayor and the City's .:. Developed procedures and reviewed forms Intergovernmental Services Coordinator, as to address public records requests. well as regional and state participants to .:. Developed and proposed new ordinances, develop strategies for legislative bills to including business-licensing ordinances, for enhance the ability of Auburn and cities in the adoption by the City Council, to address the state to carry out their municipal needs of the City and its citizens. responsibilities. .:. Developed and utilized a database program .:. Work with the Court and Public Defender for tracking civil cases involving the City. (and defense bar) to better handle case load .:. Worked with the Association of Washington management and streamline court processes Cities for specified changes in state law. to improve public access to the courts and .:. Worked with attorneys from neighboring cities adjudication of cases. to address regional and statewide municipal .:. Work with the Police Department, attorneys issues. and law enforcement agencies of .:. Worked with the Planning Department for neighboring communities to address regional efficient and effective methods of civil code criminal justice and law enforcement needs. enforcement. .:. Review, develop and revise policies and .:. Introduced paperless agenda packets for the procedures for public records requests. City Council and Finance Committee. .:. Develop and propose new ordinances, for adoption by the City Council, to address the on-going needs of the City and its citizens. Page 114 2004 Final Budoet Section VI: Baseline Budoet Line Item Summary 001 General 2001 2002 2003 2003 2004 15 Legal/ClerkDepartment Actual Actual Adj Budget Est Actual Budget 10 Salaries & Wages 11 Regular Salaries & Wages $ 51l,724 $ 555,256 $ 623,550 $ 553,782 $ 698,000 12 Overtime 677 302 400 400 400 13 Other Wages 2,809 10,885 2,900 2,900 2,900 Salary Sub-Total 515,210 566,443 626,850 557,082 701,300 20 Personnel Benefits 103,288 109,603 181,395 1 61,1 63 203,100 22 Uniforms & Clothing Benefits Sub-Total 103,288 109,603 181,395 1 61,1 63 203,100 30 Supplies 31 Office & Operating Supplies 6,192 7,430 5,590 5,590 5,700 35 Small Tools & Minor Equip 943 6,727 1,700 1,700 1,700 Supplies Sub-Total 7,135 14,157 7,290 7,290 7,400 40 Other Services & Supplies 41 Professional Services 124,642 38,586 60,000 60,000 60,000 42 Communication 357 43 Travel 4,571 6,113 8,450 8,450 8,500 44 Advertising 22,813 20,145 20,000 20,000 20,000 45 Operating Rentals & Leases 5,736 5,925 6,500 6,500 5,000 46 Insurance 5,438 5,610 3,600 3,600 4,200 47 Utility Services 48 Repairs & Maintenance 984 791 1,650 1,650 1,500 49 Miscellaneous 17,977 2l,234 35,215 35,215 36,400 Other Services Sub-Total 182,161 98,761 135,415 135,415 135,600 50 I ntergovtjl nterfund Services/Tax 49,826 12,910 105,900 105,900 103,400 60 Capitol Outlays 61 Land 62 Buildings 63 Other Improvements 1,484 64 Machinery & Equipment 8 5,000 5,000 65 Construction In Progress Capitol Outlay Sub-Total 1,492 5,000 5,000 70 Debt Service: Principal 80 Debt Service: Interest 90 Interfund Payments For Services 19,261 20,481 24,000 24,000 16,000 95 Interfund Oper Rentals & Leases 99 Interfund IS Services 4,300 Interfund Sub-Total 19,261 20,481 24,000 24,000 20,300 00 Other Applications Department Totals $ 878,373 $ 822,355 $ 1,085,850 $ 995,850 $ 1,1 71,1 00 Page 115 2004 Final Budoet Section VI: Baseline Budoet Page 116 2004 Final Budoet Section VI: Baseline Budoet Police Department Chief of Police Jim Kelly 114 Reporting Staff Inspectional Services Sergeant Assistant Chief of Police Operations Assistant Chief of Police Support Services Investigations Commander Patrol Special Operations Sergeant Officers (8) Police Secretary Invest/Prof Stds Police Secretary Admin/lnsp Svcs Professional Stds Manager Evidence Techs (2) V.-N.E.T. Sergeant Page 117 2004 Final Budoet POLICE DEPARTMENT Section VI: Baseline Budoet The Police Department is involved in the protection of life and property, the prevention of crime, the investigation of crimes and apprehension of criminals. They are also responsible for the enforcement of laws including traffic violations; investigation of accidents, apprehension of drug violators, control of certain non-criminal conduct and the rendering of miscellaneous police related services. 2003 ACCOMPLISHMENTS .:. Provided police services specific to six reporting districts. .:. Completed the laptop-reporting project by providing inter connectivity between the laptop in the police vehicle, and the in-house Spillman database. .:. Prepared staffing contingency plan for 2004 in anticipation of increases in population demands. .:. Continued COPPS philosophy (Community Oriented Policing and Problem Solving) by giving officers the latitude to problem-solve in their districts. .:. Continued plan of reducing the department's dependency on outside jail services. 2004 WORK PROGRAM GOALS .:. Provide police services specific to six reporting districts. .:. Continue to meet with Clear Channel to problem solve traffic impacts associated with the White River Amphitheatre. .:. Prepare staffing contingency plan for 2005 in anticipation of increases in population demands. .:. Complete the King County web-based Regional Automated Information Network (RAIN) system. .:. Continue COPPS philosophy (Community Oriented Policing and Problem Solving) by empowering officers the latitude to problem solve in their districts. .:. Implement video conferencing between court and Yakima Dept. of Corrections for in- custody prisoners. .:. Work with other city staff to facilitate the completion of the Public Safety Building. .:. Continue to work with the city engineer to integrate the city GIS and Spillman Geo base program to facilitate in-house crime analysis. .:. Continue to look at alternatives toward reducing the costs associated with outside jail services. Page 118 2004 Final Budoet Section VI: Baseline Budoet Line Item Summary 001 General 2001 2002 2003 2003 2004 21 Police Actual Actual Adj Budget Est Actual Budget 10 Salaries & Wages 11 Regular Salaries & Wages $ 6,175,235 $ 6,576,322 $ 7,1 26,500 $ 6,610,859 $ 7,341 ,200 1 2 Overti me 256,356 342,141 427,500 400,500 451,000 13 Other Wages 17,585 7,468 10,000 10,000 10,000 Salary Sub-Total 6,449,176 6,925,931 7,564,000 7,021,359 7,802,200 20 Personnel Benefits 1 ,466,356 1,600,422 2,1 27,850 1,970,491 2,190,800 22 Uniforms & Clothing 73,902 85,494 102,400 102,400 10 1 ,400 Benefits Sub-Total 1 ,540,258 1,685,916 2,230,250 2,072,891 2,292,200 30 Supplies 31 Office & Operating Supplies 220,238 208,529 242,900 242,900 244,900 35 Small Tools & Minor Equip 32,316 47,786 50,950 50,950 56,500 Supplies Sub-Total 252,554 256,315 293,850 293,850 301 ,400 40 Other Services & Supplies 41 Professional Services 30,613 58,641 90,250 83,000 84,000 42 Communication 829,125 1,022,651 1,035,600 94l,500 1,040,900 43 Travel 14,024 17,006 29,400 29,400 28,900 44 Advertising 45 Operating Rentals & Leases 58,157 51,670 75,000 75,000 75,000 46 Insurance 141,862 143,689 397,000 188,000 456,900 47 Utility Services 48 Repairs & Maintenance 71,260 85,114 43,900 43,900 45,300 49 Miscellaneous 75,490 81,055 97,000 104,250 91,200 Other Services Sub-Total 1,220,531 1,459,826 l,7 68,150 1,465,050 1 ,822,200 50 I ntergovt /1 nterfund Services/T ox 1,310,031 1,429,799 1,455,000 1,455,000 2,259,300 60 Capitol Outlays 61 Land 62 Buildings 63 Other Improvements 64 Machinery & Equipment 143,278 82,131 15,150 15,150 53,100 65 Construction In Progress Capitol Outlay Sub-Total 143,278 82,131 15,150 15,150 53,100 70 Debt Service: Principal 80 Debt Service: Interest 90 Interfund Payments For Services 75,715 71,271 82,100 82,100 104,700 95 Interfund Oper Rentals & Leases 294,900 286,104 507,089 507,089 548,300 99 Interfund IS Services 125,600 Interfund Sub-Total 370,195 357,375 589,189 589,189 778,600 00 Other Applications Department Totals $ 11 ,286,023 $ 12,197,293 $ 13,915,589 $ 12,912,489 $ 15,309,000 Page 119 2004 Final Budoet Section VI: Baseline Budoet Page 120 2004 Final Budoet Section VI: Baseline Budoet Fire Department Fire Chief Bob Johnson 80 Reporting Staff Assistant Fire Chief Secretary Fire Prevention Operations Administrative Services Fire Marshal Training/Safety Chief Page 121 2004 Final Budoet FIRE DEPARTMENT Section VI: Baseline Budoet The Fire Department provides services designed to protect the lives and property of the inhabitants of the City from the adverse effects of fires, sudden medical emergencies or exposure to dangerous conditions created by either man or nature. The fire department is responsible for that part of the fire prevention and control system within the Auburn community that provides rescue, fire extinguishment, fire/arson investigation, emergency medical services, hazardous material response, disaster services and public fire prevention activities. Services are also provided to the City of Algona and King County Fire Protection District 31. Auburn firefighters will respond to approximately 7,200 emergency calls in 2004 in addition to their prevention, inspection, training, public education and maintenance activities. Services are delivered from three fire stations staffed 24 hours a day, located strategically in the north, south and west areas of the community. 2003 ACCOMPLISHMENTS .:. Replaced 1984 fire engine. .:. Completed Basic Life Support transport study and explored partnership with other area fire departments. .:. Began pilot program of vehicle-mounted computers to integrate into Valley Com's CAD system to enhance Firefighter safety, efficiency and effectiveness. .:. Upgraded all department self-contained breathing apparatus with new personal alert safety systems and electronic speaking projectors. .:. Completed preparation and notification process for implementation and management of a fee schedule program with businesses within the City of Auburn that requires an annual permit as outlined in the Uniform Fire Code. 2004 WORK PROGRAM GOALS .:. Replace two 1991 Aid Units with two 2004 Aid Units. .:. Implement Basic Life Support patient transport cost recovery program. .:. Work with neighboring fire districts to explore the annexation of Auburn Fire Department into a larger fire district. .:. Adopt the Regional Hazard Mitigation Plan. .:. Reorganize the fire mechanic's position by changing it to a civilian position, working under the City of Auburn Maintenance & Operations Division. .:. Implement and manage a fee schedule program with businesses within the City of Auburn that requires an annual permit as outlined in the Uniform Fire code. Page 122 2004 Final Budoet Section VI: Baseline Budoet Line Item Summary 001 General 2001 2002 2003 2003 2004 22 Fire Actual Actual Adj Budget Est Actual Budget 10 Salaries & Wages 11 Regular Salaries & Wages $ 5,262,830 $ 5,629,328 $ 5,766,200 $ 5,688,680 $ 6,093,400 12 Overtime 299,550 223,063 253,500 253,500 253,500 13 Other Wages 961 19,700 19,700 19,700 Salary Sub-Total 5,563,341 5,852,391 6,039,400 5,961,880 6,366,600 20 Personnel Benefits 825,565 936,085 1,194,480 1 ,1 72,000 1,259,400 22 Uniforms & Clothing 57,655 58,292 63,060 63,060 59,700 Benefits Sub-Total 883,220 994,377 1,257,540 1,235,060 1,319,100 30 Supplies 31 Office & Operating Supplies 122,639 91,095 1 26,550 1 26,550 1 32,100 35 Small Tools & Minor Equip 85,903 72,728 61,810 51,810 61,800 Supplies Sub-Total 208,542 1 63,823 188,360 1 78,360 193,900 40 Other Services & Supplies 41 Professional Services 45,165 50,871 67,950 67,950 67,700 42 Communication 113,512 145,087 161,450 161,450 1 60,600 43 Travel 2,540 9,929 19,150 19,150 16,200 44 Advertising 610 610 600 45 Operating Rentals & Leases 58,277 64,025 60,300 60,300 60,000 46 Insurance 18,213 17,856 20,500 20,500 25,000 47 Utility Services 37,708 37,755 40,100 40,100 40,100 48 Repairs & Maintenance 35,513 115,634 111,140 111,140 111,800 49 Miscellaneous 77,515 45,509 80,370 80,370 78,000 Other Services Sub-Total 388,443 486,666 561,570 561,570 560,000 50 Intergovt/lnterfund Services/Tax 60 Capitol Outlays 61 Land 62 Buildings 63 Other Improvements 27,444 64 Machinery & Equipment 43,909 1 73,328 35,500 17,200 65 Construction In Progress Capitol Outlay Sub-Total 43,909 200,772 35,500 17,200 70 Debt Service: Principal 80 Debt Service: Interest 90 Interfund Payments For Services 29,593 49,139 29,580 29,580 33,600 95 Interfund Oper Rentals & Leases 192,600 116,208 189,553 189,553 283,400 99 Interfund IS Services 87,700 Interfund Sub-Total 222,193 165,347 219,133 219,133 404,700 00 Other Applications Department Totals $ 7,309,648 $ 7,863,376 $ 8,301 ,503 $ 8,1 73,203 $ 8,844,300 Page 123 2004 Final Budoet Section VI: Baseline Budoet Page 124 2004 Final Budoet Planning Department Section VI: Baseline Budoet Community Development Administrator Long Range Planning & Neighborhood Development (3) Current Planning (2) Environmental Protection Manager Planning Director Paul Krauss 33 Reporting Staff Economic Development Coordinator Building Inspectors (3) Plans Examiner/ Ass't Bldg. Mgr. Residential Plans Examiner Commercial Building Technician *Detail reported in the individual division. Compliance & Facilities Administrator Graphics Specialist Building Division Manager Building Maintenance (3) Custodial Staff (4) Permit Counter Coordinator Permit Technician Page 125 Airport Operations (3)* Code Enforcement Officers (2) Clerical Support Staff (2) 2004 Final Budoet Section VI: Baseline Budoet PLANNING & COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT The Planning and Community Development Department is responsible for eight of the City's program areas. These include administration of the City's planning and growth management functions; social service functions; economic development; operation of Auburn Municipal Airport, the Building Division, Code Enforcement, environmental protection and property management. Planning and Community Development also coordinates Auburn's intergovernmental activities and relationships. Airport functions are described within their own section of the budget. 2003 ACCOMPLISHMENTS 2004 WORK PROGRAM GOALS .:. Completed EIS preparation for Kersey III and .:. Undertake at least one, grant-funded, fish Valley Drive-In planned developments. habitat restoration project and secure funding .:. Created Partnership Logo and Tagline Usage and planning for additional projects. Guidelines and launched the city-wide cross .:. Construct first gateway project. marketing strategy. .:. Continue to lease space at Auburn Station .:. Staff established a quarterly Auburn Marketing retail space. and PR professionals' roundtable in an effort to .:. Develop an economic development proactively pursue opportunities. Internet "gateway" with developable land .:. Undertook permit process evaluation and began and commercial space inventories. implementation of recommendations. .:. Develop a biannual forum that educates .:. Initiated major update of the City Comprehensive citizens about the functions of the City of Plan. Auburn. .:. Completed Terminal Park Neighborhood Plan and .:. Create an Economic Development initiated second neighborhood process. Strategic Action Plan or a City Business Plan. .:. Completed the final designs for the Gateway .:. Develop welcome packets for Program and developed City signage design new /potential businesses and residents guidelines. (online and paper versions). .:. Managed human service funding cuts by State and .:. Continue solicitation and retention efforts Federal agencies. of the tag line/joint marketing expansion .:. Updated the CDBG Consolidated Plan using current project. census data and local input. .:. Complete a comprehensive historic .:. Reduced backlog of code compliance cases. inventory. .:. Initiated downtown Parking Management Program. .:. Continue to develop opportunities for .:. Achieved occupancy of Auburn Station retail by first Gateway sponsorships. tenants. .:. Draft downtown design guidelines for future .:. Economic development efforts helped to bring a development /redevelopment. 500 person corporate headquarters and several .:. Continue to implement recommendations of new restaurants to Auburn. permit study group and service improvements .:. Negotiated development of new public safety through one-stop process. complex for the City and redevelopment of resulting .:. Complete new Public Safety complex, sale of land assets. resulting land assets and construction of a new .:. Established the City's first coordinated, inter- parking garage serving City Hall. departmental grants team. .:. Complete second neighborhood planning .:. Adopted multi-family tax abatement program for process, continue implementation of the first. the downtown. .:. Continue process of rational and economically .:. Initiated work on enhanced wetland project along defensible annexations. SR 167. .:. Undertake GMA-mandated review of City .:. Secured urban center designation for Auburn's Comprehensive Plan. downtown. .:. Continue to help represent the City's .:. Established management program for City- interests on regional forums. owned properties. Page 126 2004 Final Budoet Section VI: Baseline Budoet Line Item Summary 001 General 2001 2002 2003 2003 2004 17 Planning Actual Actual Adj Budget Est Actual Budget 10 Salaries & Wages 11 Regular Salaries & Wages $ 597,102 $ 709,300 $ 1,569,900 $ 1,414,860 $ 1,614,900 12 Overtime 174 555 13,000 13,000 13,000 13 Other Wages 806 4,524 23,500 23,500 28,500 Salary Sub-Total 598,082 714,379 1,606,400 1,451,360 1 ,656,400 20 Personnel Benefits 121,135 1 39,736 460,975 416,015 474,800 22 Uniforms & Clothing 3,860 3,860 3,800 Benefits Sub-Total 121,135 1 39,736 464,835 419,875 478,600 30 Supplies 31 Office & Operating Supplies 7,954 9,602 50,330 50,330 48,600 35 Small Tools & Minor Equip 2,7 69 2,414 23,880 17,880 18,100 Supplies Sub-Total 1 0,723 12,016 74,210 68,210 66,700 40 Other Services & Supplies 41 Professional Services 401 ,461 628,322 737,1 70 687,1 70 684,800 42 Communication 11,672 7,982 10,300 10,300 7,300 43 Travel 4,101 1,769 14,500 14,500 11,500 44 Advertising 4,168 944 26,060 20,760 30,000 45 Operating Rentals & Leases 2,000 10,000 10,000 12,000 46 Insurance 21,675 22,453 28,500 28,500 3,600 47 Utility Services 1,090 1 74,000 1 74,000 1 74,000 48 Repairs & Maintenance 186,325 186,325 235,400 49 Miscellaneous 10,263 26,581 47,690 47,690 65,100 Other Services Sub-Total 454,430 690,051 1,234,545 1,179,245 1 ,223,700 50 Intergovt/lnterfund Services/Tax 41,945 52,945 64,000 64,000 68,000 60 Capitol Outlays 61 Land 62 Buildings 27,000 27,000 63 Other Improvements 75,000 75,000 125,000 64 Machinery & Equipment 271 7,500 7,500 65 Construction In Progress Capitol Outlay Sub-Total 271 109,500 109,500 125,000 70 Debt Service: Principal 80 Debt Service: Interest 90 Interfund Payments For Services 7,409 10,143 37,420 37,420 20,900 95 Interfund Oper Rentals & Leases 6,500 5,604 55,896 55,896 74,200 99 Interfund IS Services 41, 100 Interfund Sub-Total 13,909 15,747 93,316 93,316 136,200 00 Other Applications Department Totals $ 1,240,495 $ 1,624,874 $ 3,646,806 $ 3,385,506 $ 3,754,600 Page 127 2004 Final Budoet Section VI: Baseline Budoet Page 128 2004 Final Budoet Public Works Department Section VI: Baseline Budoet utilities Maintenance Engineer Maintenance & Operations Manager 52 Reporting Staff Water Division Manager 15 Reporting Staff* Sewer/Storm Manager 12 Reporting Staff* *Detail reported in the individual division. Public Works Director Dennis Dowdy 100 Reporting Staff City Engineer/Assistant Director 91 Reporting Staff Traffic Engineer 6 Reporting Staff General Services/ Fleet Manager 9 Reporting Staff* Sr. Project Engineer 6 Reporting Staff Development Engineer 2 Reporting Staff Street Supervisor 12 Reporting Staff* Page 129 Admin. Services Manager 7 Reporting Staff utilities Engineer 6 Reporting Staff Assistant City Engineer 22 Reporting Staff Construction Manager 5 Reporting Staff GIS/Tech Services Mgr. 5 Reporting Staff 2004 Final Budoet PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Section VI: Baseline Budoet The Public Works Department is functionally divided into the Administrative Services, Engineering & Development Management, Maintenance & Operations including Equipment Rental, Street, Sewer, Storm, and Water Divisions, and utility Planning & Management sections. The department is responsible for review, approval and management of capitol improvements for streets and utilities constructed by new development for public dedication and ownership. The department manages the City's public works capitol improvement program for design, right-of-way acquisition, construction, and operations and maintenance of city's infrastructure including utilities and public streets. The department provides GIS, mopping, survey services, property records management; and equipment rental support for 011 departments. Public Works is responsible for administering standards for 011 city owned utility and street infrastructure construction quality for development and land use throughout the City. The department also manages city owned utilities including water, sewer and storm drainage and associated real property assets. 2003 ACCOMPLISHMENTS Improved Cross Connection Control program for water distribution system. Prepared Application for Notional Pollution Discharge .:. Elimination System (NPDES) Phase II permit. .:. Continued MIT coordination on the Auburn Way South sanitary sewer replacement project. Established 0 comprehensive franchise with King County for sewer service within Auburn's sanitary sewer service area. Began the update for the Transportation Comprehensive Plan. .:. Continued efforts to seek new grants and loons for financing street and utility improvements. Retrofitted two of our main water sources, well 4 and well 2. Installed standby power for our Cool Creek Springs watershed. .:. Completed bi-Iateral agreement for copper and lead testing at our two new corrosion control facilities. Increased public awareness of Public Works activities via website and Auburn Reporter articles. Held system loss (unaccounted for water) to 8.9% for 2002. .:. Conducted 0 comprehensive evaluation of our telemetry system for Water, Storm and Sewer divisions. Participated in the SR 167 Alternative study to pursue regional transportation improvements that relieve congestion and benefit the city's growth potential in the proposed RTID package. .:. Secured on agreement with WSDOT and MIT on seeking .:. and planning SR 164 safety & capacity improvements. Implemented 0 pro-active West Nile Virus mosquito monitoring & control program. .:. Completed annual street preservation work on local streets. .:. .:. .:. .:. .:. .:. .:. .:. .:. .:. Page 130 .:. Completed construction on three multi-million dollar improvements in transportation and water systems. .:. Completed successful negotiations with PSE for 0 franchise renewal. Obtained supplemental water rights for well5B. .:. Completed second phase of the LED relamping program. .:. Coordinated and managed the impacts of Tacoma's Pipeline 5 construction on the community. 2004 WORK PROGRAM GOALS .:. Continue MIT coordination and begin construction on the Auburn Way South sanitary sewer replacement project. .:. Complete update for the Transportation Comprehensive Plan. .:. Continued to pursue regional transportation improvements that relieve congestion and benefit the City's growth potential. .:. Continue to support the proposed RTID package in preparation for the Fall 2004 ballot for voter approval. .:. Continue to pursue projects to enhance the lighting and drainage for the downtown area. Pursue funding opportunities for non-motorized trails to enhance connectivity to the Interurban Trail and destination centers. Implement 0 sidewalk preservation program. .:. Continue to pursue environmental enhancement opportunities for Mill Creek. Complete the funded safety improvements on Auburn Way South. .:. Assess vulnerability of water system. .:. .:. 2004 Final Budoet Section VI: Baseline Budoet Line Item Summary 001 General 2001 2002 2003 2003 2004 32 Public Works Actual Actual Adj Budget Est Actual Budget 10 Salaries & Wages 11 Regular Salaries & Wages $ 1,824,652 $ 1,953,142 $ 1,297,300 $ 1,165,516 $ 1,295,500 1 2 Overti me 30,636 22,795 8,000 8,000 16,000 13 Other Wages 3,455 3,832 12,400 12,400 5,000 Salary Sub-Total 1,858,743 1,979,769 1,317,700 1,185,916 1,316,500 20 Personnel Benefits 422,957 431,943 379,360 341,144 379,700 22 Uniforms & Clothing 3,179 3,128 3,000 3,000 2,000 Benefits Sub-Total 426,136 435,071 382,360 344,144 38l,700 30 Supplies 31 Office & Operating Supplies 76,638 64,441 31,640 31,640 26,900 35 Small Tools & Minor Equip 72,323 105,962 1 26,300 1 26,300 114,600 Supplies Sub-Total 148,961 1 70,403 157,940 157,940 1 4l,500 40 Other Services & Supplies 41 Professional Services 145,755 103,975 233,800 233,800 91,500 42 Communication 6,705 11,417 7,200 7,200 6,600 43 Travel 2,385 4,805 4,500 4,500 3,300 44 Advertising 1,500 1,500 1,200 45 Operating Rentals & Leases 148 1,200 1,200 1,000 46 Insurance 198,642 1 99,382 40,300 249,300 45,900 47 Utility Services 135,583 148,904 48 Repairs & Maintenance 52,032 52,023 30,600 30,600 30,100 49 Miscellaneous 18,073 19,286 26,500 26,500 23,800 Other Services Sub-Total 559,175 539,940 345,600 554,600 203,400 50 I ntergovt II nterfund Services/T ox 15,198 9,794 30,000 30,000 10,000 60 Capitol Outlays 61 Land 62 Buildings 4l,7 55 63 Other Improvements 1 63,422 64 Machinery & Equipment 17,502 71,860 55,500 55,500 45,500 65 Construction In Progress 117,500 11,000 107,500 Capitol Outlay Sub-Total 59,257 235,282 1 73,000 66,500 153,000 70 Debt Service: Principal 80 Debt Service: Interest 90 Interfund Payments For Services 31,467 19,717 18,600 18,600 21,000 95 Interfund Oper Rentals & Leases 86,200 77,496 76,600 76,600 104,600 99 Interfund IS Services 32,000 Interfund Sub-Total 117,667 97,213 95,200 95,200 157,600 00 Other Applications Department Totals $ 3,185,137 $ 3,467,472 $ 2,501 ,800 $ 2,434,300 $ 2,363,700 Page 131 2004 Final Budoet Section VI: Baseline Budoet Page 132 2004 Final Budoet Section VI: Baseline Budoet Parks and Recreation Department Special Programs Coordinator Cemetery Coordinator* Senior Center Supervisor 2 Staff Parks Planning & Development Manager Museum Director 2 PT Staff *Detail reported in the individual division. Parks Director Daryl Faber 49 Reporting Staff Golf Course Superintendent* Cultural Programs Manager 1 Staff Recreation Programs Manager Recreation Coordinators (5) Youth Program Assistant CIS & Support Staff (3) Page 133 Secretary Maintenance Manager Parks Maintenance Supervisor 13 Staff 2004 Final Budoet Section VI: Baseline Budoet PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT The Parks and Recreation Department focuses on providing a variety of facilities and programs for residents of all ages and interests. Parks, recreation programs, arts and cultural activities, senior center services, a museum, cemetery, golf course, and working with the King County Library System to provide library services are the department's areas of responsibility. The department works closely with the Auburn School District, Green River Community College, and other cultural and youth serving agencies in Auburn to provide facilities and services to citizens. We continue to focus on providing programs and facilities, protecting our environment, and preserving historical and cultural opportunities in our community. 2003 ACCOMPLISHMENTS .:. Began maintenance and operation of new 15-acre community park and linear park in Lakeland development. .:. Continued work on park plan for Lea Hill annexation area. .:. Installed computerized irrigation control systems to reduce water consumption. .:. Constructed new youth ball field at GSA Park. .:. Provided Museum educational outreach programs to 1200 Auburn area 4th-grade students with the History Mystery program. .:. Rented Museum exhibits to generate additional operating income. .:. Completed phase one of Olson Farm restoration project. .:. Improved respite care program at Senior Center by expanding program. .:. Solicited funding for social worker to assist seniors. .:. Implemented a marketing plan for the department's programs, services, rentals, and events. .:. Expanded teen Youth Council enrollment, projects, and community service in middle schools and high schools. .:. Investigated and secured grant funding for existing and new teen programs and community events. .:. Developed a community "Gifts Catalog". 2004 WORK PROGRAM GOALS .:. Design and develop Cedar Lanes Park Master Plan. .:. Implement Olson Canyon Farm Master Plan. .:. Develop Les Gove Park Master Plan. .:. Develop Fenster Farm Master Plan. .:. Develop senior/student mentor program. .:. Increase Senior Center rental revenues by $5,000. .:. Implement automated scan system for Senior Center participant registrations. .:. Establish a marketing and press release schedule at Senior Center. .:. Complete installation of central irrigation control equipment at various park sites. .:. Begin an elementary afterschool program funded by grant or registration fees. .:. Investigate and secure grant funding for existing and new programs and community events. .:. Design and develop a spray pool at Les Gove Park. .:. Complete construction at GSA Park ballfield. Page 134 2004 Final Budoet Section VI: Baseline Budoet Line Item Summary 001 General 2001 2002 2003 2003 2004 33 Parks & Recreation Actual Actual Adj Budget Est Actual Budget 10 Salaries & Wages 11 Regular Salaries & Wages $ 1,433,415 $ 1,559,674 $ 1 ,804,700 $ 1 ,656,660 $ 1,899,600 1 2 Overti me 27,644 21,497 30,500 30,500 29,500 13 Other Wages 274,776 272,772 281,000 281,000 284,500 Salary Sub-Total 1,735,835 1,853,943 2,11 6,200 1,968,160 2,213,600 20 Personnel Benefits 353,703 368,331 574,900 529,940 598,300 22 Uniforms & Clothing 9,583 11,233 15,210 15,210 14,500 Benefits Sub-Total 363,286 379,564 590,110 545,150 61 2,800 30 Supplies 31 Office & Operating Supplies 260,284 252,982 315,710 315,260 355,400 35 Small Tools & Minor Equip 59,631 73,215 154,880 91,480 85,900 Supplies Sub-Total 319,915 326,197 470,590 406,740 441 ,300 40 Other Services & Supplies 41 Professional Services 351,342 351 ,092 388,910 393,610 440,700 42 Communication 16,967 19,417 21,350 21,350 21,400 43 Travel 3,547 4,219 10,300 10,250 9,900 44 Advertising 11, 990 13,568 25,880 25,880 28,000 45 Operating Rentals & Leases 32,050 30,455 47,610 42,410 40,100 46 Insurance 31,982 42,595 53,300 53,300 44,700 47 Utility Services 153,301 212,666 225,020 225,020 260,600 48 Repairs & Maintenance 51,967 59,087 81,310 81,310 103,200 49 Miscellaneous 76,345 78,090 70,420 70,420 76,700 Other Services Sub-Total 729,491 811,189 924,100 923,550 1,025,300 50 I ntergovt II nterfund Services/T ox 60 Capitol Outlays 61 Land 62 Buildings 2,846 63 Other Improvements 7,000 77,000 64 Machinery & Equipment 47,714 3l,553 272,000 272,000 65 Construction In Progress 64,400 45,400 Capitol Outlay Sub-Total 50,560 3l,553 343,400 317,400 77,000 70 Debt Service: Principal 80 Debt Service: Interest 90 Interfund Payments For Services 90,860 83,943 63,500 63,500 251 ,800 95 Interfund Oper Rentals & Leases 114,500 103,104 134,500 134,500 15,000 99 Interfund IS Services 40,500 Interfund Sub-Total 205,360 187,047 198,000 198,000 307,300 00 Other Applications Department Totals $ 3,404,447 $ 3,589,493 $ 4,642,400 $ 4,359,000 $ 4,677,300 Page 135 2004 Final Budoet Section VI: Baseline Budoet Page 136 2004 Final Budoet Section VI: Baseline Budoet Golf Course Division Golf Course Superintendent Kevin Van 5 Reporting Staff Maintenance Worker II (2) Maintenance Worker I (2) Maintenance Specialist Mechanic Page 137 2004 Final Budoet Section VI: Baseline Budoet GOLF COURSE DIVISION The Auburn Golf Course provides golfing services to over 50,000 golfers a year on a challenging 6,200-yard layout. The course is an enterprise function with greens fee revenue covering all course maintenance, operation expenses, and capital improvements. Staff continues to make improvements each year to improve the playability, drainage, and safety of the course. The Clubhouse operation is contracted to a PGA Class A professional for the collection of greens fees, lesson program, pro shop and snack bar sales, and cart rentals. All maintenance staff are city employees working under the direction of the Parks and Recreation Director. 2003 ACCOMPLISHMENTS 2004 WORK PROGRAM GOALS .:. Rebuilt # 12 Fairway. .:. Constructed an asphalt maintenance road from # 1 0 storage area to # 1 0 Green. .:. Upgraded mowing equipment. .:. Conducted a clubhouse and parking study/design. .:. Continued Fairway topdressing program. .:. Rebuild Hole # 13. .:. Continued Fairway top dressing programs. .:. Update mowing and construction equipment. .:. Fence gravel parking lot. .:. Continue the clubhouse feasibility study. .:. Upgrade electronic equipment in maintenance shop to meet City standards. .:. Install equipment to enable staff better communication accessibility. Page 138 2004 Final Budoet Section VI: Baseline Budoet Golf Course - Working Capital Budget 2001 2002 2003 2003 2004 Item Actual Actual Adj Budget Est Actual Budget Operating Budget: Operating Revenue 347.300 Greens Fees $ 986,924 $ 1,058,618 $ 990,000 $ 990,000 $ 1,030,000 362.200 Other 5,022 5,307 5,000 5,000 5,000 Total Operating Revenue 991,946 1,063,925 995,000 995,000 1,035,000 Operating Expense 576.600.10 Salaries and Wages (318,801 ) (355,483) (334,100) (334,100) (347,000) 576.600.20 Benefits (81,214) (91,604) (94,000) (94,000) (96,800) 576.600.30 Supplies (118,420) (115,513) (105,000) (105,000) (107,900) 576.600.40 Other Services & Charges (243,453) (264,005) (251,500) (251,500) (236,500) 576.600.90 Interfund Oper Rentals/Supplies (1,300) (2,998) (10,000) (10,000) (11,800) 576.600.00 Depreciation (123,312) ( 1 22,408) (110,400) ( 120,400) (120,500) Total Operating Expenses (886,500) (952,011 ) (905,000) (915,000) (920,500) Operating Income (Loss) 105,446 111,914 90,000 80,000 114,500 Non Operating Revenue (Exp) 361.110 Investment Income 9,903 5,083 5,000 3,200 2,500 Total Non Oper. Rev (Exp) 9,903 5,083 5,000 3,200 2,500 Net Income (Loss) 115,349 116,997 95,000 83,200 117,000 Add/Deduct Items Not Affecting Working Capital (W /e) 534.801.01 Depreciation 123,312 1 22,408 110,400 120,400 1 20,500 Net W/C From Operations 238,661 239,405 205,400 203,600 237,500 Other Resources and Uses Budget: Sources Other Than Operations 399.000 Other Sources 6,825 10,343 Total Resources 6,825 10,343 Uses Other Than Operations 590.100.62 Inc in Fixed Assets-Buildings (23,140) (59,700) (59,700) 590.100.63 Inc in Fixed Assets-Improvements (121,939) (34,329) (7,500) 590.100.64 Inc in Fixed Assets-Equipment (89,857) (75,728) (98,300) (98,300) (53,000) 590.100.65 Inc in Fixed Assets-Construction (220,000) (170,000) (200,000) Total Uses (21l,796) (133,197) (378,000) (328,000) (260,500) Net Change in W/C 33.690 116.551 (172.600) (124.400) (23.0001 Beginning W/C 1/1 166,064 199,754 316,305 316,305 191,905 Ending W/C 12/31 199,754 316,305 143,705 191,905 168,905 Net Change in W/C $ 33,690 $ 116,551 $ (172,600) $ ( 124,400) $ (23,000) Page 139 2004 Final Budoet Section VI: Baseline Budoet Page 140 2004 Final Budoet Section VI: Baseline Budoet Cemetery Division Cemetery Coordinator Arnie Galli 6 Reporting Staff Cemetery Clerk Maintenance Worker II (2) Maintenance Worker I (3) Page 141 2004 Final Budoet Section VI: Baseline Budoet CEMETERY DIVISION Mountain View Cemetery provides burial services and merchandise to meet cemetery needs of the community. The Cemetery continues to be self-supporting with revenues from property sales, services, and merchandise sufficient to cover all costs of maintenance, operations, and development. Staff is responsible for the care of over 35 developed acres of grounds and conduct over 300 burials annually. 2003 ACCOMPLISHMENTS 2004 WORK PROGRAM GOALS .:. Increased public knowledge and visibility of the cemetery through positive image building. .:. Began process to have a professional trust fund in place. .:. Rebuilt irrigation systems in the 4th additions and renovated poor turf in older sections of the cemetery. .:. Develop marketing plan strategy to increase revenue. .:. Install drip irrigation system to "color areas" . .:. Complete Master Plan. .:. Implement Trust Service account. Page 142 2004 Final Budoet Section VI: Baseline Budoet Cemetery - Working Capital Budget 2001 2002 2003 2003 2004 Item Actual Actual Adj Budget Est A ctua I Budget Operating Budget: Operating Revenue 343.601 Settings $ 30,350 $ 36,863 $ 39,000 $ 39,000 $ 39,000 343.602 Openings and Closings 153,915 150,076 150,000 150,000 158,800 343.603 Recordings 4,550 4,000 4,200 4,200 4,700 343.604 Liners 54,450 52,577 52,000 52,000 52,700 343.605 Resole Settings 5,575 2,785 4,000 4,000 6,000 343.606 Resole Vases 90 1,360 343.607 Vases 13,106 12,487 15,000 15,000 18,300 343.609 Lot Soles 224,223 218,498 210,000 210,000 253,900 343.611 Other 117,021 25,282 25,000 25,000 26,300 343.612 Marker Soles 86,104 83,000 83,000 102,000 343.620 Interest/Penalties 3,384 3,648 2,500 2,500 2,500 Total Operating Revenue 606,664 593,680 584,700 584,700 664,200 Operating Expense 536.000.10 Salaries & Wages (322,893) (340,817) (353,500) (353,500) (369,600) 536.000.20 Benefits (83,048) (71,393) (101,440) (101,440) (106,800) 536.000.30 Supplies (137,141 ) (94,914) (113,900) (113,900) (120,500) 536.000.40 Other Services & Charges (73,455) (73,095) (51,250) (51,250) ( 60,300) 536.000.95 Interfund Oper Rentals/Supplies (1,961 ) (4,894) ( 13,400) (13,400) (14,900) 536.000.00 Depreciation (102,880) (71,481 ) (72,000) (77,000) (77,000) Total Operating Expenses (721,378) ( 656,594) (705,490) (710,490) (749,100) Operating Income (Loss) (114,714) (62,914) (120,790) (125,790) (84,900) Non Operating Revenue (Exp) 361.110 Investment Income 14,975 6,094 3,500 3,500 3,500 367.400 Contributions 67 369.900 Miscellaneous 2,625 1,200 5,162 5,162 Total Non Oper. Rev (Exp) 17,667 7,294 8,662 8,662 3,500 Net Income (Loss) (97,047) (55,620) (112,128) (117,128) (81,400) Add/Deduct Items Not Affecting Working Capital (W /e) 536.000.01 Depreciation 1 02,880 71,481 72,000 77,000 77,000 Net W/C From Operations 5,833 15,861 (40,128) (40,128) (4,400) Resources Other Than Operations 397.100 Operating Transfer In 46,696 30,000 30,000 399.000 Other 4,838 (9,381 ) Total Resources 4,838 37,315 30,000 30,000 Uses Other Than Operations 590.100.62 Inc in Fixed Assets-Buildings (3,900) 590.100.63 Inc in Fixed Assets-Improvements (5,117) (2,258 ) 590.100.64 Inc in Fixed Assets-Equipment (13,584) (44,438) (32,462) (32,462) (10,000) 590.100.65 Inc in Fixed Assets-Construction (3,877) (21,000) Total Uses (22,578) (46,696) (32,462) (32,462) (34,900) Net Change in W/C (11,907) 6,480 (42,590) (42,590) (39,300) Beginning W/C 1/1 340,948 329,044 335,524 335,524 292,934 Ending W/C 12/31 329,044 335,524 292,934 292,934 253,634 Net Change in W/C $ (11,904) $ 6,480 $ (42,590) $ (42,590) $ (39,300) Page 143 2004 Final Budoet Section VI: Baseline Budoet Page 144 2004 Final Budoet Section VI: Baseline Budoet COMMERCIAL RETAIL FUND Included in the economic development function of the Planning & Community Development Department are the improvement, leasing and management of approximately 14,000 square feet of commercial space in the Auburn Station. The Commercial Retail Fund provides the financial support necessary to implement this function, utilizing public reinvestment in the downtown as a tool to stimulate private sector initiatives to redevelop downtown through the creation of new retail, office and residential space. 2003 ACCOMPLISHMENTS 2004 WORK PROGRAM GOALS .:. Completed base level tenant improvements throughout retail space. .:. Completed final tenant improvement work for two leased and several speculative spaces. .:. Two tenant spaces occupied and leased 5000 sq ft. .:. Lease out additional tenant spaces. .:. When full occupancy is reached, discuss private sector master lease options with the Council. Page 145 2004 Final Budoet Section VI: Baseline Budoet Commercial Retail - Working Capital Budget Item 2001 Actual 2002 Actual 2003 Adj Budget 2003 Est Actual 2004 Budget Operating Budget: Operating Revenue 362.500 Rents, Leases & Recovery Maint cost Total Operating Revenue 80,000 80,000 80,000 80,000 53,000 53,000 Operating Expense 538.000.10 Salaries and Wages 538.000.20 Benefits 538.000.30 Supplies 546.000.40 Other Services & Charges 546.000.90 Interfund Oper Rentals/Supplies 546.000.00 Depreciation Total Operating Expenses Operating Income (Loss) (5,000) (80,000) (52,200) (50,000) (20,700) (20,700) (80,000) (72,900) (75,700) 7,100 (22,700) 5,500 5,000 5,500 5,000 12,600 ( 17,700) Non Operating Revenue (Exp) 361 .110 Interest Revenue 369.900 Misc Revenue 546.100.80 Debt Service: Interest Total Non Oper. Rev (Exp) Net Income (Loss) Add/Deduct Items Not Affecting Working Capital (W /e) 534.801.01 Depreciation Net W/C From Operations 20,700 33,300 20,700 3,000 Other Resources and Uses Budget: Sources Other Than Operations 397.100 Transfer in 399.000 Other Sources Total Resources 1,117,400 1,067,400 1,117,400 1,067,400 Uses Other Than Operations 590.100.00 Net Change in Rest. Assets 590.100.11 Inc in Fixed Assets-Salaries 590.100.21 Inc in Fixed Assets-Benefits 590.100.62 Inc in Fixed Assets-Building 590.100.63 Inc in Fixed Assets-Improvements 590.100.64 Inc in Fixed Assets-Equip 590.100.65 Inc in Fixed Assests-Construction ProjE 590.100.70 Debt Service: Principal Total Uses Net Change in W/C Beginning W/C 1/1 Ending W/C 12/31 Net Change in W/C $ $ ( 1,067,400) (1,067,400) ( 1,067,400) (1,067,400) 50,000 33,300 3,000 33,300 50,000 33,300 36,300 $ 50,000 $ 33,300 $ 3,000 Page 146 2004 Final Budoet Section VI: Baseline Budoet Airport Division Airport Manager 2 Reporting Staff Airport Attendants (2) Page 147 2004 Final Budoet AIRPORT FUND Section VI: Baseline Budoet The Airport provides hangar and tie-down facilities, which will accommodate 370 aircraft. In addition, it leases space to Auburn Flight Service, Inc., an aircraft sales, charter, rental and pilot training facility. Auburn Flight Service has expanded the space formerly leased by other tenants and now offers a full range of aircraft maintenance services. The City manages aircraft tie-downs, hangers and facility leases, as well as the management, maintenance, and operation of the fuel facility. 2003 ACCOMPLISHMENTS .:. Completed roof repair project for original masonry hangars. .:. Replaced deteriorated headers on several of the older hangar buildings. .:. Private development of over 40 hangars completed. .:. Gained FAA regional approval for an instrument approach to runway 34. Final approval and operational status projected for Spring 2004. .:. Secured FAA 90% grant to rehabilitate the runway pavement and construct a north-end runup area. Project design completed. .:. Investigated options for private management of the airport. .:. Sought funding to initiate development of western 23 acres. .:. Sought approval to obtain portions of the Metro Park and Ride. .:. Obtained a GPS/instrument approach to improve airport safety and utility. .:. Completed runway overlay project. 2004 WORK PROGRAM GOALS .:. Complete the runway rehabilitation program. .:. Seek opportunities to develop the west side of the runway and obtain part or all of the Metro Kiss and Ride. .:. Work with private sector to promote additional hangar construction and relocation of aviation-related businesses to Auburn Municipal. .:. Put the GPS/instrument approach into operation. .:. Secure a remote transmitter to Seattle Air Traffic Control to improve flight safety and coordination. .:. Complete rehabilitation of runway pavement and construction of north-end runup area. Page 148 2004 Final Budoet Section VI: Baseline Budoet Airport - Working Capital Budget 2001 2002 2003 2003 2004 Item Actual Actual Adj Budget Est Actual Budget Operating Budget: Operating Revenue 341.930 Airport Security Service 8,072 8,448 8,500 8,500 344.601 100 Octane - Wholesale $ 123,367 $ 83,045 $ 128,000 $ 110,000 $ 120,000 344.602 100 Octane 160,067 147,331 165,000 165,000 165,000 344.603 Oil Soles 577 488 1,500 1,500 1,000 344.604 Flowage Fee 3,628 7,161 3,000 7,000 5,000 362.501 Property Leases 90,497 130,168 150,600 150,600 150,600 362.502 Tie Down and Hanger Rent 360,788 363,587 375,000 356,000 375,000 Total Operating Revenue 746,996 740,228 823,100 798,600 825,100 Operating Expense 546.000.10 Salaries and Wages ( 153,502) (176,101) (191,000) ( 120,000) (181,300) 546.000.20 Benefits (32,900) (34,865) (56,000) (36,000) (53,100) 546.000.30 Supplies (253,744) (238,512) (244,700) (244,700) (244,700) 546.000.40 Other Services & Charges ( 123,575) (144,971) (185,850) ( 185,850) ( 163,600) 546.000.90 Interfund Oper Rentals/Supplies ( 10,765) (7,593) (21,000) (21,000) (29,300) 546.000.00 Depreciation (268,388) (287,269) (276,000) (295,000) (296,000) Total Operating Expenses (842,874) (889,311 ) (974,550) (902,550) (968,000) Operating Income (Loss) (95,878) (149,083) (151,450) ( 103,950) (142,900) Non Operating Revenue (Exp) 361.11 0 Interest Revenue 14,302 5,214 4,500 4,500 2,500 369.900 Misc Revenue 2,552 3,453 546.100.80 Debt Service: Interest (73,997) (88,865) (87,740) (87,740) (86,400) Total Non Oper. Rev (Exp) (57,143) (80,198) (83,240) (83,240) (83,900) Net Income (Loss) (153,021) (229,281 ) (234,690) (187,190) (226,800) Add/Deduct Items Not Affecting Working Capital (W/C) 534.801.01 Depreciation 268,388 287,269 276,000 295,000 296,000 Net W/C From Operations 115,367 57,988 41,310 107,810 69,200 Other Resources and Uses Budget: Sources Other Than Operations 333.201 Fed Aviation Grant 137,493 41,496 450,000 810,000 397.100 Transfer in 5,000 150,000 150,000 399.000 Other Sources (12,061 ) (6,263) Total Resources 125,432 40,233 600,000 150,000 810,000 Uses Other Than Operations 590.100.00 Net Change in Rest. Assets 6,333 (1,185) 590.100.11 Inc in Fixed Assets-Salaries (100) (2,215) 590.100.21 Inc in Fixed Assets-Benefits (438) 590.100.62 Inc in Fixed Assets-Building (97,373) (135,565) 590.100.63 Inc in Fixed Assets-Improvements ( 178,967) (6,975) 590.100.64 Inc in Fixed Assets-Equip (47,670) (480) 590.100.65 Inc in Fixed Assests-Construction ProjE ( 618,600) (118,600) (900,000) 590.100.70 Debt Service: Principal (20,000) (55,000) (30,000) (30,000) (35,000) Total Uses (337,777) (201,858) ( 648,600) ( 148,600) (935,000) Net Change in W/C (96,978) (103,637) (7,290) 109,210 (55,800) Beginning W/C 1/1 357,868 260,890 157,252 157,253 266,463 Ending W/C 12/31 260,890 157,253 149,962 266,463 210,663 Net Change in W/C $ (96,978) $ ( 1 03,637) $ (7,290) $ 109,210 $ (55,800) Page 149 2004 Final Budoet Section VI: Baseline Budoet Page 150 2004 Final Budoet Section VI: Baseline Budoet Street Division Street Supervisor Les Saberniak 12 Reporting Staff Maintenance Worker II (6) Maintenance Worker I (6) Page 151 2004 Final Budoet STREET DIVISION Section VI: Baseline Budoet The Street division provides maintenance for a safe and efficient transportation system that serves the present and forecasted needs of the Auburn community in a financially responsible manner. The duties associated with this responsibility include street sweeping, roadside vegetation management, snow and ice removal, and traffic markings. 2003 ACCOMPLISHMENTS .:. Provided vegetation and noxious weed control. .:. Cross-trained division staff on equipment operation. .:. Increased staff efficiency through training and development. .:. Increased the amount of crack sealing to maintain the streets in good condition. .:. Installed permanent numbering system to the street light poles. .:. Updated the streetlight inventory for city owned streetlights with GIS. .:. Performed street light repairs. .:. Increased maintenance to annexation areas to increase life expectancy of streets. .:. Continued to respond to citizen concerns in a timely manner. .:. Procured and commissioned a new sidewalk cleaner. .:. Continued our signal light LED conversion as budgeted. .:. Improved liaison with the ADA for all-city support of downtown activities. .:. Review LID potentials for the Terminal Park Community. .:. Developed engineering estimates for improving Downtown pedestrian lighting. 2004 WORK PROGRAM GOALS .:. Fully implement pavement management software. .:. Develop five-year neighborhood street maintenance plan. .:. Streamline road side mowing program. .:. Identify and vacate unnecessary public right of way to reduce vegetation and control costs. .:. Re-evaluate street cleaning program making improvements where feasible. .:. Continue to look for ways to improve customer service while sustaining or increasing routine maintenance programs. .:. Complete the LED conversion of signal lights. .:. Continue to partner with the ADA for all-city support of downtown activities. .:. Review LID potentials for the West Main Street community for non- motorized & pedestrian improvements. .:. Implement Downtown pedestrian lighting. Page 152 2004 Final Budoet Section VI: Baseline Budoet Line Item Summary 001 General 2001 2002 2003 2003 2004 42 street Actual Actual Adj Budget Est Actual Budget 10 Salaries & Wages 11 Regular Salaries & Wages $ 536,421 $ 548,440 $ 517,100 $ 517,100 $ 532,900 12 Overtime 1l,715 9,379 30,400 30,400 30,400 13 Other Wages 3,889 6,000 6,000 12,000 Salary Sub-Total 548,136 561 ,708 553,500 553,500 575,300 20 Personnel Benefits 134,131 132,427 155,560 155,560 161,100 22 Uniforms & Clothing 4,354 2,659 3,200 3,200 3,100 Benefits Sub-Total 138,485 135,086 158,7 60 158,7 60 164,200 30 Supplies 31 Office & Operating Supplies 82,817 68,941 119,100 119,100 119,000 35 Small Tools & Minor Equip 2,674 11,956 19,490 19,490 19,000 Supplies Sub-Total 85,491 80,897 138,590 138,590 138,000 40 Other Services & Supplies 41 Professional Services 9,594 2,865 12,300 12,300 13,400 42 Communication 941 941 3,400 3,400 1,900 43 Travel 539 572 1,850 1,850 1,1 00 44 Advertising 45 Operating Rentals & Leases 19,016 10,881 14,000 14,000 2,000 46 Insurance 46,052 46,139 57,600 57,600 43,200 47 Utility Services 328,688 394,406 427,100 427,100 427,100 48 Repairs & Maintenance 10,673 95,102 106,800 106,800 32,800 49 Miscellaneous 3,743 5,928 9,400 9,400 8,500 Other Services Sub-Total 419,246 556,834 632,450 632,450 530,000 50 I ntergovt /1 nterfund Services/Tax 94,000 60 Capitol Outlays 61 Land 62 Buildings 63 Other Improvements 64 Machinery & Equipment 88,204 65 Construction In Progress 100,000 100,000 250,000 Capitol Outlay Sub-Total 88,204 100,000 100,000 250,000 70 Debt Service: Principal 80 Debt Service: Interest 90 Interfund Payments For Services 16,711 14,580 13,000 13,000 16,000 95 Interfund Oper Rentals & Leases 293,200 251 ,400 327,000 327,000 437,800 99 Interfund IS Services Interfund Sub-Total 309,911 265,980 340,000 340,000 453,800 00 Other Applications Department Totals $ l,50l,269 $ 1,688,709 $ 1,923,300 $ 1,923,300 $ 2,205,300 Page 153 2004 Final Budoet Section VI: Baseline Budoet Page 154 2004 Final Budoet Section VI: Baseline Budoet Water Division Water Manager Vacant 15 Reporting Staff Water Division Supervisor Ken Haines Cross Connection Control Specialist Distribution Specialist (2) Maintenance Worker II (5) Maintenance Worker I (6) Page 155 2004 Final Budoet Section VI: Baseline Budoet WATER UTILITY DIVISION The Water Utility is responsible for providing water to Auburn's customers that is safe for human consumption and that meets or exceeds the recognized standards of today and tomorrow by efficiently administering, operating, and maintaining the water supply system. We also continue to enhance our customer service through public education and information. A primary responsibility of the utility is implementing the 2001 Comprehensive Water Plan. 2003 ACCOMPLISHMENTS 2004 WORK PROGRAM GOALS .:. Continued replacing malfunctioning meters. .:. Continue replacing malfunctioning .:. Continued water conservation initiatives that meters. were identified in the 2001 Comprehensive .:. Continue water conservation initiatives Water Plan. that were identified in the 2001 .:. Completed recoating the exterior and interior Comprehensive Water Plan. surfaces of Academy and Lea Hill reservoirs. .:. Continue to replace undersized pipes that .:. Acquired supplemental water rights for Well were identified in the 2001 5B. Comprehensive Water Plan for fire flow .:. Constructed an onsite emergency generator improvements. at Coal Creek Springs. .:. Inspect and flush 50% of hydrants within .:. Inspected and flushed 50% of hydrants within the system. the system. .:. Replace and upgrade Coal Creek .:. Identified and flushed 50% of the dead-end Collector hatches and isolation valves. mains within the system. .:. Perform leak detection on 50% of City .:. Investigated and rehabilitated Wells 2 and 4, system. and abandoned Well 6A. .:. Maintain system loss (Unaccounted for .:. Performed leak detection on 50% of City Water) below 10%. system. .:. Complete the Cross Street Pipeline .:. Held system loss (unaccounted for water) to construction project. 8.9% in 2002. .:. Finalize design of the Lakeland Rezone. .:. Completed a control system programming .:. Construct the Academy Rezone project. assessment of the water system. .:. Investigate and rehabilitate Wells 5, 6 and .:. Finalized the WD 111 IDuberry Emergency Braunwood well. Intertie Agreement. .:. Continue the Corrosion Control Monitoring .:. Finalized the design for the Academy Rezone. Program for the Lead and Copper Rule compliance. .:. Decommissioning of monitoring wells located on private property and city right- of-way. .:. Perform a vulnerability assessment on the water system. Page 156 2004 Final Budoet Section VI: Baseline Budoet Water - Working Capital Budget 2001 2002 2003 2003 2004 Item Actual Actual Adj Budget Est Actual Budget Operating Budget: Operating Revenue 343.400 Water Soles $ 5,754,110 $ 6,525,044 $ 6,238,337 $ 6,238,337 $ 6,400,000 343.431 Unmetered Water Soles 13,127 20,633 6,100 6,100 8,000 343.433 Water Application 67,621 67,311 66,300 66,300 66,300 Total Operating Revenue 5,834,858 6,612,988 6,310,737 6,310,737 6,474,300 Operating Expense 534.000.10 Salaries/Wages (1,155,925) (1,224,070) (1,371,800) (1,371,800) (1,555,100) 534.000.20 Benefits (280,137) (227,683) (406,830) (406,830) (443,000) 534.000.30 Supplies ( 144,967) (124,081 ) ( 166,730) ( 166,730) ( 166,600) 534.000.40 Other Services Charges (1,635,537) (1,564,296) (2,140,280) (2,140,280) (2,141,000) 534.000.50 I ntergovernm ental Servi ces (904) (889) 534.000.90 Interfund Oper Rentals/Supplies ( 162,022) (180,678) (344,400) (344,400) (436,700) 534.000.00 Depreciation & Amortization ( 1 ,200,043) ( 1 ,537,658) ( 1 ,220,100) (2,374,600) (2,375,000) Total Operating Expenses (4,579,535) (4,859,355) ( 5,650,140) ( 6,804,640) (7,117,400) Operating Income (Loss) 1,255,323 1,753,633 660,597 (493,903) (643,100) Non Operating Revenue (Exp) 361.11 Interest Revenue 265,883 120,524 75,000 75,000 75,000 369.900 Misc Rev - Other 15,701 12,153 10,000 10,000 10,000 534.100.80 Debt Service: Interest (673,285) (468,887) (417,500) (417,500) (385,100) Total Non Oper. Rev (Exp) (391,701 ) (336,210) (332,500) (332,500) (300,100) Net Income (Loss) 863,622 1,417,423 328,097 (826,403) (943,200) Add/Deduct Items Not Affecting Working Capital (W/C) 534.801.01 Depreciation & Amortization 1,200,043 1,537,658 1,220,100 2,374,600 2,375,000 Net W/C From Operations 2,063,665 2,955,081 1,548,197 1,548,197 1 ,431 ,800 Resources Other Than Operations 396.101 Contributed Cap-Sys Dev 292,738 407,544 265,200 265,200 265,200 396.102 Contributed Cop-Area Assess 44,169 19,063 50,000 50,000 20,000 396.104 Contributed Cop-Out Dev 2,733,245 868,931 396.107 Contributed Cop-Other Gov't 250,000 250,000 250,000 396.000 Contributi on-Other 5,033,000 641 ,250 399.500 Net Change in Restricted Assets 3,769,174 ( 4,484,642) 399.000 Other Sources (4,555,124) (22,624) Total Resources 7,317,202 (2,570,478) 565,200 565,200 535,200 Uses Other Than Operations 590.100.00 Other Uses (3,769,174) 6,709,326 590.100.10 Salaries (113,900) (118,493) (78,500) (78,500) (85,100) 590.100.20 Benefits (24,437) (23,624) (22,800) (22,800) (24,700) 597.100.55 Operating Transfer Out (3,000) ( 10,000) (51,400) (51,400) 590.100.61 Inc in Fixed Assets-Land (528,082) (78,200) 590.100.63 Inc in Fixed Assets-Improvements (36,386) (20,104) 590.100.64 Inc in Fixed Assets-Equipment (126,619) (32,661 ) (119,000) 590.100.65-7 Inc in Fixed Assets-Construction (4,400,021 ) (3,186,391) (1,110,500) (1,110,500) (1,841,900) 590.100.70 Debt Service: Principal ( 1,148,402) (826,468) ( 1 ,092,000) ( 1 ,092,000) ( 1,165,900) Total Uses ( 10,150,021) 2,413,385 (2,355,200) (2,355,200) (3,236,600) Net Change in W/C (769,154) 2.797,988 (241,803) (241,803) (1,269,600) Beginning W/C 1/1 3,435,343 2,666,189 5,464,177 5,464,177 5,222,375 Ending W/C 12/31 2,666,189 5,464,177 5,222,374 5,222,375 3,952,775 Net Change in W/C $ (769,154) $ 2,797,988 $ (241,803) $ (241,802) $ ( 1,269,600) Page 157 2004 Final Budoet Section VI: Baseline Budoet Page 158 2004 Final Budoet Section VI: Baseline Budoet Sewer Division Sewer Division Manager Mike Martin 6 Reporting Staff Maintenance Worker II (2) Maintenance Worker I (3) Sewer Specialist Page 159 2004 Final Budoet Section VI: Baseline Budoet SANITARY SEWER UTILITY DIVISION The Sanitary Sewer Utility provides for the efficient, environmentally sound and safe management of existing and future sanitary sewer wastes generated within Auburn's service area. Some of the key administrative and engineering duties include comprehensive system planning, interaction and regulation of development, implementing capital improvement projects, and system budget management. Operational duties include general system maintenance, minor repair and construction, and day-to-day operation. The City is responsible for the collection and transmission of effluent to King County trunk lines. Auburn contracts with King County for effluent treatment and disposal. 2003 ACCOMPLISHMENTS .:. Completed negotiations with the Muckleshoot Indian Tribe for the construction of a new Auburn Way South sewer system. .:. Replaced the broken pinch valve used to operate the Green River siphon. .:. Implemented ordinance to help the City eliminate public maintenance associated with fats, oils, and grease originating from private facilities. .:. Reduced the operational costs associated with controlling the odor from the Rainier Shadows Pump Station. .:. Installed backflow protection on the potable water service to the Peasley Ridge Pump Station. .:. Oversaw the King County project for removal of inflow and infiltration from the sanitary sewer system located along Auburn Way South's Academy basin. .:. Continued identifying and cataloging future candidates for the Sanitary Sewer Replacement Program. .:. Investigated operational parameters of the Rainier Ridge and F Street pump stations. .:. Reviewed Sanitary sewer rates. .:. Acquired a Public Works Trust Fund loan for the replacement of the Auburn Way South sanitary sewer main. .:. Received development plans for the extension of 33,730 linear feet (If) of new sanitary sewer main. .:. As of July 2003, have televised 75,883 linear feet (If), cleaned 179,641 If of sanitary sewer lines, and inspected 2,775 manholes. 2004 WORK PROGRAM GOALS .:. Begin the construction for the replacement of the Auburn Way South sanitary sewer main. .:. Implement repairs on broken sanitary sewer lines within the public right of way. .:. Produce a comprehensive report detailing regions in Auburn with insufficient capacity. The report will be generated from our hydraulic model and be based upon future growth as projected by the state Traffic Analysis Zone. .:. Establish a Public Works Trust Fund loan for the construction of the Auburn Way South sanitary sewer system. Page 160 2004 Final Budoet Section VI: Baseline Budoet Sewer - Working Capital Budget 2001 2002 2003 2003 2004 Item Actual Actual Adj Budget Est Actual Budget Operating Budget: Operating Revenue 343.500 Sewer Services $ 9,237,301 $ 9,938,897 $ 9,689,050 $ 9,689,050 $ 10,000,000 Total Operating Revenue 9,237,301 9,938,897 9,689,050 9,689,050 10,000,000 Operating Expense 535.000.10 Salaries and Wages (719,440) (766,903) (923,600) (923,600) (967,500) 535.000.20 Benefits ( 165,063) (117,179) (269,250) (269,250) (275,700) 535.000.30 Supplies (35,615) (46,653) (42,725) (42,725) (41,100) 535.000.40 Other Services Charges (772,997) (741,693) (1,020,600) (1,020,600) ( 1,112,800) 535.000.50 Inter-Govt'1 Services (6,106,704) (7,253,094) (7,104,100) (7,104,100) (7,246,200) 535.000.90 Interfund Oper Rentals/Supplies ( 101,344) (69,460) (165,000) (165,000) (276,900) 535.000.00 Depreciation & Amortization (597,493) (389,817) (660,000) (522,000) (530,000) Total Operating Expenses (8,498,656 ) (9,384,799) (10,185,275) (10,047,275) (10,450,200) Operating Income (Loss) 738,645 554,098 (496,225) (358,225 ) (450,200) Non Operating Revenue (Exp) 361.11 Interest Revenue 221,77 6 141,602 130,000 100,000 80,000 369.900 Misc Rev - Other 83,212 Total Non Oper. Rev (Exp) 221,776 224,814 130,000 100,000 80,000 Net Income (Loss) 960,421 778,912 (366,225 ) (258,225) (370,200) Add/Deduct Items Not Affecting Working Capital (W/G) 535.801.00 Depreciation & Amortization 597,493 389,817 660,000 522,000 530,000 Net W/C From Operations 1,557,914 1,168,729 293,775 263,775 159,800 Resources Other Than Operations 396.101 Contributed Cap-Sys Dev 646,442 529,7 66 350,000 350,000 350,000 396.102 Contributed Cop-Area Asses 69,533 29,027 30,000 30,000 20,000 399.000 Other Sources (124,108) 142,142 1,992,000 Total Resources 591,867 700,935 380,000 380,000 2,362,000 Uses Other Than Operations 590.100.00 Other Uses (11l,705) (42,288) 590.100.11 Salaries/Wages (82,994) (57,988) (102,000) ( 102,000) (91,800) 590.100.21 Benefits (18,605) (12,951 ) (29,600) (29,600) (26,700) 597.100.55 Operating Transfer Out (79,000) (79,540) (4,500) (4,500) (144,000) 590.100.61 Inc in Fixed Assets-Land (100) 590.100.63 Inc in Fixed Assets-Improvements (24,317) (45,000) (45,000) (45,000) 590.100.64 Inc in Fixed Assets-Equipment (10,268) (20,240) (22,800) (22,800) (135,200) 590.100.65 Inc in Fixed Assets-Construction (990,720) (702,363) ( 1,122,400) (1,122,400 ) (3,037,500) 590.100.70 Debt Service: Principal Total Uses (1,317,709) (915,370) (1,326,300) (1,326,300) (3,480,200) Net Change in W/C 832,072 954,294 (652,525) (682,525) (958,400) Beginning W/C 1/1 7,295,016 8,127,088 9,081,381 9,081,382 8,398,857 Ending W/C 12/31 8,127,088 9,081 ,382 8,428,856 8,398,857 7,440,457 Net Change in W/C $ 832,072 $ 954.294 $ (652.525) $ (682.525) $ (958.400) Page 161 2004 Final Budoet Section VI: Baseline Budoet Page 162 2004 Final Budoet Section VI: Baseline Budoet Storm Drainage Division Storm Division Manager Mike Martin 6 Reporting Staff Maintenance Worker II (5) Maintenance Worker I (1 ) Page 163 2004 Final Budoet Section VI: Baseline Budoet STORM DRAINAGE UTILITY DIVISION The Storm Drainage Utility provides environmentally sound and effective management of surface and shallow ground water in the City of Auburn for the protection and welfare of the public. Some of the key administrative and engineering duties include comprehensive system planning, compliance with governmental regulations, interaction and regulation of development applications, development and implementation of capital improvement projects, and system budget management. Key operational duties include general system maintenance, minor repair and construction, and day-to-day operation. The City is responsible for the collection, transmission, treatment, and disposal of surface waters to the Green and White Rivers. 2003 ACCOMPLISHMENTS .:. Applied for and obtained a temporary National Pollution Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Phase II (under 100,000 population) permit. .:. Began implementation of the NPDES Phase II permit elements. .:. Revised the Storm Drainage Design Standards. .:. Reviewed monthly rates and system development charges. .:. Completed reclassification of non-single family storm accounts. .:. Began implementation of recommendations from the condition survey reports for public storm drainage facilities. .:. Raised Auburn's National Flood Insurance Plan rating from class 8 to class 7. .:. Implemented a West Nile Virus surveillance and monitoring plan. .:. Completed a water quality/quantity monitoring program. 2004 WORK PROGRAM GOALS .:. Coordinate the utilities participation with the Mill Creek Environmental Enhancement project. .:. Continue implementation of recommendations from the condition survey reports by retrofitting two public storm drainage facilities. .:. Continue to respond to the Endangered Species Act listing of Puget Sound Chinook salmon. .:. Update the Storm drainage model to improve coordination with development applications. .:. Continue to phase the implementation requirements of the NPDES Phase II permit elements. .:. Implement elements of the Water Quality/Quantity Monitoring Program. Page 164 2004 Final Budoet Section VI: Baseline Budoet Storm - Working Capital Budget 2001 2002 2003 2003 2004 Item Actual Actual Adj Budget Est Actual Budget Operating Budget: Operating Revenue 343.830 Storm Drainage Services $ 2,669,804 $ 2,896,932 $ 2,81 5,200 $ 2,815,200 $ 2,800,000 Total Operating Revenue 2,669,804 2,896,932 2,81 5,200 2,815,200 2,800,000 Operating Expense 535.000.10 Salaries and Wages (762,773) (859,136) ( 1,053,500) (1,053,500) (1,083,100) 535.000.20 Benefits (180,324) ( 142,070) (304,300) (304,300) (306,400) 535.000.30 Supplies (27,687) (23,649) (38,325) (38,325) (38,500) 535.000.40 Other Services Charges (247,745) (383,722) (618,250) ( 618,250) (764,100) 535.000.50 Intergovt Services (10,000) (21,007) (50,000) (50,000) (10,000) 535.000.90 Interfund Oper Rentals/Supplies (217,017) (171,656) (303,300) (303,300) (385,600) 535.000.00 Depreciation (517,132) ( 648,973) (530,000) (855,000) (860,000) Total Operating Expenses (1,962,678) (2,250,213) (2,897,675) (3,222,675) (3,447,700) Operating Income (Loss) 707,126 646,719 (82,475) (407,475) (647,700) Non Operating Revenue (Exp) 361.11 Interest Revenue 242,1 77 81 ,480 60,000 60,000 45,000 360.000 Miscellaneous Revenue (4,242) 535.100.80 Interest Expense (259,224) ( 154,673) ( 149,800) (149,800) (136,900) Total Non Oper. Rev (Exp) (17,047) (77,435) (89,800) (89,800) (91,900) Net Income (Loss) 690,079 569,284 (172,275 ) (497,275) (739,600) Add/Deduct Items Not Affecting Working Capital (W/G) 535.801.01 Depreciation 517,132 648,973 530,000 855,000 860,000 Restricted for Rote Stabilization (300,000) Net W/C From Operations 907,211 1,218,257 357,725 357,725 1 20,400 Resources Other Than Operations 396.101 Inc in Contributed Cap-Sys Dev 296,159 352,737 396.102 Inc in Contributed Cop-Area Assess 3,970 10,981 300,000 300,000 300,000 396.104 Inc in Contributed Cop-Out Devl 428,571 399.610 Inc in Compensated Absences 4,147 (43,793) 399.500 Net Change in Restricted Assets 223,863 88,595 399.800 Adj to Long Term Debt (185,400) Total Resources 956,710 223,120 300,000 300,000 300,000 Uses Other Than Operations 590.100.00 Other Uses (158,705) (88,595) 590.100.02 Prior year adjustment (55,278) 590.100.10 Salaries/Wages (56,242) (49,7 68) (103,800) ( 103,800) (99,900) 590.100.20 Benefits (11,827) (12,080) (30,200) (30,200) (29,000) 590.100.55 Operating Transfer Out (79,000) (79,540) (4,500) (4,500) 590.100.61 Inc in Fixed Assets-Land (27,244) (113,007) (450,000) ( 450,000) (165,000) 590.100.63 Inc in Fixed Assets-Improvements (58,000) (58,000) (43,000) 590.100.64 Inc in Fixed Assets-Equipment (5,576) (5,007) (18,000) (18,000) (152,700) 590.100.65 Inc in Fixed Assets-Construction (1,357,976) (461,788) (737,000) ( 737,000) (1,511,100) 590.100.71 Debt Service: Principal (425,633) (349,500) (298,100) (298,100) (314,800) Total Uses (2,122,203) (1,214,563) (1,699,600) (1,699,600) (2,315,500) Net Change in W/C (258,282) 226,814 (1,041,875 ) (1,041,875) (1,895,100) Beginning W/C 1/1 4,742,243 4,183,961 4,410,775 4,410,775 3,368,900 Ending W/C 12/31 4,183,961 4,410,775 3,368,900 3,368,900 1,473,800 Net Change in W/C $ (558,282) $ 226,814 $ (1,041,875) $ (1,041,875) $ (1,895,100) Page 165 2004 Final Budoet Section VI: Baseline Budoet Page 166 2004 Final Budoet Section VI: Baseline Budoet Solid Waste Division Solid Waste Manager Sharon Conroy 1 Reporting Staff Recycling Coordinator Page 167 2004 Final Budoet Section VI: Baseline Budoet SOLID WASTE UTILITY DIVISION The Solid Waste Division is responsible for the collection of solid waste from Auburn residents and businesses and for recycling. The City contracts with Waste Management to do collection and recycling, with City staff responsible for overall management and billings. The City contracts with King County for disposal of solid waste materials. The implementation of Auburn's Solid Waste and Recycling Contract, including single-family curbside recycling and commercial embedded recycling, began January 2002. The Multi- family recycling program was launched summer of 2003. The Solid Waste Utility Division encourages community participation in Auburn's solid waste programs by proactively managing and monitoring the daily activities of the solid waste contractors; continually assessing the regulatory and political climate pertaining to solid and hazardous waste collection and disposal, recycling and waste prevention; and reviewing the adequacy of our annual level of service to meet community needs. 2003 ACCOMPLISHMENTS 2004 WORK PROGRAM GOALS .:. Increased the measured rate of residential .:. Maintain the measured rate of residential recycling to 48% by volume by year-end. recycling to 48% by volume. .:. Established and measured the participation .:. Establish and measure the participation rate rate in residential recycling to achieve 95% by in residential recycling to maintain an year-end. average of 95%. .:. Established and measured the volume-based .:. Measure the volume-based rate of shifting rate of shifting from 30-gallon cans to mini from 30-gallon cans to mini and micro cans, and micro cans, as a result of residential as a result of residential recycling, and recycling, to maintain 20% by year-end. maintain at 20%. .:. Measured recycling participation from .:. Contact 200 multifamily complexes and set commercial and multi-family units and up recycling for 50% of these by year-end. established a base number of participants in .:. Work with Auburn School District and give the new program. recycling and solid waste presentations to .:. Contacted 160 multi-family complexes and grades three through five. set up recycling for 50% of these by year-end. .:. Promote commercial recycling embedded .:. Worked with Auburn School District and gave rates for businesses. recycling and solid waste presentations to .:. Continue assessment of route checks within elementary schools. one day and 95% response within ten days. .:. Implemented the Annual Spring Clean Up .:. Create two additional activities to inform the campaign. citizens of the City's recycling and household .:. Promoted commercial recycling embedded hazardous waste programs. rates for businesses. .:. Provide citizens with recycling ability at all City .:. Continued assessment of route checks within facilities. one day and 95% response within ten days. .:. Implement recycling at all City special events .:. Created two additional activities to inform in conjunction with Parks department, (i.e. the citizens of the City's recycling and Sidewalk Sale, Good 01' Days, 4th of July, Kids household hazardous waste programs; Parks Day). Recycling Pilot Project and E-waste Promo & .:. Conduct a survey of residents to determine Video Check-out. effectiveness of recycling and garbage collection programs. Page 168 2004 Final Budoet Section VI: Baseline Budoet Solid Waste - Working Capital Budget 2001 2002 2003 2003 2004 Item Actual Actual Adj Budget Est Actual Budget Operating Budget: Operating Revenue 343.750 Garbage Service $ 8,488,049 $ 7,871,703 $ 8,330,102 $ 8,330,102 $ 8,496,700 Total Operating Revenue 8,488,049 7,871,703 8,330,102 8,330,102 8,496,700 Operating Expense 537.000.10 Salaries and Wages (249,331 ) (229,271 ) (424,100) (424,100) (393,400) 537.000.20 Benefits (60,175) (27,193) ( 122,200) (122,200) (113,200) 537.000.30 Supplies ( 10,023) (22,270) ( 14,400) (11,100) (21,700) 537.000.40 Other Services & Charges (7,767,300) (7,136,321 ) (8,162,714) (8,141,014) (8,027,400) 537.000.50 Inter-Govt'l Services (202,533) (208,866) (212,568) (212,568) (215,400) 537.000.90 Interfund Oper Rentals/Supplies (4l,724) (51,116) (75,000) (75,000) (75,500) 537.000.00 Depreciation (13,155) (18,804) (5,000) (18,800) (18,900) Total Operating Expenses (8,344,241 ) ( 7,693,841 ) (9,015,982) (9,004,782) (8,865,500) Operating Income (Loss) 143,808 177,862 ( 685,880) (674,680) (368,800) Non Operating Revenue (Exp) 361.11 0 Interest Revenue 104,725 44,286 40,000 40,000 40,000 337.000 Misc Rev - Other 4,989 54,332 51,300 Total Non Oper. Rev (Exp) 109,714 98,618 40,000 40,000 91,300 Net Income (Loss) 253,522 276,480 ( 645,880) (634,680) (277,500) Add/Deduct Items Not Affecting Working Capital (W/C) 537.801.01 Depreciation 13,155 18,804 5,000 18,800 18,900 Net W/C from Operations 266,677 295,284 ( 640,880) (615,880) (258,600) Resources Other Than Operations 397.100 Operating Transfer In 399.000 Other Sources 4,583 (19,924) 28,000 28,000 Total Resources 4,583 (19,924) 28,000 28,000 Uses Other Than Operations 597.100.55 Operating Transfer Out (20,000) ( 10,000) 590.100.62 Inc in Fixed Assets-Building (338,443) 590.100.64 Inc in Fixed Assets-Equipment (68,700) Total Uses (358,443) ( 10,000) (68,700) Net Change in W/C (87,183) 265,360 ( 612,880) (587,880) (327,300) Beginning W/C 1/1 3,497,723 3,410,540 3,675,899 3,675,900 3,088,020 Ending W/C 12/31 3,410,540 3,675,900 3,063,019 3,088,020 2,760,720 Net Change in W/C $ (87,183) $ 265,360 $ ( 612,880) $ (587,880) $ (327,300) Page 169 2004 Final Budoet Section VI: Baseline Budoet Page 1 70 2004 Final Budoet Section VI: Baseline Budoet Equipment Rental Division General Services/ Fleet Manager Wayne Knapp 9 Reporting Staff Auto Mechanic (4) Maintenance Worker I (2) Accounting Clerk Office Assistant Custodian Page 1 71 2004 Final Budoet EQUIPMENT RENTAL DIVISION Section VI: Baseline Budoet Equipment Rental is responsible for maintenance, service, acquisition and disposition of the City's vehicle/equipment fleet. Handles Maintenance and Operations (M&O) facility building and grounds maintenance. Manages the City's fuel storage and access system. The mission of the Equipment Rental Division is to provide all City departments with a safe and reliable fleet, and the fleet support services that each department needs to perform its mission. 2003 ACCOMPLISHMENTS .:. Improved resource protection within the M&O compound by installing an automated rear gate, controlling access to M&O. .:. Evaluated systems to improve data collection and handling processes for Equipment Rental, Central Stores, and Administration. .:. Improved configuration of Equipment Rental and Central Stores offices. .:. Improved safety awareness and proper storage of hazardous materiel. .:. Improved fleet cost accounting. .:. Improved storage and handling of surplus. .:. Improved M&O outsized storage. 2004 WORK PROGRAM GOALS .:. Implement new Fleet Management software for real time status tracking of all fleet inspection and repair activity and Central Stores inventory. .:. Make "quality of life" improvements within Equipment Rental and Central Stores. .:. Improve configuration, organization, and maintenance of M&O exterior storage locations. Page 1 72 2004 Final Budoet Section VI: Baseline Budoet Equipment Rental - Working Capital 2001 2002 2003 2003 2004 Item Actual Actual Adj Budget Est Actual Budget Operating Budget: Operating Revenue 348.000 Interfund MaintlFuel & Charges $ 165,113 $ 153,345 $ 154,770 $ 154,770 $ 200,100 365.100 Interfund Equip Rental 1,358,000 1,17l,704 l,749,700 l,749,700 2,342,200 365.400 Interfund Bldg Rental 108,000 120,000 115,000 115,000 115,000 Total Operating Revenue 1,631,113 1,445,049 2,019,470 2,019,470 2,657,300 Operating Expense 548.000.10 Salaries & Wages (276,947) (326,343) (408,200) (408,200) (452,800) 548.000.20 Benefits (64,178) (95,215) (118,300) (118,300) ( 132,200) 548.000.30 Supplies (311,889) (393,844) (344,400) (339,400) (290,900) 548.000.40 Other Services & Charges (318,324) (347,404) (432,500) (437,500) (438,300) 548.000.90 Interfund Oper Rental/Supplies (21,783) (20,071) (64,300) ( 64,300) (45,600) 548.000.00 Depreciation ( 698,673) ( 656,415) ( 630,000) (657,500) (658,000) Total Operating Expenses (1,69l,794) (1,839,292) (1,997,700) (2,025,200) (2,017,800) Operating Income (Loss) (60,681) (394,243) 21,770 (5,730) 639,500 Non Operating Revenue (Exp) 361.100 Interest Revenue 161,325 76,745 100,000 46,000 37,500 369.900 Miscellaneous 10,834 3,087 395.900 Gain/Loss Sole of Fixed Assets 39,488 90,111 Total Non Oper. Rev (Exp) 211,647 169,943 100,000 46,000 37,500 Net Income (Loss) 150,966 (224,300) 121,770 40,270 677,000 Add/Deduct Items Not Affecting Working Capital (W/C) 548.100.01 Depreciation 698,673 656,415 630,000 657,500 658,000 Net W/C From Operations 849,639 432,115 75l,770 697,770 1,335,000 Other Resources and Uses Budget: Sources Other Than Operations 396.106 Contributed Capitol 181,500 50,000 397.100 Operating Transfer In 15,400 15,400 399.000 Other Sources 3,323 23,976 Total Resources 184,823 73,976 15,400 15,400 Uses Other Than Operations 590.100.63 Inc in Fixed Assets-Improvements (6,070) (20,000) (20,000) 590.100.64 Inc in Fixed Assets-Equipment (534,782) ( 698,002) (1,094,000) ( 1 ,094,000) (808,000) Total Uses (540,852) ( 698,002) (1,114,000) (1,114,000) (808,000) Net Change in W/C 493,610 ( 191.911) (346,830) (400,830) 527,000 Beginning W/C 1/1 3,370,089 3,863,699 3,67l,788 3,67l,788 3,270,958 Ending W/C 12/31 3,863,699 3,671,788 3,324,958 3,270,958 3,797,958 Net Change in W/C $ 493,610 $ (191.911 ) $ (346,830) $ (400,830) $ 527,000 Page 1 73 2004 Final Budoet Section VI: Baseline Budoet Page 174 2004 Final Budoet Section VI: Baseline Budoet Other Funds The remaining funds do not have organizational charts or performance measures because these funds are for financial tracking purposes and are not functional units within themselves. They do not have specific personnel budgeted for them or measures suitable for tracking performance or workload. Page 1 75 2004 Final Budoet Section VI: Baseline Budoet Insurance Fund The Insurance Fund is maintained to pay unemployment insurance claims and to pay for property and liability losses which either falls below the City's deductible level or for which the City has no coverage. In recent years, there has been a rapid increase in insurance premiums coupled with the decrease in coverage that has caused the City to continually re-evaluate its insurance program. In the 1987 budget process, the City decided to build its insurance reserve to a level sufficient to supplement existing insurance. The City currently meets its insurance needs by participating in the Washington Cities Insurance Authority's Insurance Pool (WClA). No contributions have been made to this fund since 1994. Interest earnings have been sufficient to cover the annual cost of operations. 2003 ACCOMPLISHMENTS 2004 WORK PROGRAM GOALS .:. Strengthened policies and procedures in departments to help control loss issues. .:. Evaluated alternatives available to control rising costs of insurance. .:. Maintained adequate reserves to cover uninsured portion of claims. .:. Evaluate cost saving measures while maintaining quality insurance coverage. .:. Continue to maintain adequate reserves to meet uninsured costs. .:. Evaluate policies and procedures to help control loss issues. Page 176 2004 Final Budoet Section VI: Baseline Budoet Insurance - Working Capital Budget 2001 2002 2003 2003 2004 Item Actual Actual Adj Budget Est Actual Budget Operating Budget: Operating Revenue 361.11 0 Investment Income $ 98,321 $ 49,811 $ 55,000 $ 20,000 $ 20,000 369.000 Misc Revenue 9,895 735 3,600 Total Operating Revenue 108,216 50,546 55,000 23,600 20,000 Operating Expense 537.000.20 Benefits (32,320) (55,608) (60,000) ( 65,000) (70,000) 537.000.40 Other Services & Charges (2,004) (2,004) (8,000) (8,000) (8,000) Total Operating Expenses (34,324) (57,612) (68,000) (73,000) (78,000) Operating Income (Loss) 73,892 (7,066) (13,000) (49,400) (58,000) Non Operating Revenue (Exp) 597.100.55 Transfers Out (5,000) (150,000) ( 150,000) Total Non Oper Rev (Exp) (5,000) (150,000) ( 150,000) Net Change in W/C $ 73.892 $ (12.066) $ ( 163.000) $ (199.400) $ (58.000) Beginning W/C 1/1 2,840,614 2,914,506 2,902,440 2,902,440 2,703,040 Ending W/C 12/31 2,914,506 2,902,440 2,739,440 2,703,040 2,645,040 Net Change in W/C $ 73,892 $ (12,066) $ ( 163,000) $ (199.400) $ (58,000) Page 1 77 2004 Final Budoet Non-Departmental Section VI: Baseline Budoet The Non-Departmental cost center is used to reflect the General Fund's ending fund balance and prior year adjustments, the transfer of money between funds, and one-time transactions not accounted for elsewhere. Estimated costs for retiring employees are budgeted in this department. During the course of the year, anticipated expenditures will be transferred from the fund balance figure while excess revenues will be added to the fund balance figures. The ending fund balance figure reflects the estimated ending balance. Since the budget will be adopted before the actual current year ending figure is known, a projected fund balance is used. 2003 ACCOMPLISHMENTS .:. Continued with implementation efforts for GASB 34 reporting changes. .:. Continued long-term debt payments on Library and Valley Communications bonds. .:. Continued funding LEOFF retiree medical and long-term care expenses. .:. Completed public safety building design. .:. Repaired City Hall courtyard. .:. Continued engineering and construction relating to the Endangered Species Act. .:. Continued Neighborhood Plan and Gateway efforts. .:. Continued saving for future fire apparatus. .:. Continued to provide funding for downtown revitalization projects. 2004 WORK PROGRAM GOALS .:. Provide for payment on Valley Communication bond. .:. Fund LEOFF retiree medical and long-term care expenses. .:. Continue with funding for completion of West Beverly Park. .:. Continue funding engineering and construction relating to the Endangered Species Act. .:. Implement Gateway Improvements. .:. Provide for Neighborhood Improvement Plan. .:. Continue funding for downtown revitalization projects. Page 1 78 2004 Final Budoet Section VI: Baseline Budoet 001 General 2001 2002 2003 2003 2004 98 Non Departmental Actual Actual Adj Budget Est Actual Budget 10 Salaries & Wages 11 Regular Salaries & Wages $ 31,336 $ 164,494 $ 779,190 $ 313,779 $ 564,900 13 Other Wages Salary Sub-Total 31,336 164,494 779,190 313,779 564,900 20 Personnel Benefits 321,347 446,617 467,500 416,300 488,100 Benefits Sub-Total 321,347 446,617 467,500 416,300 488,100 30 Supplies 31 Office & Operating Supplies 92 35 Small Tools & Minor Equipment 65,223 Supplies Sub-Total 65,315 40 Other Services & Supplies 41 Professional Services 539,717 103,613 531,000 311,000 262,000 42 Communication 18,800 43 Travel 896 36 100 100 100 44 Advertising 45 Operating Rentals & Leases 46 Insurance 106,225 102,552 120,000 120,000 120,000 47 utility Services 48 Repairs & Maintenance 11,301 49 Miscellaneous 517 765 Other Services Sub-Total 647,355 237,067 651,1 00 431,1 00 382,100 50 Intergovt/lnterfund Services/T ox 4,852,114 3,661,310 2,473,305 608,905 811,000 60 Capitol Outlays 61 Land 3,525 62 Buildings 63 Other Improvements 427,243 258,019 120,000 64 Machinery & Equipment 70,258 25,323 230,000 467,000 65 Construction In Progress 210,000 350,000 Capitol Outlay Sub-Total 501,026 283,342 350,000 210,000 817,000 70 Debt Service: Principal 134,000 134,000 139,000 80 Debt Service: Interest 117,000 117,000 111,100 90 Interfund Payments For Services 95 Interfund Oper Rentals & Leases 99 Interfund IS Services Interfund Sub-Total 00 Designated-Retirees 574,315 587,600 587,600 587,600 564,900 00 Designated Ending Fund Balance 4,200,000 4,824,000 4,380,000 3,560,000 3,722,900 00 Undesignated Ending Fund BalancE 12,505,012 10,264,952 3,668,092 9,765,700 2,419,600 Sub-Total 6,418,493 4,792,830 4,972,095 2,231,084 3,313,200 Department Totals $ 23,697,820 $ 20,469,382 $ 13,607,787 $ 16,144,384 $ 10,020,600 Page 1 79 2004 Final Budoet Special Revenue Funds The budget includes the following special revenue funds: Section VI: Baseline Budoet · The Street Fund accounts for the proceeds of general gas taxes all of which is transferred to the General Fund for street construction and maintenance. Beginning in 2003 this fund accumulates cash balances earned in the Capital Improvement Fund to be used on non-classified street preservation. · The Arterial Street Fund accounts for gas tax receipts that are restricted to arterial streets, as well as other funding sources for street capital construction projects. · The Hotel/Motel Tax Fund was created in 2001 to collect revenues to support tourism activities in Auburn. · The CDBG Fund accounts for the activity from the federal Community Development Block Grant program. · The Business Improvement Area fund accounts for special assessments received from downtown property owners for downtown promotion and improvements. · The Cumulative Reserve Fund accumulates reserves for counter-cyclical purposes, capital purposes, and as a "rainy day" fund. · The Drug Forfeiture Fund accounts for drug money that has been forfeited. The expenditure of funds is restricted to drug enforcement activity. · The Local Law Enforcement Block Grant Fund accounts for money received from the Federal government that can only be used for criminal justice purposes. · Mitigation Fees Fund accounts for fees paid by developers toward the cost of future improvements to City infrastructure, which are required to provide for additional demands generated by new development. · Parks and Recreation Special Projects Fund collects a portion of adult recreational program fees to provide funding for capital projects in parks. 2003 ACCOMPLISHMENTS .:. Continued with street projects identified in the 2003-2008 Transportation Improvement Program. .:. Continued the Business Improvement Area with added emphasis on downtown cleanup and security. .:. Began new accounting for interest revenues to be used for non-classified street preservation. .:. Continued federal grant programs relating to Local Law Enforcement and Community Development Block grants. 2004 WORK PROGRAM GOALS .:. Work toward completion of street projects identified for 2004 in the Transportation Improvement Program. .:. Utilize grant options and maintain accountability of grant funds. .:. Oversee use of mitigation fees to provide for City infrastructure improvements. .:. Maintain Cumulative Reserve fund to provide stability during economic downturns and capital purposes. Page 180 2004 Final Budoet Section VI: Baseline Budoet Special Revenue Funds City Street Fund-101 2001 2002 2003 2003 2004 Actual Actual Adj Budget Est Actual Budget Revenue 291.740 Beginning Fund Balance $ $ $ $ $ 336.087 Motor Veh Fuel Tax-City st 635,783 654,861 639,000 624,000 600,000 397.100 Transfer In 200,000 200,000 150,000 361. 100 Investment Income Total Revenue 635,783 654,861 839,000 824,000 750,000 Expenditures 597.100.55 Operating Transfer Out 635,783 654,861 839,000 824,000 750,000 599.200.06 Ending Fund Balance Total Expenditures $ 635,783 $ 654,861 $ 839,000 $ 824,000 $ 750,000 Arterial Street Fund-102 2001 2002 2003 2003 2004 Actual Actual Adj Budget Est Actual Budget Revenue 291.740 Beginning Fund Balance $ 2,993,173 $ 2,359,300 $ 2,017,471 $ 2,017,471 $ 1,839,071 333.038 Federal Grants 10,537,874 2,304,099 2,851,1 00 1,889,100 1,105,000 334.038 state Funds 1,000,959 409,693 1.619,000 1,412,000 1 ,681 ,000 336.081 Local Vehicle License Fee 388,510 398,559 9,000 9,000 336.088 Motor Vehicle Fuel Tax 295,914 296,054 290,000 290,000 290,000 337.000 Other Governmental Agency 1,627,081 2,650,602 845,000 858,000 327,000 344.810 Dev.Traffic Mitigation Agree. 76,977 61. 925 276,400 262,600 80,000 344.900 Other Transportation Fees 110 361. 110 Investment Income 16,882 35,331 15,000 362.900 Long Term Lease-ROW 1,250 369.900 Miscellaneous Revenue 96,517 397.100 Operating Transfer In 1 ,842,000 1,069,047 901,000 993,000 994,000 Total Revenue 18,877,247 9,584,610 8,808,971 7,731,171 6,331.071 Expenditures 594.420.11 Salaries 170,603 210,845 221,1 00 221,1 00 212,400 594.420.21 Benefits 35,792 43,566 64,200 64,200 61,600 594.420.41 Professional Services 82 50,000 50,000 50,000 594.420.48 Repairs & Maintenance 46,524 594.420.51 Intergovernmental 45,000 594.420.61 Land 2,571,491 54,315 169,000 594.420.63 Other Improvements 13,693,537 7,213,293 8,042,800 5,556,800 5,808,000 594.420.90 Interfund Services 38 599.200.06 Un designated Ending Fd Bal 2,359,300 2,017,471 261,871 1,839,071 199,071 Total Expenditures $ 18,877,247 $ 9,584,610 $ 8,808,971 $ 7,731,171 $ 6,331,071 Page 181 2004 Final Budoet Section VI: Baseline Budoet Special Revenue Funds (cont) Hotel Motel Tax Fund-104 2001 2002 2003 2003 2004 Actual Actual Adj Budget Est Actual Budget Revenue 291.740 Beginning Fund Balance $ $ 2,521 $ 46,479 $ 46,479 $ 21,479 313.300 Hotel Motel Tax 2,521 48,971 45,000 45,000 45,000 361. 110 Investment Income 462 Total Revenue 2,521 51,954 91,479 91,479 66,479 Expenditures 557.300.41 Tourism 5,475 70,000 70,000 60,000 599.200.06 Ending Fund Balance 2,521 46,479 21,479 21,479 6,479 Total Expenditures $ 2,521 $ 51,954 $ 91,479 $ 91,479 $ 66,479 Drug Forfeiture Fund-11? 2001 2002 2003 2003 2004 Actual Actual Adj Budget Est Actual Budget Revenue 291.740 Beginning Fund Balance $ 62,872 $ 83,341 $ 74,298 $ 74,298 $ 20,198 334.031 state Grants $ $ $ 7,000 $ 7,000 $ 361. 110 Investment Income 2,375 1,547 1,000 1,000 600 369.300 Confiscated/Forfeited Prop. 42,280 37,164 28,700 28,700 50,000 Total Revenue 107,527 122,052 110,998 110,998 70,798 Expenditures 500.000.35 Operating SupplieslEquip 2,888 12,396 46,000 46,000 36,000 500.000.41 Professional Services 304 8,052 9,000 9,000 10,000 500.000.42 Communication 374 3,619 2,500 2,500 4,000 500.000.43 Travel 1.950 1,999 2,300 2,300 2,300 500.000.45 Operating Rental & Leoses 1,638 1,296 1,200 1,200 500.000.48 Repairs & Maintenance 361 2,800 2,800 2,800 500.000.49 Miscellaneous 8,726 10,062 8,500 8,500 10,000 500.000.51 Intergovernmental 500.000.64 Equipment 8,306 9,969 18,500 18,500 597.100.55 Operating Transfer Out 599.200.06 Ending Fund Balance 83,341 74,298 20,198 20,198 5,698 Total Expenditures $ 107,527 $ 122,052 $ 110,998 $ 110,998 $ 70,798 Page 182 2004 Final Budoet Section VI: Baseline Budoet Special Revenue Funds (cont) Local Law Enforcement Block Grant-118 2001 2002 2003 2003 2004 Actual Actual Adj Budget Est Actual Budget Revenue 291.740 Beginning Fund Balance $ 43,393 $ 60,131 $ 54,250 $ 54,250 $ 1.769 331.165 Bureau of Justice Assist. 51,434 44,135 45,000 361. 110 Investment Income 1.216 944 1,000 1,000 1,000 369.300 Miscellaneous Revenue 397.100 Operating Transfer In 10,454 5,715 4,905 4,905 4,500 Total Revenue 106,497 110,925 60,155 60,155 52,269 Expenditures 500.000.11 Overtime-community policing 46,366 56,675 58,386 58,386 50,000 599.200.06 Ending Fund Balance 60,131 54,250 1.769 1.769 2,269 Total Expenditures $ 106,497 $ 110,925 $ 60,155 $ 60,155 $ 52,269 Housing & Community Development- 119 2001 2002 2003 2003 2004 Actual Actual Adj Budget Est Actual Budget Revenue 291.740 Beginning Fund Balance $ 1.049 $ 5,534 $ 5,931 $ 5,931 $ 5,931 331.142 HCDA Grant Funds 546,654 415,513 483,000 483,000 483,000 361. 110 Investment Income 398 Total Revenue 547,703 421,445 488,931 488,931 488,931 Expenditures 559.200.11 Salaries 43,876 36,813 46,100 46,100 47,400 559.200.21 Benefits 7,923 7,943 13,400 13,400 13,800 559.200.41 Professional Services 559.200.63 Other Improvements 490,370 370,758 423,500 423,500 421.800 599.200.06 Ending Fund Balance 5,534 5,931 5,931 5,931 5,931 Total Expenditures $ 547,703 $ 421,445 $ 488,931 $ 488,931 $ 488,931 Page 183 2004 Final Budoet Section VI: Baseline Budoet Special Revenue Funds (cont) Recreational Trails-120 2001 2002 2003 2003 2004 Actual Actual Adj Budget Est Actual Budget Revenue 291.740 Beginning Fund Balance $ 17,987 $ 10,951 $ 12,662 $ 12,662 $ 14,262 336.088 Motor Vehicle Fuel Tax 1,357 1,488 1,400 1,400 1,400 361. 110 Investment Income 784 223 200 200 200 397.100 Operating tranfer in Total Revenue 20,128 12,662 14,262 14,262 15,862 Expenditures 576.100.48 Repairs & Maintenance 9,177 599.200.06 Ending Fund Balance 10,951 12,662 14,262 14,262 15,862 Total Expenditures $ 20,128 $ 12,662 $ 14,262 $ 14,262 $ 15,862 Business Improvement Area-121 2001 2002 2003 2003 2004 Actual Actual Adj Budget Est Actual Budget Revenue 291.740 Beginning Fund Balance $ 124,549 $ 106,298 $ 93,904 $ 93,904 $ 66,104 318.700 Business Improvement Assess 44,089 52,839 50,000 50,000 50,000 319.800 Penalties & Interest 570 1,837 1,000 1,000 1,000 361. 110 Investment Income 4,871 2,026 2,000 2,000 2,000 Total Revenue 1 74,079 163,000 146,904 146,904 119,104 Expenditures 543.000.11 Salaries 37,643 30,472 38,800 38,800 543.000.21 Benefits 4,212 4,344 6,890 6,890 543.000.31 Office & Operating Supplies 2,807 5,365 2,000 2,000 10,000 543.000.41 Professional Services 3,526 51.700 543.000.49 Miscellaneous 23,119 25,389 33,110 33,110 30,000 599.200.06 Ending Fund Balance 106,298 93,904 66,104 66,104 27,404 Total Expenditures $ 174,079 $ 163,000 $ 146,904 $ 146,904 $ 119,104 Page 184 2004 Final Budoet Section VI: Baseline Budoet Special Revenue Funds (cont) Cumulative Reserve Fund-122 2001 2002 2003 2003 2004 Actual Actual Adj Budget Est Actual Budget Revenue 291.740 Beginning Fund Balance $ 3,940,272 $ 4,166,351 $ 4,261,213 $ 4,261,213 $ 4,361,213 361. 110 Investment Income 226,079 94,862 100,000 100,000 70,000 Total Revenue 4,166,351 4,261,213 4,361,213 4,361,213 4,431,213 Expenditures 599.200.06 Ending Fund Balance 4,166,351 4,261,213 4,361,213 4,361,213 4,431,213 Total Expenditures $ 4,166,351 $ 4,261,213 $ 4,361,213 $ 4,361,213 $ 4,431,213 1986 Parks & Street Imp Fund-123 2001 2002 2003 2003 2004 Actual Actual Adj Budget Est Actual Budget Revenue 291.740 Beginning Fund Balance $ 56,649 $ 59,176 $ 58,029 $ 58,029 $ 5,429 311.100 Property Taxes 91 134 200 200 361. 110 Investment Income 2,436 1,085 100 100 200 Total Revenue 59,176 60,395 58,329 58,329 5,629 Expenditures 576.801 .63 Parks-Improvements 2,366 52,900 52,900 5,629 599.200.06 Ending Fund Balance 59,176 58,029 5,429 5,429 Total Expenditures $ 59,176 $ 60,395 $ 58,329 $ 58,329 $ 5,629 Page 185 2004 Final Budoet Section VI: Baseline Budoet Special Revenue Funds (cont) Mitigation Fees-124 2001 2002 2003 2003 2004 Actual Actual Adj Budget Est Actual Budget Revenue 291.720 Designated Beg Fund Bal $ 320,594 $ 994,803 $ 984,659 $ 984,659 $ 973,660 291.740 Un designated Beg Fund Bal 10,124 72,013 101,959 101,959 116,958 344.110 Transportation Impact Fee 52,040 345,062 150,000 150,000 250,000 345.1 00 School Impact Admin Fee 12,550 10,800 9,000 9,000 9,000 345.822 Lklnd Fire Mitigation 236,683 70,622 30,000 30,000 40,000 345.842 Lklnd Traffic Mitigation 345.942 Traffic Mitigation 65% Henderson 407,611 91,812 50,000 50,000 50,000 361. 110 Investment Income 27,214 19,147 6,000 6,000 6,000 397.100 Transfer in 50,000 Total Revenue 1,066,816 1,604,259 1,331,618 1,331,618 1,495,618 Expenditures 597.100.55 Operating Transfer- Art.Street 517,641 141,000 241,000 250,000 599.200.06 Ending Fund Balance 1,066,816 1,086,618 1,190,618 1,090,618 1,245,618 Total Expenditures $ 1,066,816 $ 1,604,259 $ 1,331,618 $ 1,331,618 $ 1,495,618 Parks & Recreation Special Projects-125 2001 2002 2003 2003 2004 Actual Actual Adj Budget Est Actual Budget Revenue 291.740 Beginning Fund Balance $ 56,400 $ 54,848 $ 59,348 $ 38,890 $ 22,390 367.104 Miscellaneous Donations 47,992 28,922 10,000 10,000 10,000 Total Revenue 104,392 83,770 69,348 48,890 32,390 Expenditures 574.104.31 Office & Operating Supplies 5,000 5,000 6,500 6,500 6,500 574.104.4 9 Miscellaneous 44,544 39,880 20,000 20,000 20,000 597.100.55 Operating Transfer Out 599.400.06 Ending Fund Balance 54,848 38,890 42,848 22,390 5,890 Total Expenditures $ 104,392 $ 83,770 $ 69,348 $ 48,890 $ 32,390 Page 186 2004 Final Budoet Section VI: Baseline Budoet Page 187 2004 Final Budoet Section VI: Baseline Budoet Debt Service Funds The Debt Service Funds classification includes two debt service accounting funds. The first one is the 1998 Limited Tax General Obligation bond fund, and the other is the LID Guarantee fund. The City's LID Guarantee Fund is used as a source for guaranteeing the redemption and payment of outstanding LID bonds and interest. Its purpose is to provide adequate security in order to maintain top ratings by bond raters. 2003 ACCOMPLISHMENTS 2004 WORK PROGRAM GOALS .:. Continued timely payment of principal and interest on outstanding debt issues. .:. Continued accounting for existing LID funds; closed out funds for completed LIDs. .:. Coordinated new LIDs with other City departments. .:. Continue timely payment of principal and interest on outstanding debt issues. .:. Continue accounting for existing LID funds; close out funds for completed LIDs. .:. Coordinate new LIDs with other City departments. Page 188 2004 Final Budoet Section VI: Baseline Budoet Debt Service Funds 1998 GO Library Bond Debt-229 2001 2002 2003 2003 2004 Actual Actual Adj Budget Est Actual Budget Revenue 291.710 Designated Fund Balance $ 56,752 $ 63,660 $ 5,043 $ 5,043 $ 5,103 361. 110 Investment Income 6,898 2,573 397.100 Operating Transfer In 306,800 245,000 304,000 304,000 306,500 Total Revenue 370,450 311,233 309,043 309,043 311,603 Expenditures 591.790.71 Debt Service-Principal 140,000 145,000 150,000 150,000 160,000 592.790.81 Debt Service-Interest 166,790 1 61,1 90 153,940 153,940 146,500 599.400.06 Ending Fund Balance 63,660 5,043 5,103 5,103 5,103 Total Expenditures $ 370,450 $ 311,233 $ 309,043 $ 309,043 $ 311,603 LID Guarantee-249 2001 2002 2003 2003 2004 Actual Actual Adj Budget Est Actual Budget Revenue 291.710 Reserved Fund Balance $ 1,718,670 $ 1 ,781 ,236 $ 1 ,801 ,839 $ 1.801,839 $ 1,825,839 311.100 Property Tax 6 361. 110 Investment Income 75,217 33,281 35,000 35,000 20,000 387.100 Residual Transfer In 3,366 Total Revenue 1,797,259 1.814,517 1,836,839 1,836,839 1,845,839 Expenditures 597.100.55 Operating Transfer Out 15,000 10,000 1.774,400 10,000 10,000 592.410.71 Debt Service-Principal 592.410.89 Debt Servicing Costs 1,023 2,678 1,000 1,000 1,000 599.300.06 Ending Fund Balance 1 ,781 ,236 1,801,839 61,439 1,825,839 1,834,839 Total Expenditures $ 1 ,797,259 $ 1.814,517 $ 1,836,839 $ 1 ,836,839 $ 1,845,839 Page 189 2004 Final Budoet Capital Projects Funds Section VI: Baseline Budoet The Capital Improvement Fund manages the proceeds of grants, Real Estate Excise Tax, and transfers from other funds. All funds are used for capital projects or major equipment purchases. The Parks Capital Improvement Fund accumulates a portion of adult recreation fees for capital improvements at city parks. 2003 ACCOMPLISHMENTS .:. Purchased pumper truck and two Aid Unit vehicles for Fire Department. .:. Paid second payment on Sound Transit parking garage and retail area. .:. Continued with City Hall remodel project. .:. Continued downtown revitalization efforts by assisting the Green River Community College Small Business Assistance Center. .:. Provided transportation impact funding for downtown building projects. .:. Purchased sidewalk-cleaning equipment. .:. Funded development at West Beverly and Veterans parks. .:. Continued funding capital street projects. .:. Continued funding street preservation projects with interest income from the Capital Improvement fund. 2004 WORK PROGRAM GOALS .:. Make last payment on Sound Transit parking garage and retail area. .:. Provide funding for downtown revitalization efforts. .:. Assist Green River Community College Small Business Assistance Center. .:. Fund completion of West Beverly Park. .:. Continue funding street preservation projects with interest income. .:. Purchase bleachers for GSA Park. .:. Purchase ballfields. Page 190 2004 Final Budoet Section VI: Baseline Budoet Capital Projects Funds Municipal Park Construction-321 2001 2002 2003 2003 2004 Actual Actual Adj Budget Est Actual Budget Revenue 29 1 .740 Beginning Fund Balance $ 2,163,732 $ 134,534 $ 38,306 $ 38,306 $ 61,506 347.610 Recreational Classes 25,320 20,765 22,000 22,000 22,000 36 1. 1 1 0 Investment Income 51,640 l,724 1,200 1,200 500 367.120 Sr Center Campaign 73,060 3,050 397.100 Operating Transfer In 158,000 92,000 Total Revenue 2,471,752 252,073 61,506 61,506 84,006 Expenditures 594.190.65 Senior Center project 2,337,218 50,197 576.801.63 GSA Ballfield-Bleachers 10,400 576.801.63 Brannon Park facility impr. 79,398 576.802.65 Dykstra Park footbridge 84,172 599.400.06 Ending Fund Balance 134,534 38,306 61,506 61,506 73,606 Total Expenditures $ 2,471,752 $ 252,073 $ 61,506 $ 61,506 $ 84,006 Capital Improvement Projects-328 2001 2002 2003 2003 2004 Actual Actual Adj Budget Est Actual Budget Revenue 29 1 .740 Beginning Fund Balance $ 7,814,428 $ 11,722,080 $ 14,894,342 $ 14,894,342 $ 9,197,690 317.340 REET - 1 74l,788 1,169,152 800,000 800,000 700,000 317.350 REET - 2 74l,580 1,1 71,554 800,000 800,000 700,000 337.110 Open Space Bond - Parks 93,326 110,149 39,900 39,900 36 1. 1 1 0 Investment Income 441,620 252,496 200,000 200,000 150,000 362.500 Property rental income 8,850 10,470 9,036 9,036 9,000 367.000 Contributions & Donations 30,000 391 .000 Proceeds of Gen L T Debt 2,069,173 397.100 Operating Transfer In 3,150,000 3,001,267 2,064,400 300,000 500,000 Total Revenue 12,99l,592 19,536,341 18,807,678 1 7,043,278 11,256,690 Expenditures 594.190.00 Unrestricted Capitol Outlay 67,257 4,124,873 3,939,188 3,939,188 2,057,323 594.220 Unrestricted Fire Apparatus 17,613 1,446,600 1,446,600 295,000 594.420 REET 1 Streets 594.760 Parks Grant 93,326 110,149 39,900 39,900 594.761 REET 1 Parks 49,316 5,571 72,500 72,500 594.762 REET 2 Parks 300,000 300,000 597.100.55 Unrestricted Transfer Out 1,387,400 1,387,400 200,000 597.101.55 REET 1 Transfer Out 22,000 597.102.55 REET 2 Transfer Out 1,020,000 401,406 760,000 660,000 600,000 599.400.06 Ending Fund Balance 11,722,080 14,894,342 10,862,090 9,197,690 8,104,367 Total Expenditures $ 12,99l,592 $ 19,536,341 $ 18,807,678 $ 1 7,043,278 $ 11,256,690 Page 191 2004 Final Budoet Section VI: Baseline Budoet Fiduciary Funds Fiduciary funds are used to report assets held in a trustee or agency capacity for others and cannot be used to support the City's own programs. The City has two fiduciary funds. The Fire Relief and Pension Fund provides a pension for eligible firefighters. The Agency Fund accounts for resources held in a purely custodial capacity; this fund is not budgeted. 2003 ACCOMPLISHMENTS 2004 WORK PROGRAM GOALS .:. Provided pension benefits to eligible members of this plan. .:. Maximized interest earnings to support the Fire Relief and Pension Fund. .:. Maintained accountability for custodial funds. .:. Continue to provide pension benefits to eligible firefighters. .:. Maximize interest earnings to support the Fire Relief and Pension Fund. .:. Provide accountability for custodial funds. Page 192 2004 Final Budoet Section VI: Baseline Budoet Fiduciary Funds Fire Relief & Pension-611 2001 2002 2003 2003 2004 Pension Fund Actual Actual Adj Budget Est Actual Budget Revenue 291.710 Reserve for Pensions $ 3,631,870 $ 3,668,268 $ 3,552,973 $ 3,553,000 $ 3,411,700 336.691 Fire Insurance Prevention 37,281 40,869 45,000 45,000 45,000 361.110 Investment Income 229,283 118,278 180,000 100,000 100,000 Total Revenue 3,898,434 3,827,4 15 3,777,973 3,698,000 3,556,700 Expenditures 500.100.11 Salaries 92,175 104,955 113,200 113,200 113,200 500.100.21 Benefits 98,650 132,930 129,100 129,100 129,100 514.110.41 Professional Services 7,980 7,000 7,000 7,000 514.110.46 Insurance 31,361 36,530 37,000 37,000 37,000 599.200.06 Ending Fund Balance 3,668,268 3,553,000 3,491,673 3,411,700 3,270,400 Total Expenditures $ 3,898,434 $ 3,827,415 $ 3,777,973 $ 3,698,000 $ 3,556,700 Page 193 2004 Final Budoet Section VI: Baseline Budoet Permanent Funds Permanent funds are used to report resources that are legally restricted to the extent that only earnings, and not principal, may be used for purposes that support the City's programs. The City has one permanent fund; the Cemetery Endowed Fund accounts for non-expendable investments held by the City's trustee. The interest earned on investments can be used only for preservation and capital projects at the cemetery. 2003 ACCOMPLISHMENTS 2004 WORK PROGRAM GOALS .:. Provided funding to the Cemetery Operating Fund for capital improvements. .:. Continued to maximize interest earnings. .:. Transfer earnings to the Cemetery Operating Fund for capital improvements. .:. Provide accountability for resources held in trust by the City. .:. Continue to maximize interest earnings. Page 194 2004 Final Budoet Section VI: Baseline Budoet Permanent Funds Cemetery Endowed Care-701 2001 2002 2003 2003 2004 Permanent Fund Actual Actual Adj Budget Est Actual Budget Revenue 291.710 Reserved Fund Balance $ 942,112 $ 981 ,544 $ 1,020,569 $ 1,020,569 $ 1,030,569 291.740 Unreserved Fund Balance 139,068 204,288 233,286 233,286 236,286 343.609 Lot Soles 39,432 39,025 40,000 40,000 40,000 361. 110 Investment Income 65,220 75,694 15,000 3,000 3,000 Total Revenue 1,185,832 1,300,551 1,308,855 1,296,855 1,309,855 Expenditures 597.100.55 Interfund Transfer 46,696 30,000 30,000 30,000 599.700.06 Ending Fund Balance 1,185,832 1,253,855 1 ,278,855 1.266,855 1.279,855 Total Expenditures $ 1,185,832 $ 1,300,551 $ 1,308,855 $ 1,296,855 $ 1,309,855 Page 195 2004 Final Budoet Section VI: Baseline Budoet Page 196