HomeMy WebLinkAboutAppendix H Sewer Alt APPENDIX H SEWER AL TERNA TIVE ANALYSIS APEX ENGINEERING MARCH 2004 KERSEY III SEWER ALTERNATIVES MARCH 8, 2004 KERSEY ill SEWER ALTERNATIVES Prepared by: Apex Engineering PLLC 2601 South 35th, Suite 200 Tacoma, Washington 98409 (253) 473-4494 File #27225/2 June 27, 2003 Revised: March 8, 2004 Kersey ill Sanitary Sewer Alternatives: Background: The Kersey III project is located within the City of Auburn's Sewer Service Area Boundary within an area identified as the "South Hill Service Area." See Figure 1. The City of Auburn has prepared a Comprehensive Sewer Plan, which identifies improvements necessary to serve the area of Kersey III. See Figures 2 and 3. The Comprehensive Plan shows a new gravity system within Kersey Way and then heading west to tie into an existing system north of Oravetz Road. Two options are available to provide sanitary sewer service for each of the Kersey III land use alternatives: 1. A gravity sanitary sewer conveyance system within Kersey Way as schematically identified within the Comprehensive Plan. 2. An interim sanitary sewer pump station and force main piping, discharging into the existing sanitary sewer mains within Lakeland Hills. See Figure 5. Regardless of the options, sewage from the "South Hill Service Area" will ultimately reach the existing King County Department of Natural Resources, Waste Water Treatment Division, (King County) Lakeland Hills Pump Station located just north of Oravetz Road and south of the White River. The following assumptions and parameters have been used for analysis of the alternatives. Population Density: Based on single family residential of current zoning. 3.05 persons/unit Single Family Residential: 60 gal/capita/day Peak Infiltration: 600 gal/acre/day Peak Inflow: 500 gal/acre/day Std. Peaking Factor: 4 Manning's Coefficient, "n": 0.13 Note the above design criteria are consistent with the assumptions used in the approved "Sanitary Sewer Study for the Lakeland Hills Development, September 2000" prepared by Sound Engineering, Inc. (SEI). The following analysis discusses each of these options for the two land use alternatives. Foreseen improvements and/or constraints of each alternative as understood at this time are also discussed. LAND USE ALTERNATIVE 481 Alternative 481 proposes 409 single-family residences and 72 multi-family fourplex units for a total of 481 residences/units. 1 Option 1 - Kersey Way System This option is the planned route for servicing the eastern portion of the South Hill Service Area as identified in the Auburn 2001 Comprehensive Sewer Plan. That proposal is for installation of a gravity conveyance system along Kersey Way and along the south side of the White River connecting to existing manhole northeast of the Lakeland Hills lift station, Manhole 1309-09. A schematic design of the Kersey Way system showing a conceptual alignment of this sanitary sewer system is included as Figures 4 and 5. The schematic design is based on providing service to the tributary basin identified within the Comprehensive Plan. The conveyance piping would be located within the existing pedestrian path along the south side of the White River/Stuck River and then within the roadway of Kersey Way. We have investigated the size and grade of the sewer, which would be required to provide service to the overall South Hill Service Area, and the results of the analysis are attached. It appears that an average sanitary sewer depth of approximately 12 feet would be adequate to serve the tributary area. For analysis, the overall tributary area was divided into 5 sub-basins as shown on Figure 6. This analysis was then separated into 2 scenarios for the contributing 2nd A venue east sub-basin. The first analyzes existing lot conditions. The second analyzes potential dwellings/units. The areas are identified as Sub-basin lb and 2b. Scenario descriptions are as follows: 1. Scenario I . Dwellings/units for the Kersey III project per site plans. . Assuming only existing lots within the 2nd Street East area, sub-basins 1 band 2b. . Maximum dwellings/units for the remaining area per current zoning. 2. Scenario 2 . Dwellings/units for Kersey III project per site plans. . Maximum dwellings/units for area within the 2nd Street East sub-basin per current zomng. . Maximum dwellings/units for the remaining area per current zoning. See Figure 7 for approximate current zoning boundaries. Calculations are summarized within the Kersey Way Interceptor spreadsheets. Figure 8 is for Option 1, assuming existing lots for the 2nd Street East tributary area and Figure 9 is for Option 2, assuming potential buildout conditions. Review of the Kersey Interceptor Analysis spreadsheets shows the following: 2 . A 0.9 cfs flow increase between Scenario 1, existing lots for the 2nd Street East area and Scenario 2, Potential Buildout for the 2nd Street East area. Scenario 1 - Existing lots for 2nd Street East Area From Figure 8: Basin 1 flow rate = 2.084 cfs Basin 2 flow rate = 0.989 cfs Total = 3.073 cfs Scenario 2 - Potential buildout for 2nd Street East Area From Figure 9: Basin 1 flow rate = 2.614 cfs Basin 2 flow rate = 1.360 cfs Total = 3.974 cfs Flow increase = 3.974 - 3.073 = 0.90 cfs. . The pipe diameters within Basins 1, 2, 3 and 4; between manholes 24 through 8; would increase one standard pipe diameter. The actual future density of the 2nd Street East area is somewhere between the existing conditions and potential buildout as with the other sub-basin areas. What that actual future density is difficult to guess. The potential buildout conditions would be the better scenario on which to base decisions. The slightly larger pipe will provide more capacity, allowing for unanticipated future density and/or uses. The slightly larger pipe would minimize the potential risk of having to replace the system due to future capacity needs, causing disruptions to Kersey Way. Option 2 - Interim Sanitary Sewer Pump Station The second option is to install an interim sanitary sewer pump station within the Kersey III project. See Figure 5 for approximate lift station location and force main route. This option was proposed by DBM with their original preliminary plat submittal. This interim pump station would discharge into the existing sanitary sewer mains within the Lakeland Hills systems. See Figures 5 and 10. The expected peak flow rate from the Kersey III project is 0.83 cfs; see Figure 11. lt is now necessary to determine if the Lakeland Hills conveyance system has enough remaining capacity to accept this additional flow. For this investigation, the SEI report was utilized. Review of the Flow Analysis spreadsheet from the SEI report reveals the following: . The overall Sewer Study Area shows that this future connection would be into Network Reach 2. 3 . The remaining capacity within the first 2 pipe runs; between manholes 1410-125, 1410- 124, and 1410-67; is less than the peak flows expected from the Kersey III project. The remaining capacity within the 8-inch pipe between manhole 1410-123 and manhole 1410-124 equals 0.58 cfs. The remaining capacity within the 8-inch pipe between manhole 1410-124 and manhole 1410-67 equals 0.37 cfs. . The maximum available capacity within the remaining pipe runs is 1.0 cfs, approximately 448.8 gallons per minute. The discharge connection to the Lakeland Hills system could occur at manhole 1410-67, located at the Evergreen Way S.E. and Olive Avenue S.E. intersection. This will bypass the 2 pipes which lack adequate capacity to serve this land use alternative. Pumping to the Lakeland Hills system appears feasible. The SEI study shows that the majority of the Lakeland Hills system would be adequate to serve the Kersey III project with the exception of the two sewer pipes between manholes 14110-125, 1410-124, and 1410-67, located within Evergreen Way S.E. These pipes would have to be bypassed with the new force main or the two pipes would have to be reconstructed at a steeper slope, if possible. We would recommend that rather than replacing the existing sewer runs, the new forcemain would discharge into Manhole 1410-67 as shown on Figure 10. This Interim Sanitary Sewer Pump Station Analysis assumed only sanitary sewer flows from the Kersey III project. Potentially, there are adjacent off-site areas, which could contribute flows to this pump station. These areas are shown within the City of Auburn's Comprehensive Plan and generally described as follows: . The area directly south of the project, referred to as the 2nd Street Basin, Sub-basins I b and 2b, from Figure 6. . The triangular shaped area, directly east of the site, between Kersey Way and the King County/Pierce County line. . The area within the middle of the Kersey III project, sub-basin 2c, from Figure 6. The following discussion is to determine the number of additional lots from these areas that could be served within the Lakeland Hills system. Review of the SEI Flow Analysis spreadsheet shows that there are 6 pipes with a remaining capacity of slightly more than 1.0 cfs. These are between: . Manholes 1410-67 and 1410-68 . Manholes 1410-69 and 1410-70 . Manholes 1410-72 and 1410-74 . Manholes 1410-79 and 1410-80 . Manholes 1410-100 and 1410-101 . Manholes 1410-101 and 1410-102 4 These six pipes are considered critical locations within the existing downstream conveyance system. These pipes have slightly more than 1.0 cfs of remaining capacity. The 1 cfs flow rate was assumed to be the limiting factor. This flow rate was chosen as the limiting factor for future flows to prevent reconstruction of the downstream system and to minimize future impacts to the existing residents and roadways. Preliminary calculations were prepared to estimate the number of additional residential lots from the adjacent offsite areas which could be accommodated within the Lakeland Hills system. See Figure 12. From those calculations, the Lakeland Hills system has capacity for the 481 lots within Kersey III plus approximately 109 additional single family residential lots. Assuming a 4.5 du/ac density accounts for 24.2 acres for infiltration and inflow. Total number of lots = 481 + 109 = 590. Thus, the total number of single family residences will be determined during final design. The pump station, force main and appurtenances would be designed and installed to meet the City of Auburn's and the Washington State Department of Ecology's standards. The peak discharge would be approximately 448 gpm. The minimum force main diameter would be 8 inches. This sanitary sewer pump station option would be an interim facility. The City of Auburn's Comprehensive Sewer Plan anticipated that permanent sewer service for this area would be provided by the gravity sewer system described under Option 1. The remaining capacity within the Lakeland Hills gravity sewer system is not sufficient to accommodate sewer flows from the potential buildout of the tributary areas. The Kersey III project would likely be required to construct a portion of Kersey Interceptor, fronting the site. The installation would be at the future alignment, similar to the City of Auburn's Comprehensive Plan. The pump station would be removed after the Kersey Interceptor is completed and connected to an adequate facility. During final design, potential environmental and engineering concerns with the pump station alternative will need to be resolved. These concerns include actual force main size and length, detention time in the force main, odor, corrosion, and the type of pump station which will be required. LAND USE ALTERNATIVE 700 Alternative 700 proposes a total of 700 residences/units. Option 1 - Kersey Way System This option is generally the same discussed for Option 1, Alternative 481. The sewer alignment would follow the schematic design of the Kersey Way system shown as Figures 4 and 5 per Option I of Alternative 481. 5 As with the previous analysis, the overall service area has been divided into 5 sub-basins as shown in Figure 6 with the maximum density based on current zoning as shown in Figure 7. We have investigated the size and grade of the sewer piping required to provide service to the overall South Hill Service Area. A spreadsheet of the results is attached as Figure 13. This calculation assumed the potential buildout for the 2nd Street East basin, as discussed for Scenario 2, Alternative 481. The calculated pipe sizes would be the same as those for Scenario 2, Option 1, Alternative 481. The addition of 219 lots would not require an increase of pipe diameters. Option 2 - Interim Sanitary Sewer Pump Station This option of an interim sanitary sewer pump station is generally the same as Option 2, Alternative 481. The calculated peak flow from the 700 residences for this Kersey III alternative is approximately 1.08 cfs; see Figure 14. Review of the SEI Flow Analysis Spreadsheet shows several pipes do not have enough additional capacity to accept the entire calculated peak flows. These are as follows: . The first 2 pipe runs, between manholes 1410-125, 1410-124, and 1410-67. These were the same 2 pipes identified under Land use Alternative 481. . The next pipe run, between manholes 1410-67 and 1410-68. The remaining capacity within the 8-inch pipe is approximately 1.05 cfs (slightly less). . Pipe run between manholes 1410-79 and 1410-80. The remaining capacity within the 8- inch pipe is approximately 1.04 cfs (slightly less). . Pipe runs between manholes 1410-100, 1410-101, and 1410-102. The remaining capacity within the 8-inch pipe is approximately 1.01 cfs each (slightly less). Pumping to the Lakeland Hills system still appears to be feasible. As with Land Use Alternative 481, the connection would be manhole 1410-67, located at the Evergreen Way S.E. and Olive Avenue S.E. intersection. This will bypass the first 2 pipes previously identified as having the least available additional capacity. The other pipes identified had remaining capacities only slightly less than the calculated Kersey III peak flow. The number of residences/units would be limited so that the flow rate does not exceed the existing Lakeland Hills system capacity. From the calculations within Figure 14, approximately 638 single family residences from only the Kersey III project area can be accommodated. Providing additional sewage storage within the interim pump station wet well is not an option due to odor concerns currently experienced at another City of Auburn facility. 6 Under this option, flow from the adjacent tributary basins described under Option 2 of Alternative 481 would not be able to be served by the Lakeland Hills system. The Kersey interceptor would have to be utilized at that time. The pump station, force main and appurtenances would be designed and installed to meet the City of Auburn's and the Washington State Department of Ecology's standards. The peak discharge would be approximately 448.8 gpm. The minimum force main diameter would be 8 inches. This sanitary sewer pump station option would be an interim facility. The City of Auburn's Comprehensive Sewer Plan anticipated that permanent sewer service for this area would be provided b y the gravity sewer system described under Option 1. The remaining capacity within the Lakeland Hills gravity sewer system is not sufficient to accommodate sewer flows from the potential buildout of the tributary areas. The Kersey III project would likely be required to construct a portion of Kersey Interceptor, fronting the site. The installation would be at the future alignment and grade, similar to the City of Auburn's Comprehensive Plan. The pump station would be removed after the Kersey Interceptor is constructed and connected to an adequate facility. 7 EXISTING KING COUNTY LAKELAND HILLS PUMP STATION As noted earlier, sewage flows will reach the King County Lakeland Hills pump station. Information obtained from King County indicates that adequate capacity is available within the existing pumping facility. From King County's information, the approximate station capacity is 2.16 million gallons per day. Their calculated flow rate from December 10 through December 16, 2002 was approximately 292,500 gallons per day (0.3 million gallons per day), or approximately 13%. From Figure 14, assuming maximum contributing flows, the peak flow would be 699,400 gallons per day or approximately 0.7 million gallons per day. The total flow rate equals approximately 1 million gallons per day or approximately 50% of available station capacity. It should be noted that King County's calculated flow is approximately 1-1/2 years old and development has occurred in the tributary area. This will reduce the remaining available station capacity . 1127725/Docs-rpts/EIS jb030804 8 FIGURES I -~ II I\.')"' y 9:0 ~ iO .II o ' ~~). / ~ /~ r~ - j ) ! "--~ t- l) I ' ! 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LAND USE ALTERNATIVE 481 OPTION 2 Kersey III Peak Flow Calculation Total Area = 170 acres:!:: Number of proposed lots/units = 481 Peak flow from lots/units: (481 units) (3.05 persons/unit) (60 gal/capita/day) (4) = 352,092 gal/day Inflow and Infiltration: (1,100 gal/ac/day) (170 ac) = 187,000 gal/day Total Peak Flow = 539,092 gal/day = 375 gpm = 0.834 cfs FIGURE 11 LAND USE ALTERNATIVE 481 OPTION 2 Since the Lakeland Hills system would require major reconstruction to accommodate both Kersey III and the upstream, adjacent tributary areas, the following calculations are to determine an estimate of the maximum number oflots from the adjacent tributary areas which could flow to Lakeland Hills using 1 cfs as the maximum flow: Kersey III = 0.834 cfs 1- 0.834 = 0.166 cfs remaining = 74.5 gpm = 107,281 gal/day (#X3.05X60X4)+ (1,1~~#) =107,281 732(#) + 244.4(#) = 107,281 # = 109 lots Therefore, the Lakeland Hills system can accommodate Kersey III Land Use Alternative 481 plus approximately 109 additional lots and 24.2 acres of area contributing infiltration an inflow. Note: This still assumes the first two pipe runs in Evergreen Way being bypassed or reconstructed. FIGURE 12 ~ I IIII1 II Iii I I ~ ": 1[' II I w 0> ,I I 'E I i I I 0:: ~ I t-i . ! I I ~ ,5 I I i j C) Mil I ii: 1il !i' I..... ~O)co'<:tor-.'l:fmCDI"'-r--.C?('I)<.o.....(")........:.:l~I"(-...............'" I~ ~ ~ ~.....~<.omm~~m<.o~N~!~"'NN"'('I) .{g CD ~ 0; (\I Cl) ollD co Q) C\I C\I 0 0 CD I"'- 0 C\I N1N N N N C\I 10 c ::=r <0 ,..,. 0) NjlO a) (") Il) U') '<t 'l:f (0 Q) it) m 0)10) 0) CD en 0) lQ ~I~ ~~~~g~1~~8$m~~~~~~~!IDIO~*~~ tal'::: ....." C>>..... N ('1')1('1') 'l:f..... N N U') to (0.......... ~ ~I~ ~ (') (t) (") ('I') ~:_ ~ i , a:: fJ) r-... ~ NIt},..... ~ N ..... l() N "'I.,.... ,.... ;; r... ..... I() tt>1U') U') U') 10 l() o .~::; ~ ~I~~~ ~ ~~~!~ ~~ ~~:;{:dl~ ~ ~~ ~.; *I~ t/J reg~~jlreN~~~~~~Ift:JN~~~~~~S;~,~N I... 0 Q) '0 ...... ci . ci . did ~ -ci oi 0 N (C) <0 <<> cD <D <D u> w If; a) C v CO') 'l:f l.() CO..- 0) ..... 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O::Wiro :: UJffi~b: ~ ~ ::<:"0 u. (V') - w ~ ::" C) u: 00 """ """ ..- CO 0) N M c 'in CO CQ ...... C') o ..- 00 0) ..- ...J <l: 1= z w b D- O: o Ii: w ~ w C ~ ~ ~ U w ~ ~ c w c · o c ' , ~ ~ 0 ~,'-' ! ~ ~ >- ",' -, ' ' W ~ a. I", ,.2!oi ~ w (/)1- > Q) Ci 0', ' ~, 0, w W 0> > 0' _! , ,,=! _, W ~ >- 0 >- .- -, ., -' 'E' ,,' " ~ "'.... ~ 01il1.~lgi ,_,'-, ~ :J: >- wE;; c' E, "I '''! E, < .... <( > 3 .c .!2'l1 'U) I 'E- i I 0 " 1;;' <6 ~ ...... > 1-_ ~ ~ 0' ' , ,0,' - · _ > .A" .. ... Q) i 0,1 ',i', N' 0, 0 · W ..... ..- Q. CO' 0' -, ., 0, .... · >-z E iO!(U,,",,,I,l{)!IOi W en W Z ' ' ! ~,-, ., ,.; (/) n:: 0 0 ",;'''' ~! a.' "', ~~ W _ " ' ""' -: 0-, J:' -, < W<<........ ,~,<<,"-1 ,0, · ~W-,a. ,<<,<<,r,=<IZ' · ><.;0 ,,~,<<,::>I ~ ~ LAND USE ALTERNATIVE 700 OPTION 2 Kersey III - Peak Flow Calculations Total Area = 170 acres:!: Number oflots/units = 700 Residential Peak Flow: (700 units) (3.05 persons/unit) (60 gal/person/day) (4) = 512,400 gal/day Inflow and infiltration calculations: (1,100 gal/ac/day) (170 ac) = 187,000 gal/day Total Peak Flow = 699,400 gal/day = 485.7 gpm = 1.08 cfs The maximum remaining capacity within the Lakeland Hills system equals 1.01 cfs. The contributing flows from the Kersey III project would have to be reduced by 0.07 cfs; 1.08 cfs - 1.01 cfs. Therefore, the residential units are to be limited. The following calculations are to determine the approximate number of lots which can contribute flows to the Lakeland Hills system. These lots are within the Kersey III site; therefore, flows from infiltration/inflow have already been accounted for. 0.07 cfs = 31.4 gpm = 45,216 gallons/day (number of units) (3.05 persons/unit) (60 gallons/person/day) (4) = 45,216 gallons/day number of units = 62 Therefore number of residential units allowed from the Alternative 700 land use to the Lakeland Hills system is: 700 - 62 = 638 FIGURE 14